Caledonia Courier, January 22, 2014

Page 1


u Doggy-do race P. 5 u Speed skating results P. 8

u New Year Baby P. 3 u Basketball tournament P. 5

Publications Mail Contract #: 40007759

WEDNESDAY, January 22, 2014

NEWS BRIEFS Pulse of the North Help measure the pulse of the B.C. North. Readers of Black Press community newspapers from Ashcroft to Prince Rupert will have a chance to win a cool $1,000 for completing an online survey that will help local businesses better understand customers in their community. The of Pulse of B.C. North survey looks at the shopping plans and priorities of our readers and their media reading habits. Responses will be kept completely confidential; reader contact information will only be gathered in order to enter the name into a prize draw for one of two, $1,000 cash prizes to be given away across the Black Press B.C. North region.

Open house The Oil and Gas Commission and B.C. Environmental Assessment representatives will be holding an open house in Fort St. James. At Kwah Hall on Jan. 30 between 3p.m. and 7 p.m., visitors will be able to get information on regulations and permits on proposed pipeline projects. There will also be a fracking presentation. People are encouraged to attend to ask any questions they may have about the processes, how a person may be impacted or how government will mitigate impacts. Coffee and refreshments will be provided.

PHONE: 996-8482

Opportunity Knox

VOL. 36 NO. 47 $1.30 inc. GST

Pee Wee playoffs

Dylan Playfair chooses a role - not hockey Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier The young man on the phone is polite and articulate. Very professional. Hard to believe this is a 21-year-old actor working his first television role on a new YTV series, if only because a person might expect more ego, more self-importance. But while Dylan Playfair has no problem finding words and talks at length about all aspects of his latest role, as the character Knox on YTV’s Some Assembly Required, he definitely does not come across as all ego or overconfidence, though he is clearly at-ease talking to the press. Playfair is down-to-earth and seems to partially credit his time in Fort St. James for some of the lessons which keep him grounded in reality outside the insular world of acting. “You’ve got to work hard, you’ve got to be honest, you’ve got to be dedicated,” said Playfair. These are things Playfair learned working in the bush doing the kind of blue-collar jobs a young man like him can pick up for a summer working in Fort St. James. Jobs at the Northern Interior Forest Products Mill and Stone’s Bay Holdings. These jobs help keep things in perspective for Playfair, like when people say how hard a job acting is. “I’ll be on set sometimes and I hear people saying after 10 hours on set their feet are sore or their back’s sore and I think to myself ‘None of you guys have ever pulled a frickin’ 12-hour shift on a green-chain so shut up, this is not a hard job,” said Playfair. “A lot of those lessons have come in hugely, hugely beneficial for making a career in film.” While he was born in Fort St. James, Playfair’s family left right after he was born to head to Dayton, Ohio to pursue his father’s career in the world of professional hockey. His dad, Jim Playfair, is now working as part of the Phoenix Coyotes coaching team, and his two brothers, Jackson and Austyn, both still play hockey. “The unique thing about having a dad in the hockey world is I never really called any of … those places home because I never had stability there,” he said. It was not until Playfair was in Grade 5 he began to think of somewhere besides Fort St. James as home, when the family moved to Calgary for a time. Each year, when the hockey season was over, Jim and Roxane would return with their three sons to Fort St. James for the summer and live at their cabin in the Big Bay area on Stuart Lake. “It’s been a blessing for sure to call Fort St. James at least a part-time home,” he said. Dylan made the switch to acting from a family steeped in hockey, but the family is definitely okay with his direction. “His parents are pretty open … if something interests the kids, then that’s good,” said his grandmother Beverly Playfair, who still lives in Fort St. James. “What the heck, if he’s happy, we’re happy,” she said. Dylan may have even gotten some of his thes-

A Fort St. James Pee Wee Stars player tries to put a rebound past the Houston Flyers goaltender during the nail-biter battle for third place in the tournament at Fort Forum on Jan. 12. The Stars ended the game on top 4-3, with a team partially comprised of Atoms players moved up to fill out the bench. Sean Tay Julian scored two of Fort’s winning goals, Max Burgart scored one and Donovan Gregg scored one. Fraser Lake won the tournament, while Mackenzie took second. Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier

pian genes from his grandmother, as she was involved for many years in the Music Makers theatre group, but Beverly also credits Dylan’s mom Roxane’s family with performer genes, as many in Roxane’s family are very musical. Now the young actor calls Vancouver home, and he is continuing to film episodes of Some Assembly Required, which premiered on Jan. 6 on YTV and has been showing Monday nights ever since. In the show, Playfair is Maxwell Knoxford III, known to everyone as “Knox” because of his last name and the number of actual knocks he takes as a thrill-seeking adrenaline junky. This makes Knox the perfect person for the job at his friend’s toy factory as the product and safety tester. The show is built around the premise a young teen named Jarvis Raines (Kolton Stewart) is given control of a toy company after a product of theirs destroys his family’s home. Raines then employs a number of fellow high schoolers to help him run the company. The eclectic ensemble cast is an interesting group, and Playfair had something good to say about each of them, and even said he was a little “starstruck” when he first met Ellie Harvey who plays the toy company’s former owner Candace Wheeler. Harvey played Morticia on The New Addams Family. “It’s been really cool being able to watch those guys work, see different people come to the same result,” said Playfair of his fellow actors. The show began filming in mid-August and will continue filming in front of a live studio audience in Burnaby, B.C. until the middle of February. The live audience creates a sense of a hybrid between film and theatre, according to Playfair, who enjoys being able to feed off of the energy of the young audiences. “The neat thing is that you get that instant gratification as to whether a joke has landed or not,” he said.

Continued on Page 2

Mischief charges laid

Community helps collar suspect Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier Citizens of Fort St. James were a big help to RCMP with an investigation into a mischief case. Stephen Wilson, 38, was arrested on Jan. 9 and subsequently charged with multiple counts of mischief. RCMP believe Wilson to be the man responsible for numerous complaints of a male approaching residents in their homes in Fort St. James to request money or food for various reasons. RCMP compiled their reports and sought a warrant for Wilson when he was identified as their prime suspect. After the arrest, Wilson appeared before a justice of the peace, and was released on conditions, which included not to attend private residences and he was also given a curfew. Within eight hours of his release, RCMP received similar complaints which led them to believe Wilson was in breach of his conditions. He was rearrested and was remanded in custody and additional charges of mischief, breach of an undertaking and being unlawfully in a dwelling house were added. Staff Sergeant Paul Thalhofer said he appreciated the assistance of the public in coming forward with further information of mischief complaints after they requested this. He said there were concerns the behaviour was escalating.

NEWS Opportunity Knox

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 Caledonia Courier


in and doing the best he can,” she said. “If you do something you’re passionate about, you’re good at it.” “He sort of feels like he’s found his niche I think.” For those curious about the romantic side of the handsome actor’s life, off-screen, Playfair had been dating Paloma Kwiatkowski, the 19-yearold Canadian actress who plays Cody Brennan in Bates Motel on television and who starred in the Percy Jackson films series. Playfair said that while they have stayed in touch and remain good friends, Kwiatkowsk is now in L.A. for the filming of Bates Motel, so they are no longer dating.

ing Marty Howe in Mr. Hockey: The GorIt appears the die Howe Story and an humour of theMonth-long show Events Awareness Month appearance on You is part of what Alcohol makes National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. Tube videos: Letterplaying Knox 212-269-7797 enjoykenny Problems, both able for Playfair, a projects which have character the young Abuse Prevention Month been nominated for actor identifiesChildwith Prevent Child Abuse America Canadian Screen for his “zest for life” 312-663-3520 Awards. and the love of his Both of those roles friends. BeaverOnGolfCourseC0804.EPS Jazz Appreciation Month likely benefited from “When I go to set I Smithsonian National Museum of American History his background in get to basically202-633-3129 be as hockey and growgoofy as I in the Hot Retail Co-op Categories ing up in a hockey realm of being able Bicycles, Accessories and Supplies National Car Care Month family, which his to do all the extreme Lawn and Garden Car Care Council grandmother said she sports stuff,”240-333-1088 said Motorcycles and Snowmobiles Outdoor Furnishingsthinks meant he could Playfair, also Vehicles said in real life he was Dylan Playfair as Maxwell Knoxford III Recreational or “Knox” identify with his National Donate Life Month characters and really a risk-taker in hockey Assembly Required. Hot Manufacturer Co-op U.S. Departmentin of YTV’s Health andSome Human Services understand where and he loves 202-619-0257 wake Benjamin Moore Katie Yu Paints Camp Healthcare they are coming from. boarding. being than not being able and I think Mowers Beverly also said “(Knox) takes to jump out of an human that Grasshopper happens, Rolex Watch National Lawn Care Month she everyday and tries to airplane and survive that’s part ofWhirlpool life, havCorporation sees the same pasPLANET, Professional Landcare Network maximize his 800-395-2522 oppor- the fall - is that Knox ing ups and downs,” sion in Dylan she sees in his father Jim. tunities,” Play- never really has a bad said Playfair. AdBuilder Special Section Builder Themes “He is passionate fair. Dylan Playfair has day. • Financial National Parkinson Awareness Month and he does want to The only real difappeared in a num“Knox doesn’t • Planning a Garden National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. do a good job - he has ference Playfair said really get the idea ber of roles • Earth Day to prior 800-327-4545 he sees between him- behind what it means his latest TV• Easter role as no trouble getting in there, jumping right self and Knox - other to be bummed out Knox, including SpecialplayEvents

Continued from Page 1

Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 212-876-7700

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District of Fort St. James Calendar January, 2014

SUNDAY March 2009 19




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26 5 Palm Sunday

27 6

5:30pm Public Skating

1April Fool’s Day 22


4-7pm Strong Start

8pm AA Mtg

30 9 First Day of Passover


20 Taurus

22 Earth Day

9-12pm Strong Start

Historic Site AGM @7pm

1-4pm safeTALK @ CNC

15 Tax Day

31Good Friday 10

12-3pm Strong Start

Tour! Call 996-8233 for more info.

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7pm Council Mtg

9-12pm Strong Start

Easter Monday THE FIRE DEPARTMENT 14 TODAY! 13 (Australia & Canada)


324 9-12pm Strong Start 425

12-3pm Strong Start


7:15pm Public Skating

8pm AA Mtg

4-7pm Strong Start

12 EasterJOIN


10am Food Bank

829Open Retail Space

28 7

12-3pm Strong Start


February, 2014 16




1 18



24 Arbor Day

25 Anzac Day (Australia)




Administrative Professionals Day




11 Workers Mourning Day 28 (Canada)


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New Year Baby

NEWS RCMP report A3

Jan. 11 1:15 a.m., RCMP on patrol on Stuart Drive noticed a brown Dodge Cummins pickup approaching from behind. The vehicle had lights mounted on an overhead rack which were turned on, which is a violation of the Motor Vehicle Act. The truck was pulled over by the RCMP and when they spoke to the driver, he failed to produce a driver’s licence. Upon looking up his information, RCMP discovered the driver was supposed to be issued a 90-day prohibition from driving, which the officers then did. The driver, who was on a Class 7 licence, was also given notice he needs to correct some of the Motor Vehicle Act offences on his vehicle. Jan. 12 at 3:07 p.m., RCMP attended Subway in response to a report

an unknown male had attempted to steal the tips jar. He had been unsuccessful, after staff had caught him in the act and the man had fled the store. RCMP then reviewed video footage from the store and recognized the male suspect in the video. The suspect was then located reportedly intoxicated in the area. The suspect was lodged in RCMP cells until sober and was released without charges as the store manager did not want to pursue charges further in the case. Jan. 14 at 8:03 a.m., a female called the RCMP to report a collision. The driver reported she was travelling north on Highway 27 at Sandhu Road when a moose came out onto

damage to her truck. The woman was uninjured.

the road. The vehicle struck the moose, causing extensive



DL 9069

Caledonia Courier Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Central Interior Auctions Ltd. 4174 COWART RD. Prince George


The first baby born in Fort St. James this year was Abigail Mary Beeton. Born on January 3, 2014, to parents Tod and Jennifer Beeton, Abigail was 6 lbs, 14 oz. She is the new baby sister to Emma, Aaron and Elizabeth. Flowers and a gift were presented by Stuart Lake Hospital Auxiliary member Julie-Ann Mortenson.

Photo courtesy of the Stuart Lake Hospital Auxiliary

Community Events

Community Events are free of charge as they are sponsored by the Caledonia Courier COMING EVENTS... Will appear as space is available, free of charge in this section. Coming events are available to non-profit organizations only. This area is not intended for thank you submissions or selling products. It is simply a place for nonprofit organizations a place to announce upcoming free activities. You can e-mail your item to advertising@ominecaexpress. com or by fax: 567-2070. Your organizations’ announcement can also be dropped off at our office located at #111-250 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James. Decision of the publisher is final. *** St Patrick’S anglican church...Fort St James, with the churches of Fort St James will provide Free Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day from noon to 2.00pm. Everyone welcome! *** ThE NEChakO VallEy FESTIVal OF ThE PErFOrMING arTS... has a new website. www.musicfestivalweb. com/nechako. Please visit the website for syllabus and registration information. You can view the syllabus online. If a paper copy is required, there is a limited number available at the Vanderhoof Public Library. Registration for the festival will be online starting Jan. 1, 2014. The festival will take place from Apr. 12-25, 2014 with the festival concert happening on Apr. 27, 2014. *** FOrt St JaMES chriStian OutrEach grOuP FOOD Bank SchEDulE...10.00am to 12.00noon, on Wednesdays, January 8, 2014, January 22, February 4, February 18, March 5, March 19, April 2, April 16, April 30, May 14, May 28, June 11, June 26, July 9, July 23, August 6, August 20, September 3, Wednesday, September 17. *** UNTOlD seeks contributions from nonFirst Nations students and staff who experienced Catholic residential or day schools abuse in Northern BC. For more info email ***

FIrEwEED STOPPING ThE VIOlENCE & OUTrEaCh SErVICE For those who believe all is possible!...Provides free Confidential, Safe, and Supportive counselling and outreach services for women. Hours of Service: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and every other Friday. Location: Room 203, 349 Stuart Drive, Fort St James, BC Phone: (250) 9961214 Fax: (250) 996-7647 Email: *** ST PaTrICk’S aNGlICaN ChUrCh... hosts a free lunch every Tuesday from 11.00am - 1.00pm. All are welcome. This lunch is made possible through the generous giving of time and resources,by many people in the region, including The Roman Catholic Church, Camp Living Water, E-Free Church and many other individuals. We wish to thank all those who contribute their labour to this program as well as those who provide food and other necessities. We also run a small food bank on Tuesday morning, and are very thankful for all who contribute to this endeavor. For further information please call Gwen Andrews 567-6744. *** SErVICE TIMES... at St Patrick’s Anglican Church, Fort St James, will be 10:30 am every Sunday. Free lunch every Tues between 11-1pm with music and Prayer. Please come and join us. *** FIrEwEED ClOThES DrIVE... The Fireweed Safe Haven is doing a winter clothes drive. We are looking for jackets, boots, snow pants, mitts, hats, scarves, fleeces, etc, for men, women and children. The items will then be given to families in the community that need them. If you do not have anything at home that you can part with but still wish to contribute, you can purchase mitts, socks, or thermal underwear. Please drop items off at the Fireweed Safe Haven. For more information please contact Talia at (250) 996-8081. Every little bit helps. *** aUxIlIary TO STUarT lakE hOSPITaL... Monthly meeting 2nd Wednesday each month. Hospital Cafeteria 7:00 p.m.

FOrT ST. JaMES PUBlIC lIBrary hOUrS... Tuesday 11:30-8:00 Wednesday 11:30-4:30 Thursday 11:30-4:30 Friday 11:30-8:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00 *** NEChakO VallEy COMMUNITy SErVICES SOCIETy...Child and Youth Mental Health and Counseling Services available at no cost. Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 9967645 for appointment. *** FOrT TraP aND haNDGUN ClUB... meets last Sunday of every month. Contact (Sue) at 250-9967728 (h) for more information. *** FOrT ST. JaMES SEarCh & rESCUE... steering committee meetings first Tuesday of every month. 7:00 p.m. above the Fort St. James Firehall. Training is the third Tuesday of every month at the Firehall at 7 p.m. New members welcome. For more information please contact Paul at 250.996.7478 or Rod at 250.996.7269 *** MUSIC MakErS...New members always WELCOME. Not everyone has to be on stage, there is lots of work behind the scenes. Call Heike Fonda at 250-996-7006 for more info. *** ThE ThrIFT STOrE...has a new name! “The Bargain Basement”. We are still at the same location, across from Shoppers Food Mart. Donations of clean clothing and small housewares are greatly appreciated. Please, no books or magazines. Proceeds are used for community needs. Open Wed-Sat, 12 noon to 4pm. *** PUBlIC SErVICE aNNOUNCEMENT...If you know anyone, including a child, who has been abused or harmed by a psychiatrist call the Citizens Commission on Human Rights at: 1-800-670-2247. *** aa MEETINGS...Thursdays at 8:00pm. United Church on 2nd Ave West. call 250-996-8290 for more information.

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Editorial Page

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 Caledonia Courier

The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British

Distributed every Wednesday in Fort St. James

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Editor Ruth Lloyd newsroom@

council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member

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Press Council.

the mediation of complaints, with input from both the holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about you may contact the B.C. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.

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For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

• Guest editorial

Tom Fletcher Black Press

Harper rapped for wrong reasons

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s latest visit to B.C. was portrayed as these things are today: besieged by protesters, hiding from an ever-vigilant media, cynically campaigning for the 2015 federal election. TV couldn’t get enough of the two “environmental activists” who dressed as waiters to slip onstage at a business breakfast in Vancouver. They’re not environmentalists, just all-purpose protesters using the flavour of the month. They are associated with a group calling itself “No One Is Illegal,” a collection of anarchist kooks that wants to do away with national borders, and of course capitalism. As their now-famous sign said, they want “climate justice now.” Organizer Brigette DePape explained to a co-operative CBC TV host that the recent typhoon in the Philippines that killed thousands of people was caused by global warming, which of course is caused mainly by the Alberta “tar sands.” I won’t dwell on this routine idiocy, except to say the number of hurricanes that struck North America in 2013 was zero, and that hasn’t happened since 1994. Also, “climate justice” is like “social justice,” in that both require confiscation of earned wealth.

DePape is the former Senate page fired in 2011 for a similar sign stunt. She’s now a professional Harper hater, with support from the U.S.-based Tides Foundation among others. One of the issues Harper didn’t take questions on was the consolidation of 11 federal fisheries libraries into two, one of them in Sidney, B.C. This is portrayed as part of Harper’s socalled “war on science,” and has been compared with the Romans burning the library of Alexandria in ancient Egypt. Fisheries Minister Gail Shea defended the cost-cutting measure by pointing out that almost all access to these libraries is now digital, so maintaining 11 duplicated sets of printed reports is a waste of taxpayer dollars. An anonymous federal scientist fired back on his blog that the head of one of these libraries retired before the contents could even be catalogued, much less completely digitized for online access. So this material wasn’t even properly organized? Users were supposed to browse until they stumbled on something pertinent? The ministry reported that the average number of people other than federal fisheries staff who used these libraries averaged between five and 12 per year. That’s for all 11 facilities combined. And if anyone has even one example of information that was available and isn’t now,

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they should identify it. Harper’s got plenty to answer for, no question. To take one of many examples, spending our borrowed money on TV ads for a “Canada Job Grant” program that hasn’t even been introduced in Parliament, much less set up, isn’t just wasteful. It’s dishonest and cruelly misleading to the unemployed people the ads pretend to offer help. Harper’s visit to B.C. added a couple of scripted events, starting with softball questions at the Vancouver business breakfast. Then he was off to a photo op at the Kinsol trestle on Vancouver Island, where he announced three more years of funding for the Trans-Canada Trail. I’m as relieved as anyone that Harper is not killing this modest federal project that started in 1992, but this is not news. It was a fake public event to justify the cost of a trip so Harper could address a new Conservative riding association. And how is the federal deficit after eight years of tight-fisted Conservative rule? We’re only borrowing about $1 billion a month now, down from the Harper government all-time record deficit of $55 billion in 2009. Some cost cutting is in order all right. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email:

• Letter

Thanks for SensibleBC support


I want to thank all who signed SensibleBC’s petition and all my canvassers who froze their butts off at the end! Although not enough signatures were collected province wide - we met our quota with Vanderhoof and Burns Lake’s help. In the region, 1,660 signatures were needed 1,845 were collected - with almost 700 coming from Fort St. James (I am very proud of us). Hats off to Don Weaver who singlehandedly collected almost 500 in Vanderhoof - couldn’t have done it without you. I know we missed getting to a lot more sensible people out there - I apologize - next time around (estimating 2015), we will be far better organized. Over 200,000 voters want to change B.C.’s archaic marijuana laws - heads up Christie - you are dropping the ball. I wish everyone a Happy New Years and want you to know that we did well. Peace out, Mary Phillips

E-mail us at :

Caledonia Courier Wednesday, January 22, 2014



Senior basketball tournament Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier The Fort St. James Falcons senior basketball teams hosted a tournament at the high school Jan. 10 and 11. The tournament at Fort St. James Secondary School (FSJSS) included both senior girls and boys basketball. Teams came from Burns Lake, Tumbler Ridge,

Vanderhoof and Dawson Creek to play in the tournament. Girls team coach Suzanne Burk said she saw the boys team improve together as the tournament went on, and the girls team did well, only losing the one game to Burns Lake. The Falcon senior girls ended the tournament in second place, with Burns Lake taking first, Mountain Christian School (Dawson Creek) in third, and Tumbler Ridge in fourth.

The Falcon boys ended up in fourth in the tournament, with Northside Christian School (Vanderhoof) taking first place, Mountain Christian School in second, and Tumbler Ridge in third. The event was made possible by the assistance of a second referee from Fraser Lake, though there was no team from Fraser Lake in the tournament. Rylan Tsuji came for the two-day tournament as the second ref, officiating Friday and Saturday.





ABOVE: A Burns Lake Lakers Senior Girls Basketball player encounters some resistance during a drive for the basket during the first game on Jan. 10. RIGHT: A Burns Lake player attempts to drive the ball around a Fort Falcon in the Falcon end. Lakers won the game 56-31.



Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier

Dog’s race again in Doggy-do The Jan. 1 Doggy-do race was run on the Dog Creek Forest Service Road, due to limited snow on the lake. Listed are race results. First was Craig Houghton, followed by Ann Douglas of

Fort Fraser and the Laura Vinnedge of Fort St. James. Jerry Joinson (FSJ) was fourth, followed by Jody Verge (Quesnel), Lisa Joinson (FSJ) and Lee Verge (Quesnel).

Thanks to Wayne Bond, Kory Larsen, Sean and Terri-Ann Houghton for trail support, and Margaret-Ann Houghton for timing. The race was 28 miles long and times were:


Craig 2:14:47 Ann 2:20:36 Laura. 2:27:03 Jerry 2:37:40 Jodi 2:39:00 Lisa 2:39:39 Lee 2:49:53


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ABOVE: Jerry Joinson of Fort St. James (right) races to the finish line just ahead of Jody Verge of Quesnel during the Fort St. James Doggy-doo Race, run every January 1.

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Joanne Vinnedge photo

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QUALITY ASSURANCE course for Health Canada’s LEARN FROM home. Earn commercial marijuana profrom home. Huge demand gram. February 22 is&a 23 Best for Medical Western Hotel, Transcriptionists. Kelowna, BC. Start your1-855-860-8611 online learning or toTickets: day with CanScribe 250-870-1882 or onlineCareer at: College. 1.800.466.1535 or send an email to:


THERE IS a critical need for Medical Transcriptionists ADVERTISE in the across Canada. Work from LARGEST OUTDOOR home. CanScribe graduates PUBLICATION IN BC to welcome and encouraged The 2014-2016 apply. Apply through BC MTR at Hunting Regulations

LEARN FROM home. Earn from home. Huge is a demand for Medical Transcriptionists. Start your online learning today with CanScribe Career College. 1.800.466.1535 or send an email to: THERE IS a critical need for Medical Transcriptionists across Canada. Work from INTERIOR HEAVY graduates EQUIPhome. CanScribe MENT OPERATOR welcome and encouraged NO Simulators. In-the-seat apply. Apply through MTR at training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853

Employment Employment Education/Trade Help Wanted BURNS Schools LAKE automotive

in Burns Lake, BC is looking for a counter parts person. Please fax resume attention Stuart (250) 692-7624 or email:

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BURNS in Norm’s LAKE Auto automotive Refinishing, Burns Lake, is looking for Terrace, BC.BC High production, aICBC counter parts person. Accredited bodyPlease shop fax resume attention Stuart requires a LICENSED AUTO(250) 692-7624 or email: stuMOTIVE PAINTER. tive wages, excellent benefits. fax: 250-635-3081 or email: Attn: Mel Rundell, Manager

Norm’s nishing, PINHEADS Auto Bowling Refi on Silver Star Mountain is looking a mechaniTerrace, BC. Highforproduction, cally minded individual to work with ICBC Accredited body shop us during a theLICENSED winter seasonAUTOas well requires as June and July. This is a part time MOTIVE Competiposition withPAINTER. great pay and benefits, tive wages, excellent benefi training provided. This could bets.a fax: or email:or great 250-635-3081 job for a retired mechanic trades person, or a younger person who Mel wantsRundell, to live and work in a viAttn: Manager

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brant ski resort. This position is available immediately. Please email Heather at

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Honour & Remember.

PINHEADS Bowling on Silver Star Mountain is looking for a mechanically minded individual to work with us during the winter season as well as June and July. This is a part time position with great pay and benefits, training provided. This could be a great job for a retired mechanic or trades person, or a younger person who wants to live and work in a viIntegris Credit brant ski resort. This position is available immediately. Union,Please email Heather at info@pinheadsbowlFort St James Branch

is now accepting bids for the Janitorial Contract. Bid packages can be Box 1329, Fort St. James, BC,picked V0J 1P0up at the Branch P.O. Box 1329, Fort St. James, BC, P.O. V0J 1P0 Synopsis Telephone (250) 996 – 7171 Telephone (250) 996 – 7171 at 366 Stuart Drive West, The most effective way to Fax (250) 996 – 8010 Fax (250) 996 – 8010 Tues to Fri 10-5 and reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Sat 10-2. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Two year edition- terrific Tours of the premises for presence for your business. Obituaries Obituaries bidding purposes can Obituaries Obituaries NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGER be arranged by calling Please call Annemarie NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGER 1.800.661.6335 Band is looking for a highly motivated individual who has Nak’azdli Band is looking for aNak’azdli highly motivated and committed individual who and has committed Dan at 250-996-8667. email: excellent interpersonal andto communication skills, is able to prioritize and quickly excellent interpersonal and communication skills, is able prioritize and quickly Donald Lyle Lewis Bids can be dropped of Donald Lyle Lewis adapt to change, as who can well as part of a team, who has adapt to change, who can work independently, well aswork part independently, of a team, whoas has at the branch and August 12, 2014 August 8, 1942 - January 12, 20148, 1942 - January collaborative and who exercises effective problem solving and decia collaborative approach, and awho exercises approach, effective problem solving and decicloses Feb 7th. sion making skills in the ¿eld and in the of¿ce I HAVE a limited draw for a sion making skills in the ¿eld and in the of¿ce It is with great sadness we announce the passing It is with great sadness we announce the passing INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853


female elk in 714 area. Draw Don is of Don Lewis in Kelowna, BC. Don is survived by dates Jan 15 - Febin 14.Kelowna, I am of Don Lewis BC. survived by The Natural Resources The Natural Resources Manager is responsible for: Manager is responsible for: looking for permission from his close friend, Brent Stringer, his sister Arvilla his close friend, Brent Stringer, his sister Arvilla O Working with various stakeholders to develop, manage and administer policies O Working with various stakeholders to develop, manage and administer policies someone in that area to Silver, and 9 nieces and and nephews. Donrelated to the and procedures related to the Nak’azdli traditional territory (Jerry) andarea 9 nieces (Jerry) and nephews. Don hunt. If youSilver, have that procedures Nak’azdli traditional territory andwas youpredeceased would allow me O Reviewing and recommendations to the Federal and BC was predeceased by his parents Bud and Lucille O Reviewing and providing recommendations toproviding the Federal and BC bytohis parents Bud and Lucille hunt for a reasonable fee governments the use or alienation Crown lands within the governments on the use or alienation Crownonlands within the Lewis, hishis sister Marion Bogart and his brother Lewis, his sister Marion Bogart and brother please call Howard at Nak’azdli 7raditional 7erritory Nak’azdli 7raditional 7erritory (250) 692-9766 Gerald Huffman. Gerald Huffman.

Cash in on the the development of environmental Departmental submissions to environmental Coordinate theof development ofCoordinate Departmental submissions to in auto life, many Don worked in auto parts Don all hisworked life, many of parts all his and natural resource management and policy reviews that may affect and natural resource management and policy reviews that may affect those in years at ARO Automotive Nak’azdli in Vanderhoof. those Travel years at ARO Automotive Vanderhoof. Nak’azdli interests, including interests, including logging, mining, ¿shing, etc logging, mining, ¿shing, etc Classifieds! He after lovedretiring, his jobhe and even after retiring, He loved his job and even Managing andGIS supervising staff Referrals such as the GIS Coordinator, Referrals Managing andhe supervising staff such as the Coordinator,





worked part time ofin the parts Coordinator departmentand ofothers Coordinator and others worked part time in the parts department Timeshare O Identifying seeking fundingprograms to support core and speci¿c programs Canadian Tire in West Kelowna. O Identifying and seeking funding to supportand core and speci¿c Canadian Tire in West Kelowna. CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. related to the Natural Resources Department related to the Natural Resources Department loved going south of loved going to casinos southfor of a drive to casinos No Don risk program. Stop for mort-a driveDon Oreports Providing oral and/or writtenmembership, reports to Chief and Council,This membership, O Providing oral and/or written to Chief and Council, is really border, and a nice glass of wine! gage maintenance Pay- glass the theand border, and a nice of wine! and other stakeholders, as required and other stakeholders, as required ments today. 100% money There will be no service. Memorial donations may There will be no service. Memorial donations may O Developing managing multi-year work plans and budgets and participate back guarantee. Free consul O Developing and managing multi-year workand plans and budgets and participate be made to the Assn, Central Okanagan be made the We Central Hospice tation. Call ustonow. can Okanagan in Nak’azdli Band strategic planning exercises in Hospice Nak’azdliAssn, Band strategic planning exercises help!104-1456 1-888-356-5248. 104-1456 Paul Street, Kelowna, BC V1Y 2E6. St. Paul Street, Kelowna, BCSt. V1Y 2E6. easy money!

Knowledge: Knowledge: Oprocess Duty to consult and referrals process O Duty to consult and referrals O Traditional use studies Help Help Wanted O Traditional use studies HelpWanted Wanted O Accommodation O Accommodation O Nak’azdli Stewardship Policy Stewardship Policy Fort St James Chamber OOofNak’azdli Commerce Fort St James Chamber of Commerce Oand Policy application to Federal Policy application to Federal Provincial Crown Lands and Provincial Crown Lands O Industrial development Chamber Manager O Industrial development in Nak’azdli traditional territoryin Nak’azdli traditional territory Chamber Manager O Nak’azdli keyoh system O Nak’azdli keyoh system O Technological Fort St James Chamber of Commerce is O Technological land use monitoring systems land use monitoring systems The Fort St James Chamber ofThe Commerce is seekinghighly a mature, strategic thinking, highly organized seeking a mature, strategic thinking, organized andFort professional St direction James Under direction of Chief & Council, duties willto: include, but not be limited to: and professional manager for its St James manager for its Fort Under of Chief & Council, duties will include, but not be limited Chamber and Tourism Office. This job Conduct and participate in formal meetings Chamber and Tourism Information Office. This job Information Conduct and participate in formal meetings and negotiations, and developand negotiations, and develop being both fullagreements time and part time agreements with other departments, and the private sector to ensure has the potential of being bothhas full the timepotential and partoftime with other government departments, andgovernment the private sector to ensure associated Full time of (May to communication consistency of formal communication on issues relating to non-reserve land mancommitments associated with commitments it (e.g. Full time (May to with it (e.g. consistency formal on issues relating to non-reserve land manSeptember) and part time (October to April)). September) and part time (October to April)). agement, including ¿shing agement, including ¿shing Major Job Responsibilities are:Major Job Responsibilities are: Co-ordinate Nak’azdli’s participation Co-ordinate Nak’azdli’s in mediation and litigation matters and provide in mediation and participation litigation matters and provide 1. Plans, and 1. Plans, organizes, directs, controls andorganizes, directs, controls would include attendance recommendations This wouldrecommendations include attendanceThis at mediation meetings, and theat mediation meetings, and the administers all Chamber activities, programs, administers all Chamber activities, programs, andResolutions furtherance of Band Council Resolutions preparation and furtherance ofpreparation Band Council and Chamber operations, directly or through Chamber staff. with various and operations, directly or through staff. Participate in discussion with (including various levels government (including other First Participate in discussion levels of government otherofFirst 2. Promotes the Chamber’s activities through 2. Promotes the Chamber’s activities through on landtomanagement issues to new legislation (e g FNLMA, Nations

on land managementNations

issues related new legislation (e g related FNLMA, contactbusiness with the business community, contact with the business community, Indian Actdepartmental Amendments

and clarifying departmental positions Indian Act business Amendments and clarifying positions government and the general organizations, government andorganizations, the general public. forums and meetings with Keyoh holders, Band members, and other Organize forumspublic. and meetingsOrganize with Keyoh holders, Band members, and other 3. Reporting to a volunteer board of directors, this 3.Employment Reporting to a volunteer board of directors, this stakeholders ensure stakeholders to ensure communication and to issues arecommunication addressed and issues are addressed individual will implement strategies to excite individual will implement strategies to excite and existing to excel within our new and existing businesses tonew excel within our businesses 4uali¿cations: 4uali¿cations: Business local economy. local economy. O Degree or Management, Diploma in Natural O Degree or Diploma in Natural Resource EarthResource Sciences,Management, Earth Sciences, 4. Experience working in partnership with other 4. Experience working in partnership with other Opportunities Environmental Law,enforcement ComplianceorMonitoring and enforcement or related ¿eld Environmental Law, Compliance Monitoring and related ¿eld agencies. agencies. O Minimum 5 years’ in theResource delivery of a District Natural Resource O Minimum 5 years’ experience in the delivery of aexperience District Natural 5. Promotes interests of Tourism and the local ANTI-AGING 5. Promotes BUSINESS the interests of Tourism and thethe local Management Program, including ¿nancial and administrative functions Management Program, including ¿nancial and administrative functions Goldmine!business #1 Baby Boomer as identified business community by the community Chamber as identified by the Chamber O Minimum years’ experience in managing an of¿ce or department O Minimum years’ experience in managing an of¿ce or department Market inboard US. Prime Turn-key board of Directors. of Directors. O Experience knowledge of a variety of communication tools to ensure locations available. $12K(min. O Experience in and knowledge of a variety in of and communication tools to ensure Responsible aligning the Tourism funding from 6. Responsible for aligning the6.Tourism fundingfor from Invest)=$50K+ Yearly! Call toappropriatetodissemination of information to a variety of audiences appropriate dissemination of information a variety of audiences the district. the district. 24/7. day: 1-888-900-8276. O Experience applying and enforcing legislation and regulations relating to O Experience applying and enforcing legislation and regulations relating to As this manager of the tourism office, this person 7. As manager of the tourism 7. office, person EXCITING NEW Canadian naturaloutstanding resource managementnatural resource management will schedule and direct staff to deliver will schedule and direct staff to deliver outstanding Business Opportunity. O Experience working with other levels government, including First Nations O Experience levels of government, including First of Nations service to ensuring a working with other community a community visitors Available service in your to area! Min in- visitors ensuring O Knowledge MS Of¿cewith suitebasic mandatory experience with basic surveying, O Knowledge MS Of¿ce suite mandatory of experience surveying, vestment proactive req’d. For response more info,to needs and proactive response requests ofofnew requests of new to needs and mapping, and the use of mapping GPS hardware andtocomputer mapping software to mapping, and the use of GPS hardware and computer software call 1-866-945-6409. and returning visitors. and returning visitors. location maps would be an asset generate location maps wouldgenerate be an asset 8. and Combined relevant education and experience GET 8. FREE vending relevant Combined experience O Knowledge of would Dakelhbelanguage Osome Knowledge of Dakelh language and culture an asset and culture would be an asset Can earnneeded $100,000.00 + like per this, and some needed for a job like this, and supervisory for a job supervisory year. All cash-retire in just 3 experience would be an asset. experience would be an asset. years. Protected territories. must demonstrate how applicant meets these quali¿cations Wages Application must demonstrate Application how applicant meets these quali¿cations Wages 9. reliable Valid BCvehicle. Driver’s Licence and reliable vehicle. Validcall BC now Driver’s Licence and Full 9. details 1-866will commensurate with experience will commensurate with experience 10. Experience with the development and 10. Experience the development and 668-6629. Or visit ourwith website Closing date: February 28, 2014 Closing date: February 28, 2014 at: maintenance of Social Media. maintenance of Social Media. Interested applicants may address: forward resume to the above address: Attention ExecInterested applicants may forward resume to the above Attention ExecTRAIN TO be an apartutive Maureen Isadore or email executiveassistant#nakazdli ca Assistant Maureen or Assistant email executiveassistant#nakazdli ca closing 31st, for this opportunity is utive January 31st, and the Isadore ment/condominium The closing for thisManager opportunityThe is January and the online! get access with PLEASE NO PHONE CALLSPLEASE NO PHONE CALLS salary to be commensurate with experience. salaryGraduates to be commensurate experience. toFor all a jobs posted with job us. description 33 Only applicants who meet For aormore detailed job description or to submit a NOTE: Only those applicants NOTE: who meet thethose minimum requirements willthe beminimum invited requirements will be invited more detailed to submit a years of success! Government to interview and cover letter, please contact: fsjcham@ to interview resume and cover letter, pleaseresume contact: fsjcham@ certifi ed. or fsjames.com604-681-5456. 800-665-8339, CENTURY PLAZA HOTEL Best Rates. 1.800.663.1818 CENTURY PLAZA HOTEL Best Rates. 1.800.663.1818

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, Wednesday,January January22, 22,2014 2014

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Ft. St. James B.C. Call (778) 667-0346 In a Jam, call BAM BAM. Remote Water Hauling, Water teƐƟng anĚ dreatment͘ 'raǀel Hauling, džĐaǀaƟon ǁorŬ͘ O Eoǁ ƉroǀiĚing >iƋuiĚ Ɛtorage tanŬƐ Ĩor Water anĚ WaƐte Danagement͘ &or ReƐiĚenƟal anĚ /nĚuƐtrial uƐeƐ͘ O Rainǁater ŚarǀeƐƟng ƐoluƟonƐ͘

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM WOODLOT LICENSE 257 Please be advised that Mabel Lloyd is proposing to remove 64 h of private land from woodlot license 257 located in the vicinity of the Necoslie River. Inquiries/comments to this proposal must be submitted to Ross Hamilton by February 22, 2014. Only written inquiries received by this date will be responded to. Information about this proposal can be obtained by contacting Ross Hamilton at 250-996-8032 or rhamilton@ NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM WOODLOT LICENSE 254/256 Please be advised that Ross Hamilton is proposing to remove 48 h of private land from woodlot 254/256 located in the vicinity of the Necoslie River. Inquiries/comments to this proposal must be submitted to Ross Hamilton by February 22, 2014. Only written inquiries received by the above date will be responded to. Information about this proposal can be obtained by contacting Ross Hamilton at 250-996-8032 or rhamilton@



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NEWSPAPERS Serving Fort St. James and area since 1972 Pam Berger Publisher


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Pam Berger Publisher 150 W. Columbia St Box 1007, Vanderhoof BC V0J 3A0

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A public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers at the District of Fort St. James office, 477 Stuart Drive West on Wednesday, February 12 at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to give all persons who deem their interests in property to be affected by the proposed “Official Community Plan Amendment No. 11, Bylaw No. 937, 2014” and “Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 27, Bylaw No. 938, 2014” an opportunity to be heard. The application requests the following: 1. Amend District of Fort St. James Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 872, 2010 such that a portion of the parcel legally described as Lot 17 Plan 8411 District Lot 4762 Range 5 Coast District is changed from “Urban Residential” to “Park”. 2. Amend District of Fort St. James Zoning Bylaw No. 738, 2001 such that a portion of the parcel legally described as Lot 17 Plan 8411 District Lot 4762 Range 5 Coast District, is changed from R-3 (Residential – Multi-Family) to a mix of R-1 (Residential – Single Family), R-2 (Residential – Duplex), R-3 (Residential – Multi-Family), R-4 (Residential – Mobile Home) and (P-1) Parks & Schools. The proponent, Ouellette Bros. Enterprises Ltd., proposes to rezone the property, located to the east of Murray Road, Carnell Street and Ash Street East, for the purposes of subdividing for a residential neighbourhood. Copies of the proposed amending bylaws may be viewed at the District Office, 477 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James, from January 13 through February 12, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays.

Employment A7

Trades, Technical

Labourers LABOURERS Houston, BC

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DH Manufacturing in Houston BC is looking for labourers. Must be reliable, physically fit and willing to work shift work. Starting wage up to $16.75/hr. Benefit package after 3 months employment. Email

Primary duties include maint. troubleshooting & repair of diesel & gas marine engines. Knowledgeable in vessel electrical systems. Must have own tools and a valid drivers license. Compensation Based On Experience. Please forward resume to vancouveroutboard@

Legal Notices

JOURNEYMAN HEAVY DUTY MECHANICS Fort McMurray & Leduc Alberta Gladiator Equipment Ltd. has immediate positions for Journeyman Heavy Duty, off road Certified Mechanics for work in Fort McMurray and Leduc, Alberta. Excellent wages and benefits. fax 1-780-986-7051.

NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM WOODLOT LICENSE 258 Please be advised that Andrew Hoy is proposing to remove 44 h of private land from woodlot license 258 located in the vicinity of the Necoslie River. Inquiries/comments to this proposal must be submitted to Ross Hamilton by February 22, 2014. Only written inquiries received by this date will be responded to. Information about this proposal can be obtained by contacting Ross Hamilton at 250-996-8032 or rhamilton@

LAND ACT: NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CROWN LAND Take notice that Necoslie River Ranch Ltd. from Fort St. James, BC, has applied to the Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Omineca Region, for a Crown grant for agricultural purposes situated on Provincial Crown land located at Part of District Lot 4016, Range 5 Coast District. Please note that the application will be reduced in size to the most suitable 65 hectares. The Lands File for this application is 7409609. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Ryan Hall, Senior Land Officer, Omineca Region, MFLNRO, at 1044 5th Avenue, Prince George, BC V2L 5G4 or Comments will be received by MFLNRO up to March 1st/2014. MFLNRO may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit the website at: jsp?PostID=42348 for more information. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ Office in Omineca Region. A hard copy MAP showing the location and extent of the application area may be acquired by calling the land officer named above at 250 565-6430.

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Interclub speed skating Speed skaters from four to 50 met up for a long-track meet in Fort St. James Keith Gordon Submitted The Fort St. James Falcons hosted a very successful outdoor interclub speed skating meet on Jan 12 on the outdoor long-track oval. There were 36 skaters with ages ranging from four to mid-fifties. Skaters came from Prince George and Vanderhoof to join eight local racers. Weather is always on the mind with outdoor speed skating and there were temperature highs of six degrees above in the forecast as well as (perhaps the biggest dread to the outdoor ice maker) rain. But the worst that it came to was a bit of snow and the warm air made for wonderful outdoor speed skating and fast ice. The meet was the first time kids as young as 12 years old got to try “Olympic Style” racing where the skaters do their time trials in pairs. This is the classic format for speed skating as done at world championships and olympic games. The fastest overall skater was Prince George resident and world ranked master skater Lyle Dickieson. The fastest junior skater was Mathew

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Ebert from Vanderhoof. The fastest local skater was Russ Macdonald. A couple of Fort’s teen agers were unable to compete in the meet due to sickness. Many thanks to so many of the longtime supporters of skating who came out and timed and did place judging. The club is very grateful for people who come out year after year to help. The meet concluded with a mass start 3,000 metre race where the top local finisher was Aiden Duncan. Fort results overall were: Russ Macdonald took third in Division one, Sean Houghton was second in Division three, Aiden Duncan placed fifth in Division three, Nyah Duncan was first for Division four, Amy Waddell took second in Division four and Liam Reidlinger placed fifth in Division four. Conor Duncan and Leah Waddell skated in the “Active Start” event. Future meets for local skaters include the B.C. Winter Games in Mission where skaters will skate a short track competition. Competing for Zone seven will be Fort’s Emily Sulyma and Morgon Bennison as well as several skaters from Vanderhoof. Alison Leach will be coaching for Zone seven.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014 Caledonia Courier

Family Literacy Day Classes are kept small so sign up early. There are three different days to choose from for the eight week duration. To register call Debbie Anderson at The Learning Hub: 250-996-7078.

OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (Across from the Petrocan Station)

SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday 7:30 pm & Sunday 10:30 am DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am

The Learning Hub would like to invite you over for some ideas, activities, free resources and a chance to win a free book! Come on by and have some coffee, tea and a light snack any time between 10:30 a.m. until closing at 6 p.m.. Fill out our survey so we can better serve the community. We are open Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. We are closed for lunch at 1-2 p.m. and are also closed Fridays. If you have children, sign up now for a Family Literacy Program. This is an eight week program starting January 27 for one hour a week. You’ll get more great resources, a lesson on using them and a chance to share your own ideas, plus a chance to socialize while you’re at it and it’s free.




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