Calendar Lake Country
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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951 next to Tim Hortons
March 12, 2014
Inside Highway 97 Regular users of the access and egress to the new section of Highway 97 bypassing Oyama want the ministry of transportation to take another look at how vehicles get onto and off the highway on either end of Pelmewash Parkway. ...............................
SKATING and ice
fishing are not the only sports to be enjoyed on the ice of Wood Lake when it’s frozen solid and safe to be on as evidenced by these two having fun with their Flexifoil traction kites.
The last faint hope that Ashland Chemicals might be able to stay in business has died as the hope of reopening the Kelowna Pacific Railway line fades away. ...............................
Coroner’s report the death of hunter Tracy Darren De Montezuma has been ruled accidental by a B.C. coroner. ...............................
Flyers ■ Bulk Barn ■ Coopers ■ Jysk ■ Rona ■ Staples ■ Shoppers Drug Mart
Bev March Lake Country’s Citizen of 2013 A volunteer with the Lake Country community food bank, the Lake Country senior’s centre and the Winfield Hospital Auxiliary has been named Lake Country Citizen of the Year. Bev Marsh was recently named 2013 Citizen of the Year and Sax Koyama Award recipient by the Oceola Fish and Game Club. Mayor Baker presented her with
a personal plaque at the Oceola Fish and Game Club’s annual banquet in February. The Sax Koyama Award is presented annually to a Lake Country citizen who has shown an outstanding contribution with direct benefit to the community. Besides being a busy and great grandma, Bev is very involved in the life of the community
in Lake Country. She began volunteering at the Winfield Food Bank in 1987, before Lake Country was incorporated, and she is still there providing much appreciated assistance to Phylis Macpherson. Bev assists with the meals and catering program at Lake Country Seniors’ Centre; and has been on the Winfied Hospital Auxiliary since
2006 in addition to helping out at baby clinics and flu clinics. Bev is cheerful, energetic and a hard worker, always dedicated, happy and willing to help anyone. Her family and volunteering have always been a high priority to Bev, and the district say it’s fortunate to have such a dedicated, involved citizen in Lake Country.
BEV MARSH named Lake Country’s Citizen of the Year by Mayor James Baker.
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Homes From $379,900 - $549,900 Maintenance Free, Fully Landscaped Lot Show Home open Thu-Mon 11-4, Tue-Wed 12-4 13075 Lake Hill Drive, Lake Country (Just turn west at Tim Horton’s, on Oceola in Winfield)
adult community
Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Neighbours launch petition to improve safety of access to new Hwy 97 RICHARD ROLKE
ing concerns that Lake Country’s new section of Highway 97 is placing
There are grow-
motorists at risk. Complaints are surfacing about the exit/
entrances from the upper-level highway at both ends of Pelmewash
Parkway—the old section of the highway. “The merging is very
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dangerous,” said Jim Anvari, an Oyama resident, of the southern exit near the Tim Hortons. Anvari says vehicles trying to get off Pelmewash Parkway and on to Highway 97 South cannot see the highway traffic until the merge lane is almost used up. “I was concerned at first with the safety of my own family and then I found out my neighbours have the same concerns,” said Anvari, who has launched a petition urging the Ministry of Transportation to take action. “The merging even becomes more dangerous when multiple cars and trucks try to do this merging. Imagine adding a school bus to the mix during morning commute.” Lake Country councillor Owen Dickie drives the route frequently, and says part of the problem is vehicles on Pelmewash Parkway are doing 50 kilometres an hour while those on the highway are speeding. “No one is doing the posted 70 kilometres an hour on the highway when the merge occurs,” he said, adding that an earth berm also obstructs visibility. Dickie wants the speed limit sign moved back on the highway to notify motorists to slow down and he would like the berm carved down in size. Problems also apparently exist at the north end of Pelmewash Parkway, where it exits/
enters the new highway. “There is no indication of a tight corner,” said Dickie. “The speed limit should be 20 kilometres an hour but there are no signs that say that. Reasonable signage should be mandatory.” The most significant risk apparently comes from large trucks trying to access or leave the industrial area in Oyama. “There have been four accidents in that area recently and something ▼ has to be done,” said Coun. Jamie McEwan. Dickie has discussed both ends of Pelmewash Parkway with the Ministry of Transportation, but the department has stated the route is sufficiently designed. “They have forgotten or overlooked the exits and entrances on to Pelmewash,” he said. The District of Lake Country will pursue the matter with the ministry. “It may be properly engineered but it’s not signed properly at the speeds it was engineered for,” said Mayor James Baker.
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 12, 2014 A3
‘Faint straws of hope’ fade for Ashland JENNIFER SMITH There was almost a collective sigh of relief Tuesday when Ashland Chemicals manager Kelly Brown told his staff of 32 they would close the doors for good. Business globally has not been good since 2008 and Ashland International had identified that the Canadian customer base was not even keeping pace with the lower performance. All of this was before Kelowna Pacific Railway collapsed, spiking the means of importing the chemicals from Texas needed to make their resins and gelcoats. “Basically, we were suffering and just trying to eke out a living here,” said Brown. He was in Ontario on vacation last July when he learned KPR had
gone into receivership, stopping rail service in large part because their financial problems were just too great to maintain the rail line itself. The train was running slower and slower, making it less and less useful to customers, not to mention increasing the risk it would crash with a load of Ashland’s chemicals. The Lac-Mégantic derailment happened the next day. A 74-car freight train carrying crude oil exploded in the small Quebec town, blowing up 30 buildings and killing 47 people. That was when Brown says he knew it was over. “It was like being told your mother is dying,” he said. The last half year has been a perpetual exercise in grasping at faint straws of hope, knowing full well that jobs
would be lost, including his own. “I tried to work with the shippers that were on the line here in Kelowna. There wasn’t a lot of high interest,” he said. “If you’re just selling metal parts, just to truck it up to Kamloops is not a big deal.” As of close of business March 5, CN Rail had not received a business proposal from the one proponent who had expressed interest in reopening the line. CN is working with the individual and there is no date set for when a proposal would need to be filed by, according to Emily Hamer, CN public and government affairs. Should this new operator fail to materialize, however, the federal, provincial and municipal governments will each
have 30 days, in succession, to purchase the line for public use. Employees at Ashland, meanwhile, began the process of beginning anew Wednesday. “Ashland has been very good to us,” said Brown, noting severance packages and support services have been provided so the employees can find new work. Concerns raised by Ashland’s lawyers that hundreds of jobs could be lost in surrounding businesses because the company has pulled out of the region are likely for naught. Brown said the local Ashland plant, in fact, sold to suppliers who would then turn around and sell to local customers. The major change will be that their supplies now come from a different state, he said.
Compost your garden to health It’s a chance to cut your garbage in half and do your yard a huge favour this summer. Subsidized backyard composters are for sale again through the regional waste reduction office. Composters are $35 (tax included), a big savings from the regular $100 retail price. But you’ll need to pre-order online if you want one. The sale runs through March 31, with composters ready for pickup in Lake Country on May 3 (from 2 to 4 p.m.). Place your order by visiting “We’re doing a pre-order sale again this year to make sure anyone who wants a composter gets one,” said Rae Stewart, waste reduction facilitator. “We’ve found people like this type of sale better than the big one day, one location only sales of the past where it’s first come, first serve and then
De Montezuma’s hunting death ruled an accident A coroner’s investigation into the death of a man who died while hunting near Lake Country in 2012 has confirmed the initial findings that his death was accidental. B.C. coroner Andrew Cave released the findings of his investigation into the death of Tracy Darren De Montezuma in October of 2012, ruling that the hunter died when the rifle he was carrying through rough terrain discharged accidentally, causing him to shoot himself in the chest. In his report the coroner states the 52-yearold De Montezuma was traversing over some fallen trees in the early evening hours of Sept. 29, 2012, when the .270 calibre Winchester rifle accidentally discharged as he was either crawling or high-stepping, to get over two fallen trees. The report states that De Montezuma was by himself, checking out an area near Wilma Lake for a planned hunt the next day when he failed to return home. He was reported missing by his family and an extensive search was conducted by search and rescue crews and family members,
who found the man’s body five days later. The coroner says De Montezuma’s body was found lying supine on the ground, near two large trees that were laying parallel to the ground, but were held above ground level by other fallen trees. “The heights of the tree trunks would have necessitated high steps or crawling to maneuver over them,” Cave stated in his report. “On the opposite side of the
wind-fallen trees a .270 calibre bolt action Winchester rifle was found on the ground with the barrel pointing in the direction of Mr. De Montezuma. The safety mechanism was in the off position.” The coroner stated that De Montezuma had a single gunshot wound to the left side of his lower chest and determined the death was accidental. He ruled out homicide and suicide and said the man had no
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other health issues. The coroner did not make any recommendations after his investigation. A resident of Carr’s Landing who was married with one child at the time of the accident, De Montezuma’s body was found just 600 metres from where he had parked his truck, well hidden and dressed in camouflage, in an area east of Lake Country that had been searched several times by rescuers.
De Montezuma’s family was at the scene when his body was discovered, along with many community members who had volunteered to assist with the search. Dennis Bugera, a friend of De Montezuma’s, described him as an experienced outdoorsman who “knew his stuff,” a good husband and awesome machinist who worked for the K&S Machine Shop in Lake Country.
they’re gone. Once you place your order, we’ll bring the composters to pre-arranged locations in your community in early May for easy pickup.” Stewart says one third to half of household waste is easily compostable. “If you recycle and compost you could be putting as little as one or two grocery bags worth of garbage out for collection a week, far less taxing on our one remaining landfill. And by adding nutrient rich compost to your garden, it’s pay dirt for your soil—greener grass, healthier flowers, more robust fruits and veggies,” he said. Choose from three types of composters. New this year is a onepiece backyard composter, the FreeGarden Earth ($35), plus the Green Cone food digester ($95) and the Wormcycler
worm bin ($80.) “Backyard composting doesn’t suit everyone, so we’re also offering the Green Cone food digester,” said Stewart. “If you have no use for finished compost, this unit is low maintenance, takes all types of food waste, including fruit and vegetable scraps, cooked and uncooked meat, fish, bones and dairy products, and can handle pet waste. We’ll also have worm bin composters available, which are the perfect model for apartment or condo dwellers.” For details on the composter sale, to place your order, view your payment options-including online payment, or simply to find out more about which model is best for you, visit or call the office at 250-469-6250.
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951
Relationships we build I n the space of three days, I lost one old friend and found another. At my age, old friends seem to be an endangered species. One after another, they exit into the wings and don’t return for the curtain call.
DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.
CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
Barry Gerding Editor
Tessa Ringness Production Manager
Sheri Jackson
Life and Faith
Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688
Jim Taylor
Teresa Huscroft-Brown
The most recent departure was Bob Scott, aged 84. I remember Bob principally as a performer—whether in front of his classes at Seneca College in Toronto, in the choir at Parkwoods
Creative Consultant Production Designer Phone 250-766-4688 Fax 250-862-5275
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British Columbia and Yukon Community Newspapers Association
Forget issues, pass the muffins
roceedings here at the B.C. legislature were briefly thrust into the spotlight last week, firing up the radio talk shows and Twitter feeds. No, it wasn’t the B.C. Liberal government forcing through legislation to allow industrial “research” for things like pipeline routes in provincial parks, or the debate on sanctioned wolf and grizzly kills. It wasn’t the teacher strike vote, as the scripted motions of that ritual combat are well known to weary parents. It was muffins. More specifically, “free” muffins in a newly relocated and equipped MLA lounge, and a rack installed to hold the said muffins at a cost of $733. This was portrayed as part of a spending spree by Richmond East MLA Linda Reid, elected Speaker last summer. In fact it’s just the latest phase of a strikingly expensive refit to provide wheelchair access, which Reid has championed.
BC Views
Tom Fletcher The new MLA lounge replaces a seldom-used one at the top of steep stairs high in the 1898 stone structure. The new lounge is served by a ramp near the chamber exit to another underused room in the library, and equipped with big-screen TVs to follow proceedings, similar to those installed in the legislature chamber last year. Everything done here is expensive, from matching ornate woodwork to upgrading ancient plumbing and wiring. But the public, conditioned by media to
expect corruption and scandal, would rather be outraged about free muffins. Prior to this, MLAs had to troop down to the basement dining room to put muffins and coffee on their expense accounts, or have an assistant fetch them. The outraged talk shows didn’t mention that. There are access issues in the dining room too, a fact more difficult to ignore with Children and Family Development Minister Stephanie Cadieux, Paralympian Michelle Stilwell and former Vancouver mayor Sam Sullivan now elected to serve using their wheelchairs. A costly new outside access ramp assisted Kenny Michell, who visited last week to tell his harrowing story of the Burns Lake sawmill explosion that nearly burned him to death in 2012 and left him in a wheelchair. The NDP brought a delegation of survivors and family mem-
bers of the dead from sawdust explosions in Burns Lake and Prince George. They supported the opposition’s demand for an independent inquiry, although their own demands ranged from counselling for long-suffering wives to seeing someone punished for alleged negligence. The scandal pushed in this tragic story is that some evidence was not protected by WorkSafeBC and wouldn’t have been admissible in court. Prosecutors also said they had enough evidence for charges, but the companies or executives would be able to show “due diligence” that would likely result in acquittal. What that means in English is that the explosion risk of extra-dry dust and air wasn’t fully grasped by either mill operators or WorkSafeBC. All B.C. mills are now subject to more scrutiny, and a coroner’s inquest will be call-
ing witnesses this fall to see what lessons can be learned. Back to pipelines through parks. This may seem like a scandal to urban B.C. residents who already fret about the possibility of the 60-year-old Trans Mountain pipeline, or one of several proposed gas pipelines, intruding on a park. It’s not as well known that Trans Mountain completed a major twinning and upgrading project on the Alberta side in 2008. It crosses Mount Robson Provincial Park and Jasper National Park, without incident or scandal to date. But back to muffingate, as it’s become known around here. I don’t know why people are so cynical and uninterested in serious issues. I wish I did. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. @tomfletcherbc
United Church, or dominating the stage in plays and musicals put on by the local theatre group. For decades, his rich and rumbling bass anchored the church choir. Admittedly, not all the choir directors appreciated his irreverent sense of humour or his boyish delight in puncturing balloons of pretension. As a thespian, Bob starred in the play Inherit the Wind—the dramatization of the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925—as the bombastic Matthew Harrison Brady. Although Brady’s theology was far from Bob’s own, Bob threw himself into the part with a passion that made Spenser Tracy look like a bumbling amateur. Bob and I played rivals on stage, and became friends in life. No one will ever be an understudy for Bob
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 12, 2014 A5
news ▼ OTTAWA
Healthy policies promote healthy hearts Protecting integrity of every ballot KERRI WALL Maintaining and improving our health and the health of our loved ones is important. There are memories to make, projects to complete and relationships to savour. Thankfully, the Heart and Stroke Foundation tells us there is much about our personal health that is within our control. If we do not smoke, control our use of alcohol, manage our weight, engage in regular physical activity and learn to manage stress, the likelihood of having heart problems decreases dramatically. This is good news. Our personal routines and habits play an
important role in keeping us healthy but most of us also need support and encouragement from those around us. I never learned to meditate until I had a friend invite me to take a course with her. And that same friend never used to swim but now comes to the pool with me every week. But it’s not just about social support. Policies that promote healthier foods and environments help create healthier people. Our environments play a big role in our ability to adopt healthy habits and stick with them. Many local governments around British Columbia are passing smoke-free bylaws. Communities such
as Salmon Arm, Revelstoke and Penticton have all passed bylaws that restrict smokers from lighting up in parks, sports fields and playgrounds. Perhaps surprisingly, research is showing that smokers are among the people that support these bylaws the most. By creating more smoke-free environments we reduce the risks of second hand smoke and reduce the likelihood the next generation will see smoking as socially acceptable. Policies that target the food industry can also improve health. A recent study concluded people who get 25 per cent or more of their daily calories from added sugar are three times more
likely to die of heart disease. Reducing added sugar in foods can help reduce the risk of heart disease; that’s why the Canadian Medical Association, the Childhood Obesity Foundation and the Canadian Institute for Health Research are all calling for regulations on the amount of sugar the food industry can add to items like pop, juice and cereal. Healthy policies like these make it easier for us all to make healthier choices. Heart disease is largely avoidable when we all do our parts —both individually and together. Kerri Wall is a community health facilitator with Interior Health.
Connection with lost friend like a resurrection
Scott. And the old friend found again? That’s a 5longer story. In 1971, I was sent to the impoverished African nation of Malawi, to help an ecumenical consortium of churches there develop print materials to help them solicit funds from European aid agencies. To learn about their work first hand, I was sent out in a station wagon with a driver, a photographer, and a young man named Sam Nazombe. We slept on beaches under the stars, in borrowed beds, in stuffy tents. We tramped through shoulder-high grass to draw water from hidden springs and pumped water from deep boreholes. We hoed fields of vegetables,
counted pills in illstocked medical clinics, and kicked soccer balls with shrieking school children. Sam decided he wanted to be a journalist, like me. Two years later, he came to Canada for an apprenticeship of sorts. The bewildered kid from Central Africa arrived in a snowstorm in January. He left in a snowstorm in April. During his three months in Canada, he never once saw a green leaf or blade of grass. But he wrote stories. He met other journalists. He boiled maple syrup in the bush. He rode a toboggan down a ravine. After Sam returned to Malawi, we sent letters back and forth for about seven years. Then Sam vanished. I heard he had died. Like singer Peggy
Lee, I wondered, “Is that all there is?” No, it isn’t. Sam’s son, Anthony, tracked me down through the Internet. Anthony now lives in Australia, with his wife and infant daughter. He wants to stay in touch with me. It felt like a resurrection. It confirms my conviction that relationships
often last longer than the individuals who formed them. For good or ill, they will surface again, unexpectedly, unpredictably. And they will continue to affect lives. Fare thee well, Bob. Welcome back, Anthony. To old friends, and new friends, l’chaim! Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.
Winfield Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages
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n response to Bill C-23, the Fair Elections Act, concerns have been raised that by removing the ability to vouch for someone at the ballot box, as the bill proposes, some Canadians will not be able to exercise their right to vote, especially our most vulnerable citizens including the homeless, senior citizens and students. The Fair Elections Act, available to read at, strives to ensure the protection and integrity of every ballot cast. Additionally, the current options available for proving one’s identity already include provisions that recognize the challenges facing the homeless, seniors and students. Throughout the ongoing debate in the House of Commons, and through correspondence sent to me from
MP’s Report
Ron Cannan constituents, it has become clear that some citizens, and even some parliamentarians, are not aware of the many number of ways one can validate their identity at the polling station. Government issued photo ID with your name and address is the simplest option, but is not the only option; voters can present two original pieces of authorized identification, where both pieces include your
t yourself... with luscio
name and one includes your address. For your information, here is the Elections Canada list of valid identification, also available at Please note the last item, which is of particular importance to the homeless, seniors and students: • Driver’s Licence • Health Card • Canadian Passport • Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (Citizenship Card) • Birth Certificate • Certificate of Indian Status (Status Card) • Social Insurance Number Card • Old Age Security Card • Student ID Card • Provincial/Territorial Identification Card • Liquor Identification Card • Hospital/Medical
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Composter Sale
Pre-order ONLY March 1st to March 31st NEWRE! U FEAT FreeGarden Earth Composter ($35), single unit construction = easy assembly, 100% recycled content, easy transport.
• Green Cone Food Digesters ($95), also available - handles all kitchen and food waste, pet waste too!
Everyone Welcome!
• Worm bins too, ($80) - great for apartments or condos.
Minister: Jim Hannah
• Pre-order sale only, March 1 to March 31 (composters ready for pickup in early May).
THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387 To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688
Calendar Lake Countr y
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
To place your order visit or call the Regional Waste Reduction ) lue va 0 10 ($ Office at 250.469.6250.
Composter just
Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Get that project off the ground with a food and wine writers workshop The 2014 Okanagan Food & Wine Writers Workshop takes place May 9 to 11, at The Cove Lakeside Resort in West Kelowna. Writers have until March 15 to
register at the early bird pricing of $495 (regular price $575 thereafter). This year’s faculty includes Anita Stewart, creator of Food Day Canada, author and
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co-author of 14 books on Canadian food and wines, and senior editor at Taste and Travel magazine. Stewart is also Canada’s first food laureate. Neal McLennan is an award-winning writer, food and travel editor at Western Living magazine, and spirits columnist at Vancouver magazine. Penticton-based food and travel writer, Ros-
3785 Casorso Road
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Hi my name is Spaghetti and like my name you will want to slurp me up. I came in with my friend Linguini, who is equally delicious. If you would like to meet me, please ask the staff at the Kelowna Shelter.
and author of Food and the City, food columnist for Eighteen Bridges magazine, and founder of the workshop rounds out the 2014 faculty. The workshop registration includes all meals, professional development sessions and Kelowna wine country experiences on the program. Also for the first time, the workshop takes place during the Okanagan Spring Wine Fes-
tival, which will enhance the experience of the writers. “At its core, this workshop is about bringing writers together in an environment where they can learn from the fantastic instructors and experts, and from one another,” said Cockrall-King. “It’s essential to me that writers really feel empowered and inspired to finally dive into that food or wine
writing project that has been simmering in their brains for so long by the end of the workshop.” For more information visit; or on
Voice your opinion on the future of TV in Canada CANNAN FROM A5
Kelowna Shelter
lyne Buchanan is a journalist and communications strategist working as a freelance food, drink, travel and lifestyle writer for various local and online publications. Nancy Wise of Sandhill Book Marketing Ltd. is a self-published author, book marketer and publishing veteran with expertise in food, drink and lifestyle books. Jennifer Cockrall-King, food writer
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Go outside.
Call FortisBC’s 24-hour emergency line at 1-800-663-9911 or 911.
• Outdoors or Wilddence issued by the rement of Benefits. (Eleclife Card/Licence sponsible authority of a tions Canada also notes • Hospital braceFirst Nations band or re- that for electors residlet worn by residents of serve ing in seniors’ residences long-term care facilities • Government cheque and long-term care fa• Parolee Identifior cheque stub cilities, a photocopy of cation Card. Original • Pension Plan Statean item on the list is acdocuments (with name ment of Benefits, Conceptable. This exception and address) tributions or Participais made to address the • Utility Bill (teletion fact that when residents phone, TV, public util• Residential Lease/ are admitted, they rouities commission, hydro, Mortgage Statement tinely transfer their origas or water) • Income/Property ginal ID to the adminis• Bank/Credit Card Tax Assessment Notice trator or to members of Statement • Insurance Policy their family.) • Vehicle Ownership/ • Letter from a public The debate on the Fair Insurance curator, public guardian Elections Act is encour• Correspondence or public trustee aging us to think about issued by a school, col• One of the followthe importance to act as lege or university ing, issued by the respon- a responsible citizen and • Statement of Govsible authority of a shelexercise our vote. ernment Benefits (emter, soup kitchen, stuAs citizens, if we truly ployment insurance, old dent/senior residence, or value that right to vote, age security, social assist- long-term care facility: surely we accept that the ance, disability support Attestation of Residence, responsibility yard waste ad jan13:Layout 1 1/25/13 8:35 AM Pagelies1 squareor child tax benefit) Letter of Stay, Admisly with each of us to en• Attestation of Resision Form or Statesure we have the proper
Yard Waste Collection is back on!
• Yard waste pick up every two weeks through the end of November. • Just put your material right into the cart, close the lid and wheel it out for pickup. • Accepted items include grass clippings, leaves, needles, prunings, fruit droppings and branches. • NOTE: yard waste must fit in the cart with the lid closed. • NO garbage, plastic bags, flower pots, rocks, soil, sod or kitchen scraps please.
Natural gas is used safely in B.C. every day. But if you smell rotten eggs, go outside first, then call us.
Learn more at FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (14-117.2 03/2014)
Contact your municipality for additional curbside yard waste collection options, or visit A PROGRAM OF THE REGIONAL DISTRICT OF CENTRAL OKANAGAN, THE CITY OF KELOWNA, & THE DISTRICTS OF WEST KELOWNA, LAKE COUNTRY & PEACHLAND
forms of ID in hand. When the next federal election comes in 2015, I urge you all to take the time, ensure you have the proper identification, and guarantee your vote will be counted.
The CRTC wants your input on the future of television and wants to put Canadians at the centre of their television system to ensure that. As a citizen, you can participate fully in the life of your country, province and community; as a consumer, you have programming choices, on many competitive platforms, such as cable, satellite, the Internet or mobile devices; and as a content creator, you have opportunities to produce content for Canadians and international audiences. The CRTC is inviting Canadians to provide input by filling out the Let’s Talk TV: Choicebook questionnaire, available at www.crtc. until 8 pm EST March 14, 2014. A paper copy of Choicebook can be obtained by contacting the CRTC at 1-877-249CRTC (2782). You are encouraged to fill out Choicebook, share it with your friends and family, and seize the opportunity to tell the CRTC your thoughts about the future of Canada’s television system. I encourage constituents who are interested in the future of TV in Canada to participate and have your say. Ron Cannan is the Member of Parliament for Kelowna-Lake Country.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 12, 2014 A7
Guides, Scouts not a babysitting service
To the editor: This letter is, if anything, very informative to any parent. It is especially for those parents wanting to have their children involved with Girl Guides of Canada and/ or Scouts Canada, both of which are based on volunteers. I am a father of two great girls who, for all their lives have been involved with many things in the Lake Country and Kelowna area. One of those involvements was, and for our older daughter still is, Girl Guides of Canada. Again, run completely by volunteers. Our eldest daughter started at six years of age in Sparks and worked her way diligently and lovingly all the way through Guides to become a leader in her own community in Guiding. As she started out as a leader, she found her group of first year Guides to be small and
Yard waste
Yard waste pick-up is back underway in Lake Country ever second week until the end of November. As a quick reminder, this is what you can put in the cart: • Grass, leaves pine needles and pine cones • Garden plants, corn and tomato stalks • Branches and prunings up to five centimeters (two inches) in diameter and less than one metre (three feet) in length. Residents are reminded not to put the yard waste in plastic bags.
The newly established Oyama Community Garden is filling up. With 16 of the 21 community garden plots already spoken for, the project is looking like a success before it is even built. If you are interested in one of the remaining plots be sure to contact Marj at 250548-3837 or e-mail The cost is $20/year for an eight by 16 foot plot. Up next in the construction of the new community garden is a shed.
unfortunately it remained small. She was however, determined to make it work, volunteering her time and efforts after a full shift at work. Let’s remember at this time she is only 20 years old and attempting to teach the ways she so admirably learned over the past years to younger girls. With a large group, one just figure’s there will be late show-ups and those who forget altogether of the meetings which are always on the same evening. But in a smaller group, and our daughter being so diligent in making sure everyone knows of the next meeting via texting, phoning, and email, how hard could it be to at least be there or even call to say you won’t be? In all the years my spouse and I were involved, we made sure to
at least call and at least help out wherever we could to make the transition from “little girl” to “young lady” in our children and others within the Guiding community go smoothly and comfortably. That being said, I am shocked to find out about a parent within our own community had the nerve to email our daughter (the Guiding leader) and label her as “falling apart” with “poor me problems” leaving her in tears at her work place because she was asking for help with their children. Shame on you. Our daughter has been alone as a leader the whole time and by Guiding standards each group is supposed to have two leaders. They have now merged her group with a group of Brownies and it is going fairly well. With things being the
way they are, it is normal to have parents step in and help out with their children: ie: driving for cookie sales, rides to and from camps, and yes, from time to time helping where you can at any meetings. After all, it is about the growth of our children. Girl Guides of Canada is not a babysitting arena for parents to just drop off their children for a couple hours. It is however, a great place and opportunity for parents to be around your children while they learn and grow, it is also a place for parents to learn to grow and “grow up.” So rather than lash out toward another young woman asking for help, how about calling and offering her a little help instead? A parent of a wonderful Girl Guide leader.
226 athletes from the Thompson - Okanagan competed at the 2014 BC Winter Games bringing home 65 medals. Thank you to the coaches, officials, volunteers, and families who support these growing champions. See photos, videos and results at
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 12, 2014 A9
Water meters on their way KEVIN PARNELL The District of Lake Country is kicking off plans to cut back water consumption by 25 per cent by installing universal water meters in the district in farms and in homes over the next two years. Lake Country is a couple of years into a 20year water master plan to improve its water infrastructure to the tune of $79 million and the next phase of the plan will move into action this year with universal water metering, measuring the water that a person uses and charging them for over-use. The district will first be installing water meters on its agriculture users, and then, next year, moving on to residential homes. “We still need to determine the rate structure, but when we talk about universal water metering as whole, one of the reasons to move towards it is equity of rates,” said Greg Bucholz, Lake Country’s operations manager. “You pay for what you use so somebody that is being water-wise can save some money and someone who is using water like there is no tomorrow will pay more if they are being really abusive.” Much remains up in the air when it comes to how water metering will change the way farmers and residential customers utilize water in Lake Country, but the district is moving forward with plans to get in line with communities around the Okanagan, many of which have water metering programs already in place. District council has committed $1 million towards the program this year as staff will install meters on up to 500
Oyama Traditional School studied all year for their 5th annual CanSpell Spelling Bee last Friday. It was only after the first few rounds that the bell dinged signaling a misspelled word and disqualification. Slowly, students vacated their spots, eventually leaving four students, then three, then two. The final words ‘adolescence’ and ‘choreographer’ were correctly spelled by the eventual winner, Sama, pictured in the middle. Jenna placed second, River was third.
agricultural connections in Lake Country before spending $3 million to install them in residential homes in Lake Country in 2015. To ease customers into the program a mock billing program will also take place before a new rate structure is in place, scheduled for 2017. “We’re not looking at wholesale changes in rates,” said Bucholz. “We’re not looking to the meters to secure additional funding.
Hello! I’d like to re-introduce myself! My name is Sheri Jackson, and I will once again be your sales rep for the Lake Country Calendar. I was a part of the Lake Country Calendar at the beginning of 2013, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Not to worry, all is well, and I am better than ever now. However, I didn’t get to fulfill my duties in Lake Country, so this is something that I am truly looking forward to doing. I have been with Black Press, which owns the Lake Country Calendar, for over seven years in both the production and sales departments. I am eager to be a part of the great community of Lake Country. During my transition, if you need immediate assistance please don’t hesitate to call me at 250-979-7323. I look forward to meeting with you and helping you with your marketing needs.
Sheri Jackson
Advertising Representative 250.766.4688, ext. 7317 fax: 250.862.5275 email:
Cod Gone Wild
Sunday, March 16 • 3pm
Join Cod Gone Wild for a special St. Patrick’s matinee show and help them celebrate the release of their brand new album entitled, “Battered and Fried.” They will be performing the entire album front to back as well as some of their personal St. Patrick’s Day favourites. The show will also feature the four part harmony bliss of the Okanagan Celtic Choir. This is a hand clapping’ foot stompin’ good time you do not want to miss!
Tickets: $27 adults • $25 student/senior • $92 group of 4
Caladh nua
Tuesday, April 1 • 7:30pm
Caladh Nua - pronc: Coll-ah Noo-Ah (meaning ‘New Harbour’ or ‘New Haven’) is a tightly-knit, vibrant & talented band with its origins deeply rooted in the south-eastern counties of Ireland. Comprising of 5 versatile musicians & singers playing a wide selection of instruments - the band has captured the essential qualities of traditional Irish music & balanced them with an innovative contemporary styling.
Tickets : $27 General. $25 Students. Group of 4 tickets $92
lorne elliott
Friday April 25 • 7:30pm
Sigh Kobayashi Memorial Bursary for the Arts/Spring Fling presents LORNE ELLIOTT in Concert. Bring out your spare funny bones! Lorne Elliott is set to send your giggles “madly off in all directions”. With his barely tamed afro, his rubbery face and his miniature guitar, the Canadian musical comedian is the master of all that is silly, side-splitting and strange. Combining dry humour with musical numbers and skits, Elliott is a shrewd observer of the behaviour of the Canadian human animal. Often self-deprecating, always silly and never profane, Elliott’s funny is family friendly. Well known as the host of his own CBC Radio Comedy Series which went on for 11 seasons, Elliott has been performing professionally on stage for more than two decades. His ability to entertain is as keen as his wit. Lorne has been featured on numerous Theatre Arts festivals, he is also an award-winning playwright and his plays are regularly produced across Canada.
Tickets: General $27. Students /seniors $25. Group of 4 tickets $92.
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Valleyview Dignity Memorial For us, there is no higher honour than to be chosen to bring loved ones, friends and a lifetime of memories together of a Aron Meier in celebration Glen Whittaker special life. Assistant Manager Funeral Director Proudly offering reward miles on all pre-arrangements
Valleyview Funeral Home 165 Valleyview Road • 250-765-3147
Men’s bonspiel kicks of Friday, March 14 Congratulations to Team BC for placing second at the Brier in Kamloops. The Alberta team is the Canadian Men’s Champion and will be off to the Men’s Worlds. There was some pretty amazing shot making from all the teams and I had the honour of watching Team BC vs Ontario and Manitoba
as well. Team BC dominated Ontario but had to go an extra end against Manitoba’s Stoughton, losing by one in the eleventh end. The Brier Patch was pretty fun as everyone watches the two big screens they have set up, or the on stage show every evening. If you did manage to
Healthy Children
The last round of play-offs is this week and has Laface playing Nagel, and Siegmann curling against Hughes. The winners of these two games will play each other to determine a grand champion on Wednesday. Then, two days later our annual Men’s Bonspiel kicks off on Friday, March 14 and runs till
Sunday, March 16, with 32 teams participating. Good luck to all teams and don’t forget to have some fun. That’s it for this week and good curling.
Terri Palmer is the manager of the Winfield Curling Club. 250-766-3318
Healthy Smiles
take in some Brier games you know what I mean by fun. Back at the Winfield Curling Club, congratulations go to Team Tetlock for winning Monday night men’s league, Team Picco for coming first in the Tuesday night ladies league, and the Laface foursome for dominating Thursday night men’s league.
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Ken Goodwin
There are many different factors to go into quoting on a renovation project. Be sure that every estimate has the same scope of work. If the estimates are vague and you cannot understand the information make sure to ask the contractor to clarify it in writing. If they only offer verbal clarification it might be wise to eliminate that contractor from the bidding. If unforeseen problems arise during the renovation and more work is required make sure the contractor re-issues a revised quote and you are in full agreement for the extra work. Every project is customized to meet our clients’ needs, therefore the scope and cost of each renovation varies. We want to work within your budget; we offer free consultations, estimates and clear and fair pricing.
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You’ve viewed the home and have decided this is the one you want to offer on, you can ask to see the Property Disclosure Statement; this is a seller’s declaration of important information about the home. Not every seller will be aware of or report every physical aspect of the property that needs attention, remember… you and the seller are both aiming to maximize your investment. It’s crucial you conduct a professional home inspection of the inside and outside of the property prior indicates this to completingThis on your purchase. Q&A is goodyour to go. To protect your interests, offer should be conditional upon a satisfactory home inspection report. A walk through of the property with the home inspector is recommended. You will also be provided with a detailed report of the home a list of items that may need attention or fixing along with approximate costs. This important information will assist you in making your final decision and help in preventing unexpected costs after you have moved in.
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I have three different estimates and the prices vary greatly?
Country are participating in the Okanagan Boys and Girls Club’s Torch Club, a free junior leadership program and gets pre-teens engaged in their community. The Lake Country Torch Club chose to bring awareness to the SPCA and Pink Shirt Day through fundraisers at the club and at Lake Country Coopers. Pictured left to right: Trista Kruiper (volunteer mentor), Mekhila Brown, Rilei McWhirter, Danika Rood, Ashley Higgins and Gracie Reid.
Darla 250-215-3315
What causes gout and how can I treat it?
Gout is caused by an accumulation of uric acid, a breakdown product of digested protein specifically purines - in our diet. Uric acid can stay dissolved in the blood but if it accumulates enough it will deposit in our joints and cause pain. The most common joint this occurs in is the big toe joint. The big toe joint is the coolest in the body and the uric acid will often deposit there. Foods that are high in purines that contribute to gout include beer and alcohol, anchovies, breads, fish roe, meats, sardines, yeast, seafood, liver, dried beans, mushrooms, peas, and spinach. Cutting these foods out of your diet will help reduce symptoms. Foods that are beneficial for those with gout include dark berries, vegetables not listed above, nuts, eggs, fatty acids found in salmon, flax oil, low fat dairy, and tofu made from soybeans. A family history of gout can also predispose you to this problem. Chronic gout can in turn also cause arthritis. If your big toe joint becomes painful, red and inflamed, seeing your podiatrist can help control your symptoms and prevent them from recurring.
25-1710 Ellis Street Kelowna, BC 778-484-2284
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Copyright © 2014, Penny Press
creature need 24.Select 46.Every 25.Strife 47.District 27.Set ablaze 48.Mouthpiece part 29.Familiarized 49.Was aware of 30.Tap 31.Snaky curve 51.Achievement 52.Tots up 33.Lions or Tigers 55.Commandment LAKE number 35.Sip Country farmers will have universal water meters connected to their water supply this year as part of the district’s plans to install meters on agriculture and residential users over the next two years.
32.Deal 59.Held ACROSS 1. Appealed 34.Relations 60.MachineCONTRIBUTED stitched 5. Seniors’ 36.Ages dance 61.Probability 37.Cedar and 9. Fancy resort chestnut, e.g. 12.It conquers ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 701 39.Cookie box all 41.“____ Now DOWN 13.Building Jack jor watershed for the en- of the key reasons to get or Never” WATER FROM A9 ing forward slowly1.with overhang 42.Swiss plans topeak mock bill forHorner’s tirefruit region and we have water meters installed is 14.____-tac-toe What we are trying to 44.Skier’s aid to any2.rateSolitaryto be mindful of how we the district’s ability to go a year prior 15.Everywhere 3. Proof use water. This will allow after funding from the achieve is a 25 per cent 46.Reserve changes. But he added 17.Impersonate reduction in water usage. it’s Demonpeople to see how much province, to help offset forimportant a special that4.they We are looking to conpurpose newspaper, 18.TV, make these steps to water they are using project costs in the fu5. help Miles ____ serve water, especially at 50.Bamboo et al. water conservation. hour and if they are using too ture. peak19.Vowed times. That’s done “I think one of 6. the Grate much, adjust their be“The province has eater to secure water sup- 53.“We best benefi of univerhavior.” really promoted water ____tsthe 21.Ifa not 7. Egg shapes ply in23.____ times of a drought sal metering is it’s8. go-Free-for-alls Universal water meconservation, so in terms World” and to make sure water is 54.Disputed ing to bring residential of getting grants, if you anemone 9. Buck tering is part of the disavailable to downstream users into a user pay systrict’s 20-year-plan, do not have water con56.Average 24.Have 10.Tube users.” tem and hopefully rewhich began with the servation principles in grade 26.Building 11.Received a Lake annex Country coun- 57.____-slapper duce water consumption, construction of the Kalaplay, the grant monies high grade CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS cilor 28.Hill Jamie McEwan especially at peak times,” malak Lake Interconnect will not come,” he said. 58.Offspring USE AMERICAN SPELLING on
Goal is 25% water use reduction
says the district is mov-
he said. “We are a ma-
project. Bucholz says one
10.Long period 11.Nevertheless 17.Kitty’s comment 19.Unusual 22.Kick out 24.Price to retailers 25.Grandmother 26.Gait 27.Circle sections 28.____ Bunyan 33.Moon valleys
34.Memo error 37.Taunt 41.Talent 42.Baby sheep 44.Organ of smell 46.Hurry 47.Embroiders 48.Excessively 49.Night hunter 50.Blushing color 51.Total
Copyright © 2014, Penny Press
ACROSS 1. Middle Eastern bread 5. Felines 9. Society girl 12.Citrus coolers 13.Disorder 14.Not me 15.Security problem 16.Tree bauble 18.Builders 20.Sight organ 21.Wiped out 23.Has 27.Inclined 29.Gun a motor 30.Which thing?
31.Traitor 32.Decree 35.“____ Day at a Time” 36.Faction 38.Call out 39.Child’s seat 40.Large quantity 41.Paper fastener 43.Squid squirt 45.Browns bread 48.Slow mover 52.Stable dweller 53.Have bills 54.Speak indistinctly
55.Puff 56.Not new 57.Shade sources 58.Pairs
DOWN 1. Date producer 2. Thought 3. Stovetop water boiler 4. Inquirer 5. Intersected 6. Telecast 7. ____ down (softened) 8. Remain 9. Pigment
23.YoungA11 fell 24.Time perio 25.Emerald, e 26.Dripping 28.Cool drink Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date 29.Indicate ye •Lake Country HeaLtH PLanning SoCiety is hosting a general members meeting 31.Head topp on Mon., March 24 at 7pm at the Lake Country Seniors’ Society, 9832 Bottomwood Lake Rd. Anyone who is interested in the future of health and wellness in Lake Country is 32.Urban veh encouraged to attend. Memberships are $5. 34.Reveal
CoMMunity eVentS
•MLa norM LetniCk HeaLtH ForuM: Diet, Food and Health. Are you what you eat? Please join MLA Norm Letnick and health experts Dr. Mark Fromberg, Dr. Roger Crittenden and Tristan Smith, RD on Sat. March 22 from 1-3pm at Creekside Theatre. Admission is free. •LC SeniorS BuS SCHeDuLe Mon., March 17, 24, 31 Prime Time. Tues., March 18, 25, April 1 Winfield Senior Centre Lunch. Fri., March 28 Mystery Tour. To reserve seat on bus please phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-413. •St PatriCk’S tea & Bake SaLe Sat., March Copyright 15, 1-3pm at St. Edwards © 2014, Penny Press Church Hall, 11123 Okanagan Centre Rd. E. Also included will be live entertainment - Irish music & 31.Barnyard ACROSS DOWN singing by Ceol na hEirann. Everyone welcome. 1. Twitches •DanCe For tHe HeaLtH oF it!mother The last event of this will be March 17 when the 1. season Londoner’s memory of my husband will be honored. Classes will resume on Mon., Sept. 8 @ 1:45. 5. Center farewell: 32.Fuss: hyph. See you on the dance floor! For more info, please phone Mary 250-766-4651. 8.Country Extensions wds. 33.Sweet •Lake SeniorS Centre 9832root Bottom Wood2Lake Rd. That time again! Lake Country Seniors’ Centre will 34.Cave be holding flier their annual spring yard sale May 1. We are 12.Soreness 2. Bakery accepting donated items you no longer want call 250-766-4220 or Dorothy ANSWER at 250-766-TO PU 13.Shelley employee 4568 to arrange for drop off.35.Whittled offering 3. day Blacken •Lake Country SeniorS’ 36.Bed Centre would time bridge on Sunday part like to host 14.Loam afternoon from 1:30 enabling those that wish to play4. butEarnest don’t want to drive at night. 38.Irritate Please call thelubricant centre and leave your name or tell someone on the Tuesday night group. 15.Eye 39.Stage player 5. Grinding Call 250-766-4220. 16.Deserted •BaBytiMe For ageS newBorn to 18on MontHS at the Lake Country Branch of the tooth 41.Check 18.Entrance Okanagan Regional Library. Storytime for children 3 to 5 years old accompanied by 6. Religious 45.Cleaned up parents/caregivers. 20.Formed Join Pokey for FREE stories, action rhymes & more! Fridays at 10:15 statue am until May 2. *Note - no storytime on Fri., April 18 - Good Friday. No need to register 47.Candy ____ crust for theseafree programs – just drop in! The Lake Country Branch of the ORL is located at 7. Burrow 48.Evergreen 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. For more info please call the branch at 250-766-3141 or 21.Boat 8. Paper type visit propeller •ae tHeatre grouP workSHoP SerieS. Jan.-March 31. Rotary Centre for the Arts 9. Searches: 49.Noah’s craft 22.Motives (Kelowna), Voice Of Diversity (V0D) is an amateur theatre group recruiting passionate 2 wds.and visible minorities in 50.Prayer wordfor immigrants 23.Started members! VOD is a multicultural theatre group Kelowna. It encourages participation in a series of theatre workshops 10.Citrus fruit to make a creative 51.Sprinted 26.Pursue and positive change in us and in the community. Any immigrant or visible minority can load 52.Affirmative join. 27.Devotee No tuition fee! No age limit! If you are interested11.Husky’s in participating in thisCROSSWORD FREE theatre P workshop contactmetals YoungJae 53.Prime Kim at and 250-826-6502. 30.Native 17.Cavern reply USE AMERICAN •Lake Country Senior’S Centre 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road have started all there regular programs. Art, Tai Chi, Zumba. JOY Fitness, wood shop, line dancing, lunches, Prime Time, crib and bridge. Call 250-766-4220 for more information. •Lake Country HeaLtH PLanning is currently seeking volunteers to assist with a membership drive in March, if you are interested in being a member and helping with this please call 778-215-5247 (leave a message) or email lakecountryhealthplanning@gmail. com. •ViSit tHe Lake Country MuSeuM anD arCHiVeS at 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays fromPUZZLE 1 to 4pm,NO. and704 by appointment. Phone: 250-766-0111 or visit the website at www. 23.Game fish •Lake Country Senior’S BuFFet, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Frozen meals available 24.Dense mis for $5 and you can call 250-766-4220 to arrange for these and what is available. 25.Bend an _ •Lake Country FooD Bank has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join 27.Feeling our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all three days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of 28.Slanting groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis 29.Santa’s MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 staffer Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •PriMe tiMe iS a MuSiCaL entertainMent eVent. It takes place every Monday from 30.Go bad 1pm-3pm at the Lake Country Seniors Centre, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.,32.Pupil Lake Country. Tea and coffee is served. There is no charge for this event. If you need transporation, the seniors’ bus is available. For more information call Jimmie at 250-766-2513.36.Outs’ Prime Time is sponsored by Lake Country Health Planning Society. opposites •CriBBage. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize and enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. For info. call John 250-766-3026. •royaL CanaDian Legion 189 LaDieS auXiLiary Notice of cribbage tournament on last Sunday of each month. Get your name on the list by phoning the Legion after 3pm. Registration is at 9am. Games begin at 10am sharp. $26 per team and lunch is included. •winFieLD uniteD CHurCH tHriFt SHoP (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping and donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for information regarding appropriate donations. •Lake Country tHriFt Store hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Copyright © Located at 3130 Berry Rd., Winfield (the same building as2014, the Penny Lake Press Country Food Bank). •BeaVerS/CuBS/SCoutS/VenturerS regiStration Registration is on-going for 1st 56.Flock mother Lake ACROSS Country Beavers, Cubs,26.Drink Scouts andmixer Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for1.more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. Brood 31.Boat movers 57.Pub orders •oyaMa Legion BranCH 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All 5. Depressed 33.Shoe tip members and guests are welcome. 8. Stop! 34.Grain •LC Line DanCerS Tuesdays, 1:30pm &tower Thursdays,DOWN 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. 12.Promise 35.Appreciation 1. Golf shout ANSWER TO PU •SoCiaL BriDge Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 2. Cloudburst 13.Be situated 38.Astern 250-766-3982. 3. (COSCO) And so forth: 14.“____ Noon” 39.Part organiZationS of •tHe CounCiL oF Senior CitiZenS is an advocacy 2 wds.Senior organizations/ group15.Paddy devoted to improving “TheaQuality wholeof Life” for all seniors. associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing become 4.toNot heremembers please contact product 40.Capture Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for further info. 5. Do in, as a 16.Sponsors’ •LC outDoorS CLuB welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, 42.Among dragon words snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufficient for the weather. For more info, to sign up 45.Overseas for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, www.lakecountryoutdoorsclub. 6.visit Help out 17.Monty 48.Frilly trim com. 7. Abandoned Python name
49.Coffee server 51.Tale opener 9.please Stash away 20.Self-____ for all other inquiries, email 52.Warning sign 10.Gape 22.British or fax 250-762-3220 53.Polka ____ beverage 11.Attention54.Lion’s hair getter 23.Not false 19.Yak 55.Side of 24.Lawyer’s CROSSWORD P USE AMERICAN charge Manhattan 21.Prosecute
8. to Bleaches 18.Vital force All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge all non-Profit organizations.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Safety council offers spring break Graduated Licensing Program for new drivers The Kelowna & Diswell as eight 90-minute $1,050 (lower than inlow students to comtrict Safety Council practical lessons that will dustry average) and inplete their theory durwill be holding its first provide novice students cludes use of the vehicle ing spring break and the Graduated Licensing with the skills, knowledfor the road test. Tuition practical lessons can be Program (GLP) for new geand confidence they is non-taxable for high scheduled anytime this THURSDAY, MARCH drivers this spring break. need13, to be2014 safe drivers. school students. year, including weekKDSC’s comprehenNewCIVT drivers who com- KIROTheCHAN classroom SNP sesends, weekdays afTSN CHBC CBC KNOW KOMOand A&E sive GLP course will earn _ sions are( scheduled) on ter #includes $ plete this % course& *school. ` 1 E:60 The Doctors The Viewschool Bookaboo The Price Is The Doctors World Poker Ella the“Our Ele. The Viewcourse Criminal 18 hours of classroom two high credMarch 17 from 6 to GLP :00 THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2014 ” ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Tour Jelly Jamm ” Minds 10 :30 theory, a two-hour co-pi- its and a six-month re- Young &8 p.m.Anna andOlson March 18, is student-based, deUEFA G. Shrinks KOMO 4 Criminal :00 World Poker Anna Olson The Marilyn Heartland Tour Denis Show ” Restless News 11 :30 for TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP Clifford-Dog KNOW KOMO A&E lot course studentsDebt/Part duction off their N-stage 19andDebt/Part 20 from 9Europa a.m. signed to adapt toMinds indi30 Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News League PAW Patrol The Chew The First 48 :00 30 for # % ( ) * learning ` 1 and a parent/guardian, as$ license. is to 4p.m. This will alvidual styles and ” Hour ”The cost Now& Bold_ Hour Soccer Bucket-Dino ” ” 12 :30 :00 1 :30 10 :00 2 :30 11 THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2014 :00 3 :30 :30 12 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 4 :30 :30 1 :00 # $ % & :00 5 :30 :30 2 :00 :00 :00 10 :30 6 :30 :30 3 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 8 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :00 9 :30 :30 6 :00 :00 2 :00 :30 10 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 3 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 9 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 11 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 8 :30 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2014 11 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :30 That’s Hcky E:60 That’s”Hcky
DaysDoctors of our The View Social The Lives ” ”
Off Record The Talk World Poker Anna Olson Interruption Debt/Part ” Tour SportsCentre The 30 for 30 NoonQueen News ”” Latifah Hour Show HockeyHcky Days Youngof&our That’s NHL Pre Restless That’s Hcky Lives
Republic of Bookaboo Doyle Doodlebops
The Talk Price Is Right ”
Steven and Heartland Chris ” Best CBC Recipes News Stefano Now Paralympics Republic of Doyle ”
Let’s Make a Anna The Talk Young & Olson Deal ” Restless Debt/Part ThisMinute KIRO News The NoonQueen News ThisMinute Latifah Bold Hour Show Judge Judy Days Youngof&our The Talk Judge”Judy Lives Restless
DaysDoctors of our World UEFA Poker Ella Rob the Robot The Ele. Lives ” Europa Dragon Tour Jelly Jamm
SportsCentre Elementary ” ”
The First 48 Criminal Minds”
NHL-A Season
Elementary ”
Sportsnet Connected
CBC News Paralympics
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
World Poker Park Tour Foncie’s
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada The Test
Sportsnet Connected
Bookaboo Doodlebops
The Price Is Right
The Doctors Premier ” League Anna Olson Debt/Part
:00 10 :30 FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2014 :00 11 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :30 # $ % & :00 1 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 2 :30 :00 FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2014 :00 11 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :30 4 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 1 :30 :30 5 :00 :00 :00 10 :30 2 :30 :30 6 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 3 :30 :30 7 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 4 :30 :30 8 :00 :00 :00 1 :30 5 :30 9 :00 :00 2 :30 6 :30 10 :00 :00 3 :30 7 :30 11 :00 :00 4 :30 12 8 :30 :00 :00 5 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 12 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 2014 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 24 CH Premier
The Doctors The View ” ”
” ”
The National Elementary ” ”
Grey’s Anatomy
Daily Show ” Seth Meyers George S
Two Men Crazy Ones
Ella the Ele. G. Shrinks Wibbly Pig Clifford-Dog
Motive ”
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test
League UEFA Soccer Europa
General The View Hospital ”
The Doctors The First 48 KOMO 4 Criminal News ” Minds” Sportsnet Dive, Olly The Oz Duck D. 48 League PAW Patrol The Dr. Chew The First Connected Jelly Jamm Show ” Duck D. Soccer Bucket-Dino ” Curling: Maya Bee KOMO 4 Duck D. 48 UEFA Rob Robot General The First Grand Slam Dragon Arthur News Duck D. Europa Hospital ” NHL News CTV News CBC News KIROMake Newsa The EarlyTalk News League of Curling Jackthe Ele. The News Wahlburgers Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Ella Doctors The First 48 Hockey: ” at Five CBC News KIRO News Global Nat. ” Wild Kratts World News Wahlburgers Interruption ” ” Chris Deal ” Soccer Wibbly Pig ” ” E:60 The Doctors The View Bookaboo The Price Is The Doctors World Poker Ella the Ele. The View Criminal Edmonton Global Nat. CTV News CBC Recipes News KIRO News The News Hour ” Canada KOMO 4 Wahlburgers SportsCentre The Queen Bethenny Best Queen Sportsnet Dive, Olly The Dr. Duck ” ” ” Doodlebops ThisMinute Right ” Tour Jelly Jamm ” Oz MindsD. Oilers at St. CHBC News ” Coronation CBS News ” Sportsnet ” News Wahlburgers ” Latifah Show ” Stefano ThisMinute Latifah Show Connected Jelly Jamm Show Duck D. World Poker Anna Olson The Marilyn Heartland Young & Anna Olson UEFA G. Shrinks KOMO 4 Criminal Louis Blues Ent etalk Doc Zone Ent Ent Connected Park Wheel Breaking Tour Debt/Part DenisDeGeShow Paralympics ” Restless Debt/Part Europa Clifford-Dog News 4 MindsD. Hockey Young & Ellen Judge Judy Young & Curling: Maya Bee KOMO Duck NHL ET Canada Big Bang ” The Insider ET Canada Curling: Foncie’s Jeopardy! Boston NHL Restless Show CBC News ” Judge Judy Restless News Duck D. 48 30 forPre 30 Noon News neres CTV News KIRO News Noon News Grand LeagueSlam Arthur PAW Patrol The Chew The First Hockey: Growing Up Big Bang The Nature Big Bang Growing Up Grand Slam AttenborOnce Breaking ” Hour ” Now News Bold News Early Hour News of Soccer Bucket-Dino News ” ” NHL News CTV News CBC KIRO Curling Jack Wahlburgers Maple Leafs The Millers Two Men of Things The Millers The Millers of Curling ough Wonderland Boston Hockey: ” at Five CBC News KIRO News Global Nat. ” Wild Kratts World News Wahlburgers That’s Hcky Days of our The Social Republic of The Talk Days of our UEFA Rob Robot General The First 48 at Kings Rake Grey’s NHL-A Two Men Rake ” Movie: Grey’s Wahlburgers That’s Hcky Global Lives Nat. ” DoyleNews ”News News Lives Hour Europa Dragon Hospital4 ” Edmonton CTV News CBC KIRO ” Canada KOMO Wahlburgers ” ” Anatomy Season Crazy Ones ” ” “Touching Anatomy Wahlburgers Oilers at St. CHBC News Dr. Phil ” Coronation CBS ” Sportsnet ” Ele. News Off Record The Talk Steven and Let’s News Make a The Talk League Ella the The Doctors Wahlburgers The First 48 SportsCentre Elementary Motive The National Elementary Elementary Sportsnet the Void” Scandal Wahlburgers Interruption ” ” Chris Deal ” Soccer Wibbly Pig ” ” Louis Blues Ent etalk ” Doc Zone Ent Ent Connected Park ” Wheel” Breaking ” ” ” ” ” Connected Wahlburgers NHL ET Canada Big Bang ” The Insider The ET Canada Curling: Foncie’s Jeopardy! Boston SportsCentre The Queen Bethenny Best Recipes ThisMinute Queen Sportsnet Dive, Olly The Dr. Oz Duck D. SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News News Hour World Poker Park News Breaking ” Latifah Show ” Stefano Latifah Show Jamm Show Duck D. Hockey: Growing Up CTV Big Bang The Nature ThisMinute Big Bang Growing Up Connected Grand Slam Jelly AttenborOnce Breaking ” Final News Paralympics Late Show Final Tour Foncie’s Jimmy Boston Maple Millers Two Things The Millers Millers of Curling ough Wonderland Boston HockeyLeafs The Young & EllenMen DeGe- of Paralympics Judge Judy The Young & Curling: Maya Bee KOMO 4 Duck D. SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show ”” Letterman ET Canada Sportsnet Touching the Kimmel Live Breaking NHL Pre Restless neres Show Judge Judy Restless Grand Slam Arthur News Duck D. at Kings RakeTest Grey’s NHL-A S Two Men RakeTest ” Movie: Grey’s Wahlburgers ” The Seth Meyers George Ferguson The Connected Void Nightline Boston NHL ” News ” CTV News CBC News KIRO News of Curling Jack News Anatomy Season Crazy Ones Early News ” ” “Touching Anatomy Wahlburgers Hockey: ” at Five CBC News KIRO News Global Nat. ” Wild Kratts World News Wahlburgers SportsCentre Elementary Motive The National Elementary Elementary Sportsnet the Void” Scandal Wahlburgers Edmonton Global” Nat. CTV News CBC News KIRO ”News News ”Hour ” Canada KOMO” 4 ” ” ” Connected ” Wahlburgers Oilers at St. CHBC News ” Coronation CBS News ” Sportsnet ” News Wahlburgers SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News News Hour World Poker Park News Breaking Louis Blues Ent etalk News Doc Zone Ent Show Ent Connected Park Wheel Breaking ” Final CTV Paralympics Late Final Tour Foncie’s Jimmy Boston NHL ET Canada Big Bang ” The Insider ET Canada Curling: Foncie’s Jeopardy! Boston SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show ” Letterman ET Canada Sportsnet Touching the Kimmel Live Breaking Hockey: Growing Big Bang The Nature Big Bang Growing Grand Slam Void AttenborOnce Breaking ” The Test Up Seth Meyers George S Ferguson The Test Up Connected Nightline Boston Maple Leafs The Millers Two Men of Things The Millers The Millers of Curling ough Wonderland Boston at Kings ”
Dr. Phil The Marilyn Denis ”Show Bethenny CTV News ”” EllenSocial DeGeThe neres ”Show
A&E 1
needs,” said Tania Meyhighest standards for don’t want to take the er, KDSC executive dirboth curriculum and entire course, KDSC ofector. “We’re also realteaching methods set by fers individual driving ly proud to have the only ICBC. This sets KDlessons as well as disdriver training car in the SC’s curriculum apart counted packages of Okanagan with both from other, pre-existing practical, in-traffic lesdual gas and brake pedals were WTBS sons to help get KING new YTV NEWS DISC operations KAYU which TLC KCTS for6 greater student into 7 and 9 grandfathered ; < the Adrivers safely N on the Proad. Victorious News Auction 30 Rocksystem 19 Kids Sesame Today about information instructor CBC safety.” current withoutCollege For Victorious Now With Auction Paid Prog. 19 Kids Basketball Street cont’d KDSC’sCarole curricu- How/Made being required to meet all ofDaniel KDSC’s programs, Victorious Family Feud The Little ” Tiger New Day Victorious MacNeil How/Made Family Couple ” visit Super Why! Northwest YTV NEWS DISC the KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING lum is a new program newFeud standards., or Movie: CBC News Grylls: ThisMinute Say Yes ” Heartbeat of KING 5 A N P and6 therefore meets Bear the9 For; students who College call 250-765-3163. “The Now7 With ” ThisMinute Say < Yes Home News
Smurfs” Victorious ” Victorious
Reshmi Nair Auction Salvage CBC News ” Hunters Now With Auction
Law & 30 Rock Order: SVU Paid Prog.
Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids
Basketball College ” Basketball
” Sesame Street”
Days Todayof our Lives cont’d
” The Middle ” Big Bang ” Big Bang College College Basketball Basketball ”
Charlie Rose Daniel Tiger Super”Why! Peg Plus Cat Heartbeat of Sid Science Home Wild Kratts ” WordGirl ”
Dr. Phil New Day ” Northwest Katie KING 5 News ” Ellen Days DeGeof our neres Lives Show
Here Comes Medium Here Comes Medium 19 Kids Here Comes My Five 19 Kids Honey Wives The Little Welcome to Couple Welcome to Myrtle Myrtle Say Yes Here Comes Say HereYes Comes Honey Here Comes Say Yes Welcome to Say Yes Here MyrtleComes Honey Medium Here Comes Medium Welcome to Here Comes Myrtle My Five Welcome to Wives Here Comes Myrtle Honey Welcome to Paid Prog. Myrtle Welcome Paid Here MyrtleComes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Honey Welcome to Welcome to Myrtle Myrtle Paid Prog. Here Prog. Comes Paid Honey
” The Middle College ” Big Bang Basketball College Big Bang ” Basketball ” College ” Basketball ” ” College ” Mod Fam ” Basketball Amer. Dad ”” Family Guy College ” Family Guy The Middle Basketball Mod Fam ” Big Bang Seinfeld Big Bang ” Divorce Mod Fam College Divorce Basketball Amer. Dad Judge Alex Family” Guy ” Family Guy ” Mod Fam College Seinfeld Basketball Divorce ” Divorce Judge”Alex Mod Fam
Business Charlie Rose World ”News Sesame PBS Peg Plus Cat Street NewsHour Sid Science Daniel Tiger Moments to Super Why! Wild Kratts Remember: WordGirl of Heartbeat My Music Home Business ” World ”News ” ” PBS Ed Sullivan’s NewsHour Charlie Rose Rock and ” Moments to Roll Classics Remember: Peg Plus Cat ” Sid Science My Music The Best of ” Wild Kratts the 60s WordGirl ”” Business Ed Sullivan’s World News Rock and PBSClassics Roll NewsHour ” Moments to The Best of Remember: the 60s My Music ” ”
KING 5 Dr. Phil News ” Today Nightly News Katie cont’d News ” New Day News Northwest Ellen DeGeEvening neres 5 Show KING Community News KING 5 Parks News Days of our Hollywood Lives NightlyNight News Game News Dr. Phil Parenthood ” News ” Evening Katie KING News ” Community Tonight ParksDeGeEllen Show neres Show Hollywood Seth Meyers KING Game5Night News Parenthood Nightly” News News KING News News Tonight Evening Show Community Seth Meyers Parks
Odd Parents Carole Power & Victorious Odd Parents MacNeil Politics Victorious Odd Parents CBC News ” Movie: Odd Parents ” “The Now With Odd Parents Lang & Smurfs” Reshmi Nair Odd Parents O’Leary ” ”
MythBusters Family Feud Medium How/Made The Little ” Family How/Made Family Feud Feud Medium Couple How/Made My Bear Grylls: Steve ThisMinute SayFive Yes How/Made Harvey Wives ” ThisMinute Say Yes Daily Planet Bethenny Welcome Salvage Law & Say Yes to ” Hunters Order:” SVU Myrtle Say Yes
Odd Parents Parents Odd Odd Parents Parents Odd Victorious Movie: Odd Parents Victorious “The Ant Odd Parents Victorious Bully” Victorious Odd Parents ” Odd Parents Movie: Mr. Young “The Parents Odd Boys Odd Parents Smurfs” Gags ” Movie: Gags “The Ant Odd Parents Babysitting Odd Parents Bully” Splatalot ” Odd Parents Mr. Young Odd Parents Mr. Young Boys Boys Odd Parents Gags Odd Parents Gags Gags Odd Parents Gags Odd Parents Babysitting Movie: Splatalot “The Ant Mr. Young Bully” Boys ” Gags Mr. Young Gags Boys
Cold Water MythBusters Cowboys ” Auction Rods N’ How/Made Auction Wheels How/Made How/Made Amish Mafia How/Made Daily Planet ” ” Bear Grylls: How/Made ” Cold Water How/Made Cowboys Salvage Daily Planet Hunters Rods N’ ” Wheels MythBusters Rods N’ Amish” Mafia Wheels ” How/Made Amish Mafia How/Made How/Made ” How/Made Daily Planet How/Made ” Daily Planet How/Made Cold Water ” Cowboys Rods N’ Rods N’ Wheels Wheels Amish Mafia Amish” Mafia ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made
CBC News Power & ” Politics CBC News The National ” Now With ” ” Carole CBC News MacNeil Lang & ” O’Leary CBC News The National Now With CBC News ” ” Nair Reshmi The National ” The National ” Power”& CBC News Politics CBC News ” ” The National ” The National ” ” Lang & Lang & O’Leary The National O’Leary CBC News ” ” CBC News The National ” ” The National CBC News ” ” Lang & The National O’Leary ”
Simpsons Family Feud Two Men Family Feud 30 Rock Two Men Steve Paid Prog. Mod Fam Harvey Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Bethenny Big Bang ” ThisMinute Hell’s ThisMinute Simpsons Kitchen Two Men Law & American Order: SVU Two Men Idol Mod Fam Family Feud News Family Feud Big Bang Mod Fam Big Bang Steve The Arsenio Harvey Hell’s Hall Show Kitchen Bethenny TMZ ” American Sunny Simpsons Idol Two Men News Two Men Mod Fam Mod Fam The Arsenio Big Bang Hall Show Big Bang TMZ Hell’s Sunny Kitchen
Movie: “Touching
Grey’s Anatomy
Wahlburgers Gags Wahlburgers Gags
The National Daily Planet ” ”
American Idol
Welcome to Myrtle
Amer. Dad Family Guy
” Hollywood Ed Sullivan’s Game Night
Scandal ”
Wahlburgers Babysitting Wahlburgers Splatalot
CBC News ”
News Mod Fam
Here Comes Family Guy Here Comes Mod Fam
Rock and Parenthood Roll Classics ”
News Jimmy
Breaking Boston
Rods N’ Wheels
Mr. Young Boys
The National Amish Mafia The Arsenio ” ” Hall Show
Welcome to Myrtle
Seinfeld Divorce
” The Best of
KING News Tonight
Touching the Kimmel Live Breaking Void Nightline Boston
Gags Gags
Lang & O’Leary
How/Made How/Made
TMZ Sunny
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
Divorce Judge Alex
the 60s ”
Show Seth Meyers
Ella the Ele. Jelly Jamm
Ultimate Cake Off
Divorce Divorce
Sesame Street
Today cont’d
Daniel Tiger Super Why!
New Day Northwest
The View ”
Beyond Scared
SpongeBob SpongeBob
CBC News Now With
Auction Auction
30 Rock Paid Prog.
KOMO 4 News
Beyond Scared
SpongeBob SpongeBob
Carole MacNeil
How/Made How/Made
Family Feud Randy Family Feud Randy
The Marilyn Denis Show
Heartland ”
Young & Restless
Noon News Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News Bold
Noon News Hour
Tour Curling:
PAW Patrol The Chew Bucket-Dino ”
Beyond Scared
Movie: “The Ant
CBC News Now With
Cold Water Cowboys
ThisMinute ThisMinute
Randy Randy
King King
That’s Hcky ” 24 CH Off Record Premier Interruption World Poker SportsCentre Tour ” 30 for 30 NBA ” Basketball: That’s Hcky Grizzlies at ” Raptors 24 CH Off Record ” Premier Interruption SportsCentre World Poker SportsCentre ” Tour ” ” 30 for 30 NBA Poker ”Aussie Basketball: Millions That’s Hcky Grizzlies at World ”Poker Raptors Tour Off Record ” SportsCentre Interruption SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ”” One Formula ” Racing NBA SportsCentre Poker Aussie Basketball: ” Millions Grizzlies at World Poker Raptors Tour ” SportsCentre ” ” Formula ” One Racing Poker Aussie Millions SportsCentre World ”Poker
Days of our Lives The Doctors The Talk ” ” Anna Olson The Queen Debt/Part Latifah Show Noon News Young & Hour Restless Days of our News Lives ” The Talk Doctors The Global” Nat. CHBC” News AnnaQueen Olson The Ent Debt/Part Latifah Show ET Canada Noon News Young Kitchen& Hour Restless Nightmares Days of our News Hawaii FiveLives ” 0 The Talk Global Nat. Parenthood ” CHBC” News The Queen Ent CHBC News Latifah Show ET Canada Final Young & ET Canada Kitchen Restless The Test Nightmares News Hawaii” Five0 Global Nat. Parenthood CHBC News ” Ent CHBC News ET Canada Final Kitchen Nightmares ET Canada The Test Hawaii Five-
The Social ” The View Dr. Phil ” ” The Marilyn Bethenny Denis Show ” CTV News Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Social CTV News ” at Five ThePhil View Dr. CTV News ” ”” The Marilyn Bethenny etalk Denis ”Show Big Bang CTV News Ellen Spun DeGeOut ” neres KirstieShow The Social CTV News Grimm ” at Five” Dr. Phil CTV Blue News Bloods ” ” Bethenny etalk ” News-Lisa Big Bang CTV News Ellen DeGeBig Bang Spun Out neres Show Seth Meyers Kirstie CTV News Grimm at Five ” CTV News Blue Bloods ” ” etalk News-Lisa Big Bang CTV News Spun Out Kirstie Big Bang Seth Meyers Grimm
Republic of Doyle Bookaboo Steven and Doodlebops Chris Heartland Best Recipes ” Stefano CBC News Paralympics Now ” Republic of CBC News Doyle CBC News Bookaboo Steven and CBC News Doodlebops ChrisMercer Rick Heartland Best Recipes George ” S Stefano Coronation CBC News Paralympics Marketplace Now ” Rick Mercer Republic of CBC News the fifth Doyle CBC News estate Steven and CBC News The ChrisNational Rick Mercer ” Best Recipes George S CBC News Stefano Coronation Paralympics Paralympics ”” Marketplace George S Rick Mercer CBC News the fifth CBC News estate CBC News The Rick National Mercer ” George S CBC News Coronation Paralympics Marketplace Rick Mercer ” George the fifth S
The Talk ” The Price Is Let’s Make a Right Deal Young & ThisMinute Restless ThisMinute KIRO News Judge Judy Bold Judge Judy The Talk KIRO News ” KIRO News The Price Is Let’s Make KIRO Newsa Right Deal News CBS Young & ThisMinute Ent Restless ThisMinute The Insider KIRO News Judge Judy Undercover Bold Judge Boss Judy The Talk KIRO Hawaii”News FiveKIRO News 0 Let’s Make a KIRO News Blue Deal Bloods CBS News ” ThisMinute Ent KIRO News ThisMinute The Insider Late Show Judge Judy Letterman Undercover Judge Judy Ferguson Boss KIRO News Hawaii FiveKIRO News 0 KIRO News Blue CBS Bloods News ” Ent KIRO News The Insider Late Show Undercover Boss Letterman Ferguson Hawaii Five-
Days of our Lives The Doctors The Talk ” ” Anna Olson The Queen Debt/Part Latifah Show Noon News Young & Hour Restless Days of our Early News Lives Global Nat. The Talk Doctors The News ”Hour ”” Anna Olson The Ent Queen Debt/Part Latifah Show ET Canada Noon News Young Kitchen& Hour Restless Nightmares Days of our Early News Hawaii FiveLives Global Nat. 0 The Talk News Hour Parenthood ” ” The Queen Ent News Hour Latifah Show ET Canada Final Young & ET Canada Kitchen Restless The Test Nightmares Early News Hawaii FiveGlobal Nat. 0 News Hour Parenthood ” ” Ent News Hour ET Canada Final Kitchen Nightmares ET Canada The Test Hawaii Five-
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Randy Randy Ultimate RandyOff Cake Randy Randy Randy Randy Randy Randy Borrowed Randy Borrowed Randy Say Yes Randy Say Yes Ultimate Randy Say Yes Cake Off Randy Say Yes Randy Randy Borrowed Randy Randy Borrowed Randy Borrowed Say Yes Randy Borrowed Say Yes Randy Say Yes Borrowed Randy Say Yes Borrowed Randy Say Yes Randy Say Yes Randy Borrowed Randy Borrowed Borrowed Paid Prog. Say Yes Borrowed Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes Borrowed Say Yes Borrowed Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Borrowed Borrowed Borrowed Say Yes Say Yes Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Borrowed
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” ”
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KIRO ” _
CHAN ” (
A&E 1
A&E 1
The British Beat (My Music)
The National Mayday ” ”
The Arsenio Hall Show
Borrowed Borrowed
Seinfeld Movie:
” KING News Ed Sullivan’s Tonight
Movie: “Jinxed”
Lang & O’Leary
Mayday ”
TMZ Sunny
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
“The Last Castle”
Rock and Show Roll Classics Seth Meyers
Sanjay Bread
CBC News CBC News
Mayday ”
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Days of our Lives Today Dr. Phil cont’d ” New Day Katie Northwest ” KING 5 Ellen DeGeNews neres Show Days of our KING 5 Lives News Today Dr. Phil Nightly cont’d News News ” New Day Katie News Northwest ” Evening KING 5 Ellen DeGeDateline News neres NBC Show Days of our KING Grimm5 Lives News ” Dr. Phil Nightly News Hannibal ” News ” Katie News ”News KING Evening Tonight Ellen DeGeShow Dateline neres Show Seth NBC Meyers KING 5 Grimm News ” Nightly News Hannibal News ” News KING News Evening Tonight Dateline NBC Show Seth Meyers Grimm
Kimmel Live Those Who Kill
College Basketball
Say Yes Say Yes
Mr. Young Boys
KNOW KOMO ” ” * `
Beyond Scared
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Rick Steves’ KING 5 Viva Espana! News
News Mod Fam
CBC News ”
” ”
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A&E 1
Judge Alex Judge Alex
Salvage Hunters
After the First 48
KNOW Nightline KOMO * `
Fish’n SickKids Real Fishing Foundation
” Golf MLS Soccer:
Sportsnet Connected
” ”
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Hospital The View The Doctors ” ” KOMO 4 The Dr. Oz News Show The Chew KOMO 4 ” News General News Hospital World News The View The Doctors KOMO ”4 News ” KOMO The Dr.4Oz Wheel News Show Jeopardy! The Chew KOMO 4 Last Man ” News Neighbors General News Shark Tank Hospital World ”News The Doctors KOMO 20/20 ” 4 News ” The Dr. Oz Wheel News Show Jeopardy! Jimmy KOMO 4 Kimmel Live Last NewsMan Nightline Neighbors News Shark World Tank News ” KOMO 4 20/20 News ” Wheel News Jeopardy! Jimmy Last Man Neighbors Kimmel Live Nightline Shark Tank
Parenthood ”
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The National Blue Bloods ” ”
Big Bang ” Seth Meyers George S
Darts G. Shrinks World Poker Clifford-Dog
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30 for 30 ”
the Void” ”
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of Things Birak ” the fifth estate” CBC News ” The CBCNational News Marketplace The NowNational With Issue MegatsunChristine ami The BirakNational Mansbridge Doc Zone ” ” The Nature ” of Things The National ” Mansbridge the fiNational fth The The Nature estate Issue of Things The National The National Marketplace Mansbridge Issue The Nature MegatsunThe National of Things ami Mansbridge
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Health” ” Ed Sullivan’s Rock and Great PerThomas formances Roll Bob Classics Builder ”” The Road to Moments to Members’ Perfect Choice Remember: Health My Music ”” ” Great ”Per” formances ” Ed Sullivan’s ” ” Rock and Moments to ” Roll Classics Remember: Suze ” My Music Orman’s ” Members’ Financial ” Choice Solutions
Kids News PGA Tour Golf KING 5 News ” 2014 ” News Nightly Paralympic KING ”News Winter ” Hate Hair? Games Backroads Justin Time PGA Tour Tree Fu Tom Dateline Golf Saturday Exploration ” Kids News Night ” Mystery KING ”5 Saturday News ” Night Live NightlyTime News Justin KINGFu News Tree Tom Saturday Exploration Hate Hair? Night Live Kids News Backroads ”
NEWS ” ” 7
KAYU ” ;
PGA Tour Golf
KING ” ” P
2 :30 # $ % & :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 6 :30 1 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 7 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2014 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 10 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 11 :00 :30 10 :30 12 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2014 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 :00 11 4 :30 :00 MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2014 12 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 6 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 2 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 8 :30 10 :00 :00 4 :00 :30 9 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 :30 12 2 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 4 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 8 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 2014 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 10 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 11 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 2014 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 2 :30 :00 10 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 2014 1 :00 :30 6 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 # $ % & 3 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 10 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :00 11 :30 1 :30 7 :00 :00 12 2 :30 8 :30 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 9 :00 3 :30 :00 10 4 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 11 5 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 10 6 :00 11 7 :30 :00 12 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 12 :30 :00 5 :30 6 :00 :30 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30
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The Amazing Four Rooms The Amazing Simpsons Race ” Race Family Guy
Canucks at Panthers
Nat’l Foyle’s War Geographic ” Foyle’s War ”
Funny Home Castle Videos” Once Upon a Time
Wahlburgers Wahlburgers Wahlburgers ” Wahlburgers ”
the World in The HolyNational Money Bear To BeGrylls: Spy Kids: All 4D Time Announced the ”” ” Chucks ” Bear Grylls: Cache Craze Mansbridge ”
Castle ”
Dragons’ Den
SportsCentre The Good ” Wife
The Mentalist
The National The ” Mentalist
SportsCentre News Final ” Block Motoring The Doctors Curling ” SportsCentre Paid Prog. Paid ”” FreshProg.
News CTV News The View
CBC News the fifth Bookaboo
The ” Mentalist The Marilyn
” ”
A&E 1
Doc Zone CBC News ” CBC News the fifth Now With estate Christine MegatsunBirak ami ” The National ”” ” Holy Money ”” Marketplace CBC News ” Doc Zone CBC News Mansbridge ” Now With The National the fifth Christine ” estate BirakMoney Holy Megatsun”” ami ”” The National ” Marketplace ” ” The National Holy Money Marketplace ”” Doc Zone ”” Mansbridge the fifth The National estate ” MegatsunHoly Money ami ” The National ” ” Marketplace
Curling Racing ” cont’d:” Sprint Cup: ” Food City ” 500 ” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” Poker ”Aussie Millions NASCAR 30 for 30 SportsCentre Racing ” Curling cont’d: E:60 Sprint ””Cup: ” Food City SportsCentre 500 ”” ” ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre Poker Aussie SportsCentre ” Millions ”” SportsCentre 30 for Curling30 ” ” E:60 ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ”
Licence to Licence to Drill Drill Licence to Licence to Drill Drill To Be Licence to Announced Drill Naked and Licence to Afraid Drill To Be Licence to Announced Drill Licence to Bear Grylls: Licence Drill ” to Drill Licence to To Be Licence to Drill Announced Drill Licenceand to Naked To Be Drill Afraid Announced Licence to To Be Naked and Drill Announced Afraid Licence to Bear Grylls: To Be Drill ” Announced Licence to Bear Drill Grylls: ” Licence to To Be Drill Announced To Be Naked and Announced Afraid Naked and To Be Afraid Announced
Resurrection Wahlburgers The Next The National To Be ” Wahlburgers Star - Super. ” Announced
Boss Boss My Five Undercover Wives Boss Long Island Undercover Medium Boss Medium Undercover Medium Boss My Five Undercover Wives Boss Undercover Medium Undercover Boss Medium Boss Undercover My Five My Five Boss Wives Wives Undercover Long Island Long Island Boss Medium Medium Undercover My Five Medium Boss Wives Medium Undercover Paid Prog. My Five Boss Paid Prog. Wives Undercover Medium Boss Medium My Five My Five Wives Wives Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Medium My Five Medium Wives
Big Bang “Shark Big Bang Tale” Big Bang ” Mod Fam Community Mod Fam Community Movie: King “300” King ” King ” King Movie:” Big Bang “Shark Seinfeld Big Bang Tale” The Closer Big Bang ”” Big Bang Community Seinfeld Mod Fam Community Movie: Mod Fam King “Shark Movie: King Tale” “300” King ” King ”Yet? There ” Big Bang ” Big Bang Seinfeld Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Mod Fam Seinfeld Mod Fam Movie: Movie: “Shark “300” Tale”
” Cyberchase Earthflight, A McLaughlin Nature Moyers Special Suze 3 Steps to Orman’s Incredible Financial Health!-Joel Solutions ” Haley’s Hints Brain” Sid Science Change” Cyberchase Perlmutter ” McLaughlin Masterpiece Earthflight, A Moyers Mystery! Nature Suze ” Special Orman’s ” 3 Steps to Financial Rick Steves Incredible Solutions Europe Health!-Joel Haley’s Hints Marathon ”” Brain- ” ” Change” Perlmutter Earthflight, A Masterpiece Nature Mystery! Special ” 3 Steps to ” Incredible Rick Steves Health!-Joel Europe
Make-Noddy Hockey: Traveler Flyers at Backroads Penguins KING 5 PGA Tour News Golf Nightly News KING ”News ” The Voice ”” ” NHL ” LazyTown Hockey: ” Make-Noddy Flyers Believeat Traveler Penguins ” Backroads PGA Tour Crisis KING 5 Golf ” News KING ”News Nightly” News The 206 KING News ” Bensinger The Voice ” Paid Prog. ” LazyTown ” Make-Noddy ” Traveler Believe Backroads ” KING 5 Crisis News ” Nightly News KING News KING News The 206
Burgers ” Amer.Prog. Dad Paid Simpsons Family Guy
My Five Paid Prog. Wives Paid Prog. Medium Medium
”” There ”Yet? ” Seinfeld
” Marathon Brain- ” ChangePerlmutter
The Voice Bensinger ” Paid Prog.
My Five Wives
The Closer ”
Masterpiece Believe Mystery! ”
ThisMinute NASCAR 30 Rock Racing Trout TV cont’d: Livin’ Dream Sprint Cup: Two Men Food City Big Bang 500 Two Men ” Big Bang Pain Free Burgers 30 Rock Amer. Dad The Office NASCAR Simpsons ThisMinute Racing Family Guy 30 Rock cont’d: CosmosTrout TV Sprint Cup: Space Livin’ Dream Food City News Two Men 500 Bones Big Bang ”” Two Men Pain Free TMZ Big Bang 30 Rock ” Burgers The Offi ce Paid Prog. Amer. Dad ThisMinute Simpsons 30 Rock Family Guy Trout TV CosmosLivin’ Dream Space Two Men News Big Bang Bones Two Men ” Big TMZBang
The Good Wife
CHAN ( News Final
Sportsnet Connected
Revenge SNP Silk KNOW KOMO ” ” ) * ` Canucks TV Nat’l News
Wahlburgers Mr. Young Wahlburgers Boys
A&E 1 Wahlburgers
YTV 6 Mr. Young
Holy Money ”
NEWS 7 ”
Naked and Afraid
DISC 9 To Be
News Bones
KAYU ; ”
Long Island Medium
TLC < My Five
Seinfeld Movie:
WTBS A “Shark
” KCTS ” N Rick Steves
Doodlebops estate Canadian Our
KIRO News The Price Is Right Face/Nation Paid Prog. Young &
Block The Doctors ” Paid Prog. Paid FreshProg.
Plays/Month Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet
Geographic Ella the Ele. Jelly Jamm Foyle’s War ” G. Shrinks
Red Carpet The View Castle” KOMO” 4
Wahlburgers Criminal Minds Wahlburgers ” Criminal
Boys Invasion Spliced Spy Kids: All the Time Flamingo
Marketplace CBC News NowNational With The Carole”
Announced Auction Auction Bear Grylls: ” Airplane
TMZ 30 Rock Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Family Feud
Wives 19 Kids and Counting Paid Prog. Paid Little Prog. Couple
Tale” Divorce Divorce ” There Judge Yet? Alex
Europe Sesame Street Marathon Daniel” Tiger
Family Feud Little Couple Judge Alex
Super Why!
Denis Show
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News Bold
Noon News Hour
Hockeycentral at Noon
PAW Patrol The Chew Bucket-Dino ”
The First 48 ”
Kid vs. Kat Sidekick
CBC News Now With
Dude, You’re ThisMinute Screwed ThisMinute
” Shorts
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Republic of Doyle
The Talk ”
Days of our
FIS Alpine Skiing
Rob Robot Dragon
The First 48 ”
Rated A for Monster
Reshmi Nair Deadliest ” Catch
NEWS Power & 7 Politics
DISC How/Made 9 How/Made
Doctors Darts Sportsnet The Queen Connected Latifah” Show Canucks TV Fresh & Sportsnet Young Hockey Debt/Part Connected Restless NHL Noon News News Hockey: HockeycenEarly Hour Nat. tral at Noon Global Canucks at Days of our Lightning FIS Alpine News Hour Lives ” Skiing” The Talk Premier Ent Sportsnet ” League TV ET Canada Canucks
Ella the Ele. Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm Jamm Jelly
Criminal The First 48 Minds” Criminal Duck D. MindsD. Duck The First Duck D. 48 ” Duck D.
The First 48 Bates Motel ”” The First 48 Those Who ” Kill
A&E 1
Rated&ACat for Sam Monster ” Kid vs. Kat Assembly League/Evil Thunder
CBC News ” Now With ” Carole Lang & MacNeil O’Leary CBC News News CBC Now With ” Reshmi Nair The National ”” Power & CBC News Politics ”
Auction How/Made Auction How/Made
The View Dr. Oz Show ” KOMO 4 4 KOMO News News The Chew News World ”News General4 KOMO Hospital News The Doctors Wheel ” Jeopardy!
Invasion Sidekick Spliced Squirrel
G. Shrinks Maya Bee Clifford-Dog Arthur PAW Patrol Jack Bucket-Dino Wild Kratts Rob Robot Animals Dragon Animals Ella the Hope forEle. Wibbly Pig Wildlife
The Queen Bones The Doctors Latifah” Show ” Young & Remedy Fresh Restless ” Debt/Part Early News The Blacklist Noon GlobalNews Nat. ” Hour News Hour News Hour Days of ” our Final Lives Ent ET Canada The Talk ET Canada The Test ” Bones The Queen ” Latifah Show Remedy Young”& Restless The Blacklist ” Early News GlobalHour Nat. News
Darts NHL SportsnetTV Canucks Hockey: Connected Hockey at Canucks Sportsnet NHL Lightning Connected Hockey: Sportsnet HockeycenCanucks at Connected tral at Noon Lightning Hockey FIS Alpine ” Ski TV Skiing Sportsnet An Athlete Premier Canucks TV ” League NHL Darts Hockey: Canucks TV Canucks at Hockey Lightning NHL Sportsnet Connected Hockey: Canucks at Hockey
Dive, Olly Tudor MonElla the Ele. Jelly Jamm astery Farm Jelly Jamm Maya Bee Shakespeare G. Shrinks Arthur and Us Clifford-Dog Jack Architects PAW Patrolof Wild Kratts Change Bucket-Dino Animals Hope for Rob Robot Animals Wildlife Dragon Hope for Shakespeare Ella the Ele. Wildlife and Us Pig Wibbly Tudor MonDive, asteryOlly Farm Jelly Jamm Shakespeare Maya Bee and Us Arthur Architects of Change Jack Wild Kratts Hope for
The Dr. Oz Dancing The View Show With the ” KOMO 4 Stars KOMO News 4 News ” News Castle The Chew World News ”” KOMO 4 News General News Jimmy Hospital Wheel Kimmel Live The Doctors Jeopardy! Nightline ” Dancing The WithDr. theOz Show Stars KOMO” 4 News Castle News ” World News News
The First 48 Those Who Criminal ” Kill Minds Duck D. D. Duck Criminal Duck D. Duck MindsD. Duck D. Bates Motel The DuckFirst D. 48 ”” Bates Motel Those Who The First 48 ” Kill ” Those Who Those Who The Kill First 48 Kill ” Those Who The Kill First 48 ” Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Bates Motel ” Duck D. Duck D. Those Who
Sidekick Japanizi Invasion Squirrel Babysitting Spliced SpongeBob Gags Flamingo Bread Gags Squirrel Odd Parents Babysitting Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Splatalot Sidekick Sam & Cat Mr. Young Rated”A for Boys Monster Assembly Gags Kid vs. Kat Thunder Gags League/Evil Japanizi Sidekick Babysitting Squirrel Gags SpongeBob Gags Bread Babysitting Splatalot Odd Parents SpongeBob Mr. Young
” The CBCNational News ”” Now With LangNational & The Carole O’Leary ” MacNeil CBC News CBC CBC News News ” ” Now With The National The National Reshmi ” Nair ”” CBC News Lang Power& ”& O’Leary Politics The National ” ” The National Lang & ” O’Leary CBC News ” CBC News ” The National
Wildlife Animals Animals Shakespeare and Us Hope for Wildlife
Jimmy 4 Kill KOMO Bates Motel News Live Those”Who Kimmel Nightline Kill Wheel Those Who Jeopardy! Kill
Dancing With the
Dr. Phil ” The View Bethenny ””
KIRO Lives CHAN Let’s Make a The Talk ( Deal_ ”
SNP Premier ) League
KNOW Hospital KOMO Ella the Ele. The Doctors * ` Wibbly Pig ”
A&E The First 48 1 ”
YTV Kid vs. Kat 6 League/Evil
SportsCentre 30 for 30 Motoring Curling ” Curling ””” ””” ” SportsCentre ”” ”” ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre Shorts” ” SportsCentre Off Record ” SportsCentre Interruption 30 for 30 SportsCentre ” Curling ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre
The Queen Bones The Doctors Latifah” Show ” Young & Remedy Fresh Restless ” Debt/Part News The Blacklist Noon News ” ” Hour Global Nat. CHBC Days ofNews our CHBC News Final Lives Ent ET Canada The Talk ET Canada The Test ” Bones The Queen ” Latifah Show Remedy Young”& Restless The Blacklist News ” CHBC” News
Steven and Chris Bookaboo The Price Is Best Recipes ThisMinute Doodlebops ThisMinute Right Stefano The Marilyn Our Young Judy & Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Judge Denis Show Vancouver Restless neres Show Den Judge Judy CTV News CBC News KIRO News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Now News Bold News at Five” CBC KIRO The Social Republic of The Talk CTV News CBC News KIRO News ”” Doyle ” Rick Mercer CBS News Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a etalk George S Ent ” Chris DealInsider Big Bang Coronation The Bethenny Best Recipes ThisMinute MasterChef Murdoch HowPrice I Met Is The View Bookaboo The ” Stefano ThisMinute Canada Mysteries ” Doodlebops Broke Right Girl Ellen DeGe- Mr. Dragons’ Judge Judy The D Mike The Marilyn Young & neres Show Our Den James Judge Judy Following Mom Denis Show Ron Vancouver Restless CTV News CBC News KIRO News Intelligence The National Intelligence CTV News CBC News KIRO News at Five CBC News KIRO News ”” Now ” Bold ” CTV News CBC News KIRO News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News The Social Republic of The Talk ” Rick Mercer CBS News CTV News George Late Show ” Doyle S ” etalk George S Ent Daily Show 22 Minutes Letterman Dr. Steven and Let’s Make a Big Phil Bang Coronation The Insider Seth Meyers Coronation Ferguson ” Chris Deal MasterChef Murdoch How I Met Bethenny Best Recipes ThisMinute Canada Mysteries Broke Girl ” Stefano ThisMinute The Mr. D Mike Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Judge Following Ron James Mom Judy neres Show Den Judge Judy Intelligence The National Intelligence ” ” CTV News CBC News KIRO ”News at Five CBC News News KIRO News News News-Lisa CBC KIRO
” SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ”
Final Nat. Global CHBC News ET Canada The Ent Test ET Canada
CTV News ” Daily Show Seth etalk Meyers Big Bang
George S CBC News Rick Mercer 22 Minutes Coronation George S Coronation
Late Show KIRO News CBS News Letterman Ferguson Ent The Insider
Final Hour News ” ET Canada The Ent Test ET Canada
Ski TV Lightning ” An Athlete ” Sportsnet Canucks TV
30 for 30 ”
Bones ”
MasterChef Canada
Murdoch Mysteries
How I Met Broke Girl
Bones ”
NHL Hockey:
Tudor Monastery Farm
Those Who Kill
Remedy ”
The Following
Mr. D Ron James
Mike Mom
Remedy ”
Canucks at Lightning
Shakespeare Stars and Us ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Hope for Ella the Ele. Wildlife Jelly Jamm Shakespeare G. Shrinks and Us Clifford-Dog
Those Who Criminal Kill Minds Those Who Criminal Kill Minds
Mr. Young Invasion Boys Spliced Gags Flamingo Gags Squirrel
SportsCentre The Blacklist Intelligence ” ” ”
The National ”
KIRO Intelligence ” _
SportsCentre MLB ” Preseason SportsCentre Baseball: SportsCentre Red Sox at
CHBC News The Doctors Final ” ET Canada Fresh The Test Debt/Part
CBC News Bookaboo George S Doodlebops 22 Minutes Heartland Coronation ”
KIRO News The Price Is Late Show Right Letterman Young & Ferguson Restless
Yankees ”
Noon News Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News Bold
Noon News Hour
That’s Hcky That’s Hcky
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Republic of Doyle
The Talk ”
Off Record Interruption MLB
The Talk Dr. Phil ” ” The Doctors The View ” ” The Queen Bethenny Latifah ” Fresh Show The Marilyn Debt/Part Denis Show Young & Ellen DeGeRestless Show Noon News neres CTV News Hour ” News CTV News ” our The at Five Days of Social Lives Nat. ” Global CTV News CHBC News Dr. Phil ” The Talk ” Ent etalk ” ET Canada Big Bang The Queen Bethenny Latifah ” of NCIS Show Agents The Doctors The ”& S.H.I.E.L.D. Young EllenView DeGe” ”Show Restless neres NCIS: Los Goldbergs Fresh The Angeles Trophy Wife News CTVMarilyn News Debt/Part Denis Show ” at Five Chicago Fire Person of Noon News CTV News News ” Nat. Interest Global CTV Hour News CHBC ”” News Hour News-Lisa Days Ent of our The etalkSocial Final CTV News Lives ” ET Canada Big Bang ET Canada Daily Show Talk Dr. Phil NCIS Agents of The Test Seth Meyers ” ” S.H.I.E.L.D.
Days of our Lives
SportsCentre Queen Bethenny World Poker The NCIS: Los Goldbergs Tour AngelesShow Trophy” Wife Curling Latifah
Steven and Chris Bookaboo
CHAN The Blacklist ” (
SNP Sportsnet Connected )
News Hour The Doctors Final ” ET Canada Fresh The Test Debt/Part
Hockey European Ski TV Poker Tour An Athlete NHL-A ” Season
Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ” The Price Is The Doctors Doodlebops Right ” Best Recipes ThisMinute The Queen Stefano ThisMinute Latifah Heartland Young & Fresh Show ” Restless Debt/Part Dragons’ Judge Judy Young & Den Judge Judy Restless CBC News KIRO News Noon News Now News Bold News Early Hour News CBC KIRO CBC News KIRO News Global Republic of The Talk Days ofNat. our Doyle CBC News KIRO ”News Lives News Hour Rick Mercer CBS ” Steven and Let’s News Make a The Talk Chris Deal ” George S Ent Ent Coronation The Insider ET Canada Best Recipes ThisMinute The Queen Stefano Latifah Rick Mercer ThisMinute NCIS NCIS Show Bookaboo The Price Is The Doctors 22 Minutes ”Judy ”& Dragons’ Judge Young Doodlebops Right ” Den Judge Judy Restless Arctic Air NCIS: Los NCIS: Los Heartland Young & Fresh ” Angeles Angeles CBC News KIRO News Early News ” Restless Debt/Part CBC News KIRO News Global Nat. The National Person of Chicago Fire CBC News News KIRO News News News Noon News ” Interest ”Hour CBC KIRO Now Mercer CBS Bold News Hour ” Rick CBC News KIRO News News Hour Republic The Days Ent Talk Ent of our George Sof Late Show Final Doyle ” Lives Coronation The Insider ET Canada 22 Minutes Letterman ET Canada Steven and Let’s Talk Rick Mercer NCISMake a The NCIS Coronation Ferguson Test Chris Deal ” ” 22 Minutes
Best ThisMinute ArcticRecipes Air NCIS: Los ” Angeles Stefano ThisMinute
Champions League:
KNOW KOMO Architects of Castle Change ” * `
Boys & Cat Sam
Storage Storage
19 Kids and Medium Counting Medium
Divorce The Middle Divorce Mod Fam Judge Alex Big Bang Judge Alex Big Bang King Browns King Payne
Gown Gypsy Gown Sisters Medium Gypsy Medium Wedding
Community Browns Community Payne Seinfeld Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld
Sesame Peg Plus Cat Street Sid Science Daniel Tiger Wild Kratts Super Why! WordGirl The Road Business to PerfectNews World Health PBS ” NewsHour Charlie Rose The British ” Beat (My
Today Katie cont’d ”
Little Couple Gypsy Little Couple Sisters Say Yes Gypsy Say Yes Sisters
Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News Dr. Phil News ” Evening
Medium Gypsy 19 Kids and Medium Sisters Counting Gypsy Gypsy Little Couple Sisters Sisters Little Couple Gypsy Gypsy Say Yes Sisters Wedding Say Yes Gypsy Gypsy Gown Sisters Sisters Gown Gypsy Peter Popoff Medium Wedding Paid Prog. Medium Gypsy Medium Sisters Medium Gypsy Gypsy Sisters Sisters Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Sisters Gypsy
The Middle Family Guy Divorce Mod Fam Family DivorceGuy Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Alex Big Bang Movie: Judge Alex Browns “The Time King Payne Machine” King Browns ” Community Payne Movie: Community Mod Fam “Witless Seinfeld Seinfeld Protection” The Middle Family Guy The Middle Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Big Bang “The Time Machine” Browns Payne”
Peg Plus Cat Music) Sesame Sid Science Street” WildFloyd: Kratts Brit Daniel Tiger WordGirl Live atWhy! Red Super Business Rocks The Road to World News BrainPerfect PBS ChangeHealth NewsHour Perlmutter ” The British Easy Yoga: Charlie Rose Beat (My The Secret ” Music) Peg Plus Cat ” Sid Science Brit Floyd: Wild at Kratts Live Red WordGirl Rocks BrainBusiness World News Change-
Katie The Voice Today ” cont’d ” Ellen DeGe” New neresDay ”Show Northwest KING 5 The Blacklist KING News 5 News ” Nightly News KING News Days of our News Tonight Lives News Show Dr. Phil Evening Seth Meyers ” The Voice Katie ” ” ” Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Blacklist KING ”5 News News KING
Sisters Gypsy Sisters Peter Popoff Paid Prog. Gypsy Wedding
Movie: Browns Payne “Witless Protection” Mod Fam Seinfeld
Perlmutter PBS NewsHour Easy Yoga: The Secret British Beat (My
Tonight News Nightly News Show Seth NewsMeyers Evening
The Voice ”
Family Guy Family Guy
Music) ” Brit Floyd: Live at Red
KCTS Rocks BrainN
KING The Blacklist ” P
The National How/Made CBC News Auction ” How/Made Now With Auction Lang & MythBusters Carole How/Made O’Leary ” MacNeil How/Made
Gypsy 19 Kids and Sisters Counting Peter Popoff Little Couple Paid Prog. Little Couple
” Divorce Movie: Divorce “Witless Judge Alex Protection” Judge Alex
ChangeSesame Perlmutter Street Easy Yoga: Daniel Tiger The Secret Super Why!
KING News Today Tonight cont’d Show New Day Seth Meyers Northwest
YTV Babysitting Splatalot 6
NEWS CBC News ” 7
CBC News Now With
DISC Bering Sea Gold 9
KAYU News Mod; Fam
The Arsenio 30 Rock Hall Show Paid Prog. TMZ Family Feud Sunny Family Feud
MythBusters ThisMinute ” ThisMinute
Say Yes Say Yes
Gown Gown
WTBS “The Time Machine” A
King King
The British Beat (My
Divorce The Middle Mod Fam Judge Alex Judge Alex Big Bang Big KingBang King Browns Payne Community Community Browns Payne Seinfeld The Middle Mod Fam Seinfeld The Middle Mod Fam Family Guy Divorce Family Guy Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Movie: BrownsAlex Judge Payne Alex “Zoolander” King ” Browns King Payne ” Community Mod Fam Movie: Community Seinfeld “The Ring Seinfeld Family Guy Two” The Middle Family Guy
Peg Plus Cat Katie American About a Boy Masters Sid Science Growing ” Up
Sidekick Gags Gags Squirrel
” How/Made The National Licence to Drill: Louis. ” How/Made
Steve New Girl Brooklyn Harvey
Medium The Little Couple Medium
The Middle Amer. Dad Movie: Mod Fam
Babysitting SpongeBob Splatalot Chucks
CBC Lang News & ” O’Leary
News Bethenny Mod Fam ”
The Little Medium Couple Medium
“Zoolander” Big Bang ” Big Bang
SportsCentre News Hour ” Final ” ” SportsCentre ET ” Global Nat. Lumberjacks TheCanada Doctors SportsCentre CHBC The Test Curling ” News SportsCentre
News Hour Early News Final Global Nat. ET News Hour TheCanada Doctors The Test ”
Barry’d Storage Storage Kimmel Storage KOMO 4Live Storage The View Criminal Nightline Storage ” Minds News Storage
Mr. Bering Sea OddYoung Parents The CBCNational News What Next Boys ” Gold SpongeBob What Next Gags Lang & What Next Cache Craze The Licence to Invasion CBCNational News Auction Gags O’Leary What Next Spliced Now With Auction Japanizi ” Drill: Louis.
The Arsenio Simpsons Hall Two Show Men TMZ Two Men 30 Rock Sunny Paid Fam Prog. Mod
Medium ” The Little Browns Little Couple Movie: Couple Payne Paid Prog. “The Ring The Little Browns 19 Kids Divorce Paid Prog. Two” 19 Kids Divorce Couple Payne
Flamingo Carole The Next CBC News Squirrel Star - Super. MacNeil ”
A&E 1
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” Sesame Today ” Street cont’d Peg Plus Cat Katie Sid Science ” Daniel Tiger New Day Super Why! Northwest Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeWordGirl neres Show The British KING 5 Beat (My News 5 Business KING World News News Music) Days of our Lives PBS ” Nightly News NewsHour Charlie Rose News Dr. Phil ” American News ” Masters Evening Peg Plus Cat Katie Sid Science ” ” The Voice Sesame Today ” ” Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeStreet cont’d WordGirl neres American About Show a Boy Daniel Tiger Growing New Masters Business KINGDay 5 Up Super Why! Northwest World ”News News Chicago Fire The British KING ”5 News ” PBS Nightly Beat (My News NewsHour News Rick Steves’ KING News Music) Days American News of our Viva Espana! Tonight ” Lives Masters Evening ” Show Charlie Dr. ThePhil Voice ” Rose Seth Meyers ” ”
Mind Games Storage KOMO 4 Storage News ”
KNOW KOMO News * ` Jimmy World News
Seinfeld The Middle Divorce
The Dr. Oz Goldbergs Trophy Wife Show
Music) ”
Worst Maya Bee Company Arthur
Cold Daily Water Planet Cowboys ”
” Wild Kratts ” WordGirl
Chicago Fire Ellen DeGeneres ”Show
Rick Steves’ Business Viva Espana! World News ” PBS Sesame Street” NewsHour
KING News 5 Tonight News Show Nightly Today News Seth cont’dMeyers News
Daily Show 22 Minutes CTV News CBC News The View Bookaboo Seth Meyers Coronation Doodlebops ” Rick Mercer
KIRO News Late KIROShow News Letterman KIRO News The Price Is Ferguson RightNews CBS
Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected
Ultimate Jack Engineering Wild Kratts Emergency Hope forEle. Ella the ” Jelly Jamm Wildlife
Fresh Ent Til Debt ET Canada
The Marilyn etalk Denis Show Big Bang
Heartland George S ” Coronation
Young & Ent Restless The Insider
Fresh Ent Til Debt ET Canada
Darts NHL-A ” Season
G. Shrinks Ultimate Clifford-Dog Engineering
KOMO 4 Wheel News Jeopardy!
Criminal Barry’d Minds Storage
Family Feud The LittleLittle Couple Mod Judge Alex Big Bang Fam Family Feud Couple Little Couple Seinfeld Judge Alex Big Bang
Daniel Tiger American Super Why! Masters
New Day News Northwest Evening
Noon News NCIS Hour ”
CTV News Agents of ” S.H.I.E.L.D.
CBC Mercer News Rick Now 22 Minutes
KIRO News NCIS Bold ”
Noon News NCIS Hour ”
Barclays UEFA UEFA Champions
PAW Patrol Not Bucket-Dino Forgotten
The Chew Marvel ” Studios
Wahlburgers Mr. Kid Young vs. Kat Storage ” Sidekick Storage Boys
CBCNational News LicenceSea to The Bering Now With Drill: Louis. ” Gold
ThisMinute Glee ThisMinute ”
Say Yes The Little Say Yes Couple
King Family Guy King Family Guy
American ” Masters ”
KING 5 The Voice News ”
Days of our World ”Poker NCIS: Los 24 CH Lives Tour Angeles
The Social Goldbergs Trophy” Wife
Republic Arctic Air of Doyle ”
The Talk NCIS: Los ” Angeles
Days of our NCIS: Los Lives Angeles
Champions League League: ”
Rob Robot Emergency Dragon ”
General Goldbergs Hospital Trophy Wife
Wahlburgers Gags Rated A for Storage Wahlburgers Monster Storage Gags
Reshmi Nair Licence Cold Water The National to Cowboys ”” Drill: Louis.
Law & New Girl Order: SVU Brooklyn
Gown The Little Gown Couple
Community Amer. Dad Community Movie:
” American ” Masters
Days of About a our Boy Lives Growing Up
” ””
That’s”Hcky ””
Hockey Oil Change Canucks ” TV
KING 5 News Days of our Lives
Community Community
Dive, Olly Emergency ” Jelly Jamm
” ”
Family Feud Medium Family Feud Medium 30 Rock 19 Kids and Spliced Now With Auction Paid Prog. Counting Sidekick ” How/Made Steve Medium Squirrel How/Made Harvey Flamingo Carole” How/Made Family Feud Medium Little Couple Squirrel MacNeil How/Made Family Feud Little Couple SpongeBob Lang & Daily Planet Bethenny Medium Chucks O’Leary ” ” Medium Kid vs. Kat CBC News MythBusters ThisMinute Say Yes Sidekick Now With ” ThisMinute Say Yes Odd Parents CBC News What Next Simpsons The Little SpongeBob ” What Next Two Men Couple Rated A for Reshmi Nair Bering Sea Law & Gown Monster ” Gold Order: SVU Gown Cache Craze The National Licence to Two Men The Little Japanizi Drill: Louis. Mod Fam Kid vs. Kat Power”& Highway Family Feud Couple Medium League/Evil Politics Thru Water Hell Family Feud The Medium The Next CBC News Cold Big Bang Little Star - Super. Cowboys Big Bang Couple Sidekick ” How/Made Steve Medium Squirrel ” How/Made Harvey Medium Mr. Young The National Bering Sea Glee The Little Invasion Auction Rock 19 Kids and Boys ” Gold ” Couple SpongeBob CBC Lang News & Daily Planet 30 Bethenny Medium Spliced Now With Auction Paid Prog. Counting Chucks O’Leary ” to ” Medium Gags The National Licence New Girl The Little Flamingo How/Made Family Feud Couple Little Couple Gags ” Drill: Brooklyn Odd Parents Carole CBC News WhatLouis. Next Simpsons The Little Squirrel MacNeil How/Made Family Feud Little Couple SpongeBob CBC ” WhatWater Next Two Men Couple Babysitting News Cold News The Little Kid vs. Craze Kat CBCNational News MythBusters ThisMinute Say Yes Splatalot ” Cowboys Mod Fam Couple Cache The Licence to Two Men The Little Sidekick Now With ” ThisMinute Say Yes Japanizi ” Drill: Louis. Mod Fam Couple Mr. Young The National Bering Sea The Arsenio Medium Rated A for Reshmi Sea Law & Gown The Next CBC News Cold Water Big Bang The Little Boys ” Nair Bering Gold Hall Show Little Couple Monster ” Gold Order: SVU Gown Star - Super. Cowboys Big Bang Couple Gags Lang & What Next TMZ Paid Prog. Kid vs. Kat Power & Highway Family Medium Mr. Young The National BeringNext Sea Glee Feud Paid The Little Gags O’Leary What Sunny Prog. League/Evil Politics Thru Family” Feud Medium Boys ” Gold Hell Couple
Highway Thru Hell Auction
Law & Order: SVU
TLC Gypsy Wedding <
Chicago Young & Fire Sportsnet World Poker ” Connected Restless Tour
Amer. Dad Movie:
The Queen Darts NCIS: Los League AngelesShow Latifah ”
CBC News George S CBC News
New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING 5 KING 5 News News
Gypsy Sisters
Power & Politics CBC News
30 Rock Steve Paid Prog. Harvey
Gypsy Sisters
Kid vs. Kat League/Evil Invasion
Days of our
KCTS Lives KING Charlie Rose Dr. Phil N P ” ”
Bones ”
A&E 1
Health ”
WTBS Seinfeld TheA Middle
The National How/Made ” How/Made
The First 48 ” Criminal
A&E 1
Community Community
TLC Medium < Medium
The National MythBusters The ” ” Following
KNOW KOMO * The` Doctors
Gown Gown
KAYU Family Feud ; Family Feud
Japanizi Babysitting
Reshmi Nair Bering Sea ” Gold
Law & Order: SVU
Gags Gags
Kid vs. Kat Sidekick
Hall Show Two Men Mod Fam TMZ Sunny Big Bang Big Bang
Rated A for Monster
Minds Storage Storage Criminal Minds Storage Storage The First ” Storage Storage The First ” Storage Storage The First ” Barry’d Storage Storage Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage Storage The First Storage ” Storage Barry’d The First Barry’d Storage ” Storage Storage The First Storage ” Storage
cont’d Bensinger Paid New Prog. Day
” How/Made The National MythBusters ” MythBusters Bering” Sea Gold
The First 48 ”
” The View ” Oz The Dr. Show KOMO 4 News KOMO 4 News The Chew News ” World News General Hospital KOMO 4 News The Doctors Wheel” Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz Show Marvel The View Studios KOMO 4 News ” Goldbergs KOMO 4 Trophy News Wife News WorldGames News Mind The Chew ”4 KOMO News ” News General Wheel Jimmy Hospital Jeopardy! Kimmel Live The Doctors Marvel Nightline ” Studios
KING News The 206 Today
” Lang & O’Leary CBC News ”
Gags ” Gags Assembly Thunder
The First 48 ”
General Hospital
The Road to KING 5 Perfect News
Family Feud Bethenny Family” Feud ThisMinute Simpsons ThisMinute Two Men Deadliest Law Men & MythBusters Two Catch ” Order: SVU Mod Fam How/Made Family Feud Bering Sea Big Bang How/Made Family Feud Gold Big Bang How/Made Steve How/Made Bones Auction 30 Rock How/Made Harvey How/Made ” Auction Paid Prog. Daily Planet The Bethenny MythBusters Airplane Family” Feud ” Following Repo ” Family Feud How/Made Simpsons Bering Sea News Dude, You’re ThisMinute How/Made Two Men Gold Mod Fam Screwed ThisMinute MythBusters Two Men How/Made The Deadliest Law Arsenio & ” Mod Fam How/Made Hall Show Catch Order: SVU Bering Sea Big Bang MythBusters TMZ How/Made Family Feud Gold Big Bang ” Sunny How/Made Family Feud How/Made Bones How/Made Steve ” How/Made Harvey MythBusters The Daily Planet Bethenny ” Following ” ” Bering Sea News Gold Mod Fam How/Made Simpsons How/Made Two Arsenio Men How/Made The
” ”
King King
Airplane Daily Planet Repo ” Dude, You’re How/Made Screwed How/Made
PAW Patrol The Chew Bucket-Dino ” Rob Robot Dragon
Round of 16, Ella the Ele. 2nd Leg Wibbly European Ella thePig Ele. Poker Tour Jelly Jamm Darts Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm NHL-A” G. Shrinks Season Clifford-Dog World Poker Maya Bee Tour Arthur UFC PAW Patrol UEFA Bucket-Dino Oil Change Jack ” Wild Robot Kratts Champions Rob League: Dragon Sportsnet Hope for Connected Round of 16, Wildlife Ella the Ele. 2nd Leg Wibbly Pig NHL-A Ultimate Season Engineering Darts Dive, Olly Jelly UEFA ” Not Jamm European Ella the Ele. Champions World Poker Forgotten Maya Bee Poker Jelly Jamm Tour Tour Arthur League Emergency NHL-A G. Shrinks ” ” Oil Change Jack Season Clifford-Dog ” Wild Kratts Sportsnet Worst UFC PAW Patrol Connected Company Sportsnet Hope for UEFA Bucket-Dino Connected Wildlife Hockey Ultimate Champions Robot NHL-A TV Rob Ultimate Canucks Engineering League: Dragon Season Engineering Sportsnet Emergency Round UEFA of 16, Ella Not the Connected ” Ele. 2nd Leg Wibbly Pig Champions Forgotten
News The View Jimmy ” Kimmel Live KOMO 4 Nightline News
A&E Bates Motel ” 1
Flamingo SpongeBob Squirrel Bread Kid vs. Kat Odd Parents Sidekick SpongeBob
Say Yes Say Yes
SportsCentre Chicago of The National Person of ” Young & Fire Person Ellen DeGeDragons’ Judge Judy ” Interest Interest ” Restless neres Show Den ” Judge Judy News-Lisa CTV News CTV News at Five
Noon News Hour
Preseason SportsCentre Curling Baseball: Red Sox ” at ” Yankees ”” That’s”Hcky That’s”Hcky SportsCentre Off Record Interruption ” ” SportsCentre CurlingHcky That’s MLB ” Preseason World ”Poker Baseball: Tour ” Red Sox ” at SportsCentre Yankees ” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre That’s”Hcky That’s”Hcky SportsCentre Off Record That’s Hcky SportsCentre Interruption ”
NHL-A Season
News-Lisa The View CTV News ” Daily Show The Marilyn Seth Meyers Denis Show
” ”
” ”
The Good Wife
Off Record The Talk Interruption ” Motoring Doctors SportsCentre The Queen Curling Curling Latifah” Show Fresh & ”” Young Debt/Part ”” Restless ”” Noon News News Hour ” ”” ”” Days ofNat. our Global Shorts Lives News SportsCentre CHBC Off Record The Talk ” Ent Interruption ” ” ET Canada
Undercover Big Bang ” LazyTown A13 Undercover Movie: Sid Science NHL
Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil SportsCentre Chicago Fire Person of Interruption ” ”
Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk Round of 16, Ella the Ele. The National Person of Chicago Fire Sportsnet Worst Chris Deal ” 2nd Leg Wibbly Pig
The Doctors Wahlburgers Kid vs. Kat Mind Games Storage Babysitting ” Wahlburgers League/Evil
SportsCentre The Queen
Best Recipes ThisMinute CBC News KIRO News Stefano ThisMinute
The Dr. Oz News Show
Wahlburgers Sidekick Barry’d Mr. Young Wahlburgers Squirrel
Duck D.
SportsCentre News ” LatifahHour Show News-Lisa ” ” Final CTV News NHL
Young &
SportsCentre ET Canada Hockey: Restless SportsCentre The Test Lightning at News Maple Leafs ”
The Queen NHL-A News Hour Hockey Latifah Show Season
Dive, Olly Ultimate Jelly Jamm
Family Feud News Family Feud
Medium The Little Medium
Seinfeld “Zoolander” The Middle
Steve The Arsenio Harvey
Medium Medium Medium
The Middle ” Mod Fam
Canucks TV
Letterman Judge Judy Ferguson
ET Canada Restless The Test
Sportsnet Tour Connected
Emergency Arthur ”
Kimmel Live Storage News Duck D. Nightline Storage News World News
Duck Dynasty
Gags Nerds Gags
Lang & O’Leary O’Leary
CBC News Rick Mercer
KIRO News CBS News
News Hour ”
Sportsnet Hockey
Ultimate Engineering
KOMO 4 News
Duck D. Duck D.
Hathaways Thunder
The National Salvage ” Hunters
Canada ”
Wheel Jeopardy!
Duck D. Assembly Wahlburgers Japanizi
George S
Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ CTV News at Five
Dangerous Cold Water Flights
The National Bering Sea ” How/Made ” Gold
Daily Minutes neresShow Show 22 Den Seth Meyers Coronation
” Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre CHBC News ” ” ”
Power & CBC News Politics
WhatWater Next Cold What Next Cowboys
CBC News CBC News
Late Show
Judge Judy KIRO News KIRO News
Young &
Early News Global Nat.
World Poker European Poker Tour
Engineering Maya Bee
Jack Wild Kratts
Lang &
Odd Parents CBC News SpongeBob ”
Hall Show Bethenny
Little Couple Movie: The Little
Big Bang
Business World News
Two Men Mod Fam
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Browns Payne
PBS NewsHour
Nightly News News
MythBusters Big Bang ” Big Bang
Bubble Skin Man
Mod Fam Seinfeld
Easy Yoga: The Secret
News Evening
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Family Guy Family Guy
Revolution ”
Bubble Skin Man
Amer. Dad Movie:
Perlmutter Members’
Law & Order: SVU
My 600-Lb. Life
“The Ring Two”
Choice ”
Chicago PD ”
” Movie:
” American
KING News Tonight
Masters ”
Show Seth Meyers
Ent ET Canada
NHL Hockey:
That’s Hcky Off Record
Survivor ”
Dragons’ Den
Survivor ”
Survivor ”
Predators at Wild China Canucks ”
The Middle Wahlburgers Mr. Young Suburgatory Wahlburgers Boys
The National How/Made ” How/Made
Motoring 24 CH
Engels About a Boy
Criminal Minds
Recipe to Riches
Criminal Minds
Engels About a Boy
” Sportsnet
Music and Monarchy
Mod Fam Mixology
Duck Dynasty
Gags Gags
The National Bear Grylls: ” ”
CSI: Crime Scene
The National CSI: Crime ” Scene
Chicago PD ”
Sportsnet Connected
Kathleen Ferrier
Nashville ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Babysitting Splatalot
CBC News ”
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Hockey Canucks TV
Canada ”
News Jimmy
Duck D. Mr. Young Wahlburgers Boys
The National MythBusters The Arsenio ” ” Hall Show
The Little Couple
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada The Test
Sportsnet Connected
Wild China ”
Kimmel Live Nightline
Wahlburgers Gags Wahlburgers Gags
Lang & O’Leary
Peter Popoff “Orphan” Paid Prog. ”
Daily Show 22 Minutes Seth Meyers Coronation
Ellen DeGe-
Browns Payne
My 600-Lb. Life
Ent The Insider
SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test
Wild Kratts ” WordGirl
“The Ring Big Bang Two”
Simpsons Two Men
George S Coronation
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News
Paid Prog. Couple Paid Prog.
Bear Grylls: ”
Big Bang Mixology
SportsCentre Chicago PD ” ”
Peg Plus Cat Katie
Rick Steves’ KING ”News Sid Science Viva Espana! Tonight
TMZ ” Sunny
Ent ET Canada
CBC News ”
Daily Planet
What Next ” What Next
Mod Fam
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” Chicago Fire ” ”
Salvage Hunters
How/Made How/Made
American Idol ” ” News Mod Fam
TMZ Sunny
Show neres Show Seth Meyers KING 5 News
Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Lake Country Calendar
A14 A14
Your community. Your classifieds.
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Business Opportunities
It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.
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Help Wanted
ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis
The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.
Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email:
Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits or Other Insurance? If YES, call or email for your
and protect your right to compensation. 778.588.7049 Toll Free: 1.888.988.7052
While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
$1000 A week mailing brochures from home! Helping Home-Workers since 2001. No experience required. Start Immediately! Visit us online: EUROPE, AUSTRALIA, or New Zealand: Live and work on a dairy, crop, beef, or sheep farm. AgriVenture invites applicants 18-30 for 4-12 month 2014 programs. Apply now! or call 1-888-598-4415 GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website HELP WANTED - Local people needed! Simple, flexible online work. FT/PT. Internet needed. Very easy. No experience required! Guaranteed income! No fees. Genuine! Start immediately. Visit online at:
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PUT YOUR experience to work - The job service for people aged 45 and over across Canada. Free for candidates. Register now online at: or Call Toll-Free: 1-855-286-0306.
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
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Employment Automotive EXPERIENCED PARTS person required for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses working 5 day work week, plus moving allowances. Our 26,000ft2 store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community online at www.Lac Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Or by email to:
AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 w/ Airbrake • Guaranteed 40hr. Work Week & Overtime • Paid Travel & Lodging • Meal Allowance • 4 Weeks Vacation • Excellent Benefits Package
Must be able to have extended stays away from home. Up to 6 months. Must have valid AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 with airbrake license and have previous commercial driving experience. Apply, careers & then choose the FastTRACK Application.
UP TO $400 cash daily FT & PT outdoors, Spring/Summer work. Seeking honest, hard working staff. Visit online at:
REGIONAL and Long haul drivers wanted. We offer stable secure employment, Extended Benefits, Pension Plan, Auto Deposit Pay, $0.70 per mile BC runs, $0.65 BC/AB runs, paid tire chains, tarps, and extra picks /drops. Class 1 with clean abstract and verifiable mountain experience, apply online: at or fax: 250-357-2009. Call 1888-357-2612 Ext:230
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Business Opportunities
Help Wanted
Financial Services
Financial Services
Legal Services
75 CHERRY orchard workers required at Tangaro Orchards in Lake Country from July 10th to Nov.1st. Pay rate is $10.33 per hour. The successful applicants must be physically fit and capable of working in all types of weather. Duties are repetitive and include picking and packing, cleanup , general labour with 6 workers staying on for pruning Fax resume to 778-480-1126 or call 250-9798555 for interview.
DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420
CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Seasonal Farm Laborer
Seasonal Laborer positions at Coral Beach Farms Ltd, Lake Country. No experience necessary. Must have own transportation. Applicant must be capable of physically demanding work in all weather conditions. 6-7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day beginning approximately July 2, 2014. Work includes, but is not limited to, tree planting, pruning and irrigation. Pay $10.33/hour. Accommodation provided if required. Apply by fax at 250766-0813 or by email at:
Trades, Technical ENSIGN IS looking for Assistant Drillers, Drillers, Night Tour Pushes, and Rig Managers for our Australian Division. Recruiter’s will be in Nisku, Alberta, March 31 - April 9 to conduct interviews. If you want to hear more about our International opportunities please contact our Global group and apply online at www.ensign Call 1-888-3674460. HVAC Journeymen for Beebe Mechanical Systems in Thunder Bay, ON. Full service union shop. Relocation Incentive will be discussed with successful candidates. Trade and Gas (G3 min) Certificate required. Please send your resume to: or fax to: 807-6232551
Req. at Canuck Mechanical in Prince George Must have exp. doing service work & be proficient with trouble shooting heating systems & plumbing problems. Top wages & benefits Email resume to:
Financial Services ANNACIS ISLAND Pawnbrokers open ‘till midnight 7 days a week. 604-540-1122. Cash loans for jewellery, computers, smartphones, games, tools etc. #104-1628 Fosters Way at Cliveden. annacisislandpawn IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
Help Wanted
Professionals Connecting Professionals
Great Employees Meet Great Employers
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 12, 2014 A15 A15
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Moving & Storage
Misc. for Sale
Sporting Goods
Auto Financing
SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDING sale. Big year end clear out continued! 20x20 $3,915. 25x28 $4,848. 30x32 $6,339. 32x34 $7,371. 40x50 $12,649. 47x68 $16,691. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-6685422. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:
RUGER GP 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Americanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 243, 308, 270, 30-06, Scout, Hawkeye, Glock 17, 20, 21, 22, CZ 527 & 452, all in stock at Weber & Markin Gunsmiths, The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tues-Sat. 10-6 WeberMarkin
Auto Accessories/Parts
DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 4 ton 250-215-0147, 250-766-1282
Painting & Decorating WWW.PAINTSPECIAL.COM
(1) 250-899-3163
3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour
(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!
Merchandise for Sale
WANTED: FIREARMS. All types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. 1.866.960.0045 website:
Furniture SLIDE INTO COMFORT w/ A BRAND NEW QUEEN MATTRESS $160. Still in plastic, mfg. warranty. 250.870.2562
Garage Sales
MOVING Sale. March 14, 15, 16th. 9-6. 9281 Mountview Rd. Lake Country
Misc. for Sale
CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?
Breathe through a straw for 60 seconds. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what breathing is like with cystic fibrosis. No wonder so many people with CF stop breathing in their early 30s.
Auto Loans. All Credit Approved. Bad Credit Guru. or call 1.844.843.4878
Real Estate
TO LEARN WHATâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ON SALE?
For Sale By Owner While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
REAL Estate Swap would like to swap 2 bdrm upper 1 bdrm lower in Salmon Arm walking all amenities, for Lake country house 1 or 2 bdrm 1-250-8030488
Open Houses OPEN HOUSE MAR 9TH. 16748 85th Surrey, Gorgeous Fleetwood Home. 6 bedroom, 4 bath, 3,651 sq ft. Lot 6,069 sq ft. 18yrs old. A grand entrance with vaulted ceilings, and massive windows, Kitchen/family room are open concept. Family room shares a double fireplace with the den. Mountain view $649,999. For virtual tour: info@ Phone: 778-928-4524
Misc. Wanted Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Estates, Gold & Silver Coins + 863-3082 Chad COLLECTOR looking to buy a coin collection. Also looking for coins, bars, medals, ingots from Royal Canadian Mint, Franklin Mint, US Mint & others. Todd 250-864-3521 I make house calls! PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670
The link to your community
Please help us.
Auto Financing Need A Vehicle! Guaranteed Auto Loan. Apply Now, 1.877.680.1231
Rentals Commercial/ Industrial 5000sqft bldg. & fenced outdoor storage in Kelowna at a great deal! Call 250-878-6455
Vehicle Wanted GOT Old Cars or Parts Laying Around? New, upcoming website to connect sellers and buyers. Want to know more? Email us a list of what you have and we will send you a fact sheet.
Roosters Barber Shop
Serving the community since 2005 Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man! Tuesday to Friday 9-6 (Srâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discount days)
Saturday & Sunday 9-4 Closed Mondays
Frank Geber â&#x20AC;˘ 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Hortonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
LANDSCAPING/GARDEN MAINTENANCE ^/'E hW E KtÍ&#x160; ,Ä&#x201A;Ç&#x20AC;Ä&#x17E; ŽƾĆ&#x152; Ć&#x161;Ä&#x17E;Ä&#x201A;Ĺľ ůŽŽŏ Ä&#x201A;ĨĆ&#x161;Ä&#x17E;Ć&#x152; Ä&#x201A;ĹŻĹŻ Ç&#x2021;ŽƾĆ&#x152; ĨÄ&#x201A;ĹŻĹŻ Î&#x2DC; Ç Ĺ?ĹśĆ&#x161;Ä&#x17E;Ć&#x152; Ć&#x2030;Ć&#x152;ƾŜĹ?ĹśĹ? Ç Ĺ?Ć&#x161;Ĺ&#x161; ŽƾĆ&#x152; E t Ć&#x2030;Ć&#x152;ƾŜĹ?ĹśĹ? Ć&#x2030;Ć&#x152;Ĺ˝Ĺ?Ć&#x152;Ä&#x201A;ĹľÍ&#x2022; ĨĆ&#x152;Žž EĹ˝Ç&#x20AC; Ͳ DÄ&#x201A;Ć&#x152;Ä?Ĺ&#x161;Í&#x2DC;
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Burnâ&#x20AC;Ś Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788
Full cycle bookkeeping & accounting services including Accounts Receivable Payroll & Remittances Bank Reconciliation Financial Statements Initial Set-ups of Books
Accounts Payable GST, PST & WCB Remittances Day to Day Transactions Year-end Financial Statements Plus much more...
Pet Paradise Pet Grooming Pet & Show Quality Grooming From Award-Winning Groomer Danielle
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Your office or ours, we pick up & deliver Call 250-826-7975
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Make this space work for you! Call Michelle, Emily or Shayla - 250-766-4688 2.5â&#x20AC;? x 1.75â&#x20AC;? with full colour:
Only $15, and the creative department will design it for you - FREE!
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Public Comment Suspended
Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Congratulations Bev Marsh – Citizen of the Year
There will be NO more public comment sessions during Council meetings until after the November 2014 municipal election. Council is still interested in hearing what you have to say though, so the public is invited to write to Mayor and Council or apply to present as a Delegation at a future meeting by contacting the Corporate Services Department 250-766-5650.
It’s Income Tax Time… Trained community volunteers can
help prepare your income tax return. If you are a low income senior (below $30,000 single income or $40,000 couple) please come see Dave or Leona at Municipal Hall (10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.) any Monday 10am-Noon from March 3 until April 14. Bring your tax papers/forms.
Lake Country Citizens Patrol Needs You! Lake Country Citizens Patrol is looking for volunteers who are concerned about making their community a safer place. Organized programs such as Citizens on Patrol, Speed Watch, Auto Crime and Child I.D. have been running in the community for 26 years. If you are 19 or older, have a valid driver`s licence, and can dedicate a few hours a month, please call Richard 250-766-3681 or Bill 778-483-0022 or leave a message at 250-766-5400.
Register NOW for Spring & Summer Activities If you haven’t received your Spring/Summer 2014 Activity Guide in the mail, stop by Municipal Hall to pick one up and register for some new fun and inspiring activities. Or visit and click on the Activity Guide Quick Link to register online.
Bev Marsh was recently named 2013 Citizen of the Year / Sax Koyama Award recipient by the Oceola Fish and Game Club. Mayor Baker presented her with a personal plaque at the Oceola Fish and Game Club’s annual banquet in February. The Sax Koyama Award is presented annually to a Lake Country citizen that has shown an outstanding contribution to the community, with direct benefit to the community. Besides being a busy grandma and great grandma, Bev is very involved in the life of the community in Lake Country. She began volunteering at the Winfield Food Bank in 1987, before Lake Country was incorporated, and she is still there providing much appreciated assistance to Phylis Macpherson. Bev assists with the meals/catering program at Lake Country Seniors’ Centre; and has been on the Winfield Hospital Auxiliary since 2006 in addition to helping out at baby clinics and flu clinics. Bev is cheerful, energetic and a hard worker, dedicated, happy and willing to help anyone. Her family and volunteering have always been a high priority to Bev.
Congratulations Bev Marsh!
Follow what’s happening in Lake Country
Follow us on Facebook And check out the “What’s Happening” calendar and News at