Clearwater Times, March 13, 2014

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Thursday, March 13, 2014 ▼ Volume 50 No. 11 ▼ ▼ $1.35 Includes GST




A big dog will miss the cold weather. See page A10 inside.

Second Place Best All Round Newspaper Third Place Best Editorial Page All of Canada <1,250 circulation 2013 Second Place General Excellence B.C. and Yukon <2,000 circulation 2013

Bantams battle for District title Clearwater Bantam #11 Michael Loring takes the puck up the ice during a game against Ashcroft on Saturday. Behind him is fellow player Mason Wadlegger and goalie Tristan Blackmore. Clearwater won the game 7 – 3. They were taking part in the Bantam district championships at the Sportsplex last weekend. The teams that went to the finals were in a three-way tie that was decided by goals for and against. Clearwater Bantams missed out by a small number. Greater Vernon won the Districts, a team that Clearwater had beat the day before. Clearwater came third overall. “They had a terrific season and everyone that came to the Districts this weekend kept commenting on our great facilities,” said one parent. Clearwater Peewees hosted their district championships as well. The provincial Tier 4 Midget hockey championships will be held in the Sportsplex this coming weekend. For more hockey photos and news, see pages A12 inside. Photo by Keith McNeill

District looks at wood heat for former Dutch Lake School Keith McNeill District of Clearwater plans to convert the former Dutch Lake School into a multi-use community center this year. The center would include new municipal offices for the District, plus provide space for the ICBC sales office and Yellowhead Community Services functions. The project might include changing the building from propane heat to wood. The biomassbased heating system possibly could be expanded to include the nearby RCMP building and even houses in the neighbourhood. The project was discussed during the March 4 town council meeting. Payback time for the biomass heat project would be three to five years (with grants), said councillor Merlin Blackwell.

Enderby has a neighbourhood biomass heating system that services about a dozen buildings – essentially a city block – from one heating unit. Other buildings in Clearwater being looked at for biomass heating include the Sportsplex and Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital. Biomass could provide new business opportunities for local operators, councillor Barry Banford said. Chief administrative officer Leslie Groulx noted that propane for the Sportsplex was locked in at 65 cents per litre in November. However, it is predicted to increase to $1.35 or 1.40. Funding for the biomass project likely would come from the Southern Interior Beetle Action Committee, Groulx said. According to a business case

study prepared Wood Waste 2 Rural Heat Project for District of Clearwater, heating the former Dutch Lake School with propane would cost about $30,000 per year. Converting to biomass would require about two and a half “B” train chip trucks per year. This would provide about 90 per cent of the heat needed. The existing propane system would be used for backup. A chip heating system, including boiler, distribution and fuel storage, would cost about $200,000. A pellet system would cost about $160,000, but would not have the beneficial local economic impacts. Connecting the RCMP building would cost another $25,000. This would be offset by about $5,000 per year in the sale of heat. Continued on page A2

A round wooden bin supplies wood chips for a small-scale bio-energy plant that supplies hot water heat for a nearby hotel in Austria. Former Clearwater councillor Bert Walker went on a fact-finding trip to Europe in 2011 to look into biomass heating. Photo by Bert Walker







Thursday, March 13, 2014 Clearwater Times

Biomass heat an option for Dutch Lake School and boiler below. Sources of fuel might include local sawmills, although the small volumes required might be difficult for a larger mill to supply. Other sources might be harvesting opera-

Continued from page A1 One possible location for the heating unit would be on the bank between the school and the playfield. This would allow a two-level building, with fuel storage above

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tions and slash piles within the community forest and local woodlots or from wildfire mitigation work. The heat generated by burning the fuel would be stored in a large hot water tank. The hot water would then be distributed throughout the building at low pressure. New name for Dutch Lake School? At some point a new name for the former Dutch Lake School will need to be formalized, Mayor John Harwood noted. At present, the term Dutch Lake Community Center is being used, which seems to describe the function and location, he said. Councillor Shelley Sim said it would be good to hear from the community to see if anyone has any better ideas for a name. Harwood noted that the school district has moved away from naming schools after individuals. Twenty years later, no one knows who the person was, he said.

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Chamber has a busy year Keith McNeill Clearwater and District Chamber of Commerce successfully completed several projects last year, according to president Jeff Lamond. Speaking during the Chamber's annual general meeting on Monday, March 3, Lamond reported that a new map board had been completed and installed on the meridian next to Brookfield Mall. Many businesses bought spaces on the map to advertise themselves to visitors. Directors of Clearwater and District Chamber of Commerce get ready for a new year Still being sought is following elections held during their annual general meeting on March 3. Pictured a corporate sponsor to are (back, l-r) vice-president Ron Plamondon, treasurer Joanne Ovenden, president help pay for a bulletin Jeff Lamond, director Steve Planeta, and (front) secretary Goldie Krawec. Not in the board on the reverse photo are directors Cheryl Thomas, Kevin Kershaw and Rhys Williams. side of the map. Photo by Keith McNeill The Chamber has Membership in the Chamber is down secured office space in slightly, secretary Anne Krawec said in her the soon-to-be renovated community center in report. the former Dutch Lake School, Lamond said. At present there are 89 regular memberAn office assistant helped for part of the year ships, eight organizations, four individuals and with daily duties plus member issues and quesfive racking memberships. All except the racktions. ing members can take part in the Chamber of Chamber directors met with representatives Commerce group benefit plan, she noted. of Trans Mountain Pipeline and Yellowhead Through a Services Canada summer stuMines during the year to discuss matters of dent grant the Chamber was able to hire two mutual concern. students for its desk at Wells Gray Infocenter The Chamber has also continued its relationlast summer. One worked May 17 to Aug. ship with Clearwater's municipal government. 31, the second from July 1 to Aug. 31. The Items on the agenda for the coming year Chamber's desk closed for the season on Oct. include repairing and replacing the Chamber's 14, Krawec reported. signs along Highway 5. The Chamber would like to get more busiNo Citizen of the Year nesses sponsoring its map board plus find a Speaking after the meeting, Chamber presicorporate sponsor for its bulletin board. Possibly dent Lamond said that, for the first time in a second map/bulletin board will be set up in many years, there had been no Citizen of the another location. Year or Of the Year banquet in 2013. Chamber directors plan to continue meeting Chamber directors found themselves too busy with officials from all levels of government, as in the fall to organize the event, he said, and no well as with directors from the Kamloops and other volunteers stepped forward to do the work. Barriere chambers.

Push for ABS exemptions continues Central Interior Logging Association Log-haulers, associations and safety representatives met again last week to explain why they oppose the use of ABS brake systems on logging trucks. Their audience: Delta South MLA Vicki Huntington, who has been critical of efforts to have logging trucks exempted

from having ABS brakes. Lloyd Inwood of Inwood Trucking, Quesnel explained that the use of ABS on logging trucks was dangerous and costly. ABS brakes increase stopping distance by as much as 22 per cent on gravel roads, and the systems, designed for lighter highway trucks, frequently fail under log-hauling conditions. Although log-haulers have a partial ABS exemption if 55

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per cent or more of their hauling is on resource roads, it is difficult to get proper road-use data because log-hauling routes are constantly changing. The logging associations have asked for 100 per cent relief from using ABS systems in log-hauling applications, and have said that if manufactures would develop and manufacture a better and more reliable system, industry would endorse it.


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Clearwater Times Thursday, March 13, 2014 A3

RCMP detachment expanding Keith McNeill Clearwater RCMP will soon be advertising for a second corporal, Mayor John Harwood reported during a town council meeting held March 4. The present corporal is in charge of the Traffic Services (highway patrol) unit within the detachment. A sergeant is in overall command. In addition, a police officer to replace a constable who is leaving has already been chosen. Harwood said there has been discussion with Thompson Headwaters TNRD director Willow MacDonald about improved enforcement for Blue River. Re-opening a detachment there would not be practical, he said. Experience has shown that at least three members are needed to make a detachment viable. Although the members of the Clearwater detachment make an effort to provide coverage to the whole valley, sometimes an incident in Blue River is over by the time a RCMP officer from Clearwater arrives. Councillor Gord Heisterman said the municipality should bring in a ticketing bylaw so the RCMP can help in enforcing the existing bylaws. At present, the District can impose a fine if a person is violating, for example, the noise bylaw. However, there is no simple mechanism to collect the fine. Local residents supporting eco-depot Clearwater's eco-depot is one of the most heavily used in the Thompson-Nicola Regional District, Mayor John Harwood reported. The facility averages 6.8 users per hour in the summer and 4.8 in the winter. The level of recycling in the community is also high, he said. The TNRD's solid waste management committee is reviewing the hours of operation and number of transfer stations, the mayor said. Some members of the solid waste management committee seem only to speak for their respective areas.

However, when some transfer stations have only one customer per week, it is difficult to justify keeping them open. Solid waste management is one of the most expensive items on the regional district's budget, he noted. Harwood said he was recently re-appointed to the solid waste management committee. New facade Councillor Jon Kreke congratulated the Clearwater Dollar Store for embarking on a facelift to its building. The facade will have a heritage western theme, similar to that of the Interior Whitewater building, he said. More Skills Canada medals Clearwater Secondary School student Taylor Rhodes won a gold medal at a recent Skills Canada competition, said councillor Shelley Sims, Justin Sutherland brought home a bronze.

On the job for 35 years Roger Mayer (l), longtime supervisor at the North Thompson Sportsplex, receives a certificate for 35 years of service from Clearwater Mayor John Harwood. Visitors from all over the province often comment about how clean and well-run the ice arena is, the mayor said. The presentation took place during a town council meeting held March 4. Photo by Keith McNeill

Mantracker excitement Plans by North Thompson Riders Association to hold a Mantracker event this summer are moving ahead, chief administrative officer Leslie Groulx reported to town council. “They are very, very stoked,” she said, after meeting with club members the previous week. About 10 six-person teams are expected to participate. Special guest for the event will be Terry Grant, the original star of the TV series “Mantracker”. Grant will conduct one or more clinics to teach tracking, she said, but is not expected to actually compete. Vicci Weller of the Thompson-Nicola Film Commission and local videographer Ken Matheson will work together to produce a film of the event. The first annual Wells Gray Mantracker Invitational will take place at Nakiska Ranch, July 25 – 27.

Road Maintenance Contacts District of Clearwater Municipal Roads - 250.674.8776 Argo Highway Maintenance 1.800.661.2025.

What’s Happening

WHAT’S HAPPENING Seniors Monthly Lunch The next monthly Seniors Lunch will be at the Elks Hall on April 8th, 2014 from 11:30am – 2:00pm. A lunch of soup and sandwiches will be served and guest speakers will be in attendance to discuss items of interest to seniors. If you require a bus to take you to the event please call Yellowhead Community Services at 250.674.2600 or 250.674.3695 to book a spot on the bus. When booking please ensure you tell them it’s for the Seniors Luncheon.

Carbon offsets going back to hospitals, colleges Tom Fletcher – Black Press VICTORIA – The B.C. government is continuing to remake its unpopular "carbon neutral government" program, expanding a fund to return carbon offset payments to hospitals and post-secondary institutions for energy saving projects. The new capital fund is an expansion of the "carbon neutral capital program" that was set up for B.C.'s 60 school districts in 2012. The fund is financed via a 2010 law that forces all public sector entities to pay $25 per tonne for greenhouse gas emissions from their operations. Environment Minister Mary Polak announced Tuesday of last week that carbon offsets from health authorities, colleges and universities will be added to the school capital fund, which districts apply to with energy saving ideas such as insulation or boiler replacement. The carbon neutral government plan was

controversial from the start, as school and health districts had to divert millions from their budgets to offset their heating, lighting and transportation emissions. Its popularity didn't improve when the first big carbon offsets chosen by the Pacific Carbon Trust included a gas well flare reduction program for Encana Corp. in northern B.C. Then B.C.'s Auditor General reported that the flaring project and a forest preserve in the Kootenays were not valid carbon offsets, because both were underway before carbon offset money was offered to help them. The Pacific Carbon Trust was wound up last year, with offsets chosen by a small group in the environment ministry. The education ministry also announced last week its latest energy saving project funded in 28 school districts. They include boiler replacements, heat pumps and electric cars. School bus emissions have been exempted from the carbon neutral government program since the beginning.

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Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation Grant Funding applications are now open. The purpose of the Wells Gray Community Forest Society is to promote economic and social welfare of Wells Gray Country and the District of Clearwater, including the provision of support for the benevolent and charitable enterprises, federations, agencies and societies engaged in furthering these purposes. Applications can be picked up at the Community Resource Centre or at All applications must be returned by April 15th, 2014 at 4:30pm to the Community Resource Centre or on line at the above address. If submitting a paper application, 7 copies must be provided. ICBC/Motor Vehicle Learn to Drive Smart Learn to Drive Smart is most commonly used by new drivers. It’s what you need to study to pass the knowledge test. If you’re an experienced driver or new resident, you can use this guide to brush up on your knowledge. ICBC is now offering the ability to study for your “L” anywhere with the Learn to Drive Smart online manual, ICBC app or on your ereader. Go to for more information. Community Recreation Programs Indoor Walking – FREE – Wednesdays 6:45am at CSS - Ongoing Community Volleyball – Tuesdays – 7:30-9:00pm until April 8(except March 18) February 21 - 23– 7:00-8:30pm February 28 – April 11 Community Basketball – Fridays Indoor Family Tennis – Thursdays – 6:00-7:00pm - March 6 – April 10 Community Indoor Soccer – Thursday – 7:30-9:00pm M arch 6 – April 10 Senior Sit and Be Fit – Mar. 5 - Apr.16, 10:30-11:15 at Evergreen Acres Budget 101 - Thursday, March 27 6:30-8:30 PM at CSS Room 400 - Registration required Self Breast Care, FREE Wednesday, April 2 6:30-8:30 PM at CSS Pitt Call Eleanor for more information on these and other programs at 250.674.1878 or register at the District office. Upcoming Events 2nd Wednesday of the month – Well Gray Riders Association meeting April 13th - Rhythm Riders Drill team Introduction Day Upcoming Meetings of Council March 25th, 2014 – Infrastructure Committee meeting – 5:00pm March 25th, 2014 – Regular Council Meeting – 7:00pm April 1st, 2014 – Parks and Recreation Committee meeting – 5:00pm April 1st, 2014 – Regular Council meeting – 7:00pm

Civic address: 132 Station Road Box 157, Clearwater,B.C. V0E 1N0 Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 District Office Ph: 250-674-2257 • Fax: 250-674-2173 email address:



Thursday, March 13, 2014 Clearwater Times


“ Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.” - Laurence J. Peter, writer Guest editorial by Tom Fletcher

Forget issues, pass the muffins

Preparing your income tax return – stress-free Editor, The Times:

Income tax season is fast approaching, and you don’t know where to start? Many people find tax time stressful, but with a little preparation, it can be a cinch! Read on for some tips to make preparing your income tax return quicker and easier. Start early. This way, you’ll not only avoid penalties for late filing, but you’ll also be able to organize your finances to take advantage of potential

tax benefits. Prepare the returns of everyone in the family at the same time. Often, expenses that won’t benefit one member of the family can be transferred to another. Get organized. It’s much easier to prepare your tax return if you file the documents you’ll need in one place. Taxes in Canada are due on April 30 every year. If you’re preparing your own return, you can use the Canada

Revenue Agency’s NETFILE program to submit it. You’ll save time, make fewer mistakes and, if applicable, get your refund faster. For more tips on preparing your income tax return, see Your Financial Toolkit on the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada’s website,

Lucie Tedesco, commissioner Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a selfregulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, 210 Selby St, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2R2 For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Times THE Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council

A costly new outside access ramp assisted Kenny Michell, who visited last week to tell his harrowing story of the Burns Lake sawmill explosion that nearly burned him to death in 2012 and left him in a wheelchair. The NDP brought a delegation of survivors and family members of the dead from sawdust explosions in Burns Lake and Prince George. They supported the opposition’s demand for an independent inquiry, although their own demands ranged from counselling for longsuffering wives to seeing someone punished for alleged negligence. The scandal pushed in this tragic story is that some evidence was not protected by WorkSafeBC and wouldn’t have been admissible in court. Prosecutors also said they had enough evidence for charges, but the companies or executives would be able to show “due diligence” that would likely result in acquittal. What that means in English is that the explosion risk of extra-dry dust and air wasn’t fully grasped by either mill operators or WorkSafeBC. All B.C. mills are now subject to more scrutiny, and a coroner’s inquest will be calling witnesses this fall to see what lessons can be learned. Back to pipelines through parks. This may seem like a scandal to urban B.C. residents who already fret about the possibility of the 60-yearold Trans Mountain pipeline, or one of several proposed gas pipelines, intruding on a park. It’s not as well known that Trans Mountain completed a major twinning and upgrading project on the Alberta side in 2008. It crosses Mount Robson Provincial Park and Jasper National Park, without incident or scandal to date. But back to muffingate, as it’s become known around here. I don’t know why people are so cynical and uninterested in serious issues. I wish I did. – Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email:

Teachers' strike vote shows strong resolve Editor, The Times:

BC Press Council


VICTORIA – Proceedings here at the B.C. legislature were briefly thrust into the spotlight last week, firing up the radio talk shows and twitter feeds. No, it wasn’t the B.C. Liberal government forcing through legislation to allow industrial “research” for things like pipeline routes in provincial parks, or the debate on sanctioned wolf and grizzly kills. It wasn’t the teacher strike vote, as the scripted motions of that ritual combat are well known to weary parents. It was muffins. More specifically, “free” muffins in a newly relocated and equipped MLA lounge, and a rack installed to hold the said muffins at a cost of $733. This was portrayed as part of a spending spree by Richmond East MLA Linda Reid, elected Speaker last summer. In fact it’s just the latest phase of a strikingly expensive refit to provide wheelchair access, which Reid has championed. The new MLA lounge replaces a seldom-used one at the top of steep stairs high in the 1898 stone structure. The new lounge is served by a ramp near the chamber exit to another underused room in the library, and equipped with big-screen TVs to follow proceedings, similar to those installed in the legislature chamber last year. Everything done here is expensive, from matching ornate woodwork to upgrading ancient plumbing and wiring. But the public, conditioned by media to expect corruption and scandal, would rather be outraged about free muffins. Prior to this, MLAs had to troop down to the basement dining room to put muffins and coffee on their expense accounts, or have an assistant fetch them. The outraged talk shows didn’t mention that. There are access issues in the dining room too, a fact more difficult to ignore with Children and Family Development Minister Stephanie Cadieux, Paralympian Michelle Stilwell and former Vancouver mayor Sam Sullivan now elected to serve using their wheelchairs.

Congratulations, sisters and brothers. Yesterday, a strong (89 per cent) strike mandate proves once again that you are the spearhead of defence for public education in this province. And why is defending public education so important? Public education is, by far, the best vehicle to deliver quality education to the 90 per cent of citizens who are not independently wealthy. With

all its warts – real, imagined or manufactured – it is still, head and shoulders, the best hope of building a fair, just and democratic society. In the face of a provincial government gone mad with privatization, bolstered by the corporate-backed propaganda machine – the Fraser Institute, you the teachers of this province have a special role to play. I also know from experience how uncomfortable being thrust into this position makes

you feel, but know that there is support for you in a public that can see through the sea of government propaganda. Good luck in your endeavour to defend public education and get a fair deal for yourselves. I pledge to use whatever talents I have to support and defend your efforts, wherever they may lead you.

Wes Morden, retired teacher Clearwater, B.C.

74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email:

Subscribe to the Times

Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

In Town / Out of Town Rates 1 year $57.75; 2 years $110.25 Prices include GST

Clearwater Times Thursday, March 13, 2014 A5

Question of the Week


Do you think the minimum wage should be $13 per hour ?

Robert Waknuk (Little Fort):

No, I think that would be too high. Minimum wage usually applies to students and people getting their first job. It's too high for inexperienced help.

Valerie (Moilliet) Gerber:

No. If you're a farmer, you can't afford it.

Pearl Erickson:

Yes, I do. If people are working for minimum wage, they can't have much.

Larry and Cindy Reiter:

No, it should be $15 or $18. Everything is going up.

Jack Perry

Thirteen dollars per hour would be good for part of the working population but how many jobs with small businesses would be lost?

Library closures the tip of the iceberg Editor, The Times:

The Conservative government is continuing its war on information by closing down seven DFO libraries across the country. Fisheries and Oceans Minister Gail Shea has said that the items in the closed libraries would be digitized and/or offered to other libraries, third parties, DFO staff and the general public before being recycled. The problem is her claims don’t wash. Library employees have contradicted her statement, and a recent written response I’ve received from the Minister has proven that her department has no ability to determine what has been digitized, and has no idea what has happened to thousands of books and

journals which were contained in the libraries. The process has obviously been a chaotic mess, yet the Minister somehow keeps repeating the same talking points which directly contradict her written response. In many cases the government had spent hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars upgrading these facilities in recent years, only to suddenly decide to shut them all down and spend at least tens of thousands of dollars to do so. The Conservatives claim they are saving taxpayers around $400,000 – a drop in the bucket for a Conservative government which has spent over $548 million advertising itself to Canadians.

On top of these library closures and the loss of much of their information, the Conservative government has also slashed funding for the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL), closed the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences, gutted the Fisheries Act, cut hundreds of jobs at DFO including many chemists, biologists and other important researchers and scientists, eliminated the Ocean Contaminants and Marine Toxicology Program, eliminated federal responsibility for the worldrenowned Experimental Lakes Area, and muzzled well respected government scientists. And this is only the tip of

Success by 6 to host Babies of 2013 event Editor, The Times:

It is that time of year again! Success By 6 is hosting our annual Baby Party where we celebrate all of the babies born in our area in the previous year. The “Babies of 2013” event will be hosted on

Thursday, March 27 at Yellowhead Community Services from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free lunch, gift bags, and a meet and greet with your child’s future playmates are all part of this annual celebration. Success By 6 aims

to raise awareness about the importance of the early years of a child’s life in contributing to lifelong health and development. We welcome all families with babies born in 2013 to join us in celebrating these newest mem-

bers of our community. Please RSVP to 250-674-2600 by Friday, March 21, so we can confirm numbers for lunch.

Heather Adamson Success By 6 Coordinator – Clearwater and Area

We need to educate people to save the bears Editor, The Times:

These days humanity no longer has a true meaning because some humans are doing unreasonable things like killing bears in trophy hunts, where they only take the head, skin, and paws.

Now, is this humane? As Canadians we are proud to have a bear on our two-dollar coin, yet many bears in our country are dying. Next time you hand a two-dollar coin to the person

behind the cashier think about these animals that are suffering right now. Someone has to put a stop to this, and many people do not know about it and going living their lives without a thought.

This is why we need to educate people through social media, booths, newspapers, or just by raising your voice. We can make a big difference.

Astrid Ludwig, age nine Clearwater, B.C.

the iceberg. Something far more Fisheries and Oceans critic for dangerous and ideological is Liberal Party of Canada happening than the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans claims. The Conservative government is It’s not just a matter of minimizing your taxes, but on a path of doesn’t havesaving to be!yourself hassle in making sure they’reIt right – and Drop by our conveniently located office where we can advise destruction the long on, run.and Whether your taxes or complex take care of all yourare taxsimple filing needs – we can help you get it right. for any scientific information, knowledge, or people who might get in the Personal & Business tax & corporate Personal tax returnsyear-end reporting way of its devasSmall business review & planning Business tax & corporate year-end service reporting tating agenda for SmallEstate business review & planning & retirement planningservice Estate & retirement planning our country. Bookkeeping services

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Drug products are designed to treat specific conditions. But sometimes, new uses are found for the product after years of use. An example is Pepto-Bismol which can bring quick relief for people with canker sores. Apply a small amount with a Q-Tip or swish some around the month and spit it out. It might work. Vitamin E was first discovered in California in 1922. Since that time, there have been many claims made that taking high doses would prevent cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s as well as giving you good skin and eyesight. However, there is very little clinical evidence that vitamin E supplements are beneficial and many of the studies on the vitamin were inconclusive. Studies are being done comparing e-cigarettes (a battery-operated product that gives vaporized nicotine to the user) and nicotine patches. Recent results of one study showed the two methods were about equal in helping people stop smoking, but the success rate was relatively low with both. E-cigarettes have still not been okayed by Health Canada due to concerns about the effects of long-term use. Having a non-cancerous enlarged prostate gland can cause more frequent urination. If this is a problem, try restricting caffeine-containing and alcoholic fluids in the evening. When you do urinate, empty the bladder completely and have your doctor or pharmacist check your medications. Some meds may stimulate more urine flow. And try to relax. Stress sometimes causes increased urination. Worried about drug side effects? Check with our pharmacists for information.

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Over 40 sponsors supported Clearwater's first walk-a-thon. The walk started at Centennial Park at Dutch Lake and ended in Little Fort. All proceeds went to building the Elks' Hall.



School District 26 received a grant for a $100,000 debenture for the purchase of six portable classrooms and one 66-passenger bus.



Len Marchand, Member of Parliament for Kamloops-Cariboo and Minister of

Thursday, March 13, 2014 Clearwater Times

HISTORICAL Perspective

the Environment, announced a contract for alterations and additions to the RCMP detachment offices. Value of the contract was $150,000.


YEARS AGO: Clearwater Secondary School Raiders senior boys basketball team finished second in the provincial championships (held at Cariboo College in Kamloops), losing to Langley in the final.



Clearwater welcomed two new doctors, Ifor and Jennifer Thomas. "Everyone's' been asking if we're here to stay," said Ifor Thomas.




YEARS AGO: The North Thompson was rich with medals following the B.C. Winter Games in Smithers. Blue River's Kerry Petch, 14, Tyler Wolf, 13, and Rainer Wolf, 39, won gold in the Natural Luge Team event. Tyler also scooped gold in the Junior Doubles, Kerry took silver in Junior Doubles, and Rainer took bronze in Senior Doubles. Clearwater's Dave Coleman, 14,



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won gold in the Natural Luge Team event, and silver in Junior Doubles. Barriere swimmer Erin Gammel won three gold and three silver medals.



Clearwater Improvement District was drilling a six-inch test shaft across from Dutch Lake beach. If the test well proved out, then a 16-inch operational well would be drilled nearby, said CID acting administrator Edie Kinzel. The new well would supplement the existing 12-inch well in Reg Small Park.


dents elected CSS graduate Bowen Cooluris as president of the student society.


Slocan initiated a third shift for its Vavenby sawmill, adding about 40 new positions. The North Thompson Valley needed to get ready for the 2010 Olympics, said Premier Gordon Campbell during a quick tour through the valley. There had been $6 billion worth of spin-offs to Australia after it hosted the Olympics, he told about 50 representatives from Clearwater Chamber of Commerce, Clearwater Rotary and other community groups. University College of the Cariboo stu-

YEARS AGO: Clearwater and area had an unusual amount of snow remaining on the ground for this time of year, but it was a different story in the high country according to information released by B.C. Ministry of Environment’s River Forecast Center. According to the Center the snow water index for the North Thompson drainage was just 88 per cent of normal. Vavenby student Connor Dee finished second at the sixth annual Popsicle-Stick Bridge Building Contest held at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops. A total of 43 cars

and drivers took part in a regional Cub Car Rally hosted by 1st Wells Gray Cubs at Raft River Elementary School.



Town council tabled an application to rezone land for Ron Rotzetter's proposed Bear View shopping center until a comprehensive development plan was developed that involved not just the subject property, but adjacent pieces of land as well. Staff had recommended the application be rejected, but one factor in the decision to table instead was a statement that there was no land available in the existing commercial zone near the Clearwater Valley Road junction that was of adequate size and/or without restrictive covenants.

Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation Request For Community Input Since 2006 the Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation (WGCFC) has been in operation providing a multitude of benefits to the greater community including local decision making, employment opportunities for local contractors and profits for dispersal throughout Wells Gray Country (which includes Birch Island, Vavenby, Upper Clearwater, and Blackpool) and the District of Clearwater. The WGCFC board of directors has determined that it is now time to develop a strategic plan for the community forest. The strategic plan will document key goals, objectives and activities of the Corporation for the next 5 years. The board will use the strategic plan to help guide its management and operations decisions. To develop the strategic plan the board needs input from the Wells Gray Country community. Please consider providing your input to the following question: 1. What specific priorities, values or interests do you have on the land base that the board should be aware of? EG; Water, Wildlife, Timber, Visuals, Recreation, First Nations, Wildfire Prevention, Other. The WGCFC transfers its profits to the Society which, in turn, distributes them within Wells Gray Country. The Society is also seeking public input to guide in their decision making by asking the following questions: 2. The Society has distributed over $400,000 to non-profit community organizations and local government. a) Are you familiar with how the money was distributed? b) Are there ways to improve the distribution process? 3. How would you like the Community Forest to benefit Wells Gray Country? For example: Support for Non-profit organizations, Infrastructure projects such as the Dutch Lake Community Centre, Employment, Other. The community will have an opportunity to provide input during 3 key phases in the process. Phase I - Information Collection. On March 27, 2014 the WGCFC will hold an open house at the Clearwater Community Resource Centre hosted by our facilitator Mr. Thompson. Doors will be open from 2:00 to 4:00 and again from 7:00 to 9:00. This will be your opportunity to present your answers to our 3 questions either in person or in writing. Refreshments will be served. If you are unable to attend the open house please forward your comments and queries to Mr. Thompson at his contact information below. Your input will be collected until Friday April 4, 2014. Phase II - Review of Community Input - On April 8, 2014 a summary of community input will be posted on the WGCF website for review and comment until May 31, 2014. Phase III – Posting of Draft Strategic Plan - On June 16, 2014 the draft Strategic Plan will be posted on the WGFC website for review and comment until Friday July 11, 2014.

The guide to summer in the North Thompson is distributed throughout the Province of BC & Alberta, as well as Washington, Oregon and Idaho states

For more information call the North Thompson Star/Journal at 250-672-5611 or the Clearwater Times at 250-674-3343

The WGCFC board anticipates the final Strategic Plan will be completed and posted on the WGCF website by the end of July 2014. We look forward to hearing your perspectives. The board has retained the services of Mr. Grant A. Thompson RPF to facilitate the collection of input and the development of the strategic plan. Mr. Thompson has worked throughout BC as a registered professional forester for over 30 years and recently as the general manager of the Westbank First Nation Community Forest in the Kelowna area. He has served on the BC Community Forest Association board for five years. His knowledge and experience make him particularly suited to assist the board in this project. Please direct your comments, questions and submissions to: Grant A. Thompson RPF Prairie Valley Consulting 14119 Prairie Valley Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z8 250-490-1222

Clearwater Times Thursday, March 13, 2014 A7

Investigation finds unsafe bridges on forestry roads Times Staff An investigation of 216 bridges constructed throughout the province in the last three years has found numerous noncompliances with legislation and over two dozen bridges that may not be safe for industrial use, according to a report released by the Forest Practices Board recently. "The board was concerned with the growing number of instances of unsafe bridges showing up in recent audits, and so we did this investigation to find out the extent of the problem," said Tim Ryan, board chair. "What we found is highly disturbing, given the emphasis government and industry have placed on safety in recent years." The investigation found 19 bridges that were obviously unsafe and another 13 bridges that were questionable. Forty per cent of the bridges did not have complete plans and for 74 bridges, the required sign-off by a professional that the bridge was designed and built correctly was not completed. "The problem is not the lack of legislation or guidance by professional associations," said Ryan. "The problem is that some professionals are not performing to the standards government and the public expect. We are recommending that the professional associations that govern foresters and engineers take action to improve performance by their members. We also suggest that licensees ensure their bridges are safe and government compliance and enforcement staff increase their attention to bridge safety." Bridges constructed in the Chilliwack, Vanderhoof, Rocky Mountain, Okanagan Shuswap and Cariboo Chilcotin districts since January 2010 were included in the investigation. The Forest Practices Board is B.C.'s independent watchdog for sound forest and range practices, reporting its find-

ings and recommendations directly to the public and government. The board can investigate and report on current forestry and range issues and make recommendations for improvement to practices and legislation. The Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) and Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists (APEGBC) responded by saying they are very concerned about the bridge findings. As the independent regulators of professional forestry and professional engineering through the administration of the Foresters Act and Engineers and Geoscientists Act respectively, the professions strongly believe one unsafe bridge is too many. The two associations noted that, in its report, the FPB cited the role of the Guidelines for Professional Services in the Forest Sector – Crossings in setting the standard of professional practice for bridge projects. These guidelines were established by ABCFP and

APEGBC in 2005 and revised in 2008. As the FPB report identifies, a number of professionals have not been following the guidelines. In the coming weeks the two professional associations will be actively determining the facts involving professional practice or unsafe conditions that may have contributed to the problem bridge structures identified by the FPB. If necessary, the professions will follow up with their respective enforcement and discipline systems. In addition the professions will update the current professional practice guidelines, identify the necessary skills and competencies required for this work, and undertake specialized professional development with members in this area of practice. The professional associations have an existing Joint Practice Board composed of experienced professional engineers and forest professionals who work together to provide standards, guidance and other direction to professionals on forest crossings and forest bridges.

It is recognized that the public expects development projects in the natural environment to be directed by regulated professionals to ensure projects are conducted safely, professionally and sustainably. Where the use of a regulated professional is absent or insufficient, the professions may enforce legislation or undertake internal discipline procedures. Shop online The ABCFP and APEGBC said they will 1-877-471-8697 respond to the FPB by the requested date of Oct. 31, 2014 and advise it of Shop online the steps planned or taken to address the professional issues 1-877-420-1116 identified.



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Am I really self employed? – Self-employment is determined by the amount of control you have over your work. If you are in any doubt about your relationship, you can request a ruling from the CRA using Form CPT1, Request for a Ruling as to the Status of a Worker under the Canada Pension Plan and/or the Employment Insurance Act.

What is the per kilometer rate? – Unless you have already submitted a logbook to the CRA for a previous year, you cannot use a simplified method to calculate your auto expenses. You need to have a detailed logbook for the year to report your expenses correctly.

Does a sign on my car mean I can claim 100% of my mileage? – You can claim the sign cost as an advertising expense but it does not mean every kilometer you drive is for your business. You still need to record your kilometers in a logbook.

Can I write off my mortgage? – The answer is no. Self-employed Canadians are allowed to

claim a portion of their mortgage interest based on the amount of space used for the business in their home. Mortgage principal is not a deduction.

Can I claim my home phone? – If you only have one phone line into your home,

you cannot claim 100% of the expenses for business. The CRA will expect you to have some personal use so you will need to calculate the percentage used for business and personal. The same applies to your internet connection.

Are credit card statements enough? – No. The CRA will want to see a receipt with a

breakdown of the cost and taxes paid. Self-employed Canadians are more likely to be audited, so make sure you keep your receipts and other documentation to support your business expenses.

Do I have to make instalments?

– If you owe $3,000 or more in taxes in any two of the last three tax years, the Canada Revenue Agency will request that you make quarterly instalments rather than an annual payment. Failing to make instalment payments could incur an interest charge.

Do I need a GST number?

– If your annual revenues are more than $30,000, you have to register for the GST/HST. However, even if your revenues are less than this, it is usually advantageous to register so that you can claim input tax credits for the GST/HST you pay.

Top junior speechmaker Rodeo Rednecks 4-H member Mackenzie Ross shows off the trophy she received for winning the 4-H District Junior Speechmaking competition. She and Jessica Rotzetter represented the local club at the district speeches on March 1 in Kamloops Both girls did exceptionally well, club leaders report. Photo submitted

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Thursday, March 13, 2014 Clearwater Times

Seven grants of $1,000 or more awarded to youth in the region United Way – Kamloops

Piano teacher retires Former students congratulate Val Watt on her retirement from teaching piano in this community for many years. Pictured are (l-r) Jenna Zeitzov, Zoe Ovenden. Val Watt, Leevon LeVasseur, and Chelsea Lahaie. “Our children were so fortunate to have the opportunity learn Royal Conservatory level of piano instruction in our rural area, and from such a gifted and nurturing teacher,” said one parent. A tea was held in Watt's honour on March 9 at the Upper Clearwater Hall with some of her old students and their parents. Photo submitted

KAMLOOPS – At United Way we know that investments in youth are investments in the future. For the seventh year in a row young professionals from our community have made the funding decisions when it comes to the Youth Initiative Grants. Using sponsorship from TELUS and Interior Savings and funds from GenNext, seven grants of approximately $1,000 or more were awarded to youth throughout our region. These projects will happen over the next several months throughout the Cariboo, North Thompson and Nicola regions. The allocation team was made up of young professionals from the United Way Youth Club and GenNext. Below is a list of the Youth Initiative Grant recipients for 2014: • Youth for Kids Mentorship Events in partnership with School District in Clearwater. Hosting free community events (cooking, sports, art) for kids with the goal of inspiring community engagement and developing leadership. • McLure Family Nights in partnership with Volunteer Fire Department in McLure. Hosting a monthly family movie

night at the volunteer Fire Hall to provide families with a recreational activity in their own community. Will include a craft and a snack. • Warm Your Heart in partnership with Boys and Girls in Williams Lake. Youth in partnership with BGC providing a free meal to the homeless population. The attendees will also receive warm clothes. • Smart Step Youth Association in partnership with Community Policing in Merritt. Youth leadership initiative that will clean-up and re-paint a community mural. • Dairy Fields Trail Adoption in partnership with Scout Island in Williams Lake. Greenologists youth club enhancing trail systems and engaging classes to be better stewards. • PRIDE Awareness in partnership with Cariboo Family Enrichment in 100 Mile House. A new club will hold first ever PRIDE events at school, including a schoolwide facilitated workshop. • SAAVI Art Exhibition in partnership with the YMCA/YWCA Children Who Witness Abuse program in Kamloops. A program for girls who have witnessed abuse will create art as part of their group work and ultimately host an art show.

Booze coming to grocery stores in 2015 Tom Fletcher – Black Press B.C. residents will be able to buy B.C. wine from grocery stores by early next year, with some stores connected to liquor stores that offer full selection including hard liquor. The provincial government released its framework for a major overhaul of liquor policy Thursday. It proposes a small number of new licences for Vintners' Quality Alliance (VQA) wine

sales from grocery store shelves, with future expansion to include B.C.-made craft beer under the same licences. RichmondSteveston MLA John Yap said all alcohol sales will be rung through at separate cash registers, with staff trained in an expanded "Serving It Right" course to check identification and sobriety. Customers will be able to stock up on groceries and alcoholic beverages in the same shopping cart,

Wells Gray Community Forest (2010) Society Now accepting Grant Applications $100,000 grant money available Funded by Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation applications will be accepted

until Tuesday, April 15, 2014 @ 4:00pm

whether from in-store B.C. wine or products from a connected liquor store. Changes to take effect by this summer include licensing B.C. wine and beer sale and tasting at farmers' markets, permitting "happy hour" drink discounts at licensed businesses and removing the requirement for fenced beer gardens at approved outdoor festivals. Yap said the government is adopting -a recommendation from Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Kendall and other health officials to tie prices to alcohol content, in an effort to reduce over-consumption. The government plans to maintain its cap on the number of liquor stores, with 670 private stores now

in operation. Liquor stores are currently restricted to relocating no more than five km from their original location, but that restriction is being lifted so a licence can be sold or moved anywhere in the province. Yap said that would allow either a government or private liquor store to relocate next to a grocery store. Another major change in the works is to wholesale pricing from the government's monopoly Liquor Distribution Branch. Currently private stores pay a 16 per cent discount off the government store retail price. Yap said the LDB will move to the same wholesale price for all stores, based on the value of each product, and retail prices will be set by a competitive market.

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applications available online GooGle: ‘wells Gray community Forest 2010 society’ to download application

Please use the online form. If submitting paper, seven copies must be provided

purpose oF the society: To promote the economic and social welfare of the residents of Wells Gray Country (including the District of Clearwater), including the provision of support for the benevolent and charitable enterprises, federations, agencies and societies engaged in furthering these purposes.

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Clearwater Times Thursday, March 13, 2014 A9

Former coach arrested and charged with indecent assault can contact the RCMP through a toll free tip line at 1-877-687-3377. The Davidson family formerly operated a golf course in East Blackpool southeast of Clearwater. Alan Davidson is scheduled to make his next court appearance April 3 in Kamloops.

Times Staff

Serious Issues require Serious Lawyers

A photo shows Alan Davidson as he appeared more than 30 years ago - the time the alleged offences occurred. Photo submitted

a second victim came forward allegedly having been sexually assaulted by his baseball coach. Since the initial complaint was lodged and subsequent to the exhaustive investigative efforts to date in all three provinces in which the accused has resided and worked over the past 30 years, a total of eight victims have come forward making similar allegations. All the reported incidents allegedly occurred in the ThompsonOkanagan Region of B.C. while the majority of the victims belonged to either hockey or baseball teams that were

Community Workshop

Enhancing the Local Forest Economy • Dynamic Guest speakers • Successes & Challenges • Value added opportunities • Employment Trends • Education for the future in forestry February 26th, 2014

Opportunities for Change in the Local Forest Economy

Clearwater Legion April 5th, 2014, 9am – 4pm

Subject: Invitation to the Third in a Series of Community Forums, on Opportunities for Change in the Local Forest Economy. A follow up to the, Healthy Forest Healthy Communities Initiative. A public forum was held in Clearwater in November 2011 to explore the question, “How do recent changes in Forestry impact you and your community. As a follow up to the information gathering in 2011, a further community session was held in January 2013 to continue the community dialogue about how investments in sustainable forest management can result in additional economic development, increased employment, family health, and community stability. You are invited to participate in the upcoming Community Workshop to hear from invited guests, on their successes and challenges involved with enhancing their Local Forest Economy, as well as discussions on value added opportunities, employment trends and education for the future in forestry. Participants will also be asked for their input into a Forestry Visioning statement for the North Thompson Valley. The session will be held at the Clearwater Legion, Clearwater on Saturday April 5th, 2014, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. The workshop is intended as a learning session with constructive dialogue, and not a forum for complaints. The information gathered from the community workshop will help build a Sustainable Forest Management vision for the North Thompson to assist resource decision makers and land management stakeholders to enhance the long term viability of the forest industry in the North Thompson. Background papers on key aspects of forest management can be found on the following website We would appreciate if you would confirm your attendance with Leslie Groulx at or by calling 250-674-2257 or Heather MacLennan at, phone 250-6742449. We look forward to your response. Sincerely, For Local Organizing Committee

Lunch will be provided Pre-registration is required to

being coached by the accused. During the investigation it was learned that Alan Davidson had served in the RCMP as a regular member in various detachments in Saskatchewan and in Lloydminster, Alberta from February 1982 until he retired in August 1996 to pursue other business ventures. All offences the accused has been charged with occurred prior to him becoming a regular member of the RCMP. Davidson has been charged with eight counts of indecent assault contrary to

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Superintendent Brendan Fitzpatrick, operations officer of BC RCMP Major Crime Section, announces during a news conference in the Lower Mainland that former Clearwater resident Alan Davidson has been charged with sexual assault. SurreyNorth Delta Leader photo

Section 156 of the Criminal Code. Superintendent Brendan Fitzpatrick, operations officer of BC RCMP Major Crime Section, acknowledges the matter is now before the courts in which all investigative findings will be presented. "I would also like to commend those individuals who came forward after all these years, considering the traumatic nature of the allegations. A great deal of work has been done to date, however our investigation is ongoing and we respect that there could be other individuals out there with information connected to our investigation. It is important for you to please contact

250-674-2255 or


August 1993 – 1996 – North Battleford, Saskatchewan August 1996 onwards – Alberta (currently resides in Calgary) While charges have been laid, there may be other victims who would like to come forward or witnesses who may have information that could assist with the ongoing investigation. You

the police,” he said. To assist potential victims and witnesses in recalling memory, the RCMP has released photos of the accused in the time frame of the current allegations and listed below is a timeline of where the accused had lived and worked over the last three decades. 1970s to 1981 – Clearwater, B.C. August 1981 – February 1982 – Regina, Saskatchewan February 1982 – December 1983 – Coronach, Saskatchewan December 1983 – April 1986 – Lloydminster, Alberta April 1986 – August 1993 – Yorkton, Saskatchewan

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A former Clearwater resident and minor hockey and baseball coach has been arrested for the sexual assault of several youths. The assaults are believed to have taken place between 1976 and 1981. BC RCMP Major Crimes Section arrested 58-year-old Alan John Davidson on March 6 in Calgary, Alberta where he is currently residing. According to police, in November of 2012, an adult male contacted the Burnaby RCMP to file a report against his former minor hockey coach. The complainant advised that while he was in high school and living in Clearwater in the early 1980s he had allegedly been sexually assaulted by his coach. He also said that it was possible that other players on the hockey team had been similarly assaulted by the suspect. Burnaby RCMP initiated what would evolve into an extensive investigation spanning three provinces: British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Due to the complexity of this investigation, the BC RCMP Major Crime Section took conduct of the file. As a result of initial interviews with possible victims and witnesses,


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Thursday, March 13, 2014 Clearwater Times

Cupcake Challenge Some of the participants in a Cupcake Challenge held March 7 in Interior Savings Credit Union’s Clearwater branch pose for a photograph. Pictured are (back, l-r) judges Linda Selbee and Richard Christenson, and (front, l-r) winners Carol Podbisky, Lisa Nadeau, and Carrie Weninger. This year's proceeds go to the Childs Voice Foundation. Photo by Keith McNeill

Resting in the snow A very relaxed looking Magnum, a large (but young) St. Bernard, lolls in the snow near its home on Riverview Crescent. Photo submitted

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Music and dessert help India trip Submitted On Saturday evening, March 8, Zoe Ovenden held an evening of music and desserts at the Clearwater Secondary School. This was the second of three community fundraising events the local 14-year-old has planned to help her raise money for the charity Free the Children, and to allow her to work on a community project in India in June this year. The event was attended by around 70 people who enjoyed listening to a variety of acts whilst enjoying delicious homemade desserts and drinks prepared by Zoe and her many helpers. “It was a great night, with fantastic music, a real treat for the senses” said Ovenden. Steve Raschke began the evening by entertaining the audience with unusual facts about India. After some

Gerda Faber (l) and Loyd Bishop entertain the crowd at a benefit held Saturday evening. Photo submitted

rousing numbers from the CSS Garage Band and the James Gang, there were piano solos from Emily Talbot and Zoe herself. Mike Woodman then took up the guitar, and Cindy and Brittany Raschke demonstrated their singing talents. The evening finished with a string of numbers performed by Gerda Faber, Andy Leese, Doug Fenwick and Lloyd Bishop. Zoe said, “Thank you to everyone,

especially Gerda Faber, who helped organize the musicians, and Luke Ovenden, Annie Butcher, Brynn Rebinsky, Cherie Witts, Megan Gunn and Sidney Raes, who helped in the kitchen. And to all the many musicians from around the community that gave up their time to preform – thank you – l couldn’t of done it without you.” Donations and a silent auction raised over $1000.

For kids with cancer Interior Credit Union employee Jocelyn Ripley shows before and after views of a hair-cut she recently had. The hair will go to the Angel Hair for Kids program of the Childs Voice Foundation. It will be used to make wigs for children who have lost their hair to cancer. The hair-cutting was part of the annual Cupcake Challenge at the credit union, which this year is raising money for the Childs Voice Foundation. Photos by Keith McNeill and submitted

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Clearwater Times Thursday, March 13, 2014 A11

While you’re not looking, this is what’s happening to BC’s world renowned recycling program.

Well, lookie here. One minute you have a perfectly good Blue Box recycling program. The next, something new and rather questionable is being put in its place. And they thought they’d get away with it right under your nose, without telling you or asking your opinion. That’s definitely not democracy in action. The BC Government, elected by us to represent our best interests, has decided to offload the costs of recycling to big multi-national corporations. To implement this new plan, they’ve set up an association that doesn’t really seem to hold the environment, local jobs, or the municipalities that run the Blue Box program, close to its heart.

Perhaps that’s why some of our local elected officials are using the word “scam” to describe how the new program is being set up. It’s also perhaps why several of BC’s municipalities refuse to jump on board. That’s gotta tell you something. Now it’s your turn to let Premier Christy Clark know what you think. Contact her today to say that dismantling an already-working recycling program to replace it with something that few people think will be as good, is a bad idea.

What’s going on here?

Email Christy Clark at or call 250-387-1715. For more info, visit #RethinkItBC. This Message is brought to you by:


Thursday, March 13, 2014 Clearwater Times

Sports Peewees place third Clearwater Peewee Jayden Kjenstad takes the puck up the ice during a game against Lumby during the District championships last weekend at the Sportsplex. Beside him is Reid Parlby, two players behind him are Emma Collins with the "A" and Lochlan Wilson in front of her. The local team lost to Lumby 7-3. On Saturday they went on to win against Lillooet and then tied Penticton. In the game against Penticton, Clearwater was down and there was a minute left in the game, the goalie was pulled and then Clearwater ended up getting a penalty shot. This was taken by Angus Allchin and he ended up tying up the game. That led to a three-way tie as to who went into the finals and, unfortunately, Clearwater missed getting into the finals by .02 per cent. They ended up coming third overall. Photo by Keith McNeill

e n i d 9&


Snow is finally starting to go!

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250-587-6100 | 1480 Old N. Thompson Hwy

Tier 4 Midget provincials coming to Clearwater Clearwater hosted the Peewee and Bantam district hockey championships last weekend. This coming weekend the community will host the Tier 4 Midget provincial championships. “On behalf of the Thompson Nicola Regional District Area “A” and the District of Clearwater, we are delighted that BC Hockey has chosen Clearwater for the 2014 BC Hockey Tier 4 Midget provincial tournament,” said Mayor John Harwood. “We look forward to the opportunity to host you and the participants in this



MIDGET TIER 4 PROVINCIALS Clearwater Game Times: Sunday Mar. 16, 10:30am vs Burns Lake 8:00pm vs Surrey Monday Mar. 17, 8:00pm vs Kelowna Tuesday Mar. 18, 8:00pm vs Ridge Meadows Wednesday Mar. 19, 2:00pm vs Chetwynd 8:00pm Final Game

Look for complete Midget Provincials Schedule in this weeks Times

Watch for our Carnival Mar. 14 • 6:30pm

Dizney on Ice Family Skating Finished for the Season Preschool Skating Finished for the Season Home School Skating Finished for the Season Clearwater & District Minor Hockey ** Check out the video on our website **

Mens Drop In Hockey • Fridays at 8:15 • Final Session March 14 The Sportsplex will be closed for the season on March 23

For more information about the Sportsplex or any programs call 250 674 2143

event, and salute you for your athletic endeavours.” Clearwater Midget Icehawks recently lost to Kelowna in a hard-fought final for the Okanagan pennant. The Icehawks will have another go against Kelowna during the tournament. Other teams expected include Ridge Meadows and Surrey, representing the Lower Mainland, Chetwynd for the Northeast, and Northwest champions Burns Lake. “It has been a couple of years since the BC Hockey Championship has been hosted in Clearwater, but with the level of support, organization and experience from Clearwater this will be a truly a great event,” commented Bill Greene, BC Hockey, Okanagan district director. “I hope the community will make the time to come out and watch the top Midget Tier 4 Teams in British Columbia compete for gold and the title of BC Hockey Midget Tier 4 champions.” The tournament will be held in the North Thompson Sportsplex, starting on March 15 and continuing until March 19. “Clearwater and District Minor Hockey Association would like to extend an invite to the community to come and attend the 2014 BC Hockey Tier 4,” said Clearwater and District Minor Hockey president Hans Wadlegger. “We are pleased to have this honour of hosting the provincials and hope the community takes the opportunity to watch these skilled young players play a strong caliber of hockey.”

Raft Mountain Skating Club Annual General Meeting Saturday, March 15 at North Thompson Sportsplex Upstairs Lounge 4 pm - 5 pm Info: Jen Wadlegger 250-587-6234

Clearwater Times Thursday, March 13, 2014 A13

Grand Painting re-opening with acrylics planned for Barriere Curling Club

Marj Sunderman shows instructor Norma Watt a paining she has done of an old wagon in a field. They were taking part in an acrylics painting course at the Community Resource Center last week. Photo by Keith McNeill

Submitted Barriere Curling Club will re-open its doors Friday, March 14, after a successful fundraising campaign to repair part of the ice making plant. In late December, the club had an unscheduled closure of curling activities due to leaks in the chiller portion of the ice plant. Since then, the executive has been scrambling to raise funds to replace the chiller and re-start the plant. Presentations were made to the District of Barriere mayor and council. With their involvement and support, the curling club was able to access the Federal Gas Tax rebate fund through District of Barriere and the Thompson Nicola Regional District. The club was granted a total of $20,000, which covered a good percentage of the repairs. District of Barriere provided $10,000, while the TNRD Area O (Lower North Thompson) and Area P (Rivers and the Peaks) contributed $5,000 each. The club appreciates the specific efforts of Mayor Humphreys, CAO Colleen Hannigan, councillors Ward Stamer and Bill Kershaw, and the TNRD area representatives Bill Kershaw and John Sternig. As part of the ice plant repairs, upgrades in power consumption were gained by changing the freon to a more efficient and environmentally friendly product. The club has agreed to participate with the TNRD on monitoring those efficiencies in energy consumption as part of the Federal Gas Tax rebate. A special thanks also goes to Gordie Zerr and Darcy Feller for their efforts to coordinate a second quote for repairs to the chiller. A second quote was required by the regional district for the grant to proceed. Without the quote, which took considerable time and effort, our plant would not be up and running today. We have a number of upcoming activities. First, all interested curlers and members are invited to an evening of curling and socializing on Friday, March 14, at 7 p.m. Next, we will host the annual Loggers Bonspiel on Friday and Saturday, March 21 and 22. The bonspiel is a Skins Format. A team may be made up of any combination of men and women. Call Brian Bondar at 250672-5334 to register. Finally we will continue to sponsor the Jam Can Bonspiel for local youth. This event will be held on March 28 and 29. Notices will be provided at Barriere Elementary School.

Read us on facebook @ www. clearwatertimes

Dust and ashes and an uncomplicated life Life can be complicated. Life can be messy. Life can be demanding. Sometimes all those complications, messes and demands can get the best of a person and life can suddenly become a burden. The demands put on us by others, the expectations we have of ourselves, the overloaded schedule, it can all become too much for us. What do we do when that happens? We try to keep up; but when we discover that we can’t, some of us re-double our efforts (to different degrees of success) and some of us give in or give up. Why does life have to be so complicated, so messy and so demanding? Is it just the nature of modern life that our lives have become so stressed and over-burdened? Or perhaps it is more our human nature than it is anything else to stretch ourselves to the limit in an attempt to find meaning and purpose in life. French philosopher Rene Descartes may have famously said, “I think, therefore I am,” but many modern people don’t believe it and instead live by the motto, “I do, therefore I am.” Last week, the Christian season of Lent began on a day known as Ash Wednesday.

If this all sounds a little odd and counter-cultural, maybe that’s because it really is. In a world where more is better than less, bigger is more desirable than smaller and moving is preferred to standing still, Lent and the contemplations By Rev that come with it seem very foreign. Brian Krushel But that is the gift in it. It is a gift for Clearwater United all those who are starved for meaning, Church for comfort, for courage and for life. I need this time as a way to remind myself On that day, an ancient ritual is enacted of who I really am. I am not the sum whereby a cross is marked on the foretotal of my accomplishments and achievehead of the faithful with ashes. As that ments, I am not defined by what I have cross is being smudged, words are spoken, or accumulate. My worth is not measured “Remember you are dust, and to dust you by how well I fill my days with tasks and shall return.” What a strange thing to do! appointments. I need Lent and I suspect Strange and yet oddly compelling at others do, too. the same time. I don’t mind this annual This is a time to be still and silent so reminder of my limitations and mortality. that I can hear once again who I really I appreciate an intentional time like this am. I am dust, and all pretences and posto get my mind off of the many things turing fall away. I am dust, breathed into that distract and occupy me and to which by God, given life by God, loved by God. I look for meaning so that I can centre I am dust with all the limitations and freemyself in Meaning itself. I need this time doms that implies. I am dust and one day to re-orient and re-focus so I can clear that dust will be delivered into the hands my eyes of the glaze of indifference and of the one who first formed this dust into apathy which comes from situation after a human being. It’s not complicated. I am situation where I feel nearly helpless. I dust, and I am happy to be. need Lent.

Think on These Things

Church Directory

Clearwater Christian Church

“an Independent” congregation in fellowship with the broader Christian community in the area.

Your places of worship

Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive (Behind Fields Store)

Sunday Worship Service 10 am On the Web: For information 250.674.3841 or 250.674.2912


3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational

St James Catholic Church

Sunday Service Mass • 11am - 12pm Tuesday & Thursday 10am 324 Clearwater Village Road 250-672-5949 Father Don O’Reilly

Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor Bill Kelly Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468

CLEARWATER UNITED CHURCH Meeting at Catholic Church of St. James


Sunday 9am

Rev. Brian Krushel

250-672-5653 • 250-674-3615

Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 5:00pm

Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations

CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am

(Kids church during service)

Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study Thursday 3-5pm Kids Club

Phone: 250-674-2345

308 W Old N Thompson Hwy

COMMUNITY BAPTIST 24E Old North Thompson Hwy

Worship Service 10:30 Pastor Mike Kiewitt 250.674.1332

(Robert Lawrie, Silvia Scheibenpflug)

Certified General Accountants

A14 Rison Realty • 32 E Old N. Thompson Hwy.




APPLIANCE REPAIR Four Star Service 250-674-0079



Itec Enterprises MAN LIFT WITH WINCH Times Thursday, March 13, 2014 Clearwater


We can safely lift you in the cage to put your task close at hand. Pull a pump, lift a tower, top a tree Hourly, daily and weekly rates • Includes operator

Phone: 250-674-2532 • Kamloops: 554-2533 • Fax: 554-2536


Kindly refer to our website:

Accountant Building -Supply ACCOUNTANT - Certified CERTIFIED

Appliance Repair Carpentry APPLIANCE REPAIRS

Feb. 1st to Apr. 30th - Every Thursday May 1st to Jan. 31st - By Appointment Hours: 9:30 am to Noon, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Business & Service Directory Rd

Mu sgr ave






Harby Rd

Sma ll Rd

250-587-6175 250-587-6175

Wildwood Rd

on D mps


GarbageGifts Collection GARBAGE COLLECTION Eden Rd

JAGER GARBAGE Kathy’s Jewelry & Gifts Residential & Commercial r Murtle C

SCENTSY CERAMIC WARMERS VELATA BELGIAN CHOCOLATE FONDUES Garbage Collection. Park Drive A favourite idea for personal or gift giving and home and party entertainment. Residential includes Blue Bag Recycling Centre Area Book now or orders placedClearwater weekly. NoInformation shipping or handling fees

Containers construction sites, Sat.: 10am - 4pmavailable • Sun.: 11:30for - 4pm 343 Clearwater Valley Rd. yard clean-up, industrial sites etc. (Beside O’Bryan’s in the Laundromat at the TNT Building Entrance to Wells Gray Park)Garbage 250-674-3798 Phone Jager or call 250-674-3763 or Vavenby 778-208-5359to Blackpool area Serving from


District of Clearwater 250-674-2733 PLUMBING AND DRAINS

132 Station Road, Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0 Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Open through the Noon hour

JASEN MANN 250-674-8151

Storage Storage

STORAGE Mini Storage Units




PLUMBING AND DRAINS Furnace Installation • Heat Pumps and Air Conditioning Radon Gas Mitigation • Serving Blue River - Little Fort

Leaks? Plugged Drain? New Installs YOURGot FRIENDLY REPAIR MAN Wells & Pumps ≈ Yearly Maintenance ≈ Frozen pipes WATER WELL SERVICES We are right around the corner

Jim Vandenborre • Fully insured

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visa, Guaranteed debit, mc accepted• 250-674-8151 Fully Insured • 100%

Taxi Service TAXI SERVICE Covered RV & Boat Storage




B.C. Reg. - CLOSED MONDAYS - • #24833 B.C. Reg. #24833



Automo Ball Fie Fire Dep Gas


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ICBC Agent


Good Prices • Great Service • Quality Work

Plumbing & Drains Motor Licence Office NORTH THOMPSON OFFICE

son R




Car o



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Gaggin Rd

Kidd Rd

S Ka outh m 12 loo to 5 k ps m


Next to Clearwater Computers


• Jewelry • Gift Baskets • Framed photo, prints & cards • Fishing - rods, reels, lures, knives • Local artists - and much more Tuesday to Friday: 10 am - 5 pm Saturdays: 10 am- 4 pm


Phillips Rd


Business & Service The Little Gift Shop Directory

h Rd

Jenkins Rd

DeCosmos Rd


Steeg Rd


& Bonded 250-674-3875 Clearwater, BC •Licenced Reg. NO: 99142

Off the Hook

Park Drive Clearwat er Village

d on R Stati

“Interior Health approved” POTABLE WATER SERVICE

Pl Construction & son Rob Renovations from Defossee d Pl nt R GraFoundations Webber Rd Lower Clearwater to Roof Septic - Installation - Service - Pumping d gR r un e D Yo Lodg

Capostinsky White Rd

Give us a call before it’s too late! BEST rates in town

n Rd cke Rd Helm obson R

Murtle Cr


Blair Pl

250-674-2733 THE TIMES 132 Station Road, Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0 AlceKirkwood Offi Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm


Murtle C Azure Dr

MOTOR LICENCE For All Your OFFICE Advertising ICBC Agent Needs

Rd Roy

Motor Licence Office Hardware AAdvertise D VERTISING

d ch R Bea

Clearwater Valley Rd

Reg. NO: 99142 Blackpool area

Ridge Dr

Phone Jager Garbage 250-674-3798 Licenced & Bonded

Lake Rd

Containers available for construction sites, yard clean-up, industrial sites etc.

Ta re nD r

Gl en Rd

st Fore ice Rd Serv

Residential includes Blue Bag Recycling

Davoron Rd

Ferry Rd

Residential & Commercial Garbage Collection.



Lakeview Rd

Construction Contracting


Renovations • Additions • New Construction Home Repairs • HAFI Jobs • Project Management

Foote Rd

Eden Rd


Building Contractor


d 2R mp Ca Mileen

Electric GarbageContractors Collection

Hydro Rd


Sunset Rd

Jenkins Rd

Wyndhaven Pl

Demolition - Excavation - Backhoe Service Rob Kerslake Trucking - Crane Truck - Water - Dump Steve Noble Gravel - Sand - Top Soil - Snow Removal Paul Jack 250.819.3205 250.299.9510 Rd ake

North Thompson Provincial Park


Hern Rd

250-674-3875 Clearwater, BC • 250.299.9510 Jack




40 years experience

Renovations • Additions • New Construction Home Repairs • HAFI Jobs • Project Management Gravel - Sand - Top Soil - Snow Removal

Septic Service

Red Seal Carpenter

Mt. View Rd

- Installationexperience - Service - Pumping 40Septic years Demolition - Excavation - Backhoe Service Trucking - Crane Truck - Water - Dump

Ogden Rd

Building Contractor

Open through the Noon hour 674-3343


Contractor Electric Contractors


Call of Clearwater District


d lley R ine Va Sunsh y Hw son mp o Th Rd rth dt No mi Old ch Rd nch Do

Contractor Contracting CONTRACTORS

Serving from Vavenby to

New Construction, Renovations, Tiling, Roofing.

w sha Ker

John White

Journeyman Carpenter

Dunlevy Rd

Construction and Home Renovation Richie Rd

Dan Arnold

Hazel Dowds

Paul 250.819.3205

DNA Construction

EEK e Rd CR ervic st S ELD Fore KFI OO BR


674-4001 Contractor • RENOVATIONS • ROOFING (250) 674-8469

Wadlegger Rd

Journeyman Carpenters

Gill Creek Rd

Brookfield Rd

Hazel’s Housing Fully Insured

av en Kerslake dRob Rd Fa wn it R Rd mm u eS Buck Rd k Steve Noble La

Wildwood Rd 649 Kennedy Road • Dutch Lk Rd

Elliot Rd

Tiny Builders QUALITYLtd. WORK 250-674-4083

Lod 250-674-4083 Carpenter PARTS - SALES - SERVICE CALLSJourneyman USED APPLIANCES

Brookfield Mall Area Construction Construction

Construction Carpentry CARPENTRY


Clea rwa ter


Financial Statement Preparation • Corporate & Personal Income Taxes



W yn dh

Vern Anne Pl

Detailing 250-674-2522


Phone: 250-674-2532 • Kamloops: 554-2533 • Fax: 554-2536

Box 345 Clearwater BC V0E 1N0

APPLIANCE REPAIR Rd Four Star Service ng u • NEW250-674-0079 CONSTRUCTION Yo

Riverview Cr

Feb. 1st to Apr. 30th - Every Thursday May 1st to Jan. 31st - By Appointment Winter Hours •9:30 8:30amam - 5pm to Noon, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Hours:

s Marcel’ Automotive &

Hazel’s Housing N

Birch D

ConstructionDownie & Greer Rd Renovations from Foundations Archibald Rd Roof to

Rive r

Rison Realty • 32 E Old N. Thompson Hwy.


ley Rd Clearwater Val

Certified General Accountants

To Wells Gray Park

Kennedy Rd

STONE & COMPANY (Robert Lawrie, Silvia Scheibenpflug)

Automotive Repair Construction Upper Clearwater


Financial Statement Preparation • Corporate & Personal Income Taxes





250-674-2214 • 250-674-1542


Groceri Informa Library Liquor S Lodging Medica

North T

Pharma Picinic

Police ( Post Of Real Es Restaur

Clearwater Times Thursday, March 13, 2014 A15

Business & Service Directory Towing

CLEARWATER TOWING LTD. 24 Hour Service Free Scrap Car Removal 516 Swanson Road Used Auto Parts



Septic Service - Pumper Truck . . . L L A C AT ON IT ALL... Bobcat and Backhoe WE DO Plumbing -Soils - Gravel




250-674-0145 His Mom Is Looking for a Hairdresser.

250-674-3123 NELS HINDLE OFFICE: or CELL: 250-674-1427



Starting at $165.00 m3

+ $15 delivery fee within Clearwater

Advertise your business for as low as $16/week

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Marijuana/money seizure

A Clearwater Traffic Services member pulled over a vehicle on Highway 5 in Louis Creek. The member detected an odor of marijuana in the vehicle and both occupants were arrested. A small amount of marijuana was located as well as a large amount of cash. Both items were seized and both occupants were released on a promise to appear in Clearwater for court on a later date.

Mischief to vehicle

Clearwater RCMP are investigating a report of mischief to a vehicle parked at Clearwater Secondary School. The vehicle had its mirror ripped off. Anybody with any information in regards to this vandalism is asked to contact the Clearwater RCMP Detachment.

Collision with an unknown animal

An Alberta driver contacted Clearwater RCMP to report a collision with an unknown animal on Highway 5 near Blue River. The animal was reported to be larger than a deer and smaller than a moose. The animal collided with the vehicle, got up, brushed itself and ran off into the forest. The driver was uninjured and was able to drive his vehicle safely home. If you come across this unknown animal with a FORD impression, please contact the RCMP so the animal can be identified.

RCMP launches Fraud Prevention Month

Every year, thousands of Canadians fall victim to fraud. Most people don't think it could happen to them, but fraudsters are using increasingly sophisticated methods to target Canadians of all ages. Fraud Prevention Month is an annual event that gives private and public organizations involved in the fight against fraud an opportunity to further raise public awareness. Through this awareness, Canadians can avoid becoming victims. Economic integrity is a priority that


1-800-222-TIPS Clearwater RCMP Report the RCMP addresses through enforcement and disruption, as well as by educating Canadians on how to prevent becoming victims of fraud. The impact on individuals, families and businesses is devastating – retirement savings, homes, businesses and, in some cases, lives have all been lost. The good news is that the majority of frauds can be prevented by identifying the methods used by fraudsters. The more you know about a fraud, the less likely you are to fall victim to it.

Quick facts:

• Canadians between the ages of 50 and 59 are the most targeted by mass marketing fraud operations. Furthermore, Canadian victims in that age group reported the highest dollar loss. • The RCMP is a key partner of the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, which is a joint project between the RCMP, the Ontario Provincial Police and the Competition Bureau of Canada. It is Canada's central repository for data, intelligence and resource material as it relates to fraud. • The RCMP's Fraud Prevention Month campaign this year will feature four themes (one per week) related to fraud: scams targeting seniors, identity theft, email fraud and phishing, as well as fraud on the Internet.

Let's stamp out crime

Anyone with information regarding any crime is invited to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS. Anonymity is guaranteed, and rewards are offered for useful information (for example, information that leads to an arrest).

Call for more information or come in to the Times #14-74 Young Road


A new word gives a new worldview It Seems To Me…

Eleanor Deckert I learned a new word. More specifically: I was present when a new word was invented! Recently I spent several days with a friend's family. Coaching homework is one thing I enjoy. With over 15 years experience as a homeschooler, I know a little about what challenges and frustrations can be expected while attempting unfamiliar tasks and also the sweetness of the benefits that are just around the corner after mastering specific skills. And one more thing: I have a knack to zero in on that spot where a challenge is neither too hard nor too easy. So, I brought 50 flashcards with those three-letter words that follow the rules of phonics: cat, sat, fat, pat, mat, mop, hop, top, stop. The younger child was in his element. It was easy enough to attempt but hard enough to feel that sense of satisfaction. The older child (who could read faster than I could flip the cards)

By Eleanor Deckert

wanted something a little harder. She dictated words she wanted to read while I wrote them on the back of the deck. Tomorrow, because, chocolate, remember. We were building a nice collection. Meanwhile, this family has been focused on another project that now entered her list of words. They have been looking closely at a list of "virtues." What does this mean? What would life in our family be like without it? If everyone consciously practised it? So her list of flashcard words grew: honesty, patience, flexibility, gentleness. Then, all-in-a-flash, the new word arrived. A virtue we all need to practise and deliberately focus on that would make the family and our world a better place to be.

"Inter-reliability." Now there's a concept! As soon as she spoke, my eyes opened wide and met her gaze. I could see the web she lives in – her siblings and parents, her grandparents and faithfamily, teachers and bus drivers, coaches and neighbours. She relies on these people, yet others rely on her. With that one word she knew that she is part of a web, and each of the people in the web have their own network of people they can rely on and who rely on them. "Inter-reliability." Like a map, I instantly had a new worldview. Who relies on me? Who do I rely on? How wondrous that we are all so intricately connected through trust and dependability.


Thursday, March 13, 2014 Clearwater Times



Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil.

~ Baltasar Gracian

RED CROSS BABYSITTING FIRST AID This course is designed for youth 11 yrs & older who want to become a babysitter or may already be one.

April 4 & 5 NEW DATE


Wells Gray Country UPCOMING EVENTS

Mar 14: St Patricks Day dance, 9pm, Blue River Legion upstairs Mar 14: Raft Mountain Skating Club Carnival, NT Sportsplex Mar 15: Pancake Breakfast, Legion Hall, 257 Glen Rd, $7/ person, 8:30 – 10:30 am Mar 15: Raft Mountain Skating Club AGM, NT Sportsplex 4-5 pm, info Jen Wadlegger 250-587-6234 Mar 22: Legion Branch 259 Meat Draw, 257 Glen Rd, bar opens 1 pm Mar 28: Understanding Along the Dementia Journey, 9am – 4pm, Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre, Kamloops. Reg. $20, incl lunch. 1-855-742-4803 for info

OFA Level 1 First Aid

Mar 29


Joy of Painting

Mar 15


OFA Level 3

Mar 31 – Apr 12

Red Cross Babysitting First Aid April 4 & 5 (new date) $75

and register. April 5: True Grit Indoor Rodeo, 6 pm start @ NT Agriplex. Cabaret Dance to follow. Info/tickets 250-672-9298 April 25-27: Honouring Young Women PowWow @ Chu Chua April 26-27: Rural Expo & Trade Show, 9am – 5pm daily, NT Agriplex, Barriere. May 31: Wells Gray Riders Assoc trail ride at Candle Creek Ski trails, reg 10 am, ride 11 am. Info 250-674-4083, email July 25 – 27: Wells Gray Man Tracker Invitational, Nakiska Ranch


TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 224 Candle Creek Rd. EMAIL: •


ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Indoor Market: 1st Saturday of month, 9 am – 2 pm, Elks Hall, info - 250-674-3763 • Tuesday Morning Coffee (TMC): Meets 10am – 11:30 @ Clearwater Community Baptist Church. All women and children welcome. (9:30-10 am Bible Study). Info 250-674-3624 • Raft River Rockhounds: 3rd Sat of the mth. Clw Lodge 1pm 250-674-2700 • Women in Business Luncheon: 2nd Thurs. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250-674-3703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmers’ Market May – Oct. Saturdays 9am– Noon. For more info please call Anne at 250-674-3444. • Clearwater-Vavenby Lions Bingo: Every 2nd Tues. Elks Hall. 250-587-6269 • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 1pm: 250-587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – 2nd Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - every 2nd Thurs. Elks Hall. open 5pm • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Racoon StrongStart - Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:45-11:45am • Racoon StrongStart - Vavenby Elm school days Wed 8:5011:50am • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Monday mornings, reg. Kerry 250-6743530 • NT BC Home Schoolers: Meets Fri. afternoons. Call Leanna 250-674-0057 for details • Kids Club: Clearwater New Life Assembly. Meets every Thur. 3-5 pm. Ages 5-12. For info contact Bobbi @ 250-674-3346

HEALTH & HEALING • AA Meetings: every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Dr, 250-5870026 anytime • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-587-6373. • Connections Healing Rooms - Fridays 1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Kim 250-674-0224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion 778-208-0137. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 250-674-2699 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: 1st Thurs every mth. 250-676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Nov., Jan., & Mar. AGM in May • Volleyball: Tues. Jan. 14 - Apr. 8, 7:30 - 9:00 PM, at Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. Info: 250-674-1878. • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-674-2468 annie. • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-674-0001 • Walking Club: Indoors: Wed., Jan. 29 - Mar. 5, 6:45 - 7:45 AM at Clw Secondary School, FREE. Info: 250-674-1878 • Drop-in Curling: Fri. Jan. 11 - Mar. 8, 7:00 PM, $5. Brooms and sliders available. • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 • Drop in Basketball: Fri., Jan. 10 - Apr. 11, 7:00 - 8:30 PM, $2 drop in at Clearwater Secondary School Gym. Info: 250674-1878 • Slo-Pitch: Clearwater mixed Slo-Pitch league May – July. Contact Carmen Archibald 778-208-1773, 250-674-2632 SENIORS • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the mth 2pm at the library. All seniors welcome.



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Bayley’s Bistro

in the Brookfield Shopping Centre in Clearwater Eat in or Take out Fried Chicken


Clearwater Times Thursday, March 13, 2014 A17

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Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am -5pm Brookfield Mall, Clearwater Ph: 250.674.3343 • Fax: 250.674.3410

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Business Opportunities

Work Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Call 250-674-2135.


Happy Occasions: Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, etc. 1 column by 3 inch - $18.49 + GST Deadlines: Word Ads: Mondays 12pm 5pm Display Ads: Mondays 12pm It is the policy of The Star/Journal and The Times to receive pre-payment on all classified advertisements. Ads may be submitted by phone if charged to a VISA, MC or an existing account.

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Located across the railway tracks in Vavenby, B.C. Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Great deals - low prices

Personals Barriere Writer’s Group - anyone interested in starting/being part of one? The idea would be to encourage each other to write, whether it be letters, poetry, short stories, novels, plays, etc. Interested? Call Margaret at 250-672-9330 (evenings) or via email: Clearwater: AA Meetings Every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Drive, side door. Call 250-587-0026 anytime


In Memoriam

Coming Events

In Loving Memory of Steven Reginald Noble Jan. 5, 1950 to Mar. 15, 2004

Garage & Pie Sale, Mar. 29, 9am-2pm at the Barriere Legion basement. $10/Table. Call Eileen: 250-672-2456.

We can no longer See you with our eyes Touch you with our hands But we will feel you in our hearts forever! ~ Love and miss you lots XO Wendy, Cathy, Steve, Kiana, Drew, Keaton, Keisha, Tyra and Taya

We’re on the net at

Coming Events Don’t miss the Celebration of Rural Living Expo & Trade Show April 26-27, 2014 9am-5pm daily NT Agriplex & Fall Fair Facility 4872 Dunn Lake Rd., Barriere Over 100 booths & displays to peruse. Music, concessions, giveaways. A full lineup of feature speakers. Free draws every hour. $5/adult, $3/stud. or senior, children 12 & under Free. Vendor and Expo info at:

Help Wanted

Information ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis

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E-mail: • Website:

CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE – Jim’s Food Market BC027 RESIDENT RV HOST(S) – Chinook cove Golf & RV BC0286 TOURISM COORDINATOR – Lower North Thompson Tourism Society BC0293 LOG PROCESSOR OPERATOR – Wood Co Management BC0294 HEAVY DUTY RED SEAL MECHANIC – Hy’s North Transporation BC0295 WAITRESS – Station House Restaurant B0300 GO TO: for information on jobs with Mike Wiegele & for Sun Peaks. Skill Development: If you have been on Employment Insurance in the past 3 years (5 years maternity) & are currently unemployed, you may be eligible for re-training dollars. Book an appointment to see one of our counselors for information. We look forward to seeing you: come in and we’ll personally see that you get the information you’re seeking or call and make an appointment. • Free computer & Internet access • Free resume help • Free information on many services. “The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia” In Partnership with Barriere & District Chamber of Commerce and Yellowhead Community Services

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Chef; Reservations Coordinator; Reservations Supervisor; Maintenance Labourer; Maintenance Technician; Chef Garde Manger; Marketing Coordinator; Maintenance Manager; Guide; Bus Person & Buffet Attendant. Sightseeing Boat Operator: Seasonal/Blue River #C0281 Customer Service Representative: FT&PT Little Fort #BC0278 Manager-Parts & Tires Division: FT/Barriere #BC0276 Whitewater Rafting Instructor: Seasonal/ Clearwater #CB0275 German Speaking Tour Guide: FT/ Seasonal/Clearwater #C0264 Prof. Driver: Casual/Seas./Clw #C0263 Traffic Control: Casual/Clw #C0256

Free Workshops to help with your work search are available. Please contact us to register for one or all of these free workshops. Apr. 1, 2 & 3, 2014 - “Back to Work Boot Camp” Workshops will be as follows:

Wed. April 2nd Thurs. Apr. 3rd Resume/Cover Letters Building Positive Behaviours 12:30pm-3:00pm Labour Market Information Dress for Success/Interviews 9:00am-Noon

Tues. April 1st Email/Internet Basics

Resumes & Interviews: Go hand in hand, so the better prepared you are the greater the impression you will make to your future employer. Please drop in & our friendly staff will assist you. Targeted Wage Subsidy (TWS): Are you currently on Employment Insurance or have you been in the last 3-5 years? If you have, you may be eligible for wage subsidy. Ask us for further info. Funding for Skill Enhancement: Recent or active EI clients with a career plan in mind seeking assistance through Service Canada are required to book an appointment with one of our Employment Counsellors. BLUE RIVER ITINERANT: An employment consultant comes to the Blue River School. Next visit is Tues. Mar. 27th, from 12:30-2:30. If a one on one appointment is required, please call to set up a time prior to the drop in. Operated by Yellowhead Community Services The Employment Program of BC is funded by the Government of Canada & the Province of British Columbia

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Merchandise for Sale

Thursday, March 13, 2014 Clearwater Times

Merchandise for Sale




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Support International Scouting by donating used stamps which are sorted & sold to raise money for the International Development Fund of the International Scout & Guide Fellowship. This fund pays for training for Scouters in the third world. Drop stamps off at front counter of the Star/Journal in Barriere, or call Margaret at (250)672-9330.


Vehicle Wanted GOT Old Cars or Parts Laying Around? New, upcoming website to connect sellers and buyers. Want to know more? Email us a list of what you have and we will send you a fact sheet.


Real Estate Open Houses OPEN HOUSE MAR 9TH. 16748 85th Surrey, Gorgeous Fleetwood Home. 6 bedroom, 4 bath, 3,651 sq ft. Lot 6,069 sq ft. 18yrs old. A grand entrance with vaulted ceilings, and massive windows, Kitchen/family room are open concept. Family room shares a double fireplace with the den. Mountain view $649,999. For virtual tour: info@ Phone: 778-928-4524

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Homes for Rent


Clearwater: Log house on farm. Close to town. Available Mar. 1. Pets welcome. Ph. Donna Erickson 250-674-8111

2001 Adventurer 8ft camper. Excellent Condition. Toilet, North South queen bed. $7000 OBO 250-851-6131 Barriere

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices


Logging Operators, Shipper/ Receivers, and Truckers Seasonal load restrictions will take effect within the District of Clearwater on March 14, 2014. The District will be allowing 100% legal axle weights to remain on the following sections of roads; 1. Old North Thompson Highway between Highway 5 and the western municipal boundary 2. Clearwater Station Road and Dunn Lake Road between Swanson Road and the Hascheak Forest Service Road 3. Sunshine Valley Road, for the first 400m from the Old North Thompson Highway (west entrance) All other roads will be restricted to 70% of legal axle weights.

This Crossword Sponsored by


These load restrictions will remain in effect until mid-May or as the weather permits.


Please contact the District of Clearwater at 250.674.2257 for more information

AM p ar ri cl h 2 13 3 -- 21 9 9 ,, Burning This weekthe is allcandle atabout both ends give and again, take, Capricorn? Capricorn. DoThis for is not theand best others, theyway will to things done. doget for you. A special Take more steady event acalls for some approach, give extra-specialand gifts. December 22– yourself time to January 19 recover.

January 20– February 18

February 19– March 20

Aquarius, can’t Some habitsyou are hard put yourAquarius. finger on to break, it, buttosomething Look a mentor to positive seems help and you will to be on theA fitness horizon. succeed. The reveal goal truth is easilywill achieved itself the next with ain new piece of few days. equipment. Pisces, against The oddsfight may be the current foryou, stacked against something you truly Pisces, but that doesn’t believe Unexmean youin. won’t come pected events out on top with aarise little on Thursday. ingenuity. A weekend endeavor requires a leap of faith.

March 21– April 19

April 20– May 20

May 21– June 21

This youand need Speakweek up, Aries, to the follower thebe problem will be instead themiracle leader, solved. Aoflittle Aries. may for be an difat homeItmakes ficult to goweekend. against interesting your grain, Travelnormal plans come but it is for the best. together. Keep an open mind. Your confidence Cast aside all doubt,may wane Taurus.sometime The offer isthis week, genuineTaurus, and will but bring some friends willA you many rewards. boost morale to test of your faith begins— help you Money get back on be strong. woes your ease. feet. Saturday will be a big day. Gemini, certain Feeling blessed things thatGemini? have to these days, get this Aweek Pay done it forward. are out of your compromise at home realm of expertise. raises everyone’s Do your to spirits andbest fun ensues tackle theselong! projects all weekend but have a helper on hand just in case.


June 22– July 22

Cancer, you have a A business relationship lot on your blossoms withplate, an but you Adon’t know addition. larger-thanwhere to start.drops Make life personality abylist ofanyour with offertasks, you and will Oh help you can’titrefuse. boy, better oh boy, tackle thing at a time until September 23– October 22 you are all done.

You have all Ladydon’t Luck smiles on of the you,answers, Libra, andLibra, there so don’t even think is nothing beyond your about saying you reach. A treasured do. Relationship heirloom resurfaces, concerns are many at the bringing back forefront of your fond memories. mind lately.

July 23– August 22

Leo, to laugh Oops,learn Leo. You fall at yourself as a behind on a project, means to relieving raising some stress. Things eyebrows. Not tocan’t always be will serious, worry. You get so ligthen up and take back on track sooner some time to thanks relax. than you think, Work with Virgo to an innovation. this week.

Scorpio, The tiniestitofmight be hardmake to bite your changes a vast tongue, butinthat’s improvement a just what you have project. A rejection is to do thisinweek. a blessing disguise. Wait until you are Be grateful for what called on forScorpio. help you’re given, before you get involved.

Give Spendyourself less, saveamore much-deserved and you’ll definitely break, Virgo. get more, Virgo.You’ve More been working in your bottom line nonstop theof last and more for peace several months, and mind. Flowers provide now is pick-me-up. a great time a great to take a vacation August 23– September 22 or enjoy a weekend getaway.


October 23– November 21

Take fewafar days to Newsafrom gets get of your the all creative juicesaffairs inflowing, order,and Sagittarius. you Use this time adaccomplish moretothan just some changes you to have in some time, that have happened Sagittarius. A game of over thethelast several wits at office November 22– weeks. proves challenging. December 21

Clearwater Times Thursday, March 13, 2014 A19

Bird Count participation continues downward trend Submitted

Great Backyard Bird Count: Clearwater 2004 - 2014

Checklists & Species

Number of Birds

Checklists Birds Species Clearwater's 12000 400 2014 results in the second global 354 350 329 10000 Great Backyard 9715 Bird Count indi300 8669 285 272 cated a continued 8000 250 253 downward trend 6130 for the third 200 6000 182 5396 straight year. 161 150 Even so, the 4164 4000 4165 112 community submit100 2600 ted more checklists 2315 2000 55 51 50 than 126 countries 24 47 39 51 21 47 44 21 42 17 12 3 of the 135 that par429 155 225 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 ticipated. Though Year we beat more than last year, it is Graph shows how human participation and number of birds counted in Clearwater because more countries joined the count during the Great Backyard Bird Count has declined over the past few years. this year. Listed in order from the most to the least, only The bout of really cold irrupt (move south when the United States, Canada temperatures didn't seem to food is scarce in the north) (of course), India, Australia, deter them as many didn't roughly every other year. Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, Though they may have lulled leave until after the cold Puerto Rico, and the United weather, but numerous snow us into expecting them after Kingdom had more checkflurries may have urged doing so in both 2012 and lists than this community. 2013, they will likely be back them to depart. Maybe their First, the positive aspects internal clock suggested they next year. gleaned from Clearwater's should start heading home as Red-winged blackbirds 2014 data. Wilson's snipe and stayed away for the first time breeding season is not far off. varied thrush had their high- since 2010 (one appeared The reduced number of est individual bird sightings. birds may have discouraged about a week later). Pine Dark-eyed junco and red people from participating as siskins continued to decline crossbill had their strongest they didn't see the point in (358) from their record showing since 2007 and 2008 in 2010 (4,013). Only one reporting so few birds, when respectively. Red-breasted they'd had many more to nuthatch numbers continued report previous years. their climb over the past few Ailments prevented a years. One lone white-winged number of people from crossbill showed up this year participating this year and – the first sighting since 2010 several previous participants when 10 were spotted. The have moved or migrated with eurasian collared-dove was the birds. Few new or young reported for the first time, people have replaced them, giving a total of 88 species so Clearwater's effort hasn't that have been sighted durbeen maintained. ing the 11 years Clearwater Another factor could be has participated. the last two years the GBBC The most individual birds merged with eBird losing were black-capped chickadee the ability for competitive (696); pine siskin (363); comcomparison amongst common raven (294); dark-eyed munities, so residents of junco (229); and red-breasted Clearwater now are unable to An American dipper has ghostly nuthatch (192). The blackknow if the community has eyes due to its white eyelids. The capped chickadee appeared maintained its position of most often (104 checklists) bird commonly dives and walks submitting the most checkfollowed by common raven along the bottom as it seeks food. lists in Canada, which it did tied with red-breasted nutPhoto submitted for five years. hatch (78); pine siskin (47); Appreciation for promotand downy woodpecker (37). checklist reported evening ing the event goes to Forest Aspects of concern are the grosbeaks (40) compared to House, Home Hardware, number of submitted check24 checklists in 2013 with RONA, the Times, and espelists (161) and individual 224 birds. A total of 33 cially Clearwater Library for birds (2,600) declined to the households participated this providing blank, local checklowest since 2007, while the year, down slightly from last lists for those who wanted number of species (39) was year. one. the lowest since 2006. There Several years indicate a Many thanks to everyone were zero sightings of eurotrend with more birds preswho managed to fit some pean starling for the first ent a few weeks prior to the counts into their busy schedtime since 2006; chestnutcount and, for some reason, ule. backed chickadee, brown many have left. A lot of snow “Hope you enjoyed the creeper, white-breasted nutand the fact that it clung second global GBBC and I'm hatch, pine grosbeak, and to the trees for many weeks sure the GBBC appreciates common redpoll since 2007; possibly prevented the birds your effort as a citizen scienand house finch since 2008. accessing nature's larder, so tist,” said one organizer. The common redpoll they went elsewhere.


Joan Vesper November 27, 1934 - March 7, 2014 Our beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister and friend passed away peacefully on Friday March 7, 2014. She is survived by her sons, Leslie, Larry, Lyle, Michael, and daughter Cathie. Joan also leaves her sister Debra, brother James, along with many cherished grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her first husband, Eugene Johnson (1971) and second husband, William Vesper (1975). She was also predeceased by her eldest daughter, Susan (2009). Joan was born in North Vancouver, BC, where she had many fond memories. At the age of 12, Joan along with her parents Donald and Dorothy, moved to Keremeos, BC and then onto Monte Lake, BC. It was in Monte Lake where she met and married her first husband Eugene (Gene). They settled in Kamloops, BC and began to raise a family. They loved to enjoy outdoor activities such as camping and fishing. Gene passed away from multiple sclerosis in 1971. A few years after Gene’s death, Joan married William (Bill) Vesper. Their son Michael was born in May of 1975 and Bill passed away in December of that same year.

Joan moved to Clearwater, BC in the early ‘80s and this remained her home until her stroke in 2013. She had a real love for life and laughter. She loved her family and friends and had a strong faith in Jehovah God. Special thanks to Dr. Howie, the staff at Ponderosa Lodge, and to Gemstone Care facility in Kamloops, BC for their outstanding care and compassion. There will be no formal service by request. Because of the special place in Joan’s heart for animals of all kind, and should friends desire, donations can be made to any animal welfare agency of your choice.


Carl Kettleson November 7, 1928 - March 1, 2014 Carl Gilbert Kettleson passed away at Dr Helmcken Memorial Hospital on March 1, 2014 after having a stroke in December, 2013. He is survived by his wife Shirley; son Gilbert (Erleen); daughters Eva and Mona (Steve); grandchildren Tim, Quentin (Nicole), Justin (Robyn) and Jamie. Carl is also survived by his brother Olaf (Joanelle); nephew Daine and nieces Laara and Bronwen. He was predeceased by his parents Gilbert and Karen. Carl was born in Kamloops. He lived on the family farm in McMurphy until he finished Grade 10 and then went to stay with his Auntie Nelsie in Victoria to attend high school. Carl returned to the Clearwater valley in 1952 to begin his career as a truck driver. He worked for John Foster, Fred Madden and Clearwater Timber Products until he started his own trucking business, contracting for Archibald Sawmills, Clearwater Timber Products and Slocan Forest Products until he retired in 1994. After his retirement Carl

then had more time to talk to his friends and family on a regular basis by phone. A Celebration of Life for Carl Kettleson will take place at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 15, 2014 in the Banquet Room at the Wells Gray Inn, Clearwater, BC. The service may be seen later in the day online, and condolences sent to the family at www.

ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. ¥¥/‡/¥/ * Offers apply to the lease of a new or demonstrator 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Double Cab 4X4 1WT (G80/B30/H2R). Freight ($1,650) and PDI included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. ‡‡2014 Silverado 1500 with the available 5.3L EcoTec3 V8 engine equipped with a 6-speed automatic transmission has a fuel-consumption rating of 13.0L/100 km city and 8.7L/100 km hwy 2WD and 13.3L/100 km city and 9.0L/100 km hwy 4WD. Ford F-150 with the 3.5L EcoBoost V6 engine has a fuel-consumption rating of 12.9L/100 km city and 9.0L/100 km hwy 2WD and 14.1L/100 km city and 9.6L/100 km hwy 4WD. Fuel consumption based on GM testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Comparison based on 2013 Large Pickup segment and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM vehicles. ^*Based on 2013 Large Pickup segment and last available information at the time of posting. Maximum trailer weight ratings are calculated assuming base vehicle, except for any option(s) necessary to achieve the rating, plus driver. The weight of other optional equipment, passengers and cargo will reduce the maximum trailer weight your vehicle can tow. See your dealer for additional details. ^^ Whichever comes first. Limit of four ACDelco Lube-Oil-Filter services in total. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc., are not covered. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ¥ 0% for 36 month lease available on all 2014 Silverado 1500 Regular/Double/Crew Cabs. Sample lease payments based on 36-month lease of 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Crew Cab 4X4 1WT (G80/B30/H2R) on approved credit by GM Financial. Tax, license, insurance, registration, applicable provincial fees, and optional equipment extra. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. Monthly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. Example: Silverado Crew Cab 4x4 1WT (G80/B30/ H2R) including Freight and Air Tax is $29,888 at 0% APR, $1,100 Down payment, Bi-Weekly payment is $135 for 36 months. Total obligation is $11,658, plus applicable taxes. Option to purchase at lease end is $18,230. ≠ 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank or RBC Royal Bank for 48 months on new or demonstrator 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Regular/Double/Crew Cabs . Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $208 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. 0% financing offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers only. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. †^ The 2014 Silverado has been awarded the 2014 North American Truck of the Year. For more information please visit +Whichever comes first. See dealer for conditions and limited warranty details. ¥¥Retail and basic fleet customers who purchase or lease an eligible Chevrolet, Buick or GMC delivered from dealer stock between March 1, 2014 and March 31, 2014 will receive one 40¢ savings per litre fuel card (fuel savings card) upon payment of an additional $.01. Cards valid as of 72 hours after delivery. Fuel savings card valid for 800 litres of fuel purchased from participating Petro-Canada retail locations (and other approved North Atlantic Petroleum locations in Newfoundland) and not redeemable for cash except where required by law. GM is not responsible for cards that are lost, stolen or damaged. GM reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer and/or the program for any reason in whole or in part at any time without notice. Petro-Canada is a Suncor Energy business™ Trademark of Suncor Energy Inc. Used under licence. Cards are property of Suncor Energy. To protect your card balance, register online at preferred today. ‡ $4,250 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit has been applied to the purchase, finance and lease offers of 2014 Silverado 1500 Double 4x4 1WT, and is applicable to retail customers only. $500 package credits for non-PDU models. Other credits available on select Silverado models. Offer ends March 31, 2014. † Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer pick-up truck that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2013 Chevrolet Silverado, Avalanche, GMC Sierra or 2014 MY Chevrolet Silverado or GMC Sierra or 2015 MY Chevrolet Silverado HD or GMC Sierra HD delivered in Canada between March 1, 2014 and March 31, 2014. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive). Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice.

A20 Thursday, March 13, 2014 Clearwater Times





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