Rimbey Review, November 19, 2013

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Serving the communities of Rimbey, Bentley, Bluffton, Winfield, Alder Flats and Buck Lake

Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013


Volume 15 Number 47

Worthy cause: Rimbey Junior Senior High School students against drunk driving Samantha Kercher, Kendra Greer-Schallock, Ashley Brassard, Garreth Jones, Jennifer Vandenhoven and Shelby Lane sold baking at the Rimbey Legion recently during a Christmas gift market. With the holiday season around the corner, RCMP will have increased checkstops out to ensure drunk drivers stay off the road. Treena Mielke Photo

Chamber looking for interest in incubator program By Treena Mielke The Rimbey Chamber of Commerce is putting feelers out to gauge interest in a project designed to put life into the downtown core. The incubator project, which is up and running successfully in Rocky Mountain House, may catch on here, said chamber president Jackie Stratton. “We need to contact home based businesses here and get their opinion. We need to see if they are interested. We need to get the word out.” Only a handful of people showed up for a meeting held at the Best Western Rimstone Ridge Hotel at 7 p.m. last Thursday about the incubator program. Michelle Andrishak, who

manages the incubator program in Rocky Mountain House, was the guest speaker. Andrishak said government funding for the program in Rocky Mountain House helped the incubator project get off the ground, adding there were receptive business owners who were willing to participate. “We were fortunate. We had renters right off the bat,” she said. “We were ready to rock and roll in three months.” Andrishak said she was pleased to help the renters become self-sustaining. “They were my chickens in a hen house. I really wanted them to survive.” While the businesswoman said she would be happy to help Rimbey in an advisory ca-

pacity, a manager would be needed to oversee the project. “I would be happy to act as an advisor and assist you in any way,” she said. “I can advise you, but you would manage it.” The project is simple, she said. “If you can’t afford a house, you get a roommate. It’s simply a commercial version of that.” Mayor Rick Pankiw, who attended the presentation, said he likes the idea, but he sees it as a chamber initiative. “The chamber has a lot of work ahead of them. And then they need to come together with a business proposal that they can present to the town,” he said.

Stratton is optimistic the incubator program could work here. “I could certainly see it here. It certainly would give small businesses the opportunity to test the waters when they are just starting out.” Some of the businesses in Rocky Mountain House who participated in the incubator program were Pure Healthy Essential Oils, That Game Store, KES Graphic Designs, Cougar Ridge Bookkeeping, Coldwell Banker Realty and Deep Reflections, a registered psychologist. For more information about the incubator program contact Jackie Stratton at 403-8432727 or Carrie Vaartstra at 403-843-2944.

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2 The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013

The Community Calendar Proudly Presented by Rimbey Co-op and the Rimbey Review BINGOS: 7:30 pm start. Hoadley Hall Bingo. 1st & 3rd Mondays.BINGO Legion, 2nd Friday of each month, @ 7 pm. Rimbey st rd

1 & 3 Thursday, 6:00 p.m. Rimbey Lions Bingo at Ponoka Bingo Plaza. 4th Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. RimbeyMEETING Curling ClubS: Bingo at Ponoka Bingo Plaza - 7 pm Recovery in p.m. Food Addicts Thursdays, 7:30 WestAnonymous Pine Lodge Mondays Bingo in Winfi eld.at the New Life Fellowship info.doors open at 6:30 (non smoking) st rd more 0 for 403-843-457 Call7:30 1Church and 3building. Mondays at Hoadley Hall Bingo & locations. www. for dates website Club check nd & Saddle Wagon,Rimbey Sleigh, 2Rimbey Saturday, 6:00p.m. Historical Society Bingo, Ponoka Bingo Plaza rd 3rswsc.ca Saturday, Rimbey Drop-In Bingo at Ponoka Bingo Plaza st each month – 7 pm @ Bluffton Hall. Tuesday Society rd on Community 3Blufft Sunday, Rimbey Legion at 1Ponoka BingondPlaza

Rimbey Hospital Ladies Auxiliary meeting 2 Tuesday every month, 1pm MEETINGS Hospital Conference Rm. pm 7:00Church monthof each 2nd Tuesday meeting Commerce TOPS ( Take off Pounds Sensibly) meets Wed evenings, Rimbey United of Bluffton Chamber basement. You are invited to an open house. Oct 17 @ 7pm Nancy 843-0067 Bluffton Hall. room. 8 meeting at Super 7 pm each month 1st Wednesday GameAnnual Fish and Bentley Hockey GeneralofMeetingOct-17 at 7pm at Drop-In Centre. RimbeyMinor of each month –7 pm Ponoka Prov. Wednesday Group 3rdfor Support Bi-Polar Call 748-4838 or 748-2078 info. info. Meeting- Oct 17 at 7:30pm at The 3 for Call 403-783-790 Building. Bentley Curling Club Annual Fallmore General Rimbey Anglican Church. pm at the - 8:30curlers Wednesdays Alcoholics Curling ClubAnonymous Lounge. New and Returning invited. 7 info. 403-843-669 Blindman Valley 4_H Beef Club Parent Oragnizational Meeting- Oct 17 at 7:30 pm rd pm at the Agriplex. month- 7:00 Wednesday atRimbey BentleyAg AgSociety Centre.3 Call 748-2374each orst 748-4739. New members welcome. Thursday of each month, 7:30 pm Rimbey meeting1 Legion Parent Royal Cdn. School RimbeyElementary Rimbey Council Meeting- RES room Oct 16 at 7:00pm 50th St. 5019each nd 2Legion, Tuesday month 1 pm Rimbey Health Centre Rimbey Auxilary Hospital call 403-872-4252 Support7:30 Care month, Divorceeach st 1For Thursday p.m. Regular Members Meeting, Rimbey Legion Society Annual General Meeting - Nov. 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the Ag Centre Ag Bentley #36. hall. NEW kitchen displayed. Call Stephanie at 403-748-4040 for info. Public welcome. 2nd Thursday each month- Rimbey Ag Society 7:00pm at the agriplex Medicine Lodge Ski Club Annual General Meeting - Nov. 26 at 7:30 p.m. at the ski 3rd Tuesday each month- Caregiver Support Group 10am at Rimbey Health lodge. All interested welcome. Centre. Blindman Handi-Van Society meeting, Nov. 26 Paskapoo Park Truck Museum @ ACTIVITIES 7:30 pm. meeting - Nov. 26 at 7:00 p.m. in the elementary Parent Council SchoolSociety BentleyLibrary Bentley Dinner Theatre- Event to take place Oct 20, tickets now on Open to all interested in the school and its activities. school sale. Calllibrary. Arlene 748-4429 ACTIVITIES: Bentley Carpet Bowling- Wednesday mornings. Bentley Hall. 9:30 am. New Players games, last Thursday of each month, 7 pm at the Rimbey Legion. Crib invited. Call Harry or Georgina 748-3404 for more info. nights @ 7pm. Tuesday Regular Jammers’ Dances @ Rimbey Drop In Centre, every “ Food For Fines Week” atst the rdBentley Municipal Library Oct 22-27. Donate dry Bluffton Hall Cribbage 1 & 3 Saturdays each month at 1 pm. foods in lieu of library fines. Will- be given to Bentley Blessing Pantry. Bentley Seniors 55 + Drop-In meet in the Drop-In Centre in the town office West Pine Lodge Inat Winfield- Chicken Supper Oct 19 @ 5:00pm. For more info call building. Tuesdays 1:00 p.m. and on Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Wendy @ 780-682-3960 Alder Flats, Buck Lake, Winfield and surrounding areas are Santa’s Anonymous in a familyeld Winfi eld Playground Fundraiser& Silent Auction, 19 know @ 4:30,Winfi if you Also,Oct program. Christmas their 2013 Supper donations for seeking first week in theinfo at 780-682-238 Gilbertson Rec Centre. Clown and more. Call 682-3788 for8 by more Lois area please contact in thatSkating,Crafts, need



Impressions left behind of the capture. Submitted by Elvin Gladwin



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The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013 3

RCMP deal with hunting violations, assaults and other crimes This week Rimbey RCMP responded matter. to 47 calls for service. Highlights include a seri- Arrests made ous domestic assault, theft, impaired drivers, tresPolice arrested two more wanted people. Offipassing, hunting at night, and other serious mat- cers continue to monitor individuals out on parole ters. or on probation in the community. Again, crimiDomestic assaults nal charges were laid for breaching court orders. Officers responded to several domestic as- Your local detachment members will continue to saults this week. In one case, a 37- year-old work diligently in partnership with the Probation man, from the Gull Lake area, allegedly severely Officer to ensure rules are being followed and anyassaulted his wife. Police responded immedi- one breaching their conditions will be prosecuted. ately, however, the male had fled the scene prior Police deal with hunting violations to police attending the residence but later turned Police received three complaints of shooting himself in. The victim in this case was transported from the roadway after legal hunting time and on to the hospital and treated for non-life threaten- private property without permission in the ing injuries. The accused has been charged with same field near Gimlet. While officers staked several criminal counts and is currently being held out the area waiting for the next poacher to come in jail pending release on bail. The man will ap- along, someone shot twice near the one officer’s pear in Rimbey court on December 6 to answer to house after dark! Police and Fish and Wildlife the charges. Children Services is also assisting Officers have been kept very busy dealing with police in this matter. hunting violations. Hunters must follow the sunDriver charged with drug possession rise/sunset tables and check their watches to enPolice were conducting traffic enforcement on sure they are only shooting within the 1/2 hour priHighway 53 west of Rimbey and stopped a speeder or to sunrise and 1/2 hour after sunset. In several near the Leslieville turn off. You would think the cases, it was too dark to even read a watch when driver would have been going much slower than shots were being fired. There is a rule against he was after he had smoked one of the joints in the this unsafe practise for a very good reason - if you truck. A 45-year-old man, who was a passenger in can’t hardly see the deer, you cannot possibly see the truck, has been charged with unlawful posses- what is in the background behind the animal. Last sion of marihuana. The 18-year-old driver had his week, an officer was out hunting on private land license suspended for driving while under the influence of a narcotic and was charged for speeding. Police respond to farm fatality Police, Fire Department and EMS personnel responded to a very unfortunate farm Friday, November 29, 2013 accident west of town near Leedale. A loat Rimbey Legion cal 89-year-old man had fallen into farm Cocktails 5:00 • Dinner 6:00 machinery while it was Meeting to follow operating and was fatally injured. Rimbey Tickets available from Stationery, Stories & Sounds and District Victim $20.00/ticket Services Unit assisted police in this difficult

Rimbey Agricultural Society


Thank You

During my stay at the Rimbey General Hospital I received such great care. I just wanted to thank all the doctors and nurses that attended to me with such patience and excellent care. I also want to thank Dr. Nawrot for his guidance and support through my entire ordeal. The Dietitians, house keeping as well as home care also played a major role as well and should all be commended for their personal touches. I have stayed at other Hospitals but nothing compares to the Rimbey General. You’re the TOPS. Keep up with the caring. HARRY WIT


will be accepting application for

The 2013

CHRISTMAS HAMPER/ CHILDREN’S GIFT PROGRAM For those who may not be in a position to celebrate the holiday season with a Christmas Dinner. Requests will be accepted by Rimbey FCSS Please call 843-2030 or visit the office at the Provincial Building after Dec 1st, 2013 All enquiries are confidential Applicants must live in the Town of Rimbey or the west half of the County of Ponoka.

with his family in a quiet meadow and had set up a deer decoy hoping to entice a buck into the field from the thick bush nearby. While the officer intently waited with his family in the trees near the decoy a pickup truck going down the roadway suddenly slammed on its brakes and shot a deer in the field adjacent to the decoy. The truck then drove into the field and the hunter quickly loaded the deer and took off. Fortunately, in this case, these bandits did not see the decoy and shoot it! The officer and his family would have been in the line of fire. Needless to say, the decoy has been put away until it can be painted bright orange and decorated with Christmas lights! Mounties investigate Mounties were called to inves-

tigate a matter where a lady stated she had a dream where a deceased relative told her to go into the winter forest. Following up on the dream, she went for a walk near her country home and found skeletal remains. Police attended the scene and seized the bones and with the assistance of the Medical Examiner’s Office deemed them to be non-human. Thieves steal tires Thieves stole mudder tires from a truck parked at the Raceway and caused damages to the site. If you have any information regarding this or any other crimes, please call the local Rimbey RCMP Detachment at (403) 843-2224 or Crime Stoppers: PHONE: 1-800222-8477 #8477 on Telus Mobility *8477 on Rogers AT&T

Rimbey Community Christmas Party Hosted by the Kinsmen Club of Rimbey Saturday, Dec. 14th 2013 at the Rimbey Community Centre Presenting: The Jesse Lewis Hypnosis Show ‘See the Show or Be the Show’ Cocktails: 5:30pm Supper: 7pm Show starts: 8pm Cabaret to follow till 1am Safe-Drive Available Tickets available at Subway / Stationery Stories & Sounds / Rimbey TV & Buist Motor Products Table of 8 at $450 or Single Tickets for $65 Catered by Starkist Catering All Proceeds go towards Rimbey Kinsmen Projects


4 The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013

Connie Johnson Sales


Treena Mielke Editor


Michele Rosenthal Publisher


Letters to the Editor Policy The Rimbey Review welcomes letters to the Editor, especially those dealing with topical or local issues. Letters should be a maximum of 500 words in length and must have the writer’s signature over printed name, along with the writer’s address and telephone number. The address and telephone number will not be printed. This newspaper reserves the right to edit letters for length and legal considerations. Deadline is noon the Thursday prior to publication. Send your letter to: The Editor, Rimbey Review, Box 244, Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 or email: reporter@ rimbeyreview.com

Copyright Notice All printed material, including photographs and articles, is the sole property of The Rimbey Review. No reproduction of this material is permitted without permission of the publisher.

Subscriptions: In Canada $45 + gst Outside Canada $60 + gst

Contact Us: P.O. Box 244 5001 - 50 Avenue (Main Street) Rimbey, Alberta T0C 2J0

Phone: 843-4909 Fax: 843-4907 Display deadline: Thursday at 12 noon Classified deadline: Thursday at 12 noon Proofing Deadline Friday at 10 a.m.

Production: Red Deer, Alberta Published every Tuesday by PNG Prairie Newspaper Group in community with: Publisher: Fred Gorman


Maybe we do need a little Christmas Christmas is starting to pop up everywhere. As I start the bumpy drive to work which means I am driving on icy rutted roads which means I am still in my subdivision, I see signs of the season poking up everywhere. Treena Mielke Houses with ChristOn The Other Side mas lights up. Christmas trees lighting up windows. “I really must take that Halloween pumpkin which is now mush out of that flower cart thing on the front step,” I think to myself. “Really, that is so inappropriate.” I drive on further and I see a plywood Santa and his reindeer bravely preparing to prance up on somebody’s rooftop. Wow, it seems like only yesterday it was Remembrance Day. Probably, because it was. Okay, it was not yesterday, it was last week, already. As has been my practice, or at least as has been my intention and sometimes my practice for the last few months or so, I rise, stumble forth, and end up at the gym early in the morning. This all happens before I become too awake to seriously consider the definition of ‘crazy.’ It’s good, at least it’s good when I am in the post exercise mode which means sitting down with a coffee and the newspaper. Well deserved. Relaxing. Sadly, it seems so much of the news is not relaxing, but disturbing. I sip my coffee and turn the pages, reading of violence, sexual slurs, break ins and murders. The written word. Mightier than the sword. Some wise person said that. I look out my window at the crusted snow, lit by a few streetlights and a string of misplaced

Christmas lights. Christmas with all its hope, unrealistic dreams, great expectations and slightly camouflaged greed is here again. And, once again, people are embracing it like a long lost friend. I even heard someone say to me the other day they loved Christmas. It was their favorite time of year. This person was an adult, too. I turn the pages of the newspaper. It’s more of the same. I think of the lyrics to the song that say ‘we need a little Christmas.’ Coffee break over, I head to work. I pull back onto the bumpy road that singles out my subdivision from the next subdivision which no doubt has the same bumpy road, but different street sign. I drive past the houses with the Christmas lights and the trees all lit up against the winter darkness.

“Good for you,” I say silently giving them the thumbs up! Of course, they don’t know that I’m doing that. No one else is up, or so it seems. But, I have to say that in the midst of all the hatred and senseless violence and crime and atrocities that spill out onto the pages of the news, I have decided one thing. It is true; we do need a little Christmas. Or perhaps, what we really need is the faith to believe in what Christmas stands for so we know that somewhere in this tarnished and unhappy world, goodness will, in the end, win out. And the Toronto Maple Leafs will win the Stanley Cup, making fans such as my brothers, who are watching the games from heavenly seats, very happy! But that, perhaps, is too much to hope for.

Confidence issues often plague teens who don’t know how to cope Confidence is a must if you want to lead a happy and successful life. Loving yourself and keeping a healthy balance both physically and mentally is a great way to avoid sadness, and many teen issues. Everyone, young or old goes through confidence troubles at some point in their lives, I myself and many people I know feel like they’re not good enough sometimes. Sometimes when a person is so set in their ways they give themselves negative self-talk. For example they may be always wishing they were skinnier or prettier. It’s hard for them to believe that they’re perfect just how they are. This is becoming an overwhelming and somewhat scary problem for teens and young adults. Many teens, when only noticing their flaws, become victim of things like self harm, the risk of an eating disorder such as binge eating or starvation, or drug or alcohol abuse. Confidence issues can also cause

family and home probing myself to mature lems. Some even go way too fast because I to the extreme and felt as though it was a change almost everygood coping strategy. I thing about themselves also felt like it was my so as to feel some relief duty to try and fix my by attempting to hide family. and cover up what they In the end, I ran don’t like about their from the scary reality appearance or personof my life and ended ality. up changing almost Taylor Snell It’s almost imposeverything about myWork Experience sible to feel happy and self. Dark days sitloved if you don’t learn ting in my room, or to love yourself first. spending nights upon When people say or do things to nights alone made me believe for a put you down or to make your con- while that nobody wanted me. Durfidence level go down, I believe it’s ing those two years, with all the because they, too, have problems of overwhelming amount of stress and their own. sadness, I didn’t like who I was. On When I was about 12 or 13-years- top of everything else I began to look old, a lot of things started to change in at myself in a different way. “Ugly” my life. I was confused about many was just one of the words I would of the events taking place at home, in use to describe myself. I was scared my family and the education aspect of the girl looking back at me in the of my early teen years. I tried forc- mirror. Eating became a problem for

me, I didn’t do enough of it and I became even slimmer then I already was. A big turning point in my life is when I moved to Rimbey with my father, his girlfriend and their beautiful son. I slowly began to understand even more that life is a gift and that you need to love yourself. Self-confidence can be lowered or heightened by many different things. Mine got low because of stress, loneliness and sadness, but got heightened by the realization of love that my parents and family have for me. We all, no matter what, go through bad days or even years of battling confidence issues. Surround yourself with positive people or just do things you enjoy or are good at, and just learn to let go. Get over the fact that not just you, but everyone has flaws. Then you will begin to grow and love even the flaws you see in yourself.


Generations remember: Colgan Beddoes and his aunt, Bobbie Beddoes laid a wreath on behalf of Colgan’s great, great grandfather, Leonard Beddoes during Rimbey’s Remembrance Day Service. Treena Mielke Photo

Employment Opportunity CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER The Town of Rimbey, situated in beauƟful west central Alberta, is oīering a challenging career opportunity for a Chief AdministraƟve Oĸcer. The successful applicant will be an experienced professional with excellent communicaƟon skills, and the ability to work eīecƟvely with Council, Staī and the public. The successful applicant must possess the appropriate educaƟon and a minimum of Įve years of progressive municipal experience. A professional designaƟon on Local Government AdministraƟon would be an asset. The Town of Rimbey oīers an excellent beneĮts package. Salary will commensurate with qualiĮcaƟons and experience. Interested individuals are encouraged to submit a cover leƩer, resume and references in conĮdence by 4:00 pm, December 16, 2013. We thank all applicants, however only those being considered will be contacted. Tony Goode, CAO P.O. Box 350 Rimbey, Alberta T0C 2J0 Phone 403-843-2113, Fax 403-843-6599 Email: tony@rimbey.com

The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013 5

6 The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013


Rimbey library fundraiser features pub night with Celtic band By Treena Mielke The Rimbey library board has decided to liven up its major fundraiser this year and hold a pub night featuring St. James’s Gate, a popular Celtic band. The library fundraiser is to be held Nov. 29 beginning at 7 p.m. at the Rimbey Community Centre. Librarian Jean Keetch said she is excited about the fundraiser.

“They are a very talented band, very popular. They have a strong following. It will be like a pub night. People can listen to the music, have some drinks and there will be food available. We will also have 50/50 draws and a wheel of fortune. There will be space for dancing, as well.” Keetch said the library board decided they wanted to try something different than the traditional fundraising dinner theatre this year in an effort to raise more aware-

ness about the library, and, in the process, bring in much needed dollars. “The money is to go towards our operating budget,” she said. “Every year we need to do a fundraiser to raise funds to meet our needs,” she said. St. James’s Gate is comprised of musicians whose Celtic inspired tunes consists of dynamic vocals, three-part harmonies, rousing fiddle music, acoustic/ electric bass and rhythm guitar and

drums guaranteed to entertain young and old. The band specializes in a variety of Irish music, including beautiful ballads and waltzes, faster than lightning jigs and reels, traditional pub songs and contemporary Irish music. They also incorporate bluegrass, polka, Cajun, and classic English/ American rock and folk songs in their musical selections.

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PAIR OF REBELS TICKETS! Photos can be submitted to: admin@rimbeyreview.com or dropped off at our office: 5001, 50th Ave., Rimbey by DECEMBER 5 @ 12 NOON MUST INCLUDE NAME & PHONE NUMBER! Winner will be chosen randomly and have their photo printed in the December 12th, 2013 edition of the Rimbey Review. Winner will be chosen randomly.

Make cash not trash!



The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013 7

8 The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013


Remembrance Day Service well attended

Standing from the left during the Rimbey Remembrance Day Service were Const. Larissa Shadforth, Const. Dallas Langley, Sgt. Mark Groves, Const. Luke Halvorson, Rimbey Legion members Bob Lapointe and Walter Lynn, an unidentified Ponoka Air Cadet, Alida Granson, Ponoka Air Cadets, (Dale Waldron) not pictured, Mchael Jarmoluk, Const. Jon Maillet, Master Cpl. David Hornsey, (retired), and Const. Tyler Hagel. Pastor Mark Schultz from the Zion Lutheran Church pictured in the background also took part. Treena Mielke photo

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By Treena Mielke

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Michael Jarmoluk, who recently celebrated his 90th birthday, proudly carried his flag in the Remembrance Day service and stood at attention during the opening ceremonies. Jarmoluk, a Second World War veteran who recently returned from five days in Rome, said he was pleased his family attended the service. “They got to see that the old guy is still marching,� he said with a chuckle. Joining Jarmoluk in the colour party was Legion members Dale Waldron, Walter Lynn and Bob Lapointe. Master of ceremonies Rimbey Legion President, Comrade Tyler Hagel said it is important to remember the veterans who laid down their lives for their country and also to honour the veterans who came home. “It is important that they pass their stories onto us so we will never forget,� he said. Pastor Mark Schultz from the Zion Lutheran Church said giving thanks to our veterans for the bravery and commitment to their country needs to be a priority for everyone. “They fought for lasting peace. Our veterans served their country and by serving their country they have also served God. We need to honor our veterans who have fought in past wars and who fight today. We need government and we need armies, but we also need to honor God, it is he who holds the fields forever.� Wreaths were laid on behalf of organizations and individuals and following the service, members of the Rimbey Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary extended a warm invitation for all for lunch and fellowship at the Legion Hall. Following the retiring of the colours and The Royal Anthem, Comrade Hagel presented Harold Kenney, president of the Rimbey Historical Society with a $25,000 cheque to go towards the restoration of Rimbey’s war museum located at Pas Ka Poo Park.

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The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013 9

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See dealer for details. ** The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter LOF Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2014 MY Chevrolet, Buick, or GMC vehicle (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 KMs, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ‡‡ Offer only valid from November 1, 2013 – December 2, 2013 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a GM or competitor pickup truck to receive a $2,000 credit towards the purchase, finance or lease of an eligible new 2014 Model Year Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty, Silverado Heavy Duty, Sierra Light Duty, Sierra Heavy Duty, or Avalanche. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $2,000 credit includes HST/GST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details. ‡ 1.5% lease APR available for 36 months on a new or demonstrator 2014 GMC Sierra 4X4 Crew Cab 1SA, O.A.C by GM Financial. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. Down payment or trade and/or security deposit may be required. Bi-weekly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. ¥ $3,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit has been applied to the purchase and lease offers of 2014 Sierra Crew Cab, and is applicable to retail customers only. Other credits available on select Sierra models. †*When equipped with available 6.2L EcoTec3 V8. Class is light-duty full-size pickups. ‡*2014 Sierra 1500 with the available 5.3L EcoTec3 V8 engine equipped with a 6-speed automatic transmission has a fuel-consumption rating of 13.0L/100 km city and 8.7L/100 km hwy 2WD and 13.3L/100 km city and 9.0L/100 km hwy 4WD. Ford F-150 with the 3.5L EcoBoost V6 engine has a fuel-consumption rating of 12.9L/100 km city and 9.0L/100 km hwy 2WD and 14.1L/100 km city and 9.6L/100 km hwy 4WD. Fuel consumption based on GM testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Competitive fuel consumption ratings based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2013 Fuel Consumption Guide for WardsAuto.com 2013 Large Pickup segment and latest available information at the time of posting. †† Requires 2WD Double or Crew Cab with the available 6.2L EcoTec3 V8 engine and Max Trailering Package. Maximum trailer weight ratings are calculated assuming a base vehicle, except for any option(s) necessary to achieve the rating, plus driver. The weight of other optional equipment, passengers and cargo will reduce the maximum trailer weight your vehicle can tow. Comparison based on wardsauto.com 2013 Light-Duty Large Pickup segment and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM vehicles. Class is light-duty full-size pickups. ^ U.S. government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA ’s) New Car Assessment Program (safercar.gov). + Some features advertised are available features and not standard on all models. See your GMC dealer for details.

10 The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013


Musical fundraiser is well attended By Treena Mielke

into the Canadian Rodeo Cowboy Hall of Fame in A classic country music fundraiser concert October 2004. Gary Okrainec, one of Edmonton’s foremost sponsored by Westlake Community Society held steel guitar players and a veteran of the music in Rimbey recently was well attended and proved scene in Canada, proved to be a crowd favorite.. to be a real crowd pleaser. Alfie Myhre got the crowd clapping with his Mel Fisher, secretary of the society said the amazing fiddle playing, also plays the banjo. performance by the Alberta Country Legends and During the last 50 years, Myhre has toured in the Rodeo Wind Band held at Rimbey Community Japan, Hong Kong, London, Berlin and the USA Centre went over really well. and is a two-time winner of the Grand North “We had over 200 people there and the com- American Fiddle Championship. In 1987 he rements we got were very positive.” ceived an achievement award of excellence from The musicians provided an entertaining mix the Province of Alberta. He is also a recipient of of traditional country music, and kept the crowd the Bev Munro Award. laughing between sets with humorous antidotes Singer/songwriter Pete Hicks has been with and jokes. CFCW for 30 years and is the band’s base player, The musicians, themselves, seem to be having soundman and part time master of ceremonies. a good time, and their down home type of music His talent as a musician and his stories provided was toe tapping and lively. great entertainment. George Myren, who is originally from Viking, Lead guitarist Richard Chernesky’s exceptionAlfie Myhre, who got the crowd clapping with his amazing fiddle playbut now lives in Edmonton founded the Associa- al talent and efforts in the preservation and proing at a fundraiser held recently, also plays the banjo. During the last tion of Canadian Country Music Legends, and is motion of traditional country music won him the 50 years, Myhre has toured in Japan, Hong Kong, London, Berlin and now the band leader and its bass guitar player. coveted Bev Munro Award in the spring of 2005. the USA and is a two-time winner of the Grand North American Fiddle He started the band as a millennium project in Randy Hollar, a country and gospel singer, has Championship. Treena Mielke Photo 2000. always been a great fan of Wilf Carter’s and has “At that time it seemed there was a void for the been singing and yodeling Wilf’s songs for many 40 and over crowd,” he said. years. Myren is a versatile musician who not only Joyce Smith, who is married to Myren is one plays several instruments; he makes and repairs of the first few Canadian country music artists to have a record sell well in excess of 100,000 copies them in his spare time. A multi-talented cowboy, Myren was inducted in the U.S. with her hit ‘Leavin On Your Mind’ a year before Patsy Cline recorded it. The musical talent of Tim Lent on drums November 26 and Bev Munro, who Come dress up as a Disney Princess has recorded for Capiff. sta ir the and get your picture taken with to welcomes tal Records rounded your friends! Choose from a variety of costumes and props provided. of s ect asp out the talented musiall in d November 21 nce erie Well exp Choose your backdrop. Book your cians. party with Brittany Brockhoff today! The concert was hair styles & barbering. Call (403) 403) 348.6314 or held to assist the Socijasperavestudios@gmail.com gmail.com email jasperavestudios for more details. ety in raising funds for November 30 Hot Shaves available Studio open 9-5 Mon & Thurs. a planned community Dates and Times for parties centre on an 11-acre are fl exible. with Josie lot west of Parkland Beach. November 20 Walk-ins welcome. Westlake ComSylvan Lake, AB munity Society was 6 days a week. formed in August 2008 “Discover the Difference” 403-843-3190 as a non-profit society 888-766-2353 - 403-887-4494 www.rimbeyauction.com to evaluate the need www.blindmanvalleypropane.ca and to plan for future Regular l P Propane D Delivery li S System construction of a com- Our customized routing system gives customers best annual average pricing and delivery munity/recreation comFlexible Payment Plans plex that would serve - Pay with Visa, M/C, Auto Debit, Online, Cheque or Cash the residents of all Tank Sales & Rentals subdivisions in Ponoka - Prompt tank delivery and exchange and Lacombe counties.

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The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013 11

MLA defends new mayor MLA Anglin requested says no apology needed to explain information Dear Editor, In response to a letter to the editor alleging Mayor Pankiw misrepresented facts regarding the senior’s lodge during the campaign; the allegations are baseless. The application process for a new 80 unit Rimbey Senior’s lodge first stalled and then, in effect, expired. Any claims or allegations to the contrary cannot be supported by evidence or fact. On October 29, 2013 an updated application for a new seniors lodge was submitted to the Minister of Municipal Affairs. This application is considerably different than the original 80-unit application prepared in 2011. After 18 months of stalled negotiations, there is now every reason to expect the land purchase for a new lodge will be completed within days or weeks. Most importantly, changes have been initiated at the lodge to improve working conditions for the staff. All this has been done within the first month of the new administration. I am happy to say I worked closely with the new mayor to make this all happen. Regardless of what critics think of Mayor Pankiw, he has accomplished more in one month to advance a new lodge than the previous 18 months.

Further, I will be meeting with Mayor Pankiw tomorrow in Edmonton to discuss a variety of options to secure funding for a new lodge. This will be our second meeting since Mayor Pankiw met with Minister Griffiths to discuss a new Rimbey Senior’s Lodge. No one needs to ponder how Mayor Pankiw came to possess correspondence from me. When he set out to learn the facts of the matter, he asked! This does not require an apology. Joe Anglin MLA Rimbey - Rocky Mountain House Rimbey Editor’s Note: In an article in the Oct. 15 edition of the Rimbey Review Kathleen Range, Press Secretary to Municipal Affairs Minister, Doug Griffiths said the proposal, which first went before the government in 2011, has not been discarded, although the government wants additional information. “What they will be doing with the existing facility needs to be clarified,” she said. We are expecting a revised proposal,” Denis Beesley, president of Bethany Group, the CAO of Rimoka housing also stated in the article a revised proposal was in place and he had plans to meet with the Ministry that week or next.

Dear Editor In reference to a recent letter in the Rimbey Review from Florence Stemo. I am not a resident of the town of Rimbey and I shall not comment on the present or past mayors. However I am a resident of the Ponoka County and the subject of the proposed seniors’ facility is also a county issue. Joe Anglin is also my MLA representative. The fall out and confusion of the alleged

misinformation presented to the mayor elect by Mr. Anglin should be borne by Mr. Anglin. I request MLA Joe Anglin to step up to the plate and explain his actions. He does boast accountability, doesn’t he? I am not defending the new mayor of Rimbey but let’s not shoot the messenger. We need to go to the alleged source of the misleading information. Aubrey Finnen




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12 The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013


Edge returns from CFR with winnings

This paper is

0la% 0 1 ble c y Rec


Directory Directory Dir D irectory ir ctory tory ry y Grace Lutheran Church Bentley - ELCIC

Worship Service 11:15 a.m. 4th Sunday of the month 5 p.m. Reverend David Holmes 403-843-2502

5 miles west, 1.5 miles south, 1 mile west of Bentley

“Sharing New Life in Christ”

Rimbey New Life Fellowship

Girl power: Rimbey Novice 1 played an excellent game Saturday against Airdrie, but lost out in an eighth round shoot out 6-5. Eight teams participated in the novice tournament Saturday and Sunday. Alexis Neumeier, No. 9, flanked by willing teammates goes after the puck, Saturday. Treena Mielke photo

Sunday 10:30 a.m. Children’s Church 11:30 a.m. Midweek Service - Wednesday 7 p.m. Ladies Meeting Friday 2 p.m. Pastor Reg Darnell 403-843-3336 (Office) 403-782-2694 (Home) 5038 - 49 Ave.

Multiple listing service

Church of the Nazarene, Rimbey Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. (on Radio 93.3 FM)

5214-51 Street, Phone: 403-843-2029 Pastor Dave MacMillan


OFFICE: 403-843-7736 Great Location! Mature lot, well treed, fenced backyard, det garage. Comes with all appliances, BRAND new shingles on the house & garage, Also, has a basement suite, great revenue. A Cozy Place To Call Home! $219,900 Call Wendy For More Info.

HANDYMAN SPECIAL! Immediate Possession, D det OL Zoned R2. $65,000 garage,S Call Wendy.

Local food and beverage business plus building good return on investment. Call for Details.

4 level split home with 60 x 180 ft. lot. Beautiful landscaping, nice location, quick possession & large deck. Front driveway. Call Jeff.

2 bdrms, 2 bath, all appliances, Large backyard, LD Quick Possession zoned R2, SO $137,000 Call Wendy.

IMMACULATE 2 Storey, 4 bdrms, 4 bath, Great Floor Plan, Mother In Law Suite. treed, 2.43 LD SOWell acres,close to pavement & Gull Lake. $494,900 Call Wendy.

Over 5 acres close to Rimbey. Nice home, double garage, fenced perimeter & a large three sided storage shelter and more. Call Jeff.

BEST PRICED ACREAGE AROUND, over 2 acres heated double garage, private location by paved road, well kept mobile with large addition. $215,000. Call Jeff.

3bdrm, 2 bath, ggas fireplace, det garage. D Eastview Located SOatL Crescent, fenced backyard. $142,000 Call Wendy.

Property p y is Zoned R2, 45 x 125 lot, HANDYMAN D SPECIAL, SOLQuick Possession $59,900 Call Wendy.

Very large executive style home with shop and large guest house. Good grassland close to pavement, fenced and cross fenced. Call Jeff.

Awesome to own and a pleasure to show lots of upgrades D SOLdouble garage paved drive way. $239,000. Call Jeff.

5211 52 St., Rimbey

Service & Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. 4th Sunday Family Service: 11:00 a.m. Reverend David Holmes: 403-843-2502

Stuart Adams: 403-843-6164 or Arlene Edwards: 403-843-6077 www.churchofepiphany.ca

Th e Rimbey Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Evangelical Missionary Church

Sabbath School at 9:45 a.m. Worship Service at 11:00 a.m.

Worship Service 10:30 a.m.

Pastor David Beaudoin 403-783-2499

Pastor: Rev. Barry Klassen 403-843-6461


1/2 mile East of Hoadley on Highway #611

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Zion Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Canada Divine Service at 10:30 4521 - 54th Ave. Rimbey

Pastor Mark Schultz Office - 403-843-2767 Home - 403-843-4420

Rimbey Christian Reformed Church 5506-51 Ave

Service at 10:00 a.m.

Nursery Provided

Jeff Collins Cell: 403-783-0216 Home: 403-843-2193

INCREDIBLE PROPERTY! 260 acres with beautiful home, large shop or airplane hanger and guesthouse. To many extras to list. Call Jeff for details.

Nice acreage close to town. Double heated garage, Log Home, fenced and landscaped. Great for a horse or two. $319,500. Call Jeff.

Always wanted your own bar, and be your own boss? Well here it is. Lots of potential right in the heart of town. Call for details.



Pastor: Bill Nieuwenhuis

Rimbey Alliance Church 4620 - 54th Avenue, Rimbey 403-843-3727

10:30 a.m. Worship Service with Children’s Church Last Sunday of the month, service held at Parkland Manor at 10:00 am

Wendy Stevenson Cell: 403-704-5520

2.27 acres close to Rimbey, well treed, private, det. garage & other outbuildings. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! Open floor plan, 2 bdrms, 2 bath, all appliances. A Cozy Place To Call Home! Call Wendy for more info.

Roman Catholic Church

(WITH $6640.00 DOWN and PAYMENTS on a VARIABLE rate of 2.06% = $587.00 or 5yr. FIXED at 3.59% = $653.00), Or you can rent somewhere at &950.00 PLUS! The choice is a NO BRAINER!

Rimbey United Church

Call Dennis “O” Oelhaupl for more information and other properties!

4931 - 51st Ave.

Rev. Deborah Laing


820 sq.ft. with full basement, 3 bdr, 2 full baths, family room and a lot more! Close to school, hospital and walking distance to down town. Large yard with off street parking and an awesome garden area!

Last Sunday of every month: Sylvan Lake 9:00 a.m. Rimbey 11:00 a.m. Parish Priest: Father Gabriel Udeh Administration Offi ce: 403-843-2126; Aft er Hours Emergency Cell: 403-963-0954

Sunday Worship / Children’s Programs - 10:30 a.m.

YEAR ROUND PROPERTY! Immaculate 4 bdrm log home, completely finished, all appliances, det garage, wrap around deck, nicely landscaped. Immediate Possession! Shows Very Well! $593,000 Call Wendy For More Info.


Mass Times:

Saturday Evening: Sunday Morning: Sylvan Lake - 5:00 p.m. Rimbey - 9:00 a.m. Sylvan Lake -11:00 a.m.


YEAR ROUND PROPERTY! Close to Rocky. 3.93 acres, mountain view, lots of wildlife. 4bdrms, 3 bath, all appliances, wrap around deck, det. 24 x 36 garage. Move In & Enjoy! $469,900 Call Wendy.

By Treena Mielke A Rimbey cowboy has returned from the CFR with a fair chunk of change jingling in his pocket and a positive attitude about his experience. Dean Edge faced stiff competition in the tie down roping event at the Canadian Finals Rodeo held in Edmonton at Rexall Place Nov. 6 to 10, but still he managed to come away somewhat richer financially and none the worse for wear because of the experience. Edge’s time of 8.5 won him the second spot in Saturday’s night competition at the CFR, netting him earnings of $8,527.00. Unfortunately, his other scores did not place him among the top contenders, but Edge is a seasoned cowboy and, as such, has experienced both highs and lows in his rodeo career. With the CFR behind him, he looks back on the experience as another enjoyable highlight. “I always like competing at the CFR,” he said. “It’s exciting and can really make a financial difference for the year. I didn’t have as much luck this year, but I roped okay and won some money.” Edge finished fourth in the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association season and has been a contender in the CFR seven times.


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The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013 13

Bentley offered community Remembrance Day Service, last Elks turkey bingo, and museum open house November 11 By June Norvila There were special ways to commemorate November 11 in Bentley. A traditional Remembrance Day service was staged in the Bentley Community Church led by Pastor Greg Rathjen. It did not appear to be as well attended as some other times, but the service was again reverent and well planned. It started with the singing of O’ Canada and the march in of the color parade with flags carried in by local Royal Canadian Legion Branch 230 members Terry Dickau and Adam Metro, and included Staff Sgt. Gary Rhodes from the Sylvan Lake RCMP detachment dressed in his red serge, Fred Whitely from Bentley in uniform representing the RCAF, and Girl Guides and leaders representing the Sparks, Brownies, and Guides. There were power point presentations with memories from the Liberation of Holland 65 years ago, and memories shared about Bentley’s Robert (Bob) Armstrong who had served in Dieppe and been a POW and had passed away this fall. There was the traditional laying of the wreaths, a film of sevenyear old Sophie Rathjen singing “Do We Think About Our Freedom?”, and times of reflection and prayer before the singing of God Save the Queen and the march

out. Across the way in the old Community Hall, starting at 1 p.m., the Bentley Elks Lodge #318 held their last turkey bingo as the group is folding at the end of the year after 65 years serving in the


Bob & Rhonda




L TOO Longtime Bentley Elks member, Martin Schneider, packs up one of the last turkeys for the Bentley Elks last turkey bingo. June Norvila Photo

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freshments and cookies were offered along with the community. Attendance and support was very good at the ‘always-free’ admission. start, but did thin out as the afternoon progressed. Forty games of bingo were played. Some high 403-843-2217 Office school students and some members from the Ponoka Shirley Hough Elks club helped out the few local Elks members. Cell: The local Bentley Royal Purple Lodge #264 laREAL ESTATE (A Division of Eskdale Holdings Ltd.) 403-783-1961 Multiple Listing Service dies once again served their renowned homemade pies, beef-on-a bun, and coffee, tea, and water from Main street commercial building; the concession area. currently office spaces but could be used It was deemed a successful bingo with all 40 of the turkeys gone by just after 4 p.m. for your own idea! $99,900. Proceeds from the bingo were designated to go Feb. 8, 2014 - Great guided bus tour to to the Bentley School Awards Program. Arizona for 22 days! Also, from noon until 4 p.m. the local Bentley Museum held an open house with their military disGo alone for $2,999; 2 people for $2,199 plays being highlighted. White crosses with some each; 3 for $1,999 each & 4 would be local veterans names were ‘planted’ in the white $1,899 each. Take that well deserved snow leading to the museum entrance. Some sociwinter break! ety members were on hand to answer questions or give a guided tour. Their newest, biggest building ALL Canvas Art pieces are 50% off retail! is now quite full of artifacts and exhibits. Light re-

Awesome 4 Bdr m Home Bdrm Major updates including bath rooms, windows, shingles, furnace. Heated garage. Close to school & arena. Winfield $269,000 Affordable Acreage Well kept mfg home, workshop, tarp garage, sea can storage. 1.75 acres. Short drive to Buck Lake. $188,000 47 Acres Hay & forest withspruce. $1560 SLR. Carnwood $110,000

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RETIRE IN STYLE 1367 sq. ft. duplex, 3 bdrms plus den, 9’ ceilings in bsmt, attached double garage at rear, $300,000.

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Office: 403-843-0100

14 The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013


Local musicians to hold Christmas concert at United Church By Treena Mielke

Sylvan Lake, who performs regularly as a solo artist Debbie Bergeron loves Christmas and is pleased and with others in a multitude of venues. Both musicians are in high demand as their to be able to share her love of the season through music is a wonderful way to enjoy the spirit of the her own special talent of singing and song/writing. season. The songwriter/recording artist/producer, who Fuss-Dutz is happy to come back to Rimbey to moved to Rimbey from Hope, B.C. last year is experform. cited to hold her very first Christmas concert here “I’m looking forward to performing some new this year. arrangements of Christmas songs with Debbie. This Bergeron’s Tender Country Christmas concert is our very first time doing Christmas music togethis to be held at 7 p.m. Dec. 1 at the Rimbey United er and I’m sure it will be a treat for the audience.” Church. Bergeron said Christmas truly is her favorite During her concert Bergeron plans to sing tra- time of the year and she is pleased to be in the heart ditional Christmas carols as well as several original of Alberta where the cold and snow brings its own country cuts from her CD ‘The Gift.’ special kind of beauty. Accompanying Bergeron the keyboard will be In keeping with the spirit of the season, Brenda Fuss-Dutz, an accomplished musician from Debbie Bergeron Bergeron’s CD, The Gift, brings with it the flavor of a down home country Christmas. The CD, features 12 tracks; nine of which have been written by Bergeron. The music offers a variety of styles such as swing, two-step, lullabies and ballads. It also includes the traditional Christmas carol, O Holy Night and the ever-popular Little Toy Trains. For Bergeron, who began singing at the age of four when her aunt Norma set up her amp and microphone in the centre of the living room and encouraged the little girl to sing, writing songs and singing is as natural as breathing. She writes from the heart. “I write what I feel,” she said. She recorded her debut CD called ‘Makin A Connecion’ in Nashville in 1998 at the Gatlin Brothers Studio. “It was a dream come true to go to Nashville and I was dipping my toes in the water. I thought it would be my only shot.” The CD did well, especially in the European country music 13113ZF0 charts. Her second CD, She Drives, Kerry McClelland, at Hammer Stock Farms produced by Mesh Studios in Burnaby, B.C. received rave reviews in Canada and European countries and was nominated for Album of the Year through the British Columbia Country Music Association. Throughout her career, Bergeron has received several nominations in British Columba and in Nashville from the Entertainer Indi-Association and has twice won the award as Country You want your electricity service to be simple and worry-free and we deliver on that promise every day. At Gospel Performer of the Year with British Columbia Country FortisAlberta, we’re backed by the resources and expertise to accommodate any new service connections, Music Association. In November 2005 she perprovide expert advice on rates and energy efficiency and even financial support. formed at the famous Bluebird Café and the Gibson Theatre in Our employees are a familiar part of the communities they serve and they are proud to deliver on our Opryland. Her music is truly a gift from promise to provide electricity to homes, farms and business customers God, said Bergeron, adding it throughout Alberta. gives her great pleasure to share her talent with others knowing she has touched someone’s life in a positive way. “It gives me joy,” she said. For any new service connection, service need or questions, Bergeron’s CD, ‘The Gift’ is available at Pharmasave and call 310-WIRE (9473) or visit www.fortisalberta.com our promise is your power Rimbey Value Drug Mart.

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The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013 15

Bentley School remembers By June Norvila

sung by grade 10 Nethaniel DiLella and accompanied on guitar by grade 12 Taylor Bohn and on keyboard by teacher Kolybaba. Master Cpl. Ban gave a special emotional address along with a power point presentation that combined both past and current history. Students from grades one and two presented “In Flanders Fields”, and a special power point presentation put together by grade 10’s Alyssa Sorensen and Taylor Hand was shown. Many wreaths were laid before a grade 3-5 Fine Arts student’s hand bell / xylophone performance. Kolybaba acknowledged many students whom she said were of the utmost importance to carrying out the production. Besides those already mentioned, there were Cole Mackenzie, the school tech “guru guy”, and others including some members of the sr. high school boys volleyball team from Grade 12 - Matthew Day, Spencer Holden, Carson Schneider, Nathan Dennehy, Kolton Hueppelsheuser, and more, not forgetting those who helped set up, put away, and more. The program closed with two verses of “God Save the Queen”. As in the past, the near-by Bentley Care Center had been invited to bring over some of the residents to enjoy the service, which they did, where residents were assisted by school student volunteers.

“It (the Remembrance Day school service) is important to me. I am lucky to be allowed to be so creative with the program,” said teacher Marla Kolybaba as the explained how she ties many subjects including art and music and more into the school’s Remembrance Day program. “And the others (in the school) are so supportive of me and back me up.” Kolybaba missed out on doing the program last year as she was on sick leave, but was happy to be right back in the thick of directing it again this year. And once again it was a magnificent hour-long program. The design picked for the cover of the printed program, and passed out by Payton Vert and Chantal Schunk, was artwork done by Mataya Hansen. A wonderful musical prelude was performed by Vivien, Domenica, and Steven Schunk on saxophones, keyboard and flute. Six members from the Red Deer Royal Canadian Legion Pipe & Drum band that included drummer Arnie MacAskill, a former vice principal at the Bentley Elementary school, led the march-in and later played a medley of tunes. The colour party included the marching band, Lacombe Royal Canadian Legion and Ladies Auxiliary members, Master Cpl. Dakyung Ban from Canadian Forces base Red Deer, Staff Sgt. Gary Rhodes from the Sylvan Lake RCMP detachment dressed in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) his red serge, RCMP Liaison Officer Cst. training course Leanne Zielke, school MHFA Canada teaches mental health first aid skills. vice principal and It is meant to assist education professionals, health Bentley Fire Departproviders, parents and other adults in the identification of mental health problems and appropriate first aid ment member Stephen intervention strategies. Lush, Cadets, trumThursday, November 21, 5:00 - 8:30 peter Natalie Humble, Friday, November 22, 5:00 - 8:30 Guiding and Scouting Saturday, November 23, 9:00 - 4:00 members, and more. This is a certificate course, please call Neighbourhood Place Students had volun403-843-4304 or Adult Learning 403-843-3201 to register teered to do parts in the service. The singing of NEED A “O’ Canada” was led by Emily Weiss from Grade 3 and the “Lord’s Check status of 3 Government Prayer” by Jacob SiGrants/Assistance each worth mard., also in Grade 3. $5000 or more Former Bentley stuCHECK BIG IRON’S SPECIAL DISCOUNT PACKAGE dent, Natalie Humble, Worth more than: $5000 returned to Bentley PLUS FREE “KONTINUOS SHOK” CHLORINATOR from Victoria to once again play the ‘Last 10 YR. TIME PAYMENT PLAN O.A.C t NO DOWN PAYMENT Post’. RED DEER 403-346-7550 An unusual but remarkable rendition of “Amazing Grace” that combined the lyrics of “Amazing Grace” with TOLL FREE 1-800-BIG-IRON the tune of “The House View our 29 patented and patent pending inventions of the Rising Sun’, was online at www.1800bigiron.com


Part of the color parade at the Bentley community service on November 11 included Bentley Legion members Adam Metro with the Canada flag and Terry Dickau with the Legion flag, Staff Sgt. Gary Rhodes from the Sylvan Lake RCMP detachment, and Fred Whitley representing the RCAF. June Norvila Photo

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16 The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013


Ponoka County backs loan for Rimbey Agrim Centre By Treena Mielke

Cutforth states Ponoka County intends to guarantee the loan in support of the Rimbey Agriculture Society’s construction of the Agrim Centre. The Ponoka County’s continued belief in guarantee is to be in the form of a line of credit with ATB Financial, Rimbey, with an interest rate of prime less 0.5 per cent. County Reeve Paul McLaughlin said guaranteeing loans is not a usual practice for the county. “However, it matches the same endorsement we have extended to the Ag Event Centre in Ponoka.” Mayor Rick Pankiw said he sees the Agrim Centre as a huge boon to Rimbey. “The revenue possibilities it could bring into the town are wonderful. The revenue (potential) is astronomical.” Pankiw encourages the agriculture board to talk to council about the project. “We’re open to have them come see us. We’re open to help. As a town we support it-- one hundred per cent.” Earlier, the town helped out the Agrim Centre financially by waiving the $50,000 security deposit. Ken Whitelock, director and building committee member said he is pleased with the speed with which the building is going up. “It should be closed in before Christmas,” he The approximately $4.5 million Agrim Centre is beginning to take shape and should be closed in by Christmas. The ag said. centre will be a great boon to Rimbey and surrounding area and will bring spectators in for various events and provide The opening date has not yet been finalized as a venue for many organizations. APN Photo it depends on variables like weather and availability of sub trades and materials. However, the impressive skeleton of the centre is now visible for all to see. The 60,000-squarefoot Agrim Centre is to include a riding arena, meeting space, boardroom, announcers’ box, concession and a grandstand to seat 900. 0 0 0 0 The centre is to be ,9 ,9 1 8 WAS $3 WAS $3 multi functional and bring in spectators for Includes: Fridge, Stove, Fireplace, Air Conditioning, Window various events as well Coverings, Oak Cabinetry with Corian Countertops, Balcony, as provide space for High Security Card Locks, All Utilities except Telephone. organizations such as 2013 FORD EXPLORER XLT XLT 2013 FORD EDGE SELL 2008 CHEVROLET TAHOE LTZ TZ Z71 Z 1 2011 FORD F-150 ECO-BOOST S18193.5L - 3RDV6ROW SEAT, 4-WHEEL BRAKES, 6-SPEED A/T, S17735.3L - 3.5L HEATED PANORAMIC 4-H clubs. The centre is S1658 V8,V6,4X4, DVD LEATHER PLAYER,SEATS, HEATED LEATHER, S1651 TWIN TURBO, 4X4,DISC KEYLESS ENTRY, POWER A/T, ADJUSTABLE STEERING WHEEL, ALUMINUM WHEELS, AUTOSUNROOF,UPGRADED RIMSWHEELS, AND TIRES! STEERING WHEELS REMOTE START, ALLOY ONLY 88,213KMS! WINDOWS/LOCKS, ALLOY WHEELS, ONLY 31,476KMS! to be built with an outDIMMING REARVIEW MIRROR, AUTOMATIC HEADLIGHTS CONTROLS, ONLY 25,438KMS $ $ side balcony and a solar 26,900 36,900 NOW$32,900 NOW$32,900 wall and rainwater is to 6,900 4,900 be used for the buildWAS $2 WAS $3 ing’s non-potable water needs. Ironwood Building Systems in the primary contractor. 2012 CADILLAC CTS 3.0L AWD SE 2012 DODGE F-250 CHARGERXLT 2010 FORD 2009 NISSAN PATHFINDER S1775 - 3.0L V6, ALL WHEEL DRIVE, ALLOY WHEELS, PANORAMIC S1803 - 3.6L V6,REMOTE START,ENTRY, HEATEDPAINTED SEATS, HANDS S1644 6.8L V10, 4X4, KEYLESS FLARES, S1656 4.0L V6, 4X4, ALLOY WHEELS, POWER SEATS, The county has conSUNROOF,BOSE AUDIO SYSTEM, DUAL CLIMATE CONTROLS,ONLY FREEUPGRADED PHONE, SUNROOF, ALLOY WHEELS, REAR SPOILER, ONLY RIMS AND TIRES, ONLY 59,613KMS! SUNROOF, STEERING WHEEL CONTROLS, 116,378KMS! 27,736KMS! tributed $1.2 million to 35,994KMS! $ $ the project and Ecrim 24,900 32,900 NOW$29,900 NOW$22,900 Agencies recently con9,900 2,900 tributed $25,000. WAS $2 WAS $3 The board is hopeful more private and corporate sponsors will come forward to lend MAZDA CX-7 GTH2 2011 BMW 328I XDRIVE AWD PREMIUM financial support to 2007 20 02011 07 HUMM HUMMER 2 2009 NISSAN ROGUE SLPKG S1756A 2.3LALL 4CYL TURBO, ALL WHEEL DRIVE, SUNROOF, S18082.5L - 3.0L, AWD, STEERING WHEEL, 17”ALLOYS, S1655 6.0L-V8, WHEEL DRIVE, 22” RIMS, TOYO MT TIRES, BP1659 4CYL, ALL HEATED WHEEL DRIVE, HEATED LEATHER, STEERING the $4.5 million dollar HEATED LEATHER SEATS, BOSE AUDIO, BACK UP CAMERA, ONLY LEATHER, SUNROOF, ONLY 47,950 KMS! HEATED LEATHER, LIGHTBAR, BACK UP CAMERA, 88,827KMS! WHEEL CONTROLS, SUNROOF, ALLOY WHEELS, 55,108KMS 35,137KMS! building. Donors are $ $ 26,900 30,900 NOW $41,900 NOW$22,900 also encouraged to purchase square footage at $25 a square. Daryl Tyson James Fitz For more informaCzuy Czuy Torrens Capicio Owner Sales Sales Sales tion on the Rimbey AgManager Consultant Consultant Quiet Adult Complex, Age 40+, No Pets, Rent Starts rim centre check out the at $1380 P/M. Call ERNIE at 780-335-6767 website at www.agrim. Located Beside the Traf¿c Circle 403.887.7707 403.887.7707 •• www.truckranch.ca www.truckranch.ca ca the Rimbey Agrim Centre has not only manifested itself in actual dollars, but also in the county’s willingness to back a

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$1.8 million dollar loan. A notice to county residents signed by Chief Administrative Office Charlie



The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013 17

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BUTTERS, Marilyn Jean (Clarke) August 13 1941 - November 6 2013 In great sadness the four surviving children of a beautiful strong lady, regret to inform you she has passed away. Our mom was predeceased by our father Arvid Butters her oldest son Jack Butters and special friend Emile Snoxell. Her joy in life was her grandchildren 19 in total and her great grandchildren a “whopping” total of 35. In lieu of flowers please feel free to donate in memory of Marilyn Butters to the Transplant Team at the University Hospital in Edmonton Alberta in appreciation for the 12 years gifted to her family and friends after her double lung transplant. “WATCHING OVER US FROM BEHIND THE MOON”


GILLESPIE Mr. George Alex Gillespie of Rimbey, Alberta passed away in the Rimbey Long Term Care Centre on Tuesday November 12, 2013 at the age of 85 years. Predeceased by his parents, two wifes Leah and Peggy, one son Kim and by a brother Chuck, and by a sister Clara Katherine Gillespie. Alex is survived by his two sons; Ian (Shondell) Gillespie of Grande Prairie, Alberta and Mark Gillespie of Rimbey. Alex also leaves to mourn one grandson Benny Gillespie of Wetaskiwin and three brothers; Andy Gillespie of Rimbey, Dick (Sylvia) Gillespie of Lacombe, Bill Gillespie of Rimbey and two sisters; Helen and Mary. Memorial services were held from Wilson’s Funeral Chapel & Crematorium in Rimbey, Alberta on Tuesday November 19, 2013 at 2:00 PM. If friends desire, memorial contributions may be made to Canadian Cancer Society, Red Deer Unit 4730A Ross St. Red Deer, AB.T4N 1X2 or to the Alzheimer Society of Alberta, 10531 Kingsway Ave. Edmonton Alberta T5H 4K1. Expressions of sympathy may be forwarded to the family by visiting www.wilsonsfuneralchapel.ca WILSON’S FUNERAL CHAPEL & CREMATORIUM serving Central Alberta with locations in Rimbey and Lacombe in charge of the arrangements. Phone: (403) 843-3388 or (403) 783-3366 “A Caring Family, Caring For Families”

TKACIK Feb. 2, 1924 - Nov. 10, 2013 It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Valent Blaise Tkacik. He leaves to celebrate his life, his loving wife of 56 years Orva; one son Brad and three daughters, Valerie, Gwen and her husband Jim, Kristine and her husband Chris; his grandchildren Andrea, Chelsea, Braden and Zac who brought tremendous joy to his life. Valent will be greatly missed by special nephew and nieces Gary, Bev, Pat (Chris), Mavis (Bill) and great nephews and nieces Derek (Jessica), Craig (Brittney), Dean, Carly, Madison and Mackenzie; as well as sisters Sophie (Gordon) and Mary (Gunnar) and many nephews and nieces that will miss him very much. Valent loved farming and lived his life doing his life’s calling. Valent will be remembered and missed by his many close friends and his community. Valent had a great love for his faith, family, farming and community. Special thanks to those who were here when needed our everlasting gratitude to you. Prayer Vigil was held from St. Margaret’s Catholic Church in Rimbey on Sunday November 17, 2013 at 7:00 PM. Funeral mass was celebrated at St. Margaret’s Catholic Church in Rimbey on Monday November 18th, 2013 at 1:00 pm. If you wish, donations can be made to Camp Quality Canada, a camp for children with cancer: www.campquality.com or the charity of one’s choice. Expressions of sympathy may be forwarded to the family by visiting www.wilsonsfuneralchapel.ca WILSON’S FUNERAL CHAPEL & CREMATORIUM serving Central Alberta with locations in Rimbey and Lacombe in charge of the arrangements. Phone: (403) 843-3388 or (403) 782-3366. “A Caring Family, Caring For Families”

Reached a Milestone?

LAYTON, Clara (nee Tilleman) Feb. 9, 1926 Nov. 7, 2013 Clara was born in Bassano, AB to Edward and Christina Tilleman. She, and her twin sister Elsie, were the 7th and 8th children out of 10. The family later moved to Medicine Hat. Clara met Robert when he was in the Air Force at the Suffield Air Base. They were married in 1944 and started their married life in Calgary until he got his discharge in ‘46 when they moved back to the farm in Rimbey with their 6 month old daughter. Their family grew to 8 kids in the next 11 years. Clara was an active partner in the farm while raising her family. After retiring from farming, she went to work and continued working until she retired for good at the age of 67. Clara really enjoyed sports. She started playing baseball as a pitcher for the Lockhart Lady Birds when the twins were still young and continued to play until she was 65. During the winter she curled. She loved to bowl, camp, fish, hunt, travel and spend time with her family. Clara was predeceased by her husband of 52 years, Robert Duncan Layton in 1996, her son Allen in 2002, son in law John Tessier in 2009, son in law Andrew Brown in 1982, four sisters and four brothers. She is survived by one sister Rosa Demaris, sister in law Mary Blake, and brother in law Hal Bodden, as well as her children Donna Pearson (Jim), Robert Layton (Mae), Harvey Layton (Lois), Heather Gudim (Rob), Christine Tessier, Tim Layton (Karen) and Tom Layton (Lyn) She is also survived by 24 grandchildren, 27 great grandchildren, 1 great-great granddaughter and numerous nieces, nephews, friends and neighbors. Funeral Services will be held at the First Church of the Nazarene, Rimbey, AB, on Saturday, November 16, 2013 at 2:00 PM. Expressions of sympathy may be made by visiting www.wilsonsfuneralchapel.ca WILSON’S FUNERAL CHAPEL & CREMATORIUM, of Lacombe and Rimbey in charge of the arrangements. 403-782-3366 403-843-3388 “A Caring Family, Caring For Families”

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18 The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013





MCDONALD MCTIGHE Margaret ( Peggy) Sept. 12, 1923 - Nov. 5, 2013

Employment #700 - #920

Margaret will be missed by her daughter, Marilyn McDonald Wells and her children, Teresa Stone Lea (Mike) and family, Colin Stone (Natasha) and family and Grayson Wells; her daughter, Diane McDonald Sim (Darryl) and their children, Natasha Sim, Sheena Sim Pike (Jay) and family, Derek Sim; her stepdaughter, Shirley McTighe Carruthers (Wally) and their children, Charmin and Laine, eleven greatgrandchildren, and one fifth generation great-great-granddaughter. Margaret is also survived by her brothers, Andy and Jimmy Webb (Jean), and sisters-in-law Alice Webb (Geordie), and Nora McTighe Broderson. Margaret was predeceased by her brothers, Geordie and Ronnie Webb; sisters-in- law, Cora Webb (Andy) and Shirley Webb (Ronnie); stepson, Wayne McTighe and son-in-law Bruce Wells. Margaret was eleven when her mom died. Being the sole woman, for the most part, in a house with four brothers, a father and an uncle, she worked hard baking bread, biking home at lunch to put the loaves in the oven, doing huge amounts of laundry and cleaning to her perfectionist state. She always looked forward to any news coming from “home”. Margaret’s husband, Douglas McDonald passed away in 1966. Both were born in McAuley, MB. She married Phillip McTighe and moved to the Eckville farm, where they resided close to thirty years. They moved off the farm to Rimbey and a few years later, Phillip passed away. Margaret was an oilfield secretary in Drayton Valley for Schlumberger, a postmistress at Sylvan Lake and a part time clerk at the Bay in Red Deer. Margaret will be remembered for her love of a good time, her ready laugh and her enjoyment of dancing. She kept a spotless house, grew a big garden and prepared many great meals. After supper, she read her cherished newspaper. When Margaret wasn’t playing a game of cards with her grandchildren or great-grandson Andrew, she would be curling, fishing or camping. In the winter, she and Phillip frequently travelled to Mexico, St. Lucia, or Vancouver Island. Cross country skiing, potato digging, bonfires, skeet shooting, grouse hunting and great holiday meals are memories of good times at the farm. The families want to give thanks from the bottom of their hearts to Bethany Lodge at Sylvan Lake and Red Deer’s West Park Lodge for such excellent care for our little mom. There will be a private celebration of her life. Condolences may be sent or viewed by visiting www.parklandfuneralhome.com.

HOLSTEIN Allan Holstein of Tapan BC, passed away on November 7, 2013 after a lengthy illness at the age of 77. He is survived by his wife Marj, step children Amber Robinson, Lissa Robinson and Jay Robinson. His step grand daughter Jessi, (Danny) Nicolson. Step great grand children, Bailey and Marcus. His brother Walter, (Sylvia) Holstein. 2 sisters, Ruth Bos, Pat, (George) Larsen and many treasured nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his parents, Henry and Molly Holstein, Brother Fred Holstein, sisters, Thelma Anderson, Shirley Holstein and brother in-laws, George Bos, Ted Anderson and nephew Wade Larsen and great great nephew Justice Holstein. Inurnment will follow in the summer of 2014.

Coming Events Coming Events


Christmas Decorations

What’s Happening

Clearance Items Rimbey Home Hardware

#50 - # 70

Arts & Crafts Shows ..................50 Class Registrations....................51 Coming Events ..........................52 Lost ............................................54 Found ........................................56 Companions ..............................58 Personals...................................60 Bingos........................................64 Fitness & Sports ........................66 Happy Ads .................................70

Coming Events 30% - 50%


Tired of Standing? Find something to sit on in Classifieds

Coming Events


Rimbey Community Christmas Bazaar Saturday, November 23 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Rimbey Drop-in Centre Lunch available Door Prizes (must be present to collect door prize)


Rimbey Home Hardware

Coming Events


Rimbey Neighbourhood Place AGM Wednesday, November 27th at 12:00 Blindman Youth Action Building For details please call Leanne at 403-843-4304



Medicine Lodge Ski Club ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING at the hill November 26 at 7:30 p.m.



AL-ANON WEEKLY MEETING FOR FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF ALCOHOLICS. Tuesdays 8 p.m. Neighborhood Place 5115 - 49 Ave., Ponoka For more info 403-783-4557

Spaghetti Dinner & Auction Saturday, November 23 at 6:00pm at the Homeglen Hall FEATURING Richard & Deborah Popovich Tickets only $10 Cash Bar Please call Kelly @ 403-704-4284 for tickets or more information Proceeds of the event support Bluffton Playschool & Homeglen Happy Kids Playgroup

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AGM Registration and Information Meeting

November 27, 2013 at 7pm Double W Riding Academy Bluffton AB


Contact Melodie Schwieger at Buying or Selling your home? Check out Homes for Sale in Classifieds



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Caregivers/Aides................710 Clerical ..............................720 Computer Personnel ..........730 Dental ................................740 Estheticians........................750 Hair Stylists ........................760 Janitorial ............................770 Legal ..................................780 Medical ..............................790 Oilfield ................................800 Professionals......................810 Restaurant/Hotel ................820 Sales & Distributors ..........830 Teachers/Tutors..................840 Trades ................................850 Truckers/Drivers ................860 Business Opportunities......870 Miscellaneous ....................880 Volunteers Wanted ............890 Positions Wanted ..............895 Employment Training ........900 Career Planning ................920


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Truckers/ Drivers


Sylvan, Rocky Mtn. House & Ponoka areas. Must have a minimum of 2 years exp in artificial lifts, gas/ liquid separation, PJ operation, field compression refridge systems, dehydrating and sweet processing, maintenance on pumps, heaters, control valves etc. Contract operators need not apply. E-mail resume’s to ken.webster@altagas.ca or fax 403-347-0855 LOCAL SERVICE CO. in Red Deer REQ’S EXP. VACUUM TRUCK OPERATOR Must have Class 3 licence w/air & all oilfield tickets. Fax resume w/drivers abstract to 403-886-4475

860 Arnett & Burgess is now accepting applications for the following:

CLASS 1 TRUCK DRIVER Must have experience moving heavy equipment that is related to pipeline construction. Clean abstract. Competitive wage. Benefits available. Please fax resumes to 780-372-4238 Or email to: jobs@abpipeliners.com




It’s Bentley’s

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PONOKA REQUIRES ADMINISTRATOR IMMEDIATELY Facility - 68 suite full service Independent & Designated Supportive Living. Operated by Connecting Care A leader in seniors’ supportive housing management in Alberta. We are looking for a caring professional who is a leader and wants to work in Supportive Housing. Responsible for the overall management, HR, marketing and administration of the facility.

Truckers/ Drivers


860 Employment Opportunity

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Management experience, time management and problem solving skills, experience in community, seniors, hospitality and demonstrated record of effective communication with seniors and staff. Nursing background an asset. Starting wage: To be negotiated based on experience. Submit resumes: Email: georg.rath@ connectingcare.ca Only successful applicants will be notified.

Restaurant/ Hotel

Interested candidates are invited to submit applications to: Mr. Joe Henderson, Secretary Treasurer Wolf Creek Public Schools Phone: 403-783-5441 ext 1243 | Fax: 403-783-3483 Email: transportation@wolfcreek.ab.ca Applications are available at: Wolf Creek Public Schools Transportation Office, Hwy 2A, Ponoka, Alberta or online at: http://www.wolfcreek.ab.ca/view.php?action=documents&id=69

RAMADA INN & SUITES REQUIRES ROOM ATTENDANTS. Exp. preferred. Only serious inquiries apply. Rate $13.50/hr. Drop off resume at: 6853 - 66 St. Red Deer or fax 403-342-4433

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995 plus GST/HST

Value Ad Network

Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association toll free 1-800-282-6903 x228 email andrea@awna.com or visit this community newspaper

Stacking Tool Box Rimbey Home Hardware

HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE CLASS 1 OR 3 OPERATORS. Full-time and part-time positions available. Openings in several Alberta areas. Fax resume to Carillion Canada 780-449-0574 or email: mcroft@carillionalberta.ca. Positions to start Oct. 15, 2103. Please state what position and location you are interested in.



HVAC Service Person required. SHEET Metal Installer required with residential and retro-fit experience. Attractive wages and benefits. Great hours. e-mail: brad@ comfortecheating.com or Fax resume to: 403-309-8302 WATER WELL DRILLING COMPANY IN BENTLEY REQ’S EXPERIENCED


with class 3, air. All safety tickets required. Meal and Accommodation provided when out of town. Fax resume with drivers abstract: 403-748-3015

Misc. Help




JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNICIAN(S) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages from $32/hour, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info at: hannachrylser.ca. Fax 403-854-2845; Email: chrysler@telusplanet.net. Central Alberta’s Largest Car Lot in Classifieds Classifieds...costs so little Saves you so much!



TJ LOGGING of Whitecourt, Alberta is now taking resumes for 2013 - 2014 logging season. Experienced buncher/ skidder/limber/process operators required. Please fax resume to 780-778-2428.


Coming Events

The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013 19





Business getting nowhere?



20 The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013 Trades


Business Opportunities


HOME BASED EMBROIDERY BUSINESS for less than $10,000. Get started in the promotional products industry. Work from home on your schedule. Call PETROFIELD Industries, Nicolle at 1-866-890-9488. the Leader in manufacturing Hydrovac trucks, is accepting resumes for the following Misc. Help positions: * General Labourers * Industrial Painters Academic Express * Sandblasters ADULT EDUCATION * Material Handler AND TRAINING * Automotive Electrical Technician * Journeyman Welder / WINTER START Apprentice * 2nd Yr Welder with GED PREPARATION Aluminum experience Jan. 14 or Feb. 10 * Production Manager STARTS


Visit our website at: www.tornadotrucks.com for more details. Our Company has an enthusiastic fast paced working environment, with advancement possibilities for the motivated person, and offers an excellent benefit package. fax 403-742-5544 e-mail: hr@petrofield.com Start your career! See Help Wanted

Business Opportunities


GET FREE VENDING MACHINES. Can earn $100,000.00 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website: www.tcvend.com Classifieds Your place to SELL Your place to BUY

Misc. Help

Gov’t of Alberta Funding may be available.

Misc. Help

REQUIRED Production Welder Painter Shop Laborer Polisher Full or Part Time Crestomere area BANDIT INDUSTRIES 403-783-4284 THE TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE, ALBERTA requires a full time permanent Equipment Operator 2 to operate Grader, Backhoe, Skid Steer, etc. We offer a great work environment along with competitive wage and benefit package. Please send your resume to dscott@sylvanlake.ca.

Misc. Help

403-340-1930 www.academicexpress.ca

ORKIN CANADA is looking for enthusiastic individuals to start a new career. This individual must be well organized with excellent customer service skills. Position includes generous salary, performance bonuses, commission package, company vehicle, benefits and opportunity for advancement. Interested applicants can send resumes to hr@orkincanada.com

MASSAGE CAREER. Train full-time or part-time at our highly regarded, progressive school. Small classes, individual attention, confident graduates! 1-877-646-1018; www. albertainstituteofmassage.com


Business Services #1000 - #1430


FRONT DESK AGENTS Part time afternoons, and/or night audit. We are needing an individual who shares values in customer service, personal presentation, is conďŹ dent and can work independently. PLEASE DROP RESUME AT FRONT DESK, ATTENTION ANUL


Paul Taylor


miles EE & & 1.5 1.5 22 miles miles N of Hoadley AB.


CRIMINAL RECORD? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. (24 hour record check). Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-228-1300 or 1-800-347-2540; www.accesslegalresearch.com

Misc. Services


ALBERTA’S FASTEST GROWING BUSINESS DIRECTORY. This is your last chance for a free listing. Visit www.albertadirectory.com. DISCONNECTED PHONE? Phone Factory Home Phone Service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call Phone Factory today! 1-877-336-2274; www.phonefactory.ca. You can sell your guitar for a song... or put it in CLASSIFIEDS and we’ll sell it for you!

Best Western Rimstone Ridge Hotel is seeking a

MAINTENANCE WORKER 25 plus hours, some weekends required, exible. This position requires a handyman, jack of all trades, who likes a fast paced ever changing work day. Likes helping and meeting new people, and being part of a team.




Pet Services


MacDonald Old Kennels Ironman Scrap Metal Recovery picking up scrap again! Farm machinery, vehicles & industrial. Serving Central AB. 403-318-4346

NEED TO ADVERTISE? Province wide classifieds. Reach over 1 million readers weekly. Only $269. + GST (based on 25 words or less). Call this newspaper NOW for details or call 1-800-282-6903 ext. 228. Looking for a place to live? Take a tour through the CLASSIFIEDS

Painters/ Decorators


RALPH’S PAINTING “When Ralph’s Done Brushing You Don’t Feel Rolled� Journey man painter, serving the area for 25 years

403-843-4172 Personal Services


DATING SERVICE. Long-term/short-term relationships. Free to try! 1-877-297-9883. Live intimate conversation, Call #7878 or 1-888-534-6984. Live adult 1on1 Call 1-866-311-9640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. 1-877-804-5381. (18+). PSYCHIC MIRACLES by Luna.com. Call and get a free reading by phone. Love money job family, restores broken relationships, solves all problems permanently. 1-866-229-5072.



Best Western Rimstone Ridge Hotel This is a fun position, where you get to use Time Management and organizational skills along with your interest in meeting and visiting with people from near and far. Work from 6:00 to 10:00 am, some weekends and have your afternoons free Drop Resume’s at Front Desk, Attention Valerie

Misc. Services


Licensed Mobile Mobile Butchering Licensed Butchering Custom Cutting Cutting &&Wrapping Custom Wrapping Beef,Pork Pork and Beef, andWild WildGame Game

Legal Services

is seeking

Misc. Help



Best Western Rimstone Ridge Hotel


DAIRY equipment supplier looking for GENERAL LABORERS & EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS Competitive wages and benefits package. E-mail resume: info@prolineinc.ca


Employment Training


TRUE PSYCHICS! For Answers call now 24/7 Toll Free 1-877-342-3036; Mobile: # 4486; www.truepsychics.ca.

Career Planning

Animal services for Ponoka County

Dog Shelter Boarding Dogs for adoption Dogs to surrender www.pawsandclawsanimalrescue.ca click courtesy adoptions

Phone (403) 783-7447 Septic Service


SilverBelt Septic Service for your septic tank service & port-a-potti rentals Home 403-843-2840 Cell 403-704-5224

Snow Removal



- Residential - Commercial - Rural Driveways - Parking Lots, etc. - Push and Pile - Truck plow - Tractor / Loader with Snow Blower

403-782-0860 Something for Everyone Everyday in Classifieds

Buy & Sell #1500 - #1990 Aircraft ..............................1510 Antiques & Art ..................1520 Auctions ............................1530 Bicycles ............................1540 Building Supplies ..............1550 Business Machines ..........1560 Cameras & Accessories ..1570 Children’s Items ................1580 Clothing ............................1590 Computers ........................1600 Concert & Event Tickets ..1610 Equipment - Misc. ............1620 Equipment - Heavy ..........1630 Tools ................................1640 Farmers’ Market & Food Basket......................1650 Firewood ..........................1660 Lumber ............................1670 Garden Supplies ..............1680 Lawn Tractors ..................1690 Health, Dietary, Beauty ....1700 Household Appliances......1710 Household Furnishings ....1720 TV’s, Stereos, VCR’s ........1730 Hot Tubs & Accessories ..1740 Jewellery ..........................1750 Kid’s Deals........................1755 Misc. For Sale ..................1760 Musical Instruments..........1770 Music Lessons..................1780 Piano & Organs ................1790 Office Supplies ................1800 Pets & Supplies ................1810 Pet Services ....................1820 Cats ..................................1830 Dogs ................................1840 Sports Cards ....................1850 Sporting Goods ................1860 Collectors’ Items ..............1870 Swap, Barter & Trade ......1880 Travel Packages ..............1900 Wedding Supplies ............1910 Recycled Products............1920 Wanted to Buy ..................1930 Items to Give Away ..........1940




Blowers & Shovels Rimbey Home Hardware

Looking for a new pet? Check out Classifieds to find the purrfect pet.

920 a div. of Kokotilo Holdings Inc. Funded in part by the Government of Canada.


Canada’s Leader in the Design, Manufacturing & Installation of Screw Piles

ALMITA IS GROWING – GROW WITH US! Altima now has long term ďŹ nancially rewarding career opportunities available for you! If you are you looking for a challenging and rewarding career opportunity to make your mark with a modern and innovative company, Almita Piling is hiring in multiple departments.

Installation Entry Level Swampers Experienced Loader Operators Experienced Excavator Operators Accounting Project Management Manufacturing For full job details, please see our website www.almita.com/careers. To apply, please send a current resume to resumes@almita.com or call 403-704-2640 for more info.



Well Drilling


Well Drilling


RURAL WATER TREATMENT (Province Wide) Tell them Danny Hooper sent you



")' )2/. View our 29 patented and patent pending inventions online at



The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013 21



Action Autobody


Rimbey for November &



60 New Set • $50 Fills • Nail Art Available • $40 Nose & Ear Piercing &&&&&&&&

Gift CertiďŹ cate Available &&&&&&&&

403-318-7451 • Located @ 4529 51 Ave. Rimbey st

Rimbey Implements Ltd.

“We’re in the Business of Making You Look Good� 3 kms North & 3 kms East of Rimbey on Hwy #53

Owner Carey Anderson



$30 + GST PER WEEK Al York General Manager Cell: (403) 783-0593 5410 - 43 Street Bus: (403) 843-3700 Fax: (403) 843-3430 Rimbey, AB

Sandy McLary, CTC/ACC Certified Travel & Cruise Consultant


Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.

Box 1100 4905 50 St. Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0

Reaching 5700 households per week

Ph. (403) 843-2173 Fax: (403) 843-2607

Janice Cameron DD Specializing in custom fit, natural looking dentures! Cell:

403-704-6615 (local call) or book online @

Email: countrysidedentures@cciwireless.ca


smclary@TPI.ca a


Massage Centre Make your world Less Stressful

EARN DOLLARS FOR REFERRALS www.sandymclary.com • Toll T ll Free F 11-866-984-3475 86


www.blufftonvetservices.com $R 0AT "URRAGE " 3C $6$R !NDREA &ALT " 3C $6$R 3TACEY 7HITE $6 !SSOCIATES 0 / "OX -AIN 3TREET "LUFFTON !" 4 # -

Family Friendly Dentistry



Alder Flats • Buck Lake


403-843-4964 | 4904-49 St. Rimbey

$30.00+ GST PER WEEK

Garden Sheds, Garages, SofďŹ t, Fascia, Siding, Drywall, Taping, Renovations.

Call Michele or Connie or more details

P.O. Box 1501, Rimbey, AB. TOC 2JO RES. (403) 843-4499 CELL (403) 588-4014

Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.


No Sunday Calls


$30 + GST PER WEEK Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.

Reaching 5700 households per week SECURE INDOOR & OUTDOOR STORAGE Perfect for: • Affordable Rates

RVs • Trailers • Boats • Cars • Motorbikes • Quads/ATVs • Snowmobiles • Furniture/ Household Goods

403 843 7705 403.843.7705 www.glstorage.ca Located corner of Hwy 771 and Parkland Beach Road, west side of Gull Lake




Plumbing Gasfitting Hot Water & Forced Air Heating Water Analysis & Treatment Systems

RR#1 Lockhart Road Rimbey, Alberta T0C 2J0

Ph: 843-7794 Cell: 704-5039 dbfranklin@telus.net

Outdoor Wood or Coal Boilers High Efficiency Wood Gasification Boilers 5034 45 Avenue Box 2040, Doug Madu (403) 843-2635 Rimbey, AB., TOC 2J0 Cell (403) 350-5901 email: rgcourse@gmail.com

22 The Rimbey Review, Nov. 19, 2013 Auctions


Semi loads of pine, spruce, tamarack, poplar. Price depends on location. Lil Mule Logging 403-318-4346



WARD’S AUCTIONS Antiques/Estate Auction, Dec. 1st and 2nd 11802-145 St Edmonton; 780-451-4549 Taking Consignments now for Feb 8th Firearms and Related Auction, Online Bidding and Pictures at www.wardsauctions.com. WELDING & FABRICATION SHOP DISPERSAL Lacombe Welding Ltd. 4640 - 45 St. Lacombe, Alberta Tuesday, November 26 @ 10 a.m. Selling Welding Truck, Forklift, Payloaders, Hi-Way Trailer, 2007 Haas TM-2 CNC Vertical Milling Machine, Shop Equipment, Welders & Plasma, Steel & Pipe, Racking & Welding tables, small tools & misc.See www.montgomeryauctions.com or 1-800-371-6963.


LOOKING FOR A SHOP? Post Frame Buildings. AFAB Industries has experience, expertise, reliability and great construction practices. For a free quote, contact Ryan Smith 403-818-0797 or email: ryan.afab@gmail.com.

Agricultural #2000 - #2290

Farm Equipment ..............2010 Haying Equipment ............2020 Tractors ............................2030 Combines & Headers ......2040 Fertilizer Equipment..........2050 Misc. Farm Machinery ......2060 RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME Equipment Wanted ..........2070 Farm Custom Work ..........2080 & LEG CRAMPS? Farm Auctions ..................2090 Fast relief in one hour. Livestock ..........................2100 Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years; Livestock - Exotic..............2110 www.allcalm.com. Mon-Fri, Sheep ..............................2120 8-4 EST. 1-800-765-8660. Poultry ..............................2130 Horses ..............................2140 Horse Boarding ................2150 Riding Supplies ................2160 Horse/Stock Trailers ........2170 Pasture Wanted ................2180 Grain, Feed, Hay ..............2190 Seed Grain ......................2200 Seeding & Tillage ............2210

Misc. for Sale

403-304-4791 Check website for full listing



Farm Equipment

F1B GOLDEN DOODLES, black now but will brindle as they get older. Non shedding, well handled, long time breeder. $900. Delivered to Alberta. Text 306-521-1371 or call 306-792-2113 www.furtettishfarm.ca

Wanted To Buy



Lil Mule Logging Inc. is now buying standing Tamarack. Minimum 10 acres. 403-318-4346


FREE Order your high quality summers mounted harrow attachments and get free freight to Alberta. Contact machinery_dave@yahoo.ca; 403-545-2580; Bow Island, Alberta; www.summers.com.



30 BLACK/BBF, 20 red/RBS, Sim/Angus cross heifers, calving Feb. & Mar., bred to black Angus bull, 1100-1200 lbs. Contact Brian 780-608-7360

Riding Supplies


WANTED: old Bear Trap bucking saddle 403-986-3280

Grain, Feed Hay


Alfalfa Hay 1st & 2nd cut for sale. Wheat Straw for sale.

STEEL BUILDING - The great super sale! 20x20 $4,070. 25x26 $4,879. 30x32 $6,695. 32x40 $8,374. 35x38 $9,540. 40x50 $12,900. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422; www.pioneersteel.ca


STEEL BUILDINGS/ METAL BUILDINGS 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100, sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206; www.crownsteelbuildings.ca


ROUND hay bales. Cheap Free delivery. Self unloading. No Sunday calls Please. 403-843-6380


METAL ROOFING & SIDING. Very competitive prices! Largest colour selection in Western Canada. Available at over 25 Alberta Distribution Locations. 40 Year Warranty. Call 1-888-263-8254.


Grain, Feed Hay



BIG STRAPPER AUCTIONS SALES EVERY WED. @ 6 pm. Moose Hall 2 miles south of Ponoka on 2A

Building Supplies



The right place to find the right person for the job.


HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252 ROUND bales, Alfalfa Timothy Brome mix, $45/bale; Straw bales $18/bale; Clover Alfalfa Timothy mix $40/bale 780-975-3313

Upcoming Sale Dates Thursday Nov 28th Calgary AB Unreserved Industrial Equipment Selling for12345 Vulcan County, City of Calgary & more Saturday Nov 30th Edmonton AB 1200 Passenger Vehicles & RV’s. Call us to Add Your Name to our Mailing List Today! Edmonton 800-665-5888 Calgary 877-811-8855 Register Online for Email Notification Live Internet Bidding Available



Upper level of home, and part of basement in Rimbey. 3 bdrm, 1 bthrm

1500 rent 1500 DD Incl. utilites & internet


For Rent #3000 - #3200 Acreages/Farms ..............3010 Houses/Duplexes ............3020 Condos/Townhouses........3030 Manufactured Homes ......3040 Four Plexes/Six Plexes ....3050 Suites ..............................3060 Cottages/Seasonal ..........3070 Roommates Wanted ........3080 Rooms for Rent................3090 Motels/Hotels ..................3100 Offices ..............................3110 Stores/Commercial ..........3120 Industrial ..........................3130 Warehouse Space............3140 Garage Space..................3150 Storage Space ................3160 Land ................................3170 Pasture ............................3180 Mobile Lot ........................3190 Misc. for Rent ..................3200

Wanted to Rent #3250 - #3390 Acreages/Farms ..............3255 Houses/Duplexes ............3260 Suites ..............................3270 Rooms..............................3280 Manufactured Homes ......3290 Housesitting Wanted ........3300 Garage Space..................3310 Storage Space ................3320 Stores/Commercial ..........3330 Office Space ....................3340 Industrial ..........................3350 Warehouse Space............3360 Resorts & Cottages..........3370 Pasture/Land....................3380 Mobile Lot ........................3390

Houses/ Duplexes


3 BDRM. HOUSE FOR RENT IN RIMBEY. F & S included. No pets, no smoking, allowed.


Christmas Lights Rimbey Home Hardware PONOKA: Close to downtown, 1 bdrm., 1 bath house, 5 appls., double garage, N/S, no pets. $800 rent/dd + utilities. Avail. Dec. 1. 403-783-4993

Building Supplies


Houses/ Duplexes


Manufactured Homes


SHOWHOME SPECTACULAR! We want you to own a wonderful former showhome at a fantastic price. 1672 sq. ft., too many features to list! $169,000. Ready for immediate delivery; www. unitedhomescanada.com. 148 Eastlake Blvd., Airdrie. 1-800-461-7632.

403-392-6647 Suites


* RIVERSIDE APTS. * Newly renovated 1 & 2 bedroom units in Ponoka: 3724-45 Street. 403-357-0287

Financial #4400 - #4430 Investments ......................4410 Money Wanted ................4420 Money to Loan ................4430

Money To Loan

Real Estate #4000 - #4190

Realtors & Services..........4010 Houses for Sale................4020 Houses Wanted ................4030 Condos/Townhouses ........4040 Acreages ..........................4050 Acreages Wanted ............4060 Farms/Land ......................4070 Farms/Land Wanted ........4080 Manufactured/ Mobile Homes ..................4090 Income Property ..............4100 Commercial Property ......4110 Industrial Property ............4120 Cottages/Resort Property ..4130 Businesses for Sale..........4140 Buildings for Sale ............4150 Lots for Sale ....................4160 Out of Town Property ......4170 Investment Opportunities ..4180 Mortgages Bought/Sold....4190

Houses For Sale


CUSTOM LOG HOMES and Log Specialties - M&H Wood Specialties 1-888-991-5700 or email: sales@mhwood.com; www.mhwood.com.


DO YOU NEED to borrow money - Now? If you own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money - It’s that simple. 1-877-486-2161. DROWNING IN DEBT? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation; www.mydebtsolution.com or toll free 1-877-556-3500. BBB rated A+.


1/4 SE24-40-24-W4 $4000 oil revenue. 1/2 mile from #12 Hwy. Power & water. 403-396-2925

Manufactured Homes


SMART. SPACIOUS. STYLISH. Clearing out our Moduline 2013 Models. Best value of the year. Delivered within 300 km of Lethbridge. Call us at 1-855-380-2266; www.craigshomesales.com


For the BIGGEST BANG for your energy saving dollars .....

RE-INSULATE YOUR CEILINGS We use J.M. “Climate Pro” Insulation


Transportation #5000-5300 Automotive Services ........5010 Antique & Classic Autos ....5020 Cars ..................................5030 SUV’s................................5040 Trucks ..............................5050 Heavy Trucks....................5060 Vans/Buses ......................5070 Motorcycles ......................5080 Campers ..........................5090 Motorhomes......................5100 5th Wheels........................5110 Holiday Trailers ................5120 Tent Trailers ......................5130 Utility Trailers ....................5140 ATV’s ................................5150 Boats & Marine ................5160 Snowmobiles ....................5170 Tires, Parts & Accessories ......................5180 Auto Wreckers ..................5190 Vehicles Wanted ..............5200 Car/Truck Rental ..............5210 Recreational Vehicle Rental ..............................5220 Trailer Rental ....................5230 Misc. Automotive ..............5240 RV’s ..................................5300



GET BACK on track! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need money? We lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420; www.pioneerwest.com.


BUSINESS OUT THERE Cover ALL of your bases! Advertise in the 403.843.4909

Houses For Sale


2005 CHRYSLER Sebring 4 dr, 48,000 kms, $6500 403-783-2753

FAST AND EASY LOANS! Bad credit accepted! Get up to $25,000 on your vehicle, mobile-home, land or equipment. 1st and 2nd mortgages. www.bhmcash.com. 403-879-9929.


APPROX. 30 acres. 20 min. to Lacombe. 1/2 mile off Hwy 12. Creek & exc. building site. 403-396-2925

Farms/ Land




2006 FORD F150 XLT


2014 PALAZZO 33.2 Diesel Pusher, 34’ 8” long, 2 slides, 300HP Cummins ISB Diesel engine, stk# 1912, $144,900 1-866-346-3148 shop online 24/7 at Allandale.com.

Tires, Parts Acces.


WRECKING AUTO-TRUCKS. Parts to fit over 500 trucks. Lots of Dodge, GMC, Ford, imports. We ship anywhere. Lots of Dodge, diesel, 4x4 stuff. (Lloydminster). Reply 780-875-0270. North-East Recyclers truck up to 3 tons.0






5.4L, 4X4, 4 dr.

9,000 o.b.o. 403-588-5847 Heavy Trucks


TRIDEM WATER TRUCK and 2007 10x30 QA shack. 2004 WS 4900 SA 120 barrel with only 115,000 kilometers. Pre-emissions. Recent CV. Maintenance records available. 403-340-9328.



2014 TUSCANY 36MQ Diesel Pusher, 37’ 9” long, 4 slides, fireplace, washer/ dryer, king bed, stk# 8418, $192,000 1-866-346-3148 shop online 24/7 at Allandale.com



Sunday, November 24 1-3pm 4630-58 Ave Rimbey.

New 1476 sq. ft. Bi-level, walk-out basement. Top Quality Oak cabinetry complete with stainless steel appliances. New Home Warranty.

Call Paul @ 403-704-3361 or Al @ 403-896-1295 for a viewing.


2013 F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 5.0L


Bi-weekly for 72 months with $2,100 down or equivalent trade.

Per month for 24 months with $2,100 down or equivalent trade.

195 4.49% $ 380 1.99% **







Offers include $9,250 manufacturer rebate and $1,750 freight and air tax.

28,749 $18 *




FOR THIS F-150.” - WILL G.










9, 250

Bi-weekly for 72 months with $0 down or equivalent trade.

295 6.09 **

@ †

(2013 F-150







Offers include $8,500 in manufacturer rebates and $1,750 freight and air tax.

38,499 *

Reverse Camera /// Tailgate Step /// Sync®††† /// Foglamps /// Remote Start/// Black Platform Running Boards /// 18" Bright Machined Aluminum Wheels

Western Edition Package includes:

10.6L/100km 27MPG HWY*** / 15.0L/100km 19MPG CITY***


WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. †Until December 2, 2013, receive $500/ $750/ $1,000/ $1,250/ $1,500/ $1,750/ $2,000/ $2,250/ $2,500/ $2,750/ $3,000/ $3,500/ $3,750/ $4,000/ $4,250/ $4,500/ $4,750/ $5,500/ $5,750/ $6,500/ $6,750/ $8,000/ $8,250/ $8,500/ $9,250/ $10,500 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2014 [Escape (excluding 2.0L)]/ 2014 [Taurus SE, F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2 (Value Leader)] / 2014[Focus BEV, Escape 2.0L,Transit Connect, E Series]/ 2013 C-Max/ 2013 [Escape S, E-Series]/ 2014 [Mustang V6 Coupe] / 2013 [Fiesta S, Mustang V6 Coupe, Edge AWD (excluding SE), F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2 (Value Leader), 2013 and 2014 F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs]/ 2013 [Explorer Base]/ 2013 [Fusion S], 2014 [Taurus (excluding SE)]/ 2013 [Fiesta (excluding S)]/ 2013 [Focus S, Edge FWD (excluding SE)]/ 2013 [Focus (excluding S and BEV), Flex, Fusion (excluding S)]/ 2013 [Mustang V6 Premium, Explorer (excluding Base)], 2014 Mustang [V6 Premium]/ 2013 [Taurus SE, Escape 1.6L, Transit Connect (excluding Electric)]/ 2014 [Mustang GT]/ 2013 [Escape 2.0L]/ 2013 [Mustang GT]/ 2013 [Expedition]/ 2013 [Taurus (excluding SE)], 2014 [F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2)]/ 2014 [F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs) - Gas Engine]/ 2014 [F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew]/ 2013 [Focus BEV]/ 2013 [F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2)]/ 2013 [F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs) - Gas Engine], 2014 [F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs) - Diesel Engine]/ 2013 [F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew]/ 2013 [F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs) - Diesel Engine] - all Raptor, GT500, BOSS 302, and Medium Truck models excluded. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. *Purchase a new 2013 F-150 Super Cab XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 F-150 Super Crew XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 F-250 XLT Super Cab 4x4 Super Duty Western Edition package with power seats for $28,749/$31,249/$38,499 after Manufacturer Rebate of $9,250/$9,250/$8,500 is deducted. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after total Manufacturer Rebate has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,750 but exclude optional features, administration and registration fees (administration fees may vary by dealer), fuel fill charge and all applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. **Until December 2, 2013, receive 4.49%/6.09% annual percentage rate (APR) purchase financing on a 2013 F-150 Super Cab XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 F-250 XLT Super Cab 4x4 Super Duty Western Edition package with power seats for a maximum of 72 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Purchase financing monthly payment is $423/$618 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $195/$295 with a down payment of $2,100/$2,100 or equivalent trade-in. Cost of borrowing is $3,800/$7,087.59 or APR of 4.49%/6.09% and total to be repaid is $30,449.12/$46,056.71. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $9,250/$8,500 and freight and air tax of $1,750 but exclude optional features, administration and registration fees (administration fees may vary by dealer), fuel fill charge and all applicable taxes. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Bi-Weekly payments are only available using a customer initiated PC (Internet Banking) or Phone Pay system through the customer’s own bank (if offered by that financial institution). The customer is required to sign a monthly payment contract with a first payment date one month from the contract date and to ensure that the total monthly payment occurs by the payment due date. Bi-weekly payments can be made by making payments equivalent to the sum of 12 monthly payments divided by 26 bi-weekly periods every two weeks commencing on the contract date. Dealer may sell for less. Offers vary by model and not all combinations will apply. ††Until December 2, 2013, lease a new F-150 Super Cab XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 F-150 Super Crew XLT 4x4 with 5.0L engine and get 1.99% annual percentage rate (APR) financing for up to 24 months on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Lease a vehicle with a value of $28,749/$31,249 at 1.99% APR for up to 24 months with $2,100 down or equivalent trade in, monthly payment is $380/$398, total lease obligation is $11,220/$11,652 and optional buyout is $18,427/$20,568. Offers include Delivery Allowance of $9,250. Taxes payable on full amount of lease financing price after any price adjustment is deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,750 but exclude optional features, administration and registration fees(administration fees may vary by dealer), fuel fill charge and all applicable taxes. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Some conditions and mileage restrictions apply. Excess kilometrage charges are 12¢per km for Fiesta, Focus, C-Max, Fusion and Escape; 16¢per km for E-Series, Mustang, Taurus, Taurus-X, Edge, Flex, Explorer, F-Series, MKS, MKX, MKZ, MKT and Transit Connect; 20¢per km for Expedition and Navigator, plus applicable taxes. Excess kilometrage charges subject to change, see your local dealer for details. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for 2013 F-150 4X4 5.0L V8 6-speed automatic transmission: [15.0L/100km (19MPG) City, 10.6L/100km (27MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, vehicle condition, and driving habits. ‡When properly equipped. Max. payloads of 3,120 lbs/3,100 lbs with 5.0L Ti-VCT V8/3.5L V6 EcoBoost 4x2 engines. Class is Full–Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR. ‡‡F-Series is the best-selling pickup truck in Canada for 47 years in a row based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association statistical sales report, December 2012. †††Some mobile phones and some digital media players may not be fully compatible with SYNC® – check www.syncmyride.com for a listing of mobile phones, media players, and features supported. Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Certain MyFord Touch™ functions require compatible mobile devices. Some functions are not available while driving. Ford recommends that drivers use caution when using mobile phones, even with voice commands. Only use mobile phones and other devices, even with voice commands, not essential to driving when it is safe to do so and in compliance with applicable laws. SYNC is optional on most new Ford vehicles. ©2013 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2013 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.

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MSRP $22,024

$16,995 BW $129

2013 F150 SUPERCREW FX4 LUXURY 4X4 MSRP $55,069


$39,990 BW $298

2013 F150 SUPERCAB STX 4X4

Stk.#T0346 MSRP $26,799

Stk.C0007 Ford touch pckg, rear camera MSRP $28,599

STK.#C0084 auto, moon roof




$22,985 BW $178


Stk #T0355. MSRP $39,649


$24,985 BW $193

2013 F350 CREW CAB XLT 4X4

Stk #T0365. fully loaded, luxury unit, top of the line. MSRP $66,549

STK #T0038. 6.2L gas, longbox, nicely equipped. MSRP $54,789



$50,950 BW $364


$39,970 BW $299

$26,686 BW $193


Stk #T0159. 6.7L diesel, loaded with roof, nicely equipped. MSRP $77,329


$58,900 BW $419





$17,798 BW $176

$22,995 BW $226

$24,985 BW $239

2011 FORD F350 XLT



Stk.#T03378C auto, race yellow

Stk.#L0186 leather, moon roof

$7,985 2011 TOYOTA SR5 Stk.#L0218 mega cab

Stk.#T0398A lifted, oversized wheels and tires

$29,895 BW $293

$34,895 BW $339

Stk.#T0288 leather, diesel

Stk.#T0356A leather

Stk.#T0368A loaded, leather

Stk.#T0377A diesel, dually, leather

$46,985 BW $348

$48,895 BW $483

“Let your Legacy start here.”



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