Kootenay News Advertiser, December 19, 2013

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Free Press


Crowsnest Pass

T hur s da y, D ecem b er 19, 2013

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Vol. 1 Issue 7

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“Live Your Dream”

The 15th annual CP Christmas Holiday Train got a warm welcome in Crowsnest Pass on Tuesday, Dec. 10. Musicians Melanie Doane (left) and Matt Dusk (right) entertained as Santa mingled with the large crowd and handed out candy canes.

Photo by J. MacFarlane

ry Time, Guaranteed Patrick B Sager CFP,CLU,EPC 403-753-0020 Blairmore, AB

Repairs slow to flooddamaged backcountry

By Joni MacFarlane Editor

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Six months after last spring’s extraordinary flooding event, no work has been done to repair heavily damaged lands, trails and municipal access roads to the backcountry. Despite funding approvals and commitments from the province, there is also confusion over who bears responsibility for the work and when it will begin. Frustrated by inaction, council expressed concern that the damage was not being repaired and could result in further problems unless fixed. A presentation made to council on Dec. 10 by Wade Aebli highlighted that efforts need

to be stepped up to repair heavily damaged lands and access roads to the backcountry that fall under both municipal and provincial responsibilities. In July and August of 2013, Aebli was retained by the municipality to inventory damage in the backcountry caused by the flooding. About 590 kilometres of individual trail and 30 kilometres of municipal roads were assessed. One hundred and seventy-six sites were identified as damaged and assigned a priority ranking from very high to low. Of those, 43 sites were identified as very high and 70 were identified as high priority, Aebli added. Costs to repair all 113 sites were estimated to be over $1.7 million with individual site costs ranging from $750 up to $430,000.

All the best to our customers and friends this holiday season! May the New Year bring happiness and prosperity.

Damage to backcountry municipal roads and infrastructure is estimated to be worth $823,500 with the remaining $941,078 for damage on trail systems and infrastructure. Costs include permitting, heavy equipment and its mobilization, engineering and supervision, said Aebli. Administration, reporting and inspection costs were excluded. A total of 12 km of trail and seven km of road was damaged as well as 46 structures damaged or destroyed including bridges, retaining walls and culverts. Aebli explained that for the most part, the province controls all land considered public (crown) land, but roads are considered assets to the municipality within their boundaries. See FLOOD DAMAGE Page 3...

10701 - 20th Ave, Blairmore, AB



Thursday, December 19, 2013 Crowsnest Pass Free Press

As part of their cross-country tour, CP donated $4,000 to the Crowsnest Pass Food Bank while individual residents contributed $135 in cash and 425 pounds to the Food Bank during the Holiday Train’s stop on Dec. 10. Photo by J. MacFarlane

Residents and visitors enjoyed Canadian Pacific’s 15th annual Holiday Train on Dec. 10. as musicians entertained the crowd and celebrated the holiday season. Photo by J. MacFarlane

Search continues for Pincher Creek man By Joni MacFarlane Editor

The search for missing Pincher Creek resident Taylor Elliott continues and volunteers said they hope the warmer weather will help him. Elliott has been missing since 4:30 a.m. on Dec. 1 and the official Search & Rescue search was called off six days later. Police said that until the ground cover changes or until further information comes forward, the search is off because there is no direction in which to look. However, it was stressed there are RCMP members and equipment available and ready to

go if any new clues are found. Since then dozens of private individuals have been helping in the effort with 30 or more people volunteering to help in the ground search every day. Search coordinator Rod Sinclair who is well known in the community said weather has been against them every step of the way. A private helicopter joined the search for two hours on Dec. 12 but had to be shut down because of wind. ISIS Geomatics from Lethbridge has remote-control “quad copters” with high-resolution cameras and heat detection, but are even less able to fly in high winds. Sinclair said they haven’t been used yet but are on standby and ready for use

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checked, he said, sometimes two or three times. Sinclair stressed volunteers will continue the search effort day by day. If any clues are found, RCMP and Pincher Creek Search & Rescue crews will take over to follow up. Janet Jones, a Pincher Creek Search & Rescue member who is acting as a private individual, said it’s important that trails or other areas, not become contaminated as interfering with possible clues may damage the effective of tracking dogs. Elliott disappeared on foot without a trace in the early morning hours of Sunday, Dec. 1 just as a heavy snow storm enveloped southern Alberta. Since

then, the area has been plagued with extreme temperatures and severe wind with blowing snow. A Facebook page and website have been started to help raise awareness and assist with the search. Elliott, aged 22, is described as 5’11” tall weighing 185 pounds with dark hair, blue eyes and a full beard. He was last seen wearing a Carhartt jacket, blue jeans, a dark hoodie and carrying a medium-sized grey camouflaged backpack and a .270 rifle. Anyone with information on Elliott’s whereabouts or information related to anything seen out of the ordinary, should contact Pincher Creek RCMP Detachment at 403-627-6000.

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within the next week. The search has encompassed a broad area from the Warden’s cabin in Waterton Park to the south, north to Skyline Road in the Porcupine Hills, west to Crowsnest Pass and east to Brocket. However, the major search area has concentrated on a five kilometre radius of Elliott’s home, said Sinclair. This was based on the area he knows best in the Castle River and Old Man Dam areas. Statistically, 80 per cent of missing persons are found within five kilometres of their home, Sinclair added. As well, every known shelter in the area has been



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Crowsnest Pass Free Press Thursday, December 19, 2013

Flood damage in backcountry poses risks

risk to the community, one that needs to who he said, have the background and From Page 1... He told council that the province be addressed and really should have been knowledge to take on the repair work. “There was a significant need would probably cover most backcountry addressed already,” said Aebli. The cost to repair was estimated for a lot of this work to be addressed in trail damage but there are still five highpriority projects that pertain directly to at $200,435. The log jam is on crown late September and at this point, there’s the municipality, mainly related to roads land but within municipal boundaries, he nothing,” said Aebli. “We really need to address some of these things immediately added. and the log jam on Lyons Creek. and get going.” Most heavily damaged was Work on fish-bearing Adanac Road, Sartoris Road and streams is only permitted Gold Creek, respectively. in the fall when the creeks Aebli said he suspects that do not contain fish, he told southern land received more damcouncil, but this year’s winage than that in the north because dow of opportunity was there was a higher snowpack and missed. greater snow accumulation due to Councillor Marlene the Lost Creek fire causing quicker Anctil asked if SRD had runoffs. come forward with a plan Almost three discontinufor the Lyons Creek log jam ous km of Adanac Road was signifand Aebli said, no, he didn’t icantly damaged, he said, and repair believe it was on their list of costs were estimated at $299,500. priorities. Gold Creek Road had Aebli said the province 1.2 discontinuous km damaged was made aware that the and repair costs were estimated at log jam posed a significant $94,000. risk to the eastern portion Sartoris Road received 2.6 of Blairmore but they were discontinuous km of damage with reluctant to make a commitproposed repair costs of $430,000. ment. All three roads parallel fish Councillor Bill Kovach bearing streams, so any work needs said it was most certainly the federal and provincial approvals, government’s responsibility. said Aebli. “It was their fire and Last, a log jam at Lyons their trees,” he commented, Creek in a steep walled canyon “and their water.” “poses a significant and serious Frank Besinger, safety hazard”, Aebli told council. Director of Planning, “The log jam has the Engineering & Operations potential to back-up water and ice said the land was under conbehind it during the upcoming winter and subsequent spring freshet. A massive log jam at Lyons Creek in a deep narrow gorge trol of the province and that A catastrophic flash flood that has has been the subject of discussion between municipal and SRD had later acknowlthe potential [to] destroy the eastern provincial officials. A forestry expert says the log jam has edged that it was their portion of Blairmore and threaten the potential to back-up water and ice and threatens east responsibility, particularly if it caused further damage lives is possible if the hazard is not Blairmore. Submitted photo downstream at a later date. removed promptly.” Mayor Blair Painter Aebli said a lot of debris said Associate Minister of from the Lost Creek fire was transFlood Recovery for SW ported downstream during the Aebli also provided a brief over- Alberta, Kyle Fawcett, met with council flood and became stuck at a sharp turn in a rock gorge with a width of only 10 view of the damage sustained in the and administration recently, but “it was metres. A large Douglas Fir became stuck backcountry such as gully erosion on our concern that it’s been five months trails and damage to infrastructure such and not a shovel had been turned to cross-wise and debris piled up behind it. He estimated there were 300 to as bridges that pose significant risks to make any correction to the damages”. The province recently commit500 cubic metres of material, equal to the safety of trail users. He told council the municipal- ted to $10 million for backcountry flood 10 to 12 logging truckloads, trapped in a ity had an agreement in principle with repairs for damaged areas. gorge 120 to 150 metres deep. “I see it as a fairly significant Cranbrook’s VAST Resource Solutions


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In the Dec. 12 issue of the Crowsnest Pass Free Press we put the incorrect amount of money given to the Crowsnest Pass Food Bank from the Crowsnest Pass Chamber of Commerce. The correct donation was $725 and the funds were raised through the sale of decorated Christmas trees at the dance during the Chamber’s Christmas in the Mountains.

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Peace officer report By Joni MacFarlane Editor A report of the Community Peace Officer program for the month of November was recently released to council as follows: * Bylaw complaints: 65 * Bylaw complaints closed: 65 * Bylaw complaints open: 1 * Unsightly premises: 1 * Unsightly premises


Crystal Anne Potts-Jensen, manager of the Bellevue Underground Mine, accepted a $500 prize from Patrick Sager, president of the Crowsnest Pass Chamber of Commerce on Nov. 27. The Bellevue Underground Mine was the first place winner in the Christmas Parade float competition. Photo by J. MacFarlane


Thursday, December 19, 2013 Crowsnest Pass Free Press

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New CAO hired By Joni MacFarlane Editor

“It was time for me to move on to a different working environment,” he said. “I needed another awakening, another challenge.” In 1996 when he began as Town Manager for Coaldale, there was a mindset that a rural administrator couldn’t understand urban situations. He transitioned from rural local govern-

ernments, we all focus on them and all the antics they go through, but when you look back at the history of Canada and even the U.S., what was the first form of people banding together to help themselves? Locally. The big stuff came along later.” Steinke retired from Coaldale in 2005 and although the community was

they’re losing their Chief Administrative Officer who’s basically their one individual who has a systemic underCrowsnest Pass standing of how the organihas hired Sheldon Steinke zation runs... they’re losing for the position of Chief that one person and they’re a Administrative Officer new council, so I can maybe (CAO) for a one-year term at help,” he said. a special council meeting on “I’m local, I felt I Dec. 10. had some experience and Mayor Blair Painter personal commitment to announced the contract work with the new council was signed on Dec. 12 and and help them through Steinke will start his that transition.” duties immediately. With an initial idea “ M r . of perhaps a three to Steinke comes to six month term, Steinke the Municipality of proposed a transition Crowsnest Pass with phase and later agreed over 35 years’ of expeto a one-year term. rience in municipal “I want to help them government and will be get their feet under an excellent addition to them from the point of our municipal team,” view of the Municipal said Mayor Painter. Government Act and “Mayor and Council that sort of thing and would like to take this yes, we may be adveropportunity to weltising for something come Mr. Steinke and more permanent,” he will look forward to said. working with him over “If I’m here a year the upcoming year.” and I can help them Born in with those things, I’ll Lethbridge, Steinke feel like I’ve given brings a mixture of something back to the education and discicommunity.” pline to the position In addition to after a career spent in Steinke’s municipal municipal governance government backand a background in ground, he enjoyed a the military’s Reserve Force. Sheldon Steinke, a Bellevue resident, has been hired by the Municipality of long career with the L i v i n g Crowsnest Pass for a one-year term in the position of Chief Administrative military since joining the 20th Independent and working in the Officer. Battery in Lethbridge area, Photo by J. MacFarlane Field Lethbridge in 1978. Steinke said he often In 1990 he became spent time in the Crowsnest Pass hunting ment to urban, said Steinke, in many ways a bedroom the commanding officer and camping in the back- but as far as the province is community, it shared issues of the 20th Independent country. He and his wife, concerned, there’s only one with other Alberta munici- Field Battery with the Elaine, bought a property in Municipal Government Act palities such as Crowsnest rank of Major and volunteered to go to Cyprus in Pass. Bellevue in 1995 and moved covering both. “I did that transi“In any munici- 1992-93 where he served as there full-time in 2005. He began his munic- tion and I enjoyed it thor- pality, whether it’s rural or Battery Commander for UN urban, you need a blend of Peacekeeping Forces. ipal career at the County of oughly,” he said. Steinke was Steinke said he industrial commercial assess40 Mile and later moved to the County of Lethbridge enjoyed municipal gover- ment and residential because Chairman of the Crowsnest where he lived through many nance and never considered one supports the other,” he Pass Agriculture Services changes within the province’s moving into federal or pro- said. “They both support Board over the past two years, and is married with vincial administrative posi- each other.” leadership and direction. Steinke said he saw two children. After 18 years, tions. “I’m excited to try “I always enjoyed that a new council was electSteinke said he came to some personal decisions and the local government aspect ed and shortly after, that the and help the community ultimately,” he added. decided it was time for a of it because to me, that’s the CAO had resigned. “... I’m thinkchange, but he wanted to basic democracy,” he said. “Provincial and federal gov- ing, here’s a new council, stay in southern Alberta

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Hand-crafted gifts, baked goods and numerous silent auction items were on hand at the annual Christmas Craft and Bake Sale at Mountainview Industries on Saturday, Dec. 7. Photo by J. MacFarlane

Seniors in the Crowsnest Pass enjoyed entertainment, music, socializing and dinner at a Christmas party on Thursday, Dec. 12. Photo by J. MacFarlane

Crowsnest Pass Free Press Thursday, December 19, 2013

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David Kovatch of The One World Drum Co. teaches Grade 6 students the art and skill of drumming on the djembe from West Africa. Kovatch spent the week at Isabelle Sellon School as their artist-in-residence where each class was given the opportunity to try this unique instrument. A concert featuring the entire school’s drumming wrapped up the week. The artist-in-residence program was funded through a grant from the Alberta Music Education Foundation with a generous donation from Teck. Photo by J. MacFarlane

Riversdale begins coal quality drilling

By Joni MacFarlane Editor From Page 1... Riversdale Resources began drilling last week at their Grassy Mountain Mine project, north of Crowsnest Pass, to determine the quality of coal. Morgan Tanner, a consultant working with Riversdale provided The Free Press with an update of where the company is and next steps needed to proceed. Generally, mining companies begin with prospecting, she explained, but in this case, Riversdale knew the coal was there so they must now define it. This includes determining its quality, how much is there, how big the deposit is, where it is, and how it sits in the earth. “Riversdale came into the project knowing that there’s coal here,” said Tanner. “So what they’re doing now is called coal quality drilling, which means they have to figure out what they have here.” Drilling began on Dec. 11, she said, using a drill on tracks that can be moved. A diamond drill with a cylinder is used to create a piece of core that is then washed and analyzed. The drill can be used in any direction or angle, either vertically or laterally, depending on the hole and what’s believed to be in the earth, she explained. From the coal’s analysis, Tanner said, they get a bigger picture to see if it’s even worth further exploration. Riversdale is very confident of the coal’s quality, which they know to be metallurgical, she added. Although the area was heavily mined years ago, there are very different standards today than there were historically. Riversdale knows what past coal quality was but new analysis must be done to prove what’s there today, she explained. Tanner explained that Riversdale is

hoping to undertake a 22-hole program over the next three months with the deepest drilling being 150 metres and the average about 100 metres. Initial exploration has begun on Riversdale’s private property where a permit is not required. An application has been submitted for further exploration on adjacent Crown land and is expected to take a few months, said Tanner. After determining quality, the company will undertake a feasibility process to determine what they have, how much they have, its worth and whether it’s financially viable to extract it. “If the coal quality numbers come back favourably, then they’ll start geo-technical drilling,” said Tanner. “That type of drilling determines the structure underneath our feet, like slope, rock stability... It would better define the shape of the coal deposit that’s in there and it would also help them better understand the shape of the potential mine. Another part of the process was archeological studies which were done on Riversdale’s property, she explained. No new archeological sites were found and mining activities will not disturb anything within the radius of an existing site, she added. Tanner said consultations have also been ongoing with First Nations. “It was an area that they travelled but they didn’t necessarily settle,” said Tanner. “In their travels they hunted there, they found medicinal plants, they still used the area for their traditional purposes while they travelled through here.” To start, Tanner said they introduced the company to First Nations people and made them aware of the program that would take place including the heritage and archeological studies.

“You meet with everyone, you understand priorities right off the bat, what the Nations want, and then you’re able to manage those priorities with your work because you’re always keeping in consideration what’s important to them,” she said. No issues were identified with this initial exploration program. As the process proceeds and Riversdale gets closer to drilling on Crown land - Treaty Land - consultations continue and formal meetings are held with First Nations. Along with a coal exploration permit, a request has been made to Alberta Aboriginal Relations who will tell Riversdale who they need to consult with based on the disturbance they will create and its location. Tanner said they expect formal consultations will be held with five Treaty Seven Nations. In addition an Environmental Impact Assessment will be submitted that looks at every facet of the project and must include at least one year of environmental data. On average, it takes a year and a half for EIA approval. Generally, Tanner said feedback from the community has been very positive with most people hoping the project will bring jobs, and perhaps new families, to the community. The biggest concern expressed has been ensuring the mine doesn’t affect the source or quality of water in the region. Riversdale has recently hired a security expert to help recreationists be aware that there are safety concerns and heavy equipment is operating in the area, she said. Signs have been posted cautioning that people are entering at their own risk but ultimately, the area will be restricted. Tanner encouraged anyone with questions or concerns to visit Riversdale at their office on 20th Ave. Blairmore.

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Thursday, December 19, 2013 Crowsnest Pass Free Press


Phone: 250-509-0177 Email: publisher@cnpfreepress.ca For news tips, community, sporting and other events, please contact Joni MacFarlane at 403-563-7725 or email: joni.macfar@gmail.com

A Christmas wish

Dear Santa, First let me say what an awesome job you’re doing. Year after year, no matter how foul the weather or what state the universe is in, you’re out there – tirelessly delivering gifts and good cheer to all those children, naughty and nice. In a world that seems at times chaotic, it’s reassuring to know that you’re as reliable as Stephen Harper’s hair on a windy day. I know you’ve got lists and lists of things to do and it’s your busiest time of year, but if you could find the time, can you please consider my wish list for 2014. Please find a way for us to lend support to those who grapple with mental health issues so we can prevent needless deaths and give help to those who need it before tragedy strikes. Please let cooler heads prevail in Syria to stop the endless conflict and let their citizens live in peace and safety in their homeland. Please give our soldiers peace of mind and ongoing cheques to give them a decent standard of living and show that we really do appreciate their efforts. Please give researchers and those working on the treatment and genesis of disease the wisdom and tools to prevent them. When it’s no longer possible to treat those suffering from terminal illnesses, let them and their families end their pain in a way that allows them to leave this world gently. Please find a way for people to accept others who believe in whatever deity, god or creator they choose without conflict on those who choose a different path. Please let scientists do their work unhindered and allow them the platforms to speak out about their findings so decision makers have the knowledge needed to make the planet a better, healthier place for future generations. Please allow health workers around the world to carry on with vaccination education and efforts so no child has to suffer from a preventable disease. Please give our politicians the wisdom and courage to govern from a place of altruism and the greater good of the community. Show the door to those who can’t. Please find a home for every animal without one so they can have a warm place to curl up, a bowl of food to eat, and a friendly hand to pet them. Here at home, please find jobs for people so they can buy shelter and food and keep their families together. Please give a friendly smile and a warm meal to all those who find themselves alone at Christmas and give an extra hug to those who give one to them. Please arrange a ride home to anyone who might have had one too many eggnogs and is tempted to drive home. Let them live to see the morning sun. Thanks Santa, I know you’ll do your best From all of us at the Crowsnest Pass Free Press we wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Merry Christmas. JLM

Police target impaired drivers throughout December By Joni MacFarlane Editor With the holiday season in full swing, Crowsnest Pass RCMP are reminding drivers they will be out on the roads watching for impaired drivers. According to Corporeal Kevin McKenna, police are conducting a checkstop every night throughout December somewhere within the municipality. The check-stops are focused on impaired drivers, he added. Statistics compiled by Alberta Transportation indicate that from 2008 to 2013, 471 people were killed and 7,397 people were injured in collisions involving at least one driver who had consumed alcohol prior to the crash. In Alberta, on average, one in five drivers involved in a fatal collision

have been drinking prior to the collision. This compares to an average of about one in 20 drivers involved in injury collisions. As the severity of the collision increases, so does the likelihood that the collision involved a driver who had been drinking. McKenna said police continue to remind drivers not to drink and drive. If out celebrating the holiday season, use a taxi or designated drivers. In addition to a criminal record that may prohibit a person from entering the U.S., McKenna said car insurance for anyone with a conviction of impaired driving automatically doubles. The penalty for drivers with a blood alcohol level over .08 is an immediate licence suspension which is sustained until their criminal charge is resolved. There is also a mandatory ignition inter-

lock after criminal conviction of one year for the first conviction, three years for the second conviction, and five years for the third conviction. The penalty for drivers with a blood alcohol level from .05 to .08 is an immediate three-day licence suspension and a three-day vehicle seizure for the first offence, an immediate 15-day licence suspension and a seven-day vehicle seizure for the second offence, and a 30-day licence suspension and a seven-day vehicle seizure for the third offence. For new graduated drivers licence (GDL) drivers found with any blood alcohol, there is an immediate 30-day licence suspension and a seven-day vehicle seizure. The message is clear – don’t drink and drive.

The Crowsnest Pass Free Press welcomes letters to the editor that are of interest to our community. Whatever the subject, there are a few basic guidelines to follow before Crowsnest Pass Free Press will publish your comment. • Letters must be received by 4 p.m. Thursday for the following week’s paper.

• One letter per person per month. • Letters should be typed or neatly written and present the issues as clearly as possible in 350 words or less. • All letters must contain the name, address and signature of the writer, and a phone number where they may be reached during business hours. • Anonymous letters will not be pub-

lished and pen names may not be used, except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the editor. • The editor reserves the right to edit for length, clarity or reject letters over matters of libel, legality, taste or style. Letters published do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy or belief of this newspaper.

Free Press


Crowsnest Pass

12707, 20 Avenue, Blairmore, AB T0K 0E0 • 250-509-0177 Chris Hopkyns, Publisher Email: publisher@cnpfreepress.com

Published weekly each Thursday by The Crowsnest Pass Free Press, a division of Black Press Group Ltd. and distributed throughout the Crowsnest Pass. Free circulation, 1,700.


Joni MacFarlane


Bridget Fix


Crowsnest Pass Free Press Thursday, December 19, 2013


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Top: Along with the graduating class of 2014, student Alexis Bohmer hosted the Crowsnest Consolidated High School Seniors Supper on Dec. 10. Bottom: Dinner music was provided by Ms. Chanin and the CCHS Choir while Chris’ Restaurant supplied a delicious turkey supper to about 200 guests. Photo by J. MacFarlane

Helping kids learn to care

By Deb Whitten 40 Developmental Assets We all want to live in a community that places a high value on caring for and helping each other. We can all play a role in helping our children learn to be caring and empathetic citizens. Very young children know the experience of needing help - with a shoelace, bouncing a ball, or learning to read. As they gain these skills they are anxious to help others. You see it in elementary schools all the time, one fiveyear-old rushing over to do up a friend’s zipper.His big smile of accomplishment tells you that he is happy to help. He knows he has done a good thing. Helping gives children a sense of connectedness with others. Children and youth are not like-

ly to bully or boss around those that they help and care for. Research shows that young people who place a high value on caring for and helping others are far more likely to promote and model positive values and behaviours. Parents, caregivers and community members can continue to encourage this natural desire to help as the children grow. C o m mu n i t y groups and agencies can offer a variety of ways for children and their families to be involved in an act of helping and caring. This is especially true over the holidays. People seem to feel an increased need to help at this time. Families can find meaningful ways to volunteer together for an agency or reach out to help a neighbour or friend. Offering help is a way to develop

connections that bind people and communities together.

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Thursday, December 19, 2013 Crowsnest Pass Free Press

About 20 young children and parents took part in a live interactive videoconference at the Crowsnest Community Library on Dec. 11. Young readers delighted in watching Karma Wilson’s “Bear Snores On” presented by the Indianapolis Zoo. Photo by J. MacFarlane

The Bellecrest Association in partnership with Crowsnest Pass Fire/Rescue Department hosted Santa in the Park on Sunday, Dec. 15 at the Bellevue Legion. As part of the excitement, children were given a ride in a fire truck. Festivities included games, music, food and of course, a visit with Santa. Photo by J. MacFarlane

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Crowsnest Pass Free Press Thursday, December 19, 2013


Fernie’s humble heroes

By Tamara Hynd Fernie Free Press

A casual glance in the rearview mirror led a young Fernie couple rushing to help Richard Altvater save his family. On Dec. 1 the couple (a boyfriend and girlfriend) were driving home from Kimberley on Hwy 3. The roads were slushy with two tire tracks and a berm in the middle of the road so they were driving below the speed limit at 85 kms/hr. They were the only ones on the road until the girlfriend noticed a minivan travelling behind them in the rearview mirror. She glanced in her rearview mirror again in time to see the van launch off to the right of the highway and begin to lift as if it was about to flip. At 1:54 pm the boyfriend called Emergency Medical Services (EMS) before they had even turned their car around. They had no idea what they would find when they arrived at the accident scene. EMS had the boyfriend relay the accident location, while the couple followed the tire tracks in the snow. They found the vehicle upside down in a beaver pond eight km west of Fernie; it had broken through the ice and the engine was off. It was all reaction at that point. The boyfriend tossed the phone at his girlfriend and he ran down the bank breaking through the ice into waist deep water. He fought his way to the van, going to the passenger side first as it was higher out of the water and seemed the best chance to enter. The girlfriend started flagging down traffic passing by on the highway. A mother and daughter stopped, so the girlfriend gave them the phone to continue relaying information to EMS. Then she made her way to the van too. The boyfriend went to the front passenger door first but it wouldn’t open. The door handle was submerged in the black and murky water. He tried the passenger sliding door and it opened all the way. The van was full of water except for a six-inch air pocket at the top. He could see Richard who had managed his way into the back. He was yelling that he had a wife and three kids in the van. “There was zero visibility in the water so it was crucial that the father could communicate that to us because we couldn’t see

a thing,” said the boyfriend.

Again the boyfriend tried the front passenger door but it was stuck with all the mud. He went back to the back passenger side and “suddenly there was a little girl in my arms who was scared and in shock. Her dad must have gotten her free”. The boyfriend gave the little girl to his girlfriend who brought the child up the steep bank where she gave the girl her down jacket and left her in the safety of a warm truck with a family who had stopped. “The dad never gave up,” said the boyfriend. “Richard couldn’t feel his hands anymore but we kept trying. He must have unbuckled his kids.” The boyfriend reached into the water with his arms as far as he could with water up to his neck when suddenly a boy was in his arms. He could see the boy was trying to breath as he carried him to shore wiping away the water coming out of his mouth. He passed the boy to his girlfriend who cleared the child’s airway, as she knew he had been under water for a while. “I didn’t have time to think,” said the girlfriend. “Autopilot turned on. I needed to make sure each person was safe before leaving them. When one was OK, then I could go back (to the van).” The boyfriend called out for a knife to the several people who had stopped by then. He ran back down to the van and cut the front passenger seatbelt by reaching around from behind the seat. He still couldn’t feel

anyone in the dark water. He knew then he needed to get the passenger door open.

“I started yelling for help to the people on the shore and two men rushed into the water to assist me,” said the boyfriend. The three men pulled on the door in unison as the boyfriend called out “one, two, three, pull” over and over, heaving the door open inch by inch until it was wide enough to reach inside. He finally reached the mother, Kunthea Altvater, and carried her to shore and up the steep slippery bank to the roadside. The couple performed two-person CPR on her for approximately five minutes until EMS arrived. The girlfriend went in the ambulance continuing with assisted breathing on the mother, arriving at the Elk Valley Hospital at 2:35 p.m. The boyfriend stayed to help EMS package the little boys on to spine boards and into the ambulances. Eventually he changed into a dry set of clothes he had in their car. He was shaking violently and sat in the car to warm up before driving himself to the Elk Valley Hospital in Fernie to pick up his girlfriend. Then they drove home. “We’re so thankful that we do have first aid training and feel good that we could help,” said the couple. They both have Occupational First Aid Level 3. Looking the incident four the couple had a reflection of the event.

back at days later, very clear traumatic

“The role of the father was crucial,” they

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said. “He (Richard) told us how many people were in the van so we knew who to look for and EMS could send several more ambulances and resources immediately. Plus the father’s familiarity with the van made all the difference. He was able to open the back door, pull the luggage out and unclip the rear seat to get at the youngest child in his car seat. “So many people gave assistance that day. People at the side of the road had blankets and clothes; the mother and daughter speaking with EMS.” “We don’t want the baggage of the press,” added the girlfriend. “This is a time to respect the loss the Altvater family has endured.” Hearing that representatives from the B.C. Humane Society and the B.C. Yukon Branch of the Lifesaving Society feel the couple should be awarded for their bravery the boyfriend responded, “It’s an action; anybody could and should do it. It’s a tough time for the (Altvater) family and that’s what the focus should be.” Sadly Kunthea passed away after she arrived at the Elk Valley Hospital. Richard and their seven-yearold daughter Rachelle were treated for hypothermia and minor injuries at the Sparwood hospital and released. The two younger boys, Alex and Ben, were transported to Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary by air ambulance in severe condition. Fouryear-old Ben has since been transported to an Edmonton hospital and remains in a medical induced coma. The Altvater family is from Coaldale.

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Thursday, December 19, 2013 Crowsnest Pass Free Press

Kids Kollege 2 Day AM Class I am writing to wish you and Mrs. Claus and all your elves and reindeer a very Merry Christmas. I have been very good this year and for Christmas I would really like …. Dear Santa, I would really like some pirate toys, some Winnie the Pooh toys and some colouring books. Anika wants a pretty Christmas tree. Rylan wants a big push toy and Harmony would love some pretty dolls! Mommy wants a Diego and a pirate movie. Dad wants a big orange lawn mower. I’ll leave you some presents! Thank you! Love Logan A Dear Santa, I would like an owl with a crown and a dress for my princess owl. Cruze would like something for his game. Mom would like some mittens so she can drive and not be cold. Dad would like a flower with a candy cane. I live in Blairmore. I’ll leave you out some chocolate chips and some oranges. Thank you! Love Eva Dear Santa, I would like a Tinkerbelle, Hello Kitty, flower power, Santa hat, and a mustache. Tiegann would like jingle earrings and Dora shoes. Mom would like a necklace and smurf shirt. Dad would like some Power Ranger shoes (red). My house is over your chair in the Crowsnest Pass. I’ll leave you out some Dora snacks and shoes for you. Thank you! Love Kalisa

Dear Santa, I really want 3 pink princesses this year and outside Dora the Explorer. Sebastian loves big Spiderman. Skyann is big and would like pink-yellow flowers. Mom likes play-doh and pink clothes. Dad needs skates to go fast. We will leave you some peas and a blue turkey. Thank you! Love Haeven Dear Santa, I would love lots and lots of Lego, a Superman with an airplane and an Avenger bed too. Haeven wants a red pony with pink stripes and a Superman birthday cake. Skyann would love a new pink and blue swimming suit. Mom would like a new red car with stripes. Dad wants a new green truck to drive in the city. Come to the white house over there. We will leave you gingerbread men! Thank you! Love Sebastian Dear Santa, I would like a baker’s secret cake and lots of toys. Kataly would like a great big Barbie house with a big truck and dogs. Mommy would like a horsey swing. Daddy wants the same as Mommy. I live in Camrose and my house is brown and yellow. I will leave you out cookies and hot chocolate; and also for your deers I will leave out carrots. Thank you! Love Tallyn Dear Santa, I would love some Star Wars Lego and the characters that go with it, like Darth Vader and that’s all! Sophia loves My Little Ponies and princesses. Eli loves hot wheels and

cars. Mom loves green so new green clothes would be good. Dad loves to play Star Wars with me-he would like more Star Wars stuff. I live in Coleman by Ben. We will build a gingerbread house for you. Thank you! Love Nelson Dear Santa, I would like a car that is a jumper on a road and a game to play. Abby loves Barbies and a Barbie house. Charlotte wants something that sings jingle bells. Mommy wants a spinner for her sewing machine. Dad wants a motorbike that jumps. Mommy and me will make you good cookies to eat! Thank you! Love Benji Dear Santa, I would like a Lego set and a garbage truck Lego set. Cambryn would also like some Lego (the water scooter set). Callum would like some stuffy toys. Mom would like some good boots. Dad would like a remote control helicopter. My house is silver and I live in Bellevue. I’ll leave you out some cookies and milk. I’m not sure what I’ll leave the reindeer. Thank you! Love Carson Dear Santa, I would like a motorbike, motorcycle light and new winter tires for my quad. Maddison would like some girl toy and maybe some little girl shoes for her dolls (you know their feet are smaller than ours). Mom would like a glass Santa because she already has a squishy one. Dad would like a motorcycle quad. My house is white and has windows. I’ll put crackers out for you and carrots for the

Safety is at our core Teck’s vision is everyone going home safe and healthy every day – whether you are driving home from work or making an extra special trip this Christmas. We wish you a safe and happy holiday season and a prosperous year in 2014.

reindeer. Thank you! Love Sawyer Dear Santa, I would like a kitty, a penguin, a giraffe at my farm, Superman toys, lego ninja turtles, and a helicopter vehicle. Nolan would like a Gameboy. Mom would like a watch. Dad would like a dump truck. Betty would like a lighting dress for her doll. Mary wants a LaLa Loopsy doll. My house is in Coleman and its gray with a black roof. I’ll leave you out some cookies and milk. Thank you! Love Bryden Dear Santa, I would like a DS, a water bottle, a doll house, and a game for my DS- Super Mario. Tyler would like a car. Mommy would maybe like a book, Santa’s elves make them. Daddy would like his own calendar. I’ll be at my Nana’s house for Christmas and her house has some colors and stairs. I’ll leave you out some cookies and carrots for the reindeers. Thank you! Love Kiylee Dear Santa, I would love Beary Buckworth, a game and some new pink and red shoes. Graham wants a rock-a-bye baby toy and popcorn and cheese. Mom would love some new clothes and some jingle bells. Dad wants to just keep joking around! We live in the pink or red house in Coleman. I’ll leave you out cheese and popcorn. Thank you! Love Lily

Crowsnest Pass Free Press Thursday, December 19, 2013


Season’s Greetings to all our valued customers

Dear Santa, I really want a purple dolphin, an orange dolphin and seal bathtub toys and a stroller for my dolls. Alex would like a toy drum and some cars too. Mom would love some new books and time to watch the videos. Dad needs warm clothes for the winter. I live in the green house with yellow on it. We will leave food for you and carrots for the reindeer. Thank you! Love Samantha Dear Santa, I would like a Tinkerbelle game and a Tinkerbelle doll. Keenan would like a snake and a broom. Dad would like a bear. Mommy would like a dolphin. My house is brown, white, and black and I have back stairs. Snow White is at my house also. I will leave you out chocolate milk and carrots for your reindeers. Thank you! Love Jayde Dear Santa, I would like a snowman decoration, a Snow White Barbie and some bows too. Zoey wants a Snow White baby and a jewelry box. Ty wants a boy baby and a new skateboard. Chantelle wants clothes and shirts. Mom would love a pink necklace and some books. Dad wants toy hoses and toy ladders. You can find me at Gramma and Grampa’s. I will leave you milk and pizza! Thank you! Love Payton Dear Santa, I would like a cow that’s a doll, crayons, and a stuffy cow. Libbey would like a monkey. Edison would like dinosaurs. Mom would want a monkey. Dad would like a polar bear. My house is in the Crowsnest Pass beside Nestor and Willy. I will leave out milk and cookies and some leaves for the reindeer. Thank you! Love Finley

Kids Kollege 2 Day PM Class I am writing to wish you and Mrs. Claus and all your elves and reindeer a very Merry Christmas. I have been very good this year and for Christmas I would really like …. Dear Santa, I would love a toy camera to take pictures and that toy with that thing that comes out the bottom! Noah probably just wants his own bed

too. Mommy needs some gumboots and maybe snow boots and daddy would like a birthday cake on Christmas! I live in a house that is black on the outside and white on the inside! I will leave you a letter to read when you come. Thank you! Love Madison Dear Santa, I would like some new skates and a new Snow White from Calgary – in the Disney store. Ember maybe would like a new baby bottle. Mom would like some new nail polish. Dad just wants hugs and kisses. I live in a green house in Canada. I will leave you out some Christmas candy from a gingerbread house. Thank you! Love Bryar Dear Santa, I would like a crane and a flatbed truck with a digger. Logan wants a spaceship. Dad would like some groceries. Mom would like a girl thing. My house is grey and is in Bellevue, AB. I will leave you out some cookies and milk. I will also leave carrots for the reindeer. Thank you! Love Lucas F Dear Santa, I would like this monkey thing that has a banana that is a toy, Batman thing. Atayah would like some fairies. Mom would like a snow blower. Dad would like a new truck. My house is a white house in Bellevue. I’ll leave you some cookies and milk. Thank you! Love Clint Dear Santa, I would love a real quad that moves and a dirt bike! I also would like a real Ironman suit too. Ophelia would love for a dollhouse and new dolls – oh and a Backyardigan. Mom wants a Halloween costume because she loves Halloween! Dad wants a quad and dirt bike just like mine! I live in the white house in Alberta. We’ll put out chocolate chip cookies for you! Thank you! Love Alyer Dear Santa, I would love Mine craft stuff, a little quad with a remote and Batman. Morgan loves princesses, Barbies and clothes too. Mommy would like a new game on her phone and a new blue shirt. Daddy loves the computer and movies too. I live at Canada in a white house. Have a good Christmas at the North Pole! Thank you! Love Gavin

Dear Santa, I would to love to get a Cheemo set, a plane set and Smashdown for Christmas. Landon wants a yellow fluffy unicorn and a bedroom for Baxter. Mommy just wants a new house close to the park. All Daddy wants is a pretend school room for us to play in with new backpacks. I live in the little bit green and little bit white house close to here. Nana will make you raisin and oatmeal cookies! Thank you! Love Pearson Dear Santa, I would like some red presents, a doll, and sparkly shoes. Barclay would like some blue and red presents and trucks. Mom would like some jewelry. Dad would like a new wrench. My house is black which is over there. I’ll leave you some pizza and pop. For the reindeer I will leave you some green grass. Thank you! Love Carling Dear Santa, I would like my own pet – a bunny and a tiara that goes with my dress. Waci would like some Bogs. Ryatt would like his own pet. Mom would love breakfast in bed. Dad would also like breakfast in bed. My house is close to the preschool and it’s kind of brownish. I will leave you out hot chocolate and cookies. Thank you! Love Teytan Dear Santa, I would like a remote helicopter, a monster truck, motorbike, and a saw. Mom would like a sled. Dad would like a saw. My house is red and black in Calgary. I’ll leave out white and chocolate milk and cookies. The reindeer can have Cheerios and Honeycombs. Thank you! Love Logan T Dear Santa, I would really like some blue trucks and skates too. Asher wants the same toys as me. Jaelle would like some coloring and drawing things. Seraiah would like a ring and Matthias needs new games. Mommy wants pink shirts and Daddy likes blue truck stuff. I live at my house right here and we’ll give you some kind of cookies. That’s all! Thank you! Love Jeshua Dear Santa, I only want 3 things---a gas station, a Dora hat and a Dora umbrella! Keegan would really like a blue bicy-

cle. Tristen wants a real quad – a green one! Mom wants a new kitchen and new dishes! Daddy wants a hippopotamus for Christmas and a big motored truck. I live in that black and white house. We will make you chocolate cookies and hot chocolate and donuts. Thank you! Love Khloe Dear Santa, I would like you to bring me some pirates and a pirate leg. Maxwell would like Jake’s Tiki hideout. My Mom wants a toy and Dad wants a dog. I will leave you chocolate milk and cookies! You can find me in my grey house. Thank you! Love Liam Dear Santa, I would like some playdoh, a teddy bear and some toys. Camryn loves dollies and stuff for the bath and a blanket. Mommy wants some new green clothes and green shoes. Daddy would like some play-doh too! My house is green and I’ll leave you milk and apples and carrots for the reindeer. Thank you! Love Calleigh

Kids Kollege 3 Day AM Class I am writing to wish you and Mrs. Claus and all your elves and reindeer a very Merry Christmas. I have been very good this year and for Christmas I would really like …. Dear Santa, I really want a ballerina costume, Toopy and Binoo, and Minnie Mouse. Elliott wants a duck costume and some googly eyes. Archer would like a shooting gun and a Batman costume. Mommy would love lippy and makeup and a pink headband. Daddy wants a little gear toy and a vampire man costume. I live at our house – it’s pink, orange, yellow and purple. We’ll make some reindeer cookies for you! Thank you! Love Bronwyn Dear Santa, I would like lots of talking airplanes and lots of talking cars and climbing Hex Bugs. Bronwyn would like lots of Barbies. Archer would love Spy Gear. Daddy wants a little Hex bug and mommy just wants a Barbie! We live in Canada and I will leave you a little skateboard and some grass outside for the reindeer. Thank you! Love Elliott

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Thursday, December 19, 2013 Crowsnest Pass Free Press

At Christmas, we’ve packed up lots of wishes and wrapped them full of fun, for a healthy happy Christmas with thanks to everyone

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our loyal customers

Dear Santa, I would love a real camera to take pictures of animals-like cows and sheep. I would like a Franklin and friends game too. Emily is too little to get a clock, so bring her some keys to play with. Mom would like some smelly perfume -- maybe strawberry. Dad would like a boy toy --like a big castle! I live in the blue house and I want you to read the letter I wrote you at home. We’ll leave you chocolate chip cookies and milk! Merry Christmas, Santa. Thank you! Love Hailey

I’ll leave you cherries and lemonade. For the reindeer I will give them a snack of chocolates. Thank you! Love Levi

Dear Santa, I would love a puppy toy, a sword and a banana book. Brett loves games on the computer. Brennen (BenBen) would love a wolf picture. Devon would like new x-box games. Mommy just wants me for Christmas cuz she just loves me. Daddy just wants me too! I live in the big white house. I will leave out something for you to eat and drink. Thank you! Love Eric

Dear Santa, I would like a tablet, a Minnie mouse car, and pillows-- owl, pig, elephant, and monkey ones. Mom would like some jewelry – earrings, necklace, and a bracelet. Dad would like some books. Buddy would like some dog treats. My house is in Hillcrest and the roof is brown and the walls are white. I’ll leave you some cookies and milk and carrots for the reindeer. Thank you! Love Abbi

Dear Santa, I would like Ben’s Lightsavers, a Star Wars Darth Vader cloned super lego. Joel I think would maybe like a baby toy. Mom would like a car. Dad wants a tool. My house is at a mountain and it’s a blue color in Bellevue.

Dear Santa, I would like a truck, an orange car, an airplane, and a Dodge Ram truck. Amber would like a Nano helicopter and an Ipod Touch. Mom would like a big TV. Dad would like a special toy. My house is right beside the Rexall and its white. I will leave you out some Christmas cookies and milk. Thank you! Love Lucas J.

Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring me lots of dolls, lipstick for Halloween, lots of Sophia clothes and shoes. Elijah would like a pink and brown scooter. Darian would like a new scooter. Isaiah would also like a

Donna’s Daycare Dear Santa, Do you like candy canes? Can you bring me a teddy bear? Grace should get the play-go activity cube and Cameron

12319-20th Ave., Blairmore, AB

Dear Santa, I would like a cake and lots of presents. We are putting our Christmas tree downstairs. Riley wants toys. Maybe Mommy would like a shirt. Santa will know where to come because we live by another house. I will leave Santa juice. Thank you! Love Dylan

Dear Santa, I would love a teddy bear, a yoyo, a camo blanket and a ring please. Anouk wanted a dolly so Santa you could bring her that --and a toy puppy. Mommy would love a necklace, a ring and earrings. Daddy might like a chainsaw so he can cut down my favorite tree for Christmas. We live in a white house with a plain square fence. I’m giving you chocolate cookies and candy cookies! Thank you! Love Penelope Dear Santa, I would like a fast red car, wheels back, and Iron Man too! Emily wants LaLa

Dear Santa, I want a new truck. We will leave Santa some cookies. Piercen and I want popcorn. Mommy would like another puppy. Daddy wants a new big truck. Santa will know where to come because he is magic. Thank you! Love Jediael Dear Santa, I would love a puppy or a kitty, a snowboard and a winter coat because it is cold here in Canada. Ren would love a surf board, a snowboard and a skateboard. My Mom would love to go to a restaurant with really good food. Dad would also love a surfboard. I am excited to experience my first Canadian Christmas. Thank you! Jin

Dear Santa, Have a safe trip. I want a doctor set. Blayke and me want a Despicable Me Operation game and a Spiderman backpack. Mom wants purple rings and Dad wants a light-up reindeer. Thank you. Love, Hudson O.

Dear Santa, I have been very good. For Christmas I would like Barbie Lego and a night light. My sister Madi would like a new doll. My mom needs a new Barbie. I will leave you some cookies for Christmas. Have a Merry Christmas. Love, Nevaeh

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Dear Santa, I would love Hex Bugs, a short bat cave and a Dad Robin. Lucas wants an 18 car set and a conveyor belt marble set. Mom wants girly stuff and a mall! Daddy wants an 18 car set too and some tools. I live in the Crowsnest Pass in a white house that’s old. We will leave you milk and carrots on the table. Thank you! Love Blake

For Christmas, I would like a kitchen and a stuffy dolphin. My brother would like a bell. My mom needs a really big star. My dad wants a candy cane to eat. Have a merry Christmas. Love, Jaiven P.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and Thank you for the support this past year.


Loopsy and a tractor too. Daddy would like a crane, a hammer and more tools. Mommy wants a Christmas tree, lights and a new car. I live at home--over there. We will leave you ninja man cookies to eat. Thank you! Love James

wants an Activity Garden Rock ‘n Spin. Daddy wants a 5-in-1 Gym playset and Mom wants an Activity Garden. Katie wants a teddy bear too. There will be mild and cookies for you. Thank you. Love, Ava W.

Haka - Can Cosmetics Ltd. Barbara & Siegfried Sajitz 2118 - 210th Street, Box 29, Bellevue, AB T0K 0C0 Phone/Fax (403)562-7798 www.hakacan.com

scooter. Zharia would like 1 doll. Mom would like 1 butterfly. Dad would like a new phone. My house is white in Blairmore. I’ll leave a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and the reindeer love carrots. Thank you! Love Nayia

Dear Santa, How are your reindeer doing? I would like some tools for me and Nico to share. My dad really wants some new tools and my mom really wants new pots. I’m doing to leave you some candy canes. And cookies too! Love, Gracie G. Dear Santa, I’m going to leave some chocolate milk and some ginger cookies out for you. I would like an Ariel transforming doll and a Disney princess dress up trunk. Mom wants a Draculuara doll and Cameron wants a talking Yoda and Ava should have an ice cream maker and a Dora play kit. Dad wants a treat maker. Ho Ho Ho! Love, Grace W. Dear Santa, Ho Ho Ho! How have you been?

Dear Santa, I’m going to leave you some cookies at Christmas. Can you bring me a candy cane? I would also like a Minnie Mouse car. Nevaeh would like a new doll. Mommy needs a Hello Kitty. Have a Merry Christmas. Love, Madi M. Dear Santa, I will leave you some chocolate milk and cookies. I would like a Lego set. Max would like Jake’s magical tiki hideout. Daddy needs a boat to ride on and Mommy needs a plane to ride on. Have a Merry Christmas. Thank you. Love, Liam C. Dear Santa, I love you a lot. I would like the Lego vampire castle and a China temple. Can you bring mom some jewels? Dad needs a new video game. Also, I would liek the Lego Lord of the Rings tower. Merry Christmas, Santa. Ho Ho Ho! Thank you. Love, Grayson B.

Crowsnest Pass Free Press Thursday, December 19, 2013


Our warmest wishes to everyone who helped make this year our best one ever!

Dear Santa, How does Rudolph fly the sleigh? I want a Furby for Christmas. Hillary would like a Minnie Mouse. Dad wants a small air hockey table and Mom would like some candles. Thank you. Love Marissa S. Dear Santa, I want to go to the North Pole to see you. Can you please bring me some Lego? Bronwyn wants one more Barbie and Archer wants spy gear. Mom and Dad want four phones. Thank you. Love, Elliott A. Dear Santa, What are you doing? I want a camera for Christmas. Mommy wants some oven mitts for cooking and Dad wants a gun. I also want a Jasmine. I will leave you some cookies and milk. Thank you. Love Ella W. Dear Santa, Do you have a snowflake stamp? I would like a Barbie for Christmas. Archer and Elliott want Barbies too. Dad wants a jumping Ducky. Thanks for Christmas. Love Bronwyn A. Dear Santa, I have been very good. Can you please bring me a

DS? Bronwyn wants more Barbies. I don’t know what Elliott Wants. Mom and Dad want an ice cream maker and Nonny and Papa also want an ice cream maker. Thank you. Love Archer A. Dear Santa, I have been good. Can you please bring me a Batman. Ainsley wants an angel and Brody wants a reindeer. Neko wants a teddy bear. Mom and Dad want candy canes. Thank you. Love, Marley Dear Santa, How many reindeer do you have? I would like a remote control Jake and the Neverland Pirates. Can you bring Mom a dress and Dad a hockey car? Have a safe trip! Thank you. Love, Jaidyn S. Dear Santa, How are your reindeer doing? I would liek the colour-mecreepy packs and lab. I want my Mom to have a green car and Art to have a rainbow car. Can you bring Baka and Grandad some jewels? Merry Christmas! Thank you. Love, Cora B Dear Santa, Are you ready? I want some

tea for my tea set. Jane and I would like candy canes. Dad wants a spiderman movie and Mom wants some candy canes and a movie. Ho Ho Ho! Thank you. Love, Tannis H. Dear Santa, How are you? I would like black wings for Christmas. Marissa wants black wings too. Daddy wants a slinky dog and Mommy wants a Minnie Mouse coffee cup. Thanks. Love, Hillary S. Dear Santa, How are you? Is it cold there? I’m good. I would like a baby. I think Leo wants a monster truck. Mommy wants something else, Daddy would like something else that Dads do. I will leave you a dolly for Christmas. Thank you. Love Nina K. Dear Santa, Are you staying warm? I would like a dragon for Christmas. My brother Miles would like a spider for Christmas. I think my sister Bethany would like a pony. Mommy could use a new dress and Daddy could use a new pumpkin shirt. My Grandmas need a new Barbie doll and all of my Grandmas need one. Santa, be safe on Christmas. Thank you.

Love, Avery A. Dear Santa, Is it cold up at the North Pole? How have you been? I would like a dinosaur and a kitchen. My brother Hudson would like a doctor’s set. My Mom and Dad need a new bed. My Grandma and Grandpa really need a real dog. I will leave you some cookies and some milk. Have a Merry Christmas. Thank you. Love, Blayke O. Dear Santa, I have been good. How have you been doing? I would like a tablet for Christmas. I would also like a Minnie Mouse car. My mom could use a bracelet, a necklace and earrings. I really want that for my Mom. My Dad could use some new books. Buddy needs some dog treats. Have a Merry Christmas. Thank you. Love, Abbi M. Dear Santa, I have been very good. For Christmas I would like a duck pond and four ducks. Can I also please have a Thomas the Train playset? Tegan would like a Dora playset. My Mom would love an Ironman and my Dad needs a Hulk. Merry Christmas, Santa. Thank you. Love, Ella P.

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With Thoughts of You at Christmas

As the holiday season approaches, our hearts are warmed by thoughts of the many good people we’ve had the opportunity to serve this year. You’ve certainly brightened our year! Thank you for your support and loyalty. We look forward to seeing you in the new year. All Crowsnest Pass Free Press newspapers are published on the Kootenay Advertiser website

www.kootenayadvertiser.com and the Fernie Free Press website


Free Press


Crowsnest Pass


Thursday, December 19, 2013 Crowsnest Pass Free Press

On behalf of our entire team, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Headlines Unisex Hair Design

Owner, Mel Pavlus 403-562-8092 • 13147 20th Ave, Blairmore, AB

As the year draws to a close, management and staff would like to thank you for your patronage and wish you a wonderful holiday season. 12537 - 21 Avenue, Blairmore, Alberta Direct: (403)562-2900/ Fax: (403)562-2121

Each Christmas, it’s our tradition to thank those who have supported us throughout the year. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

Dear Santa, Do you have a teddy bear? I would like a teddy bear and a James train. Holden wants a big snowman and Mom and Dad want a Santa and a colourful picture. Thank you. Love, Nate L.

Tivan would like a soccer ball. My sister would like new shoes. My dogs would like bones to chew on. I would like some candy canes and a new Elmo toy. I will leave you some apple juice. Love, Juniper B.

Dear Santa, How are you? Are you warm? Please can I have a new toy car? Dad needs a new hat and mitts and Mom needs new paints. I’m going to leave a baby doll for you. Love, Jake K.

Dear Santa, How is the North Pole? Is it windy up there? For Christmas my Mom would like a puppy dog. My dad would like some Lego. Liam would like cars and Jake the pirate. I would like a dinosaur and some new puzzles. I will leave you chocolate milk and cookies. Love, Maxwell C.

Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa? I want Mario and Luigi for Christmas please and thank you. Mom wants a new little car and Dad wants shelf. Jazmyn would like a crib and a stroller for her baby doll. Fly safe. Love, Jesse-James Dear Santa, What’s new? For Christmas I would like a Fisher-Price record player. Tommy wants a talking Yoda stuffy. Dad wants a Coca Cola fridge and Mom wants a jewellry box. Thanks. Love, Montayne D. Dear Santa, How are you? Is it cold at your house? My Mommy would like a block set. I would like a transporter truck and a train set. My Daddy would like a sled. My brother Jack would like a basketball. I will leave you cookies and water. Love, Aidan B.

12823 20 Ave, Blairmore, AB


Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? My Mommy would like a Minnie Mouse doll. My Daddy would like a red remote control car. I would like a baby doll and a paintset. I will leave a treat for

you and Mrs. Claus. Love, Emily N. Dear Santa, How are the elves? Do the reindeer like candy canes? My Mommy would like a new camera. My Dad would like a “Go Habs Go” piggy bank. My brother Aidan would like a basketball net. I would like a hockey set with a hockey stick, a puck and a net. I am going to leave you a coffee and a donut. Love, Jack B. Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? My mom would like a tutu. My Dad would like a board game. My brother would like a guitar. I

would like a baby with a stroller and a baby bed. I will leave you some milk and cookies. Love, Ava W. Dear Santa, Is there lots of snow at the North Pole? For Christmas my Mom would like an owl bean bag chair. My Daddy would like a singing Penguin. My sister Ella would like new books. I am going to leave you some hot chocolate. Love Tegan P. Dear Santa, Do the reindeer say cock-adoodle-do? My Mom would like a pink and blue candy cane. My Dad would like an ipad. My brothers Aspen and TAke A wAlk THRougH THe


And ConneCT wiTH THe

All the best to our clients and friends this holiday season! May the New Year bring happiness and prosperity.


Wishing you and yours a happy holiday season filled with love and plenty of Christmas spirit. We feel so blessed to be a part of this caring community. Thank you for your business and friendship. We look forward to seeing you again in the new year!

You’re at home here

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? What happens at the reindeer games? My Mommy would like a pink toy chest. My Daddy would like a spiderman sled. Jesse-James would like some spy gear. I would like a doll and a music box. I will leave a treat for all the reindeer. Love, Jazmyn M. Dear Santa, How are you? What kind of cookies are you favourite? For Christmas my Mommy would like a new pair of boots. My Daddy would like some books and toy dragon. Nate would like Thomas the Train trainset. I would like mego block Lego. I will leave you a treat of cake and milk. Love, Holden L. Dear Santa, How are you? Is your red suit warm? For Christmas my Mommy would like some corn. My Daddy would like a new hockey stick. My sister Grace would like a Barbie. My dog would like a bone. My kitty would like some treats. I would like a Lego dinosaur. I am going to leave you some candy and chocolate milk. Love, Nico G.

Spend your Christmas Break at the Museum! Crowsnest Museum will be open between Christmas and New Years, and as a gift to the community during this time, we are having

50% off admission We will be open: Dec. 23-24, 9am-5pm Dec. 27-31, 9am-5pm Adult: Reg. $10 Sale $5 Senior: Reg. $8 Sale $4 Youth: Reg. $6 Sale $3 Family: Reg. $24 Sale $12

Pincher Creek Co-operative Association

Neat n Nifty

Anita Ferguson | neatnnifty@shaw.ca 12849-20th Ave., Blairmore, AB • (403)562-7784

1300 Heweston Avenue Pincher Creek, AB (403) 627-2667

Reg Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 9am to 5pm 7701-18th Avenue, Coleman, Crowsnest Pass, AB Phone/fax (403)563-5434 www.crowsnestmuseum.ca

Dear Santa, How is the North Pole? For Christmas my Mommy would like a new coat. My Daddy would like some new tools. Brody would like a remote control car. Ainsley would like a Barbie. Marley would like a monster truck. I would like a baby set with a craddle, stroller and high chair. I am going to leave a treat for the reindeer. Love, Neko H. Dear Santa, How are you? How are the reindeer? For Christmas my Mommy would like some new shoes. I would like Buzz and Woody toys and a mater toy. I am going to leave you some brownies and milk. Love, Jaxon M.

Crowsnest Pass Free Press Thursday, December 19, 2013


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Crowsnest Pass Eat & Drink Turkey Rice Salad IngRedIenTS • 225 g / 1 1/4 cups brown rice • 50 g / 2/3 cup wild rice • 2 red dessert apples, quartered, cored, and chopped • 2 celery sticks, coarsely sliced • 115 g seedless grapes • 45 ml / 3 Tbsp lemon or orange juice • 150 ml / 1/4 pint / 2/3 cup thick mayonnaise • 350 g / 12 oz cooked turkey, chopped • salt and freshly ground black pepper • lettuce leaves, to serve PRePaRaTIon 1. Cook the brown and wild rice in boiling salted water for 25 minutes or until tender. Rinse under cold running water and drain. 2.Turn the well-drained rice into a large bowl and add the apples, celery, and grapes. Beat the lemon or orange juice into the mayonnaise, season with salt and pepper, and pour over the rice. 3. Add the turkey and mix well to coat with the lemon or orange mayonnaise. 4. Arrange fresh lettuce leaves over the base and around the sides of a warmed serving dish and spoon the rice on top. Recipe and photo: Martha Day, Best-ever Christmas Recipe Collection (Anness Publishing Ltd.)

Cranberry Kiss IngRedIenTS • String of redcurrants or small cranberries, to decorate • 1 egg white, lightly beaten, to decorate • 15 ml (1/2 oz) caster sugar (superfine sugar), to decorate • crushed ice • 45 ml / 2 measures / 3 Tbsp cranberry juice • 20 ml / 1 measure / 1 1/2 Tbsp brandy • 45 ml / 2 measures / 3 Tbsp pink grapefruit juice • 45 ml / 2 measures / 3 Tbsp Marsala wine PRePaRaTIon 1.Lightly brush the berries with the egg white. 2.Shake caster sugar over the redcurrants to cover them in a light frosting. Set them aside to dry. 3.Place the cranberry juice, brandy, and grapefruit juice in a cocktail shaker full of crushed ice and shake for 20 seconds to mix thoroughly. 4. Strain the cocktail mixture into a well-chilled glass. 5. Tilt the glass slightly before slowly pouring the Marsala down the side of the glass into the drink. 6. Serve the cocktail decorated with the frosted redcurrant string. VaRIaTIon Shake together cranberry and pineapple juice with coconut milk. Add vodka or gin to taste. Recipe: Martha Day, Best-Ever Christmas Recipe Collection (Anness Publishing Ltd.)

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Ottoman available. YUKONG-S/L/C/O, YUKONC-S/L/C/O

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in chocolate.


HOT BUY! Ottoman available. 96" Putty



Also available in chocolate.








24 499

98 $ $ $899 9795 /mth

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Ottoman and push back recliner available. Available in opposite configuration. ZAND3RSEC/LSEC


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2-Pc. Twin Duvet Cover Set



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Pedestals sold separately.


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our ticket price

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Dryden Eurotop Queen + 1080p LED TV Mattress Set




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Ottoman available.

Available in red, brown, black, taupe or purple. Also available in chenille.



TV Stand


1080p 1 LED TV




Includes the headboard, footboard, rails, dresser, mirror, and nightstand. 265PK6

Bonded Leather Power Recliner


2-Pc. Zandria Contemporary Sectional


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Also available in red or cream.



7-Pc. $1099.95 Table + 6 chairs. MAGNUSPK7 8-Pc. $1699.95 Table + 6 chairs + server. MAGNUSPK8

86" Angus Bonded Leather IconReclining Faux LeatherSofa or


Also available in chocolate.

Ottoman available.


97 $ 97 599 649 $ SMALL SCREEN ZONE 24" 699-9546" $

Chenille Sofa


2-Pc. Wall Unit


95 299 95 $






Available with log or crystal fireplace insert.





2-Pc. Twin Duvet Cover Set Includes 67" x 93" twin TV duvet cover HOT BUY! and 1 pillow sham. FLAN2TW

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Excludes discounted, clearance, “Hot Buy” deals, Frigidaire or Electrolux Laundry, promoted offers, and commercial or builder products.


Super Capacity Top Load Laundry Team MOFF110PK

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High Efficiency Front Load Laundry Team AMANFL1

1080p L LE46H3280

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GETand $4 chairs. MAGNUSPK5 Includes the&table




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RecliningSOFA Loveseat HOT BUY! with console $649.97 Recliner $599.97 ANGUS4-RS/RL/RC


Includes the table and 6 chairs. ARAN-SET


16 649




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89" Bonded Leather Sofa

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Chair $449.97 SAVOY2-S/L/C/O



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Also available in black or cream.

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Sofa + Loveseat + Chair

58" $ 97 $ 97 TV $ 120Hz 97 LED 499 1080p 549 499 SOFA

HOT BUY! SOFA 90" Savoy Bonded HOT BUY! 89" Yukon Textured HOT BUY! 89" YukonSofa Textured Microsuede Leather Sofa90" Savoy Bonded

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in chocolate.


Ottoman and push back recliner available. Available in opposite configuration. ZAND3RSEC/LSEC

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Loveseat $439.97 Chair $399.97 $439.97 Loveseat




2-Pc. Zandria Contemporary Sectional







Also available in red or cream.

• 2x HDMI input SECTIONAL • 1x optical input

Ottoman available.

December 16 - 24

AlsoAlso available available in chocolate.

While Quantities Last!


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available TAKE 60 MONTHS TO Also PAY in chocolate.

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Use to communicate FPTV 3D Features TM

1000 Watt 2D/3D Blu-ray Home Theatre Sound System


1080p 120Hz LED TV

Thursday, December 19, 2013 Crowsnest Pass Free Press 50LN5310


Also available 90" Eclipse Bonded brown. LeatherinSofa


Nobody Beats The Brick. 1080p LED TV




99 46"

Pedestals sold separately.



Includes 111" x 93" king duvet cover and 2 pillow shams.

1080p LED TV



• Yarn dyed woven flannel • 100% cotton • Assorted patterns • Available in Twin or King

After Discount


3-Pc. King Duvet Cover Set


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Roberta Koci Sales Associate


Cheri Bobyk Sales Associate

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • RANCHLAND MALL • YOUR LOCALLY OWNED ADVANTAGE NO INTEREST ON• 403-627-3717 EVERYTHING IN THE STORE!* Taxes, administration fees, delivery fees, and other charges are due at time of purchase. See back page for details.


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