Clearwater Times, March 06, 2014

Page 1



Thursday, March 6, 2014 ▼ Volume 50 No. 10 ▼ ▼ $1.35 Includes GST




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Ice-climbers pioneer new routes on Helmcken Keith McNeill

Canadian Will Gadd and three other ice-climbers recently completed a new route up Helmcken Falls. “It's the hardest multipitch mixed route in the world,” said Gadd of the route, which they named Overhead Hazard. “This route is special as it takes the most difficult, direct line from the back of the waterfall to the top.” Gadd, John Freeman, Sarah Hueniken and Katie Bono took nearly three weeks to make the climb, which they completed on Feb. 13. A description of the route is on Gadd's website, It first describes how to rappel down to the bottom of cliffs and then walk up to the knoll near the base of the falls. “Say, 'Holy s--t, it’s way bigger than I thought!' when you see the falls from the knoll. Everyone does,” the website reads. Gadd and British extreme athlete Tim Emmett pioneered routes up the cave behind 141 m (163 ft) high Helmcken Falls in 2010 and 2011. Gadd had seen a photo of the falls in winter several years earlier and was intrigued by the ice climbing possibilities. Emmett, along with Klemen Premrl of Slovenia, successfully made a first ascent of a mixed rock and ice route they called Spray on Top at Helmcken Falls in 2012. A few days after Gadd and his party had done

Will Gadd is a tiny speck as he ascends the overhang behind Helmcken Falls recently. He and three other iceclimbers spent nearly three weeks pioneering a new route to the top. Photo by Christian Pondella/Red Bull Content Pool

Overhead Hazard this winter, Emmett and Premrl did the first repeat climb of the route. The pair had earlier pioneered their own new route, which they called Clash of the Titans. Angelika Rainer, an Italian ice climber, did the first repeat of Clash of the Titans soon after they completed it. “I really love Wells Gray Park and Clearwater,” Gadd said. “I'm halfway to moving there – great kayaking,

mountain biking, skiing, ice climbing, people, climate. It's just a special place I've really fallen in love with over the years.” Gadd noted that the Helmcken Falls Lodge crew has been key to the climbers' success over the years. “We managed to do some cross-country skiing on the trails this year as well,” he added. “Awesome, totally underrated skiing. I'm bringing my kids back for that next winter for sure!”

Right: Will Gadd looks tired but happy as he ice-climbs next to Helmcken Falls. The Canmore, Alberta, resident was the first to spot the potential of the waterfall in winter for climbing several years ago. He describes the cave behind Helmcken as the most difficult ice-climbing in the world. Photo by Christian Pondella/Red Bull Content Pool







Thursday, March 6, 2014 Clearwater Times

Work proceeding on Bear View development Times Staff Despite talk of a new shopping center to be built by Buy-Low Foods this year, Bear View development is moving forward, according to proponents. “Over the past few months Bear View development was in the process of developing a traffic impact study as per the request of the District of Clearwater,” said Candus Graffunder. “This study is used as a valuable tool for analysing traffic generated by proposed developments with new access or increased use of an existing access.” A traffic impact study

generally includes a description of the scope and intensity of the proposed project, a summary of the projected impacts and any required mitigation measures, and helps ensure that the highway can safely accommodate the proposed development. Now that this study is complete it has been passed forward to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for review. “Since Bear View development's last update we have received even more interest in rental space from some very respectable tenants,” Graffunder said. “We have interest

from clothing companies, pharmacies and even a well known bank! We couldn’t be more excited to start the construction stage of this project, however we do have to follow the necessary steps put forth by our local and provincial governments.” The project proponent noted that Bear View Development worked together with Wells Gray Riders Association to help raise funds for the association's horse friendly community project by offering Christmas trees by donation to the public this past December. All of the trees were from the proposed development site.

A drawing shows the proposed design for the Bear View shopping centre. The indoor mall would be located next to Highway 5 about 1.5 km east of the roundabout. Submitted graphic

The proposed Bear View indoor shopping center would be located on a 10 acre lot south of Highway 5 immediately west of the

junction with Haywood Road (kitty-corner from the former greenhouses). Graffunder asked that if anyone has any questions on

the Bear View Development project, please feel free to visit their Facebook page or contact their office at (250) 674-0145.

Wiegele seeks government support for Blue River Keith McNeill

Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing

generates $6 - $7 million per year in payroll taxes, business taxes, fees and other revenues

for government, according to Mike Wiegele. However, very little of that money comes

back to support the community of Blue River. “The government

Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation Request For Community Input Since 2006 the Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation (WGCFC) has been in operation providing a multitude of benefits to the greater community including local decision making, employment opportunities for local contractors and profits for dispersal throughout Wells Gray Country (which includes Birch Island, Vavenby, Upper Clearwater, and Blackpool) and the District of Clearwater. The WGCFC board of directors has determined that it is now time to develop a strategic plan for the community forest. The strategic plan will document key goals, objectives and activities of the Corporation for the next 5 years. The board will use the strategic plan to help guide its management and operations decisions. To develop the strategic plan the board needs input from the Wells Gray Country community. Please consider providing your input to the following question: 1. What specific priorities, values or interests do you have on the land base that the board should be aware of? EG; Water, Wildlife, Timber, Visuals, Recreation, First Nations, Wildfire Prevention, Other. The WGCFC transfers its profits to the Society which, in turn, distributes them within Wells Gray Country. The Society is also seeking public input to guide in their decision making by asking the following questions: 2. The Society has distributed over $400,000 to non-profit community organizations and local government. a) Are you familiar with how the money was distributed? b) Are there ways to improve the distribution process? 3. How would you like the Community Forest to benefit Wells Gray Country? For example: Support for Non-profit organizations, Infrastructure projects such as the Dutch Lake Community Centre, Employment, Other. The community will have an opportunity to provide input during 3 key phases in the process. Phase I - Information Collection. On March 27, 2014 the WGCFC will hold an open house at the Clearwater Community Resource Centre hosted by our facilitator Mr. Thompson. Doors will be open from 2:00 to 4:00 and again from 7:00 to 9:00. This will be your opportunity to present your answers to our 3 questions either in person or in writing. Refreshments will be served. If you are unable to attend the open house please forward your comments and queries to Mr. Thompson at his contact information below. Your input will be collected until Friday April 4, 2014. Phase II - Review of Community Input - On April 8, 2014 a summary of community input will be posted on the WGCF website for review and comment until May 31, 2014. Phase III – Posting of Draft Strategic Plan - On June 16, 2014 the draft Strategic Plan will be posted on the WGFC website for review and comment until Friday July 11, 2014. The WGCFC board anticipates the final Strategic Plan will be completed and posted on the WGCF website by the end of July 2014. We look forward to hearing your perspectives. The board has retained the services of Mr. Grant A. Thompson RPF to facilitate the collection of input and the development of the strategic plan. Mr. Thompson has worked throughout BC as a registered professional forester for over 30 years and recently as the general manager of the Westbank First Nation Community Forest in the Kelowna area. He has served on the BC Community Forest Association board for five years. His knowledge and experience make him particularly suited to assist the board in this project. Please direct your comments, questions and submissions to: Grant A. Thompson RPF Prairie Valley Consulting 14119 Prairie Valley Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z8 250-490-1222

must invest in rural areas continuously in order to see them grow,” the Blue River heli-ski operator said. His business employs about 240 people in winter (including those working for the helicopter contractor). That number drops to about 80 in summer. “When we interview people for jobs, people also interview us,” he said. “If they have a family, the number one item on the agenda is not benefits but school. Then healthcare and recreation. Then housing and shopping.” The various levels of government do little to make Blue River a more attractive place to live and work, he felt. During the 1970s and 1980s the government made available low interest loans for businesses in rural areas. “I paid every penny back, but it allowed us to build our business,” Wiegele said. “That financing helped a number of businesses, such as Sun Peaks, get into their next phase.” The heli-ski operator said he often attends meetings with government officials but he is the only businessperson there. “I only see bureaucrats there, federal, provincial and local,” he said. “Other businesspeople from the

North Thompson Valley, such as the Wadleggers, they don't bother to attend. They know nothing will come out of it. The bureaucrats need to change their thinking 180 degrees.” No more snowmobile rescues Although there has been some resolution

Mike Wiegele

over the past few years, snowmobiling continues to be a source of aggravation to Wiegele. Most of the problem sledders come from the Prairies, he felt. However, he also blamed a few local operators who attract the snowmobilers to the area but then do not do enough to make sure they obey the rules or to help them if they get in trouble. “The people of B.C. pay for their recklessness,” he said. “I think this is wrong. Very wrong. The snowmobile operators should be responsible to look after their own affairs.” In the past, crews from Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing

often have gone to rescue snowmobilers who have gotten into trouble. “I have not seen a commercial snowmobile operator at a rescue in 40 years,” Wiegele said. When going to a rescue they always use two fleets of helicopters, he said, one to do the rescue and the second as backup in case something goes wrong. “We have never been compensated,” he said, “and we refuse to do it this year.” Wiegele pointed out that Alberta has some of the strictest snowmobile regulations in Canada, while B.C. has the laxest. Recently there was an incident in which two snowmobiles were parked on a landing site in the Cariboo Mountains, forcing a helicopter to abort its landing. They moved off while the helicopter circled, allowing it to land. However, the snowmobilers rode away when approached by a heli-ski guide who wanted to talk with them. Other complaints include removing or moving landing site stakes, deliberately riding on ski runs, and riding on the Blue River airstrip. Wiegele noted that an understanding with the snowmobilers was discontinued in 2007. He asked that it be reinstated.

Clearwater Times Thursday, March 6, 2014 A3

Yellowhead redoing its Harper Creek application Keith McNeill Yellowhead Mines is moving ahead on redoing its application to the provincial Environment Assessment Office, Mayor John Harwood reported to town council during its Feb. 18 meeting. The Environmental Assessment Office announced last May that it wanted Yellowhead Mining to go back to the drawing board with its application for the proposed Harper Creek copper-gold-silver mine southwest of Vavenby. Staff from Yellowhead recently met with Canfor-Vavenby management to go over matters of mutual concern, the mayor added. The two companies share neighbouring properties, roads and a need to attract personnel, Harwood noted. Committees cut back by council Clearwater town council has simplified its committee structure. During its Feb. 18 meeting, council voted to reduce the number of committees of the whole to three, and to change the meeting schedule so that only one committee meeting is held at a time. The three committees will be economic development, parks and recreation, and infrastructure. Previously, there also was a finance and audit committee. However, the councillors felt this portfolio is adequately addressed during the budget process. The councillors also previously held two committee of the whole meetings at a time. This has

been cut back to one. Meetings of the committees of the whole are typically held at 5 p.m. on the days when town council meets at 7 p.m. (first and third Tuesdays of the month). Committees of the whole consist of members of town council working under less rigid rules of order to allow freer discussion. The committees then make recommendations to council for final decision. Second well moving ahead District of Clearwater's engineers, Urban Systems, has begun compiling information to be used in a project description for a propose new well, according to a recent report from public works superintendent Jared Brounstein. The water scoping study has an estimated budget of $20,000. The third well would provide the community with a safe and reliable water source for 40 years or more. The current primary well (Well #1), which is located next to the Clearwater River in Reg Small Park, has experienced operational issues for the past five years. Well #2, which is located across from Dutch Lake Park, has issues with water quantity and quality. The pipes in the District's water system are undersized in key areas, which results in limited fire flows. Construction of a third well and to increase critical pipe sizes is expected to take place during the third quarter of 2016.

Kaslo to host Rural Summit Times Staff The eighth BC Rural Communities Summit will be held in Kaslo in the West Kootenays, British Columbia Rural Network recently announced. The event will be held in J.V. Humphries School from Friday, June 13 to Sunday, June 15. The Kaslo Institute, a non-profit “think-and-do-tank,” will serve as the local host for this biennial event that brings together British Columbians, keen to focus on challenges and opportunities facing rural B.C. com-

We’re pleased to unanimously award the eighth BC Rural Communities Summit to Kaslo....

British Columbia Rural Network

munities. BCRN chairman Andy Ackerman noted, “We’re pleased to unanimously award the eighth BC Rural Communities Summit to Kaslo. We

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know that the Kaslo Institute, with the support of the Village of Kaslo, the Regional District of the Central Kootenays and a long list of other supporters, will ensure this year’s summit is a rousing success.” This year’s summit theme Creativity, Communications, and Collaboration:

Exploring new innovative solutions to the challenges and opportunities facing B.C.’s remote rural communities, is designed to provide a broad focus for specific workshop and session topics. The first BC Rural Communities Summit was held in 2003 in Clearwater Secondary School.

The NORTH THOMPSON COMMUNITIES FOUNDATION is now receiving applications for Funding Proposals for projects from organizations within the area from Blue River to McLure. Organizations should have a Federal Charitable Number, or be sponsored by another group that has a number. DEADLINE for receiving applications: March 31, 2014 Application Forms may be downloaded from the website: Or by Phoning Hazel at: 250-674-1674; Cheryl at 250-674-3260; or Sandy at 250-674-3774; Fax 250-674-3538 or e-mail at You can also contact other Foundation Members as well. Hazel Wadlegger Grant Committee Chair NTCF

Spring is on the way Len Chase holds a bouquet of pussy willows that he took into Bayley's Bistro on Monday. He found the furry catkins by a warm spring near Wells Gray Ranch in Upper Clearwater. The site often has the first pussy willows in the spring, he says. Photo by Keith McNeill

Road Maintenance Contacts District of Clearwater Municipal Roads - 250.674.8776 Agro Highway Maintenance 1.800.661.2025.


WHAT’S HAPPENING Seniors Monthly Lunch The next monthly Seniors Lunch will be at the Elks Hall on March 11, 2014 from 11:30am – 2:00pm. A lunch of soup and sandwiches will be served and guest speakers will be in attendance to discuss living with arthritis, understanding medications and information on seniors and taxes. This monthly luncheon is at No Charge. If you require a bus to take you to the event please call Yellowhead Community Services at 250.674.2600 or 250.674.3695to book a spot on the bus. When booking please ensure you tell them it’s for the Seniors Luncheon.

Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation Grant Funding applications are now open. The purpose of the Wells Gray Community Forest Society is to promote economic and social welfare of Wells Gray Country and the District of Clearwater, including the provision of support for the benevolent and charitable enterprises, federations, agencies and societies engaged in furthering these purposes. Applications can be picked up at the Community Resource Centre or at All applications must be returned by April 15th, 2014 at 4:30pm to the Community Resource Centre or on line at the above address. If submitting a paper application, 7 copies must be provided. ICBC/Motor Vehicle Learn to Drive Smart Learn to Drive Smart is most commonly used by new drivers. It’s what you need to study to pass the knowledge test. If you’re an experienced driver or new resident, you can use this guide to brush up on your knowledge. ICBC is now offering the ability to study for your “L” anywhere with the Learn to Drive Smart online manual, ICBC app or on your ereader. Go to for more information. Community Recreation Programs Zumba with Lisa Tuesdays 6:30pm ongoing until March 11 – Drop Ins welcome - $8 Zumba with Eleanor – Thursdays February 21 - 2311:30am until March 13 – Drop Ins welcome -$7 Indoor Walking – FREE – Wednesdays 6:45am at CSS - Ongoing Community Volleyball – Tuesdays – 7:30-9:00pm until April 8(except March 18) Community Basketball – Fridays – 7:00-8:30pm February 28 – April 11 Indoor Family Tennis – Thursdays – 6:00-7:00pm - March 6 – April 10 Community Indoor Soccer – Thursday – 7:30-9:00pm M arch 6 – April 10 Senior Sit and Be Fit – Mar. 5 - Apr.16, 10:30-11:15 at Evergreen Acres Call Eleanor for more information on these and other programs at 250.674.1878 or register at the District office. Upcoming Events March 8 - Music and Dessert Fund Raiser –CSS Pit March 13 – Women in Business lunch – 12:00-2:00pm Upcoming Meetings of Council March 25th, 2014 – Infrastructure Committee meeting – 5:00pm March 25th, 2014 – Regular Council Meeting – 7:00pm April 1st, 2014 – Parks and Recreation Committee meeting – 5:00pm April 1st, 2014 – Regular Council meeting – 7:00pm

Civic address: 132 Station Road Box 157, Clearwater,B.C. V0E 1N0 Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 District Office Ph: 250-674-2257 • Fax: 250-674-2173 email address:



Thursday, March 6, 2014 Clearwater Times


“ Why does a slight tax increase cost you two hundred dollars and a substantial tax cut save you thirty cents?” - Peg Bracken, writer editorial by keith mcNeill

Question of the Week gives a voice to everyone


Blue River ski race day was the work of many Editor, The Times:

It is a highlight of the skiing season for children to have the opportunity to participate in the Blue River ski races. This has been a long time coordinated effort between School District #73 and Mile Wiegele Ski Resort. Traditionally the resort has groomed

the race venue and provided the lunch. The organization of the races, the registration of the children, and the collection of the permission slips, booking the bus and supervising the 65 + children that attend the races falls to the teachers. This is all voluntary work. A huge thank you goes to

BC Press Council

Terra Carter for her continued coordination and organization of the Raft River students. This includes making sure all race forms are filled out correctly, the racers are fitted with proper equipment and all have their permission slips signed; a time consuming task when regular teaching duties continue

The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a selfregulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, 210 Selby St, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2R2 For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Times THE

NORTH THOMPSON Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council

A huge thank you goes to Kendra Staruiala, the teacher at Blue River, for her work to make this day a great one for the children. It was also her idea to make this year’s event a fund raiser for cancer in memory of Andy Aufschnaiter, who for many years coordinated the venue with the teacher. Over $1,800 was raised. Thank you to the resort for supporting this fine event. Thank you teachers and other volunteers, for your continued hard work in providing a model for healthy living, cooperation and social awareness.

Sandra Holmes Clearwater, B.C.

Your editor usually writes an editorial every week. We believe the editorial is the heart of the newspaper and writing one is therefore almost a sacred duty. Occasionally, someone tells us that he or she liked what we wrote. Sometimes the opposite is true and we hear about that too. Every now and then, however, the work overwhelms us or inspiration just doesn't strike and there is no editorial for that week. Instead we substitute an opinion piece by Tom Fletcher or some other columnist. Even though we feel guilty about not writing an editorial, we rarely hear about it from our readers. Let us not do Question of the Week, however, and our readers are almost sure to let us know they missed it. For last week's issue, for instance, your editor went to Blue River the previous Thursday to cover the cross-country ski races there. That's the day when the Question of the Week usually gets done. One delay led to another, pretty soon the Monday deadline was here and so we decided to do without. And we heard about it. Nothing rude or nasty, just a typical Canadian, “So, no Question of the Week this week, eh?” Why the Question of the Week should be so popular is not clear.

Although probably the majority agree to answer when approached, almost as many decline to participate. Every now and then people even walk quickly away when they see your editor out in the Brookfield Mall parking lot with his camera. One reason has got to be that Question of the Week introduces people to their neighbours. We live in a small town. With five faces per week times 52 weeks per year, a significant percentage of the local population appears in the feature over time. The Question of the Week also gives a voice to people who otherwise likely would not speak in public, whether by choice or lack of opportunity. Your editor is constantly impressed by how often we get intelligent and innovative answers to difficult questions – sometimes from the most unlikely looking sources. Although some people are reluctant to appear in Question of the Week, mothers with babies or young children almost always participate. They want to show off to the world their beautiful offspring. On a sadder note, occasionally we have found ourselves using a Question of the Week photo in an obituary. Often it's a person's only recent professionally-taken photograph. And so we'll continue to do Question of the Week. Our readers demand it. Just, please, bear with us if we cannot produce it every week.

Honor system working for Wells Gray Park trail fees Editor, The Times:

The Wells Gray Trail Society should like to thank all of the local businesses and individuals who have supported our society through the summer and winter. With the donation boxes and trail fees we have raised over $2,000 towards our trail maintenance costs this year. We should also like to thank the family and friends of Ron

Lewis who were also very generous in their support of the trail society. This fall and winter were particularly difficult with falling trees. Over the season we cleared approximately 1,800 trees from the trails. We hope we can continue to count on your support over the coming months.

Andrew Nelson, director Wells Gray Trails Society

74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email:

Subscribe to the Times

Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

In Town / Out of Town Rates 1 year $57.75; 2 years $110.25 Prices include GST

Clearwater Times Thursday, March 6, 2014 A5

Question of the Week

Matt Phillip:

Sure, why not? I think they shouldn't send them there anymore. Put them on the big ice and they can't score goals.

Jim Janzen:

I don't think so. It's supposed to be the best of the best, isn't it?

Roxy Smid and Candice Graffunder:

You know that butterflies symbolize beauty, hope, grace, freedom, liberation, transformation and new life. But did you know that butterflies are deaf ? Therefore butterflies are excellent and wonderful symbols for the children we need to help to hear and speak. The transformation a butterfly goes through parallels the experience of a child who learns to hear and speak, emerging from a cocoon of silence ready to spread his/her wings and encounter the world. Times change. Technological advances and exhaustive therapies including cochlear

implants enable many deaf and hard-of-hearing children to be transformed – breaking out of their silent cocoons, spreading their wings and flying off to encounter the world. We've come a long ways. Now we must look ahead and continue to make a difference. Early detection is everyones responsibility. Detection can and should be happening at birth so that intervention and access to the habilitative programs and services these children need will enable them to immediately begin to live their lives to their highest potential. Waiting for detection of hearing impairment at the age of two or the age of six is not

acceptable. We know a late diagnosis is associated with irreversible long-term language and learning deficits, and major costs. The Canadian Paediatric Society and the Canadian Association of SpeechLanguage Pathologists and Audiologists (CASLPA) recommend hearing screening for all newborns. Times change. Values don't. Elks and Royal Purple continue to support and work with your help to ensure universal newborn hearing screening across Canada is a reality.

Every year, millions of Canadians are targeted by fraud regardless of their age, education level, income, profession or ethnicity. March is Fraud Protection Month in Canada, and the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) is joining the Competition Bureau and several other organizations in rais-

ing awareness about the issue of fraud. It’s an ideal time for Canadians to find out how to recognize, prevent and report fraud should they become a victim. It’s easy to fall for a financial scam. Criminals use creative tactics to catch potential victims at different stages of their lives. Whether you are starting your first

job, moving out on your own, maintaining a home or living in retirement, be mindful of the potential scams that could target you. Protect your assets, property and identity by recognizing and reporting

Check out the local news and opinions


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Jean Gross Cleasrwater, B.C.

the warning signs to the proper authorities and by visiting to learn more.

Lucie Tedesco, commissioner Financial Consumer Agencyof Canada

No, I don't think so. We have enough to share. Canada's so passionate about hockey, we should let them go wherever they can to play.

EVERYONE Will Be Talking About It … DON'T MISS OUT Subscribe today

Protect yourself from financial fraud Editor, The Times:

Chelsea Miller:

No. The Olympics go back to the ancient Greeks. It used to be all about peace and pleasing the gods. If you were at war, you had to stop for the Olympics.

Nobody else get paid for being in the Olympics. They should find their own sponsorships like everyone else in the Olympics.

Love is like a butterfly Editor, The Times:

Nathan Harwood:



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Dutch Lake Grade 7 student Sharon Cooley won a wall plaque and $10 for from the Canadian Cancer Society. Her prize was for an essay titled "Why I Will Never Smoke." Lorne Campbell was being congratulated on beginning his new taxi service. Greffard Construction was selling potash fertilizer for $10 a ton.



There were 121 entries in boys' and girls' downhill and slalom races organized by Clearwater Ski Club. Because of "tremendous increase in costs" the Times raised its subscription rates to $4.50 for one year, $7 for two, and $15 for five years. Still the #1 little bargain in biggest

Thursday, March 6, 2014 Clearwater Times

HISTORICAL Perspective

town, the newspaper told its readers.




Fire destroyed the Blackpool home of Doug Hutchison. RCMP called out all units of the Clearwater and Sunshine fire departments, but proved not possible to save the structure. The fire was also attended by members of the proposed Blackpool fire department. A Bailey bridge across the Clearwater River could be replaced by a permanent structure with a span 20 feet less than that of the demolished bridge the Bailey bridge was substituting for, Reg Small told a meeting of the Clearwater Improvement District. Pilings left in the river from two previous bridges, plus a large rock in the river were

causing bank erosion, he argued. Thompson-Nicola Regional District told Clearwater Improvement District that it was time Clearwater became a municipality. The reason given was that Clearwater matters were taking up onethird of the TNRD's meetings. A judge quashed a TNRD bylaw that would raise sufficient tax to remove the Sportsplex operating deficit. Another referendum appeared to be needed.



Clearwater Flying Club was to receive

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$10,500 for an initial survey for an airport for Clearwater. The club had requested 1,000 acres of Crown Land located 4 1/2 or five miles up the road to Wells Gray Park from Clearwater. The balance of money required for development for the 4,000 foot airstrip (later to be lengthened to 6,000 feet) was to come from the sale of timber on the site. Clearwater Search and Rescue conducted rope rescue training course, with instruction from mountain guide Craig Ballenger. The club had been formed just over a year previously.



Dr. Bob Woollard was to leave Clearwater to take up a position as assistant professor at University of British Columbia. The native of Wabamum, Alberta, had worked as a physician locally since 1973.



Clearwater RCMP Sgt. Randy Esau was arrested and charged with two sex-related counts as the result of an alleged incident involving a 17-yearold male. The 25-year veteran of the RCMP

had taken over as head of the local detachment the previous September. The Regional Solid Waste Management Plan was costing North Thompson property owners 36 cents for every $1,000 of assessed value, almost double what it had cost in its first year. Another 20 cents, or roughly a penny a year, would be added annually until the Year 2000, said TNRD works coordinator Terry Kress. School District 26 would be looking at boundary changes and bussing to deal with crowding at Dutch Lake Elementary School, said superintendent Terry Rogers. The facility was at capacity, and more students were expected the following September.



WeyerhaeuserVavenby received 700 applications for 15 advertised job openings, said division manager Dave Hay. About 40 workers had been transferred as the company closed its mill in Lumby and cut back its operation in Merritt, and added a second shift at Vavenby. Organizations such as B.C. Parks, Slocan,

Search and Rescue, and UCC put up nine stations along the Murtle River ski trails as part of the Friends of Wells Gray Park’s Ski for Fun and Knowledge.



M.P. Betty Hinton won a nomination race to represent the new Conservative Party of Canada in the next federal election. Thompson Country Community Futures named Blackpool resident Karen Montgomery as its volunteer of the year. Slocan fired up a new dry kiln at its Vavenby sawmill. The added capacity would bring the mill's capacity up to 246 million board feet per year. Calgary-based Canadian Hydro Developers was looking at five potential sites near Blue River for small-scale hydro projects.



Canfor announced that it was reducing the work week schedules at its Vavenby sawmill. About 165 local workers were affected. The company applied for WorkShare assistance from Human Resources Development Canada to help those involved. Councillor Brent Buck wanted to know why money was being spent evaluating Clearwater’s well number two, located across the road from Dutch Lake beach. The well

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hadn’t been used since the previous August, due to the amount of manganese and other metals in the water. “There’s no use throwing good money after bad,” Buck said. Four studies were being carried out on the municipality’s water sources at a total cost of about $100,000. Shooting a mule deer out of season cost a Little Fort resident a total of $2,575 in fines and other penalties, according to Conservation Officer Warren Chayer.



An open house held to discuss the Bear View shopping center being proposed for a 10-acre lot south of Highway 5 immediately west of the junction with Haywood Road. “The indoor shopping concept is new to the community and we feel that the tourists traveling through Clearwater would benefit year-round,” said owner Ron Rotzetter. Clearwater Midge Rec Warriors won the Thompson-Caribou Super League championship. “Every player put their hearts into this game and pulled together as a team,” said coach Tim Walker. Rev. Brian Krushel started as the new pastor of Clearwater United Church and the Church of St. Paul in Barriere. Dignitaries from the United, Anglican and Lutheran churches attended the service.

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Clearwater Times Thursday, March 6, 2014 A7

Lower North Thompson Community Forest collects input Barriere Star/Journal The Lower North Thompson Community Forest Society (LNTCFS) finished a series of five community meetings during February to get input to help develop a long term vision for the Lower North Thompson Valley. “Basically, we wanted input from the communities we represent (McLure, Louis Creek, Barriere, Chu Chua, and Little Fort) in developing a long vision/plan for our organization,” said Community Forest rep Mike Francis. “This input will ultimately affect what strategies, projects, roles, and investment decisions we make into the future.” Meetings were held in Squam Bay, Chu Chua, McLure, Little Fort and finally Barriere on Feb. 20. The Barriere event was in the Lions’ Hall, with the evening starting off with a tremendous meal prepared by chef Bob Sorenson provided for invited guests. At 7 p.m. the hall quickly filled with many residents from area communities. LNTCFS president Harley Wright, forester Mike Francis and

Hank Cameron from the Cherryville community forest group facilitated the session. The audience was asked to make comment on each of the following subjects related to the LNTCFS over the next 25 years: • Invest in communities • Wait for investment opporBarriere resident Ross Huber (center) provides input tunities regarding the Lower North Thompson Community Forest • What can the during a Feb. 20 session. Photo by Jill Hayward LNTCFS do for your area? and the findings will then be made • Feedback /suggestions public. • Invest in expansion Asked if the current yearly grant • Invest in forest program would be affected, Wright • Invest in education said there will continue to be grant Participation was active and funding available each year of informative, with the subject $30,000, with 50 per cent going to sheets pinned onto the walls bursaries, and the balance going to quickly filling with suggestions and applicants from the five communirequests. Wright says the information gathered from all five meetings ties for initiatives that improve the lifestyle of those residing in the will now be compiled and reviewed by the LNTCFS board of directors, area.

Lower North Thompson Community Forest Society chair Harley Wright takes suggestions on how the society can invest in education over the next 25 years during a community meeting held Feb. 20 in the Lions Hall in Barriere. Photo by Jill Hayward

MMBC picks processors to handle blue box recyclables










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per year and be fully funded by its member businesses, which include major retailers and consumer product makers. The stewardship group is targeting a 75

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have feared they'll be forced to pay more to maintain service, while businesses worry about paperwork and MMBC-levied fees to recycle the packaging they generate.

per cent recycling rate, up from 50 per cent province-wide now. The producer-pay system, mandated by the provincial government, has been controversial. Cities



to avoid contamination that slashes the value of materials. "There will be a much better chance of it being recycled," Langdon said, noting 90 per cent of glass going into blue boxes actually now ends up going to landfills. MMBC's operations are expected to cost $85 million


In most communities, glass bottles and jars will be directed to depots, instead of curbside pickup, but Langdon said there are exceptions, as some municipalities have opted to continue segregated glass pickup. MMBC says it needs to keep glass separate from paper and other recyclables


A new container recycling plant will be built in the Lower Mainland this year as industry stewardship group MultiMaterial B.C. takes over responsibility for an expanded blue box recycling program. MMBC on Thursday named Green By Nature EPR, a firm formed by three recycling industry partners, to handle the processing of packaging and printed paper province-wide. Cascades Recovery, Emterra Environmental and Merlin Plastics are the three companies that have joined forces to invest $32 million building the new container recycling plant, a new material recovery facility in Nanaimo, as well as other infrastructure. Green By Nature won't handle the curbside collection of packaging – that will still be done mostly by local municipalities, except for a few locations where new collectors are yet to be named. Besides new plants,

existing operations will also be used. A material recovery facility in Surrey run by Emterra will help sort materials, and the plastics recovered are expected to be processed at Merlin Plastics' plant in Delta. A site for the new container plant hasn't yet been revealed. "The entire system is designed to shift everything into two streams," said MMBC managing director Allen Langdon. "One is for fibres – newspapers, cardboard and printed papers – and the other for containers." Green By Nature expects to employ 570 workers in all. The new system – slated to launch May 19 – promises to add 10 new types of containers or other materials to what households can place in blue boxes. The new categories include milk cartons, foam packaging, plant pots, aluminum foil packages, plastic clamshell containers and drink cups. Langdon said a public education campaign will launch in late April.


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Thursday, March 6, 2014 Clearwater Times

Facebook page collects history of the North Thompson Eleanor Deckert Every so often, there is a flurry of interest around the topic of local history. Maybe an old-timer passed away and the friends and extended family gather together to reminisce, share stories and laughs, facts and tall tales. Or an estate auction attracts former neighbours who realize they shared experiences decades ago. Maybe the Valley Voices page in this newspaper stimulates a conversation, disagreement or additional side-stories. Maybe while reading the “Back in Time” page, we pause and recognize that 20-30-50 years ago “I was there.” Maybe while composing pages of our own family scrapbook or photo album we are surprised to find, “I’m older now than my mother was then.” During the middle 1990s the Clearwater and District History Book Committee compiled and published a 501 page book, “Upper North Thompson Reflections.” Still available for sale, this rich treasury has preserved names and dates, facts and faces, as well as short histories of schools, churches, the hospital, transportation, police, industries, clubs and hundreds of families’ memories. Ida Dekelver has attempted to build up a museum collection.

Patsy (Metcalfe) Alford posted this photo of herself at about age three, showing how happy she was with her new “swirly dress.” In the mid-1950s she lived at Peavine near Vavenby. Although you might not know this particular child, anyone who was a little girl in this time period can identify with her expression of joy and remember a special new dress. Photo submitted

More than once these treasures have been threatened by flooding. Recent attempts to request historic status for the old log school house in Avola resulted in the discovery that unprotected historic sites can be changed in a few hours and while making improvements, changes to the original state mean that irrecoverable history could be lost. What can be done then to preserve, protect, restore, collect, share and save the history which disappears the moment one of our elders closes their eyes, or a building

burns down, a family moves away, or a site is overturned? Is there a leader willing to form a non-profit Historic Society? Is there a land location, a building, funding, insurance, staffing and items owners are willing to donate? If only we had a museum. If only we had an archivist. If only there was a bank of audio and video, interviews and photos, letters and art work, yearbooks and maps. If only there was a place to store these and ways to display them.


CLEARWATER, 250-674-3122

But first would come a way to collect them. Perhaps one key to unlocking the vault of history is within our reach. It is online. On Jan. 29, Hettie Buck, Suzan (Gorovenko) Miller, DeeDee Miller, and Jim Bartlett started a Facebook page. Within a few days The Rich History of the North Thompson Valley and beyond.... grew to have 1,465 members! The purpose of their efforts is stated: “To offer a place to share the rich history, culture, photos and other information that

would be of interest to the members and their family and friends. It could potentially become a way to preserve some of the historical stories for future reference. In broad terms we are thinking that this can cover an area from Barriere to Blue River or possibly Valemount. We hope it will be inviting, inspiring, memorable, historically focused and FUN!” It is a “closed” group to promote a degree of security, meaning that a member may invite someone new to join. Each request to join is forwarded to the administrators. “We are attracting a real cross section of members from younger generations to older.” Hettie Buck

explains. “It’s wonderful to see them all interacting and sharing history. What an inspiring way to share our region’s legacy and memories of the foundation building by early pioneers!” Childhood pals are reconnecting. Old cars, hairstyles, clothing and equipment show popular trends. Buildings which are now turning back to mulch were once plumb and solid. What an easy way to share photos, facts, names and memories! It’s free to participate, add, read, comment and enjoy. It’s like a real museum display open 24 hours a day and available in your own home. Participants are local eyewitness guides ready to add info if you ask a question! What’s not to love?

“I’m so happy that it’s become so popular so quickly and so many folks are enjoying it,” Ms. Buck’s welcoming voice invites. “I think it will become a very good resource for future projects and archiving down the road. We asked the members if they liked the idea of more exposure in the Valley Voices newspaper section and there was overwhelming agreement.” You can join if you open your Facebook page, click on the top left space labelled: “search for people places and things” and type “Rich History of the North Thompson and beyond” or type this address and click “search.”!/groups/ richhistoryntvandbeyond/.

Barclay West, the son of Mrs. West the schoolteacher, lived in Avola. This photo of him with his puppy, Honey in 1959, was posted on the new Facebook page and received several comments from former Avola residents near and far, including his sister, Rebecca West Beaton of Blue River. These “Baby Boomers” who can recall names and facts are a big part of the group enjoying the Facebook page. Photo submitted

PHARMASAVE North Thompson Star/Journal Monday, June 18, 2012

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Clearwater Times Thursday, March 6, 2014 A9

Roadside suspensions credited for cut in alcohol deaths By Tom Fletcher – Black Press VICTORIA – Roadside suspensions and vehicle seizures for drivers blowing as low as 0.05 per cent blood alcohol have helped cut B.C. drinking and driving deaths by half, Attorney General Suzanne Anton said recently. Government statistics show average fatalities from drinking and driving have fallen to 54 a year from a previous five-year average of 112, since the law took effect in September Police road check in Surrey finds open alcohol in a vehicle. Black Press files 2010. Anton said the For those who blow in the "impaired" range of program is so success0.08 or higher, police have the option of imposful that other provinces are moving in the same ing a 90-day driving ban, a $500 penalty and direction. impounding the vehicle for 30 days instead of layAnton wouldn't comment on court chaling a charge. Towing and impounding a vehicle lenges to the program, which imposes penalties can result in a $700 bill, and a $1,400 mandatory on people who test in the "warn" range below "responsible driver program" may also be required 0.08, where they are subject to impaired driving before the driver's licence is returned. charges. The government terms the measure "Alexa's "If there have to be changes made to it, we Law," after four-year-old Alexa Middelaer, who will be making those, but the program is good, it saves lives and that's what's important," Anton was feeding horses at the roadside in Delta when she was struck by an impaired driver and killed in said. 2008. The "immediate roadside prohibition" pro"After decades of stagnant progress on reducgram replaced most impaired driving charges ing the number of preventable deaths caused by with administrative penalties, including a threedrinking and driving, as a community we've made day driving ban and a $200 administrative fee for those who blow between 0.05 and 0.08, if the significant and sustained changes," said Laurel Middelaer, Alexa's mother, who has been an advopolice officer has reason to believe the driver is cate on the issue since the tragedy. impaired.

Discover Camping reservations open March 15 Ministry of Environment VICTORIA – Calling all wilderness explorers! Get ready for another exciting season of camping, hiking and picnicking as BC Parks' reservation system, Discover Camping, prepares to open. Starting at 9 a.m. (Pacific time) on Saturday, March 15, Discover Camping will begin accepting reservations at most campgrounds. In total, there are over 5,200 easily accessible (frontcountry) campsites. Up to three reservations can be made in one easy transaction. Individual frontcountry

sites are available up to three months in advance, while group sites are available up to 12 months in advance of your arrival date. This year, even more reservable campsites have been added to Alice Lake, Golden Ears, Rolley Lake and Herald Lake provincial parks, and campers now can make reservations at Meziadin Lake, Prudhomme Lake and Paul Lake provincial parks. For more adventurous campers, new parks will be added before the May long weekend to the backcountry registration system: Desolation Sound and Joffre Lakes Provincial Park. Backcountry

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permits for most parks can be purchased two weeks prior to your arrival date. Discover Camping's interactive system allows campers to view availability, layouts and amenities at 109 reservable campgrounds in 97 provincial parks throughout the province. Most frontcountry campgrounds are equipped with picnic tables and fire rings. Campers can also access Discover Camping reservation service from their smartphones. This mobile platform is simpler and easier to access when the Discover Camping website is in high demand or users need to make changes to their reservation on the go.

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Loud party leads to conviction


On Wednesday, Feb. 26, a Kamloops male was found guilty in Clearwater 1-800-222-TIPS Provincial Court Clearwater RCMP Report for mischief charges regarding a loud party in East Blackpool. The party had occurred on April 20, 2012, and lasted into the early morning hours of the 21st of April. Many residents of Blackpool were disturbed by this loud party, due to the music levels being carried over the North Thompson River. Police attended the property on numerous occasions and warned the owner of possible criminal charges. The male now has to pay $500 in restitution. Clearwater RCMP remind the public that loud parties such as these will not be tolerated and will be dealt with by way of criminal charges.

Prohibited for 24 hours

On Feb. 27, Clearwater RCMP received an anonymous complaint of an impaired driver at a business in Clearwater. Police attended the location and waited for the reported individual, who had previous reports of impaired driving. Police stopped the vehicle once the occupant left the business. Police acquired an odor of liquor and demanded a breath sample. The driver of the vehicle blew into the device, a sample suitable to issue a 24-hour prohibition of their license and the vehicle was impounded. The driver also had an expired license and will have to contact ICBC to renew it.

Warrant executed

On Feb. 28, a male known in the area for damaging pay phones, squatting (unlawfully occupying a building or piece of land) and causing disturbances was arrested by Clearwater RCMP. The male had an outstanding warrant for breaches of his probation. Police had been advised of the numerous sightings of this male around the North Thompson Valley and made several patrols to locate him. Clearwater RCMP then received a call from a Clearwater business, advising that the male was at their institution. Police attended the site, arrested the male and executed the warrant. The male was held over the weekend at Clearwater Detachment and was brought before a judge in Kamloops on March 3.






When you see the words trans-fats on a food label, think artery clogger. These fats raise the bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower the good (HDL). They are used for enhancing flavour, texture and shelf-life of many processed foods. Canadian legislation hasn’t banned them yet, but many food manufacturers have reduced or eliminated trans-fats from their products. Still, reading the label is a good idea. It’s not a good idea to skip meals, especially breakfast. Those who skip breakfast are ironically more liable to be overweight and have an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. The best advice? Eat three meals per day and if possible, eat the largest meal in the middle of the day. Children between the ages of 10 and 20 need about 1,300 mg of calcium every day. They are still growing and calcium is important. They can get that amount from two cups of milk, one cup or orange juice, and a cup of yogurt every day. It’s been suggested that people who have trouble sleeping shouldn’t watch TV too close to bedtime. This could extend to the popular computer tablets and are used quite often in bed. These devices, like TVs, contain LED lights which emit blue and blue-green light which could cause sleep problems. This isn’t a proven link, but if sleeping is a problem, try reducing TV and computer use before bedtime. Pharmacists dispense more than just medication. We dispense information. Our pharmacists can further your education about the medications you are taking.

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Thursday, March 6, 2014 Clearwater Times


Members of the Clearwater Peewees pose for a photograph after winning the Thompson Cariboo Super League playoff championship on the weekend. Pictured are (back, l-r) coaches Gene Griffin and Donald Collins, Lochlan Wilson, Austin Chrystall, coach Geoff Giesbrecht, (middle, l-r) Parker Collins, Reid Parlby, Jayden Kjenstad, Eric Wiunig, Ryley Griffin, Emma Collins, Angus Allchin, (front, l-r) Tyler Jensen, Dallas Tucker, Erik Giesbrecht, and Brant Settle. Photo submitted

Emma Colins (l) shows the grit that won the Clearwater Peewees the Thompson-Caribou Super-league playoff championships during a game against Lillooet at the Sportsplex on Saturday. The local team won 6 – 1. Photo by Keith McNeill

Peewees capture pennant


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Gold-medal rink coming to Kamloops Kamloops This Week Fresh off winning men’s curling gold at the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, Russia, the Brad Jacobs rink will be in Kamloops for the closing weekend of the 2014 Tim Hortons Brier, presented by SecurTek. Jacobs, along with third Ryan Fry, second E.J. Harnden and lead Ryan Harnden, will arrive in the Tournament Capital late on Friday, March 7, and will be at Interior Savings Centre for the final two days of the Canadian men’s curling championship. —

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Setting cross-country tracks


Wells Gray Outdoor Club’s Pisten Bully sets tracks along the Candle Creek cross-country ski trails recently. The club has 28 km of trails in the network. Photo by Keith McNeill

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Clearwater Times Thursday, March 6, 2014 A11

Sports Girls win female super league bantam championship Times Staff Members of the Clearwater Bantam Girls team are celebrating after taking the Okanagan Superleague female title on the weekend. They did it with a hard-fought 2-1 series victory over Merritt. Game one was a 5-1 win for Clearwater back on Feb. 23. Merritt evened the series with a 4-3 win on Feb. 28. In a great final on Mar. 1, Clearwater edged Merritt 2-1 to take the title. "Your local gals were great ambassadors," said Ian Webster, Merritt Herald reporter.

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551-11th Ave, Downtown Kamloops, BC Members of the Clearwater Bantam Girls team are (back, l-r) coach Hans Wadlegger, Brynn Rebinsky, Keltie Arndt, Emily Giesbrecht, Quinn MacKay, Nicole Madden, (front, l-r) Juniper Wadlegger, Annika Wadlegger, Megan Sim, Vanessa McGill, Emma Collins, and Natalia Biagoni. Missing: Robin Fraser. Photo by Ian Webster, Merritt Herald

Bantams tie McBride Clearwater Bantam player John Meyer takes the puck away from a McBride opponent during at game at the Sportsplex last weekend. The local squad tied the match, which was good because McBride hasn't lost all year. A planned tournament had to be cancelled but exhibition games against McBride and Ashcroft went ahead to prepare for the Districts, which will be held this weekend. Photo by Keith McNeill

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Thursday, March 6, 2014 Clearwater Times


Barriere cross-country skier off to Nationals in Corner Brook, Newfoundland shortly Times Staff Up-and-coming Nordic (cross country) skier Alex McDonald attends Barriere Secondary. The 17-year-old

2006 he worked his way through Cross Country B.C.'s Skills Development Program at Barriere Ski Club. He then went on to pursue cross-country ski racing with the

started cross country skiing when he was only four years old, getting his start in Barriere with the North Thompson Recreation Society. From 2001 to

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Kamloops Overlander Club at Stake Lake, and now competes in races across the province. McDonald trains year round to stay in shape. In the spring and summer he runs, hikes, bikes and rollerskis, as well as doing core exercises and sprints with coaches in Kamloops. In the winter, he trains at the Stake Lake and Sun Peaks ski trails twice a week, and also travels to races on the weekends. Alex's commitment, determination and hard work is paying off this year, with many personal best and podium finishes in races throughout B.C. and Alberta. He started the ski season off at the NorAms races in minus -20° conditions at Sovereign Lake Nordic Centre near Vernon. Alex made the competition stand up and take notice by bringing in an amazing early season result of fourth place.

Right after the Christmas break he followed that performance with a third place finish in a classic race at the BC Cup in Prince George. Traveling for the first time to Rossland was worth the trip when this young athlete took first place at the Kootenay Cup. A weeklong trip to Canmore, Alberta, in January for the World Junior U23 trials, and the final Olympic Winter Game trials (for the older athletes) gave Alex an incredible experience. He learned a great deal about the strategy of sprint racing on the World Cup course at Canmore Nordic Centre. After laying down the second best qualifying time in a classic sprint, he then went on to win the quarter final, came third in the tough semi -final, and ended up seventh overall,. At the Western

NORTH THOMPSON SPORTSPLEX Hockey Lives Here! Family Skating

COMING EVENTS OKANAGAN BANTAM & PEEWEE CHAMPIONSHIPS Clearwater Peewee Game Times: Mar. 7, 3pm Mar. 8, 8am & 3:30pm Finals Mar. 9, 12pm

Clearwater Bantam Game Times: Mar. 7, 8:30pm Mar. 8, 11:30am & 7pm Finals Mar. 9, 2:15pm

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Barriere cross-country skier Alex McDonald competes in one of the many races he has excelled in this year. McDonald will compete at the Nationals in Newfoundland in a few weeks. North Thompson Recreation Society seeks donations to help him. Photo submitted.

Canadian Championships in Prince George, Alex proved that he can indeed compete in a very strong field. He placed fourth in the classic 10 km race, a mere 10 seconds off the podium. Alex then won bronze in an exciting photo finish in the sprint races. On Feb. 23, Alex competed in the Sun Peaks Holy Cow Loppet (a 24 km classic race), where he took second place in a category of 18-30 year olds. This past weekend, Feb 28-March 2, Alex competed at the BC Championships in West Kelowna at the Telemark Nordic Club. Alex also has his Level 1 ski coaching certification and when he isn't away racing he loves to go out to the Barriere Forks Trails, where he got his start. He regularly helps out with the Grade 8 ski lessons put on by NTRS and Barriere

Secondary School. McDonald is now busy preparing for the Nationals in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, (only a few weeks away) where he will train and race over a twoweek period. Up to this point, Alex's biggest sponsors have been his mom and dad, and as you can imagine, racing at the national level is a huge expense. NTRS is supporting Alex and his family for the big race in Newfoundland. Club members hope others in the community will get behind this promising young skier. Donations of any amount can be made at Interior Savings in Barriere, to the chequing account of the North Thompson Recreation Society. Donations of $20 or more can be issued a receipt (please ask on your deposit, along with your name and mailing address).

Clearwater Times Thursday, March 6, 2014 A13

Students celebrate 100th day at school Robyn Rexin The Vavenby Primary School students have had a busy two weeks of school. On Feb. 19 the school celebrated 100th Day, which was the 100th day of the school year. The children were asked to bring or wear something that would express or represent 100 in some way. Students made a necklace or a picture from the Fruit Loops that were available. All the boys made necklaces, and all the girls created pictures. Some of the boys gave the necklaces they had made to their moms. Vavenby students travel to Blue River races On Feb. 20 it was off to Blue River to take part in the 17th annual cross country ski meet. It was also the first Cross

Out Cancer Ski Race in honour of Andy Aufschnaiter. All the Vavenby students attended and rode on the bus with students from Raft River Elementary. It snowed during the day but everyone had fun. The races went by grade, were done in heats, and were timed. Iyannah Toscano and Mercedes Flegel, both Grade 1 girls, were just shy of winning a medal. Toscano came first in her heat, and Mercedes came second in hers. Mike Wiegele’s Lodge provided a free lunch of spaghetti, Caesar salad, buns, cookies, and oranges. It was a long day for the children. The bus left the Vavenby school at 7:30 a.m. and returned following the awards ceremony, which was held after lunch. Working to end bullying The school participated in Anti-

Bullying Day the last week of February. The children were asked to wear as much pink as possible. Some people in the schools are thinking of calling it Friendship Day to make it sound more positive. On Feb. 28 the class attended its last session and lessons at the Clearwater ski hill for downhill skiing. It was a bright and sunny day for skiing. Bible camp in Lumby Vienna and Isaac Moilliet were the only two members of the Youth To Christ (Y2C) youth group that attended a Bible camp at Lumby, Feb. 21 – Feb. 23. There were about 22 youth from Lumby, Kelowna, and Vernon. Leaders of the camp were Shane and Kristy Mattenley, past residents of Vavenby. There was lots of snow and Saturday,

the only full day, consisted of games such as kick ball, dodge ball, and capture the flag. The kids also went sledding. Both Friday and Saturday ended with campfires. Isaac’s favourite experience was the game capture the flag. This involved the youths having to go up a hill and “capture” the flag – a broom – that the leaders were guarding and then take it back to their base. The game was played twice. The youths won the first game, the leaders the second one as the youths slid down the hill. Everyone was fed very well and there was lots of food. The speaker for the weekend was Gareth Evens. Vienna said Evens had some amazing stories about his experiences with God that held everyone’s attention.

‘Huge’ moose population decline in BC Interior Gaven Crites - 100 Mile House Free Press The provincial government recently launched an investigation into what's causing significant moose population declines in the British Columbia Interior. The five-year study will monitor five zones that range from the Fort St. James area in the North to the Kamloops area in the South – Bonaparte, Big Creek, Entiako, Prince George South and John Prince Research Forest. The investigation will consider forestry-related changes to the landscape, climate, parasites, diseases, and pressure from hunting and predators, and any connection these factors have with respect to what's happening to the animals, and how to bring them back. Jesse Zeman, a director with the B.C. Wildlife Federation (BCWL), says it's good to see the government investing in wildlife management. He adds the decline in moose numbers in this part of the province has been “huge.” “In the Thompson, Cariboo and Omineca – that's where we've seen the most significant decline. Of course, those are the areas where we've had extensive salvage and pine beetle logging. “We know where we've had salvage logging we've had significant moose population

declines. What the relationship have come up to the Cariboo to is between logging and moose go hunting. There's an income population declines, we don't redistribution that happens know. That's what we have to throughout the Cariboo that find out.” now doesn't occur as much.” The study, which includes The most current estimate 11 wildlife biologists, a wildlife for B.C.'s moose population – veterinarian and other staff, 145,000 to 235,000 – is from will see the movement of more 2011. The government says than 200 radio-collared moose that estimate will be updated tracked and their mortalities this summer. investigated to determine a According to data provided cause of death. by the BCWF, the number There is the possibility of of moose taken by hunters adding three more areas to the in the Cariboo Region has study as the work progresses. dropped by close to two-thirds In a news release, the in the past 30 years – from Ministry of Forests, Lands and 2,921 in 1980 to 964 in 2011. Natural Resource Operations Throughout the province, close A cow moose wades through deep snow. states the goal for moose manto 75,000 people apply for a Photo by Carole Rooney moose tag annually, but only agement is to ensure populaabout 10,000 receive tags. Of tions are sustainable, integral to “Probably one-third of the “Sustainability is the key. If those, about 6,000 hunters will natural ecosystems throughout the [moose] population is trend- hunter population lives either take an animal. Thirty years their range, and able to meet the on Vancouver Island or in the ago, resident hunters were har- ing downward, then opportunineeds of First Nations, licensed Lower Mainland. So, those are ties for hunters trends down hunters and the guiding indusvesting about 13,000 annually. people who would historically with that. try. The drop in hunting numbers means declines in overall revenue gener“an Independent” congregation in fellowship with the ated from broader Christian community in the area. hunting and Your places Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive huntingof worship (Behind Fields Store) related expendiSunday Clearwater Living CLEARWATER tures for Clearwater Worship Service NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Streams Christian many comSeventh-Day 10 am Dan Daase - Pastor Fellowship munities in Sunday Morning Worship Adventist Meeting at On the Web: rural B.C., 10:30am New Life Assembly Church For information Zeman (Kids church during service) every Sunday 5:00pm 250.674.3841 or 250.674.2912 Pastor Bill Kelly Wednesdays Am explains.

“When you need us, we’re close by” When a death occurs, I’m here to help you, every step of the way. 24 hours a day, every day. If you have made pre-arrangements elsewhere and would like to discuss having your local funeral home take care of you, please feel free to call.


Call Drake at 250-674-3030 or 1-877-674-3030 day or night.

Drake Smith, MSW (Funeral Director/Owner)

Church Directory

Clearwater Christian Church


3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational

St James Catholic Church

Sunday Service Mass • 11am - 12pm Tuesday & Thursday 10am 324 Clearwater Village Road 250-672-5949 Father Don O’Reilly

Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468

CLEARWATER UNITED CHURCH Meeting at Catholic Church of St. James


Sunday 9am

Rev. Brian Krushel

250-672-5653 • 250-674-3615

Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations

Ladies Bible Study Thursday 3-5pm Kids Club

Phone: 250-674-2345

308 W Old N Thompson Hwy

COMMUNITY BAPTIST 24E Old North Thompson Hwy

Worship Service 10:30 Pastor Mike Kiewitt 250.674.1332

STONE & COMPANY (Robert Lawrie, Silvia Scheibenpflug)

Certified General Accountants

A14 Rison Realty • 32 E Old N. Thompson Hwy.



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Business & Service Directory

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Wildwood Rd

GarbageGifts Collection GARBAGE COLLECTION Eden Rd

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Small engine users cautioned on ethanol fuels Carole Rooney - 100 Mile House Free Press Almost everyone who runs small engines – from chainsaws and lawnmowers to snowmobiles and snow blowers – fills up their jerry can at the local gas pumps. However, some folks might not realize that most gasoline now contains 10 per cent ethanol, and ethanol is not recommended for small engines due to increased wear, carbon build-up and operation issues. Exeter Forest and Marine owner Pierre Dion, who services small gaspowered equipment, says small engines that regularly run with ethanol show more wear-and-tear, as well as more build-up in carburetors and valves. "We've had some major issues with the way chainsaws have run. The ethanol absorbs water, and it's very corrosive to aluminum parts in small engine carburetors and other parts." This is particularly true for twostroke engines, but also a problem in four-stroke engines, he explains. "We're getting lots of carburetor work on small engines now that we weren't doing before." He adds premium gasoline with no ethanol is the best bet for gasolinefired small equipment, and it can be found as marked (dyed) premium at about half a dozen local fuel stations. Folks should always use premium fuel for small engine use, Dion adds, but they should "really stay away" from ethanol. That means buying marked premium because by federal law, all gasoline in Canada must contain ethanol at a minimum of five per cent (E5), and most gasoline sold at the pump is at the maximum of 10 per cent (E10). Dion says regular gasoline has never been recommended for small engine

use, as stated in most user manuals. "We've gotten away with it for years and years because the quality of gasoline was a lot better than it is today." While most gas stations now have labels advising consumers of ethanol content, not all of them post signs warning it is unsuitable for use in small-engine equipment and snowmobiles. (An industry blog cautioning motorcyclists on the use of ethanol fuels is online at cycleworld/posts/10151681077032591.) People who rely on small engines, such as chainsaws, water pumps and generators may need to plan ahead to make sure they can find and/or store marked ethanol-free premium (highoctane) fuel. Ethanol also has a shelf life of about three months, while premium dyed gasoline without ethanol can stay fresh for about a season with an added stabilizer. "After that, you'll have to change the fuel out." In a pinch, using regular/ethanol fuel on a short-term basis isn't likely to do permanent damage, Dion adds. For equipment used less often, the industry is addressing the problem by importing jugs of high-octane fuels and pre-mixed fuel/oil blends with no ethanol, which last up to five years. Exeter Marine supplies this for fire departments, search and rescue and others who rely on fuelled-up equipment for sudden, crucial tasks, Dion explains. The four-stroke engines on water pumps, generators, ATVs and other larger items it services have also shown more build-up from ethanolbased gasoline, he adds, although many manufacturers still indicate it is acceptable for this use (in higher octane).

100 Mile House businessman Pierre Dion holds up the carburetor from a chainsaw being serviced as he explains how ethanol fuels can gum them up with carbon. Photo by Carole Rooney, 100 Mile Free Press


Thursday, March 6, 2014 Clearwater Times



Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle.

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RED CROSS BABYSITTING FIRST AID This course is designed for youth 11 yrs & older who want to become a babysitter or may already be one.

April 4 & 5 NEW DATE


Wells Gray Country UPCOMING EVENTS

Mar. 7: Spring Bingo, 7 pm, Blue River Community Hall. Mar. 7 – Apr. 11: Smart Budget Cooking, Food skills for families, free, pre-register at YCS 250-674-2600. Mar. 7: World Day of Prayer interchurch prayer service. Clearwater Christian Church (Lodge Dr), 7 pm. Mar 9: Get Clean by Getting Dirty, 7-10 pm, Wells Gray Lounge, info 250-674-1743, proceeds will go to Clearwater Food Bank. Mar. 11: Seniors Luncheon, Elks Hall, 11:30 – 2 pm Mar. 13: Women In Business luncheon, WG Inn, 12 – 2 pm, info Mar. 13-16: Cowboy Festival, tickets Barriere Country Feeds & The Horse Barn, 1-888-763-2221,

Mar. 14: St Patricks Day dance, 9pm, Blue River Legion upstairs Mar 14: Raft Mountain Skating Club Carnival, NT Sportsplex Mar. 28: Understanding Along the Dementia Journey, 9am – 4pm, Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre, Kamloops. Reg. $20, incl lunch. 1-855-742-4803 for info and register. April 26-27: Rural Expo & Trade Show, 9am – 5pm daily, NT Agriplex, Barriere. May 31: Wells Gray Riders Assoc trail ride at Candle Creek Ski trails, reg 10 am, ride 11 am. Info 250-674-4083, email July 25 – 27: Wells Gray Man Tracker Invitational, Nakiska Ranch

OFA Level 1 First Aid

Mar 29


Stick Boom-Manlift Cert

Mar 8


Joy of Painting

Mar 15


OFA Level 3

Mar 31 – Apr 12

Red Cross Babysitting First Aid

April 4 & 5 (new date)


HEALTH & HEALING • AA Meetings: every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Dr, 250-5870026 anytime • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-587-6373. • Connections Healing Rooms - Fridays 1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Kim 250-674-0224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion 778-208-0137. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 250-674-2699 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: 1st Thurs every mth. 250-676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Nov., Jan., & Mar. AGM in May • Volleyball: Tues. Jan. 14 - Apr. 8, 7:30 - 9:00 PM, at Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. Info: 250-674-1878. • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-674-2468 annie. • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-674-0001 • Walking Club: Indoors: Wed., Jan. 29 - Mar. 5, 6:45 - 7:45 AM at Clw Secondary School, FREE. Info: 250-674-1878 • Drop-in Curling: Fri. Jan. 11 - Mar. 8, 7:00 PM, $5. Brooms and sliders available. • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 • Drop in Basketball: Fri., Jan. 10 - Apr. 11, 7:00 - 8:30 PM, $2 drop in at Clearwater Secondary School Gym. Info: 250674-1878 • Slo-Pitch: Clearwater mixed Slo-Pitch league May – July. Contact Carmen Archibald 778-208-1773, 250-674-2632 SENIORS • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the mth 2pm at the library. All seniors welcome.



TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 224 Candle Creek Rd. EMAIL: •


ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Indoor Market: 1st Saturday of month, 9 am – 2 pm, Elks Hall, info - 250-674-3763 • Tuesday Morning Coffee (TMC): Meets 10am – 11:30 @ Clearwater Community Baptist Church. All women and children welcome. (9:30-10 am Bible Study). Info 250-674-3624 • Raft River Rockhounds: 3rd Sat of the mth. Clw Lodge 1pm 250-674-2700 • Women in Business Luncheon: 2nd Thurs. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250-674-3703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmers’ Market May – Oct. Saturdays 9am– Noon. For more info please call Anne at 250-674-3444. • Clearwater-Vavenby Lions Bingo: Every 2nd Tues. Elks Hall. 250-587-6269 • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 1pm: 250-587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – 2nd Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - every 2nd Thurs. Elks Hall. open 5pm • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Racoon StrongStart - Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:45-11:45am • Racoon StrongStart - Vavenby Elm school days Wed 8:5011:50am • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Monday mornings, reg. Kerry 250-6743530 • NT BC Home Schoolers: Meets Fri. afternoons. Call Leanna 250-674-0057 for details • Kids Club: Clearwater New Life Assembly. Meets every Thur. 3-5 pm. Ages 5-12. For info contact Bobbi @ 250-674-3346


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Clearwater Times Thursday, March 6, 2014 A17

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Coming Events


Don’t miss the Celebration of Rural Living Expo & Trade Show April 26-27, 2014 9am-5pm daily NT Agriplex & Fall Fair Facility 4872 Dunn Lake Rd., Barriere Over 100 booths & displays to peruse. Music, concessions, giveaways. A full lineup of feature speakers. Free draws every hour. $5/adult, $3/stud. or senior, children 12 & under Free. Vendor and Expo info at: HISTORICAL ARMS Collectors. Guns-Knives-Militaria. 42nd Antiques Show & Sale. Sat. March 8, 9am-5pm. Sun March 9, 9am-3pm. Heritage Park, 44140 Luckackuck Way, Chilliwack (exit 116 off Hwy 1) Buy-Sell-Trade. For info or table rentals Gord 604-747-4704 Al 604-941-8489. See our website

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CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE – Jim’s Food Market BC027 RESIDENT RV HOST(S) – Chinook cove Golf & RV BC0286 TOURISM COORDINATOR – Lower North Thompson Tourism Society BC0293 LOG PROCESSOR OPERATOR – Wood Co Management BC0294 HEAVY DUTY RED SEAL MECHANIC – Hy’s North Transporation BC0295 GO TO: for information on jobs with Mike Wiegele & for Sun Peaks.

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CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 • 250-674-2928 • Fax 250-674-2938 E-mail: • Web Page:

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SAMARITAN’S Purse is looking for a Working Chef to coordinate the Restaurant Kitchen, maintain a professional rapport within the community and train junior cooks, in Dease, Lake, BC

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services

Campsite Helper: Seasonal/Clearwater #C0302 Jr. Greens Keeper: FT/Seasonal/Clearwater #C0301 Logging Truck Driver: FT/Clearwater #CB0299 Heavy Duty Red Seal Mechanic: FT/ Kamloops #BC0295 Log Processor Operator: Seasonal/Barriere #BC0294 Tourism Coordinator: PT/Lower NT #BC0293 Baker’s Helper: PT/Clearwater #C0291 Pastry Chef: FT/Clearwater #C0290 12 Job Postings –Blue River: FT & Seasonal #CB0283 Housekeeping Shift Supervisor/ Office Asst; Line & Buffet Cook; Head Chef; Reservations Coordinator;

Reservations Supervisor; Maintenance Labourer; Maintenance Technician; Chef Garde Manger; Marketing Coordinator; Maintenance Manager; Guide; Bus Person & Buffet Attendant. Sightseeing Boat Operator: Seasonal/Blue River #C0281 Customer Service Representative: FT&PT Little Fort #BC0278 Manager-Parts & Tires Division: FT/Barriere #BC0276 Whitewater Rafting Instructor: Seasonal/ Clearwater #CB0275 German Speaking Tour Guide: FT/ Seasonal/Clearwater #C0264 Prof. Driver: Casual/Seas./Clw #C0263 Traffic Control: Casual/Clw #C0256

Free Workshops to help with your work search are available. Please contact us to register for one or all of these free workshops. Apr. 1, 2 & 3, 2014 - “Back to Work Boot Camp” Workshops will be as follows:

Tues. April 1st Wed. April 2nd Thurs. Apr. 3rd 9:00am-Noon Email/Internet Basics Resume/Cover Letters Positive Behaviours 12:30pm-3:00pm Labour Market Information Dress for Success/Interviews DISTRICT OF CLEARWATER ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING ON A TRAILS TASK FORCE?

and protect your right to compensation. 778.588.7049 Toll Free: 1.888.988.7052

Help Wanted

The District will be accepting applications until March 10th, 2014 from volunteers who are interested in putting their name forth to serve on the Trails Task Force. You may apply by submitting your expression of interest to participate in the District of Clearwater Trails Task Force, Attention: Leslie Groulx, Chief Administrative Officer, by email,by letter at 132 Station Road, postal mail to Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0, or fax to 250-674-2173. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office at 250-674-2257.



Skill Development: If you have been on Employment Insurance in the past 3 years (5 years maternity) & are currently unemployed, you may be eligible for re-training dollars. Book an appointment to see one of our counselors for information. We look forward to seeing you: come in and we’ll personally see that you get the information you’re seeking or call and make an appointment. • Free computer & Internet access • Free resume help • Free information on many services.

What is a Trails Task Force you ask? Council recognizes that the community is ready to move forward on the development of a trail system within the municipal boundaries. The purpose of the Task Force will be to work with the District on the development of a Trails Master Plan. The Task Force will include up to 10 members of the public who are interested in the development of safe, connected and functional multi-use trails for the purposes of both recreation and commuting routes. A draft Terms of Reference is available through the main office by emailing

If YES, call or email for your

Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Call 250-674-2135.

Help Wanted


Located across the railway tracks in Vavenby, B.C.

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LOOKING FOR the whereabouts of my nephews, C.F. Single & S.W. Single. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of these people, please phone 1-204-224-4815 and leave a message.


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Resumes & Interviews: Go hand in hand, so the better prepared you are the greater the impression you will make to your future employer. Please drop in & our friendly staff will assist you. Targeted Wage Subsidy (TWS): Are you currently on Employment Insurance or have you been in the last 3-5 years? If you have, you may be eligible for wage subsidy. Ask us for further info. Funding for Skill Enhancement: Recent or active EI clients with a career plan in mind seeking assistance through Service Canada are required to book an appointment with one of our Employment Counsellors. BLUE RIVER ITINERANT: An employment consultant comes to the Blue River School. Next visit is Tues. Mar. 11th, from 12:30-2:30. If a one on one appointment is required, please call to set up a time prior to the drop in. Operated by Yellowhead Community Services The Employment Program of BC is funded by the Government of Canada & the Province of British Columbia

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HIRING in Fort St John, BC. EXPERIENCED MILL ELECTRICIANS. Wage up to $50/hr. Housing & Benefits. Shift-7days on/ 7off. Email resume: or fax 250-630-2114 Ph: 250-2634350

Thursday, March 6, 2014 Clearwater Times



Acreage for Sale

Suites, Lower

Auto Financing

17.4 Acres pristine elevated property priced to sell. Minutes from down town, 4 acres cleared, multiple artesian wells, utilities to property line. Perfect time to buy before prime acreages are unaffordable in the Terrace area. Must Sell. $150,000. 250-641-1848

Clearwater: 3bdrm house, $850/mo + 1/2 mo DD. Ref Req. Avail Mar. 1. 220 Dutch Lake Rd. Ph. 250-674-3434

Real Estate


Work Wanted


HAFI GRANTS Notice to low income seniors and persons with disability. You may qualify for a grant up to 20,000. to modify and adapt your home for improved safety and accessibility. For details contact your local HAFI expert Hans Ounpuu, Building contractor @ 250-674-3875.


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Financial Services

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Photography / Video Need a professional

photographer? Portraits, weddings, special events, pet portraits, commercial. Affordable memories that last a lifetime. Seniors rates. Book now avoid & disappointment. Sorry no passport photos Jill Hayward 250-319-8023/250-672-0055


by Keith McNeill

Digital and film photographs. Phone 250-674-3252 or

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Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 Visit us online at:

Misc. Wanted Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Estates, Gold & Silver Coins + 778-281-0030 Used Postage Stamps Support International Scouting by donating used stamps which are sorted & sold to raise money for the International Development Fund of the International Scout & Guide Fellowship. This fund pays for training for Scouters in the third world. Drop stamps off at front counter of the Star/Journal in Barriere, or call Margaret at (250)672-9330.

Fight Back.



Auto Financing

Volunteer your time, energy and skills today. Legal Notices

Legal Notices

In the Matter of Part 3.1 (Administrative Forfeiture) of the Civil Forfeiture Act [SBC 2005, C. 29] the CFA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT:

Rentals Homes for Rent Clearwater: 3bdrm, riverfront, 1 acre, garage + guest house, $985/mo Ph. 250-674-0001 Clearwater: Log house on farm. Close to town. Available Mar. 1. Pets welcome. Ph. Donna Erickson 250-674-8111

On November 24, 2013, in the area around Blue River, B.C., Peace Officer(s) of the Clearwater RCMP seized, at the time indicated, the subject property, described as: $31,500 CAD, on or about 11:40 Hours. The subject property was seized because there was evidence that the subject property had been obtained by the commission of an offence (or offences) under section 354(1) (Possession of property obtained by crime) of the Criminal Code of Canada. Notice is hereby given that the subject property, CFO file Number: 2014-1993, is subject to forfeiture under Part 3.1 of the CFA and will be forfeited to the Government for disposal by the Director of Civil Forfeiture unless a notice of dispute

is filed with the Director within the time period set out in this notice. A notice of dispute may be filed by a person who claims to have an interest in all or part of the subject property. The notice of dispute must be filed within 60 days of the date upon which this notice is first published. You may obtain the form of a notice of dispute, which must meet the requirements of Section 14.07 of the CFA, from the Director’s website, accessible online at www. The notice must be in writing, signed in the presence of a lawyer or notary public, and mailed to the Civil Forfeiture Office, PO Box 9234 Station Provincial Government, Victoria, B.C. V8W 9J1.

AM p ra ir lc h2 36 -Friends family This weekand is all bring youand a sense about give take, ofCapricorn. well-being, Do for Capricorn. Surround others, and they will yourself with plenty do for you. A special ofevent people calls in for the somedays to come. Open extra-special gifts.your December 22– heart, and you will January 19 get much in return.

January 20– February 18

February 19– March 20

Aquarius, Some habitscoworkers are hard turn outAquarius. to be a to break, source much-to Look toof a mentor needed help andsupport you will when you receive succeed. A fitness some goal isunexpected easily achieved news. Thank with a new piecethem of for their support and equipment. kind gestures. Pisces, The oddsexpect may beothers to seek against your help stacked you, in the coming Do Pisces, but thatdays. doesn’t your to help, mean best you won’t come and those around out on top with a little you will greatly apingenuity. A weekend preciate endeavor it. requires a leap of faith.

March 21– April 19

April 20– May 20

May 21– June 21

Don’t feelAries, a need Speak up, and to charge of thetake problem will be others, People solved. AAries. little miracle will respond at home makes to foryour an cues even weekend. when such interesting hints subtle. Travelare plans come Step back from the together. dictator’s podium. Taurus, should Cast asideyou all doubt, be able The to accomTaurus. offer is plish your genuine and objectives will bring this week,rewards. in spite you many A of some distractest ofearly faith begins— tions. Things be strong. Moneywill woes right ease. themselves before long. Gemini, concern Feeling blessed about those closest these days, Gemini? to mightAbe Payyou it forward. foremost onatyour compromise home mind this week. raises everyone’s Shift focus to spiritsthat and fun ensues your own life and all weekend long! responsibilities for the time being.

This Crossword Sponsored by



1229, , 2 20 1 04 1 2

June 22– July 22

July 23– August 22

Your professional A business relationship life takeswith precedence blossoms an this week, Cancer. addition. A larger-thanAllow yourselfdrops life personality ample toyou tackle by with time an offer all therefuse. things can’t Oh on boy, your plate at the oh boy, Cancer. September 23– office, and you will October 22 be glad you did.

Long-term career Lady Luck smiles on goals are on you, Libra, andyour there mind, Libra. Make is nothing beyond your time develop a A treasured plan thatresurfaces, can make heirloom those goals reality. bringing backamany Consult with colfond memories. leagues for advice or guidance.

Use power you Oops,the Leo. You fall have Leo. behindcarefully, on a project, Sometimes raising some it surprises even eyebrows. Notyou to just how an impact worry.great You will get you make and backcan on track sooner the wide-sweeping than you think, thanks consequences October 23– to an innovation.of some of your acNovember 21 tions.

Scorpio, The tiniestthere of is always changes room make afor vast compromise, improvement in even a when project.compromise A rejection is seems unlikely. a blessing in disguise. Don’t be too quick Be grateful for what to assume is you’re given,there Scorpio. no room to work out an agreement.

Virgo, uncertainty Spend less, save more about yourdefinitely priorities and you’ll arises over the More next get more, Virgo. few days. Takelinetime in your bottom toandthink more things peace of through, butprovide don’t mind. Flowers be idlepick-me-up. for too long. a great Do your best to stay August 23– September 22 motivated.


Your is atgets an Newsfocus from afar all-time high this the creative juices week, Sagittarius. flowing, and you Now is a good accomplish more time than toyouestablish cleartime, have in some objectives atgame the of Sagittarius. A workplace or for wits at the office personal November 22– important proves challenging. December 21 matters.

Clearwater Times Thursday, March 6, 2014 A19

Local government terms going to four years VICTORIA – Winners of next November's local elections will serve four years on councils and school boards. Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Coralee Oakes said Tuesday of last week she will introduce legislation shortly to extend local government terms from three years to four. The change is to take effect in time for elections next fall. Oakes said the change comes after the Union of B.C. Municipalities supported it at their convention last September. The issue has been debated many times and has been divisive over the years, with some rural politicians arguing against extending the commitment for jobs with little pay. Oakes, who served two terms on Quesnel city council before being elected to the B.C. legislature last year, said she had her own doubts about it when it was

debated during that time. But she has made up her mind. "The reason why provinces across Canada have moved to four years is it provides greater certainty in communities to move those very important projects forward, things such as infrastructure improvements," Oakes said. "It provides opportunities for local government officials to understand their projects and to carry them through." The change would mean the next municipal election would be held in 2018, on a schedule that follows provincial elections by one year. Oakes said there was no intent to avoid having both elections at the same time, and she is acting in response to the UBCM's vote to go ahead. Asked if the legislation would include a "Rob Ford clause" to remove politicians who misbehave while in office, Oakes said the ministry is examining changes to the oath of office to "provide more tools" to deal with such situations.


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By Tom Fletcher, Black Press

Community, Sport and Cultural Development Minister Coralee Oakes

Farnworth first in for B.C. NDP leadership By Tom Fletcher, Black Press After finishing a close second to Adrian Dix in 2011, Mike Farnworth says he is running for NDP leader to correct the party's mistakes of 2013. Offering "a progressive alternative that can win an election," the long-time Port Coquitlam MLA referred Sunday to the NDP campaign choice to run mostly upbeat advertising to promote a platform with few specifics. "Under my watch, the B.C. NDP will never fight an election with one hand tied behind its back," Farnworth said in an opening statement released by his campaign. "We'll be tough on the issues and hold the B.C. Liberals

Port Coquitlam MLA Mike Farnworth

to account for their disastrous record, while being clear about what we would do differently." Farnworth also gave a hint of a more pro-development stance for the party, which has opposed

oil pipelines and offered lukewarm support to liquefied natural gas development. "Under my leadership, the B.C. NDP will stand firmly for a strong and diversified economy that provides family-supporting jobs and builds shared prosperity," Farnworth said. Dix won the leadership by a narrow margin in 2011, after several rounds of voting left Farnworth with 48 per cent of participating party members. After a string of newly elected MLAs bowed out, Juan de Fuca MLA John Horgan has been reconsidering his decision not to run again. He finished third in 2011, and both he and Farnworth had leading roles in the NDP governments of the 1990s.

Donations to help Ukraine invited Frank Bucholtz – Langley Times The honorary consul for Ukraine in B.C., Mir Huculak, is publicizing opportunities for British Columbians to help the families of shooting victims in Kyiv, Ukraine, and those who were injured in anti-government protests. Between 75 and 100 people died in the upheaval, which led to President Viktor Yanukovych fleeing Kyiv on Friday, and a plan for new elections in May. Huculak is a regular attendant at Langley’s International Festival,

where he represents the many Canadians of Ukrainian background. Canada has the third-largest group of people of Ukrainian descent in the world, behind only Ukraine itself and Russia. The total number of Canadian residents of Ukrainian descent is 1.5 million. Many of the original Ukrainians who came to Canada did so before the First World War to settle on the Prairies, but there has been a steady wave of immigration over the years. This has often been due to a series of tragic circumstances, including

the forced starvation of millions under Josef Stalin, known as the Holodomor, and the upheaval and destruction caused by the Second World War, in which about seven million Ukrainians died. In more recent years, immigrants have come to Canada from Ukraine, since it gained its independence when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed in 1991. Langley MP Mark Warawa is of Ukrainian descent, and has made a number of representations on behalf of Ukrainians and Canadian of Ukrainian background


70 percent of adults read a newspaper or visit a newspaper website in an average week. 79 percent of those readers take action as a result of advertising in the newspaper. In fact, newspapers are the advertising medium shoppers use most in an average week.

in his 10 years as an MP. Huculak said that people wishing to make tax-deductible donations, which will be used for humanitarian relief for shooting victims’ families and injured protesters, can donate online through the CUF Maidan Fund, at, or through Ukrainian Canadian Social Services, at Non-tax deductible donations can be sent to Ukrainian Canadian Congress, at 145 Evans Avenue – Suite 208, Toronto, Ontario, M8Z 5X8.

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Thursday, March 6, 2014 Clearwater Times

“Money to Burn” lights up the Clearwater winter Keith McNeill What happens when three small-time female con artists find themselves unwittingly involved in a big-time counterfeiting scheme? That was the premise behind “Money to Burn,” a witty comedy presented by After Hours Theatre Society last week. The play by Pat Cook was fast-moving, suspenseful, and full of quick one-liners and plays on words. Jaime Lovgren, Lynda Ludbrook and Katie Roach played the roles the three

members of Wilson and Associates – a seedy company that operates out of an even seedier office. Their landlord was played by Dianna Trautman. She kept harassing her tenants for the rent – until they paid her with what turned out to be a bogus $100 bill. Joanna Hurst was the person the women hired to be their bookkeeper, except she seemed suspiciously willing to help out, even when things got complicated. Chance Breckenridge was the willing but not-too-

An angry-looking Steve Raschke plays Nikolai Purdy, a delicatessen owner who received a phoney $100 bill.

smart male friend. The unwitting source of the counterfeit money was Gretchen Reveille,

Raft Mountain Skating Club

G N I T A SK L A V I N CAR Presents

Dizney on Ice

Five women discuss what to do about their dilemma as they realize they could be held responsible for the counterfeit money they've spent. Pictured are (l-r) Katie Roach as Nancy Plunkett, Jaime Lovgren as Gail Webster, Joanna Hurst as Bebe Wilson, Gretchen Reveille as Fionella Frobisher, and Lynda Ludbrook as Tiger Murray. Photos by Keith McNeill

in the role of a bank employee and kleptomaniac.

Kim Pendergast was maybe her sister, and then her super-

visor at the bank, and then maybe had another motive.


Friday, Marc h 14, 2014 at 6:30pm

North Thom pson Sports plex Admission b y Silver Coll ection. Half of the p roceeds will be donated to the fo

od bank

226 athletes from the Thompson - Okanagan competed at the 2014 BC Winter Games bringing home 65 medals. Thank you to the coaches, officials, volunteers, and families who support these growing champions. See photos, videos and results at


An excitable delicatessen owner who did not appreciate being given funny money was played by Stephen Raschke. Neal Broswick took the role of a police officer on the trail of the counterfeiters – or was he? An honest police officer who put all the bad guys away – that was the role played by Alex Arduini. Arduini also directed and produced the play. This is her first season after taking the place of Krystle Moilliet, who founded After Hours Theatre six years ago. Other members of the crew included Philippa Sutterby, Ross Wilson, Crystal Wadlegger, Becki McLeod and Allison Loewen. Good-sized crowds turned out for the performances, which were held Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, plus a Saturday matinee. All were in the Pit at Clearwater Secondary School.

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