Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal, March 06, 2014

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Daylight Savings - Turn your clocks ahead one hour Sunday 3 am


Volume 121 No 10 PM # 400121123


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Serving Clinton, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Savona, Walhachin and surrounding areas Since 1895

$1.30 includes GST


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Ottawa rejects Williams Lake mine

Feast and wrap-up Minor hockey’s Awards Banquet had a good turnout last week in the Ashcroft high school. The gymnasium was packed with kids, parents and more food than could be eaten, even by a league of hungry young hockey players. Every player went home with a trophy, and nearly every parent went home with pictures.

by Tom Fletcher Black Press The federal government has turned down Taseko Mines’ application for a gold mine near Williams Lake for a second time, citing “environmental effects that cannot be mitigated.” The decision comes after repeated efforts by the B.C. government to lobby for approval for the project, and a court challenge by Taseko to the federal assessment that it said did not take into account the efforts made to protect the watershed from tailings from the open-pit copper and gold project. Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett said Thursday the project would have created 1,200 construction jobs and 500 permanent jobs that would help the region recover from the decline in the forest industry from pine beetle impact. “I think the federal government has made a big mistake,” Barnett said. Federal Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq issued a statement late Wednesday saying the decision was made “based on the best available scientific evidence while balancing economic and environmental considerations.” Taseko CEO Russell Hallbauer said the company accepted the federal government’s 2010 invitation to reapply, and committed $300 million to redesign the project in response to the first rejection. Hallbauer said Taseko will proceed with a judicial review applied for in December, arguing that the federal review panel used the wrong design for its updated waste rock storage facility. The panel concluded that the project was likely to cause significant adverse effects on fish and fish habitat, wetlands and aboriginal interest in the Fish Lake area. B.C. Energy and Mines Minister Bill Bennett made two trips to Ottawa since the decision to assure federal officials that the tailings control proposed for New Prosperity Mine is similar to other mines operating in B.C. B.C. enlisted John Meech, a mine engineering professor at the University of B.C., who said the compact soil liner proposed by Taseko has been proven effective at the company’s nearby Gibraltar Mine and Mount Polley Mine, operated by Imperial Metals northeast of Williams Lake. Bennett said Thursday the question of the tailings pond will likely be resolved in court, and the province has a proven ability to regulate mines. “We know how to make sure that the design is such that it’s not going to contaminate surrounding groundwater, or a lake that’s two kilometres away,” Bennett said.

Spring is on hold... so we’ll warm you up with a sale on Pellets! $ 99 PINNACLE PINE PELLETS 199 PER TON


While Quantities Last



Tel: 250-459-2544 Fax: 250-459-2596


A 2 Ashcroft/Cache Creek

Ducks Unlimited

Banquet & Auction Saturday, March 29, 2014 Cache Creek Community Hall 1270 Stage, Cache Creek BC Doors open 6:00 PM Delicious Country Buffet Dinner 7:00 PM Live & Silent Auctions Raffles - Games - Door Prizes Fun, Fun, Fun & More Fun!

Come Celebrate DUC’s 75 years of Conservation Success

Pardner - it’s western theme night! An incredible night…for only $30 per person

Call Vivian 250-457-0430 or Sandy 250-457-9560 or buy on-line at

Coming Events

March 6 - Cache Creek Garden Club first meeting, 6-7 pm at the Cache Creek Library. March 8 - Join us for World Day of Prayer, 11:00 am at St. Alban’s Anglican Church, 501 Brink Street, Ashcroft. Note service is Saturday morning. Women of Egypt prepared the service. Guest speaker: David Durksen who has visited Egypt. Lunch to follow. March 9 - Daylight Savings Time begins at 3 am. Spring forward! March 10 - Cache Creek Council meeting will be held at 7 pm in Council Chambers. Everyone welcome. March 10 - 68th Bean Supper provided by Zion UCW and Friends. Two sittings; 5 and 6 PM. Tickets at door. A hearty home cooked meal at Zion United Church Hall; 401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft. Everyone welcome. March 12-15 - Experience the thrill of live theatre: come see the hilarious, fast-paced farce Switching Principals, presented by the Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society. at 7:00pm, plus matinee on Mar. 15 at 1:00pm. Admission by donation. Ashcroft Community Hall, 409 Bancroft St. March 13 - Ashcroft Branding Committee meets in the Sun Country office at 5:30 pm. March 18-19 - Free Banner Workshop hosted by Ashcroft Communities in Bloom with assistance from artist Jo Petty. All ages welcome, but if a child under the age of 8 is interested, they must be accompanied by an adult. Register by calling Andrea Walker at 250 453-9402. March 23 - Come out and hear a talk by Bernie Fandrich, founder of Kumsheen Rafting and author of British Columbia’s Majestic Thompson River, at the Ashcroft Community Hall from 2:00 - 4:00pm. There’s no charge for this event, sponsored by the Village of Ashcroft. March 29 - Ducks Unlimited Banquet and Auction, Cache Creek Community Hall. Doors open at 6:00pm, country buffet dinner at 7:00. Live and silent auctions, raffles, games, and door prizes. For tickets call Vivian (250-457-0430) or Sandy (250-457-9560). April 6 - The Ash-Creek TV Society will hold its Annual General Meeting in the basement of the Cache Creek Community Hall. The Annual Report will be read and there will be elections of officers. All citizens of both Ashcroft and Cache Creek are members so please attend.

Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion FRI., MARCH 7th • 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Ham with Scalloped Potatoes $9/plate

MEAT DRAW Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm Crib every Thursday at 7:00 pm Darts every Thursday at 7:30 pm

* Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre, first & third Sunday of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Contract Bridge, beginners welcome Every Wednesday 3:00 to 5:00 pm Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August) Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 5 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm


Shortcut a no-no

Feb. 26 at 2:30 pm an Ashcroft resident called to complain about a trespasser regularly using his property. Police contacted the 27 year old Ashcroft man who admited to using the property as a shortcut. He agreed to stop using it.

Driver rescued from burning vehicle

Feb. 27 at 4 pm police attended a single vehicle accident east of Cache Creek just past the mushroom plant where an eastbound 2009 Mazda Tribute went off the road to the right on a curve. It struck a rock and burst into flames. The passenger was able to get out of the vehicle but the driver was trapped. Passing motorists stopped and were able to extract the 64 year old Lillooet man before the flames reached him. He was stabilized by ambulance paramedics and trans-

Thursday, March 6, 2014 The Journal

who was known to be on parole with condiWendy Coomber tions to ported to Ashcroft hospistay away tal with serious head lacera- from liquor outlets and not tions and broken bones. The consume alcohol. He was arpassenger, a 64 year old Lil- rested and will be charged looet woman, suffered head with failing to comply with and face injuries. She wish- probation orders. es to thank the two BC Hydro employees and two other Bar fight ends in assault men who stopped to assist March 1 at 2 am police her husband, who otherwise were called to the River Inn would have quickly per- after a fight left a 36 year old ished in the burning vehicle. Vancouver man in the hospiThe men did not leave their tal. Police arrested a 25 year names or contact informa- old Lillooet man the followtion behind, and RCMP are ing day. He’s been charged asking them to get in touch with assault causing bodily by calling 250-453-2216 and harm. The two were in town citing file #2414-199. for the ice racing and the Beer Belly tournament. An Ignoring probation argument in the bar turned Feb. 28 at 11:45 pm into a fight, which left thewhile on patrol at the Oasis Vancouver man with serious bar, an officer identified a 28 head and facial injuries. year old Cache Creek man

Ashcroft rcMP DetAchMent


Woman signs for help

March 2 at 8 pm police re-

ceived a report of a female standing next to a vehicle parked on side of Hwy 1 south of Ashcroft Ranch holding a sign that said ‘Call police’. Police located the 50 year old Peachland woman. She seemed distraught and confused. The ambulance was called and she was transported to Ashcroft hospital for treatment of an unknown condition.

Truck driver injured

March 3 at 12:20 am police attended a single vehicle accident on Hwy 1 east of Cache Creek near the Walhachin turnoff after a tractor trailer drove off the road and hit a rockface. The cab was destroyed and the trailer was tipped over. The driver, a 50 year old man from Sulpice, Quebec, was suffering from a head injury and was taken to Royal Inland Hospital for treatment. He may have fallen asleep before the accident took place. The matter is still under investigation and charges may be pending.

Search continues for man missing over a year

Making theatre accessible to everyone Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society (WRAPS) received a financial boost last week for their upcoming play, Switching Principals, when Bridging to Literacy donated $300 to the group so that they could offer admission by donation. WRAPS president Barbara Roden accepts the donation from Bridging to Literacy co-ordinator Ann Belcham.

WRAPS presents the fast-paced farce

Switching Principals March 12 - 15 Ashcroft Community Hall, Bancroft St. Admission by donation All ages welcome Performance times: 7:00pm daily Matinee at 1:00pm on March 15 So funny, it’s almost criminal!

Sponsored by Bridging to Literacy

As the one-year anniversary of Gary Price’s disappearance comes and goes this week, there are still more questions than answers in the suspicious case. Price, 61 last year, vanished without a trace last February after taking a run to Likely for groceries from his remote home at Cariboo Lake. Despite not having any suspects or a body for that matter, members of the E Division North District Major Crime Unit were in the area this week pushing forward with the investigation. “The file is very active … we want to find Gary,” said Williams Lake Staff Sgt. Ken Brissard. “We’re in close contact with the family every day I’m sure they’re hoping he’s going to walk up the driveway, but unfortunately we don’t suspect that is going to happen.” After conducting several aerials and ground searches in the days following his disappearance, it didn’t take investigators long to suspect Price was met with foul play. Price’s truck was found about one kilometre from Likely on the Keithly Creek Road, pulled over on the shoulder, but pointed towards his home at Cariboo Lake on Feb. 23. Still inside the vehicle were Price’s groceries he had purchased at the store, including food for his beloved cat that was waiting for his return at home. Once a guide outfitter, Price was adept at surviving for large periods of time in the wilderness. He kept to himself but was known as a polite and respectful man, and was reported missing by his siblings and extended family. Brissard said the RCMP are making progress in the case. “It’s definitely moving forward in the right direction.” Anyone with information is asked to contact Williams Lake RCMP or CrimeStoppers.

Crime Stoppers - 1-800-222-8477

The Journal Thursday, March 6 2014


Moose population declining in the Cariboo, elsewhere by Gavin Crites 100 Mile Free Press The provincial government recently launched an investigation into what’s causing significant moose population declines in the British Columbia Interior. The five-year study will monitor five zones that range from the Fort St. James area in the North to the Kamloops area in the South – Bonaparte, Big Creek, Entiako, Prince George South and John Prince Research Forest. The investigation will consider forestry-related changes to the landscape, climate, parasites, diseases, and pressure from hunting and predators, and any connection these factors have with respect to what’s happening to the animals, and how to bring them back. Jesse Zeman, a director with the B.C. Wildlife Federation (BCWL), says it’s good to see the government investing in wildlife management. He adds the decline in moose numbers in this part of the province has been “huge.” “In the Thompson, Cariboo and Omineca – that’s where we’ve seen the most significant decline. Of course, those are the areas where we’ve had extensive salvage and pine beetle logging. “We know where we’ve had salvage logging we’ve had significant moose population declines. What the relationship is between logging and moose population declines, we don’t know. That’s what we have to find out.” The most current estimate for B.C.’s moose population – 145,000 to 235,000 – is from 2011. The government says that estimate will be updated this summer. According to data provided by the BCWF, the number of moose taken by hunters in the Cariboo Region has dropped by close to twothirds in the past 30 years – from 2,921 in 1980 to 964 in 2011. Throughout the province, close to 75,000 people apply for a moose tag annually, but only about 10,000 receive tags. Of those, about 6,000 hunters will take an animal. Thirty years ago, resident hunters were harvesting about 13,000 annually. The drop in hunting numbers means declines in overall revenue generated from hunting and hunting-related expenditures for many communities in rural B.C., Zeman explains. “Sustainability is the key. If the [moose] population is trending downward, then opportunities for hunters trends down with that. “Probably one-third of the hunter population lives either on Vancouver Island or in the Lower Mainland. So, those are people who would historically have come up to the Cariboo to go hunting. There’s an income redistribution that happens throughout the Cariboo that now doesn’t occur as much.” The study, which includes 11 wildlife biologists, a wildlife veterinarian and other staff, will see the movement of more than 200 radio-collared moose tracked and their mortalities investigated to determine a cause of death. There is the possibility of adding three more areas to the study as the work progresses. In a news release, the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations states the goal for moose management is to ensure populations are sustainable, integral to natural ecosystems throughout their range, and able to meet the needs of First Nations, licensed hunters and the guiding industry.

Dressed for Tea The United Church Women’s Friendship Tea, held at the Zion United Church on Feb. 11, saw several ladies enjoying themselves wearing some finery on their heads and rising to the occasion of a fun and friendly Tea Party for all. Pictured from left to right, Esther Darlington MacDonald, Anita Marciniw Ladoski, Donna Gunner and Geraldine Lawson.

Motorplex adds exciting new races to lineup It has been a very busy winter up at the Eagle Motorplex! There have been many changes and improvements happening at and around The ‘Plex since last Fall. The biggest off-site change you will find is at the entrance to the track with the new Ashcroft Travel Centre. The Travel Centre will feature an Esso self-serve gas station with an ‘On The Run’ convenience store, propane, and a sani-dump. Mr. Sub and Country Style Doughnut food outlets will be welcome additions, as well as a card lock complete with trucker lounge. On site, the drag strip itself is getting some changes; we are replacing a couple of pieces of equipment and making some other general improvements around the facility. Not to be left out, several alterations to our motocross track can be expected to change things up this year before the season opener. The 2014 season will start off early mid March and will conclude late October; The ‘Plex has a variety of action packed events planned, with both the racer and spectator in mind: We start our Motocross season off on Saturday, Apr. 5 with an open practice, and the first BCMA race is Sunday, Apr. 6. Easter Weekend (Apr. 1820) will start off with an open practice on Good Friday followed up with a BCMA double header on Saturday and Sunday. We are so excited with our 2014

drag racing schedule! We will be hosting two Blown Alcohol Thunder races and two Northwest Outlaw races… bring on the “Pipe Wars”! We have also worked out a multitrack race series designed with the bracket racer in mind. The New “Enviro-Mulch B.C. Bracket Series” is a race within races. Points will be collected at the following: The ‘Plex May 10-11 Northern Lights Raceway (Fort St. John) June 14-15 Northland Motorsports Park (Prince George) July 25-27 There is no cost for this series! Points will be collected from all three weekends and will be automatically entered into the series. Trophies will be awarded at the Northland Motorsports Park Race. In conjunction with Cache Creek’s Graffiti Days again, the ever-popular 27th Annual Langley Loafer Old Time Drags (June 6-8) will feature a brand new series of racing in the Northwest. The “Blown Alcohol Thunder” pro comp group will have a variety of cars including altereds, dragsters and funny cars all racing against each other for the first time in a combined class. This event, without question, will continue to be our ‘premier event! June 27-29 will see some of the most exciting racing around with our 4th Annual IHRA Pro Am Tour race, featuring Top Sportsman and Top Dragster. This exciting event will be

broadcast live on the IHRA family of websites! Still in the works is an exciting Triple-Header (Aug. 2-4). It will be one of the first of it’s kind at The ‘Plex (check back often for more details!) We will welcome the C.M.D.R.A. back to The ‘Plex twice this year, featuring the Top Fuel Harleys and the outrageous Pro Mods (May 24-25 and Aug. 23-24). There will be a gamblers race set up at both of these races for cars wishing to come out and play with the bike boys! Last but not least, we are making plans for the Summit Super Series Finals in Edmonton again this year (Aug. 18-20). Circle your calendars and save the date! We would love to send a full team this year to the Finals to experience the excitement and camaraderie that happens at one of these events. After having our fill of awesome vehicles and amazing races, the final race of the year is slated for Sept. 27 and will conclude with our awards banquet on the Saturday night. This year the banquet will be at the Ashcroft Community Hall and will feature a Pot Luck Dinner. We hope you are as excited as we are for this upcoming season, and will make it out to many of our events. Bring a friend and introduce them to the excitement at the Plex! See you at The ‘Plex! Joe Sye

A 4 Published every Thursday in Ashcroft by Black Press Ltd. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber

The Editor’s Desk

Thursday, March 6, 2014 The Journal




It costs a little more but it’s worth it Food is precious to us. I don’t think anyone would disagree with that. Unless we want to become hunters and gathers again, we rely on others to provide our fresh vegetables, fruit and dairy. And we have to trust them to be fastidious about the process of growing and harvesting. Actually, do most of us care how it’s grown and harvested? Unless there’s a scary headline about sickness and deaths and recalls, most of us probably don’t think further than how much it costs us at the cash register. If we stopped to think about it, common sense would tell us that the closer to home that food is grown, the better it’s got to be for us. While it’s nice to have access to fresh food year round, it’s hard to say what’s been used on those green grapes from Mexico or those tomatoes from some nameless field (or greenhouse) in the United States. It’s tough to grow bananas locally. Or avacados, oranges, dates... In those cases, we hope that the countries where they grow have good organic standards that we can trust. That’s why we have standards. But we have to pay for them. It’s a good bet that cheap prices mean low - or no - standards. And if you think that food that’s been placed on the store shelf can’t hurt you, then you don’t pay attention to the news. Buy Canadian. Buy local. It’s not foolproof, but we have good standards when it comes to food. This country is blessed with an abundance of fertile soil, unlike many countries where the climate frowns on food production. Our farmers and ranchers deserve our undying respect for what they do. Imagine if all of our food was produced in a test tube? Imported fruit and vegetables are always cheaper - until they put the Canadian producers out of business. Then watch the prices go up. Support Canadian farmers. Support our local farmers. Support yourself. Dig a hole in your backyard or your front yard and plant a tomato or a potato, or a half dozen turnips, maybe a bean plant. You’ll be growing your own gold mine.


ROCK FORMATIONS in Ashcroft’s “slough” can look like a giant nose or a trendy hillside dwellling

Farmers’ Privilege is hollowed out in Bill C-18 by Terry Boehm and Ann Slater Farmers have been selecting, harvesting, cleaning, storing, replanting and sharing seeds with each other for many millennia. Through Bill C-18, the Canadian government would turn this customary practice into a ‘privilege’ – a hollow privilege that can be taken away at any time. In their recent article, Keith Downey and Bryan Harvey suggest that the farmers’ privilege in Bill C-18 would allow farmers to save, store, clean, treat and plant seed of a protected variety on their own land. The “farmers’ privilege” as laid out in section 5.3 (2) of Bill C-18 says that “the rights referred to in paragraphs 5(1)(a) and (b) do not apply to harvested material of a plant variety that is grown by a farmer on the farmer’s holdings...”. The rights referred to in para-

graphs 5(1) (a) are “to produce and reproduce propagating material” and in 5(1) (b) “to condition propagating material”. The right “to stock propagating material” is laid out in 5(1) (g) and is not included within the “farmers’ privilege” provision. Section 5(1) (g) in fact gives the plant breeder exclusive control of stocking. Since the farmers’ privilege provision does not include stocking, will farmers be accused of infringing on the rights of plant breeders if they clean and store two or three years’ supply of seed to protect against crop failure, disease or frost or if they store unsold grain in the farmyard which could potentially be used to grow more grain? Aside from not providing farmers with the ‘privilege’ to stock, store or bin seed on their own EMAIL:



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402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625

farm, in Section 50 of Bill C-18 the Governor in Council (ie. Cabinet) is given the power to limit the farmers’ privilege provision through regulations. These regulations can allow the exclusion of classes of farmers, plant varieties, crop kinds, and uses of harvested material, restrict or put conditions on farmers’ use of harvested material and stipulate what is to be considered “conditioning” of seed. This is hardly what one would call enshrining a farmer’s right to use their own seed! By excluding the option to stock seed and by allowing the exclusion of classes of farmers and plant varieties through regulation, farmers are left with a hollow shell called a farmers’ privilege. This hollow shell goes well with a public plant breeding infrastructure that is being hollowed out piece by


Terry Daniels


Wendy Coomber


Anne Blake


Barbara Roden

piece, day by day. Farmers’ privilege is included in Bill C-18 to make it appear that the government is acting in the interest of farmers. Once again, Bill C-18 will hand power and control of our seeds, our farms and our food to a handful of multinational seed companies who will simply offer Canadian farmers the same varieties they have developed for larger markets with a different climate, different soil and different pests. Instead of accepting the governments’ hollow promotion, take the time to read Bill C-18 and look at the analysis done by the National Farmers Union and other organizations. Terry Boehm is a grain farmer in Saskatchewan and former president of the National Farmers Union. Ann Slater is Vice President (Policy) of the NFU and a farmer in southern Ontario.

Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

The Journal Thursday, March 6 2014


Walhachin celebration combines song, dance, food and more 6th Annual Women’s Celebration in Walhachin

Come Celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day Celebration in Walhachin. The 6th Annual Celebration will be held on Saturday, March 8 at the Museum Hall from noon – 5 pm. There will be a few booths, demonstrations, plus music and dance featuring Desert Dawn Belly Dance Troupe, Spiritis Mundii, Nadine Davenport, Karaoke with Anita & friends, and Karla Cummins. A special note and request in regards to Val Carey’s absence this year (she’s doing well, last report - we’ll have an update on the day), please bring a candle and wear something purple (Val’s favourite colour) or tie dye (Val’s favourite kind of clothing) It’s a Potluck!! so please bring Snacks and Goodies for shared Potluck (vegetarian and meat) and a donation to go towards event costs would be appreciated. Our creativity as women is one of our greatest gifts. For more information or to register for booth space please call; Nadine at (250) 453-9100. Encouraging men most welcome!

Bluegrass group cancels Ashcroft performance

Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society has announced the cancelation of the Dessert Concert on Friday, March 14. The Moonshiners, the bluegrass band from Victoria scheduled to perform in Ashcroft have unfortunately disbanded and will not be able to perform. But all is not lost - as it will free up another night for WRAP’s theatrical presentation of Switching Principals on that Friday.

Community play Switching Principals March 12-15

Switching Principals is the next Community theatrical production presented by the fine folks of Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society. The production scheduled to take place from March 1215 at the Ashcroft Community Hall. Admission will be by donation. Check out a special themed poster - with artwork done by one of the cast members, Vivian McLean. The play is a fast-paced farce set at Marvin Gardens High School, which is stuck in a rut. School spirit has never been lower, and everyone hopes that the new principal will be a breath of fresh air. What they get, however, is a pair of fast-talking con artists who sneak into the school to hide out from the police. When one of them is mistaken for the new principal, he decides to play along. But how long can he keep everyone fooled? Can he and his partner dodge the FBI agent on their tail? And what happens when the real principal finally shows up? The farcical fun never stops in this wacky comedy! Rehearsals are going really well, the cast are now ‘off script’ and having fun with their on stage personas. The sets are

being built and it’s two weeks until ShowTime! The Performances will be; Nadine Wednesday Davenport thru Saturday creativecurrent@ - with two performances on Saturday, an evening performance and matinee at 1 pm. All evening shows start at 7 pm. Admission is by donation. There will be a Concession as well. WRAPS would like to thank Literacy Now for their kind donation, a special thanks to Director, Mavourneen Varcoe-Ryan and to all the many Volunteers it takes to put on a Community Play.


Kenny has received the BC Country Music Association’s “Entertainer of the Year Award” for four consecutive years, Brian is a multi-instrumentalist equally at home playing percussion, bass, or guitar and they both enjoy performing: parodies, skits, and hits by the harmony duos of the fifties and sixties. This fast paced comedy/music show has a barrage of one-liners, musical impressions, sound effects and honey smooth musical tributes to the great duos of the Baby Boomer era, such as The Everly Brothers, Peter and Gordon, Sonny and Cher and more. Kenny Shaw is known for being outrageously funny and continuously is being asked to “sing more”. So he has buddied up with long time friend and multi-

Comedy Duo Kenny Shaw and Brian Temple

The River Inn Pub presents the Comedy Duo of Kenny Shaw & Brian Temple on March 29. The show is a combination of Country Comedy and Sixties Music Tributes for Baby Boomers. An unexpected compatibility of harmony, musical preferences and humour. You’ll never remember the harmony duos of the Baby Boomer generation the same way again. They are a high-powered comedy duo aimed directly at the funny bone of baby boomer audiences. Their musical tributes, unpredictable and zany antics, and high calibre musicality are gut achingly funny.

Handbell Concert coming up in Cache Creek

Coming up on May 4 is a Spring Concert from the Desert Bells Handbell Choir. They will be performing in the Cache Creek Pentecostal Church. They don’t play often, so come out enjoy their music in the great accoustical setting of the church.


Spring Choral Concert at St Albans Hall

The Sage Sound Singers are in preparation for another beautiful celebration of harmonies which will be copresented again with Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society on March 29 at St Albans Hall in Ashcroft. The Spring performance will include some popular songs of today and yesterday. The night will also feature a good number of soloists from the choir and a solo performance by the ever talented, Carmen Ranta on saxophone. The Sage Sound Singers would like to thank; Conductor, Carmen Ranta; Musical Director Michelle Reid and Pianist Dimiter Terziev for their commitment and passion to our musical community. The performance starts at 7 pm with doors at 6:30 pm. Admission is by donation. Stayed tuned for more information and look for posters around town.

talented Brian Temple who is highly respected in music circles for being a precision vocalist. Brian’s career has taken him throughout the North Western United States with show bands, and on to Vancouver’s nightclub circuit. Kenny Shaw and Brian Temple are one dynamite entertainment package. For more info call (250) 453-9124.

Second Time Around Annual General Meeting

Monday, March 10th

THE LOONIE BALL IS BACK! Proceeds to go to community projects

to be held at Second Time Around Shop located next to Interior Savings and The Barber Shop

Thursday, April 17 at 11:00am

Hope to see you all there!

All up to date members are welcome

Cache Creek Community Hall • Doors Open 6 pm


Cariboo Country Mobile Veterinary Services

Feline stress: when good cats do bad things Few things are more distressing to a cat owner than when their feline companion urinates in inappropriate places. This problem has likely led to the abandonment or euthanasia of more cats than any other health or behavioural issue. The difficulty in solving the issue is to figure out why. The first order of business, naturally, is to rule out a medical cause. Cats, like people, do suffer from bladder infections and bladder stones. If this is the problem, you may find your cat urinating in odd places outside the litter box. Sinks, bathtubs, washing machines, bedding or piles of clothing are often the target. When people get bladder infections, they often experience pain, urgency and urinary incontinence. The same is likely true for cats. They may avoid their litterbox because they associate the discomfort they are feeling with the place they are using to relieve themselves. It may also be an avoidance mechanism to prevent detection of illness by predators or other cats. In the wild, advertising the fact that you are not 100% healthy is an invitation to be somebody’s lunch. If your cat is urinating on vertical surfaces—walls, door jambs, car tires—this tends to be more of a marking behavior. This is the feline equivalent of updating your status on Facebook. Although unaltered tom cats consider this to be their first line of communication, any cat may exhibit this behavior if they feel that their territory is being threatened. The mere sight of another cat walking through the yard may be enough set off your indoor cat if he or she observes this intrusion from the picture window.

Compassionate PET CARE Close to home


250-644-PETS (7387)

Michelle and Pam One quite common occurrence with cats is a phenomenon known by veterinarians by its medical term: “idiopathic cystitis.” This translates into: “Even though I have all these years of fancy schoolin’, I have no idea why your cat is peeing all over your house.” This is because stress (the cat kind) can cause the bladder to become inflamed and cause symptoms identical to those of a full-blown bladder infection. Cats who suffer from this, in addition to all the other signs, may also have very bloody urine. I know what you’re thinking. . . Why in the world would my cat be stressed? With a live-in maid, a personal chef, endless napping, and an on-call masseuse? Sign me up. The thing is, cats don’t see it that way. In the course of evolution, cats have developed a highly risky lifestyle. They are small in stature and they are nocturnal predators. This is a dangerous way to survive. Starving to death or getting eaten yourself are very likely possibilities. It pays to be paranoid. So when your household cat perceives a threat or a change in their environment or routine, they may respond in a way that can quickly ruin your bedspread. Even though our modern housecats cats enjoy a safe, pain-free existence, they still retain those highstress tendencies from their ancestors. Sometimes it’s obvious—we move to a new house, acquire a puppy, have houseguests, etc. Sometimes we have no idea. Either way, the problem is the same. And, it’s destroying the house. Next time, we’ll discuss some ways to help avoid the problem before it happens, and things you can do to reduce this behaviour in your cat.

Thursday, March 6, 2014 The Journal


A 6

Pt. IV: Behind Door #1

stand there, not realizing it’s Barbara Roden your turn to speak. Cecelia McLean, re-cast only two Feb. 15: Our first official rehearsal weeks ago in a much lar“off-book” – no scripts allowed on stage ger part than her origin– means lots of pauses, lapses, and calls al one, has done a great job of “Line, please.” Some actors are ap- of getting up to speed; anyproximating their lines – giving more or one watching would assume less the substance of what they’re suppos- she’d had as much time to ed to be saying, but not coming out with study her part as the rest of the lines as they are in the script. This us. Seeing someone step up causes some confusion for other actors, to a challenge like that inwho are expecting a certain sentence to spires the rest of us. cue them for their own lines; when the exWe’ve also had another pected words don’t come, and you’re still cast member leave; her trying to get your part down, it’s easy to family has moved earlier Things are getting tense as (from left) Dave Dubois, Nancy Duchaine, John Kidder, Connie than planned, so she’s Walkem, Kirk Watson, and The Door rehearse the final scene of Switching Principals. unable to continue. and I tell ourselves this is obviously down the step leading to it will be. There’s Rather than find another cast mem- to our superb acting skills. much laughter as actors mime stepping ber at such a late stage, her lines are Feb. 22: Several major cast members up and down on a level floor. divided amongst the other three ac- aren’t available today, which makes for Feb. 25: It’s safe to say that this run tors playing the students. The show an awkward rehearsal. Even with volun- through of Act Two is the most difficult must go on, after all. teers reading out the lines, it’s difficult re- one we’ve had so far. It’s as if a sudden Reserve your space! Feb. 17: The lack of a down- acting to people who aren’t on the stage, case of nerves has seized everyone: lines Call The Journal 250-453-2261 stage left door is still causing prob- so our imaginations are working over- we knew just a few days ago have evaplems, as actors try to figure out time. It also leads to some unintentionally orated from memory, and the brain freeze where they have to be in relation to funny moments, when characters have to rapidly sweeps through the entire cast. it when they’re on stage. We’re told manhandle themselves across the stage. “That was an amazing struggle,” says that a real door will be with us next Feb. 24: Thanks to Jim Duncan, we Mavourneen at the end of it, and we agree week; until then we will just have have a door! It looks odd, plunked down to fit in extra rehearsals over the coming One Percent Realty Ltd. to continue using our imaginations. on the floor of the high school library, but week. This seems to steady everyone, and It’s also Cecelia’s first time doing it’s an enormous help in getting us used to we run through the act again, with better Now serving Act One, Scene One as her new the dynamics of interacting with it. Vari- results. Clinton, Cache Creek character, so there are a lot of paus- ous costumes are beginning to make an Mar. 1: When we gather to start to& Ashcroft es as she gets the blocking down. appearance as well, with actors turning day’s rehearsal, stage manager Jessica Ma rilyn Talbot MLS listing During one pause a young onlook- up in clothes that are a far cry from our Clement reminds us that at this time two 778 -207 -300 0 $6000 flat fee er – daughter of a cast member – usual casual attire. Director Mavourneen weeks from now we’ll be almost finished approaches Jim McLean, who Varcoe-Ryan encourages everyone wear- the Saturday matinee performance. The plays the husband of the overbear- ing unfamiliar outfits – dresses, suits, reality of what we’ve embarked on hits us ing school board head, played by high-heeled shoes – to start wearing them like a wave, but it only serves to encouryours truly. Jim – whose character to rehearsals, to get used to moving in age everyone, and the first run through has been harangued for not waiting them. I’ll be wearing heels, and in once of the entire play goes much better than in the car as directed – is gravely scene I get backed across the stage and we’d dared hope, especially given what informed that he had better go and out the door, so as I’m no Ginger Rogers our previous rehearsal was like. There’s wait(MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX in the car, otherwise his wife I decide that getting used to the shoes will still a lot of fine tuning to be done over ble Smoking Cessation Aids Availa will get angry at him again. Jim be an excellent idea. the next 10 days, but we can feel things ** some restrictions apply ** The area of stage that coming together. Now to get on to the acTel: (250) 453-2553 will be raised has been taped tual stage. . . . P.O. Box 1060 Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers Fax: (250) 453-2404 210 Railway Avenue (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX out to indicate where it and 072 (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX pdm il: Ema Ashcroft, B.C. Wherein we follow the Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society as it puts on a show. . . .





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The Journal Thursday, March 6 2014


If the Thompson could tell stories... Fandrich pioneered Scotia, then went on to spend izers expect a good turn out for white water rafting in B.C. four years teaching at Langara this free event. Having met him, starting in 1973. White College in Vancouver where he I expect this excellent articulawater adventure is big busi- taught English and Communi- tor and charming Lytton resident ness in B.C. today, but he cation. will prove, once again, that our points out that white water Fandrich is an avid fly fisher- area possesses more than its full and progression of ex- man and has fished every “drift share of extraordinary talent. ploration on the Thomp- and stick” on the son began much earlier, in Thompson Riv1828, when Hudson Bay er, according to For news items or events, call Wendy at Company governor George Gordon Milne, 250-453-2261 for or email her at Simpson was bent on en- now a retired suring that his company Superintendent dominated the fur trade. of Schools (S.D. Simpson was look- 91). His knowing for a navigable water ledge of the rivroute from Fort Alexandria er in every aspect Bernie Fandrich in Ashcroft last summer to promote his book. on the Fraser River (south of its geologicZION UNITED of Quesnel), to the Pacific al and historical Sunday Worship 10:50 am Coast above the 49th par- significance, litby Esther Darlington Mac- River, Bernie Fandrich. 401 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC • 250-453-9511 Donald A resident of Lytton for allel, free of American intru- erally, at “every • In deference to B.C.’s annual many years, and president of the sion into this territory. The feisty turn” has made Heritage Week (in February), Lytton Rivers Society, which he governor decided that he himself the River his United Church of Canada this year with “water” as the describes as a “strong commit- would determine the best route, life’s work since Pastor Alice Watson, DM retirement theme, whether it be a lake or a tee” working to develop Lytton’s the Fraser or the Thompson Riv- his river, Ashcroft’s Heritage Com- annual River Fest event, Fan- ers. Simpson wanted to know the from teaching. SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10 am Comedian, mittee decided that no one could drich’s knowledge of the river best time of the year to navigate KIDZ MONDAY SCHOOL: 3:30 pm fill the bill better than Kumsheen he loves is vast, encompassing the rivers, so he left Fort Kam- Rick Mercer deRiver Rafting resort owner and every landmark along the river loops with chief trader, Archi- clared Majestic St. Alban’s bald McDonald in the late after- Thompson Riv501 Brink St, Ashcroft ~ 250-453-9909 author of Majestic Thompson from Savona to Ashcroft. noon of Oct. 6. They had 12 er “rich in histAnglican Church of Canada paddlers. The rest of the ad- ory and advenREV. DAN HINES OR DEACON LOIS PETTY venture is described in Fan- ture,” saying drich’s fascinating book. “this is my kind He has a Master’s de- of book.” Crossroads Pentecostal Assembly gree in Education from Fandrich Christ Centered People Centered U.B.C., specializing in will be guest 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. • 250-457-6463 communication. Originally speaker at Ashby Tom Fletcher made up her mind. Pastor David Murphy from Vernon, fate took Fan- croft CommunWorship and Sermon commences at 10 a.m. Black Press “The reason why provinces drich far afield. He taught ity Hall on SunVICTORIA – Winners of next across Canada have moved to four at St. Francis Xavier Uni- day, March 23 Everyone welcome November’s local elections will years is it provides greater cer- versity in Antigonish, Nova at 2 pm. Organserve four years on councils and tainty in communities to move school boards. those very important projects forMinister of Community, Sport ward, things such as infrastrucand Cultural Development Cora- ture improvements,” Oakes said. lee Oakes said Tuesday she will “It provides opportunities for local introduce legislation shortly to ex- government officials to understand tend local government terms from their projects and to carry them three years to four. The change is through.” to take effect in time for elections The change would mean the next fall. next municipal election would be Oakes said the change comes held in 2018, on a schedule that after the Union of B.C. Munici- follows provincial elections by one palities supported it at their con- year. Oakes said there was no invention last September. The issue tent to avoid having both elections has been debated many times and at the same time, and she is acting has been divisive over the years, in response to the UBCM’s vote to NOW with some rural politicians arguing go ahead. ACCEPTING against extending the commitment Asked if the legislation would ELECTRONICS for jobs with little pay. include a “Rob Ford clause” to reOakes, who served two terms move politicians who misbehave on Quesnel city council before be- while in office, Oakes said the Don’t want to wait? Donate to: the Food Bank, Clubs, etc. $.08 per can for domestic beer ing elected to the B.C. legislature ministry is examining changes to Please remember: Caps off - Labels on! We now accept milk cartons (please rinse first, no refund) last year, said she had her own the oath of office to “provide more doubts about it when it was debat- tools” to deal with such situations. UESDAY TO ATURDAY ed during that time. But she has

ChurCh DireCtory

Local government terms extended to four years

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Getting ready for Spring takes a lot of work Shrove (or Pancake) Tuesday

Tuesday, March 4 is known to those of the Christian faith as Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Tuesday. It is the last day before the beginning of Lent. The members of St. Peter’s Catholic Church held a Pancake Brunch on that day in Clinton. Unfortunately I was committed to attending several meetings (Council) that day so was not able to attend. Since Lent is a time of abstinence, of giving up things, Shrove Tuesday is the last chance to indulge yourself. Traditionally it was a day to use up the food items in your house that you would be giving up for Lent. Pancakes contain sugar, butter and eggs, which were traditionally given up during the 40 days of Lent.


This year the period known as Lent began on March 5. During that time many Christians try to follow the example of Jesus in the desert by giving up luxuries and practising selfdiscipline.

Although Lent is known as 40 days (to commemorate the 40 days Christ spent in the desert) if you count the days between Ash Wednesday and Easter you will find there are actually 47 days. This is because Sundays are a day of celebration in the Christian Church (commemorating the Resurrection) so they are not included in the 40 fasting days of Lent. If you made a New Year’s Resolution that has gone by the wayside, this is a perfect time to get back on track. I once had a Pastor who said it was not just about giving up things but could also be a time of taking on or starting something new. This could be a healthier diet, and exercise program or any other way to improve our lives. So now we all know why Lent is commemorated.

Daylight Saving Time

Don’t forget to turn your

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clocks ahead one hour on March 9 as Day Light Saving Time begins. It may be darker when you get up in the morning but that extra hour of daylight in the late afternoon will be welcome. Some areas of Canada not using Daylight Saving Time include Fort St. John, Charlie Lake, Taylor and Dawson Creek in the Peace Country, Creston in the East Kootenays, and most of Saskatchewan (except Denare Beach and Creighton). Previously, Canada had observed Daylight Saving Time from the first Sunday in April until the last Sunday in October. However, through legislation passed in 2006, Daylight Saving Time now begins three weeks earlier on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November. This change in Daylight Saving Time kept Canada’s Daylight Saving Time pattern consistent with the United States, which enacted into law a broad energy bill that extended Daylight Saving Time in the same manner.


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Enjoy that extra daylight.

Planting Time

For me the switch to daylight saving time also signals that it is time to start my seeds. For years I have practised planting by the moon phases, much as my dad did when I was growing up. If you plant by the moon then it is time to get planting those plants that need lots of time to grow. The first two quarters of the moon from the New Moon to the Full Moon (waxing) is a time for optimal growth. This means planting my seeds for the numerous plants that I start from seed before the full moon on March 16. There are some gardeners that are very strict about planting times by the moon. They advocate planting leafy vegetables and plants with external seeds during the first quarter. Fruits and vegetables with internal seeds (peas, beans, peppers, tomatoes, curcubits, etc.) are planted during the second quarter. Of course it is much too early to plant anything outdoors yet. I have grow lights where I start my plants and then move them to my greenhouse when it warms up (or when I run out of space under the lights). I am not that strict about what to plant in what quarter. I will feel lucky if I get my tomatoes (all 12 varieties) and annual flower seeds planted before the full moon. Or maybe I am just tired of winter and anxious to get my hands into the soil!


Richard Milton ‘Corky’ January 17, 1926 - February 20, 2014

Richard Milton Hinkes, better known as ‘Corky’ is survived by his loving wife of 63 years, Kathleen ‘Kay’; two daughters: Kathleen (Chuck) Charles and Melody (Terry) Michalsky, his four grandchildren: Katrina Wilson, Gillian Garrett, Sarah Amatto, Kevin Michalsky; their spouses and five great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by his daughter Beverley, as well as his brothers Wally and Doug. Corky spent all his years in Clinton except for one year in Port Alberni and three years, 1944-1946, with the Canadian Armed Forces in Holland. On arriving home to Clinton, he took a truck-driving job which led him to Kathleen Kennedy, whom he married on July 29, 1950. In 1953, Corky started work with the Department of Highways where he stayed until his retirement 35 years later. When not working he could be found fishing with his family on Kelly Lake. Corky was a devoted family man who was dedicated and dependable. He was a man of few words, but always enjoyed a good joke. Corky (Dad) will continue to live in our hearts. Funeral Mass was held on Tues., Feb. 25, 2014 at St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church in Clinton, B.C. Father Patrick Anthony Cerdeno officiated. 100 Mile Funeral Service Ltd. entrusted with the arrangements. 250-395-3243 Condolences can be sent to the family care of

The Journal Thursday, March 6, 2014 A9

New marijuana law stinks

In the spring of 1997, four days before his 20th birthday, my new friend Bob Raven was goofing around at Pioneer Park in Kamloops, playing volleyball and having fun with his buddies when he decided to join some of them in the lake. Without thinking, the college student ran down the dock and dove in to what he later found out was less than three feet of water. He felt his neck break instantly. Lying face down, motionless, he wondered how long it would take his friends to notice he was paralyzed. Not wanting to be moved for fear his situation could get worse, he was supported in the cold water for over an hour before the ambulance finally arrived. By then the local newspaper was already there,

ON A BRIGHTER NOTE LORI WELBOURNE and he was their front page story the next day. He spent the next two months at Vancouver General Hospital before being admitted into GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre, where he would begin learning to live his life as a quadriplegic. After plummeting from 160 lbs down to 105, he started using marijuana to help regain his appetite and dull his pain and spasms in order to get through the day and

sleep through the night. “It was a natural way for me to get off most of the heavy prescription pills I was on,” he said. “Before my accident I had always been healthy and I wanted to keep living as well as I could. I didn’t want to be addicted to drugs like morphine.” Four years ago he attained a license to cultivate his own cannabis, and with the aid of his helpers he’s been able to medicate himself sufficiently by grinding

it down and either vaporizing it, putting it in capsules or using it in his baking so he reaps the healing benefits without getting high. New regulations that the Canadian government is about to implement will change all of that. As of this April people like Bob, who are legally allowed to produce their own pot for medicinal purposes, will now have to buy it from a federallyapproved supplier at a much higher cost. “It won’t just be more expensive,” he said. “It will be an inferior product delivered dry through Canada Post.” That means patients unable to smoke or requiring the healthier extract treatments such as edibles, topicals, juices, tinctures and infused food items won’t be able to use it at all. “I can’t imagine they’ll be able to keep up with the demand or retain our privacy,” he added. “People will be forced to break the law by continuing to grow their own, or they’ll buy from illegal suppliers willing to sell it cheaper and more dis-

creetly.” Frustrated there’s still such a stigma regarding marijuana, despite its proven therapeutic impact, Bob believes these new regulations come down to politics and money. “The only people happy with this change in law are the ones who will monetarily profit from it,” he said. “It will only hurt people like me.” Recognizing there is a crime element that needs to be controlled, Bob thinks the government should simply limit the number of plants per person. “With my prescription I only have access for enough to grow my own medicine,” he said. “But there are doctors out there willing to write up prescriptions for way more plants than one person actually requires.” He isn’t against federally-approved suppliers, he just wants to see a combination of options so people who aren’t abusing the system can continue to safely grow their own, and those who aren’t able will have access as well.

March • Week 2 ARIES - This week you need to be the follower instead of the leader, Aries. It may be difficult to go against your normal grain, but it is for the best. Keep an open mind. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Your confidence may wane sometime this week, Taurus, but some friends will boost your morale to help you get back on your feet. Saturday will be a big day. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, certain things that have to get done this week are out of your realm of expertise. Do your best to tackle these projects but have a helper on hand just in case. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you have a lot on your plate, but you don’t know where to start. Make a list of your tasks, and it will help you better tackle one thing at a time until you are all done. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, learn to laugh at yourself as a means to relieving stress. Things can’t always be serious, so lighten up and take some time to relax. Work with Virgo this week. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Give yourself a much-deserved break, Virgo. You’ve been working nonstop for the last several months, and now is a great time to take a vacation or enjoy a weekend getaway. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 You don’t have all of the answers, Libra, so don’t even think about saying you do. Relationship concerns are at the forefront of your mind lately. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, it might be hard to bite your tongue, but that’s just what you have to do this week. Wait until you are called on for help before you get involved. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Take a few days to get all of your affairs in order, Sagittarius. Use this time to adjust to some changes that have happened over the last several weeks. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Burning the candle at both ends again, Capricorn? This is not the best way to get things done. Take a more steady approach, and give yourself time to recover. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, you can’t put your finger on it, but something positive seems to be on the horizon. The truth will reveal itself in the next few days. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, fight against the current for something you truly believe in. Unexpected events arise on Thursday.

“Big illegal grow-ops on the news have much of society thinking pot gardens are dangerous,” he said. “It takes the same electrical equipment to grow tomatoes that it does marijuana, and with my intent and limited supply, there’s nothing unsafe or corrupt about it.” Bob is now hoping B.C. lawyer John

Conroy’s class action lawsuit against Health Canada has these new changes declared unconstitutional, and the new regulations will be overturned. I am hoping the same. For more info: Lori Welbourne is a syndicated columnist. She can be contacted at


Thursday, March 6, 2014 Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal

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Village of Cache Creek



Grant Researcher/Writer Position Description The Village of Cache Creek has an opening for an eight month contract position to research and apply for grants. The successful applicant will be responsible to apply for a minimum of $200,000 worth of grants over the eight month period from April 15, 2014 (contract start date) to December 15, 2014. The contract amount for this position is $1250 per month. Preferred Qualifications • Education and/or experience in a field applicable to local government and/or economic development • Experience in writing grants and proposals • Experience with research Qualified candidates should possess excellent writing and computer skills and be highly organized, with the ability to use independent judgment and produce a quality work product within time constraints. Previous experience will demonstrate a proven track record in securing new funding opportunities, comprehensive knowledge of research, and the ability to distinguish and identify funding opportunities for special programs. Applications must be received on or before Friday, March 21, 2014. Applicants must be available for an interview on Thursday, March 27, 2014. Please send your resume along with a covering letter to:

The Community Development Coordinator is responsible for facilitating and promoting economic development in order to support healthy communities, economic diversification, and population growth. The CDC will be responsible for carrying out the Village’s strategic plan which would include: • facilitating the Official Community Plan/Sustainability Planning sessions; • co-ordinating the Water Infrastructure project and the IT upgrade processes; • functioning as a liaison with local businesses and non-profit groups • and other duties as they arise. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of two years related experience, marketing or public relations, be proficient with information technologies and possess a class 5 or higher drivers licence. The successful candidate will have excellent interpersonal skills, be a team player, and the ability to multi-task. Relevant post-secondary or local government experience is considered an asset. A combination of experience and education may be considered. This position is subject to grant funding approval. The expected start date is April, 2014 and would be for a one year period. Further extensions will depend on the individual’s performance and future grant availability.

Village of Cache Creek PO Box 7 Cache Creek BC V0K 1H0 Facsimile and email applications are acceptable, but the Village of Cache Creek assumes no responsibility for receiving any application sent in that manner. FAX: 250-457-9192 Email:

The Village of Clinton has an ambitious strategic plan for the coming year. There is a need to fill a part-time position for a Community Development Coordinator (CDC), who is accountable to the chief Administrative Officer (CAO).

Qualified candidates are invited to submit an application, including a covering letter, in confidence to: Tom Dall, CAO Fax: 250-459-2227 PO Box 309 Email: Clinton, BC V0K 1K0 Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted. References will be required should you be shortlisted. Applications will be received via e-mail, fax or mail until March 21, 2014. For a complete job description please contact the Village Office 250-459-2261.


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Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal Thursday, March 6, 2014

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17.4 Acres pristine elevated property priced to sell. Minutes from down town, 4 acres cleared, multiple artesian wells, utilities to property line. Perfect time to buy before prime acreages are unaffordable in the Terrace area. Must Sell. $150,000. 250-641-1848

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Merchandise for Sale

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Misc. for Sale

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Homes for Rent Ashcroft: Downtown recently reno’d 3bdrm hse w. heated shop. W/D, F/S, low maint fenced yard. N/S. Avail. immed. Ref/DD reqd. 1yr lease. $1000/mo + util. Call 780.478.7398



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Thursday, March 6, 2014 The Journal


A 12

Achievers Thompson Cariboo Minor Hockey Association (TCMHA) “best of the best”. Back row, Shardy Allison, Wyatt McCullough, Bryn Hanson, Pearce Brown, Hayden Aie, Ryan-Spur Reid, Kate Curran and Gracie Antoine. Mid row, Rylan James, Fischer Pelley, Holden Kinvig, Sierra Duncan and Maddy Gavaga. Kneeling, Henry Quiring.


(Above): Winners of achievement certificates for the season.

226 athletes from the Thompson - Okanagan competed at the 2014 BC Winter Games bringing home 65 medals. Thank you to the coaches, officials, volunteers, and families who support these growing champions. See photos, videos and results at


. . . g n i r Sp

TCMHA Volunteer of the Year Award

The Thompson Cariboo Minor Hockey Association held their year end Awards Banquet last week at the high school. It was a night for parents, players, coaches and executive to recognize the young athletes and the volunteers who work behind the scenes to give them the opportunity to play hockey. This year, the “Doug Klages Memorial” Volunteer of The Year Award was presented to Deanna Faye Horsting by Darcy Klages. TCMHA executive members Diana Hoggard and Lewis Kinvig made the announcement. just around the corner and stock is arriving. Hurry in and get your seeds and starter kits!

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