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VOLUME 124 ISSUE 3 $1.35
INCL. GST You’ll find one to fit any driveway, and any budget
Golden Bakery&Deli Open Mon - Sat. 6:00 am - 5:30 pm 250 - 344 - 2928
Ready! Aim! Fire! Cougar destroyed after attack on domestic pet ....................................3
KHC adds bonus show at the Civic Centre ..................................10
Preparations for the Snow King underway ..................................16
Douglas Caldwell lines up his shot at Dawn Mountain on Saturday as part of a biathlon demo day put on by the Alberta Biathlon Club. The event gave locals a chance to try biathlon, a sport that is growing in popularity across Alberta. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Free weekend shuttle bus to KHMR now operating Golden Minor Hockey ............................11-14
Joel Tansey Kicking Horse Connector - a free shuttle bus that will transport passengers to and from town, the highway and Kicking Horse Mountain Resort - began operations last weekend. Ché Koroll, who runs ATV tours in the summer, started the shuttle service because he saw a need for improved
transportation between the resort and Golden. “[A lack of a shuttle service] is something that has bothered me for years…I’ve got my winters kind of free so I had time to develop this,” Koroll said. “I just really believe that it is something that needed to happen for the resort and the town to grow.” Continued on page 5
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 The Golden Star
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The Golden Star Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A3
Female cougar destroyed after attack on dog
The families of Robyn Feuz are absolutely thrilled to announce her engagement to Geoff Osler from Banff. Congratulations Geoff & Robyn!
Joel Tansey Conservation officer Alexandre Desjardins was called to Elk Road, just across the bridge on Kicking Horse Trail, after a cougar attacked a dog that was being walked by a local woman around 12:30 p.m. Friday. The woman was walking her two dogs at the time of the attack. Both of them were about 20 feet ahead of her and off their leash. One dog managed to escape unscathed but the other one, described as a 55 pound lab-cross, was taken and killed by the cougar. The woman reported the incident to conservation authorities immediately, which was a big reason why Desjardins was able to find the cougar almost instantly. “The fact that she reported it right away made our job super easy,” Desjardins said. The cougar, a young adult female, was shot and killed once it was located around 1:30 p.m.. “Once a cougar is able to access such an easy prey item, it is conditioned to just go back to that,” Desjardins said. “Cougars also don’t react well to relocation, they really don’t adapt…they just start wandering back like a house cat.” Unlike bears, there isn’t a lot that can be done to avoid attracting cougars into town. Desjardins did stress that it is important to keep dogs leashed as much as possible,
A cougar was destroyed in the Elk Road area after it attacked and killed a domestic dog. Conservation Officer Photo although he admitted that it is often unrealistic for dog owners to keep their pets on a leash in forested areas where there is plenty of room to run. The B.C. government advises individuals to never turn their back or run from a cougar in the event of an encounter as sudden movements might provoke an attack. Instead, it is essential to make yourself look as large as possible and back away slowly. If the cougar shows interest, you are advised to show your teeth, make loud Conservation Officer noises and fight back if it attacks in order to convince the cougar that you are a threat. Wildlife encounters should be immediately reported to conservation’s 24 hour hotline at 1-877-952-7277. More information about cougar encounters and sightings can be found at the B.C. government’s Ministry of Environment website at
Computers for Seniors Computers for Seniors Computers for Seniors Computers for Seniors Computers for Seniors Individualized Individualized Instruction Individualized Individualized Individualized Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Learn at your own pace Learn Learnat at your own Learn at your own Learn atyour yourown own pace pace pace pace Book your appointment today! Book your Book your Book yourand Mondays appointment today! appointment today! appointment today! Wednesdays 1-3:00 Laura Cankovic Laura Cankovic 250-344-5901 Laura LauraCankovic Cankovic 250-344-5901 For more information: 250-344-5901 250-344-5901
“The fact that she reported it right away made our job super easy.” — Alex Desjardins —
Town of Golden deploys excavator on Kicking Horse River ice buildup Golden Star Staff The Town of Golden had to take action on the Kicking Horse River last week as the ice buildup got too high for comfort. At approximately 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 7, an excavator was deployed to remove ice buildup in the Gould Island channel on the Kicking Horse River. Although water has been flowing through this channel since the initial ice jam on Monday, Dec. 9, 2013, the recent cold weather has resulted in ice buildup. “Removing the ice has allowed water to continue to flow through the channel and there is now a safe amount of freeboard on the dyke walls,” said CAO Jon Wilsgard. “The water in the river is currently moving through the ice and will continue to be monitored.” Through the ongoing monitoring process, water levels in the channel, combined with
the recent cold weather, became a concern. The recommendation to remove the ice was approved by the Water Stewardship Officer from the Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resources Operations. Presently, the emergency management program continues to have an excavator on standby for deployment if the situation requires it; stationed adjacent to the theater building. Town and CP Rail staff traveled the canyon this morning, noting several small ice dams and some pooling. While no immediate threats have been found, the state of preparedness by all authorities is considered appropriate at this time. Authorities from the Golden and Area Emergency Management Program, the Town of Golden, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, HMC Services and the RCMP will continue to monitor the river in partnership.
250-344-5901 ext. 6104
Behind the Wheel
Sponsored by:
Johnston Meier
Insurance Agencies Ltd. 510B - 9th Avenue N., Golden, B.C. (250) 344-5201
Regulatory and Advisory Signs Drivers are often confused about the difference between a regulatory sign and an advisory sign. A regulatory sign generally has black characters or symbols on a white background and an advisory sign has black characters or symbols on a yellow background. So, what’s the difference? The regulatory sign must be obeyed exactly as it is read. Examples of regulatory signs include speed limits, turn restrictions, parking restrictions and directional instructions. Failure to obey these signs is an offence and the driver may be charged if they choose not to follow the instruction. An advisory sign is just that, advice that you may choose to take or ignore as your experience and the conditions dictate. Examples of advisory signs are the speed tabs found under curve signs or the slow sign displayed by flag persons. Failure to obey these signs is only an offence if something happens as a result of ignoring the advice and the offence is generally for the misadventure that occurs. Need a quick brush up on what road signs mean? Drop by your local Driver Service Center (where you renew your driver’s licence) and ask for a free copy of Learn to Drive Smart. The signs, signals and road markings are explained in Chapter 3. This information is also available on ICBC’s web site at The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
The best insurance rates.
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Have a ICBC Question? Give Jan a call - she can help you with renewals, new registrations, out-ofprovince, garage policies and fleetswhatever your needs.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 The Golden Star
Town offers two chances for engagement Golden Star Staff Golden residents have two chances to get involved in civic issues on Wednesday, Jan. 22. The Mayor's next Community Conversation session will be held at the Civic Centre from noon to 1 p.m., and the annual Five-Year Financial Plan open house will be held in the same venue from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Community Conversations sessions are an excellent way for residents to discuss community-based subjects. At this event, people have the chance to create positive dialogue with others they may not have spoken with otherwise. Successful community engagement includes information sharing, consultation, and active involvement from everyone. The event is a forum for face-toface conversations about a democracy that is based on a culture of learning, inquiry, and excellence. "The November Community Conversations brainstorming session was about quality of life. Participants discussed what quality of life means to them and who they feel is responsible for delivering it," said Mayor Christina Benty. "This month we are focusing on citizenship and asking the question what does it mean to be a responsible and engaged citizen? Building on previous sessions, each table will choose their top actions towards being a good citizen in 2014. I encourage everyone to take time on January 22 to enjoy some lively discussion around social responsibility." The previous Community Conversations sessions have had meaningful discussions surrounding community-linked topics and this month's will surely be no different. Later on in the day, residents have the opportunity to discuss the 2014-2018 Town of Golden Financial Plan. This is a chance for the community to learn about the different services Golden offers, where the council's direction is for 2014, ask staff
and council questions and provide valuable feedback. "As we look to the future, it is important to identify our infrastructure and service delivery needs while maintaining the public's trust and inspiring confidence that their tax dollars are being spent wisely" said Benty. "Council is considering its five year financial plan with a two per cent tax increase for 2014. In spite of rising operational and energy costs, this budget includes more money going into reserves for asset renewal (water, sewer, roads) and condition assessments. We have also reduced expenditures in other areas." The Mayor continues to say that "our core infrastructure is the foundation of our community and we have a responsibility to renew our existing assets in the most fiscally responsible manner possible. This budget reflects good stewardship of those assets." The budget includes major changes such as the way Kicking Horse Culture is funded and major project planning expenditures with more funding going into asset renewal reserves. It is worth everyone's time to attend this public consultation event to learn about these and future projects. Furthermore, the public consultation period is an opportunity for residents to voice concerns or recommendations to the Town prior to the budget being approved. At the event, the public will have the choice to walk around and talk to people openhouse style, listen to a quick 15 minute presentation, or both. Savoury snacks will be provided. The budget consultation will also be an opportunity for residents to learn about some changes coming to the curbside recycling program and provide feedback about Civic Centre rates. Being a good citizen is about being involved! On January 22, 2014, town council and staff encourage you to be a good citizen and drop by the Civic Centre. Both events are open to everyone and free to attend.
Do you value: Ploughed sidewalks Maintained roads Clean drinking water Clean streets A maintained water system Community and cultural events A Welcoming Community Garbage and recycling pick up Parks and pathways Sports facilities People to put out that burning house A safe community Play places and programs for ALL Bylaw enforcement Enforcement of building standards Flood protection People to address your concerns Support for seniors Assistance in finding your lost dog Planning and zoning for the future And a Town that is working for you!
Ask yourself What is all of this worth to you?
Golden retailers are banding together Jessica Schwitek The retailers of Golden have decided to band together to tackle some of the issues that are affecting all of them - not the least of which is how to get visitors to shop in town. In its early stages, having just had its third meeting, the Retail Focus Group is maintaining a positive attitude while identifying some common challenges, as well as proposing some new initiatives. The retailers in attendance were interested in the idea of a brochure, outlining all the shopping opportunities in Golden, and well as events like late-night shopping, or a downtown market that included Farmers' Market vendors as well as sidewalk shopping from the 9th Avenue retailers. "How do we bring retailers together, and how do we move forward? These questions must be answered first," said Karen Cathcart with the College of the Rockies, who is facilitating this group jointly with the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce. The attendance is growing with each meeting, but the group would like to see all Golden retailers participating, especially with the potential brochure. The Town of Golden has agreed to purchase access to the Roger Brooks Library of Resources for the focus group. The resource will help retail, as well as tourism, food and beverage operators, as accommodators to view industry best practises in areas like marketing and tourism development opportunities. The first use of this library will be the screening of a video regarding the issue of retailers staying open late. "Let's see what works for other communities, and make it work for us," said Cathcart.
The Town of Golden 2014 Budget Consultation Open House When: January 22 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Where: Civic Centre With: Optional 15 minute presentations: 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.
WE WANT YOUR OPINION The open-house is a great place to learn about the 2014 budget and provide feedback before council’s final approval. Pick up a copy of the budget package Also at the event: •Find out more about changes to the residential curbside recycling program •Provide feedback on the Civic Centre Rental Rates Bylaw Be Informed, Get Engaged, Be Part of the Plan
For more information please call us at 250-344-2271 or email website:
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A5
RCMP Report: Stolen F350 Joel Tansey Stolen truck from 13th St. S Sometime during the night of Jan. 4 a red Ford F350 was broken into and stolen from a home on 13th Street South between 5th and 6th Avenue South. The vehicle, which had a Skidoo Summit in the back, was broken into and taken. Police located the vehicle on the forest service road heading up to Mount 7. The suspect had fled the scene. There was minor damage on the vehicle but nothing was stolen from the truck. Erratic drivers on the highways The RCMP responded to numerous erratic driving calls along Highway 1 over the past week. As always, the RCMP is encouraging drivers to slow down and take care especially during slippery winter weather. Failure to stop The RCMP received a call on Jan. 8 about a black Jeep that failed to stop for a school bus that was in the process of picking up passengers. The bus had its stop sign deployed. The driver of the Jeep was not found. Police would like to remind citizens that it is a $167 fine for failing to stop for a school bus. Multiple accidents
Che Koroll drives the new Kicking Horse Connector shuttle bus, which will be bringing people to and from the ski hill into town on the weekends. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Shuttle sticks to weekends for now
Continued from page 1
The bus will pickup passengers headed for the resort in town from two stops, one near the Wolf’s Den and another at Spirit Square for transportation to the resort. The first round of pickups will start at 4:35 p.m. from the Wolf’s Den and 4:40 p.m. from Spirit Square. The shuttle will take passengers from the Day Lodge car park at the resort down to Golden at 5, 7, and 9 p.m. Pickups will start from the highway (at both the Prestige Inn and the Ramada car park) at 6:00 p.m., with those passengers having the option of taking the shuttle into town or continuing on to the resort. Three trips will be made up to the resort in total, with a fourth available after 10 o’clock depending on demand. Late night trips are also available through the Rockwater’s Blue Bus.
Koroll hopes that locals and tourists will benefit from the shuttle. Goldenites can use the bus in order to enjoy the resort’s restaurants, while tourists that are staying near the resort can come into town and catch a movie or a Rockets game and enjoy the many restaurant and pub options available in town. For now, the bus will only run on Fridays and Saturdays, but eventually Koroll hopes that demand will allow him to expand the operation into a seven day service with additional times throughout the day. If that were to happen, Koroll might need some help, as he is the only driver for the bus as of now. The service is run on sponsorship money from various restaurants and pubs in town For more information or for any questions or comments, Koroll can be reached at 250-2900002.
Survey handing out five cash prizes Golden Star Staff Help measure the pulse of the East Kootenays. Readers of Black Press community newspapers across the Kootenays will have a chance to win a cool $1,000 for completing an online survey that will help local businesses better understand customers in their community. The Pulse of East Kootenay survey looks at the shopping plans and priorities of our readers and their media reading habits. Responses will be kept completely confidential; reader contact information will only be gathered in order to enter the name into a prize draw for one of five $1,000 cash prizes to be given away across the Kootenays. Readers who submit the survey before January 31 will also have their name entered into a draw for a $20 grocery gift card. Check out to complete the survey and to enter the prize draws.
Police responded to five separate calls regarding vehicle collisions. On Jan. 3 a single vehicle went into a ditch on Highway 1 due to slippery conditions. On Jan. 9 a tractor trailer jack knifed on Highway 1 east of Field. The vehicle was hanging off the side of the icy roads. Also on Jan. 9, police responded to a multi-vehicle collision at the intersection of Park Drive and 9th Street South. A delivery truck was making a right hand turn that ran a little wide, causing it to strike a Chevrolet Impala in the opposite lane. The driver of the truck was issued a ticket for failing to keep right and both vehicles suffered front-end damage.
FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN Family Dinner Play and Learn - for families with children birth to 5. Mondays, starting January 13, 5pm - 7pm in the StrongStart room. Includes dinner, parent discussions (with childminding), and fun activities! FOR SCHOOL AGED CHILDREN VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR One to One Children’s Reading Program - help children in grades 2 to 5 to build reading skills. Only 1 or 1.5 hrs/week from Jan. 27 - March 14 (7 weeks). Training provided. FOR ADULTS Money Skills - learn more about income and taxes, budgeting, saving, debt, and credit. Starts Wednesday, January 29, 7-8:30pm. Women’s Journal Writing Group. Starts Tuesday February 5. Food Skills - cooking healthy meals on a budget. Includes meals & childminding. Starts Feb. 1, 10am - 1pm. Call 250344-1032. One to One Adult Tutor Help - Tutors can help with basic reading, writing, computer & math skills. Get help with forms and tests too. Job Skills Workshops - Wednesdays, 10am to 12pm. Every week covers a new topic such as Resumes, Interview skills, and Email & Internet. COMMUNITY LEARNING PLACE (#203 - 421 9th Ave N): Computer and Internet access! Drop-in hours: Wed. 1-3pm, Thurs 9am-12pm. FAMILY LITERACY DAY - SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 6-7PM Richard Young the Magician (Winner of Parents Choice Award for Children’s Entertainer ‘12) will entertain our families at Lady Grey Elementary School. Fun for all ages! Prizes too! TO SIGN UP FOR PROGRAMS OR VOLUNTEER, call 250-439-9665.
Our Town Website
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 The Golden Star
Christmas Spirit Dear Editor,
Although there are many of us who grew up with the internet, it is a technology still in its infancy. Newspapers are still trying to figure out what this new medium means to the business, and how to work with it, and not against it. Many newspapers, - I SURMISE small and large from around the world, By Jessica Schwitek including The New York Times, The Vancouver Province, and The Golden Star, have experimented with payment options for the online content of their newspapers. These methods are by no means perfected, and many publications continue to alter their policies to fit the needs of their readers as well as their advertisers. Black Press too has received some feedback from communities with paid papers and paid websites, including Golden, and has made adjustments to expand and improve the online products. While many locals do have a subscription (and therefore an online subscription), there are residents who have wanted to share stories with out of town friends. We have also heard that some tourism organizations wanted to link stories to their website to help promote Golden. Now there is a way to do that. Starting now, there is a new section on The Golden Star website, and other Black Press websites, called “Our Town.” This section, which will contain articles, photos, and slideshows from important community issues and events, will be exempt from the paywall. It is free for everyone to view, and unlike the Breaking News feature, there is no time limit. It will remain free. Anyone from Golden or elsewhere who does not have an online subscription will be able to view the content in this section of thegoldenstar. net. Now relatives, former residents, and anyone who is interested in what is happening around Golden will have more access. Information or articles that portray Golden’s tourism can be available to anyone researching the community. Go to, and find the icon for “Our Town” on the top tool bar beside Opinion to check it out.
I really wanted to share with you a very nice lesson of kindness. In mid-December, my family stayed in Radium Hot Springs, enjoying the gorgeous mountains and relaxing hot springs. In the evening, we decided to have dinner at one of Radium’s nicest restaurants: Helna’s Stube. The food was great, the ambiance was absolutely delightful, and just across from our table was a nice couple enjoying their dinner as well. We exchanged some glances, but not more than that. At the end of the dinner, when we asked for our
Alzheimer’s Month Editor, January is Alzheimer’s awareness month. Such awareness is essential as we have entered the age of Alzheimer’s. This crisis is predicted to grow year by year for decades to come affecting millions worldwide. Currently, 70,000 here in BC are inflicted with this dreadful disease, some with early onset, meaning they were 40 to 65 years of age and likely still in the throes of career or raising a family when the diagnoses came.
bill, we were told that the couple across from our table paid for our dinner before they left. We were absolutely surprised! Complete strangers decided to make us such a gorgeous gift! It’s Christmas season and I think they wanted to be generous with our family. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! As we have no idea how to contact them otherwise, we decided that your newspaper could help us share this amazing story and thank them for their kindness. We hope that amazing couple, as well as all your readers, had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Toni Birlad and family Calgary
Sadly, early onset often is discovered through a poor job evaluation and many sleepless nights trying to figure out what is going on. One is left desperate to fathom the future while having the knowledge that you will slide back to being a child again. If you are fortunate, you may have a loved one in which to walk together through the maze that is dementia. Imagine the courage it takes to reach out your hand to another and say, I am so frightened, I am so sorry and I am so grateful. Alzheimer’s is not just memory loss but the slow unrelenting
deterioration of all human functions and unfolds differently for all. Recently, a member of the Danish Alzheimer’s support community suggested that in regards to dementia care, Canada was in the dark ages. The validity of such a statement is up for debate but what is not is that Canada is the only member of the G8 without a plan plus all countries in the European Union have created a strategy. This is both baffling and unacceptable. Continued on page 7
POLL OF THE WEEK Do you think it is worthwhile for the Town to ask for input for this year’s budget?
Yes 90%
No 10%
This week’s poll question: Do you think the shuttle up to Kicking Horse Resort will be a useful service? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Letters to the Editor policy
The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no
longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.
We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES
• $47.00 per year for postal
boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) - Golden Zone
• $43.00 per year if you pick
up your paper at The Golden Star Office
• $67.00 per year outside Gold-
Michele LaPointe
Jessica Schwitek
Joel Tansey
Ali Starchuk
administration classifieds
Adam Zarachowicz advertising
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage
en’s School zone.
• LOCAL Senior’s Discount
10% ($43.00).
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A7
Golden point of view
Do you think the shuttle up to Kicking Horse Resort will be a useful service?
Bucket full of Stars to the Gottler brothers for clearing all the fresh snow for us!
Pete Leslie
Vic Gill
Wayne Clark
“Yeah it’s alright. It’ll bring a little bit of business from the hill into the town.”
“Sure. They should have had one running already. I’d like to see all-day service too.”
“Yeah. It’s good for people to come down into town to see what’s available here.”
Have Your Say
Go to have your say. EARLYABWI! DR by rvey Complete su 1 of 10 in W Nov. 15 to Y
Continued from page 6
CER $20 GRCOARDS Billions GIfThave been invested worldwide to
Snowstorms of Stars to my Selkirk Drive neighbours with the snowblower and the quad. Thank you very much. Stars to Jaclyn for the excellent
hamburger soup. Delicious! Stars to the kind folks who helped me out of a jam when my little Honda Civic got stuck in the snow in the Dawn Mountain parking lot. Cheers! Stingers to myself for forgetting our 10 year anniversary.
Sorry Krista! Stars to Moose Trax for the fudge sample! Stingers to people who don’t drive carefully and block the road to the resort on a powder day. Stingers to freezing rain.
Email your Stars and Stingers to
Distracted Driving Solution
Complete the survey…
To the editor: find a possible cure but it has proven to be elusive. I propose a solution which I believe would be successful in While the search goes on it is imperaaddressing the “distracted” driving problem. tive that appropriate care be provided Desspite more emphasis on enforcement, many still seem for those afflicted and essential support to feel that their call or message is more important than be available for the caregivers up against being attentive to their driving. challenges that can best be described as So my suggestion is effective at a specified date, it should daunting. be illegal to sell a new vehicle in B.C. equipped with an autoFinding a way to keep those who suffer matic transmission. in their homes as long as possible and creEnter at do not have enough to do with their digits, and ating the highest quality of life through thus have time to fiddle with hand-held devices. The need thoughtful, nuanced care is the least we to shift gears, especially in urban traffic, will productively can do for these incredibly vulnerable occupy their hands. people. There would be a provision for people with a physicianOur current care facility model is antidocumented disability to secure a permit for a “special quated and we can do better. Canada needs order” vehicle. a plan. Please add your voice and kindness Cries that “I can’t drive a stick shift” will fall on deaf ears. to the discussion for the sake of us all. In the UK, everyone drives a standard shift vehicle. It is hardly rocket science. Complete the survey for your chance to… Robert Read As the years pass, all the automatic shift vehicles will go by Nelson
win $1,000!
…five $1,000 cash prizes!
the wayside. The roads will then be a much safer place for all. On a recent holiday to the United Kingdom, I drove over 2,500 miles. During that time, I observed only one person driving whilst eating a sandwich and only one using a mobile phone whilst behind the wheel. Nearly all cars in the U.K. are standard shift. There seems to be a correlation. As an aside, on the limited access highways (motorways) in England, there are ample travel plazas, offering restaurants and gasoline. Drivers consume their beverages and/or food at the plaza—either in the restaurant or in their parked vehicles. I think a combination of education, safety awareness and standard-shift automobiles makes this the standard of behaviour.
Have Your Say
Bob Sherman, Kelowna Correction In last week’s CBAL story, Monica De’s phone number was written incorrectly. Her correct number is 250-439-9665.
win $1,000! Nicholson Elementary hosted Edgewater volleyball players …five $1,000 cash prizes! LoisEnter Ehman at Principal NES
The last two weeks of December were a whirlwind at Nicholson School. The Grade 5 students celebrated their DARE graduation with their families and the school community. Each student wrote and read their reports on how to say “No” to drugs, alcohol and peer-pressure, and how to be a leader and not a follower. At the same time the
Grade 4 students received certificates for their first aid training. It was a very exciting day for all! During the last week of school Santa visited the students and gave them each the gift of a book. Each student also had their picture taken with Santa! Our Christmas Concert was a huge success and the gym was packed with parents and grandparents alike. Thank you all for coming and supporting your children, it made their efforts even more rewarding.
Have Your Say win $1,000!
Complete the survey for your chance to…
During this first week back to school we hosted the students from Edgewater School in a volleyball match. The students played with great enthusiasm and had a lot of fun! Next week we are heading to Edgewater for a rematch which will close the volleyball season. On behalf of the staff and students of Nicholson School I would like to extend our wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year. We look forward to continuing to work with the parents and the community to support our students.
A W C in ST0 GrocHAaN$C2E OeryINCard EarlT yu BiW S Enter Enterat at thisrveyrcdlosDesr!aw
…five $1,000 cash prizes!
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 The Golden Star
Events & Entertainment Calendar
Adopt -a
A big thank you to our Proud Sponsors: The Local Townie, The Golden Star, EzRock, Home Hardware, The Fire Pit, Golden Grizzly, Overwaitea, Elite Nutrition, Moose Trax, DJ’s Paper Place, FREEnergy, Kicking Horse Movies, A&W, Rockies Bargain Store, and Darkside. Kind Supporters: Redi Mart, Riverhouse, Bacchus Books, Omega, Plain Wayne&Jane, Zodiac Hemp, Moon River, Kicking Horse Exchange, Brent’s, The Golden Taps, Santa and of course you!! Your donations made a real difference to local families this holiday season.
This Week A.P.E.S.After School Program Monday to Friday 3 -5:30pm. $12/day for ages 5 to 11. To register please leave a message at 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program bir th-5years. Mon&Fri 12-3:30pm, Wed 2-5pm, Tue&Thur 8:45-11:45am. Call Shelley for more info 250-439-9324.
Wed, Jan. 15
Golden THE
will be publishing a special supplement featuring babies of 2013!
Email or bring in a photo of your baby along with the date and time of birth, weight, and names of parents and any siblings.
Only $25!! Email: Ph. 250-344-5251 Deadline: Noon on Friday January 24th Publication Date: Wednesday January 29th
Do you have a sale going on? Do you have a new product that just came in? Is your business having a special event? Is it your pet’s birthday soon? ADVERTISE IT! For Advertising rates call: Adam Zarachowicz 250-344-5251, or email him:
Parent and Tot Play lets parents and kids from birthfive enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30amnoon. Badminton Wednesdays 7-9pm at the Rec Plex. Adults $7, students/seniors $5. Need your own racket. Public Skate at the Arena every Wednesday 7-8pm. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Wednesdays 1-2pm. Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Wednesday at 10am. Call 250-344-5413 to register.
Thurs, Jan. 16 Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Men’s drop-in basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Bridge Club every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-344-5448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at the College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. A.A Meetings in Golden Thursdays at the Family Centre 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday from 3:45-5:30pm. Shinny hockey at the Arena every Thursday at 8pm. 19+
This week's achievement award goes to...
years old. Kicking Horse Culture Film Kicks presents Rebelle Jan.16 at 7:30pm.
Fri, Jan. 17 Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. A.A Meetings in Golden Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre dropin every Friday from 3:307:30pm. Mother Goose Program Fridays 10:30-11:30am at the Library. Snacks included, just drop in! Public Skate at the Arena every Friday 12-1pm. Parent and Tot skate at the Arena Fridays 10-11am. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Bridge Club every Friday at the Centre for Peace in St. Andrew’s Church, 7pm. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Fridays 1-2pm. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fridays 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call Cyra 250-9190757 for more info. Food Fridays at the Golden Legion 6:30-8:30pm. Curling, Fridays at 7:30pm, 2 spaces available. Call Greg 250-344-0644 for info. AberDeen plays at the Golden Taps Jan.17 at 10:30pm.
Sat, Jan. 18 Storytime at the Golden Library, Saturdays 10:3011:30am. Free drop-in, runs from Jan.18-Apr.5. Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings in Golden Saturdays at the Golden Museum 1302 - 11th Ave S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Public Skate at the Arena every Saturday 5:306:45pm. Magic The Gathering Free Tournament Fridays 4-6:30pm&6:30-9pm at
• For more information... go to
Bizarre Entertainment. Saturday Night Chapel at the Pentecostal Church (717 10th St S) at 7pm from Jan.4 - Apr.5. Golden Delicious presents DJ Nu-Mark Jan.18 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar. $15 before 11pm, $20 after, at door.
Arena Mondays at 9:15pm. Must be 19+ years old. Family Dinner Play and Learn, free program for families with children 3-5 starting Monday Jan.13 from 5-7pm in the StrongStart room. Includes dinner, discussion, and activities. Call 250-439-9665.
Sun, Jan. 19 Sunday Howl open mic night at the Wolf’s Den every Sunday from 4-8pm. All ages welcome. Public Skate at the Arena every Sunday 4:30-5:45pm. Documentary & Discussions Sundays at Bizarre Entertainment from 6-9pm. Admission by $5 donation, or 2 non-perishable items to the food bank.
Mon, Jan. 20 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12 to 18. Golden Community Choir, Mondays from 7:30-9:30pm at the Lutheran Church. Member fees $10. For info call Joyce 250-344-6043. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio every Monday 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-3445766. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mondays 5-7pm in the StrongStart room in APES Free program includes dinner, discussions, and activities. Call 250-439-9665. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. The Cadets meet Mondays 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Mondays 1-2pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Badminton at the Mount 7 Rec Plex Mondays 7-8:30pm. Need your own racket, $7 (or $5 for seniors/students). Shinny hockey at the Golden
Tues, Jan. 21 John Jenkins & Friends at the Rockwater 8pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm @ Bizarre Entertainment (Free) A.A Meetings in Golden Tuesdays at the United Church 901 - 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Parent and Tot skate at the Arena Tuesdays 10-11am. Volleyball Tuesdays at the Rec Plex 7-8:30pm $5 drop in. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Tuesdays from 3:30-7:30pm. Aquafit at the Travel Lodge Tuesdays&Thursdays from 5:30-6:30pm. Jan.7 - Mar.13. Curling, Tuesdays at 7:30pm, 3 spaces available. Call Greg 250-344-0644 for info. Rockwater Grill & BarR
Upcoming Events
Soup Day at the Golden Seniors Centre Jan.24 from 11:30am-1pm $5. Family Literacy Day Jan.25 from 6-7pm at Lady Grey Elementary School. Money Skills, a FREE program to help adults understand concepts of money. Starts Wednesday Jan.29 from 7-8:30pm. Call 250439-9665 for info. Live Kicks and Bacchus Books presents Geoff Berner & Kris Demeanor Jan.30, 7:30pm, at the Civic Centre. Food Skills for Families, a free program on healthy cooking on a budget. Starts Feb.1, 10am-1pm. Call 344-1032 for more info. Women’s Journal Writing a FREE 6 week program starts Tuesday Feb.5. Call 250-344-5317 for info.
Tianna Craig for having a positive attitude and improving in her reading.
Stop in by January 22, 2014 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A9
A Reel Review: Fruitvale Station is a must-see hidden gem Joel Tansey Fruitvale Station, based on a true story, is quite clearly a different breed of movie from your standard Hollywood blockbuster had has the feel of a film you’d typically see at a festival. In fact, Fruitvale has won numerous awards at high profile film festivals such as Cannes and Sundance, honours that are well deserved. Oscar Grant (played by Michael B. Jordan...the middle initial is clearly there to distinguish himself from that guy who starred alongside Bugs Bunny in Space Jam) is a loving father to Tatiana and boyfriend to Sophina, although he seems to often find his way to the doghouse with the latter. Oscar is a bit of a screw-up, nearly losing Sophina (Melonie Diaz) and actually losing his job in a pair of incidents early in the film. Still, you can’t help but cheer for him to find success and he demonstrates several times that he isn’t such a bad guy after all. Oscar has recently spent some time in prison but appears intent on turning his life around, vowing to quit dealing marijuana as part of a New Year’s resolution. The entire film takes place on New Year’s Eve 2008 and New Year’s Day 2009 (with the exception of a brief flashback scene.) Plot wise, there isn’t a whole lot going on here until the final 20 minutes and surprisingly it works. The runtime is a quick 85 min so the film never has time
to drag, and what it lacks in plot it makes up for in character development. Jordan is very strong in the lead role and shows a great deal of range and strong chemistry with his co-stars. Octavia Spencer, who starred in The Help, was fantastic in a supporting role as Oscar’s mother Wanda. Diaz, however, was one of the weakest points for me as some of the more emotional scenes seemed to be above her talent level. The real-life case of Oscar Grant is actually quite famous and many might know the story prior to viewing the film. Director Ryan Coogler even made the decision to include some actual amateur footage. Still, I’ll avoid going into detail about the movie’s final scenes for those who don’t know the story and want to go in fresh. On a whole, Fruitvale is an incredibly gripping movie that is likely to leave you stunned once the closing credits roll. This is far from being a feel-good movie, but it tells an important story and is well worth checking out providing you have a comedy ready to go immediately after. For that reason I’ll give Fruitvale Station 9 out of 10 dancing hot dogs. Fruitvale Station is now available on DVD and Blu-Ray at Kicking Horse Movies.
Michael B. Jordan plays a troubled father in Fruitvale Station, based on the true story of Oscar Grant. Significant Productions
Comedy tour planning to get snowed in Golden Star Staff The Snowed in Comedy Tour is coming back this winter after a sold-out performance last year. The show will feature four up and coming comedians, some of whom you will already be familiar with. Arj Barker, best known for playing Dave on the hit HBO series the Flight of the Concords, is an American standup comedian who has already tallied a large list of accomplishments in his short career. He has appeared on David Letterman, The Tonight Show, Bill Maher, Last Comic Standing, multiple Just For Laughs Galas, and has done three Comedy Central Specials. Dan Quinn has taken some high profile opening gigs (Russell Peters, Rob
Schneider, Tom Green and Tracy Morgan) and turned himself into an international headliner. He was the winner of The Canadian Comedy Competition for Just for Laughs, and has been seen on CBC, CTV, and the Comedy Network. Craig Campbell was the notorious host of Canada’s legendary Ed’s Night Party, and headline guest on numerous TV shows such as Jim Carrey Live, The Dennis Miller Show and Just for Laughs. He has become a favourite at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and won an invitation to perform in the Best of Edinburgh program in New York. Although raised in Canada, Pete Johansson has made a name for himself internationally, and now resides in London so he can keep up with all his touring around the world. He has long been a fixture
Comedians from last year’s skied their way through Western Canada. Photo Submitted on Canadian, US, and British television, having appeared performing stand up on Comedy Central, Comedy Now, CBC’s Just for Laughs, NBC’s Friday Night and the BBC’s Russell Howards Good
News. The show has moved to the Golden Civic Centre this year, for a performance on Jan. 24 at 8:30 p.m. For ticket information, go to
Rent 5 movies and get the 6th
We are happy to announce this new rental deal, available now!
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014 The Golden Star
Extra Live Kicks show added with Geoff Berner and Kris Demeanor Joel Tansey Geoff Berner and Kris Demeanor are coming to Golden for a Jan. 30 Live Kicks Extra show at the Civic Centre. The pair of musicians were brought in by Kicking Horse Culture and Bacchus Books & Cafe. Geoff Berner - from Vancouver originally - plays Jewish folk music on his accordion. According to his website, his shows often devolve into crazed, chaotic, drunken dancing and psychotic laughter, an assessment Berner says is fairly accurate. “Sometimes the magic works and sometimes it doesn’t,” Berner said. Over the years Berner has progressed deeper and deeper into traditional Jewish folk music, culminating in Victory Party, his latest release where he worked with produce Josh Dolgin, an acknowledged genius of modern Jewish music. Berner has also written episodes for Sesame Street and recently released his first novel. Festival Man is a story that centres around the fake memoirs of a strange music manager. Demeanor’s style is hard to pin point. His music doesn’t resemble one specific genre of music, instead drawing on all of classic folk story telling, spoken word/ rap and shamelessly hooky pop. Combined with Berner, it is an interesting combination. “We’re sort of like a Rat Pack kind of thing, with three of the members dead,” Demeanor laughed. “It makes for an odd evening of entertainment.” Lyrics are very important for Demeanor’s music and many of his songs tell stories, many of them comedic. “When I’m presenting a song, the best thing is when you can get people to dance to your music. The second best thing is to have them laugh to it. The third best to have them cry,” he said. Demeanor’s latest release was under the band name
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Geoff Berner, pictured with his accordion, will be performing at the Golden Civic Centre with Kris Demeanor on Jan. 30. Photo Submitted Cutest Kitten Ever. “It’s all my songs but with two female harmony singers and a french horn…they are all songs that sort of playfully deal with the end of the world,” Demeanor laughed.
Early bird tickets are on sale for $15. Advance tickets for Kicking Horse Culture members are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Tickets are $25 for non-members and $5 for students. Tickets can be purchased from the Art Gallery of Golden.
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014 The Golden Star
January 10-18, 2043
Izzy Palumbo keeps her eye on the puck at Eli Wilson’s goalie camp on Sunday. The two day camp was an opportunity for local netmidners to work with one of the game’s best goalie instructors. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Some people succeed because they are destined, but most people succeed because they are determined.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 The Golden Star
January 10-18, 2014
HEATING & COOLING 808 - 9th Street N • 250-344-5218 Check out our new website at
Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.
2013-2014 Initiation Rockets
Proudly supporting minor hockey in Golden Happiness comes only when we push ourselves to the farthest reaches of which we are capable.
Front row (all from left): Josh Tatton, Hunter Thorne, Tyson Lesser, Caeden Desmarais, Liam Ward, Summer Dascher, Parker Jackson, Connor Sherriff, Rowan Ward, Lucas Hunter Second row: Koda Pellerin, Logan Tataryn, Aiden Schuck, Rowan Baxendale, Rylan Brunner, Jaxon Lilies, Hannah Palumbo, Brenden Niemi, Dawson Tataryn Back row: Tristen MacCullough, Madison Sherriff, Braeden Knight, Brayden Ricard, Sage Dascher Coaches: Craig Ward, Sean Hunter, Al Bjorn, Curt Thorne, Mike Palumbo
A proud
supporter of Golden Minor Hockey!
Golden 250-344-2964
THANKS to all the parents, coaches and players for all their hard work and dedication
We Salute Golden’s Minor Hockey Players, Coaches and Staff
He shoots...
He scores!
Office 250 344 3992
521 9th Ave. North 250.344.6363
Sports do not build character. They reveal it.
Mountainview Inn 250 344-2333
250 344-7990
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A13
January 10-18, 2014
Keep Trying To Do The Best You Can.
Be the best that you can be.
2013-2014 Novice Rockets Front row (all from left): Alexander Parker, Evan Tsadilas, Lukas Pgisterer, Wilson McCullough, Rex Baxendale, Devon Murphy, Emelia Bolin, Owen Mastronianni, Luca Cote Second row: Annika Lafleur, Lucy Wilson, Lucas Wilkins, Nolan Alexander-Mitchell, Alex Kostiuk, Sydney Spiry, Taya Anderson, Braxton Gulliford, Thomas Wilkins, Carter Thorne, Iain Frazer, Brayden Mastroianni Coaches: JL Lafleur, Curt Thorne, Tyler Gulliford, Mark Baxendale
SUPER-PASS JEPSON Jepson petroleum ltD. PETROLEUM LTD. Phone 250-344-6161
all for one and one for all!
Alpine Auto Centre
Just enjoy every moment
After the game come and enjoy a hot chocolate or McCafe beverage
Proud to Support Golden Minor Hockey
820-10th Avenue North
For the love of the game.
Proud to support Golden minor hockey
Proud to support Golden Minor Hockey!
Proud to Support Minor Hockey Week in Golden
905 N. 10th Ave. 250-344-2239
911 N 9th S. Golden 250-344-5235
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 The Golden Star
January 10-18, 2014
President’s Message
Curt Thorne Golden Minor Hockey Association President
2013-2014 Peewee Rockets Front row (all from left): Sky Hurndell, Jasey Jones, Kjell Osborne, Dylan Anderson, Izzy Palumbo, Madison Oslund, Cole Gudjonson, Braxton Lentz, Sam Lussier Second row: Johnny Crawford, Talon Durning, Ethan L’Heureux, Aaron Denis, Spencer Spiry, Andrew Johansson, Eli Mastroianni, Datton Durning, Grayson Mitzel, Rowan Heim Coaches: Walter Bramsleven, Mike Palumbo, Leo Mitzel, Pierre Lussier
Sports serve society by providing vivid examples of excellence.
Proud supporter of Minor Hockey.
Play Hard & Play Smart
SELKIRK ELECTRIC LTD. (250) 344-2530
Don’t go through life without goals.
The hockey season is a little over halfway complete as we race towards the bulk of the tournament season and it is a great time to celebrate hockey! The kids have been working hard and improving in all areas from fundamental skill development to the finer strategic points of the game. As a parent and coach it is a wonderful thing to witness this development and success achieved by each and every player! Thanks to our town’s win of $100,000.00 last spring from Kraft we have been able to offer innovative and new programs to further this development.
We hosted a hockey school in late August, 2 separate power skating weekends with a professional power skating teacher and most recently hosted a goalie camp featuring one of the best goalie coaches in Canada! We were able to purchase new jerseys and change our association name to the Rockets which we felt was important to bring a connection between our local kids and our junior team. Most importantly though we were able to put $80,000 + away in trust so that the winnings can help hockey in Golden for many years to come! I want to take this time to thank all the volunteers for their tireless efforts in “keeping hockey going”. There is a T.V. commercial out right now that gives an assist on Johnathan Toews’ goal to……. all the people who helped him get there from the fundraisers to coaches, concession workers to team managers, back yard rink builders etc…and it gets me every time I see it. Because it is so true for all sports that our children play, the volunteers keep sport alive. Especially in small towns like Golden. Thank You! And thanks to the parents and players for participating and loving this game that I love so much!
Supporting youth sports in Golden for over 120 years!
Golden InstallatIons ltd 250-344-5566 • 915 11th ave s, Golden BC
Salutes Minor Hockey
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A15
Flu shots still left despite high demand Town welcomes new intern Staff Writer Black Press Supplies of influenza vaccine are still available to B.C. residents, despite high demand as the H1N1 strain of the flu virus has returned, provincial health officials said. Cases since the current flu season began in December have shown a shift towards people between the ages 20 and 69, rather than the very young and the elderly who are typically the most vulnerable. There have been severe cases involving healthy, younger people and two deaths have been confirmed, one in the Okanagan and one on Vancouver Island. The main strain of influenza to emerge this winter is a descendent of the H1N1 that prompted the largest vaccination in Canadian history in the 2009-10 flu season, when the illness was declared a global pandemic. Provincial health officer Dr. Perry Kendall said the B.C. health ministry purchased a record 1.4 million doses of the current vaccine, which
offers immunity to H1N1 and other strains. Some doctors' offices and pharmacies have run out as demand has been higher than last year. "We have supplies currently available, but it's conceivable that if demand continues to be high, we'll use up all of those 1.4 million doses," Kendall said last week. "So I wouldn't call it a vaccine shortage, I'd call it an unusually high demand." The health ministry has a website for information on influenza and other vaccinations, with a guide to finding local flu clinics. Go to http:// for more information. Since 2009, pharmacies as well as doctors' offices and dedicated flu clinics have been authorized to administer flu shots. They are free of charge to higher risk groups, including pregnant women, very young or old people, people with other medical conditions and those planning to visit a hospital or long-term care facility. Flu season typically runs from December to April. Ken-
dall said in an average year, between 10 and 20 per cent of B.C. residents contract the virus, with about 2,000 sick enough to be hospitalized and 500 deaths, mostly people with underlying conditions. While severe illness among younger, healthier people is unusual, so far the current flu season is in the typical range, Kendall said. Seasonal influenza is mainly a respiratory illness, with symptoms of coughing, fever, headache and muscle ache that typically last from seven to 10 days. It can be complicated by pneumonia and worsen underlying conditions such as heart disease. Kendall said confirmation of North America's first case of H5N1 "bird flu" is not a cause for public concern, because that strain is typically caught from poultry and rarely transmitted from person to person. A traveller returning from China to Edmonton via Vancouver International Airport during the Christmas season became ill and passed away on Jan. 3.
Train derails east of Golden with no leaks, no spills, and no injuries Aaron Orlando Black Press A westbound CP Rail train derailed in the early morning hours of Jan. 8 about five kilometres east of Golden, B.C. sending six cars off the track, including a tanker carrying fish oil that was breached and leaked some of its contents. CP Rail spokesperson Kevin Hrysak said the incident happened just before 4 a.m. on Jan. 8, and was cleared by the morning of Jan. 9, more than 24 hours later. The derailment halted traffic through the main east-west track for the duration. Neither of the two CP Rail staff on the train were injured. Hrysak said the mixed-freight, intermodal train had three locomotives and 88 cars. Only one train was involved. Hrysak said the train wasn't carrying any hazardous materials, such as oil, liquid petroleum gas, explosives or hazardous chemicals. There was no fire associated with the derailment. Of the six cars that jumped the track, some were empty. He said the breached car carrying fish oil did leak, but that the spill "was immediately contained." No locomotives derailed. Hrysak didn't know where the train originated, but said it was destined for the west coast.
He didn't have exact details on the stretch of track where the train derailed, such as whether it was near a tunnel, switch, a siding or a curve. Hrysak said Transport Canada, the Transportation Safety Board and the B.C. Ministry of Environment were notified, but he was unsure if any officials attended the scene. James Carmichael is the Regional Senior Investigator for the Canada Transportation Safety Board and is based in Calgary. He said the TSB was notified, but that investigators wouldn't attend the scene, partially because of the unremarkable nature of the derailment, which had "no leaks," "no spills" and no injuries. "We're going to continue communications with CP on it," Carmichael said. "Unless something changes, we are not going to do anything further with it." He understood the derailment happened near a series of small tunnels in the Glenogle area, and part of the train came to a stop in a tunnel. The TSB will rely on an investigation and report from CP Rail. Hrysak said it was too early to attribute a cause to the crash, saying the investigation could take "a month to a year" to complete. CP Rail will forward the results of their investigation to the Canada Transport Safety Board.
Golden Star Staff As part of a partnership with Mount Royal University, Faith Dusevic has joined the Town of Golden to complete her workexperience as a Communications Intern. In order to explore new communication methods with the intent of improving dialogue with the community, Dusevic will be part of the Town of Golden administrative team for the next four months. Dusevic is local to Golden and is in her fourth year at Mount Royal University where she is obtaining a Bachelor in Communication. She began her employment with the Town of Golden in January and her time will be complete at the end of April. Jon Wilsgard, CAO, says that “Faith has come aboard during an integral time, as creating more effective communication is a top priority for us. We are excited to explore new methods to connect with the community.” As Wilsgard states, the Communications Intern role is an opportunity to create further understanding of Town of Golden happenings and important town issues with the community. Some of Dusevic’s roles will include aiding to create a stronger dialogue between the community and the Town of Golden on various projects, including future public consultations regarding the poten-
Mount Royal student, Faith Dusevic, joins the Town of Golden as a communications intern. Julia Broome Photo tial Build Canada grant leveraging bylaw. “The Town of Golden recognizes the value of effective communication,” Mayor Christina Benty says. “It is also one of the things that many local governments are struggling to improve. Part of the challenge is that there are so many different people to com-
municate with and it often has to be done in different ways. I am thrilled to be working with Faith and look forward to accessing her skill set. This is a great opportunity for the Town of Golden to improve communications and pinpoint potential methods and vehicles for idea and information sharing.”
GOLDEN AND DISTRICT ROD & GUN CLUB 2014 Annual General Meeting Tuesday, February 11th, 2014 7:00pm at the College of the Rockies
Free English Language Conversation Class Free English Training! Beginner Level Tuesday and Thursday 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Intermediate Level Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. *free for landed immigrants and permanent residents For more information contact: Laura Cankovic 250-344-5901 Improve your English through the ESL Settlement Assistance Program. • Speak, read, and write English • Open to all skill levels • Individual instruction
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 The Golden Star
Snow King’s Playhouse is open to the community Jessica Schwitek An event that has become as natural to Golden winters as the snow that falls on the mountains, is almost
here. The Snow King Masque Parade Pageant and Street Party is on Saturday Feb. 15, preceded by the Masque Costume Ball on Friday Feb. 14.
Given that this year’s festivities fall on the Valentine’s Day weekend, the events are taking on the theme Fiesta del Corazon. “The theme gives the parade a sense of
FreeFREE English Language Training! Program Information Session College of the Rockies - Golden Campus
Wednesday, January 29, 2014 7:00 p.m. in room 18 • Review courses • Pre-requisites • Ladder to LPN • Financial Funding • Occupatinal Outlook
Program starts in Golden in September 2014! Phone 250-344-5901 Improve your English through the ESL Settlement Assistance Program. • Speak, read, and write English • Open to all skill levels • Individual instruction • Custom-designed for you • Students must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or on a work visa For more information contact Laura Cankovic at 250-344-5901 Parks Canada Or visit the College at 1305 9th StreetBoard South Advisory Development
A group of fish got together to participate in last year’s Snow King Parade. Anyone who wishes to be part of this year’s event is welcome to come to the Snow King’s Playhouse. Star Photo passion and excitement,” said Joyce deBoer, a Snow King
volunteer since the first parade eight years ago.
Parcs Canada Commission consultative sur l’aménagement
Parks Canada has referred the following development permit application to the Advisory Development Board (ADB) for review. The public meeting will be held at the:
Parcs Canada a envoyé la demande de permis d’aménagement suivante à la Commission consultative sur l’aménagement à des fins d’examen. La réunion publique se tiendra à l’endroit suivant :
Parks Canada Administration Building, Harkin Hall
Centre administratif de Parcs Canada, salle Harkin 101, avenue Mountain, Banff (Alberta) Le jeudi 30 janvier 2014 à 13 h 30
Mountain Avenue, Alberta Phone: 250101344-5901 • Banff, 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 30th, 2014
Development Permit Review, Part II
Examen du permis d’aménagement – partie II
Application: Project #13-729:
Demande : No du projet : 13-729 :
Alpine Club of Canada Proposed Construction of Des Poilus Hut Licence of Occupation Yoho National Park of Canada
Persons wishing to comment or make a presentation on the above mentioned application must submit a written request to the Acting Development Officer, Rachel Fernandes-Ubell, at the Lake Louise Visitor Reception Centre or Fax: 403-522-1212, no later than 7 days prior to the scheduled meeting. Requests should include: i) Name and/or client, company, or group of citizens you are representing; and, ii) The agenda item you wish to address (presentations are limited to 5 minutes). The project proposal can be viewed at the Banff National Park administrative office. Please forward comments or questions to Rachel Fernandes-Ubell, Acting Development Officer, Parks Canada, Banff, Yoho and Kootenay National Parks, P.O Box 213 Lake Louise, Alberta, T0L 1E0 Tel: 403-522-1204 or Fax: 403-5221212.
Club Alpin du Canada Projet de construction d’un refuge près du glacier Des Poilus Permis d’occupation Parc national du Canada Yoho
Les personnes qui désirent faire part de leurs commentaires ou présenter un exposé sur ce projet doivent adresser leur demande par écrit à madame Rachel Fernandes-Ubell, agente d’aménagement intérimaire, au Centre d’accueil de Lake Louise, ou l’envoyer par télécopieur au 403-522-1212, au plus tard sept jours avant la date de la réunion. Les demandes doivent préciser : i) le nom de la personne ou du client, de la compagnie ou du groupe représentés; ii) le projet en question (les exposés ne doivent pas durer plus de cinq minutes). Pour consulter les documents liés à ce projet, rendez-vous au Centre administratif de Parcs Canada à Banff. Veuillez faire parvenir vos commentaires ou vos questions à Rachel FernandesUbell, agente d’aménagement intérimaire, Parcs Canada, parcs nationaux Banff, Yoho et Kootenay, C.P. 213, Lake Louise (Alberta), T0L 1E0, tél. : 403-522-1204 ou téléc. : 403-522-1212.
The Ball, taking place at the Civic Centre, will feature the band Lacarno, a highly sought after band that plays a groove-heavy mix of Mexican folk, Cuban son, and Latin soul. The parade will be the usual one-hour spectacle in Spirit Square, after which the crowd can follow the Snow King and Lady Spring to the area in front of the Post Office where The Good ‘Ol Goats will play a full set for a dancing street party. “The Good ‘Ol Goats are a semilocal group that are just out of high school. They tied for first place in CBC’s new talent competition,” said deBoer. “They play their own sort of music, which is get up and dance music.” What makes this Golden event so unique and special is how the community gets involved with it. In the past, individuals and groups have made costumes, and
actually participated in the spectacle, a trend that deBoer is hoping will continue to grow this year. “Put yourself in the parade,” said deBoer. The Snow King’s Play House (located on 9th Avenue North next to the Youth Centre) is officially opening on Saturday Jan. 18, with anything you might need to create a mask, lantern, or full on costume to participate in the show. If anyone needs special help, or cannot make it to the regular open hours (Sundays from 1-4 p.m., Wednesdays from 4-8 p.m., and Saturdays from noon to 4 p.m.), contact deBoer at “The reason I got involved is because I love this idea of people getting up off their butts and becoming part of their parade,” said deBoer. “We want the spectators to feel like they’re part of the spectacle.”
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A17
Golden Rockets on a winning streak Joel Tansey It was a great weekend for the Rockets that included one-goal victories over the Sicamous Eagles and Fernie Ghostriders. Rockets head coach Ty Davidson has employed an aggressive two man forecheck all season but rarely has that strategy been executed as well as it was Friday night. The forecheck was just one of the many things that the Rockets emphasized in practice this week after a disappointing 7-2 loss last Saturday against the Nelson Leafs. “Pretty much this whole week was all dedicated to defence, finishing checks, forecheck, d-zone, all that stuff and I think the win is a by-product of that tonight,” said Davidson following the game. The work in practice paid immediate dividends when Tanner Watt found the back of the net behind Eagles goaltender Chris Turner just 1:19 into the first period. Darien Head responded for Sicamous late in the first to tie the game but Golden wasn’t content to go into the intermission tied. In the dying seconds of the period, after the Eagles had an opportunity to clear the puck from their own zone but turned it over instead, Daniel Dahlin fired a shot that Turner failed to handle cleanly.The puck fell directly behind the Eagles’ netminder and a mad scramble ensued in the crease. Ian Desrosier managed to fire the puck across the line to give the Rockets the lead.
It didn’t take long for Golden to extend its lead in the second. Desrosier potted his second less than two minutes into the period to put the team up 3-1. That’s when Davidson’s team hit a bit of a lull, and despite the early marker the Rockets coach wasn’t pleased with the second frame. “I didn’t like the second period from the get-go. I thought we lacked energy and for whatever reason we came out really flat,” Davidson said. Taking advantage of the flat footed Rockets, the Eagles closed the gap to just a goal with about 16 minutes left in the second and tied it a minute and a half into the third with a power play marker. That seemed to be the wake-up call that Golden needed. Just minutes after the Eagles tied it Cole Mckechney broke away from the Sicamous defence. Mckechney was denied on his first attempt, but stuck with the play and stuffed the puck past Turner to give the Rockets a lead that they wouldn’t relinquish. Nick Hoobanoff was credited with an assist on the play, his fourth of the night. The forecheck was the biggest catalyst for the Rockets’ solid offensive output as the club’s aggressive attack lead to numerous turnovers from the Eagles defencemen, who were repeatedly denied opportunities to clear the zone. On Saturday the Rockets out-battled the Ghostriders by a 3-2 score that put a capper on a big weekend for Golden.
“What I loved about tonight’s game was that, with the exception of two shifts in the first period, we played basically a 60 minute game,” Davidson said following Saturday’s game. “We didn’t have many lulls… we out battled them on special teams, it was a great win through and through.” As Davidson pointed out, the game couldn’t have got off to a worse start for Golden. With captain Michael Anderson in the box, Ghostriders rookie forward Aidan Geiger beat Rockets goaltender Brian Parsons to put Fernie up less than 90 seconds into the game. On the very next shift Aaron Neufeld extended Fernie’s lead to 2-0 and it quickly appeared as thought it would be another long night for the Rockets. Davidson called a timeout following the second goal in order for the team to re-group. “I just said to them, ‘Look it, we can ill afford to throw away hockey games. We’ve got to get going’. I reiterated that we’re playing for a playoff spot..sometimes you do something right as a coach and I guess that was one of those occasions,” Davidson laughed. The timeout worked wonders. Tanner Watt scored his Rocketsleading 16th goal of the season a few minutes later on the power play with help from Coltin Berard and Ian Desrosier. With just 2:42 remaining in the first period, Nick McCabe beat Riders netminder Austin Wells to send the clubs to the locker room
Rockets forward Nick McCabe streaks into the offensive zone during Saturday’s game. Joel Tansey/Star Photo even at two goals apiece. The goal was the first since Nov. 30 for the 16 year old McCabe. Watt added an assist for his 5th point in his past two games. The Rockets continued to outshoot and outchance the Riders in the second. Parsons came up large on the few opportunities that Golden allowed. His top save of the night came midway through the second when he made a brilliant left pad stop after a Fernie forward broke in alone. With the Rockets on the power play, Jacob Macpherson fired a shot that proved to be difficult for Wells to handle. Braeden Allkins was waiting to the goaltender’s right and he made no mistake with the open cage to give the Rockets a 3-2 advantage with 7:34 remaining in the third.
From there, Golden’s mostly stellar defence and aggressive forecheck brought them a well deserved victory. In the midst of a late game push and with the net empty, the Riders shot themselves in the foot when Spencer Bender took a crosschecking penalty, cementing the Rockets’ 3-2 victory. Davidson believes the last two games are evidence that his players are really buying into his system with the team’s playoff push intensifying. “I think we truly 100 per cent believe we are going to be in the playoffs this year,” Davidson said. With its back to back wins, the Rockets sit just four points behind the Columbia Valley Rockies, who currently hold the fourth and final playoff spot in the Eddie Mountain Division.
Senior boys basketball season heating up at Golden Secondary Joel Tansey
It’s a young squad that is taking to the court this season for Golden Secondary School’s senior boys basketball team, but that doesn’t mean the team isn’t ready to compete. “We have great expectations for this team,” said head coach Kindy Gosal, who coaches his sons Saje and Kiran among his eight players. “It’s a very talented group.” The season got off to a difficult start last month as the team battled injuries right from the beginning but last week brought some positive results following the holiday break. The Eagles downed Banff 89-41 early last week before going 2-2 in a tournament in Kamloops over the weekend against some tough competition. This week the team will travel to Vernon for a tournament before hosting a six team tournament of their own on Jan. 24 and 25. Golden will also play host to the Kootenay Zone Championships on Feb. 21 and 22, the final stepping stone towards the provincials in Langley. The Eagles will need to win that tournament to move on to the provincials. Gosal believes the team has a good chance to do just that despite boasting just a single Grade 12 on the roster. The Eagles often play a high tempo, run and gun Kiran Gosal (number 4) takes a shot from just outstyle of basketball but are working towards improving side the paint. Photo Submitted their overall structure to better compete against some
of their tougher opponents. “Against better defensive teams they can reduce your tempo and then you have to rely on structure, so we’re really focusing on offensive and defensive structure right now and we are trying to get away from the up-tempo run-and-gun style a little bit,” Gosal said. According to Gosal, he can switch up the team’s tactics because his group of players are all ‘basketball junkies’ who are passionate and keen to learn about the game. “They love the game and they want to learn the game so they’re actually willing to go through the nuances of how you run different structured offences and defences. Not all kids would do that,” he said. Last year Gosal and his sons took a year away from Golden on what he calls a ‘basketball sabbatical’ at Vancouver College. “It was a good experience…It was good for [Kiran and Saje] to go to a school and a location where there was a big culture of basketball and a lot of support for the program,” Gosal said. “Here in Golden, it’s very much a hockey town so basketball takes a bit of a second fiddle to hockey. I don’t think most people in this town realize the talent that we do have at this age group…this is one of the most talented groups we’ve had for many years.” Game dates and times for next weekend’s home tournament will be posted to the Golden Star’s Facebook page as soon as they are made available.
Golden Rockets VS.
Revelstoke Grizzlies WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15 7:30PM GOLDEN ARENA
Golden Rockets VS.
Kimberley Dynamiters FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 7:30PM GOLDEN ARENA
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 The Golden Star
Golden became mining centre after lead ore discovered
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
The area around Golden provided early prospectors with ideal conditions for certain kinds of mining, and for a short time in the 1880s and 1890s, Golden became a busy mining center. Steamboats carried ore up and down the Columbia River between Fort Steele and Golden. Once the ore came to Golden, it was transferred to the railway for the trip to the smelter at Trail. A company from England bonded sev-
eral claims in the area and realizing the potential of their claims, they built a smelter in Golden so that the ore would not have to be taken so far away. About the time that construction was finished on the smelter, the price dropped out of the silver market and with the price of lead being so low the smelter never ran a single shift. During the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway through the Yoho in the early 1880s, float was discovered on the side of the mountain and eventually in 1885, J. Tretheway and J.W. Haskins located three claims; the Monarch Cornucopia, the Alpha and the Mogul. The Mondarch became the second oldest location of lead ore in British Columbia. Within the year pion-
eer broker, George DeWolf, had bonded the Monarch and turned it over to Claude Vautin of London, England. Vautin organized the B.C. Smelting Company to develop and operate the Monarch. This new company, with a capital of $350,000.00 began work in Field in 1888, spending $50,000 on the mine that first year. Railway sidings were put in, ore bunkers built and then the mine was connected to the railway by aerial tramway. The tunnel was driven 287 feet and 8,000 tons of ore were taken out. The ore from the Monarch Mine was a very complex lead-zinc ore carrying a little silver that could not be successfully treated in those days and, in fact, it was another
RECEIVING BIDS FOR JANITORIAL CONTRACT SCOPE Perform daily janitorial duties in approximately 8500 square feet of office space. Details as outlined in "Schedule A". Janitorial services conducted daily at a time that does not conflict with regular business hours. ELIGIBILITY Bids will be considered from firms or individuals (Contractor) with experience in this line of work. References must be included in your proposal. The Contractor must provide proof of liability insurance for a minimum of one million dollars ($1,000,000) as well as the required WorkSafeBC coverage. In addition, the Contractor must comply with all Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd. (LP) and WorkSafeBC safety rules and regulations. EQUIPMENT and SUPPLIES All equipment and supplies shall be provided by the Contractor to perform the required duties. PAYMENT Payment shall be paid on invoice in accordance with LP's regular accounts payable schedule. CONTRACT The duration of the contract shall be two (2) years, from February 1, 2014 December 31, 2016. LP may at any time and at its sole discretion terminate this contract, and the Contractor for any losses occasioned by such termination may make no claim. Either party may terminate this contract without cause on 30 days written notice, or without notice for cause. TENDERING Sealed tenders will be received by the Receptionist at the LP office (800 - 9th Street North) by 12:00 noon, on Wednesday, January 22, 2014. “SCHEDULE A” Daily Routine: -All Carpets vacuumed and spot cleaned as required; -All lino cleaned; -Coffee room cleaned and dishes washed; -Desks, furniture, telephones, computers, etc. cleaned and polished; -Waste receptacles emptied; -Plants watered and cleaned as required. Every 6 Months: -Windows cleaned inside and out; -Hallway carpets shampooed; -Upholstery vacuumed and spot cleaned; -Lino waxed. Annually: -All carpeting shampooed; -Lighting fixtures and diffusers cleaned; -Bathroom ceiling vents cleaned.
The above photo was taken from inside the Monarch Mine looking down on the Kicking Horse Valley near Field. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum 37 years before a successful separation process was used. Three companies out of Vancouver; Mt. Stephen Syndicate, Great Western Mines Development Co. and Minerals Recovery Co., took over operation of the mine in a big way. A mill was built in which lead and zinc concentrates were made and the mine did very well during the first war when lead and zinc brought in such high prices. In 1925, Mr. A.B. Trites bonded the operation and new management, in the
form of Major Angus W. Davis, M.E., took over and successfully built the company up to a point where it could be said that it was a proven mine. The area of the Monarch Mine was a very large one indeed and was visible from the railway. It had outcrops on both sides of the valley of the Kicking Horse River. Most of the development was carried out on the north side of the river but it was believed that the south side of the river carried deposits that were equally as rich. Geologically, the
Pre Cambrian belt that runs northwesterly into British Columbia from Idaho, is one of the riches area in silver-lead deposits. This is the area of the Selkirks that flank the Columbia River on the west. The one downfall that the mine faced from its very beginning was the fact that it was in a National Park, and therefore mining was frowned upon. The only way that mining operations were able to be carried out in that area was because the operation was going to
mean so much to the Northeast Kootenay area. In 1928, the Monarch was acquired by the Goldfield Consolidated Mines of Reno, Nevada. Goldfield Consolidated was controlled by George Winfield, who made his fortune in the Tonopah mining boom in about 1903. Mr. Winfield also acquired, through foreclosure, the Dolly Varden mine at Alice Arm and it was to Alice Arm that many employees went when the Monarch finally closed in 1952.
Star business directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A19
Golden Business Directory SE
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014 The Golden Star
Golden Moments: Franson moved to Golden during Depression Joel Tansey Jackie Franson hasn’t been able to eat deer meat since her youth. Growing up during the Great Depression in Golden, Franson’s father would frequently hunt deer in the surrounding forests in order to feed his family. She quickly got sick of eating it. “One time in New Hampshire [my husband and I] were staying at a fancy inn and the most expensive thing on the menu was venison. I couldn’t believe it. I wouldn’t have eaten it if they’d given it to me,” she laughed. Her parents moved back to Golden from Vancouver in 1932 in the thick of the Depression when Franson was still very young. Golden was seen as a more attractive option for them during the 30s because it was easier to trade services for goods. “You could barter then. My dad was a carpenter and he could fix a window for someone and a farmer would give him a chicken or something,” she said. Franson attended school in Golden and was a part of a graduating class of just five students. She was an only child until the age of 12 when her sis-
ter was born. The relationship between the two siblings was not always a harmonious one growing up. “I hated her,” Franson laughed. “I was already interested in boys at age 13 and my mother was in her 40s and sometimes not feeling well so I had to drag this brat along on my dates.” Despite the tensions in their youth, the sisters did become friends later in life. Franson’s dates eventually included her husband, who she met when he was home on leave from the armed forces. They were introduced during a game of spin the bottle. “Somehow my husband had to kiss me and I guess the rest is history,” Franson chuckled. Franson and her husband Charlie were engaged when Franson was just 16 years old and they married a few years later when she was 19. The couple had six kids of their own (four daughters and two sons) and adopted two more boys to make it an even eight. “That’s when I knew I was crazy,” she said. “But they’ve all turned out well.” Franson worked at the CIBC branch for a time before raising children became her full-time job.
Jackie Franson raised eight kids in Golden and helped raise 30 more as a foster parent. Joel Tansey/Star Photo Raising eight kids wasn’t quite enough for Franson, and the family decided to take in foster children which totalled 30 kids over the years. “I always had to have little babies around,” she said. Franson participated in badminton and curling and she played the piano and the organ at the Angelican Church for 36 years. Now she continues to attend the Alliance Church in town.
Once their kids grew up, Franson and her husband found time to travel and they travelled all over the world, often with a lucky grandchild or two in tow. She enjoyed travelling thoroughly, but never forgot where her roots were. “I always thought ‘there’s nothing like going home to Golden’,” she said. Her children and grandchildren, who have mostly moved away from Golden,
often encourage her to move in order to live closer to them. Still, Franson has never had any desire to leave the town she has called home for nearly her whole life. When her husband passed away last summer, she felt a tremendous amount of support from the community. “[The community means] everything to me. They’ve been very much behind me since I lost my husband in August,” Franson said.
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Golden Star Star Wednesday, January 15, 2014 The Golden Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A21
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3 full time light duty cleaners, salary $14/hr for 40 hrs/week. No experience required. Duties include sweeping, mopping, dusting, making beds, cleaning bathrooms etc. 3 full time front desk clerks, salary $13/hr for 40 hrs/week. No experience required. Duties include taking reservations and cancellations, registering guests, assigning rooms, processing telephone calls, providing information, calculating charges and processing payments etc. Email resume: or in person/mail at the Ramada 1311, 12th St. N, Golden BC.
Bolico Holdings Ltd. o/a Tim Hortons 1421 Trans Can Hwy, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H2 1020 Trans Can Hwy Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0 Food Service Supervisor Full time(40hrs/wk)/Shift work Nights/Days/Early Mornings/Weekends Experience: 1 year to less than 2 years $12.55/hr + benefits Apply in Person: 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC, V0A 1H2 or Fax resume to 250 439-1963
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
Business Opportunities
It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Sandra Younie on Dec. 20, 2013 at Golden, BC. Sandra is survived by her daughter Lily and partner Jamison Lybeck, mother: Christine (Jason Stephenson), grandparents: Gordon and Caroline Younie and Terry Reimer, father: Shane, great grandmother: Margaret Andrews, brothers: Dylan and Damian and sister: Jacey. Sandra will be missed dearly by all of her aunts and uncles, cousins and friends. A Memorial Service was held on January 4, 2014 at the Senior Center in Golden, BC. Christine Younie and family wish to express their sincere thanks for the flowers, cards and other expressions of love during their time of bereavement.
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ANTI-AGING BUSINESS Goldmine! #1 Baby Boomer Market in US. Prime Turn-key locations available. $12K(min. Invest)=$50K+ Yearly! Call today: 1-888-900-8276. 24/7. EXCITING NEW Canadian Business Opportunity. Available in your area! Min inv req’d. For more info, call 1866-945-6409. THERE IS a critical need for Medical Transcriptionists across Canada. Work from home. CanScribe graduates welcome and encouraged to apply. Apply through MTR at
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Caretakers/ Residential Managers MOTEL ASST Manager Team to run small Motel in Parksville BC. Non-Smoking, no Pets, good Health, fulltime live-in position. Call 250-586-1633 or email:
Help Wanted Best Western Mountainview Inn requires Barista/Prep Cook. Please apply in person with resume. 1024 11 St. N. Bolico Holdings Ltd. o/a Tim Hortons 1421 Trans Can Hwy, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H2 1020 Trans Can Hwy Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0 Food Counter Attendant Full time(40hrs/wk)/Shift work Nights/Days/Early Mornings/Weekends $10.25/hr + benefits Apply in Person: 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC, V0A 1H2 or Fax resume to 250 439-1963
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In Loving Memory Of Patricia M.L. (Lynne) Tomlinson March 18, 1934 – January 18, 2004 Wife, Mother, Grandma, Sister, Cousin, Friend Ten years have pass but still you stay As near and dear to us as yesterday If memories and love can keep us together Then with each passing day we are closer than ever It isn’t what we write It isn’t what we say It’s how we feel deep inside As we think of you each day Loved, remembered, and thought fondly of often by all your family and friends.
Cards of Thanks
Cards of Thanks
The family of Del Johnson would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all our family & friends for the cards, flowers, phone calls, kind words, food, and support during this difficult time. A very special thank you to the Doctors, lab, nursing staff, and ambulance attendants at the Golden Hospital. Your care and kindness towards us & Del will never be forgotten. To the oncology team in Cranbrook; you were amazing and we are grateful for all your care & compassion over the last eight months. Dr. McCarrol, we cannot thank you enough for all you have done for us & Del. You were his Doctor, but he considered you to be a friend as well. Please know that it meant so much to all of us to have you help us through this incredibly sad time. Gary & Nina at Hindman Bowers Funeral Home, your patience & support was so appreciated. Thank you for guiding us through a difficult process, and to the Ladies Hospital Auxiliary, thank you for providing a wonderful tea after Del’s celebration of Life.
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In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In loving Memory of
Selena Angéle Fakla
Junee 22, 2 1984 -Jan 15, 2003
I give you this one thought to keep, I am with you still, I do not sleep, I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow, I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the mornings hush, I am the swift uplift ing rush of quiet birds in circled fl ight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not think of me as gone, I am with you still, in each new dawn. Forever young, you are forever missed and forever loved, Love Always, Dad & Mom & your pup, Misty. Place a classified word ad and...
IT WILL GO ON LINE! In Loving Remembrance Patricia “Tish” Elizabeth Ferro (nee White) Patricia “Tish” Elizabeth Ferro (nee White) was born June 7th, 1954 in Winnipeg to Vivienne and John White. Due to her father’s employment with Hydro companies, she spent her childhood moving east to west - Pointe du Bois, Fruitvale, Bonnington, Robson and Golden. She met Ernest Ferro and they married July 1979. In January 1986 they were blessed with a daughter, Richelle. Patricia passed away suddenly January 17th, 2013. A memorial service will take place at two o’clock in the afternoon, Saturday January 18th at the Trinity Lutheran Church. A luncheon will be held after the service. Please come and share a time of fellowship with the family.
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Help Wanted Black Jack Holdings Ltd dba Dairy Queen Golden BC 1409 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, British Columbia V0A 1H0, Canada HIRING 2 Food Counter Attendants for Dairy Queen in Golden, BC. Permanent, Full Time, On Call, Shift, Overtime, Weekend, Day, Evening 10.25 Hourly, for 40.00 Hours per week, Life Insurance, Benefits, Some high school, Will train. Duties: Take customers’ orders, Prepare food items, Serve customers at counters tables, Portion and wrap foods, Package take-out food, Keep records of the quantities of food used, Remove kitchen garbage and trash, Sweep and mop floors, Clear and clean tables, trays and chairs, Load buspans and trays Essential Skills: Reading text, Numeracy, Writing, Oral communication, Working with others, Computer use, Continuous learning. How to Apply: Attention to Mr. Neal VanBeers, By Fax: 1 250 344 2220, By email:, By Mail:1409 Trans Canada Hwy Golden, British Columbia V0A 1H0, Canada.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Wednesday, January 15, 2014 The Golden Golden Star Star
Merchandise for Sale
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Misc. for Sale
RIVER MANAGER Alpine Rafting is seeking a River Manager for the Summer 2014 Rafting Season. This position reports to the owners as include coordinating our guide team, and logistics on a daily basis. Working closely with the owners, the River Manager will ensure on water safety, professionalism and a high standard of customer service from the guide team. Other duties include scheduling and some maintenance/ repair/labour. Preference will be given to applicants with prior experience as a River Manager however we are willing to train the right person. Preference will also be given to local candidates. The position will begin in early May and run until midSeptember. Wage is DOE and ranges from $25-30 per hour. Please send resume including references to
IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
Cooks and Servers, Full/ Part time, needed for Legendz Diner. $11-$13 hourly. 40 hrs/week. Send resumes to PO BOX 676, 1405 Trans Canada Hay Golden BC VA 1H0. Or email to: jobs.legendz., or fax to 250-344-5059.
OFFICE MANAGER Alpine Rafting in Golden, BC requires Full Time Office Manager for our Summer 2014 season. Duties include scheduling, payroll, cashouts, training and overseeing of the other members of the reservations team. Prior Team Lead or Manager Experience is essential. Preference will be given to applicants with strong Excel skills. We are seeking an outgoing, positive individual to fill this position that will be committed to our busy season. The employment term is approximately 6 months and will begin early to mid April. Wage approx $15 per hour DOE. Please send resume including references to
Office Space for rent. Approx. 350 sq. ft. above Body Quest. Call 250-344-7876. Office/studio for rent: $350.00/month (excld. GST). 200 SF, on ground floor, hydro/heating/ air conditioning/wi-fi/ parking/waste disposal incld, private washroom, no smoking, no pets, avail Nov.1. Inquire at 250.344.2443.
OPERATIONS TEAM - BUS DRIVER - FT & PT We require a full time bus driver to work as part of our Summer 2014 Operations Team. Duties include driving our guests to and from our office to our rafting departure points, and helping the guide team with riverside logistics. Job perks include outdoor work environment, complimentary rafting, and positive work environment. This position requires a Class 2 Driver’s License and clean driver’s abstract. Wage $16 $18 Per Hour DOE. Please send resume including references to
or by fax to 1-866-220-7844.
or by fax to 1-866-220-7844.
or by fax to 1-866-220-7844.
Funding for this project has been granted by UBCM (Union of BC Municipalities), Seniors’ Housing & Support Initiative The Town of Golden in partnership with College of the Rockies is looking to hire a consultant to create an Age Friendly Community Plan/Model for the Golden Community. At a recent community visioning session, (September 26, 2013) held at the Golden local seniors centre, the need to support the growth and development of seniors programming was identified as a critical component in our community. Specifically, seniors and area residents spoke to the need to access transportation to doctors’ appointments, grocery stores, and exercising classes, creating a coffee club, providing entertainment and lifelong learning for seniors. The municipality and the college are responding to a need within the community to determine the immediate needs to support the growth and sustainability of our senior population. Project Requirements: • Conduct the research required to create an age-friendly community plan/model for the Golden Community. The model must incorporate the following age-friendly components: • outdoor spaces and buildings, transportation, (including traffic safety), housing, respect and inclusion, social participation, communication & information, civic participation & employment, community support & health services, lifelong learning. Candidate Requirements: •Must possess a bachelor degree in business. •Provide evidence of their research capability and business acumen. •Must possess strong oral communication, writing, presentation and technical skills •Be organized and attention to details •Work independently and meet strict timelines •Must be customer service focused. Contract Fees: The project value is $19,600.00. This includes travel and associated expenses related to the project. All those interested in submitting an application must do so by: Friday, January 17, 2014 by 4:00pm. Hard copies and electronic copies will be accepted. Please submit your application to: Karen Cathcart, MBA College of the Rockies Golden Campus 1305 9th Street South Golden, BC V0A 1H0 250-344-5901
CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Estates, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Bills etc. Confidential 778-281-0030
AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.
Apt/Condo for Rent
Merchandise for Sale Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.
Misc. for Sale
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420
HAY FOR SALE Square bales from July 2013 cutting. No rain. Available for loading in the Blaeberry $2.75 per bale. Phone toll free: 1-855-909-2680. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? New Toyo Observe GSi winter tires 235/55/17 mounted on new steel wheels (made in USA). New Tpms. Ford sells for $1750, selling for $1000. Fits 2013 Ford Escape or Fusion. Phone Ed 250-344-5123. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or find us online at:
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Financial Services ANNACIS ISLAND Pawnbrokers open ‘till midnight 7 days a week. 604-540-1122. Cash loans for Jewellery, Computers, Smartphones, Games, Tools etc. #104-1628 Fosters Way at Cliveden. annacis DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+
An Opprtunity for Hire - Age Friendly Community Plan/Model
Legal Services
STEEL BUILDING. “The big year end clear out!” 20x22 $4,259. 25x24 $4,684. 30x34 $6,895. 35x36 $9,190. 40x48 $12,526. 47x70 $17,200. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.
Misc. Wanted
1 - 2 bdrm, 1 - 3 bdrm mobile home at Anderson Rd. Pets welcome. 250-344-8551. Rosewood apts 1309 12th St S utls incld. Close to amenities. Laundry facls, security entrance. No pets, parties, or smoking. 250-3448113. Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, security doors. Best deal in town! 250-344-8113.
Apartment Furnished
Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.
Suites, Lower 2 bdr basement suite. N/S, no parties, no pets. Fully furnished. References. D/D. 344-0094 or 344-2144. Avail. Jan. 16th.
Townhouses 4 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.
1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. 1 Bedroom - Fully Furnished All Inclusive - $725.00 month Available February 1/14 Blaeberry Valley Apartments Call-250-344-7299 For more information - Visit
Auto Financing
Commercial/ Industrial Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
Cottages / Cabins EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Plywood Shift Supervisor Canoe Forest Products Ltd., located near Salmon Arm BC has an immediate fulltime opening within the Plywood Department for a Shift Supervisor. Reporting directly to the Plywood Manager, the successful candidate will be responsible for the supervision of all aspects of the plywood manufacturing business. The position offers a challenging opportunity to an experienced, self-motivated, technically sound individual who can work with minimal supervision. Other prerequisites include above average interpersonal and communication skills. A thorough understanding of Quality & Statistical Process Control systems would be desirable. Preference will be given to those applicants who hold post-secondary education in Woods Product Manufacturing or Business Administration. Three to five years of related supervisory experience would also be an asset. Canoe Forest Products Ltd. offers a competitive salary and benefits package based on experience and qualifications. If you possess the skills and qualifications for this position, please submit your resume with cover letter, in confidence, by Monday, January 20, 2014 to: Human Resources Department Canoe Forest Products Ltd. Box 70, Canoe BC V0E 1K0 E: F: 866‐514‐8773 Canoe Forest Products thanks all applicants for their interest; however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
2 room cabin located in the Blaeberry. Avail Feb 1 - March 31. Fully furnished incl utilities, laundry & sat TV. $400/mnt 250-344-4785. Must be willing/able to care for horses. Email
Duplex / 4 Plex FOR RENT 3 Bdrm duplex close to school, W/D, N/S, No pets. References req’d, avail. Jan 1. 250-348-2245
Homes for Rent
FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofce is independently owned & operated.
2 large bdrm mobile home for rent on top of hill $750/mnth. 2/3 bdrm duplex for rent completely new! Mature tenants (families pref’d) and refs req’d. Call 250-344-5996. Newer 1 bdrm cabin w/ loft sitting on full basement on acreage South of Golden $950/month plus utls. No parties, no illegal activities. Long term mature reliable tenants preferred. References and DD req’d. 250-344-6710.
Auto T
Financing d
Dream !
Catcher, Apply 1.800.910.6402
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A23
Cross-Canada runner spends time in Golden
Call: 250-272-2222
Jamie McDonald, dressed in his signature super hero costume, talks to the students at LGES about why he is running across Canada. Jessica Schwitek/ Star Photo
Jessica Schwitek editor@thegoldenstar. net Students at Lady Grey Elementary School were all smiles on Jan. 8 when Jamie McDonald spoke to the group during his stop in Golden. He told the students how he spent most of his first ten years of life in children’s hospitals, and how he’s dedicated the last several years to giving back. Much like an overgrown child himself, McDonald mixed in humour while explaining to the kids why he is running across Canada, unassisted, to raise money for children’s hospitals in every province of Canada, as well as the U.K. “I was saving money for a mortgage on a home, because that was the thing to do. Then I changed my mind,” said McDonald. In 2012 he cycled from Bangkok to his hometown Gloucester in England, living off the funds he had been saving for his mortgage. Shortly after arriving home he decided to break the world record for time spent on a stationary bike (a staggering 265 hours), before beginning his new journey
Kicking Horse Embroidery Email:
Susan Leigan Owner / Operator
Apparel * Embroidery * Alterations Heat Press * Screen Printing * Seamstress Located in Golden BC
BECOME AN ASSOCIATE MEMBER FOR AS LITTLE AS $191.10 A MONTH BECOME A LIMITED PLAYING MEMBER FOR AS LITTLE AS $188.48 A MONTH Above rates are based on eight month payment plan (Jan. - Aug.) Certain restrictions apply to Associate and Limited Playing Memberships
Contact Head Golf Professional, Graeme Kreiner at 250-344-2700 or for membership information.
in Canada. On March 9, 2013, he started on the east coast, and began his 7,000 kilometre journey west. His goal is to raise $40,000 for Canadian hospitals by the time he reaches Vancouver.
Despite a wellpublicized hiccup in Banff (in which he was attacked and robbed), McDonald says he is loving his time in Canada, and is thrilled that his Visa was extended long enough to allow
him to complete his adventure. To follow his journey, or donate (all funds donated in B.C. will go to the BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver) go to
Book your 2014 Tee Time through our online booking engine before January 31st, 2014 and be entered into our Early Bird Booking Draw. Three lucky winners will each receive FOUR 18-hole green fee vouchers! Vouchers valid Monday through Thursday Draw winners will be notified on February 4th, 2014.
250-344-2700 GoldenGolfClub
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 The Golden Star
RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663
Garry GarryOddy Oddy (250) (250)344-7234 344-7234
$364,900 527 - 12th Street
4 bedrooms
3 baths
1950 palumbo Heights 3 baths
3.75 acres
6 bedrooms
2.5 baths
2bdrms 1 bath 960sqft 22.58 acres
REDUCED 3 bedrooms
3 baths
$389,000 #404, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
3 bedrooms
3 baths
5 bedrooms
4 baths
1 bath
6bdrms 4 baths 4,056sqft 3.19 acres
$199,000 852 HIghway #95 South
4 bdrms 2 baths
2 bedrooms
1 bath
.6 acres
from $89,000 REDUCED to $179,000 McMurdo Road
3 Acreages Available
5 bedrooms
2 baths
4 bdrms 1 bath 1,400sqft
1.03 acres
4 bedrooms
2 baths
40 acres
SOLD $165,000 527 - 11th Street
3 bedrooms
1 bath
4 bedrooms 3 baths 3,081sqft
$260,000 2039 Birchlands Road
3bdrms 1 bath 3,320sqft
$299,900 602 Habart Road
4 bdrms 2 baths 2,541sqft
Lot 13, Wellstead Road
$499,999 523 – 5th Avenue
$309,900 508 - 5th Street
$289,000 1241 Horse Creek Road
$419,900 3 bdrms
.52 acre
3.5 baths
1045 King Crescent
#11, 1322 Kaufmann Way
2 bedrooms
1 bath
5 acres
$239,000 #312, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail
2 bedrooms 1 baths 805sqft
3 Acreages Available
155 acres 19.87 acres 4 acreages available 3.74 acres 38 acres 2 acres 2.72 acres 4.94 acres 3 acreages available 9.76 acres 5.73 acre 3 acres 2.4 acres 3 acreages available 151 acres 17.26 acres
$189,000 618 Habart Lower Road
#303, 1420 Palliser Trail
2 bedrooms
2 baths
2 bdrms
1 bath
.58 acre
ACREAGES 532 Anderson Road 2310 Campbell Road Cromac Ridge Highway #95, South 990 Highway #95, South Lot 1, Mitchell Road Lot 2, 2116 Highway #95, South Lot 1, Castledale Heights Kootenay Ridge 2393 Kettleston Road 1556 Adolph Johnson Road Lot 3, Forde Station Road 1359 Black Bear Drive Black Bear Drive 2975 Allen Road South Ridge Road
from $150,000 REDUCED to $350,000
$238,000 2 baths
3.86 acre
#308, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail
2 bedrooms
Lot 6, Dogtooth Close
SOLD $277,500
1 bath
$347,500 1871 Blaeberry Road
1427 Adolph Johnson Road
Wiseman Road
DanDan Veselic Veselic (250) (250) 344-1435 344-1435
$249,000 712 - 8th Street
$649,000 551 Highway #95, South
$129,900 2 baths
2 bedrooms
#306, 521 - 8th Avenue
SOLD 3 bedrooms
#101, 521 - 8th Avenue
#402, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
1429 Granite Drive
$319,000 3360 Highway #95 South
$359,000 701 - 8th Street
$415,000 2bdrms
Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451
$449,900 $197,000 from $210,000 to $260,000 $89,000 $329,900 $99,900 $129,000 $128,500 from $219,900 to $249,900 $219,900 $199,000 $99,900 $165,000 from $110,900 to $169,900 $499,000 $279,500
#16 Kicking Horse Village MHP
3 bedrooms
#79 Kicking Horse Village MHP
2 bedrooms
#22 Golden Mobile Home Park
3 bedrooms
#6, 851 Read Road
2 bedrooms
#62 Kicking Horse Village MHP
2 bedrooms
#5 Whispering Spruce MHP
3 bedrooms
#62 Golden Mobile Home Park
2 bedrooms
IN TOWN LOTS 1608 Gareb Road
71’ x 180’
1416 Deere Ridge Road 1409 Granite Drive 1512 Granite Drive 1402 Deere Ridge Road 1556 Quartz Crescent
75’ x 150’ .47 acre 1.35 acre .35 acre .289 acre
$89,900 $127,000 $97,000 $199,900 $99,000 $55,000