Golden Star, February 26, 2014

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Gold Medal Glory Brooke helps out at Cops for Kids draw ....................................2


Sound Festival rocks Golden ......................... ..................................12


Rockets’ season over after OT loss to Rockies....................14


Coupon page offers fantastic savings ..................................13

Golden residents got up at 5 a.m. on Sunday morning and packed Kicking Horse Movies to watch Team Canada win a gold medal in men’s hockey at the Sochi Olympics. So many people came out to support the team, they had to sit in the aisles. Kicking Horse Movies decided to open up the theatre for free after the team qualified for the gold medal game on Friday, and McDonald’s provided free coffee for anyone who came out. Photo Submitted

Public input period only yields one submission Jessica Schwitek The Town of Golden held two open Public Hearings on Feb. 18 to gather public input about proposed changes to the zoning bylaw. With no input being provided in person at the hearings, and only one written submission which was read out at the meeting, the public

input process is now closed. The one written submission came in as opposition to the proposed change to Highway Corridor Commercial C4 (1401 Lafontaine Road, near the Visitor’s Centre). The property would then be permitted to split into separate lots for development. The authors of the submission, David and Heather Morgan who are residents of Pine Drive,

had some concerns regarding the proposal. “There is the potential for short-sighted development that does not serve the best interests of the Golden community,” it read. The main concern being the Town’s lack of control over any future development after the zoning change. Continued on page 5


Wednesday, February 26, 2014 The Golden Star

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Cops for Kids draw at Rockets game

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Brooke, an avalanche safety dog, returns the winning ball to her handler, Adam Sheriff, during the Cops for Kids draw at the Golden Arena. Joel Tansey/Star Photo


Golden Star Staff



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Leader in Me keeps moving forward Jessica Schwitek

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The Rockets game on Friday night was the site of the annual ball drop in support of Cops for Kids, and this year was another successful one for the organization. The raffle raised $1,117.50 for Cops for Kids in Golden. The winner, a native of Vancouver Island,

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decided to donate a portion of her winnings back to Search and Rescue in thanks of their ongoing hard work, and their support of Cops for Kids. Const. Mike Hull, who helped organize the event, is thankful for the support from the community that Cops for Kids has received, which includes the Rotary Club of Golden, the Rockets, Sobeys, Adam Sheriff, and of course, Brooke.

You build communities from the ground up, and that is exactly what the Leader in Me program will do for Golden. At least that is what Lori Baxendale, a member of the steering committee for the program, said during a presentation to Town Council. “These principals build strong confident students, who will carry these skills into high school, and into the community throughout their lives,” she said. This program, aimed at elementary school students, incorporates the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Dr. Stephen Covey into day to day life at the school. Baxendale, a concerned parent and community champion for the program, along with fellow champion Greg Ehman and the school administrators have been looking into this program for more than a year now. And last month the ball really started rolling. The details of the program were released to the parents at all three elementary schools in Golden (Nicholson Elementary, Lady Grey Elementary and Alexander Park Elementary) and the steering committee is now in fund raising mode. The training for the school staff (including teachers, administration and support staff) is expensive, but worth the cost and effort says Baxendale. “We have 517 students in this community who will benefit from this. And how great is it that

everyone is included. No parent will have to make the decision to transfer their child to benefit from Leader in Me,” she said. Representatives from the Covey Foundation will be travelling to Golden over the summer for the training, which means that students will start benefitting from this program in September of 2014. But that also means that the steering committee needs to come up with the funds quickly. They have already begun looking at a variety of different grant possibilities, and are also teaming up with the Rotary Club of Golden to host their Gala in April in support of Leader in Me. “If the Town was still offering Grant in Aid I would be here asking for money,” Baxendale said to council. “So this is more of an informational presentation, and also a notice that we may be coming to you in the future for a letter of support for any grants we may be applying for.” Council was very receptive to the presentation, with several councillors expressing their support for the initiative taken on by community members. “This is exactly what Golden is good at, taking something good, changing it to fit us, and making it better,” said Coun. Mike Pecora. Coun. Connie Barlow said how proud she was that the community was taking responsibility for the well being of children. “It really does take a village to raise a child,” she said. “The great thing about this program, is that our children are going to start raising us,” said Baxendale.

The Golden Star Wednesday, February 26, 2014 A3

New name among the changes at local youth centre Focus Group gets follow up meeting Joel Tansey

Changes are underway at the Golden Youth Centre, and the changes include the name of the facility itself. At its Christmas party, attendees discussed changing the name in order to find something that resonates more with youth. Following a vote, it was decided that the centre will soon officially change its name to The Rock: A Centre for Youth. “It’s just something that has a little bit of symbolism behind it. It’s a solid place for youth to come and hang out, it’s supportive, it’s the foundation for building all sorts of skills…and (the youth) thought it sounded cool.” said Patrick O’Neill, the youth centre’s coordinator. In addition to a new name, the youth centre has had a number of other changes to its programming and there are some potential developments on the horizon inside the facility itself. “We just started doing some cool workshops as well, which is kind of neat. We just finished a photography workshop,” O’Neill said. “We’ve also got a crochet workshop coming up on Feb. 25.” O’Neill, who has coached rock climbing in the past, is hoping to put in a bouldering wall that will give kids a chance to learn basic climbing techniques. He also hopes to continue to grow the musical side of the facility as well. “We’d love to see more young musicians utilizing the centre. We’ve got an amazing facility here, we can record, we can play live shows, we can do all sorts of stuff there,” he said. O’Neill recognizes that it is a difficult leap for teenagers to come out to the centre for the first time, and stressed that it is a friendly place for newcomers. “It’s a really supportive environment, everyone here is super friendly and it’s a safe and respectful’s very inclusive,” he said. On a weekly basis, O’Neill runs a jam

Golden Star Staff

A sizeable crowd turned up for the youth centre’s Christmas party, where they voted to change the facility’s name to The Rock: A Centre for Youth. Photo Submitted session on Monday nights while general drop in nights run from 3:30-7:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Friday. On Thursday night the centre hosts the Band of Guys program, a boys only session that focuses on recording and playing music.

O’Neill is currently looking for youth volunteers and anyone who might be interested can contact him at 250-3444940. For more information about the youth centre, log on to Goldenyouthcentre.

Following the success of the first 18-35 year old focus group, a new meeting is set for Wednesday, March 5 at 5:30 p.m. This meeting will be at the Civic Centre and is open to anyone aged 18-35. The youth meetings are aimed to aid the Town of Golden in connecting with Golden's younger demographic. "This younger demographic makes up a large portion of the Town's citizens and the decisions made today affect their tomorrow." Mayor Christina Benty said. "We want them to be involved in these decisions and want them to know we are here listening. But we need to know how we can talk to them and what is important to them. These meetings are a great way to accomplish these goals and work together." The conversations at the meeting provide many different insights to the 18-35 year old demographic and provides a great platform for effective dialogue. "The first focus group had great ideas and really opened our eyes to this demographic. The next conversation is open to a larger group of people and we can't wait to hear what everyone has to say." If you have any questions about this event, please email

Local MLA disappointed with the BC Liberal 2014 budget Jessica Schwitek The BC Liberals released their 2014 budget last week, leaving Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald “disappointed.” “This is a budget that fundamentally fails British Columbians as costs for hydro, medical service plan premiums, and car insurance continue to go up,” said Macdonald. “Nothing is being done to address real issues like child poverty, unemployment and skills training.” NDP finance critic Mike Farnworth estimates the fees to increase by $900 a year (between hydro rates, MSP premiums and car insurance) for thousands of B.C. families. MSP premiums increase by up to $5.50 a month for families earning more than $30,000 a year, effective with the start of a new fiscal year on April 1. That is the sixth consecutive increase for MSP fees, resulting in an increase of 30 per cent. Also on April 1, a nine per cent increase in BC Hydro rates take effect, adding $8 a month to the average residential electricity bill.

The BC Teachers’ Federation was equally disappointed with the announcement. The federation’s vice president, Glen Hansman describes the budget as “a lot of promises about trades, transforming education, and supporting teachers and students, but there is nothing to back up those promises.” Provincial funding for K-12 education will continue at 2013 levels, as the government pursues an appeal of a court decision that could add significantly to the school district costs. The budget will be balanced for the surplus for the second straight year, but Macdonald still sees the debt rising. “What is truly disturbing about this government’s record on financial matters is that we have skyrocketing debt and very little to show for it. Health and education services are being cut due to a lack of funding,” he said. “And now, due to more than a decade of government interference, Crown Corporations that have traditionally operated with significant surpluses are struggling to say afloat. This budget is a classic example of mismanagement of the province’s resources: taxpayers get less while paying much,

much more.” The government expects to end the current year with an operating surplus of $175 million, rising to $184 million next year, which Finance Minister Mike de Jong said is mainly a result of spending discipline. B.C. and Saskatchewan are the only provinces to balance budgets this year, and the three western provinces remain the only ones with a triple-A credit rating. Taxpayer-supported debt rises to more than $43 billion in the coming fiscal year, climbing to $45.5 billion by 2016-17. About $11 billion of next year’s burden is operating debt left by a string of deficits in recent years. Total provincial debt, including self-supported debt held by BC Hydro and other agencies, grows from $64.7 billion this year to $68.9 billion three years from now. Although fees are increasing, there were few changes made to the taxation model. The biggest tax increase being the one placed on tobacco, which will increase by 32 cents a pack in April, on top of the latest federal increase of 40 cents a pack. With files from Black Press


Wednesday, February 26, 2014 The Golden Star

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School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) GOLDEN ZONE

To be eligible for Kindergarten in September 2014 your child must reach the age of 5 on or before December 31, 2014 (born in 2009). A Birth Certificate or other legally acceptable document for proof of age must be provided at the time of registration. Please also bring your child’s B.C. Health Care Card. Alexander Park Elementary School 1000 – 14th Avenue South, Golden REGISTRATION: March 3 to 14, 2014 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday (for further information please call 250-344-5513) Nicholson Elementary School 737 Nicholson Frontage Rd., Nicholson REGISTRATION: March 3 to 14, 2014 between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon Monday to Friday and 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Monday or Wednesday (for further information please call 250-344-2370) Learning@Home Program If you are interested in finding out more about the Learning@Home Program and/or wish to register your child in this program, please phone or e-mail Ed Main, Principal at 250-427-5308, ext. 4784 (, or Rebecca Pilon, Teacher at 250-344-6317, ext. 4637 (

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Is it a Crosswalk or a Speed Hump?

A reader observes “I was crossing West Mall at UBC over a speed hump towards the bus stop. A car was driving on West Mall and did not stop. When I showed the driver the white arrows on the pavement, he said that these were speed hump marks, not a crosswalk. I recognize that I might have been wrong assuming it was a pedestrian crosswalk, but then I started thinking, who should have the right of way?” Properly marked crosswalks in British Columbia consist of either two parallel lines extending across the road from curb to curb at a signalized intersection or elsewhere by a zebra crossing. A zebra crossing is a series of rectangles with the long sides parallel to the road edges marking the path for pedestrians to cross. Examples of both are found in the Pedestrian Crossing Manual for British Columbia. Speed humps, different from the speed bumps usually found in parking lots, are not yet common in this province. They are traffic calming devices intended to slow vehicle speeds and help make neighbourhoods more livable for all road users. Arrowheads are painted on the approach side of the hump indicating the direction of travel and making them more visible to drivers. Right of way generally belongs to the driver outside of crosswalks. Pedestrians must yield or may be forbidden to cross outside of a crosswalk by a municipal bylaw. If a crosswalk is present, marked or unmarked, right of way belongs to the pedestrian. The only condition is that the pedestrian must not move in front of a vehicle when a driver would be unable to yield to them. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

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Evan Tsadilas of the Golden Novice Rockets shoots one on net against the Blackfoot Chiefs on Saturday Feb. 22 during the team’s home tournament. The puck didn’t go in, but Tsadilas’ team still came out ahead by a score of 9-0. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Golden compost brand needs a name Jessica Schwitek A Golden resident could be the one to name the regional district’s compost brand. Residents of the CSRD are asked to separate their wood waste from their yard and garden waste when they take it to the Landfill. At the Golden Landfill, the separated garden waste has been turned into compost and will be ready to sell in the spring, but first it needs a name. “We are looking to the residents of the CSRD to come up with a name that will be used as the brand for all the yard and garden compost produced in the region,” said Col-

umbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) Waste Reduction Facilitator Carmen Fennell. “We want to involve the community in the naming process because it’s the residents who have contributed the organics to be composted, and the name should mean something to the people who live here.” The name will be used for all labeling and marketing of the compost being made at the Golden, Revelstoke and Salmon Arm Landfills. The winner will be selected by CSRD Solid Waste staff, and first prize is an Apple iPad. The runner up will be awarded an iPad mini. “We’re really excited to be finally ready to sell compost. It’s

been a long time coming and we’re hoping to see lots of interesting, catchy and fun naming ideas come forward from the residents of the CSRD. We encourage teachers to involve their students in the contest as well.” Although it is only yard and garden waste now the CSRD has plans to begin composting food waste. “It’s in the Solid Waste Management Plan to look for ways to increase the diversion of organics, and certainly food waste is a major contributor.” The contest runs until March 2. Go to the CSRD website at under News and Notices, or find the link on the CSRD Facebook page.

COTR impacted by ESL program change Golden Star Staff The College of the Rockies is receiving some extra funding from the Province to help update their English as a Second Language (ESL) program. The money is for the planning and changes needed to transition their ESL programs to a new model where immigrant settlement services are directly administered by the federal

government. The College of the Rockies has been identified by the government as one of the 17 public post secondary institutions that will be most impacted by the change, a change that is resulting from the federal government’s decision to end the Canada-B.C. Immigration Agreement. A total of $10.5 million is being distributed to the 17 institutions in total, with $36,000 of that being allotted to COTR.

The Golden Star Wednesday, February 26, 2014 A5

RCMP Report: Local man damages police car with his head Joel Tansey

head on the side of the vehicle. He was also committed to a mental health facility.

Valentine’s disturbance

Impaired charges laid on Alberta’s Family Day weekend

On Feb. 14 a male was acting strangely at Tim Hortons and causing a disturbance. Police were called onto the scene and spoke to the man, who requested a ride to the hospital to treat mental health issues. The man was later transferred to Vernon to receive treatment at the mental health facility there. Mental health issues Later that day, RCMP attended another call of a man who had a mental health issue and was acting violently. The local man damaged a police car when he smashed his

Four individuals were charged with impaired driving on a busy weekend for tourists because of Alberta’s Family Day long weekend. Three of the individuals were Albertans, while one was a local. All were given 90 day suspensions. Fight outside Rockwater Two groups were fighting for a taxi in the early hours of Feb. 1. When police arrived on scene, one group had already left in a cab while the other remained behind. No major injuries were reported.

Lost tourist On Feb. 17, police responded to a call of an intoxicated male who was yelling and screaming on 9th Street South. The Kelowna native had forgotten where he was staying. He was taken into custody for being drunk in a public place. Accident in Nicholson A driver lost control of their vehicle on Nicholson road and drove into a homeowner’s yard and knocked down some trees. The driver attempted to contact the owners but nobody was home at the time of the accident. The owners of the home called the incident in to police, but the driver returned later as they had intended to. No injuries were reported in the incident.

Survey wants to learn more about Golden youth’s online habits Jessica Schwitek Online safety is an ever pressing issue, especially with youth, which is why the Canada Safety Council is supporting an initiative to gather more information about the online habits of Canadian children - particularly their social media habits. PREVNet (Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network) is launching a survey to gauge how young Canadians use online privacy settings and reporting tools. PREVNet is a network of more than 90 leading researchers and 56 national organizations, including the Canada Safety Council, working together to prevent bullying and violence.

“We encourage social media users ages 13 to 25 years to participate in this survey that asks whether they think about online privacy when they use social media,” said Catherine Gaudreau, media program co-ordinator for the Canada Safety Council. “What privacy settings, if any, are they using; and whether they have ever reported someone for violating online privacy rules.” Golden organizations are recognizing the increasing importance of educating families on online safety, and the Early Childhood Development Coalition, along with the Town of Golden, are bringing in an expert to talk about that very issue tonight (Wednesday Feb. 26) at the

Golden Civic Centre at 5:30 p.m. Merlyn Horton, the Executive Director of the Safe Online Outreach Society (SOLOS), will be giving a presentation on how to be “screen smart”, offering up important tools and tips for successful technology use. The more information these experts have the better, which is why the Canadian Safety Council is hoping that youth across the country will participate in the survey. To entice involvement, all participants will be entered for a chance to win one of five gift certificates worth $100. Even if you don’t want to participate in the survey, the Canada Safety Council hopes you will follow some of their tips to

help keep you safe while using social media. Confidential information should remain confidential, so don’t put it online. This would include things like your cell phone number, address, or any financial information like your credit card number. Social media networks frequently change or update their privacy setting options, so review your own settings at least once every few months. If you use a public or shared computer, remember to log out of your profiles before leaving the computer, and never share your passwords. Be selective about who you choose as your contacts. Just like in real life, some

Town maintains influence over new development’s outer appearance

Continued from page 1

This piece of property is one of the first views of Golden seen by visitors from the east, which makes the overall design very important stated the letter. “Without an overall plan for the property it’s hard to comment on what impacts the development would have on Golden.” As development on this piece of property moves forward, the Town of Golden will still have the ability to influence the appearance of the property says Phil Armstrong, the planning technician with the Town of Golden. “Using some of the existing policies in the OCP (Official Community Plan) we’ll be able to apply that to each building in the proposals as they come forward, as well as to the actual subdivision,” said

Armstrong. “The first step to complete the subdivision is a development permit where the owner has to provide detailing on some of the signage, and the landscaping.” Through that process he will also be looking into some buffering around the property. During the same council meeting, Town Council also approved the removal of the $1.2 million dyke elevation improvement project from the 2014-2018 Five Year Financial Plan. This comes after it was recommended by the Open Standing Finance Committee. Although the finance committee was split on the decision during the committee meeting, council unanimously approved the change to the budget. The financial plan has now passed its second and third reading.

people have less than good motivation for wanting to be your “friend.” And finally, don’t be afraid to erase your profiles, either

temporarily or permanently, if your safety has been compromised because of repeated harassment or abuse. Start by blocking

people, but recognize when it is necessary to remove yourself from the situation. To complete the survey, go to www.

Columbia Shuswap Regional District NOTICE OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION FIVE YEAR (2014-2018) FINANCIAL PLAN Sections 815 & 816 of the Local Government Act require that all Regional Districts prepare and adopt, by bylaw, a Five Year Financial Plan on an annual basis. It also requires that the Board undertake a process of public consultation regarding the Five Year Financial Plan before it is adopted. Interested members of the public are invited to attend the Columbia Shuswap Regional District offices located at 781 Marine Park Drive NE, Salmon Arm, BC on Friday, March 7th, 2014 at 1:00 – 2:00 PM local time for an opportunity to speak directly to the Manager of Finance & IT Services regarding the proposed Five Year (2014 – 2018) Financial Plan. The Five Year Financial Plan will be considered for adoption at the Thursday, March 20th, 2014 Regular Board meeting.

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Golden Weekend


Wednesday, February 26, 2014 The Golden Star

Recycling Regulations

For those of you whose alarm clocks didn’t fail you, you had the privilege of witnessing a Canadian triumph on Sunday. It was quite a weekend in Canada, and particularly in Golden. Whether you are a music fan or a sports fan (or both), Golden had something going - I SURMISE on for you. By Jessica Schwitek Locals and visitors, as well as myself, had the opportunity to get out and experience the second installment of the Golden Sound Festival. Three of Golden’s downtown bars were packed all night with people checking out the live entertainment and what the town has to offer. The festival organizers even put together a last minute event at the Golden Youth Centre, making sure the underage music fans could also take part in the festival. The timing, however, was unfortunate for anyone planning on get up to cheer on Team Canada during the men’s hockey gold medal game. But for those of you whose dedication got you out of bed at 5 a.m., a local business gave you an excellent venue to enjoy the celebration. Kicking Horse Movies opened their doors for the dozens, possibly hundreds of fans who filled the seats, and even the aisles of the movie theatre. As you can see on the cover of this week’s Golden Star, it drew a huge crowd of hockey fans, young and old. The local McDonald’s even got on board and donated free coffee for everyone who made it out. I was talking to a friend in Kelowna about where we were watching the game. When I told him that our movie theatre was opening their doors for free he was blown away, and very jealous. Even a city the size of Kelowna didn’t have an opportunity like that for its residents. His only options were friend’s houses, and the one pub in the entire city that decided to open for the occasion. I had every intention to be at the theatre for the game, but I awoke at 8 a.m. after I either forgot to set my alarm, or managed to turn it off without waking up. But I am very glad to see that most people did not make the same mistake I did, and packed the theatre full of screaming fans. This Olympics may not have gotten the same hype as 2010, but it’s nice to see that Golden fans still made it out support Canadian athletes.

up for the increased difficulty people will have in trying to sort, arrange, store and deliver their recyclables to the dump or to the bottle depot, because their giant bins Dear Editor: aren’t allowed to be used. People do not have the space I would like to comment about the new regulations available in their homes to have so many different catregarding recycling bins in Golden, beginning in April. egories. Some people WILL do as requested, but there will be I personally think it is ludicrous to have giant bins colfar fewer people making the effort. Golden’s GARBAGE lecting very few items. Now, we have to separate not only glass, but various will increase this year. It will be full of unsorted recycplastics which were previously acceptable. I am baffled lables hidden in plastic garbage bags. This is bad news. by the decrease. Should we not try to have MORE things Becky Leonty in the recycle? Golden The slightly lower price for this service does not make

BC Hydro Editor, What I find most disturbing about BC Hydro’s forced imposition of smart meters is how readily politicians of all parties have abandoned fundamental principles of a free society in order to accommodate bureaucratic expediency. Individual freedom demands that government has boundaries. As far back as the 1600s the concept that individuals need sanctuary from government was established in British Common Law (still applicable in British Columbia) clearly stating that your home is your castle and the sovereign will not cross your threshold without following due process. Except now they have. In one stroke the Province is saying that lawful citizens no longer have a choice in what enters or leaves their homes. Although debate has been care-

fully steered to encompass technical arguments and ignore principle there are two facts about smart meters which cannot be denied. They emit radiation into your house and, when Hydro chooses, they will gather and disseminate personal information which previously would have required a court order. Whether the radiation is harmful or ultimately proves to be safe is not the point. What is critical to the issue is that many people believe it to be harmful and now their sanctuary along with their peace of mind is denied them... Nor does it matter how little you may care what government, corporations and hackers know about what you do in your home. What matters is that the safeguards protecting others who do care must remain in place. And forget the argument that they are free to go somewhere else. In our current economy most people in this province who have a job and a mortgage have no choice

but to stay where they are and do what BC Hydro dictates. For populated areas supplied electricity has become more essential to life than supplied water. Urban regulations will not permit alternative sources and those who could legally go off the grid can rarely afford the expense. BC Hydro is a government established monopoly so there are no competitors to turn to for service provision. Under these circumstances the only protection an individual has are our elected representatives. Except in this case, regardless of party, they have determined that what is good for business is more important than long established individual rights. Recently, politicians of all description prominently displayed poppies and paid homage to the sacrifices made by previous generations who understood that to maintain a free system over time it is necessary for certain principles to be inviolate. Continued on page 7

POLL OF THE WEEK Do you think Canada will win the gold medal in men’s hockey?

Yes 88%

No 12%

This week’s poll question: Do you think Pink Shirt Day is an effective way to raise awareness on bullying? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no

longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.

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Jessica Schwitek





Joel Tansey



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The Golden Star Wednesday, February 26, 2014 A7

Golden point of view

Do you think Pink Shirt Day is an effective way to raise awareness on bullying? Stingers to the adult who sent my little girl home in tears. Not everyone can afford such extravagant gifts.

Eamonn Rogers

Keith Sigvaldason

Dave Case

“I haven’t heard of Pink Shirt Day but I do think raising awareness is going to be key.”

“Yes. It seemed to have worked in the past and they talk about it on the news and advertise it a lot.”

“No, my opinion on bullying is you stand up for yourself. You don’t start a fight, you end it. If you stand up for yourself, they’ll back down. ”

Stars to the person who gave a box of doughnuts to the Town of Golden public works crew after the last snow storm and said thanks for the hard work. Thank you, it was greatly appreciated by us all.

Go to to have your say.

Medicare Editor, March 31, 2014 could well become a date that many will come to remember as the beginning of the demise of Medicare. After this date, there will be no signed agreement between the provinces and the federal government that ensures adherence to the five principles set in the Canada Health Act. Canadians have come to rely on and expect that all administration is carried out by a public authority in a non-profit basis with audits of records and accounts. Accountability for health dollars is needed. The Health Council of Canada, an independent non-profit agency which, since 2004, has been charged with the auditing of the Canada health system will no longer exist after March 31. The federal government will cease to fund this agency. In other words, there will be no independent agency monitoring of how health dollars are being spent. Does that mean that provinces will be able to use health targeted dollars as part of general revenue? Comprehensiveness ensures that all health services including hospitals, physicians and dental surgeons must be insured. The Canada Health Act ensures Canadians that all citizens are entitled to the same level of service. The portability principle allows Canadians to get health service in any province in Canada after having met a minimum waiting time. The accessibility provision ensures that all insured individuals have

access to health care and that physicians and hospitals are fairly compensated for their services. It does not allow for profit services. As Canadians we need to be extremely concerned about the directions of the present government regarding health care. The five principles of the Canada Health Act which are administration with accountability for a non-profit system; comprehensiveness with insured hospital, physicians and surgical dentists; universality with the same level of services for all insured residents; portability with services available to all insured citizens if they move to a different province; and accessibility with reasonable access to health care facilities for all insured persons and an assurance that physicians and hospitals are reasonably compensated, are in grave danger of being disregarded. We are already seeing evidence of downloading of costs through the increases in MSP premiums. Costs will increase as the federal government continues to cut back on funding. If the Canada Health Act is important to Canadians, we must speak up. Health Care cannot be equated to an individuals’ ability to pay. Write or visit both your MP and MLA. Let them know that Medicare is important and must be funded properly. A newly renegotiated Canada Health Accord is essential. All citizens, rich or poor, need and deserve health care. MLAs need to be asked what the provincial governments will do to fund health care if the federal health transfer money decreases. Silence implies consent. Regina Day Nelson

Stars for all of the staff at Personal Touch for being amazing, helpful and talented. Stingers to people who ruin the end of hockey games. Stingers to people who don’t watch hockey on “live” TV. Stars to Joe for being such a handy landlord.

Stars to Kicking Horse Movies for inviting the community to watch the gold medal game at the movie theatre. Stars to the guy who showed up at just the right time with pizza and popcorn. Stingers to the group of guys who stacked glasses at the pub, shattered them, and then left.

Email your Stars and Stingers to Continued from page 6 Government must conform to the principle rather than change the principle to accommodate the wishes of whoever happens to be in power. It is why we have Constitutions. Unfortunately many politicians these days don’t seem to think that way. They do not recognize that our jobs

are not only to represent our electorate, majority and minority, but also to serve as guardians of the free system. Sadly we seem all too willing to thoughtlessly forfeit our freedom for the latest of fleeting conveniences that our runaway technology may provide. John Ranns Metchosin

Golden’s first baby of 2014

Golden’s first baby of 2014, Loveyha Buhler (pictured with her mother Nikita and big sister Lacey Englehart), weighed six pounds, six ounces when born at the Golden Hospital. Loveyha’s name was spelled incorrectly for the original publication of this photo. The Golden Star apologizes for the error. Star Photo


Wednesday, February 26, 2014 The Golden Star

Events & Entertainment Calendar Bryce Biliquist “The mountains bring peace to the people”

Golden Cinema Presents: The Monuments Men starts Friday Feb.28 until Mar.5 at 7pm.

This Week

Love Martine

Buy any 2 Classified Word Ads and get the 3rd for free! Interested?! Our deadlines are Fridays by 5 p.m.


Wed, Feb. 26

Ways to socialize with

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A.P.E.S.After School Program Monday to Friday 3 -5:30pm. $12/day for ages 5 to 11. To register please leave a message at 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program bir th-5years. Mon&Fri 12-3:30pm, Wed 2-5pm, Tue&Thur 8:45-11:45am. Call Shelley for more info 250-439-9324. Towards the Centre by George Oliver at the Art Gallery of Golden from Jan.18-Feb.26.

Follo w on t ing us witte r

Submit ting a le editor@ tter to us, thegold enstar. n


DON’T UNDERESTIMATE OR UNDERVALUE YOUR TIME With better systems and habits, you can do the right thing at the right time to streamline actions, increase productivity and get more done. Learn how to: • know your style and put it to work for you, • get organized, prioritize, delegate, just say ‘no’, • leverage the tools that are right for the project, • procrastination – learn why and how to kick the habit, and • keep interruptions from sabotaging your productivity. Join KRIC for this interactive 1/2 day workshop where you’ll learn proven strategies to take control of your resources and focus your attention and energy.

Wednesday, March 12 in Golden Thursday, March 13 in Cranbrook $40/person ($25 for KRIC coaching clients). Visit for more information and to register.

Parent and Tot Play lets parents and kids from birth-five enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am-12pm. Badminton Wednesdays 7-9pm at the Rec Plex. Adults $7, students/seniors $5. Need your own racket. Public Skate at the Arena every Wednesday 7-8pm. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Wednesdays 1-2pm. Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Wednesday at 10am. Call 250-344-5413 to register. Money Skills, a FREE program to help adults understand concepts of money. Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm. Call 250-4399665 for info. Women’s Journal Writing a FREE 6 week program Tuesdays. Call 250-3445317 for info. “Is Your Family Screen Safe?” Feb.26 at the Civic Centre, 5:15pm doors, dinner starts at 5:30pm. $10/ person, $15/two. 250-4398388 for more info. Car l Trinkwon&The Masters of Nun play Wolf’s Den Feb.26 at 8pm.

Thurs, Feb. 27 Men’s drop-in basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at

This week's achievement award goes to...

• For more information... go to

the Rec Plex. $8. Bridge Club every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-344-5448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at the College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday from 3:45-5:30pm. Shinny hockey at the Arena Thursday at 8pm, 19+. Moulin Rouge the Ballet at the Golden Cinema Feb.27 at 7pm.

Fri, Feb. 28 A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:30-7:30pm. Mother Goose Program Fridays 10:30-11:30am at the Library. Snacks included, just drop in! Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. Public Skate at the Arena every Friday 12-1pm. Parent and Tot skate at the Arena Fridays 10-11am. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Bridge Club every Friday at the Centre for Peace in St. Andrew’s Church, 7pm. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Fridays 1-2pm. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fridays 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call Cyra 250-9190757 for more info. Food Fridays at the Golden Legion 6:30-8:30pm. Curling, Fridays at 7:30pm, 2 spaces available. Call Greg 250-344-0644 for info. Soup Day at the Seniors

Centre Feb.26 11:30am-1pm. $5.


Sat, Mar. 1 Storytime at the Golden Library, Saturdays 10:3011:30am. Free drop-in, runs from Jan.18-Apr.5. Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Saturdays at the Golden Museum 1302 11th Ave S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Public Skate at the Arena Saturdays, 5:30-6:45pm. Saturday Night Chapel at the Pentecostal Church (717 10th St S) at 7pm from Jan.4 - Apr.5. Food Skills for Families, a free program on healthy cooking on a budget. Starts Feb.1, 10am-1pm. Call 3441032 for more info. The Gentlemen’s Leisure Club presents Dodgeball Mar.1 at the Mount 7 Rec Plex starting at 7pm. $20/ co-ed team. Garage Sale at the Seniors Centre Mar.1, 10am-4pm. Minor Hockey Timbits Tournament Mar.1 from 9am-4pm at the Arena.

Sun, Mar. 2 Public Skate at the Arena every Sunday 4:30-5:45pm. Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Documentar y & Discussions Sundays at Bizarre Entertainment from 6-9pm. Admission by $5 donation, or 2 non-perishable items to the food bank. Garage Sale at the Seniors Centre Mar.2, 10am-2pm.

Mon, Mar. 3 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12-18. Golden Community Choir, Mondays from 7:30-9:30pm at the Lutheran Church. Member fees $10. For info call Joyce 250-344-6043. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced ser-

vices, call 250-344-5766. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mondays 5-7pm in the StrongStart room in APES Free program includes dinner, discussions, and activities. Call 250-439-9665. The Cadets meet Mondays 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Mondays 1-2pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Badminton at the Mount 7 Rec Plex Mondays 7-8:30pm. Need your own racket, $7 (or $5 for seniors/students). Shinny hockey at the Arena Mondays at 9:15pm, 19+. Family Dinner Play and Learn, free program for families with children 3-5 starting Mondays, 5-7pm in the StrongStart room. Dinner, discussion, and activities. Call 250-439-9665.

Tues, Mar. 4 A.A Meetings Tuesdays at the United Church 901 - 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Parent and Tot skate at the Arena Tuesdays 10-11am. Volleyball Tuesdays at the Rec Plex 7-8:30pm $5. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Tuesdays from 3:30-7:30pm. Aquafit at the Travel Lodge Tuesdays & Thursdays from 5:30-6:30pm. Until Mar.13. Curling, Tuesdays at 7:30pm, 3 spaces available. Call Greg 250-3440644 for info. Rockwater Grill & BarR

Upcoming Events

International Women’s Day Annual Performance Salon Mar.6, 7-9pm, Kicking Horse River Lodge, $5 at the door, kids 13 and under free. Small Town DJ’s play the Rockwater Mar.5. BCDC plays the Rockwater Mar.7. World Day of Prayer Mar.7 at the Roman Catholic Church, 7pm. Non-denominational, all are welcome. Abbeyfield House Society AGM Mar.24, 2:30pm in the Abbeyfield boardroom.

Danica Wolfram for her positive attitude, great work ethic and being a class leader.

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The Golden Star Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pink Shirt Day coming up A9

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& Lifestyle


Cedar House Chalets is taking a stand against bullying for Pink Shirt Day. The staff will be decked out in hot pink on Wednesday Feb. 26. Back from left: Dana Kostiuk, Rob Gelette, Darrin DeRosa, Tracy Prather. Front from left: Amy Muldoon, Janine Frey. Photo Submitted

April 25 & 26, 2014

Parks extends avalanche warning Parks Canada Submitted Parks Canada issued a special avalanche warning for Glacier and Mount Revelstoke National Parks on Feb. 20, and deemed it necessary to extend the warning even further. The extension is in effect until Wednesday, February 26. The extended dry period during late January and early February has resulted in a widespread and extremely weak snow layer buried 1-1.5 metres below the surface of the snow throughout the Selkirk Mountains. Parks Canada warns that signs of snow pack instability such as recent avalanches or cracking and “whumpfing” sounds may not be obvious. There is a risk that skiers and snowboarders could trigger this weak layer, resulting in large avalanches with high consequences. As natural avalanche activity decreases, Parks Canada is concerned that backcountry skiers and

snowboarders will let their guard down and be lured by the fresh powder. Recreationists are encouraged to be very conservative in their terrain choices and to be patient; this weak layer will remain a problem for the foreseeable future. Parks Canada recommends recreational backcountry users with little or no avalanche training or experience to avoid avalanche terrain, or undertake activities in which avalanche risk is managed by professionals. Experienced backcountry recreationists are urged to travel on conservative terrain such as small, low angle, well-supported features that are not exposed to large steep slopes or cornices. When temperatures are warmest and especially if the sun is out, all avalanche terrain should be avoided, including valley bottom runout zones. There have been multiple avalanche related incidents in the Golden area this season, including one that resulted in a fatality near the ski resort.

Exhibitors Booth Opportunities Secure your booth now and Save! Exhibitors Earlybird Deadline ends March 15th. Chamber members receive $100.00 off of the booth cost!


Ruth Hamilton Manager Kicking Horse Chamber of Commerce 250-344-7125


Wednesday, February 26, 2014 The Golden Star

Golden Minor Soccer Registration Night 2014 Season If you want to register online (mailing of disclaimer and cheque still required): • Google Golden Minor Soccer Association, follow link and click on the online registration form. • Facebook GMSA. • Email and request the registration link, or

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Goldenite in Miss Universe Canada final 50 Joel Tansey For Golden’s Robin Johnston, her interview for the Miss Universe Canada pageant didn’t go completely according to plan. “During my whole interview I had lipstick over my teeth,” Johnston laughed. Despite that minor hiccup, and possibly because of how she handled that situation, Johnston was chosen as one of the 50 finalists for Canada’s national beauty pageant. “I think (they chose me) because I confidently went on, there was nothing I could do about it, it happened and I dealt with it,” she said. “I didn’t sweat under the pressure.” Johnston, the daughter of Wendell and Shari, grew up in Golden and attended Golden Secondary School until she was 17, which is when she moved to Calgary to pursue her dream of a career in the fashion industry. “(In Calgary) I did all of these things that I always wanted to do like model, participate in Calgary Fashion Week, I’ve been on TV as a fashion expert and styled for fashion shows,” she said. Also while in Calgary, Johnston appeared as an extra in a few feature films such as The Assassination of Jesse James. “I got to do a lot of things that I’ve dreamed about doing, coming from a small town you’re very limited, so it was nice to have that

experience,” Johnston said. She eventually moved back to Golden and then pursued a career in medicine, attending Okanagan College in Kelowna. However, Johnston quickly realized that a career in medicine was not what she wanted to do with her life. “All I want to do is travel the world, so I got a job as a flight attendant and moved to Toronto,” she said. Working for Air Transat, Johnston travelled to Europe five times a month and had time on layovers to explore exotic cities such as Rome, Amsterdam and Dublin. She still works as a flight attendant for Enerjet, although she has taken a leave from that job while she focuses her attention on the Miss Universe Canada beauty pageant. Johnston applied for a spot in the pageant online and didn’t think she would ever hear anything further. “Eight months later they asked me if I could come in for a pageant (and interview) in Calgary. I was really caught off guard,” she laughed. The field of contestants will be cut down to 20 for the judging at the final show in May, but Johnston will be appearing on the show regardless as a top 50 finalist. Johnston will spend 10 days in Toronto leading up to the show where she will be meeting judges and making public appearances, at which point the top 20 will

Local Robin Johnston applied for entry into the Miss Universe Canada pageant and has now made it to the top 50. Lisa Boehlke/Eye Design Studios be selected. Before that, Johnston has to create a fundraiser and find companies to sponsor her. Sponsors will receive advertisement at the pageant. “There’s so many things that have to get done…so there’s that anxiety. It’s all these unknowns but I know that this is what I want and that it will all come together,” Johnston said. An online poll will be conducted at a later date with the winner receiving an

automatic entry into the final 20. You can track Johnston’s path towards the Miss Universe Canada pageant online through her Twitter feed @Robin_Alexander or on Instagram at robin_alexandra. Anyone who wants more information about becoming a sponsor can e-mail her at More information on the pageant itself can be found at

Rockwater hosts an AC/DC tribute band Golden Star Staff The world’s best AC/DC tribute band is coming to the Rockwater Grill and Bar on March 7, There are tribute bands, and then there's BC/DC. They were born of bush party ashes in the summer of 1999. Some 500 unexpected gigs later, Canada's BC/DC has systematically redefined the concept of a tribute band, garnering iconic status amongst diehard fans, agents, and venues from Vancouver, B.C. to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. From the backyard biker bashes of Ymir, to the starstudded legendary rooms of Las Vegas. From Nelson to New York City. While a web search will turn up dozens of AC/DC cover acts around the world, there aren't likely many who've so successfully branded the Aussie band's timeless raunch with such epic rock n' roll fury, while also managing to bottle the essence of a wild frontier lifestyle. Unlike many tribute acts claiming to be "North America's #1 Clone" or "Just Like the Real Thing," BC/ DC has turned the tables. The band takes a comedic approach, claiming the tunes as their own, and to having "heard of some BC/DC tribute band from Australia."

BCDC is playing a show at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on March 7. Photo Submitted

The Golden Star Wednesday, February 26, 2014 A11

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014 The Golden Star

Golden Sound Festival

The annual Performance Salon, hosted by the Women’s Centre is taking place on March 6. Star Photo

Salon celebrates women Jessica Schwitek

The Damn Fools kicked off the Golden Sound Festival at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on Saturday night. Bands were hitting the stage simultaneously at different venues in downtown Golden. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

The Golden Women’s Resource Centre is getting ready to host one of their most popular events of the year on March 6. The International Women’s Day Performance Salon features local talent, and brings all people together to celebrate women’s art.

A variety of performances ranging from singing to poetry will celebrate women, and the struggles they go through. The Salon will be at the Kicking Horse River Lodge. The doors open at 6:30, and the performances start at 7 p.m. Entry is $5 at the door, and snacks and beverages will be available for sale.

A Reel Review: Nebraska explores an estranged father and son

Bruce Dern stars alongiide Will Forte in Nebraska, a story about an alcoholic father and his strained relationship with his family. FilmNation Entertainment Joel Tansey No one will accuse Nebraska of being fast paced, let alone action packed, but great storytelling can overcome that and that’s exactly what director Alexander Payne (The Descendants, Sideways) accomplishes in this Oscar nominated film. Nebraska centres around the relation-

ship between Woody (Bruce Dern) and his son David (Will Forte). Woody is an aging alcoholic who has a contentious relationship with both David and his other son Ross (Bob Odenkirk). When he receives a letter informing him that he has won a million dollars and must claim his prize in Lincoln, Nebraska, he is convinced it is true despite the cautions from his family.

Eventually, David agrees to take a road trip from their Montana home to claim Woody’s “prize”. That leads them to make a stop in Woody’s hometown of Hawthorne and visit with friends and family, along with a few enemies, who all come out of the woodwork in an effort to get their hands on some of Woody’s supposed fortune. The strained relationship between Woody and David is the heart of the film and provides Nebraska with its most memorable moments. There are some laughs to be had at the general absurdity of the characters in small town America, including Kate (June Squibb), Woody’s cranky and opinionated wife, and there’s also some great situational humour thrown in as well. It’s not a comedy, but it sure feels like it at times. Dern and Squibb have both received well deserved praise and award nominations for their performances. Dern is especially convincing in his role and really makes the film work. Forte was solid in a different sort of role for the former Saturday Night Live actor, although I don’t feel he had to show a tremendous amount of range with his performance, which could be for the best in a dramatic movie.

Don’t adjust your television. There’s nothing wrong with its colour, as Nebraska is actually a rare film that was shot in black and white. A lack of colour has been used to tremendous effect in the past (Schindler’s List comes to mind) but I’m not sure why Nebraska was filmed in this manner. There should be a clear purpose to use this technique, and maybe I’m simply overlooking something, but I’ve yet to figure out what that purpose is. Because of that, it appears gimmicky to me, and it’s my biggest complaint about the film. As I wrote earlier, Nebraska is slow from the beginning and even when it picks up about midway through, it still tends to crawl along. This is miles away from your typical popcorn flick, but if you’re in the right mood, this is a real winner. I don’t think it is deserving of an Oscar win, but I can certainly see why it was nominated. For those reasons, I’ll give Nebraska 8 dancing hot dogs out of 10. Nebraska is now available to rent or own at Kicking Horse Movies.

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The Golden Star Wednesday, February 26, 2014 A13

Gentlemen’s dodgeball tournament returns for second year Golden Star Staff

A group of ninjas won last year’s Gentlemen’s Club Dodgeball Tournament at the Mount 7 Rec Plex. This year’s title will be up for grabs on Saturday March 1. Star Photo


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The Gentlemen’s Club of Golden is bringing back their popular Dodgeball Tournament for Saturday March 1. The club hosted the inaugural tournament last March, and had a great turnout at the Mount 7 Rec Plex. Several local teams came out to compete in costume, and it was the ninjas who took home the victory. There is still time for teams to sign up. Registration forms can be found at Darkside on 9th Avenue North. Teams need to have a minimum of six players, two of which have to be female players. Teams must also have matching uniforms or costumes. The cost is $20 per team. And if you don’t want to participate, head down to Redeem this coupon for the Rec Plex at 7 20% OFF p.m. and check Passport Photos it out. As their slogan Call 250-344-5355 to book says, “Heroes an appointment. will rise and Expires March 14th, 2014 fall.”

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014 The Golden Star

GSS Eagles off to Langley after Kootenay Zone triumph Joel Tansey

At the outset of the season the Golden Secondary senior boys basketball team set a goal to make it to the provincials in Langley. After a dominating and thoroughly convincing win at the Kootenay Zone Championships, that goal needs to be adjusted. “We’ve achieved our first step in our ultimate goal of the season which is to go to the provincials and to do well there and win the provincials,” said head coach Kindy Gosal. The Selkirk Storm bore the wrath of the high-flying Golden Eagles in the tournament’s opener. Golden took an 8-0 lead early and stretched that to a 13-4 advantage before the first quarter was half over. The Storm fought back and got to within two points late in the first, but the Eagles

buckled down and took a 23-16 lead into the second. The offensive fireworks continued in the second quarter for the Eagles. Saje Gosal poured in a couple of three pointers early on and Neal Randhawa routinely found lanes into the paint and was a dominant inside presence. Saje and Randhawa, as usual, led the charge offensively. Altogether, Saje had 23 of his game-high 41 points in the first half, while Randhawa had 25 of his 39 in the game’s opening 20 minutes. It was an impressive performance from the Eagles’ two superstars. The Eagles held a comfortable 55-38 lead at the half and pulled away in the third quarter with a 33-4 thrashing that put the game out of reach for the overmatched Storm. Selkirk made it a little closer in the fourth and the Eagles just failed to

reach triple digits after they rested Randhawa and Saje, winning by a score of 99-62. The Eagles were understandably feeling good about themselves heading into the championship game on Saturday and it showed in their confident start against Prince Charles Secondary School. If the opening game was about the great play of the Eagles’ two stars, the second was about a solid all around team effort that once again led to a lopsided score in the Eagles’ favour. Meva Dhami was typically solid on the boards and the Eagles’ lone graduating player, Rahul Summan, had an outstanding performance in his final home game at GSS. Summan was an offensive force, particularly in the second half, where he made several difficult outside shots with ease. With the game well in hand for

the Eagles, Kindy took Summan out of the game with two minutes left to a loud cheer from an appreciative crowd. Kindy embraced his long-time player before Summan took a seat on the bench. “I’ve been coaching him since he was five years old,” an emotional Kindy said. “He’s going to be gone next year and it’s more than just basketball, it’s relationships.” The victory was a tribute to a talented Eagles’ roster, but also due to the handwork and intensity from the entire team. “After the skill and all of the shooting and all of the strategies, the mental part of the game is huge and that’s what separates teams at the end of the day,” Kindy said. “Some of these teams might be as skilled or athletic as us, but if we can be mentally stronger than them and maintain our

(From left): Neal Randhawa, Rahul Summan and Saje Gosal pose with the Kootenay Zone Championship trophy after their win over Prince Charles Secondary School. Joel Tansey/Star Photo focus…we’re going to be taking Golden light- gled. I think we’re ready ly at the provincials. this time to go back and be successful.” “We’re such a young be competitive.” Saje and Randhawa The Eagles will have were named Golden’s team and going into co-MVPs, a deserving provincials we’re prob- one more game to get honour for the team’s ably going to be the ready, a Feb. 26 road youngest team there,” date against Canmore dynamic duo. Despite the Eagles’ said Gosol. “We went to Collegiate. The provinyouth, Saje doesn’t provincials when I was cials will take place in believe anyone should in Grade 9 and we strug- Langley from Mar. 5-8.

Rockies put an end to Rockets’ season in OT heartbreaker

The Columbia Valley Rockies celebrate a goal during the team’s 6-5 OT win over the Rockets Friday. Joel Tansey/Star Photo Joel Tansey The Columbia Valley Rockies counted their chickens far too early but they hatched anyways, knocking the Rockets out of the playoffs and putting an abrupt end to a mostly disappointing season for Golden. The Rockies stormed

out to a 3-0 lead in the first period on the back of goals by Doan Smith, Ryan Lawson and Matthew Houston. Houston’s goal was a seeing eye shot from the point that seemed to bob and weave its way past Rockets goaltender Brian Parsons. The early lead prompted a barrage of taunts

from the Rockies toward the Rockets’ bench, and it seemed to light a fire in head coach Ty Davidson’s struggling club. Midway through the first, Nick McCabe capitalized on a blunder from Rockies goalie Stewart Pratt. With the puck resting safely on the mesh behind the net, Pratt flicked the puck

into the corner. Bowen Alcock and Jacob Coelho combined to win a battle for the loose puck and McCabe was waiting in front untouched. Nick Hoobanoff, a native of Canal Flats, bore a good chunk of the taunts from the Rockies after the 3-0 goal. Hoobanoff exacted a good measure of revenge when he setup linemate Ian Desrosier for the Rockets’ second goal and potted the tying goal with just 45 seconds left in the second period. Rockets captain Michael Anderson gave Golden its first lead of the game 18 seconds later when his slapper found a hole past Pratt. It was a devastating blow for the Rockies, but not a unique situation for the team this year. “We’ve done that quite a few times this year,” said Rockies head coach Wade Dublielewicz. “To be honest, it was nothing new to us. I feel a lot more comfortable with our group going into the

third without a lead.” The clock seemed to tick away ever so slowly in the third as the Rockets hung on to a narrow one-goal lead. With the Rockets on the power play, Parsons and a Golden defender got their signals crossed in their own zone to give the Rockies a chance that Smith buried for his second goal of the game. On that same power play, however, veteran Coltin Berard let one rip from inside the left point that blew past Pratt for the go-ahead goal. From there, few opportunities were given up at either end as the Rockets protected their precarious hold on the game. With just under two minutes to play the Rockets lost a defensive faceoff and Rockies defenceman Mitchell Rosko took a shot from the point that hit a Rocket defender in front. A fortunate bounce gave Ryan Henderson a wide open net. The Rockies’ leading scorer made no mistake

Go Rockets Go!

A BIG thank you to all the fans and the community for your support!

and the game was tied once again. Like their rivals from the south, the Rockets have had a difficult time holding leads in the third period of late. This was the third time in the past five games that the Rockets had blown a lead in the game’s final frame. “We’re a young and inexperienced team and we don’t know how to finish off a game,” said Davidson. “They made really simple, dumb mistakes that, unfortunately, the only way that you learn them is by making them.” With the game into overtime, the Rockets needed a win while Columbia Valley could settle for a tie and still clinch a spot. The situation called for a somewhat conservative approach from the Rockies. “I said (to the players) no cheating, no jumping, you stay with your guy and if we have an opportunity we’ll score it,” said Dublielewicz. “For the most part we did

it, we played man on man and didn’t give up too much. We played somewhat safe and we had an opportunity to score.” That opportunity came when the Rockies broke out of the Rockets’ zone with a clear 2-on-1. Berard was the lone man back for Golden and he played the pass across. Smith made a nice play to slip past him and move in on Parsons 1-on-1. With a quick wrister he completed the hat trick and put an end to the Rockets’ season. It was a disappointing end for a Rockets team that had high hopes at the start of the year that never fully materialized. While many players are sure to return for next year, 20 year old defencemen Anderson and Berard won’t be the only players moving on as Davidson looks to make changes to a roster that, while young and improving, has some significant holes to fill in order to get back to the playoffs.

Star business directory

The Golden Star Wednesday, February 26, 2014 A15

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014 The Golden Star

CPR doctor started hospital in Donald which was a mere shack

- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo

One would think that the early days of health care in this area would have been haphazard at best, but records indicate to us that our ideas may not be true at all. The Canadian Pacific Railway was the chief employer in this area before the turn of the last century and they found it to be in their best interest to provide every amenity possible to their men. This included a doctor. It was a very difficult and often impossible task to find a health care professional who was willing to follow along with the laying of the rail. But the C.P.R. strived to see that each of

their sections were equipped with a doctor. In December of 1896, Dr. A.P. Proctor was brought to Donald as the official C.P.R. doctor and would cover the area known as the Selkirk Section. Within a very short time he was set up at the hospital in Donald, which was really nothing more than a tumble down shack, and began to make friends with the locals. Dr. Proctor believed that the population depended on what the children were and therefore it was in everyone’s best interest to see that they were educated. He was soon active in all manner of clubs and became the most eligible bachelor in the district. Although we have no firm records to verify the kind of maladies that the good doctor would have treated we are aware that typhoid fever was prevalent in the area during that time period. As well, the doctor would have treated all the broken bones, gun-

shot wounds and other health care problems that would have risen. The most interesting of these would have been his early attempts at skin grafting. Although skin grafting had been performed earlier it really hadn’t been proven until as late as 1869 by a physician called Jacques Louis Reverdin. Before that time several rather barbaric sounding cures were tried with very little success. Among these was tannic acid, gentian violet and concentrated silver nitrate, all of which failed to produce the desired effect. After this period passed the methods of treating burn victims changed and it was generally believed that the best treatment was to wash the wounds thoroughly with soap and water and leave them in the open air to dry. It was only after the second World War that any significant advances were made in the field of skin grafting. That makes it seem even more incredible

Rufus Kimpton, whose business in Donald is pictured above, was known as Whistling Rufus and was the driving force behind the relocation of the Stolen Church to Windermere. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum that Dr. Proctor was working with the idea in Donald in 1897. A young child, whom our records only call the Daniels child, was brought to the doctor suffering burns over a large part of its body. I’m sure that the doctor was only brought in to tell the parents that there was no chance of survival, but the doctor wasn’t so willing to just give up. Word spread that the doctor was trying to save the child’s life but


that skin donors would be needed to make the job complete. It must have taken courage to donate skin in those days when the drugs to freeze an area were not available yet. Dr. Proctor grafted 52 pieces of skin from different residents of Donald. Only one of the grafts didn’t take and the records indicate that it was because the child removed it. Unfortunately we don’t know if the child

survived, but we do know that he lived with his successful grafts for over a month, which according to the information that I have researched gave him really good odds. The possibility of the skin grafting being a success seems impossible when you think of the conditions that the doctor was working under: dirt floors, poor lighting, little information, poor sanitation and the constant threat of infection. Infection

is still considered to be one of the main reasons people die from burns today. After only 15 months at Donald, Dr. Proctor entered into a partnership with Dr. Furrer, of Kamloops. Doctors Cross and Malloch were each stationed at Donald after Dr. Proctor but he was the last full time doctor to practice before the C.P.R. considered that local health care would be handled by the doctor at Golden.

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Dawnita and Barry Johnson express gratitude and appreciation to the kind staff of Durand Manor and the Doctors and nurses at Golden Hospital who have participated in caring for their mom Vickie Chernyk who passed away peacefully on February 15, 2014.


Obituaries Brenda Lanthier (nee Lockett) February 14, 1947February 15, 2014

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Raymond William Olson

August 5th, 1919 - February 14, 2014

After a courageous fight with cancer, Brenda Lanthier passed away February 15, 2014 In Golden, BC at the age of 67. Her husband Stan, son Jason and his wife Nina, daughter Jessica, and eldest sister Ruby were by her side. Brenda’s family is grateful for all those who helped in her fight against cancer. She received such exceptional care and support over the past two years from the Tom Baker Cancer Center and Foothills Hospital in Calgary, AB; the staff at the Golden Clinic and Hospital were so kind to her and sensitive to her needs; the pharmacy at Peoples Drug Mart worked so hard in ensuring she had access to medications and they provided such great education and support to Stan who managed all those medications; Home Support and Palliative Care staff were amazing in providing equipment, support, and care so that Brenda could be in her home during her final days; and of course the love from the countless number of friends, neighbors, and family was essential in keeping her spirits high. To all of you, we are so very grateful. On behalf of Stan, Jason and Nina, and Jessica and her husband Trevor, we thank you and would like to invite you to celebrate her life with us on March 1, 2014 from 2pm to 4pm at The Island Restaurant for a memorial tea. Brenda was adamant that in lieu of flowers you please make a donation, in her honor, to The Tom Baker Cancer Center. Donations can be made via cheque, phone, or online at: The Tom Baker Cancer Center c/o The Alberta Cancer Foundation 1331 29 St NW Calgary AB T2N 4N2 Tel: (403) 521-3433 Website: Online condolences can be sent through Brenda’s obituary at www.

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With sadness the Olson family announces the passing of Raymond William Olson at Golden Hospital on February 14, 2014 at the age of 94. Raymond was born on August 5th, 1919 in Cranbrook BC and grew up in the Kootenays during the depression. Except for a brief period in the Army, he worked in the lumber industry as a Millwright and Saw Filer, finally settling in Golden in 1957 where he worked until retirement. With his wife Margaret, whom he met while training in Shilo Manitoba, they raised 5 children in Golden. Ray was very community–minded being a life-time member of the Golden Lions’ Club and Golden Historical Society, an elder in the United Church as well as serving on the School Board. He also gave years of service on the Durand Manor Board and the Hospital Board. Ray’s life was centered around his family. He never failed to spend his annual holiday camping with the family. His good sense of humour was a natural complement to his story-telling. He was soft-spoken, generous and loved by everyone who knew him. Raymond is survived by sister Muriel Lotosky of Golden and Margaret, his wife of 67 years. Also surviving are five children — Martin Olson (Norene) of Golden, Bonnie Johnston (Mark) of Kamloops, Ken Olson (Britt) of Golden, Marilyn Olson of Golden, Carl Olson of Kelowna, and a special niece, Heather Roe of Calgary. The extended family also includes 6 grandchildren. He was predeceased by two daughters, Karen and a baby girl. A funeral service was held from St. Andrew’s United Church on Friday, February 21st, 2014 with Reverend Judith Hardcastle officiating. Interment followed in the Golden Community Cemetery. No flowers by request. If friends so wish they may make a donation in Ray’s name to the St. Andrews’ United Church Memorial Fund (Box 1290, Golden, VOA 1H0) or the Golden Museum Memorial Fund (Box 992, Golden, VOA 1H0). Messages of condolence may be sent to the family by visiting Ray’s obituary notice at Arrangements were in the care of Hindman Bowers Funeral Home, Golden, B.C. A17 A17


Irene McKimmie May 7th, 1929 February 3rd, 2014 Irene McKimmie passed away on February 3, 2014, in Drayton Valley Alberta. She was born in Edmonton, AB on May 7, 1929 and was the only child of Robert and Mary Harris. Irene met Gordon McKimmie when she was 20 years old. They settled in the Mayerthorpe area where they stayed for twenty years, raising their family, and later moved to Golden in 1970. Irene worked as a cook at various lodges in Alberta and at the Golden&District Hospital. She was very active with various church groups. Irene also loved to take short trips around B.C. area, and into Alberta to visit her children. She loved to walk around Golden and was very happy when the pedestrian bridge was built. Irene was predeceased by her parents Robert and Mary, husband Gordon and granddaughter Eden. She is survived by her six children, Steve (Darlene) McKimmie of Lone Rock, Sask, Janet Lavay of Golden B.C., Thayne (Daryl) Barth of Drayton Valley, AB, Brenda (Blair) Perras of Evansburg, AB, Ian (Carol) McKimmie of Slave Lake, AB, and Helen (Jim) St. Jean of One Hundred Mile House, B.C. She also leaves behind 19 grandchildren, numerous great grandchildren, and great great grandchildren. Cremation has taken place, and a memorial service was held in Drayton Valley at the Drayton Valley Funeral Services Tinant Chapel on February 8, 2014. Internment followed at the Riverview Cemetery where Irene was laid to rest beside her mother.

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Andrew (Andy) John Verigin

September 18, 1934-February 6, 2014 Andy passed away peacefully at his Wasa home on Thursday, February 6, 2014 at the age of 79, after a short battle with bone cancer. Andy was born on September 18, 1934 to John and Polly in Perry Siding, BC. He met his beautiful bride Dorothy (Konkin) and they were marred in August of 1955. In February of 1960 the family moved to Donald, BC, then later to Golden, BC and finally moving to Wasa, BC in the spring of 1968. Andy was known through the valley for his wonderful delicious cucumbers and tomatoes and the most beautiful flowers in the valley. Andy is survived by his wife, Dorothy; sons Randy (Jeanette) and Garry (Christian); grandchildren, Chris, Megan, Tyrell and Benjamin; great grandchildren Oden and Cleo; sister: Mary; sister in laws: Mabel (Bill) and Mary; brother in laws: Harry (Barb) and Martin (Stella); nephews: Kenny and Kevin; nieces: Rachel, Teresa, Bonnie, Amanda, Sarah, Jenica, Carol and Marlene; as well as numerous family and friends. Andy was preceded in death by his parents, his daughter Debbie and a niece Christine. A celebration of life for Andy will be held on Saturday, March 1, 2014 at the Wasa Community Hall from 11 am to 3 pm. In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that donations be made to the Wasa Community Church. The family would also like to thank Dr. Ken Brown, Dr. Scheiman, the staff at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital and the ladies of Interior Health Home Care for all the great and wonderful care they showed towards Any and they are forever grateful.

A18 A18






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Wednesday, February 26, 2014 Wednesday, February 26, 2014 The Golden Golden Star Star

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Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.

GLEN Livet Manor, Cranbrook. N/S, cats ok. 1 Bdrm $725/mo; 2 Bdrm $850/mo. New Flooring/Paint/Drapes. Quiet building. Quick access to hospital. Close to rec centre & shopping. Phone 778-5170777 Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, security doors. Best deal in town! 250-344-8113.

4 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.

Apartment Furnished

Auto Financing



1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604.

Commercial/ Industrial Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710

Homes for Rent

FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofce is independently owned & operated.

1 bdrm chalet furnished full kitchen, sat. tv, high speed internet, utls incld, fire place, NS, min. 6 months, avail. May 1st. $650/single $750/double. 250-344-7874 (evenings).

For Sale By Owner

Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!


For Sale By Owner

FOR SALE Move in Ready Approx 1400 sq ft townhouse, 2 bdrm, 2 full bath, large kitchen, large dining/living rm w/ gas fireplace covered private patio and single garage. Asking $285,000. Phone 250-439-9899.

The Golden Star Wednesday, February 26, 2014 A19

Golden Moments: Shawna Gray went to Malta and back again It’s hard to imagine two more different environments than Malta and Golden, but Shawna Gray spent time growing up in both before settling back in the Columbia Valley. Gray moved to Malta with her family when she was in Grade 6. Her dad, Tony Wenzoski, got a job for an American oil company as a mechanic. Her father worked in the Persian Gulf, but that area was deemed unsafe for families and Gray lived in Malta with her mother Ethel instead. Her father would make frequent trips to visit them when he had time off. The Maltese speak what Gray calls a “hodgepodge of languages” including Maltese and Italian, although English was widely spoken as well, so the language barrier was not an issue. Gray attended a British school and it was an interesting experience for her at the time.

“It was quite an eyeopener as far as the schooling. The education was top notch,” she said. “We also had to learn Latin. I started at the bottom of the class and finally the light bulb came on and I ended up near the top. It was a neat language.” Her love of school, both abroad and in Golden, led her to make a curious decision when she became sick. “I’ve always loved school. When I was little I even went to school with the chicken pox because I didn’t want to miss a day,” she laughed. “They were just on my stomach so I didn’t tell my mom.” Gray and her family moved back to Golden when her father’s contract expired. Their trip back to North America was an exciting one, however, as her father treated her family to a trip aboard Queen Elizabeth 2, a massive transatlantic liner that took the nearly week long trip from Southampton to New York. “As we approached

the coast of the Eastern seaboard, there was a remnant of a tropical storm or a hurricane…the ship, as big as it was, was just rocking from side to side. There were very few people up for breakfast that morning, and I was one of them,” she laughed. “And I thought, okay, I’m not seasick, that’s good.” Her time in Malta, an island country in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the trip on QE2 gave her a deep appreciation for the ocean, something that she continues to carry with her today. However, Golden clearly had something that was lacking in Malta. Towards the end of her family’s long trip home, they stopped in Lac des Arcs in Alberta. “It was our first real view of the mountains and we realized just how much we missed them when we saw them,” she said. Upon returning to Golden, Gray found that a lot of her friends from before had changed and she was forced to get

involved at school and make new friends as a result. She joined student council and the yearbook committee and remained very involved in extracurricular activities throughout her time at Golden Secondary. She remained involved in community

groups following high school as well, and was on the Save the Civic Centre Committee and volunteered with the Golden District Arts Council, among others. She has four children, three daughters (Tamara, Charity and Jayna) and one son (Alan).

For 20 years she worked part-time for the Town of Golden as a fitness instructor and later worked parttime at the post office as well. Her job at the post office became a full-time gig in 2006, which is when she had to give up the fitness instruction, and she

continues to work for Canada Post now. In her spare time, Gray enjoys outdoor sports such as kayaking, hiking and cross country skiing. She has yet to return to her other home in Malta, something she hopes to do in the near future.

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PUBLIC INPUT MEETING Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Program

Project applicants for Columbia Basin Trust’s Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Programs are presenting their proposals to the public in an evening session. Monday, March 3, 2014, from 6 - 9 p.m. at the Golden Seniors Centre.

After each short presentation there will be an opportunity for questions from the Town of Golden’s Community Funds Local Selection Committee and the public. MONDAY MEETING SCHEDULE #




1st Golden Group - Scouts Canada

Purchase of Camping and Outdoor Equipment


3 PAC's of Alexander Park, Lady Grey & Nicholson Elementary schools jointly College of the Rockies / Golden ELCSAG Golden & District Community Foundation Golden & District Historical Society Golden and District Search and Rescue Golden & District Rotary Club Golden Figure Skating Club Golden Food Bank Society Golden Golf Club Golden Golf Club Golden Nordic Ski Club Society Golden Outdoor Recreation Association Golden Women's Resource Centre Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club Little Mittens Animal Rescue Association SQx Danza Wildsight Golden Branch

The Leader In Me Training and Implementation APES LGES NES Year 1 Golden Early Learning and Care Centre - Project Development Golden & Area A's Vital Signs 2014 Renovation of Outdoor Exhibit Building Helicopter External Transport System Equipment Replacement Confluence Park - Phase 2 Golden Figure Skating Club Restructuring 2014 Nourishing our Neighbors Bear Proof Garbage and Recycling Containers RV Park Washroom Facility Dawn Mountain Nordic 2014-15 Infrastructure Project Golden Trails Project Safe Teen for Youth Media Project Purchase Uneven Bars Healthy Haven Interactive Dance Awareness Programming in Public Schools Golden Sprouts Garden Mentor Project

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Shawna Gray lived in Malta for a few years during her youth before moving back and settling in Golden. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

Administered and Managed by: Town of Golden Contact Ryan Watmough at 1.250.344.8610 or email for further information.

Request $7,963.01 $35,232.78 $38,750.00 $19,745.00 $31,123.00 $5,188.70 $15,000.00 $18,650.00 $12,500.00 $6,600.00 $80,800.00 $50,000.00 $5,650.00 $5,650.00 $5,073.87 $130,964.28 $6,000.00 $5,000.00

DA BC 4G Horiz 01/14

Joel Tansey


Garry Oddy Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234 (250) 344-7234

NEW 5 bdrms

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 The Golden Star

RE/MAX RE/MAX ofof Golden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663


1223 10th Street 2 baths

2,000 sqft



1215A Alexander Drive

4 bdrms

2 baths

$223,000 4088 Highway #95 South

3 bdrms 2 baths 1,034sqft 22.9 acres

4 bdrms 3 baths 2,568sqft 1.15 acres

$260,000 3bdrms 1 bath 3,320sqft

2 baths


$289,000 4 bdrms 1 bath 1,400sqft

3 bedrooms

2 baths


$559,000 5 bedrooms

4 baths

3 bedrooms

3 baths


$219,000 #103, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail

2 bedrooms

2 baths


#55, 1290 Haesler BB 1 bath


$219,000 1141 - 10th Avenue

Land, Building & Business



1742 Seward Frontage

3 bdrms 1 bath 1,740 sqft 37.75 acres


4.99 acres

NEW 2 bdrms

5 bedrooms

2 baths


$345,000 853 Oster Road

Home with Mobile Home on 1.03 acres



#11, 1322 Kaufmann Way

2 bedrooms

1 bath


$995,000 1602 Purcell Woods Close

3 bedrooms

2.5 baths


$500,000 1021 - 11th Avenue North Land & Building



1215B Alexander Drive

4 bdrms

2 baths


Lot 1, Golden Donald Upper Road

1 bath


839 sqft

3 bedroom

2bdrms 1 bath 960sqft 22.58 acres

3 bedrooms

2 baths

REDUCED 2bdrms


4bdrms 3 baths 39.83 sqft 39.83 acres

3 baths



3.75 acres


#27, 1357 Aemmer Way

1 bedroom

1 bath




#1, 1338 Kaufmann View

2 bedrooms

1 bath


$1,300,000 1205 Trans Canada Highway Land & Building


1753 Oberg Johnson Road

3 bdrms 1 bath 1,540 sqft 40.17 acres

$649,000 551 Highway #95, South

6bdrms 4 baths 4,056sqft 3.19 acres

$229,600 773 Canyon Creek Road

3bdrms 1 bath 1,386sqft

$499,999 523 – 5th Avenue

4 bedrooms 3 baths 3,081sqft

6 bedrooms 3 baths 2,910sqft

4 bedrooms

Home and 3 Cabins


4.99 acres

3 bedrooms

3 baths


3 bedrooms

2 bedrooms 1 baths 805sqft

$355,000 747 Nicholson Frontage Road Building, Land & Business

3 baths


$289,900 #105, 1420 Palliser Trail

2 bedrooms

2 baths


$975,000 1592 Golden Avenue

3 bedrooms

$239,000 #312, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail




#16, 1595 Whitetooth Trail

2 baths

1613 Gareb Road

$659,900 2036 Blaeberry School Road

.35 acre

$309,900 508 - 5th Street

$385,000 1611 Gareb Road


1950 palumbo Heights


$499,900 2600 Mons Road

$289,600 303-13th Street

Dan Veselic Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435 (250) 344-1435



#22 Golden Mobile Home Park

1,650 sqft

3360 Highway #95 South


1007 King Crescent


$325,000 2 bedrooms


1312 - 11th Street

$375,000 #406, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail

1.03 acres

1429 Granite Drive

$339,900 528B-11th Street


1241 Horse Creek Road

$249,000 712 - 8th Street

1,650 sqft

2039 Birchlands Road

$319,900 1256 Horse Creek Road

5 bedrooms

Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451

3 baths


$375,000 #402, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail

3 bedrooms

3 baths


$349,000 501 – 9th Street

Land and Building

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