Thursday, December 12, 2013 ▼ Volume 50 No. 48 ▼ www.clearwatertimes.com ▼ $1.35 Includes GST
Second Place Best All Round Newspaper Third Place Best Editorial Page All of Canada <1,250 circulation 2013
20th annual concert helps Food Bank. See A20 inside.
Second Place General Excellence B.C. and Yukon <2,000 circulation 2013
Atoms win home tourney Clearwater Atoms player Devon Green takes the puck between two 100 Mile House players during a game on Saturday morning. Behind him is his brother, Brendon Green. The contest was part of an Atoms tournament held on the weekend at the Sportsplex. Clearwater won the tourney, taking all four of its games. For more about the Atoms tourney, see page 12 inside. Photo by Keith McNeill
Coroners Service to get letter about body removal contract Keith McNeill District of Clearwater is going to write the provincial government to express its concern about BC Coroners Service's decision to centralize its body removal service to Kamloops. Town council voted to send the letter during its Dec. 3 meting. Mayor John Harwood appeared skeptical that much could be done, unless the government is prepared to break the contract. The term of the contract is for three years, he believed. Up until last spring, if there was an unexpected or accidental death in the North Thompson Valley, chances are it would be handled by North Thompson Funeral Services.
Last May BC Coroners Service consolidated the body collection services in the Kamloops region into one contract. The contract was advertised on BC Bid but, because it involved collections from as far away as Ashcroft, North Thompson Funeral Services did not bid on it. A company from Kelowna was the successful bidder. Harwood said he had met with North Thompson Funeral Services owner Drake Smith and Clearwater RCMP Sgt. Kevin Podbisky about the issue about five months ago. According to the mayor, the police are unhappy with the change because it can add to the time they must wait at an accident scene. A similar time lag could apply to local residents whose family member has died
at home, the mayor added. Waiting many hours with the body of a loved one in the house could only add to the stress felt. The major impact to the funeral home would not so much be the direct loss of business as much as the indirect, Harwood felt. All or most victims of unexpected or accidental deaths are now taken to Kamloops, rather than the hospital in Clearwater. With the body already in the city, people would be that much more likely to use a Kamloops funeral home for the service, rather than the one in the valley. Centralizing the body removal service therefore has important social and community implications, he said. A number of local residents have written letters to BC Coroners Service to
express their opposition to the change. The letter-writing campaign has been organized by Wells Gray Country Seniors Society. Speaking from the audience WGCSS member Sandra Holmes said she has had local first responders and ambulance staff tell her they agree with the opposition to the body removal changes. The centralized contract only extends to Clearwater, she noted, while the one covering Valemount only extends to Blue River (bodies from there are taken to Prince George). That means there is a “no man's land” between the areas covered by the two contracts. Holmes encouraged town council to write the letter. She said her understanding is the contract can be cancelled at short notice.
A2 www.clearwatertimes.com
For the Record In last week's issue we said singersongwriter Eli Barsi and her husband live in Kamloops. In fact, they live in Saskatchewan. We apologize for the error.
“When you need us, we’re close by” When a death occurs, I’m here to help you, every step of the way. 24 hours a day, every day. If you have made pre-arrangements elsewhere and would like to discuss having your local funeral home take care of you, please feel free to call.
Call Drake at 250-674-3030 or 1-877-674-3030 day or night.
Drake Smith, MSW (Funeral Director/Owner)
It’s not what you earn, it’s what you keep
CONTACT US TO DISCUSS • Your goals and dreams • Your issues and obstacles • Your success and quality of life
Kamloops (250) 374-5908
Thursday, December 12, 2013 Clearwater Times
Canfor announces capital investments in Houston sawmill Submitted Canfor Corporation announced recently that, subject to ratification of the tentative labour agreement between the company and the United Steelworkers, the company will proceed with capital investments totalling approximately $36 million to improve efficiency and recovery in its Houston, British Columbia sawmill. The investment will include upgrades
to primary and secondary breakdown lines and advancements in scanning and optimization technology. “Our newly-strengthened fibre position in the Houston region allows us to proceed with this significant investment,” said Canfor Corporation president and CEO Don Kayne. “These capital improvements are designed to ensure we are able to operate a worldclass facility in Houston for the long term, in all market conditions.”
Canfor Corporation earlier announced a fibre exchange agreement with West Fraser Mills Ltd. which, when concluded, will see the company add approximately 324,500 cubic metres of replaceable forest licence allowable annual cut in the Morice Timber Supply Area. Since 2010, the company has invested more than $650 million in modernizing its British Columbia lumber, pulp and paper mills.
Council seeks decorations for Dutch Lake beachhouse Keith McNeill There should be a lighted Christmas display at the Dutch Lake beachhouse, according to councillor Jon Kreke. That was a recommendation he reported from the municipality's parks and recreation committee to town council on Dec. 5. District of Clearwater is looking for donations of ornaments and decorations
from the community for the display, he said. Winter Festival in January Town council approved spending up to $2,000 to sponsor Clearwater's annual Winter Festival, on the recommendation of councillor Ken Kjenstad. The event will be held Jan. 24 – 26. “The Winter Festival is destined to become another signature event for Clearwater,” said Mayor John Harwood.
He noted that a recent report from Tourism Wells Gray documented how sporting events of this type are good investments for the community. Forest consultant coming to Clearwater Chris Ortner, the consultant putting together the Bridges II project, will be in Clearwater on Jan. 10, councillor Barry Banford reported. Bio-energy will be one of the topics for discussion. Possibly it could be used for buildings such as the
Sportsplex, Banford said. The project seeks to increase the roles played by small tenure holders such as woodlots and community forests, plus the valueadded sector, in two sub-regions of the province: the McBrideto-Barriere corridor, and the west Kootenay Lake corridor centred around Kaslo. The project began in November, 2012. Seniors project gets funding District of Clearwater is to receive about $17,000
for a project titled “Community Circles for Seniors.” A coordinator will be hired for 15 hours per month to put the program on, chief administrative officer Leslie Groulx told town council during its Dec. 3 meeting. The project must be completed within 12 months and no later than Jan. 1, 2015. The money is coming from the Ministry of Health's Age Friendly Community Planning and Projects grant program through Union of BC Municipalities.
Clothes Company gives to hospital
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION NEEDED! It’s that time of year again to put your name forward if you are interested in being part of a Committee of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District! We are accepting applications from persons interested in serving the communities of the Regional District on any the following Committees:
Clothes Company representatives Helen Heater (l) and Mary Stewart try out two new cachet chairs purchased recently for Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital with a cheque from the thrift store. Standing with them is nursing services and care lead Lorelei Rogers. The chairs, which are being used in the emergency room and laboratory, are built to new infection control standards. The Clothes Company, which until recently was located in the former teacherage next to the schoolbus yard in Clearwater, is still looking for a new home, Stewart says. Photo by Keith McNeill
• Blackpool Fire Protection • Film Commission • Invasive Plant • Pritchard Fire Protection • Regional Solid Waste Management Plan Monitoring Advisory Committee • Thompson Headwaters Services • Vavenby Fire Protection • Wells Gray Country Services Please visit our website at http://www.tnrd.ca/content/committees for more information on the eligibility criteria, membership requirements, and appointment process. If you are interested, please forward a brief resume indicating the committee on which you wish to serve, noting why you are interested, by Friday, January 3, 2014, to: TNRD Corporate Officer #300, 465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2A9 Phone (250) 377-8673 or 1-877-377-8673 (toll free in BC) Email: admin@tnrd.ca Email: admin@tnrd.ca
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Clearwater Times Thursday, December 12, 2013
www.clearwatertimes.com A3
Incentive program attracting rural doctors Ministry of Health VICTORIA – Nine new doctors have been hired in rural B.C., thanks to an initiative announced this spring by the provincial government and the BC Medical Association. "It is great news that nine physicians have been hired as a result of this incentive to better support the health of rural families," said Health Minister Terry Lake. "I have seen first-hand in Clearwater what a positive impact this program has had in supporting rural health care and increasing the resiliency of smaller communities." The Rural Physicians for British Columbia incentive provides recruited doctors with a one-time payment of $100,000 when they commit to a three-year return of service in a designated rural community. A total of 17 communities are eligible for the funding and almost half of these communities now have at least one new doctor. Communities benefiting from the new doctors are Clearwater, Terrace, Chetwynd, Bella Coola, Hazelton, Princeton, Nakusp
Dr. Steven Broadbent (l) is welcomed to Clearwater by Kamloops-North Thompson MLA and provincial health minister Terry Lake recently. A number of incentives from the province helped Broadbent make the move from the United Kingdom. Photo submitted
and Port Hardy. The doctors come from various locations and are at different stages in their professional careers ranging from relatively
new physicians to others that have been practicing for over a decade. Of the new physicians, eight are general practitioners and one is a specialist in anaesthesiology. "Being a doctor in a rural community can be challenging, but it's also extremely rewarding," said BCMA president Dr. William Cunningham, a rural doctor who works in Duncan. "The new incentive encourages doctors to give rural practice a try. After three years in those communities, I am optimistic they will build roots and stay for the longer-term. This program is part of the BCMA's commitment to help provide the highest standard of health care for our patients – when and where they need it." The incentive was developed by the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues, which is comprised of the provincial government and the BCMA. The committee develops programs that strengthen rural health care and encourage physicians to live and practise in rural and remote areas of the province. The communities were selected by
the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues, in collaboration with regional health authorities, based on a number of factors including the degree of difficulty the community has experienced in recruiting hard-to-fill physician positions. "The financial incentive and guaranteed income made the transition and worry a lot easier, as it is a big jump. Our visit to the community really helped. Everyone was amazing to us," said Dr. Steven Broadbent, who recently moved from the U.K. to Clearwater. Participating physicians receive $50,000 when they begin working in the community. The remaining $50,000 is paid once they have completed one year of service. The full amount must be repaid if the three-year commitment is not fulfilled. B.C. has a comprehensive set of incentive programs to encourage doctors to set up and maintain practice in rural areas of the province. More information is available at: www.health.gov.bc.ca/pcb/ rural_recruitment.html
Sim calls for better highway signage Keith McNeill Clearwater might have a new roundabout on Highway 5 but there needs to be better signage to go with it, according to town councillor Shelley Sim. “It now says we are the Gateway to Wells Gray Park, except it doesn't say where that gateway is,” Sim told District of Clearwater council during its Dec. 3 meeting. Travellers approaching the roundabout from the west first see a sign saying the turnoff to Wells Gray Park is in 400 meters. When they get to the roundabout, however, the only direc-
tional sign they see says that Park Drive is to the right. Not surprisingly, therefore, a certain number of travellers turn south onto Park Drive, looking for Wells Gray Park, when they should be turning north onto Clearwater Valley Road. It is a mistake to assume that travellers know where they are or where they should be going, Sim said. She gave as an example a group of tourists that stopped at the Wells Gray Infocenter some time ago. They insisted that they had reservations at a certain hotel in Clearwater and wanted to know where that
hotel was located. Unfortunately for the tourists, when Infocenter staff researched the question further, they found that the hotel was in Clearwater, Florida. Sim said she would like to see council and staff have more dialog with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure on signage. “The word I like is 'smart' directional signs,” she said. Chief administrative officer Leslie Groulx said Dave Shibata, the regional project manager for the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, is looking at ideas to improve the signage.
Canfor contradicts media reports Times Staff Media reports about a recent announcement of Canfor's entering into a joint venture agreement to open a wood manufacturing plant in China have caused the company to issue a news release in reply "A small number of media outlets in British Columbia have ran factually incorrect reports about the recent announcement of our joint venture with Tangshan Caofeidian Wood Industry,” said Canfor president and CEO Don Kayne. “Specifically, reports that this initiative will mean that Canfor will be exporting raw logs to China are completely inaccurate, as are suggestions that the
announcement is connected to the closure of our Quesnel facility.” Canfor listed a number of points that it said set the record straight: • Canfor does not export raw logs. All exports from the company's Canadian and U.S. facilities are shipped as manufactured lumber, pulp and paper. • The closure of Canfor's Quesnel facility was necessary due to a lack of available fibre owing to the mountain pine beetle epidemic in the region. The facility was profitable and would have continued operating as such had there been sufficient fibre to supply the mill. • The proposed facility in Caofeidian will be a secondary
manufacturing operation that will custom cut Canfor lumber into specific dimensions for individual customers on an on-demand basis. This is work that must be done in-market. • Logs from the B.C. Interior will not be processed at the Caofeidian facility, and the facility is in no way intended to undertake work that is being done or could be done in the Quesnel mill or any of
Canfor’s other facilities. • In fact, Canfor is entering into a supply agreement with the new facility, which will ensure that finished lumber from B.C. continues to flow to China. By partnering with the facility Canfor can build on its current market share and not allow species from other countries to service the secondary industry in China.
Res: 250-676-9485 • Cell: 250-674-1355 www.wellsgraycountry.ca
300-465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada V2C 2A9 Tel: 250-377-8673 Email: tnrd.director@gmail.com Fax: 250-372-5048 www.tnrd.bc.ca Toll Free in BC: 1-877-377-8673
DISTRICT OF CLEARWATER www.districtofclearwater.com
What’s Happening WHAT’S HAPPENING
Road Maintenance Contacts District of Clearwater Municipal Roads The areas within the boundaries are the responsibility of the District of Clearwater and the contractor Borrow Enterprises Ltd. - Please call 250.674.8776 for road maintenance. The area outside the boundaries are the responsibility of Argo Maintenance including Yellowhead Highway #5 and Clearwater Valley Road – Please call Argo Road Maintenance at 1.800.661.2025 District office news The District office will be closed from 12:00pm-2:00pm on December 17th, 2013 for the staff to enjoy their annual Christmas luncheon. The District office Christmas Hours are as follows: December 24 – 8:30am – 1:00pm December 25-27 – CLOSED - January 1-3 – CLOSED December 30-31 – 8:30am – 4:30pm Regular hours resume on January 6th, 2014. If you are in need of a “Snow Angel” or wish to be a “Snow Angel” call or drop in to the District office, phone 250.674.2257 or email: admin@docbc.ca . The District has begun to prepare the 2014-2018 Five Year Financial Plan and is looking for public input. Please forward any suggestions or comments to Sheila Thiessen, Director of Finance at sthiessen@docbc.ca. Clearwater & District Food Bank The Clearwater & District Food Bank is gearing up for another busy Christmas season. They are always in need of donations of funds, new toys and food. Donations can be dropped off at the Food Bank during office hours, Monday to Friday 9:00am – 12 noon. The Food Bank Christmas Hamper campaign is underway, for more information call Heather Stanley at 250.674.3697 or Sherry Joubert at 250.587.6269. Christmas Safety Tips If you have a live tree in your home, keep it watered. Check the water level in the tree stand daily and keep it full. If there is an electrical short or spark, well-watered trees are much less likely to ignite than dry, brittle trees. Do not put your tree near a fireplace or a heating source. December is the peak time of year for home candle fires. In December, 11% of home candle fires began with decorations compared to 4% the rest of the year. Ensure candles are placed away from flammable objects. Put candles in sturdy, flame-resistant holders in an open area. Never leave candles burning if you leave the house. If you use matches to light candles, put extinguished matches under cold water for a few seconds before throwing them away. Upcoming Events December 5-21 – Thursday, Friday and Saturday - Christmas Winter Market December 22nd – Skate with Santa Upcoming Meetings of Council December 17th, 2013 – Infrastructure/Parks and Recreation meeting – 5:00pm December 17th, 2013 – Regular Council meeting – 7:00pm January 7th, 2014 – Economic Development/Finance and Audit Committee meeting – 5:00pm January 7th, 2014 – Regular Council meeting – 7:00pm
Civic address: 132 Station Road Box 157, Clearwater,B.C. V0E 1N0 Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 District Office Ph: 250-674-2257 • Fax: 250-674-2173 email address: admin@districtofclearwater.com
DISTRICT OF CLEARWATER www.districtofclearwater.com
A4 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, December 12, 2013 Clearwater Times
“ Courage and cheerfulness will not only carry you over the rough places in life, but will enable you to bring comfort and help to the weak-hearted and will console you in the sad hours.” - William Osler, physician editorial by keith mcNeill
Rambling Man should say why he says what he says
Rotary Christmas Tree Light-Up organizer says thanks for the help Editor, The Times:
I would like to extend a big huge “Thank You” to everyone who helped making this year’s Rotary Christmas Tree Light-Up into another wonderful success! This community event was made possible by our very generous sponsors: Wells Gray Community Forest, District of Clearwater, TNRD, Rotary, Wells Gray Infocenter Gift Shop, Blackwell Enterprises, Wells Gray Gallery, Charlene Lau Studios, TNT Transmission and Automotive, Helmcken Chocolates, RBC, KM Documentaries, Clearwater Times, Clearwater Fire Department, Double “R” Pizza, and Yellowhead Community Services. Thank you so very much for invest-
ing in our community event. Thank you Santa for coming, we all know how busy you are right now. It was great you took the time to visit with the children. I am sure they loved it! Also, a big thank you to the Fire Department for driving Santa to the party. The Campbell Family, the Carol Singers, and the Gerda Faber, thank you for creating a real Christmas atmosphere with your music. Thank you Ken Madland for making another beautiful Santa chair. Heather Adamson, thank you for reading the Christmas story, Merlin Blackwell for the bonfire, Gary Johnston for the firewood, Roger and Debbie Mayer as well as Double “R” Pizza for donating great
BC Press Council
The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a selfregulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, 210 Selby St, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2R2 For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org
Times THE
www.clearwatertimes.com Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council
prizes, RBC for the chocolate coins, Charlene Lau for creating beautiful posters and organizing the vendors, Sharon Chaytor for opening her store and feeding everyone chili and a bun, Tay Briggs for the treasure trunk, the Literacy Program for the books, and Sharon Neufeld for making these amazing wreaths and garlands. A very big thank you to the Rotary Club members who helped decorate in and around the Infocenter and wrote “Merry Christmas” on the tennis court fence as well as for all your help during the event and with the clean up afterwards. My sincere apologies if I have forgotten to mention anyone. So many people jumped in enthusiastically and helped out. Thank You! And last but not least to all the people who attended and enjoyed the event even though the weather was really crappy; without you it wouldn’t have been the great Christmas Tree Light-Up that it was. Thank you for coming and joining in the holiday cheer. Hope to see you all again next year! Merry Christmas!
Margot Venema Clearwater Rotary Club
Jim, old buddy, old pal, old friend – I think they're on to us. A short while ago your editor wrote a series of editorials about global warming and encouraging people to sign an online petition that calls for worldwide referendum on a global carbon tax (www.thepetitionsite. com/286/384/042/petition-for-a-referendum-on-a-global-carbon-tax/). The editorials seem to have had close to zero impact. The last time I looked there were fewer than 60 names on the petition, of which a tiny handful were local. Your editor was ready to let the issue rest for a while. Then along came the Rambling Man, Jim Lamberton, with a couple of letters to the editor in apparent rebuttal to my editorials. I say apparent rebuttal because, although Jim's letters are humorous in places, he doesn't really present any serious counter-arguments. An unbiased person reading his letters might conclude that his real motivation is to give your editor an excuse to keep flogging the global carbon tax petition. Take Jim's most recent letter, for example (“Global warming debate continues” in our Dec. 5 issue), which was in reply to my editorial the week before (“Times editor asks, 'Where's the heat?'” in our Nov. 28 issue). In my editorial I wrote that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is now more than half again what it was before the Industrial Revolution and that, according to National Geographic, it is likely higher now than it has been for 3 million years. The Rambling Man's reply? “Baloney.” Well, that might or might not be correct, Jim, but most thinking people would want to know why you believe it is baloney. Otherwise, they might suspect that you are just opening the door for me to talk more about why we need a global carbon tax. I might, for example, mention Harvard economist Martin Weitzman, who specializes in the economics of catastrophes, among other things. According to Weitzman, it's the unusual but extreme events that define the outcome.
The stock market is a good place to invest your money – until it crashes. The dinosaurs dominated the Earth for millions of years – until an asteroid hit and the mammals took over. Most people are familiar with the bell curve of probability. The majority of events occur within the peak of the curve and those are the ones we usually prepare for and deal with. However, it's the unusual but severe events in the tails of the bell curve that you've got to watch out for. The IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) has grossly underestimated the probability and severity of the events in the tails of its predictions, according to Weitzman. IPCC is predicting that doubling the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could yield temperature increases of 2 C to 4.5 C by the end of this century, with a best guess of about 3 C. That's with a two-thirds probability – the peak of the bell curve. That's scarey enough, but when we look at the tails of the bell curve, things get even more disconcerting. According to Weitzman, there is a five per cent probability of warming greater than 10 C by the end of this century and a one per cent probability of warming greater than 20 C. Temperature increases in those ranges would render much of the Earth's surface uninhabitable by human beings. Global warming is a global problem that requires a global solution. A global carbon tax would be a central part of that global solution. Distributing the global carbon tax's proceeds as a social dividend or basic income grant to all the people in the world, as proposed by climate scientist James Hansen, would help compensate them for the risks to their property and lives that global warming is exposing them to. Holding a worldwide referendum on a global carbon tax would give it the legitimacy it would need to be successful. All of this is unlikely to happen unless a significant percentage of the world's population asks for it through, for example, an online petition. And that's no baloney.
74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email: newsroom@clearwatertimes.com www.clearwatertimes.com
Subscribe to the Times
Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
In Town / Out of Town Rates 1 year $57.75; 2 years $110.25 Prices include GST
Clearwater Times Thursday, December 12, 2013
www.clearwatertimes.com A5
Question of the Week
Are you ready for Christmas?
(Question asked of vendors at the Wells Gray Winter Market at the Infocenter)
Shirley De Vought:
Hilda Reimer:
As ready as I'm going to be. The kids have grown and gone and so Christmas is now about food, friends and wonderful conversation.
Yes, I am. I'm always ready.
Doris Scharff:
Cathy Smith:
No, I'm weeks behind. I'll get there, though.
As ready as I'm going to be. I'll be ready when it's all over.
Anne Lane:
No. It's hard when you're trying to get ready for all your craft sales too. It will come together, though, once there are more hours in the day.
Coroners Service replies to body removal concerns Editor, The Times:
The BC Coroners Service would like to clarify some of the issues which have recently arisen about body transport and coroner services in the North Thompson area. Coroner services for the North Thompson area have traditionally been provided by coroners based near Kamloops. These coroners rotate to ensure services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for Kamloops and surrounding communities. It is neither feasible nor desirable that one coroner be situated in the North
Thompson area given the small number of deaths requiring coroner services and the necessity for that individual to be on call 24/7/365. With respect to body transport, the BC Coroners Service is a publicly funded agency and, like all other branches of government, is required to provide its services in the most efficient and effective way possible. With this in mind, the Coroners Service earlier this year issued a competitive bid proposal for body transport services in a number of areas of the province, one of which
and efficient death investigaWe note we have received no included North Thompson. tion services in the North complaints about delay or the The winning bidder was Thompson area. required to be able to attend all performance of the contractor in regards to cases in the scenes within the area within Larry Marzinzik Barriere-Clearwater area. 90 minutes, which is the stanRegional Coroner Interior Region We look forward to continudard requirement for transport BC Coroners Service ing to provide professional services in rural and remote areas. The company that won HOME HARDWARE IS A CANADIAN OWNED COMPANY the bid, C. Thompson & Sons, has been meeting those guidelines consistently, and its employees have been dealing with deceased persons and their families with the dignity and respect that we expect from all our contractors.
Outdoor Accents
TRU president to visit on Friday Editor, The Times:
Thompson Rivers University is interested in hearing your thoughts and ideas on what its strategic priorities should be for the next five years: On Dec. 13, 2013 at 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m. at the Community Resource Centre, 224 Candle Creek Road, the president of TRU, Alan Shaver, will be hosting a town hall to receive your input.
By coming out and participating, you can ensure your thoughts are considered as TRU goes through the process of defining those areas in which it will invest time, money and effort over the next five years. Do feel welcome to bring a friend or neighbour with you – this is our community and our opportunity to have our say in shaping what we
have come to regard as “our” university: Thompson Rivers University. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call me at 250-674-3530. We look forward to greeting you on December 13th.
Sylvia Arduini Community Program coordinator Thompson Rivers University
Lit Porch trees (set of 2) 5657-432
Reg. $89.99 Sale
24” Frosted Prelit potted Shrub 5656-048
Reg $69.99 Sale
Voices United Community Choir singing
“A New Birth, A New Beginning” directed by Louise Weaver
December 14 • 4 pm at Clearwater Baptist Church Admission by donation All proceeds will be given to Wells Gray Search and Rescue
Late Night Shopping Friday Dec. 13th
Power tool Sale, Ornament Tree 20% off
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Christmas meat Draw 3-5pm
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Hams and turkeys
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A6 www.clearwatertimes.com
Night skiing was being tried out in Clearwater. A new long rope tow and new runs had been added. The skiing/skating sports center was valued at $100,000.
Thursday, December 12, 2013 Clearwater Times
the Clearwater River. His shots had been heard by Ken Dunford.
A CN spur line was to be added to the Pacific 66 bulk plant, according to manager Bill Mattenley. Clearwater Search and Rescue, along with RCMP Cpl. Millhouse, went to rescue a hunter lost on the east side of
There is increasing evidence that shows that brain changes leading to dementia occur decades before the actual symptoms appear. This means that early diagnosis of dementia is very important. There are many on-line tests available to test you for Alzheimers and dementia symptoms. These are not reliable. your best resource is your doctor. Winter air travel can be painful. Airplane ear, is a full, sometimes painful feeling in the ear as the plane takes off or lands. It often happens in winter when people have colds. Using a nasal decongestant spray a half hour before take-off can help. Don’t sleep during take-off and landing and try yawning to clear the ears or try pinching the nostrils and blow. It can help equalize the pressures in your head. The holidays seem to encourage more alcohol consumption. One good rule to follow at social events is to drink tow non-alcoholic drinks to one alcoholic drink. The extra fluid might make you feel fuller and you may eat less as well. Pharmacists are often asked if they can have a glass of wine or a beer with their medication. There are some medications in which alcohol would be totally prohibited. We will ensure you know what cautions to observe when taking your medication. So you might be able to enjoy that glass of wine after all. You can trust the information our pharmacists give you about the drugs you are taking. Education of our customers is a job we take seriously. Let us serve your pharmacy needs soon.
Twenty-seven snowmobilers took part in Vavenby Trailbreakers’
HISTORICAL Perspective
CLEARWATER, 250-674-3122
After Hours Theatre Company Presents
CSS Players
Christmas Production Velveteen Rabbit by Irene Lynn
A light hearted play for young and old. Watch as the toys bring joy to one little girl.
The Fruit Cake by Dwayne Yancy
Join this odd family in their transitional comic Christmas
paper chase. Winning the women’s ribbon for first place was Lynda King, while Fred Stein won for the men.
nally been a bunkhouse for employees in 1953.
A referendum on forming a municipality of Clearwater was postponed until after Feb. 1, 1989, reported committee representative Edie Kinzel. The provincial government was reviewing capital assistance for proposed municipalities.
Parents asked the school board that the Vavenby annex be reopened to relieve overcrowding. They also requested more primary teachers. Cecile and Mac McDiarmid, longtime upper Clearwater residents, celebrated their 50th anniversary. Bob McCracken was winding down his store in Birch Island, which had been in his family for many years.
A Department of Communications representative demonstrated that cable television was not affecting the community TV signal by having the cable site turned off. Clearwater Timber products held an open house to show off its newly renovated office on Station Road in Clearwater. It had origi-
Official Season Sponsors After Hours Theatre • CSS PAC • Thompson Rivers University
Don Handfield, former superintendent of School District 26 (North Thompson), was seeking $263,000 plus his job back in a dispute at the Human Rights Commission. He said the school board had discriminated against him because of his disability — alcoholism. Five avalanche search dogs and their handlers were in Blue River to take part in an advanced avalanche rescue training course put on by Canadian Avalanche Rescue Dog association (CARDA).
Wells Gray Winter Market
Former Clearwater Improvement District administrator Edie Kinzel came out of retirement to temporarily take over at the CID. Board chair Lawrence Giesbrecht would not discuss the reasons behind the move. The CID was on the verge of obtaining land near the Clearwater Hatchery for a second well, said Giesbrecht. The district’s engineer had recommended the well as well as a 300,000 gallon reservoir above Archibald subdivision and a connecting waterline along the north end of Dutch Lake.
Clearwater-Vavenby director Bert Walker was voted in as vicechair of the TNRD. Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing opened for the season with 70 guests plus 30 people attending an avalanche seminal. Clearwater Chamber of Commerce re-elected Steve Pelton as its president. Vice-president for
Local artisans and not-for-profit fundraising groups display and sell their wares.
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another year was Rich Willan. Vavenby landowners approved a proposal to construct a new water system.
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One hundred and twenty Christmas Shoe Boxes were collected at the New Life Assembly Church from Clearwater and area residents. The boxes were shipped to Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Vietnam and Jordan to needy children. The provincial government gave $20,171 to District of Clearwater in partnership with ThompsonNicola Regional District to support a community branding process and to establish an annual canoe regatta.
Fire completely destroyed the Uncle Barry’s Treasure building in Clearwater. No one was hurt in the blaze, and cause was not yet determined. Ella Elliot won first place in the Kindergarten – Grade 3 category in the Times’ Christmas story contest. Kelsey Meadow-Tedford won the Grade 4 – 7 category.
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Clearwater Times Thursday, December 12, 2013
Icy road conditions Over the past week, Clearwater RCMP have responded to several motor vehicle incidents along Highway 5. At the beginning of last week a motorist from Kelowna lost control of her vehicle on the highway just north of Avola. The vehicle crossed the roadway and settled in the ditch of the southbound lane. Luckily, the female driver did not have any injuries. Her vehicle was pulled out of the ditch by a local towing company and was found to be in safe mechanical condition. She therefore continued on to Alberta to visit family. Further reports came in later in the week of several vehicles leaving the roadway in the Blue River area. Again, all the
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unit pulled off on the shoulder as its driver repaired a flat tire. The wide-load driver slowed and waited for oppos1-800-222-TIPS ing traffic to pass Clearwater RCMP Report before continuing on. Once it Traffic hazard leads appeared safe, the driver pulled out to go to motor vehicle incident On Thursday, Dec. 5, Clearwater RCMP around the stopped tractor but was struck by a second tractor trailer unit attempting were notified of a two-vehicle collision to pass. south of Avola along Highway 5. Clearwater RCMP attended the scene The driver of a wide-load tractor and investigated the evidence. Police served trailer unit, northbound on the highway to Alberta, had noticed another tractor trailer a violation ticket to the tractor trailer unit drivers walked away from the collisions with minimum damage to the vehicle and no injuries. Clearwater RCMP remind motorist to drive the highways and roads at lower speeds.
driver who had passed the wide-load trailer. Clearwater RCMP remind the public to give yourself adequate slowing and stopping distance when driving in winter conditions. Police road checks Clearwater RCMP and Central Interior Traffic Services will be out in full force this holiday season. Roaming police road checks will be taking place in an effort to locate impaired drivers, drivers without seatbelts, open liquor in vehicles and other violations. Police remind the public to have a plan, be it calling a taxi or having a designated driver, when attending special winter time functions.
Homelessness isn’t free of significant costs to everyone else Clearwater Homelessness Partnering Strategy
It could be easy sitting inside our warm and cosy homes to wonder why homelessness is our problem. As we discussed in last week’s article, there are many reasons for homelessness such loss of a job or because of health issues. Occasionally homelessness can be because of poor life choices but no matter the reason, everyone deserves a home. If the compassionate feelings we have towards the homeless are not enough, there are financial reasons why we all need to care. It hits each and every one of us in our pocketbooks. The Homeless Hub’s report, The State of Homelessness in Canada 2013 states that homelessness costs the Canadian economy $7.05 billion a year. These
numbers include the cost of emergency shelters, social services, health care and corrections. So, with over $7 billion being spent, doesn’t that mean that homeless people are being well taken care of ? The simple answer to that question is no. The longer people are homeless, the more their physical and mental health declines and their risk of being a victim of crime increases. Also, studies show that even with the best intentions emergency services such as food banks and soup kitchens don’t provide homeless people with enough food to keep them from becoming malnourished. The State of Homelessness in Canada 2013 questions whether or not only relying on emergency services such as shelters and food programs is even cost effective. The report states, “... there is considerable evi-
dence that investing in emergency services as a response to homelessness not only has a negative impact on health and well-being of the people who experience it, but is also expensive. For example a 2001 B.C. study indicated that it cost $30,000-$40,000 annually to support one homeless person and a 2006 study in Halifax notes that investments in social housing would generate a savings of 41 per cent.” Relying on emergency services creates a band aid situation in which many of the same people are returning to use the services over and over again. Creating social housing, although vital, is just one of the solutions to homelessness. Identifying and addressing the gaps in services along with the coordination of services would go a long way toward reducing the long term cost of homelessness and make more efficient and
Baby! Babies of 2013
Enjoying Les Miserables Evelyn Warner welcomes Patti Woods onto a Clearwater and area transit bus for a trip to Kamloops on Saturday, Nov. 30. A full bus of 20 seniors travelled to Sagebrush Theatre to watch Les Miserables. Following the matinee the group enjoyed dinner. The next Wells Gray Country Seniors Society outing will be on Dec. 17 to Kamloops Wildlife Park. On Dec. 21 a bus will take folks to a musical afternoon at Upper Clearwater Hall. All events are open to all seniors, with unfilled seats open to the public. Call 674-3615 or 674-3688 to book. Photo by Sandra Holmes
effective use of the money now being spent. The good news is that many of the provinces and cities in Canada are working toward ending homelessness by creating housing strategies. Until recently, the focus has been on homelessness in the larger urban centres but studies are now being done in smaller, more rural areas. Clearwater has taken its first steps in this direction with Homelessness Partnering Strategy in which we are working to capture a picture of the state of homelessness in our area and then use this information to create a strategy of our own. This study will give us the opportunity to have an open discussion in our community and then work together to solve the problem of homelessness in Clearwater For more information, call Charlotte or Wendy at 250.674.3530.
In our January 9th edition, the Clearwater TIMES will celebrate babIES born In 2013 AboriginAl engAgement SucceSS by 6 presents
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December 15, 2013 9am - noon
Elks Hall, Clearwater Everyone is invited to come and join us for a family fun day! The Royal Purple #302 will be cooking a yummy breakfast for everyone. There will be Christmas Crafts for the children and then a visit with Santa. Please bring your own camera if you want a picture of your child with Santa. Breakfast and admission is by donation all proceeds will be used for future community family events
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Bring on the Babies!
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Thursday, December 12, 2013 Clearwater Times
Christmas at McMurphy more than 50 years ago Eleanor Deckert What resources were available for a family with five children to celebrate Christmas on a small farm at McMurphy in the mid-1950s? What customs were observed? And what memories have been preserved? Although over 50 years have passed and one Christmas may blur into another, some details stand out clearly. For parents Hans and Alice Jensen, several resources were available to provide for their family’s festivities. Hans, an immigrant from Norway, had cut family ties, seldom mentioning his family of origin, nor sharing his language, traditions or customs. His new life in Canada was centred around his own wife and children and the hopes he had for them. Alice, an only child, had been raised nearby and her parents Bert and Mamie Kessler, lived only three miles away. Her parents had arrived from
Alice Elizabeth Kessler Jensen and Hans Linstrum Jensen at their home at McMurphy (20 km south of Avola) in the mid-1950s. Hans and his father-in-law, Bert Kessler, built the house of 2x4s covered with tar paper and boards milled in Blue River. Without insulation, the four wood stoves burned well over about 10 cords of wood (cut by hand with a Swede saw) each winter.
Wisconsin, so the cold, long months of winter were familiar to them. The couple had five children: Irene, Bob, Dave, Doris and Frank. Hans needed a cash income and so worked away as a crew or hotel cook. If there was money and if Dad could get Grandparents Bert and Mamie Kessler home for lived three miles away. Christmas,
he would bring a family favourite – bacon. Alice brought in the garden produce, preserved in glass jars and in the root cellar as well as the farm’s daily eggs and goat’s milk. Shipments of food were ordered and delivered on the train. And so, when Christmas arrived, every year this family entered a time filled with possibilities and limitations. They experienced both repeated traditions shared in common with others in this place and time, and interesting variations and personal details held precious
HOURS OF OPERATION Monday to Saturday 9am - 6pm Closed Sundays
in the memory of each family member. Gifts had to be planned far in advance, ordered from the Sears or Eaton’s catalogue and arriving by train. Homemade sewing and other crafts expanded the gift options. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, Mother wrote letters to family in Seattle and Wisconsin. And every year a parcel arrived marked, “Do not open until Christmas.” The Christmas tree was decorated with glass balls several days before. No lights, because there was no electricity. Because the family often home-schooled and there were few other children in the area, the wife of the station master arranged for the children to give a miniChristmas concert. Doris remembers playing musical chairs and always being the first one “out” because she was the littlest. Standing out clearly these many years later, is the gift the woman had made for her – a tiny dresser for her dolls, made from the sliding boxes for wooden matches. On Christmas morning, the stockings held mandarin oranges, hard candy and nuts. Grandma and Grandpa arrived for dinner on Christmas Day by sled, on horseback or walking, depending on the snow. The table was filled
Children of the Jensen family living in McMurphy were (l-r) Doris (born in 1947), Bob (1946), Frank (1951), Irene (1942), and Dave (1944), This photo was taken about 1954. Jensen family photos
with plenty: potatoes, carrots, turnips from the root cellar, jars of fruit from the summer months. From the barnyard: two or three roasted chickens. And especially for Christmas: stuffing. Fresh cranberries, cooked with sugar and a little lemon made Alice’s own cranberry sauce. Brussels sprouts, which survive the frost fresh in the garden, have been saved under straw. Goodies, much more than an everyday meal, included Dad’s skilled baking: specially cut sugar cookies, cakes and tarts. Mom made custard pies with the eggs and milk: pumpkin, squash and even mashed carrot. One more treat: Mother slowly boiled down milk and sugar together making a fabulous caramel candy! Time to open the gifts! Irene, the eldest, once earned money
working for her grandparents, and generously spent it on gifts for her brothers and sister. Many items in the catalogue were marked “Four for $1.00.” She had purchased a set of handkerchiefs for Grandpa, who, when opening them, promptly blew his nose and grinning, announced, “Just what I always wanted!” in his usual cheery, teasing way. Dave loved when Dad made him a jointed marionette. Bob remembers a steel, sleek, green, Chevy 1950s-style toy car, with bright battery operated headlights. Doris remembers a baby doll in a wicker basket one year and another time a large, elegant bridal doll. Frank (so often given hand-me-downs) was so proud of his new shiny boots. After dinner, while the grownups cleared away, the children were sent outside to play in
the snow – jumping out of the barn window into deep snow and even sliding off of the barn roof with laughter ringing out into the winter wilderness. If it was very cold (and at that time of year it might be as severe as -40’F) the children’s clothing would first become wet from the snow, then freeze stiff. In the evening, like every evening, by lantern light, near the wood stove, Mother read aloud the books that also arrived by train, ordered from the catalogue from the Open House Library in Victoria. And, because it was Christmastime, Mother taught them her favourite songs, “Silent Night” and “O Little Town of Bethlehem.” Dad played the mouth organ. Sending the children to bed at the end of a satisfying Christmas Day.
PHARMASAVE North Thompson Star/Journal Monday, June 18, 2012
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Nature plays a large part in Art by Ecki
Clearwater Times Thursday, December 12, 2013
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Program at church recognizes those who make a difference tion was why certain items were not allowed to go to the transfer site. Hughes said that some items, such as waste oil, batteries, tires, and electronics, are the responsibility of stewardship programs and the TNRD attempts to work with the stewardship agencies to provide services in rural areas. The new Clearwater Eco Depot has a diversion area where these
Robyn Rexin Vavenby Christian Church held a program that began 1 1/2 years ago and ended on Dec, 1. It was initiated by Karen Moilliet. Each Sunday a member of the congregation – young and old – was called up and honoured by being told how he/she had made a difference in the lives of others in the church and community. The honoured person received a card with an explanation, a blue band inscribed with the words “I Make a Difference” and two additional bands. Those bands were for that parishioner to give to someone else who had made a difference in his/her life, and the third band was passed on by that person. The program began with a CD that brought tears to one’s eyes and ended with it. Everyone wore their band on that day. It also came to an end with the Sunday School children bringing in a blue chain that depicted how positive words could grow throughout a community and then a valley. After the celebration there was a delicious pot luck luncheon. Changes at Vavenby transfer site Around 19 people attended a town meeting held in the Vavenby Primary School’s library on Wednesday evening, Dec. 4. The meeting was about the future of the town’s transfer site. Thompson-Nicola Regional District director Tim Pennell opened the meeting and explained that there would be a change at the site. He then introduced the director of environmental services Peter Hughes, who took over. Hughes said that the TNRD board decided it had to close some transfer sites in order to decrease costs. The number of sites have
materials can be dropped off free of charge. Overall the residents were happy that the transfer site would stay open and that they would not have to drive all the way to Clearwater just to get rid of their garbage. New hours at the store Vavenby General Store has new winter hours. It is open 5 a.m. – 7 p.m. on Mondays to Thursdays, 6 a.m. – 7 p.m. on Fridays,
and 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. Incorrect web address I would like to apologize for giving
the incorrect web site for Karen Moilliet’s book in my Nov. 21 write-up. It should be wwwsilkonfirebook. com.
Clearwater and District Food Bank
Open: 9am to 12 noon, Mondays and Fridays Cash or cheques can be dropped off at the Food Bank or by mail to 741 Clearwater Village Road, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N1. Food Donations: dropped off at the Food Bank, Clearwater Credit Union or at Safety Mart Holiday Hours: Closed Dec 24 to Jan. 6 250-674-3402 • info@clearwaterbcfoodbank.ca
How to Donate:
Jeremy Fontaine October 1988 - December 2007
Kelsey Rexin holds a blue chain that shows the benefits of positive words during a recent program at Vavenby Christian Church. Photo by Robyn Rexin
now gone from 32 to 20. Hughes was happy to report that the Vavenby site would remain open. However, to help with costs there would have to be a decrease in hours. Vavenby residents had received surveys prior to the meeting that gave two options towards this end. Pennell will look at
the completed surveys and take what the majority of residents want. After Hughes’ talk questions were asked. One important question was where in Vavenby the Eco-cards could be purchased. The Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store sells them. Another ques-
Joey Atkinson We do not need a special day to bring you to our mind. The days we do not think of you are very hard to find. Each morning when we awake we know that you are gone. And no one knows the heartache as we try to carry on. Our heart still aches with sadness and secret tears still flow. What it meant to lose you no one will ever know. Our thoughts are always with you, your place no one can fill. In life we loved you dearly; in death we love you still. Missing you always Love all your Friends and Family xoxoxoxo
I know that life...it must go on... Despite my very will... But now that I have lost my child... I find...that time stands still. While other’s go about their days... And time drifts quickly by... My life can’t ever be the same... No matter how I try... I close my eyes and see his face... And all that he might be... But when I reach out with my hands... I find... their still empty. That doesn’t change these aching arms... And somehow...time stands still... For there’s a space within my heart... That only he can fill. And yes I remain thankful... For each day we could share... But please don’t say...that time will heal... Just tell me that you care. Don’t be afraid to say his name... If you are so inclined... Don’t worry that you’ll make me cry... He’s always on my mind. And if I cry a thousand tears... That time cannot relieve... Please...just try to understand... That I will always grieve. I know I’ll see my child again... God promises I will... But part of me went with him... Sometimes...time stands still. I Love you my Jermiah xoxoxo REMEMBER ME TO THE LIVING I AM GONE I cannot speak, but I can listen I cannot be seen but I can be heard So as you stand on a shore, Rivers clear and greenREMEMBER ME As you laugh around a fire Admire the simplicityREMEMBER ME Remember me in your heart, your thoughts, And your memories of the times we loved, The times we cried, the times we fought and The times we laughed. FOR IF YOU ALWAYS THINK OF ME I WILL HAVE NEVER GONE.
This day will be a celebration of the time you were here. You will always be remembered with great love and many tears. But to only feel pain and sorrow would not be fair to you. Your life meant so much more to us, more than words could say. You were here so briefly, I wonder if you knew all the ways you’ve touched our world and our hearts and everyone who knew you since the day God called you home. Now my child, you’re an angel with your heavenly Father above, we see not only what we’ve lost but our capacity of love. There will always be a big void in our life and a hole in our hearts that will never heal. Our souls will grieve forever. Will we forget or stop loving you? No! Not now…not ever. As this day is upon us, Oh, how our hearts still hurt. But even as I mourn your death, we will always celebrate your birth. It was the happiest day of our lives. Always Missed and Forever Loved Love Momma, Dad, Jean Marc & all your Family and Friends xoxoxoxo
A10 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, December 12, 2013 Clearwater Times
The end of an era in milk production: Jill Hayward – Barriere Star/ Journal Overlooking the North Thompson River, with a spectacular view of Green and Baldy Mountains, the Rainer Farm in Darfield, B.C., is home to Debbie and Karl Rainer. This is where Karl Rainer (senior), back in 1932, first started farming in the North Thompson Valley, and where his family continues to farm today. On the farm, the days start before the sun rises, and have always been busy, milking cows, feeding livestock, moving sprinklers, haying, fencing, repairing machinery, mucking out stalls, gardening, and a seemingly end-
less supply of duties that keep the farm functioning. And all this while the Rainers have also raised their children and grandchildren. Milking cows has also been a way of life on the farm for the Rainers, from producing milk for personal use in the early 1930s, first shipping cream in 1937, and in most recent years, milking 32 cows and shipping 900 litres of milk daily to Dairyland in the Lower Mainland. Dairy cows produce milk on a strict timetable, one that for the Rainers started every morning at 5 a.m., milking the 32 dairy cows, and then doing it all again in the afternoon, when the whole herd was brought in for milking
at 3:30 p.m. Karl and Debbie Rainer say being dairy farmers has been a way of life for them since they were married in 1980, although Karl already had been working with the dairy cows since the early 1970s. The week before last Karl and Debbie turned the final page on Rainer Farm’s dairy herd as they bid goodbye to the cows that have been a consistent part of their operation since the start way back in the 1930s. “It’s been a hard decision to make,” said Karl, “But our sons are not interested in continuing in the dairy business, and have other interests.” Karl said he is sad to see the end of an
Karl Rainer shows Emelia Kjellstrom how to put the milkers on the teats of a dairy cow's udder inside the dairy barn at Darfield's Rainer Farm. Photo by Mikael Kjellstrom
era at Rainer Farm, but that he and Debbie will now have more time to spend with family and grandchildren, to travel, and to do other things they have been interested in but never had the time to pursue. “I’m really not happy about the deci-
sion to sell, but it is the right one to make,” said the dairy man. Debbie says it’s going to be strange for awhile, but a good friend came up with the idea of a going away party for the grandchildren to say “goodbye to the cows”, and that
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brightened us all up a little with the kids in the barn feeding the cows and having fun”. What about Rainer Farm, will it remain the same? According to the Rainers nothing else has changed – they’ll still be raising beef, chickens turkeys, lamb, and son Ben will of course be operating Rainer’s Custom Cutting on the property. The family will continue to grow their own vegetables, Debbie will dazzle the farm workers and friends with her great baking, and the Rainer hospitality will never end. “It’s been a big step,” say the couple, “But now we’ll have more time to enjoy the grandchildren.”
History of Rainer Farm in Darfield, B.C. Karl Rainer (senior) was born in January of 1905. He came to Canada in 1927 from Austria. In 1932 he purchased the main farm of 160 acres from Bessie O’Conner. Karl married Ingeborg Salle on October 1, 1936. Ingeborg’s parents arrived from Germany in 1912, she was born in September 1915. Her parents missed boarding the Titanic as their luggage had not arrived at the port. Karl and Ingeborg slowly built up a small dairy herd. In 1937 they shipped cream. Karl packed the cream cans on his back to the highway, Continued on pg. 11
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Clearwater Times Thursday, December 12, 2013
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Rainer Farm sells milk quota and cows Continued from pg. 10 where the North River bus would pick them up for delivery. They had three children. Anita born in 1943, Linda in 1946 and Karl Jr. In 1958. The two daughters married and left the family farm. One lives in Kamloops, and the other in Clearwater, B.C. In 1976 Karl graduated school, and Karl senior died after a battle with cancer. Karl had been doing most of the farm work with Inge and took over the operation of the farm at this time. They were milking 12 cows and shipping cream to Noca Dairy in Vernon, B.C. They also had a small herd of beef cattle. They had an old milking barn with a
small red building on the end where the milk was separated. Cream was shipped and the skim milk was fed to the pigs. Karl junior and Debbie (Splay) were married in September of 1980. At this time Ingeborg purchased a mobile home and set it up on the home property as her home. In September 1981 Karl and Debbie had their oldest son Ben, and in the same year built a new dairy barn. When Noca dairy was sold to Dairyland, they no longer wanted cream shippers. So Rainer Farm started shipping milk instead of cream that year. They went on to have a second son, Dustin in 1984, and the youngest, Kurtis, in 1985. In 1990 Karl and Debbie built a new
Inge and Karl Rainer (senior) started the dairy farm at Darfield in the early 1930s. Rainer family photo
Above: Karl and Debbie Rainer, proud of their dairy and the cows that produced quality milk from them. The family farm no longer produces milk commercially but the business continues in other interests. Photo by Mikael Kjellstrom
home on the main property. In 2002 Ingeborg Rainer passed away after suffering a heart attack while walking across the yard. Up to November of this year the Rainer Farm has been milking an average of 32 cows and shipping 900 litres of milk daily to Dairyland in the Lower Mainland. The farm has over 40 head of beef cows that calve early each spring, and in summer they range on crown land behind the main property. In fall the calves are sold. Pigs are also purchased as wieners and raised to be processed though the plant on site. In 2008 a new slaughter and processing plant was approved for operation on the farm site. Ben Rainer is the plant manager and owner-operator of Rainer Custom Cutting. Ben was married to
Angie Fortier in June of 2007. They have two children, Joy born November of 2008, and Ty, born May of 2011. The couple is currently building a new home on the farm. Dustin Rainer now lives in the mobile home along with his daughter Emily, born in February of 2007. Dustin runs the day-to-day operation of the farm with Karl. Dustin also raises meat birds and turkeys, as well as having 11 ewes that will lamb in the spring. In his spare time he hunts and traps farm predators. Kurtis lives in the main family house and works off the farm for his living. When he is not working away, he helps out on the farm, welding repairs and new projects, electrical work, farm maintenance and any other jobs that may need attention.
Christmas Tree Decorating Contest 20 AWESOME PRESENTS TO CHOOSE FROM See instore for contest rules or visit us on facebook for more information Located on Highway 5 www.facebook.com/jimsclearwater
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Thursday, December 12, 2013 Clearwater Times
Clearwater Midget Icehawks #5 Austin Rauch (l) and #9 Drew Johnson (r) race out of the corner after the puck during one of two games against Kamloops the weekend before last. Unfortunately, the local team lost both games. Photo by Keith McNeill
Atoms win home tourney Members of the Clearwater Atoms team pose for a photograph after winning their home tournament last weekend. Pictured are (back, l-r) coaches Mark Green and Donald Collins (missing is Jay Meyer), (back, l-r) Liam Hunt, Alex Lamash, Soli Barstow, Tadam Elliot, Devin Green, Garner Ransome, Parker Collins, Cassidy Tucker, Claire Meyer, (front, l-r) Olin Coates, Aubry Leppington, Piet Oud, Brendan Green, and Ali Settle. The local team won all four of its games. The squad from 100 Mile came in second and Valemount came in third. Teams from Williams Lake and Kelowna were also at the tournament. As reported in our Nov. 28 issue, Clearwater Peewees earlier won their home tournament as well. Photo submitted DINNER IS ON ME I will buy you a $100 meal when you buy a car from me!
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Icehawks face challenging season
Times Staff Clearwater Midget Icehawks might have won a tournament in Vanderhoof recently (as reported in our Dec. 5 issue), but that doesn't mean they're not finding league games challenging this season. The team is working hard at practice with their new coaches, Darcy Elliot and Ashton Phillips and returning coach Orlynn Braaten, and is putting a good effort forth on the ice. The Icehawks went to 100 Mile House last weekend to play some exhibition games. They will travel to Kelowna this weekend for two more league games. The team will be off for a while over Christmas break but play will start again Jan 11. The Icehawks will be in Lillooet for their first set of league games with them this season.
NORTH THOMPSON SPORTSPLEX Hockey Lives Here! Family Skating
Congratulations to Clearwater Atoms Tournament Winners Saturday DECEMBER 14 10am Novice vs Kamloops 11:30am Novice vs Kamloops 12:45pm Girls vs 100 Mile 3pm Girls vs. Lillooet Sunday DECEMBER 15 9am Girls vs Lillooet 11:40am Girls vs 100 Mile
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Still accepting registrations. www.cdmha.info • Register @ 250 674 2594 or nissa1537@gmail.com
Raft Mountain Skating Club
Still accepting registrations. Register @ www.raftmountain.com
Ladies Hockey • Fridays at 6:45pm Mens Drop In Hockey • Fridays at 8:00 Oldtimers Hockey • Every Wednesday at 8:45 and Sundays at 7:00 Wells Gray Curling Club Call 250 674 3768 for more info.
For more information about the Sportsplex or any programs call 250 674 2143
Going for a lay-up Clearwater Secondary School Junior Girls basketball player Meghan Sim drives for the basket around a Valemount opponent during an informal play-day at CSS on Saturday. Both the Junior Boys and the Junior Girls teams played several games against the corresponding teams from Valemount. Photo by Keith McNeill
Clearwater Times Thursday, December 12, 2013
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Helping at Lions dinner
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Thursday Dec. 12th
Clearwater and area young people help out at the Lions dinner for seniors held Nov. 24 in the Legion Hall. Pictured are (back, l-r) Bayley Ruttan, Jesslyn Bordeleau, Devin Rotzetter, Jared Bordeleau, Conner Dee, (front, l-r) Ashley Quaal, Savannah Dee, Jenna Zietsov, Kendall Mackay, and Vanessa Balatti. Photo submitted
It's cold and flu season – bolster your defences Simone Jennings A strong immune system is the body's best defence against colds and flu. Good nutrition is the key to building your body’s defences. Help fight common bugs by filling your diet with healthy foods. Load up on fruits and vegetables. They contain powerful antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which will build up your immune system to help fight off illness. Choose brightly coloured or dark green fruits and veggies for the most antioxidants. Aim for 7 to 8 servings per day. One serving equals one small to medium sized piece of fruit or vegetable or half a cup of chopped. Digestive health plays an important role in preventing sickness. Normally, your body contains “friendly" bacteria, or flora, that help fight off any "bad" bacteria trying to gain access to your system. Diets high in refined sugar, frequent antibiotic use, and everyday stress can disrupt this healthy balance of "friendly" versus "bad” bacteria, leaving
Simone Jennings
one more vulnerable to sickness. You can help restore healthy digestive flora by eating foods that naturally contain good bacteria and/or by taking a probiotic supplement. Probiotics can be found naturally in fermented foods such as yogurt, buttermilk, miso, tempeh, and fresh sauerkraut. Vitamin D is also thought to play an important role in strengthening the immune system. Health Canada recommends 400-800 IU per day depending on age. Some other national health organizations recommend higher doses. For instance the Canadian Cancer Society recommends 1000 IU per day for adults during the fall and winter months. Dietary sources of vitamin D include milk, forti-
fied yogurts, fortified soy beverage, salmon, tuna, sardines and egg yolks. Talk to your health care provider to learn if you are getting enough Vitamin D. Of course nutrition is only part of the solution. Exercise is also a powerful way to bolster your immune system. Among the many benefits of exercise is stress reduc-
tion. Stress takes a significant toll on our immune system so it’s important to take time just for you. Get out for a brisk walk, bike ride, take part in yoga or any physical activity that you enjoy! Author Simone Jennings is a community nutritionist with Interior Health and a former resident of Clearwater
Creating & Updating Your Resume Thursday Dec. 19th
Free coffee is available for you every morning December – February while you use your Employment Services Computer Lab and Resources Area.
_________________________________________________ CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES CENTRE 58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250- 674-2928 Fax: 250- 674-2938 Hours of operation: Monday through Friday 8:00 – 4:00 Email: info@clearwateremployment.ca www.clearwateremployment.ca Operated by Yellowhead Community Services
The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.
Church Directory
“an Independent” congregation in fellowship with the broader Christian community in the area.
Your places of worship
Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive (Behind Fields Store)
On the Web: www.clchch.com For information 250.674.3841 or 250.674.2912
3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational
St James Catholic Church
Sunday Service Mass • 11am - 12pm Tuesday & Thursday 10am 324 Clearwater Village Road 250-672-5949 Father Don O’Reilly
9:30am – 12:30pm
Coffee is on!
Clearwater Christian Church
Sunday Worship Service 10 am
9:30am – 12:30pm
Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor Bill Kelly Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468
CLEARWATER UNITED CHURCH Meeting at Catholic Church of St. James
Sunday 9am
Rev. Brian Krushel
250-672-5653 • 250-674-3615 www.norththompsonpc.ca
Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 5:00pm
Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: livingstreams@hotmail.com Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations
CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am
(Kids church during service)
Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study Thursday 3-5pm Kids Club
Phone: 250-674-2345
308 W Old N Thompson Hwy
COMMUNITY BAPTIST 24E Old North Thompson Hwy
Worship Service 10:30 Pastor Mike Kiewitt 250.674.1332 www.ccbaptist.ca
(Robert Lawrie, Silvia Scheibenpflug)
Certified General Accountants
A14 www.clearwatertimes.com Rison Realty • 32 E Old N. Thompson Hwy.
APPLIANCE REPAIR Four Star Service 250-674-0079
Itec Enterprises MAN LIFT WITH WINCH Times Thursday, December 12, 2013 Clearwater
We can safely lift you in the cage to put your task close at hand. Pull a pump, lift a tower, top a tree Hourly, daily and weekly rates • Includes operator
Phone: 250-674-2532 • Kamloops: 554-2533 • Fax: 554-2536
Kindly refer to our website: itecboomtruck.com
Accountant Building -Supply ACCOUNTANT - Certified CERTIFIED
Appliance Repair Carpentry APPLIANCE REPAIRS
Construction Building Supply
STONE & COMPANY (Robert Lawrie, Silvia Scheibenpflug)
R Hazel’s Housing NO
Feb. 1st to Apr. 30th - Every Thursday May 1st to Jan. 31st - By Appointment Hours: 9:30 am to Noon, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Business & Service Directory
Financial Statement Preparation • Corporate & Personal Income Taxes
Certified General Accountants Rison Realty • 32 E Old N. Thompson Hwy. Feb. 1st to Apr. 30th - Every Thursday May 1st to Jan. 31st - By Appointment Winter Hours •9:30 8:30amam - 5pm to Noon, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Hours:
DOUG JAMES Hazel Dowds
250-674-4083 Journeyman Carpenter PARTS - SALES - SERVICE CALLS USED APPLIANCES
Construction Carpentry CARPENTRY
Carpet Cleaning Construction
Tiny Builders QUALITYLtd. WORK
Hazel’s Housing Fully Insured
Journeyman Carpenters
674-4001 Contractor • RENOVATIONS • ROOFING (250) 674-8469
tinybldr@telus.net 250-674-4083
John White
New Construction, Renovations, Tiling, Roofi ng. CARPET CARE EXTRODINAIRE Commercial & Residential
Journeyman Carpenter
Contractor Contracting CONTRACTORS
250-587-0010 Certified Technician | Truck Mounted
Kathy Hodder
Contractor Electric Contractors
HANS OUNPUU Building Contractor
- Installationexperience - Service - Pumping 40Septic years Demolition - Excavation - Backhoe Service Trucking - Crane Truck - Water - Dump
HANS OUNPUU Building Contractor
40 years experience
Renovations • Additions • New Construction Home Repairs • HAFI Jobs • Project Management Gravel - Sand - Top Soil - Snow Removal
250-674-3875 Clearwater, BC • ounpuu@telus.net 250.299.9510 Paul 250.819.3205
DNA Construction Dan Arnold CARPET CLEANING
Hazel Dowds
Renovations • Additions • New Construction Home Repairs • HAFI Jobs • Project Management
& Bonded 250-674-3875 Clearwater, BC •Licenced ounpuu@telus.net Reg. NO: 99142
Electric GarbageContractors Collection
Gifts Florist
The Little Gift Shop
Residential & Commercial Garbage Collection. Residential includes Blue Bag Recycling Containers available for construction sites, yard clean-up, industrial sites etc.
Phone Jager Garbage 250-674-3798 Licenced & Bonded Serving from Vavenby to
Rob Kerslake Steve Noble
Financial Statement Preparation • Corporate & Personal Income Taxes
Construction & Renovations from Foundations to Roof
Phone: 250-674-2532 • Kamloops: 554-2533 • Fax: 554-2536
Box 345 Clearwater BC V0E 1N0
Reg. NO: 99142 Blackpool area
Winter Hours • 8:30am - 5pm
Construction Contracting Construction & Renovations from Foundations to Roof Septic - Installation - Service - Pumping Demolition - Excavation - Backhoe Service Rob Kerslake Trucking - Crane Truck - Water - Dump Steve Noble Gravel - Sand - Top Soil - Snow Removal Paul Jack 250.819.3205 250.299.9510
250-587-6175 250-587-6175
Good Prices • Great Service • Quality Work MONDAYS LARRY SYMONS- •CLOSED LICENSED & BONDED -• CLEARWATER B.C. Reg. - CLOSED MONDAYS - • #24833 B.C. Reg. #24833
GarbageGifts Collection GARBAGE COLLECTION
• Jewelry • Gift Baskets • Framed photo, prints & cards • Fishing - rods, reels, lures, knives Local artists - and much flowers ~ plants ~ gifts ~• balloon bouquets ~ more to Friday: 10 am - 5 pm specializing in weddings,Tuesday sympathy, birthdays, anniversaries and other importantSaturdays: occasions10 am- 4 pm
73 Taren Drive, Clearwater 250-674-0101 Next1-877-974-2929 to Clearwater Computers Phone 250-674-2929 Toll Free:
JAGER GARBAGE Kathy’s Jewelry & Gifts Residential & Commercial
SCENTSY CERAMIC WARMERS VELATA BELGIAN CHOCOLATE FONDUES Garbage Collection. A favourite idea for personal or gift giving and home and party entertainment. Residential includes Blue Bag Recycling Book now or orders placed weekly. No shipping or handling fees
Containers construction sites, Sat.: 10am - 4pmavailable • Sun.: 11:30for - 4pm 343 Clearwater Valley Rd. yard clean-up, industrial sites etc. (Beside O’Bryan’s in the Laundromat at the TNT Building Entrance to Wells Gray Park)Garbage 250-674-3798 Phone Jager or call 250-674-3763 or Vavenby 778-208-5359to Blackpool area Serving from
Motor Licence Licence Office Office Motor
Plumbing & Drains
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District of Clearwater
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250-674-2733 250-674-2733 132 Station Road, Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. B.C. V0E V0E1N0 1N0 157, Clearwater, Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Open through the Noon hour
Fully Insured • 100% Guaranteed • 250-674-8151
Snow Removal
Storage Storage
PLUMBING DRAINS Wells & Pumps ≈AND Yearly Maintenance ≈ Frozen pipes We are right around the corner
JASEN MANN 250-674-8151
Covered RV & Boat Storage
Phone 250-674-1470
Snow Removal and Sanding Commercial & Residential
John Chaytor Box 561 Clearwater, BC V0E 1N0 johnfullsteam@gmail.com
Off the Hook
STORAGE Mini Storage Units
Furnace Installation • Heat Pumps and Air Conditioning Give us a call it’s too• late! BEST rates in town Radon Gasbefore Mitigation Serving Blue River - Little Fort
Jim Vandenborre • Fully insured jhepv@hotmail.com
250-674-3562 visa, debit, mc accepted
250.674.2688 250.674.8552
Business & Service Directory
call Safe Home (250) 674-2135 in Little Fort, Clearwater, Clearwater Times Thursday, December 12, 2013 Birch Island, Vavenby, Avola & Blue River (250) 682-6444 in Dareld, Barriere, Chu Chua, Louis Creek and McLure
www.clearwatertimes.com A15
Service • Sales • Installations
Business & Service Directory
Anytime day or night - Please don’t wait until it’s too late. Call us now. We can help. If you would like to volunteer, call 250-674-2600 and ask for Wendy
Star Choice Approved Service Technician Phone: 250-674-0066 or 250-674-8877 email: daveash321@yahoo.ca
Al Kirkwood 674-3343
Thompson Valley Awards ON CALL
250-674-3123 NELS HINDLE OFFICE: or CELL: 250-674-1427
250-674-2214 • 250-674-1542 250-674-1542
Traffic Control
24 Hour Service Free Scrap Car Removal 516 Swanson Road Used Auto Parts
Contracting TROPHIES & AWARDS Service Center
For All Your Advertising Needs Call
Taxi Service Taxi Service TAXI SERVICE
Construction, Renos & Demos & Towing Septic Service - Pumper Truck • Laser-Engraving • Embroidery • Sportswear Call Backhoe & Bobcat • Promotions • Giftware • Hats • Jackets 250-674-1869 Certified Traffic Control & Tow Truck - 24 Hours Traffic Control/Certifi ed • Glassware • And More Portable toilet rentals One Stop Shop, For All Your Needs Chimney Sweep RON ROTZETTER 20 / 250-318-7235 Plumbing Open: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 250-674-0145 TV 13 3191 Yellowhead Hwy, Louis Creek Well Repair A
Landscaping Sweeper
Post Hole Auger
Septic Service - Pumper Truck
CALL... . Bobcat and Backhoe N O T A LL.. A T I O WE D Plumbing -Soils - Gravel
250-674-0145 Highway CHECK speed limits and snow tires reviewed YOUR MARKET 250-672-1881 • 3191ty@gmail.com
a Arrow Lake News (Nakusp) Black Press
a Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal a Caledonia Courier (Ft. St. James) The B.C. government is inviting a Castlegar public input onNews changes to speed lima Eagle Valley its a onGolden ruralStar highways and winter tire a Houston Today requirements. a Invermere Valley Echo Transportation Minister Todd a Kamloops This Week a Kelowna Capital Stone said it's beenNews more than a Kootenay Advertiser (Cranbrook)
a decade since speed limits were reviewed, and in that time the ministry has invested $14 billion in highway improvements. The review is to make changes based on citizen and expert input about long stretches of highway between communities, Stone said. The review will also look at requiring snow tires with the snowflake or "M&S" ("mud and snow") tires with sufficient tread on 80 sections of B.C. highways with winter conditions. Tire requirements were last reviewed in 1986. Community meetings began in Kamloops on Dec. 3 and Kelowna on Dec. 4. The series resumes Jan. 8 in Dawson Creek, Jan. 9 in Vancouver, Jan. 14 in Cranbrook, Jan. 15 in Nanaimo and Jan. 16 in Chilliwack. More information and feedback forms are available at www.gov.bc.ca/ safetyandspeedreview/. More safety disclosure urged B.C. government agencies shouldn't wait for an urgent threat to health and safety before informing the public about conditions that affect them, Information and Privacy Commissioner Elizabeth Denham says. Denham issued a report recently reviewing five cases where government disclosure was questioned. In only one of those cases, the 2010 collapse of a private irrigation dam in the Oliver area, did she find the province didn't meet its obligation to warn the public.
WhileLake government agencies met a Burns District News a Merritt Herald in the other cases, their obligation a Valley Express (Merritt) Denham noted that in since B.C.'s a North Thompson Star Journal (Barriere) freedom of information law came a North Thompson Times (Clearwater) a Northern (Kitimat) into effectSentinel in 1993, the only proactive a Omineca Express (Vanderhoof) warnings issued to the public have a 100 Mile House Free Press been fromWestern policeNews regarding the release a Penticton a Princeton/Similkameen of dangerous offenders. a Prince Free Press "OverGeorge 20 years, we have never seen any reports around public infrastructure, animal health, about water quality," Denham said, noting Ontario provides such reports to the public. The other cases reviewed by Denham involved a 2008 study of formaldehyde in the air in Prince George, a 2010 study of Lyme disease cases, well water tests by the Cowichan Valley Regional District at Cobble Hill, and mould contamination in a student residence at Simon Fraser University. Denham's report is available at www.oipc.bc.ca.
Taseko files mine appeal Taseko Mines has filed a court challenge to the federal review panel's decision to reject its New Prosperity copper-gold mine proposed near Williams Lake. After the proposal was first turned down by a federal panel in 2010, Taseko changed its design to use a waste water storage facility instead of Little Fish Lake. The company alleges that Natural Resources Canada "failed to account for a liner that would be part of the tailings storage facility – thus modeling the wrong project design and assuming water would seep into open ground." The proposed mine is billion-dollar investment to develop an ore deposit estimated to contain 5.3 billion pounds of copper and 13.3 million ounces of gold.
Starting at $165.00 m3
+ $15 delivery fee within Clearwater
a Quesnel Cariboo Observer a Revelstoke Times Review a Salmon Arm Observer a Shuswap Market News a Smithers Interior News a Summerland Review or Bulletin a Terrace Standard a Vernon Morning Star a Weekend Advertiser (Kitimat) a Williams Lake Tribune a Williams Lake Weekender
e bout th a e m nd Ask Mainla r e w o L couver & Van d Islan
90 plus publications serving British Columbia
Al Kirkwood Advertising Manager
672-5611 or 674-3410
email: al@starjournal.net
Single-vehicle accident after 2010 snowfall near Penticton. The transportation ministry is seeking public input on rural highway speed limits and snow tire requirements on winter roads Black Press files
Wells Gray Winter Market
Charlene Lau holds a sign advertising the Winter Market being held in the Wells Gray Infocenter on Thursdays (5 – 8 p.m.), Fridays (2 – 8 p.m.) and Saturdays (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.) from now until Christmas. The market features local artisans and non-profit groups. Photo by Keith McNeill
A16 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, December 12, 2013 Clearwater Times
Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling. Edna Ferber
Gain skills in GMAW (MIG) wire feed welding. Several different types of wires and shielding gasses will be utilized in a variety of welding positions. Cutting and fitting of joints will be stressed, with the opportunity to plan and begin a small project. Participants are encouraged to bring their home welders. JAN 5 – 28, 2014
This course covers emergency medical techniques currently considered to be the responsibility of the Level 3 attendant. Emphasis is on primary action approach and patient assessment. This program leads to Work Safe BC certification. JAN 20 - 31, 2014
OFA Level 1 First Aid Dec 13 & Jan 26
OFA Level 3
Jan 20 - 31
Gymnastics (various age classes) Jan 7 – Mar 13
Wells Gray Country
Intro to MIG Welding Jan 5 - 28
Red Cross Babysitting First Aid
Dec. 12-14: Wells Gray Winter Market, Thur. 5-8pm; Fri. 2-8 pm; Sat. 10am – 4pm. Dec. 13: Community meeting to discuss Future Strategic priorities for TRU, Community Resource Centre, 12:30-2 pm Dec. 14: United Church presents Voices United Community Choir, 4 pm, @ Clearwater Baptist Church, admission by donation. Dec. 15: Breakfast with Santa, Elks Hall, 9 am – noon Dec. 17-18: Community Christmas play present-
$780 Various prices
Jan 24 & 25
ed by After Hours Theatre, CSS pit, 6:30 pm, students & seniors $5; adults $10; family $25. Dec. 19-21: Wells Gray Winter Market, Thur. 5-8pm; Fri. 2-8 pm; Sat. 10am – 4pm. Dec. 22: Santa Skate, 5 pm, NT Sportsplex Dec. 31: New Years dance, 9pm, Blue River Legion upstairs hall. Dec. 31: New Years Eve Bullarama, North Thompson Agriplex, Barriere, Tickets North Thompson Star/Journal, Kamloops Horse Barn. For information call 250-371-7654
HEALTH & HEALING • AA Meetings: every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Dr, 250-674-1923 • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-587-6373. • Connections Healing Rooms - Fridays 1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. www.healingrooms.com. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Call Kim 250-674-0224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 250-674-2699 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: 1st Thurs every mth. 250-676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Nov., Jan., & Mar. AGM in May • Volleyball: Tues. 7:30-9:00 PM, Nov. 5 - Dec. 10, at Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. Info: 250-674-1878. • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-674-2468 annie.pomme@ hotmail.com • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-674-0001 • Walking Club: Indoors: Wed., 6:45-7:45am, & Thurs, 3:304:30pm, Nov. 20-Dec. 12, 2013 at Clw Secondary School, FREE. Info: 250-674-1878 • Drop-in Curling: Fri. Jan. 11 - Mar. 8, 7:00 PM, $5. Brooms and sliders available. • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 • Drop in Basketball: Fri., 7-8:30pm, Nov. 1-Dec. 1, $2 drop in at Clearwater Secondary School Gym. Info: 250-674-1878 SENIORS • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the month at 2pm at the public library. All seniors welcome.
TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 224 Candle Creek Rd. EMAIL: sarduini@tru.ca • www.tru.ca/regional_centres/clearwater
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Tuesday Morning Coffee (TMC): Meets 10am – 11:30 @ Clearwater Community Baptist Church. All women and children welcome. (9:30-10 am Bible Study). Info 250-674-3624 • Clearwater Bridge Club: Wednesdays, Sportsplex lounge, 7 p.m. sharp, info 250-674-2195 • Raft River Rockhounds: 3rd Sat of the mth. Clw Lodge 1pm 250-674-2700 • Women in Business Luncheon: 2nd Thurs. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250-674-3703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmer’s Market every Saturday from 9:00 am – Noon. For more info please call Anne at 250-674-3444. • Clearwater-Vavenby Lions Bingo: Every 2nd Tues. Elks Hall. 250-587-6269 • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 1pm: 250-587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – every 2nd Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - every 2nd Thurs. Elks Hall. open 5pm • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Racoon StrongStart - Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:45-11:45am • Racoon StrongStart - Vavenby Elm school days Wed 8:5011:50am • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Mornings, reg. Kerry 250-674-2600 ext 227 • NT BC Home Schoolers: Meets Fri. afternoons. Call Leanna 250-674-0057 for details • Kids Club: Clearwater New Life Assembly. Meets every Thur. 3-5 pm. Ages 5-12. For info contact Bobbi @ 250-674-3346
this ad is sponsored by
Bayley’s Bistro
in the Brookfield Shopping Centre in Clearwater Eat in or Take out Fried Chicken
North Thompson Times Thursday, December 12, 2013
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Happy Occasions: Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, etc. 1 column by 3 inch - $18.49 + GST Deadlines: Word Ads: Mondays 12pm 5pm Display Ads: Mondays 12pm It is the policy of The Star/Journal and The Times to receive pre-payment on all classified advertisements. Ads may be submitted by phone if charged to a VISA, MC or an existing account.
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In Memoriam
Coming Events
In Loving Memory Lorne Stewart Edith Heywood To soon you left us. The void will remain. But we have great memories and love that you gave us. For that we are eternally thankful. Missing you. ~ Love from your families
Scentsy Christmas Open House Sunday only Dec. 15 11 am - 4 pm Finalize your Christmas shopping. Lots of stocking stuffers, plugins, travel tins, Layers body products,jewellery, shoulder bags, etc. 436 Ritchie Rd. (Sunshine Valley) 250-587-6222
Cards of Thanks Clearwater Seniors would like to thank the Lions Club and all their helpers for a great turkey dinner. Also thank you to the Campbell Family for the entertainment. Wishing all a Happy Holiday Season Wishing all our customers A Very Merry Xmas & A Happy New Year. Rainer Custom Cutting.
Coming Events
The Barriere & District Senior’s last breakfast for 2013 is on Dec. 15. We would like to give a very big Thank You to all the workers & the community for your support. It’s what keeps our hall going. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.
Hospital Auxiliary Gift Shop Moonlight Madness Dec. 13 Open 4-8 p.m. (Located in hospital)
Anyone in need of Radon Mitigation & interested in splitting travel costs to Barriere of a Radon Mitigation Professional this spring, call Martin 250851-1900.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis
Blackpool Hall Pancake Breakfasts cancelled until further notice ~ Star Lake WI Clearwater & Area Coupon Book “Little Book, Big Savings!” Over $1500 in savings at local businesses and 6 entries for a chance to win up to $700 in gift certificates. (1st draw for $200 is Jan. 4) Quantities are limited so order your copy today. Now available for pre-order at YCS. $30/coupon book
Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Call 250-674-2135.
Barriere Alcoholics Anonymous Call: 250-672-9643 For Al Anon Call: 250-672-9643, 250-677-4234
Clearwater: AA meetings Every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Dr., side door. Roll call 8 p.m. 250-674-1923, 250-674-7313
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.
Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: fish@blackpress.ca
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Located across the railway tracks in Vavenby, B.C. Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Great deals - low prices
Help Wanted
Is seeking an
Early Childhood Educator/Facility Manager for Little Stars Child Care Centre in Barriere.
Hours currently term time only, 9am-3pm. Program development could lead to extended hours. Education required; Early Childhood Education Certificate / lesser qualified applicants with relevant experience may be considered. Please send a copy of your resume and a cover letter to Susanne Butcher 612 Park Drive, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N1 Tel; 250-674-2600 Fax 250-674-267 Em; susanne.b@yellowheadcs. www.yellowheadcs.cs
District of Clearwater Calling for Expression of Interest Age Friendly Event Coordinator
NORTH THOMPSON JOBS BARRIERE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 629 Barriere Town Rd. V0E 1E0 • 250-672-0036 • Fax: 250-672-2159
E-mail: mail@barriere-employment.ca • Website: www.barriere-employment.ca
EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR – Yellowhead Community Services CB0250 SUPPORT WORKER – Yellowhead Community Services CB0259 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT – Barriere & District Chamber of Commerce B0260 FACILITATOR/CASE MANAGER – Barriere Employment Service Centre BC0261 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR/MANAGER – Yellowhead Community Services CB0262 Go To: http://www.wiegele.com/employment.htm for information on jobs with Mike Wiegele. Skill Development: If you have been on Employment Insurance in the past 3 years (5 years maternity) & are currently unemployed, you may be eligible for re-training dollars. Book an appointment to see one of our counselors for information. We look forward to seeing you: come in and we’ll personally see that you get the information you’re seeking or call and make an appointment. • Free computer & Internet access • Free resume help • Free information on many services. “The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia” In Partnership with Barriere & District Chamber of Commerce and Yellowhead Community Services
CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 • 250-674-2928 • Fax 250-674-2938 E-mail: info@clearwateremployment.ca • Web Page: www.clearwateremployment.ca
Farm Supervisor: incl. accom./Salt Spring #CB0265
German Speaking Tour Guide: FT/
Seasonal/Clearwater #C0264 Professional Driver: Casual/Seasonal/ Clearwater #C0263
Early Childhood Educator/Facility Manager: FT/PT Barriere #CB0262 Facilitator/Case Manager: PT/Barriere #BC0261
Support Worker - Child care programs: 2 positions/Clearwater #CB0259
Support Worker: 2 positions/Clearwater Are you highly motivated? Experienced in event coordination? Comfortable working with seniors on all levels? Are you are looking for a challenge? If so, this contract is for you. Having successfully obtained a grant through the 2014 Age-Friendly Community Planning program for the purposes of coordinating age friendly focused activities on a monthly basis, the District of Clearwater will be accepting Expression of Interests for the position of an “Age Friendly Event Coordinator”. The program goal is to provide community recreation activities to enable the provision of recreation and healthy living through a monthly workshop style luncheon. The program will also include the development of a Seniors’ Directory outlining a range of services specific to seniors’ needs. The position is for the 2014 budget year and will be required for 15 hours per month, starting on or after January 6th, 2014 and ending December 31st, 2014. Submissions of Expressions of Interest for this contract position to be received by NOON on December 20th, 2013. Along with your Expression of Interest, please submit a portfolio outlining your experience and ideas for moving this program forward. Please mark your submission as CONFIDENTIAL: 2014 Age Friendly Event Coordinator; Attention: Leslie Groulx, Chief Administrative Officer, and either drop it off at 132 Station Road or mail to Box 157, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N0. For more information on this contract please feel free to contact Leslie Groulx, at 250-674-2257 or by emailing to lgroulx@docbc.ca.
Early Childhood Educator/Educator Assistant: FT/PT Clw/Barriere#CB2050 Maintenance Technician (Instrumentation): FT/Clw#C0248 Cook: 2 positions/Clw #C0240 HD Mechanic/Welder/Machine Operator: FT/Clw #C0239 11 Postings/Blue River: PT & FT
#CB0222 Maintenance Manager, Guide, Electrician, Dining Server, Massage Therapist, Dishwashers, Desk AttendantWinter, Housekeeper-Winter, Gym attendant, & Lounge Server
Free Workshops
to help with your work search are available. Please contact us to register for one or all of these free workshops. Using Internet & Email Basics Workshop: Thurs. Dec. 12st Creating & Updating Your Resume Workshop: Thurs. Dec. 19th
Resumes & Interviews: Go hand in hand, so the better prepared you are the greater the impression you will make to your future employer. Please drop in and our friendly staff will assist you. Targeted Wage Subsidy (TWS): Are you currently on Employment Insurance or have you been in the last 3-5 years? If you have, you may be eligible for wage subsidy. Ask us for further info. Funding for Skill Enhancement: Recent or active EI clients with a career plan in mind seeking assistance through Service Canada are required to book an appointment with one of our Employment Counsellors. • Blue River Library: An employment consultant comes to the Blue River School. Next visit is Tuesday January 14th from 12:30-2:30. If a one on one appointment is required, please call to set up a time prior to the drop in. Operated by Yellowhead Community Services The Employment Program of BC is funded by the Government of Canada & the Province of British Columbia
Life is too short for the wrong job
Traffic Control: Casual/Clw #C0256 Skating Coach: Seasonal PT/Clearwater
A18 www.clearwatertimes.com
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Trades, Technical GPRC, FAIRVIEW Campus, Alberta needs Power Engineering Instructors. No teaching experience, no problem. Please contact Brian Carreau at 780-835-6631 and/or visit our website: www.gprc.ab.ca
Thursday, December 12, 2013 North Thompson Times
Pets & Livestock
Merchandise for Sale
Auto Financing
Trades, Technical
Financial Services
Misc. Wanted
AVAILABLE immediately for busy Volvo/Mack/HINO dealership located in KELOWNA, BC. Journeyman or equivelant experienced mechanic. Full time with competitive wages and benefits. Volvo/Mack an asset but will consider other OEM experience as equivelant. Forward resumes to jdiesel1@telus.net. or service@gemmdiesel.com Suitable applicants will be contacted for an interview.
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Good Dog Obedience Classes Starting January 5 * NEW DATES* Basic Obedience - A 6 week course in good manners & canine behaviour begins Sunday, Jan. 5, 1pm at the Fall Fair Hall in Barriere for all dogs at least 6 months old & up. Cost $100. To register or for more information contact Jill Hayward at 250-319-8023.
Used Postage Stamps
HD Mechanic. Noble Tractor & Equip. is seeking a Journeyman or 4th year apprentice Service Technician for our Kamloops location. A selfstarter with Ag tech background is desired. Interested candidates send resume to: nobletractor@telus.net, or mail: Noble Tractor & Equip, 580 Chilcotin Road, Kamloops, BC V2H 1G5
Legal Services
HD MECHANIC. Noble Tractor & Equip. is seeking a Journeyman or 4th year apprentice Service Technician for our Armstrong location. A self-starter with Ag tech background is desired. Interested candidates send resume to: nobletractor@telus.net, or mail: Noble Tractor & Equip, 4193 Noble Rd, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4, fax: 250-546-3165
JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages from $32/hour, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. Website: hannachrysler.ca. Fax 403-854-2845; Email: chrysler@telusplanet.net.
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Merchandise for Sale
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Photography / Video Need a professional
photographer? Portraits, weddings, special events, pet portraits, commercial. Affordable memories that last a lifetime. Seniors rates. Book now avoid & disappointment. Sorry no passport photos Jill Hayward 250-319-8023/250-672-0055
by Keith McNeill
HAFI GRANTS Notice to low income seniors and persons with disability. You may qualify for a grant up to 20,000. to modify and adapt your home for improved safety and accessibility. For details contact your local HAFI expert Hans Ounpuu, Building contractor @ 250-674-3875.
Two male song canaries. Complete w/lg cage and all necessary equipment. Call 250-587-6373
Food Products
Work Wanted
$100 & Under
Digital and film photographs. Phone 250-674-3252 or email:kmcneill@mercuryspeed.com
Handypersons Wilkeekon Services Handyman & Cleaning Residential & Commercial Moving in/out, DIY projects, construction site, interior/exterior, light hauls Bonded Gayle Peekeekoot Ray Wilson 250-674-2775
Financial Services
Pets & Livestock
DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. www.mydebtsolution.com or Toll free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+
Feed & Hay Timothy Hay for sale, excellent horse hay, barn stored, 50-60#, $5/each. Delivery available. Ph 250-674-2905
For Sale: Farm raised frozen free range chickens, $3.75/lb. Contact Rainer Custom Cutting, 250-672-9629 or www.rainercustomcutting.com.
Free Items Old newspaper. Stop by the Times office and pick up a bundle. 14-74 Young Rd. Clearwater
Misc. for Sale Dewalt Saw $45. Craftsman Saw $40. 3 extension ladders $60 each. Plumbing crimp tool $75. Box stick nails 21o $50. Call Don, 250-672-1971 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper? STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at: www.crownsteelbuildings.ca STEEL BUILDING. “The big year end clear out!” 20x22 $4,259. 25x24 $4,684. 30x34 $6,895. 35x36 $9,190. 40x48 $12,526. 47x70 $17,200. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or online: www.pioneersteel.ca
Misc. Wanted Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 778-281-0030
Support International Scouting by donating used stamps which are sorted & sold to raise money for the International Development Fund of the International Scout & Guide Fellowship. This fund pays for training for Scouters in the third world. Drop stamps off at front counter of the Star/Journal in Barriere, or call Margaret at (250)672-9330.
Real Estate Acreage for Sale
Need A Vehicle! Guaranteed Auto Loan. Apply Now, 1.877.680.1231 www.UapplyUdrive.ca
5.26 Acres Water, Power Private Paved Road, Mountain View awyler@xplornet.com 403-702-1622
Houses For Sale COZY little house on beautiful one acre lot, riverfront property, in Barriere, 45 minutes north of Kamloops. 2 vinyl greenhouses. Perfect for someone looking for a peaceful and private yet convenient location. 2 bedroom plus den, Wood fire place, New 16 * 16 addition, Electrical recently recertified, New roof, New windows. $139,000. Alain 2508 1 9 - 1 1 7 1 alain_pedneault@hotmail.com
Apt/Condo for Rent For Rent: 2 bdrm appt. in Barriere, Dunn Lake Rd. Heat & power incl. NP/NS DD $750/mo. 250-319-5220 or 250-672-9958.
Misc for Rent Clearwater: Riverside Guest House & Apartments all furnished, renting by day/wk/mo, internet/tv, w/d, hydro, etc. all inclusive. Ph. 250-674-0001 info@riveradventures.ca
Homes for Rent Birch Island: 3 bdrm home. Incl satellite tv, avail now. $875.00/mo 250-674-1768 Clearwater: 1243 Bain Rd. 3 bdrm, 3-level, 2 bath, wood pellet heat, 10 acre lot. Avail Dec. 1. $1200/mo + util. Ph. 403-816-7979
Suites, Lower Birch Island: 2bdrm suite. $600/mo. Incl sat tv, utilities & laundry. Available Dec. 1. Ph. 250-674-1768
Cars - Domestic 2004 Buick Lesabre 83,000 km, 4 dr Sedan, navy blue, 6 cyl, auto, summers/winters mounted. $4,000.00 Ph. 250-674-3264
Dec. A p r i 12 l 2-3 Dec. - 2 918, , 22013 0 1 2 Capricorn, This week is you all usually take about give andyour take, responsibilities Capricorn. Do for quite and others,seriously, and they will that often for the do forisyou. A special best. be some sure to event Just calls for let your hairgifts. down extra-special December 22– sometimes and have January 19 a little fun.
January 20– February 18
This Crossword Sponsored by
February 19– March 20
Aquarius, Some habitssome are hard irregularities have to break, Aquarius. begun pop upto of Look toto a mentor late. It isyou notwillup to help and you to figure out succeed. A fitness what going on, goal isiseasily achieved though. with a newOthers piece ofwill discover equipment.the truth. Pisces, The oddsyour may head be may be against in theyou, stacked clouds, but it is Pisces, but that doesn’t quite comfortable mean you won’t come up Justadon’t outthere. on top with little linger upAthere too ingenuity. weekend long. endeavor requires a leap of faith.
March 21– April 19
April 20– May 20
May 21– June 21
Participate in and Speak up, Aries, something newbe the problem will and interesting this solved. A little miracle week, at homeAries. makesThe for an perfect activity will interesting weekend. present itself in the Travel plans come next few weeks, so together. be sure to keep your eyes open. Taurus, any Cast asidedelay all doubt, upcoming Taurus. The shopping offer is excursions genuine and for will the bring time being. YourA you many rewards. coffers are begins— getting a test of faith bit sparse,Money and you be strong. woes need ease. to conserve the rest of your funds. Listen advice Feelingto blessed this Gemini. theseweek, days, Gemini? Loved ones only Pay it forward. A want to helpat home and compromise provide support, so raises everyone’s keep in mind spiritsthat and fun ensues when thoselong! closest all weekend to you offer some guidance.
June 22– July 22
July 23– August 22
Cancer, your A business relationship suspicions may blossoms with an be aroused bylarger-thansomeone addition. A who has beendrops paying life personality more to by withattention an offer you you can’tthan refuse.normal. Oh boy, It could something oh boy,be Cancer. September 23– completely innocent, but right now October 22 you’re not sure.
Libra, prepare Lady Luck smilestoon juggle multiple you, Libra, and there responsibilities is nothing beyond in your the coming days. Be reach. A treasured ready to resurfaces, multi-task heirloom and expect be bringing backtomany pulled in multiple fond memories. directions.
Every day You is afall learnOops, Leo. ing process, Leo. behind on a project, You will find that raising some there are aNot number eyebrows. to ofworry. newYou ideas willswirlget ing your backaround on track in sooner head, and if you pin than you think, thanks one you may to andown, innovation. be on to something.
Scorpio, The tiniestaofsmall misunderstanding turns changes make a vast into a largerinbattle improvement a this week. But you project. A rejection is have the power to a blessing in disguise. put the flames out Be grateful for what quickly by keeping you’re given, Scorpio. a cool head.
Your at Spendcolleagues less, save more work maydefinitely be makand you’ll ing things difficult, get more, Virgo. More Virgo, there in your but bottom line is nothing and more you peacecan of do about it right mind. Flowers provide now. work your a greatJust pick-me-up. hardest, and things August 23– September 22 will turn out for the best.
October 23– November 21
Sagittarius, you News from afar getsare having so much the creative juices fun lately that almost flowing, andityou seems like more life isthan a accomplish game. Just don’ttime, you have in some get so caught up in Sagittarius. A game of the witsgood at the times office that overlook your November 22– you proves challenging. December 21 responsibilities.
Clearwater Times Thursday, December 12, 2013
www.clearwatertimes.com A19
Betty Lou Dampier (née Auger) May 11, 1951 - December 8, 2013
Authors promote their books BC to be close to her siblings. She spent many happy years in Clearwater, close to her daughters and her grandchildren. Betty Lou took care of her brother, Fred, during the last few years of his life, and she spent much time with her daughter, Joyce. She loved doing crossword puzzles and spending time with her friends in Clearwater, but she also loved to stay close to home with her best companion, her dog Mitzy. Rest in Peace, Betty Lou. A funeral service will be held for Betty Lou Dampier at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 12, 2013 in the chapel at North Thompson Funeral Services, 73 Taren Drive, Clearwater, BC. The service may be seen online and condolences sent to the family at www. NorthThompsonFuneral.com. Cremation will follow, with an interment in the Clearwater Cemetery in the spring time. Arrangements entrusted to North Thompson Funeral Services, 250-674-3030.
A third of British Columbians call for a higher speed limit Submitted VANCOUVER – A sizeable proportion of British Columbians feel it is time to implement a higher speed limit on the province’s highways, a new Insights West poll conducted in partnership with Black Press has found. The online survey of a representative provincial sample also shows that a majority of residents believe that photo radar should not be brought back. Across the province, 37 per cent of residents (and 39 per cent of drivers) think the speed limit on British Columbia’s highways should be higher than it is, while more than half (55 per cent) believe it should stay the same, and just one-in-20 (five per cent) want it to be lower. “The fascinating issue on this question is the gender gap,” said Mario Canseco, vice president, public affairs at Insights West. “While half
of men in B.C. would like to see a higher speed limit, just one-in-four women concur with this view.” More than half of British Columbians (53 per cent) and drivers (56 per cent) believe the province should not bring back photo radar, which was introduced in the 1990s as a measure to curb speeding, but was abandoned in 2001. While almost half of residents aged 55 or older (48 per cent) would like to see photo radar come back, support is decidedly lower among residents aged 18-to-34 (36 per cent) and 35-to-54 (31 per cent). “I supported photo radar initially because when used in high-collision locations, elsewhere in the world, it has a remarkable record for reducing death and injuries,” comments Driveway editor Keith Morgan. “It never operated that way in B.C. and soon became public enemy number one where it was perceived
as merely a cash cow for a greedy provincial government.” Residents were also asked about the quality of British Columbia’s road and infrastructure. Overall, only 16 per cent of British Columbians believe that the province’s roads are “not too safe” or “not safe at all” for motorists, while fourin-five (82 per cent) consider them “very safe” or “moderately safe.” Results were based on an online study conducted among 838 British Columbians who are aged 18+ and are Your Insights panel members. While statistical margins of error are arguably not applicable to online panels/online studies of this nature, the same margins of error were assumed to apply as if it were a true unweighted random probability sample with a margin of error of +/- 3.4 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.
Valemount resident Maureen Brownlee reads from her recently published book, “Loggers' Daughters” during a book-signing at the Wells Gray Inn on Wednesday, Nov. 27. Listening is Clearwater author Lloyd Jeck with his book, “British Columbia Trails Heading North.” Brownlee's novel tells the story of a logging family with four siblings, an alcoholic father and a melodramatic mother. Jeck's book interweaves current scenes and adventures with stories of B.C.'s pioneers. Photo by Kay Knox EVERYONE Will Be Talking About It … DON'T MISS OUT Subscribe today
Check out the local news and opinions
Betty Lou passed away peacefully after a short battle with cancer at Dr Helmcken Hospital, in Clearwater BC on December 8th, 2013 at 62 years of age. Born in Nipigon Ontario, Betty Lou called the North Thompson Valley her home for over 30 years. Many people will mourn Betty Lou's passing, including her sister Paulette (Harold) Carr of Pays Plat ON; her daughters Cecile (Rob Madigan), Elaine Dampier of Fort McMurray AB, Joyce Dampier (Randy N) of Clearwater BC; grandchildren Candace Vandenborre, Jamie Vandenborre, Jason P of Fort McMurray AB, Melissa Wichmann (Ryan P) of Clearwater BC, Kyle Wichmann of Spruce Grove AB, Desiree Coburn (Brian H) of Clearwater BC, Jessica Coburn (Monty N) of Kamloops BC, Hailey Hohne, Shayla Dampier of Fort McMurray AB; great grandchildren Julian, soon-to-be baby Riley of Fort McMurray, Austin, Keyanna Pelton of Clearwater BC, Hannah Wichmann of Nanaimo BC, Kyson Hellewell of Clearwater BC, plus many nieces, nephews cousins and friends. Betty Lou was predeceased by her father Fred Auger of Pays Plat on in 1963, her mother Kathleen Esquib of Nipigon ON in 1995, her brothers Roland Auger of Nipigon ON in 1980, Thomas Auger of Vancouver BC in 1997, and Fred Auger of Clearwater BC in 2009. Betty Lou spent her early life on the reserve at Pays Plat, ON with her parents, her three brothers and her sister. She was particularly close to her Dad, but he sadly died when Betty Lou was a young girl. Several years later, Betty Lou moved to Nipigon, ON and met David Dampier. They were married and started a family of three beautiful daughters. Around 1980, Betty Lou came to Clearwater,
250-674-3343 • www.clearwatertimes.com
A Holiday Heads Up To All Our Valued Customers Holiday Advertising Deadline Dates for the
North Thompson Star/Journal and the
Clearwater Times are as follows:
Issue of Dec. 26, 2013
Ad deadlines Dec. 20 - 9am
Issue of Jan. 2, 2014
Ad deadlines Dec. 27 - 9am Our regular office hours are: Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm Our offices will be closed Dec 25, 26 and Jan. 1, 2014
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Thursday, December 12, 2013 Clearwater Times
Left: Sheldon Musselman plays a mean blues guitar at the C-Me Live Concert. Below: Jack Perry of the Silvertones plays the slide guitar. The concert also included a silent auction plus a raffle.
C-Me Live raises funds for Food Bank Members of the Voices United Choir lead off the 20th annual C-Me Live Concert in the Wells Gray Inn's conference room on Sunday evening. Former local resident Denis Chaykowski returned from Penticton to act as impresario for the event. Proceeds from the concert went to Clearwater and District Food Bank.
All photos by Keith McNeill
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