Ladysmith Chronicle, February 11, 2014

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SeaSide Lodge

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New column from Ladysmith Mayor Rob Hutchins P. 6

Serving Ladysmith, Chemainus and area

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Morgan Davis performs food bank benefit P. 13

Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Unit 29 Ladysmith’s new boat takes to the water for the first time in the Ladysmith Harbour Feb. 6. It took three years of fundraising and the assistance of the local communities, marine organizations, mariners and BC Gaming grants for Unit 29 — the second-busiest station on B.C.’s West Coast — to get the new rescue vessel, which was built in Sidney. Find out more about the new boat in next week’s Chronicle. ROSS ARMOUR

SD68 votes to close École Davis Road in June Ross Armour THE CHRONICLE

The doors of École Davis Road Elementary will be slammed shut this June, as School District 68 voted Thursday, Feb. 6 to close the school. Following a special meeting held at Ladysmith Secondary, the school board will now send Davis Road’s French Immersion program to North Oyster Elementary, as of September. North Oyster will now become a dual-track school and remain open. French Immersion students currently enrolled at Davis Road will either have the choice of following the program to North Oyster, or changing to English

track at either Ladysmith Primary director of communications, in “In the last five or six years I’ve or Ladysmith Intermediate. an e-mail to the Chronicle. been on the board, we’ve been Kindergarten to Grade 3 With Davis Road closing, its working to get a new school in students in English track at catchment area will merge Ladysmith,” said trustee Donna Davis Road will now head to with Ladysmith Primary and Allen at the meeting. “Now this either North Oyster or Ladysmith Intermediate so students staying recommendation enables us to Primary, with Grade 4 to 6 in town will have transport fill all the seats to capacity and English students at Davis Road provided as per Board Procedure allows opportunity, through having the choice of Ladysmith 4400. the B.C. Liberal government’s Intermediate or North Oyster. SD68 “will explore policies, for an attempt at a new The move comes after the transportation options, for a school. Some argue that there’s school board also decided to specific transitional period, no money available to fund a send Grade 7 English-track including a user pay system,” for new school, but I think that’s a students to Ladysmith Secondary, Davis Road students moving to defeatist attitude.” leaving North Oyster as the only North Oyster. Ironically, there was a moment K-7 school in the Ladysmith area. “The time for decisive action of hope for distraught Davis Grade 7s-to-be from Davis Road has come,” said board chair Road parents at the meeting as can choose either. Dot Neary at the meeting, after the original recommendation on “The district will do a feasibility a similar meeting on school the agenda, entitled the Senior study about the possibility of reconfiguration in December saw Staff Option, put forward to the Grade 8 French Immersion at key decisions stalled. “Taking no board actually failed. LSS,” said Donna Reimer, SD68’s action is not an option.” That option would have closed

Davis Road in June 2014 but would also have closed North Oyster in June 2015, taking French Immersion to Ladysmith Intermediate. But only Neary, Allen and trustee Jamie Brennan voted for that option with trustees Bill Bard, Nancy Curley, Kim Howland, Bill Robinson, TerryLynn Saunders and Sharon Welch voting against. The motion that passed came about after Howland made an amendment to the senior staff option, turning it into one very similar to Option A provided by the Ladysmith Working Group. As a result, French Immersion will now be taken out of the Town of Ladysmith completely. “Sustainability in Ladysmith is See North Oyster Page 3

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2 Tuesday, February 11, 2014 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3


Couverdon’s application is raising water concerns Lindsay Chung

ownership of the watershed, Judson believes Ladysmith has a water storage problem more than anything. And with the changing landscape, less mature Watershed protection is a key piece timber means less natural filtration. of the boundary extension proposal by “What I always say is we don’t have Couverdon Real Estate and the Town a water shortage — we have a water of Ladysmith, but what exactly does storage shortage,” he said. “When that protection mean? How is Ladysmith snow on Mount Hall melts, it will come owning land around Holland and down in like two weeks, where years Stocking lakes going to protect all ago, it used to be in the timber and drip, of the connected waterways and drip, drip.” lands? Why can’t water be managed Judson also feels that the issue of regionally? watershed access is important, and Those are just some of the questions it all comes down to education and the North Oyster Diamond Ratepayers awareness. Association and the Ladysmith Smits feels strongly that the Sportsmen’s Club are raising about Jack Judson measures the water in Holland the proposal from Couverdon, the real Lake at the end of January. The water watershed should be managed estate division of Ladysmith. If the level was about 30 inches lower than the regionally, not just by each individual municipality, because the waterways proposal, which Ladysmith council usual water line. LINDSAY CHUNG and lands on Vancouver Island are so recently voted to proceed with and connected. send to the provincial government, Judson has seen the water so low. “The thing is it’s all connected,” said goes ahead, Ladysmith would expand “This year is the first time in December city limits to include a 700-acre parcel of I’ve had low water flow because it’s Smits. “Everything’s connected, and land west of the Diamond in exchange been an exceptionally dry year,” he we should be dealing with water on a for Ladysmith gaining title to about 500 said. “We’ve had very little rain. What much broader basis.” Judson’s father, Jack, agrees the acres of TimberWest land adjacent to I am noticing is when I do have rain Stocking and Holland lakes, the town’s and snow, a lot of the old shaded, old- watershed is far more than the land water supply. Couverdon would then growth forested patches that used to around the lakes. “The old argument of protection of seek re-zoning and eventually create hold the snow and let it drip all year a phased development that includes are no longer there, so when I do get the watershed, well, if the town owns 1,500 housing units. any water, I’m getting water at quite this around here, that’s fine and dandy, While they raise many questions, it’s a force. Instead of going through the but there’s some watershed up there the piece around the watershed that timber, it’s just pouring. There’s no where they’re logging,” he said. “All has Dave Judson, president of the retention. It has nothing to do with that drains into this creek. It’s just a Ladysmith Sportsmen’s Club, and the way they’re logging; they’re totally word.” “You can put a fence around it, but the Bob Smits, chair of the North Oyster logging to the Forest Practice Code Diamond Ratepayers Association, and the Private Managed Forest Land best you can do is say you’re protecting most concerned. Act and all that stuff, so there’s nothing the reservoir,” agreed Smits. “You are The Ladysmith Sportsmen’s Club against that, but I’m just noticing the semi-protecting it.” Judson argues that it’s all valuable runs the Bush Creek Hatchery, and this effects of it, especially with a dry year.” was the first December in 23 years that See Watershed Page 4 As the Town moves toward THE CHRONICLE

Jean Crowder MP, Nanaimo-Cowichan Invites you to join her for a public meeting to discuss the proposed Postal Service changes.

Monday, February 17, 2014 at 2 pm Beban Park Lounge 2300 Bowen Road Nanaimo, BC

North Oyster will stay open, offer Immersion From Page 1 complex at best,” said Howland. “I know it seems like we’ve focused on the south end of town but there’s a lot of other schools that have closed in the district as well. It’s not an easy decision and Ladysmith council have been caught between a rock and a hard place doing what’s best for the community.” Howland believes keeping North Oyster open is key as it provides parents with choice. “We have limited funding, so to keep a strong public education system, we need to create choice. I see French Immersion as a choice program and if the parents would like their child to take part in it, they will. By moving it to North Oyster, it allows a choice for Cedar too

and ther’s reasons to believe a dual track system will work in a rural community.” Saunders was on the same page as Howland. “I believe strongly that parents choose French Immersion for a reason,” said Saunders. “I believe if the parents are serious about it, they’ll find a way to get their kids to North Oyster. “Davis Road has great parents who support their kids, they have wonderful teachers and the French Immersion program there is very successful. That’s not going to go away and I believe they will make French Immersion successful no matter where they go. “Davis Road is a bad facility and I’ve heard from parents in Cedar who’d like to see French Immersion in North Oyster so they

don’t have to go as far. This is basically Option A provided by the working group. It shows enrolment at three (elementary) schools (in the Ladysmith area) and they would be close to capacity or over capacity. That’s the goal of school boards.” Allen was also satisfied with the amendment. “There’s very good reasons why the French Immersion program would succeed at North Oyster,” she said. “I hope the people in Cedar take advantage of what is a lovely little school.” Neary wanted the original motion to pass but was content nonetheless. “North Oyster is a geographically remote school. It has a history of poor enrolment for a reason or a reason

not known to us. But with my first choice off the table, I’m willing to be pragmatic. Nothing would please me more than to see the French Immersion program work there, but if it doesn’t work out as we’re hoping, there will be repercussions down the road,” said Neary. The final and crucial motion that passed was only voted against by Brennan who said the inevitable closure of Davis Road would result in overcrowding at the other two Ladysmith elementary schools. “It’s unacceptable to call this improving the educational environment,” said Brennan. The evening came to a close with upset Davis Road advocates jeering the board as it unanimously passed the closure bylaw for

the school. Trustees also decided not to provide busing for Cedar students coming to Ladysmith Secondary School in September. See next week’s Chronicle for more information about that decision.

Special Resolutions for the Mid Island Co-op 55th Annual General Meeting Member-owners wishing to put forth a special resolution at this year’s Annual General Meeting must forward it in writing before April 2nd, 2014 to:

THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MID ISLAND CO-OP UNIT #103-2517 BOWEN ROAD NANAIMO, BC V9T 3L2 The 55th Annual General Meeting will be held Wednesday May 14th, 2014. Beban Park Social Centre at 7:00PM

Administration Office: 103-2517 Bowen Road, Nanaimo Phone: (250) 729-8400 Fax: (250) 729-8426

4 Tuesday, February 11, 2014 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle


Of an Alternative Approval Process for a Proposed Extension of Town Boundaries Notice is hereby given that under section 86 (Alternative Approval Process) of the Community Charter and section 20 of the Local Government Act, the Council of the Town of Ladysmith intends to petition the Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development requesting an extension of the area of the municipality to include the following described lands:

Watershed protection questioned

Couverdon’s from Page 3 more studies. watershed, not just the drinking “I don’t think they need to go to water, and it all needs to be co- the effort of buying and locking operatively managed. the watershed,” said Judson. Judson is concerned that “Some efforts to educate the “watershed protection” is a very public and co-operatively manage grey area. it should be the first step. Let’s “I want to know what protecting do some studies, studies on the the watershed means,” he said. water effects for five years, and “What does it mean, buying it all? slow those developments down There’s no way we can own it a bit and see if we have enough all; all of Vancouver Island is a water, or let’s find out if we need a watershed, all water systems need bigger reservoir prior to doing the to be protected and conserved.” development.” Judson is in favour of slowing Smits agrees, noting Couverdon down the process between has said development would take Ladysmith and Couverdon to do more than 20 years.

See Inset Map

Town of Ladysmith

Notice of Public Hearing Inset Map

The rationale for the proposed boundary extension is to achieve three criteria: 1. Acquisition of watershed lands (both Stocking Lake and Holland Lake) to protect the drinking water that supplies the Town, the Diamond and Saltair and the proposed service to Stz’uminus First Nation. 2. Viewscape protection of the forested hills behind Ladysmith. 3. Any development of the boundary extension lands (283 hectares) must employ Smart Growth Practices and support the Town’s Sustainability Vision. ALTERNATIVE APPROVAL PROCESS AND ELIGIBILITY The municipality may proceed with the boundary extension request unless at least ten percent of municipal electors indicate that a referendum must be held by submitting a signed Elector Response Form to the Ladysmith City Hall no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2014. Elector Response Forms must be in the form established by the Town of Ladysmith, and only those persons who qualify as electors of the municipality are entitled to sign Elector Response Forms. Forms may be submitted in person at City Hall, through the mail, by fax to 250-245-6411 or via email to Resident Elector – You are entitled to submit an Elector Response Form as a resident elector if you are age 18 or older on the day of submission, are a Canadian citizen, have lived in B.C. for at least six months, and have been a resident of the Town of Ladysmith for the past 30 days or more. Non-Resident Elector – You are entitled to submit an Elector Response Form as a nonresident property elector if you are age 18 or older on the day of submission, are a Canadian citizen, have lived in B.C. for at least six months, have owned and held registered title to a property in the Town of Ladysmith for the past 30 days or more, and do not qualify as a resident elector. NOTE: Only one non-resident property elector may submit an Elector Response Form per property, regardless of how many owners there may be. If less than ten percent (623) of municipal electors submit an Elector Response Form, the boundary extension request will be deemed to have the approval of the electors, and the proposal may proceed to the Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development for consideration. For the purpose of conducting the alternative approval opportunity, the number of electors is calculated as 6,226. Elector Response Forms are available at the following locations: • Ladysmith City Hall, 410 Esplanade, Ladysmith, BC • Town of Ladysmith Development Services Office, 132 Roberts St., Ladysmith, BC • Frank Jameson Community Centre, 810 Sixth Ave., Ladysmith, BC • Vancouver Island Regional Library – Ladysmith Branch, #3 - 740 First Ave., Ladysmith, BC between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. weekdays. Additional information and the elector response form is available on the Town’s website at Please call City Hall at 250-245-6400 if you have any questions about the proposed boundary extension or Alternative Approval Process. This is the second of two publications of this notice in a newspaper. Sandy Bowden Director of Corporate Services/Corporate Officer Town of Ladysmith

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held on MONDAY February 17, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers, 410 Esplanade, Ladysmith, British Columbia to consider the following amendments to “Official Community Plan 2003, No. 1488” and “Town of Ladysmith Zoning Bylaw 1995, No. 1160”, as amended: BYLAWS: “Official Community Plan Bylaw 2003, No. 1488, Amendment Bylaw (No. 42), 2014, No. 1843” “Town of Ladysmith Zoning Bylaw 1995, No. 1160, Amendment Bylaw (No. 96), 2014, No. 1844” In general terms, the purpose of Bylaw 1843 is to amend the Official Community Plan by designating the subject property as ‘Single Family Residential’ and to remove Development Permit Area 4 (DPA 4) from the property. The property is currently designated ‘Multi-Family Residential’. In general terms, the purpose of Bylaw 1844 is to amend the Zoning Bylaw by placing the ‘Medium Density Urban Residential Zone (R-1-A)’ on the subject property to permit single family residential dwelling use. The land that is the subject of Bylaw 1843 and Bylaw 1844 is described and shown cross hatched on the map below. SUBJECT PROPERTY: Lot A, District Lot 43, Oyster District, Plan EPP12594 (Holland Creek Place)

All persons who deem their interest in property affected by the proposed bylaws will be offered a reasonable opportunity to be heard or present written submissions respecting matters contained within the bylaws at the Public Hearing. The above Bylaws may be inspected at City Hall, 410 Esplanade, Ladysmith, British Columbia from Monday through Friday, January 31, 2014 – February 17, 2014, during normal office hours (9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) excluding statutory holidays. Felicity Adams Director of Development Services

Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, February 11, 2014 5

Off-leash or on-leash? That is the question A recommendation from the Parks, Recration and Culture Commission about making Holland Creek Trail an on-leash area could still come to Ladysmith council Ross Armour the chronicle

The prospect of making the Holland Creek Trail an onleash area for dogs continues to cause a stir at the Ladysmith council table. At the Feb. 3 council meeting, Coun. Bill Drysdale introduced a motion as chair of the Municipal Services Committee which would see the idea of making the Holland Creek Trail on-leash The idea of making Holland Creek Trail an on-leash be referred to the area continues to cause debate at the Ladysmith Parks, Recreation and Council table. File Photo Culture Commission. The motion We’re jumping the out then I’d be thrilled read: “That the gun and it’s unfair to to see it go to Parks c o r r e s p o n d e n c e 99.9 per cent of dog and Rec,” she said. received from Shawn owners.” Horth duly backed O’Toole regarding Horth’s open Dashwood up. the establishment dissatisfaction seemed “We’re acting as an of Holland Creek to work, as the motion executioner here. Trail as an area failed. We’ve got one letter where dogs must be With Coun. Steve going in and we say leashed be referred Arnett absent, ‘lets leash them.’ This to parks, Recereation Councillors Jillian is the wrong way to go and Culture Dashwood and Glenda about it,” said Horth. Commission and that Patterson supported Duck Paterson didn’t the Commission be Horth in opposition, agree. requested to consider leaving Mayor Rob “I’m wondering if the Committee’s Hutchins, Coun. Duck we’d be having this recommendation that Paterson and Drysdale discussion if it was a the Holland Creek voting in favour. three year-old that was Trail be deemed an onA tied vote means a injured. It’s already leash area.” failed motion, and that gone to Parks and Rec O’Toole had written didn’t sit too well with anyway,” he said. a letter of complaint the mayor. Paterson is council’s to council claiming he “Should we wait for Parks, Recreation and was bitten by an out-of- another dog bite to look Culture Commission control dog on the trail. at a safety issue? I’m representative and Opposition to the not comfortable with what he was referring motion was instigated this. It’s irresponsible to was the fact that by Coun. Gord Horth for us not to send this he’d already brought who was notably to Parks and Rec to up the issue at a Parks absent at the respective say to them to have a and Rec meeting prior Municipal Services look at it,” bemoaned to the council meeting. Committee meeting Hutchins, who also “If a person is injured, where O’Toole’s letter suggested a yellow there is potential for came forward. ribbon campaign action against the “I was very surprised which would see Town,” he said. “We at this motion,” said unfriendly dogs wear did the right thing to a disgruntled Horth. the ribbons to alarm ask the people to look “It’s disrespectful to trail users. at the trail.” the vast majority Dashwood was That didn’t sit too of responsible dog uncomfortable with well with Horth either. owners. I’ve ran the the wording of the “There are many trail with Shawn many motion. other solutions to times and we’ve never “To suggest to them this. Pushing in one had a dog problem. (Parks and Rec) that direction is unfair to We’re moving too we want on-leash as many dog owners. quickly without the outcome, I don’t Bikes fly by and knock proper consultation agree with. I would people over, but we’re ... This should be an like to see ‘deemed an not going to ban the enforcement issue. on-leash area’ taken bikes,” said Horth.

“Perhaps we should talk to our animal enforcement officer. I don’t like the wording,

and let’s wait for a recommendation to come forward from Parks and Rec.”

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6 Tuesday, February 11, 2014 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle



Many questions raised about Couverdon


“Everybody — male, female, white, black — gets the blues sometimes.” Morgan Davis, Page 13


fter attending the special council meeting regarding Couverdon Real Estate’s boundary extension proposal at the end of January, it seems like a lot of the opposition to the proposal comes from residents feeling like they don’t have enough information. People have unanswered questions, and during that meeting, a number of people expressed a wish for Ladysmith council to slow down the process. Couverdon, the real estate division of TimberWest Forest Corporation, has submitted an application to the Town of Ladysmith to extend the Town boundaries to include about 700 acres of TimberWest land northwest of Town. Council agreed to proceed with the application and submit to the Province, and by proceeding with Couverdon’s application, council has initiated an Alternative Approval Process for the proposal (you can find information about the process in the ad on Page 4). If the boundary extension is approved, the land would need to be re-zoned, and TimberWest has said if everything is approved, development would take place in stages over 30-40 years. That has led people to argue that if this is a long-term plan, there is time to get more people involved in the process, provide more information and conduct opinion surveys. Questions raised at the recent meeting brought up important issues such as watershed protection, the effect this proposal will have on property taxes, and the Town’s ability to accommodate an increase in demand for sewer and water. Hopefully some questions will be answered when Couverdon holds a drop-in open house Wednesday, Feb. 26 from 5-8:30 p.m. at Ladysmith Eagles Hall. If you have questions, concerns or comments, this is a great opportunity to hear directly from Couverdon about the boundary extension and plans for subsequent development and make your voice heard. —Lindsay Chung

Question of the Week

Mayor Hutchins offers community update

Ladysmith Matters — A Community Update

Are you disappointed in the school district’s decision regarding École Davis Road?

Mayor Rob Hutchins Couverdon/TimberWest Boundary Expansion The Town of Ladysmith has been asked to consider a boundary expansion to incorporate approximately 700 acres of land that lie west of our community. A single property owner, TimberWest, owns these lands. Couverdon, the real estate arm of TimberWest, first approached the community in 2008. This proposal has been in the media and a matter of discussion at a variety of public meetings over the past six years. Town Council has placed

Vote online at This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of website visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here. The Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R-2R2. For information phone 1-888-687-2213 or go to

the following conditions on this proposal: a. Watershed Protection — Approximately 500 acres of private forest lands within the Stocking and Holland Lake Watershed to be turned over to the community. b. Viewscape Protection — Private forest lands on the hillsides behind Ladysmith to be harvested in such a manner as to minimize impact on views c. Smart Growth — Any development considered for the 700 acres must incorporate Provincial Smart Growth Guidelines. Town Council has initiated a public approval process. In the near future, you will be able to find details on the proposal on both the Couverdon website www. and the Town of Ladysmith website at The Alternative Approval Process Elector Response Form and a Fact Sheet about the proposal will also be available online or at City Hall, the Frank Jameson

Chronicle The

Publications Mail Agreement 40010318 Subscriptions: Regular $32, Seniors $27

940 Oyster Bay Drive PO Box 400, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A3

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

small mountain (over 1,000 tonnes) of woody debris in the middle of Slack Point, awaiting removal. MOE staff are actively seeking a site for the wood waste, but to date we have not been provided with a timeline for removal. Peerless Recycling Centre The re-constructed and greatly expanded Cowichan Valley Regional District Peerless Road Recycling Centre is expected to be open by the end of February. This $4.2-million project involved: containing and capping over 45,000 tonnes of ash from the old incinerator, building two new scales and a scale house (no need to get out of your vehicle to pay), re-constructing the old incinerator building, and installing over 20 easy drop-off, at grade-level bin sites (no more heavy lifting up into a bin). This dramatic face-lift and the expanded disposal options will prove to be an excellent addition to our community.

Publisher/Advertising ................... Teresa McKinley

Since 1908

Phone - 250-245-2277 Fax - 250-245-2230 Classifieds 1-855-310-3535

Community Centre, or at our Development Services Office at the corner of Second Avenue and Roberts Street. Finally, Demolition of the Barge on Slack Point The World War II-vintage floating dry docks have continued to be a challenge to the communities of Ladysmith and Chemainus for over half a decade. Of the five original large barges that made up the dry docks, three have now sunk in the waters near Chemainus, one still remains afloat in Chemainus, and one, under the direction of the Ministry of the Environment (MOE), was towed to Slack Point and pulled partially ashore for the purpose of demolition. Slack Point, legally known as water lot 16G, is owned by the Crown. The barge has now been demolished. Unfortunately, much to the frustration and disappointment of many citizens who visit our waterfront, there now is a

Editor ................................................ Lindsay Chung Reporter ............................................... Ross Armour

Vol. 105, #28, 2014

Office / Accounts / Circulation .. Colleen Wheeler Production Manager......................... Douglas Kent

Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, February 11, 2014 7



Public consultation for Canada Post coming up Feb. 17 in Nanaimo

Your View

Editor: Canadians got a lump of coal this Christmas when Canada Post announced it was going to end door-to-door home delivery. Although the number of letters Canada Post delivers is declining each year, the number of parcels it delivers is actually going up. So why has Canada Post decided to cut jobs, reduce services, and increase prices? It claims it has to take these steps now to guarantee its future even though it is a profitable company. In 16 of the last 17 years, Canada Post ran at a profit, generating a 1.7-billion-dollar surplus. The only year it didn’t generate a profit was the year Canada Post decided to lock out its employees. And it also had PHOTO SUBMITTED to make one-time payments to Rob Kernachan took this photo on Maple Mountain earlier this year. If you have any photos you’d like to share meet its pay equity obligations with us, please send them to in that same year. It just reinforces to me that On Jan. 28, New Democrats as Money Mart to access funds Service Changes — an open and are paying enormously community consultation — will I will shop locally whenever I used their Opposition Day to high interest rates. France’s La be held Monday, Feb. 17 from 2-3 can. debate the following motion: “That, in the opinion of the Banque Postale, New Zealand’s p.m. in the Beban Social Centre Kay Rogerson House, door-to-door mail Kiwibank and Switzerland’s Lounge at 2300 Bowen Rd. in PostFinance all provide banking Nanaimo. All are welcome. Ladysmith delivery is a valuable service Subscribe toand thus increase their services Subscribe to provided by Canada Post, and Jean Crowder that this House express its profit and revenue. There is no reason why Canada Post cannot Nanaimo-Cowichan MP 250-245-2277 opposition to Canada becoming 250-245-2277 doing the same. Includes the only country in the G7 $ consider Includes online $ “This would mean competitive online access without such a service.” access Our first speaker was Olivia new banking services for Chow, who focused on an Canadians, giving diversity of and reaching people who opportunity I know manyClassifi small choice eds fall through the cracks. At the communities would welcome: Sell! “If we look at other models same time, it would generate around the world—other revenue and stability that would Editor: models in the G7 where every boost and strengthen Canada country still provides door-to- Post and support our postal I’d like to give a big thank you door delivery in urban areas services.” I encourage you to go to www. to Nancy at Nancy’s Fashion & while facing the same challenges as Canada Post—we see there and look for the Furnishings in Ladysmith. I was looking for an item for is an excellent business case Debates on Jan. 28 to read other a Christmas gift and could not for the return of postal banking, ideas for our postal service. And I also hope you will find it anywhere from Nanaimo providing services and meeting consider coming to a public to Duncan. needs not met by the traditional meeting to discuss the proposed Nancy not only found a place Subscribe to banking sector. Call our changes and to share your ideas that supplied them, but went “According to the Canadian Classifedon how Canada Post can remain and bought them for me. Centre for Policy Alternatives, Department 250-245-2277 a vital and important public I really appreciate all the one million Canadians do not Includes $ services. effort she went to and the great online have banking They rely service for all Canadians. access The Public Meeting on Postal customer service she gave. 1-855-310-3535 on payday loan companies such



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Government Contacts LOCAL: Rob Hutchins Mayor, Ladysmith 250-245-6403 Jon Lefebure Mayor, North Cowichan 250-746-3100 REGIONAL: Mary Marcotte, CVRD North Oyster-Diamond Director 250-245-8339 Mel Dorey, CVRD Saltair/ Gulf Islands Director 250-245-2116 PROVINCIAL: Doug Routley, MLA, Nanaimo-North Cowichan 250-245-9375 douglas.routley.mla@leg. FEDERAL: Jean Crowder MP, Nanaimo-Cowichan 1-866-609-9998

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All letters to the editor must be signed and include your full name, hometown and contact number. Letters are encouraged to be 300 words, and priority is given to local writers and local issues. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit letters for brevity, clarity and legal reasons. Photos for your view must include the photographer’s name. Send them in: Mail: 940 Oyster Bay Dr., PO Box 400, Ladysmith, B.C., V9G 1A3 Fax:250-245-2230 E-mail: editor@

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, February 11, 2014 9

Get Ready to TIDES Rent with free six-week course


Wednesday, February 12 to Tuesday, February 18 Tides measured in meters


Having some trouble finding or keeping rental housing? Starting this month, the free Ready to Rent course can help you overcome many of the problems you are coming up against. Joy Emmanuel, who works with Affordable Housing with Social Planning Cowichan, which is sponsoring the course, says the six-week Ready to Rent program is all about learning how to be a better tenant. “It’s a lot of information presented in an interactive way with a number of speakers coming in,” she said. “We are finding people who have taken the course are having some success in finding rentals, and landlords are looking for people who have taken the course.” Emmanuel says the course, which begins Monday, Feb. 17 in Ladysmith, is meant to help people who are coming across challenges in finding or maintaining good rental situations, such as someone who is renting but not feeling comfortable with their landlord. “It covers what your rights are as a tenant,” she explained. “It’s learning about what a landlord can ask of you and also what is expected of you. Also, one of the things we find is really helpful is people come out of the course with a personal portfolio. When they go to speak to a landlord, they can come in with a package with their references; it’s a way to present yourself to a landlord as someone they’ll feel comfortable renting

to. I have spoken to a landlord who said having someone come in and present a package like this was a breath of fresh air, and she felt totally comfortable with this person renting her unit.” The course also covers financial management and covers topics such as how to get a credit check done, budgeting and figuring out what your needs are and what you can afford. Speakers come in to discuss fire and safety as well, and Emmanuel says it’s a good opportunity for people to bring in any rental forms they may have questions about, as someone will be able to help them. “It’s pretty packed full of information,” said Emmanuel, noting it’s a great course for people who are new to renting, as it helps them learn what to expect. “Overall, the program is for people who are finding challenges in being able to secure rental housing. They also learn about some of the resources within the community that might be useful — that’s another piece.” Graduates receive a Ready to Rent Certificate, which is recognized by landlords. The upcoming Ready to Rent course runs Mondays from 2-4 p.m. at the Ladysmith Resources Centre at 630 Second Ave., from Feb. 17 to March 24. Refreshments will be served, and registration is free. To register for the course, call Cindy at 250-245-3079. For more information, visit www.readytorentbc. net.

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LSS student aims to collect 1,000 pairs of jeans for the homeless Ross Armour

with a jeans drive for the homeless. the chronicle “I looked on stuLike the majority d e n t a w a r d s . c o m of other high school and came across it,” students in their said Osmond. “Aerograd year, Courtney postale is running it, Osmond is bidding and they’re trying for scholarships to to raise one million lead her into post- pairs of jeans. It’s secondary educa- going on throughout Canada.” tion. Osmond is aimBut the Ladysmith Secondary School ing to collect 1,000 graduate-to-be is pairs of jeans and combining her schol- then submit them to arship applications Aeropostale in the hopes of receiving grants not only for herself, but for the you to our school as well. “I’m eligible to win grant and I’ve also the school a $5,000 applied for a $4,000

Courtney Osmond stands beside the display of 603 jeans that have been collected so far at LSS. Osmond is hoping to collect 1,000 pairs by Friday, Feb. 14. Ross Armour

scholarship that will nursing,” she said. help me get into my “I’m at 603 pairs of jeans so far so I’m really close.” A glass box currently sits just inside the main entrance of the high school with the hundreds of jeans, already accumulated, crammed tightly inside. The box has been acting as the public storage space for all the jeans. Once Osmond sends them all in, Do you know of a minor hockey 10 lucky minor hockey her fate will be left team who deserves to attend the in the hands of the 2014 Tim Hortons NHL Heritage teams from BC will each Aeropostale gods. Classic, Sunday, March 2 in She has been acVancouver? Anyone can enter on receive 25 tickets… tively spreading the behalf of their favourite BC minor word of her collechockey team. tion across the comSubmit an entry by telling munity in an attempt us how hockey, your team to gain as many or a favourite player has pairs of jeans for her good cause. inspired you. “I put posters up all around town and talked to people in Nanaimo as well and also made statuses [on social media] to make people aware of it.” Her competition for the pending scholarships will come from far and wide. Encourage everyone to enter and increase your odds of winning in the “I’m up against all random draw. Include a photo if you want – perhaps from your own of Canada, but they hockey days, or a team photo or show us how excited your team would be to win 25 tickets to the Heritage Classic. Players, coaches, friends [Aeropostale] didn’t and family can enter on behalf of a BC minor hockey team. give me an exact number of where Hurry – contest closes midnight Feb. 21, 2014 . . . go to the Chronicle’s website people are at, so I and click on contests just have to hope.”


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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, February 11, 2014 11

Rediscover your harbour during Heritage Afloat Lindsay Chung THE CHRONICLE

If heritage floats your boat, you’ll want to be at the Ladysmith Maritime Society (LMS) Community Marina next Saturday for Heritage Afloat, a special all-ages event to mark Heritage Week. Heritage Afloat will take place Saturday, Feb. 22 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the LMS Community Marina and will be presented The Ladysmith Maritime Society’s “car shop” will be open and will offer by the LMS and the demonstrations of heritage vessel restoration during Heritage Afloat Saturday, Town of Ladysmith’s Feb. 22 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. PHOTO SUBMITTED Heritage Revitalization Advisory Commission. Expo Building at 610 will discuss harbour On the docks, people C o m m u n i t i e s Oyster Bay Dr. will industries such as coal will be able to go in B.C. celebrate feature a wide variety exports, logging and onboard a number of Heritage Week each of activities for all oyster harvesting. vessels, and both the year, beginning on ages. The “car shop” Ladysmith Maritime National Heritage Day “It’s really kind of like where people restore Museum and the — the third Monday an open house here,” their heritage boats shed that houses the of February. This year, explained Rod Smith, will be open, and heritage boats will be Heritage Week takes the LMS business Smith says people will open. place Feb. 17-23, and manager. be demonstrating the There will be a the theme celebrates Smith says there will art of heritage vessel chance to see restored B.C. communities that be a lot of maritime restoration during the heritage boats such as have thrived along art and many people day. the Saravan tug boat our waterways to and speaking Subscribe about In the old and the 29-foot C. A. harbours. maritime heritage amphitheatre on Kirkegard, a classic Heritage Afloat at throughout the day. Oyster Bay Drive, wooden crew boat. 250-245-2277 the LMS Community The Harbour there will be model There will be a Includes Marina $and inonline and Heritage Centre will ship building for display of student access around the historic be open, and speakers children. marine-themed art

in the Marine Visitor Reception Centre, and Smith says there will also be maritime music on the dock. Between 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., the restored Maritimer will be offering guided harbour tours every half-hour, by donation.

During the day, there will be a chance to see Stz’uminus First Nation canoes, carving and art displays and to hear stories of early life on our shores. If you get hungry or thirsty, there will be coffee, tea and snacks in the Marine Visitor

Reception Centre, and the Ladysmith Rotary Club will be running a concession. Money raised from the food sales will go to Rotary’s PolioPlus Fund as part of a world event to celebrate 108 years of Rotary working to eradicate polio.

Thank You ... Thank you to our advertisers and subscribers; your financial contribution through your ads and subscriptions are vital to, and directly connected to, our ability to provide quality editorial coverage and support to our community.


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12 Tuesday, February 11, 2014 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle |

Welcome to the driver’s seat

Honda knows how to make a good, solid car—and for 2014—things just got a little more interesting. Zack Spencer

Visit the 2014 Honda Civic gallery at

From rather ordinary to rather extraordinary Tampa, Florida – Being the best at something is an achievement, and doing it repeatedly is impressive. The Honda Civic’s 16-year streak as the best selling passenger car in Canada is nothing short of astounding. For the introduction the 2014 Civic, Honda chose usually sunny and hot Tampa, to introduce their latest update. It was sunny but anything from hot, with overnight temperatures near freezing. Honda has been improving the Civic continuously since the 7th generation model was introduced as a 2012 model. Last year, for 2013, they updated the styling, handling and interior of the 2013 model and now for 2014 they are at it again. Looks The styling focus for 2014 is on the coupe. Roughly 15 per cent of all Civics are sold as a coupe, the most dominant player in the small coupe market. Last year, this sedan received updates to the front and rear styling to help make it look more upscale and sophisticated, and this year the coupe gets a similar update to the front and back, but the changes are meant to provide a sportier look with a bit more aggression. The most aggressive version of both

the sedan and coupe is the SI model that gets an even more forceful grille and front bumper design plus a rear spoiler and lower air diffuser. Wheel sizes have also changed with the regular coupe receiving 16-inch wheels, up from 15-inches, and the SI now bumps the size from 17-inches to 18-inches.

addition, the front seats are very supportive and the steering wheel is low and small for a racy feel. What is new for both the sedan and this coupe is the introduction of Display Audio system that is available From fuel on the EX and Touring economy to reliability, models. This is a large iPad-like touch-screen resale value, cost design that lets the driver of ownership and access many functions Inside sportiness the 2014 from the radio to apps One of the reasons that Honda Civic is a good that piggyback off your the Civic is the best iPhone. (No Android apps selling car in Canada is choice yet but they are working the practical, yet sporty Zack Spencer on this.) This taps into the interior in both the sedan power of your phone, in and coupe. Many people, the big screen, with full including me, didn’t integration. I liked the speed and funcinitially like the split dash with the tion of the design but really missed a speedometer on the top and the tarotary dial to adjust the volume over a chometer on the bottom, but over time touch screen volume design. Yes, there this design has proven to be a winner. is a volume control on the steering I was wrong. The split design now wheel but one next to the radio would incorporates more information to see complete the package. without having to take your eyes off the road. The trip computer and other Drive functions like radio station information Honda has made one small change are just below the front window. In and one big change to help with fuel



economy. The small one is the exhaust system has been adjusted in both the sedan and coupe to let the engine breath better, improving horsepower slightly from 140hp to 143hp. The big change is the introduction of an inhouse continuously variable transmission (CVT), replacing the old 5-speed automatic. This actually makes this little car more drivable and might be the best CVT on the market. The car snaps away from a stop and cruises with ease on the highway, with quick changes

in the gear ratio that helps mimic a conventional automatic design. In addition, there is a sport mode and paddle shifters on the steering wheel to help liven things up. Honda has done a first rate job here and their efforts have been rewarded with a six per cent improvement in city fuel economy and an overall drop from 6.2L/100km combined to 6.0L, something very hard to do with such a small car. The driving dynamics of the Civic has always been very good due to a fully independent suspension and willing engine. The 143hp is a nice match for this car and the CVT is a great complement. The 5-speed manual is a blast to drive but it could use a 6th gear on the highway, as the high-revving engine can get noisy. The steering is crisp and the car overall instills a high level of confidence. Verdict Honda admits that their Civic might not be the top choice in every reason to buy a compact car but they are near the top in all categories. From fuel economy to reliability, resale value, cost of ownership and sportiness this car is a good choice. The many improvements made to the car over the past three-model-years, has taken the Civic from rather ordinary to rather extraordinary. They know how to make a good, solid, reliable car and for 2014t hings just got a little bit more interesting. The Lowdown Power: 1.8L 4-cylinder with 143hp or 2.4L with 205hp Fill-up: 6.7L/5.0L/100km (city/highway) Sticker price: $15,690-$26,655


Should all new drivers be required to take a course with a driving school before taking a road test? Please explain why you have made that decision.



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Safety Tip: B.C.’s Family Day offers many of us the first chance of taking a long weekend away. If you’re taking a road trip with your family, it’s a good idea to plan your rest stops ahead of time to avoid feeling fatigued behind the wheel and to give the kids a chance to burn off their energy.

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, February 11, 2014 13

A&E Davis’ blues will help the food bank



Blues fans will soon have the chance to enjoy a top-notch performance and support a good cause when Juno Awardwinning musician Morgan Davis performs in Ladysmith in support of the local food bank. Davis is a lifelong blues player with 43 years of making music under his belt. Born in Detroit, Davis moved to Toronto in 1968 before settling for good in Nova Scotia in 2000. He’ll be on Vancouver Island in February for a vacation, and before he makes his way back home, he’s donating his time to Subscribe to help raise funds for the Ladysmith Food Bank. “There has never 250-245-2277 been a benefit that I’ve Includes turned $down,” online said access Davis. “It’s just part of


giving back to people.” Davis, an accomplished blues musician, has played countless benefit shows over the years, for everything from tsunami relief to old folks’ homes. Though his career is littered with awards and accolades — including the 2004 Juno for Best Blues Album — Davis’ fondest memories are of times he watched, opened for, met and performed alongside musicians whose work he admires. One of the standout moments of his life occurred when, as a young musician, he had the chance to meet Muddy Waters. The blues legend was just sitting around following a show, said Davis, and friends encouraged him to go up and say hello. “They said, ‘You should go for it. You

could talk to Muddy black — gets the blues 400 people each week Waters.’ I was just sometimes,” he said. — 38 per cent of whom dumb at 22 and I told Blues music, he are children. him how much I loved added, is a way to Though the food his music.” address those tough bank typically takes For more than four times without “feeling in plenty of donations decades, Davis has sorry for yourself.” over the Christmas spent much of his time For Davis’ Ladysmith season, donations on the road, travelling show, which takes often decline as the across Canada, the U.S. place Friday, Feb. 21 at weather improves. and Europe, playing In the Beantime Café, Co-ordinator Jacquie his music wherever he audience members can Stewart said that the goes. It’s a life he loves expect to be treated benefit concert, which and one he intends to to plenty of traditional was arranged by lead for as long as he blues music. But, said Richard Hill of Yellow can. Davis, each show is Point Lodge, came “I’m a pretty lucky different and he likes as a huge, welcome guy. I’ve travelled all to read the crowd, see surprise. over the place. I would what they’re enjoying “We, the food bank, never have been able and choose his music are in awe that do all of this without accordingly. As a result, [Davis] will donate my music,” said Davis. each show is tailored to a performance to us. Juno Award-winning blues musician Morgan Davis In many ways, the the specific audience. This is unbelievable,” is performing a benefit for the Ladysmith Food Bank Feb. 21 at In The Beantime. PHOTO SUBMITTED blues lends itself to a Tickets for the Feb. 21 she said. life on the road, and performance are $10 for Davis, part of blues’ for the show or $25 for NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING magic is in its gritty, the show and dinner. OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT salt-of-the-earth roots. Tickets are available at “It’s real music that In the Beantime Café, BYLAW No. 3783 reflects real life. and all door proceeds ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW No. 3784 It’s not maudlin. It will be donated to Applicable to Electoral Area G – Saltair/Gulf Islands celebrates the ups and the Ladysmith Food NOTICE is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held as follows to consider the downs. Everybody — Bank, which feeds above noted Amendment Bylaws: male, female, white, approximately 350 to DATE: Wednesday, February 19, 2014

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PLACE: Mount Brenton Centre 3850 South Oyster School Road Saltair, BC TIME: 7:00 p.m. Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3783 proposes to amend Electoral Area G – Saltair/Gulf Islands Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2500 in order to establish development guidelines for small lot local commercial uses and to add a new policy to the Official Community Plan to allow parcel sizes of less than 0.4 hectares for small lot local commercial zones that exclude residential uses, if connected to a community water system and “Type 3” or “Class A” sewer system. Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3784 proposes to amend Electoral Area G – Saltair/ Gulf Islands Zoning Bylaw No. 2524 by creating a new Small Lot Local Commercial (C-2A) Zone and rezoning part of Lot 2, District Lot 31, Oyster District, Plan VIP88492 (shaded below) from Local Commercial (C-2) to Small Lot Local Commercial (C-2A).






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The purpose of Amendment Bylaws No. 3783 and 3784 is to permit a part of the subject property to be developed and subdivided for a small lot commercial development. At the public hearing, all persons who deem their interests affected by the proposed amendments will be afforded an opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions on matters contained therein, before representatives of the Regional Board. Prior to the public hearing, written comments on the Bylaws may be faxed to 250-746-2621, e-mailed to, or mailed and/or deposited at the Regional District offices up to 4:30 p.m. on the day of hearing. For further information, please call Rob Conway, Manager, Planning & Development Department at 250-746-2620. The public hearing is to be held by Director M. Dorey, Director M. Marcotte and Director I. Morrison as delegates of the Board. A copy of the proposed Bylaws, the resolution delegating the holding of the public hearing, and other documents that may be considered by the Board in determining whether to adopt the Bylaws are available for public inspection at the Regional District Planning & Development Department office, 175 Ingram Street, Duncan, BC, from Tuesday, February 4, 2014, to Wednesday, February 19, 2014, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Monday, February 10, 2014, being the Family Day statutory holiday. A copy of the bylaws and supporting material may also be viewed on the CVRD website at the following address:

COWICHAN VALLEY Phone: (250) 746-2500 REGIONAL DISTRICT Fax: (250) 746-2513 175 Ingram Street,

Email: Website:

14 Tuesday, February 11, 2014 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

The Great Plains return to Chemainus for the love of music Staff Writer

The Great Plains return to Chemainus for a Valentine’s concert Feb. 15. Photo Submitted

they’re back for a Valentine’s concert the chronicle Saturday, Feb. 15 at 2 For the love of music, p.m. at the Chemainus The Great Plains are Seniors Drop In Centre. “Get ready to enjoy a returning to Chemainus to celebrate Valentine’s heart-warming evening of music, merriment, Day. mayhem, as The Great Plains — and Saskia and Darrel — Saskia and Darrel were in Chemainus for deliver a wonderful a concert with Gary blend of folk music, an Fjellgaard two years unpredictable series ago, and this weekend, of songs that change

every night,” states a press release. “They delight their audience with tales about Louis Riel, war brides, love, miners, and David Thompson and then surprisingly will break into Swiss yodeling, or sing in Gaelic, Spanish, Dutch, German or French.” Saskia and Darrel are practising spiritualists,

long-distance hikers promising each other and part-time that they would sustain vegetarians. Over the a lifestyle by touring years, they have been the world and playing incarnated as loggers, folk music. And so fire-camp cooks, real they did,” according to estate aide-de-campes, their biography. and gandy dancers. The Great Plains “Ultimately though, are a veteran touring despite the better act with a style that is advice of their described as easy and children, their love of crowd-friendly. music won out and “This is true Canadiana they escaped reality by — real songs drenched in our culture and heritage delivered in a comfortable highlyskilled set with oodles of self-poking humour,” states the press release. th “A taste of Celtic, a dab of bluegrass, and lots of engaging stories wrapped around extremely ear-wormy melodies.” Saskia and Darrel have toured extensively with Gary Fjellgaard for the last 10 years and have also performed with Valdy and many others, and they’ve won numerous awards. Tickets for the show are $10 in advance at 60182 the Seniors Drop In Centre or $12 at the door. For information, call 250-246-4424 or 250-246-2111.


Your Weekly LOCAL NEWS Source


Cedar Spartans split home games

The Woodlands Eagles and the Cedar Spartans played an emotional, physical contest Feb. 4 at the Cedar Secondary School gym, with the Eagles prevailing 84-76 in overtime. The home team clawed back from a nine-point deficit in the fourth quarter and the Spartans’ Kurt Olson hit a three-pointer in the dying seconds to force OT. In the extra frame, though, the Eagles created easier looks for themselves and built a solid margin of victory. “We knew they had the momentum so we knew we had to match that intensity going into overtime and I think we did the job there,” said Griffin Douglas, Woodlands player. Olson led Cedar with 25 points, while Josh Seward scored 24. In the first half of the doubleheader at the Cedar gym, the senior AA Spartans girls crushed the Highland Raiders 82-20. Marika Grubac scored 30 points and Shelby Dorman-Banks had 15.

LMG Pringle guaranteed at least third

Cowichan LMG Pringle continued its jockeying for position in Div. 1 of the Island Soccer League and provincial playoff placements. Cowichan won 1-0 over Gorge Jan. 31 at Victoria’s Hampton Park. That guaranteed Cowichan at least third place in the regular season standings, but “you want second place,’’ said coach Glen Martin. “Anything can happen after second place.’’ Second assures a place in the provincials. After a scoreless first half, Martin brought in two subs and they clicked for the game’s lone goal, with Ben Robson setting up Connor Crichton for a one-timer 15 minutes into the second half. Cowichan called upon Ivan Hutsulyak from the Mid-Island Under 21s to play goal, and he recorded the shutout.

Knelson is first-ever female swimmer from Ladysmith to break one minute in 100m free


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Let us make dinner tonight!


Ladysmith-Chemainus Orcas Swim Club’s Faith Knelson recently returned from the provincial championships with three gold medals. The championships were held at the Canada Games Aquatic Centre in Kamloops between Jan. 31 and Feb. 3, and Knelson also picked up numerous personal best swims over the course of the swim meet. “The fact that she got three gold medals was not a big surprise as you kind of know [what you’re up against before you go] because of the rankings,” said coach Dusan Toth-Szabo. “What was really surprising, in a positive way, was that she had six best times out of seven events. Even the one she missed, the 200m individual medley in the final, was less than a second slower than her best time. That was pretty good.” Knelson took gold in the 100m fly, 100m breast and 100m freestyle. “Her time in the 100 free of 59.64 seconds was the first time ever a female swimmer in Ladysmith has broken a minute in that event, and we’re talking about senior swimmers as well,” said proud coach Toth-Szabo. “Also, the time she swam in the 100 breast (1:12.57) means she’s number 10 in Canada right now aged 15 and under for that event.” At the provincials, Knelson, 12, competed in the 12- and 13 year-

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Faith Knelson of the Ladysmith-Chemainus Orcas Swim Club recently won three gold medals at the provincial championships. FILE PHOTO old category, a new category introduced this season by Swim BC. “In most of the finals, she was the only 12-year-old in it, and she’s going to be 12 the entire season,” said the coach. The pair’s attention now turns to the Western Canadian Championships in New Westminster in two weeks’ time. Toth-Szabo admits that will be harder due to a 15-and-under age group that Knelson will compete in throughout, as well as being up against swimmers from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba as well as B.C. “The fact she was swimming with 13-year-olds [at the provincials] was good, as there was bigger competition for her. She’s quite a bit better than other 12-year-olds,” he said.

Knelson warmed up for the provincial championships two weeks prior with the Vancouver Island Regional Championships held at the Cowichan Aquatic Centre in Duncan. Out of 17 swims in total that day, she won 13 of them. Elsewhere, Aileen Humphreys took a whopping 56.46 seconds off her personal best time in the 800m freestyle event. “In the 800, you can cut off more time than you can on the 50, but it’s still really impressive,” said Toth-Szabo. Also at the Vancouver Island Regionals, Chantal Greenhalgh, Shane Valic and Brielle Woodruff achieved personal best times in the majority of their events, underlining another successful event for the team.

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Chemainus Secondary School’s junior girls’ basketball team couldn’t hold onto a 21-16 lead at halftime Feb. 4 against the Frances Kelsey Breakers. The Breakers, playing on their home court, rebounded for a 48-37 victory. “We led the whole game till the last 3.5 minutes of the fourth [quarter],’’ noted Chemainus coach Jennie Hittinger. “We had a small bench, as two players were missing. I think we ran out of gas.’’ Emily Guest had a great game for Chemainus with 21 points and Kayla Carlson managed eight. Here, Guest dribbles the ball in front of Frances Kelsey’s Inanna Cusi. DON BODGER

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SHELLEY, Shirley Jean (nee McConnell) May 18, 1931 – January 31, 2014 Shirley Shelley passed away after a brief illness. Shirley was born in Vancouver, BC to Gladys and Herbert McConnell. She married James Shelley in Vancouver on August 27, 1949. Jim and Shirley raised their children in New Westminster where they were both very active in lacrosse and curling and where they began their lifelong love of gardening and roses in particular. After moving to Edmonton, Alberta she worked for many years at Woodward’s department stores, later Jim and Shirley operated several businesses of their own ending with The White Hart Tea Shoppe in Duncan, B.C. In retirement Shirley’s independent, strong, and feisty nature truly shone, she enjoyed travelling with her family and even made a solo trip to England, she relocated to Chemainus where she made new friends and developed a true sense of community. Shirley is survived by sons James (Penny) and Gene, daughters Jeanette (Rick) and Theresa (Grant), grandchildren Lee, Jordy, Kyli, Kendra and great-grandchildren, brother Herbert McConnell, sister Mary McGowan, sister-in-law Vivian McConnell and numerous nephews & nieces. She is predeceased by her husband Jim, son David, sisters Kathleen & Patricia, brothers William & Donald. Shirley had a remarkable ability to meet new people anywhere and turn them into dear friends. A celebration of Shirley’s life will be held Saturday, February 22, 1pm – 3pm at the Chemainus Legion Hall, 9775 Chemainus Road. In lieu of flowers a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated.

COMING EVENTS QUALITY ASSURANCE course for Health Canada’s Commercial Marijuana Program. February 22 & 23 Best Western Hotel, Kelowna, BC. Tickets: or 1-855-860-8611 or 250870-1882.

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LOOKING FOR the whereabouts of C.F. Single & S.W. Single. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of these people, please phone 1-204-2244815 and leave a message. STOLEN from Ladysmith Harbour. 2 Cedar-strip 17’ kayaks between Jan. 30th - Feb. 2nd. Call Ladysmith RCMP 250758-8181 or 250-245-7461. Easily identified by owl insert on both kayaks.



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Ladysmith 10% Shift

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An opportunity for a parttime Accountant Level 1 position is available in our Support Services department. This is a part-time position and will commence as soon as possible. The salary grade is that of Group 3 on the union salary scale. If you are interested in this opportunity, please submit a covering letter and resume outlining your qualifications by 4:00 pm February 14, 2014 to: Kimberley Judson, CHRP Manager, HR & Communication Ladysmith & District Credit Union For a full description of the job posting, please see our website and click “Careers�.




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Creative Chef

needed for dynamic waterfront tourist destination The Ladysmith Maritime Society is seeking an experienced chef to operate the Welcome Centre cafe, located on the LMS dock in Oyster Bay, Ladysmith. This exciting opportunity will let you create a daytime operation (7am - 2pm, 7 days) based on local fresh seafood served up to visiting marine tourists and locals. You will prepare all foods, write weekly food plans, maintain menu costing program, order supplies, receive and account for deliveries, provide monthly reports and maintain best practices for VIHA sanitation and food safety at all times. You will also coordinate catering services for meetings and events, including Dine On The Dock special events. You may also be required to train and supervise part time culinary student staff. You must have relevant qualifications and experience as a chef and have VIHA Food Safe certification. Red Seal certification is preferred. Your ability to communicate well verbally and by email is an important asset, as is your keen interest in local tourism. Remuneration is $13/hr. A detailed job description and employment requirements are available from the Ladysmith Maritime Society office, 610 Oyster Bay Dr., until 4pm, Friday, February 21st. Contact: Rod Smith, T 250 245 0109. Your application for this job, including resume MUST BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN 4pm, Friday, February 28th, 2014. No exceptions. Please email to

18 February 11, 2014 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle A18Tuesday, Tue, Feb 11, 2014, Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle HOME/BUSINESS SERVICES



Chemainus Thrift Shop

CEDA is Hiring! Shutdown Labourers & Operators

Permanent P/T Position The Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Shop is looking for an engaging person to fill a permanent part time position as Assistant Operations Manager. This person must be capable of performing a variety of physical jobs, and able to adjust to change as well as be comfortable communicating with volunteers and staff of all ages in a respectful inclusive manner. The position will be 5 days in a two week period, the hours 9-4:30. Must be able to work Thursday Friday and Saturday one week and Monday Tuesday the following week. The successful applicant will cover when the manager is unavailable such as holidays and sick time. Retail experience is an asset. Interested applicants please respond in writing to: The Personal Committee Chemainus Thrift Shop 9867 Maple Street, Chmainus V0R 1k1

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LADYSMITH: LEVEL entry corner bachelor apt close to 1st Ave. Incld’s washer/dryer. $475/mo plus util’s. 250-7157461 or Meicor Properties Chemainus: Lockwood Villa. Well kept bldg, 1 bdrm $625 incl heat & hot water, available now. N/S, 1 small pet welcome. 250-246-1033. Meicor Properties Ladysmith: 1 bdrm $690/mo and 2 bdrm grnd r $800/mo. Avail March 1st. Incl. heat & hot water, small pets OK. 250-924-6966.


DOWNTOWN NANAIMO: 355 Stewart. Beautiful top oor, ocean view, 2bdrm, 2bath. 1100sq.ft.; vaulted ceilings, block to sea wall & Yacht Club. Complete reno, engineered maple ooring & tiles, granite countertops, new stainless appli’s, slate FP; 2 patios, and 2 underground prkg stalls. $249,900. (250)591-7572


DUPLEXES/4PLEXES LADYSMITH: SUNNY 2-bdrm suite. 1200 sq.ft. with spectacular ocean views in restored heritage house. Huge living room, dining rm, kitchen w/4 appl’s, 2 baths, own laundry, H/W oors, 2 gas ďŹ replaces, 2 big decks. Quiet neighbourhood, walking distance to schools & downtown. $985. + hydro & gas. Avail Feb. 15th. 2 ref’s, NP/NS. 604-812-4606.


Ladysmith: #41-100 Gifford Rd. 2 bdrm, 2 bath level entry ocean view condo. $1100/mo. Avail now. Ladysmith: 4920 Harbour View. 4 bdrm, 2 bath oceanview 1400 sq ft home on 1/2 acre. Pet friendly, $1200/mo. Saltair: 11145 Chemainus Rd. 3 bdrm, 2 bath ocean front home. $1500/mo. Avail now. Chemainus: 3101 Robertson St. 3 bdrm, 2 bath 1/2 duplex. $950/mo.

SUITES, LOWER Ladysmith: 1 bdrm in rural area. Avail. April, $625/mo. Possible reduced rate for someone who could also do seniors care/respite care. 250-245-7461. NORTH NANAIMO: 1bdrm private suite. New oors & paint. Shared laundry. Secure, covered parking. FREE cable. N/S, No Partiers. $800/mo. 250-756-9746.

TOWNHOUSES LADYSMITH 3-BDRM, 2 townhome, W/D, F/S, near schools. Feb. NS/NP. $900/mo + utils. 924-3826, 250-710-0708.

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QUEEN MATTRESS & BOX. Brand new. European Pillowtop. $200. (250)713-9680

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APT. SIZE deep freeze $125. Medium size up right deep freeze $150. White 17cu ft fridge, $200. White 30� range $175. 30� almond range $125. White 30� propane stove $150. Kenmore Washer dryer sets $200-$350. Washers $150-$250. Dryers $100-$150. Built-in dishwashers $100$150. White portable dishwasher $100. 6 month warranty on all appliances. Please call Greg at (250)246-9859.







LADYSMITH 55+, one-level townhouse, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, nice kitchen, yard, garage. Pet OK. Call 250-924-4398.

RENTALS APARTMENT/CONDO Ladysmith: 2 bdrm apt, heat incl., n/p, ref’s required. The Villa 250-245-3583.


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Call for a Free Home Evaluation 640 Trans Canada Hwy., Ladysmith, BC P. 250-245-3700 C. 250-667-7653 E.


The Last Word

Heard around town...

Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, February 11, 2014 19


St. Mary’s Catholic Church 1135 - 4th Avenue Ladysmith, BC

Mass Times: Sat. 5:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am 250-245-3414

Attend regularly the church of your choice

Hall Rentals Available 250-245-2077 Inclusive - Diverse - Vibrant

Ladysmith First United Church Sunday Service

• Bill and Lauretta Stevens were devastated when they found out someone had stolen their two unique, hand-built kayaks, and they’re turning to the community for help. Between Jan. 30 and Feb. 2, two 17-foot cedar strip kayaks were stolen from the Ladysmith Harbour. Lauretta says the thief or thieves used bolt cutters to take the kayaks from a locked shed, and police believe whoever took them came by boat. The kayaks are distinctive and have owl decals on them. “My husband built the kayaks,” said Lauretta. “It took him 650 hours with the drafting and everything. He put so much time and love into that, and it’s just heartbreaking.” Anyone with any information is asked to call the RCMP at 250-245-2215 or call 250-758-8181 or 250245-7461. • Your whole hockey team could win tickets to this year’s Tim Hortons NHL

including Sunday school at 10:30 am

1149 Fourth Ave, Ladysmith, 250-245-8221

Healing Pathway

Family Worship Service every Sunday at 10:30 am

1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6-8 pm

Rev. Min-Goo Kang 232 High Street 250-245-2183

Life Lesson Series: Close Encounters Of The Divine Kind (Nursery & Children’s classes available) Mid-week programs for kids, preteens and teens

ST. JOHN’S Volunteers with the Ladysmith Primary School (LPS) Parent Advisory Council (PAC) serve a tropical hot lunch to students Jan. 30. Students dined on rice, chicken, corn, homemade sauces and tropical fresh-cut fruits. “The past three years, we have completely changed our hot lunch and treat day programs, which happen two times a month,” explained PAC president and hot lunch co-ordinator Lori Phillips. “We focus on healthy, local, fresh and seasonal food and follow the BC School Food guideline rules strictly so only the best is going into our children’s bodies. We have excellent relationships with many local businesses helping us to accomplish our goal — Roberts St. Pizza, Bouma Meats and 49th Parallel Grocery are some examples. We have new menus each month and try new recipes often. The students LOVE it! ROSS ARMOUR Heritage Classic. To apply, just submit an entry to Black Press Contests. Tell us how hockey, your team, or your favourite player has inspired you, and your team could win 25 tickets to watch the Vancouver Canucks play the Ottawa Senators March 2 at BC Place. Anyone can enter on behalf of their team, or their favourite B.C. minor hockey team. Ten minor hockey teams from B.C. will win tickets to attend this year’s Tim

Hortons Heritage • North Oyster Classic and be among Elementary School’s the 55,000 fans students eventually watching a vintage, reached a total of clearly Canadian 57, 081 minutes of showdown between reading time as part the Canucks and the of last week’s read-aSenators. thon. The school also Submit your entry raised over $1,400 in before Friday, Feb. funds and Melanie 21 by going to the Williams from the Chronicle’s online school PAC said she contest page at www. was “very proud of ladysmithchronicle. the students reaching com. over our goal.” (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX

AND SAVE! (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX AND SAVE! SAVE! AND AND SAVE! AND SAVE! Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers

Featured Retailers FeaturedRetailers Retailers Featured

Featured Retailers Featured Retailers

Sat, March 1, 2014 6:30 p.m. $42.00 pp Silver Bridge Inn Travelodge Duncan 140 Trans Canada Hwy

381 Davis Road


February 16, 2014 @10am

Sunday Morning Worship

8 am - Holy Communion 10 am - Holy Eucharist Rev. Susan Hermanson


James 2:1-12 “Learning to See People as God Sees Them”

Pastor Darin Phillips


Feb. 14th - 16th


VALENTINE`S WEEKEND SALE ••••••••••••••••••••• * ALL SOLID




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FUNDRAISER SEAN JONAS with special guests Justin Stitches and Beverley O’Neil

314 Buller St., Ladysmith Jesus Said: “Come and Journey with the Saviour”

All Stock

Comedy • Dinner • Funny Auction • for the Cowichan & District SPCA


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Mon., Tues. & Sat. - 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Wed. -Fri. - 9:30 am to 9:00 pm Sunday - 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm

20 Tuesday, February 11, 2014 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

Special Thoughts

Rose Bouquets 3 long-stemmed prewrapped roses


One Dozen Beautiful


Premium Select Colours

With our finest filler flowers and greenery, Available from February 12th

For your someone Special






Lily/Rose Bouquet

with decorative pot, your colour choice

with enealiphes & filler flowers




Fresh Canadian Blackwell Angus




Classic & Beautiful Deluxe Cymbidium

Orchid Bouquet

Prewrapped with all the trimmings



Long Lasting 6” Tropical Red

Anthirium Plants



Fresh 1/4 Pork Loins Value pak, 5.93 kg




49th ‘Island Produced’

6 oz. Lobster Tail

Rose Plants

Cut Into Chops

8 oz. Strip Loin New York Steak PLUS A

Decorated, from

We also offer a great selection of ladies fashion jewellery, quality chocolate, plush & balloon bouquets for your Special Valentine!

Rose Plant

Make a Romantic Dinner and Remember to Tip yourself

Gift boxed


4” Pink Rings

Limited quantities Excluding Red Roses

6” Organza



Sweetheart Bouquets


Phalaenopsis Orchid Plants

with filler flowers and greens. Assorted colours, available Feb 12

Extra Large Eggs Dozen, white, limit 2

2/ 5 $

Previously Frozen

Deli Fresh Sliced Block & Barrel


99 For Both

Classic Ham Per 100 grams



Prices effective Tuesday, February 11 to Sunday, February 16, 2014

LADYSMITH CHEMAINUS Your Island Community Grocers since 1977



1020 1st Avenue

3055 Oak Street

1824 Cedar Road

550 Cairnsmore Street





Open Daily 7:30 am - 9:00 pm

Open Daily 7:30 am - 9:00 pm

Open Daily 7:30 am - 9:00 pm

Open Daily 7:30 am - 9:00 pm

100% Locally Owned & Operated • We deliver! (See store for details) We reserve the right to limit quantities • Pictures for illustrative purposes only

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