Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal, March 13, 2014

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I N S I D E : Banner camp. Page 7


Volume 121 No 11 PM # 400121123


Thursday, March 13, 2014

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Dangerous rail cars concern Council

Discovering new favourites The Rotary Club of Ashcroft-Cache Creek held its 14th annual wine tasting event last Friday, featuring BC wines and craft ales, the paintings of Esther Darlington MacDonald, and the coffee - and chocolate - of Beans Roasted Rite.

Ashcroft Council is eyeing the train tracks that run parallel to the Thompson and wondering what’s going to roll through town next. Council discussed rail safety at its March 10 meeting after reviewing a news article that looked at the rail cars involved in the LacMegantic explosion last summer, and quoted government and rail officials who spoke about the growing volume of crude oil being shipped by car and the need to replace the old cars currently being used. “It’s shocking to me,” said Coun. Helen Kormendy, “that the Feds won’t do anything about it. I’m very concerned about this.” According to the article, “Experts put the cost of retrofitting tank cars at btween $20,000 and $70,000 each. Of the 228,000 DOT-111s [cars] in service in North America, about 92,000 carry flammable liquids and 14,000 of those are new, stronger cars built after October 2011. That means about 72,000 cars would have to be retrofitted.” “How can we, as a municipality, be assured of safety, given the track record of these tank cars?” she asked. “I, too, am concerned,” said Coun. Alice Durksen. “Just hearing about how much oil is transported by rail... We need to say something. We need to be proactive about it.” Mayor Andy Anderson noted that retrofitting 72,000 cars at $20,000 each “is pretty cheap” considering how much the Lac-Megantic tragedy cost everyone. RCMP Sgt. Michel Grondin was at the Council meeting on a different matter, but was asked if his office was contacted about dangerous materials being moved through the area by train. Grondin said they normally are notified by the rail companies if there is something dangerous coming through. Usually they get four days notice, but there isn’t anything they can do to stop it. Administrator Michelle Allen pointed out that CN and CP were going to levy a surcharge on customers still using the old cars. “These are private cars,” said Kormendy. “[The railways] should be refusing to use them. Levying a surcharge is not improving safety.” Council voted to write to the Prime Minister, Minister of Transportation, MP Mark Strahl, CN and CP urging them to deal with the matter and asking what their plans are.

Spring is on hold... so we’ll warm you up with a sale on Pellets! $ 99 PINNACLE PINE PELLETS 199 PER TON


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Arrest warrant issued

A new Clinton oldtimer

March 4, 45 year old Link Gaetz from Delta failed to appear in court for a trial confirmation hearing regarding a 2012 assault in Cache Creek. A warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Burning truck

Happy 75th Birthday Phyllis from your friends and family

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March 4 at 1 pm police were called to a single vehicle accident on Hwy 1 north of Cache Creek where the tires of a semi hauling a B-train of highly flammable hog fuel (treated woodchips) had caught on fire. The southbound truck was just outside of the fire suppression service. The driver, a 41 year old Kamloops man, tried unsuccessfully to use a fire extinguisher. The driver managed to unhook the trailers and drive the burning 2014 Western Star cab away from them. The cab was a writeoff. Overheated brakes are suspected.

Cocaine trucker

March 5 at 4 pm police were called to Husky after receiving a complaint about a possibly impaired truck driver. Police located the 2001 Freightliner car haul-

er and the shcroft etAchMent driver, a 54 year old New WestminWendy Coomber ster man. Not going to make it The drivMarch 7 at 10 am while er was hauling cars from on a routine patrol on Hwy 1 Vancouver to Kamloops and near Hat Creek Rd., an offistopped in Cache Creek to cer noted a northbound 2012 do some cocaine. No drugs Dodge pickup travelling at were found on him, but he 158 kph in the 100 kph zone. was given a 24 hour drivThe driver was given a ticking suspension and lodged et for excessive speed and in cells until sober. His comhis truck was impounded pany came and retrieved for seven days. The 50 year their truck. old Langley man said he was hurrying to get to his 12 year Fire reported March 5 at 5:45 pm po- old daughter’s hockey tourlice were notified by a pass- nament in Williams Lake. ing motorist on Hwy 97 of a His daughter was also in the structure fire in 16 Mile. Po- truck. lice attended and discovered a controlled burn on a farm Goose hunting March 7 at 2 pm police which was being monitored. were called to Walhachin after receiving a complaint Money matters March 6 at 11:30 am po- of gunshots heard. The oflice were called to a down- ficer located a hunter firing town business in Ashcroft at geese in a safe manner. for a disburbance after an There were no charges. argument between a landlord and tenant over rent Marijuana seized March 7 at 9:30 pm turned into a shoving match. Traffic Services stopped a The two 58 year old men vehicle on Hwy 1 near Spenagreed to part and keep the ces Bridge. While dealing peace. with the driver, a 34 year old Lytton man, the officer de-

Police Telephone #s

Ashcroft: 250-453-2216 Clinton: 250-459-2221 Lytton: 250-455-2225 Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) Interior Roads 1-800-842-4122

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Call Dave Johnson 0.457.1052 250.457.9503 • Cell 25

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Thursday, March 13, 2014 The Journal


A 2

Play With WithUs” Us” “Come Play


rcMP D


tected an odour of marijuana in the vehicle and subsequently seized 127 grams of marijuana. It was unknown whether it belonged to the driver or to his passenger, a 36 year old Lytton woman. No charges were laid.

Impaired driver

March 8 at 11:30 pm Traffic Services stopped a speeding southbound 2012 Dodge pickup on Hwy 97C at the Hwy 1 turnoff. While dealing with the driver, the officer detected an odour of liquor. The 23 year old Abbotsford man refused to blow into roadside testing equipment and was given an immediate 90 day roadside driving suspension. His truck was impounded for 30 days and he was given a ticket for having open liquor in his vehicle.

Dividing it up

March 9 at 10 am police attended a dispute on the Bonaparte Reserve between a couple in their early 20s. The two were in the midst of splitting up and were arguing over property. They were advised to find proof of ownership and sort it out between themselves.

Liquor coming to BC grocery stores in 2015 by Tom Fletcher Black Press B.C. residents will be able to buy B.C. wine from grocery stores by early next year, with some stores connected to liquor stores that offer full selection including hard liquor. The provincial government released its framework for a major overhaul of liquor policy Thursday. It proposes a small number of new licences for Vintners’ Quality Alliance (VQA) wine sales from grocery store shelves, with future expansion to include B.C.-made craft beer under the same licences. Richmond-Steveston MLA John Yap said all alcohol sales will be rung through at separate cash registers, with staff trained in an expanded “Serving It Right” course to check identification and sobriety. Customers will be able to stock up on groceries and alcoholic beverages in the same shopping cart, whether from in-store B.C. wine or products from a connected liquor store. Changes to take effect by this summer include licensing B.C. wine and beer sale and tasting at farmers’ markets, permitting “happy hour” drink discounts at licensed businesses and removing the requirement for fenced beer

gardens at approved outdoor festivals. Yap said the government is adopting a recommendation from Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Kendall and other health officials to tie prices to alcohol content, in an effort to reduce over-consumption. The government plans to maintain its cap on the number of liquor stores, with 670 private stores now in operation. Liquor stores are currently restricted to relocating no more than five km from their original location, but that restriction is being lifted so a licence can be sold or moved anywhere in the province. Yap said that would allow either a government or private liquor store to relocate next to a grocery store. Another major change in the works is to wholesale pricing from the government’s monopoly Liquor Distribution Branch. Currently private stores pay a 16 per cent discount off the government store retail price. Yap said the LDB will move to the same wholesale price for all stores, based on the value of each product, and retail prices will be set by a competitive market.

The Journal Thursday, March 13 2014


Hat Creek Ranch gets new water well It was always about water in the old Western movies, and that really hasn’t changed. Historic Hat Creek Ranch has has a new well dug near the Visitor Reception Centre and expects to be “swimming” in water this year, figuratively speaking. The new well can pump 600 gallons of water per minute - a good deal more than the old well, which produced 30 gallons per minutes. “In the summer we’d be awfully short of water,” said Jack Jeyes, president of the Friends of Historic Hat Creek Ranch. He said there was a concern that there wasn’t enough for the fire suppression sprinklers in the Visitor Reception Centre and the Roadhouse should they need them, and a fire on the grounds in 2012 showed them how quickly the structures could be put at risk, surrounded by dry grass, old trees and older buildings. The group convinced Victoria that a water study should be done. Two weeks ago they got the go-ahead to start work on the design. “It’s an investment in infrastructure, because yuou can’t rebuild the roadhouse,” he said. “We want to make sure our assets are protected, as does Victoria. The historic sites now fall under the governance of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, and Jeyes noted that the ministry has been a great help to them. MLA Jackie Tegart, a former member of the board, has also helped by lobbying on their behalf. The Ranch plans to add hydrants around the property, add sprinkler systems to some of the old buildings, and provide water to the RV site. The biggest concern is fire, said HHCR manager Don Pearse, “but now we have a better supply of water for events such as the Bonaparte Pow Wow. He said the new water system will also take into account the future expansion of the Visitor Reception Centre.

From 30 to 600 gallons per minute, Historic Hat Creek Ranch had a new well dug at the historic site and now the ranch is looking forward to an abundance of water. Above, the contractor is developing the well to make it ready for this year.

Incinerator’s flyash safe to dump, MV decides Burnaby NewsLeader Metro Vancouver now has approval to landfill bottom ash from its Burnaby garbage incinerator that had been set aside after some loads failed pollution tests.

Starting last spring, testing began to show some samples of bottom ash contained more than twice the allowed level of leachable cadmium for landfill disposal. Those loads were kept

under tarps instead of being dumped at the Vancouver Landfill in Delta, as usual. Metro solid waste general manager Paul Henderson said extensive additional testing found there were tiny bits of cadmium-containing material – mostly from incinerated rechargeable batteries – randomly distributed through the ash loads in what he calls a “chocolate chip phenomenon.” With the provincial environment ministry’s approval, Metro staff used statistical analysis to conclude that the ash loads as a whole were within regulatory limits. “In all cases, when you took enough samples and did statistical analysis of the samples, the Cast members (from left) Leith McLean, Cecelia McLean, Gaurangi Benner, Keya Belin, Pamela Ainge, material was Jean Burgess, and Nancy Duchaine “break a leg” on the set of Switching Principals. See Barbara determined to be non-hazardRoden’s last installment of Theatre Diaries on p. 6. Photo by Barbara Roden

The Show must go on

ous,” Henderson said. The waste-to-energy plant generates about five truckloads a day of bottom ash, or 50,000 tonnes per year. Henderson said cadmium content in garbage is generally from rechargeable batteries, as well as electronic devices and toys containing rechargeable batteries. “Those are all easily recyclable materials,” he said, adding Metro is planning more public education to get residents to return the products for recycling instead of throwing them in the trash. Henderson said Metro is also convinced the incinerator’s fly ash, which the Cache Creek landfill refuses to accept after some failed tests in 2012, is also nonhazardous. But since there’s no other viable destination in B.C., Metro expects to soon sign a new three-year contract to send the fly ash to an out-ofprovince special waste landfill. That ash has so far been trucked to a landfill near Hinton, Alberta. A consultant named by the province is still expected to make recommendations on what to do with the fly ash brought to Cache Creek in 2012.

A 4 Published every Thursday in Ashcroft by Black Press Ltd. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber

The Editor’s Desk

Thursday, March 13, 2014 The Journal




Still affected by the change of seasons No doubt about it, Spring is on its way. It may have a few more stops and starts before Winter is behind us, but the birds aren’t the only ones singing their Springtime song. It’s quite amazing, in this day and age of technology, how the weather still affects our lives. I can feel the shift as people get ready to shake off the layers of clothing they’ve worn since last November and let the sunshine warm the near-frozen blood in their veins. Sort of like my crocuses and hyacinths, which I hope to see again soon. We certainly do make a noticeable shift from Winter to Summer, from indoor activities (many of us) to outdoor - even if it’s just sitting on the porch. While it’s still only the early part of March, gardeners are planting the vegetable and flower seeds they ordered right after New Years. Stores that stock yard and garden items quickly packed up the snowblower display and set up the patio furniture. And the pond equipment. Lawn mowers. Hoses, rakes, shovels and everything else needed to make backyard life complete. Moods change, and not always for the better. Sometimes people who were content to bear out the winter quietly come out of their dens in the Spring and notice all sorts of things around them that aren’t to their liking. People who were kept indoors by the cold weather now spend their time outside making trouble, as evidenced every year by the Police Report. But mainly, Spring is greeted here by a collective sigh of relief. By the time June arrives, the good weather is old news and Winter but a distant, bad memory. Until it rolls around once more, but let’s not go there just yet. In our part of British Columbia, we relish the long, hot seasons by passing on the indoor activities - unless you’re one of those unfortunate souls who are allergic to good weather or can’t wander too far from the air conditioner. As the birds begin their migration back from their Winter vacations, we do our own little Springtime song and dance.

THE MUDDY SEASON as the snow and ice thaws - slowly VICTORIA – Proceedings here at the B.C. legislature were briefly thrust into the spotlight last week, firing up the radio talk shows and twitter feeds. No, it wasn’t the B.C. Liberal government forcing through legislation to allow industrial “research” for things like pipeline routes in provincial parks, or the debate on sanctioned wolf and grizzly kills. It wasn’t the teacher strike vote, as the scripted motions of that ritual combat are well known to weary parents. It was muffins. More specifically, “free” muffins in a newly relocated and equipped MLA lounge, and a rack installed to hold the said muffins at a cost of $733. This was portrayed as part of a spending spree by Richmond East MLA Linda Reid, elected Speaker last summer. In fact it’s just the latest phase of a strikingly expensive refit to provide wheelchair access, which Reid has championed. The new MLA lounge replaces a seldom-used one at the top of steep stairs high in the 1898 stone structure. The new lounge is served by a ramp near the chamber exit to another underused room in the library, and equipped with big-screen TVs to follow proceedings, similar to those installed in the legislature chamber last year. Everything done here is expensive, from matching ornate woodwork to upgrading ancient plumbing and wiring. But the public, conditioned by media to expect corruption and scan-

for long-suffering wives to seeing someone punished for alleged negligence. The scandal pushed in this tragic story is that some evidence was not protected by WorkSafeBC and wouldn’t have been admissible in Tom Fletcher court. Prosecutors also said they had enough evidence for charges, but the companies or executives would be able to show “due diligence” that would likely result in acquittal. What that means in English is dal, would rather be outraged about that the explosion risk of extra-dry free muffins. dust and air wasn’t fully grasped by Prior to this, MLAs had to troop either mill operators or WorkSafeBC. down to the basement dining room to All B.C. mills are now subject to more put muffins and coffee on their expense scrutiny, and a coroner’s inquest will accounts, or have an assistant fetch be calling witnesses this fall to see them. The outraged talk shows didn’t what lessons can be learned. mention that. There are access issues Back to pipelines through parks. in the dining room too, a fact more This may seem like a scandal to urban difficult to ignore with Children and B.C. residents who already fret about Family Development Minister Stephthe possibility of the 60-year-old Trans anie Cadieux, Paralympian Michelle Mountain pipeline, or one of severStilwell and former Vancouver mayal proposed gas pipelines, intruding on or Sam Sullivan now elected to serve a park. using their wheelchairs. It’s not as well known that Trans A costly new outside access ramp Mountain completed a major twinning assisted Kenny Michell, who visited and upgrading project on the Alberta last week to tell his harrowing story of side in 2008. It crosses Mount Robthe Burns Lake sawmill explosion that son Provincial Park and Jasper Nationnearly burned him to death in 2012 and al Park, without incident or scandal to left him in a wheelchair. date. The NDP brought a delegation of But back to muffingate, as it’s besurvivors and family members of the come known around here. I don’t know dead from sawdust explosions in Burns why people are so cynical and uninterLake and Prince George. They supested in serious issues. I wish I did. ported the opposition’s demand for an independent inquiry, although their Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter own demands ranged from counselling and columnist for Black Press.


Forget issues, pass the muffins





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A division of Black Press Est. 1895

402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625


Terry Daniels


Wendy Coomber


Anne Blake


Barbara Roden

Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

The Journal Thursday, March 13 2014


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Couple in car crash are on the mend

Ashcroft hospital the very best place to be

Dear Editor Re: Police Report - Driver rescued from burning vehicle (March 6, 2014). After Ashcroft Hospital, we were transferred to Royal Inland Hospital. We have both been released from hospital and are currently in the Vancouver area recovering from our injuries. We have lots of family around us but more importantly, we have each other! Fortunately our injuries are healable and in time we will be back to normal. Once again our eternal thanks to all who stopped at the accident scene and helped us. I wish we could hug each of them and to reassure them that we are going to be okay! Leslie Light & Anthony Verhaaf Lillooet

Dear Editor A Heartfelt and Sincere Thank You to Dr. Serena Govindasamy and a very professional and caring team at the Ashcroft and District Hospital. On the weekend of Feb. 14 my husband Bill was in their care for a very serious situation. The care, compassion and the timely manner in which we were all treated was nothing short of outstanding. They made myself and my family comfortable knowing that Bill was in excellent hands and he was in the Very Best Place possible for the situation. We Thank You all form our Hearts. You were all great and this makes our family very grateful for our “Little” Hospital in Ashcroft with such caring, quality individuals. The Ashcroft Hospital is an integral part of our community servicing A 5

not only Ashcroft but Cache Creek, Clinton, Loon Lake and Spences Bridge, and not to forget the First Responder emergency care teams who save countless lives of those travelling our main highways. Gail Anaka and Kelly & Cindy Adamski Ashcroft

Taseko decision good news for watershed

Dear Editor The announcement that Ottawa has turned down the Taseko proposal for a gold mine near Williams Lake is a landmark decision. And it is good news. You might even say the Federal government refusal quite possibly spells a new era for land use. The days when corporate and political power could press successfully for development in sensitive areas like the one proposed by Taseko near Williams Lake may well be over. The watershed in the area is too sensitive for that healthy life style choices. Spring Into Action kind of massive inwill take place at the Cache Creek Community trusion. Guarantees Hall on Stage Road on April 5 from 10 am to 2 that the area would

TheThe eyes eyeshave have itit The eyes haveititit TheThe eyes have eyes have

Spring has finally sprung! Come to the upcoming second annual Spring Into Action! This is an opportunity for those who would like to either debut or promote their home businesses and hand crafted products, as well as for local groups to promote outdoor activities and

pm. Let’s celebrate Spring and all the wonderful activities, home businesses and local products in Cache Creek and Ashcroft. There will be demonstrations, entertainment, door prizes as well as a concession operated by the Cache Creek Elementary School PAC. There will be many amazing products and local groups such as Scentsy, Epicure, Geocaching demonstration, Zumba by Krystal, Belly Dancing, Sage & Sands Pony Club, Four Season Yarn, Native Crafts, Stamps by Sandra Nixon, Baby Beanies by KC, Ductopia, Creations by Heather, Kristina’s Rag Rugs, Karen’s Woolinwonders, Vintage Gardening and much more! Admission is by donation to the food bank. To book a table for Spring Into Action contact Marcie Down at 250-457-9630. Submitted

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The eyes have it Fetch a Friend Fetch a Friend

Fetch Friend Fetch aaFriend from the SPCA today! Fetch a Friend fromfrom theFetch SPCA today! a Friend theSPCA SPCA today! from the today! fromfrom the the SPCA today! SPCA today!

Home-based business show returns

Oriana Dubois talks to potential customers at last year’s Sprng into Action.

be adequately protected by Taseko seem to have been counter-balanced by the realities of the needs and the protection needed for those who use the land and its resources and have done so for many generations. When you start tampering massively with watersheds, the results usually end up as disaster. We’ve seen that over and over again. Water sources are the most precious of our resources. Not even the promise of jobs with their corresponding benefits can balance the weight of the other. Esther Darlington MacDonald Ashcroft





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Pt. V: Making magic

Mar. when we’re done we partici4: We’re pate in the ritual of “pulling up the masking tape from the listill Wherein we follow the brary floor”, a task that’s easipulling Winding Rivers Arts and Per- together costumes, so every er said than done. It’s not withformance Society as it puts on rehearsout a lita show. . . . tle sadness al is prethat we say ceded by Mar. 3: An unexpect- a thoughtfarewell to Barbara Roden ed cancellation by the music- ful our home conal group that was scheduled to sideration away from do a WRAPS-sponsored con- of various items of clothing, home for the last seven weeks. cert on Friday, March 14 has footwear, jewelry, and accesMar. 8: The day starts at opened up that night, and af- sories, and the high school li- 10 am, with a large and eager ter a series of e-mails, phone brary looks like behind the crew of people down at the calls, and consultations we de- scenes at a fashion show. Hair Ashcroft Community Hall. cide to add a performance of and make-up ideas are also Barb Davidge has already the play. The consensus seems discussed, as we try to settle got the costumes there, and to be that we’re all working so on a “look” for each person. when the truck containing the hard, and having so much fun, All these details will help the community stage trundles up that a fifth performance is only actors “become” their charac- everything is unloaded and set fitting. ters, and we couldn’t do that in place in double quick time. nearly as well Then a fleet of cars and trucks without all this heads to the high school, where volunteers fan out to work. Mar. 5: The collect all our props, bits of difference be- set, and the flats that teacher tween tonight’s Brent Close and his art class run-through and students have painted for us. the first one, Last, but not least, our faithful March 12-15 - Experience the thrill of live theatre: come see the hilarious, fast-paced farce Switching Principals, presented by the a little more door in the library is disassemWinding Rivers Arts and Performance Society. at 7:00pm, plus than a week bled and carried away to its matinee on Mar. 15 at 1:00pm. Admission by donation. Ashcroft ago, is like brand new home. Community Hall, 409 Bancroft St. The Hall is a hive of activnight and day. March 13 - Ashcroft Branding Committee meets in the Sun Country office at 5:30 pm. Lines are fall- ity under the eye of Jim DunMarch 14 - Zion Movie Night is 7 pm. Showing Ladyhawke. ing into place, can, and the buzz and hum Admission is free with refreshments by donation. Church hall is at there’s much of drills and saws provides a 401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft. background accompaniment less hesitation March 18-19 - Free Banner Workshop hosted by Ashcroft and faltering, to all the comings and goings. Communities in Bloom with assistance from artist Jo Petty. All ages welcome, but if a child under the age of 8 is interested, they must and director One by one the flats that will be accompanied by an adult. Register by calling Andrea Walker at make up the walls and back of Mavourneen 250 453-9402. the set go up and are braced Varcoe-Ryan’s March 23 - Come out and hear a talk by Bernie Fandrich, founder of Kumsheen Rafting and author of British Columbia’s Majestic notes focus on while another crew works on Thompson River, at the Ashcroft Community Hall from 2:00 “pumping up” the raised platform that has 4:00pm. There’s no charge for this event, sponsored by the Village certain lines, only existed in our imaginaof Ashcroft. and working on tion until now. When the flats March 25 - 16 Milers: Informative meeting to update residents on progress and make future plans for the community. 7:00pm at Hat actions and ges- that have been painted with filCreek Ranch. ing cabinets on them – comtures. March 29 - Ducks Unlimited Banquet and Auction, Cache Creek plete with books, a plant, and Mar. 6: It’s Community Hall. Doors open at 6:00pm, country buffet dinner at our last re- a globe on top – go up, there’s 7:00. Live and silent auctions, raffles, games, and door prizes. For tickets call Vivian (250-457-0430) or Sandy (250-457-9560). hearsal at Ash- a gasp of admiration for how April 6 - The Ash-Creek TV Society will hold its Annual General croft Second- great they look. Meeting in the basement of the Cache Creek Community Hall. The However, there’s a slight ary School, and Annual Report will be read and there will be elections of officers. All


Coming Events

citizens of both Ashcroft and Cache Creek are members so please attend. April 8 - Zion UCW meets (note change of date for this month only) at 2 PM in the Church Hall at 401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft. All United Church women are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion FRI., MARCH 14 14th • 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Roast Beef Dinner $9/plate

MEAT DRAW Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm Crib every Thursday at 7:00 pm Darts every Thursday at 7:30 pm

* Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre, first & third Sunday of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August)

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 5 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm


Thursday, March 13, 2014 The Journal


A 6

problem: we’re two flats short. The stage area ends up being deeper than we had calculated, so there’s a quick trip to Irly Bird for more lumber, and two more flats are swiftly built. Where there’s a will – plus a table saw, power drill, hammer, and nails – there’s a way. As I leave at 4:15 to go home for a quick freshen up before the evening’s rehearsal, I see our faithful library door being readied for its place between the newly constructed flats. When I get back 45 minutes later and walk into the Hall, the effect is stunning. All the flats and doors have been put in place, and the furniture moved on to the stage; a whiteboard adorned with notices and memos (“Staff meeting, Tuesday, 3:30”) has been hung up; and a picture of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip hangs on the back wall. The tools, screws, cables, sawdust, and nails have been cleared away, the crew is happily eating pizza at the back of the Hall, and the entire set has taken on an air of serene calm which is completely at odds with the bustle and noise of only six hours earlier. We have all created, from nothing, a fully realized place that is only waiting for actors to bring it to life. It’s little short of magic. The last cast members arrive, costumes are changed into, and the rehearsal starts. Being on the actual stage is tremendously exciting, and while the raised section takes a bit of getting used to everyone seems completely at home. The scripts clutched nervously in hand are long gone, but until now we’ve been able to call “Line, please” if we forget. Tonight we can’t even

do that, and although most people have their lines down there are still some pauses and hesitations. Other cast members quickly learn to step forward and help out when someone else has “dried”, asking a question or giving a prompt to help the actor get back on track. Mar. 9: The crew is back today, getting the rigging built and the lights up, adding decorations to the set, and hooking up the sound system. There’s a lot of work backstage, too. Carpet is laid, to muffle the sound of people moving around; chairs are set up for actors to use between scenes; tables are put in place for props; and Christmas lights are strung up to provide discreet illumination that will prevent us crashing into things but won’t be seen by the audience. A storage room is converted into a make-up and change room, with tables, chairs, mirrors, and lights. All of this is a reminder that what the audience sees on stage is only the tip of a vast iceberg, made possible through the work of many unseen but dedicated volunteers. Two more rehearsals to go, and then it’s opening night. We’re simultaneously excited and nervous, eager to step on stage for that first performance but wondering what Wednesday will bring. Looking back, however, we can see just how far we’ve come from that first rehearsal back in January. A daunting mountain lay in front of us then, and there were times when we wondered if we’d ever make it to the top. Now the summit is in sight, and we can’t wait. On with the show!

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Sunday Worship 10:50 am

1705 Loon Lake Road, Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H1

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the following businesses who made a donation for our Annual Winterfest Fund Raising Event, held on February 8, 2014. Proceeds from the event to be shared with Clinton Wellness Centre, Ashcroft Family & Friends, Loon Lake Volunteer Fire Department and the Loon Lake Community Hall. ASHCROFT The Journal • Safety Mart • Ashcroft Bakery • ReMax Realty • Central Cafe • Quality Glass Ashcroft Work Wear/Sears • John Bundus & Sons • Interior Savings Credit Union • People’s Drug Mart Ashcroft Irly Bird • Chandra’s Herbal Health • Revelations • Rolgear • Ashcroft Wellness Studio Fields • ASC Auto Repair • Royal LePage • Friendship Auto • Interior Savings Insurance CACHE CREEK Anie’s Pizza & Bakery • Jade Shoppe • Royal Bank • Lordco • Petro Can North End • Chevron/A&W Kal Tire • Junction Shell • Oasis Pub • Starhouse Restaurant • Husky/Mohawk • Chum’s Dairy Queen • Grubstake • Cheryl’s Place • Hungry Herbie’s • Cache Creek Veterinary Petro Can • Jan Robinson • Wastech CLINTON Clinton Irly Bird • Integris Credit Union • Cordial Restaurant • Vallance Pottery • Sid’s Construction LOON LAKE Doug & Sharon Dixon • Marigold Resort • Dabbling Duck “N Bed & Breakfast • Gary Edge White Moose Resort • B&S Horseshoes • Ron & Louise Hanson • Paul & Brenda Battershill Sid & Cheryl Ward • Evergreen Resort • Ital Decor • Anita & El Donavan • Franco & Brenda Borri Gail Smith/Golden Lady Imports • Lorne & Nora Nicholson • Jan & Bruce Wellicome KAMLOOPS Canadian Tire • Home Depot • Walmart • Princess Auto • Surplus Herby’s • Guillevin EB Horseman • Original Joe’s • Save On Foods • M&M Meats • MTF • Darren Arndt NEARBY NEIGHBOURS Dusty Rose Pub - 70 Mile • Wholesale Sports - Langley


401 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC • 250-453-9511 •

United Church of Canada Pastor Alice Watson, DM SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10 am KIDZ MONDAY SCHOOL: 3:30 pm

St. Alban’s

501 Brink St, Ashcroft ~ 250-453-9909


Crossroads Pentecostal Assembly

Christ Centered People Centered 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. • 250-457-6463

Pastor David Murphy Worship and Sermon commences at 10 a.m. Everyone welcome

The Journal Thursday, March 13 2014


CiB hosts Street Banner workshop

Bruce Walker hangs Ashcroft’s street banners in June 2011 after the last banner program.

Visiting Ashcroft Friday, March 21 It has been three years since the colorful & Friday, April 11, 2014 banners that grace the poles on Railway Avenue 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. were painted by local citizens. Our hot sumLocation: Sun Country Community Futures mer sun, together with wind and winter cold has 203A Railway Avenue, Ashcroft faded the banners so the time has come to reKarsha Bankier, B.Comm., CGA place them. 6 years public accounting experience A workshop to paint new banners will be 4 years tax auditor at CRA held March 18-19 from 6-9 p.m. in the AshNo appointment necessary, or for appointment croft Community Hall. Hosted by Ashcroft please contact 250-374-1241 Communities in Bloom committee with ance from local artist, Jo Petty, the workshop 401-153 Seymour Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2C7 will be free thank you to funding from the United Way. The Kamloops We are inviting Exploration Group local citizens of all is pleased to present their ages to participate in 2014 Lecture Series this event. As there are a limited numWednesday, March 26th ber of spots available, Speaker: Jean-Bernard Caron people are encouraged Topic: “Looking for Grandma: What Can the Burgess to register as soon as Shale Tell Us About Our Origins?” possible by calling Ashcroft River Inn 7:00 p.m. Andrea Walker at 250 For more information check out 453-9402. We ask that children be 8 years or older, but if a child between 6-8 wishes to paint that they be accompanied by an adult. Andrea Walker

Friendship Tea was a great success Eight ladies answered the roll call at the March 4 meeting of the United Church Women in the Zion church hall. The meeting was held at 1:15 pm instead of 2 pm because of the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper in our hall at 5:30. President Reta Robertson warmly welcomed everyone. Jacklin Desrosiers lead the devotional taken from the book The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. The scripture was from Mark 10:43. We need to remember to make the most of what God has given us. The first item of Old Business was an evaluation of the Friendship Tea. We had a good turnout and everyone enjoyed the fun, fellowship and food, so thank you to all who helped to make it a success. World Day of Prayer readers were assigned for this event in the

UNITED IN SPIRIT United Church Women Phyllis Gray Anglican Church Saturday, March 8 at 11 am. It was followed by a lunch in the hall. Bean Supper plans were finalized and it is hoped we will have a good turnout. The correspondence was dealt with – a thank you card from someone who enjoyed the Friendship Tea; A request from Action International for an email address; A request from Naramata Centre for summer help; and a generous Gift Certificate towards our dishwasher. Reports were then given and our treasurer Colleen Mierau handed out a written report. Our sunshine lady Dorothy Pears read out her report stating she has sent out 13

Preparation of Personal and Corporate Tax Returns

cards. The publicity report was given verbally by Phyllis Gray, and Hilda Drinkwater reported on the archives update. Reta Robertson, for outreach, said that many Campbell soup labels had come in, but even more used stamps. Please keep saving us the Campbell products’ labels as they help with Christian work elsewhere. On April 25 it will be the United Church’s turn to host the Soups On in the United Church hall. We are to bring three Easter cards each for the residents of Garden Oasis to use to our next meeting which will be Apr. 8 at 2 pm – one week later in the month because of the absence of some members. We closed with the U.C.W. Prayer at 3 pm. Any ladies interested in coming as a visitor or to join in are most welcome.

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Thursday, March 13, 2014 The Journal




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The Journal Thursday, March 13 2014


Ashcroft/Cache Creek

Ducks Unlimited

Banquet & Auction Saturday, March 29, 2014

Cache Creek Community Hall 1270 Stage, Cache Creek BC

Doors open 6:00 PM Delicious Country Buffet Dinner 7:00 PM Live & Silent Auctions Raffles - Games - Door Prizes Fun, Fun, Fun & More Fun!

Come Celebrate DUC’s 75 years of Conservation Success

Pardner - it’s western theme night! An incredible night…for only $30 per person

Tickets available at: Interior Savings Insurance Services, 201 Railway Ave in Ashcroft, Junction Shell (George Cooke) in Cache Creek Call Vivian 250-457-0430 or Sandy 250-457-9560 or buy on-line at

Health auxiliary equips health site Several members of the Ashcroft and District Health Care Auxiliary were at the health care site last week to display some of the equipment we have purchased in the last year, thanks to the many contributions of our communities.

Items we have purchased included three patient lifts for Jackson House, two Vital Sign monitors, a heavy duty defibrillator, two pressure reduction mattresses and an ultrasound machine to which we contributed moneys.

The money has been raised mainly through sales at the Health Care showcase and at the thrift shop. Members work long hours to sort donated items, clean them and display them for sale. Marilyn Bueckert

(Above) Back row, L-R: Mavis Putnam, Shirley Holowchuk, Irene Trueman, Mary Holgate, Heather Hacock, Marilyn Bueckert, Marg Corneillie, and Isabel McGrath. Front row, L-R: Helen Forster, Sandra Moon, Flo Berry, and Kitty Murray.

PUBLIC NOTICE CHANGE TO OFFICE HOURS Please be advised that the Village of Ashcroft Administrative office located at 601 Bancroft Street will remain open during the hour of 12:00 Noon to 1:00 pm from Monday, March 17th to Monday, March 31st, 2014 inclusive. This is to allow residents to pay their utility bill and take advantage of the early payment discount prior to the closing deadline of 4:00 pm March 31st, 2014. Effective Tuesday, April 1st, 2014, the office will return to its normal closure between 12:00 Noon and 1:00 pm.

WRAPS presents the fast-paced farce

Switching Principals March 12 - 15 Ashcroft Community Hall, Bancroft St. Admission by donation All ages welcome Performance times: 7:00pm daily Matinee at 1:00pm on March 15

Celebrating life The annual Women’s Day celebration in Walhachin was highlighted with wellwishes for organizer Val Carey who is in hospital recovering from a car accident. Kirk Watson, Desert Dawn Bellydance members Vraja Benner, Sequoya Wiebe and Gaurangi Benner Tapia, and Marcie Down watch some of the proceedings.

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Thursday, March 13, 2014 The Journal

Golden Country presents

... Past, Present & Beyond Death on the Range - Pt. V: In the hands of the Courts The first inquest into the shooting death of Thom- would hear details of cases within their jurisdiction, as Burton Smith, scheduled for Feb. 15, 1915, had and pass the most serious cases on to be dealt with at been held over pendthe next local Assizes. The system originated ing “further developin England in the thirteenth century, when a ments”. Those developscattered population and difficult travel condiments included the artions meant that it was impractical to hold all rest of Smith’s partner, major trials in London, but prohibitively exAlbert Lester “Chubby” pensive to have permanent courts, with lawClinger, who claimed yers and judges, all around the country. Thus that Smith had robbed the Assizes was a sort of traveling courthouse, him while the pair were visiting different locations on a regular schedon the way to Ashcroft, ule to hear major cases which needed the exand had then fled into the perience of seasoned legal professionals. night. The murder of Thomas Burton Smith – or The discovery of Rex vs. Clinger, as it was formally known – Smith’s body with a bulwas one of four capital cases due to be heard GOLDEN COUNTRY let hole through the back over the course of the Clinton Spring Assizes of his head had made the in 1915. Rather less seriously (but still obBARBARA RODEN matter much more serviously important enough to be heard at the ious, and every piece of evidence that District Chief Assizes), the sesof Police Frank Aiken found pointed in the direc- sion also featured tion of Clinger as Smith’s killer. The clincher was a a case in which a cheque drawn on Smith’s account, and supposedly man was accused signed by him – but it was dated a week after the man of the theft of one had died. Comparison with a letter written by Albert steer, property Clinger showed that the cheque had been forged by of the Marquess Smith’s erstwhile partner. of Exeter (who A second inquest was held in Clinton on Mar. 4, owned Bridge 1915, and Aiken’s evidence was laid before the jury. Creek Ranch near The Ashcroft Journal of Mar. 13, 1915 included a 100 Mile House). report on the inquest, which was held by Coroner Clinton’s courtGeorge Sanson. The proceedings lasted most of the house had burned day, and at around 4 pm the jury brought in a verdict down some time “that the deceased had come to his death by a bullet previously, and as from a gun held in the hands of one Chubby Cling- a replacement had er”. not been built the Clinger, who had been in custody for more than one-room Clintwo weeks, was immediately brought before Magis- ton schoolhouse, trate Lunn for a preliminary hearing which lasted built in the 1890s through the evening and continued the next morning. of locally made Chief Constable Frank Aiken conducted the proceed- bricks, was turned Dr. George Sanson, Coroner ings, which saw more than a dozen witnesses called into a makeshift to give evidence. Who they all were, and what they courthouse whenever the Assizes were in session. said, was not recorded; but the upshot, which was alWithout a schoolhouse, the children of Clinton most certainly never in doubt, was that Clinger was were free to play outside for the duration of the trials, sent up for trial at the Clinton Spring Assizes, sched- so it’s not hard to imagine that an occasion which uled to take place in May. brought punishment to some was seen as no punCourts of Assize, or Assizes, were criminal ishment at all by the students. Eventually a new, larcourts which were held at regular intervals – quarter- ger schoolhouse was built, and the old schoolhouse ly or bi-yearly – in different locations. Local courts became the full-time courthouse until the 1950s. In

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1956 it became home to the Clinton Museum and Archives, a function it serves to this day. Frank Aiken had not been idle in the weeks leading up to the trial. Somewhere he had found an unsigned bill-of-sale, supposedly written by Thomas Burton Smith, which left all of Smith’s personal effects to Albert Clinger. It also left to Clinger the property and house which the two men had jointly owned at Springhouse Prairie. This in itself was a damning piece of evidence, for it gave Albert Clinger an even stronger motive for killing his partner than merely gaining access to the $1,000 Smith had in his account at the Bank of British North America in Ashcroft. However, an examination of the bill-of-sale made it even more damaging to Clinger, for it proved to be written in Chubby’s own hand. It is safe to say that the 1915 Spring Assizes in Clinton were highly anticipated, and the brick schoolhouse doing duty as a court would have been packed with observers keen to see all of the trials scheduled for the session. The disappointment must have been palpable when it was announced that the case of Rex vs. Clinger was to be “traversed” – held over – to the Fall Assizes. It turned out that Constable Jack Bourne, who had assisted Aiken in finding the body of Thomas Smith, and who would undoubtedly be a key witness at the trial, was unable to attend. The Ashcroft Journal of May 15, 1915 reported drily that Bourne was prevented from attending “because of an accident to himself while pursuing a runaway prisoner through the window of a moving train near Squamish”. In what sounds like a scenario ripped from a blockbuster adventure film, Bourne – whose very surname says “action hero” – was badly injured by broken glass when he managed to retrieve a prisoner who was trying to escape custody by leaping through the window of a Pacific Great Eastern Railway train. Albert Clinger now had five months to wait before he could have his day in court. The case against him seemed open-and-shut; but he would have an opportunity to speak, and lay out his side of the story. And that side of the story proved to be very compelling indeed. To be continued

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The Journal Thursday, March 13 2014


Raise a family and keep your daily workouts A working mother of four children has a very hectic schedule to simply manage a family, never mind getting a proper workout done each day. Here is my interview with a local woman who manages to get both done quite well. Tracy was very fit growing up, cycling everywhere around Toronto as she didn’t get her drivers license until she was 21. She also enjoyed doing the 20min workout video every morning. When she moved to BC, her family moved into the “boonies”. After complications with a pregnancy, she became depressed with the isolation, and started gaining weight. Now weighing the heaviest in her life, she had to do something. So she joined a walking club in Ashcroft. Although the walking every day was good for releasing some stress, and great way to meet new people, it took a friend’s words of encouragement that told her that she’s not a walker, she’s a runner. So she started running, up and down the gravel roads and trails by her house, and up and down the slough road, she puts the miles in with a child or two in

Living Well

her family Having a couple marathons notched into her race belt as well as a few half marathons, the running bug is definitely what keeps Tracy healthy and active. Wayne Little Tracy’s future plans are to do miner1098 a 50km ultramarathon in Vernon this summer, and the Lululemon Seawheeze half marathon. When I come up with crazy ideas like “let’s ride our bicycles her stroller. This is when the pounds to Clinton, run a 10km race, then ride really started coming off. In a short while she lost 40 pounds. home,” Tracy is the only one who joins With little money for new running gear, in. If you need inspiration or motivshe found good deals at thrift stores. Always carrying her bear spray for ation, Tracy Kubik is a good friend to protection, she finds a spiritual peace have. with nature while out running around her home - never mind the enormous stress release. She has an agreement with NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING her family that she needs her The Village of Clinton will hold a Public Hearing in the Municipal one hour per day of “mommy Council Chambers, located at 1423 Cariboo Highway in time” to get her workout in. Clinton, on Wednesday March 26th, 2014 at 6:30 pm to consider Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 509, 2014 . The Super mom Tracy still purpose of the Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 509 is to amend enjoys cycling, her daily the Village of Clinton Zoning Bylaw No. 439, 2007. Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 509: 20min workout video from (1) Section 13 I-1 Light Industrial and Section 14 I-2 Heavy CityTV, skiing and hiking with Industrial, Definitions is amended to add the following: “Medical Marihuana Grow Operation” means the cultivation, growth, processing, storage or distribution of marihuana for medical purposes as lawfully permitted and authorized under the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations. “Research and Development Laboratory” means a laboratory and associated offices for the development and or testing mechanical devices, materials and non-biohazard products. (2) Section 15 Public Use is amended to change the following: a. That lot A Plan KAP LLD Clinton Townsite PID 002-940-540 (commonly known as the Clinton Museum property) zoning be changed from C-1 Commercial to P-1 Public Use. b. That lot 1, Plan KAP19385 District Lot 1060 LLD, Except Plan KAP58096 PID 009-620-222, (commonly known as the Thompson-Nicola Regional District Eco Depot) zoning be changed from I-1 to P-1 adding Regional Government recycling/ transfer station/eco-depot to Section 15.1 Permitted use.

Tracy Kubik in standard workout gear

The Village of Clinton wishes to regulate the location of the Medical Marihuana operations within the Village of Clinton; the zoning amendment conforms to the Village of Clinton Official Community Plan (OCP); the Village of Clinton Zoning Bylaw No. 439, 2007 requires some number changes to Sections 13 & 14 of the bylaw; the zoning for two publicly operated facilities are not zoned according to their current use therefore the Village of Clinton requires the Museum and Eco-depot properties to be re-zoned. The proposed Bylaw may be inspected during normal business hours in the Municipal Office, 1423 Cariboo Highway until 4:30 pm March 26, 2014. If you deem your interests to be affected by this bylaw, please submit your comments in writing or attend the Public Hearing and you will be given an opportunity to be heard. If you require information regarding this bylaw, please contact the Village office at 250-459-2261 Tom Dall, CAO A 11

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RE: LIQUOR CONTROL AND LICENSING ACT APPLICATION FOR A LIQUOR PRIMARY (LP Club) AMENDMENT An amendment application has been received by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 194 located at 310 Lebourdais Avenue in Clinton to make renovations to the main floor of the establishment. The Current licensed hours are from 11 AM to 1 AM on Monday to Saturday and 11 AM to 12 midnight on Sunday. No change to these hours is requested. The current capacity for the main floor is 50 patrons and the current capacity for the basement level is 60 patrons. The occupant load for the main floor will now be 100 persons. There have been no changes requested for the basement level and will remain at a capacity of 60 patrons. Residents and owners of businesses located within a 0.5 mile (0.8 km) radius of the proposed site may comment on this proposal by 1) Writing to: THE GENERAL MANAGER C/O Licensing Analyst LIQUOR CONTROL AND LICENSING BRANCH PO BOX 9292 Victoria, BC V8W 9J8 OR 2) By email: PETITIONS AND FORM LETTERS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED To ensure the consideration of your views, your comments, name and address must be received on or before March 28, 2014. Please note that your comments may be made available to the applicant or local government officials where disclosure is necessary to administer the licensing process.




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Thursday, March 13, 2014 The Journal

While you’re not looking, this is what’s happening to BC’s world renowned recycling program.

Well, lookie here. One minute you have a perfectly good Blue Box recycling program. The next, something new and rather questionable is being put in its place. And they thought they’d get away with it right under your nose, without telling you or asking your opinion. That’s definitely not democracy in action. The BC Government, elected by us to represent our best interests, has decided to offload the costs of recycling to big multi-national corporations. To implement this new plan, they’ve set up an association that doesn’t really seem to hold the environment, local jobs, or the municipalities that run the Blue Box program, close to its heart.

Perhaps that’s why some of our local elected officials are using the word “scam” to describe how the new program is being set up. It’s also perhaps why several of BC’s municipalities refuse to jump on board. That’s gotta tell you something. Now it’s your turn to let Premier Christy Clark know what you think. Contact her today to say that dismantling an already-working recycling program to replace it with something that few people think will be as good, is a bad idea.

What’s going on here?

Email Christy Clark at or call 250-387-1715. For more info, visit #RethinkItBC. This Message is brought to you by:

The Journal Thursday, March 13 2014


Spirit of Clinton forges ahead STRIKING A BALANCE

Cariboo Country Mobile Vet

There is now a mobile veterinary clinic that services the south Susan Swan Cariboo. The fully 459-2224 or 2325 equipped trailer is countrysquire@ moved from ity to community on a set schedule. Look for it at the Interlakes area on Thursdays, in Clinton every Tuesday, parked at 70 Mile House Wednesdays – twice a month and in Lac La Hache on Wednesday – twice a month. Pat Barker, DVM and Michelle Collett, RAHT are able to provide pet vaccinations, dentistry, spay/neuter services, in house laboratory, day surgery, physical examinations and wellness programs, lab and diagnostic services, surgical and pharmaceutical services and more. More information on this new mobile service is available on their website at

Final Hockey Tournament

The final hockey tournament of the season played out in the 47 Mile Recreation Complex on March 8-9 with seven teams vying for top spot. The teams were the L’Heureux Team, Warren Team, Bonaparte Team, Dougherty Team, Beeds Team, Quesnel Team and Clinton Team. Four of the seven teams were actually from Clinton. The mixed teams battled it out all weekend but unfortunately my deadline came before the end of the tournament. Following the tournament the arena closed for the season.

ADULT TOYS Shop online 1-877-471-8697

Shop online

The Mobile Vet Clinic in the parking lot of the Cariboo Lodge where it will be set up every Tuesday.

The Royal Canadian Legion #113

301 Brink St., Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 Phone: 250-453-2423 Fax # 250-453-9625

South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society

601 Bancroft St. Box 603, Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 250-453-9656

Ashcroft and District Fall Fair Contact Person: Janna 250-457-6614 Contact Person: Jessica 250-457-7128

St. Alban’s Anglican Church Hall, 501 Brink Street Tel: 250-453-9909 or 250-453-2053 - All Welcome

Ducks Unlimited Canada

Ashcroft/Cache Creek Volunteer Chapter Phone 250-374-8307

Ashcroft and Masonic Lodge Zarthan Lodge No#105 Contact Person: Fred Dewick

Phone 250-453-2415

Ashcroft & District Tennis Association

Daffodil Tea

The Clinton Seniors Association is hosting the Annual Daffodil Tea on Wednesday, March 12 from 1-3 p.m. in the Clinton Memorial Hall. The sunny daffodil blossoms will be a welcome reminder that spring really will come. Come out and support the Seniors Association. A portion of the proceeds will go to the Canadian Cancer Society.

Regular Council Meetings

The regular meetings of the Village of Clinton Council are held at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. The meetings in March are on the 12 and 26 in Council Chambers. This is an election year for municipal governments in British Columbia. If you have ever given any thought to running for a position on council then you may want to attend a few council meetings to get an idea of what the Council is responsible for. Even if you are not thinking of running in the next election you may want to see your elected officials in action. These are the people you put your faith in to govern your community. Do you know what type of job they are doing? Some time before the election in the fall you may want to attend some council meetings to help you make informed decisions at the ballot box.

150/50 Committee Changes

The community wants to continue with a committee similar to the 150/50 Committee that was formed in 2013 to oversee the events during the two important anniversaries that were celebrated in Clinton last year. A meeting was held on Feb. 5 to determine how the committee could continue in some capacity. All those who had been members of the 150/50 committee were invited to attend as well as any one else who may be interested. Those in attendance decided to establish a new committee, tentatively known as the Spirit of Clinton Committee. It would continue along the lines of the original 150/50 committee promoting not for profit events but also incorporate the Recreation Commission and help make decisions on Clinton’s Millennium Fund. This group will be meeting again on Thursday, March 13 at 7 p.m. in the Village Office. Everyone is welcome to attend whether they are a member of this committee or not.


Community Volunteer Groups

Ashcroft Soup’s On

Quesnel versus Clinton with Ryan Kucera (formerly of Clinton) in net for Quesnel. Final score of this game was 13-2 for Quesnel.


Contact Person: Maria Russell Martin Phone 250-453-9391

Ashcroft & District Lions Club

Contact Person: Lion Vivian Phone 250-453-9077

Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors Assc.

601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9762

The Ashcroft & District Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Store

601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9944

347 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp

Sage & Sand Pony Club

District Commissioner: Marcie Down

Ashcroft-Cache Creek Rotary Club

Contact Person: Karin Magnuson Phone 250-457-6629

Desert Spokes Cycle Society Phone 250-457-9348

Ashcroft Curling Club Phone 250-453-2341 Ashcroft & District Rodeo Association Phone: 250-457-9390

Ashcroft Volunteer Fire Department Phone 250-453-2233

Cache Creek Volunteer Fire Department Phone 250-457-9967

South Cariboo Sportsmen Assc. #3366 Attn: Marian Pitt, Box 341, Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0

Soccer Association Contact: Tom Watson

Phone 250-457-7178

Minor Hockey Association

Contact: Lewis Kinvig Phone 457-7489 or 299-3229 or

Historic Hat Creek Ranch Contact: Jack Jeyes

Phone 250-453-2259

Kinsmen Club of South Cariboo Contact Person: Dave 250-453-9062

Contact Person: Lt. (N) Curran 250-319-3461 Alexine Johannsson 250-453-2661 email:

Cache Creek Recreation Society

Ashcroft Communities in Bloom

Bridging to Literacy

Contact Persons: Andrea Walker 250-453-9402 or Marijke Stott 250-453-0050

Taoist Tai Chi Contact Person: Danita Howard

Phone 250-453-9907 e-mail:

Ashcroft Hospice Program

Shirley 250-453-9202 or Marijke 250-453-0050

Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society Contact Person: Nadine 450.453.9100

Canadian Red Cross - Health Equipment Loan Program (H.E.L.P.) Ashcroft Hospital - 250-453-2244

Contact Person: Jackie

Phone 250-457-9122

Contact Person: Ann Belcham 250-453-9417

The “Purpose of Sunday” Car Club President: Tom Lowe 240-457-6564

SCI Thompson River, B.C. Chapter Ken Brown - Phone: 250-453-9415

Ashcroft Yoga Group

Call Marijke - Phone: 250-453-0050

Second Time Around

201 Railway Ave., Ashcroft BC Anne Bonter 250-457-9781

Desert Bells Handbell Choir

Cache Creek Communities in Bloom Committee Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119

Sage Sound Singers Adult Community

BC Lung Association Carolyn Chorneychuk, Director 250-453-9683

Ashcroft Royal Purple Phone 250-457-9122

Lillooet Soup’s On St. Andrew’s United / St. Mary’s Anglican Church, 577 Main St., Mondays 12:00 pm - Oct. to May. 250-256-7037 - all welcome

Cache Creek Beautification Society

Ashcroft Cache Creek Better at Home

Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119

Choir Michelle Reid 250-457-9676

(and Farmers Market) Judy Davison 250-457-6693

405 Railway Ave. 250-453-9911 - Sandy


Thursday, March 13, 2014 Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal

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WORD CLASSIFIEDS Friday - 3:00 pm the preceding issue DISPLAY ADVERTISING Friday - 3:00 pm the preceding issue INDEX IN BRIEF Family Announcements Community Announcements Employment Business Services Pets & Livestock Merchandise for Sale Real Estate Rentals Automotive Legals AGREEMENT It is agreed by any display or classified advertised requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event to failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors after the first day of publication any advertisement. Notice or errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention on the classified department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement and to retain any answers directed to the Box Replay Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisement and box rental. DISCRIMINATORY LEGISLATION Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, colour, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved. COPYRIGHT Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.

Ph: 250-453-2261 Fax: 250-453-9625 Sales: Editorial: Production: 402-4th Street P.O. Box 190, Ashcroft, B.C.




Coming Events


Don’t miss the Celebration of Rural Living Expo & Trade Show April 26-27, 2014 9am-5pm daily NT Agriplex & Fall Fair Facility 4872 Dunn Lake Rd., Barriere Over 100 booths & displays to peruse. Music, concessions, giveaways. A full lineup of feature speakers. Free draws every hour. $5/adult, $3/stud. or senior, children 12 & under Free. Vendor and Expo info at:

CANCEL YOUR timeshare. NO risk program stop mortgage & maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! Call 1-888-356-5248.

Business Opportunities

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Information ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: AL-ANON ASHCROFT: Does someone’s drinking bother you? Meets Tuesdays, 8:00pm at St. Alban’s Church, 501 Brink. Val 250.453.9206

Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits or Other Insurance? If YES, call or email for your


and protect your right to compensation. 778.588.7049 Toll Free: 1.888.988.7052

If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s ours. PH 250.457.0786

Help Wanted

Employment Automotive EXPERIENCED PARTS person required for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses working 5 day work week, plus moving allowances. Our 26,000ft2 store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community online at www.Lac Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Or by email to:

Business Opportunities $1000 A week mailing brochures from home! Helping Home-Workers since 2001. No experience required. Start Immediately! Visit us online: EUROPE, AUSTRALIA, or New Zealand: Live and work on a dairy, crop, beef, or sheep farm. AgriVenture invites applicants 18-30 for 4-12 month 2014 programs. Apply now! or call 1-888-598-4415 GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website HELP WANTED - Local people needed! Simple, flexible online work. FT/PT. Internet needed. Very easy. No experience required! Guaranteed income! No fees. Genuine! Start immediately. Visit online at:

Help Wanted

UP TO $400 cash daily FT & PT outdoors, Spring/Summer work. Seeking honest, hard working staff. Visit online at:

Career Opportunities EXPERIENCED legal assistants, p/t, f/t, various depts., resume & refs to

PUT YOUR experience to work - The job service for people aged 45 and over across Canada. Free for candidates. Register now online at: or Call Toll-Free: 1-855-286-0306.

HIGHWAY OWNER OPERATORS $3500 SIGNING BONUS Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway linehaul Owner Operators based in our Kamloops terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving experience/ training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package.

To join our team of professional drivers, email a detailed resume, current driver’s abstract & details of your truck to: Call 604-968-5488 Fax: 604-587-9889

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking


Only those of interest will be contacted.

Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at

Skills Needed: • enjoy working outside and in all weather conditions • must be in good physical shape and capable of heavy lifting • past experience is an asset • English speaking would be an asset • Be prepared each day with lunch and beverages • Reliability is very important Housing Benefits: • Accommodations available if required, responsible for your own food and cooking • Duties • Working as team or individually harvesting and picking fruits and vegetables • Various other farm duties such as weeding, planting, and irrigation • Washing, grading, and packaging vegetables • General farm chores David Porter Email: Fax: 1-250-453-9870 Address: Harper Mill Road #3 P.0. Box 1228 Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0

Trades, Technical

Financial Services ANNACIS ISLAND Pawnbrokers open ‘till midnight 7 days a week. 604-540-1122. Cash loans for jewellery, computers, smartphones, games, tools etc. #104-1628 Fosters Way at Cliveden. annacisislandpawn DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

HIRING in Fort St John, BC. EXPERIENCED MILL ELECTRICIANS. Wage up to $50/hr. Housing & Benefits. Shift-7days on/ 7off. Email resume: or fax 250-630-2114 Ph: 250-2634350


Req. at Canuck Mechanical in Prince George Must have exp. doing service work & be proficient with trouble shooting heating systems & plumbing problems. Top wages & benefits Email resume to:

Help Wanted

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted Cabinetry Employee Required in Armstrong. Min 10 years experience in cabinetry, painting & installation. Fax 250-546-9155 CC HUSKY: Line cook needed, exp. preferred. Varied shifts from 5:45AM to 9PM. Apply w. resume & references. No phone calls please.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

General Farm Workers Rate: $10.33/Hourly Persons Required: 40 Seasonal / High School Description: Seasonal / High School


ENSIGN IS looking for Assistant Drillers, Drillers, Night Tour Pushes, and Rig Managers for our Australian Division. Recruiter’s will be in Nisku, Alberta, March 31 - April 9 to conduct interviews. If you want to hear more about our International opportunities please contact our Global group and apply online at www.ensign Call 1-888-3674460.

Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.

AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 w/ Airbrake • Guaranteed 40hr. Work Week & Overtime • Paid Travel & Lodging • Meal Allowance • 4 Weeks Vacation • Excellent Benefits Package

Must be able to have extended stays away from home. Up to 6 months. Must have valid AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 with airbrake license and have previous commercial driving experience. Apply, careers & then choose the FastTRACK Application.


SUMMER EMPLOYMENT PARKS MAINTENANCE POSITION The Village of Ashcroft has available a position in the Parks Department for the summer months. This position is a union position (CUPE Local 900), would run from the beginning of May to Labour Day and would be for 40 hours per week at $18.23 per hour. This position will be of interest to anyone with a love of the outdoors. As the successful candidate will be working in public facilities he/she should be comfortable dealing with people and be prepared to answer general questions regarding the village and the surrounding area. Applicants must also hold a valid Class 5 Drivers Licence. Duties would include all aspects of park maintenance as well as occasional janitorial duties. This position is designed for a student who will be returning to a post-secondary institution in the fall. The Village is an equal opportunity employer and this position is open to both male and female applicants. Interested parties are invited to submit their Resumes to the following address by 4:00 pm on Friday, April 4th, 2014: Village of Ashcroft PO Box 129 Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 Phone: 250-453-9161 Fax: 250-453-9664 Email: Those applicants not contacted by April 18th are thanked for their interest.

POOL POSITIONS The Village of Ashcroft invites applications for the following positions for the Ashcroft Pool 2014 season. These are Union positions (CUPE, Local 900). POOL SUPERVISOR: $20.86 per hour Requires a background in Business Administration with experience in handling cash, supervising employees and public relations. Individual with Head Lifeguard certificates preferred. HEAD LIFEGUARD: $19.71 per hour Requires a valid National Lifeguard Service Award, Royal Lifesaving Society of Canada Instructor’s certificate, Red Cross Water Safety Instructor’s certificate and CPR certificate. SWIM INSTRUCTOR: $18.10 per hour Requires a valid National Lifeguard Service Award, Red Cross Water Safety Instructor’s certificate and CPR certificate. LIFEGUARD: $16.26 per hour Requires a valid National Lifeguard Service Award, Red Cross Aqua Leader certificate and CPR certificate. These are seasonal positions beginning mid-May and running through Labor Day. Weekend and evening work is a requirement of all positions. These positions are open to male and female applicants. For a full description of these positions, please visit our website Applications should be sent to: admin@village.

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal Thursday, March 13, 2014 A15

Merchandise for Sale






Apt/Condo for Rent

Apt/Condo for Rent

Ashcroft Apartment & Motel

ASHCROFT Hillside Manor

Auto Accessories/Parts

Auto Financing

WANTED: FIREARMS. All types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. 1.866.960.0045 website:

Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDING sale. Big year end clear out continued! 20x20 $3,915. 25x28 $4,848. 30x32 $6,339. 32x34 $7,371. 40x50 $12,649. 47x68 $16,691. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-6685422. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:

Misc. Wanted Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Estates, Gold & Silver Coins + 778-281-0030

Real Estate Open Houses OPEN HOUSE MAR 9TH. 16748 85th Surrey, Gorgeous Fleetwood Home. 6 bedroom, 4 bath, 3,651 sq ft. Lot 6,069 sq ft. 18yrs old. A grand entrance with vaulted ceilings, and massive windows, Kitchen/family room are open concept. Family room shares a double fireplace with the den. Mountain view $649,999. For virtual tour: info@ Phone: 778-928-4524

Convenient Downtown Location across from Beautiful Heritage Park 715 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts. Mature Persons Includes heat & hot water MOTEL UNITS All units have full Kitchenettes, air conditioning, Cable TV and Internet access Nightly - Weekly - Monthly On-site Managers Contact Carolee 250-453-9129

Best Apartments in the area!

BUSINESS SERVICES Reserve your space!

1500 Government Street

Call The Journal

Renovated 1 & 2 bedroom VIEW SUITES Available immediately Clean, quiet & well maintained. Air conditioning Rent includes heat, hot water & cable TV (valued at over $100/month) Walking distance to hospital and schools. Please give our Resident Manager Bill Manton a chance to impress you. 250-457-0433 Seniors Discount available.

ASHCROFT: 1&2 bdrm reno’d apts, great view of village & river, well maintained, avail immed. 1- 604-220-0623 or

Auto Financing

Vehicle Wanted GOT Old Cars or Parts Laying Around? New, upcoming website to connect sellers and buyers. Want to know more? Email us a list of what you have and we will send you a fact sheet.

• Residential •Power Lines • Industrial •Fire Alarms • Commercial •Heating & Cooling controls •Construction & maintenance CLASS “A” LICENSED FREE ESTIMATES



ASHCROFT: 2bdrm, 2 balc’s, heat & h/w incl. $675/mo. Avl now. 604-813-5000

Terry Daniels Publisher

Cache CRK:Aptments: Bach suites, 1 bdrm 2 bdrm units avail imm. Cable incl, Laundry facilities in bldg. Available for viewing: Call 250.457.7374




The link to your community


Duplex / 4 Plex


Office: 250-453-2261 Fax: 250-453-9625 e-mail: publisher@accjour V0K 1A0 • BC ft, cro Ash et, Stre 4th -

Cache Creek: 3bdrm reno’d duplex, garage, F/S A/C N/S D/D & Ref Req 1 year lease. Pls Call 250.457.9553

Homes for Rent

John Bundus & son Ltd.

Ashcroft: Downtown recently reno’d 3bdrm hse w. heated shop. W/D, F/S, low maint fenced yard. N/S. Avail. immed. Ref/DD reqd. 1yr lease. $1000/mo + util. Call 780.478.7398



Welding • Fabrication • Machining chain SaWS • laWn & gar den equipMent


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March • Week 3


ARIES - Romance is on your mind, Aries. That’s because you met a wonderful person and are interested in seeing where this relationship may go. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 You feel artistically inspired this week, Taurus. Use this inspiration to pursue an array of projects, whether you want to dabble in photography or make home improvements. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Seeing a happy couple together inspires thoughts of a romantic nature, Gemini. Consider taking a budding relationship to a new level. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you aspire to learn a new skill or take on a new project this week. Forge ahead with this idea, which allows you to meet new people and learn some interesting things. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Love, romance and marriage are on your mind, Leo. Work on strengthening an existing relationship or heighten your efforts to find a special someone. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, you may have an unexpected visitor to contend with this week. This could mean a complete overhaul of your schedule and living space. It’s time to get to work. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 You don’t have all of the answers, Libra, so don’t even think about saying you do. Relationship concerns are at the forefront of your mind lately. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, be prepared for a busy week that gives your bank account a boost. Expect to begin a new work assignment that requires a lot of creative energy.


SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, you’re interested in promoting personal health this week. Your research may extend into holistic treatments as well as more traditional alternatives.

Great Employees

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Vist some bookstores this week, Capricorn. This will indulge your need to absorb information this week. Don’t overlook the value of the library on your quest.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, an encounter with someone new piques your intellectual curiosity. Take some time to gather some information, and give yourself time to digest this information.

See Full Page Views

Two licenced techs, no apprentices Come to the place with experience


488 Trans Canada Hwy, Ashcrof -457-6698


For as low as



Month +HST

You Can Read our Award Winning Paper


ADVERTISING You can subscribe online at or call 250-453-2261 and we will help you set up your esub to

Meet Great Employers

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Thoughts of a career change are more prominent this week, Pisces. It may be a good time to finally act on those ideas.

Celebrating 21 Years

402 4th St. Ashcroft, B.C.

Golden Country Real Estate Services Ltd. Kelly Adamski - Bob Cunningham - Cindy Adamski 250-453-2225 • Toll Free 1-800-557-7355 Cozy 3 bedroom home with tremendous views!! Crown Moulding throughout. Sunroom off master bedroom, laminate flooring. Retire in Comfort!! 199,900.00 This property has great exposed location on Highway 1 Trans Canada, Close to Cache Creek and Ashcroft. Commercial building on 2.44 Acres with C-3 zoning. Can be used for many types of businesses. Building is 1488 square feet with a beautiful 8 foot veranda on front and sides. Lots of parking, drywall, 12” ceiling, tile flooring, 2 public washrooms (1 Handicapped) and 1 for staff with shower. Building is 13 years. Large windows, A/C, 220 amps, 9’ overhead door (garage door) in back, water softener, attic for storage, security system. Building currently has tenant. $299,000.00 Centrally located older home. Walk out basement at rear. Both floors rented. Large detached shop with 20 amp and rear lane access. Fenced yard with greenhouse and garden shed, room to park your RV. $155,000.00 Corner Property with main floor retail plus two bedroom apartment. Building at rear is an auto repair in a 2140 square foot building. Corner building is 2170 square feet on two floors. $195,000.00 View photos of these properties and more at 250-453-2225 1-800-557-7355

ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. ‡/†/¥/*Offers apply to the purchase, finance and lease of a 2014 Chevrolet Cruze 1LT (1SA/MH9), 2014 Chevrolet Equinox LS FWD (1SA), 2014 Chevrolet Trax LS FWD (1SA) equipped as described. Freight ($1,600) and PDI included. License, insurance, registration, administration fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. ≠ 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank or RBC Royal Bank for 72/84 months on new or demonstrator 2014 Chevrolet Equinox LS FWD/2014 Chevrolet Cruze 1LT. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $139/$119 for 72/84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. 0% financing offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers only. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ¥ 0%/0.9%/0% for 48/60/48 month lease available on all 2014 Cruze 1LT/2014 Trax LS FWD/2014 Equinox LS FWD based on approved credit by GM Financial. Tax, license, insurance, registration, applicable provincial fees, and optional equipment extra. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. Monthly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. Example: 2014 Cruze 1LT/2014 Trax LS FWD/2014 Equinox LS FWD including Freight and Air Tax is $20,845/$19,995/$27,735 at 0%/0.9%/0% APR, with $995/$1,395/$1,999 Down payment, Bi-Weekly payments are $99/$99/$139 for 48/60/48 months. Total obligation is $11,334/$14,599/$16,475 plus applicable taxes. Option to purchase at lease end is $9,511/$6,322/$11,270. ¥* $1,800 manufacturer to dealer lease cash available on 2014 Cruze 1LT. Cash credits available on most models. See participating dealer or for details. Offers end March 31, 2014. ^^Whichever comes first. Limit of four ACDelco Lube-Oil-Filter services in total. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc., are not covered. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ~Includes 6 months trial of Directions & Connections with Turn-by-Turn Navigation (Turn-by-Turn Navigation not available in certain areas; availability impacted by some geographical/cellular limitations), advisor assisted-routing available; Visit for coverage map, details and system limitations. Services vary by model and conditions. W Based on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. + The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. Consumer Digest Best Buy was awarded to the 2010-2014 Equinox. *^Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program ( *† Based on 2012 Upper Small segment, excluding Hybrid and Diesel powertrains. Standard 10 airbags, ABS, traction control and StabiliTrak. **Based on GM testing in accordance to Government of Canada test methods. ¥¥ Retail and basic fleet customers who purchase or lease an eligible Chevrolet, Buick or GMC delivered from dealer stock between March 1, 2014 and March 31, 2014 will receive one 40¢ savings per litre fuel card (fuel savings card) upon payment of an additional $.01. Cards valid as of 72 hours after delivery. Fuel savings card valid for 800 litres of fuel purchased from participating Petro-Canada retail locations (and other approved North Atlantic Petroleum locations in Newfoundland) and not redeemable for cash except where required by law. GM is not responsible for cards that are lost, stolen or damaged. GM reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer and/or the program for any reason in whole or in part at any time without notice. Petro-Canada is a Suncor Energy business™ Trademark of Suncor Energy Inc. Used under licence. Cards are property of Suncor Energy. To protect your card balance, register online at today. †† 2014 Equinox 2LT equipped with the True North Edition are eligible to receive an $800 MSRP credit equal to the MSRP of the Perforated Leather Seating Option (AFL/AFN/AFM). Dealer Trade or Factory order may be required. Offer available to units purchased/delivered from March 1 to March 31, 2014. ^Whichever comes first. See dealer for limited warranty details. ‡‡ Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2013, 2014 or 2015 model year Chevrolet/Buick/GMC/Cadillac car, SUV or crossover delivered in Canada between March 1, 2014 and March 31, 2014. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on all eligible Chevrolet, Buick GMC vehicles; $1,000 credit available on all Cadillac vehicles. Ineligible vehicles: Chevrolet Corvette, Silverado and GMC Sierra. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice.













$ 139 AT 0%


84 60 MONTHS≠










5.7 L/100 KM HWY | 7.8 L/100 KM CITY





2 40¢

Thursday, March 13, 2014 The Journal





52 MPG HIGHWAY 5.4 L/100 KM HWY | 8.2 L/100 KM CITYW



6.1 L/100 KM HWY | 9.2 L/100 KM CITYW

YEARS/40,000 KM









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YEARS/160,000 KM


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Call Smith Chevrolet Cadillac at 250-372-2551, or visit us at 950 Notre Dame Drive, Kamloops. [License #11184]

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