Northern Volume 58 No. 52
KLNG back before council Cameron Orr Chevron’s Kitimat LNG team was back in Kitimat to give a brief pre-New Year’s look at their project. Chevron’s David Molinksi gave the update to councillors at the December 16 meeting. There was no major announcement from the meeting, which included updates such as the fact the company is about 50 per cent complete on finishing the Forest Service Road (FSR) which leads from Haisla Boulevard to their proposed liquefaction plant for natural gas at Bish Cove. A lot of their early works is complete, including tree falling and burning. Deep soil mixing is also done, which is a key part of stabilizing the foundation of the site. Meanwhile they have plans to soon increase the size of their work camp. The Kitimat LNG project currently has a 135 room camp in place right now. “Early in the new year we’re expecting to increase it to about 287,” said Molinksi. Then sometime around the middle of 2014 they’ll grow that further to 600 rooms. Their camp is approximately in the area of the former Eurocan Pulp and Paper mill. As for the Eurocan building itself, the company is still working out a plan to demolish the structures. They do plan to use an existing landfill on the site though. They have remediation work to do, and will have to receive a permit from the province before they can re-open it. Of course the big question as far as Kitimat LNG goes these days is relating to their plan to dump marine clay into nearby Clio Bay, which is said to improve the ecosystem of the bay’s floor. Molinski says they still have a ways to go before they start doing any of that work. That includes creating an execution plan and then receiving a permit from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. “It’s still some time before we get started on that,” he said. “We still have a lot of work to do to get everything in place.” Phil Germuth asked what sort of work would be done to protect fish smolts released from the Kitimat Hatchery, which use the shores of Clio Bay on their way to the ocean. Tim Edgell, a marine biologist working with the company, said they are working on plans to avoid impacting them. “It’s important that the shallow coastal waters are free of sediments because that’s where the fish would be traveling,” he said. He added that they are collecting ocean information such as currents to make sure their plans wouldn’t impact them.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
If there’s one thing you can say about this photo taken recently at night from Haisla Boulevard is that it’s odd that the only snowflakes are the ones lit by electricity on the light poles. But regardless the decorations add a festive mood to roadways in town through the holiday season.
JRP support pipeline with conditions Cameron Orr The reactions came fast regarding the Joint Review Panel’s (JRP) recommendation in favour of the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines proposal. The panel said last Thursday that subject to 209 conditions, they support the project. There are 180 days now for the federal government to actually issue a certificate or not. Kitimat Mayor Joanne Monaghan emphasized that the council is at this moment still neutral on the subject of the pipeline. “We will take the necessary time to look at it and understand the content,” she said of the JRP report. She also notes that the District will engage in a survey with Kitimat residents to gather the community’s opinion on the pipeline now that the JRP process has concluded. But she wouldn’t say if the results of the survey would eventually form an official council position on the project. Meanwhile Skeena MLA Robin Austin says the fight is long from over on the project. “On the one hand I’m a little bit saddened today but I think I’m really reinvigorated for the fight that is going to go up from now,” he said. “If Harper thinks that he can just push
this thing through I think he has a big surprise.” He said it was expected the JRP would side with the federal Conservatives on the project, and discounts the idea that the 209 conditions will do much to make the project any safer. “As to the number of conditions, we all know that’s complete whitewash. Probably the federal government will forget half the conditions and Enbridge will forget the other half,” said Austin. “I think this is just the beginning of the next phase of opposition. This will anger people not just in northwest British Columbia but will anger British Columbians in general.” He said he believes there’s no chance the pipeline will actually be built given the opposition the project is still facing. “Today’s decision serves nothing more than to make people just understand what the agenda is of the Stephen Harper government,” he said. “I would hope that people after today’s decision will recognize they need to contact every single conservative member of parliament in British Columbia, and call the Premier and put pressure on her.” The Kitimat-based Douglas Channel Watch (DCW) also issued their own release following the JRP report, saying Enbridge is “incapable” of meeting the panel’s conditions. Continued on page 2
Haisla, Kitselas working together ... page 3
2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Continued from page 1 “DCW believes that due to geologic and weather related hazards, there are no safe routes for liquid petroleum pipelines through the Coast Mountains on B.C.’s north coast. We also support Coastal First Nations and communities on B.C.’s north coast in their seeking a ban on oil supertankers calling on north coast B.C. ports,” said their written response. “Douglas Channel
Watch believes it will be the First Nations of British Columbia who have the firmest legal ground to contest this project, and we pledge to support them in the many years they will be fighting those battles through the courts,” they added. As for SkeenaBulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen said he was not surprised by the announcement that the Joint Review Panel had recommended approval of the Enbridge
“The risks are still the risks and we cannot allow this for ourselves...” Northern Gateway pipeline project, but he was disappointed. “The process from the beginning was bias to find a positive outcome for the company and to ignore the 10,000-plus submission from British
Columbians who said they didn’t want it. ‘Yes’ seemed to be the only answer that could come out of the panel,” he said. “The risks far outweigh the benefits but the project will move on to the next stage, which I am guessing will be the courts as First Nations are prepared for that ... this has only further marginalized the voices of First Nations people. The government just said to 78 First Nations
who opposed this pipeline, ‘we don’t care’.” Cullen said he expects the public will begin to mobilize and take action, but said he doesn’t expect that action to include civil disobedience. “We are a long way from that. There are pending court cases, there are many opportunities for peaceful protest before shovels hit the ground ...there is a federal election in 2015 and, more immediately, a
RCMP rescue Mrs. Claus A selection of the 73 calls for service for the RCMP between December 8 and December 15: December 9 Police were called to a complaint of assault from a young female, alleging she was assaulted by her friend in her home. The complainant said that her friend had been taking and wearing her clothing and when she objected is when the alleged incident took place. The friend was transported to another house and the complainant was not interested in pursuing matters after that.
Police Beat A person clearing out a rental unit in Kitimat found a number of credit cards, a drivers licence and other government IDs and handed them to police. Police believe that the cards were taken in January when the cards’ owner’s vehicle was stolen in Terrace. Since the unit was vacant for a month police say it would be challenging to prove who possessed the
cards, but the file is under investigation. A commercial vehicle parked behind the Kitimat Hotel was reported with damage around 9 a.m. Police noted three rocks on the vehicle’s hood and large cracks in the windshield. Nothing was taken from inside the vehicle. Estimated $400 in damages. December 10 A woman reported that her boyfriend was highly intoxicated and extremely aggressive and wanted the police to remove him from the home. Continued on page 7
Cullen said if he had one message forStephen Harper and Enbridge, it would be to find a way to back down while there is still time. Continued on page 11
municipal election in 2014 and this will be a ballot issue,” he said. “The risks are still the risks and we cannot allow this for ourselves and, more importantly, for future generations.”
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6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Rain (mm)
Snow (cm)
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High 6 Low 4
High 5 Low 3
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 25, 2013 3
mini storage
Free transit is coming for New Year’s Eve. As in past years, the free service will start at 7 p.m. and run to 5 a.m. on New Years Day. The District of Kitimat, along with Rio Tinto Alcan and Bechtel, are sponsoring the program this year. December 31 is running a regular weekday schedule and January 1 will run on a Sunday schedule.
Scams There’s talk that there are continuing scammers who will call your home claiming to be representing Microsoft and seeking access to your computer to fix problems such as viruses. It’s important people do not fall for the trick. The B.C. Better Business Bureau posted a notice about the scam earlier this year on their website, saying that the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre reported more than $505,000 has been lost due to this scam, $63,000 from B.C. Those who receive the call will be told that their computer is in need of protection, but the callers have no affiliation with Microsoft, and in fact Microsoft would not call consumers in this manner. If the caller then gets remote access to your computer they can install malicious software, steal personal information and take control of the computer entirely. From the BC BBB’s release, they say people in the Prince George area reported the callers having a foreign accent. The anti-fraud centre says the calls could possibly be coming from India. “Always be wary of cold-calls,” says Danielle Primrose, President and C.E.O. of BBB serving Mainland BC.
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BOXES FOR SALE 10 for $5 Students perform a song during a production of the Polar Express at the Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary School. Brenda Feldhoff photo
Haisla and Kitselas look ahead Cameron Orr Members of the Haisla Nation and the Kitselas are looking at their future jointopportunities after a meeting between the two in Terrace recently. Representatives from both the Haisla and Kitselas expressed optimism and excitement over what opportunities the two could share into the new year. “As you know there’s a lot of LNG opportunities going on in our territory and sometimes we’re going to need some help from other places, mainly the Kitselas, they’re our first neighbours... to give them opportunities to come in to our territory and work on the LNG projects,” said Deputy Chief Councillor Taylor Cross with the Haisla Nation. He said the Kitselas through their forestry company has already done work along the Pacific Trails Pipelines route doing clearing. The PTP pipeline is the proposed pipeline to service the Kitimat LNG facility. “We don’t have a forestry company and they do, so it makes sense to give it to them,” he said. “They benefited from that and I think they’re very supportive of LNG.” Cross said that with this first internation meeting they’re hoping to build stron-
“The initial purpose was to get together to see how both nations could work together, in particular in overlap claims of territory.” ger relationships. Kitselas Chief Councillor Joe Bevan shared the enthusiasm for future works with the Haisla. “The initial purpose was to get together to see how both nations could work together, in particular in overlap claims of territory...and also to get together to see how this year’s relationship go as far as corporate relations,” he said. Overlapping traditional territories are
items that have stalled treaty negotiations and he said the two nations working together directly can send a message that the government isn’t always needed. “I guess what it’s saying here is two nations can work together and settle their differences without government interference or government input... into the process. We resolved it ourselves.” Other issues included working to-
wards agreements on shared territory, including harvesting activities on that shared land. He said it’s in everyone’s interest to solve issues directly with your neighbour. And he adds such relationships reflect well on other levels of government. “Two nations working together is way more attractive to the Canadian and B.C. governments,” he said.
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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email newsroom@northernsentinel.com • www.northernsentinel.com KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.
We thought we’d go ahead and just post two opinions, one supporting the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines proposal and one not supporting the project. Enjoy the argument.
Enbridge, yay!
Just like with natural gas, Canada has abundant oil resources on the other side of the Rockies and it’s an economic loss to only allow ourselves to deal with the United States as our customers. Canada, simply, needs more capacity. But even look at it at the ground level. The vast number of construction workers needed to build a pipeline will mean job opportunities for many. And pipelines are arguably far safer with today’s construction and assembly standards than in years past. Simply put, it’s basically a gimme that Northern Gateway will be more reliable than other, older pipes. Then there’s the ongoing taxes and value that the pipeline will provide to the country. The nation and province will benefit financially from the construction for sure, and that’s money that will pay for the government services and operations that we all enjoy. Opposing the project is basically turning our noses up at $1.2 billion over the next 30 years. And with 209 conditions to follow, it’s in writing that it’s going to have to be built right. We need to be open to this project.
Enbridge, nay! Now wait a minute, $1.2 billion over 30 years? That represents only a fraction of the yearly B.C. budget, which this year alone is $44 billion. Much good that $1.2 billion will give us over the course of 30 years. And what about the fact that it just seems people don’t want this pipeline. Surveys and polls have shown that more people in B.C. are against the pipeline than are in favour. Not to mention studies of Canada’s coasts and pipeline routes, showing the immense problems that could come from tanker traffic and spills. Some don’t think Canada is even prepared for a major spill, and the pipeline and the tankers will be going through a number of ecosystems. One wrong move and we might not have a fishery. And are jobs really as bountiful as the claims? It’ll only be a small amount of permanent jobs which are needed to run the marine terminal in Kitimat, and the same for the pipeline, once it’s done you won’t need many people to manage it in person. That leaves the control centre in Calgary as the primary place of employment regarding the pipeline itself directly. The benefits to the province are arguably, essentially, non-existant. Cameron Orr
Vagueness in reports for the Post Talk of different days, different times. This, I’m sure will not be the last time this will come up, but I am still a bit ticked off by the vagueness of reports of upcoming Canada Post changes. And I’m not convinced they extensively consulted with Canadians across the country. As for the timing of the announcements, well, come on, the day after Parliament recessed for the “holidays.” As a matter of fact I was sufficiently vexed about the way it was announced and the content that I sat down and sent a stern e-mail to CEO Deepak Chopra. Joke! I didn’t, but I should have. I certainly understand that Canada Post cannot likely absorb losses of a billion dollars a year for very long. That’s what they are suggesting will happen by 2020 if the business dropoff losses are sustained. It is not, however, that the issue is coming up for the first time and that Canada is the first country to run into challenges with its mail service. The Royal Mail in the U.K. traces its history back to 1516, when Henry VIII established a “Master of the Posts”, a position that was renamed “Postmaster General” in 1710. Henry, it
Under Miscellaneous by Allan Hewitson ahewitson@telus.net
appears had some spare time to deal with troubles outside of his many wives and his hassles with the Catholic Church over said wives. Henry’s divorce procedures appear to have rankled in Rome presumably providing a heads up (heads down) to the Pope that there was something wrong in England. Canada, although it wasn’t Canada then, wasn’t all that far behind in postal services. The first known letter was actually sent from St. John’s, Nfld., to Henry VIII in 1527, although it was another 250 years before official mail services began in Canada in 1777, operated by the British Government. In 1867 the newly formed Dominion of Canada government initiated the Canadian Postal Service, based on the British post office system. Over the past decade the Royal Mail plc has semi-privatized numerous services, but is still owned by HM Government. It is profitable, so the
Canadian Crown corporation that was once known as Royal Mail Canada, I hope, has taken a very good look at what keeps the Royal Mail working, home delivering and profitable. Truthfully, that well-known motto - ‘neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds’ actually appears on a New York post office, but came from a translation of an ancient Greek work of Herodotus, describing the Persian system of mounted postal carriers circa 500 B.C. So it appears written communications go back a long way, certainly much earlier than the Pony Express. So, no need to remind me that Canada is a much bigger country, with a smaller population, but if they could get mail delivered in these great Persian campaigns in ages past, you have to wonder a bit about little side issues like e-mail and community postal boxes, more than 20 centuries later. That’s not to make light of the many frustrations Canadians face as an uncertain future appears to be ahead for Canada Post. But I wanted to get some perspective about how long this has been going on. Continued on page 5
Working together bringing the news to you. Community newspapers a s s o C i a t i o n
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Contents Copyrighted Canadian Publications Mail Product, Agreement No. 477761, Canada Post Corp., Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash.
Sarah Campbell Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Tracey Keohane Ad Assistant Publisher Editor Classifieds/Administration publisher@northernsentinel.com newsroom@northernsentinel.com classifieds@northernsentinel.com advertising@northernsentinel.com
Dominika Bacigalova Flyer Distribution office@northernsentinel.com
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 25, 2013 5
Company announcements justify many’s hard work
of public acceptance in B.C. to make smelter expansion not only a possibility, but a reality. There was much need for this effort as Alcan in those days, faced many challenges. It was of course, just a sideline to the hard work of the 2,000 people, at that time, who laboured to produce low-cost power and to smelt some of the best quality remelt and speciality quality aluminum that was much in demand in Canada, the U.S. and around the world. It’s no longer Alcan, originally the Aluminum Company of Canada, but is now Rio Tinto Alcan one of the largest international mining and metal corporations in the world. As the aluminum industry has experienced considerable economic difficulties throughout the financial turndowns of the past few years, it’s all the more gratifying that RTA has selected Kitimat Works as one of the premier projects deserving of such a investment. It is a confirmation that staff and unionized employees can find ways to work together with owners and con-
Continued from page 4 Then of course there’s the future. Remember Kevin Costner, who found that a dead postman’s uniform and a sack of old mail helped him get around in post-apocalyptic north western U.S. in the sci-fi movie, “The Postman” set, very ironically, in 2013. Oops, maybe not the future after all. This column is destined for pub-
at Northern Gateway. As the year comes to a close, I want to say
Reader’s Write tractors to move ahead this great project that means so much to northern B.C. Currently, Kitimat is also seeing some new potential growth opportunities in energy development, but I hope we will all remember that the original high risk energy development was Kenney Dam, the innovative 10-mile tunnel through the mountains. the Kemano powerhouse and the Kitimat Works Smelter. Much remains to be done before the first new ingot emerges from Kitimat Works’ modernization. Sadly, we will see more expected attrition among the workforce. But we will also see the completion of something that has been heralded since the 1970s as the future hope for Kitimat. Those of us who have remained in the community through thick and thin (often very thin!) will continue to watch the project with interest. We should be, and
lication on Christmas Day so hopefully, for subscribers to the Northern Sentinel, a delivery person (there seems to be a shortage of delivery boys these days) will drop this newspaper in your mailbox on Christmas Eve, so I want to express my best wishes to all my readers (I used the old joke, “both my readers” in 2002) for a very enjoyable family Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year in 2014.
Letters Welcome The Northern Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor on relevant or topical matters. It reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. All submissions must bear the author’s name, address and telephone number. All letters must be signed. Unsigned letters will not be considered. Address your letters to: Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 E-mail: newsroom@northernsentinel.com or Fax: (250) 639-9373
a personal thank you for your hospitality on my visits to Kitimat.
I’m sure are, grateful to RTA for this announcement of faith in that future. While we all acknowledge that times are different and the business climate changes frequently, for me at least, the announcement goes a long way to recognition that efforts put in by my group and so many friends and colleagues in the smelter, and generating facility staff and union, over these recent tumultuous years, have largely been justified. I hope to take the January retiree tour of the new facility and look forward to seeing the official opening in 2014 and first shipments that will demonstrate it was all worth while. Good luck to all involved. Kitimat thanks you. Allan Hewitson, Retired former manager, public relations.
My very best wishes to the community for a joyous, safe and peaceful holiday season. I look forward to seeing you again in the new year. Warm wishes,
Dear Sir, Much has been said and written about the viability and the long-term future of aluminum smelting in Kitimat. The recent verywelcome announcement by Rio Tinto Alcan that it will pour the final US$2.7 billion investment to complete the modernization of its aluminium smelter in Kitimat, B.C., at a time when the company is cutting back on capital spending at projects around the world, brings a welcome nearconclusion to the great historical story of the original Alcan plan to build a hydro generating station at Kemano to provide power for one of the largest aluminum smelters in the world at Kitimat, B.C. What remains is the final construction, the training of employees and the start-up of a state-of-the-art aluminum smelter that will keep Kitimat in the forefront of one of the world’s most important metal industries. Time marches on, and after I came to Kitimat in Sept. 1980, I worked hard with a dedicated team to ensure Kitimat Works could retain the level
Happy Holidays from everyone
Janet Holder Leader of Northern Gateway Prince George, B.C.
Working in partnership with B.C. and Alberta First Nations and Métis Communities, and leading energy companies in Canada.
© 2013 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.
Weekly Crossword Solution in the Classifieds
Clues Across
1. Daminozide 5. Celestial body 9. Actress Thurman 12. Wait for an opportunity 13. K-2 Airbase in S. Korea 14. Child’s grandmother 15. Aquatic reptile (abbr.) 16. ____ and Ladders 17. Macaws 18. Capital of Yemen 19. 8th Hebrew letter 20. Travels by water 22. Open and genuine 24. Asian country 25. Retail sales establishment 26. Arabian Gulf 27. Atomic #42 28. Repaired a sock 31. A smoky quality
Job Description:
Mechanical Specifications:
Client: Enbridge Docket #: 112-EGCNGU3836 Project: Holiday Message Ad #: U3836B_QP_Kitimat
Bleed: None Trim: 4.3125” x 8” Live: 3.3125” x 7” File built at 100% 1” = 1”
33. ___ de, seats you 34. Sodium Publication: Kitimat Northern Sentinel 35. Turfs 36. Adventure stories 39. Ascetic holy man 40. An unknown person 42. Alt. sp. for Emir 43. A pigmented nevus 44. Farthest from the front 46. Dekaliter 47. Loves intensely 49. Alt. sp. of 13 across 50. They __ 51. Container weight deductions 52. Muslim summons to prayer 53. Small amount 54. Geological times 55. Monacle
Clues Down 1. Basics 2. Old Italian currencies 3. Youth loved by Aphrodite 4. A formal retraction 5. Briefly fry 6. 9th Hebrew letter 7. The time someone has existed 8. Perovskia atriplicfolia 9. Unassisted 10. AKA spearfish 11. Squash bug genus 13. Not here 16. A cigar with square ends 21. S. Am. mountains 23. Condole 28. Small gaming cubes
29. Article 30. Rechristens 31. 18th Hebrew letter 32. Atomic #36 33. Created a miniature likeness 35. Maple or elm fruit 36. Shoe bottoms 37. Of a main artery 38. Gets you a gazundheit 39. Egyptian peacemaker Anwar 40. Open lesions 41. MN 55122 43. MN 55051 45. Campaigns for office 48. 1776 female descendants org.
Acct. Mgr: None Colours: 4C Start Date: 12-5-2013 11:43 AM Crea. Dir: Judy John Revision Date: 12-19-2013 10:25 AM Art Dir: None Print Scale: 100% Writer: None
Producer: Bernie Banigan Studio: Cheryl Thomas Proofreader: Peter Campbell
Comments: None
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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 25, 2013
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Best Wishes, Ernie and Merle Archer
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We wish you
We wish everyone in our communities a safe and enjoyable holiday season
Source image: Purestock/Thinkstock
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247 City Centre Mall, Kitimat Ph. 250-632-5663 Fax 250-632-5668
May Your Home be filled with Love and Happiness this Holiday Season and throughout the New Year.
from the whole crew at Bandstra Transportation Systems!
A message from the Kitimat District Teachers’ Association
From your community Humane Society Shelter.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
626 Enterprise Avenue • 250-632-6144 www.northernsentinel.com
272-3rd Street, Kitimat Ph. 250-632-2544 Fax 250-632-7728
Wishing You and Your Family a Wonderful Holiday Season
Constant Cravings Cafe #1-528 Mountainview Square, Kitimat 250-632-4555
from all over K-town!
Police beat
Continued from page 2 Police found that the boyfriend had an unendorsed warrant from Terrace and placed him under arrest. However the male allegedly became “combative” with officers, attempting several times to punch them during the arrest. Police say he allegedly continued to try to kick officers even once he was brought to the ground, leading officers to use pepper spray in order to get the handcuffs on. Police are seeking approval of charges for assaulting a police officer. December 12 A Honda Civic with five passengers was reported to police as driving onto a property on Halibut Street, and the occupants reportedly stole a Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus figurine from the front lawn. Police found Mrs. Claus on the roadside on Kitamaat Village Road, and the officer eventually located the suspect vehicle and pulled it over near the Minette Bay log sort. The occupants admitted to stealing Mrs. Claus but claimed that there was no Santa Claus figurine. “The member warned occupants for being naughty,” and issued violation tickets to the driver for failing to produce a driver’s licence, and
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 25, 2013 7
an appearance notice for court. December 14 A Kitimat Modernization Camp security worker called police around 11:15 p.m. after being allegedly verbally abused by a male who had reportedly told the worker he “didn’t belong in this country.” Police had the male apologize to the worker and the complainant was satisfied with the outcome. December 15 At 2:45 a.m., police were called back to the KMP camp, this time for an intoxicated male who was allegedly swearing at the guards. Police had to track the suspect down when they arrived as he had run into a nearby wooded area. He was arrested for public intoxication and taken to the detachment cells. Police say as the male sobered up he became belligerent and complained of being treated “like an animal.” Police reported that the person urinated “all over the cell” and blew his nose on the cell camera. Despite all that police did release him, once sober, in the morning and have closed the file. If you have information on any of these or other police files, contact the Kitimat RCMP at 250-632-7111 or call Crimstoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
for having too many people in the vehicle, as the officer was told the driver had an N licence. The figurine was returned to a thankful owner but it wasn’t the end for the driver, when it was discovered later he only had a learner’s licence. That meant three more tickets, one for not having a qualified supervisor in the car, another for driving past midnight, and for not displaying an L. December 13 During a traffic check on the Kuldo Extension just before 10 p.m. found a vehicle with a child in a middle seat with no booster seat as required for a child of his size. He was with a male and female in the car. While police offered a ride home for the female to retrieve a car seat — the police couldn’t let the vehicle go until the child was properly seated — the driver wouldn’t produce a drivers license. Police checks determined the driver was prohibited. According to the police report, “He advised he did not want to pay the government $1,000 to get his license back,” and that he didn’t want to give the government anything. He ended up having to anyway as the vehicle was impounded for seven days, and he was served
Jeff Hockman presents awards to the winners of the A event in the Snowflake Curling Bonspiel held at Hirsch Creek Golf and Winter Club Nov. 15-17. From left, Jeff Hockman, Jody Kucharyshen, Joan Kucharyshen, Heather Joseph and Teresa Bartel. Submitted
Ladies bonspiel Submitted The Hirsch Creek Golf and Winter Club was a busy venue from November 15 to 17 as the Ladies Curling League hosted their 16th annual Snowflake Bonspiel with teams from Kitimat and Terrace. When the weekend ended, the winners of the A event were a combined Kitimat/Terrace team,
with Joan Kucharyshin, Jody Kucharyshin, Heather Joseph and Teresa Bartel. The B event was won by the Mildenberger rink of Theresa Mildenberger, Cherie Seppala, Chelsey Houghton and Sarah Kirwin. The C event was won by the Brousseau rink, of Carrie Brousseau, Sherry Stefanon,
Charlene Galante and Connie Craig. The rest of the winners were as follows: in A flight, 2nd – the Westcott rink, 3rd – the Mulder rink, 4th – The Dziuba rink. In B flight – 2nd – the Opheim rink, 3rd – Thomas rink, 4th – Taylor Reece-Hansen rink. In C flight – 2nd –the Hannah Durrant rink, 3rd – Wyatt rink, 4th – Monti rink.
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8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 25, 2013
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Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. $3,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit has been applied to the purchase, financing and lease offers of 2014 Sierra Crew Cab, and is applicable to retail customers only. † Offer valid only to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have obtained credit approval by GM Financial, have entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial, and who accept delivery from October 11, 2013 through January 2, 2014 of a new eligible 2014 model. General Motors of Canada will pay the first month’s lease payment (inclusive of taxes and any applicable prorate amount normally due at lease delivery as defined on the lease agreement). $0 first month lease payment means no bi-weekly payments will be due in the first month of your lease agreement. After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. PPSA/RDPRM is not due. Insurance, license, dealer fees and applicable taxes not included. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ¥Offer valid from December 10, 2013 to January 2, 2014 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident of Canada who take delivery of an eligible vehicle during the Program Period. Boxing Week Bonus Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model and model year purchased or leased and is a combination of multiple coupons available: $500 maximum Boxing Week Bonus credit valid on 2014 model year Chevrolet/Buick/GMC/Cadillac cars and crossovers, comprised of up to two $250 coupons; $1,000 maximum Boxing Week Bonus credit valid on 2014 model year Chevrolet Silverado or GMC Sierra, comprised of up to four $250 coupons; $1,500 maximum Boxing Week Bonus credit valid any 2013 model year Chevrolet/Buick/GMC/Cadillac vehicle, comprised of up to six $250 coupons. All products and certificates are subject to availability. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional limitations and conditions apply. See your GM dealer for details. ^Offer only valid from December 10, 2013 to January 2, 2014 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing a Chevrolet HHR, Equinox, Tracker, Uplander, Venture, Astro, Lumina APV, Blazer, Traverse, Trailblazer; Saturn Vue, Relay, Outlook; Pontiac Montana/SV6, Transport, Torrent, Aztek, Sunrunner; Buick Rendezvous, Terraza, Enclave, Rainier; Oldsmobile Silhouette, Bravada; GMC Safari, Jimmy, Terrain, Acadia or Envoy, that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six months, will receive a $1,000 Holiday Owner Bonus credit towards the lease, purchase or finance of an eligible new 2014 GMC Terrain or Acadia delivered during the program period. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership for the previous consecutive six months. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details. ^Offer only valid from December 10, 2013 – January 2, 2014 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a GM or competitor pickup truck to receive a $1,000 credit towards the purchase, finance or lease of an eligible new 2013 or 2014 Model Year Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty, Silverado Heavy Duty, Sierra Light Duty, Sierra Heavy Duty, or Avalanche. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details. †*Comparison based on 2012 Wards segmentation: Middle/Cross Utility Vehicle and latest competitive data available, and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands. ‡*Cargo and load capacity limited by weight and distribution. Comparison based on 2013 Wards segmentation: Large/ Cross Utility Vehicles and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM vehicles. **The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter LOF Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2014 MY Chevrolet, Buick, or GMC vehicle (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 KMs, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserve the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. +The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. ∞For more information visit iihs.org/ratings.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 25, 2013 9
Money to schools Small businesses Submitted Rio Tinto Alcan’s managers for the modernization project, Michel Lamarre, Kevin Dobbin and Bruno Lapointe, represented B.C. in an annual cycling-based fundraiser. Le Grand Défi Pierre Lavoie is an annual fundraising initiative for the GO Foundation, supporting research for hereditary diseases in children and promoting healthy living of school-aged kids. This year’s mega cycling charity event took place in June through a number of communities in Quebec, but for the first time it had a significant Kitimat connection. The Kitimat-heavy team also comprised Olympian and Canadian Senator Nancy Greene Raine and her husband Al Raine. The team’s objective was to raise funds to support youth
face challenges
A cheque for $9,700 is presented to the Haisla Community School by Michel Lamarre and Bruno Lapointe after a cycling-based fundraiser in Quebec. in Kitimat and Kitamaat’s community through a ‘Get Up and Move!’ initiative at Haisla Community School and Nechako Elementary School. The program’s aim is to promote physical activity to young kids so that they adopt healthy lifestyles at an early age. When the local schools agreed to join the movement, they
committed to raising as many ‘energy cubes’ as possible in the month of May. One energy cube equates to 15 minutes of physical activity. In total, participating Kitimat children generated 43,423 cubes of energy – that’s 651,345 minutes of physical acitivity. In all, the team raised $29,000 for the cause locally, and
the money was split between the Haisla Community School, Nechako Elementary — each receiving $9,700 — and the rest going to the GO Foundation’s medical research programs. Local funds received by the schools will be used to purchase equipment or finance activities promoting physical activity.
Report highlights salmon risks Cameron Orr The Raincoast Conservation Foundations has released a report warning of the consequences to salmon in the face of the proposed Northern Gateway Pipelines project. The report, which was released December 17, concludes that the risk from marine terminal and tanker traffic would be detrimental to salmon growth. The leader author, and Raincoast Conservation fisheries ecologist Misty MacDuffee said in the organization’s media release that a lot of the studies on the affects to salmon came
from the Exxon Valdez oil spill. “These risks are not just from a large oil spill, they are from the industrial activities that accompany oil tankers and degrade essential salmon habitat,” she continued. The report says that only 10 to 15 per cent of oil from a marine spill is typically recovered and that spill response in rough weather is not possible. Meanwhile, pre-planning, skill, resources, coordination and “the attitude of the response agency” are essentially for spill recovery, the report continues.
Further in the report, it claims that Canadian agencies on the Pacific coast “are not prepared for a major oil spill.” In addition, they say that coordination of response between the federal and provincial levels of government are “not well harmonized.” “More than 5,000 spawning populations of wild salmon come from the watersheds that surround the tanker routes between Kitimat estuary and Haida Gwaii,” report co-author Andy Rosenberger noted. The full report can be viewed online at raincoast.org.
Cameron Orr As the District’s own Economic Development Office looks towards ‘economic gardening’ in the new year (Sentinel, December 18) the executive director at Kitimat’s Chamber of Commerce says it’s a good time for small business. And, in other ways, it’s also a challenging time. “A year ago, 18 months ago, you didn’t really have the clientele to start up a business, and now the clientele is out there and coming, but then you have a whole different set of challenges,” said Trish Parsons. Those challenges include finding storefront space in town, and keeping enough workers on hand. She said even long-running Kitimat businesses — includ-
ing some restaurants — are facing challenges keeping enough people on staff to be open at certain times of the week. But even with those obstacles in the way, it’s a good time to be thinking about starting a business if you have the entrepreneurial bug, she said. “It’s definitely the time to start looking at it, being able to overcome some of the new challenges,” she said. Kitimat’s strengths will be further developing the niche-market
businesses. That means Kitimat doesn’t really need things like Canadian Tire or Walmart. “I think that’s what Kitimat should focus on more [niche businesses] rather than having big box stores,” she said. “You go to one Walmart, you’ve been to them all.” She said she has seen some locallysourced companies opening up, including one that will rent aquatic equipment.
Public Hearing January 6 c5 Zoning amendment, 633 Dadook ave. bylaw no. 1838, 2013 WHat: A public hearing will be held on Monday, January 6 at 7:30 pm at council chambers, 606 Mountainview Square to consider the ‘C5 Zoning Amendment, 633 Dadook Ave. Bylaw No. 1838, 2013.’ WHat iS it? The proposed bylaw amendment changes land use, density and building height in the C5 Zone. WHat cHangeS? Council is considering an application to amend the C5 Zone to enable redevelopment of 633 Dadook Ave. The applicant is seeking to make three amendments to the C5 Zone: add ‘hotel’ as a permitted use; increase permitted height from 9 metres to 17 metres; and increase maximum allowable density from 0.5 to 0.8 Floor Area Ratio (FAR). These changes would apply to all properties in the C5 Zone. a map showing the affected property is below:
MP says cuts too much Martina Perry Skeena - Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen is calling Canada Post service reductions “brutal”. Canada Post announced it will phase out door-to-door delivery of mail in urban areas in a new bid to cut costs. Regardless of the reasoning, Cullen said the cuts from the postal service are too much. “I think the workers and Canadians who rely on this service are being made to pay for the bad decisions by this management and the Harper government,”
Cullen said. “The timing of this whole thing is awful. Just before Christmas and just after Parliament shuts down,” he said, adding it’s a clear sign that government isn’t worried about what Canadians think. Cullen said he is also angered by a recent comment by Government House leader Peter Van Loan. Van Loan said critics of Canada Post’s planned service cuts remind him of residents of a fancy Toronto neighbourhood
who complained about spending cuts that forced garbage collectors to cease coming up their driveways to pick up their trash, with Cullen calling the analogy offensive. The MP said he believes this is just the first step, expecting that government will be closing down post offices in small communities next. “I think [the government] will say there’s no immediate service or reason to check in then close down some of the offices in smaller communities,” he said.
HoW can i SPeak? All persons who believe their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw amendments may provide written comment to Mayor and Council c/o 270 City Centre, V8C 2H7; fax 250-632-4995; or e-mail to dok@kitimat.ca. To be included in the report to Mayor and Council written comment must be received by 8:30 am thursday, January 2, 2014. Written comment received up to 4:30 pm Monday, January 6 will be read before Council at the Public Hearing. You may also speak in person, or deliver written comment, to the Council Meeting on Monday, January 6 at 7:30 pm, 606 Mountainview Square. neeD More info? The bylaw, Council resolution, staff report and other background material are available for review at www.kitimat.ca and at Municipal Hall, 270 City Centre. Office hours are 8:30 am to noon and 1:00 to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays. WHo can i SPeak to? Darcy Roszell at 250-632-8910 or droszell@kitimat.ca.
10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 25, 2013 A10 www.northernsentinel.com
Wednesday, December 25, 2013 Northern Sentinel
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What the JRP says From the JRP report We recommend approval of the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project, subject to the 209 conditions set out in Volume 2 of our report. We have concluded that the project would be in the public interest. We find that the project’s potential benefits for Canada and Canadians outweigh the potential burdens and risks. We have taken a careful and precautionary approach in assessing the project. We are of the view that opening Pacific Basin markets is important to the Canadian economy and society. Societal and economic benefits can be expected from the project. We find that the environmental burdens associated with project construction and routine operation can generally be effectively mitigated. Some environmental burdens may not be fully mitigated in spite of reasonable best efforts and techniques. Continued monitoring, research, and adaptive management of these issues may lead to improved mitigation and further reduction of adverse effects. We acknowledge that this project may require some people and local communities to adapt to temporary disruptions during construction. The environmental, societal, and economic burdens of a large oil spill, while unlikely and not permanent, would be significant. Through our conditions we require Northern Gateway to implement appropriate and effective spill prevention measures and spill response capabilities, so that the likelihood and consequences of a large spill would be minimized. Pipeline spill prevention measures would include pipeline routing, design, materials, construction techniques, maintenance, and operating procedures that support the integrity of the pipelines and keep the products contained in the system. Tanker spill prevention measures would include tanker design, inspection, and maintenance, and Northern Gateway’s Tanker Accep-
tance Program, Terminal Regulations, operational limits, and the use of pilots and escort tugs. Spill response planning and capabilities would address potential scenarios and contingencies on land and water, and would be tested through live exercises. We recommend that project effects, in combination with cumulative effects, be found likely to be significant for certain populations of woodland caribou and grizzly bear. We used a precautionary approach in arriving at our view. Despite substantial mitigation proposed by Northern Gateway, there is uncertainty over the effectiveness of Northern Gateway’s proposed mitigation to control access and achieve the goal of no net gain, or net decrease, in linear feature density. We recommend that the Governor in Council find these cases of significant adverse environmental effects are justified in the circumstances. It is our view that, after mitigation, the likelihood of significant adverse environmental effects resulting from project malfunctions or accidents is very low. For all of the above reasons, we are of the view that, overall, the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project, constructed and operated in full compliance with the conditions we required, is in the Canadian public interest. We find that Canadians will be better off with this project than without it. Our recommendation takes into account the conditions we set out in Appendix 1 of Volume 2, including all commitments made by Northern Gateway during the hearing process. This conclusion reflects our consideration of the entire record of the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project proceeding, including the environmental and social effects we assessed under provisions of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. We therefore recommend to the Governor in Council that Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity incorporating our conditions be issued pursuant to the National Energy Board Act.
JRP Continued from page 2 “This does not lead anywhere good, certainly not for Enbridge or the federal government.� sais Cullen. The company meanwhile has responded to the report, saying they’ll work to meet the conditions. “From the beginning of this project, Northern Gateway has worked with one goal in mind: to access new markets by building a safer, better pipeline,� said Janet Holder, leader of the Northern Gateway Project. “The Joint Review Panel conducted the most comprehensive and science-based pipeline review in Canadian history and their report reflects the input of thousands of Canadians. Their report is an important step towards that goal.� Holder said the Northern Gateway Project team will work to meet the Joint Review Panel’s conditions. The team will also work towards meeting Premier Christy Clark’s five conditions for heavy oil pipeline develop-
from here. “We and our partners will put our best foot forward to further build trust,� he said. Meanwhile, he said the five conditions that the province of B.C. has put forward as conditions before pipeline development “are a very good path forward to ensure we’re doing everything possible that we can to make this a first class project.� “We welcome any possible input that would make the project better,� he added. The Northern Gateway Project is a proposed 1,177-km twin pipeline system and marine terminal. The proposed project would transport 525,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil for export and import 193,000 bpd of condensate. While the Sentinel had arranged to speak with Haisla Chief Councillor Ellis Ross on this decision, we were, unfortunately, not able to in time for our early deadlines, but we will have his feedback in the January 1 Northern Sentinel.
“We know that more work needs 'RQŇ‹W WDNH \RXU PXVFOHV to be done with some aboriginal IRU JUDQWHG 2YHU communities.â€?
&DQDGLDQV ZLWK PXVFXODU G\VWURSK\ WDNH WKHP YHU\ ment, of which the Panel’s recommendation is one, the comVHULRXVO\ pany said. The President of Enbridge Al Monaco said the company still has a lot of work to do and that they’re not celebrating despite the JRP’s recommendations in their favour. “We know that more work needs to be done with some aboriginal communities,� he said in a conference call with media following the announcement. While he said the company is still going through the report, he said the conditions of the recommendation is tough, but added “they should be.� Working on gaining a social license will be a focus
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12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 25, 2013
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Marlins host regional swim meet Submitted The Kitimat Marlins swim club hosted the Winter Invitational swim meet recently with teams from the Bulkley Valley, Terrace and Prince Rupert also in attendance. The Marlins had some excellent results with many new Provincial qualifiers, medalists, a pool record and many personal best times. With a strong showing from all 40 swimmers the Kitimat Marlins took first place for overall points out of the four teams in attendance. Kleanza Cathers took a silver medal for overall points in the 13-14 girls division. Along the way she cobroke the pool record in the 50 meter butterfly in the 13-14 girls. Her time of 31.58 in the event was identical to friend and competitor Avery Movold from Prince Rupert. They now both own the pool record, a rare event indeed. Brander Pacheco (15) tied for the gold medal in the 15 and over boys with Brandan Hagen (16) of the Prince Rupert Rapids. On the way he achieved his fifth and sixth AAA Provincial qualifying time in the 100 backstroke and 1500 meter freestyle. Zachary Dumas (14) took the
silver medal in the 13-14 boys division. Along the way Dumas reached his second and third AA Provincial qualifying time in the 400 meter IM and 1500 meter freestyle allowing him to compete in Chilliwack at the AA Provincial champs late February. Dumas also had the largest one swim improvement, a whopping three minute and 23 second improvement in the event. He also swam personal best times in all seven of his events. Adrianna Florit (9) took the silver medal in the 10 and under girls division. Gabriel Lamarre (12) took the bronze medal in the 11-12 boys division. Ewan Thomopoulos (9) took the bronze medal in the 10 and under boys division. All three swimmers also did the tough task of swimming personal best times in all 7 of their events. Also taking medals were Robyn Alderman (17) silver in the
15 and over girls and Madison Szmata (12) in the 11-12 girls division. Three other swimmers also made their first AA Provincial qualifying times and will join Dumas in Chilliwack for AA Provincial Champs. They were Hannah Pearson (11) qualified in 11 and under girls 200 meter backstroke, 200 and 400 IM. Leah Desousa (11) qualified in 11 and under girls 50 meter freestyle, 100 and 200 meter backstroke. Ethan Velho (13) qualified in the 12-13 boys 100 and 200 backstroke. Other swimmers with the Marlins that achieved personal best times in all of their races were Angus Bathe (9), Archie Bathe (7), Laurence Boucher (13), Leah Desousa (11), Hayden Dobbin (14), Alexis Florit (8), Gabriel Lamarre (12), Vanessa Lamarre (13), Ethan Manseau (7), Hannah Pearson (11), Faith Silva (7), Jaeden
Silvestre (11), Marianne Tremblay (11) and Ethan Velho (13).
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