Golden Star, April 09, 2014

Page 1

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Photo Finish Clothesline Project aims to raise awareness ....................................4


GSS students joined in on the conversation ..................................12


Juno winner to perform at Bacchus Books ..................................15


Quinn Morgan crosses the finish line at the Golden Nordic Club’s Volunteer Appreciation Day on Sunday April 6. Morgan came first in the 5k race with a time of 28 minutes. See more on page 17. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

MLA has concerns with ALR changes Local takes snowboard title at Wrangle ..................................19

Joel Tansey As was printed in last week’s issue, the Agricultural Land Reserve will be divided into two zones, with regulations that will allow the development of non-farm home-based businesses. The changes will affect three of the six regional panels of the Agricultural Land Commission, including the Interior, Kootenay and North regions.

Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald is in strong opposition of the changes made by the Liberal government and called it a “disregard for food security”. Decisions will now be made by cabinetappointed commissioners and can be appealed to the regional chairs, who will act as an executive. “The local boards will be able to decide whether there should be exclusions from the ALR and

April 11, 2014 Inspired by the Element of Life EARTH, our talented culinary team has created an incredible Five Course Dinner to indulge your senses. Each course will be paired perfectly with vintages from Covert Farms Family Estate in Oliver, BC. Reservations are required and can be made through Guest Services. Book your table today!

Sun Splash Funk Fest

Join us for the best weekend of the year! The mountain comes alive to end another amazing season with a bang. Dummy Downhill Saturday April 12 - 1pm The Slush Cup Sunday April 13 - 1pm

that will be based upon not only whether it is good agricultural land but on other issues that are pretty broad and not completely clear,” Macdonald said. Prior to these changes, there was a way to apply for ALR exclusions, although Macdonald admits it was a lengthy and difficult process. Still, Macdonald sees a fundamental problem with the new changes. Continued on page 3


Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Golden Star


Local young writer gets regional nod

Merle & Stu Snider on celebrating your 50th Wedding Anniversary on April 11



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Each office is independently owned and operated

Young author Zoey Lowe holds a copy an anthology that contains her award winning short story The Cold. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo Jessica Schwitek A young Golden writer got regional recognition for a short story she entered into the 2014 Kootenay Literary Competition. Zoey Lowe came in second place for the Youth Grades 7-9 category for her story The Cold. “It’s about a kid who is locked in his room, and it’s cold because he’s snowed in,” said Lowe. “But later in the story it’s revealed that he’s actually in a coma.” Lowe has been writing stories for years, and has quite a few completed pieces in her collection. But this is the first time she has entered and won an organized competition. After she learned about the Kootenay Literary Competition through school, she began writing her story on her own time, with no outside help (aside from a

proofread from her mom). “There were some slight guidelines in the competition, certain words that had to be included, but it was pretty open. And the idea just came to me,” she said. Although Lowe very much enjoys writing, she is not sure she wants to pursue it professionally when she’s older. “I think I’d like to just keep it as a hobby,” she said. Having said that, she still plans to continue writing, entering competitions, and hopes to have something published as an adult. Lowe wasn’t able to make it to Nelson for the awards ceremony, but she was sent a certificate, a $100 cash prize, and a copy of the anthology in which her story appears along with the other winners’ stories. The Kootenay Literary Competition anthology, titled Refuge, is available online at

Golden A&W is now open until MIDNIGHT! 7 days a week! 1300 Trans Canada Frtg Golden, BC 250-344-4784

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The Golden Star Wednesday, April 9, 2014 A3

Town wants better cost sharing with CSRD Jessica Schwitek MMBC Letter The Town of Golden Council has sent a letter to the province requesting that they renegotiate certain aspects of the Multi Material BC (MMBC) recycling program. Council unanimously voted to send the letter after receiving correspondence from Black Press (owner of the Golden Star) requesting the municipality's support in their efforts to

get the government to renegotiate the program. The program threatens the stability of the newspaper industry, due to recycling costs placed on newspapers, and Town Council agreed that the newspaper is vital to the community. The Town, as an advocate for the residents, has signed on with MMBC, but requested in the letter that the province renegotiate with the B.C. newspaper industry.

Dyke Repair Contract Dawson Construction Ltd. has been awarded a contract by the Town of Golden for dyke repairs to the Kicking Horse River. The 90-metre section of the dyke, on the south bank near Golden Transfer, was damaged during the spring of 2013. The total project is going to cost an estimated $360,000, with 80 per cent of all eligible costs through the Emergency Management BC disaster recover grant fund.

The total value of the contract is $52,380. There were three bids for the contract, with the other two each amounting to more than $100,000. CSRD Cost Sharing The Town of Golden is sending a formal letter to the regional district to open up the dialogue on regional collaboration. Mayor Christina Benty proposed the Town send a letter, reasoning that the municipality is supporting various facilities that

Area A residents use. The cost to maintain infrastructure such as the swimming pool or the airport rests solely on the Golden taxpayers. The Town would like to see more “meaningful collaboration and cost sharing” with the CSRD. Benty hopes this will be the first constructive step in starting the discussions.

Port Coquitlam MLA Mike Farnworth introduced his first two caucus supporters last Thursday for the NDP leadership race, promising more to come. Saanich South MLA Lana Popham and Stikine MLA Doug Donaldson are the first to publicly endorse Farnworth, who finished second to Adrian Dix in the 2011 NDP leadership race. Also supporting Farnworth is Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald. “He has tremendous experience, he’s good under pressure and has certainly been a prominent member with both the government when he was quite young and in opposition as one of our most effective critics,” Macdonald said. “He’s somebody that we’ve always looked to for leadership. He would do a great job for us.”

Macdonald believes that Farnsworth understands the need to be environmentally responsible while also understanding that services in rural communities are a priority. Farnworth is trailing in MLA support behind Juan de Fuca MLA John Horgan, the thirdplace finisher in 2011, who has 15 caucus members on side. Farnworth said there will be more MLA supporters when he holds his official campaign kickoff in Port Coquitlam on Saturday. Horgan is endorsed by Skeena MLA Robin Austin, SurreyNewton MLA Harry Bains, Burnaby-Edmonds MLA Raj Chouhan, New Westminster MLA Judy Darcy, Burnaby-Deer Lake MLA Kathy Corrigan, Vancouver-Point Grey MLA David Eby, Vancouver-Kensington MLA Mable Elmore, Alberni-Pacific Rim MLA Scott Fraser, Surrey-Green Timbers MLA Sue Hammell, Victoria-Beacon Hill MLA Carole James, Esqui-

malt-Royal Roads MLA Maurine Karagianis, Nelson-Creston MLA Michelle Mungall, Cowichan Valley MLA Bill Routley, Burnaby-Lougheed MLA Jane Shin and North Island MLA Claire Trevena. Party unity will be vital no matter the outcome of the leadership race, but Macdonald doesn’t believe that will be a problem. “(Farnworth and Horgan’s) relationship is strong and they work well together. Both of them are not that dissimilar in terms of their views and their experience…I just don’t see that it will be a particular issue.” Farnworth said 18,000 party members voted in the 2011 contest, won by Dix despite having endorsement of only five caucus members. Candidates have until June to sign up new members and Farnworth predicted that membership will top 20,000 by the time the leadership vote is tallied on Sept. 28.

Food security main issue with ALR

Continued from page 1

“What this Bill sets up is a situation where you have politicians assigning a local board, and that board gets to make the decisions on exclusions from the ALR that are worth huge amounts of money,” Macdonald said. Bill Bennett, East Kootenay MLA and the Liberal cabinet minister in charge of the government’s core review of programs cited an example from his constituency as a good reason for the changes. Under the old legislation, a Kootenay resident was denied permission to build a second home on an unproductive part of the property in order to allow the next generation to take over the business. Rhonda Dridiger, chair of the B.C. Agricultural Council, and Faye Street, general manager of Kootenay Livestock Association, have come

out in support of the changes, with both stating that the ALC is old and needed to be updated in order to make farming easier on a day to day basis and as a way to encourage young farmers to enter the industry. Macdonald has been hearing plenty from his constituents in Invermere in regards to this issue, and has been hearing about it from Goldenites as well, specifically about issues of food security. “I do understand that there will be people in Golden that will welcome this simply because they have land and the economics of making a living farming (are difficult) and this is an opportunity to make some money,” he said. “Even if one wanted to do that, you’d want to set up a fair system and I think it is predictable that this will be a system that is open to a tremendous amount of abuse.” With files from Black Press

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Farnworth earns local MLA’s support Golden Star Staff

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Behind the Wheel

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People That You Won’t Share the Road With You may have seen the road rage video lately where a woman doing the speed limit refuses to move out of the left and lane and a man driving a pickup wants by. He eventually passes and then drops back to wave a single digit and yell at the woman. He finally accelerates heavily and gets back into the lane in front of her, losing control and crashing in the median. She stops to laugh at the outcome. When I saw this behaviour while patrolling I almost always stopped and ticketed the tailgating driver. My thought was that they were trying to do two things wrong, tailgating and intending to exceed the speed limit. The driver doing the speed limit in the left lane was only doing one thing wrong, failing to keep right in the situation. Most often these drivers told me that the other driver who would not move over was the source of the problem. On the other side of the equation, our traffic court justice told me outright that if I ever ticketed a driver in the left lane at the speed limit for failing to keep right, she would refuse to convict. This is contrary to what the law requires but at that point my hands were tied. You only bang your head against the wall for so long before you stop because it hurts. In my view both of these drivers were wrong for many reasons, including the three points I’ve already spoken of. Add to this driving without reasonable consideration for others and driving while distracted (taking the video) and the potential for disaster increases. Given the circumstances shown in the video we have a pair of adult drivers behaving like two year olds and very lucky that this outcome was not far more serious. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Golden Star

Clothesline Project brings awareness to violence against women Decorated T-shirts are hung on the clothesline at Kumsheen Park for last year’s Clothesline Project fundraising barbecue. This year’s barbecue will be on April 17. Star Photo VIVID HAIR STUDIO

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Running a business or nonprofit that makes revenues (social enterprise)? Free support is available! if you are located in the Columbia Basin, the Basin Business Advisors are here to assist your organization! Common areas of focus include: • General business and growth strategy; • Financial management practices; • in-depth financial analyses and business performance review; • Pricing methodology and related policies; • Marketing practices and market opportunities and much more!

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AdMinisteRed & MAnAGed by

Jessica Schwitek The Golden Women’s Resource Centre is inviting you to tell your story through clothing. The annual Clothesline Project tells the stories of survivors as well as the victims of violence against women. Decorated T-shirts depicting these experiences will hang on a clothesline at a fundraising barbecue on Thursday Apr. 17. Its aim is to help with the healing process, and to educate, document, and raise society’s awareness of the extent of the problem of violence against women. From now until Apr. 16, the women’s centre will have shirt decorating supplies available at any time during the centre’s hours of operation. Women can come create a shirt or other article of clothing to hang on the line, or can take the supplies home with them. There will be clothes available, or you can

RCMP Report: Scammer claims to be from CRA

BC HYDRO COLUMBIA AND KOOTENAY OPERATIONS CONFERENCE CALLS BC Hydro will be hosting two conference calls on Wednesday April 23, 2014 to provide information regarding forecast 2014 reservoir and river operating conditions for the Columbia and Kootenay systems.

Golden Star Staff

Kootenay System: The conference call regarding the Kootenay system (includes Libby Dam/ Koocanusa Reservoir, Duncan Dam and Reservoir, Kootenay Lake) will be held jointly by BC Hydro and the US Army Corps of Engineers, and will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. PST (9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. MST).

Missing phones On March 31, two cellular phones were reported missing from a local business lunch room table. The phones are described as one black Samsung phone and one black iPhone. Anyone with information is asked to contact RCMP at 250-344-2221.

Columbia System: The conference call regarding the main-stem Columbia system (includes Kinbasket Reservoir and Mica Dam, Revelstoke Reservoir and Revelstoke Dam, and Arrow Lakes Reservoir and Hugh L. Keenleyside Dam) will be hosted by BC Hydro and will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. PST (10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. MST).

Diesel thief There was a reported theft of diesel fuel from a vehicle parked at the WaitA-Bit gravel pit on April 3.

Government, First Nations, businesses, non-governmental organizations, and stakeholders with an interest in BC Hydro’s operations are invited to attend.

Fraudulent calls


HOW TO REGISTER: Please email to register by noon on Wednesday April 16, 2014 and receive conference details, presentation materials, and dial in information by email in advance of the meeting.

bring a personal article of clothing. If you need anyone to talk to throughout the process, support will also be available at the women’s centre. Everyone is invited to submit an item of clothing, however only women are permitted in the centre to use the materials. Every year more and more shirts are added to the display, adding colour and a powerful message to the fundraising barbecue. Weather permitting, the barbecue will take place at Kumsheen Park (across from the movie theatre) on Apr. 17 from noon to 2:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to come out for some food and see the results of the Clothesline Project. Food and beverages are by donation, with the proceeds going to the centre’s Golden Safe Home, which is a safe place for women and children fleeing violence. To learn more about the Golden Safe Home, or other Golden Women’s Resource Centre programs, go to

A resident in Golden reported receiving telephone calls from a person alleging to be from Revenue Canada. This person alleged the resident owed money to the government and attempted to have the resident wire money. A second call was received where the caller stated it was the RCMP calling and that the person needed to wire the said funds. Similar type fraud calls have been reported across the country. The resident rightfully questioned the incident and did not wire the funds. Don’t be afraid to question when someone is calling you for money. If it doesn’t feel right, it probably is not.

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 9, 2014 A5

Red River Cart Making

GOLDEN OPTOMETRY SUMMER “SUNNIES” SALE Over 250 pairs of sunglasses up to 40% OFF and more!

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MOUNT 7 REC PLEX ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday April 16th, 2014 7:00 p.m. In the lobby of the Mount 7 Rec Plex Mark it Refreshments & door prizes!

The Mount 7 Rec Plex is currently looking for new energetic members and directors to sit in on the board.

Roughly 28 people (in two sessions) gathered at the Golden Museum to make replicas of traditional Red River Carts. Eldon Clairmont (second from left) came up from Salmon Arm to teach the workshop, which was hosted by the Metis Nation Columbia River Society. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Communications comes at a cost Jessica Schwitek Communications has been a target area for the Town of Golden for quite some time, and the municipality’s communications intern has laid out some recommendations to improve their internal and external communications. Faith Dusevic has been interning at the Town since Jan. 2 (part of a 16-week internship to complete her degree in communications from Mount Royal University). In her time there she has worked on several projects including the Budget Consultation, youth (ages 18-35) engagement sessions, monthly Community Conversations, as well as some information gathering through internal and external surveys. The information she has been able to gather has shown where the Town should be focusing their time and resources. The first

question the survey asked was how people prefer to find out about municipal happenings.

statistic however, was the amount of people who get their information through word of mouth.

“There should be constant conversations with the public, they should never be stopping.” — Faith Dusevic — Communications Intern “People want to find their information in a variety of different ways,” said Dusevic. “The Town of Golden needs to address all of the methods of communication that residents want.” Methods included the newspaper, social media, public events like open houses, and most importantly face to face communication. Regardless of the demographic, Dusevic found that people were more satisfied with the information they received if they heard it from a conversation. A more troubling

“58.7 per cent of people get information from conversations with others. Those are not conversations with us. Those are rumours and gossip - misinformed people, which can often create an angry public,” she said. “We need to be part of those conversations.” Some of the recommendations that came out of Dusevic’s presentation to council included a stronger social media presence (not only posting, but monitoring the public response), better utilization of the newspaper, a newsletter, more face to face conversations,

a Town booth at local events, and making sure questions are answered before they’re asked. “There should be constant conversations with the public, they should never be stopping,” she said. “If we’re reactive, then it’s probably too late.” Everything comes at a cost, however, and none of these recommendations will likely be completed without a dedicated communications staff member. “This would all be realistic if there was a position in place. I don’t how it would be achieved otherwise,” said Dusevic. “Everyone is so busy, there just isn’t the staff right now to keep these things up.”

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Model Red River Cart workshop - Sunday April 6th at the Golden Museum. Choose from either 10am-1pm or 1-4pm. Tipi Raising Ceremony - Wednesday April 9th at the Golden Museum from 1-3pm. Vest Making - Friday April 11th at the Golden Secondary School from10am-3pm. 2 Ancient Ceremonies - Sunday April 27th at the Golden Museum from 10am-3pm. 1 Ancient Ceremony in Edgewater in early May. To register or get info: Denise Porter 250-344-1159

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MLA Meeting Day Thursday, April 17th

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Communication Breakdown Have you ever gone to a community function and seen the same faces around the room that you see at every other function? I hear this in Golden all the time, that it is the same volunteers and the same people getting engaged in the community. - I SURMISE That is one of the reaBy Jessica Schwitek sons it has been refreshing to have a communications intern (Faith Dusevic) at the Town of Golden. With a dedicated person to reach out to the community members who may not normally feel involved, more residents have had their voices heard. And from my experience, a wider variety of residents have been participating in community events such as council meetings, or the youth focus group. Last week’s council meeting was one of the first in which I was not the youngest person in attendance. It may be difficult to understand why it is worth money within the Town’s budget to have a dedicated communications staff member at Town Hall. But the progress that has been made in the past few months, with an intern taking on that role, has been noticeable. And when she leaves, you might notice it even more. Youth engagement will be a particularly difficult one to tackle with the absence of Dusevic. As a relatively young person myself, I can tell you how intimidating it can be to walk into an event (such as an open house or consultation session) and feel out of place and uninformed. Having a young staff member there to talk to them and make them feel comfortable is a huge asset to the Town. Through an online survey conducted by Dusevic, it was made very apparent that the people in Golden like having conversations with people face to face. Dusevic has been out in the community having these conversations, not because she is the only staff member who wants to do so. But because she has the time to engage and converse with people. The other staff members, many of whom are working in departments that are short-staffed, are simply too busy to have these conversations on a regular basis. And as was recommended during the communications presentation to council, these conversations need to be ongoing. They need to take place before things are happening, not after. And they need to involve the entire town, not just the same people who happen to attend regular community events.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Golden Star

Wildlife Rehabilitation Dear editor, For many years our family operated a wildlife rehabilitation facility near Golden. We were able to rescue many birds and animals. The majority of our cases were birds of prey. Thankfully, since our retirement, the Invermere Vet Clinic has managed to build a wonderful flight cage and they now rehabilitate these types of birds. Recently, Sandy Mittgaard, called us for help with a

starving Great Horned Owl that she found in her backyard. We were able to take the owl to Invermere where it received excellent care. A few weeks later we released the owl here in Golden. It is my hope that everyone with a love and appreciation for the beautiful birds in our valley will support the facility in Invermere. Please send donations to Project Take Flight, Box 2004, Invermere B.C. V0A 1K0. Thank you Sue Wright Golden

Golf Club Ownership

BC Medicare


To the editor,

I have two questions that I would like to ask our community: 1. Are you happy that Kicking Horse Mountain Resort took over The Whitetooth Ski Area? 2. Do you think that a developer should take over the Golden Golf Club? This has been a hot topic of discussion here since RCR took over the ski hill and I’d like to know what Golden thinks. What are the long term costs and benefits of staying the same? What if the resort developer took over? Bill Braisher Skier/Golfer and Golden local.

Last week’s Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench decision to uphold the province’s ban on private health insurance for medically necessary services is good news for Alberta, and for all Canadians. The court was not persuaded that wait times in Alberta are linked to the province’s ban on private insurance that duplicates what is covered under Medicare. A similar, much broader, constitutional challenge to Medicare is scheduled to go to trial in BC Supreme Court this September. The case is driven by Dr. Brian Day, owner of the Vancouver-based Cambie Surgery Centre, a for-profit surgical clinic known for unlawfully billing patients for health care services. Dr. Day is seeking to strike down B.C.’s rules that protect fair and equal access to care by prohibit-

ing doctors from charging patients extra for services already covered under our provincial insurance plan. He’s also taking aim at BC’s ban on duplicate private health insurance. If Dr. Day wins in B.C., those laws will inevitably be struck across Canada, undermining our entire universal public health care system. Similarly to arguments made by the plaintiff in the Alberta case, Dr. Day argues that wait times would improve by striking down Medicare laws. But evidence from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and the UK shows the opposite: a twotier system leads to longer wait times and worse health outcomes. Only those who can afford to pay have shorter wait times when they buy their way to the front of the line. Everyone else waits longer because doctors can only treat one patient at a time. Continued on page 7

POLL OF THE WEEK Are you happy that spring is finally arriving?

Yes 50%

No 50%

This week’s poll question: Would you be happy if Golden had a community garden? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no

longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.

We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES

• $47.00 per year for postal

boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) - Golden Zone

• $43.00 per year if you pick

up your paper at The Golden Star Office


• $67.00 per year outside Gold-

Michele LaPointe

Jessica Schwitek





Joel Tansey



Ali Starchuk

administration classifieds

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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage

en’s School zone.

• LOCAL Senior’s Discount

10% ($43.00).

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 9, 2014 A7

Golden point of view Would you be happy if Golden had a community garden? Stingers to drivers who park diagonally across two spots! Have some courtesy for the rest of us!

Lil Harris

Tianna Reid

Nathan Eager

“If they want a garden they can come out and plant mine. We have a good place for them if they want.”

“Yeah, I would. I’m not really a garderner myself but I know my mom would use it.”

“It wouldn’t bother me but I probably wouldn’t participate myself.”

Go to to have your say. Continued from page 6 I’m encouraged to see last week’s Alberta court decision and hope for a similar outcome in B.C. this fall. Canada does not need health reform through an end-run in the courts, driven by for-profit clinic owners. We need evidence-based improvements in the public system to reduce wait times for elective surgeries for everyone. Rick Turner, co-chair, BC Health Coalition

A soccer net full of stars to the committee who volunteer their precious time to make the annual town soccer league a success every spring. With meetings starting last fall it shows your commitment to the kids of Golden. Well done to the people behind the scenes.

Bucket full of stars to Chris and Joe for all you do in our community.

Stars to the teachers and the neighbours that helped us move.

Mountains of stingers to the local professional - you know who you are. Your lies and bad reputation have finally caught up to you. Karma is a B.

Stingers to people who tell rumours and lies about other people. They are breaking the commandment, thou shall not bare false witness against thy neighbour.

Stars to Glen for making new bird houses. The airport will be a great home for them. (And the kids sure had fun putting them up!)

Stingers to those who think that just because it’s written in black and white that it makes it right.

Email your Stars and Stingers to

Principal’s report: Class raising funds for Victoria trip Lois Ehman NES Principal

Although the students and staff at Nicholson were off for their two week spring break, there has still been a lot going on. The grade 6/7 class have been extremely busy fundraising for their trip to Victoria in May. Over the break they had a table of craft items, which they made, at the Farmer’s Market on March 29th. They also had a bowl-a-thon at Down Memory Lanes Bowling Alley in which they received generous pledges from the com-

munity. Saturday, April 5th they held a BBQ at Overwaitea and on the 26th they will hold another one at Kicking Horse Ford, so mark your calendars. The class would like to thank the community for their support in helping them reach their goal. Before the break the whole school had a great learning experience in a presentation on Wolves and Wildlife. Through costumes, slides and games the students learned all about the many animals that live near Golden in our various National Parks and how to recognize them.

The parents group held a family night spaghetti dinner on Friday, April 4 at the school gym. It was a great time to visit with friends and have a meal together. Thank you to the parents who helped organize and run this event, it was an evening enjoyed by all. With only three months left until the end of the school year and many things still planned to do, we encourage the school community to contact the school with any questions or concerns they may have about upcoming events or activities so that the closing of our school year will be as successful as the opening!

Mayor’s Report: April brings area association meetings for council Christina Benty Mayor’s Report It’s April and in local government world, that means area association meetings throughout the province. Many members of council will be attending the Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments (AKBLG) AGM on April 9-11, 2014 in Creston. There will be representation from throughout the east, west and central Kootenay area. The mission of the AKBLG is to “promote effective, responsible, and accountable local government for the benefit of all citizens in our member communities.” Golden is an active member of AKBLG. The following resolution will be brought to the membership for debate. We are seeking regional support for changes to provincial legislation: WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia has designated municipalities as diking authorities, and established a wide range of authoritative powers over them including requirements to fully administer and resource ongoing dike maintenance, flood protection planning, monitoring, inspection, reporting, and other associated work as

well as to substantively fund disaster prevention and relief initiatives; AND WHEREAS notwithstanding s.2(b) of the Community Charter, the administrative and financial resources required to undertake these responsibilities is an increasingly unsustainable burden to small communities. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia be re-established as the diking authority in municipalities less than 5000 in population. I have served as a director of this organization for 10 years and am currently the vice president. It has been gratifying to assist this organization as it has evolved from a social group into a strong advocate for local government issues. We have made significant strides to streamline our resolution sessions, to provide valuable educational workshops, and to influence areas of importance such as the Columbia River Treaty dialogue between Canada and the US. Resolutions debated at the AKBLG are sent to our provincial association, the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM). The intention in the long run is to shape public policy at the provincial level. If you are not there, you are not relevant.

These events are an investment in the people who chose public service in a complex environment. Yes, there are “networking events”; however, guess what we talk about - local government issues. We commiserate, exchange ideas and garner advice. As a result of these relationships, I can pick up the phone at any - Christina Benty time and call on my colleagues Mayor of Golden around the province. My experience has taught me without exception, that being a mayor or councillor of a community means much more than dealing with local matters with local people, but also ensuring you are recognized on a larger stage where public policy , government funding, and economic development issues are constantly in motion, under discussion, and under powerful influences that we have opportunities to be a meaningful part of.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Golden Star

Events & Entertainment Calendar 250-344-5251 Buy any 2 Classified Word Ads and get the 3rd for free!

Golden Cinema Presents: 300: Rise of an Empire (6 nights only) Friday Apr.11 to Wednesday Apr.16 at 7pm. 10 ft

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This Week A.P.E.S.After School Program Monday to Friday 3 -5:30pm. $12/day for ages 5 to 11. To register please leave a message at 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program bir th-5years. Mon&Fri 12-3:30pm, Wed 2-5pm, Tue&Thur 8:45-11:45am. Call Shelley for more info 250-439-9324.

Wed, Apr. 9 Parent and Tot Play lets parents and kids from birth-five enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am-12pm. Badminton Wednesdays 7-9pm at the Rec Plex. Adults $7, students/seniors $5. Need your own racket. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Wednesdays 1-2pm. Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Wednesday at 10am. Call 250-344-5413 to register. Money Skills, a FREE program to help adults understand concepts of money. Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm. Call 250-4399665 for info. Women’s Journal Writing a FREE 6 week program Tuesdays. Call 250-3445317 for info. BC Cancer Agency’s Mobile Mammography Ser vice will be in Golden Apr.9-10. 1-800-663-9203 to book an appointment. TeePee Raising Ceremony at the Golden Museum Apr.9 from 1-3pm.

Thurs, Apr. 10 Men’s drop-in basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Bridge Club every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-344-5448. Golden Toastmasters

This week's achievement award goes to...

Thursdays, 7:30pm at the College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday from 3:45-5:30pm. BC Cancer Agency’s Mobile Mammography Ser vice will be in Golden Apr.9-10. 1-800-663-9203 to book an appointment. New will information session at the College Apr.10 at 7pm. 344-5901 to register.

Fri, Apr. 11 A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:30-7:30pm. Mother Goose Program Fridays 10:30-11:30am at the Library. Snacks included, just drop in! Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Bridge Club every Friday at the Centre for Peace in St. Andrew’s Church, 7pm. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Fridays 1-2pm. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fridays 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call Cyra 250-9190757 for more info. Food Fridays at the Golden Legion 6:30-8:30pm. Kelowna Ballet “Innovation” Apr.11, 7:30pm, Civic Centre.

Sat, Apr. 12 Storytime at the Golden Library, Saturdays 10:3011:30am. Free drop-in, runs

• For more information... go to

from Jan.18-Apr.5. Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Saturdays at the Golden Museum 1302 11th Ave S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Saturday Night Chapel at the Pentecostal Church (717 10th St S) at 7pm from Jan.4 - Apr.5. Food Skills for Families, a free program on healthy cooking on a budget. Starts Feb.1, 10am-1pm. Call 3441032 for more info. Emergency Services 9-1-1 Ball Apr.12 at Emerald Lake Lodge. Golden Film Night Apr.12 at the Rec Plex, 7pm. Admission is by donation. Kicking Horse Signature “Dummy Downhill” Apr.12 at noon in the plaza.

Sun, Apr. 13 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Kicking Horse Annual “Slush Cup” Apr.13 at 1pm in the plaza.

Mon, Apr. 14 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12-18. Golden Community Choir, Mondays from 7:30-9:30pm at the Lutheran Church. Member fees $10. For info call Joyce 250-344-6043. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mondays 5-7pm in the StrongStart room in APES Free program includes dinner, discussions, and activities. Call 250-439-9665. The Cadets meet Mondays 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall.

Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Mondays 1-2pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Badminton at the Mount 7 Rec Plex Mondays 7-8:30pm. Need your own racket, $7 (or $5 for seniors/students). Family Dinner Play and Learn, free program for families with children 3-5 starting Mondays, 5-7pm in the StrongStart room. Dinner, discussion, and activities. Call 250-439-9665.

Tues, Apr. 15 A.A Meetings Tuesdays at the United Church 901 - 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Volleyball Tuesdays at the Rec Plex 7-8:30pm $5. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Tuesdays from 3:30-7:30pm. Aquafit at the Travel Lodge Tuesdays & Thursdays from 5:30-6:30pm. Until Mar.13. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Rockwater Grill & BarR

Upcoming Events

Bill Bourne at Bacchus Books Apr.16, advance tickets only. Mount 7 Rec Plex AGM Apr.17, 7pm, at the Rec Plex. The Clothesline Project Display & BBQ Fundraiser Apr.17 from 12-2:30pm at Kumsheen Park (across from the theatre) or, if raining, Sobeys. Kicking Horse Culture presents The Good Lovelies Apr.23, 7:30pm, Civic Centre. Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show Apr.25 from 2-8pm at the Curling Club. Golden Farmers Market Apr.26 from 11am-3pm at Mount 7 Rec Plex. Geocaching CITO Event Apr.27, 10am-1pm in Spirit Square. Golden Junior Hockey A.G.M Apr.29 in the Ramada Meeting Room 7pm. Golden Minor Hockey A.G.M May 5 at 7pm in the upstairs Arena meeting room.

Emma Degagne for improving her focus and work habits.

Stop in by April 16, 2014 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 9, 2014 A9

The Town of Golden is hosting.........

The Spring Fling Children’s Easter Party Saturday, April 19 1pm - 3 pm Mount 7 Rec Plex Featuring the Amuse Troupe

Join us for a special Easter Egg Hunt, basket decorating and a bonnet competion!



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Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Golden Star

Community halls important places for residents to gather This week my column is about the Parson Community Hall. Hard as it is to believe, this building will, on June 7th, 2014 celebrate 75 years since construc- - Turning Back the Pages tion, with a By Colleen Palumbo Father’s Day barbecue at the hall. Like many community halls across the country the good people of Parson and its surrounding area saw a need for a space for community gatherings. No sooner had the idea been brought up when some of the enterprising folks sprang into action, securing land across the road from the old hotel. They worked out deals, set up dates for construction and did what communities of old did best, they worked together to create a space everyone could enjoy. When they were done they celebrated with a dance. The Golden Star was there at the opening and this is how they reported the story, which appeared in the Feb. 10, 1939 edition of the paper: Parson Community Hall Opened. Probably the largest gathering ever to attend a called dance assembled at Parson Friday evening last for the opening of the new community hall. From north to south, in truck, jalopy and “near Rolls-Royce,” they came in twos, fours and dozens, a happy laughing throng, wager to test the promised good floor and good time – 255 cash customers passed the wicket. The hall, prettily decorated by the Ladies Auxiliary and bearing a “Welcome to Parson” slogan, looked very inviting with its seventy feet of shining dance floor. Tom King, our genial M.L.A., in a short address complimented the residents of the district for their enterprise in building this fine

hall, the bulk of the work being done by volunteer labour, and most of the cost being “on time.” He paid well deserved tribute to T. Alton & Sons for having sufficient faith in their fellow man to supply the building material and “take a chance.” Mr. King then declared the hall open, and with his charming wife, led the Grand March. From 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. we waltzed, fox trotted and Lambeth walked to the music supplied by LaRue’s Orchestra, with Dona Alton of Vancouver ably filling the position of master of ceremonies. The refreshments committee, in charge of the Ladies Auxiliary, nothing daunted by the huge invasion, came through with ribbons flying, and after feeding the multitude, had a basket or two to spare. The hall is a credit to the community and to the people who shared in its building; credit to the committee and the Ladies Auxiliary, who have worked untiringly to make it a success. Good work boys and girls. To our friends who came in such numbers to give us this magnificent send off, we sincerely say “Thank you, and come again.” From the time the above exerpt was written until now, the people of the community of Parson have continued to care for the old hall. It has, over the years presented the folks with all kinds of challenges. It was built with no electricity, indoor plumbing or a kitchen. Nor did it have a central heating system. So over the years each of these things had to be addressed. And while the energy of the folks at Parson has waned from time to time, they have worked together to ensure the hall would be around to mark one anniversary after another. In the past five years much has been accomplished at the hall, including new tables and chairs, new lino in the kitchen, new fridge and freezer, a new water system has been installed, freshly finished meeting room, new paint in the

The above photo shows Alton’s Store and Post Office at Parson. Photo Courtesy of the Golden Museum main hall, the old furnaces that hung from the ceiling have been replaced with a new energy efficient one, the old risers along the sides of the hall have been removed and new baseboards put on and most recently the old wood floor

has been sanded and refinished. The hall is seeing weekly activity like Zumba and church services are held there every Sunday. For more information on the Parson Hall check out the Parson Community Hall on Facebook.

Distracted driving causing more safety concerns than drinking Staff Writer Black Press

$280, with a maximum of $500 for those who contest the fine and are convicted. A few weeks ago Anton wasn't convinced higher More people are dying from distracted driving penalties would help change driver behaviour, but than drinking and driving, and she said Wednesday she was disturbed to discover that B.C. has that has caused Attorney General Suzanne Anton to reconmore distracted driving deaths sider whether B.C.'s penalties for than Ontario, which has three using smart phones behind the times the population. wheel are tough enough. "Should there be points Anton said the latest statisattached to holding the handtics from 2012 show 81 deaths held device and talking? Probably," Anton said. from distracted driving in the "Should the fines be higher? year, compared to 55 related to impaired driving. — Suzanne Anton — Probably, so I'm having a look at both of those." "People seem to know that they Attorney General Another statistic that caught must not drink and drive, but Anton's attention was the 51,000 distracted driving, people don't seem to have the same level of awareness," Anton said distracted driving tickets handed out in B.C. in 2013. She said that's a "huge number" that suggests the mesWednesday. B.C.'s Motor Vehicle Act currently sets a $167 fine sage of distracted driving is not getting through, and for talking on a hand-held mobile phone, and $167 a reminder that seatbelt use and impaired driving also plus three demerit points for emailing or texting while took time to impress on the public. The Superintendent of Motor Vehicles is analyzing driving. Ontario recently raised its fine from $155 to

“Should there be points attached to holding the handheld device and talking? Probably.”

B.C. driving habits and will report to Anton, who is considering changing penalties later this year. ICBC statistics show that in the last five years, 34 per cent of young drivers involved in crashes resulting in injuries or deaths were distracted. Young female drivers are less often involved in crashes related to distracted driving, speed and impaired driving compared to young males. However, young female drivers involved in crashes were distracted nearly three times more than they sped and almost ten times more than they drove impaired. On average, 39 youth are killed and 7,100 are injured in crashes every year in B.C., and 11 youth are killed and 1,100 are injured in crashes every year in B.C.’s Southern Interior. “Young drivers are less experienced, more likely to take risks and tend to be more easily distracted by passengers and electronic devices,” said John Dickinson, ICBC’s director of road safety. “These are all factors in the high rate of youth crashes on our roads.” Data is based on five year total from 2008 to 2012. Youth are defined as age 16 to 21.

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 9, 2014 A11





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Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Golden Star

Community Conversations takes over GSS for productive session Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar. net

Confessions of a Curber

Noodling on the web one morning I found out that I was selling vehicles illegally. If I was in the business of selling, I need to be licensed as a dealer. Oh well. Everything’s been working out just fine for me. I skated through those recent bad deals. My previous sales were a distant memory – I was eager to start selling more. So, I decided to up my game a bit. I got a low-end truck and a car from an auction and another car from a new parking lot friend. I put ads for all three vehicles on Craigslist. Of course my ads said they were all real gems. You’d think people might see through my ads. “Need to sell fast, so price is flexible. Call with best offer.” And my cell number was the same for all three. Would anybody notice? The first two cheaper vehicles sold quickly. The last one took a bit longer to sell. Of course, it was the one I was most eager to sell. Why, you ask? Well, not that I passed the information along, but the auction provided vehicle history reports for the first two. I had no information on the last. So, I bought ICBC and CarProof vehicle history reports. I wanted to educate myself. To my surprise, there was a statement in both reports that the vehicle was possibly “stolen*.” I knew I had to sell it fast. I mean, I’d paid for it and I knew my new “friend” wouldn’t take it back. Four days later, I got a call from a young

“Apart from being stolen, it was pretty nice!” woman. She asked if the car would fit a family of four. “Definitely!” I practically screamed. I was a wreck during this sale. I just needed to get rid of this car – fast. I told the nice lady the details of the car. Apart from being stolen, it was pretty nice! I told her I was in a hurry to visit my mum in the hospital. She was in a hurry too – her three-year-old was anxious, pulling at her pant legs. She seemed to not want to be there as much as me. Finally, she agreed to buy the car. Phew! I was saved. Whatever happens next, I don’t care. It’s her problem not mine. I quickly changed my phone number (again). Weeks later, I saw her on the news – with kid still at pant legs – talking to a reporter. Apparently, the car was towed away by the police. And yes, she was trying to find me. Had I covered my tracks? I agonized.

Community Conversations had a different feel and a new venue this past week as the monthly discussion moved to Golden Secondary School in an effort to involve the community’s youth. The school’s library was full with both students and members of the community for the lunch time discussion that included donated pizza from Columbia Basin Trust. The discussion centred around what Golden should look like in the year 2034, twenty years from now. Attendees were divided into groups and asked to answer three important questions about Golden’s future.

Members of the community and students filled the Golden Secondary School library for Community Conversations last week. Joel Tansey/Star Photo




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*How can a stolen vehicle be sold? Curbers often break the law by bridging a title. Instead of registering a vehicle in their name within 10 days after a purchase, as required, they leave it in the name of the previous owner. This keeps their name out of the chain of title and from being caught with a stolen vehicle or one that would not be able to be registered or insured for another reason.

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1. What facilities would you like Golden to have? 2. What kinds of jobs would you like to see in Golden? 3. What kind of community would you like Golden to be? Having youth at the discussion brought a different dynamic to the conversation and it was agreed that it would be great to include students in the future if possible. “What I noticed was there was really good engagement from the youth, I was pretty impressed,” said Mayor Christina Benty. “A lot of the adult participants really enjoyed the event and they thought that the youth engaged really well.” The next Community Conversation event will take place on May 7 at the Civic Centre with the theme being economic development. That night, the Town’s youth focus group met at the Madtrapper Pub for a discussion that included Mayor Benty as well as five of the six town councillors (Coun. Keith Hern was the only absentee). Mayor Benty was also pleased with both the turnout and discussion. “We sat for over two hours and had a pretty rigorous conversation about being involved in local government, about paying attention, getting educated, about communication and about voting,” Mayor Benty said. “We covered a wide range of topics but it was a good, intellectual conversation. It was very interesting.” The youth focus group is scheduled to meet again in early May, an event that will likely take place again at the Madtrapper Pub.

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 9, 2014 A13

Golden Rotary Gala features speech from Dr. Covey’s son

(Left) Sean Covey, son of Dr. Stephen Covey made a speech via Skype, and the Parson Jazz Cooperative (above) performed at the Rotary Gala. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo Jessica Schwitek A crowd of dressed up Goldenites packed the Golden Civic Centre for the Rotary Club of Golden’s annual Gala. This year the event was in support of the Leader in Me program, which is being incorporated into all three Golden elementary schools. The Leader in Me program is based on Dr. Ste-

phen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Dr. Covey’s son gave a speech via Skype at the Gala, talking about how impressed he is with the Leader in Me program, as well as the community support it is receiving here in Golden. The evening, which included a four-course meal from Whitetooth Bistro and performances from The Pickups and the Parson Jazz Cooperative, also marked the 30th anniversary of the Rotary Club in Golden.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Golden Star

College of the Rockies

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September 8, 2014 to May 7, 2015.

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Program Design This 8-month program combines classroom and practical experience which provides students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to provide care in residential care or assisted living facilities, community settings or in patient homes.

Job Opportunities The Interior Health Authority and Golden Life Management have been actively advertising for Health Care Assistants. Some students have been offered employment while still enrolled in the program. Health Care Assistants are valuable members of the health care team and receive competitive wages and job security.

Information & Registration

College of the Rockies Golden Campus 1305 9th St. S., PO Box 376 Golden, BC, Canada V0A 1H0 Phone: 250-344-5901 Fax: 250-344-5745 email:

Marlon Chambers of RE/MAX (left) stands with Chad Gennings (centre) and Rick Seward of the Golden Cycling Club. Chambers donated the trailer to the Golden Campus local club, which will help them transport tools to their various work sites. For more information visit Chambers, who bikes regularly, saw this as a good way to give back, both to the 0426 RPGP RN Individualized Program Ad - Jan Zacharias - Size 10.33in Wide x 7in High community and the club. Joel Tansey/Star Photo CMYK - 02 Press Ready PDF


Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Golden Star

A Reel Review: Great acting headlines Osage

Julia Roberts and Merryl Streep star in August: Osage County as a dysfunctional mother and daughter. The Weinstein Company Jessica Schwitek

Bill Bourne, an acclaimed folk musician from Alberta will be performing at Bacchus Books & Cafe on Apr. 16. A limited number of tickets are available for $20. Photo Submitted/Anne Gillespie

Juno winner to perform at Bacchus Joel Tansey Juno award winning folk musician Bill Bourne drew his musical inspiration from an Icelandic poet, along with more common influences such as Bob Dylan, Gordon Lightfoot and Simon and Garfunkel. Goldenites will have a chance to see Bourne perform in concert on Apr. 16 at Bacchus Books and Cafe. Bourne grew up on a farm near Red Deer with his musically inclined parents, who had a band of their own. “There were always musicians and music playing in the house, it was ongoing,” Bourne said. “That was a huge influence, (music) was always around, it was just a natural thing for me.” This early exposure to music provided him with plenty of inspiration in his youth, but it is perhaps his great-grandfather that has had the longest lasting impact on his music. Stefan G. Stefansson was a famous Icelandic poet who immigrated to Wisconsin in 1873 before moving to Alberta and settling near Red Deer. He wrote his poems in Icelandic and gained a great deal of fame in his homeland as a result. “He really loved nature…he really focused on ideas that he believed in (with his writing,” Bourne said. “That was a big influence

on my lyrics and my writing…that initial influence from my great-grandfather is pretty profound.” Bourne has a tough time pinpointing a specific musical style for himself. Instead he prefers to play a mixture of styles including blues, Celtic and East Indian music, while adding components of more traditional music as well. “Even though I don’t really play traditional music per say, there are elements that I’ve really recognized in the various forms of traditional music that seem to have a real staying power and energy to them that I’ve utilized in writing my own music,” Bourne said. Most of all, Bourne enjoys improvising and playing what he calls “groovy music”. The improvisation part of his show has evolved over the course of his career with experience. Throughout his 30 year career in the music industry, Bourne has produced a multitude of albums both as a solo performer and with others. His most recent solo release was 2012’s Songs from a Gypsy Caravan. His personal highlights include performances at the Montreal Jazz Festival and the Edmonton folk festival. Only 40 tickets are available for Bourne’s show at Bacchus and they will not be sold at the door. Tickets are $20 each and only 15 remained as of Monday.


August: Osage County may feature the first lady of the chick flick, but don’t let the allstar cast of leading women fool you - this is no fluffy romcom. The dark family dysfunction is apparent from the opening scene when the Weston family matriarch Violet (Meryl Streep, who earned an Oscar nomination for the performance) stumbles into the room so drugged up she can’t even remember the reason she is supposedly taking the pills. Her alcoholic husband Beverly Weston (Sam Shepard) can barely even look at her, giving the audience a glimpse into the unhappy marriage that is the basis for the movie’s plot. Beverly mysteriously goes missing, which brings the rest of the family back to Oklahoma to help Violet through the ordeal. Barb, played by Julia Roberts (who was also recognized by the Academy with a nomination) is the strongest of the three daughters, and her father’s favourite. She drives back home with her estranged husband and her troubled teenage daughter, and takes over. In the movie’s most dramatic scene she tackles her mother to the ground, wrestling away her pills, and screams, “I’m running things now!” The film, which was based on a Pulitzer Prize winning play, does not rely on plot to keep the audience engaged. Instead it focuses on characters, each angry, hurt and resentful for their own reasons, and who go back and forth from wanting to attack their family members, to wanting to protect them. The cruelest of characters being Violet, who blames her abusive childhood and her pill addiction for her behaviour. At a family dinner she seeks out almost every individual around the table to be on the receiving end of her poisonous rhetoric, insisting that she’s only being truthful. Powerful performances by one of the best ensemble casts I’ve ever seen, and gripping dialogue are what drive the film. As the film moves on, more and more of the family’s dark history and damaged relationships are revealed. The performances are phenomenal, but the ending seems to come too soon with not enough getting resolved (an hour was shaved off from the original play, which is perhaps the reason). It’s easy to see why the actors were recognized at every major awards show, while the film itself was not. I give August: Osage County 8 out of 10 dancing hot dogs. August: Osage County is now available at Kicking Horse Movies.


802-10 Ave. S 250-344-5510


Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Golden Star

Columbia Shuswap Regional District Invitation to Quote Revelstoke Airport Runway Extension and Widening 2014 The Columbia Shuswap Regional District is inviting Quotes from Contractors for the extension, turning pad and widening construction of the runway at the Revelstoke Airport (YRV) in Revelstoke, BC. Sealed Quotes clearly marked “Quote – Revelstoke Airport Runway Extension 2014”, will be accepted until 11 AM local time on Thursday, April 24, 2014 at the office of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, 781 Marine Park Drive NE, P.O. Box 978, Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 4P1. Quote documents and further information are available online at the Columbia Shuswap Regional District website at www., on the BC Bid website at, the Civic Info website at and at the office of the Columbia

Fridges, freezers, water coolers, air conditioners, etc. that contain FREON will be subject to a $15/unit Freon removal fee

Shuswap Regional District at the above address during regular office hours. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Quotes and to waive any informality in the Quotes received, in each case without giving any notice. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept the Quote which it deems most advantageous. Faxed or emailed submissions will not be accepted. The lowest or any Quote will not necessarily be accepted. For more information, please contact: Darcy Mooney, Manager Operations Management T: 250.833.5938 E:

FREE residential metal & organic waste

DISPOSAL EVENT April 19 - June 1

at CSRD Landfills and Transfer Stations During regular hours of operation ORGANIC WASTE

Grass Clippings • Leaves • Prunings • Brush & Weeds • Tree limbs up to 8” in diameter


Fridges • Air Conditioners • Freezers • Hot Water Tanks • Bath Tubs • Stoves Clothes Washers & Dryers


• Barbecues • Lawn Mowers • Angle Iron • Bed Springs • Propane Tanks • Metal Doors • Metal Window Frames • Plate Steel (small pieces) • Metal Roofing • Metal Siding • Old Plumbing • Bicycles • Metal Toys (wagons, etc.) • Swing Sets • Metal Yard Tools NO wood attached. NO auto parts. NO auto bodies. NO commercial wastes and NO Prohibited wastes. All other refuse delivered to the refuse disposal site on these days will be assessed the applicable refuse disposal fee. All commercial loads are subject to disposal fees.







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Visit our website at

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Canada Victim’s Bill of Rights introduced David Wilks Member of Parliament Submitted This week, our Government took a very important first step towards recognizing the rights of victims. Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced legislation to create a Canadian Victims Bill of Rights. This proposed legislation is historic: for the first time in Canadian history, victims will have clear, statutory rights at the federal level. And, unlike the previous Liberal government, who for 13 years put the rights of offenders ahead of the rights of victims, we are acting to put law-abiding Canadians first. These reforms come as a result of an extensive consultation process. Justice Minister Peter MacKay travelled to every province and territory to consult with victims on how the federal government could better address the needs of victims of crime all while giving them a move effective voice in the criminal justice system. During these consultations, many victims asked why the tragic impacts of crime on their lives, families, and property were not given greater prominence. Some were frustrated at not having been provided with information about court dates or plea negotiations, or not feeling properly protected. Their candour was heartfelt and invaluable. And it was clear that they weren’t only thinking of their own experience—they were telling their stories on behalf of other victims. Their primary motivation was to improve the justice system for all. After hearing their stories, and hearing from Canadians across the country through an online consultation, we have introduced legislation to create a Canadian Victims Bill of Rights to transform our justice system by providing statutory rights for victims of crime under four key areas: rights to information, protection, participation and restitution. A study released in 2011 by the Department of Justice Canada found that the total cost of crime is an estimated $99.6 billion a year, 83 per cent of which is borne by victims. This is one reason why we make no apologies for passing reforms to keep society’s most dangerous criminals off our streets and behind bars where they belong. Canadians need to feel that their justice system is working for them. They need to feel safe in the environment they live in, and, if they are victimized, they need to feel confident that the justice system will treat them with the courtesy, compassion and respect they deserve. Justice should not just be done—it should also be seen to be done. This is precisely why our Government will continue putting victims first - as we have always committed to do and as we always have done.

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 9, 2014 A17

Golden’s Ave Perry posted two solid runs to take Wrangle title Joel Tansey

Local snowboarder Ave Perry says that having the home snow advantage at last week’s Wrangle the Chute helped him take top spot, but a life spent on the mountains couldn’t have hurt either. Perry grew up in New Denver where he learned to ski at a very young age. He took up snowboarding in his teens and never looked back. He later worked as a snowboard instructor in high school, so it’s clear the transition to boarding was a smooth one. Perry spent his first winter in Golden in 2001 after completing his education in forestry. “One of the reasons I moved to Golden was because of the amazing backcountry sled access here,” Perry said. Perry arrived for Kicking Horse Mountain Resort’s

second season, shortly after the Town sold Whitetooth Ski Area. He rode over 100 days of the year back then and according to him, the lesser crowds and fresher snow made those early days special. “Barely anyone would even venture into Super Bowl the first couple seasons, now its in bounds,” he said. “The first couple of seasons of Kicking Horse were my favourite by far. It’s crazy how many people are now out there and hiking and getting the powder.” Eventually Perry transitioned to snowboarding in the back country, where he spends most of his time these days, although he continues to ride at Kicking Horse when the conditions are right. He is sponsored by several companies, including Higher Ground in town

and Trapper snowboards out of Revelstoke. Perry only started competing in big mountain battles recently, and decided to sign up for Wrangle because of the new venue. “When they moved it to Terminator and made the run three times longer and three times the vertical, it made me way more interested in entering it,” he said. Living in Golden proved to be beneficial for Perry at Wrangle, as he has experience riding on both chutes that were used in the competition (Truth and Dare on the north side of Terminator peak). He was also able to complete a few practice runs just before the chutes closed last week in advance of the competition. Perry’s Friday run had a single, minor blemish and gave him a significant lead heading into his second run

Ave Perry used a thorough knowledge of Kicking Horse to help him on his way to victory at Wrangle the Chute. Photo Submitted on Saturday. His second run wasn’t quite as clean as his opener, but he still managed to post the fourth best day 2 score to give him a clear, seven point win over the rest of the eight-man field. Perry earned $400

for his efforts and Helly Hansen gear worth another $600. “I had an amazing weekend,” he said. For Perry, like a lot of big mountain competitors, adrenaline and a bit of fear is the driving force that keeps him

going, and helps keep him safe. “The fear and adrenaline keeps you realistic and not pushing yourself to get hurt,” he said.

To see some of Perry’s videos, check out his vimeo page at user5575177 or by searching for goldenrider.

Nordic Club volunteers enjoy end of season Golden Nordic Club volunteers celebrated the end of the season at Dawn Mountain on Sunday April 6. Jessica Schwitek/ Star Photo

Get ready for summer • 4 Months Gym–Student*.................................$169.50 + gst *Valid Student ID required • 1 Month Intro to Gym.........................................$49.95 + gst • 3 Months Gym.................................................$141.95 + gst • 1 Year Gym......................................................$484.00 + gst • 3 Months Squash.............................................$130.00 + gst • 3 Months Gym/Squash....................................$218.88 + gst • 1 Year Gym & Squash.....................................$687.00 + gst 1 Month unlimited tanning w/nail savers............$76.96 + gst • • • •

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Golden Star

Age friendly plan taskforce launches survey to assess needs Ryan Watmough Submitted In the coming weeks, more often than normal, you may find Golden’s older adults huddled around a stack of papers, a tablet or a computer screen. Golden’s Age Friendly Community Planning (AFCP) Task Force has been working over the past month to develop a needs assessment, or survey, for the local 50+ population. The survey is designed to discover Golden & Area A’s older adult’s satisfaction, use of, and experience with specific programs, services and amenities in Golden & Area A. By the end of April, the Task Force expects to receive input from over 100 surveys, which will help to craft the Town of Golden’s Age Friendly Community Plan. The Plan will help align services and expectations and may lead to the creation of new services offered by community groups, businesses and government. If you are aged 50 or older and would like to complete a survey, contact Ryan Watmough at nonprofits.gcrs@ or pick one up at The Town of Golden, Golden Employment Services or the Town of Golden Administration Office. For more information about the Age Friendly Community Planning project, please visit­‐ friendly.html.

Jim Halvorson, Ruth Hamilton and Susan Halvorson are the first to fill out Golden’s Age Friendly Community Planning surveys. Photo Submitted

New uses for driver’s licence ahead

Marriage Commissioner

Staff Writer Black Press

The Vital Statistics Agency, Ministry of Health, is looking for an individual to serve as a Marriage Commissioner for Golden. The individual will perform civil marriages within their community on behalf of the Agency.

With one million of its new high-tech drivers' licences in use, the B.C. government is preparing to use them for access to medical records, applying for student loans and a range of other uses. The new driver's licence was introduced a year ago, with

For information and an application form please visit our website at:

a digital chip that replaces the existing medical CareCard system. The health ministry estimated that there were more than nine million CareCards in circulation, about twice as many as there are residents of B.C. Andrew Wilkinson, minister of technology, innovation and citizens' services, released results

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of a public consultation on the new cards this week. With digital security similar to bank cards, he said the public appears prepared to use them to apply for prescription renewals, birth, death and marriage certificates, voter registration and criminal records checks. Secure online access to such government services would

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require passwords to be issued, "robust" computer programs to be completed and at least half of B.C. residents to have the new cards, Wilkinson said. They are being issued as current drivers' licences expire, and the new services could be available by the end of 2015. Proof of identity for medical care may also be used for online booking of medical appointments. "First of all we need to make sure that only people who are entitled to health care services in British Columbia are getting them, and secondly we have to make sure that we have the right person, the right John Smith who shows up in the emergency room after an accident and can't speak for himself," Wilkinson said. "With the services card they'll have a unique identifier that connects them with the proper medical records and establishes that they're entitled to care." The cards are issued to replace the current driver's licences, for the same $75 fee. For people who don't drive, a similar card with only medical identity is available at no charge.

Star business directory

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 9, 2014 A19

Golden Business Directory Licensed Home Builder 911 North Avenue Box 599, Golden BC, V0A1H0

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Wednesday, AprilApril 9, 2014 The Golden Star Star Wednesday, 9, 2014

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John Victor Baltakis March 22, 1924 - March 26, 2014



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Full Time-Permanent Cook needed for 0769323 BC Ltd. o/s Legendz Diner located a PO Box 676, 1405 TransCanada Highway, Golden, BC, V0A 1H0 Start Date ASAP Main Duties include: Prepare and cook full course meals, Prepare and cool individual dishes and foods, Plan menus, Ensure quality of food and determine size of food proportions, Prepare dishes for customers with food allergies or intolerance’s, Inspect kitchens and food service areas, Train staff in preparation, cooking and handling of food, Order supplies and equipment, Supervise kitchen staff and helpers, Clean kitchen and work areas, wash dishes Education: Completion of high school Experience: Minimum of 3 years of experience. If candidate does not have at least 3 years of experience as a cook, a post-secondary certificate is required. Salary: $11.50 to $13.50 Hourly, 40.00 Hours per week. Uniforms provided and staff meal program. Apply by e-mail to: jobs., mail (address above), or fax to: 250-344-5075.

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HAIRSTYLIST required for well established salon in Invermere. Excellent opportunity for a motivated stylist. Easy to build clientele during busy summer months. Experience preferred but will consider all applicants. 250-342-6355




Sharon Graham (Shary) McTighe May 10, 1947 – March 2, 2014 Train up the child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6. Shary passed away on Sunday, March 2, 2014 in Kelowna BC after a two year battle with Bone Cancer. Shary was born in Edmonton AB on May 10th 1947. She spent her childhood in Prince George BC, where she excelled at Sports, especially in Track and Field events. Her Family moved to Burnaby BC where she graduated from Grade 12 at Burnaby Central, She then attended SFU to earn her Teaching Degree. She lived and taught in many places across BC, including White Rock, Quesnel, Kamloops and Kelowna. She settled in Golden in 1978 where she had many jobs, including BC Forest Service, Banking, Dental Reception, and Teaching. She held many Teaching positions, was the President of the Golden Teachers Association, Principal of Parson Elementary, VP of Lady Grey Elementary, and finally, District Administrator of Student Services in Rocky Mountain SD 6. After 34 years in Golden, She moved to West Kelowna in February 2012 be close to Medical Treatment and to her Children and Grandchildren. Her hobbies and passions were Gardening, Quilting, Travelling, Hiking, and Biking. She Climbed 20,000 ft Mt Kilimanjaro, Walked the Great wall of China, got lost in Moscow, toured St Petersburg, Athens, Thailand, Morocco, New Zealand, Kauai, Cook Islands, and many other places. She bicycled 2200 km across the Maritime Provinces, and did many Mountain biking and backpacking trips to Utah and Arizona. She hiked on week-long wilderness trips in Banff and Jasper National Parks. She wanted to travel to all 7 continents, but missed South America, Australia and Antarctica. She was forever learning, whether on Special Education and Teaching courses, or flying an Airplane, or getting her U of C Masters of Education Degree (pictured). Her greatest passions were always her 2 children and 4 Grandchildren. Shary was predeceased by her Father Graham Smith, her stepfather Arthur Buckingham and her youngest sister Leslie Douglas. Shary is survived by her husband of 30 years, Don, her children, Kristi (Wade) Benner and Bart (Stephanie), Robertson and the pride of her life, her 4 grandchildren, , Avery, Sydney, and Twins, Callan and Linden, all of Kelowna. She is also survived by her Mother, Marian Buckingham, and her sister Marilyn Werschler, of Kelowna. A Memorial service was held in Kelowna on March 15. The Family wishes to pass on a huge thank you to Dr Jeanne Mace, and Dr Maryanne Taylor, their staff, plus so many others at KGH, and the Southern Interior Cancer Center for outstanding care and compassion. Memorial donations may be made to the Central Okanagan Hospice Foundation, #104 – 1456 St. Paul Street, Kelowna, BC V1Y 2E6 in memory of Shary. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting WWW.MEM.COM and searching her name under stories. Arrangements were entrusted to First Memorial Funeral Services, Kelowna, BC.


John Victor Baltakis passed away peacefully at Chinook Hospice, in Calgary, Alberta on Wednesday, March 26, 2014 at the age of 90 years and four days. A graveside service and celebration of life took place at the Golden Senior’s Centre on Sunday, April 6th, 2014. Born in Anyksciai, Lithuania on March 22, 1924 and immigrated to Canada with his mother and sister to join his father in Furness, SK in late November of 1938. Uncle John resided on the family farm until enlisting in the military service in 1940 which then took him to Vernon BC. Following his service in the military he met Hilda Louise Holland and they married in 1946. Uncle John and Aunt Hilda resided in the Okanagan working various jobs until the logging industry brought them to Golden BC in the mid 1950’s. Baltakis Logging Co was then formed. In the beginning Uncle John worked the Logging end of things while Aunt Hilda maintained and cooked in the Boulder Creek Camp. They built their first and only home together in 1963 for a total of $30,000 house and lot included. Uncle John retired in 1985 and enjoyed an abundance of fishing, boating and huckleberry picking, along with helping to build the camp and his cabin at Espanade Bay on Kinbasket Lake, where he and Aunt Hilda spent great times with many good friends and family. In April of 2005, he lost his wife, Aunt Hilda, of 59 years. He continued to reside in his home until the fall of 2010, when he moved to Calgary to live with his nephew Len & Jerrie Holland and family. He was able to live out the remainder of his days with kids, dogs, cat, pigeons and hockey players sharing his home. One of his greatest accomplishments was being able to celebrate his 90th Birthday, which he did in style with Rack of Lamb and Champagne served among family who loved him dearly. He is survived by his sister, Pauline Black, sisters-in-laws; Betty Holland and Vada Holland and many nieces and nephews and their families: Bob (Susan) Black, Brian (Pat) Black, Raymond Black, Richard Black, Rita (Gary) Christianson, Paulette (Hugh) Kopp, Jim (Marva) King, Margaret Bloor, Daryl (MaryAnne) Folland, Brenda Combs, Len (Jerrie) Holland, Mark (Tammy) Holland, Allan Holland and Gary Holland. Messages of condolence may be sent to the family by visiting John’s obituary notice at Arrangements were in the care of Hindman Bowers Funeral Home, Golden.

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Mountain View Assisted Living Position: Assisted Living Worker – Casual The Assisted Living worker delivers exemplary personal care services that enhance life quality and peace of mind for seniors living within the assisted living residence. Under the direction of the Assisted Living Leader delivers personal care and housekeeping, laundry, dining social/recreation programs as driven by the needs, interests, choices and abilities of assisted living residents. (duFation 4ualiÀFations and ([SerienFe • Resident Care Attendant, Home Support or Assisted living Certi¿cate or equivalent combination of education and experience • Comfortable working alone or in a team environment • Available and willing to work shift work nights and evenings. • Able to plan, organize and deliver care and services with minimal supervision • Current First Aid Certi¿cation Please submit your resume and letter of interest by April 19, 2014 to: Tricia Bowness, Site Manager, Mountain View Assisted Living 750 8th Avenue, Golden, BC, V0A 1H0 Fax: 250-344-7962

Mountain View Assisted Living Position: Cook/MSW – Casual Position Summary: Reporting to the Site Manager, manages food preparation & service to ensure that special dietary needs and standards for dietary care are consistently met or exceeded. Determines inventory needs through menu planning, then sources and purchases appropriate, high Tuality products that ¿t Zithin speci¿ed budgets. Cleaning duties as assigned. .e\ 5esSonsiEilities 4ualiÀFations • )ood Safe Certi¿cate • Ability to plan, organize and direct the delivery of food services • Desire to ZorN Zith seniors • Customer service oriented • Must be prepared to respond to emergency situations • Must have ZorNing NnoZledge of special diets Please submit your resume and letter of interest by April 19, 2014 to: 7ricia %oZness, Site Manager, Mountain 9ieZ Assisted /iving 750 8th Avenue, Golden, BC, V0A 1H0 Fax: 250-344-7962

Golden Star Wednesday, April 9, 2014 A20

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Golden A21 Star




Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Bolico Holdings Ltd. o/a Tim Hortons 1020 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H1 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H2 Food Counter Attendant Full Time/Part Time/Shift Work Nights/Overnights/Early Mornings/Weekends Some high school education $10.25/hr + Benefits(extended health/vision/dental) Wage based on experience/availability Apply via fax 250 439 1963 or In Person: 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H2 CLUXEWE RESORT MANAGER needed at Kwakiutl Band in Port Hardy. Competitive salary and free accommodations. Deadline midnight April 15. Email for job description and to apply. Ponderosa Motor Inn requires Front Desk Clerk & Housekeepers. Positions avail. immediately. Exp. preferred, but will train. Apply in person with resume 1206 Trans Canada Hwy.

RAMADA INN requires FRONT DESK staff Full time. Apply by Email or drop off resume in person 1311 12 St. N. Required for Mary’s Hotel F/T Hotel front desk clerks Sal: $13/hour Duties: Register arriving guests and assign rooms. Answer enquiries. Present statements of charges to departing guests and receive payment. F/T housekeeping room attendant Sal:$13/hr Duties: Sweep, mop, wash, wax and polish floors. Dust furniture and vacuum carpet. Make beds. Attend to guests’ requests for extra supplies. P/T handy man req’d.Contact:


Location:Golden BC

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted


WANTED: SERVICE TECHNICIAN - SUNNY THOMPSON REGION. Kamloops dealership is currently accepting applications for full-time Journeyman & Apprentice RV Technicians. All applicants must have direct RV experience, possess own tools, have a positive attitude, strong work ethic, and take great pride in the work they perform. It is our goal to provide an exceptional customer experience for all our clients. We place great emphasis on customer satisfaction and quality workmanship and need people who will help us maintain this goal. We truly care about our employees and provide a positive, happy work environment with competitive wages and benefits. Requirements: - Possess Own Tools - Be Journeyman/Red Seal or period 1, 2, 3 Registered Apprentice RV Technician - Possess Valid Class 5 BCDL (Air/51 Endorsement an asset) - Excellent attendance - Self-motivated team player - Keen attention to detail - Maintain a positive attitude under pressure - Committed to lifelong learning If this sounds like a good fit and you possess the above mentioned qualifications we want to hear from you. How to Apply: With resume and references to: Attention: Service Manager By Email: By Fax: (250) 851-9775 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE

BLACK JACK HOLDINGS LTD DBA DAIRY QUEEN GOLDEN 1409 Trans Canada Hwy, BLACK JACK HOLDINGS LTD DBA DAIRY QUEEN GOLDEN 1409 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A1H1 Hiring 1 Food Service Supervisor for Dairy Queen Permanent, Full Time, Shift, Overtime, Weekend, Day, Evening $13.00 Hourly, for 40.00 Hours per week Completion of high school Experience an asset Specific Skills: Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food. Establish work schedule. Estimate and order ingredients and supplies. Ensure food service and quality control. Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage. Prepare and submit reports. Supervise and check assembly of trays. Supervise and check delivery of food trolleys. Establish methods to meet work schedules. Train staff in job duties, sanitation and safety procedures. Fax resume: 250-344-2220 or Mr. Neal VanBeers

We’re on the net at

Equipment Operator (Full Time/ Temporary) The Town of Golden needs an Equipment Operator to help us keep up with spring and summer operations during a temporary absence of one of our regular employees. The work term will be approximately three months, possibly longer, ending upon the return of our regular employee. Under general supervision, the position performs various tasks involving the safe and efficient operation of our equipment and assists in other assigned duties. Typically this mostly includes the operation and minor maintenance of heavy mobile equipment, but also duties associated with street cleaning, operating small equipment, or doing a variety of other public works duties. We require at a minimum that to be considered for the position you must: • Possess a current British Columbia class 3 Driver’s License with an air brakes endorsement; • Be able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing in English and deal courteously, tactfully and diplomatically with supervisors, coworkers and the public; • Have a Grade 12 diploma or equivalent; • Have the physical ability to carry out assigned duties in all types of weather; • Be able to suitably prove to us that you have at least 90 days experience operating mobile equipment such as rubber-mounted loaders and plow trucks, and at least 100 hours of training on this equipment; and, • Be experienced in the safe operation of portable equipment such as generators and pumps. We would also prefer that you have: • The ability to operate rubber tired backhoe; • Possession of a Level 1 first aid certificate; • Familiarity with irrigation systems; • The ability to perform basic landscaping maintenance; • Familiarity with asphalt repairs and techniques; • The ability to install and repair traffic signs; • The ability and skills to operate a computer system utilizing Microsoft office; • Possession of a valid pesticide applicators license; • Certification as a qualified faller; and, • The ability to train as a standby operator for water and wastewater systems. This is a position within the CUPE Local 2309 bargaining unit. Applications may be delivered by post, fax, hand, or electronically, and will be received until 12:00 pm noon (Mountain Time) Thursday, April 17th, 2014: Jon Wilsgard, Corporate Officer Town Hall – 810 9th Avenue South, P.O. Box 350, Golden, BC V0A 1H0, Fax: (250) 344-6577, E-mail: Candidates with lesser qualifications may be considered. Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted We reserve the right to collect both direct and indirect information about any applicant selected for an interview

Hospitality NORTHSTAR Mountain Village Resort is looking for a dynamic Front Desk Supervisor with hospitality experience and a passion for guest satisfaction. The ideal candidate will possess the following: Demonstrated supervisory skills, good judgement and a sense of humour. Computer literate with good working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite. Superior written and oral communication skills. Excellent organizational and time management skills. This fulltime position will be located in Kimberley. Successful candidate must be available to work evenings and weekends. A competitive wage is offered and will be based on experience. Please deliver your resume in-person to 1351 Gerry Sorensen Way, Kimberley or email to


Legal Services

Looking for part time cleaners. 15 hrs per week. Please call 250-344-0492.

CRIMINAL RECORD? Pardon Services Canada. Established 1989. Confidential, Fast, & Affordable. A+BBB Rating. RCMP Accredited. Employment & Travel Freedom. Free Consultation 1-8NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366)

Trades, Technical

THE AKISQNUK FIRST NATION invites you to apply for the position of: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE The Akisqnuk First Nation near Windermere, BC, is nestled in the Columbia Valley, between Radium and Fairmont Hot Springs, up alongside the Rocky Mountains. This four season playground offers something for everyone with a small town ambiance and excellent schools. As the Community Health Nurse you will be responsible for client intake, assessments/reassessments

are plans, and organizing services in the home that meet the clients’ needs. The nurse facilitates the planning of activities and strategies to support the community in achieving health outcomes in a holistic and culturally sensitive manner. Please visit for details. Closing date: Friday, April 18, 2014 at 4pm.

Help Wanted

Unique Opportunity

We currently have an opening for a sales person to help us with our paid distribution newspapers across B.C. This position means getting out in the community and talking to subscribers about our newspapers and working to build stronger relationships with existing readers of our newspapers. It also includes finding new subscribers for our newspapers and helping introduce them our award winning host of community newspapers. This is not a year-around position and will run from March to October each year. We offer a spectacular compensation package and bonus incentives. Your own vehicle is required, but we cover all travel expenses. This is really a great opportunity for the right person. It is a different type of job, but definitely has different types of rewards. If you feel this position would be the perfect fit for you, then we would love to hear from you. Please email all enquiries to Michelle Bedford at


JOURNEYMAN or Apprentice Heavy Duty / Commercial Transport Mechanic wanted in Golden, BC. This is for you if you are an outdoor enthusiast. Position is full time evening shift 4:00 pm - 12:00 midnight Monday thru Friday. Rate of pay is competitive and will be negotiated based on experience. We invite you to become a member of our team. Please fax your resume and cover letter to 250-344-6622 or email


Req. at Canuck Mechanical in Prince George. Must have exp. doing service work & be proficient with trouble shooting heating systems & plumbing problems. Top wages & benefits Email resume to:

Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.

Framing REDUCE energy use 50-90% with a super-insulated & airtight new home for the same price as a standard build. E. Olofsson Construction Inc., Licensed Builders. 604761-3499



Merchandise for Sale

Garage Sales


Financial Services DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. your credit / age / income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. UNFILED TAX Returns? Unreported Income? Avoid Prosecution and Penalties. Call a Tax Attorney First! 1855-668-8089 (Monday-Friday 9-6 ET).

Legion Ladies Auxiliary Garage Sale at the Legion Banquet Hall. Apr.5, 9-3 & Apr.6, 9-12 Apr.12, 9-3 & Apr.13, 9-12 *New items on the 12&13!*

Misc. for Sale

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

4 summer tires 215/60/R15 $80 OBO, and, 4 summer tires 245/70/R17 10 PLY $150 OBO 250-344-5143. HAY FOR SALE Square bales from July 2013 cutting. No rain. Available for loading in the Blaeberry $2.75 per bale. Phone toll free: 1-855-909-2680. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online:

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Legal Services

Black Press has a very unique opportunity for the right person.



Baker Wanted

Company: Dusevic Holdings Ltd. o/a Golden Bakery & Deli Location: 415 9th Avenue N, Golden, BC, V0A 1H0 Type of Employment: Full time - permanent Estimated Start Date: As soon as possible Job Description: • All forms of bread and pastry baking. • Minor breakfast and lunch cooking. Requirements: • Education: Completion of secondary school • Experience: If a candidate does not have at least 3 years of experience as Baker a Post Secondary Certificate is required Salary: $13.33 to $15.00 Hourly, 40.00 Hours per week. Apply by e-mail to: Apply by mail to: Box 1455, 415 9th Avenue N, Golden, BC, V0A 1H0

Professionals Connecting Professionals

Top Employers NOW HIRING

A22 A20

Merchandise for Sale

Wednesday, 9, 2014 Wednesday, AprilApril 9, 2014 The Golden Star Star




Misc. for Sale

Apt/Condo for Rent 3 Bdr. Apt close to Lady Grey school. Newly renovated. Avail now. $850/mth. 250-344-8205 or 344-6533.

Commercial/ Industrial

Homes for Rent

STEEL BUILDINGS. Hot savings - Spring sale! 20x24 $4,348. 25x24 $4,539. 30x30 $6,197. 32x36 $7,746. 40x46 $12,116. 47x72 $17,779. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. Or online:

Misc. Wanted

Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. No parties, N/S. Laundry facilities, security doors. Best deal in town! 250-344-8113.

Cottages / Cabins

Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Estates, Gold & Silver Coins + 778-281-0030

Real Estate Other Areas 20 ACRES $0 Down, Only $119/mo. Owner Financing, NO CREDIT CHECKS! Near El Paso, Texas. Beautiful Mountain Views! Money Back Guarantee. Call 1-866-8825263, Ext. 81.

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent

Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710

Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. For Rent - Fully Furnished Suites

2 bdrm w/ storage close to all amnts. Hydro, hot water and heat incld. Security entrance and laundry factls, sorry no parties or smoking indoors. $760/mnth 250-344-8113.

All Inclusive - Avail. May 1/14 (2) Bedroom $750.00 May 1/14 Large (2) bedroom with view $950.00. Visit for details. Call 250-344-7299 or text 250-344-1825 to arrange viewing.

For Sale By Owner

For Sale By Owner

FOR SALE Move in Ready Approx 1400 sq ft townhouse, 2 bdrm, 2 full bath, large kitchen, large dining/living rm w/ gas fireplace covered private patio and single garage. Asking $285,000. Phone 250-439-9899.

1, 2, and 3 bdrms cabins/apts 5 mins from Golden furnished pet friendly $700-$850/mnth 250-272-4674. Cabin for rent. Fully furnished studio cabin at Sander Lake campground. $550/mnt, utls incld, sat. tv, wifi, NS, $275 DD, small pets considered. Avail May 1. 250-344-6517, 250-344-1744, 250-272-1744.


Modular Homes Trailer for rent/sale, reasonable price phone 344-5302 or 272-8979

Homes for Rent This fully furnished, all-inclusive home has 3 bdrs, 2 full baths, lrg laundry room and lrg covered deck. Willing to rent unfurnished to long-term renters. A must see! N/S. Great backcountry access.Just 10 mins. south of Golden. $1500. Avail now. 344-0110. 1 bdrm chalet furnished full kitchen, sat. tv, high speed internet, utls incld, fire place, NS, min. 6 months, avail. May 1st. $650/single $750/double. 250-344-7874 (evenings). 2 large bdrm mobile home for rent on top of hill $750/mnth. (families pref’d) and refs req’d. Call 250-344-5996.



OfďŹ ce/Retail

Auto Accessories/Parts


OfďŹ ce Space for rent. Approx. 350 sq. ft. above Body Quest. Call 250-344-7876.

Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofďƒžce is independently owned & operated.

Duplex / 4 Plex 3 bdrm and 4 bdrm duplex, animals welcome, 4 bdrm $975/mnt + uts, 3 bdrm $775/mnt + utls, $75 less with 1 yr lease. Wood heat, 2.5 acres w/ garden. Avail June 1. 10 mins from Golden. 250-421-6415.


Shared Accommodation Shared accmdtns in quiet neighborhood looking for mature adults (2 rooms avail). Avail immdly. Call after 5pm for info: 250-344-0545. 250470-7670. Also, 3 bdrm house in quite neighbourhood, call for details.

Auto Financing Legal

Legal Notices

Storage 3-4 bdrm modern house open concept layout 3 bath, big bdrms, fenced yard, call 250344-1340. 3 Bdr house (Av. May 1) 1116 12 St. Appliances incl., references required. No Pets, No Parties. W/D. 4 bdrm house in downtown Golden $950/month + utilities. Family preferred. Damage deposit & references required. 250-344-6710.

S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.

Suites, Upper Immaculate newly reno’d 2 bdrm suite for rent in town, NS, NP, no parties, large yard $850/mnt +utls. Free wifi/sat. tv. Avail May. 1, nice landlords! Call 250-344-6879. Auto Loans. Need A Vehicle! Guaranteed Approval. 1.877.680.1231

Chalet 2 bdrm furnished W/D, FS, wood+elec. heat, sat. TV, attached carport, 2 mature people only. Avail. Apr.1. 250344-5064. KHMR - 2 BDRM Executive Condo. Fully Furnished. ALL Inclusive. Avail. May-Nov/14. Amazing View! Many extras. 780-919-1648 Spacious older 4 bdrm home 48kms south of Golden on acreage. Furnished/unfnshd. Prefbly no pets. 250-344-5002 Leave name & ph. number.


Townhouses 4 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.

To Whom it May Concern: There was a 1949 Dodge D 31 CPE vin #97000216 abandoned on my property located at 627 Habart Lower Rd since 1990 which has outstanding debt for storage which must be paid in pull to satisfy the debt of $2500. This vehicle will be seized under the warehouse lien act or sold, proof of ownership must be provided date of sale and place will be Apr 25 / 2014 at 533 - 10th St South Manjit Manhas Golden BC V0A 1H0.


Want to Rent For Golden Upper Donald areas: Working person w/ great ref’s seeks simple, inexpensive cabin/place on spacious, private, wooded area, now/future. 250-439-8225


Tell us what you're up to!

250 344-5251

www.the Your Community Newspaper Since 1891 LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS


Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Golden Star

● Corporate Administration - Jon Wilsgard, Ext 237 ● Operations, Public Works - Chris Cochran, Ext 226 ● Recreation Services - Jordan Petrovics, Ext 225 ● Planning - Phil Armstrong, Ext 236 ● Building - John Mirehouse, Ext 231

810 9th Ave. S Golden B.C. V0A 1H0 250 344-2271 ● Fax 250 344-6577 Infrastructure Projects – Almost Ready to Launch It takes a ton of planning and work to get infrastructure projects done – upgrades and replacements to our water and sewer systems, road reconstruction and re-paving, curb and sidewalk renewals, etc. They also take a lot of money that we don’t have. The feds have finally announced the long anticipated New Building Canada Program, with millions of dollars available across Canada for municipalities to apply for. We have to pony up 1/3 of the cost, and Council just approved a number of projects we’ll be applying for. Nothing sexy about sewage treatment plant and well rehabiliations but they’re pretty critical. The most visible project under application is a re-do of 9th Street from Sobey’s to as far into downtown as we can get. We’ll keep you updated on how we make out on our applications!

Utility Bills and Business Licenses – Due Dates Everyone has by now received their annual utility bills (water/sewer/garbage/ recycling) for the year. If you haven’t, call us! They’re due June 4th or you get dinged a penalty. Remember, your utility fees are not connected to taxes. What you pay is what it takes to run them. Our annual Business License renewal forms have also been sent out and are due April 30th. Our business licence fees are amongst the lowest in the province and they are an important authorization tool to ensure compliance with provincial regulations and local bylaws. They also are part of a database we can give to potential investors to show our business profile.

Keep Boulevard Gravel off the Street Spring has arrived and with it comes spring clean-up. We understand that you may want to clean the boulevard in front of your house of gravel and debris, but would greatly appreciate you not brushing it on to the street particularly after we have swept it! The unwanted gravel can make great free-draining fill for landscaping projects, or can be used for gravel driveway leveling. Street sweeping is a very necessary but costly service. In the interest of being as cost efficient as possible, we schedule this service over the spring to all town areas, but the sweeper will not be specifically directed to make a special trip into areas where boulevard debris has been brushed or raked onto the street by residents. Also, please consider not parking on the street for long periods of time so we can properly sweep the gravel up.

Recreation Happenings The Golden Municipal Swimming Pool is presently recruiting Life Guards for the Summer Season. Apply today for a job that pays a competitive wage, is based outside, teaches people water survival skills. Become part of a proud team of professionals. For more information check out the job postings at or e-mail pool@ The Golden Municipal Pool opens for the season on Saturday May 17th! The Spring Fling Children’s Easter Party is back! Join the Amuse Troupe and friends at 1:00pm Saturday April 19th at the Mount 7 Rec Plex for an event designed for everyone who is young at heart. Check out the Red Barn Petting Zoo, spruce up a Easter Basket, play some games and enjoy the fun. Dress up your Easter Bonnet and show it off to win a prize. Also don’t miss the Easter Egg Hunt! For more information check out the posting at or e-mail Our Spring Sports and Information Evening is scheduled for Monday May 5th from 5:30pm – 7:30pm at the Mount 7 Rec Plex. The event is your opportunity for find out more abou t key sports and recreation groups offering activities in the spring and summer. The event will also be your first chance to sign up for spring swimming lessons at the pool. The Mount 7 Rec Plex Annual General Meeting is happening on Wednesday April 16th 7:00pm at the Rec Plex. The board is looking for new energetic members to sit on the board. Show up to the meeting and find out how you can get involved.

● Corporate Services - Viv Thoss, Ext 224 ● Finance - Lisa Vass, Ext 227 ● Fire Department - Ken McClure, 250.344.6401 ● Mayor’s Office - Christina Benty, Ext 229 Appointment hours - Tuesday 9:30 am to 12:00 pm


Town of Golden – Regular Open Council Meeting: March 4th, 18th and April 1st, 2014

Cultural Services Contract Council as represented by the Mayor solicited to the CSRD Board to return to the long standing jointly funded tax model with the municipality in support of Kicking Horse Culture beginning 2015. Change Room Policy Council adopted a Change Room Policy to help manage use of dressing rooms associated with the Golden and District Recreation Centre and Golden Municipal Swimming Pool. Kicking Horse River Dike Repair Repair of the dike adjacent to Golden Transfer will be awarded to Dawson Construction Ltd. for the total price of $52,380. Project Readiness for Federal Infrastructure Grant Funding Application Council approved staff making application to the New Canada Building Plan in support of capital projects outlined in the CAO’s report. Regional Collaboration A letter of notice will be sent to the CSRD Area A Director stating the municipality’s intent to begin the dialogue and research necessary to potentially introduce a broader scope of shared services between the town and the CSRD. Remembrance Plaque The town will install a memorial plaque commemorating former Mayor Red Scott at the Kicking Horse Pedestrian Bridge. Town Support of MMBC A letter will be written to the Minister responsible and MMBC advocating that the provincial implementation of the MMBC Recycling Program not place in jeopardy the presence and operation of community newspapers in British Columbia. Town of Golden 2014-2018 Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 1329, 2013 The above bylaw, which is a bylaw to adopt an annual financial plan, was adopted. Town of Golden Recreation Facilities Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 1320, 2013 Council directed staff to propose amendments to address enforcement clauses specific to pre-paid facility use including formal notification, written warning and re-action processes to be followed when dealing with outstanding accounts. Town of Golden Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1332, 2014 – Craft Brewery The above bylaw, which is a bylaw to amend the “Town of Golden Zoning Bylaw No. 1294, 2011”, was given first reading. Town of Golden Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1330, 2014 – Gateway The above bylaw, which is a bylaw to amend the “Town of Golden Zoning Bylaw No. 1294, 2011”, was given second and third readings. Town of Golden 2013 Statutory Reserves Transfer Bylaw No. 1333, 2014 The above bylaw, which is a bylaw to approve the statutory reserve transfers, was adopted. Town of Golden Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1331, 2014 - Duplex The above bylaw, which is a bylaw to amend the “Town of Golden Zoning Bylaw No. 1294, 2011”, was adopted. Trans-Canada Highway Improvements Council will write to the appropriate Federal and Provincial authorities in support of continuing Trans-Canada Highway improvements including a request for any current and future timelines for project implementation.


Garry Oddy Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234 (250) 344-7234


RE/MAX RE/MAX ofof Golden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663


$395,000 3+2 baths



#17, 1333 Aemmer Way

1 bedroom

1 bath




759 Musaph Road

3bdrms 1.5 bath 1,860sqft 9.2 acre



1233 Golden Donald Upper Road

3 bdrms

1 bath

1,698 sqft 3.7 acres

$640,000 #11, 1336 Palliser Trail

3 bedrooms 2.5 baths 2,000sqft

$375,000 #406, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail

3 bedrooms

3 baths

$345,000 853 Oster Road

Home with Mobile Home on 1.03 acres

1445 Black Bear Drive

4 bdrms 2 baths 3,438sqft 14.22 acres

2 baths


3 bdrms 2 baths 1,034sqft 22.9 acres

5 bedrooms

2 baths



909-14th Street

3 bdrm Home w/ 1 bdrm Legal Suite



#16, 415 - 5th Avenue

2 bedrooms

2 baths

NEW 4 bdrms


1 bath


.58 acre

$299,000 3 bedrooms

521-9th Street 2.5 baths

731 Almberg Road

2 bedrooms 1 baths 805sqft

2 bdrms

1 bath

839 sqft

4bdrms 3 baths 3,983 sqft 39.83 acres

4 bedrooms

2.5 baths


3 bdrms 1 bath 1,100sqft

1.54 acres

3 bedrooms

606-13th Street 2 baths

1 bath

1 bedroom

4 bedrooms 3 baths 3,081sqft

916 - 14th Street



#3 Golden Mobile Home Park 4 Bedrooms

1,250 sqft .54 acres

1 bath


$375,000 #402, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail

3 bedrooms

1950 palumbo Heights 3 baths


3.75 acres

3 baths

1753 Oberg Johnson Road

3 bdrms 1 bath 1,540 sqft 40.17 acres

$649,000 551 Highway #95, South

6bdrms 4 baths 4,056sqft 3.19 acres

$319,000 3360 Highway #95 South

2bdrms 1 bath 960sqft 22.58 acres


$349,300 1610 Gareb Road

4 bedrooms

3 baths


3 bdrms

1052 King Crescent 1 bath

4 bedrooms

2 baths


1,732 sqft


$309,900 508 - 5th Street



$405,000 2bdrms


3 bedrooms 1 bath 1,340sqft


$499,999 523 – 5th Avenue

1611 Gareb Road

6 bedrooms 3 baths 2,910sqft





Dan Veselic Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435 (250) 344-1435


664 Golden Donald Upper Road

3 bdrms


SOLD 476 Champagne Road


$499,900 2600 Mons Road

$114,900 1007 King Crescent

5256 Ben Hynes Loop Road

4 bdrms 2 baths 1,500 sqft 67 acres

$239,000 #312, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail



#27, 1357 Aemmer Way

1.5 baths 2,080 sqft 5.73 acres

1525 Fir Crescent





$249,000 888 Canyon Creek Road

$249,000 712 - 8th Street



$329,000 4 bedrooms


4088 Highway #95 South


701-12th Street

Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451

605-9th Street

3+2 bedrooms

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Golden Star


$325,000 #55, 1290 Haesler BB

2 bedrooms

1 bath




#305, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail

1 bedroom

1 bath


1636 Purcell Woods Close

3 bedrooms

3 baths


RURAL ACREAGES Lot 1, Golden Donald Upper Road Lot 1, Blaeberry Road Lot 2, Blaeberry Road 1556 Adolph Johnson Road

1.06 acres 8.11 acres 8.11 acres 5.73 acre

$59,900 $189,000 $189,000 $199,000

3362 Highway #95, South 2975 Allen Road 990 Highway #95, South Lot 3, Forde Station Road

30.27 acres 151 acres 38 acres 3 acres

$199,000 $499,000 $329,900 $99,900

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