Kitimat Northern Sentinel, April 09, 2014

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Volume 60 No. 15

Wednesday, April 9, 2014




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Nathan Wilson at work on an eight foot totem pole for Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary School. The pole will eventually be raised in the school’s lobby. More on the project on page 3.

Growing DCW support Cameron Orr Kitimat’s local, award winning environmental activism group Douglas Channel Watch is reaching new heights in the face of campaigning against Enbrige. The organization formed out of concern over the proposed development of the Northern Gateway Pipelines project and ever since their first meeting of a handful of people they’ve grown into a force to reckon with. One of the group’s members, Murray Minchin, said the group has always kept their efforts focused. They began studying Enbridge’s pipeline safety, then studied the proposal itself, and eventually some became intervenors in the Joint Review Panel process. “Now it’s the plebiscite. We have this goal in mind and we’re fully engaged and concentrating on that right now. After that it’s going to be whatever Prime Minister Harper has to say. And then we’ll decide what to do after that. We keep moving from one goal to the next and we haven’t forecast into the future,” he said. The group is currently enjoying a sudden spike in community support, not the least of which is financial, which is

helping them purchase advertising to compete against Enbridge’s own campaign. “Two weeks ago we had $200 in the bank. A week ago, $2,000. It’s more than that now but I can’t say for sure,” said Minchin. “The donations are keeping pace with what we hope to do with advertising.” One of the key volunteers for the campaign is Patricia Lange. A long-time follower of the group, she only very recently took the plunge in becoming a full-on member. “When this [plebiscite] came out I became a member,” she said. “I think there’s always been a ground-swell of support but now people are signing up or committing to the cause.” But one thing is sure for Douglas Channel Watch and that is it will continue to be a Kitimat effort. They say they’ve turned down funding offers from larger organizations. “It’s funny, we’re turning people away from all over who want to come,” said Lange. “We just feel it’s a grassroots thing. It’s just Kitimat.” Continued on page 15

NGP pushing education Cameron Orr Inside Enbridge Northern Gateway’s office in the City Centre Mall are a team of four people; three full-time staff, plus a fourth taken on to give an extra bit of strength to their manpower heading into the April 12 plebiscite vote. As the date of voting approaches — of course advance voting took place on April 2 and is on again today — the company keeps adding to their message about the project, about its jobs, and about its safety. Donny Van Dyk, Northern Gateway’s manager of coastal and aboriginal and community relations, says the community’s plebiscite on the JRP conditions has been a great opportunity for the company to raise the profile of their project. Since the plebiscite has been announced he said there’s been dozens of requests for information from the company, showing that people are really thinking about the pipeline and wanting to know more. “We went straight to some of the residents that we know here locally in Kitimat and asked what they expected of Northern Gateway and what they told us was that we needed to be active

in providing information, sharing information, be that presenting to council, be that having open houses, coffee chats, as well as getting out to Rotary events. “In addition they wanted us to get out and share information via the door step, via the phone calls and that kind of thing.” And that they have. With their core group of four, plus company staff who have come to town, they’ve done door-to-door visits, open houses and other outreach. Van Dyk does the door-to-door effort himself once he can get out of the Northern Gateway office in the afternoons. Whether the home is a supporter or not, he said their presence is typically welcome. “It’s a mixed reaction, but I’d say we’re getting positive feedback quite frequently, and there’s a genuine appreciation whether they’re opponents or supporters that we’re there to listen to concerns and provide information on our project. We’ve had opponents of the project who have literally thanked us for coming out and taking time to answer their questions.” Continued on page 15


Crossroads coming slowly ... page 2

Years est. 1954

2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014


A meat smoker at a home in Cablecar caught fire in the early hours of April 2. The homeowner caught the fire and managed to put it out before emergency services arrived, but the fire department did attend, and police as well to direct traffic. Fire Chief Trent Bossence said that the damage was relatively minimal, with some fire damage to exterior walls, but otherwise the fire did not spread far.

Norovirus Northern Health say they’re dealing with an outbreak of a norovirus-like illness in two long-term care facilities in Kitimat and Terrace, as well as one Kitimatarea work camp. Northern Health spokesperson Jonathon Dyck would not specifically name the camp or the long-term care facilities. He did say norovirus illnesses do tend to pop up annually and there are simple precautions to prevent its spread such as handwashing and cleaning surfaces you touch frequently. No deaths so far have been linked to norovirus. The virus is easily spread in areas dense with people.

Authors Two authors shortlisted for BC Book Prizes will be at the Kitimat Public Library on April 13 at 1:30 p.m. Ashley Little, author of The New Normal, is a finalist for the Sheila A. Egoff Children’s Literature Prize. With her will be Jesse Donaldson, writer of This Day in Vancouver. He is up for the Bill Duthie Booksellers’ Choice Award. This reading event is free to attend.

Crossroads hitting some logistical hurdles Cameron Orr The Crossroads, a proposed hotel and camp development project, hasn’t progressed as quickly as the proponents may have had hoped, due to a number of logistical hurdles. They’re making head roads, but at the same time are looking for a softer approach from Kitimat Council as far as certain fees and obligations go. Namely, the company behind the proposal, Bryton Group, want a reduced density bonus which currently has them contributing $500 per bed to an affordable housing fund, similar to what is in place for PTI Group, for each bed in their camp. Secondly, they feel they should be exempt from the Pollution Control Centre charge of $300 per bed. “One of the pri-

mary issues with the density bonuses and the sewer charges is the impact of cost on development, and in part the current lack of clarity over the density’s a very unclear process,” said Scott Bilbrough from Opus DaytonKnight Consultants, who was with Bryton Group Principal Stuart Ramsey at the March 31 council meeting. He sees the density bonuses as an offset for building in high density zones, however the Crossroads would not be building in a high density area, and as well they would be building a very long connection to the sewer system and bringing infrastructure to the site. He called it an “apples to oranges” comparison for other developments in Kitimat. Staff’s comment on the matter on the

density bonuses was that it is consistent with council’s direction to this point. “Administration suggests a level playing field is fair to all businesses operating accommodation facilities,” they wrote to council in their report. As for the pollution control staff also didn’t see eye to eye with the developer, saying the company has characterized the pollution control centre charge as a “connection fee” but they explain that it’s actually towards the cost of processing sewage, not connecting the infrastructure. Therefore just because they’re building a long extension to the sewer system shouldn’t exempt them from paying the fees. These issues were brought up during the public hearing portion of the zoning bylaw

being proposed for the development. The only other matter left to consider is traffic, and the District of Kitimat only recently received a traffic impact assessment. Staff were going to take the report to the Traffic Committee for comment, and the public hearing for the Crossroads was expected to be continued at a later time once the new information was available. Staff note that support for the hotel portion of the development seems high, while support for the proposed 1,000 bed camp does not see as much support. The company had indicated the camp would support the economics of building the rest of the facility. Among some in-

equalities, the company points to RTA’s ferry as accommoda-

tion that does not have the same cost burdens as Crossroads.

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JRP Conditions ExPlainEd

“We’re saying NO to Enbridge on April 12th.” – Vollrath Family, Kitimat Residents

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014 3

Totem pole carving at school Cameron Orr

In a grassy courtyard in the centre of Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary School, Nathan Wilson is methodically chipping and sawing away at what will eventually be the school’s totem pole. The Haisla carver began work on the project on February 11, on a snowy day where he and the artist hired by him fought the snow to cut the school’s log into the proper size, and do the needed measure-

ments to get to work. “This is my very first pole,” he said. “It’s been quite an experience so far. Pretty stoked on it.” While it may be his first totem pole, Wilson, 28, has been wood carving for years and is a graduate of the Frieda Diesing art school in Terrace. He has carvers blood in him too. He said it was his greatgreat-grandfather who carved the G’psgolox totem pole, which was

returned to the Haisla in 2006 after being in Sweden. “I’ve been an artist all my life but in the past five years I’ve been concentrating solely on First Nations art,” he said. The pole itself has a raven on the top, with a beaver below. He said the school was looking for a pole that represented teamwork and unity. He came up with the design and later learned how appropri-

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ate it was. “A few weeks later I actually learned in the Haisla culture that the raven and the beaver represent teamwork and unity,” he said. “Say if the Beaver Clan hosts a feast, the Raven Clan is always there to help, and vice-versa.” The pole will be eight feet tall, the raven and beaver each being four feet. Naturally students are curious about the process and he says he includes students

where he can. “Some want to [help] but they’re a little intimidated, because the tools I use are quite sharp, and I don’t want anyone hurting themselves. But for the most part I get everybody to clean up a little bit. That’s their initiation.” Wilson is hopeful that he can make up ground after the school’s spring break as the school is hoping to raise the pole later in May, on the school’s Aboriginal Day.

Nathan Wilson with a model of his eventual, full size totem pole.

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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email • KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.

A crossroads, indeed I spoke to the importance of voting last week, so I’ll leave it at that for the plebiscite for now, except to just remind you that it’s still happening. Voting today, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., then your last chance on April 12. But with this issue nearing the end of this phase — as exhausting as this all is the debate that will ensue once the results are in should be equally vocal — I turn my sights on some other issues in town that may be drowned out by all this ‘background’ noise. Perhaps the most interesting and complex question council is facing right now, at least as it pertains to the usual ‘boring’ subjects councillors usually deal with, is with the Crossroads proposed hotel and limited work camp up in the vicinity of the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce. The project, the company explained at the recent council meeting, has been slowed by some challenging engineering work at the site. They need some hook-ups to the municipal sewer to ensure they have the capacity to handle a hotel. But such work is expensive. And in efforts to reduce their cost, they’ve been asking for a waiver on the per-bed fee to their camp that is being asked. To compensate for work camps in the municipality the town has been tacking on a per-bed charge that goes to an affordable housing fund. That same fee was applied to PTI Group for their own facility in the Strawberry Meadows. But Bryton Group, which is proposing to build the hotel and camp, say its a burden and their project is different. It’s not quite in the middle of town in the same way PTI is and the town isn’t as put out by its construction. The camp will also help them offset the mounting costs for the hotel. Then, with the extensive sewer connections they’d need to build, they don’t feel what they deem a “connection fee” is far in the tune of $300 per bed. However staff, as you might have read on page 2, say the fee is sewer processing, not infrastructure. So the decision council will have to make is if they stick to their past directions and continue to charge these fees, or find other ways to do it. I’m not a planning expert so understanding alternative options might be above my pay grade, but it’s an interesting and hair-greying subject. Council could waive the fees to the dismay certainly of a number of other properties in town, but that’s likely not the best course of action. But then again we might not see this development if we as a town don’t figure out an alternative plan if the costs are so tight, which I can trust they are. I don’t suspect the Crossroads will get a break on those per-bed fees, but it will take some creativity to reach a point both the town and the company are comfortable with. Quite the crossroads, indeed. Cameron Orr

Fools rush in for Internet memes I’ve written before about how much I really enjoy watching various elements of YouTube on my laptop computer. One of the reasons I do enjoy it is because of the random nature and spontaneity in so many of the submitted video clips. But imagine how surprised I was today to get an e-mail, purportedly from the writing team at YouTube, predicting and previewing upcoming new trends expected on the video channel in 2014. I never knew they had a writing team anyway and as I am always very wary of anything I get on my e-mail on April Fool’s Day (which is today, as I write) I have to cross my fingers that its OK. Anyhow, I can’t say I was wholeheartedly excited about the “video trends” they were predicting or pitching for 2014. They call these ideas “memes.” Anyway, I was still a bit disappointed to see that there was a writing “team” sitting around generating “ideas” for video submissions. I like to think a lot of the stuff on the ‘Tube is original. Especially if they are coming up with such ideas as “kiss your Dad,” which asks people to surprise their Dad with a peck on the cheek or his baldy head and video it and send it in to YouTube. They show a couple of examples. I can only hope that kissing Dad does not go “viral.”

Under Miscellaneous by Allan Hewitson

Another one I really didn’t like is called “clocking” and suggests people suddenly stop in the middle of a crowd and hold their arms up to show the time and stand for a while moving the arm on the minute until say 4:05. I really have a problem thinking why people would enjoy watching other people doing that. The third, that I couldn’t imagine being much fun is based on the sometimes entertaining “flash mob” concept, which has produced numerous creative video events. This variation however sounds a bit nutty; your group spaces people about in a crowd and one individual starts crying and sobbing loudly, then another and another to see what will occur. Somehow for me, the idea of seeing the plan outlined in an acted-out sample video by the YouTube “writers” tends to take something away from any possible level of humour that might be generated by the scenario itself. Having received this on April 1, I guess I’ll have to wait and see if I have

been “fooled” but I suspect I’ll see one or another of these three scenes act themselves out on TV or in Facebook, where so many YouTube video tend to surface. I wish I could say that other one major media item on April 1 was indeed an April Fool’s joke, but sadly, if it had been, it was one perpetrated by the federal government on the people of Canada as our economy stumbles along at a faltering rate. That was the announcement of salary increases for MPs and Senators. MPs saw a 2.2 per cent base salary increase with remuneration jumping to $163,700. Senators received a 2.5 per cent bump to $138,700. By law, senators make $25,000 less than MPs. Nice when you make the laws, eh? Considering the higher you are in government the more you “earn” it’s no great surprise that the Prime Minister received a seven per cent increase and will receive an extra $163,700, for a total salary of $327,400 in 2014 – a $7,000 raise. The Speaker of the House of Commons, Opposition Leader and cabinet ministers also take home an extra $78,300. How do you like them apples, Canada, as government cuts jobs, freezes other wages and blows big money around the world?

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014 5

Residents should not accept pipeline Dear Sir, We shouldn’t accept the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines proposal. Not for jobs. The project is incredibly short on jobs for its size and implications. Neither should we ac-

cept it for the little it will contribute to public programs like education and health care. Canadians are simply being ripped off with this raw bitumen export scheme, but then Northern Gateway Pipelines wasn’t

really meant to be in our interest. It’s a plan by Big Oil to grow their profits with little regards to anything except their investors. Relentless advertising keeps showing images about how safe and how good the project is. But that

advertising ignores the dark side - that the project will add to climate change in a very big way, that it is a hog when it comes to energy use overall, the many adverse impacts it will likely have in our region, and that leaks and spills can and will

happen even with modern systems. Canceling Northern Gateway could become the first step on the road to a smarter economy in Canada. An economy that will benefit everyone without

Separating ‘ours’ from ‘yours’ Dear Sir, The whole scenario of the influx of Enbridge employees knocking on our doors telling us it is good to vote yes reminds me of the old cowboy movies of the 1950’s. The plot usually involved a cattle baron who lusts after the acreage and water rights of a small town. He sends to the town a small army of gun slingers and all around intimidators

and bad people. Enbridge’s people take a little softer approach, admittedly. Its only opposition is a small group of courageous and worthy locals who stand up to him and win the day against all odds. I hope Douglas Channel Watch will win the day as they are certainly the ‘outgunned’ locals. Another thing that annoys me, I have had a long hard

look at Enbridge’s signs that are popping up like mushrooms after a rain. We get a lot of that in Kitimat. Mushrooms, not signs. They say ‘vote yes for our future.’ What is this ‘our’? The signs are paid for by Enbridge and placed where they are by Enbridge employees. It should seem clear the ‘our’ refers to Enbridge. (Corporate profits and all that.) Not

about the best interests and future of the citizens of this fine town where I have lived for so many years. Unlike the Enbridge employees who knocked on my door late last week. One was from Vancouver the other from Calgary. So they should care about our future? Their boss’s profit? Yes. The people of Kitimat? No. Sincerely, Brian Kean

Fisheries put at risk by project Dear Sir, The United Fishermen and Allied Workers’ Union-Unifor spent two years engaged in the Enbridge Joint Review Panel (JRP) process and the hearings in Prince George and Prince Rupert. This is some of what we learned: 1. Oil companies will maintain present production levels even if the pipeline is not built. 2. The union representing Alberta refinery workers proved that the Alberta economy would be better off refining present tar sands production, than increasing production and piping it overseas.

ReadeR’s WRite New refining jobs would create provincial wealth in the form of wages, instead of pipeline profits. 3. The JRP found a large bitumen spill would cause ‘significant adverse environmental effects’ and recovery could take a very long time. Decades in the case of the Alaska Exxon Valdez spill. 4. The Panel findings were very limited as they refused to look at the impacts of a pipeline spill into important salmon rivers like the Morice, Copper or Kitimat on the

commercial or recreational sectors. 5. Expert evidence showed that, depending on the type of oil, impacts on fish will range from immediate mortality to long term effects from degraded genetics. 6. The Panel ruled that small oil spills are inevitable but accepted Enbridge’s optimism that catastrophic accidents are unlikely to happen. And clean-up will be immediate and effective. The JRP ignored northern residents’ testimony that easy and swift access to a

Pipelines have been built safely for years Dear Sir, On April 12, I’ll be voting yes in support of the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline, which has undergone thorough public and scientific scrutiny. In December, a non-partisan panel recommended moving ahead with the pipeline subject to 209 rigorous environmental and socio-economic conditions. Pipelines are not new to this country, this province, or this region.

Canadians know how to build safe pipelines — they’ve been building them since the 1850s. We’ve learned a lot in that time, and modern pipelines are the safest way to transport Canada’s oil. Northern Gateway will provide direct economic benefits to Kitimat, including 180 jobs and some $5 million in tax revenue, while ensuring our beautiful environment is protected. Sincerely, Dennis La Hue

pipeline spill was improbable after a landslide or during fall and winter storms. Nor did they listen to experienced mariners who gave evidence on the ferocity of maritime storms and the numbers of large ships that have grounded even with pilots and the latest in naviga-

tional technology. All fisheries, First Nations, recreational, and commercial rely on healthy fish resources. Freshwater and marine fish will be at too great a risk if this project goes ahead. Joy Thorkelson, Northern Representative, UFAWU-Unifor

depriving future generations of essential resources, or sacrificing nature. It’s up to us. Please say no to Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines. Sincerely, Per Norman



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Weekly Crossword Solution in the Classifieds Clues Across

1. Microelectromechanical system (abbr.) 5. Performs in a play 9. Adventure stories 14. __ Ladd, actor 15. Restore to health 16. Seize and hold by force 17. Capital of Latvia 18. Short whip used in riding 19. Lasso 20. Glass master Louis 23. Second sign of the zodiac 24. Macaws 25. Not night 26. Fastens 31. Group of natural steroid alcohols 35. Fire-Chief gasoline brand 36. Exclamation of movement joy

37. Upon 38. Pine pillow smell 41. “Music Man” librarian 43. A cloth for washing dishes 45. Adult female chicken 46. Actress Farrow 47. Less difficult 51. US Sec. of State 56. __ Antoinette, last Fr. Queen 57. Norse god of discord 58. Flat topped cluster of flowers 59. Establish by law or with authority 60. Nothing to do 61. Current units 62. Pitch sounds 63. Bono’s ex-wife 64. 19th C. political cartoonist Thomas

1. Latin singer Anthony 2. Poet T.S. 3. Earth’s molten rock 4. Goof 5. Accumulation 6. Introductory bob 7. A pace of running 8. Reddish browns 9. Outer boundary of an object 10. Continent 11. Cracidae bird 12. Imitative of artists 13. A fashionable hotel 21. R.C. church booklet 22. Guitar ridge 27. Wife in latin 28. Wife of a rajah 29. Prefix meaning outside 30. Anon

31. Switchboard (abbr.) 32. A native of Bangkok 33. Snakelike fishes 34. 20th Hebrew letter 39. Arm bands 40. Mother of Hermes 41. More farinaceous 42. Am. Nat’l. Standards Inst. 44. Popular cloved herb 45. Taunt a speaker 48. South American Indian 49. Word origins 50. Frolics 51. Tewa Village 52. Tehran is the capital 53. Tiny skin feeders 54. 10th Hebrew letter 55. Bird home 56. Was introduced to

Clues Down

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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Haisla nation stands opposed to plebiscite process Dear Sir, This late in the day, a poll of its residents has no binding effect on the project. Next week, the District of Kitimat will seek the views of its residents on Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Pipeline Project. But to what end? If anything, it will lead to further uncertainty. Deciding to hold a referendum at this late date is a slap in the face to all the work done by the Haisla Nation on this project. The Haisla Nation dedicated time and money toward testing Northern Gateway’s evidence and claims about safety and environmental protec-

tion, while the District stood by and did nothing. The review process for this project has already left town, with the District taking no position on the project. Still undecided on what its views are on the project, the District now proposes to conduct a poll, instead of examining the facts in the JRP process. A poll to vote on a JRP report that we view as wrong to begin with including the flawed process itself! Based on our participation, the Haisla Nation has determined the risks associated with Northern Gate-

ReadeR’s WRite way’s transport of diluted bitumen and condensate clearly outweighs any potential benefits. This is an informed conclusion, made after reviewing Northern Gateway’s application and evidence, and participating extensively in the Joint Review Panel process. The Haisla Nation is doing what it can to protect what is left of its Territory. The Joint Review Panel Report has failed to properly address the concerns associated with the project, which is why

the Haisla Nation has asked the Federal Court of Appeal to review the JRP’s Report. And the Haisla Nation is not alone in its challenge of the Report. Two other First Nations – Gitga’at and Git’xaala – and two environmental organizations have also challenged the Report. Enbridge Northern Gateway is desperate for public support. That is why it is conducting a media and canvassing blitz in the District to sway voters. Will the District of Kitimat be able to form

a position based on the outcome of such a plebiscite, which would have been bought by oil money, instead of based on participating in a fact finding process like the JRP? What is a yes vote that has been bought by Enbridge’s vast advertising machine worth? Does a purchased social licence hold any value at all? If it does have a price tag, it doesn’t come close to the value that the Haisla people place on what is left of Haisla Territory; especially if you look at what has happened in the Gulf of Mexico, at Kalamazoo and the effects lasting even to to-

day in Prince William for the Territory that Sound (Exxon Valdez). Haisla’s and non HaisThe Haisla Nation la’s call home. will not be swayed by a We have a choice. yes vote in the District We have more than of Kitimat plebiscite. enough projects to susIf anything, our tain the region and we membership is angry are already seeing the that it is even happen- results. Sincerely, ing at all. Ellis Ross, This project is wrong for the Haisla Haisla Nation Chief (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX Nation and it is wrong Councillor


(MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX AND AND SAVE! SAVE! Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers



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Plebiscite just a primer for November elections Dear Sir, The mayor and council’s planned April 12 plebiscite is symbolic of a weak leader, weak leadership. They want to gauge their audience in preparation for

the November 2014 municipal election. They have been reactive since the start of the Enbridge Northern Gateway proposal. They do not seek resolution/solution from the plebi-

scite. It’s all about votes in November. We need our mayor and council to change from their perpetual reactive (do nothing) position on the Enbridge Northern Gateway project to

A time to just say no Dear Sir, I have been thinking hard about why the result of our plebiscite is so important to Enbridge and have arrived at some conclusions that I would like to share with my fellow citizens of Kitimat. A plebiscite is just an opinion poll, binding on no one, least of all the federal government which will have the final say on whether Enbridge goes through or not. So that means our little vote is simply about appearances. Does Enbridge appear to have the town’s support or not? If the vote goes in their favour they can plaster it all over the millions of dollars worth of advertising they are already buying daily across the country. If not, not. They can ignore it – it’s just an opinion poll. But a funny thing is happening on the way to voting booth. Douglas Channel Watch (our

local group of foreign funded, fringe radicals and enemies of Canada (according to Prime Minister Stephen Harper) who have worked themselves to the point of exhaustion opposing Enbridge after work and on weekends) got busy putting up signs, knocking on doors, writing letters, and lo and behold the plebiscite became big news! The British Broadcasting Corporation phoned them to ask what was going on. So did our own CBC. And messages of support came pouring in from all over the world, some even sent money! I think what is happening here is that Enbridge has never been told no before. Big Oil as a whole, has never been told no, not by governments, certainly not by local citizens. And now, for the first time, anywhere in the world, they are being told no. The world is watching and we’re setting a precedent.

one of being proactive on behalf of their constituents. Or, we need a change of mayor and council this coming November. Sincerely, Tony Deni

Big Oil is accustomed to deciding what they want to do in air-conditioned offices far from where the turmoil is, and then doing exactly what they want to do, exactly the way they want to do it. It’s how they’ve always done business, everywhere. They throw large sums of money at the locals and think that it buys them a social licence to do as much environmental damage as they deem cost effective or out of their hands. But they’re being told no now in a big way by people who are unpaid volunteers who believe that there’s more future in clean water and healthy communities than in all the high risk bitumen in the Alberta tar sands. Like spoiled children they just can’t stand to be told no. On April 12 vote no. It’ll be good for them and us. Sincerely, Elizabeth Thorne

Letters Welcome The Northern Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor on relevant or topical matters. It reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. All submissions must bear the author’s name, address and telephone number. All letters must be signed. Unsigned letters will not be considered. Address your letters to: Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 E-mail: orFax: (250) 639-9373

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7

Breaking down the argument

Essas crianças encantadoras. A little girl follows along during the Luso Canadian Children’s rendition of the Chicken Dance. They were one of a number of dancing groups during the Multicultural Potluck on March 29.

Concerned about Gateway Dear Sir, We write to express our concerns about the Northern Gateway, and export of diluted bitumen (dilbit) from Kitimat through the Douglas Channel. We are pleased that you have committed to a plebescite to determine voters preferences, but we are concerned that massive spending by the proponents will bias the outcome. We believe the risks associated with this project far outweigh any short-term benefit for Kitimat, and that both the science and the economic benefits have been largely misrepresented by the industry and by the federal government. In 2012, the Canadian taxpayer benefit was about $9 per “barrel of oil equivalent”, less than one-fifth of Norway’s per-barrel return rates in the same year. Information obtained by CBC under access to information law found that the rate of overall pipeline incidents in Canada doubled between 2000 and 2011, with the highest incidence in B.C. Such incidents are much more dangerous when the product in the pipe is “dilbit”. It was diluted bitumen from the Bakken Oil Shale deposits which blew up in Lac Megantic – and had been misrepresented by the shippers as conventional crude oil. The industry implies that all “crude oil” is essentially the

same. This is untrue. There are three different products: conventional crude, synthetic crude, and dilbit. Synthetic crude oil – produced by “heavy oil upgraders” – approximates the characteristics of conventional light crude. However, such “upgraders” – actual refineries that extensively process the bitumen – are expensive, and the majority-foreign owners of the tar-sands are not building additional upgraders in Alberta, preferring to reap a larger value-add by shipping the raw product overseas, rather than refining it in Canada. So dilbit, not synthetic crude, is to be shipped via Kitimat, and attempts to spin this as “just crude oil” are an outright misrepresentation by government and industry that does not pass the “truth in advertising” test. The industry attempts to hide the composition of “dilbit” as a “trade secret”. Dilbit is known to regularly contain highly flamable and potentially carcinogenic compounds – basically whatever is cheapest diluent at the time – such as benzene, toluene, hexane, and the like. The Enbridge spill in the Kalamazoo in 2010 is an example of the problem of dilbit in and around waterways. A similar spill in the Kitimat watershed would destroy the livelihoods of a good portion of the citizenry and seriously impact property values, as happened in Kalama-

zoo. It would have serious externalized health impacts and costs, and the long term effects on wildlife and fish is immeasureable. In the challenging waters of Douglas inlet, the inevitable tanker incident will be catastrophic for Kitimat’s economy. In an area not that far removed from the Exxon Valdez disaster, one would hope many politicians and citizens would understand this. Finally, there is the question of responsible tar sands development. It has been estimated that to avoid runaway climate change, only 20 per cent of known fossil fuel reserves can be exploited. If Canada were both charging market rates and upgrading in Alberta or BC, then only a small portion of the reserves would generate the same economic benefit within Canada. James Hansen, world renouned climate scientist put it this way: “If Canada proceeds {with planned extraction and pipelines}, and we do nothing, it will be game over for the climate.” Sincerely, Abell, R.A., Porcher, I.F., Venkatasamy, R., Van der Merwe, S. J., Babot, J., Gordon Macpherson, Broomfield A.P., Katebaka, R., Nistler, J.L., Donnelly, R., Howard, N.P., Ashton, G.P.

Dear Sir, In regards to resource development and more specifically the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline (NGP), after speaking with many in our community I feel most will agree with two basic statements. 1) When exporting our natural resources, we should be able to extract as many jobs as possible from that resource. 2) Any proposed project shouldn’t cause any adverse environmental damage when comparing the risks involved with the overall benefits. Statement 1 The proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Project doesn’t adequately address this. If accepted, this project will in fact be shipping away a good portion of jobs as well as the diluted bitumen. What is currently on the table doesn’t maximize the true value of this resource by creating the associated employment opportunities with jobs such as with refining. Citizens from distant countries will. This is therefore “not in the best interests of Canadians”. This was one question tasked to the Joint Review Panel (JRP) by the National Energy Board (NEB) during the recent NGP hearings. It is in the best interests of some, including oil companies who have relentlessly lobbied the current federal government and of course Enbridge. This is clearly not in the best interests of Canadians, the people our government was elected to represent. Statement 2 When cross-examined at the JRP hearings in Prince George in October 2012, Enbridge expert witness Dr. Jack Ruitenbeek admitted that the chance of a spill of any particular size was higher than 70.9 per cent. A more accurate study was done

ReadeR’s WRite to put Enbridge’s submitted data into context. According to Dr. Shane Rollans, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, Thompson Rivers University, the chance of a medium or large spill is an alarming 87 per cent over the 50-year period of this project. There is a 60 per cent chance of at least two and 33 per cent of at least three medium or large spills. This document was admitted and received as late evidence to the JRP in their consideration of this project. Enbridge had every opportunity to dispute, challenge or cross-examine Dr. Rollans, this report and the calculations in it. They chose not to. Why? Because the calculations are accurate from the data Enbridge presented in Enbridge’s application for the NGP, to the National Energy Board. This is all data that Enbridge submitted and the risks would certainly be much higher now than when they filed their application for this project when considering: It’s Enbridge’s own data, This was presented without considering the extra expected LNG tanker traffic, The pipeline design allows for carrying capacity of 60 per cent more bitumen and 40 per cent more natural gas condensate than cited in the current proposal. After considering the two above statements, it is obvious to me that Enbridge’s inability to maximize employment opportunities and their empty environmental assurances aren’t enough to convince me the risks outweigh the rewards. I will therefore be voting no on April 12. Sincerely, Kelly Marsh








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8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9

This Saturday, vote YES for Kitimat When you do, you’ll be voting for local jobs, economic stability and a stronger Kitimat.


We share your concern for the environment. That’s why we’re committed to building a safer, better project and preserving this region’s natural beauty. For right now, and for generations to come.


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10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014

“We’re saying NO to Enbridge on April 12th.” – Vollrath Family, Kitimat Residents

Say no from Haida Gwaii Dear Sir, We want you to remember that your vote does not only impact Kitimat. We live on Haida Gwaii and a daily supertanker carrying bitumen will put our residents and livelihood at extreme risk from the tankers, not only from a catastrophic oil spill but also from allowable pollutants. We are not anti-industry. We all use fossil fuels. But this pipeline is not about that. It is about foreign interests controlling, building and profiting from our national interests. We are trying to live as we always have. Our economy comes from the ocean; our food comes from the ocean. Enbridge is trying to impose an industrial oil “way of life” on us. When the JRP came to the island, nobody supported the pipeline and tankers. When you are voting please remember those of us who do not get a say. Stand with us. The pipeline will not be built. Vote No. Sincerely, Jaalen Edenshaw

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014 11

Is the Kitimat River considered a sacrificial one? Dear Sir, Enbridge and the Joint Review Panel consider our Kitimat River, a sacrificial river. I had the opportunity to cross examine several of Enbridge’s expert witness panels during the JRP final hearings, while representing

Douglas Channel Watch. During cross examination, Enbridge admitted that two million litres of diluted bitumen could spill into the upper Kitimat River after a full bore rupture at Hunter Creek, and the spill could reach the estuary in as little as four hours. Fur-

ther questioning revealed that Enbridge’s spill response commander would take four hours or more to arrive on scene. This means over 90 per cent of the Kitimat River would have been polluted, and Enbridge would just be showing up to evaluate whether

it was safe for responders to approach and begin containing the spill site. Enbridge also admitted that burning the estuary and dredging the river bottom would be considered using a harm versus benefit analysis. Continued on page 15

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12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014

“We must take care of what we have now. I’m voting NO to Enbridge on April 12th!” – Kimberly Leighton-Santos

Ensure a clean and sustainable environment for generations, say no to the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Our land surrounds us with beauty and blesses us with delicious seafood. As the younger generation it’s our job to protect our land. Our children deserve to grow up being able to eat the fish we catch from the river and not have to fear an oil spill. No amount of money can bring back what we’re riskrisk ing! – Kimberly Leighton-Santos

On April 12th Vote No to the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Learn more at

A Message from

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014 13



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14 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014 15

Gateway much easier to try to knock them down for supporting something. “I don’t mind that my name is attached to it...we have to look at things in a whole picture. It’s unfortunate that so much of the focus is just on the pipeline when part of the conversation should be we need to transport oil, we need to generate revenue to support social programs.” Parsons has never seen the project as a simple ‘cut and dry’ matter. “It’s really easy for us, for individuals to become narrow minded on oil spills,” she said. “Oil spills and causes damage, yes, but there’s other things

that can be done,” she said, saying that the community and the province has an opportunity to work together to mitigate future challenges and address the new technologies that have made pipeline construction safer. As for how the vote will go, Parsons thinks the only surprise may be the turnout, or lack of turnout. “I don’t know that enough people would go out to cast a vote. Either way that it goes, it would have to be taken with a grain of salt,” she said if the turnout is low. But Enbridge themselves have no plans to slow down even if the vote leans to no.

“We’ve been in Kitimat for a long time. We’ve had a community office here for a long time, we’ve been running community advisory boards — we just had our 19th community advisory board meeting. We’ve had dozens of open hous-


people say their honest opinion while keeping it private if they want, she said. “It doesn’t matter if you are against the project and you’re vocal about it or you support the project and you’re vocal about it, you’re an easy target,” she said. For Parsons it was important to be a publicly visible supporter of the project. “Sometimes that’s what people need, ‘okay, it’s not so bad to say you support something.’ People have given me a hard time about it too...there’s a lot more pressure for when people do stand up to say they do support something. It’s


es...this is really just an extension of that ongoing engagement. We’ve provided information via various means for a considerable period of time now about our project,” said Van Dyk. “I think regardless of which way the vote goes, we’re still com-

mitted to working with the District of Kitimat, with community members. The outcome of the plebiscite probably doesn’t change the way Northern Gateway behaves. We’re still committed to being here and an active part of Kitimat.”

presented by


Continued from page 1 The feedback has been very positive for the engagement effort,” added Van Dyk. Among those who have put themselves out in the public eye in support of the company is Kitimat resident Trish Parsons. Parsons may be recognized from recent full page advertisements in the Sentinel, and from radio commercials, supporting the project. “This is the opportunity we’ve been provided so lets utilize the opportunity that we have for people to have a say, have a comment,” she said. Having opinion gauged in a vote helps

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Channel Watch

Jesse Donaldson, Th is Day in Vancouver BILL DUTHIE BOOKSELLERS’ CHOICE AWARD

Continued from page 1 Not to say they’ve entirely turned down volunteers. There are some who have come in from other groups or areas, but they’re not the ones who make decisions. An out-of-town volunteer has even come to Kitimat to build them a website. The group did not have one before. “The public sees what the situation we’re’s difficult for us to get the word out to the same degree that Enbridge can, and so that’s why they’re coming to us and giving us donations, giving money in our hands,” said Minchin. Thankfully for the group the donations are keeping pace with their advertising plans, said Minchin. “The first full page ad was paid for by someone in our group, and we didn’t have the money to cover it in the bank at the time but she said ‘no, we need to do this,’” he added. Whether it’s the advertising or people’s existing beliefs, from their perspective the community is mostly on their side. “People are saying really strong nos. They’re saying yes at times, ‘but...’,” said Lange. “There’s strong yeses too, but definitely there’s more nos.” One of the most surprising things however is how open people are of their opinions when they go door-knocking. Not many people will withhold their opinions. Once the campaign wraps up, they say the group has plans to disclose their spending on

their campaign. The time put in to volunteering in this effort has been extensive. Minchin said that when he’s not at work, he’s at Channel Watch meetings or responding to numerous e-mails and interview requests. Lange says it’s the same way for her, she might be exhausted at the end of the day, but people’s support is what helps energize her. As they strive to keep the group local, they also stand strong to their beliefs that they are not a radical group that will use big shows of display or protest to make a point. “Douglas Channel Watch has always been respectful of the process, respectful of all others,” said Murray, noting reporters have called them asking what they plan to do at events like Enbridge open houses, trying to pump them up, said Minchin. The group won’t take the bait though. “It’s just not who we are.” Lange made sure to mention that Douglas Channel Watch isn’t against job creation or development, but sustainability is key. “Other things people say is they like that there’s opportunity for family to be together in Kitimat. And I feel the same way, I don’t want to say ‘lets go back to horse and wagon.’ We want progress, we want sustainable development.” As for the plebiscite result itself, Lange said it will be a chance to send a message. “It feels like there’s a chance to send a message....If we say no, that sends a message to the rest of the country and hopefully to Ottawa.”

Sacrificial Continued from page 11 It is scary to contemplate how catastrophic a spill would have to be for Enbridge to consider torching the Kitimat River estuary, or, dredging the spawning gravel out of the river bottom as being beneficial. The JRP determined that spills would be “localized events” with “temporary effects”, that the environment would recover in time to something “similar” to what was

there before, and that people would “adapt”. They also considered significant adverse environmental effects (large spills) into B.C.’s salmon rivers and north coast marine environment would be “justified in the circumstances”. Then, there are the supertankers. I have difficulty understanding how anyone can support this proposal for a handful of local jobs, while it threatens thou-

sands of already existing commercial fishing and tourism related jobs in the Fraser, Skeena and Kitimat River watersheds, as well as in B.C.’s near pristine north coast marine environment. So much risk, so little gain, so much to lose. If we don’t stand up and defend our unborn great, great grandchildren’s birthright, who will? Please, join me in voting no on April 12. Sincerely, Murray Minchin

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District of kitimat

rEmiNDEr Enbridge Northern Gateway Project Non-Binding Plebiscite Voting opportunity This is a reminder that Council is seeking community opinion on the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project by having a plebiscite. General voting will be held on Saturday, April 12, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, for eligible Kitimat residents, at the following wheelchair accessible voting places: • Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary School Cafeteria, 1491 Kingfisher Ave, Kitmat, BC • Meeting Room (located in the lobby between the Tamitik Arena and the pool), Tamitik Jubilee Sports Complex, 400 City Centre, Kitimat, BC There is also one remaining advance voting opportunity at the Meeting Room (located in the lobby between the Tamitik Arena and the pool), Tamitik Jubilee Sports Complex, 400 City Centre, Kitimat, BC, on Wednesday, April 9, 2014, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Additionally, special voting opportunities will be provided on Saturday, April 12, 2014, between 1:30 and 3:00 pm at the Kitimat General Hospital (and Mountainview Lodge), 920 Lahakas Boulevard South, Kitimat, BC; and between the hours of 3:15 and 4:00 pm at Delta King Place, 701 Mountainview Square, Kitimat, BC. Note that the only persons permitted to vote at a Special Voting Opportunity are those who, being eligible electors, are residents and patients; plus persons unable to attend a regular poll. AM I ELIGIBLE? We are using the District’s existing list of electors, and if you are not on the list of electors you still have the opportunity to vote if the following qualifications are met: 1. 18 years of age or older. 2. Resident of the District of Kitimat for at least 30 days immediately preceding voting day. Please note that for this plebiscite you DO NOT have to be a Canadian citizen and a resident of BC for six months (that is only for municipal elections). Voters who are not on the list of electors will be required to produce identification, with a signature and address, proving both residency and identity. For clarification, a driver’s license, BC ID or similar card prove residency, while utility and similar statements alone will not be considered proof of residency as some persons may be renting work accommodations in Kitimat but reside elsewhere. If you have any questions please contact Warren Waycheshen at 250-632-8900.

16 Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014 A16Northern

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 Northern Sentinel

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.



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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis


The Kitimat Dynamics Gymnastics Club is seeking an Assistant Coach. Do you love children and want to assist them in learning to stay fit in a fun way? Duties: to assist with office duties and all levels of the recreational and competitive programs. Requirements: a min. of NCCP level 1 certification (or currently working towards it), first aid, and be 19 years of age or older. Consideration will be given for previous gymnastics experience and a willingness to obtain certification. Must be available evenings & weekends. Salary dependant on experience.

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: ďŹ

Roofers and Labourers Needed Immediately in Kitimat Experienced in shingles, metal and torch-on systems. Wages based on experience and production. Must be reliable. Fax resume to: (250)639-9448 or email:


Please apply with resume to:


MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR TIMESHARE. NO Risk Program STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888356-5248

For more information call:


Experienced Automotive Technician required for busy well equipped shop in Kitimat. $35/hr, medical/dental benefits. Great client base. Apply by email: or phone: 250-632-2262 HAIR STYLIST required at well established Kitimat Salon. Forward resumes to Box 33, Kitimat Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave. Kitimat, B.C. V8C 2E4 KITIMAT


Full and Part time for Coastal Taxi Send resume & driver’s abstract to PO Box 56 Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 No phone calls

Employment Business Opportunities GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website:


In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Olive Arleigh Slanina (nee Fitzgerald) December 27, 1936 - April 6, 2010

“Live, Laugh, Love. Everyday.� Loved and missed dearly Paul, Simon, Veronica, Rachel, Carrie and families.




Help Wanted

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services

WANTED: SERVICE TECHNICIAN - SUNNY THOMPSON REGION. Kamloops dealership is currently accepting applications for full-time Journeyman & Apprentice RV Technicians. All applicants must have direct RV experience, possess own tools, have a positive attitude, strong work ethic, and take great pride in the work they perform. It is our goal to provide an exceptional customer experience for all our clients. We place great emphasis on customer satisfaction and quality workmanship and need people who will help us maintain this goal. We truly care about our employees and provide a positive, happy work environment with competitive wages and benefits. Requirements: - Possess Own Tools - Be Journeyman/Red Seal or period 1, 2, 3 Registered Apprentice RV Technician - Possess Valid Class 5 BCDL (Air/51 Endorsement an asset) - Excellent attendance - Self-motivated team player - Keen attention to detail - Maintain a positive attitude under pressure - Committed to lifelong learning If this sounds like a good fit and you possess the above mentioned qualifications we want to hear from you. How to Apply: With resume and references to: Attention: Service Manager By Email: By Fax: (250) 851-9775 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE





Richard James Cloakey April 3, 1940 to February 18, 2014

Richard passed away peacefully, comforted by his wife, on February 18, 2014 at the Grey Nuns Hospital in Edmonton, AB at the age of 73. Richard was born in Calgary Alberta on April 3, 1940 to Sarah Annie and John Cloakey of Black Diamond, Alberta. He grew up on the farm at Black Diamond with his brothers Robert and Larry. He worked mostly in Northern BC, mining asbestos, copper, coal and finally as owner of the Crooked Creek Store and Post Office in Alberta. Richard loved his many family pets, especially dogs Skye and Spinner, and Baby and Streak, the cats. He enjoyed wildlife and the outdoors all his life. Richard told many stories about living and working in Cassiar, Granisle, Kemano, and Tumbler Ridge, BC. Most of all he enjoyed time spent with family and his many friends. Richard was predeceased by his parents and brothers. Richard is survived by his wife Vickie and children Elizabeth (Gord Klassen), John (Vicki), Joyce, step-children David Neraasen (Stephanie) and Lisa Neraasen (Jose) and by his grandsons Ian, Alex, Ryan and Luke, his niece Lori and grandnephew TJ. Richard leaves many friends who will miss him, especially Dane and Ruby Mortensen, Ashley and Alyssa, his good buddy Paul Kyle and old friend Jim Penman. The family would like to express our thanks to the Doctors and Nurses of the ICU at the Grey Nuns Hospital in Edmonton for the care and kindness showed Richard and all of us during his time there. A celebration of Richard’s life is planned in July. Please contact the family for details.



Food safe and serving it right considered an asset. E-mail resume to: Or Drop off resume at 607 Legion Ave, Kitimat

Employment Trades, Technical CNC MAZAK MACHINISTS. Live, work & play in sunny Shuswap. ISO Certified, Excellent Safety record, Spotless shop. New machines & Brand new building on the way 50K-80K+ /yr + OT and bonuses. Multiple positions available for the RIGHT people. 4+ Axis experience an asset. Apply by: Fax: 250-832-8950



Help Wanted

Help Wanted



GEIER WASTE SERVICES is looking for a


with a class 3 Driver's License, with air, to operate front load Garbage Truck and roll off Bin Truck. You will be required to service and do light mechanical repairs. Monday to Friday with weekends and holidays off. Competitive wages and benefits. For more information or to drop off your resume, contact Laura or Rob at: 250-632-4689 or 250-638-1100 202-4644 Lazelle Ave., Terrace, BC V8G 4A2


is looking to fill the IMMEDIATE full time position of


The successful applicant must have a valid driver’s license, clean drivers abstract and must be able to operate both a manual and automatic transmission. They must also have the ability to multi task, be in good physical condition and show attention to detail. Duties include lot maintenance, vehicle cleanup and detailing, running customers, vehicles, or parts and general dealership tasks. Come and join the fastest growing automotive team in the Northwest! Please apply in person to 405 Enterprise Ave. in Kitimat. Ask for Todd Bellamy, General Manager.

Professionals Connecting Professionals

Top Employers NOW HIRING

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014A17 17

Northern Sentinel Wednesday, April 9, 2014





Trades, Technical

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Fabricators, Millwrights, Welders and Industrial Painters Timber West Mill Construction is currently hiring Fabricators, Millwrights, Welders and Industrial Painters. Resumes accepted by fax (250) 964-0222 or e-mail


Req. at Canuck Mechanical in Prince George. Must have exp. doing service work & be proficient with trouble shooting heating systems & plumbing problems. Top wages & benefits Email resume to:


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Financial Services IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. your credit / age / income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Housing Coordinator The Gitksan Government Commission requires a full-time Housing Coordinator to provide on-going assistance to Gitanmaax, Glen Vowell, Kispiox and Gitanyow communities. Headquartered in scenic Hazelton, B.C. this position will be of interest to someone who would enjoy the challenging role of providing assistance and advice to First Nations in the coordination, planning and implementation of community based housing plans; review and assist with the processing of applications for CMHC On-Reserve Social Housing and Residential Rehabilitation Programs; ensuring that all residential construction is carried out to Building Codes; assisting communities identify other sources of funding for housing construction; the provision of on-site training related to housing file maintenance; monitoring and assisting with the provision of housing budgets to communities; assisting and ensuring enforcement of housing policies; and participating in the overall project management responsibilities of the Commission. The successful candidate will have: • a minimum of five years experience managing multiple housing projects from the development of design through to construction; formal training will be an asset • excellent organizational, presentation and communication skills, experience in networking, building and maintaining community relationships and have the ability to liaise effectively with multiple stakeholders; • innovation and be self motivated; • strong inter-personal skills, team player and the ability to work independently; • computer experience in MS Excel, Word and Outlook; • working knowledge of Indian and Northern Affairs program requirements and experience working with First Nation communities; • must possess a valid driver’s license and be willing to carry out a criminal record check. Qualified candidates are requested to submit a covering letter, resume and a minimum of three references with salary expectations to:

Gitksan Government Commission

P.O. Box 335, HAZELTON, B.C. V0J 1Y0 Phone: 250-842-2248 or Fax: 250-842-6299 Email: Deadline for receipt of applications is 4:00 pm April 17, 2014 ONLY THOSE SELECTED FOR AN INTERVIEW WILL BE CONTACTED.

Haisla Nation Council Haisla Nation Council has an immediate opening for the postion of:


FUNCTION: The Clerk is responsible to the Haisla Nation Council for performing the Corporate Clerk and Secretarial Affairs of the Haisla Nation. DUTIES: • To be responsible for the preparation, maintenance, and safe preservation of the minute books and other records of the business of Haisla Nation Council and its Committees; • To have custody of all laws, policies and guidelines and, having seen to their proper completion, to be responsible for the preservation and safe keeping of the originals; • To assist the HNC elected representatives with preparations for meetings, and any other corporate matters coming within his/her jurisdiction, and to assist members in preparing documents required for the fulfillment of their functions; • To ensure that all resolutions passed by Haisla Nation are carried out, and to report thereon to HNC; • To ensure that all laws, policies, and procedures are properly administered; • To attend to the preparation and custody of corporate documents of the Haisla Nation; • To attend all Committee meetings, as well as Advisory Committees, representing the Haisla Nation, as required; • To follow the HNC personnel policy and manual; • To exercise such other powers and carry out additional related tasks and functions, as may be assigned from time to time by HNC. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: • Diploma in Public Administration or a combination of five years work experience in a Management position. • Knowledge of First Nations government. • Knowledge of the Haisla culture, language and traditions. • Good interpersonal skills. • Good organizational skills. • Demonstrated ability to develop policy, procedures. • Demonstrated ability to represent the Haisla Nation in a positive manner. • Proficient knowledge and use of computer of technology. • Ability to travel and work flexible hours. Interested individuals should submit a cover letter, names of three (3) references and the express permission for Haisla Nation Council (HNC) to contact these references, as well as your resumes to: Stephanie McClure, Human Resources Manager, Haisla Nation Council Haisla PO Box 1101 Kitamaat Village, BC V0T 2B0 Phone (250) 639-9361, ext. 204 Fax (250) 632-2840 Email: No later than 4 pm on Thursday, April 17, 2014. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those short-listed will be contacted.

Haisla Nation Council Haisla Nation Council has an immediate opening for the Interim Position of:


DUTIES: • Is responsible to coordinate an annual program of activities for the youth of the community. Must ensure that there are structured and organized events ongoing on a daily/weekly basis in the community; • Provides supervision to the youth program and workers in attendance at the programs; • Is responsible to maintain the gymnasium and recreation areas in a safe & neat manner; • Actively recruits volunteers for the planned activities such as chaperones for the dances, and coaches for the sports teams; • Acts in the capacity as a youth advisor as the role is front line for teenagers and children who may be troubled or who simply want to express their concerns confidentially; • Follows HNC policies; • Provides services according to the personal action plans to children and their families who are at risk of apprehension; • Accompanies MCFD/NIFCS social workers during home visits; • Works with youth individually and in groups in the areas of social skills, life skills, and self-esteem; • Establishes mentoring opportunities for parents, children and youth; • Organizes and coordinates meetings, workshops, youth conferences and specific projects dealing with suicide prevention, budgeting and employment issues and the emotional and physical issues associated with domestic violence; • Participates as a part of a multidisciplinary mental health team; • Liaises with doctors, lawyers, court, school and other professionals; • Other related duties as required by the Health Director. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: • Human Services Worker diploma; • At least two years’ experience working with the youth; • A valid class five (5) driver’s license and reliable transportation • Knowledge of the Haisla culture and ability to network effectively in the community; • Excellent communication skills; • Willingness to work flexible hours and some weekends when necessary; • Successful completion of criminal records search. Interested individuals should submit a cover letter, names of three (3) references and the express permission for Haisla Nation Council (HNC) to contact these references, as well as your resumes to: Stephanie McClure, Human Resources Manager, Haisla Nation Council Haisla PO Box 1101 Kitamaat Village, BC V0T 2B0 Phone (250) 639-9361, ext. 204 Fax (250) 632-2840 Email: No later than 4 pm on Thursday, April 17, 2014. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those short-listed will be contacted.

18 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014 A18


Real Estate

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 Northern Sentinel


Financial Services

Other Areas

Homes for Rent

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HOUSES, Townhouses, Duplexes for Rent in Kitimat 2/3/4 bd units. Furnished and Unfurnished Suites Professional property management by Randall North Real Estate Services Inc. Visit us online @

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 UNFILED TAX Returns? Unreported Income? Avoid Prosecution and Penalties. Call a Tax Attorney First! 1855-668-8089 (Monday-Friday 9-6 ET).

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Starting at $725 Balconies Security Entrances Cameras for your safety Now includes basic cable Visit our Website Phone: 250.632.APTS (2787)

HEAVY DUTY sled deck, power tilt, hook to truck battery $2000 obo. Burns Lake call (250) 649- 8004

Real Estate For Sale By Owner KITIMAT HOME FOR SALE 4 bdrm Executive in quiet neighbourhood. Legal suite in basement. Double carport, new windows, new roof, new gas furnace, new hot water tank, new water line, new perimeter, new deck. Two storage sheds. Call for more information 250-632-4616 Kitimat House for Sale 15 Stikine St. Well maintained, updated, 1,100 sq ft, 3 bdrm house. 1.5 car garage/storage, covered deck and garden shed. $325,000 obo. 250-632-5566 Kitimat House for Sale 5 Nass St. Well maintained, updated, approx. 1,400 sq ft, 3 bdrm house with large family rm. Covered deck and garden shed. $285,000 obo. 250-632-5566


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1989 SUN RUNNER boat. 21.5 feet, 125 aq Volvo inboard motor, Merc leg, excellent running condition. $7000 (250) 698-7533 leave a message we will call you back. Pictures available.

Misc. for Sale

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online:

TOWNHOMES in KITIMAT 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath, carport Start $700. Sorry no Pets. Call Greg 639-0110


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STEEL BUILDINGS. Hot savings - Spring sale! 20x24 $4,348. 25x24 $4,539. 30x30 $6,197. 32x36 $7,746. 40x46 $12,116. 47x72 $17,779. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. Or online:



• • •

QUATSINO APTS KITIMAT Downtown location Balconies Security Entrances Some furnished suites Call for an appointment 250.632.4511





Sealed tenders marked “Bristol Road Upgrade Construction Contract 2013-1439-1” will be received no later than 3:00 pm local time on Monday May 5, 2014 by the Terrace Kitimat Airport Society at the office of McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. Suite #1 – 5008 Pohle Avenue, Terrace, BC V8G 4S8. This tender is for the construction of storm water, sanitary sewer, water main, shallow utilities and road construction on Bristol Road. The owner reserves the right to reject any or all of the Tenders and the lowest tender will not necessarily be accepted. Tender Documents may be viewed at the TerraceKitimat Airport Administration Office or at McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. Suite #1 – 5008 Pohle Avenue, Terrace, B.C on or after April 10, 2014. A recommended pre-tender meeting will be held on April 29, 2014 at the Terrace Kitimat Airport Administration Building at 10:00 a.m. Tender documents may be obtained at no cost in PDF on or after April 10, 2014 from McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd., Suite #1 – 5008 Pohle Avenue, Terrace, BC V8G 4S8, or by hard copy for a non-refundable deposit of $150.00 made payable to McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. Project Engineer contact: Joel Barkman, P.Eng. Phone: (250) 631-4071 or





NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF DOUGLAS CHANNEL LNG ASSETS NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF DOUGLAS CHANNEL LNG ASSETS PARTNERSHIP, DOUGLAS CHANNEL GAS SERVICES LTD., LNG PARTNERSHIP, DOUGLAS CHANNEL GAS SERVICES LTD., LNG CAPITAL CAPITAL FINANCE FINANCE LTD., LTD., LNG LNG BC BC PROJECTS PROJECTS LTD., LTD., DCEP DCEP GAS GAS MANAGEMENT LTD., LNG PARTNERS LLC, BC LNG EXPORT COMANAGEMENT LTD., LNG PARTNERS LLC, BC LNG EXPORT COOPERATIVE LLC, DOUGLAS CHANNEL ENERGY PARTNERSHIP OPERATIVE LLC,referred DOUGLAS CHANNEL ENERGY (hereinafter to collectively as the “AffectedPARTNERSHIP Parties”) RE: NOTICE OF CLAIMS PROCESS FOR THE AFFECTED PARTIES PURSUANT TO (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Affected Parties”) THE COMPANIES’ CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT ACT (“CCAA”) This NOTICE notice isOF being published pursuant an order of the PARTIES Supreme PURSUANT Court of British RE: CLAIMS PROCESS FORtoTHE AFFECTED TO Columbia dated March 31, 2014 (the “Claims Process Order”) which approved a claims THE COMPANIES’ CREDITORS ACT (“CCAA”) process for the determination of ARRANGEMENT certain claims against the Affected Parties and/or their Directors and/or Officers. The claims process only applies to the Claims of Creditors This notice is being published pursuant to an order of the Supreme Court of British described in the Claims Process Order. A copy of the Claims Process Order and other Columbia dated March 31, 2014the(theCCAA “Claims Process Order”) which approved claims public information concerning proceedings can be obtained on the awebsite of Grant Thornton Limited, the Court-Appointed Monitor of the Affected Parties (the process for the determination of certain claims against the Affected Parties and/or their “Monitor”) at Directors and/or Officers. The claims process only applies to the Claims of Creditors creditor_updates/douglas. Any personinwho have a claimOrder. against their described the may Claims Process A any copyofofthetheAffected ClaimsParties Processand/or Orderany andofother Directors and/or Officers should carefully review and comply with the Claims Process public Order. information concerning the CCAA proceedings can be obtained on the website of Thornton the Court-Appointed Monitor the Affected Parties (the AnyGrant person having aLimited, Claim against any of the Affected Partiesofand/or any of their Directors and/or Officers arising or relating to the period prior to November 7, 2013 (the “Filing “Monitor”) at Date”), which would have been a claim provable in bankruptcy had the Affected Parties creditor_updates/douglas. become bankrupt on the Filing Date and who does not receive a Claim Amount Notice with their Claims Package, or who receives a Claim Amount Notice with their Claims Any person may have a claimoragainst of theClaim Affected Parties and/or anyAmount of their Package butwho disputes the amount natureany of their as listed in their Claim Notice, must sendOfficers a Proof should of Claim to the Monitor, to becomply received theClaims Monitor by no Directors and/or carefully review and withbythe Process later than 5:00 p.m. (Vancouver time) on April 30, 2014 (the “Claims Bar Date”). Order. Proofs of Claim for Claims arising as a result of a restructuring, disclaimer, resiliation, termination, or breach by any of the PartiesParties on or and/or after the Date of any Any person having a Claim against anyAffected of the Affected anyFiling of their Directors contract, lease, employment agreement, lease or other agreement or arrangement of any and/or Officers arising or relating priorreceived to November 7, 2013 (the “Filing nature whatsoever, whether writtento or the oral,period must be by the Monitor by no later than: (a)which the Claims Bar Date; (b) provable 5:00 onAffected the day Parties which Date”), would have been aand claim bankruptcy time) had the is ten (10) days after the date of the Notice of Disclaimer or Resiliation sent by the become bankrupt on the Filing Date and who does not receive a Claim Amount Notice Monitor to such creditor. with theiravoidance Claims Package, who receives a Claim Noticeanywith theirAffected Claims For the of doubt, or any claim a creditor may Amount have against of the Parties must be filed the in accordance with the process Package but disputes amount or nature of their Claimsetasforth listedininthe theirClaims Claim Process Amount Order. Creditors requiring more information or who have not received a Proof of Claim Notice, send a Proofshould of Claim to thetheMonitor, receivedatby(604) the 443-2173/(403) Monitor by no form or must Claims Package contact Monitortobybe telephone 296-3143 (604) 685-6569 time) or email at later than fax 5:00atp.m. (Vancouver on April 30, 2014 (the “Claims Bar Date”). or visit the Monitor’s web site at: bankruptcy_and_insolvency/creditor_updates/douglas. Proofs of Claim for Claims arising as a result of a restructuring, disclaimer, resiliation, UNLESS EXPRESSLY THE CLAIMS ORDER, HOLDERS termination, or breach byPROVIDED any of theINAffected Parties onPROCESS or after the Filing Date of any OF CLAIMS THAT DO NOT FILE PROOFS OF CLAIM WITH THE MONITOR BY contract, lease, employment agreement, leaseABOVE or other SHALL agreement or arrangement of any THE APPLICABLE DEADLINE SPECIFIED NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY FURTHER NOTICE OR DISTRIBUTION UNDER A PLAN, IF ANY, OR OF ANY nature whatsoever, whether written or oral, must be received by the Monitor by no later PROCEEDS OF SALE OF ANY OF THE AFFECTED PARTIES’ ASSETS, OR TO than: (a) the Claims Bar Date; and p.m.PROCEEDINGS (Vancouver time) theAFFECTED day which PARTICIPATE AS A CREDITOR IN (b) THE5:00 CCAA OFon THE PARTIES, AND SHALL BE PROHIBITED FROM MAKING OR ENFORCING ANY is ten (10) days after the date of the Notice of Disclaimer or Resiliation sent CLAIM by the AGAINST ANY OF THE AFFECTED PARTIES AND/OR ANY OF THEIR DIRECTORS Monitor such creditor. AND/ORtoOFFICERS. ADDITIONALLY, ANY CLAIMS SUCH CREDITOR MAY HAVE AGAINST ANY OF THE AFFECTED PARTIES AND/OR ANY OF THEIR DIRECTORS For the avoidance of doubt, any claim a creditor may have against any of the Affected AND/OR OFFICERS SHALL BE FOREVER BARRED.

Parties must be filed in accordance with the process set forth in the Claims Process Order. Creditors requiring more information or who have not received a Proof of Claim form or Claims Package should contact the Monitor by telephone at (604) 443-2173/(403) Tom Fletcher fax at (604) 685-6569 or email at WorkSafeBC investigation documented inspec296-3143 WorkSafeBC has assessed penalties totalling tions and efforts to clean up dust in sawmills or visit the Monitor’s web site at: more than $1 million against Babine Forest Prod- fore the explosions, and a more intense inspection uctsbankruptcy_and_insolvency/creditor_updates/douglas. for violations of worker safety law and regu- system has been put in place for mills across the lations that led to the 2012 explosion and fire at province. Labour Minister Shirley Bond said the EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THE Babine CLAIMS PROCESS ORDER, HOLDERS penalty is “probably the largest ever astheUNLESS Burns Lake sawmill. TheCLAIMS decision includes an “administrative pen- sessed BritishWITH Columbia” rejected suggesOF THAT DO NOT FILE PROOFS OF inCLAIM THEand MONITOR BY alty” of $97,000 for violations and $914,139.62 in tions that it was simply to get back some of the THE APPLICABLE DEADLINE SPECIFIED ABOVE SHALL NOT BE ENTITLED TO a “claims cost levy” based on costs of compensa- money paid out to workers and their families. ORworkers. DISTRIBUTION UNDER A PLAN, IF ANY, ORsuggest OF ANY “It is done very rarely, and to this is tionANY paid FURTHER out for injuryNOTICE or death of It was calculated from total payouts by WorkSafeBC of cost recovery is simply wrong,” Bond said. “EmPROCEEDS OF SALE OF ANY OF THE ployers AFFECTED PARTIES’ ASSETS, OR TO more than $5 million for the incident. pay premiums with every pay period to PARTICIPATE AS Adied CREDITOR IN THE PROCEEDINGS THE AFFECTED Two mill workers and 20 others wereCCAA actually cover the costs OF of accidents.” injured when an explosion and fire tore through NDP labour critic Harry Baines he exPARTIES, AND SHALL BE PROHIBITED FROM MAKING OR ENFORCING ANYsaid CLAIM the Babine Forest Products sawmill on January pects the company will exercise its option to apANY 23, OF 2012 THE aAFFECTED PARTIES AND/OR ANY OF THEIR DIRECTORS 20,AGAINST 2012. On April similar explosion peal. killed two workers and injured 22 more at Lake“These SUCH administrative penalties not do AND/OR OFFICERS. ADDITIONALLY, ANY CLAIMS CREDITOR MAYwillHAVE land Mills in Prince George. The explosions have anything to keep workers safe, which is what the AGAINST ANY OF THE AND/OR ANYfamilies OF THEIR DIRECTORS and their are now focused on,” been traced to accumulated dry,AFFECTED fine sawdustPARTIES gen- victims Baines said. The Council of Forest Industries has erated by cutting dry woodSHALL killed byBE theFOREVER mountain BARRED. AND/OR OFFICERS

Mill gets hefty $1mil fine

pine beetle, then ignited by hot equipment. The

developed its own standard for dust control.

Mystery text threats March 25 A teenager had some explaining to do after police tracked the individual down following an abandoned 9-1-1 call. Police traced the call to a payphone at City Centre Mall and nearby teens said another had dialed the number “to show off” to friends. The teen admitted as much when stopped near the pedestrian overpass. Police explained the seriousness of the incident to him, and his parents were going to be contacted shortly after. A Honda generator was stolen from the back of a company vehicle sometime over the March 21-24 weekend. Vehicle was parked in the west parking lot of the Rio Tinto Alcan worker camp. Generator was secured by straps. No damage was otherwise reported. March 27 A resident called to have three firearms taken away by RCMP. The guns, a shotgun and two rifles, belonged to the resident’s father-in-law and the person decided to call the police to dispose of the firearms when some youths began taking an interest in them during a garage sale. Ownership of the guns properly transferred and police say they will be destroyed. St. Anthony’s school was broken in to over spring break. A staff member at the school there to grab some items noticed his desk had been gone through and book order money was missing. Other offices appeared to have been gone through as well. There was no reported damage to the building. March 28 A person’s car on Capilano Street was reportedly entered by someone who took off with a new in box Garmin GPS device, plus $20. The vehicle owner said he must have left the door unlocked as there was no damage to the vehicle. March 29 A complainant called the police to report text messages from an unknown number demanding money. The texts, the person say, began by referring to his first name. The texts then began to say that his ex-girlfriend had been hit by a car, but speaking to the woman later revealed she was not hit by a car. Messages then began to suggest the woman might be “targeted” if the person didn’t pay the sender money. Individual confident that the messages were someone “messing” with him, and had wanted police assistance hoping officers could trace the call. The source of the messages has not been found out. Tires on a vehicle were reported slashed, likely taking place between 5:30 a.m. and 5:50 a.m. on March 28, at the Kuldo Boulevard apartment building parking lot. No suspects or witnesses. Incident reportedly mainly for insurance purposes. March 30 A possible fight was reported outside Vitality Centre with yelling and swearing, but on police arrival no one could be found in an altercation. About 20 minutes later a male attended the Kitimat Detachment asking if police were looking for him as he was one of the persons involved in the incident. Person reported he was in an alleged verbal argument with another person, relating to a different police file. Nothing physical took place, file was concluded. Anyone with information on crimes can call Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or call the Kitimat detachment at 250-632-7111.

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014 19

Distracted driving is the new drunk driving Tom Fletcher More people are dying from distracted driving than drinking and driving, and that

has caused Attorney General statistics from 2012 show 81 Suzanne Anton to reconsider deaths from distracted drivif B.C.’s penalties are tough ing in the year, compared to T:7.3125” enough. Anton said the latest 55 related to impaired driv-

ing. B.C.’s Motor Vehicle Act currently sets a $167 fine for talking on a hand-held mobile phone.

Police Beat

“We’re excited for new opportunities. We’re voting yes.”


the rice Family, Kitimat

“Our family moved to Kitimat in 1996, and we’ve been here ever since. The kids are excited about the future here in Kitimat. That’s a big change from two years ago, when pretty much every kid had to leave. We like the idea of a project like Northern Gateway because of what it’s going to do for this town. It’s going to create long-term jobs, the kids are getting trained as we speak, and they’re excited about it. We’re confident they’re going to get well-paying jobs and have a very good life right here in Kitimat. And that’s why we’re voting yes.”

on april 12, vote yes

20 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Oil Spill Truth #1:

Oil spill “cleanup” is a myth.

10 Truths About Oil Spills That Every British Columbian Should Know March 24, 2014 was the 25th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. To help remember the spill, and to provide a dose of reality in the face of millions of dollars of advertising for the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline, here are 10 truths about oil spills that every British Columbian should know: 1. Oil spill cleanup is a myth: Once oil is spilled, the battle is lost. Rarely is more than 10 per cent of a marine spill ever recovered. Exxon spent more than $2 billion trying to clean up its Alaska spill, but recovered less than seven per cent. 2. Oil spills cause long-term environmental damage: Twenty-five years after the Alaska spill, scientists are finding oil on the beaches that in some cases is just as fresh and toxic as if it had been spilled only a few weeks ago. Some populations, such as Pacific herring and the AT1 killer whale pod have never recovered. 3. Oil spill restoration is impossible: Once a coastal or marine ecosystem is “broken,” it cannot be “fixed.” All the money in the world can’t repair a destroyed ecosystem or the human communities that depend on it. 4. Taxpayers are on the hook: Oil spill “cleanup” costs are covered by international cleanup funds up to only $1.4 billion. Taxpayers would be on the hook for as much as $22 billion if an Exxon-sized spill occurred in B.C.

Oil Spill Truth #2:

Time doesn’t heal all wounds.

5. Enbridge has zero liability: If there’s a spill outside its marine terminal, Enbridge is not responsible. This lack of responsibility is compounded by the fact that tanker companies use numbered companies to reduce their liability and financial risk in the event of a spill. 6. Double-hull tankers do not eliminate the risk of oil spills: Enbridge has acknowledged that approximately 30 double-hull tanker incidents have been reported over the past 20 years. At least one of these, the Volgoneft, spilled 1,300 tonnes of oil into the Black Sea after suffering a structural failure during a storm. 7. Government officials play down the risk of an oil spill: Seeking approval to build the Trans Alaska Pipeline in the 1970s, industry and government promised oil would be shipped safely from Alaska, and “not one drop” would be spilled thanks to fail-safe technologies. BP and Shell made similar promises before their drilling rig accidents in 2010 and 2012. We’ve heard the same “world-class” promises in Canada, at a time when coast guard resources and environmental emergency response centres are being cut in B.C.



There is oil on beaches in Alaska as toxic as if it had been spilled only a few weeks ago.

Exxon Valdez: 25 years later

8. The coastal economy would be destroyed: An oil spill would have devastating impacts on B.C.’s marine economy. Marine sectors on the north and central coasts and Haida Gwaii generate $386.5 million in revenue and provide 7,620 direct, indirect, and induced jobs. 9. Coastal First Nations have already banned oil tankers from their traditional territories: In upholding our ancestral laws, rights and responsibilities, the Coastal First Nations have declared that oil tankers carrying crude oil will not be allowed to transit our lands and waters. It is a sacred duty to pass our territories and culture on to following generations in good order. 10. Oil spills will be an issue in the next federal election: The Conservatives are the only political party that supports the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline and oil tankers project. British Columbians will have a chance to vote against those who put our coast at risk of an oil spill in October 2015.

If we care about B.C.’s north coast and the people that live there, then we will reject the Northern Gateway pipeline and oil tankers project. The Coastal First Nations invite all concerned citizens to support our oil tanker ban by signing a declaration of support at:

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