Lake Country Calendar, March 26, 2014

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Calendar Lake Country

Petrina Koltun R



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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

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March 26, 2014

Under new management: Aspen gets a reprieve



Camp Winfield is a great opportunity for kids to test their mettle and build confidence for life. ...............................


A knitting

cooperative in Bolivia has brought financial stability to women and their families for years. Lake Country’s Beverly Edwards-Sawatzky has been helping out since 2002. ...............................


Flyers ■ Budget Blinds ■ JYSK ■ Popeye’s ■ Rona ■ Save On ■ Shoppers

With work underway to re-open the Aspen Golf Course in Lake Country, golfers in the area are hoping the quaint par three course isn’t just back for the short term. Golfer Richard Issler said the golf community in Lake Country was ecstatic to hear news that Aspen would be re-opening for at least three more years thanks to a lease agreement between the Central Okanagan School District and Lorwal Golf and Turf Solutions, the new management team at Aspen. Issler says in the short-term it will be great for the community to have Aspen back in operation, but he also said they hope these next few years will see golfers organize and fight to keep the course longterm. “I’m totally excited and enthused about it,” said Issler. “It feels like a part of the community has been restored. I’m very excited about continuing this fight and getting more and more community support. Everyone was pretty upset that we were going to lose our golf course so I think there is a groundswell of support in keeping the course here.” When the Aspen Grove golf course was sold to the school district last year, it seemed



the course would close for good. However plans to build a junior-middle school on the site and use the course for playing fields is still a longterm vision, so the school district opted to lease the land to a golf course management group until the lands were needed. The school district and Lorwal have a three year lease deal that could be lengthened if plans for the new school are not approved and funded from the provincial government. The new golf course manager is Richard Brower, who arrived at Aspen early this month and is on site working to get the course into shape to open at some point in early April. One thing that was


ASPEN Golf Course manager Richard Brower (left), along with superintendent Rodi Gorrell are looking

forward to getting the local nine hole course back open, hopefully by the first week of April. evident when Brower arrived at Aspen is that while the company will be able to get the golf course back up and running in as good as, or even better shape than normal, the clubhouse operations won’t be the same as before. “The clubhouse was stripped bare last fall,” said Brower. “There was really nothing left for me to work with as far as running the clubhouse. We’re trying to get the shop ready and the office ready but what it means is we aren’t going to be able to do what was done

before on the food and beverage side. There is absolutely no equipment in the kitchen or the bar.” Brower said the new management team also won’t be able to open with a liquor license but will have some sandwiches and beverages offered when they open. According to several sources, the equipment was taken by former owner Tom Stanbrook, who sold the property to the school district, purchased Michaelbrook Ranch golf course and has been selling some of the equipment back to


Lorwal for use at Aspen. There isn’t much leftover from previous years. Not only has the banquet room and kitchen been stripped of all chairs, tables, kitchen equipment and pretty much everything else, he also took the flag poles on the course, leaving Lorwal looking to replace many things. “It’s unfortunate we’re not going to be able to duplicate the experience for the non-golfer here, not to the same extent,” said Brower. “It’s a challenge I’m dealing with. It’s an empty building

and in some ways this is like starting over. We can do wonders with the golf course side but the clubhouse side of things our hands are tied. I think we will focus on trying to make the golf course as playable as we can.” The proposed opening date has yet to be set as crews are working at the course to remove a lot of debris that was left on the course at the end of last season. Superintendent Rodi Gorrell is back for an-


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Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



Lake Country Open Air performances keep expanding and need your help KEVIN PARNELL The Lake Country Open Air Performance series has added another concert and another open air movie to its schedule for 2014 and is looking for new volunteers to help keep the

outdoor series a resounding success. Concerts will take place every Saturday night in July and August along with the traditional Canada Day July 1 celebrations to kick off the series. The performance society will partner

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with Summer Jam, filling the shoes of the familyday event this August. Last year was Lake Country Open Air’s sixth, and biggest season ever. The volunteer group hosted nine concerts and two movie-in-the-park nights in eight parks throughout Lake Country. Over 3,400 people

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took in the concerts as attendance continued to grow. There were 2,500 people in 2012 and about 1,800 in 2011. “Six years ago when we started we probably had about 800 people attend,” said co-organizer Grant Lawrence. “We’ve grown every year. I think the word of mouth is

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really helping.” Running with a core volunteer group of about seven people, Lawrence said the society is looking for fresh blood to help out, especially this year with the addition of the Aug. 16 date that used to be a night off in the series, as Summer Jam took place. This year Lake Country Open Air and Summer Jam will cohost a DJ, a band and a movie in Swalwell Park. “We tried different things over the years

with Summer Jam and it just ran its course,” said co-organizer Sheila Gunn. “Open Air has done such a great job of putting on concerts in our community that it seemed like a nice partnership.” So while Summer Jam has seen its last days, the Lake Country Open Air Performance Society is continuing to pick up steam. Its concerts are a popular night out in Lake Country. “It’s probably one of the best events in all

of Lake Country,” said Coun. Owen Dickie. “Attendance doesn’t reflect how good the program is.” “People come out not only from Lake Country but from Kelowna and Vernon because they know there is going to be good entertainment,” added Mayor James Baker. For Lawrence and his group of volunteers, adding the Summer Jam date and hosting a summer full of concerts and movies is putting a bit of a strain on the volunteers and that’s why they are hoping more people will come forward to help. “The core group of volunteers is the same and we’re trying to make life easier on them,” said Lawvrence. “We’re trying to reduce the amount of burn-out but we’re not there yet. Volunteers…we would love to have you come out and join us.” If you are interested in helping out, contact Grant Lawrence by email at

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 26, 2014 A3


Camp Winfield gets shot of enthusiasm with Splash of Colour Jacob Crombie, 8, and nine-year old MJ McAnerney were two very enthusiastic attendees of Easter Seals Camp Winfield last summer. Both have autism, making life as most kids know it a lot more challenging. But that isn’t stopping them—or their families—from throwing their support behind Camp Winfield in its attempts to raise money for the camp. Jake’s mom, Diane Crombie, has been a long-time volunteer supporter of Easter Seals and this year will be the volunteer captain for the inaugural Easter Seals Splash of Colour Family Fun Run in Kelowna on April 19. The Splash of Colour run also takes place in Vernon and Victoria on the same day. “I am really excited to join Splash of Colour,” said Diane. “We just love Camp Winfield. One of the great things that Easter Seals does is that they have a new camper weekend so every kid has the opportunity to try this out for two days in June. Jake, then six, did not want to leave when I picked him up. He was absolutely buzzing, dragging me around and wanting to show me everything. “The big thing about

City Park North in Kelowna and Kin Beach in Vernon. Sign up now as a volunteer, participant or sponsor at www. for the 2014 Easter Seals Splash



JACOB Crombie relishes the adventure at Easter

MJ McAnerney doesn’t let anything hold him back.

camp is that it’s not about your differences, it’s about allowing kids to be who they are instead of separating them away from the group due to their individual challenges,” she added. “Everyone is all together and has an amazing time. Many of the kids spend a lot of time in therapy, so for them this is their break. It’s not about their picture schedule or behavioural interventions - camp is about just being a kid!” MJ and his dad Marshall McAnerney will also be helping to raise funds for Camp Winfield with MJ’s lemonade stand. Marshall speaks with pride of his son. “MJ decided on his own accord that he

how to do it, so for them to get into a situation where they just have fun and play with friends, is unusual.” Both parents had only the highest praise for the staff and counsellor at Camp Winfield. “It really is one of the best run camping programs I’ve ever seen,” said Marshall. “Not only is it really positive for families and kids but the counsellor learn so many life skills while helping other people. For a lot of these kids this is their highlight of the year.” Diane added: “I am totally at peace and ease when Jake is at Camp Winfield. They have a good ratio of specially trained counsellors who know how to deal with different behaviours. I have full confidence my

Seals Camp Winfield.


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wanted to raise money for kids like him with autism. The idea of the lemonade stand was born last year and he has been a great supporter of Easter Seals Camp Winfield,” he said. Both Diane and Marshall commented on the difficulty that socializing presents for kids with autism. “Socially, kids with autism often really have a hard time. Other kids might find him odd or weird but at camp Jake is just like everyone else. He has made so many friends and connections and no one is judging him or treating him as different,” said Diane. Marshall added: “Someone with autism really craves socialization. They just don’t know

Now, when you think of your dream closet, you think of a walk in with all of your shoes and handbags on display or your nice suits all hung up in a beautifully built mahogany shelving unit. You also see dollar signs everywhere. But the right closet doesn’t have to break the bank or take up an entire room. A recessed closet in a bedroom can still meet all of your needs. Pre-built shelving units can hold extra pillows, blankets, and bedding, built in shoe racks can display your collection, and cubbies with hanging bars can hold all of your hanging attire. These closets are especially useful in a kid’s room, when you can also store toys and books behind sliding doors. There are many options and a vast amount of samples on line. Once you have some ideas talk to us about how affordable it can be to improve your storage space.


What’s happening in this spring’s market?

The Okanagan Real Estate Market in 2014 is off to a great start. Twice as many million dollar homes have SOLD this year as compared to this time last year. Silver Star & Big White both have seen their best year for sales since the financial crisis of 2008. In Lake Country the availability of single family homes in good repair under $399,000 is almost nonexistent, most Realtors® have a number of clients looking in this price range. With that lack of inventory in single family homes it has brought back the new home builders who are now building in the $425-499 price range. They have stepped away from the luxury builds that pushed frenziedThis buyers into $600,000 indicates this to $800,000 homes in 20042008. New home builders have now begun adding into their builds Q&A is good to go.payments. legal suites to supplement mortgage With the current shortage of single family homes in the $325$425,000 range a 20 plus year old home in good repair should see a modest increase in value due to supply and demand. I think there are three driving factors in our real estate market right now, 1st time home buyers, those coming from out of province, and the über rich/multi-million dollar buyers. The 1st time buyer helps to push everyone up a level, out of province buyer adds to our need for new housing and the über rich keep everyone else dreaming and employed.

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Community happy Aspen to re-open ASPEN GROVE FROM A1 other season and has been out with his crews working to get the course ready. “It just takes time,” said Gorrell. “It’s been so cold. But it’s come through the winter very well. There is no disease. The lack of snow really helped. It looks good out there.” Still, golfers are happy

Cam 250-863-9511

that, at least in the shortterm, their local course will be back up and running. “Every time I talk to somebody and tell them who I am they are very glad to hear the course will be open again,” said Brower. The new golf course phone number is 778480-0062. newsroom

Dr. Neil Brown

Professional Realtor ®


My wife is always complaining that she doesn’t have enough closet space or a walk in closet but I have heard it is really expensive to add closet space. Is that true?

kid is in the best hands possible.” If you want to help other kids like Jake or MJ attend Camp Winfield, please support the inaugural Easter Seals Splash of Colour Family Fun Run on April 19 in Kelowna and Vernon. Entries are $35 and include sunglasses and a white t-shirt. Participants can also fundraise a minimum of $50 to have the entry fee waived. Kids six and under are free but must bring their own white t-shirt and sunglasses. The Okanagan Mission Lions Club and Vernon Lions Club are putting on a pancake breakfast by donation in Kelowna and Vernon respectively, at 8 a.m. The run, which will be less than 5 kilometers, starts at 10:00am at

Cam Manning

Ken Goodwin

of Colour Family Fun Run. More information about the Easter Seals Camps is available at:



Can functional foot orthotics reduce the pain in my knees, hips, and lower back?

It all depends on the make up of your lower extremity. Outer or inner knee pain may be caused by increased pressure in that area of the knee joint and functional foot orthotics can help realign you to alleviate that pressure. The same applies to the hips and lower back. Flat feet and abnormal knee mechanics can cause poor posture when walking and place strain on your lower back. Functional foot orthotics must be made with a rigid or semirigid plastic polymer or graphite material to have any impact on your feet and knee mechanics. In other words, even if your feet were casted or molded, if the orthotic you receive can be easily folded or twisted -- that is, not rigid -- it will not improve your alignment or mechanics. Orthotics that are soft and malleable are known as accommodative orthotics and are essentially a soft landing for sufferers of neuropathy from diabetes or those who shuffle from Parkinson’s disease. Seeing your podiatrist will help you solve what is best for you.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


Keeping our proper place


wonder who invented classroom-style seating, where people sit in rows, all dutifully facing the front.

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Life and Faith

Tessa Ringness

Jim Taylor

Production Manager

Sheri Jackson

Even in faraway schools too poor to have chairs and desks, children squat on the dirt floor in rows, facing the teacher. University lecture halls, theatres, town meetings, churches and mosques all organize people in rows. I wonder if the crowds of thousands (according

Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688

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GENERAL ADVERTISING REGULATIONS This paper reserves the right to reject any advertising which it considers to contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for any damages arising out of error in classified display or retail display advertisements in which the error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such an advertisement.

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Water Week brings changes to forefront


ast week, March 17-23 was Canada Water Week. To help celebrate this, our own Okanagan Basin Water Board screened the film Watermark—voted Best Canadian Film of 2013 by the Toronto Film Critics Association and based on the photography of Edward Burtynsky. Okanagan residents take our water very seriously, The Kelowna Joint Water Committee has some key facts posted on its website that speak to this heartfelt concern: • 96 per cent of Kelowna residents think water conservation is very important • 55 per cent have reduced the volume of water they use for irrigation; and • 81 per cent of residents have taken steps to reduce their water consumption. Water is also a great concern for our government. Recently the Minister of Environment introduced legislation to update and re-


MLA’s Report

Steve Thomson place the current Water Act with the new Water Sustainability Act. This is an important step for our province and the Okanagan. The 100 year-old Water Act was introduced when British Columbia was in its infancy, and while changes have been made over the years, it is currently inadequate to serve changes in population growth, urbanization, climate change and intensive resource development around the province. The proposed Water Sustainability Act will help ensure our supply of clean fresh water—


which is our community’s most precious resource—can be sustained to meet our needs today and for generations to come. Since 2009, our government has engaged British Columbians widely. We received input from individuals, First Nations organizations, and stakeholder

groups. This unprecedented process helped shape the Water Sustainability Act. The proposed act will make improvements in seven key areas, to: • protect stream health and aquatic environments • consider water in land-use decisions • regulate and protect groundwater • regulate water use during times of scarcity • improve security, water-use efficiency and conservation • measure and report large-scale water use • and provide for a range of governance approaches. It is anticipated that the Water Sustainability Act will be in effect in the spring of 2015. Until that time our government will continue to consult on water pricing, and development of regulations. The new Water Sustainability Act will be a more flexible tool for water management, enabling more flexible re-

sponse to emerging issues in water management as well as being sensitive to specific regional needs, which will support the efforts of the Okanagan Basin Water Board to deliver programs and promote coordinated water management throughout the basin. Going forward, our community will benefit from the new act by fostering the ability to participate in water sustainability plans or lead by example the development of plans, giving added strength to efforts to protect and restore watersheds. Kelowna and area has long cared for and preserved our water sources. With this new act, we will have even better regulatory and legislative backing.

Steve Thomson is the MLA for Kelowna-Mission and B.C.’s Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.

to the Bible) who filled the hillsides to hear Jesus sat in orderly lines. If so, did the disciples have to act as ushers, chivvying non-conformists into shifting their behinds forward or backward into rows. Row seating acts like a lens, focusing everyone’s attention on the front. I can understand that for a theatre or concert hall. You’re not there to be sceptical, to question the performance on the stage. You’re an audience. But town meetings are supposed to hear voter’s views. Why set chairs in a pattern that inhibits their input? To stand up, to speak out—or worse, to have to stumble over other people’s legs on the way to a microphone— forces people to break the mould of acting like a passive audience. Or perhaps that’s the point. Perhaps it’s intended to discourage


We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 26, 2014 A5


The art of negotiation can often hinge on the ‘walk away’ strategy


his isn’t your neighbour, it is your baby,” the lady said, emphatically. As I continued walking away she continued: “Don’t you love her? Don’t you love your daughter?” Just minutes before, the same lady challenged my wife, saying: “This isn’t China!” and, “Hey lady, you must be drinking tequila!” My wife and I were not guilty of some heinous neglect or abuse of our children. Neither had we committed some drunken social faux pas. No, we were simply following through with one of the most im-

Achieving Justice

Paul Hergott

portant rules of negotiation—be prepared to walk away. The Mexican vendor whose store we were walking out of was exercising an interesting negotiation strategy in Mexico—insult. Her

“best price” for the dress our daughter, Cassidy, wanted had gone down considerably from when we first entered the store. She had reached a price that was the lowest the owner would allow her to go, or so she said—another tactic. The same negotiating tactics come up when you try to negotiate your personal injury claim with ICBC, although the insults are more subtle. The adjuster is never the decision-maker. He/ she leads you to believe they are doing their best to get you the best settlement but their hands are tied by a manager. The adjuster also uses

the “walk away” in that the offer authorized by the manager is a “take it or leave it” number. Once they reach that number, which might take several negotiation steps, they won’t budge from it. You can threaten all you like how you will hire a lawyer to pursue your claim properly, but it will have no effect. For the least severe of injuries—those taking no more than two to three months to 100%, completely resolved with zero ongoing symptoms—the offer might be a fair one. Once it becomes clear that your symptoms

might never resolve, fairness requires a settlement in a completely different ballpark. Your adjuster won’t budge, instead resorting to those “subtle” insults: “There is nothing objectively wrong with you” or “Your injuries should be healed by now.” It is implying either that you are lying about your ongoing pain or that it is somehow your fault that you have been left with a lifetime of pain caused by a distracted driver. Your walk away is to hire a lawyer. Once a lawsuit is commenced, your claim is automatically trans-

ferred to a different adjuster who has a different manager. It’s like walking from one Mexican store to another. Only this time, the salesperson is able to negotiate fairly. This time the adjuster knows that your walk away is a walk into a courtroom. The closer you get to those courthouse steps, the more fair the offers become until, in most cases, a settlement is finally reached. That settlement is regularly several times the first adjuster’s maximum offer. In our Mexico shopping scenario, Cassidy

ended up getting her dress and it looks beautiful on her. The negotiation was a poor one, though. Her helpful little sister, Morgan, was scouring the displays in store after store, looking for an identical one to the one we had walked away from. When she found it, she squealed out in excitement: “That’s it, that’s the one we’ve been looking for!” Hearing that, the salesperson must have done a little dance on her way to “negotiate” with us. Paul Hergott is a lawyer at Hergott Law.

Would anarchy ensue if we rose from our rows? TAYLOR FROM A4

questioning, discussing issues, sharing experiences. Just be good little boys and girls, and do as you’re told… Seating people in rigid rows keeps the people up front in control. In churches and mosques, too, orderly 5 rows promote order. You can’t have people questioning the word of God delivered from the pulpit or lectern, can you? I mean, suppose a priest or minister presented a concept, and then passed the microphone around like a ‘talking stick.’ Whoever held the microphone at

that moment, would be in control. She can speak; he can remain silent. But the speakers also know that they do not have the final word either. Others will have their turn. Why, it could be chaos, couldn’t it? As a churchgoer, it makes me wonder how other seating arrangements might affect the way we worship. Suppose we sat at small tables, for example, the way we sit in restaurants and coffee shops. And we got into intense discussions about what we heard from the pulpit. Every church that I know of uses small group discussion at retreats and

conferences to promote spiritual renewal. Do we not expect spiritual renewal on Sunday mornings? But would people gathered around coffee tables lurch dutifully to their feet to sing old hymns? I sometimes suspect that traditional hymnody depends on having massed voices. Now that I start thinking about it, why do we sit at all? What if we held stand-up worship services? People could move around fluidly, forming and reforming groups. That’s what hap-

pens at cocktail parties. The surest way to kill spontaneity at a cocktail party is to make everyone siddown ‘n’ shaddup. Or even—wild idea!—suppose that instead of just talking about bread and wine, we actually baked bread, and crushed grapes. Suppose we used our whole bodies to worship God, as well as our buttocks. All I know for sure is that it won’t happen as long as we sit in rigid rows. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.

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Calendar Lake Countr y

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Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

The Volunteer in Parks program Is looking for Trail Patrollers, a volunteer position that would give you the opportunity to contribute towards the well-being of the Regional Parks trail system. To learn more about becoming a Volunteer Trail Patroller, come to an information meeting: Date- April 2nd Time- 7:00 p.m. Place- EECO, 2363A Springfield Road For more information call: 250-469-6232

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



A Lake Country woman is changing lives 10,000 km away In 2002 Beverly Edwards-Sawatzky saw some sweaters that had

been knitted by impoverished women in the city of Cochabamba, in

Bolivia, the poorest nation in South America. The sweaters had been brought to Canada by volunteers working for Save the Children. Edwards-Sawatzky decided she had to help too. First she flew to Bolivia, to make sure that the money from the sale of sweaters really was going to the knitters, not to invisible marketing agencies. Also, if she was going to represent these women, she wanted to know them personally. Then she started organizing sweater sales with volunteers in Edmonton and now in Lake Country, here in the Okanagan. So far, through her efforts, nearly $600,000 has gone to help lift 45 families out of poverty. Twenty-five years ago, Save the Children Canada brought

together a group of displaced women—mostly single mothers— helped them to organize themselves into a knitting cooperative called Minkha, which means “women working together” in the Quechua language. All through the Andes, women knit soft alpaca wool into traditional patterns. Women knit while bringing produce to market, while herding livestock, while tending children. But the Minkha garments are exceptional and different. Renowned clothing designer Kaffe Fassett was so impressed by the quality of Minkha work that he personally donated some patterns to the women. “Their skill is amazing,” says Edwards-SaCONTRIBUTED

YOLA hems together knitted squares.




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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 26, 2014 A7

news KNITTING FROM A6 watzky. “I’ve sent them photographs of sweater designs, I’ve taken them through markets, and I’ve asked, ‘Could you knit that?’ They study it for a few minutes, and then they can do it!” In Canada, the sweaters—also vests, shawls, ponchos, and scarves, for men and children as well as women—typically sell for $35 to $250 each. “It sounds expensive,” admits Edwards-Sawatzky, “but in Canada it would cost that much just to buy the alpaca wool unknit.” In addition to alpaca, the Minkha women also knit the garments using Peruvian pima cotton, which Edwards-Sawatzky calls “the Cadillac of

United Church in Lake Country, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Many sweaters, vests and wraps will be available for immediate sale. Others can be ordered. It takes about three months for a custom order to be delivered. The profits go directly to the women in Bolivia. All Canadian services are donated. The sales organized by Edwards-Sawatzky and her team of volunteers have changed the women’s lives. “When I used to knit for the Bolivian people,” recalls Alcida Callejas Quevedo, “I could use my payment to buy two pounds of sugar. With the payment from Canada, I could buy 104 pounds of sugar!”


BEVERLY Edwards-Sawatzky visits with women at the market. cottons.” Minkha knitted gar-

ments will be available April 26, at Winfield

The plant is off–the ice is melting


ca. Happy hour is at 6:30 p.m., followed by awards, dinner and dancing. The silent auction will be going on all evening as well, so don’t for-

get your cheque book because there are a lot of “prizes” to be “won”! I myself am looking forward to an evening of kicking back and dan-

Tuesday, April 1 • 7:30pm

Caladh Nua is a tightly-knit, vibrant & talented band with its origins deeply rooted in the south-eastern counties of Ireland. Tickets : $27 General.

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cing the night away. See you there. Terri Palmer is the manager of the Winfield Curling Club.

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Adventurer products offer attractive interiors and durable exteriors built to withstand


the extremes of the northern climate. The craftsmanship and attention to detail is FAST FACTS

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$11.50 and extra storage compartments; quality cabinet doors, Solar Thermo-Pane™ windows

Adventurer is the #1 Selling Class C motorhome brand in Canada, renowned the world over

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catching up and working with her friends. She will return in April, with many stories and sweaters, for the sale at Winfield United Church, April 26.

Caladh Nua

Class C Motorhomes by


ter plans to become a human rights lawyer. Another knitter’s son recently graduated as a doctor, and has come back to serve the people of Cochabamba. Bev Edwards-Sawatzky is currently in Bolivia,

Bring out your spare funny bones! Lorne Elliott is set to send your giggles “madly off in all directions”. With his barely tamed afro, his rubbery face and his miniature guitar, the Canadian musical comedian is the master of all that is silly, side-splitting and strange. Tickets: General $27.


ongratulations to team Homan on placing first in the round robin of the Women’s World, taking place in St. John’s Newfoundland. Hopefully they go all the way to winning the playoffs. Meanwhile, back at the Winfield Curling Club, congratulations goes to team Jaeger for winning the A event, defeating the Romer rink on the last shot in the eighth end—a great game to watch. In the B event, the McInnes foursome outplayed the Jeff Richard team and the Kinglin rink dominated the Bruce Clark veterans for the C event. There were many upsets over the weekend, including tie games ending with a draw to the button and the winner taking the game by half an inch. Can you imagine? Another job well done. Thanks goes to Ev and her bonspiel crew for putting on a fabulous event that will be talked about for years. Well, that’s it for this season as the plant was turned off and the ice is melting. The upstairs lounge is still going strong as the wind-up is slated for March 29, followed by a few more events over the summer months. Get your tickets for the wind-up by calling the club at 250-7663318 or emailing winfieldcurlingclub@shaw.

Another woman, Yola Nina Leon, was pregnant with her first daughter when she began knitting with the Minkha Cooperative 18 years ago. That first daughter is now training as a nurse. Another daugh-




For the buyer, these units offer significant value in: ·

their original high purchase cost has been absorbed.


virtually all highway driven kms.


a high degree of powertrain value present in every unit.


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all units are meticulously maintained to the highest standards.


carries the best no-charge warranty offered anywhere in Canada.


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Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 26, 2014 A9

news ▼ FIRE

Auto fuel system sparks up townhouse KEVIN PARNELL A fire that destroyed a Lake Country townhome and damaged several others earlier this month started because of a fault in the fuel system on one of two vehicles parked in front of the townhome complex on Powley Court. Lake Country fire chief Steve Windsor said his department’s investigation as well as insurance investigators pin-pointed the cause of the blaze that caused upwards of $500,000 in damage to two vehicles as well as several townhomes. Windsor said there appeared to be a malfunction in the fuel system in one of the vehicles parked in the driveway. When the resident tried to start the older model car, she noticed a small fire in the engine. Windsor said there was a fire extinguisher in the vehicle but by the time the resident got the pin out of the extinguisher, the fire had spread quickly and was out of control. “There was a bit of a fuel leak and it probably sparked when there was


A FAULTY fuel system on the late model Trans Am (right) caused

extensive damage to a townhome complex on Powley Court in Lake Country March 16.

a short in the system,” said Windsor. “The car was left running and the electric fuel pump kept pumping fuel into the system.” Windsor said there was a small breeze that helped the fire spread to a second vehicle and then onto the townhouse’s vinyl siding. He said the resident did the right thing by getting away from the fire and calling the fire department. “Sometimes in these situations the best thing

is to get out of the vehicle,” he said. “Property can be replaced but a person’s life or serious burn injuries can’t be changed. The first thing is to get away.” A series of townhomes were damaged but the first two in the complex were the most serious and the residents

remain out of their homes. Windsor said the main townhome the fire engulfed will have to be gutted and suffered major damage while the neighbouring unit will also need to have floors, drywall, insulation and



Conference gathers B.C. leaders Women leaders from 14 sectors of the B.C. economy will gather in Kelowna for Women Lead 2014, on March 28. Strong speakers will be featured throughout the day, as entrepreneurs and leaders of corporate and not-for-profit specialties can acquire new and enhanced skills at the conference. “Women have been asking for an opportunity to gather and share their business and professional knowledge,” said founder Deb Leroux. “We’re extremely excited to offer this oneday event in the Okanagan, with a strong agenda focused on business development and

powerful lineup of speakers.” Women looking for a polished, confident presence will enjoy the trademarked keynote Executive Presence: How To Engage Your Audience Every Time You Speak presentation by Diana Pavlovská of the Humphrey group. Featured speaker Dawn McCooey of the Women’s Enterprise Centre will present Moving Up Business Growth Strategies, a workshop that provides insights and advice about the latest small business trend: Strategic alliances. The day is directed towards dusiness owners, independents and fran-

Hello! We have some exciting features coming in May in the Lake Country Calendar. The ‘Weekly Lawn & Garden’ feature and our annual ‘Women in Business’. These are two well read products, both with great exposure and affordable pricing.



esd ay , Ma y 28


Starting We dn Calendar will be the Lake Country feature, kly Lawn & Garden publishing a wee l content, full colour, editoria which will include nities. ortu opp ing ertis and adv & Pricing Example Sizetss availa ble) (other sizes & forma

45 $ 65 $ 80 $ 125

2 col x 2.5”



3 col x 3” 4 col x 3”



7 col x 3” (10.33”)

Don’t Miss Out on this Opportunity!



* Plus eEdition fee




commitment a weekly advertising Prices are based on frequency d depending on the and will be adjuste

have mation or if you For further infor e contact... any questions pleas

son Adver Sheri Jack • 250.979.7323


tive tising Representa

250-864-1259 Email: sales@lakeco





David P. Yerema Lawyer

Women Business in

M a y

1 4

2 0 1 4

hing their annual Calendar will be publis ss women 14, the Lake Country ase for successful busine On Wednesday, May ar section is a showc the feature. This very popul ss editorial highlighting “Women in Business” busine local e featur will in Lake Country, and ry community. Count Lake the in n business spirit of wome you are, let people know who and what you do

Jane Smith

Registered Home Care Nurse

m quis nos ad diamet enissecte Sit lor incilla feu feuguer nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut am feuguer ad dipsusto od modigna iniat. Sit lor incilla feu vercincing ea faccum nos dipsusto od modigna am quis diamet enissectem ea faccum iniat. irilit aut vercincing od monis ate elent ad dit dipsusto nos m quis ad diamet enissecte ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla g Sit lor incilla feu feuguer am nis ate ad dit irilit aut vercincin digna am nis ate elent enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna dipsusto od feu feuguer ad diamet feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos lor feu ea faccum iniat. Sit elent ad dit irilicilla irilit aut vercincing am dit ad modigna elent od ate modigna am nis quis nos dipsusto diamet enissectem incilla feu feuincilla feu feuguer ad aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor ate elent ad irilit od modigna am nis nis ate elent ad dit m quis nos dipsusto dit irilit autw. guer ad diamet enissecte g ea faccum iniat ad dit irilit aut vercincin

ices Serv e Care Winfi Hom eld 1234 Address Street,

your be recognized for all ents business accomplishm

Wide range of legal services to Lake Country. FREE CONSULTATION

: Wednesday, May Publication date May 6 Deadline: Tuesday,


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I look forward to meeting with you and helping with your marketing needs.

name your business logo, ation and contact inform

son Advertising Respresent Sheri Jack • 250.979.7323


I am eager to be a part of the great community of Lake Country. If you would like to advertise in the Lake Country Calendar, I will be more than happy to assist you; please don’t hesitate to call me at 250-979-7323.

170 words to share your business story

omeca 250-000-0000 • www.h

200-1455 Ellis Street, Kelowna 250-861-5678

chise holders as well as those at the top of their game in the corporate setting. Breakout speakers include Shawnee Love of LoveHR, on the subject of Hiring Creatively as well as Signy Wilson on Inside out Signyficance. “The is a dream team networking environment. The alliances made here will directly effect the bottom line for your business,” said Leroux. The conference is at the Four Points Sheraton, across Highway 97 from Kelowna International Airport. Tickets may be purchased online through the website www.

Sheri Jackson

Advertising Representative 250.766.4688, ext. 7317 fax: 250.862.5275 email:

*coupons subject to availability

RECRUITMENT *coupons subject to availability

Professionals Connecting Professionals

*coupons subject to availability

Looking for the perfect fit?

They are looking here


Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


The BC Government is now off-loading our recycling decisions to Toronto.

Under its new regulations, the BC Government has set up an association led by big corporations to take over the local Blue Box recycling program throughout BC. If you look closely, you’ll see that of seven board members, six are executives of Toronto-based multi-national corporations, with the seventh weighing in from Montreal. How do you like that, British Columbia? This means, unlike the current program run locally by BC municipalities, this new program will be managed not by people whose first responsibility is our local environment, but rather, their Bay St. profits. That can’t be a good thing for BC. The most perplexing thing is that we currently have a Blue Box program that works, is efficient, and costs BC homeowners just

$35 a year on average. The new proposed system does not guarantee to keep our local environment as its first priority, nor does it guarantee that there won’t be job losses here in BC. It doesn’t guarantee service levels, or say anything about how big business will pass along the costs to you when you go to pick up a pizza or buy groceries. Yikes! Perhaps this is why several of BC’s municipalities refuse to sign onto the new program, calling it a “scam.” Given that, maybe it’s time you called Premier Clark to keep BC’s environmental decisions right here in BC where they belong.

What’s going on here?

Email Christy Clark at or call 250-387-1715. For more info, visit #RethinkItBC. This Message is brought to you by:

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Calendar Lake Country

Notaries Public www.lakecountry


Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951 next to Tim Hortons

March 12, 2014

Inside Highway 97

Regular users of the access and egress to the new section of Highway 97 bypassing Oyama want the ministry of transportation to take another look at how vehicles get onto and off the highway on either end of


and ice SKATINGthe only

fishing are not on sports to be enjoyed the ice of Wood Lake when it’s frozen on solid and safe to be as evidenced by these two having fun with their Flexifoil traction kites.

Pelmewash Parkway. 2 ...............................



that The last faint hope Ashland Chemicals might be able to stay as in business has died the hope of reopening the Kelowna Pacific fades Railway line away. 3 ...............................

Coroner’s report

’s Citizen of 2013 Bev March Lake Country

the death of hunter Tracy Darren De Montezuma has been a ruled accidental by B.C. coroner. 3 ...............................

Flyers ■ Bulk Barn ■ Coopers ■ Jysk ■ Rona ■ Staples ■ Shoppers Drug Mart


She in Lake Country. the at a personal plaque at began volunteering A volunteer with the Bank Oceola Fish and Game the Winfield Food Lake Country commun- Club’s annual banquet in in 1987, before Lake Lake ity food bank, the February. Country was incorporthere Country senior’s centre The Sax Koyama ated, and she is still and the Winfield Hosis presented anapprecimuch Award providing been pital Auxiliary has nually to a Lake Country ated assistance to Phylis named Lake Country who has shown on. citizen Macphers Citizen of the Year. an outstanding contribuBev assists with the t Bev Marsh was reprotion with direct benefi Citmeals and catering cently named 2013 Sax to the community. gram at Lake Counizen of the Year and Besides being a busy Centre; and Seniors’ try recipiBev ed Koyama Award and great grandma, has been on the Winfi Fish in the since ent by the Oceola Hospital Auxiliary Mayor is very involved and Game Club. with life of the community Baker presented her

a pa r

(Just turn west at


7 col x 3” (10.33”)

* Plus eEdition fee & GST

Year by Mayor James

of the

Fully Landsc

Tim Horton’s, on



45 65 $ 80 $ 125 $





adult community

Lawn & Garden Feature May 28

Publishes May, June & July

(other sizes & formats available)

4 col x 3”


Lake Country’s Citizen Baker.


12-4 Thu-Mon 11-4, Tue-Wed Show Home open Lake Country 13075 Lake Hill Drive, in Winfield)

Example Sizes & Pricing


one. Her family and volunbeen teering have always a high priority to Bev, it’s and the district say a fortunate to have such citdedicated, involved izen in Lake Country.

Maintenance Free,

Starting Wednesday, May 28 th the Lake Country Calendar will be publishing a weekly Lawn & Garden feature, which will include full colour, editorial content, and advertising opportunities.

3 col x 3”

help2006 in addition to ing out at baby clinics and flu clinics. Bev is cheerful, energetic and a hard worker, always dedicated, happy anyand willing to help

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2 col x 2.5”

Copy deadline friday, 1 pm before issue date

l features: oAdmultinLivgingspecia c ive Act p u e s e t of th



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Smoke damage roofing replaced. He expects it will be several months before the residents can return to their units. Several other units suffered smoke damage but the residents in those homes were able to return home last week. Windsor said the damage was limited by Lake Country fire crews and the natural conditions. “It definitely could have been a lot worse,” he said. “We could have ultimately lost that whole side of the building if it had been very windy and it could have even spread to the neighboring townhomes. We were very lucky and it was a good save for the guys (who fought the fire.)” A11

Don’t Miss Out on this Opportunity!


Prices are based on a weekly advertising commitment and will be adjusted depending on the frequency

For further information or if you have any questions please contact...

Women Business in

M a y

1 4

Jane Smith

let people know who you are, and what you do

Registered Home Care Nurse

Women in Business May 14

Sheri Jackson Advertising Representative 250-864-1259 • 250.979.7323 Email:

Deadline May 6

2 0 1 4

On Wednesday, May 14, the Lake Country Calendar will be publishing their annual “Women in Business” feature. This very popular section is a showcase for successful business women in Lake Country, and will feature local business editorial highlighting the business spirit of women in the Lake Country community.

Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilicilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat ad dit irilit autw.

Home Care Services

1234 Address Street, Winfield 250-000-0000 •

be recognized for all your business accomplishments

170 words to share your business story your business logo, name and contact information

Publication date: Wednesday, May 14 Deadline: Tuesday, May 6

y$69 onl4.6”x3.6” Colour Included!

Sheri Jackson Advertising Respresentative 250-864-1259 • 250.979.7323 Email:

Contact Sheri Jackson, 250-864-1259 • 250-979-7323 email:


10.Building curve 11.Dolls, e.g. 17.Nanny ____ 19.In addition 22.That man 23.Do wrong 24.By means of 25.High-rise necessity 26.Network 28.Tennis shot 29.“I’m ____ Rappaport” 31.Four qts. 32.Sunrise

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ACROSS 1. Small drink 4. Trickery 8. Shout to a cat 12.Deep sadness 13.Oompah horn 14.Large sandwich 15.Had brunch 16.Urgent situation 18.Tavern employee 20.Pledges 21.Curious 22.Tortoise’s rival 23.All 26.Humorous one

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50.Cask 51.Unaltered 52.Scream 53.Double curve

DOWN 1. Mop 2. Tiny bit 3. Equal 4. Constant 5. Muggy 6. Already retired 7. Disfigure 8. Use scissors 9. Placed in the middle


•Royal Canadian legion BRanCh 189 Ladies Auxiliary notice of cribbage tournament on last Sunday of the month to include 4th Sunday if there are 5 Sundays in the month. Get your name on the list by phoning the Legion after 3pm. Registration is at 9 am. Games begin at 10am sharp. $26 per team, includes lunch. •lC SenioRS BUS SChedUle Mon., March 31 Prime Time. Tues., April 1 Winfield Senior Centre Lunch. Fri., March 28 Mystery Tour. To reserve seat on bus please phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-413. •lake CoUntRy SenioRS CentRe 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. That time again! Lake Country Seniors’ Centre will be holding their annual spring yard sale May 1. We are accepting donated items you no longer want call 250-766-4220 or Dorothy at 250-766-4568 to arrange for drop off. •lake CoUntRy SenioRS’ CentRe would like to host day time bridge on Sunday afternoon from 1:30 enabling those that wish to play but don’t want to drive at night. Please call the centre and leave your name or tell someone on the Tuesday night group. Call 250-766-4220. •BaBytime foR ageS newBoRn to 18 monthS at the Lake Country Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library. Storytime for children 3 to 5 years old accompanied by parents/caregivers. Join Pokey for FREE stories, action rhymes & more! Fridays at 10:15 am until May 2. *Note - no storytime on Fri., April 18 - Good Friday. No need to register for these free programs – just drop in! The Lake Country Branch of the ORL is located at 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. For more info please call the branch at 250-766-3141 or visit •ae theatRe gRoUp woRkShop SeRieS. Until March 31. Rotary Centre for the Arts (Kelowna), Voice Of Diversity (V0D) is an amateur theatre group recruiting passionate members! VOD is a multicultural theatre group for immigrants and visible minorities in Kelowna. It encourages participation in a series of theatre workshops to make a creative and positive change in us and in the community. Any immigrant or visible minority can join. No tuition fee! No age limit! If you are interested in participating in this FREE theatre workshop contact YoungJae Kim at yongjooe@ and 250-826-6502. •lake CoUntRy SenioR’S CentRe 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road have started all there regular programs. Art, Tai Chi, Zumba. JOY Fitness, wood shop, line dancing, lunches, Prime Time, crib and bridge. Call 250-766-4220 for more information. •lake CoUntRy health planning is currently seeking volunteers to assist with a membership drive in March, if you are interested in being a member and helping with this please call 778-215-5247 (leave a message) or email •ViSit the lake CoUntRy mUSeUm and aRChiVeS at 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 1 to 4pm, and by appointment. Phone: 250-766-0111 or visit the website at •lake CoUntRy SenioR’S BUffet, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Frozen meals available for $5 and you can call 250-766-4220 to arrange for these and what is available. PUZZLE NO. 707 •lake CoUntRy food Bank has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to 23.Money join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t dr 24.Clothing have to be all three days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see fasteners Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls 26.Real-esta Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. measure •pRime time iS a mUSiCal enteRtainment eVent. It takes place every Monday 27.Parka from 1pm-3pm at the Lake Country Seniors Centre, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., Lake Country. Tea and coffee is served. There is no charge for this event.28.Pulls If you need transporation, the seniors’ bus is available. For more information call Jimmie at 250- s 29.Prune’s 766-2513. Prime Time is sponsored by Lake Country Health Planning Society. 30.Diminish •CRiBBage. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 31.Deliout bread games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize and enjoy an evening 32.Resound with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. For info. call John 250-766-3026. 39.Schooner •winfield United ChURCh thRift Shop (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping and donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for information regarding appropriate donations. •lake CoUntRy thRift StoRe hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Rd., Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •BeaVeRS/CUBS/SCoUtS/VentUReRS RegiStRation Registration is on-going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Copyright Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To © 2014, Penny Press register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. •oyama legion BRanCh 36.Unfinished 189 holds a meat draw2.every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. Convertible, ACROSS All members and guests are welcome. e.g. 1. Bio. class 37.Function •lC line danCeRS Tuesdays, 1:30pmsystems & Thursdays, in the Seniors’ Centre. 3. 9:30am Blow your 4. Cherished one 38.Letter Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. own horn 40.Unkempt 8. Exchange •SoCial BRidge Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. 42.Unaccompanied 4. Off one’s 12.“____ Man Eunice, 250-766-3982. ANSWER TO PU feed •the CoUnCil of SenioR43.Dobbin’s CitiZenS oRganiZationS (COSCO) is an advocacy in Havana” 5. allCasino group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for seniors.cube Senior organizations/ morsel 13.Sales pitch associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members please 6. Switch 45.Choir singer 14.Head covering contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 settings or for 49.Voiced further info. secure 15.Most 52.Taking on as 7. Rents out •lC oUtdooRS 17.Type ofClUB ant welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring own & sufficient 8. Color water, snacks/lunch & clothing one’s appropriate for thevalue weather. For more 18.For takeout: info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own 9. hikes on the forum, visit www. 56.Salvador ____ Conflict 2 wds. 57.Hawaiian feast 10.Focus

19.Piece of turf 21.Chooses 59.Gazed at 16.Soldier’s inquiries, please email 25.Answerfor all other 60.Departed shoe or fax 250-762-3220 29.Related 61.Gender 20.Trying 33.Dove sound experience 34.Deposit eggs DOWN 22.Tropical CROSSWORD 35.Location USE AMERICAN 1. Misplaced fruit

58.Waterless 11.Interfere All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road


Retro items at LCAG art house

Domestic Short Hair Cross Sex: Male Colour: Brown Tabby / White Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult Animal ID: 328491





” ” Doodlebops THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2014 10 :00 :30 Baseball MLB

The Doctors The View





” ”

Fresh Debt/Part


The Doctors Sportsnet ” Connected

Young & Restless

Fresh Til Debt

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Hockeycentral at Noon



” `

The The Talk Price Is ” Right Let’s Make a Young & Deal Restless News KIRO News ” Bold 2014 NCAA The Talk Basketball ” Tournament Let’s Make a ” Deal The Price Is ” Right NCAA News 2014 Young”& Basketball Restless 2014 NCAA Tournament Basketball KIRO ”News Bold ” Tournament

Days of our The Doctors Lives ” The Talk Fresh ” Til Debt The Queen Noon News Latifah Show Hour Young & Days of our Restless Lives Early News The Talk Global Nat. ” The Doctors News Hour The Queen ”” Latifah Show Fresh Ent Til Debt Young & ET Canada Restless Noon News Bomb Girls Hour News Early ”

Premier Sportsnet League Connected Darts Sportsnet European Connected Poker Tour HockeycenUFC Fights tral at Noon World Poker Premier Tour League Canucks TV Darts Hockey European Sportsnet NHL Connected Poker Tour Hockey: UFC Fights Sportsnet Canucks at Connected World Poker Avalanche Tour Hockeycen” tral at Noon Canucks TV Sportsnet

General The View Hospital ” The Doctors KOMO 4 ” News The Dr. Oz The Chew Show ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital News The Doctors World News ” The View KOMO 4 ” Oz The Dr. News Show KOMO 4 Wheel News KOMO 4 Jeopardy! News The Chew Once ” News Wonderland

The First Criminal ” Minds The First Criminal ” Minds The First The First ” ” The First The First ” ” The First The First ” ” Criminal After the Minds The First First 48 ” Criminal Beyond Minds The First Scared ” The First Beyond ” The First Scared

” Up The Talk Growing ” The Ent Millers The Queen ET Canada News Hour Latifah Show Final Bomb Girls Young & ” ET Canada Restless The Test ” Early News ” Global Nat. Growing Up News Hour The Millers ” News Hour Ent Final ET Canada ET Canada Bomb Girls The Test ”

Hockey Premier Ice Crashed League NHL ” Hockey: Darts Sportsnet European Connected Canucks at Poker Tour Avalanche Hockey UFC Fights Ski TV ” World Poker Sportsnet Oil Change Tour ” Crashed Ice Canucks ” TV Hockey Sportsnet NHL Connected Hockey: Hockey Canucks at Ski TV Avalanche Oil Change ”” Sportsnet

Rob Robot Ella the Ele. Dragon Jelly Jamm Ella the Ele. G. Shrinks Wibbly Pig Clifford-Dog Dive, Olly PAW Patrol Jelly Jamm Bucket-Dino Maya Bee Rob Robot Arthur Dragon Jack Ella the Ele. Wild Kratts Wibbly Ella thePig Ele. Canada Jelly Jamm Dive, Olly ” Jelly Jamm G. Shrinks Park Clifford-Dog Maya Bee Working Arthur PAW Patrol AttenborBucket-Dino Jack ough

Post Game News

” ”

Crashed Ice ”

Movie: “Buena

Grey’s Anatomy

ThisMinute ThisMinute

Growing Up The Millers

Sportsnet Connected

Vista Social Club”

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hockey Ski TV

Park Working

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada The Test

Oil Change ”

Buena Vista Social Club

Bookaboo Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

The Doctors Sportsnet ” Connected


10 :00 :30 FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2014 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 1 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2014 11 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 12 4 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 1 :00 5 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 2 :00 6 :30 :00 11 :30 7 :30 3 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 4 :00 :00 1 :30 9 :30 5 :00 :00 2 :30 10 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 12 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 10 :00 :30 7 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 8 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 10 :30 SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 2014 11 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :00 :30 # $ % & PBA Bowling The Doctors The View ” ” ”


The Price Is Right

” Fresh The Marilyn Heartland :00 ” Til Debt Show ” :30 TSN CHBC Denis CIVT CBC World Poker Noon News CTV News CBC News :00 Hour ” Now& $ % :30 Tour# That’s Hcky Days of our The Social Recipe to :00 The Doctors The View Bookaboo :00 MLB That’s Hcky Lives ” Riches :30 ” ” Doodlebops :30 Baseball Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and :00 ” Fresh The Marilyn Heartland :00 Interruption ” ” Chris :30 ” Til Debt Denis Show ” :30 SportsCentre The Queen Bethenny Figure :00 THURSDAY, MARCH 27, World Poker Noon News CTV News2014 CBC News :00 Latifah Show ” Skating :30 Tour ” Hour ” Now :30 Young & Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ :00 NHL That’s Hcky Days of our The Social to :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC Restless neres Show Recipe Den :30 Hockey: Lives ” Riches :30 That’s Hckyat News CTV% News CBC News :00 Canadiens # $ & Off Record The Talk Dr.Five Phil Steven and :00 Wings ” at CBC News :30 Red ” ” Chris :30 Interruption MLB ” The Doctors The Bookaboo :00 Global Nat. CTVView News CBC News :00 Baseball ” News Bethenny ” Doodlebops SportsCentre The Queen Figure :30 :00 2014 NCAA CHBC ” Coronation :30 Latifah ” Skating ”” Fresh Show etalk The Marilyn Heartland :30 Basketball :00 Ent Figure :00 Til Debt Denis Show Skating ” NHL ” Young & Ellen DeGeDragons’ :30 Tournament ET Canada Big Bang :00 :30 Hockey: Restless neres Show Den World Poker Noon News CTV News CBC News :30 :00 ” Bomb Girls Surviving The Nature :00 Tour ” Hour ” ” Now :30 at News CTV CBC News SpunNews Out of Things :00 :30 Canadiens Red Wings ” at Five CBC News That’s Hcky Days of The Social Recipe to :30 SportsCentre :00 ” our Grey’s Doc Zone :00 That’s Hcky Lives ” Riches :30 ” Global” Nat. Anatomy CTV News CBC News ” :00 :30 2014 NCAA CHBC News ” Coronation Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and :00 :30 Growing Up Motive The National :00 SportsCentre Interruption ” ” Chris :30 Basketball ” The Ent Millers etalk ” Figure” :00 :30 SportsCentre CHBC The Queen Bethenny Figure Tournament ET Canada Big Bang Skating :00 :30 SportsCentre News News-Lisa CBC News :00 ” Latifah Show ” Skating :30 Final CTV News George S ” Bomb Girls Surviving The Nature :30 :00 NHL Young & Ellen DeGeDragons’ ” ” Spun Out of Things :00 :30 SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes :00 Hockey: Restless neresMeyers Show Coronation Den :30 ” The Test Seth SportsCentre ” Grey’s Doc Zone :30 :00 at News ” CTV News CBC News :00 ” Anatomy ” :30 Canadiens ” at Five CBC News :30 Red Wings Growing Up Motive The National :00 SportsCentre ”” Global Nat. CTV News CBC News :00 The Millers ” ” :30 2014 NCAA CHBC News ” Coronation :30 CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News :00 SportsCentre Basketball Ent etalk Figure :00 ” Final CTV News George S :30 Tournament ET Canada Big Bang Skating :30 SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes :00 ” Bomb Girls Surviving The Nature :00 ” The Test Seth Meyers Coronation :30 ” ” Spun Out of Things :30 ” Grey’s Doc Zone :00 SportsCentre ” ” Anatomy ” :30 The National :00 SportsCentre Growing Up Motive ” The Millers ” ” :30 CHBC News CBC News FRIDAY, MARCH 28,News-Lisa 2014 :00 SportsCentre ” Final CTV News George S :30 ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes :00 SportsCentre TSN CHBC CIVT CBC ” The Test Seth Meyers Coronation :30

11 12 1 10 2 11 3 12 4 1 5 2 10 6 3 11 7 4 12 8 5 1 9 6 2 10 7 3 11 8 4 12 9 5 10 6 11 7 12 8 9 10 11 12


Hi my name is Odin. I am a great boy, and a big boy and my personality will match that for sure. KNOW KOMO A&E * I would suit` any home1 so Ella the Ele. The View Criminal if you would like to meet Jelly Jamm ” Minds G. Shrinks KOMO 4 the Criminal me, please ask staff Clifford-Dog News KNOW KOMO Minds A&E the Kelowna PAWat Patrol The Chew SPCA. The First 48



” The Talk Post Game News ”” 2014 NCAA Let’s Make ThisMinute a Deal ThisMinute Basketball News Tournament KIRO News ” Late Show ” 2014 NCAA ” Letterman Basketball Ferguson Post Game Tournament News ” ThisMinute ” ThisMinute 2014 NCAA KIRO News Basketball Late Show Tournament Letterman ” Ferguson ”


Sportsnet Connected

SNP Odin )


” 1

Rated A for Invasion Monster Spliced Kid vs. Kat Flamingo League/Evil Squirrel Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Squirrel Sidekick SpongeBob Rated A for Rabbids Monster Odd Parents Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob League/Evil Invasion Thunder Spliced Sidekick Hathaways Squirrel Flamingo Sam & Cat Squirrel SpongeBob Japanizi Rabbids Kid vs. Kat Mr. Young Sidekick Odd Parents Boys

Reshmi Nair CBC News ” Now With Power & Carole Politics MacNeil ” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Reshmi O’Leary Nair ” CBC News Power”& Politics CBC News The National Now With ”” ” Carole CBC News MacNeil Lang & ” O’Leary CBC News The National Now With CBC News ”

Law & 30 Rock Order: SVU Paid Prog. Family Feud Family Feud Paid Prog. Family Feud Steve ThisMinute Harvey ThisMinute Bethenny Law &” Order: SVU Simpsons Family Feud Two Men Paid Prog. 30 TwoRock Men Paid Fam Prog. Steve Mod Harvey Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Bethenny Big Bang ” ThisMinute Hell’s ThisMinute Simpsons Kitchen

Here Comes 19 Kids and Here Comes Counting: Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Here Comes Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Honey Here Comes 19 Kids and Here Comes Counting: Here Comes Honey Boo Here Here Comes Comes Boo Here Here Comes Comes Tattoos Here Comes Here Here Comes Comes Here Comes Comes Here Honey Boo

Community Divorce Community Divorce Seinfeld Judge Alex The Middle Judge Alex The Middle King Mod Fam King Big Bang Community Big Bang Community Browns Seinfeld Payne The Middle Divorce Browns Divorce The Middle Payne Mod Fam Judge Alex Mod Fam Judge Alex Big Bang Seinfeld Big Bang King Family Guy King Browns Family Guy

Health!-Joel Sesame ” Street Charlie Rose Daniel Tiger ” Super Why! Peg Plus Cat 3 Steps to Sid Science Incredible Wild Kratts Health!-Joel WordGirl ” Business CharlieNews Rose World ” Sesame PBS Street Peg Plus Cat NewsHour Sid Science Daniel Tiger Rick Steves Super Why! Wild Kratts Tales WordGirl 3 Steps to Foyle’s War Incredible Business ”

Days Todayof our Lives cont’d Dr. Phil New Day ” Northwest Katie KING 5 ” News Ellen DeGeDays our neres of Show Lives KING 5 Dr. Phil News ” Today Nightly News cont’d Katie News ” New Day News Northwest Ellen DeGeEvening neres 5 Show KING Hollywood News 5Night KING Game

The First 48 ”

Gags Gags

The National Cold Water ” Cowboys

Amer. Idol Surviving

Boo Tattoos

Amer. Dad Movie:

Midsomer Murders

Hollywood Game Night

Scandal ”

After the First 48

News Jimmy

Beyond Scared

Babysitting Splatalot

CBC News ”

News Mod Fam

Here Comes “The Honey Tuxedo”

DCI Banks ”

Parenthood ”

Mr. Young Boys

The National Amish Mafia The Arsenio ” ” Hall Show

Here Comes ” Here Comes Movie:

” Film School

KING News Tonight

Kimmel Live Beyond Nightline Scared

Gags Gags

Lang & O’Leary

How/Made How/Made

TMZ Sunny

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

“Transporter BrainChange Show 3” ” Seth Meyers

Ella the Ele. Jelly Jamm

The View ”

The First 48 ”

Invasion Spliced

CBC News Now With

Auction Auction

30 Rock Wrinkles?

19 Kids and Counting:

Divorce Divorce

Sesame Street

Today cont’d

KOMO 4 News

The First 48 ”

Flamingo Squirrel

Carole MacNeil

How/Made How/Made

Family Feud Four Family Feud Weddings

Judge Alex Judge Alex

Daniel Tiger Super Why!

New Day Northwest

The First 48 ”

Kid vs. Kat Sidekick

YTV Rated A for 6 Monster

CBC News Now With

NEWS Reshmi Nair 7 ”

Cold Water Cowboys

DISC Rods N’ 9 Wheels

ThisMinute ThisMinute

KAYU Law; & Order: SVU

Four Weddings

TLC Four< Weddings

King King


KING 5 News


Global Nat. Days of ” our Lives News ”Hour





Wild Kratts Rob Robot Movie: Dragon Canada “Buena ” Ele. Ella the Vista Social Wibbly Pig Club” Park Dive, Olly Working Park Jelly Jamm Working AttenborMaya ough BuenaBee Vista Arthur Club Social Movie: Jack “Buena Wild Kratts Vista Social Canada Club” ” Park Park Working Working Buena Vista AttenborSocial Club ough


A unique, mobile scribed her business as Flinn two years ago. boutique has set up shop the Okanagan’s one and “A friend in Portin Lake Country for the only mobile vintage and land introduced me to month of March, ofretro market. Flinn has the mobile boutique fering vintage and retro parked herself and her trend—I was immediwares dating as far back vintage products at the ately hooked,” she said. asYTV the 1950s. CountryTLC Art Gal-WTBSPerch Traveling BouNEWS DISC Lake KAYU KCTS KING Usually roaring at the art gallery’s 6 7 9 lery. ; < Atique isN P Invasion Newsin a Auction 30 Rock 19set-up Kids and Divorce Art House Sesame Wednesday Today around theCBC valley She will be Spliced Now With Auction Paid Prog. Counting: Divorce Street cont’d to Friday from New 10 a.m. cute blue bus, Perch How/Made until theFeud endHere of March. Flamingo Carole Family Comes Judge Alex Daniel Tiger Day Squirrel MacNeil How/Made Family Feud Here Comes Judge Alex Super Why! Northwest to 2 p.m. and Saturdays Travelling Boutique DISC Th e idea of TLC a mobile WTBS YTV NEWS KAYU KCTS KING Kid vs. Kat CBC News Bear Grylls: ThisMinute Here Comes King 3 Steps to KING 5 11N a.m. toNews 3P p.m. owner Flinn de-9 boutique came to KingAfromIncredible Sidekick Now7 With ” ThisMinute Here Comes 6 Robyn ; first <

48 48 48 48

A&E48 1 48 48 48

48 48 48 World News The First ” General 48 Grey’s The First 48 Hospital KOMO 4 After the Anatomy ”” News First 48 The Doctors The First Scandal After the 48 ” ” First 48 Wheel” Beyond The Dr. Oz The First 48 Jeopardy! Scared News Beyond Show ” Jimmy Scared Once Beyond KOMO 4Live Beyond The First 48 Wonderland Scared Kimmel News ” Nightline Scared Grey’s The First 48 News The First 48 Anatomy ” World News ” Scandal After the KOMO” 4 After 48 the First News First 48 News Beyond Wheel Beyond Jimmy Scared Jeopardy! Scared Kimmel Live Beyond Once Beyond Nightline Scared Wonderland Scared


A&E 1


SpongeBob Rated A for Gags Monster Thunder Gags Hathaways Kid vs. Kat Babysitting League/Evil Splatalot Sam & Cat Sidekick Japanizi Mr. Young Squirrel Boys Mr. Young SpongeBob Boys Gags Rabbids Gags Gags Odd GagsParents SpongeBob Babysitting Thunder Splatalot Hathaways Mr. Young Sam & Cat Boys Japanizi Gags Mr. Young Gags Boys



” Nair Reshmi The National The National ”” ”& Power CBC News Politics ” CBC News ” The National ”” The National Lang & ” Lang & O’Leary O’Leary The National CBC News ” ” CBC News The National ” ” The National CBC News ” ” Lang & The National O’Leary ”


To Be Auction Announced Auction Naked and How/Made Afraid How/Made How/Made Bear Grylls: How/Made ” Daily Planet To Be ” Announced Cold Water Naked and Cowboys Afraid Auction Rods N’ Auction How/Made Wheels How/Made How/Made Amish Mafia How/Made Daily Planet ” ” Bear Grylls: How/Made ” Cold Water How/Made


Cowboys To BeWater Cold Announced Rods N’ Cowboys Wheels NakedN’ and Rods Afraid Wheels Amish Mafia How/Made ” Mafia Amish How/Made ” How/Made Daily Planet How/Made How/Made ” How/Made Cold Water Cold Water Cowboys Cowboys Rods N’ Rods N’ Wheels Wheels Amish Mafia Amish” Mafia ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made

Rods N’ Wheels



Two Law Men & Idol Amer. Order: SVU Two Men Surviving Mod Family Feud NewsFam Paid Fam Prog. Mod Big Bang Steve Big Bang The Arsenio Harvey Hall Show Hell’s Bethenny Kitchen TMZ ” Sunny Amer. Idol Simpsons Surviving Two Men News Two Men Mod Fam Mod Fam The Arsenio Big Bang Hall Show Big Bang TMZ Hell’s Sunny Kitchen



Honey Here Comes Boo Here Here Comes Comes Tattoos Honey Boo Here Comes Comes Here Here Comes Honey Boo Here Comes Tattoos Here Comes Here Here Comes Comes Here Comes Honey Boo Paid Prog. Here Prog. Comes Paid Boo Here Comes Tattoos Honey Here Comes Here Comes Honey Honey Boo Here Comes Boo Comes Here Tattoos Paid Prog. Here Comes Paid Prog. Honey Boo



Payne Community Amer. Dad Community Browns Movie: Payne Seinfeld “The The Middle Tuxedo” Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld ” Mod Fam Movie: Family Guy Big Bang Family Guy “Transporter Big Bang 3” Amer. Dad Browns Movie: Payne “The Browns Tuxedo” Payne ” Mod Fam Movie: Seinfeld “Transporter Family Guy 3” Family Guy



World News Health!-Joel Midsomer PBS ” Murders NewsHour Charlie Rose DCI Banks ”” Rick Steves Peg Cat TalesPlus ” Sid Science Film School Foyle’s War Wild Kratts ” BrainChange WordGirl ” Midsomer Business Murders World News DCI Banks PBS ” NewsHour ” Rick School Steves Film Tales BrainChange Foyle’s War ” ”



News Days of our Hollywood Lives NightlyNight News Game News Dr. Phil Parenthood ” News ” Katie Evening KING News ” Tonight Hollywood Ellen DeGeGame Show Night neresMeyers Show Seth Hollywood KING Game5Night News Parenthood Nightly” News News KING News News Tonight Evening Show Hollywood Seth Meyers Game Night


The Marilyn Denis Show

Heartland ”

Young & Restless

Fresh Debt/Part

Sportsnet Connected

G. Shrinks Clifford-Dog

World Poker Noon News Tour Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Recipe to Riches Bookaboo Steven and Doodlebops Chris

SNP European ) Poker Tour

PAW Patrol The Chew Bucket-Dino ”

The Social ” ThePhil View Dr. ””

CHAN Days of our ( Lives

Hockeycentral at Noon

That’s Hcky Days of our ” Lives PBARecord Bowling The The Talk Doctors Off ” ”” Interruption ” Fresh SportsCentre The Queen ”” Debt/Part Latifah Show WorldNCAA Poker Young Noon News 2014 & Tour Hour Basketball Restless

KIRO The_ Talk ”

Noon News Hour

Heartland Figure ” Skating CBC News Dragons’ Now Den

The Let’sPrice MakeIsa Right Deal Young & News Restless ” KIRO NCAA News 2014 Bold Basketball

The Doctors The Talk ”” Fresh The Queen Debt/Part Latifah Show Noon News Young & Hour Restless

Sportsnet Darts Connected ” Sportsnet Plays/Month Connected Rise as One HockeycenWorld Poker tral at Noon Tour

Ella Ella the the Ele. Ele. Jelly Jamm Wibbly Pig G. Shrinks Dive, Olly Clifford-Dog Jelly Jamm PAW Patrol Maya Bee Bucket-Dino Arthur

The First 48 48 The View Doctors The The First ”” ”” KOMO The First First 48 48 The Dr.4Oz The News Show ”” The Chew The First First 48 KOMO 4 The 48 ”” News ”

Invasion Kid vs. Kat Spliced League/Evil Flamingo Sidekick Squirrel Squirrel Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Sidekick Kung Fu

CBC News Power & Now With Politics

The Marilyn Bethenny Denis ”Show CTV News Ellen DeGeneres ”Show

Carole” MacNeil ” CBC News Lang & Now With O’Leary

Auction Amish Mafia Auction ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Cold Water Daily Planet Cowboys ”

30 Rock Family Feud Wrinkles? Family Feud Family Feud Steve Family Feud Harvey ThisMinute Bethenny ThisMinute ”

19 Kids and Four Counting: Weddings Four Four Weddings Weddings Four Borrowed Weddings Borrowed

Divorce Seinfeld Divorce The Middle Judge Alex The Middle Judge Alex Mod Fam KingBang Big KingBang Big

Days of our Lives SesameRose Today Charlie Dr. Phil Street” cont’d ” Daniel Tiger New Day Peg Plus Cat Katie Super Why! Sid Science Northwest ” BrainKING DeGe5 Wild Kratts Ellen ChangeNews Show WordGirl neres

That’s Hcky Tournament ” PBA Bowling Off Record ” ” Interruption 2014 NCAA ” Basketball SportsCentre ” Tournament ” World Poker ” 2014 Tour NCAA ” Basketball That’s Hcky SportsCentre Tournament ” ”” Off Record SportsCentre ” Interruption ” 2014 NCAA SportsCentre SportsCentre Basketball ” ” Tournament 2014 NCAA SportsCentre ” Basketball ”” Tournament SportsCentre ” ””

The Social CTV News at Five” The View Dr. Phil CTV News ” ” The Marilyn etalk Bethenny Denis Show Big Bang ” CTV News Spun Out Ellen DeGe” Kirstie neres Show The Social Law CTV & News ” Order: at Five SVU Dr. Phil Blue Bloods CTV News ” ”” Bethenny News-Lisa etalk ” CTV News Big Bang Ellen DeGeBig Bang Spun neres Out Show Seth Meyers Kirstie CTV News Law & at Five Order: SVU CTV News

Recipe to CBC News Riches CBC News Bookaboo Steven and CBC News Doodlebops Chris Coronation Heartland Figure ” Skating CBC News ” Dragons’ Now Den ” Recipe to the fifth CBC News Riches estate CBC News Steven and The National CBC Chris News ” Coronation Figure CBC News Figure Skating George Skating S Dragons’ Backstage Den ” Coronation ” CBC News the fifth CBC News estate CBC News

The Talk Tournament ” The Price Is Let’s Make a ” Right Deal NCAA 2014 Young & Basketball News Restless Tournament ” KIRO News ” 2014 Bold NCAA ” Basketball The Talk Post Game Tournament ” News ” Let’s Make a ThisMinute Deal ” ThisMinute 2014 NCAA News KIRO News Basketball ” Late Show Tournament 2014 NCAA Letterman ” Basketball Ferguson ” Tournament Post Game ” News ”

Days of our Early News Lives Nat. Global The Doctors The Talk News Hour ” ” Fresh Ent Queen The Debt/Part ET Canada Latifah Show Noon News Rake Young Hour & ” Restless Days of our Parenthood Early Lives News Global” Nat. The Talk Dream News ”Hour Builders ” The Queen News Hour Ent Latifah Show Final ET Canada Young & ET Canada Rake Restless The Test ” Early News Parenthood Global Nat. News ”Hour

European Red Bull X Poker Tour Fighters Sportsnet Darts Sportsnet Connected ” Connected Sportsnet Canucks TV Plays/Month Connected OHL as One Rise HockeycenHockey: World Poker tral at Noon Teams TBA Tour European ” X Red Bull Poker Tour ” Fighters Darts ” Sportsnet ” Sportsnet Connected Plays/Month Connected Canucks TV Rise as One Hockey OHL World Poker Oil Change Hockey: Tour Teams” TBA Red Bull X ” Fighters ” Sportsnet

Rob Robot Jack Dragon Wild Kratts Ella the Ele. Ella the Ele. Park Jelly Jamm Wibbly Pig Take Me G. Shrinks Our Queen Dive, Olly Clifford-Dog ” Jelly Jamm PAW Patrol The Village Maya Bee Bucket-Dino Arthur” Rob Robot Lewis Jack Dragon ” Wild Kratts Ella the Ele. ” Park Wibbly Pig ” Take Me Dive, Olly Architects Our Queen Jelly Jamm Our Part ” Maya Bee New Tricks The Village Arthur ”” Jack Lewis Wild Kratts Park ”

Rated A for Odd Parents Monster SpongeBob Invasion Kid vs. Kat Movie: Spliced League/Evil “Open Flamingo Season 3” Sidekick Squirrel Chucks Squirrel Kid vs. Kat The Next SpongeBob Sidekick Star Super. Kung- Fu Rated A for Assembly Odd Parents Monster Assembly SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Babysitting Movie: League/Evil Splatalot “Open Sidekick Mr. Young Season 3” Squirrel Boys Chucks SpongeBob Open The KungNext Fu Season 3 Star - Super. Odd Parents Assembly SpongeBob Assembly Movie:

Reshmi Nair CBC News ” CBC News Power & The National Now With Politics ” Carole CBC News ” MacNeil ” CBC News The National Lang & Now With ” O’Leary Reshmi Nair The CBCNational News ” ”” Power & CBC News The National Politics ”” ” The CBCNational News ” ”” Lang & Lang & The National O’Leary O’Leary ” CBC News The National ” ” The National

Rods To Be N’ Wheels Announced Auction AmishofMafia Sons Auction Guns ” How/Made Mayday How/Made How/Made ” How/Made Cold Water Mayday Daily Planet Cowboys ” Rods N’ To Be Wheels Announced Announced Amish Mafia Salvage Sons of ” Hunters Guns How/Made Mayday Mayday How/Made ”” Daily Planet Mayday Mayday ” ”” To Be To Be Announced Announced Sons of

Law & Simpsons Order: SVU Two Men 30 Rock Family Feud Two Men Wrinkles? Family Feud Mod Fam Family Feud Big Bang Steve Family Feud Big Bang Harvey ThisMinute Rake Bethenny ThisMinute ” Law & Enlisted Simpsons Order: SVU Raising Two Men Family Feud News Two Men Family Feud Mod Mod Fam Fam Steve The Arsenio Big Bang Harvey Hall Show Big Bang Bethenny TMZ Rake ” Sunny” Simpsons Enlisted Two Men Raising Two Men

Four Randy Weddings Say Yes 19 Kids and FourYes Say Counting: Weddings Randy Four Borrowed Four Weddings Borrowed Weddings Four Say Yes Borrowed Weddings Randy Borrowed Four Borrowed Randy Weddings Borrowed Say Yes Four Randy Say Yes Weddings Say Yes Randy Four Borrowed Borrowed Weddings Borrowed Borrowed Borrowed Paid Prog. Say Yes Borrowed Paid Prog. Randy Randy Borrowed Say Yes Borrowed Say Yes

Community Browns Community Payne Divorce Seinfeld Browns Divorce The Middle Payne Judge Alex Mod Middle Fam The Judge Alex Seinfeld Mod Fam King Family Guy Big KingBang Family Guy Big Bang Community Amer. Dad Browns Community Tyler Perry’s Payne Seinfeld Madea Goes Browns The Middle to Jail Payne The Middle ” Mod Fam Fam Mod Movie: Seinfeld Big Bang “Meet the Family Guy Big Bang Browns” Family Guy Browns Amer. Payne Dad Tyler Perry’s Browns

Perlmutter Business Victor Borge World News Sesame Charlie Rose PBS Street ” NewsHour Daniel Tiger Washington Peg Plus Cat Super Why! Charlie Rose Sid Science BrainDoc Martin Wild Kratts Change” WordGirl Perlmutter Live/Lincoln Business Victor Borge Center World News Charlie Rose American PBS ” Masters NewsHour Peg Plus Cat ArtZone Washington Sid Science Music Charlie Rose Wild Kratts Echoes of Doc Martin WordGirl Creation ” Business Live/Lincoln World News Center PBS

Take Me ” ” Our Queen

The First World News ” The View The First The Doctors KOMO 4 The First ” ” News ” ” KOMO 4 The First Wheel The Dr. Oz The First News ” Jeopardy! Show ” The Chew The First Last Man The First KOMO ”4 ” Neighbors ” News General The First Shark Tank The First News Hospital ” ” ” World News ” The Doctors The First 20/20 The KOMO” 4 The First First ” ”” News ” The Dr. Oz The First News The First Wheel The First Show ” Jimmy ”” Jeopardy! KOMO 4 The First Kimmel Live The Last The First First NewsMan ” Nightline ”” Neighbors News The First Shark World Tank News The First ” ” KOMO” 4 The First News ” 20/20 The First ” Wheel” The First

“Open Babysitting Splatalot Season 3”

” CBC News ” CBC News

Guns Salvage Hunters Mayday

Mod Fam News Mod Fam Big Bang

Randy Say Yes Borrowed

Jeopardy! News Jimmy Last Man Neighbors Kimmel Live Nightline Shark Tank ”

The The The The

Chucks Mr. Young Boys The Next Star - Super. Open Season 3 Assembly Assembly

” The National ” The National ” Lang & O’Leary The National ”

” Mayday ” Mayday ” Mayday To Be ” Announced

Big Bang The Arsenio Hall RakeShow TMZ ” Sunny Enlisted Raising

Borrowed Borrowed Say Yes Randy Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Borrowed Borrowed

Payne Goes American NewsHour Madea to JailFam Masters Mod Washington Seinfeld Charlie Rose ” ArtZone Movie: Music Family Guy Doc Martin Familythe Guy ” of “Meet Echoes Browns” Creation Amer. Dad Live/Lincoln Tyler Perry’s Center

News Hannibal News ”

” Architects Our The Part Village ” New Tricks Lewis ” ”

20/20 ”

The First 48 ”

Babysitting Splatalot

CBC News ”

Salvage Hunters

News Mod Fam

Randy Say Yes

Madea Goes American to Jail Masters

Hannibal ”

News Jimmy

The First 48 ”

Mr. Young Boys

The National Mayday ” ”

The Arsenio Hall Show

Borrowed Borrowed

” Movie:

KING News Tonight

A&E 1

Open Season 3

Lang & O’Leary

Mayday ”

TMZ Sunny


Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

“Meet the Browns”

Echoes of Creation

Show Seth Meyers

Sanjay Teenage

CBC News CBC News

Mayday ”

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

48 Hours: Hard Evid.


Thomas Bob Builder

Gardening Paid Prog.

Mayday ”

Kids News Old House

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Movie: “Shrek 2”

Yukon Men ”

Focus T25 Got Pain?

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Days of our News Lives ” The Doctors The Talk Global Nat. ” CHBC” News Fresh Ent Queen The Debt/Part ET Canada Latifah Show Noon News Rake Young Hour & ” Restless Days of our Parenthood News Lives ”” The Talk Dream Global” Nat. Builders CHBC News The Queen CHBC News Ent Latifah Show Final ET Canada Young & ET Canada Rake Restless The Test ” News Parenthood ” Global” Nat.




KNOW KOMO Rob* Robot General ` Dragon Hospital

KNOW KOMO General News * ` Hospital

2014 NCAA Dream CHBC News SportsCentre ” Builders Basketball Ent Tournament CHBC ET Canada SportsCentre News Final ”” Rake ” ” SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test SportsCentre Parenthood ” ”

” Blue Bloods etalk ”

Coronation 2014 NCAA The National ThisMinute ThisMinute Figure” Basketball Big Bang Skating Tournament News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News CTV George Late Show SpunNews Out ” S ” Kirstie ” ” Big Bang Backstage Letterman Seth Meyers Coronation Ferguson Law & the fifth Post Game Order: SVU estate News

Dream” Builders Ent ET Canada News Hour Final Rake ” ET Canada The Test Parenthood ”

Connected ” Sportsnet Canucks TV OHL Connected Hockey Hockey: Teams TBA Oil Change ”” ”

SportsCentre Dream ” Builders

Blue Bloods ”

The National ThisMinute ” ThisMinute

Dream Builders

” Sportsnet

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Connected Hockey

Letterman Ferguson


ET Canada The Test

Oil Change ”

New Tricks ”

Wild Kratts Martha

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test

Big Bang Backstage Seth Meyers Coronation

10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 2014 12 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :00 :30 # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 2014 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 4 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 12 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 10 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 11 7 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 12 8 :00 :30 :00 1 4 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 2 5 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 3 6 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 4 7 :30 :30 12 :30



” ” Architects Our Part

Live KNOW Kimmel KOMO Nightline * `

A&E The1 First 48 ”

A&E 1 48

” First ” First ” First ” First ”

Fish’n SickKids Real Fishing Foundation

Doc Zone ”

Bull Riding ”

Fish’n MLB Real Fishing Preseason

Premier League

Powerboat Driving TV

It Is Written Corner Gas

the fifth estate

College Basket.

Powerboat Driving TV

Baseball: Marco Polo Wildlife Docs Breaking Mets at Blue Finding Stuff Exped. Wild Boston

Soccer Goal Zone

News Hour PGA Tour

SportsCentre Marketplace College ” FIFA WC Basketball

News Hour PGA Tour

Jays Blue Jays

” KIRO ” _



48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

Born-Explore Breaking Sea Rescue Boston

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.




Mutant Ninja Now With BeyWarriors Christine

Wahlburgers Pokémon-XY Birak Wahlburgers Power ”

KNOW Celebrity KOMO Wahlburgers A&E Wife Swap Wahlburgers * ` 1 ESPN Sports Storage


” NEWS ” 7





KAYU ” ;




World Poker Golf: Valero The Social Tour Texas Open, ”

Figure Skating

Parks Parks

Yu-Gi-Oh! B-Daman

To Be Announced


48 Hours: Hard Evid.

March Madness Tip-Off Pregame

” ” Doc Zone ” The National HNIC the fifth

Changers Third Round Sports Stars Fish’n” Bull Riding ” Real Fishing Dr. Chris-Vet House Changers ” College Powerboat

League Soccer MLB

Ultimate Engineering Wild Kratts

Sons of Guns Mayday


Preseason Sportsnet Connected Baseball:

Martha Canada Marco” Polo

” How/Made How/Made Mayday

” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Bones ” Kids News

48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours:

English 2014 NCAA Basketball Premier

Third Round Canada’s Worst Driver Fish’n” SickKids Real Fishing Cash Foundation House Cab ” Celebrity Powerboat It Is Written

League Tournament ” Soccer ” Goal Zone 2014 NCAA World Poker Pregame Basketball Tour English Tournament March MadPremier ” ness Tip-Off League ” 2014 NCAA Soccer SportsCentre Basketball Goal Zone ” Tournament World Poker World Tour ”Poker Tour March” MadSportsCentre ness Tip-Off 2014 NCAA ” 2014 NCAA Basketball ” Basketball Tournament ” Tournament ” SportsCentre ”” ”

Driving TV Simpsons Simpsons News Hour Simpsons PGA Tour Global Nat. Golf: Fish’nValero News Hour Texas Open, Real Fishing CHBC News Third Round Powerboat 16x9 ” TV Driving ” House News Hour Haven ” PGA Tour ” Simpsons Golf: Valero Remedy Simpsons Texas Open, ” Third Round Simpsons Side Show ” Nat. Global Engels HouseHour News News ”Final CHBC News Saturday Simpsons 16x9 Night Live Simpsons ” ”

estate NHL Hockey: Marketplace Montreal FIFA WC Canadiens at Figure Doc Zone Florida Skating ” Panthers ” the fifth NHL estate” Hockey: The National Marketplace Ducks at HNICWC FIFA Canucks NHL Figure ” Hockey: Skating HNIC After ” Montreal Hours” Canadiens at News The National Florida Hockey HNIC Panthers Night in NHL NHL Canada: Hockey: Hockey: Replay

Basket. All In Sports Stars College KIRO News Basketball KIRO News ” Bull Riding CBS News ”” KIRO News Changers College EntertainSports Basket.Stars ment ’Night Dr. Chris-Vet College Broke Girl Changers Basketball Mom All In ” 48 Hours Sports” Stars ” Changers KIRO News 48 Hours Sports Stars KIRO News ” Dr. Chris-Vet CBS News KIRO News Changers KIRO News The Insider All In EntertainPaid Prog. Sports Stars ment ’Night Paid Prog.

Mets at Blue European Poker Tour Jays Edge of Blue Jays Space English MLB Edge of Premier Preseason Space League Baseball: English Soccer Mets at Blue Premier Sportsnet Jays League Connected Blue Jays Soccer European English Blue PokerJays Tour Premier Blue Jays League Edge of Sportsnet Soccer Space Connected Sportsnet Edge of European Connected Space Poker Tour European English Sportsnet Poker Tour Premier Connected

Finding Hunt for Stuff the Shadow Cat Animals AttenborAnimals ough Parks Wild Kratts Hope for Parks Martha Wildlife Ultimate Marco Polo Death a Engineering FindingofStuff Sea Monster Canada Animals Heartbeat ” Animals ” Hunt for the Parks Midsomer Shadow Cat Parks Murders Ultimate Attenbor” Engineering ough ” Canada Hope for Canada ” Wildlife ” Hunt for Death of the a Midsomer Shadow Cat Sea Monster Murders

” Cash Cab How/Made Yukon Men Licence ” to Drill: Louis. To Be Mayday Bering” Sea Announced Gold Sons of Mayday Cold Water Guns ” Cowboys How/Made Yukon Men Street How/Made ” Outlaws Cash To Be Cab Bering Sea How/Made Announced Gold Sons of to Licence Cold Louis. Water Guns Drill: Cowboys How/Made Bering Sea Licence to How/Made Gold Drill: Louis. CashWater Cab Cold Alaska: The How/Made Cowboys Last Frontier

Old House The Office Two Men Focus T25 HowPain? I Met Got How I Met Glee Prog. Paid Mod Fam ” Paid Prog. Big Bang Glee Kids News Mod Fam ” Old House Big Bang Bones T25 Focus Almost ” Got Pain? Human The Office Glee The Two Men ” Following Glee How I Met NewsI ”Met How Wanted Bones Mod Fam Animation ” Big Bang Domination The Offi ce Mod Fam The Arsenio TwoBang Men Big Hall Show

Corner Gas Celebrity Movie Night SportsCentre etalk ” App Central The Social SickKids CTV News ” Foundation ” Canada’s It Is Written W5 Worst CornerDriver Gas ” Cash Cab SportsCentre Big Bang Celebrity ” Spun Out Celebrity The Social Anger Movie ”Night Mike Canada’s etalk Motive Worst Driver App Central ” CashNews Cab CTV News Celebrity ” CTV News Celebrity W5 Batman & Movie ”Night Robin


Golf: Valero English Texas Open, Premier

48 48

The First 48 ”

Pregame English

Animals Animals

48 48


Driving TV Simpsons Simpsons News Hour Simpsons PGA Tour Global Nat. Golf: Fish’nValero News Hour Texas Open, Real Fishing ” Third Round Powerboat 16x9 ” TV Driving ” HouseHour News Haven ” PGA Tour ” Simpsons Golf: Valero Remedy Simpsons Texas Open, ” Third Round Simpsons Side Show ” Nat. Global Engels HouseHour News News Final ” Saturday Simpsons 16x9 Night Live Simpsons ” ”



Saturday Born-Explore Sea Rescue ” ” Docs Wildlife

Storage Breaking Boston Storage Barry’d Breaking

Nerds The National Cache Sanjay Craze Issue CBC News Teenage CBC News The Next The National Star Super. Mutant Ninja Mansbridge Now With

Exped. Wild Cash Cab

Boston Storage Storage Wahlburgers Flipping Wahlburgers Vegas Wahlburgers Breaking Flipping Wahlburgers Boston Vegas Storage Breaking Flipping Storage Boston Vegas Storage Wahlburgers Flipping Barry’d Wahlburgers Vegas Storage Wahlburgers Flipping Storage Wahlburgers Vegas Storage Flipping Flipping Storage Vegas Vegas Storage Flipping Flipping Barry’d Vegas Vegas Storage Flipping Flipping Storage Vegas Vegas

BeyWarriors The Next Star - Super. Pokémon-XY Sam & Cat Power Movie: Yu-Gi-Oh! Sanjay “Swindle” B-Daman Teenage ” Nerds Mutant Ninja ” Craze Cache BeyWarriors Countdown The Next Pokémon-XY 27th Star -Annual Super. Power Kids’ Choice The Next Yu-Gi-Oh! Awards Star - Super. B-Daman Bread Nerds Sam & Cat 27th Annual Cache Craze Movie: Kids’ Choice The Next “Swindle” Awards Star - ”Super. Boys The Next ” Movie: Star - Super. Countdown “Swindle”

KNOW UW KOMO Paid360 Prog. News Paid` Prog. *

World News Celebrity Born-Explore KOMO 4 Wife Swap Sea Rescue News ESPN WildlifeSports Docs Miracle of Saturday Exped. Wild Israel ” Paid Prog. Castle ” Paid Prog. ” Cash Cab Celebrity Nightline UW 360 Wife Swap Prime ESPN News Sports 20/20 News Saturday World ” KOMO” 4 News ” News Castle Cash Cab Miracle of ” UW 360 Israel Burn Notice

A&E 1


Christine The Nature of Things Birak the fifth ” estate ” CBC News The National ” CBC News Marketplace The National Now With Twin Sisters Issue Christine ” The National Birak Mansbridge ”” Issue The Nature ” The National of Things ” Mansbridge The the fiNational fth The Issue estate Passionate The National Eye Mansbridge Marketplace ” The Nature Twin Sisters The National of Things ” Mansbridge




WTBS Community A Community



” ”


Movie: “Whiteout”

KCTS Perlmutter N Victor Borge


ArtZone Music




Days of KING 5 our Lives News Today Dr. Phil News Nightly cont’d News ” New Day News Katie Northwest Evening ” KING 5 Dateline Ellen NewsDeGeNBC neres Show Days of our ” KING Lives 5 News ” Dr. Phil Hannibal Nightly” News News ” Katie KING News ”News Tonight Evening Ellen DeGeShow Dateline neres Show Seth NBC Meyers KING 5 News ” Nightly” News

Evening KING News Tonight Dateline NBC Show Seth Meyers ” ”


KCTS 9 Cooks:

Adventure Sports

Chef’s Secrets

PGA Tour Golf: Valero

” KCTS ” N ”


Texas Open, Third Round

Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours:

Shrek ” ” Community Community Movie:

” Thomas Bob Test Builder Kitchen Cook’s KCTS 9

” Gardening Paid JustinProg. Time Tree Fu Tom Adventure

Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hours: 48 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Hard Evid. Hard Evid. 48 48 Hours: Hours: Deadly Sins Hard Hard Evid. Evid. ” 48 Hours: 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Hard Evid. 48 Hours: 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Deadly Sins Hard Evid. ” 48 Hours: 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Deadly Sins Peter Popoff Hard Evid. ” Paid Prog.

“Shrek Guy 2” Family Family Guy ” The Middle ” The Middle Movie: Shrek Movie:” “Whiteout” “Fair Game” Movie:” “Shrek”” 2” ” Community ” The Closer Community ” ” Family Guy Movie: Nick and Family Guy “Whiteout” Norah’s ” The Middle Infinite ” The Middle Playlist Community Movie: Movie: Community “Fair Game” “Vertical Family” Guy Limit” Family” Guy ”

Cooks: Cooking Check Chef’s Old House Secrets Old House ” Thomas Rick Steves’ ” Bob Builder Viva Espana! ” KCTS 9 ”” Cooks: ” Test Kitchen Chef’s Movie: Cook’s Secrets “Gypsy” Cooking ” Check”” ” ” Old House ”” Old House American Test Kitchen Rick Steves’ Masters Cook’s Viva Espana! ” Cooking ” American Check” Masters

Sports Exploration Kids News PGA Tour KINGValero 5 Golf: News Texas Open, Gardening Nightly News Third Round Paid Prog. KING News ” Adventure Paid Prog. Sports” Movie: JustinTour Time PGA “Tea Tree With Fu Tom Golf: Valero Mussolini” Exploration Texas Open, ” Kids News Third Round ” KING ”5 Saturday ” News Night Live Justin Time Nightly News KING News Tree Fu Tom KING News Saturday Exploration Paid Prog. Night Live Kids News Movie: ”





2 :30 # $ % & :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 2014 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 6 1 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 7 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 10 :30 8 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 9 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 10 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 1 :30 11 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 2 :30 12 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2014 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 10 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 11 :00 :30 :00 10 12 :30 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2014 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2014 5 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 6 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 :00 2 :30 # $ % & 7 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 8 :30 10 :00 :00 4 :30 :30 9 11 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 10 12 :30 :00 :00 :00 6 :30 :30 11 1 :30 :00 :00 :00 7 :30 :30 12 2 :30 :00 8 :00 :30 3 :30 :00 9 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 6 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 7 :30 8 :00 :30 TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 10 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 11 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :30 11 TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 :00 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :30 # $ % & :00 2 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 3 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 5 :00 TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 1 :30 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 # $ % & 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 10 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 11 :30 5 :00 :00 10 12 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 11 1 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 2 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 9 :00 3 :30 :00 10 4 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 11 5 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 10 6 :30 :00 11 7 :30 :00 12 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 1 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 2 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 3 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 Tournament


” Final Four SportsCentre 2014Pre NCAA NHL Basketball NHL Tournament Hockey: ” Rangers at ” Oilers 2014 NCAA ” Basketball SportsCentre Tournament Road to ” the ” Final Four ” ” 2014 NCAA That’s Hcky SportsCentre Basketball ” NHL Pre Tournament SportsCentre NHL ” ” Hockey: ” SportsCentre Rangers at 2014 NCAA Oilers ” Basketball SportsCentre ” Tournament ” SportsCentre ” ” ” ” SportsCentre That’s Hcky NHL Pre ” NHL SportsCentre Hockey: ”

” Lorna Dueck TV-Torrens Joel Osteen Simpsons Canadian Simpsons News Hour CHBC News PGA Tour Global Nat. Golf: Valero CHBC News Texas Open, Burgers Final Round Amer. Dad ” Block Simpsons Ice Pilots Lorna Dueck Family Guy ” Joel Osteen CosmosTV-Torrens Canadian Space Simpsons News Hour The Good Simpsons PGA Tour Wife CHBC News Golf: Valero News GlobalFinal Nat. Texas Open, Block CHBC News Final Prog. Round Paid Burgers ” Paid Prog. Amer. Dad Ice Pilots Simpsons ” Family Guy TV-Torrens CosmosSimpsons Space Simpsons The Good CHBC News Wife








formances at


” P

” Cyberchase ” McLaughlin Katmai Moyers Globe To Catch a Trekker Dollar Weekend Women in Moyers Chemistry Railway Great PerJourneys formances at Sid Science Call the the Met Cyberchase Midwife ” McLaughlin Masterpiece ” Moyers Classic Katmai To Catch a Globe” Dollar ” Trekker Women of in Secrets Weekend Chemistry Selfridges Moyers Great PerMovie: Railway formances at “Gypsy” Journeys the Met Call the ” Midwife ” Masterpiece Katmai Classic Globe” Trekker ”

Make-Noddy Hockey: Traveler Bruins at Backroads Flyers KING 5 PGA Tour News Golf: Valero Nightly News Texas Open, KING News Final Round The Voice ” ” ” NHL Dream LazyTown Hockey: Builders Make-Noddy Bruins at Believe Traveler Flyers ” Backroads PGA Tour Crisis KINGValero 5 Golf: News ” Texas News Open, KING Nightly News Final206 Round The KING News ” Bensinger The Voice ” Paid Prog. ” LazyTown Dream Make-Noddy Builders Traveler Believe Backroads ” KING Crisis 5 News ”

Movie: “American “Eight Wedding” Below”” There ”Yet? ” Seinfeld

Weekend Secrets of Moyers Selfridges Railway Movie: Journeys “Gypsy” Call the Midwife

Nightly News KING News KING News The 206 The Voice Bensinger ” Paid Prog.

Simpsons Family Guy

Medium My Five Medium Wives My PaidFive Prog. Wives Paid Prog. Medium Medium


My Five Wives

The Closer ”

Masterpiece Believe Classic ”



Marketplace Outlaws

30 Rock

Hope for Wild Kratts Wildlife Little Prince Lost Little Prince Kingdoms Marco Polo Tudor MonDogs Farm astery Dogs/Jobs Park Rivers Working Can. Rivers Hiroshima Park ” Working Wild Kratts Foyle’s War HopePrince for Little ” Wildlife Little Prince ” Lost Marco Park Polo Kingdoms Dogs Silk Tudor MonDogs/Jobs astery”Farm Rivers of a Death Park Rivers Can. Sea Monster Working Park Foyle’s War Hiroshima Working ”” Hope for Foyle’s War Wildlife ” Lost ” Kingdoms Park Tudor MonSilk astery”Farm

Paid Prog. Rescue Paid Prog. Miracle of Cash Cab Israel Cab Cash Paid Prog. News IndyCar World News Racing: KOMO 4 Firestone News Grand Prix Funny Home of St. Videos Petersburg Rescue Once Upon Paid Prog. Miracle a Time of Paid Prog. Israel Resurrection Cash Cab Paid Prog. ” Cash Cab IndyCar Revenge News Racing: World ”News Firestone News KOMO Prix 4 Grand Red NewsCarpet of St. Castle Funny Home Petersburg Videos” Paid Prog. Once Upon Paid Prog. a Time Cash Cab Resurrection Cash Cab ” News Revenge World ”News

Duck D. BatesD. Motel Duck ” Duck D. Storage Duck D. Storage Duck D. Storage Duck D. Storage Duck Storage Dynasty Storage Duck D. Storage Duck D. Storage BatesD. Motel Duck Duck D. ” Duck D. Duck D. Storage Duck D. Duck D. Storage Duck Duck D. D. Storage Duck Duck D. Storage Dynasty Duck D. Storage Duck Duck D. Storage Duck D. Dynasty Storage Duck Duck D. D. Storage Duck Duck D. D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Duck D. Duck D. Dynasty

Rules Kids’ Choice Movie: SpongeBob “Imagine Sam & Cat That” Hathaways ” Thunder ” Assembly Movie: Japanizi “The Iron Diary of a Giant” Wimpy Kid: ” Rodrick Kids’ Choice Chucks Rules SpongeBob The Next Movie: Sam -&Super. Cat Star “Imagine Hathaways Cache That” Craze Thunder Mr. Young ” Assembly Boys ” Japanizi Mr. Young Movie: Diary of a Boys “The Iron Wimpy Kid: The Iron Giant” Rodrick Giant ” Rules Chucks Movie: The Next “Imagine Star - Super. That” Cache Craze ” Mr. Young Boys ”

Doc Zone CBC News ” CBC News the fifth Now With estate Christine The Nature Birak of Things ” The National ” ” ” The ” Passionate Marketplace CBC News Eye Doc Zone CBC News ” ” NowNational With The the fifth Christine estate” Birak The The Nature ” Passionate of Things ” Eye The National ””” ” The National The Marketplace ” Passionate Doc Zone Eye ” ” the fifth The National estate ” The The Nature of Things Passionate

Cash Cab Dangerous Cash Cab Flights Manufact. Licence to Manufact. Drill: Louis. Naked and Bering Un. Sea Afraid: Gold Naked and Cold Water Afraid Cowboys Naked After Street Dark Outlaws Dangerous Bear Grylls: Cash Cab Flights ” Cash Cab Licenceand to Naked Manufact. Drill: Louis. Afraid: Un. Manufact. Bering Sea Naked Naked and and Gold Afraid Afraid: Un. Cold Water Naked After Naked and Cowboys Dark Afraid StreetGrylls: Bear Naked After Outlaws Dark ” Cash Cab Bear Grylls: Cash Cab ” Manufact. Naked and Manufact. Afraid: Un. Naked Naked and and Afraid: Afraid Un.

ThisMinute NASCAR 30 Rock Racing Trout TV cont’d: Livin’ Dream Sprint Cup: Two Men STP 500 Big Bang ” Two Men ” Big Bang ” Burgers Got Pain? Amer. Dad 30 Rock NASCAR Simpsons ThisMinute Racing Family Guy 30 Rock cont’d: CosmosTrout TV Sprint Cup: Space Livin’ Dream STP 500 News Two Men ” Bones Big Bang ”” Two Men ” TMZ Big Bang Got Pain? ” Burgers 30 Rock Paid Prog. Amer. Dad ThisMinute Simpsons 30 Rock Family Guy Trout TV CosmosLivin’ Dream Space Two Men News Big Bang Bones

” CBC News Movie:” Heartland “Cooking ” With Stella”

CBS News KIRO News KIRO News News KIRO 60 Minutes Face/Nation ” Paid Prog.

News Final Hour News Block ” Burgers Paid Prog. Amer. Dad Paid Prog.

Men’sCentral Final MLB ”” ” Oil Change ””

Duck Duck D. Dynasty Duck D. Duck Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. D. Duck D. Duck D.

The Eye National ”” The The National Passionate ” Eye ”

Naked Naked and After Afraid Dark Naked After Bear Grylls: Dark ” Bear Grylls: ”

Two Men ” Big TMZBang Burgers ” Amer. Dad Paid Prog.

The Amazing Simpsons Race Family Guy

KOMO 4 News NewsCarpet Red Funny Castle Home Videos” Once Upon a Time

Movie: Mr. Young “The Boys Iron Giant” The Iron Giant ”

Figure Skating

Park of a Death Working Sea Monster Hiroshima Foyle’s War ”” Foyle’s War ”

The 2014 Juno Awards ” ”

News CTV News The View

” ”



IndyCar Racing



The Good Wife

KIRO News The Price Is Right Face/Nation Paid Prog. Young &

Sea Monster Ella the Ele. Jelly Jamm Foyle’s War ” G. Shrinks

Red Carpet The View Castle” KOMO” 4



CHAN ( News Final

” ”


The Good Wife

The National The ” Mentalist CBC News Movie: Bookaboo


” Park

A&E 1

Resurrection Duck D. ” Duck D.

Revenge SNP Silk KNOW KOMO ” ” * ` MLB) Central Death of a News Sportsnet Connected

A&E 1


Chucks The Next



Star - Super. The National Naked and Cache Craze ” Afraid: Un.




Duck Dynasty

Mr. Young Boys

The Passionate

Naked and Afraid

Duck D. Duck D. Criminal

Mr. Young Boys Invasion


Naked After Dark Auction

MindsD. Duck Duck D. Criminal

Almost The Iron Giant Flamingo





MLB Baseball:

Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Blue Jays Blue Jays

PAW Patrol The Chew Bucket-Dino ”

The First 48 ”

Kid vs. Kat Sidekick

CBC News Now With

Boston Red Sox at

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Republic of Doyle

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

MLB Baseball:

Wibbly Pig Dragon

General Hospital

The First 48 ”

Rated A for Monster

Reshmi Nair Deadliest ” Catch

Baltimore Orioles Motoring SportsCentre PBA Bowling ” ” Hockey NBA ”

The Talk ” The Queen Doctors The Latifah” Show Fresh & Young Debt/Part Restless

Dr. Phil ” The View Bethenny ”” The Marilyn Ellen DeGeDenis Show neres Show

Steven and Chris Bookaboo Best Recipes Doodlebops Stefano Our Dragons’ Vancouver Den

NEWS Power & 7 Politics

DISC Manufact. 9 Manufact.

The Price Is ThisMinute Right ThisMinute Young Judy & Judge Restless Judge Judy

The Queen Doctors The Latifah” Show Fresh Young & Debt/Part Restless

Sportsnet Tampa Bay Connected Rays HockeyCenSportsnet tral Connected

Ella the Ele. Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm Jamm Jelly G. Shrinks Maya Bee Clifford-Dog Arthur

The View The Dr. Oz Show ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News

Criminal The First 48 Minds” Criminal Duck D. MindsD. Duck

Invasion Sidekick Almost Squirrel Flamingo SpongeBob Squirrel Bread

CBC News ” Now With ”

Auction How/Made Auction How/Made Airplane Daily Planet Repo ”

MLB Basketball: Baseball: Toronto

Noon News News Hour ”

CTV News News CTV at Five”

Blue Jays World Poker Blue Jays Tour

PAW Patrol Martha Bucket-Dino Wild Kratts

The Social CTV News ”” Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang Bethenny MasterChef The View ” Canada ” Ellen DeGeThe The Marilyn neres Show Following Denis Show CTV News Castle CTV News at Five ”” CTV News News-Lisa The Social ” CTV News ” etalk Daily Show Dr. Phil Big Bang Seth Meyers ” MasterChef Bethenny Canada ” The

Days of our News Hour Lives ”

Let’s Make a Ent Deal The Insider ThisMinute How I Met Is The Price ThisMinute Your RightMother Judge Judy Friends-Lives Young & Judge Judy Mom Restless KIRO News Intelligence KIRO News KIRO News Bold ” KIRO News KIRO News The CBSTalk News Late Show ” Ent Letterman Let’sInsider Make a The Ferguson Deal How I Met ThisMinute Your Mother ThisMinute Friends-Lives Mom Judge Judy Judge Judy Intelligence

The Talk Ent ” ET Canada

MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Connected Toronto Blue Edge of Jays at Space Tampa Bay Edge of Sportsnet Rays Space Connected Sportsnet Canucks TV HockeyCenConnected Blue tral Jays World Poker Sportsnet Blue Jays Tour Connected Blue Jays Sportsnet Hockey MLB Connected Ski TV Baseball: Edge of Oil Change Toronto Blue Space ” Jays at Edge of Tampa Space Bay Rays Canucks TV

Wibbly Pig Animals Dragon Animals Ella the Ele. Hope for Rob Robot Wildlife Dive, Olly Tudor MonElla the Ele. Jelly Jamm astery Farm Jelly Jamm Maya Bee Eye for G. Shrinks Arthur Architecture Clifford-Dog Martha Architects PAW Patrolof Wild Kratts Change Bucket-Dino Animals Hope for Wibbly Pig Animals Wildlife Dragon Hope for Eye for Ele. Ella the Wildlife Architecture Rob Robot Tudor MonDive, asteryOlly Farm Jelly Jamm Eye for

The Chew News World ”News General4 KOMO Hospital News

The First Duck D. 48 ” Duck D.

Days ofNat. our Global Lives News CHBC The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Queen Bones The Doctors Latifah Show ”” Young & Remedy Fresh Restless ” Debt/Part News The Blacklist Noon News ” ” Hour Global Nat. CHBC Days our CHBCofNews News Final Lives Ent ET TheCanada Talk ET Canada The Test ” Bones The Queen ” Latifah Show Remedy

KIRO News News KIRO Bold News KIRO The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News

Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global

Boston Red Raptors at Sox at Heat Miami Baltimore SportsCentre Orioles ” SportsCentre ” Motoring ” That’s Hcky PBA Bowling Hockey World ”Poker NBA Tour ” Basketball: SportsCentre MLB Toronto ” Baseball: Raptors at SportsCentre Boston Red Miami Heat Sox at” SportsCentre SportsCentre Baltimore ” ” Orioles ” SportsCentre That’s Hcky ” World Poker

CBC News News CBC Now News CBC Republic of CBC News DoyleMercer Rick

” at Raptors Miami Heat SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ”

Steven and George S Chris Coronation Best Recipes Murdoch Bookaboo Stefano Mysteries Doodlebops Dragons’ Mr. D Our Den Ron James Vancouver CBC News The National CBC CBC News News Now ” CBC News CBC News Republic of Rick Mercer George Doyle S George S 22 Minutes Steven and Coronation Coronation Chris Murdoch Best Recipes Mysteries Stefano Mr. D Following Ron James Young”& Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Restless neres Show The Den National The Blacklist Castle ” ” News ” CTV News CBC News at Five CBC News News CHBC” News News-Lisa CBC Final CTV News George S Global Nat. CBC News CHBC News Daily Show ” Rick Mercer ET Canada 22 Minutes The Test Seth Meyers George Coronation Ent etalk S ET Canada Big Bang Coronation

” That’s Hcky

Bones ”

World Poker Remedy Tour ”


Big Bang Carib. Big Bang Movie: Big Bang “Pirates of Mod Fam the Mod Fam Caribbean: Movie: Dead Man’s “Eight Chest” Below” King ” King Pirates” Big Bang Carib. Seinfeld Big Bang Movie: The Closer Big Bangof “Pirates ” Big Bang the Seinfeld Mod Fam Caribbean: Movie: Mod Fam Dead Man’s “American Movie: Chest” Wedding” “Eight King ” Below” King There ”Yet? Big Bang ” Big Bang Seinfeld Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Mod Fam Seinfeld Mod Fam Movie:


Sportsnet Premier Connected League MLB Central Darts ” UFC Fights ATP Tennis: MLB Central Sony Open: ” Men’s Final Blue Jays ” Plays/Month ” Red Bull X ” Fighters Premier IndyCar Sportsnet League Racing Connected Darts ” MLB Central UFC Fights ”” MLB Central Sportsnet ATP Tennis: ” Connected Sony Open: Blue Jays MLB Central Men’s Final Plays/Month ”” RedChange Bull X Oil ” Fighters ”” Sportsnet IndyCar Connected Racing MLB Central ” ” ” ATP Tennis: Sportsnet Sony Open: Connected

” CBC News NowNational With Auction The Bear Grylls: ” Carole” Airplane MacNeil Repo

” Basketball: Toronto SportsCentre


Wedding Wedding My Five Gypsy Wives Wedding Medium Gypsy Medium Wedding Medium Gypsy Medium Wedding My Five Gypsy Wives Wedding Gypsy Medium Gypsy Wedding Medium Wedding Gypsy My Five My Five Wedding Wives Wives Gypsy Medium Medium Wedding Medium Medium Gypsy My Five Medium Wedding Wives Medium Gypsy Paid Prog. My Five Wedding Paid Prog. Wives Gypsy Medium Wedding Medium My Five My Five Wives Wives Medium Medium Medium Medium


Ice Pilots Block ” Lorna Dueck TV-Torrens Joel Osteen Simpsons Canadian Simpsons News Hour Global Nat. PGA Tour News Hour Golf: Valero ” Texas Open, Burgers Final Round Amer. Dad ” Block Simpsons Ice Pilots Lorna Dueck Family Guy ” Joel Osteen CosmosTV-Torrens Canadian Space Simpsons News Hour The Good Simpsons PGA Tour Wife Global Nat. Golf: Valero News News Final Hour Texas Open, Block ” Final Prog. Round Paid Burgers ” Paid Prog. Amer. Dad Ice Pilots Simpsons ” Family Guy TV-Torrens CosmosSimpsons Space Simpsons The Good Global Nat. Wife

Block ” The Doctors Sportsnet ” Connected Paid Prog. Oil Change Paid ” FreshProg. HockeyCenDebt/Part tral

Tour Hockey NBA SportsCentre



” Final Four Post Game 2014 NCAA Pets.TV Basketball KIRO News Tournament KIRO News ” CBS News ” KIRO News ” 60 Minutes 2014 NCAA ” Basketball Road to the The Amazing Tournament Final Four Race ” 2014Good NCAA The Post Game Basketball Wife Pets.TV Tournament The KIRO ”News Mentalist KIRO News ”News KIRO CBS News ” KIRO KIRO News News 2014 NCAA Face/Nation 60 Minutes Basketball Paid Prog. ” Tournament The Amazing ” Race Post Game The Good Pets.TV Wife KIRO News The KIRO News Mentalist

” Doodlebops The 2014 “Cooking Juno Awards With The Marilyn Our Stella” Denis Show Vancouver



” Marketplace Recipe to Our Riches Vancouver Movie: Land & Sea “Hercules” Mansbridge ” Q With Jian ” Ghomeshi Heartland Figure ” Skating Coronation Figure ” Marketplace Skating ” Our ” Recipe to Vancouver Riches” LandNational & Sea The Movie: Mansbridge ” “Hercules” Q With Jian CBC News ” Ghomeshi Movie: ” Figure “Cooking Heartland Skating With Stella” ” ” Figure ” Skating Recipe to ” Riches ” Movie: The National “Hercules” ”

SportsCentre The Good ” Wife

SportsCentre News Final ” Block Motoring The Doctors PBA Bowling Paid Prog. ” SportsCentre Paid ”” FreshProg.



Steele Handyman W5 Kevin ”Newman Live MasterChef Movie: Canada “Two Weeks CTV News Notice” ” ” Once Upon The Social a Time Movie Night Worst The Amazing First Story Handyman Race Steele Kevin NewThe 2014 W5 man Juno Live Awards ” Movie:” MasterChef “Two Weeks ” Canada Notice” News CTV News ” CTV News ” The 2014 Social The Once Upon Movie Night Juno Awards a Time First Story The Amazing Steele Race W5 The 2014 ” Juno Awards MasterChef ” Canada ”

Rangers at GlobalFinal Nat. CTV News SportsCentre News News Oilers ” CHBC News CTV News ” Block ” Burgers Once Upon SportsCentre Paid Prog. The 2014 SportsCentre Amer. Dad a Time ” Paid Prog. Juno Awards ” Simpsons The Amazing ” Family Guy Race That’s Hcky ”

” (

Movie Night

March 26,Tournament 2014 rLake Country ” Calendar Ice PilotsWednesday, First Story ” :00 Road to the Block Worst Coronation Road to the

KIRO CHAN Let’s Make a The Talk _ ( Deal ”



The Queen Bones The Doctors Latifah Show ”” Young & Remedy Fresh Restless ” Debt/Part Early News The Blacklist Noon GlobalNews Nat. Hour ” News Hour News Days of our ”Hour Final Lives Ent ET TheCanada Talk ET Canada The Test ” Bones The Queen ” Latifah Show Remedy Young”& Restless The Blacklist

KIRO ”News KIRO News News KIRO Late KIROShow News CBS News Letterman Ferguson Ent The Insider

” Early News GlobalHour Nat. News Final News Hour ” ET Canada The Test Ent ET Canada

Bones ”

SNP KNOW KOMO Toronto Blue Ella the Ele. The Doctors ) * ` Jays at Rob Robot ”

A&E The First 48 1 ”

The First 48 Bates Motel ”” The First 48 Bates Motel ” ” The Dr. Oz The First 48 Dancing Bates Motel The View Criminal Show ” With the ” Minds” KOMO 4 Duck D. Stars Duck D. KOMO Criminal News 4 Duck D. Duck News ” MindsD. News Duck D. Castle Bates Motel The Chew The First World News Duck D. 48 ”” ”” KOMO 4 Bates Motel News Bates General The First 48 News ”Motel Jimmy ”” Hospital Wheel Bates Motel Kimmel Live Bates The Doctors The First 48 Jeopardy! ”Motel Nightline ”” ” Dancing Bates Motel The The First 48 WithDr. theOz ” Show ” Stars Duck D. Blue Jays Architecture Duck D. Sportsnet Maya Bee KOMO” 4 Connected Arthur News Duck D. Sportsnet Architects of Castle Bates Motel Connected ” World Poker Change Martha News ” Duck D. Tour Wild Kratts World News Bates Duck D. Hockey Hope for News Motel Ski TV Wildlife Jimmy Sportsnet Animals KOMO 4 Bates ”Motel Connected Animals News ” Oil Change Eye for Kimmel Live Bates Motel ” Architecture Nightline Edge of Hope for Wheel Bates ”Motel Space Wildlife Jeopardy! ”


KNOW The KOMO Doctors Wheel ” * ` Jeopardy!

A&E 1

YTV Kid vs. Kat 6 League/Evil

Carole Lang & MacNeil O’Leary Kid vs. Kat CBC News News Odd Parents CBC Sidekick Now With SpongeBob ” Rated&ACat for Reshmi Nair Sam The National Monster Assembly ””


Kid vs. Kat Hathaways League/Evil Thunder Sidekick Japanizi Invasion Squirrel Babysitting Almost SpongeBob Gags Flamingo Bread Gags Squirrel Odd Parents Babysitting Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Splatalot Sidekick Sam & Cat Mr. Young Rated A for Assembly Boys Monster Hathaways Gags Kid vs. Kat Thunder Gags League/Evil Japanizi Sidekick Babysitting Squirrel Gags Gags SpongeBob Bread Babysitting


Power & CBC News Politics ” ” The CBCNational News ” ” Now With Lang & The National Carole O’Leary ” MacNeil CBC News CBC CBC News News ” ” Now With The National The National Reshmi ” Nair ”” CBC News Lang Power& ”& O’Leary Politics The National ” ” The National ” Lang & O’Leary CBC News

Splatalot ” Odd Parents CBC News SpongeBob ” Mr. Young The National Boys ” Sam & Cat The National Assembly ” Gags Lang & Gags O’Leary Hathaways CBC News Thunder ”


KAYU ; ”

News Bones





Medium Medium

Seinfeld Movie:

My Five Wives 19 Kids

“American Wedding” Divorce

TMZ 30 Rock Paid Prog. 19 Kids Divorce ” Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Family Feud Paid Little Prog. Couple There Judge Yet? Alex Family Feud Little Couple Judge Alex

Super Why!


King King

Railway Journeys

KING 5 News

Law & Order: SVU

Four Weddings

Community Community

Kevin Rick Steves

Days of our

30 Rock Steve Paid Prog. Harvey Family Feud Bethenny Family” Feud

19 Kids Medium 19 Kids Medium LittleLittle Couple The Little Couple Couple

Divorce The Middle Divorce Mod Fam Judge Alex Big Bang Judge Alex Big Bang

Sesame Peg Plus Cat Street Sid Science Daniel Tiger Wild Kratts Super Why! WordGirl

Today Katie cont’d ”

FourLittle The Weddings Couple

King Browns King Payne

Railway Business Journeys World News

New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING 5 5 KING News News

FourLittle The Weddings Couple Medium The Little Medium Couple Medium The Little 19 Kids Medium Couple 19 Kids The Little The Little Little Couple Couple Couple Little Couple The Little The Little Four Couple Couple Weddings The Little The Little Four Couple Couple Weddings The Little Peter Popoff Medium Couple Paid Prog. Medium The Little Medium Couple Medium The Little

Community Browns Community Payne Seinfeld Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld The Middle Family Guy Divorce Mod Fam Family DivorceGuy Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Alex Big Bang Amer. Judge Dad Alex Browns Jeffersons King Payne Jeffersons King Browns Movie: Community Payne “The Time Community Mod Fam Machine” Seinfeld ” The Middle Family Guy The Middle Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad

Kevin PBS Rick Steves NewsHour Charlie Rose Old House ” Antiques Peg Plus Cat Antiques Sesame Sid Science Roadshow Street Wild Kratts Antiques Daniel Tiger WordGirl Roadshow Super Why! Business Independent Railway World News Lens Journeys PBS ” Kevin NewsHour POV Rick Steves Old House ” Rose Charlie Antiques ”” Antiques Peg Plus Cat Roadshow Sid Science Antiques

Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News Dr. Phil News ” Evening Katie The Voice Today ” cont’d ” Ellen DeGe” New neresDay Show ” Northwest KING 5 The Blacklist KING 5 News News ” Nightly News KING News Days our News of Tonight Lives News Show Dr. Phil Evening Seth Meyers ” The Voice Katie ” ””

KAYU Family Feud ; Family Feud

Dude, You’re Simpsons ThisMinute How/Made Screwed ThisMinute Manufact. Two Men Deadliest Law Men & Bering Sea Two Catch Order: SVU Gold Mod Fam


TLC Medium < Medium


WTBS Seinfeld A The Middle


Couple The Little Couple The Little

Amer. Dad Big Bang Big Bang Jeffersons

Gold How/Made Manufact. How/Made

Mod Fam Simpsons Two Arsenio Men The

Couple The Little Couple The Little

Jeffersons Browns Payne Movie:

Roadshow ” Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeWordGirl neres Show Independent The Blacklist Lens Business KING ”5 World ”News KING News News

Manufact. Bering Sea Gold Sea Bering Gold Sea Bering Gold

Hall Two Show Men Mod Fam TMZ Sunny Big Bang Big Bang

Couple The Little Couple Peter Popoff Paid Little Prog. The Couple

“The Time Browns Payne Machine” ” Mod Fam Seinfeld

POV PBS NewsHour ” ” Old House Antiques

Tonight Nightly News News Show Seth Meyers News Evening

The Voice ”

Tudor Monastery Farm

Dancing With the

Bates Motel ”

Japanizi Babysitting

The National How/Made ” How/Made

Bones ”

The Little Couple

Family Guy Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow


CHAN The Blacklist ” (

Duck D. Duck D.

Gags Gags

The National Bering Sea ” Gold

The Following

The Little Couple

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Antiques Roadshow

KCTS Independent Lens N

KING The Blacklist ” P

News Hour The Doctors Final ” ET Canada Fresh The Test Debt/Part

Hockey Sportsnet Ski TV Connected Oil Change Rise as One ” UEFA

Hope for Ella the Ele. Wildlife Jelly Jamm Eye for G. Shrinks Architecture Clifford-Dog

News The View Jimmy ” Kimmel Live KOMO 4 Nightline News

Bates Motel Criminal ” Minds Bates Motel Criminal ” Minds

Mr. Young Invasion Boys Spliced Gags Flamingo Gags Squirrel

The National How/Made CBC News Auction ” Manufact. Now With Auction Lang & Bering Sea Carole How/Made O’Leary Gold MacNeil Manufact.

The Arsenio 30 Rock Hall Show Paid Prog. TMZ Family Feud Sunny Family Feud

The Little 19 Kids Couple 19 Kids Peter Popoff 19 Kids and Paid Prog. Counting

Movie: Divorce “The Time Divorce Machine” Judge Alex ” Judge Alex

” Sesame POV Street ” Daniel Tiger ” Super Why!

KING News Today Tonight cont’d Show New Day Seth Meyers Northwest

Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Republic of Doyle

The Talk ”

Soccer ”

Wibbly Pig Dragon

Off Record Interruption World Poker Tour SportsCentre ” Curling ” Hockey Boxing: ” ” Julio Cesar

The Talk ” The Doctors ” The Queen Latifah Fresh Show Debt/Part Young & Restless Noon News Hour News

Dr. Phil ” The View ” Bethenny ” The Marilyn Denis Show Ellen DeGeneres Show CTV News ” CTV News

Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is Right ThisMinute ThisMinute Young & Restless Judge Judy Judge Judy KIRO News Bold News KIRO

The Talk ” The Doctors ” The Queen Latifah Fresh Show Debt/Part Young & Restless Noon News Hour News Early

Hockeycentral at Noon Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet Connected Rise as One UEFA MLB Baseball: Champions League Blue Toronto

Chavez ” Jr. ” vs. Bryan

at Five The Social ” CTV News

KIRO News The Talk KIRO ”News

GlobalofNat. Days our Lives News Hour

Jays at Soccer Tampa” Bay

Vera Off Record Interruption NHL

” our Days of Lives Nat. Global CHBC News The Talk ” Ent

Steven and Chris Bookaboo Doodlebops Best Recipes Stefano Heartland ” Dragons’ Den CBC News Now News CBC CBC News Republic of Doyle CBC News


Days of our Lives

Hockey: SportsCentre ” Rangers at World Poker Hockey Canucks Tour Boxing: ” Curling Julio Cesar SportsCentre ” Jr. Chavez SportsCentre ”” vs. Bryan Vera ” SportsCentre NHL ”” ” Hockey: SportsCentre Off Record Rangers ” at Canucks Interruption

ET Canada The Queen Latifah Show NCIS The Doctors Young ”& ” Restless NCIS: Los Fresh News Angeles Debt/Part ” Chicago Fire Noon GlobalNews ” Nat. Hour CHBC News News Hour Days Ent of our Final Lives ET Canada ET Canada The Talk NCIS The Test ”

News-Lisa The View CTV News ” Daily Show The Marilyn Seth Meyers Denis Show

” Dr. Phil

Rick Mercer Steven and

etalk ” Big Bang Bethenny ” Agents of The EllenView DeGeS.H.I.E.L.D. neres ”Show Goldbergs The CTVMarilyn News Trophy Wife Denis at FiveShow Person of CTV News Interest ” News-Lisa The etalkSocial CTV News ” Big Bang Daily Show Dr. Phil Agents of Seth Meyers S.H.I.E.L.D. ”

Chris George S Coronation Best Recipes Stefano Rick Mercer Bookaboo Dragons’ 22 Minutes Doodlebops Den Arctic Air Heartland CBC News ” ” CBC News The National CBC News ” Now Rick Mercer CBC News Republic George Sof Doyle Coronation 22 Minutes Steven and Rick Mercer Coronation 22 Minutes Chris

” NCIS: Los Goldbergs SportsCentre The Queen Bethenny SportsCentre AngelesShow Trophy” Wife ” Latifah


ArcticRecipes Air NCIS: Los Best ThisMinute ” Angeles Stefano ThisMinute

A&E Bates Motel ” 1

YTV Babysitting Splatalot 6

NEWS CBC News ” 7

KNOW KOMO * ` The Doctors

Law & Order: SVU

19 Kids 19 Kids

Community Community

Greener Coal

Days of our Lives

Ella the Ele. Rob Robot Ella the Ele. Jelly Jamm Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm G. Shrinks Clifford-Dog Maya Bee Arthur PAW Patrol Bucket-Dino Martha

A&E 1

Reshmi Nair Bering Sea ” Gold

” The View ” Oz The Dr. Show KOMO 4 News KOMO 4 News The Chew News ”

The First 48 ” Criminal Minds Storage Storage Criminal Minds Storage Storage The First 48 ” Storage

Kid vs. Kat League/Evil Invasion Spliced Sidekick Squirrel Flamingo Squirrel SpongeBob Chucks Kid vs. Kat Sidekick Odd Parents

Power & Politics CBC News Now With ” Carole” MacNeil Lang & O’Leary CBC News Now With CBC News

Highway Thru Hell Auction Auction How/Made How/Made How/Made Manufact. Daily Planet Bering” Sea Gold Next What

Family Feud Family Feud 30 Rock Paid Prog. Steve Harvey Family Feud Family Feud Bethenny ” ThisMinute ThisMinute Simpsons

19 Kids 19 19 Kids Kids 19 Kids Kids and 19 Counting 19 Kids and Counting 19 Kids 19 Kids and Counting 19 Kids and

Seinfeld The Middle Divorce Divorce The Middle Mod Fam Judge Alex Judge Alex Big Bang Big KingBang King Browns

Charlie Rose ” Sesame Street Peg Plus Cat Sid Science Daniel Tiger Super Why! Wild Kratts WordGirl Nature ” Business

Dr. Phil Today ” cont’d Katie ” New Day Northwest Ellen DeGeneres Show KING 5 News 5 KING

Wild Kratts Wibbly Pig Dragon Hope for

World News General Hospital KOMO 4

Storage The First 48 ” Storage

What Next Bering Sea Gold Licence to

Two Men Law & Order: SVU Two Men

Counting 19 Kids 19 19 Kids Kids and

Payne Community Community Browns

World News Greener Coal PBS

News of our Days Lives Nightly News

Rays Hockeycen-

Wildlife Ella the Ele.

tral at Noon MLB Baseball: Sportsnet Connected Mariners at Sportsnet MLB Angels Connected Baseball: ” Rise as One Toronto ” Blue UEFA Jays at Sportsnet Champions Tampa Bay Connected League Rays Hockey Soccer MLB Plays/Month ” Baseball: World Poker HockeycenMariners at Tour Angels tral at Noon

Rob Robot Marine Machines Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm For King and Ella the Ele. Maya Bee Empire Jelly Jamm Arthur Emergency G. Shrinks Martha ” Clifford-Dog Wild Kratts Movie: PAW Patrol Hope for “Armadillo” Bucket-Dino Wildlife Marine Wibbly Marine Pig Machines Dragon Machines Emergency Ella the For King and ” Ele. Empire Rob Robot

News The Doctors Storage The First 48 ” Barry’d

SpongeBob ” Nair Rated A for Reshmi Monster ” Cache Craze The National Japanizi Kid vs. Kat Power”& League/Evil Politics The Next CBC News

Storage Storage Agents of Storage The View Criminal KOMO 4 S.H.I.E.L.D. Storage Minds News ” Storage Goldbergs Storage KOMO 4 Criminal News Wife Trophy Storage News World News Minds Storage Mind Games Storage The Chew The First 48 KOMO Storage ”4 ” News ” Storage News Barry’d General The First 48 Wheel Barry’d Jimmy Storage Hospital ” Jeopardy! Storage Kimmel Live Storage The Doctors The First 48 Agents of Storage Nightline Storage S.H.I.E.L.D. Storage ” ”

Star - Super. Sidekick Squirrel Mr. Young Invasion SpongeBob Boys Spliced Chucks Gags Flamingo Odd Parents Gags Squirrel SpongeBob Babysitting Kid vs. Craze Kat Cache Splatalot Sidekick Japanizi Mr. Young Rated A for The Next Boys Monster Star - Super. Gags Kid vs. Kat Mr. Young Gags Boys League/Evil

The National CBC Lang News & ” Now With O’Leary The National Carole CBC News ” MacNeil ” CBC News CBC News The National ” Now With ” The National Reshmi CBC News ” Nair ” Lang & Power & The National O’Leary ” Politics

NCIS: Los ” The Queen Sportsnet AngelesShow Connected ” Latifah

Emergency Dive, Olly ” Jelly Jamm

Goldbergs The Dr. Oz Trophy Wife Show

Gags Sidekick Gags Squirrel

Movie: Maya Bee “Armadillo” Arthur Marine Martha Machines Wild Kratts Emergency Ella the Hope forEle. ” Jelly Jamm Wildlife

Mind Games Storage KOMO 4 Storage Barry’d Storage Storage Storage Kimmel The View Criminal KOMO 4Live Storage Storage Nightline Storage Minds News ” Storage

Babysitting SpongeBob Splatalot Chucks Mr. OddYoung Parents Boys SpongeBob Gags Invasion Cache Craze Gags Spliced Japanizi

KOMO 4 Wheel News Jeopardy!

Criminal Barry’d Minds Storage

Flamingo Carole The Next CBC News Squirrel Star - Super. MacNeil ”


ET Canada The Queen Latifah Show NCIS The Doctors Young ”& ” Restless NCIS: Los Fresh Early News Angeles Debt/Part Global Nat. Chicago Fire Noon News News ”Hour Hour ” News Hour Days Ent of our Final Lives ET Canada ET Canada The Talk NCIS The Test ”


” KNOW Wheel KOMO Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz * ` Show

A&E 1

Storage Storage



Nature ”


The National Licence to ” How/Made Drill: Louis. ” How/Made

Mindy Steve Mindy Harvey

Little Couple Amer. Dad 19 Kids and The Middle Little Couple Mod Amer. Dad Counting Fam

StoryPlus of Cat Katie About a Boy Peg Jews Sid Science Growing ” Up

CBC Lang News & ” O’Leary

Cold Daily Water Planet Cowboys ” Bering Sea What Next Gold What Next What Next Auction Licence to What Next Auction Drill: Louis.

News Bethenny Mod Fam ” The Arsenio Simpsons Hall Two Show Men TMZ 30 Rock Two Men Sunny Paid Fam Prog. Mod

19 Kids and Counting 19 Kids 19 19 Kids Kids and 19 Kids Counting

Story of Wild Kratts Jews WordGirl Afropop: Business Cultural World News Super Brain Sesame PBS Street” NewsHour

WhatWater Next Cold What Next Cowboys

Family Feud Little Couple Mod Judge Alex Big Bang Fam Family Feud Little Little Couple Couple Seinfeld Judge Alex Big Bang

Daniel Tiger News New Day Rick Steves Super Why! Northwest Outd’r Idaho Evening The This KING 5 Story of Old The Voice House Hour News ” Jews


Family Feud Big Bang Big Bang Steve Harvey Glee 30 Rock Bethenny ” Paid Prog. ” Mindy Family Feud Simpsons Mindy Family Feud Two Men News ThisMinute Two Men Mod Fam ThisMinute Mod Fam The Arsenio Law & Big Bang Hall Show Order: SVU Big Bang TMZ Family Glee Feud Sunny ” Family Feud



The National Person of Dragons’ Judge Judy Interest Den ” Judge Judy CBC KIRO CBC News News KIRO News News George S Late CBC News KIROShow News Daily Show 22 Minutes Letterman The View Bookaboo The Price Is CTV News CBC News KIRO News Seth Meyers Coronation Doodlebops RightNews ” Rick Mercer Ferguson CBS

Chicago Young & Fire Sportsnet MLB ” Connected Restless Baseball: News Hour Hockey Early News Toronto Blue Final Plays/Month Global Nat. Jays at ET World Poker TheCanada Doctors HockeycenNews Hour Tampa Bay The Test Tour tral at Noon ” Rays

Curling NHL ” Hockey:

Fresh Ent Debt/Part ET Canada

The Marilyn etalk Denis Show Big Bang

Heartland George S ” Coronation

Young & Ent Restless The Insider

Fresh Ent Debt/Part ET Canada

Plays/Month Marine G. Shrinks MLB UEFA Clifford-Dog Baseball: Machines

” at Rangers ” Canucks

Noon News NCIS Hour ”

CTV News Agents of ” S.H.I.E.L.D.

CBC Mercer News Rick Now 22 Minutes

KIRO News NCIS Bold ”

Noon News NCIS Hour ”

Champions Mariners at League Angels

PAWKing Patrol The Chew For and Agents of Bucket-Dino S.H.I.E.L.D. ” Empire

The First 48 Storage ” Storage

Kid Young vs. Kat Mr. Sidekick Boys

CBCNational News LicenceSea to The Bering Now With Drill: Louis. ” Gold

ThisMinute Glee ThisMinute ”

Four 19 Kids and Weddings Counting

”” Days of our NCIS: Los ” Lives SportsCentre Angeles

The Social Goldbergs ” Trophy Wife

Republic Arctic Air of Doyle ”

The Talk NCIS: Los ” Angeles

Days of our NCIS: Los Lives Angeles

Soccer ” ”

Wibbly Pig Emergency Dragon ”

The First 48 Storage ” Storage

Rated A for Gags Monster Gags

Reshmi Nair Licence Cold Water The National to ” Cowboys ” Drill: Louis.

Law & Mindy Order: SVU Mindy

Four Couple Amer. Community Little Dad Weddings Community Little Couple Amer. Dad

Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil SportsCentre Chicago Fire Person of Interruption ” ”


SportsCentre The Queen Bethenny SportsCentre News ” LatifahHour Show News-Lisa ”

CTV News

” ”


Best Recipes ThisMinute CBC News KIRO News Stefano ThisMinute

George S


Ella the Ele. Movie: Rob Robot


The Queen Sportsnet News Hour Hockey Latifah Show Connected

Dive, Olly Marine Jelly Jamm

Young &

Maya Bee

General Goldbergs Hospital Trophy Wife

A&E 1

The Doctors The First 48 Mind Games Storage ” ”


The Dr. Oz News Show

The First 48 Barry’d ”


Duck D.


Sidekick Mr. Young Squirrel

Kimmel Live Storage News Duck D. Nightline Storage News World News

Duck D. Duck D.

Gags Nerds Gags

Lang & O’Leary O’Leary

CBC News Rick Mercer

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour ”

Tampa Bay Rays

Marine Machines

KOMO 4 News

Duck D. Duck D.

Hathaways Thunder

Early News Global Nat.

Toronto Blue Martha Jays at Wild Kratts



Dangerous Cold Water Flights


” How/Made The National Bering Sea ” How/Made

World Poker Emergency Baseball: Arthur Tour ”



Power & CBC News Politics

Plays/Month Machines MLB


Kid vs. Kat Babysitting League/Evil


The CBCNational News ”” Lang & CBCNational News The O’Leary Now With ”

ET Canada Restless The Test

Judge Judy




CBC News CBC News

Late Show

” KNOW News KOMO News News * ` Jimmy World News

Letterman Judge Judy Ferguson

Ellen DeGe- Dragons’

” Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre CHBC News ”


Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk World Poker The National Person of Chicago Fire Sportsnet Chris Deal ” Tour

Daily Minutes neresShow Show 22 Den Seth Meyers Coronation CTV News at Five



” Rick Steves Outd’r Idaho Peg Plus Cat Sid Science Story of Sesame Wild Kratts Jews Street WordGirl Story of Daniel Tiger Business Jews Super Why! World News Story of Nature PBS Jews ” NewsHour Afropop: Greener Rick Steves Cultural Coal Outd’r Idaho Super Brain Charlie Story of ” Rose Jews ”


Thru Water Hell Cold Cowboys How/Made How/Made Bering Sea Auction Daily Planet Gold Auction ” Licence to How/Made WhatLouis. Next Drill: Manufact. What Next Cold Water Bering LicenceSea to Cowboys Gold Drill: Louis. Bering Sea Bering Sea Cold Water Gold Gold Cowboys What Next Highway BeringNext Sea What Gold Hell Thru

Person of Ellen DeGeInterest neres Show News-Lisa CTV News CTV News at Five



KING 5 News

Mod Fam Payne Family Feud Counting 19 Kids Seinfeld 19 Kids The Middle Little Couple Mod Fam Little Couple Seinfeld 19 Kids and The Middle Counting Fam 19 Kids and Mod Family Guy 19 Divorce 19 Kids Kids Big Bang Counting Family Guy 19 Divorce 19 Kids Kids Big Bang Little Couple Amer. Dad 19 and Judge Alex 19 Kids Kids and Amer. Browns Little Couple Dad Counting Judge Counting Payne Alex 19 Kids and Jeffersons 19 Kids and Jeffersons King Browns Counting Counting King Payne 19 Kids Movie: 19 Kids Little Couple Community Mod Fam 19 Kids “Envy” 19 Kids Little Couple Community Seinfeld Paid Prog. ” 19 Kids and Seinfeld Family” Guy Paid Prog. Counting Family Guy 19 Kids The Middle

NEWS ” 7 ”

Drill: Louis. Highway


King King

” ”

Kid vs. Kat Sidekick


19 Kids and Counting

WTBS Jeffersons Jeffersons A

Rated A for Monster


ThisMinute ThisMinute

TLC The Little Couple <

The First 48 ”


Bering Sea Gold

KAYU News Mod; Fam

The First 48 ”


CBC News Now With

DISC Bering Sea Gold 9

General Hospital


Champions League

KNOW KOMO Architects of Castle Change ” * `

PAW Patrol The Chew Bucket-Dino ”

CBS ” Let’s News Make a The Talk ” Ent

Deal Ent The Insider ThisMinute ThisMinute NCIS The Price Is Judge ”Judy Right Judge Judy NCIS: Los Young & KIRO News Angeles Restless KIRO News Person of KIRO News Interest Bold CBS News KIRO News The Ent Talk Late Show ” The Insider Letterman Let’s NCISMake a Ferguson Deal ”

SNP Sportsnet Connected )

SportsCentre Chicago Hockey Young & Fire ” ” Boxing: Restless SportsCentre News Julio Cesar News Hour ” Jr. Final ” Chavez SportsCentre World Poker ET TheCanada Doctors vs. Bryan Global Nat. The Test Tour ” ” News Vera CHBC


Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Steve Bones 30 Rock Harvey ” Paid Prog. Bethenny The Family” Feud Following Family Feud Simpsons News ThisMinute Two Men Mod Fam ThisMinute Two Men The Law & Mod Arsenio Fam Hall Show Order: SVU Big Bang TMZ Family Feud Big Bang Sunny Family Feud Bones Steve ” Harvey The Following Bethenny News ”

Eye for Architecture

” ”



Manufact. Bering Sea Manufact. Gold How/Made How/Made Auction How/Made How/Made Auction Daily Planet Bering Sea Airplane ” Gold Repo How/Made Bering Sea Dude, You’re Manufact. Gold Screwed Bering Sea How/Made Deadliest Gold Manufact. Catch Bering Sea Bering Sea Manufact. Gold Gold Manufact. How/Made How/Made How/Made Bering Sea Gold Daily Planet Bering” Sea

Edge of Space

” ”

Islanders at Senators

KCTS Lives KING Charlie Rose Dr. Phil N P ” ”

Canucks TV Blue Jays

KIRO News The Price Is Late Show Right Letterman Young & Ferguson Restless

Young &

cont’d Bensinger Paid New Prog. Day

How I Met Your Mother

CBC News Bookaboo George S Doodlebops 22 Minutes Heartland Coronation ”


Street Movie: “Gypsy” Daniel Tiger

Friends-Lives Remedy Mom ”

The National ”

KING News The 206 Today

Mr. D Ron James

CHBC News The Doctors Final ” ET Canada Fresh The Test Debt/Part




Secrets of Selfridges Sesame

Murdoch Mysteries

SportsCentre World Poker ” Tour SportsCentre Curling ” ”

SportsCentre ET Canada Hockey: Restless ” The Test

Dream Builders

The Following

SportsCentre The Blacklist Castle ” ” ”

” KCTS ” N


MasterChef Canada

KIRO Intelligence ” _


Four Weddings

Dude, You’re ThisMinute Screwed ThisMinute


< A13 Gypsy Big Bang the Met LazyTown Gypsy PiratesSid Science NHL

Lang &


Daily Planet

Family Feud News Family Feud

Mod Fam

Steve The Arsenio Harvey

Hall Show Bethenny


Paid Prog. 19 Kids and Paid Prog. Counting

Jeffersons Big Bang Jeffersons Big Bang Movie: Browns “Envy” Payne ” Divorce Browns ” Divorce Payne


King Family Guy King Family Guy

Medium 19 Kids and Medium

Seinfeld Jeffersons The Middle

Medium 19 Kids Medium

The Middle Movie: Mod Fam

To Be

Big Bang ” Big Bang


19 Kids






Evening Katie ” The Voice Today Ellen DeGe” cont’d neres Show About a Boy New KINGDay 5 Up Growing Northwest News Chicago Fire KING Nightly”5 News News KING News Days News of our Tonight Lives Evening Show Dr. ThePhil Voice Seth Meyers ”

Chicago Fire Ellen DeGeneres ”Show KING KING News 5 Tonight News Show Today News Nightly Seth cont’dMeyers News


Lidia Kitchen Days of Story of About a our Boy Joy/Painting Lives Jews Growing Up

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Chicago Fire ”

Story of ” Jews



Super Brain WordGirl ”

Show neres Show Seth Meyers

Peg Plus Cat Katie Afropop: Sid Science KING ”News Wild Kratts

Ellen DeGe-

TMZ ” Sunny

Paid Prog. Announced Paid Prog. My 600-Lb. Life

Browns Payne

The National To Be ” Announced

Two Men Mod Fam

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News News

Odd Parents CBC News SpongeBob ”

What Next ” What Next


NewsHour Charlie Rose News Dr. Phil News ”

To Be Announced

Simpsons Two Men

Business World News

KING 5 News

Ent ET Canada

Big Bang Mixology

George S Coronation

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

MLB Baseball:

Canada ”

Wheel Jeopardy!

Duck D. Duck D.

Assembly Assembly

CBC News ”

Naked and Afraid

Big Bang Big Bang

Dr. G: Caylee

Mod Fam Seinfeld

Field Guide Quest

News Evening

That’s Hcky Off Record

Survivor ”


Dragons’ Den

Survivor ”

Survivor ”

Mariners at Angels

Tea Road to the Sky

The Middle Duck Suburgatory Dynasty

Mr. Young Boys

The National How/Made ” How/Made

American Idol

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Family Guy Family Guy

Nature ”

Law & Order: SVU

World Poker Tour

Engels About a Boy

Criminal Minds

Recipe to Riches

Criminal Minds

Engels About a Boy

Hansel and Gretel

Mod Fam Mixology

Duck D. Duck D.

Gags Gags

The National To Be ” Announced

Dr. G: Caylee

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad


Law & Order: SVU

CSI: Crime Scene

The National CSI: Crime ” Scene

Chicago PD ”

Sportsnet Connected

Nashville ”

Duck D. Duck D.

Babysitting Splatalot

CBC News ”

News Mod Fam

My 600-Lb. Life

Jeffersons Jeffersons

Secrets of the Dead

Chicago PD ”

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hockey Canada Plays/Month ”

News Jimmy

Duck D. Duck D.

Mr. Young Boys

The National Naked and ” Afraid

The Arsenio Hall Show

To Be Announced

Movie: “Fracture”

Quest Brain-

KING News Tonight

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada The Test

Sportsnet Connected

Kimmel Live Nightline

Duck Dynasty

Gags Gags

Lang & O’Leary

TMZ Sunny

Peter Popoff Paid Prog.


Show Seth Meyers

SportsCentre Chicago PD ” ” Curling ” ” ”

CHBC News News-Lisa Final CTV News ET Canada The Test

Daily Show 22 Minutes Seth Meyers Coronation

” ”

” ”

Tea Road to the Sky

To Be Announced

How/Made How/Made

” ”

” ”

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Lake Country Calendar

A14 A14

Your community. Your classifieds.



It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.





Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email:

Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits or Other Insurance? If YES, call or email for your


and protect your right to compensation. 778.588.7049 Toll Free: 1.888.988.7052

NOW HIRING Class 1 Drivers to transport dangerous goods for oilfield service company in northern Alberta. Competitive wages, benefits and lodging. Experience hauling fluids preferred. Email:

Education/Trade Schools START NOW! Complete ministry approved diplomas in months! Business, health care and more! Contact Academy of Learning College: 1-855354-JOBS (5627) or We Change Lives! TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager online! Graduates get access to all jobs posted with us. 33 years of success! Government certified. or 1800-665-8339, 604-681-5456.

Help Wanted While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR timeshare. NO risk program stop mortgage & maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! Call 1-888-356-5248.

Travel GET FRONT Row tickets to the 2014 Grey Cup game in Vancouver with Dash Tours The official tour operator. 3 nights hotel included. Call 1800-265-0000 or


Employment Business Opportunities


WANTED Vancouver Island and Lower Mainland opportunities. Top Wages & Benefits. Relocation costs paid to qualified applicants. E-mail: hiring@ or Call: (1)250-382-9181

Production Line Sorters

Cherry sorting positions available at Coral Beach Farms Ltd, Lake Country. Must have previous cherry sorting experience. Applicant must be able to stand for long periods of time for 6-7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day beginning approximately July 15, 2014 and ending early September 2014. Accommodation and meals provided if required. Pay $10.33 per hour plus quality bonus. Apply by fax at 250-766-0813 or at



Merchandise for Sale

Trades, Technical

Moving & Storage

Heavy Duty Machinery

JOURNEYMAN HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC is required for coastal logging operations near Woss, BC. Year round employment with full benefits. Further details can be found at Please fax resume to 250-287-9259.


Psychics FREE 15 Minute psychic reading for 1st time callers specializing in reuniting lovers answers to all life’s questions call free now 1-888-271-9281.

Financial Services DROWNING IN Debt? Cut debts more than 60% and be debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. Toll Free 1-877-5563500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540. CRIMINAL RECORD? Pardon Services Canada. Established 1989. Confidential, Fast, & Affordable. A+BBB Rating. RCMP Accredited. Employment & Travel Freedom. Free Consultation 1-8NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366)


2495 Enterprise Way. GREAT for the kids to draw on, puppy training, and packing for moving. CLEANER THAN NEWS PRINT! $1 + up. Talk to the girls in classifieds to purchase yours.


Painting & Decorating WWW.PAINTSPECIAL.COM

(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Telephone Services DISCONNECTED PHONE? National Teleconnect Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call National Teleconnect Today! 1-866-443-4408.

Merchandise for Sale

Furniture SLIDE INTO COMFORT w/ A BRAND NEW QUEEN MATTRESS $160. Still in plastic, mfg. warranty. 250.870.2562

Garage Sales

Income Opportunity

March 28th & 29th 9am-3pm #144- 720 COMMONWEALTH ROAD. Rain or shine! Fishing gear, included Minn Kota motor, antique bent wood chairs, carnival glass,collectibles tools & MORE!

SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897. Make money and save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.

Heavy Duty Machinery

UP TO $400 cash daily FT & PT outdoors, spring/summer work. Seeking honest, hard working staff.


GET FREE Vending machines. Can earn $100,000+ per year. All cash, retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866-6686629 Website

PRIMARY Teachers Wanted in Shanghai Are you tired of being on the TOC list? There are opportunities for BC and Alberta qualified teachers at Shang Yin Canadian International Primary School in Shanghai. Successful applicants will teach Canadian curriculum in English. Contact Brian Butcher at for more information.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Moving & Storage DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 4 ton 250-215-0147, 250-766-1282

A STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders JD 892D LC excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


WANTED:Construction Equipment, Excavators, Backhoes, Dozers, Motor graders, wheel loaders, Forestry Equipment. Any condition. We all so do scrap metal clean up and Estate clean up. References available. 250-260-0217.

Misc. for Sale CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? STEEL BUILDING Sale... Big year-end clear out continued! 20x20 $3,915. 25x28 $4,848. 30x32 $6,339. 32x34 $7,371. 40x50 $12,649. 47x68 $16,691. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-6685422. STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal Buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206

Real Estate For Sale By Owner

REAL Estate Swap would like to swap 2 bdrm upper 1 bdrm lower in Salmon Arm walking all amenities, for Lake country house 1 or 2 bdrm 1-250-8030488

Mobile Homes & Parks

RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.

Other Areas

20 ACRES $0 Down, Only $119/mo. Owner Financing, NO CREDIT CHECKS! Near El Paso, Texas. Beautiful Mountain Views! Money Back Guarantee Call 1-866-8825263 Ext. 81


Auto Accessories/Parts

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Auto Financing

Misc. Wanted Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Estates, Gold & Silver Coins + 863-3082 Chad COLLECTOR looking to buy a coin collection. Also looking for coins, bars, medals, ingots from Royal Canadian Mint, Franklin Mint, US Mint & others. Todd 250-864-3521 I make house calls! FIREARMS. ALL types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. 1-866-9600045. PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670

Auto Loans. All Credit Approved. Bad Credit Guru. or call 1.844.843.4878

Sporting Goods RUGER 10-22’s, American’s, 243, 308, 270, 30-06, ScoutLH, Hawkeye, Glock 17,20, 21, 22, CZ 527 & 452, all in stock at Weber & Markin Gunsmiths, The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tues-Sat. 10-6 WeberMarkin

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Professionals Connecting Professionals

Searching for a New Career?

E M Y T O FIND EMPLOYMENT N L T T P T E N N N M THE M E E E IN CLASSIFIEDS Y E M M M O Y Y Y PL PLO NT PLO NT PLO E E M M E OYM E OYM EM NT E T T L L N N M P P E E Y M YM LO M T EM E Y N P O O E T L L M M N P P E Y E M M O M T E E L EN Y P O , T T M L N N M NTyou E Everything re looking for is P T E E Y N M M M O E E E L Y Y in the classifieds! M M P O O T Y Y L L M N O O P P E E L L M M P M P E E Y M M O E E L THE

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Auto Financing A15 A15


Legal Notices

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Notice is hereby given that Creditors and others, having claims against the estate of Hotze (Harry) Stienstra, formerly of 1890 Goldie Rd., Lake Country, deceased, are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the undersigned Executor, Sheena Stienstra, at 1362 Pass Creek Road, Castlegar, BC, V1N 4S2, on or before April 24th, 2014, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received. Sheena J. Stienstra, Executor





Roosters Barber Shop

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


Municipal Hall Planning and Development Department 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t 250-766-6674 f 250-766-0200


Tuesday, April 1, 2014 | 7:00 pm Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd

Council has been asked to consider a zoning designation change bylaw. Zoning Amendment (Raisanen) Bylaw 881, 2014 (Z2013-009) is a zoning designation amendment that would change the property FROM RR1 (Rural Residential 1) TO RU1 (Single Family Housing) and P1 (Public Park and Open Space) to allow for a future subdivision that would create about 30 additional single family lots. (See Map Below)

APPLICANT/OWNER: Dean Raisanen PERMIT: TP2013-001 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 4345 Glenmore Road LEGAL: A Portion of Lot B, Section 3, Township 20, ODYD, Plan KAP50898 Visit the online regional mapping system and search by civic or legal address.

NOTICE OF LIQUOR LICENCE AMENDMENT WOODY’S PUB Woody’s Pub has made an application under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act for a change in hours of service.

Mondays & Tuesdays Wednesdays & Thursdays Fridays & Saturdays Sundays

Present Hours 10 am – midnight 10 am – midnight 11 am – 1 am 10 am – midnight

Requested Hours 9 am – midnight 9 am – 1 am 9 am – 2 am 9 am – midnight

The District of Lake Country is soliciting the views of residents and businesses that may be affected by the proposed changes. If you believe your interests may be affected, please forward your written comments, including your address to determine proximity, to: Corporate Services Manager District of Lake Country 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, B. C., V4V 2M1 or via email to Council will consider the application request at the Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Municipal Hall.

Get Involved: 20 Minute Make Over April 2nd Pelmewash Parkway is one of the chosen Community Clean-up sites this year in the Central Okanagan region for a 20 Minute Make Over.

Do you have twenty minutes to spare to make a difference in our community? At 10 am on Wednesday April 2nd the Regional Waste Reduction Office challenges you to give just twenty minutes of your time to the 20 Minute Make Over – a community-wide litter clean-up campaign.

GET MORE INFORMATION Copy of the proposed bylaw and relevant background documents can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Planning and Development Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday, March 19, 2014 to Tuesday, April 1, 2014 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Planning and Development Department at 250 766-6674. HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 Email Speak at the Council Meeting Written submissions are included in the Regular Council Meeting Agenda Package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer

March 19, 2014

The annual 20 Minute Make Over is the official kick start to Community Clean Up month which runs the entire month of April. The challenge is to take just 20 minutes of your day on Wednesday April 2nd at 10am and do a little spring cleaning in your neighborhood or place of business. Pick up trash, sweep a sidewalk, bust graffiti, tackle an illegal dumpsite – the opportunities to pitch in are endless. Find out more at The Regional Waste Reduction Office provides free garbage bags and gloves for collecting litter and arranges to have the garbage-filled bags picked up and taken to the landfill after the clean-up is done. Anyone can get involved, from kids to seniors and everyone in between. It’s a fun event, and super easy to take part. The 20 minute factor is ideal for business people on a tight schedule, students, neighbours, community groups, and anyone with some extra elbow grease to spare. Gather a group together for some fresh air, exercise and a little spring cleaning in your area, or meet us at the Oyama end of Pelmewash Parkway to participate next Wednesday.

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