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1st 1st Nations Nations education: education: Kids Kids give give meaning meaning to to adminstrators’ adminstrators’efforts efforts Page Page 33
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Islanders forced to swallow ferry cuts Kristen Kristen Douglas Douglas
Campbell CampbellRiveR RiveRmiRRoR miRRoR
Quadra Quadra Island Island isis “dying “dying aa slow slow death deathby byferry” ferry”one oneresident residenttold toldthe the crowd crowdassembled assembledWednesday Wednesdaynight night atataameeting meetingtotodiscuss discussBC BCFerries Ferries cuts. cuts. About About65 65people peoplegathered gatheredatatthe the Quadra QuadraIsland IslandCommunity CommunityCentre Centre toto listen listen toto Ferry Ferry Advisory Advisory Chair Chair Paul PaulRyan Ryanand andQuadra QuadraDirector DirectorJim Jim Abram Abramdiscuss discussthe thenewly-unveiled newly-unveiled ferry ferryschedule. schedule. The Theprovince provincethreatened threatenedtotocut cutthe the last lastrun runofofthe thenight nighton onboth bothsides sidesofof the theCampbell CampbellRiver-Quadra River-Quadraroute, route, seven sevendays daysaaweek, week,but butRyan Ryantold toldBC BC Ferries Ferriesstaff staffininMarch Marchthat thatresidents residents were wereopposed opposedtotosuch suchaamodel. model. The Thealternative? alternative? To Tocut cutone oneearly earlyevening eveningrun runleavleaving ingeach eachside sideofofthe theroute. route. The The 6:15 6:15 p.m. p.m. sailing sailing leaving leaving Campbell CampbellRiver Riverand andthe the5:50 5:50p.m. p.m. sailing sailing leaving leaving Quadra Quadra Island Island are are expected expectedtotobe beeliminated eliminatedstarting starting Continued Continuedon onPg. Pg.55
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PPaul Rudan/The MiRRoR aul Rudan/The MiRRoR
Wrong turn Wrong turn A firefighter disconnects the battery on a smashed-up Kia whose driver made an ill-advised left turn Thursday morning. According
A firefighter disconnects the battery on a smashed-up Kia whose driver made an ill-advised left turn Thursday morning. According to toRCMP, RCMP,the thedriver driverturned turnedleft leftand andstruck struckthe theblack blackNissan Nissanheading headingthrough throughthe thegreen greenlight lightat atJubilee JubileeParkway Parkwayand andSouth SouthDogwood Dogwood Street. Street.No Noone onewas wasinjured injuredand andthe theKia Kiatook tookthe theworst worstof ofthe thecollision. collision.
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FRiDaY,APRIL apRil11, 11,2014 2014 | | CAMPBELL CampbellRIVER RiveRMIRROR miRRoR | | 33 FRIDAY,
First Nations education takes a step forward Paul Rudan Campbell RiveR miRRoR
On paper, the highly educated administrators and teachers of aboriginal students have written key words like: rationale, evidence, identity and achievement. Important words, but they say far less in contrast to what the kids have put down on paper and created: Drawings of aboriginal spirits, memories from first grade, positive thoughts about school, along with handmade drums, paddles, masks and button blankets. These things speak of pride in self, culture and community, and that makes the educators’ words entirely meaningful. “Children are at the centre of all we do,� says Greg Johnson, principal of aboriginal education for the Campbell River school district. It’s Wednesday and Rotary Hall at the Maritime Heritage Centre is decorated with the children’s art and their writings. It’s on display so the educators can see the “fruits� of their efforts to continually improve opportunities for aboriginal students to succeed in the classroom and in life. “This community, though, is on the right path I believe,� says keynote speaker Ray Wilson. Representatives from the school district and the local Aboriginal Education Advisory Council – including
Paul Rudan/The MiRRoR
Little Teddy bears proudly wear their button blankets, handmade by First Nations elementary students.
representatives from local bands – are meeting to work out details of the Fourth Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement. It’s significant because no other school district in the province is on its fourth agreement. “We’re very proud of that. This group works very well together,� says Michele Babchuk, chair of the board for School District 72. Several others echoed her comments and are also proud of the fact this school district is taking a leading role in advancing education for First Nations students. It also couldn’t be more timely. On Thursday, the Assembly of First Nations released the document “A framework to achieve success in First Nations education� which reads in
part: “Canada and First Nations have expressed and advanced the priority of nurturing, enabling and supporting the success of all First Nation children through quality, culturally relevant education. Canada must agree that this can only be achieved through fundamental change starting with the recognition and implementation of First Nations control of First Nations education.� That’s a national agenda, but here in B.C., the Ministry of Education is advocating a co-operative effort. The Campbell River council is leading the way, but the members aren’t content to rest on their laurels. “We have great teachers, councillors, education assistants, administrators, support workers and even
tutors that are available for First Nations students,� says Wilson. “All of these resources aren’t even being used to their full potential. We need to start raising our expectations for our children!� Wilson should know. He’s a member of the Lekwiltok Nation, grew up on the Cape Mudge reserve on Quadra Island, went to school in
Campbell River, starred on the B.C. champion Carihi basketball team, and then returned to Carihi as a teacher. He acknowledges the success of the aboriginal enhancement agreements, but says more needs to be done. “Far too many times I still see our kids lost and wandering the halls, with no connection to school or culture. I want our kids to not only come to school, but to be excited to be in school,� he says. Since the enhancement agreements began, there have been significant improvements in literacy and numeracy skills for aboriginal students in Kindergarten to Grade 12. Just as important, says Wilson, First Nations students and their parents are embracing their heritage and traditions. “We need to get away from the notion that aboriginal students must leave their culture at the door and adopt Western approaches to education and curriculum to succeed,� he says.
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Ferries: Residents outline impact of route cuts
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Continued from Pg. 1
April 28. Ryan said the decision wasn’t an easy one but his hand was forced during a meeting March 21 between the Ferry Advisory Committee, BC Ferries, and a handful of Quadra community members. He said originally it was a choice between cutting the late sailing or a BC Ferries alternative of cutting a mid-day sailing. “What we came up with I think is probably as good as we can expect given the set of circumstances that we had to work under and I know it’s not going to please everyone and I know it’s going to be a real pain for a lot of people,” Ryan said. “We will be watching very closely.
If it’s going to be a serious issue we can change some sailings around but we can’t add a run.” Ryan said during the March 21 meeting, BC Ferries admitted runs would be cut – even if the mandated $185,000 in annual savings on the Campbell River/Quadra route could be found by other means. “They told us that the province is mandated that they will cut nine runs a week, no matter how much money is involved,” Ryan said. At that point, Abram stepped in. “The way they actually put it is, ‘this is not about saving money this is about cutting runs,’ that was their exact comment,” said Abram, which prompted shocked
2x6 VIU
gasps from the crowd gathered at the Quadra community centre. Forced with making a decision on an altered ferry schedule, what Ryan and his group came up with is a schedule that sees sailings during the first half of the day run five minutes earlier. Sailings in the afternoon leave 10-15 minutes later, depending on the time. The last run of the day will leave Campbell River at 9:55 p.m. on weekdays, instead of 10:30 p.m., and the last boat to leave Quadra will run at 9:25 p.m. The last sailing leaving Campbell River on Saturdays and Sundays will be at 10:55 p.m. and 10:25 p.m. leaving Quadra Island. Amber Kinsey, president of Quadra Island
Elementary’s PAC, said the new schedule will have a serious impact on the livelihood of islanders, particularly children. “Our island is dying a slow death by ferry,” Kinsey said. “So many people here leave because they can’t do it anymore. I can see the trickledown effect.” Kinsey said the most glaring problem with the new schedule is changing the 3:30 p.m. run leaving Campbell River to 3:40 p.m., which is the sailing that brings the high school kids back to Quadra. “It’s only a 10 minute difference but because we’re dealing with money, the school board will not pay for the 10 minute gap that that creates for our bus drivers.
Know? Did You2x6
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What that means now, is that the elementary school can’t let out at 2:30 because the buses can’t be there at 2:30 to meet them because normally the bus meets them at 2:30, they get dropped off everywhere and (the bus goes) straight to the ferry and picks up all the kids off the 3:30 ferry,” Kinsey said. “So now our administration has been told by the school board we can’t send the buses at 2:30, we’ll send them at 2:40.” Which means the day will be expanded by 10 minutes for the elementary school students, Kinsey added. She also shared a friend’s experience with taking her son to Campbell River for karate. Normally she would catch the 5:50 p.m.
ferry to Campbell River for a 6:15 p.m. karate class and take the 7:35 p.m. ferry home. With the schedule changes, she’ll be forced to catch the 5:15 p.m. ferry, leaving little time for dinner, and take the 7:55 p.m. ferry home – all for a one hour karate lesson. “It’s little things like that, that in the grand scheme of things, in a parent’s world it makes something that was tough not sustainable,” Kinsey said. “So, ripple effects.” Ryan said he would look at possibly adjusting the schedule to avoid the 10-minute gap for the schools but would first have to consult the Cortes Island ferry schedule to avoid conflicts. “Let me work on that,”
Ryan told Kinsey. “That’s ridiculous if the school board won’t cover 10 minutes.” Before the meeting wrapped up, Abram encouraged as many islanders as possible to make the trip to Qualicum for a ferry demonstration Saturday afternoon outside of the Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities convention being held there this weekend. Abram said the goal of the rally is to garner support from all local governments to convince the province that BC Ferries should be brought back under the transportation ministry. For more on the BC Ferries story, see next week’s Mirror.
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COMMUNITY CALENDAR MONDAYS Co-Ed Touch Rugby 6:30-8pm. Southgate Middle School. For adults and teens ages 13+. All experience levels welcome!
bpwn.org Tennis Club 6:00-10pm. Willow Point Park tennis courts. Everyone welcome!! Joan 250 923-8134
Campbell River Libra ry Hours: 10am-8pm
Lost Families Found 7-9p.m. CR Genealogy Society Library hours. Help available. Maritime Museum. Janice: 250-2030585
CR Parkinson self help support group 1:30 pm. Room 201, CR Baptist Church Newcomers welcome. Contact Seniors’ Centre Sportsplex Pat at 286-1354. 2nd Wed of Lunch, 12:00 – 3:00 Crib, the month. cards. For more info please call 250-914-4401. CR Toastmasters 7-8:30pm. Community Centre, Room Discovery Toastmasters 1. Sarah: 250-830-3839. 12:00-1:00 p.m. Community smkannspeak@gmail.com Centre-Rm 1. Contact Lorraine: 250-286-4273 Lost Families Found: 1:304p.m. CR Genealogy Society Family Place Drop In Library hours. Help avail. 8:30-11am Discovery Passage, Maritime Museum. 250-2032050 Pengelly Rd. Free. 0585 Lost Families Found: Family Gym-Walking-7yrs. 10a.m.-3p.m. CR Genealogy 10:30-11:30am. Community Society Library hours. Help Centre Gym. $3 Drop in. avail. Maritime Museum. 250-203-0585 Family Place Drop In 9-11:30am. 1048 A Hemlock Weight Watchers Mtg: St. Free. 250-286-1161 AND Maritime Heritage Museum. 1-3pm. Community Centre. 11:30am & 6:30pm Free. 250-286-1161 Al-Anon on Quadra 7-8p.m. CR Auction Viewing Day 972 West Road Quadra 1358 Marwalk Cres. 9am-5pm. Island Children’s Centre Seniors’ Centre Sportsplex OPT(Options for Sexual Lunch, 12:-2:30. Cards – Health) Drop In Clinic 2:00pm. 250-914-4401. 7-9pm. Health Unit in Tyee Plaza.. Education & Info. Low Campbell River Friendship cost birth control. All ages Quilters’ Guild meeting. welcome. 250-830-7603 7:00pm. Community Centre Lounge. 2nd Wed of month. Drop-In Meditation-All Everyone welcome. Levels 7-8p.m. Ocean Resort, 4384 Island Hwy. Lucas@ Diabetic Drop In 3-4p.m. oceanresort.ca. 250-792-3165 CR Hospital, Sunshine Wellness Centre TOPS #BC 4935 Bethany Lutheran Church. Weigh-In Jam Night 6:30-8:30p.m. 7:45am-8:50am. Meeting Serious Coffee 250-923-1312 9:05 to 10:00am. Meaningful Media 3:30CR Newcomer’s 8:30pm. Robron Centre. Meeting. 7pm. Ironwood Movie, discussion & meal. Centre, 1351 Ironwood St. Debbie 250-830-0171 ext.812. For women new to the area. 3rd Monday Sandy 250-923-7471. 1st Al-Anon 12:00-1:00 p.m. St Tuesday Patrick’s Church, 34 S Alder Acoustic Jam CR Lodge, St. Barb: 250-923-5537 or Judy: 7pm. 250-287-7446 250-923-1653
Open Mic: 6-9p.m. Serious Coffee. 250-9231312.
Weight Watchers Mtg: Maritime Heritage Centre 11am & 6pm, 250-286-3161
Therapeutic Relaxation Appointment Free for those dealing with illness, grief or Caregivers. CR Hospice Society 250- 2861121 for appt. Seniors’ Centre Sportsplex 12:00 – 2:30pm Mexican Train, lunch, cards Community Centre 8:30 –11:30am. Line Dancing. For more: 250-914-4401. C.R. Healing Rooms 11:00 a.m.-1:00p.m. 684 Isl. Hwy 250-923-2312. Taking Off Pounds Sensibly – TOPS BC #3671 1441 Ironwood Street Weigh-In 8:30 to 9:35 am Meeting 9:50 to 11:00am. Family Gym-Walking7yrs. 10:30-11:30am. Community Centre Gym. Drop in. Free. Family Place Drop In 8:30-11am Willow Pt. Neighbourhood(corner of Eardley & Larwood. AND Robron Cenre. 1-3pm. Free. Sing For Pure Joy! 3:00-4:30 p.m. Quadra Community Centre. All voices welcome. Mary 250 285-3764. Parent & Tots: Quadra Community Ctr, 9:30am12pm.
Crib: CR Legion. Registration 6:30pm. Game: 7pm. 250-286-6831 Pool & Darts: Eagles Lounge 250-287-4990 Weight Watchers Meeting Quadra Community Centre, 6-7pm. Archery Range Open Fish & Wildlife 6:30-8pm. FMI 250-923-1838.
TUESDAYS BPWN - 5:30-9pm. Carriage Room - Royal Coachman. 4th Tues. of the month. RSVP@
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WEDNESDAYS Sing for Pure Joy! 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. The Lions Den (across from Thrifty’s) 1441 Ironwood Rd. Mary 250 285-3764. The Heart Support Group meeting 7pm. CR Community Centre.. 4th Wed of month. Ken: 250923-3466 Midnight Shuttles Guild of spinners and weavers meeting. 7:30-9:30pm. Sybil Andrews Cottage, 2131 S. Isl. Hwy. 1st Wed. each mnth.
THURSDAYS C.R. Seniors’ Centre. Sportsplex Lunch, 12-3pm. Bingo. 250-914-4401 CR Ultimate 6:30pm Sportsplex, 1800 South Alder. Under lights. campbellriverultimate.com Weight Watchers Meeting Maritime Heritage Museum 11:30am Tennis Club 6:00-10pm. Willow Point Park tennis courts. Joan 250 923-8134 CR Networking Association Lunch 12pm. Royal Coachman Carriage Room. www. campbellrivernetworking.ca
101-911 Isl Highway (Georgia Quay), Campbell River
In the Know Sessions & Parent Networking 7-9pm. Robron Centre. 3rd Thurs. every month. FMI: colleen@forcesociety. com. 1-855-887-8004. www. forcesociety.com C.R. Healing Room11a.m.-1p.m. & 7-9p.m. 684 Isl. Hwy. Confidential prayer. No charge or appointment. 250-923-2312 Al-Anon- 1pm & 7:30pm. 7th Day Adventist Church. Barb 250-923-5537 or Judy 250-923-1653. Campbell River Auction 1358 Marwalk Cres, 6pm. 250-287-3939. www. crauctions.ca Lost Families Found: 1:304p.m. CR Genealogy Society Library hours. Helpavailable. Maritime Museum. 250203-0585.
FRIDAYS Seniors’ Centre Sportsplex Lunch, 12:00-3:00 Mexican train, cards. 50/50 draw. For more info: 250-914-4401.
CR Legion Fun: 5:30pm. Free Bingo, karaoke, meat & paddle draw. 7:30pm. 250286-6831
Spring Common Mall Market Sat. April 12. 10am-4pm. Shop with over 50 Vendors and Crafters
Live Music 9:30p.m.2am Quinny Pub. wwwquinsamhotel.com
Girl Guide Cookies Sale Canadian Tire. Sat. April 12. 10a.m. Come support the 1st Campbell River Rangers. Island Voices presents “Rhythm of Life” with guest singer & harpist, Roger Helfrick, 7 pm, Sat. Apr 12, Maritime Heritage Centre, 7 pm, Apr 13, Comox United. Tickets: CR Info Centre, Laughing Oyster, BlueHeron, www. islandvoiceschamberchoir.bc.ca Woodland Egg Hunt Sat. April 12. Black Creek Community Centre. 12-2pm. 250-337-5190 to register. Advance Care Planning Mon. April 14. Campbell River Library Repeat of Session 1 - 2-4pm. Call to save your space 250-287-3655. The next Session 2 “Writing it Down” will be June 24th. CR Tourism AGM Tues. April 15. 375 Murphy St. All members and potential members welcome. 7pm. John Wort Hannam performs @ CR Baptist Church, Tues. April 15 – 8pm. Tickets at the Hospice Society office - 301 Dogwood Street ($20). 250-286-1121 BIA Easter Event Sat. April 19. Egg Hunt at Ostler Park at 11:00am then activies and entertainment at Spirit Square. Old Time Gospel Singing-Songs of Easter Sat. April 19. Discovery Community Church, 250-10th Ave. 7pm. Tennis Club AGM. Thurs.April 24. Starting at 7:00pm at the Sportsplex. FMI: Joan Wood @ 250 923-8134 Musical Fundraiser Sat. May 24. Community Centre. 7 -9:30pm. River (Birgit) Kuit, Inclusion & Rock the Room. Proceeds to programs assisting our local homeless community. All ages welcome. By donation. TDBYC 8th Annual Marine Consignment Sale Sat. Apr 26. Bowser Legion. All watersports/marine related25% commission to DBYC. Drop off 9-11AM Sale 12-3 PM. 250- 757 -8438. ricknickerson@shaw.ca A Workshop Retreat for Couples Sat. April 26. Ocean Resort, 9:30am-4:30pm. For more info and to register contact: Frances Ferguson, B.Ed. Registered Clinical Counsellor 778418-1818. franferguson@shaw.ca www.francesferguson.com. 13th Annual Angel Rock Benefit & Dance Sat. May 3. Campbell River’s Thunderbird Hall. Orleans/Mardi Gras theme. Tickets avail. at the CR Hospice Society office (301 Dogwood Street) or call 250-286-1121. An Evening with Nyuymbalees Cultural Centre Sat. May 3. Quinsam Recreation Hall, 5pm. Cocktails, dinner, program & auction. For tickets & more info call 250-285-3733 or visit nuymbalees.com. CR Judo Club Spring Market and Craft Fair. Sat. May 3 The CR Judo Facility, 50B Merecroft St. 10am-4pm.
SATURDAYS Weight Watchers Mtg 9:30am Maritime Heritage Museum Tennis Club 10:00am1:00pm.. Play is at Willow Point Park tennis courts. Everyone welcome!! 250- 923-8134 Super Saturday Drop In Art Workshop 1-3 pm (every other Saturday) CR Art Gallery. Admission is by donation. 250-287-2261 Open Mic with Mo Davenport 9pm. Heriot Bay Inn on Quadra Island. 250285-3322. 1-888-605-4545. Family Fun 5 Pin Bowling 5:30pm. ~ Rock n’ Bowl 9p.m.-12a.m. CR Bowling Centre. 250-286-1177.
SUNDAYS Al-Anon 7:30p.m. 7th Day Adventist Church, 300 Thulin St. Barb 250-923-5537 or Judy 250-923-1653
Family Gym-Walking-7yrs. 10:30-11:30am. Sportsplex. Free. Drop In.
Pickle Ball 10:30am-1pm. Sportsplex. Free for 50+ members. $2 Drop-In. 250923-7911
Gamblers Anonymous 7-9pm, St.Patrick’s Church, 34 S. Alder Street.
Annual Plant and Jumble Sale Sat. April 12. Community Centre 10am-1pm. Proceeds to 50+Programming. Book Signing - Faye Cyr Sat. April 12. Coho Books. 2-4pm. http://adventurewriter.ca/ 250-287-2336.
Family & Teen Centre Drop In Program 7-10:30pm. Community Centre. New “Youth Zone” for 11-18 year olds. 250-2861161.
Archery Range Hours 6:30-8pm. FMI 250923-1838. CR. Fish & Wildlifehttp://www.crfw.net
Open Mic Nite: Serious Coffee 7-10pm. 250-923-1312
Center for Spiritual Living Meditation: 10:00am & Celebration: at 10:30am. Willow Point Hall. All welcome.
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FRIDAY, apRil APRIL 11, 11, 2014 2014 || Campbell CAMPBELL RiveR RIVER miRRoR MIRROR || 77 FRiDaY,
Llama euthanized, dogs put down too Paul Rudan Campbell RiveR miRRoR
The lone llama of Tahsis is dead. The male llama, affectionately known as Gerome, was euthanized after being attacked by a neighbour’s dogs which are also expected to be put down. “We have received confirmation from the RCMP that the injured llama was euthanized in a humane manner,” said Lorie Chortyk, speaking on behalf of the B.C. SPCA. “It is our understanding that the two dogs responsible for the injuries are being surrendered by their owners for humane euthanasia as well.” The eight-year-old llama was attacked by two pit bulls Sunday night and suffered a lacerated lower lip and damage to its left eye. Owner Corrine Dahling, a former village mayor, said there was little they could do and is disappointed it took so long for her pet to be euthanized. “It took more than 24 hours to get assistance,”
she said Wednesday during a phone interview. “This is not the first time dogs have done something like this here.” According Dahling, local hunters weren’t going to euthanize the animal for fear of losing their hunting licences and guns, or being ticketed for discharging a firearm within village limits. The RCMP wasn’t a b out t o d i s p at c h Gerome either, said Dahling, until she contacted the B.C. SPCA and they officially requested assistance from Mounties. Dahling’s glad the dogs are gone, but she said the larger issue is people who let their dogs run unleashed in the remote
West Coast community. “I don’t want to make this a pit bull issue,” she said. “It’s not just pit bulls…it’s any dog. They get together and they’re a pack!” Resident Jo-Anne Rottacker echoed the same view: “There are far too many dogs that just run loose in this town,” she wrote, commenting on Wednesday’s story about the attack. “There is not one day of the week that I do not see at least five dogs just wandering around without their masters. If the dogs start packing, which is very possible, it will also put small children at risk. Pet owners really need to step it up a notch.”
The loss of Gerome has been difficult, said Dahling, who watched its birth. She used to have three llamas, but the other two died over the past few years and Gerome was the last. “Llamas have a different type of disposition – they’re like little people,” she said. “Gerome was definitely part of this community. All the kids from the daycare came to learn about llamas… and the community gardeners wanted his dung. They made sure he was well-fed and well-cared for because he produced daily…and during the summers, tourists stopped by to see him… this is a loss to the community.”
The community of Tahsis lost a friend when Gerome the llama had to be euthanized due to injuries it received after being attacked by dogs.
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Our View
Marois went off message like Dix Normally, elections in other provinces are of little interest to B.C. residents. But the Parti Quebecois mused about separatism and campaigned openly on a Charter of Quebec Values that was one of the most discriminatory documents in recent We say: The PQ Canadian history. Pauline Marois borrowed a page from had its “Kinder Adrian Dix’s unsuccessful campaign Morgan” moment in B.C. a year ago. She went off script part way through the campaign, too bringing up separatism after her star candidate Pierre-Karl Peladeau proclaimed the need for independence.
It was her “Kinder Morgan” moment, damage she could not repair. Even though some of those who voted against her support separatism, very few want a referendum any time soon. Her lack of focus on jobs and the economy was also a crucial error. Quebec has one of the weakest economies in the country and a poor job creation record. Any talk of separatism causes investors to give it the cold shoulder. Marois seemed unperturbed by all this. The charter would not pass muster when challenged in court, so in the last week of the campaign, Marois stated she would use the notwithstanding clause to ensure it took effect. While some undoubtedly cheered, that was
another reminder to many voters just how off course the PQ was. New premier Philippe Couillard has stated Canada is a great country to be part of. At the same time, he plans to vigorously defend the French language. However, he extended an olive branch to other Quebecers in his victory speech, which is a good omen. Couillard has promised to tackle some of the province’s economic issues Meanwhile, the PQ is now leaderless, with Marois having resigned on Monday night. Perhaps its days are numbered. – Black Press
Online Voices l “Shocking case of abandonment” – April 8 Joy Lovelace · University of British Columbia Laws have to change so people of this nature know there will be consequences. If the law changed to a jail sentence for intentional animal cruelty, maybe this would have not taken place. So many people have so many problems that they feel they are justified in making ONE problem go away..it is often the pets that they once wanted or the children they once wanted that suffer. Until we as a united group stand up and speak loudly that this is no longer tolerated, it will continue!! We all want to make a difference in preventing these sickening acts, unfortunately our lives are consumed with so much...people just need to know how to make justice happen to help save the lives of our pets and for that matter our future...the children!! l “Tahsis to lose lone police officer” – April 8 Jo-Anne Rottacker I am very disappointed in the decision to do this, although I have not had to call RCMP for the pub I run I have had to for other reasons. It horrifies me as the operator of a local business to know if an emergency were to arise here that the RCMP are an hour away. ANYTHING could happen in that time and then some. If a life threatening occurrence were to happen it would end most likely in fatality. The other things that worry me are the crime rate going through the roof here and or people taking the law into their own hands as a result.. I can not count the times already that I have heard reference to people saying, Oh don’t worry about it the RCMP isn’t in town today... I really urge and hope they will reconsider this decision.
British Columbia’s digital wave is just beginning
Tom Fletcher B.C. Views
Have you got one of the new B.C. driver’s licences yet? By now most drivers have the one with the unsmiling black and white mug shot, to conform to passport standards so it could be used for border identification with the magnetic swipe strip on the back. About one million of us now have the newest version, with a credit-card style digital chip that proves your residence and eligibility for our famously “free” medical care. The motor vehicle office started issuing them about a year ago, as five-year licences expire. They replace the old “CareCard” that has no expiry date. Over the years there were more than nine million CareCards issued, twice the population of B.C., as people held onto their
access to our defenseless, overworked medical system from wherever they moved to. Positive identification is only the start for this card. Each will be assigned a password that gives access to online medical records, so when patients show up at an ER, their eligibility is confirmed and any previous conditions or medications are accurately matched. (Note that medical information is not stored on the card, just an access code that goes with the password.) Patients will be able to call up their own files at home, book medical appointments and even renew prescriptions, which is where the efficiency comes in. In-person visits for routine prescription renewals are a cash cow for today’s doctors, generating guaranteed billings but
often little or no health benefit. Most people will still think of it as a driver’s licence, but it’s intended as an all-purpose government ID. If you don’t drive, you are spared the $75 licence renewal fee, and within a couple of years the cards will start providing online access to a wide range of government services. Andrew Wilkinson, minister of technology, innovation and citizens’ services, says a public consultation has shown most people are comfortable using a system they already trust for their banking. By the end of 2015, Wilkinson says about two million people will have the new cards, roughly half of B.C.’s population. Application forms converted to online access will include student loans, birth, death and marriage certificates,
voter registration and even criminal record checks. All this will be costly to set up, but the savings from having customers do their own data entry are well known, as any banker or supermarket owner can tell you. “You can understand that if you’re in the vital statistics office and this can all be done from places like Telegraph Creek and Horsefly remotely, that actually saves them a lot of money,” Wilkinson said. “There will be conversion of existing services where you have to go into an office and wait around and fill out forms. Those will be converted to online services.” It also means a decline in the number of government office jobs, and the
Continued on Pg. 9
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It’s spring, time to get back to work M
y five month “sabbatical” is over and it’s a great feeling to be back scratching out the garden column. It’s five years since I submitted my first column for approval to the editor, Alistair Taylor. The interest in small space gardening was to be the focus, whether it was bowl on the window sill or a pot on the deck. There was a host of readers out there spanning several generations who had no experience
Fortunately, my editor was adept at reading the interesting shifts in community development and he supported the idea of a column based on small space veggie production for emerging gardeners. This column was only a small cog in the simultaneous changing attitude and interest in the process of growing one’s own food. What a revelation! North Island College was on a parallel track and has since produced a constant stream
of classes, film nights, and hands-on experience with raising food for its students and the public. Two community gardens are thriving and there are more under consideration. Residents flock to the classes held at the Community Garden Centre beside St. Peter’s Church. Watch the Mirror this month for the unveiling of Campbell River’s Online Food Map! To view my gardening blog go to www.islandfocus. blogspot.com
Photographs: Digital images are preferred. Please send large file size JPEGs as a separate attachment, do not embed them in a document file; Written submissions: E-mail rtf or text only formats preferred; Comments or enquiries about news and event coverage: Call Alistair Taylor, editor, at 250-287-9227.
Darcey Wood Don Daniels Darcey Wood Specialty Don Daniels Classifieds Circulation Classifieds
Specialty Circulation
Fletcher: Seniors will get the hang of it Continued from Pg. 8
potential for further outsourcing of services, as we have seen with Medical Services Plan administration and the back-office functions of BC Hydro. Some older readers won’t be thrilled to hear about this. They don’t want a “smart phone,” just a phone. But they will also see their great-grandchildren becoming adept with tablet computers before they can even speak. Seniors will get the hang of it pretty quickly, and their lives will become easier. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. tfletcher@blackpress.ca
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in raising even a small on the way home from patch of greens. the office. There was no The skills we had time for the demands of learned in the 30s and tending a food garden. 40s had not The Slow been passed Food movedown to our ment, which descendants. began in The great Europe late in shift in socithe last cenety occurred tury, eventuwhen mothally engulfed ers began to our continent. hold full time Embracing Morgan Ostler the idea of jobs outside Urban Gardener the home. fresh, locallyKeeping the family fed grown organic food was was solved by wheeling considered very cool, in into the grocery store fact it was enthralling.
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Cortes Islanders ‘disgusted’ by credit union closure KRISTEN DOUGLAS
People are “disgusted” by Coastal Community Credit Union’s decision to close the only bank on Cortes Island, according to Cortes director Noba Anderson. Anderson herself is not happy with the credit union and wrote a joint letter with the mayor of Alert Bay and the regional director for Sointula to protest the closure of all three of the communities’ branches. Anderson particularly took exception to the fact the community was never approached or notified of the impending decision. “This was done with absolutely no consultation with the communities,” Anderson told the Strathcona Regional District board April 9. “There’s substantial concern from the business community as well
as individuals.” C o ast a l C ommunity Credit Union announced it will be closing its branches and ATMs in Alert Bay, Sointula and Cortes Island on July 5. The hours of operation at its Quadra Island branch will also be reduced. In their letter to the credit union, Anderson, Alert Bay Mayor Michael Berry, and Sointula regional director Heidi Soltau, said the credit union’s actions go against its vision statement and values. “Your decision to withdraw all services does not build healthier communities, and shows a stunning lack of co-operation, innovation and responsiveness to the community and your members,” wrote the trio. “It reeks of poor practice that this decision was made and announced immediately
after the close of your annual board election, leaving the new board to deal with the aftermath of this decision.” Anderson said the worst part is the missed opportunities. “The real kicker, in my personal opinion, is if Coastal Community Credit Union knew this was coming and was at liberty to share this, it would have been a phenomenal library,” said Anderson, referring to Vancouver Island Reg iona l L ibrar y’s search for a new venue to re-locate its Cortes Island library branch. “It’s right next to the community centre. People are just disgusted.” Anderson, Berry and Soltau are now left picking up the pieces in their communities and are trying to work out some viable alternatives. But they want financial information from the credit union to help them understand the
situation. “If we are going to be left without any of your services, we will need to find other options,” reads the letter. “At the very least, the numbers you provide could help with our future financial searches” The communities are also want copies of the minutes of the board meeting at which the decision to close the branches was made – or at the very least a detailed summary of the decision – as well as financial statements from the past three years for each branch; the operating costs for the three branches; the shortfalls; the factors that contributed to the shortfalls; and the alternatives that were examined. Anderson, Berry and Soltau also want a commitment from Coastal Community Credit Union to engage their
communities with any decisions related to future use, lease or sale of the buildings and land which the credit union owns. “These spaces have served our communities longer than you have and it is in our interest that they continue to do so,” reads their letter. “Each of our communities had local built credit unions that you took over. You inherited land, buildings, customers, and assets. You also inherited communities – communities that you
have now dropped.” Adrian Legin, president and CEO of Coastal Community Credit Union, said while the decision to close the branches was a difficult one, it was also necessary. “I’m confident the actions we’re taking are the right ones and in the best long-term interest of our 110,000 members and clients, and our organization as a whole,” Legin said. “Despite considerable efforts in the last several years, these specific
branches have not been financially viable. We determined that the level of subsidization being provided is not justifiable over the long term.” Anderson said the communities understand these are difficult financial times but that some degree of continued service is expected. Anderson said she, B err y, and S oltau expect to speak with the Coastal Community Credit Union board chair and senior staff in Parksville this Saturday.
To all the sponsors and snowmobilers for all their time, effort and donations and making this year’s SNOWARAMA a tremendous success. Over $6,619 raised for the BC Lions Society for Children with Disabilities.
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Water deal appears close Area D Director Brenda Leigh said the huge jump in rates was not acceptable and the regional district hired a mediator to try and come up with a reasonable rate. City Manager Andy Laidlaw said the regional district’s latest offer is an attempt at a compromise. “The regional board indicated they are prepared to go part way here,” Laidlaw said. “These rates were passed and now they need to go back to council and council needs to decide whether to accept it or not.” Laidlaw said that discussion will take place in-camera, following Tuesday’s council meeting. He added that mediator George Abbott, the former education minister for the BC Liberals, has met with the city once during the water rate dispute and Laidlaw has been in discussions with regional district CAO Russ Hotsenpiller. “We’ve come a long way in this, whether we’ve reached a decision now is up to council to decide whether to accept the offer from the Strathcona Regional District,” Laidlaw said.
A good deal
Campbell River Hyundai dealer principal Scott Kilby (centre) presented a $1,300 donation to the Campbell River Hospital Foundation executive director Stacey Marsh (left) and chairperson Kent Moeller.
The dispute between the Strathcona Regional District and the City of Campbell River over water rates may be nearing a resolution. The regional district has provided the city with an offer and now it’s up to city council to accept it or not. The regional district voted in-camera – a meeting closed to the public and media – to pay the city $.63 per cubic metre for bulk water to Area A retroactive to 2013 and $.72 per cubic metre for 2014, which is the rate city residents pay plus another 50 per cent. That offer, however, is less than what the city informed the regional district that its rate would be once its water supply agreement with Area D expired in May 2012. Area D was paying $.40 per cubic metre but the city increased its rate to $.80 per cubic metre as of Jan. 1, 2013 – which translates to two times the rate water users living within the city boundary pay.
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Pinning cancer support on fellow Campbell Riverites
Volunteer Pat Corville was out in the rain on Saturday selling pins and daffodils to raise money for cancer research.
any volunteers braved the weather and were out and about in Campbell River on Saturday with their trays of daffodils and pins. Joining them on that windy wet day was acting mayor Larry Samson who gave a short talk and proclaimed April as Cancer Awareness Month in Campbell River. Also joining in and helping the Canadian Cancer Society were chemo nurses from the hospital, Faith Brooks and Tammy Pentney. They walked around Tyee Plaza in that horrible rain storm helping us get donations to help the society. Ladies from the Eagles were also out helping. Over 78 per cent of donor dollars go towards research and support programs.
Pentney spoke on how helpful the support can be, such as the financial aid and the rides that can make the difference of whether or not the treatments such as chemotherapy are do-able for the patient. She also spoke on how she loves going to work and finds her job so rewarding as the patients tend to support each other. The chemo room is a happy place and they all work through it together. This past year on the Island more than 1,200 clients stayed at the lodge in Victoria. Volunteer drivers gave more than 946 rides to and from cancer treatments, 1,049 clients accessed or toll free information service at 1-888-939-3333
3x7 CR Rotary Honours Concert
DOZENS OF COURSES STARTING SOON 4x6.5 at the Campbell River Campus CODE
Forklift Operator
FLO 010
Restricted Operator Certificate - Marine
Apr 12
Sat, 8 am - 4:30 pm
NAU 016
Apr 12
Sat, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
FoodSafe Level 1
TFS 010
Apr 12
Sat, 8 am - 4:30 pm
Wildfire Crew Member Training Program
Apr 22 - May 16
Mon - Fri, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Forklift Operator
FLO 010
Apr 26
Sat, 8 am - 4:30 pm
FoodSafe Level 1
TFS 010
Apr 26
Sat, 8 am - 4:30 pm
Emergency Child Care First Aid with CPR Level B
FAC 010
Apr 27
Sun, 8 am - 5 pm
TFS 030
May 3
Sat, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
CPR Level C with AED
HRT 011
May 3
Sat, 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Traffic Control Person
MVF 011
May 3 & 4
Sat & Sun, 8 am - 4:30 pm
Metal Jewellery Open Studio
GENI 1215
May 5 - 29
Mon - Thu, 8:30 am - 3 pm
Small Vessel Operator Proficiency Training Course
NAU 005
May 5 - 8
Mon - Thu, 8:30 am - 4 pm
Small Non-Pleasure Craft Marine Emergency Duties - (A3) 25 miles
MED 003
May 9
Fri, 8 am - 4:30 pm
Restricted Operator Certificate - Marine
NAU 016
May 10
Sat, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Marine Emergency Duties Basic Safety Course (MED A1)
MED 031
May 12 - 14
Mon - Wed, 8:30 am - 4 pm
Marine Emergency Duties Small Vessel Safety Course
MED 032
May 12 - 15
Mon - Thu, 8:30 am - 4 pm
Carpentry Inter-provincial Trade Qualification
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May 25 - Jun 6
Mon - Fri, 9 am - 4 pm
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Building Community
Campbell River’s Rotary Club of Campbell River invites you to the
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o some the daffodil is just a flower. For the Canadian Cancer Society, it is a symbol of strength and courage. Buy a daffodil pin and show your support for people living with cancer. Throughout April, compassionate volunteers across Canada work together to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society. There are many ways to join the fight against cancer this April: n Show your support, buy a pin. n Make a donation online or in-person when a volunteer knocks on your door. n Buy a bunch of fresh cut daffodils. n Volunteer as little as 2 hours of your time. n Spread the word through social media. www.cancer.ca
or online at www.cancer. ca, which gives out info on all types of cancer. Forty-seven clients and 11 volunteers attended Camp Goodtimes. We have over 1,000 volunteers supporting the cause here on the island in 27 communities to ensure that most of your donor dollars goes to help the cancer patient. Skin Cancer is now the most commonly diagnosed cancer followed by breast cancer, prostate cancer and then colon cancer. Many of these can be prevented by healthy choices. Across Canada a person is diagnosed with cancer one every three minutes and in B.C. alone 27, 800 people were diagnosed with cancer last year.
April is Daffodil Month. Join the fight!
Tidemark Theatre Time: Saturday May 10th 7:30pm Tickets: $2000
Come and help us celebrate the hard work and dedication of these award winning young artists, their parents and their teachers. In conjunction with Rotary’s commitment to the youth of our community, portions of the profits derived from this event will be presented to these deserving participants. This exciting evening of music and dance will be directed by Heather Gordon Murphy.
A Rotary Initiative
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COMMUNITY UPDATE APR 11, 2014 301 St. Ann’s Road, Campbell River, BC V9W 4C7 Telephone: 250-286-5700 info@campbellriver.ca www.campbellriver.ca
WORK WITH US • Development Officer • Auxiliary Labourers • Fitness Instructor Visit the “employment” section at www.campbellriver.ca
PLANT & JUMBLE SALE Saturday, April 12, 2014 10:00am - 1:00pm C.R. Community Centre Gym 401 - 11th Avenue
Bargains galore for your garden - plants, bulbs, seedlings. Rummage thru the JUMBLE for recycled treasures. Homemade baking & concession. A fundraiser for 50+ Active LIving & Specialized Recreation Programs.
There are size restrictions for a secondary suite. • Secondary suites can be no larger than 90 square meters (approximately 970 square feet) • Secondary suites can be no larger than 40% of the main house • Secondary suites can have a maximum of two bedrooms Do you have enough room for required parking spaces? In addition to the two spaces required for the main house, one more parking space must be provided for a secondary suite. Are you in the correct zone for a secondary suite? Only certain zones in the City permit secondary suites. If your property is not located in a zone that permits secondary suites, you will need approval from the City to change it. Do you have a building permit? Apply at the City for a building permit to ensure that a secondary suite is constructed to meet health and safety requirements of the BC Building Code. Does your site require a development permit due to steep slopes, streams or eagle trees? Check the City’s Official Community Plan on the website, or visit us at City Hall to find out. If a secondary suite was constructed without a permit, now what? To make an existing secondary suite legal, the property must be zoned appropriately and a building permit issued. The zone makes the secondary suite a permitted use, and the building permit ensures the suite meets the minimum safety standards for secondary suites as required by the 2012 BC Building Code.
Protect your interests: Not having a building permit, or correct zoning for a secondary suite may have unexpected implications for home insurance.
City of CR
Recreation and Culture Department C.R. Community Centre 250-286-1161 • Sportsplex 250-923-7911
Recreation and Culture WANTS TO HEAR FROM YOU!
QUESTIONS? The Land Use Services Department can help you through this process. Please contact us at 250-296-5726 or visit us at City Hall.
SPRING YARD WASTE COLLECTION UNDERWAY Spring Collection: March 31 to May 23
Do you want more choices for recreation programs? Are program times and locations, registration options and advertising methods working for you? Are we offering opportunities for all ages, stages and abilities? Share your ideas and be entered to win a GoPro, a one year fitness pass or one of many locally sponsored gifts/certificates.
Survey available online from April 6 - 19 www.campbellriver.ca
Yard waste is collected on your regular garbage pick-up day for all homes receiving curbside collection. Unlimited amounts are accepted. Place yard waste in a clearly labeled container (maximum 80 L) or in bags labeled as biodegradable or compostable by the manufacturer. Yard Waste Drop Off Centre: Open year round Friday to Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Located West of the Inland Highway off Willis Road, pass the Shell Station. Drop-off is free of charge for all households receiving curbside garbage, recycling & yard waste collection. Questions: Contact Emterra at 250-286-0211 or visit www.campbellriver.ca
“Truck Farm represents the wild world of urban agriculture as told through a journey of a 1986 Dodge pickup that has been transformed into a rolling garden. – Ian Cheney, filmmaker
Tidemark Theatre Wednesday, April 16, 2014 Doors 6:30pm Show 7pm
Hang violence against women out to dry
very woman living in Campbell River has the right to live without violence. British Columbia’s annual Prevention of Violence against Women Week is a time for the women and men of Campbell River to step forward to change the social attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that allow violence to continue. On Tuesday April 15 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.,everyone is invited to come down to the Spirit Square, downtown Campbell River, to view, The Clothesline Project. The clothesline project is a powerful display of T-shirts that have been personally done by people affected by abuse. The message may be a statement against any kind of violence or a statement of hope for the future. Again this year the white sheet with “These Hands Don’t Hurt” on it for non-abusive males to trace their hands on in support of this cause will be there. Every day, women in this community are assaulted, abused, intimidated, harassed and stalked – often by someone they know. The message of Violence Against Women Week is that living violence free is not a privilege, it is every women’s right. Prevention of Violence Against Women Week presents us all the opportunity to do our part to help build a violence-free future for all people of Campbell River affected by violence. It is critical that women who are experiencing violence in Campbell River know they can get personal, confidential help at the services listed here: n Anne Elmore Transition House – 2863666. n Community Based Victim Services –2872421. n Campbell River Women’s Centre – 2873044. n Stopping The Violence Outreach Program –286-3430.
www.CampbellRiverMirror.com www.CampbellRiverMirror.com
Get your hands on traditional cedar bark weaving
edar bark harvesting is an a n c i e nt a n d resp ec ted tradition amongst the first peoples of this area. Archaeologists working on the coast have recovered artifacts made from cedar bark that are more than 3,000 years old. Clothing, mats, sails, canoe bailers, baskets, and rope were all made from cedar bark. The Museum at Campbell River is offering a rare opportunity to experience a cedar pull and to learn basic cedar weaving with renowned artist and Hereditary Chief Wayne Bell. On Saturday, April 26, participants will meet at the museum at 9 a.m. to travel to a forest site and participate in a two-hour traditional cedar pull. Following the pull, participants will return to the museum to learn the basics of cedar weaving using the inner bark from the pull. Bell will demonstrate basic approaches to cedar weaving, using as examples roses, rings, bracelets, rope, coasters and simple baskets. This hands-on workshop will be held at the Museum from 2-4 p.m. Bell’s Eagle Cedar Bark Mask resides in the Senate in Ottawa, Ontario. He is from the Mamilikwilla Nation and is grandson to the late Outzistallis, Henry Jumbo
Bell, great nephew to Mungo Martin, grandson to Kimkimkwadee, grandson to Abumpa Catherine Ferry (nee Glendale), and Mrs. Henry Jumbo Bell Adakwanees. Wayne is also nephew to the late Sam Henderson and May Henderson (nee Quocksister). Permission to teach and harvest the cedar bark is given by Captain George Quocksister (Kwinkwolith) who was married to the Late Elizabeth Quocksister (nee Glendale). Bell began weaving at the age of five with Henry Jumbo Bell. He then moved to Vancouver and began weaving again with his grandmother Katy Ferry and her brother the late Sam Henderson. Bell has been teaching cedar bark weaving for 30 years in Vancouver School District and Campbell River School District. Bell has been a single parent for 11 years and his daughter Norine is following her father’s footsteps. The cost for the day is $80 per person. Participants must come prepared with a lunch and wear clothing and footwear suitable for wet forest conditions. A hatchet is also recommended. Space is limited. Call the Museum at 287-3103 to register.
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Currently looking for Residential Support Workers, Community Inclusion Workers, Home Share Providers and Respite Providers. 1423 16th Avenue Unit A Campbell River, BC Phone:250.286.1487
Renowned Mamilikwilla Nation Artist Wayne Bell is offering a rare opportunity to experience a cedar pull and to learn basic cedar weaving.
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Kolbie leads charge for Great Strides
From left, Sheila Gerymn, community relations, Kolbie Rosse, Kim (Black) Wood holding Blake Rosse, Boston Pizza owner - Chris Seeley, Jordyn Rosse and Mom Lindsay Rosse are all smiles about Boston Pizza’s donation of gift cards as team prizes for the Great Strides Walk.
Cystic Fibrosis Canada is making strides, because others take strides. This year across Canada friends, family and the public will lace up their sneakers to participate in Great Strides Walk, and strive to reach the $3.3 million goal. Since 2005, more than $18.5 million, raised through Great Strides has been invested in life-saving cystic fibrosis research , clinical care and advocacy. It helps Canadians with cystic fibrosis live longer, healthier lives. Here in Campbell
River, five-year-old Kolbie Rosse is already telling her mom, Lindsay that she wants to start collecting pledges for Great Strides. Kolbie, along with her younger sisters Jordan and Blake, is forming her own team this year, “Kolbie’s Klan.” Last year Kolbie raised over $500 for Great Strides. Kolbie is hoping lots of other people will register as a team or as individuals for the walk. She wants to help her family’s friend Kim Wood(Black) who has cystic fibrosis. Jo-Ann Wallis, president of the Cystic Fibro-
sis Canada, Campbell River Chapter said, “I’m thrilled that Boston Pizza has jumped on board with a ‘team prize.’ Chris Seeley, manager has offered up 10 - $25 Boston Pizza gift cards for the winning team. What a great gift and awesome incentive for teams to get registered.” Register for the Great Strides Walk as an individual or as a member of a team at www.cysticfibrosis.ca/greatstrides. The event will begin at 10:30 a.m. at Penfield School, Sunday, May 25. The 3 km walk will begin at 11 a.m. and is
followed by a barbecue thanks to Dairy Queen and the Campbell River Kin Club. Cystic Fibrosis Canada is one of the world’s top three charitable organizations committed to finding a cure for cystic fibrosis. Since 1960, donors have enabled Cystic Fibrosis Canada to invest more than $150 million in innovative cystic fibrosis research and care. Help Kolbie help Kim by registering your team in the GreatStrides walk. To be eligible for the team prize, register by the end of April
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Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers Browse flyers fromyour yourfavourite favourite national and local retailers Browse flyers from national and local retailers
Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers
Pictures with the Easter Bunny - Photographer Grant Jones By donation to Natalia Corrigall Animal Activity Farm - Thank You to Carol Chapman
Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers
11:15am - 1:15pm 11:15am - 3:00pm
... Follow the Easter Bunny to Spirit Square for fun activities!
Activity Tent sponsored by 99.7 the River and the Great Canadian Superstore - Enter contests and win exciting prizes - plush bunnies, egg dying kits, puzzles, mini-frisbies and drinking straws
11:30am - 1:30pm
Crafts at the Art Gallery - make your own Easter Card
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Watch for the Easter Bunny!
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Celebrating Campbell River’s Young Volunteers
April 11th
On Global Youth Service Day, we come together to celebrate and acknowledge those youth in Campbell River who take the time providing selfless hours to serving others and their community.
In Partnership with
CAMPBELL RIVER MIRROR Campbell River Young Volunteers continuing to drive the future to a greater place. Thanks for all that you do.
from Terry Negrijn & Rick Lamirande (owners) (250) 287-9527 • 1-877-777-9527 2785 Island Hwy, Campbell River www.strathconatoyota.com
Youth Action Committee by Greta Hamilton “Until the Youth Action Committee (YAC) was established a few years back, the youth voice of our town was nearly nonexistent. Now, t h r o u g h YAC, youth are heard. It gives kids a chance to become a part of change.” says Claire billings, chair of YAC this year. The youth action committee is run through the city of Campbell River by Amber Zirnhelt, sustainability manager, and Kevin Elmore, recreation programmer. The committee offers youth participation in city plans, development of youth-based projects, and environmental cause – all local. There are currently around 15 members, which means fifteen voices directly heard by city council and the mayor. On the impact it has on its participants Amber, says,
“it’s a great opportunity to learn about how municipal government works and get involved in the community and to have a positive impact in the community.” The comm i t t e e right now has a number of projects it’s working on, including a youth centre, a youth charter, youth engagement strategies, the Campbelton Neighbourhood Association, and a transit promotional video.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
To all our young volunteers we couldn’t do it without YOU !! Jim
1362-16th Ave., Campbell River Discovery Harbour Shopping Centre #164 - 1436 Island Hwy 250-286-6166
Greta Hamilton and Paige Derouin
only impacted me positively and let me grown into a better person,” says billings. See the YAC in action
YAC committee with Mayor Water Jakway
Young Volunteers of Campbell River
Thanks for jumping in
“I feel like YAC has given me a sense of maturity and importance that I had yet to feel before joining this committee. Personally, it has given me so many opportunities. I have met a diverse group of people that not only seek our opinion but have tremendous respect for what we say. I have not only been privileged with sharing my opinion with YAC numerous times, but I have also shared those exact opinions to City Council and truly inspire change. Without YAC, I wouldn’t have had any of those chances. I take pride in the fact that I am part of this committee. It truly has
250-287-2227 1362-16th Ave Locally owned & operated by
Jim & Kristy Costain
WhatsOn Digest
says... thanks Campbell River Youth, Shakers & Movers
at the annual earth week film festival, is hosted by the group (check out their booth) April 16 at the Tidemark Theatre. Doors open at 6:30, and donations go towards a bursary for a YAC member to benefit their schooling and celebrate their hard work in keeping the community a youth friendly, green environment.
Girl Guides Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada is an organization built on the dedication and skills of volunteers. The mandate is to make a positive difference in the life of every girl and woman who experiences Guiding so she can contribute responsibly to her community. Our organization enables girls to be confident, resourceful and courageous, and to make a difference in the world. In Campbell River, the women involved in this organization develop leadership skills as they work with the girls to provide dynamic programs to empower both the girls and themselves with the skills and abilities to face chal-
lenges with confidence. For girls (ages 5 to 18), Guiding is an accepting environment with diverse and exciting programs and activities that offer the chance to discover new interests, learn valuable leadership skills and make lasting friendships. Guiding gives girls the tools and resources they need to achieve greatness. All levels of Guiding in Campbell River and Gold River are actively involved in doing service projects for the community. Obviously as the girls get older they become more involved but even our Sparks (ages 5 and 6) participate in service activities from preparing crafts for Meals on
Hannah Taylor and Alex Mason Wheels, donating to the Food Bank and Transition House, and participating in beach cleanups. The 1st Campbell River Brownies (ages 7 and 8) are actively involved in providing service in the communi-
St. John Ambulance Cadets The Campbell River St. John Ambulance Cadet Brigade is a group of male and female youths who are learning to become the lifesavers of tomorrow. These Cadets are learning the latest and most up-to-date techniques in life saving and applying those techniques in the community. Alongside the Adult Division, the Campbell River Cadets attend local public events and provide first aid coverage. They have been present at many local events, such as the Elementary Schools Track Meet, Canada Day celebrations, SalmonFest and Loggers Sports. The Cadets of St. John also train to compete in multiple first aid competitions every year, including the upcoming 25th Annual Campbell River St. John
ty. They have been involved in local projects such as donating to the Campbell River Food Bank; participating in the Shoebox Project (putting together shoeboxes for women in shelters); helping sponsor a family at Christmas; making Valentines for the Valentines for Vets project; donating to Transition House and participating in projects to help Habitat for Humanity. Hannah Taylor is a member of the 1st Campbell River Rangers (ages 15 to 18), and she is also actively involved in providing service to our community. Hannah is also involved in Campbell River Special Olympics and the Young Women’s program at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Hannah has provided service by helping at the Campbell River Food Bank; collecting books for the SPCA sale; raising funds for the Canadian World Friend-
ship Fund (CWFF); raising funds for World Vision; tree planting at Baikie Island; helping with Sparks and Brownies; making cookies for the Soup Kitchen; visiting Evergreen Seniors Centre; assisting with the beach cleanup, and raising awareness for epilepsy by promoting Purple Day. The service Hannah has provided has
helped her achieve her Canada Cord, Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award and Bronze Chief Commissioner’s Award. Girl Guides Campbell River would like to thank all of their young volunteers for their ongoing time and assistance.
CR Girl Guides donation to the River Relief Truck (picture is taken from 997 The River Facebook page) and features Jennifer Campbell, Kristin Campbell, Amy Campbell, Taanika McCune, Katiana McCune, Karin McCune and Warren Andrews (from 997 The River).
Scouts Canada
Ambulance Junior/Intermediate First Aid Competition. Any youths who are interested in training with the St. John Ambulance Cadets team can drop in at 170 Dogwood St, Campbell River, on Tuesday nights between 6:30pm and 8:30pm. Campbell River’s St. John Ambulance team would like to thank their Cadets for their many
hours of dedicated Volunteerism in the community. Our Cadets are: Cpl. Brayden Coward Cdt. Ryan Andrew Cdt. Aiden Cote Cdt. Carsyn Coward Cdt. Anthony Galati Cdt. Dylan Gwaltney Cdt. Calista Kool Cdt. Logan Radler Cdt. Webb Waterhouse Cdt. Brenner Whit
Scouts is Canada’s leading youth organization for more than 100 years, Scouts have brought a world of adventure, outdoor experience and friendship to 17 million Canadian youth. Scouts have a lot of fun discovering new things and experiences they wouldn’t have elsewhere. Along the way they develop into capable, confident and well-rounded individuals, better prepared for success in the world. Scouting offers a world where youths can discover the best in themselves and the best in others. Scout programs run all year round and offer adventures that youth will remember for a lifetime! Local Campbell River area Scouts have been involved in various community projects in the past 12 months. 1st Willow Point Beavers, Cubs and Venture
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bridge the gap between Scout adult leaders and youth participants. They assist in running games, organizing crafts, helping youth feel comfortable, planning meetings and assisting with running sleepovers and camps. These youth leaders give feedback on how the program is being received by younger children. These teens each devote a number of hours each week to the weekly program plus the sleepovers and camps that are held each month. Our youth volunteers are an integral part of our programs, and we would like to thank them for their time and dedication – without our youth volunteers, we would not be able to participate in many of the projects in the community! Thank you to all of the Campbell River area Scouts for their time, effort and dedication to helping their community.
Hats off to our young volunteers Your help makes a difference
1309 Island Hwy - Campbell River 250-286-6120
With kids like our young Volunteers, Campbell River has a great future.
Company youths all participated in the Campbell River Shoreline Cleanup and spent time visiting the seniors at Yaculta Lodge, while Venture Company youths Riley Amberson, Celeste Amberson, Jordan Holling, Riley Holling and Erik Shrubsall all work in the Beaver Colony with younger Scouts. Alexander Hall is also a Venture Company youth, who assists in the Cub pack. Sylvia Simpson is a Scouter in Training with 1st Campbell River Beaver Colony, and she assists with games, crafts, meetings and sleepovers and camps regularly, while the 1st Campbell River Beavers also participated in the Shoreline Cleanup last year – Beavers are 5-7 year old boys and girls. Each of our youth leaders has taken the time to perform the training that is mandatory for all scouting leaders. These youth
84 Dogwood St Open 7 days
Two thumbs up to all of our local youth volunteers.
Locally Owned & Operated by Jens & Mary Rolinski
Carihi & Timberline Interact Clubs Over 70 local secondary students serve with the Timberline and Carihi Interact clubs. These students have supported or directly funded many projects over the last year, providing service and support for local, national and international projects. Interacts are our community’s young Rotarians (aged 14 to 18 years), and both the Campbell River Noon and Daybreak Rotary Clubs support our Interacts in their endeavours. At Carihi Secondary School, Interact students have been involved in the following projects: the Philippines typhoon relief fundraiser, which raised $700; grocery bagging at Superstore, which raised $777.40
Job’s Daughters
Job’s Daughters International™ is a premier organization for young women that provides a wholesome environment based on the foundation of high morals, love of country, love of family and friends and respect for others throughout the world. It is a living organization dedicated to meeting the needs of young women today and their challenges of tomorrow. It is a quality organization that fosters a sense of pride in achievement for each and all members as they prepare to become the adult leaders of the future. Job’s Daughters of Campbell River have vol-
unteered help throughout the community in various ways: by purchasing gifts for children whose names are found on community Angel Trees at Christmas; shopping for Christmas hampers; assisting families in financial need; helping families of sick children with medical expenses such as travel costs, and equipment; face painting at Canada Day Children’s Festival and Starlight shopping; Canada Day and Remembrance Day parades; Christmas carolling for the widows and retirement home residence; performing the Living Cross for the Order of Eastern Star, Masonic Fraternities
and local churches; supporting community events like The Great Strides Walk, The Fairy Godmother Project and Kidney Canvassing; and supporting Job’s Daughter’s annual charity, the H.I.K.E fund (the Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment fund), which is for kids helping kids to hear. The fundraising efforts of Job’s Daughters in Campbell River allow these young ladies to travel to meet other Job’s Daughter members from BC and internationally. Many thanks to all the young ladies who provide their time to help others in the community.
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Congratulations to all Volunteers
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with the goal of building a school in a third world country; a bake sale which raised $85; and a coin drive which raised funds to supply people with clean drinking wa-
Carihi Secondary Stuents: Julia Milutinovic, Valerie Doyon, Laura Murphy, Gaelle Messmer, Brooke E, Camilla Sanson, Kiara Ostrosser, Brooke Harris, Claire Peachey, Natalie Fair, Jasmin Macgregor, Anna Minfrey, Cathryn Chase, Madeline Howart, Jemima Hamilton, Megan Nuttall, Jana Modras, Ailsa Sirois, Bailey Stewart, Antonia Bellefleur and Jesse Kennedy.
for two sponsor children from the Philippines and Kenya; the Halloween for Hunger ‘Free The Children’ event, where over 200 cans (of non-perishable food) were collected for hungry families across Canada; the ‘1 Brick’ ‘Free The Children’ event, which raised $300 – for every $20 raised, one brick can be purchased,
ter in Africa. Timberline Secondary School Interact students have also assisted the local community by: bagging groceries in June to support Cameryn’s Cause; filling nearly ninety Operation Christmas child boxes; assisting with stacking wood for an injured community member; the ‘Helping
Hands’ fundraiser, which provides four hours work to a Rotarian who has bid and won, and students then chose the charity they wish to donate funds to; sending $500 to Naivasha High School in Kenya for textbooks; providing food and support for the Afghanistan School for girls, which was in danger of closing; and the Backpack Program, which provides weekend food in backpacks for students of Timberline who need help. On behalf of the Campbell River community, we would like to thank the local Interact students for the time and effort they dedicate to local projects and their community.
Carihi Interact Presidents, Jesse Kennedy and Claire Peachey
salutes our local youth volunteers! carihi@campbellrivermirror.com
To all our city’s Young Volunteers
Timberline Secondary Students, Christmas Child volunteers: Wyatt Hallstrom, Jordan Foy, Nicole Johnston, Mariah Rickman, Erin Davidson, Meaghan Kempe, Tyler Cowan, Gabriel Oliva, Jessica Dalton, Farryn Elhorn, Heather Bates, Megan Hay, Fiona Zhao, Chandra Hunt, Neala Cameron
Brought to you by the Carihi Writing Program
High Five
Campbell River Youth...
Young Volunteers
Kim Stevens
... you are Awesome! Thanks for the helping hand.
250•286 • 6421 Located at the Discovery Inn, Campbell River
Campell River
www.CampbellRiverMirror.com www.CampbellRiverMirror.com
Mergansers sensitive to health of wetlands
Plenty of gift items plus New Spring Clothing. Stop in a say hi!
burp it up
1066 SHOPPERS ROW • 778-346-4404
wetlands as these ducks are susceptible to toxins and pollutants. Disturbance of the river bed, which is often caused by people removing river rock for landscaping, destroys fish fry habitat and larvae that mergansers rely on. Watch out for these entertaining ducks along our local rivers and shorelines and if you are ever near Squamish explore some of their hidden treasures. To report injured or orphaned wildlife please call 250-337-2021 or visit our web site at www.wingtips.org
Photo by Mike yiP
A family of common mergansers make their way to the water.
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beak. The ducklings are precotial meaning they are feathered and can swim as soon as they reach the water. Staying close to their mother, the ducklings will often “hitch” a ride on the mothers back when they tire or feel threatened. Young ducklings fall prey to eagles, ravens, crows and small mammals, but their biggest threat is loss of habitat which in their case is very specific. The health of the mergansers is a great indicator of the health of the
n a recent visit black hooked tip. to Squamish I In contrast, the female was delighted plumage is predomito visit an area as yet nately grey but she does unknown to me. have a striking crest of Paradise valley is orange-brown feathers northeast of Squamish which can be raised or and is home to the lowered. Tenderfoot Creek fish Both sexes have serhatchery. rated edges to their The hatchery is surbeaks enabling the rounded by old growth ducks to hold on to their forest and has a wonder- slippery prey. ful network of ponds, Predominately fishstreams and eaters, these fast flowing mergansers rivers. also consume I was treated a variety of to a rare sight aquatic spein one small cies including pond close to insects, larthe hatchery vae, shellfish, when a mated crustaceans pair of comand even mon merganSandy Fairfield frogs, small sers drifted by. mammals and MARS Moment There are birds. three species of merMergansers will also gansers: the hooded, red hunt co-operatively; breasted and the largest, forming a semi-circle the common merganser. they drive the fish into Common mergansers shallow water where are found across North they can easily be capAmerica. tured. In the east, they At a distance, merganmigrate during the win- sers are often mistaken ter but in our local areas, for cormorants along the many are year-round shorelines as they swim residents. low in the water and These diving ducks have a habit of basking have a habitat that in the sun on a rock or includes rivers, estuaries piece of driftwood with and sheltered shorelines. their wings half open. They can also be found Mergansers are strong in small lakes and are fliers but become clumsy at home in salt or fresh on land they will often water with the exception fall over when chased by of the young which are a predator. only raised in freshwaUnlike most water ducks, mergansers have ter. a strange choice of nest These mergansers’ sites. Primarily tree are often found in local nesters, they use hollows areas, a favorite spot in decaying trees. is Miracle Beach Park Once again, this where they can be seen emphasizes the imporfloating down the river tance of the mature forthen making the return est which so many other trip as they fish their birds and mammals rely way back upstream. on for successful breedCommon mergansers ing. are large ducks ranging Like most species of in length between 58 water birds, these ducks and 72 centimetres and produce between eight weigh up to two kiloand 12 eggs reflecting grams. the high mortality rate, The breeding plumfew will make it through age of the male is very the first year even if they striking with a glossy survive the egg stage. iridescent-green sheen Life begins precarito his black head feathously as the ducklings ers. His body is pure have to jump, fly or white with black wing even be carried out of markings and he has a red serrated beak with a the nest in the females’
with complimentary wine service
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Call for more info: Amanda Raleigh 250-202-7500 Sydney Crawford 250-850-3283 or 250-203-1243
Rivercorp Board is seeking new members
The Campbell River Economic Development Corporation (Rivercorp) is seeking new members for its Board of Directors. Rivercorp CEO Vic Goodman says, “The Board is currently seek-
ing volunteers with experience in retail, information and financial services, entrepreneurship, governance and major projects. Citizens with experience in agriculture, aquaculture and
communications are also encouraged to submit applications.” Details of the application process can be found in an advertisement in this issue of the Campbell River Mirror. Ques-
tions can be directed via email to the Campbell River Economic Development Corporation at invest@rivercorp.ca. The requirement to replace board positions is due to the completion
www.CampbellRiverMirror.com www.CampbellRiverMirror.com
of commitment of service by board members. Phil Griffith has been a member of the Rivercorp board since November 2008 and has reached the end of his board term. Patrick Evans joined the
board in January of 2012 and has resigned for personal reasons. “I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Phil and Patrick for their tremendous support and personal com-
6x12 Peel $100 off a new smartphone.
mitment during their time on the Board. Their leadership and guidance has been a great asset.” Goodman says. The Rivercorp Board of Directors is comprised of skills-based volunteers representing key sectors of the regional economy. Rivercorp leads the economic development and tourism marketing efforts for Campbell River and Region. Rivercorp collaborates with local leaders, businesses and community organizations to determine economic advantages, grow business opportunities, and attract visitors and investors to the region. Rivercorp strives to nurture regional pride, focus economic development on sustainable principles, create a culture of entrepreneurship, and position Campbell River and Region as a premier place to live, work, play and invest.
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in car look r u o y p Kee
Cres 3x1.5
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Flying machines
Campbell River Athletics’ Kayla Lund, 11, sidesteps a Castaway-Wanderer tackler in an all-Island Girls match on Sunday at Shawnigan Lake School.
Ruggers showcase their skills Campbell River Athletic Association’s Mini Rugby Players (U8U12) had an excellent all-island Jamboree at Shawnigan Lake School on Sunday. “This is the biggest mini rugby event of the year and to have Campbell River well represented in all age divisions makes our club very proud,” says club president Erin Young. “We have so many talented players and it is a great venue to showcase our skills.” The club will host the Cowichan Piggies and the Comox Kickers in the final mini Jamboree of the season this Sunday at Willow Point Park starting at 10:30 a.m. Interested families are encouraged to check out the action and ask questions about the sport. This particular age group wraps up the 2013/14 season after but the club may run dropin touch rugby over the late spring to early summer to keep skills and fitness sharp and to introduce the sport to new players as the fall season kicks off in late August. “Rugby is excellent for promoting all-around fitness, gender equality,
meeting new friends, and displaying respect in sport. It is one of the most affordable local sports and the opportunities to develop local
talent can potentially lead a Campbell River athlete all the way to the Olympics, as Rugby 7s will be introduced in 2016 in Rio,” says
Young. For more info call 250202-7642, or check out the club website at www. campbellriverrugby. webs.com
Just Arrived!
The high-flying action was intense at the Campbell River Motocross track last Sunday for the first Island Series event of the year. AlistAir tAylor/the Mirror
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Tickets available at the Campbell River Hospice Society 301 Dogwood Street, 250-286-1121 The Music Plant – 619 11th Avenue, 250-287-7770 Proud sponsors
www.CampbellRiverMirror.com www.CampbellRiverMirror.com
Bowl star
Campbell River’s Ryan Chickite, has been chosen to play in the Star Bowl, a game featuring the top football players in Football BC. Chickite played football in Campbell River for 10 years, first as a Campbell River Fighting Eagle and then on the Timberline Wolves. He spent this year attending Vancouver Island University and playing for the Nanaimo Redmen, winning the BC Championship and being honored with The Most Outstanding Receiver award. The Star Bowl will take place on Saturday at McLeod Athletic Park in Langley at 5 p.m. To watch the game via live stream, internet broadcast details will be available at www. playfootball.bc.ca.
SPRING REGISTRATION Now is the time to register for Spring & Summer Classes 7x11.5 call 250-287-9227 today! MAY 10 & 11, 2014 • 10AM - 3PM EARLY BIRD REGISTRAION 2014 SEASON
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The Campbell River Children’s Choir has • Hosted by the Nanaimo Raiders Football Club • Football Equipment Supplied with a Refundable Cheque been making music in • Jersey included with registration fee. • Register for the season at the same time and get a $25 discount. our community and • Birth certificate and Carecard required. • Supported by BC Gaming. around the world for BC Lions players Korey Williams and Whitman Tomusiak as well as players and coaches from the over 25 years. Vancouver Island Raiders will be Registration in attendance. Boys & Girls Ages 8-18 Years
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Arts & $1995 Entertainment Entertainment Catch Caindawg’s old tricks
Send Sendyour yourarts artsand andentertainment entertainment submissions submissionsto to editor@campbellrivermirror.com editor@campbellrivermirror.com
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Born in rural Eastern Ontario, Rick “Caindawg” Adams heard his first country blues circa 1969 via the powerful FM station CHOM, Montreal. The classic Blue Thumb label album Memphis Swamp Jam and especially the haunting sound of then 100-yearold Nathan Beauregard doing Nathan’s Bumblebee Blues was a favourite with late night DJ’s. The soul-etching had begun. You can hear that soulful sound at the Royal Coachman’s Sunday Jazz this Sunday. In the early 1970’s, Adams moved to Ottawa and now revelled in constant jam sessions and his growing record collection. Influences from Johnny Winter, classic blues artists Furry Lewis, Bukka White and Fred McDowell, bluegrass wizards Tony Rice and Doc Watson and especially his adopted mentor John Paul Hammond, Jr. were added to the stew. He bought his first good guitar, a Gibson Southern Jumbo. String popping pull-
ds Project Good Dee2x2 their
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Rick “Caindawg” Adams will perform his acoustic country blues at the Royal Coachman’s Sunday Jazz on Sunday.
offs and back beat thumb rolls now combined to define the hypnotic grooves that were happening. Charlie Patton meets Michael Hedges, Fred McDowell meets Earl Scruggs. Delta blues, bluegrass and rock blues combined and morphed
into the hard-driving, fast picking tunes that now poured out from under the steel finger pick’s and slide tubes. Fast forward to the late 1990’s and Adams, now living on northern Vancouver Island, decides it’s time to get a little more serious about his music.
Benefit for Oyster River family that escaped house fire
After nearly 30 years of playing around street corners, campfires and coffee houses from coast to coast, he starts organizing regular performances in the cozy lodge of the small community ski hill of Mt.Cain. “Caindawg” is born and the moniker applied to
Kin Fo will be hosting a benefit concert in Willow Point at Johnny’s Pub Saturday for Lyle Johnson, Kelly Bouzanne and their two boys. The family escaped a horrific house fire recently . The show gets under way at 7 p.m.-ish with special guest Three In The Tree $10 a tickets on sale
his first independent CD release, 2002’s “at the end of my chain.” Whether it’s the relative solitude of the place Adams calls home, or the isolation in which he established his musical foundation, Caindawg has developed a truly unique voice.
at Johnnys Pub #5 - 2253 South Island HWY Willow Point (250) 926 - 0606 . All proceeds go directly to the family. Free appys and lots of fun. If you can’t make it down to Johnny’s Pub and you would like to help the family you can make a cash donation at the Campbell River TD-Canada Trust.
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Choose two of these Black Press Community Newspapers! FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS
In Memory of
ATTENTION CRAFTERS the 25th Annual Nanaimo Professional Craft Fair, Beban Park, Nanaimo, is on Nov 7, 8, & 9th, 2014. Register by May 30th to get a discount. Call 250-797-6544. www.nanaimo professionalcraftfair.com
Plant & Jumble SALE Sat, April 12 10am-1pm
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May Long Weekend Getaway
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Clara “Clare� Margaret Peters, passed away peacefully on March 30, 2014 at the Campbell River Hospital at the age of 88. Clare was born in Killam, Alberta on June 21, 1925, growing up on the family farm until she joined the Air Force in 1943 until her release in 1945 in Winnipeg where she met and married Al, also a member of the Air Force, on August 31, 1946. Clare and Al continued to live in Winnipeg for several years where Clare worked for National Defense, War Assets Division until their first child was born. While raising a family, Clare would move many more times to wherever Al was transferred in the military. At age 43, Clare fulfilled her lifelong dream of becoming a nurse, beginning her nursing career at Ottawa Civic Hospital. She continued her nursing career at Victoria General Hospital until her retirement. Once retired, Clare and Al would make one final move to Campbell River in 1990. Clare volunteered for the Red Cross and the SPCA while in Campbell River, was a long-time member of St. Peter’s Anglican Church and was active in the ACW. Clare is survived by her husband Al, 2 daughters, Linda Pintar (Ed), Nancy Rosse (Ed) and 3 grandchildren, Jarrod Pintar, Craig Kerr (Kyrstin) and Cheryl Kerr (Daryn) as well as 2 great-grandchildren, Braydon and Taylor, and predeceased by her brother Allister Huddleston and brother-in-law Bill Bock, and survived by sisters Sheelah Bock, Carol Woodhouse (Bruce) and Jackie Makarowski (Joe) and many nieces and nephews throughout BC and Alberta. Many thanks to the staff at the Campbell River Hospital, and a special thank you to Dr. Robert Ramsey for all their care. A special note of thanks to the many wonderful neighbours for all their tremendous support. Private service to be held at a later date. In-Memoriam donations may be made to the charity of your choice.
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Lorna Mary Gibson March 22, 2014 Lorna passed away peacefully on March 22, 2014, in Yucalta Lodge. She was predeceased by her husband, John. She will be sadly missed by her daughter, Julia Van der Zee (Kelly); sons, Simon Gibson (Joy) and Victor (Nati); grandchildren, Matthew, Andrew, Shari-Anne (Jeremy) and Alisa, and two greatgrandchildren, Samuel and Lars. Lorna was born in Malaysia in 1923 and moved with her family to England when she was a young girl. Following high school, she attended the Slade Art School in London. In 1942, when Lorna was just 19, she was selected as one of the first eight WRENS (Women's Royal Navy Services) to be chosen to work at Bletchley Park on the early computer "Colossos," the headquarters for decryption of the German code in World War 2. This high level intelligence produced at Bletchley provided crucial assistance to the Allied war effort. Lorna was recently recognized for this demanding work with a presentation of a medal by the British government. Lorna was a talented artist. She sketched, painted and carved in England and Canada. She taught Life Drawing at North Island College and also gave art classes at her studio in her Campbell River residence. Lorna was a passionate gardener and Rhododendron grower. The family wishes to thank Dr. Sutherland, the staff at Campbell River Hospital and Yucalta Lodge and all the home care staff, for their understanding and care. A Celebration of Life Open House will be held on May 10, 2014 from 1:00 - 4:00pm at Lorna's residence, 687 Erickson Road, Campbell River, BC. For more information, please call Julia at 250-830-4817.
No words could ever say, How much we miss you Everyday. Love you forever, Sandra, Glenda, Jody and families.
IN MEMORIAM GIFTS Your gift helps people overcome homelessness, addiction, poverty, abuse, isolation and desperation. Please include the name & address of the person you wish to remember and next of kin and your name and address for tax receipt purposes. Thank you for your support. The Salvation Army, 291 McLean Street, Campbell River, BC V9W 2M4
The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.
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August 25, 1922 – March 31, 2014 Stan Morgotch passed away peacefully on March 31, 2014 at the age of 91. He is survived by his daughter Deborah (Michael), grandchildren Tessa and Stefan, and many devoted nieces and nephews. Stanley was predeceased by his brothers William and Peter, and his wife Violet in 2011. Stan was born in Hyas, Saskatchewan on August 25, 1922. He grew up on a farm the youngest of three brothers, and married Violet Holm on October 27, 1945. They moved to Campbell River in 1955 where Stan first worked on the construction of Ladore Dam, and the blasting of Ripple Rock. He then worked at the Crown Zellerbach Mill from 1956 to 1987. Stanley and Violet were happily married for 67 years. Many thanks to the staff and volunteers at New Horizons, (notable mention to York the Dog) who all made Stan’s last years a period of growth rather than decline. Special thanks to Dr. Jon Walker who gave him exceptional care for many years. Stan will be dearly missed by all, but we know that he is happy to be with Violet once again. At the family’s request, there will be no public service and flowers are gratefully declined.
For those who love, time is not. Missing you today and always.
Sutton’s Campbell River Funeral Home 250-287-4812 www.suttonsfuneralhome.com
Campbell River Mirror Fri, Apr 11, 2014 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS
www.campbellrivermirror.com A29
COMMUNITY OUTREACH WORKER Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land Take notice that International Forest Products Ltd. of Campbell River, BC, has applied to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), South Coast Forest Region, for a License of Occupation for a log handling/storage facility situated on Provincial Crown land located at Mitt Creek in Toba Inlet. The Lands File for this application is file 2410954. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Senior Land Officer, South Coast Forest Region, MFLNRO at #200 – 10428 153 Street, Surrey, BC, V3R 1E1. Comments will be received by MFLNRO up to May 5, 2014. MFLNRO may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit the website at http://arfd.gov.bc.ca/ApplicationPosting/index.jsp for more information. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ office in the South Coast Forest Region.
Campbell River Family Services Society has a vacancy for a Community Outreach Worker for the CRHRC Second Stage Housing Program. This is a part-time (17.5 hours per week, .5 fte.) temporary position (December 31, 2014 with possibility of renewal). The Community Outreach Worker provides support and skill development to individuals who have completed drug/alcohol treatment that assists them to live without depending on addictive substances and activities. Minimum requirements for this position include a diploma in a related human/ social service field and one (1) years recent related experience, including training and experience in addictions work. This position involves outreach work – a vehicle is required for the performance of duties. This position requires union membership. Wages per current collective agreement. This position is open to male and female applicants.
TO TOWN? Don’t wait for us to find you! Call Louise........923-6643
Submit resumes by April 21, 2014 to: CR Family Services Society 487-10th Avenue, Campbell River, BC, V9W4E4 Attn: Camille Lagueux, Executive Director
Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please.
Call Terry Falk..287-4940
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA RE: MARGARET ROBERTA TUDDENHAM, also known as MARGARET TUDDENHAM, DECEASED, Late of 70 Jones Road, Campbell River, BC who died at Campbell River, BC on September 17, 2013 Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars to the law firm of Randall & Murrell, LLP, 201l006 Fort Street, Victoria, B.C. V8V 3K4 on or before May 12, 2014, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard to the claims of which the Executor then has notice. JAMES TORRANCE PATERSON, Executor By his Solicitors, RANDALL & MURRELL LLP
AVALON RELAXATION Massage. Certified European Masseuse. An exquisite escape. 250-204-0956 By Appt.
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250-287-4313 for help day or night
LOST AND FOUND LOST WATCH on Friday, April 4. Sentimental Value. Please call 250-203-2082 if found.
e aÄ?Ć&#x;Ç€e͘͘͘
and get paid!
ADULT NEWSPAPER CARRIERS WANTED Pay the bills and build some muscle! StaĆŒt noÇ Ç ith a DiĆŒĆŒoĆŒ deliÇ€eĆŒy assignment͘ ĎŽ Ć&#x;mes each Ç eeĹŹÍ• Wednesdays Θ &ĆŒidays DooĆŒ to dooĆŒ deliÇ€eĆŒy͘ Reliable Ç€ehicle ĆŒeĆ‹uiĆŒed to get to ĆŒoute aĆŒeas in Campbell RiÇ€eĆŒÍ˜
$120 per week.
Contact Lyndsay
BRAND NEW LOCATION! We are currently seeking an individual to run an efÀcient and proÀtable truck & equipment service department in our new shop through productive stafÀng, customer retention, cost controls, achievement of objectives and maintenance of all service records. Preference will be given to candidates with technical knowledge of heavy duty trucks & equipment and proven leadership skills. The Inland Group is an industry-leading group of heavy truck & equipment dealerships in business since 1949 with 1,200 employees and 23 locations in North America. Further details can be found under Canada, Job Opportunities at www.inland-group.com. Resumes & cover letters should be emailed to Lori Willcox at lwillcox@inland-group.com or faxed to 604-608-3156
Employment Opportunity
We are currently seeking a highly motivated and hardworking person to join our team as an HR Assistant in our Tofino office. This is a full-time permanent position. Cermaq Canada Ltd. is based in Campbell River, BC on Vancouver Island and one of the largest aquaculture companies in Canada. Cermaq Canada produces approximately 25,000 metric tonnes of fresh, farmed Atlantic salmon annually at 27 sea sites. The company operates four hatcheries and two processing plants (one under contract). As part of the five member HR team, you would report to the HR Manager in Campbell River with these position objectives: • Manage the recruitment process from advertising through to orientation for the west coast operations including saltwater and the processing plant • Be the point of contact for employees seeking human resource support and services • Provide guidance and coaching to management on employee relations issues performance management and disciplinary action • Coordinate training to ensure compliance with occupational health and safety and employee development opportunities • Prepare reports and recommendations that ensure monitoring and progress towards established goals whether on an individual or company wide workforce • Support the planning and implementation of the new human resource strategy Skills and requirements • A team player who understands that quality relationships and great service are the foundation of human resource solutions • Completed post-secondary education with a focus on human resources management and a minimum of 3 years’ experience in human resources • Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation considered an asset. If you have the skills we are looking for and you would like to become part of our team, please forward a resume to careers.canada@cermaq.com before April 25, 2014 with Human Resource Assistant in the subject line.
Summer Student Employment Opportunity General Labour / Site Clean-up Quicksilver Resources Canada Inc. is a Calgary based company recognized as a leader in unconventional gas exploration and development. Quicksilver Resources Canada is looking to fill four summer employment opportunities at our Discovery LNG Elk Falls site in Campbell River. Duration for these positions will be May to August 2014.
Applicants must: -Be registered in a post-secondary institution (proof of registration will be required) -Must be a resident of Campbell River/ Strathcona Regional District -Must be legally entitled to work in Canada (legal documents will be required) -Must meet WorkSafe safety standards -Candidates will be required to perform physical labour *Personal Protective Equipment will be provided Duties include but are not limited to: -Sorting and consolidating non-hazardous materials -Removing/disposing/recycling materials and equipment -General Site clean-up -Development of a “Green Plan� that documents volumes of material being reused/recycled/disposed -Assisting onsite supervisor as required Individuals interested in pursuing this opportunity with an industry leader that offers a challenging and diverse work environment, are invited to submit their resumes by Monday, April 21 2014 to pbarrett@qrinc.ca. Please include the job title in the subject line. We sincerely thank you for your interest in Quicksilver Resources Canada Inc. Only those candidates under consideration will be contacted.
Your Community, Your ClassiďŹ eds. Call 1-855-310-3535
FISHERIES BIOLOGIST The A-Tlegay Fisheries Society, which represents 5 First Nations including Wei Wai Kum (Campbell River), K’omox First Nation; We Wai Kum (Cape Mudge) First Nation; Kwiakah First Nation and Tlowitsis First Nation is seeking a fisheries field biologist for a full time position in Campbell River, B.C. The position involves: • Coordinating & implementing fisheries projects • Supervision and training of field crews • Analysis of data for salmon, crab, prawn, clam • Review and preparation of technical reports • Implementation of Safety Program Qualifications: • Graduation from a recognized university with a bachelor’s degree in an applicable biological or resource management science with a minimum of 4 years fisheries experience • Experience in working with public and private groups, First Nations, and other government agencies including Fisheries & Oceans Canada and BC Hydro • Experience in the analysis and interpretation of biological data for salmon, crab, prawn, clam • Experience in designing, conducting, analyzing, and reporting stock assessment/ fisheries surveys • Ability to prepare and publish reports. • Ability to coordinate and supervise staff • Demonstrates initiative, good judgment, dependability, flexibility, leadership, reliability. • Swiftwater Rescue Training Certificate, Marine Emergency Duties and Small Vessel Operators Proficiency Certificate is an asset Hours: 40 hrs/ week Term: May 12th, 2014 – March 21, 2015 will be reviewed on an annual basis. Salary: commensurate with education and experience. Interested candidates should send their resume and cover letter including letters of reference to: Kim Duncan, A-Tlegay Fisheries Society 1441 A Old Island Hwy., Campbell River, BC V9W 2E4 e-mail: kimduncan@shawcable.com fax: (250) 287-8414 Closing date: Wednesday, April 30th, 2014 Thank you to everyone who applied. Only those chosen for an interview will be contacted.
30 | CAMPBELL RIVER MIRROR | FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2014 A30 www.campbellrivermirror.com
Fri, Apr 11, 2014, Campbell River Mirror TRAVEL
City Smiles Dental Center in Campbell River is seeking a motivated and enthusiastic CDA. Dental experience and computer knowledge is required. Candidate must have professional communication skills, be a self-learner, ability to multitask and commitment to teamwork . Please email resume to lqstracy@telus.net.
Certified Dental Assistant Wanted for Orthodontic Office Duties include Chair side, records and treatment co-ordinator. Ortho module an asset; must be computer literate. Friendly , kind , helpful attitude necessary. Willing to train the right candidate. Please email resume to
Air Brake Course April 26 & 27
• ICBC Licensed Courtenay 250-897-9875 • Campbell River 250-204-9875 www.instructordarryl.com
LONG BEACH - Ucluelet Deluxe waterfront cabin, sleeps 6, BBQ. Spring Special. 2 nights $239 or 3 nights $299 Pets Okay. Rick 604-306-0891
• Class 1 & 3
1st Class Driving School
Building Your Child’s FutureToday! Ages 1-4 years old ~ABC/123 Age related learning ~Arts & Crafts ~ Projects ~Structured & Freeplay Choices ~Centers ~ Creative Play ~Musical Appreciation ~Indoor & Outdoor Play Open Mon.-Fri. 7am-5:30pm 250-287-4460 www.islandkids00@hotmail.com
SNC-Lavalin is an international leader in engineering and construction, and a major player in operations and maintenance as well as infrastructure concession investments.
SNC-Lavalin’s Hydro group is currently recruiting for the Jimmie Creek Project being developed by Alterra Power Corporation in the Toba Valley near Powell River, BC.
h t t p : //c a r e e r s . n i c . b c . c a
Substitute Instructor, Nursing
(Nootka Forest Operation)
Western Forest Products Inc. is an integrated Canadian forest products company located on Vancouver Island that is committed to the safety of our employees, the culture of performance and the discipline to achieve results. Nootka Forest Operation is located in Gold River, B.C. and harvests approximately 550,000 m³ annually.
Comox Valley Campus Please go to http://careers.nic.bc.ca for further criteria, required qualifications and information on how to apply to posting #100680.
Please apply online at www.snclavalin.com/careers HELP WANTED
Reporting to the General Foreman, the Woods Foreman will be responsible for leading company logging crews and ensuring that the highest standards of safety, production, and environmental protection are maintained. A detailed job posting and application requirements can be viewed at
Join The Blue Revolution
We are searching for forward-looking , ambitious people who will be involved in creating the next chapter in food history. Starting wage from $17/hr, plus full benefit package Apply at www.marineharvestcanada.com
Western Forest Products Inc. is an integrated Canadian forest products company located on Vancouver Island that is committed the safety of employees, the culture of performance and the discipline to achieve results. Non-Union Positions
We are currently recruiting for an individual with demonstrated safe work habits and a positive “can-do” attitude for the position of Operations Support in the Klemtu area. The ideal candidate for this position will have salmon farming experience, boating experience, and good mechanical abilities.
Join The Blue Revolution
OPERATIONS SUPPORT KLEMTU We offer a competitive compensation package and challenging work. Please view the full posting on our website at www.marineharvestcanada.com and apply as directed.
INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! iheschool.com 1-866-399-3853 MASTER INSTRUCTOR
Non Restricted & Restricted. C.O.R.E. Contact, Sign up & Pay at TYEE MARINE 250-287-2641 or 250-334-2942 CONTACT SID NIELSEN 250-203-4444 *Highest mark receives a $10 Tyee Marine gift certificate. HAIRCARE PROFESSIONALS
CERTIFIED HAIRSTYLIST wanted for busy salon in Willow Point. Part-time hours. Experience and clientele an asset. Apply in person to The Chameleon Hair Lounge, located in the Willows Market; 202-2266 South Island Hwy.
Marine Harvest is the world’s largest supplier of farmed salmon and produces 5 million healthy meals per day. The company has 10,400 employees and activities in 22 countries. Through its vision of “ Leading the blue revolution “, has Marine Harvest aims to be the leading supplier of healthy , sustainable food from the ocean.
Detailed job postings can be viewed at
We offer a competitive salary and a comprehensive beneðts package. If you believe that you have the skills and qualiðcations, and want to experience the special West Coast lifestyle reply in conðdence to: Human Resources Department Facsimile: 1.866.840.9611 Email: resumes@westernforest.com
Your Community, Your Classifieds.
Call 1-855-310-3535
ESTHETICAN WANTED at Eden Street Salon and Day Spa. Are you looking for a place where you will be appreciated and you can flourish? We are the right place with a mature business and strong leadership looking for you! Must have internal motivation to provide exceptional customer service, and be a great team player! Apply in person with resume to 2701 Eden Street, Campbell River. HAIR STYLIST WANTED. $1000 Hiring Bonus for First Choice Hair Cutters in their Courtenay location. Guaranteed $12.50 per hour, paid overtime, benefits, paid birthday, 25% profit sharing, vacation pay, annual advanced training and advancement opportunities. Call 1-866-472-4339 today for an interview or send resume to careers@fchsk.ca
HELP WANTED AMY’S ASIAN Food & Cafe, is now hiring F/T Food Counter Attendants, $10.40 per hr, no experience needed, good communication skills, flexible on all shifts. Email resume to: cafe.asian@yahoo.ca APRIL POINT Resort and Spa Quadra Island. Esthetician’s & Massage Therapists required for the 2014 season, MaySeptember. Part and full time positions available. Esthetician’s must have massage training and must be willing to work weekends. Free shuttle from Painters Lodge to April Point. Please forward resume to aveda_spa@obmg.com FEMALE Deckhand wanted to log salvage and cruising. Must be physically fit. 1-250973-6517, evenings. SEAMSTRESS Part-time for Bonnie’s Alterations. Apply in person at 2116F S. Island Hwy, Sunrise Square, Willow Point.
SMALL ADS, BIG DEALS! www.bcclassified.com
Campbell River Mirror Fri, Apr 11, 2014
NOW hiring SEASONAL NURSERY WORKERS for piece rate thinning of forest seedlings. Good hand eye coordination and manual dexterity a must. Workers currently earning $10.50/hr to $18/hr. • Appropriate clothing required, possible work outdoors. • Physical work requires a good level of fitness. Apply in person between 9am and noon Monday to Friday at PRT Campbell River Nursery, 3820 Snowden Rd, Campbell River, BC, V9H 1P5.
SHAKE CUTTER, Expr’cd. Needed in the Menzie’s/Kelsey Bay area in Campbell River. Call Mike 250-203-1981
Full time, experienced Receptionist and part time CDA required for busy, family dental practice Please drop off resume to Dr. Andy Wong 201-871 Island Highway, Campbell River or Email: pierstreetdental@shaw.ca
at Shelter Point Berries to start end of June 2014. 40 - 60 hrs/wk $10.33/hr. Work includes planting, weeding, pruning, harvesting fruit, and other farm work. Work is outdoors in all weather conditions & physically demanding.
Fax resumes to: 250-752-7566.
#,!33)&)%$Ă– !$6%24)3).' Ă– " #SJHIU *EFB
College Pro Exterior Painting For a free estimate call: 250-203-1004 All work guaranteed.
www.campbellrivermirror.com A31
Finishing and Renovations
QUEENSIZE BED Kingsdown Brand. Dual zone. 1/2, 1/2 plush. Almost new. Mattress box & frame. 30 days old. $750. 250-202-8776 TWO BATHROOM cabinets c/w sinks. 2 large mirrors, Chesterfield & chair. Like new. 778-418-1918.
NANAIMO WATERFRONT 2nd floor condo. 1500 sq.ft. LR/DR/2bdrms with view, den, gas FP, secure bldg. 2 underground parking spaces. Maintenance fee includes hot water/gas/landscaping. 1 pet OK. View anytime. $339,900 Reduced to $329,000. (250)7539123
Interior Renovations Professional Painting Drywall & Mudding Repair Finish Carpentry, Trim work Custom Fir Kitchens, Fireplace Mantels Husband & Wife Team Free Estimates Design House 250-204-4417 www.DesignHouseBC.com
OFFICE SUPPORT CLERK A building materials supply company has an immediate opening for a full-time administrative assistant. This person needs to be reliable, friendly, polite, and a self starter. Responsibilities: Applicant will be responsible for coordinating shipments, data entry, answering telephones and responding to customer inquiries, communicating with vendors, creating and filing purchase orders, website updates, answering telephones in a courteous manner, maintaining a positive attitude toward customers and team members, and other miscellaneous tasks. Great benefits and salary is commensurate with experience. Forward resumes to hr@royaletileco.com.
CRIMINAL RECORD? Pardon Services Canada. Established 1989. Confidential, Fast, & Affordable. A+BBB Rating. RCMP Accredited. Employment & Travel Freedom. Free Consultation 1-8NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366) RemoveYourRecord.com
Skilled RENOVATION Specialists req for an apartment building in Campbell River. Send resume and refs to,
info@rockwellpm.ca Quote CR0012
prepared starting at $39.95. Seniors discount. Periscope Promotions. 80 C Westgate Rd. Next to Party Shop in Willow Point
Hypnotherapy & Counselling
Spring Is Here
Gardening, Pruning,Top Dressing, Small Landscaping Designs & Rubbish Removal Gabriele (250)205-0661
is accepting applications from post secondary students for Heritage Interpreters ($12.00/hr) and a Visitor Services Assistant ($11.00/hr). Job descriptions are available at the Museum and on the Museum’s website www.crmuseum.ca. Applicants must have been full time students in the spring and be continuing as full-time students in the fall. Application deadline: May 2, 2014. Please email your cover letter & resume to: beth.boyce@crmuseum.ca, fax to: (250) 286-0109 or drop off in person at 470 Island Hwy, Campbell River. Only those short-listed will be contacted.
Full-Time Bookkeeper/Payroll Clerk Chan Nowosad Boates, Chartered Accountants is a progressive public accounting practice serving clients for over 30 years. We wouldn’t be where we are without the dedication of our talented staff. We currently have an opening for a bookkeeper/payroll clerk who is self-motivated, well-organized, has excellent communication skills, a professional appearance and attitude, and who possesses strong attention to details. While knowledge of bookkeeping and payroll procedures are preferred, it is not necessary as we are willing to train the right individual. Computer experience is essential. Please deliver your rÊsumÊ with cover letter to our office at 980 Alder Street by Friday, April 25, 2014. We thank all applicants; however, only those selected for interviews will be contacted. 980 Alder St. Campbell River, BC V9W 2P9 (250) 286-0744 www.channowosadboates.ca
Not Just another Handyman! 23 yrs experience. Specializing in roofs/repair, fencing/repair, drywall/repair, framing/rot repair, door & window replacement, crawlspace repair & dump runs. Seniors Discount. Call Reno at 250-203-3315
• Grades K - 12 & College. • All subjects.
SMALL ADS, BIG DEALS! www.bcclassiďŹ ed.com
FINANCIAL SERVICES GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com
#,!33)&)%$Ă– !$3Ă–7/2+
h t t p: //c a r e e r s . n i c . b c . c a
Mt. Waddington Regional Campus Please go to http://careers.nic.bc.ca for further criteria, required qualiďŹ cations and information on how to apply to posting #100668.
3740 BIER Rd (off Crawford Rd)., Apr. 12th, 7-12noon. Household items etc. 2006 Travel trailer, 27’, quad bunks $11,900. 2007 Ford Explorer, $9,500. (250)923-4020. 766 MARINA Blvd. Sat. April 12. 8am - 2pm. Moving Sale. Everything must go!
EVELYN M. Interior Painting: Interior prep to completion. I always use low odour paint. Colour consulting available, free estimates. No muss, no fuss! 250-204-4417.
CAMPBELL RIVER: 516 Dogwood St. (Elk’s Lodge), Apr. 12th, 9-3pm and Apr. 13th, 9-12noon. Huge sale; everything from new and used clothing, house wares, footwear and much more! Rain or shine.
CENTRAL 546 NILUHT Rd. Sat. Apr. 12. 8am-12pm. MultiFamily. Boys brand nameclothing(newborn to toddler), tons of toys, stroller, high chair, books, , maternity clothing, women’s clothing, shoes, household items, truck tire set and more. Rain or Shine.
RICO ROOFING Metal Roofing & Cladding, Fiberglass Shingles, Shakes conversions, Flat roofs (Torched on).
GARAGE - Estate Sale. Lots of tools, man’s hunting suit, canning jars and various other items. Sat. April 12, 9-2 p.m. 3640 Montana Drive. Rain or Shine.
Serving Island wide & remote locations. Licensed. WCB Insured. 30 years experiance. Richard: 250-702-3968
MERCHANDISE FOR SALE APPLIANCES KENMORE FRIDGE - top freezer. Kenmore Stove. $100 for both, 250-338-9418
UNDER $300 KENMORE WASHER & DRYER. All Reconditioned. 3mnth warranty. Delivery possible. $245. 250-202-8776
UNDER $400 2 TV Stands w/ glass shelves. $50 ea. 40� Samsung TV. 3yrs old. $200. 250-923-4203
FRIENDLY FRANK SELF-CLEAN RANGE White. All clean. Works properly. Delivery possible. $80. 250-2028776
"59).'Ă– Ă–2%.4).' Ă–3%,,).'
1945 SHETLAND Rd. Moving sale. Sat. April 12. 8am-2pm. Sofa, loveseats, chairs, desk. wood table, Sm. freezer, lamps, dressers, small stereo, TV cabinet, tools, garden tools. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper? LARGE SHOP Rider Scooter and a Bruno Lift, Aqua-tech bath lift and Roho cushion. Delta band saw, Delta 12� planner w/dust collector. Large map drill press w/metal bits, horizontal metal band saw, Settling torch and cart, 4 tool boxes, numerous other tools too much to list! Call (250)3381689.
Come see the sisters for quality rentals.
WE ARE SO GOOD – WE HAVE NOTHING LEFT!! We have approved/qualified tenants waiting for homes! Hydro & VIHA have us listed with their Contractors for needed vacancies when workers arrive. Competitive prices – our rentals fly out as soon as we get them.
WE NEED YOUR RENTALS!!!! Professional Service, Helpful Staff. Realty/Property Management/Rental Specialists
962 Shoppers Row, Campbell River
BRIGHT COZY 2bed 2bath home on sunny 2+acres $284,000. England Rd. Courtenay. See more craigslist or contact shrugun@yahoo.com for details. Country living w/city convenience NEW INSIDE - RANCHER. 1505 Hobson, Courtenay. 2-bdrm, 1 bath, all new appliances. Asking $268,000. Call (250)334-7335 or email kj.mcgrath@hotmail.com
TOWNHOUSE . #2-2697 Mine Road, Port McNeill. Quiet strata complex, convenient to schools and hospital. 3-bdrm, 1.5 bath home, approx. 1250 sq.ft. Open plan main floor. Kitchen with built-in dishwasher, fridge, stove. Upper level has master bedroom with walk-in closet, storage room, laundry alcove with full-sized washer/dryer. Electric baseboard heat. Single attached garage with remote controlled door opener. Tidy, fenced back yard with patio, greenhouse and tool shed. Price reduced to $144,500. Quick occupancy. Phone 250-956-9875 or email: windonthemoon3@hotmail.com for appointment to view.
ALL YOU NEED IN PRINT AND ONLINE www.bcclassiďŹ ed.com
Realty & Property Management Inc.
FIRST OFFER over $300,000 buys this 4bd, 2bth oceanview duplex in Painter-Barclay area of Campbell River. Renting for $1800/mnth. 250-850-0998
17’ COSCO Aluminum multi purpose ladder $75. SnowBear 4x8/12� wheels Utility trailer, side & top covered - $900. Phone 250339-5530
Needed: Homes/Condos and Basement Suites to Rent
Aboriginal Education Advisor
CURT’S LANDSCAPING tree service, stump removal, pruning of fruit & ornamental trees, hedges, aerating and dethatching lawns. Free estimates. Insured. 250-830-8776
2854 S. ISLAND HWY. Sun. April 13. 8-10am. A little of everything. Rain or shine.
Realty & Property Management Inc.
For more rentals call 250-286-0110
• 88A Maryland- 3 bdrm, 2 bath house. May 1. $1200/mo. • 927 Dogwood - 2 bdrm, 4 appl, house. $995/mo. • 211-377 Dogwood - Studio. $575/mo. • 440 - 4th Ave - 2 bdrm suite, hydro/gas included. $850/mo. • 1340 Creekside Way - new S/S duplex. May 1. $1200/mo. • #4-4811 Croyden - 2 bdrm trailer. Apr 1. $700mo. • #4-595 Evergreen - Patio home. Apr 1. $1200/mo. • 101-377 Dogwood - 2 bdrm, 1 bath, renovated. May 1. $750/mo. • SAYWARD RENTALS - 2 bdrm, 1 bath, all inclusive. $895/mo. • 270 Kelsey Way - 4 bdrm, 2 bath, oceanview. $850/mo. • 1226 Sayward Rd - 3 plus bdrm, woodstove. $575/mo.
WHOLE DUPLEX for sale1280sq ft per side, 3.5 bdrms, 1.5 bath. 9498 McDougall Rd, Port Hardy, BC. $225,000. Call (250)334-8474.
REDUCED! 2896 Apple Dr. Located in the heart of Willow Point. This 1478 sqft rancher offers 4bdrms, 2bths, newer kitchen, roof & flooring. Private fenced yard, RV parking. $249,900. Call Kim at 250923-6503. mls#370079. http://sites.google.com/site/ 2896appledrive
WILLOW POINT RANCHER Move-In Ready. Mint Condition. $287,000. 250-923-8445 or 202-0197. Campbell River.
32 | CAMPBELL RIVER MIRROR | FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2014 A32 www.campbellrivermirror.com
Fri, Apr 11, 2014, Campbell River Mirror
1 & 2 BDRM Orchard Park Apts. Secure bldg. Lrg, quiet, privt yard. New carpet. On-site lndry. Indoor cat welcome. Ref’s req’d. $595/$695 per mo. w w w. m e i c o r p r o p e r t y. c o m . 250-202-2187.
SHOP FOR RENT April 1, 2014 1500sq ft. (250)287-4304
LEASE: 900/1200 sqft, 220 Dogwood Plaza. Reno’d, reasonable rate. (250)286-6865.
2 BDRM available at the Cedarbrook Apts. Heat & hot water included. Adult oriented. Indoor cat welcome. On-site laundry. Refs Req. $725. Call 250-202-2187 to view. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 1. BA, 1 & 2 BR suites. 2. Newly renod suites & building 3. Moving Incentives 4. Heat, H/W, prkg included Call Building Manager Call 250-204-3342. CAMPBELL RIVER- 2 bdrms, close to town. Quiet, secure, adult oriented, 820 Alder Street. $650. Available April 1. Call 250-830-4056. CAMPBELL RIVER- 2 B/R Condo. 55+. Grd fl, 5 appls, F/P, U/G parking. Avail. April $875/mo. Call 250-830-7069.
DUPLEXES/4PLEXES CAMPBELL RIVER: 2bdrm apt in centrally located 4-plex. Freshly painted. No Pets. N/S. Refs $700+util. 250-830-4686. OYSTER BAY- Ocean front duplex. 2 bdrm, sunroom, unique house, private and quiet. F/S, W/D. Wood stove. $1000/mo + utilities. No dogs. Call (778)420-4505. VERY CLEAN, view, close to parks, schools & amens. Great neighborhood, 4bdrm, 3bths, rec rm., patio, lg fncd yard. N/P. Ref’s required. $1111. 250-286-6672 WILLOW PNT: Lrg, 4bdrm duplex, 2812A Fairmile, NS/NP, $1200. Nadia (250)286-3293.
MERECROFT: LRG 1 bdrm. Avail. Apr. 15, LR/DR, F/S, D/W, NS/NP. Ideal for responsible person(s). Onsite laundry. Prkng. (250)220-0814
CAMPBELL RIVER- (York Rd area) 2 bdrm trailer, NS/NP. Avail Apr 15. $850. (250)9232671, can leave msg.
OPEN HOUSE Saturdays 1:30-3:30pm
CAMPBELL RIVER. 3 or 4 bedroom basement home on extra large lot. 109 Twillingate Road. Avail May 15th. $1085./mo. (250)923-3635.
PaciďŹ c Wynd Residences 808 South Island Highway New Luxury 2 & 3 Bedroom Units Avail. Feb. 1, 6 appliances. Non-smoking. No pets. Rents start at $850. Phone 250-926-5501 ROTARY BEACH- Excellent location. Ocean views. Bachelor $600., 1-bdrm $680., 2-bdrm $700. N/S, N/P. Call (250)286-1175. ST. ANDREWS Village. 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments, updated recently, close to schools & buses, Non smoking, pets are negotiable, near the hospital. (250) 287-3556. C.R.
NEW HOME FOR RENT in Campbell River, BC. 3 brms, 2 baths, heat pump, gas f/p, 5 appl’s, dbl garage. Level entry with unfinished bsmnt. $1600. /mo. N/S, no pets, references req’d. Please reply only if you qualify. Text or call 250 287 0407. Avail. Apr 15. NOW AVAIL. 2 bdrm,2 bthr, 1200+ sq ft house on large lot. 5 appli,lg yard, fenced back yard for dog. Plus 20’ wired container for secure storage. Easy access to CR and Hwy. $1150/mth.250-286-3326
Turnkey Ocnfrt. 1 Bd. Avail. immed. N/S,N/P. $1,100-1,250 /mnth. Randy 250-830-4222
WILLOW POINT: Avail May 1. 2 bdrm, 2 full bath. Upper suite. 5 appl. Dble garage. Fully fenced. Soaker tub, gas fireplace. RV parking. $1050.Possible rent to own. Call 250-287-6992.
IAP Supply supplying automotive, marine & industrial parts for the north island. Full engine and component machine shop. Supplier for Dayco Hydraulic hose.
I.A.P SUPPLY INC. Industrial Automotive Parts
1393 SPRUCE ST., Campbell River
2858 BAYLINER Ciera, boathouse kept, all bells/whistles, 393 hrs, quality turnkey opportunity, possible smaller trade or $45,000. 250-745-3700
Spots available at Great Rates. Daily, weekly, monthly. Pool, Hot tub, exercise room, laundry, putting green, hiking, fishing, Pickle Ball Court. Free coffee in one of the best clubhouses on the island. Nanaimo area. www.resortonthelake.com 250-754-1975 or
7 1/2’ HAIDA Fiberglass Dinghy. $700 o.b.o. 250-99236123 BOAT FOR Sale w/Trailer 18.5ft Lund Fiberglass. Make A Offer - 250-338-6236 after 6:00pm or weekend 9:00am-7:00pm.
SHARED ACCOMMODATION FURNISHED ROOM- $400Includes cable/wireless, laundry. Oceanview. 1/2 block to bus. NS/NP. 250-287-3616. LARGE 1-BDRM suite. near bus route & mall. Inclds cable, TV, internet. Furnished, N/S, N/P. Shared kitchen & Laundry. Separate ent. Adult orientated. $500. (250)204-7222.
SUITES, LOWER BRAND NEW 2Bdrm deluxe suite in executive home. Incls. stainless steel F/S, D/W, microwave, heat pmp, frplce, insuite lndry, cover’d patio. Prvt. ent., off st. prkng. $925/mo. Ref’s/credit check req’rd. Avail. May 1st. 250-202-0922 or 250-202-5960
CARS 1989 BUICK LeSabre. Mechanics Special. Good 3.8 engine, newer battery, 4 good tires. Needs brake line repair $850.00 O.B.O. For more information please call 250-339-3512
Featuring Shannan Brown, Professional Coach, Consultant, Speaker and Ambassador to African Women. Shannan will speak to us about her experiences in Tanzania supporting women to become entrepreneurs and share with us how women can empower each other in business and life! Networking, great food and sampling of Shelter Point Distillery’s amazing vodka and whiskey products are just a few of the exciting things planned for this event!
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www.CampbellRiverMirror.com DrivewayCanada.ca
| Welcome to the driver’s seat
The Impala is roomy inside with Business Class legroom in the rear — and the theme continues with the use of quality materials throughout. Keith Morgan
DrivewayCanada.ca | Welcome to the driver’s seat DrivewayCanada.ca | Welcome to the driver’s seat
Impala leaps impressively to the top
Question of the week:
variable valve timing, mated to a six-speed contemporary style favoured by The 2014 Chevrolet ImpalaThe is theImpala is roomy inside with The Impala is roomy inside with automatic transmission. The two base engines many competitors. Its lines actubest domestic sedan ever, really? Business Class legroom in the rear Are you more likely to purchase ally lean closer towards classy, available are a solid 2.4-litre four-cylinder and That was the question front of Business Class legroom in the rear a vehicle produced by one of the — and the theme continues with the rather than sporty. mind when I heard such a boast a 2.5 version, both of which are likely adequate — and the theme continues with the Big Three domestic manufacturers Let’s open the driver’s door. As its from a General Motors use execu-of quality materials throughout. for commuter use. use of quality materials throughout. than a similarly equipped and outward appearance suggests, tive recently. Well, he’s paid to I headed straight for Highway One and it Keith Morgan priced import model? it is roomy inside with Business say that, I thought, but then he Keith Morgan positively purred along the long, clear stretches Class legroom in the rear! And the backed up the assertion with open to the daytime driver. Great acceleration in Please explain why you have made that business class theme continues something that surprised me take-off and passing with limited lean and sway decision.Go to DrivewayCanada.ca QUESTION more. when cornering at speed. to submit your answer and you could OF THE WEEK! After spending a with the use of quality materials throughout. win a $100 Safeway gift card. The hypercritical Consumer ReBack in urban madness, it offered a good view Controls are logically placed ports organization had just given week in an Impala, of fast encroaching vehicles from side streets I have to admit it and easy to operate with one the full-size sedan a 95-point and the rear. I mention this because I expected The style standard infotainscore: No other domestic carishad the sleek valve window profiles might views, variable timing, mated to ahinder six-speed contemporary favoured by The 2014 Chevrolet Impala the softened my cynicism exception. ment system, which features an ever topped the sedans ratings especially to the rear. Hence, it was also not as variable valve timing, mated to a six-speed contemporary style favoured by 2014 Chevrolet Impala is the as the sedan trek. transmission.Its lines actuThe 2014 Chevrolet automatic transmission. Thebest twodomestic base engines many competitors. best domestic sedan Impala ever, really? to the point of almostautomatic Distracted driving is the likely top factor to in youth crashes in B.C. Are you more purchase eight-inch touch screen, is not 20 years of rating cars by much of a beast to park at the supermarket as automatic transmission. The two base engines many competitors. Its lines actut in domestic sedan ever, really? ever. That caution should The Impala with the V6 The two base engines is the best domestic sedan ally lean closer towards classy, available are a solid 2.4-litre four-cylinder and That was the question front of It’s one ofmore the top factors for to experienced drivers, too. Are you likely purchase buying the hype. a vehicle produced by one of the nearly as intuitive I would like.at and style. And, just Iahad feared. Light steering also in that not stop youassisted fromand taking ally lean closer classy, starts $32,945 (around available a solid 2.4-litre four-cylinder t bothsegment was question front ofa boast available are atowards solid ever,the really? was the rather than sporty.as mind when I That heard such 2.5are version, both of which are likely adequate If you’re an experienced road user, be a role a vehicle produced by one of the model ILet’s would need spend an hour offer aheard bit more perspective Big Three domestic oneare for likely a spin. $3,000 than the 2.4-litre four-cylinder and adoor. question front of mind rather than sporty. dto when such a boast 2.5manouevre. version, both use. of which adequate for the next generation ofmanufacturers drivers by limiting your open thetodriver’s As its amore from a IGeneral Motors execu- to Keith Morgan for commuter Bigthan Three manufacturers manual to get it to per- for commuter remarkable score: the foura domestic similarly and keith.morgan@ On the urban performance front, theand transmis2.5 with version, of which I heard such a boast use of all electronicequipped devices behind the wheel. Let’s openthe theboth driver’s door. As its4-cylinder-equipped mthis awhen General Motors execuuse. outward appearance suggests, tive recently. Well, he’s paid to I headed straight for Highway One it DrivewayCanada.ca | Welcome to the driver’s seat than a similarly equipped and form for me. The reason I don’t door was just behind the expendrivewaybc.ca versions) but the test car are likely adequate for from a General Motors sion took the annoyance out of stop-go traffic. outward appearance suggests, priced import model? recently. he’s paid straight for Highway One andclear it stretches it is roomy inside with Business I headed say that,Well, I thought, but to then he positively purred along the long, priced import model? do that ahead of time is because I want to test sive Tesla S ultra-luxury options, which included use. executive recently. Well,he Have to it wasthe gulping gas though in itcommuter is roomy inside with Business that, I thought, then purred along long, Great clear stretches Class legroom in the rear! And thepositively backed upModel the but assertion with hatchback with open to think the daytime driver. acceleration in Please explain why you have made that these systems against my iPad/iPod. Apple is 99 points and the BMW 1 Series coupe at 97. rear park assist, rear vision I headed straight for he’s paid to say that, smoothing out the urban trek. Class legroom in the rear! And the ked up the assertion with open to the daytime driver. Great acceleration in business class theme continues something that surprised me take-off and passing with limited lean and sway Please explain why have made that decision.Go to you DrivewayCanada.ca the benchmark. Get over it,ofguys! Mimic Apple After spending week camera,take-off collision and lane Highway One and itquality I thought, but athen he The Impala with with the V6 startslean at $32,945 business class theme continues mething that surprised mein an Impala, I have QUESTION and passing limited and sway with the use materials more. decision.Go to your DrivewayCanada.ca when cornering at speed. to submit answer and you could The Impala is roomy inside with OF THE WEEK! After spending awith QUESTION alerts, premium positively purred along thelegroom rather than trythroughout. to reinvent the wheel and departure come backed up the assertion admit it softened my cynicism point (around $3,000 more than the 4-cylinthe use ofBusiness quality materials re.to when cornering at speed. to submit your answer and you could Class in the rear OF THE WEEK! win a $100 Safeway gift card. The hypercritical Consumer Re- to the Back in urban madness, it offered a good view After spending a audio,with sunroof, addedmadness, long, clear stretches with something that up with athroughout. paleControls imitation. There’s a nifty secuof almost buying the hype. of myin an Impala, — and theopen theme continues the der-equipped versions) but the car options, winwas a $100 Safeway gift card. hypercritical Consumer ReBack in fast urban itvehicles offered a test good view are logically placed ports organization had justExplanation given week of encroaching from side streets himwith all the answers. Thank goodness, the stolen vehicle Meet Walt. gave He lives hiswrong wife and two teenagers in a usedriver. ofthat quality materials throughout. week in an Impala, another $7,000. Itincluded will tooffered the daytime Great surprised me had more. rity feature though I must praise. reservations to follow. Controls are logically placed tscontinued organization just given which rear park assist, vision of fast encroaching vehicles from side streets And, I didn’t tell goes him the camper wasmorning, way too behind me.rear I have to admit it and easy to operate with one the full-size sedan a 95-point quiet neighbourhood. Walt to work every and the rear. I mention this because I expected Keith Morgan compete the Dodge acceleration in take-off The hypercritical Consumer The screenand emerges the standard dash, revealing Itscore: wouldn’t take much imagination for designers to admit it easy tofrom operate withand one full-size sedan a 95-point camera, collision and alerts, prefor the truck to be safe. Did Ideparture feel bad? Yes. Does it make me a bad andwith the rear. I mention thislane because I expected provides forheavy his family and chats with his neighbours. exception. The infotainNo other domestic car hadI have the sleek window profiles might hinder views, softened my acynicism Charger andmium Fordwindow Taurussunroof, passing Reports organization small storage binwith that can which belean secured with He alsoHe’s asked a vehicle report. I to turn out adomestic more handsome than its personanother for selling a stolenItvehicle? Probably. Walt has a secret. nofor Walter Whitehistory from“Breaking exception. Thelimited standard infotainre: No other carhad had Impala audio, $7,000. profiles might ment system, features ana the sleek ever topped the sedans ratings softened my cynicism especially to the rear.added Hence,hinder it wasviews, also not as pulled the CarProof report out. I had But to outsiders, my life hasn’t changed. I’m But,driving domestically and a host of Hence, and sway when cornering just given the full-size to the point of almost Bad.” his love for quick cash and highI mean, four-digit code. predecessor. But this long-looking car manages Distracted is the top factor in youth crashes in B.C. system, which r topped the sedans will compete with the Dodge Charger and Ford to the rear. it was also not as touchfeatures screen, an is not especially in 20 years of ratingratings cars by to the point of almost menteight-inch much of a beast to park thesame supermarket as if they only profi nothing to hide. He asked me what “rebuilt*” stillatthe old Walt. Oh, knew. ts drive him to a sideline that makes imports. at speed. sedan a 95-point score: Distracted driving is the top factor in youth crashes in B.C. It’s one of the top factors for experienced drivers, too. Let’s roll. The tester was equipped with a to look sharp and streamlined but not so overly screen,asis Inot 0bothsegment years of ratingand cars by And, just domestically and a host of imports. buying the hype. eight-inch of a beast toLight parksteering at the supermarket as nearlytouch as intuitive would like.muchTaurus style. I had feared. also assisted in that meant. I for told him that,some because the I was on a roll. To my disbelief, I’d usofall lessan safe and costs It’ssold oneseven thea Iflittle top factors experienced drivers, too. you’re experienced road user,ofbe a role model Now to had myNow reservations: Back inasurban madness, it including No other domestic car had buying DI with FlexFuel capability, aggressive in stance, which often the the hype.3.6-litre V6 nearly intuitive as I would hsegment style. And, justis more to my reservations: the fuel economy forcould say Question feared. Light steering also assisted intothat the would need to spend anlike. hour I contemporary to offer aand bit more perspective to small accident, the transmission needed to your cars already. I guess you it was variable valve timing, mated a six-speed style favoured by The 2014I Chevrolet Impala is the manouevre. their savings. Walt isweek: a curber. Ifa you’re an experienced road be aby role model forof the next generation ofuser, drivers limiting Keith Morgan the fuel economy for the offered a good view of fast ever topped the sedans automatic The– two base engines manythe competitors. Its11.1/6.9L lines actudomesticneed sedan ever, really? Ibestwould to spendtoanget hour offer bit more perspective V6 isurban 100km (city/highway) and be rebuilt. Oh, but I’d altered the the sections manouevre. part transmission. offront, me now I “fl ip” cars on the side. Are you more likely to purchase with the manual it to perthisaremarkable score: theto four- Keith Morgan for the next generation of drivers by limiting your On the performance the transmisuse of all electronic devices behind wheel. ally lean closer towards classy, available are a solid 2.4-litre four-cylinder and That was the question front of V6 is 11.1/6.9L 100km encroaching vehicles from ratings in 20 years rating a vehicle by one of the detailing thedevices amount of damage. And, I was branching out – with a truck and with the manual to getreason it to perremarkable score: theoffourwhile thatperformance is not bada for aout large it’s not rather thanurban sporty. the the transmismind when I heard suchme. a boast 2.5front, version, both which are likely adequate use produced of all This electronic behind the wheel. week he form for The I don’t On door was just behind the expension took the annoyance of ofcar, stop-go traffic. Three domestic manufacturers (city/highway) and while side streets and cars by both segment and Let’s open the driver’s door. As its from a General Motors execu-the rear. for commuter use. Judging from his English skills, I’m sure he camper. The truck hadeco been rebuilt.Big It was form for me. The reason I don’t r sive was Tesla just behind the expen- hatchback with the best in its segment. The four-cylinder sion took the annoyance out of stop-go traffic. than a similarly equipped and puts a new do that ahead of time is because I want to test Model S ultra-luxury outward appearance suggests,it wasI headed tive recently. Well, he’s paid to straight for Highway One in and it Have gulping gas though that is not bad fortowith athink large Iofmention because I didn’t understand the difference. At least he style.Model And, just to offer a hatchback with roadworthy again. I even had the inspection priced import model? it is roomy Business say that, I thought, but then he I want to test positively purred along thein long, clear stretches do that ahead time is this because Tesla S ultra-luxury version is itimpressive at 8.7/5.8L 100km (city/ Have to inside think was gulping gas though Canadian these systems against iPad/iPod. 99 and the BMW Seriesuse coupe at 97. materials smoothing out the urban trek. trying. to prove it. And the camper? That Class legroom in the in rear!its And the backed up the assertion with openrecords to the daytime driver. Great acceleration in car,isit’s not the best expected the my sleek windowApple bit points more perspective to 1this of quality Please explain why you was have made that He got an “A” for effort. these systems against my iPad/iPod. Apple is points and the BMW 1 Series coupe at 97. highway). That said,I don’t think fuel economy business class theme something that surprised outcontinues the urban trek. andmarketing passing with limited lean and sway family at the benchmark. overme it, guys! Mimic segment. Apple smoothing After spending a week in an Impala, I have ? risk. decision.Go to DrivewayCanada.ca I hope he figures out that the truck and was genius. The Impala with thetake-off V6 starts atspeed. $32,945 The four-cylinder profilesGet might hinder views, remarkable score: the four QUESTION throughout. with the use of quality materials more. when cornering at to submit your answer and you could After spending a the benchmark. Get over it, guys! Mimic Apple erto spending asoftened week in my an Impala, I have will be with a $3,000 deal for people. Impala thebreaker V6 starts atmost $32,945 would be unsafe on the road when When Imadness, put4-cylinit itupoffered for asale, I fibbed. But a rather than try to reinvent admit it cynicism to the point throughout. win aonly $100 Safeway giftcamper card. The hypercritical Consumer Re-the wheel and come The Back in urban good view (around more than the eco version isareimpressive especially to the rear.week in an Impala, door was just behind the Controls are logically Controls logically placed hadthe just given of fast encroaching vehicles from side streets toorganization reinvent wheel and come he gets it fully loaded with passengers, fuel dmit it softened mythe cynicism to the pointof my ratherupthan little bit. My continued reservations really boil down to (around $3,000 more than the 4-cylinwithtry aports pale imitation. There’s a nifty secuof almost buying hype. der-equipped but test options, to admit and easy to operate with oneversions) the full-size sedan a 95-point atit8.7/5.8L 100km (city/ Hence, it was also notI have as expensive Tesla Model S Explanation and the rear.the I mention thiscar because I expected placed Meet Walt.and He lives wifeI have and two teenagers in a gear. with Goodhis thing my “no returns” “Truck forcar sale. Fixed after fender bender, variable valve timing, mated to a six-speed ed by up with a pale imitation. There’s a nifty seculmost buying the hype. Explanation of my reliability. It’s a brand new car and we should exception. The standard infotainscore: No other domestic car had der-equipped versions) but the test options, the sleek window profiles might hinder views, Safety Tip: rity feature offered though that I must praise. continued reservations follow.and easy to operate softened my cynicism whichwhich included park assist, rear vision highway). don’tanrearespecially much beast ultra-luxury hatchbackto with Meet Walt. neighbourhood. He lives with hisWalt wifegoes and two teenagers in a quiet to work every morning, policy! mentThat system,said,I features looks new. Includes camper. It’s been in ever toppedof the a sedans ratingsto park at to the rear. Hence, it was also not as automatic transmission. Thedesigners two baserity engines actufeature offered though that I must tinued reservations to follow. to thepraise. point of almost which wait a couple three years before anointing Distracted driving is the top factor in youth crashes in B.C. included rear assist, rear vision The screen from revealing It99wouldn’t takethe much imagination eight-inch touch screen, is notorpark inthe 20emerges years of rating cars by the much beast to park supermarket as camera, collision and lane departure alerts, preneighbourhood. Waltdrivers, goes work every forYes, andtoo.to chats with his morning, neighbours. think fuel economy will supermarket as Idash, had likely points and BMW 1 Are you more withfor one exception. The I family know what you’re all thinking. This is anof aaccident, soat the I’m selling both forquiet a one lowprovides It’s of the top factors forhis experienced buying the hype. to purchase nearlythis as intuitive as I would like. bothsegment and style. just I had feared. Light steering alsopreassisted in that Buying used? We’re looking outfrom for“Breaking you. assy, available are a solidImpala four-cylinder and The screen emerges from theAnd,can dash, revealing ouldn’t take much imagination for2.4-litre designers car as the best domestic sedan ever. That camera, collision and lane departure alerts, If you’re anhis experienced road user, beno a role model his a small storage bin that be secured with a to turn out a more handsome than its provides for and chats with neighbours. Walt has afamily secret. He’s Walter White the lowest of the low. mium audio, sunroof, added another $7,000. It price. Great for family adventures. Call if be a deal breaker for most Light steering also Series coupe at 97. standard infotainment I would need to spend an hour tofeared. offera a bitvehicle more perspective to manouevre. produced by one of the for the next generation of drivers by limiting your Keith Morgan a But 2.5 version, both ofthan which are likelyaadequate small storage bin thatscore: canthebe urn out a more handsome Impala WatchoutforWalt.com Find out how atno with the manual toshould get it to perWalt has Walter White fromhigh this remarkable four-secured with a caution not stop youperformance from taking audio, sunroof, added another $7,000. Itone On the urban front, the transmisBad.” But, hisHe’s love for quick cash and use ofaallsecret. electronic devices behind the wheel. four-digit code. But you have to understand. I“Breaking was slightly predecessor. long-looking car its manages interested.” will compete with the Dodge Charger and Ford assisted inThree that manouevre. people.mium After spending athis week in system, which features an Big form for me. The reason I don’t door was just behind the expen- domestic manufacturers sion took the annoyance out of stop-go traffic. Bad.” But, his love for quick cash and r. As its for commuter use. four-digit code. decessor. But this long-looking car manages profi ts drive him to a sideline thathigh makesAt this point, manic about this whole thing. Shortly after, I got a call. The man had a for a spin. will compete and Ford Let’s The tester equipped with a doMy to sharp andthe streamlined but not sophoto overly thatcontinued ahead of time is reservations becausedomestically Iwith want tothe test Dodge Tesla Model Swas ultra-luxury hatchback with Visit 2014 Impala gallery atsive DrivewayCanada.ca Have to Charger think it wasof gulping gas though in Taurus and a host imports. On the urban performance anlook Impala, I have to admit eight-inch touch screen, is roll. than a 1similarly and profi drive a sideline that makes all ahim little less safe and costs these systems against my iPad/iPod. Apple is 99 points and theequipped BMW Series coupe I to would do anything tosome make a sale and get distinct, charming metsus what out the urban trek. accent. He asked ests, Let’s tester was withat 97. a equipped straight One and it roll. The V6 ook sharp andI headed streamlined but for notHighway so often overlythe keith.morgan@drivewaybc.ca Taurus domestically and asmoothing host of imports. DI with FlexFuel capability, including aggressive which really boil down to my Now reservations: the for front, thea week transmission took it softenedinmystance, cynicism to is more not nearly as intuitive3.6-litre as I the benchmark. Get over it, guys! Mimic Apple After spending in an Impala, I have The a Impala withfuel thebender” V6economy starts at was. $32,945 us all a little less safe and costs some their savings. Walt is a curber. myself another wallet full of cash. priced import model? “fender I explained that it Confessions of a Curber... iness 3.6-litre V6 DI with including ressive in stance, which is more often the positively purred along the long, clear stretches rather than Now try to reinvent the wheel and come to admit FlexFuel it softened my capability, cynicism to the point (around $3,000 more than the 4-cylinto my reservations: the fuel economy for It’s brand new the annoyance out of stop- upreliability. the point of almost buying would like. thea V6 is 11.1/6.9L 100km and their savings. was a(city/highway) small Heoptions, seemed pleased and Walt is a curber. with a pale imitation. There’s a nifty secuof almost buying the hype. Explanation of my der-equipped versions)accident. but the test car And open to the of daytimeIdriver. Meet Walt. He lives with his wife and two teenagers in a the is 11.1/6.9L 100km (city/highway) and feature though that Iwait mustispraise. reservations to follow. Please explain made that car andoffered weV6 should go traffic. Have towhy thinkyou it haverity thethe hype. Explanation wouldGreat need acceleration to spend an in continued included park rear vision while that not badwhich for a large car,assist, it’s not asked torear meet me the next day. I assumed *Rebuilt - This status quiet neighbourhood. Walt goes to work every morning, This week he is assigned to The screen emerges from the dash, revealing wouldn’t take much imagination for designers nues collision and lanenot departure alerts, pretake-off and passinghour withwith limited and to sway Itwas family and chats with his neighbours. while that issecured not bad for acamera, large car, it’s decision.Go DrivewayCanada.ca heaudio, was relatively neweco to theIt country,provides so I for hisThis “salvage” vehicles after they have been couple three gulping gastothough in my continued reservations week he thelean manual the best in its segment. The four-cylinder aasmall storage or bin that can beyears with a to turn out a more handsome Impala than its Walt has a secret. He’s noputs Walter Whitea fromnew “Breaking mium sunroof, added another $7,000. QUESTION terials for quick cash and high four-digit code. to submit your answer and you could predecessor. But thisout long-looking car manages thought would be an easy sale. Bad.” But, his love repaired and have passed inspection. Vehicle OF THE willat compete withthis the100km Dodge Charger and Ford the best inWEEK! itsissegment. The four-cylinder eco before anointing this car smoothing the urban to follow. when cornering at speed. get it to perform for me. puts a new version impressive 8.7/5.8L (city/ profits drive him to a sideline that makes Canadian Let’s roll. The tester was equipped with a to look sharp and streamlined but not so overly Taurus domestically and a host of imports. win a $100 Safeway gift card. Boy was I wrong! status alone does not fully describe a vehicle’s urban madness, offered a good us all a little less safe and costs some version is capability, impressive at 8.7/5.8L 100km (city/ 3.6-litre V6 DI with FlexFuel including It wouldn’tBack take in much aggressive in stance, which is more often the The itreason I don’t doview that Canadian Now to my reservations: the fuel economy for highway). That said,I don’t think fuel economy family at risk. their savings. Walt is a curber. He’d gone to “new immigrant” welcome mechanical condition or damage history. This edimaginationoffor the V6 is 11.1/6.9L 100km (city/highway) and fastdesigners encroaching vehicles from side streets highway). That said,I don’t think fuel economy ahead of time is because I family at risk. will be a deal breaker for most whileclasses, that is notwhere badpeople. for a they large car, it’s not information about shared applies This week he to RVs, motorcycles, cars and trucks. one the rear. I mention thistobecause I expected best in its segment. boil The four-cylinder will be deal breaker forthemost to turn outand a more want test these systems puts a new Mya continued reservations really down eco to life inpeople. Canada. version is impressive at 8.7/5.8L 100km (city/ Canadian fotainsleekthan window profiles might hinder views, My continued reservations really boil down to handsome the Impala against my iPad/iPod. Apple I think this was where he highway). said,I don’t we think should fuel economy reliability. It’s a brand newThatcar and family at risk. resitsanpredecessor. will be a deal breaker for most people. especially to the rear. Hence, it was also not as But developed an should interest in is the benchmark. Get reliability. a brand new car and we wait aIt’s couple or three years before anointing My continued reservations really boil down to Distracted driving is the top factor in youth crashes in B.C. not camping Canadian style. much ofcara beast to park supermarket as this long-looking overatit,the guys! Mimic Apple reliability. It’s a brand new car and we should waitdrivers, a couple three before anointing Buying used? We’re looking out for you. this cartoo. asorthe bestyears domestic sedan ever. That It’s one of the top factors for experienced waitHe a couple or three yearsright before anointing knew all the uldmanages like. also assisted in that Buying used? We’re looking out for you. toI had lookfeared. sharp Light steering rather than try to reinvent theshould best domestic sedan ever. That Buying used? We’re looking for you. If you’re an experienced roadthis user,car be as a role model Find out how atoutWatchoutforWalt.com car as the best domestic sedan ever. That caution not this stop you from taking one questions to ask.from But,taking I one hour Find out howhow at WatchoutforWalt.com caution should not stop youone manouevre. and streamlined but not the wheel and come up WatchoutforWalt.com Find out at caution should not stop you from taking for the next generation of drivers by limiting your for a spin. for a spin. Visit the 2014 Impala photo gallery at DrivewayCanada.ca Visit the 2014 Impala photo gallery at DrivewayCanada.ca toso perOn the2014 urban performance the transmisuse of all electronic devices behind the wheel. overly in Impala withphoto a front, pale imitation. keith.morgan@drivewaybc.ca for a keith.morgan@drivewaybc.ca spin. Visitaggressive the gallery at DrivewayCanada.ca don’t sionistook outaof stop-go traffic. stance, which morethe annoyance There’s nifty security keith.morgan@drivewaybc.ca tooften test the contemporary Have to think it wasfeature gulpingoffered gas though in that though plestyle is favoured by many I musttrek. praise. smoothing out the urban cedApple competitors. ItsImpala linesvalve screen from The with the The V6mated starts atemerges variable timing, to a$32,945 six-speed by come lean actually closer$3,000 dash, revealing a small (around morethe than 4-cylinautomatic transmission. Thethe two base engines sdactuAre you more likely to purchase secutowards classy, ratherare than bin thatcar can beand der-equipped but the test options, assy, available aversions) solidstorage 2.4-litre four-cylinder Walt. He produced lives with his wife andone two teenagers aMeet vehicle by of thein a sporty. praise. secured with a four-digit which includedboth rearofpark assist, a 2.5 version, which are rear likelyvision adequate quiet neighbourhood. Walt goes to work every morning, Big Three Let’s the driver’s aling collision lane departure alerts, preprovides for hisdomestic family and chatsmanufacturers with his neighbours. r. As itsopen camera, for commuter use.andcode. door.a As itsmium outward Let’s roll. The tester was with than a similarly and Walt has a secret. He’s no equipped Walter White from “Breaking audio, sunroof, added another $7,000. It ests, Buying used? We’re looking out for you. I headed straight for Highway One and it appearancewill suggests, it with is along Bad.” But,import his love for model? quick cash and high equipped with a 3.6-litre priced compete the Dodge Charger and Ford iness positively purred the long, clear stretches Find out how at WatchoutforWalt.com profits drive him to a sideline that makes roomy with Business V6 DIa with FlexFuel Taurus host of imports. And the inside open todomestically the daytimeand driver. Great acceleration in Please explain why you have made that us all a little less safe and costs some Class legroom intothe rear! capability, including cluding Now my fuel economy nues take-off andreservations: passing withthe limited lean and for sway their savings. is a curber. decision.Go toWalt DrivewayCanada.ca And the business class variable valve timing,and QUESTION the V6 is 11.1/6.9L 100km (city/highway) terials when cornering at speed. to submit your answer and you could OF THE WEEK! theme continues withisthe mated to a six-speed while that not bad for a large car, it’s not win a $100 Safeway gift card. Back in urban madness, it offered a good view This week he
‘‘ Impala leaps impressivelytotothe thetop top mpala leaps impressively
Safety Tip:of the week: Question Question of the week:
Confessions of a Curber ?
? Confessions of a Curber...
‘‘ ‘‘
ely to the top
ely to the top
Safety Tip: Safety Tip:
Impala leaps impressively to the top ’’ ’’
‘‘ Question of the week:
Confessions of a Curber... Confessions of a Curber... OF THE WEEK!
Safety Tip:
“I didn’t tell him the camper was way too heavy to be safe.”
Question ofof the week: Confessions a Curber...
Handsome, technically sophisticated and economical to boot.
PLEASE READ THE FINE PRINT: Offers valid until April 30, 2014. See toyota.ca for complete details on all cash back offers. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Toyota prices, rates and/or other information contained on toyotabc.ca and that contained on toyota.ca, the latter shall prevail. Errors and omissions excepted. 2014 Corolla CE 6M Manual BURCEM-A MSRP is $17,540 and includes $1,545 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. *Lease example: 2014 Corolla CE 6M with a vehicle price of $17,265 (includes $275 Toyota Canada Lease Assist, which is deducted from the negotiated selling price after taxes, and $1,545 freight/PDI) leased at 0.9% over 60 months with $0 down payment equals 120 semi-monthly payments of $87 with a total lease obligation of $10,715. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.07. $0 security deposit and first semi-monthly payment due at lease inception. Price and total obligation exclude license, insurance, registration, fees and taxes. Dealer order / trade may be necessary. **Finance example: 1.9% finance for 84 months, upon credit approval, available on 2014 Corolla CE 6M. Applicable taxes are extra. 2014 RAV4 Base FWD LE Automatic ZFREVT-A MSRP is $25,685 and includes $1,815 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. †Lease example: 3.9% Lease APR for 60 months on approved credit. Semi-Monthly payment is $139 with $1700 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $18,380. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. Down payment, first semi-monthly payment and security deposit plus GST and PST on first payment and full down payment are due at lease inception. A security deposit is not required on approval of credit. ††Finance example: 1.9% finance for 48 months, upon credit approval, available on 2014 RAV4. Applicable taxes are extra. 2014 Tacoma Double Cab V6 4x4 Automatic MU4FNA-A MSRP is $33,285 and includes $1,815 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. ‡Lease example: 3.9% Lease APR for 60 months on approved credit. Semi-Monthly payment is $165 with $3,150 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $22,890. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. Down payment, first semi-monthly payment and security deposit plus GST and PST on first payment and full down payment are due at lease inception. A security deposit is not required on approval of credit. ‡‡Finance example: 0.9% finance for 48 months, upon credit approval, available on 2014 Tacoma. Applicable taxes are extra. ‡‡‡Up to $1000 Non-Stackable Cash Back available on select 2014 Tacoma models. Non-stackable cash back on 2014 Tacoma Double Cab V6 4x4 Automatic is $1,000. Non-stackable Cash Back offers may not be combined with Toyota Financial Services (TFS) lease or finance rates. If you would like to lease or finance at standard TFS rates (not the above special rates), then you may be able to take advantage of Cash Customer Incentives. Vehicle must be purchased, registered and delivered by April 30, 2014. Cash incentives include taxes and are applied after taxes have been charged on the full amount of the negotiated price. See toyota.ca for complete details on all cash back offers. ‡‡‡‡Semi-monthly lease offer available through Toyota Financial Services on approved credit to qualified retail customers on most 48 and 60 month leases (including Stretch leases) of new and demonstrator Toyota vehicles. First semi-monthly payment due at lease inception and next monthly payment due approximately 15 days later and semi-monthly thereafter throughout the term. Toyota Financial Services will waive the final payment. Semi-monthly lease offer can be combined with most other offers excluding the First Payment Free and Encore offers. First Payment Free offer is valid for eligible TFS Lease Renewal customers only. Toyota semi-monthly lease program based on 24 payments per year, on a 60-month lease, equals 120 payments, with the final 120th payment waived by Toyota Financial Services. Competitive bi-weekly lease programs based on 26 payments per year, on a 60-month lease, equals 130 payments. Not open to employees of Toyota Canada, Toyota Financial Services or TMMC/TMMC Vehicle Purchase Plan. Some conditions apply. See your Toyota dealer for complete details. Visit your Toyota BC Dealer or www.toyotabc.ca for more details. Some conditions apply; offers are time limited and may change without notice. Dealer may lease/sell for less.
Nissan substantially revamped the Altima, its popular family sedan, for the 2010 model year. In addition to external front and rear styling changes, its roomy interior got a once-over in a refurbish that also included two important new standard active safety features, electronic stability and traction control systems. The base engine in a 2010 Altima sedan or coupe is a robust 2.5-litre four cylinder and a 3.5-litre V6 was an option. A six-speed manual transmission was available with the four-cylinder and the continuously variable
The Nissan Altima can be a reliable, hard to beat used car purchase in the family sedan class. Bob McHugh
transmission option was standard with the V6 engine. The fuel-frugal 2.5 litre four-cylinder (175
horsepower) can get 8.9 L/100km in the city and 6.1 L/100km on the highway and runs on regular gasoline. The 3.5 litre V6 can produce a whopping 270 horsepower, yet it still provides decent city/ highway fuel consumption (rated at 10.6/7.7 L/100km). It does, however, have a craving for premium quality fuel. A continuously variable transmission (CVT) is more efficient than a conventional automatic and is designed to always provide best fuel economy, however, some drivers dislike the way it holds engine speed at an optimal level. On the plus, it has
a solid reputation for reliability and a nice feature of this CVT is a sequential manual mode that provides six speed settings. There’s also a less popular hybrid version of Altima, which claims an outstanding city fuel consumption rating of 5.8 L/100km. This full-hybrid powertrain was jointly developed with Toyota and can run for short distances completely on battery
power. Like most hybrid sedans the battery pack is stored in the trunk. As a result, the rear seats do not fold-down to expand the cargo area and there’s a reduced amount of cargo space in the trunk. A push-button intelligent key system is standard on this generation Altima. It’s a convenient feature that allows you to start the engine without actually inserting a key in the switch
Price Check: 2010 to 2012 Nissan Altima (March 2014) Year Edition Expect to Pay Today 2010 Sedan 2.5 S $11,000 to $14,000 2011 Sedan 2.5 S $13,000 to $16,000 2012 Sedan 2.5 S $15,000 to $18,000
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barrel. The key fob must, of course, be inside the car and is best kept on your person. Altima got the coveted “recommend buy” rating from Consumer Reports. Although higher than usual incidence of brake and electrical repair did show up on owner surveys, the overall rating for reliability was still better than average, with major mechanical issues showing up. A rear-view camera was added to select packages on the sedan and coupe models in 2011 and three new exterior colours are available. Except for Bluetooth connectivity with the optional Luxury Package on the sedan, Altima was unchanged for 2012. The Altima Hybrid, however, was discontinued. In crash tests performed by the IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety) this generation Altima performed well and got good ratings. However, it only got an “acceptable” rating in a roof crushability test, which simulates a roll-over. Another test of the front seats and head restraints, which simulates a rear-end impact, also resulted in an “acceptable” rating. The next generation 2013 Altima, performed
better in both of these tests and earned an overall “Top Safety Pick” rating. Good to look at, technically sophisticated and economical to drive, the Nissan Altima can be a reliable, hard to beat used car purchase in the family sedan class. Prices vary depending on a used vehicle’s condition, mileage, usage and history. A complete mechanical check should always be performed by a reliable auto technician prior to purchase. Safety Recalls: 2010 to 2012 Nissan Altima: 2009/10: The metal upper strut insulators may fail and allow the strut rod to come out of its mounting position, which will adversely affect vehicle handling. Dealers will replace the front strut insulators. 2012: The side curtain airbag inflators may have been incorrectly manufactured and, as a result, one or both airbags may not deploy as intended. Dealers will inspect and, if necessary, replace one or both side curtain airbag assemblies. bob.mchugh@ drivewaybc.ca
ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. BCGMCDEALERS.CA 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. * Offers apply to the lease of a new or demonstrator 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab 4x4 (1SA/G80/B30). Freight ($1,650) and PDI included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. †* The Automotive Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC) comprises professional journalists, photographers specializing in cars and trucks. They provide unbiased opinions of new vehicles to help consumers make better purchases that are right for them. For more information visit www. ajac.ca ^ 2014 Sierra 1500 with the available 5.3L EcoTec3 V8 engine equipped with a 6-speed automatic transmission has a fuel-consumption rating of 13.0L/100 km city and 8.7L/100 km hwy 2WD and 13.3L/100 km city and 9.0L/100 km hwy 4WD. Fuel consumption based on GM testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Competitive fuel consumption ratings based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2013 Fuel Consumption Guide for WardsAuto.com 2013 Large Pickup segment and latest available information at the time of posting. **When equipped with available 6.2L EcoTec3 V8 engine. Comparison based on wardsauto.com 2013 Large Light-Duty Pickup segment and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM vehicles. † Comparison based on wardsauto.com 2013 Large Pickup segment and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM vehicles. †† The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2014 MY Sierra with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 KMs, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. + Whichever comes first. See dealer for conditions and limited warranty details. ‡ 0% for 36 month lease available on all 2014 Sierra 1500 Regular/Double/Crew Cabs. Sample lease payments based on 36-month lease of 2014 Sierra Double Cab 4x4 1SA + G80 + B30 on approved credit by GM Financial. Tax, license, insurance, registration, applicable provincial fees, and optional equipment extra. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. Monthly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. Example: Sierra Double Cab 4x4 1SA + G80 + B30 including Freight and Air Tax is $30,488 at 0% APR, $1,075 Down payment, Bi-Weekly payment is $139 for 36 months. Total obligation is $11,928, plus applicable taxes. Option to purchase at lease end is $18,560. ¥¥ 0% Purchase financing offered on approved credit by RBC Royal Bank/TD Auto Financing/Scotiabank for 48 months on new or demonstrator 2014 Sierra 1500. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $208 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers only. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ¥ $4,250 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit has been applied to the purchase, finance and lease offers of 2014 Sierra 1500 Double 4x4 1SA, and is applicable to retail customers only. $500 package credits for non-PDU models. Other credits available on select Sierra models. Offer ends April 30, 2014. ++ Retail and basic fleet customers who purchase or lease an eligible Chevrolet, Buick or GMC delivered from dealer stock between March 1, 2014 and April 30, 2014 will receive one 40¢ savings per litre fuel card (fuel savings card) upon payment of an additional $.01. Cards valid as of 72 hours after delivery. Fuel savings card valid for 800 litres of fuel purchased from participating Petro-Canada retail locations (and other approved North Atlantic Petroleum locations in Newfoundland) and not redeemable for cash except where required by law. GM is not responsible for cards that are lost, stolen or damaged. GM reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer and/or the program for any reason in whole or in part at any time without notice. Petro-Canada is a Suncor Energy business™ Trademark of Suncor Energy Inc. Used under license. Cards are property of Suncor Energy. To protect your card balance, register online at www.petro-canada.ca/preferred today. ‡‡ Offer valid from April 1, 2014 to April 30, 2014 (the ‘Program Period’) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing a 1999 or newer eligible vehicle that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six months, will receive a $750 Spring Bonus credit towards the lease, purchase or finance of an eligible new 2013/2014 GMC model delivered during the Program Period. Retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing a 1999 or newer eligible pickup truck that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six months, will receive a $1000 Spring Bonus credit towards the lease or finance of an eligible 2013/2014 GMC Sierra; or a $2000 Spring Bonus credit towards the cash purchase of an eligible 2013/2014 GMC Sierra delivered during the Program Period. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $750/$1,000/$2000 credit includes HST/ GST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership for the previous consecutive six months. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details.
By Alexandra Straub Ojai, CA. - Four-time World Rally Champion (WRC), Tommi Mäkinen, is behind the wheel of the 2015 Subaru WRX STI at Buttonwillow Raceway Park in the middle of nowhere, California. I’m riding shotgun along with two others in the back. The ease and effortlessness in which he wrangles the 305 turbocharged horses of the Subaru via the 6-speed manual gearbox is really no surprise. After all, he’s not a champion because he looks good doing it. So, if the pro can make it look and feel as perfect as a summer’s day, I should be able to as well, right?
I slip into the captain’s chair of the STI – without Tommi in the car, thank goodness – and take to the 3.1-mile track. Prior to the hot laps, I had driven the outgoing 2014 Subaru STI on the same course. I’d be backto-back testing these all-wheel drive machines to see how the engineering prowess has, yet again, continued to make a vehicle with a cult-like following even better. Rewind a few hours to the startof-the-day’s press conference. Masuo Takatsu, WRX STI Project General Manager, mentioned the modus operandi of the fourth generation STI was to create a vehicle that behaves as the drivers expects it to. Mission accomplished. Though I didn’t even come close to Tommi’s performance, that wasn’t my goal. The goal was to experience first-hand how docile yet potent Subaru’s famed sedan took to the high speeds and corners of the club track. I had no desire to hand the keys over to my colleagues as they eagerly anticipated their time in the Rally Blue beauty. It would be sacrilege if I didn’t insert some technical jargon into the reasoning why the STI scored big points on the road test. Without getting too deep into
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Hot laps with a world champ at the wheel the engineering, here are the top three take-home points of this incredible vehicle. One: the increased use of high-strength steel makes for a stiffer and stronger body, and decreases its tendency to twist and bend in corners. The result? A more predictable handling sedan that isn’t easily irked and stays firmly planted to the ground. Furthermore, the 2015 STI achieves 16 percent less body roll than before. Two: You have the practicality of added dimensions. There is 25mm added to wheelbase, there is 900mm more legroom in back and you get 20L more cargo space (from 320L to 340L.)
Three: The Base WRX and STI don’t have a rear spoiler. The Sport and Sport-tech WRX has a trunk lip spoiler and the corresponding STI trims have the “table for six” or very large spoiler! Perhaps it’s also sacrilege to not put the emphasis of this review on the design and engineering of this new generation of STI. After all, it has been reimagined on both the inside and out. But anyone who knows the vehicle is aware that it is in a class of its own, with few competitors that can come close to the emotional appeal that this sedan brings to the market. And anyone not familiar with it
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should be aware that, despite its 2.5L turbocharged engine, which produces the aforementioned 305 horsepower and 290 lb-ft of torque, it is as gracious and powerful as a samurai soldier and his sword. Now, for those who are looking for similar excitement but not as many ponies, fear not, Subaru has their WRX to captivate you. Also completely redesigned on the inside and out, you have the magic of the Japanese brand’s 2.0L, turbocharged engine that produces 268 horsepower and 258 lb-ft of torque and also the choice of a manual or a Sport Lineartronic transmission (a CVT with 8 virtual gears; similar to
Call Tyee Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-287-9511, or visit us at 570 - 13th Avenue, Campbell River. [License #10780]
that found on the new Forester but tailored specifically to the WRX.) It too has the dynamism and pedigree to impress on the road and track. Performance, good times, outstanding engineering and hot colours equate to the new 2015 Subaru WRX and WRX STI. WRC driver not included.
The 2015 WRX has a starting MSRP of $29,995 whereas the WRX STI has a starting MSRP of $37,995. www.subaru.ca Alexandra.straub@ drivewaybc.ca
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