Merry Christmas, everyone!
Volume 120 No 51 PM # 400121123
Thursday, December 19, 2013
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Thursday, December 19, 2013 The Journal
A 2
A welcome donation
For a unique Christmas Gift this season, why not drop into the Journal and pick up a copy of Northwest Passages written by our very own Barbara Roden She will even sign it for you! 250-453-2261
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2014 Golf Memberships are on sale now Early Bird Memberships available for $740 + GST until December 31, 2013 For more info please call Brian Henderson: 250-453-2385 (leave message) Great Christmas present for yourself or your spouse!
Members of the Community Resources Society (CRS), Ann Belcham, Shirley Holowchuk and Shirley Dobson, receive a $3,880 donation for the Resource Directory from the United Way, represented by Debi Hamson (left). One year for pickup theft
Justin Colpitts, 26, of Salmon Arm, pled guilty of possession of a stolen vehicle in Kamloops Court on Dec. 16 and received one year of incarceration followed by 18 months of probabion. Colpitts was arrested after he crashed a stolen Ford F250 he was driving on Hwy 97 south of Maidencreek Rd. on Dec. 6. He lost control of the truck on icy roads and rolled it into the ditch. The truck was reported stolen from 100 Mile House, where he was tranported by ambulance for treatment. The truck was destroyed in the accident. Colpitts has a long history of stolen vehicle and property offences, going back to 2001, with a total of 74 Criminal Code convictions.
Friend steals credit card
20% Off dinner & non-alcoholic beverages
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Dec. 10 police received a complaint that a credit card had been stolen from an Ashcroft residence and used fraudulently. The card was used at the Chevron, Husky and Oasis Pub in Cache Creek all in the same day. Police ar-
Police Telephone #s Ashcroft: 250-453-2216 Clinton: 250-459-2221 Lytton: 250-455-2225 Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)
Ashcroft rcMP DetAchMent
rested a 31 year old Ashcroft man but his friend, the owner of the credit card, asked that no criminal charges be laid as they wished to work out the issue with him.
Dec. 12 at 10:20 am police attended a single vehicle collision on Hwy 99 about 5 km west of Historic Hat Creek Ranch after a 62 year old Lillooet woman lost control of her 2002 Infiniti SUV on a curve and rolled across the road into into the oncomig ditch. The woman was transported to Ashcroft hospital for the treatment of minor injuries.
Adding insult to injury
Fire hydrant busted
Dec. 10 at 12:50 pm while on routine patrol, RCMP stopped a Pontiac Sunfire in Cache Creek on the highway by Sage ‘n Sands trailer court for a brake light problem. The driver, a 21 year old Cache Creek man, was flagged to be served with a five-month driving prohibition, which he was. Dec. 13 at 8 pm the same man was observed driving in Cache Creek and stopped. He was charged with driving while prohibited and his vehicle was impounded.
Tantrum at the Liquor Store
Dec. 10 at 5:50 pm police received a complaint from the Cache Creek Liquor Store than an unhappy customer had kicked the front door on the way out and cracked the glass. He was not located and was unknown to staff and police.
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Lousy on the curves
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to my Furry Friends and their People from Sagebrush Pet Parlour Debbie
Oldsmobile toboggan
Dec. 12 at 7:45 am police attended a single vehicle collision on Hwy 1 west of the Juniper Beach turnoff when the driver of a 1999 Oldsmobile Intrigue lost control on slippery roads and went off road to the right. The vehicle suffered extensive front end damage and was a write off, but the 53 year old Kamloops driver was not injured.
Dec. 12 police received a report from the Village of Cache Creek that a fire hydrant near the Oasis Plaza on Hwy 97 had been damaged, possibly by a large truck. Anyone witnessing the accident or having any information about it is asked to contact the RCMP at 453-2216.
Telephone donation scam
Dec. 12 at 1 pm police received a complaint from a local person regarding a female caller soliciting donations for local groups. The women indicated that she was phoning on behalf of minor hockey and the local skating club, asking residents to send money to support the local groups. However, when contacted, a representative of the Thompson Cariboo Minor Hockey Association said it wasn’t them because they don’t solicit donations by telephone. The initial call was untraceable. Residents are warned against giving money over the telephone to groups if they can’t verify who the caller is.
Jump start on the holidays
Dec. 14 at 7 am police were called to a residence on the Ashcroft Reserve to remove an intoxicated male. Police arrived and found the 62 year old male, who was co-operative. A second male, 23 years old, was found walking down the road and was also picked up. Both family members were given a ride to Cache Creek and left at a coffee shop.
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The Journal Thursday, December 19, 2013
Skeetchestn, Interfor partners Interfor (TSX:IFP.A) and the Skeetchestn Indian Band signed an Impact Benefits Agreement on Dec. 16 that will help to build a unique relationship and yield wide-ranging benefits for both parties in British Columbia’s southern interior. “This agreement is tailored to meet specific interests identified by the Skeetchestn and by Interfor,” said Larry Price, Woodlands Manager for Interfor’s Adams Lake Division. “Through this open, respectful relationship, Interfor can do more to build value for the Skeetchestn community economically and culturally, and enhance our access to existing and new timber tenures.” The Skeetchestn Indian Band is a member of the Secwepemc (Shuswap) Nation. It has reserve lands located on the north side of the Thompson River west of Savona and running up the valley of the Deadman River. “This is a huge step forward,” said Skeetchestn Chief Ron Ignace. “Interfor is the first licensee to negotiate an agreement with us that addresses the things that matter most to our people, such as cultural heritage, cultural resource values and capacity building.” Under the agreement, Interfor’s forest management activities will exceed legal requirements on its tenures within the Skeetchestn traditional territory, which runs from Logan Lake in the south to Green Lake in the north, to support values important to the band. For example, Interfor will employ the band to complete a field review of resources with cultural, medicinal or spiritual significance, and it will create additional riparian buffers to protect cultural resource values such as botanical communities, potential archaeological sites, wildlife and fisheries habitat as well as biodiversity. Submitted
A basket full of surprises Patricia Zahnd of Clinton (middle) was the happy winner of Peoples Drug Mart’s gift basket, one of several prizes given away at the Ashcroft store’s Grand Re-opening back in November. Store owner Victor Ikari (left) and manager Irene Dumont (right) were almost as excited to be handing out prizes as the recipients were in receiving them.
B.C. presses for Cariboo gold mine by Tom Fletcher Black Press Energy and Mines Minister Bill Bennett is in Ottawa Thursday to press for federal approval of the New Prosperity copper and gold mine proposed near Williams Lake.
Bennett spoke at a news conference organized by the B.C. Chamber of Commerce before leaving to meet with four federal ministers. He said the recent decision by Canfor Corp. to close its Quesnel sawmill in March is not the last of the bad news for the CaribooChilcotin as the mountain pine beetle infestation takes its toll on the forest industry. “Certainly the government if British Columbia is well aware that there is serious opposition to this project from the Tsilhqot’in people, and we respect that opposition,” Bennett said. He said 37 per cent of B.C.’s mining royalties now go to First Nations through revenue sharing agreements, and there is more the province can do to work with the Tsilhqot’in communities that have fought against the Prosperity mine through two federal assessments. Taseko Mines, which operates the nearby Gibraltar copper mine that is the region’s largest employer, revamped its
design for Prosperity after it was rejected in the first federal review. After the second set of hearings, Taseko applied for a judicial review, saying the panel overlooked the use of a barrier in the mine tailings storage. John Meech, a mine engineering professor at the University of B.C., said the new design not only protects nearby Fish Lake, but will enhance fish habitat. “I base my assessment on a designed seepage rate that matches what is happening at two other mines in the region, Gibraltar and Mt. Polley, and anyone who tells you that the seepage rates are in error is not telling you the truth,” Meech said. Ervin Charleyboy, former chief of the Alexis Creek First Nation, said he has been shunned by the current Tsilhqot’in chiefs for supporting the new mine design. “I want a future for my grandkids,” Charleyboy said. Tsilhqot’in leaders have appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada in their long-running case to have their traditional territory declared independent from B.C.
Wellness Studio is open The Ashcroft Wellness Studio opened earlier this month on Railway Ave. (L-R) Esthetician Brittley Cadwell, Reflexologist Heidi McCall and Massage & Bodywork Practitioner, Aroma Therapist and owner/operator Wendy Wiebe hosted an open house on Dec. 6. Also working out of the studio is Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncturist Dawn Miller. The studio is open Tuesday to Thursday, 1-4 pm. Drop in and pick up a list of services and fees.
A 4 Published every Thursday in Ashcroft by Black Press Ltd. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber
The Editor’s Desk
Thursday, December 19, 2013 The Journal
Keep your Spam, I’ll take Christmas
I had a conversation last week about how we “exclude” groups of people by talking about things we’re involved in (that they aren’t), food that they enjoy (that we don’t), and even holidays that we celebrate, that they don’t. In a few short decades, most of us have moved on from the “You’re in Canada, be like us” to embracing all cultures and adapting so that we all fit in together. But I think in some ways we’ve overdone it. We become so concerned that by celebrating our own heritage that we exclude others, we try and hide or downplay the things that we were raised to enjoy and treasure. And I have to interject here that as a vegetarian of almost 20 years, your energetic promotion of burgers and bacon and chicken wings and ribs, etc., leave me right out of your conversation. In fact, it’s probably safe to say that my brain goes somewhere else and starts thinking about work while you’re drooling over your dinner options. But that’s not to say that I want you to give up meat and become a vegetarian. That’s not the point. How lame would that be if we were all the same? Over the last 20 years or so we’ve argued about whether we should be wishing others’ a Merry Christmas or a Happy Holidays, because we don’t want to offend those who don’t celebrate Christmas. As Susan Swan says in her column on p. 20, greet me with any happy occasion that you like and I will return it to you with all of my best wishes. We don’t need to pretend that we’re Spam to prevent offending anyone. It’s a big planet, with lots of room to celebrate all special occasions that are as happy and positive as Christmas. There are plenty of ways to “include” cultures that don’t celebrate Christmas. Cookies and goodies are generally not turned away by most people - until health conditions dictate they must. In that case, perhaps an invitation for a night of tobogganing or some other fun activity. And don’t be shy if they wish to reciprocate by inviting you to join with them in celebrating their own holidays. You might even have fun!
ICICLES EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK this winter, so enjoy the beauty of the natural ice sculptures The Measure of a Man
Words are never enough to convey the particular intensity of a sudden death. The news of the passing of Aki Kanamaru of Ashcroft came as both a shock and a sense of loss that many of us experienced earlier this month. Word got around with lightning swiftness. Sympathy for Hiroko and family poured in. I called Hiroko. She spoke frankly. Aki had taught his usual karate earlier that evening. He enjoyed his supper. They sat down to watch TV. At 10 pm, Hiroko went upstairs to bed. About 2 am she woke. Aki was not in bed. She went downtstairs. The TV was still on. But Aki wasn’t in the room. Alarmed, Hiroko found Aki a few minutes later in the study. The shock must have been profound. As I entered the community hall on Sunday, Dec. 15, the evidence of the impact that Aki had in this community was immediate and compelling. Row after row filled. Pastor Jeff Beck and wife Pat had come from the Lower Mainland. Jeff conducted the service. It was so good to see Jeff and Pat again! They had played a vital role in our communities of Cache Creek and Ashcroft. Jeff, as former Pastor of Cache Creek Pentecostal Church, and Pat as landscape architect of our beautiful Heritage Park on Railway Street. They lived here for nine years. Wyatt McMurray’s memories of Aki was one of the most moving eulogies I have ever heard. Aki’s personality, character, - the strength of which was felt by so many hundreds of youth and older persons, followed by testimonials from Tom Watson and others whose lives had been deeply effected
CAKEWALK CHRONICLES Esther Darlington MacDonald by Aki, was equally moving. I learned so much more about Aki, whom I had interviewed for The Journal in 2012. He was so unassuming. His quiet dignity, contained manner, was different from the usual interviews. So I was terribly moved by the fuller picture of the man. Aki accomplished so much! Contributed so much to the communities here. The establishment of ESL program for Japanese students, a threemonth program, included the former Mayor of Bifuka. Hiroko helped with the management of the program, teachers, billets for the students, adding so much to our people here, acquainting us with people a world apart geographically, yet united in a common bond of fellowship. An incredible undertaking, when you realize the logistics (planning) involved. Aki’s contacts with the professional forestry people in Japan, forged the twin city designation that linked Ashcroft with Bifuka. This too, took planning and negotiations. It has been a meeting of our communities for 20 years. Plans are now under way to travel to Bifuka to celebrate. The impact of Aki’s moral and ethical values inculcated in his Karate programs, which excelled in many places and won at tournaments, giving our loEMAIL:
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A division of Black Press Est. 1895
402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625
Terry Daniels
Wendy Coomber
Anne Blake
Barbara Roden
cal young people the confidence and values they would use later in life, has left a lasting legacy. The influence of this man, small in stature, but a giant in character, is long lasting. Never to be forgotten.
Nelson Mandela
The world waited for his passing. We’d been alerted for months about Madiba’s deteriorating health. The man whose cry for freedom for his people reverberated around the world. The man who had ushered in the breakdown of the hated Apartheid regime. But when the news came, the world gave a collective intake of breath. Mandela had joined the icons of freedom and equality with Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and John F. Kennedy. Another of the world’s brightest lamps had gone out. Yes, South Africa is still rife with problems of poverty, corruption. But the living example of Nelson Mandela will surely endure, and hopefully, bring the necessary changes. Patience. In due course. Here was the man who learned the language of his jailers so that he could speak with them. The man who had laboured at the quarries of South Africa, been imprisoned for 27 years. And when he was released and made the leader of his people, he took up the hands and arms of his former persecutors, in a massive gesture of victory and reconciliation that touched hearts around the world. The people danced, sang, celebrated their leader’s passing. Recalling, “I bring death as a messenger of joy”. Heralding the hope of a beautiful people who have endured and See CAKEWALK on p. 6 Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
The Journal Thursday, December 19, 2013
Christmas treats this week in Cache Creek Cache Creek Winter Lights Sing-along
The Cache Creek Beautification Society invites all members of the Cache Creek Community and surrounding areas for the Second Annual Winter Lights Sing-along on Dec. 19 from 7-9 pm at the Cache Creek Community Hall (1270 Stage Rd). A great night of free live Christmas music to get you in the spirit. Everyone welcome, free snacks and hot beverages. Please contribute to the donation jar for the hand bell choir. This not to be missed seasonal event for all ages, which will feature live local Christmas music with
Frank Mireau. Closing the evening will be a Community Sing Along to end the evening led by Mayor John Ranta. Nadine Plus, the BeautiDavenport fication Society will creativecurrent@ also be handing out this year’s Winter Lights Appreciation certificates around 8 The 5Desert Bells Hand Bell x 7 inches pm. These certificates will Choir, the recorder duo of be given out to everyone Carmen Ranta and Wendy nominated for their residenCoomber, a jazz trio featurtial Christmas lights and/or ing Carmen Ranta (saxodecorations nominate your phone), Kirk Watson (bass neighbour’s house nominguitar) and Jan Schmitz (drums), an accapella ate your own house. Everymedieval choir known as one nominated will receive
recognition and a certificate at the Winter Lights Singalong. Santa may make an appearance by the end of the show, so bring the children.
Fashion Show and Spiritus Mundii at Tiki Lounge this Friday
A fun night at The Riv Pub in downtown Ashcroft. On Friday Dec. 20, the Tiki Lounge shares the stage with a Local Fashion Show - plus special musical guests, Ashcroft’s own Spiritus Mundii. The local quartet plays a great blend of world fu-
PUBLIC NOTICE SIDEWALK SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL Pursuant to Bylaw No. 551, Ashcroft residents are reminded that it is unlawful for any person to permit any accumulation of snow or ice to remain upon any sidewalk in front of or abutting any premises owned or occupied by him/her after ten o’clock in any morning of any day. 3 5/16 x 5
See CREATIVE on p. 6
Taize, featuring Karla Cummins, Theresa Takas, Dan Collett, Marina Papais and
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Your family depends on you to drive safely. Plan ahead and drive for the conditions.
Semlin debate carries on
Know before you go.
Dear Editor Read with interest Barbara Hendricks’ WRAPS members JoAnne Portman and Martina Baier selling concert theory about Mary Semlin of Cache Creek. tickets and memberships at Safety Mart. I think it is more plausible, that Mary’s Your family depends on you to arrive identity was acknowledged by the census Plan ahead. Check weather and road Business card size 3.5 x 2 taker, but the identity of her mother, safely. was conditions, make sure your vehicle is winter now has a triple loader washer, not. ready and drive for the conditions. If we can assume that Mary was the to wash your sleeping bags, 250-457-6237 daughter of Caroline Williams, and Carocomforters, and other large items. line lived common law with Semlin,Know which before you go. CHRISTMAS ANNOUNCEMENTS Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Your family depends on you to drive safely. was not uncommon at that time, we could Garbage Pickup Plan ahead and drive for the conditions. also assume that Semlin was the father. all our customers Residential garbage pickup: | Will be picked up as usual It is also possible that, when the census Know before you go. from Ben and Karen. was taken, Caroline did not wish to give her Commercial garbage pickup: 1103 Collins Road, Cache Creek. Will be picked up as usual every Monday and Friday name to the census taker. We can only jecture about the possible reason. Reminder: Please have your garbage on the curb by 8:00 am as usual. I did not assume that Semlin had adoptOffice Hours ed Mary. According to the research of JerThe office will be open Monday to Friday with regular hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except for: emy Mouat on Semlin, it was “heard about” ZION UNITED Tuesday, December 24 CLOSED at 12:30 pm Sunday Worship 10:50 am that Mary was adopted. Caroline might Wednesday, December 25 CLOSED 401 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC • 250-453-9511 Thursday, December 26 CLOSED have been known merely as a housekeeper, • Friday, December 27 CLOSED not a common law wife of Semlin. Monday, December 30 CLOSED United Church of Canada Nevertheless, she lived with him. But, Tuesday, December 31 CLOSED Wednesday, January 1, 2014 CLOSED given the attitudes and manners of the day, Pastor Alice Watson, DM it might be assumed that saying the child Regular Office hours resume on Thursday, January 2, 2014. was adopted by the distinguished politician SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10 am Any payments received Thursday, January 2, 2014 will be dated December 31, 2013. KIDZ MONDAY SCHOOL: 3:30 pm and rancher, might have been an attempt to Dog Licenses compromise the situation. St. Alban’s Just a reminder that on January 2, 2014 you will be able to purchase your 2014 501 Brink St, Ashcroft ~ 250-453-9909 As Barbara points out however, whethDog License. License fees are as follows: er adopted or biological, she was SemAnglican Church of Canada $15.00 – Spayed or Neutered Christmas Eve Service 7:00 p.m. December 24th lin’s daughter. Caroline obviously knew $30.00 – Un-spayed or Un-neutered REV. DAN HINES OR DEACON LOIS PETTY her mother. It’s too bad that we don’t have 2014 Council Meeting Schedule more information about Caroline. Was she Copies of the 2014 Council Meeting Schedules are available at the Village Office. Cache Creek Pentecostal Church a Bonaparte native, or from the Fraser CanBuilding Inspector Christ Centered People Centered yon? Or, was she Metis? The TNRD Building Inspector will not be in Cache Creek on Tuesday, December 24th, 2013 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. Thank you Barbara, for the words of apand Tuesday, December 31, 2013. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, January 7, Phone 250-457-6463 2014. Please call the TNRD office directly at 1-877-377-8673 if you have any questions preciation. I see you are as fascinated as I Pastor David Murphy regarding inspections. about our local history and the people in it. Worship and Sermon commences at 10 a.m. Council and Staff wish everyone a Merry Christmas Esther Darlington MacDonald Everyone welcome and all the best in the New Year! Ashcroft
SuperSuds Laundromat
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BUSINESS SERVICES Reserve your space!
Call The Journal
Learning how to slow down and be at peace will continue to grow. The long journey for them, has just begun. And, they know it. CAKEWALK from p. 4
Georgette Bewza
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Another fine Ashcroft citizen passed into the Great Immensity on Dec. 1. Her passing brought together many people from all walks of life at Ashcroft’s River Inn. Georgette’s culinary skills, domestic crafts coupled with her boundless energy, creativity, was a hallmark. Tall, dignified, a self contained personality, yet passionate, generous in spirit, Georgette’s personality and character were marked very capably and with a good dash of humour by Craig Munro. The banquet room was full, standing room only. A testimony to the admiration that so many felt for Georgette. December is ever a “dark” month in our area. But the lights of those who lived with us and contributed so much shine out. We will not forget them in our lifetime.
Harry Lali and that election
A luncheon was held for
Harry at Chums Restaurant in Cache Creek on Dec. 10. Harry looked handsome, fit and relaxed. He had holidays with family in New York and Hawaii. He was as teasing and humorous as ever. Naturally, after the delicious food was consumed, the talk immediately turned to the Election. People expressed their views frankly. The leadership had failed the MLAs. The slam dunk assumptions had turned into a devastating, humiliating defeat for the NDP. It was time to take stock. And that is what our small group of about a dozen did that afternoon.
Tich Nhat Hanh
The Buddhist priest came to us via video last Friday of November, and has done so for a couple of years. I didn’t know about these periods of meditation and reflection. But my sister-in-law, Beverley Zacharias, suggested
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Thursday, December 19, 2013 The Journal
A 6
ARIES - Aries, some difficulty awaits you, but you are strong and fully capable of handling what’s coming your way. Maintain your composure and stick it out a little longer. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, this is your week to shine and let everyone at work know just how talented and devoted you are to the team. Enjoy the fanfare while you can get it. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Distractions are lurking, Gemini, but you will still manage to get things done. Somehow you find the focus needed to muddle through all the work. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Trust someone close to you with a few of your secrets, Cancer. Holding them in may only cause you grief in the long run. Don’t worry, your confidante will be supportive. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, an investment opportunity has piqued your interest. Until you sign over the funds, be sure to research everything thoroughly and call in some expert advice. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, you have a lot on your plate, but you can handle it on your own. If things are to get done, you will get them accomplished of your own accord, even if it takes longer. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Some added confidence is all you need to get back on the right track, Libra. Things are bound to work out in your favor, especially when you put your mind to something. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, just when skepticism seems to be taking over, you will discover once in a while there are a few surprises with happy endings. Enjoy your good luck. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, though unusual, your behavior might seem perfectly reasonable to you. But unless you share your thoughts with others, they may wonder what is going on. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Remember that words said in the heat of the moment will not soon be forgotten, Capricorn. Don’t forget to employ some tact when discussing serious matters with loved ones. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, this week you will have to be very convincing if you want plans to go your way. Brush up on your approach and give thought to exactly what it is you want to say. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Take a few days to let your mind wander, Pisces. You will probably find being a free spirit to be a refreshing break from the norm.
that I attend. The meetings are held in the private room in St. Alban’s Hall the last Friday of every month. Tich Nhat Hanh’s reflections have profoundly impacted millions of lives. Helped us to slow down. Listen. Look. Breathe. Jean loaned me a book, Peace At Every Step, by Tich Nhat Hanh. I read and reflect a little every day. Learning to live with yourself, your fears, anxieties, angers, - all the emotions of Life on this journey. Learning to appreciate “every step”, every breath. 2013 has been a difficult year for Sherman and I. It seems my Maker has offered resour-
ces I never knew I had. I am grateful. O yes, - learning to measure every ounce of life with a grateful heart is not a difficult exercise.
My family is coming
They will be here on my birthday, Dec. 21. I am excited. Making ready for their visit. Yes, Ayisha tells me, we will all attend Christmas Eve services at St. Alban’s church. What a thrill it will be to introduce them to my church family!
Peace Be With You
At this special time. And may the coming year bring joy and fulfillment!
A new year with old friends sion and folk. Come down and listen to some great live local music. Come early and order dinner or appetizers from The Riverside Restaurant. Music from 7:309:30 pm. Pass the hat donations for the band encouraged. Fashion Show to be held at Riv from 7-9 pm. Get your tickets at Nature’s Gifts (health food store) or at the door.
CREATIVE from p. 5
‘Homecoming’ at The Riv Monday Dec 23rd
Every year, The Riv also plays host to Ashcroft’s’ Alumni Homecoming. Join your old high school friends and families on Saturday, Dec. 23 - don’t miss your chance to meet up and catch up on old times during the holidays. The night features Karaoke with DJ Tracey Model starting at 8 pm.
New Years Eve Celebrations
Come and join the members of The Ashcroft Legion and ring in 2014! Eat, Drink, Dance and Celebrate!!The Celebration be-
gins with a Potluck dinner, which includes The Legion supplying a Turkey and Roast Beef, as well as hats and party favours. Each Couple is requested to bring a potluck dish to share. Live Music to follow starting at 8 pm until 2 am by Dennis, Gerry, Steve, Jason and Jaymi for your dancing enjoyment. Pick up your advanced tickets at the Junction Shell in Cache Creek. Get ‘em quick as this night usually sells out! For more info call (250) 453-2423. The Annual Community New Years Eve Dance at Clemes Hall (Hwy 8) organized by the Spences Bridge Community Club in Spences Bridge will be rockin’ it all night long with DJ ‘Tunes by Tracie’. The night starts at 9 pm, with delicious snacks, door prizes and Champagne at Midnight. Tickets at the door. For more info call the Packing House at (250) 4582256. Oasis Pub in Cache Creek Celebrates 2014 with a Live Band and prizes. For more info call (250) 457-6232.
See C.P.R. on p. 16
The Journal Thursday, December 19, 2013
2013 fun is far from over in Spences Bridge COMINGS & GOINGS ON
December is such a busy time with so many events and gathering to attend, and the preparations for Christmas keep us hopping as well, I hope everyone is coping and not getting stressed out! Several events are now “checked off” our calendar, but are worthy of mention here. The Christmas Bazaar turned out very well. Although I was concerned that it didn’t seem to be busy and crowded enough, those that attended dug deep and it was a very successful fundraiser. The new look of other vendors selling their wares added greatly to the festive atmosphere, I do hope that it was a profitable venture for them. Thank you so much to everyone who donated, helped in the running, and bought merchandise and raffle tickets – it’s these community ventures that keep our community spirit vibrant. Unfortunately I was unable to attend the Community Christmas Luncheon, however I heard that it was well attended, and that there was plenty of delicious food. Thankyou to everyone who stepped up to the plate and replaced me! (I am far more expendable than I think I am…) At the luncheon, the New Horizon’s Senior’s Program folks presented the community with the beautiful work of art that 22 of our community members worked on. The piece is a glass mosaic depicting an image of the Dancing Tree – but there is so much more going on in it. The piece will be displayed at the old school next, so do take the time to admire this wonderful work. There are lots of plans for future workshops with the New Horizon’s Program – a newsletter will be in your mailboxes very soon. The November pot luck dinner was extremely well attended, it was wonderful to see so many folks come out and share a meal and have a few laughs! The food was so very good, and such variety! Many folks shared stories about the baskets that they brought in. There were bas-
future Wednesdays – please see Carol at the Post Office (thanks in Spences Bridge Carol!) Our next regular meeting Mavourneen is Jan. 8 at 7 pm Varcoe-Ryan at Cleme’s Hall. On behalf of the Spences kets from around the world, Bridge Communbut we learnt a lot about ity Club I wish you all a very Merry the local basketry. I think I Christmas and all the best for 2014! speak for all there that we found it very interesting! Nor was I able to be at the ham and turkey bingo! Gracie James (left) and Ryan Murphy It has been reported to me (right) confide in Santa Claus Marg Oram photos that it was very well attended (with some out of towners too!), and Land Act: that it also was very Notice of Intention to Apply for a successful in the fundraising efforts. There Disposition of Crown Land are plans to bring a put on a bingo once a Take notice that Village of Cache Creek from Cache Creek month – so watch for BC has applied to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural posters, and of course this space. Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Kamloops, for a lease for a Solid Waste and Recycling Residential Drop Off facility Thanks Craig and Oliva for taksituated on Provincial Crown land located within the remainder ing this on – and to all the other of Section 18, Twp. 21, Rge 24, W6M, Kamloops Division Yale helpers too! District (KDYD). The New Year’s Eve dance The Lands File for this application is 3412852. Written is of course fast approachcomments concerning this application should be directed to ing. Tickets are now on sale the Senior Land Officer, Kamloops, MFLNRO, at 441 Columbia Street Kamloops. Comments will be received by MFLNRO up for this wonderful night; only to January 11, 2014. MFLNRO may not be able to consider $10! It gets started at 9 pm with comments received after this date. Please visit our website great dancing music supplied for more information. by… (back by very popular demand…) DJ Tracie! Some of the Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be things that make this a fabulous considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Ministry of Forests, way to ring in the new year are; Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ Office in Kamloops. fantastic snacks all night long, Champagne and noise makers / hats at midnight, and the comSTAKING OF UNSURVEYED CROWN LAND fort of celebrating with friends Where the land is unsurveyed or is part of a surveyed 5. The sidelines for unsurveyed foreshore shall, as a and neighbours! The Inn is right parcel, an applicant is required to identify the land by general rule, be laid out at right angles to the general next door for those of you out of the process of staking. trend of the shore. This may be varied to suit special conditions, but encroachment on the foreshore towners who need a place to lay Staking is done by attaching the hard copy of the fronting adjoining lands shall be avoided. The outside your weary head. The hall will attached (completed) staking notice to a post at least or waterward boundary shall be a straight line or be all decked out in it’s finest, so one metre high above the ground, firmly fixed in the series of straight lines joining the outer ends of the ground at one corner of the land. Please weatherproof side boundaries. On narrow bodies of water the put on your dancing shoes and the staking notice before posting and place in a plastic outside boundary shall not normally extend beyond join us! bag or plastic folder or laminate. the near edge of the navigable channel. The SBCC has set the date An application for Crown land must be filed with 1 hectare = 2.471 acres of Dec. 28 for a skating party at FrontCounter BC. 1 metre = 3.281 feet Mud Lake. The club will sup100 metres x 100 metres = 10,000 square metres or 1 hectare ply some wieners to roast over NOTE: THERE IS NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER ACQUIRED TO ANY CROWN LAND BY REASON OF: the fire, and some hot chocolate. • STAKING THE LAND There is a large box of skates in • PUBLISHING A NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY a variety of sizes for you to borFOR CROWN LAND • FILING AN APPLICATION FOR CROWN LAND row if you don’t have a pair. There may be some snow by DESCRIBING STAKED LAND: then, so we could be sledding 1. The point of commencement, for unsurveyed parcels, too! Of course this event is enshould be described in terms of an existing survey post tirely weather dependant – feel (eg. 18 metres west of the S.E. corner of the parcel) or a free to call me to confirm. readily identifiable geographic feature (eg. A prominent point of land or intersection of two roads) to enable I have set up a facebook page accurate location of the parcel. for the SBCC, where I will try to post all coming events and ac2. Boundary lines of the staked area must be, as much as possible, astronomically true north, south, east, and tivities – just ask to be added! west so that a rectangular lot is formed. Then you can also ask questions make comments or suggestions 3. Where the topographical features of the area do not allow for rectangular boundary lines running true north, as well. It’s about time I vensouth, east, and west, then boundaries will be permitted tured into this technology for the in other directions as long as they do not interfere with Club! the orderly survey of other surrounding land. The soup day at the old 4. The side lines for small parcels fronting on lakes, school is continuing, except that rivers, tidal waters and on certain surveyed highways there will not be soup on Dec. 25 shall, where possible, be parallel to each other and perpendicular to the general trend of the features on or Jan.1. We always need folks which the small parcel fronts. to sign up to make the soup for
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Thursday, December 19, 2013 The Journal
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How do those people go from “fat to fit”? by not eating at fast food joints - not too many people I work out with have McDonalds as their goto place for dinner. All of them started out slow, and saw huge weight Wayne Little drops in the first few months. Simply walking a mile or two a miner1098 day is all you need to get ed. I personally know many people I doubt walk 500m all day long. This is sad. Then anymore, I had to do something. they started going to the gym, doing Like I said, the stories of how they home exercise videos, or signing up for became overweight is usually the running events, you name it. same scenario, but it’s how they lost Another thing I noticed is that they the weight and continued to keep it lose their depressed attitude; it’s a heck off that interests me. We’ve all heard of a lot easier to get up in the morning of Jared from Subway who lost all his and workout if you’re in a good mood. weight by eating subway sandwichYou’ll notice in the first picture they’ll es. This story boggles my mind, as this be unsmiling and overweight, but the diet would consist of a high amount of after picture they are smiling? It’s becarbs, and processed meats. cause they’re happy, they’ve accomI’m sure he lost most of the plished a huge goal, and chances are weight in the bathroom sitting they are working on getting even fitter, on the toilet. or faster. How these people lose their In a couple weeks, it will be Jan. weight always comes from 1, 2014 and the time for resolutions. two changes in their lives: they I want you to make up a fitness resoexercise and eat properly. By lution and email it to me. It could be working out daily, their bodto walk a mile a day every day, go to Dec. 19 - A night of Christmas music in Cache Creek. Free, ies could metabolize the good but donations to the hand bell choir are welcome. Enjoy the yoga twice a week, join in on the Defood they started eating, which live music of local musicians: the Desert Bells Hand Bell sert Hills Tri Club workout, whatever it usually goes hand in hand. Choir, Taize, a jazz trio and a recorder due. Free snacks and may be. Send me your resolution, your hot beverages, and a visit from the Man in Red! Bring the There isn’t much point in goprogress, and your eventual success. I children and come to the Cache Creek Community Hall. The ing for a 10km run, then comwant to hear about it, and if you’ll let fun begins at 7 pm. ing home and eating a whole me, I’ll write an article of your story. Dec. 20 - Bingo fundraiser for the Ashcroft Secondary pecan pie. By eating smallMy resolution for 2014 is to actualSenior Girls Basketball team at the Bonaparte Band Hall, er portions spread out through Cache Creek. Doors open at 6:00pm, bingo starts at 7:00. ly work out less - down to 10 hours a the day in five or six meals inConcession available. For information call Priscilla at (250) week, with more time spent with my 457-7696. stead of one or two large meals family, friends, and the dog. is another trick they’ll do. And Dec. 20th - Zion UCW Church Family Christmas Party; 5:30
I’m fascinated by the articles I’ve read on the internet and in health magazines regarding “fat to fit” stories. They all read like a Harlequin romance novel, only the names and places have changed, but the stories are all the same. With the men, it’s like this… I did sports a lot in high school, then in college I kept eating lots but worked out less and less. With my job I found it hard to exercise and eat properly, by the time I was 35 (or so) I was blank pounds overweight and I had to do something. For the women, it’s usually like this… After I had my second child, I didn’t have time to exercise and I wasn’t eating properly anymore, finding satisfaction in fatty or sugary foods. I was “blank” pounds overweight and I couldn’t even play with my children
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PM. Evening begins with a potluck meal.
Dec. 24th - Zion United Church Service of Lessons and Carols; 7 PM All welcome. Pastor Alice Watson presiding. Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve service with the Reverend Dan Hines at St. Alban’s Anglican Church, Ashcroft. 7:00pm.
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Jan. 7th - Zion UCW meets in Church Hall, 401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft at 2 PM. A warm welcome awaits all interested women. Jan. 13 - The next Cache Creek Council meeting will be held at 7 pm in the Village Office. Everyone welcome. Jan. 31 - New Year’s Eve Dance in Spences Bridge!
Every Friday - Soup’s On from 11 am to 1 pm at St. Alban’s Anglican Church in Ashcroft. Soup, buns and dessert by donation.
The Village Office will be closed from noon on Tuesday, December 24th, 2013 until 8:00 am Thursday, January 2nd, 2014.
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Crib every Thursday at 7:00 pm Darts every Thursday at 7:30 pm * Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre, first & third Sunday of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Contract Bridge, beginners welcome Every Wednesday 3:00 to 5:00 pm Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August) Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 5 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm
There will be no changes to the Tuesday or Friday regular garbage collection schedule - please ensure that your garbage is at the curb by 8:00 am. The TNRD Building Inspector will be in Ashcroft on Tuesday, December 24th. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, January 7th, 2014. Please call the TNRD office directly at 1-877-377-8673 if you have any questions regarding inspections. 2013 TAX & UTILITY PAYMENTS Payments on 2013 tax and utility accounts must be received in our office by 4:00 pm, Thursday, January 2nd, 2014 to avoid 2013 penalties and interest. Payments received on or after January 3rd, 2014 will be applied against applicable penalties and interest charges. SORRY, POSTMARKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED AS DATE OF PAYMENT. 2014 LICENCES 2014 Dog Licences and Commercial Vehicle decals will go on sale Friday, January 3rd, 2014. They will not be sold on Thursday, January 2nd, 2014. Business Licence renewal notices will be mailed out the first part of January. ARENA HOURS OF OPERATION The Drylands Arena will be closed on December 24, 25, 26, 27 & 31st as well as January 1st, 2014. However we are pleased to offer free public skating on December 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 & 30th & January 2nd from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Regular arena scheduling resumes on Friday, January 3rd, 2014. Please call the arena at 250-4539545 to confirm schedule. 2014 COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE Copies of the Village of Ashcroft Council meetings for 2014 are available at the Village office during regular office hours or can be viewed on our website at www.ashcroftbc. ca/council_meeting_schedule Mayor Anderson, Council and Staff wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy holiday season!!
The Journal Thursday, December 19, 2013
Golden Country presents
... Past, Present & Beyond Christmas 1943: Far from home On Oct. 4 1943, Bing Crosby re- the streets and homes were deserted; corded “I’ll Be Home for Christ- only an old dog could be seen, looking mas”, and within a month it was well for something to eat. Large bomb craters pockmarked on its way to becoming a the streets, classic. World War II had which were been raging for more than blocked by piles four years, and the song – of debris. Many with its lovely evocation buildings were of a peaceful, happy holishell-torn, while day and the bittersweet others had been final line “I’ll be home for completely flatChristmas, if only in my tened. Houses dreams” – struck a chord and shops stood with the hundreds of thouopen to the elesands of people who were ments, their far from home and had no doors blown off, hope of being back there and Jimmy vensoon. GOLDEN COUNTRY tured into one of One of those people far BARBARA RODEN the homes. Pots from home, that Christover the firemas of 1943, was 29-yearold Jimmy Tofin of Ashcroft. He had place contained food, and the table was joined the army in 1942, and ended up set for a meal; but the inhabitants had spending time in 12 different countries clearly left in a hurry when the bombduring his four years of service. In late ing started, to take shelter in the near1943 he swept down through Italy as by hills, and had not returned. Jimmy part of the Allied push in that country, estimated that the population of Aveland just before Christmas found him- lino now, excluding soldiers, was less self in the central Italian city of Avel- than a dozen. As he looked down one of the side lino. What did Jimmy make of the an- streets Jimmy saw two of those incient city, so different to the town he habitants, and moved towards them. was from, thousands of miles away? When he got closer he saw they were There would have been no snow or a boy and a girl, with pinched and dirty mistletoe in Avellino, but it was prob- faces and shabby, torn clothing. The ably the Christmas trees Jimmy missed girl was slightly bigger than the boy, most, for he had had a Christmas tree and held his hand protectively, more cutting business near Ashcroft between like a mother than like the older sister 1933 and his enlistment in 1942. There she clearly was. When Jimmy wished would be no Cariboo Christmas tree the pair a cheerful “Merry Christmas!” for Jimmy Tofin that year; and so he set the boy buried his face in his sister’s dress. The girl gazed at Jimmy for a out so see what this new place held. Avellino had borne the brunt of Al- moment, then said in good English, lied bombing raids in the area in Sept. “You got chocolate for my brother?” Well, a guy didn’t go around with 1943, and the city, which had boasted a pre-War population of 20,000, had his pockets full of chocolate, and been pounded into a shadow of its for- Jimmy felt bad. However, he had what mer self. As Jimmy wandered the city he thought was a good answer ready. on Christmas Eve day, he found that “Santa Claus will bring you lots on
Christmas Eve,” he promised. The girl pulled her brother closer and shook her head. “We in Italy do not have a Santa Claus like you do in Canada Avellino, Italy, as Ashcroft’s Jimmy Tofin would have seen it at and America,” Christmas 1943 she replied, morto, boom, boom!” to Jimmy’s surprise. He’d always Jimmy felt sorry for the children; thought old Santa was all the world but there didn’t seem much he could over. He was even more surprised by do for them. It was getting dark, too, the girl’s English, and she explained and he needed to get back to the buildthat her father had taught her. “He and ing where he was quartered. Explodmy mother were killed by one of your ing shells at nearby Cassino gave bombs,” she added matter-of-factly, enough light that he could pick his way pointing to where a doorway had once through the rubble, and when he got led to a basement. A deathly smell still back he found that the Christmas Eve hung over the area, and even though celebration was well on its way. PokJimmy had not been responsible for er was being played; songs were bethe bombing he felt bad. ing sung; and there was more than “Do you mean to say that the kids enough vino to go around. One soldier out here don’t have any Santa Claus or had hung up a sock with a note, asking Christmas trees at Christmas time?” he Santa for one Canadian blonde (5’2”, asked, thinking that it was time some- eyes of blue), a case of Johnny Walkone did something about that. er, and a set of discharge papers. He’d “We have the Befana,” the girl re- added, as a PS, “I want to go home.” plied. When Jimmy looked puzzled, The sock reminded Jimmy of the she explained, “The Befana is a good two children, who had no Santa Claus fairy who on Epiphania – the 6th of to bring them gifts. But perhaps, with January – fills the little boys’ and girls’ a little help from his faraway home – a stockings with good things.” home Jimmy Tofin would see only in “What is the Befana going to put his dreams that Christmas – he could in your stocking?” Jimmy asked, then do something about that. wondered if the children even had And so it was that Befana – who stockings. The little boy shook his was not dead – did not forget those two head. children in Avellino. They received a “No,” he said, then added, “Befana towel, two bars of soap, bread, corn Fascista morto.” (The Fascists killed beef, hard tack, and some chocolate, Befana.) which had come in an Elk’s Soldiers Jimmy tried to cheer the children Comfort parcel all the way from Ashup. “Befana no morto.” (Santa Claus croft, BC to Avellino, Italy, Christmas wasn’t dead.) 1943. “Si, si,” the boy said sadly. “Befana
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Dear Santa My name is Adrian. I am 5 years old. I have a sister and I would like to give her dolls. I want to give my dad a tool box. I would like to give my step-mom a very pretty necklace. I would like to have Mario and Luigi Lego, jingle bells, 4 popies for me and my family, Mario books, sketch board, painting set, Zoob and pipe cleaners. I live in Ashcroft. How is the North Pole? Merry Christmas, from Adrian
Thursday, December 19, 2013 The Journal
Do you ever get fat after eating so many cookies? Mrs. Claus makes you? How’s Rudolph? Merry Christmas, from Ann
Dear Santa My name is MaryGrace. I am 5 years old and I live in Ashcroft. Dear Santa I have a mom who Ms. Hill’s Kindergarten Class, Ashcroft My name is Brea. I am 5 likes to work on the years old and I live in Ashcomputer. I would like Crasher and Minecraft, please. croft. her to have a big but not to big trampoline Santa how come you like to delivI have a mom who likes the colour er presents and eat cookies? Why do you for outside. pink. I wish she could have a kitty. I have been good this year. only come on Christmas? Why do the I have been good this year. Could I elves like to make toys? Could I please have a flying fairy and Dear Santa please have a little bit of Barbies? an alarm clock so I can wake up on time. Yours truly, Joshua My name is Ann. I am 5 years old and What would you like for Christmas, When you come I will have made you I live in Ashcroft. Santa? How fast does your sleigh and some cookies and milk. To Santa I have a mom who likes to read to me. reindeer go? Does Rudolph like carrots? From Mary-Grace My name is Kiana, I am 5 and I live in I wish she could have a new computer. From Brea Ashcroft. I have been good this year. Could I Dear Santa My brother likes to play with his have a blue little van/car to play with. Dear Santa My name is Mathew. I am 5 years friends. I wish he could have Lego Chima What are your favorite cookies that My name is Carys. I am 5 years old. for Christmas. old and I live in Ashcroft. I have a brothI live in Ashcroft. I have a dad and I have been good this year could I er who likes ice cream. I wish he could mom. have a bike. I have been good this year. please have Monster High Dolls. How are the reindeer doing? Do you ever get fat after eating so Could I please have a hot wheel car and a How many cookies did you make? many cookies? Do you like taking pic- game. How many reindeer do you have? I wish dad could have a present. tures? Do the reindeer have bells? Don’t you ever get cold when you fly up I have been good this year. From Kiana in the air? Could I please have a pink bike for Merry Christmas, from Mathew Christmas. Dear Santa Santa, why do you eat cookies? Dear Santa This letter is from Kylie! I live in My favorite reindeer is Ru- Ashcroft and I am in Kindergarten. My name is Naveah. I am five years dolph. old and I live in Ashcroft. I have a brothI have a cat named Jack! Could you From Carys please get him a new toy for Christmas. I er named James. I wish he could have a would like a black cat stuffy! I would also Wicsh for Christmas. I have been good Dear Santa this year. I want paper dolls with clothes like a new pair of pants and a shirt. My name is Francesca. I am 5 Do your elves fly around and report if for Christmas. The JUNCTION years old and I live in Ashcroft. What kind of cookie do you like? the kids have been good or bad? SHELL I have an uncle who likes From Naveah And, could I please, please have Hunmusic. I wish he could have a gry Hippos? Cache Creek • 250-457-6612 music box. Dear Santa MERRY CHRISTMAS! From Kylie I have been good this year. My name is Myah, I am 5 years old Could I please have a Princess Barand I live in Ashcroft. I have a little sister, Dear Santa bie with a Prince. Alex and she likes Barbie Dolls. I wish I’m 5 years old. Do elves have magic? How can she could have Barbies so we can play I lived in Ashcroft my whole life. Warmest thoughts the reindeer fly? I like how you fly together. How is Mrs. Claus? and best wishes for a into Christmas. I have been good all year. Could I Are the elves good? From Francesca please have a bike for Christmas? WithFor Christmas I would like Hot wonderful holiday and a out training wheels! Wheels Dinosaur Track. Or I would like very happy new year. Dear Santa How fast does your sled go? How Shock Bot Dinosaur. I would like Star My name is Joshua, I am on Wars game. bright is Rudolph’s nose glow? my best behavior this year. I am six From Myah That would be all I want. years old and I live in Ashcroft. From: Lacklann I have a brother that would like Dear Santa Claus a cat for Christmas. I would love it My name is Peyton. I am 5 years old. I Restaurant Dear Santa if you would do that for him, please live in Ashcroft. My name is Lane. I am six years old Cache Creek Dairy Queen and thank you. I have a little sister, named Avery who and I live in Ashcroft on top of the hill. I would wish for a Zoomer likes dolls, so could she get a dolly please. I have a mom who likes camping. I Puppy and a toy gun for Christmas, wish she could have a horse this ChristI have been very good this year. Can I please get a dolly please. mas. and thank Love Peyton I have been very good this year. Could you. I please have two horses this Christmas. I also Do you still love cookies as much as wish for before? Continued next page a Castle From Lane
Season’s Greetings, with best wishes for a Happy New Year!
Seasons Greetings Open Dec. 24 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day Open Dec. 27 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm and Dec. 31 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
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Railway Avenue Ashcroft 250-453-9343
Seasons Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year
Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year
We will be closed December 25th, 26th and January 1st. Closed at Noon December 24th and 31st.
Cache Creek Veterinary Hospital 250-457-6203
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The Journal Thursday, December 19, 2013
Please bring me a fire breathing toothless dragon Dear Santa My name is Roman. I am 5 years old. I would like Batman and Angry Bird set. Santa, I have been mostly good. What is Rudolf doing? How bright is his nose? Can’t wait to see
you Santa. I will give you smartie cookies and chocolate milk. Mrs. Claus, do you sleep in your bed on Christmas Eve? From Roman Dear Santa My name is Wesley. I am 5 years old. I live in
Ashcroft. I have a sister who likes rattles. I wish she could have a rattle. I have been good this year. Could I please have a litsaver for Christmas. Have fun flying around the world. From Wesley
LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Ms. Marlow’s Kindergarten & Grade 1 Class, Ashcroft Hello Santa. How are you Rudolph. I am 6 also I am going to give you cookies and a big present. And I want kids far away to have presents too. I want for christmas a bat costume with a cape for Halloween and a lego optimus prime. Good bye santa. Thank you, from Aviane Hello Santa how are you? How is Rudolph? I am 5 years old! I want for families around the world to have a wonderful Christmas! Please bring me an ipod for Christmas? Goodbye Santa and thank you for reading this! From: Anna Hello Santa How old are you? How tall are you? How does Rudolph keep his nose so bright? I am six years old. My favorite food is carrots. My Family dog is named Duce. I wish that someone could get skates. I wish boys who don’t have toy cars could get some toy cars. Santa could please have a skateboard for Christmas. Please bring me a sock monkey too. From Aiden Dear Santa How are you? Santa how is Mrs. Claus? How are you doing at the North pole? Santa does Rudolph’s nose blink? I am 6 years old and I really like to eat apples! I want other families around the world that don’t have trees to have Christmas trees! Please bring me 10 baby toys! Good bye and thank you! Love Brooke
my favorite food is fish (yummy). I wish for someone in the world like a little girl to get a nice big fuluffy dog to keep her company. And for Christmas can I Please have a big lone ranger lego train and thank you. From Fischer Good morning Santa. How are you? Someone else could have a bike. I want an eagle stuffy. Good bye and thank you. Love Hannah Dear Santa I am wondering how bright is Rudolph’s nose? I’m 5 and I like Mac and Cheese. My favorite channel for the TV is teletoon. I wish for someone else in the world to please give them a house. Please could I have skyladers swap force? Merry Christmas Santa, from Karsin Hello Santa, What is the reindeer’s favorite food? I am 6 years old and my favorite fruit is strawberries. My favorite candy is twizzlers. I wish for another child a bike with a helmet please. Please bring me a Lalaloopsy. Please could I have a new bike and a surprise. Goodbye and thank you so much for reading this! From Kaylee Hello Santa . How’s Mrs, Claus. I’m 6!!! I wish for someone in the world to have a tooth brush. Please bring me a DS. Love: Leanne
Dear Santa I wonder what it is like to be in the north pole? I am 6 years old. I wish for Hello Santa how are you today? How someone else in the world like bring old are you Santa! I really like eating them a doll and a car. I wish for a power rangers mega force morpher. Wishing you and your Thank you! loved ones peace, health, Love Donovan Dear Santa. How is Rudolph, Dancer, Prancer, Dasher, Comic, Blitzen, Cuppid and Donner. Oh and I like hockey. Do you like it too? Also what’s your favorite hockey team? My favorite hockey team is the Montreal Canadians. I am six and
apples! I would really like for a girl to have a doll for Christmas!! I would like a baby doll for Christmas this year! Thank you Santa. From Mackenzie Dear Santa My name is Melody. How many elves do you have? How is Rudolph doing? I am five years old. I would like a rainbow furbi and a purple fijit with curly sparkly antennas and my very own exciting mark toy that is 3 feet tall. Good bye and a thank you. Love Melody Hello Santa How’s Rudolph. I’m 6 year old. I really like to eat mangos. Please bring kids who have no shoes some shoes. Please bring me a 2013 holiday Barbie doll please could I also have 2 bags of balloons. Thank you Santa. Love Naveah Dear Santa Can you please name one of your elves Nolan? Santa do you and mrs. Claus share the cookies. Rudolph do you help Santa when it is foggy out? Rudolph you like your job. My name is Nolan and I am 6 and I like to eat pizza. And I like to go fishing and bike riding and camping. I wish for another kid in the world for a coloring book. Please can I have a remote control car or a helicopter? Goodbye Santa. Love Nolan Hi Santa My name is Reggie. How are you doing? I am 6, I like painting. I wish someone to have a dog. Please bring me a surprise. Goodbye and thank you. From: Reggie Dear Santa How does Rudolph keep his nose so bright? What’s your favorite reindeer? How big is your workshop? What is your reindeer’s favorite food? I am 6 years old! My favourite colors are blue and red and green! My favorite food is chocolate chip cookies! I wish that if someone had no family they would find a family. Please bring me a fire breathing toothless dragon toy for Christmas. Love Ryland
happiness and prosperity in the coming New Year.
Our office is closed from December 23, 2013 and reopening January 2, 2014
Ashcroft fAmily medicAl PrActice 250-453-9353
Merry Christmas
Closed December 25 - January 7 See you in the New Year!
Ashcroft Bakery and Coffee Shop
250-453-9212•3rd St., Ashcroft
Dear Santa What color are your boots? I like playing soccer. I am 6. I would like to give soap to my mom. I would like an ipad. Goodbye From Talon What’s up Santa? Hey Santa. Is Rudolph’s real? Does his bright nose really glow all day at the North Pole and every night? Hey Santa did you know that I’m 5 years old? Hey Santa did you know that I like playing with lego? Do you too? I would like you to give dogs a chew toy. Dear Santa could I have some police lego I can build and an Xbox and I like one and 2 and 3 and 4.
Have a happy Christmas to you! From Trenton!
Good morning Santa Where do your elves work? What do you do for Santa’s birthday? I love Rudolph. I am 6 years old. I love macaroni. I would like to give a car toy. I would like a smurf toy. Good bye and thank-you! Love Zachary
May the Holiday Season bring only happiness and joy to you and your loved ones
MILLER’S CROSSING 250-373-2541 • Savona, BC
Warm wishes for a Joyful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year from all of us at
Revelations Tanning & Salon
Open Dec. 24th Closed Dec. 25 - 30th, Open Dec. 31st
Railway Ave, Ashcroft
Wishing you a Joyous Holiday Season and a Prosperous, Healthy New Year Cache Creek Petro Canada and Restaurant Open: 6:30 am - 10:00 pm
Bus tickets & shipping 250-457-9582
A 12
Thursday, December 19, 2013 The Journal
I’m trying hard to stay off the naughty list Christmas Greetings
Zion United Church Rev. Alice Watson Christmas Eve Service: 7:00 pm - Lessons & Carols
Everyone Welcome 401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft 250-453-9511
Every good Wish for your Happiness this Holiday Season
Hungry? Herbies 250-457-6644
Closed Christmas Day 1301 Hwy, 97 North, Cache Creek
Wishing you Christmas Happiness to warm your heart and home with special joy
NOEL H. MURRAY Certified Professional Bookkeeper Corporate and Personal Tax Returns Cache Creek, B.C. Telephone/Fax: 250-457-9696
from everyone at
Highland Valley Copper It is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in your home and warming the gracious flame of charity in your heart Happy Holidays
Dear Santa, How are you doing? Did you get new reindeer? I would like a Harry Potter Wii game please. I will give you Doritos! My sister would like cupcakes, she has a sweet tooth. From Louis Dear Santa, How are you doing? This year I would like an IPod and a charger please, and a whole bunch of games that I will play. My Dad wants a whole bunch of tools. My mom wants a diamond. Thank you, I will leave cookies. From Carter Dear Santa, How are you doing? Can you bring me trashies please? Can you bring my Mom a ring for Christmas? My mom would wear the ring for pictures. I would like Lego Starwars and I would like a ship. I am going to leave chocolate cookies and I am going to leave diet Pepsi and cookies. From Cimarone Dear Santa, How are you doing? For Christmas can you please bring my Mom a dress and can you please bring my Dad a rifle. My sister would like a Barbie doll. I would like an X-Box 1. From Holden Dear Santa, How are you doing? How are the reindeer? My mom wants makeup, my Dad wants a big elk. My brother wants a crane and I would like deer. From Shawn Dear Santa, How are you doing? How are the elves? For Christmas can you please bring my Mom chocolate? I don’t know what my Dad wants. Can you please bring my sister Moira an easel. I would like a show camera. From Monique
LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Mrs. Hamson’s Grade 2/3 Class, Ashcroft Dear Santa, How are the reindeer doing? For Christmas can you please bring my Mom some Doritos and please bring my Dad a dirt bike. I would like walkie talkies. From Dallon Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? Can you please bring my Mom a phone, my dog ate it. Can I please have a magic 8 ball? Thank you. From Brooke Dear Santa, How are you? My Mom would like an adult book. My Dad would like a Bathroom Readers book. My sister would like a teddy bear. I would like a new Lego Friends set. Thank you Santa. From Sierra Dear Santa, How are you doing? For Christmas can you please bring my Mom a dress? Can you please bring my Dad a box of chocolate? My sister would like a teddy bear and my brother would like a box of diapers (size 5). I would like a dress. From Gabrielle Dear Santa, How are you doing? How are the elves? My mom would like shoes. My Dad would like pop and chips. I don’t know what my sister wants. I would like to have a good Christmas. From Kaelin Dear Santa, How are the polar bears? Can you please bring my Mom a coffee maker? I would like a remote control truck. From Devon Dear Santa How are you doing? How are the elves doing? For Christmas can you please bring my Mom pictures of my sisters. And for my dad a new hammer. I would like a Lego Ninjago playset. Am I on the naughty list? I’m trying hard to stay off the naughty list. From Tristan
Happy Holidays May the warmth of the season touch you and your loved ones, making it the best holiday season ever
From the Mayor, Council and Staff at the
Closed at noon December 24, 2013 Reopening January 6, 2014
Dear Santa How are you doing? How are the elves and the reindeer doing? Can you please bring my mom a choke necklace and can you please bring my dad a rusty truck? And can you please bring my sister a toy train. And I would really like a toy train too. Thank you. I hope you and Mrs Claus a Merry Christmas From Moira Dear Santa How are the polar bears? Please can you bring my dad NHL 14 game. My dog would like a new toy. My mom would like dark chocolate. My brother would like a rifle. My sister would like a bow. I would like Lego. Thank you. From Waylon Dear Santa How are the elves doing? How are the penguins doing? How are you doing and How is Mrs. Claus? Can you please bring my dad a new TV. I want the game of Call Of Duty Ghost and a Wii. From Darius Dear Santa How are the elves and the penguins doing? Can you please bring my mom a new bed. From Mikayla Dear Santa How are the polar bears? My mom would like a cake. My sister would like a guitar strap. Rob would like a new PS3 game. We will leave cookies. I would like a bayblade. From Robert Dear Santa How are the polar bears? Can you please bring my mom a movie. I would like Lego Cheema. Can you bring my dad a big screen TV please. From Cashtin
Continued next page
We wish you and your family Seasons Greetings and a Joyous New Year
Big Sky Station Open Dec. 24, 26 & 31 8-4 Closed Dec. 25 & Jan. 1 1000 Trans Canada Highway, Savona, BC
The Journal Thursday, December 19, 2013
And I want a new horse Dear Santa How are the reindeer doing? Can you please give my mom chocolate. Can you please give my dad socks. Can you please give my brother Cole a hockey stick. And can you please give my brother William pork rinds. Can you please give me a iPod. From Sage Dear Santa How are you doing? How are the reindeer and polar bears? How
are the penguins? The penguins are going to be in our school play. My mom needs a new cord for her computer. My dad would like tickets to a Canucks game. My big sister MacKenzie would like itune cards to buy more music. My sister Jerika would like her own Ipod speakers. My brother would like more Lego. I would like clothes for my Generation Doll. I will leave you cookies and milk and a bunch of carrots for all the reindeer. Thank you, from Savannah
Have a safe and happy Holiday Season!
LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Miss Ellis’ Kindergarten/Grade 1 Class, Cache Creek Dear Santa Claus What I really want this year is some new lego sets and maybe some new cloths. I know it’s pretty boring but I really need some clothes that fit and maybe an iTune card. Have a safe trip. Sincerely, Daniel Dear Santa I would like a beanbag chair for Christmas. How are you? Are your reindeer ready for Christmas. I hope they are! Plus make sure Hicksted doesn’t bite you! I am going to make you gingerbread cookies. Sincerely, Lucy Dear Santa Claus How have you been? I’ve been a really good girl this year. I’d really like a zoomer, a sew cool and a beanbag chair. Do you like chocolate chip, gingersnap or sugar cookies? I’d also like a nice and relaxing cruise to Hawaii. How do you get around the world in one night and how do you get in my house without me waking up? Yours truly, Madison Dear Santa Hello Santa. Do you like giving out presents to everybody on Christmas? Do you like when I give you cookies and milk and if you have tie can you save me some cookies please? Sincerely, Noah Dear Santa Claus For Christmas I want the Hunger Games. Is Rudolph the Reindeer leader? Santa what is your favorite type of cookie? Sincerely, Rylie
Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! I hope you can give me some good toys this Christmas. I mostly want for Christmas I have been waiting for three years for a iPad. I have a questen to ask you. How do you fit in my chimney because you are so big and my chimney is so small. Vanessa Dear Santa Claus Merry Christmas! I hope I get a barber kit but if you do not have time, or have something else in mind, that’s ok. I hope you have a fun time delivering all the toys. I’m sorry that we never left anything out for you but we never have the time. How do you get in my house? Sincerely, Cori Dear Santa I would like an iPod so I can play with it, and buy games and have fun. I want to have fun on Christmas this year without a boring Christmas and don’t get me clothes because I don’t want clothes. Sincerely, Amy Dear Santa Claus For Christmas I would like to have a Lego friends
dolphin cruiser or the horse chaler and Barn like Lucy and Maya have please. Love, Leigha Dear Santa For Christmas I would like a scooter and new new shoes. I am always bored at home an I need something to do. Thats why I want a scooter. And I want new shoes because I need new shoes for gym class. How long does it take to deliver presents in Cache Creek? Sincerely, Chloe Dear Santa Claus Merry Christmas! I hope that for everyone in the whole wide world. My favourite part of Christmas is giving. What is your favourite part of Christmas? For Christmas I am giving my family bracelets. What is your favorite type of cookies? How do you get in to my house without waking me up? For Christmas I would like a white board and markers if you have time. I hope you have a safe journey. Thank you. Sincerely, Sophia Dear Santa Claus I hope you had a wonderful year. Now it’s that time
you have to start making all the toys for all the girls and boys around the world. What are your favorite cookies? How are your elves? Sincerely, Sierra Hi Santa Claus. How is Rudolph the red nose reindeer? I hope you get around the world in one night. I hope you have a good night on Christmas evening. Sincerely, Owen Dear Santa Claus I want a guitar and a yoyo for Christmas. If you don’t get an electric guitar that’s ok. How do you get to Cache Creek so fast? Sincerely, Nathan Dear Santa Claus Merry Christmas! Santa how do you get in my house because if I hear anything I wake up. I want a robt dog for Christmas, a new pair of cowboy boots and an iPod dook. And I want a new horse. Sincerely, Gracie Dear Santa Claus I would like a new pair of neon gym shoes. I would like a pair of head phones to. Sincerely, Emma
Joy and Happiness for the Holidays and the New Year To a Healthy, Happy and Peaceful New Year
Anie’s Pizza & Bakery
from all of us at the Gold Trail Teachers Association
Wishing you peace, love, and joy this Holiday Season
Building Centre 1217 Cariboo Hwy, Clinton
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 250-453-2221 1425 Evans Road
Share in the Spirit of the Season
Closed Dec. 25th - 27th and January 1st - 3rd Trans Canada Hwy., Cache Creek 1002 Trans Canada Hwy, Cache Creek
Highway 97, Cache Creek
A 14
Thursday, December 19, 2013 The Journal
Christmas is about spending time with family day filled with joy and happiness. Where everyone can get together and Mrs. Patterson’s Grade 5/6/7 Class, Cache Creek have a fun time. Thanks for Dear Santa Half the time I think she Hi, my name is Oliv- pulls it really long just to reading my letter and I hope to hear from you soon... ia and I am 12 years old. I tease me... Sincerely, Olivia have a mother, a father and Well, now it’s about an older sister. My sister’s that time! My ideal ChristDear Santa Claus name is Arianna. We are mas presents would be the My name is Raylene, I pretty close, but like all sib- One Direction movie called lings, we fight sometimes. “This Is Us”, the perfume am 12 years old. I live near Other than that, I love her called “Our Moment” (made Cache Creek. I have three a lot! In my class, there are by One Direction as well), siblings, and my mother only four grade sevens! I’m and maybe a phone. I know doesn’t buy enough food so I one of them. Our class is I sound a bit greedy, but if am the one that doesn’t usu5/6/7 split. Having a small I got even one of those I ally get a lunch nor breakfast. school is nice because we would be filled with joy! As I think that I have been good all know each other very you can probably tell, One throughout the year. During well. Sports are my pas- Direction is a big part of my Christmas I will probably sion. I enjoy playing volley- life. I would call myself a not be at my house to celeball, soccer, tennis, and in bit obsessed with them, but brate, but at my grandmas in the summer I go swimming hey! I am not the only one Kamloops. I welcome you to with my friends. This year, who has interests. My room my home though. I am wondering how I guess I have been good. At is almost completely covsome points I wasn’t, but no- ered in posters. Sometimes many people are on the nice body is perfect. my mom gets angry when I list every year and how many I’ve already talked about buy more. If I didn’t get any people are on the naughty myself, so let’s focus on of those, that would still be list. What I mostly want for you. Did you have a hard fine. After all, Christmas is time getting ready for this only about spending time Christmas is for my sister to upcoming Christmas? If I with your family and mak- become nice to me, because were you I would be com- ing memories. I’m not quite she is the most mean in my pletely stressed out! I mean, sure what any of my family family. That is all that I want giving presents to every- members would want. It’s for Christmas, I would like one in the world in a matter always hard for me to buy you to get my mother a 14 of 24 hours is crazy! It’s al- them presents because they karat gold necklace. I think I deserve the most unbelievable. How are have everything! your reindeers doing? Are I think I am deserv- present because I am hurting they getting trained for the ing of these presents be- inside because of her. Could flights? They must be ex- cause I worked my hard- you remember to come to hausted after Christmas! But est to be kind and consider- my house and send some they have 365 days to rest. ate to others. I helped some kind of surprise, present What would be your favour- people when they weren’t something that I might like? I am going to leave you ite Christmas carol? I would feeling the best. At my house say mine is Silent Night. In there will be chocolate chip some cookies and milk at my house we have an Aus- cookies and eggnog! I hope my house and at my grandtrian tradition and open all you will enjoy them. Choc- mother’s house so you could of our presents on Christmas olate chip cookies are my fa- have that much more snacks. I would like to send Eve. Before we can, there is vourite type. Which ones are a bell that when we pull the your favourite? Eggnog is a wishes to you, thanks. Raylene string it plays the beat of Si- special drink that we only lent Night. My mom enjoys buy during Christmas. My Dear Santa seeing how anxious I am. dad usually drinks it all beHello santa, my name is fore I can have any! It has been really fun Wiingashk. I’m 11 and on writing this letter to you. I the weekends I’m bord. I hope to get a reply! Christ- love Pokemon. I used to live mas is one of my favourite in Minnesota. My favored times of the year. It’s a holi- sport is basketball and stick
Wishing you a Joyful Holiday and a New Year filled with Peace, Happiness and Prosperity
Village of Cache Creek Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season and the best for 2014 from Mannie and the staff Closed Dec. 25, 26 and Jan. 1 Located at the Sandman Inn, Cache Creek
With all Good Wishes for Christmas and the New Year
Ashcroft Apartment & Motel 715 Railway Avenue
Holiday Greetings!
Celebrate each day Closed Dec. 24th 6 pm to Dec. 27th 9 am Dec. 30th 6 pm to Jan. 2nd 9 am
250-457- 6 4 6 4
C a ch e C reek
Ashcroft Cache Creek Seniors
would like to wish one and all a very Merry Christmas and glad tidings for the New Year Hoping to see you all in 2014
games. I live on hwy 99 in two springs in cache creek BC. I have three sisters, two brothers, nine cosines, five antes, six uncals. I help my mom with chores. Why is Christmas the favourite time of the year? I want more Pokemon because I love collecting them a flute. My mom sum beads. Because I work so hard. Because we have no visits. Best wishes for santa. Wiingashk Dear Santa Claus Hi my name is Kory. I am 11 years old. I like Xbox games. I am from Cache Creek, BC. I live on the street called sunvalley crescent. We decorate our house each year. Cache Creek is a small town. We don’t have lots of stores, instead we go to Kamloops to get things. I live in a family of four. I have one brother and a mom and dad. This year my grandpa from Quesnel is coming because my grandma died and I think it is first Christmas without her. I live in a big white house. This year I have been really good. A while ago I won a free coffee so I gave it to a lady who was sitting behind me. When you come to my house I will have cookies and milk will be waiting for you. I would like to ask question now. When was the first Christmas and where? How cold it it where you live? Do you have an elf named Lonny because it sounds like an elf name? Do you ever get full of cookies and milk? Do you have a dog? That is all. The thing I want most is terrain twister. If you can’t get me it could you get me a Scooby Doo movie or Call of Duty Ghosts? Could you get my mom a book and my dad a pair of gloves and my brother a jacket and could you go to Africa and give kids soccer balls to play with.
Greetings of the Season and Best Wishes for the New Year!
Thompson Valley Funeral Home
Bill Perry 250-453-9802 or 1-800-295-5138
The Journal Thursday, December 19, 2013
Have a vary Mary Christmas You should come to my house because this year I have been good. I get my parents coffee and ice tea when they ask and I bring stuff to them and I helped set up our decorations for our house even though it was -10 and I had to not have gloves on. I have drawn a picture for you. I hope someone read my letter and gave it to Santa. Fly safely on your trip around the world on December 24. I can’t wait to see what you got me. Thanks for reading my letter. Sincerely Kory Dear Santa Hi my name is Seth. I’m 13. I have a younger sister, she is 8 or 9, but that’s not all. I have a step sister that’s 8 or 9, a half-sister who is 1 and a 5 year old step brother. And I live at two houses – at my dad’s house with my step brother and sister, my half-sister, plus my step mom. At my mom’s house I have my step dad. I and my sister switch between houses every four days. How are you? I’m not good at this date of time. My friends kicked me out of my desk and how is your wife. I hope you are well on Christmas and what do you do when you’re not busy? I hang out with my friends, play with the kids or go on my laptop when I’m at my mom’s. Do you know how long I’m on my laptop for? I would like to get Pokemon X or Y for Christmas, or it I can’t get them, then a game boy charger. That’s all I want – Pokemon X and a game boy charger for Christmas. Why should I get this? Because I love the Pokemon line of games. I’ve played them all but Pokemon Black and Wight/Black and Wight 2 I rilly want to play X and Y instead of Black and Wight. And the reason I want a game boy charger more is because I can’t play my game boy until I charge it and I bot two games for it but I can’t play them until it’s charged. I hope you get my letter and I hope you have a vary Mary Christmas and a happy new year. Seth
still good and healthy? How many reindeer do you have? I know one of your reindeer’s name. It’s Rudolf? When I’m like 5 years old I’m always watching a reindeer movie or like that stuff, but now I’m kind of busy because of homeworks and playing my Xbox, and I think that my santa movies is gone. Ok, here we go santa, here is what I want. I want a game for my Xbox 360, the name of the game is Left 4 Dead 2. It’s a zombie game, it costs like around $20 to $25 at Futureshop. I deserve because I’m a good boy and love Zombies, or Call of Duty: Ghost. It’s for Xbox 360. Santa, you can give me a TV, 32 inch or like that, because my dad and mom like to watch a movie like love story. I hate that! Or news so I can’t play my Xbox. By the way santa, if you’re not diabetic, me and my mom can prefer Cholatety Brownies with sweet sprinkles on the top. I hope you, Santa, have a great life and always healthy had have a safe trip to deliver gifts :) I hope you can give what I want. Thank you Santa! EJ Dear Santa My name is Riley. I live on Loonlack rode in BC. I have 1 dog 1 sister and a brother. How are the reindeers doing? The think I want the most for Christmas is the new Air Hog because it does tricks and it goes really fast. The other think I want is the new Hex Bug Battle Arena. I want to give my best friend Batman Lego because he likes Batman. I deserve this because I’ve been a good boy. Santa should remember to come to my house because I’ll have cookies and milk set out for him. I hope you get this letter. I wish you have a good trip. Thank you for reading this letter.
CHIROPR ACTIC Dr. James Kendall, DC
411 Brink St., 1st Floor, Ashcroft Highland Valley Copper mine. My sister lives with her boyfriend Aaron and her son Ashton. Her boyfriend just lost his job so they aren’t getting any money. This Christmas I might be at my Grandma’s if the roads are good. If they aren’t we will be staying home. So could you stop by my house and see if I’m there? Thank you. Do you have any reindeer, if so what are their names? What kind of cookies do you like? How many kids do you give presents to each year? When your elves start building toys for that year how do they know what to build? Do you have a pet? I do, he is a dog. His name is Riley. At first it was Wiley, but mom could not say that. You already know what I would like for Christmas, but I haven’t told you what my mom and dad might want. Mom loves spicy candies and remember she can’t have aspartame or she might get sick. Dad doesn’t use the lotion you gave him last year, so it would be funny if you gave him socks. Tori might want a iTunes card for her ipad because she plays it a lot. We might have a stocking for Riley so you might have to look for it. I have tried to be very good all year and make the right choices. I will leave cookies and milk for you either at my grandma’s house or at my house. What
Dear Santa My name is Elijah but you can call Dear Santa me E.J. I live in Cache Creek, BC CanMy name is Cheyenne. I live with ada Collins rd. and I’m from Philip- my mom and dad and my sister lives pines. We just transfer for 11 month in Kamloops. My mom stays at home Continued next page here in Cache Creek. I have my dad, with my dog and my dad works at mom and two brothers. My oldest brother is in the Philippines to finish his studies, because if he will study here, it’s expensive. My middle brother is studying at the T.R.U. - he received a scholarship because he is smarty pants. And by the way, santa, I’m the youngest son. I’m a good boy always but sometimes in school Credit Union ARROW MINING SERVICES INC. I’m not. I’m kind of loud and rude some201 Railway Ave. Ashcroft 250-453-9411 times. 250 453-2219 Highland Valley Road Ashcroft Is your reindeer
Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year
Peace, good will and happiness for you at Christmas and always
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Hwy. 97 Cache Creek
Wishing you a Joyous Holiday Season and a most Prosperous and Healthy New Year
210 Railway Ave, Ashcroft 250-453-2553
Peace on Earth!
Winter Hours: 8-4 Take out service only available from 4pm to 5pm Closed Dec. 25, 26 & Jan. 1
Spences Bridge B.C. Just off Hwy. 1 250- 458-2256
Thursday, December 19, 2013 The Journal
A 16
Come to my house if you are really real
May the closeness of friends and the comfort of home renew your spirits this holiday season
Grubstake Foodmart Open Dec. 25th - 11 am - 4 pm
1190 Trans-Canada Highway, Cache Creek
A wish for Peace and Happiness at Christmas and throughout the New Year
Golden Country Real Estate Services
Wi s h i n g y o u Peace, Love, and Joy this Holiday Season Gas Bar - 24 Hours as usual Husky House Restaurant Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve - 6am to 6pm Christmas Day - Closed Boxing Day and New Year’s - Day 10am - 9pm
Cache Creek Husky 250-457-9312
959 Trans-Canada Hwy. S. Cache Creek BC
Hope your Holiday Season is fun and festive 250-453-2281
Ashcroft Irly Building Centre
For all your Electronic needs
On the corner of Railway & 5th, Ashcroft
kind of milk do you like? Or are you allergic to milk and you just throw it out the window? Can you eat chocolate cookies? Have a safe trip. Try not to let anybody see you. Oh and my grandma’s house does not have a chimney, so you might have to do through the front door. Hopefully it’s not foggy on Christmas. Thank you for reading my second letter. Cheyenne Dear Santa Hello, my name is Austin. I am an 11 year old grade 6 boy. I go to cache creek elementary school in a little town in cache creek; it is on caribou Hwy (BC Canada). I live in 16 mile also on caribou hwy. I liv in a very busy house with a giant cat machine thing in the back yard. I have a 6 person family living there. We get along very well together but not always. My situation at home is just get ready for school, leave, get home, do homework, do labor, eat diner and play last. I think I have been a good boy this year. I always use my manners at home and school. Also I do whatever my teacher or my mom like get stuff, stack chairs, bring wood, etc. It is hard to work with my siblings sometimes because we don’t agree with each other. I don’t believe that any kid is bad in anyway at all, they just have a devil inside them. Be welcome to visit my house any time you like. I have lots of questions for you but I will give you only important ones. Ok if you are really real then why do my parents not believe in you? Will you write back? Have I been a good boy this year? Will I get presents this year? Will you give me the ones I want? Are you disturbed when people call you (big)? Are you the one that makes it snow? Are your elves happy when working for you? One last question: Are you even real? That’s all I have for you this year. I promise that I will write you another letter next year. Please can you recognize me net year? If you can that would be awesome for you to do that. Santa, can you please tell your elves that I want only one thing for Christmas. And that is a gold Xbox controller. Only one thing. That’s all. It is good for you to get that because everyone in my family gets to play at the same time, then they won’t cry. But if I don’t get that then can I have more shirts,
Wishing you a Joyous Holiday Season and a New Year of Happiness Dec. 24th - 9 am - ? Closed Dec. 25th & 26th and Jan. 1st
417 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft 250-453-2292
I’m running out of things to wear. But please give everyone in the whole entire world what they want. It’s best if everyone get what they want then nobody is sad or mad. Make everyone in the world have a very merry Christmas this year. Bt I think I helped you a little this year because I had 2 secret Santa gifts to give out this year – one to (...). I got her a... well, my mom helped me get a secret bag from some makeover shop. And one for my class mate (...). I got him a bubble blower and a yoyo. But I don’t think he wants that so give him something really good. I don’t want him to think I’m not a good friend. Santa, please come to my house if you are really real. If you weren’t, I would be very disappointed. And I have a surprise when you get to my house, your favourite thing to eat: milk n’ cookies. I don’t really know if I’m going to my grandma’s or not but my lights will be on if I’m there or not. If you’re an elf than tell me and I will possibly write back to you. And you can describe yourself. And we will maybe be friends or something. I have one favor for you. Can you ban YOU-GIOH (the card game) from buses? It is dangerous because you have to look at your opponent’s field when battling each other. They might fly when the brakes jam and get hurt. It will save the parents money and precious time for the doctors. It would help if you could. Or ask god if you can. Hope you can write back to me. Also have a same trip, best wish, thank you for reading. Austin
please. He does not believe in you :( What makes me so good to get a plane. Santa, you should come to my house because I have been a good boy this year and you should see me helping out with wood and stuff. I hope that someone reads my letter. Best wishes Santa. I hope you write back. Please write back send a picture of your self. Thank you for talking to me. Alex
Dear Santa Hi my name is Chase. I’m 11 years old and am male. I like in Cache Creek BC Canada and my neighbourhood is called Dog Patch. I’m the middle child in my family. So I’m the kid who people pay less attention go me because my older brother Rainn has the best grades and is the tallest, plus my little brother Quest is so small that people think he’s so cute too :) But that makes it better for putting pranks. My family has money but that’s only because my dad works so much that I don’t get to see him and my mom’s a Stay at Home Mom. I’m not the best child in the world – I do get in trouble – but I’m also not the worst child in the world. I don’t know how you get into my house because my chimney leads to my fireplace with no way out. You might fall on the door and break it, you might pick the lock, or you might dig under and in. How much do you weigh because you eat so many cookies? How tall are you? What do you feed the Reindeer? How smelly is your suit? Are the Santas in the mall fakers or you? When you Dear Santa get sleep and if you do, do you get a lot Hi my name is Alex. I’m 11 years of it? Are you thinking about replacing old and I’m a boy. I live in Savona BC. your Reindeer? I am only kid in my family. I have 3 All I want from you is a Pokemon dogs and a mom and dad. They are both Tin if you have the time. I want it benice to me. Have I been good or have I cause I don’t have many Pokemon been bad. cards and I would like some from you. I How old are you. Do you have a don’t care if you can’t get it for me even wife, a mom, a dad, or a grandpa or though I’ve never gotten what I wanted Grama. Do you have a dog or cat or just for Christmas before. I want you to give reindeer. to the kids that don’t have money or are I would like a small remote control poor. They deserve gifts more than me. plane please. If not a plane, I would like I don’t deserve things as much a helicopter please and thank you, that as other kids, but I think I do deserve would be nice. some things. I think you should reThe thing I want the most is a broth- member to come to my house because er. Why, because it’s lonely when I it’s a bright pink/purple house beside a want to play with someone. I want you bunch of white, yellow and blue housto give my friend chase what he want es. I didn’t leave you a surprize at my house or did I? Now you don’t know. I hope one of your elves read my letter because I worked hard Wishing you a joyous on it. Hope you live Holiday Season and a forever. Best wishes to you, your wife and Prosperous, Healthy all the elves, reindeer, New Year snowmen and Rudolf. Thank you for being there for all the nice kids in the world. Where would we be without you? 250-457-6287 Chase South Trans-Canada Hwy. Cache Creek
Continued next page
The Journal Thursday, December 19, 2013
Make sure Mrs. Claus doesn’t burn the cookies Dear Santa Hi, my name is Stephen if you remember me and I really enjoyed the presents you gave me. I have an adopted sister; she lives in the Philippines far away from where I live. My family is doing ok and so are my cousins. I just wish my older brother and sister were here for Christmas with my family. Hope fully I’m not on the knotty list. I still live in Cache Creek near the post office. You’re welcome to my home any time you want. There will be a surprise for you on the porch in Christmas. I was wondering how your reindeer flies. How do you get all the presents for all the children in just one night? That’s all the questions I have for you that I was really wondering about. For Christmas honestly I don’t really want anything for Christmas. Well, maybe a couple things through. I wish that all the people that fight for us get to go home with their family for Christmas and people with no homes get to have a home to sleep in because it is very cold outside. I also would want for my parents to be happy with each other forever. That’s all I want for Christmas Santa Claus. If you were wondering why I wanted these things for Christmas, well I wanted these things because others need more than I need and for the people that protect and serve deserve more than just likes on Facebook or prayers for them, they deserve to be with their family because that’s where they can be most happy. That’s all I want for Christmas. Hope fully you write back Santa and make sure Mrs. Claus doesn’t burn the cookies Lol. Merry Christmas and a happy new year Stephen
really cheezy and cliche, but I would love to be with all my family. I know I can’t, but I would love it. I suppose I could go on telling you how good I’ve been, but you’re the real judge of that. I ca try and persuade you, but you’ve made your decision already, whether it’s that I’ve been good or bad, you can only decide. I always find it silly how children try to convince you, but in your head you have the decision making power. I really do hope I’ve been good, but you never know, right? Oh well, if I’ve been bad it’s my fault. When you come to my house (or wherever I am) I promise to have cookies for you and carrots for the reindeer. I hope you’ve read this letter (if you’re an elf I hope you pass this on to the man in red) and seen what I really want for Christmas. Please tell Mrs. Claus I say hello and give the reindeer a carrot for me, please. I hope you are safe on your travels and have fun bringing joy to children across the world. Sincerely, Oriana Dear Santa Claus Hello my name is Bonnie; I am 11 year old girl. Some of my interests are piano, singing, crafting and the internet... Anyways I am a fun active hyper girl that loves being with my friends and family. Christmas is my favourite holiday because of being with family friends, making food and baking, and also giving and getting gifts. My favourite things are Sushi, travelling, shopping, and I love the colour purple. I come from Cache Creek a semi desert, in the winter it is very cold, but not as cold as the North Pole where you come from! I have a family of 5. I am the oldest sister. I have a mom, dad, little brother Darren and my grandma. I am very annoyed by my brother a lot but, he is still my brother. Siblings are siblings, right? Do you have siblings? I also have a dog his name is Odie. The breed is a mix of put bull and a bulldog. He sounds like a big scary dog but, he is very sweet when you get to know him. Hopefully I have been on your nice list this year and I didn’t bore you with all this information about me. So, how is Mrs. Claus? Also how is your reindeer and elves? Have you been up to date with all your letters this year? I sure wouldn’t be I would be scattered if I were you. Is the North Pole colder than
Dear Santa Claus Hello, my name is Oriana. I live in itty bitty Cache Creek. I’m the youngest child of three. I have 2 older brothers. My older brothers ALWAYS pick on me. I suppose I’ve been good, I won’t get into details though. My favourite subject is either visual arts or social studies. I have a pet chinchilla named Vezina. How has your year been? I hope it’s been good. Have you already started loading up your sleigh? With presents for children all over the world you would have to. How are Mrs. Claus and the elves? I’ve always wondered, what do you do in your free time? Personally I make things out of duct tape, play All of us at The Journal with my chinchilla, or join in saying Thank You play video games like Mario and Zelda. and wishing you a I guess this is the Happy Holiday and a real purpose of the letter, right? For ChristProsperous New Year mas I would love an adventure time phone case, but what I would DIE for is tickets to an Owl City concert. Owl City is kind of my favourite band and adventure time is my favourite television 402 4th Street, Ashcroft 250-453-2261 show. This sounds A 17
please get me a bird? And my puppy can you get hi a toy and my cat may you get him a new bed and. And I was a good girl I will give you 10 cookies and 1 glass of milk and you might see my puppy Gibby and my cat SpongeBob. Sincerely Kyla
usual this year? What are you going to do this Christmas holiday when you’re not busy making gifts and sending letters back to kids? This year for the holidays I will be in Vancouver with my aunt cousin and friends. So if you can please drop off presents for me and my family in my house in Vancouver. Well I really don’t want anything for Christmas. It’s not because I have everything but, some kids and people out there don’t even get presents which is really sad to hear. It would be amazing if you could jus go down their chimney and give them gifts they would like or need. That would make my Christmas for sure! But, if you insist in giving me a gift and you really don’t know what I want well.... I would like anything for crafting. When I mean crafting I do not mean drawing or making things out of paper even through it sounds cool. I really would like some polymer clay and scribbles so I can make my very own creations. Why I would like these things? Well as you heard I love crafting and making something of my own. Just doing something productive is just great! I hope you get this letter on time and come to my house, I have a couple little gifts and surprises I will be leaving by our Christmas tree for you the only and only Santa Claus. Dr. James Kendall, DC Hopefully I get a response from you or your elves soon! Thank you 250-453-2266 Santa Claus for doing your job and 411 Brink St., 1st Floor, Ashcroft making kids around the world so happy with all the gifts you bring to them and being so generous! Please have a safe trip around the globe and have a Happy Merry Christmas! Best wishes, Bonnie
Merry Christmas to all my Friends and Customers
Muriel’s Sewing
Dear Santa Claus Hello my name is Kyla. I have two sisters and one Brother oh yay I am 11 years old how are you doing? Can you get my sister Channelle something please? Oh yay my sister ace can you get her something nice to please? And my mom can you get her something nice too? And my dad can you also get him something nice to Pease? Ad me now can you
Wishing you a festive season and a prosperous and healthy new year
Wishing you special happiness for the holidays 250-453-9133
201 Railway Ave., Ashcroft
May the Holiday Season bring only happiness and joy to you and your loved ones.
Village of Lytton 250-455-2355
Steven Rice, Director Area I
Thursday, December 19, 2013 Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal
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The Journal Thursday, December 19, 2013
After School Program gets a boost from United Way Ashcroft High School “After School Program” receives $2,000 from the United Way. Happily receiving the cheque are (Back, L-R) Codey Dunbar, Jager Mazurkewich, Robert McKena, Ian Curran, Kaitlyn Debert, Kendell Chenier and Colten Sabyan. (Middle, L-R) Carrie Fitzgerald, Cameron Racicott, Tasia Teneycke, Sterling Cave, Dustin Konrad and Brandon Douglas. (Front, L-R) Griffin Aie, Katy Harry, Teresa Thomas, Monica Lim and Jericho Hewitt.
Bring clothes, more shoes, and more books My teachr is name ms Lihi. I want for Christmas I want a dog and cat. Love, Sage
LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Lytton Elementary School Dear Santa Santa can I have a furby weth a wouby coushen. Love, Layla Dear Santa My name is Trinity. I want for Christmas iPod and a phone and iPad and cumbeter. Love, Trinity Dear Santa Hi my name is Raymond. How are you? For Christmas I
want angry Birds. Love, Raymond Dear Santa My name is Laura. For Christmas I want a new iPod please. Some clothes please. More shoes please. 3ds please. More Books please. Wii games Just Dance 4 please. Love, Laura Dear santa so how are you today. But now could
Season’s Greetings
I right what I want for christmas. I want a cumpeter and a ds game of pokemon x and y. And I want a real pikachu and I want real pokemon in every place. Sincerely, Anthony
Dear Santa, Santa Cane I have a tiny furby whith wings. I want to know 2 elf. Best, Sam Dear Santa I want Pokemon white and Pokemon white 2. From Yazi
Dear santa My name is Sage. I am in school.
Friday Dec 13 and Dec 20 9:00am to 7:00 pm Sunday Dec 15 and Dec 22 11:00am to 4:00pm
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210 Railway Ave., Ashcroft 250-453-2553 Unwrap a new offer every day! From December 13th - 24th, you can unlock a new offer each day with our Holiday calendar!
PLUS, browse our Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide!
402 4th St. • 250-453-2261
December Christmas Hours For Your Shopping Convenience
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The Journal will be closed December 21st - 26th, Open December 27th. Regular hours resume December 30th, (closed New Years Day) The Dec. 26th issue will be publishing Dec. 24th - ad deadline Dec. 18th at 3:00 p.m. Ad deadline for the Jan. 2nd issue is Dec. 20th at 3:00 p.m.
Dear Santa Will you get me call of Duty ghost and Pokemon XY and A iPod pleas. So how are you doing. Love Troy
We have all of your gift ideas wrapped up! Visit and check it out! We have all ofit your ideas wrapped up! Check out atgift Visit and check it out!
Thursday, December 19, 2013 The Journal
A 20
Beautiful things happen After School Carrie Fitzgerald, Monica Lim, Jo Petty, Colten Sabyan, Kendal Chenier gratefully accept a cheque for $900 from the United Way for the After School Art Club.
Come join us at the Legion to ring in 2014
Eat, Drink, Dance & Celebrate! Doors open at 6:30
The Legion will be suppling Turkey and Roast Beef, as well as hats and party favors. Each couple is required to bring a pot luck dish. Tickets $15 per person
Susan Swan 459-2224 or 2325
Christmas Light Up Contest
The lights were fantastic! The three judges in the Clinton Area Light up Contest were out and about the evening of Dec. 14 checking out all the lovely displays. And there were lots of them. It was a difficult decision with so many properties decorated and lit up this year. After much discussion the judges agreed that the best residential display was that of Dallas and Rebekah Bowen on Elliot Park Road. There were so many noteworthy displays that the judges decided not to list Honourable Mentions this year as that would be most of the properties viewed. The award for best decorated Commercial goes to Gardenside Pottery and Gifts for their wonderful vintage window display. There were two Honourable Mentions in this category – Clinton Pines Campground and Country Squire Gift Shop. The scarcity of commercial displays was a little disappointing but the ones who did decorate did a great job. It helps enhance their businesses and make them more noticeable. Thanks to everyone who put in the effort to decorate their properties for the enjoyment of others. The ultimate winner is the community itself. There are more this year than most and it is worth the time to drive all around the community to see them. I only wish I had a good enough camera to take night photos. Maybe Santa will bring me one???
Candlelight Service
Everyone is invited to a Candlelight Service at Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle on Dec. 22 beginning at 6:30 p.m. A time of fellowship and refreshments will follow the service.
Christmas Eve Mass
St. Peter’s Catholic Church is holding a Christmas Eve Mass at 3 p.m. on Dec. 24. They will also hold a New Year’s Eve Mass on Dec. 31 at 3 p.m.
Christmas Greetings
available at the Legion in Ashcroft and Junction Shell in Cache Creek
Music from 8:00 til ?? We will be featuring Dennis, Gerry, Steve, Jason and Jaymi for your dancing enjoyment
First of all, thank you to everyone who kept me informed about events, activities, etc. happening in our area over the past year. Your input makes my job that much easier. Contrary to popular belief I do not know when something is going on unless I have been informed. I would much rather hear several times about something that is going on than not hear about it at all. So please let me know when your organization, group, class, etc. is doing something so I can make an effort to get there to cover it for this publication. I will not promise to make every event as I have a very busy life but I will do my best. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy 2014. And, yes, I said “Merry Christmas”. I am sorry if that offends anyone. I was raised to say Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays (there are several holidays throughout the year!) or Seasons Greetings. If you wish me a Happy Hanukah, or Happy Kwanza or whatever your greeting may be I will not be offended. I will smile and return your greeting. So, with that said, Merry Christmas everyone!