Rick Howie photo
ONLINE ALL THE TIME: BREAKING NEWS AND UPDATES AT KAMLOOPSTHISWEEK.COM Tuesday, January 28, 2014 X Volume 26 No. 10 X 30 cents at Newsstands
Skye and Courtney Buck.
Police blame organized crime for nine per cent jump By Andrea Klassen STAFF REPORTER
Kamloops RCMP say groups of organized criminals trying to establish a foothold in Kamloops are partially to blame for a nearly nine per cent rise in the city’s reported crime rate in 2013. According to yearend figures released to the city’s police committee this week, Mounties dealt with 14,499 actual offences in 2013, up from 13,348 in 2012. “We are seeing groups that are reaching out into Kamloops, trying to get established in drug activity,” RCMP Supt. Brad Mueller told
SUPT. BRAD MUELLER: Has re-organized units within the detachment.
the committee. Drug and property crimes accounted for much of the increase in criminal activity and Mueller said the two types of offences are often tied together. “Our intelligence shows us there’s a very strong correlation between drug activity and
property crime and, in many cases, we’re seeing the same groups of people in both,” he said. Mueller said his detachment has conducted an internal review and decided to re-organize its specialproject unit into a target-enforcement unit that focuses on drugs, firearms, organized crime and property crime. No new officers are involved in the effort, but Mueller said the unit is more closely integrated with others in the force and will have more flexibility in its investigations. He said the city is already seeing results from the change, including 39 charges
laid against 19 people in December after a three-month undercover investigation by the new unit. Most of the charges are for cocaine trafficking. Besides organized crime, Mueller believes a portion of the increase comes from population growth and some is the result of local RCMP having more people doing police work. While Kamloops Mounties have in the recent past often had up to 20 per cent of positions vacant, Mueller said the force now has nearly all the bodies it is supposed to have, which, he said, allows for more investigations and more arrests.
A proposed playground project dedicated to a beloved Clearwater couple who died in an accident in 2012 will begin construction this spring after it received funding under a national community contest. Clearwater Coun. Shelley Sim said the park dedicated to Courtney and Skye Buck at a dilapidated courtyard at Clearwater’s Raft River elementary received $120,000 worth of funding from Aviva Canada through its community competition. Among the first to hear the news were the young couple’s parents. “Probably the most exciting moment is when we told the families this morning,” Sim told KTW.
Memorial playground a reality The couple’s car left HIghway 5 North on the evening of Dec. 9, 2012, landing in North Thompson River about 17 kilometres south of Clearwater. The couple were teachers. Skye had played on UCC’s basketball team. Courtney was pregnant at the time of her death. Sim said the funding allows the playground to be expanded with some additional natural features. Construction will be ready to go when snows clear in April. “There is no area of play there right now,” she said. The grants were awarded based on internet voting. Sim credited residents region-wide with their efforts. “We couldn’t have done it without the support of the North Thompson and Kamloops.”
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A2 ❖ TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Kamloops and the Thompson Nicola area really is the best place to live, work and play. The people who live here want to provide opportunities for all our citizens to enjoy quality of life, and your donations of dollars and time make that possible. We are reminded every day of the number of children and youth in our community who play sports, go to camp or have a new friend because of United Way funds. Fewer seniors live in isolation because there are programs and supports for people still living independently.
We see the difference that the Homelessness Action Plan is making not only for people looking for a place to sleep but for people needing help with their day to day challenges. We are motivated by you, our donors and your willingness to give back and show leadership. Thank you for once again making our campaign such a success and raising $2,172,270 dollars for your neighbours, and in turn making our community better. Because of you we are able to say “yes” to investing in pivotal programs needed in our communities. We
greatly appreciate your continued support and the powerful impact of your gift. Brenda Aynsley Executive Director United Way
TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
TODAY’S FORECAST Snow High: 1 C Low: -2 C
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WALKING FOR MEMORIES The annual Investors Group Walk for Memories to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s disease was held on the weekend at the Tournament Capital Centre. Leading the walk (left) was Linda Blanchet (centre with family), the walk’s honouree. Also at the event were politicos (right), including Kamloops Coun. Donovan Cavers (with microphone) and Terry Lake, health minister and Kamloops-North Thompson MLA. For more information on the fundraiser and to donate to the cause, go online to walkformemories. com. To see more photos from the event, go online to and click on the “Community” tab. Allen Douglas photos/KTW
The (unofficial) election campaign has begun By Andrea Klassen STAFF REPORTER
New challengers for this year’s Kamloops city council elections will likely face a tighter field than they did the last time the Tournament Capital went to the polls. Nearly all of the city’s sitting councillors are hoping to win back their seats at city hall. Those who haven’t made up their minds say they, too, are leaning towards another run. Compare that to 2011, when the departures of Denis Walsh, John O’Fee and Jim Harker left three open seats at the council table. Of the city’s eight councillors, Nelly Dever, Nancy Bepple and
Donovan Cavers are not ready to give KTW definitive answers about their election plans. Bepple said she is planning to run, but must first speak with Thompson Rivers University about taking another partial leave to continue sitting on council. Dever also wants to seek re-election, but she is waiting on the outcome of a personal matter that may affect her ability to devote the necessary time to both her business and her civic duties. “My intentions are to run,” she said, “but we’ll know for sure in the next couple of months.” Cavers said he’s struggling with the
media spotlight that comes with local office. “I do have pretty thick skin, but it’s kind of hard some times because you see people and it’s like, ‘Oh, did that person read the newspaper this morning?’” he said. “And it’s pretty tough to have any sort of decent intimate relationships.” He’s also weighing whether he’s likely to win a second term. Despite the reservations, Cavers is leaning more towards seeking a second term. “It’s 80 per cent likely is what I’m telling people,” he said. Mayor Pete Milobar kicked off his reelection campaign
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Check out our
on social media last week at TheKamloopsWay. Eagle-eyed KTW reader may recognize his first slogan: “It’s not earth-shattering, it’s not flashy — it’s getting the job done” from the mayor’s year-end interview in these pages. Readers with larger pocketbooks may also remember hearing a similar message at this year’s Mayor’s Gala for the Arts. While a couple of Kamloops tweeters have been poking fun at the campaign — sample tweet: “Getting a business loan to open (a) tattoo parlour(s.) #TheKamloopsWay” — Milobar said he’s mostly ignoring it.
“Everyone’s going to have their own opinion,” he said. Coun. Tina Lange isn’t a fan of the election process, which she said can be stressful for her, but she’ll be seeking her fourth term nonetheless. “I need something to keep my brain working,” she joked. If Arjun Singh is successful in his re-election bid, he will be entering his third term on council, though it will be the first time he has served a consecutive term, thanks to a loss in 2008. “Kamloops is my hometown,” Singh said. “I’ve benefitted a lot from living in Kamloops and being on Kamloops city council is a great honour and a great
opportunity to serve. I’d like to continue to do that.” Marg Spina is also looking for a third term and said she wants to stick with the agenda that brought her to the table in the first place. Ken Christian told KTW in November that he will be getting his campaign team together for another run. “I hope we’re successful again,” he said, calling his first term a great learning opportunity. “It’s been everything I think I expected it to be and more.” Pat Wallace has made no secret she’s looking to continue as Kamloops’ longestsitting councillor.
“I enjoy what I’m doing tremendously and I work hard at it,” she said. “I enjoy the interaction with the community and there’s projects I’d like to see either well underway or come to fruition by the time I’m ready to retire.” If she’s successful in November, Wallace will have 30 years of council service under her belt by the end of the next term. Another former council member also put to rest rumours he might return this election cycle. Former Kamloops Daily News editor and erstwhile Kamloops mayor Mel Rothenburger said he has no plans to run for office again.
A4 TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Fire department probing weekend blaze at mill
Students set for space trip By Dale Bass
Kamloops Fire Rescue (KFR) investigators hope to begin examining a transformer at Domtar today (Jan. 28) after a weekend blaze halted production at the Mission Flats Road pulp mill. “We’re probably going to be in there tomorrow [Jan. 28],” KFR inspector Sheldon Guertin told Kamloops This Week. “From what I understand, they are doing their own investigation as well.” Emergency crews were called to the mill just before 11 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 25. Domtar spokeswoman Bonnie Skeene said there were no injuries and the flames were doused within a couple of hours. She said production was halted for about 12 hours. Mill safety has been an ongoing issue since an explosion ripped through a sawmill in Burns Lake two years ago, killing two people and injuring 20 more. WorkSafe BC conducted a botched investigation that produced evidence that the Crown could not use in court, leading Premier Christy Clark to appoint her deputy minister to review the case. The BC Coroners Service also announced it would hold an inquest into the deaths of the fallen workers.
Paul Hembling is over the moon about the latest teaching opportunity he’s been able to bring to the Kamloops-Thompson school district — sending an experiment to the International Space Station for a scientist to conduct. About 18 classrooms of students in grades 5 to 7 are now involved, with the number expected to grow. In coming months, Hembling said, students will be asked what they want to know and how they will create an experiment to find out. There are some guidelines — the experiment must fit in a shoebox-sized
Is borrowing for your RRSPs the right choice? It’s that time of year again, tax time. Often we are unsure of how to maximize our retirement savings and get a tax return, while still staying on budget. This leaves us asking “Should I borrow to make a contribution?” Many experts believe you should borrow to contribute to your RRSP if interest rates are low and you know you will be able to pay off your loan within a year or two. One of the first things to think about when deciding whether or not to borrow money, for anything, is whether the debt you are going to take on is good or bad debt. Most people when they hear the word “debt” automatically think negative because it involves owing something- usually money- to someone or some organization, but financial experts point out that not all debt is created equal. Bad debt is any form of debt with a high interest rate for things you don’t really need or can’t afford, such as charging an expensive vacation on your credit card. Consumer debt (credit cards) is the worst form of debt because it carries the highest interest rates and generally you can’t generate a return from your purchases. Good debt includes anything that is too expensive to pay cash for but is something you need or can be considered a good investment. Examples of this would be buying a home or a loan to improve your education. Both of these examples increase your net worth or ability to make money. In the situation of borrowing to contribute to an RRSP, the tax-free growth of your money in your RRSP, should offset the cost of the loan. You can use the tax refund that you get from making a contribution to help pay off the loan faster. By doing this, you have the opportunity to maximize your RRSP contribution room, take full advantage of compound interest, and most importantly, reduce the amount you pay for your income tax. Talk to an advisor, like myself, before the tax deadline to discuss your current situation and options.
by Stacey Vair, Financial Advisor, Goddyn & Associates
YOUR RRSP HEADQUARTERS Would you like to make a contribution to your RRSP and get a tax return? If the answer is yes, we can help! We are offering Guaranteed RRSP Loans from $1,000 up to $25,000 approved immediately, with interest rates as low as 3.25% with discount! Receive 0.50% discount if loan processed by February 5th! The last day to contribute to your RRSP is March 1, 2014.
Kamloops kids will help with scientist’s experiments container and be something a scientist can do in the microgravity atmosphere in the space station. The KamloopsThompson school district is only the second in Canada to be accepted into the program, Hembling said. Twenty-one other boxes will be accepted from American schools. There is a cost. Hembling has to
raise $21,500 to pay for the space trip, but he has been working with the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP), part of the National Centre for Earth and Space Science Education. The program helps raise money for students to take part. Hembling said the man he’s dealing with at SSEP anticipates he can raise at least
half the amount, but it’s up to the Bert Edwards Science and Technology School principal to come up with the rest. Hembling said he’s cont acting all schools in the district, asking each parent-advisory council to donate $500, which will help. He is also approaching businesses and corporations in the Kamloops area.
Individuals can also make donations by cheques made out to the Kamloops-Thompson school district, specifying the space-experiment program. The district will provide tax receipts and all schools will forward any donations to Hembling. “This has got to be the best hands-on learning I’ve ever heard of,” Hembling said.
The Kamloops Area Preservation Association (KAPA) remarks on the KGHM Ajax Mine Brochure of January 2014 Page 1 – The cover has a scientist taking samples from Inks Lake, a lake that will be lifeless after being converted to a “slurry pond” by Ajax. The rolling hill behind the lake will be covered by a 60 story high toxic tailings facility. Page 2 – The lake that is pictured with the two hikers is Trapp Lake, which will be over 20 kms from the proposed Ajax pit and therefore will be unaffected by its operation. Page 3 – Indicates that the proposed mine will undergo a comprehensive environmental assessment. The Kamloops Area Preservation Association has always insisted that Ajax undergo a Review Panel, the highest level of environmental assessment and is much more rigorous, transparent and independent. Despite its location within our City of 87,000, this proposal is not subject to the highest level of health and environmental scrutiny. Page 4 and 5 – Summarizes the mining history in the Kamloops area. Mining remains a vital part of our diversified economy. However, Ajax has the potential of changing the direction of our future and economy and will even change the development boundaries of our city. Page 6 – Refers to the Afton Mine that has operated at the site until 1997, but fails to disclose that Ajax will be more than 30 times larger than Afton. Our city has grown significantly since Afton closed, in particular in the area closest to Ajax. Page 7 - Indicates that rigorous standards are continuously upheld and enforced by regulatory agencies. These agencies have been strongly criticized in a scathing report by the BC Auditor General for poor post approval monitoring. Page 8 - The people of Kamloops deserve the highest level of environmental assessment, the Review Panel, as granted to other large resource based projects such as the Northern Gateway Pipeline and the Prosperity Mine near Williams Lake. Page 9 - These studies have been underway for years and very little has been released to the public. The best example is lack of transparency in the refusal to release the ore assay results. The studies are not independent and are conducted by the Proponent. Page 10 – “Zero Discharge” is a misleading statement and does not take into consideration loss of water into the ground or atmosphere. “Zero Discharge” is, in fact, impossible. Page 11 – Water flow rates stated are based on average annual flows and do not take low flow points or drought conditions into consideration, in particular during peak salmon cycles. Page 12 and 13 – The blasting comments are loosely based on a small test blast secretly conducted in February 2011 and on comments made by the Proponent that vibrations may be felt for up to 4 kms from the proposed pit. Ajax refuses to conduct a maximum size operational test blast to enable the public to make their own assessment as to the noise, vibration and visual impact which will continue for 8400 consecutive days of blasting. Page 14 and 15 – Copper is important to the global economy and there are many new copper mines planned over the globe, including KGHM International’s Sierra Gorda Mine in Chile and Victoria Mine in Ontario, to ensure global demand for copper will be met. Page 16 - Tax revenues are speculation only and do not take into account fluctuations in the economy and metal prices. Also municipal tax projections do not take into account anticipated changes in the mine's design that may result in structures being located outside the city limits. Tax revenue does not take into consideration costs to consumers for Hydro subsidies estimated at $25 million per year for a total of $575 million, estimated for the 23 year lifespan of Ajax. Page 17 – Does not explain the increase of jobs in the project from 380 in their original projections to 500 now. It should also be noted that Ajax has refused to guarantee any of the jobs to local residents
Page 18 – The residences of Kamloops and areas close to the proposed Ajax Mine deserve the highest level of environmental assessment, “The Gold Standard”, the Panel Review to ensure the process is as rigorous, transparent and science-based as possible, yet our government refuses to appoint one.
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Page 19 – The samples inspected by the captioned geologist include what will be in the local air that we will all breathe, yet the Proponent has refused to release this information to the public. Page 20 – “We Want To Hear From You “questionnaire does not adequately give the public options to truly express their opinion about the project.
TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Young vandals not following code of taggers By Andrea Klassen STAFF REPORTER
Vandals in Kamloops don’t have the respect for art they once had. Ronnie Bouvier, head of the city’s graffiti task force, said Kamloops is seeing a new rash of vandalism targeting murals and public art. The city has encouraged businesses to erect murals in the past because traditional wisdom holds that graffiti artists will not tag art. But, Bouvier said, the latest crop of local taggers doesn’t play by the usual rules.
“They’re just kids putting up swear words, phallic symbols, shooting someone else down,” she said. “These are the guys that go around and, if you actually have an artistic tag, they’ll cross it out.” Bouvier said murals in Juniper Ridge and McArthur Island have been particularly hard hit, along with a mural on a Tranquille Road business she declined to identify. While the business owner on Tranquille had his mural repaired by its original artist, Bouvier said he’s likely to paint
over the artwork if he’s vandalized again. The Juniper Ridge mural might not get that second lease on life. “It just has a big, probably six foot ‘F-word you’ on the outside and we can’t get it off because we destroy everything that’s underneath,” Bouvier said. Her task force was, however, able to remove phallic symbols added to several hockey players
on a second mural in the neighbourhood’s park. The worst was what taggers did to murals on the back of the Boys and Girls Club building at McArthur Island. Bouvier called the graffiti “horrific” and “just the most obscene things we’ve ever seen.” She said the content and quality of the graffiti indicates it is being created by youth. “They’re not fol-
lowing any code of conduct,” she said. “The older guys who call themselves graffiti artists will say, ‘This is not OK. You drew all over my stuff, man.’” Bouvier said her organization is trying to get neighbourhoods more involved in reporting vandalism when it is happening and preventing it where possible in an effort to combat younger vandals.
Public art isn’t safe from the latest crop of vandals in Kamloops. Besides this Riverside Park sculpture, murals around the city have been damaged — some beyond repair. Andrea Klassen/ KTW
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A6 TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Overlanders Bridge repairs likely in 2015 By Andrea Klassen STAFF REPORTER
For the first time in three years, motorists headed to the North Shore this summer may be able to get there without facing major construction delays. Kamloops councillors will vote today (Jan. 28) on whether to put the resurfacing of Overlanders Bridge on hold for a year. The city approved $6.1 million in borrow-
ing for the project last year, but public works director Jen Fretz said an engineering analysis of the bridge turned up an unexpected issue. Fretz said the sidewalk on the west side of the bridge is in poor condition and, while it is still safe to use at present, it’s only a matter of time before the pedestrian path will need to be closed and fixed. “Structurally, it needs some attention,”
she said. “Unfortunately, we haven’t really done anything with those corbels since the sidewalk was originally built, so it’s time we did some repairs for sure. “We just don’t know what the degree of those repairs are at this point.” An inspection by Watson Engineering found 16 per cent of the sidewalk’s panels are in
poor condition and two unsafe panels had to be replaced immediately. The corbels that provide the underlying support for the panels are in worse shape. Only five were found to be in good condition. The other 151 are rated “poor condition.” “It’s to a state where if we don’t do something soon than it will become an issue,” Fretz said.
A staff report from streets and capital projects manager Kristen Meersman estimates repairs to the sidewalk would add another $2 million to the bridge repair costs, but suggests the city also look at a $3.5-million replacement, which will last longer. Fretz said that investigation will take place this year. While the bridge
“We are going to be skin patching the areas approximately two metres on either side of the expansion joints,” she said. “This basically means applying a thin layer of asphalt to smooth out the driving surface.” Fretz said the work would be done during the day on Sundays and would take two to four Sundays to complete.
work could technically go ahead, she said the city would have to tear up a portion of the deck replacement if it wants to proceed with sidewalk repairs after the fact. Instead, she’s recommending the city wait until 2015 to do the repairs. In the meantime, Fretz said the city is proposing a temporary fix in 2014.
JAN 29 - FEB 3
Damien Taylor is charged with second-degree murder in connection to the Dec. 5, 2012, murder of 16-year-old CJ Fowler in Kamloops.
Accused in teen’s death makes court appearance The man charged in the 2012 murder of a 16-year-old girl in Kamloops made a brief court appearance on Monday, Jan. 27. Wearing a red jail-issue jumpsuit, Damien Taylor appeared by video from Kamloops Regional Correctional Centre. The tall and lanky 22-year-old is charged with second-degree murder in the 2012 death of CJ Fowler, whose body was found in Guerin Creek near downtown Kamloops on Dec. 5, 2012. Police have said Fowler and Taylor had been involved in a dating relationship at the time and had travelled together from Terrace, where they lived, to the Tournament Capital. The two had been in Kamloops visiting friends and police believe Fowler was planning to return to Terrace prior to her death. Taylor was arrested after an RCMP investigation that lasted more than a year. On Jan. 10, Mounties took him into custody in Kelowna, where he had been living. Taylor is slated to return to Kamloops provincial court on Feb. 24. FUTURE SHOP – Correction Notice In the January 24 flyer, page 20, the Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa Blu-ray Combo (WebCode: M2209595) was advertised with a bonus SteelBook, when unfortunately this Blu-ray combo does not come with a SteelBook, but instead comes with a bonus disc. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers.
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TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Area mining lacking in grassroots spending either extend mine life or increase production at the copper-gold deposit. In October, New Gold CEO Robert Gallagher said exploration has already added an additional three years to mine life, to 2027, with the potential for a further extension. At Ajax, company officials said it will incur “significant expenditures in 2013 and will continue to invest significant funds in 2014.” It has spent $127 million since 2010.
Mineral exploration in the ThompsonNicola region fell to about $48 million in 2013, relying on budgets from major players, including KGHM-Ajax and New Gold Inc’s New Afton project, but lacking grassroots spending. A spokeswoman at New Afton said the mine on the city’s western boundary spent $10 million in 2013 and will spend that amount again in 2014 in a quest to
Provincewide, exploration fell in 2013 to $476 million from $680 million the year before. Jim Gillis, a veteran city mining promoter, said recent spending has been concentrated on advanced projects that are close to receiving approval, while exploration at the grassroots level has declined. “It’s slow, no question,” said Gillis, who heads Kamloops-based Cassidy Gold Corp. “The reason is it’s very hard to raise money.
“The exploration industry for the past three years has had a great deal of trouble raising money.” That means the grassroots industry that comes up with discoveries — the kind of prospecting that found a new mineral resource at the Afton pit almost two decades ago — may not find much in the future because no one is looking. “In exploration, we spend a lot of money and it takes four or five years to get something going,” Gillis said.
On Monday, Jan. 27, Premier Christy Clark announced at Vancouver’s Mineral Roundup that the province will extend a mining-exploration tax credit. The province has set a goal of opening eight new mines and expanding nine others. Another major regional project is Yellowhead Mining’s Harper Creek in the North Thompson Valley, a proposed open-pit copper project. One of its potential
roadblocks is lack of powerline capacity from BC Hydro. The company has spent millions on exploration in the last decade. Barriere Mayor Bill Humphreys said lack of approval for the power upgrades is not holding up the Harper Creek project.
Instead, he said, it has been sent back for more work by B.C.’s environmental-assessment office. Once that is done, “we’ll sit down with all interested parties, not just Yellowhead, to see what we have to do to get Hydro to step up,” Humphreys said.
City of Kamloops Activity Programs For registration please call (250) 828-3500 and please quote program number provided. For online registration please visit Programs are cancelled if the minimum numbers are not met. Creative Writing Workshop
Robin Hood of pot will not be so merry in prison By Tim Petruk
An American citizen who grew pot on a rural North Thompson property to donate medical marijuana to those in need will spend the next six months behind bars. Michael Lawrence Campbell pleaded guilty on Monday, Jan. 27, to one count of production of a controlled substance. The 57-year-old had also been charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking, but that count was stayed. Defence lawyer Rob Bruneau described Campbell’s intentions with his grow-op as “good.”
“He says that his purpose in growing is to donate medical marijuana to those who need it,” Bruneau said, explaining Campbell had a roster of 20 or 30 recipients. “He says he does not sell it — he donates it.” Court heard Clearwater Mounties executed a search warrant on Campbell’s 125-acre Louis Creek property on Sept. 25, 2012, seizing 244 marijuana plants and 6.7 kilograms of bud. Campbell said he’s anxious to put the incident behind him and get back to helping people. “Over the 25 years I’ve lived in the bush, there hasn’t been one
person who’s needed it who I haven’t helped,” he said. B.C. Supreme Court Justice Sheri Donegan sentenced Campbell to
This interactive course incorporates the generating of ideas, plot development, use of the five senses, pace, setting, and editing, all leading to the writing of short stories. There will be several “stress-free” writing activities per session in a supportive atmosphere. This course is appropriate for those writing fiction and non-fiction.
a six-month jail term. Campbell did not indicate whether his post-incarceration charity work would involve marijuana.
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A8 TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Publisher: Kelly Hall Editor: Christopher Foulds
Letter grades remain helpful
EDITOR Christopher Foulds EDITORIAL Associate editor: Dale Bass, Dave Eagles, Tim Petruk, Marty Hastings, Andrea Klassen, Cam Fortems, Adam Williams
ADVERTISING Ray Jolicoeur, Linda Bolton, Don Levasseur, Randy Schroeder, Erin Thompson, Danielle Noordam, Holly Cooper
Manager: Anne-Marie John Serena Platzer
Manager: Cindi Hamoline Nancy Graham, Lorraine Dickinson, Angela Wilson
Manager: Lee Malbeuf Fernanda Fisher, Nancy Wahn, Mike Eng, Patricia Hort, Sean Graham,
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Kamloops This Week is owned by Thompson River Publications Partnership Limited
Kamloops This Week is a politically independent newspaper, published Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 1365B Dalhousie Dr. Kamloops, B.C. V2C 5P6 Ph: 250-374-7467 Fax: 250-374-1033 e-mail: All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rightsholder.
Great Parking Meter Revolution picking drivers’ pockets
T’S BEEN A FEW MONTHS since the Great Parking Meter Revolution descended on the downtown core. The plan was to replace the E.T.looking coin meters at each stall with high-tech, flashy parking kiosks at intersection corners and in mid-block. The idea was to improve technology and ease of use (the kiosks take coins and credit cards and cellphone payment may be added in the future), while allowing drivers to use multiple parking stalls during one payment period. In return, drivers parking downtown were forced to ante up as the cost to park has doubled. To be sure, it remains affordable to park downtown, even with the fee being doubled and more (what was once 25 cents per half-hour is now 50 cents; what was once 50 cents per hour is now $1; what was once a two-hour limit has been extended to three hours, though the third hour is $2, double what it costs to park for each of the first two hours). The change is not inexpensive; the city borrowed $1.7 million to buy 90 kiosks that will replace 850 meters that have generated about a half-milliondollars annually for the municipality. The kiosks are expected to bring in about $900,000 annually, about a third of which will go into a parking-reserve fund for a future parkade or similar parking addition. City council and the Kamloops Central Business Improvement Association have repeatedly made the point that raising rates for the sake of raising rates cannot and will not be done. Coun. Tina Lange noted precisely this during a March 2013 council meet-
MUSINGS ing by reminding all that the KCBIA had opined rates cannot be raised unless drivers parking downtown are offered something new and improved. Yet, drivers in some areas downtown are paying double today for the same service they received in the prekiosk era. While 90 kiosks will replace 850 parking meters, the entire transition has not been completed, leaving portions of the downtown core with the old meters bearing new prices. If, as the city and the KCBIA claim, a hike in parking fees must be accompanied by a new and improved parking service, why do existing meters — notably, the rows on either side of Victoria Street outside Memorial Arena — have the new fees? One cannot enjoy the benefits of the kiosks when plugging quarters into the old meters. There is no option to change parking stalls for the added fee. There is no credit-card slot. Heck, the old meters don’t even accept dimes or nickels. Yet the more-expensive parking fee applicable to the improved kiosk system has been extended to the old meters. It is not going to bankrupt drivers,
but it is important to note the city has done exactly what it said it would not — could not — do. City council has often claimed parking meters are more about getting people to move their vehicles in a reasonable time frame and less about extra revenue. However, arbitrarily raising the rates on the old meters without giving drivers the benefits associated with the new kiosks reminds me of the decision by council in February 2010 to add 43 parking meters to the 500-block of Third and Fourth avenues and Battle and Nicola streets. City council claimed then the parking meters would replace the free two-hour-limit parking in an effort to reduce parking congestion and generate parking-stall turnover. If extra revenue was (and is) not the intent, city council could have accomplished the same by simply having bylaws officers get out of their vehicles and start enforcing the two-hour limits on those streets. If a bylaws officer has to be there to write a ticket based on an expired meter, a bylaws officer has to be there to write a ticket based on a vehicle exceeding the two-hour limit. Soon enough, those high-tech kiosks will be added to the area around Memorial Arena and elsewhere where the old meters remain. Until then, I think we should all engage in a small act of civil disobedience and adopt the old fee schedule when using the coin-operated meters. It doesn’t exactly rank up there with protests in Kiev but, in Kamloops, we do what we can.
Advocates of a pilot project in Surrey school district elementary schools make a good case there are constructive alternatives to the traditional report-card approach. But, we won’t give them a pass on the most contentious aspect of the project — setting aside letter grades. This comes perilously close to throwing out the proverbial baby with the bath water. What’s wrong with keeping letter grades, alongside the more conscientious summaries? Anyone who has been through our school system recognizes the bald letter grade misses the finer points of an individual’s progress. Too often excellent work, heartening development and delightful expression is flattened by alphabetic tyranny. Even attempts to shade the picture with pluses and minuses are inadequate substitutes for thorough evaluation. Exams are not a fail-safe measure of what a student knows and offer scant recognition of individual’s learning strengths and weaknesses. It’s frightening to contemplate how many positions of responsibility, in our 21st-century world, are occupied by people who gained their qualifications by dint of cramming and regurgitating the opinions of others without developing any facility for critical thinking — and taking tests that have long since been all but forgotten. And yet, given the realities of that world — and the place we are preparing for our children in it — it seems unfair to deprive them of a key tool for progress. Even given the shortcomings of a traditional letter grade, it has endured because we need a short form of evaluation as well as more comprehensive forms. Reform education by all means — but don’t threaten our children’s progress, or crush their expectations, through asymmetrical reform.
— Black Press
TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Dear cou ncil:
Speak up You can comment on any story you read @
A selection of comments on KTW stories, culled online
Re: Story: Teachers vote in favour of twoweek spring break: “Teachers want to be taken seriously about getting a pay raise due to all their hard work; however, they just voted to have another paid week off. “By doing this, they just reinforce the reason why many people believe they don’t deserve any more money.” — posted by Billy “I don’t think some of you understand how much preparation and organization it takes for teachers. “They spend hours of their free time marking, buying supplies, coming up with assignments — plus all the meetings and upgrading they have to do. “I’m not a teacher, but I have friends who are and they never take entire summers off just relaxing. “Same with long weekends. They are some of the busiest. committed people I know. “They have a really hard job — give them a break!” — posted by Piper
Editor: I understand Kamloops council is seeking feedback on a proposed new bylaw to further prohibit smoking outdoors. Here’s mine: No! This type of bylaw crosses my line and is an infringement of rights. I quit smoking cigarettes a decade
Butt out o f our busi ness!
On The Go?
Q&A WE ASKED Do you agree with singer Neil Young’s comments about the oil sands and First Nations treaties?
ago, but that hasn’t hindered my belief in the right to personal choice. This kind of proposal goes way too far. Stop minding other people’s business.
Deb Alore Kamloops
Fletcher needs to balance his oil-sands PR info Editor: Columnist Tom Fletcher recently ridiculed Neil Young in KTW (‘Old man, take a look at your facts, they are not quite true’). While I agree that some of Young’s oilsands facts are incorrect, the substance of his message is accurate. Fletcher’s facts are more misleading. I toured the area last summer by canoe and by airplane. Comparisons with the moon seem reasonable. Fletcher refers to the “discredited study by former community doctor John O’Connor.” Actually, O’Connor is still the doctor for Forts McKay and Chipewyan. I interviewed him last August. He never carried out a study, only signaling to Alberta Health that he was concerned by the number of certain cancers in the area. Health Canada and
KTW reader Eli Puvnick’s argues the oil-sands of northern Alberta do indeed resemble the landscape of the moon.
YES 60% NO 40% 200 VOTES
WHAT’S YOUR TAKE? Are you in favour of expanding spring break for schools to two weeks from one week?
Alberta Health, in response, filed charges against him with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta for “causing undue alarm.” All charges were later quietly dropped with no explanation. Fletcher asserts the College “concluded that Dr. O’Connor made a number of inaccurate or untruthful claims’ about cancer
patients.” This is doubtful: O’Connor has never seen the conclusions. In 2009, Alberta Health did conclude a cancer study on the Fort Chipewyan population, which they claimed showed no cause for concern. In 2010, the study was reviewed by Dr. Gina Solomon, deputy secretary for science and health
at the California Environmental Protection Agency. She concluded rates of specific cancers linked to exposure to oil and petrochemical products were three to seven times higher than expected. Newer research has found oil-sands pollution of remote lakes with PAHs (some known carcinogens) at levels no worse than in
urban settings. However, the levels are rapidly accumulating and will soon be far worse. And the Athabasca River itself is exposed to higher levels of airborne contamination, more run-off and leakage from huge nearby tailings ponds. No one I talked to last summer who lives or summers along the Athabasca River will drink the water any more and few are still willing to eat the fish. It would be helpful if Fletcher would investigate a little further than the reams of PR spin produced by the oil industry and its federal and provincial government cheerleaders. Eli Pivnick Kamloops
Kamloops This Week is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 1-888-687-2213 or go to
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A10 TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
r e y l F Hot Tundra swans trumpeted by peers FEATURES By Cam Fortems STAFF REPORTER
With an effortless grace that lets them wing 1,500 kilometres over the Pacific Ocean, a pair of airborne trumpeter swans drifts toward the surface of the South Thompson river on a still, grey afternoon. Remarkably beautiful — and a remarkable change on the river. The moment shows recovery of a species once thought to be on a flight to extinction. “Originally, trumpeters would have been here,” said Rick Howie, a biologist and avid Kamloops birder. “But, trumpeter swans collapsed here previous to 1900s, when they were almost hunted to extinction.” Tom Dickinson, Thompson Rivers University’s dean of science, recalls when the Calgary Zoo obtained a pair of trumpeter swans in the early 1970s. It was thought the
species would join the Carolina parakeet, Eskimo curlew and countless other birds that no longer inhabit the Earth. Those surviving trumpeters 40 years ago existed only in a few tiny pockets of breeding grounds in Alaska and the Yukon. “When I was a kid and going to school, they estimated there were less than a 1,000 left,” Dickinson said. Today, a quarter that number alone exists on the river east of Kamloops. In place of trumpeter swans — over time, here and through B.C. and Alberta migration routes — came the tundra swan, similar in appearance, yet smaller. For decades it inhabited the slow-moving ecosystem rich in vegetation. But, a count of eagles and swans completed this month by members of Kamloops Naturalist Club confirms the once-nearly extinct
trumpeter swan has reestablished and pushed out its cousin — tundra swans are gone from the South Thompson River, although populations remain healthy elsewhere. “We got none this year,” Howie said of the tundra swan. “We haven’t seen a half-dozen in the past five or six years.” Over several days this month, dedicated birders combed the shoreline, focusing on known spots to count swans and eagles, a census that helps indicate the health of the ecosystem. Volunteers counted 30 eagles, what Howie said “is in the ballpark” for traditional numbers. The number of eagles counted each year is dependent on the size of the salmon run. They have also made a comeback from decades ago, thought to be from elimination of the use of DDT eventually digested by the top predator in the food chain.
“Eagles for a lot of people represent the quality of the environment,” Howie said. “If you can see eagles, then everything is doing OK.” Swans are far more numerous, totalling 263 this year — all of them trumpeters. Howie said this year’s count is about average for total numbers. Dickinson credits the rebound of the trumpeter to habitat conservation in Oregon, Washington and California, where the birds move on the farthest migration south in winter. Efforts to conserve in Canada began with the signing of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act with the United States in 1918. The plume trade for women’s hats was lucrative, but destructive. Decades later, it led to conservation acts and treaties. In the late 1800s, Dickinson said famed ornithologist Frank Chapman “walked down the street in New York
City and counted seven species of birds, I think, that contributed to a hat — many of which were closing in on extinction.” Dickinson believes tundra swans have gone back to their more normal wintering routes, nudged out by trumpeters. “When you look at the two on the river, I think the trumpeters are a little more aggressive,” he said. “They’ll reach out and swipe at the others.” The question remains: Is the replacement on the river for the good or is it another omen caused by climate change or habitat disturbance elsewhere? “It would be nice to have both — a little more diversity,” Howie said. “The world is always changing. The question is why and how. “If it’s something we’re doing, it would be nice to fix. “If it’s part of the ebb and flow of nature, it’s good.”
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A12 TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
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We’re Open For Business Nicole Colistro works through her uneven bar routine on Friday, Jan. 24, at the Kamloops Gymnastics and Trampoline Centre. Nicole and her twin sister, Marissa, were among club members competing in Coquitlam this past weekend in the club’s WinterFest. Dave Eagles/KTW
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TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Despite requests, no extra foot-patrol officers Kamloops RCMP aren’t clamouring to see more funding for foot patrols in the city. While members of the public had asked to see more police pounding the pavement on the North Shore, Supt. Brad Mueller told the city’s co-ordinated enforcement committee on Monday, Jan. 27, that he feels the current contingent of walking and bicycle patrollers is enough. “If you were to offer me two or three more resources, probably the statistics would show I could employ those to areas of greater need than foot patrols,” Mueller said. While the officer responsible for the bulk of the city’s on-foot police presence is set to retire in 2014, Mueller said his replacement is in training and a plan is in place to continue the program, which splits one officer between the North and South shores. Kamloops Central Business Improvement Association general manager Gay Pooler said she would also like to see more patrols in her area, which she said helps build relationships between the RCMP and business owners who have concerns about panhandling or other issues. But, with no RCMP
LOCAL NEWS backing for stepping up foot patrols, Mayor Peter Milobar said the city won’t look at adding funding for more street cops to this year’s supplemental budget.
Car 40 deemed a success in Kamloops Fifteen months after its launch, Kamloops RCMP’s Car 40 program is being hailed as a success by Mueller. The city’s top cop said the program has reduced both the number of calls relating to, and the amount of police time spent on, mentalhealth cases. Launched in October 2012, the program pairs a mental-health nurse and an RCMP officer with a mental-health background. While a typical mental-health call can take more than 100 minutes to resolve, should the person involved need to go to Royal Inland Hospital, Mueller said Car 40 has cut that down to about 70 minutes on average. The program has also reduced the number of “chronic callers” to the RCMP by 35 per cent and the number of calls
made about individuals who are frequently reported to police by 73 per cent. The Interior Health Authority, which partnered with police for the program, is also conducting its own review of Car 40.
RCMP inspector soon off to Ottawa She held down the fort during the city’s
search for a new RCMP superintendent, but she will be taking on a new role in the nation’s capital. Kamloops RCMP Insp. Jenny Latham is headed to Ottawa later this year to take on a role as a grievance adjudicator for the national police force. Latham said the decision was motivated by a desire to be closer to family in Ontario.
Milobar and Mueller praised Latham for her efforts locally following the retirement of Yves Lacasse. The former head of the Kamloops RCMP is now external-affairs manager for KGHM Ajax. “She has done a good job at bringing up and making sure the service delivery was there and maintained,” Mueller said.
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A pay-by-phone app for the city’s new parking meters should be up and running by spring, according to the city’s community safety manager. Jon Wilson said the city is still working with the company creating its parking app to make sure credit-card payments made via smartphone
will actually register with the city’s licenceplate recognition technology and the digital pay stations installed in downtown Kamloops in November. “Otherwise, people will be paying for parking, but it can’t necessarily be monitored,” Wilson said. “We appreciate the public’s understanding that this is taking a little bit longer.”
DENNIS PEDERSEN RETIRES! There is a time for everything. After 40 years in the grocery business Dennis Pedersen is calling it a day.
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A14 TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Debating what future will bring By Adam Williams STAFF REPORTER
Imagine walking down the street in Kamloops in the year 2034. It’s a beautiful day — sunny and warm — and everything is right with the world. As you look around, what are some of the things you see that have made this community a wonderful place in which to live? That was the scenario put to 150 people at a pair of meetings on Saturday, Jan. 25, at the Kamloops Art Gallery. The meetings, hosted by the Kamloops 350 group, were aimed at creating awareness and generating ideas about the transition-town movement — the idea of making communities more self-reliant by buying local,
self-generating food and the like. Kamloops 350 said the time for concrete ideas and asking “how” will come down the road, choosing instead on the weekend to focus on brainstorming and the exchange of ideas. While there was no formal record taken of the brainstorming sessions, participants broke into 10 groups, spending nearly an hour discussing local currency, neighbourhood associations, co-housing villages, worker co-ops, local food production, reforestation, solar and wind power, alternative means of transportation and a citizens’ community store. “I’m just interested in these kinds of initiatives,” said Leroy Harder, who attended on Saturday (Jan. 25) morning. “I’m doing a lot of stuff on my own, so you want to connect with
people that were doing the same sorts of things. “I think there’s going to be big pressures in the future. We need to start dealing with stuff,” he said. “We need to start laying the groundwork now and then, hopefully, the transition will be easier in the future. The meetings were the first in a series that Kamloops 350 hopes to facilitate, in an effort to address sustainability and gauge the community’s interest in transition-town initiatives. It will be left to the larger group of participants to decide how to move the process forward, The dates for further meetings have not been determined. To learn more about Kamloops 350, go online to
Parents, guardians invited to attend weekend bullying workshop from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The workshop, which is being organized by the Canadian Red Cross, is geared to adults 18 years of age and older who support or work with children and youth. This includes parents and foster parents.
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KAMLOOPS MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION HOCKEY PROGRAMS FOR BOYS & GIRLS AGED 4 – 17 Thank you to all our valued sponsors and volunteers for helping keep 1300+ kids playing hockey!
2014/2015 SEASON REGISTRATION Registration for returning players will open online February 3rd, 2014. New + Transferring player registrations will be accepted starting June 2nd, 2014
Join us on Wednesday, March 12th, 2014 at McArthur Island Sports Centre for our
OPEN HOUSE: Feb. 15 12:00-2:00pm SAHALI MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL KINDERGARTEN in McGowan Park Elementary 2080 Tremerton Drive • 250-374-4264
OPEN HOUSE: Feb. 15 12:00-2:00pm KAMLOOPS VILLAGE GARDEN MONTESSORI EARLY LEARNING CENTRE 700 Hugh Allan Drive in the Southwest Baptist Church • 250-372-9915
OPEN HOUSE: Feb. 15 12:00-2:00pm KAMLOOPS MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL/KINDERGARTEN 920 Greystone Crescent 250-372-9945
OPEN HOUSE: Feb. 15 10:00-12:00pm
Check out our website at for Weekend Game Schedules, Tournament Dates, Team and Division information plus more! Phone: 250-376-1788 • Email:
A16 TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Running for his life — and those of the kids By Andrea Klassen
Jamie McDonald is on his way across Canada to raise money for UK and Canadian children’s hospitals. His Kamloops stop on Thursday, Jan. 24, represented the beginning of the 27-year-old British man’s home stretch. Andrea Klassen/KTW
Between the coconut water, jerky and trail mix, Jamie McDonald was eating like someone who just ran all the way to Valleyview from Pritchard. Well, all that way with a slight detour. Several kilometres into his run on Thursday, Jan. 23, McDonald realized something was missing from the baby buggy holding his tent, sleeping bag, food stores and other supplies — his phone. “I’ve done it so many times,” he groaned between bites of pepperoni during a stop at Rivershore Nissan, where he received a donation. “I woke up and my head was in the clouds.” Turning around added more distance to the day, but it’s dwarfed by the length of the 27 year-old British man’s full route. For the last year, McDonald has been on a run across Canada in an effort to raise funds
for Canadian Children’s hospitals, as well as for two UK charities. Because of a rare spinal condition, McDonald spent much of his first nine years of life in UK Children’s hospitals. “If it wasn’t for them, I might not be here,” he said. In an effort to give back, he decided to
bike from Thailand to England, then broke a world record by cycling for 12 days straight on a stationary bicycle. “After that, almost everyone around me was asking what I was doing next,” McDonald said. Already in possession of a Canadian visa he’d acquired years earlier with plans of
being a backpacker, McDonald’s next target seemed clear. On March 19, 2013, he dipped a hand in the Atlantic Ocean in St. John’s and headed west. It was his first-ever distance run, much in the same way the trip across Europe and Asia was his first cycling trip. “It’s a big part of my
message that you don’t need to be a super athlete, you don’t need to be anything special,” he explained. “You can just give it a go.” That doesn’t mean the trek across the country has been easy. For the first leg of the journey, McDonald was camping or sleeping in ditches and pub-
lic washrooms. Not so bad in summer, but when winter set in around the time he reached Winnipeg, — and McDonald developed a case of chronic tendonitis in one foot — it looked like the journey might be at an end. “It felt like that was when Canada really got behind me,” he said, noting people began reaching out, networking to find him homes to sleep in as he continued on. B.C. presented its own series of challenges for McDonald. “I had to head over Roger’s Pass and Parks Canada did not want me to run,” he said. “They made it very clear they did not want me to do this run. But, I had to finish it up.” With snow covering the shoulder of the road
Sa-Hali junior achievers among best in B.C. A team of students from Sa-Hali secondary is among the top four in the province competing in a program offered by Junior Achievement. The six students, three each from grades 11 and 12, competed on the weekend in Vancouver in the annual Junior Achievement Innovation Jam, where they listened to speakers in the morning and then created a business plan, complete with video, on a product idea. Sophia de Zeeuw, one of the team members, said her group created Morning Wood Toothbrushes,
which involve a handle made from pine beetle, forest-fire or other unusable wood, with interchangeable bristle pieces. The team’s creation is competing with others from the conference in an online Youtube format where the number of likes on each video will determine the People’s Choice Award winner. That team will receive $3,000. One of the other teams competing for the award comes from Kelowna and de Zeeuw said she and the other students are particularly keen to beat it. To check out the
Bring in this ad and receive 10% off your purchase!
video or to click “like” to support it, go online to http:// The video presents the team’s points supporting the product, all meeting the conference theme of environmental awareness.
The Sa-Hali Junior Achievement team with cabinet minister, from left to right: Students Kaylan Phillips, Melissa Pavan and Taylor Campbell-Viani; Minister of State for Tourism and Small Business Naomi Yamamoto; students Sophia de Zeeuw, Megaila Rose and Nicholas Hilton.
Correction Notice Kamloops Dodge advertisement January 24th, 2014. The 2014 Ram 1500 SXT 4x4 should have excluded “Only 4x4 off road convertible.” And the price should have read $28,388 vs $23,998. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
and multiple tunnels to run through, McDonald was aware his life was in danger every minute. “It was one of the toughest days of my life,” he said. “Six per cent grade and I’m pushing a baby stroller that weighs 70 kilograms. So, it weighs more than me.” Now on the home stretch, McDonald said he is finally starting to feel like the trip is coming to an end. “Every single day I woke up, it didn’t matter how close I got to Vancouver, it didn’t feel like I could make it,” he said. “But, yesterday was the first day that it dawned on my I’m actually going to do it.” When he has reached the Pacific Ocean, McDonald suspects his fundraising days won’t come to an end, though he hasn’t decided what method of transportation will take him across the next country he tackles. To learn more about McDonald’s trip, go online to
TUESDAY, January 28, 2014 ❖ A17
CRAWFORD FAIRFOUL (CURLY) December 6, 1922 ~ January 21, 2014 O n Tu e s d a y J a n u a r y 21, 2014, Crawford passed away at Penticton Regional Hospital. Predeceased by son Leslie, brother Jim, sister Winnie and beloved wife Mary, he is survived by sons Rob (Janice) and Mark (Karen), brother John, sister-in-law Dorothy, grandchildren Tyson, Taylor, Riley, Nicole and Andrea, extended family and friends. Dad was born and raised on Nanaimo Street in New Westminster B.C. and had many happy memories and stories of his time with family and friends. In 1949 he and Mom married, and resided in New Westminster, raising 3 boys there until moving to Kamloops in 1968. In 2006 Dad lost his Mary after 57 years together. In the year prior to Mom’s passing, Dad was a devoted and loving caregiver. He managed to live in his Kamloops home until age 89, moving to Summerland to be with family. At an early age, Dad became interested in aircraft, and he and his childhood friend would ride their bikes to Boundary Bay airport, where he later started his aviation career with the elementary flying school. Some of Dad’s favorite stories came from his time working at Queen Charlotte Airlines, maintaining the Stranraers up and down the coast as well as on trips as far away as Montreal. In years following, Dad was in charge of maintenance for BNP Airways, and after moving to Kamloops in 1968 started B.C. Central Aeromotive L.T.D. with his good friend Frank Kratzer. Dad became a fixture at the Kamloops airport, and continued working occasionally even into his 80’s, holding his AME licence for a total of 67 years. Throughout his time in aviation, Dad made more friends than could be listed, and he was still receiving calls and visits from people he had worked with as far back as the 1940’s. He was respected by all who knew him for his no nonsense approach, incredible knowledge, and his beautiful workmanship. Dad was a supportive husband, father, grandfather and friend and will be greatly missed by all. A family service will be held in New Westminster in the spring of 2014. Donations in Crawford’s memory can be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, BC.
Hanson, Majella Jacqueline Loving daughter, sister, aunt and friend March 3, 1970 - January 13, 2014 Following a tragic accident and with family by her side, Majella Jacqueline Hanson peacefully slipped from this world into the open arms of Jesus. Majella was born and raised in Kamloops where she enjoyed summers and weekends at the family cabin on Shuswap Lake. The call of the city lured Majella to Vancouver where she spent countless hours volunteering at various agencies. Majella embraced her core value of kindness she became very involved in her service to others. It was family that brought Majella the most joy, in particular her nieces and nephews. Majella took the role of being an aunt very seriously; it was a job she cherished. She was always a willing participant in a game of hide-and-seek, building Lego villages, and offering her face for makeup application lessons. The family wishes to express a heartfelt thank you to the staff and residents of Adrian House, where Majella resided in friendship, comfort and happiness for the past year. Special thank you to Sandy for her support and care, as well as to Dr. Madhani and Matti Cathcart (an angel who walks among us). Majella’s life was busy and full as she enjoyed new experiences with new friends. Majella’s strong belief in giving to others was evident in her death as her final wish was to donate her organs to those in need. We the family were comforted when this wish became reality. A special thank you to Nicky, Leslie and the entire team from the BC Transplant Society who worked tirelessly to help Majella fulfill her wish of organ donation. We are forever grateful to Dr. Craig, and nurses Poonam and Lana (RCH-ICU) who gave Majella such wonderful care when she needed it most. Majella and her brother Hanson started their final journey to heaven together on January 13, 2014. Majella is survived by her loving parents Ben and Leonie, David’s wife, Susan (Zachary and Alannah), sisters Meagan and Fiona (Des) (Gunnar, Hugo, August, Magnus, Guinevere) and brother Jeremy (Teresa) (Mattea, Seppi, Lorelai). In lieu of flowers family requests donations be made in Majella’s name to the BC Transplant Society. Funeral Services were held Thursday, January 16, 2014 in Vancouver.
November 28,1951 ~ January 22, 2014
Don Henderson of Kamloops, BC, passed away January 22nd, 2014 at 62 years of age. Don is survived by his loving wife Patricia Henderson, children Tammi (Jason) of Kamloops, BC, Darrell (Alena) of St. Paul, AB, Julie (Aaron) of Kamloops, BC, and Stephanie (Shawn) of Kamloops, BC. Also left to cherish Don’s memory are his brother Bryan (Sandra) and sister Sharon, grandchildren Sam, Alex, Nathan, Zachary, Bentley, Alexis, Kaden, Josh and Ryan; The Craig Family and Tammy Johnson. Don is predeceased by his parents Doris and Gordon Henderson. Don spent many years as a part of RCSCC Kamloops #137. He also contributed 40 years of service with Arclin Canada (Reichold), and was the owner/ operator of No Limits Trampoline/Tunnels and Tubes. Don’s greatest joy throughout his life was raising his children, spending his time (which was his favourite time) with his grandchildren and most of all the moments he spent with his loving wife. A Memorial Service for Don will be held on Wednesday, January 29, 2014, in the Kamloops Funeral Home Chapel. The family would like to extend a special thank you to the amazing nurses at the Kamloops Hospice and ask that, in lieu of flowers, donations in Don’s memory be made to the Hospice Association. . Arrangements entrusted to Kamloops Funeral Home 250-554-2577 Condolences may be sent to the family from
DAVE BENEDICT HANSON August 20, 1967 ~ January 13, 2014
It is with great sadness that we announce that David Benedict Hanson, born August 20th, 1967, passed away on January 13th, 2014 following a brief but courageous battle with cancer. David was born and raised in Kamloops, BC. He attended UBC, graduating with a degree in Microbiology. While at UBC, David met his future wife and soul mate, Susan, who remained by his side for the next 25 years. Together they raised two beautiful children Zachery and Alannah of whom David was very proud. An avid outdoorsman, David spent time hiking, hunting, and fishing with his children, brother, and father. One of David’s greatest gifts was the ability to make each person he met feel special. His innate sense of curiosity, partnered with his love of people and strong work ethic, was the backbone of his successful career. David earned the respect and admiration of his clients, and colleagues. As an accomplished piano player, David was often found at home playing his grand piano. David and his sister Majella Hanson started their final journey to heaven together on January 13th, 2014. David is survived by his wife Susan, son Zachery, daughter Alannah, parents Ben and Leonie, sisters Meagan and Fiona (Des) (Gunnar, Hugo, August, Magnus, Guinevere) and brother Jeremy (Teresa) (Mattea, Seppi, Lorelai). The family wishes to thank Drs. Yoshida and Lim, friend Karen Smith for her support, David’s co-workers at Kerr Wood Leidal, and all of the friends and family who helped us during David’s difficult journey. A very special thank you to Dr. Elinda Ho for her extraordinary support for David and Susan as a professional and close family friend In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in David’s name to the BC Cancer Foundation. A funeral service was held on Saturday, January 18, 2014 in Vancouver
Bossert, Emanuel Daniel
Don Henderson
September 15, 1918 — January 19, 2014 Emanuel passed away peacefully at Brocklehurst Gemstone Care Centre in Kamloops, B.C., at the age of 95. He was predeceased by his wife, Elizabeth (Katarius) in 2008; also, predeceased by his parents, sisters Lily Samanich, Erna Popp, Hilda Rasich, and brother Herbert Bossert. Emanuel was born in Bassarabia, Romania, and came to Canada in 1929. After stops in Veteran and Raymond, Alberta, the Bossert family settled in the Brocklehurst area. Emanuel was a WWII veteran, orchardist/farmer, builder, business owner, and DND firefighter over his lifetime. He married Elizabeth in 1941, in Kamloops, and they raised 4 children; moved to Victoria, B.C., in 1966 with the 3 youngest; returned to Kamloops; then ventured into ranching at Monte Lake, B.C., until he and Elizabeth retired to Oliver, B.C., in 1997; and he returned to Kamloops in 2009. He is survived by his four children: Dennis (Marise), Glenn, Brenda, Karen; 6 grandchildren: Gregory Bossert, Richard (Kelley) Bossert, Lana (Matthew) McLean, Neal (Helena) Bird, Michael McFarland, Marisa (Fredy) Bretthauer; and 5 great-grandchildren: Laurel Bossert, Oliver and Abigail McLean, Jayde Bretthauer, Roman Bird. He is also survived by siblings Irma (Gale) Gfeller, and Edwin (Rickie) Bossert. Emanuel will be remembered for his dedication to his family, and he will be greatly missed by the family and many friends. Thank you to the caregivers and nurses on the Gemstone Jade Wing for their professional care, and kindness. No service by request.
When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill When funds are low and debts are high And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing down a bit, Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.
Success is failure turned inside out – The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems so far, So, stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit – It’s when things seem worst that You must not quit!
DOUGLAS ROY SMITH August 12, 1950 January 27, 2011
Turn Again To Life If I should die and leave you here a while, be not like others sore undone, who keep long vigil by the silent dust.
My Darling Doug
For my sake turn again to life and smile, nerving thy heart and trembling hand to do something to comfort other hearts than thine. Complete these dear
There isn’t a sunrise
unfinished tasks of mine
or sunset that I
and I perchance may
don’t think about
therein comfort you.
you. You are forever in my heart. I love you forever and always Doug.
A18 TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Cattle producers embrace new insurance program By Cam Fortems STAFF REPORTER
The association representing B.C. cattle producers is predicting success for a new priceinsurance program where predecessors have failed. A livestock-insurance program is available to Western cattle producers based on a successful Alberta model. The four-year pilot is intended to protect ranch-
ers against price declines and collapses through an affordable insurance program. Kevin Boon, general manager of B.C. Cattlemen’s Association, predicted the program will be popular, unlike previous offerings based on a grain or tree-fruit insurance model. Payouts will be immediate, rather than one or two years later under earlier insurance programs.
“It is different,” he said. “It’s a producerdriven model. It’s a premium and it pays for itself. Producers have an opportunity to enter and exit [insurance] as they see fit.” Government will provide financing in the event payouts during a catastrophic price collapse run the fund dry. But, premiums going forward will be expected to eventually fill that shortfall.
The program is a type of hedging that allows ranchers to guarantee pricing when animals go to market in return for a premium. Boon said that premium will be in the range of $20 for a calf worth between $1,000 and $1,100. “It gives us the opportunity to ensure we’re protecting our investment.” The program will be administered out of an existing office in Alberta.
So, who does clean those crime scenes? By Cam Fortems STAFF REPORTER
Nash Parnell can tell you the wrappers, rodents and refuse piled in every space and corner of a house is not found only on TV. Parnell and partner Chantel Willox operate an Oyama-based company that specializes in cleaning up what most people don’t want to think about — from grisly crime scenes to the homes of hoarders. 1st Trauma Scene Clean Up and 1st Hoarding Clean Up are offshoots of a Vancouver firm. They compete on a contract basis with restoration firms here, including ServiceMaster Kamloops.
Parnell said both he and Willox have a background in small business, including operating a cleaning company on the Coast. The link came with Willox, who met company founder Brian Woronuik — a former firefighter and armedforces medic — through cleaning his home. Parnell said trauma clean-up and hoarding each represent about 50 per cent of the business, which operates across the Interior. “It’s not always old people,” Parnell said of hoarders. “We’ve had fast-food hoarders — you see all kinds of things . . . It’s been growing quickly.” Hoarding was included in the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM). So, how does the couple steel themselves to clean up the horrors they may face on a day-to-day basis? “It’s a really good thing Chantel and I are together — just being able to talk about it,” he said. “I didn’t think I could do it, until I could.” The company can only enter a crime scene after being cleared by police, following detailed investigation and removal of forensic evidence. Calling it “not a mop and bucket job,” Nash said the risks of trauma scenes are not widely understood. Those risks include HIV and hepatitis pathogens.
The program comes during a period of strong prices in the cattle market, driven up by the falling
loonie, limited supply and dropping grain prices on the Prairies. “Profits are starting to
creep up,” Boon said. “But, we’ve got a long way to go to make up for the last 10 years.”
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TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
INSIDE X Popular baseball tournament — KIBT — expected to make comeback/A21 KAMLOOPS
Sports: Marty Hastings Ph: 250-374-7467 Ext: 235, Twitter: @MarTheReporter, @KTWonBlazers
Price family has TRU ties Elli’s going to Sochi By Adam Williams STAFF REPORTER
T WAS ABOUT an hour before Hockey Canada announced the men’s Olympic-team roster and Kayla Price wasn’t sure if brother Carey would make the cut. Bleary-eyed and tired from a sleepless night, Kayla received a text message from P.K. Subban, her brother’s NHL teammate with the Montreal Canadiens and, at the time, a fellow Olympic hopeful. Subban said he had made the team. “I was like, ‘What about Carey?’ and I never got a response back,” Kayla said. After a few stressful moments, she heard the news from her sibling. A text message sent at 7 a.m. on Jan. 7 revealed the news: “I made the team, but don’t tell anyone, don’t tweet about it.” The rest of Canada wouldn’t know for another hour. “It was kind of assumed he was going to make it, but it’s so nerve-wracking. You never know. So, it was definitely a huge relief to hear it,” Kayla said. “Then, when they announced it on TV, I was so excited I wanted to cry.” Kayla, 22, is a Thompson Rivers University communi-
Elli Terwiel of Sun Peaks will represent Canada at the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, Russia, in February. KTW file photo
Kayla Price and brother Carey pose for a photo at a wedding. Carey was named to the Canadian hockey team heading to Sochi, Russia, for the 2014 Olympic Winter Games in February. Kayla is a student at Thompson Rivers University. Laurel McCarrell photo
cations student from Anahim Lake. She has aspirations to become a sports broadcaster, perhaps working in the same league as her big brother. She found out at a fairly young age it wouldn’t be as a goaltender. “We had an outdoor rink when we were kids and Carey decided to put me in net. I had no equipment. I had a stick,” Kayla said. “He was just taking
light shots at me and I had his stick at a tilt, so the blade was aimed right for my nose . . . the puck shot off the blade and hit me straight in the nose.” After the blood stopped flowing, Kayla’s parents put an end to her career in net. “That’s when he took over,” she said with a laugh. Kayla and her parents, Lynda and Jerry, will be heading to Sochi, Russia on Feb. 9
for a two-week stint of watching 26-year-old Carey play for Canada in the Olympic Winter Games. Kayla will be taking some time to see the sights and experience the culture. She will also meet up with Jay Onrait, the Fox Sports broadcaster formerly of TSN, to shadow a variety of broadcasts and make some work connections. X See NOT A20
Elli Terwiel can uncross her fingers and start celebrating — she’s going to realize a childhood dream. Alpine Canada formally nominated the 24-year-old from Sun Peaks to the Canadian team heading to Sochi, Russia, for the Olympic Winter Games in February. “She’s going to be skiing slalom at the Olympics for Canada,” Alpine Canada’s director of communications Keith Bradford said after the announcement was made on Monday, Jan. 27. Terwiel’s inclusion was no sure thing. After sustain-
ing a concussion in December, Terwiel was left to hope an 11thplace finish at a World Cup event in Levi, Finland, in November and a pair of 17th-place finishes in World Cups in Maribor, Slovenia, and Flachau, Austria, in January 2013 would be enough. The basic qualification criteria for nomination to the team is two top-12 World Cup results, with at least one this season. She never earned a second top-12 World Cup result and, with the qualification window closing for Canadian alpine skiers on Sunday, Jan. 26, all Terwiel could do was
watch and hope. “It was extremely frustrating,” Terwiel told KTW earlier this month. “It was kind of like watching a TV program when you should be an actor in it. It was a bit surreal. “I’ve come so far in my career and then, in these very last moments, in the very last races, where I put so much work and dedication towards achieving this goal, I just kind of had to sit on the sidelines and watch.” Terwiel will be in the thick of things next month. The Games run from Feb. 7 to Feb. 23.
watch for your
kamloops this week
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A20 TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
tudios S e t o Key N
Not always easy being Carey Price’s little sister X From A19
But, make no mistake, the main focus of the trip will be watching Carey represent the Maple Leaf. “It’s the most stressful thing in the world,” Kayla said. “I used to pretend that I didn’t care when I was younger but, now, I’m just as anxious as everyone else who’s watching.” The Price family has always followed Carey on his hockey trips. When he played for Canada’s world junior team in Sweden in 2007, the Price clan was in the stands. Carey led Canada to its third-consecutive gold medal that year and was named tournament MVP, an all-star and top goaltender. It remains to be seen whether he will have the opportunity to do the same in Russia. Roberto Luongo of the Vancouver Canucks is returning to the team after leading Canada to gold in 2010. Playing in the Olympics was a silent goal for Carey, accord-
another stepping stone in his career and you can’t help but be proud. At the end of the day, he’s still the same person and every success he has is a success for us as well. It will be amazing — hopefully.” Despite all the high moments — the gold medals and international honours, NHL contracts and awards — there have also been tough times. Having an NHL goaltender for a brother can come with a fair amount of stress when the puck drops each night. It can also force you to make some tough decisions, such as not telling people you’re one of those Prices. “When I was younger, I was a lot more open about it, just because it was a cool thing, I guess,” Kayla said. “But, more so now, I try to make a name for myself, as opposed to living through him. “I want to attract the right attention and I want to do it for myself and not through him.”
Kayla Price (right) is no stranger to blunt opinions on the play of her older brother, Montreal Canadiens’ netminder Carey Price. Submitted photo
ing to Kayla, who said her brother is selfdriven. Like her brother — and the rest of the nation — Kayla hopes to see a gold medal around Carey’s neck in the early-morning hours of Feb. 23, just as she did in 2007, though she’s careful not to jinx it. “It would be amazing,” Kayla said. “It’s
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If people ask her outright, Kayla will tell them about her brother’s profession. But, when strangers in Kamloops say, “Hey! You’re Carey Price’s sister!”, it can get a little strange. And, when Carey has a bad game, she inevitably hears about it. “It’s the fans that let me know what’s going on,” Kayla said. “They’re very opinionated. They either love you or they hate you — or both at the same time. So, they’ll let me know. They’ll let me know if he’s had a good game or a bad game and they let me know exactly how they feel about it.” She tries to learn from Carey. Beginning his career in the hockey-mad city of Montreal, he has had to quickly develop a thick skin. Naturally, she feels defensive and protective of him, though it can be difficult to hear negative things about a family member — Olympic goalie or not, Carey
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Price the goaltending superstar is still just Carey Price the brother. “He’s still, to this day, the same guy, very affectionate and loving,” Kayla said. “He always makes sure you’re OK before himself. The whole hockey thing is kind of just a side thing for him. He puts his family first and then hockey comes second.”
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Phone: 250-376-1788 Email:
TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
After one-year hiatus, KIBT likely to return to NorBrock By Adam Williams STAFF REPORTER
With seven teams registered and one more needed, it’s looking more and more like the Tournament Capital will see the return of the Kamloops International Baseball Tournament (KIBT) in 2014. KIBT president Dean Padar said the tournament has received confirmation from seven teams — the Kelowna Jays, Red Deer Riggers, North West Honkers, Seattle Studs, Thurston Country Senators, Everett Merchants and Kamloops Sun Devils — the most recent being the local entry. The tournament is scheduled to run from July 10 to July 13 at NorBrock Stadium and is looking to get back off the ground after being cancelled in 2013, due to a lack of entrants.
Todd Matthews of the Skagit Eagles applies the tag to a San Diego Stars’ baserunner at the 2006 Kamloops International Baseball Tournament. The popular tournament was cancelled last year because organizers couldn’t get enough teams to attend. It appears KIBT is on track to return this summer. KTW file photo
With a few months remaining and organizers cutting off registration at eight teams, KIBT’s return looks promising. “We’re fairly confident we should be able to scrape up something,” Padar said, noting he has a few leads
on Vancouver Island, including a team based in Nanaimo. The president said the U.S.-based teams — North West, Seattle, Thurston County and Everett — generally book their tournaments at the end of the previous season, whereas
the Canadian squads are likely entering the planning stage now. “It was never the intent to shut it down,” he said. “It was just a take a year off, kind of step back and reload and give it another go.” The entry fee is
down to $800 from $1,000 per team, which Padar said is comparable to similar events in the region. KIBT doesn’t rake in sponsorship money, which has traditionally led to a high entry fee. With new blood on the executive, KIBT is trying to increase sponsorship dollars this season so it can pass savings on to teams. They’re finding funding is stretched thin in the Tournament Capital. “With the size of this city, we’re really kind of stuck in a way,” he said. It’s especially difficult when competing with events geared to kids, like minor hockey, which sponsors tend to prefer to support. “As something that’s driven more for adults, I think it’s a tougher sell,” Padar said. KIBT hasn’t established a drop-dead date
by which it needs the eighth registrant and Padar couldn’t comment on what would happen if organizers were unable to secure that last team. Right now, he’s focused on going ahead with the event
and making sure it’s a memorable experience. The on-field product will do the rest. “It’s good quality baseball,” he said. “It’s the best baseball you’re going to see in town over the summer.”
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A22 TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Moonie, Dever race to the top Devon Moonie and Nelly Dever came out golden at an indoor fundraising event hosted by the Interior Grasslands Cycling Club at Save-On-Foods in Sahali on Saturday, Jan. 25. Moonie won the men’s event and Dever claimed first place on the women’s side. Ethan Wenger was the fastest junior. The event raised money for the MS Society of Canada.
Home on hardcourt
The TRU WolfPack men’s and women’s basketball teams are carrying matching 9-7 records into weekend action at the Tournament Capital Centre, with the Manitoba Bisons in town on Friday, Jan. 31, and the Winnipeg Wesmen in Kamloops on Saturday, Feb. 1. On Friday, the women tip-off at 6 p.m. and the men follow at 8 p.m.
Game time is 5 p.m. for the women on Saturday, with the men getting underway at 7 p.m. Both WolfPack squads swept a pair of Canada West games against Trinity Western University in Langley on the weekend.
Spartans slay Pack
Trinity Western University had its way with the TRU WolfPack in men’s and women’s Canada West volleyball play on the weekend at the TCC. The Spartans’ men earned a 3-1 win over the Pack on Friday, Jan. 24, and they followed with a 3-0 sweep of TRU on Saturday, Jan. 25. TRU’s men dropped to 9-7 on the campaign and, to make matters
SPORTS CHARLIE IN CHARGE Charlie Choi of the South Kamloops Titans outmuscles his opponent and secures possession at the Brocklehurst Jr. Boys Blue Grey Classic basketball tournament on Friday, Jan. 24. The Dr. Knox Falcons of Kelowna won gold, beating Brocklehurst 49-43 in the championship final. Cracking the tournament all-star team were Devin Halcrow of Brock, Jake Horvath of Westsyde secondary and Liam Smeaton of South Kamloops. For more photos, go online to Allen Douglas/KTW
worse, they lost standout right-side Brad Gunter to an ankle injury on Saturday. He is out on a day-to-day basis, according to TRU sports information. On the women’s side, TRU is 0-18 on the season after being swept twice by the Spartans. Both WolfPack volleyball teams will be in Regina to play the Cougars this weekend.
Weekend Wolf woes
Two losses at Memorial Arena dropped the TRU WolfPack to 11-8 in B.C. Intercollegiate Hockey League play. The Simon Fraser University Clan swept a back-to-back set with the WolfPack — winning 4-2 on Friday, Jan. 24, and 1-0 on Saturday, Jan. 25. TRU, third in league standings, does not play again until Feb. 8., when the Clan hosts the Pack in Burnaby.
A visit to the Patch is all about great music, great fun, and a chance to hear from the athletes through up close and personal interviews. Right next door at the Kamloops Curling Club you'll get a chance to meet the athletes during autograph sessions. Current schedules are available at The Memorial Arena and the Kamloops Curling Club are just a few short blocks from the Interior Savings Centre. Free shuttles available. SEASON OF CHAMPIONS SPONSORS
TUESDAY, January 28, 2014 ™
IN THE THROES OF DEFEAT KTW photographer Allen Douglas captured these images during a scrap between Connor Clouston of the Kamloops Blazers and Scott Allan of the Medicine Hat Tigers at Interior Savings Centre on Saturday, Jan. 25. Clouston might have won this tilt, but the Tigers left Kamloops with a 4-0 victory, handing the Blazers their second loss in as many nights. The Victoria Royals cruised to a 7-2 win over Kamloops on Friday, Jan. 24. The Blue and Orange were left black and blue after the weekend, having lost to injury forwards Tyson Ness, Luke Harrison and captain Matt Needham. Ness and Harrison both incurred facial injuries and are not likely to return this season. Needham suffered a lower-body injury on Friday. He is out on a week-to-week basis. The Blazers are hosting the Spokane Chiefs tonight (Jan. 28). Game time is 7 p.m. at ISC.
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TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
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rett Kissel hasn’t been cheated on or lost a lot of loves in his 23 years. In fact, he said, life’s pretty good right now, as he heads out on the highway with his The Young Guns tour. It lands in Kamloops on Feb. 13 for a show at Cactus Jack’s Night Club.
Alberta-born country artist Brett Kissel will play in Kamloops on Feb. 13.
Paul Lake tournament
Hockey League lockout was enough to inspire Hockey, Please Come Back. The record deal came when Warner Music Canada knocked on his door last May and, a month later, Started With A Song was released. The second single, Raise Your Glass, came out four months later. “Every song is different,” Kissel said, “and every show is different.” He’s played Kamloops before, at the annual Cowboy Festival, and is delighted to be hitting The River City again “because I’ve got family there.” As for what his show will be like, Kissel admits even his band never knows. “I’ve been driving my band members mad because I’ll look out at the crowd, get the spirit of the evening and it can take me in a different direction than we were gonna go before.” Also on the tour is Maple Ridge band One More Girl, sisters Carly and Britt McKillip. They released their debut album, Big Sky, in 2009 and won the Rising Star award in 2010. Ottawa-based Jordan McIntosh, whose Grew Up In a Country Song, is one of the top picks on iTunes, is also on the bill. Tickets are $30 in advance, $40 for early entry and one free beverage and available The Horse Barn, 517 Mount Paul Way, Kamloops Harley-Davidson, 1465 Iron Mask Rd., and online at
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The Alberta native — born in Flat Lake — said he’s coming off “a hell of a year,” landing a record deal and seeing both singles he realized hit the top of country charts. “Yup, 2013 was good and I’m thinking 2014 will be better,” he said. Unlike a lot of young singers, Kissel doesn’t come from a particularly musical family — he’s the only one to ever play an instrument — but perhaps the title of one of his songs, Country In My Blood, speaks to his success. He released his first CD, Keepin’ It Country, at the age of 12 and, two years later, released By Request. Tried and True — A Canadian Tribute followed in 2006 and Roots Run Deep in 2008. The 2006 release — made when he was just 16, included duets with Corb Lund (who is also headed to Kamloops later this year), Gary Fjellgaard, Steve Fox and Larry Mercey. It sold well — 70,000 copies — and saw him nominated for the Rising Star Award at the Canadian Country Music Association. It all started simply, Kissel said. “I just picked up a guitar and startined playing,” he said, noting his influences come from a variety of other musicians, although George Straight, Brooks and Dunn and Keith Urban popped to his mind right away. He draws from his own life for a lot of his songs, although the 2012 National
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B2 TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
American Idol winner coming to Kamloops Phillip Phillips, the 2012 American Idol winner, brings his tour to Kamloops for a March 27 show at Interior Savings Centre. Ticket prices range from $45.75 to $56, plus taxes and service charges, and go on sale on Friday, Jan. 24, at and at the venue box office, 300 Lorne St. Phillips has been nominated for several music awards in the past, including Teen Choice, Billboard Music, MuchMusic and American Music award shows for his singles, Home and Gone, Gone, Gone, as well as for breakout artist, best male artist, rock song and album (The World from the Side of the Moon). His single Home sold more than fourmillion copies in the U.S. and has been used extensive in other media, including commercials, film trailers and TV shows.
Hedley at ISC Interior Savings Centre will be filled with music on Sunday, Feb. 16, as four bands — including headliner Hedley — take the stage. Opening acts include: Danny Fernandes, Shawn Desmond’s younger brother and a dance-pop singer whose discography includes a new take on a Mr. Mister song with Fly Again (Broken Wings); JRDN, who combines rhythm and blues with soul and includes in his repertoire Cant Choose (with Kardinall Offishall); and Alyssa Reid, an 18-year-old now heard on the radio with her take on the Heart song Alone. Hedley, a band originally from Abbotsford, has been nominated for and won many awards since it started in 2004. Tickets can be found online at, by phone at 1-855-985-5000 or at all Ticketmaster locations. Ticket prices range from $34.50 to $64.50
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Book signings Chapters Bookstore will be offering a series of book-signings with local authors on Saturdays in February and March. The schedule includes: • Feb. 8, Karen Moiliet with her book Silk on Fire, a book for couples about intimacy in a relationship;
Phillip Phillips will rock ISC on Thursday, March 27. Tickets are on sale now.
plus taxes and service charges., the venue box office, or by calling 1-855-9855000.
Thorogood is coming George Thorogood and the Destroyers are celebrating 40 years of rock and roll in the way they know best — on the road and hitting Kamloops on May 1, 2014, for a show at Interior Savings Centre. Tickets are $49.50 and $42.50, plus service charges and taxes, and are available at
KAG workshops Workshops will be offered to youth artists throughout the next few months in challenging stereotypes about aboriginal art. The Arbor Collective, a group supporting the creation and dissemination of aboriginal art in the Kamloops area, will
host Youth Workshops from January through March with Chris Bose to create artwork confronting stereotypes and empowering individuals through creativity. Collective members will be working in KAG studios and a number of drop-in spaces are available to interested youth. For more information, call 250-377-2400. There will be workshops on Jan. 30, Feb 6, Feb. 20, Feb. 27, March 6 and March 20.
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• Feb. 15, Laura Kalina and Cheryl Christian will provide a presentation on fitness and nutrition, followed by a signing session for Lower GI Meals in Minutes; • Feb. 22, Melanie Pouliot will give a talk about inspiration before signing copies of her book Life Through the Eyes of an Hourglass; • March 1,
hynoptherapist Isabelle Hamptonstone will talk about her work and sign 101 Short Steps to Radiance; • March 8, hiking enthusiast Gerry Shea will talk about hiking and be available to sign any of his three hiking guides; • March 15, yoga instructor Amy Townsend will lead a presentation on yoga for kids. Each session is takes place at Chapters Bookstore, scheduled to begin at 1:30 p.m.
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TUESDAY, January 28, 2014 ™
Theatre review: Seeing brilliant hilarity in Blind Date By Christopher Foulds STAFF REPORTER
If all the world truly was a stage, Carlo would be the heartthrob du jour this week, his smooth moves relegating the likes of Justin Timberlake to Urkel territory. Carlo is a graphic designer who toils by day with the Kamloops-Thompson school district. However, by night (well, at least on the night of Thursday, Jan. 23), Carlo is a veritable Romeo, his quick wit and chivalrous comportment taking away the breath of a beautiful French . . . clown. Yes, Blind Date, the clever play that features almost 100 per cent improvisation between Mimi the French Clown and her date for the night, can make a Lothario out of the everyman — every night. Blind Date is, as Western Canada Theatre artistic director Daryl Cloran noted, unusual in that the company rarely includes a fully improvisational production in its calendar of shows. If the preview night was any indication, WCT may want to open its artistic arms to more improv. Mimi is played by Christy Bruce, who has had a quarter-century friendship with Blind Date creator Rebecca Northan. It is Bruce’s talent for humour and extremely quick with that makes her blind date (Carlo on the play’s preview night;
different audience members on succeeding nights) shine like stars on stage. Even the most ebullient person can catch the stage-fright virus when pulled suddenly from their anonymous seat in Sagebrush Theatre and presented under the lights, facing hundreds of patrons. But, with her talent for finding humour fast in any situation and her remarkable ability in verbally coaxing her date into hilarious banter, Bruce can (and does) direct attention and audience adulation to her date. On the preview night, laughter from the audience was so loud and honest so as to occasionally drown out the dialogue on stage. That is the mark of a wickedly funny play.
Thinking back to the moment Carlo was invited on stage and fast-forwarding to the last scene, one can actually see, with clarity, the growth of a character — even if he is playing himself. Bruce did a marvellous job engaging Carlo and the audience, but Carlo was no slouch, either, as his confidence and wit grew with every moment under the lights. The beauty of Blind Date is one can watch it night after night and, essentially, enjoy a new production each time. It would not be surprising if Carlo the school-district graphic artist — or any of the other blind dates to grace the stage during the play’s Jan. 23 to Feb. 1 run at Sagebrush Theatre — didn’t look into amateur acting gigs after this foray. Yes, Blind Date is that good and that infectious. ENCORE — Bruce is aided by scenographers Kristian Reimer and Julie Orton, both of whom lend much humour to scenes . . . Set designer is Ross Nichol, while Emma Brager is stage manager and sound improvisor . . . Blind Date enjoyed sold-out runs in London, New York and Toronto before arriving in Kamloops . . . The play continues through Feb. 1, with performances on Monday and Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. and Wednesday to Saturday at 8 p.m. There is also a Saturday matinee at 2 p.m. . . . Go online to for ticket information.
Mimi, played by Christy Bruce, snuggles up with blind date Michael Phillips during one of the performances of Blind Date at Sagebrush Theatre. Murray Mitchell photo
New!2013 fall
The 25-Year MBA School of Business & Economics
Peter McKenna, CEO and President of NRI Distribution Inc., spoke to a standing-room-only audience of students and faculty at Thompson Rivers University on Jan.15 during a Business Kickstart 101 event. Business Kickstart 101 is an exciting initiative that consists of 20 events that bring students and employers together for networking opportunities.
“More than a speech, Peter McKenna’s laid-back style and discussion with us was as valid a lesson as any I have had in my university life. His words and experiences translated into real life lessons we can take away from the event. I have nothing but praise for what SOBE is doing in bringing in these professionals.� MATTHEW KLASSEN, business student
Network. Learn. Be mentored. Win! ONE PROGRAM—MULTIPLE OPPORTUNITIES The event was titled the 25-year MBA and McKenna let students in on his career path while giving them valuable advice about their own career decisions. McKenna said that he was happy to share his thoughts and ideas with TRU students and to see them possibly go forward and create something. "EING A CONSERVATION OFj CER WAS -C+ENNA S j RST CAREER GOAL "UT WHEN he wasn’t accepted into BCIT, he took JOBS THAT LED HIM TO LOGISTICS†A j ELD THAT REVEALED HIS NATURAL AFj NITY FOR problem-solving. “Don’t be afraid to make your mistakes and don’t be afraid to explore your options,� said McKenna.
The importance of working for the right people and believing in your ideas were key messages that McKenna gave to the students. -C+ENNA WAS CONj DENT ENOUGH to follow his business inspiration, and that is how NRI was formed in 1995. Now, NRI boasts over 300 employees and is part of Worldblu, which means it is considered a democratic organization that values its employees’ input.
“Mentors offer great value. If you don’t have one, seek one out,� said McKenna. “If someone asks to mentor you, accept the opportunity.� To get involved in Business Kickstart 101, contact John Zubak at More information can be found at
The importance of working with mentors was another hint that McKenna shared with the audience.
B4 TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Woman wants answers after mother’s death WINNIPEG — A woman whose mother died after being sent home in a cab from a Winnipeg hospital hopes an upcoming inquest will get her some answers. Dana Brenan’s mother, Heather, died almost a year ago after she collapsed on her doorstep. A standing hearing for the inquest into her death is being held this week. Brenan said it could be another year before the inquest begins hearing testimony. Winnipeg’s health authority is investigating two similar cases in which two other patients were sent home in taxis and died on their doorsteps. Brenan said there should be a standardized discharge policy that ensures vulnerable people are not sent home alone at night.
is expected later this month. Flaherty said the budget will likely be a stopgap document, foreshadowing good news to come. The Harper government has long touted its economic stewardship as a key strength, something Flaherty said will be underscored in the next budget. The minister isn’t giving any hints as to what the document might hold. He has, however, played down the idea that there might be some goodies coming, saying such spending will have to wait until after the books are balanced.
Budget balanced in 2015, Flaherty says
Budget, economy to dominate Parliament agenda
OTTAWA — Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said he’ll deliver a balanced budget in 2015 without raising taxes or cutting transfers to the provinces. But, he’s not promising to balance this year’s budget, which
OTTAWA — The federal Conservatives say they’ll focus on the economy and the upcoming budget as they return to work in Ottawa after a six-week break. Government House Leader
Peter Van Loan said the government will concentrate on creating jobs and on consumer- and justice-oriented legislation, such as a publicly accessible database of high-risk child predators. He repeated a promise to deliver a balanced budget next year, saying the yet-to-be-released spending plan will be the cornerstone of the government’s agenda in the coming weeks and months. The Conservatives are expected to take every opportunity to highlight their economic prowess in advance of the budget, which could be introduced by midFebruary. “The cornerstone of our agenda in Parliament will be the budget,’’ Van Loan said. “Canadians can count on our government to build upon our strong record of creating jobs, keeping taxes low and returning to budgetary balance.’’ Van Loan wouldn’t talk about what cuts are on their way to slay the deficit and stayed away from answering questions about how a low dollar may improve the economy for manufacturing and exporting, but raise prices for consumers.
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TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Town gathers to mourn seniors killed in fire By Andy Blatchford
Quebec authorities don’t expect to find alive any of the 22 seniors still missing after last week’s massive blaze
L’ISLE-VERTE, Que. — A Quebec community joined the co-owner of a destroyed seniors’ home over the weekend in mourning those who died after his building was engulfed by flames. Roch Bernier, who had avoided the public eye following last week’s deadly overnight fire, addressed a church packed with more than 1,000 people in the village of L’Isle-Verte. The community itself has a population of about 1,500. Bernier’s surprise appearance at the ceremony drew a collective gasp from attendees that was quickly followed by a standing ovation. “Inside each individual here in the church, there is enormous pain,’’ said Bernier, who ran the 52-unit Residence du Havre with his ex-spouse, Irene Plante. “We will have very difficult moments, but we will live them together.’’ Police have confirmed that 10 people died in the blaze and another 22 are still missing and presumed dead. For days, search
crews have struggled to find human remains amid piles of rubble, ash and thick sheets of ice. Bernier kept a low-profile following the fire and a note had even been posted on his front door, advising media to stay away because of the ongoing police investigation into the fire. Investigators, meanwhile, have been exploring potential causes of the blaze — with a lit cigarette among the possibilities. An employee who worked the night of the disaster has told media outlets a resident’s cigarette was the trigger. During that first public appearance, Bernier offered his condolences to the victim’s loved ones. “We call them our residents, but we can go further than that — they are part of our family,’’ he said inside Eglise de La Decollation-deSaint-Jean-Baptiste, a 159-year-old church in the heart of L’Isle-Verte. “I have to tell you that it has been very hard for us deal with all of this.’’
The memorial and Roman Catholic mass attracted politicians such as Premier Pauline Marois and Quebec Liberal Leader Philippe Couillard. A formal ceremony, in which more dignitaries are expected to attend, has been scheduled for Feb. 1. The emotional weekend gathering, during which attendees dabbed their tearing eyes, was dedicated to the people. Parish priest Gilles Frigon called it an opportunity for the village in Quebec’s Lower St-Lawrence region to grieve together as a community. “It’s through suffering that we recognize true love,’’ said Frigon, whose voice cracked a few times under the weight of his emotions. “Lord, we are all assembled feeling the same pain in this profound suffering that breaks our hearts. “Today, we really need you.’’ Other locals addressed the church, including a nurse who
worked at the clinic inside the seniors’ home. Lucie Berube said she chose to work at the residence so she could be closer to her grandmother, Laurea Dube. “I had the privilege to be there for her, and her for me — I got so much pleasure out of seeing her,’’ Berube said of Dube, still missing since the blaze. “I was so proud to hear her talk about me in the waiting room. ‘The nurse is my granddaughter,’ she would say.’’ Authorities have indicated they don’t expect to find any of the 22 missing residents alive. Searches have been hampered by bitter cold, poor visibility, blowing snow and biting winds up to 90 km/h, provincial police Lt. Guy Lapointe told a news conference. He said a de-icing machine usually used for ships has been brought in to melt the thick layer of ice covering the rubble. “We’re using it in a different
fashion in a sense, to be more delicate in our approach, but it’s been yielding promising results,’’ Lapointe said. The coroner’s office formally identified a third victim on Sunday, Jan. 26 — Louis-Philippe Roy, 89. The premier said she hoped those still awaiting word on their loved ones would soon have closure. Marois cut short a trip to Europe to deliver her condolences in L’Isle-Verte, where she saw the devastation. She called the blaze “unacceptable’’ and said everything is being done to provide support for survivors. Marois also said over the last year a working committee has been studying whether sprinklers should be mandatory in buildings like the Residence du Havre. Parts of the three-storey home, which opened in 1997, had sprinklers, while others didn’t. “If they recommend to us to change the rules, to change the laws and implement [mandatory] sprinklers, we will do that,’’ Marois said. “After that, we will see if there are some new rules to adopt.’’
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Nissan’s 2014 Altima 3.5 SL is a sedan that packs a punch By Neil Moore METROLAND MEDIA
HE 2014 NISSAN Altima is one handsome ride, but that hasn’t always been the case. I remember the jellybean styling of their first- and secondgeneration models, starting around 1993. Talk about bland. Back then, the Altima was more a large compact than a mid-size sedan, and like many similar cars of the day, was a bit underpowered and tough to find in a mall parking lot, where so many competitors followed a similar humdrum design language. Then, along came the thirdgeneration Altima in 2002. X See FIFTH-GENERATION B7
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TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Fifth-generation Altima has lots of new features X From B6
It was a huge step up in size, styling and power, with the base engine 2.5-litre fourcylinder delivering more punch at 175 hp (up from 155) and, more importantly, the introduction of Nissan’s award-winning 3.5-litre V6 that, for the time, delivered an unusually generous 240 horses. Since then, the company has continued to refine Altima’s styling and power numbers have edged upward, with the current 3.5-litre holding steady at 270 hp and the 2.5-litre at 182. And, in terms of amenities and driver aids, today’s fifth-generation sedan is also light years ahead to the point where I’m struggling to find many reasons why I’d opt for Nissan’s Maxima flagship over a top-trim Altima — which is about $5,000 less. So, if you still think the Altima is a middleof-the-road offering in the mid-size segment, think again. Exterior design, as I’ve already mentioned, has been improving. Nissan calls it “class above.” I’ll avoid making comparisons with the premium offerings from Europe and Japan, but will admit that it’s as fetching as anything in its segment. And, when you consider how Camry, Accord and Mazda6 have been pulling up their socks, it is high praise indeed.
The 2014 Altima has a wider front and rear track, and more pronounced fenders, giving it a more aggressive stance than its predecessor. The grille also has a crisper look, but it’s in the rear where you’ll find the greatest improvement. Here, Nissan has replaced its complicated projector-style taillights with trimmer, more fashionable lenses, available in LED. The trunklid has a raised arch instead of a spoiler — and the wider chrome trim piece is a nice touch. Inside, I’ll start with a feature that receives plenty of attention in Nissan’s PR bumph — the NASA-inspired “zero gravity” seats. Engineers have used the space agency’s posture research to build vehicle seating that does its earthly best to achieve the neutral posture you’d experience in a weightless environment. Mind you, I’m sure Nissan wants their cars to remain planted on Terra Firma — and these seats are really about reducing fatigue during long commutes. Much thought has been put into their shape, foam density and breathability to help reduce muscular and spinal loads, and improve blood flow. I can’t say I truly put them to the test but, during the week I spent in deep freeze travelling back and forth across the city, not to men-
Kamloops Mazda employees (clockwise from top left) Dave Larsen, Bob Chandra, Jerry Gobbee, Justin Yax, Ben Overmars, Donna Apeldoorn and Sheron Grey pose for a photo with some of the goodies they helped collect for the dealership’s Spirit of Christmas fundraiser for Christmas Amalgamated. Not pictured are Rose Winters and Phil Askin.
tion driving home from the gym, the heated leather seating (eightway power adjust for the driver) was just the tonic for an achy back and tired legs. Seating in rear, although not poweradjustable nor heated, was similarly comfortable and has limo-like legroom where you can really stretch out. Aside from the new seat design, two other features stand out: the NissanConnect apps system and the Advanced Drive-Assist display. The display is standard across all trims, and the apps are included in all but the base model. With NissanConnect, users have the usual Bluetooth phone features, but can also connect to smartphones.
Salesperson of the Year
Darcy Severin
Congratulations to Darcy for a great year! He was Salesperson of the Month for December 2013 and then awarded Salesperson of the Year for all of 2013 for his outstanding performance and customer service. Darcy is loved by all and has been a valuable member of the Dearborn Ford team for over 5 years! Way to go Darcy and thank you for your continued efforts to Go Further! 2555 East Trans Canada Hwy. On the Kamloops Automall 250-372-7101 • Toll Free 1-800-566-7101 Our Reputation is Riding With You
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B8 ❖ TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
INDEX Announcements ...............001-099 Employment....................100-165 Service Guide ..................170-399 Pets/Farm ......................450-499 For Sale/Wanted..............500-599 Real Estate .....................600-699 Rentals ..........................700-799 Automotive .....................800-915 Legal Notices ................920-1000
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1 Issue...................................$16.38 1 Week ..................................$39.60 1 Month ............................. $129.60
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Business Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
~ Caution ~ While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in Kamloops This Week are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
LEARN FROM home. Earn from home. Huge is a demand for Medical Transcriptionists. Start your online learning today with CanScribe Career College. Call 1.800.466.1535 or email:
Our toddlers are growing up and we have spaces available for infants & toddlers.
250-828-6775 GINGERBREAD HOUSE Has full time spaces for 3 to 5 year olds. Call for more information.
250-828-2045 SUMMIT CHILDCARE Has a few spaces available. Call for more information.
Lost & Found
Found bunch of keys on ring Tranquille area (250) 3765628 Lost male Corgi mix blk/tan North Shore Dakota (778) 470-0147
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance Payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.
Employment Business Opportunities ANTI-AGING BUSINESS Goldmine! #1 Baby Boomer Market in US. Prime Turn-key locations available. $12K(min. Invest)=$50K+ Yearly! Call today: 1-888-900-8276. 24/7.
Career Opportunities
EXCITING NEW Canadian Business Opportunity. Available in your area! Min investment req’d. For more info, call 1-866-945-6409. GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website KAMLOOPS Area Business \ Opportunity 1-866-668-6629
Career Opportunities
THERE IS a critical need for Medical Transcriptionists across Canada. Work from home. CanScribe graduates welcome and encouraged to apply. Apply through MTR at
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Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
ATTENTION Work from home Turn spare time into income Free training/flexible hours Computer required.
Health Care Assistant (HCA) Diploma
your event.
QUALITY ASSURANCE course for Health Canada’s Commercial Marijuana Program. February 22 & 23 Best Western Hotel, Kelowna, BC. Tickets: or 1-855-860-8611 or 250-870-1882.
Start Date: February 11, 2014 100% Job Placement for Recent Graduates! Contact Susan today for a FREE assessment!
KGHM Ajax Mining Inc. (“KGHM Ajax”) is a joint venture operated by KGHM International. KGHM Ajax is committed to building strong, open relationships with the communities in which we operate. We strive to make responsible business decisions with environmental, social and economic sustainability in mind. Preference will be given to local candidates. THE CONTRACT & PROCUREMENT ADMINISTRATOR is responsible for the procurement of services and the development and administration of contracts. This role ensures that competitive advantage is optimized, risk is minimized, and policies and practices related to procurement and contract management are complied with.
CENTURY PLAZA HOTEL Best Rates. 1.800.663.1818
Career Opportunities
(250) 372-5429
Truck Driver Training Professional Truck Driver Program - Funding available for those who qualify!
Feb. 14-16 • Feb. 28 - March 2
Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email:
Air Brakes
Responsibilities: • Develops and implements the procurement and contract administration policies and procedures. • Collaborates and provides business support to the project team in the preparation of strategic procurement and sourcing strategies and tendering documents and processes. • Prepares and administers the formal agreements and contracts. • Prepares evaluation of tenders and recommends award. Utilizes strong negotiation skills to ensure optimization of the contract. • Conducts contract and vendor performance management and evaluation. • Fosters strong relationships. The qualified candidate possesses a relevant degree and Certified Purchasing Manager (CPM), Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) or related certification required.
16 Hour Course: $100 20 Hour Course: $175
call 250-374-0462
call 250.828.5104 or visit
DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS Experienced Dump Truck drivers needed for Northern BC. Must have own Tickets, H2SALIVE & WHMIS. Must be available immediately, have own transportation,be reliable. Wages depending on experience. Please fax resume and abstract to: 250-546-0600. No walk-ins or phone calls please. Only those considered will be contacted.
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Seeking fun loving gay male 25-30 for relationship contact John 250-376-8578
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The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.
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upcoming event for our
ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis
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Class 1, 2 and 3 Driver Training - Job placement available!
To learn more about the role and qualifications, and to apply, please visit our website at We thank all who apply, however, only those most qualified will be contacted for an interview.
TUESDAY, January 28, 2014 ❖ B9
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
RN required for casual position in the Kamloops area, to do assessments, medical exams, wound care. Footcare experience an asset Flexible hours, competitive wage. Please apply to: 101-635 Victoria St, Kamloops, BC or email to: or fax to 250.545-9729
SALES REPRESENTATIVE - AGRICULTURE The Okanagan’s leading manufacturer and distributor of fertilizer, seed and crop protection products requires an outside sales representative to focus on dairy, beef and conventional agriculture customers in the southern interior of BC.
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Education/Trade Schools
We require long and short haul US capable drivers. We are an Okanagan based company with dedicated suppliers and customers and require drivers to fill their orders. Our short haul drivers primarily service the US northwestern with dedicated runs available and are home regularly, our long hauls drivers service the southwestern US and are home on a weekly basis for resets. We offer: Dedicated Tractors, US Medical Coverage, Company Cell phones, Direct deposit pay with no holdbacks. Dedicated lanes. Rider Policy. All we need from you is US capabilities, border crossing experience and asset a professional attitude, Class 1 driver’s license and a clean abstract and are physically fit. Please fax or email your resume and abstract with US drivers in subject line to 250-546-0600 or email to No phones calls or walk in’s please.
The ideal candidate will have proven sales skills and a preference to work within a performance based compensation system. A background in agriculture with an understanding of fertilizer and crop inputs is preferred. Daily travel within the Okanagan - Shuswap area is required. Please send your resume by February 7th to Ken Clancy, President, by e-mail at or by fax at 250-838-6968.
FOODSAFE COURSE by Certified Instructor
January 27th & February 15th 8:30am-4:00pm $70 Pre-register by phoning 250-554-9762
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Heavy Equipment Operator required at Mission Flats Landfill. Operators responsible for safe operation & minor maintenance/upkeep. Class 3 with air required. Shifts include weekends. $19.00 per hr. Drop resumes at 3095 Mission Flats Road or email to
is looking for substitute distributors for door-to-door deliveries. Vehicle is required. For more information please call the Circulation Department at
Help Wanted 6347663 FARM WORKERS: Dhaliwal Farms located in Heffley Creek requires 20 F/T farm workers. Duties Include: harvesting/grading/packing vegetables. Must be in good physical condition. Wage $10.25/hr. Fax resume to: 250-578-7160 Live in caretaker wanted for 6plex building. 2bdrm apt w/reduced rent for qualified person (250) 554-8202
LMG Finance is a developing Kamloops company looking to strengthen our talented administration team by hiring a highly organized, detailed oriented individual. If you have a business admin diploma, office admin certificate and/or previous admin experience, email your resume to: SERVICE CLERK FULL-TIME we are looking for a full-time service clerk. Must be highly organized,customer service driven and a ambitious individual. pls submit a resume to
Cars • Trucks • Trailers RV’s • Boats • ATV’s Snowmobiles • Motorcycles Merchandise Some restrictions apply Includes 2 issues per week Non-Business ads only Non-Business ads only
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Kamloops Chips Division
Additional items/lines $10 each Non business ads only 250-371-4949 Some restrictions apply DoesEstate not include: Car/Truck/RV’s/Power Boats/Street Real Real EstateBike
Seeking qualiĮed drivers for immediate openings in our Kamloops, BC chip hauling division.
Real Estate
We oīer: Full Time, Year Round Work • • Home Every Day • CompeƟƟve Wage, BeneĮts & Pension You possess: Super B driving experience • • A clean drivers abstract • References
Commercial/ Industrial Property
Commercial/ Industrial Property
Commercial/ Industrial Property
1365 Dalhousie Drive • 250-371-4949
We are an equal opportunity Employer and we are strongly encouraging Aboriginal peoples to apply.,Fax:250-314-1750 Phone: 1-877-700-4445
A healthy local economy depends on you
SHOP LOCALLY Education/Trade Schools
• Cars • Trucks Thank You Kamloops For• Trailers 2013
I Sold $9,690,000 in commercial property•inRV’s Kamloops last•year including; • Boats ATV’s
• Snowmobiles • Motorcycles 42 Unit Apartment Building; $3,400,000 34 Unit Apartment Building; $2,700,000 • Merchandise 12 Unit Apartment Building; $1,220,000 • Some restrictions apply Petro- Canada Gas Station; $2,350,000
• Includes 2 issues per week I sold the most commercial property in Kamloops 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2013 I market to buyers worldwide & to a • database of 4500 investors. Non-Business ads only NAI has 325 offices in 55 countries world wide. •transactions Non-Business ads only NAI completes over $45 billion in annually.
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COMMERCIAL / RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Gross Income $104k, 7% Cap Rate; $1.090M
GAS STATION / C-STORE Property & Business, $120K Net Profit, 13% cap rate; $899K
11 SUITE APARTMENT BD, SALMON ARM Gross Income $74,400 or $80k per door; $879K
PRACTICAL NURSING PROGRAM PRA Tra with one of Canada’s largest Train Practical Nursing trainers. Pra
Kamloops This Week is looking for door-to-door carriers in your area. 3 days per week Tuesday, Thursday& Friday. Please call 250-374-0462 for more info.
Hea Health Care related careers have an expected annual gro growth rate of 2.4 percent in BC over the next 10 years.
Need extra $ $ $ Kamloops This Week is currently hiring Substitute Carriers for door-to-door deliveries. Call 250-374-0462 for more information. Wanted Immediately experienced MOA’s for busy Physiotherapy, Massage and Chiropractic Clinic. Must have experience in billing, patient booking, computer skills, typing, customer service and be a self starter. Must have reliable transportation and be able to work flexible hours. Clinic focus is on quality patient care and positive work environment. Strong organizational and people skills an asset. Please fax resumes to : 250314-5260
Medical/Dental Financial, Promotional Secretary position available for applicant with Dental Experience. E-mail resume to or Fax 250376-5367 Office Manager, Receptionist required for Dental Office. Dental experience an asset. Email resume to or Fax 250376-5367
110 -
*Conditions apply
Employment Trades, Technical Manufacturing & Repair Shop in Kamloops is looking for a full time Welder/Fabricator to start immediately. Seeking a motivated individual for a position to weld, fabricate, and build structural and miscellaneous steel according to specs and quality standards. The successful candidate will have experience in lay out as per blueprints, welding and cutting, and assemble of parts. Need to have precision and control to prevent damage and assure a quality product. Heavy Duty Mechanical experience is an asset but willing to train. If you think you have the skills required and an attitude to get the job done please send your resume to Mark Baker at markb @ or fax to 250372-2976. Please NO phone calls. NOW HIRING Class 1 Drivers to transport dangerous goods for oilfield service company in northern Alberta. Competitive wages, benefits and lodging. Experience hauling fluids preferred. Send an email to:
Work Wanted HOME & YARD HANDYMAN If you need it done, Give us a call ! Steve 250-320-7774
Alternative Health
Sales ADVERTISING Consultants: Our company is always looking for great sales representatives to add to our team. Our business requires a highly organized individual with ability to multi-task in a fun, fastpaced team environment. Strong interpersonal skills and a strong knowledge of sales and marketing are required. Excellent communication skills, valid driver’s license and reliable vehicle are necessary. If you have a passion for the advertising business, are creative and thrive on challenges, we want to hear from you. Interested applicants should email their resume and cover letter We thank all applicants; only those being considered for an interview will be contacted.
Trades, Technical EXPERIENCED CONSTRUCTION Labourers & carpenters needed for concrete forming in Kamloops. Good wages. Send resume to: or fax to 604-864-2796. GPRC, Fairview Campus, Alberta needs Power Engineering Instructors. No teaching experience, no problem. Please contact Brian Carreau at 780-835-6631 and/or visit our website at JOURNEYMAN HEAVY DUTY MECHANICS Fort McMurray & Leduc Alberta Gladiator Equipment Ltd. has immediate positions for Journeyman Heavy Duty, off road Certified Mechanics for work in Fort McMurray and Leduc, Alberta. Excellent wages and benefits. fax 1-780-986-7051.
Mind Body Spirit Relax and unwind with a full body massage for appointment couples welcome (250) 682-1802
Health Products WHY YOUR Fat Friends Will Hate You When You Lose Weight! As Seen On TV, RiskFree 60 Day. Toll-Free 1-800804-1381.
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Fitness/Exercise WE will pay you to exercise! Deliver Kamloops This Week Only 3 issues a week!
call 250-374-0462 for a route near you!
Legal Services Marine Technician
FREE Math, English & Biology Upgrading* -F Career Placement Assistance -C Options Available - Financial F Class Starts March 10th
HUNTER & FIREARMS Courses. Next C.O.R.E. March 8th & 9th Saturday & Sunday. P.A.L. Saturday February 15th. Challenges, Testing ongoing daily. Professional outdoorsman & Master Instructor:
Education/Trade Schools
Primary duties include maint. troubleshooting & repair of diesel & gas marine engines. Knowledgeable in vessel electrical systems. Must have own tools and a valid drivers license. Compensation Based On Experience. Please forward resume to vancouveroutboard@
CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Help for today. Hope for Tomorrow. Call 1-800-667-3742
B10 â?– TUESDAY, January 28, 2014
Merchandise for Sale
Legal Services
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Call our ClassiďŹ ed Department for details!
Telephone Services DISCONNECTED PHONE? National Teleconnect home phone service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call National Teleconnect today! 1866-443-4408. or visit online:
Pets & Livestock
$200 & Under Livestock
- Regular & Screened Sizes -
Run Till Rented “Read All About It� Kamloops This Week Run Till Rented gives you endless possibilities... $5300 + tax Max 3 Lines Max 12 Weeks Must be pre-paid (no refunds) Scheduled for 4 weeks at a time (Must phone to reschedule)
Private parties only - no businesses - Some Restrictions Apply
Special: Add an extra line to your ad for $10
CALL 250-371-4949
The Heart of Your Community
Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Estates, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Bills etc. ConďŹ dential 778-281-0030
Acreage for Sale
100 Mile House 2.2 acres 1 mile from town fenced & treed secluded next to crown land great recreational property $66,500.00 1-250-554-8031
2 Premium Tim Hortons Brier Tickets, row-9, seats 3+4 $1000250-376-7297 377-8649 MISC4Sale: Camperette $300, Oak Table Chairs-$400, 2-Standard 8ft truck canopies $300/ea Call 250-573-5922 after 6pm or leave msg.
Apt/Condos for Sale
ONLINE Under the Real Estate Tab
ROLL ENDS AVAILABLE $10 / ROLL 1365 B Dalhousie Drive Kamloops BC call for availability 250-374-7467
AB Doer Twist exercise machine $125 (250) 376-2827
Shared Accommodation
Real Estate
Merchandise for Sale AB Circle Pro $50 (250) 3762827
Commercial/ Industrial
Free Items
Misc. for Sale
$100 & Under
Apt/Condo for Rent Bachelor Suites & 1bdrm starting @ $645 Adult Building N/P N/S. Downtown. 343 Nicola St. 250-374-7455.
Free Yamaha 3 keyboard organ nice tone roll top cover you pick up (250) 372-7823
PETS For Sale?
*some restrictions apply.
Misc. Wanted COLLECTOR looking to buy a coin collection. Also looking for coins, bars, medals, ingots from RC Mint, Franklin Mint, US Mint & others. Todd 250864-3521 I make house calls!
*some restrictions apply
Wanted 21.7cu ft(65�w x27�w) deep freeze in good working condition 250-672-1052
ALL SEASON FIREWOOD. For delivery birch, ďŹ r & pine. Stock up now. CampďŹ re wood. (250)377-3457.
for only $46.81/week, we will place your classiďŹ ed ad into Kamloops, Vernon & Salmon Arm.
PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670
Animals sold as “purebred stock� must be registrable in compliance with the Canadian Pedigree Act.
Merchandise for Sale
Houses For Sale
CARMEL PLACE 55+ Quality Living in new medical building. Studio suites with affordable rates, FOB entry, elevator, scooter stations and Telus Optik Package! Call Columbia Property Management to book your appointment: 250-851-9310 FOR RENT, one of the best 2 bedroom condos at Riverbend Seniors Community. Condo has 2 balconies, all appliances overlooking the Thompson River. Facility amenities include ďŹ tness room, dining room, library, theatre room, community garden. Optional services - housekeeping, laundry & meals.Pet Friendly. Furnished or Unfurnished. $1900
LOGAN LAKE 1 bdrm main oor. $650/mon. Partly furnished. NS, Avail. immed. 250-395-2906/250-395-6533. Nicola Place Apartments. 2 bdrm. Avail Feb 1st. Clean, bright & secure building. Onsite parking. A/C Newly upgraded. On-site manager. Walking distance to downtown & bus stops. Suitable for retirees or seniors. NS, NP. Refs Req’d. 250-372-9944.
NORTH SHORE 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Clean quiet building. Rents starting at $625 + utilities.
CALL 250-682-0312 North Shore 2bdrm no pets close to mall and bus. (250) 554-4996
1/bdrm starting at $675/mth 2/bdrm starting at $800/mth Incl/heat, hot water. N/P. Senior oriented.
Sauna Inferred 4 person cedar great cond. Assemble from 8 panels $1100 (250) 579-2685 STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at: STEEL BUILDING. “The big year end clear out!� 20x22 $4,259. 25x24 $4,684. 30x34 $6,895. 35x36 $9,190. 40x48 $12,526. 47x70 $17,200. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. Victorian blue pattern jug & basin set $150 250-374-3773 WASHING machine Hot Point,com $375, 4 place dinner setting Blossom Time $900, 250-374-1252
FOR SALE OR TRADE for residential property in Kamloops. This very bright, fully furnished, three bedroom/two bath corner unit townhouse in Big White offers your very own hot tub on the patio, carport, high end furniture/appliance pkge, stacking washer/dryer and rock-faced ďŹ replace. Short stroll to Gondola, skating rink, tube park, Day Lodge. Ideal for family or as a revenue generator throughout the ski season. Strata fees only $155.00 per month. Call Don at 250-682-3984 for more information. Asking $189,000.00
Houses For Sale
Houses For Sale
CALL 250-376-8542/ 250-319-6054
Duplex / 4 Plex 2bdrm North Shore fencd yrd prk, cls bus/sch/shop n/p, n/s w/d $875 +util (250) 378-2198 3bdrm cls to everything North Shore carport f/s, n/s/p $1100+util +ref 250-376-0113 3bdrm North Kam, basement $1350 per/mnt + util n/p w/d hk/up (250) 371-7774 4bdrm duplex NShore new reno $1300 Avail Feb 1 n/s, n/p (250) 376-2475
Homes for Rent 2Bdrm lakefront house in Savona $1150/mth utils incld 604-889-4495/250-373-2592 2 Bdrm n/p/s RV parking, newly reno’d $1000mo+ dd unďŹ n basement 250-828-0740 4 Bdrm a/c Lower Sahali, close to Tru/shop $1650mo ref’s req’d 250-372-7695 ASHCROFT: SW Mobile: 2 bdrm, 1 bath. New S/F, A/C, W/D. 55 and older $650/mon. N/S Small pet ok 250-3956533 or 250-395-2906. Monte Lake Overlooking Lake 1bdrm, f/s/w/d, $550/mo hydro incd. Call 250-371-7014
Rooms for Rent
BC Best Buy ClassiďŹ ed’s
DALLAS furn bdrm in Mobile home. Quiet working person n/s/p $385 828-1681,573-6086 DOWNTOWN Motel Kitchenette units $750-$950 per month util included. TV and local telephone also included 250-372-7761 Furn room close to Downtown all amenities, available now $450 mo 250-377-3158
Place your classiďŹ ed ad in over 71 Papers across BC.
Shared Accommodation
Call 250-371-4949
Available rural location. Horse? $500 util incl n/s Can be bus 374-2774
Lets You Live Life.
Under the Real Estate Tab
Bed & Breakfast
for more information
Near TRU Rooms $325$355per month util inc semi furn (250) 377-1020 NorthShore $400 per/mon incl util and basic cable, semi furn n/p n/s 250-377-1020
Suites, Lower 2 Bdrm in Brock close to all amen & bus avail Mar 1 $975 incl w/d 250- 819-3815 2BDRM large N/S N/P Close to schools Working person pref’d $900 incl util 819-3368 Bachelor Suite Part.Furn. Close to TRU & shopping, n/s, incld utils, w/d, sat tv, wiďŹ , bbq. $550.00/mo 250-851-9362 Cumfy 1bdrm. Close to University, Hospital. Perfect for student or quiet person. Excellent Location. ns/np Call now (250) 299-6477
Suites, Upper Downtown 2 bdr suite. Shrd w/d,fnd yrd, cls to hosp and TRU and 1 car gar n/p, n/s $1450util incl 250-571-6321
Townhouses 3brm 3bth Valleyview pet neg, $1300 close to school and shopping. Avail Immediately 250-374-5586 /371-0206
TOWNHOUSES Best Value In Town
NORTH SHORE *Bright, clean & Spacious 2&3 bedrooms *Big storage rooms *Laundry Facilities *Close to park, shopping & bus stop PROFESSIONALLY MANAGED
318-4321 NO PETS Updated 3bdrm + den 1.5bth walking dis to TRU n/p, Avail now $1400 +util 571-7653
Antiques / Classics 1967 Ford Falcon Futura St.6 Auto 2dr all original runs good, $6000 obo (250) 376-5722
Auto Financing
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Legal Notices Notice of Disposal Sale Notice:Thomas Charles Phillips. Please be advised that your abandoned household possessions at the upper floor of 613 Alberni Avenue Kamloops will be disposed of within 30 days of being served with this notice on February 20, 2014. Contact: Jeff Mann 613 Alberni Avenue Kamloops, BC V2B 1T2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS - Notice is hearby given that Creditors and others, having claims against the Estate of Winnifred Monica Lulu, formerly of c/o Overlander Extended Care, 953 Southill St, Kamloops BC, deceased, are hearby requested to send particulars thereof to the executor on or before the 21st day of February, 2014, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the executor has notice. Michael Henry Lulu, Executor - #303-2230 Wall St, Vancouver BC V5L 1B6.
TUESDAY, January 28, 2014 ❖ B11
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Legal Notices 6344368
Legal Notices
NOTICE is hereby given that creditors and others having claims against the estate of ENID ALICE DAMER, deceased, retired, late of Suite 31 – 481 Monarch Court, Kamloops, British Columbia, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor care of FULTON & COMPANY LLP, Barristers and Solicitors, 300 – 350 Lansdowne Street, Kamloops, British Columbia, V2C 1Y1, on or before the 27th day of February, 2014, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims of which the Executor then has notice. ERIC DAMER, EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF ENID ALICE DAMER, DECEASED
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It sits right in the heart of the city centre, but 429 St. Paul has a lot more to offer than its location STORY/C2
C2 ❖ February 2014
NEW HOMES The recognizable facade of the Kamloops United Church on Fourth Avenue and St. Paul Street will soon have a much taller and larger neighbour.
‘A tremendous addition for the downtown community’ Construction on 429 St. Paul could begin as early as April
IGHT NOW, IT’S JUST A BIG HOLE IN THE GROUND. But, in a matter of a few short months, construction could be underway on the downtown core’s latest housing development.
“We’ve dug the hole,” said Mary Ann Milobar, marketing co-ordinator with the 429 St. Paul development. “We really are hopeful that, by April, we will have met sufficient pre-sales and we can begin construction.” Pre-sales have been going well, Milobar said, especially for the project’s innovative home-owner plan (HOP) suites. Milobar described it as a way past the usual barrier to entry for many would-be first-time homeowners — the big downpayment. 429 St. Paul is the work of the Kamloops United Church, and the congregation decided to help purchasers by covering the 10 per cent downpayment. There is no catch. The homeowner pays a
This is the hole on which 429 St. Paul will be built — hopefully starting in April, if things go as planned for the Kamloops United Church.
one per cent deposit. Milobar said the 10 per cent is covered by the church as a second mortgage on the title. When the homeowner decides to sell the property, there’s no money owed to the church. “The hope is it will allow people who are able to pay for their own mortgage costs, but maybe not the downpayment, to get into the housing market,” she said. “Of the 56 units in the building, 41 are available for that plan and 15 are available without the plan — for those who don’t require that kind of thing. “We feel it’s a tremendous addition for the downtown community.” A quarter of the 41 HOP suites have already been spoken for, Milobar said, as well
February 2014 ❖ C3
Construction expected to take 18 months as a number of the non-HOP units, which are the larger threebedroom options priced in the $350,000 range. Milobar said purchasers so far have ranged across demographics. “We’ve had people in their 30s, we’ve had people working at the hospital, we’ve had a couple of seniors — and this is what the congregation really preferred,” she said. “They wanted a good mix for a good, solid community.” Why did the Kamloops United Church decide to get into the development game? “This is a project that the congregation decided to adopt some years ago, when they realized that the existing Christianeducation building had to be replaced,” Milobar said. “And, they wanted to do it in a way that contributed to the housing needs in the Kamloops community.” Units at 429 St. Paul begin with studios at $150,000 and increase through one-, two- and
429 St. Paul marketing co-ordinator Mary Ann Milobar (left) and sales co-ordinator Ruby MacLeod look at blueprints outside the Kamloops United Church building.
three-bedrooms. The church expects construction to take about 18 months to complete, so an April start would peg completion somewhere in
the October 2015 range. For more information about 429 St. Paul, go online to, call 250-320-6442 or email
A program to allow qualified buyers to purchase with a one per cent downpayment An inclusive and welcoming community without age restrictions 56 units on five floors of prime downtown real estate Units include studios, one-bedrooms, two-bedrooms and threebedrooms A rooftop patio with barbecue and garden
• •
• • • • • •
A hospitality/ amenity room Well-lit, secure underground parking Secure parking for bicycles and scooters Restricted entry access at front door Modern and spacious suites Private balconies In-suite laundry Six energy-efficient appliances Nine-foot ceilings Finishing options for pre-sale purchasers
C4 ❖ February 2014
B.C. housing starts up to end 2013
Housing starts in B.C. were up slightly in December 2013 compared to the same month in 2012. Analysts credit the trend with a strong second-half of the year.
A little closer to nature A little more for families a little more of everything A little more value
Housing starts in British Columbia’s urban areas were trending at 28,031 units in December compared to 27,797 in November, according to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The trend is a six-month moving average of the monthly seasonally adjusted annual rates (SAAR) of housing starts. “Housing starts trended higher through 2013 in tandem with the pickup in existing home sales during 2013,” said Carol Frketich, CMHC’s regional economist for British Columbia. “As a result of a stronger second half, annual urban housing starts in British Columbia for 2013 were slightly higher than 2012.” CMHC uses the trend measure as a complement to the monthly SAAR of housing starts to account for considerable swings in monthly estimates and obtain a more complete picture of the state of the housing market. In some situations, analyzing only SAAR data can be misleading in some markets as they are largely driven by the multiples segment of the markets that can be quite variable from one month to the next. The standalone monthly SAAR was 30,886 units in December, compared to 26,974 units in November.
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February 2014 ❖ C5
Knowing your mortgage stuff is important By Keith Allan MORTGAGE ALLIANCE
OUR HOME IS likely the largest purchase you will make in your life-
time. Due to the sheer size of the loan required to purchase it, most people require the payments to be spread over many years. Typically this term, called the amortization period, is 25 years although, in some situations for people with 20 per cent or more down, it can be as long as 35 years. Since your home is also likely to be your largest asset and initially will account for the biggest percentage of your monthly budget, it is important to prepare a strategy that allows you to pay off the debt in the shortest time possible. Each person’s circumstances will determine how they can best achieve the dream of being mortgage-free. Following are some common-sense things you can do to help you reach your goals. First of all, shop around. Although your bank may seem the most convenient option, their employees are paid to protect the bank and earn the highest profit for the bank. They only have access to the bank’s products, which may not be the best for you. Getting a good interest rate is crucial but, don’t forget, flexibility and options are also important. Talk to a mortgage professional who can give you impartial advice and is not tied to any one specific lender.
lower payment, Whether applykeep the paying for a credit ments the same or card, personal loan increase them to or a mortgage, all shorten your amorcreditors will want tization. to review you credMany borrowers it history. consider pre-payA good score ment privileges an can mean a better important feature rate and a lower when taking out cost over the years. KEITH ALLAN Mortgage Alliance a mortgage, yet a The best things 250-374-3010 very small percentyou can do are age of consumers avoid consumer actually take advantage of debt as much as possible, them. always pay your bills on time Extra payments go directly and don’t allow lenders to make unnecessary enquiries on in your pocket, either by paying less interest, building your credit history. equity more quickly or being Visit to get a mortgage-free sooner. copy of your credit report. Every dollar you pay over Match the frequency of your and above your regular mortmortgage payments with the frequency of your pay periods. gage payment goes directly to principal meaning a few hunNot only is it easier to dred dollars in extra payments budget and monitor your cash periodically can quickly add up flow, you will shave years of to a few thousand dollars saved your amortization. later on. Bi-weekly payments, for While it varies with each example, means you will make 26 payments in a year, equal to lender, most financial institutions will allow a lump-sum 13 monthly payments instead prepayment up to a maximum of 12. It is this accelerated pace of of 20 per cent of the original mortgage amount each year. repayment that allows you to This privilege is usually not repay your principal quicker, cumulative so, if you don’t saving you money in interest. use it, you lose it — you can’t For homebuyers with budcarry them forward. geting room, see what your Many people make the mispayments would be with a 20-year amortization instead of take of thinking all or nothing. If they can’t come up with 25 years. a substantial prepayment, they In return for slightly higher don’t bother at all. payments, you could take five Even small extra payments years off your amortization, build equity in your home fast- could pay big dividends later on. er and be well on the road to Income-tax refunds are being mortgage-free sooner. tailor-made for extra payments For existing homeowners of principal on a mortgage. who are now renewing mortIn addition, most lenders gages at much lower interest will allow your regular payrates, instead of taking the
ments to be increase by up to 25 per cent each year. A forced savings plan is exactly the kind of discipline that leads to powerful moneysaving benefits, especially for those whose income is steadily increasing. Perhaps you received a new promotion or raise, maybe a spouse has recently returned to work or an unfinished basement was converted to a rental suite. Use some of this new money to go toward paying off the mortgage by permanently increasing your mortgage payments. Remember — this payment increase can be done every year. Many people struggle with saving for a down payment and it still remains the biggest obstacle to home ownership. All other things being equal, the bigger the down payment the better. One source often overlooked is the Home Buyers Plan, which permits first-time homebuyers to use up to $25,000 each from their RRSPs. That’s $50,000 per couple. Life and disability protection are an important cornerstone of any family’s overall financial health. Though most lenders offer creditor life insurance, you are not required to buy it. The bank offers group plans and you have no ability to designate a beneficiary. The coverage amount is limited to the balance of your mortgage and the funds are used to pay off the bank which may not be the best use of the funds for your estate. Shop around or speak to
your insurance agent, but address the issue. If you don’t have time to shop, accept the lender or broker package. It can always be cancelled later and it is better to have coverage. It seems like lenders are introducing products with new bells and whistles on a regular basis. Understand the programs and who they are likely to benefit and why. As long as you know the costs and benefits, the risks and rewards, you can make an informed decision. Too many borrowers make decisions based on what they heard from a friend, on the news or what a family member advised which may not be the best option for their individual circumstance. With more and more banks and lending institutions competing for your mortgage business it’s tough to determine which mortgage is best for you. The good news is you really do have options. Your independent mortgage consultant should be willing to work with you every step of the way — from talking about your long-term financial goals and how to achieve them, to finding a lender best suited to your needs. At Mortgage Alliance, we do the shopping for you and best of all, for people with approved credit, our service is free. Keith Allan of Mortgage Alliance Kamloops can be contacted by email at kallan@ or by phone at 250-374-3010.
MORTGAGE ALLIANCE KAMLOOPS is pleased to announce that TANYA EVANS, AMP has joined our team! Let Tanya put the experience she has gained in her years working as a Mortgage Consultant as well as in private business to work for you. Contact her for advice and support with your current mortgage or for any new financing needs.
Cell: 778-220-6166 • email:
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February p 2013 ❖ C7 p
Pay the mortgage or contribute to an RRSP? By Spencer Watson EDWARD JONES
t’s a common dilemma for many Canadians — should you pay down your mortgage or contribute to a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) instead? Unfortunately, there’s no easy or definitive answer. What works for one person may not work for another. It all depends on your particular circumstances, plus factors related to economic conditions and developments in the financial markets. To help you determine what might be right for you, here are some issues to consider.
Interest rates How much will you save by paying down the mortgage? You might find historically low interest rates to be a factor in favour of investing in an RRSP. That’s because paying off a low-rate mortgage does not offer the same level of savings as paying off a higher-rate mortgage. But, remember that, as rates move up, mortgage savings could take on renewed importance. Higher rates mean higher interest costs, which means you will probably save more by reducing or eliminating your mortgage principal. When it’s time to renew at higher rates, you will have less of an outstanding mortgage.
Investment returns How much can you earn on your investments? Remember, an RRSP boosts returns by allowing your investments to grow within a tax-deferred environment. And do not forget the immediate tax break your annual RRSP contribution provides. You need to determine whether the returns from a lump sum put into your RRSP will be greater than the amount saved by paying down the mortgage. This decision needs to be shaped by a long-term view, looking at both interest rates and investment returns.
Other debt If you have high-interest debt such as credit card balances, it usually makes sense to pay that off before focusing on your mortgage or RRSP.
Your age Remember that contributions to an RRSP at an early age can make a big difference in helping you reach your long-term financial goals. The earlier you get money into a retirement plan, the longer it will have to grow in a tax-deferred manner.
Other retirement income If you have a workplace pension that will help finance retirement, or other sources of future income, it may make more sense to pay down the mortgage.
Once the mortgage is paid off, you can concentrate on your RRSP.
Missed RRSP contributions RRSP rules allow you to make up for missed contributions. If you have unused contribution room from past years, that’s another consideration to take into account. Again, you will need to assess whether the returns after making up for those missed contributions will be greater than the amount saved by paying down the mortgage. Also remember that the mortgage-versus-RRSP decision does not have to be “either-or.” The best scenario for many people is contributing to an RRSP as well as paying down the mortgage. For example, you could make your RRSP contribution each year, and then pay down a portion of the mortgage principal using the tax refund generated by your RRSP contribution. Consult with your financial advisor to help you weigh your options and choose a course of action that makes the most sense for you.
Need help? Turn to Google Do you have extra money each month with which you don’t know what to do? Tough problem to have, Moneybags. If you want a basic idea of what’s a better option — paying down your mort-
gage or investing in your RRSP — ask the Internet. Search Google for a mortgage vs. RRSP calculator. Or ask your butler to do it. There are plenty of options online.
Spencer Watson is a financial advisor at Edward Jones Kamloops, member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. He can be reached by phone at 250-851-2052 or by email at spencer.watson@
We will soon move to a new location. Our new address will be #180 - 546 St. Paul Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 5T1. Although our location will change, our commitment to providing face-to-face, personalized service is still the same.
Spencer Watson Final Advisor
Cell: 250-320-1621
We’re Proud to be part of the Kamloops community and help individual investors reach their financial goals.
Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund
C8 ❖ February 2014
Swift swaps for new homeowners Each year, millions of homes are sold across the country. Are you one of these new homeowners? If so, you’ve most likely felt the urge to settle in immediately. However, before making any major renovations, try starting small and work your way up to big projects. Here are a few swift swaps that will have a big impact in making that new house feel like “home sweet home.”
Personalize with paint It may be the most obvious update, but painting is an easy solution to change the look of a room in an instant. Whether you paint an entire room, create a bold accent wall or incorporate glossy white trim, paint is an affordable fix for any home. Painting is also a great way to add a personal
touch and showcase your design style. Looking to add a fun pattern to a space? Rather than messing around with wallpaper, try using a patterned paint roller to create a beautiful stencil-like design. By taking this route, you’ll get the beauty of expensive wallpaper at the cost of ordinary paint – all with an ease never before imagined.
Fabulous frames When moving into a new space, the things you love should take centre stage. Once your home reflects who you are, the rest will slowly fall into place. Photo frames are the ideal choice to add a decorative and personalized touch to any room. Bring this common décor pick into the modern age by creating a personal gallery and displaying frames of varying shapes
faucet will stay looking clean as you show it off to family and friends. For a polished look, swap out old hardware with affordable, coordinated accessories including robe hooks, towel rings and towel bars.
Let there be light and sizes. To do this, plan the layout of the frames before hanging, either with paper on the wall or by arranging them on the floor. Once the design is determined, fill frames with your favourite art pieces or personal photos for an eye-catching display that will make your house your home.
Faucet focus Kitchen and bath makeovers tend to have the biggest impact on a home and its resale value. However, new homeowners who are strapped for cash may not have a
large budget for a fullscale bathroom remodel. The easiest way to remodel your bathroom is to replace its hardest-working fixture – the faucet. This is also a project new homeowners can tackle themselves at a reasonable price. Moen offers a wide variety of faucet options, like the single-handle Boardwalk bathroom faucet, to add a fresh, elegant look to the sink. Boardwalk fits almost any décor and comes in Moen’s Spot Resist Brushed Nickel finish, which resists fingerprints and water spots, so the
Light is an essential element for any room. Until your home is furnished and decorated to your liking, lighting is a great way to add warmth to a sparse space. With just a few fixtures in the right place, a space can easily appear bigger, taller, longer or cozier. If you’re looking to reduce the overall scale of a room, consider placing several table lamps throughout to create an intimate atmosphere. In addition to setting the mood, amp up energy savings with lighting by switching to LED bulbs — these bulbs don’t cause
heat buildup and last up to 10 times as long as compact fluorescents and 20 times longer than incandescent bulbs. When making these changes to a new home, keep track of your hard work by creating a homeowner’s journal. Purchase a ring binder to keep insurance papers, repair receipts and all other paperwork pertaining to home upgrades, energy improvements or damages. Storing all home information in one handy place will make life easier during future repairs and can be helpful tool when selling down the road. It’s very easy for decorating to become overwhelming for new homeowners. By starting with these few swift home décor swaps, your new home will be a comfortable and welcoming environment in no time.
February 2014 ❖ C9
Don’t be target of door-to-door scams With spring still a few months away, many potential homeowners will begin the new year planning for the upcoming home buying season. As homebuyers begin looking into neighbourhoods they will also be considering other factors involved in purchasing a home — including the quality of neighbourhood schools, property taxes and qualifying for a mortgage. Few homebuyers, however, will think of themselves as potential targets for deceptive door-to-door sales practices. Despite all the research new homeowners put into purchasing their home, they may nonetheless be vulnerable to door-to-door salespeople who take advantage of their lack of understanding about their new home. One item in particular is the water heater rental arrangement that may apply to their new home. Many new homeowners may be unfamiliar with who their provider is and the terms of their water heater rental arrangement. When confronting deceptive water heater sales people, EnerCare
Solutions, a leading provider of energy-efficient products, suggests new homeowners take the following steps when confronting a door-to-door water heater sales person: • Never sign a contract at the door. Take the time to review the contract terms and compare them to your existing contract. • Watch out for promises of cost savings that are too-good-to-be-true. You may end up paying more in the long run. • Do your research, including an online scan of the company. Is this an organization you trust to be there if you have problems with your water heater in the future? EnerCare also suggests that new homeowners watch out for door-todoor sales people refusing to leave marketing material behind or who don’t clearly identify which company they represent. New homeowners can learn more about how better to protect themselves by visiting
C10 ❖ February 2013
First-time homebuyer? A visit is worth one-thousand pictures Buying a first home is one of the biggest decisions a person will make during their lifetime. It is a process that needs to be followed with careful planning and consideration, never rushed. Find out everything you can on the subject of mortgages and home-buying. For example, you should know that having a mortgage doesn’t always cost less than renting because a home owner must take into account both recurring and one-time expenses, such as municipal taxes, maintenance costs, property-transfer duties and legal costs. If you have done your homework and decided to become a homeowner, the next step is to consult a representative at your financial institution. Once you are clear about your assets and liabilities, you will be able to estimate an acceptable debt level. This should not exceed 40 per cent of your gross revenue, including all your existing debts.
Down payment
You need to have accumulated some savings before getting into this type of acquisition. If you have an RRSP, it is possible to use that for your down payment through the federal government’s home-buyers’ plan.
Home inspection
You’ve found the house of your dreams, but be careful — following through with a decision to buy based solely on your feelings isn’t the best way to purchase a home. Have the house inspected before making an offer to buy, because if your offer is accepted you will be obligated to follow through with the transaction. Obviously, it is to your advantage to work with a real-estate agent who is subject to real-estate law. He or she works for you and will be able to answer any of your questions concerning your purchase.
The ups and downs of the real estate market over the last half dozen years have led to some gamechanging innovations in that sector. Specifically, realtors have seen a rise in the marketing of properties online and a decline in conventional sales strategies, such as weekend openhouse events. That trend might reflect the needs of sellers, but many prospective buyers feel there is still a place for weekend open houses in the house-hunting game. Many real estate agents report that while fewer sellers are bothering with the open house concept, many buyers still rely on open visits to get a feel for the market in a given area and to be able to compare prices versus value.
Statistics show that over 80 per cent of people who make the effort to show up are ready to take action — in other words, to buy or sell — and will do so within the next year. It is certainly practical to be able to peruse online a room-by-room photo album of a property, but it is a precious opportunity to be able to walk through a house without an appointment or without
any pressure to make an offer. And, if buyers notice that the same home has opened its doors over several weekends in a row, it might mean it is a slow-to-move property. While such a possibility deserves a bit of investigation, it could also indicate that the seller is in a position to make significant concessions in their asking price.
February 2014 ❖ C11
What you really need to know about mortgages Are you financially literate? No? Well, don’t worry, because you’re not the only one. Financial literacy is something you can learn. It refers to the knowledge, ability and selfconfidence necessary to make responsible financial decisions, such as buying a home, which is often the most important financial transaction a person will ever make. Here are a few tips for future home owners wanting to make a wise and enlightened choice of mortgage. The first step in this process is to obtain a preauthorized loan from your financial institution, which will give you a good idea of your borrowing capacity. The advice of a mortgage broker can also be very helpful at this point in time. Before doing anything else it is advisable to find out how much of a down payment is required in your area — mean-
ing the actual dollar amount or the percentage of the total value of the home that you will have to provide in order to purchase the property. Apart from your monthly mortgage payments, don’t forget to take into account other expenses you will need to cover monthly or annually,
including municipal taxes and home insurance. The next question to ask yourself is what type of mortgage would suit you best — fixed rate or variable? Even though a variable rate may often be lower than a fixed rate, you have to be sure that you can cope with
market fluctuations. You’re probably better off choosing a fixed rate mortgage if you don’t want this additional stress. There are mortgage loans available that combine these two different types of rates. You also have the option of choosing an open or
closed mortgage. The first option allows you to reimburse your loan at any time without penalties. Weekly or twice-monthly mortgage payments make it possible for you to pay back your mortgage much more quickly while helping you save on interest payments.
C12 ❖ February 2013
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