Years est. 1954
Volume 60 No. 08
Pipeline challenges could slow refinery David Black is taking a step back to see how legal challenges to the Northern Gateway Pipelines proposal plays out as he continues to develop his plan for an oil refinery near Kitimat. Since the Joint Review Panel released its recommendation in favour of the pipeline proposal, subject to 209 conditions, there have been some challenges from environmental groups and the Haisla. As reported in the January 29 Sentinel, the Haisla filed a claim to the Federal Court of Appeal on January 17 to block an approval on the pipeline. Both the Gitga’at Nation of Hartley Bay, located at the mouth of the Douglas Channel, and the Gitxaala Nation of Kitkatla north of Prince Rupert have filed similar suits. To Black challenges like these could put friction on his refinery dream. “It will slow everything down a few years and it may be that some of the First Nations won’t be interested in supporting a different pipeline until that one grounds through its legal process. If that’s the case it puts everything off a few years,” he said. That said his refinery is not necessarily hinged on a pipeline’s construction, although that is his preferred means to supply the refinery. He says rail is an alternative, albeit one he’s not keen on pursuing. “It could come that way. I’d hate to see it, personally, because it’s not very safe,” he said about rail transport. Black is still retaining his characteristic optimism about the project though. He said he’s still working on funding and customer deals with potential clients in China, and says he doesn’t see any major roadblocks ahead. “I’ve been talking to a variety of other stakeholders from politicians to First Nations chiefs, and so on. It just keeps moving along,” he said. That said, he’s so far not been successful in securing loan guarantees from the federal government, an option he was pursuing after some initial backers to his refinery said he had to raise a certain percentage in Canada. To get that local backing he had hoped to get loan guarantees. “I haven’t been able to move that ball very far yet,” he said. Black continues to believe in the safety of pipeline development, and thinks a pipeline could be built safely to bring the diluted bitumen to his refinery. It’s the marine traffic where he has a big problem, and is among the reasons he wants a refinery, to allow shipments of less toxic materials. “It’s pretty awful,” he said of a potential spill of bitumen at sea. He said a bitumen spill would be worse than the Exxon Valdez spill. Continued on page 2
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
The Kitimat Public Library held a full day of activities on Family Day, February 10. There were crafts and puppet shows and, as seen here, a Lego building activity. Above is Ailey Orringe, 4, with dad Fletcher and their pink barn. At left is Joshua Reis displaying his multi-coloured structure. Cameron Orr
Union wins in Eurocan case Cameron Orr Nine former employees of Eurocan Pulp and Paper have recently won an arbitration worth a total of $1 million. The win, which came following a lengthy fight between their union Unifor Local 298 and 127, and the company, effectively upheld the right of the employees to revoke their retirements. The nine employees had applied to retire, ahead of knowledge that the Eurocan mill was closing down. Once the company announced the plan, including a severance package for employees, the nine employees — eight of them applying for special retirement funding through the province for forestry workers — cancelled their retirement due take advantage of the more generous severance offer. However the company subsequently denied their efforts to ‘un-retire’. Arbitrator Daniel Ish oversaw the ar-
“We were fighting for retirees who were short-changed.” guments in this final hearing. Before this the union had won their argument in 2010 in front of an arbitrator, and that ruling was upheld by the British Columbia Labour Relations Board. An allowed second review of the decision, however, overturned it later in the year and a new hearing was set for an adjudicator. In all, this matter went through seven decisions before settling on this latest one, which was made at the end of January. Central in the arguments was the fact that Eurocan had accepted a revoked retirement notice from two past employees. The company argued that those past
circumstances were not like the nine being argued for during the closure. In the case of the nine union members, with the plant closing, their positions wouldn’t be required, as the positions would be for the past employees. The arbitrator’s 28 page-long document outlining the arguments and reasons eventually concludes the employees had a right to revoke their retirement. Part of that is due to the fact that none had a reason to believe that the motive for returning would have an impact on their ability to cancel retirement, referring to the fact that past employees had revoked their retirement. “We were fighting for retirees who were short-changed,” said Unifor Western Director Scott Doherty in a release following the decision. “This ruling confirms that workers have the right to rescind notice of retirement.”
RTA offers up wharf...page 3
2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Firefighters give man meal searching for shelter February 3 Despite the extreme weather shelter being closed due to a lack of volunteers, a person trying to access the shelter this evening received help regardless. Firefighters gave the person a meal and police let the person spend the night in their cells, due to lack of other options. Police describe the person as polite and thankful for the help. At 4 p.m. police and the Conservation Officer Service tried to find a person who
may have been hunting wolves despite a suspended licence. The COs said they’d be looking in the Onion Lake area and asked the RCMP to check out the Hirsch Creek and Forest Avenue area for the person. The authorities were tipped off that the person may be hunting as the person was offering a wolf carcass to make sure it wouldn’t go to waste. Patrols were unsuccessful in finding the individual. February 4 Police followed up when a person’s
Police Beat girlfriend reported the boyfriend missing. The subject lives at the Kitimat Modernization Project camp and police checked in and were able to determine the person was not missing, but was showing up for his work shifts. Once police could reach the person the male was surprised he had been reported missing. February 5 Police had to lec-
ture an individual who was found intoxicated in the bushes near an apartment on Tsimshian Boulevard. He was arrested for public intoxication and brought to the hospital to be checked over since police say he had been outside for several hours in -15C weather with wind. The person was cleared by medical staff and taken to the cells for the night. He was reminded as
he was released that he needs to stay sober in order to use the extreme weather shelter. Police did provide him with a hooded sweat shirt for him to wear during the day. Police attempted to track down an apparently intoxicated person walking on Haisla Boulevard toward Kitamaat Village Road. Police couldn’t locate the person and the complainant believed the person may have been picked up by someone. February 8 A person was ar-
Refinery Continued from page 1 He points out that the Valdez spills was medium to light oil, and not bitumen. And bitumen, recent environmental reports have pointed out, will sink when mixed with sediments. With tidal currents the bitumen could sink and spread and no one would know where it went. “And even if we did know where it went we couldn’t get it back up,” he said. He said experts have suggested that about 10 per cent of the Exxon spill was cleaned up, and that’s with a material that floats, Black said. The merit of a west coast refinery has been recognized by members even in the
Green Party. MLA Andrew Weaver, for Oak BayGordon Head on Vancouver Island, stated in a Georgia Straight article from February 5 that the refinery is being proposed for “the right reasons” and that it has merit. The statements did stir some people in the province, but Black, who is actually a constituent of Weaver, didn’t take it as an outright endorsement. “I don’t know he’s really endorsed it yet, but I think he’s said publicly on the radio a few times that if we are going to be shipping oil we should be shipping refined fuel,” said Black. “It’s just way safer.” Weaver spent a few days touring the
Kitimat area in December and saw the proposed area of the refinery. He didn’t say much about the refinery at the time, but did say concerns about marine traffic and bitumen on the ocean are felt in the Lower Mainland as they are up here. “If that stuff gets out into the environment your beautiful [Douglas Channel] will not be beautiful much longer,” he told the Sentinel in December. He did say the overall feeling he got about the refinery locally in Kitimat was that people felt positive about it. But he did attempt to temper optimism in reality. “I think the expectations have to be met and it’s not clear to me that anything is going to happen for sure.”
rested for public intoxication at Tim Hortons. The male had slurred speech and gave wrong answers to the officer, for instance giving his birth date when asked for his address. The person spent the night in Kitimat’s cells. Near midnight po-
lice were called regarding 10 loud pops that the caller wasn’t sure were fireworks or gun shots. The sound came from the area of Albatross Avenue. Police did patrols but could not find any source for the sounds. Continued on page 9
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 2014 3
Use caution after a rash of vehicle B&Es
Regional briefs College
Northwest Community College has chosen one of its senior officials to replace departing president Denise Henning until a permanent replacement is found. Denis Caron takes over as of March 20 with Henning formally finishing her job on May 1. This will be Caron’s second interim position since coming to the college in September 2012. He was hired at that time to be its interim trades dean after Margo van der Touw, who had been its trades dean, passed away. Caron continued in that interim capacity until this year when Brent Speidel left a position at the Coast Mountains School District to be the college’s trades and natural resources development dean. Since Speidel’s arrival, and leading up to taking over as interim president, Caron has been and will continue to conduct reviews to ensure it is prepared for the future and for regional development, the college said in a statement. The statement also indicated the overlap after Caron takes over as interim president and until Henning’s departure will ensure a smooth transition. She will also be taking some built up vacation time. Henning is off to be the president of Medicine Hat College in Medicine Hat, Alberta. With an acting president ready to step into place, the college board has embarked upon the search for a permanent president. “We are very pleased Denis has agreed to accept this role as we search for a successor to Dr. Henning,” said college chair Rhoda Witherly.
An aerial view of Rio Tinto Alcan’s port facilities. Terminal B, at far right, the former Eurocan wharf, has been optioned for lease or sale to LNG Canada. District of Kitimat photo
Wharf agreements made LNG Canada gets option to buy RTA wharf Cameron Orr Rio Tinto Alcan has made an agreement with LNG Canada — an LNG export proposal headed by proponent Shell Canada — to acquire or lease a wharf and associated land at RTA’s Kitimat property. The agreement, according to an Rio Tinto press release, gives LNG Canada a series of options, payable against the project’s milestones. The financial details of the agreement are confidential, the company says. Colleen Nyce, Manager, Corporate Affairs & Community Relations for Rio Tinto Alcan in Kitimat, said that the wharf in question refers to their Terminal B, the former Eurocan Pulp and Paper terminal. LNG Canada told the Sentinel last week that this agreement simply formalizes the relationship with Rio Tinto Alcan, and says the options give them flexibility to the needs of the LNG Canada project, but still would not release what the options specifically are. Amy Calitz, vice president of LNG
“This ... approach will provide an expanded gateway for Canadian resources to worldwide markets.” Canada, said that they believe LNG Canada “represents the best opportunity to bring the liquefied natural gas industry and its benefits to the people and communities of British Columbia.” As for this agreement, Rio Tinto Chief Executive Sam Walsh said this deal shows how they can “generate meaningful value from our existing assets by selling options on port facilities to LNG Canada.” “This innovative approach will provide an expanded gateway for Canadian resources to worldwide markets which has the potential to benefit the communities and economics of British Columbia,” he added in the news release. As for the LNG Canada project from here, the company said they are still on track to make a final investment decision at some point in the middle of the de-
cade, which would start off four to five years of construction. They say environmental studies and community consultation is among their key priorities this year. The company requires still an environmental assessment certificate, a B.C. Oil and Gas Commission LNG Facility permit, and a Transport Canada TERMPOL review (which is a review of marine terminal systems). An export licence has already been granted to the company. The company is also looking at select-
ing an Engineering Procurement Construction Management contract later this year. Nyce said that as far as RTA’s need for the wharf, the company will keep using it until “new infrastructure is built to accomodate our new needs.” The company had said when they purchased the land from Eurocan that it would be used to bring in materials for modernization and to export the new volumes of product from the smelter once rebuilt.
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The Kitimat RCMP are reminding the public to be cautious when leaving valuables and belongings in their vehicles. The message comes after numerous vehicle break-ins took place on Davy Crescent in the early hours of February 7. An unknown person or persons broke into a vehicle on Davy Crescent and took keys that belonged to another vehicle in the driveway, which was then stolen. That vehicle was later recovered in Cablecar with extensive damage and is be-
ing processed by the RCMP forensic identification unit. Police say a number of vehicles on the same street were also broken in to and numerous household items were taken, after the vehicles were left unlocked. The Kitimat RCMP is urging the public to lock vehicles as well as take all valuables from them when leaving a vehicle unattended for any period of time. Anyone with information can call the RCMP at 250-632-7111 or call Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
FREE Workshops For Tenants and Landlords
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PLEASE REGISTER TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT CONTACT: Anne Moyls – Housing Resource Worker Cell (call or text): 250 639 6065 or e-mail: amoyls@kitimatcdc.ca For more information about the workshops, please contact Stacey Tyers at 250 635 3178
Courtesy of TDCSS and the Law Foundation of BC
Workshops made possible in partnership with:
Office of Robin Austin Skeena MLA
TENANTS WORKSHOP Saturday, February 22
10 am to 3 pm Lunch will be provided at NWCC Campus
LANDLORDS WORKSHOP Sunday, February 23
10 am to 3 pm Lunch will be provided at NWCC Campus PLEASE REGISTER TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT Contact Anne Moyls - Housing Resource Worker Call or Text 250-639-6065, email: amoyls@kitimatcdc.ca For more info about the workshops, please contact Stacey Tyers at 250-635-3178 Workshops made possible in partnership with: Office of Robin Austin Skeena MLA
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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email newsroom@northernsentinel.com • www.northernsentinel.com KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.
Questions as important as the results
One of the latest opinion polls on the Enbridge Northern Gateway project proposal still shows a lot of opposition against the project. We wrote about it last week, and the poll shows that 64 per cent of people are against the project, either strongly or somewhat. In response, Enbridge has released a YouTube video which takes aim at the results and the questions asked. But in this instance, I have to actually sympathize with Enbridge. There were some moments I thought the questions appeared a bit misleading. Now, Enbridge did stretch a bit in their arguments, such as how they won’t use the Inside Passage. The video itself shows it crossing the passage, but not travelling it. It’s splitting hairs, I suppose, whether you can say tankers are using that waterway, but it’s not the strongest rebuttal in the bunch. But even before Enbridge went on the defensive even I had some thoughts about the questions. For instance there’s the references to the Great Bear Rainforest which my understanding is it’s a term coined by environmental groups and refers to such a vast and general area that it’s hard to know exactly where we’re being referred to when it’s mentioned. Also the name suits a tourism campaign rather than a geographic location. The poll also makes a subtle reference to a moratorium on oil tanker traffic on the west coast, saying oil hasn’t entered the Inside Passage due to concerns about oil spills. That moratorium has been a contentious issue. I asked Transport Canada last week for an explanation on if such a moratorium ever truly existed, and I still await the full answer but the media person I spoke to on the phone said the short answer was no. To the polling company’s credit they did ask opinion on who the respondents thought sponsored the poll, and the majority thought it was a company in favour of the project. As a reminder, the sponsors were: Dogwood Initiative, ForestEthics Advocacy, Friends of Wild Salmon and West Coast Environmental Law. All that said the results continue to not be very surprising since most polls show responses more leaning to opposition to the project. But like I’ve always said, it’s very hard for anyone who supports the project to even say they’re in favour. I think to MLA Andrew Weaver’s recent comments in the Georgia Straight about how David Black’s refinery has “merit”. He’s been getting kickback on that position, especially given he’s a Green Party MLA, but I feel for the guy. It’s awfully hard to have a nuanced position on anything oil-based without being jumped on. Cameron Orr
Olympics bring out interesting reports Under Miscellaneous I’ve been reading the Huffington Post on a steady basis since it extended its blogger-style news content to Canada in 2011. The Huffington Post made its name when it became the first commercially run U.S. online digital media enterprise to win a Pulitzer Prize. “TheHuffPo,” as it is known, is an online news media outlet and blog, founded by a group led by the coluorful Arianna Huffington, a Greek American journalist-columnist, who once ran against Arnold Schwarzenegger as an independent candidate for governor of California. The site offers news and blogs and some fascinating original content that zeroes in on a wide range of subjects: politics, business, entertainment and the environment. It also tackles technology, music and entertainment, media, lifestyle and women’s interests. It’s often controversial and since its introduction to Canada it presents a different perspective that is generally liberal-leaning, but seems to enjoy not shying away from some Canadian issues. An example: last week, with Canadians leading the medal race about four days into the Olympic Games, it rankled me a bit with an article headed “This would be Canada’s medal count, if Quebec separated.”
by Allan Hewitson ahewitson@telus.net
A graph showed, at that time, without the success of French Canadian competitors the Canadian medal count would drop from 10 to three. The article was generally panned by commenters who saw it as, at worst, politically and socially divisive and racist to premature and simply hypothetical. There was no author attribution but it suggested it was one more reason to stay together. Naturally, it registered well on the apoplexy scale among Canadians and Quebecois comment writers. I guess it’s the type of silly thing that often slips into the Canadian version of the Post and never fails to tick off readers. I have to say, all I saw was the Canadian Maple Leaf on the flags they all carried and on their uniforms. All I heard was credit to the parents, coaches and supporters. The same day, HuffPost had lots more commentary on an apology by
Brian Lilly, Sun Media’s senior correspondent on Parliament Hill, for “a piece of fun we had on air last night” making chuckles of CBC announcers’ “anglicized” pronunciation of French Canadian athletes’ names in Olympic competition. Lilly, unreservedly apologized and stuttered that he was “surprised” by the reaction to the item. There were numerous blanked out comments on Twitter response. HuffPost commentary was better edited. Yahoo Sports news picked up this Olympics story, noting “The justly neglected, largely unwatched Sun News Network likes to dig into “issues the mainstream media won’t touch.” “In the case of how CBC commentators pronounce the names of medallists such as Chloé Dufour-Lapointe, Justine Dufour-Lapointe and Charles Hamelin, whose given names are used in English and French, it’s probably worth half a short Tweet.” I have to agree. One other story I picked up on, from Al Jazeera America, (would you believe?) was an article about seven nations participating in the Sochi Olympics for the first time. They are hardly among places you’d expect to see new winter Olympians emerge. Continued on page 11
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Sarah Campbell Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Tracey Keohane Advertising Assistant Publisher Editor Classifieds/Administration publisher@northernsentinel.com newsroom@northernsentinel.com classifieds@northernsentinel.com advertising@northernsentinel.com
Dominika Bacigalova Flyer Distribution office@northernsentinel.com
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 2014 5
Is the Northern Gateway really progress? Dear Sir, Before the citizens of Kitimat vote on whether or not to approve the Northern Gateway Pipeline (NGP), consider this: The revenue from the pipeline over 30 years would not be enough to fund healthcare and education in B.C. for one hour a year. That’s right; one hour. Healthcare and education in BC costs $22 billion a year. With increases over 30 years, costs will rise to approximately $675 billion. According to Enbridge’s own figures, the province’s tax revenue generated from the NGP over 30 years will total $1.2 billion. Sounds like a lot of money? It isn’t. Contrast our healthcare and education costs over 30 years – $675 billion – with the total tax revenue from the Northern Gateway Pipeline over 30 years – $1.2 billion – and we begin to realize the risks just aren’t worth the monetary gain.
Are we being sold a bill of goods? As usual, corporations stand to make billions but B.C. would only get the crumbs from the table. Currently, much of the crude oil shipped to the U.S. is discounted $10-$40 a barrel. At some point, will the projected 525,000 barrels of oil flowing through the NGP for export overseas be discounted, and will B.C. refineries get that discount? The pipeline will affect all of B.C. but the impact will be greatest in Kitimat. Yes, the project will create jobs – a projected $4.3 billion in labour-related income over 30 years, or $143 million per year. This meagre amount of revenue still does not justify the risks of pipeline leaks or tanker accidents fouling the shores. One accident and the pipeline could end up costing us more than we would ever collect. Enbridge’s track record
is not stellar; some 600 leaks and breaks of various sizes over ten years gives one pause to think what could happen over 30 years. In addition to environmental risks, there are social risks to consider. Will tanker traffic disrupt other industries in B.C., such as fishing or tourism? Will the cost of living increase in Kitimat? Will taxes rise? Will real estate prices go beyond the reach of minimum wage earners and families hoping to move into the area? We can’t be afraid of progress, but is the Northern Gateway Pipeline project really progress? Ultimately, we need to wake up to the fact that natural gas will soon be overtaking oil as the world’s dominant energy source, so will there be a future demand for our oil beyond 2020? Sincerely, Paul McCavour Osoyoos, BC
Tell our Premier to keep her promises Dear Sir, We were promised a couple of important things in the last election. One was that British Columbia would have the world’s cleanest and greenest LNG industry. What does that mean? Is it actually possible? Clean Energy Canada recently came out with a report that answers both those questions. The answers are simple: to be considered the world’s cleanest LNG, the proposed LNG plants in B.C. would have to use “outside the fence” power sources, and preferably, as much power from renewables, like wind power, as possible. Producing LNG, which involves cooling natural gas down in order to liquefy it, is one of the most energy intensive industries in the world. A large LNG plant will use about as much power as an aluminum smelter. How you produce that power, and how you use it, defines whether or not you can claim to have the greenest LNG possible. The technology to use renewables and outside the fence power sources already exists. In fact, other jurisdictions are doing it; it is proven and existing technology. If we can convince industry and government to implement what is already proven and the proposed LNG facilities were built to
READER’S WRITE those standards, we actually could have the cleanest LNG plants in existence. Or at least as clean as other countries have insisted on. While the LNG plants themselves can be built to the highest standards, they will still be a significant source of greenhouse gasses. And questions regarding the production of the natural gas to be liquefied, issues like fracking are contentious and difficult. Promises from politicians during elections are fragile and easily broken. Christy Clark’s government is not keeping her promise, or even trying. They are pretty much allowing foreign energy giants to dictate what environmental standards will be used. Just as the oil companies wrote recent federal environmental legislation affecting the tar sands, B.C. is following the same pattern with LNG industry. The excuse? That building the cleanest LNG industry is not “affordable”. But the Clean Energy report offers the following perspective on that: building the LNG facilities right would cost an additional 1.5 per cent. That additional cost is not enough to make BC LNG uncompetitive. And like all things
“green” nowadays, consumers, including massive industrial consumers, are paying more for green products, including green energy. The potential exists to actually make more money by simply doing it right. So the question that really needs answering is, “Why wouldn’t you build the LNG production capacity right? One obvious answer to that is simply the world’s current economic model requires companies to make as much profit as possible in the shortest time frames, regardless of the consequences to local communities. It’s the same model that is driving Rio Tinto Alcan to try to persuade us to accept a massive increase in deadly sulphur dioxide pollution in our local airshed, and it’s the model that drives Enbridge and the Alberta oil industry to actually tell us that they could clean up an oil spill on our coast, when everyone knows that’s a ridiculous claim. Clean Energy Canada does not take a position for or against LNG development; they simply lay out the options for B.C. What they do propose is not some radical environmental agenda – it is exactly what Christy Clark promised us, the cleanest LNG in
the world. And that closely mirrors what Coastal First Nations proposed some time ago – building permanent renewable energy sources in our region that will be a legacy for centuries, instead of doing what’s convenient for foreign gas companies. Building an energy infrastructure that could make this region a center for responsible development, not the poster child for broken promises, and road kill for Enbridge and Alberta oil companies. Maybe it’s time we should insist that
proud of. We don’t have to settle for less than the best. We don’t have to accept broken promises.
a promise is a promise. Maybe being able to tell your grandkids that we stood for what’s right, and made leaders keep their promise, will be something to be Need help with government services for children, youth or young adults?
Tell Christy Clark to keep her promise. Sincerely, Gerald Amos, Kitamaat Des Nobels, Prince Rupert
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Weekly Crossword Solution in the Classifieds Clues Across
1. Warning devices 7. Ancient Hebrew dry measure 11. 22nd state 12. A scheme or program 13. Belonging to inventor Whitney 14. Finished cloth border 15. Seize (obsolete) 16. Something on fire 18. Great peninsula of SW Asia 20. Suspenders (Br.) 21. Having a cheerless disposition 23. Toto’s terrier breed 24. Whale ship captain 25. A single undivided entity 26. Short term memory 27. Charlotte’s author White 29. 7th Greek letter 30. Muslim people of NW China
Clues Down
1. Give nourishment 2. Emits coherent radiation 3. Blood type 4. Goes with Sis Boom Bah 5. Woman (French) 6. Key fruit 7. Plural of 7 across 8. Cadet 9. Ethnic group of China and Vietnam 10. Portico boundary pilaster 11. Briskness 13. __ May, actress 16. Easy as 1, 2, 3 17. Wife (German) 19. “Taxi” actor
31. Long tailed rodent 4.3” x 2.6” 33. Yukon Territory 34. Curved shape 35. A gait faster Created than a walk for: Representative for Children and Youth 37. Not working 39. Ancient priest 41. Notated a musical work Reber Creative 43. Took a quick look 250.383.5255 44. Aged coloration 46. Enrolls 47. Extended narrative poem 48. Angry 51. Write bad checks 52. A. Webber’s lyricist Tim 53. Any longer 55. A wild Asian goat 56. 3 dimensional sound system
21. Fully developed 22. About ohms 26. Fissile sedimentary rock 28. Hair clasp 32. Men’s hairpiece 36. Stadium level 38. Serious plays 40. Tooth doctor (abbr.) 41. A line of verse 42. Chickpea plant species 43. A superior grade of black tea 44. High spirited, vivacious 45. W. Samoan capital 49. Social insect 50. Coloring substance 54. Mister
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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Chamber of Commerce Week February 17 to 21, 2014
A Message from Derek Stinson
Chair of the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce
being renovated, land is being developed and the next generation of Kitimat is taking shape. The Kitimat Chamber of Commerce is proud to be the voice of business in Kitimat through its many facets. Supporting and advocating for the business community is one of our paramount underpinnings. From networking opportunities for our business leaders to holding community events in tandem with many of our community partners, we are in our town connecting Kitimat.
The world is watching. It is an exciting time to be in Kitimat and the same can be said for the work of the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce. After years of economic struggle our economy is starting to see new job creation and economic stability, brought about through diversification and new industry growth. For years our business community and the broader community as a whole have been waiting to see a rejuvenation and energy restored back into Kitimat, and the time is now. Throughout our community, storefronts are
Together we must work to seek out these
opportunities and face the challenges that come with them. From advertising opportunities to help you promote your business to resources to help you recruit and retain your workforce, your Kitimat Chamber of Commerce is here for you. Our members are where we get our strength; your continued support to your Chamber will help on our path of growth and see Kitimat press on to thrive for years to come. Derick Stinson Chair, Kitimat Chamber of Commerce
A Message from Trish Parsons
Executive Director of the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce
Strengthening Business and Building Community – Your Kitimat Chamber of Commerce! The Kitimat Chamber of Commerce is the voice of business in Kitimat, we engage the business community in building a better, healthier and more prosperous community. We advocate for businesses large and small, helping our members companies
to grow. A strong local business community is a key driver of our local economic prosperity and a strong business community creates jobs and opportunities for residents and supports community growth. Working with municipal government, community leaders, economic development and business
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Kitimat Humane Society Shelter Kitimat Humane Society, 1000 Eurocan Way Kitimat Ph. 250-632-7373
Wishing Kitimat a pleasant Chamber of Commerce Week
Ad sponsored by Kitimat Northern Sentinel newspaper
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Proud to be a member of the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce
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organizations we are working to address local challenges including housing, workforce retention and skills training. We provide members with strategic benefits, helping them build their network, profile and opportunities and we engage the community partnering with our members to host successful community events. If you have any suggestions or ideas on how the Chamber can better serve the community, or if you would like to get more involved, please contact us. The strength of the Chamber is driven by the engagement of its members. Trish Parsons Executive Director, Kitimat Chamber of Commerce
Proud members of the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce.
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 2014 7
Kitimat ~ Proud members... February 17 to 21, 2014
The Chamber of Commerce is not something that operates With Rio Tinto Alcan modernizing their smelter and early in a vacuum. works happening for the Kitimat LNG proposal and the LNG Canada proposal, the community has been faced Rather than being a close-knit group of business-minded with a real housing challenge. individuals, operating out of some mysterious physical ‘chamber’, it’s actually an organization that seeks to Bringing in workers and still having a place for them to promote prosperity in the community. live is among their big priorities in 2014. When we last featured Chamber of Commerce Week in “We are working with other community partners on 2013, we asked the executive director Trish Parsons what it different ways those challenges could be addressed,” said is the local Chamber does. Parsons. She said then that these days a Chamber Accommodation, she said, is an issue facing is an educational tool for their members, both the large companies and the smaller ones. connecting people with programs. Not only that, but other family services like We’re not just On a basic level beyond education, the child care is something that is important to a lot reviving business Chamber is a hub for business, a way for of incoming workers. and industry and businesses and people to connect to other The local Chamber of Commerce last year businesses or groups. the workforce but helped bring in the Immigrant Employment The Kitimat Chamber fosters a strong Council of BC to Kitimat, in a workshop the community business community partly through designed to help establish how the town can dynamics itself regular lunch and dinner meetings, make itself an attractive destination for workers bringing in guest speakers on common seeking employment in the north. subjects. Helping sort out how to get workers into town and The Chamber in Kitimat regularly hosts guest speakers, giving them the right lifestyle, including housing, is what from government ministers to industrial proponents. challenges the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce has to look forward to. “That’s one of the main ways we’re able to connect our businesses together, through lunch meetings or dinner And in doing so, Parsons suggest Kitimat might get back meetings,” said Parsons. to it’s active, diverse culture just like in the 50s when so many different cultural backgrounds came together for In just one year the community dynamic has changed the original Alcan build. rapidly and the Chamber spends a lot of time now trying to get a handle on the challenges that is coming with a number “We’re not just reviving business and industry and the of industrial developments. workforce but the community dynamics itself,” she said.
Kitimat Chamber of Commerce Board Members Derick Stinson ........Chair Wendy Kraft ... Vice Chair Tony Brady .....Past Chair Bill Hickman .......Director
Debbie Oviatt .....Director Thom Meier ........Director Jas Pannu ...........Director Tracey Hittel .......Director Mark Gravel ........Director Andrew Song......Director Ron Burnett ........Director
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8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Pollster responds to company tankers will, at a minimum, cross the waters known formally as The Inside Passage,” she wrote in her response. Moreover, they will travel waters colloquially known as the inner or inside passage, the region between the major islands (of Haida Gwaii and Vancouver Island) and the mainland.” Justason also notes that even though the company has committed not to use the Inside Passage, “these statements are not legally binding or enforceable.” She then goes on to emphasize that support
The Return of Winterfest
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Call 250-627-1313 or email affno@citywest.ca for more information
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Join the cause and buy a pink shirt at London Drugs or at
FEBRUARY 26, 2014
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at the Luso Club Hall. Doors open at 8 pm Entrance by Donation
“Enbridge themselves mislead the viewer by sharing half of the argument and none of the question. In the process they seek to discredit my firm’s work and damage our reputation,” she wrote. She closes with, “The genie is out of the bottle. Public concern about tankers along B.C.’s coast is not going away. Polling firms haven’t caused this concern. Quite frankly, the activists haven’t either. Enbridge would serve itself and its constituents far better by acknowledging and addressing public concern.”
continues to drop for the project when marine traffic is included in the project description for respondents to the poll. “Less than half of B.C. residents support the proposal when we’re discussing just the pipeline. When reminded that tankers are a critical element in their proposal, support drops about 20 points,” she wrote. As for the other comments in the video, she said the company ‘cherry picked’ pieces of the questions and voice their objections only to a portion of what was actually said.
8” deep
An opinion poll by Justason Market Intelligence which continued to show majority opposition to the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines project has Enbridge itself snapping back with what it calls misleading statements. A video posted by Northern Gateway on Youtube takes the pollster to task over comments such as “Up until now, crude oil supertankers have not entered B.C.’s Inside Passage...the federal government is now considering allowing crude oil supertankers in these waters.” Gateway took aim at that statement, saying President John Carruthers had promised environmental groups during the Joint Review Panel process that the company had committed to not using the Inside Passage. That being Laredo Sound or Grenville Channel. The company also took aim with a portion of the wording of one question which suggests some people believe the government can make decisions without public input. From there the video goes to length about the public review process, which included 211 intervenors — including, they point out, their “loudest opponents” — and as well answered thousands of inquiries during that time. Barb Justason, prinicipal for Justason Market Intelligence, saw the video and posted her own rebuttal on her company’s website. “Fair enough. ‘Inside passage’ was not the correct term to describe their entire crude oil tanker route. But oil
Thursday, Feb. 20 from 7 to 9 pm
at Rosario’s Restaurant
Tickets on sale Feb. 1
Our Community Information Centre is temporarily closed for renovations. We expect to reopen in March and hope to see you soon!
at Kitimat Public Library and Pyramid Office Supplies. Price of tickets after Feb. 14 will be $15 Adult • $10 Child (12 & under) $5 Children aged 3-5
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COMING EVENTS February 19 Kitimat Community Services Society’s annual general meeting will be at 7 p.m. at the WorkBC Employment Centre, 562 Mountainview Square. 40 years of providing services in the community. Call 250-632-9107 or e-mail kcss@telus.net for more information. February 19 The Douglas Channel Watch is hosting their Annual General Meeting from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Riverlodge activity room. There will be a showing of the film “Revolution” by Rob Stewart, an award winning biologist, photographer, conservationist, and film maker. Everyone welcome, no membership required. Refreshments will be served. February 20 ART CLUB of Kitimat meets at 7 p.m. in Room 403 at MESS. “Yolking Around”: Egg Tempura Painting; bring an egg, an empty egg carton for mixing, paper towels and your watercolour supplies. February 22 The monthly meeting of the BC Seniors Games (Zone 10) will be held on at 1:00 p.m. at the Happy Gang Centre in Terrace. All members and would be members are urged to attend as this is the first meeting of the year and a lot of information will be available, as well as membership forms. February 24 The Kitimat Fibre Arts Guild will be meeting at 29 Meldrum St. at 7:30 p.m. Anyone interested in spinning, weaving, knitting or other fibre arts is welcome. Please phone Maureen at 250-632-5444 for more information. February 26 Douglas Channel Watch is holding a community forum on everything you wanted to know about the Enbridge plebiscite in Kitimat. From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Riverlodge activity room. Everyone welcome, no charge. Refreshments will be served.
Ongoing PICKLE BALL. Every Tuesday and Thursday, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Riverlodge. For those aged 50+.
Police beat
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 2014 9
Continued from page 2 February 9 A local youth got into trouble when he again tried to enter a local bar. The same youth was found in the same bar a few weeks prior. This time he attempted to get in with a fake ID but was recognized by a bar employee from the earlier incident. The employee did take the per-
son’s bank card and fake driver’s licence and handed it to police. Officers went to the person’s home and spoke with him and his parents, and lectured him for about 30 minutes about his behaviour. The youth did offer up his second fake ID which his mother cut up in front of him. The youth was given a violation ticket for presenting a false identification.
An intoxicated woman entered the wrong home after a night of partying in a nearby residence. The homeowner chased the person out where the individual tried to get into the homeowner’s vehicle, claiming it was hers too. Police attended and took the person to the cells for the night, and was given a violation ticket for public intoxication.
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10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 2014
“As a proud
British Columbian, protecting our coast is one of our greatest priorities.”
This endorsement came with 209 conditions that we must meet before we start operations. These conditions reflect the input of thousands of British Columbians and Canadians, and include many of the commitments we made in our submission. We are working towards meeting these conditions in the same way we’ve been working hard to meet the tough conditions put forward by the Province. Many of these conditions centre around the preservation and protection of the diverse marine life that populate the coast of B.C. In the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing the details behind a number of these conditions with you – like detailed emergency response and mammal protection plans. We’ve consulted with experts from around the world to make sure that we’re doing everything possible to protect B.C.’s coastline. We’re doing all this hard work because we are committed to building a safer, better pipeline. Sincerely,
Janet Holder Leader of Northern Gateway
Learn more at gatewayfacts.ca
Working in partnership with B.C. and Alberta First Nations and Métis Communities, and leading energy companies in Canada
I’m Janet Holder, leader of Northern Gateway. This past December, my team came one step closer towards our goal of building a better pipeline. After the most comprehensive, scientific review in Canadian pipeline history, the independent Joint Review Panel concluded that Canadians would be better off with Northern Gateway, than without it.
“All I had was the whi
stle in my pocket”
Nechako Centre still up for grabs The insides have been cleared out
Material is taken out of the Nechako Centre’s empty units and loaded on trailers bound for the landfill.
Contest for minor hockey Black Press Your whole team could win tickets to this year’s Tim Hortons NHL Heritage Classic. To apply, just submit an entry to Black Press Contests. Tell us how hockey, your team, or your favourite player has inspired you, and your team could win 25 tickets to watch the Vancouver Canucks play the Ottawa Senators at BC Place. Anyone can enter on behalf of their team, or their favourite B.C. minor hockey team. 10 minor hockey teams from British Columbia will each receive 25 tickets to attend the Heritage Classic, held on March 2 in Vancouver’s BC Place stadium. This year’s Tim Hortons Heritage Classic will hold up to 55,000
Olympics Continued from page 4 Most are island nations, and are from five continents and Oceania: Dominica (North America), East Timor (Asia), Malta (Europe), Paraguay (South America), Togo and Zimbabwe (Africa) and Tonga (Oceania). I found this fascinating as I panned the list for medal successes. Not surprisingly there were none. I was more interested in why these countries were participating and who they found to represent them at these games. For example, the tiny Caribbean island of Dominica has two athletes in Sochi. They are an Ameri-
fans, eager to watch a vintage, clearly Canadian showdown between the Canucks and Senators. “Playing in front of 50,000 fans, the atmosphere will be amazing,” Canucks defenceman Kevin Bieksa said in December, when the Tim Hortons NHL Heritage Classic’s arena was unveiled. “Most of us grew up learning how to skate outdoors. We’ve been watching these games for a few years now and chomping at the bit hoping we could get into one.” Kevin Bieksa got his wish. Will you, too? Submit your entry before Friday, February 21, 2014. Go to our contest page online by clicking Contests at the top of www. northernsentinel.com.
can couple who live on Staten Island, New York. Gary di Silvestri is a 47-year-old U.S. national with dual citizenship who will compete in cross-country skiing. His Italian-born wife, Angelica Morrone di Silvestri, will also compete in crosscountry skiing. The couple was offered and awarded Dominican nationality after assisting with children’s hospital projects in the country. The new nation of East Timor also named an alpine skier, Yohan Goutt Goncalves, a 19-year-old, whose father is French and mother is Timorese. Goncalves grew up in France and began racing on weekends when
he was 12. Malta’s lone entry is alpine skier Elise Pellegrin, who competed for France until October 2012. She represented the Mediterranean island nation at the 2013 world championships. She expects to teach French and skiing in Malta after Sochi. More surprising, the South Pacific island of Tonga will compete in luge, via Fuahea Semi, a former rugby player who officially changed his name in 2009 to Bruno Banani, and says he wants “to leave an imprint in this world with luge.” I’m watching for him, he’ll likely be a big guy.
Cameron Orr Nechako Centre is still up for grabs from interested buyers, as its owner clears space inside to make the place more attractive. Recently large trailers were seen outside, loading up the insides of the former grocery store and restaurant, tossing out a number of scraps and appliances. Owner Lloyd Wittowski said he’s clearing the space inside to give potential buyers a better idea of the structure of the building. He’s already had one offer on the building, but it came in far lower than he wanted. Three other potential buyers have shown keen interest, one a Kitimat-based buyer and two others from out of the region. But no firm offer has come in from those people just yet. The Nechako Centre has been a project of the Kitimat Unsightly Premises Committee, started by Mayor Joanne Monaghan, and who credits the committee for encouraging action on the property. Wittowski said that in conversations with the District of Kitimat it came down to either fixing the property up, selling it, or tearing it down. Wittowski meanwhile has had structural engineers come through the building and it’s mostly in good shape structurally, save for some possible upgrades needed to meet existing snow-load requirements for the roof.
News that applies toFebruary your life. Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, 19, 2014 11 K
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Skeena District
The Skeena District of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is creating its list of registered Equipment for Hire in the Skeena Service Area for the fiscal year 2014/2015, which begins April 1, 2014. All individuals or companies registered this past year through the District Office in Terrace will have received invitations by mail to re-register their equipment for the coming fiscal year. If you have new equipment to be added to your profile, you can register online or contact the District Office at the address listed below. Any individuals or companies who were not registered in 2013, but wish to have their equipment listed, are hereby invited to contact the District Office, either in person or by phone, to obtain the appropriate registration forms. Note that while you do not need to have Commercial (Comprehensive) General Liability Insurance, or up-to-date WorkSafeBC coverage to register, you will have to meet these requirements prior to working on any ministry projects. All owners of dump trucks or belly dump trucks must provide a current weigh scale slip to the District Office which will be used to calculate hourly rates. Only owned or lease-to-own equipment is eligible for registration. Equipment can only be registered in one area in any given year. Seniority is not transferable from area to area. The deadline for new registrations is 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 20, 2014. Late registrations will be accepted, but may appear at the bottom of the open list. Note that there is no charge for registering new equipment or for changing or removing equipment information already listed.
Register through the Skeena District Office at: 4825 Keith Avenue, Terrace, B.C. You can also phone 250 615-3970 or send a fax to 250 615-3963 to have the forms mailed, e-mailed or faxed to you, or register on-line at www.bcbid.ca.
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12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 2014
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Cards of Thanks
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Help Wanted
SERVERS, COOKS PREP-COOKS Rosario’s Restaurant
Professional/ Management
IRENE G. Peters would like to thank all of her clients and counsel with whom she has associated with over the years for their patience and consideration during the illness and death of her husband, Darrell O’Byrne. Please be advised that the office of Irene Peters Law Corporation with be closed for a six month sabbatical from April 1, 2014 to October 1, 2014. If there are any inquiries regarding client files during this time, please contact Shawn at admin.igpeters@shaw.ca or leave a message at 250-964-7844. She will attempt to respond within 7 business days of any inquiries. Regular Office hours until March 31, 2014 are Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00p.m.
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emporbld@telus.net. Phone 250-632-3157 Fax 250-632-5989
We thank all applicants; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. UP TO $400 cash daily. FT & PT outdoors, Spring/Summer work. Seeking honest, hardworking staff. Find us online: PropertyStarsJobs.com.
Career Opportunities START NOW! Complete Ministry approved Diplomas in months! Business, Health Care and more! Contact Academy of Learning College: 1-855-354-JOBS (5627) or www.academyoflearning.com. We Change Lives! TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager online! Graduates get access to all jobs posted with us. 33 years of success! Government certified. www.RMTI.ca or 1800-665-8339, 604-681-5456.
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Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.
Emporium Builders Supplies Ltd.
Coming Events
WANTED: OPERATIONS Forester required to lead team in Alberta. Permanent full-time opportunity for qualified experienced forester with supervisory experience. Email resume to: njb_ins@telus.net
Help Wanted
BRANCH MANAGER & Counter Parts Person required for automotive parts, HD parts and body shop supply business in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. Parts experience required. Email: radirect@telus.net.
Janitor position opening for a retired couple or qualifying person to clean. 7.5 hours per week. Please leave a message at: 250-798-2129
Experienced Automotive Technician required for busy well equipped shop in Kitimat. $30/hr, medical/dental benefits. Also looking for apprentices. Great client base. Apply by email: dollarautomotive@live.ca or phone: 250-632-2262 WD Fashion at City Centre Mall in Kitimat is seeking a part-time experienced Salesclerk. Computer knowledge an asset. Please apply in person with resume.
Full and Part time for Coastal Taxi Send resume & driver’s abstract to PO Box 56 Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 No phone calls North Enderby Timber is looking to hire for various positions including Millwright and/or Fabricator, Heavy Duty Mechanic and Electrician. We offer competitive wages along with a comprehensive benefit package. Please fax resume to 250-838-9637.
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
SUTCO requires a dispatcher for flat deck division, position is based in Salmon Arm BC. Working knowledge of highway logistics is a must. Experience with Qualcomm and Tailwinds Programs would be definite asset. Sutco is an equal opportunity employer and offers employees great pay, extended health benefits, and a pension plan. Submit resumes on line www.sutco.ca / fax to 250 357 2009 or email brandon@sutco.ca
Full-time and Part-time, days/evenings. No experience necessary. Food safe and serving it right considered an asset. E-mail resume to:
rosarioskitimat@gmail.com Or Drop off resume at Rosario’s Restaurant 607 Legion Ave, Kitimat
Trades, Technical ELECTRICAL COMPANY requires Journeymen & Apprentices for a new hospital project in Burns Lake. Email resume to: birk@keldonelectric.com
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking Find us on Facebook
Trimac Transportation is North America’s premier provider of services in highway transportation of bulk commodities. Our Kitimat,Terrace and Prince George locations require...
Company Drivers Owner Operators
Excellent pay • shared benefits • safety equipment • safety bonuss dry bulk pneumatic hauling • shift work involved • B-train and mountain experience required Please send your resume to: Mark Davy, Fax: 888-746-2297 E-mail: canrecruiting@trimac.com Phone: 866-487-4622
Signing Bonus
North America’s Premier Provider www.trimac.com
Put your baby’s picture in the Northern Sentinel’s
u l f i B t u abies a e B of Kitimat feature!
Get your baby photo in now!
NE I L D A DE N! O O S G N I M O C This is always a very popular feature and your child/grandchild/niece/nephew or any beautiful baby you know can be included. Sub The Beautiful Babies will be published in the Kitimat Northern Sentinel March 5!
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Deadline for submission is
WIN A GI donated
Wed., Feb. 26!
Call today - 250-632-6144
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Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Submit this form along with a photo of the beautiful baby to: Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat or email your photo to: classifieds@northernsentinel.com • Ph. 250 632-6144 fax 250 639-9373.
approx. size of ad 2"x2" includes photo and text
14 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 2014 A14 www.northernsentinel.com
Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Northern Sentinel
Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
MECHANIC Required F/T for Vancouver
Civil Engineering Technologist II (re-Advertisement) District of Kitimat, full time permanent, wage range $37.94 - $45.90, over two years. Civil Technologist diploma required. Duties include infrastructure investigations, surveying, design, contract preparation, inspection and material testing on projects related to the municipality’s water, sewer, drainage and transportation systems. Candidates should be proficient in using electronic survey equipment, computer assisted design using AutoCad 3D. and MS Office. Valid BC driver’s license required. Submit resumes by February 27, 2014, 4:40 pm, to Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H7, Fax (250) 632-4995, or email dok@kitimat.ca. Further information can be obtained from our website at www.kitimat.ca
ELECTRICIAN Houston, BC DH Manufacturing is looking for a F/T Electrician. Candidate needs to be min. 3rd yr, reliable, team player, mechanically inclined, able to work independently on projects, and willing to travel for some jobs. Wage will be negotiable on experience. Email to: dhmnfg@gmail.com
The link to your community
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
TL&T Electric Ltd.
Outboard. Primary duties will include maintenance troubleshooting and repair of diesel & gas marine engines. Knowledgeable in vessel electrical systems is an asset. Must have own tools and a valid drivers license. Exc. Compensation Based On Experience. Please forward resume: vancouveroutboard@ telus.net
Merchandise for Sale
Financial Services
Misc. for Sale
Apt/Condo for Rent
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com
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Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Health Products
Telephone Services
Fluency in French and some Payroll experience would be an asset but not mandatory. Renumeration for this position will be based on experience and performance. Should you wish to apply for this position in confidence, please do so via email to: TL&T Electric Ltd. 724 Enterprise Avenue Kitimat BC V8C 2E6 Email: llazar@tltelectric.com W th k ll
t i
b t
l th
ZanRon Fabrication & Machine Co. Ltd. is seeking an experienced and motivated Project Manager to join our Company. The ideal candidate will: • Have an Engineering Degree in Mechanical or Structural • Assist in preparation of tenders • Organize both workers, assets and subcontractors to ensure projects are complying with customer needs and expectations • Monitor quality of manufactured and installed items and equipment • Order, schedule and track project materials and equipment • Direct construction activities • Interact with customers, consultants, suppliers, sub contractors, work crews and others to ensure project safety and success • Design special purpose equipment and develop methods to achieve customer satisfaction. The candidate in this position would ideally possess the following skills and accomplishments: • CAD skills • Ability to administer a variety of projects at any given time • Professional designation • Excellent communication skills We offer a competitive salary and health and benefit coverage. Written applications should be: emailed to: zanron@zanron.com or, mailed to ZanRon Fabrication & Machine Co. Ltd. 256 Third St. Kitimat, BC V8C 2B8 Attention: General Manager.
DISCONNECTED PHONE? National Teleconnect home phone service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call National Teleconnect today! 1866-443-4408. or online: www.nationalteleconnect.com
Financial Services
Largest, Brightest Suites Shiny Hardwood Floors Unfurnished & Furnished Daily - Weekly - Monthly
(250)632-2822 Kitimat
• • • •
Misc. Wanted
Starting at $725 Balconies Security Entrances Cameras for your safety Now includes basic cable Visit our Website www.kitimatapartments.com Phone: 250.632.APTS (2787)
For Sale By Owner
TL&T Electric, located in Kitimat, British Columbia for over 40 years, is seeking an individual to join their team in the position of:
Strong communication and interpersonal skills are a must. Duties will include reception, payables, data entry, filing and other office duties as required or assigned.
Townhouses TOWNHOMES in KITIMAT 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath, carport Start $700. Sorry no Pets. Call Greg 639-0110
26 ft. Volvo diesel motor. Gas furnace, GPS navigation, sonar fish finder. Safety boat (no motor). $7,500. Please contact David: 250-639-3997
Real Estate
Communication Services
The work environment is high tempo and diverse in nature and requires an individual who is a self starter and enjoys working in a team environment. TL&T Electric Ltd. is seeking a person with a strong Accounts Payable/Time Entry/Data Entry background and is proficient in computer programs such as Word and Excel.
STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at: www.crownsteelbuildings.ca
Bachelor 1 and 2 bedroom
Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Estates, Gold & Silver Coins + 778-281-0030
RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. www.allcalm.com Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660.
SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw mills.com/400OT 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.
Merchandise for Sale
DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. www.mydebtsolution.com or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+
1998 Yamaha Snowblower 624. Excellent condition. Moving must sell. $1000 250632-3055
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Misc. for Sale
KITIMAT, KITIMAT, AMAZING 2 Bedroom Extra Wide Mobile Home For Sale $70.000 On a lot with Great Views. Completely Newly Renovated Inside & Out. Fully Furnished. Queen bed, Large Dresser, Electric Fireplace, TV, Sheets & Pillows. Single bed, two mid size dressers, Computer Desk, Sheets & Pillows. Bathroom fully tiled with 4 head body shower & reg over head shower, Wonderful glass sink, New Washer & Dryer, towels. Kitchen Table, 6 Nice Wooden Chairs, New split Fridge (water dispenser in door & ice maker in freezer) New Gas Stove, dishwasher, pots & cookware, complete set of dishes/cutlery & glassware. 2 Recliner Leather sofas, square table, lamps, Main Heat Gas stove. Amazing sun room with 4 person Jacuzzi via Back Private Deck. Front Deck with over hang keeps Snow and Rain away from the Main entranceway. Shed/storage 12x12 Sturdy Plastic. Close to town and mins from Alcan. Turnkey Ready. 250-632-6164
Legal Notices
Free heat & Free Hot Water Furnished & Unfurnished 1 & 2 bedrooms Security Entrances No Pets. No Smoking
• • •
QUATSINO APTS KITIMAT Downtown location Balconies Security Entrances Some furnished suites Call for an appointment 250.632.4511
Homes for Rent KITIMAT House for Sale 63 Chilko St. - 3 bdr, 1 bath in excellent neighbourhood. This house has a big fenced backyard, including two sheds and flower beds. Comes with F/S and W/D. Call (250)279-8888
Legal Notices
Why rent when you can buy?
Live aboard a Whitcraft Cabin Cruiser Houseboat. Spacious, renovated 42’ Fiberglas ,13’ Beam Kitchen, Living Room, Dining Room, Bedroom, Bathroom, Satellite TV Dickenson Stainless Steel Heating & Cooking Range Electric fridge / freezer, convection oven, double element hot plate 2 Ford Lehman - 254 cu.in. Diesel Engines, V Drives Swim Grid, 2 Electric Downriggers, Dry Exhausts, Crane. Surveyed at $76,000. Will sell for $48,000. Leo 778-884-1948 Email: westdm@yahoo.com
Marine Services 55’ TUG “Imperial Immerk” Twin 6-71 engines twin disk 509 gears Diesel Honda 5 KW Fixed nozzles 95,000 $10,000 per month rental 604-8575911 Torfin.samuelsen@gmail.com
Legal Notices
Pacific Northern Gas is an integrated transmission and distribution company serving approximately 40,000 customers in Northern and Northeastern BC. PNG has offices in 9 communities throughout the North with corporate headquarters located in Vancouver. Please visit our website at www.png.ca to learn more about PNG. Reporting to the Smithers Area Manager, the successful applicant will perform all aspects of installation, repair and maintenance of commercial and residential natural gas equipment on and off customer premises, read meters, promote the sale of natural gas, and respond to emergencies on the company’s distribution system as required. Qualifications: Grade 12 education. Valid Class GBEE BC Gas Fitters Licence. Competence in technical aspects related to public safety, customer relations, and welfare of the Company’s property. Experience in appliance repair and trouble shooting. Must be familiar with basic computer software programs and email. Must have good written and verbal communication skills. Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. offers a competitive salary and benefits package. Please e-mail all applications to Tony Harmel, Manager of Customer Service at tharmel@png.ca Please note that only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Kitimat-Stikine Sign Regulation Bylaw No. 631, 2014 Thornhill Sign Regulation Bylaw No. 632, 2014 The Regional District proposes to adopt the following sign regulation bylaws at its February 21, 2014, Board meeting. Kitimat-Stikine Sign Regulation Bylaw No. 631, 2014 Thornhill Sign Regulation Bylaw No. 632, 2014 These bylaws are intended to manage the placement of signs including large billboard type signs along the regions highway corridors and will authorize the Regional District to regulate the size, height, location and number of signs permitted on property and will establish a sign permitting system. These bylaws will replace sign regulations currently within existing zoning bylaws. Bylaw No. 631 will apply to all lands along Highway 16, portions of Highway 37 and 113 and within the following zoning bylaw areas: Greater Terrace Zoning Bylaw No. 37, 1976 Lakelse Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 57, 1979 Skeena Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 73, 1977 Bylaw No. 632 will apply to all lands within Thornhill, Electoral Area E Anyone wishing to inspect these bylaws or make inquiries can view or obtain a copy of the sign regulation bylaws at the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine office at #300-4545, Lazelle Ave, Terrace BC, V8G 4E1 or contact the office at 250-615-6100 or 1-800-663-3208 or email: info@rdks.bc.ca. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, except statutory holidays. A copy of the bylaws are also available for viewing on the Regional District’s website at www.rdks.bc.ca.
Place a classified word ad and...
Ph: 250-615-6100 1-800-663-3208
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 2014 15
Beauty aside, the one thing Kitimat has in abundance is safety.
VESSEL 129438
Kitimat Marine Terminal 1
suitable turning basin sheltered from open water water depths of up to several hundred metres
One of Canada’s safest natural waterways. The Douglas Channel is one of the widest and deepest inland waterways on Canada’s west coast. At its very narrowest, the channel is 1.4 kilometres wide - three times wider than Transport Canada’s recommended width for two-way tanker traffic - and water depths are up to several
Northern Gateway will ensure this project is designed and built to world-class safety standards. Our plan would add land-based radar to the North Coast for the first time, and install new lights, beacons and buoys
The lowest environmental risk. Kitimat provides low environmental risk for all aspects of Gateway operations. It offers a safer endpoint for the pipeline route, from a geotechnical perspective, and the marine shipping routes are wide, deep and safe.
A C LA S 3x wider at its narrowest point than Transport Canada’s recommended width for twoway tanker traffic
VESSEL 129438
carrying petrochemicals have docked
SAFELY IN KITIMAT over the past
Learn more at gatewayfacts.ca
I’d like to set the record straight on the choice of Kitimat, at the head of the Douglas Channel, as the site for Gateway’s marine terminal. The answer took tens of thousands of hours of research, planning, engineering, environmental science, oceanography consultation, weather monitoring and simulation. It all led to one conclusion... safety, all the way.
throughout the Douglas Channel and approach channels. These measures will heighten safety for all marine travel in the area.
Mother Nature chose Kitimat long before we did.
Thumbs-up from the experts. A review led by the experts at Transport Canada has already found our plan to use Kitimat is safe. More than 1,500 tankers carrying petrochemicals have docked safely at Kitimat over the past quarter-century. Over and above that, we travelled to a state-of-the-art marine simulator facility in Denmark to put our proposed operations to the test. There, we simulated the largest proposed vessels in environmental conditions specific to these marine channels. The result was a thumbs-up on the shipping route, which was endorsed by the independent, science-based Joint Review Panel process.
is a proud British Columbian and leader of the Northern Gateway Project. Janet lives and works in Prince George.
At Northern Gateway, we will ensure this project is designed and built to world-class safety standards.
Janet Holder
hundred metres. The marine terminal at Kitimat also provides safe approaches for tanker traffic - with a suitable turning basin in Kitimat Arm, and natural deepwater berths that are sheltered from open-water wave conditions.
Sports & Leisure
16 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Kitimatians heading off for BC Games In karate, Jeremy Baker, Sage Cameron Orr Benet, Taya Hill, Alyssa Pangan, Starting tomorrow the BC Win“I think they Striker and Ethan Velho are ter Games kicks off in Mission, and a will do really Nolan all set to compete. number of Kitimat athletes are makwell if they The curlers’ head coach Laurel ing the trek to compete against the DeGoeij said that their whole team is province’s best. keep their quite excited about the competition. A female curling team, a karate nerves in “I think they will do really well team and gymnastics competitors are if they keep their nerves in check,” all on their way. check.” she said. In all, 19 people are going, inThis is the third year that most of cluding coaches. Representing the curlers is Team Reese-Han- the team has curled together, while all have risen sen. On that team is Taylor Reese-Hansen, Mi- in positions. As for their biggest competition, she said the caela Stevenson (third), Leah Anthony (second), Emma Baker as lead, and fifth is Jordyn Zanella. girls frequently talk about the competition they’ll Nicholas Ferguson and Yeoh Melissa are go- see from the Hawes Rink. The Hawes Rink is based in Coquitlam. ing as competitors for the Kitimat gymnasts.
Above, some of the Kitimat Dynamics Gymnastics club pose for a photo. Below, Team Reese-Hansen curlers.
Gymnasts look ahead with new coach Submitted The Kitimat Dynamics Gymnastics club of 140 gymnasts is growing and adjusting to meet new heights. The competitive gymnast team recently competed in their first competition of the year in Terrace and many of the athletes brought
home gold and silver medals and accomplished their personal bests. The competition in January was also the trials for the BC Winter Games. The club’s new head coach Adik, who arrived in Kitimat with his family in August 2013, is not only making himself at
home in the community, but also within the gymnastics club. Adik brings 40 years of deep study and practice of gymnastics, martial arts and various sport disciplines. People can learn more about the club by contacting jsferg@ telus.net.
BuILdInG BC’S FuTuRe Pacific NorthWest LNG is seeking small and medium-sized local businesses from northern BC who want to participate in building its proposed natural gas liquefaction and export facility in Port Edward, near Prince Rupert, BC. If your company has infrastructure construction experience, we want to hear from you.
• • • • • •
SIGN UP & WIN! Register by March 1, for a chance to win an iPad. Visit relayforlife.ca
Kitimat Relay For Life May 31, 2014 10am – 10pm Mt. Elizabeth Senior Secondary School Kitimat, BC kitimatrelay@bc.cancer.ca
The project will provide a wide range of opportunities for contractors and suppliers, including:
Relay For Life needs you! Be part of the biggest cancer fundraiser and make the biggest impact in the fight against cancer. Celebrate survivors, remember and honour loved ones, and fight back against cancer. Join your community and make a difference.
Register. Volunteer. Donate. Find out more at relayforlife.ca
Bridge constructors Camp facilities Safety & first aid services Concrete batch plants Hauling & trucking services Site security services & traffic control
• Local marine transportation & logistics services • Dredging & piling contractors • Temporary storage & warehousing facilities • Maintenance, repair & operations suppliers
Future opportunities will be available to become a vendor as the procurement process continues. Businesses seeking potential procurement opportunities with Pacific NorthWest LNG are asked to submit an Expression of Interest and Qualifications to each of the three international engineering contractors that have been selected for the project’s FrontEnd Engineering and Design: Bechtel Ltd. KBR/JGC joint venture PLNGXPRO@bechtel.com FLONKBR-PNWSubcon@kbr.com FLONKBR-PNWPurch@kbr.com TSH Consortium TSH@technip.com If the project proceeds to construction, tenders will be issued in 2015 and beyond.
Canadian Energy. Global Reach.