u Stop the violence P. 3 u Foreign invasion P. 8
u RCMP report P. 5 u Co-op housing update P. 5
Publications Mail Contract #: 40007759
PHONE: 996-8482
WEDNESDAY, December 4, 2013
Tl’azt’en and Binche move forward
Tl’azt’en Nation has agreed to continue to work towards the separation of Binche from the Tl’azt’en Nation. The Tl’azt’en Band chief and council sent a letter to The Courier saying they have agreed to move forward with the process of separation and continue to negotiate with the Binche Separation Committee. Josh Hallman, Tl’azt’en councillor and chair of the Binche Separation Committee confirmed he has had positive meetings with the band council and is encouraged they are willing to continue to move the process along. While Hallman had previously been protesting the lack of progress by not attending council meetings, he said he has once again begun to work with Tl’azt’en. Tl’azt’en said in their letter they are planning on moving forward with the negotiated terms of separation and have given a deadline of March 31, 2014. “Tl’azt’en Nation supports Binche in their separation and are committed to further discussions regarding the separation process and negotiations,” said the letter. Tl’azt’en was also holding elections this week, with voting to take place on Nov. 29. Look for election results soon.
Go to the source
VOL. 36 NO. 40 $1.30 inc. GST
Tournament action
Concerns over misinformation on the Fas Gas purchase and pipelines Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier Everything you read on Facebook is not true. Even small town Fort St. James is not immune to the issues of social media spreading incorrect information like wildfire as misinformation is reportedly being put out in the community via Facebook, according to Nak’azdli Chief Fred Sam. Sam said he is very concerned people are putting out the wrong information regarding some Nak’azdli Band chief and council decisions, leading to misunderstandings and frustration in the community. Specifically, in regards to the Nak’azdli Band purchase of what was the Fas Gas service station and an agreement with a pipeline company. The Nak’azdli Band has purchased the Fas Gas station on Stuart Drive, this much is true. The price of the purchase, however, is being incorrectly reported via Facebook, leading to attacks on chief and council, said Sam. The price being reported on Facebook is $400,000, and while Sam did not want to report the actual final figure for the purchase, he said $400,000 is far higher than what was in fact paid for the business. Sam said the purchase was made under the recommendation of the
Nak’azdli Development Corporation and they saw it as an opportunity to expand their businesses off of the reserve. While still deciding how the gas station will look when it reopens, Sam and Leonard Thomas said they are looking at different options and renovations will be taking place. The location will likely provide some form of food service, but it may not be a seated restaurant like what was in place. Nak’azdli is still working on a business plan for the location. “We need to think outside the box,” said Sam. As for pipelines, a story being linked on Facebook contains a significant error in Sam’s opinion, confusing an agreement Nak’azdli signed with a company regarding a proposed natural gas pipeline with an oil pipeline. The band signed on to become part of a First Nations limited partnership with Pacific Trails Pipeline of then PNG, now a project of Chevron/Apache. The pipeline would carry natural gas from Summit Lake to Kitimat, B.C.. The deal was reported in an article on West Coast Native News titled “B.C band councils that have sold out to Oil and Gas (sic)”. While the story goes on to describe the deal as being in relation to one particular natural gas pipeline, the headline and the listing of the bans which
Jeff Boschman of Fort St. James digs for the puck in front of the Smithers net during a scoring chance in Game six of the Omineca region Midget tournament on Nov. 24. Story Page 2. Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier
have signed this deal, gives some people the wrong idea, given the nature of the Facebook comments it has resulted in. For his part, Sam defends the signing of the deal, given the agreement was made regarding a natural gas pipeline, and never has Nak’azdli signed an agreement with a pipeline company in regards to oil or diluted bitumen. The deal was finalized in order to receive a signing bonus by signing on early and 15 First Nations have signed on, but Sam said there is is still no guarantee the project will move forward. Oddly enough, if the community is interested in pipeline information in regards to the band, very few have been coming out to information sessions the band has been holding through their pipeline office, said Sam. Currently, the band is looking at pipelines being proposed by Spectra and PNG and if anyone does have questions, they are encouraged to contact Angel Ransom, the community planner at 996-7115. “They shouldn’t believe things on Facebook,” said Sam. “People should go to the source.”
Heritage Christmas
The Christmas spirit will be alive and well in Fort St. James this year, as the Fort St. James National Historic Site once again will host a Heritage Christmas event. On Dec. 8, the park will come alive with a nativity play, the model train will return, free sleigh rides courtesy of the Silver Springs Country Recreation and Wellness, a live diorama, Christmas carollers and Overwaitea
providing free hot dogs and hot chocolate. The Friends of Fort St. James National Historic Site will be helping out, of course, and anyone is welcome to join the carollers, with a practice open to all on Tuesday, Dec. 3. at 6:30 p.m.. The historic site will again help bring history and Christmas to life. The last Heritage Christmas in the community was in 2010.
December is the season of giving, for every vehicle sale from now till the 20th, we will donate $100 to Santa’s anonymous! As well as the customer’s choice of local vendor gift card of $200 to treat themselves!!
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1473 Hwy 16 EasT DL # 30423
Midget tournament ends in tight game
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 Caledonia Courier
Everybody Loses
Alcohol Awareness Month National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. It was an exciting game to watch, according 212-269-7797 Cindy Holland, even though our team was not
7.5 ft 5 ft
42% of collisions
Jeff Boschman of Fort St. James gets a chance on the Smithers net in Game six of the Omineca region Midget tournament on Nov. 24.
Ruth Lloyd Month-long Events Caledonia Courier
36% of 2.5 ft collisions
High risk times of day: 5 - 8 am and 5 - 7 pm 750 wildlife vehicle collisions occur each year from Prince George to Prince Rupert. For driving tips go to Sponsored by ICBC and the Wildlife Collision Prevention Program
Ruth Lloyd/ Caledonia Courier
Fort St. James vs. Smithers
Hot Retail Co-op Categories Bicycles, Accessories and Supplies Lawn and Garden Motorcycles and Snowmobiles Outdoor Furnishings Recreational Vehicles
The dates and locations of the Regular Board Meetings of the Board of Education of School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) for the months of December 2013 and January 2014 are as follows:
Manufacturer Co-opscored a Right off theHotdrop, Smithers second, leaving them trailing with three to Benjamin Moore Paints goal, setting theCamp stage for their nine-fi ve Smithers five. Healthcare victory over Fort St. James on Sunday, The third period saw the gap widen, as Grasshopper Mowers RolexForum. Watch Nov. 24 at the Fort Smithers put in four goals in the first half Whirlpool Corporation After Smithers pulled away in the first of the period, with Fort only getting one half of the first period with a two-nothing in the same time frame, and then scoring Special Section AdBuilder lead, Fort St. James came back to Builder scoreThemes one more with less than three minutes to Financial two more in the•• fi rst period and tie it up. go. Planning a Garden But the second saw Smithers Smithers players Adam Veentra and • Earthperiod Day • Easter make three more goals and Fort St. James Brayden Holenstein both managed hat began to fall behind with only one in the tricks in the game.
December 9, 2013 School Board Office,Vanderhoof, BC January 13, 2014 Video-conference
Special Events NCAA Men’s Final Four Championship NCAA Women’s Final Four Championship National Stress Awareness Day National Volunteer Week Week of the Young Child Boston Marathon National Jelly Bean Day Take Our Daughters/Sons to Work Day
Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 212-876-7700
These meetings will commence at 6:00 p.m. Members of the public are invited to attend.
to playing. Child Abuse Prevention Month Houston’s Midget team Prevent Child Abuseplayed America against Vanderhoof’s for the final game of the Omineca 312-663-3520 League Midget tournament in Fort St. James on Nov. 23 and 24.Jazz Appreciation Month The final game on Sunday, had begun toHistory look Smithsonian National Museum of American 202-633-3129 by the second period, like a foregone conclusion as Vanderhoof had scored three goals and shut out Houston at that point. National Car Care Month Care Council But Houston Car rallied in the third, coming back with three goals240-333-1088 early in the third period to tie it back up. Monthfive minutes to A fourth goalNational withDonate justLifeover Department Health and Humanmanaged Services go pulled them U.S. ahead, but ofVanderhoof 202-619-0257 to get one in with 3:35 left to tie it back up and force the game into overtime. National Lawn Care Month Vanderhoof won the game with a goal at 3:45 Professional Landcare Network in overtime by PLANET, Eric Silver, giving Silver a hat 800-395-2522 trick. Jimmy Silver and Nicholas Silver also scored Parkinson Awareness Month for Vanderhoof. National National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. Sheldon Kingcott was a key player for Hous800-327-4545 ton, scoring goal and making two assists.
10 ft
4&6 5&7 16 19–25 19–25 20 22 23
Darlene Turner Secretary-Treasurer
District of Fort St. James Calendar December, 2013
SUNDAY 1March 2009 Town M 2 9 16 23 30
T 3 10 17 24 31
May 2009 3 House Hall2 Meeting & Open
41April Fool’s Day
W T F S S M T W T F S 4 5 6 7 December 5th 1 from 2 Thursday 6-8pm 9-12pm Strong Start 12-3pm Strong Start 11 the 12 13 14 3 4 Centre, 5 6 190 7 8 Stuart 9 At Community Drive East 18 19 20 (Old 21 10 11 12Christian 13 14 15Church) 16 Victory 5:30pm 25 26 27 28 Your 17 18 19Taekwon-do 20Your 21 22 23 Town! Ideas! 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Refreshments will be served! 31
58Palm Sunday
Municipal Website:
1-4pm Heritage Christmas @ NHS 5:30pm Public Skating
15Easter 12
5:30pm Public Skating 7pm Evangelical Church Xmas Concert 12pm Free Community Meal @ Zion Chapel
5:30pm Taekwon-do
16 13
Easter Monday (Australia & Canada)
12-3pm Strong Start 5:30pm Taekwon-do
5pm Taekwon-do
18 15 Tax Day
9-12pm Strong Start
4-7pm Strong Start
1pm Cancer Support Grp @ Sue’s 5pm Nak’albun Xmas Concert @ Kwah Hall
5pm Taekwon-do 1pm & 7pm David Hoy Xmas Concert
6:30pm Christmas Eve Eve - Christmas Carol Worship Service @ United Church
5:30pm Taekwon-do 7pm Sowchea Xmas Concert Xmas Hamper Delivery Day 8pm AA Mtg @ United Church
31 Workers Mourning Day 28 (Canada)
6pm New Year’s Family Dance @ Kwah Hall
Community Christmas Party & Fundraiser @ The Legion
14 11
9-12pm Strong Start 7:15pm Public Skating
12-3pm Strong Start 20 19 16 17
CHRISTMAS DAY 26 21 @ Victory Christian 22 Earth Day 23 7pm 12-2pm Xmas Turkey Administrative Ctr (Old Sikh Temple) Dinner @ Anglican 7pm @ Anglican Church Professionals Day Church 7pm Candle Light Service 10am & 6pm Xmas @ Zion Chapel Day Service @ Catholic 10:30pm Midnight Mass Church @ Catholic Church
5:30pm Public Skating
21 18
9-12pm Strong Start 7:15pm Public Skating
24 Arbor Day
25 Anzac Day (Australia)
7:15pm Public Skating
Community Christmas Party Fundraiser 30 For the Toy & Food Drive Saturday December 7th at the Legion
5:30pm Cocktails, 6:30pm Buffet Dinner, DJ & Dance! Tickets are $25 with $10 from each to Toy & Food Drive
A Heritage Christmas!
• AdBuilder® Retail Sunday• AdBuilder December 8th at the National Historic Site from 1-4pm ® Classified • Co-op Sales Ideas Free Hot Chocolate! Christmas Caroling! Office: 477 Stuart Drive West
5:30pm Taekwon-do 6-9pm Fill That Bus - FSJ Town 8pm AA Mtg @ United Church
4-7pm Strong Start
17 14
13Good Friday 10
12-3pm Strong Start
24 Christmas Eve Services: 25
Igniting Your Ad Sales
12 9 First Day of Passover
3 6
5:30pm Taekwon-do 9-12pm Strong Start 6-8pm Town Hall Meeting & Open House @ FSJSS 7:15pm Public Skating 8pm AA Mtg @ United Church
6-9pm Fill That Bus Sowchea Area
10-12pm Food Bank
9-12pm Strong Start
20 Taurus
5:30pm Public Skating
11 8
7:30pm Celebration of Light @ Catholic Church
5pm Taekwon-do
12-3pm Strong Start
5 2 12-3pm Strong Start
4-7pm Strong Start
10 7
Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution.
S 1 8 15 22 29
Telephone: 250-996-8233
Christmas Crafting! Follow us on Twitter: @DFSJames
Like us at Facebook: District of Fort St. James
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, December 4, 2013
With good news recently for the community of progress being made in the horrific murder of Fribjon Bjornson, the community can relax a little in the hope there may be fewer violent individuals roaming freely in the community. However, there is still work to do. This work is being carried on by may in the community, including Fireweed Collective Society, which is helping to organize a walk and event on Dec. 6 to end violence against women as part of White Ribbon Day. As part of national events aimed at drawing attention to violence against women in commemoration of the L’Ecole Polytechnique massacre on Dec. 6, 1989 in Montreal when a lone gunman killed 14
Stop the violence
women and injured 10 more as well as injuring four men, the group will host a vigil and walk. The walk will begin at Spirit Square at 3:30 p.m. on Dec. 6 and after a ceremony with drumming by Guy and Ruby Prince the group will walk down to Kwah Hall, then around via Kwah Road and Second Avenue West and back to Spirit Square. The local event will be aimed at draw- Drummers perform songs during the Missing Women Enquiry. File photo ing attention to some shops in Fort St. James at women, and in the local Lake near Vanderhoof on of the local cases of missing or murdered The Key Resource Cen- area alone, there is a long May 28, 2011. Loren Leslie was women and give families tre on Nov. 28 and Nov. list of missing or murfound murdered just in the area an opportuni- 29 to help people access dered women. Immaculate “Mack- south of Fort St. James in ty to honour their loved resources if they are being impacted by violence ie” Basil has been miss- November 2010, Cody ones. and for people to make ing since June 13, 2013. Legebokoff has been Workshops leading Destiny Rae Tom was charged with her murder. up to the walk will also banners for the walk. On Dec. 4 there will found beaten to death Barbara Joseph was help families access rebe a workshop in Tache outside a residence on killed and mutilated on sources. at Tl’azt’en Health. the Nautley First Nation the Nak’azdli Reserve There will be a workThere are families outside Fort Fraser on in September 2004. shop in Nadleh near Fraacross the community March 23, 2013. Her cousin Winchester ser Lake on Dec. 5. which have been impactMadison Scott went Thomas was convicted There were worked by violence against missing from Hogsback of manslaughter in the
case and sentenced to 12 years. Jacqueline Murdock, originally from Fort St. James, disappeared in Vancouver in 1997. Murdock’s DNA was later found on Robert Pickton’s farm. Emily Tom, Jeanette
Basil, Bonita Antoine, Mary Agatha Basil, Jina Joseph, Debra Joseph, Irene Pierre and Martina Johnny were also named by those at The Key Resource Centre for a workshop as being victims of violence from the area.
DL 9069
Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier
Courier A3
Central Interior Auctions Ltd. 4174 COWART RD. Prince George
Music for Young Children
Community Events
Community Events are free of charge as they are sponsored by the Caledonia Courier
ABOVE: Music for Young Children’s students sing Land of the Silver Birch on Nov. 25 in the Fort St. James Secondary School gym. It was a Canadian Music Week recital celebrating music written by Canadians. Music for Young Children is a program offered locally by music and piano teacher Norma Hoy. Photo courtesy of Norma Hoy
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COMING EVENTS... Will appear as space is available, free of charge in this section. Coming events are available to non-profit organizations only. This area is not intended for thank you submissions or selling products. It is simply a place for nonprofit organizations a place to announce upcoming free activities. You can e-mail your item to advertising@ominecaexpress. com or by fax: 567-2070. Your organizations’ announcement can also be dropped off at our office located at #111-250 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James. Decision of the publisher is final. *** ThE NEChakO VallEy FESTIVal OF ThE PErFOrMING arTS... has a new website. www.musicfestivalweb. com/nechako. Please visit the website for syllabus and registration information. You can view the syllabus online. If a paper copy is required, there is a limited number available at the Vanderhoof Public Library. Registration for the festival will be online starting Jan. 1, 2014. The festival will take place from Apr. 12-25, 2014 with the festival concert happening on Apr. 27, 2014. *** FORT ST JAMES CHRISTIAN OUTREACH GROUP FOOD BANK SCHEDULE...10.00am to 12.00noon, on Wednesdays, November 27, December 11, January 8, 2014, January 22, February 4, February 18, March 5, March 19, April 2, April 16, April 30, May 14, May 28, June 11, June 26, July 9, July 23, August 6, August 20, September 3, Wednesday, September 17. *** UNTOlD seeks contributions from nonFirst Nations students and staff who experienced Catholic residential or day schools abuse in Northern BC. For more info email ***
FIrEwEED STOPPING ThE VIOlENCE & OUTrEaCh SErVICE For those who believe all is possible!...Provides free Confidential, Safe, and Supportive counselling and outreach services for women. Hours of Service: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and every other Friday. Location: Room 203, 349 Stuart Drive, Fort St James, BC Phone: (250) 9961214 Fax: (250) 996-7647 Email: *** ST PaTrICk’S aNGlICaN ChUrCh... hosts a free lunch every Tuesday from 11.00am - 1.00pm. All are welcome. This lunch is made possible through the generous giving of time and resources,by many people in the region, including The Roman Catholic Church, Camp Living Water, E-Free Church and many other individuals. We wish to thank all those who contribute their labour to this program as well as those who provide food and other necessities. We also run a small food bank on Tuesday morning, and are very thankful for all who contribute to this endeavor. For further information please call Gwen Andrews 567-6744. *** SErVICE TIMES... at St Patrick’s Anglican Church, Fort St James, will be 10:30 am every Sunday. Free lunch every Tues between 11-1pm with music and Prayer. Please come and join us. *** FIrEwEED ClOThES DrIVE... The Fireweed Safe Haven is doing a winter clothes drive. We are looking for jackets, boots, snow pants, mitts, hats, scarves, fleeces, etc, for men, women and children. The items will then be given to families in the community that need them. If you do not have anything at home that you can part with but still wish to contribute, you can purchase mitts, socks, or thermal underwear. Please drop items off at the Fireweed Safe Haven. For more information please contact Talia at (250) 996-8081.
Every little bit helps. *** aUxIlIary TO STUarT lakE hOSPITaL... Monthly meeting 2nd Wednesday each month. Hospital Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. *** FOrT ST. JaMES PUBlIC lIBrary hOUrS... Tuesday 11:30-8:00 Wednesday 11:30-4:30 Thursday 11:30-4:30 Friday 11:30-8:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00 *** NEChakO VallEy COMMUNITy SErVICES SOCIETy...Child and Youth Mental Health and Counseling Services available at no cost. Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 9967645 for appointment. *** FOrT TraP aND haNDGUN ClUB... meets last Sunday of every month. Contact (Sue) at 250-9967728 (h) for more information. *** FOrT ST. JaMES SEarCh & rESCUE... steering committee meetings first Tuesday of every month. 7:00 p.m. above the Fort St. James Firehall. Training is the third Tuesday of every month at the Firehall at 7 p.m. New members welcome. For more information please contact Paul at 250.996.7478 or Rod at 250.996.7269 *** MUSIC MakErS...New members always WELCOME. Not everyone has to be on stage, there is lots of work behind the scenes. Call Heike Fonda at 250-996-7006 for more info. *** ThE ThrIFT STOrE...has a new name! “The Bargain Basement”. We are still at the same location, across from Shoppers Food Mart. Donations of clean clothing and small housewares are greatly appreciated. Please, no books or magazines. Proceeds are used for community needs. Open Wed-Sat, 12 noon to 4pm.
Editorial Page
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 Caledonia Courier
The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British
Distributed every Wednesday in Fort St. James
Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body
Publisher: Pam Berger
governing the province’s newspaper industry. The
Editor Ruth Lloyd newsroom@
council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member
Office: Anne Stevens office@
newspapers. Directors oversee
Production: Julia Beal Wendy Haslam wendy@
newspaper and the complaint
Address: Box 1298 Fort St. James, BC VOJ 1P0
coverage or story treatment,
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Press Council.
the mediation of complaints, with input from both the holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about you may contact the B.C. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.
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For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
• Letter
• Column
PMO ethics scandal deeply troubling
Dear readers
Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier
If there is something you really want to see in the paper, a story or photo, we absolutely welcome contributions. However, if you want us to cover something for free, the one-person newsroom has to find time to do it, and there is a whole lot to do to make a newspaper every week and sometimes we won’t get to everything. If we don’t get to something you wanted covered, then you can write or photograph the event and contribute it and we’ll use it when we have space. Many hands make light work, so write in or take a photo and send it to us via: email. We love contributions! Unfortunately, the space in a newspaper is limited and determined by advertising, so if it doesn’t get in, it doesn’t mean we don’t think it’s important, and sometimes it might go in the Advertiser, which gets delivered to more even more places, as it is regional. Also, please also feel free to buy ad space. That is, if you want to be guaranteed to get something into the paper, then please purchase advertising space. If you are flexible or don’t have the money, then we will gladly fit things when we can, but again, space is limited and we can not afford to print pages not paid for by advertising - it’s the reality of how newspapers work, ads pay for them to exist. There is a lot going on in this little town, and it is hard to fit it all in or even to know about it all, and maybe some of the events truly close to your heart get left out at times. But you can help by covering those things and sending photos, written information or even inviting The Courier to the event - remember we can’t cover what we don’t know about. Some weeks there will not be room for everything, some weeks there will be too much room and not enough local information to fill it. Sometimes stories fall through. But we will do our best. Please do your best to understand and don’t expect the event you think is the most important one of the week did not make it in the paper when you wanted it to because we were already working on 10 other stories. Thanks for all your help!
Editor: Police documents sworn under oath show the RCMP is investigating allegations of bribery, fraud and breach of trust inside the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). The behaviour reported to have taken place earlier this year at the highest levels of Stephen Harper’s government is deeply troubling. Far from being the work of a single rogue (i.e., PMO Chief of Staff Nigel Wright) acting all alone, a dozen or more people in the Prime Minister’s inner sanctum have been mentioned by police in an elaborate scheme to pay off the controversial expenses of Conservative Senator Mike Duffy, disrupt a forensic audit, whitewash an official Senate report – and cover it all up. Most of these people still work for the Harper government. Some have been promoted. The Prime Minister claims he knew nothing, saw nothing, was told nothing, asked nothing and did nothing as a grotesque “deception” (as he called it) was pulled off right under his nose by his most trusted confidantes. And he refuses to answer any specific questions about what went on and why. His strategy is to deflect, deny and obfuscate, which makes Canadians even more suspicious. In a particularly troubling portion of the police documents about a deal with Duffy, Mr. Wright is quoted as saying: “I do want to speak to the PM before everything is considered final”. A short while later his emails go on to say: “We are good to go from the PM”. What exactly does that mean? The Conservatives claim “good to go” meant Mr. Harper approved Duffy repaying his own expenses. But that seems nonsensical. Why would the Prime Minister have to approve that? This and so many other serious questions remain unanswered. That’s why we have called repeatedly for Mr. Harper to testify under oath. His government has lost its sense of right and wrong. Canadians deserve better. Ralph Goodale, MP Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada
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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, December 4, 2013
RCMP report
Housing co-op elects board, expands mandate
Nov. 22 at just before one in cans. received a 9-1-1 call from a the morning, a male called to reInvestigation led to the under- residence on Lower Road on the Ruth Lloyd fill the needs as they change in the community. port an assault by another male standing the two men fighting Nak'azdli Reserve. Caledonia Courier The group will hold their next meeting on took place at his residence on were an uncle and a nephew and There was no voice on the Dec. 2 and plan on going after some seed fundLakeshore Drive. the fight was consensual and no phone, only breathing and then The group working on creating a co-op- ing to help them develop a business plan for the The complainant reported the further police action was taken. a man's voice asking where the erative housing project in Fort St. James has organization and they will also be incorporatsuspect was in his residence when Later on Nov. 23 at 7:21 p.m., phone was. elected their board. ing. he woke up, reportedly let in by a a report came in a house on the Police attended and found a Twenty-five members of the 116 member "It's been an interesting journey," said Valk roommate. lease properties at Binche had female caller had reportedly been group have taken the next step in the project, of the work they have done so far. The suspect then tried to punch been broken into. assaulted by her common law electing a board, establishing a misthe complainant and then trapped Complainant reported damage partner. sion statement, bringing forward the complainant in a headlock. to a screen door and a side exterior The man was arrested and re- some resolutions and beginning to The roommate witnessed the door was forced open. leased on a promise to appear and build a vision. altercation and told the suspect to A jacket was stolen, and later undertaking. The board will consist of Pete leave. recovered in another residence. Nov. 26 at 8:14 p.m. a male Valk as chair, Joyce Helweg as viceThe suspect reportedly was RCMP said they have no sus- reported another male in his resi- chair, Sandra Davidson as treasurer under the mistaken belief the pects but the case is still under dence was trying to stab and fight and Judy Greenaway as secretary. complainant had broken his win- investigation. Anyone with infor- with other people. Joan Beaman, Larry Taylor, and Jim dow. mation please contact the Fort St. The suspect then left the house. Wasylenko are also board members. While the suspect was not im- James RCMP or Crimstoppers. The complainant reported the So far, the group has resolved to remediately located, police did disNov. 24 at 9:19 p.m. police at- suspect and he had engaged in a strict membership to one member becover he was on probation with tended a residence on Stuart Drive consensual fight over a disagree- ing allowed to own up to a maximum conditions, however, the com- to where they believed a suspect ment about the cooking ability of of $20,000 in shares of the co-op. plainant did not want to proceed related to a series of break and en- the cook in the home. The mission statement is: To prowith charges and so the investiga- ters may be present. The suspect then reportedly vide quality, affordable housing in tion was ended. The male was reportedly grabbed a cooking knife and was the District of Fort St. James and the On Nov. 23 at 1:40 a.m., "grossly intoxicated" according waving it around. Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako RCMP were conducting a check to police, and in the presence of a The complainant did not want Area C. stop at the corner of Stone's Bay number of intoxicated persons. to pursue charges and the investiThe vision for the group is still beRoad and Stuart Drive. The suspect was arrested based gation was ended. ing developed, however, they are not A black Chevrolet Tahoe was on the information the police had Nov. 28 at 8:35 a.m., RCMP restricting themselves to only seniors pulled over and the driver report- obtained. attended a residence on Dogwood housing. edly exhibited signs of intoxicaFurther investigation led to to assist with a handgun. With ideals encompassing affordtion. the recovery of a wallet and yelThe complainant stated her ability and sustainability, they want to A roadside screening device low bag stolen from properties on friend had recently passed away keep the group open enough to help resulted in a fail reading. Binche. and she had the deceased person's follow and provide for the needs of The driver was given a 90-day The suspect was also on condi- revolver in her home, which she the area, said Pete Valk. roadside prohibition from driving tions to abstain from alcohol. was not comfortable with. A housing study recently comand the vehicle was impounded He has since been remanded The RCMP then took the pleted for the District of Fort St. James for 30 days. into custody and will appear in handgun for safe storage until they identifies seniors' housing is a major @saveca The driver was a Fort St. James court. can determine what will be done priority, so the group will still focus in resident. Nov. 25 at 1:49 a.m., RCMP with the estate of the deceased. on this to begin with, but will work to On Nov. 23 at 4:41 a.m., RCMP were called to a report of a domestic assault at the Hillcrest Apartments. A male was located in the hallway of the building with a black eye and a cut lip and reportedly highly intoxicated. The male was arrested. Upon investigation, the female victim said the male had kicked her in the throat and she retaliated, resulting in the black eye and split lip. The male was then released on conditions and a promise to appear in court. Also on Nov. 23 at 5:59 a.m., RCMP were dispatched to a fight at a residence on Knots Landing. Two males were then Thursday, December 5th found sitting in the living room of the residence passed Community Centre, 190 Stuart Drive East One more great photo of Fort St. James on Instagram. " Yesterday's out when police arrived. 6:00pm - 8:00pm The men were reportedly #sunrise in #fortstjames #traintracks #logging #footprints" @normadd Refreshments will be served! surrounded by empty beer
Instagraphics #fortstjames
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ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis
The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.
Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: I HAVE a limited draw for a female elk in 714 area. Draw dates Jan 15 - Feb 14. I am looking for permission from someone in that area to hunt. If you have that area and you would allow me to hunt for a reasonable fee please call Howard at (250) 692-9766
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NAK’AZDLI BAND COUNCIL P.O. Box 1329, Fort St. James, BC, V0J 1P0 Telephone (250) 996 – 7171 Fax (250) 996 – 8010
JOB POSTING: CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Position Purpose: Nak’azdli Band is looking for an experienced, Chief Operations Of¿cer :e reTXire a positiYe, teaP oriented indiYidXal to set and Peet goals and to ensXre that eYer\ PePEer of the teaP is deliYering in accordance Zith the high standards of the Nak’azdli Band’s de¿ned goals Job Results and Responsibilities: 7he Chief Operations Of¿cer Zill Ee responsi Ele for directing and oYerseeing the dail\ operations of Nak’azdli Band +e she Zill Ee responsiEle for enhancing the internal organization processes and infrastrXctXre that Zill alloZ Nak’azdli Band to continXe to groZ and fXl¿ll its Pission 7he incXP Eent PXst proYide leadership and direction for staff PePEers that continXoXsl\ pro Pote )irst Nations’ philosoph\ and the coPpan\’s Pission and YalXes +e she Zill serYe as a PePEer of the PanagePent staff and participate in the oYerall coPpan\ decision Paking and the achieYePent of the coPpan\’s strategic goals 7his indiYid Xal serYes as a Eridge EetZeen Nak’azdli Band departPent heads and the Chief and CoXncil 7he incXPEent PXst Ee technologicall\ adept and PXst Pake eYer\ effort to achieYe PaxiPXP leYels of operating ef¿cienc\ and accXrac\ 4uali¿Fations: ➣ 0iniPXP of a B$, ideall\ Zith an 0B$ ➣ \ears of 0anagePent or 6enior 0anagePent Zith experience in operational and adPinistratiYe PanagePent ➣ 6trong knoZledge of accoXnting procedXres inYolYing procXrePent, traYel, and EXdget PanagePent ➣ 6trong knoZledge of EXsiness and PanagePent principles gained throXgh experience in rXnning different EXsiness Xnits ➣ 6trong knoZledge of softZare s\stePs, as Zell as 0icrosoft Of¿ce prodXcts, inclXding (xcel, :ord, and 3oZer3oint ➣ .noZledge of local and federal and $$N'C regXlations and policies, excellent anal\tical and proEleP solYing skills ➣ (xcellent interpersonal skills PeticXloXs records Paintenance skills ➣ *ood ¿nancial and EXsiness aZareness and reporting experience ➣ 6trong Zritten and YerEal skills to coPPXnicate Zith all leYels of the organization and its execXtiYe teaP ➣ )irst $id skills and or certi¿cates are considered assets ➣ .noZledge of Carrier +istor\ and /angXage considered an asset Nak’azdli Band offers coPpetitiYe salar\ Zages packages and an incrediEle Zork enYironPent CLOSING DATE: JANUARY 10, 2014@4:00 PM ,nterested applicants Pa\ forZard resXPe to the aEoYe address or ePail their resXPes to execXtiYeassistant#nakazdli ca $ttention 0aXreen ,sadore PLEASE NO PHONE CALLS NOTE: Onl\ those applicants Zho Peet the PiniPXP reTXirePents Zill Ee inYited to interYieZ
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, Wednesday,December December4, 4,2013 2013
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John Prince Research Forest SUP 22194 2013/14 Operational Plan Notice is hereby given that Chuzghun Resources Corporation (CRC) has prepared a operational plan for the John Prince Research Forest (SUP 22194) in the Fort St. James District. This plans shows blocks scheduled for harvest for winter 2013/14. In total, approximately 100 ha of harvesting (approximately 20,000 m3) is proposed. Review and Comment: The plan will be available for review and comment until December 19th, 2013 at CRC’s office, during regular business hours (8:00 AM – 4:00 PM). CRC is located at Cinnabar Resort on Tezzeron Lake. Phone is (250) 996-3700.
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. Any written comments should be forwarded to 1-866-652-6837 Water testing and Treatment. Gravel Hauling, Excavation work. the address below by Dec 20th, 2013 to ensure consideration: newspaper?
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Remote Water Hauling, Water testing and Treatment. teƐƟng anĚ dreatment͘ Gravel Hauling, Excavation work. 'raǀel Hauling, džĐaǀaƟon ǁorŬ͘ l Now providing Liquid storage O Eoǁ ƉroǀiĚing >iƋuiĚ Ɛtorage tanks for Water and Waste tanŬƐ Ĩor Water anĚ WaƐte Management. For Residential Danagement͘ &or ReƐiĚenƟal and Industrial uses. anĚ /nĚuƐtrial uƐeƐ͘ l Rainwater harvesting solutions. O Rainǁater ŚarǀeƐƟng ƐoluƟonƐ͘ O
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NEWS Invasion of a foreign species
Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier
Fort St. James is being invaded - by Eurasian Collared Doves, that is. The foreign bird, originally from Asia, first landed in North America - via the Bahamas - somewhere in Florida, and the first recorded sighting of the animal was in Miami, Florida in 1982. Since then, the invader has wasted no time in making its way across the continent, with an apparent ability to adapt well to human-altered environments. Unlike other invasive species, however, so far the bird has not had any apparent impact on the native species of doves, but this will need to be watched over time to ensure there are not long-term implications of the invader. But while Canadian “snow birds” may be winging their way down to Florida via motorhomes, the Eurasian Collared Dove has been slowly winging its way north and westward over time, and appears to have managed to make it to Fort St. James. Biologist and local bird enthusiast Joanne Vinnedge said a pair of Eurasian Collared Doves was first spotted in 2011 at Tchentlo Lake, and successful nestlings were spotted in Fort St. James in 2012. Since then, she said she has had numer-
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 Caledonia Courier
information, contact Joanne Vinnedge at 996-7401. Source: Project FeederWatch Blog by The Cornell Lab of Ornithology
OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (Across from the Petrocan Station)
SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday 7:30 pm & Sunday 10:30 am DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am PASTORAL TEAM: FATHER FRANK SALMON 250-996-8343 SR. PAT MACAULAY, SR. DIVINA PEDRO
A pair of Eurasian Collared Doves sit on a power line. ous queries from folks about these birds, which do not appear in older bird books, being relatively new to North America in general and especially the north. To get out and learn more and have a look for the rare sighting, you can join in with experienced, amateur and beginner birders for this year’s 34th Annual Fort St. James Christmas Bird Count on Saturday, Jan. 4, 2014. The event begins each year at Joanne
The Fort St. James Community Arts Council (disclosure: I am a member) put on a big night of burlesque, beverages and beautiful music to help raise funds for the old courthouse. The event saw a sold-out crowd dress up in some of their best to listen to Mel Chesnutt sing with the help of Richard Sutton on guitar, Pauline Friessen on piano, and Olivia McMahon doing some backup vocals and some theatrical support. Then there was the Bottoms Up Barely Burlesque group from Quesnel, B.C.. The group was hilariously entertaining. Playful and charismatic, from comedy to sultry and sassy dancing, the show had more than one person commenting afterwards about sore facial muscles from laughter - not a bad problem to have. The event raised
Project FeederWatch Blog photo
Vinnedge’s home and volunteer birders spread out in teams to record all the birds seen within a count circle, centred on the post office and cover a specific area. If this sounds like a little too much outdoor time at this particular time of year, there is also the option of doing a bird feeder count, or joining the birders for part of the day. For more
Fundraiser raises $ and awareness Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier
around $1,000 towards the required renovations for the old courthouse building, which the arts council and other groups want to see turned into a non profit hub for the community. The arts council would like to be able to use the space for workshops and to store some of the equipment for arts and crafts, like the pottery wheels and kilns they now have in storage until there is a permanent location for them. The renovations needed to make the building usable include wiring for emergency lighting to meet fire code require- ABOVE: Mel Chesnutt sang some saucy songs ments for public to warm up the crowd for Bottoms Up Barely Burbuildings, new lesque. Photos are not allowed during the perforwindows, flooring mance, but to see some of what you missed, you and some electri- can have a look at: cal work to service categories/quesnel--2/shops/bottoms-up-barelythe kilns and pot- burlesque Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier tery wheels in the house is still open, The District of Fort space. A contest to re- and name suggestions St. James office on name the old court- can be dropped off at Stuart Drive.
Due to the holiday season, Santa and all the elves at the Omineca Express and Caledonia Courier have got to rest! Therefore we will have early deadlines for all Display and Classified advertising.
OMINECA EXPRESS AND CALEDONIA COURIER DECEMBER 25th ISSUE - OUT DECEMBER 24th Deadline: Noon, Tues, Dec. 17th JANUARY 1st ISSUE - OUT DECEMBER 31st Deadline: Noon, Mon, Dec. 23rd STUART NECHAKO ADVERTISER DECEMBER 27th ISSUE Deadline: Noon, Thurs, Dec. 19th JANUARY 3rd ISSUE Deadline: Noon, Mon, Dec. 23rd OFFICE CLOSED Dec. 25th, 26th & Jan 1st
Reaching Every Door