Since 1923
Arrow Lakes News 1
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the Westminster Dog Show
Big Donation to Halcyon House
Vol. 91 Issue 9 • Wednesday, February 26, 2014 • • 250-265-3823 • $1.25 •
Action demanded at boat ramp open house
Racing at the summit
Alex Cooper Arrow Lakes News
Rylie Clark goes into her tuck during the GS run of the Summit Lake club races on Sunday, Feb. 23. A big crowd of racers and spectators came out for the fun day on the hill. For more, see page 7. Alex Cooper/Arrow Lakes News
BC Hydro knows they have a problem on their hands with Nakusp's boat ramp. If they didn't, they heard it loud and clear at an open house they held last Wednesday, Feb. 19, to show what they were doing about the much maligned concrete slab into the Arrow Lakes. More than 50 local residents came out to express their frustration, displeasure and impatience with BC Hydro's lack of action to extend the boat ramp so it can be used when the Arrow Lakes are at low water. For years they've waited for Hydro to extend the ramp and fix the floating walkway that helps them get in their boats. On Wednesday, they found out only a temporary fix would be put in place this winter, and a long-term extension would have to wait until whenever the water goes back down again. "It's just a band aid, a total band aid," one frustrated Rod and Gun Club mem-
ber told me about the temporary filter stone extension that contractor Landmark Forest Management has been installing recently. A few weeks ago, the Arrow Lakes News reported the boat ramp would be extended by 30 metres starting in midFebruary. At the open house, we learned those plans have been scaled back and all that is happening right now is a temporary fix that will extend the ramp by 18 metres; any permanent solution will have to wait until the next low-water period. At this point, there's little, if any faith that the work will get done. "We've been hearing this for years," said Hank Scown, the president of the Nakusp Rod and Gun Club. "I'm tired of hearing why we can't do it. Let's figure out a way to do it. It's not going to the moon." For their part, BC Hydro and Columbia Power Corporation brought out the whole team for the open house. There
See BC Hydro page 2
Status quo for rural recycling in regional district Greg Nesteroff Black Press
The Regional District of Central Kootenay will continue to provide rural recycling for at least a year after an industry stewardship group told them it won’t be able to take over until 2015 at the earliest. Multi Material BC is expected to assume responsibility for recycling packaging and paper starting in May. It has reached agreements with 165 municipalities, regional districts, First Nations, non-profits, and private sector companies, covering over 1.25 million BC households — including Nelson, Kaslo, Nakusp, Castlegar, and rural areas
around Castlegar, where curbside recycling will be provided. However, the RDCK initially balked at financial incentives to collect materials on Multi Material BC’s behalf, saying the offer lacked key information and wouldn’t cover their costs. In November they changed their mind, fearing the region’s 27 rural recycling depots could be reduced to as few as two. By agreeing to keep a hand in recycling, the regional district hoped to maintain 10 to 15 depots that meet Multi-Material BC’s security requirements or could easily be converted. But while the board believed it met the deadline to sign up, Multi-
Material BC now says it won’t be able to cover the RDCK this year, and appears only to have agreements with applicants who signed up by an earlier deadline. “While we made every effort to be able to include the RDCK when the program launches in May, we do not have any further capacity in the program this year and have placed them on a waiting list for future opportunities,” Multi-Material BC communications manager Sarah Stephen explained in an email. A frustrated RDCK chair John Kettle said his understanding is that a number of producers aren’t participating, resulting in insuffi-
cient funds to support the program this year. (Small businesses were recently exempted, but it’s not clear if this is the issue.) “They didn’t give a good explanation other than it looks like there’s not enough folks in the program from the producers’ side to make it work financially,” Kettle said. “To me that’s not satisfactory.” Kettle said the regional district will keep providing rural recycling, staving off any depot closures for now. “It’s not a tax increase, but it could have been a million dollar tax decrease if we had been able to sign up for the program. They would have taken over responsibility for
recycling and we wouldn’t have had to tax for it.” Kettle said he doesn’t blame Multi Material BC so much as the producers themselves and called on environment minister Mary Polak to “use every weapon in her arsenal” to push them to support the program financially. “We’re not the only ones left hanging here,” he said. “I think this is really poorly administered.” Multi Material BC said it will be “evaluating opportunities to expand our collection network annually” and remains committed to talking with interested local governments about including them.
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2 n Arrow Lakes News n Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Columbia Shuswap Regional District Notice of rescheduled PUBLIC HEARING Electoral Area ‘B’ Official Community Plan Amendment (CSRD) Bylaw No. 850-1 What Is Electoral Area ‘B’ Official Community Plan Amendment (CSRD) Bylaw No. 850-1? The primary purpose of Bylaw No. 850-1 is to incorporate Climate Change objectives and policies into the Electoral Area ‘B’ Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 850 as required by the Local Government Act and as a result of the CSRD Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Strategy. Bylaw No. 850-1 also proposes some additional text amendments and updates to provide clarification and consistency with other documents. Map amendments are also proposed to replace the existing mapping with more accurate mapping which is in a format consistent with other CSRD Official Community Plans (OCPs).
The open house in the Emergency Services Building on Wednesday was packed with people frustrated with the lack of long-term action on fixing the Nakusp boat ramp. Alex Cooper/Arrow Lakes News
People disenchanted with BC Hydro: Hank Scown Tourism from page 1
Electoral Area ‘B’ OCP Coverage
When? Where?
Bylaw 850-1 will be presented on March 3rd, 2014: • 12:00 pm (noon), at the Trout Lake Community Hall, 544 Westside Rd. Trout Lake, BC; and • 7:00 pm, at the Revelstoke Community Centre 600 Campbell Ave. Revelstoke, BC.
Who should attend?
Anyone who believes that their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the Bylaw at the Public Hearing.
How do I send a written submission?
A copy of Bylaw No. 850-1 and all reports, plans and other documents that have been or will be considered by the Board of the Regional District is available for inspection at the offices of:
was two community liaison officers, multiple engineers and other staff on hand, some of whom came all the way from Vancouver. "We're committed to building the boat ramp," said Sabrina Locicero, one of the community liaison officers. "We want the community to know we are doing that and we'll continue to work on it." She told me this winter's plans for a 30-metre concrete extension were scaled back because of the rapidly rising water levels. Installing a coffer dam, like planned, isn't feasible under the conditions, so instead a rip raplike filler material is being placed in the existing rocks at the end of the ramp in order to extend it by 18 metres. "Because we weren't able to go ahead with the coffer dam, we're in the planning stage to look at the options for completing the rest of the ramp," said Locicero.
• City of Revelstoke - 216 Mackenzie Ave., Revelstoke, BC (8:30 AM – 4:30 PM)
Who can I speak Jan Thingsted, Planner | Development Services to about these Columbia Shuswap Regional District bylaws? T: 250-833-5918 E:
Visit our website at 781 Marine Park Dr. NE Salmon Arm • PO Box 978 V1E 4P1 250-832-8194 Toll Free 1-888-248-2773
this certainly gives Hydro and Columbia Power Corp the message that it's been blowing in the wind." For Hank Scown, he wants to see BC Hydro follow through on its promises. Local dissatisfaction with the crown corporation goes back decades. "The saddest part is the people who have some positive thoughts, some enthusiasm, who want to contribute and see if we can't make things better in our lives, they get disenchanted," he said. "They get discouraged and disheartened.” I asked Scown what he'd like to see a year from now. "A year from now I'd like to see a family derby on this February long weekend, where the whole community is out with kids on a full-length ramp that was there regardless of what the water level is," he replied. "I wouldn't want to see a hydro truck in sight anywhere. That's what I'd like to see."
• Columbia Shuswap Regional District - 781 Marine Park Drive, NE, Salmon Arm, BC (9:00 AM - 4:00 PM)
until February 28, 2014 but excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays. Bylaw No. 850-1 is also available from the CSRD website: www.csrd.
"We need to finish the ramp." The goal is to extend the ramp so you can get a boat in the water at the lowest water levels — that's about 420.5 metres elevation. The 18-metre fix will bring it down to 427.5 metres elevation. According to the latest Arrow Lakes Reservoir update issued by BC Hydro last Friday, the water level was at 428.6 metres and rising. BC Hydro is also planning to fix the floating dock, which has not worked as planned due to design flaws. As was explained by project manager Bill Smith from Columbia Hydro, the dock has been getting hung up on the old anchors. They will be moved further out so the dock can float unimpeded along the length of the ramp. All that sounds great, but locals want to see things happen. Mayor Karen Hamling said she was happy so many people came out to the open house because, "they've been very unhappy and
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98 Broadway West, Nakusp
Arrow Lakes News n Wednesday, February 26, 2014 n 3
A big donation to Halcyon House
Halcyon House was the recipient of a big donation from the Arrow Lakes Hospital Auxiliary. The auxiliary donated $10,000 that went to the purchase of a new call bill system for tennants at the assisted living residence. The system was needed after the company that ran the old one closed down, meaning there was no service or parts available if something went wrong, said site manager Karolina Moskal. Now, each tennant has been given a pendant with a button they can push if they need help. The system is entirely independent so it works even when the power goes out; and it keeps track of all calls that are made. The $27,000 system was installed by Terracom, who recently signed a 10-year contract with Interior Health, so future service is assured. Helen Scown, the president of the auxiliary said they are happy to provide any health-related donations. Picture, from left: Resident Evelyn Thorp, Dawna Dinning of the Arrow Lakes Hospital Auxiliary, Tim Payne, the executive director of the Halcyon Assisted Living Society; Helen Scown, the president of the Arrow Lakes Hospital Auxiliary; Karolina Moskal, the site manager of Halcyon House; and residents Phyllis Head and Bill Spavor.
Alex Cooper/Arrow Lakes News
Nakusp Babies 2013
The next generation...
Four Generations x 2
Gabrielle Arikan February 5, 2013 Selim & Paula Arikan
Cash Patrick Hilton Beauchesne February 18, 2013 Megan Hilton Beauchesne
The Gerrards Back: Nicholas, Dan, Ralph and Mike. Front: Abigail, 96 yr. old Isabel and Leacia
Daniel Michael Wilfred Hewat October 31, 2013 Bryan and Ana Hewat
Jayde Weatherhead
January 4, 2013 Melissa and Kyle Weatherhead
Arrow & Slocan Lakes Community Services
All Seniors in the community welcome to attend all Activities Any questions call Judy at 250-265-3056 (eve.) or 250-265-3692
Monday: BINGO 7:00 pm at the New Lounge Thursday: SOUP & BUN DAY 12:00 Noon at the New Lounge
Thank You
Exercises/Birthday Teas – Elaine Social Time – Dawna, Karen Bingo – Delorus, Jean Cards – Caroline, Ileen Tai Chi – Barb Time Wise – Simon Church – Hilary, Bea Burton Church – Gale Always welcome new student/adult volunteers! Contact: Karolina Moskal at 250-265-3692
Monday: Bingo 10:30 am Ice cream 1:00 pm Tuesday: Piano 10:00 am Junior Volunteers 3:30 pm Wednesday: Minto Medical Bus to Vernon Departs ALH 7:00am - Arrives Vernon 10:30 am Departs Vernon mid pm - Arrives Nakusp 6:00 pm Thursday: Church 10:30 am Friday: Exercises 10:30 am Gentlemen’s Afternoon 1:00 pm
(Located at the Arrow Lakes Hospital)
To contact the Recreation Dept. or to book a seat on the Minto Medical Bus for Vernon phone 250-265-3622 ext. 259.
to the proud parents for sharing your beautiful babies with the community of Nakusp.
AVAILABLE THROUGH HALCYON HOUSE Meals On Wheels provides tasty, nutritious hot meals that are delivered to your home by volunteers between 12 noon and 1:00 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The cost for this service is $7.00 per meal. To arrange for Meals On Wheels please call Anne at Community Services 250-265-3674 ext. 213 between 8:30am & 4:30pm.
AVAILABLE AT COMMUNITY SERVICES 16 professionally prepared meals for $100. Orders are to be taken on the 1st & 3rd Monday by 10 am. Pickup is 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. SEVERAL MENU CHOICES! Meals must be prepaid. Call 250-265-3674.
4 n Arrow Lakes News n Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Village eyes two per cent tax increase for 2014 Alex Cooper Arrow Lakes News
The Village of Nakusp is looking to increase it's tax revenue by about $25,000 this year, in a mostly statusquo budget that was set to go before council on Monday, Feb. 24. The budget was scheduled to be presented to an official council meeting for the first time after two special budget meetings in the previous weeks. It calls for the village to collect tax revenue of $913,414 in 2014, up from $888,248 in 2013. With about $5,000 of that revenue expected to be derived from new construction, it means about a two per cent tax increase for village residents and businesses. According to a staff report, the increase will amount to about $25 per year for the average Nakusp home. Mayor Karen Hamling said the goal is to finish off current projects like the arena upgrades, fix the roofs on the Cedar Chalets and build the new village website. "We're going to try to hold the status quo, look at the hot springs and what we can do there and try to keep the services and everything at status quo," she said. The village is expected to run a $70,322 deficit this year, but that will turn into a large $365,688 surplus in 2015, mainly a result of increased transfers from other levels of govern-
ment. Smaller surpluses are expected throughout the remainder of the financial plan. The five-year financial plan looks to increase tax revenue by about $20,000 per year every year until 2018, when it will reach $1,000,000. Property taxes only make up for 17 per cent of the villages revenue. A third comes from user fees and other charges, nine per cent from grants, 21 per cent is collection that goes to other levels of government and the rest is from other sources. The vast majority of the village's taxes come from home owners, who pay 71 per cent. A quarter coming from businesses and the rest from light industry and other properties. The good news for residents, both in Nakusp and the surrounding area, is that the regional district's portion of the tax bill is expected to remain the same or even go down. At a public hearing last week, Hamling and Arrow Lakes director Paul Peterson discussed the Regional District of Central Kootenay budget. District expenses are expected to decline, even with increases in spending on the arena and a few other small items. The RDCK budget still needs to go before the full board. Monday’s council meeting took place after press time. Visit www. for discussion from the meeting.
NSS inspected after chlorine incident Alex Cooper
Arrow Lakes News
The Arrow Lakes School District is following through with a WorkSafeBC investigation following a leak of chlorine gas at Nakusp Secondary School last month, the district said in a news release. On Jan. 31, four students and a teacher were exposed to chlorine after a student inadvertently opened a valve on a cylinder in the metal shop that contain pressurized chlorine gas. The students and teacher were taken to hospital to be checked up on and several firefighters attended the
school to inspect the scene and safely dispose of the cylinders and ventilate the hallways. Two other cylinders were found to contain hydrogen and argon gas. The students and teacher were released from hospital that day and none had to return for follow up visits. Following the incident, WorkSafeBC visited the school to look at other safety concerns. The school's occupational health & safety committee, school district representatives and WorkSafeBC were working on a series of recommendations to ensure student and staff safety, the school district said.
Since 1923
Arrow Lakes News Street Address: 106 Broadway St., P.O. Box 189, Nakusp, B.C. V0G 1R0 Phone: 250-265-3823 Fax: 250-265-3841
PUBLISHED EvERY Wednesday 100% B.C. owned and operated by Black Press. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder.
Publisher: Mavis Cann Editor: Alex Cooper 778-206-0241 Advertising: Stephanie Dieterman
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N e w s & O p i n i on
An open letter to the Comptroller of Water Rights Dear Mr. Glen Davidson, In response to yesterday's public notice Nakusp Rod & Gun Club members have asked me to forward to you these following points. The residents of the Arrow Lake have been without boat access for two winter fishing seasons. Presently, no boat access exists from Castlegar to Revelstoke with the exception of using the ferry docking sites. It should be noted that these sites are not supposed to be used for loading and unloading recreational boats. This results in the neighbourhood of 200 kilometres of unusable waterway. The cable system for the wharf is completely unsuitable. The engineering company that designed this system needs to be held to account. We aren't clear on the plan to move one of the existing cables in order to provide a cable free path to the dock. The jury is out on that one. Piles were driven to secure the wharfs at Fauquier, Burton, MacDonald Creek Park and Edgewood and that proved to be a viable system. Why was such an unproven cable system used for Nakusp? Was the same engineering company used for all sites? Yesterday's news that the coffer dam originally planned to allow for construction to occur below the present water level is no longer practical because of rising waters. This is very disappointing as it will postpone the ramp's completion for years to come. Coffer dams have been constructed under significantly greater adverse conditions than at the Nakusp ramp and it is believed that resources are available in B.C. to complete these works. The Nakusp Rod & Gun Club feels our members, along with all of the Arrow Lakes commu-
The Rod & Gun Club wants a permanent fix to the Nakusp boat ramp. Alex Cooper/Arrow Lakes News nities, are being let down by BC Hydro. When one considers the reduced wildlife and fish populations, reduced recreational opportunities due to fluctuating water levels and now, continuing lack of boat access to the Arrow Lakes, it is not surprising that members' sentiments that they have been disrespected at the hands of BC Hydro continues. We deserve better treatment. We can see that BC Hydro nor the B.C. government have any control or influence over when or what future water levels will be. Let's stop trying to operate with that variable. Lets try a different approach. In speaking with Columbia Power's site supervisor, Mr. Rusty Hewit, there did seem to be some alternatives. We ask you to consider this idea. Briefly, the barge with the crane that will here, and used to place the massive anchor blocks in their exactly engineered positions could serve a double purpose. While the necessary equipment is already here in Nakusp, why not use the barge, a hoe/dump truck(s) to move the required rock
and gravel to the barge. Then, using the crane with a clam-shell type bucket lower the rock into precise position and deposit it on the bottom of the lake. Then place the prefabricated cement pads, which are already here too, into position? This should be doable. I asked Mr. Hewit a few questions: — Has this been done before? Answer, “Yes.” — Has this been done on an impoundment with fluctuating water levels? Answer, “Yes.” — Have you ever personally been involved in such a ramp construction? Answer, “Yes.” — Could you tell us where? Answer, “Naramata.” Hello? How much more engineering , studies, and delays do we need? We are seeking solutions to this ramp issue and look forward to to being able to use the Arrow Lakes as the local taxpayers used to before the high Arrow dam. Respectfully submitted, Hank Scown President, Nakusp Rod & Gun Club
The Arrow Lakes News is published by Black Press. Mailing address: P.O. Box 189, Nakusp, B.C. V0G 1R0. Street address: 106 Broadway St., Nakusp. Publisher: Mavis Cann
Arrow Lakes News n Wednesday, February 26, 2014 n 5
ommunity calendar
List your community event here for free! Visit, email or call 250-265-3841 to add your event.
Wednesday, February 26
NOLIGHTS FREESTYLE DANCE An event created to celebrate
FELDENKRAIS WITH TYSON Beginner-friendly movement
classes for relaxation, stress release and pain relief. From 9:15–10:15 a.m. at NaCoMo (90 5th Ave SW). $15 drop-in fee. For more info email Tyson at WINTER WEDNESDAY AT NAKUSP HOT SPRINGS Soak at the Springs for only $6. Open from 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. SCRABBLE AT THE LIBRARY Head to the Nakusp Public Library for a friendly game of Scrabble. Starts at 1 p.m. and goes until your game is over. KID’S AFTER SCHOOL CRAFTS The Nakusp Public Library hosts arts & crafts fun, from 3–4 p.m. N64 NIGHT AT THE NYC The Nakusp Youth Centre will be set up for four players to battle it out at once on an N64 and big screen TV. F rom 7-11 p.m. COMMUNITY CHOIR REHEARSAL All are welcome! No tryouts and no need to know how to read music, just come to Saddleback Community Church (59 3 St. NW, Nakusp) at 7 p.m. For info: Marilyn Massey 250-265-4087.
Thursday, February 27
T’AI CHI At the Nakusp Legion. Beginner class begins and the continuing class starts at 10 a.m. Call Ruth at 250-265-3353 or email for more information. NERD NIGHT AT THE NYC Every Thursday come be all the nerd you can be! At the Nakusp Youth Centre from 6-10 p.m. BASKETBALL IN BURTON At the school at 6:30 p.m. $2 drop-in. BINGO AT THE LEGION The action is non-stop, starting from 6:30-10 p.m. in Nakusp. DARTS NIGHT AT THE LEGION How good is your aim? From 7–10 p.m. at the Nakusp Legion Hall. DROP-IN BADMINTON At Nakusp Secondary from 7-9 p.m. $3 drop-in, $45 for the season. Beginners are welcome. Bring a racquet and non-marking shoes.
Friday, February 28
BELLYFIT Come get fit while you have some dancing fun! From
Winning Numbers Drawn for Wednesday, February 19th 02 07 15 24 37 45
Bonus Number: 13
16 21 31 35 42 47
Bonus Number: 48
Extra: 07 44 74 78
Winning Numbers Drawn for Saturday, February 22nd 09 13 19 22 33 34
Bonus Number: 20
Saturday, March 1
COMMUNITY CHOIR REHEARSAL All are welcome! No try-
outs and no need to know how to read music, just come to Saddleback Community Church (59 3 St. NW, Nakusp) at 1 p.m. For info: Marilyn Massey 250-265-4087. CANADA READS DEBATEThe Nakusp Public Library hosts its own discussion on the five contenders for the Canada Reads winner of 2014. The debate will take place from 2–3 p.m., before the official CBC event. Come listen, discuss or defend your favourite of the contenders. To see the list of contenders visit canadareads. FIGURE SKATING GOES BROADWAY The Nakusp Figure Skating Club presents its Broadway-themed carnival, which will showcase the club’s skaters from young children just learning to skate to StarSkaters who compete around the region. At the arena at 3 p.m. Entry is $5 for adults and $3 for students and seniors. MEAT DRAW Proceeds go to a local non-profit or charity. At the Legion at 3:30 p.m. LIZZY HOYT An award-winning Canadian vocalist and songwriter who is also one of the top Celtic instrumentalists in the country. She is playing at the Bonnington Arts Centre starting at 7:30 p.m. KARAOKE WITH SHIRLEY Got an urge to sing your favourite song? Head on down to the Leland for karaoke night, starting at 9 p.m.
Sanca Park Water Service Ymir Water• Service Frontage TaxParcel Tax • Riondel Water Service Frontage Tax Lucas Road Water Service Parcel Tax WISE YOGA Join Terri McLeod, a certified • McDonald Creek Water Service Parcel Tax Voykin Street Lighting Parcel • Balfour WaterService Service Parcel Tax Tax Kripalu Yoga instructor, for a class at the Nakusp • Woodland Water Service Parcel Tax Sanca Park Water Service Parcel Tax • West Robson Water Service Parcel Tax Riondel Water Service Frontage Tax • Burton Water Service Parcel Tax McDonald Creek Water Service Parcel • Edgewood Water Service Parcel TaxTax • Fauquier Water Service Parcel Tax Balfour Water Service Parcel Tax • Grandview Properties Water Service Parcel Tax Woodland Water Service Parcel Tax • Rosebery Highlands Water Service Area West Robson Water Service Parcel • Woodbury Water Service ParcelTax Tax Burton Water Service Parcel Tax Owners of property located in these parcel tax areas may request that the Edgewood Water Service Parcel Tax roll be amended, in relation to their own property, on one or more of the Fauquier Water Service Parcel Tax following grounds: • there is an error or omission respecting name or address on Grandview Properties Water Service ParcelaTax • the assessment roll; Rosebery Highlands Water Service Area • there is an error or omission respecting the inclusion of a parcel; Woodbury •Water Service Parcel Tax there is an error or omission respecting the taxable frontage of
Monday, March 3
Athlete of the Week
• a parcel (for water or sewer service areas that use frontage for taxation); and property•• an located in these parcel tax areas may request that exemption has been improperly allowed or disallowed.
Owners of the ro amended, in relation to their own property, on one or more of the following g
515 Broadway St., Nakusp • 250-265-3618 Prime Rib every Friday Wing Night every Monday
Open 7 days a week 9 a.m. - 11 p.m. Formerly the Kuskanax Lodge
T’AI CHI At the Nakusp Legion. Beginner class begins at 9:30 a.m. and the continuing class starts at 10 a.m. Call Ruth at 250-265-3353 or email for more information. STORY TIME & SOAK Bring your child up to the Nakusp Hot Springs for a story and a soak in the pool, hosted by Sabina Iselli-Otto. For kids age 3-5 and their parents. Stories are free, but it’s regular pool admission. Starts at 10:30 a.m. PUBLIC SKATING At the Nakusp Arena 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. $2. NYC DROP-IN Foosball, pool table and more! At the Nakusp Youth Centre from 3–6 p.m. PARKOUR In the basement of the Nakusp Arena between 3:30-5:30 p.m. For youth ages 13-19. Contact Michael Garvey, 265-1778 or BELLYFIT Come get fit while you have some dancing fun! Starts at 6 p.m. at NaCoMo (90 5th Ave. Nakusp). BADMINTON At the Nakusp Secondary School gymnasium. Bring your own racquet. For more information call Lee-Anne at 250-2653326. $3 drop-in fee. FELDENKRAIS WITH TYSON Awareness through movement. Starts at 8 p.m. at NaCoMo. For more info email Tyson at thaitouch@
play some rounds in the Legion Lounge at 1 p.m. $10 per person and the prize is 90 per cent of entry. Open to members and guests. The Regional District of Central Kootenay is updating parcel tax rolls for the COMMUNITY STRING ENSEMBLE Do you following service areas: The Regional District of Central Kootenay is updating parcel tax rolls for the play a stringed instrument? Our String Ensemble service areas: • South Slocan Water Service Parcel Tax practices each Sunday at 2 p.m. in the home of • Duhamel Water Service Parcel Tax Marilyn Massey, 1007 4th St NW. Musicians of all • Ymir Water Service Frontage Tax Water Service Parcel Tax ages & skill levels are welcome. For more informa-South Slocan • Lucas Road Water Service Parcel Tax Duhamel Water Parcel Tax Parcel Tax tion call 250-265-4087 • VoykinService Street Lighting Service
Bonus Number: 11
Tuesday, March 4
Sunday, March 2
02 03 21 22 26 47
Extra: 29 72 73 94
senior’s hall. For returning students the class is from 10-11:30 a.m. and for beginners the class is from 4:45–6 p.m. Classes run until Mar. 10, with a new six week series starting Apr. 14. For more information and to pre-register, call 250-265-0177. BRIDGE Play a hand at the Senior’s Centre 1:15-3:30 p.m. $2.50. MONDAY MUSIC JAM AT NYC Bring an instrument if you have one, and/or bring a song that you know or want to learn. At the Nakusp Youth Centre from 3:30–5:30 p.m.
10–11 a.m. at NaCoMo. PARKOUR In the basement of the Nakusp Arena between 3:30-5:30 p.m. For youth ages 13-19. Contact Michael Garvey, 265-1778 or GLOW DANCE PARTY The Nakusp Youth Cemtre hosts a dance party, complete with black lights, glow sticks, glow face paint and more. Bring tye dyed shirts and bust a move. Featuring NSS ROCKS. From 7– 11 p.m. $5 entry, with proceeds going to the youth centre. GAMES NIGHT AT THE LEGION Come play Wii, darts, pool, or bring a game of your choice from home. Bring a friend or two along, there’s always enough people for some fun. At the Nakusp Legion from 7-10 p.m. Members and guests are welcome.
in the pure joy of dancing, music and community with the inspiration of minimal lighting encouraging freedom on the dance floor. Come practice formal dance moves or discover new ways of movement and expression, freestyle. At NaCoMo (90 5th Ave., Nakusp) from 7:30–8:30 p.m. $3. CHRISTA COUTURE & JAMES LAMB These two singersongwriters perform together at the Silver Gallery. The show starts at 7:30 p.m.
Lucas Robins
Sponsored by
Tel: 250.265.1729 or 250.265.4100
The parcel tax rolls are available for inspection, at the Regional District of Central Kootenay office in Nelson during regular office hours.
there is an error or omission respecting a name or address on the as roll; Requests for amendments must be made in writing to the Regional District of is Central Kootenay, Box 590, 202 Lakeside Drive, BC V1L on there an error or omission respecting the Nelson, inclusion of a5R4 parcel; or before March 10, 2014 @ 4:00 p.m. If requests are received, a Parcel Tax there an error omission respecting the taxable of a par RollisReview Panelorwill meet at 10:00 a.m. on March 11, 2014frontage in the RDCK or sewer service areas that use frontage for taxation); and Board Room in Nelson. an exemption has been improperly allowed or disallowed. Stuart Horn, Chief Financial Officer/Appointed Collector
The parcel tax rolls are available for inspection, at the Regional District of Ce
6 n Arrow Lakes News n Wednesday, February 26, 2014
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Lizzy Hoyt performs at the Bonnington Arts Centre on Saturday, Mar. 1.
Lizzy Hoyt photo
Fiddler Lizzy Hoyt closes out concert series Contributed by Arrow Lakes Arts Council
On Saturday, March 1, the Arrow Lakes Arts Council presents the last concert of this season’s concert series. This concert takes place in the Bonnington Arts Centre at 7:30 pm. Lizzy Hoyt is an award winning Canadian vocalist and
songwriter who also happens to rank among the top Celtic instrumentalists in the country. With the voice of an angel, Lizzy delivers music and stories with soaring melodies rooted in Celtic and folk traditions. Her music has been recognized on both the national
and international level. She has received several awards, including the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2013 from the Governor General of Canada for her outstanding contribution to commemorating Canadian veterans and history through music. So, come and join us on
Saturday, March 1, as we celebrate with an evening of fun, as Lizzy is a Canadian fiddler, songster and step dancer. This concert starts at 7:30 p.m. at the Bonnington. Doors open at 7:00 pm. Tickets are available at the Bon Marche/Dollar Store until the afternoon of the concert, then at the door.
Nakusp library hosts local Writers' Coffeehouse Jean Lancaster Nakusp Library
Susan Szathmary shares her work at the Nakusp Library’s Writers’ Coffeehouse. Alex Cooper/Arrow Lakes News
Picture a wintery Saturday evening in February, just over half way through this dreary month. Not a night to be out and about you may imagine, but how wrong you would be. On February 15, the exterior gloom was dispersed as eight local writers gathered in the warm atmosphere of the Nakusp Library to read some of their own compositions. The enraptured audience was treated to a selection of essays, stories, poetry and even some design-inspired words, presented by a varied group of local talented authors. The program was nicely balanced, with some very serious, deep topics such as environmental degradation being explored, along with some lighter, more imaginative subject material, and others that were flat out funny, all of them engaging in their own way. This area is rich in talent, and the Writers' Coffeehouse provides an excellent forum in which it can be showcased. Some of the writers were Nakusp residents but a number braved the elements and travelled up from New Denver to read their works. This latest event was the
second Writers' Coffeehouse to be held at the library and it will certainly be a popular choice for the future. Along with the annual Poetry Night and Books that Made a Difference, the Writers' Coffeehouse is the brainchild of Barbara MacPherson, who almost single-handedly organizes all three, managing to make it all look effortless. Thanks to her, we are given the opportunity to participate in any or all of these occasions, or if we are too reticent to reveal our innermost feelings, to enjoy the works of others in the community. It all makes for very entertaining productions, which are a welcome ray of light in the midst of our cheerless winter surroundings. If you missed out on the Writers' Coffeehouse earlier this month, there is no need to despair as there will another chance to be amused and perhaps inspired. Check the Community Calendar in the Arrow Lakes News for the upcoming events at the Nakusp Library, and make a point of attending one or all of these evenings, or even grasping the nettle and performing some of your own work. I can guarantee that you won't regret the experience, whichever role you choose.
Arrow Lakes News n Wednesday, February 26, 2014 n 7
A few of the skaters in the figure skating carnival.
The Summit Lake club races featured skiers and snowboarders young and old, skiing slalom and GS, with a special course for snowboarders. Alex Cooper/Arrow Lakes News
Riders fly high at Summit Lake club race Alex Cooper Arrow Lakes News
thank you
Summit Lake held its club races on Sunday, with a big turnout of well over 100 racers and spectators out to have some fun on a cool winter day. Three courses were set up for the day — a slalom course and GS course for skiers, and one GS course for snowboarders. It was the youngest who went first, starting with little four- and five-year-old skiers, some who snow plowed down the course without poles, others accompanied by their mom or dad. From there it went up through the age groups, to the Nancy Greene racers and then to the high school racers that are heading to Whistler from Mar. 2–5 for the B.C. provincial championships. Last were the older crowd, mostly parents who were out with their kids, but also a few others looking for a chance to ski through the gates when they could. The Tim Markhold award for fastest high school snow-
boarder went to Adam Fox. Taylor Aiechele won the John Gleboff award for fastest high school skier. Cheyenne Tourand won the Teanne Jones award for fastest Summit Lake Nancy Green racer. Check the Arrow Lakes News Facebook page for more photos from the race. Here are the results: Skiers: 4–5 girls: 1. Kate Watt; 2. Kally Katchen; 3. Zoe Balske 4–5 boys: 1. Quin Clark; 2. Paguzu Weiss-Zoll 6–8 girls: 1. Riley Clark; 2. Madison Clark; 3. Juniper WeissZoll 6–8 boys: 1. Maddex Sanders; 2. Zaida Cameron-Harding; 3. Owen Tithecott 9–11 girls: 1. Cheyenne Tourand; 2. Zoe Zinselmeyer; 3. Maia Zinselmeyer 9–11 boys: 1. Ewan Carter; 2. Foster Katchen; 3. Liam Coates 12–14 girls: 1. Ivy Tourand; 2. Mikala Lewis-Morrison; 3. Lexi Hamm 12–14 boys: 1. Garret Waterfield; 2. Solomon Tupper; 3. Rhys
SSP would like to thank Overwaitea for their food donation toward the 1st Annual SSP Ice Fishing Derby. Thank you to Kelly Hascarl, Tammy Cameron, Aaron Lintott, Bob Cann and Dallas Sinclair for all their help! Hope to see everybody next year!
McLeod 15–18 girls 1. Taylor Aiechele; 2. Claire Jackson; 3. Erin McLeod 15–18 boys: 1. Angus Jackson; 2. Jesse Katchen; 3. Adam Fox 19–39 women: 1. Jodi Clark; 2. Carlee Hughes; 3. Christi Cameron 19–39 men: 1. Alex Cooper; 2. Ryan Willman; 3. Coleman Mackintosh 40+ women: 1. Nicole Nicholson; 2. Liz Wolfe; 3. Frances Swan 40+ men: 1. Troy Clark; 2. Debase Hembling; 3. Jeff England Snowboarders: 12–14 girls: 1. Sydney Bone; 2. Emma Orr; 3. Olivia Many 12–14 boys: 1. Colten Petterson; 2. Taylor Grandbois; 3. Dylan Duval 15–18: 1st female: Jamie Goldmark; 1st male: Adam Fox 19–39 men: 1. Alex Thorp 40+ women: 1. Denise Marshall 40+ men: 1. Dave Jackson; 2. Jeff England; 3. Matt McKee
Figure Skating Club goes Broadway Contributed by Nakusp Figure Skating Club
On Saturday, March 1, Broadway becomes more than the name of Nakusp’s main street when the Nakusp Figure Skating Club presents its Broadway- themed carnival. The action starts at 3 p.m. at the Nakusp arena. The entire community is invited to the event, which showcases the club’s skaters from young children just learning to skate to StarSkaters who compete around the region. “It promises to be a great event. Our skaters are excited to be displaying what they’ve learned to music from Broadway hits like the Lion King, Riverdance and Hair,” said Kelly Waterfield, club president. “We thank the community in advance for coming out to support them, plus our spon-
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sors like Box Lake Lumber, Columbia Basin Trust and Interfor.” The club strives to keep skating fees low in order to make the activity accessible to as many skaters as possible, and the carnival is an important fundraiser. Tickets are available at the door and are $5 for adults, $3 for students and seniors, and free for children five and under. There will be a raffle, baking table and 50/50 draw, plus flowers will be available for sale to congratulate the skaters. This year the club boasts nearly 30 skaters from in and around Nakusp. Trained by coach Sabrina Hinson, the skaters range in age and abilities, from those just learning to skate to those competing and testing in StarSkate. Registration for 2014/15 will open in September.
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8 ■ Arrow Lakes News ■ Wednesday, February 26, 2014
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4801—27th Street, Vernon, BC V1T 4Z1 Toll Free: 800.663.4433 Royal Canadian Legion Br. #20 Nakusp _________________________________
What’s happening in NAKUSP LEGION? Come out and Support our Meat Draws which are held every Saturday at 4 p.m., 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Burton Volunteer Fire Dept will sponsor the Meat Draws for March.
The Ladies Auxiliary is available for Catering. Call Liza for information, 250.265.3240
Did you know that you can purchase all your lottery tickets in the Legion? Includes 649, BC49, Lotto Max etc! Our lounge opens at: 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. 2 p.m. on Saturday & Sunday
All Members and Guests welcome!
School District #10 Arrow Lakes
98 6th Ave. NW, PO Box 340 Nakusp, BC Canada V0G 1R0
A PRIZE FOR THE AWARDS NIGHT Benny Bruneau and Hank Scown show off the Sako .270 caliber Finnlitt stainless steel synthetic stock top of the line fire arm that is the big prize in the raffle at the Nakusp Rod & Gun Club awards night next weekend. The annual awards night recognizes members’ hunting and fishing skills, effort and luck, with trophies for largest fish, elk, mountain goat, moose, deer and other wild game. There are many items available in the raffle and prizes to be awarded. The night is a fundraiser for the Nakusp rifle and archery range. It takes place at the Nakusp Legion on Saturday, Mar. 8, at 6:30 p.m.
Stephanie Dieterman/Arrow Lakes News
NSS basketball squad closes out tough season with wins RYAN WILLMAN Arrow Lakes News
On Friday, Feb. 21, the Nakusp Secondary School cougar migrated from his current home in the school’s library to a prominent spot in the gymnasium to oversee the East and West Kootenay senior boys basketball finals. Seven teams were set to engage in a single knockout competition, the ultimate purpose of which was to award two births to the upcoming provincial tournament in Lumby. The NSS Cougars were in a unique position to shake off their season-long losing streak and write their own underdog story by facing off against the Sparwood Spartans. The charge in the gymnasium was near palpable, as the energy the boys were projecting could have caused a surge in the eclectic grid of the greater Arrow Lakes area. The ball went up for the jump and Sparwood was knocked back with an eruption of aggressive intensity as the Cougars dominated the game with their speed. The fast break maneuver that was orchestrated by coach Seamus O’Conner caught the Spartans flat
footed, and for the first quarter the Cougars were unstoppable. Brier McLean and Zach Friedenberger traded buckets back and forth as the crisp passing opened up the Spartan defense and cleared paths to the net. The boys were having fun, almost toying with their prey, as the comfort of the lead allowed them to experiment with risky plays. From a sea of Spartans, a confident Michael Guidon managed to launch a “hail-Mary” pass from one end of the gym to the other, finding a cherry picking Friedenberger wide open and unchallenged to drop two in the bucket. At the end of the first quarter the 21-16 lead was casting light on the provincial birth at the end of the tournament tunnel. Then it all started to slip away. The experienced Spartans were able to gather themselves during the quarter break, changed up their defensive strategy, and successfully and systematically began the deconstruction of the Cougar offence. Our shooters picked up shadows, the long bomb passes were converted into turnovers and a steady consistent offence
wore down the Cougars unbridled energy until frustration started to defeat the boys from within. The horn sounded at 77-50, and the Spartans bested the Cougars; the losing streak continued unabated. The pressure was off and the boys returned to the gym looking less like a live wire and more like a team with nothing left to lose. The Cougars hit the floor with cool heads and the courage of their conviction carried the team to their first victory of the season; a 58-43 defeat of Salmo. The good times continued to roll as the boys from Nakusp dispatched Elkford in the next game with a score of 49-40. The senior boys season was summed up with a record of 14 losses and two wins, but at least the boys went out on a couple of wins and never once passed off their performance on excuses. Own the losses, celebrate the victories and enjoy the compliment sandwich. Fernie won the tournament by defeating Mt. Sentinel 70-62 in the final. Both teams earned a birth to the senior boys provincials.
Arrow Lakes Arts Council
Executive Assistant – SD #10 (Arrow Lakes) Qualifications: • Successful and extensive Executive Assistant background including • accounting skills • Post-secondary training in a management discipline, Business • Administration, or Communications • Strong collaboration and teamwork skills; excellent interpersonal • and communication skills • Exceptional verbal and written skills • Strong technology skills with proficiency in a variety of office and • education software programs, and in web site maintenance • Superior proficiency in time management, record and data management • Ability to adapt, flex and learn new tasks quickly • Experience working positively with unionized employees Please submit your resume and cover letter, together with three professional references by email to: Ms. Terry Taylor Superintendent/Secretary-Treasurer no later than noon on Friday, February 28th, 2014. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Applications Now Accepted Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance, in partnership with Columbia Basin Trust, invites individuals of all artistic disciplines and arts, culture and heritage groups in the Columbia Basin to apply for project funding. Program brochures and application forms are available online at, or call CKCA at 1.877.505.7355 or email Deadline for applications is March 7, 2014, or March 21, 2014, depending on the program. Photo: Good Ol’ Goats - 2013 Kootenay Festival - Colin Payne Photography
Administered and managed by: P.O. Box 103, Nelson, BC, V1L 5P7 1.877.505.7355
Bonnington Arts Centre
Saturday March 1st at 7:30pm Doors open at 7:00pm
Tickets: Adults: $20 Seniors: $15 Students: $10 (60 & over)
(17 & under)
Tickets available at Bon Marche/Dollar Store Hospitality Host: Margo’s Sunnyhills Lodging
Arrow Lakes News n Wednesday, February 26, 2014 n 9
Business & service Directory ACCOUNTING NEED TO LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS? call The Arrow Lakes News to book your spot on this page
Nakusp Business & Service D Foot Care AUTOMOTIVE
Wayne Abbott Nick Moore
AUTOMOTIVE Service & Repair & Towing
Wayne Abbott
Service, Repair & Towing 1350 13th Ave Box 1137,Nakusp, B.C., V0G 1R0 Tel: 250-265-4406 Fax: 250-265-4436
Service, Repair & Towing 1350 13th Ave Box 1137 Nakusp, B.C., V0G 1R0 Tel: 250-265-4406 Fax: 250-265-4436
Rebecca Kessler 250.265.3024 24 4 hr. towing & roadside assistance
24 4 hr. towing & roadside assistance
250 265-4012
Phone: 250 250-265-4577 265 4577
1007 Hwy y 23 23, Nakuspp
250 265-4012
NEED TO LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS? call The Arrow Lakes News to book your spot on this page
CONSTRUCTION Log and Timber Frame Quality Since 1974 Homes Jim Pownall
Box 368 New Denver, BC Phone: 250-358-2566 Fax: 250-358-2817 Email: Web site:
1007 Hwy y 23 23, Nakuspp
ICBC/Private Insurance Windshield Replacements Come and see ee our qualifi qualified ed technicians beforee you head out on the op open road!
Phone: 250 250-265-4577 265 4577
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From starter websites to custom designs, we have solutions that work within every budget. Services also include domain name registrations, website hosting, existing site makeovers and on-going site maintenance. For more information call:
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1321 VICTORIA ROAD email: REVELSTOKE 250-837-5284
May Ann Waterfield
Building Contractor • Licensed Builder Registered Massage Therapist Residential • Commercial • Industrial 656 Barclay Road, Nakusp Ph. 250-265-4242 250-265-3361
Foot Care
Construction Ltd.
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Licensed Builder New Homes Renovations Commercial Stucco Drywall Concrete
Nursing care BRUNEAUfor sore feet.
Rebecca Kessler 250.265.3024
Tel: 250-265-4649 • Fax: 250-265-4555
Assurance | Accounting | Taxation | Advisory Services Concrete
John F. Wilkey, CA 250 265 4750
Mineral Pools, Spa, Kingfisher Restaurant, accommodations and more 1.888.689.4699 Fax:
265-4615 265-4615
Crusher/ Excavator Septic Tanks Dump Trucks
265-4615 265-4615
Need to let people know about your PROPANESERVICES business??? Call• Competitive • Reliable • Local The Arrow Lake News 1-800-471-5630 to book your spot 265-3823
Isaque & Carla Vieira Concrete Lock Blocks Drain Rush Road Crush Sand & Gravel Crusher/ Excavator Septic Tanks Dump Trucks
Lock Blocks
Drain Rush Naskup Road Crush Sand & Gravel
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10 n Arrow Lakes News n Wednesday, February 26, 2014 A10 Wednesday, February 26, 2014 Arrow Lake News
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NO LIMITS Arrow Lake News Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Pets & Livestock
Arrow Lakes News n Wednesday, February 26, 2014A11 n 11
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. Wanted
Auto Financing
Auto Financing
BERNESE CKC PUPPIES, ready now! $1500 Call 778240-1860 or 604-897-0485
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Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale 5’x9’ good condition 3 Slate National Pool Table. $1200 OBO call 265-3786 Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online: STEEL BUILDING. “The big year end clear out!� 20x22 $4,259. 25x24 $4,684. 30x34 $6,895. 35x36 $9,190. 40x48 $12,526. 47x70 $17,200. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit online:
Apt/Condo for Rent Vegas Condo for Rent private timeshare available for rent. Beautiful two bedroom unit in Tahiti Village Los Vegas. choose any week before June 30. Can easily accommodate up to eight people. Check it out on google. Sacrifice price only $1,000 for week. Contact Richard Carson 250 265-4662
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
We’re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ Legal Notices
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Campground Operators
Box Lake Recreation Site (campground) At Box Lake The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations – Recreation Sites and Trails Branch invites proposals from parties interested in managing and maintaining a fee for service Recreation Site (campground) at Box Lake Recreation Site under a multi-year Agreement. The Ministry will arrange for General Comprehensive Liability insurance for successful Proponents at no cost. The intent is to: • retain the site in public ownership; • provide a safe, sanitary and rustic public recreation opportunity; and • recover operational costs through campsite fees. Requests for Proposal (RFP) packages can be obtained from the FLNRO FTP site at the following link: A mandatory information meeting on the RFP will be held on March 13th, 2014. The proponent or his / her representative must attend this meeting to be eligible for submitting a proposal. The meeting will be held 10 00 PacL¿c StaQGarG Time, at the .RRteQa\ LaNe FRreVt 'iVtrict OI¿ce, 1907 Ridgewood Road, Nelson, B.C. V1L 6K1. Proposals will be received until 14 00 Paci¿c Time, March 21Vt, 2014 at the address speci¿ed in the RFP package. To obtain further information contact: -XVWLQ 'H[WHU 5HFUHDWLRQ 2I¿FHU Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations 1907 Ridgewood Road Nelson, B.C. V1L 6K1 Phone: 250-825-1212-7610, Fax: 250-825-9657 Email:
The role of the Consultant will be to:
Clean house with garden - 2 bdrm, quiet, rural neighbourhood, NS, references. Available Apr. 15/14. $800 plus utilities. 250 265-4792 evenings
Auto Financing
The Slocan Valley Economic Development Commission intends to engage the services of a Consultant to assist in the development and deployment of a plan to establish key strategic priorities to support sustainable socio-economic development in all communities within the Slocan Valley. The plan will guide the allocation of funding which has been contributed by Columbia Basin Trust under their Community Development Program.
Homes for Rent
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Campground Operators Stevens/Richy Recreation Site (campground) At Whatshan Lake The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations – Recreation Sites and Trails Branch invites proposals from parties interested in managing and maintaining a fee for service Recreation Site (campground) at Stevens/Richy Recreation Site under a multi-year Agreement. The Ministry will arrange for General Comprehensive Liability insurance for successful Proponents at no cost. The intent is to: • retain the site in public ownership; • provide a safe, sanitary and rustic public recreation opportunity; and • recover operational costs through campsite fees. Requests for Proposal (RFP) packages can be obtained from the FLNRO FTP site at the following link: A mandatory information meeting on the RFP will be held on March 13th, 2014. The proponent or his / her representative must attend this meeting to be eligible for submitting a proposal. The meeting will be held 10 00 Paci¿c StaQGarG Time, at the .RRteQa\ LaNe FRreVt 'iVtrict OI¿ce, 1907 Ridgewood Road, Nelson , B.C. V1L 6K1. Proposals will be received until 14 00 Paci¿c Time, March 21Vt, 2014 at the address speci¿ed in the RFP package. To obtain further information contact: -XVWLQ 'H[WHU 5HFUHDWLRQ 2I¿FHU Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations 1907 Ridgewood Road Nelson, B.C. V1L 6K1 Phone: 250-825-1212-7610, Fax: 250-825-9657 Email:
• Provide overall project direction/framework in the beginning of the project; • Ensure adherence to objectives and be available for guidance throughout the project; • Provide direction for and conduct community consultation; • Review, analyze, and provide feedback in report form; • Take notes at all meetings, including planning sessions with the Committee (minutes of formal Committee meetings will be the responsibility of SVEDC staff), and provide summary reports to the Committee; • Prepare and validate recommendations and develop a detailed Slocan Valley Community Priorities Plan which is to include, but is not limited to, the components cited in this RFP. All inquiries related to this RFP should be in writing with the subject line “RFP – Slocan Valley Community Priorities Planâ€?, and must be sent by email to The deadline for receipt of Proposals is Tuesday, March 4, 2014, 4:30 pm local time. Submissions received after this time will be returned to the sender. The onus is on the Proponent to ensure that the Proposal is received in the proper location and before the closing time. The cost of preparing and submitting Proposals shall be at the Consultants’ expense. INQUIRIES (1) Clarification of terms and conditions of the Proposal process shall be directed to: SVEDC Community Directed Funds Committee (2) The Committee, the SVEDC, its agents and employees shall not be responsible for any information given by way of oral or verbal communication. (3) The SVEDC shall only respond to questions that are submitted in writing. Any questions that are received and answered by SVEDC representatives that affect the Proposal process, any interpretation of, additions to, deletions from, or any other corrections to the RFP document, may be issued as written addenda by the SVEDC. It is the sole responsibility of the potential Proponents to check with the Chair of the SVEDC Community Directed Funds Committee to ensure that all available information has been received prior to submitting a Proposal (4) Inquiries will be received up until 4:30 pm local time, Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 4:30 pm local time (5) The SVEDC may choose, at its sole discretion, to proceed with all of the components of the project, none of the components or selected components of the project. (6) All Proposals shall remain confidential, subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of British Columbia. (7) Proposals shall be open for acceptance for 60 days following the Submission closing date. The SVEDC reserves the right to cancel this RFP for any reason without any liability to any Proponent or to waive irregularities at its own discretion. (8) Proponents are advised that the SVEDC shall not necessarily accept any Proposal and the SVEDC reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals at any time without further explanation or to accept any Proposal considered advantageous to the SVEDC.
12 ■ Arrow Lakes News ■ Wednesday, February 26, 2014
To friends and former patients of
Tales from the Westminster Dog Show
Charlotte Gould / Stowell, DC, she is now living in Penticton, BC. She can be contacted through 604-813-4901 and would love to hear from you.
SMILE of OF the THE W EEK Smile Week
Alexandra Krajewski Kelly Hascarl RHC Insurance Brokers Ltd. Toll Free: 1-877-797-5366 New Denver: 250-358-2617
Arts, CuLture & HeritAge grANt WritiNg WOrKsHOPs CKCA is hosting Free workshops for individuals or groups in the Columbia Basin who are interested in applying for the trust’s Arts, Culture and Heritage funding.
Til Niquidet Your Pets and Mine You’ve seen those fancy dog shows on TV. The biggest one is the Westminster Dog Show held at Madison Square Gardens in New York City. For dog fanciers, it is the pinnacle of dog show experiences. I have had an entry at “the Garden” for about 25 years but this is the first year I managed to get there myself. Okay, so we did tour Times Square and I did shop at Macy’s, but who cares, when I had dogs entered at Westminster? Even the Empire State Building was decked out in purple and gold lights to celebrate this premier dog show event. Many people ask me what we do at dog shows. “Do the dogs do tricks or are they judged on looks?” There are many types of dog events. Agility is the fast-paced sport where the handler directs the dog over jumps and through tunnels and other obstacles. Obedience is the strict sport based on military training such as precision heeling, sit, stay and recalls, sometimes
Location: threads guild, 7112 Perry’s Back rd. (at junction with Hwy 6)
Castlegar: Saturday Feb. 22, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. Location: Castlegar rec. Centre, 2101 6th Ave.
Nakusp: Sunday Feb. 23, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Location: selkirk College, 311 Broadway st.
Online: Fri. Feb. 21, 2 – 4 p.m. & Mon. Feb. 24, 6 – 8 p.m.
Registration required, email: P.O. Box 103, Nelson, BC, V1L 5P7 1.877.505.7355
over jumps. Rally obedience is a new, more casual, fun sport in which the dogs do certain actions at each station throughout a course. Hunt tests, herding tests, ratting tests all exist to test whether dogs have the instinct to do the work they were originally developed to do. The dog shows I compete in with my dogs are strictly "beauty contests" but there are more to them than just looks — the dogs are being evaluated to see if they are of sufficient quality to be breeding dogs. And they win! This year at Westminister we had three Tollers and a Finnish Spitz entered. The Finnish Spitz, Am/Can Champion Pikkinokka’s Bdgr Sir Barksalot was once again declared Best Finnish Spitz. The Tollers were the nailbiters though. We had three of the 13 entries and placed with two of them. I did not show but watched the dogs being handled by others — two professional dog handlers and one proud new owner. That was the highlight of the show for me. In the capable hands of my new friend Lara Birgisdottir from Iceland, Am/ Can Ch Pikkinokka’s Nice Try Avatar was shown to a Judge’s Award of Merit win, which is the same as second runner-up in the breed. It was Lara’s dream to show a dog at Westminster so it was even more exciting to see her accept the judge’s ribbon. Try who is a son of Paint, the
Til Niquidet with her three Duck Toller’s at the Westminster Dog Show. Contributed by Til Niquidet Toller who lives with Jason and Susan Rogers of Nakusp, went on from this win in New York City to become the first Toller to live in Iceland. Lara is now waiting for us to send her a Toller female to establish the breed in this remote island country. Promoting our dogs is another reason for going to such a prestigious show. We talked to many prospective puppy buyers — we even found a great home for one of our puppies with a teacher looking for a therapy dog to work in schools in New York City. And I was excited to be interviewed by the Wall Street Journal digital news and The Five, a Fox network news show. Whenever I go to a show I also try to coordinate puppy deliveries. This time, when I flew across the continent, I took a female Duck Toller to a buyer
in Virginia who was looking for a performance puppy for agility, hunting and obedience. As well, I met a new puppy buyer who flew all the way from Spain to pick up my pick of the litter male, an absolutely gorgeous, chunky Toller boy who will do a ton of winning at dog shows in Europe. The buyer knew next to no English and I know less Spanish, so we did rely on New York’s famous front desk clerks to help us with communication. While I was writing out the sales contract and recording the address of the new buyer, he pointed to his address and in halted English he said, “This address, this is now your home in Spain.” In the end, that is why I do this. I do this to breed awesome dogs which are my ticket to the world, my link to friends who speak “dog” all over the world.
Birds down under — the fairywrens of Australia
Winlaw: Thursday Feb. 20, 7 – 9 p.m.
Administered and managed by:
Gary Davidson Birds of Na-
Call for Candidates
The Arrow Lakes Ambassador Committee is looking for candidates to participate in the Arrow Lakes pageant. Please sign up at NSS office if interested. Any questions call Marsha: 265-3470, Jackie: 265-4598 or Shirley: 265-3420
There is a delightful family of birds in Australia called fairywrens. They are not related to true wrens, but have been so named because of their long tails which they keep held high over their backs. These tiny birds come in a variety of colours but many have at least some blue in their plumage. They occur only in Australia and neighbouring New Guinea. In Australia there are nine species scattered throughout the country. Some are found in rainforests, while others are at home in the arid deserts of the country’s interior. During our recent travels we have seen four of these spritely gems. In far north Queensland we saw the lovely fairywren in the tropical rainforests. This species has a largely blue head and a contrasting reddish-brown back. Like so many of the rainforest species, lovely fairywrens spend a lot of time foraging within the closed forests and thickets, thus making them hard to find. Also in Queensland we encountered the red-backed fairywren. This species is much more conspicuous in its grassland habitat. It can frequently be seen on fence posts beside grassy fields or roadside edges. The bird is entirely black except for its bright scarlet back. A third species, the variegated fairywren, is similar in appearance to the lovely but its preferred habitat is brushy thickets in open
A Superb Fairywren. woodlands making it much easier to see than its similar cousin. The other species we’ve seen recently is the superb fairywren. This bird has bright – almost fluorescent – blue patches on their heads and breast. Fairywrens are cooperative breeders. Young from previous generations remain to assist with raising successive broods. As a result, they are almost always seen in extended family groups. Such a group generally consist of one adult pair and a number of immature birds. The females and young are generally brown in colour so distinguishing females from young birds can be difficult. Another interesting mating strategy has recently been observed among some fairywrens. Most species of birds refrain from courting and displaying to
Gary Davidson/Birds of Nakusp
females when predators are in the vicinity. It doesn’t pay to advertise your presence when a predator is nearby! But fairywrens have used this to their advantage. It seems that females are much more alert when there is danger around. Male fairywrens have been observed singing in response to butcherbird calls. Researcher Dr Emma Greig has stated: “So, it seems that male fairywrens may be singing when they know they will have an attentive audience and, based on the response of the females, this strategy may actually work’’. The other fairywren species in Australia include red-winged, white-winged, splendid, purplecrowned and blue-breasted fairywren. Together they are one of the most delightful bird families I have encountered.