Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal, December 26, 2013

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B e s t W i s h e s f o r a h a p p y, h e a l t h y 2 0 1 4 f r o m T h e J o u r n a l


Volume 120 No 52 PM # 400121123


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Serving Clinton, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Savona, Walhachin and surrounding areas Since 1895

$1.30 includes GST

Special Delivery Ashcroft Elementary School collected food for the Food Bank during the school’s 12 Days of Giving food drive campaign. Ms. M. Marlow’s K/1 and Ms. C. Marlow’s 4/5 students delivered the food to the South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry office with the help of Fire Chief Brian Henderson. The students enjoyed cookies and hot chocolate at the Ashcroft Fire Hall after their food delivery.

May your holiday season be filled with peace and serenity, and may the New Year hold wonderful surprises. Season’s greetings from all of us at


78195 50011


Enbridge approved with conditions by Tom Fletcher, Black Press A federal environmental review panel has recommended Enbridge’s Northern Gateway heavy oil pipeline can proceed if 209 conditions on environmental protection are met. After 18 months of submissions from experts and the public, the National Energy Board Joint Review Panel concluded the benefits of a twin pipeline from northern Alberta to a proposed tanker facility at Kitimat outweigh the risks. Its two-volume report was released Thursday in Calgary. “The environmental, societal and economic burdens of a large oil spill, while unlikely and not permanent, would be significant,” the panel concluded in its report. “Through our conditions we require Northern Gateway to implement appropriate and effective spill prevention measures and spill response capabilities, so that the likelihood and consequences of a large spill would be minimized.” The panel said there would be significant effect on some populations of woodland caribou and grizzly bear, and uncertainty remains over the effectiveness of Enbridge’s plans to minimize the disruption the pipeline would cause. Conditions include protection plans for whales and other marine mammals, measures to protect caribou and other land animals and development of methods to track and deal with diluted bitumen spills. Federal Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver reiterated his position that “no energy project will be approved unless it is safe for Canadians and safe for the environment.” The federal cabinet must make a final decision on federal permits for the project by July 2014. B.C. Environment Minister Mary Polak said approval by the federal panel meets one of its five conditions, but doesn’t change the province’s position against the pipeline until its other four are met. They include satisfying legal obligations to consult and accommodate aboriginal communities and developing “world leading” safety and spill response on land and at sea. “Now we have Alberta’s agreement for the five conditions, the federal government is talking about the importance of weighing the environment in the balance, and even Enbridge is talking about the importance of the environment in this equation,” Polak said.

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Thursday, December 26, 2013 The Journal


ChurCh DireCtory ZION UNITED

Sunday Worship 10:50 am

401 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC • 250-453-9511 •

United Church of Canada Lay Worship Leader: Reta Robertson SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10 am KIDZ MONDAY SCHOOL: 3:30 pm

St. Alban’s

501 Brink St, Ashcroft ~ 250-453-9909

Anglican Church of Canada Christmas Eve Service 7:00 p.m. December 24th REV. DAN HINES OR DEACON LOIS PETTY

Cache Creek Pentecostal Church Christ Centered People Centered 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. Phone 250-457-6463 Pastor David Murphy Worship and Sermon commences at 10 a.m. Everyone welcome

Coming Events

Dec. 24th - Zion United Church Service of Lessons and Carols; 7 PM All welcome. Pastor Alice Watson presiding. Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve service with the Reverend Dan Hines at St. Alban’s Anglican Church, Ashcroft. 7:00pm. Jan. 7th - Zion UCW meets in Church Hall, 401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft at 2 PM. A warm welcome awaits all interested women.

ROCKIN’ & TALKIN’ Clinton Seniors Association

Jan. 13 - The next Cache Creek Council meeting will be held at 7 pm in the Village Office. Everyone welcome.

Zee Chevalier

Jan. 31 - New Year’s Eve Dance in Spences Bridge! Every Friday - Soup’s On from 11 am to 1 pm at St. Alban’s Anglican Church in Ashcroft. Soup, buns and dessert by donation. Wednesdays 8-10 pm - Drop In Adult Badminton in Cache Creek Community Hall. Bring a racquet and gym shoes, $3 per night. Call Rick for information 250-457-9644 (days) or 250-457-2370 (evenings). Add your community events to our online calendar at

Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion FRI., DEC. 27th • 6:30 - 8:00 pm HOT ROAST BEEF SANDWICH WITH MOJOS $10/plate

MEAT DRAW Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm Crib every Thursday at 7:00 pm Darts every Thursday at 7:30 pm * Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre, first & third Sunday of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Contract Bridge, beginners welcome Every Wednesday 3:00 to 5:00 pm Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August) Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 5 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm


Time out from trying to do it all Happy New Year, dear Readers! Hope you are all having a good holiday season with family and friends. A new year - what will it bring? It is up to each and every one of us to make it the best year ever in so many ways. Our 150/50 anniversary year of celebration has ended and we’ll venture forth cherishing fond memories of a fun, busy time. Last year I came across an interesting little book titled Meditations For Women Who Do Too Much by Anne Wilson Schaef. The author recognizes that women who do too much would not take much time for meditation (and probably usually take none!) so she tried to make each meditation brief. Even so, I did not get the entire book read and I’m going to try again! There is a meditation for each day of the year. Each day begins with a timely quote which is followed by a meditation and ends with a few words for the day. Shaef writes “Most women would not deSee ROCKIN’ on p. 6

Sixteen people were in attendance to honour Grace Erickson as she received her award on Dec. 17 at the Ashcroft RCMP Detachment. Pictured above are (L-R): S/Sgt. Major Ross Van DenBrink, C/Supt. Mike Sekela (District Officer), and Cst. Patti Evans.

Erickson recognized with Unpaid Second Man award Grace A. Erickson, wife of Sergeant (Rtd.) Myron Erickson, was honoured in a public ceremony at the Ashcroft RCMP Detachment last week. The Unpaid Second Man award was created in 2010, with over 450 RCMP wives from across Canada having received the award to date with over one third of those in BC. The Unpaid Second Man award acknowledges the support and voluntary duties that they provided to the RCMP and the communities in which they and their families were posted to. Throughout the 50’s and up into the 80’s, many of these isolated posts had members living quarters attached to the detachment and

Police Telephone #s Ashcroft 250-453-2216

Lytton 250-455-2225

Clinton 250-459-2221

Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)

as a result many duties fell to the wife while their spouses attended to calls or were absent from the office while out on regular patrols. Myron Erickson served in Tuktoyaktuk NWT from 1972-1973, and Fort Rae NWT from 19731975 with his wife, Grace, and their family. Grace answered the phone, took complaints from people who came to her door. Scrubbed blood from her door step the next morning. She would go to bed at night with the radio on her pillow afraid to sleep in case she did not hear a call for help. She did all of this while raising two small children. Retired Sgt. A. Harold Clark and Mrs. Ruth Lee Knight authored books that described the dedicated efforts of some of these women. The books titled, The Unpaid Second Man and When the Second Man was a Woman chronicled the hardships, dedication and sacrifices that these women made to support the RCMP and served as the catalyst to these awards.

The Journal Thursday, December 26, 2013


Smart Meters in 99% of homes by Tom Fletcher, Black Press BC Hydro’s imposition of manual meter reading fees has persuaded most holdouts to accept a wireless smart meter. BC Hydro imposed a $35 monthly fee starting Dec. 1 for customers who refuse to part with their mechanical electricity meters, after offering the 68,000 customers who still had them the option of accepting the new meter with the radio transmission function on or off. BC Hydro reported the results this week to the B.C. Utilities Commission (BCUC), which is reviewing the fees. More than 48,000 customers chose the smart meter to avoid the meter reading fee. Another 450 chose the radio-off meter, which comes with a $100 setup fee and $20 a month starting April 1 to cover costs of collecting readings. BC Hydro reports that 99 per cent of its customers now have the wireless meter. Most of those have been switched to automated billing, and have their daily electricity use displayed on their online account pages. Claims of health effects from wireless meter transmissions have been rejected by health authorities, and also by the BCUC in a review of FortisBC’s wireless meter program. BCUC found that the radio frequency signal from a bank of smart meters is less than 10 per cent of the natural background level, and a tiny fraction of the exposure from a cellular phone. Citizens for Safe Technology, one of the more active opponents of the wireless grid, was represented at the FortisBC hearings by Donald Maisch. BCUC rejected Maisch’s claims of health hazards, noting that Maisch’s “consulting livelihood depends on public fears and concerns about radio frequency exposure.”

Lions make a difference locally through their fundraising The Ashcroft & District Lions Club donated $250 to the Food Bank, with $250 more to follow. This money was raised by the participants of Skip’s Run this past year. Lion Skip Stuart was a strong supporter of both the Food Bank and Christmas Hampers. Presenting the cheque to Yoriko Susanj at E. Fry are Lion President Nick Lebedoff, Lions Vivian Edwards and Mo Girard. Our Lions club plans on donating over $16,000 this coming year, mostly to support local causes. If you would like to be a part of this organization please call Vivian at 453-9077 or Nick at 453-2664. We work hard and we have lots of fun, too.

Hospital District approves budget

United Way donation goes a long way Ashcroft Communities in Bloom got a great start to the new year with a $2,000 cheque from the United Way. United Way representative, and Ashcroft teacher, Debi Hamson (left) with Ashcroft CiB members (L-R): Paulette Thille, Andrea Walker, Ina Gory and Doreen Ronquist. Ashcroft won the federal Communities in Bloom competition this year for its population size.

The Thompson Regional Hospital District Board of Directors has approved the 2014 Provisional Budget at its Dec. 13 meeting in Kamloops. Total expenditures for 2014 have been budgeted at $18.6 million, which is up approximately $1.5 million from 2013. Included in the 2014 expenditures is partial funding for the Clinical Services Building at Royal Inland Hospital along with provisions for capital projects, minor equipment and carry forward projects. The 2014 residential tax rate for the TRHD will increase an average of $21 per residential household assessment, up to $127 from $106 in 2013. The increase in the tax rate is part of a strategy to build up a down-payment towards the construction of RIH’s Clinical Services Building and Parkade, and the Surgical Tower. These two projects are expected to cost approximately $400 million. The TRHD also approved a bylaw for costsharing ($774,356 of $1,935,890) with Interior Health Authority (IHA) for minor equipment in facilities within Kamloops (RIH), Ashcroft, Barriere, Chase, Clearwater, Lillooet, Logan Lake, Lytton and Merritt. Each fall IHA presents a list of minor equipment with which they would like to cost share with the TRHD at 40 per cent. Submitted

A 4 Published every Thursday in Ashcroft by Black Press Ltd. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber

The Editor’s Desk

Thursday, December 26, 2013 The Journal




Christmas is about who you know I’ve been thinking about Christmas for the past little while, as we all have, thinking about the best gift I ever received and what made it so good. Most of the really exciting presents seemed to come when I was a child: an Easy Bake Oven (which I promptly cut my finger on), a sled, an Etch-A-Sketch, Play Doh, slinkies, a second hand saxophone.... And actually, the best present by far was my two kitties, Rusty and Ginger, given to me by Tool Man when they were kittens. I don’t advocate giving animals as gifts at all, but in this case, I asked for a kitten (he insists that I asked for two!) and I knew what I was asking for. They arrived on Christmas Eve 2009, and now Christmas is also a time to celebrate the anniversary of their arrival. Still, most gifts are given and forgotten shortly afterwards, in my memory. Everyone of us is different, but what seems to make a Christmas memorable are the people in it. I can’t remember what I got for Christmas, but I remember going from tree lot to tree lot with my family to pick out a Christmas tree. I remember aunts and uncles and cousins all over the house and the volume of more than a dozen conversations and games being played. I remember our big old oak dining room table (it sat six with ease) jammed with food on Christmas Eve turkey and ham, pickles, buns, deserts (apparently our cat, in those days, was much better behaved than the brats I’ve raised, who would raid the unprotected food before we knew they were there - all she ever did was eat the tinsel off the tree). I remember travelling to see Grandma every Christmas Day. She lived in a town that was a 90 minute drive for us. And her Christmas dinners are another story all in themselves, but her oatmeal cookies were the absolute best! No contest. And sadly, no recipe. In the evening, we would travel the almost empty highway and look at the Christmas lights on the distant farm houses. Christmas presents come and go, but the love of family and friends and the memories that it creates live forever. It’s not what you get for Christmas, it’s who you know and who you share it with.

RACCOON TRACKS in Cache Creek VICTORIA – One of Canada’s great entrepreneurial success stories in recent years is WestJet, the Calgary-based airline that is expanding across the country and taking on European routes. Clive Beddoe, the founding CEO of Westjet, was famous for helping the cabin crew tidy up the plane before getting off a flight. And the company is also known for its profit-sharing program, with all employees referred to as “owners” who have a stake in the success of the operation. I thought of this management approach when news emerged that the B.C. government was offering public service unions a new kind of contract, with a five-year term and wage increases tied to improved economic growth. The surprising thing is that unions are accepting the idea, even though provincial growth must exceed the government’s independent economic forecast council projections before it can take effect in a given year. The generally non-militant Health Sciences Association was the first to recommend acceptance of a five-year agreement with only 5.5 per cent raises guaranteed. Then they were joined by negotiators for 51,000 health and social services employees, represented by the B.C. Government Employees’ Union and other unions that have long been adversaries of the B.C. Liberals. John Fryer, negotiator for the BCGEU going back to the epic battles with Social Credit governments and

crement wage growth, but it’s a big change, and I hope we can continue to build on it.” From an employee perspective, it is indeed modest. If real gross domestic product increases one per cent beyond the independent foreTom Fletcher cast used in the provincial budget, employees get an additional half of one per cent raise for that year. Contrast this labour relations development with what’s happening on the federal scene. A classic now a professor at University of Vicconfrontation is brewing between toria, wasn’t impressed when he heard the Harper government and the Public the news. Service Alliance of Canada. “These deals reflect what happens A key dispute is over sick days, when public sector unions back the los- which the government estimates are ing party in a provincial election,” he averaging 18 a year. PSAC currentsaid. “Union bargaining power takes a ly has 15 “bankable” sick days a year, trip down the pooper.” which the union president refers to as a I think there’s more than that going “negotiated right.” on. Perhaps today’s union leadership It takes me back to my first union is beginning to accept that its wage, job, where I was warned never to take benefit and pension arrangements look just one sick day. We negotiated for two pretty good compared to the harsh real- at a time, so always take two, the union ity of private businesses competing in a rep told me. Implicit in this is the mindglobal economy. set that employees should give as little I asked Premier Christy Clark if this and take as much as possible. new approach is inspired by privateLooking through my files each Desector profit sharing. She agreed that is cember for the B.C. story of the year, I the model. consider what is likely to matter five or “I think that’s a great principle for 10 years from now. all of us to work from,” Clark said. This partnership approach to build“Until now, the growth of public sec- ing the provincial economy is my pick tor wages has been completely insu- for 2013. lated from changes in the private sector. And this is the first time we’ve ever Tom Fletcher is legislature reporbeen able to successfully link those two ter and columnist for Black Press. things. At this point it’s still a small in-


Here’s the Big Idea of 2013





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A division of Black Press Est. 1895

402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625


Terry Daniels


Wendy Coomber


Anne Blake


Barbara Roden

Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

The Journal Thursday, December 26, 2013


TNRD bylaw limits medical grow ops The countryside is quiet out here in December and one could be tempted to think that nothing is moving. Snow has been falling in small skiffs all month, leaving a fresh cloth each morning to check out who has been walking around my yard. It is fresh, yes, but not so clean and just slightly trampled. One of the things I like to do with young children is to take them out first thing in the morning to look at the tracks in the fresh snow and to follow to see where the animal came from and where it went. First thing we do is try to identify what the animal was. We have great fun with the big and small deer tracks, cat tracks and dog prints. Sometimes the deer leave other calling cards as well which also are of interest to city children. Steller’s and Grey jays leave not only footprints but also wing prints in the snow, like beautiful relief sculptures. Some things that might first be mistaken for tracks turn out to be little bits of snow and ice that have fallen off the limb of a big tree above – knocked off by some bird or the wind. Among the most remarkable tracks are the deep trails that the squirrels make from their favourite trees to the feeders and back again. They keep the ground bare along these paths. My favourite track is the pattern made in the snow by grouse – they walk a straight line and the prints suggest some kind of quilting stitch on the white snow. One day recently we saw a beautiful fox carrying his breakfast off down to the creek bottom area. From where I was standing it looked like he was carrying a dead cat or a rabbit in his mouth. It is not often foxes are sighted here so it was a rare treat and also a warning to cat owners to

joke. Here’s the picture I see – a small baby is wracked with Barbara Hendricks over 100 brain seizures every keep their pets indoors. I don’t know what a fox would do with day and Canadians doctors can a very small dog but I wouldn’t do nothing for her. She is limp want to risk that either. Foxes are and almost comatose all day and good hunters and predators. The her future is dismal. The family sighting gave also an explana- moves to the US where she is tion for some cries I have heard treated by a medicinal extract down in the forested area over of a specific variety of cannabis and the seizures pretty well stop the past while. – maximum of one a day. The On the TNRD front, the baby is now bright, active, thrivregional government has passed ing and her future looks good. It a zoning bylaw amendment to only takes one baby like this to prohibit licensed medical ma- convince me. It is a shame that rijuana growers to grow medic- Canadian families have to move al marijuana on agricultural land to the US to save their baby’s smaller than 8 ha., whereas a fa- life. There are forms of cannacility for growing medical marijuana can be established on in- bis that do not give the high that dustrial land of 4 ha. (10 acres). druggies are looking for but do If you have a 10 acre lot in the work well as medicine for brain ALR you will be prohibited from seizures, epilepsy and other growing this medicinal herb but similar illnesses. In other if you have 10 acres in an indus- countries, the medically eftrial area you can grow it. They fective compounds are exhave done this very quietly, tracted from the herb and without making any real effort then administered as medito inform the property owners cine – even to babies. No who are affected by the zoning smoking, no high – just reamendment. Growing herbs, last lief from seizures and pain. I looked, was an agricultural ac- How very civilized; well tivity. Health Canada has estab- too civilized for Canada lished some very restrictive li- and the TNRD, it appears. censing regulations on medic- Canada has ignored, for the al marijuana growing operations most, investigating these to come into effect early next positive medicinal aspects year and this will greatly reduce of the herb and has relied the likelihood of the product be- on big expensive pharmaing redirected to the illegal drug ceutical drugs that are hormarket. The proposed TNRD by ribly addictive as alternalaw is discriminatory and based tives to deal with illnesson a very uninformed and out- es and unbearable pain that dated attitude toward the legal are treated with cannabis production of medicinal canna- extracts elsewhere – and in bis under controlled conditions. some cases there is nothing Many people smirk and else available that works. Looking to simple herbthink of medical marijuana only as something one smokes to get al remedies, grown locally, a high, and that the whole issue could be one way to reduce of medical use is some kind of the spiralling cost of med-



Expert of the Week

ical care that governments are level of government in rural always complaining about. It is areas and not to take from the time we took a serious look at rural areas to subsidize activities growing all kinds of medicinal in towns and cities. herbs here in the TNRD, and the There are currently many 10 regional district should be look- acre lots of ALR land that are ing at ways to support farmers agriculturally unproductive and in growing herbs for medicine do not contribute in any to the rather than prohibiting it. We local economy. An economically all pay for a film commission viable agricultural product that based on the argument that it could be grown intensively on gives support to an important in- 10 acres should be seen as an opdustry and adds to the economy portunity for economic developof the region. Well, to the cities ment rather than prohibiting it. and towns in the TNRD anyway. It is clear that the TNRD adminOne look at the map of film loSee LOON LAKE on p. 12 cations in the TNRD shows how the film commission fails to promote rural areas as possible locaMerry Christmas & Happy tions. The map New Year to my Furry Friends of locations foland their People from lows Hwy 1 to Sagebrush Pet Parlour Kamloops. Once again I point out that the TNRD’s Debbie mandate is to provide a first

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Thursday, December 26, 2013 The Journal


A 6 Call Terry at 250-453-2261 for the best advertising in town or email her at

SAVE Semlin Valley $ 55! Golf Course

2014 Golf Memberships are on sale now Early Bird Memberships available for $740 + GST until December 31, 2013 For more info please call Brian Henderson: 250-453-2385 (leave message) Great Christmas present for yourself or your spouse!

The Kinsmen Club of souTh Cariboo wishes to thank the hundreds of area residents who made our 2013 “Turkey bingo” such a success. We also want to thank our very generous sponsors listed below for donations (items for door prizes, cash donations, or discounts on purchases). We could not have done this without all of you. Amsterdam Restaurant (Kam.) Anie’s Pizza & Bakery (C.C.) Arrow Transport (Ash.) ASC Automotive (Boston Flats) Ashcroft Bakery & Coffee Shop Ashcroft Dental Clinic (Dr. Habeeb) Ashcroft IRLY Tim-BR-Mart/The Source Ashcroft Journal Ashcroft River Inn Ashcroft Riverside Restaurant Ashcroft Wellness Studio (Wendy Wiebe, Brittley Cadwell, & Heidi McCall) Ashcroft Work Wear/Sears Associated Electrical Services (Ash.) Bear’s Claw Lodge (C.C.) Bob & Jeannine Nishiguchi Bonaparte Motel (C.C.) Cache Creek Machine Shop Ltd. Cache Creek Recreation Committee Cache Creek Veterinary Hospital (Dr. Quinn Gavaga, DVM) Canada Post (Ash.) Canada’s Best Value Inn – Desert Inn (C.C.) Canadian Tire (Aberdeen, Kam.) Cariboo Jade & Gifts (C.C.) Chum’s Restaurant (C.C.) Coach Trill (Vicky Trill) (Ash.) Copper Canyon Chevron/A&W (C.C.) Costco Canada (Kam.) Dairy Queen (C.C.) Desert Hills Ranch (Ash.) Fields (Ash.) Fresh is Best Salsa & Company (Kam.) Friendship Auto Service Ltd. (Ash.) Full Circle Massage & Reiki (Ash.) Gold Country Communities Society (C.C.) Great Canadian Superstore (Kam.) Grubstake Foodmart (C.C.) Heartland Family Restaurant (C.C.) Highland Valley Copper (Logan Lake) Home Hardware Building Centre (Kam.) Hungry Herbie’s Restaurant (C.C.) Husky House Restaurant (C.C.) Interior Savings Insurance Services (Ash.) Jo Petty, Artist (Ash.) John Bundus & Son (Ash.) Junction Shell (C.C.) Kal-Tire (C.C.) Kamloops Blazers Hockey Club Kamloops Daily News

Launie’s Nails & Esthetics (Ash.) London Drugs (Kam.) Lordco Auto Parts (C.C.) Mesa Chiropractic (Dr. James Kendall) (Ash.) Nature’s Gift (Ash.) NL Broadcasting Ltd. – Radio NL 610/The River 97.5/Country 103 (Kam.) North End Petro-Canada (C.C.) Oasis Hotel & Pub (C.C.) OK Stop (Ash.) Pattison Broadcasting: CFJC-TV/CKBZ-FM (B-100)/CIFM-FM (CIFM 98.3) (Kam.) People’s Drug Mart (Ash.) Quality Glass/Tirecraft (Ash.) RBC Royal Bank (C.C.) ReMax Golden Country Real Estate (Ash.) Return-It Bottle Depot (Ash.) Revelations Hair & Nails (Ash.) Rivertown Auto Detailing (Ash.) Robbie’s Motel (C.C.) Rolgear Manufacturing (Ash.) Royal-LePage Ashcroft Realty (Hedda Hall) (Ash.) Safety Mart Foods (Ash.) Safeway (Kam.) Save-On Foods (Kam.) Semlin Valley Golf Club (C.C.) Star House Chinese Restaurant (C.C.) Steve & Heather Aie Family Subway (C.C.) Sundance Guest Ranch (Ash.) Sundowner Motel (C.C.) Super Suds Laundry (C.C.) T.W. Dynamic Enterprises (C.C.) The Barber Shop (Ash.) Thompson Valley Funeral Home (Ash.) Trackside Diner (Ash.) Trimac (Kam.) Tumbleweed Motel (C.C.) United Steel Workers - Local #7619 (Dist. 3 – Highland Valley Copper) Village of Cache Creek Wal-Mart Canada (Kam.) Wastech (C.C.) Western Canada Theatre (Kam.) WRAPS (Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society) YourLink Inc. (Copper Valley Cable) Zimmer-Wheaton Buick/GMC (Kam.)

A very Smiley Christmas MLA Jackie Tegart (right) hosted a Christmas Open House at her office in Ashcroft last week. Among the many friends and supporters who showed up were Bob Tuohey and Sandy Butler.

Time is a precious commodity for us fine themselves as workaholics but there are many of us who do too much, keep too busy, spend all our time taking care of others, and, in general do not take care of ourselves. Many of us have crossed over the line to compulsive, addictive self-defeating behaviour and need to make major changes in our lives.” Her Jan. 1 entry is titled Rushing/ Frenzy - “We women who do too much find the ending of an old year and the beginning of a new year to be a difficult time. There is always the temptation to try to “tidy up’ all the loose ends as the old year closes. We fall into that trap of believing that it is possible to get our entire life ‘caught up’ before starting a new year, and we are determined to do it. Also, there is the temptation to set up an elaborate set of resolutions for the coming year so that we can, at last, GET IT RIGHT. As workaholics, we tend to be very hard on ourselves: nothing less than perfection is enough. Hopefully, on this Rockin’ from p. 2

first day of the year, we will be able to remember that we are perfect just as we are. Hope for the willingness to live this year in a way that will be gentle to day at a time.” New Year’s resolution is to read the book through, gain inspiration and try never to confuse motion with action. Along the same lines, Lisa M. Petsche tells us that “People who care for loved ones with frail health typically have many responsibilities. There don’t seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done, let alone get time with other important people in their life and tend to their own needs. It’s not surprising that the gift caregivers value most is the gift of time; time to attend to their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs to help keep the inherent stress of caregiving manageable. If you’re a caregiver, consider personal time a need, not a luxury, and resolve to make it an ongoing gift to yourself. Don’t wait for the new year to get started!

Clinton Seniors Association members will enjoy a couple of quiet months before the next important event. The Daffodil Tea is March 6 and by then we’ll all have had enough of cold and snow and be looking forward to Spring and green grass and new growth. Meanwhile, Cards and Games go on at the Seniors Centre 217 Smith Avenue, every Monday at 1 pm. The more people who attend, the greater variety of games can be played. Plan to attend for coffee and a couple of hours of fellowship. The next regular General meeting will be held Jan. 16 following lunch at the Seniors Centre. New members are welcome! Annual membership fees are $15. Happy Birthday to Aldea Chastenay on Jan. 5. You be the judge! Hervey Allan said, “The only time you really live fully is from 30 to 60. The young are slaves to dreams; the old servants of regrets. Only the middle-aged have all their five senses in the keeping of their wits.”

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The Journal Thursday, December 26, 2013


For news items or events, call Wendy at 250-453-2261 for or email her at

Season’s Greetings The Journal will be closed December 21st - 26th, Open December 27th. Regular hours resume December 30th, (closed New Years Day) The Dec. 26th issue will be publishing Dec. 24th - ad deadline Dec. 18th at 3:00 p.m. Ad deadline for the Jan. 2nd issue is Dec. 20th at 3:00 p.m.

402 4th St. • 250-453-2261

Community groups welcome United Way funding Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society was the recipient of two donations from the United Way: $6,100 for new equipment and $1,125 for next year’s Kids Camp. United Way representative Debi Hamson (left) with WRAPS members (Back, L-R): Nancy Duchaine, Jessica Clement and Alice, and Barbara Roden, and “Kids” (Front, L-R): Sierra Duncan, Gabrielle Lachapelle and Kaeli Rodrique.

CHRISTMAS ANNOUNCEMENTS OFFICE CLOSURE AND GARBAGE COLLECTION The Village Office will be closed from noon on Tuesday, December 24th, 2013 until 8:00 am Thursday, January 2nd, 2014. There will be no changes to the Tuesday or Friday regular garbage collection schedule - please ensure that your garbage is at the curb by 8:00 am. The TNRD Building Inspector will be in Ashcroft on Tuesday, December 24th. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, January 7th, 2014. Please call the TNRD office directly at 1-877-377-8673 if you have any questions regarding inspections. 2013 TAX & UTILITY PAYMENTS Payments on 2013 tax and utility accounts must be received in our office by 4:00 pm, Thursday, January 2nd, 2014 to avoid 2013 penalties and interest. Payments received on or after January 3rd, 2014 will be applied against applicable penalties and interest charges. SORRY, POSTMARKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED AS DATE OF PAYMENT. 2014 LICENCES 2014 Dog Licences and Commercial Vehicle decals will go on sale Friday, January 3rd, 2014. They will not be sold on Thursday, January 2nd, 2014. Business Licence renewal notices will be mailed out the first part of January. ARENA HOURS OF OPERATION The Drylands Arena will be closed on December 24, 25, 26, 27 & 31st as well as January 1st, 2014. However we are pleased to offer free public skating on December 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 & 30th & January 2nd from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Regular arena scheduling resumes on Friday, January 3rd, 2014. Please call the arena at 250-4539545 to confirm schedule. 2014 COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE

Christmas music with enthusiasm and heart Piano Teacher Carmen Ranta and her students gave a Winter Recital to the Extended Care residents in Ashcroft last weekend. L-R: Gaurangi Benner Tapia, Bonnie Chen,(back) Emmet Moody, Isabel Moody, Breanna Grimshire, Sequoia Smiley, Cheyenne Weins, Khiara Archibald, and Natasha Grimshire

Copies of the Village of Ashcroft Council meetings for 2014 are available at the Village office during regular office hours or can be viewed on our website at www.ashcroftbc. ca/council_meeting_schedule Mayor Anderson, Council and Staff wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy holiday season!!

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We will always love her ON A BRIGHTER NOTE LORI WELBOURNE Our beautiful mother died unexpectedly last week. I’ve wept over that first sentence for at least half an hour before finally writing this second one. My head and heart are overflowing with so many thoughts and emotions I’m not sure where to begin, except to say that we loved her more than she would ever know.

Susan Ann Hetherington was her birth name, and at the age of 17 she became pregnant with me. She married her childhood sweetheart, our father, immediately after they graduated from high school. Two and a half years after I was born, she gave birth to my brother and best friend, Jeremie White. From the beginning


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Thursday, December 26, 2013 The Journal

ARIES - Thanks to the chilly weather, a beach vacation beckons you, Aries. Start planning an excursion to a warm locale that allows you to escape the daily grind. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 A sporting event or something that draws a large crowd is just where you need to be this week, Taurus. Surround yourself with people who share your interests. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Give an issue in your relationship the consideration it merits, Gemini. Though it might not seem like it now, taking time to work this out will ultimately strengthen your relationship. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, the final stages of a project you have been working on are ready begin. Don’t be afraid to take credit when all of your hard work pays off in a big way. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Obligations to work and family leave you short on personal time, Leo. Though your schedule is hectic, make time to unwind and you will be glad for having done so. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 It may take a while to convince someone to go along with your idea, Virgo. Yet once you have this person’s support, they will be fully on board. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 You may have been bouncing around aimlessly for some time, Libra. But now is the week to get all of your affairs together and put your plan for the future in motion. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Restlessness can sometimes be a dangerous thing for you, Scorpio. Channel any restlessness into a worthy project that makes good use of your boundless energy. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, make the best of a situation that needs changing. You might not be able to affect change, but that does not mean you can’t improve the situation with a positive attitude. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Perceptions vary, Capricorn. Just because you feel strongly about something doesn’t mean another will view it the same way. Accept that your passion will not always be reciprocated. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, even though it will be a busy week, you aren’t likely to feel wiped out. There will still be time for fun. Figure out a day to do something enjoyable. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, you are torn between being creative and following convention at work. Ask a colleague for some input.

she made it her life’s mission to be the best wife and mother imaginable, and her efforts were noticeable to everyone who knew us. She was a fantastic cook, a wonderful homemaker, and it was obvious that she loved us deeply. To the outside world, we seemed to be a happy and healthy family - and initially,

we were. None of us had any inkling that a dark mental illness would creep in and eventually destroy our beloved mother’s life, along with the majority of her most cherished relationships. Mom was loving, sensitive and deeply compassionate, but for whatever reason, she was a tortured soul and suffered

from an invisible sickness that we couldn’t see, but we could certainly feel. To neighbors, friends and strangers she was calm and kind, but with us, her temperament was wildly unpredictable When we realized she needed psychological help, we tried to get it for her, but she would fervently reject the idea every time. She was mortified by the thought that anyone might think she had a mental health issue, and categorically denied the possibility. Her verbal abuse became increasingly frequent as the years went by, and her illness not only went undiagnosed and untreated, but was exacerbated by alcohol, prescription pills and an overall neglect of her physical well-being. It’s been intensely sad not to have the close relationship with her that we craved as much as she did. Her untimely death has been devastating since we never stopped loving her, and we never gave up hope that her tragic quality of life, and our weakened connections with her, would improve. But we simply ran out of time. At the young age of 65 her lungs gave out and she died peacefully in her sleep. It still doesn’t feel real. Our mother adored Christmas and she loved to give presents. On her behalf, and in her honour, I would like to offer this reminder as a gift for anyone who needs to hear it: mental health is the absolute foundation for physical health, and we should never feel shame when seeking help for either. We love you so much, Mom, and we always will. Rest in peace beautiful angel – you touched countless people throughout your life, and your story is already helping others to heal. Lori Welbourne is a syndicated columnist. She can be contacted at

The Journal Thursday, December 26, 2013


Clinton in 2013 - a Year of Celebrating the past STRIKING A BALANCE

2014 Thompson-Nicola Regional District Board of Directors Regular Meetings

Susan Swan

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Clinton – 2013 Review This past year has been an exciting one in Clinton in more ways than one. Yes, it was the 150th anniversary of the naming of Clinton and the 50th anniversary of being incorporated as a Village, but there were lots of other successes to celebrate. January MP Cathy McLeod visited Clinton on Jan. 25 to announce that the Village application to the Gas Tax Funding for $2.45 million for a water system upgrade was approved. The funding would cover 100 per cent of the upgrade costs. The 150/50 Committee was formed and held the kick off event for the year, a Free Family Skate on Jan. 20. The Village of Clinton entered the Communities in Bloom National Competition for the first time. February Many Clinton residents enjoyed the long weekend that resulted from BC declaring the second Monday of February as Family Day. On Feb. 25 at a special reception prior to the regular council meeting Marcia Begin was named as the 2012 Citizen of the Year. March On March 1 the Canadian Pickers filmed an episode at the Clinton Emporium. It aired on Sept. 9. The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal was awarded to RCL #194 Life Member Alex Wallner on March 11 for her contributions and dedication to her country and the Legion. April The Clinton & District Economic Development Society hosted a well-attended All Candidates Forum for the candidates running in the Provincial election. May During Clinton’s Western Heritage Week a Stage Coach and Wagon Display was organized by Doug Carnegie and installed on his lot across from the Village Office as a special addition to the 150/50 celebration. Whispering Pines Clinton Indian Band provided displays to the museum to commemorate Aboriginal Awareness Week (May 27-31). An Aboriginal photo board was a popular attraction through out the summer. Clinton Communities in Bloom Committee held their first Seedy Sunday. June The Clinton Communities in

January February March April May June July August September October November December

16 and 30 20 13 and 27 17 8 and 22 19 17 21 – Out of Town, location TBA 18 9 and 23 6 and 20 11 – at 7:00 pm

Bloom Committee was successful in getting a $2,500 grant from BC Citizen of the Year Marcia Begin (middle) with Sandi Burrage and Mayor Jim Rivett on Feb. 25. Hydro/ Trees Canada for purchasing trees and Land Act: shrubs. Notice of Intention to Apply for a The CiB Committee introduced the Funky Flowerpot Contest, enDisposition of Crown Land couraging people to plant things that are not normally thought of as Take notice that Village of Cache Creek from Cache Creek flower pots or containers. BC has applied to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural June 6 marked the anniversary Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Kamloops, for a lease for a Solid Waste and Recycling Residential Drop Off facility of the naming of Clinton. Volunsituated on Provincial Crown land located within the remainder teers in period costume with assistof Section 18, Twp. 21, Rge 24, W6M, Kamloops Division Yale ance of flaggers, RCMP and emerDistrict (KDYD). gency response vehicles stopped The Lands File for this application is 3412852. Written traffic for a two-hour period and comments concerning this application should be directed to handed out information packages, the Senior Land Officer, Kamloops, MFLNRO, at 441 Columbia Street Kamloops. Comments will be received by MFLNRO up commemorative pins, t-shirts, etc. to January 11, 2014. MFLNRO may not be able to consider They then moved to the Memorcomments received after this date. Please visit our website ial Hall for historical displays and for more information. a presentation by David Stoddart School students. Birthday cake Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be was enjoyed by all. considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Ministry of Forests, A well-organized bike rodeo, Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ Office in Kamloops. another 150/50 event was held on June 15 in Reg Conn Centennial Park. STAKING OF UNSURVEYED CROWN LAND July Where the land is unsurveyed or is part of a surveyed 5. The sidelines for unsurveyed foreshore shall, as a The first of the ‘Music in the parcel, an applicant is required to identify the land by general rule, be laid out at right angles to the general Park’ series was held on July 6th the process of staking. trend of the shore. This may be varied to suit special highlighting local talent. This was conditions, but encroachment on the foreshore Staking is done by attaching the hard copy of the fronting adjoining lands shall be avoided. The outside followed on July 20 by the second attached (completed) staking notice to a post at least or waterward boundary shall be a straight line or one with Dustin Bentall and Kenone metre high above the ground, firmly fixed in the series of straight lines joining the outer ends of the dal Carson entertaining. ground at one corner of the land. Please weatherproof side boundaries. On narrow bodies of water the the staking notice before posting and place in a plastic outside boundary shall not normally extend beyond July 16 was the 50th anniverbag or plastic folder or laminate. the near edge of the navigable channel. sary of the Incorporation of the Village of Clinton. It was commemAn application for Crown land must be filed with 1 hectare = 2.471 acres FrontCounter BC. 1 metre = 3.281 feet orated with a Sock Hop and Ice 100 metres x 100 metres = 10,000 square metres or 1 hectare Cream Parlour in the Memorial NOTE: THERE IS NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER ACQUIRED Hall. TO ANY CROWN LAND BY REASON OF: • STAKING THE LAND July 20 was the first of two • PUBLISHING A NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY chainsaw carving events that reFOR CROWN LAND sulted in a lovely bench with the • FILING AN APPLICATION FOR CROWN LAND 150/50 logo carved into the back DESCRIBING STAKED LAND: of it. From July 21–23 Clinton 1. The point of commencement, for unsurveyed parcels, should be described in terms of an existing survey post played host to National CiB judg(eg. 18 metres west of the S.E. corner of the parcel) or a es Claire Laberge of Montreal and readily identifiable geographic feature (eg. A prominent Gerry Teahen of St. Mary’s, Onpoint of land or intersection of two roads) to enable accurate location of the parcel. tario. The Funky Flowerpot winners 2. Boundary lines of the staked area must be, as much were announced at the public reas possible, astronomically true north, south, east, and west so that a rectangular lot is formed. ception while the judges were in attendance. 3. Where the topographical features of the area do not August allow for rectangular boundary lines running true north, south, east, and west, then boundaries will be permitted Music in the Park saw Ridley in other directions as long as they do not interfere with Bent performing on Aug. 10 and the orderly survey of other surrounding land. Barney Bentall on Aug. 31. These 4. The side lines for small parcels fronting on lakes, events were very well received rivers, tidal waters and on certain surveyed highways with the number of spectators inshall, where possible, be parallel to each other and See CLINTON on p. 10

perpendicular to the general trend of the features on which the small parcel fronts.


A 10

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Goats and other entertaining events Clinton from p. 9



Thursday, December 26, 2013 The Journal

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heard with guard dogs and two ridcreasing each time. The second chainsaw- ers moving through carving event was held on town. Yvette May atAug. 10. The two benches tended the CiB Nathat resulted from the two tional Symposium in events are displayed in front Ottawa to represent of the Village Office. Clinton. She emailed September On Sept. 21, a Soap Box the results the evenDerby was held on the hill ing she heard them. by David Stoddart School. The Village of ClinThis was the first such event ton had earned four July: Mayor Jim Rivett, CiB judge Gerry Teahen, Councillor (and tour blooms and a spe- guide) Sudan Swan and CiB judge Claire Laberge pose outside the since the 1960s. Also on Sept. 21 Com- cial mention for the Village Office with one of Clinton’s Funky Flowerpots Flowerpot edy Magician Clinton W. Funky silent and live auction, etc. on hand to answer questions. Contest. Gray entertained following a December As a result of grants and to raise funds for Variety – spaghetti dinner held by the The Childrens Charity. Their The extreme cold may donations received by the Clinton Cleavages. efforts were rewarded by have reduced the number of Both of these events were 150/50 Committee the Hal- raising over $4,000 for the people participating in the loween fireworks were held 150/50 sanctioned events. this year after a one-year ab- cause. Clinton is ‘The Little many events associated with October Village with a Big Heart’. the Clinton Victorian ChristA herd of goats took sence. Also in November the mas Weekend on Dec. 7-8 November over the area for a couple of Cariboo Chilcotin Coast but those who did brave the A dedicated group of weeks in early October to Tourism Association awardelements had an enjoyable control weeds. It was an un- volunteers organized and ed Clinton the Out of the time. usual sight to see the large performed in a variety show, Box Award for the 150/50 The Christmas Light Anniversary project Up Contest resulted in Best that brought together Residential Display goall the organizations, ing to Dallas and Rebekah First Nations and Vil- Bowen and Best Commerlage representatives. cial to Gardenside Pottery On Nov. 23 the and Gifts for their vintage Clinton PAC held a window display. very successful dinner and auction raisWith 2013 being a ing close to $12,000 to double anniversary, over fund things for the stu- 60 events sanctioned by the dents that are not cov- 150/50 Committee were ered by School Dis- held through out the year. trict fun. Many of those were annual A public meeting events that would have been was held Nov. 26 to held any way but many were explain the scope of new ones that were introthe water system up- duced specifically for the anAugust: Chainsaw carver Ken Sheen and his bench, now installed in front of the Village Office grades. Various con- niversary year. I guess we tractors and will have to wait to see how stakeholders in Clinton will top that next 3 the 5/16project x 5 were year.




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A 12

Thursday, December 26, 2013 The Journal

Noxious weeds and beneficial herbs

Art programs at Ashcroft and Cache Creek elementary schools got a $3,840 boost from the United Way last week! UW rep Debi Hamson (right) shares the cheque with artist Jo Petty and students Shawn Minnabarriet, Tristan Kubik, Devan Belcourt, Sierra Duncan and Gabrielle Lachapelle.

istration does not have the best interests of the rural areas in mind. They have an uninformed, city slicker attitude and by laws, zoning amendments and resolutions affecting rural residents are based on what is convenient for the administration and city folk who dominate the voting structure. They claim that this zoning amendment is their way of clamping down on illegal grow-ops. How very naive. For myself, I will say pass to growing medicinal cannabis as the licensing requirements involve a fairly large investment in structures and special equipment. I don’t have the expertise for the work involved. I have, however, become intrigued by the research into dandelion root tea as a treatment for cancer. I already have good experience with growing dandelions; in fact I am quite expert on growing them, I do it well and have a well established area in the yard where they are growing. As an additional benefit one can make wine from the flowers and use the young leaves in salad – what a perfect crop. It is highly likely that the big pharmaceutical companies already are lobbying in Ottawa to ensure that only they can produce dandelion root or to get a patent on dandelion. Now let us hope for the new year that someone finds a medicinal use for Centaurea biebersteinii, aka spotted knapweed, which will set the wild crafters busy harvesting that widely established herb for which the TNRD has no plans to limit where it can grow. Loon Lake from p. 5

Come join us at the Legion to ring in 2014

Eat, Drink, Dance & Celebrate! Doors open at 6:30

The Legion will be suppling Turkey and Roast Beef, as well as hats and party favors. Each couple is required to bring a pot luck dish.

Ice is forming on Loon Lake now. With the continuing cold there should be skating and fun on the ice by the new year. As the year races to an end, it is time to thank friends and neighbours for their thoughtfulness and friendship as well as conversations on issues that are raised in this column throughout the year. I also want to thank the readers of this column for their positive feedback and words of support. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.


Tickets $15 per person available at the Legion in Ashcroft and Junction Shell in Cache Creek


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Music from 8:00 til ?? We will be featuring Dennis, Gerry, Steve, Jason and Jaymi for your dancing enjoyment

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We have all of your gift ideas wrapped up! Visit and check it out! We have all ofit your ideas wrapped up! Check out atgift Visit and check it out!

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