Mighty tough Mustangs
Missing from Old Crow
A team of young, inexperienced players triumphed in Revelstoke on the weekend.
A scientist finds troubling changes among northern bird populations.
Page 15
Page 23
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013
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Carbon monoxide close call PAGE 6
Ian Stewart/Yukon News
An undead housemaid welcomes new victims to MAD’s Haunted Mansion, a Halloween show by the Music, Art and Drama students at Wood Street Centre, tonight at 6:30 and 8 p.m.
Hunter kills family pet PAGE 5 If the broom fits, ride it
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
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Ian Stewart/Yukon News
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First Nations call for action on chinook
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Jacqueline Ronson
time. Teslin is right at the end of the Yukon River salmon run, ukon First Nations are call- so that community bears the ing on the federal governbrunt when too many fish are ment to do more to protect taken downstream, said Sidney. Yukon River salmon. “We do have an aboriginal Under the 2002 Yukon River right to be able to harvest food Salmon Agreement, Alaska and harvest salmon, and in must allow 42,500 chinook Teslin we haven’t been harvestto get past the border, plus ing salmon to any capacity enough for Yukon First Nations at all. Last year we took 24. to take a share of the harvest. It’s taken for ceremonies and But that goal was not met potlatches, stuff like that. Just in 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012 and a few families go and take the 2013. salmon. We have to buy salmon There are no provisions from Atlin, from the Taku in the treaty for penalties or River from Telegraph, from enforcement. Stikine River, other tributaries. Carl Sidney, chief of the It’s just not the same as having Teslin Tlingit Council, wrote the Yukon River salmon.” a letter last week requesting a A full Yukon aboriginal meeting with Fisheries Minchinook harvest is estimated to ister Gail Shea to discuss his be 8,000 fish. concerns. Yukon First Nations have Sidney would like her to voluntarily held back in recent meet with American officials years to protect spawning and push for better enforcechinook. ment of the treaty, he said in In 2012, they took 2,200 fish. an interview. In the United States, manThe Council of Yukon First agement measures have been Nations has also written Shea put in place to protect the chiin recent months to draw her nook, especially the first pulse to enter the Yukon River, since attention to the issue. most of those are headed for Minister Shea could not be Canadian water. reached for comment by press News Reporter
This year the commercial fishery was closed altogether, with limited openings for subsistence fishers. But that doesn’t do enough, said Sidney. He gave the example of a six-hour opening for fishing. “They open at six o’clock and close at 12. At five-to-six there’s fishermen sitting there with three or four or five nets, and as soon as it’s six o’clock they go out and set three or four nets, and then they fish right up until 12 o’clock. That’s not paying attention to (the salmon), and that’s not being considerate. They should be paying attention and just taking a very little amount, and letting the rest go and spawn.” The 2012 Alaska harvest was estimated to be 28,531 chinook. Many small, fly-in communities along the Alaskan section of the Yukon River depend on chinook for food through the winter. The low salmon returns in recent years has been declared a disaster by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce. Contact Jacqueline Ronson at jronson@yukon-news.com
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Yukon News
Council mulls larger animal shelter lease Jesse Winter News Reporter
ity council is considering giving the Mae Bachur Animal Shelter more space for its guests, something the shelter says is needed to help fight overcrowding and disease outbreaks. The Humane Society Yukon is the non-profit that runs the shelter. President Hoby Irwin and vice-president Linda Priestley spoke at council on Monday night, explaining why the animals in the shelter need more space. “The shelter was built in 1998. It’s the same size now as it was then … overcrowding is becoming a serious issue,” Irwin said. This year, the shelter has had 97 cats and 236 dogs come through. Last year they had 71 cats and 129 dogs, Irwin said. Linda Priestly explained that when a dog gets sick, like a puppy with parvo, they have to be kept in cramped quarantine cages separate from other dogs. Additional space would allow the sick animals somewhere to run around while still being kept apart from the healthy ones. “When parvo breaks out, we have a really hard time containing it. With the overcrowding, the noise in there is horrendous,” and makes dogs more aggressive, places staff at risk and sometimes leads to dogfights, Priestly said. What they need are isolation runs for sick dogs, a larger dog run for bigger dogs like huskies, and ideally a large Ian Stewart/Yukon News communal area for foster par- Gaia hangs out at the Mae Bachur Animal Shelter in Marwell. Humane Society Yukon, which ents to play with the animals, runs the shelter, is hoping to expand the outdoor dog runs into an unused adjacent lot.
which increases their likelihood of finding good, permanent homes. The land that the shelter wants to expand onto is next to the existing shelter in the Marwell Industrial Park. “It’s basically just swampland,” Irwin explained. He said that the community had pulled together and helped truck in and level 120 loads of gravel to make the area more suitable to a fenced-in dog run. The request to extend the humane society’s lease passed first and second reading on Monday, with third reading still to come. Irwin apologized for not having historic numbers of animals in the shelter because the previous board couldn’t provide them. The lack of appropriate records and alleged failure to follow the Societies Act nearly led to the shelter’s downfall last year and the territory’s registrar of societies took the case to Yukon Supreme Court. Former president Shelley Cuthbert is fighting claims against her in court. A judge’s decision on the case is scheduled for Friday. A number of councillors commended Irwin and the society for pulling itself out of nearly $100,000 in debt and overcoming the legal challenges to keep the shelter running. “I think it’s important to do exactly what we’re doing. The shelter was pretty much nixed, and they’ve come back and phoenixed,” said Mayor Dan Curtis after the vote. Contact Jesse Winter at jessew@yukon-news.com
City cyclists face new rules Jesse Winter
high. It’s really great that we get out ahead of this in a proactive way and promote it in the yclists commuting to work same way and minimize those in Whitehorse’s winter conflicts,” Streicker said. darkness must now have a Under the new law, there white headlight and red tail are two exceptions to the nolight on their bikes and can’t sidewalk rule. Children under ride on sidewalks anymore. 12 are still allowed to ride on But they’re also getting a sidewalks outside the central little more protection from im- business district, and cyclists patient motorists. The changes can use sidewalks when the are part of the city’s updated shoulder of the road or bike bicycle bylaw, which council lane is blocked by snow or ice. passed unanimously on MonIf a cyclist does ride on a day night. sidewalk at night, however, they “I’m very happy with the had better pay careful attenrefreshing of this bylaw,” said tion to their speed. Passing a Coun. John Streicker. pedestrian at anything other “We know there are more cy- than “ordinary walking speed” clists out there, including in the carries a $50 fine. wintertime. It’s growing. The That caused some consternapotential for conflict is always tion among council in discusNews Reporter
sion before the vote. “How can you not go faster than someone who is walking?” asked Coun. Dave Stockdale. “If you’re not going faster than the person walking, you’re never going to pass them.” “I figured that question would come up,” said bylaw services’ Dave Pruden. “We tried to give cyclists some parameters.” “Ordinary walking speed” is considered anything slower than jogging, Pruden explained. Stockdale also asked whether there had been a legal review of the new bylaw, wondering what might happen if someone’s actions under the bylaw were questioned in court. There was no legal review, Pruden said, because this type
of bylaw would be no different than a noise bylaw, and infractions aren’t criminal. For example, if there were an accident involving a cyclist that wound up in court, the speed restrictions under the bylaw won’t matter. “The courts are going to use their own discretion for what a reasonable rate of speed would be,” Pruden said. Coun. Jocelyn Curteanu pointed out that even with this new bylaw in place, the rules of the road still apply to everyone, including both drivers and cyclists. The new bylaw also requires motorists to have at least one metre of space between them and a cyclist when passing. Drivers are also forbidden
from driving or parking in bike lanes. Cyclists can’t tow anything behind a bike except a bicycle trailer, which must have a red reflector or an orange flag on its rear and kids can’t exceed the manufacturer’s occupancy limit. Most cyclist-related fines under the act are $50 for everything from not wearing a helmet to failing to give an audible signal when passing another user on a trail. If motorists breach the bylaw, they could get slapped with a $100 fine. Anyone who fails to comply with a bylaw officer will face the heaviest penalty of $300 under the new bylaw. Contact Jesse Winter at jessew@yukon-news.com
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Man sentenced after fatal New Year’s day crash Ashley Joannou
both lawyers. Castagner, 40, originally faced charges that included Yukoner will serve a oneimpaired driving causing the year conditional sentence death of Tim Bierlmeier. But after a New Year’s crash that he pleaded guilty to a lesser killed his brother-in-law. charge. Trevor Castagner pleaded Castagner was operating guilty to one count of danger- his snowmobile in the earlyous driving in Yukon Supreme morning hours of New Year’s Court Monday. Day 2011, driving home from His sentence includes a a party. curfew for the first six months. Bierlmeier, his brother-inHe will not be able to drive law and friend of 15 years, was for one year and is prohibited sitting behind him. from drinking alcohol for that The court heard how the time. He must also complete snow machine took a curve to 75 hours of community serthe left up to Castagner’s home vice. in Crestview. The courtroom was packed Castagner felt a “sudden and earlier this week, with some unexpected weight shift by the people forced to stand, as passenger,” his lawyer Vince Justice Leigh Gower heard the Michaels said. facts and sentenced the man. Perhaps the man lost his grip or his footing, the lawyer The sentence was a joint recommendation coming from suggested, but no one is sure News Reporter
exactly what happened. The shift in weight caused the snow machine to roll and Bierlmeier struck his head on a parked car as they were passing. Bierlmeier was 40. The court heard Castagner had three drinks over dinner on New Year’s Eve. Sometime after midnight he was home when he got called to come to a second party and drove there on his snowmobile. He said he had two more beers there. A witness told police Castagner appeared sober when the two men left on the snowmobile around 5 a.m., his lawyer said. Castagner agrees he had drinks that night but is not admitting to any sort of impairment as the legal cause of the crash, Michaels told the court.
First Nations oppose fracking
Greetings A Proclamation WHEREAS Project Red Ribbon is a commitment by Canadians to drive safe and sober. It is a highly visible, community public awareness campaign which depends on volunteer participation to promote the message that deaths and injuries resulting from impaired driving are needless tragedies and totally preventable; and WHEREAS each year from November 1 to the first Monday after January 1st, MADD Canada volunteers across the country distribute red ribbons and ask Canadians to display a ribbon on their vehicle and/or key chain, or on a personal item like their purse, briefcase or backpack; and WHEREAS the MADD Canada red ribbon is a powerful symbol. By displaying the ribbon, you are making a personal commitment to drive sober. A red ribbon is also used to pay tribute to the thousands of Canadians who have lost their lives or who have been injured as a result of impaired driving. The red ribbon also reinforces the message to drive sober throughout the holidays and throughout the year; THEREFORE, I, Doug Phillips, Commissioner of Yukon, do hereby proclaim November 1, 2013 to be
in Yukon. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal at Whitehorse, Yukon on 2013
into looking after and protecting it for future generations,” said Carl Sidney, chief The Yukon River InterTribal Watershed Council has of the Teslin Tlingit Council joined the call to ban fracking and co-chair of the watershed council. in the Yukon. “No one pays attention The group represents 70 until they damage it. Just like aboriginal groups from the anything, like slippery highYukon and Alaska, and is ways, no one pays attention concerned with protecting until there’s a major accident, the Yukon River watershed. and then everybody runs over “Water is pretty essential and puts gravel on it.” to our being, and there just The council passed a resoseems to be no consideration lution supporting the ban of hydraulic fracturing in Yukon ursd Wed, Oct 30 & and Alaska until it can be Thurs, Oct 31 proven safe to the satisfaction Whitehorse Yukon Cinema Whi8thorse of the aboriginal people. 304 Wood Street Ph: 668-6644 Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a controversial method of extracting natural (14A) Nightly at 6:45 & 9:15 PM gas that involves pumping pressurized water, sand and chemicals deep underground. The process uses a huge amount of water compared with other methods of oil and (G) One Show Nightly in 3D at 7:00 PM gas production. Moved over from the Qwanlin: Sidney said he has a hard time imagining a scenario where the council would (14A) One Show Nightly in 3D at 9:10 PM change its mind and allow the
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Gower heard that the snowmobile was travelling in and out of the ditches on its way back to Castagner’s home. This was done “playfully” Michaels said. Both men were experienced snowmobilers, comfortable travelling this way, he said. Michaels also agreed that when the snowmobile approached the curve before the house, it was going faster than the 50-km speed limit. Again, both men were confident on the machine, he said. “All seemed well” until the crash, Michaels told the court. A wildlife enforcement officer with Environment Canada in British Columbia, Castagner lived and worked in the Yukon for most of his life. He moved to Vancouver in May 2012. The driving ban that comes as part of the sentence may
ender’s GAMe
Contact Ashley Joannou at ashleyj@yukon-news.com
practice. “I can’t really see anything that they could put in place for us to allow it. The bottom line is, it poisons the water. I don’t care how you look at it. They say, ‘Oh, it all can be contained.’ Just like the pipeline. ‘It all can be contained.’ But what if it breaks? Then what? It’s like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube. How the heck do you put it back in without causing a big mess?” The Council of Yukon First Nations has come out in opposition to fracking, as have a number of First Nations not represented by the council. Sidney said that resources should be directed instead to educating young people so that they one day might come up with innovative ways to extract and use resources. “The bottom line is, ‘slow down.’ The gas isn’t going anywhere, the minerals aren’t going anywhere. Let’s take our time and educate the younger generation into being rocket scientists.” (Jacqueline Ronson) The new Yukon home of
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Commissioner of Yukon
mean he has to take a leave of absence from work, Michaels said. The lawyer pointed to 32 letters of support filed with the court, which describe his client as someone who is ordinarily safety oriented. Castagner has no criminal record or history of bad driving, he said. What happened has been difficult for the entire family. Castagner would like the chance to participate in some sort of victim/offender mediation program, Michaels said. Gower agreed. The judge said what happened appeared to be out of character for Castagner.
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Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Hunter fined for killing family dog ‘As a pet owner I can’t imagine my pet being taken away from me like this.’ Ashley Joannou
If the person is being affected by powerful instincts, they will see what they want to see,” he said. Questions about roadside hunting have been raised before. Earlier this year, the Yukon government ordered a public review of the hunting regulations for roadside hunting. The joint committee between the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board and Environment Yukon was formed. Its mandate was specifically to look at bear hunting, Environment Yukon spokesperson Nancy Campbell said. “They still have about six months left on the clock,” she said. The decision to form the committee was made after the legal shooting of a blonde grizzly bear along the Tagish Road. Last year, a proposal was made to ban bear hunting along the Atlin Road. That did not move forward because it was too specific to just that road, Campbell said. Currently, hunters must be off the road and shoulder completely before they can fire a shot. They must shoot away from the road, not across or along it.
driveway when he got out and took the single shot, Peterson told the court. long-time Yukoner called Bridge, who now lives in for a roadside hunting Surrey, B.C., pleaded guilty to ban after a British Columbia two counts under the Yukon hunter was fined for acciden- Wildlife Act. tally killing his family’s dog. He was fined $1,750 and Eric Peterson was drinkbanned from hunting in the ing coffee on the porch of his Yukon for two years. He was cabin by the Atlin Road in also ordered to take a hunting May when he heard a shot, education course if he ever he told a Yukon justice of the wants to get a licence in the peace yesterday. Yukon again. He found his six-year-old Bridge’s fine will go to the German shepherd/Labrador Bella Fund, run by the Mae cross, Tikka, dead in a field on Bachur Animal Shelter. The his property. fund helps pay for medical Peterson told the court he costs of animals in need. followed the shooter and an At the time of the shooting, angry confrontation ensued Bridge had the appropriate near the British Columbia hunting licences for wolves, border. though it was not the legal The shooter, Daniel Bridge, hunting season. said he thought the dog was In court, both men apoloa wolf and he planned to go gized. back and pick up the animal Peterson admitted he was Submitted photo/Yukon News after a short trip into B.C. “absolutely furious” during Tikka, a black Lab/German shepherd cross, was killed in May It turns out Bridge was the altercation and said he by a hunter who mistook it for a wolf near the Atlin Road. understood why Bridge may actually parked in Peterson’s have felt fearful. Burgess called the case “an “I believe Mr. Bridge is an emotional issue.” honourable man. I believe he “As a pet owner I can’t WEDNESDAY • FRIDAY made a mistake … my family imagine my pet being taken has been very affected by it,” away from me like this,” he he said. said. Advertise your Home Bridge, who attended Outside the courtroom, Pein 3 issues (3 consecutive weeks) the hearing over the phone, terson said he would support for only $60+GST apologized to the Peterson a roadside hunting ban across PHONE: 867-667-6283 family for what happened. the territory. Justice of the peace Gary “Guns are powerful things. News Reporter
House Hunters
CANARIE & Yukon Research Centre: Partnering in Research CANARIE and The Yukon Research Centre are hosting a research conference on November 4th at the Westmark Hotel & Conference Center. The Morning session is invitation only. It will feature Peter Wilenius of CANARIE (Canada’s highspeed research and education Internet network) speaking about his organization’s history in the Yukon. This will be followed by a demonstration of the database of historical weather data recently culled from the logs books of White Pass and Yukon Route train and riverboat stations. We believe this new weather data will be of considerable interest and importance in the study of historical climate conditions in the territory. In the Afternoon from 1pm to 5pm there will be a research poster event open to the public featuring environmental research projects from the Yukon Research Centre and other agencies from the Yukon scientific community. Snacks will be served.
Contact Ashley Joannou at ashleyj@yukon-news.com
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Yukon News
Medical association president hits back at health minister
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Jacqueline Ronson News Reporter
registry of Yukoners without a family doctor is useless without a plan to connect those people with doctors, according to the president of the Yukon Medical Association. “You’ve gathered up the numbers, but what are you doing with it?” asked Dr. Rao Tadepalli. Health Minister Doug Graham recently announced in a letter to the News that 1,830 Yukoners signed up for the government’s doctorless patient registry. The letter also criticized the Yukon Medical Association for its proposal to give financial incentives to doctors who take on new patients. Tadepalli said he was surprised and disappointed at Graham’s reaction. The association wanted to start a conversation about how to help the 1,830 people on the list, but the government wouldn’t even come to the table, said Tadepalli. “The government was not interested in talking about it at all. We had no response, no negotiation, no further talk.” The registry was never intended as a means to match patients with doctors, wrote Graham. It was simply an exercise in
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Jesse Winter/ Yukon News
Dr. Rao Tadepalli, president of the Yukon Medical Association, in the emergency room at Whitehorse General Hospital.
information gathering, explained a spokesperson for the department in an email. “The information from the registry will be used by the department in addressing the healthcare system’s human resource needs including informing physician recruitment, collaborative and integrated care model delivery options, and increased use of expanded scope nurses and other health care providers.” In addition, the registration form for the registry made it clear that patients would not necessarily be matched with doctors. The cost for the registry
web site, design, advertising, printing and distribution of registration forms was about $7,550, according to the email. Graham’s letter indicated that the government is not interested in paying doctors to take on orphan patients, and noted that general practitioners in Whitehorse make an average of $317,000 a year. Tadepalli does not dispute that doctors are well paid, he said. But Graham has misrepresented the facts by not telling the whole story, he added. “The minister had left out quite a bit in his ignorant approach, which was ill-advised,
probably as a result of a momentary lapse of judgement.” Doctors are more like private businesses than employees, and their revenue must cover costs such as office rent, staffing and equipment before they take anything home. Tadepalli also took offence to Graham’s remark that these are the salaries for general practitioners and not specialists. General practitioners here in the Yukon do a lot more than they might in a larger city down south, and many of them have areas of specialization, he said. “These GPs work very hard for their patients. They’ve dedicated their life, their hours, their family life and work very hard in their jobs. It means a lot to them. To suggest that these doctors are somehow not that well trained or experienced is disrespectful.” Tadepalli has announced that he will not seek another term as president of the Yukon Medical Association. He has held the job for nearly nine years, and said he felt it was time for someone else to take it on. Elections for a new president have been scheduled for this Friday. Contact Jacqueline Ronson at jronson@yukon-news.com
Dawsonite survives CO scare
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013
News Reporter
push reminding people to have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in their homes has already saved a life. Two weekends ago, a woman living in West Dawson decided to change the batteries in her carbon monoxide detector. She had heard about a campaign to get detectors in all homes in the Klondike area, said Dawson City Fire Chief Jim Regimbal. The detector went off right away. When firefighters came to check, they found a nearly lethal level of the odourless gas in the home. “They were at such a high level that in four to eight hours she would have lapsed into unconsciousness,” he said. Regimbal said before the woman discovered the gas, she had been experiencing flulike symptoms and had fallen down the stairs.
A propane fridge was eventually found to be the culprit. Firefighters from the Dawson City Fire Department and the Klondike Valley Fire Department will visit homes across the Klondike in the next couple of months to hand out combination smoke/carbon monoxide alarms. They will even install the new alarms to any households without them. “We’ll install them for you. These things save lives. I’d hate to see something terrible happen and find one of the units sitting on the counter,” Regimbal said. The units plug into the wall and have a battery that lasts about 10 years. So far about 600 alarms have found new homes in the greater Dawson area. “We got to everyone across the river about three weeks ago before freeze-up,” Regimbal said. The combination units were paid for by multiple donors, including the manufacturer
Kidde Canada. It’s important for the Dawson area to take a leadership role in this campaign because of the high number of people who use potentially dangerous heating sources, said Regimbal. “I think here we have more people using wood-burning appliances and also living off the grid with propane,” he said. In January 2012, the Rusk family – Brad, Val and their children Gabe and Rebekah – and family friend Donald McNamee died of carbon monoxide poisoning in their Porter Creek home. In the wake of those deaths, carbon monoxide detectors flew off the shelves around the territory. Regimbal said he thinks some of the diligence people show now is in part due to those deaths. “It’s tragic that is takes something like that,” he said. Earlier this year Yukon became the first jurisdiction in Canada to require car-
bon monoxide detectors to be installed in all residences, including rental units, with fuel burning appliances or an attached garage. The chief was quick to point out that the Yukon legislation was completed within a year while Ontario lawmakers have been working for the last four years on something similar. Regimbal is looking to expand the campaign beyond the Dawson area and give the alarms to households in the rest of the territory. He started with 900 units to hand out, but would like to eventually obtain many more. “So obviously I’m going to be looking for partnerships,” he said. Cindy Anderson with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada said her department will be contributing to the cause. An exact amount has not yet been decided. Contact Ashley Joannou at ashleyj@yukon-news.com
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Southern Lakes residents to discuss water-level woes From Oct. 7 to Nov. 30, 2013
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Ian Stewart/Yukon News
Yukon Energy’s Whitehorse dam with Schwatka Lake behind. The corporation is considering holding back more water in the fall to power the dam through the winter months.
Jacqueline Ronson
The corporation is still trying to collect the information to see if it is even worth pursuing, she he Southern Lakes Water said. Level Committee will host a But if the change is made, it meeting next week in Tagish to could save the territory 2.1 miltalk about erosion. lion litres of diesel fuel annually, The public meeting is one in a according to a video about the series to deal with local concerns project posted on Yukon Energy’s regarding a Yukon Energy plan to website. slow the draining of the Southern Record floods in 2007 damLakes in the fall to save more wa- aged at least 54 Southern Lakes ter for hydro power in the winter homes, particularly in Marsh months. Lake. Local residents are concerned But Yukon Energy’s plan won’t about potential effects to their change the flooding risk in the properties, wildlife and the envi- area. ronment. Under the water licence, all “When we had a natural flood the gates at the Lewes control in 2007, it was a wake-up call to structure must be open from May high water,” said Sue Greetham, 15 through August 15. who is helping to organize the Water levels during those meeting. “And therefore people months are affected primarily by have been watching and documelting snow and rainfall. menting a lot of high-water If the project goes forward, issues. Because the concept is to Yukon Energy will raise the water increase the height and increase level at which they are permitted the time in the fall, a few flags to start holding back water. pop up to people that, ‘Oh my Currently, that level is 656.23 gosh, if it gets held longer, at metres above sea level, and that that time of the year, and doesn’t would go up to 656.53, a differdrain?’ There are concerns.” ence of 30 centimetres. The plan is in very early stages, Water climbed as high as 657.5 said Janet Patterson, spokespermetres in 2007. While Yukon Energy’s plan to son for Yukon Energy. News Reporter
City considers changes to festival funding
funding as a way of managWhitehorse is looking at ing the increasing demands changing the way it will hand on a grant budget that hasn’t out grant money to festivals grown recently. and cultural events. Staff will continue to Last week city staff told study the signature-events council that a review of the idea and present it to coungrant funding process is cil in advance of next year’s underway, and that the city funding deadline. could consider identifying This year, the city recom“signature events” that could mended giving grants to qualify for higher levels of eight applicants. The biggest
hold back more water in the fall won’t cause water levels to rise higher than they would otherwise, it could speed erosion along the shorelines. That area of concern is the specific topic of next week’s meeting. Mike Miles, a fluvial geomorphologist – that’s “a fancy word for someone who works on water and rivers,” he said – from Victoria, B.C., will facilitate the discussion. He is an expert on the topic who has worked in the Yukon. Southern Lakes residents are asked to bring, if they like, one to three pictures of their particular shore front as well as a one-page writeup of any specific descriptions, questions or concerns. That information will be compiled and will inform Yukon Energy’s work on the project, said Greetham. The meeting will take place at 7 p.m. at the Tagish Community Centre. Detailed information about the project, including baseline environmental reports, are available on the Yukon Energy website. Contact Jacqueline Ronson at jronson@yukon-news.com
recipient is the Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous Society, which is getting $16,500 in cash and a $30,850 contribution of in-kind support. The Yukon Quest is getting $4,900 in cash and $11,150 in-kind and the Adaka Cultural Society is getting $4,000 in cash and $3,540 in-kind. The total contribution of cash and in-kind support tops out at $84,440. (Jesse Winter)
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Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
The Shanghai secret topped the world charts in the 2009 PISA (Program for Interby THOMAS L. national Student Assessment) exams that measure the ability FRIEDMAN of 15-year-olds in 65 countries to apply what they’ve learned in math, science and reading. After visiting Shanghai’s Qiangwei Primary School, SHANGHAI with 754 students – grades one henever I visit China, I through five – and 59 teachers, am struck by the sharply I think I found The Secret: divergent predictions of its There is no secret. future one hears. When you sit in on a class Lately, a number of global here and meet with the prininvestors have been “shorting” cipal and teachers, what you China, betting that someday find is a relentless focus on soon its powerful economic all the basics that we know engine will sputter, as the real make for high-performing estate boom here turns to a schools but that are difficult bust. Frankly, if I were shortto pull off consistently across ing China today, it would not an entire school system. These be because of the real estate are: a deep commitment to bubble but because of the pol- teacher training, peer-to-peer lution bubble that is increaslearning and constant profesingly enveloping some of its sional development, a deep biggest cities. involvement of parents in their Optimists take another children’s learning, an insistview: that, buckle in, China is ence by the school’s leadership just getting started and that on the highest standards and what we’re now about to see a culture that prizes education is the payoff from China’s 30 and respects teachers. years of investment in infraShanghai’s secret is simply structure and education. I’m its ability to execute more of not a gambler, so I’ll just watch these fundamentals in more of this from the sidelines. But if its schools more of the time. you’re looking for evidence as Take teacher development. to why the optimistic bet isn’t Shen Jun, Qiangwei’s principal, totally crazy, you might want who has overseen its transto visit a Shanghai elementary formation in a decade from a school. low-performing to a high-perI’ve travelled here with forming school – even though Wendy Kopp, the founder of 40 per cent of her students are Teach for America, and the children of poorly educated leaders of the Teach for All migrant workers – says her programs modelled on Teach teachers spend about 70 per for America that are operating cent of each week teaching and in 32 countries. We’re visit30 per cent developing teaching skills and lesson planning. ing some of the highest- and That is far higher than in a lowest-performing schools in typical US school. China to try to uncover The Teng Jiao, 26, an English Secret – how is it that Shanghai’s public secondary schools teacher here, said school begins
Mike Thomas
MONDAY • WEDNESDAY • FRIDAY Published by Black Press Group Ltd.
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at 8:35 a.m. and runs to 4:30 p.m., during which he typically teaches three 35-minute lessons. I sat in on one Grade 3 English class. The English lesson was meticulously planned, with no time wasted. The rest of his day, he said, is spent on lesson planning, training online or with his team, having other teachers watch his class and tell him how to improve and observing the classrooms of master teachers. “You see so many teaching techniques that you can apply to your own classroom,” he remarks. Education experts will tell you that of all the things that go into improving a school, nothing – not class size, not technology, not length of the school day – pays off more than giving teachers the time for peer review and constructive feedback, exposure to the best teaching and time to deepen their knowledge of what they’re teaching. Teng said his job also includes “parent training.” Parents come to the school three to five times a semester to develop computer skills so they can better help their kids with homework and follow lessons online. Christina Bao, 29, who also teaches English, said she Reporters
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tries to chat either by phone or online with the parents of each student two or three times a week to keep them abreast of their child’s progress. “I will talk to them about what the students are doing at school.” She then alluded matter-of-factly to a big cultural difference here, “I tell them not to beat them if they are not doing well.” In 2003, Shanghai had a very “average” school system, said Andreas Schleicher, who runs the PISA exams. “A decade later, it’s leading the world and has dramatically decreased variability between schools.” He, too, attributes this to the fact that, while in America a majority of a teacher’s time in school is spent teaching, in China’s best schools, a big chunk is spent learning from peers and personal develop-
ment. As a result, he said, in places like Shanghai, “the system is good at attracting average people and getting enormous productivity out of them,” while also, “getting the best teachers in front of the most difficult classrooms.” China still has many mediocre schools that need fixing. But the good news is that in just doing the things that US and Chinese educators know work – but doing them systematically and relentlessly – Shanghai has in a decade lifted some of its schools to the global heights in reading, science and math skills. Oh, and Shen Jun, the principal, wanted me to know: “This is just the start.” Thomas L. Friedman writes on international affairs for the New York Times.
Quote of the Day “We do have an aboriginal right to be able to harvest food and harvest salmon, and in Teslin we haven’t been harvesting salmon to any capacity at all. Last year we took 24. It’s taken for ceremonies and potlatches, stuff like that.” Carl Sidney, chief of the Teslin Tlingit Council, on the diminished state of the chinook fishery at Teslin. Page 2.
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Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
The Yukon and the European trade deal into the 24 EU languages, and ratified by each side. Right now, in Europe, someone is by Keith somewhere probably trying to figure out the Halliday Maltese and Estonian words for “maple syrup with a minimum soluble solids content of 66 per cent as determined by refractometer.” Economists often criticize the mainstream media for reporting on trade deals like they were hockey games. Countries “conig news in the slow-moving cede” access to foreigners, and and acronym-filled world of “win” access to new markets. international trade! Countries become “winners” or Canada and the European Union finally signed off on CETA “losers.” This is nonsense from an – the Comprehensive Economic economics point of view. The and Trade Agreement – on Octowinners and losers aren’t usually ber 18. Strictly speaking, it’s just countries, but groups of people. an agreement in principle. But even this is big news for a process Usually there is a small and well-organized group of insiders that has been inching along in benefiting from a trade restricvarious forms since the Canadation, and a large group of regular EU summit in Prague in 2009. folks paying the price. And of course, Prague built on Take cheese as an example. the five years of preparatory work started after the Canada-EU sum- Canada has a system of “supply management” in place to favour mit in Ottawa in 2004. You can be forgiven if you can’t Canadian dairy farmers. According to a Conference Board of remember the Prague or Ottawa Canada report, foreign cheese summits. Only the most hardis only allowed to be imported ened trade enthusiasts were even tariff-free up to five per cent of paying attention when they hapthe Canadian market. After that, pened, and that was years ago. The agreement may even come a shocking 246 per cent tax is applied. A $10 block of foreign into force in a few years, after cheese would end up costing you the text is finalized, translated
Cyclists need to be seen Every year, about this time, I begin to experience dim bicycle riders, who do not appreciate the inability of drivers of four-wheeled vehicles to see them in the dark. During the “rush hour” of 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. each weekday morning, it is currently dark, and will continue to get darker. Throw in some river fog and cloud and the headlights from oncoming vehicles, and the world outside the immediate area in front of you is plunged into darkness. For all bicycle riders who choose to ride under these conditions, let me be clear: we can’t see you, unless you are lit up like Christmas tree. Period. We don’t know you are there. For those very few of you who actually indicate what you are about to do via hand signals, well done. But we can’t see you. We don’t know where you are, nor what you are about to do. Please do not assume that we can. For those of you who are considered to be adults by law, it is your responsibility to ensure that you can be readily seen by vehicle operators. This is basic common sense, and even if you don’t care about your own safety, you should be concerned about the poor vehicle-bound schlepper who, through no fault of their own, might run you down and have to deal with the life-long consequences. For those of you who are con-
$34.60. The result is that cheese prices are higher than they need to be in Canada, and that the 99.9 per cent of Canadians who aren’t dairy farmers end up paying a chunk of their food budget to Canada’s approximately 12,500 dairy farmers. A Globe and Mail story on the “Free the Cheese” campaign pointed out that two litres of milk cost $2.99 in Ottawa while the same amount was $1.83 (Canadian) in Buffalo. High-cost basic foodstuffs affect low-income Canadians particularly hard. CETA increases the limit for tariff-free European cheese exports to Canada from 13,000 tonnes to 29,000 tonnes. That is what most media outlets reported, and it sounds pretty good, until you realize that the rest of the 420,000-tonne Canadian market will remain a protected profit haven for Canadian dairy farmers. Astonishingly, NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair came out in public against even this modest increase in cheese imports and said the government was throwing dairy farmers “under the bus.” Does he not realize he is essentially saying he is in favour of high food prices for regular Canadians to benefit a small group of farmers? Undoubtedly, he’ll have a lot of ads in the next election saying
sidered to be minors by law, your parents should be held liable and accountable for not making sure that you are exhibiting substantial illumination while riding during darkness. This is inexcusable. There should be legal requirements for this, and fines should be levied for those, or those legally responsible for your safety, who do not comply. This is a serious, dangerous endeavour, and I grow weary of bicyclists emerging from the darkness just a few feet away, mostly without illumination of any kind, or even reflective strips. And pedal reflectors won’t do it. You have to ensure that you can be seen. Otherwise, do not presume to enjoy any reasonable expectation of safety. It’s a simple matter: if you are dressed in dark clothing sans lighting or even reflective material, you will not be seen until the vehicle is right on top of you. This is your responsibility. Turn the lights on – both inside and out. We will all be a lot safer. Let’s be careful out there. Rem Ricks Whitehorse
Super employee, beyond the call of duty My mom works at Superstore Whitehorse, and I would like to
mention her outstanding work ethic and total dedication she has towards her great employer in the Yukon. First off, I have never seen too many employees who make it a habit to arrive early, and leave late. Most of the time she walks to work. This reflects a dedication of its own. Cold of winter, windy, dusty, wet, and the ability to run the gauntlet of cigarette moochers as well. Mom always greets customers and fellow employees with a smile; you can see it from a mile, no matter how much her feet hurt, or any precarious situation that is lingering. After about five years of total dedication, and loyalty above all, she has taken only four sick days, and to date has never been late for a shift. She told me one time that she is from the old school as far as her work goes. Mom even helps the old folks with groceries to their car, and always with a smile. She has this uncanny ability to calm just about any situation, and have customers go on there merry way with a smile as well. I was told working the front end of Superstore can be a nightmare on any street. The size of the store is about average size all over Canada, only problem is the rest of Canada has what we call population, people to hire, and the total population of the Yukon is about 30,000 – this includes children, retired folks, folks
he is standing up for the little guy, even after doing his best to keep the little guy’s pizza bill as high as possible. The Europeans, of course, pushed for access to the entire Canadian dairy market. Some unconfirmed media reports suggest that Canada paid a stiff price in the negotiations to keep the “supply management” system in place for the bulk of the market; i.e., to maintain the right of Canadians to be over-charged for cheese. According to these reports, the bargaining chip was extending European pharmaceutical patents for two years. This could end up costing health budgets over a billion dollars a year. You can follow the same logic for plenty of other goods covered in CETA. Allowing more European cars into the country delivers more competition, putting more pressure on North American car makers to offer good products at good prices. Over 99 per cent of Canadians benefit, while the losers are wellconnected car companies and auto unions. So what does this mean to Yukoners? The federal government tried to put out a report on the benefits for the Yukon. But it looks like the summer intern messed up “search and replace”
in the official online version. The report says the Yukon “diamond industry” will have duty-free access to Europe, and we’ll get new markets for our seafood exports as well as our “chemical and plastics” industry. Our “scientific instruments exports” to the EU will have their 6.7 per cent tariff eliminated. The more significant impact will be on what Yukoners buy. We are the ultimate outsiders. We don’t have much in the way of auto factories, industrial machinery mills or giant cheese farms. Our mining industry has never succeeded in lobbying Ottawa for its own version of “supply management,” so it has nothing to lose from free trade with Europe. If CETA delivers more competition and lower prices to Canadian consumers, then Yukon consumers will benefit. Politicians from factory towns or dairy regions in the East may scream about CETA, but our politicians should vote for it. And they should get cracking on eliminating the tariffs driving up the prices of the other 380,000 tonnes of cheese Canadian families eat. Keith Halliday is a Yukon economist and author of the MacBride Museum’s Aurore of the Yukon series of historical children’s adventure novels. You can follow him on Twitter @hallidaykeith
the issue of murdered and missing aboriginal women in Canada. His support of the call from a majority of his constituents may be that work for the Terrified Gov., and a welcome sign of Leef ’s beginning assorted sled dogs. to mature as a politician. However, This is why Mom works hard. some of us haven’t missed the fact Some call it picking up the slack. that he is not calling for an inquiry. So next time you are at the store, In his column in your paper and see a gal with the great smile, he carefully misleads us when he you will know who she is. If I was changes from talking about an inever an undercover boss, I would quiry and calls it an inquest. I trust send Mom to any place on this earth that those who think he has finally she wanted to go. Mom loves me found some empathy and courage very much, we walk together often. will note that there is a vast differKeep up the great job, Naomi, and ence between an inquiry and an keep smiling, and just maybe the inquest. He says himself that “an whole world will smile with you. inquest alone is not the solution in and of itself.” I agree. Bob Dozer Come clean, Ryan. Stop this Whitehorse deliberate obfuscation. Have real An inquest is not an inquiry courage to act in support of our murdered and missing sisters and their families. Use the correct Thank you for your editorial term and follow through on it in pointing out some of the question- Ottawa. able tactics in the late announcement by our MP Ryan Leef that Eleanor Millard he is in favour of an inquiry into Carcross
Letters to the editor The Yukon News welcomes letters from its readers. Letters should be no longer than 500 words and must be signed with your full name and place of residence. A daytime phone number is also required for verification purposes only. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, length, accuracy and legality. You can send submissions to editor@yukon-news.com. They can be faxed to 867-668-3755 or mailed to 211 Wood St., Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2E4.
Yukon News
Injured troops booted from military before qualifying for pension
CTFN POST-SECONDARY DEADLINES Deadlines to apply for funding are: Winter Semester November 15th Spring/Summer Semester March 15th Fall Semester May 15th
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Murray Brewster
stress, and injuries that affect his insulin levels, all the result of the 2008 Taliban bombing OTTAWA that killed three of his comravely injured troops are rades. being booted from the Both he and Hawkins do not military before they qualify for meet the military’s universality a pension, despite assurances to of service rule, which requires the contrary from the Harper members to be fit to deploy at government. a moment’s notice. They also A former reserve combat fall under a system whereby a engineer was let go last Friday member must serve 10 years to on a medical discharge after qualify for an indexed pension. begging for months to remain If they don’t, they’re refunded until hitting the 10-year mark. their contributions. Cpl. David Hawkins is about Hawkins, from London, a year shy of being eligible for Ont., spent his tour between an indexed pension, but was September 2008 and April released because his post trau2009 as a member of a quickmatic stress means he is unable reaction force of soldiers called to deploy overseas. out of a forward operating base Among those also leavto deal with suicide attacks and ing is Cpl. Glen Kirkland. His roadside bombings. plea to remain in the army last The stress started creeping June was answered by former up on him overseas, and he defence minister Peter MacKay went from sleeping in a light with an a pledge he could stay armoured vehicle, ready to until September 2015 – and that combat the Taliban, to sleeping no members are released until in his truck near London, Ont., they are ready. because it was the only place he But the offer turned out to felt comfortable. be exclusive to Kirkland, who Hawkins was prescribed 13 chose within the last few days medications for his disorder to leave rather than be given while being processed at the special treatment. military’s operational stress in“I joined as a member of jury centre. He said he wanted a team, as a family,” Kirkland to remain in the Forces to resaid in an interview from Shilo, qualify as a firefighter once he Man. felt better. “So, when I was offered an But there is a time limit for opportunity when no one else recovery under universality of was, it just goes against everyservice and he was eventually thing I joined for.” given an ultimatum. He will be formally dis“They were just trying to charged in March. push me through the system, Kirkland was left with dameven though I had told them I aged hearing, post-traumatic wasn’t ready,” Hawkins said. “I was told, ‘No, you’re going to have to go back to work, or we signature can drop your funding right stamps now.”’ As a reservist, Hawkins faces 207 Main St. 668-3447 a different set of entitlements The Canadian Press
Stores will be closed until noon to prepare! Open Noon until 9:00pm
and rules than Kirkland, who is a member of the regular force. Now that he is out of the military, Hawkins is eligible for benefits under Veterans Affairs, including retraining. But he says his PTSD diagnosis will be a black mark as he looks for work. Last spring, MacKay was emphatic in the House of Commons that no one would be forced out. “In fact, all injured members are not released from the military until they are prepared to do so. Until they are prepared for release, they work with members of the Canadian Forces on their transition plan, and when it is appropriate for their families and they are ready to make a shift into the private sector,” he said on June 11. A spokeswoman for newly appointed Defence Minister Rob Nicholson said Hawkins’ case is under review. “We thank Cpl. Hawkins for his service and sacrifice for Canada,” Julie Di Mambro said in an email. “We are aware of the issue and are looking into it further.” Kirkland said he is disillusioned by his experience with the government, and by what happened to Hawkins. “I don’t have very much faith in the politicians who are pulling the strings,” he said. “There needs to be some serious change. I mean, who would join? Would you tell your kids to join knowing that if they get disabled they won’t be looked after?” The Conservative government has poured millions of dollars into veterans programs, and recently underscored its commitment to ex-soldiers in the throne speech.
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Yukon News
Two cheques: Duffy says Conservative lawyer covered his $13,500 legal expenses Bruce Cheadle The Canadian Press
OTTAWA he $90,000 from Stephen Harper’s former chief of staff wasn’t the only secret, five-figure payment made on Mike Duffy’s behalf during the Senate expense scandal, the senator at the heart of the controversy says. For the second time in as many weeks, Duffy – expelled from the Conservative caucus in May – shocked the normally sleepy upper chamber Monday with a tale of intrigue and betrayal he says starts and ends with the Prime Minister’s Office. “The cheques tell who’s telling the truth and who is not,” Duffy, a former TV broadcaster, declared before releasing more documents to buttress his explosive claims. At issue is an alleged coverup in which the Prime Minister’s Office paid off Duffy so that he could repay disputed expenses, in return for which a Conservative-dominated Senate audit committee would whitewash Duffy’s behaviour and make the scandal disappear. Instead, the flames just keep getting higher – and on Monday, Duffy poured more fuel on the inferno. Facing suspension without pay for the next two years, Duffy and fellow Conservative exiles Pamela Wallin and Patrick Brazeau have all lashed out at a PMO they say is railroading them out of political expediency. Duffy tabled a document
with the Senate that shows Arthur Hamilton, the Conservative party lawyer, signed off on a payment of $13,560 to Duffy’s legal representative last April 3. Duffy says he’d already been “coaxed” into accepting $90,000 from Nigel Wright, Harper’s chief of staff, to be used to pay off disputed Senate housing expense claims – notwithstanding written assurances from Wright that he’d broken no rules. “It was never about ethics, it was always all about politics – which explains why Arthur Hamilton was busy cutting cheques,” Duffy charged. Repaying expenses he’d been cleared to claim would make him look guilty, said Duffy. “But when I insisted on written guarantees that repaying money I didn’t owe would not be seen by the Senate as a guilty plea, Nigel Wright arranged to have my legal fees paid,” he told a rapt upper chamber. “That’s right. One cheque from Nigel Wright? No, ladies and gentlemen, there were two cheques – at least two cheques.” An audible gasp went up from the gathered senators. Hamilton, who works for the firm Cassels Brock & Blackwell, would not comment on any of Duffy’s claims when reached by The Canadian Press. The Prime Minister’s Office issued a statement reiterating that Wright has “assumed sole responsibility for his actions.” “The prime minister was not aware of the arrangement and had it been presented to him he would not have approved
have the email to prove it. Duffy said the PMO “rehearsed with me, right up until minutes before I went on television, the lines I would use in the media.” The prime minister in the Commons last week used Duffy’s claim of remortgaging his own home as proof that the senator’s words could not be trusted: “When Mr. Duffy went on national television (last March) to say that he had repaid his own expenses by taking out a loan against his assets, that is exactly what he should Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press have done,” Harper said in the House. Sen. Mike Duffy takes the elevator as he arrives at the According to Duffy, “the Senate on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Monday. PMO told me to say that my of such a scheme,” said spokes- party donors that the PMO was wife and I took out a loan at man Jason MacDonald. attempting to dupe and placate. the Royal Bank.” It was the revelation last May A party spokesman appeared “That line was written by that Wright himself paid off confirm Duffy’s suspicion on the PMO to deceive Canadians Duffy’s expenses that brought the source of the funds. as to the real source of the the Senate scandal to the prime “At the time these legal ex$90,000,” he asserted. minister’s front door. penses were incurred and paid, And he says he was well Harper has steadfastly Mike Duffy was a member of within the rules in filing his maintained he knew nothing of the Conservative caucus,” Cory expenses, and that the true Wright’s largesse, but the circle Hann said in an email. amount of claims that were of PMO and party insiders who “The Conservative party found to be improperly filed were in on the deal appears to sometimes assists members of totalled less than $500. The Senate continued to keep growing. caucus with legal expenses.” And Duffy keeps fanning the Duffy laid the blame directly debate a motion Monday evening to suspend Duffy, Wallin flames. on Harper. and Brazeau without pay for “I’ve never seen a cheque “This was all part of his two years, although the sancfrom Nigel Wright,” Duffy strategy, negotiated by his tion is meeting fierce resistance noted, almost as an aside Mon- lawyers and the Conservative from some Conservatives who day. party’s lawyers, to make a pol“But I do have the cheque itical situation embarrassing to feel it fails to give the three due process. stub and transmittal letter from his base go away,” said Duffy. Arthur Hamilton, the ConservEven the story Duffy first ative party’s lawyer.” offered the public last February The new Yukon home of Duffy alleged the funds for about how he’d borrowed the his legal fees came from the money to repay his expenses Conservative party and thus was cooked up by the PMO, the from the pockets of the same senator says – and he claims to
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Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
North of 60° Agriculture Conference and Banquet “Germinate your Thinking” Friday, November 1, and Saturday, November 2 Gold Rush Inn & Yukon Convention Centre, Whitehorse Conference - Friday and Saturday Join the Agriculture Branch in partnership with the Yukon Young Farmers and the Yukon Agricultural Association for this year’s conference. We’re featuring a wide range of agricultural related topics. All conference sessions are free and open to everyone. Friday November 1 - Gold Rush Inn, 411 Main Street 1:00 p.m. - Agricultural business coach Cedric MacLeod will be conducting a professional development session. This interactive workshop highlights and explores the nine business best management practices used by leading farmers across North America. This session is targeted at Young Farmers, but is open to all and can benefit experienced producers. Saturday, November 2 - Yukon Convention Centre, (Next to Coast High Country Inn) 4051 4th Ave. Sessions run from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. • Cedric MacLeod on Farm Management Excellence. Cedric will be using a “Work in Process Manual” designed to get people thinking about how they run their farms. The presentation will highlight opportunities that arise from establishing a well-structured agricultural business. • Gene Hachey from the Northwest Territories will be presenting a perspective on agriculture north of 60° and the NWT Small Scale Food program that helps grow food in communities across the territory. • Soil expert Jeff Lowenfels, co-author of Teaming with Microbes, The Organic Gardener’s Guide to the Soil Food Web. Jeff hails from Alaska, and is considered a very entertaining and knowledgeable speaker. Jeff is also a lawyer and the combination of garden writing and law have earned him the moniker of “America’s Dirtiest Lawyer”. • Caitlin Dorward from Kwantlen Polytechnic University will be on hand to provide an update on the Yukon Food System Design and Planning Project, as well as results from her research. For the complete agenda please visit www.agriculture.gov.yk.ca
Banquet - Saturday, Nov. 2 - Doors open at 6 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. featuring local food For out-of-town folks attending the conference and banquet the hotels have a Yukon rate. For more information or to buy banquet tickets, please contact the Agriculture Branch. Agriculture Branch Room 320 Elijah Smith Building, 300 Main Street, Whitehorse Phone: 867-667-5838 • Toll Free: 1-800-661-0408 ext. 5838 • Fax: 867-393-6222 • Email: agriculture@gov.yk.ca
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Yukon News
Yukon News
Pine Dental would like to announce the opening of our new clinic @ 101-204 Black Street. We apologize for any inconvenience during our move. We look forward to serving you in our new location. NeW PatieNtS Welcome.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
B.C. reaches carbon-pricing deal with Oregon, Washington states Dirk Meissner
initiatives and building a growing trade partnership. Polak, who was in San Francisco, VICTORIA said the carbon-pricing agreement ritish Columbia’s carbon follows a meeting of the Pacific tax will soon have two new Coast Collaborative, which includes American cousins, prompting California, Alaska, Oregon, WashEnvironment Minister Mary Polak ington and B.C. The four states to suggest B.C.’s groundbreaking tax and one province have a combined is helping fuel an expanding green- population of 53 million people, powered West Coast economic with a gross domestic product of juggernaut. $2.8 trillion. Polak said Monday’s moves by Polak said B.C.’s 2008 carbon tax Oregon and Washington states played an instrumental role in contowards a carbon-pricing system vincing the U.S. states to embrace similar to B.C.’s seven-year-old car- carbon pricing similar to B.C.’s bon tax helps level B.C.’s economic carbon tax. playing field when it comes to green The B.C. tax adds about seven Canadian Press
Ta’an Kwäch’än council invites TKc citizens to attend a:
Community meeting
wednesday, october 30th at 6 p.m at the old Fire hall
Selkirk First Nation Citizens The Selkirk First Nation Annual General Assembly will be held on November 15, 16 and 17, 2013 at the Pelly Crossing Link Building
Please join us for supper and discussions.
For more information please contact: April Baker, Communications Officer (867) 537-3331, extension 263 communications@selkirkfn.com
For more information contact: Communications Coordinator Samantha Dawson at the TKC administration office: (867) 668-3613 ext. 253 or by email: sdawson@taan.ca
Margaret Atwood Book Launch and Signing at the
Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Saturday, November 23 – 7:30 PM $12/Adults – $8/Students Books available at the event Tickets available at Mac’s Fireweed
cents per litre of fuel sold in a effort to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Earlier this year, California introduced a carbon pricing mechanism as part of its carbon cap-and-trade system. “California isn’t waiting for the rest of the world before it takes action on climate change,” California Gov. Jerry Brown said in a statement. “Today, California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia are all joining together to reduce greenhouse gases,” Brown said. Polak said introducing carbon pricing throughout North America’s west coast was one of the Pacific Collaborative’s aim in achieving national and international leadership in fighting climate change without harming economic growth. But she said the Americans were also keenly interested in the potential electoral fall out from the introduction of a carbon tax or carbon pricing regime. “That’s one of the concerns, can you get a carbon tax, a carbon pricing policy, that not only makes environmental sense, but can be supported by the public at large,” said Polak. B.C. Liberals were re-elected twice since the introduction of the carbon tax in 2008. Earlier this year, the Liberal government announced a hold on further carbon tax increases, largely because the government felt the tax was levelling an unfair burden on companies paying the tax. “It’s important to be a leader, but you also want to have some followers,” Premier Christy Clark said Monday in Vancouver in response to the U.S. announcement. Polak said the American announcement signals that neighbouring governments and businesses are becoming more comfortable with paying a price to fight climate change. “What we’ve been able to show, and what we can show to a greater extent going forward with our jurisdictions, is that this can be good for business and good for the economy,” she said. B.C.’s carbon tax is revenue neutral, which means the money generated by the tax funds personal and business tax cuts. The government states that since 2008, the carbon tax has raised a total of $3.7 billion. “As a climate action trailblazer, B.C. has been encouraging other jurisdictions to follow our lead, and the agreement signed today is the result of that effort,” Polak said in a new release. Earlier this year, former B.C. environment minister Terry Lake discussed B.C.’s experience with its carbon tax in Oregon with politicians, academics and business leaders.
• w w w. m a c s b o o k s . c a
207 Main Street Tel: 633-4842
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Yukon News
At Old Crow Flats, an ancient landscape sees abrupt changes ‘Birds have been here for a hundred million years. We’ve been here for thousands, and yet we’re exterminating them. That’s what really bothers me.’ Jacqueline Ronson News Reporter
ust north of the community of Old Crow lies an expanse of wetland unlike anything else on the planet. The Old Crow Flats cover 6,000 square kilometres of an ancient lake bed, pockmarked with thousands of small lakes. Despite being more than 100 kilometres above the Arctic Circle, the Old Crow Flats are one of the most productive wetlands in the world. “It’s a very interesting place for that reason alone, that it’s so productive and yet so far north,” said Dave Mossop, a biologist with the Yukon Research Centre who began studying bird populations in the flats in the 1970s. “It makes you wonder, ‘What is going on here?’” He estimates that close to a million birds migrate to the flats for the summer. The days are long, there is little rain and the flats offer protection to nesting birds, he said. But the times they are a changin’, and that is particularly true of the Far North. The people of Old Crow have noticed dramatic changes to the landscape over the past half century. It was the community that called on Mossop to recreate his experiments from the 1970s and track how the flats had changed in that short time, he said. And so, twice a summer for the past two years, Mossop has taken a couple young adults from Old Crow and a Yukon College student out into the flats to camp, paddle, portage, dodge grizzlies, endure mosquitos and count birds. He’s using the same research cabin and even the same canoes as he did in the ‘70s. “I found the old canoes, 40-year-old canoes, and we repaired them, dragged them out there. “We went back to the old cabin, found it, found that the roof needed repair, so we’ve been repairing the roof. Had a grizzly go through the cabin, it did a lot of damage. “So it’s really a nice, like I call it, old-school research project.” With a couple years of data, Mossop is already coming to some startling conclusions. The most obvious change is just how much the vegetation in the area has exploded.
that the smaller shore birds, like sandpipers, appear to be breeding even later than they were in the ‘70s, he said. There’s no obvious answer for why early summers would cause birds to hatch later, he said. The “elephant in the room” is, of course, climate change, said Mossop. When the environment is changing in unpredictable ways, so too will the behaviour of its inhabitants. Species have strategies for breeding and strategies for survival, said Mossop. “If you can predict the way things are going to happen, you can build a strategy for your life around them. So as things change, those strategies fall apart. That’s the basic thing that we’re seeing. Sometimes they Submitted Photo/Yukon News fall apart, sometimes they don’t. We’re living in pretty scary Dave Mossop, left, and two assistants enjoy a meal by the Old Crow River during a times right now, in particular bird research expedition in the Old Crow Flats area. in the Far North like what the people of Old Crow are experiPhotos from the ‘70s of the encing. research cabin show that it is Mossop hopes to continue surrounding by the low shrubto collect data for as long as he bery of barren tundra. Today, that same cabin is can, and as long as the people of nestled in a grove of spruce Old Crow want him to, he said. trees that stand higher than a “The elders of Old Crow tall person’s head. really appreciate this project “This is startling, because mostly because it reminds them, this is very ancient habitat. It they love to go out and see these was probably very similar in the photos, but they’re also really ‘70s when I was there to the way happy to see young people from it was… who knows? A hunOld Crow actually getting out dred, two hundred years ago, on the land like that and learnthree hundred years ago. And ing things about that piece of then all of a sudden it’s changed property that is so important to violently.” them. Submitted Photo/Yukon News This dramatic change has “That’s one of my biggest Tundra swan eggs in a nest. shifted things for both the thrills, is basically to be pleaspeople and the birds who spend ing these people, and of course has declined significantly, said not be as safe as it once was. time in the flats. learning at the same time.” Mossop. “The ocean used to be the The families of Old Crow The changes we are seeing to And he didn’t see a single safe place. Man what a great used to communicate with each the environment are scary for red-throated loon or greater place to go, eh? Because the other between camps several humans, but could be disasscaup, which both used to be ecosystem is endless. But I don’t trous for other species, he said. kilometres apart by banging common. think it’s as safe as it used to be. pots together, said Mossop. “Humans are probably going But the results are never Particularly the Gulf of Mex“One of the things that to be able to adapt. Humans are predictable. The white-winged ico has had some pretty nasty they’ve noticed, the few people amazing. A lot of those people scoter, highly prized by local things happen to it in the last that get out on the land, is that may lose their cultures, but they hunters, has actually increased couple years.” they can’t do that anymore.” will survive. in population. Timing of hatching is a great The sound is muffled by all “But these lovely other crea“That’s a bit of a paradox. indicator in the North, where the tall vegetation, he explained. tures that are part of the natural the days of summer are long but community are in jeopardy. Mossop’s scientific investiga- We often blame hunting for decreases. Well, in this case, that few, said Mossop. tion of the change focuses on “We’re dealing with birds, bird is hunted and its numbers “King Winter drives everybirds, because they are a good and many of those species have are increasing.” thing, and everything has to indicator species for what is been on this planet many, many, It’s hard to say exactly what is be timed down to the minute, happening in an environment, many times as long as human causing the declines, especially almost, in the Far North.” he said. beings. Birds have been here for for birds that migrate thouHe found that some speHe is looking for birds to a hundred million years. We’ve sands of kilometres between cies of birds are hatching track changes both in populabeen here for thousands, and very different ecosystems. chicks close to 20 days early, tion numbers and timing of yet we’re exterminating them. Some of the species in dean “astounding” change, said hatchings. That’s what really bothers me.” cline spend their winters at sea, Mossop. The long-tailed duck, which Contact Jacqueline Ronson at was very common in the 1970s, and Mossop suspects that might But even more surprising is jronson@yukon-news.com
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Lou Reed, leader of Velvet Underground and iconic punk poet, dead at 71 Hillel Italie Associated Press
NEW YORK ou Reed, the punk poet of rock ‘n’ roll who profoundly influenced generations of musicians as leader of the Velvet Underground and remained a vital solo performer for decades after, died Sunday at 71. Reed died in Southampton, N.Y., of an ailment related to his recent liver transplant, according to his literary agent, Andrew Wylie, who added that Reed had been in frail health for months. Reed shared a home in Southampton with his wife and fellow musician, Laurie Anderson, whom he married in 2008. Reed never approached the commercial success of such superstars as the Beatles and Bob Dylan, but no songwriter to emerge after Dylan so radically expanded the territory of rock lyrics. And no band did more than the Velvet Underground to open rock music to the avant-garde – to experimental theatre, art, literature and film, to William Burroughs and Kurt Weill, to John Cage and Andy Warhol, Reed’s early patron. Indie rock essentially began in the 1960s with Reed and the Velvets. Likewise, the punk, New Wave and alternative rock movements of the 1970s, ‘80s and ‘90s were all indebted to Reed, whose songs were covered by R.E.M., Nirvana, Patti Smith and countless others. “The first Velvet Underground record sold 30,000 copies in the first five years,” Brian Eno, who produced albums by Roxy Music and Talking Heads among others, once said. “I think everyone who bought one of those 30,000 copies started a band!” Reed’s trademarks were a monotone of surprising emotional range and power; slashing, grinding
guitar; and lyrics that were complex yet conversational, designed to make you feel as if Reed were seated next to you. Known for his cold stare and gaunt features, he was a cynic and a seeker who seemed to embody downtown Manhattan culture of the 1960s and ‘70s and was as essential a New York artist as Martin Scorsese or Woody Allen. Reed’s New York was a jaded city of drag queens, drug addicts and violence, but it was also as wondrous as any Allen comedy, with so many of Reed’s songs explorations of right and wrong and quests for transcendence. He had one Top 20 hit, Walk on the Wild Side, and many other songs that became standards among his admirers, including Heroin, Sweet Jane, Pale Blue Eyes and All Tomorrow’s Parties. Raised on doo-wop and Carl Perkins, Delmore Schwartz and the Beats, Reed helped shape the punk ethos of raw power, the alternative rock ethos of irony and droning music and the art-rock embrace of experimentation, whether the dual readings of Beat-influenced verse for Murder Mystery or, like a passage out of Burroughs’ Naked Lunch, the orgy of guns, drugs and oral sex on the Velvets’ 15-minute Sister Ray. An outlaw in his early years, Reed would eventually perform at the White House, have his writing published in The New Yorker, be featured by PBS in an American Masters documentary and win a Grammy in 1999 for best longform music video. The Velvet Underground was inducted into the Rock and Roll of Fame in 1996, and its debut album, The Velvet Underground & Nico, was added to the Library of Congress’ registry in
Charles Sykes/AP Photo
Punk-poet, rock legend Lou Reed is dead of a liver-related ailment. He was 71.
2006. He was one of rock’s archetypal tough guys, but he grew up middleclass – an accountant’s son raised on Long Island. He hated school, loved rock n’ roll, fought with his parents and attacked them in song
Notice to all Kwanlin Dun First Nation Citizens Post-Secondary Education Program
P O S T - S E C O N D A RY S T U D E N T S
Kwanlin Dun First Nation citizens are eligible to apply for financial assistance through the PostSecondary Education Program. To be eligible to receive Kwanlin Dun Student Financial Assistance the following criteria must be met:
• Be a Kwanlin Dun First Nation citizen; • Meet University or College entrance requirements; • Be enrolled in, or accepted for enrolment in a program of study at a recognized and accredited institution of learning.
for forcing him to undergo electroshock therapy as a supposed “cure” for being bisexual. “Families that live out in the suburbs often make each other cry,” he later wrote. At Syracuse University, he studied under Schwartz, whom Reed
would call the first “great man” he ever encountered. He credited Schwartz with making him want to become a writer and to express himself in the most concrete language possible. Reed honoured his mentor in the song My House, recounting how he connected with the spirit of the late, mad poet through a Ouija board. “Blazing stood the proud and regal name Delmore,” he sang. Reed moved to New York City after college and travelled in the pop and art worlds, working as a house songwriter at the low-budget Pickwick Records and putting in late hours in downtown clubs. One of his Pickwick songs, the dance parody The Ostrich, was considered commercial enough to record. Fellow studio musicians included a Welsh-born viola player, John Cale, with whom Reed soon performed in such makeshift groups as the Warlocks and the Primitives. They were joined by a friend of Reed’s from Syracuse, guitaristbassist Sterling Morrison; and by an acquaintance of Morrison’s, drummer Maureen Tucker, who tapped out simple, hypnotic rhythms while playing standing up. They renamed themselves the Velvet Underground after a Michael Leigh book about the sexual subculture. By the mid-1960s, they were rehearsing at Warhol’s Factory, a meeting ground of art, music, orgies, drug parties and screen tests for films. The screen tests were projected onto the band while it performed. “Warhol was the great catalyst,” Reed told BOMB magazine in 1998. “It all revolved around him. It all happened very much because of him. He was like a swirl, and these things would come into being: Lo and behold multimedia. There it
sedady Clho urs T october 31
for Inventory
The deadline for submitting applications for financial assistance for the Fall term is: November 15th, 2013 Completed applications, most recent transcripts and the letter of acceptance must be submitted on or before this date. Any late applications will be deferred to the next term. For more information or to obtain an application please contact: Barb Crawford, Post Secondary & Specific Programs Coordinator Kwanlin Dun First Nation – House of Learning 35 McIntyre Drive Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5A5 Ph: (867) 633 8422 ext. 7895 Fax: (867) 633 7841 Email: barb.crawford@kwanlindun.com Website: www.kwanlindun.com
9006 QUARTZ ROAD, WHITEHORSE • 633-4076 • Monday-Friday 9-6; Saturday 9-5
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
was. No one really thought about it, it was just fun.” Late Night Dining At Warhol’s suggestion, they & Entertainment performed and recorded with the Volare Restaurant Tuesday – Saturday sultry, German-born Nico, a “chanSkky Hotel teuse” who sang lead on a few songs 5:00pm-1:00am on their debut album. A storm cloud over 1967’s Summer of Love, Bookings for The Velvet Underground & Nico featured a now-iconic Warhol drawing ContaCt: of a peelable banana on the cover. gary.volare@gmail.com The Velvets juxtaposed childlike melodies with dry, affectless vocals on Sunday Morning and Femme Fatale. On Heroin, Cale’s viola screeched and jumped behind Reed’s obliterating junkie’s journey, Deadline: November 15, midnight with his sacred vow, “Herrrrrr-o-in, Did you attend Yukon College or Yukon it’s my wife, and it’s my life,” and his cry into the void, “And I guess that I Vocational and Technical Training Centre? just don’t know.” Reed made just three more albums with the Velvet Underground before leaving in 1970. Cale was into our draw and be eligible pushed out by Reed in 1968 (they to win flights for two to Las Vegas, had a long history of animosity) and was replaced by Doug Yule. and gift certificates! Their sound turned more accesAttend the 50th anniversary sible, and the final album with Reed, Loaded, included two upbeat party to hear alumni stories musical anthems, Rock and Roll and be eligible to win and Sweet Jane, in which Reed fabulous door prizes! seemed to warn Velvets fans – and himself – that “there’s even some Ayamdigut campus, Whitehorse, evil mothers/Well they’re gonna tell November 29, 7:00-9:30pm you that everything is just dirt.” www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/hub/pages/fifty His albums in the ‘70s were praised as daring experiments or mocked as embarrassing failures, whether the ambitious song suite Berlin or the wholly experimental BEst Metal Machine Music, an hour of electronic feedback. But in the AnD… SaShimi • Tempura • robaTa • bbq • Teriyaki! 1980s, he kicked drugs and released Private room for a series of acclaimed albums, Large grouPs. including The Blue Mask, Legendary S Hearts and New Sensations. ope N 7 Day ! k e e He played some reunion shows W a Mon. - Fri. 11:00-3:00, with the Velvet Underground and in Sat: 12pm-3pm 1990 teamed with Cale for Drella, Free Delivery a spare tribute to Warhol. He conDowntown & Riverdale on food orders $45 or more Mon. - Sat. 4:30-10:00 tinued to receive strong reviews in Sun. 4:00-10:30 In Porter Creek, Crestview, Granger, KK, Hillcrest, the 1990s and after for such albums Takhini on food orders $70 or more. as Set the Twilight Reeling and EcTAKE OUT 10% DiscOUnT stasy, and he continued to test new on pick-ups $40 and over! ground, whether a 2002 concept album about Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven, or a 2011 collaboration with Metallica, Lulu. Japanese Reed fancied dictionary language Restaurant like “capricious” and “harridan,” but he found special magic in the word 404 Wood “bells,” sounding from above, “up in the sky,” as he sang on the Velvets’ FuLLy LiCeNSeD (867) 668-3298 What Goes On. A personal favourite was the title track from a 1979 album, The Bells. Over a foggy swirl of synthesizers and horns, suggesting a haunted house on skid row, Reed improvised a fairy tale about a stage actor who leaves work late at night and takes in a chiming, urban Milky Way. It was really not so cute to play without a parachute of As he stood upon the ledge Looking out, he thought he saw a brook And he hollered, ‘Look, there are the bells!’ Date: Tuesday, November 5th, 2013 And he sang out, ‘Here come the Time: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM bells! Here come the bells! Here come Location: 311 Ray Street the bells! Here come the bells!’
41st Annual Yukon Geoscience Forum & Tradeshow SaturdayNovember November 16th Sunday, 17th to Wednesday November 20th 2013 Wednesday, November 20th,
Yukon Convention Centre & Coast High Country Inn
Tradeshow is open to the public Register & purchase tickets now at www.yukonminers.ca
Enter your story
Book Launch Join Second Opinion Society in welcoming local writer Eleanor Millard for the launch of her new book
SuMMEr Snow
Thursday, november 7th from 7:30pm-9:00pm Summer Snow is a novel set in the powerful geography of Northern Canada and in the ambiguity of cross-cultural relations. It is peopled with vibrant characters who form a large part of Amanda’s Life and who are entangled in Amanda’s dedication to her daughter. It is a story of love,hope and acceptance.
Best sushi in Town
Grand Re-Opening Teegatha’Oh Zheh
MUSIC AWARDS 207 Main St. 668-3447
Refreshments will be served. Everyone Welcome! www.teegathaohzheh.org
Request for Public Input on Regulations for Yukon Business Related Statutes
From September 3 to November 2, 2013, the Yukon government is seeking public input on proposed changes to regulations for five business related statutes. In fall 2010, the Yukon Legislature assented to the new Securities Transfer Act and to amendments to the Business Corporations Act, the Partnership and Business Names Act, the Cooperative Associations Act, and the Societies Act. These new and amended statutes will come into effect only after their accompanying regulations are also amended or created. Once this is done, Yukon societies, businesses and business organizations will have modern legislation to serve their needs. To view the proposed regulations or to submit written comments, please visit: www.community.gov.yk.ca or contact: Corporate Affairs, Community Services Email: corporateaffairs@gov.yk.ca Fax: 867-393-6251 Phone: 393-6927, or toll free in Yukon at 1-800-661-0408 ext. 6927 Written comments are invited until November 2, 2013.
Community Services
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Lou Reed, leader of Velvet Underground and iconic punk poet, dead at 71 Hillel Italie Associated Press
NEW YORK ou Reed, the punk poet of rock ‘n’ roll who profoundly influenced generations of musicians as leader of the Velvet Underground and remained a vital solo performer for decades after, died Sunday at 71. Reed died in Southampton, N.Y., of an ailment related to his recent liver transplant, according to his literary agent, Andrew Wylie, who added that Reed had been in frail health for months. Reed shared a home in Southampton with his wife and fellow musician, Laurie Anderson, whom he married in 2008. Reed never approached the commercial success of such superstars as the Beatles and Bob Dylan, but no songwriter to emerge after Dylan so radically expanded the territory of rock lyrics. And no band did more than the Velvet Underground to open rock music to the avant-garde – to experimental theatre, art, literature and film, to William Burroughs and Kurt Weill, to John Cage and Andy Warhol, Reed’s early patron. Indie rock essentially began in the 1960s with Reed and the Velvets. Likewise, the punk, New Wave and alternative rock movements of the 1970s, ‘80s and ‘90s were all indebted to Reed, whose songs were covered by R.E.M., Nirvana, Patti Smith and countless others. “The first Velvet Underground record sold 30,000 copies in the first five years,” Brian Eno, who produced albums by Roxy Music and Talking Heads among others, once said. “I think everyone who bought one of those 30,000 copies started a band!” Reed’s trademarks were a monotone of surprising emotional range and power; slashing, grinding
guitar; and lyrics that were complex yet conversational, designed to make you feel as if Reed were seated next to you. Known for his cold stare and gaunt features, he was a cynic and a seeker who seemed to embody downtown Manhattan culture of the 1960s and ‘70s and was as essential a New York artist as Martin Scorsese or Woody Allen. Reed’s New York was a jaded city of drag queens, drug addicts and violence, but it was also as wondrous as any Allen comedy, with so many of Reed’s songs explorations of right and wrong and quests for transcendence. He had one Top 20 hit, Walk on the Wild Side, and many other songs that became standards among his admirers, including Heroin, Sweet Jane, Pale Blue Eyes and All Tomorrow’s Parties. Raised on doo-wop and Carl Perkins, Delmore Schwartz and the Beats, Reed helped shape the punk ethos of raw power, the alternative rock ethos of irony and droning music and the art-rock embrace of experimentation, whether the dual readings of Beat-influenced verse for Murder Mystery or, like a passage out of Burroughs’ Naked Lunch, the orgy of guns, drugs and oral sex on the Velvets’ 15-minute Sister Ray. An outlaw in his early years, Reed would eventually perform at the White House, have his writing published in The New Yorker, be featured by PBS in an American Masters documentary and win a Grammy in 1999 for best longform music video. The Velvet Underground was inducted into the Rock and Roll of Fame in 1996, and its debut album, The Velvet Underground & Nico, was added to the Library of Congress’ registry in
Charles Sykes/AP Photo
Punk-poet, rock legend Lou Reed is dead of a liver-related ailment. He was 71.
2006. He was one of rock’s archetypal tough guys, but he grew up middleclass – an accountant’s son raised on Long Island. He hated school, loved rock n’ roll, fought with his parents and attacked them in song
Notice to all Kwanlin Dun First Nation Citizens Post-Secondary Education Program
P O S T - S E C O N D A RY S T U D E N T S
Kwanlin Dun First Nation citizens are eligible to apply for financial assistance through the PostSecondary Education Program. To be eligible to receive Kwanlin Dun Student Financial Assistance the following criteria must be met:
• Be a Kwanlin Dun First Nation citizen; • Meet University or College entrance requirements; • Be enrolled in, or accepted for enrolment in a program of study at a recognized and accredited institution of learning.
for forcing him to undergo electroshock therapy as a supposed “cure” for being bisexual. “Families that live out in the suburbs often make each other cry,” he later wrote. At Syracuse University, he studied under Schwartz, whom Reed
would call the first “great man” he ever encountered. He credited Schwartz with making him want to become a writer and to express himself in the most concrete language possible. Reed honoured his mentor in the song My House, recounting how he connected with the spirit of the late, mad poet through a Ouija board. “Blazing stood the proud and regal name Delmore,” he sang. Reed moved to New York City after college and travelled in the pop and art worlds, working as a house songwriter at the low-budget Pickwick Records and putting in late hours in downtown clubs. One of his Pickwick songs, the dance parody The Ostrich, was considered commercial enough to record. Fellow studio musicians included a Welsh-born viola player, John Cale, with whom Reed soon performed in such makeshift groups as the Warlocks and the Primitives. They were joined by a friend of Reed’s from Syracuse, guitaristbassist Sterling Morrison; and by an acquaintance of Morrison’s, drummer Maureen Tucker, who tapped out simple, hypnotic rhythms while playing standing up. They renamed themselves the Velvet Underground after a Michael Leigh book about the sexual subculture. By the mid-1960s, they were rehearsing at Warhol’s Factory, a meeting ground of art, music, orgies, drug parties and screen tests for films. The screen tests were projected onto the band while it performed. “Warhol was the great catalyst,” Reed told BOMB magazine in 1998. “It all revolved around him. It all happened very much because of him. He was like a swirl, and these things would come into being: Lo and behold multimedia. There it
sedady Clho urs T october 31
for Inventory
The deadline for submitting applications for financial assistance for the Fall term is: November 15th, 2013 Completed applications, most recent transcripts and the letter of acceptance must be submitted on or before this date. Any late applications will be deferred to the next term. For more information or to obtain an application please contact: Barb Crawford, Post Secondary & Specific Programs Coordinator Kwanlin Dun First Nation – House of Learning 35 McIntyre Drive Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5A5 Ph: (867) 633 8422 ext. 7895 Fax: (867) 633 7841 Email: barb.crawford@kwanlindun.com Website: www.kwanlindun.com
9006 QUARTZ ROAD, WHITEHORSE • 633-4076 • Monday-Friday 9-6; Saturday 9-5
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
was. No one really thought about it, it was just fun.” Late Night Dining At Warhol’s suggestion, they & Entertainment performed and recorded with the Volare Restaurant Tuesday – Saturday sultry, German-born Nico, a “chanSkky Hotel teuse” who sang lead on a few songs 5:00pm-1:00am on their debut album. A storm cloud over 1967’s Summer of Love, Bookings for The Velvet Underground & Nico featured a now-iconic Warhol drawing ContaCt: of a peelable banana on the cover. gary.volare@gmail.com The Velvets juxtaposed childlike melodies with dry, affectless vocals on Sunday Morning and Femme Fatale. On Heroin, Cale’s viola screeched and jumped behind Reed’s obliterating junkie’s journey, Deadline: November 15, midnight with his sacred vow, “Herrrrrr-o-in, Did you attend Yukon College or Yukon it’s my wife, and it’s my life,” and his cry into the void, “And I guess that I Vocational and Technical Training Centre? just don’t know.” Reed made just three more albums with the Velvet Underground before leaving in 1970. Cale was into our draw and be eligible pushed out by Reed in 1968 (they to win flights for two to Las Vegas, had a long history of animosity) and was replaced by Doug Yule. and gift certificates! Their sound turned more accesAttend the 50th anniversary sible, and the final album with Reed, Loaded, included two upbeat party to hear alumni stories musical anthems, Rock and Roll and be eligible to win and Sweet Jane, in which Reed fabulous door prizes! seemed to warn Velvets fans – and himself – that “there’s even some Ayamdigut campus, Whitehorse, evil mothers/Well they’re gonna tell November 29, 7:00-9:30pm you that everything is just dirt.” www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/hub/pages/fifty His albums in the ‘70s were praised as daring experiments or mocked as embarrassing failures, whether the ambitious song suite Berlin or the wholly experimental BEst Metal Machine Music, an hour of electronic feedback. But in the AnD… SaShimi • Tempura • robaTa • bbq • Teriyaki! 1980s, he kicked drugs and released Private room for a series of acclaimed albums, Large grouPs. including The Blue Mask, Legendary S Hearts and New Sensations. ope N 7 Day ! k e e He played some reunion shows W a Mon. - Fri. 11:00-3:00, with the Velvet Underground and in Sat: 12pm-3pm 1990 teamed with Cale for Drella, Free Delivery a spare tribute to Warhol. He conDowntown & Riverdale on food orders $45 or more Mon. - Sat. 4:30-10:00 tinued to receive strong reviews in Sun. 4:00-10:30 In Porter Creek, Crestview, Granger, KK, Hillcrest, the 1990s and after for such albums Takhini on food orders $70 or more. as Set the Twilight Reeling and EcTAKE OUT 10% DiscOUnT stasy, and he continued to test new on pick-ups $40 and over! ground, whether a 2002 concept album about Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven, or a 2011 collaboration with Metallica, Lulu. Japanese Reed fancied dictionary language Restaurant like “capricious” and “harridan,” but he found special magic in the word 404 Wood “bells,” sounding from above, “up in the sky,” as he sang on the Velvets’ FuLLy LiCeNSeD (867) 668-3298 What Goes On. A personal favourite was the title track from a 1979 album, The Bells. Over a foggy swirl of synthesizers and horns, suggesting a haunted house on skid row, Reed improvised a fairy tale about a stage actor who leaves work late at night and takes in a chiming, urban Milky Way. It was really not so cute to play without a parachute of As he stood upon the ledge Looking out, he thought he saw a brook And he hollered, ‘Look, there are the bells!’ Date: Tuesday, November 5th, 2013 And he sang out, ‘Here come the Time: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM bells! Here come the bells! Here come Location: 311 Ray Street the bells! Here come the bells!’
41st Annual Yukon Geoscience Forum & Tradeshow SaturdayNovember November 16th Sunday, 17th to Wednesday November 20th 2013 Wednesday, November 20th,
Yukon Convention Centre & Coast High Country Inn
Tradeshow is open to the public Register & purchase tickets now at www.yukonminers.ca
Enter your story
Book Launch Join Second Opinion Society in welcoming local writer Eleanor Millard for the launch of her new book
SuMMEr Snow
Thursday, november 7th from 7:30pm-9:00pm Summer Snow is a novel set in the powerful geography of Northern Canada and in the ambiguity of cross-cultural relations. It is peopled with vibrant characters who form a large part of Amanda’s Life and who are entangled in Amanda’s dedication to her daughter. It is a story of love,hope and acceptance.
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Refreshments will be served. Everyone Welcome! www.teegathaohzheh.org
Request for Public Input on Regulations for Yukon Business Related Statutes
From September 3 to November 2, 2013, the Yukon government is seeking public input on proposed changes to regulations for five business related statutes. In fall 2010, the Yukon Legislature assented to the new Securities Transfer Act and to amendments to the Business Corporations Act, the Partnership and Business Names Act, the Cooperative Associations Act, and the Societies Act. These new and amended statutes will come into effect only after their accompanying regulations are also amended or created. Once this is done, Yukon societies, businesses and business organizations will have modern legislation to serve their needs. To view the proposed regulations or to submit written comments, please visit: www.community.gov.yk.ca or contact: Corporate Affairs, Community Services Email: corporateaffairs@gov.yk.ca Fax: 867-393-6251 Phone: 393-6927, or toll free in Yukon at 1-800-661-0408 ext. 6927 Written comments are invited until November 2, 2013.
Community Services
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Jesse Winter/Yukon News
Hundreds of pint-sized ghouls, goblins and superheroes gathered at the Canada Games Centre for the Halloween Spooktacular on Saturday.
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with Sabu Chaitanya
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Participating Businesses include: • Air North, Yukon’s Airline • Angellina’s Toy Boutique • Aroma Borealis • Arts Underground • Baked Café • BoardStiff • Climate Clothing
• Coast Mountain Sports • Edgewater Hotel • Gold Rush Inn • Hair Sensations • Mac’s Fireweed • MacBride Museum • Midnight Sun Emporium
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• Hougen’s SportsLodge • The Collective Good • Titan Gaming and Collectibles • Unity Clothing
Celebrating Our Main Street with Family and Friends ... Enjoy round-trip flights for two (2) travellers of your choice including family members or friends from Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton or Kelowna to Whitehorse or from Dawson City, Old Crow or Inuvik to Whitehorse. You can enter one ballot at each participating business! Thanks to the support of:
Yukon News
November 4th 29th Mornings 6:15 – 7:45 am Evenings 6:00 – 7:30 pm
classes are Monday through Friday (course fee $290) Pre-register
Shanti Yoga 303 Hawkins Street Feel like a small f ish in a big pond?
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ph: 867-456-7123 sabu@sabuyoga.com www.sabuyoga.com
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Yukon News
LIFE Firefighters seek new recruits Ian Stewart News Reporter
n 1969, Clive Sparks was driving a water truck for the territorial government. He figured that he could also drive a water truck to a house fire, so he signed up for the Porter Creek Volunteer Fire Department. “‘Let’s see if a coat and boots will fit you,’” said Sparks. “That was my basic training.” Forty-five years later, Sparks is chief of the Whitehorse Fire Department, and new recruits get significantly more robust preparation for the job. Over the next two months, the department will be looking for a new batch of volunteers. Sparks said he’s looking to fill 10 to 12 spots. “But if we get 20 people that are really good, then I’d be tempted to start training 20 people.” Applicants need to pass written and physical testing, provide a medical clearance, a driver’s abstract and go through an interview process to become a recruit. After that, there’s more than 200 hours of basic training before they’ll set foot on a fire scene. “Understanding how the equipment works, and how a fire burns, is crucial,” said Sparks. There’s no denying that firefighting is a dangerous job. “There’s danger, and there’s unsafe, and those are really two different things,” said Sparks. “We’re going to send you into a dangerous situation safely. We’ll never send you into unsafe conditions, or one you’re untrained for.” It’s a big commitment, and not one that will appeal to everybody. After basic training, volunteers need to be on-call for 100 hours a month, and also attend 75 per cent of training sessions. “I can guarantee you this: we will interrupt every possible activity you can think of with a fire call, and I mean every activity,” said Sparks with a laugh. “You’ll work your day job, sit down for dinner, get a fire call and won’t be home till 8 o’clock the next morning, and have to go to work again.” In Yukon’s rural communities, fire departments are all volunteers. “The reality is, in the smaller communities, that once you have your basic training, you’ll be going to fire scenes, within the limitations of training,” said Fire Marshal Dennis Berry. “We do a lot of learning on the job in our system.” Berry said that he’d like to have at least 15 volunteers in every rural fire hall, but some areas – Pelly Crossing, Carcross and Tagish – are particularly in need of new blood. Every now and then a fire call goes unanswered in rural areas. Berry relates a typical dialogue: “Nobody came to my chimney fire!” “I’ll ask, “How old are you?”
Ian Stewart/Yukon News
Top, Fire Marshal Dennis Berry, right, and training officer Donovan Misener use the Mobile Fire Training Unit. The Fire Marshal’s Office and the Whitehorse Fire Department are looking for new volunteer firefighters. Bottom, Berry demonstrates the mobile fire training unit at Yukon College.
“35.” “Have you thought about joining the fire department?” “No, I’m too busy.” “So were the six people that didn’t come to your house.” “If you live in a rural area, and you want a fire truck to come to your house, and you’re fit, then you need to be a part of that department,” Berry said. “We rarely get dropped calls, but when we do, it’s because we don’t have enough volunteers.” Whitehorse volunteers’ schedules are based on availability for 100 hours a month, but their rural counterparts get a pager and are on call 24/7. A larger department makes it easier to share the responsibility. It’s not all danger and interruptions, though. Volunteers get training in a wide set of skills, including driving state-of-the-art fire trucks. “Before you turn them loose with a half-a-million-dollar truck, they’re going to know how to drive it,” said Sparks. That’s a Class 3 licence with air brakes. There’s also pump operator and aerial ladder training. For those with career aspirations, volunteering is the way to start. Whitehorse hires its full-timers from the volunteer pool. “In 30 years we haven’t had to look elsewhere,” said Sparks. Once a volunteer is fully trained, they become a highly skilled worker. Recruits have gone on to careers in city fire departments like Calgary and Delta, B.C. Sparks estimates that about 25 per cent of recruits are pursuing a firefighting career, and 25 to 30 per cent are interested in learning new skills. The rest are in it to serve the community, or enjoy the excitement of the job. Both Sparks and Berry appreciate the camaraderie that develops among the crews. “It’s a family,” said Sparks. The Whitehorse and Dawson departments are both more than 100 years old. “Few volunteer opportunities have this much tradition,” said Berry. Long-time volunteer Mark Iceton has been with the Whitehorse department for 40 years. “As long as you don’t mind hard work, it can be very rewarding,” he said. “And the people are great.” “Fires can be challenging, they can hide out in closets, hard to find,” said Iceton. “If you can find it, and knock it down, without too much damage, and save the building, that’s pretty rewarding.” “What’s more fun than breaking things and putting water on them?” said Berry with a laugh. Contact the Yukon Fire Marshal’s Office at (867) 667-5217 for more information about community and rural volunteering. Contact Ian Stewart at istewart@yukon-news.com
ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. BCGMCDEALERS.CA 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. * Offers apply to the lease of a new or demonstrator 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 Crew Cab 4x4 (1SA/G80/B30/I04/K05), 2014 Terrain FWD (3SA), 2014 Acadia FWD (3SA/K05). Freight ($1,600/$1,650), PPSA and PDI included. License, insurance, registration, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. † Offer valid only to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have obtained credit approval by GM Financial, have entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial, and who accept delivery from October 11, 2013 through January 2, 2014 of a new eligible 2014 model. General Motors of Canada will pay the first month’s lease payment (inclusive of taxes and any applicable pro-rata amount normally due at lease delivery as defined on the lease agreement). After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserve the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. †† 1.5%/0.9%/1.9% lease APR available for 36/48/48 months on a new or demonstrator 2014 GMC Sierra 4X4 Crew Cab 1SA/2014 Terrain FWD 3SA and 2014 Acadia FWD 3SA, O.A.C by GM Financial. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. Down payment or trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Truck Bucks offer only valid from October 11, 2013 to January 2, 2014 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a GM or competitor pickup truck to receive a $1,000 credit toward the purchase, finance or lease of an eligible new 2013 or 2014 Model Year GMC Sierra Light Duty, GMC Sierra Heavy Duty, Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty, Chevrolet Heavy Duty, or 2013 Model Year Chevrolet Avalanche. Only (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000 credit includes HST/GST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. $3,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit has been applied to the purchase and lease offers of 2014 Sierra Crew Cab, and is applicable to retail customers only. Other credits available on select Sierra models. ** The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter LOF Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2014 MY Chevrolet, Buick, or GMC vehicle (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 KMs, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserve the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ≠Offer available to retail customers in Canada only $1000 Bonus cash applies to new 2013/2014 Chevrolet Cruze, Trax, Equinox, Traverse, Silverado, 2013/2014 Buick Verano, Encore, Enclave, 2013/2014 GMC Terrain, Acadia, Sierra and 2013/2014 Cadillac ATS, SRX, 2013 CTS vehicles delivered between October 22, 2013, and October 31, 2013. The $1,000 bonus cash includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. Price includes freight and PDI but excludes license, insurance, registration, fees associated with filing at movable property registry/PPSA fees, duties, and taxes. Dealer may sell for less. Dealer trade may be required. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. See dealer for details.
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Call Klondike Motors at 867-668-3399, or visit us at 191 Range Road, Whitehorse. $
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
If there is a discrepancy between this report and the official winning numbers list, the latter shall prevail.
Saturday, October 26
Friday, October 25
03, 05, 16, 20, 27, 45 Bonus 7
13, 16, 24, 29, 33, 40, 49 Bonus 28
Saturday, October 26
05, 14, 26, 29, 34, 47 Bonus 30
Friday, October 25
09, 14, 22, 23, 29, 33, 48 Bonus 31
PICK 3 Sunday, October 27 Saturday, October 26 Friday, October 25 Thursday, October 24
201 175 875 171
EXTRA Sunday, October 27 Saturday, October 26 Friday, October 25 Thursday, October 24
4171512 1356752 1109186 2237646
Curl for Kids Sake PRESENTS
Sunday, November 17, 2013 WHO: WHY: HOW: WHAT:
All are welcome to particpate, experience not necessary. Teams of four players each in any combination of age and gender. For a great cause and to have a great time, fun for all ages! No previous experience necessary, a chance to try something new! A great “team-building” exercise. Just sign up your team(s) at no cost to you and ask for pledges from friends, family, neighbours, co-workers, etc. You get is a full day of fun, starting with an optional instructional and practice session, use of equipment supplied free of charge by the Curling Club, a game in the morning followed by a hot lunch, an afternoon game and the chance to win numerous door prizes, bragging rights and prizes for top fundraisers and the chance to bid on fabulous silent Auction items. Register your teams by November 15th by contacting Harold Sher at 668-7911 or email bbbsyukon@gmail. com for more information.
r u o j n o B
Venez vibrer lors de la soirée Onde de choc Une nouvelle formule de soirée qui vous réserve son lot de surprises vous a été concoctée par le service Arts et culture de l’AFY. Vendredi 1er novembre, au Centre des arts du Yukon, un spectacle multidisciplinaire, une exposition d’arts visuels, et une dégustation culinaire vous attendent! Une nouvelle formule de soirée à trois facettes. Ouverture des portes à 19 h. Les billets sont disponibles au Centre des arts et au Centre de la francophonie. Rens. : afy.yk.ca AGA de la Fondation boréale La Fondation boréale vous invite à son Assemblée générale annuelle jeudi 14 novembre de 12 h 05 à 13 h, au Centre de la francophonie. Venez en apprendre plus sur la seule fondation francophone au Yukon, qui a pour mission d’offrir un appui financier aux individus, groupes et organismes francophones en allouant les intérêts de son fonds de capital. Rens. : Julie Ménard; fondation@fondationboreale.ca Atelier sur la gestion de conflit Cette formation d’une journée met l’accent sur les outils pratiques et les stratégies à appliquer pour gérer et répondre au conflit. L’atelier aura lieu mardi 5 novembre de 8 h 45 à 17 h. Gratuit, inscription obligatoire, places limitées. Rens. : Patricia 668-2663, poste 320; pbrennan@afy.yk.ca Parlement Jeunesse Pancanadien 2014 La période de mise en candidature en vue de la septième législature du Parlement jeunesse pancanadien est lancée. Les jeunes d’expression française qui souhaitent participer à cette simulation parlementaire pancanadienne se déroulant directement sur la Colline du Parlement à Ottawa du 9 au 12 janvier 2014 sont invités à poser leur candidature avant le mardi 12 novembre. Députés, pages et journalistes en herbe recherchés! Rens. : http://fjcf.ca/ Rencontre avec l’ONF À l’occasion d’une grande tournée pancanadienne, les cinéastes et spécialistes en interactivité sont invités à venir rencontrer le nouveau producteur exécutif du Studio de la francophonie canadienne de l’Office national du film du Canada, Dominic Desjardins, ainsi que Monique Simard, directrice générale du programme français. Cette rencontre aura lieu le mercredi 6 novembre de 17 h 30 à 19 h, au Centre de la francophonie. Merci de confirmer votre présence, en spécifiant la ville, à l’adresse courriel a.figueiredo@onf.ca et d’amener l’invitation avec vous. Atelier Boucs-émissaires Cette rencontre se veut un temps de réflexion sur les discriminations dues au vieillissement. Ces discriminations sont parmis les mieux tolérées dans notre société. Quel impact ont-elles sur les personnes âgées? Cet atelier aura lieu mercredi 13 novembre, de 18 h 30 à 20 h 30, au Centre de la francophonie. Il fait partie d’une série d’ateliers offerts dans le cadre du projet Sensibilisation et prévention d’abus et d’exploitation envers les personnes aînées. Rens. : Patricia 668-2663, poste 320; pbrennan@afy.yk.ca
Retrouvez votre association francophone sur Facebook : AFY.Yukon Présentée par l’Association franco-yukonnaise 302, rue Strickland, Whitehorse (Yukon) Y1A 2K1 Tél. : (867) 668-2663 Courriel : afy@afy.yk.ca www.afy.yk.ca
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Yukon StatuS of Women CounCil WelComeS You to the...
All About Us – Women’s News
This is a monthly feature running the last Wednesday of every month. We believe a page devoted to the challenges and accomplishments in our diverse lives is a terrific way to connect Yukon women. For thirty years, the Yukon Status of Women Council (YSWC) has worked through political activism, public awareness and education to bring women’s issues forward. We encourage groups and individuals to submit content. We want this to be your page. Please contact YSWC at 667-4637, or by email: TheRPGrrl@gmail.com. Due to space restrictions we may not be able to print all submissions.
optimSt is looking for new Volunteers by Jan Langford (originally published March 2000, vol 26, issue 1) after 25 years, the OptiMSt is financially stable and self-sufficient. But some of the core volunteers -those who have been at it for 10, 15, and even 20 years -- are feeling a bit weary, a bit stale. It’s time for a change. The OptiMSt needs new women and fresh ideas if the paper is to survive into the new millenium (ie into 2001). Some of the core OptiMSt volunteers recently got together to discuss the problems with the paper: • some long-time volunteers want to reduce their involvement to make way for other personal pursuits • there aren’t enough volunteers currently willing to take on the main coordinating jobs • the paper lacks “edge” (feminist analysis) our distribution is not growing So, to deal with the issues, we decided to institute some changes over the next year. For starters, we won’t be publishing a September issue. This is always the hardest issue to produce, since writing and production occurs over the summer. And we’ve decided to do more advertising in the mainstream papers to raise awareness of the OptiMSt. Most importantly, we’ll be actively recruiting volunteers to join us. No experience necessary and training is provided freely! We’d love to hear from you if you are interested in writing, coordinating the computer printouts of articles, layout (paste-up of articles), or distribution (stuffing envelopes, etc.). And we’d love to have new women with new ideas come to planning meetings. So, we’re going to give it this year to see what happens. We’ll be reassessing the viability of continuing the OptiMSt in September 2000. We are proud of the publishing history of the OptiMSt. And we feel that the OptiMSt makes an important contribution to preserving the herstory of Yukon women. Personally, I have benefitted immensely from my involvement with the paper --
I’ve gained new skills, made new friends, and met many fascinating women who have been interviewed or who have provided articles for the paper. I’d encourage anyone to take the leap and get involved. If you are interested and want more information, give me a call. I’d be more than pleased to talk to you about the possibilities of volunteering. [...] Hey, this is one of the few volunteer jobs in the world where you don’t have to worry about the finances of the group! [...] Now if that doesn’t make you want to run to the phone and call me, I don’t know what will! Jan Langford has volunteered for the OptiMSt for 15 years and admits to feeling a bit stale.
oP eD
In the early 2000s, the long-running Yukon-based feminist newspaper, the OptiMSt, wrapped up production. Not because they didn’t have the money to continue, not because they didn’t have a readership, not because they didn’t have anything interesting to say, but because they ran out of volunteers to help put the paper together. We’re still low on volunteers, but in honour of our 40th anniversary celebrations, we’ve decided the time is right to revive the OptiMSt. It will be reincarnated as a magazine, rather than newspaper format publication, and we’re really excited to invite new volunteers on board to help out. No experience necessary, and you don’t have to join the YSWC Collective board to participate (though the Collective would love to have you, too!) This is really getting in on the ground floor, so we’re wide open to suggestions; you can practically create your own position. Please contact me at TheRPGrrl@ gmail.com or call the Yukon Status of Women Council office at 667-4637 to express your interest, and we can talk!
Join the YSWC to CeLeBRAte oUR 40th AnniveRSARY
Please join us to honour our history and accomplishments, celebrate our community and help raise funds for some important future projects! If you are unable to attend but, would still like to show your support for the Yukon Status of Women Council, please consider making a donation to our paypal account yswr@klondiker.com.
Nov. 7, 2013 7:00 P.M. Baked Cafe
Donations will help us continue with our important work. Current projects include:, reproductive health, and improving victims’ experience of the legal system; poverty, mental health and homelessness.
Reprinted with permission from author Rebecca Cohen (http://gynostar.com) Watch this space for the next installment next month!
Alcohol & Drug Services .................................................. 667-5777 Almost Home Maternity Centre.....................................633-6770 Blood Ties Four Directions ...............................................633-2437 FAS Society of the Yukon.................................................393-4948 Gay and Lesbian Alliance ................................................333-5800 Kaushee’s Place Women’s Transition Home ...............668-5733 La Leche League ...................................................................668-5949 Legal Aid..................................................................................667-5210 Les EssentiElles .....................................................................668-2636
* * * * * * * * *
Many Rivers Counselling & Support Services ..........667-2790 Neighbourhood Law Centre............................................ 667-5255 Office of the Ombudsman ............................................... 667-8469 PFLAG ................................................................................... 332- 2330 Rural Pregnant Mom’s Suite............................................ 667-2693 Salvation Army .................................................................... 668-2327 Second Opinion Society....................................................667-2037 Senior’s Information Centre ...........................................668-3383 Silent and Invisible at Kaushee’s ...................................668-5733
* * * * * * * *
Skookum Jim Friendship Centre .................................. 633-7680 Victim Services .................................................................... 667-8500 Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre .............................. 667-2693 Women’s Directorate .......................................................... 667-3030 Whitehorse Aboriginal Women’s Circle..................... 668-7532 Yukon Aboriginal Women’s Council............................667-6162 Yukon Status of Women Council............................... 667-4637 Yukon Women in Trades & Technology .....................667-4441
REMEMBER – THIS IS YOUR PAGE! If you have something to say: poetry, articles, fiction and non-fiction stories, high-res photos and art work are accepted. Please send submissions to TheRPGrrl@gmail.com NExT DEADlINE fOR SUBMISSIONS IS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH 2013.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Yukon News
Mustangs cream the competition in Revelstoke ‘So it’s a very young team, very inexperienced. So to have this result, I was very pleased.’ Tom Patrick News Reporter
he Bantam A Mustangs squad wasn’t the biggest team, the highest-tiered team, the oldest or most experienced. But the Mustangs team was the only one to leave the Revelstoke Bantam Rep Tournament undefeated on Sunday in B.C. The Whitehorse rep team outscored the competition 37-9 in five games on their first road trip of the season. “We went down with only two players who played with the Bantam Mustangs prior to this year … and I think we had two under-age kids and 11 first-years,” said Mustangs head coach Martin Lawrie. “So it’s a very young team, very inexperienced. So to have this result, I was very pleased.” “I don’t think we expected to win by the amount that we did,” said Mustangs captain Mathew Cooper. “We did pretty good for our first tournament of the year.” It was technically a Tier 3/4 tournament, but the Tier 3 Mustangs had to climb over a pair of Tier 2 teams along the way. Whitehorse captured the gold with a 9-2 thumping of the Merritt Centennials, a Tier 2 team that arrived in the final undefeated. “Their whole team was bigger than our team,” said Cooper. “Our team was small compared to them. “They couldn’t get the puck out of their zone. We had a good forecheck going and their forwards were all offensive players. They didn’t have a lot of defensive players. So once we got it stuck in their zone, they couldn’t get it out and that gave us a lot of opportunities to score.” The game was tied 1-1 at the end of the first before the Mustangs piled in three goals in the second and five in the third. “We did a good job at wearing that team down,” said Lawrie. Mustangs forward Gavin Lawrie saved his best for last with three goals and
Tom Patrick/Yukon News
Bantam A Mustangs forward Dylan Cozens handles the puck during play at the Revelstoke Bantam Rep Tournament over the weekend in B.C. The Mustangs went undefeated to win the tournament.
three assists. Ethan Lavallee scored three goals. Whitehorse defenceman Cruz Goodman had a goal and two assists and Cooper, also on defence, had three assists. “Outside of the first game, the scores are a little bit deceiving,” said Martin. “The games were a little tighter than the score (shows). We buried teams late.” The Mustangs advanced to the final with a 5-3 win over the Salmon Arm Silvertips. Mustangs’ Bryce Anderson had three assists while line-mate Dylan Cozens knocked in two goals. The two forwards have a busy season moonlighting in store, also playing for the Peewee A Mustangs. Lavallee also contributed a pair of goals and Cooper a
pair of assists in the semifinal. The Whitehorse squad opened the tournament by decimating the home-team Revelstoke Grizzlies 10-0 in the first of three roundrobin games. Forward Kole Comin had a goal and four assists. Joe Stokes left with three goals and an assist. “A good surprise for us was first-year Dylan Kindervater with three assists in that game,” said Martin. Whitehorse goalies Tynan Hope and Ethan Vanderkley split the net-minding duties in the shutout. Hope, who is a secondyear bantam, plugged the net in the semi and final. “Obviously the goalies played solid,” said Martin. “I think we ended with a goals against average of about
two. “Tynan played the semi and the final for us. He’s a second-year (player). That being said, Ethan was definitely solid in the games he played for us. “I think we’re in pretty good shape from a goaltending perspective. We have a third one at home who didn’t travel with us – Rory Sinclair-Eckert – who is a very strong goalie.” “(Hope) played really well in all the games and kept us in it,” added Cooper. The Mustangs then went 5-3 over the Tier 2 Vernon Vipers. Cozens and Comin each had two goals while Gavin Lawrie helped out with two assists. Whitehorse advanced into the semis with an 8-1 win over the Tier 3 Langley
Eagles. Lavallee caught fire in the game, amassing five goals. Cooper was named captain shortly before leaving for Revelstoke. “It felt pretty good to wear the ‘C’ and to win the first tournament being captain,” he said. Revelstoke marks the second tournament win of the season for the Mustangs club. The Peewee A Mustangs bounced back from an early loss to win four straight and take gold at the 11th annual International Seafair Icebreaker Rep Tournament in Richmond, B.C., earlier this month. The Peewee Mustangs beat the South Delta Storm 7-4 to win the Tier 2 tournament. Contact Tom Patrick at tomp@yukon-news.com
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Yukon champ glides through Early Bird tourney
Tom Patrick/Yukon News
Left, Chris Toleman winds up for a backhand during the B division final of Squash Yukon’s Early Bird Tournament at Better Bodies Whitehorse on Saturday. Toleman won in four games. Top, Yukon champ Cameron Webber eyes the ball during the A division final. Webber defeated runner-up Sam Penner in three games.
Tom Patrick
through the Early Bird without News Reporter dropping a game and was out the door on his way to work ukon squash champ Cam- within minutes of winning the eron Webber is a busy guy. final, leaving no time for this Perhaps that’s why he wasted repoter’s questions. no time winning matches at Webber grabbed the tourSquash Yukon’s Early Bird nament’s A division title with Tournament at Better Bodies a 15-11, 15-2, 15-10 win over Whitehorse on Saturday. Sam Penner in the final. Webber, who won last year’s “It was super fun to play Yukon championships, went Cam,” said Penner. “It was a
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hard match and he sort of tore me apart in the second game. But he’s very skilled and it was a lot of fun. “Any unforced errors and you’re toast. He doesn’t make many mistakes, so if you make five or six mistakes in a game, those are points he’ll use to his advantage.” Webber wasn’t out to overpower his opponent. He would
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often slow down the pace of the rally instead of matching Penner shot for shot. “I was probably trying to attack as much as I could, so for him to slow it down, it allows him to get in position and get off those pretty little drop shots he’s got,” said Penner. Grayson Peters snagged third with a straight-game win over Mark Tubman. Peter
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Mather took the consolation title. Webber wasn’t the only one to slow the pace of rallies to his advantage. Squash Yukon president Chris Toleman defeated Dylan Letang 3-1 in the B division final. It was a come-from-behind win for Toleman, who dropped the opening game before taking a little off his shots. “I was playing to his strength,” said Toleman. “I didn’t quite wake up to how I should play until the second game. “He hits the ball very hard. So me hitting the ball hard back to him, I’m too slow to get into the position. So I just slowed it right down – soft serves, soft lobs. He’s waiting for the ball and I get to where I want to be. Then his hard shot is not as effective.” Terri Cairns topped Michel Gelinas 3-0 for third in the B division. Jim Gilpin won the consolation. Will Chetcuti went 3-1 over Lara-Rae Grant in the C division final for the win. Andre Benoit downed David Bucklet 3-0 to place third. Keegan Kwok cruised through the consolation round without dropping a game. Jordy Walker beat Jada Smith-Kwok in a tight 3-2 battle to win the D division. Todd Pilgrim outplayed Susan Whitty 3-0 for the third place spot. Laurie Clark bounced back from a first round loss to Pilgrim to win the consolation. Brett Walchuk defeated Isaac Williamson 2-1 junior novice division final. Ava Cairns placed third with a 2-0 win over Katrina Dobush Kayden King to claim the consolation title. Contact Tom Patrick at tomp@yukon-news.com
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Yukon News
Castle Rock ‘skins’ the competition at charity bonspiel Tom Patrick News Reporter
t was all about winning ends, not games at the United Way/EBA Mixed Bonspiel over the weekend at the Whitehorse Curling Club. Within the skins format, bonspiel teams collected points for winning ends, not for winning games. “It’s not a regular format,” said participant Bob Smallwood. “You get to play a lot of nice draw shots because you’re only thinking about getting shot rocks … It’s just one rock that counts.” Team Castle Rock raked in the shot rocks in the bonspiel. The team of coworkers from Castle Rock Enterprises collected 55 points to take first in the bonspiel. “The first team never showed up and that was the best thing, so we got a few points there,” joked skip Herb Balsam. “But actually everyone curled very well through the whole weekend. We got some breaks, had a lot of fun, and it was good.” Joining Balsam on the sheets were teammates Sandra Grabowski as lead, Tyler William as third and Andreia Kenderova as second. It was the team’s first time winning the event. “We had some close ones – the other teams just missed with a line call, or sweeping, or they would have had us,” said Balsam. “We managed to pull it off. Had some good shots in the end.” Smallwood’s Challenger Geomatics teams swept up second place with 50 points. The Geomatics team tied third place’s Team Wallingham in points, but a “closest to the button” contest broke the tie. Smallwood drew to 10 centimetres from the button, the closest of the contest. “Every little bit helps,” said Smallwood. “It’s close, but getting it on the button is better.” On board with Smallwood was lead Jody Smallwood, third Tamara Vandenberghe and second Adam Pleasant.
Tom Patrick/Yukon News
Team Wallingham third Brayden Klassen slides some granite during the United Way/EBA Mixed bonspiel at the Whitehorse Curling Club on Saturday. The Wallingham rink placed third. It’s the same team that will represent the Yukon at the 20113 Mixed Canadian Curling Championship next month in Ottawa. “It’s coming together,” said Bob. “It’s getting better every game we play.” Third place’s Team Wallingham was a predominately junior team of skip Joe Wallingham, third Brayden Klassen and second Kelsey Meger. The team’s lead was Kevin Patterson, who coaches Whitehorse’s
junior boys rink Team Wallingham that includes Trygg Jensen and Spencer Wallace and not Meger. “It was an opportunity for me to spend some time with Joe in the house,” said Patterson. “It’s his first time skipping this year and for me coaching him, it was really nice to interact with him, see where his head was at in terms of strategy and tactics.” Team Wallingham junior boys rink will attempt to secure Yukon’s spot at
the Canadian Junior Curling Championships at the territorial championships in December. The closest to the button contest broke a three-way tie for fourth with three teams each scoring 47 points at the bonspiel. Gord Zealand’s rink pocketed fourth ahead of Pat Paslowski’s rink in
fifth and Nicole Baldwin’s in sixth. A total of 18 curling teams took part in the bonspiel, up from 11 last year. The event raised an estimated $9,000 to $10,000, the United Way said on Monday. Contact Tom Patrick at tomp@yukon-news.com
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Tom Patrick/Yukon News
Team Broom Punch’s Dave Thexton delivers a rock. The bonspiel raised over $9,000 for the United Way.
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Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Yukon XC skiers get an early start in Canmore Tom Patrick
consecutive season Canada’s national junior team. She came fourth for junior women ld snow helped kick-start a new and second for her year of birth at the ski season last week. Haywood Ski Nationals last season, Some of the world’s top crosscollecting a silver and a bronze. country skiers hit some last-season “I think the five- and 10-kilometre snow at the second annual WinSport events are more my focus, but going Frozen Thunder Classic last Thursday into this year I’m hoping to – espeat the Canmore Nordic Centre in cially on the junior level – to be strong Alberta. across the board and work on conAt the end of last season, the centre sistency throughout all the different collected a huge pile of snow and techniques and distances,” said Beatty. stored it under a blanket of sawdust Hanthorn’s name might not be through the off-season. The centre familiar to Yukon ski fans, but give it then used the snow to construct a time. 2.2-kilometre loop, three lanes wide, The 18-year-old recently moved and voila: a race on real snow before to Whitehorse from Fort McPherson, the first snowfall. N.W.T., where she was a member of The event drew national team skithe N.W.T. Ski Team. She won a silver ers from Canada and the U.S., plus a at last season’s nationals. couple from Japan and Austria. She came to Whitehorse for last There were also three Yukoners in season’s Yukon Cross-Country Ski attendance. Championships, winning the Gordon Whitehorse’s Emily Nishikawa, Taylor trophy for fastest time on the Dahria Beatty and Annah Hanthorn Noel Rogers photo 10-kilometre course. She obviously all took part in the 1.5-kilometre clas- Skiers take part in the WinSport Frozen Thunder Classic in Canmore, Alta., on Thursday. liked what she saw. sic sprint event. Three Yukon skiers raced in the pre-season event. “Partly because of the coaching “It was like a two-kilometre loop of and the trails,” said Hanthorn of her snow from last year and it was really season. So I didn’t want to risk any qualifying but decided to sit it out tially happen this winter for me.” decision to move. “We travelled with cool,” said Hanthorn. “And it was quite after that. injuries.” Beatty placed 18th in the qualifiers, the Yukon team – went to nationals in a lot of snow. I was very surprised with A wise move considering this missing the heats by two spots, or by “I did the qualifier in the morning, Quebec – and visiting here has been the amount of snow that was there. season could be the most important of one second, depending on how you’d really nice. They’ve welcomed us with but then I had a foot – not really an “It was fun to ski so early in the like to look at it. injury, but it has been a bit sore,” said her career. open arms and allowed us to ski with season too.” Nishikawa and her brother “My qualifying event felt good. It them when we’ve passed through. Nishikawa. “I didn’t race the heats. Nishikawa, 24, was the only out Graham are back on Canada’s senior was the first race of the year, obviously, “It’s just really nice, a good enI just want to make sure my body is of the three to qualify for the playoff development team for another season and came off a hard training week the vironment.” 100 per cent healthy going into race heats. She skied to eighth in the and will vie for spots on Canada’s week before and definitely had some Last week’s race in Canmore repreteam for the Sochi Olympic Games in heavy legs,” said Beatty. “But going sented her first as a member of the February. into it that morning I was feeling Whitehorse Cross-Country Ski Club. “Obviously I’m super excited to get pretty good. It was a good start to the She placed 28th in the qualifiers racing. That’s my favourite part about season. and did not qualify for the heats. skiing,” said Emily, who trains out of “I opted not to use race skis, so I “It was awesome. It was a really the Alberta World Cup Academy. “I’m was using training skis, and when you neat experience to race some national really looking forward to this winter. miss the heats by one second you kind team athletes and former Olympians,” There are some great opportunities of regret that.” said Hanthorn. “I thought it went well that lie ahead. I’ll just keep doing what Beatty, who also trains at the for the first race.” I’m doing and hopefully there are Alberta World Cup Academy in Contact Tom Patrick at some exciting things that could poten- Canmore, is beginning her fourth tomp@yukon-news.com News Reporter
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Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Whitehorse to host world softball championship in 2017 “We hope the city is excited. We are. We hope they look forward to it and the whole thing will become a positive experience for the game of softball.” Tom Patrick News Reporter
ukon is fast becoming a hub for world softball championships. Whitehorse will host the International Softball Federation Men’s World Championship in the summer of 2017, it was decided on Friday. Softball Yukon, in partnership with Softball Canada, won hosting privileges for the 2017 championship at the federation’s congress in Cartagena, Colombia. “We hope the city is excited. We are,” said Softball Yukon executive director George Arcand, speaking from Cartagena. “We hope they look forward to it and the whole thing will become a positive experience for the game of softball. “Right now it’s open, so we could have 20, 24 teams – it’s yet to be seen … Here at the congress there’s 61 countries represented, so it’s a worldwide effort.” By the time of the 2017 tourna-
ment, it will be the fourth world softball championship Whitehorse and Softball Yukon will have hosted. Whitehorse was home to the 2008 ISF Junior Men’s World Championship and the 2012 ISF Women’s World Championship last summer. The Yukon capital will host the ISF Junior Men’s World Softball Championship a second time next July. The 2017 tournament will be the first time Whitehorse and Softball Yukon hosts the biennial senior men’s championship. The final decision came down to Canada and Argentina at which time both potential hosts made a final presentation to the congress. Softball Yukon stressed the hospitality of Yukon and Canada, Whitehorse’s top-notch Pepsi Softball Centre facility, and the association’s previous hosting experience. “It’s up on screen and we have pictures and all that, but we sell it with the facility, being a world-class
Ian Stewart/Yukon News
Softball Yukon executive director George Arcand traveled to International Softball Federation’s congress in Colombia last week to secure the 2017 ISF Men’s World Championship. facility, we sell Yukon as a destination, being part of Canada which is very safe, secure and hospitable, and all those good things,” said Arcand. “You’re selling your local region, you’re selling your complex, you’re selling your volunteers.” Whitehorse has already hosted two world championships, “and that makes a difference for sure. They know you have a proven track record, all the bills got paid on time, so there’s no issues afterwards. The play-
ers are treated well, the fans all come out to watch, they love the game.” It was also decided at the congress that Surrey, B.C. will host the 2016 ISF Women’s World Championship. It was a big week for the B.C. city as Surrey’s Dale McMann was elected president of the ISF. The 2013 ISF Men’s World Championship was held in Auckland, New Zealand this past March. The hosting New Zealand team took gold with a win over Venezuela in the final. Australia claimed the bronze while Canada was eliminated in the playoffs with a pair of losses after going 6-1 in the round-robin. The 2015 ISF Senior Men’s World Championship will be held in Saskatoon, Sask. Contact Tom Patrick at tomp@yukon-news.com
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Fritz Mueller
“Listen to the Stories” CE LE B R AT I O N FE A S T A N D BO O K L AU N CH G A L A
Friday, November 1st, 2013 Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre
Kwanlin Dün Beneficiaries
An evening of good food, vibrant storytelling and performances bringing the journey of Kwanlin Dün to life.
The Trust Working Group of Kwanlin Dün First Nation is holding an information session to provide an overview of the Administrative Trust Model for Beneficiary Compensation Funds and a review of the Protector Model.
Join us as we celebrate the launch of our new 87-page book — “Listen to the Stories: A History of the Kwanlin Dün People”.
Input gathered at the meeting will help inform the Trust Working Group and Council in moving forward with selecting a trust model for KDFN Beneficiaries that will meet the need of the community.
Doors open, 5:00 pm ~ Special Gala Presentation featuring storytelling, tributes and performances 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Representatives from Deloitte and Boughton Law will be available at the meeting. Date: November 4, 2013 Time: 5:00 p.m. Location: Nàkwät’à Kü Potlatch House
FEATURING ~ Emcee: Victoria Fred ~ Sharon Shorty ~ Diyet ~ Kwanlin Dun Dancers ~ Elijah Smith School Dancers ~ Dakka Kwann Dancers ~ Elder Judy Gingell ~ “Back to the River” song by the late Johnnie Smith ~ Documentaries by Doris Bill and Mike Rudyk
Fritz Mueller
Yukon Archives
Fritz Mueller
Yukon Archives
Jennifer Ellis
Yukon Archives
Traditional Regalia is encouraged. Copies of the book will be available at the event. KDFN Members and guests, please RSVP to communications@kwanlindun.com or by calling 633 -7835.
Kelly Wroot
Information Session for
Light snacks and refreshments will be served. For further information, call 633-7811.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Yukon News
by Leigh Rubin
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Dear Annie: I am a 45-year-old gay man who has never had a relationship, and I don’t expect it to change. I have lived all of my life in the closet. I know it’s not emotionally healthy, but I feel unable to confide in anyone. When I was a teenager, I confided in a minister, who then told my parents. They never accepted me. My parents are both gone now. I have no friends. I work two jobs, which precludes a social life. I’ve listened to my co-workers’ conversations and can tell they wouldn’t understand. I live in an area where coming out could mean the loss of my jobs, my landlord could evict me, and I worry that someone’s intolerance could turn violent. There is no PFLAG or other resource in my area. There are no gay bars. I feel unable to relocate due to economic concerns. I realize my isolation is my own fault. I’m not an outgoing, talkative person. In particular, I have always found it difficult to talk about myself. How do I open the door? — In Turmoil in Kansas Dear Kansas: You don’t need to go to a gay bar. You can look online, and not only for prospective partners, but also to make new friends regardless of their sexual orientation. It will protect your privacy while giving you an opportunity to connect with others. Regular email conversations can also help you learn to communicate better. And PFLAG has online support at pflag.org. Please check it out. Dear Annie: I have an adult niece who no longer speaks to her grandparents. No one knows why, and her parents tell us the niece “deals with things in her own way.” Her grandparents are heartbroken. The question is: Do I invite this niece to a family wedding? She is difficult to be around and makes things uncomfortable for those of us who must observe her behavior. It is important to the bride that her grandparents be at the wedding, and we want them to feel at ease. We have no problem not inviting the niece, but do not want to start a war with her parents. — Family Issues Dear Issues: We generally favor inviting those people you wish and letting the chips fall where they may. You are not responsible for your niece’s estrangement. However, you also are not obligated to invite her, although it’s quite possible that the grandparents might welcome a chance to see the girl, even from six tables away. The decision ultimately rests with the bridal couple, but you might first talk it over with the grandparents, as well as the parents of this niece. Explain the problem and ask whether they believe she can behave appropriately. If there is a genuine risk that she will cause a scene, we say leave her off the guest list.
By The Mepham Group
Level: Tough
By The Mepham Group Level: 1
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk.
Solution to Thursday’s puzzle
Solution to Thursday’s puzzle
No digit can be repeated in a solution, so a 4 can only produce 1 and 3, never 2 and 2. Solution published tomorrow. © 2013 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All rights reserved.
To solve Kakuro, you must enter a number between 1 and 9 in the empty squares. The clues are the numbers in the white circles that give the sum of the solution numbers: above the line are across clues and below the line are down clues. Thus, a clue of 3 will produce a solution of 2 and 1 and a 5 will produce 4 and 1, or 2 and 3, but, of course, which squares they go in will depend on the solution of a clue in the other direction.
© 2013 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All rights reserved.
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
WINNERS... Up to five years
Dylan Charlie Six to eight years
WINNERS… Up to five years
Chanel Sutherland Six to eight years
Kadynce Smith Nine to twelve years
Maddy Wheeler Congratulations to our winners and runners-up and good luck to those of you entering next week’s competition.
Name: _____________________________ Address: ____________________________ __________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Age Up to five Six to eight Nine to twelve years years years Group:
Selwyn Frischling Nine to twelve years
Entries for both contests should be dropped off or mailed to:
211 Wood Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2E4.
Open to kids up to age 12. Entries for this week’s contests must be received by 12 pm next Monday in order to appear in next week’s paper. If your entry arrives late (which may happen with out-of-town entries), it will be judged along with the contestants from the following week. Please limit entries to ONE PER CHILD PER WEEK. The contests are divided into three age groups: Up to five years, Six to eight years, Nine to twelve years. Drawings for the drawing contest must be on a separate piece of paper and reproducible on a photocopier to win. (Black and white drawings on white paper are easier to reproduce.) Winners will receive their prizes by mail so be sure to include your complete address! Please note that only winning entries will be returned. WINNERS RECEIvE GIft CERtIfICatES fOR “AngelinA’s Toy BouTique”.
Yukon’s Unique Children’s Boutique! First & Main Street 867.393.4488 | yukontoys.com facebook/yukonkids
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Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30
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2-BDRM MAIN flr suite, redec, new floors/kit/appl & htng system, carport, partly furn, responsible tenants. Refs. reqʼd. N/S, dog ok. $1,600/mon. & utils & dep. 334-9351 or 334-2747
THE PALMS RV RESORT www.yumapalmsrvresort.com Rated top 2% in America. 6-5-4-3 Monthly Specials. Starting at $637.50 mo. (plus Tax/Elec.) Toll Free 1 855 PALMS RV (1-855-725-6778)
RIVERDALE CONDO for rent. 3 bedrooms. 1 & 1/2 bath. Non-smoking. Quiet neighbourhood. $1,600. plus utilities. Yukonnights@gmail.com CABIN WITH Loft, 16x24. Furnished, wood heat, propane lights, no electric. Phone and internet, 50 km from Whitehorse, $600/mon. 633-4667 8 -10 p.m. MAIN ST. 2 Bdrm. 1 bath apt. c/w appliances on greenbelt. Available Nov. 1, 2013 References req'd. $1,575.00/m + utilities. 1st + security. 667-7462 Email nsevergreenoffice@gmail.com. 2 BDRM. house at Deep Creek, Lake Laberge. Washer/dryer. Waterfront. Oil and electric heat. $1,000.00 a month plus utils. 30 minutes from town. Pets considered. 332-4835 CHARMING 3-BDRM. country residential, 35 mins. south of downtown Whitehorse. Wood stove, W/D, hardwood floors, storage space, views, pet friendly. $1,300/mon. incl. utils. 334-8271
LG. 5-BDRM. house in Porter Creek, quiet, close to schools & bus. Avail. immed. $1,800/mon. plus utils. 334-3546
CABIN FOR rent in Judas Creek (Marsh Lake), lake view, sunny hill, with outhouse, wood heat. 450/mon. + power. 660-4813
CABIN FOR rent, Ibex Valley. Has elec. & water tank, must haul water. Indoor plumb. & wood heat. N/P, dd required. $800/mon. 668-6885 or 1275woodland@gmail.com
3-BDRM. APT, P.C., close to school & Super A, nice & clean. No dogs. $1,100/mon. 332-8801
ROOM FOR rent, Riverdale, 3 bdrm. condo. incl. cable, internet, utils, laundry. N/S, responsible tenant. $850/mon. 333-0490 after 6 pm.
D/T LEGAL suite, secure access, parking, all included, can be furnished. N/P, N/D, no parties. $1,100. Avail. Nov. 1. 336-0112 for appt.
2-BDRM. TRAILER, KK, includes wood stove. $1,280/mon. plus elec. 334-7872
ROOMMATE WANTED, Granger area. 1 bdrm., private bathroom, shared kitchen & laundry, parking. DD reqʼd. N/S, N/P. Avail. Nov. 1. $200/mon., utilities incl. 335-1786
FINE COUNTRY living. Two bedroom, one full bath, fully detached house. New construction, hardwood floors, travertine tile, new stainless appliances. John, 334-4644.
1-BDRM APT downtown, available Oct 1, fully furnished, utils inclʼd, responsible tenant, N/P, $950/mon. 668-5558
YUKON APARTMENTS now accepting applications for 1-bdrm. furnished & 2-bdrm. unfurnished apts. Refs. reqʼd. 667-4076
2-BDRM NEW apt in Riverdale, avail immed, N/S, N/P, no parties, includes heat, hot water, lights, responsible tenant, $1,500/mon. 668-5558
CABIN MT. Lorne, 400ʼ new, energy-efficient, 300ʼ deck/stunning views. C/w private drive, power, phone, internet, EPA woodstove, outhouse. Water/showers 1 mile away. Pet considered. Long-term rental. $775/mon. 668-2849
2-BDRM, 2-BATH mobile home in Mary Lake, N/S, N/P, no parties. Refs & DD reqʼd. Utils inclʼd. Responsible tenant. $1,500/mon. 335-3738
FURNISHED BEDROOM for one person in new home in Ingrid SD, incl. heat , elec, access to kitchen, bathroom, w/d, TV/internet. N/S, no pets, dd reqʼd. $700/mon. 334-3186
FULLY FURNISHED 1 bdrm. suite, Valleyview, incl. dishes and linens. Private entrance, parking, appliances and laundry. Max 2 people. N/P. Avail Dec 1st. $1,350/month + elec. 633-4778.
SMALL SPACE in the Sportees building, just under 300 sq ft. Stop in to Sportees 6098 6th Ave. or call Andrea 668-2691
DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE •Shared space with Cambio Consulting •Access to boardroom, coffee bar •See Kijiji ad ID 466620854 and Borealist 335-3499
ONE BDRM. apt., Porter Creek. Clean, quite building, close to bus stop, looking for long term tenants. $975 + utilities and sec deposit. 334-9402
PORTER CREEK - 1 and 2 bdrm. suites in my home, sep. entrance, use of w/d, N/S, no parties, avail. immed. Responsible tenants. $950/$1,050. 633-2046
1-BDRM APT in Porter Creek, close to Super A & bus stop, no dogs, $900/mon. 332-8801
MARSH LAKE, Avail immediately,newly renovated 3-bdrm, 2-bath log house on private acre. washer & dryer. N/S, $1,300/mon + elec & DD. (250) 864-4499
NICE PERSON to share March Lake waterfront home, close to Comm. Centre & ski trails. N/S, animals welcome. $500/mon. & shared utils. 660-4321
LARGE FURNISHED room on acreage south of Whitehorse, avail. immed., c/w Internet, cable TV, private bathroom, own separate entrance. One pet possible if house broken; 336-1621 2-BDRM. APT. downtown, newly renoʼd. Incls. on-site laundry, parking. N/P, N/S. $1,100/mon. incl. heat. Avail. Nov. 1. 336-0444 CABIN FOR rent in Judas Creek (Marsh Lake), lake view, sunny Hill, with outhouse, wood heat. $450/mon. plus power. 660-4813
CABIN FOR rent, Fox Lake. Nicely furnished, incl. small fridge, wood stove. 40 mins. from town. $450/mon. 633-2156 FOX LAKE Great, cozy cabin for your next getaway Soak in the wonderful scenery and lose yourself in serenity Completely furnished and equipped Located 40 minutes from Whitehorse Beautiful trails at your door for hiking, skiing, bicycling Good lake for fishing Accommodates 2-6 people Call for rate, 633-2156
3-BDRM, 2-BATH, upper level in Copper Ridge, bright, clean, N/S, no parties. Avail. Nov. 1. $1,700/mon. BACHELOR SUITE, downtown, furnished, no pets, avail. Nov. 1. $900/mon. all incl. 668-4321 2-BDRM, 2-BATH condo, Waterfront bldg across from SS Klondike, wonderful views. $1,600/mon. 668-7090 2-BDRM. UNIT in Granger, self contained, above ground, c/w separate entrance, laundry, gas fireplace, bright, responsible tenant(s), refs. & dd required. $1,250/mon. utils incl. 332-4426 LARGE 1-BDRM suite, furnished, main floor of house, avail. Nov 1. Separate entrance, small desk, w/d, heat, electricity incl. Ref required, dd,, N/P, no parties, $1,300/mon. 668-4966 2-BDRM. HOUSE in Copper Ridge, ensuite, laundry & all appl, carport + RV prkg, resp tenants/refs, N/S, avail Nov 1, $1,650/mon +util. & dep, 334-9351 or 393-2747 HOT SPRINGS Road, 2-bdrm cottage, c/w oil heat, water delivery, power, $1,000 + utils. 633-6178 ROOM, LARGE 12x24 in Porter Creek, private entrance. Avail. Nov. 1. $750/mon. + dd. 668-7213
Office Space fOr LeaSe Above Starbuck’s on Main St. Nice clean, professional building, good natural light. 544 sq.ft. (can be leased as one office or can be split into two smaller spaces). Competitive lease rates offered.
Sandor@yukon.net or C: 333.9966
PRIVATE, 3 bedroom bungalow, 1 bath, in Marwell area. Smokers and/or pets welcome. Partially fenced back yard. Prefer long term lease. Available immed. $1,600/mon. + util. 333-0709 or kelsax@hotmail.com
1-BDRM. COPPER Ridge, walkout basement suite, N/S, N/P, ref. reqʼd. $1,000/ mon. +utils + dd. 393-3823 1-BDRM BRIGHT basement suite PC, responsible tenants, N/S, no parties, avail Nov. 1. $950/mon. 633-2046 FURNISHED ROOM in beautiful house in Takhini North, sunny & clean, no TV, N/S, no pets. $715/mon. plus utils. gauthierjosianne@gmail.com 2-BDRM SUITE, Copper Ridge, sep. entrance, c/w heat, laundry, elec. & parking, N/S, N/P, avail Dec. 1. $1,300/mon. 334-6510
for rent Approx. 1650 sq ft
of high-end rental space available immediately. Independent HVAC system, elevator accessible, excellent soundproofing, move-in ready.
Please call Kevin at 334-6575 for more information.
for rent Approx. 900 sq ft
of high-end rental space with fantastic view available immediately. Elevator accessible, excellent soundproofing, large windows, lots of natural light.
Please call Kevin at 334-6575 for more information.
Beautifully finished office space is available in the Taku Building at 309 Main Street.
2 BDRM with den, Porter Creek. Quiet upper level, very bright, 3 appliances, coin laundry on premises. N/S, N/P, no pets. Refs & dd required. $1,250/mon. + utils. 334 9402 3-BDRM TOP floor of house, Riverdale, avail Nov 1st, c/w laundry, heat, electric, tv and internet. N/S, no parties. $1,575/mon. 333-9000
BACHELOR APT., downtown, avail. Dec. 1, $900/mon. 668-5558
1140 sq.ft. Corner of 4th & Olgilvie
4198 Fourth Avenue
For more details call: 403-861-4748
This historic building is the first L.E.E.D. certified green building in Yukon. It features state of the art heat and ventilation, LAN rooms, elevator, bike storage, shower, accessibility and more.
Call 867-333-0144
Yukon News
E m p l o y m E n t
o p p o r t u n i t y
Wednesday, October 30
2-BDRM, BRIGHT basement suite PC, N/S, no partying, responsible tenants. $1,050/mon., avail Nov. 1. 633-2046 BACHELOR APT. 15 mins from d/t, above ground, small deck, cable & utils inc, close to bus stop. N/S, N/P. $900/mon. 333-0497
Outreach Worker
BACHELOR APT d/t, clean. private entrance. Utils + cable, wifi, phone, parking & plug-in incl. Available Nov 1-Apr 30. $900 mon. $450, dd/ref's required. N/P, no pets. 668-4321.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Society Yukon Closing Date 5:00 p.m.: November 15 2013
The Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Society Yukon, a national leader in the provision of services to persons with FASD is seeking a mature, committed individual to join our Outreach Team.
JOB DESCRIPTION / DUTIES: reporting to the Senior outreach Worker this position is responsible for providing outreach support services directly to adult clients with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in Whitehorse. the incumbent in this position will liaise with governmental, non-governmental and community agencies to develop case plans that support safety and quality of life for individuals with FASD. EDUCATION / REQUIREMENTS / EXPERIENCE: EDuCAtion AnD trAininG: undergraduate degree (Health or Social Work). A combination of related education and experience will also be considered. rEQuirEmEntS: licenses/Certifications: Class 5 driver’s license Standard First Aid Demonstrated EXPERIENCE: Experience working with individuals with FASD and/or experience working with marginalized populations and persons with disabilities. SALARY RANGE: Hourly rAtE iS $26.50 BENEFITS: A GEnErouS BEnEFit pACKAGE upon ComplEtion oF proBAtionAry pErioD HOW TO APPLY: Submit resume / Documents and / or questions to: Executive Director, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Society yukon Box 31396, 4141B 4th Avenue, Whitehorse, yukon y1A 6K8 phone: 1-867-393-4948 or by email to: executive.director@fassy.org
Copper ridge
11 grizzly Circle
2 bed, 2 bath, big corner lot, fully landscaped, fenced yard. garage and partially finished basement. priced to sell below it’s appraised value.
Call realtor Mike racz ®
STAFF LAWYER Poverty Law Services Yukon LegaL ServiceS SocietY (Legal aid) is seeking a lawyer to join our inhouse team of staff counsel. The ideal candidate will have experience in criminal law, matrimonial, child protection, and mental health law. The successful applicant will be responsible for providing representation to clients referred to them by Legal Aid with a focus on non-criminal matters. Applicants must be a member in good standing of a Bar in Canada and must be eligible for call to the Yukon Bar. Salary is commensurate with experience. An attractive benefits package and pension plan is offered. Yukon Legal Services Society reserves the right not to fill this posting if a suitable candidate is not identified by the Yukon Legal Services Society Personnel Committee.
ACTIVE IN YOUR COMMUNITY Are you looking for volunteer opportunities? Please check www.volunteeryukon.ca to find more volunteer opportunities.
Please apply to: Yukon Legal Services Society Administration Office Attention: Shannon Rhames 203-2131 Second Avenue, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 1C3 Email: srhames@legalaid.yk.ca | Fax: (867) 667-8649 application Deadline: november 8, 2013 at 4:30 p.m.
2-BDRM SUITE, PC, ground level, sep. entry, c/w laundry & plug-in parking,, N/S, N/P, no pets. $1,200/mon. + utils. 335-2636 1-BDRM SUITE in Porter Creek, full bath, in-suite laundry, attached greenhouse, on bus route. $795/mon + utils, N/S, avail Nov 1. 604-595-4895 or suites@auroramusic.ca. 2-BDRM DUPLEX D/T, newly renovated, yard, laundry machines, bright, quiet, clean, pets negotiable. $1,350/mon. + utils. 335-3973 FURNISHED ROOM D/T, responsible female tenant, refs. reqʼd. N/S, N/P, kitchen/laundry use, heat & cable. $620/mon. 668-5185 day, 667-7840 eve. & wknd. 1-BDRM CONDO d/t, bright, on 2nd floor, newer bldg., N/S, N/P, $1,200 + utils, avail Dec. 1. 393-3924 3-BDRM, 1.5 bath townhouse, Riverdale, incl. 5 appliances, garage, avail Nov. 1. 633-3940 LARGE ROOM for 1 person, N/S, N/D, no pets, close to bus & shopping, share bath & kitchen, dd $375. Avail. Nov. 1. $750/mon. 335-1616 2 BDRM house to sublet d/t, Dec/13 to Apr/14, very clean, attached sunroom, $1,500/mon. incl. heat & elec. 334-1252 2 BEDROOM + den apt. in Porter Creek tri-plex incl. w/d, N/S, no pets, energy efficient bldg. Refʼs reqʼd. $1,350/mon. + utils, $1/350 dd. 633-5916
Wanted to Rent HOUSESITTER AVAILABLE Mature, responsible person Call Suat at 668-6871 LONG-TERM HOUSESITTER available for winter months, gd w/pets & plants. No criminal record, 30 yr. Yukon resident. 335-0009 MATURE QUIET person seeking immediate affordable, pet friendly housing. Contact twiceshi404@gmail.com
Cooking and Conversation
Do you enjoy cooking & baking? If so, we’d love to hear from you. We are looking for a sociable individual who would like to share their time with seniors at Macaulay Lodge on Monday mornings from 10 a.m. until noon. Program led by our dedicated therapy staff. Friendly Visitor Volunteer Do you enjoy spending time with seniors? If so, please join our volunteer team! We are looking for volunteers to come in once a week for an hour or two to spend time visiting a Macaulay Lodge resident. During your visit you can play cards, go on outings, or just enjoy spending time with an interesting senior citizen. Please phone Lisa or Ellen at 393-7111 for more information. Criminal record check required. Orientation provided. Six month commitment requested.
The RCMP Victim Assistance Volunteer Program
is looking for volunteers in offering its services to victims of crime, tragic circumstances, and disaster.
Real Estate Be part of one of Canada’s most dynamic environmental and socioeconomic assessment processes and work with an energetic, progressive organization. We are committed to the well-being of our employees and encourage their personal and professional development. We are an impartial, effective and efficient organization that provides assistance to all involved in the assessment process.
TRAILER IN KK, 2 bdrm., new roof, new furnace, new flooring, incl. wood stove. $49,000 obo. 334-7872
Mayo Designated Office Full-time, Permanent
The annual salary range for this position is $64,540 - $74,410 based on 75 hours biweekly.
Volunteers receive extensive training and must be willing to make a two year commitment to the program. Volunteers work on a rotation basis, in teams of two and offer a wide range of services from crisis intervention to moral support. Applicants must consent to and pass a RCMP Security Clearance. Contact: Cst. Philip WHILES 867-334-5503 philip.whiles@rcmp-grc.gc.ca You work for a non-profit organization and you would like to add your volunteer opportunities? Please click on http://www.volunteeryukon.ca/.
If you feel you have the qualifications and desire to meet the challenges of this position please forward a cover letter and resume outlining how your experience and qualifications relate directly to the position. A job description is available at the Mayo Designated Office, 308 – 1st Avenue in Mayo, YESAB Head Office, Suite 200 – 309 Strickland Street in Whitehorse or on our website at www.yesab.ca. Please submit applications to: Finance and Administration Manager, YESAB Suite 200 – 309 Strickland Street, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2J9 Ph: 867.668.6420 Fax: 867.668.6425 or email to yesab@yesab.ca Toll free: 1.866.322.4040 Resumes must be received by November 3, 2013.
Community Services
HAINES JUNCTION 2-storey house. Contemporary design, open concept on cul-de-sac, 10+ acres, Fire-smarted around house, lots of trees left, view of St. Elias Mtns, 1350 sq. ft. Rod 634-2240 5 ATLIN lake view town lots. Prime location, top of Discovery Ave & 3rd St. 1 double lot incls old log house, $165,000 takes all. Email: mjbhome14@live.co.uk or John 250-676-9597
Located in Mayo, this position reports to the Manager, Designated Office and is responsible for assisting in conducting environmental and socio-economic assessment of projects. This includes identifying project effects and mitigation measures for adverse effects, determining the significance of any residual effects and developing recommendations.
A RCMP Victim Assistance Volunteer must possess: · A genuine interest in helping others · Strong communication skills · Maturity and good character · Common sense · Access to a vehicle · Commitment to the VAV Program
ROOM FOR rent, N/S, N/P, avail. Dec. 1. $750/mon. all incl. 393-2275
NEW PRICE 81 -100 Lewes Blvd. 3 bedroom 1.5 bath. Newly renovated, efficient oil monitor. Ready for you to move in. $225,000, open to offers. 668-6081 PRIME REAL estate. 30 acres between Mayo Village and Band for sale $250,000.00. 333-9627 3-BDRM, 1-BATH 2013 Mobile home in quiet park. 6 months free pad rent, no dogs. See Property Guys #143605. $154,900. 334-4174 . GRIZZLY VALLEY, 5 acres, 3-bdrm. 1993 mobile home, govʼt maintained road, school bus, septic tank, propane heat, great views, avail. immed. $380,000. Donna, 334-6010
Help Wanted DOWNTOWN RESTAURANT Seeking Cooks, Kitchen Helpers & Servers Spanish speaking an asset Competitive wages Please send info to: patronamexfood@gmail.com 668-7372 LOOKING FOR experienced housekeepers/front desk persons to work. Please apply with resume to Bonny, Stratford Motel, 401 Jarvis Street. No phone calls, please. Jobs in Alberta. Large Beef Processor in High River, Alberta looking for experienced butchers. $17.00 - $18.70 hour. Call Laszlo: (403) 652 8404 Email: laszlo_bodor@cargill.com
JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages from $30/hour, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info at: hannachrylser.ca. Fax 403-854-2845; Email: chrysler@telusplanet.net.
DISCONNECTED PHONE? National Teleconnect Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call National Teleconnect Today! 1-866-443-4408. www.nationalteleconnect.com. Legal Services POLAR BEAR rug, 333-0319
INVERSION BALANCING back board stretcher, relieves disks & pinched nerves, $200 obo. 2 hanging lights, 5 bulb, nickel finish, $100 obo. Diesel generator, air cooled, 4 stroke, $1,200 obo. 667-7107
CONOVER WOOD lathe, 2.5hp motor, electronic variable speed, 8ʼ bed, turns 16” on center, cast iron head & tailstocks, complete set faceplates, live centers, Sorbey turning tools. $1,800, 668-4732
STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca
WOODWORKING PROFESSIONAL Vaccu press system and poly bag. For veneerings 4x8' sheets, curved forms, c/w 2 curved forms & bending plywood. $1,300 new. $850 obo. 668-7361
BOSCH 12" DUAL BEVEL MITRE SAW with Bosch T4B Stand. One owner/operator, regular maintenance, c/w 60 tooth extra blade. Mint condition, $670. 334-1013.
MCDONALDS H O C K E Y cards from 1991-92 to 2009/10. Almost every single card issued minus some short prints, incl. 27 unopened paks/yr. Over 1,200 cards, $1,000 firm. Ross at 633-3154.
Ta’an Kwäch’än Council
Envirolube Full-time Positions Available
• Women welcome to apply • Must be energetic and able to work in fast paced environment • Work efficiently and unsupervised • Competitive wages • Must have a valid driver’s licence • Experience welcome, but not necessary
Please drop resume off to Leroy at 411 ogilvie Street WESTCAN - Interested In Being Our Next Ice Road Trucker? Haul liquid, dry bulk or freight to the diamond mines on the winter road (ice road) from mid-January to mid-April. Not Interested in driving on the ice? Drive resupply from southern locations in Alberta to Yellowknife, NT. Apply online at: www.westcanbulk.ca OR Phone: 1.888.WBT.HIRE (1.888.928.4473) for further details.
117 Industrial Road Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2T8 Telephone: 867.668.3613 Facsimile: 867.667.4295
Education Support Worker Temporary Full Time (6 months with possibility of extension) Reporting to the Manager of Health and Education, you will be responsible for managing the education initiatives that relate specifically to TKC citizens who are involved in the public school system from K-12 inclusive, as well as, Post Secondary students. You will provide educational and personal support to TKC students and their families to ensure that learning outcomes are successful. As well, you will act as a liaison between the teachers, students, parents on educational and personal matters and will liaise with other governments and agencies regarding educational and tutoring needs. Ideally, we would like the successful applicant to start December 2nd. To access the job description go to our website at: www.taan.ca and then our Employment tab. Closing date: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 The TKC Preferential Hiring policy will apply which gives qualified TKC Citizens first preference. Please submit a cover letter and resume to: Pkimbley@taan.ca
Miscellaneous for Sale BETTER BID NORTH AUCTIONS Foreclosure, bankruptcy De-junking, down-sizing Estate sales. Specializing in estate clean-up & buy-outs. The best way to deal with your concerns. Free, no obligation consultation. 333-0717 ALEX COLVILLE framed print, “Dog, Boy & St. John River”. $75. Ross 633-3154 We will pay CASH for anything of value Tools, electronics, gold & jewelry, cameras, furniture, antiques, artwork, chainsaws, camping & outdoor gear, hunting & fishing supplies, vehicles & ATVs. G&R Pawnbrokers 1612-D Centennial St. 393-2274 BUY • SELL • LOANS HOCKEY CARD set: 1966-67 Parkhurst (printed 1995-96), set of 150 cards + 3 special inserts. $200. Ross @ 633-3154 WORLD HOCKEY Association – 5 complete hockey card sets from the 70s. Exc cond. $750. Ross 633-3154 FURNACE BURNER, fully reconditioned, new motor, transformer & pump, $200. 633-3053 OSBORNE WOOD-BURNING fireplace insert in gd cond, $350. 633-6238 aft 6pm HOCKEY CARD set, 1964-65 Parkhurst (Tall boys format; printed 1994-95), 180 cards + Future Stars insert, set of 6. $150. Ross 633-3154 HOCKEY CARD set: 1956-57 Parkhurst Missing Years set, printed 1993-94, set of 180 + Future Stars insert set of 6. $150. Ross 633-3154 CFL FOOTBALL cards – 17 different complete sets of cards, including early OPC. Almost 2,600 cards. $1,500. Ross 633-3154 TRADING CARDS – binder full of non-sport trading cards (James Bond, X-men, Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom). About 500 cards. $50. Ross 633-3154 THREE COMPLETE OPC hockey card sets (1999-00 to 2001-02 period) plus some short prints. Over 900 cards. $150. Ross 633-3154 WORLD HOCKEY Association – remember it? Two rare books, (history, statistics, photos). Exc. shape, $50. Ross 633-3154 BOXFUL OF 62 mysteries, mostly paperback, $25. Ross 633-3154 TELESCOPIC ALUMINUM plank ladder, new, $60. 335-8964 FOR SALE roll-top desk, teak veneer; room divider, steel, 3 sections, gold/off-white; art, original and prints, all framed; sheepskin rug, new, white. 667-2583
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30
Selkirk First Nation
P.O. Box 40, Pelly Crossing, YT Y0B 1P0 Phone: 867-537-3060 Fax: 867-537-3075
Finance Manager Job Summary Reporting to the Director of Finance, the Finance Manager is responsible for the management of the day to day monitoring and internal auditing functions of all accounting operations, functions, records and transactions relating to all Selkirk First Nation Departments and Programs. Qualifications • Accounting or Finance Diploma or successful completion of a minimum four years Post-Secondary education in Accounting. Equivalencies may be accepted at the recommendation of the Director of Finance. • Knowledge of accounting principles and practices in relationship to internal auditing, annual external auditing, financial reporting and financial controls. • Must be willing to enroll in the CAFM program. • Knowledge of QuickBooks will be considered an asset. Closing Date: November 5, 2013 For additional information please contact John Igbokwe provide your resume and cover letter in confidence to: John Igbokwe by Email: financedirector@selkirkfn.com
EmploymEnt opportunity
Utilities Manager is looking for
Human Resource & Staff Development Officer Reporting to the Workforce Development Director, the HR & Staff Development Officer is responsible for all aspects of recruitment, policy development and the development of a skilled workforce to meet Teslin Tlingit Council’s staffing requirements. Guided by the TTC strategic plan and each department’s current and future staffing requirements, the incumbent will develop and implement training and education plans for TTC staff.
Education & Experience • Diploma or Certificate in Human Resources Management or Business Administration and additional post-secondary training related to career counselling, counselling psychology, certification as a career practitioner or course work in counselling and several years experience in the area of counselling and training plan development and implementation; a minimum of five years experience in human resources positions or an equivalent combination of education and experience. • Excellent communication skills and strong organizational skills • Good work ethic, good attitude, team player, willing to learn • A class 5 Yukon driver’s license is required
Main Duties Responsible for recruitment including drafting job postings and advertising, in consultation with supervisors, and leading the recruitment committee through the selection and interview process Providing guidance and expertise to directors and managers in developing job descriptions that are reflective of the duties and responsibilities required of each of their departmental positions. Providing guidance and assistance to employees who require training or education to meet performance standards or prepare for advancement within TTC For more information or to obtain a copy of the Job Description please call 867.390.2532 ext 316 Please quote the job title in the subject line of your email, fax and/or cover letter: HR & Staff Development Officer Workforce Development Teslin Tlingit Council Box 133 Teslin, Yukon Y0A 1B0 f. 867.390.2176 humanresources@ttc-teslin.com
Closing Date: Friday, November 8th, 2013 **no later than 4pm**
Capital Department Permanent – Full Time Salary range: $60,656 -$72,787 Qualifications: High school graduation followed by several years’ postsecondary education in water distribution, waste water collection and treatment systems; Certification in the operation of water distribution, water treatment and waste water treatment systems; Certification in gas chlorination is desirable; Training and/or experience in staff supervision and general management; Experience in participating in negotiations; WHIMIS; Valid Class 3 Yukon Driver’s License; Criminal Record Check. Main Duties: Reporting to Capital Director, this position will be responsible for the following: • Manages the Utilities unit of the Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation • Oversees and/or leads the operation, monitoring and maintenance of water, sewage and electrical systems • Oversees the operation and maintenance of basic laboratory services for the testing and monitoring of environmental systems. • Provides technical support to the Capital Works department for environmental related tasks • Supervises the daily work of Utilities staff and other personnel assigned by the Capital Director including preparation of work plans, supervision of work, resolving performance issues and on-going training of personnel. • Assist the Capital Director as needed: Keep daily record of Utilities employee time sheets; participate in department budget development and management • Perform other related duties such as: operate water truck and acts as back-up sewer truck operator when required; participate in meetings relevant to the operations of the department; attend training, and workshops to upgrade skills; respond to emergencies. LSCFN preferential hire will apply. If you are interested, please submit your expression of interest along with your resume by 4:30P.M. November 8, 2013 to: Doris Caouette, Human Resource Officer Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation PO Box 135, Carmacks Y.T. Y0B 1C0 Phone: (867)863-5576 ext 280 Fax: (867)863-5710 Email: resume@lscfn.ca WHILE LSCFN THANK ALL APPLICANTS, ONLY THOSE CANDIDATES SELECTED FOR AN INTERVIEW WILL bE CONTACTED. PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU REqUIRE A jOb DESCRIPTION.
Yukon News
ALBUMS FOR scrapbooking - cid-free Black color measures 13” high x 1.75” deep x 12.5“ wide. $30 for both. 667-4527 DOUBLE SHEET set, never out of package. Smoky/steele blue colour. Linen by Martex, 420 thread count per square inch. $100 retail asking $40. 633-3810 HAND-COLORED MAP of North America. 18” x 14”, from 1800ʼs Dominion of Canada. $300 obo. 332-7879
Native Brain-Tanned
Moose Hides AT REASONABLE PRICES Tanned beaver & other furs also available.
Ph (780) 355-3557 or (780) 461-9677
or write Lodge Fur and Hides, Box 87, Faust AB, T0G 0X0
FREE - baseboard radiators, hot water, 15 pcs., 3ʼ to 8ʼ lengths. 456-7852 KING OF QUEENS complete series (9 seasons-27 DVDs); viewed once. Asking $60. 667-2196 KENMORE ELEGANCE Canister Vacuum, $20.00, 668-5882 HOUSE PLANTS, spider plants, Norfolk pine, umbrella plants, 4ʼ lipstick vine. $5 to $45. 660-4321 8 GALLON compressor, Campbell & Hausfeld; with all attachments. $125.00. 393-2545 TEMRO IN-LINE engine water-heater. New $20. 633-4302 FRAMING COIL air gun Stanley Bostitch. $80. 633-4302 GIRLS CLOTHES and shoes sz. 6-10, $60 for the bag. 668-3924 SNOWBLOWER, OLDER Sears model, 24” wide. $200 obo. 633-4215 ELECTRIC SNOWTHROWER, 20” wide, used twice, works well. $150. 633-4215
FULL LENGTH coat, down, Landʼs End. Wmnʼs med., $125. Menʼs med. down jacket, $30. 311B Hanson St.
ELITE TRAVELLER scooter, 3-wheel, excellent for mobility problems, like new, open to offers. Richard, 667-7057.
SNOW JOE electric snow thrower, 17”, 13 amp. Like new. $120.00. 668-6079
Electrical Appliances
SAMSUNG GALAXY GT155i0M, slider cell phone, unlocked, good for pay as you go, 1 year old, hardly used ,excellent condition. Only want unlocking fee of $80.00. 333-0019
KENMORE DRYER, front loader, works great, $300. Also nw pump out of Kenmore washer, $40. 332-7797
HANDMADE, COLOURFUL Oriental carpets, new. $230-$330. 335-8964 DOUGLAS FIR bridge timbers, reclaimed, recently cut to 4.5”18”x20ʼ, $700 ea. or $1,300 for both. 334-2121 KEROSENE MASTER heater, 150,000 BTUs, $200. Two 20-litre pails #1 kerosene. $60. 633-2212 BLAZE KING wood heater, 11 years old, perfect shape with new catalytic combustor. $1,000 obo. Call 335-2223, no texts. 250 GAL. water tank in new condit. $450. 633-2156 TO GIVE away, karate books, including Beat Karate series and more. Jeanne, 668- 2506 EXPRESSO MACHINE, Nueva Simonelli, Optima, 2 group, in excellent working condition, coffee shop size. Asking $600. 335-0448 METAL DOME garage 16ʼ x 20ʼ. Currently erect but will be taken down. For viewing contact 334-4134
Pressroom Assistant We are looking for an energetic individual to work as temporary help in our pressroom until January 24. The work will be in the day and evening up to 25 hours a week. • Willing and able to learn on the job. • Heavy lifting involved. • Experience an asset, but not required. Please send resumes to Mike Thomas, Publisher, 211 Wood St., Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2E4 or email mthomas@yukon-news.com
ARCTIC HOT TUB cover for large hot tub. Blue, 7'4" x 7'4". Used 1 yr. Mint condition. $500.00 obo. 667-4910 WALL TENT, 14ʼx16ʼ, new with poles and tarp, $1,950. 456-7112 79 ACTION DVDs, twice played. $75 firm. 668-2011 SENTINEL WOOD stove chimney pipe, 7 lengths like-new 36", for 6" stovepipe; for 10" opening. Very good condition; original boxes. 668-3441. ONE PAIR of menʼs dark brown Carhart overalls, size 36. $50. 335 - 6314 CIVIL WAR Trading Cards: 4 complete sets of unique trading cards commemorating the U.S. Civil War, including the 1962 Topps set. $750 firm. Call 633-3154 JAZZY WHEEL Chair, electric, not used in 4 years, serviced before stored, might need battery. $10,000 new, asking $1,200 obo. 667-4395
The successful candidate will have sales experience – preferably in the advertising or retail industry. The ability to build relationships with clients and offer superior customer service is a must. The winning candidate will be a team player and will also be called upon to grow the account list with an aggressive cold calling mandate. The ability to work in an extremely fast paced environment with a positive attitude is a must. We offer a great working environment with a competitive base salary coupled with a strong benefit package. Black Press has more than 170 community newspapers across Canada and the United States and for the proven candidate the opportunities are endless. Please submit your resume with a cover letter by Friday, November 8, 2013 to: Mike Thomas Publisher, Yukon News, 211 Wood Street, Whitehorse, Y.T. Y1A 2E4 or email to mthomas@yukon-news.com No phone calls please.
KENMORE AUTOMATIC front load washing machine, 1 yr. old, & old commercial clothes dryer - both for $400, can be split up. 633-2837 LAUNDRY PAIR. Regular, top loading washer and propane dryer. Both work fine. Kenmore brand. $100. Call 393-2929 STAINLESS STEEL fridge, $350. 633-5283 KENMORE DRYER, extra capacity, $100. 633-2837 CROSLEY WASHING machine, works great, asking $75.00. 334-8554
TVs & Stereos Paying cash for good quality modern electronics. G&R Pawnbrokers 1612-D Centennial St. 393-2274 BUY • SELL • LOANS 55” SAMSUNG color TV c/w Panasonic DVD & Sound Surround. $250 obo. 668-7848
Computers & Accessories HP PAVILION ZE2000 14.3" x 11.2" x 1.2" Excellent condition. $150. 667- 4527 KINDLE DX international version with 9.7-inch E Ink screen. Has support for International 3G Wireless c/w 300 books. Includes Kindle DX Leather Cover. $350. 667-4527 2 COMPUTER desks, new. 668-7848.
$25 ea.
OKIDATA MICROLINE 390 Plus 24 pin printer. $50.00. 668-6079
100ʼ OF 3/4” cable with end loops. $300. 332-6565
Musical Instruments
FENCE POSTS, 4 bundles 8ʼx5-6” treated blunt fence posts, 60/bundle, $2,200 for all. 335-2648 10 STEPHEN Booth mysteries, paperback, $15. 633-3154 SCHLAGE COMMERCIAL door lock sets, new, polished chrome, 4 complete sets, $100 ea. 335-2648 ONE RIGID #300 power vise only. $1,500 obo. $1,500 obo. 633-8487 INDUSTRIAL REBAR, 30 pcs, 1/2" 40ʼ length, 20 pcs 1/2” 12ʼ length, 5 pcs 3/4” 60ʼ length, numerous 1/2” angle pieces. $1,300 takes all. 335-2648 2 WHITE lab coats for sale, size m/L and XL, like new. $15 ea. 333-9604 PROPANE FURNACE, Olssen Duomatic, 120,000 BTU, $250. 667-2317 after 5:30 PORTABLE GAS powered 225 amp HOBART welder/gen set. Excellent shape. $2,200 obo. 867-633-6502 BOX OF mixed dollhouse furniture, kitchen, childʼs room, etc, can be split up or $100 for all. 633-3664 WINTER JACKETS, youth, exc condit, Mec Freefall, sz. 12, $45, Patagonia XL, $40, Loki sz. 10, $30. 311B Hanson St. CURTIS CAPPUCCINO machine, Model PCGT3, 3 -cup dispenser w. electric pump, extra products incl. $2,500. 993-5937 DALL SHEEP full cape head mount with left hand orientation. Incredible detail, displayed in smoke-free environment. $1,500.00. Email for pictures halendaniel@yahoo.ca 336-1412 CAMO HOODED pullover, Cabela's wooltimate fleece, size L. Like new, never worn. Retail $170, asking $85. 633-3810
40 GAL. hot water tank, working condit. 633-2837.
SPILSBURY & Tindall 2-way radio SBX 11 with aerial, exc. shape. $600. 332-6565
SOLID CORE unfinished maple door, new, 1 3/4” door 32"x80" with window 24"x30" and fire rated door frame. Complete, $250 obo. 335-2648
The Yukon News, a twice-weekly award-winning newspaper has an outstanding opportunity for a full-time sales person.
SEARS BEST refrigerator, $200. 633-2580 eves
M-AUDIO FIREWIRE 18/14 Professional Computer Recording Interface, 8x4 analog I/O, up to 24-bit/96kHz. Check features on Internet. Paid $650, asking $200. 667-2196
ANTIQUE ROUND wooden butter churn, as is, $95. 668-7839
Advertising Sales Representative
Wednesday, October 30
KENMORE STACKABLE w/d, Kenmore stove, Intertherm furnace, microwave. 667-6770 SEVERAL ELDERLY cameras for sale. 633-5988
We will buy your musical instrument or lend you money against it. G&R Pawnbrokers 1612-D Centennial St. 393-2274 BUY • SELL • LOANS PIANO TUNING & REPAIR by certified piano technician Call Barry Kitchen @ 633-5191 email:bfkitchen@hotmail.com VIOLIN - brand new, full sized. C/w case and rosin - bow not included - $150. 393-4355 ANTIQUE ORGAN to give away. For more info 335-0566. 1967 GIBSON J50 acoustic guitar with B-Band pickup, hardshell case. Plays and sounds fabulous. $2,000.00. Email for pictures halendaniel@yahoo.ca 336-1412
Firewood FIREWOOD FOR SALE 20-cord orders Big or small tree length Logging truck loads $150/cord Delivered to Whitehorse Call Clayton: 335-0894
DONʼS FIREWOOD Prompt daily deliveries Commercially harvested beetle kill Social Services & Kwanlin Dun Price as of October 1st: $265 per cord 393-4397 FIREWOOD: $170.00 per cord 20 ft. logs 5 cord loads. Small delivery charge. 867-668-6564 Leave message 10 cords 3ʼ furnace wood, $1,350 picked up. 16” firewood delivered in Haines Jct, $160/cord “The Tree Huggers Woodchopper” “Earth first, weʼll FireSmart the other planets later” 336-4976 WOOD FOR sale. Call 334-8999. 1ST QUALITY heating wood, season-dried over 3-yrs., to be picked up on Levich Drive in Mt. Sima industrial subdivision. Complete info at 335-0100. FIREWOOD FOR SALE Donʼt delay - Get your wood today $250/16” cord $220/4ʼ cord $200/8ʼ cord Large dry timber from Haines Junction Delivered 336-2013
Guns & Bows Case cutlery, high quality hand-crafted pocket and hunting knives available at G&R Pawnbrokers 1612-D Centennial St. 393-2274 BUY • SELL • LOANS SKULL CLEANING European mounts using Dismasted beetles From a mouse to a moose Very reasonable rates 335-2034 WINCHESTER MODEL 70 rifle, good condit. Cal. .375 HH Mag., 24” bbl., Weaver 6X scope, sling, 9 boxes ammo. Reloading dies. Some brass & bullets. $800. 821-3431 BRAZILIAN MAUSER in 8mm Mauser, hand made hardwood stock, bedded and floated, recent refinish of whole rifle, inexpensive scope already mounted, $350, PAL req'd, 667-2276 LEE ENFIELD No 1 Mk 3, 303 British, 10-rd mag, sporterized wood, vg bore, military sights, steel scope rings mounted, $300,or $360 with 3-9x40mm scope mounted. PAL req'd, 667-2276 WINCHESTER MODEL 61 in .22 mag. cal., 24” round bbl., 4X scope, good condit. 4 boxes ammo. High collector interest, great gun. 821-3431 FIREARMS SAFETY course, Nov. 2 & 3, non-restricted course at Whitehorse Gun Club. 633-2488 or 333-5640 for more info. STOCK AND barreled action of a Cooey model 710 (exact copy of a Winchester model 70). Both for $65.00. 393-2545 ROSSI .22 pump, breaks down for trapline, with custom case. $200. Remington Nylon 77 semi-auto .22 in great shape, accurate. $150. Licence must be presented. 667-6563. WANTED, RUGER 10/22 and/or Ruger .223 (Mini 14). Have the licence. George, 667-6563 1000FPS AIRGUN - Ruger Blackhawk, .177 caliber, mint condition, incl. mounted 4x32 Walther – scope, pellet trap, targets and pellets. Firearm license required. $80. 335 1093 RUGER M77 Hawkeye, 300 Win. Mag. All Weather, mint condition, incl. mounted 3-9x40mm VX-1Leupold scope, Plano Gun Boot, cleaning kit, Nosler Custom ammo. Firearm license required. $1,000. 335-1093
HURLBURT ENTERPRISES $250 per cord We have wood. You-cut available. Discount for larger quantities. PROMPT Scheduled Delivery Visa, M/C, Check, Cash Dev Hurlburt 335-5192 • 335-5193
WEATHERBY VANGUARD in 300 short mag, c/w 4 boxes of ammo & scope rings, had only 15 rounds shot, $450. 335-2125
EVF FUELWOOD ENT Year Round Delivery • Dry accurate cords • Clean shavings available • VISA/M.C. accepted Member of Yukon Wood Producers Association Costs will rise. ORDER NOW 456-7432
.308 WINCHESTER model 88 bbl 22ins, lever clip action, serial #64900, made in USA 1958, $500. 821-3431
DIMOK TIMBER 6 cord or 22 cord loads of firewood logs. Call 634-2311
.22 MOSSBERG SA model 152K, .22LR only, clip-fed. $50. 821-3431 30/30 CAL. Marlin lever action model 336, tube mag, serial #G35950, made in USA 1950. $300. 821-3431
Wanted WANTED AT least 15 feet of snow fence phone 334-6265 BEADED 633-3392.
CURTAIN in good condition.
PARENTS IN Haines Junction: interested in French immersion family day home for your kids? emitwed@hotmail.com
HOTWHEELS TRACK FOR 3 year old. Has lots of cars but no track. Any condition is fine. Email bvj003@gmail.com
2004 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta, low kms., winter tires & rims, heated seats, good condit. $7,900 obo. 335-0022
WANTED: FREIGHTER Canoe. 633-4322.
2002 CHRYSLER Concorde 117,000 km., all options, leather, cd, runs great, just serviced. $4,200 obo. 335-2387
WANTED, ELECTRIC stove in good working order for house, cheap would be good, free would be better. Will pick up. Christina @ 633-6060 WANTED: NON-WORKING bar refrigerator approx 36" H X 23" D X 24" W. 633-5575 MID-90S DODGE Caravan. 633-2837 THE CANADIAN Red Cross accepts donations of used medical equipment such as walkers, wheelchairs, etc for its Health Equipment Loan Program in Yukon. 456-7359 for more info. 10 GALLON insulated water jug (Igloo or Rubbermaid) 633-5575 or leave message. CLEARVIEW GARAGE shelter, 11ʼx20ʼ, would like to swap for Clearview shelter 11ʼx16ʼ. 668-5188 PELICAN #1500 case (or similar), preferably with padded divider interior. 668 - 4732 LOOKING FOR model electric trains G, O and HO gauge. 633-6310 LATE MODEL Ford Explorer or Ranger in running condit. 335-4419 or 821-4772 AIRLINE APPROVED XL dog crate, height 30-33”, reasonable condition. 332-5350 or 660-4723
used vehicles
2002 SATURN Ion. Transmission needs work. Brand nw studded tires used 3 mos. New motor. Low mileage. $800 obo. 336-1966 2001 CHEV. Cavalier, auto, engine blown, new front tires, interior & body fine, many good parts. $500. Leave message 393-3165. 2000 CHEVY ASTRO VAN 2wd, 4.3L, very good condition, 166,000 kms, runs very well. $4,500.00 obo. 633-3371 or 335-1234 1999 SUBARU Legacy wagon, AWD, green with grey interior, great mechanical shape, good tires, new parts & recent inspection. $3,200 obo. 335-5334 1998 TOYOTA Corolla VE, 185,000kms, good condition, newly inspected. $1,800. Downtown Whitehorse. Call 335-1081 1994 BUICK Roadmaster Limited, all power options,148,000 km. Near spotless condition, nice cruising, auto. $3,500 obo. 335-3868 1992 CROWN Vic. LX 104,000 km., never winter driven, all power options, super clean car. $2,500 obo. 335-3868 1991 FORD Escort for parts. 668-3924 1991 SENTRA Classic . Still in use, selling for parts. 190,000 kms on engine, runs well. Can deliver. 821-2938 1990 CADILLAC Eldorado Biarritz (2-dr. sports), 50,000 miles, all options, loaded. $6,600. 667-7777. 1988 TOYOTA Corolla SR5 for parts. Still runs well, body not good. $500. 668-6095 1986 TOYOTA Camry, 205,000kms, owner, $450 obo. 668-2857
1983 TOYOTA Supra, 2 door, standard, rear wheel drive, newly re-built engine, c/w custom body kit and box of spare parts. $4,500 obo. 334-6816
online at
2012 CHEVROLET Orlando, 4D wagon, excellent condition, 11,000 km, asking $23,000. 907-973-2026 or 867-335-9522 2009 PONTIAC G5 SE 4-dr sedan, like new, warranty, c/w power windows/locks, Pioneer stereo system, sunroof, $10,000 obo. 634-2157 2009 SUBARU Impreza sedan, std, 4-door, 65,000km, exc cond. $12,700 obo. 660-5212 2009 SUBARU Impreza WRX. High performance clutch, excellent condition only 26,000 kms. 2nd set of tires, sunroof, remote/keyless start. $28,000. 660-5505. 2008 SUZUKI GSX-R 750, mint condit, 4,500 kms. Clean title, no accidents. $8,000 obo or trade for travel trailer or pick-up. 335-1106 2007 DODGE Caliber, like new, 126,000 km, standard. C/w extra tires, stereo system, tow pkg, garage door opener. $10,000 obo. 456-4112 or 333-0236 2007 HONDA Civic 4-door, 77,000 kms, c/w remote start, new battery, new windshield, 2 sets tires/rims, detailed, 5 spd, $12,500. 334-6605 2007 HONDA Civic EX, 24,000 km. C/w power moonroof, A/C, telescopic steering wheel, power windows, 4-wheel disc brakes, excellent condition. $12,000. 335-0515 2007 NISSAN Versa SL hatchback, great condit, 85,000 kms, c/w remoter starter, winter rims & tires, alloy wheels & summer tires $8,900. Matt 667-4394 or txt 332-8282 2007 SUBARU Forester; standard transmission; new struts this year; dealer-serviced; 134,000 km; in great condition. $12,900. Call 660-5212 2007 TOYOTA Highlander SUV, AWD, command start, extra set winter tires, tow package, approx 128,000kms, $16,000. 332-4143 2006 CHEVROLET Equinox AWD - Excellent condition, c/w new glass & front brakes, summer and winter tires, well-maintained, non-smoker. $7,900. 332-6861 2006 COBALT 4-door sedan, needs windshield, just over 90,000km. $6,000 obo. 333-0067 2006 INFINITI G35X Luxury Sport sedan V6 AWD, sporty handling, great safety features, 143,000 km., silver, fully loaded power everything, sun roof, all-leather interior, two sets tires. $14,900, 668-5790. 2004 HONDA CR-V for sale, silver. 140,000kms, auto. C/w command start, power windows, power locks. Removable roof rack, new windshield. Seats five. Asking $8,500. 333-0503
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30
CLASSIC 1979 Cadillac Coupe De ville, V8,Auto Trans ,Sun Roof and much more, priced to sell, Call 668-1477 COLLECTOR. 1976 Mercedes Benz 300D, 214,000 Miles, all original and everything works incl. A/C. Small surface rust , perfect for restoration Is in Watson Lake. Call 778-212-0798
We Sell Trucks! 1-866-269-2783 • 9039 Quartz Rd. • Fraserway.com
2011 CHEVY Silverado 1-ton diesel 40,000 km, crew cab, command start, still under warranty. Paid $59,000, asking $39,000. 456-7157 2011 TOYOTA Sienna Minivan, 21,000 km. 7-passenger. Bought new last yr. Excellent condit. $26,000 obo. 667-2715 2008 FORD Superduty diesel quad cab, headache rack, driving lights, 169,000 km., good condit. $21,900 obo. 335-9596 2008 GMC 2500 HD Duramax diesel. 4WD. Fully loaded, gd tires, headache rack, dry box. $18,000 obo or trades considered. 399-3014 2008 TOYOTA Tacoma 4x4, double cab, fully loaded, tow package, new times, brakes windshield, tinted windows, tonneau cover, exc. condit. $20,500 obo. 336-0569 2008 TOYOTA Tacoma TRD Sport, double cab, 4-W drive, air cond., 6 cyl, locks, AM/FM, custom canopy, mint condit. 98,000 km. $25,000 obo. 633-3939 2007 CHEV LS 2500 HD Crew Cab 4X4. Many options, trailer tow, fully serviced, new brakes & battery. $16,500 obo. 633-4311 2007 NISSAN Titan, 160,000 km. $12,000 obo. Must sell ASAP. 780-222-2903 2006 DODGE Dakota 4x4 w/160,000km. Great condition. Moving, must sell. $8,500 obo. 334-8549 2006 FORD Ranger 4.0L V6, 4x4, extʼd cab, standard trans. Bed mat, front & rear receiver hitch, 105,000kms, $9,200 obo. 668-4836 2005 DODGE 1500 quad cab 4x4, v/8 auto, cruise tilt, a/c, p/s, p/b, $6,800. 667-7777 2005 NISSAN Frontier, extʼd cab, 4WD, automatic, 159,000kms, new windshield, newer tires, brakes, wheel-bearings, serviced regularly, $8,000 obo. 667-2607 2004 CHEV Silverado, 240,000 kms, rebuilt motor, 2x4, needs a starter and a bit of work, good runner. $2,700. 335-7556 1995 FORD F350 Crew Cab, good shape, runs excellent. $1,200. 335-5789
2004 GMC 2500 HD 4x4 cab, long box, c/w remote start, trailer tow pkg, aluminum liner/toolbox, fully serviced, new battery & tires. 633-4311 2003 CHEV extended cab, short box, 4WD, Durmax deisel, most options. 211,000 kms. $11,000 obo. 399-3014
TIRES! TIRES! TIRES! Seasonal Changeover Lots of good used tires–15”,16”,17”,18”,19” and 20”–lots to choose from. $25 to $150 a tire. $25 to mount and balance per tire. Call Art 334-4608
2003 DODGE Cummins 3/4 ton 4x4 long box roll. Over 130k, parting out or complete truck for $ 7,000. Ross 332-3293 or Ben 334-2992
4-17” TIRES, Handkook dynaPRO ATm good shape, 265/70/17 $300. 633-4018
2003 HYUNDAI Santa Fe AWD V-6, 95,000 km, new tires, battery, remote start. Perfect condit in and out. $6,950. 333-9993
2001 SUBARU Forester gas tank with all fuel lines/ pump, easy full swap, $150 obo. 334-6776
2003 TOYOTA Tacoma. V6, standard, 161,000 km. Box liner/block heater/matching canopy/winter tires (1 season)/tow hitch. Nice truck, well maintained. $12,500. 333-0346.
4 HANKOOK tires, P205/55 R16s. 4 tires, 1 on rim, 2 P175/70 R13s. 668-3924
2002 CHEVY 2500 HD. Great winter tires on, toolbox, winch, set of summer tires. $6,000 obo. 336-1022
SET OF 17” rims w. summer tires from Toyota Matrix, 633-3154.
2002 F150 SuperCrew XLT 4x4 245K, great shape, runs perfect, c/w A/C, cruise, power windows, locks, auto, lifted, touchscreen stereo/DVD player. Must sell - leaving town. $8,500 obo. 335-0305 2002 MAZDA B-2300 pick-up truck, 4 cyl. 2.3L rear wheel drive. 150,000 km, new timing chain and set, c/w winter tires and canopy. $5,200 obo. 334-8287 2001 FORD Windstar for parts, blown motor, new tranny, good tires. Taking offers. 332-6025 1999 GMC Sierra 1/2 ton 4/4, ext cab, v/8 auto, cruise tilt, a/c, custom bumper c/w winch, driving lights. $6,300. 667-7777. 1999 GMC Sierra 1/2 ton, 4-wheel drive. Needs approx. $500 work front end, good body condit., reliable. $4,800. 633-3860 or 336-3860. 1999 JEEP Grand Cherokee, very clean inside and out, driven daily, needs some minor repairs, good and reliable for winter, 27,0000km. 335-6648 1996 MITSUBISHI Delica L400 6-pass. van, 4 cyl diesel turbo inter cooled automatic trans 4x4, needs windshield, passenger door and body work on roof. Runs well. $2,500.00. 336-1412 1996 NISSAN Quest, minivan, V6, auto, c/w power mirrors, seats, windows, sunroof, CD-changer, winter/summer tires, block heater, new brakes, 255kms, runs well, $2,500, 633-6389 1995 CHEV Astro van, AWD, 263,000 km, seats 8, bloc heater, battery blanket, oil pan heater, cruise, AC, trailer hitch, electric brake. Front brake issue, muffler noisy. $950. 668-5810 1995 CHEV K1500 Z71 (4x4), 5.7L v8, auto, ext cab, 225,000 kms - asking $2,200, call 393-4328, leave msg. 1995 INTERNATIONAL bus for sale. Has Yukon and Quebec inspections. Diesel, 48 passenger, no seats, auto. Need your class 5. Winterized. $5,000 obo. (418) 560-0128 1994 CHEV Silverado with metal Gemtop industrial canopy, auto, 2wd, 249,000 km, $3,200 obo. 334-2768 1994 DODGE Caravan, seats up to 7, nearly new all-season tires, rust on driver's door, does burn some oil, but runs and drives fine. $1,200 obo, 334-4340 1992 DODGE W350 4x4 CUMMINS Diesel, dually, flatdeck, full-size sleeper, 5-spd manual, winch, lots of upgrades. Prime musher's rig! $5,500. 333-0812 1992 FORD F150 wood truck, short box, runs well, good rubber. $800. 821-3431 1990 FORD F250, 4-spd. manual. C/w canopy. $1,800. 456-4567 1987 TOYOTA 4Runner, 4 cyl., 4 x 4, 5-speed, A/C, BF Goodrich AT's, bush bar, trailer hitch, roof racks, good stereo. No rust. $3,750 obo. 633-4322. 1979 DODGE Power Wagon 200, PuRam, Clubcab, 4x4, V8, 6.3l, Automatic, 93,000Km, Black, Adventurer SE, tires like new, 2 Spares, 8ft Box, BC Plates. $ 2200. email: heidiwirth47@gmail.com, message: 250-483-1276. 1979 F250 4x4, reg cab, 4-spd,, 8ʼ box, body rust, engine needs rebuild, running gear & trans excel. shape. $600. 332-6565 TRUCK BOX, black, for full-size truck, 70” length. 660-4321
Auto Parts & Accessories TRUCK CANOPIES - in stock * new Dodge long/short box * new GM long/short box * new Ford long/short box
4 NOKIAN 195-79/R14 snow tires for sale. $15/ea. Call 334-4625.
SET OF 4 used black 16" winter rims, 5 bolt pattern, $50 for the set Matt 667-4394 or txt 332-8282 FREE TIRES. 4 175/70R13 & 2 155/80R13, 90% tread, 2 185/60R13, summer, 70% tread. 668-3243 TIRES AND Rims, 4 Tires, LT 245/70R17, Firestone Transforce ATs 60-70% tread, 17” aluminum GMC Rims, 6 Bolt, Off of a 2008 GMC Sierra 1500, nice rims, $999. 335-0548 1 GOODYEAR Wrangler RT/S P265/75R16 tire, mounted & balanced on GM 6-bolt rim, never used. $100. 332-1670 NOKIAN STUDDED 175/65R14. Brand new. 334-9406 (no text) or leave a message at 456-2239. SET OF 4 Toyo Open Country winter tires, LT225/75R16. Excel condit, $600 obo. 668-4637
Gently Used
2005 Arctic Cat 650 V2 Limited Edition ......................................$5,499 2009 Yamaha Big Bear 250 ..........................................................$3,499 2009 Yamaha Wolverine 450 .......................................................$4,999 2011 Yamaha Bruin 350 ...............................................................$5,499
snowmobiles: 2006 Yamaha Venture Tf 2up 2900km ........................................$3,999 2007 Yamaha Apex Gt 121" .........................................................$5,999 2007 Yamaha Vk Professional Widetrack ..................................$5,499 2008 Yamaha Phazer Mtx 144" Timbersled Suspension ..........$6,499 2009 Yamaha Phazer Rtx 121" sold ....................................................$5,499 2009 Yamaha Nytro Rtx Se 121" Sno X Edition 1275km ...........$7,999 2010 Yamaha Nytro Xtx 144" .......................................................$6,999 2010 Yamaha Nytro Mtx 162" 180hp Turbo 1800km ..................$8,999 2012 Yamaha Nytro Xtx 144" Speed Racer Edition ...................$9,999 2012 Yamaha Nytro Mtx 162" 270hp Turbo ..............................$15,999
(867) 668-2101 or 1-800-661-0430
1 KM south of Robert Service Way, Alaska Highway, Whitehorse, Y.T.
The Yukon News is available at these wonderful stores in Whitehorse:
Airport Chalet Airport Snacks & Gifts
Bernie’s Race-Trac Gas Bigway Foods
Coyote Video Goody’s Gas Green Garden Restaurant Heather’s Haven Super A Porter Creek Trails North
RIVERDALE 38 Famous Video Super A Riverdale Tempo Gas Bar
The Deli Extra Foods Fourth Avenue Petro Gold Rush Inn Cashplan Klondike Inn Mac’s Fireweed Books Ricky’s Restaurant Riverside Grocery Riverview Hotel Shoppers on Main Shoppers Qwanlin Mall Superstore Superstore Gas Bar Tags Well-Read Books Westmark Whitehorse Yukon Inn Yukon News Yukon Tire Edgewater Hotel
Kopper King Hi-Country RV Park McCrae Petro Takhini Gas Yukon College Bookstore
The Yukon news is also available aT no charge in all Yukon communiTies and aTlin, b.c.
Hi-Rise & Cab Hi - several in stock View at centennialmotors.com 393-8100 SEMI-RETIRED LICENSED mechanic looking for work. Gas - diesel. Have own shop. Willing to do mobile work. 456-9608
Yukon News
TOYO WINTER tires 205/55R16 still 80% tread. $300 obo for set. 334-2472 lv. message. SLED DECK for p/u truck. Aluminum, power tilting, LED lights, good cond. $1,500. 333 0117
O.E.M. ROOF rack cross rails for 2006 Nissan X-Trail, 668 - 4732 NOKIAN STUDDED on rims 155/80R13. 1/2 season. $400. 334-9406 (no text) or leave a message at 456-2239.
LIGHT TRUCK tires, 2 of 205 70R 14, Nordic Winter, light use. 668-2513 WANTED TO buy: 205/55R16 winter tires for Mazda 3. Will pick up. 334-8271. 4 STEEL Winter Rims, 16”, 5-bolt to fit Honda Civic, c/w hubcaps, $300.00. 334-8554 SET OF 4 used Goodyear Nordic Tires P215/65R15. $150 obo. 456-7855
Pets TO GIVE away, 1 Pointer/Husky cross sled dog, dog house optional. 335-2675, no texts please. CAT BED. 17 x 21 x 8 inches. Would suit small dog. New condition, not used. $15. 393-2929.
Pet Report Hours of operation for tHe sHelter: Tues - Fri: 12:00pm-7:00pm • Sat 10:00am-6:00pm CloSed Sundays & Mondays
633-6019 FRiDay, oCtoBeR 25
Help control the pet overpopulation problem
have your pets spayed or neutered. FoR inFoRmation CaLL
lost/found lost • Barnoff trailer Ct, small black dog with white on the chest, male, no collar answers to Rowdy, contact Freda @3343288 (15/10/13). • Porter Creek black and brown shepherd, male answers to Kato, contact Ben @ 335-7241 (09/10/13). • marsh lake, neutered male, brown and white tabby, no collar, answers Gandalf contact Laurence @ 335-5255. (16/10/13). • mcintyre female blonde puppy bright green collar anwsers to Grizzly contact Deloris @ 335-7311. (19/10/13).
found • Found out at mcCrea a black and grey dog with boxer type face has a collar but no tags contact Lori @ 633-3218.(05/10/13) • Found in Riverdale area on grey mountain school road the dog is a medium size with brown head with white body and darker brown spots, contact Puneet @334-2955. ( 17/10/13) • Found on the millenium trail in Riverdale area GSDX male black collar no tags, contact alex @ 633-4774, 456-6197. ( 23/10/13).
RunninG At lARGE...If you have lost a pet, remember to check with City Bylaw: 668-8382
AVAilABlE foR Adoption in fostER HoMEs doGs • 11 mos old, spayed female, RetrieverX, tan (Jewel) • 1 yr old, neutered male, Husky, black and white (Copper) • 2 yr old, neutered male, Husky, grey and white (Jake)
• 2 yr old, neutered male, husky/GSDx, black and tan (Spaz) • 1.5yr old, neutered male, LabX, tan and white (Homer) CAts • 1.5yr old, DSH, grey and white, neutered male (Sappy)
At tHE sHEltER doGs • 5 yr old female, Lab/Pit Bull X (Gaia) • 3yr old, neutered male, akita, grey, white (a.J.) • 2 yr old, neutered male, GSDX, brown and black (muttley) • 10 weeks old, female, Bear dog, black, white ( Happy) • 10 weeks old, female, Bear dog, black, tan (Sleepy) • 10 weeks old, female, Bear dog, black, tan (Bashful) • 10 weeks old, female, Bear dog, black, white ( Grumpy) • 10 weeks old, female, Bear dog, black, ( Rose) • 10 weeks old, female, Bear dog, black, (Lily) • 1 yr old, female, Bear dog, black, brown, ( Virgo) • 1 yr old, spayed female, GSDX, black, tan (Pices) • 1 yr old, female, LabX, black (Capicorn) • 1 yr old, neutered male, CorgiX brindle, (Scorpio) • 1 yr old, neutered male, Bear dog, blonde, (aries)
• 14 weeks old male, Bear dog, blonde, (Bambam) • 14 weeks old, female, Bear dog, blonde, ( annie) • 14 weeks old, female, Bear dog, blonde, (Jane) • 2 yr old male, Husky, grey white, (Jake) • 2 yr old female, LabX, blonde (Summer) • CAts • 6yr old, maine CoonX, neutered male, grey and white (tinker) • 11mos, DSH, white and black, neutered male (max)
WANTED. TWO kittens, preferably male and from the same litter. Call 633-4792. WANTED - looking for a Pomeranian to be our well-loved family pet. 335-0659 6 RACING sled dogs, 5-6 yr old, multiple championship wins. Proven, well trained, fit and ready to go racing for the 2013-14 race season. Call 633-6502 for details.
Motorcycles & Snowmobiles TAITʼS CUSTOM TRAILER SALES 2-3-4- place snowmobile & ATV trailers Drive on Drive off 3500 lb axles by Trailtech - SWS & Featherlight CALL ANYTIME: 334-2194 www/taittrailers.com 1998 YAMAHA 600 Venture Triple, 2-up seat with handwarmers, comes with extra skis and track, trail machine, lots of power, electric & pull start, $3,200 obo. 633-4018 2005 700 Arctic Cat M7, excell cond, asking $4,500, 2003 Skidoo Summit 800, good working cond, asking $3,500, 1992 Skidoo Formula Plus MX, good working cond, asking $2,000, 633-2602 3 DOUBLE-TRACK Skidoos, 2 run, 1 parts only. $1,000 for all three. 821-3001 1983 GPZ 1100 parts bike, almost everything besides motor and electrical. 334-6776 TWO ARGO Conquests for sale. 863-5715 60” FACTORY Polaris ATV plow c/w Quick attachment. Vg shape. $400. 393-2234 50" rear snowblade for 2005 and newer Polaris quad, c/w all controls and 2000lb Polaris winch quick mount and removal 700.00 obo. 633 2181 2008 BAJA 250 Wilderness ATV for sale, ex. cond, 600 miles, camo colour. C/w owners and shop manuals. $2,600.00. 633-4656 2004 MXZ Rev 600, in awesome shape, c/w spare rebuilt 800 motor. $4,500. 335-7556 2005 POLARIS Sportsman EFI 800 four wheeler with snowplow, winch, and storage box. $5,000. 335-6314 HYDRAULIC PLOW kit for Polaris Ranger, new, $850. 633-4375 2000 BEAR Cat 440 Snowmobile, 120kms on new engine, new skis and track, c/w cover & new adult helmet. $3,999. 335-2648 SUMMIT 800 Adrenaline, blue/yellow, 146", 3.800 km, exc. condit, elec reverse, hardly used the last 4 years. $4.500 firm. 332-6025
Marine PROFESSIONAL BOAT REPAIR Fiberglass Supplies Marine Accessories FAR NORTH FIBERGLASS 49D MacDonald Rd Whitehorse, Yukon 393-2467 PAIR OF twin 100 HP outboard motors. 821-3001. NADEN 18ʼ aluminum boat, 25 hp. Yamaha L.S. elec. start & battery, spare new prop, remote steering, EZ load trailer. $4,000. 821-3431
Heavy Equipment NEW & USED EQUIPMENT For Sale Come see MACPHERSON RENTALS @ 117 Copper Rd or call 633-4426
• Homes needed for retired sled dogs. they would make excellent pets. Contact Sandra at 668-3647
if your lost animal has been inadvertently left off the pet report or for more info on any of these animals, call 633-6019 or stop by 126 tlingit street.
The Yukon Kennel Club is excited to announce our new course line up! We have a new Certified Training Director, Niomi Smith! Puppy Kindergarten November 2 – December 21 Tuesdays and Saturdays Building an obedience foundation, socialization, manners and more! Pre-Register for Novice Obedience starting in January 2014! Please contact Wendi @ 633-4952 www.Facebook.com/YukonKennelClub
Pets will be posted on the Pet Report for two weeks. Please let us know after that time if you need them re-posted.
You can also check out our award winning website at:
Wednesday, October 30 1998 PETERBILT HIGHWAY tractor, ready to work, $14,900. 1989 Freightliner parting out at $6,900. 30ʼ Jeep trailer $7,900. Estate sale. Sell all for $25,000 package deal. 333-0717 9-20ʼ SEA Cans Upgrading. Various conditions. Some leakers, some in good condition. Prices range from $1,800 up to $3,000. Cans can be delivered in city limits for $150 333-0717 D7E CAT dozer. Good condition with angle-tilt-blade, winch and also ripper and spare parts. $29,000, 333-0192 2002 KOBELCO 330 Excavator, 8,000 hrs, 2 buckets and ripper shank, $63,000 with the shank, 333-0192 PORTABLE GAS powered welder/gen set. 225 amp Hobart, 17 hp. gas powered Kohler engine, excellent shape. $2,000.00 obo. 633-6502 TECH ARMORED underground electrical cable #000/3 wire, $7/ft. 867-863-5715 2 REBUILT 6” Flight pumps, $10,000 ea., 1 10” flight pump, $20,000, misc. fittings and lay flat. (250) 651-7773. 1996 CASE 821B loader, 6,500 hrs., excellent cond, $45,000. (250) 651-7773 2002 CAT 315 CL Excavator, 5,000 hrs., quick change, dig bucket, thumb, $55,000. (250) 651-7773. R520 KUBOTA loader with bucket, forks & canopy. $50,000. 456-7112
Campers & Trailers NEW OR USED TRAILERS For Sale or Rent MACPHERSON RENTALS 117 Copper Road 633-4426 TAITʼS TRAILERS www.taittrailers.com taits@northwestel.net Quality new and used Horse * Cargo * Equipment trailers For sale or rent Call Anytime 334-2194 Southern prices delivered to the Yukon 2004 8ʼ Camperette, sleeps 2, inside fully renovated, not used since reno. Simple design, no plumbing or wiring, great for hunters. $1,700 obo. 335-1106 or 668-6405 5TH WHEEL equipment, trailer with Beaver Tail. $3,500 obo. 336-2724
ATLIN GUEST HOUSE Deluxe Lakeview Suites Sauna, Hot Tub, BBQ, Internet, Satellite TV Kayak Rentals In House Art Gallery 1-800-651-8882 Email: atlinart@yahoo.ca www.atlinguesthouse.com ATLIN - GLACIER VIEW CABINS “your quiet get away” Cozy self contained log cabins canoes, kayaks for rent Fax/Phone 250-651-7691 e-mail sidkatours@ atlin.net www.glacierviewcabins.ca THE ALZHEIMER/DEMENTIA Family Caregiver Support Group meets monthly. Group for family/friends caring for someone with dementia. Cathy 633-7337 or Joanne 668-7713 Canines & Company Puppy fundamentals & obedience Level 1 Nov. 5, Nov. 9 Canine good neighbour course Nov. 13 Professional, effective, high quality training 333-0505, 668-4368 www.facebook.com/caninesandcompany MENTAL HEALTH Caregivers Support Group meets the third Thursday of every month, 7-9 pm, #4 Hospital Rd, main floor resource room, in Whitehorse. 667-8346. STORYTIME: AGES: 6 - 24 months & caregiver(s) until Wed Nov 27, 10:30 a.m. Whitehorse Library. Free registration necessary. Space is limited. 667-5239 MAIN STREET Society Annual General Meeting to take place Tuesday November 5th at noon at the T.C. Richards Building. THE FRIENDS of the Gallery AGM will be held Wednesday, November 13th, 7-8pm in the Yukon Arts Centre Green Room. New & current members welcome. Refreshments provided. IRIS FOLDED Christmas Card Classes every Thursday In October, 7-9:30pm. Contact Shannon @ 633-3883 FAMILY FUN Night, November 22, 6-8pm. Yukon College gym, drop-in tennis. All welcome. Free. 393-2621 KLUANE QUILTER'S Guild, AGM, Monday, November 4th following the Pine Tree Meeting. Members welcome. LATIN DANCE classes are every Friday night. Latin Fiesta October 19th at Antoinette's restaurant. 335-0909 or salsayukon@gmail.com for info
28' ENCLOSED cargo/car trailer, partly wired lights and power, ramp front and back, 200 kms. since purchased, c/w 5 mag wheels, perfect condition. $10,000 firm. 335-2223, no texts please
ART CONTEST. The Rotary Music Festival invites Yukon youth aged 5 to 18 to create an artwork for its program cover. Check the rules at www.rmfestival.ca. Deadline: January 15, 2014.
1977 TRAVEL trailer, 16ʼ, sleeps 4. C/w new tires, propane bottles, battery, water pump, vents in good shape for age. $1,800 firm. 335-7735
WHITEHORSE S T R I N G Ensemble AGM 8pm Thursday, November 14. (Following the weekly practice) Hellaby Hall at Christ Church Cathedral, 4th Ave & Elliott St. (Across from RCMP). Everyone welcome. 667-4630
TOYOTA DOLPHIN 21ʼ. C/w heat, water, stove, full bathroom. 90,000 miles. Runs great. $5,000 obo. 336-2724 2008 PASSPORT Ultralite trailer 28.5 ft. by Keystone. One slide, TVʼs, queen bed, all appliances. Great condition, very comfy. $18,000.00 667-2263 CLOSED-IN CARGO trailer w/big fold-down back door & single side door. 24ʼx8.5ʼ. Like new. $4,500. 867-993-5937 TITANIUM 5TH wheel, 24E19, new in 2004. C/w hitch, track, 2 batteries, 2x30 lb. propane, spare tire. Winterized. $20,000. 821-3431
WILDERNESS TOURISM Workshop. Business Interest? Expand opportunities? Nov. 16-17, 8:30-5:00. Vista Outdoor Learning Centre. $25. Prereg. by Nov. 8 at www.tc.gov.yk.ca/tourism. Space limited. More info rjantzen@shaw.ca COFFEE HOUSE! Sat. Nov 2. Featuring: Dan Halen + Chic Callas + the Open Stage! Help set up 6pm, 7pm Open stage sign-up, 730pm show! $5 United Church Bsmt, 6th+Main, 633-4255 SNOWBOARD YUKON AGM, Thurs Nov 14, 7pm at Sport Yukon
BLUE BIRD buses. Can be driven or made into camper or storage. Has seats and storage compartment. $5,000 ea. 867-993-5937
VELONORTH CYCLING CLUB'S AGM will be on November 14, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Sport Yukon.
2000 PROWLER 27.5ʼ 5th wheel, 14ʼ slide, truck & hitch pkg. avail, excellent condit. $14,200 obo. 335-0022
YUKON HEALTH Care Workers will not be having October luncheon.
Coming Events LADIES AUXILIARY, R.C. Legion, Yukon Inn, Christmas Craft Fair, Nov. 2nd Saturday, 9 AM - 3 PM. First Nations and Yukon -made arts and crafts. Bake table , raffles. info 633-4583
Kyle & Temesha Debler
are happy to announce the birth of their son,
Austin Murray Debler born October 10th, 2013 weighing 6 lbs. 14 oz. Thanks to all of the great staff at Whitehorse General Hospital and to Doctor Gudapati.
GRANDPARENTS AND extended family: Having problems with access or custody? Contact Grandparents Rights Assoc. of Yukon, meetings as needed. 821-3821 ONDE DE choc: a new surprise-filled evening combo concept. November 1, 7pm, at the Yukon Arts Centre: a multidisciplinary show, visual arts exhibition and culinary tasting await you. HILLCREST COMMUNITY Association AGM Wednesday Nov. 6, 7-9 pm at Yukon Transportation Museum. For more info call 668-2233. Latin Dance - Classes are every Friday Nights at Leaping Feats Studio. Latin Fiesta October 19th at Antoinette's restaurant 8:30pm. 335-0909 or salsayukon@gmail.com for info. FREE TENNIS Family Fun Nights. Oct. 25 & Nov 22, 6-8 pm. Yukon College gym. Bring a friend/parent/kid, have fun playing tennis. Coach and assistance available. No registration required.
LAKE LABERGE Lions Christmas cakes and cookies are here now. Get yours early, please call Ann at 633-5493. COPPER RIDGE Place is looking for volunteers to share time with seniors. Please phone Catherine Chenier 393-7508. BARA AGM - Yukon River Trail Marathon organizing committee annual meeting on Wed. Nov 6th at 5pm at Sport Yukon. New board members welcome. Snacks provided. Info yukonmarathon@gmail.com. TAGISH HALLOWEEN. Family friendly party, 6:00 - 10:00 pm, Oct. 31st, Tagish Community Centre. Pumpkin carving, games, snacks, prizes, DJ, laser show by Robert Vallee! Free admission! Everyone welcome. GOSPEL BRUNCH with Nicole Edwards and New Orleans buffet at LMCC, November 10th. Tickets $25.00 by reservation 667 7083, www.mountlorne.yk.net COUNTRY CHRISTMAS Craft Fair, December 8th at Lorne Mountain Community Center, reserve a table now. 667-7083 CHRIST THE King Elementary School Christmas Craft Fair, Saturday, November 9th, 10:00am-3:00pm. 20 Nisutlin Drive, Riverdale. Call Paula at 633-2724 to book a table or for more information. HOSPICE WORKSHOP "LIVING with Loss" Thurs. Nov. 7, 6:30-8:30pm for anyone living with personal loss or supporting others who are grieving. Register: 667-7429, administrator@hospiceyukon.net F.H. COLLINS School Council Regular meeting @ 6:30 p.m November 6, 2013, in the Fine Dining Room at the school. Everyone Welcome. PRESENTATION/DISCUSSION: SHORELINE Erosion, Tagish Community Centre, November 7 @ 7:00 pm. Sediment Transport & potential flooding in the Southern Lakes System. Something to offer in advance? 660-4106 THE ALZHEIMER/DEMENTIA Family Caregiver Support Group meets monthly. Group for family/friends caring for someone with Dementia. Info call Cathy 633-7337 or Joanne 668-7713. SUZUKI STRINGS Association Yukon AGM, Nov. 18 at Riverdale Baptist Church, 4:30 pm onward. More info: Lise at 668-7659 TAGISH CHRISTMAS Craft Sale: Call for vendors! Nov. 17th, 9:30am-12:30pm, Tagish Community Centre. $10/table. Sale during monthly Pancake Breakfast. Info: 867-399-3407 HAMLET OF Mt. Lorne Local Advisory Council - next meeting Tuesday November 5, 7pm, LMCC. All welcome. THE CARDBOARD Crush Scavenger Hunt is on! Find all 5 bales of cardboard, collect the facts and enter in the draw for a prize. www.ravenrecycling.org/crush.
JACK HULLAND SCHOOL Council, regular Council meeting November 6, 2013 at 7:00 pm in the school library, everyone is welcome CLOTH LETTERS Exhibition: Hundreds of images of good wishes and thanks after Tsunami of 2011 made into large quilts. On display until Nov. 5, Canada Games Centre, Yukon Arts Centre. JAPANESE FILM Festival: "Brave Story", 1pm, and "Always: Sunset on Third Street" at 3:10pm, both rated PG, Japanese with English subtitles. Old Fire Hall on 1st Ave. Free admission, refreshments.
Services - INSULATION Upgrade your insulation & reduce your heating bills Energy North Construction Inc. (1994) for all your insulation & coating needs Cellulose & polyurethane spray foam Free estimate: 667-7414 SHARPENING SERVICES. For all your sharpening needs - quality sharpening, fair price & good service. At corner of 6th & Strickland. 667-2988 BACKHAULS, WHITEHORSE to Alberta. Vehicles, Furniture, Personal effects etc. Daily departures, safe secure dependable transportation at affordable rates. Please call Pacific Northwest Freight Systems @ 667-2050 Full Dimensional Rough Lumber Cabin Logs Staking Posts & Timbers ARCTIC INLAND BUILDING PRODUCTS Serving the Yukon for 30 years Whitehorse 668-5991 Dawson 867-993-5240 MC RENOVATION Construction & Renovations Laminated floor, siding, decks, tiles Kitchen, Bathroom, Doors, Windows Framing, Board, Drywall, Painting Drop Ceiling, Fences No job too small Free estimates Michael 336-0468 yt.mcr@hotmail.com THOMAS FINE CARPENTRY • construction • renovation • finishing • cabinets • tiling • flooring • repairs • specialty woodwork • custom kitchens 867-633-3878 or cell 867-332-5531 thomasfinecarpentry@northwestel.net CERAMIC TILE INSTALLATION Licensed, insured, WCB certified Small or big contracting Specialize in new or tiled bathroom renovation Phone David: 333-0772
ANGYʼS MASSAGE Mobile Service. Therapeutic Massage & Reflexology. Angelica Ramirez Licensed Massage Therapist. 867-335-3592 or 867-668-7724 angysmassage@hotmail.com 200-26 Azure Rd Whitehorse YT, Y1A 6E1 NORTHRIDGE BOBCAT SERVICES • Snow Plowing • Site Prep & Backfills • Driveways • Post Hole Augering • Light Land Clearing • General Bobcat Work Fast, Friendly Service 867-335-1106
PORTER CREEK Community Association meeting Monday, November 4th, 5:15 pm at the Guild Hall. . Everyone Welcome. Come show your support. For more info. call 633-4829
PASCAL PAINTING CONTRACTOR PASCAL AND REGINE Residential - Commercial Ceilings, Walls Textures, Floors Spray work Excellent quality workmanship Free estimates pascalreginepainting@northwestel.net 633-6368 BLUE HILL MASONRY • Cultured Stone • Ceramic Tile • Brick Andre Jobin 633-2286 BOBCAT AND BACKHOE SERVICES in Whitehorse, Marsh Lake, Tagish area Call Andreas 660-4813
BUSY BEAVERS Painting, Pruning Hauling, Snow Shovelling and General Labour Call Francois & Katherine 456-4755
HOUSECLEANER AVAILABLE Fast and thorough No criminal record 30-year Yukon resident $30/hr 335-0009
LONG AGO Yukon Archeological and Paleontological Society fall meeting Wednesday, November 6, 7:30 p.m. in meeting room of Whitehorse Library. For info. call Michael, 633-6579. CRANBERRY MARKET Saturday November 9th, 9-3pm Mt McIntyre-Grey Mountain room. Snacks, draws and free parking. LATIN DANCE Classes, beginner 2 Salsa and Merengue classes, intermediate 2 Rueda de Casino (Salsa), every Friday night, 335-0909 or salsayukon@gmail.com for info YUKON'S WWII-ERA Art, music, entertainment and memories, public presentation. Thurs, Nov. 7, 7-9pm at MacBride Museum. Free, reserve your seat 667-2709 xt 3. www.macbridemuseum.com. WOLF CREEK Community Association AGM - Wednesday, Nov 27th, 7pm at Golden Horn School. Info: wolfcreekca@gmail.com
SUBARU GURU Fix•Buy•Sell Used Subarus 30 year Journeyman Mechanic Towing available Mario 333-4585
A Memorial Service will be held November 2, at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre (corner of 1st Ave. & Black St.) at 2 pm. Forms will be available at the back for donations in Vince’s honour to the Gideons or the Yukon Hospital Foundation. Friends and customers are cordially invited to join the family in celebrating Vince’s life with refreshments following the service. We will also be showing some of his Yukon pictures from the 50s and 60s. Vince will be missed by all who knew him.
TCM MAID SERVICE Reliable, Thorough & Professional Reasonable Rates References available 335-4421or 393-3868 LOG CABINS: Professional Scribe Fit log buildings at affordable rates. Contact: PF Watson, Box 40187, Whitehorse, YT, Y1A 6M9 668-3632
Carole Ann
Ilmi Butterworth (Stenberg) September 20, 1920 – October 27, 2013
Ilmi passed away October 27th 2013 in her sleep. A memorial will be held at the United Church October 31st at 1:00pm. Her ashes will be scattered overlooking Tagish Lake and she will be with her husband, Roy Butterworth, again. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Whitehorse Food Bank. Ilmi leaves behind Linda Cox (Butterworth) Harris, Laurie Butterworth (Judy), grandson Jeffery Cox, Troy Butterworth and granddaughter Jinny Lynn (Ben) of Nevada. Pre-deceased by Roy Butterworth, grandson Rodney Cox, many nieces and nephews and all of her Yukon friends.
YUKON CIRCLE of Change: Be the Change, Community workshops in Whitehorse Nov 1-3, Haines Junction Nov 8-10. Tools for people who want to build resilience in families and communities. HU, A spiritual love song to God, regain peace, love and comfort. Tuesday Nov 5 and Tuesday Dec 3 at 8:10 pm at Elijah Smith School. 633-6594 or www.eckankar-yt.ca
passed away October 9, 2013 at Whitehorse General Hospital. He is survived by his two sisters and four brothers, their spouses, as well as many nieces and nephews. Most well known for his refrigeration and insulation businesses, he also touched lives through his generous support of many church projects.
S.V.P. CARPENTRY Journey Woman Carpenter Interior/Exterior Finishing/Framing Small & Medium Jobs “Make it work and look good.” Call Susana (867) 335-5957 susanavalerap@live.com IBEX BOBCAT SERVICES “Country Residential Snow Plowing” •Post hole augering •Light landscaping •Preps & Backfills Honest & Prompt Service Amy Iles Call 667-4981 or 334-6369
Earl Vincent
LOG CABINS & LOG HOMES Quality custom craftsmanship Using only standing dead local timber For free estimate & consultation contact: Eldorado Log Builders Inc. phone: 867.393.2452 website: www.ykloghomes.com
CAROLING CHORISTERS, singers from the Whitehorse Community Choir will come to YOUR Christmas party and sing carols for 20 minutes. Nov 29, Dec 13, 14 & 20. Fundraiser. 633-4786 MARY LAKE Community Association AGM, 102 Fireweed, Thursday, Nov. 7 at 7 pm. Come and meet your neighbours!
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30
The family of Carole Ann Hunt (Scott) is saddened by her recent passing on October 23, 2013 at Whitehorse General Hospital. Carole Ann was born on July 2, 1947 at Twillingate Newfoundland to Lloyd and Emily Scott of Terra Nova, Newfoundland. Carole Ann is pre-deceased by her parents and her loving husband James Hunt. She is survived by her sister Alice Budden and her brother Robert Scott (Verna), her three children; Patrick McCarthy (Tracey), Lori Muir and Scott McCarthy (Cheri) and 8 grandchildren; Matthew, Jake, Tijana, Meghan, Josh, Ben, Quinn and baby Rylan. During her illness she was given a quilt from the Chemo Clinic which she treasured, made and donated by volunteers. In lieu of flowers if you would like to make a donation to this invaluable group please contact “Bears Paw Quilts” of Whitehorse and make a donation in Carole Ann’s name. Carole Ann was well-known for her amazing cross-stitching and her love of watching the game of Curling she will be missed by all who knew her. Special thanks to Dr. Avery and Nurse Kristy from the Chemo Clinic for such great care and concern.
Don’t mourn for me
I’ve loved my life As full as I could In the time I’ve had On the money I’ve made So don’t be sad
Don’t grieve for me I’ve met lots of people Some good some bad The friends I’ve made The times we’ve had
Don’t cry for me
I don’t like tears I never did A smile is just a laugh well hid
So smile for me
Remember the good times Forget the bad They weren’t that many So just be glad And smile for me
do you have a problem with food? meetings
mondays 7:30 p.m.
4071 4th avenue oayukon@gmail.com • www.oa.org
Beaver Creek
Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Carcross Y.T. Wednesday - 7:30 p.m. Library Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre Carmacks
Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Dawson City
Y.T. Thursday - 8:00 p.m. New Beginners Group Richard Martin Chapel Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre Saturday 7:00 p.m. Community Support Centre 1233 2nd Ave.
Destruction Bay Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Haines Junction Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Mayo Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre Old Crow
Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Pelly Crossing
Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Ross River
Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Y.T. Monday 7:30pm Lightwalkers Group Bishop’s Cabin, end of road along California Beach
Telegraph Creek
B.C. Tuesday - 8:00 p.m. Soaring Eagles Sewing Centre
Teslin Y.T. Wednesday - 7:00pm Wellness Centre #4 McLeary Friday - 1:30p.m. Health Centre Watson Lake
Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Yukon News
Wednesdays 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm #2 - 407 Ogilvie St. <BYTE> Fridays 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm 4071 - 4th Ave. <Many Rivers>
MONDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 8:00 pm New Beginnings Group (OM,NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. TUESDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 7:00 pm Juste Pour Aujourd’hui 4141B - 4th Avenue. 8:00 pm Ugly Duckling Group (CM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. WEDNESDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St.. 8:00 pm Porter Crk Step Meeting (CM) Our Lady of Victory, 1607 Birch St. 8:00 pm No Puffin (CM,NS) Big Book Study Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. THURSDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Grapevine Discussion Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 6:00 pm Young People’s Meeting BYTE Office, 2-407 Ogilvie Street 7:30 pm Polar Group (OM) Seventh Day Adventist Church 1609 Birch Street (Porter Creek) FRIDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Big Book Discussion Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 1:30 pm #4 Hospital Rd. (Resource Room) 9:00 pm Whitehorse Group (CM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. SATURDAY: 1:00 pm Sunshine Group (OM, NS) DETOX Building, 6118-6th Ave. 2:30 pm Women’s Meeting (OM) Whitehorse General Hospital (room across from Emergency) 7:00 pm Hospital Boardroom (OM, NS) SUNDAY: 1:00 pm Sunshine Group (OM, NS) DETOX Building, 6118-6th Ave. 7:00 pm Marble Group Hospital Boardroom (OM, NS)
NS - No Smoking OM - open mixed, includes anyone CM - closed mixed, includes anyone with a desire to stop drinking
Wednesday, October 30
TOMBSTONE CONTRACTING Loader and dump truck services Driveways, parking lots, concrete driveways, sidewalks and pads. Fork lift, lifting boom Snow haul and removal Free quotes Call 334 2142
TITAN DRYWALL Taping & Textured Ceilings 27 years experience Residential or Commercial No job too small Call Dave 336-3865 ELECTRICIAN FOR all your jobs Large or small Licensed Electrician Call MACK N MACK ELECTRIC for a competitive quote! 867-332-7879
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SNOW CLEARING Sidewalks, Driveways, Commercial, Residential Call Francis at Speedy Sparkle 668-6481 or cell 334-8480
CITYLIGHT RENOS Flooring, tiling, custom closets Painting & trim, kitchens & bathrooms Fences & gates Landscaping & gardening Quality work at reasonable rates Free estimates Sean 867-332-1659 citylightrenos@gmail.com JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER/PAINTER 35 years experience For house repairs Renovations • Kitchens • Bathrooms Flooring • Drywall • Etc References Available Honest • Reliable • Meticulous Call Brad 335-8924
ARMOUR-ALL DETAILING Reliable, Professional Service 633-6855 Residential Snow Removal Competitive Rates 633-6855 Armour Lawn Care, Design & Snow Removal Reliable, Professional Service
Lost & Found FOUND: IPHONE on Schwatka Lake Rd, Oct 15. 335-4823
Kitchen or Restaurant for Lease Town and Mountain Hotel 401 Main Street Apply to Kayle Tel: 668-7644 Fax: 668-5822 Email: info@townmountain.com
AL-ANON MEETINGS contact 667-7142
Has your life been affected by someone’s drinking ???
WEDNESDAY 12:00 noon Hellaby Hall, 4th & Elliott
7:00 pm Lutheran Church Basement Beginners Mtg ( 4th & Strickland ) 8:00 pm Lutheran Church Basment Regular Mtg ( 4th & Strickland )
EstatE salE
60 Below Snow Management 1974 Bellanca Scout on WheelS
(867) 336-3570
Skiis Available. TTAE 471 hrs. on 0-360 C2A Lycoming (180hp). Prop TTSN 109.7. TTAF 3334 Hrs. New Seats and glass 2011. Mogas STC, VGs. Useful load 830 lbs on wheels 700 lbs on floats. Great performer. View or call Justin at rodan air 667-7573 or call marilyn 333-0609.
For all your snow removal needs. No jobs too small.
Snow Removal
LOST: 1 bag with 8 rolls of 1/4” Styrofoam, 4ʼx4ʼx1ʼ btwn. Wood St. & Centennial St. 334-9872. LOST, BLUE cooler and camping gear, fell off truck on Alaska Highway btwn. Whitehorse & Rancheria. Reward for contents. Mike, 633-6603 MISSING FROM Taye Lake cabins, sheep horn on wooden plaque & small radio. 334-7671 (cell). FOUND - Radio Controlled model car found in parking lot of the First Pentecostal Church in Granger. 633-3485.
Business Opportunities
Looking for New Business / Clients? Advertise in The Yukon News Classifieds!
Take Advantage of our 6 month Deal... Advertise for 5 Months and
Get 1 MONTH OF FREE ADVERTISING Book Your Ad Today! T: 667-6285 • F: 668-3755 E: wordads@yukon-news.com FAST AND EASY LOANS! All Credit Scores Accepted! Get up to $25,000 on your vehicle, mobile-home, land or equipment. 1st and 2nd Mortgages. www.bhmcash.com. 604-229-2948. JOBS IN Alberta. Large Beef Processor in High River, Alberta looking for experienced butchers. $17.00 - $18.70 hour. Call Laszlo: (403) 652 8404 Email: laszlo_bodor@cargill.com
Sports Equipment POWERTECH HOME gym equipment. Work bench multi system with accessories incl. leg press, curl, and dip machine. Will assist with set-up. View equipment visit, powertech site: powertecfitness.com. $2,200. 336-1019 XC POLES, $15 pr. XC skis 160/167 $25 pr. XC boots. sz. 7/37 $25 pr. 311B Hanson Street. EXERCISE BIKE for sale. New $240. Sale $125. 456-4459 2008 CRF Honda 70F kidʼs dirt bike. Great condition. 456-7112 MOUNTAIN BOY kicksled "Colorado" style, great condit, c/w nylon runners, new $370, asking $195. 456-2162. DELUX STIGA Tennis Table, sturdy, folds up and on wheels. Excellent condit. $125. 456-2162. GIANT "AVAIL" womenʼs road bike, 5'7"-5'10". S105 brakes and derailleurs. Shimano Flight Deck brake/shifter combo. Carbon seat post. Mavic CXP 22 rims. $1,000. 336-2108. MOUNTAIN BOY "Ultimate Flyer" kids sled, Delux, c/w finished wood frame, nylon runners, new $170, asking $85. 456 2162
Livestock QUALITY YUKON MEAT Dev & Louise Hurlburt Grain-finished Hereford beef Domestic wild boar Order now for full delivery Payment plan available Samples on request 668-7218 335-5192
AA 867-668-5878 24 HRS A DAY
Commercial & Residential
FOUND: LOST Chukar Partridge in Takhini. It's safe and being fed and watered. 335-6526
HORSE HAVEN HAY RANCH Dev & Louise Hurlburt Irrigated Timothy/Brome mix Small square & round bales Discounts for field pick up or delivery Straw bales also for sale 335-5192 • 668-7218 HAY FOR SALE Dry bales kept under a shelter. $12/bale astra@northwestel.net 633-4496 FARM RAISED pork available. Sold by whole pig or half. $4 per pound. 332-8996 FREE RANGE pork, Yukon grown, no hormones, no antibiotics, government inspected. Taking orders. 393-1939
RIVENDELL FARM LOCAL ORGANIC VEGETABLES Beets, turnips, 5 types of potato, & rutabaga Km 6.5 Hot Springs Rd www.rivendellfarm.ca 633-6178 1 12-YEAR-OLD quarter horse mare and 1 5-year-old mare, both well broke and quiet. Both are good with their feet and easy to trailer. Asking $1,500 each. Mandy 633-3659
Baby & Child Items CHILDRENʼS CLOTHING in excellent condition, given freely the first & third Saturday monthly at the Church of the Nazarene, 2111 Centennial. 633-4903 LARGE COSCO stroller w/canopy, $50. White Ikea baby crib, $50. 633-5427
Childcare LOLAʼS DAYHOME Located downtown Has spaces available for children 12 months & older Fully licenced & ECD levels 12 years experience Enjoy a clean & learning environment Call 668-5185 LITTLE MUNCHKINS DAYCARE New - has openings for children ages 6-months to 4-years Great downtown location! 7:30am - 6:00pm French introduction for pre-schoolers, specialized infant room, loving & nurturing 668-2075
Furniture BUNKBEDS, NICE solid pine c/w drawers, desk, 2 clean mattresses, in great condit. $1,200 new, asking $500. 333-9966 2 GIRLS oak desks (white) with matching bookcases for sale. $40 each obo. Call 334-4625. 70ʼS MAPLE swivel rocker $40. Duncan Pfife table,, $225. 311B Hanson St. after 5:00 p.m. CHILD'S DESK (pine) for sale. $30 obo. Call 334-4625 DOUBLE BOXSPRING, mattress and frame, very clean, great shape. $150.00. 334-9873 DOUBLE FUTON in excellent condition. Pine Frame, includes mattress and cover. Asking $150 obo. 668-6904 SOLID BAMBOO counter height dining table, gently used, easy to clean, in fantastic shape. C/w 5 chairs, perfect condition. Great for adults and kids . $400 obo. 334-7306 CORNER OAK entertainment stand, TV opening 32” w. 27.5” L., 2 cupboards, 2 drawers. $75 obo. 633-5324 METAL FULL size rocking chair, red, in excellent condition. $30. 668-6904 44” ROUND table, c/w blue, green & natural wood design, black base, 668-5188 BLACK SUEDE couch/bed (not futon). 668-5188
Personals ARE YOU MÉTIS? Are you registered? Would you like to be involved? There is a Yukon Metis Nation that needs your support Contact 668-6845 DRUG PROBLEM? Narcotics Anonymous meetings Wed. 7pm-8pm #2 - 407 Ogilvie St. BYTE Office FRI. 7pm-8:30pm 4071 - 4th Ave Many Rivers Office CITIZENS ON PATROL. Do you have concerns in your neighborhood & community? Be part of the solution! Volunteer valuable time to the C.O.P.S. program. With your eyes & ears we can help stomp out crime. Info: RCMP 867-667-5555 HEPATITIS C or HIV Positive? Counseling, support, advocacy, nursing & naturopathic services available free of charge at Blood Ties Four Directions Centre. 633-2437 or 1-877-333-2437. All calls confidential THANK YOU for saving my Doberman pup. I have your blanket. Phone me when you come to get it. Thank you again. 668-4026
MATURE GENTLEMAN, N/S, very clean, seeks N/S female for possible permanent relationship. 393-2545 or email ceberus44@yahoo.ca
Yukon News
Wednesday, October 30
Advertising It’s good for you. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE is hereby given that Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of
(Earl Vincent Young) of Whitehorse, Yukon, Deceased who died on October 9, 2013, are hereby required to send them to the undersigned Executor at the address shown below, before the 15th day of November, 2013, after which date the Executor will distribute the Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which they have notice. AND FURTHER, all persons who are indebted to the Estate are required to make payment to the Estate at the address below. BY: Stirling Young c/o Lackowicz & Hoffman Suite 300, 204 Black Street Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2M9 Tel: (867) 668-5252 Fax: (867) 668-5251
Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is November 20, 2013. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Before November 14, 2013, documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Second Floor, 9010 Quartz Road, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. On or after November 18, 2013, documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101, 104 Elliot Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to Wayne Beauchemin at (867) 667-8039. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. This tender is subject to Chapter Five of the Agreement on Internal Trade. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Request foR PRoPosal
YuKoN aIR ZoNes Project Description: A contract to delineate air zones in the Yukon and to provide recommendations for modelling, monitoring or other actions for air zone management under the Air Quality Management System. Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is November 21, 2013. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Before November 14, 2013, documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Second Floor, 9010 Quartz Road, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. On or after November 18, 2013, documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101, 104 Elliot Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to Jennifer Dagg at (867) 667-5610. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is November 20, 2013. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Before November 14, 2013, documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Second Floor, 9010 Quartz Road, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. On or after November 18, 2013, documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101, 104 Elliot Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to Jenny Richards at (867) 393-6387. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. This tender is subject to Chapter Five of the Agreement on Internal Trade. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Highways and Public Works
Government Environment Highways and Public Works
Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is December 12, 2013. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Before November 14, 2013, documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Second Floor, 9010 Quartz Road, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. On or after November 18, 2013, documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101, 104 Elliot Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to Philip Christensen at (867) 667-3543. Documents may be purchased for the non-refundable sum of $500.00 Cash or Cheque. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. This tender is subject to Chapter Five of the Agreement on Internal Trade. The Yukon Business Incentive Policy will apply to this project. Bidders are advised to review documents to determine Certificate of Recognition (COR) requirements for this project. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is November 21, 2013. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Before November 14, 2013, documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Second Floor, 9010 Quartz Road, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. On or after November 18, 2013, documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101, 104 Elliot Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to Wayne Beauchemin at (867) 667-8039. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. This tender is subject to Chapter Five of the Agreement on Internal Trade. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Project Description: Provision of services for preliminary engineering design for a long-term flood control solution with supporting infrastructure at the Mayo River in Yukon Territory. Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is November 20, 2013. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Second Floor, 9010 Quartz Road, P.O. Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Kirn Dhillon at (867) 667-5194. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. This tender is subject to Chapter Five of the Agreement on Internal Trade. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Project Description: Purchase a Paratransit bus to accomodate 8 passengers, plus 2 wheelchairs and a driver. Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is November 19, 2013. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Before November 14, 2013, documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Second Floor, 9010 Quartz Road, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. On or after November 18, 2013, documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101, 104 Elliot Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to David Knight at (867) 667-3114. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. This tender is subject to Chapter Five of the Agreement on Internal Trade. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Highways and Public Works
Highways and Public Works
Community Services
Highways and Public Works
Announce your special bundle.... in the Yukon News classifieds
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Yukon News
13,000 UP TO
Carcare Motors ‡
SL AWD model showns 1.8 SR model showns
Monday to Friday 9 am to 5:30 pm Sales OPEN Saturday 10 am to 2 pm For service on all makes call 667-4435
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Finance offers are now available on new 2013 Rogue S FWD (W6RG13 AA00), CVT transmission/2014 Versa Note 1.6 S (B5RG54 AA00), manual transmission/2013 Sentra 1.8 S (C4LG53 AA00), manual transmission. Selling Price is $25,728/$13,665/$15,915 financed at 0%/0.9%/0% APR equals 182 bi-weekly payments of $128/$78/$88 for an 84/84/84 month term. $2,500/$0/$0 down payment required. Cost of borrowing is $0/$440.28/$0 for a total obligation of $25,728/$14,105/$15,915. $500/$1,250 NCF Finance Cash included in advertised price, applicable only on 2013 Sentra 1.8 S (C4LG53 AA00/C4LG53 BK00), manual transmission/Versa Note 1.6 S (B5RG54 AA00/ B5RG14 AE00) on finance purchases through subvented loan contracts only through Nissan Canada Finance. This offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Conditions apply. ‡13,000 cash discount is valid on all 2013 Titan models except the Titan 4X2 King Cab S SWB (1KAG73 AA00)/ ‡$5,000 Cash Purchaser’s Discount is based on nonstackable trading dollars and is applicable to all 2013 Nissan Rogue models except 2013 Rogue S FWD (W6RG13 AA00), CVT transmission. The $5,000 cash purchaser’s discounts is only available on the cash purchase of select new 2013 Rogue models (excluding the W6RG13 AA00 trim model) when registered and delivered between October 1-31st, 2013. The cash discount is only available on the cash purchase, and will be deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes and cannot be combined with special lease or finance rates. This offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Conditions apply. ◆ $25,728/$13,665/$15,915 Selling Price for a new 2013 Rogue S FWD (W6RG13 AA00), CVT transmission/2014 Versa Note 1.6 S (B5RG54 AA00), manual transmission/2013 Sentra 1.8 S (C4LG53 AA00), manual transmission. $500/$1,250 NCF Finance Cash included in advertised price, applicable only on 2013 Sentra 1.8 S (C4LG53 AA00)/C4LG53 BK00), manual transmission/Versa Note 1.6 S (B5RG54 AA00/ B5RG14 AE00) on finance purchases through subvented loan contracts only through NCF. This offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Conditions apply. s Models shown $36,148/$20,585/$21,515 Selling Price for a new 2013 Rogue SL AWD (Y6TG13 AA00), CVT transmission/2014 Versa Note 1.6 SL TECH (B5TG14 NA00), Xtronic CVT® transmission/2013 Sentra 1.8 SR (C4RG13 RT00), CVT transmission. ≠‡◆sFreight and PDE charges ($1,750/$1,567/$1,567), certain fees, manufacturer’s rebate and dealer participation where applicable are included. License, registration, air-conditioning levy ($100) where applicable, insurance and applicable taxes are extra. Finance and lease offers are available on approved credit through Nissan Canada Finance for a limited time, may change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers except stackable trading dollars. Retailers are free to set individual prices. Offers valid between October 1-31st, 2013. †Association of International Automobile Manufacturers of Canada (AIAMC) Entry Level Segmentation. MY14 Versa Note v. MY13/14 competitors. Offers subject to change, continuation or cancellation without notice. Offers have no cash alternative value. See your participating Nissan retailer for complete details. ©1998-2013 Nissan Canada Inc. and Nissan Canada Financial Services Inc. a division of Nissan Canada Inc.
40 Wednesday, October 30, 2013