Eagle Valley News, January 01, 2014

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2013 The Year in ReView Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014 PM40008236

Vol. 59 No. 1 Sicamous, B.C., • 1.25 (HST included) • www.eaglevalleynews.com

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Prosthetic gives duckling leg up in life By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

Dudley has taken to walking on two legs like other ducks would to water. On Wednesday, Dec. 18, Dudley the call duck’s right limb was fitted with a prosthetic leg and foot. By Friday, Dudley’s owner and caretaker, Debbie Fortin of K9-1-1 Animal Rescue and Services, said the little water fowl was walking on both legs as though he had them his whole life. “He also thinks now that he has a leg, he can run away,” laughs Fortin. “When we go to get him now for his bath, because he still has to have rehab, instead of just sitting there and letting us pick him up, he’ll try and run away, and he’s very successful at it but he’s in a confined area. It’s really good to see that happen because before he couldn’t.” Dudley lost his foot and part of his leg when he was a wee duckling. Not long after, Fortin’s son, Brandon Schweitzer contacted his friend Terence Loring, a mechanical engineer who recently started his own Kamloops-based company 3 Pillar Designs. Loring, who specializes in 3D architecture and design, paid the duckling a visit and decided to take on the challenge of designing a prosthetic leg. Loring came up with a few different designs and two models, with the actual printing of prosthetics being done by Canadian company Proto3000. The first, he says, was at a wrong angle and more complex than needed. “I thought I’d try to make it very realistic, but it just made it super cumbersome, so I decided to go back to something very simple and build on that,” says Loring. “At least we got

CALENDAR OF EVENTS This is a FREE listing of community events for not-for-profit organizations and paid advertisers. Ph: 836-2570 Fax: 836-2661 Email: classifieds@ eaglevalleynews.com

DEADLINE: 2pm, Fridays

Quack on two feet: Dudley the duck takes his first steps on his new prosthetic leg. Photo contributed him walking, and if need be we can do something a little more complex. But at this point, at least he’s got his balance and everything.” Loring and Proto3000 donated all of their time and materials for the project, for which Fortin is grateful. Dudley is still getting used to moving on the new leg, with some surfaces and obstacles that he was used to going over with one leg posing a

Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays Active After School Kidz. Ages 5-12 - to register or for more info contact Recreation and Wellness #250-836-2477 or recreation@sicamous.ca Every 1st & 3rd Wed. - Parkinsons Support Group at First united Church. 20 - 4th Street SE, Salmon Arm at 10 am. Contact Doreen at 250-836-2509. Every Mon. & Fri. - Bridge, Seniors Activity Centre, 1 p.m. Every Tues. Stopping the Violence Program in Sicamous - counselling for women who have experienced abuse during childhood or adult relationships. No charge. Call Kathy at 250-8329700. Every Tues. - Sicamous Amateur Drama Club rehearsals, 7:00 p.m., Red Barn Arts Centre. 836-4705. Tues. & Thurs. - Carpet Bowling at the Seniors’ Activity Centre at 1 p.m. Every Tues. & Thurs. - Seniors Meals provided, 12 noon in Common Room at the Haven. Every Wed. Wednesday Arts for Everyone. 10 am - 3 pm. For info contact Juanita at 250836-3019 or Gail- at 250-836-5472 Every Wed. Girl Guides of Canada. Sparks - 3:00 pm. Brownies - 4:00 pm. Girl Guides - 5:30

bit of a challenge. But, in general, Fortin says he’s getting around better and his health is improving as a result. “He also now is using his wings more because he’s more upright so he’s able to flap them fully open,” says Fortin. “We had to clip his wings so he doesn’t fly, but he has his flight wings so spreads them and flaps them because he can stand up and be like a real duck. He seems pretty proud.”

A remaining challenge is the fastening of the prosthetic to Dudley’s stub – something more secure is needed. “We’re looking into a strap or something to hold the actual leg on his stump,” says Fortin. “That’s a transition we’re making too, but we’ve got several people trying to come up with ideas that won’t stop circulation… you can see it’s doable.” When news of his humane design project broke, Loring said he received calls from other people with injured animals, including someone with an emu that had lost its leg. Loring was interested in taking on the project; however, due to other complications, the animal had to be put down. And while his curriculum vitae includes much larger design projects, Loring is enthusiastic about his work with Fortin and Dudley, and how he was able to have an positive impact on both their lives. “A lot of people say it’s trivial, and in some ways it might be, but a lot of people really care for this little animal, so I guess that’s why I really wanted to take this on,” says Loring. “If they think it’s important enough, well, why not?” As someone who cares for animals professionally, Fortin says her eyes are now wide open to the world of 3D printing and the potential benefits the technology can offer animals and humans alike. “There’s lots of possibilities and I know we can’t look at funding those things because we don’t have the financial backing, but just knowing that it is possible to do that gives us a lot more insight as to what we can do,” says Fortin.

pm. New members welcome Every Wed. Lunch by a donation at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091-Shuswap Avenue at 12 noon. Every Wed. - Seniors Crib, 7:30 p.m., Haven seniors building. Everyone welcome - you don’t have to be a senior. Socializing and coffee served after crib. Info: Esther 836-4373. Every Wed. - T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly) meets every Wednesday morning at the Sicamous Rec. Centre (arena). Weigh in at 9:00 am and meeting at 9:30. Everyone Welcome. Ph: 250-836-4041 for info Every Wed.-Sat. United Church Thrift Store 10:00 am to 3 p.m. 1st & 3rd Wednesday - Eagle Valley Photographic Arts Club meets at the Red Barn at 7 pm. Everyone Welcome. Every Thurs.- Crib and darts 7 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99. Everyone welcome. Every Thurs. - Sicamous Crokinole Group meets at 7pm at the Sicamous & District Recreation Centre - upstairs for more info and to join call Dave Reed @ 250-836-3652 Every Thurs.-Ladies shuffleboard at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99 in Sicamous. 1pm-3pm. All ladies welcome.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014 Eagle Valley News

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unshine S AWARDS

Thank you to all our wonderful patients for all the goodies we have received. You’re the best patients! Happy Holidays! ~ Cameron, Sandra and Roxanne **** The staff at Dr. Beech & Dr., Kelsall’s office wish to thank everyone for the wonderful baking goodies, treat and all the holiday wishes we have received. ~ Dr. Beech, Mrs. Beech, Dr. Kellsal, Sandra and Shelly **** A sincere thank you to the late Kurt and Lily Borstel from the staff and students at Parkview School for a generous donation to Parkview School’s “Food For Thought” program. ~ Parkview School

Sunshine Awards are FREE of charge. 20 words per award, due to limited space. Please do not submit more than two awards per week. Recognize your friend, neighbour or loved one with a sunshine award for doing that extra special good deed!

Every Thurs.- Crib and darts 7 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99. Everyone welcome. Every 2nd Thurs. - Sicamous Lions Club meeting at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Doors open at 6:15 and meeting starts at 6:30. Anyone interested in being a volunteer for the community, please feel free to call Mary at 250-517-8107, Joan at 250-836-4876 or Pam at 250-836-4788 or just drop in to one of our meetings where you will be welcome. Every Thurs.- Steve Nash Youth Basketball Parkview Elementary 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Oct. 17-Dec.5 call 778-930-0534. Every 1st, 3rd, 4th Thurs. - Keepsake Kwilters meet at the Haven Common room 1095 Shuswap Avenue at 7:00 p.m. For info call 250-836-2695. Every 2nd and 4th Thurs. Options For Sexual health from 7 to 9 p.m., Sicamous Health Unit. Every 3rd Thursday monthly meeting of the Malakwa Community Association at 7:30 in the Malakwa Hall. Every Fri. - Parents & Tots, 10-12 noon at Catholic Church. 836-3440.

Every Fri. - Eagle Valley Brush & Palette Club meets at the Red Barn, 10am-3pm, Everyone welcome! For info call Esther 250836-4373 or Amy 250-836-4756. www.eaglevalleybrushandpaletteclub.com Every 1st & 3rd Fri. - Pool Tournament at the Royal Canadian Legion #99 at 7:00 pm. Saturdays - Community Yoga 9:00 am NonHeated Hatha $5 drop-in All levels Families welcome. Last Sat. of the Month - Ladies’ Auxiliary Dinner at the Royal Canadian Legion at 6 pm. Tickets sold until the Friday before at the Legion. No tickets at the door. Sundays - Candlelit Karma 6:30 pm. Warm & Gentle. Class by donation. Funds go towards community causes. Every 4th Sun.- Royal Canadian Legion Br. #99 general meeting, 1 p.m. Every 4th Sun. - OAPO Birthday Tea for members & friends, Seniors Activity Centre, 2 p.m.


Fax your events to: 250-836-2661 or visit us at Parkland Mall, Sicamous

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, January 1, 2014

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Happy New Year! We wish you a happy and healthy New Year for 2014!

Kyllo wins bid for Liberal nomination This week the News reviews the headlines from January to June.

January • Greg Kyllo, a councilor with the District of Sicamous, garnered strong support for his bid for the Liberal nomination in the Shuswap riding, winning on the first ballot. Kyllo claimed 330 of the approximately 600 ballots cast. He will replace longtime MLA and Sicamous resident, George Abbott, who is retiring. • Sicamous RCMP appealed to the public for information regarding a Christmas Day robbery at the Sicamous Husky. The suspect was described as a man, approximately five-foot-two to fivefoot-five in height with a stocky build. • A total of 26,200 mouse clicks brought the Eagle Valley Food Bank nearly $3,000 and second place in the Kraft Food for Families contest for the Pacific region. • Most property owners received their property assessments showing slight drops in estimated property values for most regions of B.C. Sicamous saw higher decreases than the other communities included in the North Okanagan region. • The Sicamous Eagles were near the top of their division, but not at the top of their game. Since returning to the ice on Jan. 4 following the Christmas break, the Eagles have dropped three games and won two, including a narrow 3-1 overtime decision versus the Grand Forks Boulder Bruins. Two of those losses were to rivals the Revelstoke Grizzlies, including a 7-4 defeat. • Columbia Shuswap Regional District directors are resolute in their belief that flood management remains a provincial responsibility. • The Salmon Arm Fall Fairgrounds and

Sicamous are options being considered by Summer Stomp organizers for the event’s home in 2013. • Jan. 2, 2:35 pm., a local resident reported her credit card was stolen and in excess of $3,000 was racked up on the card. A local 45-year-old male was identified, and has subsequently been charged. • Sicamous council agreed to voice its opposition to an unexpected gravel pit application referral from the province, and proceed with a bylaw to control such activity. • The application is for a five-year-permit to operate a rock quarry at 200 Old Town Road. Council agreed to express to the province their “unequivocal” objection to the application, and have staff continue with the creation of a soils removal and deposition bylaw. • RCMP Sgt. Dave Dubnyk left Elk Valley to join the Sicamous detachment. He replaced Sgt. Carl Vinet, who left for Nanaimo to become an RCMP professional standards investigator with the detachment there. • The Sicamous Eagles gave their fans a reason to cheer, and cry, during a trio of home games. Friday’s guests, the Summerland Steam must have evaporated on the bus ride to town, as the team was shut out in a 6-0 loss to Sicamous. The Eagles saw a reversal of fortune Saturday when they wound up on the losing side of a 7-1 tally versus the Kelowna Chiefs. Sunday’s game was a tighter affair versus rivals the Revelstoke Grizzlies, with a 5-3 victory for Sicamous. • Sicamous council will be looking at whether or not the district should take ownership of the community’s curling rink. Club president Bruce Ritchie expected the proposal to come before council at their regular meeting

Congratulations: Shuswap MLA George Abbott shakes hands with the riding’s new Liberal candidate Greg Kyllo. on Feb. 13. This proposal, says Ritchie, was prompted by declining membership and increased costs of maintenance and upkeep. • Eagle River Secondary student, Adam Bird recently completed his 90-hour probationary period apprenticing with Twin Anchors Manufacturing/TA Structures. Adam, who is enrolled in School District #83’s apprenticeship program with TAS, will now continue his apprenticeship as a paid employee. • In five years time, Brad Gibbard has progressed from an awardwinning carpentry student to a red seal carpenter and owner of Rigid Construction. He was also named Young Entrepreneur of the year in the Sicamous

Chamber of Commerce’s 1012 Business Excellence Awards. Gibbard says his experience at Eagle River was a positive influence for him and where he’s ended up.

in response to fluctuating turbidity levels. • It is a sad time as the Sicamous Old Age Pensioners Organization recently folded. The traditional socials and favourite charities will be continued by the Sicamous and District Senior Centre Society. • While recent changes to the Sicamous Eagles’ lineup may not have been for the best, the team appears playoff-bound. Wins outnumbered losses 3-1 for the Eagles, including a surprise, come-frombehind 2-1 victory versus the Revelstoke Grizzlies. Despite being inundated with injuries throughout the year, the Eagles persist and manager, Wayne March expects there’s lots of good hockey still to come.

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February • A woman was hospitalized after being disarmed by Sicamous RCMP during a standoff. In the early hours of Feb. 3, police responded to a report of a woman with a knife threatening to harm herself in a residence on Eagle Pass Way. • Sicamous RCMP will be working with the public to encourage a preventive approach to snowmobile thefts. • The District of Sicamous is warning the water advisory level may be changing again

See Province on page 5


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Wednesday, January 1, 2014 Eagle Valley News

Canada Post cuts come without public input


ne can’t help but wonder if the CEOs of BC Ferries and Canada Post came from the same school of business. Both quasi-crown corporations recently made major decisions with minimal consultation about their proposals. Neither the post office nor the ferry system seem to care about the impact their decisions to help pay the bills will have on the taxpayers. While both groups need some business-model restructuring, both seem to have gone the “fire sale” route, cutting as deep as they can. Pretty much the only mandate of the Canadian postal service is to get the mail to the people of Canada. And yet, instead of corporate restructuring (perhaps doing away with some of their 22 president and vice-president positions) and/ or reducing administrative costs, Canada Post, out of the blue, announces that they will no longer be bringing mail to your doorstep and will be cutting thousands of mail carrier jobs in the years ahead. It’s simple to say that people can now go to a central mailbox location to get their mail, and the reality is most people can without too much of a problem. But Canada Post’s plan fails to take into account the thousands of Canadians for whom this will not be just a problem, but a major hindrance in their day-to-day life. I’m talking about those who face mobility challenges, be it as a result old age, some sort of accident or a lifelong disability. On one hand, the government is doing what it can to encourage seniors to live in their homes as long as possible, while on the other hand, the government is making it much more difficult for them to do so. Is Canada Post really going to ask senior citizens who may barely be able to move around the house, let alone drive, to make their way around town in order to pick up the mail? Oh wait, BC Ferries is in the midst of doing just that. – Prince Rupert Northern View



Harper government far from transparent

By Dale Bass

ency, things like fixing the broken system of awarding government contracts, In 2005, Conservative being truthful in budgets, leader Stephen Harper de- strengthening access-to-inclared he would “stand up formation laws, improving for Canada.” auditing and accountability It was the start of the in government departments federal-election campaign and providing protection for and the country was still di- whistleblowers. gesting the many truths of In 2006, as he prepared the Gomery Commission, to take over as head of the that federal body that spent federal government, Harper months looking into the fed- declared one of his governeral sponsorship program in ment’s first acts would be to Quebec, the albatross that create an accountability law involved the federal Liber- that would be in line with als and which had firmly Gomery’s recommendawrapped itself around for- tions. mer Liberal prime minister Fast forward to 2013 Jean Chretien’s neck. One and the revelation recently of the major findings of revealed through an anonythe report by retired justice mous source — who proJohn Gomery was the need vided documentation to for protection for whistle- back the information — that blowers in the federal public the government will now sector who went public with require all staff for memgovernment wrongdoings. bers of Parliament to sign Among the platforms a lifetime confidentiality Harper would use for his agreement. So much for the campaign were proposals public knowing the public’s to address government ac- business. countability and transparIt makes sense to protect

Guest columnist

1133 PARKSVILLE STREET, PARKLAND CENTRE PO BOX 113, SICAMOUS, BC V0E 2V0 SUBSCRIPTIONS: $44.50/Year; Seniors $39/Year Phone: (250) 836-2570 Fax: (250) 836-2661 Email: classifieds@eaglevalleynews.com Website: www.eaglevalleynews.com


PUBLISHER: Rick Proznick EDITORIAL: Tracy Hughes, Editor; Lachlan Labere, Reporter ADVERTISING: Laura Lavigne PRODUCTION: Sierre Allison

the government and Canadians, but this new requirement by the Conservative government is designed simply to protect a political party. It’s spelled out in the second clause of the onepage agreement, the need to protect “the politically sensitive and partisan environment” in which they work. Break it and it can mean immediate termination. Don’t sign it and there go any pay raises or chances at promotions or transfers. It’s been decried as a blatant attempt to stop whistleblowers within the federal government. So, just to put it into perspective, here’s a list of some of those government staffers who have taken their issues public — and why: • Sylvie Therrien revealed Employment Insurance investigators had been assigned quotas to achieve, which led to harassment and wrongful penalties on Canadians; • Michele Brill-Edwards

BC PRESS COUNCIL-This Eagle Valley News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council.Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

was the senior physician with Health Canada who went public with the influence pharmaceutical companies exert on approvals of drugs; • Joanna Gualtieri went public with all the lavish spending by the federal foreign-affairs department; • Richard Colvin revealed Canadian troops handed over Afghan detainees to that beleaguered country’s authorities to be tortured; • Linda Keen, head of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, went public with her concern the government wanted to reopen its Chalk River atomic plant, even though it had not met safety standards; • Allan Cutler is the man who blew that first whistle that led to the Gomery commission. My hubby refers to our prime minister as Stephen Stalin. I used to laugh. It’s not funny anymore.

Published every Wednesday covering Sicamous, Malakwa, Mara, Seymour Arm and serving Anstey Arm, Cambie, Cinnemousin Narrows, Craigellachie and Solsqua. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We do not guarantee placement on specific pages. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. ADVERTISING DEADLINE: FRIDAY, 2 PM

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, January 1, 2014

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Sicamous Dental Clinic Dr. Alexandre Li, D.M.D.

Province ready to repair Hummingbird Continued from page 3

Creek concerns: Swansea Point residents express their concerns about Hummingbird Creek to BC NDP safety critic Kathy Corrigan. district manager Murray Tekano said work would begin Feb. 18, to restore the creek to the condition it was in prior to the June 23, 2012 flash flood. What the ministry will not do is replace the culvert, which was identified by the majority of residents as necessary to mitigate future debris flows similar to the one in June, when the culvert was rapidly plugged forcing the torrent over the highway and through residential areas. • Cage fighter Ryan Allen, who currently trains out of Gracie Barra Salmon Arm and Gracie Barra Vernon, will be stepping into the octagon for the sixth time in Penticton. With a record of 4-1, Allen will put his Battlefield Fight League Amateur Middleweight

title on the line when he meets Jared Revel. • Hogs will go to the dogs if the Summer Stomp committee is successful at making Sicamous their new home. Sicamous council directed district staff to begin the process of looking at the legalities and necessary arrangements to accommodate the motorcycle rally. • With their regular season wrapped up with a 5-2 win, the Sicamous Eagles are raring for playoff action. • Georgina and Sarah Kyllo are on a mission to bring yoga to Sicamous. The mother and daughter team are the founders of I Am Yoga studio. Their long-term mission is to run the studio on a full-time basis, offering different styles of yoga, and other activities revolving around person-


is like winking in the dark. You know what you’re doing, but nobody else does! WHEN IT COMES TO:

al growth and wellness, to teens and adults. • The Sicamous Midget Junior Eagles finished their season with the best game of the year versus the firstplace Lillooet Pistons. • A replacement for Bruhn Bridge is not among the province’s planned four-laning projects for sections of the Trans-Canada between Kamloops and the Alberta border. Not yet, anyway. Local projects planned so far include replacing the Eagle River and North Fork bridges. • At the request of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, BC Transit is conducting a feasibility study to

March • Interior Health announced that lab service will commence on Monday, March 11, and will continue Mondays from 8:30 am to 12:30 p.m. at the Sicamous Health Centre. “We’ve been working on bringSee Firefighters on page 6

... Donʼt rely on Get your facts here

• Swansea Point residents are feeling cautiously optimistic that work will finally be done to repair Hummingbird Creek and alleviate the risk of further flooding. On Feb. 6, Tina and Dan Keely and other Swansea Point residents received a letter from Christy Clark’s executive officer, Cameron Lewis, assuring work would soon begin to repair the creek, left full of debris from a flash flood that occurred over the summer. • The penny is being phased out of existence – reason being the coin costs more to produce than it’s worth. But the copper-coloured coin is still highly valued at Eagle River, where students have been pinching pennies for the nonprofit humanitarian organization Free the Children. • A familiar community voice is now silent. Bob Crouse, morning news anchor at EZ Rock Radio died after a long illness. Crouse worked at the station for 30 years and was best known for his strong voice, excellence in reporting and love of the job. • Swansea Point residents are far from content with the province’s plan for flood mitigation along Hummingbird creek. MOTI

assess the viability of linking Falkland to the Vernon transit system, and the potential for regional service from Sicamous, Malakwa and Swansea Point to the Shuswap Regional Transit System. • It may not hurt to ask, but it’s unlikely the province will find the Columbia Shuswap Regional District receptive to taking on responsibility for ongoing flood mitigation on Hummingbird Creek. CSRD administrator Charles Hamilton says the regional district would require a mandate from the electorate to enter into an agreement with the ministry regarding Hummingbird. Hamilton, however, says the CSRD board has made it clear that responsibility for creeks, streams or lakes is with the Crown and province.

word of mouth for your information. Turn to the newspaper for accurate, complete, up-to-date coverage of national and local events.

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Have a designated YEAR IN REVIEW driver.

GOOD IDEA Wednesday, January 1, 2014 Eagle Valley News

Think first... DON’T DRINK & DRIVE

Firefighters unable to save mobile home

cision on the matter to to-face approach. $15,000. The gear the National Hockey budget deliberations. • At the May 1 was donated through See Fortis on page 7 ing lab collection ser• The past couple Southern Interior Local vices to Sicamous for some time and we’re of months have been Government Associahappy to see progress very busy for Michelle tion meeting in Salmon is being made,” said Dr. Wolff, as she’s settled Arm, Sicamous council into the position of ex- will be seeking support Jack Beech. • At 2:04 p.m. on ecutive director for the for a resolution urging Sicamous strategic Chamber of the province to review March 2, project Sicamous nt, technology, management, planning, business skills, financial literacy, human resources, enthusiasm, teamwork, time management, leadership Commerce. its Disaster Financial Think about others... RCMP received a 911 • The Okanagan Assistance (DFA) procall from a residence in DON’T DRINK & DRIVE the Cedar Ridge Mo- Mainline Real Estate gram, with a “view bile Home Park. The Board has elected real- to allow all property investigating officer tor Karen Singbeil of owners, regardless of found one of the units Sicamous as its new principal or secondary occupancy, to qualify.” fully engulfed and con- president. • It only takes one • Eight people were tacted the fire departmore goal to win. This taken to hospital with ment. Fire Chief Brett is something the Siminor injuries followOgino said it took three camous Eagles roster ing a series of crashes hours for his crew to likely won’t forget afon the Trans-Canada contain and knock out ter being knocked out Highway west of Revthe fire. • Council agreed of the KIJHL division elstoke. • While the writ was to once again contract finals by the North Okanagan Knights. yet to drop, Premier BWP to manage the The knights succeedChristy Clark made a community, commitment, analysis, governance, risk management, technology, project manage district’s mosquito ed by being one goal brief stop by the News control program, budahead in all four games office to promote Shusgeting $160,000 for the Contact your SASCU Board of Directors on the series, including wap BC Liberal candiprogram. Nominating Committee Call for Nominations. Nominations to fill four • The Jr. B Eagles a 6-5 overtime win, fol- date Greg Kyllo. “With June Stewart – Chair: positions will be accepted until the close of business met their match in lowed by tallies of 4-3, Greg, as someone who T|250.804.2787 is a really prominent, on February 15, 2014. the North Okanagan 2-1 and 2-1. • Terry Rysz was well known, very sucE|junestewart@sascu.com Knights. Sicamous sufSASCU Credit Union is looking for talented and racking up the kilomecessful business perfered a frustrating 5-6 John Schlosar: conscientious Board Nominees to lead and strengthen our overtime defeat at the tres, driving between son, I think we’ve got financial co-operative. We seek candidates able to make T|250.836.4934 hands of their Arm- Sicamous and Prince a real opportunity to strong contributions in one or more of the areas of Risk E|johnschlosar@sascu.com strong hosts in game George, where he was communicate how imManagement, Financial Literacy and Regulatory running as the B.C. portant our economy one of the division fiGlenn Hill: Compliance. It is the collective knowledge and experience Conservative Party is to the province,” the nals. T|250.832.4041 that will create a fine balance and continue to make the • The chamber asked candidate for Prince premier said. “I’m exCredit Union strong. E|glennhill@sascu.com tremely excited about that Sicamous council George-Mackenzie. • If anyone is aware working under ChrisFind out if a place on the SASCU Board is for you. consider a three-year Nancy Cooper: of the value of a Grade ty’s leadership in the fee-for-service agreeDetailed Board nomination packages are available at all T|250.833.1431 ment worth $20,000 12 education, it’s the next government,” said SASCU branches or online at www.sascu.com. E|nancycooper@sascu.com Learning Kyllo. annually, that would Sicamous • The Sicamous Mienable the chamber Centre’s Tim Lavery. While there are plenty nor Hockey Associato continue being the of avenues for upgradtion received 25 sets of “go-to organization for ing available online, gear, from helmets to the co-ordination of Lavery says adults tend skates and everything special events with the District of Sicamous.” to get more out of the in between, estimatSALMON ARM • SICAMOUS • SORRENTO www.sascu.com Council deferred a de- learning centre’s face- ed to be worth about Continued from page 5



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SUNDAY JAN 5 SA1 Game: 2 - 4 pm SA2 Game: 4:15 - 6:15 MONDAY JAN 6 Public Skating: 9 - 11 am Lunch Bunch: 12 - 1 pm Public Skating: 3:15 - 4:30 pm Novice & Pre Novice: 5 - 6 pm Atom: 6 - 7:30 pm Old Timers: 8:15 - 9:45 pm TUESDAY JAN 7 Public Skating: 9 - 11 am Lunch Bunch: 12 - 2 Public Skating: 2 - 4:30 Figure Skating: 5 - 7:30 Eagles: 7:45 - 9:15

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Sicamous & District Recreation Centre

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, January 1, 2014

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Fortis proposes to pipe in natural gas Continued from page 6

League Players Association (NHLPA) with Shea Weber and Cody Franson doing the footwork behind the scenes to make it happen. • Revelstoke’s Bantam hockey team made the long trek to Dawson Creek, B.C. for the provincial championships March 17-21. The Revelstoke Bantam Grizzlies, which included Sicamous’ Hayden Gjaltema, Liam Sutherland and Brayden Fairley, represented the city well, being awarded the Fair Play Award, given to the team who best represented themselves on and off the ice.

April • FortisBC has a plan to bring natural gas to Sicamous; the next step is to see if there is enough demand. The conclusion of their analysis was delivered to district council, in a presentation by FortisBC spokesperson Ruth Sulentich. “Our intention is to lay it all out, show what costs will be up front and over five years what your payback will be,” said Sulentich. “If we don’t attain that volume, that yearly volume that we’re looking for, we can’t move on.” The brief era of the harmonized sales tax ended in B.C., with a last-minute scramble by thousands of businesses to register as collectors of the revived provincial sales tax. • The federal and B.C. governments commit to funding two-thirds of a $4.5 million water treatment

Studies: Sicamous Learning Centre instructor Tim Lavery offers student Margaret Baxter some help with her computer studies. facility for the District of Sicamous. • Okanagan Shuswap MP Colin Mayes stuck with the party line on a bill that attempted to add discrimination against the transgendered to the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code. Also in the House of Commons, Mayes presented a petition from some of his OkanaganShuswap constituents calling on Parliament to support an upcoming motion to condemn sex-selection. • The chamber’s new executive director Michelle Wolff asked that the district consider either moving the fireworks show permanently to August, or else have fireworks shows for both occasions. Couns. Greg Kyllo and Terry Rysz were supportive of having fireworks shows on both of the long weekends. • The palatial Malakwa residence that serves as home to convicted drug trafficker Colin Martin is back on the market, though the

sale remains subject to the federal seized property management act. • Storefront schools in Sicamous, Salmon Arm and Enderby are being cut back as the North Okanagan Shuswap School District attempts to meet a projected $1.8 million budget shortfall. Principal and vice-principal time will be reduced so they can teach more, and there will be 12 teachers lost as a result of dropping enrolment. Storefront schools, which assist adult learners, were targeted because of rising costs and a decline in adult student enrolment. • On Tuesday, April 9 at 6:53 p.m., Sicamous RCMP received a report of four snowmobilers getting socked in on Owl Head Mountain, and being unable to find their way out. The snowmobilers were located at around 1:30 am, and off the mountain by 2. • A Sicamous man identified by RCMP as a dangerous, prolific offender is now in police custody, fac-

ing new charges of assault with a weapon and pointing a firearm. The arrested man had his first appearance in the Kelowna Supreme Court on April 12. • Work completed on Hummingbird Creek to prevent future flooding amounts to short-term gain and long-term pain for some Swansea Point residents. • The district hosted a Spring community clean-up event on April 22 and 23. • The 2013 Sturgis North jamboree proposed for Silvery Beach near Chase won’t be moving forward, according to information supplied to police. • Sicamous residents will see a 2.75 per cent tax increase for 2013. Mayor Darrell Trouton said council began their budget deliberations facing an 8.9 per cent tax increase. He says the end result reflects a local government attempting to live within its means. • The District of Sicamous may look to outsource munici-

pal work in the future if savings can be achieved. The suggestion to do so came from Coun. Greg Kyllo who, during council’s budget deliberations, was concerned with the $150,000 the district will be spending in-house on meter reading. “I think, if we could contract out for fifty-grand, and save $100,000 just on this one item, I think it would be worth consideration...,” said Kyllo. • Political differences aside, the audience at the all-candi-

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See Candidates on page 8

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Candidates share platforms in bid for Shuswap riding Continued from page 7

dates forum in Sicamous seemed united in their appreciation for the calibre of the event. About 50 people attended, and offered an intriguing array of questions that touched on a range of issues, including national foreign trade to transportation, funding for private schools and bringing industry to the Shuswap. • On April 29th, four local citizens’ groups sponsored a special all-candidates forum on the environment at the Fifth Avenue Senior’s Centre in Salmon Arm. Greg Kyllo did not respond to the invitation. Kyllo told the News that he’s already committed to six all-candidates meetings, and that each takes a lot of time to prepare for.

May • During a visit by B.C. Premier Christy Clark, Shuswap MLA candidate Greg Kyllo’s spoke briefly to a 2010 court decision against developers of Old Town Bay for the alteration of fish habitat used recently by the candidate’s critics, and opponents, as ammunition against him. “There was a misunderstanding with respect to the regulations that were in place…,” said Kyllo. “What’s really important is we’ve done full restoration of the area and we’re moving forward. I’ve certainly learned from that and I think that’s made me an even stronger candidate in moving forward.” • The applicant behind a contentious quarry proposal along Old Town Road aims to clear the air with the public. Murray Hillson, a Salmon Arm logger, hopes to one day transform the lot into a residence. Building on this mountainside, however, will require the removal of rock, and plenty of it. Which is why he currently has before the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Natural Resources an application to operate a gravel pit over a 20-year period. The Twin Anchors Peewee Stingers girls softball team was off to a hot start in Okanagan Girls softball league play. The Sicamous girls played Vernon in their first league game in Vernon. Final score: Sicamous 18, Vernon 3. The Stingers travelled to Vernon, this time to play Kelowna. Final score: Sicamous 15, Kelowna 4. • Malakwa’s Lake Country Log Homes completed its part of a 26,000 square-foot log home, that is expected for further the reputation of the family-owned and operated business stateside. • Two Sicamous men suffered serious but non-life threatening

Forum: Shuswap Liberal candidate Greg Kyllo takes a turn at the mic as Steve Gunner (NDP), Chris George (Green) and Tom Birch (Conservative) listen on at the Sicamous all-candidates forum. injuries in a single-vehicle accident on a forest serviced road. Both occupants were taken to hospital, one by ground and the other by air. One remained in hospital following surgery for internal injuries and the other was mobile soon after. • The Sicamous Lions Club held its annual Winterfest, a fundraiser for children with disabilities, in January. The awards dinner was held March 26, and 11 riders were recognized for raising $8,445. • Sicamous and Salmon Arm Provincial Martial Arts karate students travelled to Kelowna to compete in the Tae Kwon Do International Open Canadian Championships. Mother/son team, Cynthia and Nicolas Michaud of Sicamous, participated in the competition. Cynthia brought home a well-deserved bronze medal in her sparring division. Nicolas did not place this time, but says that he is eager to compete again. • In the unofficial count, with 165 of 166 polls reporting, Greg Kyllo received 11,342 votes, followed by NDP Steve Gunner, with 6, 972 votes, Conservative Tom Birch with 3,045 Green candidate Chris George had 2,186 and Johanna Zalcik of the Advocational Party took 62. • On May 9, Sicamous RCMP executed a search warrant at a Mizon Road residence. Sicamous Sgt. Dave Dubnyk says the warrant was obtained for theft of electricity. Upon entering the residence, investigating officers found two large marijuana grow operations, and multiple firearms including two shotguns and three rifles. Also on May 9, Sicamous

RCMP executed a second warrant on Cambie-Solsqua Road. Investigating officers found and seized a Caterpillar skid steer and a flat deck trailer. • Conservation Officer Mike Richardson confirmed that complaints were received through the Ministry of Environment’s RAPP (Report All Poachers and Polluters) line relating to truckloads of material being deposited on a property along Cambie-Solsqua Rd., near the Eagle Valley and District Cemetery. • North Okanagan Shuswap MP Colin Mayes is among those MPs who have captured the attention of the prime minister. Mayes told the News he is aware the Prime Minister’s Office does some monitoring because there have been a few instances in the past seven years when he has been contacted regarding different articles in the newspaper. • Students at Eagle River Secondary and Salmon Arm Secondary cast their votes in a mock provincial election on May 13 for Student Vote BC 2013. Eagle River Students would have elected Liberal candidate Greg Kyllo. • After 22 years in School District #83 Joan Chafe is saying goodbye. Chafe retired from Parkview Elementary at the end of the school year. • The Sicamous Twin Anchors U14 Stingers girls fastball team continues to look impressive in league play, running their record to six wins, zero losses. • The Sicamous and District Chamber of Commerce and the Stomp committee heard positive feedback at their public forum held May 13. About 30 people attended the town hall meeting to

update themselves on the events slated for July 18 to 21. • Columbia Shuswap Regional District directors supported recommendations to move forward with the process of acquiring the Malakwa school facility and develop a draft Community Property Acquisition Policy. The facility currently houses the Malakwa Learning Academy, Eagle Valley Community Resource Centre, post office, and pottery classes, and they just started having dropin floor hockey for the kids. • Reports of a structural fire on Ward Road started coming in around 10:30 Monday morning, and when the Malakwa firefighters arrived on the scene, the twostory building was fully engulfed. The blaze is being considered suspicious. • Columbia Shuswap Regional District directors approved $17,000 to install a Radio Over Internet Protocol (ROIP) system to replace a problematic 911 fire dispatch system. • After being advised by the province that Victoria is not planning to install a new bridge or culvert at Hummingbird Creek members of the Swansea Point Community Association appealed to the CSRD directors to write a letter to Transportation Minister Mary Polak on their behalf. Directors agreed unanimously to send a letter to the minister of transportation. • The Sicamous Firemen’s Club wants a place to display a piece of Canadian history. The club owns a 1928 Gotfredson fire truck that is currently being housed in an old building that will soon be demolished. • Canada Day in Sicamous

may not be the same now that district council has decided to move the annual fireworks display to the August long weekend. • A million dollars may not have been enough to tame Sicamous Creek. Excavators could be seen strategically stacking large rocks in specific areas along the creek, further enhancing previous restoration work done by the province following the June 23 debris flow. • A Sicamous man is facing several charges including sexual assault, unlawful confinement, as well as weapons-related charges following a recent police search of a Martin Street residence. Quincy Jerrod Kazakoff, 40, is currently in police custody as a result of an RCMP investigation. • Sicamous’ West Martin-Patterson and Vernon’s Jeremy Bell were the team to beat at Kelowna’s Lakeview Heights Tennis Club Tournament. The two were this year’s reigning team in men’s open doubles, making it five years in a row they’ve taken the top spot at this annual tournament.

June • Sicamous’ sewer extension projects are expected to be completed within the district’s $10 million budget, which includes a contingency worth close to $1 million. The district was able to borrow the funds in February, 2010, after receiving public consent through an alternate approval process. • In a sight Sicamous residents may have never before witnessed, a large crowd of people, representing all ages in the community, appeared in front of the municipal civic centre to protest council’s decision to move the Canada Day fireworks display to the B.C. Day long weekend. The vote has sparked criticism and dissent in the community, and through social media and email list servers. • Psychic abilities may give an edge to prospective candidates seeking to take over the role of district deputy corporate officer from soon-to-be-retiring Mary Geall. The ad was written by district chief administrative officer, Heidi Frank, who had taken a somewhat unconventional approach to attracting the right candidate. While Geall may not claim to have psychic abilities, Frank is hoping to hold on to her at least until the byelection to replace outgoing councillor Greg Kyllo. • A new program offered by the district may appeal to parents stuck for a child-care option after school hours. The Active After See Council on page 9

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, January 1, 2014

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Council finds compromise for fireworks on Canada Day Continued from page 8

Bridge upgrade: A Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure illustration shows the planned replacement of the Eagle River Bridge in Malakwa, part of the province’s commitment to four-lane the Trans-Canada Highway. Jobs Plan, reporting to Shirley Bond, the minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training. • Terry Rysz doesn’t deny his recent unsuccessful run for the B.C. Conservatives in the Prince George-Mackenzie riding has made him a stronger councillor for Sicamous. Rysz describes the election as a humbling experience, but highly educational.

• Shuswap MLA Greg Kyllo continues to hold a seat on Sicamous council, but not for much longer. “I’m going to be far too busy with provincial matters to resume my duties as a councillor for Sicamous,” he said. “I can not give my fair attention to both, so I will be stepping down.” • SLIPP may not be sliding away after all. At a SLIPP steer-

ing committee meeting held June 10 in Sicamous, members agreed in principle to recommend the Thompson-Nicola, Columbia Shuswap and North Okanagan Regional Districts continue to work together on water quality and safety issues in the Shuswap watershed in 2014 and beyond. • Corbin Selfe’s DIY approach to his

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School Kidz program kicked off with an open house at its home, upstairs at the Sicamous and District Recreation Centre. • Compromise seems to have quelled the public furor over a council decision to move the Canada Day fireworks event to the August long weekend. At a special meeting, council voted to rescind the previous decision and move the fireworks display back to Canada Day. Afterwards, council voted in favour of another motion, to split the $20,000 the district has budgeted for fireworks this year so as to hold two shows, with 75 per cent of the funding going towards one on Canada Day, and 25 per cent towards a second in August. • Rookie Shuswap representative Greg Kyllo will start his provincial political career getting his feet wet as an MLA. In an announcement, Kyllo, who had been touted by some for a cabinet post, was not among those named to a direct portfolio by Christy Clark. Kyllo was named parliamentary secretary for the BC

sport, slope-style freeride mountainbiking, helped him get through school, though his journey to be among the best is still just gaining traction. He received numerous bursaries and scholarships related to his planned postsecondary pursuits, as well as his athletic passion. • The annual Sicamous Angels Ladies fastball tournament

was once again held in Finlayson Park. Sicamous Minor Softball was chosen to host the U12B Rep Girls Provincial Championship. • A low-pressure area that brought torrential rains to the Shuswap had sucked up precipitation from southern U.S., say Environment Canada warning preparedness meteorologist Doug Lundquist. “The storm

is coming at the normal time of the year, but two or three times what you’d normally get in a storm,” he said, noting the Shuswap as a whole received a month’s worth of rain or more. • Alcohol was likely a ‘contributing factor” when a man was struck by a Canadian Pacific train in Sicamous. He had been walking east in the middle of the track when a westbound train sounded its horn. He moved off the track but got too close to the train as it passed by. • It’s a busy place and it could get a lot busier. Columbia Shuswap Regional District directors unanimously approved $105,000 for the operation of the Malakwa Community Learning Centre. • Citizens on Patrol is in search of volunteers for July and August. The program has three components: patrol, speed watch and marine patrol. Volunteers patrol the town in pairs looking for problems and suspicious situations to report to RCMP, while speed watch volunteers record information on traffic with specialized equipment.

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