Years est. 1954
Volume 60 No. 07
People needed for emergency shelter Cameron Orr For at least one day the Emergency Cold Weather Shelter in Kitimat couldn’t open because of a lack of volunteers. In the midst of an arctic outflow warning, that could prove dangerous for those without a place to go. To make sure the shelter, located at the Public Safety Building at the corner of Kingfisher and Haisla Boulevard, keeps going the volunteers through the Kitimat Housing Committee are looking for a larger bank of volunteers. Trish Parsons, with the housing committee, says that the challenge is finding people to do the overnight shifts since many of their existing volunteers have jobs during the day. An overnight shift followed by a job in the morning is hard on people, she realizes. “When you don’t have lots of volunteers you can burn out quickly,” she said. As of right now they have a list of approximately 15 people. “We’re still trying to find volunteers to keep it open because the weather has been so bad,” she said. The shelter was activated on the February 1 weekend, but was closed on February 3 due to lack of available volunteers that day, but it was re-actived on February 4. The shelter is available to those who need it from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. days it is active. If you want to volunteer — Parsons said people can offer just to do as little as one shift per month — they can either call her at her work at the Chamber of Commerce at 250-632-6294, or call Warren Waycheshen at the District of Kitimat at 250-632-8900. Meanwhile Waycheshen says the shelter has had to be activated seven times so far since its inception. On January 31 it was used by three people, and it was used by one person on each February 1 and February 2. The shelter was made possible in part by a $15,000 grant from BC Housing. Last week as the cold weather continued the shelter continued to be open leading into the long weekend. As of press time today’s forecast was for -10C as a low. The weekend itself was expected to dip as much as -15C. Tomorrow’s low dips to -7C, comparatively warm compared to the rest of the week.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
“When you don’t have lots of volunteers you can burn out quickly.”
Supporters of the Kitimat Rotary Club were seeing red, and white (and even some scotch) at the Rotary Club’s Wine Tasting Festival at the Riverlodge on February 1. The sold out event was a fundraiser for the local club. That’s Rotarian Edwin Empinado pouring a red wine sample.
Action being taken on Radley Park $800,000 to fix up both of Kitimat’s municipal campgrounds Cameron Orr Councillors have approved the expenditure of $800,000 out of the Radley Park reserve fund to upgrade the municipal park, as well as put work into Hirsch Creek Park. The $800,000 has sat in a reserve fund since 2012 for riverbank armouring but trouble with Radley Park’s septic system has put extra impetus on the staff to see other work get done at the park. From that $800,000, $150,000 will be for installing either a new lift station or septic field to replace the current failed system, $200,000 to install a new road along the dike to make more room in the park for campsites. Staff also plans to spend $170,000 to construct new showers and washroom area. Relatively smaller costs include $80,000 for installing 10 new campsites with electrical hook-ups, convert eight
existing sites to electrical, and install a wheelchair accessible trail at Hirsch Creek Park. Radley Park in particular has had a long history of studies and lots of options for spending over the past several years. Staff’s report to council pointed to a hydraulic consultants report from 2007 on the Kitimat River’s migration, then in 2011 consultants were hired to prepare “conceptual ideas for the retrofit of Radley Park,” followed by a follow-up review on the river’s migration in 2012, and then a survey was done of the park in 2013. Kitimat had contemplated armouring the riverbank at Radley Park to fight erosion but concerns from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Haisla deterred the town from pursuing that route, but log jams on the river were removed, which did reduce the flow of
the river past the park. The report also notes that since 2005, 15 campsites at Radley have been lost due to erosion. None have been lost in the last two years though. Councillor Corinne Scott did note that the money being spent with the preapproval does not include any erosion protection, which is what the original money was set aside for. She wasn’t against the work being done but she did have issue with preapproval and was not convinced such action was needed. “I do understand there is a project that needs to get a request for proposal out…but I’m not convinced that $800,000 has to be pre-approved out of our budget,” she said. All councillors save for Scott voted in favour of allowing the pre-approval of the money.
Complaint filed over spying...page 6
2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Car breaks loose from tow truck, hits another vehicle January 27 An intoxicated male was reported to the RCMP near 2 p.m. Callers said the person was passed out on the third floor landing of an apartment building on Albatross Avenue, and was in the way of workers doing renovations. Police say the individual had no fixed address and could not be taken somewhere where a person could care for him so he was taken to the RCMP holding cells to sober up. He was released
Police Beat once sober and issued a violation ticket. January 28 Police had to track down an abandoned 9-1-1 call when attempts to call the number back failed. Tracking the GPS coordinates for the phone police determined the caller was likely at the Rio Tinto Alcan smelter area.
Police later learned the caller had been calling 9-1-1 to report a fire at the KMP camp but was then evacuated. (We asked RTA for details regarding this fire and spokesperson Colleen Nyce explained the incident was actually a false alarm. A duct detector triggered the alarm, and emergency protocols were still followed, which included an evacuation of residents at the construction village.
Airport looks to next 20 years Anna Killen The airport’s oftentimes crowded preboarding waiting area and backed up security line will be two of the first things to improve based on the outline for work contained in the Northwest Regional Airport’s 20-year master plan released Jan. 28. “We’ve got a good, solid plan to work towards now,” said airport society president Ron Burnett at the master plan open house held at the airport, noting the necessity of a document like this to get ahead projected demands for
the airport’s services. Short-term priorities include improvements to the terminal building – more space at the check-in counters and pre-boarding waiting area, expanded security and baggage holding – public parking lots, and development to the main apron to provide space for larger aircraft. Long-term priorities include lighting and electrical upgrades, the development of an airport fire station, restaurant and office expansion, development of Canadian Border Services Agency facilities
Boulevard and Haisla Boulevard. Police found a white cube van which had made contact with a Ford Edge. Police determined that the cube van was being towed when it came loose and struck the other vehicle. The tow truck operator was charged with having insecure cargo. There were no reported injuries. RCMP estimate damages in the $6,000 range. Continued on page 9
Kitimat Fire and Rescue were alerted and attended as well to confirm there was no danger.) An attentive officer spotted a prohibited driver driving a truck, while the officer was parked near Haisla Boulevard and Kingfisher. The driver was arrested for driving while prohibited and released with a notice to appear in court at a later time. January 30 A three-vehicle collision was reported to the RCMP at Lahakas
Pedro’s Grill
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Northwest Regional Airport general manager Carman Hendry, left, and airport society president Ron Burnett at the Jan. 28 unveiling of its 20-year master plan. (contingent upon getting that service), new parking lots, a commercial development area, a light industrial area, and developing the area where the air-
port’s entrance intersects with Hwy 37S. Kerr Lammie, from Airbiz, the consulting firm which wrote the plan after speaking with local
governments, regional districts and chambers of commerce, said the plan was built “based on reasonable, conservative forecasts.” Continued on page 7
Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
5 6 6 5 2 3 1
Rain (mm) Snow (cm)
2 2 1 1 0 0 -6
0 0 0 T 3.7 0.6 0
High 1 Low -2
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 12, 2014 3
Local briefs
Northern Kitimat’s #1 News Source
A former Kitimat municipal manager has passed away after a battle with cancer. David Morris was Kitimat’s manager from March 1, 1984 to January 31, 1990. Mayor Joanne Monaghan announced the news at the start of the February 3 council meeting. He passed away in Kelowna.
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• In Canada, approximately 28 million kilograms of plastic bags go into landfills every year. • Plastic bags cause more than 100,000 marine animal deaths every year. Sea turtles and other creatures mistake them for food. What can you do? Stop using them! For your groceries and other purchases, use canvas bags or other reusable containers, such as boxes and crates to transport your goods home in. Every choice you make means something! Sources: reusablebags.com and worldwatch.org
In the air A construction company already in partnership with the Haisla First Nation is expanding that relationship. Ledcor Industries announced last week that its Summit Aviation Group subsidiary and the Haisla have formed Summit Kitimaat Aviation Limited Partnership to provide aviation services within the Haisla Traditional Territory. Summit, which flies helicopters and fixed wing aircraft, set up a base at the Northwest Regional Airport in Terrace last year in response to the growing demand for air services tied to work being done on potential natural gas pipelines, liquefied natural gas plants and other projects. “We are honoured to be selected as their partner and look forward to helping foster economic development within the Haisla Nation,” stated Summit President Rob Mauracher. Summit operates a fleet of helicopters and fixed wing aircraft based in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories in addition to its equipment in Terrace. “We are extremely proud of this new partnership in the aviation space, and see a great future with Summit and its senior leadership team in the Kitimat region,” commented Henry Amos, Chairman of the Haisla Economic Development Committee.
Leilani Griffin, 3, shows off a Valentine’s Day craft she made at the Kitimat Public Library during a morning of children’s activities on February 7.
New poll out on pipeline Cameron Orr A poll by Justason Market Intelligence indicates that opposition to the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines proposal remains strong. The company used telephone and online methods to reach 600 B.C. adults. The poll was sponsored by Dogwood Initiative, ForestEthics Advocacy, Northwest Institute for Bioregional Research and West Coast Environmental Law. On awareness of the project, the poll found 92 per cent of respondents knew of the proposal. The poll, which was conducted between January 13 to 19, finds that awareness of the project has grown since March 2012, from 78 per cent then to the 92 per cent today. Opposition, whether strongly or somewhat, peaks at 64 per cent, against 29 per cent in support and seven per cent unsure. To get those results, the company asked the following question: Up until now, crude oil supertankers have not entered B.C.’s inside passage because of concerns about oil spills. The federal government is now
considering allowing crude oil supertankers through these waters. Do you support or oppose allowing crude oil supertankers through B.C.’s northern inside coastal waters? Is that strongly or somewhat? The company also tracked the changes in time to that question. It found opposition in March 2012 at 66 per cent, and opposition peaked in October 2012. Support meanwhile, while not strong compared to opposition, actually grew. In March 2012 support stood at 22 per cent, while today it’s 29 per cent. Meanwhile the poll also asked about trust in the review process, and found 51 per cent distrusted the Joint Review Panel which reviewed the Enbridge proposal. That said, 49 per cent of people said they’d be more sup-
portive of the project if Premier Christy Clark’s five conditions for oil pipelines and tankers in B.C. are met. Twenty-six per cent of respondents said they’d be more opposed if they were met, the same amount said they didn’t know or neither. Although opposition in the poll to the project is high, that hasn’t stopped people from seemingly believing it will happen. Sixty-four per cent of respondents said they believed Enbridge will be successful in building its Northern Gateway project. Just 12 per cent don’t believe that. Barb Justason, who heads Justason Market Intelligence, said the objective was to gather information about people’s opinions when you put the pipeline and the tanker traffic component together.
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“I think our polling has really pointed out, once you add supertankers, large crude oil carriers into the mix...people become very concerned.”
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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email newsroom@northernsentinel.com • www.northernsentinel.com KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.
Money well spent Following through from money set aside in 2012, Kitimat Council has authorized the go ahead for the town’s recreation department to spend $800,000 to improve Radley Park and Hirsch Creek. In 2012, right before I arrived here, the Sentinel ran a story about $800,000 being set aside for Radley Park to Leisure Services. It’s clearly taken a couple of years but I’m happy to see some spending happening on the parks. For some extra background, in 2008 the Council of the time set aside $475,000 to work on the park but when they received a report from Northwest Hydraulic Consultants they opted to go with the company’s final option, which was essentially to do nothing. Staff say in their report to council this year that while 15 campsites have been lost to erosion at Radley Park since 2005, they’ve had two years of no losses, which is credited to the Kitimat River straightening out. Councillors this year were prudent in asking for a report about the Radley and Hirsch Creek from Leisure Services after administration had requested pre-approval for the work two months ago. Council was understandably skeptical that they had to give pre-approval — which essentially guarantees money for projects ahead of the 2014 budget being officially adopted, even though council has accepted a budget. (The budget gets finalized in the spring.) $800,000 is a big number but staff’s report sheds some light on the money. And most importantly it highlights to me that it’s not really a new $800,000. Council had made that available in their budget in 2012, we’re just now getting around to spending it. And it’s hard to argue that Radley Park and Hirsch Creek are not worthwhile projects for the town. Radley Park in particular, being the town’s only real active municipal campground, is a pivotal piece to the community’s tourism scene. It’s of course a decent time to be promoting our tourism to the world again since Kitimat is getting a lot of attention, may as well capitalize on that. Fixing up our campgrounds, adding new campsites and the crucial task of fixing the sewer situation at Radley Park is money well spent. The only thing I hope to see after the work is complete is continual monitoring of the river to make sure erosion can be managed in the future. (Which the town may be doing, it just wasn’t in this particular report.) Even if it took two years to spend it, I’m happy to see our parks getting some needed TLC. Cameron Orr
Penny for your thoughts in a centsless world There are numerous old sayings about the penny: a penny saved is a penny earned; See a penny, pick it up, all that day you’ll have good luck; penny wise, pound foolish. I recall February, 2013, when the Canadian Mint stopped producing one cent coins and began phasing out our lowest value coin. It followed years of hot debate. Consumers were assured that in all cash transactions, the new rounding up and rounding down process would work out in their favour. Recently, I made five small cash purchases, three under $10 and two under $5. All of them featured “rounding up” by two cents thus I was out 10 cents. Right? Curious, I tapped up the calculator on my amazing new smart phone (my latest self-imposed, immensely-frustrating learning curve). Then I spread one of my crumpled Overwaitea cash receipts, for a purchase of a container of coffee creamer, an essential in my house, and a roll of one of my many weaknesses, wine gums. The bill was $3.19 for the cream and $1.19 for the gums. But the candy was on sale at 99 cents, if an Overwaitea Save on More rewards card was used. That reduced the gums to 99 cents and Overwaitea informed me my savings on the purchase was 20 cents. Does this mean I didn’t really lose
Under Miscellaneous by Allan Hewitson ahewitson@telus.net
my 10 cents that day and actually made 10 cents? Total purchase before tax was $4.18. Even without GST, I’d still have seen the bill rounded up two cents with GST of 5 cents, it went up to $4.23 and was rounded up to $4.25. A five dollar bill returned me 75 cents in change. Now I know my two cents won’t buy Jim Pattison a new corporate jet or make a difference to the bottom line. But I was curious about the cumulative effect of many buyers in the same circumstances. I figured (with the calculator) that if 100 customers saw two cents rounded up bills at the store in Kitimat that day, the cash benefit was a total of 200 cents, $2 in rounded up bucks. (I want to emphasize I’m lousy with a calculator, so at some point I expect someone better to challenge some of the numbers that I drummed up.) But, I opined, if that small purchase happens every day of the week, with a base of 100 mixed buyers in Kitimat,
the bottom line goes up to roughly $420 a week or $1,680 a month. Annually that comes to $20,160 for these 100 customers. I randomly multiplied that number to 100 customers in 200 big stores in the province and I saw the dollar numbers rise to $4,032,000 annually. Now that’s a number that opens my eyes wider, and not chicken feed. Then I upped the odds by expanding the numbers to two cents a day per 100 consumers daily, seven days a week, 12 months a year in a total of five large retailers with 200 similar stores each in B.C., (say Overwaitea, Super Valu, Shoppers Drugs, Walmart and Safeway, locally) and I got (oh, I’m so bad at math, even with a calculator!) $20,160,000 in unearned pennies? Now, that’s a good number, even based on the fact that the “unearned” rounded up portion on any bill whether it is $4.23 or $500.98, still is just two cents. However I then added another 300 big retailers for a 100 cash customers daily at a total of 500 in B.C. More startlingly, the figure rose to more like $50 million, give or take. And, remember we are only talking about 100 customers a day based on a single rounded-up purchase, but in 500 big stores. So in a thousand stores it would be $100 million, no? Continued on page 5
Working together bringing the news to you. Community newspapers a s s o C i a t i o n
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Contents Copyrighted Canadian Publications Mail Product, Agreement No. 477761, Canada Post Corp., Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash.
Sarah Campbell Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Tracey Keohane Ad Assistant Publisher Editor Classifieds/Administration publisher@northernsentinel.com newsroom@northernsentinel.com classifieds@northernsentinel.com advertising@northernsentinel.com
Dominika Bacigalova Flyer Distribution office@northernsentinel.com
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 12, 2014 5
There is simplicity to be found in the Bible 1 John 5:11: “And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life. And this life is in His Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son does not have life.” We humans like to take something simple and make it complicated. Yogi Berra, the hall of fame manager for the New York Yankees was famous for making muddled quotes. He once said, “Baseball is 90 per cent mental and the other half is physical.” Some people think that the Bible is complicated. Many assume
From the Pulpit Redeemer Lutheran Church
message of the Bible is very simple. You see, when man fell into sin by disobeying God in the Garden of Eden, God pronounced the judgment of death. We can be honest and admit that is a harsh penalty, but it is also a fair judgment coming from a Holy and righteous God. But because He is also a merciful and
From the Pulpit Redeemer Lutheran Church
Pastor Clint Magnus
that you need to be a theologian to figure it out. Well, if that is your experience, then I am here to tell you today that the message of the Bible is so simple and uncomplicated that even a child can understand it. In fact, the whole message of the Bible is written in a children’s song. It goes like this; “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones
to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong. Yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so.” And then the second verse, “Jesus loves me He who died, Heavens gates to open wide. He will take away my sin, let’s His little child come in. Yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so.” There, now you are all theologians. The
Pastor Clint Magnus
gracious God He didn’t leave it there. He also promised us a Savior that would come to reconcile us back to Him and that Savior is God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus gave up His throne in Heaven to become one of us. He lived a perfect life because we can’t, and then He gave His perfect life on the cross as our substitute.
Jesse Peters Trio and Lizzy Hoyt
Saturday, February 15
A Cablecar success story Dear Sir, Just a quick note to let you know that another item listed in my Cablecar wish list has come to fruition. A sign has been erected opposite the entrance to Cablecar.
Continued from page 4 I then expanded the same quickie calculation to 500 similar large retailers, say in Alberta (where there’s no provincial tax but rounding up is still government policy) and the numbers are much more welcoming —over $200-million. Ten provinces? Five billion. I might add for these consumers, this is not a number that’s as “generally favourable”
I don’t know who to thank for this endeavour. Highways, Kitimat Council, District of Kitimat engineering, or some of each. Sincerely, Kelly Smith
as the Royal Canadian Mint suggests, on its website discussing rounding out. Where does all that money go? Likely to corporate bottom lines. Sure, there are some rounding down numbers. But remember, I had one in a total of five small cash purchases. So maybe I benefited by two cents and lost only 18 cents in four of five. That’s represents about 20 per
cent of the time but it still seems reasonable that a lot more than 100 people make a small cash purchase with rounding up applied in a major stores each day, especially in bigger cities so imagine where these numbers could go Canada wide. My calculator and math skills are not up to it. But other sayings: “lies, damn lies and statistics” and “figures don’t lie, but liars figure.”
at 8:00 pm
Canadian crooner, Jesse Peters, teams up with Canadian fiddler Lizzy Hoyt. These consumate Canadian performers will bring you an outstanding evening of toe tapping swing and the best of traditional folk music.
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Reader’s Write jobs have been lost in sawmilling and pulp and paper in the past eight years. Now log exports. Many value-added resourcebased jobs have been lost in the Kitimat/Terrace area. Thousands. Many “experts” have talked of marine safety. The fact is that the Queen of the North sinking is a fact — just like the loss of resourcebased jobs in B.C. The project should only proceed if there are thousands of long-term, value-added refinery jobs that will reduce the impact of a tanker accident in Douglas Channel. Sincerely, Phil Harrison, Comox
message; there is no confusion or muddle in these words. If you have recognized your sinful condition and received Jesus Christ as your Savior you never need be in doubt of your eternal salvation. It is God’s iron clad promise through Christ and it is for you, for me and for all who would receive Him in faith. Amen.
Kitimat Concert association presents
Jobs must be on the table Dear Sir, Many B.C. residents have submitted concerns about the Northern Gateway pipeline. Most were opposed on principle, but that, Enbridge says, is changing. This is my response to the Enbridge rhetoric. It’s my understanding that many of those 3,000 construction jobs would go to offshore workers, as Canada is ill-prepared to take advantage of these skilled trades jobs. It is great that native Canadians would be employed for a short term on pipeline construction — then what? We need long-term, value-added jobs from our resources. So the pipeline would create about 560 long-term jobs. In the Comox Valley, more than 560 good
And three days later He rose from the grave in victory over death so that all who repent of their sin and believe in Him as their Savior will not perish but receive eternal life. The verse at the beginning of this article tells if you have the Son you have eternal life. If you do not have the Son, you do not have eternal life. This is a very clear
sat., apr. 26: everything Fitz: With their high energy fiddling and percussive step dancing, they bring a unique stage show that combines music from reels, to Celtic, to gospel.
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Weekly Crossword Solution in the Classifieds Clues Across
1. Former Russian federation 5. Gomer __, TV marine 9. America’s favorite uncle 12. TV singing show 13. Enlarges a hole 15. Contest of speed 16. Throw forcefully 17. Plebe 18. “A Death in the Family” author 19. Batting statistic 20. 11th US state 22. Grand __, vintage 25. The content of cognition 26. Boxes of wine bottles 28. Diego, Francisco, Anselmo 29. An upper limb 32. Buddy 33. Muddle with infatuation 35. The cry made by sheep 36. Outward flow of the tide 37. Instances of selling
Clues Down
1. Exclamation: yuck! 2. Pronounce indistinctly 3. One of Serbian descent 4. Antiquities 5. Communist China 6. Affirmative shout 7. A boy or young man 8. Made textual corrections 9. Palm starch 10. Dicot genus 11. Mild and humble 14. “Village Wedding” painter 15. Beam out 21. 42nd state 23. Confederate soldier 24. Utilizes 25. Place in quarentine 26. Taxidriver 27. “Tiny Alice” author Edward 29. Make less active 30. Plural of 15 across
39. Subdivision of a play 40. Point east of due north 41. Made full 43. Vietnam War offensive 44. “Hi-Ho Steverino”’s Louis 45. Soak flax 46. Nostrils 48. Come to the surface 49. Dame (Br. title abbr.) 50. 2008 movie Millionaire 54. Pakistani rupee 57. Aboriginal Japanese 58. Shifted to change course 62. Paddles 64. Radioactivity units 65. Saudi citizens 66. Go down slowly 67. “Emily” actress Stark 68. Dryer residue 69. German river 31. Marshall Dillon 32. “Milk” actor Sean 34. Female store clerk 38. Convey a message 42. A small amount 45. Red wine region of No. Spain 47. Freedom from activity 48. Rural delivery 50. Cutty __ (drink) 51. Chinese dynasty 970-1125 52. Change by reversal 53. House mice genus 55. A sudden attack by a small force 56. Gray sea eagle 59. Spoken in the Dali region of Yunnan 60. Point north of due east 61. Winter time in most of the US (abbr.) 63. Swedish krona (abbr.)
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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 12, 2014
BCCLA file complaints over illegal spying The BC Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) has filed complaints against both the RCMP and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) which allege the agencies illegally spied on peaceful activities of opponents to the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline project.
In a release sent out last week, the BCCLA say the agencies’ alleged actions “interfered with the freedom of expression, assembly and association protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms by gathering intelligence about citizens opposed to the Enbridge project through
BCCLA, in a release. “This is bigger than an environmental debate - it’s a question of fundamental human rights. There are plenty of undemocratic countries where governments spy on people that they don’t agree with. That’s not supposed to happen in Canada, and when it
a range of sources.” “It’s against the law and the constitution for police and spy agencies to spy on the lawful activities of people who are just speaking out and getting involved in their communities. That’s why we have filed these complaints,” said Josh Paterson, Executive Director of the
does, it can frighten people away from expressing themselves and participating in democratic debate.” One specific incident mentioned in the release involves a volunteer meeting in the basement of a Kelowna church where people from Dogwood Initiative and LeadNow.ca
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were gathering. The incidents in BCCLA’s complaints were revealed following an access to information request filed by Matthew Millar of the
Vancouver Observer, BCCLA says. They say they do not know if surveillance was conducted through wiretaps or other means.
FREE Workshops For Tenants and Landlords
Presented by Stacey Tyers- Poverty Law Advocate Courtesy of TDCSS and the Law Foundation of BC TENANTS WORKSHOP SATURDAY FEBRUARY 22 TIME: 10 AM – 3 PM (LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED) AT NWCC KITIMAT CAMPUS
Presented by
Stacey Tyers - Poverty Law Advocate
PLEASE REGISTER TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT CONTACT: Anne Moyls – Housing Resource Worker Cell (call or text): 250 639 6065 or e-mail: amoyls@kitimatcdc.ca For more information about the workshops, please contact Stacey Tyers at 250 635 3178
Courtesy of TDCSS and the Law Foundation of BC
Workshops made possible in partnership with:
Office of Robin Austin Skeena MLA
TENANTS WORKSHOP Saturday, February 22
10 am to 3 pm Lunch will be provided at NWCC Campus
LANDLORDS WORKSHOP Sunday, February 23
10 am to 3 pm Lunch will be provided at NWCC Campus PLEASE REGISTER TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT Contact Anne Moyls - Housing Resource Worker Call or Text 250-639-6065, email: amoyls@kitimatcdc.ca For more info about the workshops, please contact Stacey Tyers at 250-635-3178 Workshops made possible in partnership with:
4 5/16” wide
Office of Robin Austin Skeena MLA
The lucky winner of the diamond ring from the Daughters of the Nile annual ring raffle is Sherry McAmes, of Terrace. The Daughters of the Nile is an international fraternal organization for women who are related by birth or marriage to a Shriner, Master Mason or Daughter of the Nile. Money raised from this raffle is donated to the Shriner’s Hospital for Children, and is used for the medical, surgical and rehabilitation of children.
continued from page 12 February 20 ART CLUB of Kitimat meets at 7 p.m. in Room 403 at MESS. “Yolking Around”: Egg Tempura Painting; bring an egg, an empty egg carton for mixing, paper towels and your watercolour supplies. Matboard surface provided. Bring reference photo. February 20 Unifor 2301 Retiree Social at 1 p.m. at the hall. All retirees welcome and guests. February 22 The monthly meeting of the BC Seniors Games (Zone 10) will be held at 1:00 p.m. at the Happy Gang Centre in Terrace. All members and wouldbe members are urged to attend as this is the first meeting of the year and a lot of information will be available, as well as membership forms.
The Return of Winterfest
I N K I T I M AT L’Association des Francophones et Francophiles du Nord-Ouest (AFFNO) invites everyone to experience a taste of Quebec
February 20 to 22.
Renovations underway
Francophone culture, food and family fun in a festival you’ll never forget!
Winterfest Brunch
Buy tickets before February 1 4
Saturday Feb. 22
Noon at Riverlodge
Doors open at 11:30 am
Live Music with
Winterfest Kickoff Social
Friday, Feb. 21 at 8:30 pm
at the Luso Club Hall. Doors open at 8 pm Entrance by Donation
Call 250-627-1313 or email affno@citywest.ca for more information
10 0 0
8” deep
Thursday, Feb. 20 from 7 to 9 pm
at Rosario’s Restaurant
Tickets on sale Feb. 1
at Kitimat Public Library and Pyramid Office Supplies. Price of tickets after Feb. 14 will be $15 Adult • $10 Child (12 & under) $5 Children aged 3-5
Sponsored by:
Our Community Information Centre is temporarily closed for renovations. We expect to reopen in March and hope to see you soon! How to reach us: Phone: Mary-Ellen Proctor at 1-250-639-0497 or toll-free at 1-855-248-3631 Email: info@lngcanada.ca
Kitimat Public Library Association
Website: www.LNGCanada.ca
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 12, 2014 7
Airport plan Continued from page 2 Those forecasts show that strong demand will continue in the short-term – last year, the airport saw 177,600 passengers, a 28 per cent increase from 2012 – and surpass 250,000 passengers in the next five years. That forecast is built on current and anticipated development of industrial projects. The forecast in the guide will “give the airport something to track against, act as a guideline,” Lammie said, while not completely tying the airport’s hands to development needs that may shift in the coming years. That’s because the plan is intended to be a “living document” – a touchstone for future development at the airport consistent with the needs of the community, but regularly updated and flexible enough to allow changes depending on what does, or doesn’t, happen in the region going into the future. The airport should see flexibility with its plans for commercial expansion east of the terminal to the existing lots on Bristol Road, providing space for private operations and fixed base operators. For example, a company that is regularly flying out workers to an operations camp could lease a building and use that as a base – providing their own security and operations staff – while their project is underway, easing some of the strain on the main terminal.
The airport would still receive the passenger fee, but costs would be lower, and once the project is over and the lease is up, the airport can rent to someone else or develop it into
something new – the terminal grows to support local demand, and the commercial area grows to support industry. And with the economic growth in the
To our regret, in last week’s edition we failed to properly format a letter to the editor which meant that the author of the letter, Leon Dumstrey-Soos, did not have his name affixed to the end. His letter was headlined “It’s like a kind of torture to have to watch the show.” (A nod to the Muppet Show lyrics, which fit with the theme of his letter.) We apologize for the oversight.
area, Lammie said he won’t be surprised if some of the proposed changes happen soon. “With investments it will start to take shape really quick,” he said.
mini storage heated self serve storage units Sizes from
8’x8’x10’ to 12’x 27’x10’
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Please keep your dog restrained. If your dog is loose on your property, you may not receive your paper on delivery day. K
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TELUS STORE OR AUTHORIZED DEALER Kitimat 216 City Centre Offer available until February 17, 2014, to residential customers, where line of sight permits, who have not subscribed to TELUS TV in the past 90 days. Not available to residents of multi-dwelling units. Minimum system requirements apply. Final eligibility for the services will be determined by a TELUS representative at the point of installation. TELUS reserves the right to modify channel lineups and packaging, and regular pricing without notice. HDTV-input-equipped television is required to receive HD. HD channels provided through the Bell TV satellite network. *Includes Basic Package. Regular bundled rate (currently $34.95/mo.) begins on month 7. Monthly rates include a $3 digital service fee, and a $5 bundle discount. Taxes extra. Not available with other promotions. †Offer available with a 3 year service agreement. Current rental rates apply at the end of the service agreement. A cancellation fee applies to the early termination of the service agreement and will be $10 multiplied by the number of months remaining in service agreement. Rental equipment must be returned in good condition upon cancellation of service, otherwise the replacement cost will be charged to the account. ‡A $300 value; includes connection of up to six TVs. Offer is limited to installation using existing TV outlets and telephone/modem jacks. Free with a term service agreement or purchase of a TELUS PVR or receiver; $50 for month-to-month service. TELUS, the TELUS logo, TELUS Satellite TV and the future is friendly are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under licence. © 2014 TELUS.
8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Dadook Avenue gets its zoning WEAR YOUR HEART ON YOUR SHORT SLEEVE.
sues to solve it,” he said. At the February 3 council meet“The reality is The study was done with coning a zoning proposal for a planned there’s not a sideration of 100 per cent hotel ochotel on Dadook Ave. was approved. cupancy and 40 per cent restaurant The questions that were left to lot you can do capacity. ask ahead of the eventual adoption structurally to The consultants who undertook mainly related to traffic. that particular the study for the proposed hotel and Director of Engineering Tim intersection.” restaurant property did not anticipate Gleig said traffic studies were done, problems regarding traffic. partly on the request of the town’s Aside from inquiries for more details, no traffic committee, but that no major upgrades are being considered for the intersection at Haisla and comments in favour or opposed to the zoning bylaw were received to council. Kuldo Boulevard. The approved zoning will allow for a motel of “The reality is there’s not a lot you can do structurally to that particular intersection and 87 beds and a hotel of 66 beds. The building height through this zoning will I think if it ends up that there is a problem later we’ll probably be looking at traffic controller is- increase to 17 metres.
Two Canadian artists, one Kitimat stage Submitted Once again The Kitimat Concert Association is bringing incredible talent to town. Canadian crooner, Jesse Peters teams up with Canadian fiddler Lizzy Hoyt. These consummate Canadian performers will bring you an evening of toe tapping swing and the best of traditional folk. In the world of jazz, there are two types of performers: those who play for themselves, and those who play for their audience. Jesse is definitely the latter. With his soul bared at each and every performance, his musical sincerity draws in anyone willing to let go and come along for the ride. Textures that honour Jesse’s
great jazz and soul influences are fused into the modern sound he creates, and recreates, every time he sits in front of a piano and microphone. He has garnered rave reviews as a singer and songwriter from distinguished jazz artists Ingrid Jensen and Diana Krall. By the age of 21 his group, The Peters Drury Trio, had released two acclaimed jazz recordings, distributed in Canada, the United States and Hong Kong. Lizzy Hoyt is an awardwinning Canadian vocalist and songwriter who also happens to rank among the top Celtic instrumentalists in the country. With the voice of an angel, Lizzy delivers music and stories
with soaring melodies rooted in Celtic and folk traditions. Her music has been recognized on both the national and international level. She won “Best Female Artist” at the eighth International Acoustic Music Awards, was a Canadian Folk Music Award Nominee for “Traditional Singer of the Year” and has been named a finalist in both the John Lennon Songwriting Contest and the USA Songwriting Competition. Two excellent Canadian artists on one Kitimat stage at the same time. Mark your calendars for February 15 at 8:00 p.m. in the Mount Elizabeth Theatre. Tickets are available at Katii’s Knook in the mall or at the door.
Join the cause and buy a pink shirt at London Drugs or at
Proceeds benefi t anti-bullying programs in BC. SUPPORTERS:
Do you know of a minor hockey team who deserves to attend the 2014 Tim Hortons NHL Heritage Classic, Sunday, March 2 in Vancouver? Anyone can enter on behalf of their favourite BC minor hockey team.
Police Beat Continued from page 2 January 31 At 5 a.m. police were called to the RBC bank, and found a man laying in the ATM vestibule. The male was reportedly very intoxicated but was found to have injuries. The person alleged he was assaulted but could not say why he thought that. The attending officer believes the injuries are more in line with a fall rather than a fight. The person was transported to the hospital. February 1 Officers conducted a bar walk at a local business shortly before 3 a.m. Police followed a suspicious person into the male washroom and asked to see the person’s hands before they walked into a bathroom stall as it appeared the person was holding something. The person then revealed
to allegedly be holding “two flaps” of cocaine (about .4 to half a gram’s worth). The person was arrested and allegedly found with eight more flaps. The person was arrested for possession of cocaine and possession for the purpose of trafficking. He was released with a promise to appear in court in April. The person is under conditions now to not have a cellphone or electronic communication device. If you have any information about these or any other crimes please call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477, or contact the Kitimat RCMP at 250-632-7111. Crime Stoppers is anonymous and does not subscribe to call display and calls are not traced or recorded. If your information leads to an arrest or charge you may be eligible for a cash reward.
10 lucky minor hockey teams from BC will each receive 25 tickets… Submit an entry by telling us how hockey, your team or a favourite player has inspired you.
Encourage everyone to enter and increase your odds of winning in the random draw. Include a photo if you want – perhaps from your own hockey days, or a team photo or show us how excited your team would be to win 25 tickets to the Heritage Classic. Players, coaches, friends and family can enter on behalf of a BC minor hockey team.
Hurry – contest closes midnight Feb. 21, 2014 . . . go to this newspaper’s website and click on contests or visit www.northernsentinel.com
124 Athletes, 43 Coaches, and 5 Officials from the North West (Zone 7) will be at the Mission 2014 BC Winter Games February 20 - 23.
FEBRUARY 26, 2014
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 12, 2014 9
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014 Northern Sentinel
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Business Opportunities
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ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis
The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.
Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: fish@blackpress.ca LOOKING FOR the Phone: whereabouts of C.F. Single & S.W. Single. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of these people, please phone 1-204-2244815 and leave a message.
Well established Hair Salon for Sale in Kitimat. Turnkey operation. Serious inquiries only please. Reply to Box 31, Northern Sentinel 626 Enterprise Ave. Kitimat, B.C. V8C 2E4
Career Opportunities COUNSELLOR TRAINING online, Register before February 28 at www.collegemhc .com, Mental Health Counsellor Certificate/Diploma, Recognized Available: Supervision, Membership, Insurance, Employment/Placement Assistance, Client Referrals.
(250) 632-3336
START NOW! Complete Ministry approved Diplomas in months! Business, Health Care and more! Contact Academy of Learning College: 1-855-354-JOBS (5627) or www.academyoflearning.com We Change Lives!
TL&T Electric Ltd. TL&T Electric, located in Kitimat, British Columbia for over 40 years, is seeking an individual to join their team in the position of:
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT The work environment is high tempo and diverse in nature and requires an individual who is a self starter and enjoys working in a team environment. TL&T Electric Ltd. is seeking a person with a strong Accounts Payable/Time Entry/Data Entry background and is proficient in computer programs such as Word and Excel.
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ON THE WEB: Help Wanted
WD Fashion at City Centre Mall in Kitimat is seeking a part-time experienced Salesclerk. Computer knowledge an asset. Please apply in person with resume.
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.
Employment Business Opportunities BRANCH MANAGER & Counter Parts Person required for automotive parts, HD parts and body shop supply business in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. Parts experience required. Email: radirect@telus.net. EXCITING NEW Canadian Business Opportunity. Available in your area! Min investment req’d. For more info: call 1-866-945-6409. GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website www.tcvend.com
Coming Events QUALITY ASSURANCE course for Health Canada’s Commercial Marijuana Program. February 22 & 23 Best Western Hotel, Kelowna, BC. Tickets: www.greenlineacademy.com or 1-855-860-8611 or 250870-1882.
Information Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits or Other Insurance? If YES, call or email for your
and protect your right to compensation. 778.588.7049 Toll Free: 1.888.988.7052 Julie@LawyersWest.ca www.LawyersWest.ca
Technician required for busy well equipped shop in Kitimat. $30/hr, medical/dental benefits. Also looking for apprentices. Great client base. Apply by email: dollarautomotive@live.ca or phone: 250-632-2262
Page 1 of 1
Janitor position opening for a retired couple or qualifying person to clean. 7.5 hours per week. Please leave a message at: 250-798-2129 KITIMAT
Full and Part time for Coastal Taxi Send resume & driver’s abstract to PO Box 56 Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 No phone calls North Enderby Timber is looking to hire for various sawmill positions including Heavy Duty Mechanic (Journeyman or Apprentice). Millwright and Fabricator. We offer competitive wages along with a comprehensive benefit package. Please fax resume to 250-838-9637.
SERVERS, COOKS PREP-COOKS Rosario’s Restaurant Full-time and Part-time, days/evenings. No experience necessary. Food safe and serving it right considered an asset. E-mail resume to:
rosarioskitimat@gmail.com Or Drop off resume at Rosario’s Restaurant 607 Legion Ave, Kitimat
Chevron Canada Limited is seeking an experienced individual to join their Finance department team. Working with project controls and project finance staff, along with engineering, procurement & construction contractor to understand value of work done.
Should you wish to apply for this position in confidence, please do so via email to:
Visit our website for more details.
TL&T Electric Ltd. 724 Enterprise Avenue Kitimat BC V8C 2E6 Email: llazar@tltelectric.com li
Happy Thoughts
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Happy Thoughts
Chevron Canada’s upstream business is headquartered in Calgary with exploration and production activities in Atlantic Canada, the Northwest Territories, the Athabasca Oil Sands and Western Canada.
This is a contract accounting position that will directly support the Kitimat LNG project and is based in the City of Kitimat.
Renumeration for this position will be based on experience and performance.
W th k ll
Chevron Canada is a wholly owned subsidiary of Chevron Corporation, one of the world’s leading integrated energy companies.
www.Chevron.ca/careers Happy Thoughts
Happy Thoughts
Put your baby’s picture in the Northern Sentinel’s
u l f i Bab ie s t u a e B of Kitimat feature!
Get your baby photo in now!
This is always a very popular feature and your child/grandchild/niece/nephew or any beautiful baby you know can be included. Sub
The Beautiful Babies will be published in the Kitimat Northern Sentinel March 5!
mit y photo and our favourite enter for a chance
Deadline for submission is
WIN A GI donated
Wed., Feb. 26!
Call today - 250-632-6144
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 12, 2014A11 11 www.northernsentinel.com
Northern Sentinel Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
CEDA is Hiring! Shutdown Labourers & Operators • • • • •
Qualifications include: Physically demanding Clean driver’s abstract Travel within Alberta Class 1/3 driver’s license MED 3 boating license To submit resume please visit online: www.cedagroup.com
ELECTRICAL COMPANY requires Journeymen & Apprentices for a new hospital project in Burns Lake. Email resume to: birk@keldonelectric.com ELECTRICIAN Houston, BC DH Manufacturing is looking for a F/T Electrician. Candidate needs to be min. 3rd yr, reliable, team player, mechanically inclined, able to work independently on projects, and willing to travel for some jobs. Wage will be negotiable on experience. Email to: dhmnfg@gmail.com JOURNEYMAN HEAVY DUTY MECHANICS Fort McMurray & Leduc Alberta Gladiator Equipment Ltd. has immediate positions for Journeyman Heavy Duty, off road Certified Mechanics for work in Fort McMurray and Leduc, Alberta. Excellent wages and benefits. www.gladiatorequipment.com fax 1-780-986-7051. hr@gladiatorequipment.com
Lakes District Maintenance
Ltd. has an immediate opening
for a Mechanical Manager in Dease Lake, BC
As part of our management team in our Stikine area, you are responsible for supervising and directing a team of mechanics to maintain our fleet of plow trucks & equipment. You will work closely with the Operations Manager to determine shop & equipment priorities, and manage shop & inventory schedules to meet those priorities. You have previous experience in a similar role, managing employees and budgets. You
Required F/T for Vancouver Outboard. Primary duties will include maintenance troubleshooting and repair of diesel & gas marine engines. Knowledgeable in vessel electrical systems is an asset. Must have own tools and a valid drivers license. Exc. Compensation Based On Experience. Please forward resume: vancouveroutboard@ telus.net
ANNACIS ISLAND Pawnbrokers open ‘till midnight 7 days a week. 604-540-1122. Cash loans for Jewellery, Computers, Smartphones, Games, Tools etc. #104-1628 Fosters Way at Cliveden. annacisis landpawnbrokers.com. DROWNING IN Debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. www.mydebtsolution.com or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email: r.gallen@shaw.ca C- 250-938-1944
Lakes District Maintenance Ltd. has an immediate opening for a TJ Heavy Duty Mechanic in Dease Lake, BC You will be part of a team of mechanics maintaining a medium sized fleet of trucks and equipment. A valid CVI ticket or ability and qualifications to get one are preferred. This position offers excellent benefits and allowances. We also have an opening for a Receptionist in our Dease Lake office if your spouse / partner is looking for local employment.
Apply with resume and references in person at the Dease Lake or Burns Lake offices, or to careers@ldmltd.ca or fax to 250-692-3930 For details on these positions and more, visit: ldmltd.ca/careers
Legal Services
Misc. Wanted
Apt/Condo for Rent
Homes for Rent
CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Estates, Gold & Silver Coins + 778-281-0030
KITIMAT House for Sale 63 Chilko St. - 3 bdr, 1 bath in excellent neighbourhood. This house has a big fenced backyard, including two sheds and flower beds. Comes with F/S and W/D. Call (250)279-8888
Real Estate For Sale By Owner
Business/Office Service
KITIMAT, KITIMAT, AMAZING 2 Bedroom Extra Wide Mobile Home For Sale $70.000 On a lot with Great Views. Completely Newly Renovated Inside & Out. Fully Furnished. Queen bed, Large Dresser, Electric Fireplace, TV, Sheets & Pillows. Single bed, two mid size dressers, Computer Desk, Sheets & Pillows. Bathroom fully tiled with 4 head body shower & reg over head shower, Wonderful glass sink, New Washer & Dryer, towels. Kitchen Table, 6 Nice Wooden Chairs, New split Fridge (water dispenser in door & ice maker in freezer) New Gas Stove, dishwasher, pots & cookware, complete set of dishes/cutlery & glassware. 2 Recliner Leather sofas, square table, lamps, Main Heat Gas stove. Amazing sun room with 4 person Jacuzzi via Back Private Deck. Front Deck with over hang keeps Snow and Rain away from the Main entranceway. Shed/storage 12x12 Sturdy Plastic. Close to town and mins from Alcan. Turnkey Ready. 250-632-6164
Financial Services
Available are excellent remuneration and benefits, including housing and relocation assistance for the right person.
For details on these positions and more, visit: ldmltd.ca/careers
Legal Services
Apply with resume and references in person at the Dease Lake or Burns Lake offices, or to: careers@ldmltd.ca or fax to 250-692-3930
Merchandise for Sale
TRUCK Drivers - Class 1 Fort St John, BC Drop off/pick up bin srvc, haul mtls. Clean Lic, 3-4 yrs exp, TDGC, drug screen req’d. Email resume & abstract to hr@abcrecycling.com.
are able to manage and plan effectively with tight deadlines and under pressure.
We also have an opening for a Receptionist in our Dease Lake office if your spouse / partner is looking for local employment.
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Computer Services ENCLAVE MANAGED NETWORKS is rolling out the same great I.T. support for individuals as we do for our corporate clients, at a great price, too! See website for details: https://bcenclave.ca/bulletins/ newdeal
Mobile Homes & Parks FOR SALE Located in Vista Village Trailer Park 658 Columbia Ave. W. Kitimat 1975 Gendall Industries Nor’Western three bedroom manufactured home and contents. 68’ x 12’. In need of repair. Fridge, Stove, oven, washer and dryer, TV, bed, table w/chairs. As is, where is. 1967 Broadmore manufactured home. 58’ x 12’. In need of repairs. As is, where is. BEST OFFER! 604-913-7788
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper? SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw mills.com/400OT 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent
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Office/Retail Downtown Kitimat Office Space for Lease Competitive rates. Lots of Windows. Great access and parking. For more information: 250-804-6233 or www.nceproperty.com
Townhouses TOWNHOMES in KITIMAT 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath, carport Start $700. Sorry no Pets. Call Greg 639-0110
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Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Kitimat-Stikine Sign Regulation Bylaw No. 631, 2014 Thornhill Sign Regulation Bylaw No. 632, 2014 The Regional District proposes to adopt the following sign regulation bylaws at its February 21, 2014, Board meeting. Kitimat-Stikine Sign Regulation Bylaw No. 631, 2014 Thornhill Sign Regulation Bylaw No. 632, 2014 These bylaws are intended to manage the placement of signs including large billboard type signs along the regions highway corridors and will authorize the Regional District to regulate the size, height, location and number of signs permitted on property and will establish a sign permitting system. These bylaws will replace sign regulations currently within existing zoning bylaws. Bylaw No. 631 will apply to all lands along Highway 16, portions of Highway 37 and 113 and within the following zoning bylaw areas: Greater Terrace Zoning Bylaw No. 37, 1976 Lakelse Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 57, 1979 Skeena Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 73, 1977 Bylaw No. 632 will apply to all lands within Thornhill, Electoral Area E Anyone wishing to inspect these bylaws or make inquiries can view or obtain a copy of the sign regulation bylaws at the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine office at #300-4545, Lazelle Ave, Terrace BC, V8G 4E1 or contact the office at 250-615-6100 or 1-800-663-3208 or email: info@rdks.bc.ca.
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Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, except statutory holidays. A copy of the bylaws are also available for viewing on the Regional District’s website at www.rdks.bc.ca.
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Sports & Leisure
12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 12, 2014
The Snow Valley Skating Club has had some great results and won Team Trophy in a tie with Fort St. John during a recent competition in Williams Lake. Missing from this photo is Tayah Pacheco. Submitted
Kitimat skaters show off their ice moves Submitted Nineteen skaters from the Snow Valley Skating Club travelled to Williams Lake for the Cariboo North Central Regional Championships. The Snow Valley Skating Club won the team trophy for the second year in a row and had the highest entries of any club in the entire Region. Here are some of the highlights: Junior Silver Ladies Freeskate Candace Abercrombie, 1st. Gold Ladies Interpretive, Mikaela Carreiro, 2nd Sr. Bronze Dance, Angela Schmidt, 1st Sr. Bronze Dance, Emily Pankhurst, 2nd Jr. Bronze Dance, Aliyah Goncalves, 2nd. Jr. Bronze Dance , Haddassah Hoffman, 3rd Place Gold Dance, Mariah Carvalho, 3rd Place Elements 5,
Mariah Carvalho, 2nd Place Silver Ladies Interpretive, Amber Sealy, 3rd Place Elements 5, Kendra Brousseau, 3rd Place Star 4 Girls Group 3, Aliyah Goncalves, 2nd Place Star 4 Girls Group 4, Tayah Pacheco, 1st Place Star 4 Girls Group 4, Nina Gibaldi, 2nd Place Star 4 Girls Group 1, Christine Ferreira, 3rd Place Elements 1 Group 1, Lena Arlt-Dufresne, 3rd Place Elements 1 Group 3, Christine Ferreira, 1st Place Elements 1 Group 4, Aliyah Goncalves, 1st Place Elements 1 Group 7, Nina Gibaldi, 1st Place Elements 1 Group 6, Tayah Pacheco, 1st Place Elements 1 Group 6, Emily Pankhurst, 3rd Place Elements 1 Group 8,
Hilary McLeod, 3rd Place Introductory Interpretive, Haddassah Hoffman, 3rd Place Senior Artistic Award, Mariah Carvalho Star 2 Girls, Sara Beam Silver Star 2 Girls, Emi Groves, Silver Star 3 Girls, Angela Schmidt, Bronze Star 3 Girls, Diana Empinado Silver Star 2 Girls, Semiah Mickle Merit The Snow Valley Skating Club continues to show great success in their skating. The club will be hosting a Centralized Test day in February, and a number of skaters will be attending Super Series Provincials which will be held in Kelowna in March. The Season will be capped off with their annual Skating Gala which will be held in April, the theme this year will be “Skating through the Year”.
Ice flies in front of the Kitimat Ice Demons net in their match against the Smithers Steelheads. Smithers’ eventual win in this match ended the Demons’ playoff run. Ryan Jensen
COMING EVENTS February 12 Interested in community theatre? On Cue Players is holding a meeting to read through possible short plays for dinner theatre for the end of May. Looking for adults, young and old, for a variety of roles. Try your hand at acting or directing in a supporting environment. Meeting at the
Library meeting room, at 7 p.m. February 19 Kitimat Community Services Society’s annual general meeting will be at 7 p.m. at the WorkBC Employment Centre, 562 Mountainview Square. 40 years of providing services in the community. Call 250-632-9107 or e-mail kcss@telus.net
for more information. February 19 The Douglas Channel Watch is hosting their Annual General Meeting from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Riverlodge activity room. There will be a showing of the film “Revolution” by Rob Stewart, an award winning biologist, photographer, conservationist, and film maker. Everyone welcome, no membership required. Refreshments will be served.
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