Clearwater Times, January 09, 2014

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Thursday, January 9, 2014 ▼ Volume 2 No. 50 ▼ ▼ $1.35 Includes GST




Second Place Best All Round Newspaper Third Place Best Editorial Page All of Canada <1,250 circulation 2013

CO service loses imported hound. See page A20.

Second Place General Excellence B.C. and Yukon <2,000 circulation 2013

Roads cross-section bylaw is step forward for Clearwater

Times Staff A subdivision and development standards bylaw recently approved by town council is a major step forward for the community, according to information from District of Clearwater. Purpose of the bylaw is to classify all highways within the District. It regulates and establishes minimum standards for the dimensions, locations, alignment, gradients and cross-section design of highways in connection with any subdivision or development of land. The bylaw provides guidelines for the design of roads to

accommodate walking, biking, driving, scooters, and shared spaces. It also includes a road network plan, context zones, cross-section framework, and cross-section illustrations. “The District is at a critical stage for planning the future of its community,” commented chief administrative officer Leslie Groulx. “There are large tracts of undeveloped land within the municipality paralleling Highway No. 5 and located in the core areas prime for development. This created an opportunity to develop a road network plan to assure long-term financial sustainability for Clearwater's current and future tax base.”

The bylaw was developed through an innovative partnership between District of Clearwater, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, OPUS International, Interior Health Authority and Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. The new bylaw is the result of two successful studies involving input and collaboration from MOTI, District of Clearwater, Opus International, IHA, HSF and developers in putting together the framework that will be used for new road construction and retrofits of existing roads.

Kamloops Daily News to close sufficiently to continue as a viable operation. Pursuant to the Labour

“We have struggled for the last several years, worked tirelessly and taken many difThe Kamloops Daily News ficult steps along is closing. the way which After more than were designed to 80 years of publishing in Kamloops, the We recognize that this decision severely affects our staff ensure our future. Unfortunately the newspaper will cease and their families and our hearts go out to them as they realities of our operations within the industry, our local next 60 days. deal with the shock and loss this decision creates.. advertising market On Monday, Jan. publisher, Tim Shoults and our labour situ6, Glacier Media, paration were too great ent company of the for us to overcome. Daily News, served “We recognize notice under Section that this decision 54 of the BC Labour severely affects Code to Unifor, repour staff and their resenting unionized Code, Glacier will be meeting families and our hearts go out staff at the newspaper. with the union to discuss the to them as they deal with the In a press release, Daily implications of the closure. shock and loss this decision News publisher Tim Shoults “Personally I am very sadcreates. We are offering our said the reason for the closure is staff counselling on site at the economic, noting revenues have dened to make this announcedeclined and the newspaper has ment,” Shoults said in the press Daily News if they wish to release. take advantage of it. been unable to reduce expenses

Kamloops This Week

Learning about Canadian winter and having fun Daniela Romero, a Rotary exchange student from Santa Cruz, Bolivia, tries out a crazy carpet on a slope by the Candle Creek cross-country ski trails on Sunday. She is now four months into her one-year stay in Clearwater. “I'm having fun here in Clearwater,” she says. “It's a big change from a city of 1.7 million to a small town. It's nice.” Photo by Keith McNeill







Thursday, January 9, 2014 Clearwater Times

Clearwater Food Bank wraps up another Christmas hamper season Pat and Heather Stanley, Clearwater and District Food Bank

4-H Club sponsors family Mackenzie Ross, on behalf of Rodeo Rednecks 4-H Club, delivers gifts to Clearwater Food Bank on Friday evening, Dec. 20. The club sponsored a family with food and gifts this holiday season. Photo submitted

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Christmas at Clearwater and District Food Bank was a wild and bumpy ride. When all was said and done, 135 hampers went out of the 140 applied for. Of the five hampers unclaimed, three no longer were needed and the applicants for two were unable to be contacted. The 135 hampers represent approximately 405 people, including 110 children. These totals show a significant 22 per cent increase over Christmas 2012, when 109 hampers (327 people) were supplied. This year we had five sponsored families and we thank all the individuals and groups that participated. While the sponsorship program is anonymous and can be costly, most participants find it gratifying to make a difference in a family's life. The benefit to the recipient family is far more than food and gifts; it is also belonging to a community and knowing someone cares and is willing to help. If you would like to learn more, please give us a call. Once again, the hearts of Clearwater joined forces and made it possible for the Clearwater and District Food Bank to continue. We had an unprecedented amount of donations for December. We will still have to be diligent regarding how we spend our money, but are no longer in immediate fear of turning

people away or closing our doors. We will institute new qualifying guidelines with the help of Food Banks B.C. and Food Banks Canada as well as other non-profit organizations. A few people have come forward to help us attain funding through grant writing and applying for community funds. Given that we are a small board of volunteers and have no paid staff, this is a difficult and daunting process. With their guidance we are confident we can be more successful in this endeavor. Our cost of operating is still a concern, and all measures to cut these back will be considered, as long as they meet our capacity needs. We need an office with a waiting area, bathrooms, work area for building hampers, and short and long term storage areas. We have to pay for rent, phone, hydro, insurance, licensing, office supplies, gas and, most importantly, food. We are happy where we are and have everything we need at our present location, our only problem being that we now use almost the entire building and with the increased cost we are using money that should be spent for food. We all have a deep and profound respect and gratitude for our landlords, Pat and Deb Downey. They have done everything they can to accommodate us, including taking a considerable loss of rent they could be receiving. We cannot expect them or the rest of Clearwater to

keep giving more and more. We have to find sustainable funding and cost effective solutions. In order to achieve this we have approximately a dozen volunteers that manage the day-to-day operations, fundraising, and the hours of organizing and work it takes to make a Food Bank run effectively. Living in this community makes it all worthwhile. The generosity of individuals and community groups that stepped up to thwart the Grinch threatening to take us down was awe inspiring. Donations large and small came pouring in, from jars of coins to cheques of $1,000 - $1,500 and everything in between. The folks at Rooted By the River took considerable financial risk, stood in the cold selling Christmas trees to people living in a forest, and contributed $660 to the Food Bank. There were lunch sales at the schools, offices and businesses donating money instead of exchanging gifts, children collecting food instead of birthday presents, and the list goes on and on. The Food Bank volunteers and its recipients are forever in your debt and eternally grateful. And thank you Keith McNeill for highlighting our concerns so accurately in the Times , Nov. 29 issue, so your readers and our community could understand the depth of the problems still facing many of the families around them.

Rempel leaving Jim's Food Market Clearwater and District Chamber of Commerce. The gas station porJim's Food Market in tion of the business won Clearwater is looking for the Shell top retailer of a new manager. Canada award for 2010. Jackson Rempel, who Rempel also organized has managed the site since A&W Show and Shine it opened in October, events each year since the 2009, will be leaving in startup. Jackson Rempel the middle of this month According to Rempel, the to take a position with Shell Jim family has started looking for a Canada in Ottawa. replacement. In the meantime, site While he was manager, Jim's supervisors and family members from Food Market in Clearwater won the Little Fort will look after things. Rookie Business of the Year from

Keith McNeill

Property Owner’s Checklist Have you received your 2014 property assessment notice?

Follow us

If not received in your mail by January 17, call toll-free 1-866-valueBC (1-866-825-8322) If so, review it carefully Visit to compare other property assessments using the free e-valueBC™ service Questions? Contact BC Assessment at 1-866-valueBC or online at Don’t forget...if you disagree with your assessment, you must file a Notice of Complaint (appeal) by January 31, 2014

Get active, get healthy! Sign up your school by January 15th The 60 Minute Kids' Club is a fun and engaging program designed to get children from K - Gr. 6 excited about making the right healthy choices.



Screen Time



Clearwater Times Thursday, January 9, 2014 A3

North Thompson property values remain stable for 2014 BC Assessment KAMLOOPS – Owners of the more than 4,000 properties throughout the North Thompson can expect to receive their 2014 assessment notices in the next few days. “Values of most homes in the North Thompson are remaining stable compared to last year’s assessment roll,” said Graham Held, deputy assessor. “Most home owners in the North Thompson will see changes in the -10 per cent to +10 per cent range.” Barriere’s assessment roll decreased from $200 million last year to $193 million this year. Clearwater’s assessment roll increased from $331 million last year to $334 million this year. “Property owners who feel that their property assessment does not reflect market value as of July 1, 2013 or see incorrect information on their notice should contact BC Assessment as indicated on their notice as soon as possible in January,” said Held. “If a property owner is still concerned

about their assessment after speaking to one of our appraisers, they may submit a Notice of Complaint (appeal) by Jan. 31, for an independent review by a Property Assessment Review Panel,” added Held. The Property Assessment Review Panels, independent of BC Assessment, are appointed annually by the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, and meet between Feb. 1 and March 15 to hear formal complaints. The Kamloops assessment office is located at 805 Renfrew Ave in Kamloops. During the month of January, office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. Property owners can contact BC Assessment toll-free at 1-866-valueBC (1-866-825-8322) or online by clicking “CONNECT” at This year marks BC Assessment's 40th anniversary. Visit for more information about the 2014 Assessment Roll including lists of 2014’s top 100 most valuable residential properties across the province.

Too much white stuff A loader scoops up excess snow from the parking lot at Brookfield Mall on Thursday, Jan. 2. Almost continuous daily snowfalls made for good skiing but treacherous driving over the Christmas holidays. Photo by Keith McNeill

Matco acquires 36 per cent interest in Yellowhead Mine Byline Yellowhead Mining Inc. recently announced that its shareholders had approved the full automatic conversion of a $8 million convertible debenture previously issued to Matco Investments Ltd., a private investment firm based in Calgary, into common shares of the company. The debenture has now been fully converted into an aggregate of 35,555,556 common shares of the Company at a conversion price of $0.225 per share, representing approximately 35.91 per cent of the total issued and outstanding common shares of the company. Frank D. Wheatley, Yellowhead's CEO, commented, "Yellowhead is extremely pleased that the shareholders have approved the issuance of common shares to Matco, as this will allow

Yellowhead to proceed with the environmental assessment process for the Harper Creek project" “Work on the environmental assessment process will recommence immediately,” Wheatley said, “with a target of resubmitting the environmental assessment application to the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office by the end of the third quarter of 2014. Yellowhead had announced last November that it was borrowing $8 million from Matco. A special meeting of shareholders held Dec. 30 approved converting the loan into shares. Matco was at one time the owner of the former Weyerhaeuser sawmill property in Vavenby. Yellowhead bought the 80 ha property from Matco for a reported $2.15 million in November of 2011. Yellowhead’s proposed Harper Creek copper-gold-silver mine would be located about 10 km southwest of Vavenby.

Blue River mineral shares double in value Keith McNeill Shares in Commerce Resources Corp. almost doubled from six cents to more than 11 cents on Dec. 23 but its management didn't know why. A media release issued by the company on that day stated: “Commerce Resources Corp., at the request of the TSX

Venture Exchange, wishes to confirm that its management is not aware of any corporate development or undisclosed material change to the company or its operations that would account for the recent increase in market activity.” Shares in the company peaked at nearly $1.70 in 2007, recovered to over $1.00 in 2011,

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and have been gradually declining in value since then. Commerce is investigating a 7,500 tonne per day underground tantalum-niobium mine for its Upper Fir property north of Blue River. Tantalum is a metal that is used in electronics, medicine, engineering and energy generation.

Niobium is also a metal and is used mostly to make stainless steel and high-strength, low-alloy steels. A mineral exploration and development company based in Vancouver, Commerce Resources also owns several other tantalumniobium claims north of Blue River plus the Eldor rare earth project in Quebec.

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What’s Happening


BC Assessment Notices BC Assessment notices have been mailed out to all BC residents. If you have not received yours or wish to appeal your assessment please call BC Assessment at 1 866 825 8322. Appeals will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. PST on January 31, 2014. Please check BC Assessment website at for more information. Seniors Mobility Workshop - YOU ARE INVITED! Are you interested in learning about the mobility challenges identified by seniors and older adults in Clearwater? Join us for a 1 day workshop on January 17th, 2014 from 10am to 2.30pm at the CRC and hear what’s been learned and give your input on what you see as important as the community “moves” forward into better mobility! RSVP by January 10th to Shelley Sim. FMI> or 250 674 3286. Limited to 35 participants so RSVP early! Road Maintenance Contacts District of Clearwater Municipal Roads The areas within the boundaries are the responsibility of the District of Clearwater and the contractor Borrow Enterprises Ltd. - Please call 250.674.8776 for road maintenance. The area outside the boundaries are the responsibility of Argo Maintenance including Yellowhead Highway #5 and Clearwater Valley Road – Please call Argo Road Maintenance at 1.800.661.2025 District office news  “Snow Angels” have been busy clearing driveways after the many snow events Clearwater has experienced this year. The District would like to thank ALL the snow angels out there who are helping their neighbours.  The District has begun to prepare the 2014-2018 Five Year Financial Plan and is looking for public input. Please forward any suggestions or comments to Sheila Thiessen, Director of Finance at Clearwater Transit Bus Clearwater Transit Bus will be offering a second run to Kamloops every week. Starting on January 7th, 2014 the Clearwater Transit Kamloops Bus will be running Tuesday’s and Thursday’s of every week. For more information call 250.674.3935. Upcoming Events January 24-26 – Winter Festival January 19th – Rotary Ice Man Days (weather permitting) Upcoming Meetings of Council January 21st, 2014 – Infrastructure and Parks and Recreation Committee meeting – 5:00pm January 21st, 2014 – Regular Council Meeting – 7:00pm February 4, 2014 – Economic Development and Finance and Audit meeting – 5:00pm February 4, 2014 – Regular Council meeting – 7:00pm

Civic address: 132 Station Road Box 157, Clearwater,B.C. V0E 1N0 Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 District Office Ph: 250-674-2257 • Fax: 250-674-2173 email address:



Thursday, January 9, 2014 Clearwater Times


“ I've never been poor, only broke. Being poor is a frame of mind. Being broke is only a temporary situation.” - Mike Todd, film producer editorial by keith mcNeill

Local funeral services deserve local support

CFES cancelling its Arts, Health and Wellness Expo Editor, The Times:

Due to circumstances beyond our control, Clearwater Festival and Events Society (CFES) is sad to announce that the eighth annual Arts, Health and Wellness Expo, which was to have been held Saturday, Feb. 1, has been cancelled. CFES wants to thank all of our dedicated volunteers, booth participants, and community supporters for making this a very successful seven years. CFES will be partnering with the Trade Show and Expo in Barriere in 2014. To all our booth venders that have been with us over the past seven years, please email me (at your email address again as our computer

crashed and we lost all of our email contacts We will be working with Jill Hayward from Barriere to come up with a special deal for our long time booth participants of the Clearwater Expo. So please resend your email address to me so you do not miss out on the Barriere Expo in 2014. We were there last year and all I can say is, “Wow, you’re really going to want to book with Barriere in 2014.” Thank you all again for your support and looking forward to seeing you all at the Barriere Expo and Trade Show.

Cindy Wilgosh CFES chair

BC Press Council The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a selfregulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, 210 Selby St, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2R2 For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Times THE

NORTH THOMPSON Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council

In our last issue we carried a story from Kamloops This Week about Kamloops city council turning down a re-zoning request from North Thompson Funeral Services Ltd. The re-zoning would have allowed a property on Seymour Street to be used for a scaled down funeral home – a place for family and friends to make arrangements but with no memorials or embalming on-site. North Thompson Funeral Services owner Drake Smith wants residents of the Valley to know that re-zoning application does not indicate they plan to move to the city. According to Smith, North Thomson Funeral Services serves about 65 families per year in the North Thompson Valley. This is well below the 100 that is considered normal in the business. Perhaps 15 to 25 North Thompson residents move to Kamloops shortly before they die, whether to go to Royal Inland Hospital, the hospice house, seniors housing, or whatever. They often have family in the city and when they pass away, their family members often think only of calling a Kamloops funeral provider – not one from the North Thompson Valley.

It was with hopes of tapping into some of that market plus, of course, any Kamloops residents interested, that caused them to investigate starting an operation in they city, Smith says. In May of last year BC Coroners Service decided to centralize its body recovery service regionally to Kamloops. Previously it had been performed in the North Thompson Valley by our local funeral service. The proposed funeral service in Kamloops, even if scaled down, appears to have been a way to offset some of the business that was lost through that decision. Nobody likes to think of death and dying, but it happens to all of us sooner or later. Having our own funeral homes in Clearwater and Barriere has proven to be an invaluable service to members of the community when they are in difficult times. We should continue to support Drake and Avril as they provide funeral services to residents of the North Thompson Valley. If expanding those services outside the Valley can help make the local operations more viable, then so much the better.

Telus replies to cellphone concerns Editor, The Times:

It is clear from Ms. Gregson Dec. 29 letter to the editor (“Writer rebuts Telus spokesperson”) that she rejects the conclusions of the World Health Organization (WHO) and Health Canada in favor of her own research on biological effects of lower power electromagnetic fields (EMF). We fully respect Ms. Gregson’s right to her own opinion. However, Health Canada is the legislated regulatory authority on these matters and all operators of radio equipment in Canada must comply with the regulations, there are no exceptions. Ms. Gregson correctly points out that there have been many research studies in this field and they sometimes arrive at different conclusions. She also suggests there is a bias against “independent” research studies that claim to identify negative health effects. Whether you accept her allegations of bias or not there is no question that some research studies are so poorly conducted that the results simply aren’t useful. For example, Ms. Gregson referenced the work of Taraka Seranno who uses the Naila (Germany) study to support his claims of adverse health effects. The Naila study made headlines 10 years ago when it alleged dramatic increases in adverse health effects but it was subsequently dismissed by Germany’s Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BFS). Why? Well, the BFS found that the independent researchers had misrepresented

the radio frequency exposure measurements, failed to obtain an adequate sample size, and did nothing to account for other known health risks (smoking, diet, obesity, alcohol) in their sample. Since then, the BFS has commissioned 54 studies at a cost of 17 million Euros but has been unable to verify any of the claims of the Naila study. It is the job of the experts at agencies such as BFS, Health Canada, WHO and accredited academic and regulatory agencies around the world to analyze these studies, determine which are credible, and use the best available science to establish regulations to safeguard public health. Regardless of who funds the research, I’m sure we would all agree that we want the results to be valid.

Jim Johannsson, P.Eng. TELUS director, public consultation

Editor's Note: The letter writer has provided this comment from the BFS analysis of the Naila study: “The authors state in the paper that measurements done by the Bayerischen Landesamt für Umweltschutz showed that radiation intensities in the inner area are about 100 times higher than in the outer area and significantly higher than other emitting electromagnetic waves, such as radio, television and radar. According to a communication from the Bayerischen Landesamt für Umweltschutz (by 15.12.2004) this statement is not true.”

74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email:

Subscribe to the Times

Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

In Town / Out of Town Rates 1 year $57.75; 2 years $110.25 Prices include GST

Clearwater Times Thursday, January 9, 2014 A5

Question of the Week


Have you made any New Year's resolutions?

Glen McNeil:

Just to have fun.

Gloria Sauer:

Actually, no I haven't. I just take it one day at a time.

Kathleen Herns:

No, I don't make New Year's resolutions because every time I've made them they don't come true. One day at a time is better..

Klondike Elston (with Melanie Prest, both of Blue River):

Ron Rau (Little Fort):

Not to make any New Year's resolutions. It's a sure Yes, to be happy and formula for failure. lose weight. Either you do it or you don't.

Fracking not a long-term solution for environment Editor, The Times:

One of the big reasons for fracking in the US of A's shale gas was that it would give the Americans energy self-sufficiency. True, it might make some areas of the land resemble the dystrophic vision of Ridley Scott's “Bladerunner” but, if that was the price of getting rid of dependence on foreign energy sources, so be it. David Hughes, one of Canada's top energy analysts and one who has studied energy resources in Canada for four decades, points out the startling

depletion rates for high-cost unconventional shale and tight oil wells. Not only that but areas like North Dakota's Bakken produce a product golden in color but so full of sulphur dioxide, so polluted, that it eats through tanker cars and pipelines and workers detest handling it. However, that's just an aside. Here in Canada the number of gas producing wells has reached an all time high of 230,000. Actual gas production has been in decline since 2006.

Don't forget how Christy Clark's Liberal government has staked all on this shaky throw of the shale gas dice. As David Hughes has pointed out, the province will have to nearly quadruple gas production just to satisfy the demands of five LNG terminals — 12 have been proposed. So the hydraulic fracturing locusts will sweep through the land, drilling and fracking everything in sight. In the frenzy of leasing and drilling there will be a boom of probably no more

than five years. As decline sets in more wells will have to be drilled to offset decline. They say that flying over North Dakota at night gives one the impression of being on top of a huge birthday cake with thousands of gas wells flaming off at once. Then what – groundwater pollution, poisoned air, high water consumption, methane leakage, not to

mention property devaluation. The Campbell-Clark government doesn't care! You should.

Dennis Peacock Clearwater, B.C.

Meat Draw

January 11, 2014 • 3-5:30pm 16 Draws PLUS 1 Bonus


Global warming topic getting very boring Editor, The Times

Re: Editorial by Keith McNeill, Dec. 26. You may have noticed that I intentionally avoided your heading, “Global carbon tax would have low risk and high benefit.” The whole topic is getting very boring, to the point where you are starting to sound like a record player with your needle stuck! I did see a glimmer of humour in the two paragraphs about Martin Weitzman and the bell curve of probability. I noticed you changed the words from “The tail of the bell” to “At the far end of the curve!” As for, “One empty chamber out of six isn’t very good odds if you’re going to play Russian roulette” … a long, long, long time

ago, my daddy taught me that long guns and handguns are weapons and tools. Never play with them and always treat them as if they are loaded. In Weitzman’s case, the “one in six chance that things could get very bad indeed”, one empty chamber is just fine when the other five chambers are filled with blanks! I noticed you said, “Lamberton did attempt to include a couple of facts in his last letter.”. Keith, I’m not a climate scientist. I do deal in absolute truths. I don’t say a certain event is “likely” to happen while another is “improbable”. You had better email the producers of Wikipedia and tell them to get up to speed. The previous recorded temperature in Antarctica was -89

C. In 2010, that record was broken at -93 C. Three weeks ago, the record was broken again, at -93.4 C. I had rounded out that number to -93 C. You said that point #2 does “seem to be” correct. No Keith. It “is” correct, and to say, “It is more likely to be a reflection of inadequate sampling rather than a real trend,” is just your tunnel vision kicking in again! All the titles, positions, and honours that I bestowed upon you were all in humor. (Really, Captain Keith has nothing to do with the army, navy, or air force.) However, a news item in the Dec. 28 Kamloops Daily News has relieved you of your captain title! The headline reads, “Ice breaker can’t reach trapped ship”. A Russian

research ship, the MV Akademic Shokalskiy, is trapped in thick Antarctic ice with 74 scientists, tourists, and crew on board. Two ice breakers have tried but failed to reach the ship. A third ice breaker is not expected to reach the area until Dec. 29, six days after the ship got stuck. This provides ample time for all these climate scientists to calculate what the carbon footprint of the ship and three ice breakers actually is. But hey, it doesn’t really matter because it’s all in the name of science! Expeditions like these are carbon neutral. Those ships are powered by moonbeams and rainbows and lots of vodka. So you can see, Captain Keith, you are off the hook. The new cap-

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tain of “The Ship of Fools” is stuck in the ice in Antarctica.

Jim Lamberton The Rambling Man Blackpool, B.C.

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Happy New Year. This first column of the year will focus on changes we can make in our life to make us healthier and happier. One mistake that people often make at this time is to try to make too many changes at the same time. Focus on the one that will have the greatest impact on your life and work on that. This first remark is directed at the 19% of Canadians that still smoke. Quitting smoking is the best and most powerful change you can make in your life. Smoking is the cause of so many preventable diseases. So if you are a smoker, make quitting your number one priority. Most of us don’t exercise enough or don’t exercise at all. If you are one of these people, start the new year with a daily walk. It need only be for 10 minutes to start and increase the duration and intensity as you feel comfortable. Nutritionally, you can’t go wrong with Canada’s Food Guide. Increasing your fruit and vegetable intake, eating red meat moderately (twice weekly is a good maximum), and reducing your fat, salt and sugar intake, can go a long way to making you healthier. Our pharmacists talk to people every day about health. We are a ready source of good, reliable health information. We will be happy to share that information with you. Another good resolution for 2014... visit our pharmacy soon.



CLEARWATER, 250-674-3122


Thursday, January 9, 2014 Clearwater Times

welcome babies of 2013

Sophie Elizabeth Mackenzie Born May 29, 2013

Parents: Kaleigh Casselman and Lyle Mackenzie

Noah Everett Davidson Born April 28, 2013

Parents: Aisha Jeffery and Tim Davidson

Devynn Sylvia McGill Born June 25, 2013

Parents: Kylee Lowe and Tyler McGill

Olive Patrica Peel Born October 4, 2013

Parents: Tammy Marsel and Robert Peel

Clearwater Times Thursday, January 9, 2014 A7

welcome babies of 2013

Makenna Allison McGill Born December 21, 2013

Parents: Victoria Bates and Sheldon McGill

Jordyn Shaylyn Romeril Born January 13, 2013

Parents: Heather Jones and Shamus Romeril

Jolee Rozina Chenier Born June 18, 2013

Parents: Siarah Arndt and Ray Chenier

Chance Levi Andrew Wynne Born February 23, 2013

Parents: Callie Braham and Brian Wynne

A8 North Thompson Star/Journal January 09, 2014

Thursday, January 9, 2014 Clearwater Times A13



Manne Salle: 100 years old and counting North Thompson Star Journal Manne (Wolfgang Arnold Salle), was born Dec. 26, 1913, to Ernst and Emma Salle, who were new immigrants from Germany to Boulder Mountain, Chinook Cove, B.C. in 1912. Manne - meaning ‘little man’, was the fifth child, wth his other siblings Volkmar, Uli, Bruno and Herta, and later on sister Inge. Manne’s family lived in a log house on Boulder Mountain Road, where other immigrants who had accompanied the Salles to Canada helped them with an addition to the house to make it three times bigger. Manne tells of his early years, saying, “My formal education was sketchy beacuse of my size and my health wasn’t good, so I walked down the mountain to Chinook Cove two to four days a week for a total of six years. The first high school correspondence courses were not a huge success. I did try them awhile, but couldn’t be sitting studying while the rest were out working. “During the next years I hewed trees and skidded and hauled cedar poles besides farm work, and we always repaired and maintained our own equipment. I filed saws and worked in sawmills. I ran a general trucking business and later with Clarence Myers we built Cahilty School, and the fourth classroom onto Barriere High School. “When electricity came to the Barriere area in 1948, I had to learn about electricity from books, from a neighbour and inspectors. I became involved in wiring most homes in the Barriere to Little Fort area, and later on from Clearwater to Birch Island.

“With some more experience, and more studying, I installed electric water pumps and irrigation, as a lot of places seemed ideal for gravity pipe irrigation, as well as electric irrigation on farms. “Then, with electricity now in many homes, it became necessary to learn and repair home equipment (washing machines, driers, stoves). “Community projects have always been one of my preoccupations. The first being the now gone Chinook Cove Hall in 1936. It was purchased from a defunct Dixon Creek Mine for $45, and moved to Chinook Cove along the road. Nine people put in $5 each to aquire it. “I was also active with the Native Sons of Canada. When the Native Sons Hall at Louis Creek burned down in 1956, after it had been turned over to the early North Thompson Fall Fair, Ken Long supplied the plywood to build another hall that was later moved up to the Fall Fair grounds, and is now at Barriere. I wired that building both at Louis Creek and in Barriere. “Insurance from the Native Sons Hall helped build the Community Hall in Barriere, the Louis Creek Community Hall, and the North Thompson Fall Fair Hall. I wired all those. “I drove the school bus in 1952, and worked in Barriere between school hours. “I had a back-infusion operation in Vancouver in 1957, which only partly fixed the back problem. But I had several young men, Walter Schilling, Ken Beharrel, Stan Borthwick and Ulrich Schilling help me when my back was still crippled.

“In 1972, I married Mrs. Georgina (Geordie) Bradford and we bought Mrs. Humphries residence in Barriere. “I continued constructing and wiring new homes in the surrounding area and became very interested, with Geordie, in promoting and working on community projects, namely the Yellowhead Pioneer Residence, the current location of the North Thompson Fall Fair Hall, the Barriere Curling Rink, and the United Church and Thrift Shop. “I worked with the family that I had acquired, namely stepdaughters Patsy, Diane, Dodie and Leslie on their homes, and our achievement of obtaining lake property in the area which we all have extremely enjoyed over the years. “I was always very close to my sister Inga and her husband Karl and family. Now Karl Jr., wife Debbie, and three nephews Ben, Dustin and Kurtis. I have spent much time and been hosted to many days and hours on their ranch, which I have enjoyed. “Georgina and I have now moved because of health reasons to Kamloops, where we live in a beautiful residence, are closer to family and can enjoy our eight greatgrandchildren.” Karl Rainer (Jr.) says, “Uncle Manne has spent thousands of hours helping out on our farm to make it successful. He started in the mid 40’s by wiring our first farm home. Some of my first recollections are of the mid 60’s thawing out a frozen waterline during those -40° winters, and seeing Uncle Manne there in his old railroad bib overhauls and cap. My mom did his laundry

HOURS OF OPERATION Monday to Saturday 9am - 6pm Closed Sundays

for him back then, and I would see his hat stretched around a fence post, drying. “In the 70’s, Uncle Manne continued wiring and plumbing my building projects. He fixed mom’s sewing machine at the time he was courting the love of his life, Geordie. They were married in our old farm house. “In 1980, we built a new dairy barn and once again Manne wired this building and helped wherever he could. At the age of 77 he did all the wiring and most of the plumbing in our new house, built in 1990. “He even came up to help when we were upgrading our meat shop to industry standard [Rainer’s Custom Cutting in Darfiled]. He was using the air nailer while standing on a ladder with his shaky arm. I was unsure if I should hide or help. In the last few years, he started to clean up his shop and bring me stuff that he had been collecting.Everything from bent nails to old paint mixed with some great things. Manne never forgets what he has given you, and what he has lent. His memory has always been very sharp. “I had to be careful to remember where I put items given, because if Manne decided he needed one of those, he would call and ask for it. Finding an item became a problem, as I am not as organized. Or he would want a part can of paint back for a project he was doing. “Uncle Manne is a person that works diligently and quietly without needing praise or recognition. “He has spent thousands of hours on the fall fair grounds doing all handyman

Submitted photos: Salle family

Manne Salle has spent 100 years living, working and volunteering in the North Thompson Valley. jobs. Many that went unnoticed. From wiring, to fixing plugged toilets, to fixing roofs, or lending money to the fair in a lean year. He has even be seen fixing things in the past few years, on his scooter. “Uncle Manne has always dedicated his time for us and for the Fall Fair and the whole community of Barriere. You cannot find someone that was as hard working and willing to help out, than our Uncle Manne.” Manna’s grandson, Craig Lysak says, “Grandpa has always kept himself busy, whether at home in Barriere, or up at our family cabin at East Barriere Lake. In the past, Grandpa would do an average days’ work or for the rest of us mere mortals, a years’ worth of hard labour, then he would go down to the

lake in his swim trunks with towel in hand and go for a swim a couple of cabins down the way and back.” Manne celebrated his 100th birdthdy on Dec. 26, in the Fall Fair Hall, Barriere, with his lovely wife Geordie at his side, and numerous family and friends their to wish him many hapy returns. There were certificates and letters of congratulations from the Queen, the Governor General, the T.N.R.D., the Prime Minister, and the District of Barriere. While presenting the certificate of congratulations from the District of Barriere, Mayor Humphreys spoke about his memories of Manne, saying, “He has spent decades bringing light to the lives of all those in the area.” The mayor then presented Manne with the first 100 year pin for Barriere’s 100th anniversary in 2014

to be handed out. Walter Schilling spoke about how Manna helped him get started and encouraged him to get his electrical ticket. They also travelled together to places like Alberta, Alaska and California. The evening closed with Geordie and Manna dancing to the song that had played when they first met - May I Have This Dance For The Rest Of My Life. *Editors note: Manne and Geordie Salle were presented with the Barriere Citizen of The Year Award in 1988, and each were presented with a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2013 for service to their community.

PHARMASAVE North Thompson Star/Journal Monday, June 18, 2012

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Clearwater Times Thursday, January 9, 2014



Three young local skiers, Kent Messenger, Lester Thompson, and Stephen Parker, provided assistance to the ski instructor at the Clearwater ski hill. The tow rope operated on Wednesday evenings and snow was plentiful.



First baby of the year at Doctor Helmcken Memorial Hospital was Loreli Sheila Harding, born on Sunday, Jan. 13.



Residents of Sunshine Valley were A9

fortunate there were no fires in their area as someone had borrowed the extension cord from the block heater at the firehall, unplugging the tank heater and allowing nine inches of ice to form, plus there was a dead motor at the firehall.


YEARS AGO: The Marg Lehto ladies curling rink from Clearwater advanced to the provincial finals in Kelowna after some very convincing play at the zone playoffs in Barriere. Members of the team were Lehto, Daisy Hystad, Linda Yurkiw and Debbie Mattenley.

Busy start to New Year Due to the winter conditions, the majority of police files recently have been traffic-related. Since the start of the 2014 Clearwater RCMP and Central Interior Traffic Services have responded to seven motor vehicle incidents along Highway 5, approximately one or two per day since the new year. Here are a few of the files obtained from Clearwater RCMP and Central Interior Traffic Services. Treacherous road conditions A motorist driving from the Lower Mainland to Edmonton lost control of his vehicle north of Avola and slid off the northbound lane, landing in the ditch. A second motorist hit a patch of ice and rolled his vehicle, but walked away with only minor apparent injuries. Clearwater RCMP remind the public

HISTORICAL Perspective




The Jackrabbit Ski League, a division of Cross Country Canada, held its first session in Clearwater under instructor Doug Nelson. About 15 children aged four to 11 were signed up.



RCMP Cst. Russ Morrison caught a Clearwater man in the act of climbing out of a broken window

to the physiotherapy clinic at the Firewest Building in Clearwater. Morrison had been on a routine patrol when he noticed that plywood covering the window was ajar. The plywood had been put in place earlier that same evening folllowing a previous breakin.



A record 22 individuals participated

in the seventh annual Little Fort Polar Bear Dip. Clearwater fire chief Mark Salden and Little Fort chief Bob Goodmurphy took part to raise money for new radios.



Speaking at a Voice of the Valley meeting in Clearwater, North Thompson Indian Band chief Nathan Matthew and Wells Gray Country director

Bert Walker called on MLA Kevin Krueger to bring together all parties to discuss a portable sawmill that was being proposed for the former TolkoLouis Creek mill-site.




Do you have a news story? We'd like to hear from you. Call us 250.674.3343


A posting by the Times editor on Facebook that

Angry with gas prices On Jan. 4, Clearwater RCMP were notified that a tractor trailer unit had smashed over Semi versus plow 1-800-222-TIPS the gas pumps of truck Clearwater RCMP Report the Husky gas staIn the early tion in Little Fort. morning hours of The tractor then left the parking lot Jan. 3, Clearwater RCMP responded to a and was seen heading southbound toward motor vehicle incident between a tractor trailer unit and a plow truck on Highway Barriere along Highway 5. The vehicle was not located. However, 5. witnesses obtained the vehicle's license Police arrived at the scene and were plate number and provided the informaadvised that a northbound transport tion to police. truck had not maintained its lane and Police contacted the trucking comhad crashed into a plow truck. The plow pany, which will be contacting the Husky truck then slid into the southbound gas station. ditch. The driver of the transport truck was Unauthorized firearm the primary offender and was issued a On Sunday, Dec. 22, Clearwater violation ticket for the offense. to be incredibly careful when traversing the snowy and icy highway during winter conditions.


Longtime Girl Guide leader Jean Nelson asked Clearwater council for help in finding a location big enough to hold 2,000 girls plus about 500 adults for a Girl Guides camp that would be held July, 2011.

the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure had postponed a public meeting about a roundabout proposed resulted in more than 200 comments, both for and against the project. The meeting likely would be held in late February or early March, said MLA Terry Lake. Value of most homes in the North Thompson region remain stable compared to the previous year, said a BC Assessments spokesperson. Clearwater's assessment roll increased from $320 million to $331 million. Clearwater ski hill's first day of the season was Dec. 28.

RCMP were told there was an intoxicated male traveling on the highway between Clearwater and Little Fort. The male was stopped and investigation found he was not intoxicated. However, he was in possession of a rifle. The male was charged because he did not possess a valid PAL or POL. The firearm, he said, was a gift for his step father. Unfortunately, if you have a firearm in your possession without the proper documentation, no matter the reason, the gun will be seized and you could face legal consequences. Found eyeglasses The RCMP are currently in possession of a small pair of black eyeglasses. If you have or your child has lost glasses, feel free to come by the detachment and claim them with a description.

Clearwater and Area Transit

Service Change Effective January 7, 2014

Barriere & area

 Service to Kamloops available

Sunday, Jan. 26, 2014

Tuesday and Thursday.

Get Involved • Walk • Donate • Volunteer • Sponsor 2014 Walk Honoree Florence Beharrell

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Walk Location: Barriere Senior Centre 4431 Barriere Town road Barriere 250-672-9337

Walk: 11 a.m.-1 p.m. registration: 10 a.m.

Visit and click Clearwater for new schedules, or pick up a Rider’s Guide onboard.

Transit Info 250·674·3935 •

Year in Review 2013


January Vancouver Foundation approved a $230,000 grant for a project in Clearwater to be called From Front Door to Grocery Store: Getting Seniors Where They Want To Be. District of Clearwater had worked with UNBC to develop the grant application. A letter to the editor from Laura Soles, wife of Dr. John Soles, commented on remarks by former Clearwater physician Dr. Bob Woollard that being the spouse of a rural doctor was the worst job in the world. “I consider it a privilege to be the spouse of a rural doctor,� she wrote. A meeting about the roundabout proposed for Highway 5 in Clearwater likely would be held in late

Viking Daniel Boudreau and troll Robert Beaudry take part in the 15th annual Wells Gray Birchleg, held last year for the first time at the Candle Creek Trails near Clearwater. This year’s Birchleg will be held Feb. 1. Photo by Keith McNeill

homes in the North Thompson region remain stable compared to the previous year, said BC Assessments spokesperson. Clearwater’s assessment roll increased from $320 million to $331 mil lion. Clearwater ski hill’s first day of the season was Dec. 28. The first baby of

the year was Orion

Day-Raven Hall, the

daughter of Turtle

and Adam Hall. She

was born Jan. 2 in

Kamloops. Clearwater council February or early March, said MLA Terry Lake. Value of most

lor Ken Kjenstad was awarded a Queen’s Jubilee medal. He helped establish and owned Safety Mart for 25 years and had been a major contributor to many community events, especially minor ball and hockey. A secondhand Pisten Bully groomer purchased by Clearwater SnoDrifters snowmobile club a few months earlier was paying off, according to Mayor John Harwood. “They’re already starting to see people come,� he said.

Clearwater is taking a lead role in the Healthy Forests – Healthy Communities initiative, according to Bill Bourgeois, the initiative’s coordinator. More than 60

Thursday, January 9, 2014 Clearwater Times

people attended an input meeting held at the Wells Gray Inn. Thompson Headwaters TNRD director Willow MacDonald noted that there had been six sawmills and hundreds of people working in the upper North Thompson Valley. Tourism had generated about $22 million for Clearwater and Wells Gray Country the year before, Tourism Wells Gray marketing manager Brad Bradbury told the Chamber of Commerce. “Over the past few years, people have been coming more often and spending more dollars,? he said. “However, they are not staying longer, which is too bad.� BC Passenger Transportation Board approved Greyhound route reductions across the province, including the North Thompson Valley. “We’ve gone from three buses a day to two and now to just

one,� said Mayor John Harwood. Trans Mountain announced an increase in its proposed twinning project. The expanded capacity was to go up to 890,000 barrels per day instead of 750,000 bpd. Workers were relocating power poles near the intersection of Highway 5 and the road to Wells Gray Park. The poles would have to be moved whether or not a proposed roundabout was constructed, said a ministry spokesperson. The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure said even the longest and biggest loads should be able to fit through the roundabout with a new design. M.P. Cathy McLeod was on hand, along with Mayor John Harwood, TNRD chair Randy Murray, and School District 73 vice-chair Continued on page A11

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Youngsters (l-r) #17 Seth Cooperman, #23 Parker Collins, and #18 Kaleb Parsons, all from Raft River Elementary, take part in annual cross-country ski races in Blue River in February. Photo by Keith McNeill

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Year in Review 2013

Clearwater Times Thursday, January 9, 2014 A11

roundabout proposed for Highway 5 in Clearwater. About the same number went to a session in the evening. A video showed the proposed intersection in three dimensions. The design had been changed to accommodate extra-long or extra-wide loads, said regional project manager Dave Shibata.

On Call Service Center owner Ron Rotzetter announced during a Clearwater council meeting that he would like to build a shopping center east of Clearwater Secondary School. Wade Elliot, one of the owners of Safety Mart, said they also were planning to build a new shopping

center, except it would be located next to where the courthouse is now. Clearwater RCMP received a plaque from the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team for the successful arrest of a suspected murder the previous spring. Continued on page A15


Members of the Clearwater Midget Rec Warriors pose for a photograph after winning the Thompson-Caribou Super League championship last March. Photo submitted

the proposed Harper Creek copper mine near Vavenby. About 75 people attended the afternoon session of an open house hosted by Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure about a

while the evacuation was taking place. Simpcw First Nation and Adams Lake Indian Band announced they had signed an agreement to work together on their joint concerns over potential impacts of


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Kathleen Karpuk to announce two major federal grants. The first was $1.4 million to construct septage management facilities in Barriere and Clearwater. The second was $92,000 to upgrade the former Dutch Lake School into a community center. Clearwater Secondary School Senior Boys basketball members Jairus Bromley and Brock Van Damme, plus coach Geoff Giesbrecht helped save the life of a Barriere schoolbus driver. The choking incident took place in a Kamloops restaurant. “They’re heroes, as far as I’m concerned,” said Jack Kelley, the driver. Jerry Carter won first place in Clearwater Rotary Club’s annual Ice Man fishing derby. A total of 55 anglers registered, up from 42 the year before.

February Just over 130 people, many of them dressed as Viking, took part in the 15th annual Wells Gray Birchleg. For the first time it was held at the Candle Creek crosscountry ski trails, rather than in Wells Gray Park. Simpcw First Nation announced that it had purchased 20 acres of land next to Raft River. The site was part of a traditional fishing and gathering area for the band. The Simpcw would be a taxpaying landholder, just like everyone else, said land manager Steven Patterson. A rescue of a snowmobiler with a broken leg left Blue River heli-ski operator Mike Wiegele asking for tighter standards for the snowmobile industry. Apparently the party the injured man had been with had not been prepared for the situation and some members even continued high-lining


Continued from page A10







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Thursday, January 9, 2014 Clearwater Times


How to cross-country ski Bantams host round robin Clearwater Bantam hockey player Angus Allchin (center in white) takes the puck up the ice during a game against Kamloops on Saturday at the Sportsplex. Also in the photo are Clearwater's Gerald Loring (#13 top left) and Mason Wadlegger (wearing C on his jersey, right rear). The game was part of a three-team round robin weekend, with no overall winners or losers. Saturday Clearwater won against Kamloops 5-3, then lost to McBride 6-0. Sunday Clearwater lost to McBride 11-4 and then tied against Kamloops. So far this season the Clearwater Bantams have dominated their league games. This weekend they go to Winfield for a tournament. On Jan. 18 and 19 the boys have league games against Lillooet during Hockey Days and then have a home tournament on Mar. 1 and 2. Photo by Keith McNeill

Jennifer Vincent leads a party of cross-country skiers on the Candle Creek Trails as she teaches them how to cope with hills on Sunday. The no-cost lesson was part of a District of Clearwater's healthy living program. Next lesson will be on Sunday, Jan. 12, at Candle Creek Trails, 12 noon. For more information and to confirm registration, contact jenvinhew@ Photo by Keith McNeill

Build a backyard skating rink and enjoy winter even more Submitted For those of us with snow piled all around us, winter can

be a time to stay in the house and wait for spring but it doesn't have to be. Why not use all the snow to

have fun and one of the best ways to do that is to build yourself a skating rink. It can be in your back-

yard or even in your driveway. What To Do With The KidsR has simplified this task so that you and your

kids can put down the smart phones and get outside for some exercise, fresh air and fun. Find a flat area

NORTH THOMPSON SPORTSPLEX Hockey Lives Here! Family Skating

Fridays @ 5pm • Sundays @ 4:30pm • No Charge Jan. 10 & 12 Sponsored by Clearwater Lodge and Gateway Grill

MINOR HOCKEY GAME SCHEDULE JANUARY 11 & 12 Girls Hockey Tournament Schedule TBA

JANUARY 13 - 19

Clearwater Hockey Days Wear a jersey and get involved in Canada’s Game!

Preschool Skating Wednesdays 10am Home School Skating Wednesdays 1:30pm Clearwater & District Minor Hockey Still accepting registrations. • Register @ 250 674 2594 or

** Check out the video on our website ** Raft Mountain Skating Club Still accepting registrations Register @

Ladies Hockey • Fridays at 6:45pm Mens Drop In Hockey • Fridays at 8:00 Oldtimers Hockey • Every Wednesday at 8:45 and Sundays at 7:00 Wells Gray Curling Club Call 250 674 3768 for more info.

For more information about the Sportsplex or any programs call 250 674 2143

close enough that your garden hose can reach. Stomp on the snow in that area to pack it down. Have the kids run around on it. Once packed, knock off the high points and fill in the holes with a shovel so that it's somewhat flat. Sprinkle a light layer of water on it and let it freeze. This may take just a few hours or overnight depending on the temperature. Repeat with another light sprinkle until the entire surface has a thin layer of ice. Air pockets can be removed by stepping on them to crack so that your next layer of water fills it in. You want at least two inches of ice before the kids start skating and make sure there is nothing sticking out of the surface such as rocks or branches. The secret to great ice is to water late at night and often but

not too thick so that it has time to freeze between layers. Snow acts as an insulator so it's important to keep it shovelled off. You can even use the snow you shovel off to make yourself seating on the side. There are more tips and tricks available at including how to make a hockey rink and how to turn your backyard into an almost NHL style venue. What To Do With The Kids ® is the website that adults go to when they want to know what to do with their kids. It features games, crafts, party ideas, downloads, special reports, product reviews, a directory of kid and family-friendly places to go and a market place where you'll find great products and services that you just won't find in the big box stores.

Clearwater Times Thursday, January 9, 2014 A13

Government ordered to pay logger Central Interior Logging Association The Province of British Columbia has been ordered to pay Moulton Contracting of Fort Nelson damages for failing to consult properly with a First Nation, and then failing to warn the contractor about an imminent blockade. The blocks were BC Timber Sales', and the court found that that the First Nations defendant (the Behn Family) had not been informed of the timber blocks being put up for sale in 2006, in an area where the Behn family had traplines. The family set up a peaceful roadblock from October

2006 and into the new year. Meanwhile, the family told BCTS officials in July of 2006 that they would blockade the logging on those sales. BCTS did not pass the warnings to Moulton, and he was prevented from accessing the blocks for logging purposes in the first week of October. Eventually, Moulton was not able to continue in business. The damages awarded were $1.75 million. Similar to what we have seen in our region this past fall, the Band was aware of the Behn family’s actions and position, but did not endorse it. The actions of

individual families (key-oh) holders end up being exactly that – their chosen course of action. Behn argued that the province should have consulted with directly and not the Band, but the Court said no. The Bands are the legally empowered entity to which consultations are directed, but there are ramifications to not doing it thoroughly and right. This decision sends a huge message to government and industry looking at the consultation process to get projects and logging activities to a “go” stage. CILA will be paying special attention to this file in the future, as many of our mem-

“When you need us, we’re close by” When a death occurs, I’m here to help you, every step of the way. 24 hours a day, every day. If you have made pre-arrangements elsewhere and would like to discuss having your local funeral home take care of you, please feel free to call.

bers were severely Editor's Note: impacted by this past Wikipedia defines fall’s roadblock activi- “key-oh” or “keyoh” ties. We will also be as a Carrier word NORTH THOMPSON revisiting the circummeaning the area of FUNERAL SERVICES stances by which those which a certain group 73 Taren Drive, HZ & TW Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N2 roadblocks came to of people, basically Client: Ministry of family Forests, Lands and NRO be – they sound eerily an extended Call Drake at 250-674-3030 similar. group, has stewardDrake Smith, MSW Campaign: PMP: FLNR-S-INTERIOR-2014 or 1-877-674-3030 day or night. (Funeral Director/Owner) We call on governship and ownership Size: 4.313” x 6.714” ment to define and rights. refine its consultation practices. As Mr DEVELOPMENT OF A Behn’s lawyer says, “In the broader picture, PEST MANAGEMENT PLAN what I think is that this really does put a Application #: FLNR-S-INTERIOR-2014 great deal more presApplicant: Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Range Branch sure on the province 441 Columbia Street, Kamloops, BC, V2C 2T3 not just to say, 'We’re Agent: SMC Consulting, 1582 Lawrence Avenue, Penticton, BC, V2A 3C1 going to leave it to Tel/Fax: 250-492-6193, email: companies and First The purpose of the proposed multi-agency Pest Management Plan (PMP) is to manage invasive Nations to sort it out alien plants and/or noxious weeds on provincial Crown land in the southern interior of B.C. on the ground.' When The PMP applies to areas located within the Thompson Nicola, Cariboo, Central Coast, Squamish the province doesn’t Lillooet, Columbia Shuswap, North Okanagan, Central Okanagan, Okanagan Similkameen, Kootedeal with these things nay Boundary, Central Kootenay and East Kootenay Regional Districts. it runs a real risk of The PMP applies to areas in the vicinity of the communities of Bella Coola, Alexis Creek, Quesnel, creating these conWilliams Lake, 100 Mile House, Lillooet, Clinton, Cache Creek, Blue River, Clearwater, Kamloops, flicts.” Salmon Arm, Revelstoke, Golden, Merritt, Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, Oliver, Osoyoos, Princeton, Grand Forks, Castlegar, Kaslo, Nakusp, Nelson, Trail, Salmo, Creston, Cranbrook, Invermere, Fernie and Sparwood.

The pest management methods proposed for use include mechanical, cultural and biological control and the use of herbicides within the area to which the PMP applies. The common name and examples of the trade names of the herbicides proposed for use under this plan include aminopyralid (Milestone), clopyralid (Lontrel), dicamba (Vanquish), diflufenzopyr (Overdrive), glyphosate (Vantage Plus Max), imazapyr (Arsenal), mecoprop-p (Dyvel DX), metsulfuron methyl (Escort), picloram (Tordon 22K), 2,4-D Amine (2,4-D Amine 600) and triclopyr (Garlon XRT). Selective application methods include wick/wipe-on, injection, squirt bottle, cut surface, and foliar applications using backpack or vehicle mounted sprayer. The proposed duration of the PMP is from May 1, 2014 to April 30, 2019. A draft copy of the proposed PMP and map of the proposed treatment area may be examined in detail at: Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Range Branch, 411 Columbia Street, Kamloops, BC, V2C 2T3, online at or by contacting the Agent listed above. A person wishing to contribute information about a proposed treatment site, relevant to the development of the pest management plan may send copies of the information to the applicant (c/o SMC Consulting, Agent, at the address listed above), within 30 days of the publication of this notice.

A threat to holiday fun Trees bent over by heavy snow and ice threaten power and telephone lines next to Clearwater Valley Road on New Year's Day. Residents of Upper Clearwater complained of several power outages that occurred during the Christmas holidays. Photo by Keith McNeill

“an Independent” congregation in fellowship with the broader Christian community in the area.

Open: 9am to 12 noon, Mondays and Fridays How to Donate: Cash or cheques can be dropped off at the Food Bank or by mail to 741 Clearwater Village Road, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N1. Food Donations: dropped off at the Food Bank, Clearwater Credit Union or at Safety Mart

250-674-3402 •

Your places of worship

Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive (Behind Fields Store)

Sunday Worship Service 10 am On the Web: For information 250.674.3841 or 250.674.2912


Clearwater and District Food Bank

Church Directory

Clearwater Christian Church

3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational

St James Catholic Church

Sunday Service Mass • 11am - 12pm Tuesday & Thursday 10am 324 Clearwater Village Road 250-672-5949 Father Don O’Reilly

Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor Bill Kelly Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468

CLEARWATER UNITED CHURCH Meeting at Catholic Church of St. James


Sunday 9am

Rev. Brian Krushel

250-672-5653 • 250-674-3615

Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 5:00pm

Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations

CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am

(Kids church during service)

Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study Thursday 3-5pm Kids Club

Phone: 250-674-2345

308 W Old N Thompson Hwy

COMMUNITY BAPTIST 24E Old North Thompson Hwy

Worship Service 10:30 Pastor Mike Kiewitt 250.674.1332

STONE & COMPANY (Robert Lawrie, Silvia Scheibenpflug)

Certified General Accountants A14 Rison Realty • 32 E Old N. Thompson Hwy.


TH RIVE R OAPPLIANCE REPAIR R Four Star Service 250-674-0079


Itec Enterprises MAN LIFT WITH WINCH Times Thursday, January 9, 2014 Clearwater


We can safely lift you in the cage to put your task close at hand. Pull a pump, lift a tower, top a tree Hourly, daily and weekly rates • Includes operator

Phone: 250-674-2532 • Kamloops: 554-2533 • Fax: 554-2536


Kindly refer to our website:

Accountant Building -Supply ACCOUNTANT - Certified CERTIFIED

Appliance Repair Carpentry APPLIANCE REPAIRS

Construction Building Supply

STONE & COMPANY (Robert Lawrie, Silvia Scheibenpflug)


Feb. 1st to Apr. 30th - Every Thursday May 1st to Jan. 31st - By Appointment Hours: 9:30 am to Noon, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Business & Service Directory

Financial Statement Preparation • Corporate & Personal Income Taxes

Certified General Accountants Rison Realty • 32 E Old N. Thompson Hwy. Feb. 1st to Apr. 30th - Every Thursday May 1st to Jan. 31st - By Appointment Winter Hours •9:30 8:30amam - 5pm to Noon, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Hours:


DOUG JAMES Hazel Dowds


Construction Carpentry CARPENTRY

Construction Business & Service DNA Directory Construction

Hazel’s Housing Box 345 Clearwater BC V0E 1N0

Fully Insured

Journeyman Carpenters


674-4001 Contractor • RENOVATIONS • ROOFING (250) 674-8469


CLEARWATER, B.C. 250-674-4083

Hazel Dowds

John White

Journeyman Carpenter

Contractor Contracting CONTRACTORS

HANS OUNPUU Building Contractor


Paul 250.819.3205

Contractor Electric Contractors

HANS OUNPUU Building Contractor

& Bonded 250-674-3875 Clearwater, BC •Licenced Reg. NO: 99142

Electric GarbageContractors Collection

Gifts Florist


The Little Gift Shop

Containers available for construction sites, yard clean-up, industrial sites etc.

Phone Jager Garbage 250-674-3798 Licenced & Bonded

Reg. NO: 99142 Serving from Vavenby to Blackpool area

Demolition - Excavation - Backhoe Service

Dan Arnold

Renovations • Additions • New Construction Home Repairs • HAFI Jobs • Project Management

Residential includes Blue Bag Recycling

Construction & Renovations from Foundations to Roof Septic - Installation - Service - Pumping Rob Kerslake

Renovations • Additions • New Construction Home Repairs • HAFI Jobs • Project Management Gravel - Sand - Top Soil - Snow Removal

Residential & Commercial Garbage Collection.

Construction Contracting

Trucking - Crane Truck - Water - Dump

40 years experience

Paul Jack 250-674-3875 Clearwater, BC • 250.819.3205 250.299.9510

Winter Hours • 8:30am - 5pm

New Construction, Renovations, Tiling, Roofing.

- Installationexperience - Service - Pumping 40Septic years Demolition - Excavation - Backhoe Service Trucking - Crane Truck - Water - Dump

Rob Kerslake Steve Noble


250-674-4083 Journeyman Carpenter PARTS - SALES - SERVICE CALLS USED APPLIANCES

Tiny Builders QUALITYLtd. WORK

Construction & Renovations from Foundations to Roof

Hazel’s Housing N

Phone: 250-674-2532 • Kamloops: 554-2533 • Fax: 554-2536

Financial Statement Preparation • Corporate & Personal Income Taxes


Steve Noble Gravel - Sand - Top Soil - Snow Removal Jack 250.299.9510


250-587-6175 250-587-6175


Good Prices • Great Service • Quality Work MONDAYS LARRY SYMONS- •CLOSED LICENSED & BONDED -• CLEARWATER B.C. Reg. - CLOSED MONDAYS - • #24833 B.C. Reg. #24833

GarbageGifts Collection GARBAGE COLLECTION

CLOSED • Jewelry UNTIL• Gift FURTHER Baskets • Framed photo,NOTICE prints & cards

• Fishing - rods, reels, lures, knives

Local artists - and much ~ flowers ~ plants ~ gifts ~• balloon bouquets ~ more to Friday: 10 am - 5 pm specializing in weddings,Tuesday sympathy, birthdays, anniversaries and other importantSaturdays: occasions10 am- 4 pm

73 Taren Drive, Clearwater 250-674-0101 Next1-877-974-2929 to Clearwater Computers Phone 250-674-2929 Toll Free:

JAGER GARBAGE Kathy’s Jewelry & Gifts Residential & Commercial

SCENTSY CERAMIC WARMERS VELATA BELGIAN CHOCOLATE FONDUES Garbage Collection. A favourite idea for personal or gift giving and home and party entertainment. Residential includes Blue Bag Recycling Book now or orders placed weekly. No shipping or handling fees

Containers construction sites, Sat.: 10am - 4pmavailable • Sun.: 11:30for - 4pm 343 Clearwater Valley Rd. yard clean-up, industrial sites etc. (Beside O’Bryan’s in the Laundromat at the TNT Building Entrance to Wells Gray Park)Garbage 250-674-3798 Phone Jager or call 250-674-3763 or Vavenby 778-208-5359to Blackpool area Serving from

Motor Licence Licence Office Office Motor

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Plumbing & Heating Septic Service




District of Clearwater





Got Leaks? Plugged Drain? New Installs

250-674-2733 250-674-2733 132 Station Road, Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. B.C. V0E V0E1N0 1N0 157, Clearwater, Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Open through the Noon hour

Fully Insured • 100% Guaranteed • 250-674-8151

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PLUMBING DRAINS Wells & Pumps ≈AND Yearly Maintenance ≈ Frozen pipes We are right around the corner

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John Chaytor Box 561 Clearwater, BC V0E 1N0

Off the Hook

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Furnace Installation • Heat Pumps and Air Conditioning Give us a call it’s too• late! BEST rates in town Radon Gasbefore Mitigation Serving Blue River - Little Fort


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250-674-3562 visa, debit, mc accepted

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Snow Removal and Sanding







250-674-2214 • 250-674-1542

Clearwater Times Thursday, January 9, 2014 A15

Business & Service Directory Towing

CLEARWATER TOWING LTD. 24 Hour Service Free Scrap Car Removal 516 Swanson Road Used Auto Parts



Septic Service - Pumper Truck . . . L L A C AT ON IT ALL... Bobcat and Backhoe WE DO Plumbing -Soils - Gravel




250-674-0145 YOUR MARKET ear inCHECK eview

250-674-3123 NELS HINDLE OFFICE: or CELL: 250-674-1427


a Arrow Lake News (Nakusp) a Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal a Caledonia Courier (Ft. St. James) a Castlegar a Eagle Valley News a Golden from Star page Continued a Houston Today A11 a Invermere Valley Echo a Kamloops This Week BC Hydro con-News a Kelowna Capital a Kootenay firmed that itAdvertiser had (Cranbrook)

stopped planning for a second power-line into the North Thompson Valley. The decision to resume planning would depend on whether large industrial loads materialize, said a spokesperson. Clearwater Mayor John Harwood feared the planning stoppage would affect several proposed projects. Stu Seib, formerly the NCO-in-charge of Clearwater RCMP detachment, pleaded guilty in a Kelowna court to breach of trust. He had admitted to stealing cocaine from a police evidence locker. Clearwater town council awarded a $635,000 contract to construct five new dressing rooms at the Sportsplex to an Abbotsford company. TRU dean of science Tom Dickinson outlined plans for the proposed Wells Gray Wilderness Center to town council. It would accommodate 20 people, be entirely devoted to education, and would not compete with any existing business, he said. SFU post-graduate student Samantha Charlton outlined the work she was doing exploring the barriers and opportunities to harvesting non-timber forest products. She expected to spend several months in Clearwater and Chu Chua.




a Burns Lake District News a Merritt Herald a Valley Express (Merritt) a North Thompson Star Journal (Barriere) a North Thompson Times (Clearwater) a Northern Sentinel (Kitimat) a Omineca Express (Vanderhoof) a 100 Mile House Free Press a Penticton Western News a Princeton/Similkameen a Prince George Free Press

Starting at $165.00 m3

+ $15 delivery fee within Clearwater

3 1 0 2

pastor of Clearwater United Church and the Church of St. Paul in Barriere. Dignitaries from the United, Anglican and Lutheran churches attended the service. Town council tabled an application to rezone land for Ron Rotzetter’s proposed Bear View shopping center until a comprehensive development plan is developed that involves not just the subject property, but adjacent pieces of land as well. Staff had recommended the application be rejected, but one factor in the decision to table instead was a statement that there was no land available in the existing commercial zone near the Clearwater Valley

Al Kirkwood

672-5611 or 674-3410

Larissa Daase plays the bass as she and other members of the Clearwater Secondary School guitar group provide the entertainment during a burger and beer night put on by the school’s parents advisory committee (PAC). The fundraiser was held in April at the Clearwater ski hill chalet. Photo by Keith McNeill

March An open house was held to discuss the Bear View shopping center being proposed for a 10 acre lot south of Highway 5 immediately west of the junction with Haywood Road. “The indoor shopping concept is new to the community and we feel that the tourists traveling through Clearwater would benefit yearround,” said owner Ron Rotzetter. Clearwater Midge Rec Warriors won the Thompson-Caribou Super League championship. “Every player put their hearts into this game and pulled together as a team,” said coach Tim Walker. Rev. Brian Krushel started as the new


t th a Quesnel Cariboo Observer e abou d m a Revelstoke Times Review k s n A a Salmon Arm Observer Mainla Lower ouver a Shuswap Market News c a Smithers Interior News & Van d a Summerland Review or Bulletin an million shortfall $22,000 contract to l $100,000 to locate in a Is $22 a Terrace Standard Opus International selected rural comin 20 years if it doesn’t Advertising a Vernon Morning Star Manager 90 plus publications a Weekend Advertiser (Kitimat) start spending more on Consultants to develop munities, including serving a Williams Lake Tribune frontage/backage infrastructure, accordClearwater. “This is a Williams Lake Weekender British Columbia

Road junction that was of adequate size and/or without restrictive covenants. Healthcare staff from Clearwater, Barriere and Chase took part in a twoday rural emergency course held at Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital. “It recognizes that rural emergency medicine is different from that in the urban emergency room,” said Dr. John Soles, one of the organizers. Future Shop presented a $22,000 cheque to CSS principal Darren Coates. The school was combining on-line learning with face-to-face teaching. The B.C. government and BCMA announced they were offering doctors

good news for our community,” said Dr. John Soles. CSS students Chance Tobin, Jared Bourdeleau and Taylor Rhodes placed first, second and third in carpentry at regional Skills Canada competition in Kamloops. Donald Ritchie came third in cabinet making, while Alex MacDonald took third in residential wiring. The Moilliet’s Aveley Ranch near Vavenby got ready to celebrate its 100th anniversary of sheep raising. The ranch, which was founded in 1906 by Theodore Albert Moilliet (Tam), acquired its first sheep in the fall of 1913 when a flock of 40 was driven from Louis Creek. The railroad right-ofway had been cleared at that time but the rails were not yet installed, making an ideal trail. Local politicians got a hand from female hockey players as they turned the sod to officially mark the start of construction of new changing rooms at the Sportsplex. A presentation by female hockey players had encouraged town council to get a grant through MLA Terry Lake, said Mayor John Harwood. April District of Clearwater could face

ing to a infrastructure master plan prepared by Urban Systems. The municipality was investing $200,000 per year on infrastructure when it should be spending $1.3 million, the report said. Close to 200 people turned out for Clearwater Volunteer Fire Department’s first annual Easter egg hunt. Money raised during the event was to go towards a playground in the nearby Chad Schapansky Park. An article outlined how North Thompson priest Father Emil Sasges survived more than three weeks in the mountains alone after his home-built airplane crashed while flying from Bowron Lakes to Valemount. The accident had occurred in 1969. TransAlta sold its rights to several partially completed small scale hydro projects in the North Thompson Valley to Sorgent.e, an Italian company. TransAlta continued to own and operate its Bone Creek project north of Blue River. One possible sticking point with the partially completed projects purchased by Sorgent.e was the limited capacity of BC Hydro’s transmission line, said Simpcw band manager Doug Brown. Town council voted to award a

road cross-section template design for the community. The municipality needs to develop bylaws so that when someone wants to build something, they can be charged to cover the costs of any improvements needed to the water system, sewer system, and so on, said Mayor John Harwood. Clearwater town council proposed increasing the mill rate by 5.82 per cent – a $40 tax increase on a $200,000 home. Water and sewer rates also were increased. Former Clearwaterbased Conservation Officer Kevin Van Damm was awarded an Exemplary Service Medal by LieutenantGovernor Judith Guichon. The provincial election was underway and NDP hopeful Kathy Kendall was campaigning in Clearwater. The number one issue in Clearwater and the North Thompson seemed to be skills training, she said. Her main rival was Liberal incumbent MLA Terry Lake. Ron Rotzetter asked town council for a letter of support for a frontage road to provide access to his proposed Bear View shopping center. The request was referred to staff for a decision at a later date.


Thursday, January 9, 2014 Clearwater Times

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK “A new year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.”

– Anonymous



Join Carol McNeill just back from South America as she leads students through this Introductory Spanish class. By learning simple structures and vocabulary you will be able to function and make contact when you travel to Latin countries. Jan 21 – Mar 11

INTRO TO MIG WELDING – Call immediately if you are

interested in this course!!!! Gain skills in GMAW (MIG) wire feed welding. Several different types of wires and shielding gasses will be utilized in a variety of welding positions. Cutting and fitting of joints will be stressed, with the opportunity to plan and begin a small project. Participants are encouraged to bring their home welders. Jan 6 – 28, 2014


This course covers emergency medical techniques currently considered to be the responsibility of the Level 3 attendant. Emphasis is on primary action approach and patient assessment. This program leads to Work Safe BC certification. Jan 20 - 31, 2014


Jan 26 & Feb 28

OFA Level 3

Jan 20 - 31


Intro to MIG Welding

Jan 6 - 28

Conversation Spanish

Jan 21 – Mar 11


Red Cross Babysitting First Aid

Jan 24 & 25



Jan. 11 & 12: Mens Skins Spiel @ Wells Gray Curling 10 to 250-674-3286 Club. Guaranteed 4 – 6 end games. Cash prizes. Jan. 21: Council meeting, 7pm, 132 Station Road. Reg/info 250-674-3847 or Jan. 24-26: Winter Festival Jan. 13: Chamber of Commerce general meeting at the Community Resource Centre – 224 Candle Feb. 14: Valentines Day Dance, 9 pm, Blue River Community Hall Creek Road, 7pm. March 7: Spring Bingo, 7 pm, Blue River CommuJan. 17: Seniors Mobility Workshop, 10am – nity Hall. 2:30pm, Community Resource Centre, rsvp Jan.



TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 224 Candle Creek Rd. EMAIL: •

ONGOING EVENTS HEALTH & HEALING • AA Meetings: every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Dr, 250-6741923 • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-587-6373. • Connections Healing Rooms - Fridays 1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Call Kim 250-6740224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 250-674-2699 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: 1st Thurs every mth. 250-676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Nov., Jan., & Mar. AGM in May • Volleyball: Tues. 7:30-9:00 PM, Nov. 5 - Dec. 10, at Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. Info: 250-674-1878. • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-674-2468 annie. • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-674-0001 • Walking Club: Indoors: Wed., 6:45-7:45am, & Thurs, 3:304:30pm, Nov. 20-Dec. 12, 2013 at Clw Secondary School, FREE. Info: 250-674-1878 • Drop-in Curling: Fri. Jan. 11 - Mar. 8, 7:00 PM, $5. Brooms and sliders available. • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 • Drop in Basketball: Fri., 7-8:30pm, Nov. 1-Dec. 1, $2 drop in at Clearwater Secondary School Gym. Info: 250-674-1878 SENIORS • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the month at 2pm at the public library. All seniors welcome.


Gymnastics (various age classes) Jan 7 – Mar 13 Various prices

Wells Gray Country

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Tuesday Morning Coffee (TMC): Meets 10am – 11:30 @ Clearwater Community Baptist Church. All women and children welcome. (9:30-10 am Bible Study). Info 250-674-3624 • Clearwater Bridge Club: Wednesdays, Sportsplex lounge, 7 p.m. sharp, info 250-674-2195 • Raft River Rockhounds: 3rd Sat of the mth. Clw Lodge 1pm 250-674-2700 • Women in Business Luncheon: 2nd Thurs. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250-674-3703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmer’s Market every Saturday from 9:00 am – Noon. For more info please call Anne at 250-674-3444. • Clearwater-Vavenby Lions Bingo: Every 2nd Tues. Elks Hall. 250-587-6269 • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 1pm: 250-587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – every 2nd Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - every 2nd Thurs. Elks Hall. open 5pm • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Racoon StrongStart - Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:45-11:45am • Racoon StrongStart - Vavenby Elm school days Wed 8:5011:50am • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Mornings, reg. Kerry 250-674-2600 ext 227 • NT BC Home Schoolers: Meets Fri. afternoons. Call Leanna 250-674-0057 for details • Kids Club: Clearwater New Life Assembly. Meets every Thur. 3-5 pm. Ages 5-12. For info contact Bobbi @ 250-674-3346


this ad is sponsored by

Bayley’s Bistro

in the Brookfield Shopping Centre in Clearwater Eat in or Take out Fried Chicken


Clearwater Clear WaterTimes Times Thursday, Thursday,January January9,9,2014 2014 A17 A17

Your community. Your classifieds.

250.674.3343 fax 250.674.3410 email




Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale


Help Wanted

Financial Services

Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am -5pm Brookfield Mall, Clearwater Ph: 250.674.3343 • Fax: 250.674.3410

Barriere Alcoholics Anonymous Call: 250-672-9643 For Al Anon Call: 250-672-9643, 250-677-4234


Clearwater: AA meetings Every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Dr., side door. Roll call 8 p.m. 250-674-1923, 250-674-7313

Experienced parts person required immediately for James Western Star in Williams Lake. Full time, competitive wages, benefits and signing bonus. Fax resume to 250-398-6367 or email:

DROWNING IN Debt? Cut debts more than 60% and be debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1-877-5563500 BBB Rated A+

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?

RESTLESS LEG Syndrome and leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660.

TUG SKIPPER Full time senior & junior positions available. Minimum Limited Master <60GT Certificate required. Apply via email: or by fax: (250) 974-5216

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Buy a Classified in the Star/Journal Buy a Classified in the Times and goes the The Times FREE. andyour your adad goes intointo the Barriere Star/Journal FREE. Regular Rate: 8.50 + GST Maximum 15 words .20c per word extra Special Rates: 3 Weeks; $22.15 + GST Free Ads: Lost, Found, Student Work Wanted Free ads maximum 15 words will run 2 consecutive weeks.

Happy Occasions: Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, etc. 1 column by 3 inch - $18.49 + GST Deadlines: Word Ads: Mondays 12pm 5pm Display Ads: Mondays 12pm It is the policy of The Star/Journal and The Times to receive pre-payment on all classified advertisements. Ads may be submitted by phone if charged to a VISA, MC or an existing account.

CHECK YOUR AD! Notice of error must be given in time for correction before the second insertion of any advertisement. The paper will not be responsible for omissions or for more than one incorrect insertion, or for damages or costs beyond the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of ads which discriminate against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved. Readers; in ads where ‘male’ is referred to, please read also as ‘female’ and where ‘female’ is used, read also ‘male’. NOTE: When ordering items out of province, the purchaser is responsible to pay provincial sales tax. Do not send money in response to an advertisement without confirming the credentials of that business, and be aware that some telephone numbers will be charged for by the minute



Cards of Thanks


A huge Red Hat Full of Appreciation goes out to the Red Hot Mama’s for their generous donation to Barriere & District Hospice Society. We, at Barriere Hospice, Thank You very much for your donation & support.

Coming Events Daytime Stick Curling Afternoon league/drop-in Starting in January Wells Gray Curling Club For Info call Larissa 250-674-3373 Wells Gray Curling Club Mens Skins Spiel Jan. 11 & 12 Guaranteed 4 — 6 end games Cash prizes Registration $200/team Ph. Mel @ 250-674-3847 or to register

Information Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Call 250-674-2135.

Help Wanted

ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance Payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

Employment Career Opportunities THERE IS a critical need for Medical Transcriptionists across Canada. Work from home. CanScribe graduates welcome and encouraged to apply. Apply through MTR at

Caretakers/ Residential Managers MOTEL ASST Manager Team to run small Motel in Parksville BC. Non-Smoking, no Pets, good Health, fulltime live-in position. Call 250-586-1633 or email:

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking EXPERIENCED CLASS 1 Drivers, F/T, P/T needed for California & Arizona produce hauling, excellent pay and benefits+ safety bonus and home time. Call Jerry or Brian 1-877-539-1750.

Education/Trade Schools

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email:

Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Great deals - low prices

Help Wanted

DIVISION MANAGER Needed for trucking company. Position is Salmon Arm Based. Minimum 5 years verifiable experience in truck or supply chain management. Details on line @ or call 888-3572612 ext 230.

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.

Lets You Live Life.

Trades, Technical HIRING in Fort St John, BC. MILL ELECTRICIANS w/ experience. Wage up to $50/hr, Housing & Benefits. Shift-7days on/ 7off. Email resume: or fax 250-630-2114 Ph: 250-2634350 JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages, relocation allowance, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefits. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info at: Fax 403-854-2845; Email:

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Photography / Video Need a professional

photographer? Portraits, weddings, special events, pet portraits, commercial. Affordable memories that last a lifetime. Seniors rates. Book now avoid & disappointment. Sorry no passport photos Jill Hayward 250-319-8023/250-672-0055


by Keith McNeill

Digital and film photographs. Phone 250-674-3252 or

Work Wanted


HAFI GRANTS Notice to low income seniors and persons with disability. You may qualify for a grant up to 20,000. to modify and adapt your home for improved safety and accessibility. For details contact your local HAFI expert Hans Ounpuu, Building contractor @ 250-674-3875.

Wilkeekon Services Handyman & Cleaning Residential & Commercial Moving in/out, DIY projects, construction site, interior/exterior, light hauls Bonded Gayle Peekeekoot Ray Wilson 250-674-2775

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Centre for Arts & Technology

LEARN FROM Home. Earn from home. Huge is a demand for Medical Transcriptionists. Start your online learning today with CanScribe Career College. 1-800-466-1535

Help Wanted

629 Barriere Town Rd. V0E 1E0 • 250-672-0036 • Fax: 250-672-2159

E-mail: • Website: EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR – Yellowhead Community Services CB0250 SUPPORT WORKER – Yellowhead Community Services CB0259 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR/MANAGER – Yellowhead Community Services CB0262 GENERAL LABOURER – Woodco Sawmill B0266 MYSTERY SHOPPERS – In-Touch Insight Systems B02 TOW OPERATOR – North River Towing B0272 68

Go To: for information on jobs with Mike Wiegele.



Located across the railway tracks in Vavenby, B.C.

Professional/ Management


Clearwater A&W is seeking experienced, mature, responsible, dedicated individuals to fill kitchen and cashier positions. Please submit your resume by email:, fax: 250-674-3226 or drop off your resume at the front counter.

Skill Development: If you have been on Employment Insurance in the past 3 years (5 years maternity) & are currently unemployed, you may be eligible for re-training dollars. Book an appointment to see one of our counselors for information. We look forward to seeing you: come in and we’ll personally see that you get the information you’re seeking or call and make an appointment. • Free computer & Internet access • Free resume help • Free information on many services. “The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia” In Partnership with Barriere & District Chamber of Commerce and Yellowhead Community Services

CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 • 250-674-2928 • Fax 250-674-2938 E-mail: • Web Page:

Cashier: 4 positions/Clearwater #C0271 Cook/Prep Cook: 3 positions/ Clearwater #C0270 Logging Truck Driver: Seasonal/ Clearwater #C0269 German Speaking Tour Guide: FT/ Seasonal/Clearwater #C0264 Professional Driver: Casual/Seasonal/ Clearwater #C0263 Early Childhood Educator/Facility Manager: FT/PT Barriere #CB0262 Support Worker - Child care programs:

2 positions/Clearwater #CB0259 Traffic Control: Casual/Clw #C0256 Early Childhood Educator/Educator Assistant: FT/PT Clw/Barriere#CB2050 Cook: 2 positions/Clw #C0240 9 Postings/Blue River: PT & FT #CB0222 Maintenance Technician, Maintenance Labourer, Chef Garde Manger, Assistant Pastry Chef, Marketing Coordinator, Maintenance Manager, Guide, Fine Dining Server, Housekeeper

Free Workshops

to help with your work search are available. Please contact us to register for one or all of these free workshops. “Back to Work Boot Camp”: Feb. 3rd – Feb. 7th : Workshops will be as follows: ‘Discover You’ (Assessments) Workshop: Mon. Jan. 6th Resume, Cover Letter and Interview Skills Workshop: Tues. Jan. 7th Networking, Cold Calls & Dress for Success Workshop: Wed. Jan. 8th Internet & Email Basics Workshop: Thurs. Jan. 9th Accepting, Maintaining & Starting Employment Workshop: Fri. Jan. 10th Resumes & Interviews: Go hand in hand, so the better prepared you are the greater the impression you will make to your future employer. Please drop in and our friendly staff will assist you. Targeted Wage Subsidy (TWS): Are you currently on Employment Insurance or have you been in the last 3-5 years? If you have, you may be eligible for wage subsidy. Ask us for further info. Funding for Skill Enhancement: Recent or active EI clients with a career plan in mind seeking assistance through Service Canada are required to book an appointment with one of our Employment Counsellors. • Blue River Library: An employment consultant comes to the Blue River School. Next visit is Tuesday January 14th from 12:30-2:30. If a one on one appointment is required, please call to set up a time prior to the drop in. Operated by Yellowhead Community Services The Employment Program of BC is funded by the Government of Canada & the Province of British Columbia

Top Employers Now Hiring. Start Today! A18

Thursday, January 2014Clear Clearwater Times Thursday, January 9, 9, 2014 Water Times

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate




Misc. for Sale

Mobile Homes & Parks

Homes for Rent

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AJ a pn ru i la r2y 3 9 - - 21 95 ,, 22 00 1142 After timeis away This week all for the holidays, getting about give and take, back into Do a routine Capricorn. for can be and challenging, others, they will Capricorn. you do for you. ABut special like stick a eventtocalls for to some schedule, and getextra-special gifts. December 22– ting back on track is January 19 the way to do it.

January 20– February 18

February 19– March 20

Aquarius, Some habitsalthough are hard you haveAquarius. many to break, friends, recently Look to ayou mentor to have only help and youspent will time with a select succeed. A fitness few. week is a goal This is easily achieved great to reach with atime new piece of out to those friends equipment. you haven’t seen in awhile. Your competiThe odds may be tive juices willyou, be stacked against flowing this Pisces, but thatweek, doesn’t Pisces. Enjoy mean you won’tthe come competitive out on top withatmoa little sphere but don’t ingenuity. A weekend take things too afar. endeavor requires leap of faith.

March 21– April 19

April 20– May 20

May 21– June 21

Now be the Speakmay up, Aries, and time to try will somethe problem be thing new, Aries. solved. A little miracle You are makes not one at home for an to shy away from interesting weekend. anything, right Travel plansbut come now you’re a bit together. apprehensive about things. Take a leap of faith. Taurus, Cast asidemany all doubt, people lookoffer to you Taurus. The is asgenuine a leader, andbring they and will are do so.A youwise manyto rewards. You especially test ofare faith begins— trustworthy, andwoes be strong. Money you ease.will be asked to solve a few problems this week. Gemini, there won’t Feeling blessed be much to these days,time Gemini? enjoy recreational Pay it forward. A activities week, compromisethis at home so youeveryone’s may have to raises find newfun way to let spiritsa and ensues loose. Rest long! assured all weekend there will be more time for fun down the road.

June 22– July 22

Cancer, a new opA business relationship portunity comes blossoms with an your wayA but you’re addition. larger-thannot quite suredrops if life personality you’re by with ready an offerfor yousuch drastic changes. can’t refuse. Oh boy, Take your time beoh boy, Cancer. September 23– fore making a final October 22 decision.

Feeling homesick, Lady Luck smiles on Libra? If so, you, Libra, andmake there some post-holiday is nothing beyond your plans visit with reach. to A treasured friends family you heirloomorresurfaces, didn’t a chance bringingget back many to seememories. during the fond holidays. Enjoy this time spent with loved ones.

July 23– August 22

Leo, matter how Oops,no Leo. You fall hard some behindyou on atry, project, people just can’t see raising some things from eyebrows. Not your to point Don’t worry. of Youview. will get take thistrack personback on sooner ally, as everyone is than you think, thanks entitled to their own October 23– to an innovation. opinions. November 21

Scorpio, The tiniestyou of like to stay busy. But you changes make a vast sometimes improvementfeel in a overwhelmed with allis project. A rejection that you have to do. a blessing in disguise. Stop bitingforoff more Be grateful what than canScorpio. chew you’reyou given, and take things one task at a time.

Virgo, sometimes Spend less, save moreit seems likedefinitely you have and you’ll all theVirgo. answers, getof more, More while otherline times, in youratbottom you might not and more peace ofknow how approach a mind.toFlowers provide situation. Take some a great pick-me-up. time to analyze your August 23– September 22 approach.


Sagittarius, now News from afar getsis a good time juices to make the creative resolutions flowing, and and you reconnect with distant accomplish more than friends. good to you haveItin is some time, rekindle relationSagittarius. A game of ships commit to wits atand the office more time November 22– spending proves challenging. December 21 with friends and family.

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Clearwater Times Thursday, January 9, 2014 A19


Hospice volunteers help food bank


Carol Lynn TOTH April 5, 1946 - December 19, 2013

Niki McMillan of Clearwater and District Hospice Society presents a cheque to Heather Stanley of Clearwater and District Food Bank. Members of the hospice society decided to donate to the food bank rather than give each other presents for Christmas. Photo submitted

Making new snowshoe tracks brings back an old memory We have several doggie visitors who consider our place to be their home-away-from-home, no matter what the season. Two were on duty as I set off for a short snowshoe hike after recent snow had all but covered old tracks. Long-legged Jake, the standard black poodle, bounded effortlessly away as we set out. Behind him, with her self-proclaimed job as defender of all local territory, barking decisively, ran Paris, where John had just finished snow-blowing. “Oof, oof!” stated our neighbour’s pint-sized cocker spaniel, but only briefly. Her run ended abruptly as she left bare ground and leapt into untouched snow. She was high-centred. Jake and I continued on our adventure leaving an embarrassed Paris and my slaving husband doing his least favourite job for probably the third time in as many days. The trees and shrubs along the lane and in backyards beside us, all drooping with ice and snow, were transformed into a myriad shapes, some with elephant trunks, others with pixie hats. The world into which we intruded was white and wonderful. I’ve probably walked these lanes hundreds of times in the past seven years, and something is always different, entertaining, entrancing. This time the trees and over-hanging branches changed the scene so much that I didn’t always know how far along the trail I had slogged. Deer had been there before us, in and out of the bush as well as choosing the easier terrain of the open lane. I’ve seen lots of rabbit tracks this year, and plenty had left their three-footed tracks that day, plus more. Although these critters seldom appear, I enjoy their hidden presence. Turning down a less-used lane, Jake began taking advantage of my tracks, occasionally stepping on the back of a snowshoe. When I’m walking faster and he does that, I’ve often pitched forward for a wet, cold face-plant. I remained upright this time though, with my awkward, snow-laden, unwieldy feet even negotiating a few fallen trees successfully. On Ogden Road, a wide-tired vehicle wearing chains had squished the snow, making walking

Trekking Tales

Carol Toth passed away at Royal Inland Hospital after a brief illness. She leaves behind her life partner, Les Toth, as well as daughter Mona Toth (Chris). Born in Prince Rupert, B.C., Carol was a resident of Clearwater for about 40 years. A big part of that history involved Carol and Les working together at the Vavenby Division of Weyerhaeuser. They both drove forklifts, but they always managed to keep home life and work life separate. Carol dedicated much of her energy to being the union rep, as well as developing ways to “out forklift Les.” One day they had a race to see who could load the cars quicker. Les won, but (according to Carol)

only by playing “every trick he knew ... he dropped his dunnage in front of me, revved his engine, ran into me....” Carol acknowledged that Les was the fastest forklift operator, and Les declared that “Carol was the neatest ... no man could stack lumber like Carol.”

Your news Your way

By Kay Knox easier and giving Jake his own parallel track. Realizing that I was still moving slowly, my thoughts went backwards to the many times I’ve hiked with Girl Guides. On one occasion an International camp was touring the Kootenays. We’d been taken across Slocan Lake by boat to hike up and up through tall trees to a giants’ playground of huge mossy rocks. In my normal spot at the end of the line (no way I could keep up with the front group) I tried every trick and clever line I could think of to propel the tail-enders who were dragging themselves along. “If you go faster, you’ll find it is less tiring,” I advised these fit young ladies. Even so, many of the early arrivals had finished their lunches beside a pretty creek by the time we arrived. Back in the snowy present, I took my own advice to complete a convoluted loop. Sunshine was emerging as I reached home. Here John, though still slaving, was about done. Paris, and Gypsy our precocious cat, would also appreciate his efforts – at least until the next snowfall. We chuckled on seeing Jake’s snowball-covered legs, prematurely-white inquisitive snout and masculine moustache. I stretch the term “trekking” to some wide angles in these tales, but this felt real. Well, at least I’d been plodding through the snow for longer than it had taken me to put on all my outdoor layers before heading out there for my lovely trek.

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Following cremation, there will be no service at this time. Condolences may be sent to the family at www. North ThompsonFuneral. com. Arrangements entrusted to North Thompson Funeral Home, 73 Taren Drive, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2, 250674-3030

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Thursday, January 9, 2014 Clearwater Times

Injured cougar kills tracking dog near Kamloops Keith McNeill Former Clearwater-based conservation offier Kevin Van Damme lost a friend in late December. One of his tracking dogs, Bust, was killed by a cougar in the Tranquille Valley near Kamloops. According to Van Damme, they first got a call about the big cat on Dec. 23. A 70-pound dog had been bitten and dragged away. The dog’s owner had rescued it and taken it to the vet. “It all sounded like natural behaviour typical of a mature cat,” said the conservation officer. “The cougar attacked at night. It had the dog in its clutches but then walked away ... it still had respect for people. It was a mature tom, and usually they have learned to stay away from buildings and people.” On Christmas Day it took a house cat from a residence in the same area. Tracks showed that it was bleeding from one paw.

Two days later another resident found its bloody pawprints near his home. He followed the tracks and found the big cat hiding under a shed. The resident got a shot off when the cougar ran, and then called the Conservation Officer Service. “Now I had more concerns,” said Van Damme. “It was hanging around the house. I knew I had to get out there with my dogs.” Usually when a cougar is chased by dogs it will go up a tree – instinctive behaviour developed from generations dealing with wolves. This time, however, the big cat circled around and ambushed the first dog chasing it. After dispatching the first dog, Bust, it then went after the second, Boomer, biting it severely in the head. It didn’t finish the kill, however, possibly driven away by Van Damme’s shouting. All this happened close to the

house where the resident had found the cougar under his shed. The resident was able to direct the conservation officer to where the cat was and Van Damme fatally shot it. When they later examined the cougar they found that its paw had been caught in a wire snare. The injury meant it was unable to climb, which in turn caused it to circle back on the dogs chasing it rather than go up a tree. “It was a pretty signficant loss to us,” the conservation officer said of the death of the dog. Up until recently, all the cougar hounds used by the Conservation Officer Service have been trained by the COs themselves in their spare time. Van Damme trained a number of them himself while he lived in Clearwater. Bust, on the other hand, was one of two highly trained cougar hounds purchased last March from Arizona. One went to a CO in Cranbrook, the second to Van Damme.


Both dogs have proven themselves during the year, successfully assisting in serious conflice situations in the Lower Mainland, Okanagan, Cariboo, Thompson, Fraser and Kamloops regions. The injured dog, Boomer, is one of about 25 Van Damme has trained himself. He seems to be doing well at the veterinary hospital, the conservation officer said, but it remains to be seen if he will be able to get over the trauma of the incident and be able to hunt again. Despite the setback, Van Damme was confident that the Conservation Officer Service will continue to sponsor the canine program, with its speciallytrained imported dogs. After many years of working in Clearwater, Van Damme was transferred to Kamloops about a year ago. He and his family continue to live in this community but plan to move in August, he said. Conservation officer Warren Chayer still is based and lives in Clearwater.



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Conservation officer Kevin Van Damme stands with one of the cougar hounds he has trained. A similar dog, but trained in the United States, was recently killed by a cougar near Kamloops. Times file photo






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