Lake Country Calendar, December 18, 2013

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Calendar Lake Country

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December 18, 2013

One son’s time to give back



Honoured Lake Country firemen Steve Windsor and Jim Thompson receive long service and exemplary service medals. ...............................


Capital News paper delivery man Steve Kania was hit by a Lake Country driver trying to evade police early this month. Kania was left critically injured, requiring surgery and care at Vancouver General and needs to have family there to assist with his recovery. A trust fund has been established to help the family; donations accepted at the Capital News. ...............................

When hypnotic researcher Nathan Ouwehand was seven years old, he remembers standing in line in Vancouver and getting help from others. He didn’t realize the exact situation, but Ouwehand was there with his younger brother and his recently divorced mother. It wasn’t an easy time for the family and they were getting help from the local food bank. It left a big impression on the man that this week is in Lake Country visiting his mom and his step-Dad Hugh who sadly, was diagnosed less than a year ago with an inoperable brain tumour. He will host a charity toy drive this weekend at the Creekside Theatre. “I didn’t quite grasp what was going on,” said

Nathan this week. “I remember there was a massive line and we had to do some volunteer work and that’s what we did. It wasn’t until years later that I really realized what we were doing there.” That was before Nathan’s mom met Hugh, the man the Toronto-area native considers his father and the man that raised him. As Nathan continued to grow up in Ontario, he also found a knack for hypnosis, starting when he was just messing around with friends when he was 13. “It’s always been with me in some way or another, as I was growing up,” he said. As an adult, Ouwehand began a career in the film industry, working as a special effects make-up artist and


HYPNOTIC researcher Nathan Ouwehand, his father Hugh Ouwehand, and mother Bonnie. Nathan is hosting a show/toy drive Friday at the Creekside Theatre for his father Hugh, who has an inoperable brain tumour.

an art director. But when Toronto’s film industry went in the tank nearly a decade ago, Ouwehand went back to what he knew best and began to train in the area’s of the mind and hypnosis.


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people deal with psychological issues.” After retiring, Nathan’s parents settled in Lake County and have been there for about SEE HYPNOTIC A3

Cram the Cruiser even better second time around


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suffer from from post traumatic stress disorder. “What I do is I separate the conscious mind from the sub-conscious mind,” he said. “I’m a life coach but I’m not a normal life coach. I help



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He calls himself a hypnotic researcher and rarely performs stage shows. Instead he works with individuals on a variety of health issues with his main work coming with soldiers who


LAKE COUNTRY RCMP Const. Jesse O’Donaghey, along with a young friend, at

the RCMP’s Cram the Cruiser. O’Donaghey looks forward to seeing the food bank fundraiser grow in the future.

The RCMP member responsible for bringing the Mounties’ Cram the Cruiser fundraiser to Lake Country says the event has exceeding expectations and will continue to grow in the coming years. Const. Jesse O’Donaghey, says the Lake Country Fire Department will likely be more involved in the event as it moves for-

ward after having a successful second year of raising food and cash for the Lake Country Food Bank. Members of the RCMP were joined by volunteer firemen from Lake Country earlier this month, gathering food bank donations in the second annual Cram the Cruiser fundraiser. It was a new wrinkle to the event, which O’Donaghey started after being transferred to

the Lake Country detachment. The 29-yearold Penticton native says it makes sense for police and fire crews to work together when it comes to fundraising, much like they do in emergency situations. “We have a good partnership with the fire department,” said O’Donaghey. “We go to a lot of the same calls. We talk a lot and brain-


Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Lake Country firefighters awarded for long and exemplary service


pair of Lake Country firefighters have been awarded provincial government medals for

long and selfless careers, fighting fires in the community. Steve Windsor, Lake Country’s fire chief

since 2004, was recently awarded with a 35-year bar as part of the British Columbia Long Service Medals awarded by the

provincial government. At the same awards ceremony, Lake Country Fire Department firefighter Jim Thompson


was presented with the Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal bar for 30 years of service. The awards recog-


LAKE COUNTRY firefighters Jim Thompson (left)

and Steve Windsor with exemplary and long service awards.




nized the dedication and selflessness with which both men have served the community and this province in the protection of life and property. Windsor’s career in fire service began with the District of Central Saanich in 1976 where he worked through the ranks to achieve the level of captain before moving to the District of North Cowichan in 1989. There Windsor served as deputy fire chief until May 2000 when he moved to Pender Island and became fire chief until 2003. He then took up his post as Lake Country Fire Department fire chief. Thompson has been a mainstay with fire departments in and around Lake Country for years beginning in Oyama from 1983 until 1995 when he became a paidon-call firefighter with the Lake Country Fire







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Department. “We really appreciate the dedication of the protective services team,” said Lake County Mayor James Baker. The British Columbia Long Service Medal and British Columbia Long Service Bar are administered by the Office of the Fire Commissioner. The Exemplary Service Medal is administered by the Chancellery of Canadian Orders and Decorations in Ottawa. The awards that Windsor and Thompson received are made on behalf of the Queen by instruments signed by the Governor General and are announced in the Canada Gazette. An engraved 30 year bar and certificate of award was presented by acting mayor Jamie Mc- K Ewan who congratulated Windsor and Thomson on their long-time com- g mitment to fire service. w


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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 18, 2013 A3


Const. Bus commute no faster on new section of Hwy. 97 expects fundraiser to keep growing


The new high-speed section of Highway 97 through Lake Country is great for auto commuters but not for those riding the bus. B.C. Transit officials have told the Regional District of North Okanagan board that there’s no plan to move the UBC transit route from Pelmewash Parkway to the new Highway 97 in

Lake Country. “We did an analysis of the run times and we found that using Pelmewash Parkway to the new highway is almost a wash,” said Matthew Boyd, a senior transit planner. “Students are getting there at the same time.” Boyd says that Pelmewash Parkway, the old highway along Wood

Lake, is also safer than the new highway because of slower speeds and less traffic. In order to improve service, some options are being considered, including possibly initiating an express route between Vernon and UBC. It would have no stops and would cut the trip down by 13 minutes. However, there could

be a downside if an express system proceeds as it could impact ridership on the existing service. “People need to get in and out of Oyama and to get to the airport,” said Boyd, adding there doesn’t appear to be a current need for an express bus. A 10-day ridership survey in October had an average load of 40 pas-

sengers from Vernon to UBC from 7 to 8 a.m. and 35 passengers from UBC to Vernon from 4 to 5 p.m. The bus can hold 67 people, including 43 seated. The survey also showed that there were 29 rides from Oyama to UBC and 15 rides from Oyama to Vernon. Of the 1,572 riders

over the 10 days, 69.6 per cent were from Vernon, 23 per cent from Coldstream and 7.5 per cent from the rest of the North Okanagan. Six per cent of the riders were from Lake Country, 8.8 per cent from Kelowna, 1.5 per cent unknown and 2.6 per cent not from the Central or North Okanagan.

Benefit at Creekside 2014 Tourism Kelowna board in place HYPNOTIC FROM A1 a decade. Doctors at first said Nathan’s father wouldn’t live to see this Christmas although he has beat those odds. So when Nathan planned his trip to Lake Country to see his parents this holiday season, he knew it was a chance to give back to the community that has done a lot to help his folks. “This is the last Christmas I am going to be spending time with both of my parents,” he said. “Because my dad sleeps all the time I knew I would have some time on my hands. I knew the moment I decided to come to Lake Country this Christmas that this was my time to be able

to do something. I don’t do a lot of stage shows. They are fun but this is one way I can justify doing it.” This Sunday night at the Creekside Theatre, Nathan will present a comedy hypnosis stage show/toy drive. Admission to the event is a new unwrapped toy for kids aged 7 to 15 years old with a focus on the older kids. “Everyone in the area has helped my parents so much, that’s why I want to help out this area,” he said. Nathan’s toy drive/ hypnotic stage show begins at 7 p.m. at the Creekside Theatre on Saturday night.

More than 60 tourism industry stakeholders from the Central Okanagan, including many from Lake Country, attended the Tourism Kelowna annual general meeting last week (Dec. 11) at the Ramada Hotel & Conference Centre. The AGM provided attendees with a wrapup of the tourism picture in Kelowna, West Kelowna and Lake Country as well as a a recap of last year’s tourism numbers and the announcement of the board of directors for the 2014 year. The board of directors consists of representatives of the Greater Kelowna tourism industry which includes West Lake Country, along with Kelowna and West

Kelowna. Two re-elected and six newly elected directors will be joining the board for 2014. Lake Country councillors Lisa Cameron and Penny Gambell sit on the Tourism Kelowna board of directors while the organization has several stakeholders in Lake Country including The Gatzke Farm Market, Beaver Lake Resort, Gray Monk, Ex Nihilo, Arrowleaf, INtrigue wines as well as several bed and breakfast and other tourism operators. The 2014 Tourism Kelowna board of directors are: Returning directors: Daniel Bibby, Kelowna Hotel Motel Association – vice chair David McFadden,

Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm – secretary Ian Robertson, Kelowna Springs Golf Club – treasurer Brad Sieben, Hotel Eldorado – past chair Rita Pluta, Abbott Villa on the Lake Tony Stewart, Quails’ Gate Winery Sam Samaddar, Kelowna International Airport Andre Blanleil, City of Kelowna Council Colin Basran, City of Kelowna Council alternate Penny Gamble, District of Lake Country Council Lisa Cameron, District of Lake Country Council alternate Re-elected: Stan Martindale,

Ramada Hotel & Conference Centre – chair Nathan Flavel, Kelowna Actors Studio Dinner Theatre Newly elected: Katie Balkwill, Big White Ski Resort Thom Killingsworth, Four Points by Sheraton Donna Markin, Orchard Park Shopping Centre Rosemary Paterson, Best Western Plus Heather Schaub, Casa Loma Resort Heather Schroeter, Manteo Resort. In partnership with more than 300 businesses, Tourism Kelowna generates demand through sales, marketing and services to increase the economic impact of tourism within the area.

Trust fund set up for injured Cap News paper carrier


A Lake Country man is facing a series of charges after allegedly running down a newspaper carrier while trying to evade police. Nathan Daniel Fahl, 24, has been charged with dangerous driving causing bodily harm, impaired driving causing bodily harm, failure to stop at accident with vehicle, flight causing bodily harm, assault a peace officer with a weapon and operating a motor vehicle while disqualified. It’s alleged that Fahl failed to stop Friday, Dec. 6, for police at a road check on Springfield Road at Leckie Road and carried on to strike down Steve Kania who was out delivering newspapers at Dundee Road at the intersection of Dundas Road. “The Eagle Talon impacted a fire hydrant after striking the pedestrian and came to a rest,” said Const. Kris Clark. “Police officers immediately attended to the ped-

estrian and called for an ambulance as he appeared to have suffered serious injuries. The 41-year-old Kelowna man was taken to hospital in critical condition.” Kania is in Vancouver and is facing a long road to recovery. He suffered injuries to his legs, head and spine. Surgery on his spinal injuries was been completed at Vancouver General Hospital, and his mother has said doctors have asked he stay nearby so they can help him with the physiotherapy that’s to follow. Kania’s family is financially disadvantaged, so they’re struggling to find a way to be there with him during his hour of need. Kania’s brother Richard was given a Greyhound ticket, and with $100 in his pocket left for Vancouver to be by his brother’s side. His mother is in Kelowna, and the owner of KP Tirecraft has outfitted her with a set of winter radials, in case she needs to drive to Vancouver. Richard Dahl, of the Capital News, has donated a cell phone for her to use, with Rogers donating the pre-paid time on it.

The public can donate to the Kania family by dropping off a cheque to the Capital News offices, 2495 Enterprise Way in Kelowna, made payable to Richard Dahl and/or Glenn Beaudry. The trust fund has been set up in Steve Kania’s name. The investigation into the case is ongoing. The Independent Investigations Office of BC was notified immediately after Kania was struck down, and asserted jurisdiction over the investigation. The Kelowna RCMP Serious Crime Unit continued the concurrent criminal investigation. Anyone with any information who has yet to call Kelowna RCMP Const. Joanne Meyers at 250-762-3300. Remain anonymous by calling Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477, leaving a tip online at www. or by texting your tip to CRIMES (274637) ktown. Fahl remains in custody and is scheduled to appear in court on Jan. 6.

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CRAM THE CRUISER A1 storm about different issues. It’s nice to work together not only on the calls but also to give back to the community. They have their own food bank drive but next year. I think it will be more of a joint effort and we will hopefully even be serving chili and buns for a donation as well.” This year’s Cram the Cruiser raised almost 2,000 pounds of food as well as $2,000 in cash for the food bank. O’Donaghey said they surpassed the first year’s totals, even with a slow start to the day thanks to some chilly weather. “I thought it went really well,” he said. “We managed to get past our goal which was last year’s numbers. At first I was a little concerned because we weren’t very busy and I think it was the cool weather that kept people away for the morning hours. But it really started to pick up around noon.” O’Donaghey started the food bank drive after taking part in a similar event in Chilliwack but the seven year veteran of the RCMP says the donations in Lake Country even surpassed what the Mounties raised in the Fraser Valley. And he says he hopes to make it a semi-annual event in the future. “Obviously there is a great need in December but it’s not just at Christmas that people need help,” he said. “It would be nice to eventually expand it to twice a year and hold one in the summer and one in the winter, but that might be a few years down the line.”

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


Let your light shine A


small ceramic Christmas tree sits on a table in our front hall. It’s not much of a tree—about 12 inches high, dark green, with whitish snow flaked on the ends of its branches. A light bulb inside

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shines out through coloured plastic plugs stuck into holes in the branches. Over the years, we’ve lost about a dozen of the plastic plugs. The light inside now shines dir-

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‘We have a chance to do good for the world, and we’re going to take it:’ Clark


fter a whirlwind year that started with a comefrom-behind election win, Premier Christy Clark sat down with me for the traditional year-end interview in her Victoria office. Here are excerpts from that discussion. A longer version with video can be found under the Opinion tab of this newspaper’s website. TF: Premier, you surprised a few people this year. What surprised you the most about 2013? PCC: I guess it was the disconnect between the pollsters and the pundits, and the public. I did have a sense all the time that the citizens were thinking something different in the run-up to the election campaign. I wondered, am I missing something here, or are they missing something? And I guess it turned out that it wasn’t me that was missing something. TF: The liquefied nat-

BC Views

Tom Fletcher ural gas export project is going to use a lot of natural gas, especially in the early years. Will B.C.’s greenhouse gas reduction targets [20 per cent reduction by 2020, 80 per cent by 2050] have to be changed? PCC: I don’t have a clear answer on that yet. We are working with the companies on exactly how we are going to structure their environmental commitments and costs, and their electricity costs versus using gas, the total royalty tax regime. We’re looking at

that as one package. However that turns out, though, this opportunity to export natural gas to Asia is the single biggest opportunity we have ever had as a province to reduce greenhouse gas emissions around the world. In shipping this to China, we are going to help them wean themselves off some of the dirtiest coal anybody’s burning anywhere in the world. TF: If B.C. is going to get credit for displacing coal use in Asia, shouldn’t B.C.’s coal exports, even though it’s metallurgical coal, count in our greenhouse gas total as well? PCC: I know that the academics and pundits are going to get all mired in competing sets of numbers and studies. For me, we have a chance to do good for the world, and we’re going to take it.

TF: On oil pipelines, your agreement in November with Alberta Premier Alison Redford involves B.C. supporting her effort for a national energy strategy. What do you see it doing in the future? PCC: The big idea that she’s trying to pursue with that is a strategy that will connect us east to west in energy. Energy grids are much better connected north to south than they are east to west. So she’s trying to pursue a pan-Canadian strategy for the exchange of energy, whether that’s hydroelectricity or natural gas or whatever it is. We haven’t been intimately involved with it until recently, so we’ll see where it goes. TF: There’s a perception out there, fuelled by the opposition, that you campaigned against oil pipelines and now you’re turning the tanker around, as it were, to

be in support of them. What do you say to that? PCC: It’s typical of the other guys to reinterpret and misquote. That’s what they do. They’re in opposition. What I said was, we have five conditions that must be met in order for heavy oil to be considered to go ahead in British Columbia. That has not changed. The five conditions remain in place. As of today, none of them have been met. The only thing that is different today, from before the election, is that now I no longer stand alone in supporting the five conditions. I have one other premier supporting me, and that’s Alison Redford. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. @tomfletcherbc


ectly out through several holes. It never was particularly pretty, I suppose. But it’s special for me. Because it was given to me with love. It came from Lorraine Wicklow over 30 years ago. The next summer, Lorraine died of a massive brain hemorrhage. As far as I know, she had no family, no relatives. Perhaps I was her family. She used to drop in at my office, back in the days when I worked at the United Church’s national offices in Toronto. She always arrived at the very end of the day, just as I was loading up my briefcase to go home. Internally, I sighed. I knew this would be a long evening. “Just a minute, Lorraine,” I would say. Then I’d call Joan to say, “Lorraine just dropped in.”


We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 18, 2013

opinion ▼ FROM OTTAWA

Update on Kelowna-Vernon rail line; funding application deadlines pending


n Nov. 28, I was pleased to be able to announce that Kelowna will be retaining a Veterans Affairs Client Service Agent in our community. This is not a temporary three month position as has been incorrectly reported by some news media. The news came as a great relief to our local veterans, especially Legion Volunteer Service Officer Frank Truman. I have had a chance to work with Frank over the years and I want to thank him for his commitment as a liaison between our veterans and Veterans Affairs. Frank was very happy to hear the news that he and other vets will have ,an experienced Veterans Affairs staff mem-

5 A5

ber vavailable to them to help with benefit applications and access to services. I have also alerted the minister’s office to the importance of reinstating proper signage at the Kelowna Service Canada building to ensure that local veterans know that face-to-face assistance is available at this location. This announcement enhances a number of ongoing available personalized benefits such as home visits by a registered nurse or case-manager and help with home maintenance including grass cutting, snow clearing and home cleaning services. The cooperative effort between the public servants in the Departments of Service Canada and Veterans Affairs is

Different worlds of understanding can see their own way TAYLOR FROM A4 Joan understood, and took supper out of the oven. “I mustn’t keep you,” Lorraine always said. But she did, anyway. Lorraine’s theology couldn’t have been farther from mine. She attended a fundamentalist church. She had visions. She told me about heaven; about streets paved with gold and gates made of jewels; about the people she met there and their message for me. She was, I suppose, a revelation to me. When I described her visions to Gordon Nodwell, the minister at the United Church down the street from my office, he said, “That’s straight out of Revelation.” So I read Revelation. Thanks to Lorraine, I became acquainted with several parts of the Bible that I had avoided before. She’d relate another of her visions. “Do you believe that?” she would ask, leaning forward earnestly. “Not really,” I would reply. And I would try to explain, as well as I could, my understandings of modern biblical schol-

arship. Of the historical and cultural assumptions that shaped the biblical text. Of the conflicts between the biblical story and our growing knowledge of science, psychology, sociology. She countered with a text, invariably from the King James Version. For her, the Word of God— the capitals are deliberate—trumped any other understanding. We lived in different worlds. We listened to each other. But we talked past each other. Still, whether I understood her or not, I know she lived her faith, 100 per cent. She forgave me for my heresies, because that’s what Jesus would have done. And, sometimes, after I had stumbled through an explanation of why I believed what I did, she would say, “You know, when you talk to me that way, you almost shine.” Lorraine has been dead for many years now. But her little ceramic tree still shines in the darkness of our front hall. As long as I have that tree, she too still shines in my memories. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.

MP’s Report

Ron Cannan assisting the government in putting the needs of our veterans first and will provide local veterans with the face-toface contact they have requested. By recognizing the needs of our local veterans and their families, Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino is demonstrating the federal government’s willingness to continue to make improvements to support the men and women who have served Canada to ensure they receive the very best assistance possible.


On No. 21, our government announced the

fourth Call for Proposals for the Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP). The BCIP was launched in 2010 as a pilot program to connect Canadian companies with federal departments which are looking for new ideas and products. By selling to the federal government, businesses receive support to get innovations out of the lab and into the marketplace. That kick-start means that they can potentially generate future sales outside of government both in Canada and around the world. The program also now includes a military procurement component. It is in Canada’s interest to have a strong defence industry right here at home that can help meet the needs of the Canadian Armed Forces and compete with the best in the world. Our government supports innovation and entrepreneurship in Canada, starting with the ideas that begin in small businesses in communities just like ours. If your company has a

proposal, submit it. You have until Jan. 7, 2014. Information is available at

Jobs is available on the Service Canada web site at www.servicecanada. .


As you know the community has come together to find a solution to save the rail line from Kelowna to Vernon. Local entrepreneurs, elected officials and grassroots organizations have all been working to find a way to save this important economic corridor. I’m pleased to be able to report that CN has confirmed they have received several Expressions of Interest and will proceed with the next steps to allow interested parties to present conditional offers on the line until Jan. 30, 2014. Proponents will be required to provide a 10 year marketing, operating and capital plan, including $25 million of necessary insurance

For many years, Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) has been helping local employers create much-needed summer job opportunities for students CSJ provides funding for not-for-profit organizations, public sector employers and small businesses to create summer jobs for full-time students (15 to 30 years old) who intend to return to their studies in the next school year. It helps students gain the skills and experience they need to be successful, while earning money for the upcoming school year. Applications are now available online and must be submitted by Jan. 31, 2014. This year’s new timelines mean that successful employers will be notified sooner and have more time to recruit students. More information about Canada Summer



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coverage for general liability and property damage and a letter from a recognized financial institution assuring the financial capability of the candidate to complete the transaction. The goal is see the rail line up and operating again and to see an extension of the recreation “Rails with Trails” corridor. Ultimately, the challenge comes down to economic viability and having the resources to sustain these goals over the long-term. The response by all involved has been outstanding so far and I share the hope in our communities that we can make this happen. Ron Cannan is the Conservative MP for Kelowna-Lake Country. Information on local announcements and federal government programs can be found at

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Christmas Holiday Schedule Garbage and Recycling Collection Waste collection for the weeks of Dec 25-28 and Jan 1-4 will move one day later - i.e. Wednesday’s collection will move to Thursdays, Thursdays, collection will move to Friday. Friday’s collection will be Saturday.

Recycling & Landfill Operations

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• Glenmore Landfill & Recycling Depot, 2105 Glenmore Rd. (7:30 am - 4:45 pm, closed Dec. 25, 26, Jan. 1) • Westside Residential Waste Disposal & Recycling Centre, Asquith Rd. Days of operations: Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon. (7:30 am - 3:50 pm, closed Dec. 25 and Jan. 1). Recycling depot is open seven days a week except for Christmas and New Years. • Kirschner Road Recycling Depot, 1988 Kirschner Rd. (8 am - 6 pm. Closed Dec. 25 and Jan. 1) Remember to put all wrapping paper (not foil), flattened boxes and cartons into your recycling cart for curbside pick-up or take to our nearest recycling depot.

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For more info please go to our website at

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Interior Health board members thanked for their service Interior Health board members Rosanna McGregor and David Gillespie will be retiring from the board of directors when their appointments expire at the end of this month. “On behalf of the board, I would like to acknowledge the commitment of my colleagues to the betterment of health services for patients within Interior Health,” said board chair Norman Embree. “It has been a pleasure to work with both of them.” The board of directors functions as the governing body for Inter-

ior Health, providing oversight on the organization’s strategic direction to the senior executive team, which is responsible for day-to-day operations. Board members are appointed by the Province of British Columbia. “I was impressed by the passion for quality patient care that both Rosanna McGregor and David Gillespie brought to the board,” said Dr. Robert Halpenny, CEO and president of Interior Health. “They have always had the best interest of our patients at the forefront.”

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McGregor, who is executive director of the Cariboo Friendship Society, was appointed to the Interior Health board in February 2006. As a Secwepemc and

member of the Williams Lake Indian Band, she brought a unique perspective and passion about the provision of health care services for First Nations people. “One of my main interests during my service on the board has been to ensure that Interior Health considers the needs of the aboriginal population in a culturally sensitive and meaningful way,” said McGregor, who will also retire as chair of the IH Aboriginal Health and Wellness Advisory Committee. “I am pleased to see that Interior Health has now signed Letters of Understanding with six First Nations in the re-



gion, and I applaud the dedicated group of employees who believe in the cause of aboriginal

health.” Gillespie has served on the board since March 2008, having joined after retiring from his Kamloops law practice, and served as the chair of the Governance Committee earlier in his appointment. Also a former chair of the B.C. Automobile Association and current director for the B.C. Lottery Corporation, Gillespie said he is pleased to have been able to contribute to the enhancement of health services for Interior residents. “Interior Health is the most important organization in the Interior dealing with people’s health. Everybody has a

stake in how health care is provided,” said Gillespie. “I am proud of what Interior Health has accomplished in the last six years, and I look forward to seeing further advancements in the years to come.” Interior Health’s board consists of nine directors appointed by the Minister of Health through a process established by the government’s Board Resourcing and Development Office. New appointments to the Interior Health Board are expected to be made in early 2014.


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Winfield Chiropractic & Massage Therapy Clinic #14 Lakewood Mall, Lake Country, BC. •Fascial/Myofascial Release • Neuromuscular Therapy •Deep Tissue •Trigger Point Therapy •Joint Mobilizations •Relaxation Massage •Rehabilitative Stretching, Strengthening, Postural Exercise & Patient Education I am an approved service provider for MSP, ICBC, VAC, and RCMP. Many Extended Health Care plans also provide for partial reimbursement and most do not require a doctor referral. To book your appointment, stop into our new clinic,

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GIVING TIME OF YEAR…Residents at Holiday Park donated $1,500 to the Lake Country Food Assistance Society after raising money from its craft shop, bake sales, the lunch concession and a raffle. Pictured are the ladies from the Holiday Park craft shop (back row): Nonie, Kathy, Wendy, Annette and Margaret, along with Lake Country food bank’s Phyllis MacPherson.

Kelowna Shelter

Valleyview Dignity Memorial

3785 Casorso Road

250-861-7722 For us, there is no higher honour than to be chosen to bring loved ones, friends and a lifetime of memories together of a Aron Meier in celebration Glen Whittaker special life. Assistant Manager Funeral Director Proudly offering reward miles on all pre-arrangements

Valleyview Funeral Home 165 Valleyview Road • 250-765-3147

Domestic Medium Hair Cross Sex: Female Colour: Black / White Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult ID: 310530 Hey there! My name’s Gabby. I’m a little sweetheart who just wants someone to cuddle with. I’ll curl up with you on the couch in the evening after a long day of work & all I’d like in return is some tickles behind my ears! I would do best in a home where I’m the only kitty so that I can get all the attention I crave. Please speak with cat staff if you’d like to meet me - I won’t disappoint!


Check out the web site: www.lake country

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 18, 2013 A7



PLENTY of kids and families dropped by Lake Country municipal hall last week

as the annual Santa Sleigh Bus arrived with jolly old Saint Nick. The Santa Sleigh Bus is an annual project organized by B.C. transit and supports the Salvation Army’s Christmas Fund.


BRAVE-HEARTED…Participants head into the chilly waters of Wood Lake last year during the an-

nual Polar Bear Dip. This year’s dunk will be sponsored again by the Oyama Firemen and Oyama branch 189 of the Royal Canadian Legion and will take place on New Year’s Day in Lake Country. Sign ups and pledges can be made at the Oyama Legion. The proceeds of the pledges goes to the food bank or charity of your choice. CONTRIBUTED

SENIORS gather every Monday for Prime Time from 1 to 3:15 p.m. at the Seniors Centre in Lake Country. Last week the event included a festive program and meal and during a resounding chorus of Here Comes Santa Claus by the Songsters, seniors were delighted by the appearance of Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus with their bag full of candy gift bags to distribute. The entertainment is different every week and the group of participants varies between 30 and 50 seniors but everyone is welcome.




Licenses available at RDCO, Dog Pound, SPCA and all municipal offices. Visit for more information and license locations.

Zero Tolerance Starting Jan. 1st $300 Fine


A special Christmas... just for them. Woody’s Pub and the Kelowna Women’s Shelter have partnered together to help a deserving mom and her children this holiday season. We’re asking for monetary donations or unwrapped toys for children ages 2-5, and gifts that a mom would enjoy. Other gift donations gladly accepted.

Donations can be dropped off at Woody’s Pub during our business hours 11am-12am until December 19.

Help change lives this holiday season.

9882 Hwy 97N, Lake Country 250-766-2310 (PUB) 250-766-4011 (STORE) •

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


news L A K E CO U N T RY

Creekside Church

Community Christmas Eve Celebration

6 -7pm @ Creekside Theatre Songs - Stories -Apple Cider Family Friendly!

The Difference Between Jehovah God & Jesus Christ Genesis 9:13 • John 8:31,32

Jehovah GOD 8. No man can see GOD and stay alive Exodus 33:20 (Rbi8-E)

9. No one has seen GOD. John 1:18 (Rbi8-E) (nwt-E) w 10/1/12 page 18

Jesus Christ

Moses saw Jehovah’s glory Exodus 34:6; (Rbi8-E) 6* Lit., “and calling.” 6# “A God.” Heb., ’ El; Gr., The·os’. Hebrews 1:3a ftns John 1:1, Col. 1:15, John 1:18 •Jesus was observed as a human and even after he was resurrected 1 Corinthians 15:6

Jesus was seen by people John 1:14 Rev 21:3 (Rbi8-E) ftns

10. Jehovah is GOD of gods. Jesus is only Lord of lords Deuteronomy 10:17 (Rbi8-E) Revelation 19:16 (Rbi8-E) Easy understanding study Bible Large Print New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures With References, Revised. (Rbi8-E) (nwt-E)

Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road  250-766-4458 Sunday Worship and Children’s Church

9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387

Winfield Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages

10:15 a.m. 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753

Pastor: Lance Duncalfe To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Supporting business in Lake Country since 1951


Gem Lake chair lift open for the season at Big White The highly anticipated opening of the Gem Lake four-passenger Express Quad chairlift arrived Monday, Dec. 16, at Big White Ski Resort. This is the resort’s third earliest opening of the Gem Lake Express in the chair’s 17 year history. Mother Nature has rewarded the mountain with the highest alpine base in B.C., of 128 cm

as of Monday. Conditions as such have permitted the opening of one of many skiers’ favourite chairlifts at Big White Ski Resort. Skiers and boarders were in line, clambering to ride the first chair up the mountain, some arriving as early as 7 a.m., despite the fact lifts don’t commence operation till 8:30 a.m. Following the re-

cent cold snap a few weeks ago, riders were more than happy with the balmy -3 C weather for the early morning opening. “Gem Lake has always been my favourite chairlift, there was no way I was missing this” said Brad, a Big White local, who was one of the eager snowboarders lining up before the lift opened. “My first run of

Need to warm up or treat yourself to food and drinks? The Moonlight Bistro located in The Westridge Day Lodge is now open also from, 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. The Gem Lake lift will operate daily 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Parking is also available, free of charge, at The Westridge parking lot throughout the season.


Local writer wins prestigious national award Okanagan College English professor Alix Hawley is the winner of the Canada Writes BloodLines short story contest for “Pig (for Oma),” a story based on her grandmother’s experiences in the Second World War. “Sharp and fresh,” and “beautifully rendered, from the first sentence to the last,” according to contest judge and novelist Lawrence Hill, Hawley’s winning story garners her a $1,000 award from the Canada Council for the Arts. Hawley entered the contest after learning stories had to include a true family anecdote, saying, “I immediately thought of my Oma, Gerarda Boerboom Bunyan, and her story of smuggling a pig in Nazi-occupied Holland. “My Oma lived through the Nazi occupation. She’s never been one to back down. Pig-smuggling, turning her back on Dutch Nazi officials who ordered her to salute, harbouring Underground resistance fighters, and getting shot are among her accom-




ALIX HAWLEY and her grandmother Gerarda Boerboom Bunyan. Hawley won a Canada Writes award for a story based on her grandmother’s experiences in the Second World War

plishments. She married an English soldier and had four children, one of whom is my dad.” Hawley teaches English literature and creative writing at Okanagan College’s Kelowna campus, saying, “I love teaching short fiction and the novel. My specialization is 19th- and early 20th-century fiction and children’s literature, which I foist upon

unsuspecting students. Some of them end up loving it as I do.” Mixing writing and teaching with raising a family in Kelowna, Hawley remarked on the inevitability of becoming a writer. “If you love writing, it won’t leave you alone. It’s like a stalker that way. But a pretty pleasant one in the end.” “Pig (for Oma),” was

Winfi eld Bakery Come in for all your Christmas goodies! We have a great selection of Christmas fruit cakes, Christmas rye bread, & Christmas cakes.

houses Gingerbread quest re available on

the day was Blue Sapphire. We were getting fresh tracks and powder the whole way down, it was awesome.” Untouched snow and the very best champagne powder provided Big White with one of its best Gem Lake openings yet. Smiles on the masses pillaging down the hill was a dead giveaway of the favourable conditions Gem Lake had to offer.


different kinds of cookies, including gingerbread men, & a variety of stollen: almond, hazelnut, fruit, poppyseed & marzipan.

one of more than 800 contest entries in the Canada Writes BloodLines contest, which invited writers to share “moments, memories and lives” of their blood relatives. Twenty stories were selected for a shortlist, with the winner selected by Hill, the 2013 Massey Lecturer, and author of The Book of Negroes. Other writing

credits for Hawley include a short-story collection, The Old Familiar, (2008), and a novel, entitled All True Not a Lie In It, that is scheduled to be published in early 2015 by Knopf / Random House Canada. She has twice had her work shortlisted for the CBC Short Story Prize, most recently in 2012 for Tentcity. Hawley’s winning story can be read on the Canada Writes website:

starting December 17th

DINNER BUNS Brown or White




Thank you for your continued business this past year, and we look forward to serving you in 2014!

Winfield Shopping Centre • 250-766-3625 Holiday Hours: Dec.22,23 7am-6pm, Dec.24 7am-4pm. Closed Dec.25-29, Jan.1

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 18, 2013 A9


Winfield Curling Club stays busy with fun through Christmas and New Years Congratulations to team Jacobs and team Jones—our Olympic qualifiers from the Roar of the Rings. Brad Jacobs, who went undefeated in the round robin, beat our own local team of Jim Cotter, Rick Sawatzky, Tyrel Griffith, joined by John Morris (who used to play for Kevin Martin), in a nail biting final game. Both teams played fantastic and either could represent Canada in Sochi, Russia.

On the women’s side, Jennifer Jones, a seasoned veteran, went 6-1 in round robin play and waited for Middaugh to come through in the semis. In the final match, it was Jones who was victorious in a onesided game, making doubles look easy. It was a great week to watch curling. Back at the Winfield Curling Club, we are getting ready for Christmas parties and special events taking place through the holiday

season. The Christmas funspiel is for members, family and friends, and the New Year’s Eve party finishes off 2013 and starts 2014. This year we have a special guest and his band playing for our New Year’s Eve party. It’s a surprise, so get your tickets at the club and find out who’s coming to town. Right after the new year is Vernon’s Men’s Bonspiel, taking place Jan. 3-5, so give them a call if you want to put your team in for this

three-day event. Inn From the Cold is up next at the Winfield Curling Club on Jan. 11 and has 16 teams competing in a fundraising event. They also accept donations from the community, so if you have some items to donate, this is the day to do it. Our annual Ladies Bonspiel takes place on Jan. 17, 18 and 19 so if you haven’t already registered for this, there is a sign-up sheet on the office window. It is so much fun and this

year’s theme is Disney so there will be lots of entertainment. Hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas and a terrific holiday season. Have a great time and good curling to all. Terri Palmer is the manager of the Winfield Curling Club. 250-766-3318



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Lake Country Building Centre Ex-Nihilo Winery Gray Monk Winery Beauty Ethics Winfield IDA Seca Marine Coopers Woodsdale General Store Lake Country Optometry Lake Country Art Gallery Mona Vision Lake Country Dollar Store Bodyz in Motion


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Coopers Village Mall #56-9522 Main Street 250-766-0143

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951




Look for this poster at any of these participating merchants, and with a minimum $10 purchase, you can enter to win a $750 SHOPPING SPREE!*


Spend Christmas in L ake Country ENTER TO WIN a $750 MID-WINTER SHOPPING SPREE!



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UBR Printing Market Place IGA Roosters Barber Shop Oyama General Store Tri-Lake Animal Hospital Wooden Nickel Café L’isola Bella Bistro Health First Chiropractic Lake Country Cycle Sunscape Resort Homes Farmers Fruit and Produce Fusion Hair Studio Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza

Contest runs Nov.20 to Dec.18 Winner will be drawn Jan.3, 2014 *Shopping Spree is at the above participating merchants.

For more information contact the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce at 250-766-5670 or check out our website

Roosters Barber Shop

We Support Shopping Local

Serving the community since 2005 • Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man!

#9, 10071 Main Street, Winfield 250-766-4574 • Open 7 Days a week

Frank Geber • 778-480-5622 13-11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Horton’s

Tuesday to Friday 9-6 (Sr’s discount days) Saturday & Sunday 9-4•Closed Mondays

Digital Photo Centre Canada Post Retail Outlet

In the Cooper’s Plaza • 250-766-2666 M-F 9-8, Sat. 9-7, Sun.10-6 Voted Lake Country Chamber of Commerce “Business Role Model of the Year” for 2013


3250 Berry Road, Lake Country 250-766-7625 •

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



C Community comes together to bring Grace home, safe and sound w ▼ SPCA

It was an early Christmas present that took a community’s efforts to create. After spending three weeks at large in the Vernon area, with temperatures dipping below -17 C, Grace was found and

is safely indoors once again. “Having Grace back safe and well is the best Christmas gift ever,” says BC SPCA Kelowna branch manager Suzanne Pugh. “We can’t thank everyone enough


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for all of their help and support.” Grace, a one-and-ahalf-year-old black Labrador cross, went missing Nov. 21 with her blue leash still attached. A special girl who is timid around people, Grace had just been placed in foster care in Vernon for socialization when she escaped. The BC SPCA and its volunteers immediately began bombarding the Vernon community with publicity to try to get Grace home, including flyers, local media appeals, door-to-door campaigns and social media posts on Facebook. After a massive co-ordinated search effort set up by BC SPCA staff, Grace’s activity was tracked. “We knew she kept returning to one specific location. We worked with the homeowners, who were fantastic and worked with us every step of the way—even activating a security surveillance camera—and were able to set up a feed, water and shelter station, placing bedding from her sibling in the shelter,” Pugh said. “As soon as we had


YOUNG and timid, little Lab-cross Grace spent three weeks out in the cold, too shy to come in to shelter. “We couldn’t have asked for a happier ending to what could have been a very tragic story,” said BC SPCA Kelowna branch manager Suzanne Pugh.

video footage confirming it was Grace and not a wild animal eating the food, we were able to set up a humane trap Thursday (Dec. 12) morning.” Late Thursday night, Pugh received a call from the homeowners saying the trap had worked,

and Grace was taken to Fairfield Animal Hospital, where staff were expecting the lovable escape artist. After a thorough examination, they found Grace to be in incredible shape, given the time she had spent out on the


Grace’s story noticed. “We couldn’t have asked for a happier ending to what could have been a very tragic story,” she says. “It was truly the entire community’s efforts that got our Grace home, safe and warm and happy.”

What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?

Ioannis (John) Choriatis


streets in such weather conditions. Pugh is thankful to BC SPCA staff and volunteers, to the residents of the Vernon and District community, to the area’s dog control agency and to the media for all of their help in getting

Ken Goodwin




How are Custom Foot Orthotics (CFOs) different from orthotics purchased Over-The-Counter (OTC)?

CFOs can only be considered custom if your feet were physically casted with plaster, inserted into a foam box, or scanned electronically. CFOs are also known as functional foot orthotics because they aim to improve and correct your unique biomechanics during walking or running. This is accomplished with a rigid plastic polymer or graphite device. They can also be calibrated to your weight and shoe size. Conversely, OTC orthotics are pre-made devices made with material varying from plastic to cork to foam and designed to be accommodating – minimizing changes to your foot function while providing comfort and protection. They can be a worthwhile, inexpensive investment for those needing less correction. While CFOs are well known to help pronators with flat feet in need of greater arch support, they have also been proven to treat heel and forefoot pain of various causes. By distributing pressure more evenly through the bottom of your foot they can also decrease the likelihood of calluses, nerve pain, and diabetic foot ulcers. Numerous modifications of different materials can also be added to different areas of CFOs to treat corresponding foot ailments.

25-1710 Ellis St., Kelowna, BC 778-484-2284


What is the difference between I.P.L. (PhotoLaser) and Laser?

I.P.L. (PhotoLaser) and Laser are both a light source. I.P.L. directs a broad spectrum high Intensity Pulse of Light on the skin. Laser is far more invasive, it is a calibrated laser beam set on a narrower specific wavelength. I.P.L. operates on a wider range of wavelengths; it is an advance over laser light. With the Anthélia PhotoLaser treating skin problems and unwanted hair from the darkest to the whitest on any skin color is possible. One I.P.L. machine can treat more than one condition, using special filters to remove unwanted wavelengths and keep those required for specific concerns such as: pigmentary spots, vascular lesions, skin rejuvenation and permanent hair removal. Laser works on a narrow wavelength range, which means one machine may be able to only address one specific concern.


We are choosing tiles for several renovations and were told that not all tile is the same and needs to be rated for specific areas?

PART 1 -The body of a tile is produced to meet a specific need or use. Although thickness is one gauge of strength, composition of the tile and the temperature and duration of firing also determine its strength. To help you determine whether the tile you are considering is appropriate for a particular location, check the tile’s rating, as determined by the Porcelain Enamel Institute. Hardness ratings are as follows: Class 5: Heavy Commercial: suitable for intense commercial and all residential Class 4: Commercial: suitable for medium commercial and all residential Class 3: Heavy Residential, Light Commercial; suitable for all residential, average abrasion Class 2: Residential: suitable for residential excluding kitchen, entryways, and stairs Class 1: Light Residential: barefoot traffic and traffic without abrasive dirt. Class 0: Wall tile only; not suitable for floors Watch for Part 2 – Testing tiles for abrasion and slip resistance in a later issue

778-480-0123 10836 Sherman Drive, Lake Country • 778-363-0533 • 250-766-0535

43.High cards 21.In the distance 44.Persian ruler 22.Secret 45.Home for language bees 23.Quiet down 47.Single bills 25.Gnaw away 50.Suffer 27.Provoker 51.Leatherworker’s 29.Like the Gobi tool 30.Keep 52.Luau welcome 31.She-sheep 34.Be worthy of 53.Directed The Central Okajects were funded from a Mission Society. nagan Foundation traditional canoe project 12. Lake Country “Our community (COF) recently awardto a mental health preOpen Air Performances granting program ened $166,578 in grants to vention and promotion Society ables us to respond to Copyright ©e 2013, Penny 13. PressOkanagan 24 local charities as part program for youth. Th current needs in the of their fall grants cycle, successful grant recipiCrimeStoppers Society community as well as 57.Storage 28.Set free ACROSS indlucing a grant to the ents were: 14. Okanagan Small making a lasting impact.” building Persian, e.g.Air 32.Classifieds Lake1.Country Open 1. Brain Trust Canada Dog Rescue Society said Bruce Davies, COF 58.Room 15. Okanagan Sym4. Golfers’ goals 33.Love deeply Performances Society. Association executive director. 8. of Summer One the COF’s 2. Canadian Mentaladditions phony Orchestra The COF’s commun35.Green main objectives is tokids as- 36.Employed Health Association59.Blow the16. Opera Kelowna ity granting program resort for ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO.places 690 twice per sist the community in 3. Central Okanagan Abilities takes ____ off17. Pathways 12.In times past again which we live to become Community Gardens Society year in October and May, 13.Away from vibrant and strong which 38.Energy 4. Central Okanagan 18. Project Literacy supporting charities that DOWN the wind demonstrates the com- 40.Bowling-alley Land Trust Kelowna Society directly benefit Cen1. Baseball19. Reach Out Youth 14.Deceiver munity building tip of 5. Centre Cultural tral Okanagan residents. button headgear 15.Pocket “sharing what you have”. Francophone de l’ OkaCounselling & Family Since its inception in 42.Poems 2. Vital statistic nagan Services Society 1977 the COF has disThe COF does this cutting tool 43.Not at sea by funding charities 6. Cool Arts Society 20. Society of Friends tributed over $6 million 3. 2,000 pounds 17.In the knowin with eight keyabout areas: The En- 46.Flirt 7. FarmFolk CityFolk of the Early Music to the community. 4. Sharp pain vironment, Arts & Cul- 48.Take Societyit on 21. The Kelowna Empowering gener5. Adjust 18.Humpty ture, Children, Youth 8. Kelowna Ballet So- and District Society for ations to give, the COF the ____ Dumpty, e.g. 6. Ump’sPeople in Motion & Family, Education, ciety (Ballet Kelowna) is committed to building 49.Precipitation relative 22. The Salvation 19.Sign on the Health & Community 9. Kelowna Communendowments, broad and lineWel- 54.Icicle’s 7. More Army dingy Services,____ Animal ity Musicspot School Society effective grant making fare,21.Long Heritage & Histor- 55.Horrid 10. Kelowna and8.Disand community leaderDress 23. Westside Comical, and Global Initiatrict Safety Council Somunity Food Bank Soship. Learn more: www. 24.Horse sound 56.Like Willie 9. “____ We Got CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS Dtives. ciety ciety centralokanaganfoundaUSE AMERICAN SPELLING Fun” 26.Discovered Winkie A broad range of pro11. Kelowna Gospel 24. Wild Neighbours

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Community Foundation plays Santa with financial grant totalling $166,578


9. Creative 10.Nourish 11.Roofing substances 17.Derive 19.Geek 22.Away 23.Health farm 24.Part of mph 25.Attached firmly 26.Brief sleep 28.“____ to Joy” 29.Elope 31.Madden

32.Zesty flavor 34.Football throw 35.Most impolite 37.Smells 38.Paul VI and John Paul II 39.China flaw 40.Cuckoo 41.Blockhead 42.Watcher 43.Bank (on) 44.Secure 46.Crow sound

Copyright © 2013, Penny Press

ACROSS 1. Offbeat 4. Papa’s lady 8. Confused 12.Feathered stole 13.Astounds 14.Field of study 15.“On My ____” 16.Woodworker 18.Trap 20.Corrosive substances 21.Fleecy mom 22.Lode loads 23.Masts 26.“The Flying ____” 27.Drag

30.Await judgment 31.Cauldron 32.Ocean cycle 33.Rainbow’s shape 34.____ rally 35.Competed 36.Swindle 38.Wordplay 39.Dimwits 41.Los Angeles nine 45.Star chart 47.Pro vote 48.Cake decorator 49.Imitates 50.Shoemaker’s helper

51.Seed holders 52.Sunset direction 53.Bread for pastrami

DOWN 1. Reed instrument 2. Pillow filler 3. Aykroyd and Rather 4. Long-tailed parrots 5. Conscious 6. Mother, in Dijon 7. Certain snake 8. Jitterbug


CoMMunity eVents Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date

•Lake Country Creekside ChurCh Community Christmas Eve Celebration, 6-7pm @ Creekside Theatre. Songs - stories - apple cider; family friendly! •Visit the Lake Country MuseuM and arChiVes at 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 1 to 4pm, and by appointment. Phone: 250-766-0111 or visit the website at •the oyaMa Fire Men and oyaMa branCh 189 oF the royaL Canadian Legion is sponsoring an annual Polar Dip again this year. Sign ups and pledges can be made at the Oyama Legion, 15710 Oyama Rd., Oyama. The proceeds of the pledges goes to the food bank or charity of your choice. •annuaL CoMMunity turkey ChristMas bingo Thurs., Dec. 19 at the Seniors’ Activity Centre, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Doors open at 6pm games start at 7pm. Concession open, lord and lady game, door prizes, raffle. All are welcome. •the oyaMa Legion branCh 189, royaL Canadian Legion, 15712 Oyama Rd., Saturday meat draw at 2pm will feature hams on Dec. 21. •hoLiday Park staFF are collecting food and toys for the Lakecountry Food Bank. Holiday Park is accepting donations of unwrapped toys, cash and non-perishable food for the Lake Country Food Bank. Please drop off any donations before Dec. 14, to 415 Commonwealth Rd. For information call (250) 766-4255. •toy driVe in the Creekside theater Dec. 21. Comedy, hypnosis stage show. Cost of admission for everyone in attendance is a new unwrapped toy for kids between 7 and 15 years of age. All the toys & donations will be donated to the Lake Country Food Assistance Society. Show starts at 7pm. For information please call: 250-766-5669. •Lake Country senior’s buFFet, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. We would like the Lake Country Senior’s Buffet also has frozen meals available for $5 and you can call 250-766-4220 to arrange for these and what is available. •the Lake Country Food bank has an URGENT need for men and women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all three days); must be physically fit enough to life a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •royaL LePage keLowna/Lake Country’s annuaL ChristMas wish tree, starts Nov. 12 through to Dec. 20. Bring a wrapped/unwrapped gift & help make a child’s Christmas wish come true! We also have a collection box in support of our local food bank. We are located in Lake Country Place Mall, please call Barb or Olivia 250-766-3300. •PriMe tiMe is a MusiCaL entertainMent eVent. It takes place every Monday from 1pm-3pm at the Lake Country Seniors Centre, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., Lake Country. Tea and coffee is served. There is no charge for this event. If you need transporation, the seniors’ bus is available. For more information call Jimmie at 250766-2513. Prime Time is sponsored by Lake Country Health Planning Society. •Cribbage. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize and enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks and goodies for only $2.50. For information call John 250-766-3026. •oPen MiC nights are open to any and all musicians and are held on the first Wednesday of every month from 6-8pm at the Lake Country Coffee House! Please come to play music or to enjoy the music while supporting our local musicians! •danCe For the heaLth oF it! Beginners line dancing on Mondays, 1:45pm at the Recreation Centre at Holiday Park. Toonie donation. Phone Mary at 766-4651. •royaL Canadian Legion 189 Ladies auXiLiary Notice of Cribbage Tournament on last Sunday of each month. Get your name on the list by phoning the Legion after 3pm. Registration is at 9am. Games begin at 10am sharp. $26 per team and lunch is included. •winFieLd united ChurCh thriFt shoP (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping and donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for information regarding appropriate donations. •the Lake Country Food bank wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-7660125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. •Lake Country thriFt store hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Rd., Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •beaVers/Cubs/sCouts/Venturers registration/agM Registration is ongoing for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. •oyaMa Legion branCh 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. •LC Line danCers Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •soCiaL bridge Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •the CounCiL oF senior CitiZens organiZations (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or ecbayer@ for further info. •LC outdoors CLub welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufficient for the weather. For more info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit www. All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.

for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Clara’s Big Ride to break mental 10 health 11 12 barriers 1 10

On her national bi“Our Community cycle tour through every Champions are an inprovince and terricredible group of Cantory, Canada’s six-time adians dedicated to helpOlympic cycling and ing achieve a stigma-free speed-skating medallist Canada,” said Clara. “I Clara Hughes will inwant to thank them for vite people into the mentheir passion and comtal health conversation mitment to growing the THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2013 and share her own story mental health conversaTSN CHBC CIVThealth CBC CHAN SNP KNOW of mental chal- KIRO Clara tion. ” KOMO A&E Hughes # $ % & _ ( ) * ` lenges. Clara’s Big Ride Events across the 1 The Doctors The View Bookaboo The Price Is The Doctors Sportsnet Poppy Cat The View Criminal :00 STIHL 14,Connected visit- Pajanimals for Bell” Let’s Talk2013 will Right ronto March country will ”be sup” Doodlebops ” Minds THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, :30 24 CH Anna Olson The12,000 Marilyn kilometres Heartland Young & Olson Sportsnet Polie by KOMO 4 ComCriminal :00 Darts ing 95Anna communities and Rolie span ported local ” Debt/Part Denis Show ” Restless Debt/Part Connected Thomas News Minds :30 TSN Noon CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNPon Dino KNOW KOMO A&E concluding in Ottawa over the course of 110 munity Champions, SportsNation News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News HockeyCenDan The Chew The First 48 :00 ” Hour ” Now& Bold_ Hour tral ) Making Stuff ” ” # $ days, beginning % ( * ` 1 :30 Canada Day, July 1. in Toskilled team builders Days of our UFC Dragon General After the :00 That’s Hcky Days of our The Social Republic of The Talk The Doctors The View Bookaboo The Price Is :00 STIHL That’s Hcky Lives ” Doyle ” :30 ” ” Doodlebops Right :30 24 CH Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a :00 Off Darts Anna Olson The Marilyn Heartland Young :00 ” ” Chris Deal & :30 Interruption ” Debt/Part Denis Show ” Restless :30 SportsCentre The Queen Bethenny Best Recipes ThisMinute :00 SportsNation Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2013ThisMinute :00 ” Latifah Show ” Stefano :30 Hour ” Now Bold :30 NHL ” & Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Judge Judy :00 That’s Hcky Young Days of our neres Social Republic of The Talk :00 Hockey: Restless Show Den Judy :30 TSN CHBC The CIVT CBC Judge KIRO Hcky Lives ” Doyle ” :30 That’s at News CTV News News KIRO News :00 Coyotes # $ % & _ Off Record Dr.Five Phil Steven and KIRO Let’s Make :00 Maple Leafs The Talk ” at News Newsa :30 Interruption ” ” Chris Deal :30 The Doctors The View Bookaboo The Price Is Global Nat. CTV News News KIRO News :00 STIHL” The Queen Best Recipes ThisMinute 24 CH ” News Bethenny Doodlebops RightNews CHBC ” Rick Mercer CBS :00 SportsCentre :30 ” Latifah Show The Marilyn ” Stefano ThisMinute :30 Anna Olson Heartland Young & Ent etalk George S Ent :00 Darts ” Debt/Part Denis Show Coronation ” Restless Young & Ellen DeGeDragons’ Judge Judy ET Canada Big Bang omg! Insider :00 NHL ” :30 Hockey: Restless neresNews Show CBC Den News JudgeNews Judy :30 SportsNation News KIRO Hcky Noon Johnny Reid CTV Big Bang The Santa Big Bang :00 That’s Hour ” Now Bold News ” CTV Men News News 3: KIRO News ” at Two Clause The Millers :00 Coyotes :30 Maple Leafs Movie: ” our Played at Five News KIRO News :30 That’s Hcky Days of The Social Republic of The Talk The Escape Crazy Ones :00 E:60 Lives ” Doyle ”News “The Polar Clause Two Men Nat. CTV News News KIRO :30 :00 That’s”Hcky Global SportsCentre CHBC News ” Rick Mercer CBS News Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make :30 Played The National Elementarya :00 SportsCentre Express” Chris ” S Deal ” ” ” Ent etalk ” George Ent :30 :00 Interruption ” ET Canada Big Bang Coronation omg! Insider The Queen Bethenny Best Recipes ThisMinute :30 CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News :00 SportsCentre Latifah Show ” Stefano ThisMinute ” Final CTV News George S Late Show The Santa Big Bang :30 :00 That’s Hcky Johnny Reid Big Bang ” ” Two Men Clause 3: The Millers NHL Young & Ellen DeGeDragons’ Judge Judy SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes Letterman :30 :00 Hockey: Restless neres Show Den Escape Ferguson Judge Ones Judy The Test Jimmy Fallon Coronation :30 Movie: Played The Crazy :00 E:60 ” NewsPolar CTV News News KIRO News ” at “The ” Clause Two Men :00 Coyotes :30 Maple Leafs ” at Five News KIRO News :30 Played The National Elementary :00 SportsCentre Express” Global” Nat. CTV News News ” KIRO ”News ” ” :00 :30 SportsCentre CHBC News ” Rick Mercer CBS News :30 SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News :00 ”” Ent etalk News George S S Ent Show :00 Final CTV George Late :30 ” ET Canada Big Bang Coronation omg! Insider :30 SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes Letterman :00 That’s”Hcky The Johnny Reid Jimmy Big Bang The Santa Big Bang :00 Test Fallon Coronation Ferguson :30 ” ” Two Men Clause 3: The Millers :30 E:60 Movie: Played The Escape Crazy Ones :00 ” “The Polar ” Clause Two Men :30 Played The National Elementary :00 SportsCentre Express” ” ” ” ” ” :30 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2013 CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News :00 SportsCentre ” Final CTV News George S Late Show :30 ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes :00 SportsCentre TSN CHBC Jimmy CIVT CBC Letterman KIRO ” The Test Fallon Coronation Ferguson :30

The Doctors Lives ” The Talk Anna Olson ” Debt/Part The Queen Noon News Latifah Show Hour Young & Days of our Restless Lives Early News The Talk Global Nat. ” The Doctors News Hour The Queen ” Latifah Show Anna Olson Ent Debt/Part Young & ET Canada Restless Noon News Johnny Reid Hour Early News ” Global Days ofNat. our Movie: Lives “The Polar News Hour ” The Talk Express” ” Ent ET Canada The Queen News Hour Latifah Final Johnny Show Reid

:00 10 :30 :00 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2013 11 :30 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 1 :30 :00 :00 10 2 :30 :30 :00 FRIDAY, 11 3 :30 DECEMBER 20, 2013 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 12 4 :30 :00 # $ % & _ 1 :30 5 :00 :00 10 :30 6 2 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 7 3 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 4 :30 :00 :00 :00 1 9 :30 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 2 :30 10 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 3 11 :30 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 4 :30 12 8 :30 :30 :00 :00 5 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 12 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2013 :00 11 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 12 :30 # $ % & _

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Sportscentre The Doctors The View Hockey ” ”



Sportsnet UFC Connected FOX Football Sportsnet Premier Connected League HockeyCenDarts tral World Poker UFC Tour UFC Hockey FOX Football NHL Premier Sportsnet Hockey: League Connected Vancouver Darts Sportsnet Canucks at Connected World Poker Dallas Stars Tour HockeyCen24/7 Red tral Hockey Wing NHL UFC Sportsnet UFC Hockey: Vancouver FOX Football Sportsnet Premier at Connected Canucks Dallas Stars League Hockey Darts Ski 24/7TV Red Wing World Poker Sportsnet Tour Connected Sportsnet

Poppy Cat Pajanimals Pajanimals Big Bear Rolie Polie PAW Patrol Thomas Clifford-Dog Dino Dan G. Shrinks Making Stuff Maya Bee Dragon Arthur Pajanimals Martha Big Bear Wild Kratts PAW Patrol Poppy Cat Waterfront Clifford-Dog Pajanimals Cities G. Shrinks Rolie Polie Park Thomas Maya Bee Our Part Arthur Dino Dan Christmas Making Martha Stuff Dinner Wild Kratts Dragon Movie: Pajanimals “Becoming Waterfront Cities Big Bear Santa” PAW Noel Patrol Noel Park Our Part Clifford-Dog Park G. Shrinks Our Part Christmas Dinner Maya Bee Becoming Arthur Santa Movie:

Hockey UFC NHL Sportsnet Hockey: Connected Vancouver Hockey Canucks at Ski TV Dallas Stars Sportsnet 24/7 Red Connected Wing

Martha “Becoming Wild Kratts Santa” Waterfront Noel Noel Cities Park ParkPart Our Our Part Becoming Christmas Santa Dinner

Movie: “The Polar

Sportsnet UFC

Movie: “Becoming

Express” ”

Sportsnet Connected

Santa” Noel Noel

News Hour Final

Hockey Ski TV

Park Our Part


”& Young ET Canada Restless The Test Movie: Early Polar News “The Global Nat. Express” News ”Hour ” News Hour Ent Final ET Canada ET Canada Johnny The TestReid ”


ET Canada The Test



Sportsnet Connected

The View Hospital ” The Doctors KOMO” 4 News The Dr. Oz The Chew Show ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital News The Doctors World News ” The View KOMO 4 The Dr. ” Oz News Show KOMO 4 Wheel News 4 KOMO Jeopardy! News The Chew Charlie News ” Brown World News General 20/20 Hospital ”4 KOMO News The Doctors ” Wheel” Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz News Show Jimmy Charlie Brown KOMO 4Live Kimmel News Nightline 20/20

Criminal First 48 Minds The First 48 Criminal ” Minds The First 48 The First 48 ” ” Duck D. After the Duck D. First 48 Duck The First 48 Dynasty ” Criminal Duck D. The First Minds Duck D. 48 ” Criminal Rodeo Girls MindsD. Duck ” Duck D. The First 48 Rodeo Girls Duck ” Dynasty After the Duck First 48 Dynasty Duck D. Duck D. The First Duck D. 48 ” Girls Duck D. Rodeo ” Girls The First 48 Rodeo ” Rodeo Girls ” Girls Duck D. Rodeo Duck D. ” Duck News ” Duck Dynasty World News Dynasty ” Duck D. KOMO” 4 Duck D. News Duck D. News Rodeo Girls Wheel Rodeo” Girls Jimmy Jeopardy! ” Kimmel Live Rodeo Girls Charlie Rodeo” Girls Nightline Brown ”

A Flintstones Odd Parents Christmas Sidekick Carol Jimmy A Flintstone Year Without Christmas a Santa Tis/ Smurfy Odd Parents C. Brown Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Sidekick Kung Fu Jimmy A Flintstones Santa Claus Year Without Christmas Brothers a Santa Carol Year Without A Santa Flintstone Odd Parents a Odd Parents Christmas A Flintstone Tis/ OddSmurfy Parents Christmas Kung Fu C. Brown Funny Home Odd Parents Videos Santa Claus Brothers Sidekick The Middle Jimmy Mr. Young Year Without a Santa Year Without Boys a Santa Splatalot A Flintstone



A&E 1

The Middle Mr. Young

CBC News ”

Boys Splatalot

The National Moonshiners The Arsenio ” ” Hall Show

A&E 1


Amer. Dad Movie:

Midsomer Murders

Saturday Night Live

Gypsy Sisters

“The Ring” ”

Scott & Bailey

Gypsy Wedding

” Movie:






” ” KING News Jay Leno

Airplane Repo

TMZ Sunny

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

“Righteous Kill”

” Film School

” Jimmy Fallon

How/Made How/Made

30 Rock Pain Free

19 Kids 19 Kids

Divorce Divorce

Sesame Street

Today cont’d


Family Feud Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes

Bookaboo Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

The Doctors Sportsnet ” Connected

Poppy Cat Pajanimals

The View ”

Storage Storage

Rated A for Sidekick

Rolie Polie Thomas

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

Kid vs. Kat Carole Odd Parents MacNeil

How/Made How/Made

Judge Alex Judge Alex

Daniel Tiger Super Why!

New Day Northwest

KNOW KOMO Dragon General * ` Pajanimals Hospital

Storage Storage

A&E The1 First 48 ”

SpongeBob! CBC News Tis/ Smurfy Now With

YTV Yogi6 Penguins

NEWS Reshmi Nair 7 ”

Fast N’ Loud ThisMinute ” ThisMinute

DISC ” 9 ”

KAYU Law; & Order: SVU

Say Yes Say Yes

TLC Say < Yes Say Yes

King King

WTBS Community A Community



Poppy Cat Big Bear Pajanimals PAW Patrol Rolie Polie Clifford-Dog Thomas G. Shrinks

Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage The First 48 Storage ”

Rated Dog forA for Sidekick Christmas Kid vs. Kat Abominable Odd Parents Christmas

CBC News Power & Now With Politics

How/Made Moonshiners How/Made ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made

30 Rock Family Feud Pain Free Family Feud Family Feud Steve Family Feud Harvey

19 Kids Say Yes 19 SayKids Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say

Divorce Seinfeld Divorce The Middle Judge Alex The Middle Judge Alex Mod Fam

SesameRose Charlie Street” Daniel Tiger Peg Plus Cat Super Why! Sid Science

Today Dr. Phil cont’d ” New Day Katie Northwest ”

Fast N’ Loud ThisMinute Daily Planet Bethenny ThisMinute ” ”

Say Yes Say Yes

KingBang Big KingBang Big

NOVA Wild Kratts ” WordGirl

KING DeGe5 Ellen News Show neres

” Canada’s Worst ”Driver How/Made Moonshiners How/Made ” How/Made Mighty Ships How/Made How/Made ” How/Made Fast N’ Loud Mayday Daily Planet ””” ” Moonshiners Canada’s ” Worst ”Driver Moonshiners Canada’s Moonshiners Worst ””Driver How/Made Mighty Ships Ships Mighty How/Made ”” Daily Planet Mayday Mayday ”” ” Canada’s Moonshiners Worst Driver ” Moonshiners Canada’s ” Worst Driver Mighty Ships Mighty” Ships ” Mayday ” Mayday ” Moonshiners

Community Browns Community Payne Divorce Browns Seinfeld Divorce Payne The Middle

A Chef’s Life Business Rick Steves World News Sesame PBS Charlie Rose Street” NewsHour

Days of KING 5 our Lives News Today Nightly Dr. Phil News cont’d ” News

Family Feud Big Bang Steve Family Feud Big Bang Harvey ThisMinute Bones Bethenny ThisMinute ”” Law & Happiness Is Simpsons Order:” SVU Two Men Family Feud News Two Men Family Feud Mod Mod Fam Fam Steve TheBang Arsenio Big Harvey Hall Show Big Bang Bethenny TMZ Bones” Rock City ” Simpsons Happiness Two Men Is ” Two Men News Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang The Arsenio Big Bang Hall Show Bones TMZ ” Rock City Is Happiness

Say Yes to SayDress Yes the 19 SayKids Yes to 19 Kids the Dress Say Yes Say Yes Yes Four Say Say Yes Weddings Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes to SayDress Yes the Say Yes Say Yes Four Say Yes to Say Yes Weddings the Dress Say Yes Yes to Say Say Yes Yes to SayDress the the Dress Say Say Yes Yes Four Say Yes Say Yes Weddings Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes to Say PaidYes Prog. the Dress Say Yes to Four the Dress Weddings Say Yes to Say Yes to the Dress the Dress Four Say Yes Weddings Say Yes Say Yes to the Dress Paid Prog. Paid Four Prog.

Judge Alex Mod Fam The Middle Judge Alex Seinfeld Mod Fam King Family Guy Big Bang King Family Guy Big Bang Community Amer. Dad Browns Community Movie: Payne Seinfeld “Rogue” Browns The Middle Payne” The Middle ” Mod Fam Mod Fam Movie: Seinfeld Big Bang “Almost Family Guy Big Bang Famous” Family Guy Browns Amer. Dad Payne Movie: Browns “Rogue” Payne ” Mod Fam ” Seinfeld Movie: Family Guy Family Guy “Almost Famous” Amer. Dad

Daniel Tiger Washington Peg Plus Cat Super Why! Charlie Rose Sid Science NOVA A Christmas Wild Kratts Carol:”The WordGirl A Chef’s Life Concert Business Rick Steves Craft WorldinNews Charlie Rose America PBS ” ArtZone NewsHour Peg Plus Cat Movie: Washington Sid Science “Rebel Charlie Rose Wild Kratts Without a A Christmas WordGirl Cause” Carol: The Business Concert World News Craft in PBS America NewsHour ArtZone Washington Movie: Charlie Rose “Rebel A Christmas Carol: The Without a Cause” Concert

New Day News Katie Northwest Evening ” KING 5 Dateline Ellen DeGeNews NBC neres Show Days of our Grimm KING 5 Lives ” News Dr. Phil Dracula Nightly” News News ” Katie KING News News ” Jay Leno Evening Ellen DeGe” Dateline neres JimmyShow Fallon NBC KING 5 Grimm News ” Nightly News Dracula News ” News KING News Evening Jay Leno Dateline NBC ” Jimmy Grimm Fallon

Anna Olson Debt/Part

Sportsnet Connected

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

HockeyCen- Dino Dan The Chew tral Making Stuff ”

The Social ” ThePhil View Dr. ””

Republic of Doyle Bookaboo Steven and Doodlebops Chris

CHAN Days of our ( Lives

SNP Dew) Tour ”

That’s Hcky Days of our ” Lives Sportscentre The Talk Doctors Off Record The Hockey ”” Interruption ” AnnaQueen Olson SportsCentre The ”” Debt/Part Latifah Show

The Talk ” The Price The Talk Doctors Sportsnet Let’s MakeIsa The ” Right Connected Deal ”” Fish TV Heartland Young & AnnaQueen Olson World Sportsnet Best Recipes ThisMinute The Poker ” Restless Debt/Part Connected Stefano ThisMinute Latifah Show Tour

The Marilyn Bethenny Denis ”Show

” Hockey ” NHL Pre

Noon News Young & Hour Restless

CTV News CBC News Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Now neres ”Show Den

KIRO News Judge Judy Bold Judy Judge

Noon News Young & Hour Restless

HockeyCen- Dino The Chew QMJHL MayaDan Bee KOMO 4 tral Making Hockey: Arthur Stuff News ”

Storage The First 48 Storage ”

That’s Hcky NHL ” Hockey: Sportscentre Canucks at Off Record Hockey Blackhawks Interruption

The Social CTV News at Five” The View CTV News Dr. Phil ””

The Talk KIRO News KIRO ”News The Price Isa KIRO News Let’s Make RightNews CBS Deal Young & Ent ThisMinute Restless omg! Insider ThisMinute KIRO IJudge LoveNews Lucy Judy Bold Christmas Judge Judy The Talk Hawaii FiveKIRO News ” 0 KIRO News Let’s Bloods Make a Blue KIRO News Deal ” CBS News ThisMinute KIRO News Ent ThisMinute Late omg!Show Insider Judge Judy Letterman IJudge Love Lucy Judy Ferguson Christmas KIRO News Hawaii FiveKIRO News 0 KIRO News Blue CBS Bloods News ” Ent KIRO News omg! Insider Late Show I Love Lucy Christmas Letterman Ferguson Hawaii Five-

Days of our Early News Lives Nat. Global The Doctors News Hour The Talk ””

That’s Hcky EA NHLSkills ” Challenge Hockey: Off Record SportsCentre Canucks at Interruption ” Blackhawks SportsCentre SportsCentre ”” ” SportsCentre Hockey SportsCentre ” NHL Pre SportsCentre ” NHL EA Skills Hockey: Challenge Canucks at SportsCentre Blackhawks ” ” SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre EA Skills

Days of our News Lives ” The Doctors Global Nat. The Talk CHBC”” News AnnaQueen Olson Ent The Debt/Part ET Canada Latifah Show Noon News Mr. Magoo’s Young & Hour Christmas Restless Days ofFiveour Hawaii News Lives 0 ” The Talk Bomb Girls Global” Nat. CHBC” News The Queen CHBC News Ent Latifah Show Final ET Canada Young & ET Canada Mr. Magoo’s Restless The Test Christmas News Hawaii” Five0 Global Nat. Bomb CHBC Girls News ” Ent CHBC News ET Canada Final Mr. Magoo’s Christmas ET Canada The Test Hawaii Five-

Dew Tour at Islanders ” Armada Sportsnet ” Connected ” Fish TV Sportsnet Sportsnet World Poker Connected Connected Tour HockeyCenQuest for QMJHL tral Cup the Hockey: Dew Tour FOX Football Islanders at ” NFL Game. Armada ” Sportsnet ” Fish TV Connected ” World Poker Hockey Sportsnet Tour Skiing Connected QMJHL ” Quest for Hockey: FOX Football the Cup Islanders at FOX Football Armada NFL Game. ” Sportsnet ” Connected Sportsnet Hockey Connected Skiing Quest for the Cup ” FOX FOX Football Football

The First ” Storage The First Storage ” Storage The First Storage ” Storage The First Storage ”” The First First The The First ””” The First First The The First ””” The The First First The First ”” ” The First First The The First ”” ” The First The First ” ” The First The First ” ” The First The First ” ” The First ” The First ” The First



Republic of News Doyle News Bookaboo News Steven and Doodlebops Rick Mercer Chris Heartland George S Best Recipes ” Coronation Stefano CBC News Movie: Dragons’ Now “Home Den Republic of Alone” News Doyle ” News Steven and The National News Chris ” Rick Mercer Best CBC Recipes News George S Stefano George S Coronation Dragons’ Backstage Movie: Den Coronation “Home News Alone” News ” News The Rick National Mercer ” George S CBC News Coronation George S Movie: “Home Backstage Coronation Alone” ”

AnnaQueen Olson Ent The Debt/Part ET Canada Latifah Show Noon News Mr. Magoo’s Young & Hour Christmas Restless Days ofFiveour Hawaii Early News Lives 0 Global Nat. The Talk Bomb Girls News ”Hour ”” The Queen News Hour Ent Latifah Show Final ET Canada Young & ET Canada Mr. Magoo’s Restless The Test Christmas Early News Hawaii FiveGlobal Nat. 0 News Hour Bomb ”Girls ” Ent News Hour ET Canada Final Mr. Magoo’s Christmas ET Canada The Test Hawaii Five-


KNOW KOMO General News * ` Hospital World News

Dragon Martha Pajanimals Wild Kratts Poppy Cat Park Big Bear Pajanimals Our Part PAW Patrol Rolie Polie Coast Clifford-Dog Thomas ” G. Shrinks Dino Murder MayaDan Bee Making Stuff Myster. Arthur Dragon The InspecMartha Pajanimals tor Lynley Wild Kratts Big Bear Mysteries Park PAWPart Patrol Our Our Part Clifford-Dog Architects of Coast G. Shrinks Change ” Maya Bee Murder Murder Arthur Myster. Myster. Martha The Wild InspecKratts tor Lynley Park Mysteries Our Part Our Part Coast Architects of ” Change Murder Myster. Murder Myster. The Inspec-


NFL Game.

tor Lynley

The National Blue Bloods ” ”

Bomb Girls ”

Sportsnet Connected

Mysteries Our Part

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hockey Skiing

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada The Test

Big Bang Backstage Jimmy Fallon Coronation



:00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2013 :00 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :30 # $ % & _ :00 2 :30 :00 :00 10 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2013 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 # $ % & _ 12 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 :00 1 10 :30 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 2 11 :30 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 3 12 :30 8 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 4 1 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 5 2 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 3 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 7 12 :30



Wind Rush ”

Changers Paid Prog.

Fishn Skiing Real Fishing Ski TV

Presidents Cup

Powerboat Driving TV

It Is Written Smile

FIS Alpine Skiing

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Powerboat Driving TV

Golf: Wendy’s

Noon News Hour

Holiday App Central

FIS Alpine Skiing

Courage in Sports

Three-Tour Challenge

Moves Simpsons

The Social ”

” FIS Snow-

College Basketball

Moves Simpsons

Surprise Sugar SickKids

boarding ” Wind Rush

” ” Changers

Foundation Movie: “A Very It Is Written Merry Smile MixUp” Holiday Michael App Central Bublé The Social SickKids CTV News ” Foundation ” Surprise It Is Written Movie: Sugar Smile “Pete’s Movie: Holiday Christmas” “A Very App Central ” Merry MixThe Social Movie: Up” ” “Anything Michael Surprise but Bublé Sugar Christmas”

” The National HNIC FIS Alpine NHL Skiing Hockey: FIS Alpine Detroit Skiing Red Wings at ” Wind Rush Toronto FIS SnowMaple”Leafs boarding FIS Alpine NHL Skiing” Hockey: The National FIS Alpine Blues at HNIC Skiing Oilers NHL ” ” Hockey: FIS SnowHNIC After Detroit Red boarding Hours Wings at News ” Toronto The National NHL Hockey Maple Leafs HNIC ” NHL ” Hockey: ”

Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. All InProg. Paid Sports Stars Courage in KIRO SportsNews KIRO News College Changers CBS News Basketball Paid KIROProg. News ” Paid Prog. Steve ”Raible Paid Prog. omg! Insider Paid Prog. Courage in Two Men Paid Prog. Sports Two Men All In College Hawaii FiveSports Stars Basketball 0 KIRO ”News 48 Hours KIRO ”News ” CBS Prog. News Paid KIRO News KIROProg. News Paid EntertainAll In Steve Raible ment ’Night Sports Stars omg! Insider Paid Prog.

The KOMO 4 The View Doctors News ”” KOMO Wheel The Dr.4Oz News Jeopardy! Show The Chew Shark Tank KOMO 4 ” News ” General Shark Tank News Hospital World ”News The Doctors 20/20 KOMO” 4 News ” The Dr. Oz News Wheel Show Jimmy Jeopardy! KOMO 4Live Kimmel Shark News Tank Nightline ” News Shark World Tank News ” KOMO 4 20/20 News ” Wheel News Jeopardy! Jimmy Shark Tank ” Live Kimmel Nightline Shark Tank

A&E 1 48 48

48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

Carole” MacNeil ” SpongeBob! CBC News Santa Claus Lang & Tis/ Smurfy O’Leary Now With Brothers


Yogi ComSanta Penguins ing to Town Rated Movie: Dog forA for Sidekick “Home Christmas Kid vs. Kat Alone” Abominable Odd Parents ” Christmas SpongeBob! Movie: Santa Claus Tis/ ISmurfy “All Want Brothers Yogi Is Santa ComPenguins Christmas” ing to Town Dog for SpongeBob Movie: Christmas Mr. Young “Home Abominable Boys Alone” Christmas Splatalot ” Santa Claus Home Alone Movie: Brothers ” “All I Want Santa ComIs ing to Town Christmas” Movie: SpongeBob “Home Mr. Young Alone” Boys ” Splatalot Movie: “All I Want Home Alone ” Is


Reshmi Nair CBC News ” CBC News The National Power & Now With ” Politics Carole CBC News ” MacNeil ” CBC News The LangNational & Now With ” O’Leary Reshmi Nair The National CBC News ””” PowerNews & CBC The National Politics ”” ” The National CBC News ”” ” Lang & & Lang The National O’Leary O’Leary ” CBC News The National ” ” The National CBC News ” ” CBC News The National ” ” The National ” Lang & O’Leary The National


Law & Simpsons Order: SVU Two Men 30 Rock Two Men Family Feud Pain Fam Free Mod Family Feud


The First 48 ”

SpongeBob Mr. Young

CBC News ”

Architects of News Change Jimmy

The First 48 ”

Boys Splatalot

The National Mighty Ships The Arsenio ” ” Hall Show





Canada’s News Worst Driver Mod Fam





KCTS News KING A Chef’s of our N Life DaysP Rick Steves Lives





Craft in

Say Yes to the Dress

“Rogue” ”

America ArtZone

Dracula ”

Movie: “Rebel

KING News Jay Leno

Say Yes Say Yes


Kimmel Live The First 48 Nightline ”

Home Alone Lang & ” O’Leary

Mayday ”

TMZ Rock City

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

” Movie:


“Almost Famous”



Without a Cause”

” Jimmy Fallon

Born-Explore Rodeo Girls Sea Rescue ”

Fairly Odd Abominable

CBC News CBC News

Mayday ”

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Bakery Boss Hachi: A ” Dog’s Tale

Thomas & Friends

Gardening English

World Poker Marco Polo Tour Wild Kratts

Wildlife Docs Rodeo Girls Exped. Wild ”

Christmas Ice Age

Now With Christine

Jungle Gold ”

Kids News Old House

Bakery Boss Movie: ” “Monster-in-

KCTS 9 Cooks: Just

Premier League

Noon News Hour

English Premier

Animals Animals

Paid Prog. College

Bad Ink Bad Ink

Kung Fu Very Pink


Don’t Drive Here

Stop Pain SMART

Bigger & Batter

Desserts ”

CHAN ( Simpsons

League Soccer

SNP ) Skiing

Parks Parks

KNOW Football: KOMO Royal Purple * of Las ` Frontiers Vegas

Bad Ink Bad Ink

A&E The1

Santa Coming to Town

YTV 6 Movie:

” NEWS ” The7 National

Canada’s Glee Worst Driver ”

DISC KAYU 9 ; Moonshiners Glee

Bakery Boss Something’s ” Gotta Give

Simpsons Fishn Real Fishing Movie: “Night at Powerboat the Driving TV Museum” Noon News Hour ” Global Nat. Moves Fishn News Hour Simpsons Real Fishing ” Simpsons Powerboat 16x9 Simpsons Driving ” TV Movie: Noon Movie:News “Night Hour at “Dear the Moves Santa” Museum” Simpsons ” ” Simpsons Bomb Girls Global Nat. Simpsons ” News Hour Movie: News Final ”at “Night Saturday

Skiing” Ski TV Sportsnet Connected World Poker NBA Tour Action NBA English Basketball: Premier Rockets at League Skiing Pistons Soccer Ski TV” Skiing World Poker Sportsnet Tour ” Connected Sportsnet English Skiing Connected Premier ” NBA Action League Saturday NBA Soccer Night Poker: Basketball: Skiing Sportsnet Rockets ” at Connected Pistons Sportsnet Snowbrd ” Connected Ski TV NBA Action Sportsnet Sportsnet NBA Connected Connected

Construction Maya Bee Jack Waterfront Cities Marco Polo Vampires Wild Krattsin Venice Animals Christmas Animals Dinner Parks Maya for Bee Hope Parks Jack Wildlife Frontiers of Marco Polo Stress: PorConstruction Wild Kratts trait of-Killer Waterfront Animals Heartbeat Cities Animals ” Vampires in Parks Venice” Parks Midsomer Christmas Frontiers of Murders Dinner Construction ”

Shawshank Rodeo Girls ” Redemption ” Rodeo Girls ” ” Bad Ink Bonnie Bad Ink& Clyde Bad Ink Rodeo” Girls Bad Ink ”” The Rodeo Girls Bonnie & Shawshank Clyde ” Redemption Bad Ink ”” Bad Ink ” ” Bad Ink Bonnie ” & Bad Ink Clyde Bonnie The ” & Clyde Shawshank ”

“Casper’s Fairly Odd Abominable Haunted Christmas” Christmas Rudolph, Ice Age the Reindeer Kung Fu The VeryNaughty Pink List Santa ComFairly Odd Frosty ing to Town Abominable Frosty Movie: Christmas The Legend “Casper’s Ice Age the of Frosty Haunted Kung Fu Snowman Christmas” Very Pink Movie: Rudolph, the Santa Com“Fred Reindeer ing to Town Claus” The Naughty Movie: ” List “Casper’s ”

IssueNews CBC CBC News The National Mansbridge Now With Doc Zone Christine ” Birak the fifth ” estate ” CBC News The National ” CBC News Marketplace The National Now With The PassionIssue Christine ate Eye The National Birak Doc Zone Mansbridge ”” Doc Zone ” The National ” ” Mansbridge the fth ThefiPassionNational The estate Issue ate Eye

” Mayday ” Moonshiners ” Jungle Gold Moonshiners ” ” Don’t Drive Moonshiners Here ” Canada’s Mayday Canada’s Worst Driver ” Worst Driver Moonshiners Jungle Gold Moonshiners ” ”” Moonshiners Don’t Drive Moonshiners Here ”” Moonshiners Canada’s Moonshiners Worst ””Driver Moonshiners Moonshiners ” ”

” Boss Bakery ” Christmas Light Bakery Boss My Crazy ” Obsession Bigger & Here BatterComes Honey Bakery Boss Bakery Boss Long Island ”” Medium Customer Is Bakery Boss Medium ”” Cake Boss Christmas Bigger & Here Comes Light Batter Honey My Crazy Bakery Boss Long Island Obsession ” Medium Here Comes Customer Medium Is Honey” Cake Boss


the 16x9 Night Live Museum” ””


Maya Bee Jack

A&E 1


” Murder FOX Football Myster.

SEC Storied Fishn SickKids cont’d Real Fishing Foundation

The View The Doctors ”” KOMO The Dr.4Oz News Show

CBC News Now With


Gypsy Wedding


Year Without Lang & a Santa O’Leary

Young & Restless

CTV News Movie: News ” “A Very CTV News Merry MixMovie: Mistletoe Up” “Pete’s Over


News Mod Fam

Ellen DeGe”” neres Show Jimmy Fallon Saturday KING Live 5 Night News ” Nightly” News News KING News News Jay Leno Evening ” The Sing-Off Jimmy Fallon ”


Today Lives cont’d Dr. Phil New Day ” Northwest Katie KING ”5 News Ellen DeGeDays of our neres Show Lives KING 5 Dr. Phil News ” Today News Nightly Katie cont’d News ” New Day News Northwest Ellen DeGeEvening neres Show KING 5 The Sing-Off News KING ”5 News Days of our Saturday Lives Night Live Nightly News News Dr. Phil ” News ” Evening Katie KING News ” Jay The Leno Sing-Off

Rodeo Girls ”

CBC News Now

” Simpsons ” Simpsons SEC Storied Fishn cont’d Real Fishing SportsCentre Movie: ” “Night at Presidents Powerboat the Cup ” Driving TV ” Museum” Golf: Noon News 2013 World Hour ” Wendy’s Series of CHBC News Three-Tour Moves SEC Storied Global Fishn Nat. Poker: Challenge Simpsons cont’d Real Fishing Final Table CHBC News ” Simpsons Presidents Powerboat SportsCentre 16x9 Simpsons Cup ”” Driving ” TV SportsCentre Movie: Golf: ” Noon Movie:News ” “Night Wendy’s Hour at Ringside: “Dear ” the Three-Tour Moves Top 10” Santa” Museum” Challenge Simpsons ” ” 2013 World ” ” Simpsons SportsCentre Bomb Girls Series” of CHBC News Simpsons ” ” Poker: Global Nat. SportsCentre News Movie: SportsCentre Final Final Table CHBC at News ”” “Night Saturday ” the SportsCentre 16x9 SportsCentre Night Live ” Museum” SportsCentre ””


” ”

” ”

Family Guy Big Bang “Righteous Big Bang Kill” Amer. Dad Browns Movie: Payne “The Ring” Browns ” Payne ” Mod Fam Movie: Seinfeld “Righteous Family Guy Kill” Family Guy

Sesame Joy/Painting Street Charlie Rose Daniel” Tiger Super Why! Peg Plus Cat The Queen’s Sid Science Palaces Wild Kratts Moveable WordGirl Joy/Painting Business CharlieNews Rose World ” Sesame PBS Peg Plus Cat Street NewsHour Sid Science Daniel Tiger European Super Why! Wild Kratts Danube WordGirl The Queen’s Foyle’s War Palaces Business ” World News Moveable Midsomer Joy/Painting Murders PBS NewsHour Charlie Scott & Rose ” Bailey European Danube Peg Plus Cat Vera Sid Science ” Foyle’s War Wild Kratts ”” WordGirl Film School Midsomer Business Murders World News Scott & PBS Bailey NewsHour Vera European ” Danube ” Foyle’s War Film School ”


Divorce Community Divorce Seinfeld Judge Alex The Middle Judge Alex The Middle King Mod Fam King Big Bang Community Big Bang Community Browns Seinfeld Payne The Middle Divorce Browns The Middle Divorce Payne Mod Fam Judge Alex Mod Fam Judge Alex Big Bang Seinfeld Big Bang King Family Guy King BrownsGuy Family Payne Community Amer. Dad Community Movie: Browns Payne Seinfeld “The Ring” The Middle ” Mod Fam Seinfeld The Middle ” Mod Fam Movie: Family Guy

Live KNOW Kimmel KOMO Nightline * `

Becoming Santa

Heartland ”

SportsCentre ET Canada SportsCentre The Test


Rodeo Girls ”

CTV News ”

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News


Duck D. Duck D.

The Marilyn Denis Show


19 Kids and Wedding Counting Gypsy My Big Fat Wedding Gypsy Wed. Gypsy Gypsy Wedding Wedding Gypsy Gypsy Wedding Wedding Gypsy Gypsy Sisters Wedding 19 Kids and Gypsy Gypsy Counting Sisters Wedding My Big Fat Gypsy Gypsy Wed. Wedding Wedding Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Sisters Sisters Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Sisters Gypsy Wedding Sisters Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Sisters Gypsy Paid Prog. Wedding Paid Prog. Gypsy Fast N’ Gypsy ” Loud Simpsons ” Wedding ” Two Men Sisters ” News Gypsy Two Men Gypsy ” Mod Fam Sisters ” Mod Fam Sisters Moonshiners The Arsenio Gypsy Moonshiners Big Bang Gypsy ” Hall Show Wedding ” Big Bang Wedding Airplane TMZ Paid Prog. How/Made The X Factor Paid Gypsy Repo Sunny Prog. How/Made ” Sisters

” ” News Jimmy

Noon News Hour

Blue Bloods ”


30 Rock Order: SVU Paid Prog. Family Feud Family Family Feud Feud Family Feud Steve ThisMinute Harvey ThisMinute Bethenny Law &” Order: SVU Simpsons Family Feud Two Men Family Feud 30 Rock Two Men Steve Paid Fam Prog. Mod Harvey Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Bethenny Big Bang ” ThisMinute The X Factor ThisMinute Simpsons ” Two Law Men &” Order: ” SVU Two Men Mod Family Feud NewsFam Family Feud Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang Steve The Arsenio Harvey Hall Show The X Factor ” Bethenny TMZ Sunny””

Funny Home The National Fast N’ Loud Videos ” ”

Anna Olson Debt/Part

SportsCentre Bomb Girls ” ”


How/Made ” How/Made Porter Ridge Don’t Drive Auction Here How/Made Pure Evel How/Made American Daily Planet Moonshiners ” ” Fast N’ Loud Porter”Ridge Auction How/Made ” How/Made ” How/Made Don’t Drive Moonshiners Here Planet Daily ” ” Pure Evel How/Made American Fast N’ Loud How/Made ” Loud Moonshiners Fast N’ ”” Porter””Ridge Auction ” Moonshiners ” How/Made Moonshiners How/Made ” How/Made How/Made Daily Planet Airplane ” Loud Repo Fast N’

Duck Dynasty

” ”

The Marilyn Holiday Bethenny Denis Big Bang ”Show CTV Movie: Ellen News DeGe“Catch”Show a neres The Social Christmas CTV News ” Star” at Five Dr. Phil Blue Bloods CTV News ””” Bethenny News-Lisa Holiday ” CTV News Big Bang Ellen DeGeBig Bang Movie: neres JimmyShow Fallon “Catch a CTV News Christmas at Five Star” CTV News Blue Bloods ” ” Holiday News-Lisa Big Bang CTV News Movie: “Catch a Big Bang Jimmy Fallon Christmas

CBC News ” Now With Power & Carole Politics MacNeil ” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Reshmi Nair O’Leary ” CBC News Power”& Politics CBCNational News The ” Now With ” Carole CBC News MacNeil Lang & ” O’Leary CBC News The National Now CBC With News ” ” Nair Reshmi The National ” The National ” Power & CBC News Politics ” CBC News ” The National ” The National Christmas ” Odd Parents Year Without Lang & Odd Parents a Santa Funny Home O’Leary The National Odd Parents CBC News Videos ” Kung Fu ” The Middle CBC News Santa Claus The National Mr. Young ” Brothers ” Boys The National Year Without CBC News Splatalot ” a Santa ” Year Without Lang & A Santa Flintstone O’Leary The National a Christmas ”

” ”

”” SportsCentre ”” SportsCentre ”” Hockey ”” NHL Pre

who are knowledgeable and Candace Giesbrecht. ma in their own comabout their local mental Clara’s Big Ride for munities. health community. Each Bell Let’s Talk will also Clara also unveiled Community Champion engage with Canadian her Clara’s Big Ride Jerwill engage their comyouth, the next generasey she’ll wear during munities to build unique tion to carry the menher journey. The jersey and meaningful events tal health conversawill be available for purthat will directly benetion forward. At schools chase in early 2014 with fit local mental health ef- and youth organizations proceeds donated to Bell forts. The complete list of across the nation, young Let’s Talk partner Kids YTV NEWS DISCpeople KAYU TLC Community Champions will have the WTBS Help KCTS Phone. KING 6 7 9 ; < A N can be found at http:// opportunity to hear firstFollow the RideP across A Flintstones CBC News How/Made 30 Rock 19 Kids and Divorce Sesame Today nation Christmas Now With How/Made hand Paid from Prog. Clara, Counting Street at Facebook. cont’d Carol Don’t Drivein Family Feud My Big Fat disJudge Alex Daniel Tiger New Day com/BellLetsTalk or on big-ride. Carole the mental health A Flintstone MacNeil Here Family Feud Gypsy Wed. Judge Alex Super Why! Northwest YTV NEWS DISC ThisMinute KAYU TLC new WTBS KCTS KING Twitter @Bell_LetIn Kelowna and area and Gypsy develop Christmas CBC News Pure Evel cussion, King The at Queen’s KING 5 Tis/ 6 Smurfy Now7 With American ThisMinute Palaces News 9 ideas ; AsTalk. N P they are Shelagh Turner to fightWedding the< stig- King C. Brown Reshmi Nair Moonshiners Law & Gypsy Community Moveable Days of our

Bowl -Born-Explore Sea Rescue Fresno State vs. USC Wildlife Docs KOMO Exped. 4 Wild News Paid Prog. News College Stories Football: Born-Explore KOMOPurple 4 Royal Sea Rescue News Las Vegas Wildlife Docs Wheel Bowl -- Wild Exped. Jeopardy! Fresno State Paid Prog. DogUSC for vs. College Christmas KOMO 4 Football: Agents of News Purple Royal S.H.I.E.L.D. News Las Vegas Castle Stories Bowl -”

” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Bones ” Kids News Outd’r Old House Two Men Stop Pain How I Met SMART How I Met Glee Paid Prog. Mod Fam ” Paid Prog. Big Bang Glee Kids News Mod Fam ” Old Bang House Big Bones Stop Pain Almost ” SMART Human Outd’r Glee Bones Two Men ”” How I Met Glee News How I ”Met Wanted KOMO 4 ” Frosty Canada’s Mod Fam Fresno State Bonnie Redemption Haunted The National National Moonshiners Bones News & Boys The Moonshiners Animation News Frosty Marketplace Worst ”Driver Big Bang vs. USC ” Christmas” Mansbridge ” Castle Clyde Splatalot Issue ” Domination KOMO” 4 ”” & Rudolph, the Doc Zone Outd’r Wheel Bonnie The Legend The PassionMoonshiners Mod Fam Fred Claus The National Moonshiners The Arsenio NewsNotice Clyde ”” Reindeer ” TwoBang Men Jeopardy! of Frosty Eye ”” Big Burn ” the ate Mansbridge Hall Show


Hope for Waterfront Waterfront Wildlife Cities Cities Vampires in Stress: PorMidsomer Venice trait of-Killer Murders

A&E 1





Law” ”

TLC WTBS < Is A Customer ”


Long Island Christmas My Crazy Medium Light Obsession My Crazy Medium Paid Prog. Obsession Cake Boss Paid Prog.

Hachi:” A Dog’s Tale Community Community Movie: Family Guy “Monster-inFamily Guy Law” The Middle ” The Middle Something’s Hachi: A Movie:Give Gotta Dog’s TaleA “Disney’s ” Movie: Christmas ” “Monster-inCarol” Community Law” The Closer Community ”” Family Guy Something’s Movie: FamilyGive Guy Gotta “Lord of The Middle War” ” The Middle ””


Movie: Community ” “Disney’s A Community Movie: Family Guyof Christmas “The Sum Family Guy Carol” All Fears”

” KCTS ” N ” ” & Thomas Friends Test Kitchen Cook’s KCTS 9 Lidia’s Cooks:Italy Just Nick Stellino Desserts Antiques ” Roadshow ” Thomas & The Queen’s ” Friends Palaces ”9 KCTS The Spice ” Just Cooks: Trail Test Kitchen Desserts Jack Cook’s” Lemmon Lidia’s” Italy Movie: Nick Stellino ” “The Great Antiques Train ” Roadshow ” Robbery”


The Queen’s Test Kitchen Live From Palaces Cook’s Artists Den Lidia’s The Spice ACL- Italy Nick Stellino Trail Americana

Soccer Red Bull


Signature Series

Swimming ” Gardening

English Justin Time Tree Fu Tom Premier Exploration League Kids News Soccer KING 5 Red Bull News Signature Gardening Nightly News Series English KING News Swimming Premier Hate Hair? ” League Backroads Justin Time Soccer The Sing-Off Tree Fu Tom Red Bull ” Exploration Signature The Kids Blacklist News Series ” KING 5 Swimming Saturday News ” Night Live


NightlyTime News Justin KING News KINGFu News Tree Tom Saturday Exploration Hate Hair? Night Live Kids News Backroads ”

2 :30 # $ % & _ :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2013 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 7 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2013 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 10 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 11 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 12 :30 11 :00 :30 MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2013 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 :00 11 4 :30 MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2013 12 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 6 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 8 :30 10 :00 4 :00 :30 9 11 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :30 12 :00 :00 6 :30 :30 11 1 :00 :00 7 :30 12 2 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2013 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 10 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 11 :30 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2013 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 2 :30 :00 10 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 5 :30 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2013 :00 1 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 7 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & _ 3 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 10 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 1 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 2 8 :30 :00 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2013 3 9 :30 :00 4 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 10 # $ % & _ 5 :00 :30 11 :00 10 12 6 :30 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 12 :30 :00 5 :30 6 :00 :30 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30


SimpsonsWednesday, First Story Best Recipes All18, In 2013Simpsons Calendar December rLake Country :00 SportsCentre Hockey Block NFL Football Coronation NFL Block ” 2014 IIHF Football 24 CH Night Boxing NFL ” Football: ” New 2013 World England Series of Patriots at Poker Baltimore ” Hockey Ravens 2014 IIHF SportsCentre SportsCentre 24 CH” ” Boxing Football That’s Hcky Night ” SportsCentre NFL ” ” Football: 2013 World SportsCentre New of Series ” England Poker SportsCentre Patriots ”” at Baltimore SportsCentre Ravens ” SportsCentre Football Night ” That’s Hcky NFL SportsCentre Football: ” New SportsCentre England ” Patriots at SportsCentre Baltimore ” Ravens SportsCentre

Movie: Lorna Dueck “Jack and Joel Osteen Jill” Dr. Jeremiah ” Noon News CHBC News Hour Global Nat. Blow Down CHBC News ” Movie: Simpsons “The Simpsons Block Smurfs” Lorna Dueck Simpsons ” Movie: Joel Osteen Family Guy Dr. Jeremiah “Jack and Amer. Dad Jill” Noon BombNews Girls Hour ”” CHBC News Blow Down News Final Global Nat. Block ” CHBC News Simpsons Paid Prog. Movie: Simpsons Paid Prog. “The Simpsons Smurfs” Movie: ” “Jack and Family Guy Jill” Amer. Dad ” Bomb Girls CHBC News ” Global Nat. News Final CHBC News Block Movie: Paid Prog. “The Paid Prog. Smurfs” ”

” That’s Hcky

Family Guy Amer. Dad

SportsCentre Bomb Girls ” ”

Steele ” Corner Gas ” Gas Corner ” W5 ”” ” CTV News SportsCentre ” ” Movie: WorstSound “The Handyman NFL Football of Music” ” First Story ” Steele” ” ” Gas Corner ” Corner Gas ”” W5 ” ” ” SportsCentre News CTV News ” CTV News ” Worst The Movie: Handyman Mentalist “The Sound First Story of Music” Steele ” Corner Gas Corner” Gas ” W5 ”” ” CTV News News ” CTV News Movie: The “The Sound Mentalist of Music” ”

Vancouver Marketplace Snowman Our Snowman Vancouver Eloise at Land & Sea ChristmasMansbridge time Q With” Jian Ghomeshi Xmas Carol The Nature Frosty of Things Coronation National Marketplace Best Recipes Lampoon’s Vancouver Our Christmas Vancouver Snowman Vacation Snowman Land & Sea The National Eloise at Mansbridge ” ChristmasQ With Jian CBC News time Ghomeshi Movie: ” The Nature “Breakfast Xmas Carol of Things With Scot” Frosty Best Recipes National Vancouver Lampoon’s Snowman Christmas Snowman Vacation Eloise at The National Christmas” time CBC News ” Movie: Xmas Carol “Breakfast Frosty With Scot” National Lampoon’s

Changers Football: omg! Insider Regional Pets.TV Coverage KIRO News KIRO ”News ” CBS News KIRO ”News Paid Prog. 60 Minutes Paid Prog. ” Changers NFL The Good Football: All In Wife Changers Regional The Coverage omg! Insider Mentalist Pets.TV NCIS ” KIRO ”News ” KIRO News KIRO ”News CBS News Paid KIROProg. News KIRO News Paid Prog. Face/Nation 60 Minutes Changers Paid Prog. ” All In The Good Changers Wife omg! Insider The Pets.TV Mentalist KIRO News NCIS News KIRO ” CBS News KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News 60 Minutes Face/Nation ” Paid Prog. The Good Wife

” ”

Christmas Vacation

The Mentalist

” ”

The National NCIS ” ”

Movie: Lorna Dueck “Jack and Joel Osteen Jill” Dr. Jeremiah ” Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Blow Down ” ” Movie: Simpsons “The Simpsons Block Smurfs” Lorna Dueck Simpsons ” Movie: Joel Osteen Family Guy Dr. Jeremiah “Jack and Amer. Dad Jill” Noon BombNews Girls Hour ”” Global Nat. Blow Down News Final News Hour Block ” ” Simpsons Paid Prog. Movie: Simpsons Paid Prog. “The Simpsons Smurfs” Movie: ” “Jack and Family Guy Jill” Amer. Dad ” Bomb Girls Global Nat. ” News Hour News Final ” Block Movie: Paid Prog. “The Paid Prog. Smurfs” ”



” ICC Cricket ” Ski TV ” Skiing Hockey ” NHL FIS Alpine Hockey: Skiing Jets at NFL Football Canucks ” ” ” 24/7 Red ” ICC Cricket Wing Ski TV” Sportsnet Skiing ” Canucks TV ” Ski TV” Hockey FIS Alpine Sportsnet NHL Skiing Connected Hockey: NFL Football Oil Change Jets at” ” Canucks ” Saturday ” ” Night Poker: 24/7 Red ” Wing ” Sportsnet ” Canucks TV Hockey Ski TV NHL Sportsnet Hockey: Connected Jets at Oil Change Canucks ” ” Saturday 24/7 Red Night Poker: Wing Sportsnet



Hope for Wild Kratts Wildlife Little Prince The First Little Prince World War Marco Polo Victorian Dogs/Jobs Farm Dogs Park Rivers Our Part Rivers Journey to Park Europa Our Part Wild Kratts Foyle’s War Little HopePrince for ” Wildlife Little Prince ” Marco Polo The First Take Me World War Dogs/Jobs Silk Victorian Dogs ” Farm Rivers Stress: PorPark Rivers trait of-Killer Our Part Park Foyle’s War Journey to Our Part ” Europa Hope for Foyle’s War Wildlife ” The First World ”War Take Me Victorian Silk Farm ” Park Stress: PorOur Part trait of-Killer Journey to Foyle’s War Europa ” Foyle’s War ”


Family Guy Amer. Dad

Canucks TV Ski TV

” Take Me

CHAN ( News Final

Sportsnet Connected

SNP ) Oil Change


Bomb Girls ”

” ”

KNOW KOMO ” * ` Stress: Por- News ” ”


Duck D. The D. Duck Rainmaker Duck D. The D. Duck Shawshank Duck D. Redemption Duck D. ” Duck D. ” Duck D. ” Duck Duck D. Dynasty Duck D. The Duck D. Rainmaker Duck Duck D. D. Duck D. The Duck D. Shawshank Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Redemption Duck D. Duck D. ” Duck D. Duck D. Duck ” Duck D. ” Dynasty Duck D. Duck Duck D. D. Duck D. Duck Duck D. Dynasty Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Duck D. Duck Duck D. Dynasty Duck Duck D. Dynasty Duck D. Duck D. Duck D.

A&E 1


York” Rudolph, the Movie: Reindeer “Home Movie:3” Alone “Home ” Alone”” ” Movie: Movie: “Home “Home Alone 4” Alone ”2: Lost in New Rudolph, the SpongeBob Reindeer York” Japanizi Movie: Movie: Splatalot “Home “Home Babysitting Alone 3” Alone” Boys ”” Mr. Young ” Movie: Boys Movie: “Home Splatalot “Home Alone Home 2: Alone Alone Lost in4” New 4 ” York” SpongeBob Movie: Japanizi “Home Splatalot Alone 3” Babysitting ” Boys ” Mr. Young Movie: Boys “Home Splatalot Alone 4” Home Alone ” 4 SpongeBob Japanizi



Doc Zone CBC News ” CBC News the fifth Now With estate Christine The PassionBirak ate Eye ” The National ”” ” The Passion” ate Eye Marketplace CBC News The PassionCBC News Doc Zone ate Eye ” Now With The National Christine the fifth ” estate Birak The PassionThe Passion” ate Eye ate Eye ” The PassionThe National ” ate Eye ” ” The National The PassionMarketplace ” ate Eye Doc Zone The Passion” ate Eye the fifth The National estate ” The PassionTheEye Passionate ate Eye The National The Passion” ate Eye The PassionThe National ate Eye ” The Passionate Eye



Alaska: The Bering Sea Last Frontier Gold: Under Alaska: The Bering Sea Last Frontier Gold: Under Alaska: The Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska: The Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska: The Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Bering Sea Alaska: The Gold: Under Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Bering Sea Tickle Gold: Under Alaska: The Tickle Last Frontier Alaska: Tickle The Alaska: The Last Frontier Tickle Last Frontier Alaska: Tickle The Alaska: The Last Frontier Tickle Last Frontier Alaska: Tickle The Alaska: The Last Frontier Tickle Last Frontier Alaska: The Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska: The Tickle Last Frontier Tickle Alaska: The Tickle Last Frontier Tickle Alaska: The Tickle Last Frontier Tickle Alaska: The Tickle Last Frontier Tickle Alaska: The Last Frontier


Splatalot Babysitting

The National Tickle ” Tickle

Family Guy Animation

A&E 1 Duck

YTV 6 Boys

The Passion- Tickle ate Eye Tickle

NEWS DISC 9 The 7 Passion- Tickle

News Bones

Dynasty Criminal Duck MindsD. Duck D. Criminal Minds

Splatalot Fairly Odd Home Alone A Flintstones 4 Christmas Carol

ate Eye CBC News The NowNational With ” Carole MacNeil

Tickle Licence to Tickle Drill Tickle Licence to Drill Licence to Drill

News CTV News The View The ” Mentalist The Marilyn Denis Show

CBC News Movie: Bookaboo “Breakfast Doodlebops With Scot” Our Vancouver

NFL PrimeTime

Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News KIRO News Marketplace Bold

Noon News Hour

Premier League

Dino Dan The Chew Making Stuff ”

After the First 48

A Flintstone Christmas

CBC News Now With

That’s Hcky That’s Hcky

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Republic of Doyle

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Soccer ”

Dragon Pajanimals

General Hospital

The First 48 ”

Frosty Frosty

Reshmi Nair Licence to ” Drill

Off Record Interruption

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a Deal

Doctors Canucks Ski TV The Queen TV Party Poker Latifah” Show Bensinger Anna Olson ” Young & Saturday Debt/Part English Restless Night Poker: Noon News News Prime Premier Early Time Hour Nat. League Global Sports

Poppy Cat Clifford-Dog Pajanimals G. Shrinks Rolie Polie Maya Bee Thomas Arthur

The View Dr. Oz Show ” KOMO 4 News News

Days of our News Hour Lives ”

CHAN The Talk ( ”

SNP Oil Change ) ”

Red Carpet The View Castle” ” KOMO 4 News

KNOW KOMO Big Bear The Doctors * ` PAW Patrol ”


Boys Mr. Young

News Final Block The Doctors Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Anna Olson Debt/Part

” trait of-Killer Ski TV Poppy Cat Saturday War Party Poker Foyle’s Pajanimals Night Poker: ” ” Rolie Polie English Thomas


Seattle SMART Seahawks Two Men Paid Prog. 30 Rock Trout TV ThisMinute Livin’ Dream Stop Pain Two Men Paid Prog. Two Men NFL Big Bang Football: Burgers Arizona Amer. Dad Cardinals at SMART Simpsons Two Men Seattle Simpsons Seahawks 30 Rock Family Guy ThisMinute Paid Prog. Animation Trout TV Stop NewsPain Livin’Prog. Dream Paid Bones Two Men NFL ” Two Men Football: TMZ Big Bang Arizona ” Burgers at Cardinals Spokane Amer. Dad Seattle Simpsons Seahawks Simpsons Paid Prog. Family Guy Trout TV Animation Livin’ Dream News Two Men Bones Two Men ” Big Bang TMZ Burgers ” Amer. Dad Spokane Simpsons Simpsons

Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D.

SportsCentre ” Hockey SportsCentre ” ” ” World Junior

Hockey Doctors Bethenny The View SportsCentre The Queen ” Monday Latifah” Show ” Anna Olson The Marilyn Night ” Young & Ellen DeGeWorld Junior Restless Debt/Part Denis Show Show Countdown neres NFL ” Noon News CTV CTV News News News PrimeTime Hour ” NFL at Five”

KIRO News KIRO News Block The Price Is The Doctors Face/Nation Paid Prog. Right ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Young & Anna Olson Restless Debt/Part


Christmas Rescue ” Paid Prog. Cash Cab Paid Prog. Cash Cab Paid Prog. News Movie:News World “Christmas KOMO 4 Is Here News Again” Movie: CMA Sound “The Country Rescue of Music” Paid Prog. Christmas ” ” Paid Prog. ” Paid CashProg. Cab ” Cash Cab Movie:” News “Christmas ” World News Is Here News KOMO 4 Again” Red Carpet News CMA Castle Movie: Country ” “The Sound Christmas of Music” ” ” Cash Cab ” Cash Cab ” News World ”News ” KOMO 4 News News Red Carpet Movie: Castle “The Sound ” of Music” ”

A&E The First 48 1 ”

YTV NEWS Odd Parents Power & 6 7 Kung Fu Politics

DISC Licence to Drill9

Fairly Odd CBC News SpongeBob ” A Flintstones Now With SpongeBob ” Christmas Carole Victorious Lang & Carol MacNeil iCarly O’Leary

Licence to Drill




Masterpiece KING 5 Classic News

TLC < Long Island

Seinfeld Movie:

” KCTS ” N Front and

Dateline NBC

TMZ 30 Rock ” Stop Pain Spokane Family Feud Family Feud

Medium The Little Paid Prog. Couple Paid Prog. Little Couple Little Couple

Witch Divorce Mountain” Divorce There Yet? Judge Alex Judge Alex

ThisMinute ThisMinute

Little Couple King Little Couple King


KING 5 News

Law & Order: SVU

Little Couple Community Little Couple Community

Martha Rick Steves

Days of our

Today Katie cont’d ”

KAYU ; ”

KAYU Family Feud ; Family Feud

WTBS A “Race to

TLC WTBS Little Couple Seinfeld < Little Couple TheA Middle

KCTS Lives KING Charlie Rose Dr. Phil N P ” ”

” Almost SportsCentre Human

Movie: “The Twelve

Movie: “A

How I Met Broke Girl

Almost Human

League Soccer

Wartime Farm

Shrek/Halls Duck D. A Chipmunk Duck D.

Movie: “Christmas

The National Auction ” Auction

Almost Human

Bakery Boss Family Guy ” Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow

” That’s Hcky

Trees of Christmas”

Christmas Story”

Mike Mom

Sleepy Hollow

24/7 Red Wing

Carol Channing: Larger

The Great Christmas

With the Kranks”

The National Auction ” Auction

Sleepy Hollow

Best Funeral Amer. Dad Best Funeral Movie:

Christmas in Norway

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Russell Peters

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News-Lisa The View CTV News ” Daily Show The Marilyn Jimmy Fallon Denis Show

CBC News Bookaboo George S Doodlebops 22 Minutes Heartland Comedy ”

Hope for Poppy Cat Wildlife Pajanimals Carol ChanRolie Larger Polie ning: Mr. Moon

News The View Jimmy ” Kimmel Live KOMO 4 Nightline News

The Little ” Medium Divorce Couple Movie: Medium Divorce Peter Popoff “Drillbit Medium Judge Alex Paid Prog. Taylor” Medium Judge Alex

” Sesame POV Street Tavis Smiley Daniel Tiger Chef Super Why!

” ”

Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News KIRO News Marketplace Bold

Noon News Hour

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Republic of Doyle

Days of our Lives

Dr. Phil ” The View

Steven and Chris Bookaboo

Off Record The Talk Interruption ” Fishing-Flats The Doctors Lumberjacks The Queen ” SportsCentre ” Latifah Show PBA Bowling Anna Olson

The Talk ”

The Talk Ent ” ET Canada



Dragon Animals Pajanimals Animals Big Bear Hope for PAW Patrol Wildlife

The Queen Almost The Doctors Latifah Show Human ” Young & Sleepy Anna Olson Restless Hollow Debt/Part Early News Bomb Girls Noon News Global Nat. Hour ” News Hour News Hour Days of ” our Final Lives Ent ET Canada The Talk ET Canada The Test ” Almost The Queen Human Latifah Show Sleepy Young Hollow& Restless Bomb Girls Early News ” Global Nat. News Hour News Final Hour ” ET Canada The Test Ent ET Canada

Canucks TV League Ski TV Bensinger Soccer Party Poker Saturday 24/7 Red ” Night Poker: Wing English Prime Time Sportsnet Premier Sports Connected League Sportsnet Hockey Soccer Connected Canucks ” TV English Sportsnet Oil Change Premier Connected ” League Canucks Soccer TV Bensinger 24/7 Red Saturday Wing Night Poker: Sportsnet Prime Time Connected Sports Hockey Sportsnet Canucks TV Connected Sportsnet Connected English Premier

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News Hour The Doctors Final ” ET Canada Anna Olson The Test Debt/Part


Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ” The Price Is The Doctors ” Doodlebops Right ” Bethenny Best Recipes ThisMinute The Queen ” Stefano ThisMinute Latifah Show The Marilyn Heartland Young & Anna Olson ” Debt/Part Denis Show ” Restless Debt/Part 2014 IIHF Young & Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Judge Judy Young & World ”Junior Restless Show Den Judge Judy Restless Noon News neres CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News ” Hour ” Marketplace KIRO Bold News Early Hour News Sportscentre News CTV News News ” ” our The at Five News KIRO News Days GlobalofNat. Hockey Days of Social Republic of The Talk our That’s Hcky Lives ” Doyle ” Lives Top 100 Global Nat. CTV News News KIRO News News Hour Plays CHBC News Dr. Phil ” Snowman CBS ” Off Record The Talk Steven and Let’s News Make a The Talk Interruption ” Chris Deal ” Top 100 Ent Year’s ”Best Canadian Ent Ent Bloopers ET Canada Satisfaction Best Tenors omg! Insider The ET Canada SportsCentre The Queen Bethenny Recipes ThisMinute Queen ” Latifah Stefano ThisMinute Latifah 2014 IIHF The Elf Show on Movie:” Movie: NCIS The Elf Show on Fishing-Flats Doctors The View Bookaboo The Price Is The Doctors World Junior The Movie: “It’s a 2014 IIHF Young & Ellen DeGe- “Scrooge” Dragons’ Judge”Judy Movie: Young & Lumberjacks ” ” Doodlebops Right ” World Junior Restless neres Show Den Judge Judy Restless Sportscentre “Dr. Seuss’ Wonderful ” NCIS: Los “Dr. Seuss’ PBA Bowling Anna Olson The Heartland Young & Anna Olson ” How Life” Angeles How Sportscentre Newsthe CTVMarilyn News News ” KIRO News Earlythe News ”” Debt/Part Denis Show News ” Restless Debt/Part KIRO News Global Nat. Sportscentre Grinch” Stole at Five” The National Person of Grinch Stole ” Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon ” Christmas” ” Interest Top 100 Global Nat. CTV News News ” KIRO News Christmas” News News Hour ” Hour ”” Marketplace Bold Hour ” Plays CHBC News Snowman CBS News Top 100 CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News News Hour Hockey Days Social Republic The Talk Plays Final ”Best StroumbouA New York Days Final Top 100 Ent of our The Year’s Canadianof Ent Ent of our That’s Hcky Lives ” Doyle ” Lives Bloopers ET Canada Satisfaction Tenors omg! Insider ET Canada Top 100 ET Canada Daily Show lopoulos Christmas ET Canada Off Record The Dr. Phil Fallon Steven and Let’s 2014 IIHF Elf on Movie: Movie: NCISMake a The Elf on Bloopers The Talk Test Jimmy 22 Minutes TBA The Talk Test Interruption Chris Deal ” World Junior Movie:” “It’s a ” “Scrooge” Movie:” SportsCentre Queen Bethenny Best Recipes ThisMinute The Queen Sportscentre The “Dr. Seuss’ Wonderful ” NCIS: Los “Dr. Seuss’ ”” Latifah Show Life” ” Stefano ThisMinute Latifah Show How the ” Angeles How the

2014 IIHF Young Dragons’ Sportscentre Grinch& Stole Ellen DeGe” The National Judge PersonJudy of World ”Junior Restless neres ”Show Den ” Judge Judy Christmas” Interest Sportscentre News News Top 100 CHBC News CTV News-Lisa at Five” Plays ” Final ” NBA Top 100 100 Top Basketball: Bloopers Plays

News CBC News News Stroumbou-

KIRO KIRO News News KIRO A NewNews York


SNP Sportsnet Connected )

Hockey SportsnetTV Canucks Connected Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected


KNOW KOMO Than Life Light Fight Foncie’s ” * `

HockeyCen- Dino Dan The Chew tral Making Stuff ”


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Saturday Big Bear Night Poker: PAW Sportsnet PoppyPatrol Cat Connected Pajanimals World Poker Clifford-Dog Tour G. Shrinks Sportsnet Rolie Polie

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General Hospital

A&E 1

Duck D. Duck D.

A&E Duck D. Duck D. 1

Duck D. Criminal Duck D. Minds Duck D. Criminal Duck D. Minds

The First 48 ”

A&E 1

NEWS The National ” 7

King Browns King Payne

Licence to Auction Drill Auction Licence to Auction Drill Auction


Law Men & Two Order: SVU Mod Fam Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang


Little Couple Bakery Boss Little Couple ” Little Couple Best Funeral Little Funeral Couple Best

Community Browns Community Payne Seinfeld Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld


OttomansBusiness Christians World News Martha PBS Rick Steves NewsHour Charlie Rose Old House ” Antiques


Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News Dr. Phil News ” Evening

Licence to Auction to Licence Drill Auction Drill Auction Auction to Licence Auction Auction Drill Auction Auction Licence to Auction Auction Drill Auction Auction Licence Auction to Auction Drill Auction Auction to Licence Auction Auction Drill Auction Licence Auction to Drill Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction

Steve Almost 30 Rock Harvey Human Stop Pain Bethenny Sleepy Feud Family Hollow” Feud Family Simpsons News ThisMinute Two Men Mod Fam ThisMinute Two Men The Arsenio Law Mod & Fam Hall Show Order: SVU Big Bang TMZ Feud Family Big Bang Sunny Family Feud Almost Steve Human Harvey Sleepy Bethenny Hollow ” News Simpsons Mod Fam Two Men The Arsenio Two Hall Men Show Mod Fam TMZ Sunny Big Bang Big Bang

Little Couple Bakery Boss The Little Little Couple ” Couple The Little Best Funeral Little Couple Couple Best Funeral Little Couple Bigger & & Bigger Little Couple Batter Batter Little Couple Bakery Boss The Little Little Couple ” Couple Little Couple Best Funeral PeterCouple Popoff Little Best Funeral Paid Prog. Little Couple Bakery Boss Little Couple ” Little Couple Best Funeral The BestLittle Funeral Couple Bigger & Bigger Batter & Batter The Little Bakery Couple Boss ” Peter Popoff Paid Funeral Prog. Best Best Funeral

The Middle Family Guy Divorce Mod Fam Family Guy Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Alex Big Bang Movie: Judge Alex Browns “Domestic King Payne Disturbance” King Browns ” Community Payne Movie: Community Mod Fam “Drillbit Seinfeld Seinfeld Taylor” The Middle Family Guy The Middle Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Big Bang “Domestic Browns Disturbance” Payne ” Browns Movie: Payne “Drillbit Taylor” Mod Fam Seinfeld

Peg Plus Cat Antiques Sesame Sid Science Roadshow Street Wild Krattsin Christmas Daniel Tiger WordGirl Norway Super Why! Business Independent OttomansWorld News Lens Christians PBS ” Martha NewsHour POV Steves Rick Old House Tavis Smiley Charlie Rose Antiques Chef ” Antiques Peg Plus Cat Roadshow Sid Science Christmas in Wild Kratts Norway WordGirl Independent Business Lens World News ” PBS POV NewsHour Tavis Smiley ChefHouse Old Antiques

Katie The Sing-Off Today ” cont’d ” Ellen DeGe” New Day neres ”Show Northwest KING 5 Hollywood KING 5 News Night Game News Nightly News KINGof News Days News our Jay Leno Lives News ” Dr. Phil Evening Jimmy” Fallon The Sing-Off Katie ” ” ” Ellen DeGe” neres Show Hollywood KING 5 Game Night News KING News Nightly News Jay Leno News ” Jimmy Fallon News Evening

The Sing-Off ”

DISC Auction Auction 9

KAYU News Mod; Fam

Boys Odd Parents Splatalot Jimmy ChristmasLeague/Evil Krank SpongeBob

The National CBC News ” Now With Lang & Carole O’Leary MacNeil

Auction Don’t Drive Auction Here Auction Don’t Drive Auction Here

SpongeBob SpongeBob

CBC News Now With

Canada’s ThisMinute Worst Driver ThisMinute




The Arsenio 30 Rock Hall Show Paid Prog. TMZ Family Feud Sunny Family Feud



King King


Urban Nutcracker


” ”

KING Hollywood Game Night P

KING News Today Jay Leno cont’d ” New Day Jimmy Fallon Northwest KING 5 News


Seinfeld The Middle Divorce

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” Sesame Today ” Street With- Katie cont’d Xmas out China ” Daniel Tiger New Day

Here Family Feud Canada’s Bethenny Worst Driver ThisMinute ” Canada’s Worst Driver Simpsons ThisMinute Canada’s Worst Driver Two Men Canada’s Law & Worst Driver Order: SVU Canada’s Two Men Worst Driver Family Mod Fam Canada’s Feud Worst Driver Family Feud Canada’s Big Bang Worst Driver Big Bang Canada’s Steve Worst Driver Harvey Canada’s Dads Don’t Drive Rock Worst Driver 30 Brooklyn Canada’s Bethenny Here Paid Prog. Worst Rush Driver New Girl ” Silver Don’t Drive Family Feud ” Mindy Canada’s Simpsons Here Family Feud Worst Rush Driver News Two Men Silver Canada’s ThisMinute ” Mod Fam Canada’s Two Men Worst Driver Worst Rush Driver ThisMinute Mod Arsenio Fam Silver The Canada’s Law & ” Hall Show Canada’s Big Bang Worst SVU Worst Driver Driver Order: Big Bang Bering Sea TMZ Canada’s Family Canada’s Dads Feud Gold Sunny Worst Feud Worst Driver Driver Family Brooklyn

Medium Long Island Medium Medium Medium Long Island Medium Medium Medium Long Island Medium Long Island Medium Long Island Medium Medium Long Island Medium Medium Long Island Medium Medium Long Island Medium Medium Long Island Medium Medium Long Island Medium Medium Long Island Medium Medium Long Island Medium Medium Paid Prog. Medium LongProg. Island Paid Medium Medium Long Long Island Island Medium Medium

Judge Alex Big Bang Big KingBang King Browns Payne Community Community Browns Payne Seinfeld The Mod Middle Fam Seinfeld The Middle Mod Fam Family Guy Divorce Family Guy Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Alex Movie: Browns Judge Payne Alex “Drillbit King Taylor” Browns King Payne” Community Lara Croft: Mod Fam Community Seinfeld Tomb Raider Seinfeld Family” Guy The Middle Family Guy The Middle Amer. Dad Mod Fam Movie:

Super Why! Mr. Stink Urban” Nutcracker Business World News POV Danube PBS NewsHour Charlie Rose ” Outdoor Idaho Xmas Without China CmasSesame Belmont Mr. Stink Street ” Mormon Daniel ”Tiger Business Super World Why! News Frontline Urban PBS ” Nutcracker NewsHour ” POV ” Outdoor Danube Idaho Christmas in Charlie Cmas- Rose Norway ” Belmont

Northwest Ellen DeGeneres Show KING 5 News 5 KING News Days of our Lives Nightly News News Dr. Phil News ” Evening Katie Movie:” Today “It’s a DeGeEllen cont’d neres Show Wonderful New Life” KINGDay 5 Northwest News ” KING 5 Nightly” News News News News KING Days Evening Newsof our Lives Evening Midnight Dr. Phil Movie: Mass “It’s a ”

Xmas WithMormon out China ”

Katie Wonderful Life” ”

League/Evil Lang & Canada’s Zoink’d! The National Silver Rush Bethenny News Odd Parents O’Leary Worst ”Driver Mod Fam ” Japanizi ” YTV NEWS DISC KAYU

Long Long Island Island Medium Medium TLC

Big Bang “Drillbit Big Bang Taylor” WTBS

Mr. Stink Frontline ”” KCTS

Ellen DeGe” neres ”Show

Christmas Movie: Kimmel Live Storage Shipping News Day Parade Storage “Titanic” Nightline Shipping Giving

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NBA Wheel NBA Jeopardy!

Cont’d Shipping ” Shipping

Christmas Big Time Rush ”

RoadNews to the CBC Olympics ”

News ” World News General Hospital News Giving The Doctors Wheel” Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz Show The Grinch The View Movie: News ” Lights “Dr. Seuss’ KOMO 4 How Newsthe News World News Grinch Stole The Chew Christmas” News ” Giving News General Jimmy Wheel Hospital Jeopardy! Kimmel Live The The Doctors Grinch Nightline Movie:”

World Poker Clifford-Dog Dr. Oz The Top 50 Christmas in The “Dr. Seuss’ Tour G. Shrinks Show Plays London How the

Very Pink Power & Rescue Hero Politics Odd Parents CBC News Jimmy Now With Kid vs. Kat ” Penguins League/Evil Carole”

Medium Medium

Minds Storage Storage Criminal

Minds SpongeBob Storage League/Evil Storage Parents The First 48 Odd SpongeBob ” SpongeBob Storage Frosty Storage Odd Parents The First 48 SpongeBob! ” Kung Storage SantaFu ComStorage ing toPink Town The First 48 Very ” Rescue Shipping Big TimeHero Shipping Rush Storage Kid vs. Kat Storage Penguins Shipping Merry Criminal Odd Parents Shipping Christmas, Storage League/Evil Minds Jimmy Storage Odd Parents Storage Drake & Criminal League/Evil Storage Josh Frosty Minds SpongeBob Storage Odd Parents Storage Zoink’d! The First 48 SpongeBob Storage Japanizi Santa Com” SpongeBob Storage ing to Town Shipping Boys The First 48 SpongeBob! Shipping Splatalot Big Time ” Kung Shipping Rush Fu Shipping Merry The First 48 Very Pink Merry Shipping Christmas ” Rescue Hero Shipping Christmas, Storage Kid vs.& Kat Storage Drake Storage Penguins Storage Josh

A&E 1

Prime News CostasTime Martha Victorian News ) * ` Sports Gruffalo World News Greg Moore The Farm Jimmy

Storage Shipping 1 Storage Shipping


MacNeil Lang & O’Leary CBC News

Now With CBC News ” Nair Reshmi ” The National Power”& Politics CBC News ”” ” The National CBC News ” Lang & Now With O’Leary The National Carole ” CBC News MacNeil ” The National CBC News ” The National Now With ” The National Reshmi ” Nair CBC News ”” Lang & Power & The National O’Leary Politics” ” Canada’s The National Silver Rush Steve New Girl ”” Worst ”Driver Harvey Mindy




Medium Medium

WTBS Independent KCTS “Domestic Disturbance” LensN A

Canada’s Family Feud Medium Worst Driver Family Feud Medium Don’t Drive 30 Rock Medium Here Paid Prog. Medium Canada’s Steve Long Island Worst Driver Harvey Don’t Drive Family Feud Medium Medium

News Lights The Chew

The First 48 ” Criminal

TLC Bigger & Batter <


POV Danube

” The View ” Oz The Dr. Show KOMO 4

SpongeBob! Reshmi Nair Canada’s Law & Kung Fu ” Worst Driver Order: SVU


New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING 5 5 KING News News

Community Community


The Doctors etalk’s Stars News Disney Parks KIRO The Price Is News The Doctors Ironman Poppy Cat ET Canada Daily Show lopoulos Christmas ET Canada Best 20th Sports Hope Victorian Global Nat. CTV News News Hour Jays for ”News Jimmy & Scandals Christmas Right Triathlon Pajanimals The Test 22 Minutes TBA News The Test Quotes Ever Wildlife Farm CHBC ” Fallon Snowman CBS ”” Anniversary

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Sesame Peg Plus Cat Street Sid Science Daniel Tiger Wild Kratts Super Why! WordGirl

The First 48 ”

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Divorce The Middle Divorce Mod Fam Judge Alex Big Bang Judge Alex Big Bang

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The Little Little Couple Couple Little Couple Family Feud The LittleLittle Couple Bethenny Family” Feud Couple Little Couple ThisMinute Little Couple Simpsons Bigger & ThisMinute Little Couple Two Men Batter

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30 Rock Steve Stop Pain Harvey


KING 5 Center News Sesame Today Decade Bensinger Street of cont’d Discovery The 206 Daniel Tiger New Day Super Why! Northwest

Bethenny Movie: The View ” “The Twelve ” Ellen DeGeTrees of The Marilyn neres Show Christmas” Denis Show CTV News Russell CTV News at Five Peters ” CTV News News-Lisa The Social ” CTV News ” Katy Perry Daily Show Dr. Phil Satisfaction Jimmy” Fallon Movie: Bethenny “The Twelve ” Trees of Ellen DeGeChristmas” neres Show Russell CTV News Peters at Five News-Lisa CTV CTV News News ” Daily Show Jimmy Fallon Katy Perry Satisfaction

Dino Dan Martha Making Stuff Wild Kratts

Soccer Sportsnet ” Connected Oil Change English ” Premier


Breaking the The Closer Faith ” Long Island Medium

The Doctors Queen Almost The Latifah Show Human ” Young & Sleepy Anna Olson Restless Hollow Debt/Part News BombNews Girls Noon ” Hour ” Global Nat. CHBC Days ofNews our CHBC News Final Lives Ent ET Canada The Talk ET Canada The Test ” Almost The Queen Human Latifah Show Sleepy Young Hollow& Restless Bomb Girls News ” ” CHBC News Global Final Nat. CHBC News ET Canada The Test Ent ET Canada

Hockey That’s Hcky

Clifford-Dog Wartime Poppy Cat G. Shrinks Farm Pajanimals Maya Bee Carol Polie ChanRolie ArthurLarger ning: Thomas Martha Than Life Dino Dan Wild Kratts Foncie’s Making Stuff Animals Hope for Dragon Animals Wildlife Pajanimals Hope for Carol ChanBig Bear Wildlife ning: Patrol Larger PAW Wartime Clifford-Dog Farm G. Shrinks Carol ChanMaya Bee ning: Larger Arthur Than Life Martha Foncie’s Wild Kratts Hope for Animals Wildlife Animals Carol Channing: Larger Hope for Wildlife

Reshmi Nair The National ”” Power & CBC News Politics ” ” The National CBC News ”” Now With LangNational & The Carole O’Leary ” MacNeil CBC News The National CBC News ” ” Now With The National The National Reshmi ” Nair ”” CBC News Lang && Power ” O’Leary Politics The National ”” ” The National Lang & ” O’Leary The National CBC News ” ” The National The National ” ” Lang & O’Leary CBC News ”


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The Social CTV News ”” Dr. Phil Katy Perry ” Satisfaction

KIRO News The Price Late ShowIs Right Letterman Young & Ferguson Restless

CBC News News CBC Now With ”

Frosty Rudolph, the Frosty Reindeer Odd Parents Rudolph’s Kung Fu Shiny Year SpongeBob Movie:Odd Fairly SpongeBob “Christmas A Flintstones Victorious With the Christmas iCarly Kranks” Carol The Happy League/Evil A Flintstone Elf Young Mr. Christmas Rudolph, the Boys Frosty Reindeer Splatalot Frosty Rudolph’s ChristmasOdd Parents Shiny Year KrankFu Kung Movie: SpongeBob “Christmas SpongeBob With the Victorious Kranks” iCarly League/Evil The Happy Mr. Young Elf Boys Rudolph, Splatalot the Reindeer ChristmasKrank Rudolph’s Shiny Year


Eye on the Cyberchase 60s: Iconic McLaughlin Photography News Globe Moyers & Trekker Company Weekend Back to the Toolbox Garden Footsteps of Airplay: St. Paul Rise andScience Fall Sid Mr. Stink Cyberchase ”” Eye on the McLaughlin Masterpiece News 60s: Iconic Classic Photography Moyers ” & Globe Company ” Trekker Back to the Front and Weekend Garden Center Toolbox Airplay: Decade Rise of Footsteps of and Fall Discovery St. Paul ” Mr. Stink Eye on the ” 60s: Iconic Masterpiece Photography Classic Globe ” Trekker ” Weekend Front and Toolbox Center Footsteps of Decade of St. Paul Discovery Mr. Stink ”

Days ofNat. our Global Lives News CHBC The Talk Ent ” ET Canada

Sleepy Hollow

A Flintstone The Happy Christmas Elf


Big Bang Gotta Give Big Bang ” Big Bang ” Mod Fam Movie: Mod Fam “Next” Movie: ” “Mission: ” Impossible King 2” King Something’s ” Gotta Give Big Bang Seinfeld Big Bang ” The Closer ” Big Bang ” Big Bang Movie: Seinfeld Mod Fam “Next” Movie: Mod Fam “Race”to Movie: Witch ” “Mission: King Mountain” Impossible King There Yet? 2” Big Bang ” Big Bang Seinfeld Big Bang TheBang Closer Big ” Mod Fam Seinfeld Mod Fam Movie: Movie: “Race to “Mission: Witch Impossible Mountain” 2” There Yet? ” Seinfeld

Bookaboo The Price Is Best Recipes ThisMinute Doodlebops ThisMinute Right Stefano Our Young Judy & Dragons’ Judge Vancouver Restless Den Judge Judy CBC News KIRO News News News KIRO Marketplace KIRO Bold News News Republic of The Talk News KIRO News Doyle ” Frosty CBS News Steven and Let’s Make a Rudolph, the Ent Chris Deal Insider Reindeer omg! Best Recipes The ThisMinute Movie: HowPrice I MetIs Bookaboo Stefano ThisMinute “A Broke Girl Doodlebops Right Dragons’ Judge Judy Christmas Mike & Our Young Den Judge Judy Story” Mom Vancouver Restless News KIRO News The National Elementary CBC News KIRO News News ” KIRO News Marketplace Bold ” News KIRO News CBC News KIRO News Republic of The Frosty CBSTalk News George S Late Show Doyle ” Rudolph, the Ent 22 Minutes Letterman Steven and Let’s a Reindeer omg! Make Insider Comedy Ferguson Chris Deal Movie: How I Met Best Recipes ThisMinute “A Broke Girl Stefano ThisMinute Christmas Mike Dragons’ Judge Story” Mom Judy Den Judge Judy The National Elementary News ” KIRO News ” News KIRO News CBC News KIRO News News KIRO News George S Late Show Frosty CBS News 22 Minutes Letterman Comedy the Ent Ferguson Rudolph, Reindeer omg! Insider

That’s Hcky Football: That’s Hcky Falcons at Off Record 49ers Interruption ” SportsCentre ” Hockey Monday SportsCentre ” Night ” ” Countdown That’s Hcky World Junior ” SportsCentre NFL NFL ” PrimeTime Football: SportsCentre That’s Hcky Falcons at That’s ”Hcky 49ers SportsCentre Off Record ” ” Interruption ” SportsCentre SportsCentre Monday ” Night That’s Hcky Countdown SportsCentre ”” NFL SportsCentre Football: ” Falcons at SportsCentre 49ers ” ”

Criminal The First 48 Minds” Criminal Duck D. MindsD. Duck The Chew After the News Duck D. First 48 World ”News Duck D. General4 The First KOMO Duck D. 48 Hospital ” News Duck D. The Doctors The First Wheel Duck D. 48 ” ” Jeopardy! Duck D. The Dr. Oz The Shrek/Halls DuckFirst D. 48 The View Criminal Show ” A Chipmunk Duck D. ” Minds KOMO 4 Duck D. D. The Great Duck KOMO 4 Criminal News Duck D. D. Christmas Duck News Minds News Duck D. LightChew Fight Duck the D. The After World ”News Duck Duck D. D. ” First 48 KOMO 4 Duck D. News DuckFirst D. General The News Duck D. 48 Jimmy Duck D. Hospital ” Wheel Duck D. Kimmel Live The DuckFirst D. The Doctors Jeopardy! Duck D. 48 Nightline Duck D. ” ” Shrek/Halls Duck D. The Dr. Oz The A Chipmunk DuckFirst D. 48 Show ” The Great Duck D. KOMO 4 Duck Christmas Duck D. D. News Duck D. Light Fight Duck D. News ” Duck D. Duck D. World News Duck D. News Duck D. KOMO Duck Jimmy 4 Duck D. D. News Duck D. Kimmel Live Duck D. Nightline Duck D. D. Wheel Duck Jeopardy! Duck D.


Medium Faith Long Island Breaking the Medium Faith Long Island Breaking the Medium Faith Long Island Breaking Medium the Faith Breaking the Medium Faith Medium the Breaking Long Island Faith Long Island Medium Medium the Breaking Breaking the Faith Long Island Faith Medium Breaking the Long Island Long Island Faith Medium Medium Breaking the Long Island Long Island Faith Medium Medium Medium Paid Prog. Breaking the Medium Paid Prog. Faith Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Long Island Breaking the Medium Faith Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Breaking the Paid Prog. Faith Paid Prog. Long Island Medium

Long Island Big Bang ” LazyTown A13 Breaking the Something’s Sid Science Adventure

Medium Long Island Medium Medium


Frosty CBC News Canada’s Boys The National Silver Rush Simpsons The Arsenio Long Long Island Island 6 7 9 < Odd Parents ”” Worst Men Medium Splatalot ”Driver Two Hall; Show Medium


Browns ” Payne LaraA Croft:


Business ” N World ”News



KING KING 5 News P News Evening

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Young & Chuckmas Ent Ent Restless ” omg! Insider ET Canada

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Judge Alex Mod Fam Judge Alex Seinfeld

Daniel Tiger News New Day Outdoor Super Why! Evening Northwest Idaho

Basketball: BC 1Elf News 2014 IIHF The on Thunder at BC 1 News World Junior Movie:

Surprise Movie: Sugar “It’s a

Canadian Movie: Tenors “Scrooge”

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BC 1Elf News The on BC 1 News Movie:

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Dino Dan Basketball: A Tudor The Grinch Making Stuff Movie: Thunder at Feast

Rodeo Girls Shipping ” Shipping

League/Evil Merry Movie: Christmas,

The National DiaGold Rush ThisMinute The Canada’s Dads mond ”Queen Worst ”Driver Brooklyn ThisMinute

Undercover Long Island Boss Medium

King Guy Family King Guy Family

Mr. Stink Cmas” Belmont

Holiday FesMovie: tivalaon Ice “It’s

Knicks Days of our Sportscentre “Dr. Seuss’ ” Lives ” How the

The Social Wonderful ” Life”

Movie: ” “Booky and

The Talk NCIS: Los ” Angeles

Days of our “Dr. Seuss’ Lives How the

” The Top 50 Costas Plays

Dragon Knicks Christmas in “Dr. Seuss’ Pajanimals ” London How the

Rodeo Girls Storage ” Storage

“A Dennis Drake & the Menace Josh

Doc Zone ” The National Silver Rush ” ” ” ”

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Community Amer. Dad Community Movie:

Being Mormon European ”

Days of our Wonderful Lives Life”

Ben John.


NBA The Talk Sportscentre Grinch” Stole Basketball:

Miami Heat


The Queen

Dr. Phil ””


News LatifahHour Show Costas Plays Final Greg Moore

Christmas Judge Judy TBA

ET Canada Restless The Test

Global News NHL Alumni Global Nat. Charity

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News Skate

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Frosty Frosty

Ent Johnny Reid The Top 50 omg! Insider ” Plays

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McBride” ”

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Blue Bloods ”

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Best Sports A Tudor Quotes Ever Feast

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Michael Bublé

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Express” ”

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Oratorio ”

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Basketball: Clippers at

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Warriors ”

Express” ”

NBA Basketball:

Young & News

Sportscentre Bomb Girls ” ”

Ellen DeGe- the Loose!”

Daily neresShow Show lopoulos ” Jimmy Fallon 22 Minutes Corner Gas Neighbors

ET Canada The Test



Judge Judy


Saving Hope The National CSI: Crime ” ” Scene

2014 IIHF CHBC News News-Lisa World Junior Final TBA Top 100 Plays


CBC News “Goose on Stroumbou-

Canadian Tenors

Daily Show The Family Jimmy Fallon Stone

The Queen Young &

The Top 50

Best Sports


NBA Rodeo Girls Grinch Stole Storage Basketball: ”


CHBC Latifah News Show News-Lisa ” Final ”

Big Bear Victorian PAW Patrol

KIRO News ThisMinute A New York


Top 100 at Los Plays


the Secret Let’s Make a The Talk 24/7 Red The National Person of Grinch” Stole Bobby Ryan Santa” Deal Wing


Victorian G. Shrinks Farm Maya Bee

Best Sports Quotes Ever Victorian Christmas Quotes Ever Farm

KIRO News Late Show

News Best Sports ” Global News Quotes Ever Christmas

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada The Test

Greg Moore Review



News Lakers Jimmy

Shipping Duck D. Shipping

Heat at ”

Duck D. Duck

Kimmel Live Shipping Postgame Dynasty Nightline Shipping KOMO 4 News

News Jimmy

Christmas in Kimmel Live Wales Nightline

Duck D. Duck D.

Christmas” Zoink’d! The Happy


Gold Rush Family Feud Long Undercover Canada’s Big Bang Island Family Feud Medium Boss Worst ”Driver Big Bang

Divorce The Middle Mod Fam Judge Alex

Days of our Lives

The Passion- Gold Rush The National Silver Rush ate Eye ”

Seinfeld “Drillbit The Middle

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Frontline ”” ”

Mod Fam


The PlusNational George Silver Rush ” ” ”

The Arsenio Harvey Hall Show

Long Boss Island Medium

Lara Croft:

Merry The Santa Christmas

Lang & Olympics O’Leary

TMZ ” Sunny

Paid BossProg. Paid Prog.

Tomb Raider Christmas in Midnight Big Bang POV neres Show ” Norway Mass

Movie: “Blizzard”

The National Gold Rush ” ”

Two Men Mod Fam

Will & Kate Gold Rush Plus George ”

Big Bang Big Bang

Mr. Young Mr. Young

The National Gold Rush ” ”

Boys Boys

The National Don’t Drive ” Here

Zoink’d! Mr. Young

The National Highway ” Thru Hell


Claus Brothers

” ”

Will & Kate

Road to the

Family Feud Undercover News Long Island Family Feud Boss

Boys C. Brown Splatalot


Law & New Girl Order: SVU Mindy

Gold Rush Gold Rush

Bering” Sea Gold

The Passion- Gold Rush ate Eye ”


The Middle ” Mod Fam

A Christmas Katie KING News Carol:”The ”

Big Bang


Browns Payne

Business World News

KING 5 News

Undercover Boss

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News News

Undercover Boss

Mod Fam Seinfeld

Grand Mercer

News Evening

Ice Age Dragons

Undercover Boss

Family Guy Family Guy

Nature ”

Kelly Clarkson’s

Raising Raising

Undercover Boss

Amer. Dad Movie:


Michael Bublé

News Mod Fam

Undercover Boss

“50 First Dates”

Buildings Changed

Hollywood Game Night

” Movie:

Mister Rogers & Me

KING News Jay Leno


Simpsons Two Men

Undercover Undercover

Undercover Boss

Duck Dynasty

Boys Splatalot

The National Overhaulin’ ” ”

The Arsenio Hall Show

Undercover Boss

Duck D. Duck D.

Movie: “Blizzard”

The National Overhaulin’ ” ”

TMZ Sunny

Peter Popoff “The Last Paid Prog. Castle”


Ellen DeGe-

Tavis Smiley ” Moveable Jimmy Fallon

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Lake Country Calendar

A14 A14

Your community. Your classifieds.

250.766.4688 fax 250.766.4645 email INDEX IN BRIEF FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS TRAVEL CHILDREN EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS SERVICES PETS & LIVESTOCK MERCHANDISE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE RENTALS AUTOMOTIVE MARINE cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.



Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email:


It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement.


While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance Payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

Travel CENTURY PLAZA HOTEL Best Rates. 1.800.663.1818


Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.


Farm Workers GENERAL VINEYARD LABOURERS Gray Monk Cellars Ltd., located at 1055 Camp Road, Okanagan Centre, BC, is seeking 3 temporary vineyard labourers, in Lake Country and Okanagan Valley, to start work February 24, 2014, for approximately 8 months. Candidates must be willing to work outdoors and in all seasonal conditions. On the job training is provided, duties include tying, pruning, picking, processing, grounds and vineyard maintenance. Starting wage $10.25/hour, approx 40-50 hours per week. Please fax resume to 250-766-3390 or email We thank all applicants in advance, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please. SEASONAL Farm Worker position available June 10th to Nov 10th, in Lake Country & Vernon, BC. Thinning, picking & summer pruning of apples. Must be physically capable of working in all weather conditions. $10.33/hr, 40-60hrs/ week. Email Resumes to: VINEYARD LABOURERS Intrigue Wines Ltd., located at 2291 Goldie Road, Lake Country, BC, is seeking seasonal vineyard labourers, in Lake Country, to start work February 24, 2014 for approx. 8 months. Candidates must be willing to work outdoors and in all seasonal conditions. On the job training is provided, duties include grounds and vineyard maintenance, operation of farm and vineyard equipment. Starting wage $10.25/hour, approx 40-50 hours per week. Please fax resume to 250-7662834 or email Phone number 1-877-4743754. We thank all applicants in advance, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Help Wanted

Employment Business Opportunities

Help Wanted

EXPERIENCED CLASS 1 Drivers, F/T, P/T needed for California & Arizona produce hauling, excellent pay and benefits+ safety bonus and home time. Call Jerry or Brian 1-877-539-1750.

Experienced parts person required immediately for James Western Star in Williams Lake. Full time, competitive wages, benefits and signing bonus. Fax resume to 250-398-6367 or email:

TRAIN TO be an apartment/condominium Manager online! Graduates get access to all jobs posted with us. 33 years of success! Government certified. or 1800-665-8339, 604-681-5456.

SOHAL ORCHARDS LTD. requires Farm LABOUR in Winfield & Oyama. NO EXP. nec but must be able to learn quickly. Duties incl but are not restricted to: pruning, thinning & harvesting fruit. The jobs are physically demanding & require working in all weather cond. Employment from Feb.23 - Nov30, 2014. $10.33/hr. 10hrs/day, 6days/wk. Reply to Box #333 c/o Kelowna Capital News 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, BC., V1X 7K2

Help Wanted

Help Wanted





Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

Financial Services

BUSY CONSTRUCTION Co. in Trail, B.C. is searching for an experienced Accounting clerk/ bookkeeper. Candidate is expected to be a self-starter and to be able to work independently in a fast-paced environment. Knowledge of Conac Pivot System is an asset and the ability to take on multiple roles is looked at positively. Main responsibilities include: Accounts Payable - invoice transactions for goods received and prepare cheques when due; Payroll - collect payroll data daily and convert into daily tracking sheets, submittals and weekly payroll run. Please send resume to: or call (250)364-1541 for further details.

GENERAL FARM LABOUR req in Winfield & Oyama. No exp nec but must be able to learn quickly. Duties incl, but are not restricted to pruning, handling compost & soil, planting thinning & harvesting fruit. The jobs are physically demanding & req working in all weather conditions. Employment from March 1 - Oct 31, 2014. $10.33/hr. 10hrs/day, 6 days/wk. Reply to to Sedona Holdings Ltd 1790 High Rd, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 7C1

HD MECHANIC. Noble Tractor & Equip. is seeking a Journeyman or 4th year apprentice Service Technician for our Armstrong location. A self-starter with Ag tech background is desired. Interested candidates send resume to:, or mail: Noble Tractor & Equip, 4193 Noble Rd, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4, fax: 250-546-3165

INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email: C- 250-938-1944

JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages, relocation allowance, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info at: Fax 403-854-2845; Email:

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Farm Mechanic Wanted

Coral Beach Farms is looking for a mechanic experienced in working with farm equipment. The position is Part Time from November – March, and Full Time from April – October. During the Full Time season hours will be 40+ hours per week, 6-7 days per week. Pay is dependent on level of experience and certification. Please forward resumes to:



• Labourers • Tradesmen • Class 1 Drivers

Call 24Hr. Free Recorded Message 1-888-213-2854

Seasonal Farm Laborer

Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at

Seasonal Laborer positions at Coral Beach Farms Ltd., Lake Country. No experience necessary. Must have own transportation. Applicant must be capable of physically demanding work in all weather conditions. 6-7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day beginning approximately March 25 to April 1, 2014. Work includes, but is not limited to, tree planting, pruning and irrigation. Pay $10.25/hour. Apply by fax at 250-766-0813 or




Financial Services ANNACIS ISLAND Pawnbrokers open ‘till midnight 7 days a week. 604-540-1122. Cash loans for Jewellery, Computers, Smartphones, Games, Tools etc. #104-1628 Fosters Way at Cliveden. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Legal Services

Moving & Storage DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 4 ton 250-215-0147, 250-766-1282

Painting & Decorating WWW.PAINTSPECIAL.COM

(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

LA MONTAGNA, ANTONIO Passed away peacefully in the comfort of his home with his loving wife Inge, his son Pasquale, and daugther in-law Miruka by his side on Tuesday, December 3rd. He was diagnosed with cancer and passed away at the age of 74. He was born in Marigliano Naples, Italy and immigrated to the Canada in 1962. Him and his loving wife Inge worked together as hair dressing professionals and had owned their own salons. He spent most of his years living in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia where he moved to in 1984 with his wife and 4 year old son Pasquale. He had always enjoyed fishing, golfing, and especially road trips with his camper. He was very well known for his hard work, good humor, and his wine. Many loved him and was never short of making good friends and he always made time for his family in Calgary. He was a great man and will be missed by many. In accordance with his wishes, cremation has taken place. A Memorial Mass for Antonio was celebrated on Thursday, December 12th at St. Alfred’s Catholic Church, 272 Vine Street, St. Catharines. If desired, memorial donations to a charity of choice would be appreciated by the family.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Now Hiring


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Looking For Staff? Start Here. Call 1-855-678-7833 today for more details.

Help Wanted

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 18, 2013 A15 A15


Merchandise for Sale


Telephone Services

Misc. for Sale

Homes for Rent

DISCONNECTED PHONE? National Teleconnect home phone service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call National Teleconnect today! 1866-443-4408.

Merchandise for Sale


OPEN Pre-Christmas Mondays! Better deals on new & used rifles, shotguns, handguns, ammo, accessories, repairs with friendly service from knowledgeable owners all at Weber & Markin Gunsmiths, The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Mon-Sat 10-6

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Sporting Goods

XMAS COMPANY COMING BRAND NEW QUEEN SET $200. Still in plastic, mfg. warranty. 250.870.2562

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?

Auto Financing

Misc. Wanted

OPEN Pre-Christmas Mondays! Better deals on new & used rifles, shotguns, handguns, ammo, accessories, repairs with friendly service from knowledgeable owners all at Weber & Markin Gunsmiths, The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Mon-Sat 10-6

Misc. for Sale


Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 250-863-3082 PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670


CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405

2BDRM House. Winfield, across from lake. WD, elec fireplace. $950+ utils. NS in house. 1Bdrm suite. Winfield. Lake view. WD. $750 incl utils. NS, NP. Jan 1st. 250766-0318, 250-878-9858

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:

! * & *& " *& * % ! % % ( & ! */ #!$!% * ) /&+( '!* # !%) * . % !) * )* !%, )*$ %* !% * % ( +) &+( &$$!*$ %* - * , ( !*) )!0 -!## #' $ " % ( !)*&(/ % ! % % ( & ! */ +% ) * $&)* ( ) ( )+''&(*) * $&)* ' &'# % ! *) *& '( , %* ## */' ) & % ( # ) &%* * .* &( $ !# *)* +%*&% % ( --- % (

Real Estate

If you see a wildďŹ re, report it to

Acreage for Sale

1-800-663-5555 or *5555

5.26 Acres Water, Power Private Paved Road, Mountain View 403-702-1622

on most cellular networks.




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Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


Municipal Hall will close early, December 19 at 2:30pm and reopen Friday, December 20 at 8:30am.

Municipal Hall Economic Development 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t: 250-766-5650 f: 250-766-2903

Public Skating during the Christmas break is only $2/person.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS VISITOR CENTRE OPERATIONS May 17, 2014 to September 1, 2014 The District of Lake Country is requesting proposals from organizations interested in operating a Visitor Centre in Lake Country from May 17, 2014 to September 1, 2014.

See the Christmas Skating Schedule on the “What’s Happening” event calendar at

A recap of the District’s snow-clearing priorities:

• Main collector roads, school bus and transit routes and steep roads take priority over all other roads in the District. During a period of active snowfall, the contractor will remain on these priority routes to keep them cleared. • All local roads will be serviced once the main roads are cleared and have a reasonable chance of staying cleared. Many local roads are plowed at the same time that the hills are done, whenever it is practical and sensible to do so. • The goal of the snow removal program is to maintain the roads in a passable condition, which does not necessarily mean “bare pavement”. In certain conditions, the application of sand over compact snow will be performed. On busy routes, traffic works salt and/or sand into the snow, breaking it up and causing the roads to clear with use. Many District roads do not see sufficient traffic to achieve this effect, and a certain amount of compact snow on the road surface is to be expected. Salt application is ineffective below -6C.

Who can you call?

During office hours: Engineering 250-766-6677 After hours snow removal: 250-766-5664 After hours non–snow related road emergencies (road kill removal or debris on the roadway) Roads Duty pager at 250-317-9780

The successful proponent will provide a facility, staff and management for a tourist information Visitor Centre within the District of Lake Country, operating in accordance with Destination BC requirements. Full details for this Request for Proposal may be found on the District webpage at A sealed envelope clearly marked “Visitor Centre” RFP Reference No.ED-01 may be delivered to the reception counter, at the District of Lake Country, Municipal Hall, up to 2:00 pm, January 22, 2014. Attention: Ryan Roycroft, District of Lake Country 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. V4V 2M1 We thank all applicants for their submissions. Only those selected for additional review will be contacted. The District reserves the right not to award a contract to any proponent.

Community Information Christmas Tree Recycling This year the Christmas tree drop-off location will again be Jack Seaton Park in the parking lot. You are welcome to drop-off your Christmas tree for chipping, anytime December 26-January 31. Business Licence Renewal Notices are in the mail Online bank payments have been expanded to included business licences and are available through some financial institutions. Use your account number as the payment reference number. Confirm with your bank whether business licence payments have been added to their internet banking services. Make Memories, not Garbage This holiday season, give a gift of time together. Memories that last a lifetime – no wrapping required. For ideas, go to

Municipal Hall will be CLOSED at 4:30pm Monday, December 23rd and re-open 8:30am Thursday, January 2nd. Essential services such as police, fire, water, wastewater treatment and snow removal will remain in operation. Roads Snow Removal: 250.766.5664 All Other Roads Emergencies: 250.317.9780 Water or Sewer Emergencies: pager 250.712.8073 Municipal facility holiday closures are planned around a time when there is low demand for services. In the long run, these closures save operation costs for the District and give staff some time to be with their families. Business licence renewal payments are due January 31, 2014, and can be paid through some participating financial institutions in person or on-line, or by mail when there are no changes to an existing licence.

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