1761 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, B.C.
Vol.11 • Issue 9
Breaking news at
Thursday, February 27, • 2014
Connor McCarthy
Honing interview skills, ahead Rebels hand out of time hardware for 2013-14 See Page A2 See Page A17
Next step straight ahead
Rauni Naud
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JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor
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Pink has Power All ages agree – bullying has to go! So was the anti-bulling message put out as Castlegar Primary kids bonded with mentors from Stanley Humphries Secondary on their way to a massive demonstration on February 26. Jim Sinclair photos
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The time for Regrouping is drawing to a close. Castlegar’s nomination push to get in the running to be named Kraft Hockeyville 2014 was an impressive one. Organizers are very pleased with the effort so far, and grateful for the large assortment of great hockey stories. The next stage is no less (in fact, quite a bit more) challenging, and will kick into high gear with the positive announcement so many are waiting for. The 16 communi-
ties across Canada to be in the competition (eight in the east, eight in the west) will be identified on March 8 during the Hockey Night in Canada telecast on CBC. As of this printing the rules of the game have not been publicized... they will be on March 6. When the name Castlegar is announced on March 8, a 48-hour frenzy will begin. To find out more about the whole deal, check out or the local facebook page: w w w. f a c e b o o k . com/www.castlegarishockeyville.
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Thursday, February 27, 2014 Castlegar News
News/Community “It pays 2% and it’s not locked in? YES!”
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There’s Nothing Like it!
Covering all the bases
JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor
Jobs were relatively plentiful back in the day. For some, getting a job was likely to require little more than making the decision to go for it. These days the standards have been hoisted and the ball (in many cases) is clearly in the employers’ court. There is intense competition among applicants. Even with top grades and an outstanding resumé a job seeker can miss out if they fail to make a great impression in an interview. Castlegar Rotarians are well aware of this and have joined in with Stanley Humphries Secondary School faculty in staging mock job interviews held last week with grade 12 students. Preparation is key, especially if the job being interviewed for represents an important step toward a student’s chosen career. This past week was brushup time for about a dozen SHSS students and by the time the last handful were face to face with mock employers, it was apparent the young men and women had made the most important choice by responding to the challenge. As teacher Tracy Kuiper related, kids inclined to sign-up for this type of thing are probably high achievers to begin with. “Most of these kids are really prepared already,” said Kuiper on Feb. 20. “Many of the students already have jobs so they’ve perhaps even gone through this process once, but this is much more formalized and they’re looking for prospective career choices so the questions are more post-secondary related. They’re doing a really good job.” Steven Leffelaar had been slotted into an interview at relatively short notice, and demonstrated an ability to think on his feet. He said he’d been the subject in three actual job interviews and, though the first one had caused some nervousness, he’d gotten suc-
Pictured above, from left, Jacob Lunn and Rotarians Jim Lamont and Kay Jones. Jim Sinclair photos
Karen Elliott
cessively more comfortable with them. From his interview with Rotarians Steven took away a number of tips, like certain questions to remember to ask the would-be employer. Steven hasn’t yet nailed down a career choice but he would like something where plenty of time is spent outdoors. Saad Waseem was on the program to prolong his perfect interview record. He’d
Saad Waseem
had one interview and was hired by Mallard’s Source for Sports. The outgoing Saad was comfortable talking about his interview. “For me it’s not too difficult because I’m not a very nervous person,” Waseem ex-
plained. “When it comes to answering questions, if I am stumped I’ll just take a quick breather… think it through and go from there.” Saad was impressed by the realism of his interview. “It was a lot more intense than one I had in 2012,” he recalled. “It felt like a real business job… it felt like I was an adult and I just finished my university education and now I’m going to a big firm. It was
Steven Leffelaar
a very cool experience.” Saad said the question that gave him trouble was one in which he was asked to describe his weaknesses. He told the Castlegar News one thing he’d like to improve upon in future interviews may be to get a little quicker on his responses. The personable young man has his sights set on a career in engineering. Karen Elliott had her mock interview on Feb. 19 to go along with three previous real-life interviews. She currently works as a lifeguard with experience in Castlegar and Salmo and has also volunteered as a page at the local library...
Continued on P. A3
Professionals Connecting Professionals
We can help...
Castlegar News Thursday, February 27, 2014 A3
Are you Métis? Are you Métis? Need funding for Skills, Employment &Training? Need funding for Skills, The ASETS ProgramEmployment may be for you!&Training?
SD 20 Board looks at school re-naming Betsy Kline Castlegar News contributor
The first item on the agenda at the board meeting of School District #20, Columbia-Kootenay on February 24 was a presentation by a delegation of the Rossland Secondary School Renaming Committee. The delegation led by Principal Karen Lavender explained the process that the committee had used in narrowing down the choices for the name that would reflect the new configuration as a K-9 school. They wanted a name that would represent the community, the fact that it is a public school, and also be familiar, realistic, connected and easy to say. After much public input the committee then narrowed the list down to three names to present to the board. The first two choices being equal in preference were Rossland Summit Public School and Rossland Summit School. The third choice was Rossland Public School. The next presentation was from the District Self-Regulation Team led by Wendy Cutler. Self-regulation is defined as “The ability to adapt your alertness, emotions, thinking skills and social skills according to the needs of a situation or problem.” The district has taken an active approach to spreading teaching and training on this
subject throughout schools in the district. They have integrated several curriculums helping teachers develop these skills with the students in their classrooms. The delegation reported that many positive changes are being seen in classrooms around the district. The committee applied for and received a $10,000 grant from POPFASD, the Provincial Outreach Program for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. This money will be used to train teachers to implement the principals of self-regulation with their students who suffer from FASD. After a third reading, the board unanimously passed the Amended Annual Budget Bylaw 2013-2014 in the amount of $42,537,345. The amendment reflected changes in both the forecasted revenues and expenses from the previous annual budget. The board also unanimously passed a motion renaming Trail Middle School to Kootenay-Columbia Learning Centre – Trail Campus. The change takes place immediately. This was the first choice name suggested by the committee to rename the school. The Policy Committee presented a Notice of Motion that the Board approve the revised Administrative Procedure 1.6.1 AP, Student Dis-
The ASETS Program may be for you!
cipline and Suspension and eliminate the existing Ad Have questions on how to apply? ministrative Procedure 1.6.2. on how to apply? Have Wantquestions to know more? This policy will now undergo Want to know more? Have questions on how to apply? a public consultation process. Join our ASETS staff [Date, Time] at [Location] [Address] to learn about The policy will be available program Want to knowstaff more? 27th 12 - 5pm at Selkirk Join our ASETS program how the program works andFeb how it can benefit you. on the district web site and College, 201 Frank Beinder Way, Castlegar, BC will be emailed to all teachers. to learn about how the program and by: how it canto learn ab Depending on the amount of Join our ASETS program staff [Date, Time]Funding atworks [Location] [Address] MNBC Head Office: 1-800-940-1150 provided 604-557-5851 benefit you. input and suggested changes, how the program works and how it can benefit you. this process should last beFollow us on Facebook: tween 30 and 60 days. metisnationbritishcolumbia Superintendent of Schools MNBC Head Office: 1-800-940-1150 Funding provided by: Greg Luterbach reported that 604-557-5851 current enrolment numbers Follow us on Facebook: for the year are very similar to the September number. Kinmetisnationbritishcolumbia dergarten registration numbers for next year are also on Stock quotes as of closing par with a projected enroll02/25/14 ment for 2014-2015 of 270 – 280 students. The Board unanimously apS����� � ETF� proved in principle, and at no VNP-T 5N Plus .............................. 3.10 HSE-T Husky Energy ................... 33.40 cost to the Board, field trips BCE-T BCE Inc. ........................... 47.89 MBT-T Manitoba Telecom ............ 30.23 for the JL Crowe Secondary BMO-T Bank of Montreal .............. 72.66 NA-T National Bank of Canada ... 44.25 School Golf Team to particiOCX-T Onex Corporation ............. 58.15 BNS-T Bank of Nova Scotia .......... 63.44 pate in two Golf Tournaments RY-T Royal Bank of Canada ....... 72.67 CM-T CIBC ................................ 90.39 taking place in Washington S-T Sherritt International.............. 2.99 CU-T Canadian Utilities ............. 39.20 State. TD-T TD Bank ........................... 49.42 CFP-T Canfor Corporation ........... 28.37 Secretary-Treasurer Jo-Ann T-T TELUS Corp. ...................... 38.86 ECA-T EnCana Corp. .................. 21.14 Bursey gave an update on the TCK.B-T Teck Resources .................. 24.53 ENB-T Enbridge Inc. .................... 47.40 budget process for the 2014TRP-T TransCanada Corp ............ 48.94 FTT-T Finning International ........... 29.58 2015 school year. The prelimVXX-N iPath S&P 500 VIX ............. 42.69 FTS-T Fortis Inc. .......................... 30.64 inary budget shows a deficit of $729,540 largely due to a decrease in funding from the M����� F���� Ministry of Education and an CIG Portfolio Series Balanced .... 27.54 CIG Signature Dividend............. 13.90 increase in CUPE wages. The CIG Portfolio Series Conservative . 15.26 MMF Manulife Monthly High ..... 14.131 Board is compiling a ‘long list’ of ideas to balance the budget. This list will be posted onC����������, I������ � C��������� line March 7 along with a survey seeking public input. CADUSD Canadian / US Dollar........ 0.902 CL-FT Light Sweet Crude Oil ...... 102.02
• •
M����� Q���������
Students excel in mock job interviews
cob comes across as very lev- ers according to Jacob, was his el-headed and confident. His question relating to employee she, like Saad, is batting jobs, which include soccer benefits as opposed to focus1,000. referee, skiing coach and trail sing what he can bring to the Karen liked the way the in- builder, were successfully ap- company should he be sucterview included a number of plied for without any formal cessful in his application. questions realistically relevant interview. He said he was fairAll in all the exercise was to her goal of gaining a career ly well prepared for the mock an unqualified success and in photo-journalism. interview, with the exception credit to the students was givKaren was pleased with the of one line of questioning. en, without exception, by the way the interview had gone, “The drawbacks, or weak- school’s spokesperson. ����������������������� ��������������������������������������� but conceded there may have nesses question, I had a bit of “They’re forward-seeking,” been room for a little more a hard time coming up with said Tracy Kuiper. “They’re on humour in her presentation. that,” said Lunn. “I had to their path to post-secondary Jacob Lunn shares an engi- think for a bit, but I answered life, whether that’s post secneering ambition with Saad, the question.” ondary education or careers, and it’s no surprise the two One possible drawback, many of them are well on their are friends. Like Waseem, Ja- pointed out by the interview- way there.” Continued from P. A2
Gold ............................. 1340.30
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Thursday, February 27, 2014 Castlegar News
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Castlegar News Thursday, February 27, 2014 A5
Relay For Life needs you! Be part of the biggest cancer fundraiser and make an impact in the fight against cancer. Early bird registration ends March 1. Register for a chance to win one of the following prizes: • iPad Air • $500 Air Canada gift card • $1,000 towards your team fundraising (valid for any team with 10 or more members registered by March 1)
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A right-on rite – sure sign spring’s on the way JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor
The Expo excitement expressed by Castlegar Chamber of Commerce executive director Tammy Verigin-Burk is contagious, and it’s no wonder. The annual Home and Lifestyle event is coming up this weekend, a time of year symbolic of fresh beginnings. The Kootenay Home and Lifestyle Expo is set for this weekend at Selkirk College and is sold out in terms of exhibitors. Some of those taking part in the 2013 show had to give this year’s show a miss, but for good reason.
“Every one of the vendors typically has a draw, on top of that we have two draws this year for $500...”
Tammy Verigin-Burk “There are a lot of new vendors this year,” explained Verigin-Burk on Tuesday. “Interestingly enough, we’ve got some vendors who are not coming back. They said it’s because they are so swamped from the people who came and booked with them last Expo. That’s very exciting for us… we were blown away.” Building on an appealing trend, the number of vendors involved with health and wellness is rising. The variety is impressive and the discoveries are many. “There are just so many
The popular trade show (2013 event pictured above) has once again sold-out its vendor spaces. File
unique things this year,” said Verigin-Burk, “we didn’t even know that some of those businesses existed. Lots are home-based businesses… people really getting out there.” The expo is a great outing day for all ages… with some added incentive for making the short trip - as Verigin-Burk explains: “What I believe the highlight is… every one of the vendors typically has a draw. On top of that we have two draws this year for $500… called the Credit Union Dream Draw.
CofC Exec. Director Tammy Verigin-Burk File
Just for coming through the door and paying your minimal entry fee you’ve got a chance to win one of the $500 draws.” As mentioned, the capacity has pretty well been hit with 60 spots spoken for. There may be, however, a shared space or two available, plus some outdoor space if you call the Chamber… and quickly. The number is 250-365-6313. The Kootenay Home and Lifestyle Expo runs Saturday and Sunday, March 1-2 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
ClaSSified SpeCial Buy a classified word ad in one West Kootenay/Boundary newspaper and Super-Size into all five additional publications for one week for one small charge! private party ads only running January and february 2014 Trail 250 368-8551 Rossland 250 362-2183 Castlegar 250 365-6397 Grand Forks 250 442-2191 Nelson 250.352.1890 Boundar y Creek 250.445.2233
Thursday, February 27, 2014 Castlegar News
Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905
Get set to vote The local Kraft Hockeyville fervor took a little bit of a break this past week. Certain media concerns, at least, appear to have eased up on the promotional push to see to it Castlegar is rightly identified as the community most worthy of the catchy title. Maybe it was a form of deferrence, a conscious effort not to be seen as trying to upstage the more established Olympic Winter Games. Well, if that was the idea... it worked! Now the Olympics are over it’s back to Hockeyville hysteria, in a big way. Castlegarians and related supporters have turned in a tremendous effort in the first phase of this gruelling odyssey. We are IN THE GAME and the game is about to get cranked up in terms of intensity. You can be part of the unfolding drama by watching CBC’s Hockey Night in Canada on Saturday, March 8. At 8:59:59 Eastern, 6 p.m. local time the announcement of the 16 communities will be made. When they call our name it will start a 48-hour rush for votes. But, being the masters of suspense they are, organizers are not revealing the rules until Thursday, March 6 – after this publication has been sent to press. Overall, a number of locations will be set up for public voting, for now it’s safe to say you’ll be welcome to be counted at the Community Complex, Selkirk College, Stanley Humphries Secondary School. There is also the robustly-brewed suggestion of a wellknown 24-hour outlet volunteering its prememises (and possibly, staff ) to help with the effort. Others will likely get on board by the time time rules are announced. To keep up to date check our website, Facebook page, or We want to hear from you.
Letters Policy
The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397
Off the Line
I nominate you I think it’s fairly safe to say that at one time or another many of us have participated in drinking games. Surprisingly enough, I never played a drinking game until about five years ago and not surprisingly, I really didn’t like it. I was cajoled into playing beer pong with friends and I should have just stood my ground instead of bowing to peer pressure. Yup, even fifty-something-yearolds can, and do, fold to peer pressure. The game involves shooting ping pong balls into cups with the losers having to consume the beer. First off, I despise beer. Well, that was my excuse, but my friends suggested I could use wine instead. Wrong move, especially for the kind of gal that likes to sip her wine, not guzzle it down. Secondly, I am a lousy shot when it comes to ping pong balls and red Solo cups. Anyway, I digress. There is now a new drinking game call neknominating, or neknomination. The concept is simple: the neknominator films him/herself drinking an alcoholic beverage and then nominates two other friends or acquaintances to do the same. Predictably, those who are nominated try to outdo the nominator’s stunt and so wild and crazy things are incorporated into the game. Sadly though, what started out as a simple drinking game has rapidly turned into deadly results as those who are nominated throw caution to the Cindy Amaral Production Manager
Sandy Leonard Production
wind and blend that one-upmanship with copious amounts of alcohol. In fact, it has become so out of hand that it was reported that one Facebook user mixed and drank a cocktail he said included cider, eggs, battery fluid, urine and three goldfish. To each his own, I guess.
...I am no mathematician, but even I can see the huge possibilities of random acts of kindness e x p on e nti al ly increasing each time two people are nominated.
If you search neknomination online, you will find numerous stories about the needless deaths of some of those involved in this new fad. It really is quite sad. What was heartening, however, was to discover the Facebook page https:// According to their FB page they want to tweak the game a bit and throw a more socially conscious spin on it. Their FB page reads: “The idea of #neknominate is to record a random act of kindness and then toast your efforts afterwards
Marvin Beatty Reporter
Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate
Chuck Bennett Publisher
and nominate a friend to do the same.” So, in other words, they’re not demonizing the alcohol, but are instead encouraging a more thoughtful game which will benefit others. Brilliant! In one video posted on their page, a young man proves his point by driving around until he finds his eligible “victim.” He then proceeds to literally give this man the shirt off his back, including his pants and socks. It isn’t until his good deed is done, that he takes two beers out of his car, hands one to his recipient and then drinks the other. After doing so, he nominates two friends to also do a good deed and then to toast that deed and then each nominate two others. My husband will attest that I am no mathematician, but even I can see the huge possibilities of random acts of kindness exponentially increasing each time two people are nominated. The sky is the limit! Sometimes two times two doesn’t always equal four. Now, this doesn’t mean that I am going to try neknomination, but this version is certainly appealing in that it fosters kindness and generosity towards our fellow humans and it also serves as a reminder that we don’t need a special occasion to do something special for another person. Imagine the possibilities if today, each of us went out of our way to extend our hand and heart to another. Jim Sinclair Editor
Theresa Hodge Office Manager
Karen Bennett Director of Sales
Castlegar News Thursday, February 27, 2014 A7
Blinded by the light This is a copy of an email I sent to the City on Jan. 15, 2014 to which I have had, to date, no reply.
‘Who’s bad idea was the new street lights? I have not met anyone that likes them. They either leave very dark patches or very bright blinding spots on many of the side streets. I drive with my visor down.’ They, the new street
n k a s h T
Thanks to the people who know how to live within their means... following a budget. Spanks to those who
‘lights’ are nothing like daylight. It is hard to distinguish them from vehicle headlights - for example, when cresting a hill and looking down streets when at a road junction. Again I have yet to meet anyone who likes them. One of my
don’t budget, except by offering bailouts. Spanks to my plow-happy neighbour. You do a beautiful job on your drive-
friends drives at night with sunglasses on. Is it not possible to colour them slightly to eliminate the WHITE glare? -John Gibson. Castlegar
Saturday, March 1st Complex from 8am-1pm Funding is available if needed. Contact
Castlegar, Trail, Rossland, Fruitvale
New Baby? New to the Community?
Do you have someone to thank or spank? Share the joy or, whatever! email to newsroom@castlegarnews. com or snail mail to the address on page A6.
Gwen Chernenkoff-Pegg 250.304.7380
Notary Public Inc.
Proving that the sun is always shining somewhere, a lit-up Grassy Mountain (?) peak (top, centre) is pleasing to see from the afternoon shadows of Columbia Avenue in late February. Jim Sinclair
t fi t e G
T-ball program for boys & girls aged 4-7 (only $50).
Softball programs for girls aged 8-19 with competitive teams as well.
Volunteer coaches always needed.
n ! k s ! a p S
way and the street in front. The four foot ridge that blocks my driveway like the Great Wall of Raspberry is... breathtaking!
Castlegar Girls Softball Association Registration
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +
Fit starts here.
Barefoot training, x training, running, gym gear.
Denise’s hard work and dedication has brought her to her toes - literally! “This past week I attended 2 Cycle Sculpt classes and a stretch and strengthen class. I’m seeing more muscle definition in legs and abs, and I’m happy to report I can now touch my toes! Outside classes, I ran every day for 30 minutes, and skied two days. By the end of the week my energy is low and I drag a bit, then after an easier day I’m back on track. It’s exciting to participate in the Get Fit challenge, and fitting because February is Heart month and I know I’m taking positive steps to improve my heart health.” Denise continues to inspire and impress her trainer Kristy. “I saw Denise 3 times during week 5 and she has reported to continue to work hard on every day of the week. Talk about motivated, I am inspired at her dedication! I’m loving seeing Denise’s progress as she pushes through challenging exercises knowing they will help her reach her goals.”
532 Baker St Nelson 250.352.3200 660 18th St Castlegar 250.365.5588
Kootenay Cycling
Phone: 250-304-8413 Email: Amber is officially hooked on Yoga! “I made plans with Janice to continue on with our program, win or loose. Last week I was unable to attend our classes, it was horrible. I have now become accustomed to receiving teachings from Janice and I longed for the classes in my absence. Fortunately for me, Yoga is something you can do at home. I carried on with my daily home practice, derby practices and went down hill skiing for the first time in a year. And, I am really excited to say that 8 weeks into derby and 5 weeks into yoga, I am shin splint free! This is a monumental achievement for me. I was debating quitting my beloved sport if I was unable to get the pain under control and now I am looking for more opportunities to play. SO HURRAY for this challenge.” And yoga instructor Janice always has positive things to say about her student. “Amber is continuing to practice daily (with one day off to rest, relax and restore) and feeling stronger during her roller derby practice. Amber’s dedication to perfect posture is opening her chest, trimming her middle and giving her incredible power. She is teaching her roller derby team to do the same strength training that the Trail Smoke Eaters were practicing for strength and they love it! And here’s the big news this week: Pantsoff is losing her pants! Amber is slimming through the belly, hips, and buns literally causing her pants to fall off. That’s yoga for you!”
Phone: 250-365-5428 | 815 5th Ave - Castlegar, BC It was another fantastic week for Hailey! She is down 12 pounds so far (2 lbs over her goal already)! “Week 5 was great! I have my moments that I feel exhausted but have managed to stick to it. I’m feeling pretty excited that I have already achieved more than I thought was possible! Spencer is kicking it up a notch for the last little bit so I’m excited and nervous about that, but I couldn’t be more thankful! Spencer and all the staff at Peak have been amazing! Looking forward to the last week!” And, as per usual, Spencer is beaming with pride. “Hailey has continued to lose body fat while gaining strength, endurance and muscle tone. I can see her enjoyment with the progress she’s getting and her results are being noticed by others in the gym too. I am getting comments like “she sure is working out hard” and “wow she looks different from a month ago” Way to go Hailey!”
Phone: 250-304-2666 | 420 Columbia Ave, Castlegar, BC
Community Calendar
Monday 10 a.m.–darts, 1 p.m. whist Tuesday 9:30 a.m.–floor curling/carpet bowling; 1 p.m. crafts; 7 p.m. pool. Wednesday 9:30 floor curling; 10 a.m. Mar. 19, Raspberry Hi-Coffee. 1 p.m. – bingo on the 5th only. 7 p.m. – Rummoli. Thursday 9 a.m. Mar. 20 Zone 6 meeting 9:30 a.m. floor curling; 1 p.m. bingo (not on 6th) 2 p.m. (Mar. 6) general meeting 2 p.m. (Mar. 20) tea dance. Friday 10 a.m. Qi Gong; 1 p.m. bridge/ crib. Saturday Mar. 15, 11:30-1 p.m. Soup Day Open weekdays 9-4 for coffee. Ongoing garage sale, microwave raffle Until march 1 – 2 for 1 sale on
all clothing at St. David’s Thrift Shop. March 4 to 15 - $5 Bag Sale on all clothing and shoes not previously priced. march 1-8 Treasure Shop sales
2 for 1 on all children’s clothing. In-store specials will be run throughout the month of March. Enjoy the Treasure Shop updates on our website www. An exciting time at the Treasure Shop with construction of the 2nd floor nearing completion. MARCH 3 (Mon) The West Koo-
tenay Family Historians Society will be having their next meeting at 7 p.m. at the Stanley Humphries Secondary School, 720-7th Ave., Identifying Genealogical Records will be the topic for discussion. Bring examples of the various types documents to share. Contact Sam McBride at wkfhs@shaw. ca or 250.365.9860 or Ingeborg Leavell at 250.367.0076. march 7 (Fri): World Day of
Prayer 2014. 1 p.m. at the Brilliant Cultural Centre, 1876 Brilliant Road. Hosted by the Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ. march 8 (Sat): Order of the
Eastern Star, Minto Chapter #79 – Spring Tea from 1-3 p.m.
Thursday, February 27, 2014 Castlegar News This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free or (nearly so) at the discretion of the editor. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an upto-date version with contact details to, drop off at our office at Unit 2 - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or give us a call at 250-365-6397. Thank you.
Royal Canadian Legion Hall. Tickets: $3. Everyone welcome. march 9 (Sun): Join in the 10th
Annual Castlegar Scrabble for Literacy Tournament! This fun filled event 1-4 p.m. at the Castlegar Public Library This promises to be a great event, with good food, prizes and wonderful company – all to help increase awareness of literacy issues in Castlegar. To register, please call Alana Murdoch at 250-304-6862 or email March 14 (Fri): Kootenay Liter-
ary Competition Awards Gala Prestige Lakeside Resort, Nelson - 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:30) - Light refreshments at intermission - Suggestion $5 donation - Angie Abdou Guest Speaker March 17 (Mon): The West Koo-
tenay Ostomy Support Group will meet at 2 p.m. at the Kiro Wellness Center, 1500 Columbia Avenue, Trail. Guest speaker: Leo Salsman, Financial Advisor discussing RIF’s and TFSA’s. For more info, please call 250-368-9827 or 250-3656276. March 19: ‘Native Plants for Native Pollinators’ by Valerie Huff and Eva Johansson of Kootenay Wild will highlight the Castlegar Garden Club’s 7 p.m. meeting at the Community Complex. The public is invited. New members always welcome. Information: Wendy Eggleton 250 365-0150 or
Ongoing ducks unlimited canada: look-
ing for event volunteers in Castlegar. Call Ken 250-319-7815 for more details. Community Harvest food bank & Drop-in centre:
Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. -1:30 eligible 1x per month closed the Monday after cheque issue and statutory holidays Lunch served from 11 – 1:30 Wednesday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 -1:30 FREE Friday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 – 1:30 Coffee and baked goodies from 10 a.m. on! Bread is available when donated and it is on a first 1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955
come first serve basis. Located in the basement of St. David’s Anglican Church 614 Christina Place. We are located around the back and down the stairs. Donation cheques payable to Community Harvest Food Bank can be mailed to: 301 32nd Street V1N 3S6 Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St David’s Church Contact number 250-608-2227 vendors needed: 5th Annu-
al Garden & Nature Fest, Sat. May 17/14 (10-3 p.m.)Open air festival of Plants & Gardens, Art, Farming & More! Hosted by Castlegar Communities in Bloom & Castlegar Garden Club. Castlegar Com. Complex 2101-6th Ave, Contact: 250399-4439; e-mail: Web: www. The “Bridge,” – Do you have
1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208
free hot meal at the sharing dinner pot at Cadet Hall, 8th
Ave, Castlegar (2 blocks from library) Tues. at noon.
All About Breastfeeding infor-
mative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlgr, Tues. 10:30noon More info: 250-365-3662, tops group meets every wednesday 8:30-10am Kin-
naird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 365-7956. Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena Sun. at 10 a.m.
Mike, 250-399-4417; Tues. at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wed. at 7 p.m., (Fay at 250-6870484. Thurs. at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m (Len at 365-7805).
al-anon meets every Monday night for people whose lives
questions? Join us for music, discussion, refreshments; 1st Tues. ea. month, 7 p.m, Kinnaird Church of God, 2404 Columbia Ave, Castlegar.” Call Donna at 250-304-2929.
have been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8-9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) More info: Donna 250-3653168 or Eileen 250-365-3674.
back to school with baby Program free for parents to upgrade
Math, English and/or study skills with an instructor from Selkirk College. Kootenay Family Place , Mon. & Wed. from 1 - 3 p.m. Childcare and snacks provided. More info call Alana at 304-6862.
Robson Flea Market: back in action from 9-2 p.m. every Sunday. Offering a great homestyle breakfast till food runs out (about noon), fresh baked goods, yarn, jewelry, collectibles, crafts, jams, fresh eggs, lots more. To rent a table or get on waiting list please phone Kathy (250) 365-3796. Still looking for charities that may be interested in hosting a breakfast for their charity. More info? Call Kathy. St. David’s and the united church thrift shop: New Hrs:
Tue.-Thur. 10-4 p.m, Friday & Saturday 10-1 p.m. The shop is under Motor Vehicle Licensing Office, 605 Columbia Ave. clothing, shoes, household items, bedding, linen, books, ornaments etc. at reasonable prices. We welcome clean donated items in good condition. Sorry we cannot accept furniture, TVs, exercise equipment or any large items due to lack of space.
Local Toastmasters club Sentinel Speakers, 7-9 p.m. at Fireside Inn, 1st & 3rd Weds. of month. Learn speaking skills, gain confidence, have fun! Guests welcome. More info call Diane Cushing at 250-365-8336. Operation Feast All invited for
home-cooked meals Thurs. at New Life Assem. Church, 602 7th Street. Doors open at 4 p.m, dinner until 5:30 p.m. Entrance to dining area at back of Church. More info: Carol at 365-5734.
free pool - Everyone welcome
Every Saturday at the Royal Canadian Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. Bring friends and have an afternoon of fun. youth program at Blueberry Creek Community School. Fun, safe night for a movie, games/sports/hanging out. Grades K - 5, 6:30 - 8 p.m. and grades 6 up, 8 - 10 p.m. See B.C.C.S. facebook page for more info or phone 250-365-7201. friday
USCC Cultural Interpretive Society meets Monday and
Wednesday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Doukhobor Arts and Crafts Centre, 820 Markova Rd., beside the Brilliant Cultural Centre. Advocate in Castlegar on Thursdays Questions about wel-
fare, disability benefits, tenancy or family law? The Advocacy Centre is in Castlegar Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at Castlegar and District Community Services, 1007 2nd Street. Call 250-608-0589 or 1-877352-5777.
Mom’s Support Group All moms
welcome to this loosely structured group supporting challenges of being a mom. No referral required. More info: Sandi McCreight 250-365-2104 ext. 34
tlegar Community Services Call 250-608-2254.
Scrabble Club 2nd Wed. of the
month, Castlegar Public Library. 6:30 – 8 p.m. All levels welcome! For info call Alana at 304-6862. Offered by the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy.
New to Canada? Settlement ser-
vices provides eligible newcomers with information about community services or preparing for citizenship. Call 250-687-4714 or email welcometocastlegar@
Legion Meat Draws Saturdays
Royal Canadian Legion Castlegar/Robson Branch #170, 248 Columbia Avenue, 4-6 p.m. Guests welcome and must be signed in by a member. Darts: 4- on Thursdays, new signed-in players welcome.
W.K. Yoga For MS Support Group. Mondays, 1:30 - 3 p.m.,
Castlegar Library, lower level. Free. Sponsored by WK MS Society for its members/care providers. Call Lonnie Facchina 1-866-352-3997 or email info@ or Janice Ferraro, at 250-365-5428, email
English as a Second Language programs Classes for adults,
Conversation Club, Family Drop-in for families with young children, 1 to 1 tutoring. Free. More info call Alana at 250304-6862. Families
Register for free program where families have fun preparing, cooking and eating dinner together. Third Wed. of the month (Nov-Mar) at Kootenay Family Place from 5 to 7 p.m. To register, call 1-877-258-4133 or email
Castlegar News Thursday, February 27, 2014 A9
Two cult wineries prove successful with their transitions submitted
Two of our long-time favourite BC wines were, for many years, also the hardest to find. Black Hills produced one of the province’s first Bordeaux blends. Many were the times that we drove along Black Sage Road, disappointed to find a “Sorry--Sold Out” sign on display at the winery’s Quonset building. The experience was similar at Poplar Grove, where Ian Sutherland was making very high quality wine in very small batches. It wasn’t uncommon to find no Poplar Grove wines in the wine shop. Black Hills started out in 1996 as a partnership of two couples, Bob and Senka Tennant and Peter and Susan McCarrell. From the time the winery opened to sell Nota Bene, a fabulous Bordeaux-style blend, it became a cult favourite. How popular was it? Folks on the mailing list got a heads-up about the Nota Bene release date and were invited to call in with their orders starting
Lorne Eckersley
Poplar Grove Cheese in the shop. After all, customers continued to arrive looking for wine, why not give them options? Last year I spoke with both Ian and Gitta, now divorced, reminding them about a magazine quote in which Ian said he was living the good life as a small wine producer and had no interest in expanding. Marital breakups are hard on businesses, though, and in 2007 Ian partnered with Tony Holler, who became Poplar Grove’s majority shareholder and president. Holler already owned 110 acres of prime vineyards and suddenly Ian found himself in the position of having many, many more grapes to work with. Black Hills’ story changed when the winery was acquired by a group, headed up by entrepreneur Glenn Fawcett, actor Jason Priestley and three others, who formed a limited partnership to purchase the winery and vineyards in 2007. So what 2.83 has x5” changed and what has remained
La Dolce Vita at a certain time and day. In those early years, Nota Bene sold out on its release day. Poplar Grove had similar success. Winemaker Ian Sutherland was obsessive in his quest to make the best wine he could from his vineyard located on the Naramata Bench. Customers responded to those early releases in a big way—it quickly became impossible to find Poplar Grove wines except for brief periods. The wine shop provided a home for La Frenz wines when it started, and later Ian’s wife Gitta established
Black Hills’ story changed when the winery was acquired by a group headed up by entrepreneur Glenn Fawcett, actor Jason Priestley and three others. Submitted
the same at these two cult winery success stories? At Black Hills, production remains modest—6,300 cases. But the Quonset has been replaced by an elegant concrete and glass guest facility and wines, perhaps because of their high prices, at least by BC standards, no longer sell out in hours or days. A second, lower priced selection of wines is now sold under the Cellarhand label. Winemaker Graham Pierce is now in charge of production. A recent offer put out by
MIR LECTURE SERIES Peter Rezansoff Lecture
250-352-5331 Feb 28th - Mark Berube Early Show Ash Grunwald Late Show Mar 1st - Sigma UK Drum and Bass Duo Mar 7th - Pickwick Mar 8th - Hoola & Lief Mar 11th - Let’S Go For A Rip w/B.Rich Must Wear Plaid! Mar 12th - Real McKenzies Mar 14th - Slynk Mar 15th - The Librarian w/ Naasko & Onbeyond Visuals Mar 17th - Selectah Messenjah & Mama Sa Wailers After Party
Mar 20th - Rippel with Guests Mar 21st - Billy Bangers & DJ Breaker Opening set by D-Sun
Mar 22nd - Masquerade Party Freddy J, Robbie C, Lefy, Diligent & More
Mar 24th - Mounties with Rich Aucoin Mar 26th - A-Skillz
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 7:00 PM Brilliant Cultural Centre, Castlegar
WAR IS A FORCE THAT GIVES US MEANING. Chris Hedges is an American journalist, author and political activist. He was a war correspondent for over 20 years and in 2002, Hedges was part of the team of reporters at The New York Times awarded the Pulitzer Prize for the paper’s coverage of global terrorism. He also received the Amnesty International Global Award for Human Rights Journalism. Tickets available at Selkirk College Bookstore, Castlegar, (phone orders available by calling 250-365-1281) Otter Books, Nelson and at the door. $16 adults, $13 seniors and $13 students
For more information visit our website or phone 250.365.1261.
Black Hills is an indication of how popular those early releases of Nota Bene remain. The winery will trade early vintages, 1999-2007, for two bottles of 2014 Nota Bene. Last year, a few boxed sets of 10-year verticals starting with the first 1999 vintage sold for $2,000. Makes me kind of glad I have a set of my own in the cellar, saved from my purchases each year. The difference is even more dramatic at Poplar Grove. The focus remains on limited production and high quality, but the
little wine shop near the Sutherland’s old house is now home to the cheese factory and another winery. Poplar Grove’s huge new tasting room and shop on Munson Mountain also houses a very fine restaurant. Just down the hill a second label is produced. Monster Vineyards wines are lower in price and intended for immediate consumption. Sutherland is the executive winemaker, but much of the day-to-day responsibilities have been handed off. If the changes at these two long time favourites were an indication that all the small producers are expanding and being bought up it would be cause for concern. But the Naramata and Black Sage Benches are still dotted with small, family-owned operations, giving visitors plenty of options. And it isn’t like quality has suffered noticeably at either Black Hills or Poplar Grove. Lorne Eckersley is the publisher of the Creston Valley Advance, a Black Press publication.
Your Pharmasave pharmacist. With you for life. As we move through life our needs change. But that doesn't mean you need to change who you turn to for health care and advice. Pharmasave has been a part of Canadian communities since 1981, and Pharmasave pharmacists have been there every step of the way.
We offer professional Pharmacy transfers, come in and see us. Kevin Ralloff Owner /Pharmacy Manager
PHARMASAVE Phone: 365-7813 or visit us at 1128 3rd St. Castlegar
40% OFF
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GLASS HOUSE O P T I C A L “Your Optical Dispensary”
Sale until Feb. 28th
Unit 2 - 688 18th St. Castlegar, BC | 250.365.2026 Hours: Mon. to Sat. 10 to 5 701 Front St, Nelson, BC | 250.354.3937
Castlegar Medical Clinic Inc 1101 3rd Street Castlegar, BC 250-365-7717
Castlegar Medical Clinic is pleased to announce the arrival of Dr. Denis Thibodeau. Dr. Thibodeau has relocated from Kaslo and is now accepting new patients.
Arts & Culture
Thursday, February 27, 2014 Castlegar News
Duo date well worth Trail trip local Grammy nominated soprano Noemi Kiss.
While on tour throughout the West Kootenays, the Vancouver-based duo of Marcus Goddard, trumpet, and Candy Siu, piano and organ will perform at the Trail United Church. Circle Sunday, March 9 –is part of the Kootenay Gallery TD Canada Trust Concert Series. This marks the first time the series has been held in Trail as the duo wanted to take advantage of the beautiful organ and piano available in the Trail United Church. The program will feature the early medieval music of Hildegard von Bingen, Baroque masterpieces of Purcell, Telemann and Handel as well as Romantic works by Ravel, Saint Saens and de Falla. Goddard’s original composition Ancestral Voice, inspired by a collaboration with First Nations artist Mike Dangeli, will also have its premiere. The work is a soulful reflection on origins: cultural, human and personal. Joining the duo for several works is
The program will feature the music of Hildegard von Bingen, Ravel, Saint Saens and de Falla. Marcus Goddard, who is an internationally respected trumpet player and bright, imaginative composer whose music has touched the hearts of audiences, musicians, and critics alike. His compositions have been described as “shimmering, translucent” and “beautiful” with performances by the l’Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Victoria Symphony, Vancouver Symphony, Turning Point Ensemble, Standing Wave and Vancouver Chamber Choir. Goddard has held principal trumpet positions across Europe and North
America and is currently the Associate Principal Trumpet with the Grammy and Juno award–winning Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. Originally from Hong Kong, Candy received her Master of Music degree in piano accompaniment from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, England. With a focus on voice and opera accompaniment, Candy continued her training as a répétiteur at the Royal Irish Academy of Music in Dublin, and the Flanders Operastudio in Gent, Belgium. Candy has been a répétiteur at the Vancouver Opera since 2010. She also enjoys being a freelance ballet accompanist, church organist and piano teacher. This concert will take place Sunday March 9, 2 p.m. at the Trail United Church, 1300 Pine Avenue in Trail. Tickets are available at the door for $15 general admission and $12 for Kootenay Gallery Members. For more info visit or call 250-365-3337.
He is currently practicing from our 1101 3rd Street location.
For an appointment please call 250-365-7717
FABSOLUTE FLOOR CARE & JANITORIAL PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING ∙ powerful truck mount FLOOR DETAILING ∙ lino/vinyl ∙ tile ∙ hardwood ∙ laminate JANITORIAL ∙ 10 years experience ∙ Commercial and residential
Outstanding combination – Marcus Goddard (trumpet) and Candy Siu (piano and organ) will be featured Sunday, March 9 at Trail United Church, 1300 Pine Avenue, Trail. Submitted Film: More Than Honey
February 2
French Level 1
February 4
Spanish Level 1
February 4
Digital Camera Part 1: How to Use it
February 5
OccupaEonal First Aid Level 3
February 6
Group Exercise Instructor
February 9
Digital Camera Part 2: The CreaEve and Design Side
February 11
InstrucEonal Skills Workshop
Becoming Prenatal: an Executor BreasReeding for the (Non Whole Family Canadian NutriEon Firearms Restricted) C Recert Canadian CPR Firearms (Restricted) Group Exercise PracEcum Acrylics Plus: Simplify Painting for Impact Part 1 Advanced Group Exercise Personal Training Practicum Module 7 MicrosoV Word: Core CerEficaEon Bookkeeping Body for a Small Business for Your Skin Natural Beeswax Products: Food Lower Your Blood Pressure, Cut the Salt – Eat the DASH Way Hunter Training Ukulele for Beginners Module 1: Get Started! I Pad for Boomers and Beyond (55 yrs +) Photoshop Elements I Phone forSign Boomers Beyond Language: An Iand ntroducEon (55 yrs +) CPR Level OccupaEonal C First Aid Level 1 OccupaEonal Aid Level Age 3 Recert Raising Kids in theFirst Digital NaEve Bees: What’s the Buzz? Occupational First Aid Level 1 Becoming an Executor Log Scaling and Grading Post Partum Class Occupational First Aid level 1 Prenatal: Early Pregnancy Class Acrylics Plus: Simplify Painting for Impact Part 2 Applied Leadership Course To register, please call 250.365.1208
CASTLEGAR Film: More Than Honey
February 11
February 27 March 1 February 12 March 1 February 15 March 1 February 16 March February 17 1 February March 17 4 February March 18 8 February 19 March 8 February 19 8 February March 20 March February 22 8 February 24 12 March February 25 March 14 February 27 March 14 March 14 March 15 March 26 March 29 April 1
February 12
February 12
February 2
To register, please call 250.365.1208 Spanish Level 1
February 4
February 4
Digital Camera Part 1: How to Use it
February 5
. kitchen & bath cabinets . closet organizers . . custom blinds, shades, draperies, valances & bedding . . design & colour consulting . WWW.WLDECOR.COM 250.365.0723 Wendy L. Burgess 250.608.2723 CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY
French Level 1
“Discover the possibilities...”
Castlegar News Thursday, February 27, 2014 A11
The Castlegar Sunrise 2000 Rotary Club Presents
15th Annual
Wine Festival Saturday April 5, 2014 7pm -10pm, Castlegar Community Complex Ticket Price: $55 (non-refundable)
• Dress: Semi-formal • Catering by Bon Appetito Catering • Blind Challenge • Silent Auction • Major Door Prizes • Sweet & Savory Appies • Safe Ride Home Event
Available at: • Oglow’s Paint • Bubblees Liquor Store Plus • Sound West Sales & Service (Trail)
(by donation to the Interact Club)
Wine Festival Welcomes ANNUAL 15TH
15TH ANNUAL This Week’s Featured Wineries ROTARY WINE FESTIVAL 15TH ANNUAL Columbia Gardens Volcanic Hills
5TH, 2014Estate Vineyard & APRIL Winery Winery ROTARY WINE FESTIVAL ROTARY WINE FESTIVAL Celebrating BC Wines & Wineries APRIL 5TH, 2014 Maple Leaf Spirits INC. APRIL 5TH, 2014 Celebrating BC Wines & Wineries Tabletree (awarding winning juices)
A visit to the beautiful Kootenay region will Volcanic Hills Estate Winery may still be not be complete without a stop at Columbia unfamiliar to some people, but they’re hoping Gardens Vineyard and Winery Estate. Nested in to change that very soon. They’ll be pouring the heart of Columbia Gardens Valley near Trail, their award winning wines at the Castlegar British Columbia, Columbia Gardens Vineyard Sunrise 2000 Rotary Club Wine Festival and Winery Estate is the first commercial sized (Saturday, April 5th) for the second time. vineyard and winery in the Kootenay Valley. The Vineyard was established in the early 1990’s by the After opening their doors in May of 2010, they Bryden and Wallace families who, after researching the local climate in Columbia Gardens, decided went on to win Lieutenant Governor’s Award to start a small experimental plot of vines. After several years of experimenting and research, Lawrence for Excellence for their very first Rosé and then Wallace found the most suitable varieties for the region and planted Chardonnay, Gewürztraminer, “Best New Winery” at the BC Wine Awards in 2011. “We’re very happy with the enthusiastic Auxerrois, Pinot Noir and Marechal Foch. response our customers have shown towards our wines and the winery experience we provide for Established in the early 1990s, the Vineyard and winery located 10 km southeast of Trail, was them, so word is travelling fast!” says proprietor Bobby Gidda. purchased in 2013 by Ben & Tersia De Jager who were thrilled to see that the local community was excited to have them on board. After searching for the best location for over a year, the de Jager’s were TH, and Wine finally able to fulfill their lifelong dream of owning a vineyard and winery. Bobby’s father, Sarwan Gidda, has been growing grapes Food in the Okanagan Valley and selling them to The decision to purchase the already successful Columbia Gardens Vineyard and Winery was an easy various wineries since the 1970’s, until he made the decision to open101 their own winery. He knows Pairing one for owners Ben and Tersia de Jager. Originally from South Africa, the couple loves the beauty of every aspect of his vineyards and what to do to get the best grapes possible out Food of them.and “WeWine never Presented by Sarah the Kootenay region with its distinct four seasons and scenic rivers running through, comfortingly sacrifice quality for quantity in poor growing seasons. We’ll takeEstate a loss of volume in the vineyards of Sonoran Winery reminding them of their hometown. Add in a welcoming and friendly community, and it’s an ideal Pairing in order to keep grape quality high” says Sarwan. With wine consultant Daniel Bontorin on 101 board, Food and Wine and recipe for a fruitful business and positive lifestyle. Presented bytheir Sarah their focus is to produce distinctive, fruit forward wines by selecting premium grapes from 60 Adrian from Dirty Laundry Ben’s love of winemaking began many years ago when he was a student at the Pairing 101Marlow Agricultural acres of estate vineyards in West Kelowna. of Sonoran Estate Winery Limited number of tickets School in Cradock, South Africa. During his time there, he worked on various farms and vineyards, and Presented by Sarah learning to make wine himself and becoming fascinated with the art and craft of perfecting vintages. Dirty Laundr $20Mountain, each Adrian of found Sonoran Winery and mining The winery is situated on the south-eastern slope of Boucherie a 60 from million year old However, when the family moved to Canada in 2006 and Ben workEstate as an electrical and Limited number of foot tickets Avail at Bubblees Liquor Store dormant volcano, which inspired the name “Volcanic Hills”. Th eir spacious 4,000 square engineer, he still had the desire to pursue his vision of making wines full-time. th Adrian from Dirty Laundry Saturday April 5sofa$20 each Living in Flin Flon, Manitoba at the time, the couple began researching BC wine regions to look for wine shop showcases many unique gift ideas, a 2:30-4:30 children’s play area, comfy chairs, a large Limited number of tickets their future home and winery. After discovering the, for sale vineyard and winery on the web, the Avail them at Bubblees tasting bar and outdoor patio restaurant opening summer of 2013. Check out atLiquor www.Stor Super 8 Hotel family booked tickets and were on a plane to BC within hours. It didn’t long for them to realize $20take each 2:30-4:30 Saturday April (by donation to the Interact Club) that this was the perfect place to fulfill a lifelong dream of wine making, hospitality entertaining. (by donation to the Interact Club) Avail at Bubblees Liquor and Store Super 8 Hotel Staying trueand to theWine vineyard’s already thriving business and varietals, the De Jager’s areth expanding Food 2:30-4:30 Saturday April 5 Food and Wine the property, adding additional features such as a guest house with three self sustained rooms and (by donation to the Interact Club) (by donation to the Interact Club) Pairing 101event facilities and upgraded wine tastingSuper Hotelan outdoor venue, conference and small room to 8include Pairing 101 Presented by Sarah eventually leading to the vineyard being a place for the community to gather and celebrate their . Available at: Presented by Sarah to Interact Club) thethe Interact Club) beautiful region. of Sonoran Estate Winery of Sonoran Estate Winery The eight wineandvarieties have received many awards over the years with the latest being the “Best . Available at: and Grape Desert “Overall Favorite Dessert Wine” for the very popular Gamay Desert Wine Adrian from Wine Dirty“and Laundry Adrian from Dirty Laundry atLimited the 12thnumber Annual of East Kootenay Wine Festival in November 2013 at Fairmont. tickets Limited number of tickets The. Winery will continueat: producing this high quality wines. Additional to the guest house, Ben Available $20 each is also planning to expand the wine varieties by adding a Port wine and maybe a Fruit wine as well. $20 each Avail at Bubblees Liquorshop Storeat Columbia Gardens Vineyard and Winery are open every day of the The tasting room/wine Avail at Bubblees Liquor Store th (Trail) week from 10am - 4pmApril where5 you will be welcomed by this friendly family eager to share their tasty 2:30-4:30 Saturday th 2:30-4:30 Saturday April 5 wines and beautiful scenic environment with visitors. (Trail) Super 8 Hotel The Winery will continue producing this high quality wins. Additional to the guest house, Ben is Super 8 Hotel also planning to expand the wine varieties by adding a Port wine and maybe a Fruit wine as well.
and the following BC Wineries Celebrating BC Wines & Wineries ANNUAL House of Rose TH ANNUAL Forbidden Fruit Winery
7:00 pm to 10:00 pm ARY WINE FESTIVAL ROTARY WINE 7:00FESTIVAL pm to 10:00 pm Baillie-Grohman Estate Winery 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm APRIL 5TH, 2014 AAPRIL semi Formal 5 Affair 2014
Gehringer BC Brothers Estate Winery ebrating Wines & Wineries
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Help us build a new mulit-use facility in Twin Rivers Park Help us build a new mulit-use facility in Twin Rivers Park and send poor children to school in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and send poor children to school in Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Healthy policies promote healthy hearts Maintaining and improving our health and the health of our loved ones is important. There are memories to make, projects to complete, and relationships to savour. Thankfully, the Heart and Stroke Foundation tells us there is much about our personal health that is within our control. If we do not smoke, control our use of alcohol, manage our weight, engage in regular physical activity, and learn to manage stress, the likelihood of having heart problems decreases dramatically. This is good news! Our personal routines and habits play an important role in keeping us healthy but most of us also need support and encouragement from those around us. I never learned to meditate until I had a friend invite me to take a course with her. And that same friend never used to swim but now comes to the pool with me every week. But it’s not just about so-
98 athletes from the Kootenays competed at the 2014 BC Winter Games bringing home 20 medals. Thank you to the coaches, officials, volunteers, and families who support these growing champions. See photos, videos and results at
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Thursday, February 27, 2014 Castlegar News
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cial support. Policies promoting healthier foods and environments help create healthier people. Environments play a big role in our ability to adopt healthy habits and stick with them. Many local governments around BC are passing smokefree bylaws. Communities such as Salmon Arm, Revelstoke, and Penticton have passed bylaws restricting smokers from lighting up in parks, sports fields, and playgrounds. Surprisingly, research shows smokers are among the people who support these bylaws the most. By creating more smoke free environments we reduce the risks of second hand smoke and reduce the likelihood the next generation will see smoking as socially acceptable. Policies that target the food industry can also improve
health. A recent study concluded people who get 25 per cent or more of their daily calories from added sugar are three times more likely to die of heart disease. Reducing added sugar in foods can help reduce the risk of heart disease; that’s why the Canadian Medical Association, the Childhood Obesity Foundation, and the Canadian Institute for Health Research are all calling for regulations on the amount of sugar the food industry can add to items like pop, juice and cereal. Healthy policies like these make it easier for us all to make healthier choices. Heart disease is largely avoidable when we all do our parts – both individually and together. Author: Kerri Wall is a Community Health Facilitator with Interior Health
Castlegar News Thursday, February 27, 2014 A13
Looking back with Saints’ alumni derek kaye Castlegar News contributor
The Castlegar Complex was abuzz with excitement last Saturday. Former Selkirk Saints helped sing the National Anthem for the game against Simon Fraser University. A ceremonial puck drop started the game. The Castlegar News had the opportunity to interview two former Saints: Brian Watson and Larry Keraiff who played together in 1972-74 under mentor Mal Stelck who coached from 1971-1976, who was also present for the evening’s activities. They praised Kim Verigin who organized the alumni event, which had grown from last year’s four former players from the early 1970’s era to more than quadruple that, mostly from that same time period. Brian Watson had this to say about the event, “Most fantastic opportunity that I’ve had in 40 years to connect up with guys I lived and played with. It’s been one of the most fun weekends I have had just being around the guys again and just being part of the whole hockey thing. We love it.” Brian Watson described the performance of the team in those years, “For a group of smaller players, we achieved a consistent high level of winning. We played well, our coach Mal Stelck gave us a structure that allowed us to play the type of game that suited us, and he
Lorene MacGregor OWNER/REALTOR
RE/MAX of Western Canada is pleased to announce Lorene MacGregor as the new owner of RE/MAX Home Advantage in Castlegar as of February 1, 2014! Lorene has been a REALTOR ® with RE/MAX Home Advantage from the start of her career. During her three years she has earned an Executive Club Award and two consecutive 100% Club Awards with RE/MAX Canada. Lorene was also presented with the MLS Bronze Club Award from the Kootenay Real Estate Board in 2012 and 2013.
Saints team mates from 1972-74; Brian Watson (left) and Larry Keraiff Derek Kaye
coached us to the point that he made us successful.” Larry Keraiff continued, “When we played, a lot of us were Castlegar guys, Nelson guys, a couple of guys from Trail, Salmo, maybe a guy from Chilliwack, Calgary. It was mostly West Kootenay players, just homegrown talent. We played in the old Pioneer Arena and used to pack it.” Watson laughed, “School was kinda secondary.” Keraiff studied Physical Education and taught school for 33 years in Crawford Bay on Kootenay Lake after finishing his studies at Selkirk College and UBC. They both still play hockey in senior’s leagues, including Brian winning two
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gold medals in the recent senior games. They qualify their Selkirk College term as a time to study, play hockey and grow as adults. Watson recalled, “We came together as a group and we bonded, played well together. We had the chance to grow together. The fans were so good to us.” Keraiff piped, “They haven’t changed the fans here in Castlegar. They’ve always appreciated hockey, they’ve appreciated their local talent, its a testament.” Watson continued, “Forty years later we’re still hanging out together and that’s the most remarkable thing about the team.”
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4th Annual Fundraising Event for the Kootenay Gallery of Art
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Doors open 6:30pm at the Kootenay Gallery of Art. Your evening includes: • A hand crafted pottery bowl, chosen by you. • A sampling of soups created by our local chefs. • Specialty breads to accompany your meal. • Two free drink tickets. • One ticket for the door prizes. • A recipe booklet of the soups sampled. • A vote for your favourite soup of the evening. • 20% off giftshop items that evening.
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Thursday, February 27, 2014 Castlegar News
BACK IN BALANCE WELLNESS CENTRE Dr. Brandy Grantham and Associates Reiki – What is it and how does it fit in Traditional Medicine? Carol Luterbach Reiki Master/Teacher CRA The Reiki system of healing is a Japanese technique for transmitting life force energy through the hands into the human energy system. Reiki restores energy balance and vitality by relieving the physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress. It gently and effectively opens blocked meridians and chakras, and clears the energy bodies, releasing the stress and tension by creating deep relaxation, which promotes healing and health. Many people are adopting strategies to improve their health such as meditation, exercise and better eating. As this is done, a deeper awareness often develops concerning the flow of subtle energies in and around the body and the connection between these energies and one’s health. This developing awareness validates the ancient idea of ones ‘life force energy’ as the cause of health and its lack as the cause of illness. One thing that disrupts and weakens the flow of ‘life force energy’ is stress. Stress is often caused by conflicting thoughts and feelings that get lodged in one’s subtle energy system. These include fear, worry, doubt, anger, anxiety, etc. Medical research has determined that continual stress can block the body’s natural ability to repair, regenerate and protect itself. Our body is composed not only of physical elements such as muscles, bones, nerves, arteries, organs, glands, etc.; it also has a subtle energy system through which energy flows. This subtle energy system is composed of energy ‘bodies’ which surround our physical body and assist us in processing our thoughts and emotions. The energy bodies have energy centers called chakras, which work somewhat like valves that allow the life force energy to circulate through our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
A Reiki treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit and creates many beneficial effects including feelings of peace, security and well-being. As Reiki is becoming more known, people are often looking for a way to define its place in relation to traditional medical treatments. In the past Reiki was looked at as an alternative healing technique. Now Reiki is being described as complementary to traditional medicine. The existence of ‘life force energy’ and the necessity for it to flow freely in and around one’s body to maintain health has been studied and acknowledged by health care practitioners and it works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery. Blessings and light, Carol Luterbach Back in Balance Wellness Centre offers Family Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Registered Massage Therapy, Reiki, Reflexology, and Cranialsacral Therapy. Our caring and compassionate practitioners are excited to help you on your path to wellness. We will be at the Kootenay Home and Lifestyle EXPO this weekend. Stop by and say hello!
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Castlegar News Thursday, February 27, 2014 A15
News Salmo business managing to recover from early February fire greg nesteroff Nelson Star
A Salmo auto wrecker remains in business following a fire this month that destroyed their office. Scrap King owner George Vosburgh said they are still towing and
selling auto parts from a temporary office on site after the blaze on Airport Road on the afternoon of February 6 “We’re back hard at it,” he said. “We’ve ordered new debit machines and computers. We lost lots in the fire but we’re starting again.”
No one was hurt but the 2,600 square foot one-storey modular building burned to the ground. In addition, the fire destroyed an uninsured semi-trailer and about 5,000 alternators and starters. “We had a huge selection I’d been working on
for years,” Vosburgh said. The fire’s cause hasn’t been determined, but Salmo fire chief David Hearn said it isn’t considered suspicious. Although outside village limits, the area has contracted fire service. Two Salmo engines and a tender responded along
with one engine and a tender from Ymir. Vosburgh said he was in Castlegar on a job and his wife was at a doctor’s appointment when the fire broke out. Crews kept it from spreading to a nearby shop, although the “metal on the building was
steaming.” Vosburgh added the office had a new roof put on it a couple of years ago. They are planning to rebuild. “It’s going to cost more than the insurance is worth, but what can you do? Nobody got hurt and life goes on.”
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So you’ve made your will and named your executor.
Thursday, February 27, 2014 Castlegar News
7 out of 10 executors report their experience as highly stressful
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sKeep ‘em busy this rary
Castlegar Lib
Camps July
MONDAYS: / 2-2:45pm. 3-5 year olds THURSDAYS: TUESDAYS and / 10-11am. 6-8 year olds TUESDAYS: / 1-2pm olds 9-11 year THURSDAYS: tre / 1-2pm. Puppet Thea ice their FRIDAYS: who want to pract for ies children Reading Budd in person at the Library. ter reading. Regis drop in SATURDAYS: year olds.10:15-10:45 Free Wee Sing for 2-3 ration required. program, no regist er go to are FREE! To regist ams progr e *Thes www.nelson.bc Party: rhero Costume Kickoff Supe a -2:30 ing Booklets, July 3 / 12:30 prizes with Read keep track of their to Win some cool allows children the Library. program which summer. Register NOW at reading over the
ol Hockey Scho p key Skills Cam s Summer Hoc on Summer Hockey Skill
al Nels The 3rd Annu to 16, 2013. ng August 12 Camp is runni 15 6 years old to to all players The camp is open ting idual Skills, Shoo er Skating, Indiv , etc..) and 2 ice daily (Pow olled scrimmage ialized off ice Spec a Techniques, Contr ding ons daily inclu ProfesDryland sessi we feature a well, As e. Centr break down each Stickhandling sis in which we sional video analy Chalk Talk sessions. daily skill during the er online ation and to regist inform camp For all the please visit the website at: l .com or emai ehockeycamp www.loulemir if you have any questions. net llemire@telus.
ps Summer Cam pm
Ages 5-8 / 9-12 pm Ages 8-12 -1-4 PRICE: $175+tax es included)
2nd - Aug 29
s, learn tricks 6) will play game ers (ages 4 – exploring weekly themes. Junior Camp skills while friends while and make new (ages 6 – 12) will learn new ers ts. Senior Camp skills on all even improving old . Information of $60 per week at cost a at ly, e Camps run week tration is available onlin and regis www.glaciergy
suppli nt mediums. (Professional art working with differe e 3-4 projects Camps includ
2-5 a Camp / JULY • Mixed Medi 8 - 11 Factory / JULY • The Pop Art 15 - 18 ment / JULY • Degas’ Move / JULY 22 - 25 • Frida Kahlo 1 / JULY 29 - AUG • Emily Carr 6 9 en Art / AUG • Klimt Gold AUG 12 - 15 er Matisse / • Colour Mast 19 - 22 Studio / AUG • Stop Motion / AUG 26 - 29 tures Crea cal • Care of Magi io / AUG 26 - 29 Painting Stud • Drawing and NE TODAY! REGISTER ONLI
(250) 352-2227
St itch Lab
www.4cats ) 354-2287 Street | (250 524 Victoria com nelson@4cats.
Fun: Kids Sumsmer and August running July
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use The School Ho
Centre AUG 3 • Oxygen ArtArt Intensive / JULY 2 Summer Productions 8 - 19 • Watershed Seat / JULY Sr. Director’s ers - AUG 31 • Earth Matt e Youth Camp / JULY 8 Zero Wast 28 p / JULY 21 • Surpass Cam es in Sound SEPT 6 • Telling Stori Co-op Radio / AUG 14 Koot with e 19 - 29 • YA! Experiencntain adventure / AUG 11 day mou NE TODAY! REGISTER ONLI
ating Club
Advertise your Spring Break Camp! gram Summer Pro Out of School- August 30th Date: June 27th m - 5:30pm Hours: 7:30a gh Friday Monday throu $38/day
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Starskate t-off Summer Blas
Local curlers make big impression at Vancouver Island event Heather Nichol, from Castlegar, was a recent competitor at the 2014 Tim Hortons BC Senior Curling Championships in Courtenay on Vancouver Island. She has been awarded the Lottie Hill Award, the provincial award for the most sportsmanlike Senior Woman curler. The other Senior Women curlers voted for Heather because they thought she was
the person who best fit the following criteria: A deserving recipient is one who: 1. abides by all of the rules and regulations of curling; 2. follows the code of ethics printed in the Curl BC Yearbook; 3. is honest, courteous, polite and shows personal integrity on and off the ice; 4. is keen, alert and enthusiastic but continues to be aware of other players while the game is in progress;
5. is able to accept defeat graciously; 6. is able to appreciate and compliment one’s opposition on exceptional shots. Heather’s team included:
Skip: Heather Nichol (Castlegar) Third: Rose Beauchamp (Trail) Second: Sue Babiarz (Castlegar) Lead: Cindy Pettapiece (Castlegar)
applicati -0315 ph: 250-352 .com lhouseeclc@gmail email: theschoo website: theschoo ~S OCRATES WONDER ”
9:15am - 10am More continuous movement AUG 19- 23 / NDCC Arena am for ages 4+. to skate progr helmets. One week learn wear hockey All skaters must fundamentals. basic rce to reinfo and open 9am - 1:30pm group instruction AUG 6 - 23 / ring a featu Aren NDCC package build your own A three week
Europe Elite
Soccer Cam
ls Camp
Summer Skil
22-26 Lakeside / JULY Half and full day camp up / 8 Years and onment positive envir des a fun and This camp provi . the whole game rstanding for develop an unde go to form n and for registratio call For more info a or nelsonsports.c 3989 352. 250. et nrsc@telus.n
} for only $30 that runs for Get a 2x3 an issue! Or $50 for both! Junior Acad
Christine Lloyd photo
Get your Sum
kate The New CanS king Keep on Truc
se ol Hou Scho centre Thecare and learning
PM BCEN H FROM 2-6 T Nelson, P TREE 1623 Falls St., 0315O ARY 11AT, 20162133 F ALLS S LOCATED Ph. 250-352- JANU .com programs for mail ed child care years olds lhouseeclc@gCo-locat , 3-5 & Toddlers m School e: theschoo Care lhouseecInfants t and Out of choo on or enrollmen : .thes informati For www Veronica on please contact
The West Kootenay Atoms House Playdowns were held this weekend in Grand Forks and Midway. The two Castlegar house teams were very successful with the Castlegar Ice Hawks beating Boundary 4-0 in the semis and the Castlegar Phantoms beating Nelson 4-0, as well in the semis. This led to the two teams meeting up to play each other in the “B” finals…with the Ice Hawks winning with a final score of 4-1. A great year for both teams and a great way to end the year off by playing each other. Despite having an all first year Atoms roster besides their goalie, the Ice Hawks went undefeated in the Atoms B Pool 2 playoffs. Congratulations to both Castlegar teams! (This picture shows the Castlegar Ice Hawks in dark and the Castlegar Phantoms in light)
Ar ts Studio
G ymnast ics
Meeting at the end of the tourney
tration info: info and regis For complete 6510 or visit call (250) 352
Run date: March 6th and March 13th Christine 250 365 6397 Christine Esovoloff
If you have any marketing questions or to start your advertising, please feel free to contact me.
One more reminder Tune in to CBC’s Hockey Night in Canada on Saturday March 8. After the first period (early game) they’ll announce the 16 communities to compete for the title: Kraft Hockeyville 2014.
Castlegar News Thursday, February 27, 2014
Sports A17
Rebel achievement is recognized derek Kaye Castlegar News contributor
On Sunday evening, February 23 a special dinner was served at the Castlegar Royal Canadian Legion by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary for the Castlegar Rebels hockey team awards gala. The food was fantastic and the event was jovial as players, parents, billeting families, coaches, volunteers and the rest of the dedicated Rebel force sat down together for a shared meal. At the end of the dinner coach Jess Dorrans presented the trophies to a select group of the best the Rebels had, and at the same time celebrated with the rest of the team, rookies, veterans and everybody else present, the hard work that had resulted in a successful regular season with lots of confidence looking for-
Coach Jess Dorrans presents Aaron Petten (2nd from left) and Kody Disher the dedication to sports trophy. At right is assistant coach Bruno Tassone. Derek Kaye photos
ward into the playoffs. Here is a run-down of the trophies presented: goalie Patrick Zubick received the award for most improved player; rookie of the year went to Jeremy McNeil,; forward of the year went to Kody Disher; best defencemn was awarded to Hunter Jenerou; most popular players were Travis Wilk-
ie and Aaron Petten; most valuable player was awarded to Kody Disher; most inspirational to Jeremy McNeil; most dedicated to sports, Aaron Petten and Kody Disher; and the Gerry Lacasse Memorial trophy for the hardest working, grittiest, most community minded player, went to Dylan Bowerman.
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MARCH 4th, 5th & 6th, 2011 Selkirk College Castlegar Awarded Rebels, from left: Aaron Petten, Jeremy McNeil, Hunter Jenerou, Dylan Bowerman, Travis Wilkie, and Kody Disher.
Local skaters deliver strong effort in Fruitvale
season ends at the beginThe 2014 Kootenay Regionning of March als were held in Fruitvale Jan with oppor31 – Feb 2/14. Skaters from the tunities after Castlegar Skating Club comthat for Spring peted. Various skaters tested skate sessions for dances at the Test Day and around the some results follow: Candice region. On Soukeroff: Star 3 solo – Silver, Sunday March Elements – Silver, Pre-Intro 2 at 4 p.m., Thank you to Interpretive – Gold; Allison the Castlegar these sponsors! Soukeroff: Star 2 solo – Gold, Skating Club Castlegar & District Chamber of Commerce phone: 250.365.6313 • email: L-R Allison Soukeroff, Alexia Kardash, Zoey Elements – 5th, Pre-Intro Inwill hold a Enter the Draws! Crockart, Megan Cousins, Annika Cheveldave, terpretive 5th; Tara Gleboff: w w w . c a s t l e g a r . c o m year-end Mini Expert Advice! Star 2 solo – Silver; Hailey Candice Soukeroff, Tara Gleboff. Front – Sarah Ice Show at Adults: $4 Submitted the Complex. Gleboff: Star 2 solo – Silver; Cousins, Hailey Gleboff. Seniors: $3 Alexia Kardash: Star 2 solo – Admission is Students with ID: $3 Bronze; Annika Cheveldave: solo – Bronze, Elements – 4th, by donation Kids 10 & under Star 4 solo – Gold, Elements Pre-Intro Interpretive 6th. and the theme is Around The free with adult – Silver; Zoey Crockart: Star 4 The Club’s regular skating World in 60 Minutes. submitted
Thursday, February 27, 2014 Castlegar News
Castlegar Slo-Pitch
Registration Date: Wednesday March 12, 2014 Place: Valhalla Room at the Complex Time: 6:30pm Cost: $500/team
For more info contact Tom at 250.304.9055 or email at
Thank you...
1:30 -3:15
Elk Valley
- 7:00 Kelowna vs Nelson Pioneer • Kevin Kooznetsoff Trucking Ltd • Bills 5:15 Heavy DutyWest 5:30 - 7:15 Kelowna vs South Okanagan Complex 7:15Rooster - 9:00 Vernon vs Castlegar• Kootenay PioneerCentre Cinemas • Black • Kootenay Market • Boston Pizza Saturday January 25, 2014 • Lordco • Brandt Tractor 5 7:30 - 9:15 Elk Valley vs Kelowna Complex • Main Jet 6• Castlegar 9:30 - 11:15Golf Course Nelson vs West Kelowna Complex 7 11:30 - 1:15 South Okangan vs Vernon Complex Building Center 8• Castlegar 1:30 - 3:15 Realty Kelowna vs Castlegar• MaglioComplex 9 3:30 - 5:15 Elk Valley vs Nelson Pioneer • Mallards Source for Sports • Castlegar Rebels 10 4:45 - 6:30 West Kelowna vs Vernon Complex 11 5:30 - 7:15Sports Center Castlegar Okanagan Pioneer • Mohawk • Castlegar & vsFly South Shop • Mitchells Building Supply • Chemical Addiction Hair Studio Sunday January 26, 2014 • Mother Nature’s • Common Grounds 12 7:45 - 9:45 2nd vs 3rd Complex • Crocker Equipment6th 13 10:00 - 11:45 vs 7th • No Frills Complex 14 12:00 - 1:45 4th vs 5th • On theComplex Marks • Crystal’s Bookkeeping 15 2:00 - 4:00 1st vs game 12 winner Complex • Peak Physique Fitness • C. TeBulte Tree Services Note: Game 4 - points will only count for Vernon. • Pharmasave • Curtis Klashinsky • RHC Insurance Brokers Ltd • Dragons and Fairy Dust • Rona • Gift Box • Sandman • Element Club Bar & Grill • Selkirk College Saints • Finning • Shoppers Drug Mart • Gericks Cycle • Shoppers Simply Pharmacy • Grizzly Basin Contracting Ltd • Silver Birch Clinic • Hairlines • The Source • Inland Allcare • Two Grey’t Grams • Joeys Only Seafood Restaurant • WalMart • Kal-Tire
Sports Petten bags hat-trick in Rebels win derek kaye Castlegar News contributor
In their final game in regular season play the Castlegar Rebels earned a decisive victory at the Grand Forks arena over the Border Bruins on Friday night February 21. The 5 - 3 victory sealed the Rebels to their third place standing in the Neil Murdoch Division of the KIJHL for the regular season; ensuring them a play-off spot (top four teams in each division makes it into the play-offs). The Border Bruins earned an early two goal lead after Michael Rand (Max Newton and Nathan Cory) scored on a power play only two minutes into the game and Jackson Purvis put another away about six minutes later, assisted by Connor Gross and Nathan Cory. But with only four seconds left in the first period Aaron Petten from Ed Lindsey and Kody Disher scored to start his rampage for the Rebels. The second period did not have the puck cross the goal line until at 6:58 when Aaron Petten scored again assisted by Kody Disher and Ren Mason. With under three minutes to go in the second, Rebel Mike Bhatoa scored assisted by Connor Beauchemin and Tyler Bryant. The Border Bruins Goalie Dominic Stadnyk seemed miffed by this winning goal that had swung past him and got a two minute penalty for roughing after giving Bhatoa a big shove. Another Border Bruin sat the penalty out for Stadnyk. The Rebels were now in the lead which they maintained till the end of the game even with some creative calls by officials. The third period scoring
Rebel Aaron Petten in black flies between Bruins Mitchell Pearson and Tucker Brown to put puck past Goalie Dominic Stadnyk. Derek Kaye
was again started by Aaron Petten for the Rebels assisted by Kody Disher and Ed Lindsey five minutes in. The Border Bruins attempted to come back and scored one more, by Mitchell Pearson from Brandon Savala and Lukas Peters. Derek Georgopoulos, assisted by Aaron Brewer, scored the final goal for the Rebels with 7:34 remaining in the third period. The highlight of the game and the unofficial first star goes to Aaron Petten who scored a hat-trick for the Rebels and along with Captain Kody Disher led the team to a spirited finish to the regular season. Petten who suffered a broken ankle in mid-season had only recently returned to participate with his team. He appeared fully recovered in Friday’s game playing with phenomenal speed and tenacity. The Rebels appeared confident in their game, adapting well to the smaller Grand Forks arena. Coach Jess Dor-
rans played all the players on the bench except for back-up Goalie Patrick Zubick who seemed content to watch starting Goalie Nate Rabbitt do a stand-up job. Aaron Petten commented after the game, “Feels pretty good to be back and playing with the boys.” Asked about the hat-trick, Aaron replied, “Feels pretty good but I couldn’t have done it without my team-mates - they played hard.” His philosophy for the playoffs is, “Keep it simple, chip pucks, get it deep, dump and chase - that’s it pretty much.” The playoffs start on Wednesday February 26 for the Rebels when they take on the Beaver Valley Nitehawks in Fruitvale in a best of seven series that sees a Thursday February 27 game in Fruitvale as well. The Rebels and the Nitehawks play in Castlegar on Friday February 28 and Sunday March 2 - game times are 7:30 and 7:00, respectively.
Smiles and good times galore at Rebels Awards Banquet, Sunday. See story p. A17.
Derek Kaye
Castlegar News Thursday, February 27, 2014
Sport Saints vie for 1st with win over SFU derek kaye
Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386 Saints’ Thomas Hardy fires a shot, with SFU defenceman Trevor Esau at left. Saints Alumni look on through the glass. Derek Kaye
marker by Jared Eng from Jesse Myslorek. The third period left the fans with a feeling of uncertainty with no power play chances for either team compared to the eight Saints penalties in the first period. It was on a mid-period power play that Beau Taylor’s perfectly placed butt-shot (Thomas Hardy and Stefan Gonzales) which sealed SFU’s fate. Beau Taylor received first star honours for his efforts and team-mate Thomas Hardy was named third star. Simon Fraser goalie Andrew Parent earned second star kudos for stopping 35 of 38 shots.
Beau Taylor, in his second and final season with the Saints before returning to his native Australia, remarked on the final goal as being, “At the right place at the right time. It’s a huge win that’s for first place; it’s a huge home ice advantage for the playoffs here.” He is determined to win a second championship. “That’s the goal,” he said. The Saints have two more regular season games: Thursday Feb. 27 at Eastern Washington University and on Saturday March 1 at the the Castlegar Complex against Trinity Western. Puck drops at 7:30 p.m.
Saints pleased with Beauchemin commitment submitted
The Selkirk College Men’s Hockey program is pleased to announce a playing commitment from forward Connor Beauchemin (Surrey, B.C.) to attend Selkirk College and compete for the Saints beginning in the 2014/15 B.C. Intercollegiate Hockey League season. The 5’10”, 180 lb. forward is completing his fourth season in the KIJHL with the Castlegar Rebels. The 20-year old joined Castlegar at the end of November in a trade from the Golden Rockets and finished the season as the Rebels’ leading scorer with 30 goals and
Castlegar News contributor
On Saturday February 22 the Selkirk College Saints were victorious over their chief rivals Simon Fraser University 3-2. The teams are locked in a battle for first place in the BCIHL. A win for Selkirk with their last regular season match-up with Eastern Washington University the day following would put the Saints in first place. However the game was postponed till Thursday February 27. A first place finish would give home ice advantage to the winner for the first playoffs. The Saturday game was a nail-biter with the teams tied until the last ten minutes of play when Saint Beau Taylor chipped a puck (shot by teammate Thomas Hardy) into the Simon Fraser net past bewildered goalie Andrew Parent who had played well. Taylor later explained the puck had bounced off his butt into the net. But as Jeff Saints coach Jeff Dubois put it, “They don’t ask how, they ask how many. We’ll take it anyway it goes in.” Selkirk opened the scoring at 9:45 in the first period when Garret Kucher scored, assisted by Darnell Dyck and Tanner Lenting. Simon Fraser responded on a power play with a goal by Trevor Milner (Graham Smerek and Mike Ball). Period two put the Saints ahead when captain Logan Proulx scored with the man advantage (Thomas Hardy and Stefan Virtanen) at 16:47. It was Proulx’s 15th goal of the season and his 42nd point. Simon Fraser again tied it at 14:48 on a short-handed A19
56 points in 52 games. Last season, Beauchemin finished fourth in the KIJHL in goals with 33 and 10th in points with 64. He added 10 more goals in the playoffs, helping to lead Golden to a berth in the Kootenay Conference finals. Overall, the Surrey, B.C. product has scored 84 goals and 159 points in 176 KIJHL games and is one of just five players who has scored 30 goals in both the 2012/13 and 2013/14 seasons. “Connor is a player we’ve been tracking and recruiting since midway through the 2012/13 season, and we’re thrilled that he’s made the decision to join our program in
September,” says Saints head coach Jeff Dubois. “I’m looking forward to continuing my hockey career at a high level while obtaining an education,” says Beauchemin. “My goals in my first season at Selkirk College are to succeed academically while doing the most I can to help the Saints win another BCIHL championship.” Rebels head coach Jesse Dorrans says the Saints are getting an impact student-athlete both on and off the ice. “Selkirk College is adding a quality hockey player and also getting a great young man,” says Dorrans.
Public Swim at the Castlegar Community Complex Mon/Wed/Fri Mon/Wed Tues/Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday
6:30-9:00am 1:00-4:00pm & 7:30-9:00pm 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm 10:00-8:30pm 1:00-6:00pm 1:00-6:00pm
Early Bird Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim
(currently Brent Kennedy is taking swim lessons on Monday & Wednesday from 10:15-1:15pm, there is a lap lane but NO Public Swim)
Drop In Fitness Classes
Fitness classes happen 5 days per week. Purchase a Castlegar & District Community Complex membership pass and over 20 fitness classes are included. Greatest deal in town. Classes offered are: • Ultimate Kickbox • Circuit Strength • Step n’Tone • Deep Water Works • PM Aqua Fit • Fab 50+ • Core & More • Health & Recovery
Upcoming Recreation Programs • Spring Break Red Cross Swim Lessons Monday – Thursday • March 17 – 27 Registration Now taking place! • Mini Mini Soccer Mon & Wed 4:30-5:00pm Starting April 14th • $40.00
• Spring Break Children’s Camps
- Red Cross Babysitting Course March 17 & 18 - Boys Biking Camp March 26 – 28 - Girls Biking Intro Camp March 28 - Circ & Create Camps March 18&19 or March 26&27 (Register now - limited registration)
Ice Action
• KIJHL Rebel Playoff Action Spring Break Vs Beaver Valley Nite Leisure Guide Friday February 28 • Selkirk Saints vs Trinity will be in the mail the – Game 7:30pm Western University week of March 3rd. Sunday March 2 Saturday March 1 Be sure to check out – Game 7:00pm Game 7:30pm our spring line up. • Castlegar Skating No Public Skating Registration starts Club Presents: this weekend due to Midget March 10th. For more “Around the World in 60 minutes” Rep Jamboree and information go to Sun. March 2nd 4:00pm Castlegar Skating Club Finale Castlegar Community Complex Public Skate web site.
Community Happenings: • Castlegar Annual Field Users Meeting Thursday February 27th 7:00pm – Kootenay Room
• West Kootenay Lacrosse League registration now taking place at the Complex. • Castlegar Minor Soccer registration is on line at
Registration still taking place for a variety of Winter Recreation Programs. Check out our Winter Leisure Guide on line Brochures in the mail next week.
Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations.
If you would like your event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.
Thursday, February 27, 2014 Castlegar News
1 Elementary fellow? 7 Chief Osceola riding Renegade introduces its home games: Abbr. 10 Daddy 14 Longtime Hawaiian senator Daniel 15 Ottowan interjections 16 Woeful cry 17 *Large emigration 19 Frisks, with “down” 20 Asian holiday 21 Letter-shaped fastener 22 Land at Orly? 23 Confederate 24 *Lunchbox item 26 Smallish crocodilians 28 Portal toppers 29 100-eyed giant of myth 30 Word of greeting 31 Points a finger at 32 *”I’ll Be There for You” on “Friends,” e.g. 36 __ date 38 Levy 39 Brought about 43 Southeast Asian honey lover 45 Oporto native, e.g.
47 *Children’s literature VIP 49 Brandy label letters 50 Cream of the crop 51 CNBC topics 52 Breadbasket, so to speak 53 Director Gus Van __ 54 *Daily Planet setting 57 Palm smartphone 58 Celebratory poem 59 Valuable lump 60 Bldg. annex 61 Beersheba’s land: Abbr. 62 Word that can follow five prefixes hidden sequentially in the answers to starred clues
1 “Tell __”: 1962’63 hit 2 Winning steadily 3 Get clobbered 4 It’s not an option 5 Observe 6 Church maintenance officer 7 Disgusted 8 Back-and-forth flights
9 Navy hull letters 10 Empty threat 11 Afraid 12 Platoon activities 13 Look over carefully 18 Burden 22 X, sometimes 23 __ Victor 24 Window part 25 Silver opening? 27 Remote control 30 Spell 33 Floride, par exemple 34 Many couples 35 Cub or Card 36 Simpleton
37 Like some looseleaf paper 40 Reveal 41 More to one’s liking 42 Plastic __ Band 43 Cuarenta winks? 44 Tongue suffix 45 “Click __ Ticket”: road safety slogan 46 Quantum gravity particles 48 More timely 52 Painter van __ 54 French pronoun 55 __ tent 56 CPA’s office, perhaps
Sports Positive games for Kootenay skaters submitted
Castlegar short track speed skaters Tyler and Ian Hartleb returned Sunday after successful BC Winter Games participation. Similar to the recent Olympic games each skater must go through heats, quarter finals, semis, and finals for each event. Some skaters may have skated up to 12 races during the two-day event. Tyler Hartleb finished the games with two silver medals in the 500m and 1000m events and a bronze in the 3000m race. This is only the second time a Kootenay zone athlete has won medals in speed skating at the games. Ashley Nelson of Crescent Valley won a bronze medal at the 2006 Greater Trail BC Winter Games. Nelson now trains with the National Development Team in Calgary. Despite finishing out of the
unable to finish. Tyler Hartleb received one of his silver medals in this final. The team, comprising of members from the Nelson Speed Skating Club, was led by head coach, Jason Hartleb of Castlegar and former national team member, Darrell Rasmussen of Jason Hartleb - Coach, Tyler Hartleb, Nelson. Ian Hartleb, Spencer Pearson-Atkins, “We had some falls Darrell Rasmussen - Coach. Submitted but overall the team medals, Ian Hartleb set perperformed beyond exsonal best times in every event pectations, lots of personal he skated. He finished the bests,” said Hartleb. 3000m race in 5th place in the Rasmussen was also happy B Final. with the team’s performance. Spencer Pearson-Atkins of “I was very pleased to see the Nelson rounded out the Koo- high level of competition at tenay team. Spencer was un- the Winter Games and to see able to medal, but set personal our Nelson athletes do so well. bests in most of his races. He They all worked very hard.” made it into the A Final of the Next up – Provincials, 1000m event but fell and was March 8 and 9 in Burnaby.
Local hockey players Kelsey Patterson, above left, and Emilie teBulte suited up for a Kootenay squad joining girls from Cranbrook, Trail, Nelson and Nakusp. The team went 1-3 and enjoyed the time in Mission. Submitted photos Pink Highlights
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Castlegar News Thursday, February 27, 2014 A21
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Cards of Thanks
THE family of Maya Maloff Rilkoff would like to thank the many people who supported us during her time of passing. Thank you to the many people who brought food, sent flowers, cards and healing thoughts, helped in many ways, attended the funeral, donated to Charlene’s trust fund and to the publication Iskra. Thank you to all those mothers who have generously donated and continue to donate breast milk to feed Charlene. Thank you to the psalm singers at the funeral, your singing helped to soothe the soul. Thank you to Peter Zaytsoff for conducting the funeral, Bill Strelaiff of the Castlegar Funeral chapel, to the cooks from the USCC cooking group, the staff at the Brilliant Cultural Centre and the grave diggers. Thank you to the Canadian Doukhobor Society for your donation to Charlene’s trust fund. We are blessed and grateful to have such a supportive community.
EXPERIENCED PARTS person required for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses working 5 day work week, plus moving allowances. Our 26,000ft2 store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community online at: Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Or by email to:
Business Opportunities
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Colin Ray Obetkoff 1967 - 2014
Colin is survived by his sons Kyle and Kenton, his mother Donna, his sister Laurie (Darren) and his brother John. Colin’s kind & generous spirit will live on in the hearts of all those who knew him. A celebration of life will be held on Saturday, March 1st at the Castlegar Community Complex, 2pm - 5pm.
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Employment Administration
Administrative Assistant Approximately 20 hours per week - home office and computer is required hourly rate is approximately $25. Closing Date: March 11, 2014. Visit https://divisionsbc .ca/kb/careers for details.
(nee Hostetter)
September 18th, 1936 February 19th, 2014 Beloved wife and mother, Grace has passed away in her home with her family beside her. Grace’s family thanks Dr.Lesperance and the ladies of Home Support for their help and kindness throughout her ordeal.
Christine Engen With sad hearts the family of Christine Engen of Castlegar wishes to announce her passing at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital in Trail, on Sunday, February 16, 2014, blessed with 74 years of life. Christine was born Christine Barabanoff in Nelson on September 19, 1939. She married Wesley Engen and the couple raised two children. She worked as a cook in different restaurants and mainly in a camp. Christine enjoyed crocheting, embroidering and spending time with her family. She was a proud member of the Hospital Auxiliary and of the Seniors’ Centre. Christine was a very loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother and will be greatly missed by her family and friends. Not a single second, minute, hour or day will go by, when she will not be loved and will never be forgotten. Christine was predeceased by her husband Wesley. Left to mourn her loss is her daughter Fran (Ray) Croteau; her son William; her granddaughters Amber and Crystal Stewart; her great-grandsons Anthony, Jeremy and Jamie and her many friends. There will be no service by request. Cremation has taken place in care of Castlegar Funeral Chapel. In lieu of flowers, donations in Christine’s Memory may be made to: Children’s Make A Wish Foundation, #112 – 2025 West Broadway, Vancouver BC V6J 1Z6.
Automotive Service Technician Are you thinking about taking your automotive career to the next level? If you are, then you’ll appreciate working with us. Castlegar Toyota requires an experienced licensed technician to service all makes and models in our modern and fully equipped facility. Our dealership is focused on hiring and retaining the best. As such, we offer market-leading pay and benefits, paid training opportunities, a supportive team and the opportunity to advance. When it comes to service, our priority is making sure our customers are pleased, and we understand the importance of quality technicians in meeting that goal. Come join us. Please send your resume and cover letter to: Daryl Zibin 1530 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1H9 Fax: (250) 365-2752 Email:
Start something that lasts
Service Advisor Castlegar Toyota immediately seeks an energetic, customer-focused service advisor who is great with people and can handle numerous demands in a professional and courteous manner. Duties in this fast-paced position include scheduling maintenance and repair work, providing estimates, selling service and parts as required, coordinating technicians and embracing administrative tasks. Strong telephone and computer skills are essential.
It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of our beloved son, father & friend.
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Grace Dawn Nixon
Dorothy Ruebena Tipping With very heavy hearts the family of Dorothy Ruebena Tipping of Castlegar are announcing her passing at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital on Sunday, February 16, 2014, blessed with 83 years of life. Dorothy was born in Powell River BC on December 8, 1930, to parents Charles and Jenny Macintosh. On June 6, 1953, she married Cliff Tipping and she made a wonderful home for him and the five children they raised. Dorothy was known for being the best bread maker and for enjoying Happy Hour and playing cribbage with her family and friends. Dorothy and Cliff loved spending their summers fishing and cruising the Arrow Lake on their houseboat, Tippy’s Tub. They were a snowbird family and spent their winters in Arizona. Dorothy was predeceased, and greeted with open arms, by her son Roy in 1975; her sister Beatrice, in 2002 and brother-inlaw Bill Young in 2001 and her sister-in-law Irene, in 2010 and brother-in-law Ed Conroy in 2013. Left to mourn her loss is her loving husband of 60 years Cliff; her daughters Susan (Gord) McCartney, Cindy (Frank) Shlakoff and Patti (Ian) Hill; her son Kim Tipping; 10 grandchildren; 4 step-grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren and 5 step great-grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews and a very large circle of friends. Cremation has taken place in care of Castlegar Funeral Chapel. In Dorothy’s honour, an Open House will be held at Frank and Cindy Shlakoff’s home, 2633 – 9th Avenue, Castlegar BC, on Saturday, March 1, 2014, from 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM. In lieu of flowers, donations in Dorothy’s Memory may be made to the BC Cancer Foundation, 399 Royal Avenue, Kelowna BC V1Y 5L3. The family wishes to extend their gratitude to Dr. Lesperance and staff, Dr. Scotland and staff, Dr. Schumacher and Dr. DeGreef and staff at the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital.
Our standards are high because our customers deserve superb treatment. As a result, we offer excellent benefits, bonuses, competitive pay and a positive working environment. This is a full-time position. Please send you cover letter and resume to: Daryl Zibin Castlegar Toyota 1530 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1H9 Email:
Start something that lasts
Sales Representative With critically acclaimed vehicles such as the all-new, award-winning GMC Sierra pickup, Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC’s outlook has never been better. As a result, we’re looking for a capable, personable and motivated sales representative to demonstrate our exciting lineup of vehicles to customers. If you have a deep interest in automobiles and enjoying sharing your passion with others in a genuinely helpful manner, then maybe this position is for you. We provide the kind of training and support to help you succeed, and our compensation and benefits packages rank among the best anywhere. Sales experience is helpful but not necessary. Good communication and computer skills along with a willingness to learn and constantly improve are far better indicators of potential success. Please send your cover letter and resume to: Scott Hutt, Sales Manager 1700 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 2W4 Fax: (250) 365-3949 Email:
Thursday, February 27, 2014 Castlegar News
Business Opportunities
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
HOME INSPECTION COMPANY expanding into the Castlegar area. ~All Training Included~
Call Dave for Franchise Presentation. 1.855.301.2233
UP TO $400 cash daily. FT & PT outdoors, Spring/Summer work. Seeking honest, hardworking staff. Visit us online:
Career Opportunities PUT YOUR experience to work - The job service for people aged 45 and over across Canada. Free for candidates. Register now online at: or Call Toll-Free: 1-855-286-0306.
Join our team Our mission is to provide quality eyewear at affordable prices with customer satisfaction being our number one priority, if you have previous retail experience, and love fashion we want to hear from you.
Pro Vision Optical staff will bring enthusiasm for customer service and retail. You will be an expert in helping our customers find the perfect pair of glasses. We work with the latest technology and there are many opportunities to learn and advance.
Bayshore Home Health is currently seeking Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses for night shifts in the Castlegar/Nelson area to work with children with complex care needs. If you are an RN or LPN and love working with children and their families , we would appreciate hearing from you. Pediatric experience is an asset and we do offer client specific training.
Please send your resume & cover letter to: pedsvancouver@ or fax: 1-866-686-7435
Eyewear Consultant; prior experience is an asset although not required
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking North Enderby Timber is looking to hire for various positions including Millwright and/or Fabricator, Heavy Duty Mechanic and Electrician. We offer competitive wages along with a comprehensive benefit package. Please fax resume to 250-838-9637.
School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)
The School District is seeking applications from qualified persons for the On-Call List in the following areas: Clerical: • Business College Certificate in Office Administration or equivalent • A minimum of two (2) years of recent experience in a secretarial or clerical position • Strong working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite on PC and/or Mac Platforms General Qualifications: • Grade 12 or equivalent • Valid WHMIS Certificate
Part Time position available:
To join our team, send your resume plus a cover letter to
J. RYBACHUK & Sons Trucking LTD has an immediate opening for a logging truck driver in the Sparwood/Elko area. Previous quad logger experience required. Fax resume to 250-425-0505 or e-mail to U.S. Qualified Truck Drivers Needed For Well Established Chip Hauls Based In The West Kootenay’s. Our Employees Enjoy Steady Year Round Work, Extended Benefits, Pension Plan, Direct Payroll Deposit and more.Class 1 Drivers with clean abstracts and verifiable mountain experience are invited to see what we have to offer their career today. Online Call 1-888-3572612 Ext:230 or in person at 8561 Hwy. 6 Salmo BC
RN’S & LPN’S Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses
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For full position details including qualifications please refer to the Careers with SD20 section of our website at Salary will be in accordance with CUPE Local 1285 Collective Agreement. Closing date of accepting applications is 12:00 NOON on Monday, March 3, 2014. Send applications including resume and references to: Mrs. Marcy VanKoughnett, Director of Human Resources, School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia), 2001 Third Ave, Trail, BC V1R 1R62 (Fax: 250-364-2470). Please send electronic applications to
Part-time Office Administrator/Propane Attendant
Must be reliable and have good knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel Propane training will be provided, but applicant must be able to lift propane tanks Please send resumes to No phone calls please
Help Wanted
Administrative Assistant Maglio Installations Ltd. has an opening for a full time Administrative Assistant at our new Castlegar Office. Our busy work environment requires a candidate who is a well organized multi-tasker with excellent verbal and written skills. Our ideal candidate has proven computer experience. At a minimum, working knowledge of MS Outlook, Word, and Excel.
ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1
Please send detailed resume and references by March 11, 2014 to
Career Opportunities
Dental Hygienist wanted Part-Time 2 days/week avail March. Send resume to Dr. Zarikoff’s office 515D Vernon St. Nelson BC
Glacier Honda is a fully developed shop with advanced technology and the latest equipment, including alignment. We are offering an exciting opportunity for the right person to work in our fast-paced shop. The Glacier Honda Service team emphasizes quality work and customer satisfaction. If you are presently apprenticing and thinking ahead
Call me, Al Sanders. Let’s talk.
Glacier Honda is offering a full time technician position with an excellent remuneration and benefit package. Wages are negotiable, depending on experience. Journeyman qualifications are preferred, but if you are a fourth year apprentice, you are also encouraged to: Call me at 250-365-4845; or send your resume to the address below; or email: Attention: Al Sanders.
1602 Columbia Ave Castlegar BC V1N 1H9 Phone: 250-365-4845
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) delivers supports and services to adults with developmental disabilities and their families in British Columbia. We have a part-time Regional Finance Manager position available in the Castlegar Integrated Office. Please see competition #2014.023 posted on our website for full details and mention you saw the ad in this paper. Closing date is March 11, 2014. For more information on this and all other available positions, visit our website:
School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)
Employment Opportunities The School District is seeking applications from qualified persons for the On-Call List in the following area: Custodian: • Building Service Worker Course Certificate or equivalent, minimum of two (2) years of work experience as a custodian or building service worker in a commercial or industrial setting, or an equivalent combination of training, education or experience. General Qualifications: • Grade 12 or equivalent • Valid WHMIS Certificate • Valid Class 5 Driver’ s License For full position details including qualifications please refer to the Careers with SD20 section of our website at Salary will be in accordance with CUPE Local 1285 Collective Agreement. Completed district applications (available on the district web site or at our office) should be sent to Mrs. Marcy VanKoughnett, Director of Human Resources, School District # 20 (Kootenay - Columbia), 2001 Third Ave, Trail, B. C. V1R 1R6 (Fax: 250-364-2470). Please submit electronic applications to: It is understood that applicants agree to confidential reference checks of all previous employers. We appreciate your interest but regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Employment Opportunities 3PJLUZLK ,HYS` *OPSKOVVK ,K\JH[VY 0UMHU[ ;VKKSLY *LY[PÄJH[PVU Program Leader Lynx Program This is a full time position commencing March 3rd, 2014 with a starting wage of $16.75. The successful candidate will be familiar with the Early Learning Framework and be open to learning about and facilitating a Reggio Inspired Practice. Teamwork and strong interpersonal skills with all ages is mandatory. CLOSING: February 25th, 12:00 noon
LPJenZed ,arSy ChPSdhood ,duJator InMant ;oddSer CertPÄJatPon Lynx Program
This is a full time position commencing March 3rd, 2014 with a starting wage of $16.00 The successful candidate will be familiar with the Early Learning Framework and be open to learning about and facilitating a Reggio Inspired Practice. Teamwork and strong interpersonal skills with all ages is mandatory. CLOSING: February 25th, 12:00 noon
8uaSPÄed ,arSy ChPSdhood ,duJator
This is a part time position, commencing March 10th, 2014 with a starting wage of $15.50/hour. The successful candidate will be familiar with the Early Learning Framework and be open to learning about and facilitating a Reggio Inspired Practice. Teamwork and strong interpersonal skills with all ages is mandatory. CLOSING: February 2 8th, 12:00 noon Please send a cover letter & resume to: The School House ECLC Attn: Veronica O’Connor 1623 Falls Street Nelson, BC V1L 1J7 Or by Email to:
The School House early care and learning centre
career opportunity Summer Student Engineering/Technologist Reference Number 1403 Columbia Power Corporation has a job opportunity in our Waneta Site Office for an Engineering or Technologist Summer Student to provide support to the Owner’s Representative’s WAX Site team from May - August 2014. Applicants for this position must be enrolled in a post-secondary program, in an Engineering or Technical discipline, and plan to return to school in September 2014. The successful candidate will provide support to members of the WAX site team and will gain exposure to and experience in a variety of areas including project management, construction terminology and documentation, contract administration, and research. Job duties will include construction related research projects, assisting team members in the development of projects, supporting the document submittal review process and implementing systems for tracking various project documents. This position will also provide support at the Project Viewing Area and will interact with the public in a positive and professional manner. You will be a self-starter, flexible, able to work independently or in a team, and have experience using Microsoft Office Suite, working with the public and have a valid driver’s license. Successful candidate will acquire valuable practical knowledge under senior engineering / project management supervision with various technological aspects of Hydro Power Plant construction. Please submit cover letter & resume to by March 14th, 2014
Castlegar News Thursday, February 27, 2014
Financial Services
Business/Office Service
IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit / age / income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Telephone Services
Misc. for Sale
Musical Instruments
Apt/Condo for Rent
Auto Financing
DISCONNECTED PHONE? National Teleconnect Home Phone Service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call National Teleconnect today! 1866-443-4408. or visit online:
SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT.
Clearance of select items till Saturday, March 1st Bay Avenue Music 1364 Bay Ave, Trail 250-368-8878
Castlegar, Large bright 2 Bdrm Apt in quiet Bldg close to downtown, fridge, stove laundry on site, N/S, N/P $675 + utilities, 250-505-3609 ROSSLAND, 2BD, furnished. $700./mo. + util. Free parking. Avail. Mar.1st. 250-362-9182
STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online:
Houses For Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Legal Services
Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014
CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Help Wanted A23
Help Wanted
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?
STEEL BUILDING. “The big year end clear out!” 20x22 $4,259. 25x24 $4,684. 30x34 $6,895. 35x36 $9,190. 40x48 $12,526. 47x70 $17,200. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit online:
Like New - Guild 4x8 Slate Pool Table, beautiful piece of furniture, never been abused Looking for a Loving Home $6500 New Offers! Kenmore HE Dryer - White Stackable, Front Load - $300 250-365-8286; 250-304-9304
Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Estates, Gold & Silver Coins + 499-0251Chad
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Misc. Wanted
career opportunity Electrical Engineer Reference Number 1402
JOB POSTING – CASTLEGAR FAMILY PHYSICIAN RECRUITER Position reposted to encourage further Castlegar applicants The Castlegar Physicians Recruitment Committee is now looking for a dynamic person who is or would like to be a Castlegar Community Champion with exceptional people, and marketing skills to work on a contract basis as our Castlegar Family Physician Recruiter. Over view of Position: The Castlegar Family Physician Recruiter will implement, coordinate and facilitate all recruiting activities as prescribed by the Castlegar Physicians Recruitment Committee on a P/T contractual basis. Key responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 1. Coordinating and facilitating recruitment activities to meet local needs. 2. Liaising closely with Health Match BC, Interior Health, local physicians, community, and other relevant partners. 3. Initiating contact with family physician candidates and responding to inquiries promptly regarding physician opportunities. 4. Promoting opportunities for family physicians and locums from within and outside of the region. 5. Developing marketing materials and/or web content 6. Establishing and maintaining effective relations with varied stakeholders and experts throughout the region and province. 7. Work in partnership with IHA, City of Castlegar, RDCK Area I and J, Chamber of Commerce/Visitors Centre media and communications plan Job Requirements: Desired Qualifications: a) Experience and/or education in communications, public relations, sales/marketing, business, community development, human relations or related discipline. b) Excellent interpersonal and communication skills (verbal and written). c) Excellent time management and organizational skills. d) Ability and desire to work with local Physicians. e) Ability to travel to conferences within Canada and the USA f) Strong business and internet related computer skills. (Social media skills a definite asset). g) Successful in management of budgets Compensation: Compensation is competitive and is commensurate with experience on a contractual basis. Hours of work will be based on 8 – 10 per/week. This a one year contract with extension subject to review. Job Posting Closes: March 17th, 2014, 4:30 P.M. PST To respond to this Ad, please submit your resume and a cover letter to by the closing date. (The Castlegar Physicians Recruitment Committee will only notify short listed candidates
Reporting to the Director, Operations, the Electrical Engineer will establish and manage compliant, reliable and cost effective electrical, protection and control systems in the hydroelectric operating facilities. The successful candidate will retain expert knowledge of facility equipment and lead all planning for equipment maintenance and replacement, as well as provide equipment performance expectations to the facility operating and maintaining personnel through regular communication and periodic audits. The preferred candidate will have a Degree in Electrical Engineering with a Professional Engineering designation and a minimum of five years of experience managing equipment reliability in hydro power facilities. Demonstrated communication and project management skills, and the ability to interpret and analyze technical information are essential. Qualified applicants interested in joining a dynamic team are encouraged to visit the Careers section of our website at Closing date for this position is March 7, 2014. Please refer to Job #1402 when submitting your application.
Castlegar Veterinary Hospital KENNEL ASSISTANT
Real Estate 2005 SRI Double Wide MODULAR HOME 24x44 in Triangle Gardens. 45 years and up. Vaulted ceiling, open plan, bay window, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, pantry, low maintenance, gas heat, air conditioning, 5 appl’s, UGS, landscaped, covered deck & carport, other features, must see. 250-442-8676 5 Bed 3 bath home In a quite neighborhood in Castlegar. This home offers a gourmet kitchen Japanese cherry wood flooring, generous room sizes, Luxurious bathrooms, efficient heating and cooling this is an opportunity you will not want to miss $384,900. Call Lev at Valhalla Path Realty 250-3548443 Last 2 Brand New Adult Homes on Merry Creek Road Beautiful 2 bedroom 2 bathroom, half duplexes available in central Castlegar Starting at $309,000
Shared Accommodation TRAIL, 1 Bdrm $395/month, near shopping & bus, quiet person. Share kitchen, dishes, utilities, 2bths. 250-368-6075
Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!
Cars - Domestic
2001 Subaru Impreza, 4dr hatch back, 2.2Lt., auto, 4 wheel dr, brand new ice & snow tires, 230,000km, $4,100/obo. 250-442-0122 or 250-493-1807.
2002 Oldsmobile Alero, 4cy, 5sp manual, 2 dr coop, 107,000 original km, runs and looks like new. Car is in Grand Forks. Driven daily. $3,499. 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807.
Auto Financing Cars - Sports & Imports
1992 Golf Volks Wagon, 4 dr hatch back, 5 sp, new tires, new exhaust, runs excellent. $999./obo. 250-442-0122 or 250-493-1807. 2002 Nissans, 4cyl 2.5 & 1.8, Altima 187,000km & Sentra, auto & 5 speed, both 4dr and new snow tires. $2,500 & $4,900. 250-442-0122 or 250493-1807. Run and look excellent. Sentra one owner, non smoker, 5 speed. Grand Forks 2005 MAZDA 5, Red, 187,000kms. Loaded. Mounted snows. $7,450. 250-3641940
TRAIL (Sunningdale) 2bd., 1bth., basement, large carport, patio, workshop. Close to amenties. $184,900. 250-3641940
Mobile Homes & Parks autocredit 911
WANTED: Trailer Park in Nelson area. Have 18 suite apartment best location in Regina or will buy you park outright. Perry 1 306 525-2215
Trucks & Vans
Rent To Own
1987 Dodge Dakota, reg cab, long box, auto, V6, one owner, 169,000km, very clean, canopy, 2 wheel drive, $1,800/obo. 250-442-0122 or 250-4931807. Grand Forks
Rent to Own If you have a small down payment I have a nice home for you. Less then perfect credit OK call Jessica @ 250 505-7420
2007 Green F-150 Crew Cab 4x4, 5.4 litre (gas) Tow package, seats 6 c/w fold up concole, 6 foot box 143,000 km, asking $14,000 Call 250-365-5501
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Career opportunities
We are a growing 1 doctor practice that specializes in providing high quality and compassionate care for our patients. We recognize the importance of the relationship between humans and animals and see our clients and patients as extended family. The right candidate will be responsible, highly motivated, team orientated, able to take direction, personable and great with animals.
ANALYST, SECTOR INITIATIVES This position researches and analyses various issues and provides analytical support to programs, initiatives and other responsibilities of the Sector Initiatives department. This is a 14-month, full-time position, preferably based out of either our Castlegar or Golden office.
The kennel assistant provides care and the basic needs of animals that are patients of our hospital or boarding; this includes walking, feeding, medicating and giving tender loving care. This position also includes ensuring that the hospital is as clean as a hospital should be at all times. We place a premium on individual care for each patient.
Apply by March 14, 2014.
We offer competitive wages, as well as an excellent training program with team support. Hours will include evening, weekend and STAT holiday shifts.
This position provides systems and application support for the Trust’s core business applications, including the Information Management System and public and private websites. This is a permanent, full-time position based out of our Castlegar office.
If you would like to work in our veterinary hospital and share our philosophy, please send or drop off a cover letter and resume to:
Resumes without cover letters will not be considered.
Homes for Rent Grand Forks. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 5 appl’s. NS, complete reno. Rural, quiet, 1km from downtown. References required. $750/m+utils. 250-442-7476. Grand Forks rural trailer, valley view, mature couple, N/S, no partying. $500/m 250-5121268.
Lindmar Development Ltd. Quality Adult Homes Ron Smithers: 250-365-4823 Licensed Home Warranty Builder
Are you looking for a new and exciting opportunity with continual opportunities to learn? Castlegar Veterinary Hospital is the place for you. We are seeking a dedicated, enthusiastic professional to join our team as a kennel assistant.
Castlegar Veterinary Hospital 4340 Minto Road, Castlegar BC V1N 4B3 Attn: Rachel Shkuratoff Or email cover letter and resume to
SELKIRK MANOR CEDAR MANOR 1 & 2 Bedroom Apt Call 250-304-3026 250-365-3034
Apply by March 21, 2014. 1.800.505.8998
Connect with us
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Thursday, February 27, 2014 Castlegar News
cing sale is our way of saying thank you for s and we look forward to serving you in e challenging economic times we portant we continue to serve e real value, real price e & Appliances has nce 1976.
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_SECTIONAL _ _ _ _
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_ _CHEST _ _ _
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_ _ _ _ _ 6 _ PIECE _ _ SUITE _ _
Queen headboard/footboard/rails, dresser, mirror & 1 night stand
$_ _ _ _ _ 699
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Finally a mattress that was built, layer-by-layer, with the highest levels of support and comfort in mind. GelTouch Layer provide pressure relief and additional support for cool, comfortable sleep.
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Ultra Deluxe Massage Lounger Features 4 floating massage heads to replicate the feel of human hands. SAVE
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FUTON _ _ &_ FRAME _ _
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With pocket coil mattress
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1919 Columbia Ave. Castlegar
Mon. - Thurs. 9 am - 6 pm Fri. 9 am - 8 pm Sat. 9 am - 6 pm • Sun. 11 am - 5 pm Visit us online at