Volume 58 No. 47
Chief Coucillor Ross talks development Cameron Orr In the face of immense development, unemployment and poverty is not an issue to ignore, according to Haisla Chief Councillor Ellis Ross. Ross spoke after posting a statement to Facebook, speaking to issues relating to poverty and economic development. If poverty is the only lifestyle you know, it is very difficult to know there is a way out,” he wrote. He said he had published his statement more as a conversation starter and to seek feedback as he solidifies his positions. “I’m trying to bring us right back to basics in terms of what we’re trying to achieve over here, and I just didn’t want anyone to lose sight of the fact that, amongst all these high level, important issues — we have to address emissions, we have to address fracking, we have to address shipping issues — but on that same level we should also be considering the impact it has on my people,” he said. “We’ve been dealing with a 60 per cent unemployment level for God knows how long. When you’re living in poverty, no one really appreciates a high level political speech about employment but does nothing about it. It’s that person that’s stuck on welfare that really wants an opportunity to get a job I can’t lose sight of. I’ve got to do something.”
He added, “I’ve also got to address that person who needs a future.” He said he’s aware that the issues he talks about and that the Haisla are working on under economic development, are issues that impact non-Haisla people as well, from here to Alberta. But as the elected Chief Councillor his mandate is of course to take care of Haisla people. “It’s tough to address unemployment, it’s tough to address poverty under federal programming dollars. It’s impossible,” he added. “If you really want to address it to affect that average person, you’ve got to look at economic development.” He said he speaks broadly of economic development, and covers areas such as forestry, mining and natural gas. Given a recent visit by David Black, speaking to his oil refinery proposal, we asked Ross where that proposal sat among everything being considered by the Haisla. “I have no idea what my people would think about that. I know what they think about crude oil, but a refinery brings up a whole different level of issues and questions that need to be addressed and we haven’t even begun to think about those issues and questions because our plate is pretty full,” he said.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
A member of the Kitimat Royal Canadian Mounted Police pays respects after placing a wreath on the cenotaph. More photos on page 8. Photo by Sarah Campbell
Finding help for affordable housing in Kitimat Cameron Orr As the community continues to work on housing solutions, the existing Kitimat Housing Committee is seeking keen volunteers to establish a non-profit housing society. Margaret Warcup, who chairs the housing committee, said that such a society needs to be established for some potential projects waiting in the wings. “We do know that we’ve been told there is interest out there from a couple of developers to work with a board that way but we’ve
“We needed the scope of subsidized housing all the way up.” got to get it going, we’ve got to find the people that are interested in housing,” she said. The society, as she envisions it, would be a board of people who are willing to advocate for housing projects and dollars from
other levels of government. “It is a working board, it needs to initially be a working board that’s willing to advocate, willing to talk to the minister of housing, that kind of stuff,” she said. The challenge she said is finding people to put on to this proposed society, but she’s hopeful there are people out there. There have been community information sessions hosted by the Kitimat Housing Resource Project with Anne Moyls and they’ve found some people from
that process. Kitimat’s housing needs are all-encompassing and no single style of housing is in much abundance in the community. “When we did the housing needs study it showed that we didn’t just need one type of housing, we needed housing that you and I can afford to live in, somebody that can live in a bigger house, somebody that has 20 kids, whatever,” said Warcup. “We needed the scope of subsidized housing all the way up.” She added, “We also know
we don’t have the stats in terms of populations like other communities would have, but we also know every day it’s changing, everyday we’re getting different housing problems coming up.” People who are interested in helping develop new housing in the community are encouraged to call those involved with the Housing Committee. Call Trish at the Chamber of Commerce at 250-632-6294, Warcup at the Child Development Centre at 250-632-3144, ex. 202, or Anne Moyls at 250-639-6065.
Kitimat General Hospital renovations ... page 3
2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Extreme weather response plan approved
police beat
Kitimat Council has approved $2,600 as requested by the Kitimat Housing Committee, to hire a consultant that will develop an extreme weather response plan. As winter approached, and the town has had at least one brush with snowfall so far this season, Kitimat has no beds for homeless people. The housing committee, according to a staff report to council, fears that industrial activity in town and rising housing costs will force more people onto
The following is a review of a few incidents, which the Sentinel has edited for space. Submitted by S/ Sgt. P.C. Harrison, NCO i/c Kitimat RCMP Kitimat Detach- on information gathment responded to 84 ered from friends. The calls for service during resulting investigation the period of Novem- indicates that the comber 11 to 18. plainant may have lost Nov 4 - A report his wallet sometime received from a com- prior to the assault. Nov. 6 - Member plainant that she had observed a red Maza- received a report from da pickup truck slide Kitimat General Hosinto a ditch near On- pital Emergency nurse ion Lake. Member at- of a suspicious-looking tended and observed person in emergency the truck in the ditch. ward. Member was The owner of the ve- aware that a male was hicle was out of the transported there earvehicle and uninjured lier regarding a head and showed no signs injury sustained while of impairment or alco- walking from the Old hol consumption. The Keg pub. Members atvehicle was equipped tended the hospital and with winter tires. spoke with the male Nov. 5 - A com- who was waiting outplainant attended the side hospital for a taxi. Kitimat RCMP front Members were advised desk to report that a that he was treated and male he knows had as- received 4 stitches. saulted him and stolen It was the member’s his wallet in front of opinion that the male the Ol’ Keg Pub. The was slightly intoxicomplainant did not re- cated, but was able to member the event and properly care for himmade the report based self, and his safety was Continued on page 9
the streets over the winter. BC Housing offers limited funding to help cover the costs of cold weather housing, and they indicated they would accept an application for funding from Kitimat, even though their yearly September 30 cut off date has passed. The $2,600 will cover 40 hours of work, that will produce a business and operational plan for an extreme weather response program in Kitimat for this winter, and a plan for put-
ting the program into place. A nightly budget will also be prepared for the proposed shelter. The housing committee had prior to the funding found a suitable candidate for this job, and they will be supported by a volunteer as well. According to the staff report no shelter location had been identified, but it was later learned that the old UNBC site at Mountainview Square is where the housing will be located.
The staff note that further funding requests may be made in the future for start-up costs if no other funding group comes forward.
explained a change to the C-5 zone, which this bylaw is designed to do, would affect every area in town zoned C-5 already. “Are we opening up service stations and liquor stores at all these locations? Because if that’s the case I would prefer some sort of spot zoning approach,” he said. A C-5 zone does not expressly allow a liquor store. Existing primary uses for C-5 zones includes a Continued on page 12
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Crossroads draft hotel bylaw Kitimat Council gave first and second reading to a draft bylaw that would pave the way for The Crossroads, a proposed hotel, shopping area and temporary worker housing facility. But the approval wasn’t given carte-blanche, as many councillors expressed concerns over the way the bylaw could affect other areas of town. Mario Feldhoff first brought up the concern, noting that staff’s report
Phil Germuth added at the discussion that he hopes that the province of B.C. steps forward to kick in their share.
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 20, 2013 3
Regional briefs Scott Northwest Corridor rep Council has appointed Corinne Scott to be their representative on the Northwest Corridor Development Corporation. The position has the potential to be either a director position or advisory member, depending on the movement of people on the board now. An advisory member would not be a voting member. The District of Kitimat would be responsible for all travel costs to attend board meetings, but in 2014 that would actually only mean travel for two out of four scheduled meetings.
Hospital renos boost worker safety
And the newlyRod Link formed Kitimat HospiThe Northern Health Authority is tal Foundation is prospending more than viding $10,000, the first $800,000 to improve significant donation by safety and security for the group. its employees and paThe donation is much appreciated by tients at Kitimat GenNorthern Health, hoseral Hospital’s emergency room. pital staff and the comBeing added is a munity of Kitimat,” separate room within said Cooper. the ER for patients, Renovations are depending upon their scheduled to be finished specific situation, and in mid-2014 and while three work stations they are underway, a where nurses, doctors mobile medical unit and others can do pawill take over ER funcperwork. tions in the hospital’s Although the hosparking lot. Built for use durpital is just 11 years Kitimat Hospital Foundation, Councilor Corrine Scott, Mayor Joanne Monaghan, Doug old, the renovations Thomson, Margaret Sanou, Barbara Campbell and Phyllis Rooney, with Jonathan Cooper, ing the 2010 Vancouver are to meet evolving NHA administrator, attend the open house. Winter Olympics, the guidelines for safety unit was then bought Also being added is a medica- by the provincial government. “Health and safety guidelines and security, says hospital adminisare always changing to mitigate tion and storage room in a location The services it offers can be trator Jonathan Cooper. The separate room, called an risk,” said Cooper of the observation that’s now underutilized, Cooper adapted as needed and it’s been used added. The $811,000 project is be- several times around the province observation room, is meant for short room. The three work stations aren’t ing financed 60 per cent by the during renovations of health care faterm assessments of people who may, or may not, fall under the pro- meant as treatment areas but will Northern Health Authority and 40 cilities. The unit went into service Nov. visions of the Mental Health Act, he provide a quiet location containing per cent by the Northwest Regional glazed glass, he said. Hospital District. 16. said.
Pipeline corridor proposed for northwestern B.C. er impacts. But Austin acknowledged that the competitive nature of the LNG business would make an energy corridor difficult to organize. Still, he said companies should realize they’d save enormous amounts of money by cooperating where possible on pipeline routes. “In Australia they’ve just finished four separate pipeline routes to projects adjacent to each other,” said Austin. “That’s jacked up the costs tremendously and I think now those companies realize it makes no sense. And some of those companies are the same as those with projects here,” he said referring to Chevron’s Kitimat LNG project and Shell Canada’s LNG project, also at Kitimat. While Austin favoured the idea of companies cooperating on routes, he drew the line on having the province develop its own corridor and then making it available to energy companies.
“I don’t want to see any energy corridor that would then allow Enbridge to run a pipeline down it,” said Austin of the controversial Northern Gateway pipeline which would transport Alberta crude to a marine export terminal at Kitimat. The finance committee also recommended the province continue to explore revenue sharing with northern governments and that First Nations be included. “That really goes without saying. It’s a given. I think in this day and age there is no way First Nations can’t be involved,” said Austin. And he backs another finance committee recommendation to spend money now on northwestern infrastructure to ensure communities are ready for the impact of largescale industrialization. “If you look at communities in the northeast and Fort McMurray where industrial development happens quickly, you’ll see the impacts. Communities don’t have
the ability to cope after the fact,” said Austin. “Communities get overwhelmed.” Austin said that was stressed in meetings he attended when Terrace city council met with provincial cabinet ministers earlier this fall. The legislative finance committee rec-
ommendations regarding LNG development were released today, marking the start of the provincial government’s deliberations leading up to next spring when its 2014 budget will be set. The committee spent five weeks traveling the province listening to presentations.
Its recommendations don’t have to be adopted as budget items but are considered by the province in crafting its spending and taxation plans. And an LNG information session last night in Terrace, hosted by Skeena – Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen, saw industry and
energy stakeholders, environmental groups, and business representatives form a panel that took audience questions on LNG development in the area. Several audience members expressed interest in the idea of an energy corridor in the lead up to their questioning.
Kitimat Concert association presents
Ken Lavigne:
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Since his Carnegie Hall Debut, tenor, Ken Lavigne has regularly performed with multi-Grammy winner David Foster and had the honour of performing for his Majesty Prince Charles last fall. All the while he continues to earn accolades with symphonies and orchestras internationally.
upcoming concerts
Skeena NDP MLA Robin Austin backs the idea of a common energy corridor for natural gas pipelines but thinks advancing the idea might be a bit early because no liquefied natural gas projects in the region have actually gotten off of the ground. “I think it makes sense for energy companies as they develop their route plans to think about ways they can work together so as not to rip up more of northern B.C. than necessary,” he said. Austin’s comment follows the release today of a provincial legislative committee report which recommends the government consider a common energy corridor. That consideration would be included in a cumulative environmental assessment of all LNG projects, said the committee. The prospect of five or more pipelines carrying natural gas to LNG plants in Kitimat and in Prince Rupert has sparked discussion about their combined environmental and oth-
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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email newsroom@northernsentinel.com • www.northernsentinel.com KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.
One flu over the cuckoos nest It was around the weekend of the Aluminum City Telethon, or at least the days leading up to it, when my flu was really at its worst. It was the usual body aches, followed by coughing, and a spinning head that had low pain threshold to sudden movements and deep thoughts. I was convinced to call in sick for what worked out to about a day and half, even though I really try to avoid doing that. But when typing feels like running a marathon it’s a good idea just to call it a day. My reluctance to give in to a sick day, it turns out, just makes things worse. When I made time in my day to see a doctor to ask about this lingering deep cough, turns out my flu gave way to something a little more sinister, pneumonia. Don’t worry, you can’t catch it from me by holding this newspaper, but I won’t fault you for holding this out a little further away from you now. It seemed like a cruel joke that in the midst of my illness I suddenly see the releases from Northern Health that the flu shot clinics are coming out. If only my health could have held on I could have gotten the shot and maybe avoided this whole sickly mess. Or, putting the ‘herd immunity’ argument into play, if only other people had the chance to get immunized, perhaps I wouldn’t have caught it from wherever this came from. I won’t deny that I, like many, dislike needles immensely. With a one-year-old at home I’ll get one once my health is back at 100 per cent, but I won’t do so happily. Last year when a public health nurse, giving my son immunizations, asked if my wife and I would like our flu shots, my wife jumped at the chance but I held off. Not that I didn’t want it, but my argument was you can’t just spring the idea of a needle on me suddenly, I needed time to process. I eventually went to Shoppers Drug Mart, maybe two weeks later, and got it done. It really didn’t hurt much, not that the quantity of the pain really makes a difference when getting a needle. Am I alone in thinking it’s psychological more than anything?
Regardless, the shot is important. If a relatively healthy 29-year-old like me gets knocked down for weeks at a time from the flu and other complications, immunizations are clearly important. I’ll do it for my 18-month-old, and for the elderly people in my life. And yes, for me too. But sometimes, it’s not only about me. Sometimes. Cameron Orr
Is this a keyboard solution to rapid-change music technology? I guess over the past few years readers of this column have become aware of what I think of the wonder of YouTube on my PC. Changing music technology has frustrated numerous specific genre music fans’ ability to collect their favourite music throughout their lifetimes. It was always hard to keep up with the technology -- especially during the high speed turnover of the 70s to the 90’s as the “systems” changed so rapidly. More than 15 years ago, reluctantly, I tossed most of my old 78 rpm record collection on the municipal dump, along with a giant batch of 8-track music cassettes I had collected over a period covering parts of the 70s and 80’s. Subsequently, long-playing vinyl and extended play discs joined their earlier counterparts, although some selected “hard to get” items, survived. Today my garage, if searched carefully, will disgorge these, as it will dozens of cassettes and CD versions of “repeat-buy” and newer (a relative term) song collections purchased to “replace” valued versions of music on technology no longer in use. There’s also a couple of old VHS video players and parts of a substantial VHS movies collection, amassed when that particular video playing technol-
Under Miscellaneous by Allan Hewitson ahewitson@telus.net
ogy was the latest available. I have been castigated severely in recent years, for my impatience and premature actions in disposing of “old music favourites” by other “collector’s” (hoarders) of large music collections of who now crow that revered well kept vinyl sounds the best, if you are still an avid listener to gems from your old music collections. As one ages, these can stir memories of special events or activities. I know this to be a fact because last summer, with so much beautiful weather, I often found myself outside playing CD’s we used play at campsites, on the road to hockey games or on the road on vacation. More and more as this summer wore on, my wife would suggest I use the “wireless” head phones as it appears she doesn’t seem to enjoy some the old music the way she used to. Not everything -- just some of the “older” stuff that has stuck with me and I like to listen to on occasion out on the deck or while attending to the garden. In fact she preferred me to car-
ry around my clip on MP3 player, with its slip-in memory cards, where huge chunks of the old music collection has been transferred. That brings me to where I came in. It appears that there’s barely a single musical item I have purchased over the years, sometimes again and again, as the technology changed and music went from a scratchy breakable 78 rpm records through its many formats to the present day, that cannot be found on my computers YouTube feature. Just last night, I entered the name of Jimmie Rodgers, (who was one of my earliest influences, as the musicians say, when I started listening to country music, in Scotland in my teens in the 50s.) Not only was the song there, it was there in a live version, recorded on film, converted to music video, albeit in black and white, but in 1929 - 10 years before I was born and more than 20 years before I began looking for Jimmie Rodgers songs in a speciality music store in Glasgow. I have rarely entered a song title, or a singer or band, that didn’t pop up immediately along with a selection of other similar recordings. I find I can often enter a movie title the same way - and there it is. Not all - the movie industry’s infamous copyContinued on page 9
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 20, 2013 5
Forecast: Weather you like it or not Baxyard Banter
by Malcolm Baxter msdbax@citywest.ca
Yes, folks, it’s that time of year again when we look at what the next 12 months hold for us weatherwise. But first a shock announcement: I have benched the Old Farmer. Now I know that particular almanac has only ever claimed 80 per cent accuracy, but when it came to the past Spring, Summer and early Fall the aged agrarian was so far off the mark I decided to give him a well earned rest. (A confession here: one reason I am so ticked off at him is that if I had known what was in store I would have built a new bed and planted corn.)
So, who’s stepping into his shoes? I have selected Harrowsmith’s version, influenced to some degree by its claim to be a “truly Canadian almanac” - I am nothing if not patriotic. Of course, this is purely probationary and it will have to be up to the mark to secure a permanent place. So, without further ado, what does Harrowsmith say? December: looks like this is one of those months where a difference of a couple of degrees will dermine whether it’s wet or white. For the first half of the month wet is more likely but the second will see more snow, heavy at times,
Reader’s Write
Dear Sir, What a wonderful Christmas Craft Fair at Riverlodge this year. So many talented exhibitors, delicious food and Christmas music throughout the building! Kudos to the organizers to actually have Christmas music! “Politically correct” stuff goes too far sometimes. I’m sure most of you have read the police report - online - for Oct.28 to Nov. 3. Do you realize there were 67 calls to RCMP in only seven days – ONE was to KMP camp when security called in someone “drinking, yelling and causing a disturbance”. The person was no longer permitted in site, got to remove their belongings and stay with a friend, in town, overnight and “likely on a plane back home next day or so”. Now if all the other “disturbances” due to drinking, causing a disturbance, etc. could be put on a
especially in the last few days. So odds are good for a white Christmas. January: the thermometer dips and that means snow the first week, again heavy at times. The precipitation eases going into week two and we can look forward to mainly dry weather. It will warm up a bit in week three with rain or snow before cooling off towards the end of the month but with only a bit of snow. February: cold but mainly clear to begin with, weather to delight cross-country skiers. And the sun continues into week two, but grey days return towards mid-month resulting in a snowy week three and a warm and wet finale. March: warms up with showers or flurries for the first couple of weeks but winter will have one last kick in week three with a mix of heavy rain and
plane and sent back to where ever they came from we might have a nice quiet town. What do you think? Bet RCMP and neighbours of the unruley people would think that was a good idea. Remember in the “old days” when people were tarred and feathered and run out of town? Maybe we should run the town like the camps are run! Anyway, just some thoughts from Red Neck Roma. Now that we have all removed our flowers, tied up our shrubs and the days are grey and wet, all I can say is a couple of inches of the white stuff might brighten things up. Please note I said a couple of inches not feet! Start the baking, cleaning, decorating as the jolly man in red will be there before you know it - then we can start thinking about spring again. Keep smiling. I’m watching and listening, Sincerely, Roma Burnett
Which leaves just heavy snow. And it will but hot weather hits in skies and rain/snow to be a mix of wet and week two. And the rest round out our 12 month one question: do I plant corn next year? white to close out the of the month is warm look-ahead. and sunny with occamonth. April: Spring ar- sional showers. VISIT YOUR LOCAL August: more of rives with pretty much RECYCLING DEPOT TODAY! the whole month being the same - are we really 316 Railway Ave., Kitimat • Ph. 250 632-6633 fair/sunny with some going to have two good Open your windows summers in and a row?doors THINK GLOBALLY...ACT LOCALLY rainy interruptions. andmix let the air circulate September: just in May: that of fresh K.U.T.E Accepts... time for the Fish Derby sun and rain continues through out your home. Newspapers & Flyers, Magazines & Catalogues, Office Paper, Cardboard, Batteries, Cell Phones, Paint, Electronics, Flourescent until mid-month then the rains descend but it Muchwinning of the pollutions in up oura home Lights, Ballasts and Tubes, Smoke and Carbon Monoxide will brighten bit the sun starts Detectors and Small Appliances. come from evaporation of VOC (volatile the battle, promising for the following two For a more detailed list please visit organicfor compounds). can consist - though chance decent weather the weeks These www.kitimatrecycle.org/home of ‘off gas’ from cleaning supplies, air May long weekend, of rain increases as fresheners, wallpaper, month winds carpeting down. traditionally the timepaint, Trading Post or home decorating Fall items. arrives for final for gardeners to swing Love a treasure hunt? into high gear and the week although we Then check out our Trading Post, After a long winter, spring is a great time an area for exchange of materials by swap or donation. ritual of the first camp- might still see some to let the fresh air in and the dirty air out. Check often, selection varies. fair days. ing trip of the year. Redecorating? October: starts out June: deeply susOur Product Care Depot has lots of leftover paint; picious about the fore- like the end of Septemcheck out our selection today! cast for this month ber but rains move in given how miserable during week two and June can be, but Har- they will dominate the rowsmith says it is go- rest of the month. KITIMAT UNDERSTANDING THE ENVIRONMENT November: looks ing to be mainly sunny throughout with just like a replay of this THIS MESSAGE BROUGHT TO YOU BY: the odd shower in week past month with first Northern snowfall coming early, two. “Aluminum infinitely READ AND July: week one is mainly rain in week RECYCLE recyclable” warm with showers two and a mix of clear
K.U.T.E. K
Weekly Crossword Solution in the Classifieds Clues Across
1. Annualized percentage rate 4. Short term memory 7. Outward flow of the tide 10. Sob loudly 12. Minerals 14. Integrated data processing 15. Mountain spinach 17. Animal flesh 18. Grapefruit & tangerine hybrid 19. Language of No. India 20. Below 22. Angry 23. Soviet Socialist Republic 25. Blood-sucking African fly 28. Fusses 31. Close by 32. Blood pumping organ 33. W. Samoan monetary unit 34. Salmonella aftermath
Clues Down
1. Resistance unit 2. One rejected from society 3. E. Central African nation 4. Mexican hat 5. Arboreal plant 6. Unkind 7. XVIII 8. Bundle (abbr.) 9. Characters in one inch of tape (computers) 11. Computer screen material 13. Retain a printing correction 16. Booed and 18. Implements 21. To the same extent 24. Swat 26. Musically vocalized 27. Before 29. Used for easing the foot into a shoe
39. Counterbalance to obtain net weight 40. About pope 41. 45th state 42. Slips by 45. Be suitable for 48. Right angle building extension 49. Chicken ___ king 51. Azotaemias 54. 55120 MN 56. Cologne 58. A thing or unit 59. Ointment 60. Actress Lupino 61. 4,840 sq. yards 62. Film spool 63. For every 64. NYSE for Honeywell 65. Point midway between S and SE 30. Supporting stalk 34. Future destiny 35. Relating to an oracle 36. Salespersons 37. Opaque gem 38. 3rd largest Italian city 39. Vessel used for washing 43. Birds of prey 44. One bound in servitude 46. 41st state 47. Denotes substance is present in the blood 50. Administer an oil 52. What you scratch 53. Relating to aircraft 55. Swiss river 56. Weight = to 1000 pounds 57. Lyric poem
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Applies only to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. Down payment or trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. Dealers are free to set individual prices. PPSA/ RDPRM is not due. Insurance, license, dealer fees, and applicable taxes not included. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See participating dealer for details. ¥¥$3,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit has been applied to the purchase, lease and financing offers of 2014 Silverado Crew Cab, and is applicable to retail customers only. Other credits available on select Silverado models. ^ Offer only valid from November 1, 2013 to December 2, 2013 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a GM or competitor pickup truck to receive a $2,000 credit towards the purchase, finance or lease of an eligible new 2014 Model Year Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty, Silverado Heavy Duty, Sierra Light Duty, Sierra Heavy Duty, or Avalanche. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $2,000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details. ¥The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter LOF Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2014 MY Chevrolet, Buick, or GMC vehicle (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 KMs, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserve the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer or chevrolet.ca for details. †Offer valid only to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have obtained credit approval by GM Financial, have entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial and who accept delivery from October 11, 2013, through January 2, 2014, of a new eligible 2014 model. General Motors of Canada will pay the first month’s lease payment (inclusive of taxes and any applicable prorata amount normally due at lease delivery as defined on the lease agreement). $0 first month lease payment means no bi-weekly payments will be due in the first month of your lease agreement. After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. XU.S. government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA ’s) New Car Assessment Program (safercar.gov).
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 20, 2013 7
8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Skilled trades program brings students career Cameron Orr To coincide with Skilled Trades and Technology Week, the Industry Training Authority (ITA) launched a youth mentorship pilot program. The Kitimat and Terrace area are one of just three regions receiving this program in its pilot phase, which seeks to connect high school students who are already in trades programs, such as ACE-IT (Accelerated Credit Enrolment in Industry Training) or the Secondary School Apprenticeship program, to journeypersons in the trades field. “The purpose of it is to help mentor them and keep them guided in the early part of their journey with any questions they may have,” said Gary Herman, interim CEO of ITA. “It gives them that guidance of insight and wisdom and knowledge that the journeyperson would have.” Herman said this program is set to run until May and students involved, which also includes recently graduated high school students, will meet with their mentors for about 30 minutes each week for guidance.
“There’s lots of activity going on in the north…and there’s going to be a high demand for skilled trades in the north and we thought this would be a very good place to start the pilot,” explained Herman. In May they will evaluate the program and decide how to roll it out for the rest of the province. Herman said it’s a great time to be looking at the trades as a career. “There’s never been a better time in British Columbia for young people to be considering a career in the trades,” said Herman. “We’re not just talking about jobs here, we’re talking about careers.” Employers or potential mentors are also welcome to submit an application for the program. The program locally will be run by the Coast Mountains School District, or people can go to ITA’s website at www.itabc.ca/ mentorship to get their name into the mix. The mentorship project is anticipating connecting 50 students to mentors. The other regions receiving this program for the pilot phase in BC is the north Okanagan and Vancouver.
Retiree Site Tour Tuesday, 10 December 2013 BC Operations would like to invite our retirees on a tour of the Kitimat Modernization Project.
Photos Sarah Campbell
a L a L a L !! a L Fa La La La La La
Wish your customers, friends and community a warm and happy holiday season this year in the Northern Sentinel’s annual publication of the
Christmas Greetings & Song Book Reach those in Kitimat and Kitamaat well wishes with warm season greetings.
Deadline for booking is Dec. 3, 2013. Book your greeting now! Call or email Louisa today. Phone: 250-632-6144 • Fax: 250-639-9373 email: publisher@northernsentinel.com K
This unique opportunity will allow you to see first hand the many changes to the Kitimat smelter site over the past year. Join us as we prepare for a new era and honour the contribution you have made to our continued success! Gaby Poirier General Manager BC Operations Rio Tinto Alcan If you would like to participate please contact our Community Office at 250.632.4712 to register. Registration deadline is Friday, 29 November 2013.
Kitimat Modernization Project
Building the future together
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 20, 2013 9
Music technology continued from page 4 right rules keep many titles from being available -- but as a 50s, 60s 70s and beyond, fan of western movies, it’s like an almost unlimited extension of the Turner Movie Classics station on cable and satellite TV. Now, I find I often go to bed very late (or early in
the morning) catching up on older (and some much, much newer) movies I have missed along the way. The amazing thing to me is that YouTube.com, as an entitity, came on the scene only in 2005 and within a very short time was crediting itself with a billion
“hits” or views a day. This must have escalated to the multi-billions daily with millions of people round the world uploading their own videos daily. It has also become an unlimited source of “do it yourself” information providing answers on video to diy-ers questions. Just
got all the answers to how to replace a leaking stainless steel sink basket. “Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS, the BBC and other organizations offer some of their material via the site,
as part of a YouTube partnership program,”according to wikipedia.. Remember I said it was founded in 2005? YouTube, LLC was bought by Google for US$1.65 billion in November 2006 and now operates as a Google subsidiary. Yes, thats billion, with a ‘b’.
Police Beat Continued from page 2 no longer a concern. On-duty ER nurse was extremely upset with this decision and members explained liability issues of lodging a person with no grounds. Nov. 8 - Kitimat RCMP received a request for assistance from Terrace MFCD regarding a possible child assault case. Nov. 9 - Kitimat RCMP were called by an employee at Mountainview Lodge Care Facility and advised that a resident had left the facility in her wheel chair and it was thought that she may have went to the mall. A member attended the mall and located the resident who was speaking with some people at the food area in the lower level. Nov. 10 - A complainant called police to report that there were 2 youths throwing cardboard at vehicles on Haisla hill. The youths both appeared to be between the ages of 12-14. Member attended scene and did not see anyone in the area but did see some cardboard on the road. Member was advised that one of the youths was wearing a pink wig and had actually kicked a box from the shoulder of the road into traffic where it was struck by the vehicle in front of him. Patrols made of the area were negative for suspects.
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10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Your complete guide to your animal shelter Kitimat’s Humane Society, a non-profit organization, does a bit more than their mandate with the District of Kitimat. The Sentinel sought out an overview of how the Kitimat animal shelter operates, after receiving occasional phone calls from people who were frustrated by their experiences either in attempting to adopt an animal or with trying to get animal control out in the community. The contract: The Kitimat Community Humane Society is the service provider of the District of Kitimat’s animal control contract. That contract provides the Society’s only firm source of revenue. The current contract is due for renegotiation and the new one could be adopted by the end of the year. Under their agreement with the town, they receive $6,115 a month, plus $2.25 for each dog licence sold which is given as a grant-in-aid towards a spay and neuter program. The Society also receives $6.20 for each day a dog is impounded, up to three days or more if directed by the District of Kitimat. Shelter manager Maryann Ouellet said that dog licences give them about $1,200 a year. The contract with the District essentially only covers animal impoundments,
One of the animal shelter’s more permanent fixtures, Chief. for example dangerous dogs or nuisance animals, as well as provides for patrols through the community. The patrols, as per the terms of the contract, should take up 30 hours a week. Ouellet is hopeful that they may see a boost to their contract in the future. She said over eight years the contract has only gone up $100 per year. The change to minimum wage in B.C. in particular has been challenging for the Society. “It really affected us financially when the minimum wage went up,” she said. “These guys deserve to be paid more than the minimum wage.” Ouellet is the only full-time staff mem-
ber at the shelter, but she has two part-time employees as well. “We try to fundraise, a lot of us are donating or volunteering our time on top of it all,” she added. The society does also offer, through the contract, after-hours availability if they need to handle an animal call. While the contract has provisions for cats, for example the number a person may have in their home at once, the animal control regulation for the town is slanted heavily towards regulation of dogs, and are the only pet which need a licence. The adoption process: Ouellet is by the books when it comes to adopting out any of their animals. “It’s quite extensive, asking for references, [and] we like to try to do home inspections,” she said. She said any of the shelter employees can do home inspections but on occasion they might not feel comfortable in that task and it falls to her to carry them out. But potential adopters need to have a lot of ducks in a row before their application will go anywhere. “Before an application will even be looked at we require all the documentation requested in the application,” she said. Documentation needed may include
Left page 12
written permission from a person’s landlord that pets are allowed in their home. She said a verbal promise won’t cut it because there’s always the potential people are wrong on their permission and the animal ends up back at the shelter or somewhere else. “We still need verification from the landlord so we can talk to him,” she said. “We want to know they’re forever homes... and people can afford them.” She said people on fixed incomes have come in with detailed finance plans on how they will care for their animal. The home inspections themselves usually will be carried out, unless the person seeking an adoption has done so before through the shelter and so are known to employees. “If we have someone that’s not already in our system, we will do home inspections.” The adoption rate, she said, is high, and rescue societies in other parts of the province also monitor the animals they have. In September this year she said 12 dogs were adopted. The shelter is also boarding some animals, mostly with the pets of camp workers. But people in town at the camp are also responsible for a number of donations. Continued on page 11
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 20, 2013 11
Animal shelter
Continued from page 10 She said people will come to walk animals, and end up adopting an animal themselves. Adoptions cost $250, which covers the expense of spaying or neutering, and vaccinations and deworming. “We’re still losing a little bit but at least we can make sure this is all happening, so it’s a one-time cost,” said Ouellet. “If people had to go out and spay or neuter their animal themselves they’d be spending a heck of a lot more.” Agreements on reserves: Through the society’s own agreements, they will take animals from reserve communities in the area, but that service comes with its own caveats. “With the reserves, there used to be always a clean up....nothing was done for a long-term solution,” she said. “It’s taken me a long time to get them on board with it that it’s not a matter of cleaning up your problem in your community, it’s you have to show me what you’re going to do to make changes to address the situation.” So communities which show they have active animal control and welfare regulations can have their animals picked up. She said Kitamaat Village has adopted the District of Kitimat’s animal regulations. Other communities have agreements with the shelter, including Canyon City, New Aiyansh, Greenvile and Gingolx. The society will collect fines on behalf of
the communities, and boarding costs and license fees go to the society. The society itself, and Christmas: The Kitimat Community Humane Society’s foundation is a board of five directors which Ouellet answers to. “They basically oversee the operations of this shelter, helping fundraising, setting policies and procedures, and helping me basically.” They’re a non-profit society, which helps them potentially get government funding and grants. Their non-profit status helps them connect with animal rescues as well, she adds. And with the Christmas season nearly upon us, we had to also ask where the shelter stands on gift adoptions. “If somebody wants a pet in the house we want to know that the whole family is on board with it. And if you’re going to get it for your child, well it’s not going to be approved,” she said. That’s because she says sometimes families will adopt an animal for a kid, but then the child may lose interest in caring for the animal over time. “A lot of parents think they’re teaching their kids responsibility, then the animal gets neglected and the parents don’t want the animal,” she said. So in short, the whole regular process takes place before an adoption happens, whether it’s for a gift or not.
All-season tires are not always all encompassing on highways Tom Fletcher Some “all season” tires are good enough for winter roads in B.C., but not all of them. That’s one reason why Transportation Minister Todd Stone has added the topic of tires to a provincial review of highway safety that includes speed limits. “It’s been almost 40 years since the current definition of a winter tire was actually changed, and tire technology has advanced dramatically, particularly over the last five to 10 years,” Stone said Tuesday. With the popularity of all-season tires and all-wheel-drive vehicles, Stone said there is some confusion about what is acceptable for requirements that took effect Oct. 1 on routes that have winter conditions. Those routes have signs advising drivers to use winter tires or carry chains, and police may turn drivers away if they are not properly equipped. True winter tires have a symbol of a mountain and snowflake on the sidewall. All-season tires with the “M+S” mark to indicate traction in mud and snow are also permissible,
Right page 13
From the Legislature Tom Fletcher
but all tires must have a minimum tread depth of 3.5 mm. A quick test can be done using a dime. Point Her Majesty’s head downward and insert the dime in the tire tread. If the top of the head remains visible, the tire is too worn to qualify for winter conditions. Drivers have a choice of investing in new tires or buying a set of chains. The transportation ministry has a website at www.th.gov.bc.ca/SeasonalDriving/winter_chains.html that includes maps of routes affected by winter restrictions, and tips on how to use tire chains. Stone said that with 60 per cent of B.C. residents living in areas where winter conditions are not common, he is not considering making winter tires mandatory for all vehicles.
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12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Time to think about Hampers Christmas 2013 is fast approaching and the Kitimat Christmas Hamper Appeal is once again underway. In 2012 the citizens of Kitimat, Kitamaat Village and some Terrace businesses generously donated $39,894.51 enabling us to fill over 200 Christmas hampers and to continue assisting the less fortunate in Kitimat and Kitamaat Village throughout the year. We also received numerous boxes of food, gifts and toys thanks to you all. The Christmas Hamper Appeal is under the auspices of the Kitimat Food Bank Society. Our organization is run strictly by volunteers and the majority of the donations are used for the needy with a small portion going
for operating expenses. We are the only organization distributing Christmas hampers in Kitimat and Kitamaat Village. Christmas hampers include a voucher (for a turkey, ham or other) along with the trimmings for a Christmas dinner. Schoolchildren, churches and other community groups donate a significant amount of the food. New toys are included for children 12 and under. We like to include gifts for all teens and adults and appreciate receiving gift certificates for music downloads, books/ magazines, video rentals, swim/skating passes, phone cards, toiletries, flowers, restaurants, or other gifts suitable for teens, women and men.
Gift certificates from local merchants are a wonderful idea as this enables recipients to purchase something they would enjoy as well as supporting the local economy. We do not give clothing as gifts, apart from mitts, gloves, toques etc. as sizing is a problem. We would appreciate receiving unwrapped gifts as we have a Gift/Toy Committee who wrap and mark gifts. This makes it easier for us to know how many gifts we have for each age group. This year hampers will be delivered on Saturday, Dec. 14 beginning at 10:00 a.m. We would appreciate receiving donations of food and gifts by Dec. 9 so they can be sorted, wrapped and packed prior to delivery.
Hamper requests must be completed and dropped off at the Salvation Army Thrift Shop or the Food Bank (through mail slot if Food Bank is closed) by Friday, Dec. 7. Phone requests are not accepted and late forms will go on a waiting list. Hamper request forms can be picked up at the Food Bank, Social Services Office or the Salvation Army Thrift Shop. Envision Financial will once again set up a tree in their office and donations of cash, gifts and non-perishable food items may be dropped off there during regular business hours. As we are obligated to follow the Food Safe Rules for B.C. we are not allowed to accept home canned
NHA tackles aging communities Cameron Orr How to age healthy and in home was a topic of discussion during a healthy aging consultation hosted by Northern Health recently. Northern Health had undertaken a tour through their whole health authority region to gauge what people sense is important as they grow ever wiser. “If we’re not looking after preventative health…then obviously people are going to need more services,” said Kitimat General Hospital Health Services Administrator Jonathan Cooper, on one of the issues that took focus over the meeting, held at the Kitimat Snowflake Seniors Centre. But preventative health is just one facet of the information they sought out. Being able to live in your home as long as possible was another priority named by the attendees, and having appropriate housing available.
“We all have a role in establishing how to be healthy,” he said, noting that Northern Health is working with other groups, including locally the District of Kitimat, in figuring out how to support healthy living and aging. At the meeting everyone put their ideas onto sticky notes and those notes will be processed into a document that Northern Health will share with their board. The eventual outcome, said Cooper, will be that it helps influence future decision making. The reports will also eventually be made available on Northern Health’s website, probably in January sometime. ‘Healthy aging and seniors’ wellness is a shared community concern and we want to ensure people have a voice in how we address it,” said Dr. Charles Jago, Northern Health Board Chair, through a Northern Health press release.
fruit, vegetables, fish, etc. Cheques may also be dropped off at Wings Travel during their business hours or mailed to Box 20, V8C 2G6. Receipts are issued for donations of $10 or more for income tax purposes. If you wish further information please call 632-6611, leave a message and someone will contact you. Thank you all for your ongoing support - we could not continue to function without your generosity. Marjorie Phelps & Pearl Lennox, Co-chairs Christmas Hamper Appeal
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Crossroads Continued from page 2 carwash, drive-in restaurant, motel, recreation facility, retail, restaurant and tourist information. The proposed additions would add hotel and service station to the language. The proposal would also increase the maximum height of buildings to 18 metres from the current nine. He noted other C-5 areas include the area around Rosarios and Kitimat Lodge. Edwin Empinado and Phil Germuth also shared in those concerns and expressed
desire to see only the one area, between Forest Avenue and Kitamaat Village Road, changed. District of Kitimat planner Daniel Martin said a potential option could be to create a new zone, for example a C-11, which would
apply only to this one area. Meanwhile a public hearing on this draft bylaw is set for November 25 at the regular council meeting. The application for this development comes from proponent Bryton Group, and the
application also calls for an Official Community Plan amendment. Along with a hotel, the project would see a 1,000-bed worker accommodation, which has been suggested to be a portion hidden from the highway.
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NOV. 23 at 8pm
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Nechako Centre had nurtured early town It was Nechako Centre, and adjacent area, that nurtured our infant town. It seemed to house everything - the Post Office, the first in-town school and a full selection of shops. Nechako Centre began operating in late 1954, a full three years ahead of the City Centre Mall. While awaiting the completion of Nechako Elementary, classes were held in the basement of the centre, which later became part of Coghlin Hardware. By 1956 Nechako Centre was thriving. It included SuperValu, Kitimat Pharmacy, the post office, Stone’s Menswear, Iona’s Dress Shoppe, Baly’s Shoe Store, Northern Radio and Record Sales, Spicer’s Florist, a bakery, Brenton Barbers, The Beauty Nook, Baxter’s Toys and Gifts and, of course, there was Coghlin Hardware which really had everything. The staff used to say, “We’ve got it if we can find it. And if we don’t have it you don’t need it.” On the top floor of the centre were doctors and dentists - many old-timers will recall Dr. Zolco and Drs. Duncan and Dundee. Nechako Theatre opened in about 1956. Chris Knight recalls the first feature presentation which he says was The Eddie Duchin Story. In those days Nechako Theatre was a swell place. The shopping at Nechako and the new downtown anchor store, the Hudson Bay, attracted customers from afar. After the highway to Terrace opened the stream of incoming shoppers was legendary. Kitimat was the place to be and to shop. And of course you could always take in a movie while in town. Adjacent to the centre, on its eastern flank, was the Kitimat Library which had attached public washrooms, open year-round. There were also tennis courts, well-used all year as Kitimat’s youth were treated to winter skating and hockey compliments of the firefighters who flooded the courts during cold snaps. Kitimat’s young folk were also wary, as within sight of the centre was the ubiquitous green air raid/emergency siren. We wonder whether it always sounded at 7 pm and was it truly a curfew? Within the greenbelt space next to the tennis courts was Nechako School, the first permanent place of learning completed in town. Stretching beyond the school grounds were the Little League and Pony League baseball fields, and of course Pintail Park. At Nechako Centre many sidewalks converged on the hub and there was an impressive underpass beneath Kingfisher to the western green belt where two of Kitimat’s first churches had been constructed. The United Church was actually first, ready for their congregation in 1957. At that point the Anglicans were meeting in the neighbourhood hall which they eventually adopted and remodelled into the present day Anglican Church. That hall had previously been used for everything including dances, Scouts, Brownies, etc. Lois Godfrey (Richards) can clearly remember the good times associated with that multi-use facility. Some folk, like Ruth Brady (Stockman), recall the narrow wooden sidewalks first constructed prior to the permanent sidewalk network. They felt that everyone was forever wearing rubber gum boots and recall the wild reputation of Pintail Park. It was good that parents didn’t know the half of it.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 20, 2013 13
It’s Our
Heritage Walter thorne
Immediately beside Nechako Centre to the south is Oriole Street, the scene of the heated ‘Kitimat House Wars’. As one of the first streets, it emerged as a show case in which the competing Skyliner, Hullah, and Johnson-Crooks companies displayed their prototype homes. Many Kitimat folk actually went to Oriole to decide on the house they wanted on their lot. Some youth from that era, including Bud Powell, can still recall the radio jingles persuading residents to live in their perfect homes. At the time Panabode was also in the house sales competition. Eventually, there were sales of about 24 Panabodes, 80 Hullah single storey, post and beam homes and an unknown but sizeable number of Skyliners, following the California design. The winner in the House Wars was Johnson- Crooks with more than 250 constructed in Kitimat - Widgeon Street was entirely Johnson-Crooks homes. One of the home designs featured an aluminum roof, some of which still remain in use today (2013). At the intersection of Kingfisher and Haisla another critical component of Kitimat and a key part of Nechako neighbourhood were the BC Telephone and the Public Safety Buildings. At the telephone exchange student operators like Jackie Worboys (Mufford) earned good wages. What they were inadvertently privy to would have been considerable. The privacy of today’s telephone technology is certainly an improvement. Across the street, the Public Safety Building was much more than it is today. Commencing in 1956, the building housed council chambers, a court and magistrate, firehall, a full weather station and police barracks with jail - yes, you can still see the iron bars on the cell windows. In the beginning Nechako was where many of the town’s big-shots built homes. Kitimat’s first mayor, Reeve Hallman, lived at 8 Pintail and fire chief Aubrey Creed lived at the corner of Haisla and Ptarmigan. Across the street from Creed lived businessman Art Coghlin. The Alcan staff apartments close by, with their wonderful channel view, were considered top of the line. Partridge Street was prominently featured in the September, 1956 edition of National Geographic Magazine. The article, Kitimat: Canada’s aluminum titan, created an utopian picture, showing neighbours out in the communal green space, playing, gardening and working together. In the picture you see no fences and no towering trees and hedges. It was just all common space. Life in Nechako could be idyllic, couldn’t it? Nechako Centre also hosted the start of all Dominion Day parades on July 1st. Much has changed in the intervening years, but in its day Nechako was the heart of Kitimat. And nearly 60 years later still holds a place in the hearts of our oldtimers.
“Kitimat was the place to be and to shop.”
Nechako Centre in its early days. Photo courtesy Kitimat Museum & Archives, Northern Sentinel.
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Northern Sentinel
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Employment Business Opportunities HOME BASED Embroidery Business for less than $10,000. Get started in the promotional products industry. Work from home on your schedule. Call Nicolle at 1866-890-9488. Kitimat Business Opportunity Established local automotive shop for sale. Turn-key operation. Large existing client base and potential for expansion. For more information please reply to: Box 41 c/o Northern Sentinel 626 Enterprise Ave. Kitimat, B.C. V8C 2E4
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• Labourers • Tradesmen • Class 1 Drivers
Call 24Hr. Free Recorded Message 1-888-213-2854 Join us for the 2013/2014 season! The Bar and Grill at the beautiful Hirsch Creek Golf and Winter Club is welcoming applications for the positions of full or part time Server and a permanent part-time Janitor. If you are energetic, a team player, and committed to outstanding customer service we look forward to your application. Experience preferred but not necessary as training will be provided. Please apply in person Monday to Friday with resume. KITIMAT
Full and Part time for Coastal Taxi. $12.50/hr. Send resume & drivers abstract to PO Box 56 Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 No phone calls Live-in Caretaker couple for Apartment Complex in Kitimat, B.C. Good Administrative and maintenance skills needed. Wages are negotiable. Please email resume to:
Tsunami Restaurant in Kitimat is looking for Servers, Kitchen Help and Drivers. Drop off resume at 650 Kuldo Blvd. in Kitimat, between 4 and 9 pm. Ask for Virginia Wonderful Opportunity in a busy restaurant.
Rosario’s Restaurant
has openings for full time/part time COOKS, SERVERS and DISHWASHERS. Days and Evenings. No experience necessary as we train. Please email rosarioskitimat@gmail.com or bring resume to Rosario’s in Kitimat. No phone calls please
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Home Care/Support NURSES, Care Aides, Home Cleaners - Bayshore Home Health is hiring casual, on-call RNs, certified care aides and experienced home cleaners. If you are: personable; energetic; positive; possess an outstanding work ethic; a passion for superior client service, and a reliable vehicle, pls forward your resume c/w 2 references to shgeekie@bayshore.ca. Only those shortlisted will be contacted.
Trades, Technical Automotive Journeyman Mechanic required in Kamloops Mon-Fri Send resume to service@valleyviewauto motive.com (250) 372-7333
or fax to 250-785-2852
FRONTLINE is seeking certified electricians and millwrights with industrial experience for work in BC/Alberta. FEC offers competitive wages and benefits package. Forward resumes to: frontlinehuman resources@gmail.com.
Employment Trades, Technical
Financial Services
JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages from $32/hour, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info at: hannachrylser.ca. Fax 403-854-2845; Email: chrysler@telusplanet.net.
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Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
The Kitimat Child Development Centre is ACCEPTING WRITTEN APPLICATIONS for Day
Care & Infant Toddler Care, and Out-of-School Care FULL TIME OR PART TIME AND RELIEF
Are you over 19, or retired and wish to do some hours of work? This employment opportunity might be right for you! POSITIONS AVAILABLE:
KILDALA OUT-OF-SCHOOL CARE (Kildala Elementary School) The employee will be part of the team providing both before and after school care at Kildala Elementary School. Care is also provided on non-instruction days and some holidays. Qualifications: meeting Community Care licensing requirements as a responsible adult with skills in working with school ages children. STEPPING STONES (Cormorant) Child Care Centre The employee will be working with either infants (birth to 3 years) or children aged 3-5. Preferred qualifications include an Early Childhood Education license and infant Toddler Education license. The Centre is willing to work with interested candidates to obtain licenses. Please submit resumé to: Kitimat Child Development Centre, 1515 Kingfisher Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 1S5. Competitive wages and benefits. Job description and salary scale available on request. Please call 250-632-3144 for inquiries.
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Help Wanted
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Northern Sentinel Wednesday, November 20, 2013
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For Sale By Owner
KITIMAT BOXES, BOXES, BOXES You need them and we have them. Buy one bundle of 10 for $5.00 and we will give you a bundle for free. Come down to the Kitimat Northern Sentinel office at 626 Enterprise Avenue 9:00am - 4:30pm SAVE 90% off retail. Bid and win live auctions. Holiday shopping never made easier. Shop now and bill me later option available to all who qualify! www.bidcannon.com Call 1-855-705-8887. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at: www.crownsteelbuildings.ca
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Commercial Vehicles
TRIDEM WATER truck and 2007 10x30 QA shack. 2004 WS 4900 SA 120 barrel with only 115,000 kilometers. Preemissions. Recent CV. Maintenance records available. 403-340-9328.
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5999 incl. tax
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$225,000 Call 250-639-6129 or 250-639-0361 N27 HOUSE FOR SALE IN KITIMAT
$299,000 Call 250-492-4959 or 250-631-3288. N27
Three bedroom home with fenced yard and new siding.
$195,000 OBO
For more info call 250-632-5875. D6
5 bdrm basement home, 2 full bathrooms, den, laundry rm, original oak flooring up, 2 kitchens, 2 living rms, new roof, new paint int. & ext., garage, lg parking area, fenced private back yd, 20’x20’ solarium, landscaped, trees, gardens. $260,000 OBO
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New driveway in 2013. Please call for more information on this home.
• • •
Legal Notices
Bachelor 1 and 2 bedroom
OCEANVIEW APTS 3 bedrooms, full basement with pool table included, 4 newer appliances in kitchen, laundry room with washer and dryer. New roof, driveway and large sundeck. Gas heat.
Starting at $600 Balconies Security Entrances Cameras for your safety Now includes basic cable Visit our Website www.kitimatapartments.com Phone: 250.632.APTS (2787)
• • • •
Misc. Wanted
Advertise your house for sale in the SENTINEL SPOTLIGHT. Published in the Northern Sentinel and the Northern Connector as a word ad for 3 weeks. THAT’S 6 ISSUES FOR
Merchandise for Sale
TOWNHOMES in KITIMAT 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath, carport Start $700. Sorry no Pets. Call Greg 639-0110
Auto Accessories/Parts
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FOR SALE 15” Snow tires with rims for Dodge Caravan. Like new. 250-632-2469 or 250-639-1142
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
An application has been received from Kitimat Hotel located at 506 Enterprise Avenue in Kitimat. The proposal is to license an outdoor patio. The LP licensed hours of liquor service are from 12pm to 2am Monday to Wednesday; 12pm to 4am Thursday to Saturday; and 11am to 2am on Sunday. There are no changes to the current hours being proposed. The proposed patio will have an occupant load of 77. The current interior occupant load is 321. Residents and owners of businesses located within a 0.5 mile (0.8km) radius of the proposed site may comment on this proposal by 1) Writing to THE GENERAL MANAGER c/o Licensing Analyst LIQUOR CONTROL AND LICENSING BRANCH PO BOX 9292 Stn Prov Govt VICTORIA, BC V8W 9J8 or 2) By email: lclb.lclb@gov.bc.ca PETITIONS AND FORM LETTERS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. To ensure the consideration of your views, your comments, name, and address must be received on or before December 15, 2013. Please note that your comments may be made available to the applicant or local government officials where disclosure is necessary to administer the licensing process.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES’ CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT ACT and IN THE MATTER OF THE BUSINESS CORPORATIONS ACT and IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES’ CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT ACT PROCEEDING OF DOUGLAS CHANNEL LNG ASSETS PARTNERSHIP, DOUGLAS CHANNEL GAS SERVICES LTD., LNG CAPITAL FINANCE LTD., LNG BC PROJECTS LTD., LNG PARTNERS, LLC AND DOUGLAS CHANNEL ENERGY PARTNERSHIP, DCEP GAS MANAGEMENT LTD. AND BC LNG EXPORT CO-OPERATIVE LLC (the “Parties”) Supreme Court Action No. S-137971 Vancouver Registry TAKE NOTICE that by Order of the Supreme Court of British Columbia dated November 7, 2013, the Parties were granted an Initial Order for creditor protection pursuant to the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act. The Initial Order provides a stay which prohibits the commencement or continuation of proceedings in any action, suit or proceeding against the Parties. Pursuant to the Initial Order, Grant Thornton Limited was appointed Monitor of the Parties. You may access information pertaining to this proceeding, including copies of court orders and Monitor’s Reports from the Monitor’s website at: www.grantthornton.ca/services/reord/bankruptcy_and_insolvency/credit_updates/douglas OR alternatively by sending a written request to: Grant Thornton Limited Suite 1600-333 Seymour Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 0A4 Attention: Michelle Madrigga Fax No: (604) 685-6569
tion necessary. Free. The Library will be jobs, medical information, send and receive mat M.S. group would like to be here for accepting non-perishable food items for the photos, or simply to browse the computer you. Total confidentiality. For more info for matters of interest, please call Carley contact Mary at 250-639-6016. Kitimat Food Bank. to book your free appointment. 250-632- DID YOU KNOW that literacy is more than Ongoing just being able to read? The Kitimat Adult THE KITIMAT Public Library’s popular 8985. November 28 Literacy Program provides FREE tutoring HEALTHY BABIES drop in is held every Mother Goose StoryTime takes place MonART CLUB of Kitimat meets at 7 p.m. services for adult interested in improving Thursday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Kitdays at 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Bring your in Room 403 at MESS. ‘Let it Dough’, their reading, writing, math, communicaimat Child Development Center. They wellittle one for a morning of felt stories, singChristmas ornaments: dough craft, bring tion, and information technology skills. Is come families throughout pregnancy and songs, fi nger puppets and a ton of giggles. fine tip brushes and acrylic craft paints English NOT your first language? We proup to one year (older siblings welcome). (inexpensive Dollar Store bottles or artist Please register in person or by contacting Come meet other parents and infants over vide FREE tutoring and small group Engthe library at 250-632-8985. Free. quality) PICKLE BALL. Every Tuesday and Thurs- light refreshments with support from the lish as a Second Language (ESL) classes. November 29 about just how great vacationing in British Columbia can be. Delta King Place Housing Society annual day, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the River- CDC staff and a Public Health Nurse. For For more info please call Brandi at 250632-7393 or to see what’s happening at the general meeting, at noon at 890 Tsimshian lodge. For those aged 50+. Call the Kitimat more information call 250-632-3144. Boulevard (Kiwanis Village meeting room.) Seniors’ Centre at 250-632-3475 for fur- The Kitimat Public Library’s Friday morn- Community Corner check us out at www. ing StoryTime! for pre-schoolers has ended kitimatcommunityservices.ca/KALP.html New members welcome and encouraged to ther information. attend. For more information call 250-632- New church in town, gathering together for the summer. It will resume in early Sep- or find us on facebook. DO YOU HAVE DIABETES? We offer for a conservative Christian fellowship. tember. 6535. Preaching the word of God, singing spiri- CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Fam- individual and group counseling. CertificaNovember 30 THE KITIMAT PUBLIC LIBRARY tual songs and hymns. Vision for revival in ily Fun Spot Drop-In Monday and Wednes- tion for blood glucose strips is available. Proudly Presents Leisl Kaberry, author Kitimat and Canada. Citywide prayer net- day mornings from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Fri- Make an appointment and bring your meter. Make your dreams into reality by logging onto of teen/young adult “Titanian Chronicles work. Phone Cathy Speitelsbach for more day afternoons from 1 to 3 p.m. Ages 0-5 The Good Food Box is part of our program. Forms for this can be picked up at the Livwelcome “A Great placespecial for families to meet to plan your getaway. – Journey of “Destiny” (Bookwww.getawaybc.com 1) at noon. information at 250-632-2211. Pizza will be served after the book talk/ The Kitimat Quilters Guild meetings are over coffee and toys!” Contact 250-632- ing Well Program or at the hospital main desk. Donations for this worthwhile prosigning to audience members. All Free. No the first Thursday of every month, held at 3144 for more information. M.E.S.S. Sewing room. All experience lev- KITIMAT FIBRE ARTS GUILD: Inter- gram are always accepted. For more info registration necessary. els welcome. (19+) Call Aileen at 250-632- ested in knitting, spinning, weaving, or any call 250-632-8313 during operating hours December 7 other fibre? For more info phone Maureen - Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. to noon, Thursdays The Kitimat Public Library Puppeteers 6225 or Wanda at 250-632-4458. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - or leave message are calling all puppet lovers to its annual KITIMAT PUBLIC LIBRARY is offering 250-632-5444. Christmas Puppet Play. “Rumplestiltskin” free basic computer tutorials, sponsored by KITIMAT MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS - I on our voice mail. We are located on the will awe and amaze kids of all ages at 11 the Government of Canada. If you would have M.S. but M.S. does not have me. You second floor of the Kitimat Hospital in the a.m. on Saturday, December 9. No registra- like to learn how to search the Internet for are not alone, male or female, and the Kiti- Home Support offices.
Go ahead and dream …
Sports & Leisure
16 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 20. 2013
Ice Demons charge back Submitted The Kitimat Ice Demons and the Smithers Steelheads were each short of half a dozen regular familiar core names - for the Demons, (Jeff Mildenberger, Blaine Markwart, Wade Masch, Derrick DeLisser, Jeremy Brady, Jordan Goncalves, Nick Markowsky) and for the Steelheads, (Ian and Eric Smith, Darryl Young, Ryan DeVries, Spencer Brooks) but the two teams staged an entertaining and very gritty game that finally saw the Ice Demons come from two goals behind to win 3-2 in the third period, with a scrappy, but determined effort. Despite a sloppy game at both ends of the ice 850 rabid fans enjoyed the game. For the Smithers travel-
ling contingent, former Hazelton Wolverines’ stalwart, Amadee Marshall, filled in well for Steelheads’ missing a scoring punch, notching a power play goal only two minutes 38 seconds into the first period (from Adam DeVries). Marshall also put the Smithers team two up, just at the end of another power play, early in the second period (assists to Josh Aspenlind, Adam DeVries) to give the Steelheads a comfortable lead in a game they largely controlled, while the Demons tried to get a young lineup to play to the plan. Tommy Mildenberger had an excellent game in the Kitimat net, stopping 31 of 33 total shots, many of them in the difficult class, while giving the Ice Demons time to get its game
better co-ordinated going into the third period. But with just four minutes left in the second period, the Ice Demons finally got on to the score sheet, with Terry Whelan tipping an ice-level rocket from Josh Slanina behind Tyler Perreault in the Smithers’ net. Kitimat then got a power play goal of its own, with 11 minutes gone in the third period to tie the game - scored by Josh Slanina, (from Kyle Madsen) with a high drive that beat Perrault to the top right corner. The Ice Demons rallied with a good effort to valiantly fight off the Smithers’ offence throughout the double extended penalties with sticks, legs and skates sacrificed to prevent shots reaching the net. Fortified by their hard
work and success on the penalty kill, Josh Slanina struck again (from Chris Vilness) for his second goal and third point of the game, to give Kitimat an unlikely lead, with just
2.45 remaining. Smithers pulled out all the stops, including its goaltender but the Demons were able to hang on to their lead. Earlier in Saturday,
Kitimat learned it had been successful in appealing to the league to reverse a two point forfeit for playing an ineligible player in the Nov. 2 3-2 win over the Prince Rupert Rampage.
Environmental Assessment: Learn More And Get Involved LNG Canada is proposing to build a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal in Kitimat, B.C. As required by both the provincial and federal governments, the project will undergo an environmental assessment process, to be coordinated by the BC Environmental Assessment Office (EAO). One of the first steps in the environmental assessment (EA) process is to develop Application Information Requirements (AIR), a document that describes the studies, methods, and information that will be required in our future Application for an Environmental Assessment Certificate. This step also includes a 30-day public comment period hosted by the EAO to seek comments on the draft AIR. We encourage you to participate and provide your comments to the EAO in the following ways:
PubLiC COmmENT PERiOD: NOVEmbER 13 – DECEmbER 13, 2013 Attend an EAO Open House
Kitimat November 27 5pm – 8pm Rod & Gun Club
Terrace November 28 5pm – 8pm Best Western Hotel, Skeena Room
View the Draft Application Information Requirements
• Kitimat Public Library • Terrace Public Library • LNG Canada Community Information Centre • www.eao.gov.bc.ca
Learn More and Submit Your Comments to the EAO
Please visit www.eao.gov.bc.ca Comments must be submitted to the EAO by the close of the comment period on December 13 at midnight.
About the Project. LNG Canada, a joint venture between Shell Canada Ltd., Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), Mitsubishi Corporation and PetroChina Company, is proposing to build an LNG export terminal in Kitimat. LNG Canada’s vision is to work collaboratively with the local community, First Nations and stakeholders, to deliver a project that is safe, reliable and reflective of community interests. For more information about the project, please visit www.LNGCanada.ca, call us toll free at 1-855-248-3631 or email us at info@lngcanada.ca
Joint venture companies
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