Thursday, February 27, 2014 ▼ Volume 50 No. 9 ▼ www.clearwatertimes.com ▼ $1.35 Includes GST
Second Place Best All Round Newspaper Third Place Best Editorial Page All of Canada <1,250 circulation 2013
Distracted driving campaign goes undercover. See page A9 inside.
Second Place General Excellence B.C. and Yukon <2,000 circulation 2013
Blue River hosts crosscountry ski races (L-r) Ruth Macdonald of Blue River Elementary, Cleo Coates of Raft River Elementary, Michaela Nesterski of Blue River, and Sienna Foster-Henderson of Raft River compete in the Grade 1 Girls race during a cross-country ski race day held at Blue River on Thursday, Feb. 20. Students from Vavenby Primary and Raft River Elementary also took part. For more photos, see pages A10 and A11 inside. Results are on page A13. Photo by Keith McNeill
Atco Energy Solutions partners with Simpcw First Nation CALGARY – Atco Energy Solutions announced Feb. 20 that it has signed a relationship agreement with the Simpcw First Nation in the North Thompson and Robson Valley region of B.C. that will see the two parties jointly pursue a number of sustainable business opportunities related to energy infrastructure development. “We look forward to working with the Simpcw on several projects within their territory,” said Patrick Creaghan, president, Atco Energy Solutions. “We are confident that Atco Energy Solutions’ expertise in non-regulated energy infrastructure will contribute to creating a mutually successful partnership.” This agreement builds on Atco’s more than 30-year history of partnering with Indigenous communities and Atco Energy
Solutions will draw upon the existing expertise of Atco’s various business lines in the areas of electricity infrastructure, power generation, workforce accommodation and pipeline solutions. By partnering with Atco, the Simpcw will be able to further its strategic goal of creating a strong future for its members. “Together with Atco, we are encouraged by the opportunities that our people will benefit from as energy projects are developed within our territory,” said Chief Rita Matthew, Simpcw First Nation. “This agreement is designed to establish and foster a positive working relationship based on mutual trust, respect and common interests.” Atco Energy Solutions builds, owns and operates non-regulated energy and water-related infrastructure. The com-
pany offers industrial water infrastructure solutions; natural gas gathering, processing and storage and natural gas liquids extraction, transportation and services to the energy industry. To learn more visit www.Atcoenergysolutions.com. Atco Energy Solutions is part of the Atco Group of Companies. Atco Group, with more than 9,800 employees and assets of approximately $16 billion, delivers service excellence and innovative business solutions worldwide with leading companies engaged in structures and logistics (manufacturing, logistics and noise abatement), utilities (pipelines, natural gas and electricity transmission and distribution), energy (power generation, natural gas gathering, processing, storage and liquids extraction) and technologies (business systems solutions).
Simpcw First Nation Chief Rita Matthew (r) and Atco Energy Solutions president Patrick Creaghan sign a relationship agreement in Chu Chua on Feb. 12. The agreement will see the two parties jointly pursue a number of sustainable business solutions. Photo by Jill Hayward
A2 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 27, 2014 Clearwater Times
Trail ride in May to help Children's Wish Foundation Times Staff Wells Grey Riders Association of Clearwater and area will host a Children's Wish Trail Ride this year. This summer will mark the 18th anniversary of the provincial Children's Wish Trail Ride. The ride has raised more than $1 million for the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada – BC and Yukon Chapter.. The late Walter White and a dedicated group of volunteers started the Wish Trail Ride, growing the event year after year. The concept was simple: collect pledges in support of Children's Wish and enjoy time out on the trails. Through Walter's vision and the hard work of countless volunteers, the ride has grown into a multi-province event, also running in Alberta. “My dad's passions were horses and Children's Wish and I want to continue this dream for him,” says Irene White, Walter's daughter. “This ride is a unique opportunity to connect two groups – the equestrian community and families with children facing difficult medical challenges. Simply by enjoying time with your four-legged friend and asking for donations, you can help us provide a heartfelt wish to child in need of renewed hope,” says Jennifer Petersen, chapter director of the Children's Wish Foundation – BC and Yukon Chapter.
Each year, thousands of Canadian children between the ages of three and 17 are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. Since 1984, the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada has worked tirelessly to grant exceptional wishes to more than 20,000 children and their families. This year, the foundation expects to grant over 1,000 new wishes and is proud to have never refused a wish to an eligible child. Each wish is an individual adventure, carefully structured to meet the needs of a particular child and family. The foundation is a national charity with chapters in every province and territory. Visit www.childrenswish.ca for more information. Wells Grey Riders Association's ride will be on Saturday, May 31 at Candle Creek Ski Trails (at the end of Barber Road in Clearwater). Registration will be at 10 a.m. with the ride starting at 11 a.m. The route will follow some of the ski trails and then onto ridges and some logged areas with great views. Bring your cameras. The ride should last two to three hours with a barbeque after. There will be prizes for riders that raise pledges. Children's Wish is seeking volunteers, participants, donors and sponsors. Those interested are asked to contact Bill Dowds at 250-674-4083 or email hazeldowds@hotmail. com.
Tax Tip$
for Canadians over 50 Income split and save: Seniors are allowed to split up to half of their eligible pension income with a spouse or common-law partner. Income splitting allows some seniors to enjoy a significant tax reduction. In the situation where the lower-income spouse has very little income, the tax savings are substantial.
Get your benefits: Any senior receiving Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) through Old Age Security should file on time to ensure their benefits continue uninterrupted.
Transfer amounts: If your spouse is unable to completely offset his or her age amount, pension income and disability amount against tax payable, he or she may transfer the unused portion to your return.
Caregiver amount:
If you live with your children and you are over 65, they may be able to claim a caregiver amount for you if your income is less than $19,435.
Foreign pension income: Pensions from foreign countries may be subject to special tax
treatment under the terms of a tax treaty. Always check with a tax professional to find out if the pension you receive from a foreign source is taxable in Canada.
Split your CPP and save: You may be able to split part of your CPP retirement benefits with
your spouse depending on how long you lived together when you were contributing to the plan. This is an advantage if one senior is in a higher tax bracket than the other. However, to do so, you must apply to Human Resources & Social Development Canada using Form ISP-1002. It cannot be done at the time of tax preparation.
Medical expenses can add up: If you purchase medical insurance for a trip or wintering in
another country, it is considered a medical expense. Medical expenses are calculated based on income so the lower income spouse should claim them. And if you have to travel to obtain medical treatment that was not available where you live, you may be able to claim the cost of transportation, meals and accommodation.
A tax professional at H&R Block can talk about other credits and deductions that may affect you.
30 Young Road Address Open 9-6 weekdays, 9-5 Saturdays City Phone: 250-674-2360 Phone DEBIT MACHINE-MASTERCARD-VISA Appointments not necessary
Terry Grant
Man Tracker event planned for near Wells Gray Park Keith McNeill Wells Gray Riders Association has tracked down some sharp-eyed talent for its first annual Man Tracker Invitational. Terry Grant, the original star of the TV series “Mantracker”, will be the special guest for the event. Although Grant likely will not be directly taking part in the three-day event, he will be giving workshops on tracking and helping to oversee things, said Candus Graffunder, one of the organizers. Organizers hope to have 12 teams compete in a round-robin format, she said. Unlike the chases in the television series, which can last several days, those in the Wells Gray Riders' event will only last a few hours each. They will even be staged in such a way that the trackers and the “prey” will have to pass close to a viewing area, so that spectators will be able to watch some of the action. The first annual Wells Gray Man Tracker Invitational will take place at Nakiska Ranch, July 25 – 27.
Melted water-line slows house-fire Times Staff Clearwater Volunteer Fire Department reports that at approximately 1:40 a.m. Friday, Feb. 21, the department was called to a structure fire at a residence on Dutch Lake Rd. in Clearwater. Upon arrival, crews found smoke coming from the basement of the residence. While search-
ing the building, firefighters found fire in the utility room. The blaze was already partially extinguished from a plastic waterline in the ceiling that had melted from the flame or heat. The water-line acted like a sprinkler to contain the fire to the room of origin. There were no injuries and cause of the fire is still under investigation.
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Clearwater Times Thursday, February 27, 2014
www.clearwatertimes.com A3
ESS team practises for local evacuation Submitted The Clearwater Emergency Support Services team held a reception centre operations exercise recently in the newly renovated Vavenby Community Hall. The ESS team was supported by a number of interested residents from Vavenby who took their Saturday morning to come and learn more about the program. ESS teams assist people who are evacuated from their residences due to a fire, flood, hazardous waste spill or other calamity. The 2 1/2 hour exercise was intended to allow the ESS team to set up in the hall and assess it as an RC should a local evacuation occur. This operations plan will include a floor plan for the stations required, a review of the rooms and how they can be used, and a list of the resources on hand, among other things. This is part of the CESS program to create RC operations plans for a number of facilities in communities from Blackpool to Blue River.
Reception centres are activated to receive large numbers of people displaced during evacuations. The evacuees are registered and their needs addressed. ESS provides food, clothing and shelter for 72 hours. This is to give people displaced from their homes a chance to collect themselves and start recovering from their ordeal. Level 1 teams are two-person teams that respond directly to house fires or other small evacuations to assist those individuals. In the past year, Clearwater ESS Level 1 teams responded to two house fires in the community (one on the Flats and the other in Sunshine Valley) and provided assistance to those families. The Clearwater ESS team has about 15 active members. It meets on the second Wednesday of every month at the TNRD Clearwater Library. Meetings start at 5 p.m. and end promptly at 6 p.m. For further information, feel free to contact Grant Gale (250674-3112) or Cheryl Thomas (250-674-2680).
(L-r) Barb Hall, Laura Soles and Doug Bailey participate in the debriefing following the Clearwater Emergency Support Services' recent exercise at Vavenby Community Hall. The exercise was held to develop an operations plan for the hall should it be needed as a registration centre for people evacuated during an emergency. Soles is the operations section chief for Clearwater Emergency Support Services. Photo submitted
Blue River to get help with wildfire risk Times Staff During their Feb. 20 board meeting, Thompson-Nicola Regional District directors approved an application to the Union of BC Municipalities for a grant applicable to prescription development and operational works to reduce the wildfire risk for Blue River. Similar applications were approved for Machete Lake, Brennan Creek, and Johnson Lake. The grants could potentially benefit the communities by obtaining and implementing fuel management prescriptions and operations while allowing the Wildfire Management Branch to assist in implementation, thus reducing wildfire risk in the communities. Gas tax funding Several electoral areas, including Electoral Area “O” (Lower North Thompson), contributed money from the federal Gas Tax revenues — Community Works Fund towards an $8,000 boiler upgrade at the Agriplex in Barriere. An additional $2,000 from federal Gas Tax revenues — Community Works Fund will be allocated to Electoral Area “A” (Wells Gray Country).
The money will used to upgrade the overhead heaters and lighting fixtures at the Blackpool Firehall. This will be in addition to the overhead heater replacement project that was approved by the TNRD board in November, 2013. Support for Little Fort Upper Hall renovations Little Fort Recreation Society requested and will receive a letter of support from the TNRD to be included in its application for a grant from the North Thompson Communities Foundation. Should the grant be provided, the funds would support renovations to the Upper Hall’s kitchen.
What’s Happening www.districtofclearwater.com
WHAT’S HAPPENING Seniors Monthly Lunch The next monthly Seniors Lunch will be at the Elks Hall on March 11, 2014 from 11:30am – 2:00pm. A lunch of soup and sandwiches will be served and guest speakers will be in attendance to discuss living with arthritis, understanding medications and information on seniors and taxes. This monthly luncheon is at No Charge. If you require a bus to take you to the event please call Yellowhead Community Services at 250.674.2600 or 250.674.3695to book a spot on the bus. When booking please ensure you tell them it’s for the Seniors Luncheon.
Board of directors remuneration The board of directors remuneration bylaw was given three readings before being adopted. Housekeeping changes were made to the bylaw to provide clarification. Some changes were also made to the amounts to be paid to alternate directors for meetings they attend, to bring the amounts in line with calculated per meeting rates for 2014. There were no changes in indemnity amounts from the previous remuneration bylaw.
Clearwater Fire Department The Clearwater Volunteer Fire Department is doing ongoing recruitment of new members, no experience is necessary, training is provided by the department. This could be your chance to help your community, your neighbours, and your family! Training night is Thursdays at 7:00pm at the Firehall. Your ability can be matched to various functions of the Fire Department; why not go out and see what it’s all about.
Times is BCYCNA finalist again TIMES STAFF BC and Yukon Community Newspaper Association has picked the Clearwater-North Thompson Times as a finalist in the General Excellence competition for Category A (under 2,000 circulation). This is the 10th time the Times has been a top-three finalist in gen-
eral excellence with BCYCNA during the 16 years that Black Press has owned the newspaper. It won first place for general excellence from BCYCNA in 2006 and 2010. Last year the Times came second. Other top-three finalist this year are the Kitimat Northern Sentinel and last year's winner, the Lillooet/Bridge River News.
Winners will be announced during the Ma Murray awards
gala at the River Rock Casino in Richmond on Saturday, April 26.
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Community Recreation Programs Zumba with Lisa Tuesdays 6:30pm ongoing until March 11 – Drop Ins welcome - $8 Zumba with Eleanor – Thursdays 11:30am until March 13 – Drop Ins welcome -$7 Indoor Walking – FREE – Wednesdays 6:45am at Councillor Shelley Sim - Ongoing Community Volleyball – Tuesdays – 7:30-9:00pm until April 8(except March 18) Community Basketball – Fridays – 7:00-8:30pm February 28 – April 11 Indoor Family Tennis – Thursdays – 6:00-7:00pm - March 6 – April 10 Community Indoor Soccer – Thursday – 7:30-9:00pm M arch 6 – April 10 *NEW* Senior Sit and Be Fit – Mar. 5 - Apr.16, 10:30-11:15 at Evergreen Acres Call Eleanor for more information on these and other programs at 250.674.1878 or register at the District office.
February 21 - 23 After Hours Theatre – This Weekend Presents “Money to Burn” –February 27-March 1. It’s business as usual for usual for Wilson and Associates. One liners and wise crack race at breakneck speed as the girls realize they can’t buy their way out of this one. For more information and tickets call the Community Resource Centre – 250.674.3530 Road Maintenance Contacts District of Clearwater Municipal Roads - 250.674.8776 Agro Highway Maintenance - 1.800.661.2025. Upcoming Events March 3, 2014 - Clearwater & District Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting -7:00pm
Personal & Business tax & corporate Personal tax returnsyear-end reporting Small business review & planning Business tax & corporate year-end service reporting SmallEstate business review & planning & retirement planningservice Estate & retirement planning Bookkeeping services Bookkeeping services -----------------------------------------------343 Clearwater Valley Road (TNT Building), Clearwater 343 Clearwater Valley Road (TNT Building), Clearwater Monday Monday- Thursday - Thursday8:30 8:30––12:30 12:30&&1:30 1:30 ––4:30 4:30 Also evenings and weekends by appointment -----------------------------------------------Phone: 250 674 2442 info@joanneovenden.ca Phone: 250 674 2442 www.joanneovenden.ca
Email: info@joanneovenden.ca
Upcoming Meetings of Council March 4th, 2014 – Economic Development Committee meeting - 5:00pm March 4th, 2014 - Regular Council meeting – 7:00pm March 25th, 2014 – Infrastructure Committee meeting – 5:00pm March 25th, 2014 – Regular Council Meeting – 7:00pm
Civic address: 132 Station Road Box 157, Clearwater,B.C. V0E 1N0 Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 District Office Ph: 250-674-2257 • Fax: 250-674-2173 email address: admin@districtofclearwater.com
DISTRICT OF CLEARWATER www.districtofclearwater.com
A4 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 27, 2014 Clearwater Times
“ Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there.” - A.A. Milne, writer editorial by keith mcneill
Schools cross-country ski programs are worthwhile
Chambers seeking new members for its board Editor, The Times:
Clearwater and District Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual general meeting on Monday, March 3 at the Community Resource Centre at 7 p.m. We are asking business people to nominate other business owners to our board of directors or to submit their own names if interested in a position on the Chamber board. Your Chamber needs business people to help keep the Chamber viable and successful. We work with the District of Clearwater and various other decision makers and need to maintain a strong business voice in the valley. Directors meetings are usually
BC Press Council
held once a month on a Monday evenings and at least four general meetings are included during the year. If you have any questions or wish to have your name on the Nomination List, please contact the nominating committee: Jeff Lamond, jeff@rootedbytheriver.ca; Ron Plamondon, Plamondon.r@gmail.com, Anne (Goldie) Krawec, krawec@mercuryspeed.com; the Chamber office, manager@clearwaterbcchamber. com. We invite you to visit our new revised Chamber website at www. clearwaterbcchamber.com
Goldie Krawec and Cheryl Thomas Clearwater and District Chamber of Commerce
The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, 210 Selby St, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2R2 For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org
Times THE
www.clearwatertimes.com Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council
We don't want to give the people on Raft River Elementary School's parents advisory committee swollen heads but we have to praise them again. About a month ago we praised the PAC for its success in winning $120,000 from the Aviva community fund for an intermediate-age playground at the school. This time the praise is for providing crosscountry skis and other equipment so every child in the school can learn to ski. Wells Gray Outdoor Club has been track-setting routes on a field provided by a neighbour. As a result, the students include crosscountry skiing as part of their regular physical education curriculum. And it's paying off. During the annual crosscountry ski races held last Thursday in Blue River, many of the students displayed good technique as they went around the course. They had a good idea about what they were
supposed to be doing and they were having fun doing it. Cross-country skiing is a lifetime sport. You can do it when you are 90 years old ... and if you keep doing it, there is a good chance you will make it to 90, and be fit enough to enjoy doing it at that age. It is a sport for everyone. It doesn't take a lot of money to participate (as the PAC has demonstrated) and you can work at it as hard or as gently as you like. Cross-country skiing gets a person out in the fresh air and sunshine during winter – a time when, otherwise, one tends to spend too much time indoors. It relieves stress, strengthens the heart, reduces blood pressure, and gives a person a more cheery disposition. If it were a pill, cross-country skiing would probably require a prescription – or be illegal. Congratulations once again to the Raft River PAC (and the other PACs in the Valley) for bringing the sport to our young people.
Union warns of rural post office cutbacks Editor, The Times:
Rural post offices are once again under threat. The Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association (CPAA), is the bargaining agent that represents over 7,800 permanent employees and 2,400 temporary employees of Canada Post Corporation. Our bargaining unit consists of 95 per cent women who work in rural post offices, communities where meaningful employment opportunities are few. Canada Post is making drastic cuts to our rural offices. They are cutting hours of service to communities by closing over lunch hours, opening later and closing earlier, and discontinuing Saturday service. Often our members work short-staffed. Canada Post claims these cuts are necessary
due to the dire financial state they are in. The fact, though, is that for the past 18 years Canada Post has recorded a profit in every year but one — 2011. In 2012 they recorded a profit of $98 million. Canada Post is mandated to provide universal service to all to Canadians regardless of where they live. Rural Canadians value their post office as an important means of staying connected with the rest of the country. Post offices contribute to Canada's social cohesion as well as often being the only federal presence in their town and sometimes for several miles around it. CPAA believes that maintaining universal postal service across Canada is essential to the survival of rural communities and that Canada Post Corporation has a public
policy obligation to serve every Canadian address, including those in rural areas. We know that rural Canadians rely on their postal service. Should rural Canadians be expected to tolerate a reduced level of postal service? Canada Post is making drastic cuts to rural post offices across the country and rural post offices should be the last place that Canada Post looks to reduce their costs. What can you do? Please contact your MP; your MLA; the federal Minister Responsible for Canada Post, Lisa Raitt and Canada Post Corporation at 1-800-2671177 and insist that they stop the steady erosion of our Canadian Postal Service.
Carolyn Elliott, vice president CPAA BC & Yukon Branch
74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email: newsroom@clearwatertimes.com www.clearwatertimes.com
Subscribe to the Times
Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
In Town / Out of Town Rates 1 year $57.75; 2 years $110.25 Prices include GST
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 27, 2014
www.clearwatertimes.com A5
Grizzly hunt isn’t going away in B.C. VICTORIA – A little-noticed protest tent sprouted up on the rain-soaked B.C. legislature grounds earlier this month. Green Party MLA Andrew Weaver spoke, asking whether B.C. residents would tolerate trophy hunting of killer whales. That would be a federal matter, but the point is vividly made about the onset of B.C.’s traditional spring grizzly bear hunt. It’s bigger this year, with Kootenay and Chilcotin wildlife management regions reopened after closures were enacted to preserve grizzly populations. In all, more than 1,000 grizzly bears are up for grabs. As with limited-entry hunts for deer and other animals, only about a third of those hunts are successful in an average year. The rally was sponsored by the Coastal First Nations Great Bear Initiative, the partnership with U.S.-directed environment groups Sierra Club, Greenpeace and ForestEthics that has become so influential in B.C. affairs. It produced a survey showing that 88 per cent of B.C. residents oppose trophy hunting, and its California experts calculate a 10-fold increase in
and $1,030 for a chance at a grizzly. Hunting in general is making a comeback in B.C. Ministry data show hunting licenses had declined to 85,633 in 2006, but recovered to reach 97,828 by 2013. Thomson credits the work of the B.C. Wildlife Federation, which runs hunter training courses. Another program, Becoming an Outdoor Woman, has helped revive hunting and camping as a family activity, he said. Growing up hunting in northeastern B.C., I was taught not to shoot anything I’m not prepared to eat. I also remember the struggles to protect caribou and other endangered prey species that at one time had B.C. biologists resorting to shooting wolves from helicopters. The reopening of grizzly bear territories is marketed to urban residents as a horrible crime against nature. In fact, it’s a sign of increasing population. Problems in B.C. wildlife these days include the fragile mountain caribou herds of the Kootenays, which have been subject to intensive management including relocation of animals.
value when bear hunting gives way to bear watching. The Raincoast Conservation Society has bought up half a dozen guiding territories on the remote B.C. coast. Combined with government restrictions, more than half the coast is now off limits to bear hunting. Naturally, activists want the whole province shut down. Wildlife management is the responsibility of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson. He’s heard plenty from all sides and he maintains that bear watching and bear hunting will continue to coexist in B.C. Thomson has just introduced legislation to permit hunting guide territories to be operated by corporations as well as individuals. This is a long-sought change, allowing First Nations companies and others access to bank loans to expand the industry. Non-resident hunters are required to hire a licensed guide-outfitter. Resident hunters pay $32 for a one-year hunting licence and $80 for a grizzly bear tag. Non-Canadians pay $180 for the licence
The ministry has also begun a five-year study of declining moose populations across a vast area of the Interior subject to salvage logging in the wake of the pine beetle epidemic. Vancouver media recently highlighted a grizzly hunt by NHL journeyman Clayton Stoner. Typically, U.S. enviros promoted the deceased bear by name, “Cheeky,” and photos showed its carcass stripped to the skeleton by scavengers after Stoner left with the hide, paws and head. They don’t mention that the same fate awaits animals that die of starvation or other natural causes, which increase when animals overpopulate. As with many B.C. issues, there’s a cartoon version sold to impressionable city dwellers, and then there’s the truth. – Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @ tomfletcherbc Email: tfletcher@blackpress. ca
Clearwater student plans concert to her travel to India for development projects Editor, The Times:
For those of you who are unaware, my name is Zoe Ovenden and in June 2014 I plan on travelling to India on a volunteer trip to help communities with development projects. As my last fundraiser, an Indian dinner located at my house, was a great success, I will be holding a benefit concert, as promised in my last article. The event will be located in the Clearwater Secondary School’s Pit on March 8 at 6:30 p.m. Throughout the eve-
ning different musicians and bands from around the community will play such as 'In the Mix’, Lloyd Bishop, Andy Leese, and Mike Woodman. Along with great music there will be a silent auction. Entry will be $12 minimum donation and $8 for students of Raft River or CSS. The entry
Zoe Ovenden
The words we should use Editor, The Times:
A study from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives shows that Canada's 100 best-paid CEOs breezed through year 2012 with earnings near 271 times higher than the average Canadian worker - $7.96 million compared to $46,634. I think there is no word to fully express my feelings towards this. Some words, though, easily come to my mind to express the reasons behind such discrepancies: selfishness, contempt, cynicism, corruption, abuse
and patronage. And if we want to push deeper, they are: political parties financing, lobbying, propaganda, media concentration, diversion of democracy and lack of democracy. An increasing num-
ber of Canadians must realize that only an equal sharing of powers – which would mean real democracy – would lead us towards an equal wealth sharing.
Bruno Marquis Gatineau, QC
It’s not what you earn, it’s what you keep
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cost includes one free slice of a scrumptious dessert and one delicious free drink! There will be other snacks and drinks for sale at a concession. Please come and enjoy a wonderful evening out with friends and family and help make this dream come true for me and the ones in need.
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Zoe Ovenden Clearwater, B.C.
Meditation goes back thousands of years to Buddhist India. It is practiced today in Canada and one doctor studied the effect of meditation on high blood pressure. He taught a group of people to include yoga and meditation in their daily routine. Although his results didn’t show any lowering of blood pressure, the participants noted that it helped them relax and live with less stress. That’s a good outcome. In moving a baby from the bottle or breast to a cup, sippy cups are often used and work well. But, they shouldn’t be overused. Allowing the child to drink all day from the cup filled with sugary drinks allows sugar to stay in the mouth longer, increasing the risk of dental decay. Used too often can possibly alter the position of the teeth. By the time the child is 2-3 years old, the sippy cup should be gone. There is a link between the amount of alcohol a person drinks daily and the risk of getting certain types of cancers. The more you drink (wine, beer or spirits), the greater your risk of liver, mouth, colon and breast cancer. The risk of other cancers also rises. Bad breath is something that happens to others. But if it does happen to you, check your oral hygiene. Brush your teeth and tongue after eating. Floss well and least once daily. Dry mouth can contribute to bad breath so drink plenty of water. And if you are a smoker, quit. For advice on treating dry mouth, special dental aids or mouthwashes, talk to our pharmacy staff. We’d be glad to help.
PHARMASAVE Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-5
CLEARWATER, 250-674-3122
A6 www.clearwatertimes.com
Forty-two SnoDrifters took a Sunday snowmobile ride to Helmcken Falls to see the 150-foot ice cone. Clearwater Curling Club was advertising a Season Windup Bonspiel Feb 20 – 23. Entry fee was $2. Icy road conditions caused several nosedives into the ditch. The highway was ice from McMurphy to Barriere. Several slides had been cleared from the Camp Mahood Road, where a number of logging trucks were hauling.
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Star Lake Elementary School held its Western Night with a large crowd of pupils and parents attending the fun event.
HISTORICAL Perspective
Clearwater Improvement District received a letter from Clearwater Business Association asking for support in its bid for a preliminary study into incorporation. Chairman Jack Foote said the CID had been busy and had not been able to pursue the request. He added that incorporation had not been feasible two years earlier. Steel for the Sportsplex had arrived and construction was expected to commence soon.
Thursday, February 27, 2014 Clearwater Times
IWA members at Weyerhaeuser-Vavenby honoured picket lines set up by pulp union
BACK IN TIME workers at the sawmill. Several companies were seeking a cease and desist order to stop the secondary picketing. Local union members were said to be unhappy with the situation, and not willing to stay off their jobs for long. Lois Moss talked about the history of Guiding in the area with Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders, parents and leaders at the local Girl Guides' Thinking Day. A crowd of over 500 watched as Clearwater Senior Raiders boys basketball team won the Okanagan Championships, defeating Barriere Cougars in the final game 88-50. Balkar Khangura was the most valuable player. B.C. Hydro moved
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into its Clearwater operation into new offices on Hydro Road.
Clearwater was over-represented at the B.C. Winter Games in Nelson. Teams brought home bronze medals in hockey and boys volleyball. Earl Harrison won a gold in boxing.
Wayne Zral, owner of 52 Ridge RV Park, applied for a zoning change to allow construction of a restaurant, pub, museum and small gift shop. Shooters from Central North Thompson Rod and Gun Club were practicing for a shootout with Clearwater RCMP Detachment. Proceeds were to go towards a new highway rescue van.
The most dramatic local impact of the B.C. Parks Legacy Panel report would be if the government accepted a recommendation to increase park budgets, said Helen Knight. “That would mean more rangers, more park services, more interpretative services, “said the Blackpool resident, a member of the panel. A meeting of about two dozen people gave strong support to a school of arts and crafts for Clearwater proposed by Dave Milton. B.C. Hydro announced that it was to close its Clearwater office as part of a province-wide centralization program.
A Clearwater stamp collector obtained a letter and
envelope written to Dr. John S. Helmcken by his son, James. The letter was mailed from Jedburgh, Scotland, to Victoria on Vancouver Island in 1874. School District 73 and Mike Wiegele Heli-Ski Lodge hosted the ninth crosscountry ski race event in Blue River. About 35 students from Raft River School and Vavenby School joined 13 Blue River students in the fun event.
Some Clearwater residents using Telus Internet were without service for up to a day and a half. According to Telus spokesperson Shawn Hall, the company’s Internet equipment in the area failed, affecting about 500 customers. “It’s not clear what caused the equipment to fail in the first place, whether it was a power surge or what," Hall said. A technician was on-site within a short time and restored service to approximately 300 customers while the remaining 200 had to wait an extra day until a new card arrived from the Lower
Mainland. Wells Gray Outdoor Club’s fourth annual Raft Mountain Nordic Relay took place at Candle Creek cross-country ski trails. There were two routes: three laps of 5.6 km or three laps of 1.3 km. Skiers were free to classic ski or skate ski. Draft plans for Rotary Sports Park and Dutch Lake Beach Park contained many good ideas but needed to be refined before implemented. That was the response from Clearwater council members to a report from Stantec Consulting of Kelowna.
Clearwater council voted to award a $635,000 contract to construct five new dressing rooms at the Sportsplex to an Abbotsford company. TRU dean of science Tom Dickinson outlined plans for the proposed Wells Gray Wilderness Center to town council. It would accommodate 20 people, be entirely devoted to education, and would not compete with any existing business, he said.
BC SPCA hopes public will help neglected dogs seized in Clearwater Submitted Sixteen dogs seized from a property in Clearwater B.C. earlier this month are continuing their road to recovery, and the BC SPCA is hoping the public can help them have a good start to a better future. The Kelowna and Penticton Branches of the BC SPCA are continuing to work with the badly neglected canines
through a rehabilitation program that focuses on medical care, emotional welfare development and socialization, but veterinary costs have escalated, as many of the dogs need more extensive medical treatment than initially identified. “Sadly, many of the dogs require intensive dental medical treatment as well as other surgeries – most have now been
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spayed or neutered,” says Suzanne Pugh, manager, Kelowna Branch, BC SPCA. “One dog is recovering from a five-hour surgery where several masses were removed, samples have been sent away for diagnosis and extensive dental work was carried out. Another has a heart condition requiring further monitoring.” The dogs, mostly standard poodle and golden retriever crosses, had been living in unacceptable and neglectful conditions when seized by SPCA constables. Two horses in distress were also removed from the property and three deceased animals were found on the site. The dogs are being placed in foster care
so that BC SPCA staff and volunteers can continue to monitor their medical and emotional conditions. “We hope to have the dogs in foster care for a short time and then place them up for adoption once they are ready,” Pugh says. The BC SPCA is a non-profit organization that relies on the public’s generosity to carry out its mission. If you can help these dogs and other animals like them in need at the Kelowna and Penticton BC SPCA shelters, donations will be gratefully received online at spca.bc.ca/kelowna and spca.bc.ca/penticton or in person, at 3785 Casorso Rd., Kelowna and at 2200 Dartmouth Drive, Penticton.
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 27, 2014
www.clearwatertimes.com A7
4-H Speech Night
Jessica Rotzetter displays the skills that won her the senior speech award as she gives an impromptu talk on how she would improve her community. Photo by Keith McNeill Members of the Rodeo Rednecks 4-H Club pose for a photo following their speech competition held Sunday, Feb. 23. Pictured are (back, l-r) Kaya Breda, Makayla Breda, Zandreya Richards, Jessica Rotzetter, Shaye Turcotte, Kaylee Hudema, Indigo Johnson, Keltie Arndt, (front, l-r) Owen Thon, Mia Thompson, Paige Weninger, Rose Thon, Haley Harris, Mackenzie Ross, Isabella Graffunder, and Hannah Kershaw. Senior speech winner was Jessica Rotzetter, while runner up was Indigo Johnson. Junior speech winner was Mackenzie Ross, while runner up was a tie between Rose Thon and Haley Harris. Judges were Penny Christenson, Isabell Hadford, Kevin Podbisky, and Tim Pennell. Photo submitted
“When you need us, we’re close by” When a death occurs, I’m here to help you, every step of the way. 24 hours a day, every day. If you have made pre-arrangements elsewhere and would like to discuss having your local funeral home take care of you, please feel free to call.
Clearwater council opposes ferry cutbacks in Bella Bella to allow for connection with the MV Nimpkish, which will provide service to Bella Coola. The Nimpkish does not have the capacity or onboard amenities of the Queen of Chilliwack, and so all booking requests might not be accommodated. BC Ferries has offered that, if unable to accommodate an existing booking request, the company will offer to move the
School District No. 73 Kamloops/Thompson
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 73 [KAMLOOPS/THOMPSON] will hold registration sessions for students entering kindergarten in September 2014 as follows:
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday March 4th, 5th & 6th 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, and 1:00 to 3:00 pm To be eligible for attendance in kindergarten in September 2014, a student must be five years of age by December 31, 2014. Please bring your child’s original birth certificate and Care Card with you when registering for kindergarten. Registration will be limited to students residing in the school/program catchment area. Please bring proof of residential address.
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District that asked that letters be written to the premier requesting she meet with local governments and First Nations to further discuss the issue. According to information from BC Ferries, the provincial government has confirmed that the Queen of Chilliwack service between Port Hardy and Bella Coola will be discontinued. However, the Inside Passage route will stop
A recent decision by the BC Ferries to cut back its ferry service to the central B.C. Coast did not sit well with Clearwater's town council. “I'm dismayed and discouraged,” said councillor Shelley Sim. “This will disrupt the entire tourism industry. They've announced it too late.” “The government says it supports tourism and small communities, but they don't.” Sim's concerns were echoed by other council members. “There's a lot of talk about LNG (liquified natural gas) but tourism harvests dollars from other countries without much impact,” said Merlin Blackwell. “It's sustainable. It will go on long after the last oil has passed through the pipeline.” The real harm coming from the decision and announcing it so late is that European tourism operators will no longer trust B.C., Blackwell felt.
Council voted unanimously to write a letter questioning the cutbacks. The discussion arose as the result of receiving two letters on the issue. One was from a special committee on BC Ferries set up by Union of BC Municipalities to research the recently announced cutbacks and fare increases. The second was from Skeena-Queen Charlotte Regional
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Thursday, February 27, 2014 Clearwater Times
Snowarama raises nearly Lieutenant Governor launches new community $3,500 for Easter Seal programs music program
VICTORIA – The Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, has launched a new program to promote music and community spirit across the province. "Sing Me A Song" is an opportunity for musical groups of all ages and genres to write and sing an original song in the lead up to Canada's 150th birthday celebrations in 2017. Groups are encouraged to write a song about what Canada's sesquicentennial means to them or their community. "Our country's 150th birthday is a time to reflect on our values and our accomplishments as Canadians," said Guichon. "This program is a chance to not only demonstrate community pride, but also to promote and profile some of the exceptional student and amateur musicians found throughout the province." Each entry will be reviewed by a panel of musicians from around the province and an award of $1,000 will be granted annually in each of three age categories. Whether it is a school or community choir or other amateur musical group, all submissions must have a minimum of 15 voices and musical accompaniment is welcome. Each song must be original content, no longer than five minutes in length, and be based on the Canada 150 themes. For younger age groups adults may assist in the creation of the musical content. Musicality, spirit, and originality are highly encouraged. For more information and to enter, visit www.ltgov.bc.ca. Entries for the 2014 competition are due by May 7.
Times Staff
Clearwater SnoDrifters' annual Snowarama ride on Sunday, Feb. 16, raised $3,405.60, club members report. Last year's total was about $2,000. The money is used to support Easter Seal Camps and Easter Seal Houses in B.C. Top money raised was by Jeff Ruttan, while second-place went to Larry Reiter (who also rode the oldest sled). Libby Toman won for both senior female rider and youngest Participants in Clearwater Sno-Drifters' annual Snowarama stop for a lunch break female rider. next to Grizzly Lake northwest of Clearwater. Photo submitted Senior male ride was Ralph Sunderman, uted to make the event a success. Clearwater while youngest male rider was Connor Dee. Elks provided the hall, while the Lions Club Most money raised by a rider 16 and under handled the paperwork and refreshments. Safety was by Mack Arndt. Mart, Jim's A&W, Aspen Auto Parts and the Many individuals and organizations contribClearwater Times also helped out.
Schools take part in Pink Shirt Day during this week Times Staff
Why should I attend Job Search Workshops?
Both Clearwater Secondary School and Raft River Elementary School are participating in Pink Shirt Day this week. “The entire staff
along with student leaders will be wearing pink shirts that day at school,” said CSS principal Darren Coates. Pink Shirt Day is officially on Wednesday, Feb. 26.
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The high school had its first semester recognition assembly that afternoon and Coates addressed the topic during the gathering. “We have had and are having some workshops for students that are directly related to this topic,” Coates added. The first was held Feb. 5 and involved BC Lions football players talking about bullying in their “Be More Than A Bystander” program. On Tuesday the school had a presentation on social media
Bayley’s Bistro STAND UP SPEAK OUT in the Brookfield Shopping Centre in Clearwater
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with speaker Jesse Miller (www.mediatedreality.com). Coming up, but with the date still undecided, will be a workshop in conjunction with Child Youth Mental Health called Safeteen. At Raft River Elementary, this whole week is being called Friendship Week, said principal Shaun McKenna. Each class is taking a different approach to talk about understanding and student differences. Students will be creating a leaf tree, with each leaf having some message to do with friendship. Students and staff will wear pink shirts on Thursday at Raft.
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Clearwater Times Thursday, February 27, 2014
www.clearwatertimes.com A9
Police go plain clothes to catch distracted drivers Keith McNeill Clearwater RCMP Traffic Services conducted an unconventional campaign against distracted drivers on Monday morning. Cpl. Bart Doerr, dressed in plain clothes and carrying a small backpack, stood in the center of the roundabout on Highway 5 in Clearwater and watched for drivers using cellphones or without their seatbelts done up. He was also seeking to educate drivers about the rules for using the roundabout, and enforcing the rules, if necessary. Two RCMP vehicles were parked nearby to stop violators after they had been identified by Doerr. “We have to do it this way,” the corporal said. “If people see a marked police car, they just drop their phones.” The unconventional campaign got results. After only about two hours, eight or nine drivers were stopped for seatbelt violations, and about three for driving while using a cellphone. Police across the province are targeting distracted driving this month, Doerr said. It is one of the major causes of collisions.
“When you're texting, you're so distracted it's as if you are seriously impaired,” he said. During the two hours, three vehicles tried to turn left into the roundabout, going the wrong way around it. One woman used some strong language when he tried to stop her, Doerr said. She was more polite after he identified himself as a police officer. People should slow down when they approach the roundabout, he said. They should yield to vehicles already in the roundabout. It is not necessary to signal when entering the roundabout, but it is necessary to signal when leaving it. People should not stop once in the roundabout, as they have the right-of-way. Going undercover at the roundabout proved to be an effective technique, Doerr felt. People paid him no notice and passed with five feet of him, talking on their cellphones or not wearing their seatbelts. The majority of people stopped were from out of town, but there were also a few locals. Similar road check campaigns will be conducted in Little Fort and elsewhere, he warned.
Cpl. Bart Doerr radios to one of two RCMP vehicles assisting him as he patrols the roundabout on Highway 5 on foot and in plain clothes on Monday morning. Purpose of the unconventional campaign was to catch drivers using cellphones or without their seatbelts, as well as to educate about and enforce the rules for using the roundabout. Photo by Keith McNeill
Examining how northern cultures cope with winter blues Eleanor Deckert At this time of year I wonder if winter will ever be over. OK, I can tell that the light is returning. I am thankful that it is not frigid. The supply in the wood shed is generous and the garden provisions are lasting. But still, it's the "same old same old" as far as limited activities. My mind wanders to times past and I ask myself, "What did other people do?" My mind wanders around the globe and I wonder, "How do people in other northern climes manage these neverending months of indoor activities?" Cultures in Scandinavia, Russia, Alaska, Greenland and Iceland, even Great
It Seems To Me… By Eleanor Deckert
Britain, Germany and Poland share our Canadian latitude. How do they manage food storage, fuel, clothing, family matters, community, transportation, and mental health during the dark part of the year? Instantly, pictures pop into my mind. Clothing requires the lengthy preparation of furs and leather, wool and linen. Root cellars store large
amounts of easily grown plant foods: cabbage, turnips, potatoes, carrots, beets, apples. Wood is the only fuel that warms you three times: 1) while you cut it. 2) while you burn it. 3) as you recall happy times past. The northern lifestyle requires a great deal of time spent to prepare for an endure winter. Looking past the basic necessities of life, it may be no wonder that
much of what we call our culture developed in these northern regions. With so many indoor days and evenings, inventive minds, creative artists, composing musicians, theatre dramatists, and authors of great literature, all develop, thrive and expand. Even religious expressions in these locations become complex and elaborate. We have Russia to thank for "The Nutcracker Suite" and "Swan Lake." We have Denmark to thank for Anderson's fairy tales. Saint Nicholas and all of our Christmas and Pagan wintertime customs originate in northern cultures. Wide bands of embroidery mark clothing in Poland and Lapland. Tatted laces embellish petticoats.
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A10 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 27, 2014 Clearwater Times
226 athletes from the Thompson - Okanagan competed at the 2014 BC Winter Games bringing home 65 medals.
And the gold medal goes to....
Thank you to the coaches, officials, volunteers, and families who support these growing champions.
Raft River Elementary student Georgia Lamond receives the first place medal for Grade 2 Girls from Blue River Elementary teacher Kendra Staruiala during an award ceremony held following the cross-country ski races in Blue River on Thursday, Feb. 20. The ceremony was held in conjunction with a free lunch for the participants, courtesy of Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing. For more race results, see page A13. Photo by Keith McNeill
See photos, videos and results at
We welcome all our friends in Little Fort, Clearwater and all the North Thompson Valley to stop in and see the NEWEST, MODERN TIMBER MART STORE IN CANADA! Shawn & Suzie Fadear (owners) and all our staff
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Clearwater Times Thursday, February 27, 2014
www.clearwatertimes.com A11
Olivia, Ethan top baby names Black Press The top baby names for B.C. parents in 2012 were Olivia and Ethan. Those choices replaced the 2011 top parent picks, Liam and Emma, which both fell to second place. The most popular picks are compiled by the B.C. Vital Statistics Agency. The most popular five girl names were
Olivia, Emma, Sophia, Emily and Ava. The top boy names for
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Raft River Elementary Grade 4 students (l-r) Claire Arduini, Cassidy Tucker and Vienna Wadlegger stride for the finish line during cross-country ski races in Blue River on Thursday, Feb. 20. Students from Vavenby Primary and Blue River Elementary also took part. This year's races were dedicated to the memory of Andy Aufschnaiter. The Blue River resident had been a principal organizer of the event before passing away last year from cancer. Many of the youngsters collected pledges for the fight against cancer before the event.
Kids have fun at races in Blue River
Mike Wiegele smiles as he watches the youngsters demonstrate their racing skills. The Blue River heli-ski operator was a major sponsor of the event. Other sponsors included Blue River Sledz and Kinder Morgan. Photos by Keith McNeill
Charlie Guinn holds his arms up as he takes first place in the Grade 3 Boys race. The Blue River youth is Mike Wiegele's grandson.
Highway 5 Little Fort, BC 250-677-4441
Highway 5 Clearwater, BC 250-674-3148
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2012 were Ethan, Liam, Lucas, Mason and Logan.
A12 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 27, 2014 Clearwater Times
Sports Eight teams compete in Old Timers
Hazel Wadlegger (l) and Lorelei Rogers sweep during a game in the Ladies Bonspiel at the Sportsplex last weekend. A total of 16 teams took part in the event. Photo by Keith McNeill
Clearwater Blackhawk Geoff Giesbrecht goes in for a goal in a game against Williams Lake during the Old Timers Tournament at the Sportsplex on the weekend. The Blackhawks went on to win the 45-plus division while the Clearwater Hackers won the 35-plus. Squads from Salmon Arm, 100 Mile House, Quesnel took part in the eight-team event as well. Also in the photo are Mark Green (l) and Hans Wadlegger (top right). Photo by Keith McNeill
Hadley rink wins Ladies Bonspiel Times Staff A total of 16 teams took part in the annual Ladies Bonspiel at the North Thompson Sportsplex last weekend, organizers report. Six of the teams came from out of town, with one each from Barriere, 100 Mile House, Jasper and McBride, and two from Hinton. First in the A event went to the Hadley rink, with Larissa Hadley
as skip, Jan Johnston as third, Joan Streadwick as second, and Sheila Colter as lead. The B event was won by the Kelly Pooley rink from Jasper. This was the 24th year in a row that Pooley has participated in the Ladies Bonspiel. First in C was taken by the Down rink, with skip Leslie Downs, third Shelley Graffunder, second Candus Graffunder, and lead Donna Chase.
Midgets take on Kelowna Clearwater Midgets #22 Larson Wadlegger and #9 Drew Johnson battle against the boards with three Kelowna players during a playoff game at the Sportsplex on Sunday afternoon. The local squad had an amazing first period but Kelowna got four quick goals as the second period started. Final score was 9-1 and Kelowna received the playoff banner. Both teams will be at provincials. Photo by Keith McNeill
Family Skating
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For more information about the Sportsplex or any programs call 250 674 2143
ENTRY FOR THE DOOR PRIZE GAMES AND PRIZES $100 FACIAL SNACKS AND REFRESHMENTS $35 MINI-MANICURE Limited Seating Pre-register to reserve your spot. Tickets $5 at 250 674-1743 (Jodie), Tickets at the door $8 GAMES AND PRIZES SNACKS AND REFRESHMENTS Limited Seating Pre-register to reserve your spot. Tickets $5 at 250 674-1743 (Jodie), Tickets at the door $8
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 27, 2014
Elementary students race in Blue River Submitted
Winners of the cross-country ski races for students from Raft River, Vavenby and Blue River elementary schools held in Blue River on Thursday, Feb. 20 were as follows: Kindergarten: Girls 1, Lylyan Roberts; 2, Keeley Yurkiw. Boys. 1, Torin Murray; 2, Evan Cooke. Grade 1.Girls: 1, Cleo Coates; 2, Sienna Foster Hendersen; 3, Mikaela Nesterski (Blue River). Boys: 1, Reid Muddiman; 2, Soren Arduini; 3, Owen Thon. Grade 2: Girls: 1, Georgia Lamond; 2, Lorie McGill; 3, Abbie Christensen. Boys. 1, Soren Coates; 2, Owen Sim; 3, Laden Phillips. Grade 3: Girls. 1, Noelle Muddiman; 2, Astrid Ludwig; 3, Kylie Blackmore. Boys. 1, Charlie Guinn (Blue River); 2, Alex Belle; 3, Eli Priede. Grade 4: Girls. 1, Vienna Wadlegger; 2, Claire Arduini; 3, Cassidy Tucker. Boys: 1, Simon Phillips; 2, Olin Coates; 3, Parker Collins. Grade 5: Girls. 1, Cadence Busse; 2, Eve LaBranche; 3, Kelly Ludbrook. Boys: 1, Cody Taylor; 2, Aiden Cairns. Grade 6: Girls. 1, Eliana Bromley; Jorden Genier (Barriere); Ayla Danielson (Blue River). Boys. 1, Jayden Kjenstad; 2, Ryley Griffen; 3, Kyle Dobi. Grade 7: Girls. 1, Morgan Dobi; 2, Ahmae Briggs; 3, Lea LaBranche. Boys: 1, Grayson Panko
Film Fest is coming soon Submitted The Kamloops Film Festival (KFF) begins next week in the heart of downtown Kamloops. This year is bigger than ever, with more guests (10 confirmed!), more Canadian films and comedies, and more events, including a new “Steeping” discussion at Oops Café. The KFF Committee invites you to celebrate the best in independent Canadian and foreign films, while engaging with filmmakers and each other, and partying at the bookends. Kamloops Film Festival Tickets are on sale at Moviemart (444 St.Paul) and TRUSU (The Campus Activity Centre at TRU). For more information on the films, please see our website: www.kamloopsfilmfest.ca.
We have flyer packs available at the Times office Brookfield Mall
www.clearwatertimes.com A13
Clearwater Children’s Art Festival needs you Submitted The planning stages have begun for this summer’s third annual Clearwater Children’s Art Festival. A Pep Rally is planned for next Wednesday, March 5 at 7 p.m. at the Community Resource Center to round up volunteers and get a general sense of community support for this project. The Clearwater Children’s Art festival has been very successful so far and has provided an art filled day for over 150 local children and families visiting our area. The primary goal of the festival is to build connections between local artists and children in our community, so that our children feel a connection to this talented group of people and empowered to pursue their own artistic interests. The secondary goal is to provide children with quality hands-on art experiences so that they are more open to artistic expression. The final goal is to provide a fun, family centered day to add to portfolio of activities offered in Clearwater each year. The festival is organized by the North Thompson Arts Council and gratefully received financial support each year from local businesses and organizations.
However, events such as this require many hours of organization and many volunteer hours to continue. This is where we need you. Come by on Wednesday to show your support and maybe even sign up for a job, big or small. No artistic talent is required, just a desire to help this wonderful event continue on our community. If you can’t
make the Rally and would like to help out please call Elizabeth Shook at 674-4002 or look up Clearwater Children’s Art Festival on Facebook. See you Wednesday! “The Clearwater Children's Art Festival needs YOU!” say Adalie Shook (l) and Cohen Cooke, students in a preschool art class. Photo by Tori Cooke
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Church Directory
Clearwater Christian Church
“an Independent” congregation in fellowship with the broader Christian community in the area.
Your places of worship
Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive (Behind Fields Store)
Sunday Worship Service 10 am On the Web: www.clchch.com For information 250.674.3841 or 250.674.2912
3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational
St James Catholic Church
Sunday Service Mass • 11am - 12pm Tuesday & Thursday 10am 324 Clearwater Village Road 250-672-5949 Father Don O’Reilly
Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor Bill Kelly Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468
CLEARWATER UNITED CHURCH Meeting at Catholic Church of St. James
Sunday 9am
Rev. Brian Krushel
250-672-5653 • 250-674-3615 www.norththompsonpc.ca
Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 5:00pm
Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: livingstreams@hotmail.com Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations
CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am
(Kids church during service)
Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study Thursday 3-5pm Kids Club
Phone: 250-674-2345
308 W Old N Thompson Hwy
COMMUNITY BAPTIST 24E Old North Thompson Hwy
Worship Service 10:30 Pastor Mike Kiewitt 250.674.1332 www.ccbaptist.ca
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Business & Service Directory
Call of Clearwater District
250-674-2733 THE TIMES 132 Station Road, Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0 AlceKirkwood Offi Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Next to Clearwater Computers
“Interior Health approved” POTABLE WATER SERVICE
Harby Rd
Sma ll Rd
250-587-6175 250-587-6175
District of Clearwater 250-674-2733 PLUMBING AND DRAINS
JASEN MANN 250-674-8151
Off the Hook
STORAGE Mini Storage Units
Groceri Informa
Wildwood Rd
GarbageGifts Collection GARBAGE COLLECTION Eden Rd
JAGER GARBAGE Kathy’s Jewelry & Gifts r
Murtle C
Residential & Commercial SCENTSY CERAMIC WARMERS VELATA BELGIAN CHOCOLATE FONDUES Garbage Collection. Park Drive
A favourite idea for personal or gift giving and home and party entertainment. Residential includes Blue Bag Recycling Centre Area Book now or orders placedClearwater weekly. NoInformation shipping or handling fees
Containers construction sites, Sat.: 10am - 4pmavailable • Sun.: 11:30for - 4pm 343 Clearwater Valley Rd. yard clean-up, industrial sites etc. (Beside O’Bryan’s in the Laundromat at the TNT Building Entrance to Wells Gray Park)Garbage 250-674-3798 Phone Jager or call 250-674-3763 or Vavenby 778-208-5359to Blackpool area Serving from
PLUMBING AND DRAINS Furnace Installation • Heat Pumps and Air Conditioning Radon Gas Mitigation • Serving Blue River - Little Fort
Leaks? Plugged Drain? New Installs YOURGot FRIENDLY REPAIR MAN Wells & Pumps ≈ Yearly Maintenance ≈ Frozen pipes WATER WELL SERVICES We are right around the corner
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visa, Guaranteed debit, mc accepted• 250-674-8151 Fully Insured • 100%
Taxi Service TAXI SERVICE Covered RV & Boat Storage
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Plumbing & Drains Motor Licence Office
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er R iver
• Jewelry • Gift Baskets • Framed photo, prints & cards • Fishing - rods, reels, lures, knives • Local artists - and much more Tuesday to Friday: 10 am - 5 pm Saturdays: 10 am- 4 pm
Open through the Noon hour
Clea r
Mu sgr ave
mps on D
Phillips Rd
son R
Steve Noble Gravel - Sand - Top Soil - Snow Removal Jack 250.299.9510 Rd ake
Car o
Gifts Business & Service The Little Gift Shop Directory
132 Station Road, Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0 Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Open through the Noon hour
Paul 250.819.3205
Tra u
dR For
Gaggin Rd
DeCosmos Rd
h nc Bla
MOTOR LICENCE For All Your OFFICE Advertising ICBC Agent Needs
& Bonded 250-674-3875 Clearwater, BC •Licenced ounpuu@telus.net Reg. NO: 99142
h Rd
Motor Licence Office Hardware AAdvertise D VERTISING
Davoron Rd
Reg. NO: 99142 Serving from Vavenby to Blackpool area
Steeg Rd
Phone Jager Garbage 250-674-3798 Licenced & Bonded
Park Drive Clearwat er Village
d on R Stati
Containers available for construction sites, yard clean-up, industrial sites etc.
Capostinsky White Rd
Residential includes Blue Bag Recycling
40 years experience
Renovations • Additions • New Construction Home Repairs • HAFI Jobs • Project Management
Ferry Rd
Residential & Commercial Garbage Collection.
Murtle Cr
Mt. View Rd
Foote Rd
Blair Pl
Electric GarbageContractors Collection
Building Contractor
Jenkins Rd
Construction & Renovations from Defossee Pl t Rd n a r Foundations G Webber Rd Lower Clearwater to Roof Septic - Installation - Service - Pumping d gR r un e D Yo odg
Sunset Rd
Jenkins Rd
n Rd cke Rd Helm obson R Pl son Rob
Demolition - Excavation - Backhoe Service Rob Kerslake Trucking - Crane Truck - Water - Dump
North Thompson Provincial Park
Hern Rd
Paul Jack 250-674-3875 Clearwater, BC • ounpuu@telus.net 250.819.3205 250.299.9510
Murtle C
Clearwater Valley Rd
Demolition - Excavation - Backhoe Service Renovations • Additions • New Construction Trucking - Crane Truck - Water - Dump Home Repairs • HAFI Jobs • Project Management Gravel - Sand - Top Soil - Snow Removal
Contractor Electric Contractors
d ch R Bea
Azure Dr
- Installationexperience - Service - Pumping 40Septic years
Lakeview Rd
Gl en Rd
Rd Roy
Building Contractor
Ta re nD r
Red Seal Carpenter marshallmcrae55@gmail.com
Lake Rd
Hydro Rd
Eden Rd
st Fore ice Rd Serv
Contractor Contracting CONTRACTORS
Wyndhaven Pl
Construction Contracting
John White
Journeyman Carpenter
Dan Arnold
d lley R ine Va Sunsh wy nH pso m o Th Rd rth No idt hm Old Rd nch Do
tinybldr@telus.net 250-674-4083
Hazel Dowds
New Construction, Renovations, Tiling, Roofing.
w sha Ker
Construction and Home Renovation Richie Rd
d 2R mp Ca Mileen
674-4001 Contractor • RENOVATIONS • ROOFING (250) 674-8469
Dunlevy Rd
Ogden Rd
Journeyman Carpenters
DNA Construction
EEK e Rd CR ervic st S ELD Fore KFI OO BR
Fully Insured
Wadlegger Rd
Hazel’s Housing Box 345 Clearwater BC V0E 1N0
Gill Creek Rd
Brookfield Rd
Tiny Builders QUALITYLtd. WORK
Brookfield Mall Area Construction Construction
d it R mm Su ke a L
Wildwood Rd 649 Kennedy Road • Dutch www.wellsgrayservicecenter.ca Lk Rd
Elliot Rd
Construction Carpentry CARPENTRY
Lo 250-674-4083 Carpenter PARTS - SALES - SERVICE CALLSJourneyman USED APPLIANCES
ley Rd
Financial Statement Preparation • Corporate & Personal Income Taxes
DOUG JAMES Hazel DrDowds ge XXX
av en Rob Kerslake Rd Fa wn Rd Buck Rd Steve Noble
Detailing 250-674-2522
W yn dh
Vern Anne Pl
Ridge Dr
Phone: 250-674-2532 • Kamloops: 554-2533 • Fax: 554-2536
Hazel’s Housing N
Riverview Cr
Feb. 1st to Apr. 30th - Every Thursday May 1st to Jan. 31st - By Appointment Winter Hours •9:30 8:30amam - 5pm to Noon, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Hours:
s Marcel’ Automotive &
APPLIANCE REPAIR Rd Four Star Service ng u • NEW250-674-0079 CONSTRUCTION Yo
Kidd Rd
Rison Realty • 32 E Old N. Thompson Hwy.
Birch D
ConstructionDownie & Greer Rd Renovations from Foundations Archibald Rd Roof to Clearwater Val
Certified General Accountants
To Wells Gray Park
Kennedy Rd
STONE & COMPANY (Robert Lawrie, Silvia Scheibenpflug)
Automotive Repair Construction Upper Clearwater
S Ka outh m 12 loo to 5 k ps m
Financial Statement Preparation • Corporate & Personal Income Taxes
250-674-2214 • 250-674-1542
Library Liquor S Lodging Medica
North T
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Clearwater Times Thursday, February 27, 2014
www.clearwatertimes.com A15
Business & Service Directory Towing
CLEARWATER TOWING LTD. 24 Hour Service Free Scrap Car Removal 516 Swanson Road Used Auto Parts
... Septic Service - Pumper Truck L L A C AT ON IT ALL... Bobcat and Backhoe WE DO Plumbing -Soils - Gravel
250-674-0145 Advertise your She Is Looking for Home business for as low as $16/week Improvement Help.
250-674-3123 NELS HINDLE OFFICE: or CELL: 250-674-1427
Starting at $165.00 m3
+ $15 delivery fee within Clearwater
Will She Find Your Business?
Snowplow versus logging truck Clearwater Detachment received a report of a collision involving a snowplow and logging truck on Highway 24. The plow truck was struck by an empty logging truck while the snow plow was turning around. No injuries to either of the drivers were reported. Use caution when driving near snowplow trucks on the highway and around town. Marijuana seizure Clearwater Traffic Services pulled over a vehicle speeding through town. Investigation revealed the Alberta driver had 1-1/2 lb. of marijuana in his possession. The driver was arrested and charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking. The driver had no previous criminal history
1-800-222-TIPS Clearwater RCMP Report and was released on a recognizance to attend court in Clearwater at a later date. Fraud Clearwater RCMP received a report of an investment fraud involving two different marketing companies from the United States of America. One company promised clients that they could double their money and another company said that it could help consolidate credit card debt. If it sounds too good to be true ... it is. Residential fire Clearwater RCMP were advised of a residential fire on Dutch Lake Road that occurred Friday, Feb. 21. No injuries were reported. Clearwater Fire Department put the fire out safely. The residential fire is still under investigation.
Will lumber prices keep rising? Central Interior Logging Association Although lumber prices are rising, there’s still some apprehension that the price gains may be short-lived, but Keta Kosman, publisher of Madison’s Lumber Reporter, says she expects the market will be stable, without the volatile swings in lumber prices in 2013. The benchmark lumber price, last quoted at $376 US per thousand board feet of spruce, pine or fir two-by-fours, is high enough that export duties under
the Canada-U.S. softwood lumber trade agreement don’t kick in, Kosman said. John Duncanson, a portfolio adviser for the Wisconsin-based firm Capital Innovations, said “I think we’re going to see a 20 per cent increase in lumber prices between now and April.” Changes planned to Forest act The provincial government plans to amend the Forest Act to shift decision-making authority from cabinet to the minister on most wood residue export applications. The legislative changes
will also clarifying provisions related to collecting annual rent, bonus bids and putting specific conditions on forest licences. Government also plans to amend the Wildfire Act make it clear that the provincial government should not be held legally accountable for unavoidable property damage or losses caused by wildfire, so long as it did not act in bad faith while working to control or suppress those fires. This change is expected to save the provincial government $700,000 to $1.3 million annually in legal costs.
Pasta for lunch Participants line up for a buffet pasta lunch at Mike Wiegele Heli-ski Resort following cross-country ski races in Blue River on Thursday, Feb. 20. Pictured are (clockwise from left) Suzanne Foster, Kevin Henderson, Cleo Coates, and Soren Coates. Photo by Keith McNeill EVERYONE Will Be Talking About It … DON'T MISS OUT Subscribe today
Check out the local news and opinions
Jack-knifed trucks During the past month, the Clearwater RCMP have attended three traffic hazards to do with tractor-trailers jack-knifed at the bottom of the Messiter Summit on Highway 5 near Blue River. Police remind all truck drivers that, if conditions require it, you must chain up your truck as per the posted traffic control “Tire Chain” sign or be fined $121.
Call for more information or come in to the Times #14-74 Young Road
250-674-3343 • www.clearwatertimes.com
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Thursday, February 27, 2014 Clearwater Times
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The greater the effort, the greater the glory.
~ Pierre Corneille
TRAFFIC CONTROL CERTIFICATION This 2-day comprehensive traffic control program conforms to the applicable specification of the Traffic Control Manual for Work on Roadway and the Traffic Control Person (TCP) Training Manual with emphasis on WCB’s Industrial Health and Safety Regulation.. Successful course participants will receive a TCP certificate which is valid for three years. Course tuition includes the TCP manual. GERMAN SPAETZLE One of the most beloved foods in Germany that tourists go home talking about is Spaetzle, the famous German and Austrian dish (some call it egg noodle, some dumplings). Join Daniela for a fun evening making this authentic dish. We are going to try a few different methods and recipes so come hungry and bring a Tupperware for leftovers to take home. RED CROSS BABYSITTING FIRST AID This course is designed for youth 11 yrs & older who want to become a babysitter or may already be one. April 4 & 5 NEW DATE
OFA Level 1 First Aid German Spaetzle Traffic Control Certification Stick Boom-Manlift Cert Joy of Painting OFA Level 3 Red Cross Babysitting First Aid
Wells Gray Country UPCOMING EVENTS
Feb. 27: Bingo, Elks Hall, 5 pm – 9 pm, info 250-674-3535 Feb. 27 – Mar 1: After Hours Theatre presents Money to Burn, Info 250-674-3530 Mar. 1: Home Based Business and Craft Fair Indoor Market, Elks Hall, 9 am – 2 pm, info Kathy 250-674-3763 Mar. 3: Chamber of Com. AGM, Community Resource Cntr, 7pm Mar. 7: Spring Bingo, 7 pm, Blue River Community Hall. Mar. 7 – Apr. 11: Smart Budget Cooking, Food skills for families, free, pre-register at YCS 250-674-2600. Mar. 7: World Day of Prayer interchurch prayer service. Clearwater Christian Church (Lodge Dr), 7 pm.
Mar. 11: Seniors Luncheon, Elks Hall, 11:30 – 2 pm Mar. 13: Women In Business luncheon, WG Inn, 12 – 2 pm, info ntwomeninbusiness@gmail.com Mar. 13-16: Cowboy Festival, tickets Barriere Country Feeds & The Horse Barn, 1-888-763-2221, www.bcchs.com Mar. 14: St Patricks Day dance, 9pm, Blue River Legion upstairs Mar 14: Raft Mountain Skating Club Carnival, NT Sportsplex Mar. 28: Understanding Along the Dementia Journey, 9am – 4pm, Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre, Kamloops. Reg. $20, incl lunch. 1-855-742-4803 for info and register. April 26-27: Rural Expo & Trade Show, 9am – 5pm daily, NT Agriplex, Barriere.
Feb 28 & Mar 29 $90 Feb 20 $40 Feb 22 & 23 $270 Mar 8 $275 Mar 15 $85 Mar 31 – Apr 12 $780 April 4 & 5 (new date) $75
TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 224 Candle Creek Rd. EMAIL: sarduini@tru.ca • www.tru.ca/regional_centres/clearwater
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Indoor Market: 1st Saturday of month, 9 am – 2 pm, Elks Hall, info - 250-674-3763 • Tuesday Morning Coffee (TMC): Meets 10am – 11:30 @ Clearwater Community Baptist Church. All women and children welcome. (9:30-10 am Bible Study). Info 250-674-3624 • Raft River Rockhounds: 3rd Sat of the mth. Clw Lodge 1pm 250-674-2700 • Women in Business Luncheon: 2nd Thurs. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250-674-3703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmers’ Market May – Oct. Saturdays 9am– Noon. For more info please call Anne at 250-674-3444. • Clearwater-Vavenby Lions Bingo: Every 2nd Tues. Elks Hall. 250-587-6269 • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 1pm: 250-587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – 2nd Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - every 2nd Thurs. Elks Hall. open 5pm • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Racoon StrongStart - Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:45-11:45am • Racoon StrongStart - Vavenby Elm school days Wed 8:5011:50am • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Monday mornings, reg. Kerry 250-6743530 • NT BC Home Schoolers: Meets Fri. afternoons. Call Leanna 250-674-0057 for details • Kids Club: Clearwater New Life Assembly. Meets every Thur. 3-5 pm. Ages 5-12. For info contact Bobbi @ 250-674-3346
HEALTH & HEALING • AA Meetings: every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Dr, 250-5870026 anytime • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-587-6373. • Connections Healing Rooms - Fridays 1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. www.healingrooms.com. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Kim 250-674-0224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion 778-208-0137. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 250-674-2699 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: 1st Thurs every mth. 250-676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Nov., Jan., & Mar. AGM in May • Volleyball: Tues. Jan. 14 - Apr. 8, 7:30 - 9:00 PM, at Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. Info: 250-674-1878. • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-674-2468 annie. pomme@hotmail.com • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-674-0001 • Walking Club: Indoors: Wed., Jan. 29 - Mar. 5, 6:45 - 7:45 AM at Clw Secondary School, FREE. Info: 250-674-1878 • Drop-in Curling: Fri. Jan. 11 - Mar. 8, 7:00 PM, $5. Brooms and sliders available. • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 • Drop in Basketball: Fri., Jan. 10 - Apr. 11, 7:00 - 8:30 PM, $2 drop in at Clearwater Secondary School Gym. Info: 250674-1878 • Slo-Pitch: Clearwater mixed Slo-Pitch league May – July. Contact Carmen Archibald 778-208-1773, 250-674-2632 SENIORS • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the mth 2pm at the library. All seniors welcome.
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Bayley’s Bistro
in the Brookfield Shopping Centre in Clearwater Eat in or Take out Fried Chicken
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 27, 2014
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Your community. Your classifieds.
250.674.3343 fax 250.674.3410 email classifieds@clearwatertimes.com Announcements Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am -5pm Brookfield Mall, Clearwater Ph: 250.674.3343 • Fax: 250.674.3410
CLASSIFIED RATES AND DEADLINE Buy a Classified in the Star/Journal Buy a Classified in the Times and goes the The Times FREE. andyour your adad goes intointo the Barriere Star/Journal FREE. Regular Rate: 8.50 + GST Maximum 15 words .20c per word extra Special Rates: 3 Weeks; $22.15 + GST Free Ads: Lost, Found, Student Work Wanted Free ads maximum 15 words will run 2 consecutive weeks.
Coming Events
Help Wanted
Barriere Alcoholics Anonymous Call: 250-672-9643 For Al Anon Call: 250-672-9643, 250-677-4234
Business Opportunities
Help Wanted
Indoor Market March 1, • 9 am - 2 pm @ Elks Hall Beautiful hand-crafted gifts and more ... For info or to book a table ($10.00) call Kathy Downey 250-674-3763
Happy Occasions: Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, etc. 1 column by 3 inch - $18.49 + GST Deadlines: Word Ads: Mondays 12pm 5pm Display Ads: Mondays 12pm It is the policy of The Star/Journal and The Times to receive pre-payment on all classified advertisements. Ads may be submitted by phone if charged to a VISA, MC or an existing account.
CHECK YOUR AD! Notice of error must be given in time for correction before the second insertion of any advertisement. The paper will not be responsible for omissions or for more than one incorrect insertion, or for damages or costs beyond the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of ads which discriminate against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved. Readers; in ads where ‘male’ is referred to, please read also as ‘female’ and where ‘female’ is used, read also ‘male’. NOTE: When ordering items out of province, the purchaser is responsible to pay provincial sales tax. Do not send money in response to an advertisement without confirming the credentials of that business, and be aware that some telephone numbers will be charged for by the minute
ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis
In Memoriam
Coming Events
In Loving Memory James Musselman Who passed away Feb. 26, 1995 Till roses lose their petals Till the heather has lost its dew Till the end of time dear Dad We will remember you. ~ Forever in our hearts From your seven children & families
Help Wanted
Clearwater & District Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting Monday, March 3 @ Community Resource Centre, 7 pm
Clearwater: AA Meetings Every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Drive, side door. Call 250-587-0026 anytime
The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.
Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: fish@blackpress.ca
Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits or Other Insurance? If YES, call or email for your
and protect your right to compensation. 778.588.7049 Toll Free: 1.888.988.7052 Julie@LawyersWest.ca www.LawyersWest.ca
Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Call 250-674-2135.
Barriere Writer’s Group - anyone interested in starting/being part of one? The idea would be to encourage each other to write, whether it be letters, poetry, short stories, novels, plays, etc. Interested? Call Margaret at 250-672-9330 (evenings) or via email: houtep.productions@gmail.com
Located across the railway tracks in Vavenby, B.C. Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Great deals - low prices
Help Wanted
$1000 A week mailing brochures from home! Helping Home-Workers since 2001. No experience required. Start Immediately! Visit us online: www.mailingnetwork.net GET FREE Vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866668-6629. or www.tcvend.com HELP WANTED - Local people needed! Simple, flexible online work. FT/PT. Internet needed. Very easy. No experience required! Guaranteed income! No fees. Genuine! Start immediately. Visit online at: www.OnlineHelp4Cash.com UP TO $400 cash daily. FT & PT outdoors, Spring/Summer work. Seeking honest, hardworking staff. Visit us online: PropertyStarsJobs.com.
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR timeshare. NO risk program stop mortgage & maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! Call 1-888-356-5248.
Employment Automotive
629 Barriere Town Rd. V0E 1E0 • 250-672-0036 • Fax: 250-672-2159
E-mail: mail@barriere-employment.ca • Website: www.barriere-employment.ca
CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE – Jim’s Food Market BC027 RESIDENT RV HOST(S) – Chinook cove Golf & RV BC0286 TOURISM COORDINATOR – Lower North Thompson Tourism Society BC0293 LOG PROCESSOR OPERATOR – Wood Co Management BC0294 HEAVY DUTY RED SEAL MECHANIC – Hy’s North Transporation BC0295 GO TO: http://www.wiegele.com/employment.htm for information on jobs with Mike Wiegele & http://www.sunpeaksresort.com/corporate/work-and-play/opportunities for Sun Peaks. Skill Development: If you have been on Employment Insurance in the past 3 years (5 years maternity) & are currently unemployed, you may be eligible for re-training dollars. Book an appointment to see one of our counselors for information. We look forward to seeing you: come in and we’ll personally see that you get the information you’re seeking or call and make an appointment. • Free computer & Internet access • Free resume help • Free information on many services. “The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia” In Partnership with Barriere & District Chamber of Commerce and Yellowhead Community Services
CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Career Opportunities PUT YOUR experience to work - The job service for people aged 45 and over across Canada. Free for candidates. Register now online at: www.thirdquarter.ca or Call Toll-Free: 1-855-286-0306.
EXPERIENCED PARTS person required for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses working 5 day work week, plus moving allowances. Our 26,000ft2 store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community online at: LacLaBicheRegion.com. Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Or by email to: hr@sapphireinc.net.
J. RYBACHUK & Sons Trucking LTD has an immediate opening for a logging truck driver in the Sparwood/Elko area. Previous quad logger experience required. Fax resume to 250-425-0505 or e-mail to rybtrk@telus.net.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
• Election Officers • Reports
Help Wanted
DISTRICT OF CLEARWATER ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING ON A TRAILS TASK FORCE? What is a Trails Task Force you ask? Council recognizes that the community is ready to move forward on the development of a trail system within the municipal boundaries. The purpose of the Task Force will be to work with the District on the development of a Trails Master Plan. The Task Force will include up to 10 members of the public who are interested in the development of safe, connected and functional multi-use trails for the purposes of both recreation and commuting routes. A draft Terms of Reference is available through the main office by emailing admin@docbc.ca.
58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 • 250-674-2928 • Fax 250-674-2938 E-mail: info@clearwateremployment.ca • Web Page: www.clearwateremployment.ca
Logging Truck Driver: FT/Clearwater #CB0299 Heavy Duty Red Seal Mechanic: FT/ Kamloops #BC0295 Log Processor Operator: Seasonal/Barriere #BC0294 Tourism Coordinator: PT/Lower NT #BC0293 Baker’s Helper: PT/Clearwater #C0291 Pastry Chef: FT/Clearwater #C0290 Resident RV Host(s): PT/Seas Bar #BC0286 13Job Postings –Blue River: FT & Seasonal #CB0283 Maintenance Administrative Assistant; Housekeeping Shift Supervisor/ Office Asst; Line & Buffet Cook; Head Chef; Reservations Coordinator; Reservations Supervisor; Maintenance Labourer; Maintenance Technician; Chef
Garde Manger; Marketing Coordinator; Maintenance Manager; Guide; Bus Person & Buffet Attendant. Sightseeing Boat Operator: Seasonal/Blue River #C0281 Customer Service Representative: FT&PT Little Fort #BC0278 Ticketed Fallers, Buckerman, Pilers, & Labourers: Seasonal/Grand Prairie #BC0277 Manager-Parts & Tires Division: FT/Barriere #BC0276 Whitewater Rafting Instructor: Seasonal/ Clearwater #CB0275 German Speaking Tour Guide: FT/ Seasonal/Clearwater #C0264 Prof. Driver: Casual/Seas./Clw #C0263 Traffic Control: Casual/Clw #C0256
Free Workshops to help with your work search are available. Please contact us to register for one or all of these free workshops. Mar. 4, 5 & 6, 2014 - “Back to Work Boot Camp” Workshops will be as follows: You and Your Career-Assessments Workshop: Tues. Mar. 4th (am) Labour Market Information Workshop: Tues. Mar. 4th (pm) Resume, Cover Letter and Interview Skills Workshop: Wed. Mar. 5th (am) Networking & Dress for Success Workshop: Wed. Mar. 5th (pm) Internet & Email Basics Workshop: Thurs. Mar. 6th (am) Resumes & Interviews: Go hand in hand, so the better prepared you are the greater the
impression you will make to your future employer. Please drop in & our friendly staff will assist you. Targeted Wage Subsidy (TWS): Are you currently on Employment Insurance or have you been in the last 3-5 years? If you have, you may be eligible for wage subsidy. Ask us for further info. Funding for Skill Enhancement: Recent or active EI clients with a career plan in mind seeking assistance through Service Canada are required to book an appointment with one of our Employment Counsellors. BLUE RIVER ITINERANT: An employment consultant comes to the Blue River School. Next visit is Tues. Mar. 11th, from 12:30-2:30. If a one on one appointment is required, please call to set up a time prior to the drop in. Operated by Yellowhead Community Services The Employment Program of BC is funded by the Government of Canada & the Province of British Columbia
The District will be accepting applications until March 10 , 2014 from volunteers who are interested in putting their name forth to serve on the Trails Task Force. You may apply by submitting your expression of interest to participate in the District of Clearwater Trails Task Force, Attention: Leslie Groulx, Chief Administrative Officer, by email admin@docbc.ca,by letter at 132 Station Road, postal mail to Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0, or fax to 250-674-2173. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office at 250-674-2257.
Kidney disease strikes families, not only individuals. THE KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF CANADA www.kidney.ca
Professionals Connecting Professionals
Endless Job Opportunities
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Thursday, February 27, 2014 Clearwater Times
Merchandise for Sale
Auto Financing
Auto Financing
Help Wanted
Legal Services
Misc. for Sale
North Enderby Timber is looking to hire for various positions including Millwright and/or Fabricator, Heavy Duty Mechanic and Electrician. We offer competitive wages along with a comprehensive benefit package. Please fax resume to 250-838-9637.
CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw mills.com/400OT or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online: www.crownsteelbuildings.ca STEEL BUILDING. “The big year end clear out!” 20x22 $4,259. 25x24 $4,684. 30x34 $6,895. 35x36 $9,190. 40x48 $12,526. 47x70 $17,200. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit online: www.pioneersteel.ca
Photography / Video
WE have an immediate opening for a dynamic fireplace salesperson for our busy store in Vernon. The successful candidate will have a minimum of 5 years experience in the fireplace industry, in either the retail or building sector, be comfortable in dealing with homeowners and contractors alike,and possess the drive and determination needed to excel in a fast paced environment. We offer an excellent starting salary and commission structure,as well as benefits and RRSP plan. If interested in this position please reply in confidence to Bob.anderson@hbcvernon.ca
Need a professional
photographer? Portraits, weddings, special events, pet portraits, commercial. Affordable memories that last a lifetime. Seniors rates. Book now avoid & disappointment. Sorry no passport photos Jill Hayward 250-319-8023/250-672-0055
by Keith McNeill
Digital and film photographs. Phone 250-674-3252 or email:kmcneill@mercuryspeed.com
Business/Office Service
Trades, Technical
Work Wanted HAFI GRANTS Notice to low income seniors and persons with disability. You may qualify for a grant up to 20,000. to modify and adapt your home for improved safety and accessibility. For details contact your local HAFI expert Hans Ounpuu, Building contractor @ 250-674-3875.
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Home Care ATTENTION SENIORS! Do you need help with daily tasks, getting groceries, a ride to town? Call Simone: 250-6722070.
Legal Notices
Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Estates, Gold & Silver Coins + 778-281-0030 Used Postage Stamps Support International Scouting by donating used stamps which are sorted & sold to raise money for the International Development Fund of the International Scout & Guide Fellowship. This fund pays for training for Scouters in the third world. Drop stamps off at front counter of the Star/Journal in Barriere, or call Margaret at (250)672-9330.
LOGGING - Experience Tree Processor Operators Wanted. Sundre, Alberta. Only safety conscious, drug free operators need apply. Benefits. Call Darcy Coleman 403-638-6047
Misc. Wanted
Rentals 1-800-222-TIPS Garage Sales
Mobile Homes & Pads
Curve Communications
Telephone Services DISCONNECTED PHONE? National Teleconnect Home Phone Service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call National Teleconnect today! 1866-443-4408. or visit online: www.nationalteleconnect.com
Merchandise for Sale
Free Items Kittens, free to good home. 1 male, 2 females, approx 5 mo old, & 2 yr old mom, Siamese cross. (Mom would be good for senior.) Call Ed 250-3186301
Barriere: 2bdrm trailer for sale, wood stove, W/D, handyman special, $6000. Terms avail. Pad rent $250/mo. Call Tony 250-672-5685 or 250-3205684.
Suites, Lower Birch Island: 2bdrm suite. $600/mo. Incl sat tv, utilities & laundry. Ph. 250-674-1768 Clearwater: 3bdrm house, $850/mo + 1/2 mo DD. Ref Req. Avail Mar. 1. 220 Dutch Lake Rd. Ph. 250-674-3434
Misc. for Sale
Garage Sales March 1 & 2 10 am – 3 pm
935 Old North Thompson Hwy #3 Bottom Row
Homes for Rent Clearwater: 3bdrm, riverfront, 1 acre, garage + guest house, info@riveradventures.ca $985/mo Ph. 250-674-0001 Clearwater: Log house on farm. Close to town. Available Mar. 1. Pets welcome. Ph. Donna Erickson 250-674-8111
North Thompson Rent-ASpace is giving 2 wks notice for failure of payment. Crystal Pearson, locker #14 Mark Landers, locker #42 Donna Boyce, locker #29 Ken Marsh, vehicle storage Clem Lupien, vehicle storage If anyone knows these people please have them contact North Thompson Rent-ASpace at 250-672-0195 or Connon Drey at 250-3187427. If no contact has been made by Feb. 28, 2014, lockers will be repossessed and contents sold to cover lost rental costs.
In-House Yard Sale Furniture, tools, handicap aids household furniture Singer sewing machine w/stand & chair, $150; Filter Queen vacuum, $50; table & 6 chairs, $125; white headboard & frame w/boxspring & mattress, $45; wood bed frame w/new mattress & boxspring, $75; 4 drawer file cabinet, $45; lg solid wood stand w/light, $225; sm freezer, $25; upholstered rocker, $35; two sm stands, $15 each; Sears battery lawn mower w/charger, $100; lg swamp cooler, $75; heavy plastic garbage bin, $125. Ph 250-587-6530
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FAepbr. i 2l 72 -3 M- a r. 2 95 , , 22001124 Capricorn, This week is you all want to playgive outside of about and take, the rules this week. Capricorn. Do for You normally like others, and they will to dofollow for you.aArelatively special traditional event calls forcourse, some so this catchesgifts. others extra-special December 22– off guard. January 19
January 20– February 18
February 19– March 20
You Somedon’t habitsalways are hard have theAquarius. patience to to break, stick the same Look with to a mentor to routine, Aquarius. help and you will That means others succeed. A fitness cannot expect you goal is easily achieved to conform to their with a new piece of whims if they want equipment. you as a friend. Pisces, The oddsyou maymay be need toagainst sacrifice stacked you, some for Pisces,security but that doesn’t amean chance have a you to won’t come memorable experiout on top with a little ence. Do Asomething ingenuity. weekend out of therequires ordinary. endeavor a leap of faith.
March 21– April 19
April 20– May 20
May 21– June 21
Aries, youAries, wantand Speak up, more than you can the problem will be acquire solved. Athis littleweek miracle and yourmakes desires at home for an may lead you astray. interesting weekend. ItTravel is important plans come to exercise selftogether. restraint, even if you get a thrill from living on the edge.
June 22– July 22
Cancer, find a rouA business relationship tine thatwith works blossoms an for you and Athen stick addition. larger-thanwith it. Theredrops is no life personality need toanreinvent by with offer youthe wheel, and Oh when can’t refuse. boy,actions oh boy,become Cancer. automatic, you can focus on other things.
Taurus, a Cast asidemake all doubt, concerted Taurus. Theeffort offer isto improve your genuine and willfocus bring in weeks ahead. youthe many rewards. A There is much to test of faith begins— lose if you cannot be strong. Money woes tackle ease. the tasks at hand, particularly at the workplace.
July 23– August 22
AOops, needLeo. forYou attention fall could better behind get on athe project, of you,some Leo. A little raising humility goestoa long eyebrows. Not way and worry. Youcan willalter get others’ back on perceptions track sooner of you. You may end than you think, thanks up being seen in a October 23– to an innovation. more positive light. November 21
Gemini, it’s unlike Feeling blessed you slowGemini? down, thesetodays, so be surprised Paydon’t it forward. A when friends start compromise at home looking at you curiraises everyone’s ously you take spirits after and fun ensues your foot off the gas. all weekend long! Your free spirited nature will soon return.
Virgo, yousave canmore difSpend less, ferentiate between and you’ll definitely right andVirgo. wrong, get more, More but your judgement in your bottom line might bepeace off this and more of week. Rely onprovide your mind. Flowers intuition, but don’t a great pick-me-up. make any big deciAugust 23– September 22 sions without first thinking carefully.
Libra, it may seem Lady Luck smiles on like you, you Libra,are andbeing there led astraybeyond by oneyour is nothing thing after another, reach. A treasured when allresurfaces, you want heirloom isbringing to focus onmany one back task a time. Find fond at memories. September 23– a way to block out October 22 any and all distractions. Scorpio, The tiniestwork of on achanges creative project make a vast with a sweetheart improvement in a or friend early inis project. A rejection the week.inIdeas will a blessing disguise. flow easilyfor and your Be grateful what imaginations will you’re given, Scorpio. soar together. It is a productive pairing.
This notafar your Newsisfrom gets week to mix love the creative juices and money, Sagitflowing, and you tarius. In fact, accomplish morekeep than the youtwo haveas in separate some time, asSagittarius. possible,Aand game of exercise wits at thecaution office belending anyone November 22– fore proves challenging. December 21 money.
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 27, 2014
Flett, Hollis Vern 1936 - 2014
Vern passed away suddenly on February 2, 2014 at Nanaimo Regional Hospital following a short but hard-fought battle with pancreatic cancer. He was born on September 7, 1936 in Fort Vermilion, Alberta, the elder son of Daisy and Albert Flett. Vern spent his formative years in Peace River, Alberta before embarking on a career path that would encompass the Edmonton City Police Department, oil and gas exploration in Alberta, Alaska and Nova Scotia, real estate, construction superintendent of sections of the Coquihalla Highway and site development during metropolitan Vancouver's housing boom. In Clearwater, Vern and his brother Burman ran the Ready Mix and did site development and Forestry Ministry contracts for many years. He spread his retirement between his beloved Dutch Lake Road home and White Rock, and later Qualicum Beach on Vancouver Island. Vern leaves behind his wife, Judy, sons Philip, Shawn, Kevin, Brady, Christopher and daughter Suzanne, as well as several grandchildren and great grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother Burman, sister Veronica, five nieces and nephews, and countless cousins. Vern was a big man both in stature and personality. Once met he was impossible to forget. He loved and lived life to the fullest. Vern requested no service to mark his passing but he will be forever held dear in the hearts and memories of all who loved him.
Wells Gray Community Forest (2010) Society Now accepting Grant Applications $100,000 grant money available Funded by Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation applications will be accepted
until Tuesday, April 15, 2014 @ 4:00pm
www.clearwatertimes.com A19
MP Cathy McLeod applauds the Fair Elections Act Submitted OTTAWA – Cathy McLeod, Member of Parliament for KamloopsThompson-Cariboo says the introduction of the Fair Elections Act (Bill C-23) in the House of Commons recently is part of the federal government’s commitment to uphold the integrity of our electoral system. “The Fair Elections Act will make our laws clear and easy to follow. It will also make life harder for election law-breakers and put the focus back on honest people taking part in our democrat-
ic system,” said McLeod. This Act implements 38 of the Chief Electoral Officer’s past recommendations and addresses concerns raised by Canadians, various groups and think tanks, Elections Canada and Parliamentarians themselves. The Fair Elections Act will: • Protect voters from rogue calls with a mandatory public registry for mass calling, increasing penalties and prison time for impersonating elections officials. • Give more independence to the Commissioner of Elections Canada, allow-
ing them control over their staff and investigations, empowering them to seek tougher penalties for existing electoral offenses, and providing more than a dozen new offenses to combat big money, rogue calls, and fraudulent voting. • Crack down on voter fraud by prohibiting vouching or Voter Information Cards as acceptable forms of ID. • Make the rules for elections clear, predictable, and easier to follow. • Ban the use of loans used to evade donation rules.
• Repeal the ban on premature transmission of election results, upholding free speech. • Provide better customer service to voters, and establish an extra day of polling. “Our government committed to introducing and implementing this legislation in time for the next federal election. I’m pleased that these new rules will be in place long before then. These new measures will ensure that electoral laws will be clearer and more effectively enforced in future elections,” concluded McLeod.
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applications available online GooGle: ‘wells Gray community Forest 2010 society’ to download application
Please use the online form. If submitting paper, seven copies must be provided
purpose oF the society: To promote the economic and social welfare of the residents of Wells Gray Country (including the District of Clearwater), including the provision of support for the benevolent and charitable enterprises, federations, agencies and societies engaged in furthering these purposes.
www.thompsonhotel.ca $139 (standard room) March 6-9, 2014* $99 (standard room) March 10-16, 2014
* The March 6 to 9 prices reflect the impact of the 2014 Tim Hortons Brier happening in Kamloops March 1 to 9
A20 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 27, 2014 Clearwater Times
Understanding your RRSP options
ou’ve likely heard it - You should regularly contribute to a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) to prepare for retirement. Perhaps you do. However, out of almost 93 per cent of Canadian tax filers who were eligible to contribute to an RRSP for the 2010 tax year, only 26 per cent made contributions. It’s important to contribute to an RRSP and there are many options available. An RRSP is a retirement plan registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) into which you or your spouse contributes. These contributions, up to your personal limit, are deductible from your income. As well, any growth in an RRSP is exempt from tax while your money remains inside the plan. These are incentives the CRA uses to help ensure Canadians take an active role in
preparing for their retirement. What happens if you need to access an RRSP before retirement? An RRSP can be completely cashed out before retirement and the proceeds paid to you. You may also take partial withdrawals without terminating the plan. However, either of these scenarios will result in the withdrawals being taxed at your marginal tax rate in that same calendar year. When you withdraw money, you’ll have that much less saved for retirement. It’s best not to touch your RRSP until you retire. RRSPs are available from financial institutions, in-
cluding banks, trust companies, mutual- fund companies, life insurance companies and stock brokerages. Options are available, such as GICs, stocks, bonds, annuities, mutual funds and segregated- fund contracts. Specifically, mutual funds and segregated fund contracts can provide important advantages when accumulating wealth for retirement, especially when held in RRSPs. Let’s look at the options of holding mutual funds and segregated fund contracts as part of an RRSP in more detail. When you invest in mutual funds, your money is pooled together with other investors’ money. You own units, which represent your portion of the holdings in the fund. Mutual funds invest in a broad range of securities and are typically managed by a team of investment professionals. Mutual funds range from being conservative to aggressive, offering levels of growth potential and associated risk, so it’s important to understand the characteristics of the mutual funds in which you invest. Your investment in a mutual fund can grow: • When the fund earns income, such as dividends on stocks and interest on bonds. • When the fund’s securities experience market growth. When you’re diversified by investing in a large number of assets, as is the case when you invest in mutual funds, a loss in any particular investment can potentially be minimized by gains in others. Investors purchase mutual funds because they do not have the time or the expertise to manage their own portfolios. Portfolio fund managers make all of the decisions and do the monitoring for you. Most companies offer pre-authorized chequing plans so money can be invested automatically on a monthly basis. Managers buy and sell large volumes of securities at a time; therefore, you have the opportunity to access a fully diversified portfolio at a significantly lower cost, versus constructing your own portfolio, security by security. A segregated fund is a pool of assets held by a life insurance company, but the pool or fund is “segregated,” or kept separate from the general assets of the insurer. You invest in a segregated fund through the purchase of a segregated- fund contract. It offers
investment management and growth potential, just as mutual funds do, but there are also protective guarantees provided by the insurer. There are many types of segregated fund contracts that vary in complexity and features, but all offer death benefit and maturity guarantees. You don’t necessarily have to cash out an RRSP immediately upon retirement. Rather, the CRA has mandated RRSPs must mature before the end of the year in which you turn age 71. At this time, you can take a lump-sum payment, on which you would have to pay tax at your marginal rate. However, a better alternative is to convert the RRSP to a registered retirement income fund (RRIF) or a registered annuity, either of which provides you with a series of payments over time and is therefore more tax efficient. RRSPs and RRIFs can provide creditor protection, except to contributions made in the last 12 months. This means that, in the event of bankruptcy, these assets are protected, ensuring retirement savings remain intact. If there is a named beneficiary other than the estate, RRSP and RRIF assets are not subject to many of the delays, fees and other costs often associated with estate settlement. Instead, the assets can pass privately and directly to the named beneficiaries. Many other options are also available. Speak to your advisor about the RRSP choices that could work best for you and your unique situation. A spousal RRSP is a plan opened in your spouse’s name to which you make contributions. The advantage of a spousal RRSP is it can provide you with opportunities to split income with your spouse before and after retirement to generate tax savings. Tax savings can be realized when the spouse who is in a lower tax bracket takes income from the spousal plan. The net effect is, collectively, you and your spouse could pay less tax than you would have if only the spouse in the higher-tax bracket had taken income. Contributed by David Page of D.W Page Wealth Management Ltd. Manulife Securities Investment Services Inc.
David Page of D.W. Page Wealth Management Ltd. Manulife Securities
Like many Canadians, Robin and Susan faced a lot of hurdles when it came to saving for their retirement. But by working with a financial advisor, they were able to develop a plan that helped them retire without worry. Now, they are living a retirement that allows them to fulfill their dream of travelling the world. Robin and Susan – and their passports – have never been happier. I can help you prepare for your retirement with solutions unique to your needs and the lifestyle you want to lead. Visit manulife.ca to learn more about a Real Retirement and when you're ready, contact me and we can get started. DAVID PAGE, CFP, CDFA, CPCA
CertiÄed Financial Planner Manulife Securities Investment Services Inc. e: david.page@dwpage.com p: 778.470.3100 | m: 778.257.3079 #5 - 685 Tranquille Road Kamloops, British Columbia V2B 3H7 www.dwpage.com
BRAD VICKERSON, TEP Investment Funds Advisor
e: brad.vickerson@manulifesecurities.ca p: 250.833-1159 | tf: 1.855.833.1159 450 Lakeshore Drive NE Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4N9
Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.
Manulife, Manulife Financial, Manulife Securities, the Manulife Financial For Your Future logo, the Block Design, the Four Cubes Design, and Strong Reliable Trustworthy Forward-thinking are trademarks of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it, and by its affiliates under license. Manulife Securities, consisting of Manulife Securities Incorporated, Manulife Securities Investment Services Inc., and Manulife Securities Insurance Inc., (carrying on business in British Columbia as Manulife Securities Insurance Agency). Manulife Securities Investment Services Inc. is a Member MFDA IPC.