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Friday, December 20, 2013
What’s Inside bear bench
rocking moose
Relay for Life Chair
we have
Meet the locals who have been named Honourary 2014 Relay for Life Chair.
hundreds of them
page A8
microwave Check Out More Gift Ideas On
BCGEU donates The Graham family cheque is one of many donations made by the union. page A6
Gingerbread champs The Robinson family has won the honour for their stylish gingerbread house. page A6
Index 125A Slater Rd Cranbrook, BC phone: 250.417.0477 toll free: 1.877.411.0477
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e furnitur
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Friday, December 20, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Kids and happy hour are soon to be seen at provincial pubs By Tom Fletcher
The B.C. government has uncorked another round of liquor
law reform, with children to be allowed in pubs and restaurants allowed to serve drinks without food.
Premier Christy Clark announced the changes at a downtown Vancouver restaurant Tuesday, as the provin-
Everyone from the EK SPCA wishes you a Happy holiday season! If you are looking for the perfect gift for the hard to buy for why not make a donation in their name or their pets name at the SPCA.
cial cabinet works its way through a list of 70 recommendations from a recent public consultation on updating B.C. liquor laws.
As with earlier rounds of liquor reform, Tuesday’s event was short on details and long on populist appeal. Some time
next year B.C. will see the changes, and will also join all other Canadian provinces in allowing pubs to offer discounted drinks for
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happy hour. Permitted times and a minimum drink price are still to be determined. Children are to be allowed to accompany their parents into pubs up until an evening curfew time, also yet to be determined, but Clark said it will allow families to have lunch or dinner together at a pub. Royal Canadian Legion branches will have the same freedom to admit under-age family members. Restaurants with “food primary” licences will still have to offer a full menu when liquor is available, Clark said, “but customers who don’t want to order food shouldn’t be forced to do so, and food primary businesses that want to fully transition away from food service after a certain hour, and operate for example as a night club, will be able to apply for a special licence to do so.” NDP critic Shane Simpson said the changes effectively erase the distinction between a licensed restaurant and a pub, and are being announced for popular effect without any research to support them. The province also intends to make its Serving it Right liquor training to all servers in licensed restaurants, as well as staff at B.C. Liquor Stores and rural agency and wine stores. Licensees, managers, sales and serving staff “should also be required to recertify,” according to a government news release. Last week Clark and Richmond-Steveston MLA John Yap, who led the public consultation on liquor law reform, announced that regulations would be eased for winery tasting rooms. Farm markets will also be allowed to offer samples and sales of locally made beer, wine and spirits.
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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 20, 2013 A3
R DE K Ho liday Hours
CRANBROOK TRANSFER STATION December 24 December 25 December 31 January 1
CRANBROOK RDEK OFFICE December 24 December 25 & 26 December 27 December 31 January 1 January 2
8:30am-3:00pm Closed Regular Hours (8:30am-4:30pm) 8:30am-3:00pm Closed Regular Hours (8:30am-4:30pm)
All other days through the holiday season, the transfer station will be open 8:30am to 5:30pm.
December 24 December 25 & 26 December 27-30 December 31 January 1 January 2
December 24 December 25 December 31 January 1
8:30am-3:00pm (closed 12pm-1pm) Closed 8:30am-4:30pm (closed 12pm-1pm) 8:30am-3:00pm (closed 12pm-1pm) Closed 8:30am-4:30pm (closed 12pm-1pm)
8:30am-4:30pm Closed 8:30am-4:30pm Closed
All other days through the holiday season, the transfer station will be open 8:30am to 5:30pm.
FERNIE TRANSFER STATION December 24 December 25 December 26-28 December 31 January 1 January 2
December 24 9:00am-5:00pm December 25 Closed December 31 9:00am-5:00pm January 1 Closed All other days through the holiday season, the Landfills will be open from 9:00am to 6:00pm.
10:00am-4:00pm Closed 10:00am-5:00pm 10:00am-4:00pm Closed 9:00am-5:00pm
New hours effective January 2, 2014 Mon to Sat 9:00am-5:00pm Closed Sun & Stat Holidays
COLUMBIA VALLEY OFFICE December 24 December 25 & 26 December 27 December 31 January 1 January 2
8:30am-4:30pm Closed 8:30am-4:30pm Closed
9:00am-4:00pm Closed 9:00am-5:00pm 9:00am-4:00pm Closed 9:00am-5:00pm
December 24 December 25 December 26-27 January 1 January 2-3
9:30am-3:30pm Closed 9:30am-3:30pm Closed 9:30am-3:30pm
All other days through the holiday season, the transfer station will be open: Tues, Thurs, Fri 9:30am to 3:30pm and Sat 10:00am-5:00pm. CLOSED: Sun, Mon, Wed.
All other days through the holiday season, the transfer station will be open: Mon to Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm and Sat & Sun 10:00am-4:00pm.
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Walmart® will match the advertised purchase price of any competitor for an identical product.
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Friday, December 20, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Mount Baker Wild
UpcoMing EvEnts Dec 23- Jan 5 – Christmas Break
If you are a grade 12 student and have NOT completed a grad check, please see Mrs. Mitchell as soon as possible to do so.
December 20th will be the last day you can pre-order the 2014 yearbook. Order through the office now. Cost is $60 for a full color, 120 page hard covered book. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS!
Family First Night Volunteers Needed Volunteers are still needed for
Family First Night. It will take place on December 31st from 6pm to 9pm at Western Financial Place and the Cranbrook Curling Rink facilities. Please see the career center for contact information to volunteer, or see Mr. Knipe, Ms. Kettenacker, or Mr. Duczek.
Vienna & Prague Choir Trip
I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for supporting our young singers during their preparation and participation in the Europe tour. Each member of the group was a model ambassador for not only our school but for all of Canada. Their performances were stellar and extremely well received, and their reception off stage was just as impressive. Several choir directors at the festival were so impressed that they thought we must have hand picked the singers from schools all across BC. Quite a compliment! At the KCT this coming Wednesday, Dec 11 at 7:30 we will feature the choir in concert and show a film and slide show of the tour. The kids love to see you in the audience, we hope you can attend. Please spread the word. In the meantime, you can see pics of the trip by visiting our Facebook page for pictures by Julian Bueckert, our tour photo geek, at
The Gaping Mouth By: Christina Moore The gaping mouth is a mysterious thing. You never know what the person is thinking. If you have a gaping mouth, people wonder what you see And when asked about it, you shut it and just let it be. The gaping mouth is a mysterious thing. You see something that surprises you and your mouth opens; ching! It is most common in guys, when a lovely lady comes by. The gaping mouth is a mysterious thing. It could mean just about anything. Excited, sad, shocked, surprised; with these a gaping mouth can’t be compromised.
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Electoral Area C Director Rob Gay will continue on as Chair of the Regional District of East Kootenay for 2014. “I am honoured to be re-elected as Chair and am grateful for
Area C Director Rob Gay to continue as chair for Regional District
$17,449 the continued support of my fellow Board members,” says Gay. “We met recently to begin setting our strategic priorities for the next 12 months and we have another ambitious work plan for
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2014.” This will be the Electoral Area C Director’s third term as RDEK Chair. He has been on the Board since 2005. Electoral Area F Director Wendy Booth was re-elected as Vice
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says Booth. This will be her second term as Vice Chair. The Board Chair and Vice Chair are elected annually at the December RDEK Board Meeting.
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WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers only valid at participating dealers. Retail offers may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. Retail offers not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). †Between December 16 – 29, 2013, receive 0% APR purchase financing on new 2014 Ford models (excluding C-MAX, Mustang Shelby and BOSS 302, Flex, Explorer, Expedition, Transit Connect, E-Series, F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2 (Value Leader), F-350 to F-550, and medium truck) for up to 60 months, to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest interest rate. Example: $25,000 purchase financed at 0% APR for 48/60/72 months, monthly payment is $520.83/ $416.66/ $347.22, cost of borrowing is $0 or APR of 0% and total to be repaid is $25,000. Down payment on purchase financing offers may be required based on approved credit from Ford Credit. ††Offer valid until December 29, 2013 (the “Offer Period”) to Canadian residents towards the purchase or lease of most new 2013/2014 Ford models (excluding Focus, Fiesta, C-MAX, Mustang Shelby and BOSS 302, Transit Connect Electric, and F-150 Raptor) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). Only one (1) bonus offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle. Taxes payable before offer amount is deducted. **Until December 29, 2013, receive 0.99%/1.99% annual percentage rate (APR) purchase financing on a 2014 Focus S Sedan/2014 Escape S FWD with 2.5L engine for a maximum of 84 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Purchase financing monthly payment is $215/$322 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $99/$149 with a down payment of $0 or equivalent trade-in. Cost of borrowing is $618.78/$1,821.39 or APR of 0.99%/1.99% and total to be repaid is $18,067.78/$27,085.39. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $0/$750 and freight and air tax of $1,665/$1,715 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Bi-Weekly payments are only available using a customer initiated PC (Internet Banking) or Phone Pay system through the customer’s own bank (if offered by that financial institution). The customer is required to sign a monthly payment contract with a first payment date one month from the contract date and to ensure that the total monthly payment occurs by the payment due date. Bi-weekly payments can be made by making payments equivalent to the sum of 12 monthly payments divided by 26 bi-weekly periods every two weeks commencing on the contract date. Dealer may sell for less. Offers vary by model and not all combinations will apply. *Purchase a new 2014 Focus S Sedan/2014 Escape S FWD with 2.5L engine for $17,449/$25,264 after Manufacturer Rebate of $0/$750 is deducted. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after total Manufacturer Rebate has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,665/$1,715 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ▲Offer only valid from December 3, 2013 to January 31, 2014 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with an eligible Costco membership on or before November 30, 2013 who purchase or lease of a new 2013/2014 Ford (excluding Fiesta, Focus, C-Max, Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302, Transit Connect EV, and Medium Truck) or Lincoln vehicle (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). Limit one (1) offer per each Eligible Vehicle purchase or lease, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. Applicable taxes calculated before CAD$1,000 offer is deducted. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for 2014 Focus 2.0L I4 5-speed manual transmission: [7.8L/100km (36MPG) City, 5.5L/100km (51MPG) Hwy] / 2014 Escape FWD 2.5L I4 6-speed automatic transmission: [9.5L/100km (30MPG) City, 6.3L/100km (45MPG) Hwy] / 2014 F-150 4X4 5.0L V8 6-speed automatic transmission: [15.0L/100km (19MPG) City, 10.6L/100km (27MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, vehicle condition, and driving habits. ‡Claim based on analysis by Ford of Polk global new registration for CY2012 for a single nameplate which excludes rebadged vehicles, platform derivatives or other vehicle nameplate versions. ‡‡Based on R. L. Polk Canada, Inc. Total New Registration data for Full Size Pickups per Ford Segmentation as of YTD September 30, 2013. ®: Registered trademark of Price Costco International, Inc. used under license. ©2013 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2013 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 20, 2013 A5
Electoral Area C Director Rob Gay will continue as the Regional District of East Kootenay chair after a December meeting of the board.
Photo submitted
Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription
Friday, December 20, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
The BCGEU donates
Meet Cranbrook’s gingerbread champs By Helen Duckworth Cranbrook and District Arts Council, 104, 135 10th Avenue South, Cranbrook, B.C, V1C 4J6 — Ten families descended on the Cranbrook and District Arts Council (the CDAC) recently to duke it out for the coveted title of ‘Best Decorated Gingerbread House in Cranbrook’, with the Robinson Family, skillfully self-titled ‘The Ginger Ninjas’, taking first place prize. On the day, eager competitors were welcomed to the gallery space which had been transformed into a festive, mass-decoration station. Each family came with nothing but the clothes on their backs and the smiles on their faces and were then provided with a simple flat-pack gingerbread kit, an egg carton bursting with sweet edible decorations and bags of icing for further decoration and construction. They then had up to two and a half hours to fashion their saccharine gingerbread residences. The Robinson family, or the Ginger Ninjas, are a local family team of four, made up of husband and wife pairing Ninja Corinna and Mike Robinson, and their children Ninja Nate and Ninja Mya. I spoke to Corinna post competition about their victory. When asked as to how they decided upon a name, the choice was put to a family vote, with Mike’s choice taking the winning vote. The family discovered the competition at the Winter Market which took place back in November, where the Cranbrook and 1510 - 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 Telephone (250) 489-3455 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 Classified E-Mail: Advertising E-Mail: Editorial E-Mail: Distribution Email: Open Mon. to Fri. 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
District Arts Council were selling calendars, Christmas art cards and promoting the contest. ‘We saw the table (with the demo gingerbread house) at the winter market and the kids begged me!” admits Corinna. When informing Mike of the exciting news about the impending competition, which would naturally be a real family team effort, he responded “Really, you did what?!’ He needn’t have feared, because the Robinson family’s creative thinking, attention to detail and family teamwork really impressed the judges. The judging panel consisted of council woman Sharon Cross, recent new-comer to Cranbrook and teacher Pam Nevdoff, and local business woman Lisa Barnes of Max’s Place. Comments about the Ginger Ninja’s entry included admiration for the creativity of opening up the house, so viewers can see inside to the hand crafted candy furniture. First place prize itself was a real trophy, a signed Kootenay Ice game stick and game tickets along with a CDAC family membership and bowling for six people at Juniper Lanes, as kindly furnished by the Kootenay Ice and Juniper Lanes. Second place prize went to ‘The Happy Hansen’s’ with judge Lisa commenting “I’d like to live here!”, and third place was awarded to The Ham Family for their good use of peppermints to fashion a tree. The McArthur family and ‘The Sheriff’s’ also picked up prizes for honorable mentions.
Tamara L’Hoost
Photo submitted
The Robinsons – Mike, Nate, Corinna and Mya – the Ginger Ninjas, won the title of Best Decorated Gingerbread House in Cranbrook. “It was neat seeing everyone’s creative ideas and was a great way to spend the morning with the family to get them into the spirit of the season” Corinna enthuses. She was initially surprised that this was the first time the Cranbrook and District Arts Council had run this event, but said it was great to hear that the event would potentially run again in 2014. When collecting their prize winning entry and prize goodies, Ninja Mike commented “We had a lot of fun, but you’re going to need more room next year!” and he’s right, with almost thirty six contestants cozied in to the arts council’s current space on 10th Avenue South, there wasn’t even space to throw a gumdrop let alone a gingerbread throwing star. However it did mean that everyone was close at hand to share supplies, enjoy in jokes and overcome mishaps together! But with the potential to include categories for individual artists and local businesses next year, the CDAC will definitely
Yves Michaud
Lily Durham PromotioNs
be looking to host the event at a larger venue. The CDAC would like to thank all the organizations and businesses that donated prizes, the Kootenay Ice, Juniper Lanes, Leisure Services, Sweet Gestures Chocolate Shoppe, Cranbrook Downtown Business Association, the Columbia Theatre and Landmark Cinemas, Starbucks Cranbrook and Cranbrook Bulk Barn. A big thank you also goes to CDAC board members Bill McColl, Vine Madder, Jenny Humphrey and Mitchell Pocha for assisting, and of course to the hard-working CDAC volunteers Jeannette Lavoie and Sally Ruoss. Thank you to all the families for entering and competing, we hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did! If you’d like more information about the Cranbrook and District Arts Council and their upcoming programming and events you can visit their website at
Karen Johnston PUBLisHEr
Brian Coombs Editor
Photo submitted
Dave Maki, on behalf of the BCGEU Cross Component Committee, presenting Robyn Graham a $1,000 cheque to assist her family during the recent loss of her husband.
Photo submitted
Tanya Fralick, on behalf of the BCGEU Cross Component Committee, presenting Captain Kirk a $500 cheque for the Salvation Army.
Photo submitted
Dave Maki, on behalf of the BCGEU Cross Component Committee, presenting a cheque for $500 to Jackie Jensen for the Food Bank.
Shannon Stewart CirCULAtioN
Erin Carlisle
Bridget Fix
Bob Bathgate mAiLroom
Lynnette Then distriBUtioN
The Kootenay News Advertiser is a community East Kootenay newspaper featuring news of the best buys in the East Kootenay. Published every Monday and Friday at Cranbrook, BC by Black Press Group Ltd. Subscription rates for mailing outside the East Kootenay: $170 per year, $85 per 6 months and $42.50 per 3 month GST inclued. NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT - All rights reserved, entire contents copyright by Kootenay News Advertiser. (Registration No. 164 Serial No. 271043). Reproduction of editorial material or advertisements in whole or part is forbidden without written permission by the publisher. AGREEMENT - It is agreed by the advertiser that Kootenay News Advertiser will not be responsible for errors or omissions and will not be liable for any amount exceeding the space contracted for and then only the portion in which such error appeared. Kootenay News Advertiser is a family oriented community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not fit our focus. We cannot accept advertisements or letters to the editor criticizing or disparaging other advertisements, firms or individuals or any advertisements directed to a specific race or religion. The views of individuals expressed in Kootenay News Advertiser are not necessarily those of the publisher.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 20, 2013 A7
The Christmas spirit at the Tamarack Centre Enjoy the musical styling of Ed King and Penny Johnson on Friday December 20 and Saturday December 21st at 7 p.m. down by Winners. Santa will be available for visits and pictures until December 23rd. For his schedule please visit TamarackCentre. ca. The Kids Christmas Craft Zone will take place on Saturday December 21 from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. and is located in the old Carlton Cards. This area is for kids to create crafts and partake in Christmas activities free of charge. The Marionette’s will also be on site offering face painting. This Grade 4-6 choir involved students from Gordon Terrace and Highlands Elementary Schools greeted Santa upon his arrival to tamarack Centre on Saturday, Dec 7th. The choir was directed by Larry Dureski, Audrey Stetski, and Jenny Ma. The choir has participated in singing to
Cranbrook gives Submitted Across British Columbia people are discovering that they want nothing for Christmas but to give to others. The survey reveals that: • 59% of residents of British Columbia feel there is nothing they need for Christmas • 87% enjoy giving gifts • 81% are more likely to donate to charity versus 74% of Canadians overall Last year alone, more than 50 local Cranbrook residents included charitable presents from the World Vision Gift Catalogue in their holiday giving. They purchased $10,065 worth of essential items ranging from livestock to clean water to medical supplies — for children and families in developing countries. Every gift from the catalogue will change a life, so you can choose the present that’s most meaningful for you to give knowing it will meet a critical need in places where World Vision works.
Photo submitted
Maddison & Oliver preparing for last year’s Christmas Craft Zone at the Tamarack Centre. The Craft Zone opens this Saturday.
Santa and customers for the past 16 years.
Scott Niedermayer Commemorative Plaque Unveiling Ceremony
Hockey Hall of Fame inductee and Cranbrook native Scott Niedermayer will be in Cranbrook at Western Financial Place on Friday December 27, 2013 as the City of Cranbrook honours the NHL great with the unveiling of a bronze plaque commemorating his illustrious hockey career. The plaque will be unveiled at ice level ahead of the Kootenay Ice home game against the visiting Spokane Chiefs starting at 7:00pm. Scott Niedermayer is expected to participate in a ceremonial puck drop at centre ice. Please join us at this special event. For tickets to the Kootenay Ice game, call the Ice office at 250417-0322 or visit the Kootenay Ice office, Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
City Hall / Engineering Services Holiday Hours
Tuesday December 24 8:30am to Noon Wednesday December 25 & Thursday December 26 CLOSED Friday December 27 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday December 30 & Tuesday December 31 8:30am to 4:30pm Wednesday January 1, 2014 CLOSED Thursday January 2 & Friday January 3, 2014 8:30am to 4:30pm For more information please call 250-426-4211 or visit
Photo by Damian Dovarganes, Associated Press
Western Financial Place – Aquatic Centre Holiday Hours Tuesday December 24 Wednesday December 25 & Thursday December 26 Friday December 27 & Monday December 30 Tuesday December 31 Wednesday January 1, 2014 Thursday January 2 & Friday January 3, 2014
Noon to 3:00pm CLOSED 6:30am to 9:00pm 12:00pm to 3:00pm (First Night Event 6pm to 8:00pm) CLOSED 6:30am to 9:00pm
Western Financial Place –Walking Holiday Hours
Tuesday December 24 6:30am to 3:00pm Wednesday December 25 & Thursday December 26 CLOSED Friday December 27 & Monday December 30 6:30am to 9:00pm Tuesday December 31 6:30am to 5:00pm (First Night Event 6pm to 9:00pm) Wednesday January 1, 2014 CLOSED Thursday January 2 & Friday January 3, 2014 6:30am to 9:00pm For more information please call 250-489-0220 or visit
Cranbrook Public Library Holiday Hours
Tuesday December 24 9:00am to 3:00pm Wednesday December 25 & Thursday December 26 CLOSED Friday December 27 & Saturday December 28 9:00am to 5:00pm Sunday December 29 12:00pm to 5:00pm Monday December 30 9:00am to 5:00pm Tuesday December 31 9:00am to 3:00pm Wednesday January 1, 2014 CLOSED For more information please call 250-426-4063 or visit
Holiday Garbage Collection Schedule
There will be no City garbage collection on Wednesday December 25, Thursday December 26 or Wednesday January 1, 2014. Don’t forget each household is allowed a maximum of three (3) garbage receptacles, including prefabricated receptacles and plastic bags, per weekly pickup. The 2014 Garbage Collection Schedule is available. Printed copies are available for pickup at City Hall or download from our website
Keep Your Holidays From Going Up in Flames!
When most people think about the holidays, family festivities and good cheer likely come to mind. What few of us consider is that the holidays also present an increased risk of home fires. Home fires during the holiday season often involve cooking, Christmas trees, candles and holiday decorations. By taking some preventative steps and following simple rules of thumb, most home fires can be prevented during the holidays and beyond. For many great fire safety tips around Christmas trees, candles and holiday cooking, please visit our website. Have a fire safe and happy holiday season!
Watch the latest Cranbrook City Council meeting when you want.
For any non-emergency calls over the holidays, please call the City of Cranbrook After Hours Line at 250-426-2325. For any emergency, please call 911.
Gregarious Gardener by Top Crop Garden, Farm & Pet
Last Minute Decorating
One of the most asked questions around this time of year is: “Are you ready for the holidays?” Most people feel they are not, but at least when it comes to holiday decorating, you can still get that picture perfect look for your home with some basic materials and a bit of DIY enthusiasm. Chances are, you have a myriad of options available straight from your own garden. Things like dogwood branches, stems removed from curly willows, the black and white stocks of birch trees, evergreen boughs or even hardy grasses can work well in holiday planters, wreaths or centrepieces. When it comes to creating the perfect outdoor container that will bring cheer to the holidays and last well into the new year, you should apply the same design theory that helps you create stunning flower baskets and containers in the summer. If the container will be viewed from all sides, consider having a taller center element. If the container is to be viewed from only three sides, that taller focal point can be located more to the back of the container. Depending on what kind of container you want to use, you may want to keep the soil from the summer planter and use that as a base for sticking the stems of your arrangement in. A great addition to the root-bound soil from your planters is a product called Oasis. This floral foam gets soaked with water to saturate it and placed inside the container. You simply stick the freshly cut ends of the stems, such as cedar, pine and dogwood in the foam and they will absorb the moisture. If it is constantly freezing, the cut stems will not absorb the moisture, but if temperatures fluctuate from freezing to above freezing, having the stems in the foam to absorb the moisture will prolong their life and minimize the drying from being in soil alone. One thing you should remember when working with Oasis is that every time you remove an element and then place again, it will destroy the foam’s integrity. So plan out your arrangement carefully before putting it into the container. The main ingredient for most containers is usually an evergreen such as cedar, fir or pine. Using evergreens to cover the base of the container and to provide some height is an economical way to get the basics covered for the container. Then it is time to have fun and get creative. Do you have cut remains from getting your garden ready for winter? Dried poppy stems or flower heads of echinacea or delphinium? Some nice grass left over from a summer planter? All those ingredients will provide great interest and contrast to the lush green of the boughs. If you really want to add a punch of colour, you can cut some colourful dogwood stems or berry stems, such as cranberry, mountain ash, sea buckthorn or fruit you kept from a crabapple tree. If you don’t have real berries or are worried about attracting undesirable wildlife close to your home, try some artificial berries. They are amazingly realistic looking and come in a wide range of colours. Your garden centre also carries a large selection of artificial poinsettias, greens, flowers and coloured grasses that last for years and definitely add bling to your container. Also available are “branches” with LED lights already built in that add a great touch. They will add a very cool and bright touch to outside and inside containers. Add some bows, ornaments or glitter and you will have a decoration that expresses your own unique style and will have your friends and family raving. Till next week… happy holiday season! Submitted by Kerstin
Best wishes from all of us. Thank you for your continued support.
Mon-Fri 9am-6-pm Sat & Sun 10am-5pm Close Early Dec. 24 Closed Dec. 25 & 26
Friday, December 20, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Meet the Honourary Chair for Relay for Life Submitted
friends and enjoy a good laugh over each other’s Christmas sweaters. There is a lot
‘Tis the Season to be Merry, gather with
of celebrating going on among the HAGS Friends For Life, one of Cranbrook’s longest standing Relay For Life teams. The team has been honoured with the role of Honourary Chair for 2014 Relay For Life on May 31st.
Request for Quotations for Urban Deer Cull
The City of Kimberley is seeking quotations for the culling of up to 30 mule deer within the municipal boundaries (specifically Marysville and Chapman Camp/Blarchmont), in accordance with BC Wildlife Act permit conditions and methodologies. Contractors must possess a valid BC hunting license, must not have been convicted of an offence under the BC Wildlife Act in the previous five years, and must complete a 1-2 day training course relating to the cull. The work must be completed by March 15th, 2014. The quotation is for the following work: • The capture of up to 30 mule deer using Clover traps and the killing of the mule deer using a bolt gun (equipment provided by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO); • Coordinating the placement of traps with private property owners, neighbouring property owners, Conservation Officers, and the City of Kimberley; • The processing and distribution of game meat by a governmentapproved meat cutter to the Kimberley Helping Hands Food Bank Society and/or Street Angel. Terms of reference are outlined in the BC Wildlife Act Permit (CB1391920), which can be obtained at Kimberley City Hall. Quotations should be submitted by 4:45 p.m., Friday, January 10th, 2014: Attn: Chief Administrative Officer 340 Spokane Street Kimberley, BC V1A 2E8
m Progra ide Ginu ter 2014 W
The City of Cranbrook Leisure Services Winter Program guide is now available online at
Watch for hard copies in Monday, December 23rd Kootenay Advertiser or at Leisure Services Western Financial Place
The HAGS Friends For Life has been a constant fixture at Relay for the years. Their first Relay was in 2006, this year will be their 9th year participating! On the day of Relay they are known for their flower garden of loved ones, their cozy camp set up at the corner of the track and the laughter that flows from their tent. Like many teams they come together to support, celebrate and remember loved ones both friends and family members. At the 2013 Relay they were recognized at the provincial level and awarded The Relay for Life Team Spirit Award in recognition of their exceptional contributions to fundraising and CCS mission integration by a team. The HAGS Friends For Life serves as a model for other teams and embodies the spirit of Relay for Life: Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back. Being a team for Relay is more than a one day commitment for them. It’s about being a group of friends who feel passionate about a cause. They share their stories and they celebrate and support each other, knowing that they have played an important role in the community. “Our team has been affected in one way or another by Cancer either as survivors or friends family and even
Photo submitted
(From top to bottom) Tammy Bristle, Tina Romeo, Cristina Romeo, Beth Carter, Rita Romeo, Sandy Ashby, Selena Walker, Debbie Dau, Oreen Walker, Sue Zibin, Johanna Ploeg, Kim Levie, Barb Barbour. pets dying of cancer. We hold this day in high regard to gather
to support each other for a cause that effects all and give back to
The Cranbrook Food Bank needs your help
Drop boxes at Safeway and Save On Foods Food Bank ofce 104-8th Ave. S. 250-426-7664 (from 10am-3pm)
our community, “ Kim Levie This year’s Relay For Life theme is Story Time – A World Without Cancer. Help the Canadian Cancer Society write the real life story of a world without Cancer. As they embrace their roles as Honorary Chairs you will be seeing more of the “HAGS” around our community, participating in events and spreading the message and the excitement of Relay. As part of the Relay organizing committee they are a great resource and inspiration to current and new teams. They are full of ideas and always passionate for the cause. Congratulations to this amazing group of women, who like many in our community, have been touched by Cancer. They have chosen a path of friendship to stay strong together and fight back against Cancer. Their dedication to Relay and the funds that they have raised over the years have gone on to help many in our community.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 20, 2013 A9
Photo submitted
Food bank volunteers and Detachment Commander S/Sgt. Marko Shehovac. It was an evening of great entertainment, generous donations and amazing community spirit.
Holiday Train/Cram the Cruiser donate Submitted This year marked the first time the Columbia Valley RCMP ‘Cram the Cruiser’ joined in the annual festive event with the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train. The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train stopped in the community of
Radium Hot Springs on December 12, 2013 where it was met by people young and old, folks from all over and Columbia Valley Food Bank volunteers. Members from the local RCMP Detachment were also in attendance with their Police Cruiser,
Cranbrook Alliance Church Sunday Service & Children’s Ministry - 10:30 am 1200 Kootenay Street N. For more info: 489-4704 Senior Pastor Grant McDowell
EK Lutheran Parish
Website: • Phone: 1-866-426-7564 Pastor Fraser Coltman & Pastor Dave Morton Mt. Zion Cranbrook 920-11th St. S. Sunday Worship 10 am, Thursday Worship 7 pm Holy Cross Kimberley 105 Howard Sunday Worship 10 am Trinity Fernie 691 - 4th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm Immanuel Elkford 2700 Balmer Dr. Sunday Worship 4 pm St. Peter’s Invermere 110-7th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm
Knox Presbyterian Church
Corner Victoria and 3rd Street south 426-7165 Senior Pastor Young Families Pastor - Pastor Al Brouwer Sunday worship/children’s classes 10am Friendly congregation - biblical teaching - traditional and contemporary music - Everyone welcome!
The Salvation Army Kootenay Valley Community Church 533 Slater Road NW, 426-3612 Sunday Worship Service ............ 10:30 am Wednesday Praise Service.......... 5:00 pm Pastor: Captains Linda & Kirk Green
which was ready to be crammed full of food donations. The event was well attended and organizers were overwhelmed with the amount of generous donations. Canadian Pacific made a donation of $8,000 to the local food bank in addition to a
train car full of food. The giving did not stop there as the community continued to pack the Police Cruiser full of food donations as well as raising $715 to help those in need.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” ~ Matthew 11:28
Calvary Chapel Cranbrook Sunday Service - 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm 518 Cranbrook St. N. (next door to KFC) For more info: 421-1822 Pastor Steve Moon
Cranbrook United Church
#2 - 12 Ave. S. on the corner of Baker & 12th Phone: 250-426-2022 Fax: 250-426-2085 Rev. Frank Lewis Sunday Worship.......................... 10:00 am Sunday School 1st & 3rd, Children’s activites alternate weeks •
Cranbrook Fellowship Baptist Church Affiliated with Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada • Pastor Cyril Marlatt 2000-5th St. N., Cranbrook • 489-5169 Family Worship .......................... 10:00 am
First Baptist Church Pastor Kevin Ewaskow Sunday morning worship at 10:30am Children’s ministries at 10:30am 334 14th Ave S • 250-426-4319
St. Aidan Orthodox Church New Life Foursquare Church Sunday Services.......................... 10:30 am Fellowship lunch and Sunday School to follow For info call: 250-489-8006 or 250-421-6013 Come, See & Pray
308 10th Ave. South • 489-1057 Sunday Morning Worship • 10am Senior Pastor • Gordon Henry
Photo submitted
This is a picture is 15 year old Taryn Uphill. Taryn and her friend Raeann Stambulic host a fun dog agility show every year. This year they raised $257. They donated all of the proceeds to the East Kootenay SPCA.
Slugs: The first snowstorm of the year, Monday Dec. 2, slugs to the drivers who do not slow down. Passing in either the slow or fast lane. Are you looking to cause an accident? Also, slugs to the crew that work to clean our roads. Thanks for plowing the roads after the heavy snowfall. A few follow ups of sanding would be appreciated. A shame we have to drive on icy roads. Finally the roads sanded Friday Dec. 6. A little late in my opinion. I am thankful I did not get into an accident. Slugs: To the inconsiderate person that drove his truck up the x-country ski trail at South Star to cut a Xmas tree. You ruined the ski tracks until the next significant snow fall. Slugs: To all those drivers who tail gate, honk and give you the finger when you are driving the speed limit in the school zone (on 2nd Street North from the light at 14th to the the Rec Plex). Hugs: To those who see the 30 km school zone sign and obey it Hugs: To all the care givers at IHA and the Green Home for all the care they give. Slug: To a certain bank for making a corporate decision to close smallbusiness accounts by an impersonal form letter. Hugs: To people who think about giving or give the following Christmas Gifts: To a friend, your heart; To a customer, service; To your enemy, forgiveness; To an opponent, tolerance; To all, charity; To every child, a good example; To yourself, respect. Merry Christmas! Slugs: A huge Slimy Slug to the Advertiser for dropping the “north of 49” crossword puzzle which is the only puzzle using Canadian clues such as place names, and not all USA clues.
Slugs: A big fat juicy SLUG to all who are (illegally) feeding the “poor, hungry” urban deer. You are encouraging cougars and wolves to come into our communities. By encouraging the deer to hang around for your handouts, which they don’t need, you are encouraging predators as well. Smarten up! Hugs: A big HUG to Shannon for all her work in putting the Hugs and Slugs together! Hugs: To the energetic, positive and talented staff at the pool; thanks for the great start to each day with Swim Fit classes. From the morning gals Hugs: to our U.S. merchants. Just back from the States. Had great time. Excellent food, always good service. Cranbrook merchants could learn a thing or two if they want us to shop locally. Hugs: To Curtis from Crystal Glass. He fixed my sunroof and his customer service went above and beyond. Merry Christmas Curtis and Staff. Hugs: To Shivers Candy Store in Western Financial Place (Ramona & her children) and all her customers & everyone who donated & raised money to help Candy Cane Lane restore some of their lighting & cords which were “taken” a couple of weeks ago. This is truly the meaning of Christmas….giving to others! Hugs: To the Fernie couple who helped the gentleman from Coledale rescue his family from the Elk River. Hugs also to the others on the highway who stopped to assist as the children were brought out of the minivan. The story in The Townsman December 9 was well written and heart wrenching. The Fernie couple deserves their privacy, good for them. My thoughts and prayers to the family involved. Hugs: To the Kootenay Advertiser for this column. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
If you have a Hug or a Slug...we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your short quips, compliments or complaints. We will print the anonymous submissions for all to see. Be honest, but all we ask is you keep it tasteful. Hugs and Slugs will be printed as space allows, if we miss yours check back next week and you will be bumped to the start of the list. You can also drop by a written submission to our office at 1510 2nd Street N. or call Shannon at (250)489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382
Friday, December 20, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Students explain graphically why they love to live in this area Submitted
December 11 was the International Day of the Mountain and Invermere students celebrated by asking: Why do we love our mountains? The leadership class at David Thompson Secondary School and Wildsight Invermere partnered to find an artistic way to celebrate the mountains. The leadership class
painted a 4’x8’ banner of the iconic Mt. Nelson and surrounding peaks and divided the banner into five sections. Each section was sent out to a different elementary school in the valley: J Alfred Laird Elementary, Edgewater Elementary, W i n d e r m e r e Elementary, Martin Morigeau Elementary and Eileen Madson Primary School. Elementary students
Enjoy Live Music with Riff-Raff Sat. Dec. 21 • starting 4pm
CorreC tio Pub hours:12pm-2am n Liquor store hours: 9am-11pm
King Edward
Licensed Liquor Store & Pub
22-7th Ave., Cranbrook • Phone 489-5755 PHOTO PAT MORROW
RecRuitment foR committees 2014 city of cRanbRook there are several opportunities for public participation and involvement in the city of cranbrook advisory committees listed below. membership is open to residents of the city of cranbrook.
Mount Nelson as depicted by the leadership class at David Thompson Secondary School was decorated with phrases describing why the students love the mountains. were asked to write out a one-sentence answer to the simple question: why do we love our mountains?
After a week, the five sections were reunited and displayed at the Invermere Community Hall during a sold-
Economic DEvElopmEnt committEE the economic Development committee provides advice and recommendations to council on the city’s economic development strategy, cranbrook’s competitive position, emerging economic development priorities and opportunities, and ensuring a sustainable resilient economy. one position is available. applicants shall represent the following economic sector: energy and natural Resources; EnvironmEnt anD UtilitiEs committEE the environment and utilities committee provides advice and assistance to council in the enhancement, restoration, management and protection of the city’s utilities and its built and natural environments, as well as ensuring that the community is planned to provide for environmental sustainability. two positions are available. KEy city thEatrE sociEty the city of cranbrook appoints two of the nine directors of the key city theatre society. city appointed directors will be expected to provide regular reports to cranbrook city council on the operations of the key city theatre society. one position is available. terms of reference for all the committees are available on the city’s website – interested individuals are invited to submit a volunteer application form available at city hall or the city’s website – applications will be accepted at city hall (attention maryse leroux) or by email, no later than Friday, January 10, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. local time.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Tickets on sale 7:30pm at Key City Theatre • Sponsored by Wildsight • Tickets $25 now! In Cranbrook at Key City Theatre box office, open M-F 10-4, Sat 11-3. Ph 250-426-7006
out presentation on December 10th by renowned scientist and author Wade Davis. The banner will now go on a tour of all of the elementary schools that contributed to its creation. The responses from the elementary students captured the essence of what mountains mean to them, as Kootenay residents. Below is a sample of their responses: • I like the mountains because they make beautiful sunsets • I love the Rocky Mountains because of their amazing shape, size, and beautiful sight • I love the mountains because they protect animals like wolves • I love the mountains because of the neat creatures that live on them and the beauty of nature and vegetation • I love the mountains because they protect us • I love the mountains because they give homes to many animals • I love the mountains because they are beautiful • So many beautiful animals live in the mountains and from a distance the mountains look like shapes or animals • Wildlife • Our mountains protect our elegant trees • I love the mountains
because they are fun to hike! • I like the wildlife in the mountains • I love to hike with my mom • They have trees • Moose • Because we are behind them and the sun shines • I love the mountains because they give us peace and light • Pink sunrises and sunsets when it’s cold in the winter • I love the mountains because they raise my spirits up • The mountain trees give us air • Because as soon as I come back from a long trip away from home and they come into view I know that I’m home • I love the mountains because every mountain is different. The grade 3-7 students of Edgewater Elementary School decided to answer the question by adapting David Bouchard’s poem, “If you’re not from The Prairies”. -----------------------If You’re Not From The Mountains If you’re not from the mountains, you don’t know the wildlife, you can’t know the wildlife The majestic elk bugles as a cow walks by The bald eagle soars gracefully up in the sky
The grizzly bear hunts in a nearby stream A six point white tail is every hunters dream If you’re not from the mountains, you don’t know the wildlife If you’re not from the mountains you don’t know the water, you can’t know the water Glacier creeks run so frantically free Avalanches that fly like a wild crazed bee Majestic waterfalls take crisp air as they flow The heat of the hotsprings with cold winter snow If you’re not from the mountains, you don’t know the water. If you’re not from the mountains, you don’t know the sky, you can’t know the sky Sunsets pop pink from high cloudy peaks Sun incredibly hot, it lasts for weeks Trees poking to native legends of the night Morning sunrise slowly awakening without flight If you’re not from the mountains, you don’t know the sky.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 20, 2013 A11
fun & games it’s all
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for our ‘hugs and slugs’ section and you will be entered to win a Tim Horton’s $10 gift card* *Only ‘hugs’ will be entered for a $10 gift card drawn each Friday for the month of December.
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Friday, December 20, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
1. Water fresh trees daily
It’s time to decorate the Christmas tree! If you’re using a real tree, buy it fresh and keep the base of the trunk in water at all times. Keep your tree away from any sparks or heat source, such as fireplace, heater, or candle.
2. Make sure you have working smoke alarms
With family and friends spending extra time at your home over the holidays, it’s extra important to check your smoke alarms. Replace them if they are over 10 years old. Remember that you need working smoke alarms on every story of your home and outside all sleeping areas. Test your alarms to make sure they alert you and your family if a fire occurs, giving you the precious seconds you need to safely escape.
3. Check all sets of lights before decorating Before you put those lights on the tree or around the front window, check the cords closely. Discard any sets that are frayed or damaged.
have the job done right the first time We specialize in plumbing and hot water heating, new installations or repair service! Don't let plumbing bills pull the plug on your budget . . . phone the company with over 35 years of experience!
4. Make sure you have working carbon monoxide alarms
Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odourless gas that can quickly kill you. Installing carbon monoxide alarms in your home will alert you to the presence of this deadly gas. Replace any carbon monoxide alarms over seven years old.
7. Give space heaters space
If you are using space heaters to help take the chill off, remember to keep them at least one metre (3 feet) away from anything that can burn such as curtains, upholstery, or holiday decorations.
8. When you go out, blow out!
Candles can set the perfect mood for a holiday celebration, but remember to always blow out candles before leaving the room or going to bed. Keep lit candles safely away from children and pets and anything that can burn, such as curtains, upholstery, or holiday decorations.
5. Make sure everyone is familiar with your home’s fire escape plan
Develop and practice a home fire escape plan with all members of the household and make sure someone is prepared to help young children, older adults, or anyone else that may need assistance to evacuate. Agree that once outside, everybody stays outside, at which point you can call 911 from a cell phone or neighbour’s house.
9. Keep matches and lighters out of the sight and reach of children
People often keep matches and lighters handy to light holiday candles. But matches and lighters can be deadly in the hands of children. If you smoke, have only one lighter or book of matches and keep it with you at all times.
6. Use extension cords wisely
People often use extension cords for that extra set of lights or the dancing Santa in the corner. Extension cords should be used only as a temporary connection. Make sure cords never go under rugs, as this can cause damage to the cord and cause a fire.
10. Watch what you heat!
Have a safe holiday
Free Estimates.
11. Encourage smokers to smoke outside
g&d Plumbing & heating ltd. 2609-3rd St. S. Cranbrook, BC V1C 4W4 250-426-2464 Cell:250-421-1391
Careless smoking is the leading cause of fatal home fires. If you do allow smoking indoors use large, deep ashtrays that can’t be knocked over and make sure cigarette butts are properly extinguished.
Be Fire Safe
Happy Holidays Selkirk Forest Products Co. Highway 3 & 93, Galloway, BC Ph: 429-3493 • Fax: 429-3931
o our customers and friends we extend our wishes for a Merry Christmas & Prosperous New Year!
12. There’s more to responsible drinking than taking a cab home
C,("$6*)"9% !""#$%&'($)*+,-%$.*)"$/%$0*1,23$*$0&+"$),("$".4*#"$#-*25$6+&7"$ 8"9"49&(.$*("$*2$,+#&(9*29$#*(9$&)$90,.5 :"+"+/"(;$.+&7"$8"9"49&(.$4*2$.*1"$-,1".$&2-%$<0"2$90"%$*("$<&(7,235$ =0"47$,)$%&'(.$,.$,2$<&(7,23$4&28,9,&2$/%$#'.0,23$90"$/'99&25$:"#-*4"$ 90"$/*99"(,".$9<,4"$*$%"*(>$.'40$*.$<0"2$<"$40*23"$&'($4-&47.5 ?9$@"47>$.*)"9%$,.$*$4&("$1*-'"5$A"$.*)"$*28$0"*-90%$*9$<&(7$*28$*9$ 0&+"B"1"(%$8*%5
Safety is at our core C,("$6*)"9%
At Teck, we are committed to ensuring everyone goes
home safe and healthy every day. !""#$%&'($)*+,-%$.*)"$/%$0*1,23$*$0&+"$),("$".4*#"$#-*25$6+&7"$ 8"9"49&(.$*("$*2$,+#&(9*29$#*(9$&)$90,.5 Keep your family safe by having a home fire escape plan. :"+"+/"(;$.+&7"$8"9"49&(.$4*2$.*1"$-,1".$&2-%$<0"2$90"%$*("$<&(7,235$ Smoke detectors are an important part of the plan, but =0"47$,)$%&'(.$,.$,2$<&(7,23$4&28,9,&2$/%$#'.0,23$90"$/'99&25$:"#-*4"$ they don’t last forever. Check if yours are working by 90"$/*99"(,".$9<,4"$*$%"*(>$.'40$*.$<0"2$<"$40*23"$&'($4-&47.5
pushing the test button. Change the battery when you
change your clocks, and every time the low battery alert ?9$@"47>$.*)"9%$,.$*$4&("$1*-'"5$A"$.*)"$*28$0"*-90%$*9$<&(7$*28$*9$ 0&+"B"1"(%$8*%5 sounds. Ph: 346-3315 Fax: 346-3218 Scale: 346-3231
The holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year, which means it’s easy to get distracted from what we are doing. Cooking fires most commonly occur when cooking is left unattended. Always stay in the kitchen when cooking, especially if using oil or high temperatures. If a pot catches fire, carefully slide a tight-fitting lid over the pot to smother the flames and then turn off the heat.
With all the festive cheer this time of year, keep a close eye on anyone attempting to cook or smoke while under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol is an all-too-common factor in many fatal fires.
No smoke detector?
Come see us! Think Safety 1901 McPhee Rd. Cranbrook, BC Ph: 426-6288 Fax: 426-8759
Remember to replace your batteries
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 20, 2013
100% Locally owned. 25 - 10th Ave. South, Cranbrook, BC Phone: 250-426-8211 Toll Free: 1-866-426-8211 Fax: 250-426-6270 ■
3555 Mount Royal Drive
A Rare Opportunity
Brookview Home
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Affordable C2 zoned lot with hwy frontage. Bring your business ideas.
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This 0.57 acre is a gorgeous lot to build your dream home w/year round views.
Features newer flooring, appliances and a fresh coat of paint.
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Great location for your cabin retreat on 10 acres.
This is a great fixer upper, bring your tools, talent & imagination!
1971 home w/ addition on own treed & fenced city lot w/ a paved driveway!
Centrally located w/ full unfinished bsmt, fenced yard, deck & upgrades.
4bdrms, 3 bath w/ gas fireplace, views & French doors leading to patio.
New 3bdrm, 2 bath tastefully designed home w/ open concept & dble garage.
Dave & Shane 2170239
Kaytee Wheaton 2393633
Sandy Smith 3800102
Shelley Simon 2391242
Wayne Franklin 2391981
Linda Stuckey 2390864
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Jim Barber 2393635
Barry Seitz 2389514
Jeannie Stager 2217953
Amber Bogaard 2393388
Carla Sinclair 2394291
Jason Wheeldon 2391782
Chris Nault 2394237
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This home is a 1017 sqft(main floor) 2 bedrms, w/Vaulted ceilings & garage.
3 bdrm, 2 bath home w/ updated kitchen, flooring, HW tank, furnace and more
Spectacular subdivision, 1 block from St. Marys Lake.
Wayne Franklin 2393495
Located just outside Cranbrook. Get your building plans ready!
Jason Wheeldon 2390106
Sandy Smith 10062668
Very well kept manufactured home w/fenced yard. Plenty of room for parking.
Affordable, centrally located 2 bdrm end unit w/ newer windows & laminate.
Bright 2 bedroom condo with newer windows & flooring in central location.
Bring the Family
Many Updates
Loaded with Features
Maintenance Free!
Great Starter Home
Character Abounds!
Over 3150 sq.ft. of living space with many updates throughout!
Extensively open and contemporary design, 3+2 bdrms & more!
Vaulted ceilings, fireplace, open kitchen/living/dining room & more!
2 bdrm half duplex in adult-oriented, well kept Fountain Estates!
Updated 3 bdrm home with fully fenced yard & covered balconies.
Charming 4 bedroom, 2 bath home close to downtown and zoned R2.
Desirable Forest Park offers maintenance free living in convenient location.
Half Duplex
2 Bdrm Mobile
Apartment Style Condo
Large Sun Room!
4bdrm, 3 bath open concept w/ fully fenced yard backing onto green space.
Semi fenced yard, covered parking, large deck & inside has a great kitchen.
Bright & spacious, laundry on each floor & designated parking.
Family home w/ 5 bdrms, vaulted ceilings, ample room & suite potential.
Cary Swanson 2392742
Barry Seitz 2390623
Jason Wheeldon 2394324
Chris Nault 2394235
Shelley Simon 2393541
Jami Joy 2391691
Chris Nault 2394277
Sandy Smith 2391372
Jim Barber 2393476
Cary Swanson 2393669
Forest Park
Carrie Lightburn 2393441
SOLD! Peaceful & Private
10.88 acres just 8 km. south of Moyie on hwy 3/95. Has well, septic and road. Jeannie Stager 2391731
Great View
Great Condo!
This property gently slops to the NW overlooking Canbrook.
Close to college, hospital, rec plex & shopping. Excellent retirement unit!
Jami Joy 2214216
Linda Stuckey 2218089
Carla Sinclair 2394259
Kaytee Wheaton 2390628
you only need to ask.
for listing details, open houses with maps, property rentals & mortgages
Linda Stuckey 2217986
Jason Wheeldon 2394348
Friday, December 20, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
100% 100%Locally Locallyowned. owned. CRANBROOK
25 - 10th Ave. South, Cranbrook, BC Phone: 250-426-8211 Toll Free: 1-866-426-8211 Fax: 250-426-6270 ■
SOLD! Much Loved Home
Convenient Location
Luxury 1/2 Duplex
Sunshine Meadows
Beautiful Views
1980 Moduline
Peace & Serenity
Great country kitchen, covered deck, garage & carport.
Quality & comfort w/ 4 large bdrms, large kitchen, updates & fenced yard
No HST on this luxury 1/2 duplex at Boulder Creek on Wildstone Golf Course.
Bright & cozy 2 bdrm unit w/ open concept, hardwood & covered parking.
2 bed/2 bath home features 23 X 8 deck & close to Kootenay Orchards School.
1220 sq. ft., 2bdrm, 2 bath home w/ many updates, 3 decks & single carport.
Live off the grid on this 10 acre parcel just 5 minutes to Kootenay Lake!
Immaculate Home
Dreams Do Come True!
Waterfront Playground
Piece of paradise!
In Gold Creek!
Beautiful Southview
Amazing Views
Check out this bright, clean, low maintenance home on its own land!
Spectacular views, 155 acres, custom built home & much more!
Opportunity to own a year round lake-front home in the East Kootenay.
Semi-lakefront share w/ marina slip, private beach access & boat launch.
Custom executive home on 4.75 acres w/ upgrades, dble garage & deck!
Bring your house plans! Great building lot in quiet cul-de-sac.
This 4 bedroom/3 bathroom home has it all!
Chris Nault 2393940
Lori White 2390347
Linda Stuckey 2391176
Wayne Franklin 2392008
Carla Sinclair 2390907
Sandy Smith 2218075
Jeannie Stager 2218796
Jim Barber 2392377
Carla Sinclair 2394388
Kaytee Wheaton 2390308
Jim Barber 2391544
Jason Wheeldon 2389913
Lori White 2394300
Shelley Simon 2393553
SOLD! Orchard Heights
Moyie Lake
Updated Corner Unit
Updated Duplex
Country Estate
Wildstone Development
Waterfront at Wasa
Endless opportunities on this fabulous .78 of an acre building lot!
3 bdrms, 2 baths, office area & large rec room w/ covered patio to yard.
3 bdrm, 2 bath home featuring fully finished bsmt w/ private deck & shed!
Features over 4800 sq ft of living space on 4 acres with barn & more!
Build your new home in this Gary Player designed Golf Course development.
Beautiful property & cabin with your own sandy beach & more.
This 1453 sq/ft home is to be built and there is time personalize. Cary Swanson 2393442
Amber Bogaard 2393794
Barry Seitz 2392395
Lori White 2392125
Jami Joy 2392997
Linda Stuckey 2391901
Congratulations! Over 116 Acres!
Fountain Estates
Great Views!
Own your very own piece of the BC wilderness backing onto crown land!
Beautiful open floor plan, 2 bdrms, double garage & more!
This 1300sq. ft., 3bdrm, 1 bath home has seen so many upgrades!
Remodeled Home
Southview Lot!
Panoramic Views
Sit on the large front deck and enjoy the amazing views of Elizabeth Lake!
Easy to build on .16 of an acre lot surrounded by beautiful homes.
This full-featured executive home sits on 2.4 acres just minutes to town!
Jeannie Stager 2391798
Chris Nault 2218086
Jim Barber
Cranbrook 250.919.0958
Barry Seitz
Cranbrook 250.421.1853
Sandy Smith 2393919
Lori White 2394189
Amber Bogaard
Cranbrook 250.427.6342
Shelley Simon
Cranbrook 250.421.3406
We are proud supporters of
Trevor Fedyk
Cranbrook 250.427.8914
Carla Sinclair
Cranbrook 250.421.4415
Sandy Smith 2213194
Huge Home!
Jason Wheeldon 2394046
This large home features 4 bdrms, 4 bathrooms, 2 dens & 2 kitchens! There is also an attached 23ft x 24ft heated & wired garage & is located in a quiet family area close to downtown.
$205,900 Lori White MLS#2389184
Wayne Franklin 2391816
Wayne Franklin
Cranbrook 250.426.9829
Sandy Smith
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Cranbrook 250.421.0835
Megan Jones
Cranbrook 250.417.9848
Jeannie Stager
Cranbrook 250-421-3441
Jami Joy
Cranbrook 250.602.9652
Linda Stuckey
Cranbrook 250-421-0776
Carrie Lightburn
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Cranbrook 250.421.3629
Cary Swanson
Cranbrook 250.421.7195
Corey Moore
Chris Nault
Cranbrook 250.420.1750
Cranbrook 250.417.9027
Kaytee Wheaton
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Cranbrook 250.919.0391
Jason Wheeldon
Cranbrook 250.426.9482
Michelle Rybachuk
Cranbrook 250.421.9239
Lori White
Cranbrook 250.489.9053
Join our Facebook group at
Complete Real Estate, Property & Strata Management, and Mortgage Brokerage Services
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 20, 2013 A15
100% 100%Locally Locallyowned. owned. kiMBerLeY MarYsViLLe
385 Wallinger ave. kimberley 312-304th street, Marysville Phone: 250-427-0070 Toll Free: 1-866-427-0070 ■
SOLD! Kimberley's Finest
Starter Home
Great Value
Great Potential
Unique Home
Four bed, 5 bath home with over 4000 sq. feet of living space.
Very cute & clean 2 bedroom home in good neighbourhood.
Beautifully remodeled w/3 bright bedrms, open living area & in cul-de-sac.
This home is set back on the lot affording an expansive front yard area.
Prime Development
Downtown Lot
Wasa Home
Semi ocean front property located on Malcolm Island. Approx. 800x2000ft.
C-1 downtown vacant lot in a great location just off Kimberley's Platzl.
Beautiful views from this 2 bed/2 bath home.Fenced yard, decks, carport and shop 2394215 Shane Murray
Shane Murray 2393814
Darren Close 2204539
Dave Graham 2390943
Audrey Welk 2393770
Marilyn Jolie 2392577
Solid Home
Large Corner Lot
Lots of charm in this 3 bed 2 bath home. Total reno. done in 2008.
Clean & solid home in convenient location perfect for any lifestyle.
No time frame to build. Large lot in Marysville.
Tara Sykes 2393726
Tara Sykes 2393425
Adjacent To Mark Creek
Quiet Subdivision
Spectacular Lot
Magnificent Quality
Large gentle sloping lot that is well priced & ready to build on.
Located in quiet Morrison Subdivision on 1.3 acres of land. Make it your own.
Lot above the St. Mary's river. Gentle slope allows for walk out basement.
Here is the cream of the crop in Kimberley w/local custom built cabinetry.
Darren Close 2392233
Dave Graham 2204495
Audrey Welk 2394085
Marilyn Jolie 2390160
Shane Murray 2393611
Dave Graham 2391141
SOLD! Best Located Condo
Fabulous Acreage
Great Location
Upscale Subdivision
Gorgeous Makeover!
Unique Opportunity!
Chapman Camp
Fully furnished 1 bdrm condo w/ 6' x 12' balcony & facing ski hill.
Nice gently sloping land. Minutes from Kimberley with views all around.
5 separately titled lots in Marysville with fully renovated, modern home.
Come home to this inviting house located in prestigious Forest Crowne.
Great new kitchen,large bright living room with gas fireplace. Many upgrades.
Unique investment opportunity, two houses on a single lot!
Quaint home in coveted neighborhood w/ nice sized yard & lots of potential.
Family Home
Breathtaking Views
In Marysville
Great Building Lot
Come See Why!
Character Home
Spacious Condo
Very affordable family home in Marysville, close to school, arena & trails.
Quarter share of an amazing townhouse on 2 floors.
3bdrm, 2 bath home on large lot close to parks, schools, golfing & skiing.
Enjoy an out of town feel with the conveniences of living within city limits.
Corner unit right at the borderline of Kimberley Alpine Resorts Main Run.
Charming 4 bed home on 3.39 acres in town. Large rooms, updated kitchen.
Excellent golf retreat & ski in-out from this condo in Northstar Mtn Village.
Shane Murray 2183569
Tara Sykes 2394209
Dave Graham 2394082
Marilyn Jolie 2212973
Tara Sykes 2393930
Jami Joy 2392912
Marilyn Jolie 2389212
Tara Sykes 2394217
Dave Graham 2394044
Darren Close 2217617
Marilyn Jolie 2393955
Audrey Welk 2217913
Congratulations! Fantastic & Unique
Great Location
Fully furnished, bright & sunny unit with loft.
This immaculate home is adjacent to the Ski resort & Trickle Creek Golf course.
Incredible views of Rockies & fully furnished! Ski in/ski out.
Amber Bogaard 2218323
Dave Graham 2389237
Super Location
Wonderful lot in quiet cul-de-sac in beautiful Forest Crowne.
1/2 duplex, 2 bed/2 bath, ground floor unit within walking distance to quad.
Marilyn Jolie 2184326
Audrey Welk 2390534
Tanya Anderson
Kimberley 250.432.5210
Gorgeous Lot On St. Marys Lk Rd
Mountain Views Well maintained unit
Private Playground 320 acres on Larsen Lake
Spectacular Condo Beaufitully finished w/granite
Cottonwood Road One block to lake access
Ski Hill Views Backs onto a green space
Excellent Opportunity 46.5 acres in NE Cranbrook
Top Floor Condo Top floor at Mtn Edge
Wasa Lot 0.39 acres on east side
$129,000 Marilyn Jolie
Marilyn Jolie 2206954
Nice Lot
$169,000 Marilyn Jolie
Adjacent to Kimberley's Campground near St Mary Lake but within city limits.
Dave Graham
Kimberley 250.427.0372
$114,900 Tara Sykes
$1,950,000 Darren Close
$107,000 Shane Murray
$69,000 Shane Murray
Dave Graham 2214384
Darren Close
Marilyn Jolie 2393908
Exceptional Value 1 week per month
Kimberley 250.427.8711
Condos & Lots
$279,000 Marilyn Jolie
Forest Crowne Lot
Tara Sykes 2394303
$43,900 Audrey Welk
Kimberley Ski Hill
Marilyn Jolie
Kimberley 250.427.8700
deBra Parker, aMP Mor tgage Broker Business : 250.420.2375 Cell : 250.421.7600
Shane Murray
Kimberley 250.427.6215
Tara Sykes
Kimberley 250.427.6496
$799,000 Shane Murray
$139,000 Shane Murray
Audrey Welk
Kimberley 250.427.5900
darren LYon Mor tgage Broker Business : 250.420.2369 Cell : 250.919.1365
Independently Owned and Operated. ®/™ trademarks owned by Centum Financial Group Inc. © 2012 Centum Financial Group Inc., CENTUM Homeward Mortgage Group Ltd.
250.426.8217 MORTGAGES: Pre-approvals • Purchases • Refinances • Consolidations • 100% Financing • Vacation • Home • Rental Property • Self-employed Mortgages Mortgage Broker 25 – 10thBaBinski Avenue South Cranbrook, BC. V1C 2M9 • 250.426.8211 Interest Rates are at record lows, take advantage of these great savings! Brenda
Friday, December 20, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
561A Hwy #3, Fernie, BC Phone: 250-423-4644 Toll Free: 1-888-870-9064
141B Aspen Dr. Sparwood, BC Phone: 250-425-2722
Fernie Cafe & Coffee
Great Home
Annex Home
23 Juniper Crt.
Beautiful Home
Great Starter!
Waterfront - Jaffray
This business has been a successful operation for over 20 years. Hwy location
A must see! This 3 bedroom home boasts of modern finishes and great renos.
Upgraded & well maintained 3 bdrm home on full lot. Full bsmt,detached garage.
Priced to sell! 3 bdrm townhome close to all amenities. Private yard.
A must see! 4+ bdrms and 4 bathrooms located on one of the best lots in Fernie.
Awesome Location! 2 bedroom condo with plenty of upgrades in the Annex.
Well maintained 5 bedroom home situated on a gorgeous 1.55 acre parcel.
Whiskey Jack Lot
Well Maintained
Must See!
Triple Tree Estates
5 Acre Parcel
Renovated Home
Oversized 8,240 sq. ft. (.417 acre) 172'x105' treed lot. Great valley views.
2bdrm condo w/ new hardwood floors, oak kitchen & balcony w/ views!
3 bdrm manufacured home with skylights & arched windows. Greenbelt behind
Must see this 3/1 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath newly renovated home located in quiet area
South Country's newest acreage subdivision in Grasmere. 4.9 acres. Jason & Candace 2210920
Situated minutes from Fernie wth great views. Many building sites.
Candace & Jason 2389113
Many tasteful modern updates in this 3/1 bdrm, 3 bath home. Open concept
Upper Elkford
Private Location
Great Family Home
Alpine Trails-Lodges
Nice Home
1206 Hickory Crescent
Hwy Strip Mall
3/2 bedroom updated home walking distance to schools, Decks on front & back.
Build your dream home in Fernie's premier mountain community 'Alpine Trails'.
Well kept 3 bdrm, 2 bath updated home centrally located.Fenced yard,hot tub.
Gorgeous fully treed 1.24 ac lot in gated community. Excellent location!
Nice 3/1 bdrm 3 bath family home is located 3 blocks from all downtown amenities
Well maintained 3 bdrm home with detached garage.Many updates.
This commercial bldg is located right in the heart of Fernie's commercial zone.
Ski In, Ski Out
Location, Location!
Commercial Lots
Great Starter Home
Gorgeous Acreage
Great Lot in Fernie
Backs onto Greenbelt
Unique deluxe studio with loft situated on top floor with lovely views.
2/2 bedroom, 4 level split home located 1 block from all downtown amenities.
Two CS-1 zoned lots in the Annex area. Must be purchased together.
3/1 bedroom home located close to downtown.Large detached garage/shop.
Gorgeous 69.1 acre parcel situated at Triple Tree Estates sub. in Grasmere.
3/4 ac lot zoned RR2. Property is level and nicely treed with panoramic views.
Cozy 3/1 bdrm partially furnished home. Heated floors in basement.
Candace & Jason 2394261
Tricia Croteau 2390939
Paula Smith 2389658
Paula Smith 2391196
Candace & Jason 2216444
Lorene Giles 2393920
New Price
Frank Hughes 2394213
Britainy Ernst 2389954
Jason & Candace 2390673
Paula Smith 2217582
Paula Smith 2393691
Candace & Frank 2391186
Frank Hughes 2394126
Paula Smith 2393670
Candace & Jason 2215989
Paula Smith 2392937
Craig Bell 2394296
Melanie MacKay 2389033
Jason & Candace 2393324
Congratulations! Price Reduced
Close to Lake
1244 Hickory Cres
4 bdrm townhome in Lower Sparwood. High end fixtures. Fully fenced yard.
Gorgeous 20.1 acre parcel situated at Triple Tree Estates sub. in Grasmere.
Tastefully renovated 3/1 bdrm, 2.5 bath home with an attached garage.
Nice Home
Fernie Golf Estates
Nice 3/1 bedroom, 2 bath home w/ many great features. Ski hill views.
One of the nicest Fernie. Adjacent lot must be purchased.
Britainy Ernst 2390270
Beautiful Acreage
Stunning, one of a kind, 27.40 acreage located on Newgate road with well. Jason & Candace 2215798
Jason Andreola
Elk Valley 250.423.1645
Jason & Candace 2393322
Paula Smith 2389391
Craig Bell
Elk Valley 250.430.1162
Paula Smith 2394013
Frank Hughes 2393820
Lorene Giles 2203888
Jason & Candace 2218409
Paula Smith 2390877
Candace & Jason 4100540
Paula & Frank 2216949
Why Pay Rent?
Frank Hughes 2393628
$159,000.00 Elkford Fresh paint throughout. New laminate, upgraded main bathroom. Beautiful new covered deck off side of home facing lge pie shaped lot. Priced to sell! Call Paula today to view. MLS 2394224
Candace & Jason 2214605
Lorene Giles
Elk Valley 250.430.1066
Candace Grey
Elk Valley 250.423.1044
Melanie MacKay
Elk Valley 250.423.1800
Tricia Croteau
Sparwood 250.433.6996
Frank Hughes
Elk Valley 250.425.5555
Paula Smith
Elkford 866.425.3690
Britainy Ernst
Sparwood 250.425.4188
Carrie Lightburn
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Cranbrook 250.421.3629
Complete Real Estate, Property & Strata Management, and Mortgage Brokerage Services
for listing details, open houses with maps, property rentals & mortgages
The Cranbrook Food Bank needs your help
Digging can be a
shocking experience
if you don’t
know where
the wires are.
0 0 0 HOLIDAY $ + 2 1,000
$ 189
$ 159
$ 84
0% DOWN ≠
160,000 KM/5 YEAR
Whichever comes first. See dealer for limited warranty details.
Drop boxes at Safeway and Save On Foods Food Bank ofce 104-8th Ave. S. • 426-7664 (from 10am-3pm)
Jaffray United Church Welcomes you to our annual Christmas Service on December 22nd. Everyone is welcome 11 a.m with a small luncheon to follow. Bring your family! Pastor Jack Lindquist officiating
CRANBROOK North Star Motors 250-489-4711
[License #5717]
YEARS/40,000 KM
$ 0 DOWN
2014 EQUINOX +
2014 CRUZE
$ 0 DOWN
$ 0 DOWN
KIMBERLEY Chalet GM 250-427-4895
ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. ‡/†/**/≠/¥ Offers apply to the lease of a 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Crew Cab 4X4 1WT, 2014 Chevrolet Cruze LS 1SA, 2014 Chevrolet Equinox LS FWD equipped as described. Freight & PPSA included ($1,600/$1,650). License, insurance, registration, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer trade may be required. Conditions and limitations apply. See Chevrolet dealer for details. †0%/1.5%/0% lease APR available for 48/36/60 months on a new or demonstrator 2014 Equinox LS FWD/ 2014 Silverado Crew Cab 4X4 1WT/ 2014 Chevrolet Cruze LS 1SA, O.A.C by GM Financial. Applies only to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. Down payment or trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. Dealers are free to set individual prices. PPSA/RDPRM is not due. Insurance, license, dealer fees, and applicable taxes not included. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See participating dealer for details. $3,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit has been applied to the purchase, financing and lease offers of 2014 Silverado Crew Cab, and is applicable to retail customers only. Other credits available on select Silverado models. ^Offer only valid from December 10, 2013 to January 2, 2014 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing a Chevrolet Aveo, Cobalt, Caprice, Cavalier, Cruze, Epica, Impala, Lumina, Malibu, Metro, Monte Carlo, Optra Sonic, Spark, Volt, Saturn Ion, Aura, Astra, L-Series, S-Series, Sky, that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six months, will receive a $1,000 Holiday Owner Bonus credit towards the lease, purchase or finance of an eligible new 2014 Chevrolet Sonic, Cruze, Malibu or Impala delivered during the Program Period. Eligible retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing a Chevrolet HHR, Equinox, Tracker, Uplander, Venture, Astro, Lumina APV, Blazer, Traverse, Trailblazer; Saturn Vue, Relay, Outlook; Pontiac Montana/SV6, Transport, Torrent, Aztek, Sunrunner; Buick Rendezvous, Terraza, Enclave, Rainier; Oldsmobile Silhouette, Bravada; GMC Safari, Jimmy, Terrain, Acadia or Envoy, that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six months, will receive a $1,000 Holiday Bonus Owner credit towards the lease, purchase or finance of an eligible new 2014 Chevrolet Trax, Equinox or Traverse delivered during the program period. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership for the previous consecutive six months. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details. ^Offer only valid from December 10, 2013 – January 2, 2014 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a GM or competitor pickup truck to receive a $1,000 credit towards the purchase, finance or lease of an eligible new 2014 Model Year Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty, Silverado Heavy Duty, Sierra Light Duty, Sierra Heavy Duty, or Avalanche. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details. ¥The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter LOF Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2014 MY Chevrolet, Buick, or GMC vehicle (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 KMs, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserve the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer or for details. ≠Offer valid only to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have obtained credit approval by GM Financial, have entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial and who accept delivery from October 11, 2013, through January 2, 2014, of a new eligible 2014 model. General Motors of Canada will pay the first month’s lease payment (inclusive of taxes and any applicable pro-rata amount normally due at lease delivery as defined on the lease agreement). $0 first month lease payment means no bi-weekly payments will be due in the first month of your lease agreement. After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. **Available in select markets. Subscription sold separately after trial period. Visit for details. ñFor more information visit +The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. Consumer Digest Best Buy was awarded to the 2013 Equinox. *≠When equipped with available 6.2L EcoTec3 V8. Class is light-duty full-size pickups. XU.S. government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA ’s) New Car Assessment Program ( †† Requires 2WD Double or Crew Cab with the available 6.2L EcoTec3 V8 engine and Max Trailering Package. Maximum trailer weight ratings are calculated assuming a base vehicle, except for any option(s) necessary to achieve the rating, plus driver. The weight of other optional equipment, passengers and cargo will reduce the maximum trailer weight your vehicle can tow. Comparison based on 2013 Light-Duty Large Pickup segment and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM vehicles. Class is light-duty full-size pickups.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 20, 2013 A17
Maximum comfort with lower heating and cooling costs. That’s the Trane difference.
Conditions apply. For more details visit
Residential and Commercial
Serving Cranbrook, Creston, Kimberley & Wasa
[License #6340]
Friday, December 20, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
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March 18, 1955Dec. 20, 2008
ENHAM FORD (BC) LTD Cranbrook Knights Midget AA Hockey Team Is looking for your assistance.
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Another year has gone. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been busy making memories but you arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t in them. Missing you everyday. Love Brandi, Chris, Gabe, Indie and Willow
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The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.
Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: ďŹ Quality Loose Leaf Teas. Free shipping on Tea orders over $75 in BC.
1510-2nd St. N, Cranbrook, BC 250-489-3455
The Royal Stewart Highland Dancers present....
Our Annual Charity Christmas Recital
Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.
Brenda Bergen
â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Highland Christmasâ&#x20AC;? Friday, December 20 7:00 pm
Royal Alexandra Hall (Railway Museum) Admission by donation to the Cranbrook Salvation Army For more information contact Jane at 250-427-8757 or
Happy 100th Birthday Angela Ammaturo
Friends and relatives are invited to celebrate at the F.W. Green Home, Recreation Area Dec. 23 â&#x20AC;˘ 3:30pm Your support to this special occasion will be greatly appreciated (no gifts please)
18 players between the ages of 15 and 18 representing Cranbrook, Kimberley and Fernie make up this great team. These are a dedicated group of youth with full school schedules, practices, 2-3 games per weekend and a mandate to get out and involved in our community. The team is seeking donations for travel expenses and other incidentals hockey life often requires. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to ask about the cash raffle! A great way to support the local youth and an opportunity to win yourself. Tickets are $2.00 each, 3 for $5.00 or $50.00 for a book. Draw date is January 5 at 1:00 pm at Western Financial Place. Proceeds will be used to attend Provincialâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. Contact 250-908-0159 or go to Falkins Insurance in Kimberley to purchase tickets. Tax receipts are available for donations and sponsorship benefits are plentiful. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to help these boys in hockey or would just like more information in general, please contact the Head Coach, Jordan Foreman 250-908-0159
Obituaries OBITUARY
HANKE, John Frederick 1922 - 2013 In the early morning hours of Monday, December 16, 2013, JOHN FREDERICK HANKE passed away at the F. W. Green Memorial Home in Cranbrook at the age of 91 years. John was born on July 9, 1922 in Moose Lake, Saskatchewan to Joseph and Blondina Hanke. John was an avid outdoorsman â&#x20AC;&#x201C; he loved to hunt and fish. His most cherished and proudest memories was grizzly bear hunting with his son Rob. One of his favourite spots was the Sitting Bull near Canal Flats. John loved life and always lived his to the fullest. He was always very social and enjoyed entertaining people with good food and good times. He loved to dance and enjoy music you could tap your toes to. John loved to travel and took great pleasure in the trips he took whether it be a cruise to Alaska or a trek down to Texas. He was a true cowboy at heart. John was a great dad and will be sadly missed by his son; Robert (Tracy) Hanke and one granddaughter, Katlin Hanke. Also left behind are one brother and one sister; Dennis Hanke and Annie Popoff. John leaves many nieces and nephews and one very special nephew, Edward Arnold and his wife Marg. John will also be sadly missed by his special friend and companion, Evylyn Weilchel . We will all miss Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s jokes, good sense of humour and his big heart. A Celebration of Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life will be held at a later date. Condolences may be left for the family at Mark Memorial Funeral Services in care of arrangements (250) 426-4864.
Lost & Found Lost in Sparwood, a blue rubbermaid tote containing tire chains, jumper cables, and bungee straps! They went missing prior to the morning of Nov 25. Reward offered for there return! (250)425-2183
Travel CENTURY PLAZA HOTEL Best Rates. 1.800.663.1818
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance Payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.
OBITUARY Delbert Johnson 1937 - 2013 It is with sadness that the family of Delbert Johnson announces his passing on December 14, 2013, at the age of 76, after a courageous battle against cancer. Del was born in Invermere BC on March 31st 1937 to Emil and Margaret Johnson. Del resided on the family farm in Edgewater with his mom, dad and sister Anne until 1958, when he married the love of his life Lil Malberg. Del and Lil celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on November 8th, 2013. Del and Lil lived in Edgewater where they started their family when Donna was born in January 1961, and Darrell in December of the same year. They moved to Golden in 1965 where Sherry was born in 1967 to complete the family. The family moved to Nicholson in 1973, where Del and Lil have resided ever since. In Del's teenage years he worked for a guiding and hunting outfitter. Del then worked various jobs until settling into the forest and trucking industry. He was still working and enjoying it in December 2012. Del touched many lives through his involvement with the Golden Light Horse Club and as a driving force with the Golden Rodeo . Over the years he volunteered whenever needed with many groups and organizations. Family was extremely important to Del and he was so proud of his children and grandchildren's accomplishments. When his great granddaughter Paislee was born in October 2012 he could not have been happier. He had the biggest smile every time he talked about her. Del was predeceased by his parents Emil and Margaret Johnson and his sister Anne. He leaves behind his wife Lil of 55 years, his children Donna Lawrence (Mark), Darrell Johnson (Wanda), and Sherry Gottler (Rene), his beloved grandchildren Traci (Rob), and Craig, Jordan (Alysha) and Dallas, Larisa and Zara and his great granddaughter Paislee as well as many other family and friends. A celebration for Del will be held on January 4,2014 at 2:00pm at the Golden Rec Plex. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Golden Hospital Auxillary. C/0 946 Jacob Road Golden BC V0A 1H2. The family wishes to thank everyone for all their support.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 20, 2013 A19
Accounting/ Bookkeeping
Business Opportunities
Education/Trade Schools
Help Wanted
Accounting practice for sale. Bookkeeping, payroll. Corporate & personal taxes. (250)426-6162
INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853
Required for Berg Lehmann Chartered Accountants in Nelson, BC SENIOR ACCOUNTANT: focusing on audits, review & compilation engagements, with some personal tax work. FILE PREPARER: for compilation and personal tax return preparation. Please visit: for details & to submit your resume for consideration.
BAND ADMINISTRATOR The Akisqnuk First Nation invites you to apply for the position of Band Administrator. The Akisqnuk First Nation is nestled in BCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Columbia Valley, between Radium and Fairmont Hot Springs... up alongside the Purcell Mountains. This four season playground offers something for everyone with a small town ambiance and excellent schools. The Akisqnuk First Nation, one of four Ktunaxa Bands, is on-the-grow in terms of governance and economic development and is seeking the right person to lead that growth. As the Band Administrator you will be responsible for the successful leadership and general management of the organization according to the vision, objectives, and strategic direction set in conjunction with the Band Council. Please visit: for details.
SERIOUS, RETIREMENT Impact. Do you have 10hrs/wk that you want to make more productive? Work from home.
FINANCE OFFICER The Akisqnuk First Nation (AFN) is nestled in BCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Columbia Valley, between Radium and Fairmont Hot Springs... up alongside the Purcell Mountains. This four season playground offers something for everyone with a small town ambiance and excellent schools. The Akisqnuk First Nation, one of four Ktunaxa Bands, is onthe-grow in terms of governance and economic development and is seeking the right person to manage the financial affairs that will support that growth. As the Finance Officer you will report directly to the Band Administrator and will be responsible for assisting in the overall management and reporting of the financial affairs of the Akisqnuk First Nation, managing the day-to-day accounting affairs, assisting in the development, administration of accounting policies and procedures, and providing overall guidance in financial aspects of the AFN including investments. ~PLEASE VISIT~ for details.
Career Opportunities
TRAIN TO be an apartment/condominium Manager online! Graduates get access to all jobs posted with us. 33 years of success! Government certified. or 1800-665-8339, 604-681-5456.
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking EXPERIENCED CLASS 1 Drivers, F/T, P/T needed for California & Arizona produce hauling, excellent pay and benefits+ safety bonus and home time. Call Jerry or Brian 1-877-539-1750.
HIGHWAY OWNER OPERATORS $3500 SIGNING BONUS Van Kamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Group of Companies requires Highway linehaul Owner Operators based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee beneďŹ ts package.
To join our team of professional drivers, email a detailed resume, current driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s abstract & details of your truck to: Call 604-968-5488 Fax: 604-587-9889
YRB Yellowhead Road & Bridge Heavy Duty Mechanic Wanted
Yellowhead Road & Bridge (Kootenay) Ltd. is looking for Mechanics for our New Denver & Creston facilities. Applicants will need to hold a valid TQ for Heavy Duty or Commercial Transport, class three driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s licence and Motor Vehicle Inspection licence would be an asset. Resumes can be faxed to 250-352-2172 or e-mailed to
â&#x20AC;˘ Labourers â&#x20AC;˘ Tradesmen â&#x20AC;˘ Class 1 Drivers
Call 24Hr. Free Recorded Message 1-888-213-2854
Help Wanted
Experienced parts person required immediately for James Western Star in Williams Lake. Full time, competitive wages, benefits and signing bonus. Fax resume to 250-398-6367 or email:
(PSOR\PHQW 2SSRUWXQLW\ The College of the Rockies is a learner-centered institution. We invite all qualified applicants who value high quality program delivery and customer service excellence to apply forâ&#x20AC;Ś
)XOO WLPH :HE 0DUNHWLQJ 6SHFLDOLVW Cranbrook Campus Please quote competition numbers: 13-CU-44
For a full description of this job posting and instructions on how to apply visit:
Â&#x2021; Â&#x2021; ZZZ FRWU EF FD
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Top Crop Garden, Farm & Pet
2101 Cranbrook St. N. V1C 5M6 Looking for seasonal agricultural workers for the greenhouse and production areas. Work to include transplanting, watering, loading plants and seeding. Full and part time positions are available. March 1, 2014-September 2014 Work at three locations: 2101 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook 2380-4th Ave. S., Cranbrook 3700 Depeel Rd., Cranbrook No education or job experience required. Wages $10.33/hr and up. Contact: Shannon Fisher or mail application 2101 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 5M6 250-489-4555 or cell 250-421-0255 or Fax 250-426-4280
Career Opportunity Westland Insurance has an opening for a
Licensed General Insurance Agent in our Cranbrook Office.
This position is full time including evenings and weekends and all applications will be held in strict confidence. Applicant must have above average customer service and typing skills, work well in a team environment and be self motivated and reliable. Please email or hand deliver resume to: attention: Kelly Holdsworth Westland Insurance 300-535 Victoria Avenue N, Cranbrook, BC V1C 6S3
Only those of interest will be contacted. Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.
Interested in a paper route?
Career Opportunities
Live in Cranbrook?
How about one of these? Route 13341, 18th and 19th Ave S and the Green Home area, approx. 47 papers - this route is available now
Account Executives
Route 13242, Summit Drive and Summit Place and area, approx. 78 papers - this route is available now
Kamloops - Cool Creek Energy Kootenays - Rocky Mountain Energy
Route 13143, near TM Roberts School, 3rd Ave. S. & 7th, 8th & 11th St. S., approx. 92 papers - this route is available now
Immediate opening for Outside Sales Account Executives in the Petroleum Industry â&#x20AC;˘ Previous experience an asset â&#x20AC;˘ Company Vehicle and BeneďŹ ts â&#x20AC;˘ Some Travel Required
Route 13110, 15th, 16th & 17th Ave S & 2nd, 3rd & 4th St S, approx. 101 papers - this route is available starting January 3 Route 13400, 2A St & 2B St S, approx. 68 papers this route is available starting January 3
Only potential individuals will be contacted Please send resume to
If you are interested in any of these routes, please call Shannon at 250-489-3455
Looking For Staff? Start Here. Call 1-855-678-7833 today for more details.
Employment Help Wanted Baker Hill Dental Clinic
requires an experienced CDA (currently licensed in BC) We are a friendly, fast-paced family oriented dental practice. This is a full-time position (4-5 days per week) Deadline for applications is January 6, 2013. Please drop off or mail resume to
Baker Hill Dental Clinic 100 9th Avenue South, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2M2. Or call Susan at 250-426-5865 Only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
Selkirk Beverages requires Class 1 or 3 driver with air. Please fax resume and drivers abstract to Selkirk Beverages, 250-426-8875, or drop off at 604 Industrial Rd C. We thank all who apply; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Pets & Livestock
COME SEE the expanded show room at Flaman Fitness, we have Bow Flex gyms, Nautilus treadmills, bikes and elipticals. Plus we have a huge clearance section upstairs. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re located on the strip downtown Cranbrook. Just look for the 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tall running man out front 250-426-2691
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Snow Shovelling, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Painting, Flooring, Basements and More. WE DO THAT! Call Doug
250-426-7222 Leave a message
Home Improvements Randyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Home Rejuvenations. All types of renovations & repairs. Portfolio & References. Cell (250)420-7471
Household Services A-1 FURNACE & Air Duct Cleaning. Complete Furnace/Air Duct Systems cleaned & sterilized. Locally owned & operated. 1-800-5650355 (Free estimates)
Online Services
Bible Tutor, have M.A. in Christian Studies, $10/hour. (250)426-5779
Financial Services ur Reduce yo Debt by up to â&#x20AC;˘ Avoid bankruptcy â&#x20AC;˘ 1 interest free monthly payment â&#x20AC;˘ Free Consultation
Call for YOUR Financial Restructuring Solution
Robert Osborne 250-365-8070 Toll Free1-877-765-8070 Email Swimming Pools/ Hot Tubs BEACHCOMBER HOT TUBS save up to $4010 at the factory year end clearance event while stock lasts, plus we have 8 reconditioned hot tubs starting as low as $800. This month save 20% off HOT TUB COVERS. 100 Van Horne Street North Cranbrook 250426-7999 and RELAX ITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S A BEACHCOMBER
We are Not Trustees
Telephone Services
ANNACIS ISLAND Pawnbrokers open â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;till midnight 7 days a week. 604-540-1122. Cash loans for Jewellery, Computers, Smartphones, Games, Tools etc. #104-1628 Fosters Way at Cliveden.
DISCONNECTED PHONE? National Teleconnect home phone service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call National Teleconnect today! 1866-443-4408.
IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email: C- 250-938-1944
Meadowbrook Horse Drawn Cart,
made of Oak, comes with brakes, also with double tree, like new, $2200 obo. (250)342-0617
Feed & Hay 2nd cut alfalfa, no rain, small bales, under cover, $3.50/bale. 60-65lb bales. (250)428-2535 HAY FOR SALE small square $160/ton 250-428-4316 Timothy Alfalfa hay, fertilized & irrigated, 900 lb, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, square bales, $65/each. Horse quality hay. (250)887-3475 Timothy straw for sale. Good feed supplement. 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; rounds, 800 lbs each, $30/bale, delivery available. Larry 1 (250)428-8980
Merchandise for Sale
$100 & Under 4 Michelin LTX, 275/70/R18â&#x20AC;?, $100. (250)417-6603 Four LT 245/75/R16, $100. (250)417-6603
Never used right handed golf club set, $100. Pair of clip on extension mirrors for 2010 or older Dodge Ram, $45. 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; extension ladder, can be used on stairs, slight damage, $35. Near new 6â&#x20AC;? bench grinder, $35. Jackall, $25. Call between 8am & 8pm, (250)4175606 New set of radial tire chains, fit 16â&#x20AC;? rims, never used, $35. 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5/16 cable, chain & hook on one end, loop on other, $25. 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5/16 heavy pull chain with hooks, $25. 16â&#x20AC;? universal steel rim with tire, mounted, new, $35. Cash only. Call Chuck, (250)426-2726 Nordic Track Ski exercise machine, Pro Model, $30. Weaver Scope Rings, 1â&#x20AC;? diameter, USA, with rail mount base-7â&#x20AC;? long, $30. (250)4892803 Sleeping bag, with carrying bag, large size, ex. cond., used once, $50. Call (250)421-9975 Various used hand tools, wrenches, sockets, pliers, drill bits, & misc others, $100 for all. (778)517-1999
$200 & Under 2 sets of glasses, in carrying cases, very elegant, silver sparkles on glasses, 10 glasses all together, must see to appreciate, includes glass coasters, 5 Bone china cups w/saucers, also some wine glasses. $125 for all. Call (250)421-9975 2 single beds, $150/each. Large tube RCA TV, $180. Call Philip, (250)417-0609
Financial Services
$200 & Under
$200 & Under **FREE**
Run your classiďŹ ed ad in the $200 And Under classiďŹ cation and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
4 LT 265/75/R16 winters, $150. Four 205/55/R16 low profile winters, $100. (250)417-6603
$300 & Under
Antique platform scale, needs refurbishing, a good winter project, $200. (778)5171999
Run your classiďŹ ed ad in the $300 And Under classiďŹ cation and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Four 175/70/R13â&#x20AC;? all seasons on Toyota 4-hold rims, $200. Four 205/55/R16â&#x20AC;? winters, $150. Four LT 265/75/R16â&#x20AC;? 10-ply winters, $150. 4 Cooper LT 235/85/R16â&#x20AC;? winters, $150. Four P255/70/R16â&#x20AC;? winters for SUV, $150. (250)417-6603
Quilters ďŹ&#x201A;oor loom, tilts, adjustable legs, 39â&#x20AC;?x28â&#x20AC;?, new, still in box, $100. Studio Collection home hobby design folding table, 47â&#x20AC;?x35â&#x20AC;?x30â&#x20AC;?, new, still in box, $200. Sewing dress form, adjustable, new, still in box, $300. (250)4293050
The College of the Rockies is a learner-centered institution. We invite all qualified applicants who value high quality program delivery and customer service excellence to apply forâ&#x20AC;Ś
5HJXODU )XOO WLPH 3D\UROO DQG %HQHĂ&#x20AC;WV +XPDQ 5HVRXUFHV 7HFKQLFLDQ Cranbrook Campus Please quote competition numbers: 13-CU-45
For a full description of this job posting and instructions on how to apply visit:
Â&#x2021; Â&#x2021; ZZZ FRWU EF FD
Get 3rd
FREE classifieds* 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook 1-800-665-2382, 250-489-3455 *some restrictions apply
MOUNTAIN MAN OUTDOORS 250-426-2717 â&#x20AC;˘ 1-800-796-4666
Employment Opportunity Payroll and Benefits Coordinator POSTING: C121-13-14 THIS IS A CUPE POSITION
Under the direction of the Manager of Accounting Services the successful candidate will be responsible to perform all job duties related to the preparation of pa\roll and beneĂ&#x20AC;t administration for all teaching and non-teaching personnel. To view a full job description, please visit our website at: http://www. A detailed resume including three professional references, must be received no later than Thursday, January 9, 2014 at 12 noon (MST). Please apply for this job only in the manner speciĂ&#x20AC;ed by the employer, otherwise; your application will not be considered for the position: In Person: Darlene Soper School District No. 5 Southeast Kootenay 940 Industrial Road No. 1 Cranbrook, BC V1C 4C6 Telephone: 250-417-2056 Email: Note: Please quote posting number when applying for this position. The successful applicant will be subject to the terms of the Criminal Records Review Act. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Financial Services
Wanted in Kimberley Adult Carriers â&#x20AC;˘ With vehicle â&#x20AC;˘ Able to do Multiple Routes
Financial Services
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was tired of debt. It was time for a permanent change.â&#x20AC;? FREE CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION 122-11 AVENUE S 250.417.0584 100, CRANBROOK - NEW LOCATION TH
Help Wanted
Water Services Culligan can fix that nasty white build up on your taps or cure that annoying red staining in bath tub or laundry. Call Culligan Cranbrook today and let us fix your water right the first time! Call (250)426-2691 or visit our website And remember at Culligan we will always come to your home and test your water for free!
Merchandise for Sale
4 Cooper LT 235/85/R16â&#x20AC;? winters, $150. (250)417-6603
Trades, Technical
Merchandise for Sale 36â&#x20AC;? bathroom vanity, custom made, $175. Call (250)4892112
Run your classiďŹ ed ad in the $100 And Under classiďŹ cation and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages, relocation allowance, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info at: Fax 403-854-2845; Email:
Friday, December 20, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Government Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy & Proposal Administrators
Call Shannon or Erin (250)489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382 Kidney disease strikes families, not only individuals. THE KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF CANADA
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 20, 2013
Merchandise for Sale A21
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
$300 & Under
For Sale By Owner
Winchester model 70 Westerner 270 Win with Bushnell scope, $400. Mossberg 500A 12 GA Shotgun, $200. British .303 rifle, $200. 2 banana clips for Ruger 10/22 $50. Barnet Quad 400 crossbow, shot 10 times, $350. (250)417-9239
Heavy Duty Machinery
Misc. Wanted
Used kitchen cabinets, suitable for cabin or shop, $300 obo. (250)426-4704
Farm Equipment 1965 Cockshutt 4-cyl tractor with front loader & 3-pt hitch, with blade, brand new set of tire chains, good cond, $4000. Call (250)426-5831
Food Products BUTCHER SHOP
Ford 9N comes with blade cultivator, spare back wheel, has power take off, runs good, $3000 obo Gary, (250)427-3027 or (250)427-6393
BC INSPECTED GRADED AA OR BETTER LOCALLY GROWN NATURAL BEEF Hormone Free Grass Fed/Grain Finished $100 Packages Available Quarters/Halves $2.65/lb Hanging Weight Extra Lean Hamburger $4.00/lb TARZWELL FARMS 250-428-4316 Creston
Natural Ranch meats, available cuts: full, half, steaks, roasts, hamburger, jerky. (250)887-3060 leave message
Free Items Free barn kittens to good home. (250)427-7499
Ford farm tractor, 20 HP diesel, 4x4, front end loader & back blade, good cond,
Fruit & Vegetables
$5700. 1(250)428-9606 Creston
VISIT FARAMON Farm for apples. 4730 Canyon/Lister Rd. Gala, Spartan, Ambrosia, Jonagold, Orin, juicing apples & juice. Closed Sundays. 250428-7278
Husqvarna 22, HX barrel, walnut stock, good cond., 100 yrs old, $250. Marlin 45/70 lever, SS & composite, 1.5x4 scope, shells, as new, $900. Mauser Werke Model 66-S, 243, 7x42 Flenzalt scope, German claw mounts, set triggers, silver inlays, $1800. (250)4893067 Install Laminated Stocks, Muzzel Brakes, Triggers., etc. Glass and Pillar Bedding. Scope Mounting, Boresighting and Leveling. Private Lessons on Reloading, Cleaning and Maintenance. Bolt Action Rifles Only. Valid P.A.L. Required. Ben at (250)422-3546 WANTED: RIFLES, shotguns, restricted weapons, reloading equipment, decoys or any other shooting related items. Fully licensed. Glen 250-428-6750
Two 500 gallon fuel tanks (one has stand). Tidy Tank. 1000 gallon fuel tank, w/stand. $1000/all. 1994 Trail Tech 20 ton equipment trailer, $8000. 42” Ride on compactor, $6000. (250)342-6805 or (250)342-5106
Misc. for Sale Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 Beautiful Rattan furniture, 2 large chairs, large love seat & glass table, ex. cond., must see, $1500. Bowflex Series 7 treadmill w/incline, ex. cond., $500. (250)426-0497 (250)427-0506 Entire Wii system, including games, excellent Christmas gift. $125. Call Wally, 250-4171990 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? New 36x80 textured fiberglass exterior door, made by All Weather Windows & Doors, includes frame, wrong size for my house, paid $1000, asking $500. (250)423-3465 Fernie
Slate pool table, 4x8, with all cues & accessories & cover, $600. (250)421-9975 STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:
Shed Antlers. Racks. Taxidermy, antiques. Cash paid. Kelly, (250)426-6993 Dry Fir & Larch mix, $200 for full cord. Split & delivered in Cranbrook. (250)919-1563 Order early, limited supply, Pine firewood, standing dry, BIG 7 axle loads, delivered 60 km radius of Galloway, $1400 per load. Out of area, call for pricing. (250)429-3248
Thank you!
The Kootenay Advertiser would like to thank everyone for keeping their sidewalks shovelled for our carriers. Remember, if your sidewalk isn’t shovelled, your carrier may not be able to get through.
Your Number 1 choice for pest control in the Kootenay Region. Cranbrook Pest Control. (250)426-9586
Misc. Wanted Antlers Wanted,
**FREE** All Wanted ads are now FREE!!!! Call today to place your wanted ad 250-489-3455 Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 778-281-0030 Propane 5lb cylinder wanted, little or no rust, with or without OPD valve. (250)426-4689 Wanted: Volkswagen Eurovan service/repair manual, covering the early 1990’s models including diesel. Also, bike/cargo rack to fit Eurovan rear liftgate. (250)426-4689
Quality Stambulic built strata homes starting at just $279,000. You will find peace and quiet in one of our 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath homes, featuring 1500 sq ft plus partially developed basement, hardwood floors, jetted tub & spacious double carport. Located at 188 9th St S Quick possession available. To view call (250)426-4954 (250)421-0325
Digging can be a shocking experience if you don’t know where the wires are.
Great family home for sale near Gyro Park on 1.5 lots. 5 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, detached single garage, carport, large fenced garden, fruit trees. Quick possession.
Musical Instruments 1980’s Mason & Risch piano & bench, nice shape, $1200 obo. (250)423-3465 DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily. Yamaha drum set, Blue Pearl finish, Avedis Zildjian cymbals, Pasty High Hats, Block & Bell, $1000. If interested please call Dave, (250)426-4500
Sporting Goods
Consignment Sporting Goods 917 Kootenay St. N., Cranbrook
Sheds & Sets, Elk & Deer. Call Rick 250-422-3444 417-2828
Open Houses
Open Houses
Asking $285,000 Call 250-417-1662.
Mobile Homes & Parks Elkford BC, 12x60 mobile home on corner lot, asking $135,000 obo. (250)427-6199
MORTGAGES!! Lower than posted bank rates. No application fee. Mortgage renewal, refinancing, debt consolidation & pre-qualification. Private Mortgages. John Magis 1-877-489-1691
Homes for Rent Small 2-bdrm house, large backyard, quiet neighbourhood, heritage area, close to downtown Cranbrook, avail Jan 1, $850/mth plus utilities. Natural gas heat, W/D, F/S, ns, np, 1/2 month’s rent DD. References required. Call (250)426-3332
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Imagine coughing up this much phlegm every day, just to breathe. That’s life with cystic fibrosis.
Please help us.
1 & 2 Bedroom units starting at $650 Clean, quiet, secure, NO SMOKING, NO PETS, NO PARTIES laundry facilities, adult oriented. Ref. req.
(250)417-1011 Well kept 2 bedroom Condo for rent in Sparwood Heights Includes fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer/dryer, storage area, use of exercise room & sauna. No Smoking, No Pets. Available immediately $900 furnished Plus utilities. Heat included. Call 250-423-3598 or 250-425-4431 WILSHIRE Apartments, central location, incl heat, hot water, games room, sauna, hot tub, n/p, n/s, n/parties, 1 & 2bdrm units, 250-417-7379
Commercial/ Industrial Creston COMMERCIAL BUILDING
3600 sq.ft. of Retail Space
Located DOWN TOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-428-5240
Castlegar 6-plex plus commercial space for sale Income $5150/mth, Close to Tim Hortons & shopping asking $495,000 Cap rate 9% Call James 250-608-3930
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 2-bdrm condo, Ponderosa Manor, Sparwood. Insuite laundry, $850/mth + power + DD, n/s, n/p, n/parties, avail immed, (250)426-0227 Leave message
Homes for Rent
Homes for Rent
Ski Hill
1 bdm Suite
$725/mth incl. util
Bavarian Villa
2 bdrm Apt
$650/mth +Util
1 bdm House
$550/mth + util
2 bdrm Apt
$750/mth incl. util
Commercial Space for Rent
Call for Details
Commercial Space for Rent
Call for Details
1 bdm + Den Apt
$700/mth +Util
Victoria Villa
2 bdrm Apt
$650/mth +Util
Gyro Park
2 bdrm Apt
$800/mth +Util
East Kootenay Realty Complete Rental Property and Strata Management Services Kimberley 250-427-0070 1-866-427-0070 Cranbrook 250-426-8211 1-866-426-8211
Shared Accommodation ROOM for rent, incl util. Must be working or college student, $485/mo. Available Dec 31. (250)426-2479
Suites, Lower 1-BDRM basement suite Cranbrook area, avail Dec 16, private laundry, no parties, no smoking, pets negotiable, $700/m, util inc.(250)489-5013 Cbk, 1-bdrm bsmt suite, 1bath, private entrance,parking space, WD, n/p, n/s, $725 util inc. (250)531-0101 Looking for 1 or 2 people to share our house, private entry to 1200 sq.ft. 2-bdrm daylight walk out basement, full height ceiling, large windows, renovated, fully furnished. Renters have own living room, kitchenette, bathroom, W/D, wifi. Shared backyard & parking, n/p, n/s, n/parties, backs onto creek, quiet respectful owners on main floor, $1200/mth for 2bdrms, inc. utilities, will consider single occupancy.(250)4265460
Townhouses For Sale or Rent. Newly renovated 3-bdrm townhouse, new carpets, cupboards & appliances, new paint, close to all amenities, n/p, n/parties, $1000/mth + DD or selling for $179,900. Call (250)426-4704
Call Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 or stop in to our office at 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook
Apt/Condo for Rent 2-bdrm units available in Victoria Villas, rent inc. W/D & water, starting at $785/mo + electric. N/P, N/S, 1-year lease. Call (250)421-2590 Creston, BC PARKVIEW MANOR 1 & 2/Bdrm Apartments $550 & up. Secure Building Available now! Rent Incentive N/S N/P Children OK Phone Ingrid 250-428-2234 Hampshire Apartments, quiet convenient location, inc heat & hot water, n/s, n/p, 1bdrm, $600/mth; 2-bdrm, $775/mth, (250)417-7379
Antiques / Classics
Revenue Property
Homes for Rent
1-800-378-CCFF •
How to reach us:
Location, Location, Location!
The whole bottom floor of Cranbrook’s premier landmark building The Colonel Baker House has come available for rent. Multiple offices, well lit reception with mountain view, beautiful oak & stained glass accents, ample free parking, reasonable rates. Turn Key! Move right in with minimal or no improvements required. Shared-space scenarios very possible. Come take a look & IMAGINE your business here. (250)426-7103
Duplex / 4 Plex 1307A 10th St. S Renovated upper 3-bdrm, c/w 4-appl, living room, dining, kitchen, parking & yard, one year lease, n/s, n/p, $900/mth + utilities. (250)421-2590
1965 Chevrolet Chevelle 300 Deluxe Sedan, manual, RWD, perfect for the collector or even new driver, new paint, new brake cylinders & ball joints. Just passed BC inspection. Runs like A Top. $7000. (250)426-4034 1972 Chev show truck, 350 CID, auto, 2WD, column shift, bucket seats, nice paint, green with black interior, asking $11,900. 250-427-5895 1978 Cadillac Seville, 49,500 original miles, 1000 miles on new motor, good shape, runs great, $2750 obo. Call (250)919-1723
Homes for Rent 2-bdrm house, Cranbrook, walking distance to schools & town, $900 + utilities, avail Jan 1, n/s, n/p. (250)426-5760 2-bdrm house on 1/2 acre in Cranbrook, 30x30 shop, Zone C-2. For details call Gary, (250)427-3027 or (250)4276393 House for sale/rent. 3-bdrm newer log house, executive style, 2-1/2 bath, shop, garage, near school, waterfront on Sand Creek in Jaffray. #266331 (250)429-3001 SPARWOOD, 2-storey, 3bdrm townhouse for rent w/full basement, close to school & rec centre. (250)425-4448
1979 El Camino SS, 350 motor, auto trans, p/s, p/b, p/dl, air, power bucket seats, Keystone Mags, ex. cond., white w/black interior, asking $9500.
Call after 6pm, (250)426-4311
1995 Mustang Convertible, 5L, 5-spd, black w/tan top, new wheels, tires, exhaust, stereo, many more upgrades, very fast, ex. cond., beautiful car, must see! $8500. Call (250)428-9606 Creston
Friday, December 20, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Auto Financing
Cars - Domestic
Cars - Domestic
Off Road Vehicles
1998 Suzuki Intruder 1500, 40,000km on rebuilt engine & transmission, hard bags, windscreen, auxiliary gas tank, Stage 3 carbs, set up for touring, $7000. (250)464-0207
1996 Corvette Collector Edition, 160,000km, 2 roofs, auto, original paint, engine LT4, fully loaded,ex cond, asking $16,000 obo. (250)426-3802 2003 Crown Vic, 110,000 km, A-1 condition, summer & winter tires, power everything, $7500 obo. (250)426-1961
Auto Services
ENHAM FORD (BC) LTD Cars - Domestic
1966 Rambler Ambassador 4-door station wagon, V8 auto, excellent inside & out, completely restored 1996, 97,000 original miles, asking $6800 obo. To view call (250)426-5371
2003 Toyota Corolla CE, everything works, new cruise, shocks & struts, wheel covers, 215,000km, includes winter tires on rims $6000. (250)426-8867 2004 Mazda 3, 187,000 km, has some body damage, $2800. (250)427-0158 or (250)919-2274 2005 Buick Allure, good cond., all maintenance records, recent brakes, loaded, 170,000km, $4500. Call (250)489-4456 2005 Chevrolet Aveo, black, Stock #X020756O, $6,995. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1888-418-4798 2005 GRAND PRIX. V6, immac. cond, 1 owner, purchased brand new & lady driven. Have all service records. Too many features to list, Remote start, pl, pw, ps, cruise, tilt, a/c. Widetrack suspension. Brand new Michelin Defender tires, brand new battery, brakes just done and car serviced recently. 193,000 km, all highway driven. Excellent, reliable car. $5,900 obo 250-402-6700 (near Kitchener).
Got a vehicle you are trying to sell? We still have the Run Until You Sell It special.
Got a vehicle you are trying to sell? We still have the Run Until You Sell It special.
Word ads $21.00 total Photo ads $31.50 total
You can place your car, truck, snowmobile, ATV, boat, or motorcycle ad and it will stay in the paper until you sell it! Word ads $21.00 total Photo ads $31.50 total Call 250-489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382 or email
2007 Cadillac SRX 4dr, V8, 8cyl auto, black, Stock #02714A, $27,455. Melody Motors, DL #5248, 1-800-7032211
2007 Mazda CX7 AWD, 2.3L turbo, 6-speed auto with sport shifter, A/C, CD player, 18” alloy wheels. New turbo and windshield, no accidents. Mechanics special. Runs great but uses oil. My loss is your gain. $6,500.00 OBO. Call 250-829-0677 2007 Toyota Corolla, Sports Edition, 100,000 km, ex. cond., standard, $10,000 obo. (250)421-3311 2008 Chevrolet Impala LTZ Sedan, 3.9L, 6-cyl, 4-spd auto, black, Stock #1G4464A, $12,948. Northstar GM, DL #5717, 1-800-663-2307 2008 Ford Focus, black, 2-dr standard, 96,000 km, 4-winter tires w/rims, remote starter, $9500 obo. (250)489-1310
Mercury Topaz, 4-cyl, ex. cond., standard, 5-spd, 50 miles per gal $2500 obo. (250)426-4752 Cars - Sports & Imports 1989 BMW 325i Convertible, all black, 140,000 original km, original owner, great shape, $7500 obo. (250)919-1723 2007 Porsche Boxster 2dr Roadster, 6-cyl auto, silver, Stock #01414B, $29,995. Melody Motors, DL #5248, 1888-703-2211
ENHAM FORD (BC) LTD Off Road Vehicles 2009 Polaris Scrambler 500, 4WD, ex cond, $4300 obo. After 5:30 (250)489-8355
Commercial Vehicles 1993 Western Star tandem dump truck with new hoist cylinder, front differential, rear leaf springs, front tires, king pins, batteries & rebuilt engine, 18-spd split shift, $21,000. (250)417-6543 45’ Commercial transport van, heated, new 24.5 rubber, $5500. (250)489-8794
Motorcycles 1982 Honda Interstate, 1100cc, A1 shape, 62,372km, inc. trailer, asking $6500. Call Henry, (250)428-3545
You can place your car, truck, snowmobile, ATV, boat, or motorcycle ad and it will stay in the paper until you sell it! Word ads $21.00 total Photo ads $31.50 total Call 250-489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382 or email
Recreational/Sale 1970’s Vanguard 8’ truck camper, good cond., $400 obo. (250)426-1887 or call (250)426-9422 1977 GMC Class A motorhome, 26’, good cond. inside & out, newer tires, must be seen! Rare model. Best offer takes it. (250)426-8408 1979 21’ Ford motorhome, needs work inside & out, materials supplied, F/S, oven, bathroom, furnace, shower, seats 8, sleeps 6, only has 68,000 miles on motorhome. $850 firm, as is, where is. (250)426-7614 1984 28’ Winnebago, 454 CID Chevy auto, 68,500 original miles, must see to appreciate, for a list of features. (250)9190125, (250)426-5666 1991 26’ Rustler, Jack & Jill bunks, front kitchen, fold out couch, air, full bath, new water pump, newer HW tank, new battery, sleeps-6, $6600 obo. (250)426-5653 1991 29’ Wilderness trailer, everything runs, in good cond., lots of upgrades, $7000. (250)420-1802 1991 31’ motorhome, 57,000 miles, good cond, asking $10,900, must sell, make offer. Baynes Lake (406)291-2380
1991 Dodge Ram Cummins diesel & 2010 Adventure camper. 140 watt solar panel, television, skylight, surround sound stereo system inside & out. $32,000 obo for both. (250)427-6806
New Car Dealers
Camoplast tracks for 700 Yamaha Grizzly, used 6 times, save $1300, sell for $3000. Also 2007 700 Grizzly EPS, $5500. Also Warn 54’’ snowblade $500. (250)428-9606
2001 26’ Vanguard, parked on for last 10 years, no bush km since 2003. New roof, 2-yr old awning, double bed in front, Jack & Jill bunks in rear, sleeps 6 comfortably (can accommodate 8), asking $11,000. Call or text, (250)421-1597
2005 29’ Holiday trailer, equipped with solar panels, 285 watts, 2000 watt inverter, large slide w/awning, dual wheels, mint cond., $16,000 obo. (250)342-6805
We still have the Run Until You Sell It special.
Wells Cargo bike cargo trailer, 1500 lb torsion axle, wheel chock, 6 tie points, loading ramp, 6x6x10, $3000. (250)464-0207
Call 250-489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382 or email
Got a vehicle you are trying to sell?
2005 PT Cruiser, 140,000 km, ex. cond., sunroof, leather interior, 5-spd, excellent mileage $3900. (250)426-4752
1988 Mustang GT Cobra, 306, super charged 174 blower, all new MSD ignition, new 5-spd tranny, too much to list. $11,000. Call for more details, (250)421-9699 1992 Chevrolet Corvette Coupe, 5.7L, 8-cyl, RWD, 6-spd manual, purple, Stock #61412B, $16,995. Northstar GM, DL #5717, 1-800-6632307 1994 Nissan Altima, new starter, alternator, battery with in the last 2 yrs, good on gas, $500 obo. After 6 pm 1 (250)426-9090 1998 Cadillac Catera, 160,000km, beige with beige leather, sunroof, heated front/rear seats, cassette/CD & more, 30+ mpg hwy, $4500. (250)426-7041 1998 Subaru Forester AWD, well maintained, new timing belt, battery, windshield, no rust, 220,000 km, $5000. (250)346-3378
2009 Dodge Challenger 2-dr Coupe, 5.7L, silver, Stock #X293485B, $24,999. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845. Call for more info, 1-888-418-4798 2009 PT Cruiser, 56,000km, Mint cond., $9,800 obo. (250)342-6997 2010 Chevrolet Malibu Sedan, auto, brown, Stock #C010715A, $14,999. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888418-4798 2010 Lincoln MKZ, AWD, fully loaded, 55,000km, Stock #NNN459, $27,360. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)4274224 2010 Volkswagen Tiguan, 2.0L, 4-cyl, 6-spd auto, black, Stock #TL7870A, $19,949. North Star GM, DL #5717, 1800-663-2307 2011 Honda Accord Sedan EXL, 4-cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #H06878A, $22,000. Spring Honda, DL #31110, (250)4894311 or 1-888-638-4488
You can place your car, truck, snowmobile, ATV, boat, or motorcycle ad and it will stay in the paper until you sell it!
1981 Oldsmobile Toronado, p/everything, runs like a charm, $1200 obo. Call (250)402-8644 1985 Corvette, white, 4-spd auto, 350 tune port injection, 169,000km, new tires, $8995 obo. (250)489-0193
1988 Jaguar XJ 12 Vandenplas, 186,230km, V-12, very good cond., Pirelli tires, new brakes, $3800 obo. (250)421-1188
2008 Hyundai Accent, 2-dr hatchback, standard, black, fully loaded, FWD, ex. cond., c/w set of new winter tires, 147,000 km, $6500 obo. (250)919-3648
1999 Harley Davidson Sportster 1200 cc, custom built, 39,000km, $8000 obo. (250)489-1310 2001 Harley 1200 Sportster, 100th Anniversary Edition, needs inspection, $5500. Call (250)417-5530 2004 Harley Davidson Heritage Soft Tail Classic, ex cond., 64,000km, $11,500 obo. After 6pm, (250)426-1836 2006 CR125, very well maintained, brand new FMF pipe & silencer & rad valve, $2700 obo. (250)421-8126 2007 Harley Davidson Dyna Low-Rider, burgundy/cream, 55,000km, must see to appreciate, asking $9000. (250)4895445 2008 Honda CRF250X, $4800 obo Barely used less than 200 km (250)427-7229 2008 KLR 650, 11,000km, near mint, w/extras & bags, $3650 obo. Evenings (403)836-3786 2012 KTM150XC, mint cond, barely used, bought July 2012, $6400 obo. 2012 KX100, great cond., bought July 2012, $4000 obo. Neither bike used this season. (250)426-7980
1992 37’ Class A motorhome for sale, A1 shape, fully loaded, $24,500. Consider vehicle on trade. (250)489-8794 1992 Prowler 19’ holiday trailer, good cond., inside like new, double axle, $5800 obo. (250)489-5798 1994 30’ Dutchman 4 Seasons 5th Wheel, new awning, walk around queen bed up front, slide out rear kitchen, sleeps 6, new batteries, new propane tanks inspected 2009, good tires, $9000 obo. Nadine or Graham Beam, (250)426-7400 1997 22’ Westwind 5th Wheel, clean cond. throughout, working stove/oven, electric/gas fridge, air, furnace, solar panel, microwave, sleeps 6, dual wheels, spare tire, awning, outside shower, $8000. (250)489-3741 1997 Vanguard Wrangler 5th wheel, 26’, hitch included, asking $8000. (250)426-5535 1999 Corsair 5th Wheel trailer, 30’, 2 slideouts, tandem axle, ex. cond., $11,000 obo. Call Audrey, (250)417-3431 1999 Corsair Excella 28.5’, all season 5th wheel trailer, full set of skirting, well made, beautiful interior, many options (built in vac, AC, MW, awning), perfect snowbird/park unit, $12,500 obo, hitch also available. (250)426-2671 2010 Springdale 26-1/2’, 1/2 ton towable, slide, sleeps 6, used 7x, loaded, $18,000 obo. (250)489-8885
2003/2004 32’ Endura Class C Gulfstream motorhome, 454 motor/Genset, ex. shape, 3104 6th St S, worth $64,900, asking $45,000. (250)919-6665 2004 24’ Pioneer travel island bed, as new $11,000. Or trade for rhome. (250)428-9606 ton
trailer, cond., motoCres-
2007 Hi-LOW 22’ tandem trailer, fully self contained w/fridge, stove, air, solar panel & much more. Very rare in this area. Design allows for compact mode when traveling so wind resistance is very low & better on your vehicle for gas consumption. Always stored under cover when not in use. $18,000. (250)489-4748
2004 30’ Arctic Fox, 4 season all weather coach, 2 slides, solid oak cabinets, ex. cond., asking $20,000 obo.(250)4266550 2004 Terry 5th Wheel, 29-1/2’ with slide, air, 8 cu.ft. fridge, microwave, stove, oven, back bedroom with bunks, queensize bed in master bedroom with bathroom, tub, shower, pull out couch, can sleep up to 8 people, plenty of cupboard space, in good shape, asking $18,000. 1 (250)402-3583
2008 Jayco toy hauler, 29’, used 10 times, loaded, 12’ garage. Call for more information. $27,000 or will take classic muscle or hot rod on trade. (250)426-3568 2010 24’ Hideout, new cond, walk around queen, Jack & Jill beds, air, indoor outdoor speakers, 19’ flat screen stereo/CD/DVD, sleeps-7, hitch inc. $13,000 obo. (250)489-5855
2004 Terry Quantum 32’ 5th Wheel trailer, immaculate, 2 slides, queen bed, 3-way fridge, 3-burner stove w/oven, microwave, gas/electric hot water heater, gas furnace, 2 TV’s, excellent & clean cond., $21,500 obo. (250)426-8178
2011 22’ Regal motorhome on Ford 350 Chassis, only 35,000 km, asking $52,000. (250)4282739
Vehicle Lease / Rent
Vehicle Lease / Rent
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Cars - Sports & Imports
Cars - Sports & Imports
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SALE $27,820* “Great deal on the last of our 2013 inventory!”
Arrow Motors Volkswagen
2034 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook 250-489-4327 • 1-877-689-4327 DL#5467 •
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 20, 2013
Sport Utility Vehicle
2011 36’ Outback Sidney Addition 5th Wheel, 4 slides, ex. cond., extended warranty until 2017, $32,000. (250)919-7185
8’ cab over Vanguard camper, c/w 3-way fridge, stove, furnace, fold-out steps, sleeps 4, great for fishing trips & weekend getaways, needs some TLC, $1000 obo. (250)417-3237 BIG FOOT 2500 camper, 9.5’, Happy jacks, solar panel, Fantastic fan, 2-batteries, 2-propane takes, pot, pans, dishes, bedding, rose & blue decor, always under cover, no pets, non smoking, in floor heating, outside shower, very clean & great cond, Reduced to $13,000 obo. (250)429-3113 Lance 11’9” side door camper, loaded, ex. cond., $18,500 no tax. (250)426-5118 Reduced by $1200. Camping & Hunting. Truck & camper, rebuilt motor, trans, drive shaft, 8000lb winch, new water pump, alternator, power steering pump, master cylinder, shocks, 3-way fridge, stove, heater, many more, asking $4700, may consider trades.Call Ray,(250)489-5038 Vanguard trailer, 24’, 1983, new awning, new tires, resealed roof & windows, good cond, sleeps-6, $5200. 1 (250)420-7436
2001 Chevrolet Tracker 4x4, auto, 2-dr, soft top, air, p/w, remote start, good cond., $5500 obo. (250)278-0651
Sport Utility Vehicle
Trucks & Vans
Trucks & Vans
Trucks & Vans
2010 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport SUV, auto, red, Stock #T13317A, $20,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1888-259-7039 2011 Ford Escape Limited, white, 3.0L V6, 6-spd auto, 4x4, Stock #T4016A, $20,832. Denham Ford, DL# 30786, 1800-663-3839 2013 Chevrolet Tahoe LS SUV, auto, white, Stock #R274343, $37,999. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888418-4798
1993 Chev Silverado 1500 Ext cab 2x4, 350, 4-spd auto, hard cover, running boards, Michelins, tow package, 288 K, runs great, $3200 obo. (250)402-6043 Creston 1993 Ford F150 4x4, auto, CD, low km 105,000km, one owner, 4 Arctic Claw winters, $5000 obo or trades (250)4891628 1993 Toyota pickup, 4WD, w/canopy, needs body work, runs great, $2200. Call (250)417-3143 1996 Chevy Silverado Extra cab, 4x4, wired for trailer, canopy, electric brakes, ex. cond., $3000. (778)517-1999 1996 Dodge Cummins diesel dually, 4x4, 1 ton, trailer hauler, endless list of custom work done, extras, too much to list, mint cond, low km, completely refurbished, new everything $20,000. (250)489-8151
Got a vehicle you are trying to sell? We still have the Run Until You Sell It special.
4x4, auto, 4.7L 8-cyl, loaded, 6-CD player, DVD, seats 8, leather, heated seats, much more, 120,000 miles, great cond, maintenance receipts,
A STEAL OF A DEAL AT $13,500 firm (250)427-3228
2005 GMC Jimmy SLS SUV, brown, Stock #T13117A, $4995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL 30708, 1-888-259-7039 2005 Honda CRV, 4WD, auto, new tires, great cond., 160,000km, asking $8800. (250)489-3147 (250)421-7479
Word ads $21.00 total Photo ads $31.50 total Call 250-489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382 or email
Silver 2007 Chevy Trailblazer, 4.2L Vortec, auto, 4WD, p/w, p/b, p/s, p/seats, command start, Alpine stereo, 150,000km, $11,000. Call Monday-Saturday, 9-5pm, (250)428-7538
Trucks & Vans
2006 Nissan X-Trail Bona Vista Edition SUV, very good cond., 70,000km, AWD, 2.5L 4-cyl auto, roof racks, sunroof, fog lights, alloy wheels w/newer tires, new battery, heated seats, 6-CD player, iPod connector, wired for navigation, asking $16,900. Reduced to $15,900 (250)426-3581 or (250)919-8795 2007 Hyundai Tucson GL SUV, auto, brown, Stock #T14037A, $12,995. Cranbrook Dodge,DL #30708, 1888-259-7039
Got a vehicle you are trying to sell?
2008 BMW X3 3.0si SUV, auto, grey, Stock #U017342N, $21,888. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888-418-4798
We still have the Run Until You Sell It special.
2008 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, 111,214km, V6, 4WD, diesel, auto, Stock #H02106A, $19,900. Spring Honda, DL #31110, (250)489-4311
You can place your car, truck, snowmobile, ATV, boat, or motorcycle ad and it will stay in the paper until you sell it!
2008 Jeep Patriot Limited SUV, manual, steel blue, Stock #T13295B, $18,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1-888-259-7039
Word ads $21.00 total Photo ads $31.50 total Call 250-489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382 or email
Sport Utility Vehicle 1994 Ford Explorer 4-dr, 4x4, blue, $2000 obo. (250)4275325 1997 Chevy Blazer, 206,000km, recent brakes & engine tune up, runs nice, $3000 obo. If you want it, make an offer. (250)402-8644 1998 Toyota 4Runner SR5 V6 engine. 4DR 4X4 green with PS/PB/Power windows, cruise control, winter rated tires, trailer hitch. In excellent condition with 330,000 Km . $4800 OBO 250-430-7446 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 4L, auto, 4WD, Champagne, 235,500km, $5000. Call (250)423-3465 2001 Ford Explorer XLS, 4WD V6, low km, no rust, great shape, good tires, new battery, $3500. (250)426-5765 2002 Ford Explorer SUV, green, low mileage, immaculate throughout, new stereo & CD player, 1 year wear on winter tires, new brakes, $7000 obo. (250)425-6380
2008 Mazda Tribute SUV, loaded, leather, heated seats, sunroof, winter & summer tires, 85,000 km, ex. cond., $14,900 obo. (250)426-9753 2010 Honda Pilot Touring, V6, auto, 4 Wheel, silver, Stock #B11204, $33,500. Spring Honda, DL 31110, 1-888-6384488
2003 F150 XLT 4X4 Supercab
6.5’ box, white, 4.6, air, pw, canopy, good cond, hitch receiver & brake controller, 307,000km, $4,000 (250)489-3128 1982 Ford F250 farm truck, 6cyl, in everyday use, offers? 1982 Dodge Rampage, in everyday use, make offer (250)489-5798 1984 S10 Blazer, 4x4, 350 V8, 700 rear transmission, 9 bolt Curry rear end, $6000. (250)427-7094 1986 Ford Ranger Ext cab, 4cyl, 5-spd, snow tires, tool box, ex. cond., $850 obo. (250)489-8009 1986 GMC Sierra, 2WD, 305, short box, everything original, located in Fernie, $1100. (250)464-4131 1987 BLAZER K-5, V8, 4x4, 40,000 original miles, ex. shape, California car, $7000. (250)427-7094 1991 Dodge Ram Charger 4x4, c/w spare 318 motor, $800. (250)426-5831 1992 Ford Aerostar XLT, runs great, $700 obo. Call (250)919-1043 1992 GMC Sierra 1500, standard trans., RWD, canopy, 155,169km, asking $5000. (250)426-2358 1994 Ford Ext cab, 4WD, 5-spd standard, $800. (250)427-4856
regular cab, newly rebuilt 5-spd manual trans. & clutch 4x4, options available, canopy, very good cond., 229,000km,
$5995 obo (250)427-7171 (250)464-5214
$6000. (250)426-2473
1998 GMC 3/4 ton 4x4, ext cab, long box, good running cond, new parts added on to unit, $3500 obo. After 4 pm (250)426-1925 1999 Dodge Ram, 5.7 L Cummins diesel, 388,000km, 2 sets tires & rims, has some rust, too many options to list, $5000 obo. (250)919-6558
2003 GMC Safari full size van, 3 rows of seating, AWD, auto, ex. cond. in & out, good tires, needs new motor, located in Cranbrook, $1000 obo. Call (250)304-7646
2003 GMC Safari Wheel Chair Lift Van 195,000 km, AWD Excellent Condition New Shocks, New Battery New seat covers New winter tires on steel rims Summer tires mounted on better looking rims $10,000 obo (250)428-9873
1999 GMC Sierra 2WD, Deluxe Chrome Package, New Brakes, Trailer Tow Package, New Alpine Stereo w/Sub, Excellent Shape, 189,500km,
Asking $5250 OBO Brad 250-417-9289
2000 RED Ford F-150 4x4, 4.6 L, canopy, trailer pkg, remote start, auto, super crew, 217,000 km, $5000 obo, pictures on Kijiji. (250)427-6286 2001 Chev Silverado, 4WD, 4-dr, $4500. (250)417-5806 2001 Honda Odyssey, great family van, 140,000km, asking $6500. (250)489-0725 2001 Silverado 2500 HD Ext cab, 4x4, 8.1 L engine, Allison trans., roll & lock box cover, 116,000km, ex. cond., asking $11,000. (250)421-3556
2003 Toyota Tundra 4x4, 260,000 km, well maintained, good cond., $10,500 obo. (250)489-0771 2004 Ford Ranger Edge Super Cab, 5-spd Manual with Overdrive, Stock #T14034A, $7,995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1-888-259-7039 2005 GMC 3500 1-ton, Scott aluminum 12’ box w/flip down sides, Tommy lift gate, 2000lb capacity, certified, $18,000 obo. (250)427-3350
2005 Toyota Tacoma, V6, 4-dr, 4x4, 6-spd std, ex. cond., Tonneau cover, spare set of custom rims, $12,000 obo. (250)428-4719 (250)428-6843 2006 Chevrolet Silverado 1500, 5.3L, 8-cyl, 4WD, 4-spd auto, gold, Stock #61391B, $12,973. North Star Motors, DL #5717, 1-800-663-2307 2006 Chevy Silverado 4.8L, crewcab, 4x4, short box, new tires/glass, ex cond, 186,000 km, asking $11,900 obo. (250)426-4624 please leave msg
2006 F150 Lariat Crew Cab 4x4, 150,000km, black on black, leather, DVD, sunroof, Tonneau, loaded, p/everything, heated seats, Showroom cond, $23,000 obo. (250)464-1330 2006 Ford F150 Supercab, 4x4, p/w, air, new rubber, clean, $14,000. Leave message, (250)427-5162
Clean 2007 Chev Uplander Van. New snow tires & well maintained. 137,000 miles, seats 7 , heated mirrors, P/S P/B, Stereo A/C, test drive available. Asking $6200 OBO. 250-421-7066
Brad’s Notes
Vince's Notes
4x4, 4.0L 6 cyl, auto, air, cruise, A/T tires & more. StkS54730B
Pro-4X, auto, power group, sunroof. Only 11,747kms. StkN14794A
SALE $33,995 “Matching canopy, off road package.”
SALE $8,995
"Nice, value priced 4x4."
Steve’s Notes
2012 RAM 1500 4X4
Candi’s Notes 2010 TOYOTA TUNDRA SR5
Quad cab, 6 spd auto, pwr group, traction control & more. Only 33,500kms. StkY08899A Was $31,995
4WD, auto, V6, pwr group, air, leather, sunroof, loaded. StkS58416A
Trucks & Vans
2005 GMC Sierra 4x4 Extended Cab HD 2500, 8’ box, auto, air, CD player, 120V inverter, trailer towing package, 370,000km, well maintained, $6800. Call after 5pm, (250)489-5068
2007 F150 RC longbox, Triton V8, 2WD, auto, tow package, cruise, air, p/w, c/w matching Raider canopy, 176,000 km, well maintained, $6800. (250)428-0108 2008 DODGE Ram, 3500, 4x4 crew cab, loaded w/8’ box,$30,000. Good used work trucks. 1(250)427-6199 2009 Ford Super Duty F-350 SRW 4WD Crew Cab, 8-cyl auto, white, Stock #19313A, $28,309. Melody Motors, DL #5248, 1-888-703-2211 2010 Ford F-150, 4x4 ext cab, loaded. Also other good used trucks. 1 (250)427-6199 2010 Ford F150 Supercrew, 8-cyl, auto, diesel, blue, AWD, Stock #05913A, $24,838. Melody Motors, DL #5248. (250)427-4224 2011 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT Crewcab 4x4, black, 5.3L V8, auto, Stock #T3304A, $25,135. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800-663-3839 2011 Ford F150 Lariat SuperCrew 4x4 - Ecoboost, grey, 3.5L V6 Turbo, 6-spd, auto, 4x4, Stock #T3366A, $34,465. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800-663-3839 2011 Ford F-150, V6, Auto, Blue, 4WD, Stock #H00929A, $26,900. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1-888-638-4488 2011 Ford F-150 XLT Supercrew 4x4, Oxford White, 5.0L V8, 6-spd auto, Stock #P2016, $23,964. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800-663-3839 2011 GMC Sierra 4WD, ext cab, 5.3L engine, full trailering pkg, rollup tonneau cover, remote start, priced below black book,25.5k kms,$26,250. 250-428-7584 Creston 2011 Honda Odyssey EX-L, V6, auto, silver, FWD, Stock #B11199A, $32,800. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1-888638-4488 2013 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4 w/leather, brown, 3.5L V6, 6-spd, auto, Stock #P2031, $37,674. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800-663-3839
2016 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC 489-4325 1-888-489-4325 DL#10523
Trucks & Vans
Hot Deals Hot Deals Cool Wheels Cool Wheels
Steve’s Notes
“This fully loaded SUV is ready to go.”
auto, 6” lift, great shape, well maintained, no rust, 2 sets tires & rims, dual exhaust, cold air intake,
$13,000 obo (250)417-9120
Sport Utility Vehicle
Hot Deals Cool Wheels
2003 GMC Sierra 2500 SLT 4x4,
2003 GMC 1500,
1997 CHEV SILVERADO 1500 ext cab, 2WD, short box, 152,556 km, 5.7L, new tires, brakes, battery, extra alloys, c/w new tires, raised canopy, running boards, cassette/CD, brake controller,
Transportation 2006 GMC Sierra 1500 SLE, 4.8L, 8-cyl, 4WD, 4-spd auto, grey, Stock #CK5511A, $11,953. North Star Motors, DL #5717, 1-800-663-2307
You can place your car, truck, snowmobile, ATV, boat, or motorcycle ad and it will stay in the paper until you sell it!
Snowmobiles 1999 Ski-Doo 670 long track, good cond., $2000 obo. (778)517-4508 2001 Skandic 380, chassis in fair cond., motor not running, $400 obo. 2001 Arctic Cat 700, Powder Special, chassis in good cond., motor not running, $500 obo.(250)919-2276 2001 Skidoo Summit 600, 144 track, 8000 km, rebuilt motor, new seat, new windshield, new trailing arms, looks great & runs like new, $2500, open to offers. (250)429-3123 A23
4x4, 6 spd auto, 5.7L V8, air, pwr group, FAB FOURS front & rear bumpers, retractible canopy. StkY25779A
SALE $29,995
“Great ride, locally owned and equipped with studded winter tires.”
2024 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC 426-6661 1-888-426-6665 DL#30313
"One owner truck with awesome off road features!"
SALE $29,995
2032 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 489-0903 1-888-734-7744 DL#30315
Trucks & Vans
Boats 16.5’ open bow Canventure, tri haul, 70HP Merc, low hours, EZ Loader trailer, $3500 obo. (250)417-0506
Fiberglass Range Rider Canopy,
63”x99”, Serial #3896-1, $500. (250)489-3568
Got a vehicle you are trying to sell? We still have the Run Until You Sell It special. You can place your car, truck, snowmobile, ATV, boat, or motorcycle ad and it will stay in the paper until you sell it! Word ads $21.00 total Photo ads $31.50 total Call 250-489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382 or email
Hunter’s Special: 1980 Chev pickup, with Okanagan camper, great shape, comes with canopy, $3500. (250)421-9160 Utility trailer, 4’2’’x7’3’’ long, 2’ high with 14’’ wide tires, $1000. (250)426-7169, 9195361
Boat & trailer, 24’ Fiberform Cabin Cruizer, inline 6 GMC, ready to go! At Moyie, $7900 obo. (250)829-0708 Rare Double Eagle 14’ deep hull, 65 hp Merc outboard, hydraulic lift, ski pole & galvanized trailer, $3000. Call (250)529-7470 Sailboat, CAL 20, 3 sails (main, storm & genua), 8 hp Honda outboard, fixed keel (3’), inc. trailer, moored in Kaskanuk Harbor on Kootenay Lake, asking $5500. Call Henry, (250)428-3545
World’s Finest FISHING BOATS
Weldcraft, Hewescraft, Lund, Godfrey Pontoons Mark’s Marine, Hayden, ID 1-888-821-2200
Trucks - Logging
ENHAM FORD (BC) LTD Utility Trailers 12x6 dual axle utility trailer, newly done, perfect for ATV’s or whatever use, $1500 obo. 1 (250)421-8434 6’x8’ utility trailer, custom built, metal ramps & tilt for easy loading, selling way below value because of disability, $1000 obo. Call between 8am and 8pm, (250)417-5606 Flatdeck trailer, 16’x8’, heavy duty, double axle, new tires & spring shackles, $3500 obo. (250)489-5798 Quad trailer, 8’x10’, 15’’ wheels, spare tire, removable sides, 3500 lb axle, $1500. (250)425-5032 Wells Cargo bike cargo trailer, 1500 lb torsion axle, wheel chock, 6 tie points, loading ramp, 6x6x10, $3000. (250)464-0207
Boats 12’ Lund aluminum boat with 8hp Mariner motor, EZ-Loader trailer & accessories, $2850 (250)426-8114 15 hp Johnson short leg 1990 outboard, $600.(250)489-3067 (250)464-1655 16’ Boat & 9.9 Yamaha motor, $1600. (250)421-1484
Legal Notices
It would be greatly appreciated if you would help out your Kootenay Advertiser carrier by containing your dogs during the time carriers usually deliver your paper
Thank you in advance for your cooperation
1510-2nd St. N, Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 250-489-3455
Legal Notices
Mining Lease Application Take notice that David Pighin, 301 8th Street S., Cranbrook, British Columbia, V1C 1P2, free miner certificate client number 121424, has applied to the Chief Gold Commissioner for the Province of British Columbia, for a mining lease of minerals identified by the mineral claims listed below. The mineral claims have been surveyed by Garrett M.L. Winkel, BCLS, whose field notes and plans have been approved by the Surveyor General. The following mineral claims are subject to the mining lease application: • Tenure Numbers 209666, 209906 and 209907 • Mineral Titles Map Number 082G041 • Plan Number EPC1031 • Kootenay District Posted at the Chief Gold Commissioner’s office in Victoria, British Columbia, this 2nd Day of December, 2013.
Friday, December 20, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 20, 2013 A25
Things to See & Do To Place a listing in our community news section: 1. open to all clubs and nonprofit organizations. 2. Post your event online at (calendar). events appear on our website oNlY. If you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit to our front desk or email: 3. Notices are published as space permits and for the current week only. This is not a guarantee of publication. We reserve the right to edit information.
December 20 lIVe oUTDoRo NaTIVITY with live
donkey, sheep, adult cast & music fromthe Mormon Tabernacle choir, 7 pm, Jaffray lDS chapel on Highway #3. christmas caroling in the chapel after the Nativity! Hot chocolate & christmas goodies also will be served.
December 21 SocIal DaNce ~ to the music of “cHaPPaRal’ at the cranbrook Seniors Hall, 2nd St. S. at 7 pm. Drop in Saturday, JaN. 25th at 1:30, for the next ‘Icecream Social’ and oPeN JaM. Updates 250.489.2720.
SToRe open Mon., Dec. 23-10am-5pm, Tues., Dec. 24, 10am1pm. everything in store specially priced. Reopen Thursday January 2.
December 24 candle light christmas eve Service 7pm
at calvary chapel 518 cranbrook St. N(next to KFc)
christmas eve service at 7:30pm at cranbrook United church, all are welcome. candlelight christmas eve carol Sing and Nativity Readings, 11:00 pm, Saint aidan orthodox church, 201-7th ave. S. cranbrook. We would like to invite you and your family to come sing and enjoy a cup of hot apple cider and cookie. all are welcome. Midnight Nativ-
ity Divine liturgy Service, 12:00 am, Saint aidan orthodox church, 201-7th ave. S. cranbrook. come pray and celebrate the Nativity of the lord Jesus christ! all are welcome. Fr. andrew applegate serving. For info call 250-421-6013.
be available. Tickets at Bear’s eatery, Bridge Interiors or by calling 1-800-665-6233, ext. 301 or email, 6 pm to midnight, centennial Hall, 100-4th ave. , Kimberley.
GIoNal HoSPITal at the Diagnostic Imaging and Information Desk 417-2746 for KaTe FoX. active members PleaSe give 2 - 3 hours of your time per week DaNce clUB DRoP-IN, learn Swing, Salsa, Waltz, etc. Fun, no pressure atmosphere. Stages School of Dance (Red cross Building). Fridays, 7-9pm. Randy/ Kim 250-426-1142 or Bob/adele 250-4170462 TeNNIS aNYoNe? SeaSoN opened May 1 at cranbrook Kinsmen Park on Victoria avenue. We are seeking new members of all ages, families and singles welcome. We meet every Wednesday and Sunday evening from 6 to 9 PM. For more information, call Steve 250-489-9169, Gillian 250-426-8201 or Neil 250-489-8107. cRaNBRooK SeNIoR BINGo at Senior Hall on Wednesdays at 1pm. 125-17th ave S. 250-426-7504 Fast is fun for everyone! learn to speed skate with the Kimberley Speed Skating club. Sundays 6-7pm, Wedn-esdays 6:307:30 pm at Marysville arena. We train toddlers to seniors. car pooling available. Info 250-426-7322 Free Senior Skating, Fridays, 10-11am. contact Mary 250-427-7931 aIR caDeTS - 552 Key city cranbrook invites all youth between age 12 - 18 to join us for an active, exciting and challenging experience Tuesday evenings Sept. through June. Program includes flying/ gliding, marksmanship, effective speaking, leadership, physical fitness, citizenship, survival training, 2-6 week long summer training, field training exercises and much more. No direct cost to join. Meet every Tuesday evening 6 - 9 pm at 308 - 10 ave. S, 2nd Floor. Info contact capt. Bott at 250-426-3685 or Kim clayton at 250-4264147 or email” FaST IS FUN for everyone! learn to speed skate with the Kimberley Speed
Skating club. Sundays 6-7pm, Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm at Marysville arena. We train toddlers to seniors. car pooling available. Info 250-426-≤free drop-in play and learn centres! Strong Start early learning centres invite you to circle and story times, art and gym time for children under five and their caregivers. open 5 days a week at amy Woodland elementary 250-426-7258 or Steeples elementary 250-426-3352. www. SaINT aIDaN oRTHoDoX church, 10:30am service every Sunday, at 201-7th ave. S., cranborok. Hall &/or kitchen rental avaialble. ellen, 421-6013. Potluck lunch after service. all are welcome. cRaNBRooK QUIlTeRS’ GUIlD will be holding their meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 7:15 pm, upstairs in the Seniors’ Hall, 125 17th ave. S. everyone welcome. For more information, contact June at 250-426-8817. or Betty 250-489-1498. MIlITaRY SeRVIce RecoGNITIoN Book. Branch 24 of the Royal canadian legion in cranbrook is looking forward to having another successful year with regards to our Military Service Recognition book. The Military Service Recognition book is a historical account of all who served their country and a tribute to that service. We are looking for all veterans who have served with the canadian or commonwealth armed forces in war or peace time either at home or abroad. all you have to do is pick up an application form at Branch 24, fill it out with a brief history of your service and submit it.If you wish the legion will send in your submission for you. You do not have to be a legion member. to participate in this program. June 30th,2012 is the closing date for this printing. In November the books are made available. to the
public free of charge at the Branch. If you know of anyone that has served in the forces please let them know about this program. RecoVeRING FRoM THe losses of life, a christian grief course, offered online, free of charge, by the eK lutheran Parish (Mt. Zion lutheran church)., click grief course. cRaNBRooK’S Bibles For Missions Thrift Store – open late Thursdays til 7 pm.Tues. – Sat. 10 – 5 pm. Many new items & brand names to choose from. Fall clothing for the entire family. 824 Kootenay St. N. come volunteer with us. Treasure hunters welcome. We are now wheelchair friendly. call To aRTISTS and craftsmen – The Kimberley arts council is now accepting applications from crafts people and artisans for creative Finds … an artisan Boutique. If you or someone you know would like to participate in creative Finds or would like further details, call us at 427-4919 or email:kimberleyarts@ KID’S clUB - 5 aND UNDeR, anglican church, Tuesdays 1011:30 am, Thursdays 10-11:30 am 1813 cRaNBRooK aRMY cadets: 1813 cranbrook army cadets, Youth and parents are invited to join us at Kennedy Hall (1305-1st Street South, cranbrook) on Tuesdays (September until June), between 6:15 pm and 9:00pm to see what the army cadet Program has to offer.The army cadet Program is a free program for youth 12-19. For more information please callJoseph Nadon, 250-688-0027, Kennedy Hall 1305 1st Street South, cranbrook, 250-426-2126 INTeRSTeD IN BooKS and people? Kimberley Friends of the library invite volunteers to join in supporting the Kimberley Public library. Urgent need for someone interested in marketing/publicity. call liz
Things to See & Do
December 25
community christmas Breakfast: Will you be alone on christmas Morning? Would you like to share a Special Holiday Breakfast with others in your community? We welcome you to join us for christmas Breakfast! at the United church, 2 – 12th avenue south. Doors will be open from 8:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. and breakfast will be served throughout this time. Free to all who attend. organized by the Wednesday Morning Breakfast for the Homeless Group and First Baptist church cranbrook. For more information contact: First Baptist church cranbrook (250) 4264319.
December 31 community connections Society of Southeast Bc presents: Family First Night cranbrook - countdown to a cause taking place at Western Financial Place and the cranbrook curling Rink rom 6pm to 9pm. In its inaugural year, Family First Night cranbrook will feature open swimming, open skating, facepainting, “The Photo Booth”, dancing (compliments of Just Music), storytime, crafts, carnival games, live entertainment and food. This event will be provided for residents and their guests to enjoy, for a minimal cost ($5/ person, maximum of $25 per family and 3 and under free) – tickets can be purchased at leisure Services in Western Financial Place. For more information, please contact Kim (250-426-2976) or Patricia (250-4262542). MaDD Kimberley/ cranbrook is pleased
to present an alcohol Free Family New Year’s Dinner & Dance. children activities will also
BaNFF MoUNTaIN FIlM FeSTIVal WoRlD ToUR at 7:30 pm, Key city Theatre - Tickets $25.00. Sponsored by Wildsight
JANUArY 10 FaMIlY ScIeNce NIGHT starts January
14 for parents wanting to help their 9-12 year old succceed in science. Parents & children have fun exploring science. cBal sponsored at the cranborok library. The program runs every Tuesday from Jan. 14-Feb. 18 form 6:30pm-8pm at th eManual Trainign School (cranbrook library). free & snacks included. Pre-regisration required: anna, 250-581-2112 or wccranbrook@gmail. com before January 10.
JANUArY 15 lITeRacY cHaMPIoN - nominations for
cranborok’s first lIteracy champion can be picked up at the cranbrook library, cBa office (19a9th ave. S.) or online at Nominations must be in by January 15 & our champion will be announced on Family literacy Day January 27 at the cranborok library, 7 pm.
FRee FaMIlY SWIM, Kimberley
aquatic centre, 6-7 pm, persons 18 yars & under must be accompanied by an adult. Sponsored by Knights of columbus.
VolUNTeeRS NeeDeD, HelP coach Special olympics bowling, Kimberley, Sun afternoons, 1-3, cranbrook, Mon afternoons, 1-3, training & assistance provided. contact leo Mittermayr after 5, 489-4558. SeNIoRS BRIDGe, MoN, 1 pm, Thurs, 7 pm, lower centennial Hall, Kimberley. For more info, 427-3377. THe cRaNBRooK HealTH care auxiliary is in real need of volunteers to take a shift at the eaST KooTeNaY Re-
at 250-427-7078. THe cRaNBRooK eaRlY childhood Development committee meets the 1st Tuesday of every month from 1-3pm at the cranbrook Family connections centre (beside cranbrook Skatepark). Parents, grandparents, caregivers, service providers and businesses are always welcome. children: our Foundation for Success!. 250-4170205. cRaNBRooK Fe¯ PUBlIc health nurses weekdays from 8:30-4:30 at Kimberley North Star Dream Team. BaBY aND Me drop in for parents with babes in arms, Tuesdays 10-12, cranbrook Family connections 46-17th ave S (next to skateboard park) Niki, 421-8096. IN THeSe cHalleNGING times your support of the MS Walk is more important than ever. each walker, team captain and volunteer who participates is a vital partner in providing research. Join the movement to end MS by registering today, set a goal and multiply your impact by recruiting friends and family to walk with you as a MS walk team KIMBeRleY SeNIoRS BRaNcH #14 General Meeting 1st Tuesday of each month, 10 am. all seniors welcome. 4272805. HeaRTS IN MoTIoN Walking club meet Mon, Wed, Fri at the cranbrook Rec Plex 9am. Walk inside or out, all ages welcome. Marion 250426-4529 or Jeanette 250-426-2393 aRe YoU INTeReSTeD in turning rocks into gems...? cBK Rock and Gems of the Kootenays is interested in new members. Frank 421-1177, Barb 426-5623. coMe aND JoIN us at the Senior centre in cranbrook for an afternoon of Bingo every Wed. at 1 pm. IMPacT YoUTH cHURcH, all youth & young adults welcome, every Mon., 7:30 pm, 308-10th ave. S. (old school building). Info. 489-
Friday, December 20, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Things to See & Do Do you Tweet??
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Christmas Services Come Join Us Dec.22nd ~ 10 am Family Service and Sunday School Dec.24th ~ Christmas Eve Candle Light Service 7:30 pm Singing * Solo's * Choir * Message Dec.25th ~ 11am Christmas Day Informal Family Service Dec. 29th ~ 10am Family Service
Knox Presbyterian Church
Corner Victoria and 3rd Street south 426-7165
1057. SPRING aRRIVeD aT Bibles for Missions Thrift Store. Bright colors, outdoor items. We love recycling your donations. Volunteers appreciated. open Tues.-Sat. 10am-5pm. 824 Kootenay St. N., cranborok. 778-5201981. Book donations Wanted: Friends of the cranbrook Public library & the Sunrise Rotary club are accepting donations of books, videos, DVD’s cD’s cassettes & maps (all in good cond). No encyclopedias. Drop off at the library during reg opening hrs. DaFFoDIl laDIeS caMPaIGN For children With cancer: ladies 18 and over are asked to
participate in a photographic fundraising event for children with cancer and their families. Photo Studio 2767 Rotary Drive, Kimberley 250 4274149 laDIeS aUXIlIaRY To Royal canadian legion Branch 24, the Royal canadian legion meets second Tuesday of each month, September to June, at 1 pm at the Telus building on 11th ave. New members welcome. Melanie, (250)426-3430. coMMUNITY SPoNSoReD PUBlIc swims first Wed. or every month, 5-6 pm. Kimberley aquatic centre. eVeRYoNe IS WelcoMe to
SPeaK oUT with our United Way cranbrook and Kimberley. Silence is never golden. We invite community members of all ages and backgrounds to contact us about a coffee date to express your vision for a community that cares. call (250)-426-8833 to speak with Donna or Tanis, or email crankimbunitedway@ WoUlD YoU lIKe to be free of drug and alcohol addictions for good? an 86% proven success rate 18-45. Phone Teen challenge, 1-866-866-0701 or www.teenchallenge. com Do YoU HaVe wool? local group is looking for donations
TraviS The Loan-a-ranger and his Sidekick SiLverado for gunning down PriCeS For deaLS aLmoST ouTLawed!
So corral your Bad Credit and mosey on down to DL#5717
Reclining Power Loveseat Coffee Table & 2 Ends Dining Table w/6 chairs Queen Mattress & Boxspring
$2178 $688 $2313 $1328
$699 $288 $888 $788
Travis Young
Bus:250-489-4711or TF:1-800-663-2307 1816CranbrookSt.N., Cranbrook,BC
club might be what you’re looking for. tips, camaraderie, hints, special events, guest speakers and more. 250-489-5856 KIMBeRleY PIPe BaND is looking for new members. anyone interested in joining, learning pipes and/or drums with the Kimberley Pipe Band are encouraged to call Dave 427-3092, Jock, 421-9157 or Gerry, 427-7963. SToNG STaRT Bc & Play & learn Kimberley Family Drop in Programs: Monday’s Play & learn 10-12pm lindsay Park school, Tuesday’s Strong Start Baby Goose 9-12pm & 10:3011:30 early learning centre, Wednesday’s Strong Start 9-12pm early learning centre, Thursday’s Play & learn StrongStart 1012pm & 1-4pm Marysville School, Friday’s Strongstart 9-12pm early learning centre, Saturday’s Strong Start 9-12pm early learning centre. 250427-4468 coMMUNITY WHITe WaTeR Paddle night,, Tuesdays & Thursdays, leave from Just liquid (5th ave. & Van Horne St., cranbrook). Free shuttle leaves 6 pm. call for location, 9194610.
of wool to make items for the shelters. call 250-417-0894 for more information. SPaRWooD RecReaTIoN DePaRTMeNT free swimming, Fridays, 4-5:30 pm. FooD aDDIcTS IN RecoVeRY anonymous is a program for individuals recovering from addictive eating behavior. There are no dues or fees at our meetings. There are no weigh-ins. Please feel free to contact the Fa office for more information at 781-321-9118. The following meeting is held in Trail, Bc every week: Monday and Thursday of every week, Gateway christian centre Trail, Bc (across from Wall Mart) Monday @10:00 aM THURSDaY @ 7:00 PM call connie 250364-2013 or email VolUNTeeR SeNIoRS’ coUNSelloR Norm Weitzel can assist seniors with government forms, applications & General advocacy. 426-2637. callING all FISHeRMeN & WoMeN Have a passion for fishing and like to learn more about angling? The cranbrook Rocky Mountain Fly Fishing
sponsored by sponsored by
Residential garbage pick up regularly scheduled for pick up on Dec. 25 (Christmas Day) will be picked up on Dec. 24 Regularly scheduled residential pick up for Jan. 1 (New Years Day) will be picked up on Dec. 31
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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 20, 2013 A27
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College of the RoCkies Downtown Cranbrook 250.489.1PAW (1729)
Holiday Closure Our Cranbrook campus will close at 2:00 pm on December 24 and reopen at 7:00 am on January 2. The Board of Governors, Employees and Management wish everyone a healthy and happy Holiday Season! Regular Fall & Winter hours of operation are: Monday to Friday 7 am - 10 pm Saturday 9 am - 4 pm Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm
26 ONLY!
Friday, December 20, 2013DEC Kootenay Advertiser 26News ONLY!
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