Castlegar News, February 13, 2014

Page 1



Vol.11 • Issue 7

Breaking news at

Thursday, February 13, • 2014

Rebels fill the net in Multi-music styles on weekend set display at Gallery See Page A22 See Page A15

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Fire Chief Gerry Rempel celebrates a team goal while Sgt. Laurel Mathew (#15) thinks upcoming strategy at Saturday’s Smoke n’ Guns road hockey game. With a generous helping hand for each of the squads from the Castlegar Rebels, police, firefighters and city council members donned their game faces on Saturday afternoon on the parking lot of the Castlegar Complex. As the shouting was about to die down, the firefighters’ club, which included the plucky Lawrence “Nose for the Net” Chernoff, had recorded an 11-9 win. The whole event was staged on a sunny and frigid day to demonstrate why Castlegar deserves to be known as Kraft Hockeyville 2014!


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Jim Sinclair See photo gallery at

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Kraft Hockeyville wait has begun


Castlegar News Editor

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Castlegar is on the right track in terms of its bid to earn the title of Kraft Hockeyville 2014. The first stage was completed last Sunday at one second to 9 p.m. Now is the time for a bit of a breather until the same time on Satur-

day, March 8 during the Hockey Night in Canada telecast on CBC TV. At that time, 16 communities from across the country, half each in east and west, will be revealed. If Castlegar is one of those named, we’re in for a super-intense 48-hour drive for votes. It was only in the last couple of weeks that

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the local effort came about, spearheaded by Castlegar city councillors Sue-Heaton-Sherstobitoff and Dan Rye. A squad of influential locals was assembled for the early nomination phase of the proceedings and, by all reports, a strong and effective response was generated.

At stake with the Kraft Hockeyville program, along with valuable publicity and goodwill for the successful community, are some major upgrades for the local arena in the selected city, town or district. In our case it’s the Castlegar Community Complex. But however the chips may fall when it’s all said

and done, the exercise will have been a positive one according to Heaton-Sherstobitoff, who said on Feb. 11: “The good thing about all this is the spin-offs. It looks like we’re going to do something with the Rebels every year,” she outlined.

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Thursday, February 13, 2014 Castlegar News


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Where Employers Meet Employees! 1-855-678-7833 Waiting on Hockeyville decision Continued from P. A1

“It’ll be like ‘Rebels-with-aCause.’ We will have events with them, like everyone gets in for $5 plus a donation for some cause.” Last Saturday’s fun and frantic Smoke n’ Guns road hockey showdown has spurred the interest in something ongoing as well. “The fire and police departments want to have an annual road hockey game,” Heaton-Sherstobitoff continued. “That’s what I was hoping - that we would have that spirit to spin off into something else, and it definitely has. To me… that’s how we win.” To close, here is an excerpt from a Feb. 10 email from Sue to those helping promote the Castlegar effort: “I just want to say ‘thank you’ to all of you for getting the word out about ‘Castlegar is Kraft Hockeyville 2014.’ “At 8:59:59 last night we had 461

members and 589 uploads which is fantastic. My goal was to get between 400 and 500 nominations so this community definitely showed its support! Our facebook page has 1216 likes which is amazing! “To all those who came out to the two Saints games, to the Kraft Hockeyville Night in Castlegar with the Rebels, and to the Smoke and Guns Road Hockey Game thank you. In 17 days we managed to get the word out and show the rest of Canada what Community Spirit is all about. “Now to start planning the next stage. If Castlegar is announced (on March 8) we will need to have a plan in place to open up a couple of voting stations and have groups staff the stations around the clock as we would have 48 hours to get as many votes as we can.” Here’s hoping we’re in on the 48-hour campaign! Watch for updates.

Ghost ship The Glade Ferry is the vessel seemingly suspended in a steaming cauldron. It’s an indication of last week’s cold snap and the effect it had on the Kootenay River. Betsy Kline

Castlegar News Thursday, February 13, 2014 A3




online: Castlegar # 100 - 630 - 17th Street, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 4G7 phone: 250-365-7232 Fax: 250-365-2913

Slocan valley 3014 Hwy 6, P.O. Box 39, Slocan Park, B.C. V0G 2E0 Tel: 250-226-7212 Fax: 250-226-7351

Acute care study to press ahead through summer 2014 Staff writer Castlegar News

With files from Sam Van Schie, Nelson Star. A lack of early, enthusiastic regional support notwithstanding, the study being instigated by the City of Castlegar in relation to the future evolution of acute health care is worthwhile and doing what it was meant to do, indicated Mayor Lawrence Chernoff on February 12. The mayor was contacted for comment in regard to a Nelson Star report describing reticence, on the part of Castlegar’s neighbours, to embrace the study. “Nelson council is following the City of Trail’s lead by declining to take part in a Castle-

gar-funded initiative to develop a strategic plan on acute care,” the Feb. 11 article states in part, “for fear such a plan would endorse a central hospital model for all acute care and jeopardize surgical services offered at Kootenay Lake Hospital.” It’s too early to take any offence at such reactions from other civic governments, suggested the Castlegar mayor. “My take on it is, each individual community is going to make their decision,” said Chernoff. “In this process all we’re looking for is to get the communications going, and alive.” He denied there was disappointment over early reaction, from Nelson, for example, stating, “the City of Castlegar just took the leadership role to get the communications going.

t fi Get

Mayor Lawrence Chernoff File

All we’re looking for is feedback from communities... whether against or for... that’s the choice that each council... each director makes. And that’s fine. All we’re looking for is a little in-

put.” What follows is a portion of the late January press release issued by the City of Castlegar, announcing and describing the strategic program. “Local government input is being solicited to help develop a strategic plan to assist the region in making decisions to guide acute health care investments in the coming years. The work to develop the plan and community consultation is being undertaken by Jim Gustafson, a Kootenay-based consultant. “It is known that in the coming years the Kootenay Boundary Health Region will undergo major studies to direct investments in acute care. Thinking strategically, sharing information and building capacity at the community level is the pur-


pose of this initiative. “The importance of acute care to individual communities across the region is clear and making the right choices in the future is fundamental to the strategic plan as 40 per cent of capital costs with acute care are the responsibility of regional taxpayers. “All 30 jurisdictions of the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital board are being asked to contribute to the draft strategic plan. The strategic plan is scheduled to be completed by summer, 2014, and will be presented to the Board of Directors of the West Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital Board for their consideration. The City of Castlegar is initiating the study.

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Spin class is still working wonders for Denise! She added a one-hour Stretch and Strengthen class to her routine (in addition to her regular schedule) this week as well as running six of the seven days! “I notice that I can run faster and take fewer walk breaks while running. Overall I’m feeling more energetic as I become accustomed to different workouts!” Her trainer Kristy is noticing positive changes as well! “Denise is doing fantastic! She already had a strong endurance base, but is pushing through the wall and taking the intensity up a notch. She is also vastly improving on her strength training and stretching components of our workouts. Way to go Denise, keep up the good work!”

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Phone: 250-304-8413 Email: Amber is is still working her ‘Pantsoff’ with her yoga training. She is keeping up with her commitment to 6 days a week (in class and on her own). Last week she even ‘kicked it up a notch’ by having three derby practices, one allstar bout, and a scrimmage. “I’ll fully admit on Monday I was pooped and took a rest day, but even while resting I found myself getting into relaxing yoga poses to stretch out my sore and tired muscles. Yoga is giving me more body awareness, I think the constant connection of mind and body during the classes is carrying into my life. Janice had attended my bout this past weekennd - talk about AMAZING support from a great instructor. She really has taken me under her wing and wants the best for me and my sport. I’ll be working on building up my core this week to continue my pursute of becoming a better athlete. Yoga Crunches ... seriously who knew!? Oh, and today I was able to get myself up into a prop supported Head stand for the first time!” And, Janice is still loving her role as supportive trainer. “Amber is feeling more comfortable as her muscles become more attuned to the different poses. Amber’s goals of greater flexibility, strength, and posture are already so noticeable! Her game stance is more powerful and she has greater stamina for the 60 minutes of derby play. Her coaches and team mates are noticing Amber can kick it up a notch and asking if it is the yoga!”

Phone: 250-365-5428 | 815 5th Ave - Castlegar, BC Week 3 brought nothing but great things for Hailey as her total weight loss in now at nine pounds! (Her goal for the six weeks was to lose 10!) Aside from the three training sessions she does with Spencer each week, she has been doing an hour of cardio/running every day as well as a few other fitness challenges to keep herself challenged. “I am feeling pretty amazing! I have lots of energy and have been trying to use it at the gym everyday. The scale keeps going down and I’m noticing it in my clothes as well which is even more motivation. My diet has changed drastically, but I’m loving it!” And she has nothing but great things to say about Spencer too ... “Spencer pushes me to my limits and keeps me going when I feel like I can’t anymore. Spencer is awesome and I could not have asked for a better personal trainer for this opportunity!” And from the sounds of it, the feeling seems to be mutual! “Hailey continues to work extremely hard with me and on her own. She is looking leaner and more toned, and her stamina is excellent!! Keep up the great work and just to get all mushy - you are making me proud!”

Phone: 250-304-2666 | 420 Columbia Ave, Castlegar, BC


Thursday, February 13, 2014 Castlegar News




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Castlegar News Thursday, February 13, 2014 A5

Workshop invites us to think strategically, act locally SUBMITTED

“The Castlegar Social Planning Society is offering a FREE workshop on Friday February 21,” states Board Chair Gordon Malcolm. “We hope to have a good turnout to learn about thinking strategically and acting locally. “The morning session will include a presentation on strategic planning for non-profit organizations. Strategic planning is an important skill, but for many community organizations it’s difficult to develop and implement effective strategic plans. The afternoon session will focus on how the community can work together to address common issues of concern. Dis-

cussion groups will consider how to build action plans to address shared community issues”. The workshop is presented through the Learning Initiatives for Rural and Northern BC (LIRN). Partners include the BC Rural Network, PeerNetBC, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (UBC), Public Health Agency of Canada (Western Region), Access to Media Education Society (AMES), Leave out Violence (LoVE), YouthCo, the Association of Neighbourhood Houses of BC, the Fraser Basin Council (Smart Planning for Communities), and the Social Planning and Research Council (SPARC) of BC. A SPARC staff per-

son will facilitate the workshop.” The mission of LIRN BC is to build on community capacity by providing individual organizations with learning opportunities to identify local assets, issues

and related resources, build local knowledge and develop skills and collaborative action plans that are relevant to their communities and contribute to effecting local consensus-oriented change. Malcolm adds,

“Join us and learn how you can get more involved in your community. Thank you to local partners CBT, Sandman Hotel and Castlegar & District Community Services Society.” The workshop

is from 10 a.m. – 4 2104. Call 250-365p.m. at the Sandman 8448 ext. 29 for more Hotel in Castlegar. information. Submitted by: RoWelcome at 9:30 a.m. berta Hamilton, SecreLunch provided. Register now by tary – Castlegar Social e-mail: info@cdcss. Planning Society. 2502.8” x365-1197. 4” ca; or phone 250-365-

MP reviews Tory budget

OTTAWA –Alex Atamanenko, MP (BC Southern Interior) says Budget 2014 falls short of taking significant action on many of the challenges facing Canadians today. “There are 300,000 more unemployed today than before the recession, many seniors are struggling and families are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet,” stated the NDP MP. “It appears that the Conservatives are delaying any new ideas until 2015, the election year.” The Leader of the Official Opposition, Tom Mulcair had strong words on the budget, “Budgets are about priorities and choices.

“It’s very telling that the Conservatives would rather attack public servants, environmental groups, unions and anyone who dares criticize their short-sighted policies, than help Canadians.” Atamanenko, did however, acknowledge some positive points found in Budget 2014. “There are provisions to expand high-speed broadband in rural areas, $390 million for food safety and the creation of the Canada Apprenticeship Loans Program which provides interest free loans of up to $4000 per person for technical training. That is a good thing.” Continued on P. A17

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Thursday, February 13, 2014 Castlegar News


Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

Don’t hesitate to call What could have been a tragedy was avoided this past Monday night, Family Day. The episode illustrated the value of living in a caring community like this one. We may not be our brothers’ keeper, but it’s nice to know we can be our neighbours’ guardian... or they can be ours. A call came in to the Castlegar Fire Department in the late afternoon. A residential smoke alarm had been triggered and had been sounding for about half an hour before a neighbour decided to phone the fire department. Kudos to the caller who gave the address and unit number of the residence, and mentioned that no smoke was visible. Firefighters rushed to the scene and quickly began ventilating a very smokey kitchen. A pot on the stove had boiled dry... and a resident who had been sleeping soundly... in spite of the loud alarm was discovered. Damage in this case was limited to minor smoke damage, but had a fire suddenly started in the apartment, the local members would have likely arrived in time to extinguish it. The important thing to learn from this scenario is that it may well be a false alarm, but even so, it’s never a wrong move to pick up the phone and call the fire department. If there’s the slightest indication of an emergency underway, the sooner a call is made, the better. The number is 911. The Castlegar Fire Department members have a lot of hard earned skills – ready to be utilized at a moment’s notice. Had that Family Day phone call come any later, or not at all, the aftermath may have We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Off the Line

A hard pill to swallow What’s in your medicine cupboard? I recently discovered that if you want to know a good deal about a person all you have to do is take a gander inside their medicine cupboard. From the above statement, you’re likely thinking that I am one of those people who, using the excuse that I have to relieve myself, take the opportunity to snoop while in the loo. Wrong! Nope. In fact, I am talking about my own medicine cabinet. The other day I was having a stomach ailment and, my thoughtful husband - in his zest to help - came to me holding a bottle of Colon Health probiotic capsules. Huh? Colon health? Where in heck did that come from? For the life of me I can’t remember buying that. I mean, really, Colon health? I can only speculate that at one point I was taking antibiotics and wanted to ensure that there was a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria. Somehow, I still can’t see me buying those capsules. Maybe it was a ‘leave behind’ from one of our many visitors. A thank you gift maybe? “Oh, I wanted to thank you for the great time so I left you the rest of my Colon Health.”

Cindy Amaral Production Manager

Sandy Leonard Production

But thank you honey for being so thoughtful and offering them up to me in your zeal to help me over my gastric hurdle. Whatever the case might be, I thought it might be a good time to really take stock of what was lurking in the medicine cabinet. Other than the usual medications of two 60-year-old people, I discovered folic acid. Isn’t that a prenatal vitamin? Long past that stage, thank you, I mean, thank goodness! Sitting along side the vitamin was Gaviscon. No surprise there. The older I get the less tolerant my stomach becomes of overindulgences and spicy foods. Keeping the Gaviscon company was a three-year-old bottle of a multi-vitamin for those over 50. Yes, those I clearly remember buying one year short of my 60th birthday. I suppose my rationale was I would use it to ward off aging the same way someone would use garlic to ward off vampires. Obviously that didn’t work too well, the wrinkles kept coming. Even worse, have you ever tried to swallow one of those horse pills? I often wonder why vitamin manufacturers couldn’t make vitamins which are easier to swallow. After

Marvin Beatty Reporter

Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate

Chuck Bennett Publisher

all, they are now making adult gummy bear vitamins. Yup. You read that properly. I saw them in the store the other day and was so tempted to buy them just for the gummy bear aspect, but the adult in me balked at buying gummy bear vitamins. I’m not so sure that’s a great idea. Can you imagine a toddler seeing those gummy bear vitamins and wanting some? And we all know child proof bottles simply means that the only age group which has trouble opening them are those of us over 30. After more inspection, and digging deeper into the recesses of the cupboard, I found pure unrefined Emu oil. I was assured that it was a magic potion for anything that ails the skin. Yes, it was potent all right. Every time I used it I could smell the whole herd of Emus, who evidently were residing in my medicine cabinet. And, even though we have no baby in the house, you will find baby aspirin by the bucketful. Any good health practitioner will advise those of us of mature age to take an aspirin a day to ward off stroke and heart attack. So, baby aspirin, let me introduce you to Folic Acid, the prenatal vitamin. Ah, the irony of life!

Jim Sinclair Editor

Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Karen Bennett Director of Sales

Castlegar News Thursday, February 13, 2014 A7


Fair, or not? We are two seniors who moved to Shoreacres in 2010 onto 1 3/4 acres with a small house. We built a new house (75 & 78 at the time). While building my husband fainted and hit his head and had to have surgery for seepage on the brain, which effected his memories. About 2 1/2 years later, he decided he should fix the small house and rent it, so we’d have help when needed. So I phoned the Regional District of Central Kootenay to see if this was legal. (Since I wasn’t present when the building permit was issued, and my husband doesn’t remember being told that its stated on the permit that its illegal, we didn’t know). I told the women that took my call we had 1 3/4 acres in Shoreacres, had built a new house and was it legal to rent the small house, she got the bylaws then asked how old the small house was. I said it was 50+ years, she re-

plied normally you couldn’t, but the bylaw didn’t come into effect until 1985. The grandfather clause kicks in and the bylaw doesn’t apply to the small house, so go ahead fix and rent it, so we did. June 1, 2013 our tenant moved in, 1 1/2 week later we received a call from the building inspector saying he was coming to see if the small house had been shut down! I phoned the bylaw officer and told her what happened, she said the call was on record and she’d fixed it, strange she didn’t? They did trace the women that took my first call (they refuse to give us her name). Even though we were misinformed, they insisted we evict our tenant - we weren’t about to do that to her. I spoke to a planner, (nice caring young man) who suggested we apply for a site specific rezoning to make the house legal; it was not approved. Trailers are legal, unreal! At the public hearing it was suggested we be given a spe-

Pharmasave has all of your

cial permit for as long as we’re here. We also asked for one from our area representatives, and the planners made a note to be presented to the board; nothing was presented at the board meeting. Two of the people that voted for approval were not in the minutes, nor was any part of my speech, as promised. We’ve tired to get a special permit since, but they won’t take any responsibility and keep blaming me for not giving enough information, why didn’t she ask? What do they get paid for? We’ve met with intimidation, will be charged if we don’t comply, if that isn’t senior abuse, what is? Can’t accuse the RDCK of compassion! There are plenty of illegal rentals here - we feel we’ve been victimized; fair is fair. Give us a permit for as long as we’re here, that’s all we ask.

Valentine’s needs! Chocolates, giftware, cards, and more!

Don’t forget Friday February 14th!

-Annie and Marten Springford, Castlegar

Parked in the slot Using his stick like a gavel, Mayor Chernoff was a crease-front presence the constabulary found tough to deal with during last Saturday’s Smoke n’ Guns road hockey game at the complex. Jim Sinclair

1128 3rd St, Castlegar • Visit Visit Visit

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Stock quotes as of closing



5N Plus .............................. 2.81 BCE Inc. ........................... 46.75 Bank of Montreal .............. 69.73 Bank of Nova Scotia .......... 62.01 CIBC ................................ 87.99 Canadian Utilities ............. 38.30 Canfor Corporation ........... 29.81 EnCana Corp. .................. 20.17 Enbridge Inc. .................... 46.72 Finning International ........... 27.90 Fortis Inc. .......................... 30.86


Husky Energy ................... 32.96 Manitoba Telecom ............ 29.49 National Bank of Canada ... 85.27 Onex Corporation ............. 58.92 Royal Bank of Canada ....... 70.12 Sherritt International.............. 3.38 TD Bank ........................... 48.53 TELUS Corp. ...................... 37.30 Teck Resources .................. 27.73 TransCanada Corp ............ 48.84 iPath S&P 500 VIX ............. 43.81

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Manulife Monthly High ..... 13.892

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Light Sweet Crude Oil ........ 99.91

Gold ............................. 1290.60


Silver............................... 20.215


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Community Calendar


Monday 10 a.m.–darts, 1 p.m. whist Tuesday 9:30 a.m.–floor curling/carpet bowling, 1 p.m. crafts, 7 p.m. pool. Wednesday 9:30 floor curling 10 a.m. (Feb. 19) Raspberry Hi-Coffee. Bingo on the 5th only - 2 p.m. Thursday 9 a.m. (Feb 20) Zone 6 meeting), 9:30 a.m. floor curling, 1 p.m. bingo (not on 6th) Friday 10 a.m. Qi Gong, 1 p.m. bridge/ crib. Feb 14 Valentine’s dinner and dance Open weekdays 9-4 for coffee. Ongoing garage sale, microwave raffle Until Valentine’s, Feb.14: The

Hospital Gift Shop in the Health Centre is having a 40 per cent off SALE - EVERYTHING!!! Until end of February

The West Kootenay Camera Club presents its First Annual Travelling Exhibition – Now showing at the Trail Coffee and Tea Co., 1639 Cedar Ave., Trail. Other venues to follow. Check FEBruary 1-15: The Treasure

Shop is has in-store specials. Get in on extreme savings during this time. Reminder: the silent auction closes Saturday, Feb. 8. Open Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Fri.-Sat. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Valentine’s Day is almost here so take a look for your loved ones! Visit our website for current affairs. February 14-22: Treasure Shop

sales – 50 per cent off all boots and skis. Super savings as well on weekly in-store sales. Successful silent auction bidders notified by telephone are asked to pick up their treasures within seven days of being called. Keep in the know on our web-

c a s

Thursday, February 13, 2014 Castlegar News This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free or (nearly so) at the discretion of the editor. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an upto-date version with contact details to, drop off at our office at Unit 2 - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or give us a call at 250-365-6397. Thank you.

site February 15 (SAT): Alzheimer

Society, day workshop for family members or others caring for a person with dementia. 9-3 p.m. Castlegar Mental Health, 707 10th St., side entrance. $15, lunch included, sign-up necessary-call 250-365-6769. 1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955

Until Feb. 20:

Please drop off bottles & cans at Blueberry School. Funds to go towards playground, new stove/ fridge in our new kitchen. FEBruary 21: Free Workshop. A

Annual Move-A-Thon. Skate or walk to raise funds for the Castlegar & Dist. Community Services and the charity of your choice. From 10-noon at the Complex. Pledge forms available at the complex or call Joanne at 250-365-3884.

day of learning, discussion and action planning about strategic planning, building collaboration and networking amongst organizations and understanding how to work together to address common issues and challenges. Hosted by the Castlegar Social Planning Society; Sandman Hotel, Welcome 9:30 a.m.; Wrkshp 10–4 p.m. lunch. provided. Register: e-mail info@; phone 250-365-2104.

FEBruary 17 (mon): Pass Creek

February 25: Robson Rec. So-

FEBruary 15 (Sat): The Fourth

Fall Fair AGM – 7 p.m. at the Castlegar Recreation Centre. Looking for organizations to handle paid parking at Pass Creek Fall Fair for payment. Everyone welcome, for more information FEBruary 16: FREE … Pancake

Breakfast for all first responders,(please come in uniform or have recent ID) in appreciation for your service to the community. Everyone Welcome. $4.99 for family & friends. Incudes; pancakes, two eggs, sausages, tea/coffee/juice. Please support the Legion and First Responders. Sunday 9 a.m. – noon at the Royal Canadian Legion Br. #170 ..248 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC. FEBruary 17 (Mon) The West

Kootenay Ostomy Support Group will meet at 2 p.m. at the Kiro Wellness Center, 1500 Columbia Avenue, Trail. Guest speaker: Denise Pawlyshyn, Registered Dental Hygienist. For more info, please call 250368-9827 or 250-365-6276.

Travel Series Part Two – 7-9 p.m. HostsFriends of the Castlegar Library. Presenter Jim Ford, Topic – Travels in Southeast Asia. Travel Talk and Pictorial of Jim’s recent visit to Southern India.Refreshments Served. Info: 250-365-6611 FEBruary


click it.




ciety AGM - 7 p.m. at Robson Hall, 3067 Waldie. We ask residents of Robson/area to help us determine the future of the hall and it’s place in the community.

Ongoing Community Harvest food bank & Drop-in centre:

Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. -1:30 eligible 1x per month closed the Monday after cheque issue and statutory holidays Lunch served from 11 – 1:30 Wednesday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 -1:30 FREE Friday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 – 1:30 Coffee and baked goodies from 10 a.m. on! Bread is available when donated and it is on a first come first serve basis. Located in the basement of St. David’s Anglican Church 614 Christina Place. We are located around the back and down the stairs. Donation cheques payable to Community Harvest Food Bank can be mailed to: 301 32nd Street V1N 3S6 Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St David’s Church Contact number 250-608-2227 Castlegar Garden Club:

meets the 3rd Wed. ea. month,

e g a r

1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208

7–9 p.m. at Community Complex. Break loose from your traditional bounds-open your spirit to the wider world of gardening. Hear a dazzling array of speakers. New members welcome. Information: Wendy Eggleton 250-365-0150 or vendors needed: 5th Annu-

al Garden & Nature Fest, Sat. May 17/14 (10-3 p.m.)Open air festival of Plants & Gardens, Art, Farming & More! Hosted by Castlegar Communities in Bloom & Castlegar Garden Club. Castlegar Com. Complex 2101-6th Ave, Contact: 250399-4439; e-mail: Web: www. The “Bridge,” – Do you have

questions? Join us for music, discussion, refreshments; 1st Tues. ea. month, 7 p.m, Kinnaird Church of God, 2404 Columbia Ave, Castlegar.” Call Donna at 250-304-2929.

back to school with baby Program free for parents to upgrade

Math, English and/or study skills with an instructor from Selkirk College. Kootenay Family Place , Mon. & Wed. from 1 - 3 p.m. Childcare and snacks provided. More info call Alana at 304-6862. Robson Flea Market: back in

action from 9-2 p.m. every Sunday. Offering a great homestyle breakfast till food runs out (about noon), fresh baked goods, yarn, jewelry, collectibles, crafts, jams, fresh eggs, lots more. To rent a table or get on waiting list please phone Kathy (250) 365-3796. Still looking for charities that may be interested in hosting a breakfast for their charity. More info? Call Kathy. St. David’s and the united church thrift shop: New Hrs:

Tue.-Thur. 10-4 p.m, Friday & Saturday 10-1 p.m. The shop is under Motor Vehicle Licensing Office, 605 Columbia Ave. clothing, shoes, hsehold items, bedding, linen, books, ornaments etc. at reasonable prices. We welcome clean donated items in good condition. Sorry

n e w s


we cannot accept furniture, TVs, exercise equipment or any large items due to lack of space.

free hot meal at the sharing dinner pot at Cadet Hall, 8th

Ave, Castlegar (2 blocks from library) Tues. at noon.

All About Breastfeeding infor-

mative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlgr, Tues. 10:30noon More info: 250-365-3662,

tops group meets every wednesday 8:30-10am Kin-

naird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 365-7956.

Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena Sun. at 10 a.m.

Mike, 250-399-4417; Tues. at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wed. at 7 p.m., (Fay at 250-6870484. Thurs. at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m (Len at 365-7805).

al-anon meets every Monday night for people whose lives

have been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8-9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) More info: Donna 250-3653168 or Eileen 250-365-3674.

Local Toastmasters club Sentinel Speakers, 7-9 p.m. at Fireside Inn, 1st & 3rd Weds. of month. Learn speaking skills, gain confidence, have fun! Guests welcome. More info call Diane Cushing at 250-365-8336. TOASTMASTERS MEETINGS

Operation Feast All invited for

home-cooked meals Thurs. at New Life Assem. Church, 602 7th Street. Doors open at 4 p.m, dinner until 5:30 p.m. Entrance to dining area at back of Church. More info: Carol at 365-5734.

free pool - Everyone welcome

Every Saturday at the Royal Canadian Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. Bring friends and have an afternoon of fun.

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Castlegar News Thursday, February 13, 2014 A9

Communications Broadband in the Basin, part 4 and conclusion: What Might Be submitted

For an Open Access Broadband network to be successful it needs to have a regional focus and should be designed around the concepts of equity of opportunity and equity of access. And some services that could or should be augmented by the network, like health and education, must be guided by the same principles. In health, for example, the argument should not be who has the inside political track to influence where the hospital is located or not located, but rather how the people of the region can best benefit from a coordinated set of regional services that involve doctors, nurses, public health hospitals and tele-health services. Tele-health services are those services delivered or augmented by access to broadband. “In the United Kingdom, the National Health Service (NHS) has provided tens of thousands of

Broadband committee members, from left: Dan Sahlstrom (WSA Engineering), Ev Surgenor (Chair), Aimee Ambrosone (Liason-CBT), Willow Enewold (Pinnacle PAC) and Christy Anderson (Syringa Consulting). Submitted

its patients with remote tele-medical health treatment and monitoring. In Scotland alone this has accounted for a savings of 70,000 bed-days. Specialist tele-health programs such as the Scottish tele-stroke network and the ENT tele-endoscopy in the north of Scotland have reduced waiting lists, travelling needs between remote areas, and specialist clinics for both patients and consultants, and have achieved big savings in hospital stay costs.” (Australia’s project for universal broadband access: From policy to social potential, by Marcos Pereira Dias,

first Monday, Volume 17, Number 9-3 September 2012.) There are many examples on the Internet of places throughout the world where health care providers are improving access and types of services to people through the use of broadband technologies and the creation of tele-health centres. One such example is on oil rigs. A nurse on an oil rig, through broadband services, can provide a specialist located at a hospital with information on the health of a patient who has been injured or become ill. It may mean doing ultra

sound, taking xrays, blood pressure and/or blood work and sending this information to a specialist and then arranging for the specialist to interact via teleconferencing with the patient and to review the data. At this point, the specialist is able to make an informed decision whether the patient needs to be flown off the rig to a hospital or not. Imagine the benefit to people in Castlegar if they had access to these kinds of services. People would not have to spend time, money and windshield time, sometimes during the worst weather of the year, for an often critical decision about their health. Nor would people have to endure the time and expense of travelling to Kelowna or Vancouver with the all-too-familiar ten minute visit with a specialist only to be told “I’ll see you again in six months.” That is a waste of time and resources on everyone’s part. It is not efficient and

School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)

it is not effective. It may be possible in the future to utilize the broadband services that will be available through the Open Access Network to expand and augment

KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION for the 2014-2015 school year will be held during the week of February 17-21, 2014

Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held in the Community Forum, 445 – 13th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. on, Monday, February 17, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. to consider the following: ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 1188 (101 – 18th Street) Applicant:


Affected Lands:

Lots 23 – 26 District Lot 4598 Kootenay District Plan 4267


To change the zoning designation of Lots 23 - 25 District Lot 4598 Kootenay District Plan 4267 from P-1 (Public and Institutional) To R-1 (Single Residential); and To change the zoning designation of Lot 26 District Lot 4598 Kootenay District Plan 4267 from P-1 (Public and Institutional) to To R-2 (Single and Duplex Residential).


Parents of children who turn 5 years old between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, should register their children in their catchment area school for Kindergarten September 2014 during the week of February 17 to 21, 2014, during regular school hours. Parents should bring their child’s birth certificate and care card with them when registering. Kindergarten is a full day, every day program. A parent may defer the enrolment of his or her child until September 1, 2015. Parents are welcome to consult with district staff if they are considering deferring registration for one year. Please contact Bill Ford, Assistant Superintendent Instruction, at 250-368-2230, at the School Board Office to discuss this option if it applies to you. Should you require additional information, please contact the Principal of your catchment area school. Should you wish to enroll your child in a non-catchment area school, please register with your catchment area school and complete a Student Transfer Request form which is available at all schools. Russian Kindergarten Registration Parents wishing to enroll their child in Kindergarten in the Russian Bilingual Language Program are asked to register their child at the Castlegar Primary campus of Twin Rivers Elementary School. For more information on the Russian Bilingual Language Program, please contact Kere MacGregor, Vice-Principal of Twin Rivers Elementary School (Castlegar Primary campus), at 250-365-5744.


ClaSSified SpeCial Buy a classified word ad in one West Kootenay/Boundary newspaper and Super-Size into all five additional publications for one week for one small charge! private party ads only running January and february 2014 Trail 250 368-8551 Rossland 250 362-2183 Castlegar 250 365-6397 Grand Forks 250 442-2191 Nelson 250.352.1890 Boundary Creek 250.445.2233

want to utilize these services. It also requires cooperation and planning at all levels of government. That truly would constitute the “common good.”


Notice to Parents:

School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)

health services to the citizens of Castlegar. Doing that requires new practice and new thinking not only on the part of health care providers but also by those who need and

Once amended, the applicant will be able to proceed with residential construction.

ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 1181 (Temporary Signs) Applicant:


Affected lands:

City of Castlegar Highway Right-of-Way


to amend Sentence 8.3.4(3) of Zoning Bylaw to read “No Sign except regulatory signs or temporary signs shall be attached to a power pole, telephone pole, street light pole or traffic control device.”


To allow the placement of volunteer group signage on utility poles within highway right of way.


All enquiries should be directed to the Development Services Department at City Hall. Phone: 365-8962 Fax: 365-5074 Email:

This Public Hearing is being held in order to afford all persons who believe that their interest in properties affected by these amendments an opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in these amendments. A copy of the proposed bylaw may be inspected at City Hall, 460 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. on regular business days (Monday to Friday except for statutory holidays) between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. from Thursday, February 6th, 2014 to Monday, February 17th, 2014, inclusive. Submissions received after the close of the Public Hearing will not be considered by Council. Dated at Castlegar, B.C. this 6th day of February, 2014. Shannon Marshall Planning Technician II


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Thursday, February 13, 2014 Castlegar News

Valentine BOGO

Valentine’s Special!



Say it with a cup of love !

Buy any specialty beverage, and get 50% OFF a second beverage with this coupon!



Save the tax!



We will cover your tax all weekend with this coupon!

February 14th, 15th & 16th.

exp: Feb. 28 2014, not to be combined with any other offer

Coupon must be present at time of purchase. (in-store, reg priced items only)

502 Columbia Ave. Castlegar |

2240 6th Ave, Castlegar | 250-365-2175 | Mon. - Sat. 8am - 5pm & Sun. 10am - 2pm Oh Mark, You catch my heart off guard and have my back when life gets hard You never let fear keep you from growing and you inspire me greatly without even knowing I have no choice, I fiercely adore you; but you can’t say I didn’t warn you! Love and iridescent flamingo eyelashes, Sky

“Dearest Charles, Roses are red Violets are blue This poem will be cheesy, But every word is true. Brandon, You are my heart and soul. Such an amazing husband, friend and dad. Love Angela

Happy Valentine’s Day Sam Can’t wait to see you Theresa

Lilies are pink Daffodils are gold I’m running out of colours, This rhyming is getting old...

Suddenly, unexpectedly, there you are, in a photograph I didn’t know existed. A small gasp, a tug at my heart. My first love. -Anonymous

So in conclusion I just want to say, Here on this Valentine’s Day, I love you in every possible way More than words could ever relay.

Hilberto…... Vastly twinkling, Twinkling across the sky, The same twinkle, I see in your blue eyes.

ould d date w r secon ? u o n , o l ip il h posa iness Dear P and ding pro nd happ at a wed ship, love, joy, a g all of my goals th w e n d n in h ie s . li fr p Who k te f a years o in accom a surrog lead to 17 suppor ting me ream of being r d y fo Thanks my craz isty including ! Love, M dreams an ever th re o u now m Love yo

Those blue eyes are a beacon, A beacon in the dark, The same beacon, That left a mark on my heart.

Lilacs are purple Carnations are white I want to spend forever with you, Every single day and night.

Yours truly, Pamela”

Florio I like you more than an Oreo, Even though your hairy I don’t think your scary, You make me weak you big crazy Greek!

Love you forever and for always, xox Cindy Laine

Xoxo Rebecca

To my kiddos, My sweet Stuart,

A very very happy valentines day to you.

As we celebrate our ten year anniversary it’s hard to believe that we’ve managed to keep it all together considering the many hurdles we’ve had to jump. You are my sanity when I feel nothing but Crazy, on the days when I’m sad you find a way to shine a light in those dark places. We can still giggle like dating teenagers and have the tingles when we’re in the same room. You have blessed me with 3 beautiful children and all the things I ever hoped for in this life. I will love you forever and for at least the next 50 years, unless the crazy scares you away; which ever comes first.

Love you so much. Love Mom Dear Mom,

I’m in love with three guys and no, that’s not a lie. One, I’ve been with for almost forever. The other two chose to bless us, one by one. They are pretty Awesome! I love you for now and forever.....Ben, Talon, and Jordan You three are my everything!!! OXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO Marilyn ( mom )

Roses are Red If you knew him you’d all agree The most wonderful man in Castlegar Is named Kevin Tweed

Event though you are super annoying, I still love you so much. Love Davin

Happy Valentine’s Day Love Carlea

Dear Boyfriend, In the last year you have shown me what true love is, you have made us a family and my kids love you for it. You keep me smiling, make me laugh till I pee and pet my head when I’m sad. We have made it through dying cars, pregnancy hormones, the loss of family pets, intoxicated in laws, living on broke, driving on empty and I love you more for every one of them. Everyday I wake up beside you and know that regardless of your smelly farts, obnoxious snoring, bad puns and stupid video games I love you. You are the best man I could have ever found, we may not be rich but we have so much more than money could ever buy. Love Girlfriend

Sweetheart Gifts That will get

x o B Gift

you a kiss

116-1983 Columbia Ave. | In the Boston Pizza Mall | 250.304.2344

Castlegar News Thursday, February 13, 2014 A11

Prime Rib Fridays!


• 8oz. for $23.00 • 10oz. for $25 (with all the trimmings)

Starting at 5pm while it last! Call to reserve a table for your Valentine’s Day date!


651 18 St, Castlegar | 250-365-7779

To Cuddles, I cant wait to spend Valentines Day with you. You have been away at work for a month now and what a perfect time for you to get your days off. Thank You for the wonderful weekend getaway you have planned for us. I never would of thought at my age I would find a Sweetheart again.

To Kristine 14 years ago was the time For my life to receive some extra sunshine

Lots of Cuddles and Kisses coming your way. Love Your Nibbles

To Kelly Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, Love gives us a fairytale. Ours is a fairytale with love, two beautiful children, and a home to call our own. Happy Valentines Day to my knight in shinning armor!

My dearest Colin, I may not always tell you What I’m feeling inside The emotions and feeling That I sometimes tend to hide I’m really proud and pleased To know you are mine I really do love you, You really are so fine You’re probably thinking I love me And I do But not even close to how much I love you You’re my life,you’re my best friend, My love to you won’t ever end. There’s a special place within my heart That only you can fill You had my love right from the start

Love Erin xoxo

The stars aligned to give me a gift To grant my smile a permanent lift I knew within weeks, which some said was fast That our love would be true and built to last Time has proven that our bond is enchanted With it our three beautiful children were granted Your love and kindness are what fuels my heart Our souls entwined together refusing to part

To Gentry Chance Encounters, Romance, Excitement and more is what our relationships has been built on. Thank you, as always, I love you sexy....

To you my angel on this day of love Be my Valentine and lift my heart to the clouds above I love you Kristine with all my heart......if you couldn’t tell :) From your biggest fan Spencer


To Byron, Roses are red, violets are blue. I moved here from San Jose, just to be with you.

Brains are red Dead flesh is green I’d let you bite me cause you’re the cutest zombie I’ve seen.

Love, Tony

Love, Sandy

Dear Ang,

Xoxo Love you lots

Mike: You’re still my GI Joe ninja superhero. You’re still the salt to my pepper. I still get excited whenever I hear your tires in the driveway. Let’s go have an adventure.

“To my Wonderful Husband, Tymen On Valentine’s Day 20 years ago we kissed for the first time. I chose you that day and you chose me. This Valentine’s day I choose you for another 20 years. I hope you choose me back! ;) Your Loving Wife Heather”

Dear Kristen Your shimmering eyes and loving smile makes my heart beat, As waves that wildly rush upon the shore to touch ones feet. Sunshine without you life would be bleak, it is only your heart that I truly seek. As long as your mine as our hearts intertwine, I ask you my love will you be my Valentine? Love Ellenor

To Tre nt Oze rof f You ne ver re ally kn whole ow w beat to orld stops. J true love un ust for til he s gether ta th That’s when as one. That at one mom res you in th y ou rea e face mome baby, a ent, wh lly n ll ways a e , alway know true t so power fu n both of o nd the ur hea lo Kailie s l, v it and fo e ta , a k Spend n rt e d my t rever er rue lov s our breath s <3 e is yo a u. I lov way. e you

Yours, Chey

To my wonderful bf Mike, Thank you for everything you do for me, you are my rock and I am so very glad that we took the leap. Happy Valentines day.

To Matthew and Sophia, I never new what love was until I met the both of you. Love, Mom.

Love K

You’re Valentine’s Day headquarters for flowers! 1721 Columbia Ave. Castlegar | 250-365-7771

A12 |

Thursday, February 13, 2014 Castlegar News

Welcome to the driver’s seat

Visit the 2014 Rogue gallery at

Roguish luxury at an economy price signals, plus available power lift gate Mont Tremblant, Quebec – The and an optional panoramic moon roof. 2014 Nissan Rogue is the newest entry The dimensions of this new Rogue are to the fastest growing segment in Caa bit of an optical allusion, as it looks nadian auto market – the compact SUV. much bigger than the outgoing model The sales leaders are the Ford Escape, but, in fact, is 25mm shorter. Yes, the Honda CR-V, Toyota RV4 and many, width and height have increased but many others. There is no mistaking this small SUV looks longer because the why these products have become so wheelbase has been stretched to make popular. They offer room for a family of rom for an optional third row of seats. four, with a high seating position that drivers and passengers like, plus plenty Inside of room for cargo and a price that’s not Nissan has done a good job of delivering too outlandish. a pleasant looking dash with the feaThe fact that these station wagon-retures people really want. Just because placements have become so popular this isn’t a mid-sized SUV, doesn’t mean is also the dramatic that Canadians don’t improvement in fuel want the finer things. economy these companies The middle SV trim will have been able to achieve. be the most popular due No longer does a family to 17-inch alloy wheels, have to give up huge fog lights, heated seats, dollars on fuel to drive a power driver’s seat and small SUV. a huge panoramic moon And what makes this roof for $26,748 in FWD new Nissan Rogue so The objective and $2,000 more in AWD. interesting is the level of To get the three-row with this new Rogue refinement and capability version the SV needs for up to seven passengers was to be noticed to be equipped with over three rows of seats. and provide a level the $2,050 Family Tech To test this new entry, Package which might of refinement and Nissan held its launch be worth the stretch event in and around Mont creature comforts that because it really does Tremblant, Que., getting the competition isn’t amp up the goodies. They a real taste of sub-zero, include the third row of providing winter, Canadian driving. seats that makes this a



Zack Spencer

Looks Last year, Nissan introduced the bigger mid-sized Pathfinder SUV and this smaller Rogue shares many styling cues from its bigger brother. This, in my opinion, is a good idea. It has a sense of purpose, sophistication and commonality that helps define Nissan’s brand. Nissan wants to portray “everyday premium” with this new Rogue, including such nice touches as LED daytime running lights, wheel arch extensions, integrated mirror turn

All Make

7-passenger SUV. Granted, the third row is tight but perfect for those occasional times when extra family members are in town. In addition, this package includes navigation, a 7-inch touch screen monitor, power lift gate, blind-spot detection system, and lane departure warning system. These really are premium features found only in luxury SUVs just a few short years ago. Unfortunately, the top SL trim is only available in a two-row 5-seat configuration because


Should winter tires be compulsory on all vehicles during the winter season? Please explain why you have made that decision.



it was felt the price would be too high for compact SUV buyers. Drive As hard as it might be to believe, this new, larger and slightly heavier (49kg) Rogue is actually more fuel-efficient than the last model. They were able to improve the economy by 18 per cent through the introduction of a new continuously variable transmission (CVT), aerodynamic tricks, and letting the carried-over engine breathe a bit better. Still rated at 170hp, the 2.5L 4-cylinder engine does a good job in city driving, thanks to the gearing of the new CVT but can seam a bit underpowered for higher, passing manouevre on the highway. Overall, the person filling the new Rogue up with fuel will welcome this balance of efficiency and everyday drivability. As part of the winter driving experience, I drove on an ice course in Macaglisse, Que., to highlight the vehicle’s stability system and the Active Trace Control feature. On the first run, through the twisty, sheer ice roads the entire system was shut off. As I crested a hill, then made a hard right turn, the Rogue slid all

the way out to the edges of the corner, almost hitting the opposing snow bank. On the second run, with the advanced systems on, the same road was almost uneventful. The stability and traction control kept the wheels from spinning but the Trace Control System provides just a slight amount of brake force to the inside wheels to help the Rogue navigate the sheet ice with confidence. Verdict The objective with this new Rogue was to be noticed and provide a level of refinement and creature comforts that the competition isn’t providing. The pricing is fantastic, especially the middle SV models. The larger interior dimensions will always be welcome, as buyers like to get more for their money, but it is still small and efficient enough for city buyers.




Safety Tip: Distracted driving is the third leading cause of car crash fatalities in our province, which is why police are out in full force this month as part of a province-wide distracted driving campaign. According to one recent study, texting while driving makes you 23 times more likely to be in a crash.

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Castlegar News Thursday, February 13, 2014 A13

TH ≠


BEST NEW SUV ($35,000 - $60,000)

THE NEW 2014

hwy / city 100km




156 121



BI-WEEKLY for the first 15 MONTHS.


Sorento SX shown




Includes Variable Throwback Pricing Incentive. $121 bi-weekly payments include $1,120 Throwback Pricing Incentive. Payments are based on 2014 Sorento 2.4 LX AT FWD (SR75BE), 60-month financing amortized over 84 months. After 15 months, bi-weekly payments increase to $156. Principal balance of $8,138 due after 60 months. Throwback Pricing Incentive may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce financed amount. ≠

THE NEW 2014

hwy / city 100km




143 96


Sportage SX Luxury shown


≠ BI-WEEKLY for the first 15 MONTHS.




Includes Variable Throwback Pricing Incentive. $96 bi-weekly payments include $1,504 Throwback Pricing Incentive. Payments are based on 2014 Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551E), financing for 84 months. After 15 months, bi-weekly payments increase to $143. Throwback Pricing Incentive may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce financed amount.≠


hwy / city 100km





Rondo EX Luxury shown




≠ BI-WEEKLY for the first 15 MONTHS.




Includes Variable Throwback Pricing Incentive. $85 bi-weekly payments include $1,280 Throwback Pricing Incentive. Payments are based on 2014 Rondo LX MT (RN551E), financing for 84 months. Offer includes $750 loan credit.‡ After 15 months, bi-weekly payments increase to $125. Throwback Pricing Incentive may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce financed amount. ≠

OFFER ENDS FEBRUARY 28TH WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED *5-year/100,000 km worry-free comprehensive warranty.


Offer(s) available on select new 2013/2014 models through participating dealers to qualified customers who take delivery by February 28, 2014. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. All offers are subject to change without notice. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All pricing includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,665, other fees and certain levies (including tire levies) and $100 A/C charge (where applicable) and excludes licensing, registration, insurance, other taxes and variable dealer administration fees (up to $699). Other dealer charges may be required at the time of purchase. Other lease and financing options also available. ≠Throwback Pricing available O.A.C. on financing offers on new 2013/2014 models. 0%/1.49% financing for 84 months example: 2014 Rondo LX MT (RN551E)/2014 Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551E) with a purchase price of $23,582/$24,782 (including $1,665 freight/PDI) financed at 0%/1.49% for 84-month period equals 32 reduced bi-weekly payments of $85/$96 followed by 150 bi-weekly payments of $125/$143. Cost of borrowing is $0/$1,321.94 and total obligation is $23,582/$26,104. Throwback Pricing Incentive varies by model and trim level and may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce the financed amount. The Throwback Pricing incentive for the 2014 Rondo LX MT (RN551E)/2014 Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551E) shown is $1,280/$1,504 (a $40/$47 reduction in 32 bi-weekly payments). Limited time offer. See retailer for complete details. Throwback Pricing is a trademark of Kia Canada Inc. 60/84 Amortization Financing Example: 2014 Sorento 2.4L LX AT FWD (SR75BE) with a purchase price of $28,482 (including $1,665 freight/PDI) financed at 0% for 60 months amortized over an 84-month period equals 32 reduced bi-weekly payments of $121 followed by 98 bi-weekly payments of $156 with a principal balance of $8,138 plus applicable taxes due after 60 months. Cost of borrowing is $0 and total obligation is $28,482. Throwback Pricing Incentive varies by model and trim level and may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce the financed amount. The Throwback Pricing Incentive for the 2014 Sorento 2.4L LX AT FWD (SR75BE) shown is $1,120 (a $35 reduction in 32 bi-weekly payments). Limited time offer. Offer excludes taxes. See retailer for complete details. ‡Loan credit for 2014 Rondo LX MT (RN551E) is $750 and is available on purchase financing only on approved credit (OAC). Loan savings vary by model and trim and are deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes. 0% purchase financing is available on select new 2013/2014 Kia models O.A.C. Terms vary by model and trim, see dealer for complete details. ΔModel shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2014 Sorento SX V6 AWD (SR75YE)/2014 Sportage SX AT Luxury AWD (SP759E)/2014 Rondo EX Luxury (RN756E) is $40,595/$38,295/$32,195. Highway/city fuel consumption is based on the 2014 Sorento LX 2.4L GDI 4-cyl (A/T)/2014 Sportage 2.4L 4-cyl (A/T)/2014 Rondo 2.0L GDI 4-cyl (M/T). These updated estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. Refer to the EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.


Thursday, February 13, 2014 Castlegar News

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Do you know of a minor hockey team who deserves to attend the 2014 Tim Hortons NHL Heritage Classic, Sunday, March 2 in Vancouver? Anyone can enter on behalf of their favourite BC minor hockey team.

10 lucky minor hockey teams from BC will each receive 25 tickets… Submit an entry by telling us how hockey, your team or a favourite player has inspired you.

A clear, new view Castleview residents will get some good viewing in thanks to the new TV donated by local real estate outfit. Seated in front, from left, are Vince Antignani, Janet Carr and Margaret Ford. Castlegar Realty personnel, standing, from left: Carmen Harris, James Kereiff, Connor McCarthy, Tammy Peitzsche, Marnie Pettit, Larry Peitzsche, Chad Williams and P.J. Poznekoff. Jim Sinclair

Hire a student, get a wage subsidy encouraged to submit your application form as soon as (Columbia Basin) – If you possible. To help businesses offer own a small business in the Basin, you can get financial summer jobs to high school help to hire a student over and post-secondary students, the summer by applying for the program provides a wage a wage subsidy from Colum- subsidy of up to $8 per hour bia Basin Trust’s Summer for entry-level or career reWorks Program. Application lated positions. Since 2010, forms are available starting Summer Works has helped February 21, 2014, at create up to 150 student jobs summerworks. Because the each summer in the Colum(MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX program is popular, you’re bia Basin. submitted


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Encourage everyone to enter and increase your odds of winning in the random draw. Include a photo if you want – perhaps from your own hockey days, or a team photo or show us how excited your team would be to win 25 tickets to the Heritage Classic. Players, coaches, friends and family can enter on behalf of a BC minor hockey team.

Hurry – contest closes midnight Feb. 21, 2014 . . . go to this newspaper’s website and click on contests or visit

Christine Esovoloff If you have any marketing questions, please feel free to contact me. Visit Visit Visit coupons. deals. deals. savings tips. flyers. savings flyers. coupons. deals. savingstips. tips.


Castlegar News Thursday, February 13, 2014 A15


Korth combo Guilty as charged jim sinclair Castlegar News Editor

When someone happens to be one of the most pleasant and friendly people you could hope to meet, chances are your experience with them is going to be worthwhile. When they display amazing technical prowess and originality on a variety of stringed instruments (along with an infectious sense of humour), the experience is coming close to what was enjoyed last Sunday at the Kootenay Gallery. Craig Korth and The Guilty Pleasures, a Nelson-based outfit doing its first gig together, delivered a tremendous afternoon of entertainment for a crew that appreciated every twist and turn, jumping from genre to genre, with introductions almost as appealing as the tunes themselves. Fifty-something whiz-kid

Pictured from left, Rob Fahie, Craig Korth, Julie Kerr, Rick Lingard and Steven Parish. Jim Sinclair

Korth, whose jaw-dropping banjo chops are just the tip of the iceberg, also brought his mandolin, guitar and dobro along and featured each during the show that spanned about two hours. Korth has found his musical equals in the outstanding side-men on bass, sax, and drums. The variety of tunes

was interesting and exciting, and the inclusion of lovely original material by Korth’s wife Julie Kerr was an added treat. Kudos to the Gallery, the TD Bank Concert Series and musical director Nicola Everton for arranging this kind of high-end entertainment for local music lovers.

Bring your imagination to life submitted

TRAIL – Aspiring writers have an opportunity to learn how to create stories, poems, and personal essays others will want to read with a creative writing course being offered by Selkirk College. West Kootenay novelist, poet and performance artist Almeda Glenn Miller has been teaching writing for more than 15 years. Teaming up with Selkirk’s Studies in Writing Program, Miller will be teaching Creative Writing 100 at the Trail Campus starting on February 20 and running for 14 weeks. “If you have a story you want to write, a poem floating in your mind or a political treatise you’ve been bugging your pals about for years, this class will help you find the courage to get it done,” says Miller. Miller’s methods are described as unconventional, but her results are always interesting. Former students rave about what the veter-

an writer has done for their skills and passion to pursue the craft. “The writing course at Selkirk College rescued me,” says graduate Roz Nay. “I joined it when I was awash with new motherhood and from it I rediscovered my love of writing, going on to complete a first novel as a direct result of the teaching.” Through Selkirk’s transfer agreements with other post-secondary schools, Creative Writing 100 also provides a head-start for those looking to further pursue a degree at other institutions in this fully credited course. In-class and take-home writing exercises will ignite your imagination. Students will read each other’s work, and learn how to give each other healthy and helpful feedback. Students will come out of the course with some of their own poetry, personal essays and fictional stories. Former student Julia Caceres Booth spent two years at Selkirk College under Mill-


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+ +


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er’s guidance. After leaving the West Kootenay in 2011 to attend the University of British Columbia in Kelowna, she received a Bachelor’s Degree with a major in History and a minor in Creative Writing. “In many cases I felt far more prepared than many of my classmates at UBCO in RDCK RDCK2014 2014Financial FinancialPlan Plan regard to workshop etiquette, RDCK 2014 Financial Plan as well as the quality of writRDCK 2014 Financial Plan ing that I expected from my peers and myself,” says Caceres Booth. Pursuant Pursuant to to section section 816(1) of of thethe Local Local Government Act, thethe public public is Act, invited is invited to to Pursuant to 816(1) section 816(1) ofGovernment the LocalAct, Government the “My time at Selkirk piqued attend attend a meeting a meeting to to review review and and discuss discuss the the Regional Regional District District of of Central Central Kootenay’s Kootenay’s is invited toofattend a meeting to review andthediscuss an interest that I did not know Pursuant topublic section 816(1) the Local Government Act, public the is invited 2014 2014 draft draft Financial Financial Plan. Plan. Regional Central Kootenay’s 2014District draft Financial Plan. I had and uncovered a potenattend a meeting to District review of and discuss the Regional of Central Koot tial in myself that has led2014 me draft Financial Plan. to into a writing-in-residence Kaslo Kaslo and and Area Area DD New New Denver, Denver, Silverton Silverton position in School District #8 Village Village of Kaslo of Kaslo - Council - Council Chambers Chambers and and Area Area H (North) H (North)Silverton and other editorial opportuKaslo and Area DBCBC New Denver, 312312 Fourth Fourth St., St., Kaslo, Kaslo, Village Village of New of New Denver Denver Council Council Chambers Chambers nities.” Village ofWednesday, Kaslo - Council Chambers and Area H (North) Wednesday, February February 19, 19, 2014 2014 115 115 Slocan Slocan Ave., Ave., New New Denver, Denver, BC BC 312 Fourth St., Kaslo, BC The Creative Writing 100 Village of New Denver - Council C 12:00 12:00 noon noon (local (local time) time) Wednesday, Wednesday, February February 19,19, 2014 2014 Wednesday, February 19, 2014 115 Slocan Ave., New Denver, course begins on February 6:30 6:30 p.m. p.m. (local (local time) time) 12:00 noon (local time) Wednesday, February 19, 20 20 and runs for 14 weeks. 6:30 p.m. (local time) The class takes place at the Trail Campus from 6 to 9 Nakusp Nakusp and and Area Area KK Slocan Slocan and and Area Area H (South) H (South) p.m. on Thursdays. To regVillage Village of Nakusp of Nakusp – Council – Council Chambers Chambers Village Village of Slocan of Slocan – Council – Council Chambers Chambers Nakuspst and Area K Slocan and Area H (Sou st ister contact Rachel Walker 91 91 – 1– 1Street, Nakusp, Nakusp, BCBC 503503 Slocan Slocan Street, Slocan, Slocan, BCBC Cha Village of Nakusp – Street, Council Chambers Village ofStreet, Slocan – Council at 250.365.1233 or email at February February 20,20, 2014 2014 Thursday, Thursday, February 20, 20, 2014 2014 91 – Thursday, 1stThursday, Street, Nakusp, BC 503 February Slocan Street, Slocan, B 9:00 9:00 a.m. a.m. (local (local time) time) 1:30 1:30 p.m. p.m. (local (local time) time) 20, 201 Thursday, February 20, 2014 Thursday, February

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Staff Staff andand elected elected officials officials will will be be present present to to answer answer questions. questions. Staff and elected cials will questions. Staff and electedoffi officials willbe bepresent present to to answer answer questions. Stuart Horn, Chief Financial Officer

Stuart Stuart Horn, Horn, Chief Chief Financial Financial Officer Officer Stuart Horn, Chief Financial Officer


Thursday, February 13, 2014 Castlegar News

100 Athletes, 27 Coaches, and 4 Officials from the Kootenays (Zone 1) will be at the Mission 2014 BC Winter Games February 20 - 23.

GOOD LUCK ! Monthy faith-related submission deals with Biblical Love SUBMITTED

“Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not

in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.” – I Corinthians 13:4-7 Since Valentine’s Day is this month, I decided to write on the subject of love. There is no shortage of Scriptures on love

There is no shortage of Scriptures on love and no one is more qualified to speak on the subject than God.

and no one is more qualified to speak on the subject than God for we are told that “God is love” (I John 4:8). Frankly, the world seems rather inept to give us a true explanation of what real love is. Therefore, we turn to the Bible for

an accurate view of what love is like and 1 Corinthians 13 is a chapter entirely given to the subject. Notice first, that the word love is not used but rather “charity.” Some translations prefer the word love but I like this rendering for it conveys the idea of giving. You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving. Notice how the verses above describe love. Love is long-suffering. Whenever we act impatiently toward another we have ceased to act in love. Love is kind. This is the counterpart of patient – patience takes anything from others, kindness will give anything to others. Love is not envious. There are two levels of jealousy. One says, “I want what they have”- the other says, “If I can’t have it, I wish they

Pastor Tom Kline, Castlegar Baptist Church

love them. Love does not seek her own; it is not selfish. Love is not easily provoked. It guards against being irritated, upset or angered. Love thinketh no evil. The idea of this phrase in the Greek is to keep account of wrongs suffered. If you keep track of these you’re sure to quench love. Love doesn’t rejoice over evil; it is not suspicious or cynical, but gives the benefit of the doubt. Even when belief in a loved one is shattered, love still hopes. Love holds fast, it refuses to stop bearing or stop believing, or stop hoping. Love doesn’t give up! I want you to know that Jesus loves you more than you can imagine and He can teach us to love each other. May God richly bless you and may you rejoice in the love He has for you.

Bible Truths

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didn’t have it.” Both are unloving. Love does not vaunt itself, in other words it doesn’t brag. This is the other side of jealousy – trying to make others jealous of what we have. Love is not puffed up; it is not arrogant. Arrogance is big headed, love is big hearted. Love doesn’t behave unseemly or rudely. When I am rude towards someone I am saying I don’t

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Castlegar News Thursday, February 13, 2014 A17

Lifestyle Atamanenko on 2014 budget Happy to see changes for the better Continued from P. A5

ing their glasses of wine from one area to another. At one Okanagan winery we heard the ridiculous story of customers being forced to take their drinks outside and walk along a path and down stairs to get to picnic benches – it was illegal for them to take a shorter, stair-free direct route through the building because part of it is an area designated to hold extra tables and chairs for a restaurant in the same building. What wineries and craft breweries and distilleries have had to cope with in BC is regulations that seem like vestiges of the prohibition era. Indeed, some of the public’s objections to specific changes sound exactly like that. The fear that allowing pubs to open up to families with children of any age is a good example. I recall carrying our months-old first son in a snuggly and walking into a completely empty pub on one of the Gulf Islands more than 30 years ago. Only with the co-operation of an understanding server, who was willing to risk her job, allowed us to sit on the patio to have lunch in the only restaurant in the area. In my opinion, the single easiest way to civilize behavior in pubs is to allow children in them. We have never, ever seen the slightest hint of a problem when we have gone into child-friendly pubs in other provinces and countries. The many changes promised by the BC government are long overdue, but credit to Premier Christy Clark and her team for taking up the challenge to modernize liquor policies. Finally.


Like everyone I’ve ever spoken to with any connection to the wine industry, I have long been critical of BC’s hopelessly out-dated and overly restrictive liquor regulations. With the changes announced recently though, I am happy to give credit where it is due. Many of my criticisms have not been connected to the availability of alcoholic beverages—in grocery stores, for instance. And happy hours are a nice idea but not particularly important to me. I am far more interested in seeing the wine, beer and liquor industries acknowledged as potentially much greater contributors to the province’s economic development. Nitpicky regulations and ones that simply don’t acknowledge the fact we are now in the 21st century have hampered these industries in many ways. Fortunately, the government’s announcement that it will adopt all of the recommendations from the BC Liquor Policy Review addresses most of my concerns. One of the most exciting changes will come with wineries being allowed to establish off-vineyard tasting rooms and wine shops. On visits to the state of Washington we have seen the clear benefits of wineries there setting up shop in other locations. The most obvious example was a trip that took us to the depressingly quiet, beautiful downtown core of Lewiston ID. It seemed like half of the retail buildings were empty. A short time later we were in Walla Walla, WA, where a couple of dozen tasting rooms are located right in the downtown core. Empty retail spaces were non-existent and in the evenings the streets were alive with pedes-

Lorne Eckersley

The MP has some concerns, however, of the lack of specific support for rural infrastructure. “There is no commitment to a small communities component which was a key ‘ask’ of Canada’s municipal leaders. Also, I am worried that the

Building Canada Fund has no real criteria, which could leave municipalities at risk of missing this year’s construction season,” concluded Atamanenko. In the words of NDP National Revenue critic, Murray Rankin of Victoria, the Conservatives have failed to stand

up for British Columbians. “This budget was an opportunity for the government to invest in jobs, to tackle the housing crisis, and to reverse reckless decisions like gutting the coast guard and closing the oil spill response centre. Instead, they’ve chosen to do nothing,” said Rankin.

La Dolce Vita trians strolling around, taking part in planned events and just wandering, not only into tasting rooms but into other businesses as well. The once busy Walla Walla airport, once busy with ancillary businesses like aircraft service centres had become pretty much moribund. An economic development effort, though, had attracted about a dozen and a half wineries to set up tasting rooms. A beautiful five-building development was constructed to incubate new wineries, which are restricted to the number of years they can remain in the buildings before moving into another location and freeing up the space for another newcomer. Both of these concepts— off-site tasting rooms and incubator wineries - came to life because the Washington government has a well-earned reputation for working with the private and academic sectors to benefit all sectors. Other changes to come seem to address some niggly rules, like ones that prevent winery customers from carry-

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Thursday, February 13, 2014 Castlegar News

DATSIK to bring dubstep to the Element


Derek Kaye Castlegar News contributor

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Electronic Music Star DATSIK, a Shambhala favourite, debuts his Digital Assassins tour with his first gig at the Element night club in Castlegar, Saturday February 22. DATSIK (born Troy Beetles) is a native of Kelowna and grew up a hardcore rap fan and it permeates his dark, aggressive music. He has racked up a series of seven #1 tracks on Beatport, including at one time owning five of the ten tunes on their best-sellers chart. Early remix credits include works for the biggest names in the game like Diplo, The Crystal Method and Bassnectar. He has exploded on the dubstep scene and now he’s produced a dozen new tracks for his debut full-length album, VITAMIN D on Dim Mak Re-

Show is set for Feb. 22 Submitted

cords, featuring collaborations with Infected Mushroom, DJ Z-Trip and Jonathan Davis of KORN. “It’s important to me to have my own style”, he says. “I will always have a strong hiphop element and be heavy. Of course, it’s gotta be funky so people can dance to it. Lately, I’m focusing on creating memorable songs, so it’s always real music and not just a collection of cool beats.” His debut album is poised to set a new standard in the wild world of dubstep. DATSIK cut



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his live teeth in 2011 as one of the featured artists on IDentity, North America’s first-ever all-electronic music tour, as well as support for KORN on their ‘Path of Totality’ tour. At the Element DATSIK will also be joined by Heroes and Villains DJ/MC duo from Atlanta currently signed to Diplo’s Mad Decent label, Vancouver’s Sub Antix who is on Datsik’s Firepower records label, and local support from Kootenays finest L nix + Dirty Tactix, hosted by Castlegar’s Dion Rego. This evening will feature state of the art audio and massive bass courtesy of PK Sound. Open late with full bar service from 10 p.m. - 3:30 a.m., PK Sound, and headliners all night. Tickets are $30 and can be bought in advance in Nelson, Castlegar, Rossland, Cranbrook, and online at tickets.

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Castlegar News Thursday, February 13, 2014 A19


Minor hockey players: read this! kolby solinsky BC Local News

Your whole team could win tickets to this year’s Tim Hortons NHL Heritage Classic. To apply, just submit an entry to Black Press Contests. Tell us how hockey, your team, or your favourite player has inspired you, and your team could win 25 tickets to to watch the Vancouver Canucks play the Ottawa Senators at BC Place in an hisoric re-match of the 1915 Stanley Cup Final. Anyone can enter on behalf of their team, or their favourite B.C. minor hockey team. Ten minor hockey teams from British Columbia will each receive 25 tickets to attend the Heritage Classic, held on March 2 in Vancouver’s BC Place stadium. This year’s Tim Hortons Heritage Classic will hold up to 55,000 fans, eager to watch a vintage, clearly Canadian showdown between the Canucks and Senators.

NOTICE FROM RDCK The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) provides Dog Control Services and Enforcement as follows for Specified Portions of Electoral Areas I and J (Brilliant, Raspberry Village, Robson) and RDCK Electoral Areas E and F. If you require assistance contact: Ten minor hockey teams in B.C. could win 25 tickets for each of their teams, to watch the 2014 Tim Hortons NHL Heritage Classic between Vancouver and Ottawa.— Black Press Contests

“Playing in front of 50,000 fans, the atmosphere will be amazing,” Canucks defenceman Kevin Bieksa said in December, when the Tim Hortons NHL Heritage Classic’s arena was unveiled. “Most of us grew up learning how to skate outdoors. We’ve been watching these games for a few years now

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and chomping at the bit hoping we could get into one.” Kevin Bieksa got his wish. Will you, too? Submit your entry before Friday, February 21, 2014. Go to our contest page Online by clicking Contests at the top of our web page:

Specified Portions of Electoral Areas I & J (RDCK Bylaw No. 1760) Ms. Pamela Guille RDCK Dog Control Officer Phone: (250) 365-9463 Email: Electoral Areas E & F (RDCK Bylaw No. 2095) Ms. Pamela Guille RDCK Dog Control Officer Phone: (250) 505-8112 Email:

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Thursday, February 13, 2014 Castlegar News

Sports Area curlers converge on Castlegar BETSY KLINE Castlegar News contributor

This past weekend the Castlegar Curling Club hosted the Masters’ Verzuh/Clay Memorial Bonspiel. The event was so named to honour two well respected Castlegar curlers. Ralph Clay was a long time curler as well as ice maker and manager of the rink. At the age of 92, Mike Verzuh was the oldest active curler in B.C. Sixteen teams from Castlegar, Trail, Rossland, Beaver Valley and Nelson competed in four divisions. Cash prizes were awarded to the winners. The format for the prizes was $20 for each game won, $80 for a division win, and $40 for a second place division fin-

Taking title for total points was the Secco rink from Trail, pictured from left: Mel Johnson, Brett Rakuson, Pat Fennel, & Primo Secco. Betsy Kline

ish. The winner of the “A” division was the Venturini rink from Beaver Valley. The “B” division winner was the Secco rink from Trail. Winning the “C” division was the Coleman rink from Trail. The “D” divi-

sion was won by the Stephenson rink from Beaver Valley. The honour of the team with the most total points went to the Primo Secco rink from Trail with four wins and one tie.

Monthly award winner Saints’ goaltender Chris Hurry receives Player of the Month kudo from Dale Donaldson of Mallard’s Source For Sports. Presentation was made prior to Saturday night’s game at the Castlegar Community Complex.

bogo bogoent west kootenay

west kootenay


t n e v e winter buy a full price ad and run the identical ad

Derek Kaye

gainthis at winter no CHaRGe! some apply. buy a full price ad RestRiCtions and run the identical ad again at no CHaRGe! some RestRiCtions apply.

• BoGo must be mentioned at the time • BoGo must be mentioned at the time of booking and cannot be applied of booking and cannot be applied to account balances. to account balances. • applicable on display advertising only. only. • applicable on display advertising • For new ads only, regularly scheduled • For new ads only, regularly scheduled ads are not eligible. ads are •not eligible. Offer expires February 28, 2013. • Offer expires February 28, 2013.

Arts, CuLture & HeritAge grANt WritiNg WOrKsHOPs CKCA is hosting Free workshops for individuals or groups in the Columbia Basin who are interested in applying for the trust’s Arts, Culture and Heritage funding. Winlaw: Thursday Feb. 20, 7 – 9 p.m. Location: threads guild, 7112 Perry’s Back rd. (at junction with Hwy 6)

Castlegar: Saturday Feb. 22, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Christine 250 365 6397 Christine Esovoloff Christine

Location: Castlegar rec. Centre, 2101 6th Ave.

Nakusp: Sunday Feb. 23, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Location: selkirk College, 311 Broadway st.

Online: Fri. Feb. 21, 2 – 4 p.m. & Mon. Feb. 24, 6 – 8 p.m.

250 365 6397 250.365.6397

Administered and managed by:

If you have any marketing questions or to start your advertising, please feel free to contact me.

Registration required, email: P.O. Box 103, Nelson, BC, V1L 5P7 1.877.505.7355

421 Salmo Ski Hill Road, Salmo 3500 sq ft home + 60x40 shop and 32x16 showroom



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Castlegar News Thursday, February 13, 2014


Saints dominate with back-to-back wins DEREK KAYE Castlegar News contributor

Last weekend was a great one for Castlegar hockey fans. The beloved KIJHL Rebels won both their games to help toward clinching their playoff spot. The collegiate Selkirk Saints had no trouble winning both their games. The 7-0 win over the University of Victoria Vikes on Saturday February 8 gave Saints’ goalie Chris Hurry a shut-out on the same night as receiving the player of the month and game first star honours. The following evening the Saints were across the border making a case for Canadian hockey superiority, decisively beating their University of Eastern Washington opponents 6-3 on a cold Sunday afternoon in Spokane. The Saturday game at the Complex really was a standout for Chris Hurry as the Vikes landed a total of 45 shots compared to the Saints 35 shots of which the Vikes Goalie Nick Babich allowed seven to cross the goal line. On offence the Saints were faster on the plays and turnovers resulting in some quick passing

and breakaway opportunities. Captain Logan Proulx teamed up with line mates Jackson Garrett and Cody Fidgett to produce the first two goals at 13:43 and 9:23, Fidget scoring the first and Proulx the second. The next period scoring opened at 10:56 with the Proulx and Garret line accompanied by goal scorer Connor McLaughlin. Two more goals were landed in the second period by Tanner Lenting (assisted by Matthew Luongo and Mason Spear) and Thomas Hardy (assisted by Darnell Dyck and Dylan Smith). The third period featured continued domination for the Saints as they scored twice more while Saints goalie Chris Hurry refused to let any of the Vikes shots hit their mark. The Proulx-Garrett line, this time including Tanner Lenting, scored at 10:17, Garrett being the triggerman. One last goal at 6:32 by Ryan Procyshyn, assisted by Markus McCrea and Mason Spear, gave the Selkirk Saints a lucky seven. Coach Jeff Dubois was quick to praise the consistent goaltending by Chris Hurry. “Offensively we had the guns going pretty good; defen-

sively not our best - that was the most shots we’ve given up at home this season. Chris Hurry was a much bigger part of the game then you might think your goalie would need to be in a seven-nothing win.” Second star kudos went to Logan Proulx and third star to linemate Jackson Garrett who together were responsible for four of the seven Saints’ goals. Jackson Garrett, obviously elated by the evening’s events, spoke to the Castlegar News after the game. “Scored a nice goal,” he summarized. “Logan made a really good pass there on a three on two, made a nice move to the back end and put it in and was really happy about it. Play with two really good line mates, Cody Fidget and Logan Proulx. They’re unreal hockey players. It makes it super easy to play with them that’s for damn sure.” The Saints next home game is Valentine’s Day (Friday February 14) at the Castlegar Complex against Trinity Western. Puck drops at 7:30 p.m. The Saints (as of the most recent win) were second in the league standings, four points behind Simon Fraser.

Hot streak

Saints Captain Logan Proulx No. 27 sets up play with Line Mate Jackson Connor No. 8. This line would score 4 of 7 Saints goals. Derek Kaye

Are you a job seeker looking for employment? Or a high school student looking into post-secondary programs or searching for information on your future career? Come out and explore your career and education options! For more information, visit

February 14th, 2014

Valentines Dinner The adult menu features

• Rib-eye steak with “after-dark” mushrooms • Seafood stuffed chicken breast Both of these items include your choice of potato, or rice & veg and comes with a complimentary special Valentines dessert.

Kids menu features A mini French Dip for the kids with a complimentary dessert. Dinner starts at 5pm. Reservations are recommended.

4370B Minto Rd. Castlegar, BC 250.365.0035



APRIL 5TH, FESTIVAL 2014 ROTARY WINE Celebrating BC 5 Wines & Wineries TH, 2014 APRIL Celebrating BC Wines & Wineries

Castlegar Community Complex 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm

7:00 pm to 10:00 pm A semi Formal Affair Catering Bon Appetito A semi by Formal Affair Catering

Food & Wine Pairing 101

Presented by Sarah Food and Wine of Sonoran PairingEstate 101 Winery

Blind Challenge Catering by Bon Appetito Catering Presented by&Sarah Adrian from Dirty Laundry of Sonoran Estate Winery Silent Auction Blind Challenge



Major Door Prize Silent Auction Safe Ride Door HomePrize Event Major (by donation to the Interact Safe Ride Home Event Club)

donation Interact Club) (by(by donation to to thethe Interact Club)

Applications Now Accepted Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance, in partnership with Columbia Basin Trust, invites individuals of all artistic disciplines and arts, culture and heritage groups in the Columbia Basin to apply for project funding. Program brochures and application forms are available online at, or call CKCA at 1.877.505.7355 or email

Ticket Price $55. Available at:

Ticket Price $55. Available at: Oglow`s Paint - Bubblees Bubblees Liquor LiquorStore Store - Sound West Sales (Trail) Sound West Sales&&Sevice Sevice(Trail)

Limited number of tickets Adrian from Dirty Laundry Limited$number of tickets 20 each $20 each Avail at Bubblees Avail at Bubblees Liquor Store 2:30-4:30 SaturdayStore April 5 Liquor Super 8 Hotel 2:30-4:30 Saturday April 5th th

Super 8 Hotel

- Oglow`s Paint

Our Sponsors

Deadline for applications is March 7, 2014, or March 21, 2014, depending on the program. Photo: Good Ol’ Goats - 2013 Kootenay Festival - Colin Payne Photography

Administered and managed by: P.O. Box 103, Nelson, BC, V1L 5P7


Help us build a new mulit-use facility in Twin Rivers Park and send poor children to school in Tegucigalpa, Honduras


Thursday, February 13, 2014 Castlegar News




1 Asian noodles 6 Quick looks 11 “The __” 14 Poke __ in 15 Game console button 16 __ polloi 17 “Sommersby” actress 19 1992 figure skating silver medalist 20 What “will be” will be? 21 Actress Dolores __ Rio 22 Post-blizzard creation 24 “The Federalist Papers” co-writer 27 Part of UNLV 28 Shortcut, perhaps 33 Kobe’s home 36 Energy 37 Environmental sci. 38 Hosp. areas 39 Freaked out 43 Org. for analysts 44 Dickens clerk 46 __ Aviv 47 Plant circulatory tissue 49 Measure used by navigators 53 Some govt. lawyers 54 Kind of memory 58 Golfer and his


buddy, say 62 Barbecue item 63 Never, in Nuremberg 64 Trash holder 65 Packaged produce buy, and a literal description of the ends of 17-, 28-, 39- and 49-Across 68 Word before or after blue 69 Paris pupil 70 Picture 71 “Mr. __ Passes By”: Milne play 72 A.J. Foyt, e.g. 73 Flies alone


1 Hindi for “king” 2 Now, in Nicaragua 3 Surfing equipment 4 Ransom __ Olds 5 Locker room exchange 6 Opening words 7 Some RPI grads 8 Body shop figs. 9 Sharp 10 Easy pace 11 Playfully kooky 12 Minute amount 13 Utah national park 18 Crumbly cheese 23 Corduroy ridge

25 Biographer Tarbell 26 Extended short story 29 Singer/actress Peeples 30 Energize, with “up” 31 “Not a chance” 32 Character actor Jack 33 Doe in many films 34 Specialty 35 Lewis Carroll, for one 40 Non-Rx 41 Museum funding org. 42 Bookplate words 45 Educ. collaborators


48 As of now 50 Glucose, to fructose 51 Geese : gaggle : crows : __ 52 Beatnik’s “Gotcha” 55 “Barry Lyndon” actor 56 Musical nickname related to jewelry 57 Survey answers 58 Cook’s meas. 59 Collaborative Web project 60 Kunis of “Black Swan” 61 Corporate VIP 66 Holiday starter 67 Rock genre

Sports Goal glut suits Rebels, sinks Bruins Derek Kaye Castlegar News contributor

It was a good weekend (February 7 and 8) for the Castlegar Rebels. They are in the final stretch of the regular season and the need to secure their play-off spot is front and centre. So this past weekend with back-to-back games, the first on Friday in Castlegar and the next day in Grand Forks, had a sense of pressure as the last place team Border Bruins try to dislodge the teams above them including third place Rebels in the Murdoch Division. The Border Bruins with their new coach Kevin Flather pushed the Rebels to perform and fight to prove their worth. And with a stroke of numerology the Rebels beat the Border Bruins by the same score both nights 6 - 2. Scrappy is not a strong enough a word to describe the abundance of cheap shots and provocations that caused intense fighting at Friday’s game. Fortunately for the home crowd Rebels Diego Bartlett ended up victorious in landing the most punches in the shortest time possible against his struggling opponent in the most major of the tussles, and was awarded a double game misconduct. Puzzling is a good word to describe how you can be ejected from a game twice but somehow Diego managed to do it with style. Friday’s game opened with

Border Bruins goalie Dominic Stadnyk lies flat on his back as another Rebel goal is scored late in third period. Derek Kaye

the Border Bruins on the scoreboard first at 17:36 with a goal by Max Newton assisted by Lukas Peters and Lincoln Lane. The Rebels scored just past the halfway mark in the first when Kody Disher jammed the puck by Bruins goalie Dominic Stadnyk in a crease-side melee. In the second period the Rebels scored on two power play opportunities – by Jeremy McNeil from Darren Medeiros and Connor Beauchemin at 16:37, and again at 6:40 by Chase Reddin assisted by Aaron Brewer and Kody Disher. As Bruins Coach Kevin Lather would later comment, “Bottom line, penalties killed us.” The Bruins did score once in the second, Kyle Dolly from Tucker Brown and Nathan Cory. Diego Bartlett gave the Rebels one more goal before the second period ended, set up by Derek Georgopoulos and Hunter Jenerou. The third period was dom-

inated by the Rebels as they scored twice more in the last half with Kody Disher (Aaron Petten and Aaron Brewer) finding the mark, and Matt Reed filling an empty net with only 1:48 left in the game assisted by Aaron Petten and Kody Disher along with the Border Bruins last minute attempts to get a goal through. Matt Reed spoke later that, “It was a rough game tonight, both teams are battling for a play-off spot…we’re crash bang do everything we can.” It certainly was a philosophy that worked as the Rebels inch closer to the play-offs to defend their 2013 championship. This weekend will find the Rebels playing the Beaver Valley Nitehawks on Friday February 14 in Beaver Valley and on Saturday in Castlegar. Beaver Valley is in second place above Castlegar’s third place in the Murdoch division 3.25 4.7 of thexKIJHL.

CASTLEGAR NORDIC SKI CLUB ANNUAL FUN “TROLL LOPPET” CROSS COUNTRY SKI MARATHON Sunday, February 16, 2014 Start Time: 10:00 a.m. at the Viking Centre To Register:

1. At Mallard’s Source for Sports in Castlegar by Thursday, February 13 2. At Mud Lake to attendant by Sunday, February 9th 3. Online at Zone 4 4. Email Audrey at 5. At Loppet start at Mud Lake, 8:30 - 9:30 am 6. Registration forms also available on our website All participants will receive a participation award; juice and snacks will be available at the finish. Please carry your own water for the Troll Loppet. THIS IS A PARTICIPATION EVENT, NOT A RACE; YOUR TIME WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR INFORMATION.

Golf Lessons Get an early start on your swing to prepare for the new season! Back by popular demand, Denny McArthur will offer golf lessons at the Selkirk College Castlegar Campus Gymnasium. All lessons included swing and video analysis and a mix of group and one-on-one instruction. Classes will be offered on Tuesdays starting February 18th.

To register call 250.365.1208 or for more information call 250.365.1304 or visit

Castlegar News Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sports Kannibelles digest a victorious encounter with Fernie guests


The Castlegar campus of Selkirk College still doesn’t know what hit it on Saturday. After a full day at a roller derby referees’ and officials’ camp, the “zebras” got to test their reaction time and whistle-blowing skills in a fast-paced game between the Kootenay Kannibelles, our West Kootenay travel team, and the Avalanche City Roller Girls from Fernie, BC. The Kannibelles and ACRG have each seen some major shakeups since they last faced off in August 2013. Both teams had lost a number of long-standing teammates and picked up some new talent. Blockers and jammers alike found themselves lined up against unknown opponents with unknown skills, keeping every skater on her toes from the first whistle blow to the final one. With familiar jammers like Jenna Jammerson and Flash Fury skating for ACRG, the Kannibelles knew that they had their work cut out for them – but there proved no time to relax when the Fernie team debuted new jammers like Jake Break and Meter Maid, who proved that tenacity was in their blood far before they dressed in red and black. The Belles’ blockers had to play hard and stick together to contain these ex-

baric warned them in the locker room at halftime, ACRG was getting a taste for their tricks and were not going to let them off easy over the next 30 minutes. Bumps, bruises, and even a bloody nose ensued, reminding the 100+ fans watching that roller derby is not for the faint of Big effort from L’il Squirt - #942 heart. Kid Sinister put on Jim Sinclair the star for a couple jams, plosive jammers, who fought blasting through the opsingle-mindedly to evade the posing walls as if shot out of a white walls of Kannibelles. cannon. Both teams’ jammers Meanwhile, the Kannibelles’ spent time in the penalty box, jammers found themselves up leaving teammates to defend against a rotating door of hit against not only the opposing after hit. Core strength proved jammer but also the blockers the name of the game for Ur- that rushed to her aid. Consula Aggress, making her de- crete Cindy and Pantsoff took but as a Kannibelles jammer turns rocketing into ACRG and proving that it takes more skaters at every turn, buying than a thump to the chest to time for Belles jammers as the knock her down. clock ticked down. L’il Squirt lived up to her When the final jam ended name, ducking into the small- the score was 345–117 in faest of gaps on her way into vour of the home team. Roller the pack only to come rocket- derby scores can be deceptive, ing out the front again. Bark and while a 200+ point spread Messier, a fresh recruit to looks like a blowout this game the Kannibelles, reminded was anything but. the Avalanche blockers that Both teams fought relentthough she may be new, she lessly and the Kannibelles has moves just waiting to be never felt complacent with unleashed. With her fluid their lead, as evidenced by the hockey style she efficiently rapt attention of fans glued to dodged some earth-rattling their seats. hits, making the ACRG blockAll in all, a season opener ers scramble to regain a hold to remember, the Kannibelles on her. are sure to grow their fan The Kannibelles took an base as exponentially as their 2.83 x5” early lead, but as Coach Bar- scores in 2014!

MIR LECTURE SERIES Peter Rezansoff Lecture

250-352-5331 Feb 14th - Lust For Life Valentine’s Burlesque Show Heavy Petal Burlesque Feb 15th - Kytami w/ Mishap Phonic Ops Feb 20th - Blackberry Wood & Guests

Feb 21st - The Martin Brothers w/ Smalltown DJs Feb 22nd - Delhi 2 Dublin w/ The Man In Havana Feb 27th - Dope Soda

Feb 28th - Mark Berube Early Show Ash Grunwald Late Show

Mar 1st - Sigma UK Drum and Bass Duo Mar 4th - The Boom Booms Mar 7th - Pickwick

Mar 8th - Hoola & Lief

Mar 12th - Real McKenzies Mar 14th - Slynk

Mar 15th - The Librarian w/ Naasko

Mar 17th - Selectah Messenjah & Mama Sa Wailers After Party

Mar 21st - Billy Bangers & DJ Breaker Mar 24th - Mounties with Rich Aucoin


FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 7:00 PM Brilliant Cultural Centre, Castlegar

WAR IS A FORCE THAT GIVES US MEANING. Chris Hedges is an American journalist, author and political activist. He was a war correspondent for over 20 years and in 2002, Hedges was part of the team of reporters at The New York Times awarded the Pulitzer Prize for the paper’s coverage of global terrorism. He also received the Amnesty International Global Award for Human Rights Journalism. Tickets available at Selkirk College Bookstore, Castlegar, (phone orders available by calling 250-365-1281) Otter Books, Nelson and at the door. $16 adults, $13 seniors and $13 students

For more information visit our website or phone 250.365.1261. A23







Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386

Public Swim at the Castlegar Community Complex Mon/Wed/Fri Mon/Wed Tues/Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday

6:30-9:00am 10:00-4:00pm & 7:30-9:00pm 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm 10:00-8:30pm 1:00-6:00pm 1:00-6:00pm

Early Bird Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim

Drop In Fitness Classes Fitness classes happen 5 days per week. Purchase a Castlegar & District Community Complex membership pass and over 20 fitness classes are included. Greatest deal in town. Classes offered are:

• Circuit Strength • Deep Water Works • Fab 50+ • Health & Recovery

Upcoming Recreation Programs • Spring Break Red Cross Swim Lessons Monday – Thursday • March 17 – 27 Registration Now taking place!

Ice Action • Selkirk Saints vs Trinity Western University Saturday Feb 14 • Game 7:30pm • Rebels vs Beaver Valley Nite Hawks Friday Feb 15 • Game 7:30pm • Public Skate Lions Move A Thon Saturday Feb 15 • 10:00-12:00noon Sunday Feb 16 • 4:15-5:45pm

• Ultimate Kickbox • Step n’Tone • PM Aqua Fit • Core & More • Learn to Kayak Sundays Feb 16 – Mar 23 11:00-12:00pm • $75.00 • Mini Mini Soccer Mon & Wed 4:30-5:00pm Starting April 14th • $40.00

Spring Break Leisure Guide will be in the mail the week of March 3rd. Be sure to check out our spring line up. Registration starts March 10th. For more information go to web site.

Registration still taking place for a variety of Winter Recreation Programs. Check out our Winter Leisure Guide on line Brochures in the mail next week. Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. If you would like your event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.


Thursday, February 13, 2014 Castlegar News


Your community. Your classifieds.


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How to place a

Classified Ad with 250.365.6397

Call Or Drop by our office at Unit #2, 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar, BC 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday Classified Deadline 4pm Monday



Coming Events


QUALITY ASSURANCE course for Health Canada’s Commercial Marijuana Program. February 22 & 23 Best Western Hotel, Kelowna, BC. Tickets: or 1-855-860-8611 or 250870-1882.

LOOKING FOR the whereabouts of C.F. Single & S.W. Single. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of these people, please phone 1-204-2244815 and leave a message.

THE 5th annual WCOWMA-BC Convention & Trade Show will be held at the South Thompson Inn and Conference Centre (3438 Shuswap Road) in Kamloops on February 20 - 23, 2014. Workshops, open forum discussions, networking opportunities and door prizes. Trade show admission is complimentary. Don’t miss the only wastewater trade show and convention in BC. More info at




Business Opportunities

Kia Motors Product Consultant Castlegar Kia is hiring a Product Consultant for our new dealership. We are guided by the slogan the “The Power to Surprise” as we introduce Kia to the Kootenays and serve our customers with passion and respect. Working with Castlegar Kia in vehicle sales is a real opportunity to achieve your personal and financial goals. It will challenge you to adapt, improve and learn. It is a chance to be part of something special. If you are energized by making the most of each day, apply with us. Whether you are experienced or new to the auto industry, we invite your interest and questions. All inquiries treated confidentially. To apply please submit your cover letter and resume immediately to: Devon Cheveldaeff Sales Manager Fax (250) 365-0319 Email:

Information ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: “BLUE VALENTINE” Only one of the deeply romantic and moving tracks on “Vignettes”, the newly released CD of original piano music composed and performed by well-known local musician, VANYA POPOV (aka “Johnny Popoff”) Be sure to warm your special Valentine’s heart - look for “Vignettes” in various local outlets, or call 250777-1037 or 250-442-5397.

Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits or Other Insurance? If YES, call or email for your

Personals Handyman Senior Gent looking for Single Lady for companionship 70 & over N/S, likes curling bowling & quick conversation Would like to meet, Call 250-231-1631 or 359-7343

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Lost & Found Found set of ski’s & poles by Blueberry bridge on Sat Feb 1st Call 250-365-6759



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In Memoriam

In Memoriam


Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Class 1 Drivers for the Castlegar area. Applicants should have LTL & P&D driving experience. Please drop resume and current drivers abstract to: Ashley at our Castlegar Terminal. 1360 Forest Rd Castlegar BC Van-Kam is committed to employment equity and environmental responsibility. We thank all applicants for your interest, previous applicants need not to apply.


BRANCH MANAGER & Counter Parts Person required for automotive parts, HD parts and body shop supply business in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. Parts experience required. Email:

Phillip & Christine Datchkoff and James & Jacquie Craig are delighted to announce the engagement of their children

Classifieds Get Results!

Jennifer Jane & Jeffrey George

Jen & Jeff currently reside in Kamloops. They will tie the knot in Castlegar on September 5, 2015!



May 1931-December 2013 Carl lived a full life raising a family of 4 children in the Pass Creek area while working at many local saw mills, picking fruit in the summer, and homesteading on the farm He was a lover of nature and lived life with a common sense approach. His big smile, and simple sense of humor will be missed by all. The family of Carl Zaytsoff would like to thank the Castlegar Funeral Home for putting together a wonderful service as well as all friends and family who attended the funeral to honor his life.”Burial is scheduled for Sunday, June 8th at the Pass Creek cemetery.

Jean Schulte October 5, 1914 January 31, 2014 After a long, healthy and happy life Jean passed away peacefully on Friday, January 31, 2014, at the age of 99. She was born to Robert and Abigail Murray and raised in Consul, Saskatchewan. In February 1937 she came to Trail and in March she and Henry (Hank) were married. They lived in Trail, Oasis, Vancouver and in 1942 they moved to Blueberry Creek BC where they raised their family.

Jean will be sadly missed and lovingly remembered by her daughter Carolyn (Cook), sons Terry and Bob; grandchildren Jim, Keith, Colleen, Jennifer, Glenn, Erin, Kerry, Michelle and Bobby; great grandchildren Christopher, Heather, Daniel, Caryn, Chelsea, Michaela, Kendra, Ana and Julia; great-great grandchildren Riley, Jasmine, Rory and Osiris.

Five years have gone by There has not been a day that We haven't thought of you and Missed you dearly Lovingly remembered by your Family & Friends

Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary to Peter & Noeline Brockley February 20th, 1954 to February 20th, 2014 from your loving family Best wishes to 2249 Glade Rd., Castlegar, BC V1N 4R4 250-399-4571 (home) 250-608-0272 (cell) email:

We’re on the net at Celebrations


Jean enjoyed the quiet, simple things in life — reading, making cookies, gardening, afternoon tea and going for car rides.

In Memoriam

October 1, 1943 - February 17, 2009


Carl William Zaytsoff

She was predeceased by her husband Hank, brothers John and Bill, sister Molly, sister-in-law Helen and son-in-law Bill.

Quinto Maida



EXCITING NEW Canadian Business Opportunity. Available in your area! Min investment req’d. For more info: call 1-866-945-6409.


In Loving Memory


At Jean’s request there will be no funeral and no flowers. Cremation has taken place. Our thanks to all the staff at Talarico Place for their kind, patient and supportive care during her final years. “She was one feisty lady!” “We’ll miss you Mom!”

It was a stormy night February 17, 1964 in the town of Villa Franco de Campo on the Island of San Miguel, one of the Azore Islands off of the coast of Portugal

HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY LIBERTA MARIA From your friends in low places

Castlegar News Thursday, February 13, 2014 A25








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Career Opportunities

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CAREERS in Trucking. Well established Chip Hauler offers steady employment with Extended Benefits, Pension Plan, Direct Payroll deposit and more to U.S. Capable Class 1 drivers with clean abstracts and verifiable mountain experience. Apply online: or fax resume: 250-3572009 For further information 1888-357-2612 Ext:230

COUNSELLOR TRAINING online, Register before February 28 at www.collegemhc .com, Mental Health Counsellor Certificate/Diploma, Recognized Available: Supervision, Membership, Insurance, Employment/Placement Assistance, Client Referrals.


Dental Hygienist wanted Part-Time 2 days/week avail March. Send resume to Dr. Zarikoff’s office 515D Vernon St. Nelson BC

YRB Yellowhead Road & Bridge

CEDA is Hiring! Shutdown Labourers & Operators

HOME INSPECTION COMPANY expanding into the Castlegar area. ~All Training Included~

Call Dave for Franchise Presentation. 1.855.301.2233

We’re on the net at



START NOW! Complete Ministry approved Diplomas in months! Business, Health Care and more! Contact Academy of Learning College: 1-855-354-JOBS (5627) or We Change Lives!

Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1


Automotive Service Advisor

Are you thinking about taking your automotive career to the next level? If you are, then you’ll appreciate working with us. Castlegar Toyota requires an experienced licensed technician to service all makes and models in our modern and fully equipped facility.

Castlegar Toyota immediately seeks an energetic, customer-focused service advisor who is great with people and can handle numerous demands in a professional and courteous manner.

When it comes to service, our priority is making sure our customers are pleased, and we understand the importance of quality technicians in meeting that goal. Come join us.

Help Wanted

Please send your resume and cover letter to: Daryl Zibin 1530 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1H9 Fax: (250) 365-2752 Email:

Daryl Zibin Castlegar Toyota 1530 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1H9 Email:

Start something that lasts

Sales Representative With critically acclaimed vehicles such as the all-new, award-winning GMC Sierra pickup, Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC’s outlook has never been better. As a result, we’re looking for a capable, personable and motivated sales representative to demonstrate our exciting lineup of vehicles to customers. If you have a deep interest in automobiles and enjoying sharing your passion with others in a genuinely helpful manner, then maybe this position is for you. We provide the kind of training and support to help you succeed, and our compensation and benefits packages rank among the best anywhere. Sales experience is helpful but not necessary. Good communication and computer skills along with a willingness to learn and constantly improve are far better indicators of potential success. Please send your cover letter and resume to: Scott Hutt, Sales Manager 1700 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 2W4 Fax: (250) 365-3949 Email:


Yellowhead Road & Bridge (Kootenay) Ltd. is looking for a Mechanic for our New Denver facility. Applicants will need to hold a valid TQ for Heavy Duty or Commercial Transport, class three driver’s licence and Motor Vehicle Inspection licence would be an asset. Resumes can be faxed to 250-352-2172 or e-mailed to

• • • • •

Qualifications include: Physically demanding Clean driver’s abstract Travel within Alberta Class 1/3 driver’s license MED 3 boating license To submit resume please visit online:

Book Your Classified Ad Now


Imagine a job that fits your life. Flexible hours Health benefits Full and Part-time Scholarship program Incentive programs

Duties in this fast-paced position include scheduling maintenance and repair work, providing estimates, selling service and parts as required, coordinating technicians and embracing administrative tasks. Strong telephone and computer skills are essential. Our standards are high because our customers deserve superb treatment. As a result, we offer excellent benefits, bonuses, competitive pay and a positive working environment. This is a full-time position. Please send you cover letter and resume to:

Start something that lasts

Classifieds Get Results!


Automotive Service Technician

Our dealership is focused on hiring and retaining the best. As such, we offer market-leading pay and benefits, paid training opportunities, a supportive team and the opportunity to advance.

Looking for extensive respite assistance for adult female in Crescent Valley preferred mature exp female to apply call 359-7696 or email

Heavy Duty Mechanic Wanted

Day and Evenings Shifts Available Apply in person at 1465 Columbia Ave. Castlegar or fax to 250-365-2980

HALCYON HOUSE SITE MANAGER Job Summary: The Site Manager reports to the Executive Director and is responsible for the organization and supervision of the operation of Halcyon House in accordance with applicable policies and procedures. Responsible for collaborating in the planning, organizing and directing the provision of excellence in the delivery of tenant centred approach to care. Responsible for overall assessment, determination of tenant status, care planning, interventions and care evaluation when tasks are delegated. Maintains and provides documentation and records related to the operation. The Site Manager is responsible for general operations, personnel supervision, clinical supervision, tenant responsibilities, social programs and quality and assurance planning. Requirements: • Completion of a recognized training program of Licensed Practical Nurses • Current licensure with the BC College of Practical Nurses • Food Safe Level I • First Aid • Minimum of 4 years of experience in a combination of Acute Care Setting and experience in a Long Term Care setting • Some supervisory/leadership experience an asset • Physical ability to carry out the duties of this position • No criminal record Successful candidate will be a team player, with demonstrated ability to communicate effectively with tenants, family, the public, medical staff and members of the team. To apply please submit resume by 4:00 pm on February 19, 2014. Mail: Halcyon Assisted Living Society Box 100 Nakusp, BC V0G 1R0 Attn: Human Resources Fax: 250-265-3378 Email: In-person: 205-6th Ave NW, Nakusp, BC


Professionals Connecting Professionals

Top Local Jobs New Jobs Posted Daily


Thursday, February 13, 2014 Castlegar News



Trades, Technical

Trades, Technical

BALDFACE - Assistant Cat Ski Guide Baldface Lodge in Nelson BC is looking for an energetic Assistant Ski Guide. You should bring integrity and professionalism to the job while creating a fun and safe environment for our guests to create the ultimate ski/boarding vacation. Shifts are 7days on and 7 days off now through the end of the 2014 season. Qualifications: *Certified Ski/Snowboard Guide (Level 2 CSGA or ACMG Apprentice Guide) *Level 2 Avalanche Technician (Canadian Avalanche Association) *Advanced First Aid Attendant (80+ hours) *2+years experienced mechanized ski or snowboard guide (cat skiing preferred) Compensation: $225+ per day depending on qualifications and experience plus food and accommodations for 7 day shifts at the lodge Please send resume and cover letter to and use “Assistant Ski Guide” as subject line. JOURNEYMAN HEAVY DUTY MECHANICS Fort McMurray & Leduc Alberta Gladiator Equipment Ltd. has immediate positions for Journeyman Heavy Duty, off road Certified Mechanics for work in Fort McMurray and Leduc, Alberta. Excellent wages and benefits. fax 1-780-986-7051.

Lets You Live Life.

Help Wanted


Required F/T for Vancouver Outboard. Primary duties will include maintenance troubleshooting and repair of diesel & gas marine engines. Knowledgeable in vessel electrical systems is an asset. Must have own tools and a valid drivers license. Exc. Compensation Based On Experience. Please forward resume: vancouveroutboard@



Financial Services

Business/Office Service

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email: C- 250-938-1944


Financial Services


ANNACIS ISLAND Pawnbrokers open ‘till midnight 7 days a week. 604-540-1122. Cash loans for Jewellery, Computers, Smartphones, Games, Tools etc. #104-1628 Fosters Way at Cliveden. annacisis DROWNING IN Debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

The Cutting Edge Hair and Tanning Studio in Creston BC is now offering Hot Head hair extensions. A full set, cut to shape your new look and styled $450. Every 8 weeks extension replacement $70. Call us at 250-428-3488 to book your consultation. It’s worth the drive

Legal Services

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate


Misc. for Sale

Houses For Sale

Auto Financing

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:

Last 2 Brand New Adult Homes on Merry Creek Road Beautiful 2 bedroom 2 bathroom, half duplexes available in central Castlegar Starting at $309,000

Tidy tank, electric bike, queen bed, 2 table & chairs, lazy boy hardwood flooring, under floor heating pads, lamps weights/bench, table saw tools, BBQ, air conditioner humidifier, camping, patio furniture, & more, all excellent condition, make offers. Call 250-365-3411

Lindmar Development Ltd. Quality Adult Homes Ron Smithers: 250-365-4823 Licensed Home Warranty Builder

Garage Sales

Misc. Wanted

Moving Sale, Sat, Feb 15th 1419 - 32nd St, 9 - 3, lots of furniture & much more

Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Estates, Gold & Silver Coins + 499-0251

Misc. for Sale

Real Estate

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? Like New - Guild 4x8 Slate Pool Table, beautiful piece of furniture, never been abused Looking for a Loving Home $6500 New Offers! Kenmore HE Dryer - White Stackable, Front Load - $300 250-365-8286; 250-304-9304

Lrg Kitchen, 2 Sun Porches Central Air, Dbl car garage 100’ x 98’ private river view $275,000, Welcome Home Call 250-304-2944

STEEL BUILDING. “The big year end clear out!” 20x22 $4,259. 25x24 $4,684. 30x34 $6,895. 35x36 $9,190. 40x48 $12,526. 47x70 $17,200. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.

Merchandise for Sale

Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014

Castlegar 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath

Mobile Homes & Parks WANTED: Trailer Park in Nelson area. Have 18 suite apartment best location in Regina or will buy you park outright. Perry 1 306 525-2215

Houses For Sale 2005 SRI Double Wide MODULAR HOME 24x44 in Triangle Gardens. 45 years and up. Vaulted ceiling, open plan, bay window, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, pantry, low maintenance, gas heat, air conditioning, 5 appl’s, UGS, landscaped, covered deck & carport, other features, must see. 250-442-8676

SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

5 Bed 3 bath home In a quite neighborhood in Castlegar. This home offers a gourmet kitchen Japanese cherry wood flooring, generous room sizes, Luxurious bathrooms, efficient heating and cooling this is an opportunity you will not want to miss $384,900. Call Lev at Valhalla Path Realty 250-3548443

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Need A Vehicle! Guaranteed Auto Loan. Apply Now, 1.877.680.1231

Auto T


Financing d




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Catcher, Apply 1.800.910.6402



Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent Castlegar 2 Bdrm Apt 900 sq ft. F/S, D/W, laundry on site, grassed fenced yard one parking stall per apt. Clean bright and quiet. Ground level N/S, N/P $725/mth + utilities,250-365-5070 leave msg Grand Forks: Lg 2 bdrm, 1.5 bath, 5 app’s, private 400 sq ft deck. N/S, N/P. $750/m + util. Avail March 1st.250-442-7808. TRAIL, well-kept, quiet adult building, walk to Downtown, coin-op laundry, non-smoking. 2Bdrm. available immediately, 1Bdrm. available March 1st. 250-226-6886

Mobile Homes & Pads Christina Lake: 2 bdrm, includes W/D, N/S, N/P. adult park $500 mo. 250-447-6400.

Homes for Rent Grand Forks. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 5 appl’s. NS, complete reno. Rural, quiet, 1km from downtown. References required. $750/m+utils. 250-442-7476. Grand Forks rural trailer, valley view, mature couple, N/S, no partying. $500/m 250-5121268.

Suites, Lower Castlegar North 1 Bdrm Basement Suite, $650/mth incl utilities, Avail Feb 1st Call to view, 250-365-3333 CASTLEGAR SOUTH 1 bdrm basement suite fully furnished & equipped includes util. cable, internet, private ent close to bus stops, $750/mth Available March 1st 250-365-5164

Suites, Upper Downtown Castlegar upstairs suite, 2 Bdrm $600/mth includes utilities F/S, N/S, N/P, Near bus route & Kootenay Market Shopping Centre, Available immediately References required, 250-368-9144

Eating disorders are the deadliest of all mental illnesses. Learn more at

Snowmobiles 2010 Arctic Cat M8 HCR Snowmobile with only 1700 miles, runs great, very good condition. $7,900 OBO To view 250-365-3495 or 250-365-3190

Trucks & Vans

1991 3/4 ton Dodge Cummins diesel runs good need TLC $2500 OBO 250 551-2397 2001 Chev Silverado, 1 owner, fully loaded new winter tires, summer tires w/rims magnaflow dual exhaust $8500 + 1996 Wilderness Travel Trailer 19’ sleeps 4, fridge, stove, furnace $4000 call 825-0134 2007 Green F-150 Crew Cab 4x4, 5.4 litre (gas) Tow package, seats 6 c/w fold up concole, 6 foot box 143,000 km, asking $14,000 Call 250-365-5501

2010 Ford F-150 Platinum, 4X4, 40520 km, black, $15900,

Castlegar News Thursday, February 13, 2014 A27

Massage Therapy and Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia (FM) is a systemic disorder that affects between 2-6% of the general adult population. It is characterized by the identification of 11 of the 18 typical tender points on both sides of the body(for example the front of knee or the lateral aspect of the elbow), as well as widespread muscular aching lasting more than 3 months. What causes FM is still not clear but theories include immune abnormalities or a genetic predisposition. No matter its origin, FM is a difficult condition to be diagnosed with. Each individual is affected differently and can have mild to severe symptoms that are aggravated by lack of exercise, overexertion, extreme temperature changes or infectious illness as well as other factors. The most common symptoms of FM are generalized pain, moderate to severe levels of fatigue and lack of sleep. Massage Therapy is a great tool to use on FM, the therapist can tailor the massage to suit the patients pain tolerance and energy levels during each individual visit. Using gentle pressure and rhythmic techniques massage therapy can help to decrease the sympathetic nervous system from firing, calming nerves and decreasing stress. A study on 30 people who received massage therapy as well as other modalities revealed the group receiving massage therapy had improvement in tender point pain, stiffness and fatigue, as well as fewer nights of interrupted sleep (Sunshine et el.,1995b).

puncture and chiropractics) . Lifestyle management is extremely important and can greatly affect the severity of FM felt by an individual, it can be as simple as identifying triggers (i.e. poor sleep, stress) and reorganizing activities to mitigate their effects. Self-care can greatly improve a person living with FM life. Some suggestions for self-care include Epsom salt baths, saunas or heating pads to decrease muscle and point tenderness, or using essential oils such as lavender and camomile, they have a great soothing and analgesic effect on the nervous system. Proper posture patterns are very important to decrease the unnecessary load on joints and muscles that are already fatigued. A Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) would be able to help a person understand postural muscles and how to activate them. In some cases a referral to a naturopath may help to optimize immune function, especially if your FM flairs up with sickness. Relaxing exercises such as yoga and Tai Chi have also proven to be beneficial to people with FM. No matter if your Fibromyalgia is mild or severe, if you’ve just been diagnosed or been living with it for a long time, it’s important to know the resources that are available for you and what you can do for yourself to live a long and healthy life.

There is no cure for Fibromyalgia but it is frequently treated with medication, developing lifestyle management skills, and complementary therapies (such as massage therapy, acu-

Written by: Anna McCullagh, RMT

Put some Sparkle

in your Smile

Family Wellness - Massage Therapy - Laser Therapy - Orthotics

Dr. David Bzdel DC


Independent Dental Hygiene Clinic 2709A Columbia Ave. Castlegar • 250-365-8024

Chris Mansbridge, Reg. Acupuncturist


Anna McCullagh, Reg. Massage Therapist

1020 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC | 250.365.3365 |

ilverTherapy Birch SMassage & Spa Wendy Makortoff RMT Lara Podmorow, RMT Hongtong Seneyavong, RMT

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2325 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC, V1N 2W1 Phone: 250-304-4401

Email: |

We are pleased to welcome

Elisha Chambers, RYI

Dr. Lorne Swetlikoff, BSc., ND Naturopathic Physician

Classes 5:15-6:30pm Tuesday & Thursday Early Morning Classes are available with pre booking. 7:00-8:15am Rubiyah Ratna’s Meditation Class Wednesday February 26 from 2:00-3:30pm 621 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC (250)365-6538 Book online at

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1451 Columbia Ave. •


Thursday, February 13, 2014 Castlegar News

FEBRUARY Sale The better vitamin C™

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MSRP 120 veg caps + 120 FREE NPN 80003726






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Prevent vitamin D deficiency Health First® Vitamin D Supreme uses Bioperine® for increased vitamin D absorption. Studies show Canadians should increase vitamin D consumption from October to April. 180 + 180 tabs NPN 80030915

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180 caps NPN 80034291

2998 Sale Ends Feb.28, 2014

Sale Ends December 31, 2012 Downtown Castlegar ● 250.365.7750 •

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