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VOLUME 123 ISSUE 48 $1.35
Bakery & Deli 344-2928 • Open Mon - Sat
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from the staff at
from the staff at Dealer#10287
Roaring 20s at the Starlight Soiree
Funrdraiser at Taps for local infant ....................................3
Rockets free fall continues ..................................19
Vancouver duo perfoming at the Rockwater ..................................25
A group poses at the Golden Women’s Resource Centre’s 8th annual Starlight Soiree at the Rec Plex last Thursday. The event featured a 1920s theme. Michele Lapointe/Star Photo
Town Council explores options with COTR House Joel Tansey
Golden Local Shopping Extravaganza ............................11-18
At its Nov. 19 Finance Standing Committee meeting, Town Council unanimously decided to explore its options with COTR house, a building that is owned by the Town and operates as a five student residence for the College of the Rockies. “COTR House provides an advantage for the College because it allows easier entry into this community for first year adventure tourism diploma students,” said campus manager Karen Cathcart,
who was not in attendance. “It makes a difference to have this facility available to [the students]. In fact, if I had my way we’d be expanding our residence options here, and we’ll probably look at that in the future.” COTR House was an aging site that the Town revamped into rentable accommodation for students at the college, with the help of grant money from Columbia Basin Trust. As part of the agreement, the College agreed to loan the Town $70,000 for capital upgrades. The Town has paid down approximately $20,000 on that loan and
every Saturday night $14.95 November 30, 2013 to April 5, 2014
currently grosses a few thousand dollars a year from the operation of the residence. Taking into account depreciation and amortization, however, the facility is actually an annual loss for taxpayers. With that in mind, Town Chief Administrative Officer Jon Wilsgard, along with Mayor Christina Benty, recently approached the College to see if they would have interest in selling COTR house back to the Town for $50,000, which would wipe out the current loan that is being paid back. Continued on page 4
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Stan Fakla presents a $1,000 cheque to Barb Davies of the food bank on behalf of the Revelstoke Glacier Park Field Unit of the Public Service Alliance of Canada. Ali Starchuk/Star Photo
Food Bank donation
CUSTOMER NOTICE Due to the ongoing controversy over OEM oil filters and after market filters, we will now stock “Motocraft” oil filters as well as our regular aftermarket filters. We look forward to providing you with excellent service and products to meet all your needs and warranty concerns. Thank you from the management and staff!
Woman rescues home from blaze
Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar. net
803 9th Street North
250 344-2712
Last week, Lorraina Paul, owner of her own cleaning business, decided to clean the residence of one of her regular customers in the morning, rather than the afternoon. As it turned out, this decision likely saved the entire home from going up in
NEW Public Series: Community Conversations
2nd EVENT Office of the Mayor
A new approach to community input on community issues! Invest just one lunch hour per month to have an active, facilitated discussion about questions such as: What does quality of life mean for you? What does good citizenship mean to you? How do we increase voter turn-out? Hear others’ points of view, share your own opinions and have them heard, all in a lively, fast-moving format. Your elected officials will be participating and listening, and meeting results will be summarized to help them with future decisions. Community Conversations start Wednesday, November 27th at the Civic Centre, 810 10th Ave. S. (Highway 95 S.) at 12:10 p.m. Bring a bag lunch (or, if you forget, pick up one at cost from our limited supply). Bring a friend, bring your creativity and inspiration, and join the conversation!
flames. While she was cleaning in the living room, Paul heard a loud pop sound coming from the kitchen. After further investigation, she discovered smoke coming from in behind the fridge and smelled what appeared to be burning plastic. “I just stood there in disbelief and thought ‘no way, this can’t be happening’,” she said. She quickly dialled 9-1-1 and was redirected to the fire department but that proved to be of no help to her situation, as the department told her they weren’t able to help. “Then panic set in, because I thought there was no way I can handle standing here watching [it] burn.” Because the house is located in the Blaeberry Valley, an area that is not protected under fire coverage, there was nothing that Golden Fire & Rescue could do to help. “The municipality of Golden pays for the fire department. We are 100 per cent
funded by the tax payers of Golden,” said Fire Chief Ken McClure. “For me to go outside of my jurisdiction, which is the town boundary, I can’t do that.” The only exception to this rule is if a human life is in danger. In that case the fire department is allowed to conduct a rescue operation, but will not attempt to salvage any property that might be at risk. Still, these regulations don’t make it any easier for McClure when he has to take a call like the one that came from Paul. “My heart just breaks,” he said. “My guys are firefighters, they want to go out and help people all the time.” A police officer called Paul back to tell her that an officer had been dispatched. Realizing she was on her own for now, Paul knew she had to act quickly to prevent the house from sustaining too much damage. Still in a panic, she went to the front door to check for a fire distinguisher, before she remem-
bered that the extinguisher was actually in the kitchen. “I was panicked because I’d never had to use one before,” she said. Thankfully, Paul managed to put the fire out before the fire could spread and cause too much damage. “I was so relieved,” she said. “When you know the people and you know the home, I just can’t imagine them losing it all.” The cause of the fire was a malfunctioning older fridge. While Paul humbly doesn’t consider herself to be a hero, the fact remains that without her intervention, the house would likely not be standing today. For their part, the owners of the home gave Paul a nice thank you card, as well as some bonus money that will come in handy for her upcoming trip to Ontario. “I said [to the owners], ‘This is the one day I really wish I didn’t come to work, but I’m glad I did’,” she said.
The Golden Star Wednesday, November 27, 2013 A3
Willhorse performing at Taps to raise money for local child Golden Star Staff
Willhorse will be performing alongside local musicians in order to raise funds for Asher Kotyk, a local eight week old who has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Donations will be accepted at the Nov. 28 event at the Golden Taps Pub. The $5 cover charge, sales of Willhorse merchandise, as well as 10 per cent of bar sales, will go towards the cause. Donations will also be accepted at the Golden Youth Centre earlier that night, where Willhorse will be performing an accoustic set. “It was a welcome surprise to hear about the fundraiser that our friends of Willhorse, Taps & the youth centre are putting together for Asher,” said Erin Van Achte, Asher’s mother. “It has been so overwhelming all the love and support we have been receiving from our wonderful community.” The heart failure is the result of two large holes in Asher’s heart, which is causing his heart to be enlarged and beat much faster, leading to rapid breathing. Asher will have open heart surgery next month in order to fix the problem. In the meantime, there is a chance that Asher will be released from the Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary, where he has been under observation since Nov. 15. He is currently on three different medications and if he continues to do well, the family might be able to return to Golden while they wait to have a date for the surgery. The problem was discovered when his parents, Jan Kotyk and Erin Van Achte, noticed he was breathing strangely and brought him into the emergency room in Golden. The family is very thankful for the care they have received in Golden from Dr. Ginny Clark since his birth, as well as Dr. Kirk McCaroll and the rest of the hospital staff during their initial visit Nov. 14. “And of course we are over the moon thankful to every single person out there thinking positive thoughts and supporting our little man. We love you all and can’t wait to get back to our mountain town,” said Van Achte.
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The AnnualChildren's Children's HospitalFund Fund Raiser The Annual Hospital Raiser Presents HelpingSick SickChildren Childrenfor for over Years Helping over 2525 Years
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Money for the Museum
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Naomi Maisonneuve (left) and Dan Maisonneuve (right) present a $1,100 cheque to Colleen Palumbo of the Golden Museum for a new roof as part of an October promotion at Kicking Horse Ford. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
and of Proceeds 100% Food100% Friday: Pea Soup a Bun The Alberta Children's Hospitaand l of Proceeds
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013 The Golden Star
Woman of the Year
Emcee Tammy Fitzgerald (left) and 2012 Woman of the Year Maureen Hogan (centre) present Jane Doel (right) as the 2013 Woman of the Year at the 8th annual Starlight Soiree. Nominations for the award were submitted to the Golden Women’s Resource Centre and Doel was chosen through a draw. The soiree included live entertainment, a photo booth, a silent auction and a food challenge, with offerings from The Island, Bacchus Books and Cafe, Eleven22, Whitetooth Mountain Bistro, and Kicking Thyme Catering. Michele Lapointe/Star Photo
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Bring one dozen of your favorite Christmas Cookies and the recipe to the Golden Star office the day before the Christmas Parade or by noon, parade day. (November 29th and 30th) Drop by the Golden Star on Saturday, November 30th between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. Back of card for hot chocolate and to judge your favorite cookie. When it’s TRU, it’s real.
Wixon House legacy to be protected Continued from Page 1
There will be prizes awarded for first, second and third place cookies.
This was done without the sanction of Council, A BIG Thanks to and was just an initial exploration John and Penny of Tru Hardware of the options that Front of card the Town might and to hold. Janet from Moosetrax John & Penny Shapperd The sale was seen Owners as a good way to forin-store. donating the Fresh fudge, made rid the town of a P.O. Box 1335 • New flavours everyday 914 - 10th Avenue prizes awesome financial loser and Golden, BC V0A 1H0 • Gift baskets, delivery available further develop a for the Tel. first 250.344.5714 strong partnership • Free piece of fudge to 20 mothers Fax 250.344.5963 Golden with the College, winners! open MoTher’s Day 10 - 6 p.M. Moose Trax 914-10th Avenue but the idea of sell250-344-5714 Fudge • Candy • SnaCkS Located in downtown Golden. ing the building, 101 - 421 9th ave. n. golden estimated to be worth $330,000, for just $50,000
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raised some red flags for a few members of council, notably Coun. Ron Oszust. “We have an asset that has pretty
decision is made. Also at the meeting from Nov. 19, Council weighed in on what to do with the Wixon House, a property that was
“I think it’s our responsibility in some way to protect [Wixon House’s] legacy.” — Ron Oszust — large value and in essence we’re giving it away for $50,000, it doesn’t seem like really good business.” Among the options raised by Coun. Oszust was the possibility that the structure could be moved and sold or leased, Wilsgard doesn’t believe the former option to be a realistic one. Nevertheless, council agreed that all avenues should be explored before a
bequeathed to the Town seven years ago. According to Wilsgard, if the intent is to make this a tourist attraction, it would cost at least $30,000 in capital improvements, and $10-20,000 a year in operating costs. “If you are not going to do that, then why have it, because this truly is a money pit,” he said. “Every year we are spending between $15,000-
$20,000 on it and what is the end game?” Council was presented with six choices with regards to the Wixon House, including an option to return the building and property to the trustees of the Ruth Wixon estate. Because the building is seen to have historical significant, council believes that the Town should have some discussions with the trustees in order to protect the building’s legacy. “I think there’s great value in having an initial discussion with the trustee…I think [it’s] our responsibility in some way to protect that legacy,” said Coun. Oszust. Council voted in favour of the option to explore giving the Wixon house back to the family’s estate, with nobody opposed.
The Golden Star Wednesday, November 27, 2013 A5
Google maps the National Parks Parks Canada Submitted Parks Canada and Google are proud to launch a collection of magnificent and breathtaking panoramic images of the best that Canada has to offer. Over 50 national historic sites and national parks from coast to coast can now be seen on the popular search site. “I invite Canadians as well as the millions of Internet users throughout the world to visit Google Maps and discover Canada as they have never seen it before. Through this virtual voyage to the heart of our national treasures, they will experience an inspiring moment by simply clicking a mouse button or pressing a touch screen,” declared the honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Canada’s Minister of Environment and Minister responsible for Parks Canada. Throughout the summer of 2013, Google teams travelled across Canada to capture the most beautiful panoramas of the country’s natural and cultural heritage. Using specialized equipment, they photographed Canada’s most emblematic sites on land, water, by car, on foot, indoors and outdoors.
Simply go to Google Maps or Google Earth and enter the name of a Parks Canada site to let the magic unfold, including photos of nearby Glacier National Park and Yoho National Park. “Throughout this exceptional adventure, Google received outstanding support from the whole Parks Canada team, to whom we extend our grateful thanks. With their help, we hope that Street View imagery in Google Maps of our national parks and national historic sites will help Canadians explore our country as never before and open a window into the beauty of Canada to the world,” said Mr. Aaron Brindle, Communications & Public Affairs, Google Canada. Next year, Google and Parks Canada will continue their work to capture even more places and add the final touch to this gallery of breathtaking images. Through this initiative, Parks Canada allows Internet users to dream as they take free virtual visits, offering unique opportunities to learn more about its protected sites as well as connecting Canadians together and giving them a taste to travel to extraordinary destinations.
RCMP Report: Vehicle stolen at hotel Golden Star Staff
Vehicle stolen from a local hotel Police responded to a report of a stolen vehicle at a local hotel on Nov. 18. While speaking with the owner, the owner’s friend drove into the parking lot. The owner stated they were not aware the friend had taken the vehicle. Police spoke with the friend and determined the friend was under the influence of alcohol. As a result the driver received an Immediate Roadside Prohibition and is unable to drive for the next 90 days. Police busy with highway incidents Police were kept busy responding to incidents on the highway relating to the snow fall. In the early morning hours of Nov. 18, a semi truck driver, drove past a line up of vehicles which were stopped for others who were chaining up. The semi lost control in a curve and struck another commercial vehicle headed in the opposite direction. The unit then collided with a Parks Canada vehicle which was on scene. There were no serious injuries in the incident. The driver of the semi was ticketed for his involvement in the collision. Stranded motorist on Highway 1
ist with a young child west of Golden on Hwy#1 on Nov. 21. The vehicle had suffered a flat tire and was unable to move further from the area. The roads were snow and ice covered and the officer felt it was not safe for the mother and child to wait in that location. The officer rolled up his sleeves and changed the tire for the pair who immediately returned to their home in the Blaeberry. Drivers are reminded to use extra caution at this time of the year when using the roads. The packed snow, icy and slushy conditions affect safe stopping distances, in particular at intersections in town. This also holds true for crosswalks and is particularly concerning around local schools where children may not understand that a vehicle has a reduced ability to stop safely on such roads. It is imperative that all drivers drive according to the conditions of the road at the time. Slow down, leave a greater distance between yourself and the vehicle in front, and when in school zones, assume a child is likely to approach the road area. This also holds true when approaching school buses. Prepare ahead that the bus may be about to load or unload children at the roadside. Once they display their flashing red and/or the stop sign, you must stop when approaching the bus from either direction. Failing to stop for a school bus is a $167 fine.
Police came upon a stranded motor-
A shot of Yoho National Park as photographed by Google over the summer. Photographers from Google spent the summer taking photos in Canada’s National Parks. Parks Canada
Behind the Wheel
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How to Politely Allow a Traffic Violation
I’m almost always pleased to see another driver exercise courtesy on our highways because it cancels out some of the selfishness that I see every day. I say almost because I saw a misguided act of kindness today that left me shaking my head. One driver made room so that the other driver could make an illegal lane change from a side road through surrounding standing traffic. We were waiting for a red light when the vehicle in front of me began to back up. I was just about to sound my horn in warning when the vehicle stopped. The buffer between our vehicles was gone and we would become an accordion if I was rear ended. What was going on? A car waiting at the yield sign to my right was now able to push its way across five lanes of traffic, including a single solid white line separating the left turning lanes. While that vehicle waited to make this improper move, traffic in that lane was stalled or forced to squeeze behind leading to confusion at the intersection. This violation does not make for a safe situation! Done properly, the car in front of me would have stayed where it was because we were in the leftmost through lane. It would be up to a driver in the right hand lane to anticipate and leave room to allow this vehicle onto the cross street. Once in, that driver would have heeded the solid line and found an alternative, legal method of proceeding in the required direction. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit The best insurance rates.
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Senior discussions
I’m saying no to internet censorship
Living in Canada it is very easy to take some things for granted. Regardless of some problems that may exist, we enjoy very high standards of living when compared to most of the rest of the world. Of course, there Joel Tansey is always room for S TAR R EPORTER improvement. After attending the second Seniors Group meeting on Nov. 20, put on by the Golden Community Resources Society, one area I believe this community could improve upon is in its services to the mature residents of Golden. Of course, Golden has plenty of natural, almost unavoidable, issues when it comes to services for seniors. Our weather can make it a challenge for seniors to get out of the house in the winter months. Driveways need to be shovelled and sidewalks become perilously slippery. Even a little fall can mean a serious injury for an individual in their 70s or 80s. Other problems exist year round. Golden’s small population and isolated location is part of what I think makes this town so great, but it is also the reason that a lot of people, seniors included, are forced to travel long distances to receive the specialized medical treatment that they require. Several well run seniors housing options exist, from assisted living in private apartments to full care nursing homes. At the Seniors Group meeting, however, it came to my attention that there is still a limited number of options for lower income seniors, and that several people have recently moved away from town because of a lack of options. So what can be done to help a generation of Goldenites that surely deserves it? Of course, that question is not easily answered. The most important thing for now is that we are, indeed, asking it. The conversations that have taken place through the Seniors Group meetings have identified such potential ideas as a meals on wheels program and a community van to help with transportation around town. It is my hope that these discussions will continue to be productive and will lead to some feasible, long term solutions that will benefit the current generation of seniors, as well as the people that will find themselves in those very same shoes before too long. I commend the group’s participants for their work in coming up with those potential solutions.
Dear editor, Canadian government officials are working with those from 11 other nations to finalize the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). I am very concerned about the TPP, which is currently being negotiated without public input. We know from documents revealed by Wikileaks that the TPP includes an Internet Censorship plan that would make the Internet more policed, expensive and censored. Experts have pointed out that under the TPP, “kids could be sent to jail for downloading” and whole families could be kicked off the Internet. It would force Internet Service Provid-
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 The Golden Star
ers (ISPs) to become Internet police and monitor my Internet use, censor website content, and remove entire websites from my view. It would also hinder our ability to access information and criminalize our every day use of the Internet. As a concerned citizen, I am speaking out for a free and open Internet. The TPP would also limit accessibility for disabled people. Visually impaired or deaf people would be criminalized for circumventing digital locks on any digital materials they have purchased. This means they would be unable to convert them to braille, audio, or other accessible formats. I believe that the Internet should be open and accessible to everyone. In addition, the TPP’s propos-
A New Economic Development Committee Dear editor, A group of citizens from the Town of Golden and Area A have stepped forward and formed an Economic Development Committee. Our interest is in promoting business activity in the region and we also want to work on strategies to attract residents and investment to our community, as well as to retain what we have now. One problem with working in the economic development area is the difficulty of being able to move from analysis and theory to actually getting results on the ground. Our members see this committee as very results oriented. Quite a bit of work has been done already by the GAI and others in the way of studies and theory. We can build on this work, and now want to produce a plan that focuses specifically on increasing measurable eco-
al to force ISPs to install costly and invasive surveillance equipment into their networks gravely worries me. These added costs would drive up everyone’s Internet bills and could force smaller independent Internet providers out of business. I believe that Internet access is a right and should be kept open and affordable for everyone. Already over 120,000 have signed the Say No to Internet Censorship petition. I encourage everyone to learn more about TPP Internet Censorship before it’s too late at this website: Censorship I encourage each and every Canadian to learn more about the TPP at Censorship. James Johnson
nomic development. While there is a tendency abroad to always look to paid government staff for solutions, citizens’ committees have served the Town and Area A well in the past. The former Economic Development Commission contributed significantly to such initiatives as the development of the CPR yards and the creation of the local airport. It was the first body to produce a report on how Golden could enhance its tourism profile, and its activity under the chairmanship of Paul Hambruch to preserve jobs during the forestry downturn in 1996 and 1997 was a stellar moment. The immediate objective of the committee will be to formulate some very concrete plans for retaining business in Golden and attracting new initiatives. We are not looking for funding from either the Town or the Regional District at this point. Continued on Page 7
POLL OF THE WEEK Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?
No 58%
Yes 41%
This week’s poll question: Do you think Golden is a seniors-friendly place to live? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Letters to the Editor policy
The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no
longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.
We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES
• $47.00 per year for postal
boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) - Golden Zone
• $43.00 per year if you pick
up your paper at The Golden Star Office
• $67.00 per year outside Gold-
Michele LaPointe
Jessica Schwitek
Joel Tansey
reporter reporter
Ali Starchuk
administration classifieds
Adam Zarachowicz advertising
en’s School zone.
• LOCAL Senior’s Discount
10% ($43.00).
The Golden Star Wednesday, November 27, 2013 A7
Golden point of view Do you think Golden is a seniors-friendly place to live?
Stars to Sobey’s and McDonald’s for supporting youth hockey. Stars to the kind folks that pushed my car out of the snow on Tuesday morning. Vreni Tobler
Jack Brock
“Yes it is, yeah. It’s slow enough that people seem to be happy here. I’ll tell you in a few years from now.”
“Yeah I think it so, I’ve got lots of friends here.”
Lorraine and Sandy Anderson “It’s getting better, definitely. Not just for seniors, but for everyone, the signage is nice very attractive. We have an excellent hospital. ”
Go to to have your say.
minutes. Not only are you idleing too long, but you’re waking everyone up. Stars to the cashiers at 7/11 for their excellent service.
Stars to the Legion for putting on a great Remembrance Day ceremony
Stars to the friendly neighbour that shovelled my driveway unexpectedly.
Stingers to my neighbour who starts his vehicle at 5:30 a.m. and lets it run for 20
Stars to Tammy at Off the Wall for producing the team jackets so quickly for the GSS Jr.
Girls Volleyball Team. You are amazing! Stars to the locals who donated typhoon relief money to Aya Pinute Foyston. Stars to Cindy at Home Hardware for all your helpful service. Stingers to barking dogs and their owners that leave them tied up outside downtown.
Email your Stars and Stingers to Compromise needed for government’s tax forms
Continued from page 6 The committee feels that our first task is to come forward with concrete proposals as to what we can do to strengthen the local economy. We do think that both the Town and the Regional District will have an interest in funding this kind of work provided that measurable results can be achieved. We are at this time myself, Ian Rowe, Lindsay Cox, Mark Teasdale, Rav Soomal, Tammy McDonough, and Bob Tegart. But there is room for a couple more on the committee and lots of opportunity for those who don’t want to serve on the actual committee to assist with one or two iniatives. We’ll try to keep the community informed on what we are doing and welcome your suggestions or help.
Bruce F. Fairley Barrister & Solicitor Golden, B.C.
How comfortable do you feel with filing forms and making payments online? We are constantly warned of the dangers lurking on the Internet and yet every day the Canadian population is being pushed further into this realm by various levels of government. At the moment B.C.’s provincial government is leader of the pack. Many Canadians use third-party services like bookkeepers or accountants to guide them through tax issues and file their forms online. In recognition of the fact that much of the population is still leery of online banking, the Federal Government makes simple payment forms readily available to all individual taxpayers who submit their tax returns via E-file. Similarly, businesses who collect GST/HST can submit their returns online but take a simple form to a financial institution to pay. It’s a model that both works and respects the needs of Canadian individuals and firms. So why is the B.C. Provincial Government currently bullying its business taxpayers into an all-or-nothing situation? Businesses who collect the PST must choose a fully-electronic path to file and pay or a fullypaper path. Where is the harm in allowing for a transitional period that includes a compromise option such as the one offered by the Feds?
Kris Witt
Principal’s Report: Term two is underway at Golden Secondary Iris Trask GSS Principal Termonehasended,reportcardshavebeendistributedtoparents and students, and we are into our third week of Term two. On November 21st, we had Honour Roll Assemblies where we recognized 114 students who earned a B average, qualifying them for Honour Roll. We also recognized 19 students for the Alpha Award (straight A’s). At these assemblies, we usually have a presentation (this time it involved defining bullying, describing when teasing becomes bullying, and explaining what is not bullying) and finally, we share an inspirational video. The following day we served a pizza lunch to all of the recipients which they enjoyed while watching the Jam Session in the forum. On November 28th, our students will be treated to a cultural performance, Dufflebag Theatre, a theatrical group that adapts fairy tales and classic stories using members of the audience in the main parts thereby creating a spontaneous and energizing theatre experience. This is one of four cultural performances that our students will experience this year.
On December 3rd, LGES/NES Grade 6/7 students will be joining our students in the afternoon for a special presentation called “Internet Safety 101”. Beth and Darren Laur present, “Internet Safety and Personal Information Protection”, designed to provide students with pro-active on-line “critical thinking” and “decision making” strategies that they can immediately put to good use. Knowledge - and the understanding and application of that knowledge - is very powerful. The presentation provides the knowledge, information and empowerment, based upon academically peer reviewed research, that tweens, teens and young adults need to know to stay safer and become more digitally literate, savvy and resilient while participating in the on-line world. Also on December 3rd in the evening from 6:30-8:30, is an evening presentation for parents and community members that is FREE of charge. Everyone is welcome to come to the GSS Drama Room for this award winning presentation. This opportunity is happening for students, parents and community members in Revelstoke, Invermere and Kimberley, as well as numerous other places throughout BC in an effort to raise awareness and safety for our youth since they are spending increasingly large amounts of time in cyberspace.
On December 11th, beginning at 7:00 will be our musical performance in the GSS Gym featuring our Grade 8-12 Choir, Grade 8 Beginning Band and Grade 9-12 Advanced Band. Mrs. Lowe and Mr. Fellows have been working with students in order to prepare them for this public performance. It will be a fun evening for everyone! On December 17th we will be having our Winter Holiday Dance, which is a Masquerade Ball. Our P.A.R.T.Y. Students’ Council will be putting on this dance and are encouraging students to dress up and wear a mask. On December 19th, our Senior Foods Class will be serving a special breakfast for all students and staff. Any parents and/or community members who would like to help out with this delicious event can phone the school at 344-2201. Finally, on December 20th, we will be having a Recognition Assembly on the last day of school at 2:00 in the gym. Again, our Leadership class is planning and coordinating this event. School resumes after the holidays on Monday, January 6th, 2014. We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a healthy, prosperous New Year on behalf of the Golden Secondary/Golden Alternate staff!!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 The Golden Star
Submit any regular line ad into our classifieds at regular price, and you can put the same ad into another Black Press paper for $2!!*
*Limited time offer. Offer good for up to 6 additional papers. is looking for a volunteer to contribute weekly to a blog on Kicking Horse Mountain and/or Roger’s Pass snow conditions. If you have a passion for skiing, enjoy writing, and get stoked over a powder day, here is an opportunity to share your enthusiasm and experiences with our readers. Contact:
Expression of Interest - Community Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Electoral Areas ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’ and ‘F’ Get Involved with Parks and Trail Planning and Make a Difference! The Columbia Shuswap Regional District invites residents of Electoral Area ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’ and ‘F’ who wish to serve on their Community Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission, to complete and return an Expression of Interest Form. An Expression of Interest Form is available on the CSRD website, or by contacting the Operations Management Department. CSRD Staff will review all submissions and will schedule meetings with all applicants in January. The Commission will assist the CSRD by ensuring that it receives thoughtful and comprehensive advice from a representative group of individuals from the Parks and Recreation Area with local knowledge and interest in the parks and recreation needs of the community. Commissioners are required to meet a minimum of four times per year. Terms are two years in duration, commencing on the first scheduled meeting of 2014. Individuals who best satisfy the following requirements will be recommended to the CSRD Board of Directors for appointment: • Interest, leadership and passion for enhancing public enjoyment of parks, trails and green spaces, as well as promoting local stewardship of recreational amenities. • Desire to share knowledge and experience in a range of subjects relevant to community parks and recreation planning, management and development. Please submit a completed Expression of Interest Form by 4:00PM Monday, December 16, 2013 located on the CSRD website Inside the CSRD/ Application Forms/Parks. For further information, please contact call 250.833.5950 or e-mail
Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema presents: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire daily at 7pm.
This Week A.P.E.S.After School Program Monday to Friday 3 -5:30pm. $12/day for ages 5 to 11. To register please leave a message at 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program bir th-5years. Mon&Fri 12-3:30pm, Wed 2-5pm, Tue&Thur 8:45-11:45am. Call Shelley for more info 250-439-9324.
Wed, Nov. 27 Jam night at the Rockwater. Golden Parent and Tot Play Lets parents and kids from birth to five enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am-noon. Badminton ever y Wednesday 7-9pm at the Mount 7 Rec Plex. Adults $7, students/seniors $5. Need your own racket. Public Skate at the Arena every Wednesday 7-8pm. Telling Life Stories, a free writing workshop Wednesdays from 10am12pm. Call 250-439-9665 to register. Ends Dec.11. Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition Wednesday nights at Bizarre Entertainment from 6-9pm. Picture the Ocean plays at the Rockwater Grill and Bar Nov.27.
Thurs, Nov. 28 Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Men’s drop-in basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Bridge Club every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-344-5448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7pm at the College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25.
This week's achievement award goes to...
A.A Meetings in Golden: Thursdays at the Family Centre 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday from 3:45-5:30pm. Shinny hockey at the Arena every Thursday at 8pm. 19+ years old. Big Hearts Helping a Little Heart - Music for Asher Thursday Nov.28. 6-9pm at the Youth Centre with an acoustic performance by Willhorse. 9pm-2am at the Golden Taps Pub, $5 at the door, 10% bar sales, and all proceeds from Willhorse merchandise going towards the cause.
Fri, Nov. 29 Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. A.A Meetings in Golden: Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre dropin every Friday from 3:307:30pm. Mother Goose Program every Friday 10:30-11:30am at the Library. Snacks included, just drop in! Public Skate at the Arena every Friday 12-1pm. Parent and Tot skate at the Arena every Friday 10-11am. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Bridge Club every Friday at the Centre for Peace in St. Andrew’s Church, 7pm. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fridays 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call Cyra 250-9190757 for more info. Golden Rockets vs. Beaver Valley Nitehawks Nov.29, Golden Arena at 7:30pm.
Sat, Nov. 30 Storytime at the Golden Library 10:30-11:30am. Free drop-in, contact 250344-6516.
• For more information... go to
Meat Draw every Saturday at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings in Golden: Saturdays at the Golden Museum 1302 - 11th Ave S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Public Skate at the Arena every Saturday 5:306:45pm. Christmas Parade and Shopping Extravaganza Nov.30. Parade starts at 5pm by Sobeys. The Ultimate Christmas Cookie Competition Nov.30 during the Christmas Parade. Come by the Golden Star Office for some cookies and hot cocoa and help pick the best cookie!
Learn Mondays 5-7pm in the StrongStart room in A.P.E.S. Free program includes dinner, discussions, and activities. Call 250-439-9665 if interested. Heroclix League 6-9pm Monday nights at Bizarre Entertainment The Cadets meet Mondays 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Badminton at Mount 7 Rec Plex Mondays 7-8:30pm. Need your own racket, $7 (or $5 for seniors/students). Shinny hockey at the Golden Arena Mondays at 9:15pm. Must be 19+ years old.
Sun, Dec. 1 Sunday Howl open mic night at the Wolf’s Den every Sunday from 4-8pm. All ages welcome. Public Skate at the Arena every Sunday 4:30-5:45pm. Documentary & Discussions every Sunday night at Bizarre Entertainment from 6-9pm. Admission by $5 donation, or 2 non-perishable items to the food bank. Metis Nation Columbia River Society Special Meeting Dec.1 at the Golden Secondary School (in the Kikino room), 7pm. Kicking Horse Culture Live Kicks presents: A Christmas Carol Dec.1, 2pm, Golden Civic Centre. $25 at the door.
Mon, Dec. 2 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12 to 18. Golden Community Choir, Mondays from 7:30-9:30pm at the Lutheran Church. Member fees $10. For info call Joyce 250-344-6043. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio every Monday 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-3445766. Family Dinner Play and
Tues, Dec. 3 Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Tuesday at 10am. Call 250344-5413 to register. John Jenkins & Friends at the Rockwater 8pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm @ Bizarre Entertainment (Free) A.A Meetings in Golden: Tuesdays at the United Church 901 - 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Parent and Tot skate at the Arena every Tuesday 10-11am. Golden Youth Centre dropin every Tuesday from 3:307:30pm. Rockwater Grill & BarR
Upcoming Events
Golden Rockets vs. Fernie Ghostriders Dec.4, Golden Arena at 7:30pm. Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour Dec.6, 7:30pm, Golden Civic Centre. CP Holiday Train comes to town Dec.12 at 9:30pm, across from 7-11. Krowd “This is how we Ride” tour at the Rockwater Grill and Bar Friday Dec.13. Tickets and info available at Darkside Snow & Skate. Christmas Dinner at The Legion Dec.20 from 6:308pm. Must have tickets by Dec.17.
Naomi Lenstra-Pettener for helping others and enthusiastically taking on new learning projects.
Stop in by December 5, 2013 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •
The Golden Star Wednesday, November 27, 2013 A9
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Real estate agent Dan Veselic is using a new technology to better serve his clients. Photo Submitted
Joel Tansey Some of the newest technology in real estate marketing is helping homeowners sell in Golden. You may have seen some bright yellow sign toppers on for sale signs in Golden, the application is called ‘StreetText.’ Dan Veselic is one of a few RE/MAX agents in town that are using wireless technology in order to better serve their clients. ‘StreetText’ is a mobile application that provides instant, real time property information to a mobile device through text messaging. A small StreetText sign above the usual RE/MAX for sale sign gives potential buyers a number and a code that they can punch into their phone. Within seconds, a response comes back stating the listing price, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, as well as the square footage, links to photos and the realtor’s phone number. The service is completely free, although standard text/data rates do apply. One benefit to the consumer is fast and instant information. Another benefit is, they have simple communication method to schedule a showing. For people who prefer not to pick up the phone and call for information, the StreetText app provides information without having to pick up the phone to place a call. “It’s good for when people drive by especially from out of town,” said Veselic. Veselic began using the service a few weeks ago and has seen a good response from it so far, despite the fact that this time of year typically represents a down time in the real estate business. Naturally, this has had some obvious benefits for his listing clients, in addition to prospective buyers. “It definitely helps, when I go into a listing presentation it’s like an added value feature for them to have on their listing,” Veselic said. “They’ve definitely received it as something that adds value to the marketing that’s being done on their home.”
Revelstoke retailers open for the best sales of the season! November 29 • 6 pm-10 pm Bring along this advertisement or simply mention it to any participating retailer to enter a draw for a Visitors Gift Basket!
New technology for local RE/MAX agent Dan Veselic
OPENING DAY November 30th
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Starting at
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Starting at
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Starting at
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Starting at
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Starting at
CDN Per Night
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 The Golden Star
Jail break fundraiser
25%off entire stock
Special meeting of:
Métis Nation Columbia River Society December 1st 2013, 7:00 p.m. Golden Secondary School, Kikino Room
To ratify updated constitution and bylaws.
Greg (left) and Dan (right) of the Gentleman’s Leisure Club locked themselves up outside the post office Thursday in support of the Golden Women’s Resource Centre. The innocent duo raised $500 for the Centre in order to “make bail”. Adam Zarachowicz/Star Photo
The 2013/14 Winter Permit System is in effect from November 26, 2013 until the seasonal end of the avalanche control program. Access to all slopes in Glacier National Park that face the Trans-Canada Highway and Canadian Pacific railway line is either prohibited or restricted to the public.
Le système de délivrance de permis d’accès hivernal pour la saison 2013-2014 est en vigueur à partir du 26 novembre 2013 jusqu’à la fin de la saison des déclenchements préventifs d’avalanches. L’accès du public à toutes les pentes du parc national des Glaciers qui bordent la Transcanadienne et la voie ferrée du Canadien Pacifique est interdit ou restreint.
The Winter Permit System allows backcountry users to enter Winter Restricted Areas that are part of the highway avalanche program when artillery gunfire is not anticipated in those areas. This system protects the public from avalanche control actions in the transportation corridor, but it does not render slopes safe for winter recreationists. For the 2013/14 season: •Annual Winter Permits are available through an online Winter Permit System quiz; skirogerspass •Daily individual Winter Permits continue to be available at the Rogers Pass Discovery Centre •A Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement and specific terms and conditions must still be accepted as in previous years.
Ce système permet aux randonneurs de l’arrièrepays de pénétrer dans les zones d’accès hivernal restreint visées par le programme de déclenchement préventif d’avalanches lorsque des tirs d’artillerie n’y sont pas prévus. Ce système protège le public contre les déclenchements préventifs dans le couloir routier, mais il n’assure pas la sécurité des pentes pour les amateurs de loisirs d’hiver.
Pour la saison 2013-2014 : •Il est possible de se procurer un permis d’accès hivernal d’un an en subissant un test-éclair en ligne sur le système de délivrance, au •Les particuliers peuvent obtenir leur permis d’accès hivernal d’une journée au Centre de la découverte du ColRogers. •Comme par le passé, il faut cette année encore accepter les modalités d’une entente d’exonération de responsabilité et Winter recreationists are reminded that entering a closed area d’indemnisation. in the park without a permit is dangerous and an offence under the Canada National Parks Act. With an increase in violations Nous tenons à rappeler aux amateurs de loisirs d’hiver qu’il est last year, it is important to note that one hundred percent dangereux et illégal en vertu de la Loi sur les parcs nationaux compliance with the Winter Permit System is required. Violation du Canada de pénétrer sans permis dans une zone fermée au of restricted and prohibited areas is punishable on conviction of public. Compte tenu de la hausse du nombre d’infractions a fine of up to $200,000, and could result in permanent changes enregistrées l’an dernier, il est important de noter que Parcs Canada exige désormais un taux de conformité de 100 % aux to the Winter Permit System. modalités du système de délivrance de permis d’accès hivernal. For complete details on the Winter Permit System, please visit Ceux qui pénètrent illégalement dans des zones d’accès restreint ou interdit sont passibles d’une amende pouvant aller jusqu’à or call 250-837-7500. 200 000 $. De plus, les infractions pourraient entraîner des Please note that Glacier Park Lodge is closed and there is no fuel changements permanents au système de délivrance de permis or hotel accommodation in Rogers Pass. Travellers should plan d’accès hivernal. their trips accordingly and check for current road Pour obtenir des détails complets sur le système de délivrance conditions. de permis d’accès hivernal, consultez le site Web parcscanada. ou composez le 250-837-7500. Veuillez noter que le Glacier Park Lodge est fermé, et qu’il n’y a ni essence ni hébergement dans le col Rogers. Les voyageurs sont priés de planifier leurs déplacements en conséquence et de consulter le site Web (en anglais seulement) pour connaître l’état des routes.
Tourism labour shortage possible for 2014 Nicole Trigg Black Press
The Kootenay Rockies’ tourism industry could face labour shortages as early as 2014. According to a report released by go2hr, B.C.’s tourism and hospitality human resource association, regional studies show that over 3,000 job openings are expected in the Kootenay-Rockies by 2020, but although labour demand is predicted to grow, by 2020 the region is expected to have a labour shortage of 438 positions that will need to be filled. The food and beverage and recreation and entertainment sectors will be the hardest hit. “The Kootenay Rockies region is already feeling the effects of labour shortages in the tourism sector,” said Heidi Romich, owner of Heid Out Restaurant in Cranbrook. “A number of our residents are drawn into the resource industries in the Kootenay Rockies, Northern British Columbia, and Alberta, making it increasingly difficult for small businesses to fill positions in our industry.” Tourism businesses and destination management and marketing organizations are being encouraged to make labour recruitment, retention and training a priority. “The Kootenay Rockies faces specific pressures within our industry,” said go2hr CEO Arlene Keis. “The unemployment rate is already as tight as what we saw during the labour shortages in the mid-2000s. Compared to many areas of the province, the region will also have a higher percentage of jobs opening up due to retirements, and the Kootenay Rockies is also affected by seasonality and retention challenges, particularly in resort communities.” Through the labour market strategy, go2hr is working with industry, government and other stakeholders to take strong, proactive steps to leverage tourism’s increasing economic importance and address impending labour shortages. For more information, visit www.go2hr. ca.
The Golden Star Wednesday, November 27, 2013
“It’s Beginning to Look A lot Like Christmas” A11
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Golden’s Local Shopping Extravaganza
Hi the add is 70 taps... 30 sips The background is the whole add .. Thx , hope I'm not too late!!!!
Sips n Giggles
Mobile bartending & event planning Let Sips plan your party!!! Every detail taken care of so you enjoy the holidays!!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! Come get in the spirit at The Taps!! New craft beers on tap… including “FACE PLANT” an organic wheat ale from Nelson Brewing company!! 250 272 0105
Golden Local Christmas Shopping
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 The Golden Star
Busy year for the Rotary Club of Golden and its president
Merle Erickson receives a cheque for $6,212 from Rotary president Greg Ehman after she won the Paul Hambruch Memorial Raffle. Fifty per cent of the proceeds from the draw went towards the club. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo Joel Tansey It’s been another busy year for the Rotary Club of Golden and its President Greg Ehman. In February, the club put on its first Rotary Gala, which raised over $10,000 for the proposed Early Learning and Care Centre, with the club capping that off with a total of a $25,000 donation. “The real key for Rotary in that is that we really believe in supporting our communities and building future generations,” Ehman said. “You can change the world with influencing youth.” Also in February, Ehman and his wife Kristie went on a friendship exchange to Pakistan for two weeks. “It was a great experience to be introduced to Rotary in Pakistan, and the opportunity to see their projects and where we can help, and what Rotary does in other countries in particular in somewhere like Pakistan,” Ehman said. The Ehmans went to visit a few hospitals, a couple of water projects and they got to see a couple of schools. A highlight for Ehman was witnessing the generosity of the Pakistani people. “The hospitals were amazing, a lot of charitable donations going forward in
order to provide healthcare for the poor. It was pretty powerful, pretty moving,” he said. In a few months, a few Rotary members will be going to Brazil for a similar exchange. With over 34,000 clubs around the world, the travel opportunities for its members are plentiful. Rotary also did some work at Confluence Park, which was something that had been in the works for quite some time. “We got a lot of really good compliments on it, it was just a chance to give back to the community,” Ehman said. One thing that Ehman and the club in Golden have hoped to change a common perception that Ehman says no longer applies. “There’s a bit of a stigma with Rotary that we’re really trying to get away from. It’s not a bunch of old guys eating lunch and just writing cheques. It’s normal ordinary people in the community that get out and just really believe in doing good work for everybody,” he said. The club welcomed six new members into the fold this year, but is always looking for new members. “If people are interested in getting involved in something that really helps them feel good, and build a better community and a better world for all of us, it’s a great group to be a part of,” said Ehman.
Moon River Gift Gallery (Santa’s Favorite store) Prepare to be Enchanted!
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The Golden Star Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Golden Local Shopping Extravaganza A13
Saturday, November 30 ONLY THE FIRST 25 CUSTOMERS
will receive a FREE bottle of Natural Factors Vitamin D! A 3 month supply
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Check out our new PHOTO STATION! Great gift ideas! Print your photos on mugs, shirts, calendars and more!
November 30 only 15% off everything* in the store! (including sale items)
*Some exceptions apply (please see store for details)
Golden Local Shopping Extravaganza
A14 A15
NOV. 30 ONLY! 9:30AM7:30PM
48” ®
SAVE 70%
SAVE $55
99 SAVE $40
2.4m (8’) HDMI cable with Ethernet
SAVE 65% Cyber-shot DSW710 16.1MP camera. 2.7’ LCD, 5x optical zoom, 720p. Reg. 119.99. 8008154
Reg. 49.99. 8007195
SAVE 40% 99
HDMI DVD player with USB Reg. 49.99. 8004576
SAVE $100 99
Starting Dec. 12, we’re open until 8PM on Thursdays and Fridays and 7PM on Saturdays.
48” 1080p D-LED HDTV Reg. 549.99. 8012422
1799 SAVE 75%
Wireless & Bluetooth® speakers Reg. ea. 39.99-199.99. 4016029/8004081/2
Wireless headphones MDRRF985RK. Reg. 119.99. 8005760
Off original price.
AA or AAA 48-pack of alkaline batteries
Surge protector 2-pack
3-channel R/C Sky Eagle helicopter
Reg. ea. 19.99-22.99. 2318337/8
Reg. 59.99. 8004577
MDRRF985RK. Original price was 99.99. 8003386##
Offer valid Nov. 30, 2013 only, at Golden, BC location. Prices accurate at press time. May be subject to change. Some products may be available in ltd. qty., while supplies last. The Source does not accept liability for pictorial or typographical errors. ™Trade-mark of The Source (Bell) Electronics Inc. ##Requires battery pack and/or batteries, sold separately.
The Source
1106 – 10th Ave South Golden, BC (250) 344-2924
Golden Local Shopping Extravaganza
A14 A15
NOV. 30 ONLY! 9:30AM7:30PM
48” ®
SAVE 70%
SAVE $55
99 SAVE $40
2.4m (8’) HDMI cable with Ethernet
SAVE 65% Cyber-shot DSW710 16.1MP camera. 2.7’ LCD, 5x optical zoom, 720p. Reg. 119.99. 8008154
Reg. 49.99. 8007195
SAVE 40% 99
HDMI DVD player with USB Reg. 49.99. 8004576
SAVE $100 99
Starting Dec. 12, we’re open until 8PM on Thursdays and Fridays and 7PM on Saturdays.
48” 1080p D-LED HDTV Reg. 549.99. 8012422
1799 SAVE 75%
Wireless & Bluetooth® speakers Reg. ea. 39.99-199.99. 4016029/8004081/2
Wireless headphones MDRRF985RK. Reg. 119.99. 8005760
Off original price.
AA or AAA 48-pack of alkaline batteries
Surge protector 2-pack
3-channel R/C Sky Eagle helicopter
Reg. ea. 19.99-22.99. 2318337/8
Reg. 59.99. 8004577
MDRRF985RK. Original price was 99.99. 8003386##
Offer valid Nov. 30, 2013 only, at Golden, BC location. Prices accurate at press time. May be subject to change. Some products may be available in ltd. qty., while supplies last. The Source does not accept liability for pictorial or typographical errors. ™Trade-mark of The Source (Bell) Electronics Inc. ##Requires battery pack and/or batteries, sold separately.
The Source
1106 – 10th Ave South Golden, BC (250) 344-2924
Golden Local Shopping Extravaganza
PARADE and PIZZA SALE! ONE DAY ONLY NOVEMBER 30th ! 4pm-9pm 15% OFF ALL regular priced items
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 The Golden Star
Everyone was all smiles at the 2012 Santa Claus Parade. The parade downtown was well attended and offered Goldenites an excellent opportunity to get started on their Christmas shopping, with numerous businesses offering parade-day specials and sales. Shopping, and St. Nick of course, are sure to be the highlights once again this year for the parade on Nov. 30. Star FIle Photos
*Pick up only
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Save the TAX all day on
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Reflections Hair Studio Back of card
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There will be prizes awarded for first, second and third place cookies. A BIG Thanks to
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Front of card
Janet from Moosetrax John & Penny Shapperd Owners
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M Moose Trax Fudge • Candy • SnaCkS 101 - 421 9th ave. n. golden
Bring one dozen of your favorite Christmas Cookies and the recipe to the Golden Star office the day before the Christmas Parade or by noon, parade day. (November 29th and 30th) Drop by the Golden Star on Saturday, November 30th between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. for hot chocolate and to judge your favorite cookie.
The Golden Star Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Golden Local Shopping Extravaganza
Angel Tree program up and running A17
Angel Tree organizer Jennifer Isaac (left) stands with John and Penny Shapperd, owners of TRU Hardware, in front of the Christmas tree that contains the names of the “Angels” who are in need of gifts at Christmas this year. Anyone who wishes to help out can go into the hardware store and pick an angel off the tree, and buy them a Christmas gift. The gifts will be for children ages 18 and under, and should cost between $30 and $50. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
SATURDAY ONLY 20% OFF our regular bagged coffee and in-store products!
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TONS of NEW Apparel and Swag including Duck Dynasty 250-344-6618
Come meet our newest employee Roxy!
The 2012 Santa Claus Day parade was especially popular amongst Golden’s younger generation, with numerous kids turning out to get a glimpse of Santa. Star File Photo
from the staff at Dealer#10287
Come in on November 30 and enter our draw for a set of Sculptured Gel Nails! Looking for a great gift? Gift Certificates are now available! 405 9th Avenue N.
Golden Local Shopping Extravaganza
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 The Golden Star
Santa Claus Parade route
It’s Beginning to a lot Like ‘Home’ true reflection of our western mountain culture... direct from the artist to you. We've gone up and down the valley and over the hills to the studios of more than 90 artisans. Come in and browse our selection of fine art and handcrafted gifts that give everyday pleasure and support the community.
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Christmas giftware and Christmas decorations 30% OFF
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No fees, do not pay for 10 months or 6 months equal payments Golden * Sale on regular priced items only
Building supply matereals not included In stock only, no rain checks Fresh cut sheared trees not part of sale
Come ‘Home’ for all your Christmas Wishes Home Owners helping homeowners
The Golden Star Wednesday, November 27, 2013 A19
Reeling Rockets suffer a trio of setbacks, losing streak at 10 Joel Tansey
The Rockets continued to struggle this past week, adding three more losses to a funk that has seen the club lose 10 straight. The Creston Valley Thunder Cats were too much for the Rockets on Thursday night at the Golden and District Arena. The Eddie Mountain Division rivals traded chances throughout the game’s opening frame. The Rockets fired 15 shots on Creston Valley goaltender Brock Lefebvre but were denied each time. Just past the midway point of the second period, the Thunder Cats finally broke through when Colby Livingstone walked in from the sideboards unchecked and fired a high shot that beat Rockets’ netminder Brian Parsons. Just under four minutes later, and with defenceman Matt McMath in the box for holding, the Thunder Cats extended their lead when Jesse Collins finished off some nice passing with a beautiful shot that gave Parsons little to no opportunity at making a stop. Down by a pair, the Rockets stormed out of the gates in the third in an attempt to get back into the game. Ninety seconds into the third, leading scorer Connor Beauchemin streaked down the left wing and beat Lefebvre on the glove hand side for his 15th goal of the campaign. Golden hit a bit of a lull
Rockets’ forward Jacob Coelho takes a shot on Creston Valley netminder Brock Lefebvre action Thursday night. The Rockets fell 2-1 for their eighth consecutive loss. after that, but some strong time eventually ran out ing hard, we are in games, saves from Parsons kept on the Rockets’ hopes of we just gotta find a way to the deficit at one and gave sending the game into win.” the Rockets a chance at overtime, and they lost by The Rockets took those the comeback. a 2-1 final score. positives into a pair of “Tonight he was right on “We played pretty well. road games on Friday top of his game,” said head We were playing the most and Saturday night, but it coach Ty Davidson. offensive team in the wasn’t enough for the club Golden’s best chance for league, we held them to snap its losing streak. the equalizer came with to two goals, we out- On Friday the Grand Forks about 3 minutes left when shot them, we just didn’t Border Bruins came back Beauchemin was sprung score on our chances,” from a 3-1 first period for a clear breakaway. His said Davidson following deficit to negate a quick shot, however, sailed high the loss. “The one posi- start from the Rockets. over the crossbar, and the tive thing is we are play- The Rockets scored first
during second period Joel Tansey/Star Photo again the following night against Castlegar, but six unanswered goals from the Rebels put the game out of hand before 40 minutes had been played. A pair of late goals proved to be too little, too late for Golden in the 6-3 loss. This week, Golden will play host to the Beaver Valley Nitehawks Friday night before heading to Creston for a road contest against the Thunder Cats.
Rockets Profile: Golden’s Braeden Allkins improving his game Joel Tansey
Golden’s own Braeden Allkins has 7 goals and 9 assists. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Local product Braeden Allkins got off to a slow start this season, but has come around of late to become a key contributor for the Rockets up front. “I thought Braeden got off to a slow start this year to be quite honest, but he’s really started to find his stride here of late,” said head coach Ty Davidson. “He’s been playing very well lately.” Allkins has no problem with this assessment, and admitted that his start to the year was not what he envisioned. “I was really slow at the start, and I just need to get it going now and keep going,” he said. Allkins describes his game as one that centres
around puck possession and making plays for his linemates, while using his size to protect the puck from opposing defenders. He says he isn’t much of a shooter despite his 7 goals this season (to go along with 9 assists) placing him fourth on the team. With this being his second full season in a Rockets uniform, Allkins feels he needs to continue to take on more of a leadership role this year “I feel like I’ve gotta lead by example more though and just bear down on my chances,” he said. Overall, playing for the Rockets in his hometown has been a a great experience for Allkins. “I know a lot of guys here and a lot of people. It’s great to have the support from the fans, it’s fun,” he said. “I watched lots of the guys before me and I got to play with a few of them last year. It’s lots of fun.”
Golden Rockets VS.
Beaver Valley Nitehawks FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29 7:30PM GOLDEN ARENA
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 The Golden Star
Youth program set for another season at Dawn Mountain Golden Star Staff The Dawn Mountain Nordic Centre was a hub of activity over the past few weeks. The club saw its earliest opening ever on November 8th. Skiers didn’t have to wait long to ski the newly built 2 km Coyote Trail which was only completed a few days prior to opening. Designed to add more beginner trails, the classic ski trail Coyote saw lots of traf-
fic over the past couple of weeks and has already been claimed a favourite by many skiers because of its flow. Youth coordinator Troy Hudson is encouraged with the rising numbers in the club’s youth membership after what he calls a lull following the graduation of its last generation of skiers. The Skill Development Program (SDP) is comprised of three levels or stages, Bunnyrabbit, Jackrabbit and Track Attack.
Now providing Chiropractic services to Golden each Monday, Dr. Radermacher offers her expertise in managing chronic pain, low back and neck pain, headaches, TMJ, and sport related injuries.
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Radermacher Chiropractic
250-342-8830 • #107, 901 – 7th Ave., Invermere
The overall objective of the program is to assist children in the development of a love of the outdoors, a healthy lifestyle, excellent technical ski skills proficiency and a good level of physical fitness within a sport environment. This is the 20th year of operation for the program. Registration costs $60 for one child, $100 for two and $130 for three for the one day program. Registration fees cover trail fees, insurance, registration with Cross Country BC and honorariums for coaches, as well as hot chocolate to help the kids warm up once they return to the lodge. Children aged 10 and over will have the option to participate in the club’s Track Attack program which focuses on the more competitive side of cross country skiing, including several races through-
The Golden Nordic Club’s Rabbit program this season. out the year, both compliment each at Dawn Mountain other quite well, and at clubs in the leading to a lot of surrounding area. kids who particiEvents this season pate in both downinclude the Jingle hill and cross counJangle Cup on Dec. try. 22 and the HuckleTo find out more berry Loppet on about the youth Feb. 16. program, contact While Hudson Hudson at goldeadmits it is tough to nights@uniserve. recruit children for com. cross country skiing Goldenites will in a mountain town also have a unique like Golden, the opportunity to two sports actually learn the tricks of
is entering its 20th year of operation Photo Submitted ski waxing from glide and kick wax Team Canada’s wax basics, equipment technician Gra- selection, ski care ham Maclean on tips, and benefits of December 3rd at rilling. 6:30 pm at Dawn Memberships for Mountain Nordic the Golden Nordic Centre. Maclean Ski Club are on sale has been waxing at an early season skis for the Nation- discount from now al Team for twelve until Dec. 1 for $90. years at Olympics The rates will go up and World Cham- to $110 after Dec. pionships. In this 1. Find out more at free waxing clinic, www.goldennordiche will cover topics such as base prep,
Call for Interest
Appel de candidatures
ADVISORY DEVELOPMENT BOARD for Banff, Yoho, and Kootenay National Parks
COMMISSION CONSULTATIVE SUR L’AMÉNAGEMENT Parcs nationaux Banff, Yoho, et Kootenay
Are you interested in reviewing development permit applications for Banff, Yoho, and Kootenay National Parks? The Advisory Development Board is a group of volunteers that publicly reviews development proposals for Banff, Yoho, and Kootenay National Parks and provides recommendations to the Park Superintendents. There will be vacancies to serve for a twoyear (2) term on the board starting January 1, 2014.
Souhaiteriez-vous faire l’examen des demandes de permis d'aménagement présentées pour les parcs nationaux Banff, Yoho, et Kootenay? La Commission consultative sur l’aménagement est composée de bénévoles qui étudient publiquement les propositions d'aménagement présentées pour les parcs nationaux Banff, Yoho et Kootenay, et qui formulent des recommandations aux directeurs des parcs. Il y er janvier 2014. aura des postes d’un mandat de deux (2) ans à pourvoir à compter du ler
Do You Have... • an interest in national parks? • general knowledge of Banff, Yoho, and Kootenay National Parks? • the ability to understand complex issues and appreciate divergent points of view?
Avez-vous... • un intérêt dans les parcs nationaux? • des connaissances générales sur les parcs nationaux Banff, Yoho et Kootenay? • la capacité de comprendre des dossiers complexes et de tenir compte de points de vue divergents?
Are You... • over 18 years of age and a Canadian citizen? • able to contribute approximately 8 hours a month for the two-year (2) term?
Êtes-vous... • âgé de plus de 18 ans et un citoyen canadien? • en mesure de donner environ huit heures par mois de votre temps pour un mandat de deux (2) ans?
Interested? Interested individuals are asked to complete an application form available from the Reception Area, Banff Park Administration Building; the Lake Louise Visitor Reception Centre; the Yoho Park Administration Office or the Kootenay Park Administration Office. Applications can also be obtained electronically or by mail by contacting: rachel. or by calling (403) 522-1207.
Cela vous intéresse? Veuillez remplir le formulaire de demande, que vous pouvez vous procurer au comptoir d'accueil du Centre administratif du parc national Banff, au Centre d'accueil de Lake Louise ou aux centres administratifs des parcs nationaux Yoho ou Kootenay. Vous pouvez aussi obtenir une demande par voie électronique et par courrier à l'adresse, rachel., ou en composant le (403) 522-1207.
Applications should be submitted to the Development Office; Lake Louise, Yoho and Kootenay Field Unit, P.O. Box 213, Lake Louise, Alberta T0L 1E0 Deadline for applications: Thursday, December 12, 2013 at 4:30 p.m.
Veuillez faire parvenir votre demande au Bureau d'aménagement, Unité de gestion du secteur de Lake Louise, Yoho et Kootenay, C. P. 213, Lake Louise (Alberta) T0L 1E0. Date limite pour envoyer une demande : Le jeudi 12 décembre 2013, à 16 h 30
Star business directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, November 27, 2013 A21
Golden Business Directory SELKIRK ELECTRIC LTD.
•Sales •Service •Construction •Maintenance •Renovations
All Your Electrical Needs 1135 10th Ave N (250) 344-2530 Fax 344-2584 Reg. #22652
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Mike Burns
Call 250-344-2979
“Grave marker sales, installation and refurbishing” Dave & Susan Poland P.O. Box 1741, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0
Phone: (250) 344-8351
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CONTACT: Ali Starchuk Phone: 250-344-5251 Email:
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 The Golden Star
George Soles was given a rare honour for his military service
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
On July 9th, 1927, our community gathered together for the dedication and unveiling of the Golden and District War Memorial. World War One had been over for 8 years and the citizens of Golden felt it was due time to honour the men of the area who paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. The citizens group tasked with the building of the cenotaph worked with their memories to include those they knew who had served and whose lives had been lost. Families gathered to
make sure that their loved ones were remembered but in a couple of cases loved ones were in another country or had passed away so some soldiers names are absent from the cenotaph. In one case the wrong brother is memorialized. July 28, 2014 marks the 100th Anniversary of the start of the First World War and we have an opportunity here to correct the information on the cenotaph. Today we have access to much more information, including the back issues of The Golden Star and we have scoured the veterans’ sites and newspaper for the past 5 years to do our best to insure that we have accounted for everyone. During the time that we have been working on this we have interacted with a number of people from across the country, gath-
ering and sharing information. One of the men that I spoke to said that Golden had a bouquet of heroes that we should be proud of. I had never considered singling any one person out and concentrating on them because the men in question survived and my goal was to find the fallen and forgotten. I was however intrigued, and set about learning about the heroes. Wow, was I surprised at what I learned. The Distinguished Conduct Medal was awarded to George Soles for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. During an attack, when the left flank was held up by some strong posts, he led his men to the right and worked around to within bombing distance. He knocked over a machine gun with a bomb, killing eight of the enemy and taking the remain-
der, eighteen in number, prisoners. Only 2,132 Distinguished Conduct Medals were given to Canadians from the time it was first awarded until 1993. You could only receive a DCM one time. For additional acts of bravery you were given a bar to display with your DCM. George Soles received a bar for an additional act. Only 38 Canadian received this bar. Soles became the only soldier in Canadian history to receive a second bar. His citation reads: “For marked courage and good leadership during the operations near Cambrai from 27th September to 1st Oct, 1918. On 29th September he rushed an enemy strongpoint, single handed, accounting for the garrison and capturing three machine guns. Later, he worked his way along a railway cutting, and person-
ally shot eight of the enemy. Later, again, he organized a strong point, which successfully held up an enemy counter attack.” Upon his return to civilian life George Soles joined the British Columbia Police Force, a position that he held until he was forced to retire do to ill health. This man was a hero but his name is not on our cenotaph because it’s a place reserved for the names of fallen soldiers. Our cenotaph needs to be renovated. Not the base just the name plaques so that we can truly pay tribute to all those who lost their lives in the service of our country. This past week I was a delegate at the Town Council meeting and I have asked council to consider the renovation to coincide with the 100th Anniversary so that when Remembrance Day 2014 arrives we can
Soles earned a Distinguished Conduct Medal with two bars for his numerous acts of bravery. Golden Museum Photo stand in front of the cenotaph understanding that we have honoured everyone and that we haven’t forgotten. I believe that council will support this project but if you are out
and about and see a member of council it certainly wouldn’t hurt to let them know that as a community we support the cenotaph renovation.
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Golden Star Star Wednesday, November 27, 2013 The Golden Wednesday, November 27, 2013 A23
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Help Wanted
Health Products
CWL Mini Bazaar - Home Business Potpurri. Saturday Dec. 7, 2013 at the Sacred Heart Hall from 10am-4pm.
Required for Mary’s Hotel F/T Hotel front desk clerks Sal: $13/hour Duties: Register arriving guests and assign rooms. Answer enquiries. Present statements of charges to departing guests and receive payment. F/T housekeeping room attendant Sal:$13/hr Duties: Sweep, mop, wash, wax and polish floors. Dust furniture and vacuum carpet. Make beds. Attend to guests’ requests for extra supplies. Contact:
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Help Wanted
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is accepting applications for:
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Vacation Home Housekeeping Staff
Please email resume to:
Cooks and Servers, Full/ Part time, needed for Legendz Diner. $11-$13 hourly. 40 hrs/week. Send resumes to PO BOX 676, 1405 Trans Canada Hay Golden BC VA 1H0. Or email to: jobs.legendz., or fax to 250-344-5059. GENERAL LABOURERS
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Cards of Thanks
Thank you to the Golden Hospital Nursing Staff and Saskia Acton for their care and compassion to our dear mother and grandmother Audrey Rioux. We appreciate your professional care and wonderful care. From the entire Rioux and Gaudreault families.
Coming Events
Coming Events
Grief Shared Is Grief Diminished As Christmas draws near, we realize that the holiday season can be a difficult time for families who have lost a loved one. Believing that this is a time for remembering together, we welcome you to attend our annual remembrance
Tuesday, December 10th, 2013 7:00 p.m.
Chapel of Hindman Bowers Funeral Home
803 11th Avenue South, Golden
Sponsored by Hindman Bowers Funeral Home For more information call: 250-344-2958
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Alfred Svendsen 1943-2013
Build Your Career With Us
Alfred died peacefully at the Golden District Hospital, November 24, 2013 at the age of 70 years.
Sawmill Supervisor EiÄ?ola salleLJ ivisioŜ͕ DerriĆŠÍ•
Alfred was born in Golden, January 5, 1943 and lived in Golden his entire life. He was predeceased by his wife Linda and son Stacy. He leaves behind his partner Doris LeClair, his son Shaun (Christine) and grandchildren, Aidan and Katelyn. A memorial tea will be held at the Golden Legion, Saturday, November 30, 2013 between 2-4pm.
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Audrey Irene Rioux October 27 1941November 16 2013 Audrey Irene Rioux passed away at the Golden & District General Hospital on Saturday, November 16th, 2013 at the age of 72 years. A Memorial Service was held at St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Anglican Church, Golden on Saturday afternoon, November 23rd with Reverend Christine Muise officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Anglican Church, Golden, in memory of Audrey. Audrey was born in Vancouver, B.C. on October 27, 1941 and had been a resident of Golden since 1967. She was active with her church and a member of the Anglican Guild for many years. Audrey also volunteered with the Thrift Store. She loved to read, but most especially loved to spend time with her family. Her children and grandchildren were the joy of her life. Audrey was predeceased by her parents, Albert and Vera Goseltine, one brother Robert and her beloved husband Raymond in May of 2013. She is survived by three children: AndrĂŠe Rioux of Revelstoke, Marie (Ron) Gaudreault of Golden and Raymond Albert (Kelly) Rioux of Calgary; grandchildren: Joel and Jessica Bourke, Emma and Rose Gaudreault and William Rioux; in-laws: Paul, Marcel, Helen, Mary and Yvonne as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Messages of condolence may be sent to Audreyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family by viewing her obituary at www. Cremation arrangements were in the care of Hindman Bowers Funeral Home, Golden.
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Mountain View Assisted Living Position: Assisted Living Worker â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Full time The Assisted Living worker delivers exemplary personal care services that enhance the life quality and peace of mind for seniors living within the assisted living residence. Under the direction of the Assisted Living Leader delivers personal care and housekeeping, laundry, dining social/recreational programs as driven by the needs, interests, choices and abilities of assisted living residents. (duFation 4ualiĂ&#x20AC;Fations and ([SerienFe â&#x20AC;˘ Resident Care Attendant, Home Support or Assisted living CertiÂżcate or equivalent combination of education and experience â&#x20AC;˘ Comfortable working alone or in a team environment â&#x20AC;˘ Available and willing to work shift work â&#x20AC;˘ Able to plan, organize and deliver care and services with minimal supervision â&#x20AC;˘ Current )irst Aid CertiÂżcation Please submit your letter of interest to: Tricia Bowness, Site Manager, Mountain View Assisted Living 750 8th Avenue, Golden, BC, V0A 1H0 Fax: 250-344-7962 Closing Date â&#x20AC;&#x201C; December 11 2013
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Bolico Holdings Ltd. o/a Tim Hortons 1421 Trans Can Hwy, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H2 1020 Trans Can Hwy Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0
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Office/Retail Office Space for rent. Approx. 350 sq. ft. above Body Quest. Call 250-344-7876. Office/studio for rent: $350.00/month (excld. GST). 200 SF, on ground floor, hydro/heating/ air conditioning/wi-fi/ parking/waste disposal incld, private washroom, no smoking, no pets, avail Nov.1. Inquire at 250.344.2443.
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Homes for Rent
FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings
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Mobile Homes & Parks 2 bdrm mobile home w/ deck in Mountain Shadows. Walk/hike/bike/ski out your back door to Mt 7 trails! $25,000 OBO. 250-344-0725.
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 1 - 2 bdrm, 1 - 3 bdrm mobile home at Anderson Rd. Pets welcome. 250-344-8551. Rosewood apts 1309 12th St S utls incld. Close to amenities. Laundry facls, security entrance. No pets, parties, or smoking. 250-3448113. Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, security doors. Best deal in town! 250-344-8113.
Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. Bright apts - $800/mnth. All inclusive, fully furnished (dishes, towels, bedding etc) $800 DD. 250-344-0047. FULLY FURNISHED all inclusive bachelor suite. View at or call 344-7001.
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Auto Financing
2 Bdr bsmt suite 1116 12 St. Newly renovated. W/D, F/S. No pets, no parties. Avail. Dec 1 or before. 250-344-5626.
2 bdr house. N/S, no parties, no pets. Avail Dec 1. Sat. tv, utls, all incl. $1100/mth. 250439-1055. 403-497-9303(cell) 2 bdrm, 1 bath, clean, main flr, fenced yard in Alexander Park, parking, shared laundry, NS/NP. $1,100 all utls, wifi & satellite incl. 403.760.5004. 2 bdrm basement suite w/ kitchenette, utls incld with satellite and wifi, furnished. Close to downtown in Alexander Park $700/month. 403-760-5004. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 2 large bdrm mobile home for rent on top of hill $750/mnth. 2/3 bdrm duplex for rent completely new. Refs req’d. Call 250-344-5996. 3 Bdr., 1 1/2 bath single storey home. F/S. Avail Dec.1 Family preferred. No parties. Call 250-344-6194. 3 Bdr single storey. 523 8 St. F/S, No parties. Couples or family preferred. Call 250-3446194. $550/month. 3 Bdr upstairs house on 6 acres for rent in Blaeberry. Clean, recently reno’d. NS, W/D. $1000 + util & DD. Pets negotiable. Refs req’d. 250833-1498
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EMPLOYEES WANTED Your Future is a Click Away.
Cars - Domestic 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt LS 30,600 km. Like new. Includes summer & winter tires mounted on 2 sets of wheels. Great gas mileage. Automatic, console shift. Car is in Fernie. REDUCED PRICE $6,669. CALL NOW 250-430-7991
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013 The Golden Star A25
A Reel Review: Jobs
Vancouver blues-rock duo coming to the Rockwater Bar & Grill
Ashton Kutcher stars as the title character in Jobs, a biopic on the late Apple co-founder. Jobs is now available to rent or own at Kicking Horse Movies. Endgame Entertainment Joel Tansey Jobs is a biopic about Apple’s late co-founder, long-time CEO and technological innovator Steve Jobs, who is aptly portrayed by usual funny man Ashton Kutcher. Kutcher is surprisingly one of the film’s biggest highlights for me in what is perhaps his best performance since 2004’s The Butterfly Effect. The movie opens with Jobs presenting his latest innovation, the iPod, to the public for the first time at one of the CEO’s now legendary keynote speeches. Kutcher and director Joshua Michael Stern work well together to capture the magnitude of this presentation, and the early tone they set carries over for much of the film. The story then jumps back nearly 30 years to Jobs as a college dropout. Over the next few scenes, Jobs is shown working for Atari, experimenting with drugs and journeying through India. The audience is also introduced to Steve Wozniak (Josh Gad), who created the prototype for what would eventually become the first Apple computer. The relationship between the two Steves is an interesting one, with Jobs as the clear marketer and businessman, while Wozniak is portrayed as the genius, but timid inventor. Overall, Jobs succeeds on multiple levels. It successfully portrays the ups and downs of Apple from its humble beginnings in the garage of Jobs’ parents house, to the rise into IBM’s chief competitor, to Jobs’ eventual exit and return. Kutcher captures Jobs’ ruthlessness and relentless perfectionism perfectly, especially during one scene where a top programmer is fired because of what Jobs perceives as a lack of ambition. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the film shows that Jobs did have a human side to his personality, even if it requires a few layers to be peeled back before it is fully evident. Jobs fails in some aspects, in my view, by rushing through a few sub plots that could have either been left out or explored further. His personal life, including the contested paternity of his daughter Lisa, is briefly covered but not fully fleshed out. At one point he leaves a brief, heated message on Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’ answering machine, only to have that potential plot line forgotten about and ignored for the rest of the film. It doesn’t appear that this will be the last biopic on the widely popular Jobs. There are plans in place for Aaron Sorkin (Moneyball, The Social Network) to write a script for another film. For now, this version of the Jobs story is definitely worth checking out for Apple fans and haters alike, because at the end of the day, Steve Jobs was a very, very interesting individual whose influence and impact will undoubtedly continue long after his death. For this reason, I’ll giveJobs a score of 8 out of 10 dancing hot dogs.
This is The Shoes, a two-piece band from Vancouver, will be playing at The Rockwater on Dec. 5. Photo Submitted Golden Star Staff This is The Shoes. And they are another two-piece. So you’re thinking The White Stripes, The Black Keys, Japandroids or The Kills, right? Or maybe their simple arrangement of a kick drum, guitar, vocals, percussion and harmonica has you expecting a pair of folk revivalists? The Shoes would rather you think about the origins of rock and roll. Like John Lee Hooker and his foot tapping, J pounds a kick drum to accompany the six-string he plays loud and proud. Sonny Boy’s harmonica becomes electric mud in the hands of Sabrina. Her west coast drawl and irrepressible rasp cut deep, echoing the styles of Big Mama Thornton and Patsy Cline. Want proof? Look no further than BUST, the duo’s latest EP, released on Sept. 3. Recorded live-off-the-floor over the course of a staggering seven days, the six tracks showcase the band’s diversity. “Backwards”, is a foot-stomping Eagles of
Death Metal-inspired rock and roll tune, while “So Tired” wraps up the album in a mess of noise reminiscent of Dark Side of The Moon. The first single from the EP, “Stuck”, pushes The Shoes away from their blues-rock comfort zone, eschewing their characteristic sound for a southern country vibe. BUST takes listeners on a journey through soundscapes of heavy blues, fuzzy rock, gospel, southern soul and noise. Following the release of BUST, The Shoes are venturing out of their East Vancouver home for their first-ever national tour. The “BUST TOUR 2013” heads coast to coast with 30 shows (and more to be announced) from Vancouver Island, B.C., to Charlottetown, P.E.I.. Abandoning worldly possessions and throwing caution out the van door, The Shoes, alongside Vancouver-based musician Corey Abell, will spend three months traveling through rain, sleet and whatever else this country can throw at them. The band will stop in Golden for a show at The Rockwater on Dec. 5. For more information about The Shoes, check out their website at
All New Release Movies are 4 for $12!! Half the price of ordering Pay per View! Includes Blu-Ray! Check out this week’s new titles! Red 2 • Getaway • Urban Warfare • The Canyons • Jobs
802-10 Ave. S 250-344-5510
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 The Golden Star
Golden Moments: From Leanchoil to Golden
Mauve Friday is Coming.
Mauve Friday is Coming.
Your calming source for Black Friday. Take the stress out, and bring the mauve in with all the best deals, sales and info for Black Friday.
Your calming source for Black Friday. Take the stress out, and bring the mauve in with all the best deals, sales and info for Black Friday.
Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar. net
Lawrence and Audrey Johnson stopped in Golden in 1951 on their way to Leanchoil after a long trip east along the Big Bend Highway. For Audrey, Golden, with its pot holed streets, dusty roads and wooden sidewalks, was not the Shangri-La she was hoping it would be. “When I first saw it,
• 1 Year, in town: $35 (Reg. $47) • 1 Year, out of town: $50 (Reg. $67) • 3 Years, in town: $99 (Reg. $141) • 3 Years, out of town: $150 (Reg. $201) Valid from December 1-31, 2013
413A 9th Ave. N. BOX 149 • 250-344-5251
I cried it was so awful,” she laughed. “But the people were nice, everyone we met was super to us.” It didn’t take long for Audrey to come around to the idea of living in this area and they moved to Golden permanently in 1955 after Lawrence was transferred out of the CPR’s operations in Leanchoil. Before their move east, the Johnsons met in Armstrong, where Lawrence grew up. Both had an interest in what they call “old-time dance” and they met at a square dance outing in town. Audrey, originally from Burnaby, was a school teacher in Armstrong, but had to give that profession up temporarily when they moved to Leanchoil. Leanchoil was an isolated CPR residence just inside Yoho National Park. At the time, the CPR required an extra steam engine to make it from Golden up the hill to the Yoho boundary. That engine was hooked up in Golden and detached when it made it to Leanchoil. Detaching the extra engine and sending it back to Golden was the responsibility of the small crew in Leanchoil. For the Johnsons, trips to Field or Golden were neces-
Let's Talk About Community Parks! UPCOMING MEETINGS NOTICE
The Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) invites Electoral Area 'A' residents to come out to one of four upcoming community meetings to talk about community parks. We want to know how you recreate now and what types of projects you would like us to focus on in the future. Wed., November 27 Parson Community Hall 3589 Highway 95 Parson, BC 7:00pm
Mon., December 9 Golden Seniors Centre 1401 - 9th Street South Golden, BC 7:00pm
Thurs., November 28 Nicholson Elem. School Nicholson, BC 7:00pm
Tues., December 10 Winston Lodge
(aka Kicking Horse Saloon) (upstairs)
1593 Cache Close, Kicking Horse Mtn Resort *Special focus on development ideas Golden, BC for CSRD parkland located at the 7:00pm Kicking Horse Mtn Resort
If you have any questions, please contact Marcin Pachcinski, CSRD Parks & Recreation Team Leader: / 250.833.5923
Lawrence and Audrey Johnson moved to Golden in 1955 after spending four years in Leanchoil. Joel Tansey/Star Photo sary for many purpos- some much needed sued it again once the es, from watching a extra space for their Johnsons had more space for him to set up movie to buying gro- growing children. Audrey returned to a dark room for develceries, although they would often send a list teaching and taught oping his shots. Evenof items with an engin- high school math in tually, it became hard eer on his way back to town for many years for him to balance his Golden and receive until her retirement small business with his their items when in 1988. One highlight full-time job, so phothe next train came for her, in addition to tography became just teaching and working a hobby for him once through. Naturally, because of alongside a wonder- again. The Johnsons have the isolated nature of ful staff, included her the residence, encoun- involvement with the enjoyed travelling, skiters with wildlife were badminton team as a ing and golf over the years. They have visited not at all uncommon. coach. Impressively for a such far flung places as One particular incident stands out for school in a small town, Egypt, Sweden (where the badminton team Lawrence’s family is Lawrence. “I heard screaming won the B.C. high from) and Australia, one day and I came out school championship among many others. on the porch and Aud- in 1981 in Victoria and After they were both rey was in the outdoor finished in 5th place retired, they took a toilet with a bear out in at the national cham- trip across Canada, visiting every province front of the door,” he pionships in Regina. “They were all such on the way except for chuckled. “I couldn’t get out… great kids,” she said. Newfoundland, before I wasn’t coming out “We’d stay overnight in returning through the with a bear crawling a motel and I’d check United States. Nowon them but I never adays, Audrey enjoys around,” Audrey said. “I walked out and the really had to worry playing bridge two bears ran when I went about them getting nights a week and into trouble.” the couple faithfulout,” Lawrence said. Lawrence continued ly cheers on their When they moved to Golden there were his work at the CPR Vancouver Canucks, only three houses for until his retirement in despite their collective sale, and according to 1985, but he also start- discouragement with Audrey, they bought ed a small business on recent results. Although Golden the one that was the the side for a time as made a poor initial least worst of the three. well. “I got involved with impression on AudA portion of the home had yet to be finished wedding pictures, pass- rey, the town quickat that time and it was port pictures, gradu- ly became their home a little cramped for ation pictures,” he and upon retirement the Johnsons and their said. Photography was neither Audrey or Lawtwo young daughters, a long time hobby for rence never had any Pat and Carol. They Lawrence that he had desire to move away. “I’ve liked Golden eventually finished the to mostly give up while upstairs and built an they lived in Leanchoil, ever since we moved extension, giving them but he eagerly pur- here,” Audrey said.
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The Golden Star Wednesday, November 27, 2013 A27
● Corporate Administration - Jon Wilsgard, Ext 237 ● Finance - Lisa Vass, Ext 227 ● Operations, Public Works - Chris Cochran, Ext 226 ● Fire Department - Ken McClure, 250.344.6401 ● Recreation Services - Jordan Petrovics, Ext 225 ● Mayor’s Office - Christina Benty, Ext 229 ● Planning & Building - Phil Armstrong, Ext 235 Appointment hours - Tuesday 9:30 am to 12:00 pm
810 9th Ave. S Golden B.C. V0A 1H0 250 344-2271 ● Fax 250 344-6577 Community Connections Part 2 – TODAY AT NOON (Nov. 27th) A new approach to community input on community issues! Invest just one lunch hour per month to have an active, facilitated discussion about questions such as: What does quality of life mean for you? What does good citizenship mean to you? How do we increase voter turn-out? Hear others’ points of view, share your own opinions and have them heard, all in a lively, fast-moving format. Your elected officials will be participating and listening, and meeting results will be summarized to help them with future decisions. Community Conversations start Wednesday, November 27th at the Civic Centre, 810 10th Ave. S. (Highway 95 S.) at 12:10 p.m. Bring a bag lunch (or, if you forget, pick up one at cost from our limited supply). Bring a friend, bring your creativity and inspiration, and join the conversation!
Volunteer Nominations of the Year Doreen Kelly was selected this year for Council’s volunteer of the year award for her amazing dedication to our community, announced at this fall’s Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards event. Council would like to acknowledge not only Doreen, but the others who were also nominated who are anchors in our community; we are so lucky to have them: Jeff and Joan Dolinsky, and Judy Doyle.
Recycling gets a Little Cheaper Next year your blue bin fee on your January utility statement will be lowered! Yep, for real. With a new provincial society mandated by the Province and in charge of ensuring better rates of paper and packaging in all of BC, communities like Golden are now part of a provincial incentive program to ensure regular recycling services for residents. The annual incentive will be applied directly to your fees, lowering the annual fee from its current $52 per year by approximately $20. Hey as they say, better than a kick in the pants!
Recreation Services Mania – Check out What’s Happening! Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Looking for a way to stay active and social in the winter months? Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1:00pm – 2:00pm. Drop in rates, monthly and season passes. \\thf\files\7700-8299\8020-Rec Programs - Individual\01-General\Winter Walking Program\ Walking Post Card 13.14.pptx Aqua Fit at the Travel Lodge Pool A low impact water passed workout – suitable for all ages Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:30pm – 6:30pm (till Dec 5th & Jan 7th – March 13th) Drop in rates and punch passes available Parent & Tot Play at the Rec Plex While the parks are snowed in come in and play Wednesdays from 10:30am – 12:00pm Drop in and punch passes available Public Skate at the Golden & District Arena Wednesday 7:00pm – 8:00pm Friday noon – 1:00pm Saturday 5:30pm – 6:45pm Sunday 4:30pm – 5:45pm Drop in and punch passes available Parent & Tot Skate at the Golden & District Arena Tuesday & Friday 10:00am – 11:00am Drop in, monthly and season passes available Shinny Drop in Hockey at the Golden & District Arena Monday 9:15pm – 10:15pm Thursday 8:00pm – 9:00pm Drop in and punch passes available
Town of Golden – Regular Open Council Meeting: November 19, 2012 Cenotaph Correction Request Council referred the request from Ms. Colleen Palumbo to add names of missing local heroes to the Cenotaph name plaque, and to plant poppies in the town's flower beds in 2014 to the Standing Committee on Finance. Appointment to Vacancy on CBT Local Selection Committee Council appointed Mr. Scott King to the vacancy on this committee. 2013 Consolidated Financial Plan Amendments Council directed staff to prepare an amendment to the Town of Golden 2013 – 2017 Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 1316, 2013 to reflect all necessary adjustments as proposed within the report submitted by the Chief Financial Officer. DVP 2013-04 Application Council approved a Development Variance Permit DVP 2013-04 for a property legally described as LOT 21-23 SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 27 RANGE 22 WEST OF THE 5TH MERIDIAN KOOTENAY DISTRICT PLAN 469. 2013 Financial Reports – Third Quarter Council received the third quarter financial report as of September 30, 2013. Possible Infrastructure Rehabilitation Projects Timing and Cash Flow 5-Year and 10-Year Options Council directed staff to draft a borrowing bylaw for Council review premised upon meeting anticipated infrastructure grant requirements to complete approximately $14.2 million in projects within a 5 year period. Ratification of Multi-Material BC (MMBC) Services Agreement Council authorized staff to execute the agreement confirming the municipality will assume the role of curbside collector for the delivery of MMBC residential packaging and printed paper (PPP) collection services. Renewal of Council Remuneration and Expense Bylaw Council directed staff to prepare a draft bylaw based upon the same remuneration premises of the previous bylaw for council review at its December 3rd, 2013 regular meeting. Reserve Resolutions Council directed staff to include reserve transfers submitted by the Chief Financial Officer as part of the 2013 third quarter financial reports to Council. ToG 2013-2017 Five-Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1325, 2013 The above bylaw, amending the Five-Year Financial Plan for the years 2013-2017, was given first, second, and third readings
RE/MAX RE/MAX ofof Golden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663
Garry Oddy Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234 (250) 344-7234
$259,000 2 baths
NEW 3 bedrooms
2 baths
4 bedrooms
2 baths
$250,000 1533 Campbell Road
3 bdrms 1 baths 943sqft
6.44 acres
5 acres
4 bdrms 3 baths 2,568sqft 1.15 acres
$539,000 4905 Castledale Heights
3 bdrms 3 baths 2,500sqft 5.28 acres
4 bedrooms 2 baths 1,600sqft
476 Champagne Road
1.54 acres
1 bath
6bdrms 5 baths 4,500sqft 1.38 acres
4088 Highway #95 South
#22 Golden Mobile Home Park 3 bedroom
4 bedrooms
2 baths
#301, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail 2 baths
4 bedrooms
2 baths
2 bedrooms
2 baths
3bdrms 1 bath 1,386sqft
.35 acre
1713 Oberg Johnson Road
.87 acres
2145 Mitchell Road
5 bdrms 3.5 baths
3,000sqft 11.6 acres
3 bedrooms
1.5 baths
3.5 baths
5 acres
3, 300sqft
3 bedrooms
3+1 bdrms
2 baths
3bdrms 1 bath 1,312sqft 1.46 acres
3 bedrooms
2 bedrooms
2 baths
Southridge Road
$499,900 4 bdrms
3 baths
39.83 acre
$262,000 1710 Short Road
3 bdrms 1.5 baths 1,390sqft 2.47 acres
$599,900 2416 Campbell Road
5 bdrms 2 baths 2,986sqft 10.28 acres
$599,000 4057 Highway #95, South
$599,500 #5, 1596 Whitetooth Trail 3 baths
4bdrms 1 bath 2,480sqft
17.26 acres
3 bedrooms
2 baths
2600 Mons Road
$198,900 #12, 2924 Kicking Horse Road
$234,600 2558 Highway #95, South
2.5 baths
1045 King Crescent
$274,600 1232B Alexander Drive
$347,500 1871 Blaeberry Road
$420,000 1502 Poplar Street
$185,000 3 bdrms 1.5 bath 1,468sqft
1213 10th Avenue
$229,600 773 Canyon Creek Road
Dan Veselic Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435 (250) 344-1435
#103, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
$294,300 520-9th Street
$399,000 2 bedrooms
$223,000 3 bdrms 2 baths 1,034sqft 22.9 acres
1505 - 11th Avenue North
$545,000 730 Nicholson Road
$149,300 3 bdrms 1 bath 1,100sqft
2 bedrooms
$319,900 1256 Horse Creek Road
“Side A” 1215 Alexander Drive
$585,000 1445 Black Bear Drive
#101, 521 - 8th Avenue
$309,900 508 - 5th Street
50’ x 130’
1449 Granite Drive
$87,000 506 - 8th Street
5 bdrms 2 baths
Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451
1208 Alexander Drive
6 bedrooms
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 The Golden Star
143 acres
$269,900 #27, 1357 Aemmer Way
1 bedroom
1 bath
$277,500 #11, 1322 Kaufmann Way
2 bedrooms
1 bath
$945,000 1618 Purcell Woods Close
3 bedrooms 3 baths 2,532sqft
SOLD 2548 Kettleston Road 2 baths
McMurdo Road
3 Acreages Available
$1,090,000 1636 Purcell Woods Close
3 bedrooms
3 baths
39.7 acres
$500,000 501 – 9th Street
Land and Building
$649,000 #15 Whitetooth Trail
3 bedrooms
3 baths
SOLD $725,000
from $99,500 to $199,500
$205,000 #306 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
2 bedrooms 2 baths 960sqft
$299,000 1405-11th Avenue
Land, Buildings & Business
$299,000 1416 Birch Crescent
3 bedrooms
4 baths