Invermere Valley Echo, April 09, 2014

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo A1


The Invermere





‘Tis the time for tick season



Vo l .


th , 9 l i r p A 2014



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With the Wings Over the Rockies Festival less than a month away, this image of a Great Grey Owl captured on April 1st on the drive to Panorama Mountain Village from Toby Creek Road makes a perfect cover shot for this week’s Valley Echo.

Local farmers bring basket to Bennett


MaxWell Realty Invermere



Ktunaxa lawsuit against Jumbo Glacier Resort dismissed STEVE HUBRECHT A B.C. Supreme Court judge dismissed the local Ktunaxa First Nation’s legal petition against Glacier Resorts Ltd. late last week, a move that was welcomed by Jumbo Glacier Resort proponents, but left the First Nation disappointed. The application for judicial review — filed in mid-2012 — argued that Jumbo Glacier Resort (and its attendant permanent human population) infringes on an area the Ktunaxa consider sacred territory, known as Qat’muk, and impacts traditional religious activities and beliefs involving grizzly bear spirits. It also argued the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations did not adequately consult the Ktunaxa before giving Jumbo Glacier Resort its approval in March 2012. But Justice John Savage ruled the ministry had done its duty and that the

resort does not impinge on constitutional religious rights. “The process of consultation and the accommodation offered, in my opinion, passes the reasonableness standard,” wrote Mr. Savage in the ruling, adding that in his view the Province’s decision to approve the Jumbo Master Development Agreement with various conditions and accommodations represents a reasonable balancing of Charter (of rights and freedoms) values and statutory objectives. “It is difficult to describe how disappointed and frustrated we are with the Supreme Court’s decision. We knew from the start that the Canadian courts would find it difficult to understand our distinct cultural and spiritual beliefs and values, particularly our relationship with Qat’muk,” said Ktunaxa Nation Chair Kathryn Teneese in a press release. “The court’s dismissal of our challenge, while conceding that this pro-

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posed development will have a significant impact on our Ktunaxa spiritual practices, speaks volumes to the challenges First Nations face when trying to assert their rights,” said Ms. Teneese. “Ktunaxa people existed and exercised our spiritual rights in our territory long before the establishment of the Canadian legal system.” Ms. Teneese later told The Valley Echo that although the Ktunaxa people were hopeful the judge would rule in favour of the First Nation, they were not completely surprised by the result since they knew it would be a complex case. “We were always aware of the limitations of a court action,” she said. Resort proponents hailed the ruling as a victory. “The Supreme Court’s decision is welcome,” said Glacier Resorts Ltd. vice-president Grant Costello in a press release. “This project has undergone 23 years of comprehensive public consultations —

more than all the other new B.C. ski resort proposals combined. To quash more than two decades of work on a project that has been declared to be in the public interest would further the injustice done to project proponents and supporters.” The Ktunaxa, however, say the fight is not over. “Despite this setback, we will continue to explore every avenue to stop development in the heart of Qat’muk. We will be engaging with our citizens, leadership and legal team to explore our next steps,” said Ms. Teneese in the Ktunaxa press release. “Our resolve is stronger than ever and we will continue to stand our ground,” she said in the release, later telling The Valley Echo this may include launching an appeal of the judge’s ruling. Glacier Resorts Ltd. is, however, set to move ahead with construction plans this summer, according to the company’s press release.

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo


During the inaugural Invermere Coffee Fest, Koffee Kweens hosted the first event of the weekend with 2012 Canadian barista champion Jeremy Ho, who showed the audience the intricate science of making highquality expresso on Friday, April 4th. See Friday’s Pioneer for full festival coverage. PHOTO BY DAN WALTON

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo A3

STROKE SURVIVOR... Invermere resident Norm Gagatek spoke publicly for the first time since suffering a debilitating stroke in July 2008 at a presentation at the College of the Rockies on Wednesday, April 2nd. Speaking to ten students from Aline Scholinder’s health care assistant program, Norm was joined by his wife Kim Harris. The couple spoke of the immense struggles they’ve overcome since Norm’s accident and the daily challenges they continue to face. Through a software program on his tablet computer, Norm expressed the gratitude he feels for the support he’s received from his family, and was able to verbally communicate shorter messages. At one point during the presentation, Norm had to prod Kim’s memory as she was trying to remember the name of a friend of his. Kim thanked and encouraged the students who are preparing for the workforce in the health care assistant program. She took a very personal approach to express how noble a career path the students were embarking upon amid a challenging health care system. Kim said Norm’s progress has defied what doctors initially said was possible, which she believes was largely overcome by love and support.

Oh no!

We don’t have a companion this week!

To have your pet featured, send in your companion’s name, age and photo, along with a fun fact or story about them! Be sure to include your name. Email

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Job Opportunities The Interior Health Authority and Golden Life Management have been actively advertising for Health Care Assistants. Some students have been offered employment while still enrolled in the program. Health Care Assistants are valuable members of the health care team and receive competitive wages and job security.


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Never give up: a survivor’s story ERIN KNUTSON Valley Echo Intern David Thompson Secondary School hosted the Human Rights Symposium on Wednesday, April 2nd in the school theatre with 140 students in attendance. The message of intolerance toward hate and discrimination was heard loud and clear. Holocaust survivor Robbie Waisman, Holocaust story keeper Julius Maslovat and Herman Alpine, a survivor of the St. Eugene Mission School, gave insightful, heartwrenching and inspiring anecdotes of their respective journeys through painful histories. Their personal stories were followed by a presentation by Laura Hannant, a children’s rights advocate, who also spoke to the student gathering. “I was no longer human—17098 was my number; my name as a human being was

erased,” said Mr. Waisman of the loss of identity and humanity he experienced at the hands of the Nazis during World War II. The memories he recalled were contradictory: “Some were good, some horrific.” With his presence at the symposium and his account of enduring the experience of genocide , Mr. Waisman stoically imparted a profound sentiment to the senior high school students in attendance. “I want to empower you — I want to strengthen you with my words,” was his message. The softspoken and intelligent man illuminated the students with his tragic story. Mr. Waisman was born in Skarszysko, Poland and was the youngest of eight children. At the age of eight, the Nazis invaded his home. “Soldiers in black showed up wearing the SS insignia — these were roundups, people were sent to factories and other places. See A15

Early Deadlines Due to the Easter long weekend,

DEADLINES FOR ADVERTISING AND CLASSIFIEDS in our April 23rd issue have been changed to Thursday, April 17th

at 10:00 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience. To advertise, call



Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo


Community cross-section plans for college’s future Erin Knutson Valley Echo Intern

that the image of the college would be greatly enhanced with a new building, which would have the potential to attract graduates on a different level. “Overall, it was good to get perspective on the college from an internal versus Twenty-five businesses met for an Invermere Campus College of the Rockies community viewpoint. It was great to create a safe environment where the com(COTR) Stakeholder planning session on April 1st at the Columbia Valley Cham- munity and college employees could contribute,” said COTR president David ber of Commerce Lions’ Hall to perform a SWOT analysis of the school’s strengths Walls, who attended the meeting. “It was really neat to see the cross-section of business owners, managers, and and weaknesses. A SWOT analysis, or matrix, is a planning method used to evalustaff that took part in a discussion around what the college is doing; including what ate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. According to Invermere campus manager Doug Clovechok, those who attended they do well, what they can improve on, and what threats and opportunities are present,” said Valley Echo/Columbia Valley Pioneer publisher Rose-Marie Fagerthe meeting covered all the demographics. “We sought different demographics. Everybody was represented in the room… holm, who is also Past President of the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce. The three-hour session left an impression on Ms. Fagerholm who stated “we’re we were absolutely thrilled with the turnout, it was awesome,” said Mr. Cloveall very busy people and the chok of the enthusiastic particfact that many people took so ipants. “The important thing much time out of their day to about these sessions is that give feedback on the local colit allows us to be vulnerable. lege was nice to see.” That’s important, the ability to One of the strengths noted at assess the areas that need to the meeting was COTR’s abilbe improved upon.” ity to reach out to the comThe support of the community munity, she said, and creatwas incredible, according to Mr. ing a niche for the college or Clovechok, who also said of the a brand would attract other SWOT analysis: “we don’t think students. of these areas as weaknesses, we “Whether it’s attracting forthink of them as opportunities. eign students, out of province It’s an opportunity to let people students, or retaining local stuknow more of what we do.” dents, their presence would Of the “opportunities” noted reverberate throughout the at the meeting, expanding the community.” campus was a big area of conAccording to Ms. Fagerholm, cern that arose. the entire infrastructure of the “One of our challenges is spacevalley would be improved with related,” Mr. Clovechok said. the arrival of these students, The campus is currently atsort of a trickle down effect. tached to David Thompson “Shopping, healthcare, and Secondary School. Participants putting down roots here; the acknowledged the maturity that comes with separating college District of Invermere mayor Gerry Taft (second from left) was among the roomful of community presence of these students life from high school life is miss- representatives who attended a stakeholder planning meeting at the Columbia Valley Chamber of would bode well for everying with the current setup, and Commerce Lions’ Hall to evaluate the school’s presence in the community. Photo submitted body,” she said.

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo A5


Warm weather welcoming for troublesome ticks Dan Walton

Parker said it’s possible for ticks to attach and detach without ever being detected. Evidence ticks will leave behind include a bull’s-eye target rash from the site of the bite, as well as fever and pains. Those symptoms should be reported to a Among the creatures emerging from hibernation in the valley are ticks doctor, he said, who can prescribe the proper antibiotic treatment. Most cases won’t require medical attention, however, and can be removed with — spider-like parasites that can carry lyme disease — and they’ve prompted a a pair of tweezers. seasonal warning from Interior Health. “You should only remove it with really fine tweezers right from where it attaches Fortunately for those in the interior of British Columbia, contracting Lyme disto the skin,” said Dr. Parker. “You don’t want to pull or push the body – that would ease from a tick is very uncommon. “Lyme disease is more prevalent with the types of ticks they have on the coast,” squirt the interior contents of the tick under your skin.” The task can be tricky, and can be taken care of at a medical walk-in clinic. said Dr. Rob Parker, medical health officer with Interior Health. But regardless of how each removal turns out, “all tick bites should be cleaned, Dr. Parker said there are two species of ticks in British Columbia that bite humans, and only one kind, Wood Ticks, appear in the province’s interior. While as infection can occur whenever there is a break in the skin,” said Jennifer Jeyes, Communicable Disease Specialist with InteWood Ticks aren’t known to carry Lyme disrior Health. ease, cases have been reported in the interior Aside from the health hazards, discovering from patients who did not travel. a tick on your body is an unpleasant experi“So there is some indication of low-level risk ence. To reduce the chances of acquiring a for Lyme disease in the interior,” said Dr. Parker. tick, Interior Health has issued the following Wood Ticks can also carry Rocky Mountain practical precautions: avoid tall grass; wear spotted fever, he said, but that, too, is very rare. long-sleeved, light-coloured clothing with a To feed on prey, ticks excrete poison, parahat; tuck pant legs into sock or boots; apply lyzing small rodents that would otherwise insect repellent onto uncovered skin; and intry to scratch them off. While human bodies spect your scalp and shower after spending are normally too large for the poison to have time in tick habitats. an effect, Dr. Parker said a mild form of tickTicks live in the valley year-round but beborne paralysis can occur if ticks remain income most active during the months followtact for prolonged periods. ing the spring thaw. The cold of winter is the “With the poison they use to paralyze their only time of the year when ticks are dormant. normal prey, children or seniors could be“As soon as the sun hits and the snow melts, come subject to a mild form called tick-borne paralysis,” he said. The Rocky Mountain Wood Tick — the only kind of tick found in the they’re active,” said Dr. Parker. “If it’s above Because Lyme disease has been found in B.C. Interior — isn’t known to carry Lyme disease, but cases have still zero, then they’re looking for the blood meal Photo submitted to do an egg-laying cycle.” people who never noticed a tick on them, Dr. been reported by non-travellers.


Radium ensures insurance for renters Dan Walton

Renting venues in Radium Hot Springs can now be done with one less hassle, as the village has recently assumed administrative responsibility and will offer third-party insurance. The Radium Senior’s Association had previously been booking Radium’s public spaces — the Radium Community Hall, the fire hall meeting room, and Radium’s council chambers and gymnasium — but the duty has been transferred to village staff. The village’s new responsibility was discussed during Radium’s regular council meeting on Wednesday, March 26th, when members of council agreed upon a model that is common in most other communities. Renters who choose to privately insure their event will have to purchase a minimum of $1 million in liability coverage, and will be given a timeline to provide confirmation of purchase. Renters who are comfortable purchasing private insurance for their events can continue to do so, but now

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Annual Subscription Rates (incl. tax)

• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $45.30 • Office Pick-Up $34.50 • Canada $62.60 / International $182.00 • Seniors (local) $34.50 / Seniors (Canada) $56.00

have the option of purchasing it directly through the village. “There’s Lambert Insurance, or any other insurance company — but another option for them is we can have it right here,” said Radium mayor Dee Conklin, “This makes it easier for smaller organizations that may overlook the insurance.” Disbursements doled out Another topic which arose during last week’s council meeting was the grant in aid disbursements for 2014, which will see nearly $60,000 in support disbursed among local organizations. Tourism Radium will receive $20,000 for its Visitor Information Centre operational funding, as well as $8,000 for Music and Market on Main, the Hospice Society will see $1,000, Wings Over the Rockies will benefit from $500, Greenways Alliance will be given $10,000 to assist with hard surfacing the Old Coach Trail, and $19,230 has been allocated to the Radium Public Library. The Bantam Boys Hockey Championships were given their first grant in aid with $1,000 in support.

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Six Month Subscription Rates (incl. tax)

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The Invermere


Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo

HUMOUR Something on your mind?

#8, 1008 8 Avenue • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-341-6299

The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to editor@



Rose-Marie Fagerholm

Greg Amos




EDITORIAL Nicole Trigg

Silena Ann Ewen






Dan Walton

Steve Hubrecht


Bennett’s many fingers in many pies going bad



Bette Segstro

Dean Midyette





Sheila Tutty

NOTICE OF COPY RIGHT: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser Renice requesting space that the liabilOaks ity of The Valley Echo, owned customerservice@ by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC PRESS COUNCIL – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

CMCA AUDITED We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

2009 2009 WINNER

f there is one politician in B.C. who is quickly becoming less popular than Toronto’s Rob Ford or Alberta’s Alison Redford, one doesn’t have to look too far south to find the answer. Our neighbouring MLA, the Honourable Bill Bennett, seems to have the knack for infuriating many people all at once, a talent that’s got provincial media hot on his heels. His political career over the last two years has been highly visible — one only has to look for the long line of fires in need of constant putting out. His appointment as Minister of Community, Sports and Cultural Development in 2012 led directly to Christy Clark’s approval (this by her own account when she visited the valley in 2012 for a Women’s Hall event — that he dropped the file on her desk and said it

needed her attention) of the Jumbo Glacier Resort Master Development Plan, which so far has led to a highly publicized First Nation lawsuit protesting the plan, unpopular provincial legislation giving the non-existent resort mountain resort municipality status, a UBCM resolution protesting this legislation, another lawsuit protesting this legislation, and, most recently, an embittered flare up in the Provincial Legislature about a $1 million grant the provincial government is making available to nascent municipality, a grant that’s raising the ire of many in British Columbia — evidenced by the number of recent headlines dedicated to this development. NDP MLA for Nelson Creston, Michelle Mungal’s scathing accusations that the resort is a background deal for Bennett’s buddies aren’t helping his public image, nor have his comments in relation to the Agricultural Land Reserve in the last week

when he was quoted as saying:“I get a kick out of the 100-mile diet except, where I live, you’d have to eat hay.” (see page 14 for the local reaction). And if that wasn’t bad enough, under Bennett’s watch as the Minister of Energy and Mines, BC Hydro’s rates are set to go up 28 per cent over the next five years and the biggest star in his portfolio, the New Prosperity Mine project, has been axed by the Harper Government due to its adverse environmental effects (come again?). It comes as no surprise that a politician who takes out full page ads in the Cranbrook Daily Townsman supporting grizzly bear trophy hunters supports building a resort in what’s considered by local First Nations the sacred territory for the grizzly bear spirit, but to tout the success of a project that our tar sands loving’ federal government won’t even support? How many more gaffes will it take before it’s bye bye Bennett?


Lake access solution should be a compromise


ecently, BC Parks hosted ing the road at Warspite Creek Regional UNDOWN U open houses in regards to (which is the current access proposed upgrades to the Coroad to the lake) and having a lumbia Lake Provincial Park. In walking trail 500 metres to the total, there were about 100 peolake; the third option is substanple — for the most part, all resitial road upgrades and 60 to 80 dents of Fairmont. car parking lot at the lake. The park is located just south Acknowledging the cultural of Fairmont, on the east side of significance of this area for ENDY Columbia Lake. Let me be clear: the First Nations, the third opit is the only public access point tion is not feasible, reasonable for the community of Fairmont at or realistic. the north end of the lake and, in my opinion, In May 2013, BC Parks met with various comis a community asset. In addition, this area has munity leaders in Fairmont. At this meeting, it significant cultural and environmental values. was suggested that a compromise could be These are well-known and respected in the achieved. This option is to have a parking lot community. There are also challenges with the (10 to 15 vehicles) at Warspite Creek, decomaccess and it has seen minimal improvements missioning the road past that point, and have over the years from BC Parks. minimal upgrades on the current road down BC Parks presented three scenarios: one to the lake, with a turnaround. The intent is to being status quo; the second decommission- give people the ability to drive to the lake, drop



off people, (including the elderly, small children and those with mobility challenges), lawn chairs, kayaks, windsurfers, paddleboards and anything else that people would require while enjoying the lake. I believe this approach respects the cultural, environmental and community values. This is not about more access, rather enhancing existing access. This is the level of access that my constituents in Fairmont will want and will not have adverse impacts on the environment. To date, I have been working with Minister Bill Bennett who has provided support. In addition, MLA Norm MacDonald is aware of the situation. BC Parks is accepting feedback until April 11th.I strongly urge you to submit comments to Greg Chin at Wendy Booth is the Regional District of East Kootenay Director for Area F and the RDEK board’s vice chair. She can be reached at or 250-345-6155.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo




As tick season approaches, what measures are you taking to protect yourself when you’re out and about?

“I always have my hood on or my hair up. I definitely avoid going into the bush and long grass. Thank God I’ve never had a tick!” Caitlyn Wilcox

LETTERS Disappointed by new design Dear Editor: The front page “heading” was classy — succinct history, mountains and valley portrayed, the date and issue number easy to see.The new front page looks like the “Sun” newspapers — the disc is barely readable and insignificant. I can adjust to the inside of the “new” format but not the front page. Sincerely, MARILYN KRAYVANGER INVERMERE Associate Editor’s note: The Valley Echo is open to constructive criticism on the new design and any aspect of the newspaper. In response to the complaint that the new disc is too small, we have made a slight change to the cover to allow for a larger disc, date and issue number. The most positive characteristic of our new front cover, which many have expressed, is that the newspaper fold does not obstruct the front page photo, unlike the previous design where the front page image was hidden under the fold in the newsstands. Thank you for the feedback — it is always welcome!

MMBC is not good news Editor’s note: This letter was sent to Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald and copied to The Valley Echo for publication. Dear Mr. Macdonald: I want to bring to your attention what effect the MultiMedia BC (MMBC) recycling program in its current design could very likely have on our local newspapers and the communities we serve. I am the publisher of two newspapers in the Columbia Valley, located in the East Kootenays in the southeastern corner of B.C. See A9

“My wife and I stay away from potentially tickprone areas such as long grass. Once we had ticks all over the bed — I even burned a tick out of my wife’s hair using a needle.” Wade Graymann

“If I climb Mount Swansea I wear a hat on my head. When I get into the car, I check myself and my dog for ticks. I once picked a big fat one out of my dog — it was so creepy!” Cheryl Maybuck


Giving rights to victims


the justice system for all. his week, our government MP EPORT E After hearing their stories and took a very important first hearing from Canadians across the step towards recognizing the rights country through an online consulof victims. Prime Minister Stephen tation, we have introduced legislaHarper announced legislation to tion to create a Canadian Victims create a Canadian Victims Bill of Bill of Rights to transform our jusRights. This proposed legislation tice system by providing statutory is historic. For the first time in Carights for victims of crime under nadian history, victims will have AVID four key areas: rights to informaclear, statutory rights at the federal tion, protection, participation and level. And, unlike the previous Librestitution. eral government, who for 13 years A study released in 2011 by the Department of put the rights of offenders ahead of the rights of victims, we are acting to put law-abiding Cana- Justice Canada found that the total cost of crime is an estimated $99.6 billion a year, 83 per cent dians first. These reforms come as a result of an exten- of which is borne by victims. This is one reason sive consultation process. Justice Minister Peter why we make no apologies for passing reforms MacKay travelled to every province and territory to keep society’s most dangerous criminals off to consult with victims on how the federal gov- our streets and behind bars where they belong. Canadians need to feel that their justice system ernment could better address the needs of victims of crime all while giving them a more effec- is working for them. They need to feel safe in the tive voice in the criminal justice system. environment they live in, and, if they are victimDuring these consultations, many victims ized, they need to feel confident that the justice asked why the tragic impacts of crime on their system will treat them with the courtesy, compaslives, families, and property were not given great- sion and respect they deserve. Justice should not er prominence. Some were frustrated at not hav- just be done — it should also be seen to be done. This is precisely why our government will coning been provided with information about court dates or plea negotiations, or not feeling prop- tinue putting victims first — as we have always erly protected. Their candour was heartfelt and committed to do and as we always have done. David Wilks is the Conservative Member of invaluable. And it was clear that they weren’t only thinking of their own experience — they Parliament for Kootenay Columbia. He can be were telling their stories on behalf of other vic- reached at 613-995-7246 or by email at david. tims. Their primary motivation was to improve





Do you think all the grocery stores in the Columbia Valley will be able to survive after the Joe’s No Frills store opens in May? NEXT WEEK’S QUESTION:

Are you going to be able to afford the 28 per cent increase in hydro over five years when the new rates come into effect on April 1st?






Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo


WEEKLY Beat Have an event you’d like listed? Email it to: production@ invermerevalleyecho. com

APRIL 9th - 15th 9TH : WEDNESDAY

• 1:15 - 2:15 p.m.: Seniors’ Day at the Invermere Library on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Bus provided. For more information or to pre-register, contact 250-342-6416 or visit • 5 - 9 p.m.: Documentary night at the Summit Youth Centre. • 6 p.m.: PJ Story Time at the Invermere Library. Runs the second Wednesday of each month. For more information or to pre-register, contact 250-342-6416 or visit


• 11:45 a.m.: The Rotary Club of Invermere meets weekly on Thursdays at the Curling Rink. • 12 p.m.: Seniors Luncheon at Christ Trinity Church, Special guests: staff from College of the Rockies. $5 payable at the door. RSVP by calling Theresa at 250342-9281 ext 1227. • 1:30 p.m.: Christmas Bureau of the Columbia Valley AGM at Christ Church Trinity. To keep our society going we need new membership and new interest. If you are interested or would like more information, please attend. • 5 - 9 p.m.: TIPS Night “How to make or update my resume” at the Summit Youth Centre. • 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.: Introduction to Vegetable Growing Course at the Community Greenhouse. $30, register online at: Course covers basics of planning and planting a home garden, with information specific to this area.


the Columbia Valley. Artists in attendance. Show runs from April 8th to 27th. • 6 - 11 p.m.: Pool tournament at the Summit Youth Centre.


at Christ Church Trinity. (Winder• 3 - 5 p.m.: EK Senior Caregiver’s mere Valley Shared Ministry) Network, every 3rd Thursday at Columbia Garden Village dining room. 21ST : MONDAY Caregiver support group meets the • Bingo at the Canal Flats Civic third Thursday of every month. For Centre, 7 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. 12TH : SATURDAY info call Darla at 250-342-2808. • 10 a.m.: Easter Craft Program • 5:30 p.m.: Maundy Thursday DinWith Vera at the Radium Public Li- ner at Christ Church Trinity. (WinAPRIL 23rd - 29th brary. All ages are welcome. dermere Valley Shared Ministry) • 6 p.m.: Syndicate Rail Jam series at 23RD : WEDNESDAY Panorama. Open to both skiers and TH : RIDAY 18 F • 1:15 - 2:15 p.m.: Seniors’ Day at the snowboarders. Cost $10. Come out, • 12 p.m.: Good Friday service at Invermere Library on the 2nd and show your skills and have some fun. Christ Church Trinity. (Winder4th Wednesday of each month. Bus Competitors must be registered at mere Valley Shared Ministry) provided. For more information or Guest Services by 5pm. Prizes pro- • 7 p.m.: Good Friday service at to pre-register, contact 250-342-6416 vided by Syndicate Boardshop. For the Lake Windermere Alliance or visit more information, contact events@ Church. Joint service with the or go online ley Christian Assembly. 24TH : THURSDAY to • 2 p.m.: Monthly Museum Meeting • 6 - 11 p.m.: Hang out night at the 19TH : SATURDAY at the Windermere Valley Museum. Summit Youth Centre. • 1 p.m.: Courageous Hearts “Stor- • 5 - 9 p.m.: Karaoke at the Summit age Wars” at Real Storage. Live auc- Youth Centre. 14TH : MONDAY tion of donation-stuffed storage • 5 - 7 p.m.: Columbia Valley Little units. To donate, contact Real StorTH : FRIDAY League Baseball registration at age. For more info, check out www. 25 • 6 - 11 p.m.: Movie and popcorn the Invermere Community Hall. If at the Summit Youth Centre. you are unable to attend, contact • 1 - 5 p.m.: Spring Hike & Photog• 7 p.m.: 2nd annual Hospice ButBrendan Donahue at 250-342-2112. raphy workshop with the Summit terfly Gala at Copper Point Resort. • Eclipse Event, hosted by Inver- Youth Centre. Features a three-course meal, live mere Under the Stars. At the DTSS • 7 p.m.: Courageous Hearts Funentertainment by Valley Forged, track, starting at dusk. draising Kickoff at Copper Point silent and live auctions. Tickets Resort. Appies, desserts, DJ and a $50, all proceeds to benefit the 15TH : TUESDAY silent auction. The first recipient Hospice Society of the Columbia • 5 - 9 p.m.: Hang out night at the will be Jer Donald. Tickets $40, Valley. Tickets at: Meet on HighSummit Youth Centre. available at Syndicate and Th- er Ground (Radium), All Things • 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.: OPT clinic at the redz. Check out www.courageousBeautiful and Columbia Garden Invermere Health Unit. 1st and Village (Invermere), and Smoking 3rd Tuesday of each month. Con- • 7:30 p.m.: Easter Vigil Service Waters Coffee Co. (Fairmont). fidential service: low-cost birth at Christ Church Trinity. (Windercontrol, and STI testing. mere Valley Shared Ministry) HOURS • 7 - 8:30 p.m.: Competent Composting course at the Community INVERMERE LIBRARY Greenhouse. Learn the basics of • Tuesday - Saturday: sound composting and how to use 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. it for successful organic gardening. • Wednesdays: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. $30, register online at: RADIUM LIBRARY • 7:30 p.m.: Lorne Elliot performs • Tuesday: 6 - 8 p.m. his music and comedy at Christ • Wednesday - Thursday: Church Trinity, hosted by CV Arts. 1 - 4 p.m. Great family fun, suitable for ages 9 • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. and up. Decadent desserts and non• Sunday: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. alcoholic beverages by “Treats”, available (cash only). Tickets $20/ WINDERMERE VALLEY MUSEUM adults, $10/students, available • Tuesday: 12 - 4 p.m. at The Book Bar, Pynelogs, Furry or by appointment: 250-342-9769 Companions and Video (Radium), The Village Gift Shop (Fairmont), or 20TH : SUNDAY INVERMERE THRIFT STORE call 250-342-4423. • 7 a.m.: Resurrection Sunday “Sonrise” service. Joint service • Thursday and Friday: th nd 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. APRIL 16 - 22 with the valley churches at Kins• Saturday: 12 - 4 p.m. men Beach.

• 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.: Art from the Heart: Part 9, opening at Pynelogs Cultural Centre. Columbia Valley Elementary School Art Show with 16TH : WEDNESDAY over 600 pieces of art from our • 7:30 p.m.: AGM for the Windertalented and diverse group of El- mere Valley Rural Range Patrol at ementary School aged kids from the Windermere Community Hall.

• 10:30 a.m.: Easter Sunday serADIUM THRIFT STORE vice at Lake Windermere Alliance R • Thursday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Church. • 10:30 a.m.: Easter Sunday service • Friday and Saturday: 12 - 4 p.m.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo A9


Do you want to be an entrepreneur?

Origins of the universe detected


t’s been labelled “The Scientific Geek ONE Discovery of the Year” — the Gravitational Waves discovery that hints at the structure of the first trillionth of a second of the beginning of the universe. While sipping a Guinness on St. Paddy’s Day, I was delighted to hear about this new discovery from a chemist friend. The discovery provides the first evidence of something we thought was happening was actually happening. Actually, it was Einstein who first thought this must be occurring back in 1916. However, it took us 98 more years of technology advancements to invent and create the machines capable of finding this evidence. This evidence has a great correlation with the standard model of cosmology which, in turn, supports the Big Bang, a discovery Stephen Hawkings called the “greatest discovery of the century, if not all time.” The Gravitational Wave discovery, which will likely receive a Nobel prize, was discovered using extremely precise measurements from the Cosmic Microwave Background detector near the U.S. South Pole Station in Antarctica. In this first trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second, the Universe expanded extremely violently in what is known as the theory of cosmic inflation — much faster than light acceleration. Cosmic background radiation is the afterglow of the big bang and luckily we can still see this faint glimmer of the past, which shows how our universe expanded to an enormous size nearly 14 billion years ago in just a split second. Scientists have not yet published their work


in peer reviewed journals and scientists are far from reaching a consensus about the origin of the detected waves. Now science will do its thing — whether these gravitational waves have inflationary or phase-change origins will continue to be tested until one theory is left standing. OB Quantum computers made in BC. U.S. scientists recently announced they soon hope to create the coldest temperatures (around -273.15 C) in the universe on the International Space Station.Actually, colder temperatures are already occurring, right here on Earth — in Canada, in fact — and I don’t mean Edmonton. Right here in B.C. — Burnaby, to be precise — a company called D-Wave is creating supercooled Quantum computers that operate a fraction of a degree below absolute zero and are able to calculate much faster than we can currently calculate with conventional super computers. Quantum computing leverages quantum mechanics to create computers that aren’t merely upgrades of the today’s conventional computers — they work in a completely different way. While today’s computers have data in binary digits (bits), each a 0 or 1, quantum computing uses quantum bits — qubits — that can be in more than one state simultaneously, a bit like Schrödinger’s cat — dead AND alive, at the same time. Rob Orchiston is a software programmer who lives in Invermere and stays on top of the latest trends in technology. Send any questions of comments his way:

Join a free Me Inc. workshop in your community for the latest start-up tips. Launching a start-up? Maybe buying a business and running it? the Me inC. workshop, offered by the Basin Business Advisors Program, is designed to answer questions in a 2.5 hour period.

We will review: • industry insights, business and product types • trends and common entrepreneurial requirements, opportunities & much more! • best practices and insight into the entrepreneurial lifestyle • support resources and more...


MMBC from A7

The Invermere Valley Echo and the Columbia Valley Pioneer — recycling program aside — have been facing challenges to stay profitable, and operational cutbacks are a regular occurrence to keep our business viable. We have been operating the two weeklies jointly with two separate owners — Black Press and Aberdeen Publishing — for the past 18 months to cut costs and improve the operational efficiency of both publications. The MMBC mandate that will force us to also absorb recycling fees come May is threatening our existence. The cost cannot be passed on to advertisers or readers. Newspapers are big proponents of recycling — we print The Valley Echo newspaper on recycled newsprint. The objections that newspapers have about the recycling program managed by MMBC are not about a lack of support for recycling, nor are we shying away from responsibility or our due contribution. The Valley Echo has been in the community for close to 60 years and the Columbia Valley Pioneer for ten years, and the fact is that both will be faced with the threat of layoffs and possible shutdown with these additional expenses. This will have widespread and longterm implications. I have 11 permanent fulltime staff, and

carriers in a wide range of demographics, from 20 year olds up to 70 year olds. Job opportunities are limited in our area. Many would be forced to move, and most of them would likely move to Calgary, Alberta. Each and every one of the staff contributes to the community — with kids in the school system, shopping locally, eating out, volunteering and recreating in the valley. This will have an impact in the communities of Invermere, Radium Hot Springs, Fairmont Hot Springs and Panorama Mountain Village. If this recycling program goes ahead as currently designed on May 19th, the outcome may very well be that our Columbia Valley residents and business community would be without a traditional forum in the community for dialogue and debate. Our community newspapers are a very popular part of the social fabric of our small towns and fill an integral role informing and educating on relevant issues. It will be a sad day should the outcome force us into this position. Please delay the start of MMBC and consult with the business community. Surely together we can come up with a better program than one that threatens the existence of business and community newspapers. Sincerely, Rose-Marie Fagerholm Publisher, Invermere Valley Echo/ Columbia Valley Pioneer

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Box 159, 8853 Grainger Rd., Canal Flats, B.C. V0B 1B0 Phone: 250-349-5462 • Fax: 250-349-5460 •

REQUEST FOR QUOTE AND EXPRESSION OF INTEREST The Village of Canal Flats is requesting Expressions of Interest from potential contractors to provide a branding and communications strategy proposal The Contactor will be responsible to provide their professional background and experience, the methods to attract new residents and young families to the Village of Canal Flats, identification of likely and the type of tourists and identification of activities that would engage travelers and a visitor profile. The Contractor will provide the branding strategy to have full buy in to the brand from the community and to provide the best showcase to the Village’s distinct personality. The Contractor will provide an assessment and focus working sessions with Council and community members, research existing economic sources and from these sources, provide a brand and blueprint which will outline who is the Village of Canal Flats, what does the Village stand for, what is unique about the Village and what are the compelling reasons to visit, live in or do business in the Village. The Contractor will provide a logo creation, a refresh to the current website, a communication strategy, guidelines for the brand and revised values to match the defined personality. The Contractor will provide a launch campaign for the Village through a combination of press releases, public relations, email announcements and advertising. The Contractor will provide a measurement process to follow up with surveys to determine effectiveness of the branding and information. The Contractor will provide a flat fee for the project and a timeline schedule. The lowest quote will not necessarily be accepted Expressions of interest must be submitted to the email contact above or through hard copy to the Village of Canal Flats at Box 159, Canal Flats, B.C., V0B 1B0 on or before 4 p.m., April 18th, 2014. Brian Woodward Chief Administrative Officer

A10 ICAN – Invermere Companion Animal Network

Available for Adoption

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo


Hi, We’re VALENTINE (8 months) and BOO! (7 months), two of the sweetest, funniest, most loving kittens ever! We are currently in foster care, and our “Mom” would love to talk to you about us. We are not siblings, but are very bonded. We really need to be adopted together. If YOU want LOVE and LAUGHS in your house, just call ICAN to arrange a meeting.



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Adoption Fee: $100 (to help offset spay/neuter and vet bills)

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Photo courtesy of Tanya De Leeuw Photography

The migration of animals, such as this flock of migrating Sandhill Cranes, have fascinated humans for thousands of years. This mystery will be the focus of this year’s Wings Over the Rockies Festival with many of the events exploring the migration of different species found in the Columbia Wetlands. Photo submitted


Suitable for ages 9 and up


Christ Church Trinity

Tues. April 15, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets $20 • Students $10

Tickets available at: The Book Bar & Pynelogs, in Radium at Furry Companions and Video, in Fairmont at the Village Gift Shop, or call 250-342-4423 for more info.

Got something to say?

Send your comments and letters to:

The mystery of migration celebrated Contributed by CV Arts The theme for Wings Over the Rockies 2014 is the Mystery of Migration. In addition to a myriad of field trips to observe the birds migrating through the Columbia Wetlands in May, the Wings committee has scheduled numerous field trips and presentations to help us understand this miracle. On Wings Monday, while roaming between Munn Lake and the Wilmer wetland, Randy Hopkins will reflect on the migration habits of waterfowl, songbirds, ungulates, carnivores, butterflies, bats, fish and even humans. The same morning, along Columbia Lake, Gail Berg and Joyce Hutchinson will offer insights into the migration strategies of plants and the life history of the Burbot. On Saturday, Brian Keating and Cam Gillies will discuss “Mysterious Migrants” during a field trip in the Fairmont area. In a Friday luncheon presentation titled “A Place Called Home,” Keith Logan will describe the mystery of migrating birds’ navigational skills and compare their quest for suitable nesting habitat to our own.

Three evening presentations expand on the migration theme. On Monday, Cindy Stillwell will show her film Mating for Life about the spring migration of the Sandhill Cranes. On Tuesday, wildlife biologist Dave Quinn will provide his reflections on migration, and on Thursday, Dean Nicolson will discuss the migration of butterflies. May 10th, the Saturday of Wings week, is International Migratory Bird Day. We’ll celebrate with the week’s highlight — the 18th Annual Gala, which consists of a dinner, live and silent auction and the keynote presentation titled Migration: The Run-Away Game. Our speaker is Brian Keating, who is a naturalist, a leader of naturebased tours, a television and radio personality, an international speaker and an Honourary Conservation Advisor at the Calgary Zoo. In his trademark humourous and buoyant style, Brian promises stories and worldwide wilderness photos illustrating the migratory patterns of birds, mammals and insects, overwhelming us with awe and inspiring reverence for wild spaces and their inhabitants. Register online at or by telephone at 250-342-2473.

art From the Heart: part 9 pynelogs art gallery

april 8th to 27th - Open daily

artist opening event What does ART mean to you? Friday april 11th from 5:30 to 8:30 Visit for our current events calendar, or call 250-342-4423.

Happy BirtHday to pynelogs! 1914 - 2014 · Celebrating 100 years

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo A11

Spring Cleaning g

Hire a professional to rid your rugs and carpets of germs the right way PTARMIGAN RUG CLEANERS Contributed Carpet cleaning is an important routine that you should never miss. Carpets are great to have in a house. They enhance the look of your interiors to a significant degree. But once they get worn out, dirtied and stained, they start to become a problem rather than an amenity. One good maintenance habit is to have them cleaned on a regular basis. Having your carpets cleaned will revitalize your carpet and increase its lifespan. For optimal performance and duration, manufacturers recommend having them cleaned every 12 months, depending on the amount of traffic in your home. Steam cleaning is the most common method of carpet cleaning used by professionals. In this method, the hot water is essentially sprayed on the carpet and then sucked back into the machine, along with any dirt that was in the carpet. True steam cleaning does not spray water on the carpet, but rather heats the water and uses the resulting steam to clean the fibers. Now you are probably thinking: why would I pay someone when I can use a DoIt-Yourself (DIY) machine. DIY cleaning machines are great for households prone to spills or small accidents. However, for general cleaning of the entire carpet

surface, I recommend a professional. Generally, the DIY machines tend to not heat the water enough and, in most cases, are not powerful enough to pull the water back out. Therefore, carpets are remaining wet far too long, which could lead to many more problems including discoloration of the carpet! Steam cleaning helps remove harmful germs that are residing within the fibres of your carpets. Dirty carpets are magnets for pathogens that could be harmful to people’s health. As we know, many of our children and pets tend to lie on these carpets, which might not create dirt at the time, but they could be soaking up these germs that may be causing them illness and allergies. Carpets help a home become more cozy, less loud and, for most, just warmer to walk on. Whether you have carpets throughout your house or an area rug in one room, they still need the same amount of maintance. Think of how many times you have washed your floor due to dirt when sweeping does not solve the problem; now, why not think of cleaning that carpet? Call today while you are doing that spring clean and let us get rid of the dust, pollen and other dirt in your carpets. Contact Ptarmigan Rug Cleaners at 250-342-9692, email or visit to find out more.



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Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo



BIKES AND MICS Clockwise from top: Members of the Columbia Valley Cycling Society kicked off the 2014 cycling season with a group ride around the paved trail at Copper Point Golf Club on Thursday, April 3rd, the evening before the golf course opened for business. It was the first time the club has opened its pathways to bikers and the members were over the moon at the opportunity (Photo by Nicole Trigg); making his first return to Invermere since his appearance at the Invermere MusicFest last August, Kyprios played a tight set alongside his supporting disc jockey at Bud’s Bar and Lounge on Saturday, April 5th. In addition to performing his well-known tracks and covering hip-hop classics, Kyprios was able to impress the crowd while supporting his latest album, The Midnight Sun (Photos by Dan Walton) ; a female big horn sheep poses majestically above the Columbia River wetlands on Sunday, March 30th, as seen from a rest stop south of Radium Hot Springs (Photo by Dan Walton).

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo A13

AFFABLE AFFAIRS APLENTY Clockwise from top left: Jacinda Foulkes and Jeremy Harding enjoy themselves at the Big Jer Affair in the Great Hall at Panorama Mountain Village on Friday, April 4th. Jeremy was sporting the title T-shirt during the event (Photo by Dan Walton); Darren Burns took his turn sending Jer Donald a message by taking a Sharpie to a snowboard – one of the many symbols of support which will be sent to Jer while he recovers in Vancouver General Hospital after being buried in an avalanche (Photo by Dan Walton); Jeff Prockiw competed in the EasyRider Snowboard Cup as Deadpool, a Marvel Comics character known as a mercenary and an anti-hero, on Saturday, April 5th. The snowboard race was held at the same time as Superhero Sunfest, a new event where skiers and boarders are encouraged to dress up (photo by Dan Walton); Mighiyo Hortenhuber, left, Liam Hurst, centre, and Presley Hatt investigate the growing process at the Community Greenhouse on Friday, April 4th, as the greenhouse hosted a mom and tots session as an introduction to cultivating plants in a greenhouse (Photo by Erin Knutson); youngster Alyssa Burwash, left, and Chelsea Poroznyk enjoy a moment at the Community Greenhouse during the mom and tots session (Photo by Erin Knutson); about 150 people enjoyed the Canal Flats Wilderness Club’s annual banquet, trophies and dance at the Canal Flats Community Hall on Saturday, April 5th. Awards were given out for the top racks of Rocky Mountain elk and goats, as seen in the photo of skulls cleaned and bleached, many done by the hunters themselves.Caterers from Fire Valley Restaurant provided a roast beef meal (Photos by Lizzie Midyette).

mile·stone n.



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The Valley Echo is asking YOU to



Enter to win a FREE TREAT at the INVERMERE BAKERY in the weekly draw by submiting a Milestone (anniversaries, new jobs/careers, birthdays, anything that marks a ‘turning point’ in your life or the life of someone special) to for FREE!!

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo

Making hay on A Bill 24 blunder... A pair of East Koote-

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nay farmers took their opposition to Bill 24 (the Agricultural Land Commission Amendment Act) to the steps of the B.C. Legislature on Monday, April 7th. Valley resident and Winderberry Nursery co-owner Oliver Egan joined Erin Harris, the owner of Creston’s Kootenay Meadows dairy farm, to present a basketful of East Kootenay produce to Kootenay East MLA (and Energy Minister) Bill Bennett. The move was in response to Mr. Bennett’s remarks when he introduced the legislation in late March, with a comment that he would have only hay to eat if he tried to follow the 100-Mile Diet. Mr. Egan contributed potatoes, carrots, and more, while Zehnder Ranch contributed beef, and Ms. Harris contributed cheese. With media including Global News covering their small demonstration, the producers were allowed to meet with Mr. Bennett and talk with him for about 15 minutes on the impact of Bill 24. Mr. Egan said he believes it will result in more farm land being removed from the Agricultural Land Reserve around Windermere. He noted he and the Windermere District Farmers Institute have attempted to start discussions with Mr. Bennett around the preservation of farmland in the valley, but were not consulted prior to Bill 24 being introduced. The bill’s second and third readings are expected to take place in late April. Photo courtesy OF

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo NEVER from A3

“I saw a man running away and one of the soldiers raised his rifle and shot him. It was the first time I saw someone die; there was blood on the sidewalk. I had witnessed the end of freedom.” Escaping extermination in the ghetto by hiding at a farm his brother took him to (he was perceived as too young to be considered labour-appropriate at the time), he worked at a munitions factory with his brother and father until 1944 when he was transferred to the Buchenwald Concentration camp. Buchenwald was a labour camp. According to Mr. Waisman, the camps were divided into three categories: holding, labour, and extermination.

Robbie Waisman gave a profound speech at the DTSS Human Rights Symposium hosted on April 2nd. Mr. Waisman, pictured here with a DTSS student following his presentation, was born in Skarszysko Poland and escaped extermination in the ghetto by working in a munitions factory during World War II and is one of 426 children who survived the Holocaust.


“Hiding Jewish children was against the law — I couldn’t find anyone who had survived. If you were caught, they would kill the child and the entire family hosting the child. People were incented to give up children. A Jewish child was worth a sack of flour or sugar.” At the munitions factory, Mr. Waisman was cautioned to do as he was told because his life depended on it. The work consisted of anti-aircraft stamps and shells: “over 3,200 — I worked until my fingers bled.” “When it’s life or death, you learn to adjust quickly,” he said. Eventually, his brother was murdered when he came down with typhoid. “I wanted to say ‘I love you’ to Haim (his brother); I’m sorry that I never had the opportunity. They filled up a truck with prisoners and when it was gone from sight I heard the muffled sound of machine gun fire. The truck came back and it was empty — I realized then what the shots were about.” Mr. Waisman spoke lovingly of his family and divulged that his upbringing was sternly traditional. “I was the baby of the family; being the youngest, I could do no wrong; however, on occasion, dad took by the ear and when he was done with me he made A15 sure I listened to him — it was an act of love.” Cherishing those memories, Mr. Waisman acknowledged that at the time that everything was happening, he didn’t realize the enormity of it. “My incentive to survive was my family — I expected that I would come home and everyone would be at the table and they would say look, the baby made it. “ The resiliency of the human spirit was evident in Mr. Waisman, who noted that “the 426 surviving children (of whom he was one) were analyzed and deemed psychopaths who could never be rehabilitated.” “Then came the rage and the anger — we didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, or Herman Alpine spoke frankly about his experiences as a survivor of St. Euhow to trust people — we gene Mission School in Cranbrook at the DTSS Human Rights Symposium hosted had lost so much and we on April 2nd. Mr. Alpine survived abuse, cultural genocide, and imparted the lesdidn’t know how to behave sons he learned from his struggle to a captive audience. PHOTO BY ERIN KNUTSON normally.” Bergen-Belsen, which was known for its sadistic torAward-winning authors, distinguished members of government, and Nobel ture. It was the same camp in which Anne Frank died. That young pPolish boy was Julius Maslovat. At the peace prizewinners originated from the 426. “Not bad for a bunch of psychopaths,” Mr. Waisman end of the war he was liberated, adopted and eventually immigrated to Canada as a professional engineer. commented defiantly of his peers. Of the six million brutally murdered during Hitler’s Of the innumerable atrocities that went on, he recalls reign, “one and half million were children. The Nazis only one profound image that stands out in his mind. “I remember being in an open cattle car — the reawere thorough.” Of the surviving children was Julius Maslovat, who son I remember this is because it was the first time I also recounted the horrific tale of a young Jewish was away from my father.” Mr. Maslovat spoke of an obligation to inform the baby named Yidele Henechowicz, whose parents’ public and to impart what happened as honestly as bravery and selflessness saved his life. “His mother threw him over the fence to his father,” possible. On hatred, he had one thing to say to the stated Mr. Maslovat of the day Yidele was saved from astounded and captivated students. “My attitude towards the Germans is not one of hatred Treblinka (a death camp). Yidele’s mother was sent — if it was hatred, I would be doing the same thing as to Treblinka with countless others. The horrors young Yidele suffered were unspeak- the Nazis did and that would mean that they had won.” Herman Alpine also spoke poignantly about haable. Mr. Maslovat spoke kindly of four women who tred in his powerful recollection of the indignities took care of over 50 young children who were sent to and abuse he was subjected to at St. Eugene Mission School in Cranbrook. The federal government mandated in 1920 that every Indian child aged seven and older must be remanded into the custody of residential schools. According to Mr. Alpine, the cultural genocide he suffered was extreme. Mr. Alpine was severely abused. He remembers having a beautiful black braid and the first thing they did was cut it off. “They did it to take the savagery out of us,” he said. At one point, Mr. Alpine admitted that he was consumed with hate. “Hate; it’s so easy to be instilled. Hate; it doesn’t let you advance. I came out of that school after 11 years and I didn’t have a future.” “I had to let go of the hate if I was going to survive. After six years of therapy, I completely changed — I let go of hate, I became colour blind,” he said on racism. Of all the powerful messages on human rights heard at the symposium, the one that was most unanimous among all four who spoke to the students was to never give up. “You may have something you’re going through but there is always someone who can help,” said Mr. Waisman. Julius Maslovat gave a heart wrenching account of a Werner Kopp, DTSS history teacher and deputy child in the Holocaust at the DTSS Human Rights Sympoprincipal, was awed by the speakers’ graciousness. sium hosted on April 2nd. Mr. Maslovat spoke earnestly “It was powerful — what surprised me most was about the journey of a young boy named Yidele Henechothat they all spoke of forgiveness and they don’t exwicz who survived the Nazi concentration camps. PHOTO BY ERIN KNUTSON press hate.”


Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo

The Valley Echo's 2013/2014

NHL Hockey Pool Standings This week's winner is:


Head to Echo/Pioneer office to redeem your lunch prize!

All prizes must be claimed before the following week's results are released.

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T8 T8 T10 T10 T12 T12 14 T15 T15 T15 T15 T15 20 21 T22 T22 T22 25 26 27 28 29 T30 T30 32 33 34 35 T36 T36 38 39 40 41 42 43 T44 T44 46 47 48 49 T50 T50



Puff Pastry Craiger Magic Mitch 25 Toucan 01 Pouncy’s Pals 3 Ivy Love the B’s 8 Aces N Eights Lis Ken Reid R’s Rockets Kogging Injured reserve 16 Paige 13 Lawson 23 Jye Zman JHaley11 Snakitov13 DR19 B.the.B.B.B. Brodes Dirty Doan 12 an LBO Cotton Swab 4 Dusty 21 Brennan’s Compe Hair Haven G Rohrick 15 Dace 58 Pullz 28 Hossa 81 Go Habs Go Liam 10 Rockies super fan King Chris RC31 Long Rock Crew Slut Double-Duece Chick Magnet Nelly Plum 24 Harley Nick Bolin “The Zach Attacks” The Goalie Guy Snake53 Rockies 3 Professor 05 Rockies 18

2 night stay at Copper Point Resort and $100 dining certificate for Elements Grill

1293 1284 1236 1225 1224 1221 1216 1210 1210 1201 1201 1195 1195 1191 1189 1189 1189 1189 1189 1183 1180 1173 1173 1173 1171 1167 1166 1162 1160 1158 1158 1156 1153 1151 1149 1148 1148 1142 1136 1134 1133 1132 1130 1129 1129 1125 1124 1122 1121 1119 1119

LW 41 51 46 46 60 32 41 48 49 43 50 52 50 45 39 46 41 52 53 49 39 47 56 46 46 48 45 38 49 48 41 38 44 36 54 35 35 47 49 35 46 62 48 41 49 41 53 36 34 44 45

GM 110 150 179 170 187 192 143 211 174 183 230 230 157 179 201 164 210 212 226 212 192 215 248 157 177 190 163 239 199 248 192 211 225 169 201 188 247 188 212 201 158 216 239 200 193 218 239 198 201 218 213

P/G 0.84 0.86 0.84 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.81 0.84 0.82 0.82 0.85 0.84 0.80 0.81 0.82 0.80 0.83 0.83 0.84 0.82 0.81 0.82 0.84 0.79 0.80 0.80 0.78 0.82 0.80 0.83 0.79 0.80 0.81 0.78 0.79 0.79 0.82 0.78 0.79 0.78 0.76 0.79 0.80 0.78 0.78 0.79 0.79 0.77 0.77 0.78 0.78



52 53 54 55 56 57 T58 T58 60 T61 T61 63 64 T65 T65 T67 T67 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 T78 T78 80 T81 T81 83 84 85 86 87 88 T89 T89 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102

The Boyz MN1 Jagar 20 Stick63 Nelson 30 Naho Rubicon Kosty 27 Dooley Kappdaddy26 Love the B’s 2 Kimmer Nicole Brennan Troll 6 Dave’s Laffers Dicks Pix MM88 Flames Suck Mags57 Dylan 4 Rock 50 Ashley Furniture Jake 2 Yolo Swagins PMD Ninja Chicken Ryann 7 Westside Dan N4Cer Hunter 11 Harley 10 Major Snipes Heidi Schlittsy06 lil’b Badtothe Boone 22 Bergeeo 7 Dumpandpump 15 Cian Hendy 17 Old Rock Matt Cable Joaks 16 David Braden 5 Connor K ACF J. Pike Van Fan Skeeter 31 Riley 14

Grand Prize


If you would like to sponsor The Valley Echo’s hockey pool, contact us at 250-341-6299

2 rounds of golf for the Ridge at Copper Point Golf Club 250-341-3392

Sponsored by:

Total 1118 1116 1115 1114 1112 1110 1109 1109 1105 1097 1097 1095 1094 1091 1091 1089 1089 1087 1085 1083 1082 1081 1080 1079 1078 1077 1072 1072 1071 1070 1070 1064 1058 1057 1055 1048 1040 1037 1037 1032 1023 1016 1009 1007 1003 1002 1000 998 995 980 976

LW 38 45 49 45 53 43 46 55 50 51 40 45 47 39 47 40 42 48 46 51 49 51 45 38 39 46 45 46 37 51 43 44 41 49 38 48 38 45 38 44 41 36 43 39 34 37 41 43 37 53 36

GM 198 184 193 239 226 250 190 218 239 214 176 237 244 204 288 243 223 231 227 262 264 236 266 239 235 251 245 234 224 277 188 287 207 310 220 281 312 313 253 303 309 273 311 265 286 328 348 265 249 365 290

P/G 0.77 0.76 0.77 0.79 0.78 0.79 0.76 0.78 0.78 0.77 0.75 0.78 0.78 0.76 0.80 0.78 0.76 0.77 0.76 0.78 0.78 0.76 0.78 0.76 0.76 0.77 0.76 0.76 0.75 0.78 0.73 0.78 0.73 0.79 0.74 0.77 0.78 0.78 0.74 0.77 0.76 0.74 0.75 0.73 0.73 0.76 0.77 0.72 0.71 0.76 0.72

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo A17


Standeven stands even taller after losing a leg to cancer Sheila Tutty Canadian Cancer Society Volunteer

It is people like Glenda Standeven who enable the Canadian Cancer Society to fund the valuable services they provide. And Glenda knows firsthand what that is all about. Not only is she a 26-year cancer survivor, but her husband Rick is a two-time survivor. Glenda was diagnosed with Chondrosarcoma in 1987. Research showed that the cancer would not respond to chemo or radiation — leaving only the option of amputating her right leg, including her hip and pelvis, in January 1988 at the young age of 32. When asked what her reaction to this terrible fate was, Glenda describes how the week prior she had a dream in which her life would be “unremarkable” with two legs, but with only one leg, her life would be much harder, but much more rewarding. “I’m very grateful to be alive,” says Glenda. “I’ve seen far too many friends and family members lose their fight with this disease. It is so sad to lose loved ones, but I also know that if it were not for research dollars, I would not be here, nor would my husband.” Thanks to the skin cancer awareness bookmarks Glenda handed out at one of her speaking events, she was able to recognize a suspicious mole on her husband Rick’s arm. It turned out to be melanoma, but because it was caught early, doctors were able to cure him. Two times “lucky,” Rick is also a survivor of prostate cancer. Ironically, he was diagnosed on December 23, 2011; Glenda was diagnosed on December 22 — 24 years earlier. A sense of humour has helped both of them get through these challenges. When Glenda first lost her leg, the therapists had a good laugh when they found out her last name was Standeven. Rick suggested to Glenda she change her first name to Eileen. “Having a sense of humour is absolutely the key to living well, regardless of whether or not you’ve had cancer,” Glenda said. With the financial and emotional help Glenda and Rick received from the Canadian Can-

cer Society, the motivation for Glenda to become involved was created. She has been a volunteer with the Society for over 25 years. In her quest for cancer awareness, Glenda has recently published two books. One is her autobiography titled I am Choosing to Smile. “I want people to know that cancer doesn’t define me. It’s not who I started out as and it’s not who I am now,” says Glenda. The second book — What Men Won’t Talk About and Women Need to Know — is written from her perspective from her experience with Rick’s prostate cancer. “He encouraged me to share the story so that his cancer would help others. When Rick was first diagnosed, we found the amount of information out there to be overwhelming and finding the answers to what we really needed to know was intimidating to say the least.” Rick says he wants men and women to recognize the early signs of prostate cancer and also the reality of treatment options, which is why he encouraged his wife to write this book. He says, “Having one easy to read short book versus a stack of literature to wade through will hopefully make the journey easier for someone else and maybe even save lives.” Rick’s surgeon Dr. Alan So at the Prostate Centre in Vancouver said this is a book every man and woman should read — a pretty hefty recommendation. Glenda is currently partnering with the Canadian Cancer Society on a series of free, public speaking events during Daffodil Month in April. There will be four events throughout the Southern Interior to help spread her hopeful message of “choosing to smile” in the face of adversity. The event in Cranbrook will be on Wednesday, April 16th at Heritage Inn Hotel & Convention Centre (located at 803 Cranbrook St N) from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Coffee and snacks are generously provided by Heritage Inn. Seating is limited for this free event so don’t wait and please call Sarah at 250-426-8916 or email to reserve your spot today! For more information, check out; Glenda’s website at or

Nominate your favourite businesswoman Erin Knutson Valley Echo Intern Kootenay Business Magazine is presenting its 3rd Annual Influential Women in Business Awards and is searching for outstanding and influential women who deserve to be nominated. The popular publication of over 25 years began nominating candidates for awards to celebrate locally distinguished women in business. Kimberley’s Dr. Jenny Beatty of Healing Touch Family Chiropractic was one of the Influential Women in Business Award winners last year. The awards are designed and created to recognize and acknowledge the stellar ac-

10 ft


complishments of women business leaders in the Columbia Valley. The hunt for 2014 nominations has begun and the call for nominations is out. Do you know of any strongly accomplished and outstanding women in business that deserve to be recognized? If so, take the time to nominate that exceptional businesswoman in your community. You can formally submit your nomination to The deadline for nominations is Friday, April 11th. Please include in your submission the nominee’s contact information and a brief summary describing why you have chosen to nominate this particular candidate.

Everybody Loses

7.5 ft 5 ft

11% of collisions

86% of 2.5 ft collisions

News delivered to you! Subscribe to the valley echo today!

High risk times of day: 6 - 8 am and 5 - 8 pm 1,930 wildlife vehicle collisions occur each year in the east and west Kootenays. For driving tips go to Sponsored by ICBC and the Wildlife Collision Prevention Program


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AdMinisteRed & MAnAGed by

Hubbard & Blakley The Law Firm of Hubbard & Blakley are pleased to announce that

Keven Schecter has joined the practice as an associate.

He is now taking cases in the following areas:

• Criminal law cases • Family law cases • Driving prohibitions • ICBC and the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles. Please contact Keven at 1309 7th Avenue, Invermere, B.C. Tel: 250-342-6904


Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo

EMEMBER WHEN? R A look back through The Valley Echo's archives over the last 55 years

2004 — Spring thaws the Columbia Valley, as seen looking northward from aboard Max Fanderl’s ultralight aircraft in these photos shot by former Valley Echo reporter Bram Rossman. ECHO FILE PHOTO


years ago (1959): An article in the Valley Echo reported that world scientists were going all out in an attempt to solve the “mystery of wood ticks” because of their ability to paralyze cattle and humans alike. In the two years prior to this article being written, the Rocky Mountain wood tick had killed thirty rangeland cattle in British Columbia while paralyzing 290 others. Over 250 human cases of tick paralysis had been reported, of which 28 proved fatal.


years ago (1964): An earthquake that struck in Alaska and the west coast of Vancouver Island on Easter weekend caused muddy water to pour into the aquacourt pools at Radium Hot Springs the next day. Attendance for the day was zero, compared to 7,443 people that same weekend in 1963. An earthquake in Yellowstone Park the year earlier also upset the springs.


years ago (1969): The top story in the April 10th issue was

that then-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau would be pausing briefly in Radium Hot Springs on his trip to Calgary from the Bugaboos. Mr. Trudeau was addressing a Liberal meeting in Calgary and was accompanied by MP Douglas Stewart.


years ago (1979): Marge and Art Stringer spearheaded a Neighbourhood Watch program in the Wilder Subdivision after burglaries had become an issue. Const. Doug Lawrence of the Invermere RCMP detachment said there had been a total of 36 breaks ins in the first three months of 1979.


years ago (1989): The Columbia Valley Rockies received a warm welcome back home after winning the Western Canadian Championships in Gimli, Manitoba. After riding up from Athalmer in a flatbed truck to the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena, the players took part in a parade along with the RCMP.


years ago (1994): After large fires that blazed through B.C. in the summer of 2003, a plan to reduce wildfire hazards in the East Kootenay was presented to Regional District directors, many of whom spoke of the need for “fire conscious” building standards which would encourage the use of fireresistant materials. The regional district’s chief building inspector, Jim Morrison, was nominated to sit on the new Interface Fire Committee.


years ago (1999): Columbia RiverRevelstoke MLA Jim Doyle announced Sunshine Ranch would become a Class A provincial park, after a 38-year wait.


years ago (2004): A bomb threat at David Thompson Secondary School and the College of the Rocmies forced hundreds of students to evacuate. An investigation later resulted in mischief charges laid against two 16-yearold students, said Sgt. Ed Kalin of the RCMP.

CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION Of INVERMERE Worship Services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere

WINDERMERE VALLEY SHARED MINISTRY ANGLICAN-UNITED 250-342-6644 100-7th Avenue, Invermere Reverend Laura Hermakin

Sunday, April 13th

Pastor Rev. fraser Coltman Pastor Rev. David Morton

9:30 a.m. Bacon, Friends & Faith 10:30 a.m.: Worship at Christ Church Trinity, Invermere


Holy Week Services: April 17th, 5:30 p.m. Maundy Thursday Dinner April 18th, 12 p.m. Good Friday Service April 19th, 7:30 p.m. Easter Vigil Service

CANADIAN MARTYRS CATHOLIC CHURCH Roman Catholic Parish Pastor: Father Gabriel 250-342-6167 Invermere 250-344-6328 Golden Confession: 1/2 hour before Mass Canadian Martyrs Church 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Saturday at 5 p.m. Sunday at 9 a.m. St. Joseph’s Church Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs Sunday at 11 a.m. Sacred Heart Parish 808 - 11 Street, Golden Saturday at 7 p.m. Sunday at 10 a.m. St. Anthony’s Mission Corner of Luck and Dunn, Canal Flats

Saturday at 4:30 p.m. (served from Kimberly)

RADIUM CHRISTIAN fELLOWSHIP For more information call 250-342-6633 or 250-347-6334 Loving God, Loving People #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Sundays at 10 a.m. Bible Studies #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Kids’ Church Edgewater Hall Thursday 6:30 p.m.


326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 REV. TREVOR HAGAN Senior Pastor

Sunday, April 13th

10:30 a.m. Worship And Life Instruction, “Come As You Are...But Don’t Leave As You Come” “K.I.D.S.” Church, during the Morning Service. 7:00 p.m. “SING and CELEBRATE” Join us for singing, food and fellowship!

April 18th, 7 p.m.

Good Friday Service.

VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Hwy. 93/95 1 km north of Windermere Pastor: Murray Wittke Sunday Service 10 a.m. Worship & Word Kid’s Church Provided Call the office at 250-342-9511 for more information.

Sharing Truth Showing Love Following the Spirit

The Valley Echo Wednesday, 2014 Echo Wednesday, April 9, 2014 April The 9, Valley A19 A19

<our community. <our classi¿eGs.



It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement.

milestones mile Do you have a milestone to share? Email it to: production@ Submission deadline each week is Monday at 10 a.m. Kudos to the town road Crew for their early attention to cleaning our streets!


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.



Coming Events AGM - Windermere Valley Rural Range Resource Patrol 2013 Annual General Meeting will be held at the Windermere Community Hall on Wednesday April 16, 7:30 p.m.

Information Al-Anon - Are you con-

cerned about or affected by someone else’s drinking? If so, please join us. Al-Anon meets EVERY Monday in Invermere at 7:15 PM at the Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church, 712 - 12th Ave, (behind the Invermere hospital). For information, please call 250-342-8255



Haircare Professionals

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Lost & Found Found: A black Samsung flip top phone at Harrogate postal boxes on Hwy 95. Call Cathy at 250-348-2388. Found: Samsung phone near Wilmer towards Munn Lake. Call 250-342-6918 to identify.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR TIMESHARE. NO Risk Program STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888356-5248 cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


Employment Business Opportunities Happy 90th Birthday to Phil Geiger! Happy Birthday special Kebe boys! Love Mum & Dad. Congratulations to Emily for finishing her new tune: “Another Pathetic Love Song”. We can’t wait to hear it at open mic! CONGRATULATIONS Dean!!! Tier 2 winner for March! (This group includes papers with similar circ. ; Penticton, Salmon Arm, Kootenay Advertiser, Cranbrook Townsman, Trail and Nelson) Well done! ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: ALCOHOLICS Anonymous If alcohol is causing problems or conflict in your life, AA can help. Call 250-342-2424 for more information. All meetings are at 8 p.m. Invermere: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday groups - Columbia United AA at the BC Services building, south end, 625 4th Street Invermere. Radium Friendship Group: Friday, Catholic Church. All meetings are open with the exception of Tuesdays.

GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website:

HAIRSTYLIST required for well established salon in Invermere. Excellent opportunity for a motivated stylist. Easy to build clientele during busy summer months. Experience preferred but will consider all applicants. 250-342-6355

Hospitality NORTHSTAR Mountain Village Resort is looking for a dynamic Front Desk Supervisor with hospitality experience and a passion for guest satisfaction. The ideal candidate will possess the following: Demonstrated supervisory skills, good judgement and a sense of humour. Computer literate with good working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite. Superior written and oral communication skills. Excellent organizational and time management skills. This fulltime position will be located in Kimberley. Successful candidate must be available to work evenings and weekends. A competitive wage is offered and will be based on experience. Please deliver your resume in-person to 1351 Gerry Sorensen Way, Kimberley or email to




Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

WANTED: SERVICE TECHNICIAN - SUNNY THOMPSON REGION. Kamloops dealership is currently accepting applications for full-time Journeyman & Apprentice RV Technicians. All applicants must have direct RV experience, possess own tools, have a positive attitude, strong work ethic, and take great pride in the work they perform. It is our goal to provide an exceptional customer experience for all our clients. We place great emphasis on customer satisfaction and quality workmanship and need people who will help us maintain this goal. We truly care about our employees and provide a positive, happy work environment with competitive wages and benefits. Requirements: - Possess Own Tools - Be Journeyman/Red Seal or period 1, 2, 3 Registered Apprentice RV Technician - Possess Valid Class 5 BCDL (Air/51 Endorsement an asset) - Excellent attendance - Self-motivated team player - Keen attention to detail - Maintain a positive attitude under pressure - Committed to lifelong learning If this sounds like a good fit and you possess the above mentioned qualifications we want to hear from you. How to Apply: With resume and references to: Attention: Service Manager By Email: By Fax: (250) 851-9775 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE

CLUXEWE RESORT MANAGER needed at Kwakiutl Band in Port Hardy. Competitive salary and free accommodations. Deadline midnight April 15. Email for job description and to apply.

Sales Representative

Summer Route Sales Representative Frito Lay is Canada’s fastest growing snack food company that’s looking for energetic, independent and motivated individuals to join our team over the summer as Route sales Representatives in Invermere, BC. At Frito Lay Canada, you will have the opportunity to learn what it takes to develop and sustain a growing snack food business and stretch your current skills by selling, delivering and marketing our products to a set group of retailers. As a summer route sales representative you need to have great customer service skills; a desire to be outside and physically active; an interest in working on your own with minimal supervision; a competitive streak and the drive to be the best. If this sounds like you, we invite you to apply online at

( 9 month maternity leave)

The Invermere Valley Echo is seeking an Advertising Sales representative for our weekly newspapers and magazine publications in the Columbia Valley. We have an opening for a full-time, nine month maternity leave fill position commencing immediately. We are looking for someone with prior experience in a sales position, with a strong knowledge of sales and marketing and with a successful track record; someone who has strong written and verbal communications, organizational and exceptional customer relations skills; knowledge and proficiency in MS Office/MAC OS is a requirement. The ideal candidate must be motivated and take initiative to sell multiple products, work with existing customers and find ways to grow sales and income. A valid driver’s licence and a reliable vehicle are a must. If this describes you, please submit your resume and cover letter to the attention of: Rose-Marie Fagerholm Publisher PO Box 70, #8, 108-8th Avenue Invermere, BC, V0A1K0


Place a classified word ad and...

IT WILL GO ON LINE! Unique Opportunity

Black Press has a very unique opportunity for the right person.

We currently have an opening for a sales person to help us with our paid distribution newspapers across B.C. This position means getting out in the community and talking to subscribers about our newspapers and working to build stronger relationships with existing readers of our newspapers. It also includes finding new subscribers for our newspapers and helping introduce them our award winning host of community newspapers. This is not a year-around position and will run from March to October each year. We offer a spectacular compensation package and bonus incentives. Your own vehicle is required, but we cover all travel expenses. This is really a great opportunity for the right person. It is a different type of job, but definitely has different types of rewards. If you feel this position would be the perfect fit for you, then we would love to hear from you. Please email all enquiries to Michelle Bedford at

A20 A20

Wednesday, 9, 2014 The ValleyEcho Echo Wednesday, AprilApril 9, 2014 The Valley Services Transportation






Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Commercial/ Industrial

Commercial/ Industrial

Help Wanted

Legal Services


CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Now Hiring A&W Restaurant, Invermere, has immediate openings for FULL-TIME permanent Food Counter Attendants. 4 Full-Time Day & Evening Positions – Kitchen and Front Counter (up to 40 hours/week) $10.25 - $11.50/hr (based on experience) We offer a friendly work environment, shared benefits plan, scholarship program and opportunities for advancement. Successful applicants will be required to perform the following duties: t $PPL BOE BTTFNCMF GPPE TVDI BT TBOEXJDIFT IBNCVSHFST salads, milkshakes, portion and wrap food or place it on plates for service to patrons, package food for take-out orders, cleaning of production area. t 4FSWF DVTUPNFST BU DPVOUFS BOE JO ESJWF UISV IBOEMF QBZNFOU transactions, cleaning of dining and front counter area. t 4UPDL SFGSJHFSBUPST BOE GPMMPX " 8 BOE #$ 1SPWJODJBM standards for food safety and quality, and record keeping. t 1MFBTBOUMZ BOE IPOFTUMZ JOUFSBDU XJUI DVTUPNFST BOE GFMMPX team members.

UP TO 6 MONTHS RENT FREE 1,000–1,400 square feet of

CALL 250-341-7345 Help Wanted

Help Wanted



Permanent, Full-time, Shift, Overtime, Days, Evenings, Weekends. $10.50/ hr for 40hrs/wk. Some high school, will train. Excellent opportunity for students, First Nations, and new immigrants. DUTIES: Take customers' orders; Prepare food items; Portion and wrap foods; Package take-out food; Stock refrigerators and salad bars; Keep records of the quantities of food used; Clean and sanitize kitchen including work surfaces, cupboards, storage areas, appliances and equipment; Remove kitchen garbage and trash; Sweep and mop floors; Clear and clean tables, trays and chairs; Set tables; Replenish condiments and other supplies at tables and serving areas.

Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full-time, Shift, Overtime, Days, Evenings, Weekends, Flexible $10.50/ hr for 40hrs/wk, Some high school, Will train. Duties: Take customers’ orders; Prepare, heat and finish simple food items; Use manual and electrical appliances to clean, peel, slice and trim foodstuffs; Portion and wrap foods; Package take-out food; Stock refrigerators and salad bars; Keep records of the quantities of food used, Wash, peel and cut vegetables and fruit, Remove kitchen garbage and trash, Sweep and mop floors, Clear and clean tables, trays and chairs; Set tables; Replenish condiments and other supplies at tables and serving areas. Other Information: Excellent opportunity for Students, First Nations or New Immigrants FAX RESUME TO: JUSTIN ATTERBURY 1(250) 342-8889


The Akisqnuk Akisqnuk First First Nation Nation The invites you you to to apply apply for for the the invites position of: of: position

Community Community Health Nurse Nurse Health The Akisqnuk First Nation near Windermere, seeks a Community Health Nurse. As the Community Health Nurse you will be responsible for client intake, assessments/ reassessments, care plans, and organizing services in the home that meet the clients’ needs. The nurse facilitates the planning of activities and strategies to support the community in achieving health outcomes in a holistic and culturally sensitive manner. Please visit for details. Closing date: Friday, April 18, 2014 at 4:00 p.m.

0911611 BC LTD o/a Tim Hortons 496 Highway 93/95 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K2

Part and Full Time Positions Available Start date: ASAP

Food Service Supervisor Permanent, Shift

Job Description Available in Store 7 positions available No education required One to two years experience required. Nights/early mornings/weekends $10.25 - $12.41/hour + medical/dental/group beneďŹ ts.

Food Counter Attendant Permanent, Shift

Job Description Available in Store 12 positions available No education or experience required. Nights/overnights/early mornings/ weekends. $10.25/hour + medical/dental/group beneďŹ ts.

Apply in person, via email ( or by fax (250-341-3177) for both positions.



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Auto Financing

REDUCE energy use 50-90% with a super-insulated & airtight new home for the same price as a standard build. E. Olofsson Construction Inc., Licensed Builders. 604761-3499

Merchandise for Sale

Fairmont Village Mall.





Please apply in person or online at


is currently accepting applications for full time and part time employment. Apply in person to 185 Laurier Street, Invermere, BC between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Auto Accessories/Parts

Garage Sales THE AKISQNUK FIRST NATION invites you to apply for the position of: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE The Akisqnuk First Nation near Windermere, BC, is nestled in the Columbia Valley, between Radium and Fairmont Hot Springs, up alongside the Rocky Mountains. This four season playground offers something for everyone with a small town ambiance and excellent schools. As the Community Health Nurse you will be responsible for client intake, assessments/reassessments

are plans, and organizing services in the home that meet the clients’ needs. The nurse facilitates the planning of activities and strategies to support the community in achieving health outcomes in a holistic and culturally sensitive manner. Please visit for details. Closing date: Friday, April 18, 2014 at 4pm.

960 Copper Point Way, We have it all. Fri Apr 18th and Sat Apr 19th, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Castle Rock Condo’s moving sale. Saturday April 12th. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.. #21-2600 River Rock Way.

Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!


Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS. Hot savings - Spring sale! 20x24 $4,348. 25x24 $4,539. 30x30 $6,197. 32x36 $7,746. 40x46 $12,116. 47x72 $17,779. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. Or online:


STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online:

Trades, Technical JOURNEYMAN or Apprentice Heavy Duty / Commercial Transport Mechanic wanted in Golden, BC. This is for you if you are an outdoor enthusiast. Position is full time evening shift 4:00 pm - 12:00 midnight Monday thru Friday. Rate of pay is competitive and will be negotiated based on experience. We invite you to become a member of our team. Please fax your resume and cover letter to 250-344-6622 or email


Req. at Canuck Mechanical in Prince George. Must have exp. doing service work & be proficient with trouble shooting heating systems & plumbing problems. Top wages & beneďŹ ts Email resume to:


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Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent Invermere Centre: 1 bdrm apartment, available immediately, central location, parking at your door, laundry on site, one year lease, N/P, N/S. Call Sharon 250-688-1365


Legal Notices BUDGET CONSULTATION Jumbo Glacier Mountain Resort Municipality Council hereby gives notice that the proposed 2014-2018 Financial Plan is now available for public review by obtaining a copy from the administration office (4836 Radium Blvd, Radium Hot Springs, B.C.) or website: Written submissions are invited from the public up to 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 10th.

Homes for Rent Spacious older 4 bdrm home 48kms south of Golden on acreage. Furnished/unfnshd. Prefbly no pets. 250-344-5002 Leave name & ph. number.

Suites, Lower Fairmont - spacious walk out basement apartment. 2 bdrm/2bath. $800/mth includes utilities. W/D. Pets possible. References needed. 250-752-7277.

Suites, Upper Panorama: 1000 sq/ft suite for rent on Greywolf Drive. Mostly furnished. Utilities included. Call 403-502-0752





Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo




Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. Figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers named, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!




CLUES ACROSS 1. Express disgust or contempt 4. Do-nothings 10. Before 11. Gave birth to a horse 12. Spanish pain 14. Khmer Rouge’s Pot 15. Tory opposition 16. Even chance 18. Horse feedbag 22. Selfishness 23. Windward Island nation 24. On and on:ad ___ 26. 2nd musical tone 27. A steady brisk pace 28. People in southern India 30. Withered, dry 31. Central nervous system 34. Short composition for solo instrument 36. Communist 37. Specific localities 39. Garden cultivator 40. Stratford’s river 41. Atomic #34 42. Stalkless leaves 48. Significant other 50. Chilled 51. Dakar is the capital 52. Amuse & delight 53. Explorer Vasco da ____ 54. Annoy 55. 365 days (abbr.) 56. Peremptory command 58. Born of 59. Particle fineness grades 60. Obtain A21

12. Egyptian Sun god (var. sp.) 13. Hindu exercise discipline 17. Small coin (French) 19. More naked 20. Feel deep affection for 21. A protected community 25. Nation of birth 29. Two people singing 31. Applauding sounds 32. Variable stars 33. Reject 35. Building up 38. Not a fraction 41. Sailor 43. An evening party 44. Hollow for a lightbulb 45. Type 46. Dutch portrait painter Sir Peter 47. River of Hesse 49. N. Botswanan lake 56. 1/10 gram (abbr.) 57. Original Hawkeye actor’s initials Answers to April 2:

CLUES DOWN 1. Colas 2. Awaken 3. Better half 4. In event that 5. Demotes 6. City in NE Pakistan 7. Lotus roadster model 8. University board trustees 9. 40th state

W eekend WEATHER Friday

April 11

Isolated showers Temp: 13oC o

Feels like 13 C

Low: 2oC

Saturday April 12 Snow-rain showers Temp: 8oC o

Feels like 8 C

Low: 2oC

Sunday April 13 Sunny Temp: 10oC o

Feels like 10 C

Low: -1oC

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, despite a full workload, you are already looking ahead to some much-needed rest and relaxation. Focus on what’s on your plate at the moment.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Your feelings are transparent this week, Leo. You can’t hide much from others, especially your romantic feelings. The person you admire will soon learn of your feelings.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 You are on the brink of a breakthrough, Sagittarius. You just don’t know when it is coming. Be patient and you will be pleasantly surprised with events that unfold.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, your personal life follows you to work this week. You can often compartmentalize things, but you are finding it difficult to do that this week.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, a lot of drama is going on behind the scenes this week. How much you get involved is entirely up to you. Just be prepared for the consequences.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 A serious issue arises this week, Capricorn. You may have avoided addressing this issue in the past, but there is no putting it off now. Approach the issue with an open mind.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, information that may alter your future plans is brought to your attention this week. It is not necessarily bad news, but you will need to alter your plans a little.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, you might have to set your personal needs aside this week in order to help a friend out of a difficult situation. You are ready to provide any assistance you can.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 When an associate presents a problem, you are the perfect one to present a solution, Aquarius. Make the most of this opportunity and others will appreciate your efforts.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, financial responsibilities must be a priority this week. Now is the time to make important financial decisions that you have been putting off for several weeks.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Responsibility comes naturally to you, Scorpio. However, sometimes you just have to let loose and show off how you are feeling. Others will have a new appreciation for you.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Responsibilities at work may be a bit overwhelming, Pisces. You are held to a higher standard than others, and now is the time to show why.

A22 |

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo

Welcome to the driver’s seat

If you have ever questioned that Kia knows how to make good quality cars just look at these new products. Zack Spencer

Visit the 2014 Kia photo gallery at

Kia taking on the small cars from the big guys

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA – Kia rounds out its attack on the country’s best-selling cars with the launch of the final two models to the Forte lineup. Last year Kia introduced their all-new Forte sedan to compete with such top sellers as the Honda Civic, Mazda3, Toyota Corolla and Hyundai Elantra. This week, the 5-door hatchback version called Forte5 and the coupe, called Forte Koup begin arriving in dealerships. The launch of these two vehicles took us from Huntington Beach, California, through the mountains and desert to Borrego Springs and then back through the mountains to San Diego. The terrain varies from massive California highways to very twisty mountain passes and vast desert valleys. Stunning scenery and a recommended drive for any sightseer or driving enthusiast. Looks The Forte5 is the more practical of the two new Kias with a hatchback design that sets it apart from the competition. Many competitors don’t offer a hatch so this is sure to be noticed by people who need extra storage and passenger room. Sold with a new base 2.0L engine or an optional 1.6L turbo engine, there are varied looks depending on which trim is chosen. The non-turbo Forte5 gets a front grille similar to the sedan with a smaller lower intake and a larger grille opening. The Forte5 SX turbo gets the same grille as the Koup, with the opposite


The Invermere


front treatment, a bigger lower opening and a injection engine with a solid 201hp and 195 lb.smaller, more aggressive grille. The great news ft. of torque that comes on at a very low 1750 is that all Forte5 and Koup models come with RPM. The turbo also gets a stiffer suspension, alloy wheels; 16-inches on the Forte5 and 18bigger wheels, sharper steering feel and shorter inch alloys on the turbo version. The Koup has gear ratios from first to third gear. This makes 17-inch base alloys or 18-inches on the turbo. the car livelier and handles better but it also Inside makes the car a bit twitchy on the highway I drove the top Turbo version of the Forte5 and when driving straight. the base, non-turbo version of the The base 2.0L would be my choice. Koup. Both have an amazing level 173hp is loads for a car of this of interior refinement. If you have size and the smaller wheels and ever questioned that Kia knows less aggressive suspension might how to make good quality cars, be a better day-to-day driver. Eijust look at these new products. ther way, Kia has kicked things up The switches and dials look and a notch and both are fun to drive feel first rate and the layout is and never feel underpowered. logical and easy to use. Verdict Koup can actually fit adults up Kia has been The Forte5 starts at $19,495 and to six feet. The dash has either a growing steadily since tops out at $28,395 for a turbo conventional radio layout with with navigation. The Koup comes a smaller screen but when the it entered Canada backup camera is added on either fifteen years ago and with a few extra standard features model, the screen jumps to 6-inchand it runs from $20,895-$28,695. with new products es and becomes a touchscreen Some might think that the higher device. If the buyer wants the like the Forte5 and end models are getting expensive navigation system, then the top but they have features such as Koup, there is no turbo model with luxury package reason to believe the dimming rearview mirrors, power is needed. outside mirrors and heated rear trend will end. The front seats sit high off the seats that are not generally availfloor for good outward visibility. able in this class. Zack Spencer What continues to amaze me is Kia has been growing steadily the level of equipment Kia offers since it entered Canada 15 years from standard Bluetooth and satellite radio to ago, and with new products like the Forte5 and optional heated and cooled seats, heated rear Koup, there’s no reason to believe the trend seats, heated steering wheel, power folding will end. outside mirrors and more. True luxury touches. Drive The Lowdown Kia has put some punch into both the base and Power: 1.8L 4-cylinder with 132hp or 140hp turbo versions of the Forte5 and Koup. The base Fill-up: 8.6L/5.8L/100km engine is a large 2.0L direct injection engine (city/highway Forte5 auto) with 173hp. In comparison, the top selling Civic has 143hp. The turbo model gets a 1.6L direct Sticker price: $19,495-$28,395



is a member of the Canadian Media Circulation Audit

Question of the week: As spring approaches, new drivers will be as common as the blossoms on the trees. Should a course of professional driver training be mandatory for all new drivers? Please explain why you have made that decision. Go to QUESTION to submit your answer and you could OF THE WEEK! win a $100 Safeway gift card.


Safety Tip: Auto crime incidents continue to plummet across the province but there’s still more we can do to deter thieves and protect our vehicles. Use an anti-theft device, park in secure, well-lit areas, remove all valuables and always lock your doors.

Confessions of a Curber... Meet Walt. He lives with his wife and two teenagers in a quiet neighbourhood. Walt goes to work every morning, provides for his family and chats with his neighbours. Walt has a secret. He’s no Walter White from“Breaking Bad.” But, his love for quick cash and high profits drive him to a sideline that makes us all a little less safe and costs some their savings. Walt is a curber. Walt has no shame! This week he sells a stolen car.

Buying used? We’re looking out for you. Find out how at

Verified Circulation is a government and industry recognized audit program.


“You can assure your advertisers that your circulation claims are credible. Newspapers without an audit cannot say the same. Advertisers and ad agencies need to know they can trust what they’re seeing. With a circulation audit, they know they can”.

AUDITED – Tina Ongkeko, Managing Director, CCNA Community Media Canada

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo


Dart GT could be edgier but delivers value


Whether taking the GT for a drive in the city or on the open road, it does have some solid legs to stand on.


Alexandra Straub

The Dodge Dart has held its own in a sporty compact segment where competition is fierce. Perhaps it is because of its value, the various engine choices or that it has some pretty cool features (like available underthe-front-seat-cushion storage) and a fresh style. Inside and out, the Dart seems to be a hit. Two years in, Chrysler has loaded it up with an engine full of gusto, unique styling cues and added a couple of letters on the back and now we have the Dodge Dart GT. What sets it apart from its siblings are a stretched-down grille and LED headlights. You’ll find the rear clad with the ‘Racetrack’ LED lights that run the full length of the trunk. Then there’s a set of 18-inch wheels come standard on this vehicle along with a 2.4 L, MultiAir, four-cylinder Tigershark engine, matched with a

6-speed manual transmission, that brings to the pavement 184 horsepower and 171 lb-ft of torque. Of all the characteristics I like about this trim of Dart, I think its transmission is the

weakest link. In previous reviews of other Dart models, the gear throws are, in my opinion, too long to really give it that edge and sporty vibe that it needs to compete with vehicles like the

VW GTI, Honda Civic Si or even the Ford Focus ST. The gear throws are long and the clutch has little weight to it, taking away the performance aspect of the GT that it should have. On

RDEK Public Hearing Notice Bylaw 2431

the flip side, the light clutch works favourably in the urban environment. This setup makes being stuck in traffic bearable. Buyers of the GT will like what they get for the value. After all, it has a starting MSRP of $21,995. That’s thousands less than the aforementioned competitors. And some buyers of vehicles who want that extra kick don’t necessarily need all the sports sedan-like characteristics. They want power but in a comfortable and affordable package. Visit for more information.



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Confessions of a Curber

Bylaw Amendment - Dry Gulch The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering an application by Kayhay Holdings Ltd. to amend the Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw. If approved, the amendment will change the zoning designation of the subject property to facilitate the creation of a recreational vehicle park. The subject property is located in the Dry Gulch area and is shown on the attached map. Bylaw No. 2431 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 900, 1992 – Amendment Bylaw No. 279, 2013 (Dry Gulch / Kayhay Holdings Ltd.)” will amend the zoning designation of the subject property from R-1, Single Family Residential Zone and from R-MP, Mobile Home Park Zone to RES-1, Recreational Accommodation Zone. A public hearing will be held at: Edgewater Community Hall 4818 Selkirk Avenue Edgewater, BC Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 7:00 pm The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Directors for Electoral Area F, Electoral Area G, and the Village of Radium Hot Springs. If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing: • inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays; • mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/numbers shown below; or • present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing. Submissions cannot be accepted after the public hearing. All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Jean Terpsma, Planning Technician, at 250-489-0314, toll free at 1-888-478-7335, or email

Noodling on the web one morning I found out that I was selling vehicles illegally. If I was in the business of selling, I need to be licensed as a dealer. Oh well. Everything’s been working out just fine for me. I skated through those recent bad deals. My previous sales were a distant memory – I was eager to start selling more. So, I decided to up my game a bit. I got a low-end truck and a car from an auction and another car from a new parking lot friend. I put ads for all three vehicles on Craigslist. Of course my ads said they were all real gems. You’d think people might see through my ads. “Need to sell fast, so price is flexible. Call with best offer.” And my cell number was the same for all three. Would anybody notice? The first two cheaper vehicles sold quickly. The last one took a bit longer to sell. Of course, it was the one I was most eager to sell. Why, you ask? Well, not that I passed the information along, but the auction provided vehicle history reports for the first two. I had no information on the last. So, I bought ICBC and CarProof vehicle history reports. I wanted to educate myself. To my surprise, there was a statement in both reports that the vehicle was possibly “stolen*.” I knew I had to sell it fast. I mean, I’d paid for it and I knew my new “friend” wouldn’t take it back. Four days later, I got a call from a young

“Apart from being stolen, it was pretty nice!” woman. She asked if the car would fit a family of four. “Definitely!” I practically screamed. I was a wreck during this sale. I just needed to get rid of this car – fast. I told the nice lady the details of the car. Apart from being stolen, it was pretty nice! I told her I was in a hurry to visit my mum in the hospital. She was in a hurry too – her three-year-old was anxious, pulling at her pant legs. She seemed to not want to be there as much as me. Finally, she agreed to buy the car. Phew! I was saved. Whatever happens next, I don’t care. It’s her problem not mine. I quickly changed my phone number (again). Weeks later, I saw her on the news – with kid still at pant legs – talking to a reporter. Apparently, the car was towed away by the police. And yes, she was trying to find me. Had I covered my tracks? I agonized.

*How can a stolen vehicle be sold? Curbers often break the law by bridging a title. Instead of registering a vehicle in their name within 10 days after a purchase, as required, they leave it in the name of the previous owner. This keeps their name out of the chain of title and from being caught with a stolen vehicle or one that would not be able to be registered or insured for another reason.

Buying used? We’re looking out for you. Find out how at 19 - 24th Avenue South, Cranbrook BC V1C 3H8 Phone: 250-489-2791 Toll Free: 1-888-478-7335 Email: Website:


Wednesday, April 9, 2014 The Valley Echo


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Arnold Scheffer


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