The Columbia Valley’s Newspaper Since 1956
From Canal Flats to Spillimacheen
Wednesday, October 31,8, 2012 Wednesday, January 2014
Vol.58 56Issue Issue 40 Vol. 02
BERNIE RAVEN CHRIS RAVEN 1-866-598-7415 TEAMRAVEN.CA Offices in Panorama, Invermere & Fairmont
Coal demand spurring longer trains Pg. 3
Passion for pottery unearthed Pg. 10
MaxWell Realty Invermere
Exploding into 2014 Photo by Colin McGovern A solid crowd turned out for the Village of Radium Hot Springs' New Year's Eve fireworks display and birthday party on Wednesday, December 31st at 6:30 p.m. The bombastic display lit the skies as far away as Wilmer, and heralded the New Year with thunderous booms heard across the valley. Part-time Radium resident Colin McGovern took this photo from a hillside on the east of the Highway 93/95. See more photos of the display on page 22.
Ktunaxa's Jumbo legal challenge hits courtroom GREG AMOS
A legal case centred around an alleged lack of consultation over plans to develop the $450-million Jumbo Glacier Resort is now before the B.C. Supreme Court, as the Ktunaxa Nation's judicial petition against the province got underway in Vancouver on Monday, January 6th. The First Nation, which represents a population of 1,100 people in the East Kootenays, is alledging that in approving a Master Development Agreement for Glacier Resorts Ltd. in March 2012, the province failed to take into consideration the significant sacred values the Jumbo Valley — or Qat'muk —holds in Ktunaxa culture.
“The Ktunaxa have been opposed to this development for 20 years,” said Ktunaxa Nation Chair Kathryn Teneese in a press release distributed on Monday afternoon, after a morning of uncertainty as to whether the case would begin that day. “We have tried to explain to provincial ministers and other government representatives that Qat’muk is of profound spiritual and cultural importance to our nation and that the resort will desecrate the area.” Lawyers for the two sides will present their case and affidavits to a Supreme Court justice over the ten days scheduled for the hearing, with lawyers for the province expected to present their arguments next week. No witnesses will be called to testify, though a contingent of Ktunaxa Elders, leadership and citizens will be present at the Supreme Court building to attend the pro-
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ceedings. An event in support of the Ktunaxa Nation will occur in Cranbrook. The ski resort would be built an hour west of Invermere in the heart of what the Ktunaxa call Qat’muk, a place identified as home of the grizzly bear spirit. In a judicial review, a Supreme Court judge examines a decision made by an administrative tribunal or administrative decision-maker, in this case, the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. The legal process won't focus on whether the decision to grant Glacier Resorts Ltd. approval of its resort Master Development Agreement was correct; instead, the focus will be on examining the process by which the decision was made and the Ktunaxa’s claim that their interests were not given proper consideration. »See A2
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo
Feeling hot? It’s not the flu.
Haffner Creek honchos
You Have Olympic Fever! From January 22nd thru February 26th the Valley Echo will be running a weekly Olympic feature which will include local athlete profiles, a look at the Sochi Olympic venues, a preview of the Opening Ceremonies, and three weeks of Olympic events coverage. There will also be a an Olympic contest open to our readers with weekly prizes and an iPad for our Grand Prize winner.
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Certified General Accountants of British Columbia
Murray C. Davidson, CGA Certified General Accountant I am very pleased to announce the opening of my new public accounting firm located at: #106 – 901 7th Avenue Parkside Place Invermere, British Columbia I have over 25 years of experience in public practice, and look forward to providing my clients with the following professional services: • Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll • Corporate and Personal Tax Planning and Preparation • Financial Statement Preparation • Auditing • Business Consulting I invite you to drop by the office (opening mid-January) or contact me at: Telephone: 250-342-5340 Email:
Photo submitted by Marie-Claude Gosselin Ice climbers explore the vertical walls of Haffner Creek in Kootenay National Park on Thursday, January 2nd. The area hosts several of the most sought-after ice and mixed climbing routes in the Canadian Rockies.
Cop recruits mayor for emergency police drive DAN WALTON
District of Invermere mayor Gerry Taft was in the right place at the right time to give the Columbia Valley RCMP a helping hand. On the evening of Friday, December 20th, RCMP Const. Andrew Michaud was patrolling the local streets when he and his partner had to pull a vehicle over. “It just so happened that the traffic stop turned into a couple of arrests,” he explained to the Valley Echo, noting there was an impaired driver involved. “And just then a police emergency came in from Edgewater, where they required a member right away for safety reasons.” Because there were people in custody, the police cruiser and Const. Michaud’s partner were tied up at the scene, but he was able to attend to Edgewater – as long as he could get himself there. “I ran down 7th Avenue to look for anybody to give me a ride up to the office,” Const. Michaud »JUMBO LEGAL CHALLENGE from A13
The Ktunaxa Nation did ask to have the proceedings moved to Cranbrook, but that petition was rejected, said Ktunaxa Nation Council communications manager Jesse Nicholas. The First Nation is being legally represent-
said. That's when he found Mayor Taft. “I was just leaving to go home, and an officer was walking with his flashlight out, walked over to the drivers’ side and asked for a ride,” Mr. Taft said. The officer didn’t know that it was the mayor’s pick-up truck he was approaching. “I said, 'We have a police emergency – I need to get to the police station right away; can you give me a ride?' And he said, "Get in."” Mr. Taft then drove the officer to the Columbia Valley RCMP detachment, where Const. Michaud took another police vehicle to Edgewater. “We didn't drive aggressively; we did it safely, but if it wasn't for his help, I wouldn't have been able to respond that fast,” said Const. Michaud. “It's good to have that kind of support in the community with everybody helping out." Staff Sgt. Marko Shehovac said it's not a common procedure to commandeer a civilian's vehicle, and this is the first time he can recall this being done as long as he's been working in the Columbia Valley. - With files from Greg Amos ed by Vancouver law firm Peter Grant and Associates. In court on Monday, Mr. Grant said the province was well aware of the significance of Qat’muk to the Ktunaxa Nation, yet had barely mentioned it when it approved the project, reported The Globe and Mail.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo A3
Page Three Frigid flow and nordic snow
Have a news tip? or 250-341-6299
Echo Index Weekly Content Opinion...................................................A6 Word on the Street..................................A7 Community Calendar............................A8 Remember When?.................................A8 IPC World Cup preview..........................A9 Sports.............................................A16-A17 Classifieds.....................................A19-A20 Brain Games..........................................A21 Serving the Valley.................................A24
Greg Amos/ValleyEcho photo A bend in the Cross River adjacent to the Nipika Mountain Resort was a tranquil scene amidst prime cross-country ski conditions on Sunday, January 5th.
Valley coal trains getting longer STEVE HUBRECHT
Upper Columbia Valley residents fond of watching the Canadian Pacific trains chugging through the Upper Columbia Valley may have felt they've been gazing a little longer in recent years, and for good reason — the company's unit coal trains have grown in size by about 20 per cent since 2011. Unit coal trains represent the majority of train traffic through the valley — although there are also freight trains carrying a wide range of products — and most of these coal trains are now 152 cars long, instead of the 129 cars they were previously. With each car being a bit more than 53 feet (16 metres) long, this means the trains are now about 8,000 feet (2,430 metres) — almost two and half kilometres. Valley Echo file photo “CP increased the size more than two years ago in order to respond to our customers' shipping needs,” CP trains passing through Invermere today are 20 per cent longer on average than the train seen in this file photo. said Canadian Pacific spokesperson Kevin Hrysak. Canadian Pacific announced in late 2011 that it inlocomotives at the front. tended to continue developing what it calls its long After a Canadian National long train with three locomotrain strategy and at time the company had already increased the length of some of its trains by 40 per cent from 2008. The tive at the front derailed near Brighton, Ontario in 2009, increased productivity and service, reduced labour costs and then-Transport Safety Board acting director of rail investiincreased fuel efficiency Canadian Pacific touted as benefits gations Rob Johnson blamed the lack of locomotive distriof longer trains led the company to label them as the corner- bution for the accident. 'The way in which this train was marshalled created high stone of its operating strategy. The company said in a sepain-train forces much like an accordion. Pulling forces seprate announcement on its website that it would spend $200 arate cars and pushing forces compress them together," million on its long train strategy. Around the same time, Transport Canada began a multi- said Mr. Johnston at the time in a prepared statement. year study with the intent of developing policy and regula- “This caused a “knuckle” connecting two cars to break and tions for building and running long trains, in part because the train pulled apart. The heavier tail end then collided no regulation existed on how long trains should be mar- with the lighter cars ahead causing the derailment.” According to Mr. Johnston, a long train with a distributed shalled — in other words, how many locomotives are in a power system can have lesser in-train forces than a short given train and in the order in which locomotives and cars train with a conventional power system. are placed throughout that train. Canadian Pacific has developed its own Train Area MarAccording to a 2011 media report, those looking to link the length of the trains with derailment accidents (such as shalling (or TrAM) software, which the company uses as the one that occurred here in Invermere in late November a sort of model when it builds and develops its trains. The 2013) are focusing on the wrong factor and should instead software simulates the in-train forces the CP trains will encounter on the curviest and steepest sections of actual CP look at how the derailed trains were marshalled. Canadian Pacific has long been using what it calls a dis- rail and is meant to help the company decided how many tributed power marshalling system (placing locomotives locomotives it needs and where they should be placed. “The safe operation of trains through the communities throughout the train instead of just at the front). Canadian National, which has also been increasing the length in which we operate is a priority for Canadian Pacific,” of its trains, had until recent years been using the conven- said Mr. Hrysak. The cause of the recent derailment in tional power marshalling system of simply placing all the Invermere is still under investigation.
Columns Norm Macdonald/MLA Report..............A6 Gerry Taft/Regional Rundown..............A7 Steve Hubrecht/Off the Record...............A7
Features Minor Hockey Week...............................A11 Hockey Pool............................................A18
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This week's online poll question: Do you think the Ktunaxa Nation will be successful in the judicial review over the province's approval of Jumbo Glacier Resort? Cast your vote at
Last week's online poll results: No poll was posted last week as Valley Echo staff were enjoying their Christmas holidays! Yes: No:
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo
Residential property values holding steady in the Columbia Valley GREG AMOS
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Behind the
Wh ee
Update your Driving Skills and Knowledge How to Politely Allow a Traffic Violation
I’m almost always pleased to see another driver exercise courtesy on our highways because it cancels out some of the selfishness that I see every day. I say almost because I saw a misguided act of kindness today that left me shaking my head. One driver made room so that the other driver could make an illegal lane change from a side road through surrounding standing traffic. We were waiting for a red light when the vehicle in front of me began to back up. I was just about to sound my horn in warning when the vehicle stopped. The buffer between our vehicles was gone and we would become an accordion if I was rear ended. What was going on? A car waiting at the yield sign to my right was now able to push its way across five lanes of traffic, including a single solid white line separating the left turning lanes. While that vehicle waited to make this improper move, traffic in that lane was stalled or forced to squeeze behind leading to confusion at the intersection. This violation does not make for a safe situation! Done properly, the car in front of me would have stayed where it was because we were in the leftmost through lane. It would be up to a driver in the right hand lane to anticipate and leave room to allow this vehicle onto the cross street. Once in, that driver would have heeded the solid line and found an alternative, legal method of proceeding in the required direction. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
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While it's not the spectacular result many might be hoping for, it's not bad news either — the marginal declines in property value for homes in the Columbia Valley can be seen as the sign of a stable market. “Most home owners in Invermere, Radium Hot Springs and Canal Flats will see only modest changes in value depending on their locations,” said Rod Ravenstein, the Kootenay Region deputy assessor for BC Assessment, the provincial crown corporation charged with fairly valuing all land and improvements in B.C. “A typical single family home in Invermere that was previously assessed at $346,000 was valued at $336,000 in the summer of 2013,” he said. The assessments reflect values as of July 1st, 2013. A neighbourhood-by-neighbourhood comparison around the Columbia Valley shows slight declines in value for most areas, driven by market trends. Notable exceptions include Fairmont Hot Springs (where the average assessment value rose to $373,000 from $370,000 last year) and Canal Flats (where the average home increased by $4,000 to $162,000). A few communities on the east side of Lake Windermere saw big increases: lakefront properties rose to an average of $1.45 million from $1.35 million, while homes in Timber Ridge increased from $489,00 on average to $512,000, and Windermere properties went
up to $602,000 from $580,000. Residential property value was up 1.31 per cent across the entire East Kootenay region, all of which Mr. Ravenstein classifies as a stable real estate market. Invermere's total residential tax base now sits at $932 million, down from $961 million, meaning a tax rate increase would be required for the District of Invermere to maintain the same amount of income. Commercial and industrial properties in the area can expect value adjustment of no more than five per cent in either direction. BC Assessment also released a list of the top 100 most valuable homes in the East Kootenays: of the top 20, 16 are found in the Lake Windermere area. The full list can be found at . Across B.C., the largest moves in the 2014 assessment roll were for managed forest land, which showed a jump of 15.3 per cent in the Fraser Valley and drops of 10 per cent or more in other regions. The province as a whole now has $1.14 trillion worth of real estate value, an increase of 1.31 per cent from 2013. A more user-friendly online tool can be found online at this year. The e-value BC link allows anyone to compare the value of their home with neighbouring homes. As in past years, a property assessment review panel comprised of three local people wil be established, and those who disagree with their property's assessment have until January 31st to submit an appeal by calling 1-866-825-8322 .
Timber supply review to begin soon GREG AMOS
The Invermere area timber supply review will get started soon, but those interested in knowing who gets the rights to which part of the forest will still have to wait for some time, as the review process could take about a year a half and only then will the allocation process begin. “We're (Invermere and Cranbrook timber areas) next in the queue to be reviewed, but I don't know exactly when,” said Rocky Mountain Forest District resource manager Steve Jablanczy. “It is a long process, it typically takes a year, but complicated cases can be as long as two years. Hopefully we'll get started in early 2014 and finish in mid-2015. That's the tentatively optimistic schedule.” Deciding who gets which cutting rights (and other rights) to the forest areas is a separate process, however, according to Mr. Jablanczy. “The timber supply review simply determines how much timber harvest should go on in a sustainable way. Apportionment — the divvying up of that harvest — that's another
process,” he said. The timber supply, or timber harvest rate, is determined by B.C.'s chief forester, but it is Forest, Lands and Natural Resource Operations minister Steve Thomson who allocates the rights, added Mr. Jablanczy. “Many factors determine how much cutting can go on," he said. "The single lengthiest part of the timber supply review is the public review and First Nations consultations. There's a lot of opportunity for shareholders to put their input into things." “The analysis is also complicated, particularly since here there's a big land base with a lot of variation," he added. “It's (the review) a big deal and hopefully there'll be some opportunity for the Columbia Valley Community Forest,” said Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald. The timber supply review has been going on in different guises since the 1940s and under the official title of “timber supply review” for at least the past 30 years, according to Mr. Jablanczy. Each timber supply in the province is reviewed every five to 10 years, depending on how stable the supply in the given area is.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo A5
Liquor law reform spurs cautious optimism amongst valley dining establishments DAN WALTON
After gathering input from British Columbians about changes to the province’s liquor laws, relaxations on certain regulations have been suggested, including the allowance of happy hour specials and liquor sales in grocery stores that could come into effect later this year. But the proposed changes don’t seem to be causing much local excitement. “The devil’s in the details,” said District of Invermere Mayor Gerry Taft. “The concepts of modernizing the rules or simplifying them, I think all of these things make sense, but I think it will depend on how they’re rolled out.”
One of Mr. Taft’s worries is that a new set of regulations will be introduced, rather than the elimination of existing ones. “I don't think it will be earth-shattering or interesting,” said Invermere councillor Justin Atterbury, who co-owns the Rocky River Grill and Station Pub, adding that he won’t immediately embrace looser regulation. He added that looser rules around happy hours should be treated cautiously by restaurant owners, as over-serving of alcohol could result in lawsuits. Columbia Valley-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald agrees that many of the terms sound reasonable, but finds the timing suspicious. “A complaint that was made was that every time they got in trouble with hydro rates or something like this, they throw something out from the liquor reforms as a
distraction,” he said. “I don't know if that's why, but it was odd how they did it.” Mr. Macdonald hopes to see the government thoroughly consult with the public, and make sure the new regulations will work for businesses in the valley. Huckleberry’s family restuarant owner Rob Mason, however, told the Valley Echo that he would consider the idea of a happy hour drink special if laws permit it. “I would probably wait and see how it works in other places before I let my place do it,” added Mr. Atterbury. Mr. Macdonald noted other provinces have already started. “If it seems to be working in Alberta, then people are going to ask why it isn't in place here,” said Mr. Macdonald. With any of these changes we need to see the details to know how well thought through the changes are.”
BC Views - Tom Fletcher
Another year of enviro-wars The new year lurched to life with a round of shouting about the environment, as our post-industrial, post-literate urban society grapples with conflicting claims of impending doom. The release of a group of Greenpeace protesters from a Russian prison was welcomed by TV news networks desperate to fill the holiday dead zone. Our intrepid Canadian pair got to describe over and over their bid to hang a strongly worded banner from a Russian offshore oil platform, and their horror when security forces boarded their vessel from helicopters and seized it. In all the fawning interviews, I kept waiting for two questions to be asked. What did they think Vladimir Putin’s regime would do? And what was the point? How is disrupting one oil platform for an hour going to save the planet? Meanwhile at the South Pole, TV anchors remained carefully sombre as they reported numerous bids to rescue a scientific vessel trapped in thick ice. No quips about the predictive abilities of climate scientists please! In fact this ill-fated voyage was a reenactment of Sir Douglas Mawson’s 1913 expedition, with pro-global warming news outlets BBC and The Guardian aboard to capture the melting wrought by a century of industrial expansion. The rescue efforts (from a Russian ship by Chinese helicopters) also disrupted an Australian icebreaker’s supply trip for one of the real scientific expeditions working in Antarctica. Skeptics had fun with the Antarctic debacle, as they did earlier with the resurgence of Arctic ice that trapped climate tourists. As is normal in the Internet age, the climate debate has split into two fanatical factions, each of which promotes the most extreme examples it can find to prop up its version of truth. They call each other “warmists” and
“deniers” among other pithy names. Greenpeace is now known in B.C. as part of our Team America anti-tar sands brigade. They got off to a good start in 2014 by selectively seizing on reports of a new study of mercury contamination in northern Alberta. A “bullseye” of this dreaded neurotoxin has been drawn around oilsands operations by measuring traces in snow. The study by Environment Canada scientists isn’t published yet, but Postmedia News reported on a presentation in November by the researchers. “The federal scientists stress the mercury loadings around the oilsands are low compared to the contamination seen in many parts of North America including southern Ontario and southern Quebec,” the news report states. This is like the study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) pollution in northern Alberta lakes that was twisted into propaganda and fed to the news media last year. This is another group of neurotoxins that are far more concentrated in urban areas than around remote industry. Consumption, rather than production of coal, diesel and other fuels produces the vast majority of these emissions. I look forward to the study of their effects around Lost Lagoon and Burnaby Lake. Of course safe levels of these materials have been set by Health Canada. You’re more likely to get significant exposure to mercury from a broken fluorescent lamp or the mercury amalgam in your old tooth fillings than you are from feeding ducks at the lake, although you might get a whiff of PAH when you gas up the car or board the bus. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email:
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo
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Long-winded winter wisdom GREG AMOS
Of all the information-gathering challenges presented to journalists in a small newsroom, one of the most daunting is to get an accurate read on the actual temperature outside. Oh, sure: we face gatekeepers and "spokespeople" on a regular basis, and are required to dance around the formalities until we can glean the knowledge we're actually seeking. We get stonewalled on a regular basis when trying to follow the money to a logical conclusion. But ask someone how cold it was on a certain day, and you're likely to get the broadest range of answers possible. When it's frigid, Canadian pride tends to obscure logic as we ignore the effects of wind chill and our own lack of proper clothing to describe just how unbelievably cold it was or will be. A few weeks ago, common exaggeration was plumetting the culturally-accepted temperature outside to "almost -40 C". Never mind that Environment Canada — who measure temperature the proper way, in a wind-andsun-free environment one metre off the ground — were posting temperatures in the low -20 C range instead. Aside from Environment Canada's Weatheroffice site, virtually every weather information source casually factors in the improper science of wind chill , as outlined in a recent Globe and Mail story, into the weather calculations to make as big or small a number as possible. How warm or cold it is has an important bearing on what we do at this time of year, and how we do it. For instance, the early season chill that converted the surface of Lake Windermere into a 15-inch-thick natural skating rink has drawn skaters to the lake like religious pilgrims to Mecca. It's been truly remarkable to see just how well used this natural asset has been since Christmas. Don't miss your chance to experience it because of some cold-weather hype.
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The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to
The NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley
#8, 1008 8 Avenue • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-341-6299
MLA Report — Norm Macdonald
Who benefits from the BC Liberal Energy Plan? In my previous two MLA reports, I’ve talked about the reasons that your BC Hydro rates are going up. I’ve laid out examples of BC Liberal interference in BC Hydro decisions and the ways that those decisions are now costing you money. But the question has to be asked: was it simply incompetence by the BC Liberals, or was there a larger agenda at work? Too often over the last 12 years we have watched as government actions have allowed the transfer of public assets into private hands, and friends and supporters of the BC Liberals have consistently been the beneficiaries. For decades, British Columbians benefitted greatly from having access to affordable power locally generated by BC Hydro. And British Columbians benefitted greatly because BC Hydro, which is publicly-owned, contributed hundreds of millions of dollars in dividends to the general revenue of the province. This was an excellent example of a public asset used for public good. A very effective energy lobby group was established and they worked closely with government to figure out a way to begin to transfer that public wealth into private hands. The only way it could be done was for the government to implement a wide range of legislative changes which were laid out in the BC Liberal Energy Plan. Through legislation, BC Hydro was forbidden from
Angela Krebs
Rose-Marie Regitnig
Greg Amos
Steve Hubrecht
Dan Walton
Silena Ann Ewen
Dean Midyette
Sheila Tutty
Nicole Trigg
Renice Oaks
dean@cv-pioneer. com
In Absentia
building new power projects, and was mandated to purchase new energy from private power producers, primarily through “run-of-river” projects. Private companies were allowed to “stake” rivers and creeks across British Columbia for only a small fee. And then private companies signed long-term power purchase agreements with BC Hydro at exorbitant rates. These contracts were so lucrative that they provided these companies with enough collateral to raise the capital to build hydro projects on formerly wild rivers and creeks. In the end, these private companies have taken over access to our rivers, our water and our land; privatizing a public asset using public money while being protected from market forces through contracts that are now bankrupting our Crown corporation. And how much money has been made at our expense? How much will this gold rush in British Columbia’s energy sector cost BC Hydro ratepayers? Estimates for long-term contracts are as high as $50 billion. That’s a bill that is going to take ratepayers a very long time to pay off. Norm Macdonald is the MLA for Columbia RiverRevelstoke and can be contacted at norm.macdonald., or by phone at 1-866-870-4188.
NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC PRESS COUNCIL – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo A7
Word on the Street
The provincial government is considering an update to B.C.'s liquor laws, which could include hourly drink specials and alcohol sales in grocery stores. What do you think?
Regional Rundown — Gerry Taft
New projects for Invermere in 2014 Editor's note: Regional Rundown is a new feature in the Valley Echo, in which we'll offer each mayor and regional district director in the ColumbiaValley the chance to share what's new in their community each week. The District of Invermere is beginning the New Year with work on many important projects. Some of them have already been approved by council and have funding allocated in the current budget. Those items include the continuation of our events coordinator position, which helps to support existing and create new events within Invermere (to stay up to date, see ). Council believes this is important area to support because it drives interest in the community, stimulates direct economic activity, and helps to create quality of life for residents. We are funding the creation of way-finding signage for the downtown core and our walking trails. This
will assist people in navigating their way around town, and there are also some historical interpretive elements to some of the signage. It's a great opportunity for visitors and residents to learn more about our community and enjoy non-motorized recreation. Staff continues to work on design for ultraviolet disinfection treatment for our Paddy Ryan Lakes water system to bring our level of water treatment up to the highest standards. And the district has funded the creation of a public works manager position. In addition, Invermere council will be directly involved in consultation with user groups and then with the general public on more detailed design for new the new multi-use community centre, and continued discussions about potential regional funding towards this facility. Early in 2014, council will be deciding whether to proceed with a design-build process, or a designtender process, and hopefully by this spring we can begin a competitive process to determine which
firms could potentially design and build the new facility. Council will also continue to discuss and analyze options related urban wildlife, most specifically deer, and council will continue to defend our community from frivolous and malicious legal challenges. In cooperation with the other local governments in the Columbia Valley, and with funding and support from the Columbia Basin Trust, Invermere will continue to play an active role on the Columbia Valley Directed Funds Committee. With dedicated funding, staff support, and more clear set of process and direction, this group is poised to begin implementing its strategic plan and doing great work around the social and economic needs and opportunities in the Columbia Valley. Gerry Taft is the Mayor of Invermere and can be reached at 250-342-9281 or at .
Christmas kindness in the Clumbia Valley Dear Editor, I really wanted to share with you very nice lesson of kindness. In mid-December, my family stayed in Radium Hot Springs, enjoying the gorgeous mountains and relaxing hot springs. In the evening, we decided to have dinner at one of Radium's nicest restaurants: Helna's Stube. The food was great, the ambiance was absolutely delightful, and just across from our table was a nice couple enjoying their dinner as well. We exchanged some glances, but not more than that. At the end of the dinner, when we asked for our bill, we were told that the couple across from our table paid for our dinner before they left. We were absolutely surprised! Complete strangers decided to make us such a gorgeous gift! It's Christmas season and I think they wanted to be generous with our family. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! As we have no idea how to contact them otherwise, we decided that your newspaper could help us share this amazing story and thank them for their kindness. We hope that amazing couple, as well as all your readers, had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Toni Birlad and family Calgary
Off The Record — Steve Hubrecht
Knowing is half the battle Letter writers to the valley's two fine local newspapers in recent weeks have urged readers to treat cougars with respect. The letters follow some fantastic closeup cougar photos submitted by a Juniper Heights resident and reports about cougar sightings a few week ago. In two cases, conservation officers were forced to destroy the cats, which had been hunting and killing prey close to homes and slowly becoming habituated to human presences. Each letter writer describe a close encounter with a cougar and urges readers that although cougars can be dangerous, they need not always be destroyed. The letter writers do have a point – a quick online search returns records of only about 20 fatal cougar attacks in North America during the past 120 years or so, which means you stand a much more likely chance of being fatally attacked by a pet dog (more than 300 in past 100 years). It seems reasonable to suggest that cougars are more feared that they statistically should be — probably owing to their fierce reputation. But on the flip side, it also seems reasonable to suggest that the cougars' fierce reputation is well
deserved – they have the tools (claws, teeth, explosively powerful muscle mass) and the temperament to easily dispatch humans they perceive to be a threat or to be prey. In this regard, the conservation officers most certainly seem to have a point to destroying the cougars they did — as the cougars become habituated to humans the likelihood of a cougar-human-encounter-gone-bad skyrockets. A better understanding of cougar behaviour is no doubt a useful tool for any community to help reduce the chances of conflict with humans. In the valley there are plenty of option to learn more, not just about cougar behaviour, but also about the behaviour of all kinds of wildlife. Hopefully you'll never encounter a cougar — it's better for both you and the cat that way. But if you do, behaving in a wildlife-smart fashion will surely help both you and the cat get through the encounter more safely. Steve Hubrecht is a reporter for The Valley Echo and can be reached at:
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo
Community Calendar
Remember When?
Send your events to WED JANUARY 8 • 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.: The Para-Alpine Panorama IPC World Cup at Panorama: downhill training, men and women. For more information: PanoramaIPCWorldCup. • 5 -7 p.m.: Après with Athletes, as part of the Para-Alpine Panorama IPC World Cup. Residents of the Columbia Valley are invited to come to Pynelogs Cultural Centre in Invermere, B.C., to spend a few hours with Canadian team athletes and enjoy an evening of drinks and snacks. Grab a refreshment and take the rare opportunity for one-on-one time with world class athletes! • 5 - 9 p.m.: Mural night at the Summit Youth Centre. Let's make a mural for the Summit! THURS JANUARY 9 • 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.: The Para-Alpine Panorama IPC World Cup at Panorama: downhill training, men and women. • 5 - 9 p.m.: Hang out night at the Summit Youth Centre. FRI JANUARY 10 • 10:30 a.m.: The ParaAlpine Panorama IPC World Cup at Panorama. 10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m., Downhill race, men and women. 2:15 p.m., Awards ceremony in front of the day lodge. • 6 - 11 p.m.: Chain story and Exquisite Corpses at the Summit Youth Centre. • Windermere Valley Minor Hockey 2014 Female Midget "A" Tournament, January 10th - 12th at the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena. Invermere Rockies play at the following times: January 10th, 4:45 - 6:45 p.m. vs. Lomond; January 11th, 7 - 9 a.m. vs. Salmon Arm and 5:25 - 7:25 p.m. vs. Okotoks. January 12th games TBD. SAT JANUARY 11 • 10:30 a.m.: The ParaAlpine Panorama IPC World Cup at Panorama. 10:30 a.m.–3 p.m., Super combined race (downhill and slalom), men and women; 10:30 a.m., Downhill race; 2:25 p.m., Slalom race; 3:15 p.m., Awards ceremony in front of the day lodge. • 6 - 11 p.m.: Fast and
Furious movie marathon at the Summit Youth Centre. MON JANUARY 13 • 10:30 a.m.: The ParaAlpine Panorama IPC World Cup at Panorama. 10:30 a.m.–2 p.m., Super-G race, men and women; 2:15 p.m., Awards ceremony in front of the day lodge. TUES JANUARY 14 • 9:50 a.m.: The ParaAlpine Panorama IPC World Cup at Panorama. 9:50 a.m.–3 p.m., Giant slalom race, men and women; 9:50 a.m., Run 1; 1:30 p.m., Run 2; 3:15 p.m.; Awards ceremony in front of the day lodge. • 6 p.m.: Swimming at Radium Hot Springs with the Summit Youth Centre, 5 - 9 p.m. Please register by January 13th, 7:00 p.m. Leaving the Summit at 6:00 p.m. • 7 p.m.: Cinefest movie night presents Storm Surfers, marking Australia Day (January 26th). Runner-up for the 2012 Blackberry People’s Choice Award, this awe-inspiring film follows two Aussie best mates (Tom Carroll and Ross Clarke-Jones) approaching their 50’s who travel the southern hemisphere pursuing one of the world’s most deadly and exhilarating sports: big wave surfing. At Pynelogs Cultural Centre. Tickets at the door, $10. Cash bar and light refreshments. All ages. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., film begins at 7 p.m. WED JANUARY 15 • 5 - 9 p.m.: Experiment night at the Summit Youth Centre. THURS JANUARY 16 • 3 - 5 p.m.: EK Senior Caregiver’s Network at Columbia Garden Village dining room. Caregiver support group meets every third Thursday of every month. For info call Darla at 250-342-2808. • 7:30 p.m.: Lake Windermere Rod & Gun Club AGM at the Invermere Legion. Guest speaker Tara Szkorupa, Senior Biologist for the East Kootenays. FRI JANUARY 17 • 6 - 11p.m.: Challenges and hang out night at the Summit Youth Centre. • Annual Snowflake
Festival at Kinsmen Beach, Invermere. Taste of the Valley menu sampling from local restaurants, hockey, skating, food, games, fireworks and more. Visit • Annual Curling Bonspiel on the Lake at Kinsmen Beach and the Invermere Curling Centre, January 17th 19th. Email for more information. SAT JANUARY 18 • 6 - 11 p.m.: Birthday dinner of the month at the Summit Youth Centre. WED JANUARY 22 • 5 - 9 p.m.: Mural night at the Summit Youth Centre. Let's make a mural for the Summit! THURS JANUARY 23 • 5 - 9 p.m.: Hang out night at the Summit Youth Centre. FRI JANUARY 24 • 6 - 11 p.m.: Pool and foosball tournament at the Summit Youth Centre. SAT JANUARY 25 • 6 - 11 p.m.: Hang out night at the Summit Youth Centre. • Snow Golf Tournament on Lake Windermere. Presented by the Kinsmen Club of Windermere. Contact Steve Kuffler at 250-341-5486 for more information. TUES JANUARY 28 • 5 - 9 p.m.: Hang out night at the Summit Youth Centre. OTHER •The Whiteway is now open! The Whiteway is a 15km groomed track that runs all the way around Lake Windermere and connects the towns of Invermere and Windermere. The Whiteway has tracks for classic cross-country skiers, a groomed skate skiing track, and a cleared ice-skating track. There are three official entry points onto the Whiteway; one at Kinsmen beach in Invermere, one at the Invermere Bay Condos in Invermere, and one at Windermere beach. Visit The Toby Creek Nordic Club for a map and more information.
Valley Echo file photo January 2007 — Ernie Parent throws a choker rope to a nearby log, which the choker is slipped around before the whole assemblage is attached to the helicopter cable for transport. Mr. Parent appeared in a Valley Echo feature on the growth of heli-logging in the Upper Columbia Valley in January 2007.
A look back through The Valley Echo's archives over the last 50 years STEVE HUBRECHT
10 years ago (2004): The district of Invermere lost its chief administrative officer as Robert Earl, who filled the role in Invermere for five years, left to become the chief administrative officer of Banff. “It was a hard choice for us as a family to decide to make this move. We've developed close relationships in this community during the last five years,” said Mr. Earl. The move was a big step up in Mr. Earl's career, but he emphasized that there were few other places in which he would work after living in Invermere. “Because of our lifestyle and our love of mountains, Banff is probably one of a few communities where we
would have considered leaving Invermere for. When the opportunity came up, we certainly had to look at it,” he said. No departure date was set for Mr. Earl as the Echo went to press. Two other district staff members had left in recent months to further their careers — former director of development Chris Prosser and former public and municipal works director John Rosenberg. 20 years ago (1994): The Upper Columbia Valley New Year baby was Robert Minhas. Robert was due to pop out into the world on Christmas Day 1993, but came exactly a week later at 4:55 p.m. on January 1st. Radium Hot Springs residents Ruman and Jagtar Minhas were the proud parents and the winners of the Echo's 37th annual first baby contest. 30 years ago (1983): The Regional District of East Kootenay's economic development committee was getting set to disband. Half of the com-
mittee's $100,000 in funding was slated to be cut off by the province at the end of 1984, with the regional district on the hook to make up the shortfall. Committee commissioner Wilf Nordick resigned on January 6th, 1984. 40 years ago (1973): At the Village of Invermere's statutory meeting, village clerk Al Miller administered the oath of office and allegiance to new Invermere mayor Henry Delesalle. Mr. Delesalle was joined on council by newly elected councillor Robert Willox and incumbent Joseph Fuller. Mr. Fuller and Mr. Willox also took the oath. 50 years ago (1964): Invermere filed its civil defense survival plan. Invermere's plan estimated that 32,000 to 40,000 out-of-towners might have to be evacuated along with permanent area residents, depending on the time of year in which the emergency occurred. Invermere was the first community in the East Kootenay to file its plan.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo A9
Para-alpine racers chase dreams at IPC World Cup Submitted by Alpine Canada Special to The Valley Echo
More than 100 of the best para-alpine athletes from 20 countries will lay everything on the line this week in Panorama Mountain Village at Canada’s only IPC (International Paralympic Committee) Alpine World Cup as they battle for top spot on the podium and the chance to qualify for the 2014 Sochi Paralympic Winter Games. Some members of the Canadian ParaAlpine Ski Team have already met the criteria for nomination to Canada’s Paralympic team but for others, the Panorama World Cup represents a golden opportunity to punch their ticket to Sochi, Russia. The Panorama IPC World Cup is the largest para-alpine event in the nation, and Canadian athletes are eager tocapitalize on home-snow advantage. Teams will train in Panorama today and tomorrow, and will race in downhill, super combined, super-G and giant slalom from January 10th to 14th. “I’m really excited to race,” said sitskier Josh Dueck, returning to World Cup action after a break in the schedule following the season-opening races in the southern hemisphere. “In New Zealand we were at a different stage of prep. I wasn’t feeling as ready as I am now for the season. I feel like I’m in a lot better position. I’m really looking forward to race.” The Kimberley, B.C, native is no stranger to skiing in the Purcells. “Growing up in the Kootenays, I’ve always had a synergy with the snow and the conditions and the valley, and Ithink the track is going to be suited to those of us who like to go fast.” Dueck brought home a silver medal for Canada in slalom at the Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Winter Games and finished fifth in the downhill. The X Games medallist, who gained international acclaim in 2012 for becoming the first person to complete a backflip in a sit-ski, has already met qualification criteria to be nominated to the Paralympic team heading to Russia, but he’s hoping to seal the deal with some
strong downhill results in Panorama. “We don’t have a lot of speed events throughout the year, so to have a couple of back-to-back downhills and a super-combined all in a row, it’s going to really help out with the qualifying process for Sochi.” Canada’s roster of athletes for Panorama is a mix of veteran Paralympians and World Cup and world championship medallists, combined with up-andcoming young guns looking to make their mark on the World Cup circuit. The Canadian para-alpine team racked up 14 medals at last year’s world championships in La Molina, Spain — more than any other country in attendance — and is looking to build on the momentum created by last season’s successes. Dueck will be joined in Panorama by teammates and fellow sit-skiers Caleb Brousseau, from Terrace, B.C., and Rossland, B.C.’s Kimberly Joines. Matt Hallat, of Coquitlam, B.C., Duncan, B.C.’s Braydon Luscombe, Kirk Schornstein, from Spruce Grove, Alta., and AlexandraStarker, from Calgary, Alta., will represent the standing category, while Mac Marcoux, of Sault-Ste Marie, Ont. (guided by older brother BJ Marcoux), will be the only Canadian visually-impaired athlete competing. Prospect athletes Kurt Oatway, from Calgary, Alta., Alex Cairns from Squamish, B.C., as well as brothers Ben and Jeff Thompson, of Whistler, B.C., will compete in the sitting category, while prospect athletes Erin Latimer, of Etobicoke, Ont., and Alana Ramsay of Calgary, Alta., will join Starker in the women’s standing category. Although the Canadian Paralympic Team won’t be officially announced until February, many of Canada’s national team athletes met qualifying criteria last year at the season-opening IPC World Cup races in New Zealand in August. In addition to Dueck, the ath-
letes who have pre-qualified are stand- alpine provincial, national and internaing skiers Hallat, Luscombe, Schornstein, tional athletes will use it to train and race. and Starker, as well as visually-impaired “A lot of planning and forethought has athlete Mac Marcoux, and sit-skier and gone into the building of the track — widprospect athlete Oatway. Joines and ening runs, removing trees, and installBrousseau, who missed out on qualifying ing some added safety features,” added races in New Zealand due primarily to in- Law. “It’s fast, it’s challenging, and I have jury, are still looking to qualify. no doubt that it will create some super In order to qualify for nomination, in exciting racing. The cooperation from general athletes need to earn two finishes Panorama Mountain Village and our in either the top six or top 12, depending Government funding partners has been on which category they compete in. The instrumental in the process, and really, top six or top 12 results must be with- we couldn’t ask for more. in a certain percentage of the winning “The Canadian team is coming off of time, and one of those finishes must be some solid results at the last World Cup in achieved in the 2013-14 season. New Zealand,” Law said of the team’s fiveJoines, a sit-skier and Paralympian medal showing, including three gold. “At whose last Paralympics was at the 2006 Panorama we’ll be focusing on continuWinter Games in Turin, Italy, will be mak- ing to build momentum heading towards ing a return to the World Cup circuit in the Paralympics in March.” Panorama following a shoulder injury “We’re absolutely thrilled to be hosting sustained in training at last season’s test yet another international race event, this event in Sochi, Russia. The Canadian time on a brand-new race course,” addsquad will be gunning for extra speed on ed Steve Paccagnan, the chief executive a brand-new downhill track of interna- officer of Panorama Mountain Village. tional quality that has been built in ad- “We’ve put a ton of resources into making vance of the 2015 IPC Alpine Skiing World the course perfect for World Cup calibre Championships, which will also be held racing and our resort facilities lend themin Panorama. selves well to athletes in between races.” The course was constructed in partnerThe public is encouraged to cheer on ship with the Government of British Co- Canadian athletes and watch some of the lumbia, Panorama Mountain Village and best para-alpine racing in the world. The Alpine Canada, and features an 800-me- event is free to attend and the Brewster Ice tre vertical drop, sections on which ath- Explorer snow bus will run regularly from letes are expected to reach speeds greater the Panorama Mountain Village base to than 120 kilometres per hour, technical the finish area to transport spectators. The portions where quick-thinking and skill bus is wheelchair accessible. reign, and an expanded staging area to accommodate para-alpine equipment. For more information, go to www.alpine“To have a track of this quality in Canada For is very exciting,” said Brianne Law, athletic information about Panorama Mountain director of the Canadian Para-Alpine Ski Village, go to . Team. “It was built for the world championships that Panorama will be hosting next year, and I’m excited to see the athletes racing on it. This is the type of course that can raise the level of alpine and para-alpine racing in North America and beyond.” Licensed Program • Quality Care Both para-alpine and
Windermere Valley Child Care Society • Group Day Care (3-5 yr. olds) • Pre-School • Infant/Toddler Program • Out-of-School Program Spaces available. Book now! Drop-ins welcome.
Annual General Meeting Tuesday, January 14 @ 7:00 p.m. 620 4th street. (Pre-school Classroom), Invermere
Photo by Marcus Hartmann/Alpine Canada Sit-skier and Paralympic silver medalist Josh Dueck.
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Milestones are meant to be celebrated!
Which is why The Valley Echo is asking readers to submit their Milestones (anniversaries, new jobs/careers, birthdays, anything that marks a ‘turning point’ in your life or the life of someone special) for FREE to production@ (please put “Milestones” as the subject line). Your Milestones will appear at the start of the Classifieds section each week, and each week one Milestone will be randomly picked to WIN a FREE CUPCAKE at Quality Bakery in Invermere. Get your Milestone in today!
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo
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Photo courtesy of Tanya De Leeuw Photography
Dan Walton/Valley Echo photo Invermere potter Pauline Newhouse uses her former vacation cabin as a full-time pottery studio where she produces functional and aestheticallypleasing art. Leaving raw clay exposed in the final product produces a unique final result, she said.
Move to valley ignites passion for pottery DAN WALTON
It was a long journey before Pauline Newhouse found her calling, but after a career as a nurse and as a stay-at-homemom, the valley artist finally molded herself into a potter. “When I grew up, there were only a few things that a girl could do; (become) a teacher, a secretary, or just get married,” she said. “I decided to go into nursing.” She wasn’t exactly sure what kind of art she was ready to make, but once her children had outgrown the need for her to stay home, Ms. Newhouse was ready for a fresh start. Until 1986, Mrs. Newhouse was a part-time valley resident, crafting her newfound talent for pottery in the basement of her Edmonton-area home. Before becoming a full-time citizen of Invermere, she had recently finished studying a fine arts program at the University of Alberta. After Mrs. Newhouse and her husband built a bigger home beside their Invermere cabin and started calling the valley home, Mrs. Newhouse moved her pottery studio into the cabin. “I like to make things and work with my hands, and you can make anything you want with clay,” she said. “It makes a different shape with every move you make; the negative space is as important as the solid space.” Through friendships forged with some of the teachers
Cinefest @ Pynelogs Film: Storm Surfers
Tuesday January 14th at 7 pm What does ART mean to you? Tickets at the door Visit for our current events calendar, or call 250-342-4423.
that taught her grandchildren at Eileen Madson Primary, Mrs. Newhouse began giving young students art tours through her home studio. Adults still get to visit the studio each year during a stop on the Columbia Valley Arts Council's annual Tour of the Arts. Though many of her creations are sculptures and decorations, Mrs. Newhouse generally produced functional items, such as cookware and dishware. “I like leaving the raw rims, leaving the clay exposed at the edge,” she said. “Little impurities make speckles come through in the design.” The “raw” finish resembles a rustic appearance and texture. Mrs. Newhouse said that she’s experimented with many glazes over the years, and has adopted a limited selection with which she has become comfortable. A book was created by Mrs. Newhouse’s granddaughter which tracks her progress as an artist. It documents a mug that was one of her first pieces of work. Mrs. Newhouse said she can think of all sorts of new ideas, but is finding it increasingly difficult to carry out the manual labour that's a part of working with clay, such as carrying heavy equipment. “It’s heavy, hard work,” she said. Since becoming a clay artist, she’s ceased her pursuit of wood carving, but the three-dimensional work will always be her forte, she said.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo A11
Minor Hockey Week
4 1 20
The Windermere Valley Minor Hockey Association (WVMHA) provides children from the age of 5 to 17 the opportunity to learn and play the game of hockey. The WVMHA currently has just over 150 children playing at all age levels, and several of the levels field competitive teams to play in the East Kootenay Minor Hockey League or the Central Alberta Hockey League (girls' teams). Our goal is to provide a fun and safe environment for everyone to enjoy Canada’s game. For more information check out our website at — Chris Prosser, WVMHA president
Front row (L-R): Caden Williams, Cohen Lawrick, Finnegan Donahue, Saffian Douglas, Connor Lapointe, Chase Kinsey, Hannah Clarke, Keagan Wingert, Courtenay Krebs, Brandon Wingert, Payci Carder, Jack Andruschuk, and Cameron Charette. Second row (L-R): Andrew Dehart, Everett Friesen, Spencer Goldsmith, Keegan Kelly, Kaydn Chasse, Karson Schick, Cameron Jacobsen, Ethan Spencer, Jesse McIntosh, Rebeqa Clarke, Ryan Digney, Carson Scheffer, and Brayden Roe. Back row (L-R): Parent Paul Friesen, Leslie Toews, assistant coach Doug Schick, Parent Jodi Lawrick, Jake Jacobsen, manager Tanya Roe, and coach Jason Roe.
You miss 100% of the shots you never take. -Wayne Gretzky
Give it your best.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo
Front row (L-R): Carter Digney, Teagan Pike, Gage Martin, Bodey Billehaug, Ryder Shmigelsky, Keira Neal, Dylan Gray, Tobias Andrushuk, Paddy Donahue, and Vaughn Hemmelgarn. Second row (L-R): Payton Kruger, Baylan Douglas-Neudorf, Carson Jefferson, Adam Kubian, Ryan Tamelin, Ty Frocklage, Connor Brooks, and Sahara Eccles. Back row (L-R): Trish Pike (manager), Bjorn Billehaug (coach), Daphne Neal (coach), Wanda Wolfe (coach). Missing: Jody Brooks (coach).
Front row (L-R): Devin Woodworth, Kyle Brunner, Zack Smith, Cole Carey, Brydon Fleming, Ryan Neal, Pressly Irons, Dagwood Casavant, and Jonah Fournier Middle row (L-R): Matthew Nickurak, Soren Douglas-Neudorf, Tate Hetherington, Nolan Douglas-Neudorf, Michael Kubian, Austin Charette, Landon Nichol, Natasha Barsby, and Luke Schaal. Back row (L-R): Manager Rick Kubian, head coach Al Neal, and manager Angela Kubian. Missing: Coach Brian Schaal.
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Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.
Marv Levy
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo A13
Front row (L-R): Taylor LaRochelle, Tegan Dubois, Madison Roe, Dakota Archer, Parker Nichol, Jersey Ponych, Gwilym Muir, Christopher Dehart, and Gavin Murray. Second row (L-R): Jacob Taylor, Tristin McIntosh, Trenton Seaman, Meighan Prosser, Declan Lister, Harli Prymak, Sonny Langton, Emma Postlethwaite, Murray Campbell, and Brooklyn Goldsmith. Back row (L-R): Manager Angela Kubian, head coach Mike Campbell, and manager Rick Kubian. Missing: Assistant coaches Jason Roe, Shawn Nichol and Brandi Ponych.
Front row (L-R): Skeeter Langton, Connor Woodworth, Dace Prymak, Jonathan Postlethwaite, Nicholas Bolin, Davis Tenta, and Blake Simpson. Middle row (L-R): Connor Krebs, Liam Devlin, Riley Smith, Jagar Jefferson, Brendan Kruger, Nicholas Irons, Braden Agnew, and Matthew Cable. Back row (L-R): Coach Jye Carder, assistant coach Brent Bolin, Jake Swallow, Dylan McIntosh, Morgan Clarke, Hunter Pike, Gabriel Verge, Greydon Rohrick, Paige Smith, assistant coach Jason Pike, assistant coach Grant Simpson.
“Do you know what my favorite part of the game is? The opportunity to play.”
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You are never really playing an opponent. You are playing yourself, your own highest standards, and when you reach your limits, that is real joy. ~ Arthur Ashe
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo
Front row (L-R): Julianne Beddie, Kody Brunner, Meighan Prosser, Cassidy Palmer, and Lily Flamand. Back row (L-R): Assistant coach Evan Prosser, Allison Barsby, Chance Franson, Quintynn Hart, and coach Jye Carder. Missing : Coach Lindsay Torma.
Front row (L-R): Alex Sinclair, Jared Frasca, Wyatt Kress, Kyler Shmigelsky, and Malcom Turner. Middle row (L-R): Assistant coach Kevin Nelson, Kaden Simpson, Brennan Nelson, West Fiddler, Dawson Palmer, Jack MacSteven, and coach Darryl Turner. Back row (L-R): Isiah Fedow, Jake Gudjonson, Jared Oaks, TJ Routley, and Evan Prosser.
‘Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.’ Tom Landry
“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” ~ Earl Nightingale
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo A15
Front row (L-R): Ryann Devlin, Rachel Godlien, McKenna Nelson, Ashley Dubois and Megan Neale. Second row (L-R): Assistant coach Mickey Godlien, Jazlyn Oaks, Maddy Lindsay, Coach: Greg Dubois, Marhyn MacSteven, Savanna Neale, and coach Lindsay Torma. Third row (L-R): Julia Hoobanoff, Jordyn Hillier, Shelbie Clarke, Brianna Clarke and Kaitlyn Raven. Missing: Anna Erikson.
Front row (L-R): Travis Jackson, Brendan Sime-Vivian, Erich Harbich, Austin Gudjonson and Joe Pfalzgraf. Middle row (L-R): Assistant coach Ray Johnson, Josh Johnson, Justin Kinnersley, Tristan Dondaneau, Seth Bjorkman, coach Joe Evanoff, Hudson Ukass, Jacob Wright, Trey Beckett and assistant coach Greg Jackson Back row (L-R): Nic Devlin, Cooper Dunlop Nic Evanoff, Aidan Knuckey, and Jayden Jefferson.
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo
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Dan Walton/Valley Echo photo Defenseman Zach Schlitt blocks a Creston Valley forward from collecting the puck during Friday night's action at the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena. It was a rough start to the weekend for the Rockies, as the Creston Valley Thunders Cats were the first of three teams to visit the Rockies in as many nights, defeating the home team by a score of 7 – 1. The Rockies were subsequently beaten 4 – 3 and 6 – 4 on Saturday and Sunday.
Rockies suffer three losses to start 2014 DAN WALTON
Home ice didn’t give the Rockies much of an advantage this weekend, as they managed to earn only one of a possible six points. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, teams from Creston Valley, Castlegar, and Nelson were in Columbia Valley. As it currently stands in the Eddie Mountain Division of the KIJHL, the fourth-place Rockies and division-leading Thunder Cats would be aligned to compete in the first round of the playoffs. The first half of Friday’s opening period against Creston Valley was a scoreless tie. But it wasn’t long after the 10-minute mark when the Thunder Cats took control of the game, scoring two power play goals less than 90 seconds apart. Another goal in the final minute gave the Thunder Cats a 3 – 0 lead to finish the first period. Creston Valley’s lead became insurmountable after the second, when the visiting team netted another two goals near the midway point of the period. But the Thunder Cats weren’t able to shut out the Rockies, as Jerome Thorne scored after 10 minutes of play in the third with help from captain Bradly Palumbo. Two more Creston Valley goals put the Thunder Cats ahead by six, ending the game with a score of 7 – 1. Rockies goaltender Brody Nelson stopped 29 shots from the Thunder Cats.
Castlegar was in Invermere the next night for another Rockies home game. A high-sticking call against Ryan Henderson put the Rockies down a man midway through the first, allowing the Rebels to score the lone first period goal on the power play. The next twenty minutes were much more favourable for the Rockies. Mitch Rosko and Damon Raven set up Dustin Boone to tie the game, before Stephen Pratt scored to give Columbia Valley the lead with help from Adam Pulliam and Mitch Rosko. Racey Big Snake then made it 3 – 1 for the Rockies after passes from Braeden Farge and Damon Raven. The Rebels were able to cut the Rockies lead in half with a goal halfway through the third, leading to a tense final minute. Castlegar managed to tie the game at 3 with a goal in the final 11 second, forcing an overtime period. During the first overtime period of four-on-four play, Castlegar was able to secure the extra point when Rebel Jeremy MacNeil scored at 3:30. Goaltender Stewart Pratt blocked 62 of Castlegar’s shots. Despite the 40 penalty minutes handed out to the two teams, all but one goal in the game was scored at even strength. Stewart Pratt started again on Sunday against the Nelson Leafs, but was pulled after just over five minutes and allowing two goals on five shots. The Leafs ended the first period with a 3 – 0 lead, after scoring a late-period shorthanded goal in addition to the two quickies.
Nelson made the game 4 – 0 after opening scoring again in the second, but the Rockies were ready to retaliate. Braeden Farge put the Rockies on the board with assists to Tyson Kapty and Mitch Rosko, before Peter Matthews made the score 4 – 2 with help from Mitch Rosko and Racey Big Snake. The Leafs scored a fifth goal halfway through the second, but saw their lead reduced again to two after Logan Kerner scored for the Rockies third tally of the night. Adam Pulliam set up Ryan Henderson on the power play early in the third to make the score 5 - 4 with more than 15 minutes remaining. After killing off a minor penalty and game misconduct against Jerome Thorne late in the third, the Rockies needed to even the score, but suffered an insurance goal against in the final 61 seconds. The game ended with a score of 6 – 4 Nelson. Goaltender Brody Nelson stopped 33 shots for the Rockies. The Rockies next game is on Friday, when Creston Valley is in Invermere again for a rematch of last Friday. After this weekend's action, the Rockies sit at 29 points, still seven ahead of the Golden Rockets, who occupy last place in the Eddie Mountain division. The Rockies now have a record of 11 wins, 25 losses, and three ties, with the regular season concluding at the end of February. Coach Wade Dubielewicz was not available to comment after Sunday night's game.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo A17
Sports Freestyle forefather Photo by Dave McGrath Members of the Panorama Mountain Freeride Club had the opportunity to meet a true pioneer in the ski world this weekend. Sit-skier Josh Dueck, left, is a motivating figure as a silver medalist in the 2010 Paralympics in Vancouver, and in 2012, became the first person to complete a back-flip in a sit-ski. Josh, seen here in this image captured by a GoPro helmet camera, was a freestyle coach at Silver Star in Vernon before an accident severed his spinal cord. His passion for the sport of skiing and his amazing outlook on life was certainly an inspiration to all the up-andcoming skiers on the Freeride team! Josh is at Panorama Mountain Village racing in the International Paralympic Committee World Cup Races this week, and will be mingling with the public at the “Meet the Olympians” event at Pynelogs Cultural Centre tonight from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Victory and loss for minor hockey teams DAN WALTON
Windermere Valley Minor Hockey teams experienced the sweetness of victory and the bitterness of defeat in two one-sided matches last weekend. The Bantam Rockies team scored a 9-1 victory over an Elk Valley team on Saturday, January 4th. The offensive outburst included six goals from Jake Gudjonson, and goals from Jared Oaks and Evan Prosser. The midget Rockies team suffered a lopsided loss last weekend after injuries plagued the team's roster.
The Midget boys lost by a score of 11 – 1 to Elk Valley, a team that manager Julie Dunlop said is easily defeatable if the Rockies had a healthy lineup. Some important members of the team, including the Rockies goalie, suffered injuries, and are not likely for the next game in Cranbrook on Friday, January 17th. In the meantime, the Rockies' Seth Bjorkman is taking the starting goaltender position. The Midget Rockies have so far defeated Cranbrook twice this season, tied against Creston and Elk Valley, and are set to play Creston again after the match in Cranbrook. The next local minor hockey tournament will take place from January 17th to 19th, when atom teams face off at the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena.
KIJHL Standings
Kootenay Conference - Eddie Mountain Division Team
Creston Valley Thundercats
Kimberley Dynamiters
Fernie Ghostriders
Columbia Valley Rockies
Golden Rockets
Kootenay Conference - Neil Murdoch Division Team
Nelson Leafs
Beaver Valley Nitehawks
Castlegar Rebels
Spokane Braves
Grand Forks Border Bruins
Oldtimer Hockey Standings Regular Season Team
Radium PetroCanada
Inside Edge
Warwick Interiors
Arrowhead Brewsky’s
Kicking Horse Coffee
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THUNDERCATS Friday, January 10th 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo
The Valley Echo's 2013/2014
NHL Hockey Pool Standings Grand Prize
This week's winner is:
2 night stay at Copper Point Resort and $100 dining certificate for Elements Grill
Ken Reid
2 rounds of golf for the Ridge at Copper Point Golf Club
Head to Echo/Pioneer office to redeem your lunch prize!
All prizes must be claimed before the following week's results are released.
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T10 T10 T12 T12 14 T15 T15 T17 T17 T19 T19 21 22 23 24 T25 T25 T25 T25 29 30 31 T32 T32 T34 T34 T34 T37 T37 39 40 T41 T41 T43 T43 T43 T43 47 T48 T48 50 51
Team Puff Pastry Craiger Ivy Ken Reid Lis Kogging Professor 05 Toucan 01 Cotton Swab 4 Lawson 23 Hair Haven Pouncy’s Pals 3 Magic Mitch 25 King Chris Double-Duece Zman Love the B’s Aces N Eights PMD Naho Rubicon Brodes Rockies 18 Kappdaddy26 Pullz 28 G Rohrick 15 Jye RC31 Injured reserve 16 Dace 58 Snakitov13 Paige 13 Rockies 3 Rockies super fan “The Zach Attacks” Major Snipes Hossa 81 Snake53 B.the.B.B.B. Dusty 21 Brennan Kosty 27 Liam 10 Jake 2 The Goalie Guy DR19 Dirty Doan 12 an Harley R’s Rockets MN1 Jagar 20 Dicks Pix
Total 742 740 739 735 717 715 710 709 704 702 702 691 691 690 689 689 687 687 681 681 678 676 675 669 668 668 668 668 666 665 664 662 662 660 660 660 658 658 657 656 655 655 653 653 653 653 651 650 650 648 647
LW 58 60 50 70 52 53 57 59 57 52 60 51 57 58 54 56 47 52 62 69 48 64 46 50 60 57 63 49 56 43 52 47 58 44 54 58 54 53 62 53 39 57 58 62 48 48 47 57 57 48 52
GM 47 75 80 87 77 116 85 66 86 96 125 109 92 69 66 113 61 91 123 115 109 100 106 99 106 83 104 94 116 124 104 81 111 93 142 105 78 87 84 114 85 72 122 126 115 132 88 117 87 94 129
P/G 0.86 0.89 0.89 0.88 0.86 0.89 0.85 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.89 0.86 0.85 0.82 0.82 0.87 0.81 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.86 0.82 0.84 0.83 0.83 0.81 0.83 0.81 0.84 0.85 0.83 0.79 0.83 0.81 0.85 0.82 0.79 0.81 0.80 0.82 0.80 0.79 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.84 0.79 0.82 0.80 0.79 0.83
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Rank T52 T52 T52 T55 T55 T57 T57 59 60 61 T62 T62 64 T65 T65 67 68 69 70 T71 T71 73 74 75 T76 T76 T78 T78 80 81 82 83 T84 T84 T86 T86 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102
Team Stick63 Schlittsy06 JHaley11 Dylan 4 Flames Suck Chick Magnet Nelly MM88 Long Rock Crew Slut Plum 24 Kimmer Go Habs Go Troll 6 LBO Yolo Swagins Bergeeo 7 Westside Dan Brennan’s Compet Nelson 30 David Van Fan N4Cer Dave’s Laffers Dumpandpump 15 The Boyz Nicole Nick Bolin Rock 50 lil’b Ashley Furniture Hendy 17 Old Rock Love the B’s 2 Harley 10 Hunter 11 Mags57 Dooley ACF Joaks 16 Cian Heidi Ninja Chicken Badtothe Boone 22 Matt Cable Skeeter 31 Braden 5 Ryann 7 Connor K Riley 14 J. Pike
Total 646 646 646 644 644 643 643 642 641 640 638 638 637 635 635 634 633 632 623 622 622 620 618 615 614 614 611 611 609 606 605 604 603 603 600 600 598 595 594 593 592 590 587 586 583 580 579 578 573 547 511
LW 55 48 39 57 44 55 53 48 44 45 38 42 51 46 52 50 56 47 50 37 48 57 54 33 41 45 53 41 60 59 58 42 44 56 41 54 43 35 41 48 50 46 48 45 34 42 46 37 48 43 31
GM 135 157 126 126 121 82 123 97 91 114 104 90 124 88 93 102 151 110 106 126 142 122 120 153 169 93 117 113 128 112 150 154 157 122 117 154 119 116 163 154 153 119 135 154 111 184 147 157 167 143 175
P/G 0.84 0.85 0.83 0.82 0.81 0.78 0.81 0.78 0.80 0.81 0.80 0.78 0.81 0.77 0.78 0.78 0.83 0.79 0.78 0.80 0.80 0.78 0.78 0.82 0.84 0.76 0.77 0.76 0.78 0.76 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.78 0.75 0.79 0.77 0.75 0.79 0.78 0.78 0.75 0.77 0.78 0.73 0.80 0.75 0.77 0.77 0.72 0.70
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REBECCA MARY WINIFRED LOUCKS (EDWARDS) Known to all as WINNIE March 6th, 1917 North Battleford, SK. December 19th, 2013 Invermere, B.C. Predeceased Dick, Predeceased by by her her late late husband husband Dick, both of Invermere. both of Invermere. It is with heartfelt sadness thatannounce we It is with heartfelt sadness that we announce the passing of Winnie whousleft the passing of Winnie who left onus on Thursday, Thursday, December December 19th 19th at at the the age age of of 96 96 years. years.
Over the years, Winnie had had many many interests. interests. She She loved loved square square dancing, skiing, skating skating and and music. music. After After being being aa stay-atstay-athome mom, Winnie ventured ventured into into the the workplace, workplace, working working inin aa clothing store, store, driving drivingaaspecial specialneeds needschildrensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; childrensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;bus, bus,working workingin ina bookstore a boo storeatatMount MountRoyal RoyalCollege Collegeand anddriving drivingaa parts parts truck truck for for Calgary Motor Products. When When Winnie Winnie retired, retired, she she moved moved toto the the Shuswap with her husband Dick, Dick,where wherethey theyset setabout aboutthe thedaunting daunting task of building their own home home before before finally finally settling settling inin Invermere Invermere in 1996. Growing up she loved her sports, sports, and and loved loved toto be be outdoors. outdoors. In her later years, Winnie liked liked toto watch watch her her Blue Blue Jays Jays and and her her Stampeders â&#x20AC;&#x201C; she she even even liked liked the the NFL. NFL. Since Since moving moving toto Invermere, Invermere, Mom made many new friends friends through through her her knitting knitting group group and and the Royal Canadian Legion, where where she she was was aa loyal loyal member, member, while while always staying in touch with with past past friendships friendships throughout throughout her her wonderful 96 years. Winnie even even had had what what she she called called an an extended extended family here in the valley. In the the later later part part ofof her her life life she she loved loved toto go go on cruises including trips trips toto Alaska, Alaska, the the Caribbean, Caribbean, Panama, Panama, Mexico Mexico and Hawaii. Mom always spoke spoke about about returning returning toto North North Battleford Battleford which we did this past May. She She had had such such aa zest zest for for life life and and lived lived every moment to its fullest â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C; always always with with aa smile. smile. Winnie Winnie was was aa life member of the Eastern Eastern Star. Star. There There were were soso many many sides sides toto this this extraordinary womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life. life. Winnie is survived by her two two daughters daughters Kelly Kelly Williams Williams and and Georgena Loucks of Invermere, her her nieces nieces and and nephews nephews Priscilla (Jim), Ross (Natalie), (Natalie), Jacquie Jacquie (Pat), (Pat), John John (Susan), (Susan), her her great great nieces and nephews Nicholas Nicholas (Suzanne), (Suzanne), Tyler Tyler (Kristina), (Kristina), Michael Michael (Heather), David (Meagan), (Meagan), Robert Robert (Alisha), (Alisha), John John Paul, Paul, Jamie, Jamie, Alexx and Kat. She also enjoyed enjoyed her her eight eight great-great great-great nieces nieces and and nephews, with one more on the the way. way. AA very very special special thank thank you you goes goes out out toto all all the the staff, staff, doctors doctors and and especially the nurses at the Invermere Hospital who with especially the nurses at the Invermere Hospital who werewere with Mom Mom the last. at theatlast.
We are are so so lucky lucky to to have have had had you you in inour ourlives lives We Thank you mom for being there Thank you mom for being there Whenever we we were were in in need need Whenever Encouraging us us whenever whenever we we were were unsure unsure Encouraging Giving us the strength to succeed Giving us the strength to succeed When life life seemed seemed really really impossible impossible When You wiped wiped away away our our tears tears You And with with gentle gentle words words of of wisdom wisdom And You soothed away our fears You soothed away our fears You will be sorely missed and and truly truly loved loved beyond beyond measure measure As per Winnieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wishes, no formal formal service service will will be be held held but but aa Celebration of her Life will will take take place place atat aa later later date date with with her her family family and friends. Donations can be made in Winnieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Winnieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ssname nametotoaalocal localclub, club, organization or charity of your choice. choice.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
VILLAGE OF RADIUM HOT SPRINGS 2014 Event Coordinator (Contract) The Village of Radium Hot Springs is inviting applications for the position of Event Coordinator. This creative, outgoing and independent individual will be responsible for the development, coordination and facilitation of select tourism events during 2014. This is a one year part-time contract position with the possibility of renewal in 2015. The job description and position overview are available upon request. Interested candidates can send their cover letter and resume to Mark.Read@radiumhotsprings. ca by 4:00 p.m. January 17th, 2014. We thank all candidates for their application but only suitable candidates will be contacted.
Sales Representative ( 1 year maternity leave)
The Invermere Valley Echo is seeking an Advertising Sales representative for our weekly newspapers and magazine publications in the Columbia Valley. We have an opening for a full-time, one year maternity leave fill position commencing immediately. We are looking for someone with prior experience in a sales position, with a strong knowledge of sales and marketing and with a successful track record; someone who has strong written and verbal communications, organizational and exceptional customer relations skills; knowledge and proficiency in MS Office/MAC OS is a requirement. The ideal candidate must be motivated and take initiative to sell multiple products, work with existing customers and find ways to grow sales and income. A valid driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s licence and a reliable vehicle are a must. If this describes you, please submit your resume and cover letter to the attention of: Rose-Marie Regitnig Publisher PO Box 70, #8, 108-8th Avenue Invermere, BC, V0A1K0
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NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT Fairmont Grocery Ltd. intends to amalgamate with Fairmont Holdings Ltd.; Janet Andrea Wilder, Director, believes and has reasonable grounds for believing, that the Amalgamated Company will not be insolvent when the amalgamation takes place; and any creditor of Fairmont Holdings Ltd. who intends to object to the amalgamation must provide to the company a written notice of objection within 15 days of the publication of this Notice.
Real Estate Apt/Condos for Sale
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Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent Available immediately. 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath, condo conveniently located and close to schools in Invermere. $1,200/mth + hydro. Call to view. 250-341-5951
Wednesday, Wednesday,January January8,8,2014 2014 The Valley Echo
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TAKE NOTICE THAT Fairmont Holdings Ltd. intends to amalgamate with Fairmont Grocery Ltd.; Janet Andrea Wilder, Director, believes and has reasonable grounds for believing, that the Amalgamated Company will not be insolvent when the amalgamation takes place; and any creditor of Fairmont Grocery Ltd. who intends to object to the amalgamation must provide to the company a written notice of objection within 15 days of the publication of this Notice.
Homes for Rent CHARMING 2 BEDROOM HOUSE! Excellent location, Valley view. W/D, DW, $850 + utilities. Available. Call Jeff 250-688-1105 Executive 1,600 sq.ft. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, FF with W/D, 2 fridgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, right down to sheets. Private and on Lake Windermere water system, huge 1st growth ďŹ r beams/wood ceilings and ďŹ&#x201A;oors. Large private yard and space for toys. $1,000/mth + utilities with $500 of wood purchased at house for you already. DD required. Please call 587-436-8828 if interested.
Suites, Lower Lovely large 2 bdrm suite in Invermere. Very close to downtown and schools. W/D/F/S $700 + utilities. Call Jeff at 250-688-1105
Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!
CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Worship Services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman Pastor Rev. David Morton 1-866-426-7564
250-342-6644 100-7th Avenue, Invermere Reverend Laura Hermakin
Roman Catholic Parish Pastor: Father Gabriel 250-342-6167 Invermere 250-344-6328 Golden Confession: 1/2 hour before Mass
For more information call 250-342-6633 or 250-347-6334
Sunday, January 12th 9:30 a.m. Bacon, Friends & Faith
Canadian Martyrsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Church 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Saturday at 5 p.m. Sunday at 9 a.m.
10:30 a.m.: Worship at Christ Church Trinity, Invermere
St. Josephâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs Sunday at 11 a.m.
Please note: There will be no services at All Saints, Edgewater, or St. Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Windermere for the month of January.
Sacred Heart Parish 808 - 11 Street, Golden Saturday at 7 p.m. Sunday at 10 a.m. St. Anthonyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mission
Corner of Luck and Dunn, Canal Flats
Saturday at 4:30 p.m. (served from Kimberly)
Loving God, Loving People #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Sundays at 10 a.m. Bible Studies #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Kidsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Church Edgewater Hall Thursday 6:30 p.m.
326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 REV. TREVOR HAGAN Senior Pastor
VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Hwy. 93/95 1 km north of Windermere Pastor: Murray Wittke
Sunday, January 12th 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service Worship and Life Instruction, 10 a.m. Worship & Word â&#x20AC;&#x153;YOUR KINGDOM COMEâ&#x20AC;?... Kidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church Provided Guest speaker Lisa Rohick (International worker to Niger). â&#x20AC;&#x153;K.I.D.S.â&#x20AC;? Church, for children Call the office at 250-342-9511 Age 3 to Grade 1; and Grades for more information. 2-5, during the Morning Service. 7:00 p.m. SING and Sharing Truth L.W.A.C. Join us for an evening Showing Love of singing the great hymns of the
faith; food; and fellowship!
Top Employers Now Hiring. Start Today!
Following the Spirit
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo
Columbia Valley
Weekend Weather A21
Brain Games Friday
Few flurries
A few flurries
Variable cloudiness
Temp: 2oC
Temp: 0oC
January 10
Temp: 2 C o
January 12
January 11
Feels like 2 C
Feels like -2 C
Low: -2oC
Low: -2oC
Low: -5oC
CLUES ACROSS 1. Esau’s descendants home 5. Fragrant tropical tree resin 10. Selection list 14. A rectangular groove 15. Plant of a clone 16. Three-banded Armadillo 17. Surrounded by 18. Muse of lyric poetry 19. Give a job to 20. Ceremonial staff bearer 22. By way of 23. Bangladesh capital (old sp.) 24. Taxicab registration 27. Consumed 30. Indian legume dish 31. Tire nut 32. Woman (Fr. abbr.) 35. Spider’s trap 37. Have already done 38. Picasso’s Dora
Feels like 1 C
Crossword January 8, 2014
39. Sousaphones 40. Campaign contributor org. 41. __ and Venzetti 42. Oil cartel 43. Angry 44. Chauvinists 45. Bloodshot 46. Swiss river 47. 1/100 of a yen 48. East northeast 49. Adorns 52. Egyptian statesman Anwar 55. Expel 56. Expressed pleasure 60. Assist 61. Jewish folklore legend 63. An unidentified aircraft 64. Singer Nat “King” 65. A level surface 66. Israeli politician Abba 67. Actor Kristofferson 68. Paddled
69. Locomoted CLUES DOWN 1. Mild yellow Dutch cheese 2. Fallow deer genus 3. Of an ode 4. Phone line connector 5. Before 6. Insect stage 7. Electronic communication 8. Relating to metal 9. Japanese Minister Hirobumi 10. Naval historian Alfred Thayer 11. A long narrative poem 12. Drug officer (US slang) 13. Carbamide 21. Park in Northern Spain 23. Canine 25. Hit lightly 26. Indiana Univ. Degree 27. Play per-
former 28. Hairpiece 29. Pulled away 32. Papier-__ 33. Georgia city 34. Irregularly notched 36. Ladies’ 1st Army branch 37. Begetter 38. Raincoat 40. Conic curve 41. __ Claus 43. Family Hominidae member 44. Personnel 46. Actor Carney
47. At peace 49. Joyce Carol __, US author 50. Of cheekbone 51. A one-edged cavalry sword 52. Potato pouch 53. Town in Ghana 54. Small store 57. Rover 58. Oh, God! 59. Force unit 61. Central mail bureau 62. __ student, learns healing
Answer to January 1:
Horoscope First Week of Januar y
ARIES Now may be the time to try something new. You are not one to shy away from anything, but right now you’re a bit apprehensive about things. Take a leap of faith. TAURUS Taurus, many people look to you as a leader, and they are wise to do so. You are especially trustworthy, and you will be asked to solve a few problems this week. Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
Last Sudoku answer -->:
GEMINI Gemini, there won’t be much time to enjoy recreational activities this week, so you may have to find a new way to let loose. Rest assured there will be more time for fun down the road.
CANCER Cancer, a new opportunity comes your way but you’re not quite sure if you’re ready for such drastic changes. Take your time before making a final decision.
LIBRA Feeling homesick? If so, make some post-holiday plans to visit with friends or family you didn’t get a chance to see during the holidays. Enjoy this time spent with loved ones.
LEO Leo, no matter how hard you try, some people just can’t see things from your point of view. Don’t take this personally, as everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
SCORPIO Scorpio, you like to stay busy. But you sometimes feel overwhelmed with all that you have to do. Stop biting off more than you can chew and take things one task at a time.
VIRGO Virgo, sometimes it seems like you have all of the answers, while at other times, you might not know how to approach a situation. Take some time to analyze your approach.
SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius, now is a good time to make resolutions and reconnect with distant friends. It is good to rekindle relationships and commit to spending more time with friends and family.
CAPRICORN After time away for the holidays, getting back into a routine can be challenging, Capricorn. But you like to stick to a schedule, and getting back on track is the way to do it. AQUARIUS Aquarius, although you have many friends, you recently have only spent time with a select few. This week is a great time to reach out to those friends you haven’t seen in awhile. PISCES Your competitive juices will be flowing this week, Pisces. Enjoy the competitive atmosphere but don’t take things too far.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo
Fireworks frenzy AUTO & MARINE DETAILING We service cars, trucks, vans, boats, RVs and motorcycles. We look forward to the opportunity of serving you soon.
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exterior wash and chamois dry steam clean upholstery shampoo all carpets clean and dress leather/vinyl clean and dress vents/door jams clean and dress tires clean all windows inside and out shampoo engine scotch guard all cloth upholstery exterior polish and wax 250-409-4385 4836 Athalmer Road, Invermere, B.C.
Photos by Colin McGovern Part-time Radium resident Colin McGovern captured these shots of the Village of Radium Hot Springs' New Year's Eve fireworks and birthday party on Wednesday, December 31st at 6:30 p.m. The event drew spectators from across the valley.
Geoff Hill
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re ready... are you?
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MaxWell Realty Invermere
250-341-6299 T he
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo A23
Launching into the Year of the Horse
Dan Walton/Valley Echo photos Clockwise from top left: Emmett Stange (top left) and his buddy Braden Kirk (top right) don't wait for chance to go to the hill for practice, as the skiers have a mini stunt park set up at home in Invermere; families of all kinds have been out enjoying mild winter weather on the Lake Windermere Whiteway; (left to right) Roni Shapka, Spencer Check, Jelena Jensen, and Danica Jensen, who are from various parts of Alberta, spent the beginning of 2014 - the Year of the Horse - at Panorama Mountain Village, where a party at the Great Hall was one of the many celebrations happening at the resort on Tuesday, December 31st; Scott Kelly was putting the frozen Lake Windermere to use as a surfer on Sunday, December 5th, with help propelling his board from Nathan Phissel on the snowmobile.
Staffing Shortages? Get The Help You Need. Fast. Call 1-855-678-7833 today for more details.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 The Valley Echo
Watershed network seeking committee members tee is made up of individuals who bring Submitted by Columbia Basin Watershed Network multiple perspectives, depth of knowlSpecial to The Valley Echo edge and expertise, and a strong willingness to collaborate in meeting the ColumAre you a community champion inspired by water? bia Basin Watershed Network’s strategic framework Are you looking to meet and collaborate with new peo- and priorities”, said network coordinator Katie Burles. ple, learn more about water stewardship and give back “Interested individuals need to have an into communities of the Columbia Basin? vested interest in encouraging a water The Columbia Basin Watershed Network (CBWN) stewardship ethic in the Columbia Basin”. invites residents of the Columbia Basin to apply to be Steering committee members must have a readiness part of their volunteersteering committee. The CBWN to commit 5-10 hours per month to take an active volworks to support water stewardship groups by sharing unteer role in knowledge, building skills, and facilitating community CBWN related meetings, events, and other projects. action in the Columbia Basin. It also promotes water For the 2014-2016 term we have instated an optional literacy, effective communication and networking Steering Committee Member Mentoring Program amongst all sectors including communities, water- which will prepare and support new members to enshed groups, public agencies, First Nations, academic gage productively early in their tenure. institutions, local governments and industry. Applications are due February 15th, 2014. For more “The current steering commit- information on the application process and Steering
Committee Terms of Reference, go to or email .
Valley Echo file photo Looking after Lake Windermere is within the mandate of the Columbia Basin Watershed Network.
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