Grand Forks Gazette, February 19, 2014

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Financial plan tops RDKB 2014 goals

VOL VOL 117 117 NO. NO. 88

World World Community Community Film Festival Film Festival starts starts Page Page 15 15



Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette

The The budget budget line line for forArea Area D D in in 2014 2014 will will be be to to hold: hold: hold hold the the line. line. However, However, although although the the intent intent is is there there to to hold hold the the line line on on spending spending for for the the Regional Regional District District of of Kootenay Kootenay Boundary Boundary (RDKB), (RDKB), taxes taxes will will likely likely be be going going up. up. In In the the annual annual town town hall hall meeting meeting for for Area Area D D (rural (rural Grand Grand Forks) Forks) at at the the seniors seniors centre centre in in City City Park Park on on Feb. Feb. 11, 11, about about 50 50 people people heard heard from from interim interim director director Roly Roly Russell Russell and and RDKB RDKB chief chief administrative administrative officer officer John John MacLean MacLean on on the the financial financial picture, picture, as as well well as as major major projects projects planned planned for for the the comcoming ing year. year. During During the the meeting, meeting, MacLean MacLean introduced introduced the the draft draft 2014 2014 budget budget and and reviewed reviewed the the five-year five-year financial financial plan plan for for 2013-17. 2013-17. MacLean MacLean said said the the budget budget predictions predictions remain remain mostly mostly steady. steady. “(On) “(On) the the services services for for Area Area D, D, in in particular, particular, we we talk talk about about holding holding the the line,” line,” he he said. said. “There “There are are aa few few areas areas of of minor minor increases, increases, but but for for the the most most part, part, for for the the big big services services that that impact impact residents, residents, we’re we’re holding holding the the line.” line.” A A look look at at the the financial financial picture picture of of the the regional regional district district in in the the next next isue isue of of the the Gazette. Gazette. Organic Organic diversion diversion Area Area D D will will soon soon offer offer free free organic organic pick-up pick-up for for certain certain areas. areas. Organic Organic pick-up pick-up is is aa program program the the regional regional district district has has been been working working on on for for aa number number of of years, years, said said MacLean, MacLean, particularly particularly in in light light of of the the multimultimaterial material program program in in B.C. B.C. coming coming down down this this year. year. “We “We were were going going to to be be able able to to rerededicate dedicate some some of of the the funds funds that that the the taxpayers taxpayers have have already already given given us,” us,” he he said. said. “So “So the the board board has has made made aa decision decision to to dedicate dedicate that that towards towards organics organics recovery recovery … … to to get get that that out out of of our our landfills. landfills. We’re We’re now now focusing focusing on on that.” that.” MacLean MacLean said said the the organics organics proprogram gram is is tied tied in in closely closely with with the the solid solid waste waste management management plan. plan.

••See SeeRDKB, RDKB,Page Page15 15

Tina TinaBryan Bryanphoto photo

Gallery Gallery2’s 2’slatest latestheritage heritageexhibit exhibit“Toys “ToysWere WereUs” Us”inspired inspiredwoodworker woodworkerBurt BurtSchroeder Schroederto tobring bringin insome someof ofhis hishandhandcrafted crafted toys. toys. Schroeder Schroeder shared shared childhood childhood stories stories and and demonstrated demonstrated his his toys toys with with 26 26 children children from from Sharon Sharon Peron’s Peron’s Grade Grade 1/2 1/2 class class at at Perley Perley Elementary Elementary School. School. The The children children really really enjoyed enjoyed playing playing with with the the hand-crafted hand-crafted toys. toys.

Water meter petition rejected


Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette

Despite Despite obtaining obtaining over over 500 500 sigsignatures natures in in less less than than two two weeks weeks on on aa petition petition calling calling for for aa referendum referendum on on water water meters, meters, city city council council rejected rejected aa group’s group’s plea plea for for aa vote vote last last week. week. About About 50 50 people people packed packed into into the theGrand GrandForks Forksregular regularcity citycouncouncil cil meeting meeting on on Tuesday, Tuesday, Feb. Feb. 11 11 at at the theold oldCanpar Canparbuilding buildingto toattempt attempt to to convince convince council council to to re-think re-think the the water water meter meter installation installation project. project. Frank Frank Triveri Triveri said said A A Coalition Coalition for for aa Democratic Democratic Process—formed Process—formed to to protest protest the the city’s city’s attempt attempt to to push push through through water water meter meter instalinstallations—had lations—had spent spent the the last last two two weeks weeks compiling compiling over over 500 500 signasignatures tures on on aa petition petition that that would would see see council council halt halt the the water water meter meter installation installation project. project. Triveri, Triveri, the the de de facto facto leader, leader, asked asked council council to to rescind rescind the the motion motion approving approving installation. installation. He He also also asked asked council council to to adhere adhere to to the the

Craig CraigLindsay Lindsayphoto photo

Doug Doug Allin, Allin, city city chief chief administrative administrative offi officer, cer, and and Sasha Sasha Bird, Bird, manager manager of of development development and and engineering, engineering, give give an an update update to to council council on on the the water water meter meter installation installation project. project.

timeline timeline presented presented in in aa mailout mailout that that was was sent sent to to residents residents earlier earlier with with aa typo typo stating stating the the water water meters meters wouldn’t wouldn’t be be installed installed until until 2015. 2015. He He also also asked asked that that water water meters meters be be aa campaign campaign issue issue for for the the upcoming upcoming (November) (November) municipal municipal election. election. “It “It seems seems as as ifif the the city city has has very very little little thirst thirst for for water water meters,” meters,” he he said. said.



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Triveri Triveri added added that that many many peopeople ple thought thought the the meters meters were were aa money money grab grab for for the the city city to to help help pay pay for for broken broken infrastructure. infrastructure. “Having “Having aa referendum referendum would would show show the the people people that that our our council council listens, listens, show show us us democracy democracy is is alive alive in in the the city city of of Grand Grand Forks.” Forks.” Triveri Triveri received received aa standing standing ovation ovation from from the the crowd crowd after after his his speech. speech. Following Following Triveri Triveri were were several several other other speakers speakers who who spoke spoke of of similar similar concerns concerns about about water water meters, meters, and and the the temperature temperature rose rose in in the the room. room. One One resident, resident, Larry Larry Podmoroff, Podmoroff, questioned questioned whether whether council council could could be be trusted trusted and and was was asked asked to to leave leave the the meeting meeting by by Mayor Mayor Brian Brian Taylor. Taylor. Podmoroff Podmoroff refused refused and and Taylor Taylor banged banged his his gavel gavel and and adjourned adjourned the the meeting. meeting. Doug Doug Allin, Allin, city city chief chief adminisadministrative trative officer, officer, threatened threatened to to call call the the RCMP RCMP and and have have Podmoroff Podmoroff arrested. arrested. He He eventually eventually left left on on his his own. own.

••See SeeWATER, WATER,Page Page33

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On Tuesday, February 25 7:30 pm


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Committee of the Whole Meeting has been scheduled for

Monday, February 24th, 2014 9:00 AM With the Regular Meeting of Council beginning at 7:00 PM 6641 Industrial Parkway

Wednesday, Wednesday, February February 19, 19, 2014 2014 Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette

Second page

Roof of old Opera House falls to the floor 1909 Huge Reed left for New York to consult with some capitalists regarding the Riverside property of West Fork. The ore shipped from there was rich in silver, but due to financial panic, work ceased. 1914 A new schoolhouse was erected on the North Fork three miles north of the city, to be known as the Sand Creek School District. 1919 John A. Hutton, city clerk of Grand Forks, was named a Justice of the Peace by the provincial government. 1924 The Doukhobor community intended to build a jam plant on their property west of the city in early spring. The final arrangements were to be completed on Mr. Verigin’s next visit here. 1929 Arrangements were made by the Toronto Conservatory of Music for making Grand Forks a centre for the examination of students of music. James Grisdale was appointed local director for the Conservatory. 1934 Boundary district noted an increase in agriculture production in 1933 over 1932. 1939 More than 650 members of the Doukhobor community and other Russians left Grand Forks for Brilliant to attend the funeral of Peter Verigin, the Younger, spiritual leader of Canada’s 15,000 Doukhobors. His probable successor was his 17-year-old grandson who was living in Grand Forks. 1944 Thomas A. Love, MLA, Grand ForksGreewnwood, was elected an honorary member of the B.C. division of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association.

❚ The Way It Was

Mr. Love formerly published the Grand Forks Gazette, which four times won the leading trophy for being the best newspaper in its own class in Canada. 1949 The old Opera House built in 1899, gave up the ghost when the entire roof fell to the floor of the upper storey and forced the four walls of the building to bulge out precariously. Police cut off traffic and power was cut off in case more of the building collapsed. 1954 A former well-known resident of Grand Forks, George Hobart Gaw, passed away at the coast. He was the son of Robert Gaw, one of the city’s first mayors. 1959 The residents of Grand Forks and Greenwood district drank nearly half-amillion dollars worth of alcoholic beverages last year. Purchases totaled those made in Grand Forks and Greenwood stores and almost equaled the cost of education in the Boundary. 1964 The new school in west Grand Forks was named John A. Hutton Elementary School in tribute to John A. Hutton, who did much for education in this city. 1969 The Phoenix Alpine Ski Society has completed the lift installation near Phoenix. 1974 Trained and experienced homemakers working under supervision are now

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available through the Grand Forks and Christina Lake Homemaker Service. 1979 Eighty per cent of the 160 persons who returned questionnaires to the Grand Forks Public Library are in favour of the library going ahead on its own with a building just for its own purposes. 1989 The Grand Forks District Savings Credit Union has purchased and plans to install a new automated teller machine next week. 1994 As part of the government’s mandate to crack down on smuggling, Canada Customs is considering making the Midway port a 24-hour operation. 1999 The first homicide in almost a decade shocked the Boundary when 50-yearold Sharon Thomas was shot to death in her home in Christian Valley. Her husband, John Paul Scott, is charged with manslaughter. 2004 With the first Greenwood Winter Fest in 15 years in the can, one thing is for sure - residents can’t wait until the next one. About 300 people came out for some part of the three-day event, either as spectators or participants, with the human dog sled races proving to be the biggest attraction. 2009 Kettle Valley residents are gathering support to prepare for two potential environmental challenges: an application from Big White Ski Resort for diversion of freshet water at the headwaters of the Kettle River is on hold at this time, but the potential for Boss Power Corp. to receive work permits to start an exploration program for uranium mining at the Blizzard property near Beaverdell is much more imminent.

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The The Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette isis authorized authorized as as second second class class mail mail by by CanCanada ada Post Post Corp., Corp., Ottawa. Ottawa. Publication Publication Mail Mail Registration Registration No. No. 08880. 08880. We We acknowledge acknowledge the the fifinancial nancial support support of of the the Government Government of of Canada Canada through through the the Canada Canada Periodical Periodical Fund Fund (CPF) (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage. of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette Wednesday, Wednesday, February February 19, 19, 2014 2014 A3 A3

Third page



Rehearsals are heating up for the Boundary Musical and Theatre Society‘s production of Footloose from March 6-9 at the Grand Forks Secondary School’s auditorium. Show times are March 6-8, 7 p.m. and a matinee March 9 at 2 p.m. Directed by Deb Baker with music director Lorraine Barg and choreographer Aaron Baker, the 20-person cast features Aaron Baker, Deb Baker, Dean Engen, April Greenwood, Kyra Hogan, Wayne and Deb Battrick, Jen and Maryanne Gargul, Alisha Hiebert, David Hecht, James Elliot, Pat McNish, Curtis Logan, Dustin Horkoff, David Houde, Tim Stone, Natalie Zmyrchuk, Oxanna Stoochnoff and Little Wolf. Tickets are available at Hannah Bees Flowers and Gifts, gallery 2 and Christina Lake Living Arts Centre (and at the door). Tickets are adults $15, students $12.

Meth found on prohibited driver On Feb. 11 at 10:36 p.m. RCMP conducted a vehicle check in the Overwaitea parking lot and found a 23-year-old woman from Trail who was prohibited from driving. When she was arrested and searched, police located a small quantity of methamphetamine. “She is facing charges of driving while prohibited and pending charges on possession of a small amount of methamphetamine,” said Staff Sgt. Jim Harrison. Snowplow plows into tractor-trailer On Feb. 12 at 6:47 a.m., RCMP received a report of an Emcon snowplow hitting the side of a tractor-trailer unit. “The male driver and his female companion were putting on chains on the tractor-trailer when the snowplow hit the back of the trailer, doing a fair amount of damage,” said Harrison. “As a result, the snowplow driver was ticketed with failing to pass at a safe distance under the Motor Vehicle Act.” No injuries were reported. Breach of bail and B and E On Feb. 13 at 4:15 p.m., as a result of a complaint, police arrested a female for break and enter and breach of bail. A 45-year-old female from Grand Forks has been charged with break and enter to a residence on Gilpin Road and breach of bail conditions. “She had conditions not to attend that residence or contact the person who lived there,” said Harrison. She was kept in custody and appeared in Grand Forks court Tuesday. Suspended driver On Feb. 16 at 8:48 p.m., a constable conducted a road stop on Seventh Street near 64 Avenue and located a local male, 37, who was known to be a suspended driver operating a 2002 Chevy Malibu. “The vehicle was impounded under the Motor Vehicle Act and the person is facing charges of driving while prohibited,” said Harrison. Break-and-enter in Christina Lake At 11:30 on Feb. 3, RCMP received a report about a break-and-enter from a residence on Ritchie Road in Christina Lake. “The break and enter occurred some time between Jan. 4 and the date of the report,” said Staff Sgt. Jim Harrison. “Five long guns were stolen from the residence. Neighbouring residences are vacation properties so they’re currently vacant.” The police are continuing to investigate. Anyone with any information can call Grand Forks RCMP or CrimeStoppers.

Submitted photo


Continued from Page 1

The meeting resumed shortly after with more questions and concerns about the water meter installation. Triveri added that it’s unethical for the city to use water as a commodity. Councilor Neil Krog stated that some of the concerns from the audience members were valid, but insisted that the meters were not part of any global conspiracy. He also added that the petition was the best one he’d seen in his time on council. After about two hours of questioning, councilor Michael Wirischagin introduced a motion to halt the water meter installation until there was more dialogue between the city and the residents. There was no second for the motion and thus it was not discussed, nor carried. Triveri thanked council for their time and the council chambers emptied in a hurry. Meeting post mortem “I’m part of a committee for a more democratic process that came about as a result of last council meeting (Jan. 27),” Triveri told the Gazette after the meeting. “We weren’t happy with what coun-

cil said at the last council meeting. They basically rejected our request off hand. So we thought we’d try to do something about it.” Triveri said the group got together and did some research and worked on canvassing throughout town to get signatures and feedback regarding the water meter installation. “We were able to get half the electorate who voted in the last election,” he said. “I think that’s a very significant number. That dispels council’s idea that there is wide-spread support for water meters when, in fact, there isn’t.” Trivera said the group is not against conservation; in fact, they are very much for it. “We’re 100 per cent behind conservation,” he said. “We don’t think council was really well informed in regards to this. They had one or two consultant reports and made their decision based on the two reports.” When he first heard of the program in 1999, Triveri wrote a letter to council urging them to really listen to the people and weigh the pros and cons of water meters. “The consultation process, in my eyes and the committee’s eyes, and the people who signed the petition’s eyes, did not take place, and as a result we have a decision made that we’re not happy with but we have to live with,”

he said. Triveri said it is council’s right in a democratic society to make bylaws for water meters, but that it’s also the people’s right to vote for a different council the next time. He said he is one of many who believe council and city staff did not consult enough with the residents before putting the water meter installation to tender last month. “It really came out (first) in the paper in November,” he said. “I wrote a letter to city council and cc’d the Gazette and it was printed at that time. “From November to January, they had the first council meetings and then they were already advertising the open house at gallery 2 which was to try to explain their rationale but they weren’t looking for input or discussion. There was absolutely no consultation. At least let the people decide.” Another coalition member, Julia Butler, told the Gazette that she thought council and staff failed in their attempt to include the people in the process. She also resented the residents being referred to as “customers.” “I think they have that backwards,” she said. “I think actually we’re the employer and they have forgotten that.”

More on this story online @

SKI for FREE! city thank you The City of Grand Forks would like to thank all of the sponsors, participants and spectators of last weekend’s Family Day events. Your contributions and attendance made it a huge success. Grand Forks Home Hardware (downtown) GF Recreation

Thistle Pot Gift Buy-Low Foods Rumours Boundary Family Centres Grand Forks Border Bruins Boundary Country Regional Chamber Bron & Sons Nursery Community Futures Boundary Christina Lake Golf Club GEM Theatre Grand Forks Fire & Rescue

Interfor Phoenix Alpine Ski Society Pines Bible Camp RDKB Area D Director Roly Russell Area C Director Grace McGregor Rotary Club of Grand Forks Roxul Success By 6 Sunshine Lanes Value Drug Mart

Saturday Night phoenix alpine February 22nd 6:30pm – 9:30 pm

Courtesy of : Grand Forks Gazette and Grand Forks Credit Union

Please pick up your free lift ticket at the concession before hitting the slopes.”


A4 A4


Wednesday, Wednesday, February February 19, 19, 2014 2014 Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette

your news view

Not to be missed


ife imitating art, and in turn, imitating art. The 2014 Travelling World Community Film Festival is a soul cleansing cinematic trip into a deeper consciousness of the human condition, a cup of compassion and a slice of awareness in confusing times. Hosted by the No Boundaries Film Club for the ninth year in a row at the Grand Forks Secondary School auditorium this weekend, Feb. 21-23, the festival is touted as an international social issues film festival. That may sound like a load of broccoli, but not only is the festival good for you and your soul, it does offer cinematic charm. In delivering on the intent to foster social change, the quality and pure entertainment value of the films do not suffer. With 17 films in all on the program over three days, the range and depth of the productions are designed to inspire and help build a global community vision, focused on conscious social change film and media. Like the meanings of the messages they deliver, the films are not intended to sell anything, but to give people a view of the world they might never have had before. And, for a $20 weekend pass, it’s a view you shouldn’t pass on.

Do not resist; go north and hide second opinion


SUBMISSION GUIdElINES Submissions for community news can be dropped off at the newspaper between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday, or emailed to Please ensure time sensitive material is sent in at least two weeks in advance of the scheduled event. Photos for the community pages can be taken by the charitable organization receiving the donation, though a Grand Forks Gazette photographer is available for individual contributions greater than $1,000 and corporate donations greater than $5,000. Submissions to the community pages will be published in as timely a manner as possible. Every effort will be made to ensure the publication of all contributions, as space allows. If you have questions, please call 442-2191.


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he rain that came last week to California may have averted the beginning of a mass exodus to Canada. According to Richmond writer Giles Slade in his 2013 book, American Exodus: Climate Change and the Coming Flight for Survival, the changing climate in North America will inevitably create such horrible droughts that Americans and Mexicans by the hundreds of thousands will swarm into Canada, and there is nothing we can do about it. Thank goodness Mother Nature has temporarily postponed the exodus. Of course, Slade’s book is only one of a number of warnings about

our neighbours to the south. Others have written that the need for water in California and elsewhere in the U.S. will create a reason for military invasion of Canada. Then there are those who say that increased gun violence, genetically modified food, class/race warfare, and/or fear of the zombie apocalypse will send Americans scurrying across our border, bringing with them all the Yankee propensities and characteristics that we love: celebrity worship, unlimited political campaign contributions and cheap cheese, among others. There would of course be a few benefits of such an invasion. Gullible foreign workers would no longer fall victim to vicious human traffickers. The Snakeheads and Coyotes who sell vulnerable men and women into virtual slavery would find themselves out of business.

American and Mexican workers already work for almost nothing and therefore there would be no need to smuggle in cheaper labour into Canada. A related benefit for all the free enterprise conservatives would be the validation of their most deeply held belief. That is: The free market system, if allowed to work without restraint, leads to massive increases in wealth. Not for everyone, of course, but for the most worthy, a group that is easy to identify since in modern society one’s degree of worthiness corresponds almost exactly with the degree of extravagance with which one displays one’s wealth. Slade’s solution for Canadians is not to resist, but to go north and hide. Find a place to move the family and leave the south to the invaders. In this he sounds like


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many U.S. politicians in the 1840s who wanted to annex almost all of what is now B.C to the United States under the concept of Manifest Destiny. “Fifty-four forty or fight!” was their cry, meaning that they wanted everything south of the 54° 40’ parallel or roughly Burns Lake. Lucky for us, the British didn’t give in. My neighbours homesteaded in Burns Lake 25 years ago; they tell me it’s nicer here. A better solution would be to build an eight-lane super highway from Washington to Alaska with government subsidized fast food outlets every 10 miles and no exits until it reached Fairbanks. Pay Oprah’s network and Entertainment Tonight to advertise it, and, voilá, the invasion of Canada instantly becomes Sarah Palin’s problem. Jim Holtz is a Boundarybased writer.

Published Published every every Wednesday Wednesday

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Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette Wednesday, Wednesday, February February 19, 19, 2014 2014 Grand


to the editor

Water meters: the thin edge of the wedge

To the Editor: These proposed Grand Forks water meters are the thin edge of the wedge (locally) for globalist control of everyday people. There is presently a three-pronged globalist agenda designed to subjugate the people of this country: Initiating control over the nation’s water supplies by first metering; creating massive debt; and forcing governments to relinquish control. In the U.S., the Environmental Protection Agency is presently engaged in activities on behalf of the United Nation’s Agenda 21 policies, to use the control of

water and to also control food production, gas usage and eliminate private property ownership. The same is underway in Canada. They use grant-style bribes as “bait” to push un-illuminated municipal servants to fall in line. Smart meters are just another issue from the same puppet masters. Agenda 21? A quick Google search will verify the Globalist plans for the ‘sheeple’ (the un-illuminated masses) using the UN to bully each nation to adjust their laws to suit said plans. Anyhow, what is the big rush with this council to get

these meters in before the election and the public realizes the far-reaching consequences? What do they have to gain by getting this through before election time? What is the real personal bait they’re biting on? No need to worry about Agenda 21’s plans to control water use, federally, provincially and municipally. That won’t help, but, as Noah Hutchins says, “God is still on the throne and prayer changes things.” So, better learn to pray. James Hamilton, Grand Forks

Let’s get on with the work of water meters To the Editor: I have read the article in the Gazette about water meters. I understand that the citizens may have some concerns about the meters but we should realize that this is the trend now. We must also be concerned about water conservation and the cost of supplying the water. In Grand Forks, we use approximately 723 litres per person per day. The B.C. average is 426 litres per person per day, and some other municipalities

already have meters. In the Okanagan many orchards are watered by municipal systems and their trees are not dying, and when I travel to other locations in B.C. I do not see dead lawns and bushes, and many citizens of those towns have nice gardens. I was told that washing cars and driveways does not waste water since it returns to the ground or evaporates to be recycled as rain. This is true, but there is a cost to the city and the

taxpayers to pump this water. Also every litre used inside the house has to be processed through the sewage treatment at a high cost. When I read a statement from Donna Semenoff about the danger of radiation from the meters, I think this is fear mongering as our homes have all kinds of electronic equipment such as cellphones, microwave ovens and many other such equipment. Also, I was told the reason for high water usage was due to leak-

ing infrastructure. It may well be. Then we should not be afraid of the meters since they will prove that we do not waste water and will show that we need to do some repairs to the system. So let’s get on with the work. This being said, it is hoped that when the installation is completed and it is proven that we do not waste water, we will not get more increases on our water or sewage bills. Paul Pinard, Grand Forks

Thumbs up to a helping hand

Thumbs up to all the big rig drivers with their new HID lights that follow people on the highway and change to their low beam, it is appreciated. Thumbs down to all those drivers who don’t. Thumbs up to the wonderful gentlemen, one being a city sander driver, who helped me get my truck out of a snow bank. Again the people of Grand Forks show me that acts of kindness are the norm for here. Thumbs up to the fellow that assisted me after I fell in front of Service B.C. office.


Henry gaz

valentine winner

Our Valentine’s Day contest winner

Henry Klassen Chose the Omega Restaurant for his $50 gift certificate.

Thumbs up to the Wooden Spoon Bistro and Bake Shop for the delicious lunch and friendly service. We’ll be back. Thumbs down to our city council who threw out a petition towards having a referendum on the water meters. How interesting that the majority of you live outside of the city limits where it won’t affect you? I wouldn’t get too comfortable, election time is coming. Would you like to give a thumb up or a thumb down? Email with Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down as a subject line.

PODIATRY CLINIC with Dr. Joanne Lih

dr.lih Friday, February 28h, 2014 at the Boundary Medical Clinic 7486 2nd Street Grand Forks, BC Effective Solutions For: Heel Pain, Arch Pain, Heel Spurs, Bunions, Corns, Calluses, and Toenails Including Orthotics and Preventative Routine Care

For Appointments, Please Call

1-250-304-4792 A5 A5

Conservation is the issue


hile some residents of the Grand Forks are railing against the city’s move to conserve water with the installation of water meters, residents of the southwestern United States are dealing with an unprecedented severe water shortage caused by a prolonged drought. Rain did come on Feb. 8, but the area is still in dire straights. The drought is so severe that Jerry Brown, governor of California, is calling on people to voluntarily cut their water use by at least 20 per cent. Homeowners in Los Angeles are being told to replace their lawns with dry land indigenous plants and they are being paid $1.00 per square foot of lawn to do so. Residents of Las Vegas are being asked to replace their lawns with desert plants and they are receiving $1.50 for every square foot of lawn that is replaced. Officials in charge of water services in the area say there is simply not enough water in the system to meet Rousing the needs of farmers, cities and conthe Rabble servation efforts. The future for the ROY RONAGHAN southwestern states looks grim. What is happening in California, Nevada and New Mexico has no direct bearing on Boundary Country residents but that is no good reason for those who live in the area not to implement conservation measures for an essential commodity. Grand Forks is blessed with an aquifer that has provided potable water for the city for many decades. It is easy to access and that is good reason for treating it with the utmost of care so that it is available in the future. The statement that the installation of water meters really means the city is in the business of selling water is not true. Doug Allin, chief administrative officer for the city has stated that the charge covers the cost of the distribution system--the maintenance of the wells, pumps, pipes and reservoir needed to supply households, businesses and industrial operations. The argument that property values will drop if there are no green lawns or flower beds is a red herring. Property values are destined to drop in the future, but they will not do so because there are no lawns or flower-beds. Lawns are high maintenance luxuries. They consume vast quantities of water and they require constant care. They must be mowed regularly, and if the mower is gas powered it creates carbon emissions. If they are to be kept super-green, they must be dosed frequently with fertilizers James Fish, author of a column in the Epoch Times (Florida) sums up the issues surrounding lawns very well. “So we waste precious water on non-arable land, dump millions of pound of chemicals into our groundwater, import non-native grasses, which often make wonderful habitats for pests and insects that couldn’t otherwise survive in that climate (and which thus have no natural predators). “This incites us to dump further millions of pounds of even more toxic chemicals all around our homes and on the lawns where our children play, and spend resources making fossil-fuel-powered implements of metal and plastic designed to maintain this totally artificial environment, and then spend all of our leisure time trying to reverse the natural order where we live.” The installation of water meters in Grand Forks is not the issue that should be under discussion; the issue is water conservation. If preserving and protecting the aquifer means that lawns will disappear and flower gardens will be scaled back then that is what must be done. Residents of Grand Forks use twice the average amount per household across Canada and that behaviour has to change. They don’t live in 17th century Britain, on an estate in early New England, or in Vancouver’s University area. Roy Ronaghan is a Christina Lake-based writer.

Annual General Meeting - 2014 Christina Lake Stewardship Society Tuesday, March 11 • 7:00 - 9:00 pm Christina Lake Community Hall New members are welcome and memberships will be available at the door • Water quality test results • Invasive Species Concerns • Fish Enumerations • Watershed Planning and Monitoring • Upcoming Events and Educational Initiatives • Wildsafe BC 2014 and more...

“Come Out and Support Your Stewardship Society”


Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette




No Boundaries Film Club Presents: Travelling World Community Film Festival Feb. 21, 22, 23 at the Grand Forks Secondary School auditorium. Festival passes: $20 / $10 low income. Session admissions: $5 / $3 low income. GFSS students free. Tickets available at the door only. View complete program at:



Lego at the Library Friday, Feb. 21 from 1 - 3 p.m. at the Grand Forks Public Library. All ages welcome! Children under the age of 7 must be accompanied by an adult or caregiver. A snack will be served.



the Hospital Board Room at 2 p.m. New members are welcome. For info call 250-442-0323. 3rd Monday Every Month • The Alzheimer/Dementia support groups meet every 3rd Monday every month, from 7 - 9 p.m. For more information please contact Frani 250442-5320. • The Discover Rock Creek Society meets in the West Boundary Elementary School Library from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. • The monthly general meeting of the Royal Canadian Legion is held at 7 p.m. at the Legion Hall. Lounge open daily at 2:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. • Blessings Boutique from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Free lunch, Gospel Chapel. Contact Tammy Battersby at 250-443-1295. • Caregivers Alzheimer/Dementia Support Group meets every 3rd Monday of the month from 7 to 9pm. There is an exception for the month of August meets at 5pm instead. For additional information contact Frani at 250-442-5320. Last Monday Every Month • Kettle River Recreation Commission meets at the Rock Creek Trading Post at 7 p.m. Come out and support activities for families! Every Wednesday • Every Wednesday (as per school schedule) Women’s Morning Out at the Gospel Chapel. Lunch and child minding provided. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. For more information contact Tammy Battersby at 250-443-1295. • Bored Room Bistro’s Crib at 7 p.m. at 607 - 8th Ave., Midway, B.C. Free! • The Grand Forks Choral Society meets to practice at 7 - 9 p.m. in the Grand Forks Secondary School Band room for their spring concerts April 26 and 27. New members are most welcome to join this nonaudition community choir until the end of January. For more information, call Kirsten 250-442-8897 or Nanci 250-442-3935 or visit • Senor’s Centre Branch 68 holds Carpet Bowling at 9:30 a.m. • Boundary Healing Rooms - open from 1-3 p.m. at the Grand Forks Christian Centre (behind Overwaitea). Affiliated with International Association of Healing Rooms. Trained prayer teams ready to pray with you. No charge. No appointment necessary.


BULLETIN BOARD Grand Forks Seniors Center Activities Branch 68 City Park. Monday + Thursday: Cribbage 1:30 p.m. Tuesday: Arts/Crafts/ Quilters 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Wednesday: Whist 1:30 p.m. Monday + Wednesday (Sept. - May): Carpet Bowling 9:00 a.m. Thursday: Choir 9:30 a.m. Centre can be rented anytime. Rates are reasonable. Phone Yvonne Tedesco 250-442-3036. Community Archives Open Tuesday to Thursday in the basement of City Hall. Please call 250-442-8266 and ask for Sue in the Archives and she will assist you. Women’s Resource Centre Hours Boundary Women’s Resource Centre drop-in is Tuesdays, Wed nesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. We provide referrals, library, information, social time for women and much more. For more info call 250442-5212. Every Monday • Senior Centre Branch 68 is holding Crib at 1:30 p.m. • Drop-in carpet bowling is held at the Seniors’ Hall in Grand Forks City Park at 9:30 a.m. • The CanCan Troupe practices from 5:30 7:30 p.m. at the Anglican Church on 7th St. Contact Mona at 250-442-2237 or Mel at 250-447-2614. • Boundary Stroke Recovery Club meets at 341 - 75th Avenue, 10:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. For information call Ian Taylor at 250-4423545. • Is food a problem for you? The Grand Forks Overeaters Anonymous Group meets at 7:00 p.m. at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church basement, 7252 7th St. Phone Ella at 250-442-2346, or call 250-442-2227. 2nd Monday Every Month • Grand Forks Hospital Auxiliary meets in

Robert J. Ogloff, CFP • 250-442-3164 245 - 72 Avenue, Grand Forks






Boundary Musical & Theater Society


March 6 - 8 • 7:00 pm March 9 • 2:00 pm Grand Forks Secondary School Auditorium Adults: $15.00 • Students: $12.00

Tickets available at: Grand Forks gallery 2, Hannah Bees Flowers & Gifts, Christina Living Arts Centre and at the door.

Children’s Swap Meet 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Perley school gym. Clothes, toys, books, beds, high chairs, sports equipment and more! Baby to teen items welcome!. Tables: $10. Pre-register at Boundary Child Care Resource and Referral (7320 4th St.). Sponsored by Mountain FM.

• Drop-in Whist is held at the Seniors’ Hall in Grand Forks City Park at 1:30 p.m. • Pickle Ball is held at Barbara Ann Park from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. $1 drop-in fee. (Also held Mondays.) Contact 250-442-2604 for information. Everyone welcome. • Free Texas Holdem Poker at the Royal Canadian Legion, 7353 - 6th St. Grand Forks, BC. For information, call Frank at 250-443-2370. 1st Wednesday Every Month • Ladies, interested in finding out about the Red Hat Ladies? Why not join us at our monthly meeting at 7 p.m. at the Grand Forks Public LIbrary. We are a social club who just likes to have fun and wear red hats. Hope to see you there! • In the Company of Friends is a support group for parents/guardians who are raising children with special needs. We meet from 7-9 p.m. at the Glanville Centre, 1200 Central Avenue. Childcare is available onsite, as well as snacks and refreshments. For more information contact Angela at ampopoff@ or call 250-442-0833. • Genealogy group meets at the Grand Forks Public Library at 10:00 a.m. Join others to research your family roots. 2nd Wednesday Every Month • Open Door Hands on Healing 7 - 9 p.m. Non-denominational, natural healing. Dropin. Free service. Atheists, agnostics and believers - all welcome. Looking for healers to join the team. For information and location call 250-447-9713. • Evangeline Chapter No. 31 Order of the Eastern Star meets in the Masonic Hall at 7:30 p.m. • North Fork Community Club meets at the hall (except July and August). 3rd Wednesday Every Month • Rock Creek Women’s Institute meets at 11:45 a.m. for a potluck lunch at a member’s home. New members are always welcome. Phone Mary at 250-446-2454 or Sue at 250-446-2608. 2nd & 4th Wednesday Every Month • The Rumplestiltskein Fibre Arts Guild of Rock Creek meets. Phone 250-446-2431 or 250-446-2406 for more information. Last Wednesday Every Month • Adult Book Club meets at the Christina Living Arts Centre at 1:30 p.m. Call the Grand Forks Library to find out what we’re reading this month. Every 2nd Thursday NFB Films at the Grand Forks Public Library. We will be showing films every second Thursday. 2nd Thursday Every Month • Welcome to the Dutch Koffie Club at Jogas

Email your event to with the words “Event Listing” in the subject line; You can also mail it to Box 700, Grand Forks, B.C. V0H 1H0 or drop it off at our office at 7330 2nd Street – please mark clearly “Event Listing”. Also, please let us know if your notice has new information, or if your event has been cancelled.

Espresso Café at 10 a.m. Come and enjoy some camaraderie. For info contact Bertha at 250-442-8466. • Pot-luck is held at the Seniors’ Hall in Grand Forks City Park at 12:00 p.m. 2nd and 4th Thursday Every Month • Grand Forks Fly Tying Club meets at 7 p.m. at Kingfisher Fly and Tackle Shop. All welcome to join. For information call Lawrence at King Fisher Fly & Tackle 250442-3011. • The Boundary Peace Initiative meets at 7 p.m. at the Slavonic Centre. Contact Laura at 250-442-0434. 3rd Thursday Every Month • Boundary Women’s Resource Centre Drop-in 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. We provide referrals, library, information, social time for women and much more. Call for more info 250-442-5212. • The Writer’s Guild meet at 6:00 p.m. at the Grand Forks Public Library. Last Thursday Every Month • Adult Book Club meets at the Grand Forks Library at 7 p.m. Call the Grand Forks Library to find out what we’re reading this month. Every Friday • Boundary Bandits Car Club meets at Tastie Treat at 7 p.m. New members welcome. Ownership of an old car/truck is not necessary for membership. Call Jack at 250-442-3502. • Youth Group meets at 7 p.m. at the Gospel Chapel (7048 Donaldson Drive) for grades 8-12. For more info call 250-442-5148. • The Youth Group at River Valley Community Church meets at 7 p.m. For information call 250-442-8456. • Narcotics Anonymous (open) meeting is held at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church (basement), 7252 7th St., at 8 p.m. • Drop-in carpet bowling is held at the Seniors’ Hall in Grand Forks City Park at 1 p.m. • Storytime at the Grand Forks Public Library is held from 10:30 to 11 a.m. All ages welcome, no pre-registration necessary. • Overeaters Anonymous meets at 11 a.m. at St. Jude’s in Greenwood. TBA for Midway. Contact Wendy at 250-449-2809. • “Are you troubled by someone’s drinking?” Al Anon meets at noon at the Catholic Church Rectory 7269 - 9th St., Grand Forks. For information call Liz at 250-442-5654 or Lewis G. at 250-447-2668. • Blessings Boutique from noon to 3:45 p.m. at the Gospel Chapel. Contact Tammy Battersby at 250-443-1295. 1st Friday of the Month • Open Mic –7 p.m. at Kocomo’s in Grand Forks. 250-442-5558.



Ph 250-442-5537 ◆ 8098 Donaldson Dr., Grand Forks SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Hours: Mon-Fri 8-5 Sat 9-5

1st and 3rd Friday of the Month Greenwood Legion Branch #155. 7 - 11 p.m. Karaoke Night. 2nd Friday of the Month • The Grand Forks Wildlife Association meets at the Wildlife Hall at 7 p.m. Members and new members welcome - memberships can be purchased from Peter at the Wildlife Hall. • B.C. Retired Government Employees Association Branch 400 Grand Forks holds a luncheon meeting each month except July and August. All B.C. government retired employees are welcome. For information and location call 250-442-5783. Every Saturday • Adult Knitting Club 1:15 - 2:45 p.m. at the Grand Forks Library. Needles and wool provided, but feel free to bring your own supplies. Donations for this program are gratefully accepted. Let the library know in advance if you will attending this free program. 250-442-3944. • Kettle River Lions’ Meat Draw at 3 p.m. at the Prospector at the Rock Creek Hotel. • Boundary Woodworkers Guild meet every morning for a drop in workshop at around 9:30 am at 8120B Donaldson Drive (the former SPCA site) with a monthly business meeting at 10 a.m. on the 1st Saturday of each month. Prospective members are welcome. • Storytime at Kocomo’s for children 6 and under at 11:30 a.m. Every week a different storyteller. This event is free and held at Kocomo’s Coffee Shop in Grand Forks. • Grand Forks Soberiders AA Group meets at 10 am at First Baptist Church, 2495, 76th Ave. Everyone is welcome. For more information call 250-443-3121. • The Royal Canadian Legion holds a meat draw from 3 - 5 p.m. • Chess Club meets in the meeting room at the Grand Forks Public Library from 3 - 5 p.m. All levels of players welcome. Instruction is available. Second to Last Saturday of the Month Seniors are welcome at 686 72nd Ave. (except month of December) for a vegetarian potluck lunch at 12:30 p.m. at the Grand Forks Slavonic Centre. Bring your favourite dish or $6 donation. New members/ guests welcome! Fellowship, card games, shuffleboard, pool, etc. For information call Elizabeth/John at 250-442-2609 or Pauline at 250-442-3440. 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month • The Grand Forks Trap Club meets at 10 a.m. at the Wildlife Range. For more information call 250-442-8424.

Copper Pipe & Fittings – ½” to 2” Pex Pipe & Fittings – ½” to 1” ABS Pipe & Fittings – 1 ½” to 4” Supply Valves Flex Lines

GrandForks ForksGazette Gazette Wednesday, Wednesday,February February19, 19, 2014 2014 Grand A7 A7




April Verch Band to play the GEM

Opening up the downtown


For a sneak peek inside the city’s downtown makeover, an open house is scheduled so residents can learn more about plans for phase two of the Downtown Beautification Plan. Hosted by the City of Grand Forks, the open house will be held on Thursday, Feb. 20 from 2-6 p.m. at gallery 2, 524 Central Ave. Council members and staff will be on hand to answer questions, plus the people can complete the feedback form with their thoughts on enriching downtown Grand Forks, creating a more vibrant and inviting area for residents and visitors. “Through the Downtown Beautification Project we want to build on the liveability and quality of life in our community by making the downtown a focus for investment opportunity and tourism attraction,” said Mayor Brian Taylor. “Downtowns are the vital social and economic engines of many communities.” Phase one was completed last spring along Market Avenue. The project included hanging baskets and planters, upgraded lighting, new garbage and recycle bins, new bench seating and painted crosswalks. Starting in the spring, work will be completed on Market Avenue and will begin on 72 Avenue and Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth streets with new benches, improved lighting, bike racks, hanging baskets, painted crosswalks, landscaping and planters. Additional information on the Downtown Beautification Project will also be posted on the city’s website at www.grandforks.caDocument4.

for the Grand Forks Gazette

April Verch was born to traditional music, in Canada’s hard working, hard dancing Ottawa Valley, yet the effervescent singer/fiddler is no stranger to blues, Latin music, Eastern European music, jazz and Americana. She started step-dancing lessons at the age of three and started violin lessons at six. By the age of 10 she knew that she wanted to do both professionally. Two self-released albums—1992’s Springtime Fiddle and 1995’s Fiddle Talk— appeared before she finished high school. College meant Boston’s Berklee School of Music and mastering more styles of fiddle playing. Within a year, the money had run out and Verch would move back to Canada, landing in Saskatoon, Sask., and country singer Tommy Hunter’s band. She became the first woman in history to win both of Canada’s most prestigious fiddle championships, the Grand Masters and Canadian Open; and when Canada hosted the

Happy Birthday Mom (Baba & Auntie!!) You would never believe there is a

7 5 and a


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Classified ads: Book in the Gazette, get the Advertiser for



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Grand Forks ALIVE! Entertainment Group is hosting the April Vech Band live in concert at the GEM Theatre on Sunday, Feb. 23.

2010 Winter Olympics, she was asked to represent her country’s music at the opening ceremonies. The April Verch Band— rounded out by bassist and claw hammer banjo player Cody Walters and guitarist Hayes Griffin, who has a Masters in jazz improv from the New England Conservatory—is an energetic, virtuosic, tradition-celebrating outfit, not to mention one that’s not soon forgotten when they depart the

Wishing you everything wonderful! Love and hugs ~ from your lindo family!

stage. It doesn’t hurt that the thrilling grand finale involves Verch fiddling and step dancing—and often executing two entirely different intricate rhythmic patterns—at once. Grand Forks ALIVE! Entertainment Group is hosting the April Vech Band live in concert at the GEM Theatre on Sunday, Feb. 23. Advance tickets can be purchased at Kocomo’s, Pharmasave, or GEM Theatre.

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Grand Forks Visitor Centre together with the Chamber welcoming visitors & newcomers to Grand Forks and the Boundary area.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette

Chamber WeeK: Getting results for B.C. business By Boundary Country Regional Chamber of Commerce

February 17, 2014, marks the beginning of Chamber of Commerce Week, an opportunity for Chambers of Commerce across British Columbia to showcase their hard work on behalf of business communities across the province. This year, Chambers are celebrating the theme of “Leadership in Action” – a theme which highlights the leadership Chambers bring to their business communities, working hard to enhance B.C. as a business-friendly jurisdiction with strong opportunities for all British Columbians.

East of Rock Creek, corner of Kettle Valley East Rd. & Hwy 3 toll free 1-877-646-2899

We support and are proud members of the Boundary Regional Chamber of Commerce

proudly supports the Regional Chamber of Commerce and values the benefits afforded to our communities. 148 Sagamore Road 250-442-2652

Bored Room Bistro

Proud supporter and member of the Boundary Regional Chamber of Commerce

And this leadership delivers results. Just this month, B.C.’s Chamber network, working in partnership with the B.C. government, was able to deliver a significant win for B.C.’s businesses: key, business-friendly changes to a recycling regulation that had caused concern in business communities across B.C. Thanks to the hard work of Chambers in B.C., working closely with a responsive government, more than 99% of B.C.’s businesses will face no red tape or fees under this recycling regulation, which deals with packaging and printed paper. And that’s just one of many positive changes that the Chamber network has led for B.C. businesses. Among many areas of impact, B.C.’s Chambers have been a key voice: • encouraging balanced budgets at all levels of government; • calling for solutions to B.C.’s skills gap; and • encouraging municipalities to actively support local economic development. As members of the BC Chamber of Commerce, Chambers throughout the province are part of B.C.’s most extensive business policy development process. This process brings B.C. businesses’ innovative ideas and on-theground insights to B.C.’s decision makers, and helps shape an ever more business-friendly province. Chamber network policies span from fiscal and tax policy to infrastructure to industry-specific issues.

Bill Baird

AREA E RDKB is proud to support the Boundary Country Regional Chamber of Commerce Kitchen Design and Renovation

Boundary Home Building Center is a proud supporter of the Boundary Regional Chamber of Commerce

1538 W. Central Ave. • Grand Forks, BC


KEMP HARVEY BURCH KIENTZ INC. Certified General Accountants

Pleased to support the Regional Chamber of Commerce 619 Central Ave. • 250-442-2121

Gallery 2 working with the Boundary Country Regional Chamber of Commerce to promote the community through art, heritage and cultural activities. 524 Central Ave., Grand Forks 250 442 2211

607 8th Ave., Midway 250-449-2465

Proud supporter of our Chamber of Commerce

Proud supporter of the Chamber of Commerce

Ogloff Financial Services Inc. Robert J. Ogloff CFP Bus 250-442-3164 Fax 250-442-5600 245-72nd Avenue, Box 2049 Grand Forks BC V0H 1H0

is a proud supporter of the Regional Chamber of Commerce and the values and benefits afforded to our city 250-442-2191 7330 Second Street • Grand Forks, BC

At the local level, Chambers throughout B.C. are catalysts for change, bringing together business and community leaders to figure out how to take each community forward. Here in the Boundary the Boundary Country Regional Chamber of Commerce has ongoing: • Business Excellence & Community Awards • Community Ambassador Program • Boundary Country Community Calendar • Family Friendly Business Initiative • Biz After Biz networking events So as B.C. celebrates Chamber Week, don’t miss the opportunity to swing by your local Chamber, celebrate the leadership, energy and can-do attitude that B.C.’s Chambers bring to our communities.

7370 - 4th St. (Boundary Mall) 250-442-5560 Mon - Sat 8 am to 7 pm

Sunday - 9am - 6pm

A proud supporter of the

Boundary Regional Chamber of Commerce 250-445-2233 • Greenwood, B.C.

Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 19, 2014 A9

Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan was introduced over 40 years ago to specifically address the needs of small-to-medium sized firms, and now provides coverage to over 29,000 businesses just like yours. They can provide your company with a comprehensive group benefits plan— even if you are the only employee. Here’s how they can deliver more than a typical group plan to your organization. More Guarantees: No industry restrictions. All for-profit business are eligible while they are members in good standing of a participating Chamber of Commerce. • Coverage is guaranteed to continue as long as your firm pays its premium each month. • With three or more full-time employees, your firm can choose options that guarantee coverage to each person.

The Village of Midway

More Stability: • Claims are pooled over more than 29,000 employees providing more stable premiums from year to year. More Flexibility: • Customize your plan from a wide range of coverage. • An exceptional online administration tool, mybenefits lets you administer your plan anywhere, anytime. More Than Financial Support: • Best Doctors service at no additional cost. • Health options include Preferred Vision and Hearing Service discounts on eyewear and hearing device purchases, a Health Access phone line, and in the case of a medical emergency, Voyage Assistance offers on the spot worldwide medical and personal assistance. This is a great investment into you business.

Electrical Contract Reg. #1210

Boundary Electric (1985) Ltd.

recognizes the benefits of our Chamber of Commerce 250-442-5561

7990 Columbia Drive, Grand Forks

is an advocate of the Regional Chamber of Commerce 250-442-2778 441 Central Ave., Grand Forks D.G. (Dave) Marshall, Cra, rI

Boundary Appraisal Service Serving Grand Forks & Boundary Country 30+ Years Experience

is a proud supporter of the Regional Chamber of Commerce

Proudly supports the Boundary Regional Chamber of Commerce Phone: res-250-442-5199 •Cell-250-442-6199 e-mail –

The CorporaTion of The CiTy of Grand forks Boundary believes in promoting Healthy, Sustainable Business in our communities and supports the Regional Chamber of Commerce


Committed to supporting local business

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Call John at 250-442-4002

Tues to Fri 9:30am to 5pm • Sat 9:30am to 1pm 447 Market Ave • 250-442-5511 •

Our mission To build a strong business network that promotes Boundary Country, encourages business and community development, and enriches our vibrant, healthy region in a sustainable way.

Upholds the value and benefits of the Chamber of Commerce

Our values BCRCC conducts itself with integrity and socially, environmentally and fiscally responsible.

Our vision • Promote Boundary Country • Strengthen business and community development • Encourage a vibrant, sustainable and co-operative region

We are a

Proud Supporter of our Regional Chamber of Commerce Morrissey Creek Building Supplies

2750 E. Almond Gardens Rd, Grand Forks, BC 250-442-2312

Our volunteer Board of Directors Chuck Bennett Wendy Darbyshire Dave Marshall Alan Cooper

Angela Soukoreff Sylvia Burch Robbie Levi Shannon Profili

Our Staff

supports the Regional Chamber of Commerce

Executive Director James Wilson • 250.442.2722 ex. 232

250-442-2929 1695 Central Ave • Grand Forks A10

Michael O’Connor’s Horoscope: now online at



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PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON THE 2014-2018 FIVE YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN Monday, February 24th, 2014 at the Committee of The Whole Meeting in Council Chambers at 6641 Industrial Parkway (Old Canpar Office Building) The meeting commences at 9:00 a.m. and the budget process will be presented within the agenda. All community members are welcome to attend and participate. An information handout will be available at the front counter at 7425 - 5th Street on February 21st and at the meeting.






Feb. 16-22: The Kettle River District Women’s Institutes takes time to commemorate “Women interested, informed and involved in building a better tomorrow.”

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014 2014 Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette

We have reason to celebrate: Many pioneer women of the Boundary area had the foresight to bring rural women together for the betterment of the whole community and country. The motto of the Women’s Institute is: For Home and Country. Ladies of the Kettle River District include the communities of Bridesville, Westbridge, Rock Creek and Grand Forks. We also have members from other communities such as Beaverdell and Midway. We are under the umbrella of the provincial women’s institute and also belong to the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada and the Associated Country Women of the World. Women’s Institute was started in 1897 in Stony Creek, Ont. by Adelaide Hoodless as a method of educating rural women with the purpose of improving their lives through a better understanding of methods of treating raw milk and food preservation. Her hope was to raise the general standard of life for farm people. “A nation cannot rise above the level of its homes. We women must work and study together to raise our homes to the highest level possible,” Hoodless said. The B.C. Provincial Women’s Insti-

tute was formed in 1909 and Federated (Canada) in 1919. There are 1,000 branches distributed throughout the 10 provinces, a total of 13,000 members in Canada, and nine million members in 70 countries worldwide. We still carry on the legacy of those ideals started by the earlier pioneer women. Just to name a few: we contributed to B.C. Children’s Hospital; area hospitals and long-term care facilities are supported by our donations; donated to the Kettle Valley Bursary Fund; and made desserts for the Lions Easter Dinner. As well, we organized food and help for local funerals; supported the food program at West Boundary Elementary School; supplied food for the children’s Halloween party; made Christmas goodies for Rock Creek single seniors and Park View Manor; and catered to the Partner’s in Parenting conference. The Institute has organized and supplied desserts for the Canada Day celebrations, filled shoe boxes for Samaritan’s Purse at Christmas, supported the Children’s Class entries at the Rock Creek Fair, in addition to many volunteering their time and talents to the fair throughout the year, as well as sponsoring the Aggregate Children’s Trophy at the fall fair in Grand Forks. Institute women have made hand-

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UNIQUE VICTORIAN ON 1.808 AC. MUST BE SOLD-TRY YOUR OFFER-ASKING $249,900. Upgraded heating, plumbing and electrical systems, underground sprinklers, and complete privacy are yours with this lovely home. #2210295 Call Sharon 250 442 6396

Amazing Value for this small acreage. 2 homes and many out buildings! 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath 2052 sqft. main home on 3 acres. $199,000 MLS®# 2216108 Call Jazz 250-443-9088 or Val 250-442-7655

Nice starter home on a large lot (over 1/3 of an acre) some updating has been done to make this a comfortable family home. Located in a family friendly neighbourhood, walking distance to schools, recreation and shopping. Come and check it out. MLS® # 2394611 $182,500 Call Jazz 250-443-9088 or Val 250-442-7655

No expense was spared when designing this commercial and resident building. The 1140 sq. ft. residence is bright and has an open concept feel; with hardwood floors and large windows. Sit on your covered deck and enjoy the mountain views. The commercial space is almost 2000 sq. ft. with a 200 amp panel and plugs for welding. This building is an ideal investment and won’t last long. MLS® #2394290 $275,000 Call Jazz 250-443-9088 or Val 250-442-7655

BEAUTIFUL CHRISTINA LAKE IS YOUR NEW HOME WHEN YOU PURCHASE THIS 1040 SQ. FT. 2 BED 2 BATH BEAUTY! Fully renovated, private covered sundeck, beautiful landscaping, storage sheds and more! $223,700 #2389491 Call Sharon 250 442 6396

The “Jewel” of the British Columbia. The resort crowns Jewel Lake, a 3 km long lake famous for its great fishing and pristine wilderness setting. The resort is comprised of 34.08 acres; a main residence, 5 self-contained cabins, 3 sleeping cabins, 35+ campsites, convenience store, restaurant capability and caretaker suite. MLS® #2393657 $1,575,000 Cal Val 250-442-7655 or Jazz 250-443-9088


Great hobby farm close to town, updated 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Privacy fenced yard, sundeck with gazebo, paved driveway, fenced garden area, and hay field. Large barn, outbuildings and possible guest house. A very definite “must see”. $275,000 MLS® #2393724 Call Jazz 250-443-9088 or Val 250-442-7655

This updated townhouse is located within walking distance to recreation center, ball diamonds, Skate Park, shopping and schools. This unit has been totally updated and painted throughout. This is the perfect opportunity to own your home. $114,900 MLS® #2393834 Call Val 250-442-7655 or Jazz 250-443-9088

YOU’LL HAVE TIME TO PLAY IN 2014! Own this 924 sq. ft. 2 bed 2 bath 2007 Modular home in Triangle Gardens and enjoy easy living. Warranty is still in effect in this as new unit. Quick possession possible. PRICED TO SELL $109,500 #2394098 Call Sharon 250 442 6396

UNIQUE VINTAGE HOME is perfect for your home based business! Yesteryears charm but with modern convenience! Comes with all appliances, hot tub, Greenhouse, large storage shed. A Must See! $294,913 #2390087 Call Sharon 250 442 6396

This house is located just minutes from downtown, features include; eat in kitchen, large lot, one level bungalow, attached garage, outbuilding, and guest cabin. This home would be great for investors, first time buyers or retirees. Solid house at a great price. MLS® #2393276 $112,500 Call Jazz 250-443-9088 Or Val 250-442-7655

A house to call home! This 4 bedroom home is on a large lot with great exposure if you wanted to have a home base business. Large covered back patio, underground sprinklers and a fully fenced garden. MLS® #2393399 $225,000 Call Val 250-442-7655 or Jazz 250-443-9088

made quilts and raffled them off to raise funds for these events, supplied emergency kits to the Boundary Hospital and helped at the Rock Creek Rodeo. The Valentine’s Day Tea and Quilt Show is always a highlight of the year, as is the Christmas Craft Fair. I am sure there are many other events that I have forgotten to mention in each of the local areas. If you think that it is all work and no play, you need to attend one of our lively meetings. Of course, food is always the highlight of each meeting. We meet in area homes, halls or local restaurants. Topics of discussion include: agriculture, rural renewal and safety; Canadian industries and environment; citizenship and legislation; culture and education; economics and health, and international activities. In addition, we host an entertaining spring conference and fall workshop with guest speakers and craft presenters. We are Kettle River District Women’s Institutes, “Women interested, informed, and involved in building a better tomorrow.” Please consider joining us by contacting Lynne McKillican, Westbridge at 250-446-2616, Sharon Funnell, Rock Creek, 250-446-2399, Jean Johnson, Grand Forks, 250-442-3060 or Delores Proulx, Bridesville, 250-446-2137.

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Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 19, 2014

TV Channel Guide 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 TSTN - The Sports Network 26 27 Global Kelowna (CHBC) 28 CIVT - BC CTV 29 CBUT - CBC Vancouver 30 KREM - CBS Spokane 31 CHAN – Global Vancouver 32 Sportsnet - Pacific 33 The Knowledge Network 34 Shaw TV 35 CBUFT - CBC French 36 KXLY - ABC Spokane 37 MuchMoreMusic 38 Spike TV 39 Home & Garden TV 40 A&E CNN - Cable News Network 41 42 W Network 43 CNN - Headline News 44 CMT - Country Music TV 45 YTV


Th F 3 M T W

6 7 8 10 13

4 5 % ( _ 9 * Th F 15 M T W


16 17 22 24 Th F 25 M T W

26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 46 48 , 53 59 60 61 62 67 70 83 91 Th F 93 M T W



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(6:55) XXII Winter Olympics Figure Skating. (N) (Live) Å SportsCentre Å Sports SportsCentre Å (8:25) XXII Winter Olympics Short Track. (N) (Live) Å (11:15) SportsCentre SportsCentre Å SportsCentre Å SportsCentre Å Motoring Lumberj. World Poker Tour SportsCentre Å SportsCentre Å SportsCentre Å PBA Bowling USBC Masters. (Taped) Å SportsCentre Å SportsCentre Å SportsCentre Å Boxing (6:00) Morning News Morning Huntley The Doctors Operation Smile (6:00) CTV Morning Live Live With Kelly The View Marilyn Denis Tiger Arthur Bo On/Go Busytown Super Napkin Lunar Jim Varied Programs CBS This Morning The 700 Club The Price Is Right Young & Restless (6:00) Morning News Morning Huntley The Doctors Operation Smile Ella the Wild Kratt PAW The Doozers Rob Robot Ella the Jelly Jam G. Shrinks Clifford Good Morning America Live With Kelly The View Paid Prog. Varied Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master ’ Å Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master ’ Å Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Varied Programs Hunters Hunt Intl Varied Programs Criminal Varied CSI Miami Varied CSI Miami Varied Criminal Varied Criminal Varied Super Evil Sidekick Pokémon Beyblade Monster Squirrel Invasion Almost Flamingo Squirrel (6:00) Movie Lost Girl Sea Patrol Movie Salvage Hunters Auction Auction How/ How/ Mighty Ships Å MythBusters ’ Å Mighty Ships Å Flying Wild Alaska Salvage Hunters Auction Auction How/ How/ Cash Cab How/ Dangerous Flights Salvage Hunters Auction Auction Airplane Repo Å Mighty Ships Å Bering Sea Gold Salvage Hunters Auction Auction How/ How/ Mighty Ships Å Dangerous Flights Salvage Hunters Auction Auction Gold Rush: Pay Dirt Varied Programs Property Property Property Property Secret Millionaire 48 Hours Mystery Varied Programs The Office Varied How I Met Paid Prog. 30 Rock Paid Prog. FamFeud FamFeud Pregnant Pregnant Extreme Extreme What Not to Wear 19 Kids 19 Kids Varied Programs La Femme Nikita Cold Squad Flashpoint Blue Bloods La Femme Nikita (6:40) Movie Varied (8:45) Movie Varied (10:20) Movie Varied Shake It ANT Farm Jessie Wizards Little Manny Pirates Sofia Phineas ANT Farm Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Millionaire Millionaire Divorce Divorce Judge Judge Red... Red... Match Match Cash Cab Cash Cab Just for Laughs Gags Parks (6:30) Movie Varied Programs AnnaOl Pitchin’ In Chef Michael Varied Programs Food Food Varied Programs Departures Python Hunters Mantracker Man v Fd Repo Duck D. Duck Museum Secrets Canadian Pickers M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Varied Programs Stargate SG-1 Stargate Atlantis Stargate Varied Stargate SG-1 Stargate Atlantis (6:00) Movie Varied Programs Disaster Disaster Varied Programs Mike Big Friend Max, Ruby Zigby Toopy Caillou Cat in the Max, Ruby Chugging Arthur Wild Kratt Curious Cat in the Peg Dinosaur Sesame Street Tiger Sit/Be Fit Today Varied Programs Pop Quiz etalk Inside-Box Celebrity Saved/ Saved/ Marilyn Denis Cleveland etalk Rachael Ray The People’s Court Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Judge Mathis The People’s Court KTLA 5 Morning News at 7 KTLA News, 9am The Test Jerry Springer Walker, Texas Ranger Law & Order Law & Order WGN Midday News Law & Order Maury Jerry Springer Steve Wilkos Show Bill Cunningham Judge Mathis Gadget Gadget Lulu Care Bear Bugs Bunny & Tweety Monster Babar Gadget Gadget J. Meyer Youngren 700 Club My New Mass Varied TribalTrail Varied Wind at My Back Tiger Thomas Sid Caillou Martha Super Sesame Street Tiger Clifford Varied Love Trap Baggage Baggage Sex-City Sex-City Varied Programs Ice Pilots NWT Å Diggers Diggers Nazi Megastructures Wicked Tuna Å Locked Up Abroad ’ Brain Brain Brain Brain Security Security Diggers Diggers Locked Up Abroad ’ Ultimate Survival Ultimate Survival Kentucky Justice ’ Locked Up Abroad ’ Museum Secrets ’ Ultimate Survival Wicked Tuna Å Security Security Canadian Pickers ’ Locked Up Abroad ’ Diggers Diggers Security Security Ultimate Survival Kentucky Justice ’ Locked Up Abroad ’

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Boxing Friday Night Fights. (Taped) Å Record Pardon SportsCentre (N) World Poker Tour 24 CH Premier Record Pardon SportsCentre (N) SportsNation (N) (Live) Billiards: Trick Record Pardon SportsCentre (N) SportsNation (N) (Live) Billiards: Trick Record Pardon SportsCentre (N) SportsNation (N) (Live) Billiards: Trick Record Pardon SportsCentre (N) Noon News Hour Days Varied The Talk Queen Latifah CTV News The Social Dr. Phil Bethenny CBC News Now Republic of Doyle Steven Varied Recipes Stefano News Bold The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Dr. Phil Noon News Hour Days Varied The Talk Queen Latifah PAW Patrol Dragon Ella the Wibbly Pig Dive, Olly Jelly Jam The Chew General Hospital Queen Latifah Rachael Ray Jail Å Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master ’ Å Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Bar Rescue Jail Å Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo ›› “The Fast and the Furious” (2001) Vin Diesel. ’ Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master ’ Å Tattoo Tattoo Cops ’ Cops ’ › “The Marine” (2006) John Cena. ’

First 48 Varied Kid Sidekick Movie Dude, You’re Screwed Last Frontier Last Frontier MythBusters ’ Å Gold Rush Å World’s Dumbest... Minute Minute

The First 48 Rated A Monster Salvage Hunters Moonshiners: Outlaw Deadliest Catch Å Bering Sea Gold Cold Water Cowboys Varied Programs Law & Order: SVU





The First 48 Kid Super Evil Sea Patrol Close Close Moonshiners Å How/ How/ Highway Thru Hell Dangerous Flights

First 48 Varied Sidekick Squirrel Varied Programs How/ How/ How/ How/ How/ How/ How/ How/ How/ How/


Steve Harvey

Hockey XXII Winter Olympics Hockey. Hockey XXII Winter Olympics College Basketball Syracuse at Maryland. (N) NBA Basketball: Raptors at Cavaliers Hockey NHL Hockey Young & Restless News Ellen DeGeneres CTV News at Five Dragons’ Varied News News The Dr. Oz Show News CBS News Young & Restless News News Maya Bee Arthur Jack Wild Kratt The Doctors News ABC News Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ ›› “2 Fast 2 Furious” (2003) Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master ’ Å › “The Marine” (2006) John Cena. ’ Hunt Intl Varied Programs Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Varied Sponge. Varied Parents Sponge. Lost Girl Movie Daily Planet (N) Last Frontier Daily Planet (N) Salvage Hunters (N) Daily Planet (N) How/ How/ Daily Planet (N) Gold Rush: Pay Dirt Daily Planet (N) Bear Grylls: Secret Millionaire Varied Programs Bethenny Simpsons Two Men


Cold Squad Movie Wingin’ It King Big Bang

Criminal Minds Varied Programs Wizards Wizards Good King Commun Commun Big Bang Match Match

Criminal Minds

The Listener


Shake It ANT Farm Seinfeld Middle Just for Laughs

Varied Programs Big Bang Big Bang Corn. Gas Big Bang


Chopped Varied Programs

Diners Diners Storage Storage M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Star Trek: Voyager

Jessie Austin Middle Mod Fam Seinfeld Seinfeld Movie Varied Programs Mantracker Varied Programs Inner Scare

RIDE. RIDE. Big Friend Bubble Thomas Super Katie TMZ Dish Nat. King King Steve Wilkos Show Law Order: CI PIX11 News at 5 Scooby Doo Movie The Waltons Wild Kratt Varied Baggage Baggage Locked Up Abroad ’ Locked Up Abroad ’ Locked Up Abroad ’ Locked Up Abroad ’ Locked Up Abroad ’

Disaster Disaster Octonauts Mike Sid Peg Ellen DeGeneres The Social Two Men Two Men Bill Cunningham Funny Home Videos Raymond Raymond Bugs Bunny & Tweety Road to Avonlea PBS NewsHour Varied Programs Ice Pilots NWT Å Security Security War Story War Story Treasures Decoded True Crime Scene ’

Varied Programs Backyard Toopy Big Friend Cat in the Wild Kratt WordGirl News Business Jdg Judy Jdg Judy News News Saved/ Saved/ TMZ Cleveland Big Bang Big Bang Varied Programs Maury Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Videos Varied Programs Two Men Two Men Varied Programs Garfield Garfield Flintstone Tiny Toon Murder, She Wrote EastEnder Varied Business Varied Programs Sex-City Sex-City Nazi Megastructures Yukon Gold ’ Security Security Brain Brain Kentucky Justice ’ Museum Secrets ’ Wicked Tuna Å Canadian Pickers ’ Security Security Diggers Diggers

Castle Eat St. Eat St. Thomas Dora... Charlie Rose

Star Trek: Next

Bizarre Foods Wiggles LittlePony Varied Programs Days Varied Inside-Box Pop Quiz Kourtney and Kim Friends Friends How I Met How I Met Maury KTLA 5 News at 1 Law & Order Law Order: CI The Test Maury Garfield Bobby’s Smurf Chipmunk Sue Thomas F.B.Eye Touched by an Angel Arthur Cyberchas Fetch! WordGirl Charmed The Vampire Diaries Do or Die Do or Die Test Your Brain Å Brain Brain Test Your Brain Å Life Below Zero Å Monster Fish Å Brain Brain Monster Fish Å Monster Fish Å Wicked Tuna (N) ’


Blue Bloods ReG

Storage Castle


Browns Parks Movie Diners Storage

Payne Big Bang Diners Storage

Stargate SG-1 Movie


Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette

6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

XXII Winter Olympics Hockey. SportsCentre (N) Sports Hockey Hockey SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre News News Ent ET ET Millers Rake “Bigamist” Vikings CHBC News Final etalk (N) Big Bang Big Bang Millers Saving Hope (N) Law & Order: SVU News News CTV News (N) ’ (5:00) XXII Winter Olympics (N Same-day Tape) ’ Å XXII Winter Olympics Freestyle Skiing. (N) ’ (Live) Å KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Access Big Bang Mom ’ Two Men Millers (10:01) Elementary News Late Sh. (5:59) News Hour Ent ET ET Millers Rake “Bigamist” Vikings News Hour Final Waterfront Cities Park Take Me Joanna Lumley Park Take Me Spellbound Å News News Ent Insider KXLY 4 Kimmel The Taste “The Finale” ’ Å Scandal ’ Å iMPACT Wrestling (N) ’ Å Cops ’ Cops ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Rehab Rehab Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Rehab Rehab Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Duck D. Duck D. Wahl Wahl Bad Ink Bad Ink Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Wahl Wahl Thunder Sam & Boys Japanizi Young Boys Gags Gags Splatalot Zoink’d! Young Boys “Premonition” ’ ››› “GoldenEye” (1995) Pierce Brosnan. ’ Å (DVS) ›› “A View to a Kill” (1985) ’ Moonshiners: Out Moonshiners (N) How/ How/ Last Frontier Moonshiners: Out Moonshiners Å Matchmaker Matchmaker Brides Brides Friends Friends Matchmaker Matchmaker Two Men Mod Big Bang Big Bang American Idol ’ Rake “Bigamist” News Mod Arsenio Hall Honey Honey Welcome to Myrtle Honey Honey Welcome to Myrtle Honey Honey Welcome to Myrtle Missing “Victoria” Missing “Victoria” Missing ’ Å The Listener ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ ReG ››› “Love That Boy” ››› “Idlewild” (2006, Drama) Å (10:05) ›› “The Bodyguard” Austin Austin Shake It Good Good ANT Wingin’ Baxter Good Jessie Wizards Princess Browns Payne Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Married › “Blue Streak” (1999, Comedy) Match Match Gags Gas Simpson Big Bang Just for Laughs Big Bang JFL Daily Colbert Richest ›››› “It Happened One Night” “The Barretts of Wimpole Street” ››› “One Night of Love” My. Din My. Din Chopped Canada Gotta Gotta Diners Diners Chopped Canada My. Din My. Din Storage Liquida Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Liquida Storage Storage Ghost Hunters ’ American Pickers American Pickers Canadian Pickers Pawn Pawn Ameri Ameri American Pickers Inner Star Trek: Voyager Castle ’ Å ›› “The Thaw” (2009) Val Kilmer. ’ ›› “The Thaw” (2009) ’ (5:00) ›› “Invincible” (7:31) ›› “Judge Dredd” (1995) ›› “Behind Enemy Lines” (2001) Owen Wilson. Ext. Wild Rides Declassified Brew Dogs Å Sturgis Raw Å Brew Dogs (N) ’ Sturgis Raw (N) ’ Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas PBS NewsHour (N) Health Matt. African Americans Charlie Rose (N) Foyle’s War Å Father Brown ’ News Million. J’pardy! Wheel News XXII Winter Olympics Figure Skating, Freestyle Skiing. ’ Å Kardashian Party On Pop Quiz Chelsea etalk ’ Saved/ Saved/ Kardashian TMZ Live ’ Å House “Remorse” News Seinfeld Seinfeld Office Office OK! TV Ent Insider Comics Rules News News Two Men Two Men The Originals ’ KTLA 5 News at 10 Arsenio Hall Reign “Fated” ’ Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Fturama PIX11 News at Ten Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Fam Guy Rules Amer. Reign “Fated” ’ Dexter Bravo Gadget Gadget Hercules Tintin Toon Garfield Garfield Fl’stone Gadget Gadget Taking Con I Pro Miranda Super Popoff Columbo ’ Å Columbo ’ Å “Murder on the Home Front” Looking Rebels on Lake Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Out Mag. African Americans Style Style Sex-City Sex-City Baggage Baggage Cosmo Paid Charmed ’ Å Charmed ’ Å Do or Do or Do or Do or Megastructures Yukon Gold ’ Wicked Tuna ’ Wicked Tuna ’

3 4 5 6 % 7 ( 8 _ 10 9 13 * 15 16 17 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 46 48 , 53 59 60 61 62 67 70 83 91 93

XXII Winter Olympics Sports Top 10 SportsCentre (N) Jan. Plays XXII Winter Olympics Hockey. (8:25) XXII Winter Olympics Figure Skating. (N) Å SportsCentre Å Boxing Lucian Bute vs. Jean Pascal. (Taped) Å Saturday Morning News Lynn Colliar, Welsa Wong, & Jay Janower. (N) Fish’n Real Fish. Powerboat Driving TV News PGA Tour Golf Weird or What? Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons News App Worst Driver Cash Cab Celebrity Celebrity Movie Canada AM Weekend Marilyn Denis Children Cash Cab Is Written Corn. Gas SportsCentre Å (6:00) Juicebox Å etalk ’ The Social ’ Å XXII Winter Olympics Speed Skating, Biathlon. News George S XXII Winter Olympics (N Same-day Tape) ’ Our Vancouver Å XXII Winter Olympics Hockey, Bobsled, Alpine Skiing. (N) ’ (Live) Å Lucky Dog Dr. Chris Recipe J. Oliverr College Basketball Louisville at Cincinnati. (N) Access Hollywood (N) All In Changers News CBS News PGA Tour Golf WGC Accenture Match Play Championship, Quarterfinals. (N) (Live) Å Saturday Morning News Lynn Colliar, Welsa Wong, & Jay Janower. (N) Fish’n Real Fish. Powerboat Driving TV News PGA Tour Golf Weird or What? Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons News Ella the Jelly Jam Upside PAW Magic Bus Maya Bee Wild Kratt Martha Reloaded Finding Animals Animals Parks Parks Frontiers of Waterfront Cities Build a Heart Joanna Lumley Greek Good Morning Hanna Ocean Explore Rescue Wildlife Expedition Hometime Wagon Train Celebrity Wife Swap ESPN Sports Saturday (N) Academy Awd. News ABC News Auction Auction Repo Repo Auction Auction Auction Auction Cops Cops Cops (N) Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Hunters Hunters Hunters H Hunt. H Hunt. H Hunt. H Hunt. H Hunt. Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Love It or List It Å Crazy Hearts Wahlburgr Wahlburgr Wahlburgr Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Criminal Minds Å Flipping Boston Å Flipping Boston Å ›› “Failure to Launch” (2006) Premiere. Wahlburgers Å Alien Parents Chucks Rabbids Sponge. Monsters Sanjay Alien Turtles BeyWar. Pokemon Rangers Yu-Gi-Oh! B-Daman Squirrel Squirrel Squirrel Squirrel Chucks Chucks Chucks Chucks “Toxic Skies” (2008) Continuum ’ Å ››› “Spider-Man” (2002) Tobey Maguire. ’ Å ››› “Spider-Man 2” (2004) Tobey Maguire. ’ Å ›› “Spider-Man 3” (2007, Action) Tobey Maguire. ’ Å Continuum ’ Å How the Earth Works Close Close Mayday “Dead Tired” Close Close Naked and Afraid Salvage Hunters Dangerous Flights How/ How/ Cash Cab How/ Airplane Repo Å Gold Rush Å Real Housewives Matchmaker “Derby Crazy Love” Vanderpump Rules ’ King of the Nerds ’ Surviving Evil ’ Surviving Evil ’ 48 Hours Mystery ’ 48 Hours Mystery ’ Surviving Evil ’ Surviving Evil ’ Butt Lift! Paid Prog. Mega6 Min Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Kids News Old House Focus T25 Stop Pain Glee “Funeral” Å Trout TV Two Men 30 Rock How I Met Glee “New York” ’ Bones ’ Å Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Cheapskates Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Untold Stories of ER Marshal Law: Texas OnceMore Cold Squad Å ›› “Gothika” (2003) Halle Berry. ’ Å Missing ’ Å Criminal Minds ’ ›› “The Gift” (2000) Cate Blanchett. ’ Å Missing ’ Å Castle (N) ’ Å (6:40) ›› “Loser” (2000) (8:20) ››› “The Family Man” (2000) Å ›› “Meet Joe Black” (1998) Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins. Å (1:35) ›››› “Network” (1976) Å (DVS) (3:35) ›››› “Rain Man” (1988) Dustin Hoffman. Gravity Phineas Phineas Shake It Good Liv-Mad. ANT Farm Jessie ’ Austin Dog “Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure” Phineas Gravity ANT Farm Good Liv-Mad. Dog Shake It Austin Jessie ’ The Office Atl. Eats Paid Prog. The Office Paid Prog. Browns Paid Prog. College Basketball Georgia at South Carolina. (N) (Live) College Basketball Commun Commun Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Middle Middle Cash Cab Cash Cab Match Match Seinfeld Seinfeld Just for Laughs Match Match At Mid J. Oliver Seinfeld Seinfeld Just for Laughs Men-Work At Mid Just for Laughs Å Just for Laughs Å (6:45) “Blossoms in the Dust” “The Red Shoes” ››› “One Foot in Heaven” (1941) Å ›››› “The Yearling” (1946) Å (DVS) (12:45) ›››› “Sounder” (1972) Å ››› “The Sundowners” (1960) Deborah Kerr. Å Rachael Ray’s Chopped ’ Å Chopped Canada ’ Chopped ’ Å Chopped ’ Å Chopped ’ Å Chopped ’ Å Chopped ’ Å Chopped ’ Å Chopped ’ Å Chopped Canada ’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Liquidator Liquidator Storage Liquidator Mantracker ’ Å Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Restoration Garage Canadian Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ Canadian Pickers ’ Canadian Pickers ’ Canadian Pickers ’ Heroes of Cosplay Inner Inner Inner Opposite Worlds ’ Panic Button ’ Opposite Worlds ’ Face Off ’ Å (1:45) ›› “The Invasion” (2007) ’ Å (3:45) › “10,000 B.C.” (2008) Steven Strait. ’ Å Rifleman ›› “The Frisco Kid” (1979) Gene Wilder. Å ››› “The Longest Day” (1962, War) John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, Henry Fonda. ››› “Braveheart” (1995, Historical Drama) Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau. Å Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Peppa Pig Backyard Mike Umizoomi Max, Ruby Big Friend Angelina Cat in the Babar Mike Thomas This Is Wiggles Peter Care Brs Bubble Octonauts Mike This Is Toopy Big Friend Cat in the MotorWk Greener Woods. Rough Cut Hometime Old House Old House Kitchen Jazzy Chefs Life Cook’s Garden Antiques Roadshow Austria’s Influence Steves Grown Last/Wine Wait... Globe Trekker ’ Hate Hair? Jdg Judy Wheel Premier English Premier League Soccer Pain Free CSI: Miami ’ Å KHQ News Saturday (N) Å XXII Winter Olympics Snowboarding, Cross-Country Skiing, Biathlon. ’ Å My Boys Cleveland Kourtney Kourtney Kourtney Kourtney Khloe Khloe Khloe Khloe Khloe Khloe Khloe Khloe Kardas Kardas Movie Inside-Box Pop Quiz Pop Quiz E! Live From The Red King Gourmet Phantom Gourmet College Basketball Boston College at Miami. Athlete King Friends Friends Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang “Collateral Damage” › “Blue Streak” (1999) Martin Lawrence. Rescue Rescue Sonic X Bolts Spider Justice Dragon Digimon Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Family St. Animal Coolest On Spot Traveler Munsters ››› “Dirty Dancing” (1987) Jennifer Grey. Middle Middle Funny Home Videos In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law & Order “Seed” Matlock Å Bones ’ Å Bones ’ Å Law & Order ’ Å Dragon Digimon Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Family St. On Spot News Celebrity Raymond Raymond Rules Rules ››› “Minority Report” (2002) Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell. Å Collateral Damage The truth about war. Å Chipmunk Smurf Scooby Doo Movie Looney Looney Smurf Chipmunk Tiny Toon Garfield Scooby Doo Movie Looney Looney Garfield Garfield Tiny Toon Tiny Toon ›› “The Pink Panther” (2006) Steve Martin. Gurbani Punjabi Punjab Gaunda Lamia Quran Peace Words Mehak TV Fursat Gaunda Punjabi Sanjha Mulaqat Made in Watno Dur ’ Virasat ’ Tehlka ’ Masti ’ Aaj Kal ’ Sardari ’ Woodshop Michigan Out Mag. Getaways Woods. Rough Cut Antiques Cooking Martha Cook’s Kitchen Lidia Chefs Life Simply Lawrence Welk As Time... As Time... Antiques Roadshow Nature Å (DVS) Will/Grace Will/Grace Rags Rags Come Date With Me Sex-City Sex-City ›› “She’s Out of My League” (2010) Å Glam Fairy (N) Å The Bachelor (N) ’ Å Dirty Sexy Money ’ Dirty Sexy Money ’ Security Security Security Security Nazi Megastructures Do or Die Do or Die Ultimate Survival Security Security Brain Brain Security Security Nazi Megastructures Wicked Tuna Å Wicked Tuna Å








XXII Winter Olympics SportsCentre (N) Sports Hockey Hockey SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre News News Ent ET Nightmares CHBC News Final Elementary Å Hawaii Five-0 ’ etalk (N) Big Bang Mike Neigh News News Blue Bloods Å Grimm ’ CTV News (N) ’ (5:00) XXII Winter Olympics (N Same-day Tape) ’ Å XXII Winter Olympics Snowboarding. (N) ’ (Live) Å KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Access News Late Sh. Blue Bloods Å Blue Bloods Å Blue Bloods Å (5:59) News Hour Ent ET Nightmares News Hour Final Elementary Å Hawaii Five-0 ’ Park Take Me Coast (N) (8:05) The Village (9:10) Lewis “Counter Culture Blues” Change Our Part News News Ent Insider Last Last (10:01) 20/20 (N) KXLY 4 Kimmel Shark Tank (N) ’ Police Shootouts! Police Shootouts Police Videos Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Ren. Ren. Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Ren. Ren. Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl (8:01) The First 48 (9:01) The First 48 (10:01) The First 48 (11:01) The First 48 The First 48 Å The First 48 Å Assem Japanizi Gags Gags Splatalot Zoink’d! Young Boys “Flick vs. Flick” Viewers’ choice. ’ “Space Twister” Helix “Bloodline” Helix “Bloodline” “Licence to Kill” Strike Back (N) ’ Continuum ’ Dangerous Flights Close Close Dangerous Flights Salvage Hunters Close Close Mayday Å Security Security Stranger--Home Friends Friends 48 Hours Mystery Matchmaker Brainwashed Å Two Men Mod Big Bang Big Bang Bones ’ (PA) Enlisted Raising News Mod Arsenio Hall Say Yes Say Yes Bor Bor Say Yes Say Yes Bor Bor Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Criminal Minds (N) 19-2 “The Party” Boston’s Finest ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Rush Hr (6:20) “A Stone’s Throw” ›› “RocknRolla” (2008) ››› “Scarface” (1983) Al Pacino. Dog Dog Dog Dog Jessie Princess ››› “Camp Rock” (2008) “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” ’ Browns Payne Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Rules ›› “Race to Witch Mountain” Match Match Gags Gas Simpson Big Bang Just for Laughs Big Bang Spoilers Comedy Now! ’ “Going My Way” (7:15) ›››› “Wilson” (1944) Alexander Knox. Å ››› “Gaslight” (1944) Å (DVS) Food Food Diners Diners Guy’s Games Diners Diners Diners Diners Guy’s Games Storage Storage Storage Storage Ghost Hunters ’ Storage Storage Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawnathon Canada Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn American Pickers Inner Star Trek: Voyager ›› “The Invasion” (2007) ›› “The Invasion” (2007) ’ Å Castle ’ Å Comic The Walking Dead Sabre (5:00) ››› “Face/Off” (1997, Action) ››› “Cujo” (1983) Dee Wallace. The Dead Files (N) The Dead Files ’ The Dead Files ’ The Dead Files ’ The Dead Files ’ The Dead Files ’ Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas PBS NewsHour (N) Wash Moyers Call the Midwife NW Charlie Rose (N) Great Performances (N) ’ News Million. J’pardy! Wheel XXII Winter Olympics News J. Fallon Fashion Police Hello Pop Quiz Movie Saved/ Saved/ Fashion Police etalk ’ TMZ Live ’ Å News Seinfeld Seinfeld Office Office OK! TV Ent Insider Comics Rules Monk ’ Å News News Two Men Two Men Whose? Whose? The Originals ’ News Sports Arsenio Hall Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Fturama PIX11 News at Ten Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Fam Guy Rules Amer. The Originals ’ He-Man Ghost. Ninja Ninja Hercules Hercules ›› “The Pink Panther” (2006) Å He-Man Ghost. Gaither Gospel TimeGospel Super Popoff theZoomer ’ ››› “The Unforgiven” (1960) ’ Run Si Smiley Charlie Rose (N) “Run Silent, Run Deep”, War (6:40) ›››› “Aliens” (1986) Carrie Henn Will Will Cougar Cougar Love Love Sex-City Sex-City Baggage Paid Paid Cosmo Brain Brain Brain Brain Security Security Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain

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XXII Winter Olympics Hockey. SportsCentre (N) Sports SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre E:60 Å News News Continuum True Crime Scene News Darjeel 16x9 (N) Å Haven Å Mike Anger Mike Cleve News News Saving Hope ’ CTV News (N) ’ W5 (N) ’ XXII Winter Olympics Cross-Country Skiing, Bobsled. (N) (4:00) XXII Winter Olympics (N Same-day Tape) ’ Å News Paid Mike Crazy CSI: Crime Scene News Closer Burn Notice Å 48 Hours ’ Å (5:59) News Hour Continuum True Crime Scene News Darjeel 16x9 (N) Å Haven Å Hope for Wildlife Solar Mysteries Waterfront Cities Heartbeat Å Midsomer Murders ’ Å News Insider Entertainment Ton. ›› “Shrek the Third” (2007) ’ 20/20 ’ Å Castle “Recoil” ’ Auction Cops ’ Auction Repo Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Property Brothers Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Assem Young Japanizi Baby Young Boys Young Boys “Princess” (2008) Nora Zehetner. ’ “Toxic Skies” ’ ›› “Horrible Bosses” (2011) ’ ›› “Horrible Bosses” (2011) ’ “Spider-Man 3” ’ Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Yukon Men Å MythBusters Å Yukon Men Å Gold Rush Å Sherlock ›› “Sherlock Holmes” (2009) Robert Downey Jr. ’ ››› “The Social Network” (2010) ’ Å Mod Big Bang Mod Big Bang Bash at the Beach The Following News Wanted Animation Dom Secret Sex Lives My Trip From Hell Stories of the ER Secret Sex Lives My Trip From Hell Dateline: Real Life The Gift Homeland Å The Mentalist ’ ›› “Gothika” (2003) Halle Berry. ’ (8:15) Boss (N) ’ Å (5:50) ››› “The Family Man” (2000) ››› “Syriana” (2005, Drama) Å (10:10) ››› “The Hurricane” Good Wingin’ Wizards ANT Shake It Austin Really Wingin’ ››› “Get a Clue” (2002) Princess “Drillbit Taylor” ››› “The Hangover” (2009) The Closer Å ›› “Red” (2010) Bruce Willis. Match Match Gags Gags Just for Laughs Just for Laughs Neal Brennan Comedy Now! ’ (5:00) “The Red Shoes” Å ›››› “Hamlet” (1948, Drama) Laurence Olivier. Å ›››› “The Snake Pit” Chopped Canada The Taste “The Finale” ’ Å The Taste “The Finale” ’ Å Chopped ’ Å Storage Liquida Liquida Liquida Mantracker Å Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Pawn Pawn American Pickers Pawn Pawn ›› “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves” (1991) ’ Å Bitten “Stalking” Ripper Street (N) (8:15) › “10,000 B.C.” (2008) Steven Strait. ›› “Outlander” (2008) ’ ›› “Beowulf” (2007) Premiere. Å ›› “Demolition Man” (1993) Å CSI: Miami Å Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Security “Lethal Weapon” ››› “Lethal Weapon” (1987) Mel Gibson. ’ Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas Lawrence Welk Keep Up Time/By ›››› “Aliens” (1986) Sigourney Weaver. ’ Blue Austin City Limits News J’pardy! Criminal Minds ’ XXII Winter Olympics AboutNews The EE British Academy Film Awards Pop Quiz Pop Quiz Beverly Beverly Co-Ed Nightmares Cleve My Boys “Collateral Dam.” Seinfeld Seinfeld Office Office King Paid Entertainment Ton. Entertainers News News Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Operation Smile News Sports Arsenio Hall Funny Videos Funny Videos Rules Rules Rules Rules 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Dharma Two Men Two Men News at Ten Honeym Honeym 1st Fam 1st Fam Box Offi Box Offi “Spy Kids 3: Gm” Dexter Dexter Gadget Gadget Hercules Hercules Garfield Garfield Toon Toon Dexter Dexter Taur Waqt 4 Punjab Lashkara ’ theZoomer ’ Des-Pardes ’ Aikam ’ Carole King-James Taylor John Denver Rocky Mtn. Austin City Limits Artists Den Globe Trekker ’ Sex-City Sex and the City Sex-City “She’s Out of My League” ›› “She’s Out of My League” (2010) Å Do or Do or Security Security Brain Brain Ultimate Survival Brain Brain Wicked Tuna ’

$ $$

Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 19, 2014 A13

YOU AND YOUR MONEY Tips to investing in RRSP’s Let’s start with an obvious but important question. What is an RRSP? You may know that RRSP stands for Registered Retirement Savings Plan. But it’s easy to be confused about what that really means. If you think you buy an RRSP, you wouldn’t be the first person to make that mistake. Actually, you buy investments -- mutual funds, stocks, bonds, guaranteed investment certificates, annuities, etc. -- and register them with the federal government. When you retire, you’ll be able to use the money that comes from the investments.

Is it a good idea to invest in an RRSP?

Looking for ways to save for your retirement? With an RRSP you can make contributions and watch interest grow tax-free. Together we can discuss how you can save on taxes with an RRSP today. Let’s talk about Money for Life™.

The simple answer is yes. Many people are putting their money in RRSPs because they’ve been told they can reduce the amount of income tax they pay. They think, “Okay, I’m getting this tax savings every year. It reduces my taxable income, so my overall taxes aren’t going to be as high.” For a lot of people, that’s a good enough reason to contribute to an RRSP. Paying less income tax has always been a good idea.

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Whatever your reasons, the most important thing you can do as far as investing in RRSPs is concerned is to start contributing regularly as early as possible. When you start early, you give your money more time to grow. Let’s say you’re 45 years old and put $100 dollars into RRSP investments every month. We’ll assume a return of 6% per year. At age 65, the total value of your investment would be $45, 344. Now, if you’re 25 years old and invest the same monthly amount with the same return, the total value of your RRSP at 65 would be $190,768. You can see how the extra two decades of investing makes a big difference.



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There’s Nothing Like it!

A film festival with a conscience returns to city LARRY HUDEMA

for the Grand Forks Gazette

B.C.’s largest, longest running international social issues film festival is back this weekend as the No Boundaries Film Club will be presenting the ninth annual Grand Forks screening of the World Community Film Festival from Feb. 21-23 at the Grand Forks Secondary School auditorium. The World Community Development Education Society (, based in Courtenay, has been holding the festival in the Comox Valley since 1990. In recent years they have introduced the Traveling World Film Festival to share the films with other communities in B.C. and across Canada. The opening film, Seeds of Freedom, challenges the mantra, promoted by the pro geneticallymodified lobby, that large-scale, industrial agriculture is the only means by which we can feed the world. It shows how small-scale farmers feed 70 per cent of the world, using less land and water, with a higher degree of sustainability. From there we sail in to the World Before Her. This Best Canadian Feature winner at Hot Docs examines a transitional moment faced by India. It features contestants in the Miss India competition and women enrolled in a militant fundamentalist camp. As usual there is a varied fare of documentary films covering a range of topics, such as Grow, which profiles a new crop of idealistic young farmers, and Greedy Lying Bastards, which details people and organizations casting doubt on climate science and who, exactly, funds them. There are uplifting, empowering films: Sweet Dreams, a story of Rwandan women who formed a drum troupe and ice cream business, and Camera Woman; Stand, a film with some superlative photography of the West Coast. I could list ‘em all: the couple on corporate/ economic “shysterism,” all the way to our closer, Al Helm: Martin Luther King in Palestine, a tale about the sadly enduring tale of having to establish fundamental human rights. Okay, not done yet: Solar Momas, or how to overcome obstacles and achieve. Anyway, you get the point. These films show us, as global citizens, how we are more alike than different and that we all face challenges and that, though difficult, they are not insurmountable. For more information on this year’s films you


can check us out at our website We are also on Facebook. A pass is $20, low income is $10 and per session admission (morning, afternoon, evening) is $5 and $3, respectively. Grand Forks Secondary School (GFSS) students are free. And with that segue might I mention you might want to check out the student version of the film festival at the following site, http:// In case anyone who wishes to watch Greedy Lying Bastards but is unable to catch it Saturday afternoon, it will be showing Thursday at 7 p.m., the public is welcome. Admission is by donation and goes toward supporting the GFSS Global Citizens Club. I would be seriously negligent if I failed to mention the Boundary Peace Initiative’s snacks and lunches in the multi-purpose room. The lunches, particularly, are a great place to debrief after a good round of film watching or just idly enjoy the company of fellow filmgoers and very good borscht meals, as well as some delightful baking. Something I should mention is that the selection of many of the films was done with the assistance of a number of people who are on the No Boundaries Film Club e-mail list. This facilitates the selection process somewhat. John, Zak Eburne (a warm and thankful welcome to the new member of our film committee) and I would like to extend our thanks to those of you who took the time to do this.

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GrandForks ForksGazette Gazette Wednesday, Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Grand www.grandforksgazette.caA15 A15



Continued from Page 1

“Those two go hand-inhand,” he said. “We’ll have to talk to the people about what that will look like in the future.” Animal control The RDKB has also passed first reading of Animal Control Bylaw at the Jan. 30 board meeting. Bylaw 1550 is new bylaw meant to replace current bylaws, set regulations for a pound and provide for the licensing of dogs within the area of the City of Grand Forks, Area D, Area C and the City of Greenwood. MacLean said the regional district staff put together the first draft of the new bylaw and residents are just beginning to take a look and offer their input. “The elected officials will have a chance to review the comments and make any revisions they need to make and we’ll get it adopted in the near future,” he said. Saddle Lake regional park The area is expected to possess another regional park. Plans were announced last week for the regional district to take over and turn Saddle Lake into a regional park. Last year the regional district announced it had taken

IN BRIEF Institute on display During Women’s Institute Week of Feb. 16-22 the Sunshine Valley Women’s Institute will have a display at the new Jayz Wayz Floral Art business

over responsibility for the Saddle Lake Dam, said MacLean. “We also announced that we had made a application to the province to take over the Crown land surrounding Saddle Lake,” he said. “Recently, we found out that we did get that 30-year lease and we are now going to turn that into the regional park that we always intended.” MacLean said RDKB staff recently completed the engineering, maintenance and monitoring plan on the land. “Now what we’re doing is putting money aside for water control level measures,” he said. The Saddle Lake Dam is a heritage dam that was built by Doukhobors back in the 1920s. Phoenix Ski Hill The Grand Forks Recreation Commission, which is a shared service between the City of Grand Forks and Area D, awarded a $20,000 grant to the Phoenix Ski Hill to help them with operating expenses. “The rec commission approved in the initial budget a line item for $20,000 for Phoenix for this year,” said Russell. Phoenix Mountain Alpine Ski Society (PMASS), which operates the ski hill, have had to scramble to raise funds to keep the hill going after the provincial gaming commission changed Phoenix’s categorization, making grant money unavailable until after the end of

the season. “Essentially, they would miss an operational season of funding through the gaming commission,” said Russell. “So they had some acute needs for funding for this season. Also, they’ve had a long-standing desire to establish a sustainable funding model moving forward.” Russell said that Area D, Area E, Area C, Midway, Greenwood and the City of Grand Forks are all actively looking at supporting a sustainable model for Phoenix. “But what that looks like is very much up in the air depending on which of those areas are involved,” he said. Russell said it looks like Phoenix should be in good shape for this year with the rec commission grant as well as money raised from the ski hill’s Snowflake fundraiser campaign, as well as ticket sales. “We’re looking at ways to design a model where money for Phoenix becomes a permanent line item instead of having to have it as new business every year,” said Russell. He said having a nearby, affordable ski hill is very important to the area. “It’s a pretty significant economic driver to the area both for attracting young families and retaining them as well as providing a recreation activity for local residents that is at a reasonable cost.”

(278 Market Avenue). p.m. and familiarize yourself J.J. Henderson has given the with an organization that has institute space in her new store been active in Grand Forks where they will have informasince 1953. tion and posters about the Their motto is, “Women Women’s Institute at all levels: interested, informed and local; provincial; national; and involved in building a better world. tomorrow,” which gives them Drop in for a cup of coffee a lot of room to plan intereston Friday, Feb. 21 from 1-3 ing monthly meetings. (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX

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StrongStarts and Outreach StrongStarts in the Boundary Family Centres

The StrongStart Early Learning program offers family-friendly environments for children not yet eligible for Kindergarten and their parents/care providers in school-based, high quality early learning centres.

success by 6

StrongStart offers fun and creative activities such as: • Story time, music and singing • Healthy snacks • Access to books, puzzles and art materials • Movement and large muscle play activities • Play areas that promote creativity and exploration for both individual and group play Children learn through play so come to StrongStart and create an art project, have a play date, use your imagination and get active. Have fun with your children and other families with no wear and tear on your own home! Morning, afternoon, evening and weekend sessions available These drop in programs are free of charge. For more information about days and times, please contact Glanville Family Centre 250-442-2267 or 1-877-442-5355 Fully funded by the Ministry of Education. Presented by SD #51 and Boundary Family Centres Success By 6 supports parents and communities in creating healthy, nurturing environments for our youngest children, so that by age 6, they are physically, socially, and emotionally ready to succeed in school. The goal of Success By 6 is to better the lives of our Boundary area children in our families and enhancing our communities.

Success by 6® is a locally based initiative in partnership with:

Phoenix Foundation of the Boundary Communities • Ministry of Children & Family Development • Grand Forks Credit Union

is a proud supporter of this community initaitive

Leggo my Lego at library this Friday


ere’s what’s going on at the library:

Lego Club Drop by the library on Friday, Feb. 21 from 1-3 p.m. for our monthly Lego Club! We got a brand-new bin donated last week to add to our collection—so look out for a whole bunch of new pieces. All ages welcome, and snacks will be provided. Book Club I’m going to break the first rule of book club, and talk to you about it. It’s not too late to swing by the library to pick up a copy and read the February book in time for our meeting at Christina Lake on Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 1:30 p.m., and on Thursday, Feb. 27 at the library in Grand Forks at 7 p.m. The book this month is


The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, by Laurie R. King—a suspenseful novel in which a young girl pursues an apprenticeship with the most famous detective of all, a now-retired Sherlock Holmes. This is the first in a series of books—so if you like this one, there will be lots more to read! Winter story time Our weekly story time is held every Friday from 10:3011 a.m. We’ve got rhymes, songs, books, and felt-board stories. Everyone is welcome, not

just moms but dads too, as well as grandparents, daycares, caregivers, etc. And a reminder ... ... about some of the other wonderful programs that run continuously at the library: • We have an adult knitting and crocheting club that meets on Saturday afternoons from 1:15-2:45 p.m. (we provide needles and wool, but you can bring your own supplies too, if you like). • Our chess club is always happy to welcome new members—they meet on Tuesdays from 4-7 p.m., and on Saturdays from 3-4:30 p.m. • The genealogy group meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 10 a.m. • The writer’s guild meets on the third Thursday of the month at 6 p.m.

Downtown Business Assoc. looks for feedback

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette


Grand Forks Gazette

In just over one year the Grand Forks Downtown Business Association (DBA) has had several successes and overcome some struggles. But for those who feel the DBA should be doing more or have other suggestions, now is the time to come forward as the young group will be hosting its annual general meeting on Monday, Feb. 24 at 6 p.m. at Community Futures. The meeting is open to all members.

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3rd Annual

At the AGM Carol Lajoie, chair of the DBA, says the group will review all the highlights of the past year and look ahead to the future. “We really need membership to come out because we’re wanting direction on where to go this next year and we’re looking for some new board members,” she said. Lajoie said there are about 130 businesses downtown and she urged everyone to attend. The mandate for the DBA, which began in December 2012, is to improve and support a

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relay for life

sustainable downtown business core in Grand Forks. Probably the most successful event the DBA has held was the Black Friday event in November, a whole community-wide sale which had a huge turnout from the public, said Lajoie. Lajoie said the board already has some events planned for next year that they will discuss including becoming more involved with the Park in the Park Car Show at City Park. “We’d like to organize some sort of midnight madness event that coincides with that.”

Boundary Healing Rooms


Affiliated with International Association of Healing Rooms Open: Wednesdays 1 - 3 pm @ Grand Forks Christian Centre (behind Overwaitea Foods) Grand Forks 250-443-5270

Trained prayer teams ready to pray with you no charge • no appointment necessary “...And he will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” Mark 16:17


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Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 19, 2014 7:00





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NASCAR Racing Sports Sports SportsCentre Å SportsCentre Å NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup Series, Daytona 500. (N) (Live) Å NBA Basketball Orlando Magic at Toronto Raptors. Å Block Context J. Osteen Get Sub D News PGA Tour Golf Weird or What? Torrens Simpsons Simpsons News Sunday Morning News (N) Å App The Social Question Period (N) Worst Handyman Kevin Newman Live First Story Steele MasterChef Canada Operation Smile Å ›››› “Million Dollar Baby” (2004) Clint Eastwood. ’ Å W5 ’ Å (DVS) CBC News CBC News CBC News George S XXII Winter Olympics XXII Winter Olympics Closing Ceremony, Hockey. From Sochi, Russia. Closing ceremony; hockey. (N) ’ (Live) Å XXII Winter Olympics Hockey. ’ Å Olympic Extra (N) ’ CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Nation College Basketball No 2 Old Hip Hop Backroads Inside Ed. News CBS News PGA Tour Golf WGC Accenture Match Play Championship, Finals. (N) (Live) Å Block Context J. Osteen Get Sub D News PGA Tour Golf Weird or What? Torrens Simpsons Simpsons News Sunday Morning News (N) Å Ella the Jelly Jam Upside PAW Dino Dan Wild Kratt Little Little Reloaded Dogs Dogs Rivers Rivers Park Take Me Hope for Wildlife Wartime Farm Baroque Å Arthur ’ Good Morning This Week McCarver NBA NBA Basketball: Clippers at Thunder Beer Geek Paid Prog. Focus T25 Estate News ABC News NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Miami Heat. (N) Å Muscle Truck Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Bar Rescue ’ (2:08) ›› “The Fast and the Furious” (2001) Vin Diesel. ’ (9:05) Bar Rescue ’ (10:10) Bar Rescue ’ “2 Fast 2 Furious” ’ Love It or List It, Too Property Brothers Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Island Island Love It or List It Å Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. ›› “Liar Liar” (1997) Jim Carrey. Å ›› “Failure to Launch” (2006) Å Squirrel Squirrel Pet Shop Sidekick Sponge. Sponge. Parents Monsters Sam & Haunted Thunder Assembly Japanizi ››› “Beethoven’s Big Break” (2008) ’ (3:45) ›› “Hotel for Dogs” (2009) Emma Roberts. ’ Continuum ’ “Crisis Point” (2012) Rhona Mitra. ’ Å ›› “Alvin and the Chipmunks” (2007) ’ › “The Smurfs” (2011) Hank Azaria. ’ Helix “Bloodline” ’ “Crisis Point” (2012) Rhona Mitra. ’ Å Continuum ’ Last Frontier Last Frontier Last Frontier Last Frontier Last Frontier Last Frontier Last Frontier Last Frontier Last Frontier Last Frontier Last Frontier Princess Princess Debt/Part ››› “Erin Brockovich” (2000, Drama) Julia Roberts. ’ Å Princess Princess ››› “The Social Network” (2010) Jesse Eisenberg. ››› “Moneyball” (2011, Drama) Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill. ’ Å Into Wild Key/David Fox News Sunday NASCAR Pre-Race (N) Paid Prog. The Office How I Met Two Men Trout TV Livin’ Two Men Big Bang 2014 Daytona 500 From Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Fla. (N) Å Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes 90 Day Fiance Å Sister Wives (N) Å Sister Wives ’ Å Sister Wives ’ Å Sister Wives ’ Å Sister Wives ’ Å Sister Wives ’ Å Sister Wives ’ Å Love Person of Interest (N) The Mentalist Å Missing Å (DVS) Cold Squad Å “All Good Things” (2010) Ryan Gosling. ’ ››› “The Ghost Writer” (2010) Pierce Brosnan. ’ Castle ’ Å Missing ’ Å I Love “So I Married an Axe Murderer” “So I Married an Axe Murderer” (9:15) ›› “The Cable Guy” (1996) (10:55) ›› “Mystery Men” (1999) Å ›› “I Love You to Death” (4:15) ›› “The Cable Guy” (1996) Gravity Phineas Phineas Shake It Good Liv-Mad. Dog Dog Dog Dog Phineas Phineas ANT Farm Good Liv-Mad. Dog Shake It Austin “Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2” ’ Jessie ’ P. Affairs Atl. Eats King King Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam Mod Fam ››› “As Good as It Gets” (1997) Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt. ››› “Inglourious Basterds” (2009) Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent. Cash Cab Cash Cab Match Match Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang To Be Announced Match Match At Mid Spoilers Seinfeld Seinfeld To Be Announced Big Bang Big Bang Spoilers At Mid “Advnture-Robin” (6:30) ››› “Ivanhoe” Å ››› “King Solomon’s Mines” (1950) ››› “America, America” (1963, Drama) Stathis Giallelis. Å (1:45) ››› “Mutiny on the Bounty” (1962, Adventure) Marlon Brando. Å Contessa Trisha’s Pioneer Pioneer Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Chopped (N) ’ Å Chopped ’ Å Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Dog and Beth Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Storage Mantracker ’ Å Pawn Pawn Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Pawn Pawn American Restoration Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn American Pickers ’ ›› “The Thaw” (2009) Val Kilmer. ’ Å Face Off ’ Å (10:15) ›› “Outlander” (2008) James Caviezel. ’ Å (12:45) › “10,000 B.C.” (2008) Steven Strait. ’ Å Being Human ’ Bitten “Stalking” ’ ›› “The Thaw” ’ The Walking Dead The Walking Dead ››› “Twins” (1988) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Å ››› “Braveheart” (1995, Historical Drama) Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau. Å ›› “Beowulf” (2007) Voices of Ray Winstone. Å Disaster Bggg Bttls Bggg Bttls Security Security Security Security Security Security Bggg Bttls Bggg Bttls Disaster Disaster Disaster Disaster Extreme Terror Rides ››› “Lethal Weapon” (1987) Mel Gibson. ’ Å Peppa Pig Backyard Mike Umizoomi Max, Ruby Big Friend Angelina Cat in the Babar Mike Thomas This Is Wiggles LittlePony Care Brs Bubble Octonauts Mike This Is Toopy Big Friend Cat in the Barney Clifford Curious Cat in the DragonFly Impact Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Classic Classic Inside Olympia Å (3:15) Masterpiece Classic Å Masterpiece Classic ’ Å (DVS) KHQ Invest Meet the Press (N) Tree Fu Pain Free Olympics XXII Winter Olympics Hockey. ’ Å Olympics XXII Winter Olympics Cross-Country Skiing, Bobsled. (N Same-day Tape) ’ Å The Face “Game On!” Celebrity Inside-Box Pop Quiz Pop Quiz The Face Å The Face Å The Face Å The Face Å The Face Å The Face Å The Face Å TMZ ’ Å Stooges Gourmet Phantom Gourmet Focus T25 Paid Prog. ›› “The Private Lives of Pippa Lee” “Chronicles of Narnia: Dawn Treader” White Collar Å Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å CSI: Miami ’ Å In Touch Larry King GR View Paid Prog. AntiAging Larry King Pain Free GR View Paid Prog. Bloopers Bloopers Fam. Guy Fam. Guy › “Collateral Damage” (2002) Å KTLA 5 Morning News at 7 (N) ’ Å In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night Funny Home Videos Funny Home Videos ››› “Bolt” (2008) Miley Cyrus Å ››› “My Dog Skip” (2000) Frankie Muniz. ›› “Tremors” Paid Prog. TV Star Paid Prog. AntiAging Coolest Animal Alien File Alien File SAF3 “Let It Burn” (N) News Dr. Steve Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld ››› “Minority Report” (2002) Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell. Å Chipmunk Smurf Scooby Doo Movie Looney Looney Scooby Doo Movie Scooby Doo Movie Scooby Doo Movie Tiny Toon Garfield Scooby Doo Movie Flintstone Flintstone Garfield Garfield Bugs Bunny & Tweety Copeland Facts Islam Context Tomorrow Beyond Hope Discovery Van Impe Jeremiah Facts Faith Food Life Study Believe Youngren David Hour of Power Å Living Truth ’ Å Arise ’ MotorWk Autoline Contrary Record McL’ghlin Journal Moyers Truth Great Performances “Barrymore” Masterpiece Classic Weekend Spy Å Poirot Å American Masters ’ Å Doc Martin ’ Å Love Trap Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Come Date With Me Style Style Hollywood Love Trap Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City “Two Weeks Notice” Glam Fairy Å ›› “Two Weeks Notice” (2002) Sandra Bullock. Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers America the Wild ’ America the Wild ’ America the Wild ’

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Top 10 Cabbie Motoring SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre 30 for 30 Å SportsCentre (N) (Live) Å News News Security Amer. Burgers Simpson Fam Guy Amer. AboutFisher News Block Once Upon a Time The Amazing Race News News Castle (N) Å Castle ’ Å CTV News (N) ’ News fifth est. The National Å (5:00) XXII Winter Olympics Closing Ceremony. ’ Å Dragons’ Den ’ KREM 2 News at 6 The Amazing Race News Fam Guy 60 Minutes (N) ’ The Mentalist ’ The Good Wife ’ (5:59) News Hour Security Amer. Burgers Simpson Fam Guy Amer. AboutFisher News Block Park Take Me Nat’l Geographic Foyle’s War “All Clear” Å Silk ’ Å Solar Mysteries ’ News Carpet Funny Videos KXLY 4 V’Impe ›› “The Proposal” (2009) Castle ’ Å (10:32) ››› “Joy Ride” (5:00) “2 Fast 2 Furious” ’ (7:45) ›› “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” ’ Island Island Island Island Island Island Island Island Island Island Island Island Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Bad Ink Bad Ink Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. “Cats & Dogs: Kitty Galore” Japanizi Japanizi Gags Gags Young Boys Young Boys NCIS “Endgame” NCIS “Endgame” Continuum ’ NCIS ’ Å NCIS ’ Å NCIS ’ Å Last Frontier Last Frontier Last Frontier MythBusters Å MythBusters Å MythBusters (N) ’ Princess Princess Princess Princess Princess Princess ››› “Moneyball” (2011) Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill. ’ Å Two Men Big Bang Burgers Amer. Simpson Burgers Fam Guy Amer. News TMZ (N) Bones ’ Å 90 Day Fiance (N) Sister Wives Å Sister Wives Å Sister Wives Å 90 Day Fiance ’ Sister Wives (N) ’ “All Good Things” ›› “The Iron Lady” (2011) Å (8:15) ››› “The Ghost Writer” (2010) Pierce Brosnan. ’ (5:55) ›› “Mystery Men” (1999) ››› “Bad Boys” (1995, Action) Å ›› “Bad Boys II” (2003) Å (DVS) Good Wingin’ Wizards ANT Shake It Austin Really Wingin’ ›› “Gotta Kick It Up” Princess Seinfeld The Closer Å Seinfeld ›› “The Last Castle” ›››› “Almost Famous” (2000) Billy Crudup. Gags Gags Match Match Big Bang Big Bang Just for Laughs Just for Laughs Comedy Now! ’ “Advnture-Robin” “You Can’t Take It With You” (1938) “Alexander Rag.” (9:15) ›››› “Pygmalion” (1938) Cutthroat Kitchen Gotta Gotta Diners, Drive Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped (N) Å Chopped ’ Å Liquida Storage Liquida Liquida Mantracker Å Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ The Curse of Cnt. Cnt. Cnt. Cnt. Cnt. Cnt. Swamp People ’ Swamp People ’ (5:00) “The Thaw” Opposite Worlds Opposite Worlds Face Off ’ Å ››› “Alien 3” (1992) ’ Å (DVS) The Walking Dead (7:01) Talking Dead The Walking Dead Comic The Walking Dead Talking Dead Comic Extreme Resorts Wild Races Security Security Ext. Terror Rides Extreme Resorts Wild Races Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas Classic Super Skyscrapers Masterpiece Classic (N) Å (DVS) Masterpiece Classic ’ Warriors ’ Å News Mark XXII Winter Olympics Fisher News Olym Sochi Gold (N) ’ Å Kardashian Brave RichKids Pop Quiz Pop Quiz Kardashian Brave RichKids Cleve My Boys CSI: Miami “Rush” Big Bang Big Bang Two Men Two Men Mother Mother Rules Rules Commun Commun News News SAF3 “Let It Burn” KTLA 5 News at 10 Alien Alien KTLA 5 News Sunday Edition (N) Å (5:00) “Tremors” Funny Videos Funny Videos Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Dharma Two Men Two Men News at Ten Honeym Honeym Arsenio Hall Fam Guy Fam Guy Fturama Fturama Gadget Gadget Tintin Tintin Hercules Hercules Fl’stone Fl’stone Scooby Doo Movie Scooby Doo Movie Leading J. Meyer Osteen Prince Israel Popoff Christ Armor V’Impe Tom’row Super Tribal Independent Lens America Closer Masterpiece Classic (N) Å (DVS) VOCES on PBS ’ Father Brown ’ (5:00) “Two Weeks Notice” Style by Style by Hollyw’d Hollyw’d ››› “Atonement” (2007) James McAvoy. Alaska-Trooper Alaska-Trooper Alaska-Trooper Alaska-Trooper Alaska-Trooper Alaska-Trooper

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Basket SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) (Live) Å ››› “Catching Hell” (2011) News News Ent ET NCIS “Bulletproof” NCIS: Los Angeles Chicago Fire (N) News Hour Final etalk (N) Big Bang S.H.I.E.L.D. Gold Trophy Person of Interest News News CTV News (N) ’ News Mercer George Cor Mercer 22 Min The National (N) News George Arctic Air (N) ’ KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Access NCIS “Bulletproof” NCIS: Los Angeles Person of Interest News Late Sh. (5:59) News Hour Ent ET NCIS “Bulletproof” NCIS: Los Angeles Chicago Fire (N) News Hour Final Hope for Wildlife Frontiers of Churchill-War Emergency Frontiers of Lust for Life Å News News Ent Insider KXLY 4 Kimmel Mind Games Å The Bachelor (N) ’ (Part 2 of 2) Å (5:00) Ink Master Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Ink Master Å Ink Master (N) ’ Flip or Flip or Hunters Hunt Intl Scoring Scoring Flip or Flip or Hunters Hunt Intl Scoring Scoring Storage Storage Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Storage Storage Storage Storage Shipping Shipping Japanizi Sam & Boys Young Young Boys Gags Gags Splatalot Zoink’d! Young Boys “Hunt for I-5” NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Devious Maids ’ Continuum ’ Gold Rush (N) Cold Water Dangerous Flights Cold Water Dangerous Flights Gold Rush Å Vanderpump Rules Real Housewives Money Money Friends Friends Real Housewives Vanderpump Rules Two Men Mod Big Bang Big Bang Glee “Frenemies” New Girl Brooklyn News Mod Arsenio Hall My 600-Lb. Life (N) To Be Announced To Be Announced My 600-Lb. Life ’ My 600-Lb. Life ’ My 600-Lb. Life ’ Motive “Undertow” Motive “Undertow” Perception (N) ’ The Listener ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ ReG (6:20) › “White Noise” ››› “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” (1992) (10:10) “The Taming of the Shrew” Å Jessie Jessie Shake It Good Good ANT Wingin’ Baxter Good Jessie Wizards Princess Browns Payne Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. “Domestic Disturbance” “Observe-Rep” Match Match Gags Gas Simpson Big Bang Just for Laughs Big Bang Comedy Daily Colbert “Ghost & Muir” LastPict ›››› “Great Expectations” (1946) (9:15) ›››› “Gunga Din” (1939) Cary Grant. Chopped Canada Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Restaurant: Im. Chopped (N) Å Chopped ’ Å Duck D. Duck Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck D. Duck Storage Storage Ghost Hunters ’ Pawn Pawn Pawn Stars UK (N) Restoration Pawn Pawn Ameri Ameri American Pickers Star Trek: Voyager Opposite Opposite Worlds Inner Face Off (N) Å Face Off ’ Å Castle ’ Å (3:30) “Gladiator” Game of Arms Game of Arms Game ›› “Road House” (1989) Patrick Swayze. Å Monumental Mys Declassified Museum Secrets Monumental Mys Declassified Museum Secrets Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas PBS NewsHour (N) Amer. Experience Sculpted by Floods Frontline (N) ’ Å Well Charlie Rose (N) News Million. J’pardy! Wheel The Voice (N) AboutFisher Chicago Fire (N) News J. Fallon Co-Ed Nightmares Beverly Pop Quiz Chelsea etalk ’ Co-Ed Nightmares E! News Å TMZ Live ’ Å News Seinfeld Seinfeld Office Office OK! TV Ent Insider Comics Rules Bones ’ Å News News Two Men Two Men The Originals (N) Supernatural (N) KTLA 5 News at 10 Arsenio Hall NBA Basketball Mother Mother Mother Mother Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Fturama Supernatural (N) PIX11 News at Ten Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Fam Guy Rules Amer. Dexter Bravo Gadget Gadget Hercules Tintin Toon Garfield Garfield Fl’stone Gadget Gadget “Long Life, Happiness and Prosperity” Con I Pro Jam Popoff ›› “Man of the Year” (2006) ’ Å Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Red Metal: Copper Frontline Crisis Frontline (N) ’ Å SISTERS ’ Ghost Whisperer Ghost Whisperer Love Love Sex-City Sex-City Baggage Baggage Paid Paid Security Security Brain Brain Canadian Pickers Security Security Brain Brain Wicked Tuna ’

6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

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College Basketball SportsCentre (N) World Poker Tour SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre News News Ent ET Almost Human (N) Remedy The Blacklist (N) CHBC News Final etalk (N) Big Bang MasterChef The Following (N) News News Intelligence (N) ’ CTV News (N) ’ News Mercer George Cor Gerry Dee-Sub Ron The National (N) News George Mr. D ’ KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Access Mother Broke Mike Mom (N) Intelligence (N) ’ News Late Sh. (5:59) News Hour Ent ET Almost Human (N) Remedy The Blacklist (N) News Hour Final Animals Animals Hope for Wildlife Architect/Change Hope for Wildlife Our Queen Å Our Queen Å News News Ent Insider (10:01) Castle (N) KXLY 4 Kimmel The Bachelor (N) ’ (Part 1 of 2) Å “2 Fast 2 Furious” Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo ›› “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” Love It or List It Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It Love It or List It Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It Duck D. Duck D. Bad Ink Bad Ink Mayne Mayne Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Bad Ink Bad Ink Sam & Assem Haunted Baby Japanizi Splatalot Gags Gags Splatalot Zoink’d! Young Boys (5:00) “Descent” Fleming (N) Å ›› “Sherlock Holmes” (2009) Robert Downey Jr. ’ Fleming ’ Å Bering Sea Gold How/ How/ Bering Sea Gold How/ How/ MythBusters Å MythBusters (N) ’ Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. ExExFriends Friends Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Two Men Mod Big Bang Big Bang Almost Human (N) The Following (N) News Mod Arsenio Hall Honey Honey Honey Honey Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Boss Å Cake Boss (N) ’ Cold Justice Å Dallas ’ Å The Listener ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Dallas ’ Å ReG (6:20) “Love & Savagery” (10:20) “American Gangster” ››› “The Fisher King” (1991) Å (DVS) Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Baxter Good Jessie Wizards Princess Browns Payne Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. “Win a Date With Tad Hamilton!” (2004) What Match Match Gags Gas Simpson Big Bang Just for Laughs Big Bang Comedy Daily Colbert (5:00) “Ship of Fools” (1965) “The Spy Who Came in From the Cold” (7:45) ››› “King Rat” (1965) George Segal. Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Food Food Diners Diners Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Ghost Hunters ’ America Unearthed Cnt. Cnt. Canadian Pickers Pawn Pawn Ameri Ameri American Pickers Being Human (N) Bitten “Stalking” Inner Bitten Star Trek: Voyager Castle ’ Å Being Human ’ (5:00) ›› “Road House” ›› “Road House” (1989) Patrick Swayze. Å ››› “28 Days Later” (2002) Å Bggg Bggg Airport Airport Security Security Bggg Bggg Airport Airport Security Security Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas PBS NewsHour (N) 2012 Grown Antique Roadshow Antique Roadshow Ice Warriors Charlie Rose (N) News Million. J’pardy! Wheel The Blacklist (N) News J. Fallon The Voice (Season Premiere) (N) Å Fashion Police Rock It Pop Quiz Chelsea etalk ’ Saved/ Saved/ Fashion Police TMZ Live ’ Å Law & Order: SVU News Seinfeld Seinfeld Office Office OK! TV Ent Insider Comics Rules News News Two Men Two Men Star-Crossed (N) Beauty & Beast KTLA 5 News at 10 Arsenio Hall Funny Videos Funny Videos Funny Videos Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Fturama Beauty & Beast PIX11 News at Ten Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Fam Guy Rules Amer. Dexter Bravo Gadget Gadget Hercules Tintin Toon Garfield Garfield Fl’stone Gadget Gadget Taking Ecstatic! Con I Pro Old Popoff ›› “Frankie and Johnny” (1966) theZoomer ’ Antique Roadshow To Be Announced Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Antique Roadshow Antiques Vampire Diaries Vampire Diaries Love Love Sex-City Sex-City Baggage Baggage Cosmo Cosmo Ultimate Survival Museum Secrets Ultimate Survival Kentucky Justice Life Below Zero ’ Life Below Zero ’

3 4 5 6 % 7 ( 8 _ 10 9 13 * 15 16 17 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 46 48 , 53 59 60 61 62 67 70 83 91 93

NHL Hockey Hockey World Poker Tour SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) (Live) Å News News Ent ET (10:01) Chicago PD CHBC News Final Survivor “Hot Girl With a Grudge” Å Big Bang Mixology Arrow (N) ’ Å Law & Order: SVU Criminal Minds (N) News News CTV News (N) ’ News Mercer George Cor Dragons’ Den (N) Recipe to Riches The National (N) News George KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Access Criminal Minds (N) News Late Sh. Survivor “Hot Girl With a Grudge” Å (5:59) News Hour Ent ET (10:01) Chicago PD News Hour Final Survivor “Hot Girl With a Grudge” Å Frontiers of Canada Music-Monarchy (10:05) Our Queen Canada Wild China (N) ’ News News Ent Insider Middle Suburg. Mod Mixology Nashville (N) Å KXLY 4 Kimmel Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Buying and Selling Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Buying and Selling Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Wahl Wahl Wahl Duck Dynasty Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Wahl Haunted Sam & Boys Assem Young Boys Gags Gags Splatalot Zoink’d! Young Boys “All the Good” NCIS “Restless” NCIS “Restless” NCIS Å (DVS) NCIS Å (DVS) NCIS Å (DVS) Salvage Hunters Close Close How/ How/ Bear Grylls: Salvage Hunters Close Close Secret Millionaire King of the Nerds Debt Debt Friends Friends King of the Nerds Secret Millionaire Two Men Mod Big Bang Big Bang American Idol The 13 finalists perform. News Mod Arsenio Hall Hoard-Buried Sex Sent Me to the Hoard-Buried Sex Sent Me to the Sister Wives Å My 600-Lb. Life ’ 19-2 “Home” (N) Homeland “Q&A” (8:15) The Listener Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ (11:15) 19-2 ’ ReG (6:35) “Dance Me Outside” ›››› “Unforgiven” (1992) Å (10:15) ››› “Blue Velvet” (1986) Dog Dog Dog Dog Good ANT Wingin’ Baxter Good Jessie Wizards Princess College Basketball Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Browns Payne Browns Payne Bank Match Match Gags Gas Simpson Big Bang Just for Laughs Big Bang MenDaily Colbert “The Great Lie” Sgt York ››› “The Little Foxes” (1941) (9:15) ›››› “How Green Was My Valley” Pitch In Pitch In Buy This Buy This Iron Chef America Diners Diners Buy This Buy This Iron Chef America Dog and Beth Storage Storage Storage Storage Dog and Beth Storage Storage Ghost Hunters ’ Swamp People (N) Pawn Pawn Ameri Ameri American Pickers Yukon Gold Å Outlaw Bikers ’ Heroes of Cosplay Opposite Worlds Inner Star Trek: Voyager Heroes of Cosplay Opposite Castle ’ Å (3:00) “Braveheart” (7:01) ››› “Mission: Impossible III” (2006) Tom Cruise. Game of Arms “Behind Enemy” Bggg Bggg Bggg Bggg Bggg Bggg Bggg Bggg Bggg Bggg Bggg Bggg Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas PBS NewsHour (N) Super Skyscrapers Charlie Rose (N) Nature (N) ’ NOVA ’ Å Warriors ’ Å News Million. J’pardy! Wheel Law & Order: SVU (10:01) Chicago PD News J. Fallon Revolution (N) ’ Courtney Brave Soup Pop Quiz Chelsea etalk ’ Courtney Brave E! News Å TMZ Live ’ Å College Basketball News In Store Seinfeld Office Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Comics Rules News News Two Men Two Men Arrow (N) ’ Å Tom People KTLA 5 News at 10 Arsenio Hall Rules Rules Rules Rules Rules Rules Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Fturama Tom People PIX11 News at Ten Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Fam Guy Rules Amer. Dexter Bravo Gadget Gadget Hercules Tintin Toon Garfield Garfield Fl’stone Gadget Gadget Con Super Super Popoff ›› “Clambake” (1967) Elvis Presley. Mr Selfridge Å Downton Abbey ’ NOVA Super Skyscrapers Undergrowth Smiley Charlie Rose (N) NOVA ’ Å Nature ’ Love Love Sex-City Sex-City Baggage Baggage Paid Cosmo Snapped Å Snapped Å Kentucky Justice Security Security Kentucky Justice Diggers Diggers Wicked Tuna ’ Wicked Tuna ’


6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30





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FREE! Spotlight Films: Dallas Buyers Club

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Wednesday, February February 19, 19, 2014 2014 Grand GrandForks ForksGazette Gazette


for the Grand Forks Gazette

On Tuesday, Feb. 25 Spotlight Films will be presenting Dallas Buyers Club, directed by Montreal born Jean-Marc Valee (C.R.A.Z.Y.) from an original screenplay by Craig Borten and Melisa Wallack. It’s the mid 1980s and AIDS (HIV) is making its North American debut as a disease which carries a sentence of certain death. In this based-on-actual-events story, selfinterested, homophobic, heavy smoking, heavy drinking, coke snorting, racist and somewhat morally deficient electrician and sometime rodeo cowboy Ron Woodroof (Matthew McConaughey, Mud) is diagnosed with HIV and told he is likely to die within 30 days. He doesn’t accept the accompanying death sentence and thrusts himself into a crash course of research which reveals a lack of approved treatments and medications in the U.S. He crosses into Mexico where he meets a “Dr.” Vass (Griffin Dunne, The Good Wife, TV’s Law and Order C.I.), an American physician whose license was revoked in the U.S. because of his AIDS related work against U.S. regulations and who introduces Ron to alternative treatments. Ron begins smuggling them into the U.S., challenging the medical community and his concerned physician, Dr. Eve Saks (Screen Actors Guild Winner Jennifer Garner, Juno). An outsider to the gay community, Ron finds an unlikely ally in fellow AIDS patient Rayon (Gotham Independent Film Award winner Jared Leto, Fight Club, The Thin Red Line, Lord of War), a transsexual who shares Ron’s lust for life. Rayon also shares Ron’s entrepreneurial spirit: seeking to avoid government sanctions against selling non-approved medicines and supplements, they establish a buyers club, where HIV-positive people pay monthly dues for access to the newly acquired supplies. Deep in the heart of Texas, Ron’s pioneering underground collective beats loud and strong. With a growing community of friends and cli-


ents, Ron fights for dignity, education, and acceptance. In the years following his diagnosis (apparently beyond his mandated expiration date), the embattled Lone Star loner lives life to the fullest like never before. Jared Leto, by the way, and as some might already be aware, is also rhythm guitar, vocal, and songwriter for the cult American platinum band 30 Seconds to Mars. A testimony to McConaughey’s dedication to cinema art is the fact he lost 49 pounds for this role. This is a very well done film with excellent acting, well deserving of Oscar consideration, and due to graphic depictions of some pretty racy sex, isn’t well suited for the mildly prudish. Dallas Buyers Club has won 41 awards, including Best Actor for McConaughey and Best Supporting Actor for Leto at the Golden Globes and is up for six Oscars including Best Picture, Best Actor and Supporting Actor for McConnaughey and Leto and Best Editing for Valee. It is also nominated for 27 other awards. It received eight out of 10 on IMdb (Internet Movie database) and 93 per cent based on 201 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. Dallas Buyers Club will be shown at the GEM Theatre at 7:30 p.m. Thanks to Huggo. IMdb, and Rotten Tomatoes. Thanks also to Maureen and Marius Paquet of the GEM Theatre, and to our sponsors and patrons.


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Grand GrandForks ForksGazette Gazette Wednesday, Wednesday, February 19, 2014

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Jr. Wolves finish strong in Castlegar STAFF

Grand Forks Gazette

Grand Forks Secondary School junior girls basketball team finished second in the Damsels in the Castle Tournament in Castlegar on the weekend. The team opened up play against the host Stanley Humphries Secondary School Rockets on Friday. GFSS found themselves down 10-8 after one quarter, but promptly outscored their hosts 15-1 in the second quarter to pull ahead. The final score saw the Wolves win 52-22. “We had our traditional slow start,” said coach Craig Lindsay. “Once we got settled down and started working our press and rebounding we were fine. It was nice to see some well-balanced scoring.” Leading that balanced scoring for GFSS were three girls with 10 points each: Alyssa Makortoff, Sarah Heric and Jessica Moen. Chloe Skerritt added eight. Heric picked up player of the game honours. Next up for the Wolves was the top-seeded team in the West Kootenay: the LV Rogers Bombers from Nelson. Unfortunately, it was the Bombers that did the bombing as they crushed GFSS 53-27 led by 16 points from Allie Zondervan. “They have a good team,” stated Lindsay. “They’ve got a lot of height and some really good athletes. We struggled with their zone press and their

Craig Lindsay photo

Alaina Condruk goes for the twisting lay-up for GFSS during the team’s game against Nakusp on Saturday at the Castlegar Damsels in the Castle Tournament.

zone defence, both of which gave us fits.” LV Rogers threw out an aggressive trapping zone that the Wolves’ guard struggled against. They also sat in a 2-3 zone that GFSS just could not penetrate. “We’ll likely play them first in the zone playoffs,” said Lindsay. “So now we know what we can expect. It’s not going to be easy. They’re not going to get any shorter between now and then but if we can get past their initial trap on the press, we’ll at least have a chance.” Makortoff was named GFSS player of the game after scoring six points. Grand Forks ended the tournament with an easy 48-2 win over an out-matched Nakusp squad. Alyssa Makortoff and

Riley Steinbach led the team with 12 points each, while Alaina Condruk added seven. Steinbach received the Wolves team MVP for the tournament for her continued strong play at both ends of the floor. Charity Starchuk was the player of the game against Nakusp. “Riley stepped up and was able to play point guard as well as post when needed,” said Lindsay. “She has really improved her ball-handling and passing. She’s also able to fill in at other positions if need be. Starchuk also had a good game with some key steals and attempted charges taken.” Lindsay also praised the overall strong play of Makortoff who led the team in scoring in each game and was also able to fill in at post. He also touted the senior leadership of Heric and Skerritt. “It was great to be able to work on our zone offence against Nakusp,” he added. “We were able to skip the ball across the key and look inside to our posts. Something we really struggled to do against Nelson. If we can do that next time against them, and break their traps, we’ll have a chance to win.” GFSS’s next action is on Tuesday, Feb. 25 when the team hosts a playoff qualifier with Midway and Castlegar. The winner of that playday will qualify for the West Kootenay playoffs on Feb. 27 as the fourth seed.

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Wednesday, Wednesday, February February 19, 19, 2014 2014 Grand GrandForks ForksGazette Gazette


Winless February sends Bruins into hibernation CRAIG LINDSAY

Grand Forks Gazette



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With their play-off hopes gone, the Border Bruins hosted Spokane on Sunday with nothing but pride on the line. Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to help as the Bruins were dominated by their American opponents as they lost 9-4 in a penalty-filled game. Spokane held period leads of 3-1 after one and 6-3 after two before putting the game away with three unanswered goals in the last eight minutes of the game. Leading the way for the Braves was Adam Shaner with a goal and three assists. Scoring for the Bruins were Cam McLennan, Tucker Brown, Nathan Cory and Max Newton. McDonald went the distance in goal for Grand Forks, facing a barrage of 65 Spokane shots. The Bruins have three more games this season, with Creston Valley at home on Wednesday, Castlegar at home Friday, and Princeton on the road Saturday. Assistant coach and general manager Matt Zamec said that despite the team not making the playoffs, he was proud of the boys. “I’m really proud of the team,” he said. “It’s been a tumultuous season for them. They’re been some really good highs and some real lows. “As a junior B program, the thing we strive for is to provide these kids with a learning experience where they can grow.” With a mid-season coaching change that saw popular coach and general manager Nick Deschenes move up to junior A Trail, and injuries to key starters including team captain and leading scorer Jackson Purvis— who was out for a month with concussion issues—the Bruins certainly had a roller coaster season. After a 3-0 start that saw GF lead the league, the Bruins slid back to reality but were still decent and flirted with a .500 record for the first half of the season. The team struggled with

Craig Lindsay photo

Border Bruin centre Max Newton (left) brings the puck over the Nelson blue line in the first period of Saturday’s game in Grand Forks.

injuries and consistency in the second half which culminated with an 0-7 record in February as of press time. “It’s all been a learning experience,” said Zamec. “They’ve gone through so

much this season it’s almost like two or three seasons packed into one. “It’s disappointing, obviously, that we didn’t make the playoffs again like we hoped.

Leafs, nitehawks down bruins It was certainly a valiant effort. The Border Bruins threw every thing they could at the division-leading Nelson Leafs in a home-and-home series that would be their last kick at the playoff can. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough, as the Leafs showed why they are in first place, taking both games by a combined three goals. The Bruins have gone winless in February with six straight losses. After a very promising start, the Bruins will once again watch the playoffs from the sidelines as the team has been officially eliminated. On Saturday at home at the Jack Goddard Memorial Arena, the Bruins struggled early with penalties and turnovers in their own end and they fell behind 3-1 after one period, 6-2 at one point in the second. The Bears mounted a furious comeback at that point with a goal from Connor Gross at 7:18 of the second, assisted by Dakota Kittle and Jackson Purvis. The third period was all Grand Forks as the home team scored twice (Coleton Dawson and Tucker Brown) to cut the Leaf lead to 6-5, but, unfortunately, the Bruins couldn’t get the tying goal. Team captain Purvis led the Bruins in scoring with a goal and two assists. Brown added a pair of goals with Gross adding a goal and an assist. Leafs 6, Bruins 4 Friday’s game in Nelson had a similar story arc as Saturday with the Bruins going down 3-1

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after one period and 6-2 after two periods. The Bruins scored two third period power play goals (Gross and Max Newton) to cut the Leaf lead to 6-4 but couldn’t get any closer. Scoring for the Leafs were the end-of-thealphabet boys: Travis Wellman with a hat-trick, Carson Willams with a pair and Jamie Vlanich with a single. Scoring for Grand Forks were Gross, who ended up with a pair, and Michael Rand. Bruins 2, Beaver Valley 6 The Grand Forks Border Bruins suffered their third straight 6-2 loss to a division foe on Tuesday night. The Bruins loss to the Beaver Valley Nitehawks at the Jack Goddard Memorial Arena essentially cooked the teams’ meager playoff chances as the club falls 10 points behind Spokane for fourth place. The Bruins opened scoring with a regulation goal from Newton, assisted by Lincoln Lane, at 14:30 of the first. The Nitehawks tied the score up with Riley Brandt’s first of three at 8:14 of the first. Brandt’s second goal gave the ‘Hawks their first lead, but Rav Shokar tied the score at 2-2 shortly after for Grand Forks, assisted by Drew Carter and Gross. The third period was all Beaver Valley, as the visitors scored four unanswered for the 6-2 win. Kai McDonald went the distance in net for the Nitehawks, stopping 51 of 57 shots. — Lindsay

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GrandForks ForksGazette Gazette Wednesday, Wednesday, February February 19, 2014 Grand www.grandforksgazette.caA21 A21


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Scared Silly...

Submitted photo

The BCIMCA Zone 1, 70 and over men’s winning team skipped by Gordon Shimizu from Grand Forks includes, from left: Gordon Shimizu (skip), Paul Beattie (third), Homer Good (alternate), Ken Hamanishi (second) and Paul Androsoff (lead).

City sending strong contingent to masters curling provincials CRAIG LINDSAY

Grand Forks Gazette

Grand Forks will be well represented at the upcoming B.C. Interior Masters/Pacific Coast Masters combined provincial curling championships. The provincials are set for Feb. 25-28 in Salmon Arm. Teams representing the West Kootenay/Boundary with Grand Forks players are the 60-and-over men’s Vern Best rink, the 70-and-over men’s Gordon Shimizu rink and the zone 1 ladies rink. The 60-and-over ladies event is brand new, said Paul Beattie, zone director and member of the 70-and-over team. “This will be the first year for it. We got special permission to have a combined team with two ladies from Castlegar and three from Grand Forks. We didn’t have enough players otherwise.” All the other teams had to play off to qualify by finishing first in the zone. The Best rink had to defeat teams from Trail and Castlegar, while the Shimizu rink beat out another Grand Forks team to qualify. Beattie said there are teams from eight different zones throughout the province that will be at provincials competing in the various categories. For the men’s event, the teams will play round-robin. “For the ladies, because it’s brand new, it’s Interior only,” said Beattie. “They’ll have the host team plus four others and they’ll play round-robin.” Beattie said the provincials

are always competitive with the top masters’ teams coming from around B.C. “It’s always competitive,” he said. “It’s a round-robin competition. Plus the fellowship and the social aspect of meeting people from throughout the province.” Beattie said the Shimizu rink is made up of players from dif-

ferent teams. “It’s not a club team,” he said. “It’s a stronger team. We make it up from two or three teams. At the provincial level you’ve got to be pretty competitive. You play seven games including two a day. You’ve got to have a pretty strong team (to compete). It’s very good competition.”

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thate Submitted photo

The BCIMCA Zone 1, 60 and over men’s winning team skipped by Vern Best from Grand Forks includes, from left: Gerry Foster (third), Joe Hasebe (lead), Tom Bassett (second), Vern Best (skip) and Sean Noble (alternate).



• Over 1700 sq ft of finished main floor living! • Covered decks and newer hot tub! • Mortgage helper suite downstairs! Submitted photo

Grand Forks combined team who won the Zone 1 Playdown in Castlegar on Friday, Feb. 14. From left, Tom Bassett (skip), Carol Large, Paul Beattie and Lynn Mackey, all from the Grand Forks Curling Club.

Located at 1345 66th Ave!

Call to view! Brian Thate 250-442-7370 LITTLE OAK REALTY

Submitted photo

The BCIMCA Zone 1, 60 and over women’s winning team with Helga Skibinski (Castlegar), Carol Large (skip, GF), Verna Chernoff (Castlegar), Marion Beattie (GF) and Jan Stewart (GF).

border This week’s schedule:

Regular Game Tickets bruins Adult: $7 • Senior/Student: $5

Home: Wednesday, Feb. 19: Creston, 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21: Castlegar, 7 p.m. Away: Saturday, Feb. 22: @ Princeton, 7 p.m.

Under 5 FREE

Merchandise available for purchase


Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette



Rev. Simon Shenstone 250-442-5808 Reverend Cathy Straume, Assistant Priest Holy Trinity Church, 7252 - 7th St., Grand Forks • Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. B.A.S. Eucharist St. Jude’s, Greenwood • Services 4:00 p.m. on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays of the month St. Mary’s, Kettle Valley • Services 10:30 a.m. on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month

Last tidbit of the day



for the Grand Forks Gazette


For information call 250-442-3035.


Contact: Gene 250-449-2422 629-8th Ave, Box 129, Midway, BC V0H 1M0 Sunday Service ............................................................................10:00 a.m. Children’s Church .........................................................................10:30 a.m. For info on Discovering Jesus Groups & Home Groups call the church office.


Sunday is the first day of the week but Saturday is the seventh-day Sabbath Saturday .......................................................................................10:00 a.m. Lutheran Church basement, Grand Forks, B.C. • Call for info: 250-442-8656


Pastor Ken Schauer 509-690-0332 • 7328-19th St. (Across from Arena) Box 1689, Grand Forks, B.C. V0H 1H0 • 250-447-2562 • 250-442-3959 Sunday Morning Worship ............................................................. 8:52 a.m. Bible Study - Thursday ...................................................................1:00 p.m.


7525 4th St. (behind Overwaitea) • Office 250-442-5815 Senior Pastors: Larry and Elsie Dannhauer Associate Pastors: Richard and Ramona Dannhauer

SUNDAY: Church Service .............................................................................10:30 a.m. Prayer ......................................................................................... 10:00 a.m. Prayertime Wednesdays ..............................................................10:00 a.m.

Thank You dutoff

The Dutoff family would like to thank everyone for their support in the recent passing of Sarah Dutoff.

Thank you to all our friends, neighbours, and family for the house calls, cards, food and support during this most difficult time. Thank you for your love, The Dutoff Family


401 N. Kimberley, Greenwood, B.C. • Pastor Paul Brandon • 250-445-2111 Sunday Service ............................................................................10:00 a.m.


2495 - 76th Ave., Grand Forks, B.C. Pastor John Siemens 250-442-0057 Office: 250-443-9200 • Web: • Prayer Line: 250-442-8016 (Theresa) Sunday Worship ...........................................................................10:30 a.m. Children’s Church .........................................................................11:15 a.m. Prayer and Praise ...........................................................................6:00 p.m. Youth Group - Friday ......................................................................7:00 p.m. For the Weekly Bible Studies and for Home Group times please call the office


7048 Donaldson Drive, Box 2528, Grand Forks, B.C. 250-442-5148 ; Senior Pastor Henry P. Klassen; Tammy Battersby, Community Care Co-ordinator; Benjamin Jepsen, Associate Youth Pastor Worship Service ...........................................................................10:30 a.m. Youth Activities - Friday ................................................................ 7:00 p.m. SEPT. TO MAY Pioneer Clubs - (girls Gr 1-7) Tuesday ......................................... 3:30 p.m. Brigade - Battalion (boys Gr. 7-12) Wednesday ........................... 7:00 p.m. Brigade - Stockade & Tree Climbers (boys Gr. 1-6) - Thursday ............................................................. 7:00 p.m. Weekly HOME groups, various times and days; also, weekly bible studies for seniors, young marrieds, and college and careers - call the church office for details.

Brock Douglas


March 31, 1951 – February 15, 2014

It is with deep sadness we announce the sudden passing of Brock Greathead on Saturday, February 15, 2014. Brock is survived by his wife Beverly, daughters Paula (Shaun), Elizabeth (Scott), stepdaughter Margo, grandchildren Madison, Seth, Ethan, mother Virginia, sisters Johanna (Gord), Jane (Tom), Jennifer (Paul) and nephews. Honoring Brock’s wishes, there will be no funeral service. In lieu of flowers, a donation to the Grand Forks SPCA would be greatly appreciated. We will miss him dearly.


Independent/Fundamental/Conservative/KJV Pastor Brett Swope • 250-443-1557 • 275 Market Ave.

Sundays: Adult Sunday School ................................................................10:00 a.m. Main Service .............................................................................11:00 a.m. Bible studies available upon request


Buddhist Meditation & Empowerment Centre Sundays: Meditation and Spiritual Teaching with Master Maticintin ...................................................................11:00 a.m. For directions call 1-800-336-6015 • Westbridge, B.C.


735 9th Ave., Midway, BC • Rick Steingard • 250-449-2252 Sunday Service ............................................................................10:00 a.m.


2826 - 75th Ave. (near Hutton School) Senior Pastor Gabe Warriner • Office 250-442-8456 Sunday Service (Sunday School during service) .........................10:30 a.m. Mid-Week Service, Wednesday Pre-service prayer ......................................................................6:30 p.m. Service........................................................................................7:00 p.m. Youth Meeting, Friday .................................................................. 7:00 p.m. Affiliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada


Fr. Marcel Coté • Box 128, 346 Church St., Greenwood, B.C. VOH 1JO Mass - Saturdays.......................................................................... 5:00 p.m.


Rev. Marcel Coté; Box 459, 7269 - 9th St., Grand Forks, B.C. VOH 1HO 250-442-3114 SUNDAY MASS (Grand Forks) ................................................... 9:30 a.m. Tuesday ....................................................................................... 7:00 p.m. Wednesday-Friday ....................................................................... 9:00 a.m. Christina Lake Community Hall: Mass.........................................11:30 a.m.


4500 Hillview Road, Box 1524, Grand Forks • 250-442-5081 or 250-442-3221 SATURDAY SERVICES: Sabbath School (Bible classes for all ages) ................................. 9:15 a.m. Hour of Worship............................................................................11:00 a.m.


Boundary Pastoral Charge - Rev. Kim Horwood Office: Hours - Mon. 8 - 11 am, Thurs. & Fri. 8 - 3 pm • Phone: 250-442-3311 email: Sunday Services St. John’s - Grand Forks...............................................................11:00 a.m. St. Columba - Greenwood ............................................................. 9:00 a.m. Perley Memorial, Christina Lake.................................................... 9:00 a.m.

In Loving Memory of

Melvin Morley


Melvin Morley Bielert passed away Friday, February 07, 2014 in Grand Forks, B.C. at the age of 77 years. Mel is survived by his loving wife of 53 years, Norma (Gaetz); his mother Lydia Bielert; his children Kelly (Patty) Bielert; Perry (Sheila) Bielert; Debbie (Dave) Davies and grandchildren Brandi, Tiffany, Shane, Alexandra, Cassandra, Brian, Tyler and Kyle. He was predeceased by his father Ewald Bielert and is also survived by 2 brothers and a sister. Mel was born April 05, 1936 in Kelowna, B.C. He spent 33 years in the RCMP serving in Ottawa, and various postings in Saskatchewan, Alberta and B.C. After retiring in 1989 as chief of police in Prince George, B.C., Mel and Norma moved to Penticton in 1993 and finally settled in Grand Forks in 1996. Mel was a talented and meticulous craftsman. He and Norma created a beautiful home and surroundings together in which their whole family enjoy. Mel was a wonderful husband and father whose family meant everything to him. His first consideration was always the comfort and well-being of his wife and best friend; Norma, his children and grandchildren. He will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved him. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Baker Family of Grand Forks Funeral Home,

NoP Bielert


ith the sun shining and the warm day today I realized we are closer to spring than we are to winter, meaning a change of the seasons, warmer and brighter days to come. I love all the seasons and I love moving into the new season. Goodbye cold days and snow, hello sunshine and puddles. I like change, I like a new direction, something new to learn and experience. But with all change moving forward means leaving something behind. So it is with a heavy heart I have to say goodbye to my friends and family of this wonderful community. I have taken a new position with my company, and my husband and I are moving to Kelowna. It is a wonderful promotion and I am looking forward to a change in my career. It is never easy to try something new and I am stepping out of my comfort zone. Twenty-seven years in the Grand Forks Overwaitea, wow, it can’t be that long—or, yes it has. There’s that old saying, “time flies when you’re having fun,” and fun it has been. You people are great. You’re very special and I will miss you all. We’ve raised children together, weathered storms together, laughed together and shared many a story and recipe together. I so enjoyed being a part of your families and a member of this community. Every day I felt appreciated and hope I have sent that appreciation back to you all. I will miss visiting with my customers, sharing food and menu ideas, handing out samples of new products and, of course, talking customers into trying the new products. I will miss my coworkers, an awesome group of

people who have been there for me and my family. So much time well spent, moments well enjoyed, hugs, tears, laughs and cheers. This move has been easier because of the support I have always received from staff and customers. A big thank you to all my customers. A big thank you to all my co-workers. A big thank you to the community of Grand Forks. I won’t forget you and I won’t be far away. Coming to Kelowna? Stop in and see me at the Save On Foods Lakeshore store. Now for the last recipe of Tasty Tidbits (that was a hard one) we’ve shared so many—turkey in a bag; breaky biscuits; Pepsi chicken; graham pralines; appys; dips and crock pot tips—but I do believe the one I would like to repeat and share is one that has been passed on to me by my mom. She will be moving to Kelowna too. Can’t leave town without my mom. The love of cooking came from my mom and it’s only fitting I pass on a favourite memory and recipe. The cake is easy and tasty, but it’s the icing that truly makes it special and yummy.

Lazy Daisy cake 2 eggs 1 tsp baking powder 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour 2 tbsp butter ½ teaspoon salt ½ cup milk 1 tsp vanilla In a bowl beat eggs, add sugar and vanilla. In a measuring cup mix flour, baking powder and salt. Then in a small pot heat and scald milk with butter. Add flour mixture to egg mixture and beat with electric mixer. Pour milk in and blend well. Pour batter into large cake pan and bake at 350 for 25 minutes. Icing: Four tablespoons brown sugar, two tablespoon butter, two tablespoons canned milk (you can use Creamo—just use less as it will be thinner). Mix together. Also need ¾ cup coconut. At the last five minutes of cooking pull out and pour cream over top and the sprinkle with coconut. Bake five minutes more till golden.

Robert Ian Gammie April 10, 1945 - Feb. 11, 2014 This week I lost my best friend, lover, husband – and a man larger than life itself – to a sudden, but not unexpected, heart attack. We always thought he was invincible. In almost 20 years of marriage, he made me feel special each and every day and I can never thank him enough. Rob was a man of principle and integrity with gratitude for all that came his way. He had an incredible loyalty to his many friends and family – as could be attested by his famous “Monday night” phone calls with a glass of red wine in hand. We will miss his intelligent conversation and quick debate that was always engaging, wise, philosophical, and punctuated with wit. He adored his children and grandchildren who will miss him terribly. Rob was a native Calgarian, working as a lifeguard, teacher, corporate trainer, and VP in the oil patch before retiring at 50 to be a stay at home dad to his youngest daughter Kira. Rob was always trying to reconcile the commanding persona in the suit with his inner hippy – and in the last 13 years, there is little question his inner hippy won. After leaving Calgary in 2001, we lived in Windermere for 5 years, before settling in Christina Lake, BC. He was so proud of the lovely post and beam home he built there, almost single-handedly. He was very well travelled, but Hawaii remained a favorite, especially the wonderfully shared memories of Kona. Rob had an amazing natural athleticism particularly when swimming or wowing the hills with his telemarking prowess. Rob always did things before they were cool – and loved that his MEC and REI membership numbers were two of the originals. Those cherishing his memory are his loving wife Lynn Barry, his children Kelly (Jory) Gammie; Kira Gammie; Ryan (Christine) Olivier; Monique Olivier (Torey McLeish); his four sweet grandchildren Rowan and Allyson Gammie, Declan Olivier, and Silas McLeish; and his beloved dog Izzy. He was predeceased by his first wife Karen (1989) and his 9-year old son Joshua (1982). We will miss you so much. Cheers and salutis! A big thank you to the many friends and family contacting us with their love. A celebration of Rob’s life will be held Friday, February 21, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. at the Christina Lake Community Hall.”

NoP Gammie

Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 19, 2014 A23

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Coming Events

Lost & Found

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Friendly reminder: Grand Forks Thrift Shop drop times are Tues-Sat, 9am-4pm. Please be considerate. Do not drop off items when we are closed. Please no unusable items: no furniture, electronics or parts. Thank you.

Career Opportunities

Help Wanted

Found: motorcycle helmet, on Overton Cr Rd, 250-442-2059.

Public Notice: A.A. meetings, Grand Forks Valley Group of Alcoholics Anonymous. MONDAY 8pm. (Closed Study) at Catholic Church Rectory. 7269 9th St.; WEDNESDAY (Men’s Closed) 8pm at Anglican Church rear basement, 7252 7th St; THURSDAY and SATURDAY (Open) 8pm also at Anglican Church. Ph: 250-4423839 or 250-442-8797. QUALITY ASSURANCE course for Health Canada’s Commercial Marijuana Program. February 22 & 23 Best Western Hotel, Kelowna, BC. Tickets: or 1-855-860-8611 or 250870-1882.

Information ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

Employment Automotive BRANCH MANAGER & Counter Parts Person required for automotive parts, HD parts and body shop supply business in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. Parts experience required. Email:

Business Opportunities GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: ďŹ


Denied Long-Term Disability BeneďŹ ts or Other Insurance?

Forestry UP TO $400 cash daily. FT & PT outdoors, Spring/Summer work. Seeking honest, hardworking staff. Find us online:

Career Opportunities

MOTHERS OF 6-10 year olds needed for internet study about parenting. Receive $15. Call the UBC Parenting Lab, Psychology Department tollfree: 1-866-558-5581.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


and protect your right to compensation. 778.588.7049 Toll Free: 1.888.988.7052

In light of Work n Play #189’s closure, all Gift Certificates must be redeemed by no later than March 1st, 2014.

We require long and short haul US capable drivers. We are an Okanagan based company with dedicated suppliers and customers and require drivers to fill their orders. Our short haul drivers primarily service the US northwestern with dedicated runs available and are home regularly, our long hauls drivers service the southwestern US and are home on a weekly basis for resets. We offer: Dedicated Tractors, US Medical Coverage, Company Cell phones, Direct deposit pay with no holdbacks. Dedicated lanes. Rider Policy. All we need from you is US capabilities, border crossing experience and a professional attitude, Class 1 driver’s license and a clean abstract and are physically fit. Please fax or email your resume and abstract with US drivers in subject line to 250-546-0600 or email to No phones calls or walk in’s please.

INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853

Engineering Office Manager required for GMC Consultants office in Trail. Seeking an experienced Engineer (minimum 10 years) with an Industrial Design background and experience with project management and estimating techniques. Ideal candidate is a registered Professional Engineer. Apply at: http://www.gcmconsultants. com/apply-online.html TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager online! Graduates get access to all jobs posted with us. 33 years of success! Government certified. or 1800-665-8339, 604-681-5456.

If YES, call or email for your

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Education/Trade Schools

Boundary Community Hospice Association

Compassionate end of life resources and support. Call

START NOW! Complete Ministry approved Diplomas in months! Business, Health Care and more! Contact Academy of Learning College: 1-855-354-JOBS (5627) or We Change Lives!

WANTED: OPERATIONS Forester required to lead team in Alberta. Permanent full-time opportunity for qualified experienced forester with supervisory experience. Email resume to:

Help Wanted Dental Hygienist wanted Part-Time 2 days/week avail March. Send resume to Dr. Zarikoff’s office 515D Vernon St. Nelson BC North Enderby Timber is looking to hire for various positions including Millwright and/or Fabricator, Heavy Duty Mechanic and Electrician. We offer competitive wages along with a comprehensive benefit package. Please fax resume to 250-838-9637.

(PployPent or Contract Opportunity to provide (PployPent and 7raininJ Services to First Nations/Non-Status/and Inuit Clients in the West Kootenays Current Opportunity: OTDC currently has an opportunity to provide Employment Counselling and Assistance Services to First Nations/Non Status/and Inuit clients who reside in the West Kootenay area (i.e. Castlegar, Trail, Nelson and Grand Forks). These services may be provided by way of an employment opportunity from a TualiĂ€ed individual or from a local community agency in a related Ă€eld, on an itinerant basis. This position is accountable to increase the overall employability and eventual employment of Aboriginal people and related services to individuals who have difĂ€culty competing in the labour market. Direct supervision is provided by OTDC, Program Manager. Targets identiĂ€ed are in the area of -ob Placements, Employer 9isits and Client 5egistrations. Key Activities include: • Provide the Core Employment Services • 5efer clients to other community agencies for non employment needs, appropriate employment opportunities, training programs, agencies and institutions • Solicit employment vacancies and training opportunities from employers and maintain a Mob board at the Employment Services ofĂ€ce. • Maintain conĂ€dential client Ă€les, including documentation as directed by OTDC and Service Canada • Maintain records; provide detailed statistical and narrative reports of client successes and employment outcomes and maintain a data capture information management system for reporting purposes • Network with local and regional potential partners (Agencies, Colleges etc.) that are involved with promoting the training and employment of First Nations/Aboriginal persons 4uDliĂ€cDtions: As you will be a very signiĂ€cant point of contact for participants accessing services, you will require exceptional people skills and an upbeat positive attitude. Knowledge of local community service providers .The successful individual and or agency will hold a diploma in Employment Counselling or an equivalent combination of education and experience in a related Ă€eld. Preference will be given to an Aboriginal individual and or agency. Excellent interpersonal, communication, project management, budget management and computer skills (MS OfĂ€ce and database) are essential. <ou must hold a valid %C Driver¡s /icense with a safe driving record. This is a full/part time opportunity to commence approximately April 1, 2014 and is anticipated to end approximately March 1, 201 . 5emuneration will be based on education & experience. Application Process: OTDC invites qualiĂ€ed applicants to submit their cover letter, proposal and resume for this rewarding opportunity. We look forward to exploring possibilities for effective program service delivery options. Applicants must be able to provide Employment Assistance services to assist our clients in the West Kootenay area, possibly on itinerant basis. For further information about OTDC please visit our website at 4ualiĂ€ed applicants Pay respond directly to: Karen Abramsen – Program Manager at OTDC 101 – 1 Dilworth Drive, Suite , Kelowna, %C, 91< T1 Email, Fax 2 0 1 Application Deadline: Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted.

Help Wanted


Professionals Connecting Professionals

Dreaming of a NEW CAREER?




Professional/ Management

Trades, Technical

SUTCO requires a dispatcher for flat deck division, position is based in Salmon Arm BC. Working knowledge of highway logistics is a must. Experience with Qualcomm and Tailwinds Programs would be definite asset. Sutco is an equal opportunity employer and offers employees great pay, extended health benefits, and a pension plan. Submit resumes on line / fax to 250 357 2009 or email

Trades, Technical


Required F/T for Vancouver Outboard. Primary duties will include maintenance troubleshooting and repair of diesel & gas marine engines. Knowledgeable in vessel electrical systems is an asset. Must have own tools and a valid drivers license. Exc. Compensation Based On Experience. Please forward resume: vancouveroutboard@

Civil Engineering Technologist II (re-Advertisement) District of Kitimat, full time permanent, wage range $37.94 - $45.90, over two years. Civil Technologist diploma required. Duties include infrastructure investigations, surveying, design, contract preparation, inspection and material testing on projects related to the municipality’s water, sewer, drainage and transportation systems. Candidates should be proficient in using electronic survey equipment, computer assisted design using AutoCad 3D. and MS Office. Valid BC driver’s license required. Submit resumes by February 27, 2014, 4:40 pm, to Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H7, Fax (250) 632-4995, or email Further information can be obtained from our website at

Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette





Merchandise for Sale

Misc Services

Misc. for Sale

Health Products

Financial Services

Legal Services

RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660.

DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Communication Services

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

DISCONNECTED PHONE? National Teleconnect home phone service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call National Teleconnect today! 1866-443-4408. or online:


Pets & Livestock

• •

Mobile & RV Park U-Haul/moving supplies Tues-Fri : 9 am - 5 pm Sat : 10 am - 4 pm Store 250-442-2995 U-Haul 250-442-8778

Telephone Services


The Cutting Edge Hair and Tanning Studio in Creston BC is now offering Hot Head hair extensions. A full set, cut to shape your new look and styled $450. Every 8 weeks extension replacement $70. Call us at 250-428-3488 to book your consultation. It’s worth the drive

Help Wanted

Jolly Jack Stop N’Shop

BERNESE CKC PUPPIES, ready now! $1500 Call 778240-1860 or 604-897-0485

Merchandise for Sale

Free Items Help Wanted

2 feral kittens need a good home. Please call 250-4422578.


Misc. for Sale


2 single adjustable beds w/massage $400 each like new 250 227-9529 Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 Like New - Guild 4x8 Slate Pool Table, beautiful piece of furniture, never been abused Looking for a Loving Home $6500 New Offers! Kenmore HE Dryer - White Stackable, Front Load - $300 250-365-8286; 250-304-9304 Large assortment of Swardvski Crystal Figurines. 250-442-3653.

Help Wanted

Are you out for a walk Thursday evening or Friday morning? Do you have a youth that would like some spending cash?

FEBRUARY STEEL OF A DEAL 1/4”, 3/8” Plate. Var sizes & widths available. 7 truck loads of Plate still available. Call for lists of loads. 400,000 lbs 1/2” X 4’ wide, Coils Mild Steel 4½” ODx.337 wall & 7” ODx.317 wall x 44’ Pipe. Sea Container - 20’ $1,999 & 40’ $2,199. Call or email for further information or prices. TARGET STEEL & SEA CONTAINER SALES 604-792-3434

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?

Large HO train set for sale. 4 engines 50 cars and 35 buildings, tracks, transformers, controllers, switches, lighting, telegraph poles, landscaping, people, critters, tunnel ends, over walkway, graduated bridge, wiring, tools with tool box, 2 books, one on model trains, one on trains. Comes with 2 full sheets and 2 partial sheets of plywood. $ 800 Grand Forks. Contact Kate 250 444 6664

Leather winter snowmobile riding outfit, men’s size Lg, like new, top & bottom, $250.00. MARLYN Truck Canopy for 89-2000 GMC 4x8 box, $400.00. Vinyl Sign Cutting business, complete turn key start-up, work at home business, $1,500.00. 250-4424258.

Lg metal red wheel barrow, vanity w/mirror, singer sewing machine, bread maker. 250442-2913.

SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:

Uniroyal tires: (4)265x70x17”, excellent shape. 75% + tread life. $350/obo. 250-442-3959.

We are looking for carriers to deliver the Advertiser. We would deliver the papers right to your door (within city limits) and you take them from there. If you are interested please contact; Darlainea, Circulation Co-ordinator, Grand Forks Gazette 7330 2nd Street, Grand Forks Call 250-442-2191 Email:

We hope to see you join our team!

On-call Office Assistant/Resource worker Community Futures Boundary (Grand Forks location) is seeking a well organized, highly motivated individual to join our team on a casual/part time basis. The Office Assistant/Resource Worker is the first point of contact for clients via telephone or in-person. This role requires extensive knowledge of programs and services offered by Community Futures Boundary as well as local community services available.

Fight Back. Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.

RESPONSIBILITIES: • Assist Resource Centre Self-Serve clients with job search • Organize resources and replenish materials as required • Maintain and update job postings and community events • Assist with organizing and hosting special events • Register clients and participants • Assist with special projects SKILLS: • Exceptional client service skills • Demonstrated ability to work well with a team and independently • Proficient computer skills and experience with a complex databases • Strong written and verbal communication skills • Knowledge of the local labour market

Misc. Wanted

Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Estates, Gold & Silver Coins + 499-0251Chad

The successful applicant will require a Criminal Record Check. Please send coverletter and resume to: – no phone calls please Deadline: February 28th, 2014 We thank all applicants for their interest. Only those shortlisted will be contacted.


We buy gold! Rings, chains, bracelets, etc. Cash paid by value (weight and karat). Even broken jewelry and scrap gold. Picture ID required. Grand Forks Pawnshop, 225 Central. 250-442-5552.

Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Breathe through a straw for 60 seconds. That’s what breathing is like with cystic fibrosis. A25

Real Estate

Real Estate

Houses For Sale

Houses For Sale

HOUSE FOR SALE 2005 SRI Double Wide MODULAR HOME 24x44 in Triangle Gardens – 45 years and up. Vaulted ceiling, open plan, bay window, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, pantry, low maintenance, gas heat, air conditioning, 5 appliances, underground sprinklers, landscaped, covered deck and carport, other features, must see.


No wonder so many people with CF stop breathing in their early 30s.

Kidney disease strikes families, not only individuals.

Real Estate For Sale By Owner

Apt/Condo for Rent

Homes for Rent

Grand Forks: clean 2 bdrm apt in quiet building. N/P, N/S. Rent negotiable. 250-4422865 / 778-478-9169.

Grand Forks: 4 bdrm, close to town, private yard, avail March 1st, NP, NS, RR, $900/m + utils. 250-442-0065. Grand Forks rural trailer, valley view, mature couple, N/S, no partying. $500/m 250-5121268.

WANTED: Trailer Park in Nelson area. Have 18 suite apartment best location in Regina or will buy you park outright. Perry 1 306 525-2215

Features of the Week HIGH QUALITY HOME

Please help us.

120 VIEW ACRES WITH NEW RIVERFRONT HOME Southern exposure and at farmland. Home has a large modern oorplan. Way too many things to list in this move-in ready fully equipped country home. Just 10 kms from downtown Grand Forks.

Rentals Rent To Own


Apt/Condo for Rent

895,000 MLS # 2395279

Pete Vanjoff 442-7415 #1 Producer


Rent to Own If you have a small down payment I have a nice home for you. Less then perfect credit OK call Jessica @ 250 505-7420

MLS # 2394644


Duplex / 4 Plex Grand Forks: 3 bdrm, 6 appy’s, sm balcony, N/P, N/S, near arena. $800/m includes utils. March 1st. 250-365-7231

E.TRAIL, 3Bdrm., clean, quiet, responsible adults 40+. N/S, N/P, Long Term. 250368-9186, 250-364-1669 Grand Forks: 1 and 2 bdrm apt., N/P, RR. 250-442-2276 / 250-442-6800. Grand Forks: 2 bdrm apt, for rent. NP NS. River view. 250442-8367.

272 Central Ave. Grand Forks, BC

Houses For Sale

Property Management


Grand Forks 2 bdrm suite 5 appl’s $650. 1 bdrm apt $675 utils inc. 2 bdrm mobile $600 private setting. 1 bdrm house $750 utils inc. 2 bdrm plus suite 1.5 bath $800 3 bdrm 2 bath home, 5 appl’s, fenced yard, 2 bay carport, pet negotiable, $900 4 bdrm 3 bath home at COPPER RIDGE $1250

Mobile Homes & Parks



Excellent Value! Excellent Location - 7 bdrm house 3.5 bath in beautiful and historic Greenwood, BC. $160K, agents welcome, $5000 commission. Gas heat, fully furnished with beds, linens, kitchen appliances,service setting for 20+, sleeps 20+. 2 bdrm unit, own entrance with rest as rooms or suites, lg kitchen with dining table, seats 8, dining area seats 30, garage for 1, cooler room, workshop, pool table and bar in rec area, yard, suitable for family retreat, small motel or rooming house. Easy access to Midway for SNOWBIRDS, close to Grand Forks. Immediate possession! Contact Greg for appt to view at 778-478-6981 or email:


on large 0.828 acres lot in downtown Grand Forks. Great views. Quiet area of downtown. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Granite counter tops, tile ooring, top quality appliances, furnace, hot water tank, and roof have all been recently replaced. Great area for recreation of all kinds. Backs onto the Trans Canada Trail.


Greenwood 3 bdrm 5 appl’s, family home, fenced yard, $700.

Misc for Rent Phoenix Manor Retirement Home (formerly Abbeyfield) is taking applications from seniors. Meals, utils & cable all included. $1,350. 250-442-2223.

Homes for Rent

Christina Lake 2 bdrm furnished suite, $800/m, utils inc, avail until June 30, 2014.

Trail 1 bdrm suite, shared W/D, utils inc, $575/m PRIME COMMERCIAL

1 bedroom house edge of town. $750 per month includes utilities. NS/NP please. Call Paul 442-9833 Grand Forks: 1 bdrm house, f/s, w/d. Lg yard, pet ok. Avail. Mar 1. $650 +/utils. 250-4420015. Grand Forks. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 5 appl’s. NS, complete reno. Rural, quiet, 1km from downtown. References required. $750/m+utils. 250-442-7476.

& OFFICE SPACE Available in Greenwood and Grand Forks

Grand Forks: 2bdrm, rural, lg yard, no indoor pets, NS, RR. $700/m + utils. 250-444-0235.

Grand Forks: room, $275/m, 5km to town, quiet, shared kitch/bath. 250-442-5732.

Houses For Sale

Houses For Sale

Terms negotiable N/S, N/P, References. Ken: 250-442-2632 Grand Forks Realty Ltd.

Rooms for Rent

Property Management Services Owners and Prospective Tenants Call

250-442-2711 Toll free: 1-800-567-3199

Ken Dodds 250-442-2632

THIS LOT HAS A SPECTACULAR VIEW OF THE LAKE. Build your dreams on this affordable lot. Sit back and enjoy! $149,900. MLS# 2394791

KETTLE RIVER VIEW! With nearly 2700 square feet of living space this would make the perfect family home. 36x18 in-ground pool with new fence. Asking $285,000! MLS# 2218611

HERE IS A NICE SERVICED LOT in a quiet neighbourhood of Grand forks. It would be a perfect spot for a new home. Close to the river, the TCT and the community garden. Only $55,000. MLS# 2394715

JUST LISTED!!! private fenced yard, storage shed, detached single carport, rear lane access, large screened in porch, 2 BR, 1 bath, over 1,000 sq ft living space, walk to all amenities. GREAT STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME! $132,500. MLS# 2395199

PRICE REDUCED!!! detached shop, privated fenced yard, NEW kitchen, bath, ooring, crown molding, windows, gas ďŹ re place, large rear deck, front porch, walk to all amenities. GREAT STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME! $199,000. MLS# 2392854

NEAR BARBARA ANN PARK. This home is move in ready and is very suitable for snowbirds or a young family entering the housing market. Great yard with workshop and there is lane access. $189,000. MLS# 2390393

THINKING OF BUILDING IN 2014. Here is one the nicest lots available in Grand Forks. Located in Valmar subdivision, on quiet cul-de-sac. $89,500. MLS# 2390334

OWN A PIECE OF HISTORIC GREEWOOD. 3 BR full basement home 5 appl’s fenced yard near the downtown core. Vendor motivated. Have your REALTORŽ bring an offer today. $144,900. MLS# 2218902

7.64 VIEW ACRES with sites for building. 10 minutes to town. Priced to sell. $65,000. MLS# 2214069

THE PRICE IS RIGHT on this home and is move in ready! Centrally located, this home is walking distance to schools, shopping, parks, and has low maintenance yard. $248,000. MLS# 2393910

WITH JUST OVER 2 ACRES, THIS PROPERTY HAS IT ALL! Spectacular views, gardens, updated main oor living, and storage!. What more could you ask for! $359,000. MLS# 2392361

CHRISTINA LAKE BUILDING LOT, over 1/4 acre. On quiet cul-de-sac and close to all amenities. Mobile home is currently on the lot but it will need to be removed. Great price. $49,000.

GREAT HOME BASED BUSINESS LOCATION. 32 x 30 shop needs ďŹ nishing. Good visual exposure, Greenwood. 3 BR, 2 full baths 1512 SQ FT home, built 2007. Asking $229,000. MLS# 2389990

ADULT COMMUNITY LIVING. 6 yr. old 925 sq. ft. modular home in like-new condition, 2 BR, main bathroom plus an ensuite, walk-in closet, central air, C/W 5 appliances and much more. $124,900. MLS# 2206271

EASY LIVING in the most prestigious gated community in Grand Forks. Walk to all downtown amenities and doctors clinic. $249,000. MLS# 2393606

SMOKING DEAL on single wide home in park. 2 BR & a bath. Garage deep enough to have a small shop area! $29,900. MLS# 23395078

TUCKED AWAY FROM TRAFFIC, lovely half acre corner lot is treed, has water, power, septic and several out buildings. MFG Home lived in year round. $124,900. MLS# 2394860

EXTENSIVELY REMODELLED! 2 storey home with fully ďŹ nished basement, detached garage, separate shop & conveniently located to downtown. A must see at $269,000. MLS# 2395101

Linda Laktin 250-442-9403

Harry Davy 250-442-0466

Barry Poppenheim 250-449-8276

Cindy Anthony 250-442-7379

Pete Vanjoff 250-442-7415

Ken Dodds 250-442-2632

Pat Ballard 250-442-7616

Gayle Holmes 250-442-7516

Aaron Anthony 250-584-4663

Gary Smith 250-443-1256

Ron Woods 250-442-7636

Tammy Schembri 250-442-9866


Rentals Shared Accommodation Grand Forks: 1 bdrm, $475/m. Downtown. 306-7138708.

Suites, Lower Attractive 1 bdrm basement suite $500/m utils incl. N/S, N/P. RR. Suitable for 1 person. 250-442-0057. Separate entrance. Grand Forks. 1-2 bdrm, downtown, updated, $575/m + util’s. Avail Imd. 306-713-8708.

Townhouses Grand Forks: 3 bdrm VACANCY at the Gables. Call Jackie at 250-443-0013.


Auto Financing

Wednesday,February February19, 19,2014 2014 Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette Wednesday,




Cars - Domestic

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

2001 Subaru Impreza, 4dr hatch back, 2.2Lt., auto, 4 wheel dr, brand new ice & snow tires, 230,000km, $4,100/obo. 250-442-0122 or 250-493-1807. 2002 Oldsmobile Alero, 4cy, 5sp manual, 2 dr coop, 107,000 original km, runs and looks like new. Car is in Grand Forks. Driven daily. $3,499. 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807.

Cars - Sports & Imports 1992 Golf Volks Wagon, 4 dr hatch back, 5 sp, new tires, new exhaust, runs excellent. $999./obo. 250-442-0122 or 250-493-1807.

1999 Honda Civic, 2 dr, hatchback, standard, 189,000km, clean, $2,300/obo. 250-4423067 or 250-666-0075.

Recreational/Sale 1992 Bravo Long track snowmobile, $1,000/obo. Good running condition. 250-447-6340

Sport Utility Vehicle 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 255,000km, 4 WD, $800/obo. 250-442-2218. 98 Ford Explorer, 4x4, strong V6, 4.0L, A/C, P/W, good winter tires, absolutely mint, $3.450. 250-442-2212.

Trucks & Vans 1987 Dodge Dakota, reg cab, long box, auto, V6, one owner, 169,000km, very clean, canopy, 2 wheel drive, $1,800/obo. 250-442-0122 or 250-4931807. Grand Forks 96 GMC, SLT, Ex-cab, 4x4, 5.7, great shape, winter tires, $3,450. 250-442-2212.


Legal Notices

NOTICE OF SALE 2007 Spartan MM Motorhome VIN# 4VZBR1J957CO55469 belonging to PETER BECKETT will be sold for storage fees of $8270.00 on March 6, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. at Christina Lake, B.C. By appointment only. Call 250-443-1921 for details.


Project: # 16040 Ball Field Upgrade to Multi Use Recreational Field 7KH &Lt\ oI GrHHnZood rHTXHsts TXaOLÂżHd JHnHraO FontraF tors ZKo ZLsK to ELd on a &onFHssLon stand 7KH SroMHFt ZLOO EH a FonFHssLon stand FonsLstLnJ oI a Zood IraPH EXLOdLnJ a FonFrHtH IoXndatLon and a PHtaO rooI. 7KH JHnHraO FontraFtor ZLOO EH rHsSonsLEOH Ior tKH SroMHFt LnFOXdLnJ SOXPELnJ HOHFtrLFaO and otKHr sXEFontraFtors as nHHdHd. 7KH EXLOdLnJ Ls aSSro[LPatHO\ 22Âś [ 44Âś 8 sT. It.

ZLtK ZasKrooPs and a PaLn arHa. 3OHasH FontaFt tKH &Lt\ oI GrHHnZood Ior a ELd SaFkaJH. City of Greenwood %o[ 12 202 S. GoYernPent $Ye Greenwood %C 90+ 1-0 3Kone 250 445 44 Fa[ 250 445 441 email admin.JreenwoodFity#sKaw.Fa



Lia Azhure Inc. Lia Azhure Inc. Certified General Accountant

250 442 0141 rd 250 -442 7157 - 3-0141 Street

Certified General Accountant -

7157 - 3rd Street


619 Central Ave.,Accountants Grand Forks, B.C. CertiďŹ ed General 619 Central Grand Forks, B.C. Ph:Ave., 250-442-2121



REQUEST FOR BID The Grand Forks & District Public Library invites bids for the provision of janitorial services for the twoyear period from March 17, 2014 to March 17, 2016. The Library Board requests that the successful candidate have $1,000,000 liability and $5,000 criminal liability insurance. Details of duĆ&#x;es are available at the library, located at 7342-5th Street, Grand Forks. Bids will be received at the library unĆ&#x;l noon on February 26, 2014.

Notice of Tender

CUSTODIAL SERVICE The Grand Forks Art Gallery Society is accepting bids for custodial services at Gallery 2: Art & Heritage Centre at 524 Central Avenue. Pick up tender package in the Visitor Centre or online at, call ahead for mandatory appointment to view premises 250-442-5835. Deliver bid no later than March 8, 2014 at 3:00 pm or email to . gallery 2 524 Central Ave., Grand Forks, BC

Ph: 250-442-2121


BOUNDARY BOUNDARY APPRAISAL& Boundary SERVICE PPRAISAL ERVICE A Serving Grand Forks S Country Serving Grand30+ Forks & Boundary Country Years Experience 30+ Years Experience Residential & Vacant Acreage ResidentialAppraisals & Vacant Acreage for: Appraisals for: -Mortgage Applications -Mortgage Applications -Estate Purposes -Family Disputes -Estate Purposes -Family Disputes -Assessment Resolution -Assessment Resolution Phone: Res-250-442-5199 Phone: Res-250-442-5199 Cell-250-442-6199 Cell-250-442-6199 e-mail – e-mail –


APPRAISALS APPRAISALS Serving the West Kootenay and Serving the West Kootenay and Boundary Regions since 1993 Boundary Regions since 1993


PHONE 250-442-7030 PHONE 250-442-7030

★ Mortgage Refinancing Appraisals + Mortgage ReďŹ nancing Appraisals ★ Current Real Estate Market Evaluations + Current Real Estate Market Evaluations ★ Estate/Taxation/Divorce/Appraisals + Estate/Taxation/Divorce/Appraisals ★ New Construction/ + New Construction/ Progress Report/Appraisals Progress Report/Appraisals

E-mail: E-mail:


Christine Brooks %JTKUVKPG $TQQMU Bookkeeping $QQMMGGRKPI Bookkeeping and E-file

Income Tax and Service Agent Bookkeeping E-ďŹ le Income Tax Service Agent Phone 250-442-6781




Member of IPBC and SAGE 50 Premier Advisor Certified Professional Bookkeeper 20+ years experience full50 cycle bookkeeping Member of IPBC and SAGE Premier Advisor Remote/virtual available 20+ years experience fullbookkeeping cycle bookkeeping 250-442-2813 • Remote/virtual bookkeeping available 250-442-2813 •

ACCSER Bookkeeping ACCSER Bookkeeping Personal, business, corporate, income

taxbusiness, and accounting services Personal, corporate, income tax and accounting services~ ~ New clients welcome ~ New clients welcome ~ Anatol Phone 250-442-2881 • Ask for Phone 250-442-2881 • Ask for Anatol Email: Email:



7816 Donaldson Dr. 7816Grand Donaldson Forks,Dr. B.C. Grand Forks, B.C. 250-442-2523 250-442-2523 Monday to Saturday

Open Open Monday to Saturday


IndigoWood IndigoWood

Furniture • Cabinetry Furniture • Cabinetry Ray Morasse - Craftsman Ray Morasse - Craftsman 250.442.9858 250.442.9858

Yourbest bestbuy buyisisfrom from Your merchantyou youknow know a amerchant

CARCARE CARE CAR Three great services at one convenient location! Three great services at one convenient location!

Service Mechanical • Full Service Auto Body Full Full Service Mechanical • Full Service Auto Body Service Custom Muffl er Centre • ICBC ExpressValet Certifi Full Full Service Custom Muf er Centre • ICBC ExpressValet CertiďŹ ed ed Mechanics: 250-442-3828 • Auto Body: 250-442-0507 Mechanics: 250-442-3828 • Auto Body: 250-442-0507


6391 Highway Grand Forks, 6391 Highway 3, 3, Grand Forks, BCBC


Call Call Chris Chris atat 250-442-2191 250-442-2191 ext. ext.206 206 totobook book your youradadnow now

CARPET CARPET CLEANING CLEANING No too job big too or bigsmall or small Carpet Cleaning Carpet Cleaning No job

Reasonable Rates ~ Free Estimates ~ Bonded Reasonable Rates ~ Free Estimates ~ Bonded

Serving Grand Forks & the Boundary Serving Grand Forks & the Boundary



Sales Sales&&Service Service

Owner Dave Bachmier Owner Dave Bachmier

250.442.8444 • 7431 2nd 2St. nd Grand Forks 250.442.8444 • 7431 St. Grand Forks “Nbrz U Can Count On!� “Nbrz U Can Count On!�

Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 19, 2014 A27


CONTRACTOR Screened & Crushed Gravel special driveway mix, drain rock, blend sands, PEA GRAVEL Road Grader Service Division of Gofer Farms Ltd. – Hay Sales 10405 Granby Rd (9 km) • email:


OFFICE 250-442-0428 GENERAL CONTRACTOR GEN STEVE DANSHIN • New Construction • Residential Builder • Renovations • Commercial Ph. 250-442-3744 Cell: 250-442-9437 Fax: 250-442-3720


SORENSEN DRYWALL LTD. 20 years experience Boarding • Taping • Painting Renovations Insurance Work

Redi Electric Ltd.

Reg. g No. 13266

Service & New Construction Commercial • Residential Industrial Pumps

• Electric Motor Sales & Repair • Pump sales & Service • Electric Parts & Sales Counter • Commercial, Residential & Industrial Electric Service Work • New Construction Electrical Contract Reg. #1210

7990 Columbia Drive


HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING • Heating & Air Conditioning • Commercial & Residential Service & Install


Dr. Jeffrey Hunt N.D. is resuming his practice in Grand Forks

Please phone 250-368-6999 for an appointment

Certified Electrical Residential ~ Commercial Emergency Service Preventative Maintenance Serving the Andy Cell: 250-442-7120 Boundary Office: 250-445-2234 Elect. Contractor # 24118



George Stooshinoff


Certified Sawfiler 3845 Victoria Rd., Grand Forks, BC Phone: 250-442-8359 • Email:


Located at Boundary Electric


We Sharpen • Carbide & Steel Saws • Planer & Jointer Knives • Handsaws-retooth, set & sharpen • Carbide Router Bits • Drill Bits • Hole Saws • Dado Blades • Paper Cutters • Knives • Scissors • All Garden & Yard Tools • Chainsaws & More

20’ or 40’ Storage Units 8’, 9’, 10’, 20’ & 40’ Containers

Your place or ours

250-442-7066 Independent living with companionship, support, security, three meals a day and none oĨ the responsiďiliƟes oĨ maintaining your own home. Phoenidž Manor ZeƟrement ,ome ;formerly bbeyĮeldͿ

Call 250-442-2223

SAGAMORE RV & MINI-STORAGE Digital Video Surveillance Access 24 hrs/day – 7 days/week Personal Keypad Entry 5’x10’, 10’x10’, 10’x20’ & 10’x30’

Ĩor a tour or more inĨormaƟon ϴ76 72nd ve. Grand Forks

148 Sagamore Road Grand Forks, B.C. 250-442-2652

John Billwiller 10545 Granby Rd., Grand Forks


Border Self Storage





Are you: Busy with little or no time for shopping or running errands? Home bound due to illness or injury? Without vehicle at an inconvenient time? Just don’t want to do the shopping? Call Barb to schedule an appointment to have your errands taken care of! Barb will: Purchase goods, pay bills, etc. Provide itemized receipts. Provide prompt service at the agreed price at the agreed time.



Don’t hesitate! Call today! Serving the Boundary




Brian Blair

Phone: 250.442.8175 Cell: 250.443.1905 Email:



NOTARY PUBLIC 7215 2nd St., Grand Forks (Across from Fire Hall)

Ph: 250-442-0282


D.D. Roofing Asphalt Shingles • Metal • New & Re-roof • Resheet & Reconstruction Reasonable Rates • Guaranteed Work

Seniors Discount - Free Estimates Cell: 250-443-1273 Home: 250-442-2179

The best service is from a contractor you know

TAXI Grand Forks


Taxi & Delivery Service – Groceries, Beer, Liquor

ext. 206


for details


Grand Forks, BC

Home Inspections

Call: 250-442-0534

The Gazette at 250-442-2191


Construction • Maintenance • Repair • Renovation

7444 19th Street, Grand Forks





7990 Columbia Drive

Your Pellet Heating Specialist


(1985) Ltd.

* denotes Optometric Corporation

SNOWBALL VENTURES Sales, Installations & Inspections

Grand Forks, BC

Boundary Electric





3rd St., Grand Forks


Bobcat, Excavating & Trucking Services ~ Certified Planner & Installer of Septic Systems Call Jimmy 250-442-9422

Free estimates • Senior discount


Computerized Security Gate 5’ x 10’ to 10’ x 30’ Units

Honest Service – Quality Work


One call does it all


Saw, Knife & Tool Sharpening Centre


7920 Donaldson Dr. • 250-442-2082



334C Market Ave 250-442-3025

Twisted Teeth Saw Shop


Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Large supply of rock for retaining walls, decorative purposes, etc.


Dr. Alan LeRoy, O.D.*



’ Andy


CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY 38 years experience!

For all your RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL / RECREATIONAL Reupholstery, Repairs and Custom Builds

162 B – 72nd Ave • Grand Forks


Cascade Containers & Storage Sales or Rentals $100/month

6401 HWY 3 next to Fortis office 250.442.2599 • 250.443.1599



Y&R Water

SALES & SERVICES Certified Pump Installers

• EOCP Certified • Cross Connection Certified (Backflow Prevention) WATER CONDITIONING • Water Softening, Reverse Osmosis, Filtration & Ultraviolet IRRIGATION & PUMPS

8098 Donaldson Drive • 250-442-5537




2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette







2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600 BU YI NG





2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600













#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. 1001-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000 (250) 707-2600


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600


#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600 NOW OPEN

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600


200-1965 Columbia Ave. 2153 Springfield Road (250) 365-6455 (250) 860-2600

1001-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000

1001-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000


745 Notre Dame Drive 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 851-8700 (250) 542-3000 NOW OPEN

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600


101 Kootenay St. North (250) 426-8927

Chapters Entrance (250) 860-8100 Springfield Rd Entrance (250) 717-1511

Villiage Green Mall (250) 542-1496

Cherry Lane Mall (250) 493-4566

Aberdeen Mall (250) 377-8880 TELUS KIOSK


Chahko Mika Mall (250) 352-7258

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