Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal, January 02, 2014

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I N S I D E : 2013 Year in Review - where did the time go?


Volume 121 No 1 PM # 400121123


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Serving Clinton, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Savona, Walhachin and surrounding areas Since 1895

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Above: Workers install the second switch in the Ashcroft Terminal yard

Above: Clinton celebrates 150 years of being, and 50 years as a town.

Below: Ashcroft Communities in Bloom wins national competition

Above: A big Win/Win for Ashcroft area as voters elect new Liberal MLA, Jackie Tegart to represent them in the provincial legislature.

Below: Cache Creek Mayor John Ranta and Coun. Lisa Dafoe celebrate the finish of the water treatment upgrade mega project.

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Thursday, January 2, 2014 The Journal


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Perils of winter travel

Dec. 19 at 7:24 pm police received a call regarding a male hitchhiker on Hwy 97 who appeared intoxicated. RCMP located the 37 year old man from the Bonaparte community near the junction with Hwy 99. He advised that he was trying to catch a ride to Canim Lake, and that he was having trouble finding the fog line dividing the shoulder from the highway because of the snow covering. He was slightly intoxicated, but able to continue on his way.

Car ownership disputed

Dec. 20 at 11:06 am a 42 year old Ashcroft man called to complain that his ex-girlfriend had stolen his car from his residence on the Ashcroft Reserve, and that it was the fourth time she had done so. He believed she was on her way to Kamloops when she texted him to say he would never get his car back again. The 35 year old Kamloops woman had keys and full access to the vehicle, and it was determined not to be a police matter, but rather a civil one.

Evicted and unhappy

Dec. 20 at 10:39 pm a landlord in Ashcroft called to complain that she could hear loud noises coming

for him to pass. The bus was located at the Husky Wendy Coomber in Cache from one of the apartments Creek and believed that one of her and the driver, a 53 year old tenants was causing prop- Vancouver man, said he was erty damage and most likely driving on the cleared porintoxicated because he was tion of the highway and that being evicted the following he didn’t usually drive outday. The 30 year old male side of Vancouver. was located in his apartment, filled with boxes. He was Dusted by gravel truck quite upset to be facing the Dec. 21 at 3:42 pm police prospect of being homeless, attended a single vehicle acbut co-operative with police cident on Hwy 1 near Cornand agreed to calm down. wall Rd. where a 64 year old Salmon Arm man comWindshield crud plained that he was northDec. 21 at 1:50 pm po- bound on Hwy 1 when he lice received a complaint encountered a Highways from an Ashcroft driver that truck whose spinner was a gray Toyota had cut him “going full blast” and caused off on Hwy 97C at Hwy windshield damage. 1 and sprayed mud on his windshield making it impos- Anticipating trouble sible to see. The other driver Dec. 21 at 4 pm an Ash- another Ashcroft resident - croft landlord called to rewas located and given a ver- port that a former tenant bal warning. had called to say that he was coming back to feed some Inexperienced with snow animals that he’d left beDec. 21 at 2:57 pm po- hind. The man had been lice received another driving evicted about a month earlicomplaint from a transport er. She wanted him charged truck driver who stated that with trespassing and theft he was travelling on Hwy for some items she said went 1 northbound into Cache missing when he left, but the Creek, following a small former tenant didn’t attend bus who was straddling both the premises, and neither did lanes making it impossible police.

Ashcroft rcMP DetAchMent


Just a little speeding

Dec. 22 at 11:15 am while on a routine patrol near Hat Creek Road, an officer noticed a vehicle travelling at a high rate of speed. The Chevy Cruze was travelling at 156 kph in the 100 kph zone. The driver, a 23 year old man from New Aiyansh, said he was driving to Terrace, and he thought he was only going 120 or so. He was given a ticket for excessive speed and his vehicle was impounded for seven days. He and his passenger, a seven month old infant, were given a ride to the Greyhound Bus station in Cache Creek.

Go to Jail

Dec. 23 at 1 pm officers stopped a vehicle on Hwy 1 near Cornwall Rd. The driver, a 22 year old Dawson Creek man, was found to be a prohibited driver. He had an invalid Drivers License, no insurance and a warrant for this arrest. He was arrested, charged with driving while prohibited, and his vehicle was impounded. His male passenger was given a ride to the Greyhound Bus station in Cache Creek so he could continue his trip to Victoria.

Safety tips to remember over the holidays Impaired driving

Although the message is loud and clear every year, the holiday season is still a very busy time for all emergency responders when it comes to impaired driving. The consequences of impaired driving are massive. You’re risking your life and the lives of others. You can be charged criminally and, if you are, the effects on you, your family and friends are significant. That is why the RCMP step up enforcement efforts throughout the holidays including road checks at various locations to stop impaired drivers. There are options available to get home

safely taxi or designated driver. Police also attend more calls regarding underage drinking during the holidays. This also serves as a reminder for parents to always know where their kids are and who they’re going to be with, and if you are the host of an event where there is underage drinking or drinking that results in criminal behaviour you could be held responsible.

winter months. In addition, be sure to engrave your valuables and properly secure them in your home. Dispose the packaging from big ticket items carefully and shred all receipts to reduce further enticing thieves. If you are going on vacation, notify your neighbours and ask them to pick up any mail or packages that might accumulate outside your door.



Young adults are also at a higher risk of personal robberies at this time of year as many receive new phones and electronics for Christmas. Police are reminding everyone to be extra vigilant with their personPolice Telephone #s al property and to be aware of their environment. If you are Ashcroft: 250-453-2216 a victim, remain calm, cooperate with the robber’s demands, Clinton: 250-459-2221 and try to note what they look Lytton: 250-455-2225 like and their direction of travCrime Stoppers el. Call 911 as soon as it is safe to do so. 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)

Ashcroft & District Hospital 250-453-2211 Interior Roads 1-800-842-4122


When out holiday shopping, remove all bags and valuables from your vehicle or keep them out of sight. The RCMP generally see a rise in theft from auto during the fall/

Online shopping has increased dramatically over the past few years and, as such, so has the need to protect yourself from scams and other fraudulent online activity. Always verify the validity of a website before providing credit card information online and be cautions of unsolicitated emails. If you are buying a pre-owned mobile phone, it also a good idea to ensure it has not been reported lost or stolen at Door to door scams are also common at this time of year and police are reminding the public to keep an eye on suspicious persons who come to their doors claiming to be from a charity or association and to report them. Always ask for proper identification and, if in doubt, contact the alleged organization. Local food banks do not canvass door to door.

The Journal Thursday, January 2, 2014


2013 IN REVIEW: Clinton celebrates, area welcomes Lt. Governor JANUARY


150/50 celebrations begin in Clinton

A lasting legacy

In honour of the upcoming retirement of Secretary of State for the Colonies Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, Queen Victoria renamed the community of 47 Mile House. On June 11, 1863 she declared “From this day forward, the community of 47 Mile House will be known as Clinton”. In 1963, 100 years later, the community was incorporated as The Village of Clinton. To celebrate these two anniversaries the Village of Clinton hosted numerous events and activities throughout the year of 2013, beginning with a Free Family Skate at the arena, with music spanning 150 years.

Ashcroft pioneer William Brink was buried for the third, and what is hoped to be the final, time on March 8 in the Ashcroft cemetery, surrounded by some of his descendants and their family. Brink was buried on CN property next to an unidentified adult and child, who are now buried with him. Their remains were exhumed to accommodate relocation of the tracks and moved to the cemetery where they join many other family members and friends. Brink was 50 years old when he died in 1879.

Legion considers seniors complex

The Ashcroft Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion is looking into building a seniors complex on the property in Ashcroft. A decision to go ahead with the study was approved unanimously on March 18 by 47 Legion members. Paul Whitehead, chair of a committee looking into the project, said he envisions a four-storey building, which is the highest permitted in downtown Ashcroft a building of 3,500 square feet with a new Legion in it. It would have about 40 units of one and two bedrooms, some assisted living, but mostly just 55 years and older, with maybe an underground parking garage. The Legion owns the property it sits on as well as the parking lot next to it, the skateboard park and the parking lot behind the Coppervalley Cable building.

Cache Creek Mayor John Ranta, Her Honour The Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor, Chair Carmen Trustee of the Gold Trail school board, CCES principal Brenna O’Connor and Elder Diane Sandy outside Cache Creek Elementary School.

Repairs underway on “new” Cache Creek water upgrade Almost a year to the day that Cache Creek’s new $2.5 million water treatment upgrade should have been fired up and operating, repairs were finally getting underway to fix two pipes that fractured as the plant was being commissioned a year ago. No one would admit they made a mistake, said Cache Creek Mayor John Ranta. “We don’t think it was our fault,” he said. “The construction company didn’t think it was their fault. The construction company (Wildstone Construction and Engineering Ltd.) didn’t think it was their fault.” And neither did the engineers, Stantech Inc. Ashcroft receives $30,000 for Hall upgrade

Ashcroft’s Community Hall celebrated its 125th birthday this year with a nice little “make-over”, thanks in part to a $30,000 grant from the federal Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF). Ashcroft Administrator Michelle Allen said they are hoping to raise $90,000 to finish all of the work they’re planning to do, including outdoor landscaping.

Lillooet driver dies after rescue

A 40 year old Lillooet woman succumbed to hypothermia after a harrowing single vehicle accident Jan. 17 on Hwy 40, a mountain road that connects Lillooet to Gold Bridge and Shalath. The Lillooet RCMP and Central Interior Traffic Services responded to a vehicle down an embankment off of Hwy 40 near Lillooet last week. First responders were able to extract the lone female driver from the partially submerged vehicle, however the woman’s condition deteriorated at the scene and was pronounced deceased at Royal Inlands Hospital.

Clinton gets $5.2 M for water upgrade

The Village of Clinton got great news on Jan. 25 when Cathy McLeod, MP announced a $2.45 million grant under the Federal Gas Tax Fund to upgrade the municipal water system. This two-year project will see a new reserve tank for treated water that will be added to the existing system, an additional UV treatment system, which will be added to the existing chlorination treatment system, and new mechanical/software equipment that will allow remote monitoring during emergencies. This will bring the Village water system in line with Interior Health standards, provide room for growth in the area, and provide water for fire emergencies.

Cache Creek won’t renew bus contract

Ashcroft Council received a letter at the Jan. 28 Council meeting from the Village of Cache Creek, confirming that it would not be renewing the BC Transit contract it has with Ashcroft and Clinton after the current contract expires on March 31. Cache Creek Mayor John Ranta stated in the letter to Ashcroft Council, dated Jan. 15, “We sincerely appre-

ciate and wish to recognize the tireless efforts of everyone involved in managing the system over the past many years, and, more recently, in negotiating the substantial adjustments to the system with a view to making it work for everyone.” He said: “We share your disappointment that the scheduled service has not been embranced by more of our consituents, but, based on our perception of local ridership; the Cache Creek Council reaffirmed the decision to withdraw from the service.”

New Lt. Governor tours area

Newly appointed B.C. Lieutenant Governor, Her Honour The Honourable Judith Guichon, visited Cache Creek and Ashcroft on Jan. 29, spending much of her time chatting with the town Councils and students at the local schools. Guichon addressed a student assembly at each school, explaining to them her role of representing Queen Elizabeth II in this province and answering their questions.

FEBRUARY Williams inducted in Hall of Fame

It was announced that Bonaparte cowboy Archie Williams would be inducted into the BC Cowboy Hall of Fame in April for his Competitive Achievements. Williams was born and raised on the Bonaparte Reserve in Cache Creek, where he spent a lot of time with his uncle, coach and teacher Dave Perry. In 1974 he made history as the first pick-up man chosen for Canadian Nationals Finals Rodeo, chosen by the cowboys themselves. He is a fivetime BC Team Ropers Assoc champion, and roped with numerous cowboys throughout the years, although for over 15 years with his friend Fred Stevenson. At 68 years old he is one of the only cowboys of his age still competing in rodeo. Today he ropes with his sons and grandsons. Williams was presented with the BCRA “Sportsman of the year” award in 2010.

Bird carcasses building up inside Oasis Plaza storefronts

Piles of dead pigeons, trapped inside the Oasis Plaza, is disgusting and need to be cleaned up, residents Laurie and Sharon Rennie told Cache Creek Council at their March 25 meeting. The Rennies were asking Council to enforce the town’s Unsightly Premises bylaw, having filed a complaint against the row of storefronts next to the Oasis Hotel in January. “We feel a similar sense of frustration,” Mayor John Ranta told them, and he listed the number of agencies who had been contacted but said they couldn’t force the landlord to comply with any law or bylaw that would make him clean up the empty building. CONTINUED on p. 5

Ashcroft’s new doctors a welcome sight

Ashcroft welcomed it’s newest doctors, Dr. Sarina Govindasamy and Dr. Tarang Peedikayil. Dr. Antoinette Kitshoff helped recruit her fellow South Africans. She has been the sole doctor since Dr. Anwar Khan left last year. From warmer climates, they indicated that they can’t wait for the outside temperature to rise!

William Brink’s headstone with (l-r) great granddaughter Barney Craggs, great great granddaughter Jackie Desrosiers and her daughter, great great great granddaughter Marcy Desrosiers, Rod Craggs, Rev. Jim White, Deb Tuohey, great great grandson Bob Tuohey, John Desrosiers, and Marcy’s children, great great great great grandsons Kyle and Tyler Christianson.

A 4 Published every Thursday in Ashcroft by Black Press Ltd. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber

The Editor’s Desk

Thursday, January 2, 2014 The Journal




Worries behind us, now look ahead It’s done. Finished. Every complaint we made last year, forgotten. Every good time tenderly packed away in our memories. As I was looking over my list of contributors last week, I was thinking how small it’s become. Just like enrolment in our schools. Just like the number of businesses that hold on.... Last year I wrote that the local economies were not doing well. This year, looking back, I could say the same, except that there is hope. Ashcroft Terminal and Constantia Mines in the Ashcroft and Cache Creek area provide a bit of light where last year there was less. They aren’t going to bring dozens of jobs to our towns overnight, but every job counts these days. The Journal enters its 121st year of business in Ashcroft. We’ve seen better times, and hope to do so again. We do it with your help: without all of the club submissions and pictures, we’d be hard pressed to cover everything. If you’ve ever wondered how to submit a story or photograph to The Journal, just send it to me. Or you can contact me first. I’m usually happy to receive submissions about community events. To those of you have submitted anything to me for print this year, you all have my thanks and undying gratitude. My regular, unpaid contributors like Loon Lake columnist Barbara Hendricks and Spences Bridge columnist Mavourneen Varcoe-Ryan, entertainment columnist Nadine Davenport and fitness columnists Vicky Trill and Wayne Little are my pillars. I may send out huffy reminders to them once in a while, but I appreciate their efforts, and I know our readers do as well. Andrea Walker, Vivian Edwards, Reta Robertson, Phyllis Gray and Jessica Clement keep us updated on various local clubs and their activities; Maria Russell Martin keeps the tennis news coming and Deanna Horsting and Diana Hoggard sends us minor hockey news whenever we ask. Muriel Scallon and Pat Kirby make sure that the Ashcroft seniors are well covered, and Zee Chevalier provides the Clinton Seniors news. Much of the school coverage comes from the schools themselves, but thank you nonetheless for keeping us posted. Thanks to the Ashcroft RCMP for taking the time to recap the week’s files for us, and to Brian Henderson at the Ashcroft Fire Dept. for all of his help. Also, thanks to staff at the Village Offices for all of the help whenever I ask for it. There are so many more who I could list, but there’s only room for one more - you, our reader. We appreciate you more than you could imagine. Our best wishes to you for a happy 2014!


AN ICY CASCADE to rival the miserable ice storms back east

MP James Moore’s Ebenezer moment by Ryan Meili www.troymedia com SASKATOON, SK/ Troy Media/ - Surrounded as we are by the tunes and decorations of the holiday season, Industry Minister James Moore’s recent uncharitable comments about child poverty and hunger invoke inevitable comparisons to Charles Dickens’ famed miser Ebenezer Scrooge. One could easily imagine Scrooge haughtily asking his nephew, “Is it my job to feed my neighbour’s child? I think not.” The spirit of Moore’s comments offend the many Canadians who do think that if their neighbour’s child goes hungry it ought to concern them, that our responsibility for each other goes beyond the walls of our own homes. The attitude behind such comments is far from admirable, and disappointing to hear voiced by any elected official. It’s a position far from the values of Canadians. Perhaps more disturbing from the Federal Ministry of Industry, however, is the comment that poverty is not Ottawa’s problem. Government at all levels should be concerned primarily with our well-being. The tens of thousands of chronic illnesses and early deaths, the human misery and indignity of poverty, should keep politicians up at night. Even if this human cost is ignored, the financial burden on Canada should be more than enough to interest our federal representatives. Poverty in Canada - through increased costs of social services, decreased taxation revenue and decreased productivity - is estimated to cost approximately $80 billion, a total of over $2,000 per Canadian per year. This includes an increased health

expenditure of approximately $8 billion, which represents a huge cost to public coffers, not to mention the impact on our quality of life. How could this possibly be a problem that does not concern Ottawa? Moore’s suggestion that the federal government’s only role is to ensure that the economy is strong enough to employ people out of poverty also falls flat. An annual waste of $80 billion impedes that effort, and should be enough to convince him to care. Elimination of poverty requires more than a growing economy; it requires a dedicated plan. When more jobs are available, some people’s living conditions improve quickly. However, the accompanied increase in cost of living can send some families into deeper poverty than before, a rising tide that swamps the smaller craft. And that continued and deepening poverty costs us all dearly. As most provinces have realized (all but B.C. and Saskatchewan have introduced comprehensive poverty reduction plans), poverty doesn’t just go away on its own. Those provinces that have dedicated resources and meaningful measures have seen that investment pay off in significantly fewer people living in poverty, and decreased costs as a result. It was encouraging, however, to see Moore apologize quickly for his comments and recognition that such remarks impede the cause of fighting poverty. Apologies, however, can be hollow. As hollow as unanimous commitments from parliament that don’t result in change for the one in seven Canadian kids who continue to live in poverty. The sincerity of Moore’s apolEMAIL:



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Terry Daniels


Wendy Coomber


Anne Blake


Barbara Roden

ogy will be known, not by its speed, but its fruit. One commentator suggested a donation to the food bank would be a way for Moore to redeem himself in the wake of these comments. While that is always a fine act, we should hope to see a more upstream response from someone in a position such as Moore. Rather than a token gift, it would be far more meaningful for him to use the influence Canadians have given him to try to create the conditions for less need of food banks, for fewer hungry children. This could include advocating within cabinet for an approach to poverty reduction that includes an affordable housing strategy, child care programs, better wages, and effective support for marginalized populations. He could work with the provinces that have poverty reduction strategies to reinforce those efforts, and strive to convince those without such plans to create them. He could become a champion for the economic and human arguments for the elimination of poverty. For now, all we have is an unguarded moment followed by a hasty apology. If Moore, and his caucus colleagues, can move from Scrooge’s “Bah, Humbug” to Tiny Tim’s “God Bless Us, Every One,” then his Ebenezer moment could be an inspiration and a benefit to all Canadians. Ryan Meiliis an expert advisor with, a Saskatoon Family Doctor and the Director of Upstream, a new, national non-profit dedicated to improving health outcomes by addressing the social determinants of health. Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

The Journal Thursday, January 2, 2014


2013 IN REVIEW: Wildfires in May, a new MLA in April APRIL

Creek washes out Backvalley Road

Desert Hills builds retail store

Desert Hills Ranch got ready for another busy season by building a large retail outlet at the bottom of the hill where the greenhouse and stables are. Twenty-three years after the Porter family began ranching and farming there, it’s hard not to describe it as a “growing” business, but the family-owned ranch has been expanding not only its acreage, but it’s also marketing its products further afield while spreading out into new areas. Besides selling fresh produce and bedding plants to appreciative local customers, Desert Hills also exports produce and sells to grocery stores in Kamloops. This year, expansion included the new retail outlet where they sold bedding plants, locally-produced fruit and vegetables, fresh cut flowers, locally-made jams, sauces and other products, house plants, tropicals, palms, etc.

Spatsum Creek Wildfire

Investigators have determined the Spatsum Creek Wildfire started on April 27 between 1 and 1:15 p.m. by a person, but are unsure if it was accidental or purposely set. “There were no natural causes that could’ve sparked this fire (lightning or natural spontaneous combustion) so that’s why investigators have come to the conclusion it was a person-caused fire,” said Melissa Welsh, a fire information officer for the Kamloops Fire Centre’s Wildfire Management Branch (WMB). At its biggest, the fire burned more than 1,400 hectares - or 14 square kilometres. Well over 100 firefighters battled the blaze with helicopters and air tankers.

MAY Walhachin climber rescued from ledge after plunge

A 54 year old Walhachin man was rescued from the nearby hills after a six meter tumble to a ledge below while rock climbing with his son. Members of Kamloops Search and Rescue (KSAR) and South Cariboo Search and Rescue were called out the afternoon of May 1 to a rock-climbing area about 14 km west of Cache Creek. The man was free climbing with his son, a 22 year old Vancouver resident. Neither were using climbing gear when the father fell about six metres (19 feet) onto a ledge, which was about 15 metres (49 feet) above the ground. He injured his elbow and shoulder and was unable to climb any further.

Hot temperatures caused a sudden melt in local waterways last, sending water and debris gushing through Cache Creek. Backvalley Road bore the brunt of the creek’s energy and it was washed out in at least three places. BC Hydro had to rescue two of its power poles after the water washed away the material supporting them. Interior Roads spokesperson Phil Doddridge said he and Donny Lowe pulled a picnic table out of the creek just as it was about the enter the culvert under Hwy 97. The table was followed by a log and other debris. Dodderidge said they could have lost the highway if the table had gone into the culvert and jammed.

Jackie Tegart goes to Victoria

Ashcroft’s loss is BC’s gain. From first-time candidate for the BC Liberal Party to newly-elected MLA in just 28 days, Jackie Tegart soundly beat her opponent, incumbent MLA Harry Lali. Elections BC released the final count of the May 14 election after counting absentee ballots on May 27. The final tally added another 1,269 votes to the overall numbers and reduced the spread between the top two contenders to just over 600 votes. Fraser Nicola final count: Jackie Tegart (Lib) 6,002 - 44.14% Harry Lali (NDP) 5,388 - 39.62% John Kidder (Green) 1,314 - 9.66% Michael Beauclair (Cons) 895 - 6.58% Total votes cast: 13,599 Voter turnout in Fraser Nicola 62.9%

Cache Creek’s tap water now passes through four green sand filters and is treated with chlorine and ultra violet light. Elementary school children and members of the public were on hand for the official ribbon cutting and tour, and enjoyed cake and ice cream afterwards.

Attempted murder

A Spences Bridge area man was arrested and charged with attempted murder after a rash of violent incidents in Ashcroft and Spences Bridge. Eric Nelson, 52, was arrested following two incidents involving firearms that occurred on May 15 and May 17. Lytton RCMP responded on May 15 to a report of a man in his 50s receiving serious non-life threatening injuries after being struck by shotgun blasts fired from outside of his home in Spences Bridge. Nelson was alleged to have shot at the victim’s vehicle and home with a shotgun causing damage to both. In addition, he allegedly discharged the shotgun through a wall of the home and hit the victim in the face causing grievous bodily harm and disfigurement and continued to discharge the shotgun in attempts to fatally injure the victim. Charges of Possession of property obtained by crime, and Theft of motor vehicle stem from an incident on May 17 where, at approximately 8 am, Nelson allegedly drove his van to a residence in Spences Bridge and stole a pick-up truck. He was seen driving the stolen vehicle. CONTINUED on p. 6


Village unveils $2.1 million water treatment upgrade

Cache Creek Mayor John Ranta and Councillor Lisa Dafoe hosted the grand opening of the Village’s new water treatment upgrade last week. Interior Health ordered the Village to treat their drinking water almost 10 years ago, and the planning for the upgrade began immediately. The physical work was completed in January 2012, but a pipe ruptured during the plant’s commissioning, causing the plant to be shut down and repaired. As no fault could be determined among the contractors, Cache Creek spent another $51,500 for the repairs. There are still some minor repairs to be made before the new equipment passes its 10-day commissioning process.

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Thursday, January 2, 2014 The Journal


A 6

2013 IN REVIEW: First Nations songs and Japanese visitors He is then alleged to have driven the stolen truck to the Venables Valley area, where he encountered a couple in their car. Nelson allegedly threw a rock through the car window and accosted the occupants, assaulting the male driver and instructed them to drive and meet him at another location. Once at the second location it is alleged that Nelson threatened the couple at gunpoint demanding cash and an amount of farm produce (potatoes). Nelson fled the area with cash and later abandoned the stolen vehicle.

New library gets a big thumbs up from community

The brand new TNRD Cache Creek Library was officially opened on June 26. Cache Creek Council members, TNRD board members and staff and members of the public were all in attendance to celebrate the grand opening and view the items intended to be buried in the Time Capsule, which will include the photo seen on this page The capsule will be opened 50 years from now.

JULY CC drowning victim identified

The BC Coroners Service has confirmed the identity of a man whose body was recovered from Seton Lake near Lillooet on July 6 as Jean Claude GuyeVuilleme, 72, a long time resident of Cache Creek. Mr. Guye-Vuilleme was witnessed by other users of the recreation area to walk into the water at Seton Beach on Seton

Lake shortly after 2 p.m. on July 6. Shortly afterward, bystanders rescued him from the lake. He was transported by ambulance to hospital in Lillooet, but could not be revived.

ginally from the Shetland Islands in the U.K., Teit moved to B.C. in 1884. He married Susanna Lucy Antko, a Nlaka’pamux woman, and became immersed in First Nations culture. First Welless Festival From 1897 until sizzles 1921, Teit recorded hunTables and stages dreds of Native songs on lined Railway Avenue wax cylinders. The EdiJuly 19-21 as a big assortson wax cylinder mament of activities, events, chine he used was stateentertainment and vendof-the-art at the time. ors heralded Ashcroft’s The Nlaka’pamux songs first annual Wellness Fesand stories he captured tival. give an intimate view of Temperatures sizthis ancient and vibrant zled, but everyone wiped culture. They include off the sweat or jumped a lullaby, a bear song through the many public Holding and cutting the ribbon are TNRD CAO Suhk Gill, architect Kevin sung to twins, a mournwater sprinklers along the Ryan, TNRD board chair Randy Murray, contractor Brian Hall, Cache ing song, a shaman’s route and kept going, pro- Creek Mayor John Ranta and TNRD Director of Libraries Marc Saunders. song, and stick-game Councillors Lisa Dafoe, Herb Hofer and Wyatt McMurray were also in claiming the event a suc- attendance, as was former TNRD Director of Libraries Kevin Kierans. songs. The main singers cess in every way. were four women: one was Lucy Antko, Teit’s Cache Creek runner First in Lytton man killed by own wife. The fact these Kamloops train women sang sacred and personal songs in Cache Creek’s Ryan Day made it two the presence of a non-native man is testaA 33 year old Lytton man is dead affor two when he won the second ever ment to the trust they had in Teit. Much ter being hit by a CN train on July 20. RCMP say the 33-year-old was walk- Kamloops Marathon. Day won the inaug- of this work is today part of the collection ing along the railway system near Lyt- ural race in 2012, and was the first male of the Canadian Museum of Civilization. ton with a group of friends when he was across the finish line this year, in a time of These cylinders and their accompanying two hours, 42 minutes, and 19.9 seconds. field notes are little known, despite their struck around 8:45 am. A total of 252 athletes took part in this great value. First responders also attended, but the year’s marathon and half marathon on man could not be saved. Loring obtained the recordings and July 26-27. For the first time, the Kam- digitized them. He also assembled an artloops full marathon acted as a qualifier istic team and started organizing a comfor the prestigious Boston munity consultation to discuss how best 3 5/16 x 5 Marathon. to make use of this treasure trove of Nlaka’pamux songs, stories, prayers, and Songs of the Land ceremonies.

ChurCh DireCtory

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Sunday Worship 10:50 am

401 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC • 250-453-9511 •

United Church of Canada Pastor Alice Watson, DM SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10 am KIDZ MONDAY SCHOOL: 3:30 pm

St. Alban’s

501 Brink St, Ashcroft ~ 250-453-9909


Cache Creek Pentecostal Church Christ Centered People Centered 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. Phone 250-457-6463 Pastor David Murphy Worship and Sermon commences at 10 a.m. Everyone welcome

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In Lytton on July 29, the Nlakap’amux people opened up a treasure trove of songs and stories recorded a century ago on wax cylinders. More than 60 people gathered to take part in The Songs of the Land project, which has been several years in the making. “This is a huge step but it is only the beginning,” said Kevin Loring, Artistic Director of the Savage Society. “These songs and stories were preserved on wax cylinder recordings so that we could have them today.” Anthropologist James Teit recorded the Nlaka’pamux songs and stories a century ago. Ori-

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AUGUST Ashcroft hosts Japanese visitors

The Village of Ashcroft welcomed a delegation from its sister city of Bifuka in Japan last weekend. The nine visitors, led by Bifuka Mayor Nobuo Yamaguchi, were treated to a full array of events during their visit. During their stay, Mr. Kazuhiko Nakagi worked on the mural in the Japanese garden in the Heritage Place Park on Railway. Despite having a protective coating, the mural was showing signs of wear. Mr. Nakagi – one of the artists responsible for its creation nearly 15 years ago – was here to perform some restoration work. Connoisseurs of the mural will notice a few changes and additions to its foliage and colouring. This year marks the 19th anniversary


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The Journal Thursday, January 2, 2014


2013 IN REVIEW: Century mark for ADHCA, mine explorations of the twinning of Ashcroft with Bifuka. For next year’s 20th anniversary the Village is hoping to send a large delegation to Bifuka. Members of the community are encouraged to take part.

Plane crash near Cache Creek claims young pilot

16-year-old student pilot Lorne Perrault, a student at St. Ann’s Academy in Kamloops, was killed when his singleprop 172 Cessna crashed in the hills near Cache Creek on Aug. 7. Perrault was training for his pilot’s licence and had almost 100 hours of flying experience. He took off from Kamloops Airport for what was supposed to be a two-hour solo flight on the morning of Tuesday, Aug. 6, performing exercises in the area near Kamloops Lake.

Ashcroft elects Lambert

Doreen Lambert has been elected as Councillor for the Village of Ashcroft in a by-election held on Aug. 10. Lambert (144 votes) was one of three candidates for the position, which was left vacant when Jackie Tegart resigned following her provincial election win in May. The other two candidates were Jessica Clement (128) and Alf Trill (96).

Health Care Auxiliary celebrates 100 years

The Ashcroft & District Health Care Auxiliary begins its second century of operation. It was founded on Aug. 14 1913, days after the new Lady Minto Hospital had opened in Ashcroft. The Aug. 22 1913 issue of the Ashcroft Journal reported: “Ladies Auxiliary Formed: First Annual Meeting Held In Schoolhouse”. It said: “A meeting of the greater part of those ladies interested met in the schoolhouse on the afternoon of the 14th inst., and formed a Ladies’ Auxiliary in connection with the Ashcroft and District General Hospital. The meeting was called to or-

der at about 3:30 p.m. . . . Many matters of interest to the hospital were discussed, and it was decided that meetings would be held monthly on the second Thursday of each month. . . . We trust that the good work thus so pleasantly and unanimously begun will continue throughout the existence of the Lady Minto Hospital. Seventeen members have joined the Aid, and $1.00 is the membership fee.” One of the ADHCA’s first fundraising events was a dance in 1913, which brought in $150 (approximately $3500 today) to support the hospital.

New change in ridings take Strahl out of area

Conservative MP Mark Strahl will be seeking re-election in the riding of Chilliwack-Hope in the next federal election. The Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for British Columbia released their final report and maps on Aug. 21. The report adjusts riding boundaries because of population changes and will add six new federal seats to British Columbia’s total at the next election as a result of the Conservative government’s Fair Representation Act.

Ashcroft sewage treatment plant upgrade finished

The Village of Ashcroft completed sewage treatment plant upgrades with a $400,000 grant from the Provincial Towns for Tomorrow program and a $300,000 contribution from the federal Gas Tax Fund. The plant services more than 800 properties and treats over 875,000 litres of effluent a day. Newer, more efficient equipment will help the Village save on energy costs, improve the reliability of the plant, and reduce the risk of harm to the local ecosystem. “This upgrade makes the plant more efficient by be-

ing able to adjust itself down when demands are less, saving money on operations,” said Andy Anderson, Mayor of Ashcroft. “This upgrade will also extend the life of the plant. Thanks to a great job by the staff for putting this all together for the benefit of every Ashcroft resident.”

Ashcroft wary of new provincial recycling plan

told Cache Creek Council at their Sept. 9 meeting. Constantia has been working in the area for the past two years after buying up several pieces of property in the area, including the old Ferguson farm. CONTINUED on p. 9

At the Aug. 26 Council meeting, councillors voted to tell Multi Material BC that it is interested in considering their financial incentives, however it is unable to make a final decision until more information is forthcoming. “It’s not viable for Ashcroft,” said Mayor Andy Anderson. “There are far too many things out of our control.” Ashcroft is not the only municipality viewing the new program with caution.

SEPTEMBER Mine exploration goes ahead near 16 Mile

Constantia Resources Ltd. is expecting to move one of possibly three drilling units onto its property near 16 Mile by the end of this month. “It’s good news from our perspective,” said Myke Clark, Sr. Manager - Stakeholder Affairs. “We’ve nailed down financing and are ready to move full steam ahead with the development,” he

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Thursday, January 2, 2014 The Journal

Who is to blame for Miley’s twerking triumph?

When I first heard of a 13-year-old performer named Miley Cyrus, she was starring in Hannah Montana, a TV show my kids had just discovered on the Disney channel. My son was six-years-old, and my daughter was three. Seven years later, they have now moved on. And so has Miley. Her controversial and well-documented departure from that persona got us talking this week. “I still like her

ON A BRIGHTER NOTE LORI WELBOURNE songs,” my ten-yearold daughter told me. “But her new videos aren’t appropriate for me.” When I asked my 13 year-old son what he thought, he just

shrugged like he didn’t care. Lots of other people care quite a bit, though. And some high profile celebrities have been sharing their opinions as well. Many of them strongly disagree with Miley’s overtly sexual performances, scandalous publicity stunts, and frequent twerking and tongue displays that keep making the news. Per-

haps she would have upset less people if she hadn’t started off as a squeaky-clean child star, but it seems the shock of her transformation from good girl to bad has started wearing off, and people are expecting her to be outrageous now. “She’s an attention whore,” one of my friends said, rolling her eyes. “If she just went on stage in a classy dress and sang nice and normal like she used to, she’d be a lot more respected.” Maybe. But would she be constantly making headlines and leading the polls as Time Magazine’s Person of the Year? I doubt it. Albert Einstein once said: “You have to learn the rules of the game and then you

Coming Events

Jan. 5 - Fundraising Bingo for the Ashcroft Sr. Girls Basketball team. Doors open at noon, Bingo starts at 12:30 in the Bonaparte Band Hall. Jan. 7 - Zion UCW meets in Church Hall, 401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft at 2 PM. A warm welcome awaits all interested women. Jan. 13 - The next Cache Creek Council meeting will be held at 7 pm in the Village Office. Everyone welcome. Jan. 31 - New Year’s Eve Dance in Spences Bridge! Every Friday - Soup’s On from 11 am to 1 pm at St. Alban’s Anglican Church in Ashcroft. Soup, buns and dessert by donation. Wednesdays 8-10 pm - Drop In Adult Badminton in Cache Creek Community Hall. Bring a racquet and gym shoes, $3 per night. Call Rick for information 250-457-9644 (days) or 250-457-2370 (evenings).

Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion FRI., JAN. 3rd • 6:30 - 8:00 pm SHARLA’S CHICKEN CORDON BLEU $10/plate

MEAT DRAW Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm Crib every Thursday at 7:00 pm Darts every Thursday at 7:30 pm * Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre, first & third Sunday of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Contract Bridge, beginners welcome Every Wednesday 3:00 to 5:00 pm Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August) Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 5 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm


January • Week 1 ARIES - Thanks to the chilly weather, a beach vacation beckons you, Aries. Start planning an excursion to a warm locale that allows you to escape the daily grind. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 A sporting event or something that draws a large crowd is just where you need to be this week, Taurus. Surround yourself with people who share your interests. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Give an issue in your relationship the consideration it merits, Gemini. Though it might not seem like it now, taking time to work this out will ultimately strengthen your relationship. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, the final stages of a project you have been working on are ready begin. Don’t be afraid to take credit when all of your hard work pays off in a big way. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Obligations to work and family leave you short on personal time, Leo. Though your schedule is hectic, make time to unwind and you will be glad for having done so. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 It may take a while to convince someone to go along with your idea, Virgo. Yet once you have this person’s support, they will be fully on board. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 You may have been bouncing around aimlessly for some time, Libra. But now is the week to get all of your affairs together and put your plan for the future in motion. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Restlessness can sometimes be a dangerous thing for you, Scorpio. Channel any restlessness into a worthy project that makes good use of your boundless energy. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, make the best of a situation that needs changing. You might not be able to affect change, but that does not mean you can’t improve the situation with a positive attitude. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Perceptions vary, Capricorn. Just because you feel strongly about something doesn’t mean another will view it the same way. Accept that your passion will not always be reciprocated. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, even though it will be a busy week, you aren’t likely to feel wiped out. There will still be time for fun. Figure out a day to do something enjoyable. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, you are torn between being creative and following convention at work. Ask a colleague for some input.

have to play better than anyone else.” That’s what Miley seems to be doing quite brilliantly. She’s an entertainer, that’s her job. To say she’s an attention whore might sound like an insult, but it’s actually a compliment. To be accused of that in her line of work usually means she’s doing something right. Attacking her, or any performer, for using their looks or sexuality to get attention is futile. So who should be targeted instead? The industry executives who often act as the puppeteers for some of these starlets? They’re just doing their jobs as well – it’s business. And we certainly can’t criticize the media can we? They’re merely writing about people and topics they hope will get shared on social media to generate more advertising dollars. It’s a business for them as well. In a recent essay in Glamour Magazine, actress Rashida Jones blames the current

state of the music industry and the “pornification of everything” on all the wrong people in my opinion. If blame should be placed on any one, it should be on us - the public. There’s nothing as effective as the published angry protests against someone to

people wish to present themselves, whether they’re a celebrity or not. Yes, I have young impressionable kids who can be influenced by others – but that has always been the reality and there’s no changing that fact. Variety and choice is another fact. Not everyone in show busi-

generate more interest in them. It’s simply supply and demand. If readers don’t respond to a story, the media is less likely to run another one, and the performer is less likely to try similar antics if their sole objective was attention. Personally, I’m not bothered with the way

ness is overtly sexual or into publicity stunts, and there are many other performers to choose from if that’s not our cup of tea. As far as my children go, I encourage them to appreciate the entertainers they enjoy, but refrain from putting them on a pedestal. We’re all just people after all, and we all have unique qualities that deserve celebrating. It’s up to us who we decide to give energy and pay attention to. The public holds the real power. Lori Welbourne is a syndicated columnist. She can be contacted at

Speaking for Animals

The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned, abandoned and abused animals each year. Volunteers are urgently needed to care for animals and assist with SPCA events. If you can help, please contact your local shelter today.

The Journal Thursday, January 2, 2014


2013 IN REVIEW: School closures, Council vows to clean up Oasis New home for Peoples

People’s Drug Mart in Ashcroft celebrated their new store location last week into the old Village Mall across the street from the Central Cafe. Mayor Andy Anderson and MLA Jackie Tegart congratulated owner Victor Ikari, manager Irene Trueman and their staff on the move, which has expanded their floor space.

Trustees accept school closure recommendations

School District 74 trustees accepted the recommendations by staff to close the elementary school buildings in Ashcroft and Lytton and create a K-12 school in the existing high schools. “We would like to see Ashcroft Elementary stay open,” said Juanita Little, president of AES Parent Advisory Committee, addressing the trustees before they discussed the recommendations at their Sept. 17 open meeting. “If that isn’t possible, we are ready to move forward and look at the K-12 option.” The recommendations were contained in a report written after last year’s Community Conversations which Gold Trail conducted around the region. While Ashcroft Elementary’s enrolment is projected to increase slightly next year, it needs $5.7 million in renovations to bring it to modern standards. And while the high school’s enrolment is projected to decrease again, it has sufficient space to accommodate all Ashcroft students as it is currently operating at less than 20 per cent capacity.

Derelict building in Cache Creek given deadline

The Oasis Plaza in Cache Creek will either be brought up to standards or action will be taken, Council decided at its Sept 23 meeting. Council decided after reviewing a report from outgoing administrator Leslie Lloyd to issue the owner of the empty Oasis Plaza – the storefronts and apartments to the south of the Oasis Hotel – with an order to give the Village access to the building by Oct. 23 in order to carry out an inspection. If consent is not given by that date, the Village will apply to the court for an entry warrant to conduct that assessment. Lloyd wrote in her report: “The building has been vacant for approximately three years and is a constant source of complaints from residents and from neighbouring property owners with concerns related to the upkeep of the property and escalating deterioration of the building, as well as health and safety concerns and potential fire hazard as a result of its current condition and abandoned nature.” The deadline for the building’s owner came and went without a satisfactory reply. “I believe our best course of action is through the courts,” said Cache Creek Mayor John Ranta after the Oct. 24 Council meeting. He would not comment on it further.

Municipal waste may include carcasses at new landfill

The new Cache Creek Landfill Exten-

sion should have an Operating Certificate and he said it should be more like 6,000 berta; Dawson City, Yukon and the Town by next Spring, says Mike Budzik of Bel- cars by the end of next year. of Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba. korp Environmental Services. Communities in Bloom chair Andrea He was updating Cache Creek Coun- Ashcroft wins national CiB Walker and Ashcroft Mayor Andy Andercil on the status of the certificate at the competition son attended the awards banquet on Oct. Several years of hard work and 26 and brought home the honours. AshSept. 23 Council meeting. They’ve requested the inclusion of improving the town’s appearance through croft also received a special mention for slaughterhouse waste - an item that was park improvements, floral settings and community volunteers. never allowed under municipal solid educating the public, Ashcroft’s ComShila Natha won the Scotts Miraclemunities in Bloom committee was award- Gro Contest for Best Residential Edible waste definitions in the past. “The province requries areas to dis- ed top marks as well as the coveted Five Garden. pose of this sort of waste,” replied May- Blooms last week in Ottawa at the nationClinton also competed nationally this or John Ranta. “We feel that we have the al awards ceremony. year, and while they didn’t place first, Ashcroft competed in the 1,001-2,000 they were pleased to received 4 Blooms right type of facility to do that.” Ranta noted that disposal of such population category against Sun Rivers and a special mention for their Funky material at the Landfill will have to go Resort in Kamloops; Bruderheim, Al- Flowerpot Contest. through an appropriate permitting process with the CFIA. Budzig said the carcasses will be broken down and diThe Royal Canadian Legion #113 Sage & Sand Pony Club 301 Brink St., Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 gested into a sludge materiDistrict Commissioner: Marcie Down Phone: 250-453-2423 Fax # 250-453-9625 al before it is deposited in the landfill. South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society Ashcroft-Cache Creek Rotary Club

Community Volunteer Groups

OCTOBER Worksite death

Oct. 2 at 6:50 am RCMP were called to a logging worksite on Battle Creek Forestry Service Road on Hwy 1 east of Cache Creek by a man who had arrived at work only to find his coworker dead in an onsite camper trailer. David K. Stark, Jr., 33 of Kamloops, had stayed in the camper overnight so that he could start work early the following morning. No foul play is suspected, but police are investigating the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning, along with the BC Safety Authority and the Coroner’s Office.

New switches installed at Ashcroft Terminal

Ashcroft Terminal began a new stage over the weekend as new switches were installed to divert rail cars onto sidings on the industrial property. “It means we can quintuple our capacity,” said owner Bob Landucci on Oct. 12 as he watched heavy equipment remove a section of CP rails to make way for the premade section of rail containing the switch,, worth about $600,000. “We’ve been waiting for this for seven years.” Until now, CP has had to park its cars on the main rail as they were being loaded or unloaded, which lead to cars sitting on the track in Ashcroft, sometimes for long periods of time. He said Ashcroft Terminal put through 2,200 rail cars this year. He already has contracts for 4,000 in 2014

601 Bancroft St. Box 603, Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 250-453-9656

Contact Person: Karin Magnuson Phone 250-457-6629

Ashcroft and District Fall Fair

Desert Spokes Cycle Society

Contact Person: Janna 250-457-6614 Contact Person: Jessica 250-457-7128

Phone 250-457-9348

Ashcroft Curling Club Phone 250-453-2341

Soups On

St. Alban’s Anglican Church Hall, 501 Brink Street Tel: 250-453-9909 or 250-453-2053 - All Welcome

Ducks Unlimited Canada

Ashcroft & District Rodeo Association Phone: 250-457-9390

Ashcroft/Cache Creek Volunteer Chapter Phone 250-374-8307

Ashcroft Volunteer Fire Department

Ashcroft and Masonic Lodge Zarthan Lodge No#105

Cache Creek Volunteer Fire Department

Contact Person: Fred Dewick

Phone 250-453-2415

Ashcroft & District Tennis Association Contact Person: Maria Russell Martin Phone 250-453-9391

Phone 250-453-2233

Phone 250-457-9967

South Cariboo Sportsmen Assc. #3366 Attn: Marian Pitt, Box 341, Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0

Ashcroft & District Lions Club

Soccer Association

Contact Person: Lion Vivian Phone 250-453-9077

Contact: Sandi Harry

Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors Assc.

Minor Hockey Association

601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9762

Contact: Lewis Kinvig Phone 457-7489 or 299-3229 or

The Ashcroft & District Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Store

Historic Hat Creek Ranch

347 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp

Kinsmen Club of South Cariboo

601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9944 Contact Person: Lt. (N) Curran 250-319-3461 Alexine Johannsson 250-453-2661 email:

Ashcroft Communities in Bloom

Contact: Jack Jeyes

Phone 250-457-9366

Phone 250-453-2259

Contact Person: Dave 250-453-9062

Cache Creek Recreation Society Contact Person: Jackie

Phone 250-457-9122

Contact Persons: Andrea Walker 250-453-9402 or Marijke Stott 250-453-0050

Ashcroft Royal Purple Phone 250-457-9122

Taoist Tai Chi Contact Person: Danita Howard Phone 250-453-9907 e-mail:

Bridging to Literacy Contact Person: Ann Belcham 250-453-9417

Ashcroft Hospice Program

Shirley 250-453-9202 or Marijke 250-453-0050

Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society Contact Person: Nadine 450.453.9100

The “Purpose of Sunday” Car Club President: Tom Lowe 240-457-6564

SCI Thompson River, B.C. Chapter Ken Brown - Phone: 250-453-9415

Canadian Red Cross - Health Equipment Loan Program (H.E.L.P.)

Ashcroft Yoga Group

Ashcroft Hospital - 250-453-2244

Call Marijke - Phone: 250-453-0050

Desert Bells Handbell Choir

Second Time Around

Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119

201 Railway Ave., Ashcroft BC Anne Bonter 250-457-9781

Sage Sound Singers Adult Community Choir Michelle Reid 250-457-9676

Cache Creek Communities in Bloom Committee Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119

Cache Creek Beautification Society

BC Lung Association Carolyn Chorneychuk, Director 250-453-9683

(and Farmers Market) Judy Davison 250-457-6693

BUSINESS SERVICES Reserve your space!

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Thursday, January 2, 2014 The Journal


A 10

2013 IN REVIEW: Miraculous escapes male who was transported to the Ashcroft Hospital for observation. The Clinton RCMP received a reResidents escape Clinton house quest from the Clinton Fire Departfire Three residents escaped from their ment to assist with a residential house burning home, including a 65 year old fire at located at 6715- 26 Mile Frontage Road, Hwy 97 on Dec.7 at 4:19 am. Brian Robert Bohemier The fire quickly engulfed 1943 - 2013 the residence and appeared to On Saturday, December 21st, 2013, have originated from the unBrian passed away in Kamloops at the occupied side where electrical age of 70 years. Brian graduated with his Engineer’s renovations were taking place. Degree from the University of Calgary The cause of the fire is bein 1965. Over the years, he made his lieved to have started from the home in Lillooet B.C. and Ashcroft, B.C. renovations. Brian was predeceased by his parents


Robert and Mona Bohemier of Lillooet. The Reverend Monsignor Jerry Desmond celebrated the Funeral Mass at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, December 27th, 2013 in Sacred Heart Cathedral, 3rd and Nicola Street, Kamloops. Brian’s cremated remains were laid to rest with his parents in the Ashcroft Cemetery on Tuesday, December 31st, at 11:30 a.m. A light reception followed. Arrangements are entrusted to Schoening Funeral Service, Kamloops.

Ashcroft’s garbage collection rates expected to rise

Ashcroft residents will see an increase on their utility bill in the new year, as the newly adjusted price for garbage pickup is introduced. Council introduced Bylaw 785 at its Dec. 9 public meeting. The bylaw “to establish a system of solid waste removal” sets out fees and charges, types of unacceptable waste, offences and other details for the mechanized system of weekly garbage removal that was introduced last January. The service remains the same as it has been for the past year, but home owners will notice a different rate on their next utility bill of about $30 as the cost goes from $70 to $100 per cart. Another $17 per cart addition is planned for 2015.


2014 Thompson-Nicola Regional District Board of Directors Regular Meetings are scheduled for 1:15 pm on the following Thursdays in the Boardroom of the TNRD Civic Building located at 300 – 465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2A9.

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Lovely 3 bedroom doublewide on large pad overlooking Bonaparte River. Double glazed windows, newer floors, skylights, stainless steel appliances, pad rent $225 per month. Kitchen renovated. New central air. $59,000.00 Lindal Cedar one of a kind custom home. Hard wood floors, granite counter tops, stone fireplace, auto underground irrigation, central vacuum, double garage. Shop 40x40 Quanset fully loaded professional shop. Two lots fully fenced, total 1.3 acres. M-1 zoning opportunities abound. $639,000.00 Nice unit Villa Frontera 55+ complex located in down town Ashcroft. 2 Bedroom, spacious kitchen with nook, air conditioning, natural gas fireplace, all appliances, 1 car garage, covered patio. No yard maintenance. $157,900.00 View photos of these properties and more at 250-453-2225 1-800-557-7355

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December brought some wickedly unseasonably cold temperatures with it, not only for local residents, but for the entire country.

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal Thursday, January 2, 2014 A11

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Thursday, January 2, 2014 The Journal


Golden Country presents

... Past, Present & Beyond 2013: This was the Year that was “This issue will mostly be their tales illustrate both the about the year in review,” said dark side of human nature, and Wendy cheerfully, and my first the enduring appeal of a tale thought was, “Well, that’s me of buried treasure. Both men off the hook robbed stagethen.” After coaches that all, my artiwere carrycles skip all ing gold, and over the last both were said century or to have hidden so, so what their treasyear would ure nearby: I review? Oregon Jack The more in the valI thought ley that bears about it, his name, however, and Rowland the more I somewhere thought that near his claim GOLDEN COUNTRY it might be at Scottie BARBARA RODEN interesting Creek. There to look back is a possibility at the stories I wrote about that Dowling’s gold – or some in 2013, with a few thoughts of it – actually was cached in and reflections about some of the valley, but the tale of gold them. at Scottie Creek appears to be The first thing that struck wishful thinking; reputable me was gold. After all, the sources indicate that all of the gold rush is what attracted gold Rowland got away with Europeans to the area, and it’s was either recovered, or aclikely that most of the people counted for by the spending who came here in search of sprees he went on in Ashcroft. gold thought to find it legitThe conflicting accounts imately. For every person who of Rowland’s story, however, struck it rich, however, there illustrate how these sorts of were dozens of people who tales start. My researches into were disappointed in their am- the Scottie Creek affair uncovbitions. Most of these people ered all manner of embellishleft the area, defeated, or set- ments and additions over the tled here and turned to other years, as the tale was told and pursuits, such as ranching or re-told by people who had no farming. A handful of people, direct knowledge of it; a frehowever, decided that if they quent problem when looking could not obtain riches legally, into something that happened they would get them through a century or more ago. The more nefarious means. truth is often fairly straight“Oregon Jack” Dowling forward, even uninteresting, and Martin Van Buren Row- and it’s human nature to want land were two such men, and to make a ripping yarn out

of it. The idea that Rowland left a fortune in gold at Scottie Creek makes a much better tale than the prosaic truth; and if anyone wants to take a metal detector out there and have a look, then feel free. Just don’t be too disappointed by the result. My longest story of the year was the one which recounted the death of Special Constable Isaac Decker, who was killed while trying to apprehend two men who tried to rob a CPR train near Kamloops in 1909. I didn’t intend for the story to be as long as it became; the initial account which drew my attention to it was fairly short. However, I soon uncovered a wealth of material at the Ashcroft Museum, and was able to write what is, I believe, the fullest account of the affair ever assembled. I found myself searching through records and documents I hadn’t known existed, piecing together the full account of a tragedy which unfolded on the banks of the Thompson River in Ashcroft, and which claimed the life of a good man doing his duty. The story eventually extended to California and Montana, and concluded with an appeal to fund a grave marker for Isaac Decker, who lies in an unmarked grave in Ashcroft. The generosity of the community means that this will go ahead,

and I look forward to bringing readers more news of this event in 2014. The piece which was the most fun to write was that of King Edward VII and his search for the apples of Widow Smith of Spences Bridge at the Royal Horticultural Show in London. The preceding sentence really tells the entire story, but I enjoyed researching it, and imagining what unfolded in London, as the King failed (at first) to find his apples, and in Spences Bridge, as Bessie Smith and her children imagined the fate of the fruit they had grown in the Thompson River valley, and which had been sent half a world away. And I confess that it makes me smile, to think of the King asking for, and then delighting in, a humble apple grown so far away, in a place that he could probably not begin to imagine. The ghost in the Ashcroft Village office was also a fun story to write, as it’s not a secret that I delight in tales of

“ghosties and ghoulies and long-legged beasties and things that go bump in the night”. Late this afternoon I drove past the Village office, and confess that I glanced up at the windows, wondering if there was an unseen presence lurking within. If there is, then it is a benign one, wishing no ill-will towards those it encounters; surely the ideal ghost to encounter, if one is to stumble across such an entity. Other stories concerned the Clinton stove, and the man who gave Lytton its name, and some strange disappearances, and the macabre appearance of an unknown skeleton in a family plot on the Ashcroft Reserve. Taken all together, the year’s pieces show the wide diversity of tales to be discovered in our region. And on a personal note, I’d like to acknowledge the huge debt I owe to Kathy Paulos, curator of the Ashcroft Museum. Kathy – and the resources of the museum – has been a tremendous help in the researching and writing of these pieces; indeed, I wouldn’t have been able to do them without her assistance. It’s the time of year for resolutions; so resolve to visit the Ashcroft Museum in the new year. A trip there will not disappoint; and if you enjoy these stories from my humble pen, you’ll find the source of their inspiration, and much more, residing within its brick walls.

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