Remembrance Day Feature Pgs.9-13
Lake Country
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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
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November 6, 2013
Men are getting into the swing of looking out for their health by raising awareness and some funds to fight prostate cancer during Movember. ...............................
Pro accountant Lake Country’s Richard Washington was awarded a scholarship from the CGA-BC Educational Foundation over the weekend. ...............................
Nasty play Following the bitter Senate scandal is like watching a nasty play. Of all the bad characters, which do you distrust the least, ponders columnist Jim Taylor. ...............................
Flyers ■ Home Depot ■ JYSK ■ Rona ■ Shoppers ■ Staples
Model plane flyers are not welcome in Lake Country KEVIN PARNELL Kelowna native Todd Davis has been flying model airplanes since he was six years old. Other members of the Kelowna Radio Controller’s Association (KORCA) have been at it longer. One member of the club is nearly 90 and had been making the trip to the club’s fly zone in Lake Country twice a week as his lone recreational pursuit. But that was until last week, when Davis, the president of KORCA, and the rest of the club, were grounded when a B.C. Supreme Court judge ruled in favour of the District of Lake Country (DLC) in a court case, ruling that the use of model airplanes is not a permitted use of agricultural land. “When we moved here everything fit within the zoning bylaws and Lake Country gave us full approval,” said Davis. “But then the neighbour started to complain, things changed. We have members from age five up to 90. Some of these guys, it’s their only reason for getting up in the day. It’s the only thing they do. For a lot of our members it’s heartbreaking.” Despite the fact the club had the approval of the land owner to util-
ize a portion of a 20-acre parcel of land, the district went after the club to shut it down, saying it was in contravention of the proper use of agriculture land. The DLC asked the club to apply for a temporary use permit to try and work out the issues. But when talks broke down this spring on a solution to the dispute, the DLC took the club to court. And late last week the courts ruled the club was in contravention of a Lake Country bylaw and has issued an injunction to restrain the operation of model aircraft on the land that is protected under the Agriculture Land Reserve. “It’s unfortunate it had to go to court but model aircraft were never considered as something that could be used on agriculture land,” said Lake Country Mayor James Baker. “One of the neighbours is [raising] farm eggs and frying chickens and it was affecting their business. It was detrimental to agriculture rather than complimentary.” The bylaw in dispute limits the use of land within the Agriculture Land Reserve to uses related to farming. While the ALR has a provision to allow for a non-paved airstrip for airplane use related to farming, the
KELOWNA Ogopogo Radio Controller’s Association president Todd Davis (left) says it’s Lake Country’s loss
that his club is being told it can’t operate in Lake Country. Davis presents a cheque to the local food bank after the club raised money to support the community. A court injunction has been filed to keep the club from flying in Lake Country. court ruled flying model airplanes did not fit that description. And while the DLC says it’s pleased the court ruled in its favour, a small sampling of the public reaction in Lake Country is leaning towards siding with the model aircraft club. Several public postings to Lake Country’s own Facebook page announcing the ruling questioned why the club had to leave. “Very sad for my 87-year-old father who is, I believe, the oldest member of the club and makes the drive from
Kelowna twice a week,” wrote Tammy O’Rielly. “They received approval when they moved there and have spent a lot of money fixing that field. [It’s] Lake Country’s loss and taxpayers who foot the legal bills. Shame.” “I can see and hear them from my balcony,” stated Colleen Stone. “We are sad to see them have to go. Too bad the complaints of a few wreck the enjoyment of many.” “I live in this neighbourhood and I am sad to see this decision,” said Elaina Kohlhauser.
“They were wonderful to see twisting and turning in the sky.” As for Davis and his club, where they go from here is up in the air. Davis says they did everything they could to become a solid member of the community, making improvements to the field, making it wheelchair accessible and even donating close to $1,000 to the Lake Country Food Bank from a fundraiser. “We take pride in giving back to the community,” he said. “It’s a shame Lake Country
doesn’t want us. I don’t know what we will do now. Finding a suitable location in the valley is next to impossible with all the urban sprawl.” The model aircraft club began operation in the late 1970s near Sexsmith Road but has had to move several times as Kelowna and area has grown. From Sexsmith, the club went to Black Mountain but were forced to relocate to Lake Country due to future plans of the Black Mountain Irrigation District.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Winfield Curling Club has ice time available for anyone who wants to play F The Grand Slam of Curling wrapped up last weekend with big
team names like Stoughton, Martin, McEwen, Koe and Olsrud, just to
Lake Country Farm & Pet Supply Ltd. Come in & see our great selection of quality pet foods! 250-766-4646 #19-10051 Hwy.97N • Lake Country
name a few on the men’s side and Lawton, Jones, Muirhead, Nedohin and Middaugh on the ladies draw. It was excellent curling to watch from the couch. Not unlike the games during league play at the Winfield Curling Club—fun to play when everyone makes their shots. There is still ice available here for anyone wanting to come out and
looking for spares to fill in when their teammates go on holidays as well as the senior’s dropin league that goes out on the ice every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 p.m. Every league has a variety of skill level, but are curling for exercise and social interaction as all the members at the club are very friendly. November is sponsor appreciation month and we would like to take the
try our favourite sport or just to practice and hone their skills. Some teams are still
Annual General Meeting
Lake Country Youth Soccer Associaton
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Monday, November 18th • 7:00 pm District of Lake Country 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, B.C. ~ Winfield Room Please come & support your association! For info contact Julie at 250-766-0602 or email
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The Juice all help the club to keep membership affordable to all. We encourage all our members to support our sponsors in return. Thank you to both members and sponsors. Our mixed bonspiel also takes place Nov. 15 through 17 and still has room left for teams to K enter. S This is a fun bonspiel that has both men and women curling together b and having a great time c both upstairs and on the m ice. So come on down to o the club at 9830 Bot- s tom Wood Lake Road d and participate by playing or watching your fa- R vourites. j Have a great week andt good curling. M Terri Palmer is the f manager of the Winfield k Curling Club. t 250-766-3318 h
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opportunity to thank our sponsors for advertising at the club. Kel-Lake Greenhouses, L’Isola Bella, Don Folk Chevrolet, Aspen Grove, Cachet Hair Studio, Woodsdale General Store, Clean Plus, Interior Savings, UBR Services, Apple Gate Service, Lake Country Building Centre, Nor-Val Rentals, Prestige Hotels, Super 8 Lake Country, Cooper’s Foods, Woody’s Pub, Papito’s Pizza, Turtle Bay Pub, Seca Marine, Capri Insurance, Big Surf Beer, Rooster’s Barber Shop, Rocket Wash, Lake Country Towing, Intrigue Wines, Holmes Electric, Everlast Greenhouses, Lake Country Pest Control, Bearspaw Heating and Air Conditioning, Cal-Gas, Lake Country Liquor Store, Sky-High Disposal and
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, November 6, 2013 A3
Fight for mens’ health clipping along at a great rate
Lake Country barber Frank Geber has certainly seen a lot of moustaches in his time. Some are better than others, he admits, and some are downright dubious. But the owner of Rooster’s Barber Shop is jumping into the moustache craze known as Movember with both feet this year and has kicked off a campaign to raise money for men’s health. “Some people are very dedicated to the moustache, others they come and go, it’s a personal preference,” said Geber, the owner of Rooster’s Barber Shop in Lake Country. “They come in all shapes and sizes. Some look good and some look really pathetic.”
This November, errr, Movember, Geber has jumped into the worldwide fund-raising initiative that has breathed new life into the moustache. Each year men are asked to grow a moustache and raise money and awareness for men’s health and specifically prostate cancer as part of the Movember movement. At Rooster’s Barber shop, Geber provided free shaves on Nov. 1 for anyone who wanted to start the month off with a clean slate. He is also donating one dollar from every shave, cut or service he provides for the month of November. He will also have a donation jar at his shop for customers to help out. “It’s a good cause,” said Geber. “I know customers of mine that have had prostate issues and friends that have had it.
ROOSTER’S Barber Shop owner Frank Geber trims up the moustache of retired Lake Country resident Willoughby Gullachsen. Geber is donating money to Movember this month in support of men’s health. The trick is catching it early. By raising awareness with young people especially, it will help. When you are 20 you don’t think about it but when you are 40 and all of a sudden something is wrong…now you have to deal with it. It can happen to anybody.” Not a moustache man himself, Geber was unsure as of the Calendar’s press deadline if he was going to grow some hair
on the top of his lip this year. He’s done it in the past and said the trend
towards growing moustaches, thanks to Movember, is a continuation
of the ups and downs of men’s style. “It goes through phases,” he said. “I remember in the ’80’s I used to work next to the RCMP station and I would say 80 per cent of them had moustaches. Now hardly anyone does. They come and go but you don’t see the big radical out of the ordinary moustaches that much anymore.” You may see them this month though, as men
around the Okanagan Valley have an excuse to let their whiskers grow. If you want to support Frank Geber’s Movember campaign, drop by his shop in the Lakewood Mall. You can find out more about Movember through
Last few weeks for yard waste pickup Just a few more weeks to have your yard waste picked up at your curb. Fall yard waste curbside pickup ends Friday Nov. 29. That’s the last day for the curbside yard waste pickup program this year. So gather your leaves, grass clippings, fruit droppings, needles, prunings and branches, put
them into your yard waste cart with the green lid closed and wheel it out for your regularly scheduled pick up. Remember, yard waste only. No garbage, plastic or paper bags, rocks, sod, soil or flower pots please. For more info, visit
Ready, set, write an original story contest
At noon on Saturday, Nov. 16, scores of budding authors will gather on all four Okanagan College campuses to test their writing talents in the fourth annual ThreeHour Short Story Contest. Open to students in Grades 11 and 12, and to all current Okanagan College students, contestants are given 180 minutes to create an original literary piece that incorporates a word, phrase, or object revealed at the start of the contest. Last year’s winner, Samantha Wex, said “Having the surprise
element meant I couldn’t plan. I went in cold, and got to really see what I can do. It was fun.” Five prizes are up for grabs. Each campus declares a regional winner who receives a $250 Okanagan College tuition credit. A grand prize winner is then selected from among the four regional winners and awarded an additional $250 tuition credit plus a chapbook publication of their story created by Okanagan College Writing and Publishing diploma program students and Kalamalka Press.
“The contest gets students excited about writing,” said contest organizer and Okanagan College professor Sean Johnston. “It’s an act of courage for many of the younger students to take part, but they walk away from the experience happy and surprised at what they were able to produce in such a short period of time.” Registration is free. Check out the website www.okanagan. to learn how to sign up before the Nov. 15 deadline.
Local new CGAs honoured The Certified General Accountants Association of British Columbia (CGA-BC) admitted 502 new members into the accounting profession over the weekend at its 2013 Convocation. Richard Washington of Lake Country was awarded the Level 1 Tuition Scholarship by the CGA-BC Educational Foundation. In her address to the graduating class, CGABC chair Candace Nancke, CPA, FCGA, encouraged new CGAs to embrace change in order to succeed. “I have no doubt that, armed with self-confidence, a willingness to accept help from others and the ability to adapt to change, each of you will be able to capitalize on every opportunity that is open to you,” she said. Nancke also urged graduates to exceed their own expectations by challenging themselves
personally and professionally. This “can be difficult, but in today’s fastchanging world we have to be willing to look at what we’re doing and adapt accordingly—and quickly—before our past practices become so entrenched that we cannot imagine doing anything else. You should have the courage and self-confidence to try difficult things because getting past the difficulty is how we grow and discover new limits to what we can achieve.” The accounting profession itself is also adapting and changing, Nancke noted, as all of the bodies representing Canada’s more than 170,000 professional accountants are now participating in merger discussions, or have united under the Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) designation. Class valedictorian Ryan Castaneda, of Surrey, described ob-
taining the CGA designation as an evolution that begins with a hunger for knowledge and is realized by obtaining practical skills and experience. “Employers highly value the knowledge and skills gained by CGA students, and I definitely earned more as I advanced through the CGA program. We are now well-educated and trusted advisors and leaders. Let’s go out and make a big impact on this world.” The Nov. 2 ceremony marked the culmination of several years of dedicated study, work, and personal sacrifice. Each graduate adhered to the highest professional standards, passed a rigorous series of accounting exams and met stringent requirements for practical experience to qualify for membership. The Association honoured the highest marks, including Wendy Howell of Kelowna.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951
Reading the characters in a nasty play
DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.
K I can’t help it. The scandal over expense accounts, shady deals, and excommunication in the Canadian Senate has gone on so long, and been so vehement, that I cannot help writing something about it.
CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
Barry Gerding Editor
Tessa Ringness Production Manager
Krista Mattar Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688
Life and Faith
Teresa Huscroft-Brown
Jim Taylor
Creative Consultant Production Designer
To recap: Three senators—Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin, and Patrick Brazeau—were ac-
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Help health care, get a flu shot
got my influenza shot this week, paid for out of pocket since I don’t qualify for any of the higher-risk groups provided with free immunization. A reminder to take this simple health precaution came in October when a labour arbitrator ruled that it is a reasonable employment requirement for health care workers to either get the current immunization or mask up in patient care areas. Quiet advocacy by Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Kendall has paid off. Staff, doctors, outside contractors and visitors will have to put patients first. Health care unions pressed a grievance on behalf of members who insist they have a right to refuse immunization and increase exposure to patients. They have apparently run up the white flag. “We will be telling our members to comply with the new policy,
BC Views
Tom Fletcher or risk being fired,” said an overly dramatic Val Avery, president of the Health Sciences Association. HSA lawyers led the grievance, supported by the Hospital Employees’ Union and the B.C. Nurses’ Union. Avery said the union will continue to urge its members to take advantage of on-site flu shot clinics. That’s right, like most provincial employees, they all get immunization that is not only free but administered at work. Kendall announced the regulation last year, after finding that 40 per
cent of employees in long-term care were not getting the current influenza vaccine, and the rate of immunization was declining. Their objections make no sense. Aside from the self-serving “rights” argument, they complain that the annual flu vaccine isn’t effective enough. The formula is developed by international effort to track the dominant strains that emerge as winter rolls around the world. Kendall says a poor match results in about 40 per cent immunity, and a good match reaches 90 per cent. At the risk of stating the obvious, he notes that even 40 per cent is better than nothing. After two weeks of expert testimony, arbitrator Robert Diebolt, a retired UBC law professor, wrote as follows: “It is indisputable that influenza can be a serious, even fatal, disease. Immunization also indisputably provides a measure of protection to
health care workers and I have found that their immunization reduces influenza transmission to patients. “I have also concluded that there is a real and serious patient safety issue and the policy is a helpful program to reduce patient risk.” The B.C. Centre for Disease Control calculates that if all health care workers would get immunized, the risk to patients would be reduced nearly 50 per cent. The Ministry of Health warns: “you can spread influenza for 24 hours before you have any symptoms.” What would cause educated health care workers to defy common sense? A hint is provided by professional union promoter and publicist Bill Tieleman, who railed about the decision on his blog. This regulation is inspired by big bad U.S. health care corporations that would rather impose immunization than
pay for sick days, Tieleman asserts. Ah, so an infected health care employee should wander the wards until symptoms emerge, and then go home for a few days of paid rest. What a perfectly stupid idea! Last week BCNU president Debra McPherson was warning about “chaos” at the new Surrey Memorial emergency ward, her latest of a career of media protests. The big new facility is already overflowing, and more beds and more staff are needed, stat! Perhaps if better preventive measures were taken by nurses, doctors and other staff, this chronic “chaos” would be reduced and these unions would have more credibility.
Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press and Twitter:@tomfletcherbc
cused of fudging their t expense accounts for a housing and travel. The total involved about t $315,000. They have re- B paid the funds that they I should not have received.l Except that Mike Duffy had his expens- k es covered by a personal t cheque from the Prime i Minister’s then-Chief of j Staff. And Duffy’s legal p expenses were paid by the Conservative Party, d approved by the party’s c lawyer. c In the House of Com-l mons, Opposition partiesg have attempted to im- w plicate the Prime Min- c ister in these payments. c He denies all charges. He did not personally r interfere. He knew noth- c ing of any arrangements p for payment. Anything his staff did, they did on their own.
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tell-tale signs come from lead actors Standards of proof TAYLOR FROM A4
The controversy has grown steadily more bitter, with Prime Minister Stephen Harper and former journalist Mike Duffy batting accusations back and forth like a ping pong ball. I don’t like either of them. I don’t trust them. But in this controversy, I’m more inclined to believe Duffy than Harper. I have no inside knowledge of the situation, no “Deep Throat” informants. All I can judge by is the characters’ performances. Duffy presents evidence to back up his accusations—e-mails, cancelled cheques, signed -letters. No one has sugsgested those documents were forged. That lends credibility to Duffy’s charges. His behaviour also rings true. Before he came under fire, he campaigned vigorously for
5 A5
the party and leader who appointed him. The venom with which he now attacks that leader fits with a sense of personal betrayal. Under similar circumstances, I would want to lash out too. As a child, I remember, I occasionally got bullied. I usually avoided confrontation. I backed away. Until I got cornered. When I could no longer escape, I went berserk. I didn’t care what might happen to me as long as I could hurt my tormentors. That’s precisely what Mike Duffy seems to be doing. Stephen Harper, on the other hand, reminds me of a corporate CEO trying to divulge as little as possible about his company’s unethical practices. He issues denials; he attacks his accusers. He never presents hard evidence. He avoids adding additional details.
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Here too I recognize myself. I learned long ago that I’m a lousy liar. When tempted to fib, I squirm so uncomfortably that the truth is painfully obvious. A co-worker once called me the guy congenitally unable to lie. So I learned, instead of lying, not to volunteer information. The less I said, the less likely I was to get tripped up later by some nasty detail. Stephen Harpers acts
as I would, if I were trying to avoid telling the full truth. He’s not necessarily lying, but he’s concealing stuff he doesn’t want us to know. I could be wrong, of course. I’ll be interested to see how my character assessments pan out, as the Senate scandal continues to unfold Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.
rove it” can mean something completely different from one courtroom to the next if one courtroom is hearing a criminal case and the other is hearing a civil one. The court requires criminal charges to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. In other words, if the judge or the jury hearing the case has any rea-
sonably held doubt about whether or not you committed a crime, they must acquit. SEE HERGOTT A6
Achieving Justice
Paul Hergott
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Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Fall Yard Waste collection until November 29
• Yard waste pick up every two weeks through the end of November. • Just put your material right into the cart, close the lid and wheel it out for pickup. • Accepted items include grass clippings, leaves, needles, pruning, fruit droppings and branches. • NOTE: yard waste must fit in the cart with the lid closed. • NO garbage, plastic bags, flower pots, rocks, soil, sod or kitchen scraps please.
For more info visit
Common defence: Cloud issues, raise doubt HERGOTT FROM A5 This helps prevent the horrible injustice of wrongful convictions. In a non-criminal case, there is a very different “standard of proof.” An innocent victim is not required to prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt. Instead, if you imagine the iconic scales of justice, the innocent victim must tip the scales ever so slightly in his or her favour. I am not a historian, but perhaps the difference has to do with the notion that the risk of undercompensating an innocent victim is equally as unjust as the risk of providing more than fair compensation. In the context of going up against a powerful insurance company to force fair compensation out of them in court, I would venture to say that the risk of less than fair compensation is in fact the more significant one. In a civil claim, the court must typically con-
Hello! I’d like to introduce myself… My name is Krista Mattar, and I have recently been given the opportunity to work for the Lake Country Calendar. Dawn Brule who, utilizing her talent,
sider what is “more likely than not.” The common defence tactic is to do whatever they can to cloud the issues and raise doubt which is enough to avoid a criminal conviction but is not enough to avoid fairly compensating a civil claimant. There is one aspect of a civil claim that requires even less than a “more likely than not” level of proof, and there’s good reason for it. This aspect has to do with gazing into the crystal ball to try to predict future events. A trial often occurs four to five years after the crash that caused your injuries. It is far easier for the court to look back over those four to five years and assess the dollars and cents you have “more likely than not” lost than it is to gaze into the crystal ball to figure out what you might lose in the future. You may have been able to soldier on and work through your pain with very little, if any, income lost up until the date of the trial; but are you going to be able to continue doing so for the rest of your working life? Is it fair to say that “the past is an indicator of the future” in the context of working through a chronic pain condition?
How could you possibly “prove” future losses? When considering a future loss, the court applies a different test. The test for future losses is whether or not there is a “real and substantial possibility” that the loss will occur. This test was applied last year by the highest court in British Columbia in a case called Morlan v. Barrett. The British Columbia Court of Appeal was dealing with the defence appeal of a trial decision. Ms. Morlan, age 50 at the time of the trial, had been suffering chronic pain during the approximately four years between the crash and the trial, but had been able to work through her pain and adjust her employment situation to avoid losing any income at all during that period of time. In awarding a substantial amount of compensation for future income loss, the trial judge relied in part on what he described as a “common experience” that a person with a stable but persistent energy-draining condition will find it more difficult to continue working as he or she grows older. The defence, on appeal, argued that there was no evidence to sup-
has done an amazing job helping both the newspaper and local businesses to grow. Through her training, I have had the opportunity to get to know some of the local businesses in town, and I am excited to be the community’s new representative. I pride myself on having enthusiasm and marketing experience, and would love to spread that to this vibrant community. I look forward to working with you, discussing your current marketing strategies, and hopefully giving you new ideas to help your business thrive. For the next few weeks my intent is to stop by your place of business, introduce myself, and discuss advertising and marketing. If you need more immediate attention, please don’t hesitate to contact me, and we will arrange a meeting. I am eager to represent this beautiful community of Lake Country in the pages of the Lake Country Calendar!
Krista Mattar
Advertising Representative 250.766.4688, ext. 7269 fax: 250.862.5275 email:
Winfield Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages
10:15 a.m. 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753
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9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387 To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688
port this notion. The Court of Appeal disagreed with the defence, noting “… throughout each and every day of her life, Ms. Morlan would have to cope with some level of discomfort. In my view, it was open for the trial judge to find—essentially as a matter of common sense—that constant and continuous pain takes its toll and that, over time, such pain will have a detrimental effect on a person’s ability to work, regardless of what accommodations an employer is prepared to make.” How’s that for a victory of justice? Hard working, honest people who a e to soldier on through their pain in the short term really can be fairly compensated for their potential future losses because “prove it,” when considering those potential losses, is a standard that can be met essentially as a matter of common sense. This column is intended to provide general information about injury claims. It is not a substitute for retaining a lawyer to provide legal advice specifically pertaining to your case. Paul Hergott is a lawyer at Hergott Law in West Kelowna.
Beeping package October 30, 2013 at 7:40 a.m. Police and other emergency responders were called to the Lake Country Post Office early Oct. 30 to deal with a suspicious package. It was 7:40 a.m. and post office employees had detected a beeping sound coming from a parcel the size of a book. The employees moved the parcel outside the rear of the building before emergency services arrived. Investigation and subsequent examination by police revealed a normal alarm clock being mailed legitimately to a resident of Lake Country. RCMP would like to remind anyone finding a suspicious package to clear the area and leave the parcel where it was found.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, November 6, 2013
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Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Open doors to the garden for children, our healthy future depends on them
etting kids to play in the dirt would seem to be an easy thing to do. It’s their natural instinct, as children, to want to explore and experience everything. Plants, soil, water and stones are like magnets for small children. Yet as they grow older, in the world today, they tend to gravitate towards the TV, a computer, or similar gadget. The focus tends to be away from nature and towards technology. It’s nice to see the world taking more interest and caring about the environment. With this
Hoe and Grow
Ken Salvail
green movement we are likely to see some great changes in the future. It will, however, require a lot of people with biology and horticulture experience to help feed the masses, not only with
the volumes required but also with the healthy combinations of foods that can be locally grown for each community and in each climatic condition. What we all need to do is get young people interested in horticulture now, so that the foundation is built for the world of tomorrow. We have seen a decline in all things horticultural in the last 25 years. There are fewer educational opportunities. We have seen yards reduce in size so there is not much or any room for vegetable gardens. People are focused on
making income to stay on top of their mounting bills to maintain certain life styles.
The contact with the garden is out of the question. Because of the re-
duced interest in handson industries like horticulture we may be out of luck in the future. A sad fact is that most of the people working in the horticultural industry have little to no real knowledge of it. My sincere hope is that with the new green movement we will somehow kick-start a new interest in this old profession. Here are a few things that could be helpful in getting kids interested in growing things: • Take kids out into the wilderness on a regular basis, both in summer and winter • Take interest in local wildlife and plants • Find out what pro-
grams are offered at your children’s schools that teach or promote gardening
• Build a vegetable patch in your yard and assign a private plot to each child. They will love growing their own pumpkins to carve and
Movies Night ~ Pay What You Can!
3785 Casorso Road
Sat., Nov. 9 /2013 • 7:30pm
Movies For Kids ~ Pay What You Can!
Sat., Nov. 16 • 1:30pm
“Turbo” is the story of a garden snail with an impossible dream: to win the Indy 500. When a freak accident gives him extraordinary speed, Turbo sets out to try to make this dream come true. Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Paul Giamatti, Samuel L. Jackson, Snoop Dogg, Michael Peña, Paul Giamatti, Bill Hader, Luis Guzmán, Richard Jenkins, Ken Jeong, Michelle Rodriguez, Maya Rudolph, Kurtwood Smith, Ben Schwartz Comedy, Children, Animated 2013 • 96 minutes.
Pay What You Can!
Sat., Nov.23 @ 7:30pm
Harry Manx: an “essential link” between the music of East and West, creating musical short stories that wed the tradition of the Blues with the depth of classical Indian ragas. Manx is a prolific artist, releasing five albums in a four-year span with no signs of stopping. His first album Dog My Cat (2001, NorthernBlues Music), and won Best Blues Album of the Year from the Canadian Independent Music Association. Blending Indian folk melodies with blues, a sprinkle of gospel and compelling grooves, Manx’s “mysticssippi” flavor is hard to resist, easy to digest and what keeps audiences coming back for more.
Tickets : $35 General
*Reserve your seat for this performance today. Tickets can be purchased by phone or in person at the Customer Service Centre in the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall. The reservation phone line is 250-766-9309.
Ken Salvail operates Ken’s Horticultural Services in Lake Country. Listen to him Saturday mornings on the AM1150 Gardening Show.
Kelowna Shelter
SEARCHING FOR SUGAR MAN Two South Africans set out to discover what happened to their unlikely musical hero, the mysterious 1970s rock 'n' roller, Rodriguez. Rodriguez was the greatest ’70s U.S. rock icon who never was. His albums were critically well-received, but sales bombed, and he faded away into obscurity among rumors of a gruesome death. However, as fate would have it, a bootleg copy of his record made its way to South Africa, where his music became a phenomenal success. In a country suppressed by apartheid, his antiestablishment message connected with the people. When his second album finally gets released on CD in South Africa, two fans take it as a sign, deciding to look into the mystery of how Rodriguez died and what happened to all of the profits from his album sales. SEARCHING FOR SUGAR MAN is a story of hope, inspiration, and the resonating power of music.
feel pride in eating the carrots they have grown themselves. • Take kids to your local garden centre • Grow house plants and get the kids involved in keeping them alive • Get the kids to plant seeds of any kind in any small patch of soil every spring. You may not create a world changing horticultural genius but you may awaken a life-long gardener who passes on the passion to their kids in turn.
Domestic Short Hair Cross Sex: Female Colour: Calico / White Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult ID: 298030
Get your free flu shot at: WINFIELD
Winfield Seniors’ Centre 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Friday, Nov. 8, 9 am-2 pm
Willow Park Church 439 Hwy. 33 West Friday, Nov. 15, 9 am-4 pm
Emmanuel Church 2600 Hebert Road Thursday, Nov. 7, 9 am-4 pm Thursday, Nov. 21, 1 pm-6 pm
Hello... my name is Armani. I am a very social kitty who likes the quieter side of things. I love to interact, but on a low-key level. I would love a home where I can lounge with my family and spend time bonding with them. If you would like a calm, well-behaved cat, please come meet me! The SPCA Staff would love to give you an introduction to me. You see, I am the longest resident at the Shelter and I have no idea why no one wants me to be their furriest friend ever...... Why not me?! Please - I would love my own home and my own family to curl up with on those cold winter nights.
First Baptist Church 1309 Bernard Avenue Friday, Nov. 22, 9 am-3 pm
Bring your care card with you! Flu shots are safe, effective, & free for the following:
•People 65 years and older and their caregivers/ household contacts •All children 6-59 months of age •Household contacts and caregivers of infants and children 0-59 months of age •Aboriginal people •Children and adults with chronic health conditions and their household contacts •Health-care workers •Emergency responders •Pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy during the influenza season and their household contacts •People of any age in residential care facilities •Children & adults who are very obese And more … to view a full list of those who can get their flu shot for free visit The flu (influenza) is highly contagious. Getting your flu shot protects you and those around you – at home, school and work. For more information contact your local public health office, call the flu line 250-868-7715 or visit
Mauve Friday is Coming. Black Friday will never be the same.
Mauve Friday is Coming. Black Friday will never be the same.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, November 6, 2013 A9
• William J. Allen • Ronald J. Allingham • Frank W. Allingham • Gordon W. Allingham • Arthur S. Arnett • John Bailey • Leonard Bailey • Victor Joseph Bechard • Austin Beers • Harry Beers • Frederick C. Belsey • Ralph Berry • Eldred Berry • George Berry • Deryck Bond • Joan Bond • Clarence Borie • Norman S. Bowsher • Wilfred Brodie • Lieut. F.C. Brown • Robin Campbell Brown • Margorie Burns • Arnold M. Churchill • John M. Churchill • Richard Claridge • Claud Clark • Jim Clark • Stanley Clark • Dick Coe • M.P. Condon • Bill Cook • Leslie Cook • Archie Cook • Verne Craig • Jack Craundall • Ted Crowder • Ed Culley • Kenneth W. Dobson • Duncan H.A. Dewar • Malcomn Dewar • Sidney Darville • Michael Darville • Norman J. Davies • Marcus Despard • W. Duckett • Ronald W. Dungate • Arthur Dunn • F.C. Dyke • Alan Elliot • James H. Elliot • Peter H. Elliot • Kenneth V. Ellison • Roy P. Endersby • Lawrence E. Evans • Derek Eyles • H. Fisher • William P. Fleck • George Finnigan • Otto Folz • Jack Friesen • Francis P. Gallacher • William Gallacher • O. Geer • George Middleton Gibson • D’Arcy Gill • Kenneth I.D. Gingell • Marcell Godfrey • Dennis Godfrey • William Goulding • Bert Graham • Barbara Gray • Bernard R. Gray • Peter Greer • Cliff Gunn • Harry Hargraves • Leslie Hart • Jacob Haug • Frank Hayward • Thomas Hebbert • Norman Hitchman • Allan Howard • Harold Howery • John Hussey • Edward Jenkins • Perry F. Jones • Ray Sherman Jones • Stanley Jones • Fred Karan • Sigh Kobayashi • Motz Koyama • Maud Lloyd • Alfred Lodge • William Lodge • Gertrude Lovgren • William Lovgren • Egbert A.A. Lees • Cameron McClelland • Don McClelland • Leslie McClelland • Gordon McClure • John McCoubrey • Peter McDonnell • David McDougall • Samuel McGladdery • Ronald Markham • Raymond Miller • Robert Miller • Verne Miller • George Mitchell • Bob Montgomery • V.G. Mortimer • Frank Mulroy • John Nesbit • Edward Cornelius Nuyens • Allan Noward • Michael Oraszuk • Frank Oraszuk • Peter L. Oraszuk • Gordon W. Patullo • Robert Peters • Avery Phillips • Thomas Pollchuck • Arthur Pollard • Robert Pothecary • Charles J. Pothecary • George Pothecary • Jack Pothecary • Hume Powely • Rex Powley • W.C. Frank
We will
Powley • Norman Platt • Phillip Rawsthorne • Robert Rea • Ken Reece • Wilfred Reiswig • J.W. Sadler • Frank V. Sargent • Jack Seaton • Ramsey S. McLaren • Robert Shepherd • Jimmy Sherritt • Murray Sherritt • Ila Shore • R.E. Shotten • Charles Simpson • Ernest Simpson • George Simpson • Harvey Simpson • Percy Simpson • Albert Simpson • Margaret Smith • L. Sommers • Fyfe Sommerville • John Spencer • Garnet Sproule • Billy Steel • Dorothy Stephen • John W. Stephen • Arnot J. Teel • Harold R. Thomson • Ira H.B. Thomson • Robert A. Towgood • Arthur C. Townsend • Stanley D. Townsend • Beryle Trewhitt • Arnold F. Trewhitt • Gerald O. Tucker • William M. Tucker • Arthur Walker • Sam Tyndall • F. Vockins • Bruce Weatherson • Joyce Weatherson • David Whipple • Fredrick R. White • M.P. Williams • Walter Williams • Virgil Willett • John Wright • Rev. Samuel C. Wright • Reginald Wright • Arthur Ziprick
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Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL Friday, July 6, 2012 Real Estate WeeklyR
A10 2
Lest we forget.
Take the time to remember.
Volkswagen | Audi 1717 Harvey Ave, Kelowna
Calendar Lake Country
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
Keep Remembrance Day alive by teaching children Canada’s history Kevin Parnell As members of the public, relatives of those who have gone to war and veterans prepare for Remembrance Day this weekend, the president of the Oyama Legion says it’s important to keep Remembrance Day traditions alive and teach our children about our country’s war-time history. Kees Boersma says as more vets from the Second World War are passing on, Remembrance Day is more important than ever and we need to keep teaching children about what happened in our past
while at the same time honoring those who have fought, not only in Second World War but also in today’s modern conflicts such as Afghanistan. “Could you imagine if the Nazis had taken over the world? No one thinks about that but on Remembrance Day I think it’s very important we keep those thoughts alive, not only for ourselves and our veterans but also for future generations,” said Boersma. “It’s as simple as ‘Lest We Forget.’ We cannot forget what happened because if you don’t know your history, you are bound to repeat it.”
Lest We Forget
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Remembering those who served and died to protect our freedom.
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One of the ways to keep from repeating our history is continuing to teach kids about Remembrance Day, according to Boersma. As more time passes, fewer veterans are around. But annual gatherings on Remembrance Day are aimed at teaching youth about what happened in our history. “It’s education for the younger people to make sure they don’t forget but that they also remember what happened and why,” said Boersma. “This generation really doesn’t know what war is about. You read it in the paper or see it on TV but it happened and it’s still happening. We don’t want to put anymore people through this and that’s why it’s so important.”
In Lake Country, the official ceremony will be held at George Elliot Secondary School, beginning at 10:30 a.m. on Monday Nov. 11. A cenotaph will be set up inside the school as part of the ceremony and weather permitting, folks will march to an outside cenotaph where wreaths will be placed to honour fallen vets. Last year close to 1,000 people attended the public ceremony in Lake Country, filling up the auditorium at GESS and continuing on to the Oyama Legion. The same path will be taken this year as Lake Country residents gather. Boersma says vets from World War II aren’t big on discussing their past, but they need to be honoured “If you talk to a veteran you’re not going to hear very much from them about what happened during the war because they don’t want to talk about it because it’s a said situation,” he said. “They were out there to defend our country and not just our country but the freedom we have in our world. Remembrance Day is extremely important not only to honour our the veterans but also to remember and make sure we don’t repeat it.”
We thank the soldiers who fought in past wars, and the soldiers who are still fighting for our freedom.
Then... Now... and Forever We Will Remember
District of Lake Country 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t: 250-766-5650 f: 250-766-0116
GENERAL STORE “Your friendly little convenience store that has it all!”
3191 Woodsdale Road, Winfield 250-766-4677
1055 Camp Road, Okanagan Centre 250-766-3168 •
“A Responsible CareTM Company.”
Cherish Your Freedom ~ Let Their Passing Not Go Unnoticed. 9750 McCarthy Road, Kelowna, BC 250-766-2988
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, November 6, 2013
yReal Estate Weekly Friday, July 6, 2012 A11 3
Lest we forget.
University gathers to remember Sarah McIntosh knows the Somme Battleground—its trenches, its tunnels, its gravestones—rather well. She spent the past two winters in France, working at Vimy Ridge and the Somme Battleground memorial sites. The fourth-year history student in the Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences at UBC Okanagan will speak about these battlefields at UBC’s Remembrance Day ceremony that takes place Thursday, Nov. 7. McIntosh spent the past two winters working for Veterans Affairs Canada at the Canadian National War Memorial at Vimy Ridge and at Beaumont Hamel Newfoundland Memorial at the Somme Battlefield. Part of her job included interpreting historical information with visitors and tourists while she explored the trenches and tunnel systems that are original to the First World War. “Being on the Canadian battlefields in France helped humanize the war effort for me,” McIntosh says. “Working as a battlefield guide and having the opportunity to speak with a number of veterans, and descendants of veterans, made me under-
Sarah McIntosh stand why it’s so important to continue teaching the younger generation about the significance of Canadian military history and about the sacrifices made by our soldiers.” UBC will mark Remembrance Day in the university’s courtyard starting at 10:45 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 7. A reception will follow in the Arts Building foyer starting at around 11:30 a.m. McIntosh will be joined by fellow students, who will read poems, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 26’s colour party, local dignitaries, and UBC administration. The traditional two minutes of silence, along with a bugle reveille and bagpipe lament will be part of the formal service. As it is the 60th anniver-
sary of the Korean War armistice agreement, UBC has also partnered with the Okanagan Military Museum. An exhibit of photos and documents from that war will be on display in the university’s library from Nov.1 to 6. On Nov. 7, the exhibit will move to the Arts Building foyer, with additional artifacts from the war. McIntosh, 21, stresses that Canadians must remember to honour all soldiers, from all countries, from all wars— as the human cost of war is far too great to be ignored.
3004 Smith Drive Tel: 250-546-6670 Fax: 250-546-9116
After the official ceremony, refreshments will be served inside the Arts Building Foyer. UBC’s Remembrance Service is a free event that is open to the public. Pay parking is in effect. Sarah McIntosh is passionate about the importance of remembering all soldiers, regardless of uniform, who have fought for their country. During UBC’s Remembrance Day ceremony, she will speak about her experiences as a guide at the Vimy and Somme battlegrounds in France.
Lake Country Seniors’ Centre Thanking the Veterans who served for our freedom.
2910 Robinson Road Tel: 250-766-0233 Fax: 250-766-4051
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Remembering the ones that served our Country that allows us the privilege to serve our Community. Lake Country Winfield Lions Club
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Thank you to the Veterans and Legion #189 who served for our freedom.
Honour & Remember
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Always Remember... Franca LaMelia, Owner
250.766.4790 #103-9685 Hwy.97, Winfield
Proudly wear a poppy & remember... We will be closed Remembrance Day to honour our vets, past & present
Mon. to Sat. 7am -6pm Sunday 9am - 5pm 10356 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Lake Country • 250-766-9006
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Lest we forget. We say thank you for fighting for our freedom, by wearing a poppy
In honour of the heros who served...
Honouring our veterans proudly. will Your bikeus!
Accessories • Helmets • Clothing
3175 Woodsdale Road, Lake Country (beside the Greek House)
Winter Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10-5 250-448-1926
The gift of remembrance The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 189 Oyama wishes to thank all the donors, sponsors, businesses and people who purchased wreaths, poppy boxes or gave donations: Govt. of Canada, MP Ron Cannan Govt. of Canada, MP Province of BC Norm Letnick, MLA District of Lake Country Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 189 Oyama RCL Auxillary Zone Commander N. Okanagan Oyama Branch189 Ladies Auxillary BC Dragoons Canadian Armed Forces Korean Veterans Afghanistan Veterans RCMP 1705 BC Royal Air Cadet Corps 233 Red Lions Air Cadets Royal Can Sea Cadet Corps Grenville Vernon Kalamalka Sea Cadets Veteran Motorcycle Club Assoc. Lake Country Fire Dept. Board of Education SD#23 Central Ok. Teachers’ Assoc. Kelowna Shrine Club Rotary Club Lake Country Lake Country Winfield Lions Club
Lake Country Chamber of Commerce Okanagan Indian Band Oyama Community Club Scouts Canada, Leo and Claire Schaff All Cats Services A&W Restaurants 2 for 1 Pizza 7-11 Food Store Arrowleaf Cellars Ashland Chemicals Canada Ltd. Aspen Grove Golf Course BC Liquor Store Blue Herron Villa Bodyz in Motion Health & Fitness CIBC Lake Country Café Caliente Canada Post Office Capri Insurance Coast Distributors Coopers Food D&L Enviromental Services Davidson Road Elementary Dr. Derek Townsend Inc. eMax Business Services Margaret Eyles Linda Erickson Farmer Fruit & Produce Formashape For Pets Sake Grooming Gas Depot Give Me a Break Spa George Elliot Secondary Gibbons & McCarthy Hansen Engraving & Awards
Honouring and remembering all that served and still serve.
We are grateful for the freedoms you fought for. Norm Letnick, MLA
Health First Chiropractic HealthTrek Research Holiday Park Resort Int. Heavy Equipment School Int. Savings Credit Union Isola Bella Bistro The Jammery Jacquies Kitchen John Beales Chartered Accountant Just Because Boutique Kelowna Tool & Die Kelowna Powder Coaters Kiwanis Summit Club Dr. Randy Kbayashi KonKast Lake Country Coffee House Lake Country Building Center Lake Country Calendar Lake Country Family Practice Lake Country Farm & Pet Supplies Lake Country Husky Lake Country IDA Lake Country Inn Lake Country Library Lake Country Liquor Store Lake Country Manor & Lodge Lakeview Memorial Gardens Lake Country Modular Homes Lake Country Paragon Pharmacy Little Ceasars Pizza Lordco Parts Mona Vison New West Industries
of h c r o t e h t Let ce n a r b m e rem o t e u n i t n o c . t h g i r b n r bu
Kelowna-Lake Country
106-3121 Hill Road Lake Country 250-766-5670
#101, 330 Hwy 33 250-765-8516
Take the time to remember...
Dr. Walter Sokolowski D.M.D.
Dentistry New Patients Welcome For appointments please call 250.766.3944
Oyama General Store Oyama Traditional School Peter Greer Elementary R&R Hoe Services Rainbow Travel Rooster Barber Shop Rosie’s Grape Shop Royal LePage Shine the Salon Shopper’s Drug Mart Spartan Dry Cleaner SRI Homes Sundowner Meat & Deli Subway Super 8 Motel Super Save Gas Sysco Supplies Ltd. Taylors Auto Repair Tri Lake AnimalHospital Turtle Bay Pub UBR Services Copy & Business Center Tim Hortons Diane Eyles Turner VF Freightways Voyager RV Center Western Financial Group Wooden Nickel Café Winfield Bakery Winfield Return It Center Winfield Shell Woodsdale General Store Your Dollar Store with More Donations continue to come in, and the Royal Canadian Legion appreciates the ongoing support from the community.
We remember those who have fought for our freedom.
Dr. Walter Sokolowski Inc. Winfield Professional Centre, #118-3121 Hill Rd., Winfield
#101, 9685 Hwy 97 Lake Country, BC 250-766-1050
Oyama Traditional School
Thanks to all who serve 9-2670 Enterprise Way (across from OK Dodge)
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, November 6, 2013 yReal Estate Weekly Friday, July 6, 2012
Lest we forget.
MP trying to keep Vet offices open Wade Paterson Liberal Veterans Affairs Critic and Scarborough-Agincourt MP Jim Karygiannis was in Kelowna Oct. 31 as part of his fight to keep Veterans Affairs offices open across the country. Kelowna’s office is one of nine Veterans Affairs offices to close by next February; local veterans wanting face-toface service will have to travel to Penticton, or wait for a case worker to visit, after the office is closed. Those not wanting to travel to Penticton will be forced to search for assistance by phoning a toll free number or seeking help through online services. “You’re 85 years old, you’re a veteran. How are you going to drive to Penticton?” asked Karygiannis, noting the federal government is failing in its “obligation” to look after veterans. According to Karygiannis, only one veteran showed
up to speak with him in front of the Veterans Affairs office in Kelowna Oct. 31; however, he said that doesn’t mean local veterans aren’t concerned. “A lot of the vets were scared to show up, because should they show up to speak, they would probably be targeted,” he said. Despite the low turnout in Kelowna, Karygiannis said he has heard plenty of concerns and complaints from veterans across the country, including Kelowna. “They’re frustrated, they’re angry…they don’t know what’s going to happen.” Last year Kelowna-Lake Country MP Ron Cannan told the Capital News the Penticton office serves a higher number of clients than the Kelowna office. “It’s unfortunate, but it’s necessary,” Cannan said. “We have to live within our means, and the reality is that a leaner government is better for all Canadians in the long run.”
Lest we forget
Remembrance Day facts Remembrance Day is held every Nov. 11. It commemorates Canadians who died in action from the South African War to current missions. Originally called Armistice Day, it commemorated the end of the First World War on Monday, Nov. 11, 1918, at 11 a.m.: eleventh hour, eleventh day , eleventh month. The first Remembrance Day was conducted in 1919 throughout the Commonwealth. The poppy is the symbol of Remembrance Day. Replica poppies are sold by the Royal Canadian Legion to raise money for Veterans. From 1923 to 1931, Armistice Day was held on the Monday of the week in which November 11 fell. In 1931, MP Allan Neill introduced a bill to hold Remembrance Day on a fixed day every year—November 11.
On this day of remembrance, we honour your sacrifice... and we thank you. #10, 9522 Main Street 250-766-9009
Lest We Forget
Roosters Barber Shop
Frank 778-480-5622 #13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall (beside Tim Horton’s)
From the members of Lake Country Fire Department: Winfield • Oyama • Carr’s Landing 250-766-2327
With deep respect and lasting gratitude to those who served our country.
1-415 Commonwealth Road
250-766-4255 At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.
Lake Country Liquor Store
Business Helping Business
Wear a poppy and show your remembrance for those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Remembering & thanking the Veterans who served for our freedom.
Honouring those who fought so bravely
SINESS EMAX BUC SERVI ES #5, 10051 Highway 97N Lake Country 250-766-9190 A13 5
...And their names are engraven on honour’s bright crest. 10564-B Powley Crt, 3rd Floor, Winfield P:2 5 0 .7 6 6 .4 4 9 4 • C ell 2 5 0 .3 0 6 .3 8 0 4 www.jad eb ay d en • jad eb ay d en tal@s h
Cooper’s Village Mall • #72, 9522 Main St. • 250.766.1166
We remember all those who lost their lives in defence of family, country and freedom.
CLEANPLUS Housekeeping Services “It’s the details.”
Ted Hume: 250-212-3311 Diane Peace: 250-212-8122 Office: 250-766-4980
Community eVents Copy deadline friday, 1 pm before issue date
•Community Hall assoCiation of okanagan Centre Annual Christmas dinner & dance, Sat. Dec. 7, for ticket details see, •fall into CHristmas soup smorg Sat., Nov 9, 11am-1pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre on Bottom Wood Lake Rd Winfield. Full meal deal $6. •annual general meeting lake Country youtH soCCer Club Mon., Nov. 18, 7pm. District of Lake Country, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country ~ Winfield Room. Please come and support your club! For info contact Julie at 250766-0602 or email “We welcome all new and existing members.” •lake Country seniors buffet will be holding their annual Christmas dinner on December 10 & we will have turkey & all the trimmings. Tickets will be presold at the centre or contact Dorothy at 250-766-4568. Dinner will be $12. We are at 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. There will be a bus available for this event also so come & spend some time with friends & meet some new ones. The bus will be available call Marg at 250-766-3227. •lake Country seniors’ buffet noV. 23, 9am-1pm Pancake breakfast, pancakes, bacon, sausage, ham & eggs. $6. There will be a bake table as well as craft tables. Tables are available for $5 so if you would like one call Dorothy at 250-766-4568. We are at 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road and there will be a bus available so give Marg a call at 250-766-3227. •tHe Winfield Community CHurCH ladies will hold their craft and bake sale Saturday Nov. 16, 11am-2pm in the church at 9460 Glenmore Road. Come out and enjoy the soup and sandwich lunch for $5 and check out the baking, crafts, jewellery and more. Everyone welcome!! •prime time is a musiCal entertainment eVent. It takes place every Monday from 1pm-3pm at the Lake Country Seniors Centre, 9832 Bottomwood Lake Rd., Lake Country. Tea and coffee is served. There is no charge for this event. If you need transporation, the seniors’ bus is available. For more information call Jimmie at 250-766-2513. Prime Time is sponsored by Lake Country Health Planning Society. •lC senior bus sCHedule Mon., Nov. 18, 25: Prime Time. Tues., Nov. 12, 19, 26: Winfield Senior Centre Luncheon. Fri., Nov. 8: Winfield Flu Clinic. Sat., Nov. 9: Vernon Pancake Breakfast, shopping. Fri., Nov. 29: Kelowna Wine museum, Christmas shopping, lunch. To reserve seat on bus please phone Marg 250-7663227 or Marian 250-861-4131. •Cribbage. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize and enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks and goodies for only $2.50. For information call John 250-766-3026. •open miC nigHts are open to any and all musicians and are held on the first Wednesday of every month from 6-8pm at the Lake Country Coffee House! Please come to play music or to enjoy the music while supporting our local musicians! •tHe lake Country museum & arCHiVes are open from 1pm to 4pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays until mid-May, additional hours by appointment. Currently on display is Kakonosedai: A Century of Community, honouring the Japanese Canadian pioneers of Lake Country. For more information, please contact the Lake Country Museum at 250-766-0111 or visit the website at •danCe for tHe HealtH of it! Beginners line dancing on Mondays, 1:45pm at the Recreation Centre at Holiday Park. Toonie donation. Phone Mary at 766-4651. •royal Canadian legion 189 ladies auXiliary - Notice of Cribbage Tournament on last Sunday of each month. Get your name on the list by phoning the Legion after 3pm. Registration is at 9am. Games begin at 10am sharp. $26 per team and lunch is included. •Winfield united CHurCH tHrift sHop (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping and donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for information regarding appropriate donations. •tHe lake Country food bank wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-7660125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. •lake Country tHrift store hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs., 9am3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •beaVers/Cubs/sCouts/Venturers registration/agm Registration is ongoing for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. •oyama legion branCH 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. •lC line danCers Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •soCial bridge Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •tHe CounCil of senior CitiZens organiZations (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for further info. •lC outdoors Club welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufficient for the weather. For more info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit www. All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.
for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220
35.Ranch Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL 8. Scribble animals 9. Limerick, e.g. 38.Thick stuff 10.Elaborate 39.Emcee’s melody speech, for ▼ AWARD WINNING DOC short 11.Wallet items 40.Unexpected 16.Owned slide 20.Bank (on) 41.Loosen e 21.“Let ____ eat 42.Cannon In this documenhappened to their unroller, Rodriguez. ’n’ roll musician in the B cake” tary, two South Africans likely musical hero, the Rodriguez was an 1970s.sound His albums were t 22.Form of set out to discover what mysterious 1970s rock ‘n’ underground U.S. rock critically well-received, 43.Baking but sales bombed, exercise ingredient and W faded into obscurh 23.Wooden pins he 46.Direction aidof a R ity among rumours Copyright © 2013, Penny Press 24.Wander 47.Cuddle gruesome death. c However, a bootleg o 44.Tie 24.Large ACROSS 27.Frosting user 48.Building wing copy of his record made P quantity 1. Distort 45.Used 49.Low grade 28.Empty its way to South Africa, o 25.Work on the 5. Dine in the sandpaper where his music became garden evening a phenomenal success. In 50.Hero a country 8. Minor quarrel 26.Relating ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 684suppressed by 51.Small bit apartheid, his anti-estab30.It came first? 52.Dominate 12.Away from lishment message conthe wind 31.Singer nected with the people. 53.Arched When his second alManilow 13.Unpurified ceiling bum finally gets released metal 33.Ball or stick on CD in South Africa, 54.Fitness club 14.Earth’s 34.Eyelash two fans take it as a sign 55.Flirty look center enhancer and decide to look into the mystery of how Rod15.Crew 36.Nightmare riguez died and what DOWN member street of film happened to all of the 1. Pile 17.Curb 37.Amiss profits from his album sales. Searching for Sug2. Malt liquor 18.Rowing blade 38.Young ar Man is a story of hope 3. Cookbook females 19.Serious plays and inspiration. entry: abbr. 40.Not obvious 21.Used a It shows at 7:30 p.m., CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS Saturday, Nov. 9, at 43.Heir 4. Kind of tea USE AMERICAN SPELLING computer ◾ Creekside Theatre.
Searching for Sugar Man Saturday at Creekside
Find the right candidate here...
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Copyright © 2013, Penny Press
ACROSS 1. Root beer, e.g. 5. Deep purple color 9. Raises 12.Neck and neck 13.American Beauty, e.g. 14.Tell a fib 15.Ribs or chops 16.Frosty 17.Orange pekoe, e.g. 18.Raging fire 20.Improper
22.Attack! 23.____ dunk 24.____ tide 27.Street entertainer 29.Carry on 32.Civil War general 33.Fights 35.____ the mark 36.“____ Than Zero” 38.Once more 39.Mother sheep 40.Drudge 42.Catch 44.Amid
Poker bets School head Crazy Purpose Bravery award 9. Last 10.Filled pastries 11.Briny expanses 19.Outer edges 21.Dent 23.Songs from admirers 24.House extension 25.Garden buzzer 26.Awarded
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DOWN 1. 18-wheeler 2. Place for a roast 3. Fall on ____ ears
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, November 6, 2013 A15
Valleyview Dignity Memorial
Rockets name Bowey to captain the team
The Kelowna RockBowey was a second and Tyson Baillie were 4-1 win over the Couets have named Madison round WHL bantam named gars. Bowey as the 18th capdraft pick of the RockThe Rockets scored ROCKETS DEFEAT PG tain in franchise history. ets in 2012 and last year twice late in the third The Rockets swept a Bowey, an 18-year-old was chosen by the Washperiod to break open a THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2013 weekend double-header Winnipeg native, is in ington Capitals in the tight game with Jackson in Prince George,SNP start- KNOW his third season with the second round of the WhistleKOMO earning theA&E win TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN ing Friday earn- in Rockets and was Entry Draft. net. #named$ NHL% & _ (night by) * ` 1 Beach Voll. The Doctors Th TheeView Bookaboo The Price UEFA The View Criminal ingIsa The 7-6Doctors shootout vic- Poppy Cat captain last week, priRockets also Madison Bowey and :00 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7,Doodlebops 2013 Right ” ” ” Europa Pajanimals ” Minds :30 Fins tory over the Cougars. RolieRyan or10 to the team heading toOlsonnamed three The assistKeAnna The Marilyn Nature Young & Anna Olson League Polie Olsen KOMOstaked 4 Criminal :00 Darts ” Debt/Part Denis Show of Things Restless Debt/Part Soccer Thomas News 11 :30 sweep continued Prince George for a pair ant captains—Myles lowna toKOMO a 2-1 leadMinds afTSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIROTheCHAN SNP KNOW A&E Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News UEFA Dino Dan The Chew The First 48 :00 E:60 Saturday night with a of12 games. Severson ter two periods before1 # $ Bell, Damon % & ( ) *Stuff ` ” Hour ” Now Bold_ Hour Europa Making ” ” :30 :00 1 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 11 :30 :00 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2013 :00 3 :30 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 4 :00 :30 1 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 5 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 6 :30 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 8 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 9 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 10 :30 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 3 :00 11 :30 :00 8 :30 :30 :00 4 12 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 5 :00 :00 10 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2013 :00 11 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :30 That’s Hcky Beach Voll. That’s Hcky Fins Off Record Darts Interruption ”
DaysDoctors of our The The View Social The Lives ” ””
Republic Bookabooof Doyle Doodlebops
The Talk Anna Olson ” Debt/Part
Steven and The Nature Chris of Things
The The Talk Price Is Right ” Let’s Make a Young & Deal Restless
Two Men of Things Ellen DeGe- NHL Daily Show 22 Minutes neres Jimmy Fallon Hockey: Coronation Grey’sShow Doc Zone Los Angeles News ” CTV News Montreal ” Anatomy ” Clippers at ” at Five Canadiens at SportsCentre Elementary Played The National Miami ”Heat Global” Nat. CTV News Ottawa ” ” NBA CHBC News ” Senators SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News Basketball: Ent etalk News ” Final CTV News George S Lakers at ET Canada Big Bang Coronation SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes Rockets Divorced Big Bang Nature ” The Test Jimmy Fallon The Coronation ” The Millers Two Men of Things
The Millers Judge Judy Letterman Judge Judy Ferguson Crazy Ones
The First 48 Criminal Minds” The Doctors The First 48 KOMO 4 Criminal News ” Minds” The Queen Sportsnet Clifford-Dog The Dr. Oz The First 48 Noon News UEFA Dino Dan The Chew The First 48 Latifah Show Connected G. Shrinks Show ” Hour Europa Making Stuff ” ” Young & FOX Football Maya Bee KOMO 4 The First 48 Days of our League Dragon General The First 48 Restless Daily Arthur News ” Lives Soccer Pajanimals Hospital ” Early News NFL Martha News The First 48 The Talk Hockeycen- Wild Big Bear The Doctors 48 Global Nat. Football: Kratts World News The First ” ” tral at Noon PAW Patrol ” ” The Doctors UEFA Cat The View Criminal News Hour Washington Poppy Waterfront KOMO 4 After the The Queen Sportsnet Clifford-Dog The Dr. The ”” Europa ” Oz Minds Redskins at Pajanimals Cities News First First 48 48 Latifah Show Connected G. Shrinks Show ” Anna Rolie KOMO Criminal Ent Olson League Minnesota Park Polie Wheel 4 Beyond Debt/Part Soccer Thomas News Minds Young & FOX Football Maya Bee KOMO 4 The First ET Canada Vikings Foncie’s Jeopardy! Scared 48 Restless Daily Arthur News ” 48 Noon News UEFA Dino Dan The Chew The First Divorced ” Galapagos Once Beyond Hour ” ” Early News Europa NFL Martha The First 48 The Millers NHL Hockey Making ” Stuff News Wonderland Scared Global Nat. Football: Wild Kratts World News ” Days Dragon General The Glee of our League ” Movie: Grey’s The First First 48 48 Lives Soccer Pajanimals Hospital ” News ”Hour Washington Waterfront KOMO 4 After the ” “Racing Anatomy ” ” Redskins at Big Cities News FirstFirst 48 48 The Talk HockeycenBear The Doctors The Elementary Sportsnet Dreams” Scandal After the tral at Noon PAW ” Ent ”” Minnesota Park Patrol Wheel”” Beyond Connected ” First 48 ET Canada Vikings Foncie’s Jeopardy! Scared The Queen Sportsnet Clifford-Dog The Dr. Oz The First 48 News Hour Hockey Park News Beyond Latifah Show Connected G. Shrinks Show ” Final NFL Game. Foncie’s Jimmy Scared Divorced ” Galapagos Once Beyond TheCanada Millers NHL Football Hockey ” Wonderland Scared Young & FOX Bee KOMO 4Live The First 48 ET World Poker Maya Racing Kimmel Beyond Restless Daily Arthur News ” The Tour ” Dreams Nightline Scared GleeTest Movie: Grey’s The First 48
SportsCentre E:60 ” ” NBA That’s Hcky Basketball: That’s Hcky Los Angeles Off Record Clippers at Interruption Beach Voll. Miami Heat SportsCentre Fins NBA ” Darts Basketball: NBA Lakers” at Basketball: E:60 Rockets ”” Los Angeles Clippers at That’s Hcky SportsCentre That’s Miami ”Hcky Heat NBA Off Record SportsCentre Interruption Basketball: ” Lakers at SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” Rockets ” NBA SportsCentre Basketball: ” SportsCentre
The Queen Noon News Latifah Show Hour Young & Days of our Restless Lives News The Talk ” ” The Doctors Global Nat. The Queen ” News CHBC Latifah Show Anna Ent Olson Debt/Part Young & ET Canada Restless Noon News Divorced Hour News The Millers ” Days Glee of our Lives Global” Nat. CHBC News The Talk Elementary Ent ”” ET Canada The Queen CHBC News Latifah Show Final Divorced
Best Recipes CBC News Stefano Now NHL Republic of Hockey: Doyle Montreal Steven andat Canadiens Chris Bookaboo Ottawa Best Recipes Doodlebops Senators Stefano The Nature News of Things NHL Coronation Hockey: CBC News The Nature Now Montreal of Things Canadiens at Republic Doc Zoneof Doyle Ottawa ” Senators Steven and The National Chris News ” Coronation Best CBC Recipes News Stefano George S The Nature
ThisMinute KIRO News ThisMinute Bold Judge Judy The Talk Judge Judy ” KIRO News Let’s Make KIRO Newsa Deal The Price Is KIRO News ThisMinute Right CBS News ThisMinute Young & Ent Restless JudgeInsider Judy omg! JudgeNews Judy KIRO Big Bang Bold KIRO News The Millers KIRO News The Talk Crazy Ones ”News KIROMen Two CBS Make News a Let’s Elementary Deal Ent ” omg! Insider ThisMinute KIRO News ThisMinute Late Show Big Bang
KIRO News Two Men KIRO News Elementary KIRO News ” CBS News KIRO News Ent Late Show omg! Insider Letterman Big Bang Ferguson The Millers
Early News ” Global Nat. Elementary News ”Hour ” News Hour Ent Final ET Canada ET Canada Divorced The Test The Millers
SportsCentre Glee ” ”
Grey’s Anatomy
Doc Zone ”
Crazy Ones Two Men
SportsCentre Elementary ” ”
Played ”
The National Elementary ” ”
Elementary ”
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada The Test
World Poker Racing Tour Dreams
Dr. Phil The Marilyn Denis ”Show Bethenny CTV News ” ” Ellen DeGeThe Social neres Show ” CTV News Dr. Phil at Five ” The CTVView News Bethenny ”” ” The etalkMarilyn Denis Show Ellen DeGeBig Bang neresNews Show CTV Big Bang ” CTV News Two Men at Five The Social Grey’s ” CTV News Anatomy ” Dr. Phil Played etalk ”” Big Bang Bethenny News-Lisa ” CTV News Big Bang
TheCanada Millers Young & ET Restless The Test Glee
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test
Daily Show 22 Minutes Jimmy Fallon Coronation
10 :00 :30 FRIDAY, :00 11 :30 NOVEMBER 8, 2013 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & 1 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2013 11 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & 1 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 10 2 :30 :30 6 :00 :00 11 :30 3 :00 :30 7 :00 12 8 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 9 5 :00 :30 :00 2 10 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 11 7 :00 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 12 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 11 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 10 :30 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2013 :00 11 :30 :00 CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :30 TSN # $ % &
Days of our League The Doctors UEFA Lives ” Soccer Europa The Talk HockeycenAnna Olson League ” tral at Noon Debt/Part Soccer
NFL ” Football: Sportsnet Washington Connected Redskins at Hockey Minnesota NFL Game. Vikings World Poker Tour ” NHL Hockey
Dragon Poppy Cat Pajanimals Pajanimals
General The View Hospital ”
Big Bear Rolie Polie PAW Patrol Thomas
A&E 1
For us, there is no
higher honour than Kris Schmidli and Zach to be chosen to bring Franko cemented the loved ones, friends win in the third period. and a lifetime of The Rockets improved memories together to 11-2-0-2 on the seaof a Aron Meier in celebration Glen Whittaker son. special life. Assistant Manager Funeral Director Th e Rockets return YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING to Prospera Place 6 7 7 p.m.9 ; Proudly< A N P offering reward miles on all pre-arrangements Little Bear CBC News How/Made 30 Rock 19 Kids Divorce Sesame Today on Wednesday for a four Berenstain Now With How/Made Stop Pain 19 Kids Divorce Street cont’d game home stand playTo School Carole Last Car Family Feud Medium Judge Alex Daniel Tiger New Day Squirrel MacNeil Standing Family Feud Medium Judge Alex Super Why! Northwest ing host toNEWS the Red Deer YTV DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING Kid vs. Kat CBC News Moonshiners ThisMinute What Not to King Chatsworth KING 5 Rebels. 6 9 ; < N P SpongeBob Now7 With ” ThisMinute Wear KingA House News 165 Valleyview Road • 250-765-3147 Rated A for Reshmi Nair High Tech Law & Say Yes Community Expeditions Days Little Bear CBC News How/Made 30 Rock 19 Kids Divorce Sesame Todayof our Monster ” Rednecks Order: SVU Say Yes Community Joy/Painting Lives Berenstain Now With How/Made Stop Pain 19 Kids Divorce Street cont’d
Valleyview Funeral Home
League/Evil To School Sidekick Squirrel
Power Carole & Politics MacNeil
Tickle Last Car Auction Standing
Squirrel Kid vs. Kat T.U.F.F. SpongeBob SpongeBob Rated A for Rabbids Monster Odd Parents League/Evil SpongeBob Sidekick Little Bear Thunder Squirrel Berenstain Mr. Young T.U.F.F. To School Victorious Squirrel SpongeBob Japanizi Rabbids Kid vs. Kat Wipeout SpongeBob Odd Parents ” SpongeBob Rated ”A for Monster Thunder ” Mr. Young League/Evil The Middle Sidekick Victorious Mr. Young Japanizi Squirrel Boys T.U.F.F. Splatalot Wipeout
” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Reshmi Nair O’Leary ” CBC News Power”& Politics CBC News The National ”” Now With ” Carole CBC News MacNeil Lang & ” O’Leary CBC News The National Now CBC With News ” ” Nair Reshmi The National ” The National ” ”& Power CBC News Politics CBC News ” ”” The National ”” The National
How/Made Moonshiners How/Made ” Daily Planet High Tech ” Rednecks Fast N’ Loud Tickle ” Auction How/Made Fast N’ Loud How/Made How/Made ” How/Made Last Car Overhaulin’ Standing Daily Planet ” ” Moonshiners How/Made ” Loud Fast N’ How/Made ” High Tech Fast N’ Loud Rednecks Fast N’ ” Loud ” Tickle Fast N’ Loud Auction Overhaulin’ ” ” How/Made Overhaulin’ How/Made ” How/Made
Family Yes Family Feud Feud Say Medium Family Yes Family Feud Feud Say Medium Steve Toddlers & ThisMinute What Not to Harvey Tiaras ThisMinute Wear Bethenny 48 Hours: Law & Say Yes ” Hard Evid. Order: SVU Say Yes Simpsons 48 Hours: Family Feud Say Yes Two Men Hard Evid. Family Feud Say Yes 30 Rock 19 Two Men 48 Kids Hours: Steve Toddlers & Stop Pain 19 Kids Mod Fam Hard Evid. Harvey Tiaras Family Feud Medium Big Bang 48 Hours: Family Feud Medium Bethenny 48 Hours: Big Bang Hard Evid. ” Hard Evid. ThisMinute Not to The X Factor What 48 Hours: ThisMinute Wear Simpsons 48 Hours: ” Hard Evid. Two Men Hard Evid. Law Say Yes Glee& 48 Hours: Order: Yes Two Men 48 Hours: ”SVU Say Hard Evid. Mod Fam HardYes Evid. Family Feud Say News 48 Hours: Family Feud Say Yes Big Bang 48 Hours: Mod Fam Hard Evid. Big Bang Hard Evid. Steve & The Arsenio Toddlers 48 Hours: Harvey Hall Hard Evid. The Show X Factor Tiaras 48 Hours:
The Middle King Mod Fam King Big Bang Community Big Bang Community Browns Seinfeld Payne The Middle Divorce Browns The Middle Divorce Payne Mod Fam Judge Alex Mod Fam Judge Alex Big Bang Seinfeld Big Bang King Family Guy King Browns Family Guy Payne Community Amer. Dad Community Browns Movie: Payne Seinfeld “Eurotrip” The ModMiddle Fam ” Seinfeld The Middle ” Mod Fam Movie: Family Guy
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Daniel Tiger New Day ” Super”Why! Northwest Peg Plus Cat Katie Chatsworth KING 5 Sid Science ” House News Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeExpeditions Days of our WordGirl neres Show Joy/Painting Lives Business KING 5 CharlieNews Rose News Dr. Phil World ” ” Sesame Today PBS Nightly News Peg Plus Cat cont’d Katie Street NewsHour News Sid Science ” Daniel Tiger New Pie NewsDay Super Why! Northwest Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeRudy Maxa Evening WordGirl neres 5Show Chatsworth KING Foyle’s War The Voice House News Business KING ”5 ” World News News Expeditions Days our Midsomer Sean of Saves Joy/Painting Lives PBS Nightly News Murders Fox Show NewsHour News Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Scott & Parenthood Pie ” News ”” Bailey Rudy Maxa Evening Peg VeraPlus Cat Katie KING News Sid Science ” Foyle’s” War Jay The Leno Voice
Bethenny TMZ ” Sunny Glee ”
Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Paid Prog. Hard Evid. Paid Prog. 48 Hours:
Family Guy Big Bang “Year One” Big Bang ”Dad Amer.
Wild Kratts ”” WordGirl Creation Midsomer
Ellen DeGe”” neres Show Jimmy Fallon Sean Saves
Simpsons ” Two Men News Two ModMen Fam Mod Fam The Arsenio Big HallBang Show Big Bang TMZ The X Factor Sunny ”
48 Hours: Hard Evid. Hard Evid. 48 Hours: 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Hard Evid. 48 Hours: 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Hard Evid. Paid Prog. 48 Hours: Paid Prog. Hard Evid.
Browns Movie: Payne “Eurotrip” Browns ” Payne ” Mod Fam Movie: Seinfeld “Year One” Family” Guy Family Guy
Business Murders World News Scott & PBS Bailey NewsHour Vera Pie ” Rudy Maxa ” Foyle’s War Creation ”
KING 5 Fox Show News Parenthood Nightly” News News KING News News Jay Leno Evening ” The Voice Jimmy Fallon ”
The National Fast N’ Loud Glee ” ” ”
48 Hours: Hard Evid.
Amer. Dad Movie:
Midsomer Murders
Sean Saves Fox Show
” SpongeBob Wipeout Rabbids ”
” How/Made Lang Daily Planet Lang & & Airplane O’Leary ” Loud O’Leary The National Repo Fast N’ Odd Parents CBC News Fast N’” Loud ” ” SpongeBob ” ” The Middle CBC News Fast N’ Loud Thunder The National Fast N’” Loud Mr. Young ” Mr. Young ” ” Boys The National Overhaulin’ Victorious CBC News Overhaulin’ Splatalot ” ” Japanizi ” ” Wipeout Lang & Airplane Wipeout The National How/Made ” O’Leary Repo ” ” How/Made
Seinfeld Judge Alex The Middle Judge Alex
Martha “Racing Wild Kratts Dreams” Waterfront ” Cities Park Park Foncie’s Foncie’s Racing Galapagos Dreams ”
News Anatomy World News Scandal KOMO” 4 News News Wheel Jimmy Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Once Nightline Wonderland
The First ” 48 ” After the After the First 48 First 48 Beyond Beyond Scared Scared Beyond Beyond Scared Scared
Movie: “Racing
Grey’s Anatomy
The First 48 ”
Sportsnet Connected
Dreams” ”
Scandal ”
After the First 48
The Middle Mr. Young
CBC News ”
48 Hours: Hard Evid.
“Eurotrip” ”
Scott & Bailey
Parenthood ”
Hockey NFL Game.
Park Foncie’s
News Jimmy
Beyond Scared
Boys Splatalot
The National Overhaulin’ ” ”
The Arsenio Hall Show
48 Hours: Hard Evid.
” Movie:
KING News Jay Leno
Kimmel Live Beyond Nightline Scared
Wipeout ”
Lang & O’Leary
Airplane Repo
TMZ Sunny
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
“Year One” ”
” Creation
” Jimmy Fallon
Secret Princes
Divorce Divorce
Sesame Street
Today cont’d
” ”
A&E 1
” ”
Fast N’ Loud News ” Mod Fam
Premier 24 CH
The Doctors The View ” ”
Bookaboo Doodlebops
The Price Is Right
The Doctors Sportsnet ” Connected
Poppy Cat Pajanimals
The View ”
The First 48 ”
Little Bear Berenstain
CBC News Now With
How/Made How/Made
30 Rock Paid Prog.
Anna Olson Debt/Part
The Marilyn Denis Show
The Nature of Things
Young & Restless
Anna Olson Debt/Part
Sportsnet Connected
Rolie Polie Thomas
KOMO 4 News
The First 48 ”
To School Squirrel
Carole MacNeil
How/Made How/Made
Family Feud ” Family Feud Secret
Judge Alex Judge Alex
Daniel Tiger Super Why!
New Day Northwest
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News Bold
Noon News Hour
Hockeycentral at Noon
Dino Dan The Chew Making Stuff ”
The First 48 ”
Odd Parents CBC News Sidekick Now With
Fast N’ Loud ThisMinute ” ThisMinute
Princes Say Yes
King King
Environ Moveable
Noon News Hour
Fish TV Sportsnet Dew Tour Connected Highlights
Pajanimals Poppy Cat Big Bear Pajanimals PAW Patrol
Monster Little Bear League/Evil Berenstain Sidekick
” CBC News Power & Now With Politics
” How/Made Overhaulin’ How/Made ”
Order: SVU 30 Rock Family Feud Paid Prog. Family Feud
Say Yes Secret Say Yes Princes Say Yes
Community Divorce Seinfeld Divorce The Middle
Rick Steves Sesame Charlie Rose Street”
Lives Today Dr. Phil cont’d ”
Sportsnet World Poker Connected Tour HockeycenQMJHL tral at Noon Hockey:
Rolie Polie Clifford-Dog Thomas G. Shrinks Dino The Chew MayaDan Bee KOMO 4 Making Arthur Stuff News ” Dragon General Martha News Pajanimals Hospital Wild Kratts World News Poppy Cat The View Big The Doctors ParkBear KOMO 4 Pajanimals ” PAW Patrol Foncie’s News ” Rolie Polie KOMO Clifford-Dog The Dr.4Oz Coast Wheel Thomas News G. Shrinks Show ” Jeopardy! Dino Dan The Chew Maya Bee KOMO 4 Murder Last Man Making Stuff ” Arthur News Myster. Neighbors Dragon General The Shark Tank Martha News Pajanimals Hospital Inspector Wild Kratts World ”News Big Bear The Doctors Lynley 20/20 4 Park KOMO PAW Patrol ” Mysteries Foncie’s News ” Clifford-Dog The Dr. Oz Architects of Wheel News Coast G. Shrinks Show Change Jimmy ” Jeopardy! Maya Bee KOMO 4 Murder Kimmel Live Murder Last Man Arthur News Myster. Nightline Myster. Neighbors Martha News The Kratts Shark News Tank Wild World Inspector ” Park KOMO 4 Lynley 20/20 Foncie’s News Mysteries ” Coast Wheel ” Architects of Jeopardy! News Change Jimmy Murder Last Man
To School Alien Squirrel T.U.F.F. Odd Parents SpongeBob Sidekick Kung Fu
Carole” MacNeil ”
The First 48 Storage ” Storage
CBC Lang News & Now With O’Leary
How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Fast Loud DailyN’ Planet ””
Family Feud Steve Family Feud Harvey ThisMinute Bethenny ThisMinute ”
” Say Yes Secret Say Yes Princes Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes
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Off Record ” ” SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang ” The Test Jimmy Fallon Motoring Hawaii Five- Grimm NFL Films 0 ”
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Big Bang Backstage Jimmy Fallon Coronation
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Football: Football: College Teams TBA Football ” cont’d:” Teams” TBA ” ”” ” College Pac-12 KOMO 4 Football: Wheel News TBA Teams Jeopardy! College ” Burn Notice Football: ” ” Teams” TBA News ” Castle KOMO” 4 News ”” Burn Notice
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West Virginia Glee Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. ” Glee Kids News ” Old House How I Met 30 Rock Paid Prog. Mod Prog. Fam FOX College Paid Big Bang College Glee Mod Fam Football: ” Big Bang Texas at Glee News West Virginia ” Wanted 30 Rock ” Animation FOX College ” Domination College ” The Football: HowArsenio I Met Hall Show
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nature EnglishSeries Premier JustinLeague Time Tree Fu Soccer Tom
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First Story :00 Conference Movie: ”” CFL nal: Block NFL Football Coronation “Seven Steele :00 Semifi :30
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Marketplace Speed Our Skating Vancouver Movie: Land &toSea “Race Mansbridge Witch Battle of the Mountain” Blades Heartland Figure” Skating Coronation Battle of the ” Marketplace Blades ” Our Dragons’ Speed Vancouver Den Skating LandNational & Sea The Movie:” Mansbridge “Race to Battle of the CBC News Witch Blades the fifth Mountain” Figure estate Heartland Skating Canadian ” ” Battle of the ” Blades Speed Dragons’ Skating Den Movie: The National “Race”to WitchNews CBC Mountain” the fifth
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Once Upon The a Time Mentalist The Amazing Race
Heartland estate ” Canadian Battle of the Blades
60 Minutes Face/Nation ” Paid Prog. The Amazing Race The Good Wife
10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :30 :00 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2013 :00 5 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 6 :30 1 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 10 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 11 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 10 5 :00 :30 :00 1 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 2 12 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 10 :00 :30 # $ % & _ 11 :00 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 11 4 :00 :30 :00 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013 12 5 :30 1 :00 6 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :00 # $ % & _ 7 :30 :00 :00 :00 3 :30 8 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 9 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 10 12 :30 :00 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 2 :30 :30 :00 8 :00 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 4 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 6 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 7 :30 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 10 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 12 11 :30 :30 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 12 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 2 :30 :00 10 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 12 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 1 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 2 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 7 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & _ 3 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 10 :30 4 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 5 :00 :00 10 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :00 11 :30 1 :30 7 :00 :00 12 2 :30 8 :30 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2013 9 :00 3 :30 :00 10 :30 4 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 $ % & _ 11 5 :30 # :00 12 :30 10 6 :30 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 12 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 4 :30 12 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 Football: Teams TBA Eastern Football Conference NFL Semifinal: Football: Teams TBA Dallas CFL Playoffs Cowboys at CFL New Orleans Football: Saints Western CFL ” Conference Football: SportsCentre Semifinal: Eastern ” Teams TBA Conference Motoring Football Semifinal: SportsCentre NFL ” TBA Teams Football: CFL Playoffs SportsCentre Dallas” CFL Cowboys at Football: SportsCentre New Orleans Western ” Saints Conference Semifi”nal: SportsCentre Teams TBA ” Football Motoring NFL SportsCentre Football: ” Dallas SportsCentre Cowboys at ”
Lorna Dueck Pounds” Joel Osteen ” Dr. Jeremiah ” News Hour CHBC News Gridiron Global Nat. Ancestors CHBC News Simpsons Security Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Block Simpsons Movie:Dueck Lorna Burgers “Seven Joel Osteen Family Guy Pounds” Dr. Jeremiah Amer. Dad ” News Hour The Good ” Gridiron Wife CHBC News Ancestors News Final Global Nat. Simpsons Block CHBC News Simpsons Paid Prog. Security Simpsons Paid Prog. Simpsons Movie: Simpsons “Seven Burgers Pounds” Family Guy ” Amer. Dad ” The Good CHBC News Wife Global Nat. News Final CHBC News Block
New Orleans Paid Security SportsCentre Prog. Saints” Simpsons Paid Prog. ” Simpsons SportsCentre Burgers ” Motoring
Hope for Wild Kratts Wildlife Little Prince Ancient Little Prince Egypt Marco Polo Vikings Dogs ” Dogs Park Can. Rivers Foncie’s Rivers Journey to Park Eden Shark Foncie’s Wild Kratts Foyle’s War HopePrince for Little ” Wildlife Little Prince ” Ancient Marco ” Polo Egypt Dogs Single Vikings Dogs Handed ” Can. Rivers Secret Gold Park ” Rivers Foncie’s Park Foyle’s War Journey to Foncie’s ” Shark Eden Hope for Foyle’s War Wildlife ” Ancient ” Egypt ” Vikings Single ” Handed Park Gold Secret Foncie’s ”
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Season” Odd Parents ” Monsters Movie: Turtles “Open Odd Parents Season 2” Sam &” Cat Hathaways Movie: Thunder “Open Japanizi Season 3” Movie:” “Open Odd Parents Babysitting Season” Monsters Japanizi ” Turtles Splatalot Movie: Odd Parents Babysitting “Open Sam & Cat Boys Season 2” Hathaways Mr. Young ” Thunder Boys Movie: Japanizi Splatalot “Open Movie: Open Season 3” “Open Season 3 ” Season” Babysitting ” Japanizi Movie: Splatalot “Open Babysitting Season 2” Boys ” Mr. Young Movie: Boys “Open Splatalot
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Security Paid Prog. Simpsons Paid Prog. Simpsons Burgers
” National Sportsnet Poker Canucks TV Rodeo:
JourneyWar to Foyle’s Shark ”Eden Foyle’s War ”
Funny Home Castle Videos” Once Upon a Time
Governor’s Governor’s Governor’s Governor’s Governor’s Governor’s
Season 3” Open ” 3 Season Babysitting Japanizi
ScientoloAlaska:Ships The Burgers The National Mighty ” gists At Amer. Dad ” War Last Frontier ” Spokane JFK’s Mighty Ships Simpsons Women ” Burgers
Football: The Office Seattle Outd’r Seahawks at Trout TV Atlanta Two Men Falcons Big Bang Postgame Two Men Paid Prog. Burgers Big Bang Amer. Dad Two Men NFL Simpsons 30 Rock Football: Burgers How I Met Seattle Family Guy The Offi ce at Seahawks Amer. Dad Outd’r Atlanta News Trout TV Falcons Bones Two Men Postgame ” Big Bang Paid Prog. TMZ Two Men Big Bang ” Burgers Two Men Spokane Amer. Dad 30 Rock Simpsons How I Met Burgers The Office Family Guy Outd’r Amer. Dad Trout TV News Two Men Bones Big Bang ” Two Men TMZ
Real Life Dateline: Dateline: Real Life Real Life Medium Dateline: Medium Real Life Medium Dateline: Medium Real Life Alaskan Dateline: Women Real Life Dateline: Medium Dateline: Real Life Medium Real Life Dateline: Alaskan Dateline: Real Life Women Real Life Dateline: Medium Medium Real Life Medium Medium Dateline: Medium Real Life Medium Dateline: Paid Prog. Alaskan Real Life Paid Prog. Women Dateline: Medium Real Life Medium Dateline: Alaskan Real Life Women Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Dateline: Medium Real Life
Worlds Big Bang Movie: Big Bang “A Few Mod Fam GoodFam Men” Mod ” Movie: ” “The Great ” Debaters” King ” King Pirates” Big Bang Worlds Seinfeld Big Bang Movie: The Closer BigFew Bang “A ” Big Bang Good Men” Seinfeld Mod Fam ” Movie: Mod Fam ” “Bedtime Movie: ” Stories” “The Great King ” Debaters” King There Yet? ” Big Bang ” Big Bang Seinfeld Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Mod Fam Seinfeld Mod Fam Movie: Movie: “Bedtime “The Great Stories”
Cyberchase Williams McLaughlin Burt News Bacharach’s Moyers & Best Company Weekend Rick Pie Steves’ European Once Were Christmas Enemies ” Sid Science Secrets of Happy HoliCyberchase Althorp days: Andy McLaughlin Masterpiece Williams News Classic Burt Moyers & Masterpiece Bacharach’s Company Classic Best Rick Steves’ Happy HoliWeekend European days: Andy Pie Christmas Williams Once Were ” Christmas Enemies Happy HoliSecrets of days: Andy Althorp Williams Masterpiece Burt Classic Bacharach’s Masterpiece Best Classic Weekend Happy HoliPie Andy days:
Figure Football Skating Night in ” America NFL ” Women’s Football: Soccer Dallas ” Cowboys at ” New Orleans ” Gardening Saints LazyTown Figure 5th Quarter Make-Noddy Skating ” Football ”News KING Night in ” Dateline America Women’s NBC NFL Soccer KING 5 Football: ” News Dallas ” Bensinger Cowboys at ” The 206 New Orleans LazyTown Saints Make-Noddy 5th Quarter Football ” Night in KING News America Dateline NFL NBC Football: KING 5 Dallas News
Alaskan Paid Prog. Women Paid Prog. Medium Medium
Debaters” ” There ”Yet? ” Seinfeld
Once Were Williams Enemies Christmas Secrets of Althorp
Cowboys at Bensinger New206 Orleans The Saints 5th Quarter
Castle ”
Dragons’ Den
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Canadian Final
Duck D. Duck D.
Splatalot Babysitting
The National Mighty Ships Family Guy ” ” Amer. Dad
Alaskan Women
The Closer ”
Masterpiece ” Classic KING News
The National The ” Mentalist
The Good Wife
Sportsnet Connected
DISC KAYU 9 ; Mighty Ships ”
Medium Medium
TLC < Dateline:
Seinfeld Movie:
WTBS A “Bedtime
Masterpiece Dateline Classic NBC
KIRO News KIRO News The Price Is Right Face/Nation Paid Prog. Young & Restless
Alaska: The News Last Frontier Bones
CBC News the fifth CBC News Special estate Canadian ” ”
YTV 6 Boys
Scientologists At War
News CTV News The View The ” Mentalist The Marilyn Denis Show
A&E 1 Governor’s
Boys Mr. Young
News Final Block Anna Olson RemembrPaid Prog. Paid ance Prog. Day Debt/Part
SNP Single KNOW Betrayal KOMO Handed ” ) * ` Canucks TV Secret Gold News
Duck D. Duck D.
SportsCentre To Be ” Announced SportsCentre ”” ”
CHAN ( News Final
KCTS N Happy Holi-
Block Anna Olson RemembrPaid Prog. Paid ance Prog. Day Debt/Part
West Coast Sportsnet Connected National Poker Sportsnet Connected
Poppy”Cat Pajanimals Foyle’s War Lost ” Thomas
Governor’s Criminal Minds Governor’s Governor’s Criminal Minds
Splatalot Little Bear Berenstain Open Season 3 To School Squirrel
Women CBC News NowNational With The Carole” MacNeil
” How/Made How/Made Mighty Ships ” Auction Auction
TMZ 30 Rock Paid Prog. ” Spokane Family Feud Family Feud
Real Life Secret Princes Paid Prog. Paid LongProg. Island Medium
Stories” Divorce Divorce ” There Judge Yet? Alex Judge Alex
days: Andy Sesame Street Williams Christmas Daniel Tiger Super Why!
News Today cont’d Bensinger The New206 Day Northwest
” ”
Noon News Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News Bold
Noon News Hour
Hockeycentral at Noon
Dino Dan The Chew Making Stuff ”
The First 48 ”
Odd Parents CBC News Sidekick Now With
Shipwreck Men
ThisMinute ThisMinute
Long Island Medium
King King
Sitting Bull: Stone
KING 5 News
” ”
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Republic of Doyle
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
Soccer Central
Dragon Pajanimals
The First 48 ”
Rated A for Monster
Reshmi Nair Mayday ” ”
Law & Order: SVU
Long Island Medium
Community Community
Martha Rick Steves
Days of our Lives
” ”
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
Steven and Chris
Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”
Barclays Prem
Big Bear PAW Patrol
The First 48 ”
League/Evil Sidekick
Power & Politics
MythBusters Family Feud Long Island ” Family Feud Medium
Seinfeld The Middle
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”
Secret Long Island Princes Medium
Divorce The Middle Divorce Mod Fam
Sesame Today Peg Plus Cat Katie Street Sid Science cont’d ”
AnnaQueen Olson Bethenny The View The RemembrLatifah Show ”
CBC Recipes News The Price Is Best ThisMinute Special Right Stefano ThisMinute
Revenge ”
Cash Cab Highway Cash Cab Thru Hell Mighty Ships Overhaulin’ ” ” Mighty Ships Airplane ” Repo Alaska: The FantomLast Frontier Works Alaska: The Mighty Last Frontier Planes Highway Mighty Ships CashHell Cab Thru ” Cash Cab Overhaulin’ Mighty Ships Mighty” Ships ” AirplaneThe Alaska: Mighty Ships Repo Last Frontier ” FantomMighty Ships Alaska: Works” The Last Frontier Mighty Ships Alaska: The Planes ” Last Frontier Cash Cab Mighty Ships Cash Cab ” Mighty Ships Mighty Ships ” ” Mighty Ships Alaska: The ” Last Frontier Alaska:Ships The Mighty Last Frontier ”
The Mentalist
” ”
A&E 1
30 Rock Dateline: Big Bang Holi- Calendar LazyTown L Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Lake Happy Country NFL I Met Dateline: PiratesSid Science Gardening How Real Life Big Bang days: Andy Make-Noddy
” Matchday ” Rodeo: ” Canadian Hockey Final NHL ” Hockey: ” Canucks at NFL Football Ducks ” ” ” Sportsnet ” MatchdayTV Canucks ” Rodeo: Rodeo: ” Canadian Canadian Final ” Hockey ” Sportsnet NHL ” Connected Hockey: NFL Football Canucks TV Canucks ” at West Coast Ducks ” National ” Poker ” Sportsnet ” Canucks TV ” Rodeo: ” Canadian Hockey Final NHL Sportsnet Hockey: Connected Canucks TV at Canucks DucksCoast West
SportsCentre The Good ” Wife
To Be ” Announced ”
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Movie: Block “Seven Lorna Dueck Pounds” Joel Osteen ” Dr. Jeremiah ” News Hour Global Nat. Gridiron News Hour Ancestors ” Simpsons Security Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Block Simpsons Movie:Dueck Lorna Burgers “Seven Joel Osteen Family Guy Pounds” Dr. Jeremiah Amer. Dad ” News Hour The Good ” Gridiron Wife Global Nat. Ancestors News Final News Hour Simpsons Block ” Simpsons Paid Prog. Security Simpsons Paid Prog. Simpsons Movie: Simpsons “Seven Burgers Pounds” Family Guy ” Amer. Dad ” The Good Global Nat. Wife News Hour News Final Block ”
Red Carpet The View Castle” KOMO” 4 News
KNOW Hospital KOMO The Doctors * ` ”
A&E 1
CBC News ” Now With ”
How/Made 30 Rock Canada’s Steve How/Made Paid Prog. Worst Driver Harvey
KOMO 4 News
Criminal Gangsters: MindsEvil Most
To School SpongeBob Squirrel Penguins
Carole Lang & MacNeil O’Leary
Auction Daily Planet Auction ”
Family Feud Untold Long Island Bethenny StoFamily” Feud ries Medium of ER
Judge Alex Big Bang Judge Alex Big Bang
Daniel Tiger Wild Kratts Super Why! WordGirl
New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show
The First 48 Gangsters: ” Most Evil
Odd Parents CBC News Sidekick Now With SpongeBob ” Rated&ACat for Reshmi Nair Sam The National Monster Big Time ”
Shipwreck Airplane Men Repo
King Browns King Payne
KING 5 News
Mayday To Be ” Announced
ThisMinute Simpsons ThisMinute Two Men Law Men & Two Order: SVU Mod Fam
League/Evil Hathaways Sidekick Babysitting Squirrel Wipeout Little Bear T.U.F.F ”. Berenstain SpongeBob Wendell To School Penguins iCarly Squirrel Odd Middle Parents The Odd Parents SpongeBob Mr. Young Sidekick Sam Boys & Cat Rated A for Big Time Splatalot Monster Hathaways Wipeout League/Evil Babysitting ” Sidekick Wipeout Squirrel ” T.U.F.F. Wendell SpongeBob iCarly Penguins The Middle
MythBusters Canada’s Worst ”Driver Canada’s Airplane How/Made Worst Driver Repo How/Made Daily To BePlanet Auction ” Announced Auction Airplane Canada’s Shipwreck Repo Worst Men Driver To Be Airplane Mayday Announced Repo ” Canada’s Sons of MythBusters Worst Driver Guns ” Airplane Canada’s Repo Worst Driver To Be Daily Planet Announced ” Canada’s
Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Steve Bones 30 Rock Harvey ” Paid Prog. Bethenny Sleepy Family” Feud Hollow Family Feud Simpsons News ThisMinute Two Men Mod Fam ThisMinute Two Arsenio Men The Law & Mod Show Fam Hall Order: SVU Big Bang TMZ Family Feud Big Bang Sunny Family Feud Bones Steve ” Harvey Sleepy Bethenny Hollow News ”
The Marilyn ” Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Denis Show Den ” neres
Young Judy & Judge Restless Judge Judy
ance Day Young & Debt/Part Restless
Sportsnet NBA Action Connected Toronto
Lost Bee Maya Thomas Arthur
CTV News at Five”
CBC News News Now News
Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global
HockeycenNBA tral at Noon Basketball:
The Social CTV News ”
Days of our News Hour Lives ”
Soccer at Raptors Central Rockets
Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang Bethenny The The Voice View ””” Ellen DeGe” The Marilyn neres Show Denis ”Show CTV News Hostages CTV News at Five ” ” CTV News News-Lisa The Social ” CTV News ” etalk Show Daily Dr. Phil Big Bang Jimmy Fallon ” The Voice Bethenny ” ” ” Ellen DeGe” neres Show Hostages
Republic of News DoyleMercer Rick Steven and George S Chris Coronation Best Recipes Murdoch CBC News Stefano Mysteries Special Dragons’ The Great Den ” War ” News The National CBC NewsNews Now ” NewsNews CBC Republic of Rick Mercer George S Doyle George S 22 Minutes Steven and Coronation Coronation Chris Murdoch Best Recipes Mysteries Stefano The Great Dragons’ War Den The National
Dino Dan The Chew Martha News Making Stuff World ”News Wild Kratts Dragon General4 John KOMO Pajanimals Hospital McCrae News
”” ”” ” To Be ”” SportsCentre Announced ””” ” NFL Films ” ” SportsCentre ”” ”” To Be SportsCentre ” Announced ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” ” NFL Films ” SportsCentre
Days ofNat. our Global Lives News CHBC The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Queen Bones Anna Olson Latifah” Show RemembrYoung & Sleepy ance Day Restless Hollow Debt/Part News The Blacklist Noon News ” Hour ” Global News Nat. CHBC Days of our CHBC News Final Lives Ent Canada ET The Talk ET Canada The Test ” Bones The Queen ” Latifah Show Sleepy Young Hollow & Restless The Blacklist
KIRO News Bold News KIRO The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News
Let’s Make a Ent Deal Insider omg! ThisMinute How I Met Is The Price ThisMinute Broke Right Girl Judge Judy Mike Young & Judge Judy Mom Restless KIRO News Hostages KIRO KIRO ”News News Bold KIRO News News KIRO The CBSTalk News Late Show ” Ent Letterman Let’s a omg! Make Insider Ferguson Deal How I Met ThisMinute Broke Girl ThisMinute Mike Judge Mom Judy Judge Judy Hostages
The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Queen Bones Anna Olson Latifah” Show RemembrYoung & Sleepy ance Day Restless Hollow Debt/Part EarlyBlacklist News The Noon GlobalNews Nat. Hour ” News Hour News Hour Days of our Final ” Lives Ent Canada ET The Talk ET Canada The Test ” Bones The Queen ” Latifah Show Sleepy Young Hollow & Restless The Blacklist
Barclays ” Prem Sportsnet World Poker Connected Sportsnet Tour Canucks TV Connected NBA Action Action NBA Sportsnet Toronto Magazine Connected NBA Sportsnet HockeycenBasketball: Connected tral at Noon Raptors at Hockey Soccer Rockets TV Canucks Central ” National Barclays Sportsnet Poker Prem Connected World Poker Canucks TV Tour NBA Action NBA Action Magazine Toronto Sportsnet
Big Bear Vimy: PAW Patrol Carved Clifford-Dog War Horse: Poppy Cat G. Shrinks ” Pajanimals MayaBishop Bee Billy Lost Arthurto War Goes Thomas Martha ” Dino Dan Wild Kratts Lost Making Stuff John Battlefields Dragon McCrae ” Pajanimals Vimy: Billy Bishop Big Bear Carved Goes to War PAW Patrol War Horse: Clifford-Dog ” G. Shrinks Billy Bishop Maya Bee Goes to War Arthur”
” ” SportsCentre To Be ” Announced SportsCentre ”” ”
News ” CHBC” News Final Global Nat. CHBC News ET Canada The Ent Test ET Canada
” CTV News at Five News-Lisa CTV News ” Daily Show Jimmy etalk Fallon Big Bang
News ” NewsNews CBC George News S Rick Mercer 22 Minutes Coronation George S Coronation
KIRO ”News KIRO News News KIRO Late KIROShow News CBS News Letterman Ferguson Ent omg! Insider
” Early News GlobalHour Nat. News Final News Hour ” ET Canada The Ent Test ET Canada
Connected NBA Basketball: Hockey
Lost Martha Wild Kratts Battlefi elds
The First 48 Gangsters: ” Most Evil The Dr. Oz Gangsters: Dancing Gangsters: The View Criminal Show Most Evil With the Most ” MindsEvil KOMO 4 Gangsters: Stars Gangsters: KOMO Criminal News ” 4 Most Evil Evil Most News Minds News Gangsters: Castle Gangsters: The Chew The First World News Most Evil 48 ” Most Evil ” ” KOMO 4 Gangsters: News Gangsters: General The First News Most Evil Evil 48 Jimmy Most Hospital ” Wheel Live Gangsters: Gangsters: Kimmel The Doctors The Jeopardy! MostFirst Evil 48 Nightline Most Evil ” ” Dancing Gangsters: The Gangsters: WithDr. theOz Most Evil Show Most Evil Stars Gangsters: KOMO” 4 Gangsters: Most Evil News Most Evil Castle Gangsters: Most Evil News ” Gangsters: World News Gangsters: Most Evil News
Canucks TV Raptors at Rockets National Poker ” Sportsnet
John ” McCrae Billy Bishop Goes Vimy: to War Carved
Jimmy KOMO 4 News Live Kimmel Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!
Most Evil Gangsters: Most Evil Gangsters: Most Evil Gangsters: Most Evil
Mr. ” OddYoung Parents CBC News SpongeBob The National ” Boys Splatalot ” Sam & Cat The National Big Time ” Wipeout Lang & ” O’Leary Hathaways CBC News Babysitting ”
The Voice ”
Murdoch Mysteries
How I Met Broke Girl
Bones ”
Connected Canucks TV
War Horse: ”
Dancing With the
Gangsters: Most Evil
Wipeout ”
The National Airplane ” Repo
The Great War
Mike Mom
Sleepy Hollow
NBA Action Magazine
Billy Bishop Stars Goes to War ”
Gangsters: Most Evil
Wendell iCarly
The National To Be ” Announced
” ”
SportsCentre The Blacklist Hostages ” ” ”
The National Hostages ” ”
KNOW The KOMO Doctors Wheel ” Jeopardy! * `
The First 48 Gangsters: ” Most Evil
A&E 1
PowerNews & CBC Politics ” ” The CBCNational News ”” Now With LangNational & The Carole O’Leary ” MacNeil CBC News CBC CBC News News ”” Now With The National National The Reshmi Nair ”” ” CBC News Lang & Power”& O’Leary Politics The National ” ” The National Lang & ” O’Leary CBC News
Long Island Untold StoMedium ries of ER Long Island Untold StoMedium ries of ER Long Island Untold StoMedium ries of ER Long Island Untold Secret StoMedium ries of ER Princes Untold StoStoUntold Long ries of ofIsland ER ries ER Medium Untold StoStoUntold Long ries of ofIsland ER ries ER Medium Untold StoUntold StoLong ries of ofIsland ER ries ER Medium UntoldPopoff StoPeter Long Island ries of ER Paid Prog. Medium Untold StoLong ries ofIsland ER Medium Untold StoUntold Stories of ER ries of ER Untold Sto-
Community Browns Community Payne
Sitting Bull: Business Stone News World Martha PBS Rick Steves NewsHour
Seinfeld Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld The Middle Family Guy Divorce Mod Fam Family DivorceGuy Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Alex Big Bang Movie: Judge Alex Browns “Mr. 3000” King Payne” King Browns ” Community Payne Movie: Community Mod Were Fam “We Seinfeld Soldiers” The Middle Family Guy The Middle Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Big Bang “Mr. 3000”
Charlie Rose Quest ” Antiques Peg Plus Cat Antiques Sesame Sid Science Roadshow Street Wild Kratts JFK: Daniel Tiger WordGirl American Super Why! Business Experience Sitting Bull: World ”News Stone PBS Burt Martha NewsHour Bacharach’s Rick Steves Quest Best Charlie Rose Antiques Health-Joel ” Antiques Peg Plus Cat Roadshow Sid Science JFK: Wild Kratts American WordGirl Experience
Dr. Phil News ” Evening Katie The Voice Today ” cont’d ” Ellen DeGe” New neresDay ”Show Northwest KING 5 The Blacklist KING News ”5 News Nightly News KING News Days of our News Jay Leno Lives News ” Dr. Phil Evening Jimmy Fallon ” The Voice Katie ” ” ” Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Blacklist
ries of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Sto-
” Browns Payne”
ries of ER Untold Stories ofPopoff ER Peter Paid Prog. Untold Stories of ER
Movie: Browns Payne “We Were Soldiers” Mod Fam Seinfeld
” Business World News Burt Bacharach’s PBS NewsHour Best Health-Joel Quest Antiques
KING ”5 News News KING Jay Leno Nightly News News ” Jimmy News Fallon Evening
Bones ”
Untold Stories of ER
Family Guy Family Guy
Antiques Roadshow
The Voice ”
Sleepy Hollow
Untold Stories of ER
Amer. Dad Movie:
JFK: American
Worst Driver Mod Fam Airplane Simpsons Repo Two Arsenio Men Airplane The Repo Hall To Be Two Show Men Announced Mod Fam Sons of TMZ Guns Sunny Canada’s Big Bang Worst Driver Big Bang
Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News
” ”
CHAN The Blacklist ” (
SNP Sportsnet Connected )
KNOW KOMO ” Castle Lost* ” `
A&E Gangsters: Most Evil 1
YTV The Middle Mr. Young 6
NEWS CBC News ” 7
DISC News KAYU Canada’s Worst Driver Mod; Fam 9
TLC Untold Stories < of ER
WTBS “Mr. 3000” ” A
KCTS Experience ” N
KING The Blacklist ” P
Battlefi elds Poppy Cat ” Pajanimals Billy Bishop Rolie Polie Goes to War Mr. Moon
Gangsters: Criminal Most MindsEvil Gangsters: Criminal Most MindsEvil
Boys Little Bear Splatalot Berenstain Wipeout To School ” Squirrel
The CBCNational News ” Now With Lang & Carole O’Leary MacNeil
Airplane How/Made Repo How/Made Sons of Airplane Guns Repo
The Arsenio 30 Rock Hall Paid Show Prog. TMZ Family Feud Sunny Family Feud
Untold 19 KidsStoand ries of ER Counting Peter Popoff Medium Paid Prog. Medium
” Divorce Movie: Divorce “We Were Judge Alex Soldiers” Judge Alex
Burt Sesame Bacharach’s Street Best Daniel Tiger Health-Joel Super Why!
KING Today News Jay Leno cont’d ” New Day Jimmy Fallon Northwest
The First 48 ”
Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob
CBC News Now With
To Be Announced
ThisMinute ThisMinute
What Not to Wear
King King
Nature ”
KING 5 News
A&E 1
SportsCentre News Fishing-Flats CHBC The Doctors Final ” 30 for ”30 SportsCentre ET Canada ” Anna Olson The Test ”” Debt/Part
CBC News Bookaboo George S Doodlebops Daily Show 22 Minutes The Marilyn Our Jimmy Fallon Coronation Denis Show Vancouver
KIRO News The Price Is Late RightShow Letterman Young & Ferguson Restless
News Hour The Doctors Final ” ET Canada Anna Olson The Test Debt/Part
Hockey Sportsnet Canucks TV Connected National Sportsnet Poker Connected
World Poker Noon News Tour Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News Bold
Noon News Hour
HockeyCen- Dino Dan The Chew tral Making Stuff ”
NFL Live ”
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Republic of Doyle
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
Soccer Ctrl. Football
Dragon Pajanimals
The First 48 ”
Rated A for Monster
Reshmi Nair Canada’s Law & ” Worst Driver Order: SVU
Gown Gown
Community Community
Greener Joy/Painting
Days of our Lives
Off Record Interruption Fishing-Flats SportsCentre 30 for 30 ” ”
The Talk ” The Doctors The Queen ” Latifah Show Anna Olson
Dr. Phil ” The View Bethenny ” ” The Marilyn
Steven and Chris Bookaboo Best Recipes Doodlebops Stefano Our
Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is ThisMinute Right ThisMinute Young &
The Talk ” The Doctors The Queen ” Latifah Show Anna Olson
Dew Tour Highlights Sportsnet Oil Change Connected ” Sportsnet
Big Bear PAW Patrol Poppy Cat Clifford-Dog Pajanimals G. Shrinks Rolie Polie
The First 48 ” Criminal Storage Minds Storage Criminal
League/Evil Sidekick Little Bear Squirrel Berenstain T.U.F.F. To School
Power & Politics CBC News ” Now With ” Carole
Airplane Repo How/Made Mighty Ships How/Made ” Airplane
Family Feud Family Feud 30 Rock Steve Paid Prog. Harvey Family Feud
Four Weddings 19 Kids and Toddlers Counting & Tiaras Medium
Seinfeld The Middle Divorce The Middle Divorce Mod Fam Judge Alex
Charlie Rose ” Sesame Peg Plus Cat Street Sid Science Daniel Tiger
Dr. Phil ” Today Katie cont’d ” New Day
Restless Judge Judy Judge Judy KIRO News
Debt/Part Young & Restless Noon News
Minds Storage Storage The First 48 ” Storage Storage The First 48
MacNeil Lang &
Repo Planet Daily To Be ”
Family Feud To Medium Bethenny Be ” Announced ThisMinute What Not to ThisMinute Wear People, Simpsons Little Two Men Big World Law & Gown
Judge Alex Big Bang Big KingBang
Super Why! Wild Kratts WordGirl Nature
Northwest Ellen DeGeneres Show KING 5
Hour News Early GlobalofNat. Days our
Connected Mr. Moon World Poker Maya Bee Tour HockeyCen- Arthur Dino Dan tral Making Stuff Prime Time Martha Sports Ctrl. Dragon Wild Kratts Soccer
Squirrel SpongeBob Kung Fu Kid vs. Kat
Bold News KIRO KIRO News The Talk
King Browns Payne Community
” Business World News Greener
KIRO ”News
” Debt/Part Hockey Young & NHL World Poker Restless Noon News Tour Hour Hockey: News Jets Red Days of ” our NFL at Live
Wings” ” Off Record
Interruption SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre Fishing-Flats ” Hockey 30 for 30 NHL 30 for 30 ” Hockey: Jets at” Red SportsCentre World Wings”Poker Tour ” SportsCentre
News-Lisa The View CTV News ”
Little Bear Squirrel Berenstain T.U.F.F.
Noon News News Hour ”
Sleepy Hollow
Criminal Gangsters: MindsEvil Most
ance Day Young & Debt/Part Restless
” NFL Films
The View Dr. Oz Show ”
” ”
” Bones SportsCentre ”
AnnaQueen Olson World Sportsnet Poppy Cat The Poker Clifford-Dog RemembrConnected Pajanimals Latifah Show Tour G. Shrinks
” ”
To Be ” ” Announced
DenisDeGeShow Dragons’ Vancouver Ellen neres Show Den CTV News CBC News ” Now CTV News News at Five News The Social Republic of
KNOW General KOMO Hospital * The` Doctors ” The View The Dr. ” Oz Show KOMO 4 News 4 KOMO News The Chew
News ” World News General
O’Leary CBC News SpongeBob Now With Odd Parents CBC News SpongeBob ” Nair Rated A for Reshmi Monster ” Japanizi The National Sam & Cat League/Evil Power”&
Announced Gold Rush The Dirt Canada’s
European Greener Outdoor Joy/Painting Idaho Christmas ” Rose Charlie African ” Americans
The National Gold Rush New Girl ” Mighty Ships Steve Mindy ” ” Harvey
Treehouse Toddlers & Masters Tiaras
Amer. Dad The Middle Movie: Mod Fam
JFK:Plus Cat Katie The Voice Peg American Sid Science ”
The Middle SpongeBob Japanizi Kung Fu
CBC Lang News & ” O’Leary
Highway Daily Planet Thru Hell ”
News Bethenny Mod Fam ”
Little Hour To BePeople, “Rush Big Bang Big World 3” Announced Big Bang
Boys Odd Parents Splatalot SpongeBob Wipeout Little Bear Japanizi Berenstain Sam &” Cat
The CBCNational News ”” Lang & CBC News The National O’Leary Now With ”
Jungle GoldGold Rush ” The Dirt Overhaulin’ How/Made Gold Rush ”” How/Made
The Arsenio Simpsons Hall Two Show Men TMZ 30 TwoRock Men Sunny Paid Prog. Mod Fam
To BePeople, Little Announced Big World Paid Prog. 19 Kids Little People, Paid Prog. 19 BigKids World
Carole CBC News MacNeil ”
Gold Rush Highway The Dirt Thru Hell
Family Feud Treehouse Medium Big Bang Family Feud Masters Medium Big Bang
Football Sportsnet Connected Dew Tour
Pajanimals Who Killed Miracle? Big Bear
” Ent ET Canada The Queen Latifah NCIS Show The Doctors ”& Young ” Restless NCIS: Los Anna Olson Angeles Early News Debt/Part Global Nat. Chicago Fire Noon ”Hour News News Hour ” News Hour
Highlights FOX Football Daily Oil Change ” Oil Change Sportsnet World ”Poker Connected Tour Ironman Sportsnet Triathlon Prime Time Connected Sports Sportsnet HockeyCenConnected Sportsnet tral Connected Hockey
PAW Patrol Frontiers of Construction Clifford-Dog G. Shrinks The First Poppy Cat World War Maya Bee Pajanimals Arthur 65 Rolie Polie RedRoses Martha Mr. WildMoon Kratts Blood Dino Relative Who Dan Killed Making Miracle?Stuff Frontiers of
Hospital ” KOMO 4 Storage News The Doctors Storage The First 48 ” Hoggers Hoggers Storage Storage Agents of Hoggers The View Criminal S.H.I.E.L.D. Hoggers KOMO 4 Storage Minds News ” Storage Goldbergs Storage KOMO 4 Criminal Trophy Storage News Wife Storage News Minds World News Storage 20/20 Storage The Chew The First 48 ”4 Storage KOMO ” ” News Storage News Hoggers
Sidekick Victorious iCarly Squirrel T.U.F .F. Wipeout Little Bear ” SpongeBob Berenstain Kung Fu ” To School ” Odd Parents Squirrel SpongeBob The Middle Kid vs. Kat Japanizi SpongeBob Sam & Cat Boys
Politics CBC News ”” ” The National CBC ” Lang News & Now With O’Leary The National Carole ” CBC News MacNeil ” CBC News CBC News ” The National Now With ” The National
CTV News The etalkSocial ” Big Bang Daily Show Jimmy Dr. PhilFallon Agents of ” S.H.I.E.L.D.
George Sof Republic Doyle Coronation 22 Minutes Coronation Steven and Rick Mercer Chris 22 Minutes
Late Show The Ent Talk ” omg! Insider Letterman Ferguson Let’s Make a NCIS Deal ”
Final Days Ent of our Lives ET Canada Canada ET The Test Talk NCIS ”
Canucks TV Soccer Ctrl. FOX Football Football Daily Football FOX Daily Dew Tour Oil Change Highlights ”
Construction Dragon Frontiers of Pajanimals Construction 65 RedRoses Big Bear The First PAW Patrol World War
Jimmy General Wheel Hospital Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Nightline The Doctors Agents of ” S.H.I.E.L.D.
Hoggers The First 48 ” Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers The First 48 ” Hoggers
Splatalot Rated A for Victorious Monster iCarly Wipeout ” League/Evil Wipeout Sidekick ”
” Nair Canada’s ” Reshmi CBC News Highway ” Worst Driver Thru Hell Lang & Overhaulin’ O’Leary ” Gold Power & Airplane The National Jungle Politics Repo ” ”
NCIS: Los Ironman The Queen Oil Change AngelesShow Triathlon Latifah ”
65 Clifford-Dog RedRoses G. Shrinks
Goldbergs The Dr. Oz Trophy Wife Show
Storage Storage
” Squirrel ” T.U.F.F.
Storage Storage
A&E 1
Win Date Community Mod aFam Community Seinfeld With Tad Hamilton! Seinfeld Family Guy The Middle Family Guy
CBS Let’s News Make a Deal Ent omg! Insider ThisMinute ThisMinute NCIS The Price Is ”Judy Judge Right Judge Los Judy NCIS: Young & Angeles KIRO News Restless KIRO News Person of KIRO Interest KIRO News News Bold CBS News KIRO News
Lives News Hour ” The Talk
Chris George S Coronation Best Recipes Stefano Rick Mercer Bookaboo 22 Minutes Dragons’ Doodlebops Den Crossing Our Lines News Vancouver News The National CBC ” NewsNews Now Rick Mercer CBC News
KNOW Wheel KOMO ” Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz * ` Show
Announced Gown Treehouse Gown Masters Paid Prog. Paid Four Prog. Little People, Weddings Big World
” CTV News
” Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang Bethenny ” of Agents The S.H.I.E.L.D. EllenView DeGeneres ”Show Goldbergs The Trophy Wife CTVMarilyn News Denis at FiveShow Person of CTV Interest CTV News News ” News-Lisa
Gown Little People, Community Browns Big Payne FourWorld Seinfeld Weddings The Middle Treehouse Mod Fam Masters & Seinfeld Toddlers The Middle Tiaras Mod Fam Little People, Family Guy 19 Kids and Family Divorce Big World Guy To Be Big Bang Counting Announced Divorce Big Bang Treehouse Amer. Dad Medium Judge Masters Little People, Movie: BrownsAlex Medium Judge Alex Big World Payne Hour Little People, “Rush What Not to 3” King Big World Little People, Browns Wear King BigBe World Payne” To
Lives Nat. Global
News 5 KING News of our Days Joy/Painting Lives PBS Nightly News NewsHour Charlie Rose News Dr. Phil ” Outdoor News ” Idaho Evening Peg Plus Cat Katie Sid Science The Biggest ” African Sesame Today Americans Loser Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeStreet cont’d WordGirl neres Show JFK: The Voice Daniel Tiger New American ”5 Business KINGDay Super Why! Northwest World News News Experience Chicago Fire Nature KING PBS ” Nightly”5 News ” News NewsHour Rick Steves’ KING News
CHBC News The Talk ” Ent ET TheCanada Queen Latifah Show NCIS The Doctors ”& Young ” Restless NCIS: Los Anna Angeles News Olson Debt/Part ” Chicago Fire Noon ” Nat. GlobalNews Hour CHBC News News CHBC
” Final NFL Live Days of our SportsCentre Ent ” Lives ET Canada SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test Off Record Talk SportsCentre NCIS Interruption ” ”
Doyle News Rick Mercer Steven and
News The View Jimmy” Kimmel KOMO 4Live Nightline News
Worst Driver Order: SVU Gold Rush Two Men ” Mod Fam Airplane Family Feud Repo Family Feud Highway Big Bang Thru Hell Big Bang Mighty Ships Steve ” Harvey Jungle Gold Dads How/Made 30 Rock ” Brooklyn Daily Planet Bethenny How/Made Paid Prog. ” ” Gold Rush New Girl Airplane Family Feud ” Gold Rush - Mindy Simpsons Repo Family Feud The Dirt Two Men Highway News To BeHell ThisMinute Thru Mod Fam Gold Rush Two Men Announced ThisMinute Mod Arsenio Fam Jungle” Gold The
Hall Show Law & Big Bang Order: SVU Big Bang TMZ Sunny Family Feud Dads Family Feud Brooklyn
Jay Leno Days of our News Lives Evening ” Jimmy Fallon Dr. Phil The Biggest Loser ”
30 for 30 NCIS: Los Goldbergs SportsCentre The Queen Bethenny ” AngelesShow Trophy” Wife Latifah
Crossing NCIS: Los Best Recipes ThisMinute Lines Angeles Stefano ThisMinute
SportsCentre Chicago Hockey Young & Fire ” NHL ” Restless SportsCentre CHBC Hockey: News News ” Final Jets at Red ” SportsCentre ET Canada SportsCentre The Doctors Wings Global Nat. The Test SportsCentre ” News ”” CHBC
Person of The National Person of Ellen DeGeDragons’ Judge Judy Interest Interest neres Show Den ” Judge Judy
Chicago Young & Fire Sportsnet World Poker ” Connected Restless Tour
Blood Maya Bee Relative Arthur
20/20 KOMO 4
News-Lisa CTV News CTV News at Five Daily Show The CTVView News Jimmy” Fallon
CBC NewsNews George News S 22 Minutes Bookaboo News Coronation Doodlebops Rick Mercer
KIRO News Late KIROShow News Letterman The Price Is KIRO News Ferguson Right CBS News
News Hour Early News Final Global Nat. ET Canada The Doctors News Hour The Test ”
Frontiers Martha of Construction Wild Kratts 65 Poppy Cat Who Killed RedRoses Pajanimals Miracle?
Hoggers Storage Hoggers Storage Kimmel Live Hoggers The View Criminal KOMO 4 Storage Nightline Hoggers Minds News ” Storage
Movie Anna Olson SportsCentre Ent ”” Debt/Part ET Canada
The Marilyn etalk Denis Show Big Bang
The Nature George S of Things Coronation
Young & Anna Olson Ent Ent Restless Debt/Part omg! Insider ET Canada
Sportsnet Rolie Polie KOMO 4 FOX Football Frontiers of Wheel Connected Thomas News Daily Construction Jeopardy!
Criminal Hoggers Minds Hoggers
To School Victorious Squirrel iCarly
” Noon News SportsCentre NCIS ”” Hour ” NFL Days of our 30 forLive 30 NCIS: Los ” Lives
CTV News Agents of ” S.H.I.E.L.D.
CBC Mercer News Rick Now 22 Minutes
KIRO News NCIS Bold ”
Noon News NCIS Hour ”
HockeyCenDinoFirst Dan The Chew Oil Change The Agents of tral Making Stuff S.H.I.E.L.D. ” ” World War
The First 48 Hoggers ” Hoggers
ThisMinute Dads ThisMinute Brooklyn
What People, Not to Family King Little Guy Wear King Big World Family Guy
The This Old The KING 5 African Biggest House Hour Loser News Americans
The Social Goldbergs ” Trophy Wife
Republic of Crossing Doyle Lines
The Talk NCIS: Los ” Angeles
Days of our NCIS: Los Lives Angeles
Soccer Ctrl. Ironman Barclay’s Triathlon
The First 48 Storage ” Storage
Odd Parents The CBCNational News Gold Rush Wipeout Jungle Gold Sidekick Now With ” ” ”” Rated”A for Reshmi Nair Gold Highway The National Rush Monster ” Thru Hell Jungle Gold Highway ”
Law & New Girl Order: SVU Mindy
Family Feud News Family Feud
Gown Treehouse Gown Masters
Four Seinfeld Little People, “Rush Hour Weddings The Middle
Mexico JFK: Joy/Painting American
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Experience Chicago Fire ” ”
Steve The Arsenio Harvey
Toddlers & To Be Tiaras
Peg Plus Cat Katie RickScience Steves’ KING ”News Sid
Hockey Prime Time Canucks TV Sports FOX Football Sportsnet Daily Connected
” KNOW News KOMO News * ` Jimmy World News
Dragon 65 Pajanimals RedRoses
General Goldbergs Hospital Trophy Wife
A&E 1
Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil SportsCentre Chicago Fire Person of Interruption ” ”
Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk Barclays The National Person of Chicago Fire Sportsnet Chris Deal ” Prem
Big Bear Blood PAW Patrol
The Doctors The First 48 20/20 ” Storage ”
League/Evil The Middle Sidekick
SportsCentre The Queen
Best Recipes ThisMinute CBC News KIRO News Stefano ThisMinute
The Queen World Poker News Hour Hockey Latifah Show Tour
Clifford-Dog Frontiers of G. Shrinks
The Dr. Oz
Squirrel Boys.F. T.U.F
Young &
Maya Bee
SportsCentre CHBC ” Latifah News Show News-Lisa ” ” Final CTV News ”
Young &
SportsCentre ET Canada NHL Restless ” The Test Hockey: News Maple Leafs ”
George S
Ellen DeGe- Dragons’
Daily Minutes neresShow Show 22 Den Jimmy Fallon Coronation CTV News at Five
News News
Late Show
News Show Construction Jimmy
Canucks TV
Letterman Judge Judy Ferguson
ET Canada Restless The Test
FOX Football 65 Toronto Arthur Daily RedRoses NBA Basketball:
Martha Wild Kratts
News Hour ”
Raptors at Grizzlies
Frontiers of KOMO 4 Construction News
Judge Judy KIRO News KIRO News
Early News Global Nat.
The First 48 Hoggers ”
Power & CBC News Politics
Thru Hell
The National Jungle Gold ” Planes ” ”
Wipeout Monsters ”
Lang & O’Leary O’Leary
Duck D. Duck D.
Hathaways Thunder
Hoggers Duck D.
Kimmel Live Hoggers News Duck D. Nightline Hoggers News World News
Duck D. Duck D.
Lang &
Daily Planet
Daniel Tiger Outdoor Super Why! Idaho
New Day News Northwest Evening
Community Amer. Dad Community Movie:
The Middle ” Mod Fam
Win a Date Big Bang
DaysVoice of our The Lives ”
Jay Leno
Wild Kratts
Ellen DeGe-
The National High Tech ” Rednecks
Two Men Mod Fam
Extreme Extreme
Browns Payne
PBS NewsHour
Nightly News News
Big Bang Big Bang
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Mod Fam Seinfeld
Field Guide Quest
News Evening
Family Guy Family Guy
Nature ”
Revolution ”
Moonshiners Simpsons ” Two Men
NHL Hockey:
Ent ET Canada
The Tomorrow People
George S Coronation
Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada
” Sportsnet
Waterfront Cities
Wheel Jeopardy!
Duck D. Duck D.
Victorious iCarly
CBC News ”
Dallas Stars Survivor at Edmonton ”
Dragons’ Den
Survivor ”
Survivor ”
Connected Canucks TV
Secrets of Shangri-La
The Middle Back in
Duck D. Duck D.
Wipeout ”
The National Highway ” Thru Hell
Oilers Sean Saves SportsCentre Fox Show
Criminal Minds
Republic of Doyle
Criminal Minds
Sean Saves Fox Show
FOX Football Berlin Opera Mod Fam Daily Night Super Fun
Duck D. Duck D.
SportsCentre Parenthood ” ”
CSI: Crime Scene
The National CSI: Crime ” Scene
Parenthood ”
Sportsnet Connected
” Nashville Nights in the ”
Duck D. Duck D.
The Middle Mr. Young
CBC News ”
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Hockey Barclay’s
Waterfront Cities
News Jimmy
Duck D. Duck D.
Boys Splatalot
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada The Test
FOX Football Secrets of Daily Shangri-La
Kimmel Live Nightline
Duck D. Duck D.
Wipeout ”
Daily Show 22 Minutes Jimmy Fallon Coronation
Judge Alex Mod Fam Judge Alex Seinfeld
neres ”Show Jimmy Fallon
KIRO News CBS News
SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test
KING News 5 Jay Leno News ” Today Nightly News Jimmy cont’d News Fallon
Christmas WordGirl ”
News Rick Mercer
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News
To Be
Chicago Fire Ellen DeGeneres ”Show
Rick Steves’ Business European World News Christmas Sesame PBS ” Street NewsHour
With Tad Big Bang Hamilton!
Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News ”
” ”
Big World
Experience Wild Kratts ” WordGirl
” Browns A Win a Date Payne With Tad Divorce Browns Hamilton! Divorce Payne
Paid Prog. Announced Paid Prog.
at Wild ”
Mod Fam
Hall Show
TMZ ” Sunny
Odd Parents CBC News SpongeBob ”
Overhaulin’ ” ”
Tickle Auction
The National Moonshiners ” ”
Extreme Extreme
The X Factor Extreme ” Extreme
Business World News
KING 5 News
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Amer. Dad Movie:
Law & Order: SVU
News Mod Fam
Extreme Extreme
“Surf’s Up” ”
Secrets of the Dead
Dateline NBC
The National Tickle ” Auction
The Arsenio Hall Show
To Be Announced
Movie: “Observe
KING News Jay Leno
Lang & O’Leary
TMZ Sunny
Peter Popoff and Report” Paid Prog. ”
High Tech Rednecks
Auction Auction
” ”
Browns Payne
” Alone in the Wilderness
” Jimmy Fallon
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, November 6, 2013 A17 A17
Your community. Your classifieds.
250.766.4688 fax 250.766.4645 email
It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement.
Christmas Corner WINFIELD’S 24th Annual CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE Sunday, Nov 10. 10am - 3pm Winfield Memorial Hall Over 55 tables of crafts
Please bring a donation for the Food Bank Kathy 250-863-0649
Information ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis
The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.
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While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.
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Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance Payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.
Employment Business Opportunities
TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager online! Graduates get access to all jobs posted with us. 33 years of success! Government or 1800-665-8339, 604-681-5456.
Career Opportunities QUAD L Enterprises Ltd. is a Vegetation Maintenance company in Alberta and British Columbia and they are looking for: CUA’s - Certified Utility Arborist’s CA’s - Certified Arborist’s UTT’s - Utility Tree Trimmer’s UTW’s - Utility Tree Worker’s Labourers Work locations throughout Alberta and British Columbia We offer: Competitive compensation Company benefits Excellent Health and Safety Program Please submit resumes with drivers absract to: Fax: (780) 532-1250
Merchandise for Sale
Auto Financing
Auto Financing
Help Wanted
$300 & Under
An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing required. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.
PSYCHIC MIRACLES by Call and get a free reading by phone. Love money job family, restores broken relationships, solves all problems permanently. 604-2591592.
YORK Mega Max 3001 Gym Set, Complete, $300 OBO. Phone: (250)766-2970
GUARANTEED Job Placement Labourers, Tradesmen & Class 1 Drivers For Oil & Gas Industry.
Call 24Hr. Free Recorded Message 1-888-213-2854
Gravel Truck Driver required for out of town full or part time. Must have valid Class 1 lic., & current safety tickets. 250-550-6208 Email
Trades, Technical FORESTRY TECHNICIANS, Layout Engineers and Timber Cruisers from $4000$7000/month plus bonus. Live Crown Forestry Ltd. is an established and growing forestry resource management consulting firm in Prince George providing multiphase timber development services since 1995. Send Cover Letter and Resume to Brian Telford:
Financial Services DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. Need Cash? Own A Vehicle? Borrow Up To $25,000
FRONTLINE is seeking certified electricians and millwrights with industrial experience for work in BC/Alberta. FEC offers competitive wages and benefits package. Forward resumes to: frontlinehuman
Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD: Seasoned, Split & Clean Birch, $175 per p/u load. Local Delivery. 250-548-4122
Furniture PAYING TO MUCH FOR A NEW MATTRESS? Brand new Queen Set $200! Still in plastic, mfg. warranty. 250.870.2562
Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?
Legal Services HEAVY DUTY MECHANICS and/or AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS Apprentice & Journeyman Fox Creek, Alberta The successful candidates may be required to operate a service vehicle. Must be willing to work overtime. Experience in natural gas compression an asset. Must be able to work unsupervised and fill out appropriate paperwork. This is a full time position. WE OFFER: Competitive Wages, Benefits Plan & Performance Bonuses. Please reply w/references to or fax to (1)780-622-4409
Free Items FREE: Manx Cross, one black male kitten with stubby tail, 10wks & one female kitten, 27wks, 3/4 tail & short hair. Phone: 778-480-4442
Misc. for Sale
HEAVY DUTY Journeymen Mechanics required, camp position. Send resume to: or fax (780) 986-7051.
Getaways THE PALMS RV Resort Rated top 2% in America. 6-54-3 Monthly Specials. Starting at $21.25/day (plus Tax/Elec.) Toll Free 1-855-PALMS-RV (1-855-725-6778)
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Moving & Storage
JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages from $32/hour, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info at: Fax 403-854-2845; Email:
DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282
WESTCAN - Interested in being our next ice road trucker? Haul liquid, dry bulk or freight to the diamond mines on the winter road (ice road) from mid-January to mid-April. Not Interested in driving on the ice? Drive resupply from southern locations in Alberta to Yellowknife, NT. Apply online at: or Phone: 1.888.WBT.HIRE (1.888.928.4473) for further details.
(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!
Painting & Decorating
STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at: STEEL BUILDING - The great super sale! 20x20 $4,070. 25x26 $4,879. 30x32 $6,695. 32x40 $8,374. 35x38 $9,540. 40x50 $12,900. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422. Or visit us online at:
While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
Misc. Wanted
3 Rooms For $299,
Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 250-863-3082
(1) 250-899-3163
2 Coats Any Colour
Merchandise for Sale
Auctions AUCTION. Antiques & Collectable’s, Large Selection. November 17th, 1 PM, Dodds Auction Vernon. 1 (250)5453259
PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670
Real Estate Lots The Lakes. Spectacular lake view lot, southern exposure, suitable for Rancher with w/o basement, $179,900. MLSR, David Jurome, McDonald Realty, 250-862-1888
GRINDER: LILA JOYCE Passed away Wednesday October 23rd 2013 at Kelowna General Hospital. Lila is survived by children Irene Isnardy, Doreen Grinder, Ronald Grinder, Helen Grinder, Susan Grinder and Ivan Truran…many grandchildren, great grandchildren, and many other family and friends. Predeceased by husband Joseph Grinder, and children Dwaine Grinder, Richard Grinder, Lillian Grinder, and Mary Grinder. In her long lived life span, she lived and worked in various places such as High Bar, Gang Ranch, Clinton working on various ranches, breaking horses and working fields, etc. Her and her husbands owned and lived on a ranch in Big Bar also many years ago prior to settled in the Okanagan, living here for over 37 years. Lila will be dearly missed by all who know her, family and friends. Funeral Services were held at Winfield Memorial Hall in Lake Country on October 30th 2013. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting, clicking on stories and typing in Lila Grinder. Arrangements entrusted with First Memorial Funeral Services, Kelowna. 250-762-2299
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Lake Country Calendar
A18 A18
Roosters Barber Shop Serving the community since 2005
7JTJU PVS PGmDF TIPXSPPN BU 'JU[QBUSJDL ,FMPXOB e Serving thn Okanaga 0 Since 199
250.765.1180 1.866.207.4444 NBEHFSPPĂ OH DPN $BMM UPEBZ GPS ZPVS '3&& &45*."5&
Make this space work for you!
Call Michelle, Emily or Shayla - 250-766-4688 2.5â&#x20AC;? x 1.75â&#x20AC;? with full colour:
Only $15,
and the creative department will design it for you - FREE!
$1 from every haircut & shave will be donated to the Movember Campaign! Mustache trims will be FREE for the month of November! Donations gladly accepted!
Josef Kalis 250.766.1234
Frank Geber â&#x20AC;˘ 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Hortonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
LANDSCAPING/GARDEN MAINTENANCE ^/ 'E h W E K tÍ&#x160; ,Ä&#x201A;Ç&#x20AC;Ä&#x17E; ŽƾĆ&#x152; Ć&#x161;Ä&#x17E;Ä&#x201A;Ĺľ ůŽŽŏ Ä&#x201A;ĨĆ&#x161;Ä&#x17E;Ć&#x152; Ä&#x201A;ĹŻĹŻ Ç&#x2021;ŽƾĆ&#x152; ĨÄ&#x201A;ĹŻĹŻ Î&#x2DC; Ç Ĺ?ĹśĆ&#x161;Ä&#x17E;Ć&#x152; Ć&#x2030;Ć&#x152;ƾŜĹ?ĹśĹ? Ç Ĺ?Ć&#x161;Ĺ&#x161; ŽƾĆ&#x152; E t Ć&#x2030;Ć&#x152;ƾŜĹ?ĹśĹ? Ć&#x2030;Ć&#x152;Ĺ˝Ĺ?Ć&#x152;Ä&#x201A;ĹľÍ&#x2022; ĨĆ&#x152;Žž EĹ˝Ç&#x20AC; Ͳ DÄ&#x201A;Ć&#x152;Ä?Ĺ&#x161;Í&#x2DC;
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Burnâ&#x20AC;Ś Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788
Josef Kalis
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Your automotive specialist providing FREE Mobile Service THE t 3FTJEFOUJBM t $PNNFSDJBM â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;CLEAR t 4DSFFOT t *OTVSBODF $MBJNT CHOICEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
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â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 25 years experience â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 250-766-0326 250-766-0301 250-212-2914
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Oyama Traditional School A19
Studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Showcase
Written and photographed by staff and students at Oyama Traditional School.
STUDENTS GOT INTO THE SPIRIT OF THINGS for the Dress-up Spirit afternoon October 31st. Students wore their regular OTS uniform to school until lunch time, at which time they changed into their costumes. Every student who participated earned a house point for their team. The primary students spent the afternoon in groups travelling to different stations, while the intermediate students went bowling at McCurdy Lanes. The afternoon was a great success and a big thank you goes out to the scores of parent volunteers who made the spirit afternoon possible, and to the teachers who organized the activities.
OYAMA TRADITIONAL SCHOOL me Where Aweso ional Meets Tradit
Outstanding Citizenship Taking Responsibility Showing Respect School uniforms support a team atmosphere Current technology supports learning in every classroom Exceptional acts of character are recognized and celebrated High academic focus House teams, spirit days, team sports, academic competitions and student leadership opportunities support a positive school culture Sound amplification in every classroom 250.548.3783
Proud to support Oyama Traditional School! 16020 Oyama Road Open Monday-Saturday 7am-9pm â&#x20AC;˘ Sunday & Holidays 9am-9pm
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t: 250-766-5650 f: 250-766-0116
Remembrance Day Service The Oyama branch of the Royal Canadian Legion will again be hosting a
Remembrance Day Service Monday, November 11, 2012 10:30 a.m.
George Elliot Secondary School gym 10241 Bottom Wood Lake Road
Everyone Welcome LC Fire Department Recruitment Info Session LCFD (Oyama, Carr’s Landing and Winfield) is seeking applicants interested in becoming paid-on-call firefighters. Please complete an application and bring it with you to the LCFD Recruitment Info Session Thursday, November 14 7:00 pm to be held at Station 71, Winfield at 10591 Okanagan Centre Rd East Applications are available at the address above or online at If you have any questions, please call 250-766-2327
Transportation for Tomorrow Did you know…? Our community owns nearly 200 kilometres of roads at an estimated replacement value of $100,000,000 – that’s nearly $25,000 per house! In order to ensure our road network services the needs of our community, the District of Lake Country is completing a 20-year comprehensive road network plan called Transportation for Tomorrow. The plan’s vision is…
Getting Around Lake Country in Safe and Enjoyable Ways. Learn more by clicking on the website Quick Link at Municipal Hall will be CLOSED Monday, November 11th
Accounting Clerk position (Accounts Payable) The District of Lake Country is seeking a permanent full-time Accounting Clerk to join our team. As Accounting Clerk you will be responsible for the processing of accounts payable, including reconciling and balancing of accounts to the general ledger. Applicants should be comfortable processing large volumes of payables and have strong keyboarding skills. The Accounting Clerk works closely with other Finance Department staff in a team environment and also provides support to the Financial Services Manager. The normal work day is Monday to Friday 0830-430pm at 35 hours per week. The successful candidate will have: a minimum of one year post-secondary education in accounting or business administration; strong competence in Microsoft Word and Excel; superior organizational and attention to detail skills; a minimum of two years’ experience in an accounting position, preferably in accounts payable and a municipal setting; and a minimum 50 wpm typing speed, 175 kpm data entry; The hourly rate of pay for this unionized position is between $21.61/hr and $25.73/hr (2013 rates). For a detailed job description, and more information about Lake Country please visit the Employment page on the District’s website at Applications will be received until 4:00 pm on November 22, 2013. Please submit your cover letter and resume to: Human Resources and Safety Advisor District of Lake Country 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd Lake Country, BC, V4V 2M1 E-mail: Fax: 250-766-0116 We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Lake Country Citizens Patrol needs you! Lake Country Citizens Patrol is looking for volunteers who are concerned about making their community a safer place. Organized programs such as Citizens on Patrol, Speed Watch, Auto Crime and Child I.D. have been running in the community for 26 years. If you are 19 or older, have a valid driver`s license, and can dedicate a few hours a month, please call Richard 250-766-3681 or Bill 778-483-0022 or leave a message at 250-766-5400.