Golden Star, November 20, 2013

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VOLUME 123 ISSUE 47 $1.35




Bakery & Deli 344-2928 • Open Mon - Sat

6:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Golden Installations LTD 915 11th Ave. S. 344-5566

Rockets losing streak hits seven

Golden getting ready for Christmas season ....................................4


Golden Broadway Review coming back ..................................11


Freeski experts offer girls camp at KHMR ..................................13


Defenceman Matt McMath (front) clears the puck from the front of the net as defense partner Michael Anderson (behind) and goaltender Adam Johnson look on in the second period of Friday night’s 5-4 loss to the Fernie Ghostriders. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

BRE survey: Business growing and expanding Resident recalls his school burning down ..................................16

Joel Tansey The Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute was in Golden last Thursday to present Golden Area Initiatives’ findings from a Business Retention & Expansion (BRE) survey that was administered to 114 businesses in town. Among the businesses that agreed to participate, the largest percentage was in the retail and wholesale industry, with 26 per cent,

while 21 per cent were in the accommodation and food services industry. Interestingly, only five per cent of the businesses reported that their business was declining, while 11 per cent believed their business was emerging and 53 per cent said that their business was growing. These numbers represent a very positive sign of growth for business in Golden. Somewhat unique to this area, 47 per cent of the businesses that were surveyed have been in business for 10 years or less,

which is evidence that there are plenty of new businesses opening up around town. Additionally, 52 per cent of businesses reported that they had plans for expansion within the next three years and among the businesses that were set to expand, $413 million would be spent on those plans, although the vast majority of that money would be sent by just a few businesses. Continued on page 5


Wednesday, November 20, 2013 The Golden Star

Happy 99th birthday


AED Training Session

Automated External Defibrillator Tuesday, November 26 at 7:00 p.m. in the Golden Arena Lounge Instructor: Carmen Oszust of the B.C. Ambulance services Please RSVP to or call 250-344-2271 ext 225.

250-344-5251 413A 9th Ave. N. Golden, B.C.

Bring one dozen of your favorite Christmas Cookies and the recipe to the Golden Star office the day before the Christmas Parade or by noon, parade day. (November 29th and 30th)

Elsie Wetter celebrated her 99th birthday on Nov. 4 with family and friends at Abbeyfield House. Elsie has enjoyed living in Abbeyfield for more than eight years. Photo Submitted

Little Mittens in Shelter Challenge Joel Tansey

Little Mittens Animal Rescue has entered Petfinder Foundation’s Shelter Challenge Drop by the Golden Star on in hopes of raising funds for its expansion Saturday, November 30th plans. The contest is worldwide, between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. Back of card making the grand for hot chocolate and to prize a difficult judge your favorite cookie. goal, but other weekly and Canada-specific prizWhen it’s TRU, it’s real. es are up for grabs as well, including There will be prizes awarded for pet beds and vacfirst, second and third place cookies. cinations. Little Mittens A BIG Thanks to volunteer Karen John and Penny of Tru Hardware Wilson entered the organization into the conFront of card test and is hoping that Goldenites will rally and and to give Little Mittens plenty of online support. Janet from Moosetrax Participants can vote once a day until Dec. 22 John & Penny Shapperd Owners by searching for Little Mittens under the shelfor donating the Fresh fudge, made in-store. P.O. Box 1335 ter search at • New flavours everyday 914 - 10th Avenue prizes awesome Recently there’s been some excitement Golden, BC V0A 1H0 • Gift baskets, delivery available around the shelter as Little Mittens has manfor the Tel. first 250.344.5714 • Free piece of fudge to 20 mothers aged to reunite a cat with its owners in EdmonFax 250.344.5963 Golden ton. The cat was picked up a few months ago in winners! open MoTher’s Day 10 - 6 p.M. Moose Trax 914-10th Avenue town after surviving a summer on its own. Its 250-344-5714 Fudge • Candy • SnaCkS Located in downtown Golden. 101 - 421 9th ave. n. golden owners had moved to Edmonton during the summer and recently Little Mittens staff were

able to discover their whereabouts. The cat will be reunited with its owners this week. The shelter has plans to expand this winter in an effort to increase the space available to them at their current facility. Part of the new space would be used to quarantine cats who are new to the shelter or are sick, which Wilson said will have enormous benefits for Little Mittens. “We’re really working on getting proper enclosures and getting a health and safety and infection control program going so we can do an even better job of keeping the cats healthy, and that way we can adopt them out quicker,” Wilson said. “We just don’t have the space right now to quarantine the cats, so you end up with a whole bunch of cats getting sick and no adoptions happening.” Because of the cats’ illnesses from the past summer, Little Mittens had to stop adopting out cats for a considerable amount of time, which recreated a logjam and caused the existing shelter to be quite crowded. A place to quarantine cats would help Little Mittens avoid this problem in the future.

“We just don’t have the space right now to quarantine the cats, so you end up with a whole bunch of cats getting sick...” — Karen Wilson —


The Golden Star Wednesday, November 20, 2013 A3

A group of gymnasts from the Kicking Horse Gymnastics club present Deb Kwiatej (centre) with some gifts for all of her hard work for the club. From left: Rachel Cochran, Lauren, Emma and Malcolm Russell, Landen Foort, Walker Lapins and Petra Sutter. Joel Tansey/Star outPhoto

Gifts from the Gymnastics Club

Come in and check the new menu.

Happy 40 th Birthday Faisal Chaudhary November 24, 1973

from all of the family!

Mom, Rafa Chaudhary. Dad, Abdual Razzaq. Sister, Rohma Chaudhary, and brother Todd Tllal.

Lordy Lordy, look who’s 40!

First steps!

1122 10th Ave S Golden BC

Town offering free AED unit training Joel Tansey In partnership with the B.C. Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Town of Golden has received three automated external defibrillator (AED) units for use in its recreation facilities. A unit will be placed at each of the pool, the Mount 7 Rec Plex and the Golden and District Arena, with plans to get a fourth unit for the Civic Centre in the near future. The donation of the units is part of the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s public access to defibrillator program. With the acquisition of the new units comes a need to educate the public on how to use the defibrillators in case of an emergency. Because of this need, the Town is holding a training session in partnership with B.C. Ambulance services. Carmen Oszust will lead the session, which will take place on Nov. 26 at 7 p.m. in the arena lounge. “We’re very grateful to have these donations and to be able

‘Tis the season to give. Give into your craving @ 1122 with gift cards, Hosting Christmas Parties and our new seasonal menu coming soon!

Eleven22 will be open for the winter season on 11/22/2013! Reservations: 250.344.2443

Jordan Petrovics and Carmen Oszust hold an AED device. There will be a free training session on the device on Nov. 26. Star Photo to put this equipment in our rec facilities,” said Jordan Petrovics, Manager of Recreational Services at the Town. “We’re really hopeful that the public will be engaged in learning how to use this equipment…some of our facilities are not heavily super-

vised so it is good knowledge for users to know how to access the units and know how to use them.” To register for the training session, call the Town at 250344-2271 ext. 225 or e-mail rec.

Vaccination regulations take effect soon Golden Star Staff The provincial government and Interior Health are reminding members of the public that beginning Dec. 2, 2013, if they are visiting someone in a health-care facility, they will be expected to have been vaccinated or wear a mask to help protect those most vulnerable this influenza season. The controversial decision was upheld earlier in the fall, and comes into effect for the first time this winter. Anyone who enters a hospital, long-term care facility or any other health-care facility will be expected to wear a mask if they have not been vaccinated against influenza. Masks will be available, free of charge, for those who have not been vaccinated. Visitors join health-care workers, volunteers

and contractors to support a comprehensive influenza prevention strategy to protect patient safety. The best way for visitors to help protect their loved ones in hospitals, long-term care facilities and other health-care facilities is to get vaccinated. All health authorities will rely on the honour system to monitor visitor compliance with this policy. Anyone planning to visit patients in a healthcare facility, or those who take family members to outpatient appointments, will be eligible for a free influenza shot from a pharmacist, doctor, nurse or any licensed practitioner. Flu shots also are offered for free in B.C. to a number of individuals, including children, seniors, pregnant women, Aboriginal people, individuals with chronic health conditions, and those who work or come in close contact with higherrisk groups.

Behind the Wheel

Sponsored by:

Johnston Meier

Insurance Agencies Ltd.

Obscenities on Vehicles

510B - 9th Avenue N., Golden, B.C. (250) 344-5201

Every so often I get asked to write about something that makes me pause and think for a moment. This article is one of those as the reader asked “Could you clarify what the law is in BC regarding offensive words, statements, illustrations etc. on vehicles in use on public roads? For example, I recently saw a truck advising anyone interested that the driver masturbates. Maybe there are no limits these days?” I suppose that the most important point to examine is how do we determine what is obscene? The Supreme Court of Canada has said that indecent criminal conduct [or obscenity] will be established where the Crown proves beyond a reasonable doubt the following two requirements: That, by its nature, the conduct at issue causes harm or presents a significant risk of harm to individuals or society in a way that undermines or threatens to undermine a value reflected in and thus formally endorsed through the Constitution or similar fundamental laws That the harm or risk of harm is of a degree that is incompatible with the proper functioning of society. While we both may justifiably think that what you observed is in poor taste and the vehicle owner should not be able to do this sort of thing, it would never meet the criminal definition of obscene. There are no motor vehicle laws or bylaws that could be used in place of a criminal charge either. Since it is not far off of some prime time television content, we will just have to choose to ignore it. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

The best insurance rates.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013 The Golden Star

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas for Golden shoppers Jessica Schwitek Golden's Christmas season will officially be kicked off on Saturday Nov. 30 with the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce's Shopping Extravaganza and Santa Claus Parade. "Throughout the Town of Golden the merchants and restaurants will be offering great savings to those who stop in," said Ruth Hamilton, manager of the Chamber office. "So mark your calendars for the Annual Santa Claus Parade and Keeping' it Local Shopping Extravaganza.” Aside from the great shopping deals, there will firepit warming centres scattered throughout the community, a fundraising barbecue, and the lighting of the 30-foot Christmas tree in the downtown square, which will be surrounded by carollers from Golden Secondary School. "New this year we will also be hosting a window decorating contest," said Hamilton. The winner will be decided by people's choice voting. So watch for the signs in the windows of participating businesses and go inside to vote for your favourite decorated window. Then the day will be capped off with the annual parade, which will be announced over the speaker system by Mike Pecora, and EZ Rock's Stephen Keppler. Much consideration has been taken into the planning of the parade route this year. It is designed so those walking, especially the young participants,

Tantalizing Tannins in a Tea Cup

Santa Claus waves from a float in last year’s annual Santa Claus Parade. This year’s parade is on Nov. 30 at 5 p.m. Star Photo are able to complete the entire route, and those sitting on the floats don't get too cold in the winter temperatures. It was also designed to go past Abbeyfield House, Durand Manor, the Golden Hos-

The Golden Review

Bonified Brewed Beverages

pital, and the Mountainview Seniors Homes, so that the seniors can stay warm and view the parade from inside their complexes. For more information on the parade

go to, and to see what specials local businesses are offering for the shopping extravaganza check out the special section in the next issue of The Golden Star.

New neonatal mannequin


Starlight Soiree - Roaring 20’s TIME TO SHINE For the glamourous at heart, now is the time to dust that ‘ol frock or pinstripe suit off get all dolled up and get to cuttin’ a rug. It’s going to be the swankiest social you’ve seen this side of the Harvest moon!


Food Challenge Photo Booth

Golden Naval Academy Live Entertainment

Loonie Auction Silent Auction

TICKETS $20.00 IN ADVANCE Mount 7 Rec Plex $25.00 AT THE DOOR *must be 19 yrs or older Thursday November 21st

Event starts @ 7:00 pm

Receive $5.00 off at the door with a donation to the Golden Food Bank!

Tickets available at:

Moon River Gift Gallery Bacchus Books & Café Golden Women’s Resource Centre 250 344 5317

Golden District Hospital RNs Jennifer Stronge (left) and Rosetta Mitchell are shown practicing CPR on the recently purchased neonatal resuscitation mannequin. Funds for the new mannequin, which will be a great support for pediatric patients, came from last year’s Cops for Kids campaign and the East Kootenay Foundation for Health. Photo Submitted

The Golden Star Wednesday, November 20, 2013 A5

RCMP Report: Business obstacles included in survey findings Thieves make out with donations

Continued from page 1

based on the value required for the municipality to supply a parking space. Ideally, that money is eventually used Despite these results, many obstacles towards new to create public parking in the community. That practice business development were reported during the sur- is standard across North America. vey, including telecommunications and a reported lack “In the town of Golden what we charge as cash in lieu of proper airport facilities. Parking by-laws and zoning of a parking spot is $3,500, in Revelstoke it’s $20,000, in problems were also reported. One respondent to the sur- Banff it’s almost $80,000,” he said. vey had this to say: “Now you’re telling us that we’re making it difficult for Golden Star Staff “A lot of people (businesses) want to buy in Golden businesses to start up?” but can’t due to the poor development approval proWilsgard also said that he believes the survey was a great cess, they just walk away. Parkproject that would have great Blaeberry fire ing bylaws are outrageous, even benefits for the town while though we have businesses closalso bursting the “bubble” 2013-11-3 ing down and empty doors, the that exists in Golden, which is town makes it impossible for Wefirewould like to thank the following Businesses, Community Groups and Individualsthe idea that Golden is differPolice responded to a reported structure ent than its surrounding combusinesses to start up.” who supported our Veterans by ordering wreaths toCommunity be laid at the Cenotaph on in the Blaeberry. The house cleaner arrived for would We like to thank the following Businesses, Groups and Individuals munities. The study shows, he Speaking following the presWe would 11, like2013 to thank the following Businesses, Community Groups and Individuals the scheduled cleaning to find smoke coming November Remembrance Day or by making a donation to our Poppy Fund. entation about the survey findsaid, that there are numerous who supported our Veterans by ordering our of Veterans byChief ordering wreaths wreaths to to be be laid laid at at the the Cenotaph Cenotaph on on from behind the fridge. The cleaner calledwho for supported ings, Town Golden 11, Day or by making a donation to our Poppy Fund.regional consistencies from fire and once advised that it was out of the fireNovember serNovember 11, 2013 2013 Remembrance Remembrance Administrative Officer Jon Wils-Day or by making a donation to our Poppy to town, both good and vice area, they pulled the fridge away from the gard responded to the claims about parking regulations bad. wall, unplugged it and used a fire extinguisher to that have even “We’re all in the same boat,” he said. “We’re no differABC Restaurant and pointed to other communitiesGolden Peoples Drugmart Rotary Clublarger put out the fire. The quick thinking ofAmbulance the clean-and Paramedics ent than anybody else. Let’s Personal start by Touch recognizing issues. According zoning bylaws of Golden to Wilsgard, under Hair andthat Bodyand Golden Seniors Club start 150 er prevented the potential of a total Area loss toRestaurant this ABC Peoples Drugmart Golden Rotary Club that in fact, in many ways maybe we are better than everyupShuswap businneses areDistrict stratified based on how much parking Columbia Regional Petro Canada Highway Service Golden Taps Pub ABC‘A’ Restaurant Peoples Drugmart Golden Rotary Club Ambulance Paramedics of have Golden Personal Touch andworse, Body GoldenTeachers Seniors Club 150 body else out there, and maybe family. This serves as a reminder to all residents to and Polly Baachus Books inPotter some waysHair we are should for themselves. Golden Ambulance and they Paramedics of Golden Personal Touch Hair and Body Golden Seniors Association Club 150 Areacheck ‘A’Home Columbia Shuswap Regional District Petro Canada Highway Service Golden Taps Pub ensure that home appliances are regularly Ponderosa Motor Inn Barrault Furnishings Inn then but let’s make sure that we know Area ‘A’ ColumbiaIfShuswap Regional Petro Canada Highwayand Service GoldenVillage Taps Pub the difference, that a business can’tDistrict supply those Golden parking spaces, Polly Potter Baachus Books Roasters GoldenBrothers Teachers Association to confirm they are clear of any debrisBean and are Coffee in Prestige Mountainside Resort Bag Gottler Polly Potter Baachus Books they are required to pay cash in lieu Golden Teachers Association we know where we stand.” of providing them, Ponderosa Inn Barrault Furnishings Golden Village Inn Ramada InnMotor Best Western Mountain View Inn Gourlays Pharmacy good working order. If you haven’t cleaned thatHome Ponderosa Motor Inn Barrault Home Furnishings Golden Village Inn Prestige Mountainside Resort Bean Bag Coffee Roasters Gottler Brothers Reddi Mart Body HealthRoasters & Fitness Interior Prestige Mountainside Resort BeanQuest Bag Coffee GottlerHealth-Golden Brothers chimney yet – this is a good time. Ramada Inn Best Western Mountain View Inn Gourlays Pharmacy Red Tomato Pie CP Rail Island Restaurant Inn Best Western Mountain View Inn likelike Gourlays Pharmacy We would tofollowing thank following Businesses, Community Individuals Ramada would thank thethe following Businesses, Community andand Individuals We would like to thanktothe Businesses, Community Groups Groups andGroups Individuals Reddi Mart Body Quest Health &We Fitness Interior Health-Golden Reflections Hair Cal-Gas Jepson Petroleum Ltd to be laid at the Cenotaph on Reddi Mart Body Quest Health & Fitness Interior Health-Golden who supported our Veterans by ordering wreaths Open alcohol who supported our Veterans by ordering wreaths to be laid at the Cenotaph on Red Tomato Pie CP RailPost-Golden Island Restaurant who supported wreaths to beInsurance laid at the Cenotaph on Remax of Golden Canada Division our Veterans by orderingJohnston Meier Red Tomato Pie CP Rail Island Restaurant November 11, 2013 Remembrance Day or making by making atodonation to our Poppy Fund. Reflections Hair November 11, 2013 Remembrance Day or by a donation to our Poppy Fund. Cal-Gas Catholic Jepson Petroleum Ltd November 11, 2013 Remembrance Day or by making a donation our Poppy Fund. Ringheim and Company Industrial Sales Canadian Womens League-Sacred Heart Jones Trading Post Reflections Hair Cal-Gas Jepson Petroleum Ltd We would like to thank the followingJohnston Businesses, Community Vet2013-11-14 Remaxour of Golden Canada Post-Golden Division Insurance Groups and Individuals who supported Rockwater Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce KM Cox & Meier Company Remax of Golden Canada Post-Golden Division Johnston Meier Insurance erans by League-Sacred ordering wreaths to be laid at the Cenotaph November 2013 Remembrance or by making aCompany Industrial Sale WeTrading would likePost to on thank the following11, Businesses, Community GroupsDay andSchool Individuals Ringheim andNo Canadian Catholic Jones District 6 Board Industrial Office Canyon Creek PotteryWomens Kal Tire We would likeHeart to thank the following Businesses, Community Groups and Individuals Ringheim and Company Sale Canadian Catholic Womens League-Sacred Heart Jones Trading Post who supported our Veterans by ordering wreaths to be laid at the Cenotaph on donation to our Poppy Fund. Rockwater Canadian Bank of Commerce KM Cox & Company Police stopped a vehicle on the Highway #1Imperial Sears, Golden Canyon's Edge Kicking Horse Appraisals Rockwater Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce KMNovember Cox & Company 11, 2013wreaths Remembrance Day or by making a donation to our Poppy Fund. who supported our Veterans by ordering to be laid at the Cenotaph on Restaurant Peoples Drugmart Golden Rotary Club School District No 6 Board Office Canyon Creek Pottery Kal Tire ABCABC Restaurant Peoples Drugmart Golden Rotary Club Selkirk Electric toopen Cattle frontage road that was reported to Cats have ABC Restaurant Peoples Drugmart Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce Golden Rotary Club School District No 6and Board Office Canyon Creek Pottery Kal Tire Ambulance and Paramedics of Golden Personal Touch Hair 2013 Remembrance Day or by making a donation to our Poppy Fund. Golden Seniors Club 150 Ambulance andNovember Paramedics of 11, Golden Personal Touch Hair and BodyBody Golden Seniors Club 150 Sears, Golden Canyon's Edge Kicking Horse Appraisals Ambulance and Paramedics of Golden Personal Touch Hair and Body Golden Seniors Club 150 Selkirk Glass Church of Jesus of Latter Day Saints Kicking Horse Ford Sears, Golden Canyon's EdgeChrist liquor in the vehicle. Police spoke with two occuKicking Horse Appraisals ‘A’ Columbia Shuswap Regional District Petro Canada Highway Service Golden Taps AreaArea ‘A’ Columbia Shuswap Regional District Petro Canada Highway Service Golden Taps Pub Pub Selkirk Electric Area Columbia Shuswap Regional District Cats toofCattle Petro Canada Highway Service Golden Taps Pub Interiors Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce Selkirk Service The‘A’ Rockies Kicking Horse Selkirk Electric Cats to Cattle Polly Potter Kicking Horse Country Chamber ofGolden Commerce Baachus Books ABC Restaurant PeoplesAutomotive Drugmart Golden Teachers Association Rotary Club pants of the vehicle, the passengerCollege of whom Polly Potter Baachus Books Golden Teachers Association Polly Potter Baachus Books Golden Teachers Association Selkirk Glass Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Kicking Horse Ford Ambulance and Paramedics of Golden Personal Touch Golden Seniors Club 150 Seven 11 Food Store Columbia Diesel Ponderosa Motor Inn Hair and Body Barrault Home Furnishings Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Golden Village Inn Selkirk Glass Churchand of JesusHome Christ ofHome Latter Day Saints Barrault Furnishings Kicking Horse Ford Golden Village Inn District admitted to consuming alcohol in the vehicle Area ‘A’Village Columbia Shuswap Regional PetroInn Canada Highway Service Golden Taps Pub PonderosaPonderosa Motor InnMotor Furnishings Golden Inn Selkirk Service Automotive College Barrault ofValley The Rockies Kicking Horse Interiors Prestige Mountainside Resort Bag Coffee Roasters Gottler Brothers Polly Potter Baachus Books Golden Teachers Association Prestige Mountainside Resort BeanBean Bag Coffee Roasters Signature Clothing Columbia Credit Union Gottler Brothers Kicking Horse Movies Selkirk Service Automotive College of The Rockies Kicking Horse Interiors Prestige Mountainside Resort Bean Bag Coffee Roasters Gottler Brothers turned over an open can of beer. The driver wasDiesel BestBest Ponderosa Motor Inn Barrault Home Furnishings Golden Village Inn Ramada Inn Western Mountain View Inn Seven 11 Food Store Columbia Gourlays Pharmacy Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Ramada Inn Western Mountain View Inn Gourlays Pharmacy ABC Restaurant Peoples Drugmart Sobeys DJs PaperBest Place Golden Rotary Knights of Columbus Ramada Inn Western Mountain View Inn Seven Golden 11 Food Store Resort Columbia Diesel Gourlays Pharmacy Prestige Mountainside Bean Bag Coffee RoastersMountain Kicking Horse ResortClubGottler Brothers Reddi Mart Body Quest Health &Paramedics Fitness Interior Health-Golden confirmed to be sober. The passengerDrwas issued Reddi Mart Body Quest Health &and Fitness Signature Clothing Interior Health-Golden Columbia Valley Credit Union Ramada Inn Best Western Mountain View Inn Kicking Horse Movies Ambulance of GoldenKootenay Personal Touch Hair and Body Golden Seniors ClubGourlays 150 Pharmacy Reddi Mart Body Quest Health & Fitness Interior Health-Golden Snow Peak Rentals Jim Booher Dental Office Heavy Haul Signature Clothing Columbia Valley Credit Union Kicking Horse Movies Reddi Mart Body Quest Health & Fitness Interior Health-Golden Red Tomato Pie CP Rail Island Restaurant Red TomatoGolden Pie Petro Canada Highway Service CP Rail Area ‘A’ Columbia Shuswap RegionalIsland Island Restaurant a violation ticket. Sobeys Paper Knights of Columbus District Red Tomato CP Place Rail Red Tomato Pie CP RailRestaurant StPie Andrews United Church Centre for P DrDJs Link and Dr. Kolbenson Ladies Lunch BreakGolden Taps Pub Island Restaurant Sobeys Golden DJs Paper Place Knights of Columbus

“We’re all in the same boat... We’re no different than anybody else.” — Jon Wilsgard —


Jepson Petroleum Ltd

Reflections Hair

Hair Cal-GasBaachus Books Jepson Petroleum Ltd Reflections Cal-GasPetroleum Jepson Petroleum Ltd ReflectionsReflections Hair Cal-Gas Jepson Ltd Haul Polly Hair Potter Snow Peak Rentals Golden Teachers Association Dr Jim Booher Dental Office Kootenay Heavy Subway Down Memory Lanes Legenz Diner Remax of Golden Canada Post-Golden Division Johnston Meier Insurance Johnston Meier Insurance Snow Rentals Remax of Golden Dr Jim Booher Dental Office Canada Post-Golden Division Kootenay Heavy Haul Remax of Peak Golden Canada Post-Golden Division Johnston Meier Insurance Remax of Golden Canada Post-Golden Division Johnston Meier Insurance Ponderosa Motor Inn Barrault Home Furnishings Golden Village Inn St Andrews United Church Centre Dr Link and Dr.Wash Kolbenson Ringheim and Company Industrial Sales Canadian Catholic Womens League-Sacred Heart Jones Trading Post Ladies Lunch Break Ringheim and Company Industrial Sales for Canadian Catholic Womens League-Sacred Heart Highway accident Jones Trading Post Super 8 Motel Downtown Auto Leos Club of Golden Ringheim and Company Sales Canadian Catholic Womens League-Sacred Heart JonesPost Trading Post Andrews UnitedIndustrial Church Centre for Dr LinkCanadian and Dr. Catholic Kolbenson Ladies Lunch Break Ringheim andStCompany Industrial Womens League-Sacred Heart Rockwater Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Jones Trading PrestigeSales Mountainside Resort Bean Bag Coffee Roasters Gottler Brothers KM Cox & Company Subway Down Memory Lanes Legenz Diner Rockwater Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce KM Cox & Company Rockwater Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce School District No 6 Board Office Canyon Creek Pottery Kal Tire KM Cox & Company Swiss Village Motel East Kootenay Labour Council Lordco Auto Supplies Subway Down Memory Lanes Rockwater Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Legenz Diner KM Cox & Company Ramada Inn Best Western Mountain View Inn Gourlays Pharmacy Sears, Golden Canyon's Edge Kicking Horse Appraisals School 6 Board Office Canyon Creek Pottery Kal Tire Super 8District Motel Downtown Auto Wash School District No 6No Board Office Canyon Creek Pottery Leos Club of Golden Kal Tire The Bargain Shop Econo Lodge School District No 6 Board Office Canyon Creek Pottery Kal Louisiana Pacific Selkirk Electric CatsTire to Cattle Super 8 Motel Downtown Auto Wash Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce Leos Club of Golden 2013-11-14 Reddi Mart Body Interior Health-Golden Sears, Golden Canyon's Edge Health & Fitness Kicking Horse Appraisals Sears, Golden Canyon's EdgeQuest Kicking Horse Appraisals SelkirkMotel Glass Church ofHorse Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Swiss Village EastNutrition Kootenay Labour Council Kicking Horse Ford Lordco Auto Supplies Sears, Golden Canyon's Edge Kicking Appraisals The Golden Dollar Store Elite Masonic Lodge #11 Swiss Village Motel East Kootenay Labour Council Lordco Auto Supplies Red Tomato Pie CP Rail Island Restaurant Selkirk Service Automotive College of The Rockies Selkirk Electric to Cattle Kicking Interiors Kicking Horse Country Chamber ofHorse Commerce Selkirk Electric CatsCats to Cattle Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce Selkirk Electric Cats to Cattle TheGolden Bargain Shop Econo Lodge Kicking Country Chamber of Commerce Louisiana Seven 11 Food Store Hair ColumbiaHorse Diesel Pacific Kicking Horse Mountain Resort The Star Ewan &near McKenzie Reflections Cal-Gas The Bargain Shop Econo Lodge Selkirk Glass Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints McDonalds Jepson Petroleum Ltd Louisiana Pacific Kicking Horse Ford Selkirk Glass Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Day Saints Kicking Horse Ford Single vehicle collision on Highway #1 Signature Clothing Columbia Valley Credit Union Kicking Horse Movies Selkirk Glass Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Kicking Horse Ford #11 The Golden Dollar Store Elite Nutrition Masonic Lodge Selkirk Service Automotive College of The Rockies The Golden Taps Fairley &College Scott of College Remax of Golden Canada Post-Golden Division Kicking Horse Interiors Merc Flooring &Horse Paint Johnston Meier Insurance Sobeys Golden DJs Paper Place Knights of Columbus Selkirk Service Automotive of The Rockies The Golden Dollar Store Elite Nutrition Kicking Interiors Masonic Lodge #11 Selkirk Service Automotive The Rockies Kicking Horse Interiors Field. The driver lost control and overFalkins corrected SnowStar Peak Rentals Dr Jim Booher Dental Office Horse Mountain Resort Kootenay Heavy Haul The Golden Ewan & McKenzie McDonalds Seven 11 Food Store Columbia Diesel Kicking Ringheim Company Indus Canadian Catholic Womens League-Sacred Heart Jones Trading Post Seven 11 Food Store Columbia Diesel The Mad Trapper -Beer Store Insurance Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Metis Columbia River Golden Star United and Ewan &Columbia McKenzie McDonalds Seven 11 FoodThe Store Diesel Kicking Horse Mountain Resort St Andrews Church Centre for Peace Dr LinkNation and Dr. Kolbenson Ladies Lunch Break resulting in the vehicle flipping intoFirst the ditch. Signature Clothing Columbia Valley Credit Union Kicking Horse Movies The Golden Taps Fairley & Scott Merc Flooring &Safety Paint Signature Clothing Columbia Valley Credit Union Rockwater Canadian Imperial Bank of CommerceMinistry Kicking Horse Movies Subway Down Memory Lanes KM Cox & Company Legenz Diner The Range Golden Girl Guides of Public & Solicitors General Signature Clothing Columbia Valley Credit Union Kicking Horse Movies The Golden Taps Fairley & Scott Merc Flooring & Paint Super 8 Motel Downtown Auto Wash Leos Club of Golden Sobeys Golden DJs Paper Knights of Columbus Sobeys Golden DJs Paper PlacePlace Knights of Columbus The Mad Trapper -Beer Store Falkins Insurance School District No 6 Board Offi Canyon Creek Pottery The vehicle sustained major damage –First luckily no Metis Columbia River Kal Tire Sobeys Golden DJs Paper Place Knights ofNation Columbus The Wolf's Den Golden Scouts Moberly Home Brew Swiss Village Motel East Kootenay LabourColumbia Council Lordco Auto Supplies The Mad Trapper -Beer Store Falkins Insurance Metis Nation River Snow Peak Rentals Dr Jim Booher Dental Office Kootenay Heavy Haul Snow Peak Rentals Dr Jim Booher Dental Office Kootenay Heavy Haul TheSears, Bargain Shop Golden Econo LodgeHeavy Canyon's Edge Louisiana Pacific Kicking Horse Appraisals The Range First Golden Girl Guides Snow Peak Rentals Dr Jim Booher Dental Office Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitors General Kootenay Haul one was injured. Tim Fountain Tire GirlDrGuides Moberly Mechanical The Range First Golden Ministry ofLadies Public Safety & Solicitors General St Horton's Andrews United Church Centre for Peace Dr Link Dr. Kolbenson The Golden Dollar Store Elite Nutrition Lunch Break Masonic Lodge #11 Andrews United Church Centre for Peace Link and and Dr. Kolbenson Ladies Lunch Break Selkirk Electric Cats to Cattle Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce St AndrewsStUnited Church Centre Dr Link and Dr. Kolbenson Ladies Break The Wolf's Den First&Golden Moberly Home Brew The Golden Starfor Peace Ewan &Lunch McKenzie McDonalds Tim Parker Financial Gary Sheila Scouts Bjarnason nMemory Moose Traxx Fudge Subway Down Lanes Legenz Diner The Wolf's Den First Golden Scouts Moberly Home Brew Subway Down Memory Lanes Legenz Diner The Golden Taps Fairley & Scott Subway Down Memory Lanes Merc Flooring & Paint Selkirk Glass Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Legenz Diner Kicking Horse Ford Tim Horton's Fountain Tire & Deli Moberly Mechanical Super 8 Motel Downtown Wash Leos of Golden Top Brents Boardshop Golden Bakery The Mad Trapper -Beer Store Falkins Insurance Super 8Notch/ Motel AutoAuto Wash Metis Nation Columbia River Mount 7 Leos Monuments ClubClub ofKicking Golden Stolen donations Tim Horton's Fountain Tire Downtown Moberly Mechanical Super 8 Motel Downtown Auto Wash Leos Club of Golden Selkirk Service Automotive College of The Rockies Horse Interiors The Financial Range First GoldenTraxx Girl Guides Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitors General Tim Parker Gary & Sheila Bjarnason n Swiss Village Motel East Kootenay Labour Council Moose Fudge Lordco Auto Supplies Swiss Village Motel East Kootenay Labour Council Lordco Auto Supplies Tru Hardware Golden Community Resource Society Mount 7 Traxx Taxi Tim Parker Financial Gary & Sheila Bjarnason nCouncil Swiss Village Motel East Kootenay Labour Lordco Auto Supplies Moose Fudge TheSeven Wolf's Den First Golden Scouts Moberly Resort Home Brew 11 Food Store Columbia Diesel Kicking Horse Mountain The Bargain Shop Econo Lodge Louisiana Pacific Top Notch/ Boardshop The Bargain Shop GoldenDairy Bakery &Econo Deli Lodge Pacific Mount 7Louisiana Monuments TimBrents Horton's Fountain Tire Moberly Mechanical The Bargain Shop Lodge Turning Point Restaurant Golden Queen Louisiana Pacific Mountain Manufactured Home Park Top Notch/ Brents Boardshop Golden Econo Bakery & Deli Signature Clothing Columbia Valley Credit Union Mount 7 Shadows Monuments Horse Movies 2013-11-13 Tim Parker Financial Gary & Sheila Bjarnason n Kicking Moose Traxx Fudge The Golden Dollar Store Nutrition Masonic Lodge The Golden Dollar Store EliteElite Nutrition #11 #11 Tru Hardware GoldenDental Community Resource Society Mount 7Masonic Taxi The Golden Dollar Store Nutrition Masonic Lodge #11 Lodge Top Notch/ Brents Boardshop Golden Bakery & Deli Vandenbilt Autobody Golden Centre Mount 7 Monuments Mountain Shrine Club 44 Sobeys Golden DJs Paper Place Knights of Columbus Tru Hardware Golden Elite Community Resource Society Mount 7 Taxi The Golden Star Ewan & McKenzie McDonalds The Golden Star Ewan & McKenzie McDonalds Tru Hardware Golden Community Resource Society Mount 7 Taxi The Golden Star Ewan McKenzieDr Jim Booher Dental Office McDonalds Turning Point Restaurant GoldenDistrict Dairy&Queen Mountain Shadows Manufactured Home Park Snow Peak Rentals Weatherall Service Golden Minor Hockey Association Kootenay Heavy Haul Mountain View Assisted Living The Golden Taps Fairley & Scott Turning Point Restaurant Golden Fairley Dairy Queen Merc Flooring & Paint Mountain Shadows Manufactured Home Turning Point Restaurant Golden Dairy Queen MountainPark Shadows Manufactured Home Park The Golden Taps Fairley & Scott Merc Flooring & Paint The Golden Taps &Centre Scott Merc Flooring & PaintClub 44 In the early afternoon, a male and female Vandenbilt Autobody Golden Dental Mountain Shrine Vandenbilt Autobody Golden Dental Centre St Andrews United Church Ce Dr Link and Dr. Kolbenson Ladies Lunch Break The Mad Trapper -Beer Falkins Insurance Metis Nation Columbia RiverMountain Shrine Club 44 Whitetooth Bistro Golden District Search and Rescue Muriel Lotosky The Mad-Beer Trapper -Beer StoreStore Falkins Insurance Vandenbilt Autobody Metis Nation Columbia River Goldenand Dental Centre Mountain Shrine 44 The Mad Trapper Store Falkins Insurance Weatherall Service GoldenNation District Minor HockeyClub Association Metis Columbia River Mountain View Assisted Living entered the Dairy Queen in Golden and when District noDistrict Weatherall Service Golden Minor Hockey Association Mountain View Assisted Living Subway Down Memory Lanes The RangeWarehouse First Golden Girl Guides Legenz Diner Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitors General The Range First Golden Girl Guides Whitetooth Bistro Golden and District Search and Rescue Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitors General Muriel Lotosky Wholesale Golden Rod & Gun Club NAPA Auto Parts Weatherall Service Goldenand District Minor Hockey Association Mountain View Assisted LivingGeneral The Range First Golden Girl Guides Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitors Warehouse Golden and District Rod & Gun Club Club The Wolf's Den First Golden Scouts Moberly Home Brew Super 8 Motel Downtown Auto Wash Whitetooth Bistro Golden andDepartment District Search and Rescue Leos of GoldenNAPA Auto Parts Muriel Lotosky one was looking, the male removed the donation Wolf's DenWholesale First Golden Scouts Moberly Home Brew Zodiac Hemp Golden Fire The Wolf'sThe Den First Golden Scouts Nicholson Volunteer Fire Department Moberly Home Brew Whitetooth Bistro Golden and District Search and Rescue Zodiac Hemp Golden Fire Department Muriel Lotosky Nicholson Volunteer Fire Department Tim Horton's Fountain Tire Moberly Mechanical Swiss Village East Kootenay Labour Council TimWholesale Horton's Fountain Tire Lordco Auto Supplies Moberly Mechanical Warehouse Golden and&District Rod & Gun Club Field Elementary SchoolMotel Golden Golf & Country Club NAPA Auto Parts Numbers and Letters Tim Horton's Fountain Tire box near the cashier and exited the Golden store withMoberly Mechanical Field Elementary School Golf Country Club Numbers and Letters Wholesale Warehouse Golden and District Rod & Sheila Gun Club NAPA Auto Parts Tim Parker Financial & Bjarnason Nicholson Elementary School Golden Home Hardward & Traxx Building Supplies Moose FudgePacific Off The Wall Tim Parker Financial GaryGary & Econo Sheila Bjarnason n n The Bargain Shop Lodge Moose Traxx Fudge Louisiana Zodiac Hemp Tim Parker Financial Gary & Sheila Bjarnason n Golden Fire Department Moose Traxx Fudge Nicholson Volunteer Fire Department Lady Grey School School Golden Husky Travel Centre OK Tire Nicholson Elementary out being detected. Male is described,Golden Caucasian Hardward & Bakery Building Supplies Off The Wall Zodiac Hemp GoldenHome Fire Department Nicholson Volunteer Fire Department Top Notch/ Brents Boardshop Golden & Deli Mount 7Masonic Monuments Notch/ Brents Boardshop Golden Bakery & Deli Mount 7 Monuments The Golden Dollar Store Elite Nutrition Lodge #11 Order of the Eastern Star-Golden Alexander Park Elementary School Golden 7 Installations #25 Top Chapter Notch/Top Brents Boardshop Golden Bakery & Deli Mount Monuments Field Elementary School Golden Golf & Country Club Numbers and Letters Lady Grey School Golden Husky Travel Centre Tru Hardware Golden Community Resource Society OK Tire Mount 7McDonalds Taxi 5’10” slender, wearing a black jacket. The female Golden School Golden Junior Hockey Field Elementary School Golden Golf & Country Club Overwaitea Foods Tru Hardware Golden Community Resource Society Numbers and Letters Mount 7Society Taxi TheSecondary Golden Star Ewan & McKenzie Tru Hardware Golden Community Resource Society Mount 7 Taxi The Government of Canada GoldenThe Lighthorse Club Nicholson Elementary School GoldenInstallations Home Hardward & Building Supplies PalumboHome Families Off Wall Turning Restaurant Golden Dairy Mountain Shadows Manufactured Alexander Park Elementary School Turning PointPoint Restaurant Golden Dairy Queen Golden Mountain Shadows Manufactured Home/Rauch ParkPark Order of Shadows the Eastern Star-Golden #25 Nicholson Elementary School Golden Home Dairy Hardward & Building Off Wall The Golden Taps Fairley &Queen Scott Supplies is also Caucasian, blonde , 5’7”, average build. Turning Point Restaurant Golden Queen Merc Flooring &Chapter Paint Mountain Manufactured Home Park The Government of British Columbia GoldenThe Lions Club Park Inn Vandenbilt Autobody Golden Dental Centre Lady Grey SchoolSchool GoldenJunior HuskyHockey Travel Centre Mountain Shrine Club 44 OK Tire Vandenbilt Autobody Golden Dental Centre Mountain Shrine Club 44 Golden Medical Clinic Parkys Heating & Ventilation Golden Secondary Golden Society Overwaitea Foods Vandenbilt Autobody Golden Dental Centre The Mad Trapper -Beer Store Falkins Insurance Lady Grey School Husky Travel Centre Mountain Shrine Club Metis 44 Nation Columbia River OK Tire Anyone with information is asked to callGolden the GoldWeatherall ServiceElementary School Golden District Minor Hockey Association Mountain View Assisted Living Service Golden District Minor Hockey Association Alexander Park GoldenLighthorse Installations Mountain ViewLiving Assisted Order of the Eastern Star-Golden #25 WeatherallWeatherall Service District Minor Association Mountain View Assisted The Government of Canada School Golden Club The Range FirstHockey Golden Girl Guides Palumbo /Rauch Families Ministry of Living Public Chapter Safety & Solicitors General Alexander Park Golden Golden Installations Order of the Eastern Star-Golden Chapter #25 Whitetooth BistroElementary Golden and District Search Rescue Muriel Lotosky en RCMP. Whitetooth Bistro Golden and District Search and and Rescue Muriel Lotosky Golden Secondary School Golden Junior Hockey Society Overwaitea Foods Whitetooth Bistro Golden and District Search and Rescue Muriel Lotosky The Wolf's Den Columbia First Golden Scouts Moberly Home Brew The Government of British Golden Club Park Inn Golden Secondary GoldenLions Junior Hockey Society Overwaitea Foods Wholesale Warehouse Golden and District Rod & Gun Club NAPA Auto Parts Warehouse School and District Rod & Gun Club NAPA Auto Parts Wholesale Wholesale Warehouse Golden andGolden District Rod & Gun Club NAPA Auto Parts The Government of Canada GoldenMedical Lighthorse Club Palumbo /Rauch Families Tim Horton's Fountain Tire Moberly Mechanical Golden Clinic Parkys Heating & Ventilation Zodiac Hemp Golden Department Nicholson Volunteer Department TheHemp Government of Canada Golden Golden Lighthorse Club Palumbo /Rauch Families Zodiac Golden FireFire Department Nicholson Volunteer FireFire Department Zodiac Hemp Fire Department Nicholson Volunteer Fire Department Missing climbing equipment The Government of British Columbia Golden Lions Club Parker Financial Gary &Country Sheila Bjarnason Park Inn Traxx Fudge AMoose special thanks to Kanyon Ridge Traffic control and their employees forField donating their time andTim equipment Field Elementary School Golden Golf & Country Club n Numbers and Letters Elementary School Golden Golf &Club Club Numbers and Letters The Government of British Columbia Golden Golden Lions Club Park Inn Field Elementary School Golf & Country Numbers and Letters Top Notch/ Brents Boardshop Golden Bakery &&Deli Mount 7 Monuments Golden Medical Clinic Heating & Ventilation An extra special thanks to anyone we have forgotten and to all the many volunteers that make this event a success. Nicholson Elementary School Golden Home Hardward & Building Supplies Parkys Off Off The Wall Nicholson Elementary School Golden Home Hardward Building Supplies The Wall Golden Golden Medical Clinic Nicholson Elementary School Home Hardward & Building Supplies Parkys Heating & Ventilation Off The Wall Tru Hardware Golden Community Resource Society Lady School Golden Husky Travel Centre OK TireMount 7 Taxi GreyGrey School Golden Husky Travel Centre Lady GreyLady School Golden Husky Travel Centre OK Tire OK Tire Turning Point Restaurant Alexander Park Elementary School Golden Dairy Queen Golden Installations Order ofMountain theVETERANS Eastern Star-Golden Chapter #25 Shadows Manufactured Home Park Alexander Park School Golden Installations CARE · REMEMBRANCE · YOUTH · SENIORS · UNITY · COMMUNITY SERVICE Order of the Eastern Star-Golden Chapter #25 Alexander Park ElementaryElementary School Golden Installations Order of the Eastern Star-Golden Chapter #25 Golden Secondary School Autobody Golden Junior Hockey Society Overwaitea Foods Shrine Club 44 Golden Dental Centre Mountain Golden Secondary School Golden Junior Hockey Society Foods Golden Secondary School Vandenbilt Golden Junior Hockey Society OverwaiteaOverwaitea Foods A resident reported a box containing climbGovernment of Canada Golden Lighthorse Palumbo /Rauch Families Service Golden Minor Hockey Association The The Government of Canada Golden Lighthorse ClubClub Mountain View Assisted Living Palumbo /Rauch Families The Government of CanadaWeatherall Golden Lighthorse Club District Palumbo /Rauch Families Government of British Columbia Golden Lions Club The The Government of British Columbia Golden Club Inn InnMuriel Lotosky Whitetooth Bistro Golden and District Search and RescuePark Inn ParkPark ing equipment was stolen from their residence. The Government of British Columbia Golden Lions ClubLions A special thanks to Kanyon Ridge Traffic control and&their employees for donating their time and equipment Golden Medical Clinic Parkys Heating & Ventilation Golden Medical Clinic Parkys Heating Ventilation Wholesale Warehouse Golden and District Rod & Gun Club NAPA Auto Parts Golden Medical Clinic Parkys Heating & Ventilation The Rubbermaid bin contained various pieces


of climbing equipment, such as harnesses, ice screws and carabiners. Anyone with information is asked to call the Golden RCMP or crimestoppers.

Zodiac Hemp Golden Department Nicholson Volunteer Department An extra special thanks anyoneRidge we have forgotten and to all the many Fire volunteers that make a success. AFire special thanks to to Kanyon Traffic control and their employees for donating their this timeevent and equipment special thanks Club to Kanyon Ridge Traffic control and their for donating their time and equipment Field Elementary School GoldenAGolf & Country Numbers andemployees Letters Nicholson Elementary School Golden Homespecial Hardward & Building Supplies The An extra thanks to anyone we have forgottenOff and to Wall all the many volunteers that make this event a success. An extra special thanks to anyone we have forgotten and to all the many volunteers that make this event a success. Lady Grey School Golden Husky Travel Centre OK Tire VETERANS CARE · REMEMBRANCE · YOUTH SENIORS · UNITY · Chapter COMMUNITY SERVICEAlexander Park Elementary Sc Golden Installations Order of ·the Eastern Star-Golden #25 A special thanks to Kanyon Ridge Traffic control their employees for donating equipment Golden Secondary School Golden Junior Hockey Society A special thanks toRidge Kanyon Ridge Traffic control and and their employees fortheir donating theirtheir timetime and and equipment Overwaitea Foods A special thanks to CARE Kanyon Traffic control and their employees for donating time and equipment VETERANS · REMEMBRANCE · YOUTH · SENIORS · UNITY · COMMUNITY SERVICE The Government of Canada Golden Lighthorse Club VETERANS CARE ·thanks REMEMBRANCE ·Palumbo YOUTH · SENIORS · UNITY · COMMUNITY SERVICE /Rauch Families An extra special to anyone we have forgotten and to all the many volunteers that make this event a success. An extra special thanks we to anyone we haveand forgotten andmany to allvolunteers the many volunteers make athis event a success. extra special thanks to anyone have forgotten to all Inn the that make that this event success. The Government of British Col GoldenAn Lions Club Park



Emergency services It’s amazing how easy it is to forget how vital emergency services are, as most of us very rarely use them. But when you are hanging up side down in your vehicle after it rolls on the highway, or watching the flames get higher and higher when your house is on fire, nothing in - I SURMISE the world seems more By Jessica Schwitek important. Two weeks ago, sitting at my desk doing my regular tasks for the day, I heard a voice on the scanner calling for the Golden Fire Department because there was a structure fire in town—a fairly rare occurrence in this community. I turned up the volume, waiting to hear more on this unfolding story, and got my camera ready to rush out and get a picture. I had to listen to the address twice before the information clicked in my head. Then I had to ask my coworker what she heard, because I must have been hearing it wrong. I heard right. It was my address. I arrived on scene shortly after the fire department. They were backing the truck up to hook up to a fire hydrant. It was not a false alarm, there was a real fire to put out, and it was in my building. The fire, which was thankfully not in my own apartment, was put out very quickly. No one was seriously hurt, and even the cat (who had a pretty close call) was given oxygen at the scene, and made a full recovery at the vet. All in all it was a very fortunate outcome. But there are many people who are not so lucky. In the police report this week (page 5) there was another fortunate tale of a house fire that could have gotten out of control. It was out in the Blaeberry, and luckily the house cleaner was able to put out the blaze. Had the cleaner not been there, it would have been a very different story. As many of you know, the Blaeberry does not have a fire service. And had the fire grown out of control, no help would have come—an unfortunate reality of living in these beautiful rural areas. There have been two homes in that area that have burned down this past year. The community support for these families was inspiring, but I was counting my lucky stars not to be going through a similar tragedy. So thank you to the Golden Fire Department, the RCMP for being there two weeks ago, as well as BC Ambulance, and the Golden and District Search and Rescue for always showing up when people need you the most.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013 The Golden Star

Kicking Horse Culture Golden Star editor, As all who attend our events know, KHC never misses the opportunity to thank both our local governments for their crucial operational support. Since 2006, both the Town and CSRD have contracted with KHC via Golden Area Initiatives to deliver year round arts and cultural activity that helps make Golden a great place to live and visit. In 2014, KHC will be in the last year of our current threeyear agreement. With the changes at GAI, both the Town and CSRD have confirmed the agreement and funds will continue through 2014. Both local governments recently requested KHC submit a proposal to renew the agreement for another three-year term beginning January 2015 - which we have done. We have asked that discussions take place in the first few months of 2014 so we can plan and budget before KHC starts our new fiscal year in June 2014.

Shared funding Dear editor, I wanted to call attention to both the coverage and conversation that has transpired in relation to last week’s edition. The push and pull of level of service provision and the costs associated are at the heart of most, if not all, municipal political decision making conversations. Be it recreational services (such as the pool or arena), waste removal and recycling, arts and culture, or economic development, the choices of how much to spend and to what level is and always should be debatable. I try to weigh my own system of values with that of our com-

It’s important to note that the Town of Golden has mutually beneficial agreements with KHC on a variety of initiatives including Summer Kicks and the operations of the Civic Centre. Our relationship with Town Council and staff just couldn’t be any better. Since 2004, local government has supported the operations of KHC with $600,000 and that investment has helped create revenues totaling $3,700,000. We’ve created full-time jobs and supported part-time work efforts for dozens, if not hundreds of local people and suppliers. In September, our executive director presented these facts during a keynote presentation at the Union of BC Municipalities conference earning warm applause and envy from communities around the province. I recommend you go to our website at and read my blog post for more detailed information and see why KHC has been ranked by the BC Arts Council in the top handful of 75 B.C. communities for the last five years running. Monica Parkinson, Board Chair, Kicking Horse Culture

munity and come to decisions that are in the interest of greater community good. I do not for a second believe that this is ever black and white and I try to remain open to the valid opinions that lay on each side of choice points. For me, these decisions are further shaped by my conviction that the Town of Golden does not exist mutually exclusive from Area A and our rural areas. Though the tax boundaries are obviously defined as such, the provision of greater community services and provision of amenities includes the greater population. It seems pretty clear to me that our community, although divided in terms of governing structure, really is both. With this in mind, I advocate for and have my decisions shaped, by

the belief that joint service provision and its subsequent shared funding model should be implemented whenever the impact is regional. This should hold true if the either the Town of Golden or the CSRD provides the service. Our population base is not large enough for either government to provide sustainable meaningful long term cost effective service provision independently. Economic Development Services are a perfect example. Best practices, research and regional examination should lead one to conclude that some level of focused economic development provision is in the best interest of the greater community. Continued on page 7

POLL OF THE WEEK Do you think the Town of Golden should support Kicking Horse Culture financially?

No 15%

Yes 84%

This week’s poll question: Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no

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We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES

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• $43.00 per year if you pick

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• $67.00 per year outside Gold-

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Jessica Schwitek





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en’s School zone.

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The Golden Star Wednesday, November 20, 2013 A7

Golden point of view Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?

Stars to Colleen Palumbo from the museum for showing the residents at Durand Manor some great old photos of our town!

Stuart McLean

Alyssa Franklyn

Kent Mueller

“Oh God no. I’m a Christmas Eve shopper, it drives my wife crazy.”

“Yeah, I’ve started picking up a few things. I went to the craft fair too. It’s overwhelming if you leave it too late.”

“I haven’t, but now that the snow is falling it’s getting me in the Christmas mind set. I should start.”

Go to to have your say.

Do you have any questions about your community, something you’ve been wondering about but never knew who to ask? Email your questions to, or drop them off at The Golden Star office at 419A 9th Ave. N. Question: How cold does Golden get in the winters, and how much snow does it receive? (Signed a curious new resident) Answer: Golden’s climate is on the top list of why people live in Golden, says Tourism Golden, from the warm sunny days of spring giving birth to new life, to the bright colours of fall, the powder days of winter and the long hot days of summer. The average winter temperatures measure between a high of -6.0°C/21.2°F and a low of -14.4°C/6.1°F. The Town of Golden’s average annual snowfall is 184cm or 72.4 inches. Average annual snowfall at the alpine snow stations of Kicking Horse Mountain Resort is 650cm or 256 inches.

Dear editor, My heart was broken at the news of the impending loss of our community economic development organisation (GAI). The loss of formal community economic development (CED) is a 10 year, or more back slide for our municipality and area. There have been years of efforts from organizations like Golden Community Resource Society, Tourism Golden, Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce, GAI, the College of the Rockies, the Town of Golden....... The list goes on and on, to eliminate the solo approach to operating,

A Kikino Room full of Stars to Amanda and Andrew Commons of Kicking Horse Interiors for their donation of a stool for our music

viduals who leave their cars running, SMARTEN UP.

Stars to the Golden Fire Department for their expedient help to the Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club, and to Kal Tire for keeping our kids warm.

Stars to people who clean up after their dogs.

Stars to Matt McGregor at Cal Gas for his fast work. Stingers to the indi-

This provision crosses the artificial boundaries and is an area that has been a shared service for ten plus years. It is one of those areas that the Town of Golden tax base alone would have difficulty sustaining. I can advocate for the necessity of providing this service and for a fair and functional funding model but I cannot support municipal tax dollars and municipal staff carrying the full burden. This leads me into the question posed in last weeks paper in regards to cultural services. The question asked, I believe, is significant in that it only references the Town of Golden. The more meaningful question, as I see it, need include the CSRD. Cultural services contracting and the core operational funding provided to Kicking Horse Culture by local government for the delivery of this service is another living example of

and embracing a culture of collaboration, partnership and cooperation to ensure the very best for our community. This coming together is the very basis of CED. The loss of GAI, is the loss of the tie that binds, the loss of (in principle) the direction setter, the researcher, the data collector, the analyser, the keeper of the vision, the over arching umbrella that keeps us all focused and moving in a proactive direction. There may have been flaws in the system, and the three members of the tripartied agreement, the Town of Golden, Rural Area A and the CSRD, may have been unsatisfied with their agreement, but what we have now is the baby being thrown out with the bath water, the loss of our ability to be proactive to the needs and wants of our resi-



Cups full of Stars to Nola at the Bakery. Thanks for the coffee. Small town people are the best! Stars to our awesome cab driver Sean (a.k.a. Bryan).

Email your Stars and Stingers to Continued from page 6

Say What?

Economic development

Stingers to loud annoying car alarms!

jam sessions! Our budding artists are very grateful!

shared services. The support for, engagement in, procurement of, and benefits gained, are greater community in nature. So to is the funding question. I understand and support increasing, decreasing or ceasing service funding when community values shift and change but I cannot pretend that these decisions that impact the greater community should be made in isolation on either side of manufactured government borders. In these instances, decisions made by the Regional Director impact the Town of Golden, and vice versa. They need be considered in tandem. I implore you to keep this in mind when posing community based questions that are not simply limited to region. Caleb Moss, Councillor, Town of Golden

dents, our growth, our future, reverting back to being reactive. The gaping black hole that will be left following December 31st and the end of CED in Golden should be unacceptable to residents. I am asking, urging, no, I am flat out begging, Mayor and Council, the Area A Director and the CSRD to get back to the table. I know from speaking to several of our elected officials that they are sick and heart broken over this outcome as well. So please, please see past the challenges, please start new discussion and solution finding, please do whatever it takes to maintain your investment in our future. Respectfully submitted, Lori Baxendale, community resident.

Correction In last week’s issue of The Golden Star it was stated that the Golden Food Bank received $2 from each hamper purchase at Overwaitea . The hampers are valued at $16, and are sold for $10. The food bank receives all of the food plus $2 to Overwaitea in the form of a gift card.




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Wednesday, November 20, 2013 The Golden Star



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Expression of Interest - Community Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Electoral Areas ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’ and ‘F’ Get Involved with Parks and Trail Planning and Make a Difference! The Columbia Shuswap Regional District invites residents of Electoral Area ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’ and ‘F’ who wish to serve on their Community Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission, to complete and return an Expression of Interest Form. An Expression of Interest Form is available on the CSRD website, or by contacting the Operations Management Department. CSRD Staff will review all submissions and will schedule meetings with all applicants in January. The Commission will assist the CSRD by ensuring that it receives thoughtful and comprehensive advice from a representative group of individuals from the Parks and Recreation Area with local knowledge and interest in the parks and recreation needs of the community. Commissioners are required to meet a minimum of four times per year. Terms are two years in duration, commencing on the first scheduled meeting of 2014. Individuals who best satisfy the following requirements will be recommended to the CSRD Board of Directors for appointment: • Interest, leadership and passion for enhancing public enjoyment of parks, trails and green spaces, as well as promoting local stewardship of recreational amenities. • Desire to share knowledge and experience in a range of subjects relevant to community parks and recreation planning, management and development. Please submit a completed Expression of Interest Form by 4:00PM Monday, December 16, 2013 located on the CSRD website Inside the CSRD/ Application Forms/Parks. For further information, please contact call 250.833.5950 or e-mail

Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema presents: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire starting Friday Nov.22 at 7pm.

This Week A.P.E.S.After School Program Monday to Friday 3 -5:30pm. $12/day for ages 5 to 11. To register please leave a message at 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program bir th-5years. Mon&Fri 12-3:30pm, Wed 2-5pm, Tue&Thur 8:45-11:45am. Call Shelley for more info 250-439-9324.

Wed, Nov. 20 Jam night at the Rockwater. Golden Parent and Tot Play Lets parents and kids from birth to five enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am-noon. Badminton ever y Wednesday 7-9pm at the Mount 7 Rec Plex. Adults $7, students/seniors $5. Need your own racket. Public Skate at the Arena every Wednesday 7-8pm. Telling Life Stories, a free writing workshop Wednesdays from 10am12pm. Call 250-439-9665 to register. Ends Dec.11. Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition Wednesday nights at Bizarre Entertainment from 6-9pm. From the Horses Mouth Nov.20 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar. New to town? Stop by and see what Golden has to offer.

Thurs, Nov. 21 Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Men’s drop-in basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Bridge Club every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-344-5448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7pm at the College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s

This week's achievement award goes to...

sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. A.A Meetings in Golden: Thursdays at the Family Centre 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday from 3:45-5:30pm. Shinny hockey at the Arena every Thursday at 8pm. 19+ years old. Starlight Soiree Nov.21 Mt.7 Rec Plex, 6:30pm. $20 advance, $25 at door ($5 off with Food Bank donation). Golden Rockets vs. Creston Valley ThunderCats Nov.21, Golden Arena at 7:30pm.

Fri, Nov. 22 Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. A.A Meetings in Golden: Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre dropin every Friday from 3:307:30pm. Mother Goose Program every Friday 10:30-11:30am at the Library. Snacks included, just drop in! Public Skate at the Arena every Friday 12-1pm. Parent and Tot skate at the Arena every Friday 10-11am. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Bridge Club every Friday at the Centre for Peace in St. Andrew’s Church, 7pm. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fridays 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call Cyra 250-9190757 for more info. Broadway’s Back Nov.22 at the Civic Centre, 7pm, $25 at door. Soup Day at the Golden Seniors Centre Nov.22 11:30-1pm, $5 admission.

Sat, Nov. 23 Storytime at the Golden

• For more information... go to

Library 10:30-11:30am. Free drop-in, contact 250344-6516. Meat Draw every Saturday at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings in Golden: Saturdays at the Golden Museum 1302 - 11th Ave S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Public Skate at the Arena every Saturday 5:306:45pm. Broadway’s Back Nov.23 at the Civic Centre, 7pm, $25 at door. Tea & Bake Sale Nov.23 at Trinity Lutheran Church from 1-4pm.

Sun, Nov. 24 Sunday Howl open mic night at the Wolf’s Den every Sunday from 4-8pm. All ages welcome. Public Skate at the Arena every Sunday 4:30-5:45pm. Documentary & Discussions every Sunday night at Bizarre Entertainment from 6-9pm. Admission by $5 donation, or 2 non-perishable items to the food bank.

Mon, Nov. 25 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12 to 18. Golden Community Choir, Mondays from 7:30-9:30pm at the Lutheran Church. Member fees $10. For info call Joyce 250-344-6043. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio every Monday 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-3445766. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mondays 5-7pm in the StrongStart room in A.P.E.S. Free program includes dinner, discussions, and activities. Call 250-439-9665 if interested. Heroclix League 6-9pm Monday nights at Bizarre Entertainment The Cadets meet Mondays 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall.

Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Badminton at Mount 7 Rec Plex Mondays 7-8:30pm. Need your own racket, $7 (or $5 for seniors/students). Shinny hockey at the Golden Arena Mondays at 9:15pm. Must be 19+ years old.

Tues, Nov. 26 Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Tuesday at 10am. Call 250344-5413 to register. John Jenkins & Friends at the Rockwater 8pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm @ Bizarre Entertainment (Free) A.A Meetings in Golden: Tuesdays at the United Church 901 - 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Parent and Tot skate at the Arena every Tuesday 10-11am. Golden Youth Centre dropin every Tuesday from 3:307:30pm. Rockwater Grill & BarR


Upcoming Events

Golden Rockets vs. Beaver Valley Nitehawks Nov.29, Golden Arena at 7:30pm. Christmas Parade and Shopping Extravaganza Nov.30. Parade starts at 5pm by Sobeys. The Ultimate Christmas Cookie Competition Nov.30 during the Christmas Parade. Come by the Golden Star Office for some cookies and hot cocoa and help pick the best cookie! Metis Nation Columbia River Society Special Meeting Dec.1 at the Golden Secondary School (in the Kikino room), 7pm. CP Holiday Train comes to town Dec.12 at 9:30pm, across from 7-11. Christmas Dinner at The Legion Dec.20 from 6:308pm. Must have tickets by Dec.17. P.J. Party at the Legion Dec.13 from 6:30-11:30pm. 24th Annual Christmas Bird Count Dec.27. Call 250348-2225 for more info.

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The Golden Star Wednesday, November 20, 2013 A9



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Wednesday, November 20, 2013 The Golden Star

The Bills

The Bills played a show at the Golden Civic Centre as part of Kicking Horse Culture’s Live Kicks series on Wednesday Nov. 13. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

Nicholson Elementary marks Halloween and Remembrance Day Lois Ehman Nicholson Elementary School Principal

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Nicholson Elementary School has been a very busy place! Halloween week was full of fun activities that started with pumpkin carving. Southside Grocery donated a pumpkin for each child in the school to carve. They were then displayed in front of the store for the week of Halloween. They looked awesome and of course scary!!! A huge thank you to Sandra and Mike Mills for their generosity. Students in kindergarten to grade 3 took part in Halloween Safety presentations to help them prepare for trick or treating. On Halloween the students wore their costumes and took part in a costume parade. At noon the grade 4 – 7 students enjoyed a Halloween dance. The whole school is now enjoying skating once a week at the rink in town. They will go for five consecutive weeks “sharpening their skills” on the ice at the same time as building community with other classes and getting some exercise. On Friday, November 8 we held a Remembrance Day assembly followed by our first community soup lunch day. The service was attended by four members of the Legion as well as cadets. Each class participated in the service by reading, singing or doing art work to decorate the gym. Thank you to everyone who made the service so special. In between all the fun and excitement of extra activities, the students at Nicholson are working hard to become better students and better citizens in order to make the community of Nicholson and Golden better places to live and grow. The staff at Nicholson is very proud of each and every one of them.

The Golden Star Wednesday, November 20, 2013 A11

Broadway show returns to Civic Centre A Reel Review: We’re the Millers

The Golden Players are going through final rehearsals in advance of their show, scheduled to take place on Nov. 22 at the Civic Centre. The medley of musicals will feature 35 performers Star Photo Joel Tansey Broadway’s Back in town again as the Golden Players are set to present their 7th annual show at the Civic Centre on Nov. 22 and 23 at 7:30pm. This year, the show will feature music from musicals such as Westside Story, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Shannon Kelly, now living in Edmonton, is back again to direct the performance that she originally started as part of a project during her time

as a student at the College of the Rockies. When she moved back to Halifax the next year, she was asked to come back and she’s been returning to the area for a couple weeks every year to help put on the show. Kelly sends the music to the musical director, Dana Hudson, in the mail, and she teaches the music for about two months. Lately, the wonders of technology have helped make Kelly’s job a lot easier. “What we did this year, is we used YouTube, and we actually YouTubed the choreog-

raphy to them, so technology helped a lot with that,” she laughed. When Kelly arrives in Golden, the rehearsals are typically all about the choreography and putting the finishing touches on the show prior to the performance dates. This year, 35 local performers will be on stage, with about 10 performers carrying over from last year. Because of the show’s cast being made up of locals, it creates a unique experience for the audience. “[Most performances] in the Civic Centre are all people from outside of the commun-

ity coming in, which is wonderful, but it is cool to actually use the Civic Centre for a community show,” Kelly said. The show is usually a hot ticket in town and typically sells out quickly. Kelly appreciates the support she has received from the community for this event. “Thank you to the community for always supporting it… it’s wonderful to have a good community that supports theatre,” she said. Tickets are available for $20 in advance at Moon River Gift Galley and Bacchus Books and Cafe and $25 at the door.

Willhorse getting ready to tour with Olak

Rolla Olak will join Willhorse on their upcoming tour. Photo Submitted ada and last week they were announced as the Joel Tansey 5th place finishers in reporter@thegoldenstar. the Peak Performance net Project from 102.7 The It’s been an excel- Peak, a Vancouver rock lent couple of weeks station. With their plafor Willhorse. Earlier cing in the Peak Perthis month, the local- formance Project, ly formed rock group Willhorse has earned had its song “Stoke It $5,000, which accordUp” played on CBC’s ing to singer and guitarHockey Night in Can- ist Jeremy Borschneck,

will help the band cover a variety of costs and expenses. “We’re going to use the $5,000 for fuel on the tour and to restock all of our merchandise and buy a bunch of CDs,” he said. The tour that Borschneck mentions is the band’s upcoming dates across B.C. and into Alberta, including a stop in Golden on Dec. 14 at The Golden Taps, and is called the Winter Wolfpack Tour. The band will be touring with Rolla Olak, who they were paired up with for a song in the Peak Performance Project. “We started writing a song and then did a little mini tour with him at that point and just became really good buddies with him,” Borschneck said. After the tour wraps up on Dec. 22, Will-

horse won’t have a very long break before they hit the studio in Vancouver in January to begin recording their second album and follow up to their selftitled debut record in 2012. They’ll be recording at Fader Mountain Sound and working with music producers Nygel Asselin and Garth Richardson. Asselin mixed the group’s last record, while Richardson has worked briefly with the band in the past and worked with notable bands such as the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Rage Against the Machine. While some of the band’s songs are written as a collaboration between members, most are written individually and then worked on as a group. Borschneck likes this individualistic writing process because it

gives the band a unique sound across all of its songs. “The songs don’t always sound the same, but in a way they do sound the same because it is us playing together as a whole,” he said. Because their first album was put together from various songs that the bandmates had over the past several years of writing, the band’s next album will have a different feel to it. “We didn’t really write any of those songs as Willhorse,” said Borschneck referring to the new album. “This next record, we’re in our jamspace and writing songs, this will be a true testament of who we actually are as a band.” For more information and a complete listing of tour dates, check out the band’s website at www.

We’re the Millers is now available at Kicking Horse Movies. New Line Cinema Joel Tansey We’re the Millers delivers an RV full of laughs from the first scene through to the end, easily making it one of the year’s best comedies. Rawson Marshall Thurber (Dodgeball) directs the script that was penned by the same writers that brought us Wedding Crashers, while well-established comedic actors Jason Sudeikis and Jennifer Aniston star in the main roles as a drug dealer and a stripper. When David Clark (Sudeikis) has his entire inventory of marijuana stolen, his supplier (Ed Helms) forces him to smuggle a “smidge” of pot in across the Mexican border in an RV to make up for it. In order to better blend in and fool border security, David decides to recruit his neighbours Rose (Aniston) and Kenny (Will Poulter), as well as homeless teen Casey (Emma Roberts) to pose as his family, the Millers. Rose, who is struggling for money, only agrees to join when she decides to quit her job at a strip club after a “minor” policy change that doesn’t need to be detailed in this column. Naturally, the operation doesn’t go all that smoothly and numerous hilarious situations arise during the Miller’s “family vacation”. As it turns out, they are smuggling a tiny bit more than just a smige. They eventually meet an actual family, the Fitzgerald’s, who have plenty of their own oddities as well. There’s a really nice mix here of slapstick humour and dry, sarcastic wit, giving We’re the Millers a little bit of everything as far as comedic style goes. While Aniston and Sudeikis are strong, it’s Poulter that steals the show among the main four cast members, playing the role of awkward teenage boy as well as any actor not named Michael Cera. Amongst the supporting cast, Helms is the perfect arrogant drug kingpin, supplying numerous laugh out loud moments despite limited screen time. Nick Offerman and Kathryn Hahn also shine as the Fitzgeralds, a quirky couple that quickly becomes an annoyance to the Millers on their journey. I must admit, I wasn’t expecting much with this movie. I’ve enjoyed Sudeikis in previous roles in Horrible Bosses and Hall Pass, as well as his fine work on Saturday Night Live, but I just didn’t know if the plot would work to make this more than just a cookie-cutter gross-out comedy. I was very pleasantly surprised with how well it came together, and the laughs are fairly consistent throughout. This isn’t high brow comedy, to be sure, but it’s a lot of fun and very entertaining. Overall, I’ll give this movie 9 out of 10 dancing hot dogs.

All New Release Movies are 4 for $12!! Half the price of ordering Pay per View! Includes Blu-Ray! Check out this week’s new titles! 2 Guns • Worlds End • Planes • All is Bright • We’re the Millers

802-10 Ave. S 250-344-5510 A12

Wednesday, November 20, 2013 The Golden Star

Future of Glacier Park Lodge at Rogers Pass remains up in the air Staff Writer Black Press More than a year after it closed down, the major ski lodge at the heart of the backcountry ski mecca of Rogers Pass remains shuttered. The Glacier Park Lodge enjoys a monopoly at Rogers Pass, with no foreseeable direct competitors due to its prime location in a national park. Despite this formidable natural advantage, the future of the Glacier Park Lodge remains up in the

air, as a complicated legal challenge makes its way through the courts. Glacier Park Lodge has been closed since Sept. 30, 2012, when the owners shut it down and Parks Canada terminated their lease. Parks Canada refused to comment on its future. “The Glacier Park Lodge issue is still before the Supreme Court of British Columbia, and it would be inappropriate for Parks Canada to comment further at this time,” wrote spokes-

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person Jacolyn Daniluck in an e-mail. The court case, which was launched in June 2011, prior to the closure, is complex and difficult to understand. It involves a protracted legal battle between Yoho Investments, Abbot Ridge Investments, and a numbered company – together the former owners; Malcolm and Linda Campbell, who owned the hotel when it closed down; Parks Canada and several other named parties. The initial filing claims that the Campbells did make payments on what was owed and the former owners were seeking ownership of the hotel, amongst a number of other claims. Glacier Park Lodge was opened as the Northlander Hotel when the Trans-Canada Highway was opened through Rog-

ers Pass in 1962. In 1968, Parks Canada signed a 42-year lease with the hotel owners. In 2008, the Campbells bought the hotel from the former owners. After the lease expired at the end of 2009, Parks Canada reverted to a monthto-month lease. On Sept. 30, 2012, the owners closed down the hotel and Parks Canada terminated the lease. What appears to have happened since then is the Campbells went bankrupt and a court-appointed receiver representing the former owners was given control of their assets – including the Glacier Park Lodge and Revelstoke Lodge. In May 2013, a judge ruled the matter could go to trial. Last month, a judge gave the former owners the right

The Glacier Park Lodge, located in the Rogers Pass, has been closed for more than a year. Star Photo to sell the properties. Throughout all this, Parks Canada has contested the validity of the sale to the Campbells, saying it was never approved by the government. The matter remains tied up in the courts,

as does the future of the Glacier Park Lodge. Aaron Fu, the courtappointed receiver for the hotel, said the future depends on Parks Canada. “We’re waiting for their response,” he told the

Times Review. “Without a lease, we cannot open.” The Glacier National Park spokesperson said, “Future plans for the property cannot be considered until the legal process is complete.”

There’s a new face at The Golden Star Joel Tansey

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Customers stopping by The Golden Star may have noticed a new face in the office in recent weeks, Adam Zarachowicz, The Star’s new Sales Associate. Zarachowicz moved to Golden in 2010 in order to fullfil his dreams of living in a small community in the mountains. “I spent a lot of my youth travelling and camping through B.C. and I’ve always been attracted to the nature and beauty of it, and just the mountain scenery in general,” he said. When he first moved here, it took him some time to experience the friendliness of the people in town. “When I first moved to town, I had red plates for the first little while and I got a lot of frowns and people were glaring at me when I was driving around town. As soon as I got my plates switched over to B.C. everyone was a lot more friendly,” he

laughed. Zarachowicz moved here with his girlfriend and got his first job in Golden at Columbia Pool and Spa and he spent a lot of his time up working on hot tubs up at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. His first winter was one with heavy amounts of snowfall, which had its pros and cons. “It was nice to have a job and be making some money but every morning I was crying when I had to shovel two feet of snow. It was tough to be working and not playing in the snow.” In his free time, Zarachowicz enjoys snowboarding in the winter and mountain biking in the summer, and according to him he spends half his time hurting himself up at Kicking Horse, and spends the other half of his time recovering from injuries. Over the course of his time here, Zarachowicz has grown to love this community and he is thankful for everyone around town for making Golden the place that it is.

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Adam Zarachovicz has joined the Golden Star team. Star Photo With the new job, Zarachowicz hopes to provide the business owners and members of the community with a valuable service through The Golden Star. “I look forward to meeting more people now that I’m out and about around town. Please feel free to stop and chat with me as it provides the illusion that I’m working hard while I’m out of the office,” he laughed.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013 The Golden Star A13

Freeski camp for girls coming to Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Jessica Schwitek Girls Do Ski is bringing their backcountry expertise to Golden for a special women’s freeski camp. Revelstoke based Girls Do Ski, Canada’s leading freeski camp provider for women, is offering Girls Day Out camps at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, among others. “It’s exciting to be introducing new backcountry camps in addition to our resort camps this year,” says Leah Evans, professional skier and Girls Do Ski founder. “Girls Do Ski is about helping women of all ages grow, learn and develop their skills on the slopes. My goal is that our skiers take the confidence they build at our camps and put it towards personal achievement and empowerment off the snow and into their every day lives.” The camp will include coaching from some of B.C.’s most accomplished professional female skiers, including Evans, Izzy Lynch (who recently filmed with award-winning film makers Sherpas Cinema), Tessa Treadway, Sarah Frood, Jill Young, Leslie Hogg, Megan Sime, Emma Mains, and Marie-

Claud Larivee. Also joining the team is professional ski photographer, Zoya Lynch. Coaching is focused on improving technical skills and pushing personal boundaries in a safe and supportive environment. The camp also provides technical workshops about the ski year, and inspirational talks to encourage participants to explore their dreams and potential, both on and off the slopes. “It is our fifth year in a row hosting one of our Girls Day Out camps at Kicking Horse, we’re stoked to be back,” said Evans. This will be the fifth season the group has travelled to KHMR for camps. The resort’s amenities are unmatchable, from group gatherings at the big mountain centre to the exquisite lunches at the stunning Eagle’s Eye Restaurant. Kicking Horse Moutain Resort’s terrain is a perfect location for learning and enjoying the beautiful backdrop of the rocky, Purcell and Selkirk mountain ranges says Evans. The KHMR camp is from Feb. 15-16, 2014. To register, or for more information, go to www.

Girls Do Ski is hosting a special women’s freeski camp for the women of Golden at KHMR. Girls Do Ski Photo

Frustration starting to show for a struggling Golden Rockets team Joel Tansey The struggles continued for the Golden Rockets last weekend, losing back to back home games to put their losing streak at seven, and further distancing themselves from the rest of the pack in the Eddie Mountain Division. The weekend got off to a dismal start on Friday night, as the Fernie Ghostriders stormed out to a 3-0 lead by the time the game was half over. Frustration began to boil over for the Rockets and a few players showed that through their actions and body language. Having their backs against the wall seemed to provide a spark for Ty Davidson’s team, as Cole Mckechney took advantage of a four minute power play with his eighth goal of the season. Tanner Watt narrowed the gap to 3-2 with just 45 seconds left in the second

and the Rockets were back in it. Joel Burgess put a brief damper on the Rockets’ aspirations of a comeback with a shorthanded marker that could have easily been the straw that broke the camel’s back. It wasn’t however, and Braeden Allkins responded for the Rockets on that very same power play. It was smiles all around for the home team when Nick Hoobanoff scored with 6:35 left in the third to tie the game 4-4. The elation was short lived, however, as Ben Primeau beat Rockets’ netminder Adam Johnson for his second goal of the game for Fernie, giving the Ghostriders a lead they wouldn’t relinquish, taking the game by a 5-4 score. The Rockets got off to a sluggish start again on Saturday night as the league’s only American franchise, the Spokane Braves, drew first blood. Connor Beauchemin tied the game up late in the

first on the power play, but Levi Waterman and Sean Collins scored second and third period goals to give the Braves a two goal cushion. Allkins scored his second goal in as many games in the final minute, but it was too little to late for Golden, who fell to 6-15-0-2 with the 3-2 defeat. “The effort is there but we find new and exciting ways to blow games,” said a frustrated Ty Davidson following the loss on Friday night. “They gave us every opportunity to win that game with penalties they took and opportunities they gave us, and we [didn’t] take advantage.” Golden’s next game will be on Thursday night at home against the Creston Valley Thunder Cats. They’ll spend the weekend on the road, starting on Friday night with a game against the Grand Forks Border Bruins, before travelling to Castlegar for a game Saturday night again the Rebels.


Golden Rockets VS.

Creston Valley Thunder Cats THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 7:30PM GOLDEN ARENA



Wednesday, November 20, 2013 The Golden Star

Rockets Profile: Defenceman Dustin Watt Joel Tansey

“Players are a lot stronger and a lot smarter, but as far as pace goes it seems about the same,” he said. Watt, who has no relation to Rockets’ centre Tanner Watt, said that he prefers to play a simple, yet effective brand of hockey from the back end. “[My game] is pretty defensive, not too much offence in my game. I just try and do the simple plays and stuff,” he said. The Kamloops native doesn’t have any specific areas of his game that he’d like to improve, he just wants to become a better overall hockey player and help the team out as much as he can. He said it helps him out having veteran defencemen like Brett DeFrias and Michael Anderson to look up to and guide him along. There’s one other goal that Watt would certainly like to accomplish. “I’d like to score a goal,” he said, smiling. “A real goal.”

Rockets’ defenceman Dustin Watt was credited with a goal in the team’s 3-2 loss against the Sicamous Eagles on Nov. 9. It officially went down as his first career KIJHL goal, but as it turns out, it wasn’t quite how it seemed. “Actually it wasn’t even me that scored. I wasn’t even on the ice,” he laughed. Despite not scoring a legitimate goal, Watt is settling into the league nicely, but still has some areas to improve on as well. “I think I’m doing alight,” he said. “Still got some things to improve on but I’m coming along day by day,” Despite the smooth transition to Junior B hockey, the step up to the KIJHL hasn’t come without its set of challenges.

Rockets’ defenceman Dustin Watt is adjusting well to the KIJHL. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

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Wildsight effort gets boost with cheque from MEC Golden Star Staff An environmental group’s campaign to keep Jumbo wild has received some extra financial support. Wildsight’s Jumbo Wild campaign received another boost this week, in the form of a $5,000 award for first place in the fourth-annual Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) Wild Bucks competition. The resort at Jumbo, which has been controversial since it was first proposed in 1991, has received strong regional opposition amongst environmental groups, especially Wildsight. Wildsight’s Jumbo Wild project beat out such high-profile competition as Ontario Nature, Clean Nova Scotia, and Alberta’s Castle-Crown Wilderness Coalition, taking 40 per cent of the overall votes in this national online voting competition. “At MEC, we’re inspired by wild places – places like the upper Jumbo Valley,” said MEC’s Community Program Manager, Andrew Stegemann. “MEC Wild Bucks support our commitment to conserve ecologically and recreationally important places by giving our members the means to register their support for groups like Wildsight that are working to raise awareness of what’s at stake in Jumbo and other threatened places.” “We are really pleased to accept this award, and very pleased to have received more votes than some really high profile, and important campaigns,” says Robyn Duncan, Wildsight’s Purcells Program Manager. “This really shows how important the Purcell Mountains, and the Jumbo Valley in particular, are to people across the country. People really get it: now more than ever Canadians want to protect the wilderness we have, rather than developing remote valleys like Jumbo for more real estate profits, and trying to mitigate the impacts after the fact.” Funding will go towards continuing the twodecade-long effort to protect critical cultural, recreational, and wildlife values in the Central Purcells from permanent real estate development. MEC Wild Bucks was first inspired four years ago by a partnership between MEC and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society. To date, the project has awarded $30,000 in bonus funding to MEC grant recipients.

Star business directory

The Golden Star Wednesday, November 20, 2013 A15

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013 The Golden Star

Golden Moments: David Morris and a life spent in Golden Joel Tansey It’s fair to say that it is every kid’s dream to have their school burn down. For David “Scotty” Morris, that dream became a reality. While waiting for the bus one morning, one of his friend’s parents called out to them from their balcony to let them know of the news. Despite the fact that she was calling out from a home in the Swiss Village and Morris and his friends were waiting for the bus where Cats to Cattle is now, the kids had no trouble hearing her. “We could hear her tell us that the school had burned down and that we should come home. That’s how quiet it used to be here, there was no industry, just some small mills,” he said. Morris’ vacation from school didn’t last forever, of course, and the students took over the Civic Centre while repairs were made at Lady Grey. Morris was born and raised in Golden on property at the end of Ottoson. It was a quiet childhood with most of his time spent playing with the few kids in the neighbourhood. Summers were spent hiking and exploring the surrounding countryside and the winters were spent on the small ski hill near his home. “When I was a kid we had the local ski club. There would be an old car there and a rope tow. The department of highways would clean off half the field for a parking lot. We’d have 150-200 people

up there on weekends to ski,” he said. “You’d pay 50 cents, enough to pay for the gas and turn the car on and away you went. We even had a string of lights up the hill so we could ski nights.” In the summer he’d swim at a marsh in Moberley with his friends. “You’d just have to pull the leaches off yourself afterwards,” he said, smiling at the memory. As for his nickname, Morris earned it when he went on a three month trip to Scotland in his youth in order to attend his grandfather’s funeral and visit family. When he got back, his classmates began calling him Scotty and the nickname stuck. Morris met his wife, Maxine, when she started working alongside his sister as a chambermaid at the Ponderosa Inn. Maxine was supposed to be here for just the summer but ended up moving here permanently from Edmonton. The couple has two children, four grandchildren and one great grandson. Over the years, Morris has worked in the logging industry and as a delivery driver around town for Old Ham transport (later Byers Transport). He enjoyed the latter job throughly. “It was great, you got to talk to different crews and different people every day. You went to all the stores. In those days we delivered beer, we delivered groceries, we delivered everything,” he said. Today, Morris lives in a house right next to his childhood home, which is


David “Scotty” Morris has lived on his property at the end of Ottoson his entire life. Joel Tansey/Star Photo where his son lives with his wife and two kids. He has no desire to move on and live somewhere else, although he did enjoy travelling to Carcross in the Yukon on a few occasions to visit a high school friend. He works four days on and four days off for Trimac, which supplies fuel for trains at the CPR yard. He plans to retire within a few months, which will give him more time to ski and work in his garden.

While it would be easy for him to lament the ways in which the town has grown and changed, Morris prefers to embrace what tourism has brought to the town. “It’s grown slow enough that you have to really stop and think about what used to there and nothing is really negative,” he said. “It brings a few more stores in and a few more things here that you don’t have to travel for.”

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Trades, Technical


Financial Services

Legal Services

GOLDEN COUNSELLING SERVICES Professional Support for Emotional Wellness

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

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CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis

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Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.

Lost & Found Lost: Bright red soft shell Regatta jacket (ladies s/m). If found, please call: 250-344-2473. Would the person who found my long handled coal shovel at the CSRD recycling site (bottle depot) please call 348-2337, need it for work. Reward offered!

Handyperson/ Home Maintenance Staff Efficient in carrying out tasks such as: heavy snow shoveling, sanding, refuse & recycling removal, laundry, sweeping, BBQ cleaning, vacuuming...skill at a wide range of minor repairs, ladder work, and truck an asset. Also accepting applications for:

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Cooks and Servers, Full/ Part time, needed for Legendz Diner. $11-$13 hourly. 40 hrs/week. Send resumes to PO BOX 676, 1405 Trans Canada Hay Golden BC VA 1H0. Or email to: jobs.legendz., or fax to 250-344-5059. Required for Mary’s Hotel F/T Hotel front desk clerks Sal: $13/hour Duties: Register arriving guests and assign rooms. Answer enquiries. Present statements of charges to departing guests and receive payment. F/T housekeeping room attendant Sal:$13/hr Duties: Sweep, mop, wash, wax and polish floors. Dust furniture and vacuum carpet. Make beds. Attend to guests’ requests for extra supplies. Contact:


JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages from $32/hour, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info at: Fax 403-854-2845; Email:



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Elsie Betty Robison October 24, 2013

Elsie Betty Robison, 84 years old, died peacefully in her home on October 24, 2013. She was born and raised on her parents’ (Fred and Estrid Storgaard) farm in Slocan City, BC. In 1953 Elsie married Bert Robison and devoted her life taking care of her family with great pride. When she had a spare moment she loved doing her crosswords. She always had something to say whether it be a story, some advice or just to chat. Predeceased by her loving husband of 60 years in August 2013, she is survived by her son Colby (Lil) and her daughter Nancy (Gary). She also leaves four grandchildren Ryan (Melanie), Krista, Jordan (Erin), Clayton and three great grandchildren Maddie, Alexi and Andi. Her family and friends will truly miss her and would like to thank everyone in the community for their support, cards and gifts. There will be no service as per her request.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Bolico Holdings Ltd. o/a Tim Hortons 1421 Trans Can Hwy, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H2 1020 Trans Can Hwy Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0

Food Counter Attendant

Full time(40hrs/wk)/Shift work Nights/Overnights/Early Mornings/Weekends $10.25/hr + benefits Apply in Person: 1421 Frontage Rd, Golden, BC, V0A 1H2 or Fax resume to 250 439-1963

Bolico Holdings Ltd. o/a Tim Hortons 1421 Trans Can Hwy, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H2 1020 Trans Can Hwy Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0

Food Service Supervisor

Full time(40hrs/wk)/Shift work Nights/Days/Early Mornings/Weekends Experience: 1 year to less than 2 years $12.55/hr + benefits Apply in Person: 1421 Frontage Rd, Golden, BC, V0A 1H2 or Fax resume to 250 439-1963

Location:Golden BC

Seeking experienced Raft Guide for seasonal work on Kicking Horse River in Golden BC with minimum: 2 years rafting experience and TL experience on the Kicking Horse, 2 additional years experience guiding 4-5 rivers, ability to pass BC guide licence exam and Valid First-Aid. Must be able to begin May Long weekend. Responsibilities include: Guiding (Responsible for instruction, management and safety of clients), Equipment/Grounds maintenance. Starting wage $19/Hr. Wet N Wild Adventures, 1509 Lafontaine Rd Golden B.C V0A 1H0 250-344-6546

Trades, Technical Automotive Journeyman Mechanic required in Kamloops Mon-Fri Send resume to service@valleyviewauto (250) 372-7333 FRONTLINE is seeking certified electricians and millwrights with industrial experience for work in BC/Alberta. FEC offers competitive wages and benefits package. Forward resumes to: frontlinehuman


A convenient place to work! If you’re outgoing, enthusiastic and share our commitment to customer service, we’d like to have you on our team. :e offer you training, Eene¿ts to those who qualify, competitive wages and a friendly, supportive environment. • 4-40 hours/week • Duties include: assisting customers, cooking food, completing tasks, shift end counts. • Uniform provided. • Mature, responsible person required. • Apply in person at store during the week with resume. We are an equal opportunity employer. We thank all applicants for responding, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please.



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Telephone Services

Heavy Duty Machinery

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Help Wanted

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Wednesday, November 20, 2013 The Golden Golden Star Star

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale


Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?

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Apartment Furnished

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Misc. for Sale

Seasonal Truck Driver’s Required Golden Area Class 3 with Air Endorsement And/Or Class 5 HMC Services Inc., road and bridge maintenance contractor in the Selkirk Area is looking for professional drivers for the winter season, to operate snowplow and sanding trucks in the Golden Area. Class 3 with Air Endorsement: • Valid BC Driver’s License (minimum Class 3 with air endorsement). • Proven Highway Experience. • Experience driving single axle, tandem axle vehicles and operating a variety of transmissions, including a 13 speed. AND/OR

Class 5: • Valid BC Driver’s License (Class 5) (with potential opportunity to upgrade to Class 3). • To operate small trucks to plow local subdivisions and school bus routes.

Application forms may be picked up at HMC Services Inc.’s ofÀce listed below TualiÀed applicants are invited to submit applications, along with a photocopy of their driver’s license, and up to date driver’s abstract and references to substantiate experience to: HMC Services Inc. 521 Donald Upper Road Golden, BC Fax: 250-344-6905 Email:

Misc. Wanted Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 778-281-0030

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Duplex / 4 Plex

Acreage for Sale

2 bdrm suite located in 4 plex w/ large covered deck, lots of storage. Inclds fridge, stove, and laundry hook-up on site. NS, NP ref’s req’d, utls not incld. $650/mnth + $325 DD. 250-344-2702.250344-8266

11 & 1/2 acre parcel 10 mins south of Golden, east side of the Rockies, spectacular views! Drilled well, flat building site, good access. Survey plan available. 1-250-769-4288 or

1100 sq. ft furnished/unfurnished Basement Suite. Util, w/d incl. *Power not incld. $750/mth. Avail immdly.

Real Estate

call Willy 250-344-6048.

Mobile Homes & Parks 2 bdrm mobile home w/ deck in Mountain Shadows. Walk/hike/bike/ski out your back door to Mt 7 trails! $25,000 OBO. 250-344-0725.

Misc for Rent

Homes for Rent


Apt/Condo for Rent

Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell)

1 & 2 Bedroom apts available in Glen Charlotte Manor. Convenient & Beautiful location beside Kicking Horse River & Pedestrian Bridge. $625/mo $730/mo. Ph 250-344-8919 Rosewood apts 1309 12th St S utls incld. Close to amenities. Laundry facls, security entrance. No pets, parties, or smoking. 250-3448113. Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, security doors. Best deal in town! 250-344-8113.


Homes for Rent

Suites, Upper

2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710.

Upper 1 bdrm suite, no laundry on site, no pets. Freshly painted, new floors & applc. Fridge, stove, N/S, ref’s req’d $500/mnth + DD $250. 250344-2702/344-8266

2 large bdrm mobile home for rent on top of hill $750/mnth. 2/3 bdrm duplex for rent completely new. Refs req’d. Call 250-344-5996.

3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.

3 Bdr house in town with fridge & stove. No pets. Avail now. Call 344-1599. Also, 4 bdrm furnished no pets. Call. 344-1599.



Auto Financing

3 Bdr house on 14th St. Call Harry 250-344-5634 or Darsem 250-344-2616. $700/month. 3 Bdr upstairs house on 6 acres for rent in Blaeberry. Clean, recently reno’d. NS, W/D. $1000 + util & DD. Pets negotiable. Refs req’d. 250833-1498 Cozy 2 Bdr house on .6 acre lot, 815 Oster Rd, 8 mins from town. $750/mth + util. Call 250-344-5599. CRAWFORD Bay House Rental, 3.5 bdrm, dbl garage, new appliances, $1200 + utilities (rent negot. for upkeep) 250365-1005 Auto

Visit our website for complete rental listings


Apartment Furnished

New hires are subject to pre-employment drug screening. Please note applications will not be accepted without a current driver’s abstract. Please note that only short listed applicants will be contacted.

FULLY FURNISHED all inclusive bachelor suite. View at or call 344-7001.


Each ofce is independently owned & operated.





Apply Today!

Drive Today!


MONTHLY chalet/log cabin rentals available immediately. Located on Beaverfoot Road, 20 minutes east of Golden. Furnished units for $900/month + utilities or unfurnished units for $800/month + utilities. Receive a half month free rent with year-long lease. Contact Jack or Kim (250) 344-4775. Small, unique house on the Blaeberry River $750 utls incd. NS, NP, no dogs. Now until April 15th. 250-344-2114.

Office/Retail Office Space for rent. Approx. 350 sq. ft. above Body Quest. Call 250-344-7876.

2 Bdr bsmt suite 1116 12 St. Newly renovated. W/D, F/S. No pets, no parties. Avail. Dec 1 or before. 250-344-5626.

Office/studio for rent: $350.00/month (excld. GST). 200 SF, on ground floor, hydro/heating/ air conditioning/wi-fi/ parking/waste disposal incld, private washroom, no smoking, no pets, avail Nov.1. Inquire at 250.344.2443.

Commercial Vehicles

1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. Bright apts - $900/mnth. All inclusive, fully furnished (dishes, towels, bedding etc) $800 DD. 250-344-0047.

2 bdr house. N/S, no parties, no pets. Avail Dec 1. Sat. tv, utls, all incl. $1100/mth. 250439-1055. 403-497-9303(cell) 2 bdrm, 1 bath, clean, main flr, fenced yard in Alexander Park, parking, shared laundry, NS/NP. $1,100 all utls, wifi & satellite incl. 403.760.5004.

S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.

TRIDEM WATER truck and 2007 10x30 QA shack. 2004 WS 4900 SA 120 barrel with only 115,000 kilometers. Preemissions. Recent CV. Maintenance records available. 403-340-9328.

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted



The Golden Star Wednesday, November 20, 2013 A19

Early Swiss guide gave up promising career to come to Canada

- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo

I have had many opportunities recently to be reminded of the contribution that the Swiss guides and their families have made to our unique mountain culture. Here is a bit about one such guide, Christian Haesler. Born in Switzerland in 1889, Christian Haesler, Jr., gave up a promising career in the Swiss Mountain Artillery to follow in his father’s footsteps. The senior Haesler and Edward Feuz, Sr., were the first Swiss guides to come to this area together with interpreter, Charles Clark, in 1898. For 12 years, Christian, Jr., watched his father leave for his yearly six months stay in Canada. In 1911, Christian, Jr., received his guiding license in Meiringen. The Swiss families were finding the long separations from their families very difficult, and in a bid to keep the guides, the CPR built homes for them in Golden. So for the first time, the families were also able to come. When they arrived in Golden, the party included Christian Haesler, Jr. and Miss Rosa Margarita Feuz. The day following their arrival, Christian and Rosa were married by the pastor of the Methodist Church and took up residence in “Edelweiss Village.” Two children were born to them. Their names were Walter and William. Christian, Jr. went to work in Field as guide and caretaker

for a year and then moved to Glacier where he worked in the same capacity until its closure in 1926. In November of 1937, tragedy struck the family when 16 year old William, while doing experiments in the basement of the family home with chum, Freddie Feuz, was killed in an explosion. Among the first ascents credited to him were Iconoclast Peak in 1924, Bush Peak, Trident as well as several others. In the fall of 1939, Chris and CPR photographer, Nick Moran, while walking to Sherbrooke Lake to take publicity pictures of the new camp and trail, were attacked by a grizzly bear. The two men attempted to climb trees but Christian did not get out of reach before the bear grabbed him and clawed him badly on both legs and his left arm. Mr. Moran, coming down from his tree to give assistance, took a club to the grizzly bear, which then turned on him, badly chewing and biting him about the head, legs and arms. Christian, though badly hurt, started down the five mile trail for help. Chief R. Langford, Warden Hoover and Warden Burgitt quickly got men together and went in and found Moran. Dr. Atkins of Banff was at the road to meet the men and both men were taken to hospital in Banff. Christian spent the next eight months in hospital recovering from the grizzly bear attack. While her husband was guiding, Rose took a very active interest in the town and was a member of the Golden Yoho Rebekah Lodge No. 51, the Golden Women’s

Christian Haesler was one of the early Swiss guides to come to Golden in 1911. Golden Museum Photo

Mauve Friday is Coming. Black Friday will never be the same.

Mauve Friday is Coming. Black Friday will never be the same.

Institute and in the United Church activities. On March 19, 1940, while on a visit to Vancouver, British Columbia, Rose Haesler passed away at the age of 50. From 1932 until 1940, Lillian Gest accompanied Christian on climbs each season. She was with him on his last ascent in the summer of 1940 when they completed the climb of an 18, 283 foot unnamed peak above Panther Falls, between Nigel Peak and Mt. Cirrus near Lake Louise. Another notable climb made by Christian was with Miss Gest, Miss Gardiner and Edward Feuz when they climbed Mt. Robson. While working on his chimney in early November, 1940, Christian had a heart attack. He was lowered to the ground and taken to hospital but was pronounced dead at the age of 51.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013 The Golden Star



619 Lower Habart Road

3 bdrms 2.5 baths 3,120sqft .61 acres

#16, 415 - 5th Avenue

2 bedrooms

2 baths

Land & Building

519 - 10th Street

4 bedrooms

1.5 baths

2 baths


.48 acre

701 - 8th Street

6 bedrooms

2.5 baths

$1,300,000 1739 Oberg Johnson Road

4 bdrms 1 bath 2,680sqft 77.8 acres

$199,000 852 HIghway #95 South

4 bdrms 2 baths



.6 acres

3 baths




$319,900 1269 Horse Creek Road

4 bdrms

3 baths

REDUCED 2bdrms


1 acre

3 baths


3.75 acres

$249,900 #303, 1420 Palliser Trail

2 bedrooms

2 baths


4 bedrooms

3 baths

Commercial Land

523 – 5th Avenue

2 bedrooms

1 bath

3 bedrooms

1 bath

$749,000 3 baths


$975,000 1592 Golden Avenue

3 bedrooms

3 baths



3 bdrms

3 bedrooms

1 bath



4 acreages available 19.5 acres 40 acres 3 acres 36.33 acres 2.72 acres 3.74 acres 19.87 acres 3 acreages available 155 acres 151 acres 38 acres 5.8 acres .91 acre 2.4 acres 3 acreages available


Land & Building

$214,900 664 Golden Donald Upper Road

3bdrms 1 bath 1,250sqft

2732 Golden Donald Upper Road

4bdrms 3 baths 3,700sqft 7 acres

5 acres

$349,900 800 Nicholson Frontage Road

2039 Birchlands Road

3bdrms 1 bath 3,320sqft

4 bdrms


#55, 1290 Haesler BB 1 bath

2 baths


$325,000 2 bedrooms

.54 acres



ACREAGES Cromac Ridge 1660 Highway #95 South Lot 13, Wellstead Road Lot 3, Forde Station Road Lot 3, 3495 Highway #95, South Lot 2, 2116 Highway #95, South Highway #95, South 2310 Campbell Road Black Bear Drive 532 Anderson Road 2975 Allen Road 990 Highway #95, South Lot A, 3495 Highway #95, South 4816 Nabel Road 1359 Black Bear Drive McMurdo Road



2043 McMurdo Road

1.03 acres

1205 Trans Canada Highway



#74 Kicking Horse Village MHP

4 bdrms 1 bath 1,400sqft

$165,000 527 - 11th Street

#16, 1595 Whitetooth Trail

3 bedrooms


#306, 521 - 8th Avenue

$499,999 4 bedrooms 3 baths 3,081sqft


1241 Horse Creek Road


$110,000 1307 - 11th Avenue

DanDan Veselic Veselic (250) (250) 344-1435 344-1435


$364,900 527 - 12th Street

3 bedrooms


1950 palumbo Heights


1413 Deere Ridge Road

5 bedrooms

$99,900 874-A Ryter Road


$184,900 866 Read Road




$525,000 1021 - 11th Avenue North

2 bdrms

Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451


.53 acre


Lot 2, Campbell Road


2.5 acres

IN TOWN LOTS from $210,900 to $260,000 $215,600 $329,000 $99,000 $269,900 $129,000 $89,000 $197,000 from $110,900 to $169,900 $449,900 $599,000 $329,900 $199,000 $53,500 $165,000 from $99,500 to $199,500

1512 Granite Drive

1.35 acre

1402 Deere Ridge Road 522-11th Street

.35 acre 50’ x 130’

Canyon Ridge 1564 Quartz Crescent 1409 Granite Drive 1608 Gareb Road

$199,900 $99,000

$81,000 3 Lots from $52,250 to $71,500 .289 acre $55,000 .47 acre $97,000 71’ x 180’ $89,900

MOBILE HOMES #6, 851 Read Road

2 bedrooms


#62 Kicking Horse Village MHP

2 bedrooms


#5 Whispering Spruce MHP

3 bedrooms


#79 Kicking Horse Village MHP

2 bedrooms


#21 Golden Mobile Home Park

2 bedrooms


#10 Golden Mobile Home Park

3 bedrooms


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