The Columbia Valley’s Newspaper Since 1956
From Canal Flats to Spillimacheen
Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Vol.58 56Issue Issue 40 Vol. 06
BERNIE RAVEN CHRIS RAVEN 1-866-598-7415 TEAMRAVEN.CA Offices in Panorama, Invermere & Fairmont
Pond hockey tournament triumphs over chill Pg. 3
Snow golf among weekend highlights Pg. 11
MaxWell Realty Invermere
Bursting out of the gate
Dan Walton/Valley Echo Amidst challenging course conditions and a chilly -15 C temperature, a record 206 classic cross-country ski racers leaped out to a fast start at the Nipika Mountain Resort / Toby Creek Nordic Ski Club 30-kilometre loppet on Saturday, February 1st. A 20-kilometre skate ski loppet was held on Sunday, February 2nd. See more photos from the event on page 22.
Full cost of lawsuit to be borne by deer society GREG AMOS
Shane Suman and the Invermere Deer Protection Society (IDPS) are on the hook for all legal and administrative costs of their recently-dismissed lawsuit against the District of Invermere, after the B.C. Supreme Court Justice in the case issued a ruling on the matter last
Friday, January 31st. “Costs were awarded to us, so we can try to get some money,” Invermere mayor Gerry Taft told the Valley Echo. “Before going to trial, we made them post some money into court and post security. They paid $12,000 into court; we knew that it would be very difficult to collect any money if we were awarded costs.” Madam Justice Gropper considered written arguments around the costs of the case after dismissing the
VJ (Butch) Bishop Owner/Operator 4846 Holland Creek Ridge Rd. Invermere, BC V0A 1K0
lawsuit, which challenged Invermere's cull-enabling bylaws, last November. The district expects to receive written reasons for the decision within a few weeks. Total costs are still within the $30,000 to $40,000 range, said Mr. Taft. “The IDPS and Shane Suman were asking that each side cover their own costs, because usually the loser pays for everybody (in a civil case),” he said. »See A11
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo
Hurry hard, party hard The Invermere Curling Club was the home of fierce competition and frenzied fun last weekend, as it hosted the two-day Bridesmaids ladies bonspiel. Clockwise from top: Invermere skip Judy Dow watches her shot as sweepers stand by during the B final game on Sunday, February 2nd. A team from Calgary defeated the home side in a come-from-behind 6-5 victory, as the game was limited to seven ends due to time constraints (Greg Amos photo); top right: (left to right) Holly Jones, Elisabeth Breyer, Hayley Partington, and Theresa Wood tear up the dance floor on Saturday, January 31st, during the Bridesmaids bonspiel weekend (Dan Walton photo); bottom right: female curlers dance to the beats of Diamonds DJ Service at the party at the curling club.
Regional District of East Kootenay
Recreation Sites and Trails BC
BC Family Day Landfill Closure
Catamount – North Star Glaciers Catamount - North Star Motorized Use Restrictions
Motorized Use Restrictions
Eire Lake
Irish Lake
Tara Lake
Aberystwyth Lake
AREA 2 CLOSED TO MOTORIZED USE June 1st to February 14th annually.
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Regular operating hours will resume on Tuesday, February 11th 2014.
Thunderwater Lake
Please note the Columbia Valley Landfill will be closed on: Monday, February 10th 2014 for the BC Family Day Statutory Holiday.
Radium Hot Springs 43 km
Whirlpool Lake
re er C
GALWAY PEAK photo: Pat Morrow
The area is served by this amended Recreation Order S.58(1)(b) FRPA as follows:
Area 1st- Forster Creek Meadows: Closed to motorized use th June 1 to November 30 annually.
Area 2st- Catamount Glacier: Closed to motorized use th June 1 to February 14 annually. th st
Area 3 – North Star Glacier:st Closed to motorized use st January 1 to December 31 annually.
Compliance, education and enforcement activities will be prominent.
The area is served by this amended Recreation Order S.58(1)(b) FRPA as follows: (No motorized use permitted past the summer roads end during these dates.)
(Open to snowmobiling Feb 15 to May 31 , strictly enforced)
(No snowmobiling permitted in this area, strictly enforced)
Area 1 Forster Creek Meadows:
Area 2 Catamount Glacier:
Area 3 North Star Glacier:
Closed to motorized use June 1st to November 30th annually.
Closed to motorized use June 1st to February 14th annually.
Closed to motorized use January 1st to December 31st annually.
(No motorized use permitted past the summer roads end during these dates)
(Open to snowmobiling February 15th to May 31st, strictly enforced)
(No snowmobiling permitted in this area, strictly enforced)
Compliance, education and enforcement activities will be prominent.
1-888-478-7335 •
For more information visit • • Rocky Mountain District •250-426-1766
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo A3
Page Three
Have a news tip? or 250-341-6299
Echo Index Weekly Content Remember When?..................................A4 Opinion...................................................A6 Word on the Street..................................A7 Weekly Beat.............................................A8 Sports.............................................A14-A15 Classifieds.....................................A19-A20 Brain Games..........................................A21 Serving the Valley.................................A24
Columns Tom Fletcher/BC Views.........................A5 Norm Macdonald/MLA Report..............A6 Gerry Wilkie/Regional Rundown..........A7 Clockwise from top: A forward for Invermere's Walker's Warriors team gets checked by a defender from Calgary's Ivan's Hoes team (Greg Amos photo); players originally from Manitoba enjoyed the tournament as the "Keeping it Riel" team (Dan Walton photo); a player from Nelson's "Hosers" team attempts to stickhandle around a forward from The Beer Guys (Dan Walton photo). See more photos on page 11.
Features Valley Life.................................................A11 2014 Winter Olympics....................A12-A13 Hockey Pool............................................A16 BC Family Day.........................................A17
Find us online InvermereValleyEcho @TheValley Echo
Got news?
Call Greg, Nicole, Steve or Dan at 250-341-6299 or email .
Fun outweighs cold in weekend tournament GREG AMOS
With seven local teams in action, last weekend's third annual Pond Hockey Tournament on Lake Windermere proved to be another successful, if somewhat chilly, winter event for the valley. “This year, we couldn't have asked for better conditions,” said organizer John Reed, who noted high spirits amongst the players despite temperatures that dropped below -15 C on Saturday, February 1st. “It's turning into a bit of a tailgate community; everybody's bringing fires and grills, really kicking back and hanging around, making sure they're comfortable and can combat the cold.” A total of 22 teams took part, down slightly from the 26 who competed last year. The Louies (from Calgary) won the men's competitive 19+ division, while Edmonton's Trailer Park Boys — who wore their distinctive bright blue jerseys emblazoned with “Sunnyvale” on the chest — won the mens recreational 19+ division final against local team The Beer Guys. The Bighorn Bruisers from Radium Hot Springs agreed to a tie with Vancouver's Core Danglers in the mens recreational 35+ division, and Invermere's Pabst Blue Ribbon
team won the mixed open division. Most games featured scores in the double-digits for both teams, with many of the games actually decided on penalties, said Mr. Reed. The pond hockey format involves, wide, low nets, no goaltenders, and the difference in penalties assessed calculated at the end of the game, with penalty shots awarded to the less-penalized team. “There's a lot of good hockey players out here; the guys turn up the heat and turn up the flame when they need to,” added Mr. Reed. The games were played on three separate rinks, and not on the same surfaces used for the recent Bonspiel on the Lake. Though no zambonis were used in creating the pond hockey rinks, flooding the cleared areas with water has helped create good ice, said Mr. Reed after the tournament wrapped up on Sunday, February 2nd. “I think we figured out a technique last night when we were flooding — we super-saturate, then using the big snow-clearers, we push all the water off, automatically filling in the cracks. We let that set, then we put a top coat on it, so all of the big cracks from yesterday were not present at all today.” A fourth tournament is already being planned for next year, he added. “Thanks to all the local teams and the community for giving us the opportunity to be here,” he said.
This week's online poll question: Do you think the Columbia Valley needs a natural gas line extended up to here? Cast your vote at
Last week's online poll results: Do you think people in the Columbia Valley have better luck than those from other parts of B.C. or Alberta? Yes: No:
22.2 % 77.8 %
Valley Echo subscription rates Annual subscription rates (incl. tax) Local (Spillimacheen to Canal Flats) $45.30 Office Pick-Up $34.50 Canada $62.60/ Outside Canada $182.00 Seniors (local) $34.50/Seniors (Canada) $56.00 Six months subscription rates (incl. tax) Local (Spillimacheen to Canal Flats) $29.40 Seniors (local) $22.80
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo
Propane prices heating up natural gas discussion DAN WALTON
It's more than just barbecue fuel – many homes in the valley are kept warm with propane. But after an unusually large jump in the price of the commodity, the idea of expanding natural gas lines into the valley is getting renewed attention. "As of Friday, January 31st, the price is at 95.6 cents per litre plus taxes. The Monday, November 25th, 2013 price was 49.9 cents per litre plus taxes," said Invermere resident Barrie Hawes in an email to the Valley Echo. "It very nearly doubled in the space of nine weeks." The price spikes in the winter season every year when the temperature drops, but never to the degree it has this season, said Dianne Archer, an energy solutions representative at Superior Propane in Invermere. "There have been unexpected and exceptional circumstances, both in supply and demand as well as the extreme weather being experienced on the eastern side of the continent," she said, adding that the pinch is being felt around the county. In an email from the Canadian Propane Association, Allison Mallette, manager of research and communications, said that the extreme weather was not predicted by Environment Canada. "Every stakeholder is working diligently, from producers to rail to pipeline to trucking to retailers, to meet the increased demand."
She said that the situation seems to be improving with temperatures levelling out. "However this is dependent on the length and severity of the winter season,” she said. The issue arose in the House of Commons on Thursday, January 30th, when Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver expressed concern, but stated that if prices are to be regulated, it's the responsibility of each province. "I'm hoping that Minister Oliver will be able to help Canadians that are caught in this propane pricing problem," Kootenay-Columbia MP David Wilks told the Valley Echo. Most Canadians have the option of heating their homes with natural gas, but an underground network of piping doesn't exist in the Columbia Valley. "I would love to see it — it would not only be great for the valley, but it would utilize a natural resource that we have an abundance of," Mr. Wilks said. A natural gas expansion would depend on energy distributor FortisBC making a business analysis, Mr. Wilks "Before we spend massive said, and with the rising cost amounts of money trying to of propane, "it export natural gas around the certainly is food world, we should first complete for thought." As the mayor the natural gas infrastructure of Golden in the here in British Columbia." 1990s, Norm NORM MACDONALD Macdonald, MLA, ColUMBIA RIVER-REVELSTOKE now MLA for Columbia River-
Revelstoke, previously pursued a natural gas expansion. "Electricity rates are going to go up by 28 per cent, and with other fuels also going up, this is something I'm interested in pursuing again,” he said. He said that local support for the project is clear, and that a discussion needs to open up with the provincial government. "The province would have to participate to make it economically viable,” he said. Because of the capital costs associated with a massive infrastructure expansion, Mr. Macdonald said that a private company will not take on the project without assistance from the province. "Before we spend massive amounts of money trying to export natural gas around the world, we should first complete the natural gas infrastructure here in British Columbia." For those who would like to take action on the high cost of heating, Mr. Macdonald suggests writing to his office regarding an interest in pursuing natural gas. Currently, FortisBC doesn't seem to be interested in a Columbia Valley expansion. "Right now, we’re not planning on extending our service to the Invermere area, as under current conditions, the costs would be too high for customers," communications advisor Grace Pickell told the Valley Echo in an email. "When we consider extending our natural gas service to a new territory, we take into consideration several factors such as geography, location and cost. Should it become a viable choice in the future, we would discuss with local officials an effective route."
Remember When? A look back through The Valley Echo's archives over the last 50 years DAN WALTON
Five years ago (2009): On 13th Avenue between 10th Street and Stark Road, a petition with 75 signatures was presented to the District of Invermere requesting that the speed limit be lowered from 50 kilometres per hour to 30. "It is only a matter of time before there is a serious accident on this avenue," warned the petition. "A system must be introduced to control the speed of traffic along this major artery." Ten years ago (2004): High gas prices were in the news. At the cost of 76.9 – 79.9 cents per litre in the valley, mayor Mark Shmigelsky told the Valley Echo, "I'm certainly not happy with the situation both as a consumer and as mayor," adding that he was worried about the impact on tourism. The District of Invermere had written oil producers in the past, but received replies loaded with excuses, Mr. Shmigelsky sa id. 15 years ago (1999): "The picket lines have gone up because the Treasury Branch won't sit down and talk," said Michael Power, president of Public Service Alliance Branch 20113, referring to the rotating strike that has reached the Radium Hot Spring pools. He claimed that Parks Canada employees were being paid less than their private-sector counterparts, contrary to popular belief. It was the first strike by Parks Canada
employees in the province since 1991. *** A different strike came to an end when nurses agrees to end the rotating strike that had been going on since October 1998. "We'll accept it, but we're not happy about it," said local union steward Jonni Sharp. The provincial union voted 71 per cent in favour; Ms. Sharp would have liked to have seen the rate of support closer to 50 per cent, "to send the Health Employers Association of B.C. a message." 20 years ago (1994): A grieving pet owner wrote a letter to the editor, requesting that drivers report casualties involving pets to the owner. "We would have appreciated being informed by you instead of a neighbour, who found Missy lying on the road," Valley Echo file photo wrote the grieving pet owner, who said 2004 — In the Valley Echo's editorial cartoon, a joke was made at the expense of MLA the letter was not written with malicious Christy Clark after her appointment as Minister of Family and Children Development. intent, but because her dog could have possibly survived. better known for his contributions to the local curling "I know it would be hard to face the owners, but it community. After decades of pro-active living, he was would have been the courteous thing to do." named the Citizen of the Year for 1983 by the Rotary She advised people in that situation to not be afraid Club of Invemere. of telling the owner, "because they would rather know 40 years ago (1974): Due to concerns over depleting when it happens and not after, once it's too late." wildlife populations in B.C., the province announced 30 years ago (1984): Growing up on his family farm plans for a winter elk feeding program. As a result, near the Toby Benches, Joe Peters was known as one fourteen communities in the East Kootenay's were to of the valley's milkmen, and in his later years, became receive one ton of hay per day as feed.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo
New salesperson brings creative talents to valley STEVE HUBRECHT
The Valley Echo and Pioneer are delighted to have a new salesperson on board this year. Bette Segstro is filling in a maternity leave for Angela Krebs for the duration of 2014. Bette and her husband's recent move to Radium Hot Springs is in some ways a return to the mountains for both, as they were raised in Calgary. Bette attended the Alberta College of Art, but then later moved to Toronto, where she raised her family. When she was 42 years old, Bette decided to go back to school, graduating from Sheridan College in computer animation. Art was in her blood — Bette not only taught classical animation at Sheridan after graduating, but also opened her own art school — Sm'ART. “My idea of art is based on the intuitive way of seeing with the artist's eye. If you're drawing a chair, you don't just see a chair, you see form and light,” said Bette. “Once you learn to see things in that way, it changes everything.” Bette has written a series of Dr. Suess-style children's books (including Sammy's Jammies, Open the Door of the Checkerboard Floor and Willliam Whoops a Zerk), but those eager to read them will have to wait a bit as Bette still needs to finish the illustrations to complete them. As well as writing books, Bette does a lot of
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painting and drawing (portraits, caricatures, cartoons and illustration in oils, acrylics and graphite) and from 2008 to 2011 wrote, published and produced Sage magazine. One of her favourite jobs over the years was working in the advertising department of the Hudson's Bay Company. “It was a blast,” she said. In 2010 she moved to the Grande Prairie area to reunite with the man who is now her husband. He first proposed to Bette when she was 18. She said no at the time and few weeks later, he joined the RCMP. The two had no contact for 42 years, but Bette Segstro when they finally did get in touch, they picked up where they left off — Bette moved to his farm outside Grande Prairie and they got married. Her husband sold the farm this past December and the couple bought a home in Radium. “We both just needed to get back home to the mountains,” she said. Her husband's family has had a cabin in Windermere since 1964, so the valley is not exactly new ground for the couple. Those interested in contacting Bette about advertising in the Valley Echo or the Pioneer or about any of many other creative talents can reach her at 250-341-6299 or advertising@ . A5
BC Views — Tom Fletcher
End this bloody B.C. school war There are two reasons why the B.C. government must appeal the latest court ruling that damns its conduct, assesses damages of $2 million plus lawyer bills and appears to hand the B.C. Teachers’ Federation the keys to the treasury. The first is practical politics. The legislature reopens on February 11th, ironically right after Family Day. An appeal will give rookie Education Minister Peter Fassbender the cover he will need during the daily 30 minutes of sniper fire that is Question Period. Rise. “It’s before the courts, Madam Speaker.” Sit. Even the trigger-happy Premier Christy Clark will be staying in her trench, after the bleeding wound she received from Madam Justice Susan Griffin two weeks ago. The second reason is practical economics. The 2014 budget
has gone to press. Government lawyers told the court that retroactively returning to 2001 classroom rules could cost $500 million, an estimate Griffin dismissed as “speculative.” It could include compensation to retired teachers for earnings they gave up. This retroactive lump would be on top of the ongoing costs, running to hundreds of millions more as 60 school districts try to reassemble the world of 2002. This union victory began when the Supreme Court of Canada invented a constitutional right to collective bargaining in 2007, based on “freedom of association” in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The BCTF is piggy-backing on that landmark decision, in favour of the Hospital Employees’ Union. »See A18
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo
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Teaching students like it's 2002 again GREG AMOS
The trouble with normal, as Bruce Cockburn once said, is that it always gets worse. While most of the public has been mostly unaware of the slide in the quality of B.C.'s education system, teachers and students have seen and felt the effects of what amounts to deregulation of class sizes and composition. Like a bolt of common sense stirred up from a storm 12 years in the making, the provincial government's education-impacting Bills 22 and 28 were deemed to be in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms two weeks ago in a B.C. Supreme Court decision. It's the second time that's happened in the last three years — the first unconstitutional ruling was in 2011, at which point the province was given a year to sort it out. This time around, a momentous shift has been dealt in a 115-page ruling that bodes well for the integrity of education in B.C. Madam Justice Susan Griffin awarded more than $2 million to the teachers' union, and found that the government tried to provoke a teacher strike in 2012. It's a dirty tactic, and it's surprising that finding hasn't spurred more than a luke-warm reaction from the School District 6 board and administration, who've taken a waitand-see approach to the implications of this. In practical terms, it means that classes now packed with more than 30 students, including several with learning disabilities, will be brought back to reasonable levels that won't overload teachers' ability to teach and students' ability to learn. It will be significantly more expensive, but if we could afford to adequately fund the education system in 2002, we can find ways to do it now. If there's one thing valley residents are united against, it's lengthy court battles with only one realistic outcome. It's now clear that's been the inevitable outcome of this battle all along. It might mean short-term pain for taxpayers, but the valley and the province is much better off with this court decision — though you can expect an appeal soon from the province.
Something on your mind?
The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to
The NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley
#8, 1008 8 Avenue • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-341-6299
MLA Report — Norm Macdonald
B.C. legislature back in session on February 11th The BC Legislature will finally reopen on Tuesday, February 11th. It will begin with a Throne Speech that should lay out the B.C. government’s agenda for the year, followed the next week by the presentation of the Provincial Budget for 2014-2015. The primary focus of the session, which lasts until the beginning of June, will be passing the budget, including a process called estimates. This is when opposition members question Ministers on their individual Ministry budgets. The questions can be wide-ranging and often extend to several days of questioning for each ministry. MLAs will also deal with legislation. Some specific legislation is expected to be presented, but inev-
Bette Segstro
itably, there will also be surprises. The BC Liberals have indicated they intend on presenting legislation that will change the Water Act, change liquor laws, as well as set up a tax and royalty structure for liquefied natural gas. They will also potentially re-introduce a very troubling change to forestry tenures. The Legislative session also features a daily 30-minute opportunity for the opposition to question the Premier and Ministers on any issue the provincial government is responsible for. This is an important tool for opposition to hold the government to account. People can watch proceedings on various cable channels in most of our communities and can also see
Rose-Marie Fagerholm
Greg Amos
Steve Hubrecht
Dan Walton
Silena Ann Ewen
Dean Midyette
Sheila Tutty
Nicole Trigg
Renice Oaks
dean@cv-pioneer. com
In Absentia
video or printed transcripts on the website . As your representative, my job is to represent your concerns and your interests, and I rely on you to take the time to communicate your issues with me. My constituency office staff and I are always available to help you with provincial matters. In 2013, more than 1,250 constituents contacted my office. And my constituent caseworker handled more than 400 complex files ranging from issues with health to housing, and concerns with transportation to property taxes. Norm Macdonald MLA Columbia River - Revelstoke
NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC PRESS COUNCIL – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo A7
at Pynelogs with visiting media
What's been your favourite thing to do in the valley this winter weekend?
Veterans' needs are being met Dear Editor, The recent news coverage of Veterans Affairs office closures has created a lot of anger amongst Canadians. As my colleague MP Laurie Hawn, a retired Air Force Veteran put it, “The fact is, we are caught in a love-hate relationship. People love to love soldiers, as they should and a lot of people love to hate government. That is reality.“ However, when one removes the emotion and deals with the
facts, I believe that it reveals that the majority of Veterans, CF Members and reservists are provided with the best of care and programs which aid them both in and out of military life. As of March 2013, there are an estimated 91,400 Second World War veterans (average age: 89), 9,900 Korean War veterans (average age: 81) and 594,300 Canadian Forces veterans from the Regular Forces and Primary Reserves (average age: 56) Of these numbers, 130,000 have a file with Veterans Affairs and of them only 7,500 have an
assigned case manager. These are the veterans who need extra support. The nine Veterans' Affairs offices being closed are in Corner Brook, Nfld., Charlottetown, P.E.I., Sydney, N.S., Windsor, Ont., Thunder Bay, Ont., Brandon, Man., Saskatoon, Sask., and Kelowna, B.C. An office in Prince George, B.C. was closed earlier this month. In every case, a full time Veterans' Affairs case worker who is fully familiar and trained in the business of helping veterans will be in the Service Canada office which already exists in each of
these communities and in some cases is right next door to the Service Canada office. Further to that, there are over 600 Service Canada Centres across Canada to meet the needs of Veterans. In the Kootenays, Service Canada offices are in Cranbrook and Nelson. As well as these centres, another great asset to all veterans is the Royal Canadian Legion with its 1400 volunteer branch service officers and 25 command service officers. The Legion is invaluable in ensuring veterans independence, by as-
sisting in filling out forms for hearing loss pensions, glasses, prescription drugs and helping spouses of veterans who have passed away. Since 2006, our government has invested nearly $4.7 billion in new funding to enhance veteran benefits, programs and services. A number of personalized benefits such as home visits with a variety of services such as registered nurse or case manager visits, grass cutting, snow clearing and home cleaning services. There are 17 Operational Stress Injury Clinics and 24 Integrated Personnel Support
Centres near CF Bases and in major cities across Canada. We have started initiatives such as the Helmets to Hardhats program to help those leaving the military transition into civilian life. We doubled the contribution rate to the Burial Services fund. The new Veterans Charter will ensure Veterans and their families receive the care and support they need when they need it. This new charter will include financial support for Veterans and their families, as well as programs that help injured and ill Veterans to lead more healthy, rewarding
and independent lives. The Liberal and New Democratic Parties and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) fail to mention any of these facts. It is unfortunate that Veterans have been used to advance their agenda. As a father whose son is in the military and a retired member of the RCMP, I hold Veterans very close to my heart and regardless of politics; I will do my utmost to ensure they are taken care of. David Wilks KootenayColumbia MP
Regional Rundown — Gerry Wilkie
Many funds supporting Area G projects Editor's note: Regional Rundown is a new feature in the Valley Echo, in which we'll offer each mayor and regional district director in the ColumbiaValley the chance to share what's new in their community each week. Like all of the electoral areas in the region, the Regional District of East Kootenay's Area G covers a large geographical area with a relatively small population. The services the regional district provides in Area G are as diverse as the area itself. In Edgewater, the regional district provides services including water, sewer, fire protection and street lighting. We provide funding to the Edgewater Recreation Society, which operates the community hall, park, rink and baseball facilities. The regional district has approved Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) Community Initiatives funding which has helped the recreation society make improvements to the hall and park. The Edgewater Fire Department has a strong core group of volunteers and their service to the community is very much appreciated. The regional district will soon begin a phased reconstruction of the sewage lagoon fencing and
upgrades to the Edgewater water system. The old Columbia Road pressure-reducing valve station will be replaced. The small building adjacent to the Hewitt Road water towers will be replaced with a large building that will comply with Worksafe BC standards and house ultraviolet disinfection equipment, chlorination and metering equipment. The regional district is working with Elk Park Ranch to develop a water use agreement to ensure the safety, supply and security of the Baptiste Lake reservoir and Macaulay Creek, the source of the community water system. Another water-related project is taking place in Spur Valley. The regional district is proceeding with approvals to construct a groundwater well which will be tied into the existing Spur Valley water system. The Spur Valley Improvement District will continue to own, operate and maintain the Spur Valley Water System through most of the project. When the project is completed, the regional district will manage, operate and maintain the system. The regional district provides an annual grant to the Brisco Recreation Commission to
assist with the operation of the community hall, cemetery and columbarium. In Spillimacheen, we recently reconfigured and bear-proofed the transfer station. The regional district administers and maintains the Old Coach Trail in the Dry Gulch area as a Regional Park. The regional district board recently adopted an amendment to the Steamboat –Jubilee Mountain Official Community Plan (OCP), which incorporates land use policies for Dry Gulch and Wilmer into the OCP. The inclusion of these two areas means the entire Upper Columbia Valley from the south end of Columbia Lake to Spillimacheen is now served by an official community plan. The Wilmer Community Club receives an annual grant to help with costs of the community hall, Conrad Kain Park and playground. Currently, the hall is being completely rebuilt and the regional district has approved CBT Community Initiative funding for this project. Gerry Wilkie is the Area G director for the Regional District of East Kootenay and can be reached at 250-347-9841 or at .
Have an event you’d like listed? Email it to: production@ invermerevalleyecho. com
• 7 p.m.: CWL meeting at Columbia Garden Village. All women welcome.
• 5 - 9 p.m.: Documentary Night at the Summit Youth Centre.
• 6 - 11p.m.: Pool tournament at the Summit Youth Centre. • 7 p.m.: Throttle Decisions movie showing and prizes at the Great Hall, Panorama, as part of Avalanche Awareness Days, a national celebration of Canada's avalanche safety expertise and an invitation to enjoy the winter backcountry with education and training. The bar will be open and pizza will be served. Please donate to the Hugh and Helen Hinks memorial fund to raise money for youth educational initiatives through the Canadian Avalanche Foundation. • Fire and Ice Festival, hosted by the Fairmont Business Association. Includes events throughout the weekend. Friday night kicks off the Starlight Challenge at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort, followed by live music by Al Lukas at the ski chalet, tubing, and other entertainment. Saturday features the Olympic Tapas Gala at the Hoodoo Grill. Sunday there will be a free pancake breakfast hosted by Smoking Waters Cafe. Call the Hoodoo Grill at 250-3452166 for more information. • 31st annual Starlight Challenge at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort, Friday nights through February. Skiers, boarders and telemarkers of any ability are welcome — as long as you’re confident on blue runs. Teams of four compete based on the smallest difference between two runs on a dual slalom style race course. The team winner is chosen based on overall team consistency over the fournight series. There are nightly awards for fastest and most consistent. Adult League Race start: 7:15 p.m. Four-person teams of skiers, boarders, or mixed. Indi-
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo
vidual racers welcome. Starlight Challenge Package price $89 per person, including night lift tickets (rentals not included).Don’t worry if you can’t race all four nights — nightly drop-in racers are welcome too! Register: Call Snow School at 250-345-6037 or email
auction, door prizes, entertainment by Al Lukas, lots of fun and festivities. Tickets $30, call the Hoodoo Grill at 250-345-2166 for more information. • Panorama Snowflake Festival. Also February 9th. Tobogganing, a host of activities and events, a barbecue and a pancake breakfast round out this three-day fest. For more information, 8TH : SATURDAY • 9:15 a.m. - 6 p.m.: Windermere check out Valley Minor Hockey games at the Eddie Mountain Memorial 9TH : SUNDAY Arena. 9:15 - 11:15 a.m. Atoms • 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.: Free Pancake Orange vs. Kimberley 2 (league breakfast at Smoking Waters game). 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. At- Cafe as part of Fairmont’s Fire oms Blue vs. Elk Valley (league and Ice festival. game). 4 -6 p.m. Midget Boys vs. • 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.: Lake WinderCranbrook (league game). mere District Rod & Gun Club • 10 a.m.: Children's Valentine members annual Family Fishing Crafts at the Radium Public li- Day on Lake Windermere at clubs brary. fishing hut, just south of Kinsmen • 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Avalanche Beach. Rods and bait available Awareness Days events at Pan- along with traditional BBQ. orama, part of a national celebra- • 11:30 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.: Windtion of Canada's avalanche safe- ermere Valley Minor Hockey ty expertise and an invitation to games at the Eddie Mountain enjoy the winter backcountry Memorial Arena. 11:30 a.m. with education and training. 1:30 p.m. Bantam Boys vs. CranLearn, watch and experience brook (exhibition game). 1:45 avalanche search & rescue skills - 3:45 p.m. Midget Girls vs. Elk and techniques. Please donate Valley (league game). to the Hugh and Helen Hinks memorial fund to raise money 11TH : TUESDAY for youth educational initiatives • 7 p.m.: Cinefest movie night through the Canadian Avalanche presents Cas & Dylan. Richard Foundation. Events at the Sum- Dreyfus stars as a curmudgeonmit held both February 8th and ly surgeon who leaves Winnipeg 9th: 11 a.m. Transceiver demo & to drive to BC, meeting an asrace; 11:30 a.m. Digging demo & piring writer (Tatiana Maslany) race; 12 p.m. Dig a snow profile along the way. Directed by Jason with a pro; 1 p.m. Search & Res- Priestly. At Pynelogs Cultural cue demonstration with an ava- Centre. Tickets at the door, $10. lanche dog (Saturday only). Cash bar and light refreshments. • 6 - 11 p.m.: Valentine cards All ages. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and hang out at the Summit film begins at 7 p.m. Youth Centre. • 6 p.m.: Brisco Riding Club’s FEBRUARY 12th - 18th Annual Chili Dinner at the Brisco Hall. $8/person $25/family. TH : WEDNESDAY There will be an auction for a 12 • 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Valley handmade rocking horse. This GoGo Sisters meeting in the Coyear marks the Brisco Riding lumbia Garden Village activity Club’s 25th anniversary. Come room. For more information call out and celebrate with us! Sherry 250-342-9733. • 6 p.m.: Syndicate Rail Jam se• 1:15 - 2:15 p.m.: Seniors’ Day ries at Panorama, open to both at the Invermere Library on the skiers and snowboarders. Cost 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each $10. Come out, show your skills month. Bus provided. and have some fun. Competitors • 5 - 9 p.m.: Hang out night at must be registered at Guest Serthe Summit Youth Centre. vices by 5 p.m. Prizes provided by Syndicate Boardshop. Also TH : THURSDAY runs March 8th and April 12th. 13 • 5 - 9 p.m.: Soccer in the snow For more information, contact at the Summit Youth Centre. or • 12 p.m.: Age-Friendly Senior’s go online to Lunch at the Invermere Legion. • 6:30 p.m.: Olympic Tapas Gala Catered by the Ladies Auxiliary. at the Hoodoo Grill, as part of $5 per person, payable at the Fairmont’s Fire and Ice festidoor. Please reserve a seat by val. Champagne reception, Fire calling Theresa at 250-342-9281 and Ice action stations, silent
ext 1227. Signup sheets are also posted at the Invermere Seniors Hall, the Invermere Legion, and Columbia Garden Village. Deadline for reservations is Tuesday, February 11th.
• 6 - 11 p.m.: Kindness night at the Summit Youth Centre. • 8 - 10 p.m.: Canadian singer/ songwriter and pianist, Rhonda, and percussionist Brent Gerlitz perform at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort for Valentine’s Day. Bar service available, free admission. CDs will be available for purchase. More information on Rhonda is available online at
• 9 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.: Windermere Valley Minor Hockey 2014 Initiation Tournament at the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena. Invermere Rockies play at the following times: 9 - 10:15 a.m. White vs. Kimberley Firecrackers, 10:15 - 11:30 a.m. Blue vs. Golden, 1 2:15 p.m. Blue vs. Kimberley Firecrackers, 3:45 - 5 p.m. White vs. Banff Bears. Finals held February 2nd from 11 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. • 2 p.m.: Valentine Tea and Bake Sale at the Radium Seniors' Hall, benefiting the Edgewater - Radium Hospital Auxiliary. Door prizes, games of chance. Tickets $5. • 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.: WVCCS Annual Princesses & Pirates Family Fun Dance at the Invermere Community Hall. There will be great music, goodie bags, glow sticks, a concession, a silent auction, door prizes, a 50/50 draw and lots of fun for everyone. We look forward to seeing everyone there and thank you for your continued support. • 6 p.m.: Spaghetti dinner at the Edgwater Legion. Fundraiser for DTSS grade 12 students going to France and Belgium as part of the Century project, an intensive study program in history and literature about WW1. Cost per student is $4000. Students have been working and hosting fundraisers to raise funds. Time is running out, as the trip is planned for spring break. Anyone interested in contributing may contact Shelley Little at 250-347-0048 or Vi Wittman at 250-347-0044 and if desired, a charitable tax receipt will be issued. Tickets for the dinner are $10, available via the numbers above, the participating students, Pip’s Country Store, and members of the Legion. • 6 - 11 p.m.: Birthday Dessert of the month and café night at the Summit Youth Centre.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo A9
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We have been partnered with Wawanesa for over 10 years, and with our knowledge, experience and involvement in the community, we can provide you the superior service and support you deserve. Tom Fletcher/Black Press photo The Salmon Arm Roots & Blues Festival is one of B.C.'s successful events with few drinking-related problems.
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The B.C. government is moving ahead with liquor reforms, promising free-range drinking at music festivals, stadiums and hotels as well as eventual sales in grocery stores. Attorney General Suzanne Anton announced Friday that the government is accepting all 73 recommendations from Richmond-Steveston MLA John Yap, who led a consultation last year on updating archaic liquor laws. New rules include eliminating the requirement for fencing around music festival beer gardens and licensing the entire site via a simpler application. "This will allow families to stay together at events, reduce costs for festival organizers and make the festival experience that much better for all fans of live music," said Bob D'Eith, executive director of Music BC. Along with a dip in the Canadian dollar, the move should be good news for the Squamish Valley Music Festival in early August. Organizers have announced a high-profile lineup including Detroit rapper Eminem, Quebec's Arcade Fire and Hawaiian singer-songwriter Bruno Mars. The normally laid-back Salmon Arm Roots & Blues Festival had an incident in 2009, when
reggae-rock band Bedouin Soundclash invited patrons of the packed beer garden to break down the fence and join the main throng in front of the stage for their final Saturday night set. The invitation was quickly accepted, with damage restricted mainly to the snow fencing. The Merritt Mountain Music Festival ran for nearly 20 years, becoming notorious for uninhibited all-night parties featuring outdoor couches and hot tubs. It was cancelled in 2010 after efforts to tone it down resulted in poor attendance. It has since been replaced by the Bass Coast Music and Art Festival, a dry event that relocated from Squamish last year. The country crowd now has the option of the Rockin' River Music Fest in Mission from August 7th to 9th, with this year's lineup including Rascal Flatts and Terri Clark. In sports stadiums, hard liquor sales will no longer be restricted to premium seating and private boxes. Anton warned that some recommendations, such as liquor sales in grocery stores, will take time to implement, and legislation is needed for some changes. The B.C. Government Employees' Union, representing government liquor store workers, called for the new "store within a store" expansion to be publicly owned and staffed by its members.
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Left Turns Into the Correct Lane A Courtenay resident is upset with drivers that turn left from the Island Highway onto Ryan Road and fail to enter the first available lane. He identifies this as a problem for drivers traveling in the opposite direction on the highway wanting to turn right onto Ryan Road. Who would be liable he wonders if the right turn vehicle failed to yield as directed by the sign and collided with a vehicle that had made the left turn into the curb lane instead of the lane next to the center line. When you are turning left onto a roadway with multiple lanes for your direction of travel you are required to enter the lane closest to the center line when you complete the turn. Should you now need to use another lane, it’s time for a proper lane change; mirror, signal right, shoulder check, change. Too often drivers move directly over to the curb lane without looking and still showing their left turn signal. The yield sign requires a driver to yield to all other traffic. This would include vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. Once they have yielded and it is safe to proceed the driver may pass the yield sign and complete the right turn described at the start of the article. Should the two drivers collide, they have both broken the traffic rules. One driver has either failed to enter the proper lane or failed to make a safe lane change. The other driver has failed to yield. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
Applications Now Accepted Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance, in partnership with Columbia Basin Trust, invites individuals of all artistic disciplines and arts, culture and heritage groups in the Columbia Basin to apply for project funding. Program brochures and application forms are available online at, or call CKCA at 1.877.505.7355 or email Deadline for applications is March 7, 2014, or March 21, 2014, depending on the program.
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Arts, CuLture & HeritAge grANt WritiNg WOrKsHOPs CKCA is hosting Free workshops for individuals or groups in the Columbia Basin who are interested in applying for the trust’s Arts, Culture and Heritage funding. Sparwood: Thursday Feb. 13, 1 – 3 p.m. Location: sparwood Chamber of Commerce, 141A Aspen Dr.
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Kimberley: Friday Feb. 14, 1 – 3 p.m. Location: Centre 64, 64 Deer Park Ave.
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Online: Fri. Feb. 21, 2 – 4 p.m. PDT & Mon. Feb. 24, 6 – 8 p.m. PDT
Photo: Good Ol’ Goats - 2013 Kootenay Festival - Colin Payne Photography
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo
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Safta's serving up Smalltown Revival DAN WALTON
Safta's Kitchen is making way for live music after moving into its fullsize restaurant, which will be hosting "two-man trio" Smalltown Revival on Friday, February 7th. A two-man trio may seem like an oxymoron, but singer-songwriter John Jenkins explains he has a basic drum kit, which he plays with his feet, that mixes with his guitar, harmonica and vocals, while Gord Light plays the bass guitar. Mr. Jenkins described their music as original roots-rock groove, saying the recent addition of Mr. Light's bass has given Smalltown Revival a new sound, one he's happy to get out and showcase. "We've throw down some good dance parties in the short time we've been playing together," he said. Smalltown Revival is based in Golden, where Mr. Jenkins began his professional career in music 12 years ago. But it's been several years since the last Smalltown Revival show in the valley, which happened at the White House in Windermere, he said. The show at Safta's Kitchen will deliver mostly original songs, "with
Rachel Darvill photo Golden band Smalltown Revival will be entertaining the clientele at Safta's Kitchen restaurant in downtown Invermere this Friday night.
a few covers mixed in for listening pleasure," Mr. Jenkins added. Smalltown Revival will be "producing down home, deep woods, genuine and pure Kootenay mountain sounds," he said.
There's no cover and the music starts at 8 p.m. To get a taste of the group's music and to learn more about the band, visit or John Jenkin's Smalltown Revival's page on .
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Photo courtesy of Tanya De Leeuw Photography
Thomas Clare/Valley Echo photos The Galena Trio delighted a small but dedicated crowd at Christ Church Trinity on Friday, January 31st, as the three seasoned musicians — hailing from Nelson, Canmore and Montreal — displayed their virtuosic skills in an intimate setting.
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo A11
Valley Life
Playing pitch and puck Hockey players and golfers alike found much to enjoy on Lake Windermere last weekend. Clockwise from top left: players compete on a rink under bluebird skies at the Pond Hockey tournament near Kinsmen Beach on Saturday, February 1st (Kim Hutton photo); the Rhinos team (left to right: Mark Beyak, Mark Brough, Wade Graumann, and Gary Dace) enjoyed the benefits of the best-ball format at the Kinsmen Club's snow golf tournament on Saturday, February 1st (Steve Hubrecht photo); Wade Graumann points out an amazing shot to a teammate (Steve Hubrecht photo); a player puts the puck in the net during a pond hockey game on Saturday (Greg Amos photo); snow golfer Ken Litchfield unleashes a drive on the 215-yard Hole #10 on the snowy course (Steve Hubrecht photo).
“Their argument was that their case was in the public interest, and that they would not financially benefit from it," said Mayor Taft. “Our arguments were focused on the fact they can't prove that they cannot pay the costs, and that the case wasn't really in the public interest,”he
said. “By time the lawsuit went to trial this fall, they were dealing with a deer cull that had already happened, so it was basically a waste of our time and therefore they should have to pay. At the end of the day, it looks like our arguments were succesful.” Collecting anything more than $12,000 may prove challenging for the District of Invermere. But the
decision on costs appears to be a popular one: as of Monday's Valley Echo press deadline, more than 65 people “liked” the announcement on Mayor Taft's Facebook page. “My personal opinion and dream is that we get to use the money to fund the next deer cull,” the mayor wrote on Facebook — and he's not kidding either.
“One of our challenges is funding a future cull,” he told the Valley Echo. “It is perhaps a bit vindictive, but it would be nice in some ways to use the money from the IDPS. In my opinion, they've wasted an incredible amount of time and energy for the District of Invermere.” The appeal to the lawsuit's dismissal is likely to be heard in the fall.
The Teachers’ Convention and Family Day are giving Alberta students a five day weekend from February 13th through February 17th. Book your advertising now to ensure a successful weekend! Booking deadline: Friday, February 7th Echo publication date: Wednesday, February 12th Pioneer publication date: Friday, February 14th
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo
Valley-connected biathlete all set for Sochi Games STEVE HUBRECHT
Megan Imrie knows what it's like to toil in athletic obscurity. The Canadian biathlete is heading her second Olympic games in Sochi — where the spotlight will shine on her as it hasn't since the Vancouver Olympics four years ago. Elite biathletes in Canada are used to a lack of prominence and enjoy the sense of family and camaraderie their small numbers and lack of media attention brings, said Ms. Imrie, adding that not all biathlete have the same experience. “Biathlon is a different world in Europe. It's the number one televised winter sport,” said Ms. Imrie. “The German biathletes are bona fide rock stars there; they can't walk through a crowd of fans, they'll be absolutely mobbed.” A typical biathlon race in Europe will draw thousands of spectators along with with a festive atmosphere of beer tents, food and live music. In Canada, there may be nothing more than the soft sound of skis gliding on snow and the sharp crack of rifles at a race. “I guess it's just a lifestyle we (Canadian biathletes) have all chosen. We embrace the quiet when we're at home and then embrace the noise and the crowds over there,” said Ms. Imrie.
And although it may be nice not be under glaring scrutiny, there are some definite perks beyond fame for European biathletes — notably their stronglydeveloped national biathlon programs with solid financial backing. Biathletes in Canada, on the other hand, are usually stuck footing their own bills. The cost of sweating to Olympic glory in a pursuit far outside the limelight can be considerable. A year of being an elite biathlete comes with a price tag of $40,000 to $50,000, with up to $20,000 just on training fees and equipment. Being an athlete of that calibre leaves precious little free time, let alone enough time to work to offset some of those costs. “It's next to impossible for national athletes to hold jobs. The training is such high volume and such high intensity that it takes up almost your full day. And when you come home from training days, you barely have enough energy left to eat before you sleep. A typical nine-to-five (job) is defintely out. We need to look at alternate funding sources,” said Ms. Imrie. A typical training regimen for Ms. Imrie involves an intense three-hour group workout session starting in the morning, another individual workout session — often just as intense and just as long — in the afternoon (roller skating, hitting the gym, biking) and squeezing in physio-
therapy, massage treatments and chiropractor visits wherever possible. This she does without fail six days a week. The costs can escalate in the build-up to the games as athletes tinker with special equipment adjustments or new physiotherapy treatments as they seek any extra advantage. “In an Olympic year especially, you don't want to leave any stone unturned and say 'Oh, I missed the Olympics because I couldn't afford this training course or that equipment,'” said Ms. Imrie, whose valley connections have come in quite useful in funding her Biathlon Canada photo drive to Sochi. Biathlete Megan Imrie secured funding for her Olympic She is good friends with Lux- mission in Sochi thanks in part to her friends at Luxor Corrals or Corrals owners Cheryl Con- near Spur Valley. dy and Doug Goodwin. The wonderful, we raised close to $1,000 in couple have known Ms. Imrie since she was a little kid. Ms. Condy and a few hours, met some great people and Ms. Imrie are both originally from Fal- had a blast.” Another fundraising boon was the con Lake, Manitoba, and Ms. Condy aptwo-month campaign on the crowdprenticed with Ms. Imrie's father, who ran a trail riding ranch, and lived with funding website, which brought in more than $10,000 for Ms. Imrie. Ms. Imrie's parents for about a decade. Even with funding secured, Sochi was The Luxor Corrals couple held a “Ride with an Olympian” fundraiser on their not sure bet. She needed a top-30 finish ranch near Spur Valley earlier this year. in a World Cup race to qualify. “The fundraiser has been really critical to my success,” said Ms. Imrie. “It was »See A13
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo A13
Olympic Fever! »BIATHLETE from A12
Two years ago Ms. Imrie had a standout season with several top-20 finishes, but she struggled last year and was sick, overtrained and consequently extremely tired most of the time. “I was totally out of it (last year),” she said. “Going into the fall, I had no idea how I would do this year.” She's been careful to make sure she rested more this year, and clearly the strategy paid off as she came 22nd in her first World Cup race of the season. “I was ecstatic,” she said. “It feels fantastic to finally realize the dream of competing in another Olympic Games and to make good on all the promises I made to people who helped support me.” Ms. Imrie calls the Vancouver games the most exciting event of her life, but said she was overtired and didn't finish well there. “In four years, I've matured a lot as an athlete. I'm far better able to manage the training and the mental aspects of
the game. I feel way more relaxed, but way more confident going into Sochi,” she said. “I think that'll bring better results in the end.” Ms. Imrie said the Sochi games will likely be her last Olympics and she'll be content with a top-30 finish, although she knows she's capable of a top-20 or even top-15 result. Her finest result may be as a member of the women's relay team, which managed a best-ever fourth place in December. “We were a handful of nobodies a few year ago and we've come up and can challenge some of the top nations,” she said. Ms. Imrie will also probably be part of the mixed relay team. In the individual events, she'll be in the sprint, likely the pursuit (top 60 sprint racers qualify) and possible the mass-start (top 30 racers are chosen). As Ms. Imrie guns for glory, you can be sure her progress will be intently ALLEY tracked at Luxor Corrals.
DACE PRYMAK This week’s winner has won: A MAKITA FINISHING SANDER $100 value from Rona! This week’s sponsor:
Thank you to our sponsors!
Security threats raising concerns ahead of 2014 Sochi Winter Games GREG AMOS and DAN WALTON
The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics are not only already the most expensive Olympic Games in history, but are considered to be among the most vulnerable to terrorism attacks. Some Canadian delegates and athletes have been advising their family members not to attend the games due to the risk of violence from militants. While the more than 100,000 police, security agents and army troops in Sochi will ensure venues will be tightly-guarded, parts of Sochi are considered poorly prepared to thwart a terrorist attack. The resort city of nearly 350,000 on the Black Sea coast near Georgia is thought to have a particularly vulnerable transportation system. On Sunday, February 2nd, former Dragons' Den personality and part-time Columbia Valley resident W. Brett Wilson announced on Twitter he and his family are cancelling their plans to go to Sochi for the Olympics because of the risk of an attack. "The security threat to the Olympics, this particular Olympics, is the greatest I have ever seen," said Michael McCaul, chairman of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee. There have been 124 suicide attacks in Russia over the past 13 years. Olympic terrorism incidents have taken place a few times in the past. Two major attacks include a pipe bomb, which exploded out of a backpack during the 1996 Games in Atlanta, Georgia, and a knife attack that claimed the life of an American athlete's father, leaving his wife and tour guide injured during the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The most notable act of terrorism modern terrorism took place at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games, when 11 members of the Israeli national team were taken hostage and subsequently killed by the Black September organization. - With files from
Weekly Draw Prize Winner:
Enter early. Enter often.
Deadline for entries is Wednesday February 5th at 4pm.
See the matching ad on our feature pages for contest details.
Feeling hot? It’s not the flu.
You Have Olympic Fever!
Win an iPad Mini!
From January 22nd thru February 26th the Valley Echo will be running an Olympic contest. It’s free to enter and will offer 5 weekly prizes with an iPad Mini being awarded in our February 26th edition to our Grand Prize Winner. Email us at with your answers to the following questions. Please include your name and daytime phone number with each entry.
Grand Prize Question
How many medals will Canadian athletes win at the Sochi Olympics? (team medals count as one medal!) _________
Tie Breaking Questions
How many gold medals will Canadian athletes win at the Sochi Olympics? (team medals count as one medal) _______ By the end of the Games, how many athletes will be disqualified for doping infractions? ________ Beginning on January 20th, weekly prizes will be drawn with the winner’s name published in the Echo in our Olympic feature section. Entrants may win only one weekly prize. Our Grand Prize winner will be decided after the closing ceremonies based on the official Olympic results. Weekly prize winners are eligible for the Grand Prize.
Enter early. Enter often.
Deadline for entries is Wednesday February 5th at 4pm.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo
Have a sports tip? or 250-341-6299
Columbia Valley Rockies stuck in pre-playoff slump DAN WALTON
Hopes of heading into the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League playoffs this season were looking bright for the Columbia Valley Rockies a month ago, but the club has struggled to keep up in the standings since the beginning of 2014. The Rockies have earned points by forcing games into overtime, but haven't registered a win since Friday, December 20th in a home game against the Fernie Ghostriders. The losing streak has allowed the Golden Rockets to threaten the Rockies' playoff chances, as the two teams are now tied in points with a game in hand for Golden. Their streak was nearly snapped last weekend when the Rockies played both the Grand Forks Border Bruins and the Kimberley Dynamiters at the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena. On Friday, January 31st, the Rockies were off to a strong start against Grand Forks and carried the play through most of the period. Jerome Thorne opened scoring midway through the first, with assists to Mitch Rosko and Logan Kerner. Only 21 seconds later, though, the Border Bruins scored to even the game at one. The score didn't change again until the second period, when Grand Forks scored three consecutive goals in the less than three minutes. Columbia Valley didn't respond until the end of the period, when a power play goal by Mitch Rosko, with help from Ryan Henderson, made the score 4-2 before the second intermission. The Bruins scored early in the third with a man-advantage to regain their three-goal lead, but the Rockies didn't let the game end then. Near the midway point in the third,
Dan Walton/Valley Echo Photo Jerome Thorne's return to the Rockies lineup didn't go unnoticed, as he broke away from the Kimberley Dynamiter skaters to beat their goalie and open the scoring at the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena on Saturday, February 1st.
Braeden Farge was set up by Dustin Boone and Logan Kerner. That Rockies goal was followed by another by Bradly Palumbo, with assists to Mitch Rosko and Henderson. Columbia Valley then evened the score at five when Damon Raven lit the lamp, after a pass from Bradly Palumbo. The rest of the period went scoreless and the game flowed into overtime. After nearly three minutes of play, Grand Forks forward Kyle Dolly scored to win the game and take the extra point. Rockies goalie Brodie Nelson stopped 12 of 15 shots, before Stewart Pratt took over in net to block 22 of 25 the Bruins shots.
After their loss on Friday, how Saturday's match against the Dynamiters played out was all too familiar for the Rockies. A strong effort in the first period found them on the scoreboard first, only to have their opponents answer back and finish the period in a tie. And again, the Rockies lone first period goal came from Jerome Thorne, whose quick hands beat the Kimberley goalie with a deke off of a breakaway. Just like Friday, the second period ended with the Rockies down by two, after the Dynamiters score twice to tally their lead at 3-1. After six minutes of play in the third,
the Dynamiters had scored three more times, making the score 6-1, with all of their goals going unanswered until Logan Kerner scored a power play goal, assisted by Dustin Boone and Rosko. And just before the final minute, Henderson scored a power play goal, softening the blow to the Rockies 6-3 loss. Nelson was in net for the duration and stopped 35 Kimberley shots. Rockies general manager Ross Bidinger noted the performance of Jerome Thorne, who after a brief hiatus is again wearing his Rockies jersey.
Home Games VS. GOLDEN
Friday, February 7th 7:30 p.m.
ÂťSee A15
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo A15
»COLUMBIA from A14
"He was by far our best player over the weekend – that's the type of effort we need right across the board," said Mr. Bidinger. Head coach Wade Dubielewicz said the Rockies performed well against the Border Bruins on Friday, but the team didn't catch the breaks they needed. Saturday, on the other hand, saw the Rockies heavily outplayed by the Dynamiters, he said. The Columbia Valley players will be studying the Rockets' game tape to prepare for two games this weekend that will be as tense as the postseason. As to which goalie will start in net against Golden, that depends on this week's practice and the decision will be made closer to the game, said both Mr. Dubielewicz and Mr. Bidinger. While they're tied with Golden in the points, the Rockies are currently sitting in fifth place in their division, and only the top four teams qualify for the playoffs. With a home-and-home match ups scheduled this weekend, both teams have an opportunity this weekend to get ahead of the neck-and-neck race. Friday's game will see the Golden Rockets at the Eddie Mountain Arena for the Rockies final home game of the regular season. Columbia Valley then will finish the season with four consecutive road games, which begin on Saturday in Golden. Both matches start at 7:30 p.m.
Oldtimer Hockey Standings Regular Season
Dan Walton/Valley Echo Photo Transitioning into the team's offensive role, Kirk Lissel clears the puck out of the Rockies zone as his team takes the play towards the Kimberley Dynamiter's net on Saturday, February 1st.
KIJHL Standings
Kootenay Conference - Eddie Mountain Division
Radium PetroCanada
Creston Valley Thundercats
Inside Edge
Kimberley Dynamiters Fernie Ghostriders
Golden Rockets
Arrowhead Brewsky’s
Columbia Valley Rockies
Warwick Interiors
Kicking Horse Coffee
asks you to...
Kootenay Conference - Neil Murdoch Division Team
Nelson Leafs
Beaver Valley Nitehawks
Castlegar Rebels
Spokane Braves
Grand Forks Border Bruins
Career Opportunity CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY NOW HIRING IN GOLDEN Tired of the same old thing? At Canadian Pacific you can be part of something historic. You have a chance to make a difference, to see Canada, and build a future. Canadian Pacific is one of Canada’s most iconic companies. We move the goods that keep the world turning, and we’re on our way to doing it better than anyone else. To get there, CP is looking for some adaptable, hard-working, safety-conscious, and results-driven people to join our force of conductors . Now Hiring: Track Maintenance Personnel - Requisition # 28345 Work Equipment Maintainers - Requisition # 28464 You don’t need: Railroading experience Connections You do need: Great attitude Willingness to learn Safety oriented work ethic To work in and around Golden Competition closes on February 13, 2014
We’re ready... are you?
For additional information on Canadian Pacific and this career opportunity, visit us online at Only those candidates contacted will be considered. All communication will be directed to the email address you use on your online application form. The journey has begun but is far from over.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo
The Valley Echo's 2013/2014
NHL Hockey Pool Standings Grand Prize
This week's winner is:
2 night stay at Copper Point Resort and $100 dining certificate for Elements Grill
2 rounds of golf for the Ridge at Copper Point Golf Club
Head to Echo/Pioneer office to redeem your lunch prize!
All prizes must be claimed before the following week's results are released.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T9 T9 T9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 T19 T19 T19 22 T23 T23 T23 26 27 28 T29 T29 31 32 33 T34 T34 T36 T36 T38 T38 T38 T38 42 43 44 T45 T45 47 48 T49 T49 T49
Puff Pastry Craiger Ivy Magic Mitch 25 Toucan 01 Ken Reid Pouncy’s Pals 3 Cotton Swab Lis Kogging Love the B’s Aces N Eights Jye Lawson 23 Zman Paige 13 Hair Haven Injured reserve 16 King Chris G Rohrick 15 Snakitov13 RC31 Brodes Dirty Doan 12 an R’s Rockets Hossa 81 B.the.B.B.B. Pullz 28 Liam 10 DR19 “The Zach Attacks” Double-Duece Snake53 MM88 Professor 05 Harley Crew Slut Rockies super fan Rockies 18 The Goalie Guy Long Rock JHaley11 Jagar 20 Rockies 3 Go Habs Go Naho Rubicon Dace 58 Brennan’s Compet Kappdaddy26 LBO Kosty 27
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If you would like to sponsor The Valley Echo’s hockey pool, contact us at 250-341-6299
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Team Chick Magnet Dusty 21 PMD Nelly Plum 24 Flames Suck Brennan Stick63 Kimmer Jake 2 MN1 Westside Dan Yolo Swagins Nelson 30 Dicks Pix N4Cer Troll 6 Dooley Major Snipes Nick Bolin Dylan 4 Dave’s Laffers Bergeeo 7 Schlittsy06 Rock 50 Ashley Furniture Nicole The Boyz Hendy 17 Hunter 11 Ninja Chicken Harley 10 Love the B’s 2 Old Rock Ryann 7 Mags57 David Dumpandpump 15 Matt Cable Heidi lil’b ACF Van Fan Cian Braden 5 Badtothe Boone 22 Connor K Joaks 16 Skeeter 31 Riley 14 J. Pike
Total 817 817 815 813 811 809 807 804 802 801 801 800 800 797 796 795 794 794 792 791 786 783 783 781 777 777 776 776 772 771 770 769 763 760 758 756 754 751 749 748 746 745 742 739 739 738 737 732 714 688 679
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110 115 159 149 160 156 146 168 124 178 124 145 140 165 162 133 120 152 202 136 182 213 200 210 179 178 168 135 192 194 170 139 170 200 198 166 171 222 170 155 151 232 172 204 184 214 204 207 255 217 219
P/G 0.77 0.77 0.80 0.79 0.80 0.79 0.79 0.80 0.76 0.80 0.77 0.78 0.77 0.79 0.79 0.76 0.76 0.78 0.82 0.76 0.79 0.81 0.80 0.81 0.77 0.78 0.77 0.75 0.79 0.79 0.77 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.77 0.76 0.75 0.79 0.75 0.73 0.73 0.79 0.74 0.76 0.74 0.77 0.76 0.75 0.78 0.72 0.72
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Milestones are meant to be celebrated!
Which is why The Valley Echo is asking readers to submit their Milestones (anniversaries, new jobs/careers, birthdays, anything that marks a ‘turning point’ in your life or the life of someone special) for FREE to production@ (please put “Milestones” as the subject line). Your Milestones will appear at the start of the Classifieds section each week, and each week one Milestone will be randomly picked to WIN a FREE CUPCAKE at Quality Bakery in Invermere. Get your Milestone in today!
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo A17 February 10/14
rama-style! o n a P n u f y il m a F
BC Family Day
Make it a Family Day in B.C.’s natural playground on February 10th You might win a family ski getaway at Big White! By Kerry Vital, Black Press
Busy in the Village! ain Village
Panorama Mount
boar a l l A
Big White
BC Ferries
Ski Resort
Play and lea
Family ! adventures
Capilano Suspension
Science World at the Telus World of Science
Bridge and Park
Important Deadlines
ife gets busy sometimes and spending time with loved ones can become difficult. Family Day, taking place Monday, February 10th, is the perfect reason to gather the family and take in some of British Columbia’s best attractions. On B.C. Family Day, lift tickets at many participating ski areas in the province will be offered to B.C. residents at 50 per cent off. Locally, both Panorama Mountain Village and Fairmont Hot Springs Ski Area are offering the discount. A little further afield, Kicking Horse Resort in Golden, Revelstoke Mountain Resort, Kimberley Alpine Resort and Fernie Alpine Resort are also involved. For more information and the complete list of participating resorts, visit bc-family-day. Black Press readers can also enter to win a weekend for four (two adults and two children under 18) at Big White Ski Resort, just outside of Kelowna, with lift passes and two nights accommodation in a slopeside hotel room. For more information, visit The Valley Echo’s website at and click on the Contests link. “There’s something for everyone here,” says Katie Balkwill, regional sales manager for Big White Ski Resort. “We’re Canada’s largest ski-in ski-out resort. Anywhere you wake up, you’ll be on the slopes, and the quality of our snow is amazing.” Big White is about more than skiing and snowboarding though. Balkwill also notes that they have an ice-climbing tower, fireworks every Saturday night over the huge outdoor skating rink and many other activities for the whole family. If you’re looking for a B.C. Family Day weekend getaway, British Columbians can book any two consecutive nights and two days of skiing, and Big White will give you the third night and third day of skiing at half-price, valid between February 7th and February 13th. If you’re heading to the coast, the Lower Mainland is home to plenty of family-friendly outdoor spots, including Granville Island, numerous beaches and parks. If it’s indoor fun you’re looking for, attractions such as the H.R. MacMillan
Space Centre, the Museum of Vancouver, Science World at the Telus World of Science, the Vancouver Aquarium and the Vancouver Art Gallery should all be tops on your list. Outdoor activities are also plentiful. Capilano Suspension Bridge Park is one of Vancouver’s most well-known attractions, with its famous suspension bridge, Treetops Adventure, Cliffwalk and other places to explore. The North Shore mountains all offer a variety of activities, including skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing and tobogganing, or you can go a bit farther afield to visit Whistler Blackcomb. B.C. has more than 850 parks and natural areas to hike in, including Vancouver Island’s West Coast Trail. Provincial parks are often host to several hiking trails, or check out the Sunshine Coast Trail or Juan de Fuca Marine Trail.
ce to
n your cha Enter for
a Big White!
r Go to ouer newspanpd click a websiteontests! on c
Budding equestrians or cowboys might enjoy a trail ride at one of B.C.’s ranches, whether it’s a weekend trip in B.C.’s Interior or a day trip just outside of Metro Vancouver. In Northern B.C., climbing and caving can take place all year-round at one of the local mountain ranges. Guided tours are often available to show you some truly beautiful scenery, from glaciers to frozen waterfalls. Dog-sledding, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing are also great pursuits to try. The Southern and Northern Gulf Islands are just a ferry ride away from the mainland, and can open up a brand-new world of hiking, cycling and other outdoor activities.
In order for our staff to enjoy the upcoming Family Day weekend, deadlines for CLASSIFIED advertising in our February 12th issue has been changed to Friday,
February 7th at 10:00 a.m. All other deadlines remain as normal: Friday, February 7th at noon.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo
FUNDRAISER Jumbo council meetings continue Saturday, February 15 th, 2014
per ticket
Dinner Starts at
6 p.m.
Tickets available at Pips Country Store, The Legion or call Vi at 250-347-0044 or Shelley at 250-347-0048 All profits go towards twenty Grade 12 students and their trip to Belgium/France to visit WW1 battlefields and war memorials.
INVITATION TO BID Invermere Operations Building – Invermere, B.C. The Board of Education of School District #06 (Rocky Mountain) 1302 Industrial Road #1, Invermere, B.C. The project, located in Invermere, B.C., consists of construction of New 10,350sf School District Operations Building. The work includes site development and construction of a new 1 storey building c/w partial mezzanine, concrete slab on grade with masonry and wood framed walls. The roof is a combination of OWSJ, metal decking and insulated SBS roof over masonry portion of bldg. and wood trusses, plywood decking and insulated SBS roof over wood frame portion of bldg. The GC is to coordinate with School District forces where indicated on drawings. Bid documents may be viewed and picked up at MQN Architects: #100 – 3313-32nd Ave., Vernon, B.C. V1T 2E1, Tel: (250) 542-1199 after 1:00 PM (PST), Tuesday, February 04, 2014. Call to reserve your set. Bid documents may also be viewed at Construction Association Offices (SICA) in Cranbrook and Kelowna BC and, online at BC Bid. Inquiries Julie Varrie, MQN Architects #100 – 3313-32nd Ave. Tel: (250) 542-1199 Vernon, BC. V1T 2E1 Fax: (250) 542-5236 Bid documents will be available to General Contractors only upon payment of deposit of $25 for each set of documents. The deposit is refundable upon return of the documents in good condition within fourteen (14) days of the Award of Contract. Make deposit cheque payable to: MQN Architects A ten percent (10%) Bid Bond shall be submitted with the Bid. A fifty percent (50%) Performance Bond and a fifty percent (50%) Labour and Material Payment Bond are required within ten (10) working days of the Award of Contract. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a CCDC 2 (2008) Stipulated Price Contract and BCDC-2 amendments for Publicly Funded Projects. There is No scheduled Site Visit but interested Contractors may visit the site by contacting Brian Nickurak, Operations Supervisor, SD #6. Tel: 250-342-6814, Bids together with all documentation as called for in the Instructions to Bidders are to be delivered to the address listed below before 2:00 PM (MST) Thursday, March 06, 2014. Late bids will be returned unopened. Sealed bids together with all other attachments as called for in the Instructions to Bidders, marked “BID FOR: SD #6 - Invermere Operations Building, Invermere, BC ” with the Bidder’s name and return address clearly indicated on the envelope, will be received at: Attn: Steve Jackson, Director of Operations School District #06 (Rocky Mountain) PO Box 430, 620-4th Street Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 Phone: (250) 342-4676 Fax: (250) 342-2579 FAX Bid Amendments: (250) 342-2579 The lowest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. In submitting bids, it is understood that the bid will remain irrevocable and open for acceptance until sixty (60) calendar days have expired from the bid closing date.
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The Mountain Resort Municipality of Jumbo continues to move forward, albeit slowly, at its monthly council meetings. The most recent meetings have been straightforward, short and to-the-point business meetings, with few particularly noteworthy items. The December 17th meeting was just seven minutes long and included the municipality consenting to the adoption of a Regional District of East Kootenay local services area establishment bylaw for public library services grant-in-aid. At the January 21st meeting, Jumbo council gave three »BC VIEWS from A5
Gordon Campbell ran roughshod over their sweetheart contract from the Glen Clark years. That one was settled for $85 million, including retroactive payments. NDP leader Adrian Dix took to his Facebook page a couple of days after last week’s ruling, joining calls for an apology from Clark. That would be for what Justice Griffin characterized as deliberately provoking a strike to build public support for the latest of a long line of settlements imposed on teachers.
readings to a community reserve fund bylaw and to a fees and charges bylaw. Council also accepted a December cheque register at the January 21st meeting of more than $18,800, with more than $5,200 of that being legal fees related to Ktunaxa First Nation's application for judicial review of Jumbo Glacier Resort. The application argues that the resort infringes on an area the Ktunaxa consider sacred territory, known as Qat'muk, and impacts traditional religious activities involving grizzly bear spirits. The municipality had sought respondent status in the lawsuit, but was not given it by the Supreme Court of B.C. The court hearings for the lawsuit were held in Vancouver earlier this month, but the judge's decision in the matter is not expected for several months.
Within minutes, Dix received this caustic response from Tara Ehrcke, president of the Greater Victoria teachers’ union. “But where was the NDP during the election campaign?” Ehrcke asked Dix. “You committed a measly $100 million – a third of what it will take to restore class sizes and less than the [NDP] platform in 2009, and only pocket change more than the Liberals’ Learning Improvement Fund of $75 million.” Note the mindset of this prominent member of the radical fringe that controls the BCTF. “A measly
$100 million.” An extra $25 million? “Pocket change.” Parents and students would endure yet another major disruption of the public school system. No government, B.C. Liberal, NDP or Green Party, can let its unions control their own payroll, just as no private company can. Bargaining, if you can call it that, resumes this week. Both sides need to cease fire. Tom Fletcher is a legislature reporter for Black Press. He can be reached at .
Beneath the Surface — Kirsten Harma
How road salt affects waterways I
ce is slippery stuff. To avoid injuries due to falling, many of us put de-icing products down on sidewalks and parking lots. Most of the de-icers we use are simply salt—common, everyday table salt. Sound innocent? Unfortunately, when salt mixes with snow and melts into the soil, it can damage our soil, gardens, water and lake. How it works: Salt lowers the freezing and melting point of water. When dry salt is spread onto an ice surface, it will dissolve and form a solution called brine. It is the brine that melts the snow and ice by reducing the temperature at which water will freeze. For example, a 10 per cent salt solution won’t freeze until about –7 C, meaning walkways will remain icefree down to that temperature. A 20 per cent salt-water mixture will stay melted until -17 C. In common use, that perfect brine solution won’t form uniformly across icy surfaces. Given factors such as wind, traffic and longer melt times needed in colder weather, salt is only reported as being effective down to about -9 C. Unintended damages: When the snow and ice melt in the spring, salt adversely affects soil and vegetation, contaminates groundwater as it leaches through the soil, and damages aquatic ecosystems. In streams and lakes, sodium and chloride — the two components of common salt — can be toxic to aquatic life. In a lake, salt-laden water will sink to the
bottom of a lake because of its higher density. This can reduce circulation in lower depths, which can lead to a loss of dissolved oxygen and mortality of fish and other aquatic life living at the lake bottom. Prolonged periods of reduced oxygen can result in increased nutrient loading, which feeds algal growth in the spring and summer. Excess salt doesn’t just damage waterways; it adversely affects our gardens, too. Too much salt in the soil can lead to brown lawns, scorched brown-looking leaves, and spring bulbs that are undernourished and may not flower. How to stay safe on sidewalks while protecting our lake: What are your de-icing alternatives? • Spreading sand or gravel for traction is the safest alternative for the environment. But remember to clean it up in the spring so it won’t clog storm drains. • Shovel or snow-blow soon after it stops snowing and before the snowy slush freezes, so that little or no de-icer is needed. Note that de-icers cannot melt all the way through compacted snow or built-up ice, so if you salt without shovelling, you will just waste the salt and contaminate land and waterways. • Check the current and predicted outdoor temperatures before you use salt to de-ice, in case it is too cold and it proves ineffective (e.g. –9 C). Kirsten Harma is the program co-ordinator for the Lake Windermere Ambassadors and can be reached at .
The Valley Echo Wednesday, February 2014 Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley5,Echo A19
<our community. <our classi¿eGs.
Cards of Thanks
Lost & Found
Many thanks to all at our Hospital. I was there for a week & the staff are great. Special thanks to the girls who did a spring clean to my home. Great people. Love to all. Sincerely Elizabeth Sawchuk.
ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis
ALCOHOLICS Anonymous If alcohol is causing problems or conflict in your life, AA can help. Call 250-342-2424 for more information. All meetings are at 8 p.m. Invermere: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday groups - Columbia United AA at the BC Services building, south end, 625 4th Street Invermere. Radium Friendship Group: Friday, Catholic Church. All meetings are open with the exception of Tuesdays.
Lost set of keys weekend of Feb 1st. Blue carbineer with one ford key, 2 mailbox keys, 2 sets of house keys, and Sobeys tab. Call 604-721-0007.
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Coming Events
Al-Anon - Are you con-
QUALITY ASSURANCE Course for Health Canada’s Commercial Marijuana Program. February 22 & 23 Best Western Hotel, Kelowna, BC. Tickets: or 1-855-860-8611 or 250870-1882.
cerned about or affected by someone else’s drinking? If so, please join us. Al-Anon meets EVERY Monday in Invermere at 7:15 PM at the Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church, 712 - 12th Ave, (behind the Invermere hospital). For information, please call 250-342-8255
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Hebert Alexander Herbert AlexanderBlakley, Blakley,Sr. Sr. May 29, 1921 - January 22, 2014
Bakley was Herb Blakley was born born May May 29, 29, 1921. He came into the world at the old hospital on 10th Street in Invermere, delivered by Dr. Coy. Herb passed away January 22, 2014 at Columbia House after a long illness, having had wonderful care while there. He was 92. Herb’s first home was Blakley’s Radium Hot Springs Hotel, in the original village adjacent to the Hot Springs e hotel waswas built by Pool in in Kootenay KootenayNational NationalPark. Park.ThTh e hotel built his his parents, by parents,valley valleypioneers pioneersCaptain Captain John John and and Jessie Blakley. Herb had two brothers, Jock and Blair. Hot Springs, Springs, Invermere Invermere and and UBC. UBC. His His time time ata UBC was Herb attended school in Radium Hot interrupted by World War II, in which as an Air Force radar technician. While which Herb Herb werved served as After his return from overseas, stationed in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Herb met Peggy Holland. Holland.Aft they married and returned to Radium Hot Springs, followed by two years in Vancouver where Herb completed his Commerce degree. Herb and Peggy owned and operated Blakley’s Bungalows at Radium Hot Springs from 1946 to 1976. They had six children. During off-seasons, Herb worked various jobs, including a winter in the Bahamas, one at Sunshine Ski Resort, and selling real estate in Calgary for two winters. Herb also ran the grocery store at the Springs for a number of years. Herb was one of the founding members and first president of the Radium Hot Springs Tourist Association and an active member of the Rocky Mountain Tourist Association. After they sold the bungalows, Herb operated his own real estate company. Herb was an avid sailor. He and Peggy spent many happy hours sailing on Lake Windermere and in the Gulf Islands. He loved to travel and they enjoyed many trips overseas and in their motorhome. A gold mining adventure in the Yukon was an interesting experience, where Herb’s ability to fix anything was put to full use. Herb was predeceased by his brothers Jock and Blair. He is survived by his wife Peggy; their six children; John (Monita), Buffy, David, Carol (Steve Coombes), Brian and Herb Jr.; ten grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. We will always have fond memories of his great storytelling, sense of humour and love of fun. Instead of a funeral we plan to have a celebration of Herb’s life at a later date to be announced.
USED VEHICLES/BUSES FOR SALE School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) is accepting sealed bids for the purchase of the following vehicles. All vehicles are sold on an “as is where is basis”. No warranty or condition of roadworthiness is expressed or implied. Golden Zone Bus 2060 - One (1) 2001 Bluebird School Bus - 72 Passenger International Chassis, Engine 444E Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 295,000 kms. For further details or to view please contact Alan Ure, Operations Supervisor, at (250) 3448643 or (250) 344-0217. Invermere Zone Bus 1062 – One (1) 2001 Bluebird School Bus – 84 Passenger Cummins 8.31 ISC Electronic Fuel Injection, Automatic 5 speed Transmission, Air Brakes, Speedometer changed over at 350,000 kms. Bus 3086 - One (1) 1995 Bluebird School Bus – 84 Passenger Cummins 8.31 Mechanical Injection, Manual 5 speed Transmission, Air Brakes, 430,000 kms. Bus 3181 - One (1) 1996 Bluebird School Bus – 84 Passenger Cummins 8.31 Mechanical Injection, Automatic 5 speed Transmission, Air Brakes, 390,000 kms. For further details or to view please contact Brian Nickurak, Operations Supervisor at (250) 342-6814 or (250) 342-1728. Kimberley Zone Bus 7060 - One (1) 1998 Bluebird School Bus - 84 Passenger Bluebird Chassis, Engine C 8.3-250 Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 386,000 kms Bus 8061 - One (1) 1998 Bluebird School Bus - 72Passenger International Chassis, Engine 444E Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 281,000 kms. RM11 – One (1) 2001 Ford Pickup 2 wd, Engine 4.2 L 256 CID V6, Automatic Transmission, 207,000 kms. (engine not working) RM 27 – One (1) 2000 1500 Chevrolet Van 2wd, Engine 4.3 L 262 CID V6, Automatic Transmission, 117,000 kms. For further details or to view please contact Evan Stavrev, Operations Supervisor at (250) 4272268 or (250) 427-8727. The highest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. Closing date: Friday, February 21st, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. (MST) Please quote individual bids for each vehicle. Clearly mark your bid envelope with “Used Vehicle Tender” and submit sealed bids to: Steve Jackson, Director of Operations School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) 620 – 4th Street PO Box 430 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0
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IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
Misc for Rent
is currently accepting applications for full time and part time employment. Apply in person to 185 Laurier Street, Invermere, BC between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. North Enderby Timber is looking to hire for various sawmill positions including Heavy Duty Mechanic (Journeyman or Apprentice). Millwright and Fabricator. We offer competitive wages along with a comprehensive benefit package. Please fax resume to 250-838-9637.
Home Stay Families HOST FAMILIES needed. Northern Youth Abroad is looking for families to host 2 youth from Nunavut/NWT. Volunteering in your community. July/August. 1866-212-2307.
Help Wanted
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Pets & Livestock
Pets SAMOYED PUPPIES Beautiful Healthy CKC reg’d show quality 8 weeks $1000 250-335-3072
Merchandise for Sale
Free Items Free single wide mobile home, you move it by April 15th, call 250-342-4660
Misc. for Sale
Office Manager The Columbia Valley Community Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to enhancing the vitality, dignity and quality of life in the Columbia Valley. We are seeking an energetic, self-motivated individual with highly developed computer skills, excellent interpersonal skills who exhibits keen attention to detail to fill our part-time position of Office Manager. Duties for the position include: • • • •
General administrative and office support Administrative, practical and logistical support to the Board Meeting preparation including preparing agendas for Board meetings and taking minutes Managing several granting programs, including developing databases, advertising, accepting applications, ensuring applications meet grant criteria and following up to ensure all documentation is in order All facets of communications, including networking with local organizations and individuals, website maintenance, creating public awareness of the Foundation and advertising
position withawith flexible schedule aguaranteed Thisisisapart-time a part-time position a flwork exible work with schedule with a minimum ofminimum 20 hours ofper20month. Additional informationinformation about the guaranteed hours per month. Additional Foundation and a detailed description can be obtained by obtained emailing about the Foundation andjob a detailed job description can be . by emailing . Resumes will be accepted until 4 p.m., Friday February 14th, 2014. Resumes may be forwarded by email to info@ or by mail to ‘Office Manager’, Columbia Valley Community Foundation, PO Box 991, Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0. The Foundation thanks all those who apply; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Fridge, stove, freezer, washer, dryer. $100 each OBO. Propane furnace, electric hot water tank, prices negotiable, also FREE large shed, cute mobile home addition $500, call 250-342-4660 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online
WALK TO DOWNTOWN & KINSMEN BEACH: 3 bdrm. main floor of house, separate entrance, 5 appliances, deck, view, shed, yard, N/P, N/S, no partiers, references/deposit required. Rent includes, water, hydro, and heat. Available March 1st. 250-342-7590
Homes for Rent For rent in Wilmer. I’m an old and small cozy house. Large yard, storage shed. $675.00 plus hydro. Call 250-342-6820
Townhouses FULLY furnished 2 bedroom townhouse across from Tim Horton’s. 1 and 1/2 baths, 6 appliances, parking for 2 vehicles, single car garage. $1,100/mth. Utilities included. 403-852-7636 or 778-214-1744
Want to Rent Professional couple seeking executive home with double car garage ASAP. Contact Denise at 250-409-4449.
Auto Financing
Classifieds Get Results! Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 3 BED, 2 bath, upper two storey avail for long term rental at Radium golf resort. No pets. Rent negotiable . Contact 403-809-5445 Available immediately. 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath, condo conveniently located and close to schools in Invermere. $1,200/mth + hydro. Call to view. 250-341-5951
CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Worship Services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman Pastor Rev. David Morton 250-426-7564
WINDERMERE VALLEY SHARED MINISTRY ANGLICAN-UNITED 250-342-6644 100-7th Avenue, Invermere Reverend Laura Hermakin
Sunday, February 9th 9:30 a.m. Bacon, Friends & Faith 10:30 a.m.: Worship at Christ Church Trinity, Invermere Please note: There will be no services at All Saints, Edgewater, or St. Peter’s, Windermere for the month of February.
CANADIAN MARTYRS CATHOLIC CHURCH Roman Catholic Parish Pastor: Father Gabriel 250-342-6167 Invermere 250-344-6328 Golden Confession: 1/2 hour before Mass Canadian Martyrs’ Church 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Saturday at 5 p.m. Sunday at 9 a.m. St. Joseph’s Church Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs Sunday at 11 a.m. Sacred Heart Parish 808 - 11 Street, Golden Saturday at 7 p.m. Sunday at 10 a.m. St. Anthony’s Mission Corner of Luck and Dunn, Canal Flats
Saturday at 4:30 p.m. (served from Kimberly)
RADIUM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP For more information call 250-342-6633 or 250-347-6334 Loving God, Loving People #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Sundays at 10 a.m. Bible Studies #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Kids’ Church Edgewater Hall Thursday 6:30 p.m.
326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 REV. TREVOR HAGAN Senior Pastor
Sunday, February 9th 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP AND LIFE INSTRUCTION, “H20 ….. Polluted” … Pastor Trevor ministering. “K.I.D.S.” Church, for children Age 3 to Grade 1; and Grades 2-5, during the Morning Service.
VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Hwy. 93/95 1 km north of Windermere Pastor: Murray Wittke Sunday Service 10 a.m. Worship & Word Kid’s Church Provided Call the office at 250-342-9511 for more information.
Sharing Truth Showing Love Following the Spirit
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo A21
Brain Games
Columbia Valley
Weekend Weather
Cloudy periods
Variable cloudiness
Temp: -8oC
Temp: -2oC
February 7 o
Feels like -11 C
Low: -20 C
Crossword February 5, 2014
February 9
February 8
Temp: -9 C
Feels like -11 C
Feels like -4 C
Low: -20oC
Low: -11oC
CLUES ACROSS 1. Take by theft 7. Cash machine 10. Removed from attendance 12. Old World buffalo 13. Spread by dividing 14. Herd of unsheared sheep 15. Main arterial vessel 16. Carbamide 17. In the style of 18. Leafstalk angle 19. Physiques 21. Command right 22. Gratuitous 27. Printed display 28. Dexter inspector 33. “Hammer
Time’s” initials 34. Making one ashamed 36. Hill (Celtic) 37. Expletive 38. Surface 39. Atomic weight 40. Swiss river 41. Publicists 44. Hollow cylinders 45. Most hirsute 48. Wading bird 49. Not in residence 50. According to 51. Property injury CLUES DOWN 1. Russian Emperor (var. sp.) 2. Take hold of 3. South American Indian
4. Commune in northern France 5. “Run to Him” singer Bobby 6. Doctor of Education 7. Celestial intermediary 8. Roman garment 9. More (Spanish) 10. Ear shell 11. Diversify 12. A lofty nest 14. Dinner jackets 17. ___ Dhabi, U.A.E. capital 18. Small terrestrial lizard 20. Unhappy 23. Takes off 24. Mollusk shell lining 25. Socialist Debs’ initials
26. Arrived extinct 29. Atomic #37 30. 17th Greek letter 31. Blue eyed cat 32. Alliance between nations 35. Headquarters 36. Container weight adjustments
38. Chadic language Bura-_____ 40. Tributary of the Seine 41. Length x width 42. A small dent 43. Distribute 44. A gratuity 45. Possessed 46. Overgarment 47. A doctrine
Answer to January 29:
Horoscope First Week of Februar y
ARIES Aries, you are inspired to take on the world, but you may want to focus on smaller goals this week. Finishing a longlingering work project is a viable option. TAURUS Taurus, something does not seem to be falling into place. Take stock of things at home and at work to see if you can crack this nut. A little more investigation many be necessary. Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
Last Sudoku answer -->:
GEMINI You may be offered a professional opportunity this week that is too good to pass up, Gemini. Despite this great offer, do your best to stay focused on work for the next several days.
CANCER Exercise caution and do not jump to any conclusions at work, Cancer. While you may know what your boss expects from you, it is better to wait to hear what he or she has to say. LEO Leo, you can envision exciting adventures ahead, and those times will be here before you know it. Channel your enthusiasm so you can get a head start on planning your adventure. VIRGO Virgo, you have a desire to be different from everyone else this week. It’s good to be original, but don’t stray too far off the beaten path or you may find yourself lost.
LIBRA Libra, a friend may shock you by doing something really outrageous. You do not know what to make of this change in personality, but do your best to take it in stride. SCORPIO Scorpio, work figures to put a lot on your plate in the coming week. You can handle everything that comes your way, so long as you keep your cool and continue to work hard. SAGITTARIUS You may be tempted to sneak off and play hooky from work, Sagittarius. Just make sure you handle all of your obligations first. Now is not the best time to kick up your heels.
CAPRICORN Capricorn, you have so much to do now that your mind may be in a complete jumble. Others will come at you with questions, but take a deep breath and answer them one at a time. AQUARIUS Change is not the best idea right now, Aquarius. It is much better to stick with the status quo for a little while longer. Then you will have enough stability to make a change. PISCES Pisces, you have many new ideas about how to get rich quick, but you will probably want to find more sensible ways to earn a living.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo
Chilly chargers Clockwise from top left: Young racers grin for the camera while resting on their poles at the Nipika / Toby Creek Nordic classic ski loppet held during a chilly day on Saturday, February 1st (Dan Walton photo); the Rockies made for a stunning backdrop for racers of all ages the same day (Dan Walton photo); a competitor in the classic ski event charges up the hill after the start, also on Saturday, February 1st (Brad Kitching photo).
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo A23 d |
Welcom Welcome me to the driver’s seat
Durango is yet another example of what Chrysler is doing right. I enjoyed my entire time with it and so did the rest of the family. Zack Spencer
Visit the Durango gallery at
One bad Durango in a good way The 2014 Dodge Durango test truck was the perfect Christmas treat. This is the perfect kind of vehicle to have when you need to cart around extra kids and family from events like skating parties to Christmas dinners to anything else that needs getting done over the festive season. With three rows of seats and seating for six or seven passengers, the Durango is a large comfortable vehicle for any large family or a family of four that needs to take extra people to soccer or hockey practice. The Durango tester was the top of line Citadel model with a beautiful two-tine interior, large polished wheels and classy looking grille. It was not fitted with winter tires but we had no skiing plans, plus all Durango models come with AWD as standard equipment. Looks I can’t remember the last time a large SUV turned heads but this model had passersby, friends, and family all taking notice. Several neighbours commented on the stylish “racetrack” rear light bar that has migrated from the Dodge Dart and Charger sedans to this big SUV for 2014. Because of standard AWD and other packaging changes, the starting price is higher than direct competitors, the Ford Explorer or Nissan Pathfinder. Both those vehicles have a base model that starts around $30,000, the Durango, in contrast, starts at $39,995 and tops out at $51,995. This Citadel model, with options, is over $60,000. The base model comes nicely equipped with 18-inch wheels, keyless entry and
Bluetooth streaming to name a few. Dodge believes the $43,995 Limited model will be the volume seller thanks to a backup camera with sensors, heated seats over the first two rows and a higher level of interior trim.
take extra passengers regularly, I would opt for the less expensive bench seat that allows room for 7 people inside.
Drive The big update for 2014 is the introduction of an I can’t remember 8-speed automatic transmission to help limit the Inside the last time a large amount of fuel this big Updates to the interior SUV turned heads rig uses. When matched for 2014 include a new to the base 290hp 3.6L steering wheel that conbut this model had V6 the official fuel rating trols two new screens on passersby, friends is 12.4L/100km in the the dash. The first is the and family all taking city and 8.3L on the intuitive and very quick highway. The optional uConnect screen in the notice 5.7L V8 with 360hp uses centre of the console. All Zack Spencer much more fuel and is Durango models, except rated at 15.6L/100km in this top Citadel, get a the city and 9.1L on the 5-inch unit; this trim gets highway. Over two weeks, in almost the 8.3-inch version, which is too bad. 100 per cent city driving and short trips, The second screen is embedded in the I used a whopping 20L/100 in the city. instrument cluster and can be customIf the Durango were allowed to stretch ized. I tried my hand at this but never its legs on the open road that number really mastered it. The biggest selling would have been much better. Handling point for the Durango is the amount of space it offers over three rows for 6 or 7 passengers. My youngest son loved climbing into the third row and could actually stretch out. I even tried it out and can report that adults have plenty of room in any seat. The Citadel model came equipped with a stunning two-tone interior featuring black carpets and tan seats. This contrast won over my wife who wouldn’t have looked twice at a Durango but after the first week she admitted how much she enjoyed the experience. If you
is first rate thanks to a Mercedes-Benz derived platform (GL-Class). There is a good amount of road feel but bigger bumps are eaten up with no fuss. Verdict This latest Durango is yet another example of what Chrysler is doing right. It is loaded with the latest technology, has a class leading 8-speed automatic, attitude and room to spare. I enjoyed my entire time with it and so did the rest of the family, we even gave it a name, “The Badongo” I don’t know why, but it really is one Bad Durango. If I can read the tea leaves for a moment, I would bet the EcoDiesel will be coming to the Durango, hopefully sooner rather then better. The Lowdown Power: 3.6L V6 with 290hp or 5.7L V8 with 360hp Fill-up: 12.2L/8.3L/100km (city/highway V6) Sticker price: $39,995-$51,995
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Question OF THE WEEK:
When shopping do you drive into a parking lot space or back into it? Please explain why you have made that decision.
Go to to submit your answer.
Safety Tip: With road visibility limited at this time of year, it is more important than ever to pay close attention to traffic controllers and be patient when driving through construction zones. They are putting themselves in harm’s way to keep construction workers and all road users safe.
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 The Valley Echo
Mixed media
Media members from predominantly Calgary-based radio and TV stations, newspapers, and travel blogs took part in the valley's first ever Winter Media Weekend. Left: Columbia Valley Tourism Committee chair Amanda Robinson encourages visiting media to Tweet up a storm about the valley's natural assets during a mixer event at Pynelogs on Saturday, February 1st (Greg Amos photo); below: a Calgary TV journalist chats with Max Fanderl during a cross-country ski along the Whiteway on Sunday, February 2nd (Leigh McAdam/ photo).
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