Castlegar News, March 06, 2014

Page 1



Vol.11 • Issue 10

Breaking news at

Thursday, March 6, • 2014

Phil (PJ) Poznekoff

(250) 365-4679

Selkirk Career Fair draws Highland dancers put on a heavily high class show See Page A2 See Page A11

Time winding down

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JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor

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Carmen Harris

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With a face on each side of his head this volunteer doorman can wish you the best, coming to Castlegar from the Salmo side or heading out the same way.

By way of an update, sometime today, likely late afternoon, the ground rules will be publicized for the voting procedure for deciding this year’s winner. The fastest track to getting the scoop on exactly what’s going on and what you’ll need to do to vote, is to log on to www. casltegarishockeyville That will get you ready (along with the rest of us) for the announcement expect-

ed after the first period of the early game on Hockey Night in Canada this Saturday. We’re thinking positively, planning to hear the name Castlegar among the list of successful communities. When we hear it, we know volunteers will be ready to help us vote – at the Castlegar Community Complex, Tim Hortons, and other locations. If all goes as hoped this will be a great opportunity for community bonding... let’s get ready to go for it.

Erin Thompson

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Thursday, March 6, 2014 Castlegar News

College career fair packs them in JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor


98 athletes from the Kootenays competed at the 2014 BC Winter Games bringing home 20 medals. Thank you to the coaches, officials, volunteers, and families who support these growing champions. See photos, videos and results at


The “Pit” at Selkirk College was buzzing on February 27 with interested prospects getting information on possible career paths. The well-attended event was the annual Career Fair, uniting employers and students, and introducing a number of Selkirk College programs. It was an exciting time with plenty of chances for those looking for a bright future to weigh a good many of their options. It also furnished area businesses with an opportunity to touch base with potential employees. There were more than 30 exhibitors ranging from Alberta Health Services to AM Ford Sales to Teck Metals. The fair has been taking place at Selkirk College since 2006. It’s geared toward current and graduating Selkirk College students looking for opportunities to put their education to work. Another important target audience is high school students and those eyeing a career change who want to delve deeper into education options. A high point in the day was the arrival of more than a hundred high school students who took in the proceedings for about an hour and a half. “This is a prime opportunity for employers to promote their organization, increase awareness, provide information about opportunities

Selkirk College Education Recruitment Specialist Amy Byers. Jim Sinclair photos

within their organization and meet potential qualified candidates,” says Selkirk College educational recruitment specialist Amy Byers. “We sent out exhibitor packages back in November,” Byers continued. “They had about two months to return their packages. Not a huge amount of time, but enough to figure out their schedules and then commit to coming out.

“We do set the date for the event far in advance. By about May is when we set the date for the following year. Typically, every year its either the last Thursday in February or the first Thursday in March.” Sonika Manhas was looking after the Teck Metals exhibit, and took advantage of a momentary lull in the action to describe her and her company’s involvement. “For us at Teck this is very valuable,” she said of the fair. “We get to give the students information they may not know. We get to let them know what type of opportunities are at Teck, especially for the local students. Asked about possible residual spikes in employment interest following events like the career fair, Manhas was affirmative. “I don’t know, year after year, if we do see a surge,” she said, “but I would assume… yes.”

Sonika Manhas dispenses information on behalf of Teck Metals during recent career(MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX fair at Selkirk College.

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The public was largely absent from the March 3 meeting of the Castlegar City Council, outside of the press, only one citizen braved the snowy weather to attend. Also missing from the meeting were councillors Dan Rye, Kevin Chernoff and Mayor Lawrence Chernoff.

...missing from the meeting were councillors Dany Rye and Kevin Chernoff, and Mayor Lawrence Chernoff. Council approved a grant application from the Castlegar Arts Council for the Castlegar Embetsu Educational Exchange Committee. The $1,200 grant will come from the City’s grants line item budget and will assist with the travel costs for eight students and two chaperones who will visit Embetsu, Japan as part of the 2014 exchange program. Council also approved a

ing drawings, etc. Fees for criminal record checks will also be amended to include more activities such as employment, landlord and Canadian Pardon checks. Discussion on an amendment to the Zoning Bylaw regarding placement of temporary signs on public utility poles, also referred to as “nuisance signs”, was tabled for another meeting when the Mayor and more councillors would be present to provide more input. A public hearing on the matter will also be held at a later date. The city has agreed to exercise the second year of a two year contract with Waste Management for garbage collection and to enter in to a one year contract with Waste Management for curbside recycling. The meeting ended on an exciting note with Councillor Sue Heaton–Sherstobitoff giving an update on the work being done to promote Castlegar as Kraft Hockeyville 2014. The finalists will be announced this weekend. If Castlegar is selected, voting stations will be set up around town to help citizens cast the votes that will be needed to proceed to the next level.







tal. A request from Hope Air for a grant of $500 was approved to support their work at the West Kootenay Regional Airport. Hope Air is a national charity that helps financially disadvantaged patients with the costs for transportation required to receive medical care. Council agreed to purchase a half page ad in the 2015 Invest in BC magazine to promote Castlegar. Invest in BC is the official magazine of the Economic Development Association of BC. The ad will cost $3,350 and will come from the 2015 Economic Development budget. The City of Castlegar’s Fees for Services will be updated to more accurately reflect current costs. Many of the fees have not been increased in 14 years. The new fees were set by comparing the fees of the surrounding jurisdictions and setting a fee that in most cases was below the average of those fees. The increases will be seen in building permits, development permits, subdivisions, rezoning, etc. The cost of administrative fees will also go up for services such as business licenses, tax certificates, engineer-


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+ +

Castlegar News contributor

grant application for $300 to the Castlegar Highland Games to assist with the cost of hosting the Annual Castlegar Highland Games which will be held September 27, 2014. The games have been going on since 2004 and showcase Kootenay dancers, pipers, drummers and bands. This grant will also come from the City’s grants line item budget. Because Councillor Florio Vassilakakis excused himself due to a conflict of interest, resulting in the lack of a quorum, a decision on a sponsorship request by the Castlegar Golf Club to assist with hosting the 2014 Men’s Sunflower Open was tabled for a future meeting. Council decided to purchase a quarter page ad in the Kootenay Robusters 2015 calendar. The ad will cost $250 and come from the advertising budget. The Kootenay Robusters Dragon Boat Team is a non-profit organization that supports people living with breast cancer. For the past seven years, the profits from the calendar have been used to support the team and the oncology unit at the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospi-

PHILIP KANIGAN + + + + + + + + +

Short-handed council presses on with business BETSY KLINE A3


Castlegar News Thursday, March 6, 2014

250-352-5331 Mar 6th - Dear Rouge w/ The Shyness of Strangers Mar 7th - Pickwick with Dirt Floor Mar 8th - Hoola & Lief Mar 11th - Let’S Go For A Rip w/B.Rich Must Wear Plaid! Mar 12th - Real McKenzies Mar 14th - Slynk Mar 15th - The Librarian w/ Naasko & Onbeyond Visuals Mar 17th - Selectah Messenjah & Mama Sa Wailers After Party

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Thursday, March 6, 2014 Castlegar News




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Castlegar News Thursday, March 6, 2014 A5


Conservatives vote against democracy: Atamanenko

ada (EC) of its investigative power and its ability to engage Canadians in the electoral process. Voter ID cards which are credited with enfranchising thousands of students, seniors and First Nations people, will no longer be accepted to confirm identification at the polls. The bill will also put an end to vouching practices which were used by approximately 100,000 Canadians in the last election to exercise their vote. The BC MP says that when a government plans to make sweeping legislative changes to the very core of our democracy Canadians have a right to be consulted. “I hope Canadians of all political stripes will loudly denounce Bill C-23,” concluded Atamanenko. “We cannot let the Conservative government continue in its plan to erode the very foundation of our democracy.”


Ottawa, ON - Alex Atamanenko, MP (BC Southern Interior) is appalled that an NDP motion to hold cross-country hearings on the government’s election reform bill C-23, was defeated yesterday by the Conservatives. The Conservatives have repeatedly broken Canada’s election laws and the BC MP believes the government introduced Bill C-23 to avoid being held accountable. “Why else would they bring in a scheme that will reduce the Chief Electoral Officer’s powers and make voting more difficult for hundreds of thousands of Canadians,” declared Atamanenko. Atamanenko noted that petitions with 53,000 signatures from Canadians opposed to this anti-democratic legislation were delivered by the organization Leadnow to

BC Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko File

the House of Commons yesterday. “The government was clearly unmoved,” stated Atamanenko. “They have made it quite clear they are prepared to ram this bill through and could care less what Canadians think.” According to Atamanenko Bill C-23 will, among other things, strip Elections Can-

So you’ve made your will and named your executor.



7 out of 10 executors report their experience as highly stressful

Sure sign of spring, weather notwithstanding CASTLEGAR The gynmnasium at Castlegar’s Selkirk College campus was the site of another Home

and Lifestyles Expo on March 1& 2. A sold out slate of exhibitors had a steady stream of inquisitive members of the public to cater to. Jim Sinclair Film: More Than Honey

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CASTLEGAR Film: More Than Honey

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Thursday, March 6, 2014 Castlegar News


Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

Moving on up

It’s easy to understand the excitement brewing at the Hospital Auxiliary Treasure Shop. The local downtown thrift shop has gone about a major expansion without altering its footprint (see page A10), essentially doubling its size and keeping it all at the same address. Success and growth among any kind of enterprise is good for all of us with a residential or economic stake in the community, but it kind of goes double for a benevolent outfit like the Hospital Auxiliary. The subject of healthcare, after all, is one that truly influences all walks of life, all ages and sectors of society. It’s good to see a number of important donors recognizing the need to support outfits like the auxiliary. By the look of the smart new second floor, the Treasure Shop will be going strong for many years to come. These are dollars well spent. Hats off to the hardworking folks at the Treasure Shop for keeping the good deals happening and the profile of the auxiliary high. Same again to St. David’s and Castlegar United Thrift Shop, while we’re at it. Not everyone has the household budget to keep their families decked out in the latest fashions, and the good -condition items so carefully handled, processed and marketed at thrift shops offer financial relief to a great many of us. These shops are an asset that some folks might not even be aware of. We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Spots in Time - Gord Turner

In pirate territory Pirates? In this day and age? I thought pirates existed in the mystical past of sailing ships, jewelled sabres, and raw Jamaican rum. Surely, pirates belong to a long-gone era. I can picture a swashbuckling pirate with a full beard and a patch over one eye. He is leaping from one ship to another, sword slicing ahead of him. “Shiver me timbers,” I seem to hear him growl. That was the image I carried until I watched the movie “Captain Phillips,” starring Tom Hanks as the captain of a freighter ship in the Indian Ocean. His task is to take his container ship “The Alabama” from Salalah in Oman across the Arabian Sea. He is to stop in at Djibouti and then proceed south along the African Coast. At the time of this voyage—early 21st Century—he and his crew have been briefed about possible pirates from Somalia seeking to take over vessels sailing in those waters. These pirates are poor African tribesmen, possibly fishermen, who are after money and merchandise. They operate from small speed boats and use ladders to get up onto the larger ships. Instead of cutlasses, they use machine guns. Captain Phillips has also been Cindy Amaral Production Manager

Sandy Leonard Production

briefed on the procedures to follow when a pirate attack occurs. Keep all the lower gates locked, have the hoses ready to spray the interlopers, and seek evasive maneuvring of the ship itself. If the pirates get on board, the directive is to shut down the ship and get the crew contained in an area of the ship where they can’t be got at. In the movie, that happens to be the ship’s engine room. In “Captain Phillips,” all these procedures are followed, but because the pirates have automatic weapons, the ship is easily boarded. The ship’s crew is hidden away deep within the ship, but the pirates take the officers at the helm into captivity. For them—especially the Captain—the terror begins. Recently, we were on a cruise ship that sailed directly through these same waters. As soon as our ship entered the Suez Canal and the Red Sea, we noticed the crew fastening sirens and large hoses along the promenade deck with the nozzles pointed out to sea. As we walked onto the deck in the morning, we noticed extra security personnel patrolling with guns and binoculars. At night, the ship picked up speed as our Captain felt his ship

Marvin Beatty Reporter

Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate

Chuck Bennett Publisher

could outrun any nearby pirate boats. We were warned that if an attack did occur, we were all to move into the centre of the ship. During the time we sailed from the outlet of the Red Sea at Aden, into the ports of Oman, and then along the western coast of India, we sailed without lights. Our dark ship was moving across the Arabian Sea under the guidance of radar. I was reminded of the images of darkened supply ships moving across the Atlantic during World War II. It was quite disconcerting, but when others spoke about the possibilities of pirate attacks, I played down the whole thing. My attitude was that no pirates would ever appear. When we left Colombo in Sri Lanka and entered the Bay of Bengal heading for Malaysia, a relieved Captain told us the pirate danger was past. Later, as we neared Thailand, the movie on board our ship was the “Captain Phillips” piracy episode. As I watched the movie, I began to realize what the cruise ship personnel had been afraid of. Scary! It was a good thing the movie was shown long after we departed from the pirate zone. Jim Sinclair Editor

Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Karen Bennett Director of Sales

Castlegar News Thursday, March 6, 2014 A7


What’s up with P-C? I drive by the Petro-Can service station on my way to work every morning. I can’t help but ponder that company’s relentless efforts at driving up gas prices in this community. They have begun the last several weeks by increasing their pump prices by as much as eight cents per litre. Now don’t get me wrong. I tend to support the notion that the consumer will reward those other stations with their business and the Petro-Can conversely would pay for this tactic. My concern comes from watching activity at the Petro-Can pumps while there is the spread in price. I pondered the real possibility that these are corporate users who have contracts with Petro-Can for their fuel. Are these commercial consumers putting Petro-Can in a position to weather a decrease in general consumer pricing while they try and drive up pump prices? The next question then is, are those commercial clients aware that they are being used to that end and the potential effect it could have on their community? I think these are questions worth asking. -Gary Leier Castlegar

ALR thoughts I had never given much thought to the ALR. Honestly, I took it for granted because it’s just common sense to protect the farmland which feeds us - period. The ALR town hall meeting in Nelson saw a room packed with people who care about food. Why? Because the BC government is moving to divide and weaken the ALR. The ALR was set up because farmers were concerned with the rapid loss of farmland in BC. It became the election issue of 1973, and voila, the


ALR and its governing body, the ALC, were born. The ALR protects farming in BC by keeping the price of land low provided it is used to grow food. This is no small feat. As Corky Evans said, “If we hadn’t seen fit to pass the law protecting farmland in 1973 there is no way we could manage to do so now. It was possible then to consider such a vision, policy and law. It is almost unfathomable today to imagine a government, anywhere, achieving a similar objective”. In BC, only five per cent of the land is arable and it is under constant pressure from a variety of non farming interests. Governments of all stripes have lent a sympathetic ear to real estate developers, energy development and other interests which have whittled away at the ALR. Prior to 1973, 6000 hectares of farmland were lost annually. Under the ALR, that has slowed to less than 500 hectares per year. Today, we have more reason than ever to protect our farms. Public support for the ALR has been consistently strong. In 2008, 95% of respondents (2008 Ipsos Reid Poll12) said they support the ALR preserving farm land. Climate change is wreaking havoc with global weather systems which have a direct impact on growing food. Presently, California is experiencing a severe water shortage. What will we eat if they cannot produce enough for export? Farmers’ markets and locally produced food and products are wildly popular, sales growing by leaps and bounds. This benefits farmers, consumers, local and provincial coffers. The Liberal Government’s proposal to divide and weaken the ALR is presumably to ease the way for resource development in the north. Farming and gas extraction cannot occupy the same piece of land. Once the oil and gas industry gets its hands on it, it’s no longer good for farming. We can’t eat oil.


n k a s h T Thanks to the parents who volunteer for minor hockey, it couldn’t run without you. Spanks to the parents who pay their kids for scoring goals.





Review the ALR if you must, but only to strengthen it. This is the only logical conclusion. -Ann Remnant, Nelson-Creston Greens

Sunday Concert Series 2013-2014

Admission $15 Gallery Members $12

Heartfelt request I am writing this letter with a plea to the person who found my wallet on Friday, February 28. With the amount of money that was in there, not to mention all the ID and care cards and social insurance numbers... I feel at a loss. I pray and ask you to please return it with no questions asked. I am a single, low income mom who tries so hard to make it. The money was all my daughter and I have, and I really mean all we have, to pay bills, to eat, to live and to provide my daughter with the birthday party she deserves. I hope you will do the right thing. Thank you. -Sonja Konkin, Castlegar

Good citizen On February 20 I parked beside Oglow’s building on 6th Street. There is a sign there allowing 15 minute parking. My car was parked past the sign close to the building. I was in the thrift store about 10 minutes. When I came out there was a police officer talking to a gentleman about damage done to my car. The man had seen the car being hit by an M.T.I. semi-truck which had come from downtown, turning left toward the high school. The bumper and left taillight were damaged and my car was pushed nine feet from where I had parked it. The trainer and driver didn’t even know they had hit me. I was lucky the gentleman had seen this happen. -Blythe Elliott, Robson



k s n !! a p S

Thanks to the young men who helped me by getting me unstuck... for spending so much time rocking and pushing my car on Monday night near Twin Rivers Park.

Kootenay Gallery of Art presents...

Got someone to thank or spank? Let us all know. Email or snail mail to the address listed on page A6. Keep it vague, please.

March 9th at 2:00pm

at the Trail United Church 1300 Pine Ave, Trail

Marcus Goddard & Candy Siu with guest Noémi Kiss Marcus Goddard, trumpet Candy Siu, organ and piano Noémi Kiss, soprano A Baroque trumpet and organ fanfare with members of the Vancouver Symphony and the Vancouver Opera.

Thanks to:

BLACK PRESS – NELSON STAR & CASTLEGAR NE ¼ Page For more info contact:x 250.365.3337 4.333” x 7” or 11.01cm 17.78cm or visit

RDCK 2014 Financial Plan Have your say!

Castlegar, Area I and J Budget Meeting

Castlegar & District Community Complex 210 16th Ave, Castlegar, B.C. Wednesday, March 12, 2014 6:00 p.m. (local time)

Nelson, Area E and F Budget Meeting

RDCK Boardroom 202 Lakeside Drive, Nelson, BC Thursday, March 13, 2014 6:00 p.m. (local time)

Staff and elected officials will be present to answer questions.


Community Calendar

Upcoming March - CASTLEGAR SR. ACTIVITIES at the Castlegar COMPLEX:

Monday 10 a.m.–darts, 1 p.m. whist Tuesday 9:30 a.m.–floor curling/carpet bowling; 1 p.m. crafts; 7 p.m. pool. Wednesday 9:30 floor curling; 10 a.m. Mar. 19, Raspberry Hi-Coffee. 1 p.m. – bingo on the 5th only. 7 p.m. – Rummoli. Thursday 9 a.m. Mar. 20 Zone 6 meeting 9:30 a.m. floor curling; 1 p.m. bingo (not on 6th) 2 p.m. (Mar. 6) general meeting 2 p.m. (Mar. 20) tea dance. Friday 10 a.m. Qi Gong; 1 p.m. bridge/ crib. Saturday Mar. 15, 11:30-1 p.m. Soup Day Open weekdays 9-4 for coffee. Ongoing garage sale, microwave raffle march 1-8 Treasure Shop sales

2 for 1 on all children’s clothing. In-store specials will be run throughout the month of March. Enjoy the Treasure Shop updates on our website www. An exciting time at the Treasure Shop with construction of the 2nd floor nearing completion. march 7 (Fri): World Day of

Prayer 2014. 1 p.m. at the Brilliant Cultural Centre, 1876 Brilliant Road. Hosted by the Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ. march 8 (Sat): Order of the

Eastern Star, Minto Chapter #79 – Spring Tea from 1-3 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion Hall. Tickets: $3. Everyone welcome. march 9 (Sun): Join in the 10th

Annual Castlegar Scrabble for Literacy Tournament! This fun filled event 1-4 p.m. at the Castlegar Public Library This promises to be a great event, with good food, prizes and wonderful company – all to help increase awareness of literacy issues in Castlegar. To register, please call Alana Murdoch at 250-304-6862 or email March 12 (WED) Castlegar &

District Public Library Annual General Meeting – 7 p.m. at the

Thursday, March 6, 2014 Castlegar News This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free or (nearly so) at the discretion of the editor. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an upto-date version with contact details to, drop off at our office at Unit 2 - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or give us a call at 250-365-6397. Thank you.

Legion. The public is welcome to attend. March 14 (Fri): Kootenay Literary Competition Awards Gala Prestige Lakeside Resort, Nelson - 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:30) - Light refreshments at intermission - Suggestion $5 donation - Angie Abdou Guest Speaker MARCH 16 (Sun) : Borscht luncheon and benefit for two year-old Natasha Voykin. Slocan Park Community Hall – 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. All proceeds to the Voykin family. March 17 (Mon): The

West Kootenay Ostomy Support Group will meet at 2 p.m. at the Kiro Wellness Center, 1500 Columbia Avenue, Trail. Guest speaker: Leo Salsman, Financial Advisor discussing RIF’s and TFSA’s. For more info, please call 250368-9827 or 250-365-6276. March 18 Castlegar Friends of Parks and Trails AGM will be held at the Castlegar Community Complex at 7 p.m. March 19: ‘Native Plants for

Native Pollinators’ by Valerie Huff and Eva Johansson of Kootenay Wild will highlight the Castlegar Garden Club’s 7 p.m. meeting at the Community Complex. The public is invited. New members always welcome. Information: Wendy Eggleton 250 365-0150 or


ducks unlimited canada: look-

ing for event volunteers in Castlegar. Call Ken 250-319-7815 for more details. Community Harvest food bank & Drop-in centre:

Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. -1:30 eligible 1x per month closed the Monday after cheque issue and statutory holidays Lunch served from 11 – 1:30 Wednesday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 -1:30 FREE Friday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 – 1:30 Coffee and baked goodies from 10 a.m. on! Bread is available when donated and it is on a first 1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955

come first serve basis. Located in the basement of St. David’s Anglican Church 614 Christina Place. We are located around the back and down the stairs. Donation cheques payable to Community Harvest Food Bank can be mailed to: 301 32nd Street V1N 3S6 Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St David’s Church Contact number 250-608-2227

Kootenay Literary Competition Awards Gala Friday, March 14 7 PM (doors open at 6:30)

Prestige Lakeside Resort

vendors needed: 5th Annu-

al Garden & Nature Fest, Sat. May 17/14 (10-3 p.m.)Open air festival of Plants & Gardens, Art, Farming & More! Hosted by Castlegar Communities in Bloom & Castlegar Garden Club. Castlegar Com. Complex 2101-6th Ave, Contact: 250399-4439; e-mail: Web: www. The “Bridge,” – Do you have

questions? Join us for music, discussion, refreshments; 1st Tues. ea. month, 7 p.m, Kinnaird Church of God, 2404 Columbia Ave, Castlegar.” Call Donna at 250-304-2929.

back to school with baby Program free for parents to upgrade

Math, English and/or study skills with an instructor from Selkirk College. Kootenay Family Place , Mon. & Wed. from 1 - 3 p.m. Childcare and snacks provided. More info call Alana at 304-6862. Robson Flea Market: back in

action from 9-2 p.m. every Sunday. Offering a great homestyle breakfast till food runs out (about noon), fresh baked goods, yarn, jewelry, collectibles, crafts, jams, fresh eggs, lots more. To rent a table or get on waiting list please phone Kathy (250) 365-3796. Still looking for charities that may be interested in hosting a breakfast for their charity. More info? Call Kathy.

1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208

St. David’s and the united church thrift shop: New Hrs:

youth program at Blueberry Creek Community School. Fun, safe night for a movie, games/sports/hanging out. Grades K - 5, 6:30 - 8 p.m. and grades 6 up, 8 - 10 p.m. See B.C.C.S. facebook page for more info or phone 250-365-7201. friday

Tue.-Thur. 10-4 p.m, Friday & Saturday 10-1 p.m. The shop is under Motor Vehicle Licensing Office, 605 Columbia Ave. clothing, shoes, household items, bedding, linen, books, ornaments etc. at reasonable prices. We welcome clean donated items in good condition. Sorry we cannot accept furniture, TVs, exercise equipment or any large items due to lack of space.

Wednesday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Doukhobor Arts and Crafts Centre, 820 Markova Rd., beside the Brilliant Cultural Centre.

free hot meal at the sharing dinner pot at

Advocate in Castlegar on Thursdays Questions about wel-

Cadet Hall, 8th Ave, Castlegar (2 blocks from library) Tues. at noon. All About Breastfeeding informative support

group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlgr, Tues. 10:30-noon More info: 250-365-3662, www.

tops group meets every wednesday 8:30-10am Kin-

naird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 365-7956. Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena Sun. at 10 a.m.

Mike, 250-399-4417; Tues. at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wed. at 7 p.m., (Fay at 250-6870484. Thurs. at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m (Len at 365-7805).

al-anon meets every Monday night for people whose lives

have been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8-9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) More info: Donna 250-3653168 or Eileen 250-365-3674.

Local Toastmasters club Sentinel Speakers, 7-9 p.m. at Fireside Inn, 1st & 3rd Weds. of month. Learn speaking skills, gain confidence, have fun! Guests welcome. More info call Diane Cushing at 250-365-8336.


Operation Feast All invited for

home-cooked meals Thurs. at New Life Assem. Church, 602 7th Street. Doors open at 4 p.m, dinner until 5:30 p.m. Entrance to dining area at back of Church. More info: Carol at 365-5734.

free pool - Everyone welcome

Every Saturday at the Royal Canadian Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. Bring friends and have an afternoon of fun.

USCC Cultural Interpretive Society meets Monday and

fare, disability benefits, tenancy or family law? The Advocacy Centre is in Castlegar Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at Castlegar and District Community Services, 1007 2nd Street. Call 250-608-0589 or 1-877352-5777.

Mom’s Support Group All moms

welcome to this loosely structured group supporting challenges of being a mom. No referral required. More info: Sandi McCreight 250-365-2104 ext. 34


tlegar Community Services Call 250-608-2254.

Scrabble Club 2nd Wed. of the

month, Castlegar Public Library. 6:30 – 8 p.m. All levels welcome! For info call Alana at 304-6862. Offered by the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy.

New to Canada? Settlement ser-

vices provides eligible newcomers with information about community services or preparing for citizenship. Call 250-687-4714 or email welcometocastlegar@

Legion Meat Draws Saturdays

Royal Canadian Legion Castlegar/Robson Branch #170, 248 Columbia Avenue, 4-6 p.m. Guests welcome and must be signed in by a member. Darts: 4- on Thursdays, new signed-in players welcome.

W.K. Yoga For MS Support Group. Mondays, 1:30 - 3 p.m.,

Castlegar Library, lower level. Free. Sponsored by WK MS Society for its members/care providers. Call Lonnie Facchina 1-866-352-3997 or email info@ or Janice Ferraro, at 250-365-5428, email

Castlegar News Thursday, March 6, 2014 A9

40% OFF


Broadcast journalist Mesley to appear at Find Your Divine popular among women eager for a night Nelson Star out with friends and Last spring’s Find Your Dia break from their evvine event was a first — and er-busy lives. an overwhelming success, “The evening is enough so that the women’s meant to be a fun eveevening returns April 1. ning for women to soThe Nelson Star hosted Find cialize with friends, beYour Divine bringing leading come acquainted with Canadian nutritionist and sponsors and hopefully media personality Leslie Beck come away feeling into an evening organized for spired by the message women. Along side many of from Wendy,” said Benthe community’s businesses nett. and offering tasty treats, it was Event platinum a resounding, sold-out sensasponsors are Kootenay tion. Co-op, Dr. Kelly Davidoff ’s Gentle Dentistry, Mountain Waters “The evening Spa and Save On Foods is meant to be April 2 is the date for “Find Your among many others. a fun evening Devine,” the sophomore staging of a Bennett says the openfor women to handedness of the busispecial women’s event. socialize with This year’s function will feature a nesses attending the friends...” very special guest, sure to be rec- event helps make Find ognized by many – CBC TV’s Wendy Your Divine a real treat Karen Bennett for women attending. Mesley. “They will also come address the challenging issues home with lots of great of the day with an entertain- samples, giveaways or even “We were amazed by the ing and informative presenta- one of the many raffle prizes. participation, both by spon- tion style. Our sponsors are amazingly Currently an anchor for generous.” sors and attendees, of our first women’s event last spring,” CBC’s The National, Mesley The Nelson Star will also be said Nelson Star publisher will talk about her 30-plus- donating a portion of ticket Karen Bennett. “Everyone was year journey to the top in an sales to the Kootenay Rhythm talking about how great it was industry that once was male Dragons boat team. dominated. Yet, she still has for several weeks after.” “This seems especially releOn April 2, Find Your di- time to find her divine. vant this year as Wendy Mes“We are thrilled to have ley is a breast cancer survivor vine returns to a bigger venue, Mary Hall at Selkirk Col- Wendy Mesley as our speaker and many of the team are lege and this year, broadcast this year. She is well known, also,” said Bennett. 14 are on sale now and herg 20Tickets journalist Wendy Mesley will well respected and I think in r p s is h t y s u balance in life ts Stare share her story. available for $35 at the mfibnding p ‘eof udio Keetopic Ar is something that all of us, reics Mesley is one of Canada’s Star, Cotton Creek Clothing, st na m Gy legar Library of age, will find relemost recognized and respect- Castgardless Dig Garden Centre and Fashed broadcast journalists. A vant,” said Bennett. ion Foundations in Castlegar. The event in 2013 proved provocative speaker, she will

frames & lenses


2 for1 frames & lenses


r e v g e f sprin ps Summer Cam pm

Camps July

2.8” x 4”

MONDAYS: / 2-2:45pm. 3-5 year olds THURSDAYS: TUESDAYS and / 10-11am. 6-8 year olds TUESDAYS: / 1-2pm 9-11 year olds THURSDAYS: re / 1-2pm. Puppet Theat ce their FRIDAYS: who want to practi es for children Reading Buddi in person at the Library. ter reading. Regis drop in SATURDAYS: year olds.10:15-10:45 Free Wee Sing for 2-3 ration required. program, no regist er go to are FREE! To regist *These programs www.nelson.bc Party: rhero Costume Kickoff Supe -2:30 Booklets, a ing July 3 / 12:30 prizes with Read keep track of their to Win some cool Library. allows children program which summer. Register NOW at the reading over the


Hockey Scho

p key Skills Cam Skills Summer Hoc mer Hockey

al Nelson Sum 16, 2013. The 3rd Annu to ng August 12 Camp is runni 15 6 years old to to all players The camp is open ting dual Skills, Shoo r Skating, Indivi , etc..) and 2 ice daily (Powe olled scrimmage off ice a Specialized Techniques, Contr ing includ sons daily feature a Profe Dryland sessi e. As well, we Centr g break down each Stickhandlin sis in which we sional video analy Chalk Talk sessions. daily skill during the

Graduating from secondary school?

Ages 5-8 / 9-12 pm Ages 8-12 -1-4 PRICE: $175+tax

2nd - Aug 29

s, learn tricks 6) will play game ers (ages 4 – exploring weekly themes. Junior Camp skills while friends while and make new (ages 6 – 12) will learn new ers s. Senior Camp skills on all event improving old . Information week per $60 ly, at a cost of at Camps run week ration is available online and regist www.glaciergy

ed) supplies includ nt mediums. (Professional art working with differe e 3-4 projects Camps includ

2-5 a Camp / JULY • Mixed Medi 8 - 11 Factory / JULY • The Pop Art - 18 ment / JULY 15 • Degas’ Move 25 22 JULY / • Frida Kahlo - AUG 1 29 JULY / • Emily Carr 9 Art / AUG 6 n Golde • Klimt AUG 12 - 15 er Matisse / • Colour Mast 19 - 22 n Studio / AUG • Stop Motio / AUG 26 - 29 cal Creatures • Care of Magi o / AUG 26 - 29 Painting Studi • Drawing and NE TODAY! REGISTER ONLI

(250) 352-2227.

St itch Lab

r14 e v g ffe e r e v g n p i 0 2 r g n ri spring 2014 sprin busy this sp s .com/nelson

www.4cats 354-2287 Street | (250) 524 Victoria om nelson@4cats.c

Fun: Kids Sumsmer and August running July

day 3 day camp esday • Thurs Tuesday • Wedn towards 9-noon or 1-4pmDesigners -Taking steps Junior Fashion endent sewers becoming indep ! REGISTER NOW . $110+tax {ingroup available in each s space 5 Only cludes materials}


m busy this eep ‘em KKeetlegpar‘e Gymnastics Library nastics nsives

Summer Inte and Camps

St. Lane @ Ward 422 Herridge nelsonstitchlab@elsonstitchlab

Arts Studio dio

s Stu Art Centre AUG 3 Summer Camps • Oxygen ArtArt Intensive / JULY 2 pm er Ages 5-8 / 9-12 pm Summ Gym -1-4 s Ages 8-12 - Aug 29 Camp er$175+ta ctions x Summ s July 2nd Produ Camp PRICE: pm - 19 8 tricks 9-12 5-8 / nal • Watershedtor’s JULYlearn Ages art supplies included) with different mediums. will play /games, (Professio pmprojects working – 6) Seat -1-4 3-4 themes. 29 s (ages- 4Aug 8-12include Direc Ages Camper exploring weekly JuniorsSr. Camps$175+ta x while July 2nd friends while will learn new skillstricks Camp 31 included) 2 - 5 and make newMatte 12) play games, learn – will supplies 6rs 8 - AUG PRICE: nal art s (ages Camp / JULYwith different mediums. JULY / 6) (Professio – Camper Media Earth 4 • themes. Senior Camp s (ages • Mixed 3-4 projects working 8 - 11 on all Camper Youthweekly e events. skills exploring Junior Camps include g oldfriends Factory / JULY Wast while while skillsInformat improvin Zero newweek. • The Pop Art learnper - 5- 18 and make new (ages 6 – 12) will - 28 ion JULY215 $60 21 s Campnt/ /JULY Moveme at a cost/ofJULY Camper Media at • Degas’ weekly, Senior • Mixed runass all events. - 258 - 11 onCamp JULY is available online Surp / JULY /22 •Camps g old skills Art Factory com and registration improvin ion Pop Kahlo • Frida d •6The Soun - AUG 15 -118 aciergym JULY per week. Informat es in nastics. nt / 29 Carr / JULY Stori a cost of $60 online at / AUG 14 - SEPT • Degas’ • EmilyMoveme • Tellin run weekly, at - 256 - 9 p Radio Art22/ AUG Camps is available Co-o / JULY Golden Kahlo Kootion • Klimt and registrat (250) 352-222 • Frida AUG 12 - 15 with nastics. 29 - AUG/1 / JULY Matisse www.glaciergym CarrMaster • Colour • Emily e - 9 19 - 22 19 - 29 / AUG/6AUG MotionArtStudio 7. adventure / AUG Golden Stop • • YA! Experienc Klimt - 1526 - 29 / AUG 352-222 • es (250) tain / AUG 12 Creatur Matisse of Magical 26 - 29 • CareMaster 11 day moun • Colour 19 - 22/ AUG / AUGStudio Painting Studio Motionand • Drawing 26 - 29 • Stop E TODAY! Creatures / AUG TODAY! of Magical REGISTER ONLINE • Career REGISTER ONLIN / AUG 26 - 29 Lab

Cas rary tlegar Lib Cas MONDAYS: m.

/ 2-2:45p 3-5 year olds AYS: YS and THURSD . TUESDA S: olds / 10-11am MONDAY m. 6-8 year olds / 2-2:45p 3-5 yearYS: AYS: TUESDA YS and THURSD olds / 1-2pm. TUESDA 9-11 year olds / 10-11am 6-8 yearAYS: THURSD YS: / 1-2pm. TUESDA Puppet Theatre / 1-2pm their 9-11 year: olds FRIDAYS who want to practice AYS: children for THURSD Buddies / 1-2pm. at the Library. Reading Theatre in person Puppet theirin reading.: Register to practicedrop AYS: for children who want 5-10:45 Free SATURD - August 30thFRIDAYS Buddies Reading for 2-3 year olds.10:1 at the Library. Wee Sing Date: June 27th on required. Register in person program, no registrati m - 5:30pm reading. Freetodrop in SATURDAYS: year olds.10:15-10:45 Hours: 7:30a To register go g centre 2-3 s are FREE! Sing for care and learnin Wee*These Friday program required. early gh on a throu registrati no , ibrary.c program Monday www.nelson.bcl to To register go s areroFREE! Costume Party: program $38/day *These PM Superhe Kickofflson.bcl M 2-6 s, a BC a 3 FROBooklet :30 n,ibrary.c T 3 / 12:30-2 Nelso July Reading S TREE with 201 prizes ALLS track of their e Party: cool ro 1623 Falls St.,Win some 11, Costum 3 Fkeep to S P ARK ARY children Superhe ION ’ Library. 0315 allows AT 162 TO L JANU which 352NOW ats,the ENT program a :30OCATEDADJACRegister Ph. 250-Kickoff 3 / 12:30-2 theLsummer. Julyreading s for Reading Booklet over prizes with program their track ofolds d childtocare some coolgmai keep Wineclc@ Co-locate ouse children 3-5 years at the Library. & Toddlers, NOW Care which allows Infants .com e: theschoolh program Register eeclc of School summer. Out the lhous t and chooreading over n or enrollmen

use The School Ho

See in store for details

GLASS HOUSE O P T I C A L Sale until March 15th, 2014

“Your Optical Dispensary”

Unit 2 - 688 18th St. Castlegar, BC | 250.365.2026 Hours: Mon. to Sat. 10 to 5 701 Front St, Nelson, BC | 250.354.3937

ACUTE HEALTH CARE COMMUNITY QUESTIONNAIRE As a Castlegar resident, your input is being solicited to help develop a strategic plan to assist the region in making decisions to guide acute health care investments in the coming years. Acute care refers to hospital or community health care and NOT to facilities for longer term care. Please provide your Castlegar residential postal code: THREE QUESTIONS: 1. Do you support Castlegar proceeding with multiple studies, in partnership with Interior Health, to advance acute care planning and potential future capital investments within the region? YES


2. What do you feel are the top three acute care issues in Castlegar? (1) (2) (3)

3. Acknowledging the authority and responsibility of the West Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital Board, what recommendation[s] do you want make to the Hospital Board for their future considerations?

Advertise your Spring Break Camp! Advertise your Skating Club

to register online information and For all the camp please visit the website at: om or email hockeycamp.c www.loulemire if you have any questions. et llemire@telus.n


Out of School

The School



mer Skate on!

Get your Sum

kate The New CanS ing Keep on Truck


Summer Prog


Painting Studio Stitch .com/nelson 7 • Drawing and www.4cats (250) 354-228 ONLINE| TODAY! elfdesignhig VictoriaR Street 524REGISTE m n Lab ww chw.s nelso Fun: Stit more 7 Kids Summer July for and August | (250) 354-228 elfde



3 day camps

For informatio contact Veronica: please application 0315 ph: 250-352- houseeclc email: theschool website: theschool

ool Hockey Sch ool Hockey SchCamp “ WISDOM




y cours • Thursda

Street 524 Victoria m

day shop work • Wednes Tuesday Summer Fun: Kids and August towards 9-noon or 1-4pm running July rs -Taking steps


y Skills r Hockey Skills Summer Hocke Nelson Summe 16, 2013. The 3rd Annual 12 to Camp running August y Skills

is Hocke Camp er Skills r Hockey ment Summe old to 15 move Nelson uous 9:15am - 10am Summ 2013. players 6 years 3rd Annual contin The More is open to all 12 to 16, AUG 19- 23 / The camp is running August NDCC Arena am for ages 4+. Camp Shooting l Skills, old to 152 to skate progr 6 years Skating, Individua and ts.etc..) dailyis(Power ge, helme open to all yplayers One week learn Theicecamp Controlled scrimma a Specialized off ice wear es,hocke includingl Skills, Shooting All skaters mustTechniqu a Professessions daily Individuawe feature As well, etc..) and 2 each daily (Power Skating, fundamentals. iceDryland d scrimmage, break down dling Centre. off ice to reinforce basic

Design Design

camps Designe 3 day • Thursday Junior •Fashion Wednesday dent sewers Tuesday becoming indepen steps towards 9-noon or 1-4pmDesigners -Taking R NOW! x {inJunior Fashion dentREGISTE sewers group. $110+ta g indepen available in each becomin Only 5 spaces cludes materials} REGISTER NOW! $110+tax {ingroup. in each Ward St. available Lane @ spaces 5 s} Herridge Only 422 cludes material nelsonstitchlab@ lsonstitchlab St. .com/ne @ facebook Lane Ward 422 Herridge nelsonstitchlab@ lsonstitchlab .com/ne facebook

Europe Elite

Soccer Camp

ives Summer Intens and Camps ives er Intens Summ Art 2s Centre • Oxygen Camp Intensive / JULY and Summer Art


ed Productions 8 - 19 3 • Watersh Art Centre ’s Seat e/ JULY / JULY 2 - AUG • Oxygen Sr. DirectorIntensiv Summer Art Matters ionsCamp / JULY 8 - AUG 31 • Earth ed Product Youth/ JULY 8 - 19 • Watersh Zero WasteSeat Sr. Director’s / JULY 21 - 28 • Surpass Camp 8 - AUG 31 • Earth Matters in Sound Camp / JULY 14 - SEPT 6 Youth Stories Waste Telling •Zero Radio / AUG / JULY 21 - 28 with Koot Co-op • Surpass Camp ce 19 6- 29 AUG 8 Years / of Schoo Sound Experien re in YA! Out • Stories in adventu t mountaRadio / AUG 14 - SEPT Telling - August 30th 11 day Date: June 27th m ve enviro•nmen with Koot Co-op positi 5:30pm er Progra House and TODAY! 7:30aml- Summ School ce R ONLINE/ AUG 19 - 29 Hours: es a funThe learning centre of Schoo provid Out • YA! Experien REGISTE early care and 30th in adventure campFriday through g/summer This Monday 11 day mounta signhigh.or June 27th - August Date: E! ion: UScentre $38/day informat TODAY! game. www.selfde 7:30am - 5:30pm School HO for more rg R ONLINE whole Hours: 2-6 PM TheBC theHouse REGISTE and learning EN FROM for mer Friday Falls St., Nelson, early es@selfdesign.o ing OPcare 2013 F ALLS S TREET stand Monday through an 1623 workshopcours under RY 11, signh op 2-0315 JANUA D AT 1623 E! selfde devel ion: 250-35 www. LOCATE Ph. mUS PM for $38/day more informat 2-6 child care programs eclc@gBC Co-located EN HO FROM years olds olhouse form go to Toddlers, 3-5S TREET St., Nelson, thescho Infants &2013 e: 1623 Falls Care ALLSration Out ofF School lhousee and regist RY 11, 1623 or enrollment eschoo D AT andJANUAfor information Veronica: info2-0315 LOCATEFor m Ph. 250-35 please contact more application care programs for or call child olds Co-located ph: 250-352-0315 3-5 years & Toddlers, Infants e: theschoolhouse email: Out of School and website: theschoolhouse or enrollment For information contact89 www.theschoo Veronica: ” ~S 52.39 please

p ls Cam se mer SkilHou he School TSum / JULY 22-26 seandm full day camp Lakesideool Hou / Half Progra up er The Schand l Summ


Starskate -off Summer Blast

ration info: info and regist For complete 6510 or visit call (250) 352

informati For all the camp hockeythe questions. please visit www.loulemire t if you have any website at: om or email hockeycamp.c www.loulemire t if you have any questions.





Junior Academ

te Starska Academy ff Junior Summer Blast-o Starskate ff Summer Blast-o






250.3 WONDER


WITH application “ WISDOM BEGINS ph: 250-352-0315 email: theschoolhouse website: theschoolhouse

Get your on!- 10am4+. More continuous movement 23 / 9:15am er Skate AUG 19Arena Summ your program for ages GetNDCC learn to skate . “ WISDOM

te The New CanSkag Keep on Truckin te The New CanSkag Keep on Truckin




on! Summer Skate



helmets One week us movement 9:15am - 10am must wear hockey All skaters AUG 19- 23 / ntals.for 4+. More continuo NDCC Arena basicskate fundame program ages reinforce to helmets. Oneto week learn wear hockey 1:30pmmust All-skaters on and open / 9am 6 - 23ntals. fundame group instructi basicAUG to reinforce NDCC Arena package featuring build your own A three week open 1:30pm instruction and - 23 / 9am 6 group AUG NDCC Arena package featuring build your own A three week ion info: info and registrat For complete 6510 or visit call (250) 352 ion info: info and registrat For complete 6510 or visit call (250) 352

p Soccer Cam Europe Elite p Soccer Cam ope Elite Camp Eur Summer Skills 22-26 day camp Lakeside / JULY Camp / Half and full

up Skills erand 8 Years Summ

environment 22-26 positive andday camp fun full Lakeside / JULY provides aand This camp and up / Half 8 Years game.ent for the whole nding and positive environm an understa a fun develop camp provides This ion form go to and for registrat the whole game. For more info nding for .ca or call develop an understa nelsonsports .3989 ion form go to 250.352 registrat for t and For more info .ca or call

nelsonsports .3989

250.352 t

an issue! issue! Or $50 $5013th for both! both! Run date: March an 6th and March Or for

Learn more at, or speak with your local secondary school.

Connect with us

Dryland the dailyAs well, we skill during down each dling Centre. and breakopen Stickhan which we 9am - 1:30pm instruinction . online group video analysis AUG 6 - 23 / ringsional and to register on sessions Chalk Talk daily informati thecamp NDCC Arena package featu skill For during all the please visit the build your own online at: A three week website on and to registeror email

Club Club re Skatingting on Figu NelsNels on Figure Ska

Nelson Figure

your for } for onlyAdvertise Get a 2x3 $30 that runs Spring Break Camp! You could receive $2,000 } for for Get 2x3 only $30 $30 that runs runs for for an issue!Get Oraa 2x3 $50 both! } for based on your volunteering only that Stickhan es, Controlle in which aweSpecialized Techniqu . video analysis daily including sionalsessions feature a ProfesChalk Talk sessions


Junior Acad

Run date: March 6th and March 13th Run date: March 6th and March 13th

Christine Christine Christine 250 365 6397 250 365 6397 250 365 6397

Attached sheets welcome.

THANk YOU fOR COMpLETINg THIS SURvEY. pLEASE SUbMIT bEfORE MARCH 24, 2014 (Copies also available at City Hall) ONLINE: DROp Off OR MAIL TO: City Hall, 460 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 E-MAIL: or fAX: (250) 365-4810



Hospital auxiliary moves ahead... and UP

Castlegar Slo-Pitch



“The Auxiliary has been raising money for Health Care since 1957! Moving Health Care Services Forward” Yes, we did it! We raised the walls, roof and we have the second floor. At this time we are patiently waiting for the finishing touches in order that we can move to the second floor. The move will take place soon. Our sorting area and storage will be the first area to be completed to receive our stock. This will enable the volunteers to sort, price and store in one area. The elevator will be installed during the first week of April. The following grantors and donors are greatly appreciated for their support: • Columbia Basin Trust: $60,000.00 • Kootenay Savings Community Foundation 10,000.00 • Celgar Pulp Mill 7,500.00 • Teck – Trail, BC 7,000.00 • Area I – Andy Davidoff –

Date: Wednesday March 12, 2014 Place: Valhalla Room at the Complex Time: 6:30pm Cost: $500/team

For more info contact Tom at 250.304.9055 or email at


July 16, 2011 Castlegar

Thursday, March 6, 2014 Castlegar News

New second floor is now in place at 210 11th Ave.

Jim Sinclair

RDCK 1,000.00 • In Loving Memory of Volunteer Chris Engen •Friends & Auxiliary Volunteers 310.00 • In Loving Memory of Volunteer Louise Wishlow From the Family 60.00 $85,870.00 To our valued customers and donors, thank you for being part of the team. We thank you for being patient and supportive during the course of construction.

Thank you to Peter Zaystoff and Sherley Gorkoff of Zaystoff Holdings in making it possible to continue to accept donations, sort and store. Thank you to the volunteers for making this transition comfortable and possible. You are amazing... we are moving forrward with health care. Please visit our website for the latest news and events:



July 26, 2014


let’s celebrate!

Featuring live music, dance, performances and cuisine from the diverse cultures represented in the Kootenay region. Be a part of this exciting cultural event!


Ecouraging the appreciation & recognition of community diversity through artistic expression entertainment & cuisine.


Exhibitors are encouraged to provide an “experience” for festival attendees through demonstration and presentation. If you are selling a product, a high quality of EXHIBITOR BOOTHS craftsmanship is an expected andforyour product must be crafted, grown or produced locally. Exhibitors are encouraged to provide “experience” festival attendees through demonstration and presentation. selling a product, a high of craftsmanship Any exhibitorsIf you withareimported products willquality be asked to remove them immediately. Please is expected and your product must be crafted, grown produced locally. exhibitors withif applicable. $40.00 include several pictures of youror work with yourAny booking form imported products will be asked to remove them immediately. Please include several pictures of your work with your booking form if applicable. $45.00/$55.00 (w/ 110V power)


FOOD VENDOR The BOOTHS committee will be looking for a variety of local cuisines as well as family favourites. The committee will be looking for amust variety of local acuisines well as family favourites. Food vendors provide permitasfrom the Interior Health Authority by June 15, 2011 Commercial $95.00 (w/220V power) and(w/110V abide power) by their$120.00 rules and regulations. $60.00 NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR BOOTHS

BOOTHS These booths areNON-PROFIT for information only.EXHIBITOR No products or food items are to be sold and any items to be givenThese away must be approved the Festival Committee. booths are for by information only. No products or food items are to be sold and any $30.00/$40.00 (w/110V power) items to be given away must be approved by the Festival Committee. $25.00

Break time is Art time

To apply please contact Audrey Polovnikoff at 250-365-3386 ext. 4105 or download and To apply contact Audrey Polovnikoff at 250-365-3386 ext. 4105 or download and submit the application form please at

submit the application form at

Deadline for submission is May 31, 2014 The Kootenay Gallery presents Kids’ Art Camps during Spring Break. For more informafor submission is May 31, 2011 tion visit or contact the Gallery at 250-365-3337. – Early bird AprilDeadline 1st to be entered to win booth cost (1) back


Joelle Beaulieu

Castlegar News Thursday, March 6, 2014 A11


see your ad in our newspaper

Think... Summer! Kootenay Festival 2014 – Save the Date – Saturday July 26, 2014 Pictured at left, Key Note Sponsor Kevin Chernoff, Trowelex Rentals and Sales, and Audrey Maxwell Polovnikoff, Chair of the Kootenay Festival Committee. Submitted

Special evening enjoyed by many submitted

Scottie School of Highland Dance held its annual Dance Recital this year on February 20 at the SHSS Activity room. The night was full of swinging kilts, sleeping teddy bears and knee-high sock sword dances.

Local piper David Hogg played for the girls as well as entertaining the audience with his own medley

of tunes. Senior dancer, Alyssa Martini (pictured below, left), danced her last dance recital with Scottie School of Highland Dance after being a highland dancer with the school for the past eight years. She is working toward her own teacher’s certificate to be able to teach in her own dance school in the future. Alyssa has been a huge asset to Scottie School and she will be missed when she moves away. Linda Swan-

son, of Linda’s Photo Op, was on hand to take great pictures as the dancers performed throughout the night. Admission for the event was food for the local food bank which brought in numerous boxes of much needed supplies. As spring now approaches, ‘dance

exams and competition’ season are in full swing, and the girls will polish and perfect their dances to perform throughout BC, Alberta, and the Inland Northwest. Thank you to all who attended the dance recital and for the generous donations to the food bank.


M����� Q���������

Stock quotes as of closing



5N Plus .............................. 3.90 BCE Inc. ........................... 48.19 Bank of Montreal .............. 72.50 Bank of Nova Scotia .......... 63.12 CIBC ................................ 93.39 Canadian Utilities ............. 39.30 Canfor Corporation ........... 29.63 EnCana Corp. .................. 21.70 Enbridge Inc. .................... 49.00 Finning International ........... 31.00 Fortis Inc. .......................... 30.59


Husky Energy ................... 33.81 Manitoba Telecom ............ 30.23 National Bank of Canada ... 43.95 Onex Corporation ............. 61.13 Royal Bank of Canada ....... 71.84 Sherritt International.............. 3.09 TD Bank ........................... 50.06 TELUS Corp. ...................... 38.97 Teck Resources .................. 24.71 TransCanada Corp ............ 49.23 iPath S&P 500 VIX ............. 43.24

M����� F���� CIG

Portfolio Series Balanced .... 27.55


Signature Dividend............. 13.82


Portfolio Series Conservative . 15.28


Manulife Monthly High ..... 14.111

C����������, I������ � C��������� CADUSD Canadian / US Dollar........ 0.901


Light Sweet Crude Oil ...... 103.32

Gold ............................. 1335.30


Silver............................... 21.205


Let’s talk RRSPs All it takes is planning. And talking to the right people. The Financial Planners at Kootenay Savings MoneyWorks will help you identify and reach your goals. For information about retirement, wealth management, insurance or estate planning, call us today.

1.877.691.5769 Mutual Funds are offered through Qtrade Management Inc., Member MFDA. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. This report is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. This report is furnished on the basis and understanding that Qtrade Asset Management Inc. is to be under no responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect thereof.

Join Castlegar’s Relay For Life to: Celebrate cancer survivors Remember and honour those touched by cancer Fight Back against cancer

Register a fundraising team. Volunteer on the planning committee or event day. Join the event as a cancer survivor or caregiver. Support the event as a sponsor or donor.

Event date: Sat June 21st 6pm-6am Contact Christina Postnikoff at or visit:


Thursday, March 6, 2014 Castlegar News

The Castlegar Sunrise 2000 Rotary Club Presents

15th Annual

Wine Festival • Dress: Semi-formal • Catering by Bon Appetito Catering • Blind Challenge • Silent Auction • Major Door Prizes • Sweet & Savory Appies • Safe Ride Home Event

Saturday April 5, 2014 7pm -10pm, Castlegar Community Complex Ticket Price: $55 (non-refundable)

Available at: • Oglow’s Paint • Bubblees Liquor Store Plus • Sound West Sales & Service (Trail)

15TH ANNUAL This Week’s Featured Wineries ROTARY WINE FESTIVAL 15TH ANNUAL Thornhaven House of Rose

(by donation to the Interact Club)

Wine Festival Welcomes ANNUAL 15TH


Tabletree (awarding winning juices) Estates Winery Celebrating BC Wines & Wineries Thornhaven Estates invites you to House of Rose Winery is happy Maple Leaf Spirits INC. visit our intimate, charming winery. TH,to attend the wonderful Castlegar TH, and the following BC Wineries Wine Festival again. “It is one of the Elevated on the slopes of Little Giant’sCelebrating best, where you see the community rally behind the event and its causes’ say BC Wines & Wineries House of Rose Celebrating BC Wines & Wineries Head Mountain in Summerland Wouter van der Hall, owner of the winery. “By welcoming and taking care B.C, Thornhaven is fronted by its of us from the wineries, it is easy to take the time to come and share our Forbidden Fruit Winery ANNUAL flourishing vineyards . The spectacular wines at your event.” Known for its smooth fruit forward wines, including its ANNUAL TH views from our courtyard patio signature HotFlash® wine House of Rose teases and attracts people of all ages Baillie-Grohman Estate Winery with funky labels like Grapes With Benefits, Fifty Shades of Grapes and new overlook the picturesque landscape Gehringer Brothers Estate Winery this year ‘A Senior Moment’ for those of us who want to sit back and enjoy of Summerland’s orchard-laden valley floor and distant rolling mountains. those moments of ‘hmm, what was I doing again” and say “Hé, I am having Silver Sage Winery A Senior Moment!” We are one of the few wineries that allow picnics brought in and host live TH, TH, Aand semi Affair House of Rose Winery is conveniently located the fiWine rst winery, on the edge entertainment every Saturday and Sunday in July Aug onFormal our patio. Foodas and Columbia Gardens Winery of town by Black Mountain, as you drive into Kelowna on Highway 33. ebrating BC Wines & Wineries Pairing 101 Celebrating BC Wines & Catering Wineries Our wines include plantings of: Gewurztraminer, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay, Heaven’s Gate Estate Winery Catering byA Bon Appetito semi Formal Affair House of Rose Winery 2270 Garner Rd Presented by Sarah Food and Wine Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Viognier, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, Merlot, Summer hours: daily 10-6. Skimmerhorn Winery & Vineyard of Sonoran Estate Winery Pairing 101 Syrah, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon and the rare Orange A semi FormalGamay, Affair Food and Wine Blind Challenge Catering by Catering Muscat. Wouter vanBon der HallAppetito • House of Rose Winery Presented by Sarah Volcanic Hills Estate Winery Adrian from Dirty Laundry Pairing 101 250 765 0802 of Sonoran Estate Winery Catering by Bon Appetito Catering Limited number of tickets Silent Auction Challenge Presented by Sarah We are also one of the 13 wineries in Summerland that is part Blind of the Thornhaven Estates Winery Adrian from Dirty Laundr $20 each BOTTLNECK DRIVE Wine tour. of Sonoran Estate Winery Hester Creek EstateBlind Winery Challenge Avail at Bubblees Liquor Limited Store number of tickets Major Door Prize Silent Auction Adrian from Dirty Laundry 2:30-4:30 Saturday April 5 $20 each Sonoran Estate Winery Limited numberRide of tickets Home Silent Auction Major Door Prize Event Safe Super 8 HotelAvail at Bubblees Liquor Stor $20 each 2:30-4:30 Saturday April 5 Kalala Organic Estate Winery (by donation to the Interact Club) (by donation toSafe the Interact Club) Avail at Bubblees Liquor Store Major Door Prize Ride Home Event Super 8 Hotel Formal Affair Food and Wine A semi Formal 3 Cru Estates 2:30-4:30 Saturday April 5Affair Food and Wine (by donation to the Interact Club) (by donation to the Interact Club) Pairing 101 SafeCatering Ride Home Event Super 8 Hotel Pairing 101 Dostana ng by BonWinery Appetito Catering by Price Bon Appetito Catering Presented by Sarah Ticket $55 . Available at: Presented by Sarah (by donation to the Interact Club) (by donation to the Interact Club) of Sonoran Estate Winery Castoro de Oro Estate Winery of Sonoran Estate Winery Challenge Ticket Price $55. Available at: Blind Oglow`s ChallengePaint Adrian from Dirty Laundry Saxon Winery Adrian from Dirty Laundry Limited number of tickets Auction Limited number of tickets Oglow`s Paint Ticket Available at: Silent Bubblees Auction Liquor Quinta Ferreira Estate WineryPrice $55. $20 Store each $20 each Door Prize Fairview Cellars Oglow`s PaintAvail at Bubblees Liquor Store Bubblees Liquor Store Avail at Bubblees Liquor Store Major Door Prize (Trail) Sound West Sales & Sevice A Senior Moment 483610 0-1 $ 18.90 2:30-4:30 Saturday April 5 One wonderful smooth fruit forward April wine, two labels: 2:30-4:30 A very pleasant light bodied fruity Syrah Saturday based red wine,5easy drinking without a meal Wynnwood Cellars Estate Winery (Trail) ide Home Event Sales & oSevice ne male, one female. Sound West Super 8 Hotel Safe Ride Home Event or a variety of meats and lightly spiced dishes. Th is Bubblees Liquor Store Super 8 Hotelwine is excellent for the casual red Ridge Estates drinker and those with a preference for smooth fruit forward wines. ation to Interact Club) ion toHeron thethe Interact Club) donation Interact Club) donation to to thethe Interact Club) Sound West Sales & Sevice (Trail)(by(by Oliver Twist Estate Winery 483610 0-1 $ 18.90 A Senior Moment A very pleasant light bodied fruity Syrah based red wine, easy drinking without a meal or a variety of meats and lightly spiced dishes. This wine is excellent for the casual red drinker and those with a preference for smooth Dirty Laundry Vineyards fruit forward wines. Price $55. Available at: Ticket Price $55 . Available at: Monster Vineyards `s Paint Chaberton Estate Winery Oglow`s Paint BC Wine Studio es Liquor Store Bubblees Liquor Store River Stone Estate Winery West Sales & Sevice (Trail) Sound West Sales & Sevice (Trail) Desert Hills Estate Winery St. Hubertus & Oak Bay Vineyards Hillside Estate Winery Help us build a new mulit-use facility in Twin Rivers Park Squeezed Wines Help us build a new mulit-use facility in Twin Rivers Park


7:00 pm to 10:00 pm ARY WINE FESTIVAL ROTARY WINE 7:00FESTIVAL pm to 10:00 pm 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm APRIL 5 2014 APRIL 5 2014 and

7:00 pm to 10:00 pm


7:00 pm to 10:00 pm and







Our Sponsors

and send poor children to school in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and send poor children to school in Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Castlegar News Thursday, March 6, 2014 A13

I’m political.

I mutli-task - constantly.

I need a hug. I’m successful. I work hard.

I’m hard on myself sometimes.

I’m a mother.

Enjoy a fun girls night out with Wendy Mesley, anchor of CBC’s The National. Wendy will be here on Wednesday, April 2 at 6:30 - 10:00 pm at Mary Hall, Selkirk College. Ticket purchases includes cocktail hors d’oeuvres, a glass of wine or beer. Tickets are $30 until March 7th, then $35 after the 7th. There will be no tickets available at the door. Available at Nelson Star, Cotton Creek Clothing, Dig Garden Centre & Fashion Foundations in Castlegar!


Dr. Kelly Davidoff GOLD SPONSORS

The Nelson Star will be donating a portion of ticket sales to the Kootenay Rhythm Dragons boat team!

Peggy Devries & Debie Pedersen

Karen Pilipishen and Grenville Skea

Jana Cook


Dr. Scott Pentecost

Rae Naka


Thursday, March 14, 2014 Castlegar News



hwy / city 100km







Offer includes delivery, destination, fees and $5,000 IN CASH SAVINGS§. Offer based on 2014 Rondo LX MT (RN551E) with a purchase price of $23,582. Rondo EX Luxury shown


THE NEW 2014

hwy / city 100km


($35,000 - $60,000)



156 121



$0 DOWN. BI-WEEKLY for the first 15 MONTHS.


Sorento SX shown







Includes Variable Throwback Pricing Incentive. $121 bi-weekly payments include $1,120 Throwback Pricing Incentive. Payments are based on 2014 Sorento 2.4L LX AT FWD (SR75BE). 60-month financing amortized over 84 months. After 15 months, bi-weekly payments increase to $156. Principal balance of $8,138 due after 60 months. Throwback Pricing Incentive may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce financed amount.≠

THE NEW 2014

hwy / city 100km




143 96



$0 DOWN. BI-WEEKLY for the first 15 MONTHS.





Includes Variable Throwback Pricing Incentive. $96 bi-weekly payments include $1,504 Throwback Pricing Incentive. Payments are based on 2014 Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551E), financing for 84 months. After 15 months, bi-weekly payments increase to $143. Throwback Pricing Incentive may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce financed amount. ≠ Sportage SX Luxury shown

OFFER ENDS MARCH 31ST WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED *5-year/100,000 km worry-free comprehensive warranty.

Offer(s) available on select new 2013/2014 models through participating dealers to qualified customers who take delivery by March 31, 2014. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. All offers are subject to change without notice. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All pricing includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,665, other fees and certain levies (including tire levies) and $100 A/C charge (where applicable) and excludes licensing, registration, insurance, other taxes and variable dealer administration fees (up to $699). Other dealer charges may be required at the time of purchase. Other lease and financing options also available. **Offer available on the retail purchase/lease of any 2014 Rondo model from participating retailers between March 1–31, 2014, upon proof of current ownership/lease of a competitive cross-over vehicle. Competitive models include specific VW, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Hyundai, Honda, GM, Ford and Chrysler vehicles. Some conditions apply, ask your retailer or go to for complete details. †Offer available on the retail purchase/lease of 2013/2014 Sportage and 2014 Sorento AWD models from participating retailers between March 1–31, 2014. $750 Credit will be deducted from the negotiated purchase/lease price before taxes. See your retailer for complete details. ∞Cash purchase price for the new 2014 Rondo LX MT (RN551E) is $18,582 and includes a cash savings of $5,000 (which is deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes and cannot be combined with special lease and finance offers). Retailer may sell for less. ≠Throwback Pricing available O.A.C. on financing offers on new 2013/2014 models. Financing for 84 months example: 2014 Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551E) with a purchase price of $24,782 (including $1,665 freight/PDI) financed at 1.49% for 84-month period with $0 down payment equals 32 reduced bi-weekly payments of $96 followed by 150 bi-weekly payments of $143. Cost of borrowing is $1,321.94 and total obligation is $26,104. Throwback Pricing Incentive varies by model and trim level and may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce the financed amount. The Throwback Pricing Incentive for the 2014 Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551E) shown is $1,504 (a $47 reduction in 32 bi-weekly payments). Limited time offer. See retailer for complete details. Throwback Pricing is a trademark of Kia Canada Inc. 60/84 Amortization Financing example: 2014 Sorento 2.4L LX AT FWD (SR75BE) with a purchase price of $28,482 (including $1,665 freight/PDI) financed at 0% for 60 months amortized over an 84-month period with $0 down payment equals 32 reduced bi-weekly payments of $121 followed by 98 bi-weekly payments of $156 with a principal balance of $8,138 plus applicable taxes due after 60 months. Cost of borrowing is $0 and total obligation is $28,482. Throwback Pricing incentive varies by model and trim level and may be taken as a lump sum or to reduce the financed amount. The Throwback Pricing incentive for the 2014 Sorento 2.4L LX AT FWD (SR75BE) shown is $1,120 (a $35 reduction in 32 bi-weekly payments). Limited time offer. Offer excludes applicable taxes. See retailer for complete details. 0% purchase financing is available on select new 2013/2014 Kia models O.A.C. Terms vary by model and trim, see dealer for complete details. ΔModel shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2014 Sorento SX V6 AWD (SR75YE)/2014 Rondo EX Luxury (RN756E)/2014 Sportage SX AT Luxury AWD (SP759E) is $40,595/$32,195/$38,295. Highway/city fuel consumption is based on the 2014 Sorento LX 2.4L GDI 4-cyl (A/T)/2014 Rondo 2.0L GDI 4-cyl (M/T)/2014 Sportage 2.4L 4-cyl (A/T). These updated estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. Refer to the EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Sirius XM Radio Inc. and its subsidiaries. °The Bluetooth® wordmark and logo are registered trademarks and are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.

ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. BCGMCDEALERS.CA 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. * Offers apply to the lease of a new or demonstrator 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab 4x4 (1SA/G80/B30). Freight ($1,650) and PDI included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. †* The Automotive Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC) comprises professional journalists, photographers specializing in cars and trucks. They provide unbiased opinions of new vehicles to help consumers make better purchases that are right for them. For more information visit ^ 2014 Sierra 1500 with the available 5.3L EcoTec3 V8 engine equipped with a 6-speed automatic transmission has a fuel-consumption rating of 13.0L/100 km city and 8.7L/100 km hwy 2WD and 13.3L/100 km city and 9.0L/100 km hwy 4WD. Fuel consumption based on GM testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Competitive fuel consumption ratings based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2013 Fuel Consumption Guide for 2013 Large Pickup segment and latest available information at the time of posting. **When equipped with available 6.2L EcoTec3 V8 engine. Comparison based on 2013 Large Light-Duty Pickup segment and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM vehicles. † Comparison based on 2013 Large Pickup segment and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM vehicles. †† The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2014 MY Sierra with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 KMs, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. + Whichever comes first. See dealer for conditions and limited warranty details. ‡ 0% for 36 month lease available on all 2014 Sierra 1500 Regular/Double/Crew Cabs. Sample lease payments based on 36-month lease of 2014 Sierra Double Cab 4x4 1SA + G80 + B30 on approved credit by GM Financial. Tax, license, insurance, registration, applicable provincial fees, and optional equipment extra. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. Monthly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. Example: Sierra Double Cab 4x4 1SA + G80 + B30 including Freight and Air Tax is $30,488 at 0% APR, $1,075 Down payment, Bi-Weekly payment is $139 for 36 months. Total obligation is $11,951, plus applicable taxes. Option to purchase at lease end is $18,538. ¥¥ 0% Purchase financing offered on approved credit by RBC Royal Bank/TD Auto Financing/Scotiabank for 48 months on new or demonstrator 2014 Sierra 1500. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $208 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. ¥ $4,250 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit has been applied to the purchase, finance and lease offers of 2014 Sierra 1500 Double 4x4 1SA, and is applicable to retail customers only. $500 package credits for non-PDU models. Other credits available on select Sierra models. Offer ends March 31, 2014. ‡‡ Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer pick-up truck that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2013 Chevrolet Silverado, Avalanche, GMC Sierra or 2014 MY Chevrolet Silverado or GMC Sierra or 2015 MY Chevrolet Silverado HD or GMC Sierra HD delivered in Canada between March 1, 2014 and March 31, 2014. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive). Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. XRetail and basic fleet customers who purchase or lease an eligible Chevrolet, Buick or GMC delivered from dealer stock between March 1, 2014 and March 31, 2014 will receive one 40¢ savings per litre fuel card (fuel savings card) upon payment of an additional $.01. Cards valid as of 72 hours after delivery. Fuel savings card valid for 800 litres of fuel purchased from participating Petro-Canada retail locations (and other approved North Atlantic Petroleum locations in Newfoundland) and not redeemable for cash except where required by law. GM is not responsible for cards that are lost, stolen or damaged. GM reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer and/or the program for any reason in whole or in part at any time without notice. Petro-Canada is a Suncor Energy business™ Trademark of Suncor Energy Inc. Used under licence. Cards are property of Suncor Energy. To protect your card balance, register online at today.

Castlegar News Thursday, March 6, 2014 A15

Pick of the Week: The Astra VXR EXTREME

The Astra VXR EXTREME will be the most powerful front-wheel drive car produced by Vauxhall, General Motors’ UK subsidiary. The first public sighting sight of the coupe with the 300-horsepower 2.0-litre turbocharged engine under the hood was made at the Geneva Auto Show this week. The all-aluminium engine is mated to six-speed manual gearbox transmitting power through a limited-slip differential. The Vauxhall/Opel Astra models were available here under the Saturn sub-brand but with its demise so went the Astra. The likelihood of it being rebadged under another GM brand here is not likely but it’s okay to dream. The Driveway crew is in Switzerland and will report on the show next week.










2014 SIERRA DOUBLE CAB 1500 4X4 % $

139 0












2 YEARS/ 40,000 KM PLUS





SIERRA 1500 %


















Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-365-2155, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. [License #8917]


Thursday, March 6, 2014 Castlegar News


How much is a bargain really worth these days... and why? Now is the time, during the season of Lent, to reflect and contemplate about your path in life. This time of reflection leads up to Easter, the season of renewed energy, new opportunities and new hope. During this time of reflection, there’s an opportunity to think about how we are doing as good stewards of this earth. Bearing in mind that care of creation and eco-justice is at the centre of church work on climate change, we are called to act in ways that will nurture and protect our earth. There are many directions to go with these thoughts. Aside from living as green as possible, keeping things out of the garbage dump, recycling, avoiding plastic and so on, there is the question of how our dollars spent affect the world around us. Is it a bargain or not? In their quest for profit - huge corporations which oversee large facto-

ries no better than sweatshops and monolithic farms for cash cropping - produce quantities of cheap products but at a great cost to humanity. It is estimated that about 200 large corporations run the world and only seven major companies dominate the world’s food industry. While profits soar, poverty remains and the consumerism that runs our world is harming our environment. Alternatives are possible. We work, we live and we spend. We may be doing all this in ways that direct resources into the hands of a wealthy few. Shopping at discount stores and for discount prices, we may be spending or investing in ways that benefit large multinational corporations rather than local producers and small farmers. Take the window that has opened recently on the clothing factory situation in Bangladesh. Buying cheap or unethically produced clothing can perpet-

vestment in a more just world. We can invest in companies or businesses that respect social justice including human rights. We can invest in those that respect ecological justice and value sustainability. The Chamber of Commerce recently stated that shopping locally benefits the local economy threefold. Why? Because local businesses bank locally, hire locally and advertise locally. Studies have shown that money spent at a locally owned business stays in the local economy and continues to strengthen the economic base of the community. Small local businesses make valuable contributions to communities, neighbourhoods, and organizations. Another advantage of buying products grown or made closer to home means less fuel is used for transport. Of course growing our own food is great. As

Rosemary Manarin

United Church Speaks uate poor working conditions for many. But we may resist this corporate “empire” by being committed to alternative actions like buying from ethical producers, small and/or local businesses, buying sustainable products, supporting fair-trade, and bartering. The increased costs that may come with supporting smaller businesses and fairly traded products can be thought of as an act of compassion and an in-

consumers, how we spend our dollars or not, has great impact and does make a difference.. From its earliest days, the United Church of Canada has advocated and acted in favour of the social well-being of all God’s people. As followers of Jesus, we are called to ensure the fair and sustainable sharing of God’s gifts. Instead of thinking only about the bargain idea, when shopping, can we reflect on who we are supporting, where the profits are going and what the impact on the environment would be? Can we resist the consumptive lifestyle and consider alternatives based on the spirit of justice and fairness for all? Can we support a more just and sustainable world? Lent can be a journey of thought that ends with renewed commitment to find more ways to be better stewards of our earth.

Confessions of a Curber

Buying used? u We’re looking out for you. Find out how at

Richard Askew 250-365-4788

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Jo-Ann Bursey 250-304-8681

Greg Gritchin 250-365-9791

Kirby Wayling 250-304-8476

Joni Askew 250-365-4731

Shirley Kosiancic 250-265-8040

Rick Miller 250-365-9422

Rand Wayling 250-365-1984

Brian Euerby 250-365-9340

Bryan Wilson 250-365-9377

Derek Sherbinin 250-365-9499

What’s it doing here? he I thought. Apart from a couple coup of scratches on the outside ou and some moist seats, sea the vehicle seemed roadworthy. road I immediately asked about the car. I was told that th it was found full of flflood ood w water. Its previous owner wanted nothing to do with it. I bought the car for fo a couple hundred dollars. do I didn’t even have to register it in my name. n Originally, I had no n intention of doing what I did. I wanted to sell the car for parts. But, the engine still worked worke and

Call or TEXT any of our Agents at the numbers below:

I still rremember my first rs time. It was so easy. eas So thrilling. And I walked away with a couple of thousand thousa bucks in my pocket. Not bad for pocket a few hours’ hou work.

the vehicle could get a person from A to B. Suddenly, I had an idea. Since the car looked fine on the outside, no one had to know its real history. I was a genius. After a night in the garage with a heater and a little scrubbing, I posted an ad on Craigslist: “2004 black Toyota Corolla for sale. No longer need, bought new car. No room in garage – need to sell ASAP!!! Few scratches, otherwise in great condition. Call cell and we’ll talk price.” Thirty minutes later I got a call from a sixteen-year old kid – a little younger than my son. We decided to meet at the local mall at about 6:00. I wonder if his parents knew what he was up to. I arrived at 6:20, telling him I was in a great rush as I had to pick my son up from soccer practice. Turns out he played, too. After some soccer gossip, we got down to business. I knew that a kid his age just wanted a ride to show off to his friends, so we spent little time on the details. I told him the car was in perfect condition and was never in any accidents. “No problems as far as I know,” I said. The kid was sold. He trusted me. I never gave him my full name, and he never gave me his. He gave me the cash, I gave him the car. All was good. I was on my way. A few days later, I saw a TV program that talked about flood damaged vehicles. Apparently, flooding can damage the computer systems, which control things like the brakes and steering. And flood vehicles can’t be registered or insured. Who knew? My mind immediately went to the kid I sold the vehicle to. I felt a twinge of guilt. Then my eyes darted to my stash of cash. Two weeks later, I had another car up for sale. Stay tuned!

It happened just after the last flood. TThe winter beat records for snowfall, and serious springtime saw seriou flooding. Basements filled, streets were running with water, and cars were left to float and sink. One day, I walked past a junk yard and saw, what I thought, was a relatively r normal car.

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Castlegar News Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sports A17

Your Pharmasave pharmacist. With you for life. As we move through life our needs change. But that doesn't mean you need to change who you turn to for health care and advice. Pharmasave has been a part of Canadian communities since 1981, and Pharmasave pharmacists have been there every step of the way.

We offer professional Pharmacy transfers, come in and see us.

Hyper hoops action Grade 8 girls from Stanley Humphries and Rossland squared off in a recent tournament in Grand Forks. Rossland won the game, taking third place behind frontrunners Grand Forks and J.L. Crowe of Trail. Craig Lindsay photo

Bar-Bee bonspiel welcomes the month of March Betsy Kline Castlegar News contributor

The Castlegar Curling Club hosted the annual Ladies BarBee Bonspiel last weekend. Fifteen teams from around the region participated including teams from Castlegar, Nelson, Grand Forks, Beaver Valley and Salmo. Hosting the event was a team effort with the master’s club supporting the ladies by cleaning the ice and the men’s club contributing by preparing dinner. The theme for this year’s bonspiel was “Under the Sea.” There was a lively competition

for the coveted best costume award with the Bedard rink being proclaimed the winner for their “sea weed” costumes. The ladies enjoyed a dinner and dance Saturday evening with entertainment provided by DJ Enormous Productions. Castlegar was well represented in the finals with teams in all three events. The final games were exciting, with two coming down to last rocks to decide the winners. Skip Stacey Ludwar, pictured below with teammates Lee Bedard, Carol Lajoie and Roxanne Biglow of the Bedard rink of Grand Forks beat the

Kevin Ralloff Owner /Pharmacy Manager




PHARMASAVE Phone: 365-7813 or visit us at 1128 3rd St. Castlegar

Plotnikoff rink of Castlegar to win the “A” event. After measuring the determining rock in the 8th end, the Southerland rink from Nelson was declared the winner over the Nichols rink from Castlegar in the “B” event. The Young rink from Beaver Valley/Salmo defeated the Jollimore rink from Castlegar to win the “C” event. Sponsors that helped make this great weekend of curling possible included Heritage Credit Union, Yule Anderson Chartered Accountants, R.H.C. Insurance and Castlegar Realty.



− 2014 −

SOFTBALL PROGRAMS Registration is underway in your community for Softball Programs… For information on programs in your community contact Softball BC or call us at 604-531-0044 ext. 3 − PROUD SUPPORTERS −

Bedard rink of Grand Forks took the “A” event of the recent Bar-Bee Bonspiel in Castlegar. Betsy Kline


HANDLE WITH CARE conserve • reduce • recycle


Thursday, March 6, 2014 Castlegar News



March 24th - March 28th, 2014 FULL DAYS - $38/day OR all 5 days - $170.00 Camp hours - 9:00am - 4:30 pm Drop off at 8:30am - Last pick up 5:00pm HALF DAYS - $22/day OR all 5 days - $100.00 Camp hours - Morning camp 9:00 - 12:30 (Drop off 8:30am) Afternoon camp 1:00 - 4:30 (Drop off 1:00pm) All participants must have GBC insurance/membership fee. NEW members must pay $5/week casual fee with camp fees.

* To guarantee spot, full payment is required. * Must be 5 years of age or older to attend. * Please bring snacks, water and lunch. * Please email for registration form.

North Okanagan road trip well worth the effort 29 Kootenai Jiujitsu Academy members traveled to Vernon February 22 to compete in the CBJJF Winter Classics. The team brought home a combined total of 45 medals, Including 15 GOLD, 17 SILVER & 13 BRONZE. They also received 4 trophies: 2nd Place Kids No-Gi Division, 3rd Place kids Gi Division, 3rd Place Adult No-Gi Division & 3rd Place Adult Gi Division. Submitted

Registration open for Nelson Cyswog ‘n’ Fun Triathlon Staff writer Nelson Star

Registration is now open for the 32nd annual Cyswog ‘n’ Fun Triathlon happening August 3 at beautiful Lakeside Park in Nelson. This three-sport event is open to individuals and relay teams. There are two distances to choose from — the sprint course includes a 500 metre swim, 22 kilometre

bike and 5 km run, while the Olympic goes 1500 m swim, 39 km bike and 10 km run. Individual participants must be at least 16 years old and younger athletes are welcome to join as part of a team. The race is also known for attracting senior racers in their 60s and 70s. “For many racers it’s just about being active and having fun,” said Bickerton. At the finish line, racers

will get a hearty lunch served in the park by the Fresh Tracks Express food truck. Pre- and post-race massages will also be available. Top competitors will win prize packages provided by event sponsors including Whitewater Ski Resort and Gerick Cycle. There’s also a “Rookie Award” for the fastest first time triathlete. To register for the Cyswog ‘n’ Fun Triathlon go to and either fill out the online form or print off a paper registration form to be dropped off at Gerick Cycle. Early bird registration discounts are available until July 6. The Cyswog ‘n’ Fun is also supported by Main Street Diner, CIBC Wood Gundy, Nelson District Credit Union, Kootenay Lake Dental Clinic, Lakeside Physiotherapy, and the Nelson Star.

E C N ! A H ER C T T N S E A L TO Win cash and prizes to star t or expand your summer business! Modeled after CBC’s “The Dragons’ Den”, where qualifying entrepreneurs pitch their business idea to a group of potential investors, Junior Dragons’ Den is a West Kootenay wide initiative and call to action for student youth entrepreneurs age – 12-17, to create their own summer job/ business. There are two categories: Junior – Grades 8-10 Senior – Grade 11-12 HOW IT WORKS - Students are required to submit a business concept paper for their business idea (standard outline provided), and a brief 1.5-2 minute video elevator pitch, explaining their business idea and why they should be chosen to compete in Junior Dragons’ Den. Video submissions will be viewable online at and be eligible for voting. Junior Dragons’ Den is a partnership between CFDC Greater Trail, CFDC Central Kootenay, CFDC Boundary and the Columbia Basin Trust.

THE TOP FIVE - The top five applicants from each category will then work on refining their business concept into a formal business plan (outline and template to be provided), as well as create and submit an updated video elevator pitch for their business. THE SHOW - These Junior Dragons’ will then pitch their business idea Friday, June 6, 2014 in a live show format at Charles Bailey Theatre in Trail, BC to a panel of local West Kootenay Dragons’! PRIZES FOR THE JUNIOR AND SENIOR CATEGORY: 1st place - $2500 2nd place- $1500 3rd place - $1000 REGISTER TODAY! Deadline is March 14, 2014! Go to to download a particpant’s package!

Black Press C O M M U N I T Y



Castlegar News Thursday, March 6, 2014 A19


There are 7 BILLION people. There are 14 BILLION pounds of garbage per year being dumped into the ocean. There are 9000 blue whales.


There are BILLION people. reducing There are 14 waste. BILLION Help by7 recycling pounds of garbage per year being dumped into the ocean. There are 9000 blue whales.

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Castlegar Medical Clinic Inc

1101 3rd Street Castlegar, BC 250-365-7717

Castlegar Medical Clinic is pleased to announce the arrival of Dr. Denis Thibodeau. Dr. Thibodeau has relocated from Kaslo and is now accepting new patients. He is currently practicing from our 1101 3rd Street location.

Most Valuable kudo


Kathleen and Brad Zubick from McDonalds present Saints’ captain Logan Proulx for Most Valuable Player award. Read up on Saints’ news on following page Derek Kaye

Check in next week as we announce the winner of our 6 week Get Fit challenge! Congratulations to all of our participants and trainers!

For an appointment please call 250-365-7717

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Fit starts here.


Barefoot training, x training, running, gym gear.

Denise’s hard work and dedication has brought her to her toes - literally!

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532 Baker St Nelson 250.352.3200 Denise brought the same enthusiasm to her last week as she has all the others, and it shows! Denise is down 660 18th St Castlegar 250.365.5588 12 lbs and 11.5 inches! (2 lbs over her goal for the six weeks!) “I attended 4 of Kristy’s classes and they kept me on track with intense spin, strength and stretch workouts. Other days I maintained my running and home workout routines. By writing in the food diary I can pinpoint my weak times, and I plan to maintain better eating habits and the diary beyond this challenge because I feel healthier. I am happy to look in the mirror and see a firm body with toned muscles, and proud to have met my weight loss goal. I am certain that I will move forward with a renewed enthusiasm for exercise, and look forward to meeting further fitness challenges.” And her trainer Kristy is very proud of Denise’s progress over the 6 weeks. “This experience was so much fun! It was my pleasure to assist Denise in this challenge. Denise did amazing and I’m beyond proud of her accomplishments and determination. She lost 12lbs, even with her adding so much strength and muscle tone! She gained 1.5 inches in her quads, whereas her chest, hips, bum, and abdomen all lost 3 inches each! She also had a dramatic increase in her flexibility. As for our last week together, Denise continued to come to class ready to push through any challenge I had for her. Excellent participant :)

Phone: 250-304-8413 Email: Amber has reached her goals and more, with yoga impacting her life in ways she never anticipated! “Thank you for an amazing opportunity. I don’t think I would have signed up for yoga on my own. This 6 week challenge has brought in to perspective for me the importance of balance in fitness. I have increased my over all flexibility and strength far beyond what I thought I was capable of. I have achieved my short term goal of doing a prop supported head stand unassisted, and do it confidently. I’ll definitely be continuing on with Yoga, I’ve already let Janice and my day class ladies know I’ll be sticking around. I’ve got along way to go before I can get my leg behind my head ;) I want to thank Janice, the people in my classes, the folks on the street who wished me well, and my fellow competitors who inspired me to press on.” And of course, when we spoke with Janice, she had nothing but shining praise for the derby athlete. “Amber’s goals were to improve her recovery from sports injury such as shin splints and rotator cuff, to improve her flexibility and strength, and to gain a competitive edge in her sport. Amber has done all this and more! Her increased flexibility in six short weeks is fantastic: Amber can place her hands flat on the floor by her feet with her legs straight! This is thrilling for Amber and me as in January Amber could barely touch the floor with her finger tips. She has worked to the max, met her goals and then some, and will have lots to share with her Roller Derby Teams. Amber has come to understand what a yoga practice can do for her by doing the practice herself. Amber you are fabulous! Thank you for your hard work and dedication. I would also like to say, Congratulations to Hailey , Denise, Kristy and Spencer for all their energy in our Get Fit Challenge. It’s been a fun six weeks getting our students to challenge themselves.”

Phone: 250-365-5428 | 815 5th Ave - Castlegar, BC Hailey has blown her goal right our of the water by doubling her projected weight loss - she is down 20.1 lbs in just 6 weeks! But it certainly wasn’t without a lot of hard work, no easy button here. “These last two weeks have been especially hard as I’ve been sick but I refused to stay home and still made it to the gym. I am truly thankful for this opportunity, it has changed my life for the better! I would have never imagined this was possible and I couldn’t have done it alone. Since week 1 I am down 20.1lbs and 14.5inches and 4 jean sizes! So I’ve doubled my goal! I feel great, I’m happy and other people have noticed as well! Spencer I hate to get all cheesy on you but you have been amazing through this journey and I am truly thankful - I could not have asked for a better trainer - you’ve kept me laughing, pushed me to my limits and kept me going when I thought I couldn’t. I will definitely be advertising for you from here on out. Win or lose this is only the beginning of my journey. Win or lose I will now be a member at Peak Physique.” And Spencer, well, here’s what he had to say ... “Hailey is da bomb! I am extremely proud of her and can’t say enough about how hard she has worked. 20 lbs in 6 weeks and done healthy with no fad diet!!!! Just gets me yelling WOO WOO inside :) She is a winner no matter what and she should be very proud of herself and her amazing accomplishment.”

Phone: 250-304-2666 | 420 Columbia Ave, Castlegar, BC




Saints primed for series with Wolfpack



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Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386 Public Swim at the Castlegar Community Complex Mon/Wed/Fri Mon/Wed Tues/Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday

6:30-9:00am 1:00-4:00pm & 7:30-9:00pm 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm 10:00-8:30pm 1:00-6:00pm 1:00-6:00pm

Early Bird Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim

(currently Brent Kennedy is taking swim lessons on Monday & Wednesday from 10:15-1:15pm, there is a lap lane but NO Public Swim)

Drop In Fitness Classes

Fitness classes happen 5 days per week. Purchase a Castlegar & District Community Complex membership pass and over 20 fitness classes are included. Greatest deal in town. Classes offered are: • Ultimate Kickbox • Circuit Strength • Step n’Tone • Deep Water Works • PM Aqua Fit • Fab 50+ • Core & More • Health & Recovery

Upcoming Recreation Programs • Youth Movie Night Friday March 14th 6:00-8:00pm (Grades 5, 6, 7) Regular Admission • Spring Break Red Cross Swim Lessons Monday - Thursdays March 17-27 Registration Now taking place!

• Spring Break Children’s Camps

- Red Cross Babysitting Course March 17 & 18 - Boys Biking Camp March 26 – 28 - Girls Biking Intro Camp March 28 - Circ & Create Camps March 18&19 or March 26&27 (Register now - limited registration)

Ice Action

Spring Break Leisure Guide

• Selkirk Saints Playoffs VS Thompson River University Friday March 7th Saturday March 8th Game 7:30pm Catch all the action and come and cheer on the Saints Public Skating Saturday March 8th 2:00-4:00pm Saturday March 9th (cancelled due to Saints game #3)

Community Happenings:

Thursday, March 6, 2014 Castlegar News

will be in the mail the week of March 3rd. Be sure to check out our spring line up. Registration starts March 10th. For more information go to web site.

• West Kootenay Lacrosse League registration now taking place at the Complex.

• Kootenay GallerySoup for the Cultural Soul • Castlegar Minor Soccer registration is on line at Friday March 15th Tickets available at the Gallery

Registration still taking place for a variety of Winter Recreation Programs. Check out our Winter Leisure Guide on line Brochures in the mail next week.

Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations.

If you would like your event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.

After finishing the 2013/14 regular season on a nine-game winning streak and grabbing first place in the B.C. Intercollegiate Hockey League standings in their final game, the Selkirk College Men’s Hockey program is looking to carry over their late-season success into a first round playoff match-up against Thompson Rivers University. The series begins with Game 1 set for 7:30 p.m. on Friday at the Castlegar Rec Complex. The Saints will host the entire best-of-three semi-finals, with Game 2 on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Game 3, if necessary, to be played at 6 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets for all Selkirk playoff games will be available in advance at Mallards Source for Sports in Castlegar or at the Recreation Counter at Selkirk’s Castlegar campus, as well as at the door on game nights. Playoff tickets are $10 for Adults and $6 for Selkirk students & staff, seniors, and children/youth 6 & older. All three games against the WolfPack can also be viewed live online at www.FastHockey. com. TRU enters the playoffs looking for the answer to a January and February slide that has seen the team string together 10 straight losses and

plummet from a tie for first to fourth place in the BCIHL standings. But the Saints have seen firsthand that the WolfPack have the ability to challenge the league’s top teams. Selkirk dropped a 5-2 decision in Kamloops in October and squeaked out a 3-2 shootout victory on the road in the last meeting between the teams on February 15th. “TRU has had about as much bad luck come their way this season as I’ve seen in our league going back seven or eight years,” says Saints head coach Jeff Dubois. “They’ve gone through stretches where the injury bug has hit and they’ve lost some key players since the fall semester, but there’s still a ton of skill and depth on that roster and we won’t get caught taking them lightly.” “Most players and coaches have experienced a tough run like they’re on, and you’re always looking for that first sign of momentum and positive things happening to get it turned in the right direction. It’s our job not to give them that. “We’ve played very good hockey at home all season, and we’re optimistic about our chances against any team if we play with the energy and work ethic that has led to those results.”

The Saints finished the 2013/14 regular season with a 12-0 home record and have strung together a 25-game home winning streak overall. Selkirk scored 74 goals in those 12 games this season while allowing just 17, and allowed more than two goals in a game at the Castlegar Rec Complex just once. The Saints offence has been led by the trio of Logan Proulx, Connor McLaughlin and Cody Fidgett, who finished third, fourth and fifth respectively in league scoring this season. McLaughlin and Fidgett tied for the BCIHL goals lead with 22 each, while teammates Darnell Dyck (8th), Thomas Hardy (12th), Jackson Garrett (14th), Beau Taylor (16th), Scott Swiston (18th) and Tanner Lenting (20th) all cracked the league’s Top-20 in points. In goal, the Saints have seen second-year netminder Chris Hurry thrive as the team’s starter. The 22-year old impressed over the first half of the season and went on to post a 9-0-1 record in starting 10 of the team’s last 11 regular season games. Hurry led all BCIHL goaltenders in a number of statistical categories this season, including wins (14), shutouts (3), goals-against average (1.87) and save-percentage (.925).

Selection of Saints awarded derek kaye Castlegar News contributor

It was a busy weekend of pomp and ceremony pregame at the Selkirk Saints and Castlegar Rebels games on Saturday and Sunday March 1 and 2. On Saturday at the Saints Game with Trinity Western the graduating players from both teams were announced. Graduating Saints include Connor Stephens, Dylan Smith, Jared Seuter, Connor McLaughlin, Colin Minardi, Matthew Luongo, Mason Spear, Scott Swiston, Beau Taylor and star goalie Chris Hurry. In fact some of the members are considering sticking together as they pursue their education and hockey careers. The game 2 star Scott Swiston told the Castlegar News after the game that Beau Taylor, Connor McLaughlin and himself are seriously considering attending a select few Alberta Colleges to play hockey together and

finish Bachelor of Business degrees. Festivities continued with the presentation of awards. Saints assistant coach Jamie Friess presented the Coaches Award to Scott Swiston and Connor McLaughlin. Josh Hoffman from Mountain FM presented the Unsung Hero Award (picture above) to Chris Hurry. The Rookie of the Year Award went to Tanner Lenting and was presented by Selkirk College Registrar Cathy Mercer. The Top Defenceman Award went to Stefan Gonza-

les and was presented by Sandro Rotach from Kootenay Savings. The Most Valuable Player Award was presented by Brad and Kathleen Zubick from McDonalds to Logan Proulx. Sunday night pre-game at the Rebels and NiteHawks final play-off game at the Castlegar Complex the local West Kootenay Minor Hockey league Atoms were champions of their league and were all present on the ice in their jerseys for the official championship banner raising.

Castlegar News Thursday, March 6, 2014 A21






Atoms’ achievement acknowledged Castlegar Atom Squad is honoured on the occasion of the banner-rising for its West Kootenay Minor Hockey League Championship, March 2 before Rebels game. Derek Kaye

The Boss was pleased Across Saints Assistant Coach Jamie Friess presents the Coaches Award to No.18 Scott Swiston and No.12 Connor McLaughlin.


1 Elementary fellow? 7 Chief Osceola riding Renegade introduces its home games: Abbr. 10 Daddy 14 Longtime Hawaiian senator Daniel 15 Ottowan interjections 16 Woeful cry 17 *Large emigration 19 Frisks, with “down” 20 Asian holiday 21 Letter-shaped fastener 22 i oLand n at Orly? 23 Confederate 24 *Lunchbox item 26 Smallish crocodilians 28 Portal toppers 29 100-eyed giant of myth 30 Word of greeting 31 Points a finger at 32 *”I’ll Be There for You” on “Friends,” e.g. 36 __ date 38 Levy 39 Brought about 43 Southeast Asian honey lover 45 Oporto native, e.g.


Spring Edit

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this first&issue! HOUSE HOME Available April 2014. COMING SOON! Spring Edition

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For information on how you can be a part of this new publication contact: For information on how you can be a part of this new publication contact: Christine EsovoloffKIOMI TUCKER KIOMI TUCKER If you have any marketing questions, please feel free (250) 352-1890 (250) 352-1890 to contact me.

Statistics from


47 *Children’s literature VIP 49 Brandy label letters 50 Cream of the crop 51 CNBC topics 52 Breadbasket, so to speak 53 Director Gus Van __ 54 *Daily Planet setting 57 Palm smartphone 58 Celebratory poem 59 Valuable lump 60 Bldg. annex 61 Beersheba’s land: Abbr. 62 Word that can follow five prefixes hidden sequentially in the answers to starred clues


1 “Tell __”: 1962’63 hit 2 Winning steadily 3 Get clobbered 4 It’s not an option 5 Observe 6 Church maintenance officer 7 Disgusted 8 Back-and-forth flights

9 Navy hull letters 10 Empty threat 11 Afraid 12 Platoon activities 13 Look over carefully 18 Burden 22 X, sometimes 23 __ Victor 24 Window part 25 Silver opening? 27 Remote control 30 Spell 33 Floride, par exemple 34 Many couples 35 Cub or Card 36 Simpleton

37 Like some looseleaf paper 40 Reveal 41 More to one’s liking 42 Plastic __ Band 43 Cuarenta winks? 44 Tongue suffix 45 “Click __ Ticket”: road safety slogan 46 Quantum gravity particles 48 More timely 52 Painter van __ 54 French pronoun 55 __ tent 56 CPA’s office, perhaps




Thursday, March 6, 2014 Castlegar News

Rebels’ 2013-14 season comes to an end at the Castlegar complex Derek Kaye


Castlegar News Editor




• ANTHEM SINGERS • SECURITY • BILLET FAMILIES 4th Annual Fundraising Event for the Kootenay Gallery of Art

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Beaver Valley Nitehawks beat the Castlegar Rebels 6-5 in first round playoff action March 2 at the Castlegar Complex. Beaver Valley’s win is the fourth in a row to clinch the first round and move into the next series in the KIJHL playoffs. Although the previous game was not a close win and marred by fighting and penalties, the March 2 game was an exciting, close match with no fighting and very few penalties resulting in an extremely entertaining game of classic hockey before the Rebels’ home crowd. The Nitehawks dominated scoring in the first period with Riley Brandt scoring twice and Braden Fuller and Dan Holland each landing a goal apiece to give the Nitehawks a four goal advantage by the end of the first period. The Rebels, however, switched goalies for the second period to put into action a Midget player, Solomon Burke – a 16 year-old called up at the last moment after planned starting goalie Patrick Zubick

Rebel No. 25 Dylan Bowerman is thick in the action with Nitehawk Taylor Stafford by the Rebel bench as Nitehawk Dallas Calvin and Rebel Chase Reddin look on.

took a puck to the neck during warmup. Solomon Burke played admirably, slowing the Nitehawks offence to two goals by Dallas Calvin at 12:01 and 1:32 of the period. The Rebels were now able to put up a comeback, scoring twice in the second period with goals by Connor Beauchemin assisted by Jeremy McNeil and Darren Medeiros at 15:55 and Chase Reddin, assisted by Evan Kite at 4:01. The third period saw the Nitehawks unable to put a puck past the young Burke, while the Rebels poured on the offence with a goal at 17:36 by Derek Georgopoulos, assisted by Aaron Brewer, 10:08

by Diego Bartlett assisted by Kyle Chernoff and Hunter Jenerou and with five minutes left in the game, Darren Medeiros scored assisted by Connor Beauchemin and Jeremy McNeil. With the Rebels within one, their fans cheered enthusiastically for their boys to tie the game and go into overtime. But the Nitehawks held on to win and proceed to the next round versus the winner of the Nelson-Spokane series which stood at three games to one as of Monday afternoon. A number of Rebels were approached following the game, but declined to comment.

Doors open 6:30pm at the Kootenay Gallery of Art. Your evening includes: • A hand crafted pottery bowl, chosen by you. • A sampling of soups created by our local chefs. • Specialty breads to accompany your meal. • Two free drink tickets. • One ticket for the door prizes. • A recipe booklet of the soups sampled. • A vote for your favourite soup of the evening. • 20% off giftshop items that evening.

Tickets available at:

Kootenay Gallery of Art

120 Heritage Way, Castlegar (across from the airport) 250-365-3337 $45 Regular, $40 for Gallery Members

This event is made possible with the help of:

Country Style Bakery and Safeway


Emotion and sportsmanship were apparent with traditional end of game and series handshake between Rebels and Nitehawks. Derek Kaye photos


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Castlegar News Thursday, March 6, 2014 A23



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Team tributes Sandro Rotach (photo above left) from Kootenay Savings presents the Top Defenceman award to Stefan Gonzales. Above right - Selkirk College Registrar Cathy Mercer presents the Rookie of the Year award to Tanner Lenting.

Registration is limited. Please apply early. Thanks to:

Derek Kaye photos


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Classified Deadline 4pm Monday



Coming Events


HISTORICAL ARMS Collectors. Guns-Knives-Militaria. 42nd Antiques Show & Sale. Sat. March 8, 9am-5pm. Sun March 9, 9am-3pm. Heritage Park, 44140 Luckackuck Way, Chilliwack (exit 116 off Hwy 1) Buy-Sell-Trade. For info or table rentals Gord 604-747-4704 Al 604-941-8489. See our website

and protect your right to compensation. 778.588.7049 Toll Free: 1.888.988.7052



Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits or Other Insurance? If YES, call or email for your


It’s with great sadness to announce the passing of our mother

Barbara Ann Watson In her 76th year February 17th,1938 February 25th, 2014 Mom left us to join her lifelong companion, best friend, loving husband and father Kenneth Charles Watson whom passed away 12 years ago. Their now back fishing together once more! She leaves behind a son Dwayne Watson (Patty), grandsons, Kenneth (Kate), Lawrence & Chad; daughter Cheryl Green (Cal), granddaughter Kate (Bill), grandson James; daughter Theresa Whyte (Danny), granddaughter Alicia & Allana (Chris) and great grandchildren Josey & Shepherd She will be sadly missed but she’s the missing piece of dads puzzle! A private burial will take place at a later date requesting no flowers. Donation can be made to the Canadian Cancer.



Automotive Service Technician Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC has an immediate opening for a Certified Automotive Technician. We are a leader in automotive repair and service and we’re looking to hire and retain an experienced, career-oriented technician. We offer competitive pay, excellent benefits and a great work environment. Come be a part of our team. GM experience is considered an asset, but not essential. However, you must have your own tools and safety boots. Please submit your cover letter and resume to: Mitch Rinas, Controller Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC 1700 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 2W4 Fax: (250) 365-3949 Email:





Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email:


Employment Business Opportunities

Administrative Assistant Approximately 20 hours per week - home office and computer is required hourly rate is approximately $25. Closing Date: March 11, 2014. Visit https://divisionsbc .ca/kb/careers for details.

$1000 A week mailing brochures from home! Helping Home-Workers since 2001. No experience required. Start Immediately! Visit us online:

GET FREE Vending Machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866668-6629. Or visit our website




Glacier Honda is a fully developed shop with advanced technology and the latest equipment, including alignment. We are offering an exciting opportunity for the right person to work in our fast-paced shop. The Glacier Honda Service team emphasizes quality work and customer satisfaction. If you are presently apprenticing and thinking ahead

Call me, Al Sanders. Let’s talk.

Glacier Honda is offering a full time technician position with an excellent remuneration and benefit package. Wages are negotiable, depending on experience. Journeyman qualifications are preferred, but if you are a fourth year apprentice, you are also encouraged to: Call me at 250-365-4845; or send your resume to the address below; or email: Attention: Al Sanders.


1602 Columbia Ave Castlegar BC V1N 1H9 Phone: 250-365-4845

Sales Representative With critically acclaimed vehicles such as the all-new, award-winning GMC Sierra pickup, Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC’s outlook has never been better. As a result, we’re looking for a capable, personable and motivated sales representative to demonstrate our exciting lineup of vehicles to customers. If you have a deep interest in automobiles and enjoying sharing your passion with others in a genuinely helpful manner, then maybe this position is for you. We provide the kind of training and support to help you succeed, and our compensation and benefits packages rank among the best anywhere. Sales experience is helpful but not necessary. Good communication and computer skills along with a willingness to learn and constantly improve are far better indicators of potential success. Please send your cover letter and resume to: Scott Hutt, Sales Manager 1700 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 2W4 Fax: (250) 365-3949 Email:


Administrative Assistant Maglio Installations Ltd. has an opening for a full time Administrative Assistant at our new Castlegar Office. Our busy work environment requires a candidate who is a well organized multi-tasker with excellent verbal and written skills. Our ideal candidate has proven computer experience. At a minimum, working knowledge of MS Outlook, Word, and Excel. Please send detailed resume and references by March 11, 2014 to

Place a classified word ad and...

IT WILL GO ON LINE! Accounting/ Bookkeeping

Accounting/ Bookkeeping

Accounting/ Bookkeeping

Invest your future with one of the world’s largest lumber companies Interfor currently has the following opportunity at our Castlegar, BC location:

Accounting Assistant (14 Month Maternity Leave)

To be responsible for various accounting and clerical tasks related to the maintenance and processing of accounts payable in a timely and accurate manner. This position will also be responsible for providing administrative support. We are looking for candidates with the following skills and experience: • Thorough knowledge of accounts payable and general accounting practices and procedures • Problem analysis and solving skills • Promcient in data entry (both alpha and numerical) • 1-3 years of accounts payable and general accounting experience • Technical administrative training and/or related experience To express interest in this opportunity, please apply on line at by March 21st, 2014. We appreciate the interest of all applicants, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. All applicants offered a position must successfully complete a pre-employment background check.

Castlegar News Thursday, March March 6, 6, 2014 2014 Castlegar News Thursday,


Help Wanted A25

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Business Opportunities HELP WANTED - Local people needed! Simple, flexible online work. FT/PT. Internet needed. Very easy. No experience required! Guaranteed income! No fees. Genuine! Start immediately. Visit online at:

HOME INSPECTION COMPANY expanding into the Castlegar area. ~All Training Included~

Call Dave for Franchise Presentation. 1.855.301.2233

UP TO $400 cash daily FT & PT outdoors, Spring/Summer work. Seeking honest, hard working staff. Visit us online: WANTED MOTIVATED Entrepreneurs. Learn the water business where you live from a Pro with over 30 years experience in Edmonton. Teach you all the business, unlimited leads to tax deductible equipment. Call 780-421-7776;


Help Wanted


Summer Student Engineering/Technologist

We are seeking candidates who are skilled, experienced and flexible to work in our various residential programs throughout the West Kootenays. Potential candidates must have experience dealing with behavior challenges. If you are passionate about working with youth at risk or youth with special needs and want to make a difference in their lives, consider joining our team in the following positions:

Reference Number 1403

• Full Time Residence Workers (3 - 24 hour live in shifts/ week) and

The successful candidate will provide support to members of the WAX site team and will gain exposure to and experience in a variety of areas including project management, construction terminology and documentation, contract administration, and research. Job duties will include construction related research projects, assisting team members in the development of projects, supporting the document submittal review process and implementing systems for tracking various project documents. This position will also provide support at the Project Viewing Area and will interact with the public in a positive and professional manner.

• Casual Residence Workers (24 hour live in shifts as needed) Successful applicants must be able to follow behavior plans/protocols, be positive role models and mentors. For further information on these positions refer to our website under job opportunities. Resumes with cover letters can be faxed to Bev Munro (250) 851-2977 or emailed to Only those shortlisted will be contacted.

Columbia Power Corporation has a job opportunity in our Waneta Site Office for an Engineering or Technologist Summer Student to provide support to the Owner’s Representative’s WAX Site team from May - August 2014. Applicants for this position must be enrolled in a post-secondary program, in an Engineering or Technical discipline, and plan to return to school in September 2014.

You will be a self-starter, flexible, able to work independently or in a team, and have experience using Microsoft Office Suite, working with the public and have a valid driver’s license. Successful candidate will acquire valuable practical knowledge under senior engineering / project management supervision with various technological aspects of Hydro Power Plant construction. Please submit cover letter & resume to by March 14th, 2014


Career Opportunities EXPERIENCED legal assistants, p/t, f/t, various depts., resume & refs to

PUT YOUR experience to work - The job service for people aged 45 and over across Canada. Free for candidates. Register now online at: or Call Toll-Free: 1-855-286-0306. START NOW! Complete Ministry approved Diplomas in months! Business, Health Care and more! Contact Academy of Learning College: 1-855-354-JOBS (5627) or We Change Lives!

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) delivers supports and services to adults with developmental disabilities and their families in British Columbia. We have a part-time Regional Finance Manager position available in the Castlegar Integrated Office. Please see competition #2014.023 posted on our website for full details and mention you saw the ad in this paper. Closing date is March 11, 2014. For more information on this and all other available positions, visit our website:


Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway linehaul Owner Operators based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training.

Request for Qualified Applicants: Specialized Business Consultants

We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package.

To join our team of professional drivers, email a detailed resume, current driver’s abstract & details of your truck to: Call 604-968-5488 Fax: 604-587-9889 Only those of interest will be contacted. Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.

Education/Trade Schools INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853 TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager online! Graduates get access to all jobs posted with us. 33 years of success! Government certified. or 1800-665-8339, 604-681-5456.

Help Wanted

career opportunity


The link to your community

Help Wanted

Community Futures invites consultants interested in providing on-call consulting services for the Basin Business Advisors program. This successful program helps small and medium businesses including social enterprises. We are seeking consultants with skills in, but not limited to, the following areas: · · · · · · ·

human resources; financial; new technology; sales/marketing; social enterprise; other business related specialties; and other skills as needs arise.

Learn more at

We’re on the net at

JOB POSTING – CASTLEGAR FAMILY PHYSICIAN RECRUITER Position reposted to encourage further Castlegar applicants The Castlegar Physicians Recruitment Committee is now looking for a dynamic person who is or would like to be a Castlegar Community Champion with exceptional people, and marketing skills to work on a contract basis as our Castlegar Family Physician Recruiter. Over view of Position: The Castlegar Family Physician Recruiter will implement, coordinate and facilitate all recruiting activities as prescribed by the Castlegar Physicians Recruitment Committee on a P/T contractual basis. Key responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 1. Coordinating and facilitating recruitment activities to meet local needs. 2. Liaising closely with Health Match BC, Interior Health, local physicians, community, and other relevant partners. 3. Initiating contact with family physician candidates and responding to inquiries promptly regarding physician opportunities. 4. Promoting opportunities for family physicians and locums from within and outside of the region. 5. Developing marketing materials and/or web content 6. Establishing and maintaining effective relations with varied stakeholders and experts throughout the region and province. 7. Work in partnership with IHA, City of Castlegar, RDCK Area I and J, Chamber of Commerce/Visitors Centre media and communications plan Job Requirements: Desired Qualifications: a) Experience and/or education in communications, public relations, sales/marketing, business, community development, human relations or related discipline. b) Excellent interpersonal and communication skills (verbal and written). c) Excellent time management and organizational skills. d) Ability and desire to work with local Physicians. e) Ability to travel to conferences within Canada and the USA f) Strong business and internet related computer skills. (Social media skills a definite asset). g) Successful in management of budgets Compensation: Compensation is competitive and is commensurate with experience on a contractual basis. Hours of work will be based on 8 – 10 per/week. This a one year contract with extension subject to review. Job Posting Closes: March 17th, 2014, 4:30 P.M. PST To respond to this Ad, please submit your resume and a cover letter to by the closing date. (The Castlegar Physicians Recruitment Committee will only notify short listed candidates

Receptionist We require an outstanding individual to be the face and voice of our dealership. Qualifications include a professional appearance, the desire to help others, basic accounting skills, knowledge of office procedures and the ability to manage a telephone switchboard. We need you to sweat the details, keep our office organized and please our customers. This is a full-time position with growth potential. Please submit you cover letter, resume and references to: Darlene Kalawsky, Vice President Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC 1700 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 2W4 Fax: (250) 365-3949 Email:




Executive Director--

Kootenay Society For Community Living The Board of Kootenay Society for Community Living is accepting applications for the position of Executive Director. The Kootenay Society for Community Living is a multi service non proÀt society situated in Castlegar, B.C. The Executive Director is responsible for the overall organization and management of the Society under the direction of the Board of Directors. 3reIerreG 4uaOiÀcationV Post-secondary degree in community development, social work and/or business administration and a minimum of Àve years senior management experience. -oE SNiOOV Preferred skills: substantial experience working within a variety of non proÀt funding frameworks, Ànancial administration, policy development, systemic advocacy, program planning, negotiations, leadership, social entrepreneurship, fundraising and accreditation. The successful applicant will demonstrate strong oral and written presentation skills and be a dynamic, collaborative leader. Competitive salary and beneÀts are offered. For more information about Kootenay Society for Community Living see our website: +oZ to $SSOy Please submit a resume and covering letter to: President-Board of Directors, Kootenay Society for Community Living 2429 12th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N4A9 or by email: The closing date is 5:00pm, February 28, 2014. We thank all applicants for your interest; however only those candidates considered for an interview will be contacted.

A26 A26


Thursday, Thursday,March March6,6,2014 2014 Castlegar Castlegar News News


Education/Trade Schools

Employment Trades, Technical

Trades, Technical

Financial Services

Misc. for Sale

Homes for Rent

BALDFACE - Assistant Cat Ski Guide Baldface Lodge in Nelson BC is looking for an energetic Assistant Ski Guide. You should bring integrity and professionalism to the job while creating a fun and safe environment for our guests to create the ultimate ski/boarding vacation. Shifts are 7days on and 7 days off now through the end of the 2014 season. Qualifications: *Certified Ski/Snowboard Guide (Level 2 CSGA or ACMG Apprentice Guide) *Level 2 Avalanche Technician (Canadian Avalanche Association) *Advanced First Aid Attendant (80+ hours) *2+years experienced mechanized ski or snowboard guide (cat skiing preferred) Compensation: $225+ per day depending on qualifications and experience plus food and accommodations for 7 day shifts at the lodge Please send resume and cover letter to and use “Assistant Ski Guide” as subject line.

HIRING in Fort St John, BC. EXPERIENCED MILL ELECTRICIANS. Wage up to $50/hr. Housing & Benefits. Shift-7days on/ 7off. Email resume: or fax 250-630-2114 Ph: 250-2634350

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 Visit us online at:

Grand Forks. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 5 appl’s. NS, complete reno. Rural, quiet, 1km from downtown. References required. $750/m+utils. 250-442-7476. Grand Forks rural trailer, valley view, mature couple, N/S, no partying. $500/m 250-5121268. OASIS BC very small community, 3bd mobile home available March 16th. $800+util. Non-Smoker. 403220-1066, 403-999-9041 TRAIL, 3BD. W/D, F/S, dishwasher. $900./mo. incl. util. 250-231-1027


is looking for the perfect hairsylist to join our fantastic team. Full-time or part-time position available. Contact Danni or Nancy @ 352-7775 or drop in, 601 Lake St, Nelson

Help Wanted ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

Dental Receptionist Must be outgoing, highly organized, self motivated, detail oriented. Dental experience & computer knowledge ideal. Send resume to 201-402 Baker St. Nelson, V1L 4H8 or email

RN’S & LPN’S Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses Bayshore Home Health is currently seeking Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses for night shifts in the Castlegar/Nelson area to work with children with complex care needs. If you are an RN or LPN and love working with children and their families , we would appreciate hearing from you. Pediatric experience is an asset and we do offer client specific training.

Help Wanted


Help Wanted

SAMARITAN’S Purse is looking for a Working Chef to coordinate the Restaurant Kitchen, maintain a professional rapport within the community and train junior cooks, in Dease, Lake, BC

Found Spa Salon

Merchandise for Sale

Cabinetry Employee Required in Armstrong. Min 10 years experience in cabinetry, painting & installation. Fax 250-546-9155

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services

Haircare Professionals



Please send your resume & cover letter to: pedsvancouver@ or fax: 1-866-686-7435

Help Wanted


YRB Yellowhead Road & Bridge

Yellowhead Road & Bridge (Kootenay) Ltd. is looking for a Mechanic for our New Denver facility. Applicants will need to hold a valid TQ for Heavy Duty or Commercial Transport, class three driver’s licence and Motor Vehicle Inspection licence would be an asset. Resumes can be faxed to 250-352-2172 or e-mailed to

Classifieds Get Results! Help Wanted

NOW HIRING Residential Driver Castlegar, BC

• •

We are in need of a Laboratory Technician to work a 15 month term in our Technical Department. Our current Laboratory Technician is required to provide extra support and coverage. The purpose of the Temporary Laboratory Technician is to supply technical services and assistance to all areas of the mill. The tasks of the successful candidate will be to: 1. Carry out routine and special chemical test for mill process and for quality control. 2. Carry out routine environmental tests on effluent and air as outlined in the permits. 3. Prepare and standardize solutions used for analyses in the main laboratory and satellite labs throughout the mill. 4. Analyses unknown materials, such as scales and deposits, microscope analysis on pulp and asbestos. 5. Other technical duties as assigned by the Laboratory Supervisor If you are looking to align with a progressive organization that respects the potential & ideas of people, let’s review our mutual expectations:

What We Expect 3 years general laboratory experience and/or minimum of a two year technical diploma in chemistry or similar field Good working relationships with operations, customer service and consultants. Good working knowledge of Microsoft Office Software. Excellent interpersonal and team skills Self-directed, deadline driven & detail oriented Effective verbal and written communication skills

What You Can Expect Report directly to the Laboratory Supervisor Be part of a busy dynamic department Work with a collaborative team of professionals A competitive pay and benefits package

If you want to know more about Zellstoff Celgar please go to Think you can make a difference? Then submit your resume by Wednesday, March 19, 2014 via email to: or mail to: Recruitment & Benefits Specialist Attn: Phyllis Poznikoff Zellstoff Celgar Limited Partnership P.O. Box 1000, Castlegar, B.C., V1N 3H9 Tel: (250) 365-4222 Fax: (250) 365-2652 We thank all applicants; only those whose candidacy best suits our needs will be contacted

Working together to be the best for our communities, our environment… our future!

Acreage for Sale

Houses For Sale


Health Products Computer Services

Buy One Get One


COMPUTER not running right? Virus issues? Hardware or software failure? PC2NR Castlegar provides quality service and affordable prices. Most repairs as little as $30! Visit us at for our full price list and contact information or phone 250-365-4940.

Pets & Livestock


Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750

Livestock REGISTERED Polled Hereford yearling bulls for sale for more information please call Ed 250-365-3270 or Murray 604-582-3499 or through our website and click on sale cattle from the menu

2005 SRI Double Wide MODULAR HOME 24x44 in Triangle Gardens. 45 years and up. Vaulted ceiling, open plan, bay window, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, pantry, low maintenance, gas heat, air conditioning, 5 appl’s, UGS, landscaped, covered deck & carport, other features, must see. 250-442-8676

Mobile Homes & Parks


Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS RE: Sam Alex Popoff, deceased formerly of Castleview Care Centre 2300 14th Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 4A6 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above deceased are hereby required to send particulars thereof to the Executors named hereunder at 1115 3rd Street, Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 2A1, on or before April 25, 2014, after which date the Executors will distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executors then have notice. Diana Parker, Janet Helen Christiansen, and John Samuel Popoff, Executors c/o JACOB POLONICOFF POLONICOFF LAW FIRM 1115 3rd Street Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 2A1

Auto Financing Need A Vehicle! Guaranteed Auto Loan. Apply Now, 1.877.680.1231

TRAIL (Sunningdale) 2bd., 1bth., basement, large carport, patio, workshop. Close to amenties. $184,900. 250-3641940

WALNUT table and 6 chairs. Table opens to 102 inches. Several table cloths included. $250. Call 250-365-3044 between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?


Lrg Kitchen, 10’ Ceilings Central Air, Gas Heat/ Fireplace, Dbl garage 100’ x 98’ lot, River view. $275,000 Call 250-304-2944

Merchandise for Sale

Misc. for Sale


GLENMERRY TOWNHOUSE 3Bd., newer floor, windows, paint.$880.1-250-354-7787

Castlegar 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath

WANTED: Trailer Park in Nelson area. Have 18 suite apartment best location in Regina or will buy you park outright. Perry 1 306 525-2215

Financial Services DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

Suites, Lower 2 Bdrm basement suite in Castlegar, very private & spacious, patio, walking distance to DT, furnished Avail immediately, $780/mth utilities incl, 250-365-6895 BLUEBERRY, 1 Bdrm Bsmt suite, Private Entrance Unfurnished, F/S, N/P quiet non smoker, $475/mth + utilities, References please Call 250-365-7550

17.4 Acres pristine elevated property priced to sell. Minutes from down town, 4 acres cleared, multiple artesian wells, utilities to property line. Perfect time to buy before prime acreages are unaffordable in the Terrace area. Must Sell. $150,000. 250-641-1848

Call or apply online! 1-877-220-5627 Media Code:GAR EOE M/F/D/V

OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil

Misc. Wanted Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Estates, Gold & Silver Coins + 499-0251Chad

Real Estate

Valid Class 3 (or greater) license with airbrakes endorsement. 18 years of age or older

Zellstoff Celgar Limited Partnership

Zellstoff Celgar is North America’s newest and largest single line sustainable softwood kraft pulp mill located in the West Kootenay region of B.C. Celgar is part of Mercer International, which also owns and operates two world class softwood mills in Germany. All three mills continue to invest in their core assets and investigate new revenue streams in the emerging bio-economy to further improve their long term viability

Business/Office Service


Sexual Secret? I’ve heard it all. Dr. Pega Ren 352-3139

Castlegar, BC

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

New Driving School grads or Drivers with less than 1 year driving experience welcome to apply


Laboratory Technician (TEMPORARY POSITION – 15 MONTH TERM)

Legal Services

Castlegar 2 Bdrm Apt 900 sq ft. F/S, D/W, laundry on site, grassed fenced yard one parking stall per apt. Clean bright and quiet. Ground level N/S, N/P $725/mth + utilities,250-365-5070 leave msg E.TRAIL, 3Bdrm., clean, quiet, responsible adults 40+. N/S, N/P, Long Term. 250368-9186, 250-364-1669

All Credit Approved.Bad Credit Guru. or call 1.844.843.4878

Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!


SELKIRK MANOR CEDAR MANOR 1 & 2 Bedroom Apt Call 250-304-3026 250-365-3034 W.TRAIL, 1BD.+, semi-enclosed balcony. 1 Blk. Downtown. $595./mo. 250-368-6076

Homes for Rent BC Housing Castlegar has exciting rental opportunities for families looking for affordable housing. The 3-bedroom units we offer are spacious with 1.5 bathroom, stove, fridge and washer/ dryer hook-ups. One small pet is allowed, with BC Housing approval. No smoking allowed. Tenants pay 30% of their gross monthly income for rent. For applications please call 250-365-2667 or 1-800834-7149 or go on-line to Castlegar north 2 Bdrm House, avail April 1st new kitchen, bathroom flooring, windows & doors N/P, N/S, $850/ mth + utilities 250-399-4741 E.TRAIL, home, 2bd, 1bth, fully furn. F/S, D/W, W/D, N/S, N/P. Ref.req. $1100./mo +util. 250-231-6768

Cars - Sports & Imports

2002 Nissans, 4cyl 2.5 & 1.8, Altima 187,000km & Sentra, auto & 5 speed, both 4dr and new snow tires. $2,500 & $4,900. 250-442-0122 or 250493-1807. Run and look excellent. Sentra one owner, non smoker, 5 speed. Grand Forks 2005 MAZDA 5, Red, 187,000kms. Loaded. Mounted snows. $7,450. 250-3641940

Castlegar News Thursday, March 6, 2014 A27

Boardwalk Woodworking Custom kitChen Cabinets - locally owned - skilled local craftspeople - high efficiency wood windows - sourcing local lumber & materials Proud to supply windows and cabinets for discerning homeowners and builders in the Kootenays

PH: 250.399.0030 • FAX: 250.399.0014 EMAIL:


Outstanding style... just a start Hair care was just one of many fascinating topics for consumers to get in on at last weekend’s Home and Lifestyles EXPO at Selkirk College. Watch for news of draw winners in next week’s Castlegar News.


Jim Sinclair


Recipe of the Week...


Ham & Broccoli Quiche


1 Pillsbury® refrigerated pie crust, softened as directed on box 1 1/2 cups cubed cooked ham 1 1/2 cups shredded Swiss cheese 1 cup frozen broccoli florets, thawed, well drained on paper towel 4 eggs 1 cup milk 1/2 teaspoon salt

Directions R E ST



NT •

PU B •

1. Heat oven to 375 degrees F. Place pie crust in 9-inch glass pie pan as directed on box for One-Crust Filled Pie. 2. Layer ham, cheese and broccoli in crustlined pan. In medium bowl, beat eggs and milk with fork. Stir in remaining ingredients. Pour over broccoli.


Thirsty Duck


‘Great Food & Funʻ Wing Night Wednesday Friday is AAA Steak Sandwich Daily Drink and Food Specials

4370B Minto Road, Castlegar 250.365.0035 • Open 11am Daily

Contact Christine Esovoloff to place your food & drink ad on our Crave page @



from the

Lion’s Den

Hello, folks! Come check out the Devon Coyote Trio on Friday, March 14th! Show starts at 9. No cover. Also, if you haven’t already, pop in at 10 am on Sundays for our famous Sunday Brunch! You won’t regret it, we have the best eggs benny in town! Good living, clean air, great food and 12 taps of B.C. craft beer is what we are about. Thanks for stopping in... see you again soon. 250 365 BREW (2739) 2629 Broadwater Rd Robson, BC

3. Bake 35 to 45 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Let stand 5 to 10 minutes before serving.

1/2 teaspoon dry ground mustard 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper “Smoked turkey can be used in place of the ham in this traditional quiche recipe.”

PREP TIME : 15 minutes READY: 1 hour, 10 minutes

The Greek Oven

Authentic Greek Cuisine Pizza & Pasta 400 Columbia Ave., Downtown Castlegar Tues-Sat 11:30 - 8:30pm Closed Sun-Mon + Holidays



Thursday, March 6, 2014 Castlegar News





2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600


200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 542-3000









101-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000

#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

Villiage Green Mall (250) 542-1496


ANDRES WIRELESS Cherry Lane Mall (250) 493-4566


#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

745 Notre Dame Drive (250) 851-8700


200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 542-3000


Notre Dame Drive WE WILL NOT 745 BE BEAT! (250) 851-8700 Castlegar/ Cranbrook/ Nelson

1881 Harvey Avenue (250) 860-1975


101-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. (250) 493-3800






Aberdeen Mall (250) 377-8880


215 - 450 Lansdowne Mall (250) 377-8007

200-1965 Columbia Ave. 101 Kootenay St. North (250) 365-6455 (250) 426-8927



Chahko Mika Mall (250) 352-7258

300 St. Paul Str. (250) 377-3773


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

154 Victoria Str (250) 314-9944

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.