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VOLUME 124 ISSUE 4 $1.35
Open Mon - Sat. 6:00 am - 5:30 pm 250 - 344 - 2928
Art show at GSS McDonald’s ready for grand re-opening ....................................2
GSS student painting nails for college tuition ..................................10
Captain Phillips earns rave reviews ..................................11
Chelsee Langan (left, her art on the far left) and Mahailey Gutoski (art on the far right) pose in front of their work on display at the Golden Secondary School library. GSS will host its annual art show this week, with the public welcome to view their work today (Jan. 22) from 3:15 to 5:00 p.m. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Golden schools bringing in Leader in Me Rockets take down Rockies..................19
Jessica Schwitek What started as a casual conversation between two friends has expanded to include administrators and educators from three Golden schools, as well as an international organization that helps build the leaders of tomorrow. “It started as a conversation between Greg
Ehman and myself, and he was telling me about this Leader in Me program that his kids’ school had in Comox,” said local parent Lori Baxendale. “I thought it would be so great if we could bring that program to Golden.” The Leader in Me framework, which gets incorporated into the regular school curriculum, originates from Dr. Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and gives students
the learning skills to enable them to reach a higher level of performance. “It all started when the principal of a school in the United States, who was facing closure for a number of reasons, started applying the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People at her school,” said Baxendale. “The school didn’t end up closing, and now it’s thriving.” Continued on page 3
Grand Opening Saturday, January 25 with Ronald McDonald and Birdie on location at 1:00 p.m. Ribbon and cake cutting, face painting... EZ Rock will be on location. With a $2.00 donation to Ronald McDonald House you coud win FREE food.
To celebrate the grand reopening we will be having specials all week from January 20 to 26 FREE
Small Coffee
Egg Mcmuffin
Bigmac, Quarter Pounder with cheese or Mcchicken Extra Value Meal
Happy Meals
Small Hot Specialty McCafe Drinks.
$10.00 McDonald Cards will be given out in Drive thru during the day to lucky guests and enter in restaurant for one lucky winner will receive FREE coffee for a year!!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 The Golden Star
Kicking Horse Embroidery Call: 250-272-2222
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William and Shelley Soles wish to Announce the engagement of their daughter
Melissa Soles to
McDonald’s recently expanded its space, added a self-serve beverage station and built an extra drive-thru lane for quicker service. The restaurant will celebrate its grand re-opening Saturday. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
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McDonald’s celebrates re-opening Joel Tansey With its renovations now complete, McDonald’s in Golden will celebrate its grand re-opening on Saturday Jan.25. Mascots Ronald McDonald and Birdie will be among the attendees for the celebration that will include cake and ribbon cutting ceremonies, face-painting and other yet to be confirmed entertainment. In addition, customers will have a chance to win free food prizes by donating to Ronald McDonald House, and EZ Rock’s Steve Keppler will be broadcasting live on location. Special offers will be available on food and beverage items from Jan. 20-26 including free small coffee, $4.99 Big Mac, McChicken and Quarter Pounder with Cheese extra value meals and $2.99 Happy Meals. Every 20th vehicle through the drive-thru will receive a $10 McDonald’s gift card and a single grand prize of free coffee for a year will be awarded as well. Thanks to the recent renovations, McDonald’s
dining area has approximately doubled in size, giving guests plenty of room and the staff some added counter space. Drinks are now easily refillable from the restaurant’s self serve beverage station and plenty of large tables has some added benefits as well. “This is a place where friends meet,” said Dallas Matheson, in charge of the restaurant’s community relations. “We have lots of regular local coffee groups that come throughout the week and on the weekend. It gets pretty nice to have them every day.” The renovations have also made the restaurant much more technology-friendly as well. “There’s a high bench area and under there are several plug-ins for people’s laptops or computers, of course we also offer WiFi as well,” Matheson said. Matheson encourages parents to bring their cameras to the grand re-opening for photo opportunities with Ronald McDonald and Birdie. The ribbon and cake cutting ceremonies will take place at 1 p.m..
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 22, 2014 A3
New methadone formula being released Golden Star Staff Beginning Feb. 1, the current methadone formula given out by pharmacists will change. British Columbia will transition to a new methadone formula, called Methadose, which provides a safer, more consistent treatment for patients, but with ten times the strength of the current formula. It is important that the public, particularly those who are on methadone maintenance therapy, be aware of the changes and take extra caution during this transition. The East Kootenay Addiction Services Society, who has an office in Golden, is concerned that there may be an increased
risk for accidental overdose for people who purchase and consume Methadose from unsupervised locations. The new formula is distinguishable from the current methadone solution by its red colour, cherry flavour, and the fact that it does not need refrigeration. Patients will receive the same dose of methadone, but the amount of liquid will be one-tenth as much as what they receive with the current formula. Physicians and pharmacist will be informing their patients about this change so that they may safely adapt to the new formula. Both physicians and pharmacists have been provided with additional
education and training in preparation for this transition and will be prepared to advise patients about the new formula. In addition, residents in and around city centres throughout the province may notice posters and signage cautioning users to “think before they drink”. These posters are intended to spread awareness of the new, stronger formula to hard-to-reach communities and to those who may not have had recent contact with their physician or pharmacist. The move to a new formula is about ensuring patients undergoing methadone maintenance treatment are provided with the safest and most effective
care. While the current methadone formula needs to be compounded, this new formula does not, which means it will help reduce the risk of errors associated with manual compounding, such as the risk of overdose. As with all narcotic medications, Methadose should be stored safely so that it cannot be accessed by children or persons for whom the medication was not prescribed. Methadose is a strong opioid and can be fatal. Anyone suspecting accidental ingestion, especially by a child, should immediately call 9-1-1. For more information on the safe use of Methadose, contact the College of Pharmacists of BC, the Col-
Golden nearly doubling BC’s numbers Continued from page 1 This leadership framework has now gone worldwide, and more than 200 schools in Canada are Leader in Me schools. Only four of those schools, however, are in British Columbia. Baxendale and Ehman started the ball rolling, and spoke to the administrators at Alexander Park Elementary, Nicholson Elementary, and Lady Grey Elementary. After a year of discussion with school staff and the Leader in Me organization, all three schools are on board to get the training, and become Leader in Me schools. “This is such an amazing thing for our community,” said Baxendale. “We are nearly doubling the number of Leader in Me schools in the province. The students at these schools are going to get such strong skills from this program, and they are going to carry them forever, whether they stay in Golden or move onto somewhere else.” The project was kept quiet for the first year to make sure the teachers wanted this program (which requires training from the Leader in Me organization), and that the Golden schools would be good candidates. “I talked to other administrators and teachers and we did some research. I attended the first Canadian Leader in Me symposium in Edmonton with the other two elementary principals in Golden and we talked to our staffs in Golden about what we were finding out. What I have learned is that it has had excellent results in the schools that have adopted it and it embodies many elements
that I believe are important,” said Janne Arlt, principal at LGES. “It has also been shown to transfer beyond the classroom to home and family life. The Leader in Me also fits with current trends in education regarding personalized learning, student self-regulation, global citizenship and balanced, healthy lifestyles.” With all three schools on board, the steering committee (which Baxendale and Ehman are a part of) now has the task of raising the funds for the training. The training, which is spaced over three years, will be given to all school staff by Leader in Me teachers who will come to Golden. They are currently pursuing grants from multiple locations, including the Columbia Basin Trust. “The CBT has been really supportive. And the Rotary Club of Golden is also choosing Leader in Me as the recipient for funds raised at their annual gala in April,” said Baxendale. The first round of training workshops will begin in August of 2014, and the skills the staff learn there will be incorporated into the schools right away. “There is much interest and commitment by many staff members, which was the reason for the decision to move forward with it,” said Arlt. “Our hope is that we would be providing the students with some tools to be successful far beyond their years with us.” Information on what in means to be a Leader in Me school has now been sent out to the parents. Anyone interested in learning more can go to
“Our hope is that we would be providing the students with some tools to be successful far beyond their years with us.” — Janne Arlt — Principal LGES
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of BC, or the East Kootenay Addiction Services Society in Golden at 250-3442000.
GOLDEN AND DISTRICT ROD & GUN CLUB 2014 Annual General Meeting Tuesday, February 11th, 2014 7:00pm at the College of the Rockies
Golden and District Search and Rescue would like to thank: Columbia Shuswap Regional District Columbia Basin Trust BC Gaming Grants Larry Sparks For supporting the purchase of the new SAR Hall!
Behind the Wheel
Sponsored by:
Johnston Meier
Insurance Agencies Ltd. 510B - 9th Avenue N., Golden, B.C. (250) 344-5201
Backup and Docking Lights As is often the case, today’s article comes from what I see around me as I drive. I was passed by a cube van with one white floodlight on the right rear illuminated. The driver of a truck tractor with no trailer pulled in front of him using the right lane and flashed his backup and docking lamps a few times. The offending driver didn’t get the hint and his backup floodlight remained on, but both vehicles and their drivers were in the wrong. For those of us who are not driving trucks or truck tractors, we are allowed two white lights designated as type SAE R or E Code AR that may only light when our vehicle is in reverse gear. Of course, these lights are already built into our rear light assemblies by the manufacturer. If you wish to use a different lamp assembly, they must conform and the OEM lights would have to be disabled. Trucks and truck tractors are allowed to have one or two docking lamps in addition to the two backup lamps. There is no mention of lamp standards, colours or mounting in the rule books except that they may only operate if the vehicle is in neutral or reverse gear and that they must be directed so that the high intensity portion of the beam will not strike the eye of another driver. Neither one of these drivers should have been able to illuminate any of these lamps while they were traveling in a forward direction on the highway. I’m also curious about how they managed to pass inspection at a designated inspection facility in this condition. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014 The Golden Star
Helly Hansen Big Mountain Battle Scammers using local coming to Kicking Horse Feb. 15 Telus phone numbers Joel Tansey Helly Hansen’s Big Mountain Battle, a two-person race on a mountain-wide course, will be coming to Kicking Horse Mountain Resort on Feb. 15. Teams must ski and hike to checkpoints spanning the entire mountain in less than three hours in an event that can be described as a scavenger hunt on a mountain. “Helly Hansen’s Big Mountain Battle is a favourite among diehard locals and families alike. The race, which is open to all skill levels, challenges skiers and snowboarders to use their insider’s knowledge to scour the mountain for checkpoints as fast as possible,” said Erik Burbank,
Jessica Schwitek
The Helly Hansen Big Mountain Battle is coming to KHMR on Feb. 15. Helly Hansen Photo vice president of global marketing for Helly Hansen. “Their rabid support for this event is the reason why we expanded the Big Mountain Bat-
Golden THE
will be publishing a special supplement featuring babies of 2013!
Email or bring in a photo of your baby along with the date and time of birth, weight, and names of parents and any siblings. Only $25!!
Email: Ph. 250-344-5251 Deadline: Noon on Friday January 24th Publication Date: Wednesday January 29th
tle series in the U.S., Canada, and Norway with some of our outstanding resort uniform partners.” Other venues in the Big Mountain Battle series include Fernie Alpine Resort and Mt. Seymour in British Columbia, along with several other resorts across North America. The winners of the competition at Kicking Horse will receive $2,000 worth of Helly Hansen gear and an entry into the finale event, the Battle of the Bowls in Aspen, Colorado. Resorts of the Canadian Rockies VP of Marketing and Sales Matt Mosteller believes this is a rare
FreeFREE English Language Training! Program Information Session College of the Rockies - Golden Campus
Wednesday, January 29, 2014 7:00 p.m. in room 18 • Review courses • Pre-requisites • Ladder to LPN • Financial Funding • Occupatinal Outlook
Program starts in Golden in September 2014! Phone 250-344-5901 Improve your English through the ESL Settlement Assistance Program. • Speak, read, and write English • Open to all skill levels • Individual instruction
opportunity for skiers of all ages to get involved. “It’s one of the few events that I think is really unique in that all can do it,” he said. “You and the buddies, or a family, mom-son, dad-daughter, whatever. Most of the events that come to a ski resort it’s just one person competing… this is one event that all ages can participate in, and a family can do together.” There are three different categories for the battle; an advanced course, an intermediate course and an intermediate 12 and under course where one team member must be 12 years old or younger. Flaik GPS systems will track competitors in real time, which will give participants an opportunity to examine their route following the competition. Entry into the race is $80 per team in advance or $100 on the day of the event. The registration fee does not include lift tickets for the day, which can be purchased at a discount for participants who don’t have a seasons pass to Kicking Horse. For more information or to register, log on to www. bigmountainbattle. com/Venues/kicking-horse/
In recent days Telus has noted a significant increase in the frequency of a common phone scam. Fraud artists are trying to trick customers out of personal information by posing as representatives of Telus or other well-known companies offering free trips or other prizes. The fraudsters ‘spoof’ their caller IDs, using specialized internet services to create false phone numbers to make it appear they are calling from a local number. Telus believes they are in fact calling from offshore. One Golden resident received a phone call from a local number with someone claiming to be from Air Miles, but was very skeptical and did not hand over any personal information. People who provide personal information to fraudsters could suffer identity theft or other fraud. Personal information includes names, addresses, birthdates, account numbers, passwords, credit card numbers, etc. Telus is warning customers to be aware of these frauds, and not give out personal information. Simply hang up when scammers call. If you are unsure about the legitimacy of an email or phone call and believe you may have given personal information to a scam artist and need assistance securing your Telus account, please call Telus Fraud Management at 1-877-567-2062. For additional information about email and phone fraud, please visit or the RCMP at http://www.rcmp-grc. To lodge a complaint or request more information, please contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre toll-free at 1-888-495-8501 or the Competition Bureau toll-free at 1-800-348-5358.
B.C. invests $5.97 million for RMI communities Golden Star Staff The Government of British Columbia is investing another $5.97 million in 14 resort-oriented municipalities throughout the province to support and promote local tourism economies. The Resort Municipality Initiative (RMI) will have invested over $72.5 million since 2007 to assist resort-based municipalities in maintaining and growing a robust regional tourism economy. B.C.’s Tourism Sector is one of the eight key sectors identified in the BC Jobs Plan creating more than 125,000 jobs and over $13.4 billion in revenues in the province. Communities will use this funding to enhance services and infrastructure geared at attracting more tourists and encouraging longer stays. The two major projects coming up for Golden are the Highway Corridor Enhancement Project, and the Spirit Square Amenity Hub. Both projects will take place in phases, the first of which already has funding from the last round of RMI grants. “Investing in resort communities is crucial to economic development in our province, and these tourism hot-spots throughout British Columbia generate jobs and investment. Providing our resort municipalities with financial support helps them to focus on providing a memorable experience for visitors, ensuring they return to British Columbia and our resort municipalities in the future,” said Shirley Bond, Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister Responsible for Labour. Tourism is one of the largest industries in B.C., comprising over 18,000 businesses that directly employ more than 127,000 British Columbians. Through the Gaining the Edge strategy, the B.C. Government has set aggressive growth targets for the provincial tourism industry.
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 22, 2014 A5
Raffle for local student 49 BC patients in
hospital with H1N1 Jeff Nagal Black press
Tom Little (centre) accepts a raffle prize from A&W owners Cara and Graham Mann. A&W, along with some help from several local businesses, sponsored the raffle. The draw raised $1,263 for Sydney Mitchell, an LGES student who is preparing to have her second heart transplant. Joel Tansey/Star Photo Photo
Public health officials say more B.C. residents have likely died of H1N1 flu this month than the official count of five lab-confirmed deaths so far. Four of the confirmed H1N1 deaths were on Vancouver Island, while the fifth was in the Interior and there are none officially listed in the Lower Mainland. According to the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, there are 49 patients hospitalized in intensive care units with severe influenza as of Jan. 17. But officials say those numbers of deaths understate the true scope of the H1N1 flu fatalities because patients hospitalized with flu-like symptoms – even those who die – are not generally lab tested for a final confirmation of influenza type. "Most deaths from influenza will probably not have influenza identified," said Dr. Reka Gustafson, a medical health officer. As a result, she said it's "not a meaningful exercise" to focus on the number of deaths or hospitalizations as that can give a false impression that influenza is less severe. Based on national averages, the CDC estimates there are up to 520 influenza-related hospital deaths in B.C. in a normal flu season each year. H1N1 makes up more than 80 per cent of flu cases in B.C. so far this year. Many pharmacies have run out of vaccine after a late scramble to get immunized. The province says nearly 1.4 million British Columbians have been vaccinated so far and the "unprecedented demand" has led to temporary gaps in supply.
RCMP Report: Mischievous guests at hotel Golden Star Staff
Mischief at hotel
Drunk Driving On Jan. 17, the driver of a mini van on 10th Avenue at 3:30 a.m. was found to be driving under the influence of alcohol. The driver received a 90-day Immediate Roadside Prohibition and has lost the use of the van for the next 30 days. Fight at vacation home Shortly after midnight on Jan. 11, police responded to a disturbance at a rental vacation property at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. Investigation revealed that a group of people from Alberta had come to the area for a weekend of skiing. They were enjoying some down time at the house at the end the day when one person had a little bit too much to drink and became belligerent and confrontational. A struggle ensued and they were unable to calm the male down. When the police arrived, the male became much more co-operative. He had some minor injuries which were treated in hospital and he was transported elsewhere for the evening.
Police were called to a case of mischief at a local hotel on Jan. 11. Investigation revealed that three guests had been using the pool and were asked to leave a number of times as the pool hours had ended. As they were leaving, the guests, who were clearly under the influence of alcohol, began to mishandle the artificial plants in the pool area and immersed them in the pool itself. This resulted in debris being deposited into the pool and potentially affecting the filtration systems. The guests were forced to pay damages for the cost to clean the pool. Stolen vehicle While responding to a reported collision near Field, police came upon a vehicle travelling extremely slow on the Highway. Checks of the vehicle license plate identified the vehicle as being reported stolen earlier that day from Merritt. Police attempted to stop the vehicle which continued at slow speeds, eventually pulling over near the Spiral Tunnels. One male occupant was taken into custody without incident and subsequently pled guilty in Golden Provincial Court on January 14, 2014. The male was sentenced to 30 days in jail.
WE WANT YOUR OPINION Wednesday January 22nd – Civic Centre 12 – 1pm: 5:30 – 7:30pm:
Community Conversations ~ Civic Engagement 2014 Budget ~ Public Consultation & Open House Find out more at or 250-344-2271
Flu Season
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 The Golden Star
Smart Meter Compliance Dear editor,
It happens every year about this time – the flu bug hits. I am the fortunate one in the office that hasn’t succumb to the seasonal sickness. It’s nothing new, the flu comes and goes every year. Some of us get it, others avoid it. The only difference is - I SURMISE these new strains of influBy Jessica Schwitek enza are causing concern for a different age group, particularly as deaths occur. It seems in the past, when an elderly person died from the flu it was too often chalked up to old age and possibly not taken as seriously. But now that this strain is hitting younger generations there appears to be more of a panic (in the media at least). There have been five confirmed deaths in B.C. from the H1N1 strain of the flu so far. And that particular strain accounts for 80 per cent of all cases of the flu this season. Everyone has their personal prevention methods, whether it’s constant hand washing, Cold FX, Echinacea or oil of oregano. Personally, I am undecided in the yearly vaccination debate. I haven’t gotten a flu shot this year, but not because I don’t believe in them. I just haven’t. Maybe I just feel bulletproof, because truth be told, I very rarely get sick. I often find myself scolded when I reveal that I don’t typically get the flu shot. I’ve been told that it is irresponsible, and that I contribute to the poor health of the community. Hospitals in British Columbia have even introduced a new law this year, making it mandatory for those who have not had a flu shot to wear a surgical mask while near the patients. Although the rule would force me to wear the unflattering and uncomfortable mask while in the hospital, I actually agree with the policy. There are a lot of vulnerable immune systems in the hospitals, and I certainly wouldn’t want to jeopardize their health. The one time in my life when I did get the shot was when I was spending time with my sick grandfather. British Columbia is facing a shortage in the flu vaccine this year, although the supply has not run out yet. This suggests that even though vaccines are a bit on the controversial side, the public is still, for the most part, putting their faith in vaccinations’ ability to reduce the spread of illness — and that it outweighs the potential risks.
Regarding the submitted article published in the Golden Star on Wednesday Jan. 1, 2014 entitled “More than 6,000 refuse new meters”; Jeff Nagal of Black Press states that BC Hydro reports “99 per cent of its customers now have the wireless meter.” A big question is how they got that level of compliance. On Jan. 15, we would have been added to that per cent if we hadn’t been home when the Corix installer came to our house. Despite having three refusal letters on file with BC Hydro, he came onto our property ready to install the smart meter in his bag. When we said “no,” he told us it would cost us $65 for his call-out to our house and $35 per month for reading our meter. The $65 was for him to do nothing and we certainly hadn’t asked him to come. But if he installed a free meter then all the fees would be waived and it would cost us nothing.
Wolverine Habitat Dear editor, East and West Kootenay JUMBO WILD! voices express only ovations for the intrepid 2013 Citizens for Democracy CAMPERS. Well within the letter of the law, they successfully hindered all attempts, by the proposed Jumbo Resort personnel, to make any progress toward their intended goals of getting a good start constructing a
When asked, he told us that, yes, he would install a smart meter if people weren’t home, even if they had a sign on their meter saying “no.” This is in contravention of the Tariff Act. We urge those who do not want a smart meter to be alert to any Corix vehicles and feel free to call us (250-344-2522) if you have recently had a meter installed against your wishes while you were away from your home. We can pass the information on to someone who may help. You are not alone in dealing with Corix or BC Hydro. Check out two websites: and A number of people in town have the documentary film “Take Back Your Power,” which gives you more information, including documentation on health effects and exposure from radio frequency signals (response to Jeff Nagal’s article). Again, please call us if you are interested in seeing the film, and we can arrange a viewing of it. Dave and Inge Clapperton Golden
day lodge, and, conducting public activities on the Farnham Glacier - one of the four glaciers assigned to the Jumbo Resort development proposal. Wolverines are extremely sensitive to human encroachment in their habitat and are becoming the bench-mark species for large connected ecosystem preservation. (Males need 1,500 square kilometres.) If we can meet their survival needs we should be able to meet those of many other spe-
cies. Currently wolverines are Federally listed in W. Canada as a Species of Special Concern and the U.S. is considering listing them as Endangered. The big questions are: Where are they? What’s their population? What’s life like? Ground DNA identification was done from the Southern Purcells up to the Purcell Wilderness Conservancy. (Ground studies also were done in the Selkirks and Rockies.) Continued on page 7
POLL OF THE WEEK Do you think the shuttle up to Kicking Horse Resort will be a useful service?
Yes 83%
No 17%
This week’s poll question: Do you feel vulnerable to telephone and online scams? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Letters to the Editor policy
The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no
longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.
We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES
• $47.00 per year for postal
boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) - Golden Zone
• $43.00 per year if you pick
up your paper at The Golden Star Office
• $67.00 per year outside Gold-
Michele LaPointe
Jessica Schwitek
Joel Tansey
Ali Starchuk
administration classifieds
Adam Zarachowicz advertising
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage
en’s School zone.
• LOCAL Senior’s Discount
10% ($43.00).
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 22, 2014 A7
Golden point of view
Do you feel vulnerable to telephone or online scams?
A pasture full of stingers to the owner of the 4 horses down by Parson for making your furry friends dig for their food! If you can’t afford them maybe you shouldn’t have them. Shareen Forte
Anthony McInnis
Laura Smith
“Not really. I get scam emails all the time, but they’re pretty obvious. I usually don’t even open them.”
“I’m not worried about myself, but I worry about my grandparents sometimes. They’re pretty trusting.”
“Yes, and actually my brand new iPod was disabled for unknown reasons, so even Apple products aren’t safe!”
Stars to Joe and Darren for fixing our lock.
Ten thousand Stars to the snow removal crew for doing an awesome job this year.
A loader full of stars to the Town crew for the superb job they do of clearing the roads.
Stars to Pat Kohalyk, the snow angel of Pine Drive and saviour of backs and back break-
Go to to have your say. Continued from page 6 Going further North of the conservancy, including the Jumbo area, rough terrain demands helicopters. But there’s no helicopter money. Studies show wolverines within large undisturbed areas: outside those areas, little to none. The Jumbo area is considered perfect habitat. In the recent past wolverines were identified there perhaps a female’s den. The province responded to the Kootenay ecosociety’s judicial review which challenges government creating the Jumbo Mountain Resort Municipality without residents. Now it is up to the society to respond. No court time is scheduled. Ktunaxa Nation’s judicial review was allotted two weeks in Vancouver Supreme Court. The judge, now out of sight, is deliberating lawyers submissions plus additional information no doubt. Judicial reviews are known to have long timelines. “The Ktunaxa are seeking to have the province’s decision around the approval of the Master Development Agreement quashed or at least reviewed,” explained Ktunaxa Nation Council Chair, Kathryn Teneese.
A Downton Abbey full of stars to the Golden Cinema for being accommodating. You are a real asset to the this community.
ing work – you are truly amazing – thank you! Service Stars to Overwaitea. Your attention to details saved me from taxing trauma at my dinner party! A New Year Star to Dave Higginson for helping my mom with her car. She’ll be talking about it for the rest of the year. Cheers.
Email your Stars and Stingers to
Government lawyers posited that the Ktunaxa were not emphatic enough about the cultural and spiritual importance of the Jumbo area. Ktunaxa lawyers posited that the Ktunaxa have strongly asserted the Jumbo area holds environmental, cultural and spiritual values for their nation. They have consistently reiterated their opposition the the resort development proposal since it was originally announced and reiterated continuously outside of, and within, government’s consultation process. Mitigation environmental values was predominantly the subject of the Consultation Process. I maintain it is impossible to mitigate environmental values, much less cultural and spiritual values - - how can consistent opposition do more than reiterate? In 2012 it became clear to government that the Ktunaxa were firm in their opposition so it signed the Master Development Agreement. Immediately the Ktunaxa made their historic journey to Victoria officially presenting their Qat’Muk Declaration - nation to nation. Rowena Eloise, Argenta, for the Kootenay Coalition for Jumbo Wild
Canadian Made I would like to voice my concerns to the Canadian Olympic Committee and the Hudson Bay. I was given a lovely Olympic scarf for Christmas. Looking at it, I see it was made in China. I did some research at my local Bay and see that everything has been made in China. I find this absolutely unacceptable. Our Canadian athletes deserve to be dressed in apparel made in Canada by Canadians who are the people supporting the athletes. In the 2010 Olympics, the Canadian athletes again wore clothing made in China. When will these people acknowledge that their decision making needs an overhaul, and the Canadian Olympic Team representing Canada should be wearing made in Canada uniforms. Can they not recognize the fact that made in Canada would help the Canadian economy? While I’m on the subject, I would like to ask how many of our other athletes’, such as hockey or soccer players wear team informs made in locations other than Canada. As a loyal supporter of our athletes, I resent these uniforms being made anywhere else, and I refuse to purchase or wear any of them and I encourage my friends to do likewise. G Hartzell Abotsford
Never underestimate the value of your participation in democracy The people of this area have benefitted greatly from the formation in 1995 of the Columbia Basin Trust (CBT). The purpose of the Trust is to support the social, environmental and economic well-being of the residents in the Canadian portion of the Columbia River Basin which was affected by the Columbia River Treaty. Basin residents are passionate about the Columbia Basin Trust. They feel a sense of pride that their efforts to redress the losses of the past have resulted in such an innovative and successful organization. And they feel a strong sense of ownership.
My experience as a representative of this area has shown me time and time again that the best decisions are made by the engaged citizens who will be most affected by those decisions. And the management of the assets of the Columbia Basin Trust is just another example of that fact. In 2004, the board of the CBT decided to explore the sale of its joint venture power assets to BC Hydro and to invest the proceeds. But as part of the Trust’s due diligence, public meetings were held to consult with Basin residents. Basin residents were absolutely clear
that selling off these valuable assets was the wrong thing to do. Even though there might be some short-term gain in investing such a large amount of money in the stock market, residents took a much longer view. With the benefit of hindsight we can now see just how much money the CBT would have lost had it gone ahead with this plan. Money that currently funds local literacy programs, supports youth activities and improves environmental conditions in the Basin would no longer be available. And it took Basin residents who took the time to participate in the consultation process to
make this clear. This is an example of benefitting from collective wisdom, but it would not have happened if there had not also been an opportunity to share that wisdom. Never underestimate how important your involvement is in the decisions that are being made in your community and your province. And let us fight against every attempt that is made to remove our involvement in the decision-making process. MLA Report Norm Macdonald
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 The Golden Star
Events & Entertainment Calendar
to Richard Klafki for obtaining a Masters Degree in Wildlife Biology! From, Your family.
6 Fun and Free Classes 5 Free Dinners
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Golden Cinema Presents: Book Thief Friday-Sunday 7pm. Dallas Buyers Club Monday-Thursday 7pm.
This Week A.P.E.S.After School Program Monday to Friday 3 -5:30pm. $12/day for ages 5 to 11. To register please leave a message at 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program bir th-5years. Mon&Fri 12-3:30pm, Wed 2-5pm, Tue&Thur 8:45-11:45am. Call Shelley for more info 250-439-9324. Towards the Centre by George Oliver at the Art Gallery of Golden from Jan.18-Feb.26.
Wed, Jan. 22 Parent and Tot Play lets parents and kids from birthfive enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30amnoon. Badminton Wednesdays 7-9pm at the Rec Plex. Adults $7, students/seniors $5. Need your own racket. Public Skate at the Arena every Wednesday 7-8pm. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Wednesdays 1-2pm. Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Wednesday at 10am. Call 250-344-5413 to register.
Thurs, Jan. 23 Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Men’s drop-in basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Bridge Club every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-344-5448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at the College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. A.A Meetings in Golden Thursdays at the Family Centre 421 9th Ave N. All
This week's achievement award goes to...
meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday from 3:45-5:30pm. Shinny hockey at the Arena every Thursday at 8pm. 19+ years old.
Fri, Jan. 24 Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. A.A Meetings in Golden Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre dropin every Friday from 3:307:30pm. Mother Goose Program Fridays 10:30-11:30am at the Library. Snacks included, just drop in! Public Skate at the Arena every Friday 12-1pm. Parent and Tot skate at the Arena Fridays 10-11am. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Bridge Club every Friday at the Centre for Peace in St. Andrew’s Church, 7pm. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Fridays 1-2pm. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fridays 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call Cyra 250-9190757 for more info. Food Fridays at the Golden Legion 6:30-8:30pm. Curling, Fridays at 7:30pm, 2 spaces available. Call Greg 250-344-0644 for info. Soup Day at the Golden Seniors Centre Jan.24 from 11:30am-1pm $5.
Sat, Jan. 25 Storytime at the Golden Library, Saturdays 10:3011:30am. Free drop-in, runs from Jan.18-Apr.5. Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings in Golden Saturdays at the Golden Museum 1302 - 11th Ave S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm.
• For more information... go to
Public Skate at the Arena every Saturday 5:306:45pm. Magic The Gathering Free Tournament Fridays 4-6:30pm&6:30-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Saturday Night Chapel at the Pentecostal Church (717 10th St S) at 7pm from Jan.4 - Apr.5. Family Literacy Day Jan.25 from 6-7pm at Lady Grey Elementary School. Sam Weber plays at the Golden Taps Pub Jan.25, no cover.
every Monday from 5-8pm. Badminton at the Mount 7 Rec Plex Mondays 7-8:30pm. Need your own racket, $7 (or $5 for seniors/students). Shinny hockey at the Golden Arena Mondays at 9:15pm. Must be 19+ years old. Family Dinner Play and Learn, free program for families with children 3-5 starting Monday Jan.13 from 5-7pm in the StrongStart room. Includes dinner, discussion, and activities. Call 250-439-9665.
Sun, Jan. 26 Sunday Howl open mic night at the Wolf’s Den every Sunday from 4-8pm. All ages welcome. Public Skate at the Arena every Sunday 4:30-5:45pm. Documentary & Discussions Sundays at Bizarre Entertainment from 6-9pm. Admission by $5 donation, or 2 non-perishable items to the food bank.
Mon, Jan. 27 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12 to 18. Golden Community Choir, Mondays from 7:30-9:30pm at the Lutheran Church. Member fees $10. For info call Joyce 250-344-6043. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio every Monday 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-3445766. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mondays 5-7pm in the StrongStart room in APES Free program includes dinner, discussions, and activities. Call 250-439-9665. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. The Cadets meet Mondays 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Mondays 1-2pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in
Tues, Jan. 28 John Jenkins & Friends at the Rockwater 8pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm @ Bizarre Entertainment (Free) A.A Meetings in Golden Tuesdays at the United Church 901 - 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Parent and Tot skate at the Arena Tuesdays 10-11am. Volleyball Tuesdays at the Rec Plex 7-8:30pm $5 drop in. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Tuesdays from 3:30-7:30pm. Aquafit at the Travel Lodge Tuesdays&Thursdays from 5:30-6:30pm. Jan.7 - Mar.13. Curling, Tuesdays at 7:30pm, 3 spaces available. Call Greg 250-344-0644 for info. Rockwater Grill & BarR
Upcoming Events
Money Skills, a FREE program to help adults understand concepts of money. Starts Wednesday Jan.29 from 7-8:30pm. Call 250439-9665 for info. Live Kicks and Bacchus Books presents Geoff Berner & Kris Demeanor Jan.30, 7:30pm, at the Civic Centre. Food Skills for Families, a free program on healthy cooking on a budget. Starts Feb.1, 10am-1pm. Call 344-1032 for more info. Tony Bell plays at the Golden Taps Pub Feb.1, no cover.
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The Golden Star Wednesday, January 22, 2014 A9
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014 The Golden Star
Local high school student painting nails to get to college Jessica Schwitek editor@thegoldenstar. net A local high school student has found a way to take a passion and use it help others, as well as help her achieve her future goals. Fourteen-year-old Alysha Clark has officially become certified as a manicurist, and specializ-
es in unique designs that make her clients’ nails stand out. “I really like the nail art to be different, because most people just do plain colours,” said Clark. As a Christmas present, Clark’s parents hired a trainer from Calgary to come and teach her everything she needed to know, and get her certification. Since then
she has been working at the Winston Lodge Spa, saving every cent for her future college tuition. She plans to pursue a career in accounting. Before her official training, Clark learned by watching Youtube videos, and practising on her mom and step-dad’s nails. Then she used those skills to benefit others.
For Rent or Lease
Fourteen-year-old Alysha Clark was painting nails at last year Home and Garden Trade Show, with all the proceeds going to the local Rotary Club. She is now certified, and is working at the Winston Lodge and Spa to save for her college fund. Photo Submitted
Up to 3150 sq ft over two floors. Located on route to Ski hill. Multiple uses permitted, ideal for Office’s, Warehousing, Retail Store, Storage/Distribution or great live/work space. Available immediately. Very competitive rent/lease.
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At the Home and Garden Trade Show last year she painted nails by donation, with all the proceeds going to the local
Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar. net Golden Secondary School is presenting
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successful, and was packed for most of the trade show. Clark is booking appointments at the Winston Lodge and
Spa, who will also be hosting another nail training session in February. Go to www. for details.
GSS annual art show opens this week
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Rotary Club’s youth exchange program, some she hopes to pursue herself in the future. The booth was very
its annual art show this week with a public opening scheduled for this afternoon (Wednesday Jan. 22) from 3:155:30 p.m. The show’s title this year is 360000 seconds: Growth of a Willow Tree with the number of seconds referring to the length of the art class this semester, while growth and improvement has been a focus for the class this year. A number of mediums were used to create the art for the show, ranging from acrylic and water-
colour paint to pencil crayons, charcoal and wax. Students were given plenty of room for creativity with a very general guidelines. “Students were instructed to use techniques taught in class to further their personal goals regarding their progression in art. Their work should demonstrate their improvement since September,” said GSS art teacher Tanya Hobbs. Hobbs believes that the art show is a great opportunity for stu-
dents and parents alike. “A public showing of their progress provides an incentive for students to work hard and it is also a great opportunity to show the talent and dedication of these students,” Hobbs said. “I hope that people appreciate the amount of effort and time that went into many of these pieces of art…I hope that this provides an opportunity for parents to further connect with what their children are up to at school.”
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 The Golden Star
Vancouver duo plays show at Rockwater Golden Star Staff
This is THE SHOES is coming to the Rockwater Grill and Bar on Feb. 7. Photo Submitted
Since this is THE SHOES (no that’s not a typo, the band is called ‘this is THE SHOES’) formed in 2011, Vancouver’s Jereme Collette (kick drum; acoustic, electric, slide guitars) and Sabrina Robson (vocals, harmonica, percussion) have been writing and performing raw-toned, dirty blues music with a nod to the sounds of Big Mama Thornton, southern soul and late ‘60s garage punk. They are coming to Golden for a show at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on Feb. 7. They have played throughout Vancouver, at clubs such as the Biltmore Cabaret and the Media Club, and in festivals further afield, including Rifflandia Festival and the Wapiti Music Festival, making every note count. In a band that is about timbre over decoration, music over masquerade, and sound over form, if a song doesn’t speak for itself, it isn’t a This is THE SHOES song. Their stripped down music is the Anti-Fluff, delivering traditional blues through an ever-expanding lens and range that removes rock, soul, and blues from compartmentalized formats and drives them into hard running, emotional channels that reject embellishment, contrivance, and branding. This is THE SHOES is music, pure and simple.
A Reel Review: Captain Phillips is Tom Hanks at his finest Joel Tansey In perhaps his best role since Castaway, Tom Hanks stars as the title character in Captain Phillips, an intensely thrilling film by director Paul Greengrass (The Bourne Supremacy, United 93). Captain Phillips tells the true story of the MV Maersk Alabama, a container ship that was attacked and hijacked by a group of Somalian pirates (despite the best efforts of the crew onboard) during its journey around the Horn of Africa. The group of pirates is led by Abduwali Muse (Barkhad Abdi), who is under command from a local Somali faction leader. Phillips offers the pirates the contents of the ship’s safe ($30,000) but Muse’s plans are much bigger. While Phillips is being held at gun point, the pirates begin to search the ship for the rest of the crew, who all went into hiding as soon as the ship was hijacked. The Alambama’s crew manages to capture Muse, who they then offer up in exchange for Phillips. The exchange is botched and that’s when the story really takes off. The first thing that stands out with Phillips is the stunning performances from both Hanks and Abdi. Abdi, a Somalian-American actor who moved to the U.S. when he was 14 years old, has received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor in a Supporting Role, an accolade that is thoroughly deserved for his big screen debut. Hanks was shockingly snubbed from the list of nominees, an absolute crime. His performance is steady and solid throughout up until the final scenes of the film where he absolutely takes it to another level. It’s riveting stuff. Greengrass was another surprise omission from the Oscar’s directing cateory. The English director seems to be right in his element with Phillips, after doing a fantastic job with the underrated United 93. He again uses a hand-
Tom Hanks stars alongside newcomer and Academy Award nominee Barkhad Abdi in Captain Phillips, the true story of a hijacked American cargo ship. Scott Rudin Productions held camera at times to invoke a true sense of realism. I’m not usually a fan of that style, but Greengrass has proven to me that it can be a good element in certain films when it’s done properly. Overall, Captain Phillips is an engrossing movie experience and, unlike last year’s Argo, it isn’t laced with a bucket full of historical inaccuracies either. It’s truly one of the
best movies of 2013. For that reasons I’ll give Captain Phillips 10 out of 10 dancing hot dogs. Captain Phillips is now available at Kicking Horse Movies.
2 New Movies this week! The Book Thief
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014 The Golden Star
Play at the Snow King Playhouse
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This past Saturday and Sunday saw the official opening of the Snow King’s Playhouse/workshop and a few people dropped by to start making masks and lanterns. From now until the middle of February, the Playhouse will be open to the public afternoons on the weekends and Wednesdays from 4 to 8 p.m. Groups of friends or family members are encouraged to participate by creating an act or character. Special hours will be made to accommodate creative folks. Star Photo
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The Golden Star Wednesday, January 22, 2014 A13
Planning for your financial future should start as early as possible Jessica Schwitek What are you saving for? A new car, house, early retirement? Whatever your goal is, now is the time to start planning for it. At least that's what Financial Advisor Shannon Hood says. The earlier the better when it comes to setting a financial plan. "The first thing we do when a client comes in is figure out what their goals are," said Hood, who has been a financial advisor in Golden for 10 years. "Then it's my job to help them get there." There's more to it than just putting money in RRSPs says Hood. It takes a lot of planning to make sure her clients reach their goals, especially when it comes to retirement. And although each client and family needs to find a plan that works for them, there is one thing everyone should keep in mind
when investing their money - diversify. "I have people come to me at 60 trying to find a way to retire. They have their house paid off, but nothing saved. You can't retire when you don't have money to live on," said Hood, which is one of the reasons she recommends you start your planning as early as possible. "If all your savings - now and in the future - are directed to paying off your mortgage or towards building and maintaining your business, you may run into problems in the future. Many people rely on selling their business and/or home to provide them some cash to retire on. What happens if you are unable to sell your business or your home? You always need cash to live on… Diversity is key." Retirement may seem like a far off dream for many of us, but saving needs to start early. And the key to saving is budgeting.
“The first thing we do when a client comes in is figure out what their goals are.” — Shannon Hood — Sunlife Financial Advisor
"I do a lot of budgeting with people… and the biggest thing is determining what your needs are, versus what your wants are," said Hood. Needs, being things like food and shelter, as opposed to the sweater you really want, or that new even bigger television. It's also useful to look at your regular expenses and see where you can cut back on. Are you sure you're getting the best deal on you cell phone? Are you paying too much in banking fees? Are there coupons available for the things you have to buy anyway? If you're able to start putting 10 per cent of your income into savings, that money starts to add up quickly. It’s really important to remember that before you invest money you should always ensure you have an emergency fund just in case something happens. "The rule of thumb is to keep three to six months income in your emergency fund. That money should stay out of sight, out of mind, unless you really need it for an emergency purpose" said Hood. Once you have that built up, it's time to start looking at how your money can work for you. How much you invest, and the level of risk you're comfortable with, it's different for everyone. "I tend to recommend investments
Financial advisor Shannon Hood recommends diverse investments. Photo Submitted that are slow and steady. There are all sorts of options out there and its important for everyone to understand what the risks are," said Hood If you have any questions about your financial future, Shannon Hood can be contacted at shannon.hood@sunlife. com.
Cover to Cover: Edugyan delivers emotional tale with Half-Blood Blues
Half Blood Blues was a finalist for the Man Booker Prize. Thomas Allen Publishers Joel Tansey Half-Blood Blues by Calgary’s Esi Edugyan is a heartbreaking look into a group of jazz musicians living in
Berlin (and later Paris) during the early stages of World War II. The story is told through the eyes of Sid, a blues bassist. Hiero (often referred to as “the kid”), is a black
German who is such a talented trumpeter that he caught the eye of Louis Armstrong and it’s Sid’s jealousy of the kid that creates some subtle but inevitable rifts between the two characters. Chip is the group’s drummer and provides leadership for the others and comic relief for the reader. The novel opens with the group living in Paris shortly after the Nazis took over the French capital. While Chip and Sid’s paperwork was complete, the friends remained in Paris as they waited for Heiro’s visa to come through so they could all leave Europe together. Against their better judgement, Hiero and Sid decide to leave the relative safety of their apartment after curfew one night. This is a particularly risky venture for Hiero as a black man who fled Germany just a few months prior. Not surprisingly, it turns out the pair of musicians should have stayed home, and the
ensuing events set up the main plot point of the entire novel. The storyline later skips to 1992 when Chip and Sid are on their way back to Berlin for a festival that will celebrate the life of their friend and now legend Hiero. The trip to Berlin forces Sid to relive the tragic events of a past that he would rather forget. For me, Half-Blood shares a lot of similarities to another contemporary war-themed novel, Kite Runner. Both stories jump timelines and force the main character to deal with an event that has haunted them for their entire lives. Additionally, both Edugyan and Kite Runner author Khaled Hosseini do an expert job of transporting the reader through the various time periods and settings in the story. Like Hosseini, one of Edugyan’s biggest strengths is her masterful job at creating realistic characters that you can relate to even if you
have very little in common with them in a cultural sense. It’s hard to explain, but through their words and actions, Chip and Sid truly feel like authentic old-time jazz musicians. Sid is a particularly tragic figure who seems to routinely make the wrong decisions out of both spite and jealousy. Still, it’s hard not to cheer for the guy.
Because of his flaws he is an intensely relatable character and the novel becomes especially gripping near the end of its 308 pages as the final details of Sid and Hiero’s story are ironed out. All in all, Half-Blood Blues is a truly gripping book that is worthy of the many honours it has received (including being named a finalist
for the prestigious Man Booker Prize). Edugyan has expertly crafted a wonderful story that is highlighted by its perfectly flawed characters. In many ways, Half-Blood is like jazz music at its best, it’s smooth at times, frantic at others, but always engaging. Half Blood Blues is available at Bacchus Books & Cafe.
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014 The Golden Star
Invest in your future
The above photo shows four riverboats at the docks of the Columbia River Lumber Company in Golden. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum
Early settlers in Golden had to be tough The
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early settlers in this area were a tough, hard-working group of people who had to work hard each day to make - Turning Back the Pages - ends meet. By Colleen Palumbo They did, however, know how to take time out for recreation. This they did with every bit as much enthusiasm as they poured into working. It wasn’t always easy to attend the events but the spirit of the settler never left them, they just went with the flow. Often the events were held in other communities up and down the valley and travelling to these events could be as interesting as the events themselves. The following article came from the Golden Star just before the turn of the century. It was a jolly crowd that left Golden a week ago Thursday night for Windermere to attend the great annual event at the headwaters of the Columbia River. The trip up the river was a somewhat tiresome one, taking just 23 hours to cover the distance between here and Windermere - one whole day late for the sports. The Golden Rifle Association had a team on board that was expected to make things interesting for the marksmen of the Upper Country,
but owing to the late hour at which the boat arrived, our champions were shut out of the competition, which was put on early in the day, Windermere carried off the team honors, while James Johnson of Wilmer, topped the individual score and carried off the gold medal. The action of the committee in not permitting the Golden team to shoot against the other scores was deeply resented and it will probably create friction in future contests. In the racing events Golden’s horse proved to be too much for the stock in the south, winning hands down from all comers in both races in which he was entered. As a rule, the other races were very good – at least, what our representative saw of them on the second day. The aquatic sports, although curtailed, were interesting and created considerable amusement both for the spectators and competitors. Among the passengers aboard the ptarmigan on the return trip were Mrs. Butlin, Miss Oakley, Mrs. Buckingham and her daughter from Chicago. Although the day was warm and the Golden contingent were somewhat fatigued from the previous day’s sports, the ladies from Chicago endeavoured to keep up the spirits and a goodwill of the journey, notwithstanding the fact that the boat came to many a sudden stop at stations along the stream which passengers heretofore had never heard tell of, and in many instances, it required the skill and hard labour of the boat’s crew to dislodge the craft from the many obstacles in its
path. The sounding of the boat’s whistle at irregular intervals was evidence that there was something wanting somewhere aboard - even the whistle choking from Windermere dust. Golden was reached at about 8 o’clock in the evening only to find two rigs to transport the many passengers to the hotels and homes a mile up the road. The first and unlucky ones to reach a rig consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their two children; Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair; Mr. Edwards of Golden; one lady and child from Field; Mr. Horton and Mr. Kilbourne of Winnipeg. These people were favoured with an unexpected upset which occurred opposite Mr. Houston’s residence, but fortunately, no one was seriously injured, although several received a severe shaking up, which will demand soothing agencies to allay the pain of the bruised areas. This accident was not, however, the fault of the driver, but was due to the horses running away and being compelled to make a sharp tum in the road.” It should be noted that if you were a passenger on one of the boats travelling on the river at the turn of the century and something went wrong, such as getting hung up on a sandbar, you were expected to work right beside the crew to right the situation. I figured out that by the end of many of these journeys, the riverboat company should have been paying the passengers, not the other way around.
Star business directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 22, 2014 A15
Golden Business Directory 911 North Avenue Box 599, Golden BC, V0A1H0
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014 The Golden Star
Block Shot! Neal Randhawa of the Golden Secondary School Senior Boys Eagles goes up to block a shot by Cory AngHamilton of Fulton Friday in the Fulton Maroon Corporate Classic in Vernon. The Eagles went 1-3 at the tournament against some tough competition. They’ll look to improve on that Friday and Saturday when they host the Kicking Horse Classic. Check out the Golden Star’s Facebook page for a full tournament schedule. Lisa VanderVelde/ Black Press
Rockets profile: Coltin Berard Joel Tansey With Brett DeFrias and Connor Beauchemin gone, Rockets defenceman Coltin Berard is one of the few true veterans left on the team. Along with captain Michael Anderson, Berard is one of just two 20 year olds remaining on the Rockets’ roster. “There’s a lot of weight on our shoulders now,” Berard said referring to himself and Anderson. “Mike, he’s stepped up a lot, and I’m trying to do my part.” With 6 goals and 21 assists, the 6’1” Albertan has certainly made his presence felt at both ends of the ice throughout his final KIJHL season. Berard, who partnered with DeFrias on the blueline for the first three months of the season, has teamed up with first year Rocket Dustin Watt since DeFrias’ departure. Typically an offensive defenceman, Berard has had to take less chances as he adjusts to his new partner. “Having a new partner, you gotta get used to it,” Berard said. “But Watt, he’s doing a great job on the back end, he’s learning a lot of stuff…I’m happy to play with him.” Berard joined the Rockets for the 2011/2012 season and produced 6 points in 43 games as a KIJHL rookie. He improved his point total to 13 the following season, a total he has easily eclipsed this year. Berard was instru-
Coltin Berard was the hero in OT of Saturday’s game. See page 19 for more. Star Photo mental in the Rockets’ playoff run last season, producing a goal and 10 assists in 13 games. Berard says he doesn’t have any plans for a future in hockey beyond this season and with just 10 games left in the regular season, it’s a strange feeling for Berard as he finishes up his junior career. “It feels like I’m old,” Berard laughed. “But it’s nice, I’ve had a nice three years here and I wouldn’t want to spend it anywhere else.”
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Wednesday, Wednesday, January January 22, 2014 22, 2014 The Golden Star Star
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3 full time light duty cleaners, salary $14/hr for 40 hrs/week. No experience required. Duties include sweeping, mopping, dusting, making beds, cleaning bathrooms etc. 3 full time front desk clerks, salary $13/hr for 40 hrs/week. No experience required. Duties include taking reservations and cancellations, registering guests, assigning rooms, processing telephone calls, providing information, calculating charges and processing payments etc. Email resume: or in person/mail at the Ramada 1311, 12th St. N, Golden BC.
OFFICE MANAGER Alpine Rafting in Golden, BC requires Full Time Office Manager for our Summer 2014 season. Duties include scheduling, payroll, cashouts, training and overseeing of the other members of the reservations team. Prior Team Lead or Manager Experience is essential. Preference will be given to applicants with strong Excel skills. We are seeking an outgoing, positive individual to fill this position that will be committed to our busy season. The employment term is approximately 6 months and will begin early to mid April. Wage approx $15 per hour DOE. Please send resume including references to
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or by fax to 1-866-220-7844.
OPERATIONS TEAM - BUS DRIVER - FT & PT We require a full time bus driver to work as part of our Summer 2014 Operations Team. Duties include driving our guests to and from our office to our rafting departure points, and helping the guide team with riverside logistics. Job perks include outdoor work environment, complimentary rafting, and positive work environment. This position requires a Class 2 Driver’s License and clean driver’s abstract. Wage $16 $18 Per Hour DOE. Please send resume including references to
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PINHEADS Bowling on Silver Star Mountain is looking for a mechanically minded individual to work with us during the winter season as well as June and July. This is a part time position with great pay and benefits, training provided. This could be a great job for a retired mechanic or trades person, or a younger person who wants to live and work in a vibrant ski resort. This position is available immediately. Please email Heather at
RIVER MANAGER Alpine Rafting is seeking a River Manager for the Summer 2014 Rafting Season. This position reports to the owners as include coordinating our guide team, and logistics on a daily basis. Working closely with the owners, the River Manager will ensure on water safety, professionalism and a high standard of customer service from the guide team. Other duties include scheduling and some maintenance/ repair/labour. Preference will be given to applicants with prior experience as a River Manager however we are willing to train the right person. Preference will also be given to local candidates. The position will begin in early May and run until midSeptember. Wage is DOE and ranges from $25-30 per hour. Please send resume including references to
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ENTRETIEN ROUTES II GestionDES des biens DurĂŠe dĂŠterminĂŠe, maintenant Ă la mi-avril WĆŒÄ Ć‰Ĺ˝Ć?Ä ÍžÄžÍż ă ĹŻÍ›ÄžĹśĆšĆŒÄžĆšĹ?ĞŜ /// ÍžGens de mĂŠtier) Í´ GL MAN 2014 05 Centre de services routiers, WĆŒÄ Ć‰Ĺ˝Ć?Ä ÍžÄžÍż ă ĹŻÍ›ÄžĹśĆšĆŒÄžĆšĹ?ĞŜ // ÍžDĞžÄ?ĆŒÄž ĚĞ ů͛Êquipe Lake Louise, Yoho des sentiers) Í´ GL MAN 03 RĂŠmunĂŠration: taux horaire de 22,21 $ Kootenay Ă 24,13$ Secteur de Lake Louise et parcs nationaux Yoho et Pour prĂŠsenter une demande, WĹ˝ĆľĆŒ ĞŜ Ć?ĂǀŽĹ?ĆŒ ƉůƾĆ? Ğƚ Ć‰Ĺ˝ĆľĆŒ ƉŽĆ?ĆšĆľĹŻÄžĆŒÍ• Ç€Ĺ?Ć?Ĺ?ĆšÄžÇŒ ĹśĹ˝ĆšĆŒÄž Ć?Ĺ?ƚĞ tÄžÄ? Í— visitez notre site sur les carrières Ă : Ç Ç Ç Í˜Ć‰Ä?͘Ĺ?Ä?͘Ä?Ä‚ÍŹÄ?Ä‚ĆŒĆŒĹ?ÄžĆŒÄžĆ?Ɖž
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 22, 2014 A19
Rockets down Rockies in OT, inch closer to a playoff spot Henderson and Stephen Pratt each took minor penalties 53 seconds apart with under six minutes to play, giving the Rockets a lengthy 5-on-3 opportunity. With just 18 seconds left in Henderson’s penalty, Hoobanoff atoned for his earlier penalty with his seventh goal of the season. Tanner Watt and Berard were given the assists on the allimportant tying goal. Golden had several opportunities to win the game in overtime before Berard scored to send the Rockets’ bench into a frenzy. It was
Berard’s second goal in as many games and gives the veteran six points in his last four games. “Berard’s play has been excellent,” Rockets head coach Ty Davidson said. “There were a lot of teams that wanted him at the deadline but there was no way I was giving him up… I’m glad I didn’t.” The importance of the win was not lost on Davidson, who was extremely pleased with the team’s bounce back effort after a Friday night loss to Kimberley. “We played very
well. I thought we carried the play for the most part,” Davidson said. “We just kept coming and coming and coming…It was a huge win for us.” The Rockets, winners of four of their last five, are off until Friday when they’ll visit the Beaver Valley Nitehawks, who currently lead the Neil Murdoch Division with one of the best records in the KIJHL. The following night the Rockets will make a rare trip south of the border to visit the Spokane Braves.
Rockets captain Michael Anderson battles with Rockies forward Doan Smith during Saturday’s game against the Columbia Valley Rockies. Anderson was suspended for two games for having his third head contact penalty of the season. Dan Walton/Black Press Joel Tansey After a mostly forgettable first half of the season, 2014 has been much kinder to the Golden Rockets. Coming off a blowout victory over the Revelstoke Grizzlies on Jan. 15, the Rockets lost a close one on Friday against the Kimberley Dynamiters before besting the struggling Columbia Valley Rockies on the road Saturday night. The Rockets had a 2-16-1-0 record away from the Plywood Palace heading into the pivotal game against the Rockies in Invermere on Saturday, but a different Rockets team
has taken to the ice of late and it showed during the club’s 3-2 overtime victory. Late in overtime and with the possibility of a tie looming large, Berard burst into the Rockies’ zone on a 2-on-1 late in the second OT period. The veteran showed pass, but shot instead, surprising Rockies’ goaltender Stewart Pratt on the short side. With the win, the Rockets sit just a single point behind the Rockies for the final playoff spot in the Eddie Mountain Division. Despite the victory, it was a tough start for Golden as Kyle Pouncy put the Rockies up less than two minutes into the first
period. Ten minutes later the Rockets’ third line chipped in with some offence when Bowen Alcock beat Pratt. Alcock’s linemates David Larouche and Nick McCabe were given the assists on Alcock’s third goal of the season. With a little over two minutes left in the opening period Michael Anderson was given a two minute minor and a 10 minute misconduct for a hit to the head. It was Anderson’s third such penalty of the season, which means the Rockets captain will be automatically suspended for the club’s next two games. Just when it
appeared the teams would head into the locker room tied, the Rockies delivered a back-breaking goal in the period’s dying seconds. With Nick Hoobanoff looking on from the penalty box, Rockies rookie Braeden Farge scored a power play goal to send the Rockets to the dressing room down by one. The rivals tallied 10 shots apiece in the second but Pratt and Rockets netminder Brian Parsons were up to the task each time and the 2-1 score held heading into the final 20. The Rockets had already failed to score on three power plays when Rockies forwards Ryan
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T H E R O C K E T S A R E AWAY F O R T H E R E S T O F J A N U A RY ! G O R O C K E T S G O ! !
Golden Rockets VS.
Grand Forks Border Bruins SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 7:30PM GOLDEN ARENA
RE/MAX RE/MAX ofof Golden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663
Garry Oddy Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234 (250) 344-7234
1312 - 11th Street 2 baths
NEW 3 bedrooms
$289,600 303-13th Street 2 baths
3 baths
1114 - 11th Street
5 bedrooms
2 baths
$223,000 4088 Highway #95 South
3 bdrms 2 baths 1,034sqft 22.9 acres
4 bdrms
3 baths
1 acre
3 bdrms 2.5 baths 3,120sqft .61 acres
5 bdrms 3.5 baths
3 bedrooms
3 baths
3 bedrooms 3 baths 2,532sqft
6bdrms 5 baths 4,500sqft 1.38 acres
Home with 7 Rental Suites
Lot 3, 3495 Highway #95, South 36.33 Acres
3 bedrooms
2 baths
3 bdrms 1 baths 943sqft
6.44 acres
3 bedrooms
2.5 baths
$159,900 #305, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
1 bedroom
1 bath
$269,900 #27, 1357 Aemmer Way
1 bedroom
1 bath
Rural Propery with 2 Homes
3 bedrooms
2 baths
1141 - 10th Avenue
#105, 1420 Palliser Trail
2 bedrooms
2 baths
3bdrms 1 bath 1,312sqft 1.46 acres
4bdrms 1.5 baths 2,880sqft 1.73 acres
3+1 bdrms
2 baths
3 bedrooms
3 baths
4 bdrms 1 bath 2,680sqft 77.8 acres
5 bdrms 2 baths 2,986sqft 10.28 acres
3 bdrms 3 baths 2,500sqft 5.28 acres
2 bedrooms
$429,000 1525 Fir Crescent
4 bedrooms
2.5 baths
3 baths
1 bath
3 baths
$585,000 5 bdrms 2 baths
3 bedrooms
3 baths
$1,300,000 1205 Trans Canada Highway Land & Building
5 acres
$319,900 1256 Horse Creek Road
4 bdrms 3 baths 2,568sqft 1.15 acres
$229,600 773 Canyon Creek Road
3bdrms 1 bath 1,386sqft
.35 acre
$649,000 #15 Whitetooth Trail
3 bedrooms
3 baths
$749,000 #16, 1595 Whitetooth Trail
3 bedrooms
3 baths
$375,000 #406, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
1445 Black Bear Drive
Building, Land & Business
4 bedrooms
$325,000 #55, 1290 Haesler BB
$317,600 1222-11th Street
$539,000 4905 Castledale Heights
3 bedrooms
747 Nicholson Frontage Road
2 baths
$599,900 2416 Campbell Road
#5, 1596 Whitetooth Trail
Kootenay Ridge 4 Acreages Available
4 bedrooms
from $219,900 REDUCED to $239,900
1739 Oberg Johnson Road
$975,000 1592 Golden Avenue
$294,300 520-9th Street
$339,000 714 Kostiuk Road
1232B Alexander Drive
$234,600 2558 Highway #95, South
Dan Veselic Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435 (250) 344-1435
$399,600 1449 Granite Drive
$219,000 Land, Building & Business
$995,000 1602 Purcell Woods Close
3071 Tegart Road
$250,000 1533 Campbell Road
$299,000 1405-11th Avenue
528B-11th Street
$945,000 1618 Purcell Woods Close
3,000sqft 11.6 acres
730 Nicholson Road
$649,000 #18, 1595 Whitetooth Trail
$299,900 619 Lower Habart Road
2145 Mitchell Road
$319,900 1269 Horse Creek Road
$330,000 1613 Gareb Road
3 bedrooms
Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451
$349,000 5 bedrooms
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 The Golden Star
$500,000 1021 - 11th Avenue North Land & Building
Lot A, 3495 Highway #95 South 5.8 Acres