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April 2, 2014
Landslide scare closes Hwy 97, Pelmewash Friday
A new fire truck for Lake Country is ready to battle urban and interface fires from the Carr’s Landing fire station. ...............................
Seaton Park A practice by Lake Country’s engineering department may be rethought after a neighbour complains Jack Seaton Park is being used as a dumping ground for cleared material. ...............................
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Motorists in Lake Country were sent in all directions Friday afternoon after concerns about a potential landslide turned out to be more of a safety exercise than an actual threat. After reports of a dangerous boulder along a cliff bordering the new Highway 97 forced officials to close the highway and call in the Ministry of Highways, the ministry re-opened the region’s main thoroughfare and deemed it safe less than two hours later. The event spotlighted just how traffic might be affected in an emergency along the new highway. According to Lake Country fire chief Steve Windsor, the area in question is on one of two rock faces immediately beside the new Highway 97 and officials were worried that a boulder, about the size of a pickup truck, could become dislodged. Windsor said the
LAKE COUNTRY officials help to direct traffic near the north end of Pelmewash Parkway while the new section of Highway 97 was closed to investigate a potential loose boulder. The cut of the new highway through Lake Country can be seen in the background. Ministry of Highways was out to have a look at the area in question a few weeks ago but deemed it safe. However, Friday after complaints from the public, Lake Country
emergency officials decided to request the ministry have another look at the area. Both Highway 97 and the Pelmewash Parkway were closed immediately.
After the ministry as well as the highway contractor and geotechnical engineers assessed the area, the highways were re-opened. “Ministry staff went
to the site, following reports of a possible rock slide event,” the Ministry of Transportation said in a press release. “When they arrived, they found no changes to the slope
or the ditch since the clean-up that occurred after a rock slide event March 10.” Geotech engineers re-
Improvements to access on/off Highway 97 to Pelmewash RICHARD ROLKE Action is being taken to alleviate motorists’ concerns about Highway 97 through Lake Country. The Ministry of Transportation is initiating upgrades to the exits and entrances from the upper-level highway at both ends of Pelmewash Parkway, the renamed former section of the highway. “It’s a step in the right
direction,” said Owen Dickie, a Lake Country councillor. The primary concern had been that vehicles trying to get off Pelmewash Parkway and on to Highway 97 south cannot see the highway traffic until the merge lane is almost used up. To improve sight distance as vehicles merge on to the highway from the parkway, the ministry is going to remove an existing dirt bank and pos-
Owen Dickie sibly some concrete barriers. For improved driv-
er awareness, “Merge ahead” signs will be installed. In addition, the ministry has already removed the “70 km ahead” sign 100 metres north to allow southbound traffic more time to slow down before the merge. Concerns were also raised about the north end of the new highway bypass where it meets up with Pelmewash Parkway, and specifically a tight corner and high
rate of speed. In this area, the ministry will install an “Exit 30 km” sign for motorists going on to Pelmewash Parkway from the highway. To improve driver awareness as vehicles prepare to access the highway travelling from Pelmewash going north, the ministry has already installed reflectors and may possibly install a speed warning sign. There will also be
signs to let motorists know about the upcoming corner. “The ministry will monitor the results of the changes and if more needs to be done, hopefully they will consider that,” said Dickie. “There’s been enough of a groundswell of public complaints so they recognized there had to be a response.” Richard Rolke is a Black Press reporter with Vernon Morning Star.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
New Lake Country fire truck ready for work at Carr’s Landing fire station The Lake Country Fire Department has a new weapon to fight fires
in areas where homes and forests come together, called interface areas.
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The new engine will be stationed at the LCFD Station 81 in Carr’s Landing and is similar to the engine added to the Winfield Station 71 last May – designed to target a major threat to our area - Wildland Urban Interface Structure Protection. The new engine apparatus has the benefit of higher clearances, 4x4 traction, and carries 20 gallons of foam in addition to 800 gallons (3,000 L) of water, with a dump valve, for increased versatility. Additionally, it can become an agile water transport vehicle able to fill port-a-tanks in areas lacking water supply. “This engine is designed especially for wildland interface operations – in other words, emergency fire response to subdivisions that border forests,” said fire chief Steve
Lake Country Fire Department’s Carr’s Landing station has a new state of the art fire truck designed to help in the battle with interface fires, where homes and forests come together.
Aly Powers
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What you need to know about wisdom teeth. Part 1... If they grow in properly, wisdom teeth are no different than other teeth in your mouth. However, if they become impacted, or erupt in a strange angle or location, they may need to be removed. Learn more about your wisdom teeth and wisdom tooth extractions.
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Windsor. “And it is outfitted with a 1,500 gallon port-a-tank that can be deployed when necessary.” The new fire engine has a powerful 1,050 gallon per minute pump to relay high volumes of
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commercial emergencies and is equipped with insta-chains for winter operation. This truck is staffed by one driver/engineer, one officer and three firefighters from Lake Country’s volunteer
Dr. Neil Brown
Petrina Koltun
What are the basics I need to know about staging our home for sale?
water long distances or to deploy multiple hand lines/or water cannons in situations where it is the primary attack vehicle. Besides being an interface engine, it can function as a regular fire engine for residential and
paid-on-call membership. The engine will also be rigged with a complement of equipment for medical emergencies, including the gear and equipment required for rope rescue situations. For those interested in seeing the new engine up close, LCFD is seeking applicants interested in becoming paid-on-call firefighters at the Carr’s Landing Station. Interested men and women are invited to fill out an application and drop it off at the Fire Administration Office at 10591 Okanagan Centre Road East. Applicants must have a valid BC driver’s license, be physically fit and pass a criminal record check. Applications are available at the address above or online at For more news from the Lake Country Fire Department see story page A3.
How exactly can diabetes cause me to have foot problems?
Diabetes that is uncontrolled will affect the organ systems in different ways. Peripheral neuropathy is a term commonly used to indicate an uncomfortable burning or tingling sensation in the feet. While this is correct, the term also encompasses other symptoms related to nerve damage. The inability to feel a small pebble in your shoe to ominously not feeling a razor blade left in the bathroom is also caused by peripheral neuropathy. Healthy nerves that regulate perspiration from sweat glands in the feet and send motor signals telling our foot muscles and tendons when to contract and relax are also compromised in peripheral neuropathy. This can lead to dry, cracked skin, and rigid contractures of our toes leading to dangerous pressure points, respectively. Increased blood sugar circulating in the blood stream will deposit into tendons causing them to be more rigid and lead to further contractures and a less supple leg and foot. Arteries carrying blood to your feet can also become diseased limiting blood flow needed to help heal any wound or bring antibiotics needed to treat infection. If you have diabetes, it is a good idea to see your podiatrist to be assessed for the above and also for care of your nails and calluses.
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What are our tears made of?
Although they may appear to be nothing more than water, our tears are actually quite complex. Simplistically, our tears are made of a combination of mucus, water and oils. Mucus coats the front portion of the eye and helps to bind the tear layer to the eye. The water component is actually more of a saline-like solution that contains various vitamins and minerals vital to normal cell function. The oil of the tear film primarily helps to prevent evaporation of the tears. Deficiency in the oils of the tear layer can therefore result in a tear film that evaporates too quickly, creating a sensation of “grittiness” or reflexive watering from the eyes. Our tears also contain natural antibodies known as lysozymes that work to fight off foreign bacteria or viruses that we come in contact with. Aside from the above properties, a quality tear film is also postulated to contribute to ~60% of our visual acuity! All the more reason to make sure it’s in the best condition possible.
49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250-766-4240
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 2, 2014 A3
Using park to dump soil materials may be reconsidered
Exercise useful as test run for future highway closures
viewed photos of the slope and determined it to be safe. Shortly thereafter motorists were back using the new highway while Pelmewash returned to its quiet existence. According to the ministry, if a rock slide was to occur, it would be contained in a ditch and behind a guardrail. “There is no safety issue for the travelling public,” it stated. Besides the RCMP, Lake Country firefighters were also involved in redirecting traffic Friday. While it turned out to be much ado about nothing, the closure of the new highway for even a short time saw just what things may look like if the highway were to be closed in the
District of Lake Country staff may look into alternate plans to dump material from cleaned out ditches and storm drains in the future after using a small stretch of one the district’s parks for the process over the past several years. For the past four years, the district’s engineering department has been dumping material from ditches and storm drains on a small portion of Jack Seaton Park, near Camp Road, after its annual spring clean-up. But Steve Schaffrick, the director of community and customer services in Lake Country, says they will likely have an internal discussion about the practice in the future. “The amount of material is not a big concern, we can still grade it
and shape it and make it look decent,” said Schaffrick. “If there is going to be a lot more material I think we maybe do need to find a different home at some point. We just can’t keep going back to the same spot so we will probably have to have that discussion.” Last month a nearby resident expressed concern with the practice after he watched a contractor dump material from storm drains at the park. The resident questioned why the dumping was happening near a natural pond in the park. But district engineering department director Michael Mercer said the pond in question is a natural marsh, not fish-bearing, and the material is not being left close enough to the pond to have an impact. Schaffrick said in
MICHAEL Mercer, District of Lake Country’s engineering department direc-
tor, looks through material dumped by a contractor at Jack Seaton Park. The district has been using a portion of the park near Camp Road to dump material for the past four years. past year’s the marsh has been the focus of district plans to beautify the area under the Communities in Bloom contest. Another pond just past the marsh is a detention pond built by the engineering department to help with drainage, said Schaffrick. The district says having a place to store the organic material is valuable to save money in trucking costs as opposed to taking the ma-
terial to the Glenmore Landfill. “If we can find some efficiencies for (engineering) without impacting the park in a negative way we will do that,” said Schaffrick, who added they will likely seed the area and plant some native species of trees. “Over the next five to 10 years it will become another usable area of the park.” Jack Seaton Park is also used as an area
where residents can drop off Christmas trees each year. Carr’s Landing ward coun. Lisa Cameron said she doesn’t have a problem with what’s happening at the park. “It’s a dirt parking lot and in the spring it’s a full mud bog and it’s been like that for years,” said Cameron. “We have parks working together with engineering to save the community money.”
LCFD could use more paid on-call firefighters While the Lake Country Fire Department’s Carr’s Landing firehall is now better-equipped to fight fires in areas where forests and homes come together with its new fire truck (see story page A2) the department is still looking for more volunteer firefighters for both Carr’s Landing and Oyama. In Carr’s Landing, there are nine paid-on call firefighters, six short of the ideal number for the station, said assistant fire chief Brent Penner.
In Oyama the LCFD has 15 members, about seven short of what would be ideal. “Our main population is in Winfield and we have a lot of volunteer firefighters for the Winfield hall,” said Penner. “But we still have a shortage in Carr’s Landing and Oyama.” The Winfield firehall is capped out at 28 volunteer firefighters and more waiting but Penner says in the two outlying halls, it’s a different story. Penner said they are looking for people
that live in each specific ward and as close to the fire-hall as possible so as to respond quickly to calls. “We’d like to have someone respond to a fire call within three minutes,” said Penner. “So we need volunteers to be in a tight circle around the fire hall. In Carr’s Landing and Oyama we do have people that live close to the halls so we will make exceptions but generally volunteers need to volunteer in the ward where they live.”
The Lake Country Fire Department provides all training for new recruits and volunteers will receive about 300 hours of training before being ready to go out on calls. “We pay for all the training,” said Penner. “We start at the basics and we work our way through to the more serious situations so when they get to a fire they are comfortable with any situation.” Lake Country volunteer firefighters are considered paid on-call
future. Once Pelmewash Parkway was open, highway traffic flowed fluidly on the old stretch of highway while emergency crews checked out the potential landslide. In the past if the highway was closed, traffic ground to a halt as it was directed through Oyama and around Wood Lake. “This is a lot easier, having the ability to route traffic through on Pelmewash Parkway with the new highway closed,” said Windsor, while standing at one end of the old highway “We still have the option of going around through Oyama and around the lake, but (having Pelmewash and the new highway) definitely makes things easier.”
—with files from Vernon Morning Star
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members, meaning they are paid for calls that they go out on but do many other things in the community on a volunteer basis. Interested men and women are invited to fill out an application and drop it off at the Fire Administration Office at 10591 Okanagan Centre Road East. Applicants must have a valid BC driver’s license, be physically fit and pass a criminal record check. Applications are available at the fire hall or online at
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Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951
No past, no future–there’s only now
DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.
wo weekends ago, spring felt as though it had finally arrived.
CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
Barry Gerding Editor
Tessa Ringness
Life and Faith
Production Manager
Jim Taylor
Sheri Jackson Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688
Buds swelled on the forsythia, the lilacs, the spirea. Along the driveway, a row of brave little crocuses peeped out. Peony and rhubarb roots thrust shoots exuberantly into the sunlight. Overhead, I heard bird songs. And a male
Teresa Huscroft-Brown Creative Consultant Production Designer Phone 250-766-4688 Fax 250-862-5275
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Proud member of
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New recycling policy mandated by government has no provision for accountability to the public KELVIN MCCULLOCH A few months back, I received a notification which advised me that I had to declare whether Buckerfields was a “producer” of printed paper or packaging material. If so, we would have to implement an “approved stewardship plan” to deal with the material. Otherwise we would have to join another “stewardship plan” and pay fees to that plan holder. I thought it was a scam. But I looked into it further and determined that there was indeed regulatory provisions in effect which stated this very thing and according to the regulations, Buckerfields is now a “producer” of printed paper and packaging material, with the best example being our Buckerfields feed bags. I then discussed the alternatives with a Ministry of Environment official and came to realize that we had no choice but to join the only ap-
proved stewardship plan in the province, MMBC (Multi Material BC). We signed the MMBC contract. But we also read it. And it stated that MMBC had to file audited financial statements on its web site. I recently went to the web site and there are no audited financial statements. Now, several months later, I have discovered the following. • MMBC is a corporation under the Societies Act comprised of three directors, two of whom live in Ontario. None of the directors have public sector credentials. All of the directors represent large corporate interests. • MMBC is not accountable to any government agency, appointed official, elected official or any other government body other than the Registrar of Companies under the Societies Act. • MMBC is not governed by the province’s Financial Administration Act which sets out the rules for the admin-
istration of all public monies. • None of the monies collected by MMBC, including the fees Buckerfields is supposed to pay go to the Public Accounts of the province or any other government organization. • MMBC is not subject to oversight by the Auditor General of B.C. • Under MMBC’s “stewardship plan” as approved by the provincial government, MMBC has the authority to charge companies like Buckerfields unlimited fees based on whatever MMBC spends, regardless of what the actual costs are to recycle our feed bags and regardless of the fact that we already pay municipal taxes in all eight of our locations. • MMBC has the authority to come into any municipality in the province and offer financial incentives to the locally elected government to do what MMBC wants in the area of waste collection and recyc-
ling; if the locally elected government refuses, MMBC has the authority to do what it wants anyway. • The municipal governments of the province do not know the background of MMBC and don’t yet realize the fees that MMBC is charging to Buckerfields and all the other companies amounts to double taxation • The municipal governments are going to have to give up that tax base they have for waste collection and recycling because the shift to “producers” paying directly for waste collection and recycling eliminates the need and justification for “consumers” i.e. property tax payers, to pay for these services through the municipalities. • The provincial government did not consult with the municipal governments or the public but companies like Buckerfields are pointing it out because, until it is resolved, we are being taxed twice for the same
service and residential taxpayers (including me) are being taxed for something that someone else is actually paying for. • Taxpayers and municipal governments were not consulted as to whether they really want to shift the financing and control of municipal waste and recycling services out of the municipal jurisdiction, that is , the jurisdiction of democratically elected municipal officials into the hands of a corporation under the Societies Act that is accountable to no one and is outside the jurisdiction of the provincial Auditor General • Taxpayers and voters are unaware that the fees being charged by MMBC are so onerous that they will cause newspaper closures and job losses of 300-500 in the newspaper industry in British Columbia, even though recycled newsprint is actually very SEE RECYCLING A6
flicker pounded his beak against my chimney, the noisiest thing he could find to broadcast his mating credentials. For flickers—members of the woodpecker family—resonant objects act like an avian e-Harmony to advertise their availability. And then, out of nowhere, it started snowing again. The snow squall blotted out the sunshine, hid the distant hills, coated the buds and flowers with white. I wanted the crocuses, the rhubarb, to shrink back. To withdraw. To protect themselves from the sudden change in weather. But of course, they couldn’t. Plants only know one direction to move—forward, upward. Only members of
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 2, 2014 A5
Business recycling in hands of ‘unaccountable’ multinational JEFF NAGEL The NDP is accusing the provincial government of handing over control of B.C.’s blue box recycling system to Toronto-based multinational executives who will be unaccountable while B.C. businesses and households pay higher costs. Opposition small business critic Lana Popham raised the issue of Multi Material BC in the Legislature Monday, calling on the province to change course before the agency’s new system for recycling packaging and printed paper takes effect May 19. “If government doesn’t take a step back, B.C.’s recycling system is go-
ing to end up in a giant dumpster,” Popham said. “The control of recycling should never have been outsourced to the large corporate interests based in Ontario and abroad. This is a profound failure. This program needs to be paused and the entire concept reconsidered.” Popham’s comments follow the launch earlier this month of a campaign against MMBC by a coalition of business groups, including the newspaper industry, who say they can’t afford to pay high fees imposed under the new system. The provincially mandated system is designed to make generators of packaging and paper pay to collect and process it,
but business critics contend it will be onerous due to high costs, paperwork and reporting obligations. “The Liberal government loves to claim they’re getting rid of red tape,” Popham said in an interview Monday. “So it’s quite ironic because MMBC is a Godzilla-sized red tape monster.” Although MMBC is registered as a society, Popham called it a “dummy corporation” because two of its three directors are Toronto-based senior executives with Loblaws and Unilever, while the third is MMBC managing director Allan Langdon. Popham said the province should force
MMBC to give B.C. stakeholders majority control. The Saanich South NDP MLA said the MMBC system will be “dangerously close to monopoly” resulting in less competition and innovation in recycling. She also said municipalities have been pressured into signing contracts with inadequate compensation for their costs, the threat of penalties for contamination and a gag clause. MMBC’s new recycling fees on businesses will be passed along to consumers through higher prices, Popham said, calling it a “hidden tax” that won’t be transparent to consumers. Meanwhile, she says
cities that the government says will save money are unlikely to reduce property taxes that households already pay for recycling. “The slogan for MMBC should probably be ‘Recycle once, but pay twice.’” In some cities where MMBC won’t provide services, such as Kamloops, residents will pay for nothing if retail prices rise broadly, Popham added. MMBC says it will take new types of containers and packaging not collected in B.C. before. But Popham noted glass will no longer be collected curbside in many cities and there’s little evidence the system
We can never dip our foot into the same river TAYLOR FROM A4
the animal world, blessed with mobility, can pull back from danger or discomfort. A starfish can 5withdraw a probing tentacle; a coyote can back away from a bear; a human can decide to avoid a confrontation. But although we animals have physical mobility, we are just as bound by time as my crocuses. We cannot reverse time. We can only keep moving in one direction. About a month ago, a correspondent wrote to me, “If you think about it, there is only ‘now’. [Life is] a series of ‘nows’.
The past is our remembrances of other ‘nows’ and the future is our projections and hopes for new ‘nows’.” I’ve been mulling his insight ever since. There is no past. There is no future. There is only now. I can leap out of the path of a speeding car. But escaping that near accident doesn’t make it not happen. My narrow escape has become part of my new now—as my shortness of breath and palpitating heart testify. I can apologize for a thoughtless comment that hurt someone. But I can’t take it back. The pain it caused continues
to be part of her now, and of mine. This suggests to me that I should not base my decisions and actions on what I did, or didn’t do, in a former now. Things are different in this now—if only because of that previous action or inaction. Similarly, I should not base decisions on what I expect to happen in the future. The future
will certainly not unfold as I expect it to. By the time what I expect gets around to happening, or not happening, it will be in a different context. A Greek philosopher named Heraclitus, very long ago, taught that you cannot step into the same river twice. Even if you step off the same rock, the water you stepped into last time will already have flowed
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far downstream. And if you could find that particular patch of water again, you would have to step into it from a different place. The past has gone; the future hasn’t happened yet. There is only now to live in. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.
will improve recycling rates overall. She said a smarter approach would have been to extend the beverage can deposit-refund system to more containers, such as milk cartons and laundry detergent jugs. Liberal MLA Eric Foster (Vernon Monashee) responded in the Legislature, saying the province made changes to exempt most businesses from MMBC fees and paperwork if they earn less than $1 million in revenue, generate less than one tonne per year of packaging, or operate as a single outlet. “We’ve got all kinds of validation on this—
chambers of commerce, local government, opportunities for local government to either continue the way they’re doing it or to have MMBC put their contractors in there to pick up,” said Foster, who serves on the government’s environment and land use committee. “MMBC came forward as an opportunity to change people’s way of doing business and to put the onus on the original producers of the waste product or the recyclable product to reduce,” Foster said. Jeff Nagel is a regional reporter with Black Press.
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Calendar Lake Countr y
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Double taxation in mandated recycling SNAFU RECYCLING FROM A4
else, not until: • The provincial government reconciles what it is doing with the municipal governments and municipal taxpayers so that taxpayers don’t have to pay twice • The provincial government takes back the legislation which calls us “producers” and “blames us” for the choices made by manufacturers and indeed consumers that are completely outside of our control • Any monies charged under the auspices of the Recyling Regulation are included in the public accounts of the province and subject to the provisions of the Finan-
valuable. In finding all this out, I lament the fact that none of this was introduced into the Legislature for proper debate because it means that instead of spending my days managing the sale of chicks and garden supplies at Buckerfields, I have to spend my time trying to revive democratic processes in British Columbia, retroactively. I find it appalling. My position as of the time of this writing, is this: We ain’t paying a dime to MMBC and neither should anyone
cial Administration Act and the Auditor General Act • Whatever is going to be done is introduced into the Legislative Assembly in the form of a bill so that the proper public debate can occur • Insofar as MMBC has not filed its audited financial statements since inception, and the period of time not reported spans more than two years, and insofar as MMBC is actually a taxing and funding agency, there be an independent public enquiry into the financial operations, sources and uses of funds, contractual procedures and expenditures
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Calendar Lake Country
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Proudly Serving Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951 next to Tim Hortons
March 12, 2014
Inside Highway 97
Regular users of the access and egress to the new section of Highway 97 bypassing Oyama want the ministry of transportation to take another look at how vehicles get onto and off the highway on either end of
and ice SKATINGthe only
fishing are not on sports to be enjoyed the ice of Wood Lake when it’s frozen on solid and safe to be as evidenced by these two having fun with their Flexifoil traction kites.
Pelmewash Parkway. 2 ...............................
that The last faint hope Ashland Chemicals might be able to stay as in business has died the hope of reopening the Kelowna Pacific Railway line fades away. 3 ...............................
Coroner’s report
’s Citizen of 2013 Bev March Lake Country
the death of hunter Tracy Darren De Montezuma has been a ruled accidental by B.C. coroner. 3 ...............................
Flyers ■ Bulk Barn ■ Coopers ■ Jysk ■ Rona ■ Staples ■ Shoppers Drug Mart
She in Lake Country. the at a personal plaque at began volunteering A volunteer with the Bank Oceola Fish and Game the Winfield Food Lake Country commun- Club’s annual banquet in in 1987, before Lake Lake ity food bank, the February. Country was incorporthere Country senior’s centre The Sax Koyama ated, and she is still anand the Winfield HosAward is presented providing much apprecibeen Country Lake pital Auxiliary has a Phylis nually to ated assistance to named Lake Country citizen who has shown Macpherson. Citizen of the Year. an outstanding contribuBev assists with the t Bev Marsh was reprotion with direct benefi Citmeals and catering ty. cently named 2013 Sax communi to the gram at Lake Counand izen of the Year and Besides being a busy try Seniors’ Centre; ed Bev Koyama Award recipiand great grandma, has been on the Winfi Fish in the since ent by the Oceola Hospital Auxiliary Mayor is very involved and Game Club. with life of the community Baker presented her
pa r Be a
Maintenance Free,
Example Sizes & Pricing (other sizes & formats available)
4 col x 3” (5.83”)
7 col x 3” (10.33”)
* Plus eEdition fee & GST
Fully Landsc
Tim Horton’s, on
3 col x 3”
of the
12-4 Thu-Mon 11-4, Tue-Wed Show Home open Lake Country 13075 Lake Hill Drive, in Winfield) (Just turn west at
45 65 $ 80 $ 125 $
Don’t Miss Out on this Opportunity!
Prices are based on a weekly advertising commitment and will be adjusted depending on the frequency
For further information or if you have any questions please contact...
Sheri Jackson Advertising Representative 250-864-1259 • 250.979.7323 Email:
adult community
Lawn & Garden Feature May 28
Publishes May, June & July
Women Business in
M a y
1 4
Deadline May 6
2 0 1 4
On Wednesday, May 14, the Lake Country Calendar will be publishing their annual “Women in Business” feature. This very popular section is a showcase for successful business women in Lake Country, and will feature local business editorial highlighting the business spirit of women in the Lake Country community.
Jane Smith
let people know who you are, and what you do
Registered Home Care Nurse
Women in Business May 14
MP’s Report
Ron Cannan moved from the equation and the federal Canadian Transportation Act would no longer apply. Protecting the corridor for public access would become the responsibility of the provincial government. If there is no agreement, then CN will proceed with the discontinuance process. During this phase a number of government bodies will have an opportunity to express an interest in acquiring the line beginning with the federal government and First Nations, which will have 30 days to respond, followed by the province, then BC Transit due to the fact that the rail corridor is within the Kelowna CMA, and finally the City of Kelowna. From the outset there was always the possibility the line would not be economically feasible but there should be no doubt that our Okanagan MPs and MLAs, and our
mayors and municipal councils are well aware of how important an asset this rail line is. Regardless of the negotiations with CN, many of us see an opportunity to find an alternative use for the rail line, including the creation of a spectacular Okanagan recreational corridor which would support not only healthy living but local tourism and the subsequent economic benefits that would be generated in the community. Vernon’s Brad Clements and others continue to work on this scenario and have managed to successfully raise funds in support of this initiative. To check in on their progress you can go to www.okanaganrailtrail. com. The perfect outcome remains a multi-modal pedestrian/cyclingfriendly corridor as well as an active rail line and I want to thank everyone in the community who has put in time, effort and funding to work toward a positive outcome. As noted before, the Kelowna-Vernon line served us well for nearly 80 years and we have an opportunity to make sure it continues to do so. Ron Cannan is the Conservative MP for Kelowna-Lake Country.
Come in & see our selection of quality pet foods!
,900 - $549,900 Homes From $379 aped Lot
Starting Wednesday, May 28 th the Lake Country Calendar will be publishing a weekly Lawn & Garden feature, which will include full colour, editorial content, and advertising opportunities.
Year by Mayor James
s you know, the railway discontinuance process has been top of mind for many folks in the Okanagan. Two weeks ago, I received an early phone call from Kelly Brown, manager of Ashland Canada, to let me know that as of June this year their operations will be closed down. Kelly informed me that the decision made by the head office in Ohio to shut the Kelowna operations down was based on several factors, not just the future of the rail line. Likewise, the announcement of the closure of Ashland Canada does not automatically mean the KPR line will not resume operations. Discussions are still ongoing between CN and interested parties who have expressed an interest in reviving the KPR line. If an agreement is reached, then the operator will apply to the province for a charter to operate the rail line at which point CN is re-
Lake Country Farm & Pet Supply Ltd.
Lake Country’s Citizen Baker.
Still working to keep the Kelowna-Vernon rail link alive
cial features: civeoAdmultinLivgingspe Act p u e s e t of th
2 col x 2.5”
help2006 in addition to ing out at baby clinics and flu clinics. Bev is cheerful, energetic and a hard worker, always dedicated, happy anyand willing to help one. Her family and volunbeen teering have always a high priority to Bev, it’s and the district say a fortunate to have such citdedicated, involved izen in Lake Country.
of MMBC. No, Buckerfields is not paying a dime until this cash and power grab is unravelled and revealed for what it is. One final word: 96 per cent of all printed paper and packaging material is already being picked up or deposited into municipally financed facilities. Despite what MMBC is saying, at least 53 per cent of that is already being recycled and it is very likely that that number was seriously understated to give the government a reason for its MMBC cash and power grab. In reality, there is no basis for setting up a recycling dictatorship and charging punitive fees to companies like Buckerfields at all. Recycling is a booming business with rapidly increasing prices of marketable commodities. Could that be why the board of MMBC is all big business and outside the jurisdiction of the Auditor General? We don’t have to change a thing to see recycling take off in B.C., in the hands of our elected municipal officials. We need to send the MMBC regime to the recycle bin. Kelvin McCulloch is the CEO of Buckerfields.
Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilicilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat ad dit irilit autw.
Home Care Services
1234 Address Street, Winfield 250-000-0000 •
be recognized for all your business accomplishments
170 words to share your business story your business logo, name and contact information
Publication date: Wednesday, May 14 Deadline: Tuesday, May 6
y$69 onl4.6”x3.6” Colour Included!
Sheri Jackson Advertising Respresentative 250-864-1259 • 250.979.7323 Email:
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 2, 2014 A7
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Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
KLO Middle School Attitude is everything!
KLO “Gets Happy”Harmony Day Project Over the past month, KLO Middle School students, together with their mentor teachers, created a lip dub that included the majority of our students. This was an ambitious project stemming from the Central Okanagan School District’s Harmony Day, February 5th. Timing for this project also fit well with Pink Shirt Day, KLO’s very own HACE Days, our year-long theme “You Get Back What you Give,” as well as School
District 23’s Education Week. The lip dub was first unveiled to the public at KLO’s lst Annual Show and Share Event March 12th. KLO’s goal was to put into motion SD 23’s “Attributes of a Learner” through a lip dub to Pharrell Williams’ Oscarnominated song “Happy”. The project, a grand undertaking, generated fabulous school spirit! KLO certainly is a happy place to learn! Special acknowledgements go to
project leaders, Mrs. Samaddar, Mr. Butterworth and Ms. Holmes (CAT), Mentorship Block teachers and students, as well as all participants of the KLO Learning Community. KLO especially thanks Larius Keininger and Kayleb Funk of the KSS Video Production Team, for their help filming and editing this project. Check out the KLO Gets Happy Video at this link – www. S89tU&
Community Connection April 2014
Battle of the Books Once again, students are thankful for our PAC’s generously supporting literacy at KLO, by providing new novels for our school wide Battle of the Books. All students read Battle of the Books novels at the beginning of their English classes for a 10 week period. After in-class battles, a team of students was selected to compete in our Grade Level Battle of the Books Assemblies. SUN FM Announcers have acted as guest judges for almost a decade! Thank you to BMack, Ian & Lauren
and Kevin and Sonia for always helping to make this an amazing event! A big thank you also, to the CAT Leaders, Mrs. Samaddar and Mr. Perry for their help running the assemblies. This year’s winners are: Grade 7- Jenna Holland, Lindsey Mace, Leif Jack, Matthew Richardson Grade 8 -Jessica Groening, Maren Macdonald, Sam Morris-Probert, Jake Morris-Probert Grade 9- Adrian Aucoin, Chelsey Bridge, Benjamin Wood, Nathan Smawley
KLO Show and Share On March 12th KLO students and teachers were thrilled to host the first annual Student Show & Share. Highlights from the special evening event include a band performance, art displays, project presentations, digital storytelling and class videos. Home-economic students served appetizers and small music ensembles performed in the hallways. The KLO WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) student leaders surprised everyone with a flash mob and people were drawn to the library photo booth for personalized bookmarks! Students, parents, extended families, future middle school students, School Board Trustees, and members of the community came together, for a fun-filled evening in celebration of student learning and Education Week. We are looking forward to seeing everyone again next year!
About Show and Share
“It’s always exciting to see student talent showcased in our School District and the KLO Show and Share Night didn’t disappoint.” School Board Trustee Chris Gorman This is Education in Action! The hugely successful Show and Share was not just a single concert or a sports game (as good as they are) where only one group of students or learning is highlighted, but rather an event where everyone had opportunity to shine and the community was able to see bits of the whole picture which is Education in the 21 century.” School Board Trustee Joyce Brinkerhoff
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 2, 2014 A9
Spring clean FortisBC employees and their families raked leaves, painted fences and planted flowers at Kangaroo Creek Farm Saturday as part of their
Community Giving Day in Lake Country. “This is a great way to get together as employees and show our appreciation,” said David
AT Kangaroo Creek Farm Saturday Matias Sarin, 2, paints a fence (from left clockwise); volunteers gather for a photo; Selah Wylie, 6, takes a break from the clean-up to play with the animals.
Wylie, corporate communications for FortisBC.
Kangaroo Creek is a hobby farm that features uncommon animals such
as kangaroos, emu and peacocks and welcomes visitors.
Golf digest: Charitable at the Bear; Black Mtn open It’s being called the first ever footgolf tournament to be held in B.C. and it’s for a great cause, helping Kelowna’s homeless people. Inn From the Cold, the Kelowna Kodiaks—a street soccer team comprised of Kelowna’s homeless, underprivileged persons and volunteers—are organizing what they are billing as the first ever foot-golf tournament to be held in B.C. The inaugural Kelowna Kodiaks Footgolf Tournament will be held Saturday, April 12, at the Okanagan Golf Club’s Bear Course.The Kodiaks are looking to help the Okanagan kick off the soccer and golf season in style by combining the two sports into one with the possibility of being crowned the first (un)official Footgolf champion in B.C. So what on earth is footgolf? Kind of exactly like it sounds: A sport that is fun, easy to play and anyone can enjoy. Footgolf originated in the Netherlands and has spread to over 16 countries throughout the world with the Federation for International Footgolf serving as its governing body. The game is similar to golf in that rules, etiquette and attire remain the same (indoor soccer or turf shoes replacing golf shoes as the exception). However for game play, the players’ intent is to kick a size 5 soccer ball into a 21 inch hole with the least amount of strokes possible. The Okanagan golf club is looking forward to being the first golf course in B.C. to offer Footgolf. The course superintendent has only a small amount of work
to do in order to prepare the course for Footgolf. Players will “tee off ” from the existing tee boxes, and will be aiming for the larger soccer ballsized holes that are generally cut into the second cut or rough, so as to not disrupt the course from its original intention. The course layout itself is shorter than a traditional golf course which means a much faster pace of play.
Footgolfers will also get the unique opportunity to directly interact with the players and volunteers of the Kelowna Kodiaks, who will be acting as their caddies for the day. It is very rare that fundraising participants get to meet the people their donations impact, and the opportunity for the team to become part of the community in a fun way has a significant
impact on the self-esteem of the Kodiaks players themselves. The tournament will cost $50 per person (plus a small registration fee), which Includes 9 holes of Footgolf and a casual dinner. All funds raised go directly to Inn from the Cold - Kelowna. Players can register and pay at the following link; ••• The Black Moun-
tain Golf Course opened March 28. It’s the sixth season for Black Mountain and this year Russ Latimer takes over as the club’s general manager, moving up from his position as head pro. ••• If you have a golf story to be included in our golf digest, please e-mail
Hello! We have some exciting features coming in May in the Lake Country Calendar. The ‘Weekly Lawn & Garden’ feature and our annual ‘Women in Business’. These are two well read products, both with great exposure and affordable pricing.
esd ay , Ma y 28
Starting We dn Calendar will be the Lake Country feature, kly Lawn & Garden publishing a wee l content, full colour, editoria which will include opportunities. and advertising Pricing Example Sizes & ble) ts availa
(other sizes & forma
45 65 $ 80 $ 125
2 col x 2.5”
3 col x 3”
4 col x 3” 7 col x 3” * Plus eEdition fee
Don’t Miss Out on this Opportunity!
commitment a weekly advertising Prices are based on frequency d depending on the and will be adjuste
have mation or if you For further infor e contact... any questions pleas
son Adver Sheri Jack • 250.979.7323
tive tising Representa
250-864-1259 Email: sales@lakeco
Women Business in
M a y
1 4
2 0 1 4
hing their annual Calendar will be publis ss women 14, the Lake Country ase for successful busine On Wednesday, May ar section is a showc feature. This very popul ial highlighting the “Women in Business” e local business editor featur will and ry, unity. in Lake Count Lake Country comm the in n wome of business spirit you are, let people know who and what you do
Jane Smith
Registered Home Care Nurse m quis nos ad diamet enissecte Sit lor incilla feu feuguer nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut am feuguer ad dipsusto od modigna iniat. Sit lor incilla feu vercincing ea faccum nos dipsusto od modigna am quis diamet enissectem ea faccum iniat. irilit aut vercincing monis ate elent ad dit quis nos dipsusto od incilla m enissecte lor ad diamet g ea faccum iniat. Sit Sit lor incilla feu feuguer am nis ate ad dit irilit aut vercincin digna am nis ate elent enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna dipsusto od feu feuguer ad diamet feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos iniat. Sit lor feu elent ad dit irilicilla vercincing ea faccum elent ad dit irilit aut od modigna am dipsusto nos modigna am nis ate quis diamet enissectem incilla feu feuincilla feu feuguer ad aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor ate elent ad irilit od modigna am nis nis ate elent ad dit m quis nos dipsusto dit irilit autw. guer ad diamet enissecte g ea faccum iniat ad dit irilit aut vercincin
ices Serv e Care Winfi Hom eld 1234 Address Street,
your be recognized for all ents business accomplishm
I am eager to be a part of the great community of Lake Country. If you would like to advertise in the Lake Country Calendar, I will be more than happy to assist you; please don’t hesitate to call me at 250-979-7323. I look forward to meeting with you and helping with your marketing needs.
170 words to share your business story name your business logo, ation and contact inform
ly$69.6” on4.6”x3
omeca 250-000-0000 • www.h
14 : Wednesday, May Publication date May 6 Deadline: Tuesday,
son Adver Sheri Jack • 250.979.7323
Colour Included! ative
tising Respresent
250-864-1259 Email: sales@lakeco
Sheri Jackson
Advertising Representative 250.766.4688, ext. 7317 fax: 250.862.5275 email:
Truck & RV Wash
Tire Cleaner Chemical, Tire Brush, High Pressure Rinse, Tri-Foam Conditioner, Under Spray, Wheel Clean Chemical, Wheel & Side Blaster, Turtle Wax ICE Instant Shine, Tire Gloss, Dryer
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Okanagan Wash Zone Husky
150 Edwards Rd, Kelowna • 250-491-9256 Expires (just south of the UBCO highway entrance)
April 30, 2014
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
The Lake Country Calendar understands the importance of being prepared in the event an emergency should occur in our community. One of the most important aspects of being prepared is knowing what to do. A special feature has been created to inform readers how to prepare, where to go and how to be safe should such an event befall our area.
Publication dates: April 23 Deadlines: Wednesday, April 16 All ads include full colour.
3 column (4.33”) x 3” - $100 per issue 6 column (8.83”) x 2” - $125 per issue 7 column (10.33”) x 2.5” - $175 per issue
Call or email to find out more! Sheri Jackson Advertising Representative 250.979.7323 email:
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 2, 2014 A11
Ireland to World Jr. ski cross champs in Italy Ned Ireland’s break out season on the NorAm ski circuit has earned the Okanagan Centre athlete a spot at the world junior ski cross championships in Italy. Ireland will also race at the German and Italian nationals, before returning to Canada for the final Nor-Am of the season and the national championships at Sunshine Village in Banff. Ned is now ranked
second Canadian in the men’s ski cross Nor-Am circuit after reaching the podium twice, earning a first and a third in the recent race at Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine. He was also fifth and seventh place in Beaver Valley, Ontario. Ned grew up at Big White Ski Resort and Okanagan Centre and has been climbing up in the rankings over the last few months with sol-
Ned Ireland id performances at all of the races.
He continues with his second year in human kinetics at UBCO and feels his area of study ties in well with his chosen sport. Ireland follows a Big White Racer tradition, with Olympic medalist Kelsey Serwa and Canadian ski cross national men’s team member Ian Deans, also from Lake Country, leading the way.
Art gallery growing collection of used books Spring is the perfect time of year to do some spring cleaning of your bookshelves and cupboards to make room for something new. The Lake Country Art Gallery operates a second hand art bookshop called the Artshelf: Bookshop & Reading Room. It’s the perfect
place to drop off your used art books, make room for something new and support a valuable organization in your community. The cost of buying new art books is expensive but the ArtShelf makes the price affordable. All used books are priced according to the
pricing offered on Amazon for the same titles. The ArtShelf Bookshop & Reading Room is a wonderful repository of art books on all kinds of topics: How to make art, exhibition catalogues, artist monographs (books about a single artist), art history texts, books on design
and architecture, as well as book on art theory and criticism. It’s a great place to explore and learn more about art. One hundred percent of sales of books at ArtShelf Bookshop & Reading Room supSEE BOOKS A12
23.Money drawer 24.Clothing fasteners 26.Real-estate measure 27.Parka 28.Pulls 29.Prune’s start 30.Diminish 31.Deli breads 32.Resound 39.Schooner
41.“____ Gold” 44.Lofty 46.Covers 47.Dashed 48.Black stone 49.Shelley poem 50.Beam 51.Bar beverage 53.Payable 54.Clod 55.Situate
Copyright © 2014, Penny Press
ACROSS 1. Bio. class 4. Cherished one 8. Exchange 12.“____ Man in Havana” 13.Sales pitch 14.Head covering 15.Most secure 17.Type of ant 18.For takeout: 2 wds. 19.Piece of turf 21.Chooses 25.Answer 29.Related 33.Dove sound 34.Deposit eggs 35.Location
36.Unfinished 37.Function 38.Letter systems 40.Unkempt 42.Unaccompanied 43.Dobbin’s morsel 45.Choir singer 49.Voiced 52.Taking on as one’s own 56.Salvador ____ 57.Hawaiian feast 58.Waterless 59.Gazed at 60.Departed 61.Gender
DOWN 1. Misplaced
2. Convertible, e.g. 3. Blow your own horn 4. Off one’s feed 5. Casino cube 6. Switch settings 7. Rents out 8. Color value 9. Conflict 10.Focus 11.Interfere 16.Soldier’s shoe 20.Trying experience 22.Tropical fruit
cOmmunity eVentS copy deadline friday, 1 pm before issue date
•Oyama Branch 189 Of the rOyal canadian legiOn will be having a “Spring Fling Celebration” with an open mic starting at 6:30pm, Fri. April 25. Everyone, members and non-members are welcome to attend. If you can sing or play an instrument you are more than welcome. There will be lots of door prizes. The kitchen will be open and the BBQ smokies and chilli dogs are on special. Free admission. •the SOuth Okanagan rehaBilitatiOn centre fOr OwlS-SOrcO 8965 Hwy 97, Oliver. Annual open house/grand opening of our new clinic Sun., May 4, 10am3pm. Ribbon cutting ceremony at 11am by The Honorable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of BC. Don’t miss out! This is the only day SORCO is open to the public. BBQ, Kiddies Corner, Exhibitor Booths, Silent Auction. Visit the Burrowing Owl facilities and meet ‘Pilot’, the burrowing owl, and ‘Houdini’ the Great Horned owl and wish him a happy 15th birthday. Entry by donation. •rOyal canadian legiOn Branch 189 Ladies Auxiliary notice of cribbage tournament on last Sunday of the month to include 4th Sunday if there are five Sundays in the month. Get your name on the list by phoning the Legion after 3pm. Registration is at 9 am. Games begin at 10am sharp. $26 per team, includes lunch. •lc SeniOrS BuS Schedule Mon., April 7, 14, 28 - Prime Time. Tues., April 8, 15, 22, 29 - Winfield Senior Centre Lunch. Fri., April 25 - Mystery Tour. Saturday, April 12 - Vernon Pancake Breakfast, shopping. To reserve seat on bus please phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-413. •lake cOuntry SeniOrS centre 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. That time again! Lake Country Seniors’ Centre will be holding their annual spring yard sale May 1. We are accepting donated items you no longer want call 250-766-4220 or Dorothy at 250-766-4568 to arrange for drop off. •lake cOuntry SeniOrS’ centre would like to host day time bridge on Sunday afternoon from 1:30 enabling those that wish to play but don’t want to drive at night. Please call the centre and leave your name or tell someone on the Tuesday night group. Call 250-766-4220. •BaBytime fOr ageS newBOrn tO 18 mOnthS at the Lake Country Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library. Storytime for children 3 to 5 years old accompanied by parents/caregivers. Join Pokey for FREE stories, action rhymes & more! Fridays at 10:15 am until May 2. *Note - no storytime on Fri., April 18 - Good Friday. No need to register for these free programs – just drop in! The Lake Country Branch of the ORL is located at 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. For more info please call the branch at 250-766-3141 or visit •lake cOuntry SeniOr’S centre 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road have started all their regular programs. Art, Tai Chi, Zumba. JOY Fitness, wood shop, line dancing, lunches, Prime Time, crib and bridge. Call 250-766-4220 for more information. •ViSit the lake cOuntry muSeum and archiVeS at 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 1 to 4pm, and by appointment. Phone: 250-766-0111 or visit the website at •lake cOuntry SeniOr’S Buffet, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Frozen meals available for $5 and you can call 250-766-4220 to arrange for these and what is available. •lake cOuntry fOOd Bank has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all three days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •Prime time iS a muSical entertainment eVent. It takes place every Monday from 1pm-3pm at the Lake Country Seniors Centre, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., Lake Country. Tea and coffee is served. There is no charge for this event. If you need transporation, the seniors’ bus is available. For more information call Jimmie at 250766-2513. Prime Time is sponsored by Lake Country Health Planning Society. •criBBage. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize and enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. For info. call John 250-766-3026. •winfield united church thrift ShOP (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping and donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for information regarding appropriate donations. •lake cOuntry thrift StOre hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Rd., Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •BeaVerS/cuBS/ScOutS/VenturerS regiStratiOn Registration is on-going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. •Oyama legiOn Branch 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. •lc line dancerS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •SOcial Bridge Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •the cOuncil Of SeniOr citiZenS OrganiZatiOnS (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/ associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for further info. •lc OutdOOrS cluB welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufficient for the weather. For more info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit www. •annual cOmmunity eaSter turkey BingO Thursday, April 10 at the Seniors’ Activity Centre, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. Doors open at 6:00 pm, games start at 7:00 pm. Concession open. Lord & Lady game, door prizes. All are welcome. Sponsored by the Lake Country OAPO. All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.
for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Kelowna Shelter
Donate your art books to LCAG
3785 Casorso Road
Rottweiler / German Shepherd Cross Sex: Male Colour: Black / Tan Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Senior Animal ID: 328491 I’m Jesse… a little shy at first, but once I get to I’ll be a friendly, THURSDAY, APRILknow 3, you, 2014 affectionate and loyal TSN CHBCcompanion. CIVT I’m an CBC old guy KIRO CHAN # $ who would % like to & _ ( live the The View Bookaboo The Price Is The Doctors :00 Lumberjacks The Doctors rest of my life with adult THURSDAY, 3, 2014 ” ” Doodlebops Right ” 10 :30 24 CH APRIL humans. By theHeartland way... Fresh The Marilyn Young & Fresh :00 Curling ” Debt/Part Denis Show ” Restless Debt/Part 11 :30 TSN CHBCI loveCIVT KIRO CHAN going forCBC aCBC rides in KIRO ” Noon News CTV News News News Noon News # $ the car% ( ” Hour ” truck! Now& Bold_ Hour or 12 :00 :30
A&E 1
Sportsnet Connected
Ella the Ele. Jelly Jamm
The View ”
Criminal Minds
Hockeycentral at Noon
G. Shrinks Clifford-Dog
KOMO 4 News
Criminal Minds
UEFA Europa
PAW Patrol The Chew Bucket-Dino ”
A&E 1
The First 48 ”
:00 1 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 11 :00 :30 THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2014 3 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 4 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 5 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 6 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 7 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 8 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 1 :00 :30 9 :30 6 :30 :00 2 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 12 :30 9 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 6 :00 :30 11 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 8 :30 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :00 :30 FRIDAY, :00 11 :30 APRIL 4, 2014 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :00 :30
Coronation Best CBC Recipes News Stefano The Nature George S
The First Criminal Minds” The Doctors The First KOMO 4 Criminal News ” Minds” ThisMinute Dive, Olly The Dr. Oz The First KIRO News The NoonQueen News Sportsnet UEFA PAW Patrol The Chew The First ThisMinute Latifah Show Connected Jelly Jamm Show ” Bold Hour Europa Bucket-Dino ” ” Judge Judy Young & MLB Maya Bee KOMO 4 The First The Talk Days of our League: Wibbly Pig General The First Judge Judy Restless Baseball: Arthur News ” ” Lives Quarterfinal Dragon Hospital ” KIRO News Early News Toronto Blue Martha News The First Let’s Make a The Talk Europa Ella the Ele. The Doctors The First KIRO News Global Nat. Jays at Wild Kratts World News ” Deal ” TFC Rob Robot ” ” The Price Is The Doctors Sportsnet Ella the Ele. The View Criminal KIRO News News Hour Tampa Bay Canada KOMO 4 After the RightNews Connected Jelly Jamm ” Oz Minds ThisMinute The Queen Sportsnet Dive, Olly The Dr. The First CBS ”” Rays ” News First 48 ThisMinute Latifah Show Connected Jelly Jamm Show ” Young & Fresh Hockeycen- Secrets G. Shrinks KOMO 4 Criminal Ent Ent MLB of Wheel Beyond Restless Debt/Part tral at Noon Working Clifford-Dog News 4 Minds Judge Judy ET Young & MLB Maya Bee KOMO The First The Insider Canada Baseball: Jeopardy! Scared Judge Judy Restless Baseball: Arthur News ” KIRO News Noon News UEFA PAW Patrol The Chew The First Big Bang Growing Up Seattle Tipping Once Beyond BoldMillers HourMillers Europa Blue Bucket-Dino Wonderland ” KIRO News The Early News Mariners Toronto Martha News ” The First The at Points Scared KIRO News Global Nat. Jays at Wild Kratts World News ” The Talk Days of our Oakland League: Wibbly Pig General The First First Two Men Parenthood Movie: Grey’s The ” Lives Quarterfi nal Dragon Hospital ”” KIRO News Tampa Bay Canada KOMO 4 After the Crazy Ones News ”Hour Athletics “Peace Anatomy CBS ” Rays ” Ele. The News First First 48 Let’s News Make a Elementary The Talk Europa Ella the Doctors After The Elementary Sportsnet Out” Scandal the Deal ” TFC Rob Robot ” Ent Ent MLB Secrets of Wheel”” Beyond ”” Connected Park First 48 The Insider The ET Canada Baseball: Working Jeopardy! Scared ThisMinute Queen Sportsnet Dive, Olly The Dr. Oz The First KIRO News News Hour Hockey Secrets of News Beyond ThisMinute Latifah Show Connected Jelly Jamm Show ” Big Bang Growing Up TFC Seattle Tipping Once Beyond Late Show Final Working Jimmy Scared
Dragons’ of Things 22 Minutes Den Coronation Doc Zone CBC News ” CBC News The National CBC News ” Rick Mercer CBC News George George S S Coronation 22 Minutes The Nature Coronation of Things
Judge Judy The Millers Letterman Judge Judy Ferguson Two Men KIRO News Crazy Ones KIRO News Elementary KIRO ”News CBS News KIRO News Ent Late Show The Insider Letterman Big Bang Ferguson The Millers
Young & The Millers ET Canada Restless The Test Parenthood Early News ” Global Nat. Elementary News ”Hour ” News Hour Ent Final ET Canada ET Canada Growing The Test Up The Millers
MLB Poker Mariners at World Baseball: Tour Oakland Toronto Blue Athletics Jays at Sportsnet Tampa Bay Connected Rays Hockey MLB TFC Baseball: World Poker Seattle Tour Mariners at
Maya Bee Points Peace Out Arthur” Movie: Martha “Peace Wild Kratts Out” Canada Park ” Secrets of Secrets Workingof Working Peace Out Tipping ” Points
KOMO 4Live Wonderland Kimmel News Nightline Grey’s News Anatomy World News Scandal KOMO” 4 News News Wheel Jimmy Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Once Nightline Wonderland
Grey’s Anatomy
Doc Zone ”
Two Men Crazy Ones
Parenthood ”
Oakland Athletics
Movie: “Peace
Motive ”
The National Elementary ” ”
Elementary ”
Sportsnet Connected
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Hockey TFC
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada The Test
World Poker Peace Out Tour ”
10 :00 :30 FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2014 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT # $ % 1 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2014 11 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT 12 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 # $ % 1 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 10 :30 2 :00 6 :30 :00 11 :30 3 :00 7 :30 :00 12 :30 4 :00 8 :30 :00 1 :30 9 :30 5 :00 :00 2 :30 10 :30 6 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 7 :00 :00 :00 4 :30 12 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 11 :00 :30 8 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 10 :30 SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 2014 11 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT 12 :00 :30 # $ %
” Lumberjacks 24 CH” Off Record Curling Interruption ”
Days of our The Social The Doctors The View Lives ” ””
Republic Bookabooof Doyle Doodlebops
The Talk Fresh ” Debt/Part
Steven and Heartland Chris ”
SportsCentre ” ” ” Hockey ” NHL ” Hockey: Off Record Bruins at Interruption Lumberjacks Maple Leafs 24 CH” SportsCentre ” Curling SportsCentre ”” Hockey NHL ” ” ” Hockey: Off Record Bruins” at Motoring Maple 24 CH”Leafs ” Off Record SportsCentre Interruption SportsCentre ”
The Queen Noon News Latifah Show Hour Young & Days of our Restless Lives News The Talk ” ” The Doctors Global Nat. ” News The Queen CHBC Latifah Fresh Show Ent Debt/Part Young & ET Canada Restless Noon News Growing Up HourMillers News The ” our Days of Parenthood Lives Global” Nat. CHBC News The Talk Elementary Ent ””
” SportsCentre SportsCentre ””
Dr. ThePhil Marilyn Denis ”Show Bethenny CTV News ” ” Ellen DeGeThe Social neres Show ” CTV News Dr. Phil at Five ” The CTVView News Bethenny ”” ” The Marilyn etalk Denis Show Ellen DeGeSurviving neres Show CTV News Big Bang ” CTV Men News Two at Five The Social Grey’s ” CTV News Anatomy ” Dr. Phil Motive etalk ””
Hockey Off Record SportsCentre NHL ” Motoring Hockey: 24 CH Bruins at SportsCentre Maple”Leafs ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre ”” Off Record
ET Surviving TheCanada Queen Bethenny CHBC News News-Lisa Latifah Show ” Growing Up CTV Big Bang Final News Young & EllenMen DeGeThe Millers Two ET Canada Daily Show Restless neres Show The Test Seth Meyers Parenthood Grey’s News ” CTV News Anatomy ” at Five Elementary Motive Global” Nat. CTV News ” CHBC News ” CHBC News News-Lisa Ent etalk Final CTV News ET Canada Surviving ET Canada Daily Show Growing Big Bang The Test Up Seth Meyers The Millers Two Men
Motoring 24 CH
Parenthood ”
SportsCentre Elementary ” ”
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test
Best Recipes CBC News Stefano Now Dragons’ Republic of Den Doyle CBC News Steven and CBC News Chris Bookaboo CBC News Doodlebops Best Recipes Rick Mercer Stefano Heartland George S ” Dragons’ Coronation Den CBC News The Nature Now CBC News of Things CBC News Republic Doc Zoneof Doyle CBC News ” Rick Mercer Steven and The National Chris ” S George
Daily Show 22 Minutes Seth Meyers Coronation
bookshop, will be enthe AGM Saturday tered into a draw for a April 26. ports the Lake Counfree membership to the Drop off your books try Art Gallery, includLake Country Art Galat the Lake Country ing upgrades to the Art lery. Benefits of memArt Gallery located at House and gallery; such bership to the gallery in- 10356A Bottom Wood asYTV a new sign for the DISC clude: NEWS KAYU TLC WTBS KING Four exhibition Lake KCTS Rd. in Lake Coun7 Shop, 9 opportunities ; NregularP Art6 House, Gift a< year just Atry during open Invasion CBC News Auction 30members Rock 19 Kidsdis- Divorce hours—Wednesday Sesame Today 8 ArtShelf Bookshop & for and Spliced Now With Auction Paid Prog. 19 Kids Divorce Street cont’d Reading Room the counts workshops, a.m.Daniel to 6 p.m., Flamingo Carole and How/Made Family on Feud The Little Judge Alex Tiger Th Newursday Day Squirrel MacNeil How/Made Family Feud Couple Judge Alex Super Why! Northwest YTV NEWS DISC classes KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING Art HouseCBC Artist Stuand other pro- King and Friday 10 a.m. to 4 Kid vs. Kat News Bear Grylls: ThisMinute Gypsy Antiques KING 5 6 9 ; < N P Sidekick Now7 With ” ThisMinute Wedding KingAp.m.Roadshow News dios. gramming. and Saturday and Rated A for Reshmi Nair Naked Gypsy Ecosense-Liv our Invasion CBC News 30 19 Kids Divorce Sunday Sesame Today Every donation toAuction the and Law ThRock e& draw will be at Community 11 a.m.Days to 3ofp.m. Monster ” Afraid: Order: SVU Wedding Community Joy/Painting Lives Spliced Now With AuctionUn. Paid Prog. 19 Kids Divorce Street cont’d BOOKS FROM A11
The The Talk Price Is Right ” Let’s Make a Young & Deal Restless
Days of our Sportsnet League: The Doctors Lives ” Quarterfi nal Connected The Talk Europa Fresh Hockeycen” TFCat Noon Debt/Part tral
Wibbly Ella thePig Ele. Dragon Jelly Jamm
General The View Hospital ”
Ella the Ele. G. Shrinks Rob Robot Clifford-Dog
Family Family Feud Feud Gypsy The Little Family Family Feud Feud Wedding Couple Sidekick ” How/Made Gypsy Kid vs. Kat CBC News Bear Grylls: Steve ThisMinute Gypsy Squirrel ” How/Made Harvey Wedding Sidekick Now With ” ThisMinute Wedding SpongeBob Lang & Daily Planet Bethenny Gypsy Rated A for Reshmi Nair Naked and Law & Gypsy Rabbids O’Leary ” ” Wedding Monster ” Afraid: Un. Order: SVU Wedding Odd Parents CBC News Cold Water Two Men My Big Fat Kid vs. Kat Power & Naked and Family Feud Gypsy SpongeBob ” Cowboys Two Men American League/Evil Politics Afraid Family Feud Wedding Invasion CBC News Auction 30 Rock 19 Kids Thunder The National Rods N’ Simpsons Gypsy Spliced Now With Auction Paid Fam Prog. 19 Kids Sidekick ”” How/Made Steve Gypsy Hathaways Wheels Mod Wedding Squirrel ” How/Made Harvey Wedding Flamingo Carole How/Made Family Feud Tattoos The Little Cache Craze CBC News Amish Mafia Big Bang Squirrel MacNeil How/Made Family Feud Tattoos Couple SpongeBob Lang & Daily Planet Bethenny Gypsy Japanizi ” ” Big Bang Rabbids O’Leary ” ” Wedding Kid vs. Kat CBC News Bear Grylls: ThisMinute Gypsy Mr. Young The National How/Made Hell’s Gypsy Sidekick Now With ” ThisMinute Wedding Odd Parents CBC News Cold Water Two Men My Big Fat Boys ” How/Made Kitchen Wedding SpongeBob ” Cowboys Two Men American Rated A for The Reshmi Nair Cold Naked and Law & Idol Gypsy Gags National Water Amer. Tattoos Monster ” Afraid: Un. Order: SVU Wedding Thunder The National Rods N’ Simpsons Gypsy Gags ” Cowboys Surviving Tattoos Hathaways ”& Wheels Mod Fam Wedding Kid vs. Kat PowerNews NakedN’ and Family Feud My Gypsy Babysitting CBC Rods News Big Fat League/Evil Politics Afraid Mafia Mod Family Feud American Wedding Cache Craze CBC News Amish Big Bang Tattoos Splatalot ” Wheels Fam Japanizi ” ” Big Bang Tattoos Sidekick Mr. Young The National How/Made Amish Mafia Steve The Arsenio Gypsy Gypsy Squirrel ”” How/Made Harvey Wedding Mr. Young The National How/Made Hell’s Gypsy Boys ” Hall Show Wedding
The Middle King Mod Fam King Big Bang Community Big Bang Community Browns Seinfeld Payne The Middle Divorce Browns Divorce The Middle Payne Mod Fam Judge Alex Mod Fam Judge Alex Big Bang Seinfeld Big Bang King Family Guy King Browns Family Guy Payne Community Amer. Dad Community Browns Amer. Dad Payne Seinfeld Jeffersons The Middle Mod Fam Jeffersons
The First 48 Scared Beyond ” Scared The First 48 The First 48 ” ” After the After 48 the First First 48 Beyond Beyond Scared Scared Beyond Beyond Scared Scared
SpongeBob Boys Gags Rabbids Gags Odd GagsParents SpongeBob Babysitting Thunder Splatalot Hathaways Mr. Young Cache Boys Craze Japanizi Gags Mr. Young Gags Boys
Lang & & ” Lang O’Leary O’Leary The National CBC News ” ” CBC News The National ” ” The National CBC News ” ” Lang & The National O’Leary ”
Grey’s Anatomy
The First 48 ”
Gags Gags
Out” Park
Scandal ”
After the First 48
Secrets of Working
News Jimmy
Beyond Scared
48 48 48 48 48
A&E 1 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
Kid vs. Kat Flamingo League/Evil Squirrel
Power Carole & Politics MacNeil
Naked and How/Made Afraid How/Made
Seinfeld Judge Alex The Middle Judge Alex
Bethenny Kitchen TMZ ” Sunny Amer. Idol Two Men Surviving Two Men News Simpsons Mod Fam Mod Fam The Arsenio Big Bang Hall Show Big Bang TMZ Hell’s Sunny Kitchen
Gypsy Wedding Paid Prog. Wedding Paid Prog. Tattoos My Big Fat Tattoos American My Big Fat Gypsy American Wedding Gypsy Tattoos Wedding Tattoos Paid Prog. Gypsy Paid Prog. Wedding
Big Bang Family Guy Girlfriends Big Bang Past” Amer. Dad Browns Amer. Dad Payne Jeffersons Browns Jeffersons Payne Movie: Mod Fam “Ghosts of Seinfeld Girlfriends Family Guy Past” Family Guy
TalesPlus Cat Katie Evening Peg ” KING News Sid Science ” Foyle’s War Tonight Community Dr. Wayne Wild Kratts Ellen DeGe” Parks Dyer: I Can Show WordGirl neres Show See Seth Meyers Midsomer Hollywood Business KING Murders Game5Night World News News DCI Banks Parenthood PBS ” Nightly” News NewsHour News ” KING News Rick Steves News Dr. Wayne Tonight Tales Evening Dyer: I Can Show Foyle’s War Seth Community See Meyers ” Parks
The National Cold Water ” Cowboys
Amer. Idol Surviving
Tattoos Tattoos
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Midsomer Murders
Hollywood Game Night
Babysitting Splatalot
CBC News ”
News Mod Fam
My Big Fat American
Jeffersons Jeffersons
DCI Banks ”
Parenthood ”
Mr. Young Boys
The National Amish Mafia The Arsenio ” ” Hall Show
Gypsy Wedding
Movie: “Ghosts of
” Dr. Wayne
KING News Tonight
Kimmel Live Beyond Nightline Scared
Gags Gags
Lang & O’Leary
How/Made How/Made
TMZ Sunny
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
Girlfriends Past”
Dyer: I Can See
Show Seth Meyers
19 Kids 19 Kids
Divorce Divorce
Sesame Street
Today cont’d
A&E 1
Daily Planet How/Made How/Made ” How/Made Cold Water Cold Water Cowboys Cowboys Rods N’ Rods N’ Wheels Wheels Amish Mafia Amish” Mafia ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made
Rods N’ Wheels
Seinfeld The Middle Movie: Mod Fam Family Guy “Ghosts of
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Daniel Tiger New Day ” Super”Why! Northwest Peg Plus Cat Katie Antiques KING 5 Sid Science ” Roadshow News Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeEcosense-Liv Days of our WordGirl neres Show Joy/Painting Lives Business KING 5 Charlie Rose Dr. Phil World News News ” ” Sesame Today PBS Nightly News Street cont’d Peg Plus Cat Katie NewsHour News Sid Science ” Daniel Tiger News New Day Rick Steves Super Why! Evening Northwest Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeTales WordGirl neres 5 Show Antiques Foyle’s War KING Community Roadshow News 5 Business KING ” Parks World News News Ecosense-Liv Days of our Midsomer Hollywood Joy/Painting Lives PBS NightlyNight News Murders Game NewsHour News Charlie Rose Dr. Phil DCI Banks Parenthood Rick Steves News ”” ””
World Poker The Doctors The View Tour ” ”
Bookaboo Doodlebops
The Price Is Right
The Doctors Party Poker ” ”
Ella the Ele. Jelly Jamm
The View ”
The First 48 ”
Invasion Spliced
CBC News Now With
Auction Auction
30 Rock Paid Prog.
Curling ”
KOMO 4 News
The First 48 ”
Flamingo Squirrel
Carole MacNeil
How/Made How/Made
Family Feud Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes
Judge Alex Judge Alex
Daniel Tiger Super Why!
New Day Northwest
The First 48 ”
Kid vs. Kat Sidekick
YTV Rated A for 6
CBC News Now With
Cold Water Cowboys
ThisMinute ThisMinute
King King
Doc Martin ”
KING 5 News
” CBC News Power & Now With Politics Carole” MacNeil ”
Wheels Auction Amish Mafia Auction ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made
Order: SVU 30 Rock Family Feud Paid Prog. Family Feud Family Feud Steve Family Feud Harvey
Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say
Community Divorce Seinfeld Divorce The Middle Judge Alex The Middle Judge Alex Mod Fam
Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Sidekick Kung Fu
CBC Lang News &
Cold Daily Water Planet Cowboys ”
ThisMinute Bethenny ThisMinute ”
Say Yes Borrowed Say Yes Borrowed
King Big Bang King Big Bang
Days of our Rick Steves Lives Sesame Today Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Street cont’d ” ” Daniel Tiger New Day Peg Plus Cat Katie Super Why! Northwest Sid Science ” Doc KING 5 Wild Martin Kratts Ellen DeGe” News Show WordGirl neres
Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes Say Yes 19 SayKids Yes Randy Say Yes Say Yes Borrowed Say Yes Yes Say Borrowed Say Yes Borrowed Say Yes Say Yes Borrowed Randy Say Yes Borrowed Randy Say Yes Borrowed Say Yes Say Yes Randy Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Randy Say Yes Borrowed Say Yes Borrowed Borrowed Borrowed Paid Prog. Say Yes Borrowed Paid Prog. Randy Randy Borrowed Say Yes Borrowed Say Yes Randy Say Yes Borrowed Borrowed Borrowed Say Yes
Community Browns Community Payne Divorce Seinfeld Browns Divorce The Middle Payne Judge Alex The Mod Middle Fam Judge Alex Mod Fam Seinfeld King Big Bang Family Guy King Big Bang Family Guy Community Amer. Dad Browns Community Amer. Dad Payne Seinfeld Jeffersons Browns The Middle Jeffersons Payne The Middle Movie: Mod Fam Fam Mod “Hardball” Seinfeld Big Bang ” Guy Family Big Bang Family” Guy Browns Amer. Dad Payne Amer. Dad Browns Jeffersons Payne Jeffersons Mod Fam Seinfeld Movie: “Hardball” Family Guy
Moveable Business Rick Steves World News SesameRose Charlie PBS Street” NewsHour Daniel Tiger Peg Plus Cat Washington Super Why! Sid Science Charlie Rose Doc Martin Wild Kratts Doc Martin ” WordGirl ” Moveable Reel NW Business Rick Steves World ”News Charlie Rose Film School PBS ” Live/Lincoln NewsHour Peg Plus Cat Center Washington Sid Science ArtZone Charlie Rose Wild Kratts Music Doc Martin WordGirl Doc Martin ” Business Reel NW World News ” PBS Film School NewsHour Live/Lincoln Washington Charlie Rose Center ArtZone Doc Martin
Days of KING 5 our Lives News Today Dr. Phil Nightly News cont’d News ” New Day Katie News Northwest ” Evening KING 5 Ellen DeGeDateline News neres Show NBC Days of our Grimm5 KING Lives News ” Dr. Phil Hannibal Nightly ” News News ” Katie KING News ”News Tonight Evening Ellen DeGeShow Dateline neres Show Seth NBC Meyers KING 5 Grimm News ” Nightly News Hannibal News ” News Evening KING News Tonight Dateline
Family” Guy Amer. ”Dad
Music ” Doc ReelMartin NW ”
NBC Show Seth Meyers Grimm ”
Fresh Debt/Part
The Marilyn Denis Show
The Nature of Things
Young & Restless
Fresh Debt/Part
MLB Baseball:
G. Shrinks Clifford-Dog
Noon News Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News Bold
Noon News Hour
Milwaukee Brewers at
PAW Patrol The Chew Bucket-Dino ”
” ” World Poker Off Record Tour Interruption Curling SportsCentre ””
Days of our Lives The Doctors The Talk ” ” Fresh The Queen Debt/Part Latifah Show
The Social ” The View Dr. Phil ” ” The Marilyn Bethenny Denis ”Show
NBA ” ” Basketball:
Noon YoungNews & Hour Restless
” at Pacers ” Raptors World Poker Off Record ” Tour Interruption SportsCentre Curling SportsCentre ” ”” ” NBA Curling ” Basketball: ” ” Pacers” at ” ” Raptors Off Record ” Interruption ” SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre ”” ”” NBA SportsCentre Curling Basketball: ”” Pacers at ” Raptors ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre ” Curling
Days of our News Lives ” The Talk Doctors The Global Nat. ” CHBC” News Fresh The Ent Queen Debt/Part Latifah Show ET Canada Noon News Young Rake & Hour Restless ” Days of our Hawaii News FiveLives 0 ” The Talk Dream Nat. Global ” Builders CHBC News The Queen CHBC News Ent Latifah Show Final ET Canada Young & ET Canada Rake Restless The Test ” News Hawaii” Five0 Global Nat. Dream News CHBC Builders Ent ET Canada CHBC News Final Rake
CTV Ellen News DeGeneres ”Show The Social CTV News at Five” ThePhil View Dr. CTV News ” ”” The Marilyn Bethenny etalk Denis ”Show Big Bang CTV News Ellen Spun DeGeOut ” neres Show Kirstie The Social Grimm CTV News ” at Five” Dr. Phil Blue News Bloods CTV ” ” Bethenny News-Lisa etalk ” CTV News Big Bang Ellen DeGeBig Bang Spun neres Out Show Seth Meyers Kirstie CTV News Grimm at Five ” CTV News Blue Bloods ” ” etalk Big Bang News-Lisa CTV SpunNews Out
” SportsCentre ”” ”
” Kirstie ET Canada Big Bang The Test Meyers Hawaii Five- Seth Grimm 0 ”
” ”
” ”
Dream Builders
Blue Bloods ”
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test
CBC Republic & of
CHAN Days of our (
SNP KNOW KOMO Boston )Red Wibbly *Pig General `
Doyle Bookaboo Steven and Doodlebops Chris The Nature Best Recipes of Things Stefano
” The Price Is Let’s Make a Right Deal Young & ThisMinute Restless ThisMinute
Lives The Doctors The Talk ” ” Fresh The Queen Debt/Part Latifah Show
Sox Party Poker Sportsnet ” Connected MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Connected
Dragon Ella the Ele. Ella the Ele. Jelly Jamm Rob Robot G. Shrinks Dive, Olly Clifford-Dog Jelly Jamm
CBC NHL News Now Hockey:
KIRO JudgeNews Judy Bold Judy Judge
Noon YoungNews & Hour Restless
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PAW The Chew MayaPatrol Bee KOMO 4 Bucket-Dino News ” Arthur Wibbly Pig General Dino Dan News Dragon Hospital Wild Kratts World News Ella the the Ele. Ele. The The View Ella Doctors Secrets of KOMO 4 Jelly Jamm ” Rob Robot Working News ” G. Shrinks KOMO Dive, The Dr.4Oz CoastOlly Wheel Clifford-Dog News Jelly Jamm Show ” Jeopardy! PAW Patrol The Chew Maya Bee KOMO 4 New Tricks Last Man Bucket-Dino ” Arthur” News Neighbors Wibbly Pig General LewisDan Shark Tank Dino News Dragon Hospital ” Wild Kratts World ”News Ella the Ele. The Doctors ” 20/20 4 Secrets of KOMO Rob Robot ” Working News ” Dive, Olly The Dr. Oz Architects of News Coast Wheel Jelly Jamm Show Change Jimmy ” Jeopardy! Maya Bee KOMO 4 New Kimmel Live New Tricks Tricks Last Man Arthur News ”” Nightline Neighbors Dino Dan News LewisKratts Shark Tank Wild World News ” ” Secrets of KOMO 4 ” 20/20 Working News Working ” Coast Wheel ” Jeopardy! Architects of News Change Jimmy New Tricks Last Man
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” New Tricks Lewis ” ”
The National Blue Bloods ” ”
Dream Builders
Sportsnet Connected
” Working
The First 48 ”
League/Evil Splatalot
CBC News ”
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Hockey Architects of News Plays/Month Change Jimmy
The First 48 ”
Mr. Young Boys
The National Mayday ” ”
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada The Test
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CHAN Days of our Early News ( Lives
Hospital The View The Doctors ” ” KOMO The Dr.4Oz News Show
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Storage Flipping Vegas Storage Storage Movie: Flipping Storage Vegas “Bad Boys” Storage Flipping ” Storage Vegas ” Storage Flipping ” Storage Vegas Flipping Storage Flipping Vegas Movie: Vegas Flipping “Bad Boys” Flipping Vegas” Vegas Flipping ” Flipping Vegas” Vegas Flipping Flipping Vegas Vegas
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” the fifth estate” CBC News ” The National CBC News Marketplace The NowNational With Malaysian Issue Christine Air 370 The BirakNational Doc Zone Mansbridge ” ” The Nature ” The National of Things ” Mansbridge the fiNational fth The Malaysian estate Issue Air 370 The National The National Mansbridge Marketplace Issue The Nature Malaysian The National of Things Air 370 Mansbridge
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Paid How Prog. I Met How I Met Glee Paid Prog. ” Mod Fam Paid Prog. Big Bang Glee Kids News Mod Fam ” Old House Big Bang Bones Paid Prog. Almost ” Paid Prog. Human Trout TV Glee The Two Men ” Following How I Met Glee News How I ”Met Wanted Mod Fam Bones Animation ” Big Bang Domination TroutFam TV Mod The Arsenio TwoBang Men Big Hall Show
Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Real Life Dateline: Dateline: Dateline: Real Real Life Life Real Life Dateline: Dateline: Dateline: Real Life Real Life Real Life Dateline: Dateline: Dateline: Real Life Real Life Dateline: Dateline: Real Life Real Life Dateline: Dateline: Real Life Real Life Dateline: Peter Popoff Real Life Paid Prog.
” The Middle The Middle Movie: Nick and “Resident Movie: Norah “Stuck on Evil” Movie: You” ” Real “Dan in ” Community Life” Family” Guy Community Family Guy King Movie: Seinfeld King “Resident Seinfeld The Middle Evil” Movie: The Middle ” “Just Movie: Community Married” Community “Stuck on ” King You” Paid King Prog. ” Paid Prog.
Easy Yoga: Old House Old House The Secret Thomas BrainMakeBuilder Me Bob ” Change30 Days to a Truth Perlmutter Younger Exercise Test Kitchen Heart-Masley Charlton Cook’s Easy Yoga: Heston Cooking The Secret Movie: Check Brain“The Big Old House ChangeCountry” Old House Perlmutter ” MakeKitchen Me Test Cook’s”” ” Cooking Truth Austin Check City Exercise Limits
Golf: KINGShell 5 News Houston English PreOpen, Third Nightly News mier League KING News Round Soccer Traveler ” Goal Zone Backroads JustinTour Time PGA Dateline Tree Fu Tom Golf: Shell NBC Exploration Houston ” Kids News Open, Third ” KING 5 Round Saturday News ” Night Live NightlyTime News Justin KING News Tree Tom KINGFu News Saturday Exploration Traveler Night Live Kids News Backroads ”
KNOW KOMO Paid Prog. News * `
A&E 1
2 :30 # $ % & :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 2014 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 6 1 :30 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 7 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 :00 8 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 9 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 10 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 1 :30 11 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 2 :30 12 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2014 9 :00 :30 :00 CHBC CIVT CBC 10 :30 TSN # $ % & :00 11 :00 :30 :00 10 12 :30 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2014 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2014 12 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 6 :00 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 10 8 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 :30 11 9 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 12 10 :00 :00 6 :30 :30 1 11 :00 :00 7 :30 :30 12 2 :00 8 :00 :30 3 :30 :00 9 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 10 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 11 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 11 :30 TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 :00 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :30 # $ % & :00 2 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 3 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 5 :00 1 :30 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 7 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 8 10 :30 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 9 :30 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 12 :30 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 1 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 2 :30 8 :30 :30 :00 3 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2014 9 :30 :00 4 :30 10 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 5 :00 :30 11 :00 12 6 :30 10 11 7 :00 :30 12 8 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 9 :30 :00 2 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 3 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 ”
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Steele Handyman W5 Kevin ”Newman Live MasterChef Movie: Canada “Wild Wild CTV News West” ” ” Once Upon ” a Time Movie Worst Night Believe Handyman First Story ” SteeleNewKevin Believe man Live W5 ” Movie:” The MasterChef “Wild Wild Mentalist Canada West” News CTV News ” CTV News ” ” The Once MovieUpon Night Mentalist a Time First Story Believe Steele ” W5 Believe ” ” MasterChef The Canada Mentalist CTV News News ” CTV News Once Upon The a Time Mentalist Believe ”
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Dr. Chris-Vet Paid Prog. Jamie Oliver Recipe Pets.TV Pets.TV KIRO News Paid Prog. KIRO News Paid Prog. CBS News High School KIRO News Basketball 60 Minutes Final Four ” ConfiProg. dential Paid The Paid 49th Prog. Jamie Oliver Annual Dr. Chris-Vet Recipe Academy of Pets.TV Jamie Oliver Country Pets.TV Paid Prog. Music KIROProg. News Paid Awards KIRO News High School KIRO News CBS News Basketball KIRO KIRO News News Final Four Paid Prog. 60 Minutes Confi dential Paid Prog. ” Jamie Oliver TheChris-Vet 49th Dr. Annual Jamie Oliver Academy of Pets.TV Country KIRO News Music KIRO News Awards CBS News KIRO KIRO News News KIRO News 60 Minutes Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. The 49th Annual
Ice Pilots Block NWT Lorna Dueck TV-Torrens Joel Osteen Simpsons Paid Prog. Simpsons News Hour Global Nat. PGA Tour News Hour Golf: Shell ” Houston Burgers Open, Final Amer. Dad Round Block Simpsons Lorna Dueck Ice Pilots Family Guy NWT Joel Osteen CosmosPaid Prog. TV-Torrens Space Simpsons News Hour Elementary Simpsons PGA Tour Global” Nat. Golf: Shell News Final News Hour Houston Block ” Open, Final Paid Prog. Burgers Round Paid Prog. Amer. Dad Ice Pilots Simpsons NWT Family Guy TV-Torrens CosmosSimpsons Space Simpsons Elementary Global Nat. ” News Hour News ”Final Block Burgers Paid Prog. Amer. Dad Paid Prog. Simpsons Family Guy
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That’s Hcky ”
Academy of Country
April 2, 2014 Oliver rLake Country Ice PilotsWednesday, First Story Best Recipes Jamie :00 Majors” Calendar Block Worst Coronation Paid Prog.
Believe ”
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The National Music ” Awards
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News Final Block The Doctors Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Fresh Debt/Part
News CTV News The View The ” Mentalist The Marilyn Denis Show
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Noon News Hour
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Days of our Lives
The Social ”
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The Talk ” The Queen Doctors The Latifah” Show Fresh & Young Debt/Part Restless
English Noon News Sportscentre News Premier 2014 NCAA Hour ” League Days ofNat. our Basketball Global Soccer Lives News Tournament: CHBC
” `
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Marketplace Outlaws
Tale” Victorious ” Victorious Movie: Sam Ant & Cat “The Hathaways Bully” The Next ” Star - Super. Movie: Cache Craze “Rio” Japanizi ” Movie: ” “Shark Victorious League/Evil Victorious Tale” Cache Craze Sam &” Cat Japanizi Hathaways Movie: Japanizi “TheNext Ant The Mr. Young Bully” Star - Super. Boys ” Cache Craze Mr. Young Movie: Japanizi Boys “Rio” Movie: Movie:” “Shark “Rio” ” Tale” League/Evil ” Cache Craze Movie: Japanizi “The Ant Japanizi Bully” Mr. Young ” Boys Movie: Mr. Young “Rio” Boys ” Movie: ” “Rio” League/Evil Cache Craze
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A&E 1
Elementary ”
CHAN ( News Final
Sportsnet Connected
SNP Blue) Jays
KNOW KOMO ” ` The* Human News
Duck D. Duck D.
CBC News Now
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
New York Yankees
Republic of Doyle
The Talk ”
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Blue Jays MLB Player
Dr. Phil ” The View Bethenny ”” The Marilyn Ellen DeGeDenis Show neres Show
Steven and Chris Bookaboo Best Recipes Doodlebops Stefano Our Dragons’ Vancouver Den
The Price Is Bold Right ThisMinute Young Judy & Judge Restless Judge Judy
The Queen Doctors The Latifah” Show Fresh Young & Debt/Part Restless
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KIRO News News KIRO ” Champ.
KIRO News The Price Is Paid RightProg. Paid Prog. Young & Restless
Cash Cab Dangerous Cash Cab Flights Manufact. Licence to Manufact. Drill: Louis. Naked and Bering Un. Sea Afraid: Gold Naked and Cold Water Afraid Cowboys Naked After Street Dark Outlaws Dangerous Bear Grylls: Flights Cash Cab ” Cash Cab Licence to Naked and Drill: Louis. Manufact. Afraid: Un. Manufact. Bering Sea Naked Naked and and Gold Afraid Afraid: Un. Cold Water Naked After Naked and Cowboys Dark Afraid Street Bear Grylls: Naked After Outlaws Dark ” Cash Cab Bear Grylls: Cash Cab ” Manufact. Naked and Manufact. Afraid: Un. Naked and Naked Un. and Afraid: Afraid Naked and Naked Afraid After Dark Naked After Bear Grylls: Dark ” Bear Grylls: ”
” ;
” Paid Prog. ” 30 Rock Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Livin’ Dream NASCAR Trout TV Racing: Two Men Sprint Cup: Two Men Duck Big Bang Commander Burgers 500 Amer. Dad ” Paid Prog. Simpsons 30 Rock ” Family Guy ” Paid Prog. CosmosNASCAR Paid Prog. Space Livin’ Dream Racing: News Trout TV Sprint Cup: Bones Two Men Duck ” Two Men Commander TMZ Big Bang 500 ” Burgers ” Paid Prog. Amer. Dad ” Simpsons ” Family Guy Paid Prog. CosmosLivin’ Dream Space Trout TV News Two Men Bones Two Men ” Big Bang TMZ Burgers ” Amer. Dad Paid Prog. Simpsons Family Guy
” A
” N
” P
Boss Boss My Five Undercover Wives Boss Medium Undercover Medium Boss Medium Undercover Medium Boss My Five Undercover Wives Boss Undercover Medium Boss Undercover Medium Boss Undercover My Five Boss My Five Wives Wives Undercover Medium Medium Boss Medium Medium Undercover My Five Medium Boss Wives Medium Undercover Paid Prog. My Five Boss Paid Prog. Wives Undercover Medium Boss Medium My Five My Five Wives Wives Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium My Five Medium Wives My Five Paid Prog. Wives Paid Prog. Medium Medium
Big Bang ” Big Bang Tyler Perry’s Big Bang the Family Mod Fam That Fam Preys Mod ” Movie: Movie: “Collateral” “The ” Messengers” ” Shark ”Tale ”” Big Bang The Closer Big TylerBang Perry’s ” the Big Family Bang The Closer Big Bang That Preys ”” Mod Fam Movie: Mod Fam Movie: “The Italian Movie: “The Job” “Collateral” Messengers” ” ” There ”Yet? Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer Mod Fam ” Mod Fam Movie: Movie: “The Italian “Collateral” Job” ” ” ” There Yet? ” The Closer
Incredible Cyberchase Health!-Joel McLaughlin ” Moyers Shift Change Dr. Wayne ” Dyer: I Can Weekend See Clearly Moyers Now Railway ” Journeys ” Sid Science Call the Cyberchase 3 Steps to Midwife Incredible McLaughlin Masterpiece Moyers Health!-Joel Classic ” Dr. Wayne Members’ Shift Change Dyer: I Can Choice ” See Clearly ” Weekend Now ” Moyers ” Younger Railway ” Heart Journeys 3 Steps to Call the Incredible Midwife Health!-Joel Masterpiece ” Classic Shift Change Members’ ” Choice Weekend ” Moyers ” Railway Younger Journeys Heart Call the Midwife
Zou Hockey: Traveler Blues at Backroads Blackhawks KING 5 PGA Tour News Golf: Shell Nightly News Houston KING News Open, Final Dateline Round NBC NHL ” Dream Hockey: LazyTown Builders Zou Blues at Believe Blackhawks Traveler ” Backroads PGA Tour Crisis KINGShell 5 Golf: News ” Houston KING News Nightly News Open, Final The 206 KING News Round Bensinger Dateline ” AntiAging NBC LazyTown Dream Zou Builders Traveler Believe Backroads ” KING 5 Crisis News ” Nightly News KING News News KING The 206 Dateline Bensinger NBC AntiAging Dream Builders
Boss A13 Undercover Big Bang 3 Steps to LazyTown Undercover Shark Tale Sid Science NHL
Resurrection Duck D. ” Duck D.
Japanizi Japanizi
The National Naked and ” Afraid: Un.
My Five Wives
” The Closer
Masterpiece Believe Classic ”
A&E 1 Duck D.
Mr. Young Boys
YTV 6 Mr. Young
Tsunami: On Naked and Camera Afraid
NEWS Doc7 Zone
DISC 9 Naked After
News Bones
Medium Medium
TLC < My Five
” Movie:
WTBS “TheA Italian
Members’ Choice
Job” Divorce ” Divorce There Yet? Judge Alex Judge Alex
” Sesame Younger Street Heart Daniel Tiger Super Why!
KING News The 206 Today Bensinger cont’d AntiAging New Day Northwest
PAW Patrol The Chew Bucket-Dino ”
The First 48 ”
Kid vs. Kat Sidekick
CBC News Now With
Dude, You’re ThisMinute Screwed ThisMinute
Borrowed Borrowed
King King
Railway Journeys
KING 5 News
Wibbly Pig Dragon
General Hospital
The First 48 ”
Rated A for Monster
Reshmi Nair Deadliest ” Catch
NEWS Power & 7 Politics
DISC Manufact. 9 Manufact.
Law & Order: SVU
Say Yes Say Yes
Community Community
Kevin Rick Steves
Days of our
MLB Darts Baseball:TV Canucks Baltimore Party Poker Orioles ” at
Ella the Ele. Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm Jamm Jelly G. Shrinks Maya Bee Clifford-Dog Arthur
The View The Dr. Oz Show ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News
Criminal The First 48 Minds” Criminal Duck D. MindsD. Duck
Invasion Sidekick Almost Squirrel Flamingo SpongeBob Squirrel Bread
CBC News ” Now With ”
Auction How/Made Auction How/Made Overhaulin’ Daily Planet ””
30 Rock Steve Paid Prog. Harvey Family Feud Bethenny Family” Feud
19 Kids Medium 19 Kids Medium Little Couple Here Comes Little Couple Honey
Divorce The Middle Divorce Mod Fam Judge Alex Big Bang Judge Alex Big Bang
Sesame Peg Plus Cat Street Sid Science Daniel Tiger Wild Kratts Super Why! WordGirl
Today Katie cont’d ”
Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global
New York European Yankees Poker Tour
PAW Patrol Martha Bucket-Dino Wild Kratts
The First Duck D. 48 ” Duck D.
Days of our News Hour Lives ”
Wibbly Pig Animals Dragon Animals Ella the Ele. Hope for Rob Robot Wildlife Dive, Olly Ella the Ele. Tudor MonJelly Jelly Jamm Jamm astery Farm Maya Bee G. Shrinks Fake or Arthur Clifford-Dog Fortune? Martha PAW Patrolof Architects Wild Kratts Bucket-Dino Change Animals Wibbly Pig Hope for Animals Dragon Wildlife Hope for Fake or Ele. Ella the Wildlife Fortune? Rob Robot Tudor MonDive, asteryOlly Farm Jelly Jamm Fake or Maya Bee Fortune? Arthur Architects of Martha Change Wild Kratts Hope for Animals Wildlife Animals Fake or Hope for Fortune? Wildlife
The Chew News World ”News General4 KOMO Hospital News
The First Duck D. 48 ” Duck D. The First 48 Bates Motel ” ” The Dr. Oz The First 48 The View Criminal Dancing Bates Motel Show ” ” Minds With the ” KOMO 4 Duck D. KOMO 4 Criminal Stars Duck D. News Duck D. News ” MindsD. Duck News Duck D. The Chew The First Castle Duck D. 48 World News Duck D. ” ” Duck D. KOMO 4 Duck D. General The 48 News Bates Motel News DuckFirst D. Hospital Jimmy ” Wheel Bates Motel Kimmel Live Bates The Doctors The First 48 Jeopardy! ”Motel Nightline ” ” Dancing Bates Motel The Dr. Oz The First 48 With the ” Show ” Stars Duck D. KOMO” 4 Duck Duck D. D. News Duck D. Castle Duck D. News ” Duck D. D. Duck World News Duck D. News Bates Motel KOMO 4 Duck D. Jimmy ” News Duck D. Kimmel Live Bates Motel Wheel Bates ”Motel Nightline Jeopardy! ”
Kid vs. Kat Hathaways League/Evil Mr. Young Sidekick Invasion Vampire Squirrel Almost Vampire SpongeBob Flamingo Haunting Bread Squirrel Haunting Odd Parents Kid vs. Kat Gags SpongeBob Sidekick Gags Sam & Cat Rated A for Vampire Assembly Monster Vampire Hathaways Haunting Kid vs. Kat Mr. Young Haunting League/Evil Vampire Sidekick Vampire Squirrel Haunting SpongeBob Haunting Bread Gags Odd Parents Gags SpongeBob Vampire Sam & Cat Vampire Assembly Haunting Hathaways Haunting Mr. Young
Power & CBC News Politics ” ” CBCNational News The ” Now With ” Lang & Carole The National O’Leary MacNeil ” Quebec CBC News Votes: Now With ” Election Reshmi Nair The National Results ” CBC News Lang Power& ”& O’Leary Politics The National ”” ” The National Lang & ” O’Leary CBC News Quebec ” Votes: The National Election ” Results Lang & CBC News O’Leary ”
KIRO CHAN Let’s Make a The Talk _ ( Deal ”
Plays/Month MLB Oil Change Baseball: ” Baltimore Orioles at
SNP Premier ) League
Family Tree Ella the Ele. Foyle’s War Jelly Jamm ” G. Shrinks Clifford-Dog
Red Carpet The View Castle” ” KOMO 4 News
KNOW KOMO Ella the Ele. The Doctors * ` Rob Robot ”
Duck D. Criminal Wahlburgers Minds Wahlburgers Criminal Minds
A&E The First 48 1 ”
Boys Invasion Movie: Almost “Rio” Flamingo Squirrel
YTV Kid vs. Kat 6 League/Evil
” CBC News The NowNational With ” Carole MacNeil
Carole Lang & MacNeil O’Leary Kid vs. Kat CBC News Odd Parents Quebec Sidekick Now With SpongeBob Votes: Rated&ACat for Reshmi Nair Sam Election Monster ” Assembly Results
Dark Auction Bear Grylls: Auction ” Overhaulin’ ”
KAYU ; ”
TMZ 30 Rock ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Family Feud Family Feud
KAYU Family Feud ; Family Feud
Wives 19 Kids Paid Prog. 19 Kids Paid Prog. Little Couple Little Couple
TLC Long Island < Medium
WTBS Seinfeld A The Middle
Dude, You’re Two ThisMinute How/Made Men Screwed ThisMinute How/Made Two Men Deadliest Law & Bering Sea Simpsons Catch Order: SVU Gold Mod Fam
Borrowed King Here Comes Browns Borrowed King Honey Payne Say Yes Community Here Comes Browns Say Yes Community Honey Boo Payne
Manufact. Jacked! Manufact. ” How/Made Auction How/Made How/Made Auction How/Made Daily Planet Overhaulin’ Bering Sea ” Gold ” How/Made Dude, You’re Jacked! How/Made Screwed ” Bering Sea Deadliest How/Made Gold Catch How/Made Jacked! Bering Manufact. ” Sea Gold Manufact. How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Bering Sea Daily Gold Planet ” Jacked! How/Made ” How/Made How/Made Bering Sea How/Made Gold Bering Sea Jacked! Gold ”
Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Steve 30 Rock Bones Harvey Paid Prog. ” Bethenny Family Feud The ” Family Feud Following Two Men ThisMinute News Two Men ThisMinute Mod Fam Simpsons Law & The Mod Arsenio Fam Order: SVU Hall Show Big Bang TMZ Family Feud Big Bang Sunny Family Feud Bones Steve ” Harvey The Bethenny Following ” News Two Men Mod Fam Two Men The Arsenio Simpsons Hall Show Mod Fam TMZ Big Bang Sunny Big Bang
Long Island Boo Medium Here Comes Medium 19 Kids Here Comes Medium 19 KidsBoo Honey Here Comes Little Couple Boo Honey Little Couple Here Comes Here Comes Borrowed Here Comes Honey Borrowed Honey Here Comes Say Yes Here Comes Honey Boo Say Yes Honey Boo Peter Popoff Long Island Here Comes Paid Prog. Medium Here Comes Medium Honey Boo Medium Boo Here Here Comes Comes Honey Here Comes Here Comes Honey Honey Here Comes Here Comes Honey Honey Boo Peter Popoff Boo Prog. Paid Here Comes
New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING 5 5 KING News News
Kevin PBS Rick Steves NewsHour Charlie Rose Old House ” Antiques Peg Plus Cat Sesame Antiques Sid Science Street Roadshow Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger In PerformWordGirl Super Why! ance... Business Railway Pie World News Journeys Independent PBS Kevin Lens NewsHour Rick Steves Happiness Old House Advantage Charlie Rose Antiques With Shawn ” Antiques Peg Plus Cat Roadshow Sid Science In PerformWild Kratts ance... WordGirl Pie Business Independent World News Lens PBS Happiness NewsHour Advantage Old House With Shawn Antiques
Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News Dr. Phil News ” Evening Katie Today The Voice cont’d ”” Ellen DeGeNew Day ” neres Show Northwest ” KING 5 KING 5 The Blacklist News News ” Nightly News Days of our KING News News Lives Tonight News Show Dr. Phil Evening Seth Meyers ” The Voice Katie ” ” ” Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Blacklist KING ”5 News KING News Nightly News Tonight News Show NewsMeyers Seth Evening
The Voice ”
The Talk 2014 NCAA ” Basketball Let’s Make a Tournament: Deal Final: Teams Bold The Price Is TBA ThisMinute Right Post Game Judge Judy Young & News Judge Judy Restless The Insider KIRO News KIRO News Ent Champ. ” Big Bang 2014 NCAA The Talk KIRO News Basketball ” Late Show Tournament: Letterman Let’s a Final:Make Teams Ferguson Deal TBA Bold Post Game ThisMinute News Judge Judy The Insider Judge Judy Ent KIRO News Big Bang Champ. KIRO News 2014Show NCAA Late Basketball Letterman Tournament: Ferguson Final: Teams
The The Queen Doctors Bones Latifah” Show Young & Fresh Remedy Restless Debt/Part ” Early News Noon News The Blacklist Global Nat. Hour ” News Hour Days of our News ”Hour Lives Final Ent ET The Talk ET Canada Canada The Test ” Bones The Queen ” Latifah Show Remedy Young”& Restless The Blacklist Early News ” Global Nat. News Hour News Hour Final ” ET Canada Ent Test The ET Canada
Blue Jays Sportsnet MLB Player Connected Premier NHL League Hockey: Darts MLB at Ducks Canucks TV Baseball: Canucks Party Poker Baltimore ” ” Orioles at Sportsnet European New York Sportsnet Poker Tour Yankees Connected Sportsnet Blue Jays Hockey Connected MLB Player Canucks TV NHL Oil Change Premier Hockey: ” League Ducks at Darts Canucks Canucks TV ” Party Poker Sportsnet ” Sportsnet European Connected Poker Tour Hockey SportsnetTV Canucks Connected Oil Change NHL ” Hockey:
” Bones SportsCentre ”
MasterChef Canada
Murdoch Mysteries
TBA Post Game
Bones ”
Ducks at Canucks
Tudor Monastery Farm
Dancing With the
Bates Motel ”
Vampire Vampire
The National How/Made ” How/Made
Bones ”
Here Comes Family Guy Honey Boo Family Guy
Antiques Roadshow
” That’s Hcky
The Following
Mr. D Ron James
News The Insider
Remedy ”
” Sportsnet
Fake or Fortune?
Haunting Haunting
The National Bering Sea ” Gold
The Following
Boo Amer. Dad Here Comes Amer. Dad
In Performance...
The The Queen Doctors Bones Latifah” Show Young & Fresh Remedy Restless Debt/Part ” News Noon News The Blacklist ” Hour ” Global Nat. Days our CHBC CHBCofNews News Lives Final Ent ET The Talk ET Canada Canada The Test ” Bones The Queen ” Latifah Show Remedy Young”& Restless The Blacklist News ” ” CHBC News Global Nat. Final CHBC News ET Canada Ent Test The ET Canada
Remedy ”
The Talk Ent ” ET Canada
KNOW KOMO The Doctors Wheel ” * ` Jeopardy!
A&E 1
Seinfeld Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld The Middle Divorce Family Guy Mod Fam Divorce Family Guy Big Bang Judge Dad Alex Amer. Big Bang Judge Dad Alex Amer. Browns King Jeffersons Payne King Jeffersons Browns Community Movie: Payne Community “The House Mod Fam Bunny” Seinfeld Seinfeld ” The Middle Family Guy The Middle Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Jeffersons Browns Jeffersons Payne Movie: Browns “The House Payne Bunny” Mod Fam ” Seinfeld
Railway Business Journeys World News
Steven and George S Chris Coronation Best Recipes Bookaboo Murdoch Stefano Doodlebops Mysteries Dragons’ OurD Mr. Den Vancouver Ron James CBC News CBCNational News The CBC News Now ” CBC News Republic of CBC News Rick Mercer Doyle S George George S 22 Minutes Steven and Coronation Coronation Chris Murdoch Best Recipes Mysteries Stefano Mr. D Dragons’ Ron James Den The National CBC News ” CBC News CBC News CBC News George S Rick Mercer 22 Minutes George S Coronation Coronation
The Talk Ent ” ET Canada
KCTS Lives KING Charlie Rose Dr. Phil N P ” ”
The Social CTV News ”” Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang Bethenny The View MasterChef ”” Canada Ellen DeGeThe Marilyn neres Show Denis Show Following CTV News CTV News Castle at Five ” CTV News The Social News-Lisa ” ” CTV News etalk Daily Show Dr. Big Phil Bang Seth Meyers ” MasterChef Bethenny Canada ” The Ellen DeGeFollowing neres Show Castle CTV News ” at Five News-Lisa CTV News ” Daily Show etalk Meyers Seth Big Bang
Off Record Final: Teams Interruption TBA SportsCentre Motoring ” ” Lumberjacks SportsCentre Hockey 24 CH” Interruption Barclays That’s Hcky Sportscentre English SportsCentre 2014 NCAA Premier ” Basketball League SportsCentre Tournament: Soccer ” Final: Teams SportsCentre Off TBARecord ” Interruption ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” Hockey That’s Hcky Interruption SportsCentre Sportscentre ” 2014 NCAA SportsCentre Basketball ” Tournament: SportsCentre Final: Teams ” TBA
Revenge ”
Block The Doctors Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Fresh Debt/Part
Bad Ink
Duck D. BatesD. Motel Duck ” Duck D. Movie: Duck D. “Bad Boys” Duck D. ” Duck D. ” Duck D. ” Duck D. Bad Ink Duck D. Bad Ink Duck D. Bad Ink Bates Motel Wahlburgers ” Duck D. Wahlburgers Duck D. Movie: Duck D. “Bad Duck Boys” D. Duck Duck D. D. ” Duck Duck D. D. ” Duck Duck D. D. ” Duck D. Duck D. Bad Ink Duck Duck D. D. Bad Ink Wahlburgers DuckInk D. Bad Wahlburgers Duck D. Duck D. Wahlburgers Duck D. Wahlburgers Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Duck D. Wahlburgers Duck D. Wahlburgers Wahlburgers Wahlburgers
Duck D. Duck D.
SportsCentre The Blacklist Castle ” ” ”
The National Ent ” Big Bang
The Blacklist Sportsnet ” Connected
Architects of Castle Change ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Gags Gags
CBC News ”
Jacked! ”
News Mod Fam
Here Comes Jeffersons Honey Jeffersons
Pie The Blacklist Independent ”
SportsCentre PBA Bowling ” ” SportsCentre ”” ”
CHBC News The Doctors Final ” ET Canada Fresh The Test Debt/Part
CBC News Bookaboo George S Doodlebops 22 Minutes The Nature Coronation of Things
News Hour The Doctors Final ” ET Canada Fresh The Test Debt/Part
Hope for Ella the Ele. Wildlife Jelly Jamm Fake or G. Shrinks Fortune? Clifford-Dog
Bates Motel Criminal ” Minds Bates Motel Criminal ” Minds
Vampire Invasion Vampire Almost Haunting Flamingo Haunting Squirrel
The National CBC News ” Now With Lang & Carole O’Leary MacNeil
How/Made Auction How/Made Auction Bering Sea How/Made Gold How/Made
The Arsenio 30 Rock Hall Show Paid Prog. TMZ Family Feud Sunny Family Feud
Here Comes 19 Kids Honey 19 Kids Peter Popoff Little Prog. Couple Paid Little Couple
Lens Sesame Happiness Street Advantage Daniel Tiger With Shawn Super Why!
Masters Classics
Noon News Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
CBC News Now With
Bering Sea Gold
That’s Hcky That’s Hcky
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Republic of Doyle
The Talk ”
Soccer ”
Wibbly Pig Dragon
Off Record Interruption PBA Bowling ” SportsCentre ”” That’s” Hockey! Masters Classics NHL
The Talk ” The Doctors ” The Queen Latifah Fresh Show Debt/Part Young & Restless Noon News Hour News
Dr. Phil ” The View ” Bethenny ” The Marilyn Denis Show Ellen DeGeneres Show CTV News ” CTV News
Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is Right Bold ThisMinute Young & Restless Judge Judy Judge Judy KIRO News KIRO ”News
The Talk ” The Doctors ” The Queen Latifah Fresh Show Debt/Part Young & Restless Noon News Hour News Early
Hockeycentral at Noon Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet Connected Rise as One UEFA MLB Baseball: Champions League Houston
Ella the Ele. Rob Robot Ella the Ele. Jelly Jamm Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm G. Shrinks Clifford-Dog Maya Bee Arthur PAW Patrol Bucket-Dino Martha
Hockey: That’s Hcky That’s Hcky Capitals at
at Five The Social ” CTV News
KIRO News The Talk KIRO ”News
GlobalofNat. Days our Lives News Hour
Blues Off Record Interruption ”
” our Days of Lives Nat. Global CHBC News The Talk ” Ent
Steven and Chris Bookaboo Doodlebops Best Recipes Stefano The Nature of Things Dragons’ Den CBC News Now News CBC CBC News Republic of Doyle CBC News
Days of our Lives
SportsCentre ”” PBA Bowling That’s” ” Hockey! That’s Hcky ” NHL ” ” Hockey: SportsCentre Masters Capitals ” at Classics Blues SportsCentre That’s Hcky ” That’s Hcky SportsCentre SportsCentre Off Record ” SportsCentre Interruption ” SportsCentre That’s Hcky ””
ET TheCanada Queen Latifah Show NCIS The Doctors Young”& ” Restless NCIS: Los Fresh News Angeles Debt/Part ” Chicago Fire Noon GlobalNews ” Nat. Hour CHBC News News Hour Days of our Ent Final Lives ET Canada ET Canada The Talk NCIS The Test ”” The Queen NCIS: Los Latifah AngelesShow
News-Lisa The View CTV News ” Daily Show The Marilyn Seth Meyers Denis Show
KIRO News The Price Late ShowIs Right Letterman Young & Ferguson Restless
” Dr. Phil
Rick Mercer Steven and
etalk ” Big Bang Bethenny ” Agents of The View Ellen DeGeS.H.I.E.L.D. ” neres Show Goldbergs The Marilyn CTV News Trophy Wife Denis at FiveShow Person of CTV News CTV News Interest ”” News-Lisa The etalkSocial CTV News ” Big Bang Daily Show Dr. Phil of Agents Seth Meyers ” S.H.I.E.L.D.
Chris George S Coronation Best Recipes Stefano Rick Mercer Bookaboo Dragons’ 22 Minutes Doodlebops Den Arctic Air The Nature CBC News ” of Things CBC News The National CBC CBC News News ” Now Rick Mercer CBC News Republic of George S Doyle Coronation 22 Minutes Steven and Rick Mercer Coronation Chris 22 Minutes Best ArcticRecipes Air Stefano ”
Deal Ent The Insider Bold ThisMinute NCIS The Price Is Judge”Judy Right Judge Judy NCIS: Los Young & KIRO News Angeles Restless KIRO News Person of KIRO KIRO News News Interest ” CBS News KIRO News The Talk Ent Show Late ” The Insider Letterman Let’s NCISMake a Ferguson Deal ” Bold NCIS: Los ThisMinute Angeles
CBC News CBC News George S
KIRO News KIROShow News Late
CTV News News-Lisa at Five CTV News
CBS ” Let’s News Make a The Talk ” Ent
Bethenny Goldbergs Trophy” Wife That’s Young & Fire Person Ellen DeGeDragons’ Judge Judy SportsCentre Chicago of The National Person of Hockey! Restless neres Show Den ” Judge Judy ” ” Interest Interest NHL SportsCentre News Hour Hockey: ” Final ”
ET Canada The Queen Latifah Show NCIS The Doctors Young”& ” Restless NCIS: Los Fresh Early News Angeles Debt/Part Global Nat. Chicago Fire Noon News News ”Hour Hour ” News Hour Days of our Ent Final Lives ET Canada ET Canada The Talk NCIS The Test ”” The Queen NCIS: Los Latifah AngelesShow
Hockey SportsnetTV Canucks Connected Oil Change Rise as ” One UEFA Champions League
Movie: Divorce “The House Divorce Bunny” Judge”Alex Judge Alex
KING News Today Tonight cont’d Show New Day Seth Meyers Northwest
Kid vs. Kat Sidekick
KNOW KOMO * ` The Doctors
A&E 1
Rated A for Monster
Reshmi Nair Jacked! ” ”
Law & Order: SVU
Say Yes Say Yes
Community Community
Greener Quest
Days of our Lives
” The View ” Oz The Dr. Show KOMO 4 News KOMO 4 News The Chew News ”
The First 48 ” Criminal Minds Storage Storage Criminal Minds Storage Storage The First 48 ” Storage
Kid vs. Kat League/Evil Invasion Almost Sidekick Squirrel Flamingo Squirrel SpongeBob Chucks Kid vs. Kat Sidekick Odd Parents
Power & Politics CBC News Now With ” Carole” MacNeil Lang & O’Leary CBC News Now With CBC News
Rods N’ Wheels Auction Auction How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Daily Planet Bering” Sea Gold Next What
Family Feud Family Feud 30 Rock Paid Prog. Steve Harvey Family Feud Family Feud Bethenny ” ThisMinute ThisMinute Two Men
Medium Medium 19 Kids 19 Kids Medium Medium Little Couple Little Couple Couple Little Little Couple Borrowed Borrowed 19 Kids and
Seinfeld The Middle Divorce Divorce The Middle Mod Fam Judge Alex Judge Alex Big Bang Big KingBang King Browns
Charlie Rose ” Sesame Street Peg Plus Cat Sid Science Daniel Tiger Super Why! Wild Kratts WordGirl Nature ” Business
Dr. Phil Today ” cont’d Katie ” New Day Northwest Ellen DeGeneres Show KING 5 News 5 KING
Astros at Wild Kratts Soccer Wibbly Pig ” Blue Dragon Toronto Hope for Jays Hockeycen- Wildlife Ella the Ele. tral at Noon Marine Rob Robot MLB
World News General Hospital KOMO 4
Storage The First 48 ” Storage
What Next Jacked! ” to Licence
Two Men Law & Order: SVU Simpsons
Counting Say Yes Say Yes 19 Kids
Payne Community Community Browns
World News Greener Quest PBS
News of our Days Lives Nightly News
News The Doctors Storage The First 48 ” Barry’d
SpongeBob ” Nair Rated A for Reshmi Monster ” Cache Craze The National Japanizi Kid vs. Kat Power”& League/Evil Politics The Next CBC News
Drill: RodsLouis. N’
Baseball: Sportsnet Connected Detroit Sportsnet MLB at Los Tigers Connected Baseball: Angeles Rise as One Houston Dodgers UEFA Astros at Sportsnet Champions Toronto Blue Connected League Jays Hockey Soccer MLB Canucks TV ” Baseball: Party Poker HockeycenDetroit” tral at Noon Tigers at Los Sportsnet Angeles Connected Dodgers
Storage Show Storage Agents of Storage The View Criminal KOMO 4 S.H.I.E.L.D. Storage ” Minds News Storage Goldbergs Storage KOMO 4 Criminal News Wife Storage Trophy News World News Minds Storage Mind Games Storage The Chew The First 48 KOMO Storage ”4 ” ” News Storage News Barry’d General The First Wheel Barry’d 48 Jimmy Storage Hospital ” Jeopardy! Storage Kimmel Live Storage The Doctors The First 48 Agents of Storage Nightline Storage ” ” S.H.I.E.L.D. Storage The Dr. Oz Storage Goldbergs Storage Show Trophy Wife Storage Storage
Star - Super. Sidekick Squirrel Vampire Invasion SpongeBob Vampire Almost Chucks Haunting Flamingo Odd Parents Haunting Squirrel SpongeBob Gags Kid vs. Craze Kat Cache Gags Sidekick Japanizi Vampire Rated A The Nextfor Vampire Monster Star - Super. Haunting Kid vs. Kat Vampire Haunting League/Evil Vampire Sidekick Haunting Squirrel Haunting
Evening Katie ” The Voice Today Ellen DeGe” cont’d neres Show About a Boy New Day KING 5 Up Growing Northwest News Chicago Fire KING Nightly”5 News News News KING News Days News of our Tonight Lives Evening Show Dr. ThePhil Voice Seth Meyers ”” Peg Plus Cat Katie ” About a Boy Sid Science ” Up ” Growing
KOMO 4 Mind Games Storage Storage
SpongeBob Gags Chucks Gags
Mod Fam Kids Payne Family Feud 19 Medium Seinfeld Medium The Middle Little Couple Mod Fam Little Couple The Seinfeld Medium Middle Medium Mod Fam 19 Kids Family Guy 19 Kids Divorce Little Couple Family Big Bang 19 Kids Guy 19 Kids Divorce Little Couple Big Bang Little Couple Amer. Dad Little Couple Judge Alex 19 Kids and Amer. Browns Little Couple Dad Little Couple Judge Counting Payne Alex 19 Kids and Jeffersons Borrowed King 19 Kids Browns Counting Jeffersons Borrowed King 19 Kids Payne Little Couple Movie: Say Yes Community Mod Fam Little Couple “Killers” Say LittleYes Couple Community Seinfeld Paid Prog. ” Medium Seinfeld 19 Kids Family” Guy Paid Prog. Medium The Middle 19 Kids Family Guy Steve Medium Middle New Girl Little Couple The Amer. Dad Harvey Medium Fam Mindy Little Couple Mod Amer. Dad Bethenny Little Couple Big Bang News 19 Kids and Jeffersons ” Little Couple Jeffersons Big Bang Mod Fam Counting
Wild Kratts 3 Steps to WordGirl Incredible
Ellen DeGeChicago Fire neres ”Show
Two Arsenio Men The Two Show Men Hall
19 Kids and Movie: Browns Little Couple Counting Payne Little Couple “Killers”
Business Health!-Joel World ”News
5 KING News News Tonight
19 Kids Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 19 Kids
KNOW Wheel KOMO ” Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz * `
Machines Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm For King and Ella the Ele. Maya Bee Empire Jelly Jamm Arthur Emergency G. Shrinks Martha ” Clifford-Dog Wild Kratts Movie: PAW Patrol Hope for “Grinders” Bucket-Dino Wildlife Marine Wibbly Marine Pig Machines Dragon Machines Emergency Ella the Ele. For King ” and Rob Robot Empire
Young & Fire Sportsnet MLB Chicago Restless Baseball: ” Connected Early News News Hour Global Nat. Final
Martha Marine Wild Kratts Machines
Houston Hockey Astros at TV Canucks
” KNOW News KOMO News * ` World News Jimmy
A&E 1
A&E 1
Storage Barry’d Storage
NEWS ” 7
Wheels Cold Water Cowboys How/Made How/Made Bering Sea Auction Daily Planet Gold Auction ” Licence to How/Made WhatLouis. Next Drill: How/Made What Next Cold Water Bering LicenceSea to Cowboys Gold Drill: Louis. Bering Sea Jacked! Cold Water Gold ” Cowboys What Next Rods N’Sea BeringNext What Wheels Gold How/Made Licence to How/Made Drill: Louis.
” The National CBC News Lang & ” Now With O’Leary The National Carole CBC News ” MacNeil ” CBC News CBC News The National ” Now With ” The National Reshmi Nair CBC News ” ”” Lang & Power & The National O’Leary Politics ” ” The National ”” Lang News & Daily Water Planet CBC Cold O’Leary ” ” Cowboys
Odd Parents The CBCNational News What Next Vampire Bering Sea SpongeBob What Next Vampire ” Gold
Family Feud Big Bang Big Bang Steve Harvey Glee 30 Rock Bethenny ” Paid Prog. ” New Girl Family Feud Two Men Mindy Family Feud Two Men News ThisMinute Simpsons Mod Fam ThisMinute Mod Fam The Arsenio Law & Big Bang Hall Show Order: SVU Big Bang TMZ Family Glee Feud Sunny Family” Feud
Nature ”
” ”
The First 48 ”
King King
The First 48 ”
Borrowed Borrowed
General Hospital
ThisMinute ThisMinute
PAW Patrol The Chew Bucket-Dino ”
Dive, Olly Emergency Jelly Jamm ” Maya Bee Movie: Arthur “Grinders”
News The View Jimmy ” Kimmel Live KOMO 4 Nightline News
A&E 1
NewsHour Charlie Rose News Dr. Phil News ”
” Easy Yoga: The Secret Peg Plus Cat Sid Science Members’ Sesame Wild Kratts Choice Street WordGirl ” Daniel Tiger Business ” Super Why! World News 3 Steps to Nature PBS Incredible ” NewsHour Health!-Joel Greener Easy Yoga: ” Quest The Secret Deepak Charlie Rose Members’ Chopra MD ” Choice
Capitals at Global Nat. CTV News CBC News SportsCentre ET Daily Show 22 Minutes Masters TheCanada Doctors The View Bookaboo SportsCentre The Test Coronation Blues CHBC ” Rick Mercer 2011 ” News Seth Meyers Doodlebops
KIRO News Letterman The Price Is Ferguson CBS RightNews
News Hour Toronto Blue Emergency Hope forEle. ET Party Poker TheCanada Doctors Sportsnet Ella the The Test ” ” ” Jays Wildlife Connected Jelly Jamm
KOMO 4Live Storage Kimmel The View Criminal Nightline Storage News ” Minds
Cache Craze Lang The Licence to Haunting & What Next Invasion CBCNational News Auction Haunting O’Leary What Next Japanizi ” Drill: Louis. Almost Now With Auction
Simpsons TMZ 30 Rock Sunny Mod Paid Fam Prog.
PBS Deepak Sesame Chopra NewsHour Street MD
Nightly Show Today News Seth News cont’dMeyers
Masters Fresh ” Ent Majors Debt/Part SportsCentre ET Canada
The Marilyn etalk Denis Show Big Bang
The Nature George S of Things Coronation
Young & Ent Restless The Insider
Fresh Ent Debt/Part ET Canada
Plays/Month Marine G. Shrinks MLB UEFA Clifford-Dog Baseball: Machines
KOMO 4 Wheel News Jeopardy!
Criminal Barry’d Minds Storage
Flamingo Carole The Next CBC News Squirrel Star - Super. MacNeil ”
Family Feud Little Couple Mod Judge Alex Big Bang Fam Family Feud Little Couple Seinfeld Judge Alex Big Bang
Daniel Tiger Easy Yoga: Super Why! The Secret
New Day News Northwest Evening
Golf: ” Masters ” Par
Noon News NCIS Hour ”
CTV News Agents of ” S.H.I.E.L.D.
CBC Mercer News Rick Now 22 Minutes
Noon News NCIS Hour ”
Champions PAWKing Patrol The Chew Detroit For and Agents of Leagueat Los Empire Bucket-Dino S.H.I.E.L.D. ” Tigers
The First 48 Storage ” Storage
Kid vs. Kat Vampire Sidekick Vampire
ThisMinute Glee ThisMinute ”
Borrowed 19 Kids Borrowed 19 Kids
The This Old The KING 5 Members’ Voice House Hour News ” Choice
3 Contest That’s Hcky ””
Days of our NCIS: Los Lives Angeles
The Social Goldbergs Trophy” Wife
Republic The Talk Days of our Arctic Air of NCIS: Los NCIS: Los Doyle ” ” Lives Angeles Angeles Steven and Let’s Make The Talk Fire The National Person of a Chicago Chris Deal ” Interest ””
Soccer Angeles ” Dodgers
Wibbly Pig Emergency Dragon ”
Say Yes Community Little Couple Amer. Dad Say Yes Community Little Couple Amer. Dad
HockeycenSportsnet tral at Noon Connected
Ella the Ele. Movie: Rob Robot “Grinders”
George S
Canucks TV
Preview The Talk Fire Person Dr. Phil of SportsCentre Chicago Show ” ” ”” Interest SportsCentre The Queen
Hockey Young & SportsCentre ET Canada NHL Restless
Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Daily Minutes neresShow Show 22 Den
Hockey: News Canadiens at ”
CTV News at Five
SportsCentre News Hour News-Lisa ” Latifah Show ” ” Final CTV News SportsCentre The Test
Best Recipes Bold CBC News KIRO News Stefano ThisMinute
Seth Meyers Coronation
Judge Judy Letterman Judge Judy
Reshmi Nair Licence Cold Water The National to Cowboys ”” Drill: Louis.
Law & New Girl Order: SVU Mindy
Power & CBC News Politics ”
Family Feud 19 Medium News Kids and Family Feud Medium Mod Fam Counting
The National Bering Sea ” How/Made ” Gold
Dive, Olly Marine Jelly Jamm
The Dr. Oz News Show
The First 48 Barry’d ”
Sidekick Vampire Squirrel
Young & ET Canada Restless
Maya Bee Emergency Arthur
KOMO 4 Kimmel Live News
Duck D. Storage Duck D.
SpongeBob Haunting Nerds
The Test
MLB Party Poker Baseball:
Machines ”
Martha Wild Kratts
Storage Duck D. Duck D.
Lang & Lang & O’Leary
Odd Parents CBC News SpongeBob ”
Daily Planet What Next ”
What Next
To Be Announced
Seinfeld Jeffersons The Middle Jeffersons
Steve The Arsenio Harvey
Long Island The Middle Little Couple Movie: Medium: Be. Mod Fam
Bethenny TMZ ”
To Be Paid Prog. Announced
Hall Show Sunny
Two Men Two Men
Little Couple “Killers” Paid Prog.
Wild Kratts
Ellen DeGe-
Deepak WordGirl Chopra MD
Show neres Show Seth Meyers
Early News Global Nat.
Houston Astros at
News Hour ”
Toronto Blue Marine Jays Machines
KOMO 4 News
Duck D. Duck D.
Hathaways Thunder
The National Naked and ” Afraid: Un.
Simpsons Mod Fam
Women of Homicide
Browns Payne
PBS NewsHour
Nightly News News
NHL Hockey:
Ent ET Canada
George S Coronation
Ent The Insider
Ent ET Canada
MLB Baseball:
Wheel Jeopardy!
Duck D. Duck D.
Assembly Assembly
CBC News ”
Naked and Afraid
Big Bang Big Bang
Cyber Stalkers
Mod Fam Seinfeld
Field Guide Quest
News Evening
Kings at Flames
Survivor ”
American Idol
Dragons’ Den
Survivor ”
Survivor ”
Detroit Tea Road to Tigers at Los the Skies
The Middle Duck D. Suburgatory Duck D.
Vampire Vampire
The National How/Made ” How/Made
Criminal Minds
Just for Laughs
Criminal Minds
Engels About a Boy
Angeles Dodgers
Mod Fam Mixology
Duck D. Duck D.
Haunting Haunting
The National To Be ” Announced
SportsCentre Chicago PD ” ”
CSI: Crime Scene
The National CSI: Crime ” Scene
Chicago PD ”
Sportsnet Connected
” Hardwood
Nashville ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Gags Gags
CBC News ”
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Hockey Canucks TV
Canada ”
News Jimmy
Duck D. Duck D.
Vampire Vampire
The National Naked and ” Afraid
The Arsenio Hall Show
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada The Test
Party Poker ”
Tea Road to the Skies
Kimmel Live Nightline
Duck D. Duck D.
Haunting Haunting
Lang & O’Leary
TMZ Sunny
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test
Daily Show 22 Minutes Seth Meyers Coronation
Naked and Afraid: Un.
How/Made How/Made
” ” News Mod Fam
Browns Payne
Peg Plus Cat Katie Health!-Joel KING News Sid Science ”
KIRO News CBS News
” Engels SportsCentre About a Boy
” ”
Big Bang ” Big Bang
Lidia Kitchen Days of ” About a our Boy Joy/Painting Lives ” Growing Up Charlie Dr. Phil Fire 3 Steps Rose to Chicago ” Incredible ””
CBC News Rick Mercer
Canada ”
News World News
Dangerous Cold Water Flights Cowboys
King Family Guy King Family Guy
Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News ”
Rated A for Haunting Monster Haunting Kid vs. Kat Gags League/Evil Gags
The Queen Sportsnet News Hour Hockey Latifah Show Connected
CBCNational News LicenceSea to The Bering Now With Drill: Louis. ” Gold
Blackhawks ”
Big Bang Mixology
CBC News CBC News
Late Show
General The First 48 Goldbergs Storage Hospital ” Trophy Wife Storage The Doctors The First 48 Mind Games Storage ” ” ” Storage
WhatWater Next Cold What Next Cowboys
Browns ” Divorce ” Payne Divorce
KING 5 News
Business World News
KING 5 News
Women of Homicide
Family Guy Family Guy
Nature ”
Law & Order: SVU
Cyber Stalkers
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Law & Order: SVU
To Be Announced
Jeffersons Jeffersons
Your Inner Fish
Chicago PD ”
Movie: “Lara Croft:
Quest Coal
KING News Tonight
The Quantum Activist
Show Seth Meyers
” ”
Peter Popoff Tomb Paid Prog. Raider”
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Lake Country Calendar
A14 A14
Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.
It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.
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Painting & Decorating
Legal Services
ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis
WANTED: FORESTRY Technician for sawmill complex in Alberta. Experienced in planning and harvesting operations. Full time permanent. E-mail resume:
CRIMINAL RECORD? Pardon Services Canada. Established 1989. Confidential, Fast, & Affordable. A+BBB Rating. RCMP Accredited. Employment & Travel Freedom. Free Consultation 1-8NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366)
The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.
Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: ďŹ
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR timeshare. NO risk program stop mortgage & maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! Call 1-888-356-5248.
Lake Country Towing is looking for expâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d truck driver for towing. Must live in Lake Country or willing to relocate. Fax resume 250-766-3602
Trades, Technical
Business Opportunities
GET FREE Vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash. Retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1866-668-6629 LUCRATIVE TURNKEY BUSINESS $43,900 Produce landscape & contractor supplies Requires area less than 1500sf 1-613-273-2836
Caretakers/ Residential Managers RES MANAGER VICTORIA1 F/T + 1 P/T. 55 unit building. Office on-site. Rent discount. Car required. Experience an asset. Start late May/June. Fax: (250)920-5437.
â&#x20AC;˘ Certified Home Study Course â&#x20AC;˘ Jobs Registered Across Canada â&#x20AC;˘ Gov. Certified / 604.681.5456 or 1.800.665.8339
(1) 250-899-3163
2 Coats Any Colour
Livestock Moving & Storage DAN-MEL Moving Services Local & Long Distance. 4 Ton, Power Tailgate 250-215-0147
Merchandise for Sale
REGISTERED Polled Hereford yearling bulls call Ed 250365-3270 or Murray 604-5823499 or visit our website
Merchandise for Sale
Antiques / Vintage
Misc. for Sale
MILITARIA, Medals, Badges & Coin Collections Wanted. Major collector/dealer will pay cash for your collection. Call CEF 604-727-0137
CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?
3 Rooms For $299,
Pets & Livestock
WANTED Vancouver Island and Lower Mainland opportunities. Top Wages & BeneďŹ ts. Relocation costs paid to qualiďŹ ed applicants. E-mail: hiring@ or Call: (1)250-382-9181
(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!
Help Wanted
HUGE AUCTION - HUNTING & CAMPING & FISHING -UNRESERVED - $MILLION$ INVENTORY CLOSE-OUT SAT April 5th - 2207-48th Ave. Vernon @ 9AM - Viewing 7AM-9AM or online or MIKE 1-250-212-3418
Garage Sales WINFIELD Estate GarageSale Fri., April 4th, Sat., April 5th 8am-1pm EVERYTHING MUST GO! 9730 Winview Rd. NO EARLYBIRDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Please.
RESTLESS LEG Syndrome and leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660.
SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897. Make money and save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.
Req. at Canuck Mechanical in Prince George. Must have exp. doing service work & be proficient with trouble shooting heating systems & plumbing problems. Top wages & beneďŹ ts Email resume to: PCL ENERGY. Now hiring Journeyperson Pipefitters ($40+/hr) and Scaffolders ($38+/hr) for an industrial project in Vanscoy, SK. LOA of $145/day worked and bonuses! We offer competitive wages and benefits. Send resume to:
Financial Services DROWNING IN Debt? Cut debts more than 60% and be debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1-877-5563500 BBB Rated A+ or GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.
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Help Wanted
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Community Newspapers
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Professionals Connecting Professionals
The Key To Your New Career
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 2, 2014 A15 A15
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Misc. for Sale
Mobile Homes & Parks
Auto Financing
Legal Notices
STEEL BUILDINGS, metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206;
Misc. Wanted
Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Estates, Gold & Silver Coins + 863-3082 Chad
COLLECTOR looking to buy a coin collection. Also looking for coins, bars, medals, ingots from Royal Canadian Mint, Franklin Mint, US Mint & others. Todd 250-864-3521 I make house calls!
FIREARMS. ALL types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. 1-866-9600045.
OMG! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s your BFF! And FYI: heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s such a QT!
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Notice is hereby given that Creditors and others, having claims against the estate of Hotze (Harry) Stienstra, formerly of 1890 Goldie Rd., Lake Country, deceased, are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the undersigned Executor, Sheena Stienstra, at 1362 Pass Creek Road, Castlegar, BC, V1N 4S2, on or before April 24th, 2014, after which date the estateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received. Sheena J. Stienstra, Executor
RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.
Other Areas 20 ACRES $0 Down, Only $119/mo. Owner Financing, NO CREDIT CHECKS! Near El Paso, Texas. Beautiful Mountain Views! Money Back Guarantee Call 1-866-8825263 Ext. 81
Auto Financing
PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670
Sporting Goods
RUGER 10-22â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Americanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 243, 308, 270, 30-06, ScoutLH, Hawkeye, Glock 17,20, 21, 22, CZ 527 & 452, all in stock at Weber & Markin Gunsmiths, The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tues-Sat. 10-6 WeberMarkin
Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!
Real Estate For Sale By Owner
REAL Estate Swap would like to swap 2 bdrm upper 1 bdrm lower in Salmon Arm walking all amenities, for Lake country house 1 or 2 bdrm 1-250-8030488
Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at
Roosters Barber Shop
Serving the community since 2005 Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man! Tuesday to Friday 9-6 (Srâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discount days)
Saturday & Sunday 9-4 Closed Mondays
Frank Geber â&#x20AC;˘ 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Hortonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
LANDSCAPING/GARDEN MAINTENANCE ^/'E hW E KtÍ&#x160; ,Ä&#x201A;Ç&#x20AC;Ä&#x17E; ŽƾĆ&#x152; Ć&#x161;Ä&#x17E;Ä&#x201A;Ĺľ ůŽŽŏ Ä&#x201A;ĨĆ&#x161;Ä&#x17E;Ć&#x152; Ä&#x201A;ĹŻĹŻ Ç&#x2021;ŽƾĆ&#x152; ĨÄ&#x201A;ĹŻĹŻ Î&#x2DC; Ç Ĺ?ĹśĆ&#x161;Ä&#x17E;Ć&#x152; Ć&#x2030;Ć&#x152;ƾŜĹ?ĹśĹ? Ç Ĺ?Ć&#x161;Ĺ&#x161; ŽƾĆ&#x152; E t Ć&#x2030;Ć&#x152;ƾŜĹ?ĹśĹ? Ć&#x2030;Ć&#x152;Ĺ˝Ĺ?Ć&#x152;Ä&#x201A;ĹľÍ&#x2022; ĨĆ&#x152;Žž EĹ˝Ç&#x20AC; Ͳ DÄ&#x201A;Ć&#x152;Ä?Ĺ&#x161;Í&#x2DC;
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â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 25 years experience â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 250-766-0326 250-766-0301 250-212-2914
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Make this space work for you! Call Michelle, Emily or Shayla - 250-766-4688 2.5â&#x20AC;? x 1.75â&#x20AC;? with full colour:
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Only $15
and the creative department will design it for you - FREE!
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Get Involved: 20 Minute Make Over Today! Pelmewash Parkway is one of the chosen Community Clean-up sites this year in the Central Okanagan region for a 20 Minute Make Over.
Do you have twenty minutes to spare to make a difference in Lake Country? Today, Wednesday April 2nd the Regional Waste Reduction Office challenges you to give just twenty minutes of your time to the 20 Minute Make Over – a community-wide litter clean-up campaign. The annual 20 Minute Make Over is the official kick start to Community Clean Up month which runs the entire month of April. The challenge is to take just 20 minutes of your day on Wednesday April 2nd at 10am and do a little spring cleaning in your neighborhood or place of business. Pick up trash, sweep a sidewalk, bust graffiti, tackle an illegal dumpsite – the opportunities to pitch in are endless. Find out more at Get a group together for fresh air, exercise and a little local spring cleaning, or meet at Gatzke’s at 10am to participate today on Pelmewash Parkway.
NOTICE OF LIQUOR LICENCE AMENDMENT WOODY’S PUB Woody’s Pub has made an application under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act for a change in hours of service. Mondays & Tuesdays Wednesdays & Thursdays Fridays & Saturdays Sundays
Present Hours 10 am – midnight 10 am – midnight 11 am – 1 am 10 am – midnight
Requested Hours 9 am – midnight 9 am – 1 am 9 am – 2 am 9 am – midnight
The District of Lake Country is soliciting the views of residents and businesses that may be affected by the proposed changes. If you believe your interests may be affected, please forward your written comments, including your address to determine proximity, to:
Join the FUN for All ages Friday, April 18 at Jack Seaton Park
Easter Egg Hunt Good Friday April 18 at Jack Seaton Park (on Camp Road) Sign-up starts at 10 am ~ Hunt begins at Noon
Egg Hunt is for all Kids 1-12 yrs (all grade 7‘s welcome)
Family Entertainer James Johnson
performs 11:15 - 12:00 A great show for all ages, arrive early so you don’t miss it! Enjoy Lunch at the Park . . . Lake Country Lions Club will be selling BBQ Hotdogs. All proceeds to local Lion’s Charities
Please leave your dogs at home so they won’t have to wait in the car, as they are not allowed in the park. Consider carpool, bike, or walk if possible to help with the limited parking! Egg Hunt is a FREE event sponsored by Lake Country Parks & Rec 250 766-1485 for more info.
Corporate Services Manager District of Lake Country 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, B. C., V4V 2M1 or via email to Council will consider the application request at the Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Municipal Hall.
Community and Corporate Climate Action Initiatives
The Climate Action Revenue Incentive (CARIP) Public Report for 2013 is now available on the web. Visit News to see the direct link to the report.
Semi-Annual Utility Bills are due April 30, 2014 Semi-annual water bills for the period January 1 to June 30, 2014 are due and payable before 4:30 pm on Wednesday, April 30. Payments received after the close of business April 30, 2013 will be charged a late penalty of 5% on the unpaid balance. Payments can be made by mail; in person at Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd; at all major financial institutions; or via internet and telephone banking. There is an after-hours drop box to the right of the main door of Municipal Hall. Municipal office hours are from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
NOTICE: Municipal Hall will be CLOSED for Good Friday, April 18 and Easter Monday, April 21