Lake Country Calendar, January 15, 2014

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Winfield Minor Hockey Feature Pgs.9-12

Lake Country

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Proudly Serving


Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951 next to Tim Hortons

January 15, 2014



District council to hold budget meeting KEVIN PARNELL

Good cause

Alumni from the Winfield Minor Hockey Association met for their Winfield Winter Classic Alumni hockey game and raised more than $1,000 of Kidsport Lake Country ...............................


Santa Sleigh Bus another great fundraising success for the Salvation Army throughout Christmas. ...............................


Flyers ■ Coopers ■ Jysk Linen & Furniture ■ Popeye’s Fitness ■ Pro Steam Plus Carpet Cleaning ■ Staples ■ Shoppers Drug Mart

tion of Bottom Wood Lake road as well as over $200,000 for the Beasley Park project.

Lake Country’s chief administrator said last week there has been a lot of misinformation going around regarding a potential tax increase for Lake Country this year. Alberto De Feo said Lake Country council has not yet finalized its 2014 budget and no decisions have been made on a potential tax increase. However, he said it’s expected council will have to raise taxes at least to keep up with inflation when they are presented with recommendations from Lake Country staff at a special budget meeting to be held Feb. 4. “There is always a bit of an increase due to inflation and contractual obligations—between one and two per cent,” said De Feo. “But the rest will depend on council and the decisions that they make (on projects). We’ve met with council and we told them there are certain things that we can do that are

not going to affect the taxpayers. There are a number of projects that we are recommending go ahead because there will be no change to the budget.” De Feo said there are two major projects that will likely be the focus of much discussion and will require public funds to complete: The restoration of Bottom Wood

Lake road to Woodsdale road with a total project cost of $1.3 million as well as improvements to Beasley Park in a project that is pegged at $840,000. De Feo said the district has received grants and is in partnerships on both projects, but council will still need to find a further $700,000 to complete restora-

Lake Country’s Agnes McHugh is turning 100 next month and the community is invited to help celebrate her life and times. McHugh (nee Bojesen) will celebrate her 100th birthday on Feb. 22 in Lake Country, after retiring to the area in 1988 with her late husband Bill. But she was well-travelled before moving to the Okanagan. Born in Shanghai,

Agnes was the middle child amongst six brothers and enjoyed a privileged life which included participation in many sports, the arts and music. After graduating high school, Agnes had her mind set on a career and independence. She attended a business college and immediately following graduation, she worked for about a year for Reuters News Agency. She was soon offered work as secretary

to the Far Eastern general manager of Thomas Cook & Son. While employed there, Agnes swam routinely at the YMCA, played tennis at several tennis clubs and played grass hockey in a girls’ league. She loved to dance and during that time Shanghai was referred to as the Paris of the East so there was lots of opportunity for dancing at the night clubs. In her early 20s, a

the economy. We really understand what is going on. Sometimes what happens is we just reduce



Alberto De Feo

“What we are doing now is we are reviewing all the projects that may affect the general revenue flow that comes from property taxes and make a decision about what is an absolute priority and we we need to do to get there,” said De Feo. “Those two projects are going to be the focus on discussion in my opinion. We understand the taxpayers are under a lot of strain and it’s not an easy time with

Celebration for a popular centenarian

Aly Naturally

List with Aly & have these services:

friend of Agnes’ introduced her to a young Canadian who was boarding at her home. His name was Bill McHugh and although Agnes spurned his attention for considerable time, he eventually won her over. She related to his passion for athletics and theirs was a very romantic courtship. They spent many happy evenSEE AGNES A3

the scope of the projects if we can’t really afford to do certain things. We’re trying to be very sensitive to the taxpayer.” Rumours have been swirling about potential tax increases in Lake Country due to a number of factors. 2014 will be the second year of five that many Lake Country taxpayers are paying a $50 rate to be included on Lake Country’s new water system. Last year the district unveiled

a 20-year plan to deal with the district’s aging roads, something that will take a steady flow of taxpayers money over the 20 years and is also a factor, although council can decide it doesn’t want to begin spending money on the transportation plan this year, if it so chooses, according to De Feo. “It’s a difficult budget because we are facing some really difficult decisions,” he said. “We are a large municipality in size but not in population. We have 200 kilometres of roads for a population of 12,000 and that is challenging. We don’t know yet what council will do. We need to know what they want to do and that could change the whole dynamic of the budget process.” Lake Country council will hold a budget meeting on Feb. 4, at 4:30 p.m. at Lake Country council chambers. It is open to the public. newsroom


LAKE Country resident Agnes McHugh (nee

Bojeson) turns 100 with a birthday celebration at Lake Country Manor on Feb. 22 from 2 to 4 p.m.

•Your home syndicated on over •Professional signage 160 websites! •Professional kiosk board •Professional photography displayed at Orchard Park Mall •Custom YouTube movie •Your home placed on the MLS Tour •Exclusive property website •Street text

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



Lake Country has the most expensive homes in the Central Okanagan Owners of more than 83,000 properties throughout the Central Okanagan are receiving their 2014 property tax

assessment notices and, on average, the most expensive homes in the area are in Lake Country. The average price of a

single family residence in Lake Country is pegged at $504,000, the highest of any municipality in the Central Oka-

nagan, including Kelowna ($493,000), West Kelowna ($475,000) and Peachland $433,000. “Most homes in the

Central Okanagan are remaining stable in value compared to last year’s assessment roll,� said Tracy Wall, deputy asses-

sor for B.C. Assessment. “Most home owners in the Central Okanagan will see modest changes in the plus 5 per cent to

minus 5 per cent range.� Overall, the Central Okanagan’s Assessment SEE PROPERTY A3





























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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A3

news PROPERTY FROM A2 Roll decreased from $40,476,166,781 last year to $40,473,253,289 this year. The 2014 assessment roll includes

$576,999,125 for subdivisions, rezoning and new construction. In addition, owners of commercial and industrial properties in the Central Okanagan

Property values 2013-14 Central Okanagan Kelowna Kelowna (Strata) Peachland Lake Country West Kelowna North Okanagan Armstrong Enderby Revelstoke Vernon Vernon (Strata) Coldstream Salmon Arm Spallumcheen Sicamous Lumby

$488,000 $493,000 $234,000 $228,000 $448,000 $433,000 $515,000 $504,000 $476,000 $475,000 $293,000 $291,000 $242,000 $246,000 $322,000 $312,000 $374,000 $373,000 $184,000 $173,000 $480,000 $493,000 $325,000 $319,000 $332,000 $332,000 $318,000 $310,000 $260,000 $256,000

will see changes ranging from plus 10 to minus 5 per cent. As Lake Country council grapples with its 2014 budget (see story), they do so armed with the knowledge that the average Lake Country single family home is over a half million dollars. It’s something that will come up in the discussion on the current budget, according to the district chief administrative officer. “The average assessment is the highest in the valley so there are a lot of people with a lot of value in their homes,” said Alberto De Feo, who said no decision on a tax increase has been made. “For a $500,000 assessment, a potential one per cent increase is



and fans from the annual Winfield Winter Classic Alumni hockey game helped to raise more than $1,000 for Kidsport Lake Country. After the game, which featured alumni from the Winfield Minor Hockey Association, players gathered for this picture at the Winfield Arena. $15 per year. Property owners who feel that their property assessment does not reflect market value as of July 1, 2013 or see incorrect information on their notice should con-

tact BC Assessment as indicated on their notice as soon as possible in January. “If a property owner is still concerned about their assessment after speaking to one of our

appraisers, they may submit an appeal by Jan. 31, for an independent review by a Property Assessment Review Panel,” added Wall. The Property Assessment Review Panels, in-

dependent of BC Assessment, are appointed annually by the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, and meet between Feb. 1 and March 15 to hear formal complaints.

A very fulfilling life to be celebrated next month by centenarian


ings dancing at the posh night clubs, dressed in tuxedo and evening gown. On Christmas Eve 1937 Bill asked Agnes to marry him and she accepted. Agnes soon joined Bill after he secured work and made the move from Shanghai to the Lower Mainland of B.C. before the couple was married. In those early years, Bill introduced her to outdoor living in a big way: Camping, hunting and fishing. Agnes participated in these activities and her love of nature expanded exponentially. By 1940, they moved to Mission, staying with Bill’s parents while he tried to get on with B.C. Tel, which he did and soon they were purchasing a piece of land, clearing it and building a small house. In 1947, while living in that house, their only child, Patrick, joined their family. Life included raising farm animals, growing gardens and a lot of self-sustenance using the animals

and the vegetables they grew. The learning curve for Agnes was ongoing and, as always before, she met it with great aplomb. Because Bill was sent out of town often, Agnes needed to develop and culture a large degree of independence, which, as life proceeded, would stand her in very good stead. By 1953, Patrick was ready to go to school, so it was decided that the family would relocate to Osoyoos, renting a home at first, but eventually buying and renovating their own home there. At that time she began to work at the credit union but left this job when the family got a posting by BC Tel to Prince George in 1965. Agnes still enjoyed accompanying Bill on his outdoor adventures and although she found the winters cold and hard, made the best of this new life. It was at this point that their son married in 1970 and moved to the Queen Charlotte Islands. As Bill got closer to retirement, he and Agnes got a posting to Duncan on Vancouver Island.

They purchased a new home there and spent many days (and years) working together landscaping the grounds. The gardens Agnes created in Duncan were an art form. Her sense of balance, colour and harmony were ever-present. The time in Duncan was a period of artistic blooming for Agnes. Ceramic classes became a large part of her creativity and she produced many beautiful and unique pieces and was rewarded with the highest honours possible in that field. This led her to china painting, which allowed her to express her knowledge and love of nature in a most sophisticated way. In 1988, after much consultation and consideration, Bill and Agnes moved to Winfield. Bill’s eyes had failed and the family suggested they could be of help to them in their elderly years. It was in Lake Country that Agnes would make a mark on the sporting world as well as on

Valentine's Day Love Story R C O N T


Submit your romantic or funny love story for a chance to WIN A FREE VALENTINE’S DAY DINNER & A SHOW!

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Send your story & to or mail them to 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2 no later than February 7th. In the Febraury 12th issue of the Lake Country Calendar, we will announce the winner of a FREE DINNER and A SHOW at the Creekside Theatre!

numerous volunteer organizations where she donated much of her time. When her husband Bill’s eyesight was diminishing, the couple had been in contact with the CNIB, who recruited Agnes as a volunteer and her tenure with that organization constituted many years of patience and kindness to those she visited and helped. At the time Agnes had been swimming at the Athans Pool in Rutland and a local newspaper article caught her eye, regarding a new program for seniors swimming as part of the BC Seniors Games. She was intrigued and excited and after doing the trials, was qualified and accepted to enter the Games in her age group: 75 to 79 years. She won numerous medals over the ensuing years, teaching herself to be better and faster in the pool. In late September of 2013, Agnes suffered a fall which ended in an extended hospital stay, followed by a

Oyama Legion Branch 189 Ladies Auxiliary Presents

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•Your home syndicated on over 160 websites! •Professional photography •Custom YouTube movie •Exclusive property website •Street text •Professional signage •Professional kiosk board displayed at Orchard Park Mall •Your home placed on the MLS Tour •Regular newspaper ads •Follow up and feedback on every showing

period of rehabilitation in another hospital. As is her nature, she soldiered herself back to wellness, never giving up on herself or her independence. Just before the New Year, she moved into The Lodge, where she feels very pleased to make her new home. This will afford her the chance to visit with staff and friends at The Manor, while receiving a more intense level of care. On Feb. 22, Agnes celebrates her 100th birthday. She has always reflected on her life with positive affirmation of her journey, a true reflection of how she has lived each and every day. Her tenacity, determination, courage and zest for life continues to inspire all. A birthday celebration will be held at Lake Country Manor in Winfield on Feb. 22 from 2 to 4 p.m. for all who wish to celebrate with her. No gifts please. Donations to SPCA.

Robbie Burns

Dinner & Dance

Aly Naturally

No Nonsense Action & Results 250.808.2573

January 25

Oyama Hall • Doors open at 6pm 6:15 Toast to the Haggis • 6:30 Dinner 7 to 8 Scottish Highland Dancers Scottish Country Dancers with the North Okanagan Pipe Band, followed by public dancing to the K - Drifters a local country band.

Members & non-members $20 each Oyama Branch 189 Royal Canadian Legion 15712 Oyama Road • 250-548-3521 Senior’s bus available for pick-up & return

Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


The long road taken by a word I

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.

my bookshelves, I have a Hindi New Testament. I know exactly what the first words in the fourth gospel will say: “In the beginning was the Word….”

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Tessa Ringness Production Manager

Krista Mattar Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688

Life and Faith

Jim Taylor

Teresa Huscroft-Brown Creative Consultant Production Designer

But I can’t read those words. The Devanagari characters are meaningless black squiggles. Which is, in fact, all that any of us see on

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Harper rapped for wrong reasons P rime Minister Stephen Harper’s latest visit to B.C. was portrayed as these things are today: Besieged by protesters, hiding from an ever-vigilant media, cynically campaigning for the 2015 federal election. TV couldn’t get enough of the two “environmental activists” who dressed as waiters to slip onstage at a business breakfast in Vancouver. They’re not environmentalists, just all-purpose protesters using the flavour of the month. They are associated with a group calling itself No One Is Illegal, a collection of anarchist kooks that wants to do away with national borders, and, of course, capitalism. As their now-famous sign said, they want “climate justice now.” Organizer Brigette DePape explained to a co-operative CBC TV host that the recent typhoon in the Philippines that killed thousands of

BC Views

Tom Fletcher people was caused by global warming, which of course is caused mainly by the Alberta “tar sands.” I won’t dwell on this routine idiocy, except to say the number of hurricanes that struck North America in 2013 was zero, and that hasn’t happened since 1994. Also, “climate justice” is like “social justice,” in that both require confiscation of earned wealth. DePape is the former Senate page fired in 2011 for a similar sign stunt. She’s now a professional Harper hater, with support from the

U.S.-based Tides Foundation, among others. One of the issues Harper didn’t take questions on was the consolidation of 11 federal fisheries libraries into two, one of them in Sidney, B.C. This is portrayed as part of Harper’s so-called “war on science,” and has been compared with the Romans burning the library of Alexandria in ancient Egypt. Fisheries Minister Gail Shea defended the cost-cutting measure by pointing out that almost all access to these libraries is now digital, so maintaining 11 duplicated sets of printed reports is a waste of taxpayer dollars. An anonymous federal scientist fired back on his blog that the head of one of these libraries retired before the contents could even be catalogued, much less completely digitized for online access. So this material wasn’t even properly organized?

Users were supposed to browse until they stumbled on something pertinent? The ministry reported that the average number of people other than federal fisheries staff who used these libraries averaged between five and 12 per year. That’s for all 11 facilities combined. And if anyone has even one example of information that was available and isn’t now, they should identify it. Harper’s got plenty to answer for, no question. To take one of many examples, spending our borrowed money on TV ads for a “Canada Job Grant” program that hasn’t even been introduced in Parliament, much less set up, isn’t just wasteful. It’s dishonest and cruelly misleading to the unemployed people the ads pretend to offer help. Harper’s visit to B.C. added a couple of scripted events, starting with softball questions at the Vancouver business

breakfast. Then he was off to a photo op at the Kinsol trestle on Vancouver Island, where he announced three more years of funding for the Trans-Canada Trail. I’m as relieved as anyone that Harper is not killing this modest federal project that started in 1992, but this is not news. It was a fake public event to justify the cost of a trip so Harper could address a new Conservative riding association. And how is the federal deficit after eight years of tight-fisted Conservative rule? We’re only borrowing about $1 billion a month now, down from the Harper government all-time record deficit of $55 billion in 2009. Some cost cutting is in order all right.

Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email:

paper. But our minds turn them into meaning. If I hand a sheet of music to a friend, I know what he’ll say: “I can’t read this. It’s just marks on paper.” If I give that same sheet to his wife, she can sit at the piano and play Fritz Kreisler’s lilting Liebesleid. Both of them are looking at exactly the same marks on paper. But what a difference in understanding their meaning! Anyone who claims that what they see on paper means exactly what it says—especially about the Bible— hasn’t thought much about how those marks got there. I’m not referring to the mechanics of printing ink on paper. Rath-


We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community T Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A5

opinion ▼ WORKBC.CA

More British Columbians than ever scour provincial web site for jobs


ew Year’s is a great time to evaluate our lives and to set goals for the year ahead, whether they are health related, personal or professional. It can be tough to know where to start on your resolutions and goals, but if you’re looking to build on your career, start a new career this year, or know someone who is, our government has a resource to help you. We provide a range of resources for British Columbians, and there’s one in particular I’d like to highlight to my constituents and neighbours in the Central Okanagan. The website is a great tool for job services and labour market information, helpful for both individuals and businesses. British Columbians from across the province are visiting the website 5in record numbers, with unique visits to the web-

MLA’s Report

Norm Letnick site last month up by 28 per cent over the previous year, and it isn’t difficult to see why so many have found it to be a valuable resource. When you visit, you’ll find job listings, updated with new opportunities posted by top employers every day. Since 2012, more than 77,000 jobs have been posted from more than 20,000 employers. It’s accessible and easy to search by job titles, employers or key words, in any region of the province, so you can find exactly what you’re

looking for, and check back for regular updates. Looking for a new job can be overwhelming, and with some of the tools and featured articles on the website, you’ll be ready to put your best foot forward while looking for your next career. Being able to articulate the skills and attributes you bring to a prospective employer and knowing how you can upgrade your skills to qualify for a higher position will help you succeed in your job hunt. On the blog posts, you will find information about work trends, job search tips, and employment programs, as well as career tools and videos. With the Labour Market Navigator, the website isn’t just for those who are looking for a new job. This is a great resource on job numbers, labour trends and data to better understand the B.C. labour market. All of this

helps to ensure that British Columbians make informed decisions about their careers and businesses, based on factors like how our population is expected to change, labour market differences by region, and opportunities being created throughout the province. I hope you’ll take some time to look at this new tool, and share it with family and friends who will find it helpful. As always, if there is a government resource that you need some assistance navigating, please don’t hesitate to contact my office, or my colleagues MLA Steve Thomson and Premier Christy Clark.

Norm Letnick is the Liberal MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country. 250-765-8516

Briefs: Deflation, population B.C.’s consumer price index slipped into negative territory in November, partly due the repeal of the harmonized sales tax last spring. The price index in Vancouver was up slightly, but deflation in Victoria and other areas of the province produced a provincial average of -0.2 per cent for the month. Canada-wide, inflation was 0.9 per cent. The cost of restaurant food fell 4.4 per cent in November compared to the same month in 2012, Statistics Canada reported. The provincial average cost of health and personal care, including services where sales tax was removed, went down 3.1 per cent. There were average price increases in food purchased from stores, up 1.1 per cent, clothing up 1.3 per cent, transportation up 0.7 per cent and alcohol and tobacco products up 1.7 per cent. Average rent costs were up 1.0 per cent, but overall shelter cost was down 0.7 per cent.

er, the process begins with someone thinking. Someone becomes aware. Of something. An object, an idea, a feeling. To communicate that awareness, the person uses sounds. But the sounds themselves are simply a series of vibrations radiating through the air. They bear no resemblance to whatever the speaker became aware of. To get turned into written words, that series of sounds has to get sub-divided into its smallest components— the atoms of language, if you will—so that each sound can be represented by visual shapes on paper or parchment. The International Phonetic Alphabet uses 107 characters to define all possible vowel and consonant sounds in any language; English tries to do the same with just 26 letters. But the letter shapes are also utterly abstract.

the words at all. “Floccinaucinihilipilification” doesn’t make it into many vocabularies. But you can’t do it if you can’t decipher the squiggles. Hindi and English share many sounds. But they render them in drastically different ways. Even words as familiar as “In the beginning was the Word….” I can accept that the

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original thought may well have been inspired by God. I cannot accept that God also operated all the tongues that mouthed the sounds, the quill pens and woodcuts and metal letters and sequences of ones and zeros, in this or any other language, that created the marks that you see. It’s commonly claimed that there’s only six degrees of separation


The B.C. housing market will see slow but steady growth over the next three years, according to a forecast by Central 1 Credit Union. The trade association for B.C. and Ontario credit unions predicts the number of sales will rise about seven per cent to 72,500 in 2014, and reach 84,000 by 2016. The median resale price is forecast to increase 1.5 per cent in 2014, 2.5 per cent in 2015 and three per cent in 2016.

B.C.’s population grew by 24,000 in the

Meaning fluctuates with time, culture Most letters bear no visual association with the sound they represent— perhaps except “o,” which does look a little like a mouth making a sound. Then you, the reader, have to re-assemble those abstract shapes, that stand for abstract sounds that make up spoken words that stand for an idea, back into meaningful words. Assuming you understand

12 months ending Oct. 1 was 47,496 people, mainly due to international immigration, which saw a net gain of 35,282 people. Natural growth (births minus deaths) accounted for 11,214 of the total.




third quarter of 2013, reaching 4,606,375. It’s the largest population increase for that quarter since 1996. The increase was mainly 15,477 non-permanent residents, which Statistics Canada warns are a volatile component of population measurement. Northern B.C. communities are dealing with what they call “ghost populations,” with thousands of workers flying in and out of industrial camps who put pressure on local services without contributing to communities. Interprovincial migration figures showed the seventh consecutive quarter of net loss for B.C., down 282 people from the second quarter. B.C.’s total population increase over the

between any two people on the planet. There’s at least six degrees of separation between any modern reader of the Bible and the persons who originally thought those words. The original writers might be appalled to see how time and translation have bent their intent. Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



A collision at Oceola and Hwy 97 sends both drivers to hospital A 33-year-old Lake Country woman, and a 55-year-old Vernon

woman were both sent to hospital Friday afternoon, following a two-

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vehicle crash along Highway 97 in Lake Country. On Jan. 10, at 3:48 p.m., the Lake Country RCMP received a report of a two-vehicle collision, with suspected injuries, at the intersection of Highway 97 and Oceola Road. A northbound white pickup truck had apparently t-boned a blue passenger car which was reportedly completing a left hand turn into the north bound lanes of the highway from Oceola Road. The Lake Country woman driving the car narrowly escaped serious injury but her vehicle sustained significant

damage to its passenger side. Both drivers sustained non-life threatening injuries as a result of the collision and were transported, as a precaution, by BC Ambulance Service to Kelowna General Hospital. At this time police are continuing to investigate this crash. Neither speed nor alcohol are considered to be contributing factors, and no charges have yet been laid. Anyone who may have witnessed the crash, and has not yet spoken with police, is asked to contact the Lake Country RCMP at 250-7662288.


A DRIVER from Lake Country narrowly missed serious injury as her small passenger car was t-boned by a pickup truck at Oceola Road and Highway 97 last Friday.


What to do with ‘temporary’ cabin from 1930s The Lake Country Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PARC) would like to hear from Lake Country residents on ways it might acknowledge the old Cooney cabin, located in Okanagan Centre Linear Park (Okanagan Centre Road West and Camp Road). The Lake Country Heritage and Cultur-

al Society has reviewed the heritage value of the beach-front building as well as its current condition. The society has established that the structure was built in the early 1930s for temporary accommodation using repurposed timbers likely salvaged from the remains of the old cannery dock that existed to the

north. The structure, while not particularly wellbuilt or even meant for anything more than a temporary accommodation, represents a piece of Lake Country history, according to PARC. The committee indicates that the building would be difficult and costly to restore, given the poor state of many

of the timbers and the lack of integrity of the building and the group says that dismantling the structure is likely the most appropriate action to take. One suggestion has been offered that some of the timbers could be repurposed once again into lake-side picnic tables or benches and a historical plaque could be designed

to document the building as a historical artifact and placed on the beachfront site. The committee is looking for ideas and thoughts from the public as well as asking if anyone has old photos of the Cooney cabin or suggestions to share. You can e-mail with your ideas.

Kelowna Art Gallery opens exhibition of art by Opus staff The opening reception for a new art exhibit

entitled Day Job will be held at the Kelowna Art


French ImmersIon Parent InFormatIon meetIng

Parents interested in the French Immersion program for kindergarten students are invited to attend any of the following meetings. There will be a short presentation by Clara Sulz, Director of Instruction K-12, followed by a question and answer period.

Monday, January 20 at 6:30 p.m. at Peter Greer Elementary, 10300 Sherman Road, Lake Country (250) 766-2104 Tuesday, January 21 at 6:30 p.m. at

Hollywood Road Education Centre, Room 2, 1040 Hollywood Road (250) 470-3227

Wednesday, January 22 at 6:30 p.m. at George Pringle Elementary, 3770 Elliot Road, West Kelowna (250) 870-5103 For more information please contact these schools or call (250) 470-3227

jo Bon ur!

Gallery on Friday, Jan. 17, 7 to 9 p.m. This is a free event,

but the art gallery asks those wishing to attend to RSVP to events@ke- by Tuesday, Jan. 14. The Day Job exhibition features work by 26 past and present staff members of Opus Framing and Art Supplies in Kelowna. The title Day Job refers to the fact that most artists are employed in various other occupations to provide remuneration for their expensive art habits. Most artists who have worked at Opus would agree it has been one of their better day jobs. Day Job is a celebration of Opus Kelowna’s 20-year anniversary of operations, and is being dedicated to the memory of the first manager of Opus Kelowna, Richard McClymont. Day Job is curated by Neena Sood, an artist who lives in Lake Country and is a former employee of Opus.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A7

news THE Kelowna Transit Santa Sleigh Bus raised more

than $40,000 in communities around the Okanagan, including at this stop in Lake Country before Christmas.


Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road  250-766-4458 Sunday Worship and Children’s Church

9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387


Winfield Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages

10:15 a.m. 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753

Pastor: Lance Duncalfe


Successful fund raiser for Santa’s bus Absolutely fantastic. Those are the words coming from BC Transit after another successful Christmas hamper campaign in aid of the Salvation Army. Citizens and sponsors from around the Kelowna Regional Transit area supported transit’s Santa Sleigh Bus in Decem-

ber to the tune of over $40,000 in gifts, food and cash donations. Transit says that total helped to provide 900 children and families throughout the transit area with a full day of Christmas meals and gifts. Since transit began the annual tradition that

sees a bus show up at sponsors to accept donations, the organization along with the public has raised more than $250,000. This year the Santa Sleigh Bus raised the following throughout its traveling area: Cash: $3,324.50 Toys 1,042 ($20,000)

Food: 7,930 pounds ($19,825) The Kelowna First Canada Transit Ambassadors coordinate the program and said they “would like to thank each and every one of you for your support and we would like to wish you a wonderful 2014.”


To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

t y o u r s e l f . . . t r e a t y o u r sk i n

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951


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Look after yourself with manicures, pedicures & microdermabrasion TREATMENTS FOR HIM OR HER

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Soccer Registration for the LCYSA 2014 Season is on Now! If you have children between the ages of 5 and 18, register them for the upcoming outdoor house soccer season today! Regular registration ends January 31, 2014 so act fast to beat the late registration fee. We are also always in search of new board members, coaches and referees.

Register online at Email: Phone: 250.766.0602

Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



Bible Covenants Reveal God’s Glorious Purposes - Part One 23. Edenic Covenant Genesis 3:15

Covenant With Abraham

Law Covenant Exodus 34:27

Between: Jehovah (Unilateral) Date: about 4000 B.C.? after sin entered Purpose: Destroy Satan Duration: End of 1,000 years

Between: Jehovah/Abraham Date: 1943 B.C.E. Purpose: Seed Blessing Duration: Forever

Between: Jehovah/Moses and nation of natural Israel Date: 1513 B.C.E. Purpose: Lead to Christ Duration: End of 33 C.E.

Covenant With David

New Covenant

Between: Jehovah/David Date: 1070-1038 B.C.E. Purpose: Kingly Dynasty Duration: Everlasting

w 10/15 2013 p.26 par.3 Mark 14:20,21; Jer. 31:31. Between: Jehovah/144,000 Luke 12:32 This new spiritual nation! Date: Nisan 14, 33 C.E. Purpose: Take Out Seed Duration: 144,000 resurrected before Rev. 16:16

Covenant With Noah Genesis 6:18

Covenant of Circumcision

Covenant with Tribe of Levi

Between: Jehovah/Noah Date: 2470 B.C.E. Purpose: Survival/Destruction Duration: After Flood (2369)

Between: Jehovah/Seed Date: 1919 B.C.E. Purpose: Sign Cov. w Abraham Duration: Until 33 C.E.

Between: Jehovah/House of Aaron Date: 1512 B.C.E. Purpose: Set Apart Priesthood Duration: End 33 C.E.

Priest Like Melchizedek

Curlers’ Corner: Lots of action Happy New Year from the members and staff at the Winfield Curling Club. Our ladies bonspiel takes place Jan. 17-19 with a Disney theme. The doors are open all weekend so come on down and watch these ladies perform. It’s always entertaining. Playdowns are happening around the province as teams vie for a spot in the provincials. The 2014 B.C. Men’s Curling Championship takes place at the Vancouver Curling Club on Feb. 5-9. Last years’ winner, Team Bilesky (Curlbc’s athlete of the year) will be there as well as John Morris, Kelowna favourite Kevin MacK-

Luke 22:29, Kingdom Covenant, Luke 22:19,20; Mark 14:20,21; John 13:27,30 After Judas Had Left

Hebrews 5:5,6,10; Heb 7:1-3,12,15,17 Between: Jehovah/Jesus Date: 29 C.E. Purpose: Become King/Priest Duration: Forever

w 10/15/2013 p.26 par.2. Jesus instituted a new annual observance that replaced the Passover, with his 11 faithful apostles (John 13:27,30). Between: Jesus/Disciples Date: Nisan 14, 33 C.E. Purpose: Reign with Jesus Duration: Forever


Visit us online:

Lake Country

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

enzie (Kelly Scott’s brother) and hopefully our local ice maker Darren Heath. I’m sure it will be televised so we can all watch these greats perform. Tickets are $5 per game or buy packages for all five days. The winner of this event will go on to represent B.C. in the Tim Horton’s Brier, taking place in Kamloops on March 1-9. To purchase tickets online, go to, as every draw ticket includes the opportunity to meet the athletes along with free admission to the famous Brier Patch and Purple Heart Lounge. As they say: Ya gotta be there. Back at the Winfield

Curling Club, we have BRR BALLS coming up, followed by the Firemen vs. the Lions. BRR BUNNS takes place on Feb. 22, then the inaugural Army and Navy club bonspiel has the weekend of March 1 and 2. Our final wind-up to the season will be our famous Men’s Bonspiel on March 14-16, put on by the bonspiel committee and promises to be a great time for all—curlers as well as volunteers. Come out and cheer on your favourites while supporting your local curling clubs.

Terri Palmer manages the Winfield Curling Club. 250-766-3318

Enter to WIN 1 of 3 chances to


Canadian Owned & Operated Sale prices in effect from September 4 - 15, 2013

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Winfield & District A9


Minor Hockey Week January 13-19

Celebration of a shared passion from coast to coast Support minor hockey week in Lake Country It’s that time of year for kids to practise while parents sip hot chocolate in the stands. Imagine a week-long birthday party stretching from coast to coast to coast. That’s what Minor Hockey Week across Canada is all about from Jan. 13-19. Hockey is, after all, a touchstone of Canadian life and the start of the hockey season marks a significant

moment on the calendar for Canadians of all walks of life. The start of the hockey season begins in the fall and beckons in the start of a new year as the hockey season unfolds. It means winter is coming and families can start to plan their days and weekends around hockey schedules. The local arena becomes the focal point of the community. Friendships

Meet the teams…

are renewed or new ones are made. The passion for the sport drives all. “It is amazing how much evolves around it,” said Hockey Canada president Bob Nicholson. Hockey has produced some of this country’s greatest triumphs and disappointments. Canadians danced in the streets when Canada won the gold medal in the men’s and women’s competitions at the 2002 Winter Olympics

in Salt Lake City. Mining Olympic gold helped ease the pain of a loss to the United States in the 1996 World Cup of Hockey, and seeing our best NHLers being eliminated by the Czech Republic at the ’98 Winter Games in Japan and having the women lose to the Americans. Our men and women are No. 1 on the world stage as ranked by the International Ice Hockey Fed-

eration, a title that will be challenged again when the Sochi Olympics hockey tournament begins next month Since hockey is part of our national soul, why not celebrate the game that means so much to Canadians and brought us recognition and respect on the world stage. SEE PASSION A12

Volunteer coaches and players are the heart and soul of minor hockey in Lake Country


#72-9522 Main Street, Lake Country 250.766.1166


7 Days a Week 9am-11pm

Celebrate success responsibly!

Best of luck to all players!


Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL

Winfield & District


Minor Hockey Week January 13-19

Winfield & District

Minor Hockey Week January 13-19

Play Hard & Have Fun! Lake Country Building Centre 3223 Woodsdale Road Lake Country • 250-766-2118


Celebrate Canada’s Game! #10, 9522 Main Street 250-766-9009

Everyone’s a champion! I would like to extend my sincere best wishes and thanks to all the players, coaches, referees, parents, volunteers and sponsors who make minor hockey a terrific success, especially during Minor Hockey Week.

Ron Cannan, P.C., M.C. Kelowna - Lake Country

114-1835 Gordon Drive, Capri Mall, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 3H4 (250)-470-5075

Good luck to all participants! 16020 Oyama Road

Open Mon.-Sat. 7am-9pm • Sun. & holidays 9am-9pm

Lake Country minor hockey facts Celebrate Canada’s Game! 106-3121 Hill Rd. Lake Country 250-766-5670

• Winfield and District Minor Hockey (WDMHA)continues to see moderate growth in it overall membership in 2013-14. The affiliated school program, Pursuit of Excellence (POE), has also seen growth again this year. • While Winfield minor hockey registration continues to grow

each year, WDMHA still faces a challenge to establish appropriately sized teams. Roster sizes for each team are limited to a maximum of 17 skaters and two goaltenders (reduced rosters for younger divisions) but it is difficult to field a competitive team with less than 13 skaters and one goaltender. As a

small association, the WDMHA often finds itself with too many or not enough registrants to make appropriate sized teams. Add to this that we have limited availability of ice time and the challenge becomes even greater to ensure that all


rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Winfield & District

Minor Hockey Week January 13-19 A11


Celebrating the Spirit of the Game! Proud to sponsor

Minor Hockey Week Woodsdale General Store 3191 Woodsdale Road, Winfield 250-766-4677

1778 Baron Road ½ Block South of Costco Kelowna 778-484-0048

Keeping Hockey Affordable for Okanagan Families! January 13th-26th Special Promotion

HOCKEY FROM A10 who want to play hockey are provided that opportunity. Somehow the WDMHA manages to make it work but in 201314 the result was minor hockey we could no longer sustain a juvenille team (aged 18-20) or a bantam representative team this season. Fortunately, registrations in the younger age brackets continues to grow and as a result one SEE HOCKEY A12

Thanks to the coaches, volunteers and parents who make minor hockey fun for kids!

40% Off all gently used hockey protective, goalie gear and skates (Youth & Junior sizes)

Proud to sponsor Minor Hockey Week

 

2850 Woodsdale Road 250-766-4534 Find Us on Facebook


Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL

Winfield & District


Minor Hockey Week January 13-19

‘Relax, it’s just a game’

Winfield & District

Minor Hockey Week January 13-19

Proud Sponsor Of

9882 Hwy 97N, Lake Country 250-766-2310 (Pub) 250-766-4011 (Store)

Winfield Minor Hockey

1655 Powick Road, Kelowna (next to Walmart)

(250) 763-2800 Proud to support the community! Proud to support Lake Country Minor Hockey Week!

Proud Sponsors of

Minor Hockey Good Luck To ALL The TeAms

9564 Hwy 97 North, Lake Country, BC 1-250-766-5244

Good luck to all the teams!


10550 Hwy.97, Lake Country Servicing all makes and models

partnered with Hockey Canada and created the campaign. “People connected with the ads last year. Let’s face it. Bad adult behaviour is a universal and societal issue and Hockey Canada should be commended for standing up and telling people to lay off.” Hockey Canada was hoping the PSAs would hit home but they were pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming success. Instead of begging outlets to air the announcements, media outlets lined up to get copies of them. Hockey Canada won or was nominated for 25 awards for the campaign, including a prestigious silver lion at the industry heavyweight Cannes International Advertising Festival. But the campaign to change attitudes, change the behaviour of some parents and adults doesn’t stop with the PSAs. Hockey Canada also has a series of programs designed for players and parents. Hockey Canada encourages parents to find out more about the program by either contacting their local minor hockey association or by accessing information through


Good luck to all the teams!

“Home of the Famous ELK Burgers”

How many times have you heard somebody point this out to a parent or adult in the stands at a minor hockey game who has let their emotions get the better of them. But we all know that telling people to control their emotions is one thing and having them actually do it is another. It’s not by coincidence that Hockey Canada last year launched a series of Public Service Announcements on television, radio and print media in an effort to change the ‘unacceptable behavioural patterns” of a minute minority of parents and adults in rinks across the country. Hockey Canada didn’t use a dark, morbid message to get their point across. Instead, they used something Canadians from all walks of life can connect with. The 30-second TV spots launched last season used humour to reverse roles in parent-child relationships by putting an impact spin on the pressures some parents may put on their children, all under the ‘Relax, it’s just a game’ umbrella. “To do nothing would have been the wrong thing,” says Scot Keith, from Palmer Jarvis DDB, the ad agency who

Winfield Cooper’s Plaza • 250-766-2666 Fuji Print Centre Now Open

Best of luck to all the players!

Celebration of minor hockey is tribute to the many volunteers who support the kids PASSION FROM A9 By taking time to showcase our game at the grassroots level, Minor Hockey Week looks to promote hockey at the national, provincial and local levels. Hockey is a unifying force in Canada and Minor Hockey Week aims to build on how the game brings families and communities together and how players of all ages learn important values and life lessons.

Hockey is the ultimate team sport and Canada’s international success is a perfect example of how the best team and not necessarily the best players provide the right formula for success. Minor hockey associations are only as strong as the volunteers who give their time and in a show of immense strength, about four million Canadians do everything from sweep the ice to turn off the lights in the arenas year in and

year out so our children can have a safe and friendly environment to play the game they love. So if you’ve got time on your hands this week, go to your local neighbourhood arena and join in the celebrations honouring the game we all have in our blood. Be part of something Canadians take pride in. Remember that hockey is Canada and Canada is hockey. And Canadians wouldn’t have it any other way.

cant emphasis on respect in the sport. Its values are to first contribute in a positive way to raising upstanding young men and women in our community. • WDMHA has also made a significant effort to attract, retain and support game officials. Minor hockey has the great fortune in having a very supportive and dedicated referee-in -chief who has worked very hard to continually increase the skill levels and professionalism of our officials in 2013-14 • The spirit of volunteerism is tremendous.

Every team in WDMHA hosts a home tournament that requires hundreds of hours of volunteer work. Minor hockey is very fortunate to have great support in the community from businesses and other nonprofit organizations alike. Whether its the local business owner, charitable organization, or a team manager, coach, jersey parent, scorekeeper, tournament volunteer or a member of the minor hockey executive, everyone works together to provide the best opportunity for every player.

Registration seeing an increase HOCKEY FROM A11 team was added in the atom (aged 9-10) division this year. • WDMHA reduced to 14 teams in 2013-14 covering ages 5-17. • There were over 200 registrants in WDMHA (growth of five per cent over last season). • POE in 2013-14 has three male midget (aged 15-17), 2 female bantam and midget combined and two bantam teams (aged 13-14) for a total of seven teams compared to five last year. • The WDMHA continues to place signifi-

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A13


Potential legal edge for impaired driver I am about to share something I recently learned about impaired driving laws. First, how could a lawyer who has been in practice for close to 20 years possibly be so out of touch. I would hate for my legal reputation to be tarnished by my very public admission of ignorance. There is a common misperception that a law school graduate knows “the law.” More accurately, law school teaches us tools about how to understand and interpret the law. There is a 10 week course that we all must pass after law school and before practicing as a lawyer, part of “articling,” that gives us a kick start to actually learning and applying the law. Even that, though, is an “open book” exercise that is more about learning how to find answers than infusing us with legal knowledge. Certainly, though, a lawyer who’s been practicing for 15 or 20 years ought to have a solid command of “the law” by then? Not so. In fact, lawyers regularly focus on and develop practices involving a very narrow slice of the law, developing a very narrow area of expertise. As time passes, whatever bits and pieces that we might have picked up about other areas of the law while becoming a lawyer becomes more and more faded and dated. Is that enough snivelling for why I don’t know everything about the law? Regular readers of my column know that I am a big fan of the automatic roadside penalties for impaired driving that the British Columbia government put in place as of Sept. 20, 2010. Yes, the administrative (not criminal charge related) penalties run roughshod over the kind of due process that the criminal justice system affords, but in my view the public safety concern outweighs the due process concern in that instance. I have never driven through an Impaired Driving CounterAttack roadblock. I had envisioned a very efficient process of every driver rolling down the window, blowing into a screening device and being sent on

Achieving Justice

Paul Hergott

their way unless the device showed an illegal alcohol content. Not so, as I’ve come to learn. According to the B.C. Ministry of Justice website, a breath sample is requested: “If an officer has reasonable suspicion to believe a driver may be under the influence of alcohol…”. I looked up the actual wording, in section 215(2) of the Motor Vehicle Act. I found it quite interesting. In fact, a police officer serves a notice of driving prohibition: “… if the peace officer has reasonable and probable

grounds to believe that a driver’s ability to drive a motor vehicle is affected by alcohol.” According to the legislation, it is then up to the driver to request the blood alcohol screening to prove that the blood alcohol level is within acceptable limits, which terminates the prohibition. Really? There has to be some observable sign of alcohol impairment or other evidence leading the police officer to believe that the ability to drive a motor vehicle is affected by alcohol in order for the screening device to even come into play? Yes, those are rhetorical questions dripping with as much sarcasm as my typed words are capable of expressing. Our world is full of highly functional alcoholics who would show absolutely no observable signs of impairment as they might pull up in a stop and go roadblock, but whose ability to drive a motor vehicle is very

much impaired. The “reasonable and probable grounds” requirement is intended, I expect, to survive a Charter attack on the legislation. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, section 8, includes the following right: “Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.” Yes, courts might reasonably interpret having to blow into a screening device to be an “unreasonable search” absent observable signs of impairment. If so, this would be one of those rare circumstances where I would want our law makers to invoke section 33(1) of the Charter, the “notwithstanding clause,” which expressly allows Canadian governments to expressly declare a law to operate notwithstanding certain Charter protections. When we hear RCMP statistics that one in 100 people (was


it one in 10 in one Okanagan community?) through roadblocks were issued administrative prohibitions, I guess that does not reassure us that the other 99 actually blew into the screening device and were cleared. It just means that the other 99 were able to make it through without showing signs of impairment. I hope that, somehow, I am reading the law wrong. If not, I call out to our law makers to fix this which, in my view, is a glaring problem. Paul Hergott is a lawyer at Hergott Law.

Motorcycle show bus trip planned The Kelowna & District Safety Council is organizing its 10th annual bus trip to the Vancouver Motorcycle Show at the Abbotsford TRADEX on Saturday, Jan. 25. Pick up and drop off locations are scheduled for Rutland, Kelowna and West Kelowna, with departure times set for 6 a.m., 6:15 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. respectively. The bus will return to Kelowna by about 9 p.m. that night, giving attendees some five hours at the show. The Vancouver Motorcycle Show is B.C.’s largest motorcycle event featuring all the major manufacturers of motorcycles, scooters and ATVs. The buses being used are comfortable charter buses. The $65 event cost includes round trip bus fare, admission to the show, drop off and quick entrance via the VIP door, a KDSC eco-tote bag, movies en route and a chance to win some door prizes. To learn more visit To register online for the bus trip visit www.kdsc. or call the KDSC at 250-765-3163.

You Can’t take It wIth You

a play by George S kaufman & Moss hart Comedy/Romance

Jan. 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 & Feb.1 • 7:30pm

A plot synopsis of the play: George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart’s Pulitzer Prize winning comedy, You Can’t Take It with You, premiered at the Booth Theater on December 14, 1936, and had a respectable run of 838 performances. It has since enjoyed several successful Broadway revivals and was the basis for the 1938 Academy Award winning film directed by Frank Capra. Life is pleasantly daft at the roomy uptown New York City home of Grandpa Vanderhof, a lifely little man of 75 who, for the last 35 years, has been determinedly “relaxing” and having fun--collecting snakes and attending commencement exercises. He has a small income from a rented house and an interesting family who, like Grandpa, do just as they please. For information call Bonny @ 250 766 3054 or Darby @ 250 878 5648

Tickets @ the door only-no reservations. Tickets $15. General, $10. Students /Seniors, Group of 4 tickets $40.

SuLtanS oF StRInG CD ReLeaSe


at Rutland Arena West


One of Canada’s Hottest Roots Music Acts Shake Things Up with Revved Up Riffs JUNO nominees/2x CFMA winners, Sultans of String, release their high octane roots-worldbeat-symphonic mash-up Symphony! at music hotspot, the Creekside Theatre. Known for dizzying music jams, poly-rhythms and revved up riffs, the Sultans of String sound can’t be pinned down -- it’s Sable Island meets the Silk Road, with detours through the Gypsy-Jazz coffeehouses of Eastern Europe, next an East Coast Kitchen Party, then over to the majestic Arctic and bustling markets of Lebanon. Fiery violin dances with rumba-flamenca guitar while funky bass lays down unstoppable grooves. Throughout, acoustic mastery meets with a symphony of sound, deepened by world rhythms that inspire whole audiences to get up and dance.

Tickets: Adults $25. Students/Seniors: $23. Group of 4 : $84

LoRne eLLIott

Friday April 25 • 7:30pm

Sigh Kobayashi Memorial Bursary for the Arts/Spring Fling presents LORNE ELLIOTT in Concert. Bring out your spare funny bones! Lorne Elliott is set to send your giggles “madly off in all directions”. With his barely tamed afro, his rubbery face and his miniature guitar, the Canadian musical comedian is the master of all that is silly, side-splitting and strange. Combining dry humour with musical numbers and skits, Elliott is a shrewd observer of the behaviour of the Canadian human animal. Often self-deprecating, always silly and never profane, Elliott’s funny is family friendly. Well known as the host of his own CBC Radio Comedy Series which went on for 11 seasons, Elliott has been performing professionally on stage for more than two decades. His ability to entertain is as keen as his wit. Lorne has been featured on numerous Theatre Arts festivals, he is also an award-winning playwright and his plays are regularly produced across Canada.

Tickets: General $27. Students /seniors $25. Group of 4 tickets $92.

Seating at the Creekside Theatre is limited so reserve early to avoid disappointment.

strings 37.Crane Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL 17.Copycat 38.Wicked 19.Winding person curve 39.Scram 22.Periodical, 40.Tweety’s briefly home 23.Good grade 41.Chimney duct 24.Sailor’s yes 42.Icicle hanger 25.Greets 43.Phase 26.Spider’s 44.Wallet items structure 28.Said yes 46.____ and 29.Lock need running


cOmmunity eVents


copy deadline friday, 1 pm before issue date

•Oyama LegiOn Branch 189 Ladies auxiLiary Presents Robbie Burns dinner and dance Jan. 25. Doors open at 6pm, 6:15 toast to the Haggis, 6:30 dinner. 7 to 8 Scottish Highland Dancers. Scottish country dancers with the North Okanagan Pipe Band. Followed by public dancing to the K - Drifters a local country band. Tickets at the legion $20 each. Oyama Branch 189 Royal Canadian Legion, 15712 Oyama Rd., 250-548-3521. •BaBytime fOr ages newBOrn tO 18 mOnths at the Lake Country Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library. Songs, rhymes, puppets and stories for baby and their caregiver. Tuesdays at 10:10am until March 11th. Storytime for children 3 to 5 years old accompanied by parents/ caregivers. Join Pokey for FREE stories, action rhymes and more! Fridays at 10:15 a.m. until May 2. *Note - no storytime on Fri., April 18 - Good Friday. No need to register for these free programs – just drop in! The Lake Country Branch of the ORL is located at 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road. For more information please call the branch at 250-766-3141 or visit •ae theatre grOup wOrkshOp series. Jan.-March 31. Rotary Centre For The Arts (Kelowna), Voice Of Diversity (V0D) is an amateur theatre group recruiting passionate members! VOD is a multicultural theatre group for immigrants and visible minorities in Kelowna. It encourages participation in a series of theatre workshops to make a creative and positive change in us and in the community. Any immigrant or visible minority can join. No tuition fee! No age limit! If you are interested in participating in this FREE theatre workshop contact YoungJae Kim at yongjooe@gmail. com and 250-826-6502. •Open hOuse music & dance wOrkshOp series Rotary Centre for the Arts, Kelowna. Jan. to March at various locations, City of Kelowna. This series from different multicultural societies and groups showcases and demonstrates some traditional music and dance. Check for dates and locations:, Also on Facebook: Okanagan Chinese Canadian Association, Asian Heritage Month Okanagan. •Oyama Branch 189 Ladies auxiLiary installation of officers for 2014. District Zone Commander officiating at the Oyama Legion on Sun., Jan. 19, 2pm. Everyone welcome. President Linda Bowers, Vice President Ilys Lang, Secretary Helen Nuefeld, Treasurer Goldie Borge, Executive at Large, Penny Currie, Peg Wells, Sgt at Arms Amy Wildcatr. •the Oyama Branch 189 rOyaL canadian LegiOn 2014 Executive will be installed by District Zone Commander Frank Truman at the commencement of the General Meeting on Sun., Jan. 19 at 2pm. President - Peter Haynes. Vice President - Anne Robinson. Secretary - Margaret Temperton. Treasurer - Barbara Cook. Executive - Don Jean, Jack Williamson. All members are invited to come and show support for the new slate. •Lake cOuntry seniOr’s centre 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road have started all there regular programs. Art, Tai Chi, Zumba. JOY Fitness, wood shop, line dancing, lunches, Prime Time, crib and bridge. Call 250-766-4220 for more information. •kids anti-BuLLy wOrkshOp Every Friday in February (5-6pm) is the Kids Anti-Bully Workshop. Free four week course. Great for kids for self-defence, de-escalating situations and confidence. #31745 Spall Rd., Kelowna. •Lake cOuntry heaLth pLanning is hosting a general members meeting on Mon., Jan. 20, 7pm at the Lake Country Seniors Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road). All interested in health and social planning for the community should attend. •Lake cOuntry heaLth pLanning is seeking to find past volunteers for recognition of your service. If you have volunteered for our organization could you please call 250-766-4220 (leave a message) or email •Lake cOuntry heaLth pLanning is currently seeking volunteers to assist with a membership drive in March, if you are interested in being a member and helping with this please call 250-7664220 (leave a message) or email •Lake cOuntry seniOr’s centre 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road will be holding their next Tuseday lunch on Jan. 18 at 8:30am-11am. Cost is $6 and there will be pancakes, sausage, bacon, ham and eggs. •Lc seniOr Bus scheduLe Tues., Jan. 21, 28 Winfield Senior Centre Luncheon. Sat., Jan. 25 Robbie Burns dinner and entertainment - Oyama Legion. To reserve seat on bus please phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131. •Visit the Lake cOuntry museum and archiVes at 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 1 to 4pm, and by appointment. Phone: 250-766-0111 or visit the website at •Lake cOuntry seniOr’s Buffet, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. The Lake Country Senior’s Buffet also has frozen meals available for $5 and you can call 250-766-4220 to arrange for these and what is available. •the Lake cOuntry fOOd Bank has an URGENT need for men and women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all three days); must be physically fit enough to life a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •prime time is a musicaL entertainment eVent. It takes place every Monday from 1pm-3pm at the Lake Country Seniors Centre, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., Lake Country. Tea and coffee is served. There is no charge for this event. If you need transporation, the seniors’ bus is available. For more information call Jimmie at 250-766-2513. Prime Time is sponsored by Lake Country Health Planning Society. •criBBage. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize and enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks and goodies for only $2.50. For information call John 250-766-3026. •Open mic nights are open to any and all musicians and are held on the first Wednesday of every month from 6-8pm at the Lake Country Coffee House! Please come to play music or to enjoy the music while supporting our local musicians! •dance fOr the heaLth Of it! Beginners line dancing on Mondays, 1:45pm at the Recreation Centre at Holiday Park. Toonie donation. Phone Mary at 766-4651. •rOyaL canadian LegiOn 189 Ladies auxiLiary Notice of Cribbage Tournament on last Sunday of each month. Get your name on the list by phoning the Legion after 3pm. Registration is at 9am. Games begin at 10am sharp. $26 per team and lunch is included. •winfieLd united church thrift shOp (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping and donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for information regarding appropriate donations. •the Lake cOuntry fOOd Bank wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-766-0125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. •Lake cOuntry thrift stOre hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Rd., Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •BeaVers/cuBs/scOuts/Venturers registratiOn/agm Registration is on-going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. •Oyama LegiOn Branch 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. •Lc Line dancers Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •sOciaL Bridge Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-7663982. •the cOunciL Of seniOr citiZens OrganiZatiOns (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-5769733 or for further info. •Lc OutdOOrs cLuB welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/ lunch & clothing appropriate & sufficient for the weather. For more info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit

All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.

for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220

Copyright © 2013, Penny Press

26.Violent ACROSS DONATION… conflict

1.Ken Poker chip-inwith Bessasson, 27.Forest animal 5.Okanagan Society Kids Care, newcomer 30.Gazed upon presents local food 8. Wildbank duckexecutive 31.Plead director Lenetta 12.Hotel unit Parry 32.Skedaddle with three cheques— 13.Second 33.Electric fish one for Kelowna, person 34.Baby tiger Westside and Lake 14.Not pretty 35.Briny Country food banks 15.Method 36.Pal each worth $1,000. The 16.Put in 38.Evergreen Okanagan Kids Care jeopardy Fund Society is oper- tree 18.Noisy 39.Hurry ated as a public service sleepers 41.In the best by local radio stations 20.Old-and Power 104 shape Q103.1 fashioned along with area TD 45.Sleeveless Canada Trust 21.Horse’s kin Bank blouse branches. 22.Net 47.Despise CONTRIBUTED 48.Epochs 23.Sobs loudly

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34.Speech impediment 35.Card suit 37.Advances 38.Cary or Hugh 39.Pagan god 40.Plummet 41.Sob 42.Time gone by 43.Sound return 44.Consider 46.Major-leaguer

Copyright © 2013, Penny Press

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A15


Garbage collection in winter conditions requires some extra attention The regional waste reduction ofand the waste hauler will pick it up car, or other cart—an arm’s length curb/roadway in front of their prop- tipped. fice is warning the public that duras soon as possible. spacing is required between each erty for placement of carts. • As waste collection carts are ing snowy and icy conditions, garDo not bring your carts back in cart. When considering cart place• Put carts as close as possible to equipped with wheels, please use exbage collection may be delayed. until they’ve been emptied to ensure ment, note the automated arm on the street, without obstructing the tra caution when wheeling them in “You may also need to alter the 16,your collection isn’t missed. the collection truck can only reach street, sidewalk or bike lane. snowy and icy conditions. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2014 regular placement of your garbage The regional waste reduction ofa maximum of eight feet from the Often placing your carts on either • Unmaintained easement roads CIVT ficeCBC KIRO CHAN SNPtruck KNOW KOMO A&E YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING and recyclingTSN carts to CHBC ensure the colalso issued a number of tips conand up to one foot off the side of your driveway allows for may result in delayed pickup. If you # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 6 7 9 ; < A N P lection vehicle can reach them,” said cerning putting out waste collection ground. greater ease for the collection trucks live on a private or easement road, The Doctors The View Bookaboo The Price Is The Doctors Sportsnet Poppy Cat The View Criminal Invasion CBC News Auction 30 Rock 19 Kids Divorce Sesame Today :00 the offi:30 ce inCurling a news release carts in the Central Okanagan: Find or clear an unobstructkeep your road clear your ” ” issued ” 16, Doodlebops Right ” Connected •Pajanimals ” Minds Almost and for Now you. With Auction Paid Prog. 19 Kids Divorce Street or have cont’d THURSDAY, JANUARY 2014 10 ” Anna Olson The Marilyn Heartland Young &cartsAnna Olson Sportsnet ed site Rolie to Polie KOMO 4 Criminal Flamingo • Do Carole How/Made Family Feud Little Couple Judge AlexonDaniel Tiger New Day if Wednesday. • Do not place in a location put your carts out for colnot place carts behind or on bins curbside the public street :00 Fishing-Flats Debt/Part Denis Show ” Restless Debt/Part Connected Thomas MacNeil How/Made Feud Little Couple Judge Alex Super Why! Northwest 11 TSN CHBC CIVT where CBC KIRO CHAN SNPlection. KNOW News KOMO Minds A&E Squirrel YTV NEWS DISC Family KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING The:30 news release said if your gara snowplow will hit them. top of snow banks. the private road is inaccessible. STIHL Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News HockeycenDino Dan The Chew The First 48 Kid vs. Kat CBC News Dude, You’re ThisMinute Here Comes King Antiques KING 5 :00 Motoring ” Now& Bold_ Hour tral at Noon Making Stuff ” ” Sidekick Now7 With ThisMinute Comes KingA Roadshow News # has Hour % ( than ) ` 6 • Clear 9 ; ice Here< N Pby 12or:30 bage recycling not$ been The cart should be no closer It is* the responsibility of1 the resiyourScrewed cart of snow and • Have carts out for collection Curling: DaysDoctors of our The The View Social Republic The of our Fighter Dragon General The First 48 Rated A for Reshmi Nair Salvage Law & Here Comes Community American Days :00 Curling Bookabooof The Talk Price Is Days The Doctors Sportsnet Poppy Cat The View Criminal Invasion CBC News Auction 30 Rock 19 Kids Divorce Sesame Todayof our :00 picked up, Continental leave” it outThe for ”collection three feet from any obstacle, dent to clear appropriate space at the to ensure opens when cart 7 a.m.Community Lives Doyle Lives ” parked ” Pajanimals Hospital Monster ” the lid Hunters Order: SVUis Here Comes Joy/Painting Lives 1 :30 :30 ”” Doodlebops Right ” Connected Pajanimals ” Minds” Almost Now With Auction Paid Prog. 19 Kids Divorce Street cont’d 10 :00 :00 2 :30 :30 11 :00 THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014 :00 3 :30 :30 12 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 4 :30 :30 1 :00 # $ % & :00 5 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 :00 10 :30 6 :30 :30 3 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 7 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 8 :30 :30 5 :00 :00 1 :00 :30 9 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 2 :00 :30 10 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 3 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 9 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 11 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 8 :30 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2014 :00 11 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :30 # $ % &

Steven and Heartland Chris ” The Queen Best Recipes Noon News CBC News Latifah Show Stefano Hour Now Young & Dragons’ Days of our Republic of Restless Den Lives Doyle News News The Talk Steven and ” News ” Chris The Doctors Bookaboo Global Nat. News The Queen Best Recipes ” News Doodlebops CHBC Rick Mercer Latifah Show Stefano Anna Olson Heartland Ent George S Debt/Part ” Young & Dragons’ ET Canada Coronation Restless Den Noon News CBC News Howie Do It The Nature HourMillers Now News News The of Things ” our News Days of Republic Sean Saves Doc Zoneof Lives Doyle Global Nat. News ” Fox Show CHBC News Rick Mercer The Talk Steven and Elementary The National Chris ” S ”” Ent George Continental ET Canada Big Bang Coronation ” The Queen Bethenny Best Recipes SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News SportsCentre Latifah Show ” Stefano ” Final News George S Cup: Men’s Howie Do It CTV Big Bang The Nature Team The Millers Two of Things Hockey Young & EllenMen DeGe- 22 Dragons’ SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Minutes NHL Restless neres Show Den SportsCentre The Competition SeanTest Saves Jimmy Saving Fallon Hope Coronation Doc Zone Hockey: News CTV News News ” ” Fox Show ” Canadiens at ” at Five News SportsCentre Elementary Law & The National Senators Global” Nat. CTV News ” Order: SVU News ” ” CHBC News ” Rick Mercer SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News Curling: Ent etalk News George S S ” Final CTV George Continental ET Canada Big Bang Coronation SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes Cup: Men’s Howie Do It Jimmy Big Bang The Nature SportsCentre The Test Fallon Coronation Team The Millers Two Men of Things

Let’s Make a Young & Deal Restless ThisMinute KIRO News ThisMinute Bold Judge Judy The Talk Judge Judy ” KIRO News Let’s Make KIRO Newsa Deal The Price Is KIRO News ThisMinute RightNews CBS ThisMinute Young & Ent Restless Judge Judy The Insider JudgeNews Judy KIRO Big Bang BoldMillers KIRO News The KIRO News The Talk Crazy Ones ”News KIROMen Two CBS News Let’s Make Elementarya Deal ” Ent The Insider ThisMinute KIRO News ThisMinute Late Show Big Bang

Competition ”

:00 10 :30 :00 FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2014 11 :30 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 1 :30 :00 :00 10 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2014 11 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 4 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 1 :30 5 :00 :00 10 :30 2 :30 6 :00 :00 11 7 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 4 :30 :00 :00 1 9 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 :30 10 6 :00 :00 :00 3 11 :30 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 4 12 :30 8 :30 :30 :00 :00 5 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 12 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 2014 :00 11 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :30 # $ % &

Cup: Mixed ” Doubles Fishing-Flats ” STIHL SportsCentre Motoring Hockey Curling: NHL Continental Hockey: Cup: Mixedat Canadiens Doubles Curling Senators ”” SportsCentre ” Curling: Fishing-Flats Hockey Continental NHL STIHL Cup: Men’s Motoring Hockey: Team Canadiens at Curling: Competition Continental Senators ” ” Cup: Mixed SportsCentre Doubles ” Curling:

The Talk Anna Olson ” Debt/Part

Sean Saves Fox Show

SportsCentre Elementary ” ”

Dr. Phil The Marilyn ” Denis Show Bethenny CTV News ” ” Ellen DeGeThe Social neres Show ” CTV News Dr. Phil at Five ” The View CTV News Bethenny ”” ” The Marilyn etalk Denis Show Ellen DeGeBig Bang neres Show CTVBang News Big ” CTV News Two Men at Five The Social Saving Hope CTV News ”” ” Dr. Phil Law & Order: etalk ” SVU

Curling ”

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Crazy Hearts Criminal ” Minds Duck D. The First 48 Duck D. ” Duck D. The First Duck D. 48 ” Duck D. Crazy Hearts Duck D. ” Criminal Duck D. Duck MindsD. Duck D. Duck D. Criminal Crazy Hearts Minds Duck D. ” DuckFirst D. 48 The Crazy Hearts Duck D. ”” Duck D. 48 The First Duck D. ” Duck D. Duck D. Crazy Hearts Duck D. ”Hearts Duck D. Crazy

Our Part Clifford-Dog Park G. Shrinks Our Part Early Queens Maya Bee Cave of Arthur Forgotten Cave of Martha Forgotten Wild Kratts Dreams Waterfront Snapshot Cities Park ParkPart Our Our Part Cave of Early Forgotten Queens

Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz News Show Jimmy The Taste KOMO” 4Live Kimmel News Nightline ” News ” World News The Assets KOMO” 4 News News Wheel Jimmy Jeopardy! Kimmel Live The Taste Nightline ”

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Crazy Ones Two Men

Sean Saves Fox Show

Fighter ”

Cave of Forgotten

Duck D. Duck D.

Babysitting Splatalot

The National Elementary ” ”

Elementary ”

Sportsnet Connected

Dreams Snapshot

The Assets ”

Duck D. Duck D.

Splatalot Zoink’d!

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hockey NFL Game.

Park Our Part

News Jimmy

Crazy Hearts Mr. Young ” Boys

Letterman Ferguson


ET Canada The Test

Saving Hope Doc Zone ” ”

Law & Order: SVU

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada SportsCentre The Test

Big Bear Rolie Polie PAW Patrol Thomas Clifford-Dog Dino Dan G. Shrinks Making Stuff Maya Bee Dragon Arthur Pajanimals Martha Big Bear Wild Kratts PAW Patrol Poppy Cat Waterfront Clifford-Dog Pajanimals Cities G. Shrinks Rolie Polie Park Thomas Maya Bee Our Part Arthur Dino Dan Early Making Stuff Martha Queens Wild Kratts Dragon Cave of Pajanimals Waterfront Forgotten Cities Big Bear Dreams PAW Snapshot Park Patrol

The Millers Judge Judy Letterman Judge Judy Ferguson Crazy Ones KIRO News Two Men KIRO News Elementary KIRO ”News CBS News KIRO News Ent Show Late The Insider Letterman Big Bang Ferguson The Millers

UFC Sportsnet Unleashed Connected The Queen Dew Tour Noon News HockeycenLatifah Show Highlights Hour tral at Noon Young & World Poker Days of our Tour Fighter Restless Lives ” Early News Dakar The Talk UFC Global Nat. Hockey ” Unleashed The Doctors Sportsnet News Hour NHL The Queen Dew Tour Connected ”” Hockey: Latifah Show Highlights Anna Olson Canucks Sportsnetat Ent Debt/Part Connected Young & World Poker ET Canada Coyotes Restless Tour Noon News Howie Do It Hockeycen” HourMillers tral at Noon Early News Dakar The Sportsnet Global Nat. Days of our Hockey Fighter Sean Saves Fighter Lives News Hour NHL ”” Fox Show ” Hockey: The Talk UFC Elementary Sportsnet Unleashed ”” Connected Ent Canucks at ET Canada Coyotes The Queen Dew Tour News Hour Hockey Latifah Show Highlights Final NFL Game. Howie Do It ” TheCanada Millers Sportsnet Young & World Poker ET Sportsnet Restless Tour The SeanTest Saves Connected Fighter Early News Dakar Fox Show ” Global Nat. Hockey Elementary Sportsnet News ”Hour NHL Connected ” Hockey: News Hour Hockey Ent Canucks at Final NFL Game. ET Canada Coyotes ET Canada Sportsnet Howie Do It Connected ” The Test The Millers Sportsnet

Daily Show 22 Minutes Jimmy Fallon Coronation


The Talk Anna Olson ” Debt/Part





Sportsnet Connected


” ”

A&E 1




Close How/Made Close How/Made How/Made Dude, You’re How/Made Screwed Daily Planet Salvage ” Hunters Alaska: The Close Last Frontier Close Auction Moonshiners How/Made Auction ” How/Made How/Made Moonshiners How/Made Daily Planet ” Dude, ”You’re How/Made Screwed Alaska: The How/Made Last Frontier Salvage Alaska: The Hunters Moonshiners Last Frontier ” Close Moonshiners Close ” Moonshiners

Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Steve ThisMinute Harvey ThisMinute Bethenny Law &” Order: SVU Simpsons Family Feud Two Men Family Feud 30 Rock Two Men Steve Paid Fam Prog. Mod Harvey Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Bethenny Big Bang ” ThisMinute American ThisMinute Simpsons Idol Two Men Law &” Order: Two Men ” SVU Mod Fam Family News Feud Family Feud ModBang Fam Big

Here Comes Little Couple Here Comes Little Couple Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Comes Here Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Honey Here Comes 19 Kids Here Comes Here Comes 19 Kids Here Comes Here Comes Little Couple Welcome to Little Couple Here MyrtleComes Here Comes Comes Here Here Comes Here Comes Comes Here Honey Here Comes Welcome to Here Here Comes Comes Myrtle Here Comes Comes Here Here Comes Here Comes Honey Welcome to

Seinfeld Judge Alex The Middle Judge Alex The Middle King Mod Fam King Big Bang Community Big Bang Community Browns Seinfeld Payne The Middle Divorce Browns The Middle Divorce Payne Mod Fam Judge Alex Mod Fam Judge Alex Big Bang Seinfeld Big Bang King Family Guy King BrownsGuy Family Payne Community Amer. Dad Community Browns Movie: Payne Seinfeld “Observe The Middle and Report” Mod Fam

” How/Made Moonshiners How/Made ” How/Made How/Made Daily Planet How/Made ” How/Made Alaska: The Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Moonshiners Moonshiners ” ” Moonshiners Moonshiners ” ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made

Big Bang Steve The Arsenio Harvey Hall Show American Idol Bethenny TMZ Sunny”” Simpsons ” Two Men News Two Mod Men Fam Mod Fam The Arsenio Big HallBang Show Big Bang TMZ American Sunny Idol

Myrtle Here Comes Comes Here Here Comes Comes Here Here Prog. Comes Paid Here Comes Paid Prog. Welcome to Here MyrtleComes Honey Here Comes Here Comes Honey Here Comes Here Comes Welcome to Here Comes Myrtle Paid Prog. Here Comes Paid Prog. Here Comes

” ”

Welcome to Myrtle


The National Alaska: The ” Last Frontier CBC News ”


Moonshiners News ” Mod Fam

The National Moonshiners The Arsenio ” ” Hall Show





Parenthood ”

Crazy Hearts Funny Home Lang & ” Videos O’Leary

How/Made How/Made

TMZ Sunny

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.



Portrait-City Haley’s Hint

” Jimmy Fallon

19 Kids and Counting

Divorce Divorce

Sesame Street

Today cont’d

Judge Alex Judge Alex

Daniel Tiger Super Why!

New Day Northwest

TLC Four< Weddings

King King


KING 5 News

19 Kids and Four Counting Weddings

Divorce Seinfeld Divorce The Middle

Four Four Weddings Weddings Four Borrowed Weddings Borrowed Four Say Yes Weddings Say Yes 19 Four SayKids Yes and Counting Weddings Say Yes

Judge Alex The Middle Judge Alex Mod Fam King Big Bang King Big Bang Community Browns Community Payne Divorce Seinfeld Browns Divorce The Middle Payne

Days of our Lives Sesame Charlie Rose Today Dr. Phil Street” cont’d ” Daniel Tiger New Day Peg Plus Cat Katie Super Why! Northwest Sid Science ”

The View ”

The First 48 ”

Invasion Almost

CBC News Now With

Auction Auction

30 Rock Pain Free


Anna Olson Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Heartland ”

Young & Restless

Anna Olson Debt/Part

Sportsnet Connected

Rolie Polie Thomas

KOMO 4 News

The First 48 ”

Flamingo Squirrel

Carole MacNeil

How/Made How/Made

Family Feud Four Family Feud Weddings

” Premier

Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Hockeycentral at Noon

SNP European ) Poker Tour

Dino Dan The Chew Making Stuff ”

KNOW KOMO Dragon General * ` Pajanimals Hospital

The First 48 ”

A&E The1 First 48 ”

Kid vs. Kat Sidekick

YTV Rated A for 6 Monster

CBC News Now With

Alaska: The ThisMinute Last Frontier ThisMinute

Sportsnet Darts Connected ”

Poppy Cat Big Bear Pajanimals PAW Patrol

The The View Doctors ”” Sportsnet Rolie Polie KOMO World Poker Clifford-Dog The Dr.4Oz Connected Thomas News Tour G. Shrinks Show HockeycenDino The Chew Quest for MayaDan Bee KOMO 4 tral Noon Making the at Cup Arthur Stuff News ” European Dragon General WHL Martha News Poker Tour Pajanimals Hospital Hockey: Wild Kratts World News Sportsnet Poppy Cat The Darts Pats Park Big Bear The View Doctors Regina KOMO 4 Connected Pajanimals ” PAW Patrol at Kootenay Our Part News ””

The The First First 48 48 ”” The First First 48 48 The ”” The The First First 48 48 ”” The The First First 48 48 ” The First 48 The First After the 48 ”” First 48

Invasion Kid vs. Kat Almost League/Evil

CBC PowerNews & Now With Politics

Flamingo Sidekick Squirrel Squirrel Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Sidekick Kung Fu Rated A for Odd Parents Monster SpongeBob Invasion Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Almost League/Evil SpongeBob

Sportsnet World Poker Ice Connected ” Tour HockeycenSportsnet Quest for tral at Noon Connected the Cup European Hockey WHL Poker Tour Canucks TV Hockey: Darts Sportsnet Regina Pats ” Connected at Kootenay World Poker Hockey Ice Tour Ski TV” Quest for Sportsnet Sportsnet the Cup Connected Connected WHL Hockey Hockey: Canucks TV Regina Pats Sportsnet at Kootenay Connected Ice Hockey ” Ski TV Sportsnet

Rolie Clifford-Dog CoastPolie Thomas ” G. Shrinks Dino Dan Murder Maya Bee Making Myster. Stuff Arthur Dragon Lewis Martha Pajanimals ” Wild Kratts Big Bear ” Park PAW Patrol Highway Our Part Clifford-Dog Architects of Coast G. Shrinks Change ” Maya Bee Murder Murder Arthur Myster. Myster. Martha Lewis Wild Kratts ” Park ” Our Part Highway Coast Architects of ” Change Murder

The First The DOAFirst ”” The First The First ” ” The First The First ”” The First After the After the ” First 48 48 First The First DOA DOA ” ”” The First First The The First ””” The First The First ” ” After the After the First 48 First 48 DOA DOA ” ” The First

Flamingo Sidekick Movie: Squirrel “The Squirrel Kid vs. Kat Neverending SpongeBob Sidekick Story”Fu Kung Rated A for Babysitting Odd Parents Monster Splatalot SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Splatalot SpongeBob League/Evil Zoink’d! SpongeBob Sidekick Mr. Young Movie: Squirrel Boys “The SpongeBob The NeverNeverending Kung Fu ending Story” Story Odd Parents Babysitting SpongeBob Splatalot SpongeBob Splatalot SpongeBob Zoink’d! Movie: Mr. Young “The Boys Neverending

Connected Sportsnet Connected Hockey

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Republic of Doyle Bookaboo Steven and Doodlebops Chris

The Doctors Let’sPrice MakeIsa The The Talk Right ”” Deal Heartland Young & AnnaQueen Olson Best Recipes ThisMinute The ” Restless Debt/Part Stefano ThisMinute Latifah Show CBC News KIRO Dragons’ JudgeNews Judy Noon YoungNews & Now Bold Den Judge Judy Hour Restless Republic of The Talk our News KIRO News Days Early of News Doyle News KIRO ”News Lives Global Nat. Bookaboo The Price Is The Doctors Steven and KIRO Let’s Make The Talk News Newsa News Hour Doodlebops RightNews ChrisMercer CBS Deal Rick ”” Heartland Young & Anna Olson Best Recipes ThisMinute The George S Ent Ent Queen ” Restless Debt/Part Coronation The Insider ET Canada Stefano ThisMinute Latifah Show



CBC News Marketplace Dragons’ Now Rick Mercer Den Republic the fifth of News Doyle estate News Steven and The National News Chris ” Rick Mercer Best Recipes CBC News George S Stefano George S Coronation Dragons’ Backstage Marketplace Den Coronation Rick Mercer News the fifth News estate News The Rick National Mercer ” George S CBC News Coronation George S Marketplace

KIRO News Undercover Judge Judy Bold Boss Judy Judge The Talk HawaiiNews FiveKIRO ” 0 KIRO News Let’s Bloods Make a Blue KIRO Deal ”News CBS News ThisMinute KIRO News Ent ThisMinute Late Show The Insider Judge Judy Letterman Undercover Judge Judy Ferguson Boss KIRO News Hawaii FiveKIRO News 0 KIRO News Blue CBS Bloods News ” Ent KIRO News The Insider Late Show Undercover

Noon BonesNews Young & Hour ” Restless Days ofFiveour Hawaii Early News Lives 0 Global Nat. The Talk Dracula News ”Hour ”” The Queen News Hour Ent Latifah Show Final ET Canada Young & ET Canada Bones Restless The Test ” Early News Hawaii FiveGlobal Nat. 0 News Hour Dracula ” ” Ent News Hour ET Canada Final Bones

Team ” Neighbors SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang ” The Test Competition Hawaii Five- Jimmy Grimm Fallon ” 0 ”

Rick Mercer Backstage Coronation the fifth

Boss ” Letterman ET Canada Ferguson Test Hawaii Five- The Hawaii Five0 0

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The National Blue Bloods ” ”

Dracula ”

Sportsnet Connected

” Highway

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hockey Ski TV

Architects of News Change Jimmy

Letterman Ferguson


ET Canada The Test

”” Curling: Darts Continental SportsCentre ” Cup: Men’s NBA Premier Team Basketball Curling: Competition ” Continental ” Cup: Singles SportsCentre ””” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre Curling: SportsCentre ” Continental NBA SportsCentre Cup: Men’s Basketball Team ” ” Competition ” ” ” SportsCentre ” Curling: SportsCentre Continental ” Cup: Men’s

Anna Olson The Ent Queen Debt/Part ET Canada Latifah Show Noon BonesNews Young & Hour ” Restless Days ofFiveour Hawaii News Lives 0 ” The Talk Dracula Global ” Nat. CHBC” News The Queen CHBC News Ent Latifah Show Final ET Canada Young & ET Canada Bones Restless The Test ” News Hawaii” Five0 Global Nat. Dracula CHBC News ” Ent CHBC News ET Canada Final Bones

The Bethenny etalkMarilyn Denis Big Bang ”Show CTV Mike News Ellen DeGe” Neighbors neres Show The Social Grimm CTV News ”” at Five Dr. Phil Blue Bloods CTV News ” ”” Bethenny News-Lisa etalk ” CTV News Big Bang Ellen DeGeBig Bang Mike neres Show Jimmy Fallon Neighbors CTV News Grimm at Five ” CTV News Blue Bloods ” ” etalk News-Lisa Big Bang CTV Mike News

Blue Bloods ”

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test


Big Bang Backstage Jimmy Fallon Coronation

:00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 2014 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 1 :30 # $ % & :00 2 :30 :00 10 :00 SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 2014 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 4 :30 :00 :00 # $ % & 12 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 :00 1 10 :30 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 2 11 :30 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 3 12 :30 8 :30 :30 :00 :00 4 1 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 5 2 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 6 11 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 7 :30 12



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Sportsnet Connected

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Days of our The Social Lives ” The Doctors The View The Talk Dr. Phil ”” ”” ”” AnnaQueen Olson Bethenny The Marilyn The Darts Debt/Part SportsCentre Latifah Show Denis ”Show ” Noon News CTV NBA Young & Ellen News DeGePremier Hour Basketball Restless neres ”Show Curling: Days ” News of our The CTVSocial News Continental Lives ” ” at Five” Curling The Doctors The View Cup: Singles The Talk Dr. Phil ” Global Nat. CTV News ”” SportsCentre CHBC”” News ””

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Amer. Dad Movie:


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The Price Is Right

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48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

48 Neighbors ” Kimmel Live The First 48 Nightline ” Shark Tank The First 48 ” ” 20/20 ”


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NEWS Reshmi Nair 7 ”

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Four Weddings


Four Four Borrowed Weddings Borrowed Weddings Four Say Yes Borrowed Weddings Say Yes Borrowed Four Borrowed Say Yes Weddings Borrowed Say Yes Four Say Yes Say Yes Weddings Say Yes Yes Say Four Borrowed Borrowed Weddings Borrowed Borrowed Borrowed Paid Prog. Say Yes Borrowed Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes Borrowed Say Yes Borrowed Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Borrowed Borrowed Borrowed Say Yes

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Splatalot Zoink’d!

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Say Yes Say Yes

“The Craft” ”

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the 60s ” ”

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Celebrating the Game

College Basketball

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Close Close


Untold Stories of ER

Basketball: Arkansas at

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30 for 30 ”

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Noon News Hour

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Moves Simpsons

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KAYU ; UFC’s Road

TLC < Untold Sto-

WTBS A Florida at

the Side ”

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Georgia ”

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” NEWS ” 7 The National

Untold Stories of ER

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YTV 6 Mr. Young



of X Storage SNP Parks KNOW World KOMO A&E Great Parks Games Storage ) * ` 1 Matt Hughes Frontiers of ESPN Sports Storage

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IssueNews CBC CBC News The National Mansbridge Now With

Flights Mayday ” How/Made How/Made Close

” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Bones ” Barrett-

ries of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Sto-

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Arkansas at Family Guy Family GeorgiaGuy

Hour ” CHBC News Moves Fishn Global Nat. Simpsons Real Fishing CHBC News Simpsons Powerboat 16x9 Simpsons Driving TV ” Movie: Noon News Haven “You Hour Don’t ” Mess MovesWith Continuum the Zohan” Simpsons ” ” Simpsons True Crime CHBC News Simpsons Scene Global Nat. Movie: News Final CHBC News “You Don’t Saturday Mess With 16x9 Night Live the Zohan” ” ”

Basketball Driving TV Changers Mess With Sports” Stars the Zohan” Noon News KIRO ”News Hour ” KIRO News Global Nat. College Moves College Fishn CBS News News Hour Basketball Simpsons Basketball Real Fishing KIRO News ” ” Simpsons College Powerboat Steve ”Raible 16x9 Simpsons Basketball Driving TV The Insider ” Dr. Chris-Vet Movie: ” Noon News Mike Haven Changers “You Don’t ” Hour Broke Girl ” Changers Mess With College Moves 48 Hours Continuum Sports Stars Simpsons the Zohan” Basketball ” ” KIRO ”News Simpsons ” 48 Hours True Crime KIRO Nat. ”News Global Simpsons ” Scene CBS News News Hour Dr. Chris-Vet Movie: KIRO News News Final KIRO News “You Don’t ” Changers EntertainSaturday Changers Mess With Steve Raible 16x9 ment ’Night Night Live Sports Stars the Zohan” The Insider ” Paid Prog. ”

Close Cash Cab How/Made Naked and

Agbeko ” vs. Guillermo ” Curling Rigondeaux Curling: ” Curling: Women’s ” Continental Team Motoring Cup: Men’s Competition 30 for 30 Team SportsCentre ” Competition Boxing: ” SportsCentre Joseph Curling: ” Agbeko vs. Women’s SportsCentre Guillermo Team ” Rigondeaux Competition SportsCentre Curling: SportsCentre ” Boxing: Continental SportsCentre Joseph Cup: Men’s ”

Corner Gas NHL Hockey: Celebrity Movie Night Hockey: Junk Raiders New York etalk ” Montreal Rangers at App Central Canadiens at The Social Ottawa SickKids Celebrating CTV News Toronto ” Senators Foundation the Game ” Maple Leafs Canada’s It Is Written Celebrating NHL W5 NHL Worst Driver the Game Corner Gas Hockey: ” Hockey: Cash Cab The Junk Raiders NewNational York Big Bang Flames at Celebrity HNIC ” Rangers at Anger Canucks Celebrity NHL The Social Ottawa Mike ” Movie ”Night Senators Hockey: Cleveland HNIC After etalk Montreal Canada’s Celebrating Saving Hope Hours App Central Worst Driver Canadiens the Game at ” News CTV News Toronto Cash Cab The National News NHL Hockey ” Maple Leafs Celebrity HNIC CTV News ” Celebrity W5 NHL Movie: ” Movie ”Night Hockey: “Footloose” ”


Ottawa Senators

” ”

KIRO _ ”


CHAN ( Simpsons


Matchday NBA Action NBA FIS Alpine

SNP Basketball: Skiing )

Construction Saturday Maya Bee Born-Explore Jungle Book Sea Rescue Waterfront ” Cities ” Docs Marco Polo Wildlife Wild Kratts Exped. Wild National Cash Cab Geographic Cash Cab Animals Paid Prog.

KNOW KOMO Early News Animals Facelift! * `

Mayne Mayne

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Yu-Gi-Oh! B-Daman


CBC News CBC News


KING 5 Ellen DeGeNews neres Show Days KING of 5 our Lives News Sesame Today Charlie Rose Dr. Phil News PBS Nightly Street cont’d ” NewsHour News ” Judge Alex Daniel Tiger New The Peg Plus Cat Katie Mod Middle Fam Washington NewsDay Judge Alex Super Why! Seinfeld Charlie Rose Northwest Evening Mod Fam Sid Science ” King NOVA KING 5 Family Guy Doc Martin Dateline Big Bang Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeKing ” News Family Guy ” NBC Show Big Bang WordGirl neres Community Moveable Days of Amer. Dad The Best of KING Grimm5 our Browns Business Community Rick Steves Lives ” Movie: the 60s Payne World News News Seinfeld Charlie Rose Dr. Phil “The Craft” Dracula Browns PBS ”” Nightly The Middle ” News ” Payne” NewsHour News ” The Middle Peg Plus Cat Katie ” Doc Martin: News KING News Mod Fam Washington Mod Sid Science Jay Leno ” Lara Fam Croft: Revealed Seinfeld Charlie Rose Evening Big Bang Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeTomb Raider ” ” Family Guy WordGirl Doc Martin Dateline Big Bang neres Show Family” Guy Inside”Foyle Jimmy NBC Fallon Browns Business KING 5 Amer. Dad The Best of Grimm Payne World News News Movie: the 60s ” Browns PBS Nightly News “The Craft” ” Dracula Payne NewsHour News ” ” ” Mod Fam Washington News ” Doc Martin: News Seinfeld Charlie Rose KING Evening Lara Croft: Revealed Jay Leno Family Guy Doc Martin Dateline FamilyRaider Guy NBC ” Tomb ” Inside Foyle Amer. ”Dad The Best of Jimmy Grimm Fallon


Story” ” ” The NeverLang & Mayday ending Story O’Leary ” Babysitting The National Dangerous Splatalot ” Flights Salvage Hunters

Say Yes Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Borrowed


Birak ”


Salvage Hunters

Collector Car Auction

Untold Stories of ER

Jackson ries of ER Trout TV Untold StoLivin’ Dream ries of ER BarrettUntold StoHow I Met Untold StoJackson ries of ER ” How I Met ries of ER Salvage Collector Untold StoStoMayday Paid Prog. Untold Bering Sea Two Auction Men Untold StoHunters Car ries of ER ER ” Paid Prog. ries of Gold: Under Big Bang ries of ER Dangerous UFC’s Road Untold StoClose BarrettUntold StoYukon Mod Fam Sex Sent Flights Men ” ries of of ERMe Close Jackson ries ER ” TBA to the E.R. How/Made Bones Untold Naked and BarrettUntold StoStoMoonshiners Almost” Untold StoHow/Made ries of Afraid Jackson ries of ER ER ” Human ries of ER Cash Cab Trout TV Untold StoSalvage Collector Untold StoBering Sea The Untold StoHow/Made Livin’Auction Dream ries ries of of ER ER Hunters Car Gold: Under Following ries of ER Gold Rush How I Met Dangerous UFC’s Road Untold StoYukon”Men News Sex Sent Me How I ”Met Flights ries of ER ” Wanted to the E.R. Bering Sea Two Men How/Made Bones Untold StoGold Rush Animation Untold StoGold: Under Big Bang How/Made ” ries of ER ” Domination ries of ER Cash Cab TroutFam TV Untold StoYukon Men Mod Sex Sent Me Naked and The Arsenio Peter Popoff How/Made Livin’ Dream to ries of E.R. ER ” TBA the Afraid Hall Show Paid Prog.

DISC Gold Rush Afraid 9



College Basketball:

” KCTS ” N ”


Figure Skating

” PreEnglish mier JustinLeague Time Tree Fu Soccer Tom

Cooks: SnowboardCookingOn Exploration Nick Stellino Kids the Side ing News Rough” Cut KING ”5 The Middle Old House News College ” Figure PrePaid Prog. Thomas English Nick and SherlockNightly News Basketball: ” Skating College Bob Builder mier League Norah’s World KING News Florida at ” ” Basketball: KCTS 9 Soccer Infi nite 3 Steps to Traveler Auburn ” On ” Arkansas at Cooks: SnowboardPlaylist Incredible Backroads Community Test Kitchen Justin Time Georgia the Side ing The Closer Health!-Joel Tree Chicago PD Community Cook’s Fu ” ” ” Tom ” ” ” Family Guy Cooking Exploration College ” Figure Anchorman: Movie: Chicago PD Family Guy Nick Stellino Kids News Basketball: ” Skating The Legend “West Side ” The Middle Rough” Cut KING ”5 Florida at of Ron Story” Saturday The Middle Old House News ” Auburn ” Burgundy ” Night Live Nick and SherlockNightlyTime News Community Test Kitchen Justin Movie: KING News Norah’s World ” KINGFu News Community Cook’s Tree Tom “The Boys Film School Saturday Family Cooking Exploration Infi nite Guy 3 Steps to Traveler Are Back” Austin City Night Live Family Guy Nick Stellino Backroads Kids News Playlist Incredible ” Limits ”

WTBS TheA Middle ”


2 :30 # $ % & _ :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 2014 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 6 :30 1 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 7 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 2014 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 10 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 11 :00 :30 10 :30 12 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 2014 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 2014 12 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 6 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 8 :30 10 :00 4 :00 :30 9 :30 11 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :30 12 :00 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 :30 12 2 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 8 :30 TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2014 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 10 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 11 :30 10 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 11 :30 TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2014 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 2 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 3 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2014 1 :00 :30 6 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 # $ % & _ 3 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 10 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :00 11 :30 1 :30 7 :00 :00 12 2 :30 8 :30 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2014 3 :30 9 :00 :00 10 4 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 11 5 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 12 6 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 12 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30

Simpsons Block Movie: Lorna Dueck “Soul Joel Osteen Surfer” Dr. Jeremiah ” Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Blowdown ” ” Security Simpsons Security Simpsons Block 20th Annual Simpsons Lorna Dueck Screen Movie: Joel Osteen Actors Guild “Soul Dr. Jeremiah Awards Surfer” Noon News The Good Hour ” Wife Global Nat. Blowdown News Final News Hour Block ” ” Simpsons Paid Prog. Security Simpsons Paid Prog. Security Simpsons 20th Annual Movie: Screen “Soul Actors Guild Surfer” Awards ” The Good Global Nat. Wife News Hour News Final ” Block Security Paid Prog. Security Paid Prog.

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” Rescue ” Paid Prog. Cash Cab Paid Prog. Cash Cab Paid Prog. News Cash Cab World News Cash Cab KOMO 4 Paid Prog. News Paid Prog. Funny Home The Videos Bachelor Rescue The ” Paid Prog. Bachelor ” Paid Prog. Revenge CashProg. Cab Paid ” Cash Cab Cash Cab Betrayal News Cab Cash ” World News Paid Prog. News KOMO 4 Paid Prog. Red Carpet News The Castle Funny Home Bachelor Videos” ” The ” Bachelor Cash Cab Revenge Cash Cab ” News Betrayal World News ” KOMO 4 News News Red Carpet Funny Home Castle Videos”

Duck GoodFellas Dynasty ” Duck D. ” Duck D. ” Duck D. Crazy Hearts Duck D. ” Duck D. Crazy Hearts Duck D. ” Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. GoodFellas Duck Duck ” Dynasty Dynasty ” Duck D. Duck D. ” Duck D. Duck D. Crazy Hearts Duck D. Duck D. ” Duck D. Duck D. Crazy Hearts Duck D. Duck D. ” Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Duck D. D. Duck Dynasty Duck D. Duck Duck Dynasty Dynasty Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Duck D. Dynasty

” Odd Parents Movie: Monsters “The Karate SamPart & Cat Kid II” Hathaways ” Thunder ” Assembly Movie: Movie: “The Next “The Karate Karate Kid” Kid” ” ” Odd Parents ” ” Monsters Japanizi Movie: Sam & Cat Babysitting “The Karate Hathaways Splatalot Kid Part II” Thunder Mr. Young ” Assembly Boys ” Movie: Mr. Young Movie: “The Boys Karate “The Next Kid” Next The Karate Kid” Karate”” Kid ” Movie:” Japanizi “The Karate Babysitting Kid Part II” Splatalot ” Mr. Young ” Boys Movie: Mr. Young “The Next Boys Karate Kid” The Next Karate” Kid

Doc Zone CBC News ” CBC News the fifth Now With estate Christine Mystery of a Birak Masterpiece ” The National ”” ” The ” Passionate Marketplace CBC Eye News Doc Zone CBC News ” ” Now With The National the fifth Christine ” estate Birak The Mystery of a ” Passionate Masterpiece Eye ” The National ”” ” ” The The National Marketplace ” Passionate Doc Zone Eye ” ” the fifth The National estate ” Mystery of a The Masterpiece Passionate The National Eye ” ” The National The Passionate ”

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NFL Football 30 Rock ” Kids News ” Old House ” Stop Pain ” Paid Prog. ” Glee ” ” The OT Two Men The Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Following NFL Sunday 30 Rock ” NFL Football Kids News Mod Fam ” Old House Big Bang ” Stop Pain Two Men ” Paid Prog. News ” Glee Bones ””” ” Two Men TMZ The OT Paid Prog. The ” NFL Sunday Following NFL Football ” ” Mod Fam ” Big Bang ” Two Men ” News ” Bones ” ” The OT TMZ The ”

Real Life Announced Dateline: Dateline: Real Life Real Life Sister Wives Dateline: ” Real Life Sister Wives Dateline: ” Real Life 90 Day Dateline: Fiance Real Life To Be Wives Sister Dateline: Announced ” Real Life Dateline: 90 Day Dateline: Real Life Fiance Real Life Dateline: Sister Wives SisterLife Wives Real ” ” Dateline: Dateline: Sister Wives Real Real Life Life ” Dateline: Paid Prog. 90 Day Real Life Paid Prog. Fiance Dateline: Sister Wives Real Life ” Dateline: 90 Day Real Life Fiance Sister Wives Sister Wives ” ” Sister Wives Dateline: ” Real Life 90 Day Paid Prog. Fiance Paid Prog.

Four Rooms NCIS: Los ” Angeles

20th Annual Screen

Canucks TV Dakar

Foyle’s War ”

The Bachelor

Duck Dynasty

” Japanizi


To Be Announced

Following ”

Sister Wives ” ” Seinfeld

Dragons’ Den

Actors Guild Oil Change Awards ”

Revenge ”

Duck D. Duck D.

Babysitting Splatalot

The National To Be ” Announced

Mod Fam Big Bang

90 Day Fiance

” Simpsons ” A16 ” :00 NBA Block SportsCentre Coronation SportsCentre Basketball: Top 100 Lakers at Bloopers Raptors Top 100 Plays ” Cabbie Curling: Curling: Continental Continental Cup: Skins Cup: Skins ” NBA ”” ” Basketball: SportsCentre SportsCentre Lakers” at Top 100 Raptors Motoring Bloopers ” SportsCentre Top 100 Cabbie ” Plays Curling: SportsCentre Curling: Continental ” Continental Cup: Skins SportsCentre Cup: Skins ”” ” ” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre Top 100 ” Bloopers Motoring Top 100 SportsCentre Plays ” Curling: SportsCentre Continental ” Cup: Skins SportsCentre ””

Movie: Lorna Dueck “Soul Joel Osteen Surfer” Dr. Jeremiah ” Noon News CHBC News Hour Global Nat. Blowdown CHBC News ” Security Simpsons Security Simpsons Block 20th Annual Simpsons Lorna Dueck Screen Movie: Joel Osteen Actors Guild “Soul Dr. Jeremiah Awards Surfer” Noon News The Good Hour ” Wife CHBC News Blowdown News Final Global Nat. Block ” CHBC News Simpsons Paid Prog. Security Simpsons Paid Prog. Security Simpsons 20th Annual Movie: Screen “Soul Actors Guild Surfer” Awards ” The Good CHBC News Wife Global Nat. News Final CHBC News Block Security Paid Prog. Security Paid Prog.

” 20th Annual SportsCentre Screen ” Motoring

NFL Football ” ” The NFL ” Today ” NFL Football ” ” ” ”” ” TBA The ” ” SportsCentre Following ”” NFL Football The NFL Castle Today ”” ” NFL Football The ” Mentalist ” News ” ”” CTV News ” ” The TBA ” Mentalist The ” Following NFL Football ” ” Castle” ” ” The ” Mentalist ” News ” CTV News TBA The The Mentalist

” Marketplace Mosque OurD Mr. Vancouver Movie: Land & Sea “Bolt” Mansbridge ” FIS Alpine ” Skiing Heartland FIS Snow” boarding Coronation Four Rooms Marketplace ”” ” Our Dragons’ Mosque Vancouver Den Mr. D LandNational & Sea The Movie: Mansbridge ” “Bolt” FIS Alpine CBC News ” Skiing the fifth ” FIS Snowestate Heartland boarding Canadian ” ” Four Rooms ” ” Mosque Dragons’ Mr. D Den Movie: The National “Bolt” ” ” CBC News ” the fifth Heartland estate ” Canadian

Following ”

Actors Guild Castle Awards ”

” ChampionPost Game ship Chase Jamie Oliver The NFL Pets.TV Today KIRO News NFL Football KIRO News ” CBS News KIRO ”News ” 60 Minutes ”” ” ChampionNCIS: Los ” ship Chase Angeles Post Game The The NFL Jamie Oliver Today Mentalist Pets.TV NFL Good Football The KIRO News Wife ” KIRO News KIRO ”News CBS News KIRO ”News KIRO News ” Face/Nation 60 Minutes ” Paid Prog. ” ” NCIS: Los Post Game Angeles Jamie Oliver The Pets.TV Mentalist KIRO News The Good KIRO News Wife CBS News KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News 60 Minutes Face/Nation ” Paid Prog.

The Mentalist







Sportsnet Connected




” Park

KNOW KOMO ” * ` News

SportsCentre The Good ” Wife

The Mentalist

The National The Good ” Wife

The Good Wife


Betrayal ”

SportsCentre News Final Block To Be ” The Doctors Announced Paid Prog. ” SportsCentre Paid ”” AnnaProg. Olson

News CTV News The View

CBC News the fifth Bookaboo

KIRO News KIRO News The Price Is

Amazing Planet Poppy Cat

The ” Mentalist The Marilyn

Doodlebops estate Canadian Our

Right Face/Nation Paid Prog. Young &

News Final Saturday Block Poker: The Doctors Night Sportsnet ” Connected Paid Prog. Sportsnet Paid AnnaProg. Olson Connected NBA

Pajanimals Foyle’s War ” Rolie Polie

Red Carpet The View Castle” KOMO” 4 News


A&E 1

A&E 1












Sister Wives Seinfeld ” Movie:

Duck D. Duck D. Mayne

Mr. Young Boys Invasion


To Be Announced Auction

Dateline: Real Life 19 Kids

Mayne Duck Dynasty Bad Ink

Almost The Next Karate Kid Flamingo

Bones ” 30 Rock

Denis Show






Bad Ink


Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Raptors at Bobcats

Dino Dan The Chew Making Stuff ”

Bad Ink Bad Ink

Kid vs. Kat Sidekick

CBC News Now With

” ”

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Republic of Doyle

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

” FIS Alpine

Dragon Pajanimals

General Hospital

Bad Ink Bad Ink

Rated A for Monster

Reshmi Nair Deadliest ” Catch

The Talk ” Doctors The Queen Latifah” Show Anna Olson Young & Debt/Part Restless

Dr. Phil ” The View Bethenny ””

Steven and Chris Bookaboo Best Recipes Doodlebops Stefano

Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is The Queen Doctors ThisMinute Right ThisMinute Latifah” Show Young Judy & Anna Olson Judge Young & Restless Debt/Part Judge Judy Restless

NEWS Power & 7 Politics

DISC Manufact. 9 How/Made

Law & Order: SVU

Sportsnet Poppy Cat World Poker Clifford-Dog Connected Pajanimals Tour G. Shrinks NBAAlpine Rolie Polie FIS Maya Bee Basketball: Thomas Skiing Arthur

The View Dr. Oz Show ” KOMO 4 4 KOMO News News

Invasion Sidekick Almost Squirrel

CBC News ” Now With ” Carole Lang & MacNeil O’Leary

Auction How/Made Auction How/Made

30 Rock Steve Paid Prog. Harvey

KIRO News News KIRO Bold News KIRO The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News

Raptors at Bobsledding Bobcats ” ” Sportsnet FIS Alpine Connected

Dino Dan The Chew Martha News Making Stuff World ”News Wild Kratts Dragon General4 Animals KOMO Pajanimals Hospital Animals News

Mayne Duck D. Mayne Duck D. Bad Ink Duck D. Bad Ink Duck D. Bad Ink Duck D. Bad Ink Duck D. Bad Ink Ink Bad Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Mayne Bad Ink Mayne

Kid vs. Kat CBC News News Odd Parents CBC Sidekick Now With SpongeBob ” Rated&ACat for Reshmi Nair Klondike Deadliest Sam The National Monster Catch ” Assembly ”” Kid vs. Kat Power & Manufact. Hathaways CBC News ” League/Evil Politics How/Made Babysitting ” ”




How/Made How/Made Auction How/Made How/Made Auction Daily Planet Klondike Airplane ” Repo ” How/Made ” The Alaska: How/Made ” Last Frontier Klondike How/Made Deadliest ” How/Made Catch ” Auction Odd Manufact. ” ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Klondike Daily Planet ” ” ” How/Made ” How/Made How/Made

Noon News News Hour ”

The Marilyn Our Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Denis Show Show Den Vancouver neres CTV News News CBC News CTV News Now at Five” News

To Be ” ” Announced ”” ””

Days ofNat. our Global Lives News CHBC The Talk Ent ” ET Canada

The Social CTV News ”” Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang

Republic of News DoyleMercer Rick Steven and George S Chris Coronation

” To Be ” ” SportsCentre Announced ” ””” NFL Films ” ” SportsCentre ”” ”” To Be SportsCentre ” Announced ”” ” SportsCentre ”” ”” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” ” NFL Films ” SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre

The Queen Sleepy The Doctors Latifah Show Hollow ” Young”& Anna Olson Restless ” Debt/Part News The Blacklist Noon News ” ” Hour Global Nat. CHBC News Days our CHBCofNews Final Lives Ent ET Canada The Talk ET Canada The Test ” Sleepy The Queen Hollow Latifah Show ” Young”& Restless The Blacklist News ” CHBC” News

Bethenny MasterChef The View ” Canada ” Ellen DeGeCastle The Marilyn neres Show Denis ”Show CTV News Intelligence CTV News at Five ”” CTV News News-Lisa The Social ” CTV News ” etalk Daily Show Dr. Big Phil Bang Jimmy” Fallon MasterChef Bethenny Canada ” Castle Ellen DeGe” neres Show Intelligence CTV News ” at Five News-Lisa

Final To Be ” Global Nat. Announced CHBC News SportsCentre ET Canada The ” Ent Test ” ET Canada

CTV News

”” ””

Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global Days of our News Hour Lives ”



KNOW The KOMO Doctors Wheel ” * ` Jeopardy!


Alaska: The Two Men Last Frontier News


” ” To Be ” Announced ” ”” ””

The Closer ”

The Passionate

” ”

KNOW KOMO Big Bear The Doctors * ` PAW Patrol ”



Mr. Young Boys

SNP Skiing ) Ski TV


Big Bang ” Big Bang Women’s Big Bang College Mod Fam Basketball Mod Fam ” Movie: Browns “Ocean’s Payne Eleven” King ” King Face/Off ” Big Bang ” Seinfeld Big Bang Women’s The Closer Big Bang College ” Big Bang Basketball Seinfeld Mod Fam ” Movie: Mod Fam Browns “Ghosts of Movie: Payne Girlfriends “Ocean’s King Past” Eleven” King There ”Yet? Big Bang ” Big Bang Seinfeld Big Bang TheBang Closer Big ” Mod Fam Seinfeld Mod Fam Movie: Movie: “Ghosts of “Ocean’s Girlfriends Eleven” Past” There ”Yet?

Duck D. Duck D.

” CBC News NowNational With Auction The To Be Announced Carole” Airplane MacNeil Repo

CHAN The Talk ( ”


A&E Bad Ink Bad1 Ink

A&E 1

YTV Kid vs. Kat 6 League/Evil Flamingo SpongeBob Squirrel Sanjay



” Cyberchase ” McLaughlin ” Moyers Globe All-Star Trekker Orchestra Weekend ReturnMoyers Wolves Victoria’s Great PerChildren formances at Sid Science Masterpiece the Met Cyberchase Classic ” McLaughlin Masterpiece ” Moyers Classic ” All-Star Masterpiece Globe Orchestra Mystery! Trekker Return” Weekend Wolves ” Moyers Great PerRoadtrip Victoria’s at formances Creation Children the Met Masterpiece ” Classic ” Masterpiece ” Classic Globe Masterpiece Trekker Mystery! Weekend ” Moyers ” Victoria’s Roadtrip Children Creation

Make-Noddy Hockey: Traveler Bruins at Backroads Blackhawks KING 5 SnowboardNews ing Nightly News Figure KING News Skating Dateline NBC ” ” NHL Bridesmaids LazyTown Hockey: ” Make-Noddy Bruins” at Traveler Blackhawks ” Backroads Snowboard” KING 5 ing ” News Figure KING News Nightly News Skating The 206 KING News ” Bensinger Dateline ” Paid NBC Prog. LazyTown Bridesmaids Make-Noddy ” Traveler ” Backroads ” KING 5 ” News ” Nightly News KING News KING News The 206 Dateline Bensinger NBC Prog. Paid

NFL Sunday Dateline: Big Bang the Met LazyTown L Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Lake Sid Country Calendar Paid Prog. To Be Face/Off Science NHL

Paid Prog. 19 Kids TMZ Paid Prog. Prog. Family” Feud Paid Medium Family Feud Medium

Alaska: The ThisMinute Last Frontier ThisMinute

Airplane Daily Planet Repo ” Alaska: The How/Made Last Frontier How/Made

KAYU Family Feud ; Family Feud



Masterpiece Bridesmaids Classic ” Masterpiece Classic

” ”



Masterpiece Mystery!

Divorce Past” There Judge Yet? Alex

” Sesame Street Roadtrip Creation Daniel Tiger

” ”

KING News The 206 Today cont’d Bensinger Paid New Prog. Day

Judge Alex

Super Why!


What Not to Wear

King King

The March ”

KING 5 News

Say Yes Say Yes

Community Community

Martha Rick Steves

Days of our

Divorce The Middle Divorce Mod Fam Judge Alex Big Bang Judge Alex Big Bang

Sesame Peg Plus Cat Street Sid Science Daniel Tiger Wild Kratts Super Why! WordGirl

Today Katie cont’d ”

King Browns King Payne

The March Business World ”News Martha PBS Rick Steves NewsHour

TLC Four < Weddings

19 Kids & Toddlers 19 Kids Tiaras Family Feud Bakery MediumBoss Bethenny Family” Feud Medium ” ThisMinute What Boss Not to Simpsons Cake ThisMinute Wear Boss Two Men Cake Law Men & Say Yes Two Cake Boss Order: SVU Cake Say Yes Mod Fam Boss

WTBS Seinfeld TheA Middle

KCTS Lives KING Charlie Rose Dr. Phil N P ” ”

New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING 5 5 KING News News

Community Browns Community Payne Four Seinfeld Bakery Boss Mod Fam Weddings The Middle ” Seinfeld Toddlers & The Middle Cake Boss Family 19 Kids DivorceGuy Tiaras Mod Fam Cake Boss Family 19 Kids DivorceGuy Bakery Boss Boss Amer. Big Bang Bakery Dad Medium Judge Alex ” Big Bang ” Movie: Alex Medium Judge Cake Boss Browns Cake Boss “I Love You, What Not to King Cake Boss Payne Cake Man” Wear Boss King Cake Boss Browns Bakery Boss Community ” Say Yes Cake Boss Payne ” Movie: Say Yes Community Bakery Boss Mod Fam Peter “Invincible” Four Popoff Seinfeld ” Seinfeld Paid Prog. ” Weddings The Middle Cake Boss Family Guy Toddlers & The Middle Cake Boss Family Guy Tiaras Mod Fam Bakery Boss Amer. Dad Bakery Bang ” Boss Big Movie: ” Big Bang Cake Boss “I Love You, Browns Cake Boss Man” Cake Boss Bakery Boss Payne”

Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Old House News ” ” Antiques Evening Peg Plus Cat Katie Antiques Hollywood Sesame Today Sid Science ” Roadshow Game Street cont’d Night Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeAntiques Hollywood Daniel Tiger New WordGirl neresDay Show Roadshow Game Night Super Why! Northwest Business KING 5 Pie The Blacklist The March KING 5 World News News Independent ” ” News PBS Nightly News Lens KING News Martha Days NewsHour News of our ” Jay Leno Rick Steves Lives Old House News Dyer Wishes ” Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Antiques Evening Fulfilled Jimmy” Fallon ” Antiques Hollywood Peg Plus Cat Katie Roadshow Game Night Sid Science ” Antiques Hollywood Wild Kratts Ellen Roadshow GameDeGeNight WordGirl neres Show Pie The Blacklist Business KING ”5 Independent World News KING News News Lens





Skiing Canucks TV Ski TV TV Ski

Big Bear Hope for PAW Patrol Wildlife

Best Recipes Murdoch Bookaboo Stefano Mysteries Doodlebops Dragons’ The Best Our Den Laid Plans Vancouver News The National CBC NewsNews Now ” News CBC News Republic of Rick Mercer George Doyle S George S 22 Minutes Steven and Coronation Coronation Chris Murdoch Best Recipes Mysteries Stefano The Best Dragons’ Laid Plans Den The National News ” NewsNews CBC

Let’s Make a Ent The Talk Ent DealInsider ” The ET Canada ThisMinute Queen How I Met Is The Sleepy The Price The Doctors ThisMinute Latifah Broke Hollow” Show Right Girl Judge Judy Young”& Mike Young & Anna Olson Judge Judy Restless Mom ” Restless Debt/Part KIRO News Early News Intelligence The Blacklist KIRO News Noon KIRO News GlobalNews Nat. ” ” Bold Hour KIRO News News Hour KIRO News News Hour The Days of CBSTalk News ” our Late Show Final ” Lives Ent Ent Letterman Canada Let’s Make a ET The Talk The Insider ET Canada Ferguson The Test Deal ” How I Met Sleepy ThisMinute The Queen Broke Girl Hollow ThisMinute Latifah Show Mike ” Judge Mom Judy Young”& Judge Judy Restless Intelligence The Blacklist KIRO ”News Early News ” KIRO News News News GlobalHour Nat. KIRO

World Poker FIS Alpine Sportsnet Tour Skiing Connected FIS Alpine Bobsledding NBA Skiing ” Basketball: Bobsledding Sportsnet Raptors ” at Connected Bobcats Sportsnet Hockey ” Connected Canucks TV FIS Alpine Canucks TV Sportsnet Skiing Ski TV Connected Ski TV FIS Alpine World Skiing Poker Tour Bobsledding FIS Alpine ” Skiing Sportsnet Bobsledding Connected ” Hockey

Clifford-Dog Wartime Poppy Cat G. Shrinks Farm Pajanimals Maya Bee The Dark Rolie ArthurPolie Ages Thomas Martha Architects Dino Dan of Wild Kratts Change Making Stuff Animals Hope for Dragon Animals Wildlife Pajanimals Hope for The Dark Big Bear Wildlife Ages PAW Patrol Wartime Clifford-Dog Farm G. Shrinks The Dark Maya Ages Bee Arthur Architects of Martha Change Wild Kratts Hope for

The Dr. Oz The View Show Bachelor ” KOMO” 4 KOMO News 4 News ” News Castle The Chew World News ”” KOMO 4 News General News Jimmy Hospital Wheel Kimmel Live The Doctors Jeopardy! Nightline ” The The Dr. Oz Bachelor Show ” KOMO” 4 News Castle News ” World News News

Duck D. Mayne Duck D. Mayne Mayne Duck D. DuckInk D. Bad Duck D. DuckInk D. Bad Duck D. Bad Ink Bad DuckInk D. Bad Bad Ink Ink Bad Ink Mayne Bad Bad Ink Ink Mayne Bad Ink Mayne Mayne Bad Ink Mayne Mayne Bad Ink Mayne Duck D. Mayne Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Bad Ink DuckInk D. Bad Duck D. Mayne

Sidekick Japanizi Invasion Squirrel Splatalot Almost SpongeBob Babysitting Flamingo Sanjay Splatalot Squirrel Odd Parents Splatalot Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Zoink’d! Sidekick Sam & Cat Mr. Young Rated A for Assembly Boys Monster Hathaways Japanizi Kid vs. Kat Babysitting Splatalot League/Evil Japanizi Sidekick Splatalot Squirrel Babysitting SpongeBob Splatalot Sanjay Splatalot Odd Parents Zoink’d! SpongeBob Mr. Young

” The CBCNational News ”” Now With Lang & The National Carole O’Leary ” MacNeil CBC News CBC CBC News News ” ” Now With The National The National Reshmi ” Nair ”” CBC News Lang Power& ”& O’Leary Politics The National ” ” The National Lang & ” O’Leary CBC News CBC News ” ” The National

” Daily Show Jimmy etalk Fallon Big Bang

George News S Rick Mercer 22 Minutes Coronation George S Coronation

Late KIROShow News CBS News Letterman Ferguson Ent The Insider

Final News Hour ” ET Canada The Ent Test ET Canada

Canucks SportsnetTV Connected Sportsnet Connected Canucks TV Ski TV

Wildlife Animals Animals The Dark Ages Hope for Wildlife

Jimmy KOMO 4 News Live Kimmel Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!

Mayne Bad Ink Bad Ink Mayne Mayne Mayne

Boys Sam & Cat Assembly Japanizi Splatalot Hathaways Babysitting

” Lang & O’Leary CBC News ”

” How/Made Hall The National Klondike Two Show Men ” Odd TMZ Mod Fam Auction ” Sunny Big Bang ” Big Bang

” Cake Boss Cake Boss Peter Popoff Paid Prog. Bakery Boss ”

Movie: Browns Payne “Invincible” ” Mod Fam Seinfeld

PBS ” NewsHour Dyer Wishes Fulfi lled Old House Antiques

News ” Jimmy News Fallon Evening

” Sleepy SportsCentre Hollow

MasterChef Canada

Murdoch Mysteries

How I Met Broke Girl

Sleepy Hollow

FIS Alpine Skiing

Wartime Farm

The Bachelor

Mayne Mayne

Japanizi Splatalot

The National How/Made ” How/Made

Cake Boss Cake Boss

Family Guy Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow

Hollywood Game Night

” NFL Films

Castle ”

The Best Laid Plans

Mike Mom

Duck D. Duck D.

Babysitting Splatalot

The National Klondike ” ”

Antiques Roadshow

Hollywood Game Night

” ”

” ”

SportsCentre The Blacklist Intelligence ” ” ”

The National Intelligence ” ”

CHAN The Blacklist ” (

SportsCentre Fishing-Flats ” 30 for 30 SportsCentre ” ” ”

CBC News Bookaboo George S Doodlebops 22 Minutes Heartland Coronation ”

News Hour The Doctors Final ” ET Canada Anna Olson The Test Debt/Part

CHBC News The Doctors Final ” ET Canada Anna Olson The Test Debt/Part

News-Lisa The View CTV News ” Daily Show The Marilyn Jimmy Fallon Denis Show

KIRO News The Price Is Late Show Right Letterman Young & Ferguson Restless

World Poker Noon News Tour Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

NFL Live ”

The Social ”

Republic of Doyle

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Dr. Phil ” The View

Steven and Chris Bookaboo

Days of our Lives

Off Record The Talk Interruption ” Fishing-Flats The Doctors 30 for 30 ” SportsCentre The Queen Latifah Show ”” Anna Olson ” Debt/Part NHL Young & Hockey: World Poker Restless Noon News Tour Hour Senators at News Capitals ” our NFL Live Days of Lives Nat. ”” Global TBA CHBC News Off Record The Talk Interruption ” NHL Hockey Ent ” ET Canada SportsCentre The Queen Latifah ”” NCIS Show Fishing-Flats The Doctors ”& NHL ” Young 30 for 30 ” Hockey: Restless ” NCIS: Los ” Anna SportsCentre Senators at Angeles News Olson ” Debt/Part Capitals ” Fire SportsCentre Chicago World ”Poker Noon ” Nat. GlobalNews Tour Hour TBA CHBC News SportsCentre News Hour NFL Days NHL Live Hockey Ent of our ” Final ” Lives ET Canada SportsCentre ET Canada Off Record The Talk ” NCIS The Test Interruption ” ”


Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ” The Price Is The Doctors ” Doodlebops Right ” Bethenny Best Recipes ThisMinute The Queen ” Stefano ThisMinute Latifah Show The Marilyn Heartland Young & Anna Olson Denis Show ” Restless Debt/Part Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Judge Judy Young & neres Show Den Judge Judy Restless CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News ” Now Bold News Early Hour News CTV News News KIRO at Five News KIRO News Days GlobalofNat. The Social Republic of The Talk our ” Doyle CTV News News KIRO ”News Lives News Hour ” Rick Mercer CBS ” Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s News Make a The Talk Chris Deal ” etalk ” George S Ent Ent Big Bang Coronation The Insider ET Canada Bethenny Best Recipes ThisMinute The Queen ” of Stefano Latifah Agents Rick Mercer ThisMinute NCIS NCIS Show The The Price Is The Doctors S.H.I.E.L.D. 22 Minutes ”Judy ”& EllenView DeGe- Bookaboo Dragons’ Judge Young Doodlebops Right ” neres ”Show Arctic Den Air Judge Los Judy NCIS: Restless Goldbergs NCIS: Los The Young & Anna Olson Trophy Wife Heartland Angeles Angeles CTVMarilyn News News ” KIRO News Early News Denis ” Restless Debt/Part at FiveShow News KIRO News Global Nat. Person of The National Person of Chicago Fire CTV CBC KIRO Interest ” Interest ”Hour CTV News News NewsNews KIRO News News Noon News News ”” Now Hour ” Rick Mercer Bold CBS News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News News Hour The Republic The Days etalkSocial Ent Talk Ent of our CTV News George Sof Late Show Final ” Doyle ” Lives Big Bang Coronation The Insider ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes Letterman ET Canada Dr. PhilFallon Steven and Let’s The Talk Agents of Rick Mercer NCISMake a The NCIS Jimmy Coronation Ferguson Test ” Chris Deal ” ” S.H.I.E.L.D. 22 Minutes

SportsCentre The Queen Bethenny ” NCIS: Los Goldbergs ” Latifah SportsCentre AngelesShow Trophy” Wife

” ”

Steve Sleepy 30 Rock Harvey Hollow Paid Prog. Bethenny Family”” Feud Family” Feud Simpsons News ThisMinute Two Men Mod Fam ThisMinute Two Men The Arsenio Law Mod & Fam Hall Show Order: SVU Big Bang TMZ Family Feud Big Bang Sunny Family Feud Sleepy Steve Hollow Harvey ” Bethenny ” ” News Simpsons Mod Fam Two Arsenio Men The

Sleepy Hollow ” ”

Bakery Boss Amer. Dad ” Movie:

Jay Leno Nightly News

SNP Sportsnet Connected )

KNOW KOMO Architects of Castle Change ” * `

A&E Bad Ink Bad1 Ink

YTV Splatalot Zoink’d! 6

NEWS CBC News ” 7

DISC ” ” 9

KAYU News Mod; Fam

TLC Cake Boss Cake Boss <

WTBS “I Love You, Man” A

KCTS Pie Independent N

The Blacklist ”

Hockey Sportsnet Canucks TV Connected Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected

Hope for Poppy Cat Wildlife Pajanimals The Dark Rolie Polie Ages Mr. Moon

Mayne Criminal Mayne Minds Mayne Criminal Mayne Minds

Mr. Young Invasion Boys Almost Japanizi Flamingo Splatalot Squirrel

The National CBC News ” Now With Lang & Carole O’Leary MacNeil

How/Made Auction How/Made Auction Auction Odd How/Made ” How/Made

The Arsenio 30 Rock Hall Show Paid Prog. TMZ Family Feud Sunny Family Feud

Bakery Boss Quintuplet ” Surprise Peter Popoff Little Couple Paid Prog. Little Couple

” Divorce Movie: Divorce “Invincible” Judge Alex ” Judge Alex

Lens Sesame ” Street Dyer Wishes Daniel Tiger Fulfilled Super Why!

KING News Today Jay Leno cont’d ” New Day Jimmy Fallon Northwest

Hockeycentral at Noon

Dino Dan The Chew Making Stuff ”

The First 48 ”

Kid vs. Kat Sidekick

CBC News Now With

Klondike ”

KNOW KOMO * The` Doctors

The First 48 ”

A&E 1

Rated A for Monster

Reshmi Nair ”

The First 48 ” Criminal

Kid vs. Kat League/Evil Invasion

Power & Politics CBC News

Highway Thru Hell Auction

Now With ” Carole”

Auction How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Daily Planet ” Klondike ” Gold Rush The Dirt ” ” Klondike ” Highway Thru Hell ” ” How/Made How/Made Dangerous Auction Flights Daily Planet Auction ” Klondike How/Made ” Gold Rush How/Made The Dirt ” Klondike ” Klondike ”” Dangerous Flights”” ” Gold Rush Highway Dangerous The Dirt Thru Hell Flights


World Poker Dragon Tour Pajanimals

News The View Jimmy ” Kimmel Live KOMO 4 Nightline News

General Hospital



Ironman Triathlon Sportsnet

Big Bear PAW PoppyPatrol Cat

Connected ” Hockey Sportsnet

Pajanimals Clifford-Dog G. Shrinks Rolie Polie Mr. Moon Maya Bee Arthur Dino Dan Making Stuff Martha Wild Kratts Dragon Pajanimals Hope for Wildlife Big Bear PAW Patrol Frontiers of Construction Clifford-Dog G. Shrinks The First Poppy Cat World War Maya Bee Pajanimals Arthur Emergency Rolie Polie ” Martha Mr. Moon IWild Am Kratts a Dino Dan Woman Hope forNow Making Wildlife Stuff Frontiers of Dragon Frontiers of Construction Pajanimals Construction Emergency Big TheBear First ” PAW WorldPatrol War

” The View ” Oz The Dr. Show KOMO 4 News KOMO 4 News The Chew News ” World News General Hospital KOMO 4 News The Doctors Wheel” Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz Show To Be The View Announced KOMO 4 News ” Goldbergs KOMO TBA News 4 News World News Killer The Chew Women KOMO 4 News ” News General Wheel Jimmy Hospital Jeopardy! Kimmel Live The Doctors To Be Nightline ” Announced

Minds Storage Storage Criminal Minds Storage Storage The First 48 ” Storage Storage The First 48 ” Storage Storage The First 48 ” Storage Storage Storage Crazy Hearts Criminal ” Storage Minds Storage Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Crazy Hearts The First 48 Crazy ”Hearts ”

Almost Sidekick Squirrel Flamingo Squirrel SpongeBob Chucks Kid vs. Kat Sidekick Odd Parents SpongeBob Rated A for Monster Japanizi Sam & Kat Cat Kid vs. League/Evil Boys Mr. Young Sidekick Squirrel Funny Home Invasion Videos SpongeBob Almost Chucks Babysitting Flamingo Splatalot Odd Parents Squirrel SpongeBob Splatalot Kid vs. Kat Zoink’d! Japanizi Sidekick Sam & Cat Mr. Young Rated Boys A for Monster Mr. Young Funny Home Kid vs. Home Kat Funny Videos League/Evil Videos

The National CBC ” Lang News & Now With O’Leary The National Carole ” CBC News MacNeil ” CBC News CBC News ” The National Now With ” The National Reshmi CBC News ” Nair ” Lang & Power & The National O’Leary Politics ”

The Dr. Oz Goldbergs Show TBA

Connected World Poker Tour Hockeycentral at Noon Sportsnet Connected World Poker Tour Hockey NHL Ironman Triathlon Hockey:


Canucks ” at Hockey Oilers Sportsnet World ”Poker Connected Tour Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet Connected Connected Sportsnet HockeycenConnected Hockey tral NHLat Noon Hockey World Poker Hockey: Hockey Tour Canucks at Sportsnet Ironman Oilers Connected Triathlon ”


A&E 1


MacNeil Lang & O’Leary CBC News Now With CBC News ” Nair Reshmi ” The National Power”& Politics CBC News

NEWS ” 7 ”

DISC 9 ” ”


ThisMinute ThisMinute


Law & Order: SVU

Say Yes Say Yes


Four Weddings

Family Feud Medium Family Feud Medium 30 Rock Quintuplet Paid Prog. Surprise Steve Sister Wives Harvey ” Family Feud Little Couple Family Feud Little Couple Bethenny Escaping the ” Prophet ThisMinute Say Yes ThisMinute Say600-Lb. Yes Simpsons My Two Men Life Law & Four Order: SVU Weddings Two Men My 600-Lb. Mod Fam Family Feud Life Medium Family Feud Escaping Medium the Big Bang Big Bang Prophet Steve Sister Wives Harvey ” Dads My 600-Lb. 30 Rock Quintuplet Brooklyn Life Bethenny Escaping the Paid Prog. Surprise ” Prophet the New Girl Escaping Family Feud Prophet Little Couple Mindy Simpsons My 600-Lb. Family Feud Little Couple Two Men Life 600-Lb. News My ThisMinute Say Yes Mod Fam Life Two Men My 600-Lb. ThisMinute Say Mod Fam Life Yes The Arsenio Escaping the Law & Four Big Bang Escaping the Hall Show Prophet Order: SVU Weddings Big Bang Prophet TMZ Paid Prog. Family Feud My Medium Dads 600-Lb. Sunny Paid Prog. Family Feud Life Medium Brooklyn



King King

Nature ”



KING 5 News


Days of our Lives




Community Community

Greener Joy/Painting

Seinfeld The Middle Divorce

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” Sesame Today ” Street cont’d Peg Plus Cat Katie Sid Science ” Daniel Tiger New Day Super Why! Northwest Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeWordGirl neres Show Nature KING 5 ” News 5 Business KING World News News Greener Days of our Joy/Painting Lives PBS Nightly News NewsHour Charlie Rose News Dr. Phil ” Rick Steves News ” Outd’r Idaho Evening Peg Plus Cat Katie Sid Science The Biggest ” American Sesame Today Experience Loser Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeStreet cont’d WordGirl neres Salinger: ”Show Daniel Tiger New American ”5 Business KINGDay Super Why! Northwest World News Chicago News Masters Fire Nature KING PBS ” Nightly”5 News ” News NewsHour News ” KING News Greener Days of our Rick Steves News Joan Miro: Jay Leno Joy/Painting Outd’r Idaho Lives Evening Super Brain ” Charlie Dr. Phil American The Biggest ” Rose Jimmy Fallon ” Experience Loser ”

Divorce The Middle Mod Fam Judge Alex Judge Alex Big Bang Big KingBang King Browns Payne Community Community Browns Payne Seinfeld The Middle Mod Fam Seinfeld The Middle Mod Fam Family Guy Divorce Family Guy Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Movie: BrownsAlex Judge Payne Alex “Righteous King Kill” Browns King Payne ” Community Mod Fam Movie: Community Seinfeld “The Last Seinfeld Family Guy Castle” The Middle Family Guy


The Queen ” NCIS: Los Sportsnet Latifah AngelesShow Hockey Connected

Clifford-Dog Emergency G. Shrinks ”

Storage Storage

Sidekick Babysitting Squirrel Splatalot

” How/Made The National Klondike ” How/Made ”

Steve New Girl Harvey Mindy

Sister Wives Middle Escaping the The Amer. Dad ” Mod Fam Prophet Movie:

Peg Plus Cat Katie ” Salinger: Sid Science ” American

SportsCentre Chicago of The National Person of NHL Young & Fire Person Ellen DeGeDragons’ Judge Judy ” ” Interest Interest Hockey: Restless neres Show Den ” Judge Judy

Chicago Young & Fire Sportsnet World Poker ” Connected Restless Tour

Storage Storage

Splatalot SpongeBob Zoink’d! Chucks

CBC Lang News & ” O’Leary

My 600-Lb. Escaping the “Righteous Big Bang Life Kill” Prophet Big Bang

Masters Wild Kratts ” WordGirl

KIRO News Late KIROShow News

News Hour Early News Final Global Nat.

Hockey Sportsnet Hockey Connected

Frontiers News Martha of Construction Jimmy Wild Kratts World News

Storage Storage

” Daily Planet ” DISC

News Bethenny Mod Fam ”

SportsCentre Senators at News Hour ” Final ” Capitals


IMaya Am aBee Killer KOMO 4 Woman Arthur Now Women News

Mr. Dangerous OddYoung Parents The CBCNational News Gold Rush Boys ” Flights SpongeBob The Dirt

The Arsenio Simpsons Hall Two Show Men

Escaping the Browns ” My 600-Lb. Prophet Movie: Life Payne

KCTS ” Business N Joan Miro: World News

Funny Home Invasion Japanizi Almost Videos Sam & Cat Flamingo Boys Squirrel Mr. Young

Gold Rush Auction Klondike Auction The Dirt ” Gold Rush ” The Dirt ”

TMZ 30 TwoRock Men Paid Prog. Sunny Mod Fam

Paid Prog. Quints My 600-Lb. Quints Paid Life Prog.

Super Sesame PBS Brain Street ” NewsHour

News-Lisa CTV News CTV News at Five

Best ThisMinute ArcticRecipes Air NCIS: Los Stefano ThisMinute ” Angeles


Bobsledding The Dark ” Ages

Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang

“Ghosts of Girlfriends Divorce


CBC NewsNews George News S

ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes SportsCentre The Doctors The Bookaboo ” Global Nat. CTVView News News SportsCentre ” News Jimmy”” Fallon Coronation Doodlebops ” The Test TBA CHBC Rick Mercer Movie Anna Olson NHL Hockey Ent Debt/Part ”” ET Canada

”” ” ”

NFL Live

Noon News NCIS Hour ” Days of our

” NCIS: Los ” Lives SportsCentre Angeles ”

SportsCentre The Queen

Letterman The Price Is KIRO News Right Ferguson CBS News Young & Ent Restless The Insider

ET Canada The Doctors News Hour ”” The Test Anna Olson Ent Debt/Part ET Canada

Sportsnet Hockey Connected NHL Sportsnet Hockey: Connected Canucks at

Emergency Poppy Cat Hope for Pajanimals ” Wildlife

Heartland George S ” Coronation

CTV News Agents of ” S.H.I.E.L.D.

CBC Mercer News Rick Now 22 Minutes

KIRO News NCIS Bold ”

Noon News NCIS Hour ”

HockeycenOilers tral at Noon ”

DinoFirst Dan The Chew The To Be Making Stuff ” World War Announced

Goldbergs ” Trophy Wife

Arctic Air Doyle ”

NCIS: Los ” Angeles

NCIS: Los Lives Angeles

Sportsnet Hockey Connected

Emergency Pajanimals ”


Woman Now Women

The Social



SportsCentre News ” LatifahHour Show News-Lisa ” Final CTV News ” NHL

Young &

SportsCentre ET Canada Hockey: Restless ” The Test Canadiens at News Penguins ”


The Marilyn etalk Denis Show Big Bang

Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil SportsCentre Interruption Chicago ” Fire Person ” of


Republic of


Best Recipes ThisMinute CBC News KIRO News Stefano ThisMinute

George S

Ellen DeGe- Dragons’

Daily Minutes neresShow Show 22 Den Jimmy Fallon Coronation

Days of our


The Queen Sportsnet News Hour Hockey Latifah Show Connected


Big Bear IPAW Am a Patrol

Clifford-Dog Frontiers of G. Shrinks



Letterman Judge Judy Ferguson

ET Canada Restless The Test

Sportsnet Basketball: Connected

Emergency Arthur ”

Judge Judy

Maya Bee

Storage First 48 Storage

Babysitting Monster Splatalot

New Girl Order: SVU Mindy

Escaping the Amer. Dad Weddings Community Prophet Movie:

Salinger: Joy/Painting American



Mod Fam


Masters ” ”

After the

Rated A for

Kid vs. Kat Splatalot League/Evil Sidekick Mr. Young Squirrel






Reshmi Nair

The National Klondike ” ” ” ” Power & CBC News Politics

Dangerous Flights”


The National Dangerous ” How/Made ” Flights

Steve The Arsenio Harvey

Medium My 600-Lb. Medium


Seinfeld “Righteous The Middle


Sister Wives The Middle Escaping the Mod Fam ” ”


“The Last Big Bang Castle”

The National Klondike ” ”

Two Men Mod Fam

My 600-Lb. Life

CBC News ”

Big Bang Big Bang

Addiction Addiction


Hathaways Sam & Cat

To Be Announced

Ent ET Canada

George S Coronation

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

European Poker Tour

Waterfront Cities

Duck D. Boys Wahlburgers Assembly

Daily Planet

Gold Rush ” The Dirt


Dude, You’re Simpsons Screwed Two Men

” ”

Dragons’ Den

Crazy Ones Mom

Bomb Girls ”

Premier League

Asia’s Monarchies

The Middle ” Suburgatory Mayne

Funny Home The National How/Made Videos ” How/Made

SportsCentre Sean Saves ” Fox Show

Criminal Minds

Republic of Doyle

Criminal Minds

Sean Saves Fox Show

Darts Dakar

Boris Berezovsky

Mod Fam TBA

Duck D. Duck D.

Babysitting Splatalot

The National Klondike ” ”

SportsCentre Chicago PD ” ”

CSI: Crime Scene

The National CSI: Crime ” Scene

Chicago PD ”

Sportsnet Connected

in Recital Harlem

Nashville ”

Duck D. Duck D.

Splatalot Zoink’d!

CBC News ”

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hockey Dakar

Waterfront Cities

News Jimmy

Duck D. Mr. Young Wahlburgers Boys

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada The Test

Sportsnet Connected

Asia’s Monarchies

Kimmel Live Nightline

” Mayne

” ”

The National Close ” Close

Funny Home Lang & Videos O’Leary

Hall Show



Odd Parents CBC News SpongeBob ”

Daily Show 22 Minutes Jimmy Fallon Coronation

Family Feud News Family Feud

Paid Life Prog. Paid Prog.

Duck D. Duck D.

SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test

Law &

King Family Guy King Family Guy

TMZ ” Sunny

Lang &

Kimmel Live Crazy Hearts Funny Home Lang & News Dynasty Monsters O’Leary Nightline ” Videos O’Leary Duck D. Duck D.

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News

Today Nightly” News cont’d Jimmy News Fallon

The This Old The KING 5 American Biggest House Hour News Experience Loser

Frontiers of KOMO 4 Construction News


KING News 5 Jay Leno News

Say600-Lb. Yes My Say Yes Life

The First 48 Storage ”

Wheel Jeopardy!

“The Last Divorce Browns Divorce Castle” Payne

Chicago Fire Ellen DeGeneres ”Show

ThisMinute Dads ThisMinute Brooklyn

The Dr. Oz News Show

News World News


The First 48 Funny Kid vs. Home Kat CBCNational News Klondike Crazy Hearts The Dangerous ” Sidekick Now With ” ” Videos ” Flights

” Sportsnet


Mavericks at Martha Raptors Wild Kratts


Daniel Tiger News New Day Rick Steves Super Why! Northwest Outd’r Idaho Evening

The Doctors The First 48 Killer ” Storage ”

Construction Jimmy



Family Feud Escaping Little Couple Judge Alex Big Bang the Mod Fam Family Feud Prophet Little Couple Seinfeld Judge Alex Big Bang

News Hour ”

Bomb Girls ”

Early News Global Nat.


Lang & CBC News The National Now With O’Leary ” Carole CBC News MacNeil ”

KIRO News CBS News

” ”


Young &


Goldbergs Hospital TBA


News Rick Mercer

The Tomorrow People

News News

Late Show

Kimmel Hearts The View Criminal KOMO 4Live Crazy Storage Minds Nightline ” News ” Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage

Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Frontiers of Wheel Thomas News Construction Jeopardy!


Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News ”

CTV News at Five

The Talk

Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk World Poker The of Chicago ChrisNational Person Deal ” Fire Sportsnet Tour

A&E 1

How/Made How/Made

American Idol

My 600-Lb.

My 600-Lb. Life

Big Bang

College Basketball ” ” Mod Fam Seinfeld

Lidia Kitchen Days of our ” Lives

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Chicago ” Fire

Peg Plus Cat Katie ” KING ”News Sid Science

Joan Miro:

Jay Leno

Super Brain WordGirl ”

neres ”Show Jimmy Fallon

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News News

Wild Kratts

Business World News

Ellen DeGe-

KING 5 News

Life in the News Undergrowth Evening

My 600-Lb. Life

Family Guy Family Guy

Nature ”

Revolution ”

Addiction Addiction

Amer. Dad Browns


Law & Order: SVU

News Mod Fam

My 600-Lb. Life

Payne Browns

Chasing Shackleton

Chicago PD ”

The Arsenio Hall Show

My 600-Lb. Life

Payne Movie:

Captain Scott

KING News Jay Leno

TMZ Sunny

Peter Popoff “The Ring Paid Prog. Two”

” ”

Tavis Smiley ” West Side Jimmy Fallon

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A17 A17

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.

250.766.4688 fax 250.766.4645 email classiďŹ



It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


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Help Wanted




Coming Events

Business Opportunities

Help Wanted Field Manager Positions

DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

QUALITY ASSURANCE Course for Health Canada’s Commercial Marijuana Program. February 22 & 23 Best Western Hotel, Kelowna, BC. Tickets: or 1-855-860-8611 or 250870-1882

Information ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis

EXCITING NEW Canadian Business Opportunity. Available in your area! Min inv req’d. For more info, call 1866-945-6409. THERE IS a critical need for Medical Transcriptionists across Canada. Work from home. CanScribe graduates welcome and encouraged to apply. Apply through MTR at

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: ďŹ

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance Payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

Career Opportunities COUNSELLOR TRAINING online, register before January 15 online at:, Mental Health Counsellor Certificate/Diploma, Recognized. Available: Supervision, Membership, Insurance, Employment/Placement Assistance, Client Referrals.



BERRY, MARGARET HELEN Helen as she was known by her family & friends was born on Nov. 25, 1932 and she passed away on Jan. 3, 2014. Helen is survived by her brother John S. McGarvie and 2 nephews and 3 nieces and several Great nephews & Great Nieces. No funeral by request.

Help Wanted


Financial Services

Financial Services

ANNACIS ISLAND Pawnbrokers open ‘till midnight 7 days a week. 604-540-1122. Cash loans for Jewellery, Computers, Smartphones, Games, Tools etc. #104-1628 Fosters Way at Cliveden. annacis

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

Painting & Decorating

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

Legal Services


(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Merchandise for Sale

Furniture Moving & Storage

SLIDE INTO COMFORT w/ A BRAND NEW QUEEN MATTRESS $160. Still in plastic, mfg. warranty. 250.870.2562

DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 4 ton 250-215-0147, 250-766-1282


Farm Workers

ANTI-AGING BUSINESS Goldmine! #1 Baby Boomer Market in US. Prime Turn-key locations available. $12K(min. Invest)=$50K+ Yearly! Call today: 1-888-900-8276. 24/7.

Business Opportunities


LEARN FROM home. Earn from home. Huge is a demand for Medical Transcriptionists. Start your online learning today with CanScribe Career College. 1.800.466.1535 or email us at:

Cherry Orchard Worker req’d at Tangaro Orchards in Lake Country from April 1st to Nov 1st 2014. Pay: $10.33/hr. Successful applicants must be physically fit and capable of working in all types of weather, Duties are repetitive and incl pruning, clean up, planting and general labor as well as picking and packing cherries during harvest. Fax resume to 778-480-1126 or call 250-9798555 for interview.


Coral Beach Farms Ltd. is looking for full time, permanent Field Managers to manage large and diverse crews in year-round field work. Experience specific to cherry farming is necessary to efficiently manage crews and complete planting, grafting, pruning, spraying, irrigation and picking of cherries. Must also have experience with Quality Control of cherry picking, and be able to administer health and safety training to crews. Must be willing and able to work in all weather conditions, for 40-50 hours per week, 5-6 days per week. These hours are subject to change during our harvest season. A second language is an asset. Wage is $16$18/hour. Apply by fax at 250766-0813 or e-mail at:


Help Wanted


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

TOP LOCAL JOBS! New Jobs Posted Daily

Help Wanted

Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Lake Country Calendar

A18 A18

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale


Misc. for Sale

Misc. Wanted

Auto Financing

CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405

PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670

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STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or find us online at:


Auto Financing

STEEL BUILDING. “The big year end clear out!� 20x22 $4,259. 25x24 $4,684. 30x34 $6,895. 35x36 $9,190. 40x48 $12,526. 47x70 $17,200. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!

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Misc. Wanted COLLECTOR looking to buy a coin collection. Also looking for coins, bars, medals, ingots from RC Mint, Franklin Mint, US Mint & others. Todd 250864-3521 I make house calls!

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 15, 2014 A19


Fiscal challenges for older newlyweds


arriage can be the biggest financial decision of a lifetime. Finances are a large component, in addition to romance and courtship. Many people now wait until they are established in their careers before they get married. This means getting married later in life. Many people now wait until their 30s or 40s to commit to a relationship. For people over the age of 40 with significant financial assets, there may be more of a financial consequence and more assets to be discussed. Typically, those who remarry are older and have accumulated substantial assets from the first time they married. With the divorce rate as high as 50 per cent in Canada, many people remarry. The older the newlyweds, the more financially complicated it may be. With a second marriage, there may be a blended family to consider. There may also be obligations under a previous divorce decree. There are many things to consider before you say “I do” for the first or second time. These questions may


Doreen Smith not be part of the discussion over a romantic candle light dinner when dating. The reality is, finances are part of our everyday life, in good times and in bad times. Before you get married, you should review all aspects of your financial affairs with one another. Discuss the net worth of each individual and how that net worth is calculated. Is it in home ownership, second property ownership or is it in liquid assets held in investments? Are there pension assets to be divided in retirement? With a second marriage, is the previous spouse the beneficiary of pension assets? Check life insurance policies for the named beneficiary. Have your beneficiaries changed? Too many newlyweds fail to update the beneficiaries of their life insurance policies. Do you have enough life insurance that your

FREQUENTLY ASKED Q A QUESTIONS What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?

new family is counting on, or is a previous family financially depending on your income? Discuss all current debts. How much is owed on credit cards and all loans? Review past and current financial obligations. This includes student loans, personal loans, child support or alimony payments. Review your will and if you have questions or concerns have your will reviewed by a lawyer. Your next step is to consider drafting a prenuptial agreement. A prenuptial agreement, called a “prenup” is a marriage contract. This agreement is especially important if you

are bringing significant assets into the marriage, have a business, expect an inheritance or have children from a previous marriage. The prenup is drafted prior to a couple getting married and is used to address financial issues and the division of assets and spousal support obligations in the event of a marriage breakdown. You need to determine if you need your financial assets to stay intact should the marriage not work out. Many people see remarriage as a fresh new chance at happiness with a new partner to share their life with. If all marriages worked out, there

Valleyview Dignity Memorial For us, there is no higher honour than to be chosen to bring loved ones, friends and a lifetime of memories together of a Aron Meier in celebration Glen Whittaker special life. Assistant Manager Funeral Director

would be no separation or divorce. However, in today’s world, planning can save you from finan-

cial hardship. Doreen Smith is a certified Financial Planner with Capri Wealth


Early Learning for Families at

Oyama Traditional School Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 From 5:00 - 6:30 pm

Brought to you By School DiStrict No. 23, (reaDy, Set, learN)

We will…

•Eat supper together •Learn together while the children play •Play together with our children •Make and take special things home •Give you a “goodie bag” for home ELFF is a program for parents of 3 to 5 year old children designed to improve their success in literacy at school and to build connections between home and school. When parents are involved in their children’s education, their children do better. ELFF is free of charge for all members of your family. Childcare will be provided along with supper for all of you.


Valleyview Funeral Home 165 Valleyview Road • 250-765-3147

Early Learning For Families (ELFF)

We are buying our first home and were told that our Poly B water pipes may cause problems with an insurance claim. Why is that? If your home was built in the 80’s or 90’s you may have grey plastic water pipes known as Poly B. Prior to the 80’s copper pipe was primarily used but became too expensive to

use. Many restoration companies suggest that most often the problem is caused by high water pressure and a failed pressure reducing valve [PRV]. It is suggested to check your water pressure twice a year and have someone inspect your Poly B piping. A home inspection cannot predict a future leak but will identify conditions that might. Also check with your insurance company to determine claim issues or if you need to replace your pipes with the new PEX pipe. Other reasons for a possible leak: 1. The use of acetal fittings 2. Over crimping of aluminum bands 3. High water temperatures & installed to close to high heat 4. High levels of free chlorine For a free estimate on replacement or annual inspection cost call Ken 778-363-0533.


So you’re ready to purchase a home? You may have already consulted with your lender and have determined the amount of financing you have available. You may have even drafted your “wish list” and started to check out properties in your desired area. Whether this is your first home or you are a seasoned home buyer this will likely be the largest financial transaction you will undertake, it’s more This indicates this than likely the most complex as well. This is Q&A is good to go.Realtor who has where a qualifi ed professional earned an ABR designation can help. An Accredited Buyer’s Representative has taken advanced training specializing in buyer’s needs. With the help of your ABR, you’ll have all the current market information you need, pertinent information on the neighborhood and be guided through the process from start to finish….your ABR will put your needs above any other. You will always be served………..not sold. Because Your Move Matters 778-363-0533 • 250-766-0535


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Proudly offering reward miles on all pre-arrangements

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Can functional foot orthotics reduce the pain in my knees, hips, and lower back?

It all depends on the make up of your lower extremity. Outer or inner knee pain may be caused by increased pressure in that area of the knee joint and functional foot orthotics can help realign you to alleviate that pressure. The same applies to the hips and lower back. Flat feet and abnormal knee mechanics can cause poor posture when walking and place strain on your lower back. Functional foot orthotics must be made with a rigid or semi-rigid plastic polymer or graphite material to have any impact on your feet and knee mechanics. In other words, even if your feet were casted or molded, if the orthotic you receive can be easily folded or twisted -- that is, not rigid -- it will not improve your alignment or mechanics. Orthotics that are soft and malleable are known as accommodative orthotics and are essentially a soft landing for sufferers of neuropathy from diabetes or those who shuffle from Parkinson’s disease. Seeing your podiatrist will help you solve what is best for you.

25-1710 Ellis Street Kelowna, BC 778-484-2284

Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


Municipal Hall Planning and Development Department 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t 250-766-6674 f 250-766-0200

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Tuesday, January 21, 2014 | 7:00 pm | Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd 1. Council has been asked to consider a zoning amendment bylaw. Zoning Amendment (DC11 Live-Work) Bylaw 878, 2013 (Z2013-007) is a zoning amendment that would change the property FROM C2 (Neighbourhood Commercial) TO DC11 (Direct Control 11 (Live-Work)) to allow for the development of multiple dwelling units and Live-Work units. The principal use of each of the Live-Work units would be residential and a part of the unit may be used for select commercial purposes. These Live-Work units must front a public street. A Direct Control zone has been prepared, and if adopted, could be used throughout the community.

SUBJECT PROPERTY: 2560 Stillwater Way Lot A Section 27 Township 20 ODYD Plan KAP85107 except Plan KAP87925 Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address. 2. Council has been asked to consider an Official Community Plan Amendment

Bylaw 879, 2013 (McCoubrey Plateau ASP) (P2012-007) proposes that Map 1 – Future Land Use of the District of Lake Country Official Community Plan Bylaw 750, 2010 be amended by updating the Future Land Use classification for the affected areas as shown below.

The McCoubrey Plateau Area Structure Plan will guide land use development within the Official Community Plan Identified Growth Area. Development proposals will be reviewed based on the McCoubrey Plateau Area Structure Plan, the amended Official Community Plan and will need to meet servicing requirements outlined by District Bylaws.

GET MORE INFORMATION Copies of the proposed bylaws and relevant background material can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Planning and Development Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday, January 8, 2014 to Tuesday, January 21, 2014 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Planning and Development Department at 250 766 6674. HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1


Speak at the Council Meeting

Written submissions are included in the Regular Council Meeting Agenda Package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer


Visitor Centre Operations May 17, 2014 to September 1, 2014 The District of Lake Country is requesting proposals from organizations interested in operating a Visitor Centre in Lake Country from May 17, 2014 to September 1, 2014. See full details at:

Due Date Reminder: Business licence renewals are due Jan. 31 Dog licence renewals are due Feb. 28

Municipal Office Janitorial Services Tender No. PR06-2013 The District of Lake Country is seeking bids from bonafide commercial janitorial companies to provide cleaning services at the Municipal Office at 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road. See full details at:

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