Castlegar News, February 20, 2014

Page 1


Connor McCarthy


Thursday, February 20, • 2014


1761 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, B.C.

Vol.11 • Issue 8

Breaking news at

Saints show no Downtown service drop-off sign of letting up announced See Page A20 See Page A5

Show of support

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Pictured outside council chambers on Feb. 17... bike park delegation included, from left: Jared Lynn, Mark Jennings - CFPTS Director, Laurel Trench, Adam Pomeroy, Mark Bosse, David Hall - CFPTS Director, Morgon, and Dave Sutton. For info, email Mark.jennings7@

Jo-Ann Bursey Mountainview Realty Ltd.


Jim Sinclair

Bike park update for city council JIM SINCLAIR

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Carmen Harris

Your HometownRealtor

Castlegar News Editor

The regular city council meeting of February 17 was kicked off by a well-organized and dedicated delegation intent of advancing the creation of a mountain bike skills park in Castlegar. The property for the amenity, about three acres at Twin Rivers Park, has already been allocated by the city. Mark Jennings and others from the Castlegar Friends of Parks and Trails provided an update on the

group’s efforts toward the creation of the bike park, including information on a high profile designer, the internationally known Jay Hoots, whose services have been retained. In a powerpoint delivery lasting about 35 minutes, City Council was brought up to speed on the status of the project. Jennings showed photos of other Hoots-designed parks, one in Hinton Alberta situated on property that sprawls over close to 30 acres. He said Hoots (an accomplished competitive mountain biker as well as

a good old fashioned


designer) was chosen from among several other qualified bidders for a combination of reasons: 1. his reputation. 2, his lower bid, and 3, because he is also known for flexibility, allowing locals to have significant input into park design. Jennings told council about an energetic fundraising push being made by his group and described the urgency of the push. He said the group needs help in covering costs of the design phase of the project, and that a number of other potential sources of funding help were to be

approached following the Feb. 17 request of $2,500 from the City of Castlegar. Vocal support and encouragement was expressed by councillors Deb McIntosh and Sue He aton - She rstobitof f. McIntosh said after the meeting’s conclusion that some investigating was needed for the most sensible way to help. “I think part of the issue is going to be where that money comes from,” said the councillor. “So, $2,500 out of the grantin-aid budget is going to really make a dent.

We’ve got to figure out, if we’re going to support the $2,500… where can we pull from that’s not going to have a huge impact.” On the chances of the group’s wishes being accommodated (a written request was also asked for by Heaton-Sherstobitoff ), Coun. McIntosh said, “There’s support for it, definitely. I guess we’ll find out when push comes to shove and the vote comes to the table.” Following his p r e s e n t a t i o n

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Thursday, February 20, 2014 Castlegar News

Airport rampage leads to charges Castlegar RCMP have issued a press release in regard to a February 16 incident.

It was a stormy night February 17, 1964 in the town of Villa Franco de Campo on the Island of San Miguel, one of the Azore Islands off of the coast of Portugal

HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY LIBERTA MARIA From your friends in low places

At approximately 5:30 a.m on February 16th, Castlegar RCMP were called to the West Kootenay Airport in response to a suspicious male complaint. A witness stated that there was a male at that location carrying a pipe and a blanket and that he had attacked the witness’s vehicle with what appeared to be pliers. Before police arrived, another man drove into the parking lot and opened his passenger side window to speak to the male. The male

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apprehended and taken into police custody. Neither the officer nor the two witnesses suffered injuries in this incident. The 63 yearold man who was stabbed was transported to Kelowna hospital with serious facial injuries. Further investigation revealed that 10 vehicles parked at the airport parking lot had been broken into and/or damaged. The male, 28, is facing charges of: Aggravated Assault, 11 counts of Mischief (to vehicles), Resist Arrest, and Theft of Motor Vehicle. He appeared in Nelson court on Feb. 17th.

Status quo for rural recycling in RDCK GREG NESTEROFF

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lunged into the passenger side of the truck and stabbed the driver in the face with metal wire snips, causing serious injury. The victim exited his vehicle and the suspect male got into the driver’s seat. The original complainant saw that the male appeared to be trying to steal the victim’s truck, so he rammed the front of the truck with his own vehicle in an attempt to stop the suspect male from fleeing. The vehicle began rolling down the hill, and struck the police car as the officer arrived, causing front-end damage. The suspect male fled the truck, but was subsequently

The Regional District of Central Kootenay will continue to provide rural recycling for at least a year after an industry stewardship group told them it won’t be able to take over until 2015 at the earliest. Multi Material BC is expected to assume responsibility for recycling packaging and paper starting in May. It has reached agreements with 165 municipalities, regional districts, First Nations, non-profits, and private sector companies, covering over 1.25 million BC households — including Nelson, Kaslo, Nakusp, Castlegar, and rural areas around Castlegar, where curbside recycling will be provided. However, the RDCK initially balked at financial incentives to collect materials on Multi Material BC’s behalf, saying the offer lacked key information and wouldn’t cover their costs. In November they changed their mind, fearing the region’s 27 rural recycling depots could be reduced to as few as two. By agreeing to keep a hand in recycling, the regional district hoped


to maintain 10 to 15 depots which meet Multi-Material BC’s security requirements or could easily be converted. But while the board believed it met the deadline to sign up, Multi-Material BC now says it won’t be able to cover the RDCK this year, and appears only to have agreements with applicants who signed up by an earlier deadline. “While we made every effort to be able to include the RDCK when the program launches in May, we do not have any further capacity in the program this year and have placed them on a waiting list for future opportunities,” Multi-Material BC communications manager Sarah Stephen explained in an email. She didn’t elaborate on what was meant by “capacity.” Managing director Allen Langdon wasn’t available for an interview Monday. But a frustrated RDCK chair John Kettle said his understanding is that a number of producers aren’t participating, resulting in insufficient funding to support the program this year. (Small businesses were recently exempted, but it’s not clear if this is

the issue.) “They didn’t give a good explanation other than it looks like there’s not enough folks in the program from the producers side to make it work financially,” Kettle said. “To me that’s not satisfactory.” Kettle said the regional district will keep providing rural recycling, staving off any depot closures for now. “It’s not a tax increase, but it could have been a million dollar tax decrease if we had been able to sign up for the program. They would have taken over responsibility for recycling and we wouldn’t have had to tax for it.” Kettle said he doesn’t blame Multi Material BC so much as the producers themselves and called on environment minister Mary Polak to “use every weapon in her arsenal” to push them to support the program financially. “We’re not the only ones left hanging here,” he said. “I think this is really poorly administered.” Multi Material BC said it will be “evaluating opportunities to expand our collection network annually” and remains committed to talking with interested local governments about including them.

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Castlegar News Thursday, February 20, 2014 A3

News City to pursue boundary extension JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor

A recommendation contained in the agenda for Monday (Feb. 17) night’s City Council meeting suggested the City of Castlegar go about taking steps annexing property known as the gravel pit lands along the east bank of the Columbia River in Ootischenia, near the Kinnaird Bridge. It had been recommended at council’s Dec. 16, 2013 meeting that an alternative approval process be carried out as a condition of pursuing a right of first refusal for the

property, should it come up for sale. The property in question is owned by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, which reportedly has no current plans of dispensing with it. The alternative approval component for the boundary extension process, which meant, in basic terms, approval of electors was assumed unless 10 per cent (610 electors) had expressed written opposition by Feb. 3, 2014. As it turned out, no electors opposed the action. There has, however, been significant opposition among

Ootischenia residents over the possibility of the municipal expansion, although the lawfulness of the move had not been questioned. At Monday’s meeting council agreed to “proceed to the required next step of securing provincial government approval for the proposed Highway 3 Right of Way (Ootischenia Pit Lands area) municipal boundary extension.” Council supported the recommendation, agreeing to supply further related documentation to the provincial Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development.

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Reckless and threatening traveller subdued SUBMITTED

Castlegar RCMP reported on Feb. 19 that “A 37 year-old Lillooet man was in Police custody after an incident that occurred in downtown Castlegar in the early evening hours of February 18. It is believed that the male was travelling through Castlegar on his way to Lillooet. “RCMP had received several calls of someone in the neighbourhood driving a vehicle intentionally into cars that were parked in peoples’ driveways,” stated the press release from Sgt. Laurel Mathew. “The male driver then abandoned his car on a lawn and

was standing nearby. When a few people tried to approach him, he pulled a knife and waved them off. When Police arrived, the male still had the knife in his possession. He eventually dropped the knife very close to his feet. The male was sprayed with OC spray, and after a significant struggle, he was taken into custody. One officer suffered a shoulder injury while attempting to place the male in the police car. No other witnesses or Officers were injured. The male was taken to hospital to receive medical attention, however he suffered no injury. A small quantity of what is believed to be Meth was located

on the male, and a significant quantity of marijuana was also located and seized. “It was learned that the male Natural gas is good for laundry too. had driven his vehicle into a Enter to win a washer business, and a detached resiand natural gas dryer! dential garage. He also struck For contest details, visit a parked van and pushed it into the garage door of the residence where it was parked. He also struck a parked SUV FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (13-476.5 01/2014) at a neighbouring property, forcing it to hit the residence 13-476.5_NGHCE_PrintAds_4C_4.3125x7_P1.indd 4 1/10/2014 2:14:11 where it was parked. Extensive property damage was incurred. The motive behind this sudden rampage is believed to be drug related. Police are recommending a RDCK RDCK2014 2014Financial FinancialPlan Plan number of charges as a result RDCK 2014 Financial Plan of this incident. RDCK 2014 Financial Plan

Committee named to vet RDCK service

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Creston Creston and and Areas Areas A, A, B, B, CC

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1:30 1:30 p.m. p.m. (local (local time) time) 20, 201 Thursday, February 1:30 p.m. (local time)

Salmo Salmo and and Area Area GG




Creston Areas A, B, C Salmo and Area G MORTGAGES REPRESENTATION AGREEMENTS Creston Creston & and District & District Community Community Complex Complex Village Village of Salmo of Salmo - Council - Council Chambers Chambers th thCommunity Complex CONTRACTS HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVESCreston &312 District Village ofAve., Salmo - Council 312 – 19 – 19 Avenue Avenue N., N., Creston, Creston, BC BC 423 423 Davies, Davies, Ave., Salmo, Salmo, BC BC Cham PROPERTY (PURCHASE AND SALES) WILLS 312 – 19th Tuesday, Avenue N., Creston, BC 423 Davies, Ave., Salmo, BC Tuesday, March March 4, 2014 4, 2014 Wednesday, Wednesday, March March 5, 2014 5, 2014 SUBDIVISIONS BUSINESS (PURCHASE & SALES) Tuesday, March 4, 2014 Wednesday, March 5, 2014 10:00 10:00 a.m. a.m. (local (local time) time) 6:00 6:00 p.m. p.m. (local (local time) time) NOTARIZATIONS FAMILY TRANSFERS AND TRANSMISSIONS 10:00 a.m. (local time) 6:00 p.m. (local time) AFFIDAVITS POWER OF ATTORNEY & ESTATE PLANNING STATUTORY DECLARATIONS EASEMENTS MEDIATION CERTIFIED TRUE COPIES PROFESSIONAL EXECUTOR SERVICES Staff Staff andand elected elected officials officials willwill be be present present to to answer answer questions. questions. Member Staff and elected officials will be present to answer questions. 2009 Columbia Avenue , Castlegar, BC V1N 2W9 Tel. 250-365-2289 Fax. 250-365-2275 Stuart Stuart Horn, Horn, Chief Chief Financial Financial Officer Officer Stuart Horn, Chief Financial Officer + +

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9:00 9:00 a.m. a.m. (local (local time) time) Thursday, February 20, 2014 9:00 a.m. (local time)


Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff will chair a five-member committee appointed to look at whether the Regional District of Central Kootenay’s sustainability service should survive. Seven areas have now asked to withdraw from the contentious program, established four years ago to deal with a variety of environmental initiatives, from climate change

adaptation to agricultural plans. Directors who want out, argue they get little benefit from the service or that its scope has increased beyond what was originally intended. The latest to formally request withdrawal is Arrow Lakes director Paul Peterson, who joins Nakusp, Castlegar, Salmo, New Denver, and two rural areas around Creston. Nelson is the lone member of the regional district that never joined. In addition to Chernoff, who will have no


Nelson Star Reporter

Have your say!

Pursuant Pursuant to to section section 816(1) of of thethe Local Local Government Act, thethe public public is Act, invited is invited to to Pursuant to 816(1) section 816(1) ofGovernment the LocalAct, Government the voting rights, the committee attend attend a meeting a meeting to to review review and and discuss discuss the the Regional Regional District District of of Central Central Kootenay’s Kootenay’s is invited toofattend a meeting to review andthediscuss Pursuant topublic section 816(1) the Local Government Act, public the is invited will be made up of two direc2014 2014 draft draft Financial Financial Plan. Plan. Regional District of Central Kootenay’s 2014 draft Financial Plan. attend a meeting to review and discuss the Regional District of Central Koot tors from areas that want out 2014 draft Financial Plan. — New Denver’s Ann Bunka and Nakusp’s Karen Hamling Kaslo Kaslo and and Area Area DD New New Denver, Denver, Silverton Silverton — plus two who want to stay Village Village of Kaslo of Kaslo - Council - Council Chambers Chambers and and Area Area H (North) H (North)Silverton Kaslo and Area DBCBC New Denver, in — rural Castlegar’s Andy 312312 Fourth Fourth St., St., Kaslo, Kaslo, Village Village of New of New Denver Denver Council Council Chambers Chambers Kaslo - Council Chambers and Area H (North) Davidoff and rural Nelson’sVillage ofWednesday, Wednesday, February February 19, 19, 2014 2014 115 115 Slocan Slocan Ave., Ave., New New Denver, Denver, BC BC 312 Fourth St., Kaslo, BC Village of New Denver - Council C Ron Mickel. They have been 12:00 12:00 noon noon (local (local time) time) Wednesday, Wednesday, February February 19,19, 2014 2014 Wednesday, February 19, 2014 115 Slocan Ave., New Denver, instructed to meet up to four 6:30 6:30 p.m. p.m. (local (local time) time) 12:00 noon (local time) Wednesday, February 19, 20 times and submit a final report 6:30 p.m. (local time) in time for October’s board meeting. In the meantime, the Nakusp Nakusp and and Area Area KK Slocan Slocan and and Area Area H (South) H (South) service will collect no taxation Village Village of Nakusp of Nakusp – Council – Council Chambers Chambers Village Village of Slocan of Slocan – Council – Council Chambers Chambers Nakuspst and Area K Slocan and Area H (Sou st and ongoing projects will be 91 91 – 1– 1Street, Nakusp, Nakusp, BCBC 503503 Slocan Slocan Street, Slocan, Slocan, BCBC Cha Village of Nakusp – Street, Council Chambers Village ofStreet, Slocan – Council February February 20,20, 2014 2014 Thursday, Thursday, February 20, 20, 2014 2014 paid for out of reserves. 91 – Thursday, 1stThursday, Street, Nakusp, BC 503 February Slocan Street, Slocan, B



Have Haveyour yoursay! say! Have Your Say!

Staff and elected officials will be present to answer questions. Stuart Horn, Chief Financial Officer


Thursday, February 20, 2014 Castlegar News



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Castlegar News Thursday, February 20, 2014 A5




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Downtown credit union to trim service jim sinclair Castlegar News Editor

Kootenay Savings’ downtown Castlegar Branch, as of sometime in May will no longer offer personalized, over-the-counter banking to its membership. Although that portion of its service will be available only at the uptown Crossroads branch, ATM and night deposit capability will still be accessible at the location on the corner of 4th Street and 10th Avenue. Certain administrative functions will also continue to be performed downtown. The credit union’s vicepresident & marketing, Dario Cescon says it was the financial institution’s plan to keep the downtown branch operating, even following the opening of the new Crossroads branch in South Castlegar in 2011, but the numbers suggested otherwise. “We’ve been looking at it for a little while,” he told the Castlegar News on Feb. 14. “We’ve been monitoring our transaction levels between the two branches and we see the membership moving to the Crossroads

As the upcoming 2014 gardening season fast approaches, regional seeds are in reach of gardeners in the West Kootenays through the Castlegar Seed Library Project, a pilot program sprouting this spring at the




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Night deposit, ATM and certain administrative functions will continue at the Kootenay Savings downtown branch. Jim Sinclair

branch more and more. So we made the decision earlier this year that we would have to consolidate the two branches.” It had been membership demand, according to Cescon, that the South Castlegar branch had been created, and now the feeling is that overall service levels may be improved with the consolidation. What it apparently came down to was the shift in consumer trends - the drop-

off in demand for in-person banking service overall. “Members are using more effective ways to bank,” added Cescon, “they’ve got email, they’ve got online banking. Lots of members are using tablets and smartphones now.” The VP pointed to the variety offered at Crossroads…”a little bit more advisory services, investment and wealth management, help with mortgages, commercial services - we have a

really robust offering in that branch.” Cescon estimated the net reduction of positions resulting from the downtown changes at between two and three and that options for relocation at other branches would made available to affected staff. “Some positions may become part-time,” Cescon concluded, “but, as always, the opportunity is to go into other Kootenay Savings positions.”

Co-operative effort having a growth spurt submitted


Castlegar Library. Members of the community will soon be able to check out seeds just like one checks out a book, for free. The Castlegar Seed Library aims to develop seed breeders and a bank of regionally acclimated, local seed. Growers can take,

grow, save, and at the end of season, return seeds back to the library. The initiative is being run in partnership between the Castlegar & District Public Library, Columbia Basin Trust, Area I of the RDCK and The FOODTREE Permaculture.

Sign up as a grower or donate seeds! Info is available online at: and donations are beings received now until March 15, 2014 at the Castlegar & District Public Library (1005, 3rd. Street Castlegar).



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Thursday, February 20, 2014 Castlegar News


Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

Peddling the pedal plan

Hats off to the group pushing for a bike skills park as part of the amenities at Twin Rivers (Millennium) Park. A prepared and passionate outfit represented itself well at this week’s City Council meeting and its enthusiasm is contagious. It’s just easy to get behind an idea that promotes fitness for all age groups in an exciting and entertaining way. Hearing organizers talk about a summer start for the mountain bike skills park, triggers fond thoughts, especially in mid-February. It’s great that the property itself has already been allocated, and great too that council members appear supportive of helping to finance some of the design phase of the project. We’ll see how supportive in the coming weeks. Also on the plus side is the choice of designers made by the group going after the skills park. They went with the man who is likely the best known of the bidders. Jay Hoots – to bike park design is like Jack Nicklaus - to golf course design; he adds legitimacy and value just by being associated with the project. Topping off the list of positives that seem so obvious with the mountain bike skills park proposal, is the location itself. Imagine a young family heading down to the scenic riverfront expanse with a young boy set to tackle the beginners’ part of the bike park, dad heading for the Rotary-installed fitness equipment, with mom and baby tossing a blanket on the grass and enjoying the weather. We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Spots in Time - Gord Turner

Passage to China In China I was expecting a backward country with rickshaws and bicycles all over the place, and poor people begging or barely surviving. I must have got bogged down in my history books of 50 years ago or read too many Pearl Buck novels. Anyway, China turned out to be a major surprise—a modern, progressive country moving forward rapidly. From our arrival in Shanghai to the moment we flew out of Hong Kong, we were amazed at the places we stayed, the transportation available, and the modern quality of everything. Walking along the Bund overlooking the Huangpu River in Shanghai, we could have been in any major city in the world. Beautiful hotels and finely constructed buildings blended in with skyscrapers and the ornate pinkly-coloured Pearls Tower across the way. Here we were in the midst of a city of 23 million people, and we felt at ease and safe. People strolled by, took pictures, checked the monuments, and watched the river barges slide by. American and European cars vied with Japanese and Korean vehicles for space along the excellent inter-city highways. Buses and trains were everywhere. Cindy Amaral Production Manager

Sandy Leonard Production

Many Chinese cities have banned motorcycles and bicycles from their major thoroughfares. In Chongqing, for example, a city of 33 million souls in the middle of the country, we never saw a single (motor) bike or bicycle on the roads - this in a city that has the largest motorcycle factories in China. We were quite impressed with the city of Nanjing which we visited before our official tour. Here we visited the burial site of Sun Yat Sen (the first non-emperor leader from 1911), the mausoleum of one of the first emperors of the Ming Dynasty, and the education room of the Confucian Centre. We walked among the gardens on Purple Mountain and spent an afternoon in Rain Flower Park among the monuments to the heroes of Nanjing’s wars. Once we met our Canadian friends in Beijing and began the official tour, we did all the Beijing sights you hear about—the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Peking Opera, and Tiananmen Square. Then we were flown to Tsian where the highlight was the visit to the centre for the terracotta warriors. As we entered the huge hockey-rink of a building, we couldn’t believe our eyes. Here were terracotta figures,

Marvin Beatty Reporter

Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate

Chuck Bennett Publisher

some ten feet tall, and large work horses created 2000 years ago, and only recently unearthed. In one area alone, they unearthed up to 5,000 of these creations, all individual in design and look. Apparently, the young emperor of the time wanted a huge army on guard along the path to his tomb, and so the populace worked on these terracotta figures over many decades. I loved the three days on a cruise ship traveling through the Yangtze Gorges, but I thought the trip along the Li River near Guilin was the highlight of beauty. Here the pointed, strangely shaped limestone peaks have been created by erosion over the centuries. They are so magnificent that the Chinese nearly always use these mountain photos for their tourist pamphlets. Our small cruise boat floated among water buffalo bathing in the waters and smaller sampans sliding by us with their wares. Hong Kong was a bit of a bust after the wonder of the rest of China. We did admire the harbour laser light show one evening and had a good sampan ride in the old Aberdeen harbour. A quick trip to Portuguese Macau by jet boat took one of our Hong-Kong days, and too soon we were headed home. Jim Sinclair Editor

Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Karen Bennett Director of Sales

Castlegar News Thursday, February 20, 2014 A7


Lamenting CU change Another nail in the coffin of downtown Castlegar with the partial closure of the KSCU on Third Street. I have been a member of KSCU now for 25 years, and when I bought my house in 1996, I made sure that it was within walking distance of 90 per cent of the amenities I needed, which included Kootenay Savings, the Post Office, doctor, dentist, etc. It seems that since we spent $10,000,000 on revitalizing the Downtown, it has not done much good, has it? Incidentally, the rent of my small store was raised by $100 per month for ten years, totalling $12,000, which did not do me much good either. A rather disgruntled downtown resident who does understand that things change and we have no choice but to make the best of it, but would hope that enough people care enough to keep the status quo with regard to KSCU. -Janice A. Kelley, Castlegar THANKS: To the people

who helped me get across the street, and got my cane for me.

Yoga group going strong Last February I began to teach yoga to a small group of people - most have MS and a couple of care providers. The West Kootenay MS Society had sponsored one of their MS clients at a beginner’s yoga class and a connection was made. We have been meeting once a week at the Castlegar library Lower Level Yoga Space and at the Columbia River Studio ~ A Magical Setting for a yoga class especially engineered for people with MS. In all my many years of teaching I never had a group like this. These people all came early to help me get ready for them, setting up all the complicated yoga props needed for a restorative class and an active class for students with disabilities. They help each other and are so kind and they all always come to class unless it is impossible. We have advanced quickly into a support


NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING group as these students all 2014 BUDGET andOF FIVE YEARMEETING FINANCIAL PLAN NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING experience some of the same 2014 BUDGET and FIVE YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN 2014 BUDGET andand FIVE FINANCIAL 2014 BUDGET FIVEYEAR YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN PLAN difficulties. The City of Castlegar is undertaking a public consultation process in preparing the City’s 2014 Budget and Five Castlegar Year Financial Plan. I have observed increased The City ofis is undertaking a public consultation consultation process in preparing the City’s The City of Castlegar undertaking a public process in preparing the City’s 2014 Budget and Five Year Financial Plan. consultation process in preparing the City’s The City of Castlegar isYear undertaking aPlan. public 2014 Budget and Five Financial abilities in the group to do The City’s Financial Plan includes decisions about General Operations, Water Utility, 2014 Budget and Five Financial Year Financial Plan. The City’s Plan includes decisions about General Operations, Water Utility, Sewer Utility, Sewer and Utility, Airport It Itincludes determinations taxation, and Operations. Airport Operations. includes determinations regarding regarding taxation, the yoga poses and everyThe City’s Financial Plan includes decisions about General Operations, Water Utility, utility rates, andlevels service provided levels provided the community as well information on the utilityCity’s rates,Financial and service totothe community asaswell as information on the The Plancapital includes decisions about General Water Utility, Sewer Utility, andproposed Airport Operations. It includes determinations regarding taxation, City’s improvement program for the years to come. Operations, one is feeling better. During west kootenay City’s proposed capital improvement program for the years to come. Sewer Utility, and Airport Operations. It includes determinations regarding taxation, utility rates, and service levels provided to the community as well as information on the The City seeks your input and your submissions at a public, open house, meeting on: the year our group, the West utility and serviceimprovement levels provided to thefor community well as information on the City’s rates, proposed capital program the years as to come. The City seeks your input and your Tuesday, submissions at a public, house, meeting on: City’s proposed capital improvement program for25, the years toopen come. February 2014 Kootenay Yoga for MS SupFrom 5:00 pm to 6:30 p.m. The City seeks your input and your submissions at pm) a public, open house, meeting on: (Presentation at 5:30 port Group, has expanded in FebruaryForum 25, 2014 open house, meeting on: The City seeks your input and Tuesday, your submissions a public, in the Community at west kootenay From 5:00 pm to 6:30 p.m. Castlegar, BC 445 13 Avenue, membership and activities Tuesday, February 25, 2014 (Presentation at 5:30 pm) February 25, 2014 If you as an individual,Tuesday, or your organization, would like p.m. to make budget submissions to From 5:00 pm to 6:30 and we now have a volunteer in the Community Forum City Council, or if you From wish to 5:00 receive further pm to information, 6:30 p.m.please contact the City of (Presentation at 5:30 pm) Castlegar at (250) 365-7227 e-mail at Castlegar, 445(Presentation 13orthbyAvenue, at 5:30 pm)BC assistant Deborah MacDonin the Community Forum th Avenue, the Community Forum BC Castlegar, 445in13 ald. Some of our activities inIf you as an individual, or your like to Castlegar, BCmake budget submissions to 445organization, 13th Avenue, would west kootenay City Council, or if you wish to receive further information, please contact the City of clude socials, dinner parties, If you as an individual, or your organization, would like to make budget submissions to Castlegar at (250) 365-7227 or by e-mail at If youCouncil, as an individual, your would like to make budget submissions City or if you or wish to organization, receive further information, the City to of and coffee meet ups. We are City Council, orwinter if 365-7227 you wish to by receive information, please contact the City of ad this buy ae-mail fullfurther ad andplease runcontact the identical Castlegar at (250) or atprice doing strength work as well as Castlegar at (250) 365-7227 or by e-mail at west kootenay again at winter no CHaRGe! some apply. this buy a full price ad RestRiCtions and run the identical ad restorative yoga getting ready again at no CHaRGe! some RestRiCtions apply. for the MS Walk in May. We thank so many for helping us. • BoGo must be mentioned at the time We are very grateful. • BoGo must be mentioned at the time of booking and cannot be applied booking cannot applied As we celebrate our firstthis winter buy a full priceofad andand run thebe identical ad to account balances. to account balances. year together, at the group’s again at no CHaRGe! some RestRiCtions apply. this winter buy•aapplicable full price adon and run the identical • applicable on display advertisingad only. display advertising only. request, we are starting a secagain at no CHaRGe! some RestRiCtions apply. • For new ads only, regularly scheduled • For new ads only, regularly scheduled ond class in the spring. We ads are notat eligible. • BoGo must be mentioned the time ads are eligible. will meet again on Fridays, • BoGo must be•not mentioned at February the time 28, 2013. Offer expires west kootenay of booking and cannot be applied of booking and cannot be February applied 1:30 p.m. at the Columbia • Offer expires 28, 2013. to account balances. to account balances. River Studio ~ A Magical Set• applicable on display advertising only. only. • applicable on display advertising ting on 5th Avenue in Castle•kootenay For newonly, ads only, regularly scheduled • west For new ads regularly scheduled ads are not eligible. gar. ads are •not eligible. Offer expires February 28, 2013. Christine The yoga students are • Offer expires February 28, 2013. 250 365 6397 sponsored by the WK MS Christine Esovoloff Christin Society and we welcome new If you have this winter buy a full price ad and run the identical ad any marketing questions or to start 250 365 me. 639 your advertising, please feel free to contact students with MS and theiragain at no CHaRGe! some RestRiCtions apply. Christine this winter buy a full price ad and run the identical ad care providers. 250 365 6397 again at no CHaRGe! some RestRiCtions apply. 250.365.6397

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-Janice Ferraro, Castlegar

Christine Esovoloff Christine • BoGo must be mentioned at the time If you have any marketing questions or to start 250 365 me. 6397 • BoGo must be mentioned at the time your advertising, please feel free to contact of booking and cannot be applied of booking and cannot be applied to account balances. to account balances. 250.365.6397 • applicable on display advertising only. only. • applicable on display advertising • For newonly, ads only, regularlyscheduled scheduled • For new ads regularly ads are not eligible. ads are •not eligible. Offer expires February 28, 2013. • Offer expires February 28, 2013.

t fi t Ge Challenge!

Fit starts here.

Christine 250 365 6397 Christine Esovoloff Christine

Barefoot 250 365training, 6397 x training, running, gym gear. 250.365.6397 If you have any marketing questions or to start your advertising, please feel free to contact me.

Denise is starting to notice that all of her hard work is paying off! She attended her regular Cycle Sculpt and Stretch & Strengthen classes and also threw in some morning runs and a couple of days of skiing. Add some snow shovelling in there too, and that makes this past week jam packed full of exercise! “Week 4 was a hard week and I needed a rest day for recovery. Improving flexibility is taking longer than strengthening and I’m still a long way from reaching my toes. I’ve felt pretty good about my food choices as I focus on healthy eating. Although I’m more tired this week, I’m happy as I see myself shaping up!” Coach Kristy could not be happier though, even referring to Denise as a ‘trainer’s delight’! “Denise continues to work hard both in and out of class! Eating well and sticking to a strict schedule, she is starting to notice the benefit to her training. I am seeing a great improvement in her strength, endurance and energy. We will focus on deeper stretching this week.”

532 Baker St Nelson 250.352.3200 660 18th St Castlegar 250.365.5588

Kootenay Cycling

Phone: 250-304-8413 Email: Amber picked up the pace this week by adding a 4th yoga class to her schedule! She is continuing to notice the positive effects of her yoga training in other areas of her life. “Week four was awesome. I started to notice more definition in my arms, especially my triceps. Janice is doing such an amazing job of keeping me focused and on task. I noticed while cross country skiing this weekend that I felt more in control of my glide I’ll attribute that to my new found knowledge on posture and balance correction.” And Janice is also picking up the pace with her training and even has Amber doing the same program that she had the Trail SmokeEaters doing when she was working with them. “We started with the pure strength poses and will start the balancing section this week. Amber is continuing her yogic crunches for core strength and leg stretches with strap for leg strength. She is continuing to work hard at her fitness, she is a teacher’s dream student!”

Phone: 250-365-5428 | 815 5th Ave - Castlegar, BC

Hailey is still going strong and has already blown past her goal of losing 10lbs with still 2 weeks to go! “Week 4 has been great - no complaints! :) I am feeling great and still at it everyday! I’m less and less sore each week. Spencer has been amazing and continues to surprise me! Looking forward to the last couple of weeks!” Needless to say, her trainer is exceedingly impressed. “Hailey is still doing amazingly. We did measurements last week and she has lost over 9 inches! Pay attention Castlegar, this is how you get it done. You are fantastic Hailey!”

Phone: 250-304-2666 | 420 Columbia Ave, Castlegar, BC


Community Calendar


Monday 10 a.m.–darts, 1 p.m. whist Tuesday 9:30 a.m.–floor curling/carpet bowling, 1 p.m. crafts, 7 p.m. pool. Wednesday 9:30 floor curling 10 a.m. (Feb. 19) Raspberry Hi-Coffee. Bingo on the 5th only - 2 p.m. Thursday 9 a.m. (Feb 20) Zone 6 meeting), 9:30 a.m. floor curling, 1 p.m. bingo (not on 6th) Friday 10 a.m. Qi Gong, 1 p.m. bridge/ crib. Feb 14 Valentine’s dinner and dance Open weekdays 9-4 for coffee. Ongoing garage sale, microwave raffle Until end of February

The West Kootenay Camera Club presents its First Annual Travelling Exhibition – Now showing at the Trail Coffee and Tea Co., 1639 Cedar Ave., Trail. Other venues to follow. Check FEBRUARY 20 – THURSDAY: Scot-

tie’s School of Highland Dance Recital – 6:30 p.m. at Stanley Humphries Secondary School. Admission: food bank donation. Until Feb. 20:

Please drop off bottles & cans at Blueberry School. Funds to go towards playground, new stove/ fridge in our new kitchen. FEBruary 21: The Treasure Shop

Until March 1 features 2 for 1 on all winter clothing. Make your $ stretch further during these wintery days. Check for other specials. Review our website www.castlegarhospitalauxiliary. com to keep abreast of current events. FEBruary 21: Free Workshop. A

day of learning, discussion and action planning about strategic planning, building collaboration and networking amongst organizations and understanding how to work together to address common issues and challenges. Hosted by the Castlegar Social Planning Society; Sandman Hotel, Welcome 9:30 a.m.; Wrkshp 10–4 p.m. lunch. provided. Register: e-mail info@; phone 250-365-2104.

Thursday, February 20, 2014 Castlegar News This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free or (nearly so) at the discretion of the editor. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an upto-date version with contact details to, drop off at our office at Unit 2 - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or give us a call at 250-365-6397. Thank you.

February 25 (Tues): Robson Rec.

Society AGM - 7 p.m. at Robson Hall, 3067 Waldie. We ask residents of Robson/area to help us determine the future of the hall and it’s place in the community.

march 7 (Fri): World Day of

Prayer 2014. 1 p.m. at the Brilliant Cultural Centre, 1876 Brilliant Road. Hosted by the Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ.

march 8 (Sat): Order of the Eastern Star, Minto Chapter #79 – Spring Tea from 1-3 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion Hall. Tickets: $3. Everyone welcome. march 9 (Sun): Join in the 10th

Annual Castlegar Scrabble for Literacy Tournament! This fun filled event 1-4 p.m. at the Castlegar Public Library This promises to be a great event, with good food, prizes and wonderful company – all to help increase awareness of literacy issues in Castlegar. To register, please call Alana Murdoch at 250-304-6862 or email Community Harvest food bank


& Drop-in centre:

Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. -1:30 eligible 1x per month closed the Monday after cheque issue and statutory holidays Lunch served from 11 – 1:30 Wednesday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 -1:30 FREE Friday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 – 1:30 Coffee and baked goodies from 10 a.m. on! Bread is available when donated and it is on a first come first serve basis. Located in the basement of St. David’s Anglican Church 614 Christina Place. We are located around the back and down the stairs. Donation cheques payable to Community Harvest Food Bank can be mailed to: 301 32nd Street V1N 3S6 Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St David’s Church Contact number 250-608-2227 Castlegar Garden Club: meets

the 3rd Wed. ea. month, 7–9 p.m. at Community Complex. Break loose from your traditional bounds-open your spirit to the wider world of gardening. 1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955

Hear a dazzling array of speakers. New members welcome. Information: Wendy Eggleton 250-365-0150 or vendors needed: 5th Annual Garden & Nature Fest, Sat. May 17/14 (10-3 p.m.)Open air festival of Plants & Gardens, Art, Farming & More! Hosted by Castlegar Communities in Bloom & Castlegar Garden Club. Castlegar Com. Complex 2101-6th Ave, Contact: 250399-4439; e-mail: Web: www. The “Bridge,” – Do you have

questions? Join us for music, discussion, refreshments; 1st Tues. ea. month, 7 p.m, Kinnaird Church of God, 2404 Columbia Ave, Castlegar.” Call Donna at 250-304-2929.

back to school with baby Program free for parents to upgrade

Math, English and/or study skills with an instructor from Selkirk College. Kootenay Family Place , Mon. & Wed. from 1 - 3 p.m. Childcare and snacks provided. More info call Alana at 304-6862. Robson Flea Market: back in

action from 9-2 p.m. every Sunday. Offering a great homestyle breakfast till food runs out (about noon), fresh baked goods, yarn, jewelry, collectibles, crafts, jams, fresh eggs, lots more. To rent a table or get on waiting list please phone Kathy (250) 365-3796. Still looking for charities that may be interested in hosting a breakfast for their charity. More info? Call Kathy. St. David’s and the united church thrift shop: New Hrs:

Tue.-Thur. 10-4 p.m, Friday & Saturday 10-1 p.m. The shop is under Motor Vehicle Licensing Office, 605 Columbia Ave. clothing, shoes, hsehold items, bedding, linen, books, ornaments etc. at reasonable prices. We welcome clean donated items in good condition. Sorry we cannot accept furniture, TVs, exercise equipment or any large items due to lack of space.

free hot meal at the sharing dinner pot at Cadet Hall, 8th

Ave, Castlegar (2 blocks from library) Tues. at noon.

All About Breastfeeding infor-

mative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlgr, Tues. 10:30noon More info: 250-365-3662,

1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208 tops group meets every wednesday 8:30-10am Kin-

naird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 365-7956. Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena Sun. at 10 a.m.

Mike, 250-399-4417; Tues. at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wed. at 7 p.m., (Fay at 250-6870484. Thurs. at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m (Len at 365-7805).

al-anon meets every Monday night for people whose lives

have been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8-9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) More info: Donna 250-3653168 or Eileen 250-365-3674.

Local Toastmasters club Sentinel Speakers, 7-9 p.m. at Fireside Inn, 1st & 3rd Weds. of month. Learn speaking skills, gain confidence, have fun! Guests welcome. More info call Diane Cushing at 250-365-8336.


Operation Feast All invited for

home-cooked meals Thurs. at New Life Assem. Church, 602 7th Street. Doors open at 4 p.m, dinner until 5:30 p.m. Entrance to dining area at back of Church. More info: Carol at 365-5734.

free pool - Everyone welcome

Every Saturday at the Royal Canadian Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. Bring friends and have an afternoon of fun. youth program at Blueberry Creek Community School. Fun, safe night for a movie, games/sports/hanging out. Grades K - 5, 6:30 - 8 p.m. and grades 6 up, 8 - 10 p.m. See B.C.C.S. facebook page for more info or phone 250-365-7201.


USCC Cultural Interpretive Society meets Monday and

Wednesday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Doukhobor Arts and Crafts Centre, 820 Markova Rd., beside the Brilliant Cultural Centre. Advocate in Castlegar on Thursdays Questions about wel-

fare, disability benefits, tenancy or family law? The Advocacy Centre is in Castlegar Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at Castlegar and District Community Services, 1007 2nd Street. Call 250-608-0589 or 1-877352-5777. Mom’s Support Group All moms

welcome to this loosely struc-

tured group supporting challenges of being a mom. No referral required. More info: Sandi McCreight 250-365-2104 ext. 34


tlegar Community Services Call 250-608-2254.

Scrabble Club 2nd Wed. of the

month, Castlegar Public Library. 6:30 – 8 p.m. All levels welcome! For info call Alana at 304-6862. Offered by the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy.

New to Canada? Settlement ser-

vices provides eligible newcomers with information about community services or preparing for citizenship. Call 250-687-4714 or email welcometocastlegar@

Legion Meat Draws Saturdays

Royal Canadian Legion Castlegar/Robson Branch #170, 248 Columbia Avenue, 4-6 p.m. Guests welcome and must be signed in by a member. Darts: 4- on Thursdays, new signed-in players welcome.

W.K. Yoga For MS Support Group. Mondays, 1:30 - 3 p.m.,

Castlegar Library, lower level. Free. Sponsored by WK MS Society for its members/care providers. Call Lonnie Facchina 1-866-352-3997 or email info@ or Janice Ferraro, at 250-365-5428, email

English as a Second Language programs Classes for adults,

Conversation Club, Family Drop-in for families with young children, 1 to 1 tutoring. Free. More info call Alana at 250304-6862. Families



Register for free program where families have fun preparing, cooking and eating dinner together. Third Wed. of the month (Nov-Mar) at Kootenay Family Place from 5 to 7 p.m. To register, call 1-877-258-4133 or email

Ongoing: KPKids is a free program for kids in Kindergarten to Gr. 4 Wednesday from 6:30-8 p.m. at Kinnaird Park Community Church (behind Kinnaird Park). We also offer a program for youth Gr. 5 - 7 called KPJY at the same time and location. Registration upon arrival, drop in’s welcome!

Castlegar News Thursday, February 20, 2014 A9

Ecology Offering an explanation for over-abundance of wasps in 2013 way for the wasp to bore through bark to find insect larvae and deposit an egg. That egg develops quick-


Did you notice all the wasps last summer? We see them every year so why was this past summer such a good year to be a wasp and such a bad year to be us? Simply put, having a mild winter followed by a hot, dry summer produces what scientists say is a bumper crop of wasps. When we’re talking about wasps in B.C., we’re dealing with a whole bunch of different types of wasps; only some of them are a bother to us. The ‘problem’ wasps are the yellow jackets, hornets, and paper wasps. And, yes, wasps ARE different from bees. Wasps

cuckoo bird. To understand the bumper crop of wasps...

Continued on P. A10

460 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 1G6

Luke Potter (L) and Nathan Wheaton are second year Recreation, Fish and Wildlife students at Selkirk College in Castlegar. Submitted

have a slender body with a narrow waist, and long cylindrical dangly legs. Their bodies are primarily smooth and shiny, while bees are generally “chubby” and are covered in little hairs to better help collect pollen.

What about the other wasps that are not a bother to us? There are a number of parasitic wasps… you might have seen some with long skinny bodies and what looks like a very long stinger. In fact that isn’t a stinger but a Stock quotes as of closing


S����� � ETF� 5N Plus .............................. 3.00 BCE Inc. ........................... 47.14 Bank of Montreal .............. 71.71 Bank of Nova Scotia .......... 63.37 CIBC ................................ 89.49 Canadian Utilities ............. 38.95 Canfor Corporation ........... 29.81 EnCana Corp. .................. 20.79 Enbridge Inc. .................... 47.41 Finning International ........... 28.30 Fortis Inc. .......................... 30.74


Husky Energy ................... 33.66 Manitoba Telecom ............ 30.05 National Bank of Canada ... 43.43 Onex Corporation ............. 58.66 Royal Bank of Canada ....... 71.45 Sherritt International.............. 3.43 TD Bank ........................... 49.25 TELUS Corp. ...................... 37.93 Teck Resources .................. 25.92 TransCanada Corp ............ 49.71 iPath S&P 500 VIX ............. 41.43

M����� F���� CIG

Portfolio Series Balanced .... 27.26


Signature Dividend............. 13.79


Portfolio Series Conservative . 15.13


Manulife Monthly High ..... 14.026

C����������, I������ � C��������� CADUSD Canadian / US Dollar........ 0.913


Light Sweet Crude Oil ...... 102.75

Gold ............................. 1322.00


Silver............................... 21.965


It is named a cuckoo because it lays eggs in other wasp nests and gets others to raise its offspring, just like the



ly into a larva and then starts to eat the larval insect, hence a parasite. We also have a cuckoo wasp.

Let’s talk RRSPs All it takes is planning. And talking to the right people. The Financial Planners at Kootenay Savings MoneyWorks will help you identify and reach your goals. For information about retirement, wealth management, insurance or estate planning, call us today.

1.877.691.5769 Mutual Funds are offered through Qtrade Management Inc., Member MFDA. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. This report is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. This report is furnished on the basis and understanding that Qtrade Asset Management Inc. is to be under no responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect thereof.

The City of Castlegar 2014 Utility Invoices have now been mailed. Please contact City Hall at 250-365-7227 if you have not received your Utility Invoice. Utility fees are levied to maintain and upgrade Water and Sewer systems as well as to provide garbage collection and disposal services to the community. The average property owner will receive a discount of $56.27 if they pay their utility invoice, in full by February 28, 2014. Payments received after February 28, 2014 will not receive the discount. Payment may be made at most financial institutions, through internet, ATM, or telebanking. You may also pay by mail or in person at City Hall, Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm, except for statutory holidays. The City accepts cash, cheque or debit but does not accept credit cards. Mailed payments must be received by City Hall on the due date of February 28, 2014 by 4:30 PM. Postmarks will not be accepted as the received date. For more information about City of Castlegar utility rates or our pre-authorized payment plan please visit or call us at 250-365-7227 or by email at


Thursday, February 20, 2014 Castlegar News

Ecology What was up with all the wasps?

inside & outside space available

Continued from P. A9

...we need to talk about some basic wasp ecology. In most wasps, males are only produced at the end of each season for the purpose of mating with a queen. After a successful mating, the sperm stays dormant in a tightly compacted ball in the queen until spring. Queens attempt to survive the winter by finding a safe place to hibernate like under loose bark or in our attics. Having a mild winter is 1_ND061D112.P001 24 Unit the first step towards having a lot of wasps the following summer. A mild winter translates Having a mild winter is the first step to having a lot of wasps into greater survival of the hi- the following summer. Metro creative connection bernating queens. *** E With greater success R In spring, theINsurviving Wasps normally choose numbers. TO S IN G TH Y ER EV lay their eggs. There of the worker wasps there are sunny ON ALMOSTqueens dry spots for their nests June 1, 2 & 3 onlyare not many eggs produced more helpers to produce more or locate them underground. at the first laying. But follow- and more workers…you can They generally build two differThank you to ing the mild winter there are see how this might get out of ent kinds of nests, the warped, these sponsors! a lot of extra queens. The dry, hand. ball shaped nests that usually ne: 250.365.6313 • email: hot spring means greater suchang from ledges or branches, Later in the season as she Enter the Draws! w w w . c a s t l e g a r . c o m cess in each of their nests. She and the open exposed honeyruns out of stored sperm, feExpert Advice! raises the first batch of wasps males lay unfertilized eggs that comb like nests that are usually Adults: $4 until the female worker wasps produce males. Males from found underneath overhangs, Seniors: $3 have matured enough to start one nest leave and search for or where it is consistently dry. Students with ID: $3 making a more elaborate nest. queens from another nest with Despite prior beliefs, wasps Kids 10 & under The queen’s sole job is to fo- which they will mate and start never reuse an old nest from free with adult cus on increasing the colonies’ the process all over again. the previous year. Kenmore $

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Castlegar News Thursday, February 20, 2014 A11


Welcome to the driver’s seat

This new 2014 Corolla has been on sale sale here since the fall of 2013 and by the number, I see on the road, it looks to be a hit already. Visit V isit the 2014 Corolla gallery at

Eco version of world’s top seller stingy on gas

Th TToyota C The Corolla ll iis the h best b hi ddesign. i The Th eye-catching lower stance, standard LED selling car of all time, worldprojector headlamps and wide, selling 1.3 million units sleeker bodywork now make in Canada alone since it was this a car people would be introduced in 1966. proud to own. To say the Corolla is a big deal for Toyota is an underInside statement as it represents The dash is wide and flat 47 per cent of all passenger with easy to see, and use, For those that sales for Toyota Canada. But radio and heat controls, place fuel economy the Corolla is also a big deal but the look is fresh and for Canada as it is made in over everything, the contemporary. The seats now Ontario and the Cambridge sit lower in the car to make Corolla Eco might just assembly plant. Cambridge room for the slightly lower was selected as the lead plant be worth a look as it roofline, but I found getting for vehicle development, as takes an already thrifty in and out no problem. it makes cars for all of North car and squeezes even The seats provide excellent America, the Corolla’s biggest and comfort. more out of each litre support market. The back seat has a lot of fuel. This new 2014 Corolla has more legroom because been on sale here since the the wheelbase of this new Zack Spencer fall of 2013 and by the nummodel has been stretched ber I see on the road, it looks by 10 cms. The car is also to be a hit already. slightly wider, making hip room impressive. For those that place fuel economy over Overall the cabin is large and airy and everything, the Corolla Eco might just be nicely put together, considering the price. worth a look as it takes an already thrifty Since the S, LE or Eco models will be the car and squeezes even more out of each sales leaders, Toyota has kitted all three litre of fuel. out with a 6.1-inch touch-screen radio that includes Bluetooth streaming audio, phone Looks connectivity and a backup camera. Faux One major criticism of Toyota as a brand, leather seats are available on the S and LE and the Corolla, in particular, has been drab but not the Eco. The good news is that all styling. Toyota recently has been walking models come with heated front seats. a nice line between updating their lineup



to be more progressive but also keeping their loyal buyers happy. The Corolla is sold in several different trim levels, starting at $15,995 to get the base CE, but the reality is that most Canadians will upgrade to the $19,215 S (Sport) or the LE for $19,500. To upgrade to this $20,500 LE Eco model is $1,035 over the S model and $750 over the regular LE. I prefer the S trim for its more aggressive 17-inch wheels compared to the LE and LE Eco, which come with smaller 16-inch wheels. Regardless, this model is a massive step forward in terms of delivering an

All Make

Drive All but the Eco model come with a 132hp version of the 1.8L 4-cylinder engine carried over from the last car. The Eco gets a 140hp version that comes with Toyota’s Valevematic technology that helps to pump out the extra 8hp, yet improves fuel economy. The base CE is sold with either a 6-speed manual or the 4-speed automatic found in the last model. The only other model to be offered with a manual is the S trim. That leaves the LE and Eco with a standard continuously variable transmission (CVT),

Join the cause and buy a pink shirt at or at London Drugs

Question of the week: Have you ever been the subject of rude or intimidating behaviour while driving? What happened? The Lowdown Power: 1.8L 4-cylinder with 132hp or 140hp Fill-up: 6.5L/4.6L/100km (city/highway Eco) Sticker price: $15,995-$20,250

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ski passes or lessons

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Safety Tip: While our days are continuing to get longer, road conditions remain challenging and visibility is limited. As drivers, we always need to be on the lookout for pedestrians but especially at busy intersections and near transit stops where they may be coming and going and not always in a crosswalk.

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Proud in pink…

andd this hi unit i as an option i in i the h S trim. i The upside to buying the Eco is an improved fuel economy score. The regular LE with a CVT has a combined city and highway rating of 5.9L/100km but the Eco model drops that down to 5.7L/100km. The penalty for this economy conomy is a lack of driving spirit. rit. I drove the S model at the Quebec City launch and expected a similar performance because this Eco has This B.C. owned Intermeccanica Roadster wears its colour eight more horsewith pride wherever it shows. power. Not the case. It is a faithful reproduction on the 1959 Porsche 356-A ConvertI would take the ible “D”, which the Vancouver-based custom builders began minor fuel economy TO producing in 1982. P O T S GA PUTTININ hit and buy the S or regular egular This car was hand built in 2011 and would cost around ON PIN2K6 G Y L L BU Y, FEB. A $95,000 to reproduce today. It has standard equipment such D LE instead. T IR SH as Porsche suspension, four-wheel-disc brakes, and 356-type Verdict reclining seats. The Corolla is a fine update, pdate, Power is provided by an Audi 1.8-litre, 185 hp turbo fuel Toyota set out to makee a injected engine with auto transmission. roomier, more stylish and value It has a full leather interior, square weave carpeting in silver blue with pink leather binding. The custom 356 instrument panel has with pink packed car. The Eco hass no options availavail facing and the courtesy lights even provide a pink hue to the interior. able so it sticks to the $20,150 base price. It’s a classic in appearance but it does have such contemporary creature I do enjoy the new interior, the styling is comforts as electric windows, power door locks with remote keyless an improvement and many families will entry, and air conditioning! welcome the space.

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ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. BCGMCDEALERS.CA 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. * Offers apply to the lease of a new or demonstrator 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab 4x4 (1SA/G80/B30), 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 Crew Cab 4x4 (1SA/G80/B30/I04). Freight ($1,650) and PDI included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. †* The Automotive Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC) comprises professional journalists, photographers specializing in cars and trucks. They provide unbiased opinions of new vehicles to help consumers make better purchases that are right for them. For more information visit ^ 2014 Sierra 1500 with the available 5.3L EcoTec3 V8 engine equipped with a 6-speed automatic transmission has a fuel-consumption rating of 13.0L/100 km city and 8.7L/100 km hwy 2WD and 13.3L/100 km city and 9.0L/100 km hwy 4WD. Fuel consumption based on GM testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Competitive fuel consumption ratings based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2013 Fuel Consumption Guide for 2013 Large Pickup segment and latest available information at the time of posting. **When equipped with available 6.2L EcoTec3 V8 engine. Comparison based on 2013 Large Light-Duty Pickup segment and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM vehicles. † Comparison based on 2013 Large Pickup segment and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM vehicles. †† The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2014 MY Sierra with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 KMs, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. + Whichever comes first. See dealer for conditions and limited warranty details. ‡ 0% for 36 month lease available on all 2014 Sierra 1500 Regular/Double/Crew Cabs. Sample lease payments based on 36-month lease of 2014 Sierra Double Cab 4x4 1SA + G80 + B30 on approved credit by GM Financial. Tax, license, insurance, registration, applicable provincial fees, and optional equipment extra. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. Monthly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. Example: Sierra Double Cab 4x4 1SA + G80 + B30 including Freight and Air Tax is $30,480 at 0% APR, $1250 Down payment, Bi-Weekly payment is $152 for 36 months. Total obligation is $13,379, plus applicable taxes. Option to purchase at lease end is $17,101. ¥¥ 0% Purchase financing offered on approved credit by RBC Royal Bank/TD Auto Financing/Scotiabank for 48 months on new or demonstrator 2014 Sierra 1500. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $208 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. ++ Offer valid only to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have obtained credit approval by GM Financial, have entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial, and who accept delivery from January 3, 2014 through February 28, 2014 of a new eligible 2014 model. General Motors of Canada will pay the first month’s lease payment, or first 2 bi-weekly lease payments (inclusive of taxes). After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ¥ $4,250 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit has been applied to the purchase, finance and lease offers of 2014 Sierra 1500 Crew Cab 4x4 1SA, and is applicable to retail customers only. Other credits available on select Sierra models. Offer ends February 28, 2014. ‡‡ Offer only valid from February 8, 2014 – February 28, 2014 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a GM or competitor pickup truck to receive a $2,000 credit towards the purchase, or $1,000 towards the finance or lease of an eligible new 2014 Model Year GMC Sierra Light Duty. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $2,000/$1,000 credit includes HST/GST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details.


Thursday, February 20, 2014 Castlegar News

Five classics you’d never guess are so valuable

By Rob Sass

Here are five you’d never suspect of being quite pricey: Some classics wear their price tags on their sleeves. Look at a fuel-injected ’57 Chevy Bel Air, and it’s immediately apparent that it’s valuable merchandise. On the other hand, there are the sleepers of the classic car world, the cars that are worth a lot of money but it’s only obvious to those in-theknow. For example, few would guess that the proceeds from a restored VW microbus could put a kid through college.











3. Toyota FJ40 Land Cruiser: The classic Jeep-like 1960-1984 Toyota Land Cruiser was one tough vehicle—so tough that they invited horrific abuse, which explains the dearth of clean examples. A nicely restored one sold at an auction in Scottsdale, Ariz., last January for $88,000. Some are said to have sold for $100,000-plus. In response to FJ40s getting so expensive, first-generation 4Runners are starting to increase in value. Don’t say you weren’t told!

4. Ford Bronco: The humble 1966-77 Ford Bronco was a product of the same team that brought us the classic 1964½ Mustang. Unlike the Mustang, which sat on Ford Falcon underpinnings, the first Bronco was a unique platform. The size and shape were just right, and collectors have latched onto them in droves. Totally stock, unrusted, Broncos without cut fenders and flares are rare; it takes around $30,000 to get a nice one.

1. Volkswagen “Samba” Microbus: There’s a simple rule of thumb with VW Microbuses: More windows equals more money. The 21- and 23-window versions of the venerable ’50s VW Microbus can bring money that would shock the hippies who ran them into the ground in the 1960s—around 70 grand for a nicely restored one. They’ve even been known to break $100,000 at the right auction. 5. BMW Isetta: Prior to becoming known as the ultimate driving machine, BMW sold the super-expensive V-8 507 roadster and the tiny egg-like Isetta microcar out of the same showrooms. It’s no shock that the gorgeous 507 roadster sells for a ton of money, but the fact that Isettas can pull more than $40,000 is surprising indeed.

2. Fiat Jolly: The Jolly was an open-top version of the classic Fiat 500 that was meant to be stowed onboard yachts and used as transport in places like Monaco and Positano. They have no doors, the seats are made of wicker and the tops are meant only to provide shade. Appallingly cute, the pint-sized Jolly can sell for upwards of $70,000. Rob Sass is the vice-president of content for Hagerty Insurance. Hagerty is the world’s leading specialist provider of classic car and boat insurance. Learn more at

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Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-365-2155, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. [License #8917]

Castlegar News Thursday, February 20, 2014 A13

TH ≠


hwy / city 100km




149 109



≠ BI-WEEKLY for the first 15 MONTHS.


Optima SX AT shown





Includes Variable Throwback Pricing Incentive. $109 bi-weekly payments include $1,280 Throwback Pricing Incentive. Payments are based on 2014 Optima LX AT (OP742E), financing for 84 months. After 15 months, bi-weekly payments increase to $149. Throwback Pricing Incentive may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce financed amount. ≠


hwy / city 100km






Forte SX shown



≠ BI-WEEKLY for the first 15 MONTHS.




Includes Variable Throwback Pricing Incentive. $76 bi-weekly payments include $640 Throwback Pricing Incentive. Payments are based on 2014 Forte LX MT (FO541E), financing for 84 months. After 15 months, bi-weekly payments increase to $96. Throwback Pricing Incentive may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce the finance amount.≠

THE NEW 2014

hwy / city 100km




88 68


Rio4 SX with Navigation shown


≠ BI-WEEKLY for the first 15 MONTHS.




Includes Variable Throwback Pricing Incentive. $68 bi-weekly payments include $640 Throwback Pricing Incentive. Payments are based on 2014 Rio LX MT (RO541E), 60-month financing amortized over 84 months. After 15 months, bi-weekly payments increase to $88. Principal balance of $4,539 due after 60 months. Throwback Pricing Incentive may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce financed amount.≠

OFFER ENDS FEBRUARY 28TH WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED *5-year/100,000 km worry-free comprehensive warranty.


Offer(s) available on select new 2013/2014 models through participating dealers to qualified customers who take delivery by February 28, 2014. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. All offers are subject to change without notice. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All pricing includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,665, other fees and certain levies (including tire levies) and $100 A/C charge (where applicable) and excludes licensing, registration, insurance, other taxes and variable dealer administration fees (up to $699). Other dealer charges may be required at the time of purchase. Other lease and financing options also available. ≠Throwback Pricing available O.A.C. on financing offers on new 2013/2014 models. Financing for 84 months example: 2014 Forte LX MT (FO541E)/Optima LX AT (OP742E) with a purchase price of $17,502/$26,202 (including $1,485 freight/PDI) financed at 0%/0.9% for 84-month period equals 32 reduced bi-weekly payments of $76/$109 followed by 150 bi-weekly payments of $96/$149. Cost of borrowing is $0/$838.56 and total obligation is $17,502/$27,041. Throwback Pricing Incentive varies by model and trim level and may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce the financed amount. The Throwback Pricing Incentive for the 2014 Forte LX MT (FO541E)/2014 Optima LX AT (OP742E) shown is $640/$1,280 (a $20/$40 reduction in 32 bi-weekly payments). Limited time offer. See retailer for complete details. Throwback Pricing is a trademark of Kia Canada Inc. 60/84 Amortization Financing example: 2014 Rio LX MT (RO541E) with a purchase price of $15,502 (including $1,485 freight/PDI) financed at 0.99% for 60 months amortized over an 84-month period equals 32 reduced bi-weekly payments of $68 followed by 98 bi-weekly payments of $88 with a principal balance of $4,539 plus applicable taxes due after 60 months. Cost of borrowing is $500.35 and total obligation is $16,002. Throwback Pricing Incentive varies by model and trim level and may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce the financed amount. The Throwback Pricing Incentive for the 2014 Rio LX MT (RO541E) shown is $640 (a $20 reduction in 32 bi-weekly payments). Limited time offer. Offer excludes taxes. See retailer for complete details. 0% purchase financing is available on select new 2013/2014 Kia models O.A.C. Terms vary by model and trim, see dealer for complete details. ΔModel shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2014 Forte SX (FO748E)/2014 Optima SX AT (OP749E)/2014 Rio4 SX with Navigation (RO749E) is $26,195/$34,580/$23,602. Highway/city fuel consumption is based on the 2014 Forte 1.8L MPI 4-cyl (M/T)/2014 Optima 2.4L GDI (A/T)/2014 Rio4 1.6L GDI 4-cyl (M/T). These updated estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. Refer to the EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. 2014 Top Safety Pick – U.S. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) for model year 2014. U.S. model tested. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.

ntone 186


Thursday, February 20, 2014 Castlegar News

x o B t f Gi

Castlegar News Thursday, February 20, 2014 A15

Bullying Stops Here.

WEAR YOUR HEART ON YOUR SHORT SLEEVE. Join the cause and buy a pink shirt at London Drugs or at

Please stop by to see our new show room. FEBRUARY 26, 2014


1721 Columbia Avenue Castlegar,BC Black


File: SWY_TM_Horz_IFL_2W.eps Description: Safeway TM Horizontal Signature with Ingredients for life. 2 Color on White Date: March 23, 2005

116-1983 Columbia Avenue 250.304.2344 (In the Boston Pizza Mall)

Proceeds benefi t anti-bullying programs in BC.

1128 3rd Street Castlegar,BC 250.365.7813

A proud supporter of Pink Shirt Day and anti bullying


635 Columbia Ave. Castlegar,BC


2240 - 6 Ave. Castlegar, BC 250.365.2175

Katrine Conroy, MLA Kootenay West • 250-304-2783

PINKSHIRTDAY.CA Wednesday, February 26/14

Putting a stop to bullying on Pink Shirt Day… Monday - Saturday 7am - 5pm

635 D Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC



b. 2 e F , y a d Wednes SERVICE & SALES DL23033

1602 Columbia Ave. Castlegar,BC


Open 7 Days a Week

We Will Match Any Competitor’s Price

Wests Home Hardware & GE Appliance Centre Castleaird Plaza 652 - 18th St. Castlegar

Kerry Vital / Black Press Names such as Amanda Todd and Rehtaeh Parsons are sadly well-known to many Canadians. Both teens committed suicide after years of bullying at the hands of classmates. On Feb. 26, Canadians will recognize Pink Shirt Day, a day devoted to preventing bullying and helping children and teens who are being victimized. For some people, bullying hits very close to home. Tad Milmine, now an RCMP constable, is one of them. As a child, Milmine was bullied relentlessly by classmates and locked in the basement by his stepmother every day for 12 years. His father, an alcoholic, never tried to help him, even when Milmine’s stepmother verbally abused him. “I always held out hope that one day an adult would see that I was in the basement and perhaps ‘rescue’ or ‘save’ me,” he says. “No one ever came.” At 17, Milmine ran away from home and cut all ties with his father and stepmother. Still, he struggled with being extremely introverted and emotional. While he had dreamed of being a police officer for much

We Take Trade Ins

PH: 250-365-2203 TOLL FREE: 1-866-365-2202 Hours of operation: Mon - Thurs 9-5:30 ~ Fri 9-9 ~ Sat 9-5:30 Sun 10-5 The coffee and cookies are always on at Wests GE Appliance Centre

Wests Cabinets

1983 Columbia Ave. Castlegar,BC



652-18 Street Castlegar,BC 250.365.2203

2141 Columbia Ave. Castlegar,BC 250.365.5111

of his life, he didn’t feel confident enough to act on that dream. At 33, he finally felt able to take that step and do what he loved after encouragement from an officer he met while playing baseball. “I never acted on my dream because I truly believed it was just a dream,” he says. “I thought that dreams weren’t meant to be achieved.” Milmine was moved by the 2011 suicide of Ontario teen Jamie Hubley, who killed himself after years of bullying for being gay and a figure skater, to start Bullying Ends Here, a website that tells Hubley’s story as well as his own. Milmine has travelled all over Canada and the U.S. speaking to students and encouraging them to contact him if they need help. In the presentations, he shares his own story and that of Hubley, and tells the students that he understands what it’s like to be an outcast, and that he too is gay, just like Hubley. He shares this information to point out that he is no different than the people listening to him in the audience. “I never let my sexuality stand in the way of living out a dream,” Milmine says. “I never let the negativity while growing up stand in my way.” Milmine’s presentations are done on his own time and with his own money. “I always wanted to ‘help’ people and today I am lucky enough to be in that position,” says

Clean Your CloCk Quality, reliable housecleaning for residents of the Castlegar area. Licensed, bonded, insured against liability and WorkSafe BC protected.


The dangers of Tad Milmine

Milmine. “Youth need to know that nobody can help them if they don’t speak up. You have to share, have to ask for help. Give us a chance to help.” Sixty-four per cent of Canadian children have been bullied at school at some point, according to the Pink Shirt Day campaign, and 40 per cent of Canadian employees are bullied at the workplace on a weekly basis. “Pink Shirt Day gets people talking,” Milmine says. “People are talking about it leading up to it, and on the day itself. You’re going to talk about why you’re wearing a pink shirt that day, and youth are reminded of the resources available to them.” Pink Shirt Day was started in Nova Scotia by two teenage boys who, after seeing another male student bullied for wearing a pink shirt, decided to gather their friends and all wear pink to school. CKNW AM 980 was inspired by their action, and since 2007 has raised over $650,000 for anti-bullying programs in B.C. through the sale of their pink shirts. You can purchase your own shirt at London Drugs or online. This year’s campaign is being presented by Coast Capital Savings, with Black Press as a media partner. For more information about Pink Shirt Day, visit Milmine’s website can be found at




The website and smartphone app is a social-networking site where people can ask other users questions. It’s extremely popular with pre-teens and teens, but recently it has become wellknown for facilitating cyber-bullying instead. It has been referenced in several suicide cases around the world as part of the bullying the victim experienced that led to their suicide. The biggest issue with is that questions can be submitted anonymously, and content is not monitored, so abuse of the service can be rampant with no repercussions to the user. Even if someone is blocked, that person can still view profiles and see other interactions, and privacy settings cannot be increased as they can on Facebook and Twitter. According to RCMP Const. Tad Milmine, the Latvia-based website also sends daily spam with messages suggesting users kill themselves and calling them ugly, among others, with no name attached. Parents are urged to monitor all social media accounts and talk to their children about their online activities in an effort to prevent cyberbullying, and remember that the terms of service of Facebook, Twitter and require users to be at least 13.


GLASS HOUSE O P T I C A L “Your Optical Dispensary”

Unit 2 - 688 18th St. Castlegar, BC

250.365.2026 701 Front St Nelson, BC

250.354.3937 Join the cause and buy a pink shirt at or at London Drugs

West’s FASHIONS 250.365.2290


692 18th St. Castlegar, BC


635 Columbia Ave. Castlegar,BC

1217 3rd St. Castlegar, B.C.



420 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC


ntone 186


Thursday, February 20, 2014 Castlegar News

x o B t f Gi

Castlegar News Thursday, February 20, 2014 A15

Bullying Stops Here.

WEAR YOUR HEART ON YOUR SHORT SLEEVE. Join the cause and buy a pink shirt at London Drugs or at

Please stop by to see our new show room. FEBRUARY 26, 2014


1721 Columbia Avenue Castlegar,BC Black


File: SWY_TM_Horz_IFL_2W.eps Description: Safeway TM Horizontal Signature with Ingredients for life. 2 Color on White Date: March 23, 2005

116-1983 Columbia Avenue 250.304.2344 (In the Boston Pizza Mall)

Proceeds benefi t anti-bullying programs in BC.

1128 3rd Street Castlegar,BC 250.365.7813

A proud supporter of Pink Shirt Day and anti bullying


635 Columbia Ave. Castlegar,BC


2240 - 6 Ave. Castlegar, BC 250.365.2175

Katrine Conroy, MLA Kootenay West • 250-304-2783

PINKSHIRTDAY.CA Wednesday, February 26/14

Putting a stop to bullying on Pink Shirt Day… Monday - Saturday 7am - 5pm

635 D Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC



b. 2 e F , y a d Wednes SERVICE & SALES DL23033

1602 Columbia Ave. Castlegar,BC


Open 7 Days a Week

We Will Match Any Competitor’s Price

Wests Home Hardware & GE Appliance Centre Castleaird Plaza 652 - 18th St. Castlegar

Kerry Vital / Black Press Names such as Amanda Todd and Rehtaeh Parsons are sadly well-known to many Canadians. Both teens committed suicide after years of bullying at the hands of classmates. On Feb. 26, Canadians will recognize Pink Shirt Day, a day devoted to preventing bullying and helping children and teens who are being victimized. For some people, bullying hits very close to home. Tad Milmine, now an RCMP constable, is one of them. As a child, Milmine was bullied relentlessly by classmates and locked in the basement by his stepmother every day for 12 years. His father, an alcoholic, never tried to help him, even when Milmine’s stepmother verbally abused him. “I always held out hope that one day an adult would see that I was in the basement and perhaps ‘rescue’ or ‘save’ me,” he says. “No one ever came.” At 17, Milmine ran away from home and cut all ties with his father and stepmother. Still, he struggled with being extremely introverted and emotional. While he had dreamed of being a police officer for much

We Take Trade Ins

PH: 250-365-2203 TOLL FREE: 1-866-365-2202 Hours of operation: Mon - Thurs 9-5:30 ~ Fri 9-9 ~ Sat 9-5:30 Sun 10-5 The coffee and cookies are always on at Wests GE Appliance Centre

Wests Cabinets

1983 Columbia Ave. Castlegar,BC



652-18 Street Castlegar,BC 250.365.2203

2141 Columbia Ave. Castlegar,BC 250.365.5111

of his life, he didn’t feel confident enough to act on that dream. At 33, he finally felt able to take that step and do what he loved after encouragement from an officer he met while playing baseball. “I never acted on my dream because I truly believed it was just a dream,” he says. “I thought that dreams weren’t meant to be achieved.” Milmine was moved by the 2011 suicide of Ontario teen Jamie Hubley, who killed himself after years of bullying for being gay and a figure skater, to start Bullying Ends Here, a website that tells Hubley’s story as well as his own. Milmine has travelled all over Canada and the U.S. speaking to students and encouraging them to contact him if they need help. In the presentations, he shares his own story and that of Hubley, and tells the students that he understands what it’s like to be an outcast, and that he too is gay, just like Hubley. He shares this information to point out that he is no different than the people listening to him in the audience. “I never let my sexuality stand in the way of living out a dream,” Milmine says. “I never let the negativity while growing up stand in my way.” Milmine’s presentations are done on his own time and with his own money. “I always wanted to ‘help’ people and today I am lucky enough to be in that position,” says

Clean Your CloCk Quality, reliable housecleaning for residents of the Castlegar area. Licensed, bonded, insured against liability and WorkSafe BC protected.


The dangers of Tad Milmine

Milmine. “Youth need to know that nobody can help them if they don’t speak up. You have to share, have to ask for help. Give us a chance to help.” Sixty-four per cent of Canadian children have been bullied at school at some point, according to the Pink Shirt Day campaign, and 40 per cent of Canadian employees are bullied at the workplace on a weekly basis. “Pink Shirt Day gets people talking,” Milmine says. “People are talking about it leading up to it, and on the day itself. You’re going to talk about why you’re wearing a pink shirt that day, and youth are reminded of the resources available to them.” Pink Shirt Day was started in Nova Scotia by two teenage boys who, after seeing another male student bullied for wearing a pink shirt, decided to gather their friends and all wear pink to school. CKNW AM 980 was inspired by their action, and since 2007 has raised over $650,000 for anti-bullying programs in B.C. through the sale of their pink shirts. You can purchase your own shirt at London Drugs or online. This year’s campaign is being presented by Coast Capital Savings, with Black Press as a media partner. For more information about Pink Shirt Day, visit Milmine’s website can be found at




The website and smartphone app is a social-networking site where people can ask other users questions. It’s extremely popular with pre-teens and teens, but recently it has become wellknown for facilitating cyber-bullying instead. It has been referenced in several suicide cases around the world as part of the bullying the victim experienced that led to their suicide. The biggest issue with is that questions can be submitted anonymously, and content is not monitored, so abuse of the service can be rampant with no repercussions to the user. Even if someone is blocked, that person can still view profiles and see other interactions, and privacy settings cannot be increased as they can on Facebook and Twitter. According to RCMP Const. Tad Milmine, the Latvia-based website also sends daily spam with messages suggesting users kill themselves and calling them ugly, among others, with no name attached. Parents are urged to monitor all social media accounts and talk to their children about their online activities in an effort to prevent cyberbullying, and remember that the terms of service of Facebook, Twitter and require users to be at least 13.


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Thursday, February 20, 2014 Castlegar News

Community Hearts on Fire: a smokin’ success SUBMITTED

On February 8 the place to be and be seen was Chances Castlegar as Castlegar Hospice hosted their second Hearts Gone Wild. Once again it was a huge success. A capacity crowd was treated to specialty chocolates from Detailed Chocolate Expressions, gorgeous flowers from Kootenay Floral, music from the Estevan Artmin Trio and a sensuous lingerie fashion

show from Fashion Foundations. Guests sipped sparkling wine and feasted at the dessert buffet. Mountain FM was live on location along with “Elvis” and “Marilyn” at the photo booth and Mark Nichols doing

MC duties along with Suzanne Lehbauer. Congratulations went out to Carolyn Rempel who won the grand prize of airfare for two to Vancouver via Pacific Coastal and accommodations at the Sandman City Centre Hotel. The evening was sponsored by Castlegar News, Pacific Coastal, Mountain FM and Sandman Hotels with all proceeds going to the Castlegar Hospice Society.

Diversity applauded Kootenay Family Place Neighbourhood House is the recipient of a $2,500 donation from CIBC. John Egyed, District Vice-President, CIBC, Christy Peters, Branch Manager, Castlegar Banking Centre and Roxanne Shelefontiuk, Assistant Branch Manager, Castlegar Banking Centre visited the Beautiful Beginnings program demonstrating CIBC’s commitment to supporting organizations that celebrate diversity. Submitted

Castlegar News Thursday, February 20, 2014


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Browse flyers from yourfavourite favourite national and local retailers Browse flyers from your national and local retailers Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers

Moving mob only stops to pose The Castlegar Skating Club had a great time entertaining all the skaters who helped the Selkirk Lion’s Club raise money for the Castlegar and District Community Services Society on Feb. 15. We were graced with Castlegar royalty, the candidates for Miss Castlegar 2014, and even a visitor from Australia! The Castlegar Skating Club thanks the Lion’s Club for its continued support, and challenges others to join us on the ice next year for a chance to win some fun prizes by participating in our silly on-ice antics. On behalf of the Castlegar Skating Club (and her husband Michael, the unprofessional photographer) – Venie Cheveldave.

Council appears supportive of bike park pitch Continued from P. A1

Jennings met with media and, first, outlined the status of the park proposal starting with some background. He related how the bike skills park idea had been supported during public input sessions on how best to improve the City’s Millennium Park. “Just last spring I went to the Castlegar Friends of Parks and Trails and asked if they would be willing to take on this project,” Jennings explained. “I stepped up to the executive and we started the process of talking to the City and getting the approvals in place. The land has already been set aside in the Official Community Plan as the bike skills park.” The hope among the Castlegar Friends of Parks and Trails is that the south end of

the park can be done this year… and that work may start as soon as possible. “It is critical that another summer doesn’t go by without us riding in this park,”

he stressed. “We’ve been waiting for the last four years to get to this point. Now we’re here and we want to make sure we get to enjoy it while we can…this sum-

mer. We’re hoping to get shovels in the ground… in July or August.” Jennings expressed gratitude to the City for its support to date, and agreed that

continued support, such as the requested $2,500 would bolster his group’s efforts to gain additional funding help from other corporate and institutional sources.

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Thursday, February 20, 2014 Castlegar News

Sports Raffle helps keep kids in the swim and community spirit. This regional team swims September to June competing in regional and provincial meets and with the individual swimmers’ development. Nationals are just around the corner. They are currently accepting new swimmers in all age groups and look forward to seeing you in either Castlegar or Nelson. The focus is “Swimmers today, Leaders for tomorrow!”



Castlegar Medical Clinic Inc 1101 3rd Street Castlegar, BC 250-365-7717

Castlegar Medical Clinic is pleased to announce the arrival of Dr. Denis Thibodeau. Dr. Thibodeau has relocated from Kaslo and is now accepting new patients. He is currently practicing from our 1101 3rd Street location.

For an appointment please call 250-365-7717

In early February the Kootenay Swim Club held its monthly Friday night at the races where the team members challenged their parents and fellow team members to swim races for a little fun and gain bragging rights getting ready for upcoming provincial meets. This was a special occasion as the regional club had the annual draw for their fundraising raffle. Prize winners are listed below and also posted online at www.thekootenayswimclub. com The club consists of multiple age groups from the Bugaboos for entry level swimmers (non competitive) to the Monashee swimmers covering high school and on to Valhalla swimmers competing for provincial and national time placements. The team focus is on the fundamentals of swimming, building self esteem, and swimming for physical fitness. The senior swimmers work in conjunction with the coach Chris Wright in fostering swimming fundamentals and mentorship of the junior swimmers building both team

CASTLEGAR Film: More Than Honey

Kootenay Swim Club Winter Raffle 2013 Final Draw: February 7, 2014 – Prizes and winners 1) Kootenay Lake Fishing Charter – Charlie McArthur 2) 42” HD Led Flat Screen TV + HDMI – Craige Tebulte 3) White Goose Down King Size Duvet – Kelsey Andrusak 4) IPod nano (7 Gen) – Scott Swetlikoe 5) Super 8 motel 1 night accommodation + Black Roster 75 gift voucher – Jen Heiges 6) Electric Jig Saw – Keiko Korinek 7) Nelson Aquatic Centre 1 Month Pass – Lee Waddell 8) Pathway Life Coaching

February 4

Spanish Level 1

February 4

Digital Camera Part 1: How to Use it

February 5

OccupaEonal First Aid Level 3

February 6

Group Exercise Instructor

February 9

Digital Camera Part 2: The CreaEve and Design Side

February 11

InstrucEonal Skills Workshop

Prenatal: BreasReeding

February 12

February 12

CPR C Recert

February 12

Group Exercise PracEcum

February 15

Advanced Group Exercise

Bookkeeping for a Small Business

February 17

Lower Your Blood Pressure, Cut the Salt – Eat the DASH Way

February 18

Photoshop Elements

Sign Language: An IntroducEon

Native Bees: What’s the Buzz? OccupaEonal First A id Level 1 OccupaEonal First Aid Level 3 Recert NaEve Bees: What’s the Buzz?

BecomingBecoming an Executor an Executor

February 20

Occupational First Aid Level 1 MicrosoV Word: Core CerEficaEon

Occupational First Aid Level 3 Recert Ukulele for Beginners Module 1: Get Started!

Reel Adventures/ Red Fish Consulting Ltd Castlegar & Nelson Sears + Andre Electronic Kutenai Clothing Company Celgar Super 8 Motel Maglio NDCC Deborah Burnett BMO Save On Foods Thor’s Pizzeria Nelson Home Hardware Mirage Sunglasses Ltd Bronwen Wetter

February 11

NutriEon for the Whole Family

Sign Language: An Introduction


February 2

French Level 1

with Deborah Burnett – Elaine Tosh 9) Golf Bag – Lynden Hanvold 10) Save On Foods $50 Gift Card – Dave Shaw 11) Thor’s Pizzeria: 1 large Specialty Pizza – Grease (Pat Gregoire) 12) Candy Dispenser – Kathy Stanesic 13) 2 Mirage Sunglasses (1 pair per person) – Manen Perriers, Eric Dagg 15) Pottery set – Havery Andrusak

February 16

February 22

February 17

February 24

February 19

February 19

February 20

February 22

February 24

February 25

February 25

February 27

February 27

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CASTLEGAR Film: More Than Honey

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February 2

To register, please call 250.365.1208 Spanish Level 1

February 4

February 4

Digital Camera Part 1: How to Use it

February 5

French Level 1

Castlegar News Thursday, February 20, 2014


Damsels dribble & dunk at SHSS Derek kaye Castlegar News contributor

Damsels in the Castle February 14 and 15 Kim and Gord Matson coach the the junior and senior girl’s basketball teams at Stanley Humphries Secondary School. Valentine’s Weekend February 14 and 15, SHSS hosted the Damsels in the Castle Invitational basketball tournament. Participating teams were SHSS, Grand Forks, LV Rogers, JL Crowe, Nakusp, and Selkirk. The tournament had sportsmanship evident in all

the players’ exemplary behaviour. The SHSS senior team won one out of their three matches. Their last match with rival JL Crowe was an exciting game throughout with the final score being 63 - 44 in JL Crowe’s favour. The SHSS coaches awarded to their home team, a ‘player of the game’ award for each match up. In the junior category Nicole Palmer, Lisa Leffelaar and Cameron Millar each won awards and Ashley Fitchett was named the winner for best player in the tournament. In the senior category, Kelsey Matson, Rebekah Liszt and Shannon Oothuyzen were each named ‘player of the A19

game’. The team travelling the greatest distance to take part in the event was Selkirk from Kimberly. In the Junior category LV Rodgers was the tournament winner. In the Senior category Selkirk won all of its three games and was declared tournament winner. Kim Matson spoke of the high competitive level of the senior games. She said, “There were some really exciting and close games - they were fun to watch.” “The teams are going all out,” she continued. The fan seating at SHSS gymnasium was full from top to bottom with fans voicing their encouragement.


2014 BUDGET and FIVE YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN 2014 BUDGET andand FIVE FINANCIAL 2014 BUDGET FIVEYEAR YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN PLAN The City of Castlegar is undertaking a public consultation process in preparing the City’s 2014 Budget and Five Year Financial Plan. The City ofis Castlegar is undertaking a public consultation consultation process in preparing the City’s The City of Castlegar undertaking a public process in preparing the City’s 2014 Budget and Five Year Financial Plan. consultation process in preparing the City’s The of Castlegar undertaking public 2014City Budget and FiveisYear FinancialaPlan. The City’s Financial Plan includes decisions about General Operations, Water Utility, 2014 Budget and Five Financial Year Financial Plan. The City’s Plan includes decisions about General Operations, Water Utility, Sewer Utility, Sewer and Utility, Airport It Itincludes determinations taxation, and Operations. Airport Operations. includes determinations regarding regarding taxation, The City’s Financial Plan includes decisions about General Operations, Water Utility, utility rates, andlevels service provided levels provided the community as well information on the utilityCity’s rates,Financial and service totothe community asaswell as information on the The Plancapital includes decisions about General Water Utility, Sewer Utility, andproposed Airport Operations. It includes determinations regarding taxation, City’s improvement program for the years to come. Operations, City’s proposed capital improvement program for the years to come. Sewer Utility, and Airport Operations. It includes determinations regarding taxation, utility rates, and service levels provided to the community as well as information on the The City seeks your input and your submissions at a public, open house, meeting on: utility and serviceimprovement levels provided to thefor community well as information on the City’s rates, proposed capital program the years as to come. The City seeks your input and your Tuesday, submissions at a public, house, meeting on: City’s proposed capital improvement program for25, the years toopen come. February 2014 From 5:00 pm to 6:30 p.m.

The City seeks your input and your submissions at pm) a public, open house, meeting on: (Presentation at 5:30 FebruaryForum 25, 2014 open house, meeting on: The City seeks your input and Tuesday, your submissions a public, in the Community at From pm to 6:30 p.m. Castlegar, BC 445 5:00 13th Avenue, Tuesday, February 25, 2014 (Presentation at 5:30 pm) February 25, 2014 If you as an individual,Tuesday, or your organization, would like p.m. to make budget submissions to From 5:00 pm to 6:30 in the Community Forum City Council, or if you From wish to 5:00 receive further pm to information, 6:30 p.m.please contact the City of (Presentation at 5:30 pm) Castlegar at (250) 365-7227 e-mail at Castlegar, 445(Presentation 13orthbyAvenue, at 5:30 pm)BC in the Community Forum th Avenue, the Community Forum BC Castlegar, 445in13 If you as an individual, or your like to Castlegar, BCmake budget submissions 445organization, 13th Avenue, would City Council, or if you wish to receive further information, please contact the City If you as an individual, or your organization, would like to make budget submissions Castlegar at (250) 365-7227 or by e-mail at If youCouncil, as an individual, your would like to make budget submissions City or if you or wish to organization, receive further information, please contact the City City Council, or if 365-7227 you wish or to by receive information, please contact the City Castlegar at (250) e-mailfurther at Castlegar at (250) 365-7227 or by e-mail at

to of to to of of

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PHARMASAVE Jenna Kalmakoff drives to the hoop with the ball as Rachael teBulte (middle) and Angela Soukeroff fill the lanes for Stanley Humphries Secondary senior girls basketball team during the team’s game against Selkirk Secondary from Kimberley on February 15. Craig Lindsay 2.8” x 4”

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A vasectomy is still one of the best control methods. A minor operation using a local anesthetic, it involves severing the tubes that carry sperm from the testes to the penis. The operation doesn't result in immediate sterility so alternate birth control methods should still be used. No sexual difficulties result from the operation however it doesn't protect against sexually transmitted diseases. We've mentioned the "polypill" in this column in the past. It's a drug delivery system that combines 4 drugs in one pill for patients with heart disease. The pill contains ASA, a cholesterol-lowering drug and one or two blood pressure-lowering drugs. It's a way of ensuring the patient gets all the medication needed to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Not on the market yet, but perhaps soon. Understanding how a drug works and its importance to your health will help you remember to take them correctly. We can help.

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Thursday, February 20, 2014 Castlegar News




1 __ Club 5 Eat __ 9 Film __ 13 Sleep __ 14 Mata __ 15 “I’m __ you!” 16 “__ to please!” 17 __-steven 18 SWAT __ 19 Blank 22 __ of bounds 23 Electric __ 24 Blank 31 “It __ to reason” 33 “You’re taking a big __” 34 __-TURN 35 Good for what __ you 36 Costa del __ 37 __ Elevator Company 38 “I Like __” 39 __ the scales 41 San Diego __ 43 Blank 46 Hopping __ 47 Jacqueline Kennedy __ Bouvier 48 Blank 56 Quod __ demonstrandum



57 __ to one’s senses 58 Shed __ 59 __-Honey 60 “Rock of __” 61 From beyond the __ 62 __ nuts 63 “__-a-Cop”: 1988 film 64 “Jane __”


1 X-Ray __: U.K. punk band 2 Take __: doze 3 Golda __ 4 “It’s the __ story” 5 __ of drawers 6 __ Shankar 7 __ Cakesters 8 __ circle 9 __ motel 10 “A Room of __ Own” 11 “Take __ a compliment” 12 CD-__ 13 “I’m in __”: “Wow!” 20 Soap __ 21 __ and potato soup 24 Van __ 25 Carry-__:

luggage 26 Victoria __ 27 Olive __ 28 __-level 29 Peau de __: satin-weave cloth 30 __ 22-Across: solve 31 Set __ 32 __ torch 36 Day __ 37 “__ to Joy” 39 Suit __ 40 __ Series: auto races 41 __-à-porter: ready-to-wear

42 __ Joe 44 Caveat __ 45 Civil __: protest 48 __ Canal 49 __ for life 50 Rib __ 51 “__ to that!” 52 “Lord knows __!” 53 __ Abby 54 __ birth to 55 “... __ I saw Elba” 56 __ and flow

Sports Saints manage to solve TWU goalie Derek Kaye Castlegar News contributor

With a goalie for Trinity Western University all the way from Switzerland for a Valentine’s matchup with the Selkirk Saints, managing to capture first star honours in a 4-1 loss, speaks to the task of stopping 59 of 62 shots laid into him by the relentless Selkirk Saints. Silas Matthys has been in Canada only four months. He played in the National B League in Switzerland, which is the second highest calibre league in that country. A Canadian education in hockey and, of course, whatever he is studying, will certainly benefit his upward mobility, but it’s apparent that we Canadians have a thing or two to learn from this young lad about the science of stopping pucks before they cross the goal line. Although it is certain that love was not the first thing on these two teams’ minds, the game only had one minor penalty in 60 minutes of play, so it was exciting hockey. Scoring opened on an effort by Saints captain Logan Proulx at 15:09 from Darnell Dyck and Connor McLaughlin. The Trinity Western Spartans evened the score less than three minutes later on a goal by Christian Rodriguez assisted by Jake Harcoff and Mattias Schmitt. Cody Fidgett (assisted by Lucas Hildebrand and Logan Proulx) then put the Saints on top by one. The score of 2 -1 remained till midway through

Former Selkirk forward Travis Herlein took advantage of a slow road start from the Saints, scoring twice in a span of 4:51 in the first period to give the an TWU’s Silas Matthys, deflects shot from Saints’ WolfPack Beau Taylor - one of 59 saves he made Feb.14. early 2-0 lead. Derek Kaye But the Saints rebounded bethe third period (the second being scoreless); adding an el- fore intermission, as Thomas ement of suspense to the eve- Hardy took a slick pass from ning. It was Beau Taylor who Mason Spear and beat TRU widened the lead for the Saints goaltender Mark Menicucci at 12:55 assisted by Cody inside the far post to pull the Fidgett and Stefan Gonzales. visitors within one. Selkirk took control in the The Trinity Western coach pulled his star goalie out of second period but were unable the game with a minute left in to even the score until Logan a vain attempt at scoring. The Proulx was sprung for a breakSaints’ Connor McLaughlin away by linemate Jackson Gartook advantage, scoring unas- rett and blew a wrist shot past sisted when he broke free of the glove of the WolfPack netthe Spartan defence, coming minder. But that was the last in alone on an empty net and time that the Saints would get nonchalantly one-handing it the better of Menicucci during to put an exclamation point on regulation, as the Surrey, BC product went on to make a the Saints’ win. number of sensational saves during the second and third Following: submitted by periods. Saints’ coach Jeff Dubois: Following a scoreless overThe Selkirk College Men’s time frame, Saints netminder Hockey program fell behind Chris Hurry stopped all three early but finished strong on WolfPack shootout attempts Saturday night in Kamloops, before Darnell Dyck beat Metopping Thompson Rivers nicucci on a backhand deke to University 3-2 in a shootout to win the game and give Selkirk keep alive their hopes for an- a much-needed two points. The victory sets up a huge other first place finish in the B.C. Intercollegiate Hockey game on Saturday night when the Saints will host SFU. League.

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Castlegar News Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sports Rebels drop a pair to the Nitehawks A21


DEREK KAYE Castlegar News contributor

Beaver Valley jumped the gun on Saturday February 15, scoring three goals in quick succession. This resulted in Castlegar Rebels coach Jesse Dorrans switching goalies. Nitehawk Dallas Calvin, assisted by Ryan Edwards put the first one in at 15:34 and then at 13:32 Ryan Edwards from Dan Holland sunk another one. Less than 30 seconds later another shot by Braden Fuller assisted by Dallas Calvin slipped past Nate Rabbit and at this point he was replaced by teammate Patrick Zubick. But it did not seem to matter who was in net for Castlegar, as Braden Fuller’s shot got by Zubick five minutes later, assisted by Blake Sidoni and Sam Swanson. The second period opened with what Aaron Brewer would later describe as the Castlegar team’s “A game,’’ and he proved that by putting the Rebels on the scoreboard at 11:19 assisted by Derek Georgopoulos and Diego Bartlett - two teammates who were most definitely hustling as hard as they could. But the Nitehawks responded at 7:18 with a shot by Ryan Edwards from Sheldon Hubbard, and the Beaver Valley squad was now ahead 5-1. Scoring in period three opened at 11:19 with the Rebels “A” line, Brewer, Georgopoulos and Bartlett tallying at almost the same time on the clock as their second period



Aaron Brewer, who scored twice on Feb. 14 thinks the Rebels can take on anyone in the league. Derek Kaye

goal. The line of Medeiros, Jenerou and Bowerman, not to be outdone, scored on a power play opportunity less than two minutes later. But the Nitehawks stomped on the gas and scored three more before the end of the game with two from Ryan Edwards (assisted by Riley Brandt and Dan Holland) and again (assisted by Dan Holland and Lyle Frank) to give Edwards a hat-trick for the night. He scored another point at 5:09, assisting with Walter Sidoni on Beaver Valley’s last goal of the night on a shot by Sam Swanson. Although there was only one penalty in the first period, the second and third saw plenty of roughing and game misconducts. The Rebels’ captain finished his shift midway through the third after some exciting boxing action. Teammate Matt Reed had al-

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ready roughed out of the game during the second period. The Nitehawks Fraser Stang and Riley Brandt represented their team in the boxing club and were given game misconducts as well. Nitehawks coach Terry Jones spoke with the Castlegar News post game. “Pretty good effort for us, really good first period,” he said. “We were really skating - we had some good opportunities and we buried the puck when we needed to. Second period sagged a little bit as we took our foot off the pedal. The game is mental - you have to keep skating and playing hard. You’ve got to play your A game to win. It is a tough division, if you don’t play your best you are not going to win.” Rebels forward Aaron Brewer who had put two shots in the net, commented... Continued on P. A26

CAREER FAIR FREE! THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 11:30 AM – 5:30 PM, CASTLEGAR CAMPUS Are you a job seeker looking for employment? Or a high school student looking into post-secondary programs or searching for information on your future career? Come out and explore your career and education options! For more information, visit




Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386 Public Swim at the Castlegar Community Complex Mon/Wed/Fri Mon/Wed Tues/Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday

6:30-9:00am 10:00-4:00pm & 7:30-9:00pm 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm 10:00-8:30pm 1:00-6:00pm 1:00-6:00pm

Drop In Fitness Classes

Fitness classes happen 5 days per week. Purchase a Castlegar & District Community Complex membership pass and over 20 fitness classes are included. Greatest deal in town. Classes offered are: • Ultimate Kickbox • Circuit Strength • Step n’Tone • Deep Water Works • PM Aqua Fit • Fab 50+ • Core & More • Health & Recovery

• Spring Break Children’s Camps Red Cross Babysitting Course • Spring Break Red Cross March 17 & 18 Swim Lessons - Boys Biking Camp Monday – Thursday • March 17 – 27 March 26 – 28 Registration Now taking place! - Girls Biking Intro Camp March 28 • Mini Mini Soccer - Circ & Create Camps March 18&19 or March 26&27 Mon & Wed 4:30-5:00pm (Register now - limited registration) Starting April 14th • $40.00

Upcoming Recreation Programs

Ice Action • Selkirk Saints vs Simon Frazer University Saturday Feb 22 • Game 7:30pm • Rebel Playoff Action will be happening February 28th & March 2 at the Complex • Public Skate Saturday February 22 – West Kootenay Bantam House Playoffs Sunday February 23 • 4:15 - 5:45pm

Community Happenings:

Early Bird Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim

• Castlegar Annual Field Users Meeting Thursday February 27th 7:00pm – Kootenay Room

Spring Break Leisure Guide

will be in the mail the week of March 3rd. Be sure to check out our spring line up. Registration starts March 10th. For more information go to web site.

• West Kootenay Lacrosse League registration now taking place at the Complex. • Castlegar Minor Soccer registration is on line at

Registration still taking place for a variety of Winter Recreation Programs. Check out our Winter Leisure Guide on line Brochures in the mail next week.

Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. If you would like your event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.


Thursday, February 20, 2014 Castlegar News


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In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Engineering Office Manager required for GMC Consultants office in Trail. Seeking an experienced Engineer (minimum 10 years) with an Industrial Design background and experience with project management and estimating techniques. Ideal candidate is a registered Professional Engineer. Apply at: http://www.gcmconsultants. com/apply-online.html

INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853

QUALITY ASSURANCE course for Health Canada’s Commercial Marijuana Program. February 22 & 23 Best Western Hotel, Kelowna, BC. Tickets: or 1-855-860-8611 or 250870-1882.


HOME INSPECTION COMPANY expanding into the Castlegar area. ~All Training Included~

Call Dave for Franchise Presentation. 1.855.301.2233

ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis

START NOW! Complete Ministry approved Diplomas in months! Business, Health Care and more! Contact Academy of Learning College: 1-855-354-JOBS (5627) or We Change Lives!

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager online! Graduates get access to all jobs posted with us. 33 years of success! Government certified. or 1800-665-8339, 604-681-5456.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email:

Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits or Other Insurance?

Forestry WANTED: OPERATIONS Forester required to lead team in Alberta. Permanent full-time opportunity for qualified experienced forester with supervisory experience. Email resume to:

Help Wanted Dental Hygienist wanted Part-Time 2 days/week avail March. Send resume to Dr. Zarikoff’s office 515D Vernon St. Nelson BC


Part-time Office Administrator/Propane Attendant

Must be reliable and have good knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel Propane training will be provided, but applicant must be able to lift propane tanks Please send resumes to

WE have an immediate opening for a dynamic fireplace salesperson for our busy store in Vernon. The successful candidate will have a minimum of 5 years experience in the fireplace industry, in either the retail or building sector, be comfortable in dealing with homeowners and contractors alike,and possess the drive and determination needed to excel in a fast paced environment. We offer an excellent starting salary and commission structure,as well as benefits and RRSP plan. If interested in this position please reply in confidence to


MOTHERS OF 6-10 year olds needed for internet study about parenting. Receive $15. Call the UBC Parenting Lab, Psychology Department tollfree: 1-866-558-5581.

Suffering From A Chronic illness?

EARTHING Is your Solution...

Earthing connects you with the earth while you sleep. • 30 day Warranty on all products. 100’s of Success Stories!! Call: 1.250.421.1432 or e-mail:

Personals Handyman Senior Gent looking for Single Lady for companionship 70 & over N/S, likes curling bowling & quick conversation Would like to meet, Call 250-231-1631 or 359-7343



CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

Employment Automotive

BRANCH MANAGER & Counter Parts Person required for automotive parts, HD parts and body shop supply business in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. Parts experience required. Email:

Business Opportunities

GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website UP TO $400 cash daily. FT & PT outdoors, Spring/Summer work. Seeking honest, hardworking staff. Find us online:



Rosemarie (Rose) Elisabeth Gonsky 1943 – 2014

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the sudden passing of Rose Gonsky at Kootenay Lake Hospital on February 14th, 2014 at the age of 70. Rose was born on July 28th, 1943 in Oliver, BC to parents Albert and Ingrid Schaefer. Rose was the 2nd youngest born to a family of five children. Rose met and then married the love of her life, Bill Gonsky, on October 11, 1963. Rose and Bill settled in Westbridge, BC where they raised their two children, Mike and Deanne. Rose was committed to her family and devoted her time and efforts to her four wonderful grandchildren. Rose was also a dedicated member of her community and did not hesitate to volunteer her time when called upon. She remained a valued member of both the Westbridge and Robson communities throughout her life. Rose will be forever remembered by her adored children: Mike (Renae) of Westbridge and Deanne (Troy) of Robson, her four grandchildren Courtenay and Taylor Gonsky of Kelowna and Garret and Kelsey Patterson of Robson. Three siblings, Margaret Jensen of Osoyoos, Inga (Art) Goerzen of Kelowna, Karl (Maryann) Schaefer of Ladner as well as numerous extended family and friends. Rose was predeceased by her loyal husband of 33 years, William Gonsky, on November, 17th, 1996 as well as her brother Alvin Schaefer and both of her parents. At Rose’s request no public service will be held at this time. There will be a Celebration of Life held in late spring, details to follow. As an expression of sympathy donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, 4-1551 Sutherland Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9M9 or the Canadian Cancer Society, 565 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 9Z9 are greatly appreciated. Online condolences may be expressed at Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Thompson Funeral Service Ltd.

John & Dixie Rizzotti No phone calls please

If YES, call or email for your

and protect your right to compensation. 778.588.7049 Toll Free: 1.888.988.7052

In Loving Memory

Peter Makeiff With sad and aching hearts, the family of Peter Makeiff of Ootischenia, wishes to announce his passing at Talarico Place Care Centre on Wednesday, January 29, 2014, blessed with 85 years of life. Peter was born in Brilliant, BC on June 28, 1928, to parents Annie and Taras Makeiff and he has lived in this area all his life. On December 29, 1949, he married Vera Gleboff and the couple raised two daughters. During his working career, Peter was a carpenter/welder on heavy construction and worked on many dam and bridge construction projects in British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba. He enjoyed music and singing and was a proud member of the Kootenay Men’s Choir, of the Tri-Choir and of the Kootenay Psalmists. He liked fishing, gardening, sports and especially spending time with his family. Peter was the kind of person who was always positive and always had a big smile and something cheerful to say. Peter was predeceased by his brothers Mike and Bill and by his sisters Annie Jensen, Molly Kinakin and Lucy Nevakshonoff. Left to mourn his loss is his loving wife of 64 years Vera; his daughters Barbara (Joe) Popoff and Donna (Al) Green; 7 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; a large extended family and a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Funeral Services were officiated by Peter Zaytsoff at the Brilliant Cultural Centre on Friday, February 7, 2014 followed by interment in the Ootischenia Cemetery. Donations in Peter’s memory may be made to the Castlegar Hospital Foundation, Talarico Place Care Centre, 709-10th Street, Castlegar BC V1N 2H7 or the Brilliant Cultural Centre, 1818 Brilliant Road, Castlegar BC V1N 4K2. The family would like to thank all the staff at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hopital, all the staff at Talarico Place Care Centre, Castlegar Funeral Chapel, Brilliant Cultural Centre, Peter Zaytsoff for officiating the funeral service, John J. Verigin for his heartfelt words of comfort, the singers for their melodious singing, the cooks and servers for the excellent meal, all the people who attended the funeral and all the people who called, sent cards, visited and brought food. The family is truly grateful to the entire community for their generous and unwavering support during this difficult time. “MAY HE REST IN GOD’S HEAVENLY KINGDOM.”

Its hard to believe one year passed since we lost our wonderful parents You left us beautiful memories Your love is still our guide, And though we cannot see you, You are always at our side. Our family chain is broken, And nothing seems the same But as God calls us, one by one The chain will link again Love you always from your loving Family

Never To Be Forgotten




Andrew (Andy) John Verigin

September 18, 1934-February 6, 2014 Andy passed away peacefully at his Wasa home on Thursday, February 6, 2014 at the age of 79, after a short battle with bone cancer. Andy was born on September 18, 1934 to John and Polly in Perry Siding, BC. He met his beautiful bride Dorothy (Konkin) and they were marred in August of 1955. In February of 1960 the family moved to Donald, BC, then later to Golden, BC and finally moving to Wasa, BC in the spring of 1968. Andy was known through the valley for his wonderful delicious cucumbers and tomatoes and the most beautiful flowers in the valley. Andy is survived by his wife, Dorothy; sons Randy (Jeanette) and Garry (Christian); grandchildren, Chris, Megan, Tyrell and Benjamin; great grandchildren Oden and Cleo; sister: Mary; sister in laws: Mabel (Bill) and Mary; brother in laws: Harry (Barb) and Martin (Stella); nephews: Kenny and Kevin; nieces: Rachel, Teresa, Bonnie, Amanda, Sarah, Jenica, Carol and Marlene; as well as numerous family and friends. Andy was preceded in death by his parents, his daughter Debbie and a niece Christine. A celebration of life for Andy will be held on Saturday, March 1, 2014 at the Wasa Community Hall from 11 am to 3 pm. In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that donations be made to the Wasa Community Church. The family would also like to thank Dr. Ken Brown, Dr. Scheiman, the staff at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital and the ladies of Interior Health Home Care for all the great and wonderful care they showed towards Any and they are forever grateful.

Castlegar News Thursday, February 20, 2014 A23




Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

Trades, Technical



Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

North Enderby Timber is looking to hire for various positions including Millwright and/or Fabricator, Heavy Duty Mechanic and Electrician. We offer competitive wages along with a comprehensive benefit package. Please fax resume to 250-838-9637.

YRB Yellowhead Road & Bridge

Yellowhead Road & Bridge (Kootenay) Ltd. is looking for a Mechanic for our New Denver facility. Applicants will need to hold a valid TQ for Heavy Duty or Commercial Transport, class three driver’s licence and Motor Vehicle Inspection licence would be an asset. Resumes can be faxed to 250-352-2172 or e-mailed to

Trades, Technical Civil Engineering Technologist II (re-Advertisement) District of Kitimat, full time permanent, wage range $37.94 - $45.90, over two years. Civil Technologist diploma required. Duties include infrastructure investigations, surveying, design, contract preparation, inspection and material testing on projects related to the municipality’s water, sewer, drainage and transportation systems. Candidates should be proficient in using electronic survey equipment, computer assisted design using AutoCad 3D. and MS Office. Valid BC driver’s license required. Submit resumes by February 27, 2014, 4:40 pm, to Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H7, Fax (250) 632-4995, or email Further information can be obtained from our website at

Career Opportunities


Health Products

Professional/ Management

SUTCO requires a dispatcher for flat deck division, position is based in Salmon Arm BC. Working knowledge of highway logistics is a must. Experience with Qualcomm and Tailwinds Programs would be definite asset. Sutco is an equal opportunity employer and offers employees great pay, extended health benefits, and a pension plan. Submit resumes on line / fax to 250 357 2009 or email


Required F/T for Vancouver Outboard. Primary duties will include maintenance troubleshooting and repair of diesel & gas marine engines. Knowledgeable in vessel electrical systems is an asset. Must have own tools and a valid drivers license. Exc. Compensation Based On Experience. Please forward resume: vancouveroutboard@

RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660.



Castlegar Toyota immediately seeks an energetic, customer-focused service advisor who is great with people and can handle numerous demands in a professional and courteous manner. Duties in this fast-paced position include scheduling maintenance and repair work, providing estimates, selling service and parts as required, coordinating technicians and embracing administrative tasks. Strong telephone and computer skills are essential. Our standards are high because our customers deserve superb treatment. As a result, we offer excellent benefits, bonuses, competitive pay and a positive working environment. This is a full-time position. Please send you cover letter and resume to: Daryl Zibin Castlegar Toyota 1530 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1H9 Email:

Start something that lasts

Career Opportunities

Employment Opportunities 3PJLUZLK ,HYS` *OPSKOVVK ,K\JH[VY 0UMHU[ ;VKKSLY *LY[PÄJH[PVU Program Leader Lynx Program This is a full time position commencing March 3rd, 2014 with a starting wage of $16.75. The successful candidate will be familiar with the Early Learning Framework and be open to learning about and facilitating a Reggio Inspired Practice. Teamwork and strong interpersonal skills with all ages is mandatory. CLOSING: February 25th, 12:00 noon

LPJenZed ,arSy ChPSdhood ,duJator InMant ;oddSer CertPÄJatPon Lynx Program

This is a full time position commencing March 3rd, 2014 with a starting wage of $16.00 The successful candidate will be familiar with the Early Learning Framework and be open to learning about and facilitating a Reggio Inspired Practice. Teamwork and strong interpersonal skills with all ages is mandatory. CLOSING: February 25th, 12:00 noon

8uaSPÄed ,arSy ChPSdhood ,duJator

This is a part time position, commencing March 10th, 2014 with a starting wage of $15.50/hour. The successful candidate will be familiar with the Early Learning Framework and be open to learning about and facilitating a Reggio Inspired Practice. Teamwork and strong interpersonal skills with all ages is mandatory. CLOSING: February 2 8th, 12:00 noon Please send a cover letter & resume to: The School House ECLC Attn: Veronica O’Connor 1623 Falls Street Nelson, BC V1L 1J7 Or by Email to:


Are you thinking about taking your automotive career to the next level? If you are, then you’ll appreciate working with us. Castlegar Toyota requires an experienced licensed technician to service all makes and models in our modern and fully equipped facility. Our dealership is focused on hiring and retaining the best. As such, we offer market-leading pay and benefits, paid training opportunities, a supportive team and the opportunity to advance. When it comes to service, our priority is making sure our customers are pleased, and we understand the importance of quality technicians in meeting that goal. Come join us. Please send your resume and cover letter to: Daryl Zibin 1530 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1H9 Fax: (250) 365-2752 Email:

Help Wanted

Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) delivers supports and services to adults with developmental disabilities and their families in British Columbia. We have a part-time Regional Finance Manager position available in the Castlegar Integrated Office. Please see competition #2014.023 posted on our website for full details and mention you saw the ad in this paper. Closing date is March 11, 2014. For more information on this and all other available positions, visit our website:

Start something that lasts


Glacier Honda is a fully developed shop with advanced technology and the latest equipment, including alignment. We are offering an exciting opportunity for the right person to work in our fast-paced shop. The Glacier Honda Service team emphasizes quality work and customer satisfaction. If you are presently apprenticing and thinking ahead

Call me, Al Sanders. Let’s talk.

Glacier Honda is offering a full time technician position with an excellent remuneration and benefit package. Wages are negotiable, depending on experience. Journeyman qualifications are preferred, but if you are a fourth year apprentice, you are also encouraged to: Call me at 250-365-4845; or send your resume to the address below; or email: Attention: Al Sanders.


1602 Columbia Ave Castlegar BC V1N 1H9 Phone: 250-365-4845

Sales Representative With critically acclaimed vehicles such as the all-new, award-winning GMC Sierra pickup, Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC’s outlook has never been better. As a result, we’re looking for a capable, personable and motivated sales representative to demonstrate our exciting lineup of vehicles to customers. If you have a deep interest in automobiles and enjoying sharing your passion with others in a genuinely helpful manner, then maybe this position is for you. We provide the kind of training and support to help you succeed, and our compensation and benefits packages rank among the best anywhere. Sales experience is helpful but not necessary. Good communication and computer skills along with a willingness to learn and constantly improve are far better indicators of potential success. Please send your cover letter and resume to: Scott Hutt, Sales Manager 1700 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 2W4 Fax: (250) 365-3949 Email:

The School House early care and learning centre

Help Wanted

Automotive Service Technician


Service Advisor

Career Opportunities



School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)


The School District is seeking applications from qualified persons for the On-Call List in the following areas: Clerical: • Business College Certificate in Office Administration or equivalent • A minimum of two (2) years of recent experience in a secretarial or clerical position • Strong working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite on PC and/or Mac Platforms General Qualifications: • Grade 12 or equivalent • Valid WHMIS Certificate For full position details including qualifications please refer to the Careers with SD20 section of our website at Salary will be in accordance with CUPE Local 1285 Collective Agreement. Closing date of accepting applications is 12:00 NOON on Monday, March 3, 2014. Send applications including resume and references to: Mrs. Marcy VanKoughnett, Director of Human Resources, School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia), 2001 Third Ave, Trail, BC V1R 1R62 (Fax: 250-364-2470). Please send electronic applications to

School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)

Employment Opportunities The School District is seeking applications from qualified persons for the On-Call List in the following area: Custodian: • Building Service Worker Course Certificate or equivalent, minimum of two (2) years of work experience as a custodian or building service worker in a commercial or industrial setting, or an equivalent combination of training, education or experience. General Qualifications: • Grade 12 or equivalent • Valid WHMIS Certificate • Valid Class 5 Driver’ s License For full position details including qualifications please refer to the Careers with SD20 section of our website at Salary will be in accordance with CUPE Local 1285 Collective Agreement. Completed district applications (available on the district web site or at our office) should be sent to Mrs. Marcy VanKoughnett, Director of Human Resources, School District # 20 (Kootenay - Columbia), 2001 Third Ave, Trail, B. C. V1R 1R6 (Fax: 250-364-2470). Please submit electronic applications to: It is understood that applicants agree to confidential reference checks of all previous employers. We appreciate your interest but regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Thursday, February 20, 2014 Castlegar News






Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Communication Services


Career opportunity

The Cutting Edge Hair and Tanning Studio in Creston BC is now offering Hot Head hair extensions. A full set, cut to shape your new look and styled $450. Every 8 weeks extension replacement $70. Call us at 250-428-3488 to book your consultation. It’s worth the drive

Legal Services


CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

This position researches and analyses various issues and provides analytical support to programs, initiatives and other responsibilities of the Sector Initiatives department.

Apply by March 14, 2014.

Connect with us

Employment or Contract Opportunity to provide Employment and Training Services to First Nations/Non-Status/and Inuit Clients in the West Kootenays Current Opportunity: OTDC currently has an opportunity to provide Employment Counselling and Assistance Services to First Nations/Non Status/and Inuit clients who reside in the West Kootenay area (i.e. Castlegar, Trail, Nelson and Grand Forks). These services may be provided by way oI an employment opportunity Irom a TualiÀed individual or Irom a local community agency in a related Àeld, on an itinerant basis. Direct supervision is provided by OTDC, Program Manager (Kelowna). Targets identiÀed are in the area of Job Placements, Employer Visits and Client Registrations. Key Activities include: • Provide the Core Employment Services • Refer clients to other community agencies for non-employment needs, appropriate employment opportunities, training programs, agencies and institutions • Solicit employment vacancies and training opportunities from employers and maintain a Mob board at the Employment Services ofÀce. • Maintain conÀdential client Àles, including documentation as directed by OTDC and Service Canada • Maintain records; provide detailed statistical and narrative reports of client successes and employment outcomes and maintain a data capture information management system for reporting purposes • Network with local and regional potential partners (Agencies, Colleges etc.) that are involved with promoting the training and employment of First Nations/Aboriginal persons 4ualiÀcations: • Knowledge of local community service providers. • The successful individual and or agency will hold a diploma in Employment Counselling or an eTuivalent combination of education and experience in a related Àeld. • Exceptional people skills and an upbeat positive attitude, communication, project management, budget management and computer skills (MS OfÀce and database) are essential. <ou must hold a valid %C Driver·s /icense with a safe driving record. • Preference will be given to an Aboriginal individual and or agency. This is a full/part time opportunity to commence approximately April 1, 2014 and is anticipated to end approximately March 31, 2015 (with possible renewal). Remuneration will be based on education & experience. Application Process: OTDC invites TualiÀed applicants to submit their cover letter, proposal and resume. We look forward to exploring possibilities for effective program service delivery options. Applicants must be able to provide Employment Assistance services to assist clients in the West Kootenay area, possibly on itinerant basis. For further information about OTDC please visit our website at 4ualiÀed applicants may respond directly to: Karen Abramsen – Program Manager at OTDC #101 – 1865 Dilworth Drive, Suite 339, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 9T1 Email:, Fax: 250-769-1866 Application Deadline: Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 (Please put WK Application in the Subject line) We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted.

Financial Services DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

Help Wanted

Real Estate


Houses For Sale

BERNESE CKC PUPPIES, ready now! $1500 Call 778240-1860 or 604-897-0485

2005 SRI Double Wide MODULAR HOME 24x44 in Triangle Gardens. 45 years and up. Vaulted ceiling, open plan, bay window, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, pantry, low maintenance, gas heat, air conditioning, 5 appl’s, UGS, landscaped, covered deck & carport, other features, must see. 250-442-8676

Merchandise for Sale

Misc. for Sale 2 single adjustable beds w/massage $400 each like new 250 227-9529 Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014

FEBRUARY STEEL OF A DEAL 1/4”, 3/8” Plate. Var sizes & widths available. 7 truck loads of Plate still available. Call for lists of loads. 400,000 lbs 1/2” X 4’ wide, Coils Mild Steel 4½” ODx.337 wall & 7” ODx.317 wall x 44’ Pipe. Sea Container - 20’ $1,999 & 40’ $2,199. Call or email for further information or prices. TARGET STEEL & SEA CONTAINER SALES 604-792-3434

This is a 14-month, full-time position, preferably based out of either our Castlegar or Golden office. 1.800.505.8998

Pets & Livestock

5 Bed 3 bath home In a quite neighborhood in Castlegar. This home offers a gourmet kitchen Japanese cherry wood flooring, generous room sizes, Luxurious bathrooms, efficient heating and cooling this is an opportunity you will not want to miss $384,900. Call Lev at Valhalla Path Realty 250-3548443

Castlegar 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath Lrg Kitchen, 2 Sun Porches Central Air, Dbl car garage 100’ x 98’ private river view $275,000, Welcome Home Call 250-304-2944

Last 2 Brand New Adult Homes on Merry Creek Road Beautiful 2 bedroom 2 bathroom, half duplexes available in central Castlegar Starting at $309,000

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?

Telephone Services DISCONNECTED PHONE? National Teleconnect home phone service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call National Teleconnect today! 1866-443-4408. or online:

Help Wanted

Lindmar Development Ltd. Quality Adult Homes Ron Smithers: 250-365-4823 Licensed Home Warranty Builder

Like New - Guild 4x8 Slate Pool Table, beautiful piece of furniture, never been abused Looking for a Loving Home $6500 New Offers! Kenmore HE Dryer - White Stackable, Front Load - $300 250-365-8286; 250-304-9304

Mobile Homes & Parks WANTED: Trailer Park in Nelson area. Have 18 suite apartment best location in Regina or will buy you park outright. Perry 1 306 525-2215

SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

Rentals Rent To Own

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:

Rent to Own If you have a small down payment I have a nice home for you. Less then perfect credit OK call Jessica @ 250 505-7420

Apt/Condo for Rent

Executive Director--

Kootenay Society For Community Living The Board of Kootenay Society for Community Living is accepting applications for the position of Executive Director. The Kootenay Society for Community Living is a multi-service non-proÀt society situated in Castlegar, B.C. The Executive Director is responsible for the overall organization and management of the Society under the direction of the Board of Directors. PreIerred 4ualiÀcations: Post-secondary degree in community development, social work and/or business administration and a minimum of Àve years senior management experience.

Misc. Wanted Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Estates, Gold & Silver Coins + 499-0251Chad

Musical Instruments

Castlegar 2 Bdrm Apt 900 sq ft. F/S, D/W, laundry on site, grassed fenced yard one parking stall per apt. Clean bright and quiet. Ground level N/S, N/P $725/mth + utilities,250-365-5070 leave msg E.TRAIL, 3Bdrm., clean, quiet, responsible adults 40+. N/S, N/P, Long Term. 250368-9186, 250-364-1669

Clearance of select items till Saturday, March 1st Bay Avenue Music 1364 Bay Ave, Trail 250-368-8878

SELKIRK MANOR CEDAR MANOR 1 & 2 Bedroom Apt Call 250-304-3026 250-365-3034

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

-oE SNills Preferred skills: substantial experience working within a variety of non proÀt funding frameworks, Ànancial administration, policy development, systemic advocacy, program planning, negotiations, leadership, social entrepreneurship, fundraising and accreditation. The successful applicant will demonstrate strong oral and written presentation skills and be a dynamic, collaborative leader. Competitive salary and beneÀts are offered. For more information about Kootenay Society for Community Living see our website: +oZ to Apply: Please submit a resume and covering letter to: President-Board of Directors, Kootenay Society for Community Living 2429 12th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N4A9 or by email: The closing date is 5:00pm, February 28, 2014. We thank all applicants for your interest; however only those candidates considered for an interview will be contacted.

career opportunity Electrical Engineer Reference Number 1402

Reporting to the Director, Operations, the Electrical Engineer will establish and manage compliant, reliable and cost effective electrical, protection and control systems in the hydroelectric operating facilities. The successful candidate will retain expert knowledge of facility equipment and lead all planning for equipment maintenance and replacement, as well as provide equipment performance expectations to the facility operating and maintaining personnel through regular communication and periodic audits. The preferred candidate will have a Degree in Electrical Engineering with a Professional Engineering designation and a minimum of five years of experience managing equipment reliability in hydro power facilities. Demonstrated communication and project management skills, and the ability to interpret and analyze technical information are essential. Qualified applicants interested in joining a dynamic team are encouraged to visit the Careers section of our website at Closing date for this position is March 7, 2014. Please refer to Job #1402 when submitting your application.

Castlegar News Thursday, February 20, 2014 A25








Homes for Rent

Suites, Lower

Auto Financing

Auto Financing

Auto Financing

Cars - Domestic

Trucks & Vans

Grand Forks. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 5 appl’s. NS, complete reno. Rural, quiet, 1km from downtown. References required. $750/m+utils. 250-442-7476.

CASTLEGAR SOUTH 1 bdrm basement suite fully furnished & equipped includes util. cable, internet, private ent close to bus stops, $750/mth Available March 1st 250-365-5164

2001 Subaru Impreza, 4dr hatch back, 2.2Lt., auto, 4 wheel dr, brand new ice & snow tires, 230,000km, $4,100/obo. 250-442-0122 or 250-493-1807.

1987 Dodge Dakota, reg cab, long box, auto, V6, one owner, 169,000km, very clean, canopy, 2 wheel drive, $1,800/obo. 250-442-0122 or 250-4931807. Grand Forks 2007 Green F-150 Crew Cab 4x4, 5.4 litre (gas) Tow package, seats 6 c/w fold up concole, 6 foot box 143,000 km, asking $14,000 Call 250-365-5501

Grand Forks rural trailer, valley view, mature couple, N/S, no partying. $500/m 250-5121268.


Mobile Home in Thrums 2 brms, deck, addition appliances, small pet ok $625/mth, 250-304-9273 or 250-359-7178 Starter home near DT Castlegar 3 bdrm, 1 bath 5 appliances, pet friendly $1,200/mth + utilities, Call Elmer 250-365-3333

2002 Oldsmobile Alero, 4cy, 5sp manual, 2 dr coop, 107,000 original km, runs and looks like new. Car is in Grand Forks. Driven daily. $3,499. 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807.


Cars - Sports & Imports 1992 Golf Volks Wagon, 4 dr hatch back, 5 sp, new tires, new exhaust, runs excellent. $999./obo. 250-442-0122 or 250-493-1807.


The link to your community

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Cellular Shade 5

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Ph: 250.365.3014

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Cellular Vertical Shade 7


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Cellular Shade 6

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Cellular Shade 3

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401A 13th Ave. Castlegar BC • 250.365.2886 Play Times: Monday-Friday • 8am-6pm •

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2002 Oldsmobile Alero, 4cy, 5sp manual, 2 dr coop, 107,000 original km, runs and looks like new. Car is in Grand Forks. Driven daily. $3,499. 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807.

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Cars - Sports & Imports 1992 Golf Volks Wagon, 4 dr hatch back, 5 sp, new tires, new exhaust, runs excellent. $999./obo. 250-442-0122 or 250-493-1807.




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1987 Dodge Dakota, reg cab, long box, auto, V6, one owner, 169,000km, very clean, canopy, 2 wheel drive, $1,800/obo. 250-442-0122 or 250-4931807. Grand Forks 2007 Green F-150 Crew Cab 4x4, 5.4 litre (gas) Tow package, seats 6 c/w fold up concole, 6 foot box 143,000 km, asking $14,000 Call 250-365-5501


Thursday, February 20, 2014 Castlegar News

Sports Beaver Valley squad proves to be a handful for Castlegar Rebels Continued from P. A21

“They obviously have some elite talent over there so you can’t be making simple mistakes that we shouldn’t be making. It is all about consistency with us. If we have all four lines rolling, everyone going, we can put up with anyone in this league”. On the previous night the

Rebels were in Fruitvale at the Beaver Valley Arena, coming out on the wrong end of a 6-3 score. The Nitehawks came out strong in the first period establishing a three goal lead on the Rebels. Jeremy Lucchini scored (Ryan Edwards and Fraser Stang) before Dallas Calvin (Jacob Boyczuk and Taylor Staf-

ford) and Ryan Edwards (Dan Holland) added to the bulge. In the second period the Rebels took advantage of two power-play opportunities early on, scoring at 17:12 and 16:33 by Darren Medeiros from Dylan Bowerman and Hunter Jeneroux for the first and the second scored by Connor Beauchemin from Darren Medeiros and Jer-

emy McNeil. But the Nitehawks responded, widening their lead with two of their own scored by Dallas Calvin from Fraser Stang and Jeremy Lucchini, and at 3:20 by Riley Brandt from Ryan Edwards and Dan Holland. The third period opened with Rebel Captain Kody Disher scoring at 19:05 assisted by Dylan Bowerman and Aaron



Recipe of the Week...


Easy Slow Cooker Pulled Pork Recipe Ingredients 2 medium yellow onions, thinly sliced 4 medium garlic cloves, thinly sliced

The Greek Oven

1 cup chicken stock or low-sodium

Authentic Greek Cuisine

chicken broth

Pizza & Pasta

1 tablespoon packed dark brown sugar

400 Columbia Ave., Downtown Castlegar Tues-Sat 11:30 - 8:30pm Closed Sun-Mon + Holidays

1 tablespoon chili powder


1 tablespoon kosher salt,

1 (4-1/2- to 5-pound) boneless or bone-

plus more as needed

in pork shoulder (also known as pork butt), twine or netting removed

1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon R E ST


NT •

PU B •



Thirsty Duck

‘Great Food & Funʻ

Tails from the

Petten. However, the Rebels were unable to score again while the Nitehawks did score with 4:02 left in the game unassisted by Dallas Calvin keeping the Nitehawks firmly in second place in the Neil Murdoch Div. The Rebels have one last regular season game in Grand Forks this Friday, Feb 21, before the playoffs begin.

Lion’s Den

Come check out.... AWESOME BANDS

coming up over the next two weeks!

Wing Night Wednesday Friday is AAA Steak Sandwich Daily Drink and Food Specials

4370B Minto Road, Castlegar 250.365.0035 • Open 11am Daily

This Friday the 21st, Robert London will be here playing the blues. No cover, show starts at 9. Then on Friday, the 28th, Sweaty Vinyl will be here! No cover, show starts at 9. Also, the reno’s have been continuing here at the Lion’s Head, pop in and check out our gorgeous new bar top! Cheers! 250 365 BREW (2739) 2629 Broadwater Rd Robson, BC

2 cups barbecue sauce (optional)

Directions 1. Place the onions and garlic in an even layer in the slow cooker and pour in the stock or broth. Combine the sugar, chili powder, measured salt, cumin, and cinnamon in a small bowl. Pat the pork dry with paper towels. Rub the spice mixture all over the pork and place the meat on top of the onions and garlic. Cover and cook until the pork is fork tender, about 6 to 8 hours on high or 8 to 10 hours on low. 2. Turn off the slow cooker and remove the pork to a cutting board. Set a fine-mesh strainer over a medium heatproof bowl. Pour the onion mixture from the slow cooker through the strainer and return the solids to the slow cooker. Set the strained liquid aside. 3. If the pork has a bone, remove and discard it. Using 2 forks, shred the meat into bitesized pieces, discarding any large pieces of fat. Return the shredded meat to the slow cooker, add the barbecue sauce, if using, and mix to combine. If you’re not using barbecue sauce, use a spoon to skim and discard the fat from the surface of the strained cooking liquid, and then add 1/4 cup of the liquid at a time to the slow cooker until the pork is just moistened. Taste and season with salt as needed. 4. Serve on a Portugese Bun with some freshly made coleslaw.

Contact Christine Esovoloff to place your food & drink ad on our Crave page @


Coleslaw Salad (1lb pkg)


Pork Shoulder Butt Roast


City Portugese Buns


Castlegar News Thursday, February 20, 2014 A27




30-70% off

YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS! 532 Baker St Nelson 250.352.3200 660 18th St Castlegar 250.365.5588


Thursday, February 20, 2014 Castlegar News


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600


200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 542-3000


1881 Harvey Avenue (250) 860-1975



101-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. (250) 493-3800




101-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000

#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

Villiage Green Mall (250) 542-1496


ANDRES WIRELESS Cherry Lane Mall (250) 493-4566


#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

745 Notre Dame Drive (250) 851-8700


200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 542-3000







745 Notre Dame Drive (250) 851-8700 WE WILL NOT BE BEAT!


Aberdeen Mall (250) 377-8880


215 - 450 Lansdowne Mall (250) 377-8007

200-1965 Columbia Ave. 101 Kootenay St. North (250) 365-6455 (250) 426-8927



Chahko Mika Mall (250) 352-7258

300 St. Paul Str. (250) 377-3773


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

154 Victoria Str (250) 314-9944

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

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