Kootenay News Advertiser, December 05, 2013

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Free Press Crowsnest Pass


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Lorene Fauville received a gift from Santa at the Seniors Christmas party at the Bellevue Legion on Nov. 28. Fauville, a resident of York Creek Lodge, turns 85 on Christmas Day. Photo by J. MacFarlane

Community idea makes semi-finals By Joni MacFarlane Editor

Gallery of Sight and Sound Your Telus Store with More 12701 20 Avenue Blairmore, AB

Give yourselves a hand! Crowsnest Pass residents have successfully advanced to the semi-finals in a contest that could give up to $150,000 towards a quad chairlift for the Pass Powderkeg Ski Hill. The Aviva Community Fund is sponsored by Aviva Insurance who are giving away $1 million to ideas that will help create positive change in their communities. The idea, initiated by Lisa Lockhart of Dream Team Consulting, is to help the Pass Powderkeg Ski Hill towards installation of a quad chairlift

that would increase its skiing and snowboarding capacity. Voting began on Sept. 30 and Lockhart said the idea has received huge support from the community. Three qualifying rounds were held with voters determining 90 semi-finalists in various budget categories. The Pass Powderkeg Ski Hill idea has been placed in the “Large” category of $100,000 to $150,000 and has been supported by four other insurance agencies including Crowsnest Insurance. Voting on the final qualifying round ended on Nov. 25 with the Pass Powderkeg successfully advancing to semi-finalist. Voting for the semi-finals runs from noon Dec. 2

to noon Dec. 11. Visit www.avivacommunityfund.org to show your support for idea and help life the Pass! Once you click on the link, you will receive 15 votes automatically. After that, you can vote everyday to show your support for this opportunity for Crowsnest Pass. The finalist ideas will be announced on Jan. 28, 2014. Pass Powderkeg is also holding an open house to give the community an opportunity to see future plans and learn how to get involved in fundraising efforts. Everyone is welcome to visit on Dec. 12 from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the ski lodge.

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Thursday, December 5, 2013 Crowsnest Free Press

Hopley declared long-term offender By Joni MacFarlane Editor Randall Hopley, a convicted child abductor, has been declared a long-term offender and sentenced to seven years in prison, followed by 10 years of supervision once released. Hopley had been convicted of abducting three-year-old Kienan Hebert from his family’s Sparwood home in September 2011. Many Crowsnest Pass residents took part in the massive man-hunt to find Hebert who was returned

home by Hopley uninjured. Police found Hopley shortly afterward hiding out in the west end of Crowsnest Pass. He pleaded guilty to abducting Hebert and holding him in an abandoned cabin for four days. The crown had argued that Hopley should be declared a dangerous offender, which would have kept him in jail indefinitely but B.C. Supreme Court Justice Heather Holmes said Hopley didn’t meet the criteria for dangerous offender status. Hopley, 48, entered foster care when he was 10 and re-

Staff and individuals at Mountainview Industries accepted $500 from the Blairmore Lions on Nov. 26. President Norm Hanson presented the donation which will be used by Crowsnest Community Support Services for admission and sundry expenses at out-of-town events. Photo by J. MacFarlane

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Bruce Street, President of the Crowsnest Pass Food Bank accepted a donation of about 250 pounds of beef to the Crowsnest Pass Food Bank on Nov. 27. Dr. Kristy Penner (centre), Dr. Allan Garbutt (right), Dr. Ian Hurdle, Dr. Jennifer Coppens and Dr. Colin Muscat organized the contribution and Back Country Butchering in Cowley donated the butchering work. Submitted photo

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mained there until he was 19. He has numerous convictions for sexually assaulting children. But Holmes told a Cranbrook courtroom that Hopley’s sex assaults on children as a teen were too far removed to form a repetitive pattern of behaviour. With time already spent in custody, Hopley will still have to serve five years behind bars. His long-term offender status means he will be supervised for 10 years following his release.




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Crowsnest Free Press Thursday, December 5, 2013


Church aids efforts in the Phillipines By Joni MacFarlane Editor

and is likely to climb further, while millions have been left homeless, Philippine officials have said. Fr. Marina has two sisters as well as nieces and nephews and fortunately, they are uninjured and not as affected as others. He is from the island province of Catanduanes that lies beyond the region most affected. “Our province is farther than the central Philippines. The centre of Philippines was most hit, the eye of the typhoon was there. Ours was far from it,” he said. “There are lots of homes destroyed.” “I feel very sad. Whenever I see the suffering of the people, I wanted to cry,” said Fr. Marina. “So I decided to, at

least in my own little way, to help what I can do.” With donations from several area artists, including paintings and drawings “A Philippine by birth, Canadian by by Fr. Marina, Holy Trinity Catholic choice,” Father Ben Marino said he Church organized a silent auction of a was deeply saddened by the devastation variety of artwork. wrecked by the recent typhoon in his Jocelyn Thomas, Rev. Janni Belgum, homeland. Yvonne Martinez and Michael Leeb A priest at the Holy Trinity Catholic donated artworks, he said, and all proChurch in Blairmore, Fr. Marino came ceeds will be donated to relief efforts in to Canada 25 years ago and to the Crowsnest Pass in 2012. the Philippines. “We priests can serve universally. You The funds will be sent to the Philipcan choose to serve wherever you want pines diocese, said Fr. Marino, and it’s up to them how the money will be used. so I chose Canada to serve as a priest,” “We have the trust that it will go to the he said. “This is a different country, difsuffering of the Philippine people,” he ferent culture and after 25 years, I am added. already well adjusted to the life in CanThe silent auction closed on Dec. ada.” 1 and Fr. MaDespite his rino said close to lengthy service in $1,000 was raised. Canada, Fr. Ma“The Canadian rino said he’s very people know alaffected by what ready what haphappened in the Philippines. pened there but In early Noeven a small vember, Typhoon amount that we Haiyan, known as donate or give to Typhoon Yolanda the people helps in the Philippines, their suffering... one of the stronIt always makes a difference,” he gest typhoons said. “And of on record, tore course, it’s not across the eastonly money. We ern and central also have to pray Philippines causing catastrophic for them to have destruction. The Father Ben Marino at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church organized a silent auction feathe grace to acdeath toll has turing the work of local artists to help relief efforts in the Philippines after a devastat- cept whatever happened to them.” risen above 5,200 ing typhoon left millions homeless. Photo by J. MacFarlane

Fourth-generation rancher sets sights on Macleod riding By Joni MacFarlane Editor

Longtime rancher and farmer Phil Rowland believes he’s especially wellrounded to represent the diverse interest of constituents in the Conservative Party’s nomination for the Macleod riding. Working full-time in the agriculture industry, Rowland was born and raised in the High River area and now coowns and manages a farm at Mazeppa and a ranch at Longview. Before this, he worked in pipeline and facility construction in the oil and gas industry. With his experience and community involvement, Rowland said, he understands the people of the riding and their concerns. Rowland has been active in various community groups and government groups such as the Alberta Government Land Agents Advisory Committee and past director and secretary-treasurer of the Southern Alberta Land Trust Society. As well as various agricultural organizations, he has also been involved as a volunteer for candidates in federal and provincial elections. “I’m a fiscal conservative and a good fit with the Conservative Party,” said Rowland. “They need some integrity

and I’m the kind of guy to speak up when needed.”

Phil Rowland, a fourth-generation rancher and farmer, believes he has the right mix of experience to run as the Conservative Party’s Macleod riding candidate. Submitted photo

Describing the Senate scandal as a “disappointment”, Rowland said, if elected, he would work hard in the backrooms lobbying for people to follow the rules. “I believe people should follow the rules,” he said. “If the rules are not appropriate, then they should be changed.” Rowland said he knows a lot of people in the riding and believes he’s a good fit to represent them. “I want to represent the people of Macleod to make sure they have someone they can reach at the end of the phone who will advocate for their concerns,” said Rowland. “I’m not afraid to step up to the plate and advocate for them.” As a member of the provincial government’s Mountain Pine Beetle Advisory Committee, and involvement in the South Saskatchewan Regional land use plan, he believes a federal connection to represent concerns of the environment, such as flood mitigation, is important. “I especially understand the concerns [in the south] of the environment and how forestry works as well as the mining community that Crowsnest Pass has turned out to be,” he said. “I have been progressive and aggressive as a business person and believe we need someone in the riding who has this background.”

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Thursday, December 5, 2013 Crowsnest Free Press


Phone: 250-509-0177 Email: publisher@cnpfreepress.ca For news tips, community, sporting and other events, please contact Joni MacFarlane at 403-563-7725 or email: joni.macfar@gmail.com

Food Bank needs your help Dear Editor, The busy time of Christmas is upon us and often we intend to do something but with much on our minds, some things get forgotten. Needs of the local Food Bank could be one of those things that slips our minds. If you are wondering what the Food Bank is wanting to put on its shelves, I’ll give you some ideas and then it’s up to you to take it from there. At the moment, we are very well stocked with peanut butter, Cheerios, Kraft dinner, shampoo and conditioner. We’ve a fair supply of canned meat (tuna, flakes of ham, chicken and turkey) and canned vegetables but we wouldn’t say “No” to more. Our supply of almost everything else is either in short supply or non-existent: soups, chunky soups, canned pastas, pork and beans, powdered milk, canned tomatoes, canned fruit, ketchup, jam, Stove Top Stuffing, cookies, soda crackers, baking supplies (white and brown sugar, flour, raisins, molasses, etc.), Kleenex, toilet tissue, bar hand soap, hand creams and lotions, deodorants, diapers, pet food. Look in your cupboards or your bathroom and you’ll see things I haven’t suggested. Go shopping with a friend and split the cost. Be assured, we will appreciate whatever you donate. Some things we can’t accept: home baking, opened or partly used packages or out-dated items. Many will be donating when they welcome the CPR Holiday Train in Coleman just after lunch on Tuesday, Dec. 10 but if you missed that, there are drop-off locations at Servus Credit Union, The Bargain Shop, Sobey’s and the Catholic Church. No donation is too small. One more thing: Please don’t leave donations at the door of the Food Bank on 19 Avenue when we are not open. A few people have done that and the weather has soaked or frozen some of the items which resulted in them having to be thrown out. We are open Mon. and Wed. From 5 p.m. To 7 p.m. and on Thurs. from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and if those times are not convenient, any of the drop-off locations will accept the donations. Thank you for your generosity. Bernice Sprague

The Crowsnest Pass Free Press welcomes letters to the editor that are of interest to our community. Whatever the subject, there are a few basic guidelines to follow before Crowsnest Pass Free Press will publish your comment. • Letters must be received by 4 p.m. Thursday for the following week’s paper. • One letter per person per month. • Letters should be typed or neatly written and present the issues as clearly as possible in 350 words or less. • All letters must contain the name, address and signature of the writer, and a phone number where they may be reached during business hours. • Anonymous letters will not be published and pen names may not be used, except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the editor. • The editor reserves the right to edit for length, clarity or reject letters over matters of libel, legality, taste or style. Letters published do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy or belief of this newspaper.

Students from the Nippon Institute of Technology (NIT) packed boxes for Operation Christmas Shoe Box Project in Crowsnest Pass. A total of 132 boxes were collected from various organizations and businesses within the community and an additional 165 boxes were packed by NIT students from items collected by students, staff, homestay families and other community members. The program is now coordinated through the NITICC and the Lethbridge College Community Service Learning program , a three-credit Lethbridge College course taught at the NIT Intercultural Campus. Community Service Learning is a program that connects the curriculum to volunteerism within the community. Students are matched with community service projects related to their classroom studies. While meeting actual community needs, students gain valuable hands-on experiences which enhance their educational goals. In addition to the academic reinforcement, Service Learning strengthens student leadership skills and offers opportunities to better understand such values as human diversity, social justice, and engaged citizenship. Submitted photo

Free Press


Crowsnest Pass

12707, 20 Avenue, Blairmore, AB T0K 0E0 • 250-509-0177 Chris Hopkyns, Publisher Email: publisher@cnpfreepress.com

Published weekly each Thursday by The Crowsnest Pass Free Press, a division of Black Press Group Ltd. and distributed throughout the Crowsnest Pass. Free circulation, 1,700.


Joni MacFarlane


Bridget Fix


Crowsnest Free Press Thursday, December 5, 2013

Municipal planning commission briefs By Joni MacFarlane Editor

The municipal planning commission held their monthly meeting on Nov. 27 with the following decisions. An application to subdivide two existing lots to create three smaller titles was approved. The land, in Blairmore, north of the Southmore development, currently has a house, garage and dog house on the proposed 0.54 acres parcel while the other two lots of 0.31 and 0.36 acres, are vacant. Mike Burla representing the Oldman River Regional Services Commission, told the commission that, “a utility right of way plan traverses diagonally across the property which poses certain development constraints for the proposed new properties”, but “there would be sufficient land available for development at a future date... and still maintain the respective setbacks from the actual utility right of way”. A letter describing the proposed subdivision was sent to adjacent landowners and referral agencies such as Fortis, ATCO Gas, Alberta Health Services and Alberta Transportation, Burla said. No objectives were raised, he added. The commission moved to approve the application subject to standard conditions. An application for a dog grooming homebased business in Bellevue was approved after the commission determined concerns were being addressed. It was also determined that the commission has an obligation to deal with applications within 40 days and it shouldn’t be delayed. One neighbour expressed some concerns but the applicant said she had taken all these into consideration and assured the commission the concerns were unjustified.

She said the property was specifically chosen because there were very few neighbours in the vicinity, that the business was not a kennel, only a grooming business, so dogs would rarely be seen outside, that it would operate with staggered appointments and there would be minimal impact to neighbouring homes. The commission moved to approve the application subject to the business adhering to home-based occupation criteria, that it not occupy outdoor space between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m., and other standard conditions. A lengthy discussion on the technicality of past approvals took place before a retail store was approved for a property in Passburg. After considerable debate, it became clear that in light of the many activities previously approved, it would have made more sense to rezone the property from its current Drive-In Commercial zoning.

Approved uses were residence, office/sales area, repair garage, and snowmobile/ATV related business. Ken Bourdeau, development officer, told the commission the snowmobile/ATV business was no longer active and so, an approved use needed to be determined before approving the retail store. “I would suggest that looking at this in good faith, you have an applicant that’s tried to go through a process here and may be the victim of some bad advice in the past,” said Burla. “What I can see here is at least 10 years worth of hard work by the applicant to work within the system.” He added that during recent revisions of the land use bylaw, there are now over 600 definitions to clarify formerly vague uses. A discretionary use for the property was decided on and the application for a retail store was approved subject to

standard conditions. Lastly, an application for a secondary suite above a detached garage was denied. It was determined that secondary suites are not permitted as discretionary use in the land use bylaw. The applicant said the second floor of a detached garage would be converted into a bedroom with a bathroom and gas stove. A kitchen was not part of the application but, Bourdeau said, administration was concerned it could be added in the future. Burla said they took a great deal of time in 2004 to deal with the issue of secondary suits in the land use bylaw. A conscious decision was made, he said, to identify them as being located in the primary residence and not allowing them in detached garages. The application was denied on the basis that it does not fit the definition of secondary suites.

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Thursday, December 5, 2013 Crowsnest Free Press

Welcome Home!

The staff at The Free Press would like to wish everyone happy holidays and all the best in 2014!

Early Holiday Deadlines The following deadlines will be in effect during the holiday season. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18 12:00 pm for the December 26th edition. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27 12:00 pm for the January 2nd edition.

Holiday Hours:

The Free Press office will be closed December 25th, 26th and January 1st. Open December 24th, 9:00 am to Noon. Regular hours resume Thursday, January 2nd.

Free Press


Crowsnest Pass

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Crowsnest Free Press Thursday, December 5, 2013

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Thursday, December 5, 2013 Crowsnest Free Press

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Of bears, water and the landscape By Joni MacFarlane Editor If you’re talking about bears, you’re talking about water and vice versa. That was the message delivered to members of the Crowsnest Conservation Society by wildlife conservationist, biologist and author Kevin Van Tighem at the Annual General Meeting on Nov. 21. An engaging and knowledgeable speaker, Van Tighem said people tend to form their picture of the world at an early age and although the landscape changes, their view of it does not. “Bears are really the ultimate expressions of these landscapes and to the extent that bears are doing well, we can be confident that our landscapes are functioning... to the extent that their status is changing, we need to be looking critically at what’s happening to the landscape,” he said. “The South Saskatchewan is a water poor region, we use it but we don’t create it,” he added. “It comes from the headwaters, that’s also where the bears live.” To demonstrate that bears can always be found in well-watered landscapes, Van Tighem showed satellite images depicting radio-collared bear habitat. “By and large riparian and wet slopes are great places to find bears but that’s also where our water comes from”. Prime grizzly bear habitat are wet places with reliable vegetation and not much tree cover. “Essentially, [water and grizzly bears] are the same thing from a landscape point of view,” said Van Tighem. “If you’re managing well for grizzly bears, you are managing well for water.” However, Van Tighem said, at the same time as the natural flow is decreasing, the population is increasing putting an increased demand on water needs. “We should be paying attention to water,” he said. “We’re a society that is about to hit the wall... a water wall. Van Tighem explained how the majority of the South Saskatchewan region’s water comes from snow forests and the eastern slopes have a high loss of water from the tree canopy. Clear cutting puts about 40 per cent more snow on the ground, but it all melts in about two weeks’ time, he said. A lack of trees means the snow melts all at once in early spring when it’s not needed. If trees are left standing, they provide shade which causes snow to melt later in the summer when the landscape needs it.

In addition to losing water faster, clear cutting creates funnels that water runs down and less is taken in by ground cover, said Van Tighem. Logging, roads and quad trails alter the landscape and change both water supply and grizzly habitat, he said, while wildfire, mountain pine beetle and beavers are nature’s way of dealing with forests and water. “When you go in and starting modifying a landscape, you’re really just touching one domino and all these dominoes are connected,” Van Tighem added. He suggested forestry be managed more around water security than timber fibre and argued that Alberta manage its resources cohesively rather than in the sectoral manner currently used – forestry, fish and wildlife, and recreational. “We’ll be paying more for climate change in the future with more and severe weather events on a very badly damaged landscape or we can get to work and put those landscapes back together the way they were meant to be,” said Van Tighem. “If we could do forestry differently in a way that would really be good for water,” said Van Tighem. “If we did it that way, it would really be good for bears.” Finally, he encouraged all members of the Crowsnest Conservation Society to actively participate in the South Saskatchewan Regional land use by providing feedback on the draft plan. An online workbook is available and must be received by Jan. 15, 2014. BearSmart coordinator Elizabeth Anderson also took time to give recognition to one of that organization’s volunteers for her exceptional commitment and hard work with the program. Jan Lloyd is one who works behind the scenes, said Anderson, and over the last two years has done over 600 hours of bear monitoring, and has travelled 11,000 kilometres searching for monitored bears and patrolling neighbourhoods day and night. “She’s one of those people who’s just happy doing what she’s doing,” said Anderson. “I feel very honoured to be able to work with her.” Lastly, members voted in the executive for 2014 including Judy Cooke (President), Merilyn Liddell (Vice-President & Secretary), Gwen Tietz (Treasurer), Bill Paton, Robert Anderson, Rick Cooke and John Kinnear (Directors).

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Kevin Van Tighem was the feature speaker at the Crowsnest Conservation Society’s Annual General Meeting on Nov. 21. Van Tighem is a well-known author whose most recent book, Bears: Without Fear, is available at Crocket’s Trading Company. Photo by J. MacFarlane

All aboard!

Crowsnest Free Press Thursday, December 5, 2013

By Joni MacFarlane Editor

The 15th Annual Canadian Pacific Holiday Train will once again be stopping in Crowsnest Pass. The popular Christmas event visits southwestern Alberta every other year in an effort to raise money for food banks in local communities. Since the Holiday Train program first launched in 1999, it has raised $7.4 million and 3 million pounds of food for local communities. It is estimated elves have handed out over a quarter of a million candy canes to children as treats at the event. The CP Holiday Train kicked off this year’s program on Nov. 25 in Quebec and will wrap up its journey Dec. 16 in Port Coquitlam, B.C. Another train travels across the U.S. northeast and midwest. Its first stop is in Scranton, PA and its final show is on Dec.

19 in Weyburn, Saskatchewan. Each of the two Holiday Trains are about 1,000 feet in length with 14 brightly decorated rail cars lit up with hundreds of thousands of LED lights and holiday designs. On Tuesday, Dec. 10, the train will arrive in Coleman south of 17th Avenue between 69th and 70th Streets around 1:15 p.m. Recording artists Melanie Doane and Matt Dusk will be performing on a modified boxcar stage. Along with elves and of course, Santa, Mayor Blair Painter will be on hand and a presentation will be made to Crowsnest Pass Food Bank. Residents and visitors are encouraged to bring either a non-perishable food item or cash donation. Items like infant formula, canned meats, spaghetti sauce are some of the foodstuffs in particular demand for the millions of North Americans who turn to food banks each month. All donations will be be given to Crowsnest Pass Food Bank.

Twenty years and still going strong “Anything you put the effort in, you see the rewards. If you don’t put the effort in, it’s hard to see the rewards.” Harry advises people who are thinking of starting a business to do their homework, know what they’re getting into and not to quit when things get a little tough. “Something that a lot of people in business are afraid of is competition and I have to say that competition is good,” she said. “Because we’ve got three dress stores in the Crowsnest Pass, people will come to check them all out… and that’s good.” She also emphasized that it’s important to be competitive with pricing and quality of

bigger stores in urban areas. Harry started carrying Joseph Ribkoff and French Dressing when the store first opened on the advice of former dress shop owners. “They told me, these

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Bonnie Harry, owner of Bonnie’s Fashions and Work & Play, celebrates 20 years in business. Photo by J. MacFarlane

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As anyone in the retail industry knows, success can be challenging in today’s business environment. However, one local business is not only still going strong, but shows no signs of slowing down. After 20 years, Bonnie Harry of Bonnie’s Fashion and Work & Play attributes her longevity primarily to customer service. Harry had been running a shoe shop in the Crowsnest Mall since April 1993. When two local dress shops closed, she saw an opportunity. “I thought, if I don’t have anybody selling clothes in this town, I’m not going to sell many shoes,” said Harry. “So at that point in time, I opened a dress store.” On Aug. 1, 1996, Bonnie’s Fashions opened in its current location where Harry incorporated dresses and clothing with shoes. Four years ago, on Oct. 1st, she added Work & Play to the business. “I didn’t really expect it to grow like it has,” Harry admitted. “But it’s all been good and we just keep going.” She attributes the success and growth of the business primarily to good customer service and staff. “We all enjoy what we’re doing… They’re all very good and I appreciate that,” she said. As well, the selection, variety and quality of the clothes are good and the store has gar-

nered a loyal customer base, said Harry. Customers come from as far away as Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Creston, Cranbrook and even into Saskatchewan. Harry said many come back on a regular basis. “We’re servicing a very large area and that gives us the ability to bring in the quality and the selection that we have,” she explained. In addition to maintaining a large customer database, the store sends out gift coupons to regular customers on their birthdays and in spring and fall offering discounts. “All of that helps to bring the customers back,” said Harry.


By Joni MacFarlane Editor


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Thursday, December 5, 2013 Crowsnest Free Press

Council supports UROC By Joni MacFarlane Editor

Are you ready to Grow with your Community? Want to know HOW?


We have been given an amazing opportunity to be included in a program that trains people from the Crowsnest Pass to become Community Builders! AND it is FREE! What is a Community Builder?

Council unanimously agreed to provide support to the United Riders of Crowsnest (UROC) at a meeting on Nov. 19. The UROC group is applying for grant funding under a provincial program to continue with trail development. Trail building has been taking place for several years with the majority of existing trails on the Pass Powderkeg Ski Hill land base, said Myron Thompson, chief administrative officer. Approval is being sought to develop trails on the quarter-section of ski hill land owned by the municipality, a quarter-section of land leased from the province, as well as land to the south

owned by Riversdale Resources Ltd. acquired recently from Devon. In order to apply for grant funding, said Thompson, a letter of support and endorsement from the municipality is required. “I know that UROC does a fantastic job looking after our mountain bike trails,” said Councillor Shar Lazzarotto. “There’s probably been over half a million dollars of work already put in to that whole project and it would be well worth it to continue it. The feedback we’re getting from other riders is that it’s awesome, the trails are built to International Mountain Bike Association standards which is quite unique for a lot of the areas around here and I totally support this.” Councillor Lazzarotto made a motion to send a letter of support that was unanimously carried.

In order for rural communities to be sustainable and prosperous they need to build formal and informal leaders. Are you ready to become a better business owner, manager, volunteer, parent and community member? Then this opportunity is for YOU! The Crowsnest Pass is in a position of change and poised for potential growth, so we are looking for community members who are willing to become Community Builders in order to assist our community. All it takes is your willingness to learn, a commitment of an hour a week and best of all it is FREE! This initiative is offered by an award winning coach and community builder Ian Hill, who has assisted and worked with 160 rural communities across Canada. He understands the challenges rural communities face and with his knowledge and expertise he has put together this online training to assist small communities not only to overcome their hurdles but to prosper! Although the course has already started, you can still access the information in the archives and complete the course!

Who Can Participate?

Originally this program was only offered to Pincher Creek and area but has been extended to the Crowsnest Pass. The program itself is open to any adult or youth! Our youth are the future of our community, so please encourage any youth you know to participate, we need their leadership in our community as well! This is a great program for Business owners and managers!


Just go to the following address http://register.becomingacommunitybuilder.ca and register your name and password! If you have any technical difficulties contact Technical Support at tech@beocmingacommunitybuilder.ca or you can contact Lisa Lockhart at 403-563-7368 or energeticproperties@yahoo.ca.

On Nov. 26 Norm Hanson, president of the Blairmore Lions presented a donation of $2,500 to Kim Lewis, coordinator with Family and Community Support Services for turkeys for the Christmas Food Hamper program. Blairmore Lions raise money throughout the year from their weekly bingo and catering of various events. Photo by J. MacFarlane

Crow Works offers broad services By Joni MacFarlane Editor

of trophies and plaques, there are also ribbons such as those given out at contests and parades, custom buttons, pins, balloons, fridge magnets, banners, office and pottery stamps, signs and Not just an engraving business. As Crow Works Engraving celebrates it’s 10th sandwich boards, name plates and badges, pet anniversary, that’s the message owner Joanne memorials and tags, and dozens of unique gift ideas. Wilson wants people to know. Wilson believes the business has grown primarStarted in 2003 by Barbara Toombs, the original business provided both signs and engraving ily through word of mouth with people learning services. Several years later, Toombs wanted to over the years that the business is not just enretire and the business was split in half. The vi- graving and trophies. As such, Wilson said, she’s servicing a large nyl signage portion was purchased by a Pincher Creek resident and Wilson, who’d been work- customer area including the Elk Valley, Pincher Creek and Fernie. ing there for several years, “We’re definitely growing. bought the engraving aspect When I took over, I didn’t of the business in 2010. think it would be this busy,” Since then, Wilson has she said. “Although the busiadded numerous services ness is called Crow Works and has grown the business Engraving, I do not do just into a successful enterprise trophies... Clients are starting servicing a large customer to realize all the other things area. they can get here. Anything The engraving portion of you can put a name on, we the business is roughly 70 can do it.” per cent, she said, with the She admitted that it’s beremaining portion, promocome difficult to keep up with tional and gift items. the work and is looking to “When it comes to prohire someone initially on a motional items, the sky’s part-time basis. the limit as far as what you Crow Works is located on can give away,” said WilMain Street in downtown son. “Traditionally, people give out ball caps with their Joanne Wilson, owner of Crow Works historic Coleman. To thank the community, business name on it, or a Engraving in downtown historic ColeWilson is holding an open pen, mugs... but there are man, celebrates 10 years in business. Photo by J. MacFarlane house on Friday, Dec. 6 from millions of things... People 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. At the Colegive everything and anyman Seniors Hall. Everyone thing away with their busiis welcome. ness logo on it.” “I want to say a big thank you to all the busiWilson said she has numerous catalogues people can look through and choose from or nesses and individuals from Pincher Creek to they can go look at her website catalogues. Free Fernie,” she said. “Thank you for using my services. We’re very grateful for your support and quotes are available, she added. Of course, Crow Works offers a complete line the local businesses that shop local.”

Crowsnest Free Press Thursday, December 5, 2013


Police briefs

By Joni MacFarlane Editor

Between Nov. 20 and Nov. 27, Crowsnest Pass RCMP responded to 33 calls for service. They included: Break & Enter (residential): 1 Fraud/Forgery: 3 Driving Complaints: 1 MV Collisions: 12 Suspicious Occurrences: 1 Assistance to General Public: 4 Assistance to Other Agencies: 4 False Alarms: 4 Animal Calls: 2 Municipal Bylaws: 1 On Nov. 22, a clothes dryer was found in the middle of Highway 3, still in the crate and unopened. It appeared to have fallen off a truck. On Nov. 23 at 7:30 a.m., police received a complaint of a hit and run motor vehicle collision at 81st Street and 13th Avenue in Coleman. A 2007 gold Dodge Caravan was damaged. On Nov. 24 at 2:50 p.m., police received a complaint of a stranded snowmobiler. A 30-year-old male from Calgary reported to police he was sledding when his snowmobile broke down and he was now stranded. He was inexperienced, it was his first time, he had no survival gear and was sledding alone. The original GPS coordinates given indicated the Beaver Mines area but

there was poor cellular reception. A patrol was made to Beaver Mines area but he was not at that location. His truck was then located parked at the York Creek staging area in Coleman. Search and Rescue were dispatched and assisted in locating the subject at 6:50 p.m. in the backcountry south of Coleman. On Nov. 24 at 1:45 a.m., police received a complaint of a break, enter and theft at a residence in Coleman sometime during the previous six hours. Jewelery and cash were taken and the matter is under investigation. On Nov. 24 at 4:05 p.m., police received a report of 30 sheep posing a traffic hazard on Highway 3 west of Coleman. A patrol was made by a community peace officer and the herd was dispersed. On Nov. 25 at 5:30 a.m., police received a report of a train derailment near Highway 507 in Burmis. Three train cars carrying grain had derailed but none of the contents were hazardous. CP rail workers cleared the scene and police determined nothing suspicious caused the derailment. On Nov. 25 at 10 a.m., police received a complaint of a computer scam. A suspect claimed to be from Windows saying an ip address was being used to scam people’s bank accounts. The caller required access to the computer to fix it. The complainant did not allow it and reported the matter to police.

Community calendar

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DECEMBER 7 – Mountain View Industries is hosting their annual Christmas Craft and Bake Sale starting at 10 a.m. Donations of baking or crafts would be gratefully accepted. Door prizes, silent auction, grab bags, hot dogs, coffee and lots of delicious baking. Everyone is welcome DECEMBER 7 – In partnership with Mountain Radio and Bridge City Chrysler, Crowsnest Pass Food Bank presents PACK THE PICKUP from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Sobey’s parking lot. Cash, non-perishable and perishable foods will be accepted (no meat please). DECEMBER 10 – The CP Holiday Train will be providing live entertainment with Matt Dusk in celebration of the 15th anniversary of the CP Holiday Train at 1:15 p.m., south of 17th Avenue between 69th & 70th Streets, Coleman. The Crowsnest Pass Food Bank will be accepting cash and non-perishable donations. DECEMBER 10 – The 2014 graduating class of Crowsnest Consolidated High School is hosting its annual Christmas Seniors’ Supper at 5 p.m. All seniors are invited to attend. DECEMBER 13 - The Crowsnest Pass Youth Group (Four Twelve – YOUth) is hosting a community concert as a fundraiser for two local families, the Murray’s and the Goods. The concert will feature musical and artistic performances and is at the Crowsnest Christian Centre Church in Coleman at 7 p.m. There is a $5 entrance fee and children under 12 are free. A donation coffee bar with homebaked treats and festive beverages will be set up and after the program, a bake and Christmas craft sale will be held. All the funds raised will go to the Murrays and the Goods. Visit the Facebook page, Community Christmas Concert Fundraiser. Thank you to everyone who has used our services over the past

Holiday Open House

This is a free service offered to provide visitors and residents with information about events organized by non-profit groups in the Crowsnest Pass. Events must be received by 4 p.m. Thursday for the following week’s paper and must be submitted via email. They must contain the name and phone number of the organization and kept as brief as possible. Please tell us about your upcoming events by emailing the editor at joni.macfar@gmail.com.

10 years. We appreciate you have shopped local when possible.

And if you have yet to discover Crow Works and their capabilities, then come see what all the fuss is about and you’ll see why, we’re Something to Crow about!

Join us for drinks, snacks, games & prizes

Friday, December 6 • 6-8pm

7801 18th Ave., Downtown Coleman at the Coleman Seniors Hall For more info: Joanne, 403-562-2920

signs, engraving, promotional products since 2003

Santa in the Park

Sunday Dec 8 • 2-4pm at the Bellevue Memorial Park Hotdogs, hot chocolate, games and a visit from ‘Ol Saint Nick

Brought to you by Bellcrest Community Association and Sponsored by Sobeys

Call Chris for all your advertising needs (250)509-0177


Thursday, December 5, 2013 Crowsnest Free Press

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Crowsnest Pass Eat & Drink

‘Tis the season for gingerbread cookies

The holiday season is dominated by tradition. Families typically have their own unique traditions, but certain practices are so widely popular that they have become synonymous with the holiday season. Such is the case with certain foods, including gingerbread cookies. Gingerbread cookies can be enjoyed year-round, but many people only enjoy this tasty treat during the holiday season. For those who can’t wait to indulge in gingerbread cookies this year, consider this recipe for “Soft Glazed Gingerbread” from Elisabeth M. Prueitt and Chad Robertson’s “Tartine” (Chronicle Books). Soft Glazed Gingerbread Yields 12 to 20 cookies Dough 33/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon cocoa powder 4 teaspoons ground ginger 11/2 teaspoons ground cloves 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 11/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature 3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 large egg 1/2 cup blackstrap or other dark molasses 2 tablespoons light corn syrup Glaze 1 cup confectioners’ sugar 2 tablespoons water To make the dough, stir together the flour, cocoa powder, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, baking soda, salt, and pepper in a mixing bowl. Set aside. Using a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the butter on medium-high speed until creamy. Slowly add the granulated sugar and mix on medium speed until the mixture is completely smooth and soft. Stop the mixer and scrape down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula as needed. Add the egg and mix well. Add the molasses and corn syrup and beat until incorporated. Stop the mixer again and scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add the flour mixture and beat on low speed until a dough forms that pulls away from the sides of the bowl and all the ingredients are well incorporated. Remove the dough from the bowl, flatten it on a large piece of plastic wrap into a rectangle about 1 inch thick, cover the dough with the plastic wrap, and refrigerate overnight. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper on a nonstick liner. Unwrap the dough and place on a floured work surface. If using a plaque with a design, roll out the dough 1/3-inch thick, lightly dust the top with flour, press your cookie molds over the dough, and then cut out the shapes with a small knife and place on the prepared baking sheet, spacing them about 1 inch apart. Alternatively, using the mold as a guide, cut around it with a small knife, flip the mold over so the design is facing you, and place the dough over it, pressing it into the design. Unmold the shapes onto the prepared baking sheet, leaving about 1 inch between them. If using a patterned rolling pin, lightly dust the lined baking sheet with flour and transfer the dough to the pan. Lightly dust the top of the dough with flour and roll it into a rectangle about 1/3-inch thick with a plain pin. Then, using the patterned pin, roll over the dough with enough pressure to ensure a clear impression of the design. Trim the sides with a small knife. It is not necessary to cut into smaller sizes before baking. Bake the cookies until lightly golden along the sides but still soft to the touch in the centers, 7 to 15 minutes. The timing will depend on the size of the individual cookies, or if you have made a single large patterned piece that will be cut after baking. While the cookies are baking, prepare the glaze. In a small bowl, whisk together the confectioners’ sugar and water until smooth. When the cookies are ready, remove from the oven and let cool in the pan on a wire rack for about 10 minutes. Then, while the cookies are still warm, using even strokes, brush a light coat of glaze on the top of each cookie, evenly covering it. Let the cookies cool completely. When the glaze dries, it should leave a shiny, opaque finish. If you have used a patterned pin to make a single large plaque, cut into the desired sizes with a small, very sharp knife. The cookies will keep in an airtight container in a cool place for about 2 weeks. They do not freeze well, however, as the glaze becomes watery when they are thawed.

Crowsnest Cafe and Fly Shop

Dine in or Take Away The Finer things in Sweets Life OrganicFiner Breakfasts , Lunches and The things in Life made Dine from scratch. flavours from in or Bold Take Away Dine in or Take foods Away around the world : featuring from Organic Breakfasts , Lunches and Sweets Organic Breakfasts , Lunches and Sweets Mexico, madeChina,India, from scratch. BoldThailand... flavours from made from scratch. Bold flavours from Fine Rooibos Teas: featuring ,Free trade Coffees... around the world foods from around the world : featuring foods from famous Breakfast Bagel... China,India, Mexico, Thailand... China,India, Thailand... Fine Rooibos TeasMexico, ,Free trade Coffees... Fine Rooibos Teas ,Free trade Coffees... famous Breakfast Bagel... famous Breakfast Bagel...


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