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VOLUME 124 ISSUE 16 $1.35
Bakery & Deli 344-2928 • Open Mon - Sat
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6:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Chamber hosts Spring Home & Lifestyle Show ....................................3
Emergency Services Ball
The Good Lovelies return to Golden ..................................10
Local golfer gets top Alberta position ..................................15
Members of Golden’s emergency service organizations (firefighters, police officers and paramedics) spent an evening at Emerald Lake Lodge for the 2nd Annual 9-1-1 Emergency Services Ball on April 12 in support of STARS Air Ambulance. Michele LaPointe /Star Photo
Structure was saved in Golden house fire Earth Day..................13
Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar.net A group of kindergarteners tour of the Golden Fire Hall was interrupted Thursday morning when firefighters were called to the scene of a house fire. The fire was at a home on the corner of 10th Ave. S and 13th. St. S. Because several mem-
bers of the department were already at the station for the tour, the team’s response was extremely quick. Unfortunately, a miscommunication on the call led firefighters to the wrong address. Fire Chief Ken McClure wasn’t sure where the error came from, but stressed how important it is for callers to speak clearly and accurately when speaking to 911 dispatchers.
Despite that setback, McClure’s crew was still able to arrive at the house quickly and save the structure, although much of the interior sustained heavy damage. “Most of the flames were contained to the inside of the structure, there was a lot of heavy smoke as well,” McClure said. Continued on page 4
Drop in to check out the stock! Tons of NEW 2014 products arriving daily! Visit our page or call for info: derailedsports.com • 250-439-9959 • 804 Park Drive
Get ready to Roll! Spring Tune Up Deals!
A2 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Golden Star
Town hosting Easter party Town of Golden Submitted
Children search for hidden Easter eggs outside the Mount 7 Rec Plex at last year’s Town of Golden Spring Fling Children’s Easter Party. Star Photo
College of the Rockies
•The MOST efficient stoves on the market •Up to 24 hours burn time •10 year combuster warranty COME SEE US AT OUR BOOTH AT THE SPRING HOME & GARDEN SHOW! April 25 & 26
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Although the snow on the ground may not show it, it is spring and with spring comes the Town of Golden’s Spring Fling Children’s Easter Party. The party will be held on Saturday, April 19 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Mount 7 Rec Plex. This year’s event is going to be another amazing day for chil-
Program Septem Star ts ber 201 4
Health Care Assistant
Program Dates
September 8, 2014 to May 7, 2015.
Minimum requirements are Grade 10 and/or assessment to acceptable level. See one of our Education Advisors for full details.
Program Design This 8-month program combines classroom and practical experience which provides students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to provide care in residential care or assisted living facilities, community settings or in patient homes.
Job Opportunities The Interior Health Authority and Golden Life Management have been actively advertising for Health Care Assistants. Some students have been offered employment while still enrolled in the program. Health Care Assistants are valuable members of the health care team and receive competitive wages and job security.
Information & Registration
College of the Rockies Golden Campus 1305 9th St. S., PO Box 376 Golden, BC, Canada V0A 1H0 Phone: 250-344-5901 Fax: 250-344-5745 email: kcathcart@cotr.bc.ca
Golden Campus For more information visit www.cotr.bc.ca/ResidentCare
Golden A&W is now open until MIDNIGHT! 7 days a week! 1300 Trans Canada Frtg Golden, BC 250-344-4784
Come satisfy your late night cravings.
dren with a great line up of fun, games and special surprises. With help from the A-Muse Troupe, the Spring Fling will be holding a bonnet competition. Anyone who decorates an Easter bonnet at home and shows it off at the event will be able to win fun prizes during the afternoon. Other activities will include decorating Easter egg baskets and numerous interactive games lead with a creative ‘Amuse’ twist. And, of course, the afternoon will be topped off with an Easter Egg Hunt starting at 2:45 p.m! “Kids of all ages are encouraged to come down to the Rec Plex on Saturday April 19 to join the A-Muse Troupe for some spring-time fun”, said Jordan Petrovics, Manager of Recreation Services for the Town of Golden. “The Troupe has been hard at work, getting the activities prepared for the party and busy trying to track down the Easter Bunny to lead the kids to a secret Easter Egg Hunt location.” The Spring Fling Easter Party is a great family fun social event and promises to be filled with excitement, socialization and games. This event is free for everyone and the public are encouraged to drop by at any time between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 16, 2014
www.thegoldenstar.net A3
Home & Lifestyle Show for the whole family Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar.net April means it is just about time for the Chamber of Commerce’s fourth annual Spring Home & Lifestyle Show. The two day event is set to take place on April 25 and 26 at the Golden Curling Club and will feature over 40 displays from local businesses including a parking lot showcase for Columbia Pool and Spa. Businesses that are participating come from a variety of industries, from home renovation to financial services. The homeshow isn’t all business, however, as there will be around the clock local entertainment and performers, as well as concessions making this a fullon family affair. A fashion show, put on by local retailers, will bring the event to a close on Apr. 25 at 3:00 p.m. “There will be stuff there for kids to do…it’s for the whole family, it’s fun and it’s exciting,” said Cham-
will be closed FridayApril 18th to MondayApril 21st for the Easter holiday. The ADVERTISING DEADLINE is TODAY WEDNESDAY APRIL 16th.
Registration Night Tuesday, April 22nd 6:30 - 8:00 pm in the Lady Grey Elementary Library atBPat
The annual Spring Home & Lifestyle Show will take place at the Golden Curling Club on April 25 and 26. Star Photo ber Manager Ruth Hamilton. “Winter is over, come on down and see people you haven’t seen all winter.” Over $2000 in door prizes and 50/50 draws could also make the weekend a lucky
one for some individuals. Those who make it out early on Apr. 26 will be rewarded with a free pancake breakfast courtesy of Columbia Basin Trust and prepared by the Rotary Club of Golden. The pan-
cakes will be served from 9:30-11:00. Admission to the Home & Lifestyle Show is free and doors will be open on Apr. 25 from 2:00-8:00p.m. and April. 26 from 10:00a.m.4:00p.m..
GADSAR assists in ICBC refunds customers back country rescue Jeff Nagel Black Press
Golden Star Staff reporter@thegoldenstar.net The BC Coroners Service has confirmed the identity of a woman who died in hospital on April 12, after being involved in an avalanche incident near Golden the previous day. The woman is Eleanor Pryor Booher, aged 45, from Leavenworth, Washington, USA. Booher was back country skiing as part of a tour group near the Gothics Glacier above Fairy Meadows when she was buried by an avalanche. Golden and District Search and Rescue joined the search efforts, and sent two members to the area with Alpine Helicopters. Booher was located via beacon search and probes, and dug out. Resuscitation was undertaken at the scene. She was flown to hospital in Golden and then transferred to Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary, Alberta where she died early the next day. GADSAR thanked its partners at CMH Adamants Lodge for the initial response, and Craig at Alpine Helicopters for getting the crew in and out safely on their Facebook page. The BC Coroners Service continues to investigate the death of Booher.
ICBC says it accidentally over- or under-charged nearly 600,000 of its optional auto insurance customers and will issue refunds with interest averaging $162 to those who paid too much. Most motorists aren't affected by the glitch, which happened because incorrect descriptions were assigned years ago to some vehicles. The error was uncovered last year with ICBC's move to a new computer system. About 1.8 per cent of optional insurance customers paid an average of $21 too much per year as a result and 240,000 drivers are owed cumulative refunds stretching back as far as 2008, according to ICBC. The public auto insurer is updating vehicle descriptions for past years so it can accurately recalculate historic premiums and repay improper charges for the last six years – as far back as its legacy computer system permits. Another 350,000 customers paid less than they should have by about $34 per year on average but ICBC won't bill them retroactively. Affected drivers are to be notified and receive refund cheques by July. ICBC expects to pay out $36 million in refunds plus interest of $3 million. It estimates it lost $71 million in underpayments since 2008. The faulty vehicle descriptions affect only optional insurance, not basic rates. ICBC's board is also appointing an outside auditor to review the error.
Limited spaced available - registration is based on a first come first serve basis. For pricing and more information, visit our website at goldendolphinsswimclub.org or email us at goldendolphinssc@gmail.com.
2014 AGM May 1st at 7:00 pm Golden Arena Lounge Upstairs All existing Board Members are running again for seats on the board for 2014/2015 season. If there are any other nominations please advise the President prior to the meeting via email: mark@can-brit.com. Positions up for election can be found at: http://www.gkhat.ca/contact.
MOUNT 7 REC PLEX ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday April 16th, 2014 7:00 p.m. In the lobby of the Mount 7 Rec Plex Mark it Refreshments & door prizes!
in your calendars!
The Mount 7 Rec Plex is currently looking for new energetic members and directors to sit in on the board. You can be an important part of this wonderful facility!
The Spring Fling Saturday April 19th 1pm – 3pm @ Mount 7 Rec Plex
A4 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Golden Star
Obstacles inside the residence made it difficult for firefighters Golden firefighters work to put out a house fire in a Golden residence on 13th Street South on April 10. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
“The flames were combated very quickly by the firefighters. We were able to distinguish it fast and not allow it to spread from the time of the fire department arriving on the scene.” The department’s biggest obstacle during the operation were the numerous objects and items throughout the home that got in their way. “The storage of materials made it difficult for the firefighters to act on the fire,” McClure said. Fire & Rescue spent five hours on the scene, although the fire was subdued within two hours. No cause had been determined as of Friday afternoon, although McClure said it did not appear to be suspicious.
GOLDEN OPTOMETRY SUMMER “SUNNIES” SALE Over 250 pairs of sunglasses up to 40% OFF and more!
Regular and prescription lenses & professional fitting. ONE DAY ONLY - JULY 9th, 2-7pm Downtown Golden 250-344-6268
The Golden Women’s Resource Centre & Golden RCMP Victim Services Present... Bearing witness to violence against women in our community. BBQ FUNDRAISER & DISPLAY When: Thursday, April 17th Time: 12:00pm – 2:30pm Location: Kumsheen Park (across from movie theatre) *Or Sobeys if it’s raining.
NES hosting concert to support class trip Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar.net
Cost: Food & Beverages by donation. Proceeds go to the Golden Safe Home Program providing shelter to women & children fleeing violence. Thank you Overwaitea & Sobeys for their support!
As her Nicholson Elementary class gets ready for its trip to Victoria, Kara Hunt can’t help but be
Public Notice for Path Closure for
The Kicking Horse River Dike Repair project Public Notice Path Closure Public Notice forfor Path Closure
for Horse River dike, parallel to 450m on the south bank for the Kicking for
TheRoad, Kicking Horse River Dike The Fisher Kicking Horse Dike Repair Project east of theRiver CPR tracks will Repair be closedproject from
450m on the south forforthe Horse River dike, 450m on the bank south bank the Kicking Kicking Horse River dike, parallel to parallel nd to Fisher Road, east of 22 the tracks will be closed from April to May 15th Fisher Road, east of theCPR CPR tracks will be closed from for necessary dike repairs. April 22nd to May 15th
April 22 dike to May 15 for necessary repairs. nd
Continued from page 1
for necessary Pedestrians will be diverted to Fisher dike Roadrepairs. during this closure period
Pedestrians will be diverted to Fisher Road during this closure as shown on map. period as shown on map. Pedestrians will be diverted to Fisher Road during this closure period as shown on map.
Closure Location
Closure Location
R. ERd . Rd
Pathway Detour Pathway Detour
pleased with the community’s support. “The community has been very generous, we’ve been doing great and we’re very close to meeting out goal,” Hunt said. Hunt’s Grade 6/7 class will travel to Victoria for four days, from May 12-15. While in the provincial capital, they’ll tour the parliament buildings, the Royal BC Museum, Chinatown and take in an IMAX show. Most of the trip will be highly educational for the young students and will tiein to what they have been studying this year. “They’re actually doing a novel study about Chinese immigration and the history of the railroad right now,” Hunt said. “We’ll do some cultural things too like eating at a Japanese village…It’s a big trip and they’re pretty excited.” The total cost of the trip for Hunt’s class of 20 students is about $12,000, of which $11,000 has been raised so far through
Krista and the Crybabies, pictured above performing at the Civic Centre grand opening, will be performing at the NES gym for a fundraiser on April 22. Star Photo various fundraisers and donations. The school also received a $2,400 grant from the B.C. government for the trip. Their next fundraiser will be on April. 22 when Nicholson opens up its gym for a night of music and entertainment. Krista and the Crybabies,
Travis Pickering, Levon & Friends and the Broadway Broads (which includes Hunt) will be performing and there will be raffle and door prizes as well as a 50/50 draw. Admission to the event is by donation. The gym at Nicholson Elementary can
only hold 200 people so space is limited and Hunt is encouraging people to get there early for the 7 p.m. show for that reason. The students will be hosting a barbecue outside of Sobeys on Apr. 26 for a final fundraiser before their trip.
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 16, 2014
www.thegoldenstar.net A5
Rotary helps out food bank
Durand Manor would like to thank the Bean Bag Café, Fay, Off The Wall, Moon River Gifts, The Golden Dollar Store, Overwaitea and Sobeys for their generous donations to our Volunteer Appreciation Tea.
GO LDEN D I STR I CT RO D & GUN CLUB The Golden District Rod and Gun Club would like to thank the following sponsors for making our annual banquet and fundraiser a huge success: A huge thank you to the following: • Eli and Joan, and their entire crew for the excellent meal. • The Golden Boy Scouts for cleaning up after the meal and doing all the dishes. • Ray Bird for the great music. • To all the Club members that volunteered their time to help make this banquet so successful.
Rotary Club members Bill Braisher and Maggie Melnychuk were on hand to help the Golden Food Bank unload a shipment of food and other items last week. Photo Submitted
Cal Gas Elite Nutrition Golden Star Legendz HMC Tim Hortons Motor Tech Subway A&W Moberly Mechanical Atlas Labor Kal Tire Columbia Diesel Moon River Red Tomato Pies Kicking Horse Embroidery Moose Trax Zodiac Hemp Allison MacIsaac Ringheim&Company Peoples Drugstore (Husquavarna) Bacchus Books Golden Junk Rudy Hartmann Brent’s Board Shop Turning Point Just Because Napa Golden National Hockey McDonald’s Team Cats to Cattle Omega Lordco Bizarre Entertainment Merc Flooring Fountain Tire We apologize if we have missed anybody on this list. All of the donations were greatly appreciated and reflect the huge generosity of our community.
RCMP Report: Mischief at motel Golden Star Staff reporter@thegoldenstar.net Wildlife sightings Spring is here and there has been an increase in reported sightings of wildlife near the highways. A bear cub was spotted on the road side near the gun range west of Golden and an injured deer had to be put down on April 4. Motorists are reminded to be cautious at this time as these animals frequent the highways. Fraudulent request A resident received a email requesting conformation of their banking contact information and password on Apr. 4. The resident confirmed the information and learned shortly thereafter that there had been an attempt to withdraw funds from their investment account. Luckily the attempt was not successful. This is yet another reminder to guard your information and passwords. Impaired driver On Apr. 6 officers noted a vehicle stopped in the middle of the road and moving slowly. The officers conducted a vehicle stop and found the driver, from Kelowna, to be impaired by alcohol. The driver failed the roadside screen test and has lost their driving privileges for 90 days and the vehicle has been impounded for 30 days. Mischief at motel On Apr. 8, police were called to a local motel
after two young persons were reportedly causing damage to the sauna and pool. Other hotel guests observed the mischief and reported it to the manager who had also been observing some actions via the security video. Police arrived on scene and took custody of the two young people. The owner viewed the damage and was able to ascertain that only minimal damage had occurred and that the area could be cleaned up. The youth were turned over to their parents. The parents attended the detachment to collect the young people. One parent was appreciative that their child would not be charged and assured police the young person would be held accountable. Unfortunately, the other parent was irate that the young person was arrested for the criminal offence he had committed and that they had to go to the detachment to pick up the child. The parent threatened legal action against the RCMP. Backyard parties As the weather is warming up, residents are taking to the outdoors and their backyards for evening entertaining. Police received a couple of calls to a residence in the Upper Donald area where the music was disturbing nearby residents. The home owners were receptive and assured officers they would keep the noise down.
Behind the Wheel
Johnston Meier
Insurance Agencies Ltd. 510B - 9th Avenue N., Golden, B.C. (250) 344-5201
ICBC Itroduces Revised Class 5 Re-Exam Test someone for long enough and they will make enough mistakes to fail. This observation from a driving instructor that I spoke with last weekend made me think because we were discussing the new class 5 road test protocol for driver re-examinations. ICBC will apply the new standard to drivers who are already fully licensed but are having their current capabilities tested. The new protocol allows for more time prior to and following the test for questions and concerns. This would assist the driver to settle their nerves and make sure that they are clear on what is going to be required of them. It will also help with understanding the outcome of the test and enable them to take measures to prepare for a subsequent test if they do not pass. In comparison to tests taken by new drivers in the Graduated Licensing Program (GLP), the re-examination will require fewer repetitions of driving skills. The driving instructor suggested that this is appropriate as it more closely matches an older driver’s situation. Many self limit and do not drive for long periods of time. A lengthy test would be out of the ordinary and could induce enough minor errors to fail a driver who may not deserve it. Finally, the test marking form has been simplified to be easier to understand. Current GLP exams devote one page to explain how to decipher the marking. The standards that drivers are expected to meet during the tests have not changed. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit drivesmartbc.ca.
The best insurance rates. Have a Home Insurance Owner’s Questions?
Stolen vehicle found A local resident was arrested after officers conducted a vehicle check and found the vehicle had been reported stolen last fall. The driver was also a prohibited driver.
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Denise Knight
Give Denise a call - she knows how to get you the best coverage, for the best price, when it comes to homeowners, tenants, rental dwellings, seasonal dwellings and condos.
A6 www.thegoldenstar.net
Golden Volunteers
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Golden Star
War Amps
What would Golden be without the volunteers who keep this community going? The town has one of the strongest volunteer bases I have ever seen, and as National Volunteer Week comes to a close (April 6 to 12), I think it is time that we thank those individuals - I SURMISE who give so generously By Jessica Schwitek of their time. There are more than 13 million volunteers across Canada who make our communities stronger, healthier, and more vibrant. Between the many service groups (who raise money for individuals and community projects), recreation groups (who often take it upon themselves to maintain recreational infrastructure that the entire community enjoys), emergency service organizations (whose members not only spend hours on rescue missions, but also countless hours on training), youth groups, clubs and countless other organizations, there is no shortage of people to thank in Golden. In the last 10 days alone there were two major events in Golden, put on by volunteers to raise money - one for an important community project (the Leader in Me), and the other for an emergency service organization that has saved countless lives in the Golden area (STARS Air Ambulance). Each event was organized and run by volunteers, and would not have happened otherwise. To commemorate National Volunteer Week, the federal government has set up a program to help recognize individuals. Prime Minister Stephen Harper explained the program in a statement: “In recognition of the volunteers across Canada, our Government created the Prime Minister’s Volunteer Awards (PMVA), a program aimed at recognizing volunteers across the nation and inspiring Canadians from all walks of life to find new ways of making a difference in their communities. The third PMVA call for nominations is presently open until May 9, 2014.” This is an excellent opportunity for anyone in Golden who wishes to recognize those volunteers who have made a difference in their lives. To find out more about the awards and the criteria, go to http://pm.gc.ca/eng/prime-ministers-awards. Or if you would like to take a simpler approach, just say thank you next time you come across someone donating their time for the betterment of the community. A simple thank you can go a long way to encouraging people to continue with their work, or inspire others to do the same.
Dear Editor, I was born with a partial left hand and was enrolled in The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program when I was 6 months old. I have been a “Champ” ever since. On a recent weekend, I had the opportunity to attend The War Amps 2014 BC CHAMP Seminar in Victoria as a Junior Counsellor. Junior Counsellors are representatives of The War Amps and role models for younger Champs as they too grow up in the CHAMP Program. I was able to help out with the Seminar during the many sessions and talk to the parents of new child amputees. As a younger Champ, I always looked up to the Junior Counsellors, and I knew I wanted to be one as soon as I was old enough. They helped teach me everything from
Teachers Job Action Editor, Like all of you, teachers only want the best for their students. Despite bargaining for more than a year with the government there has been little progress made at the negotiating table. We have been waiting, very patiently, for the government to provide the necessary funding required for us to move forward in achieving a negotiated collective agreement. Instead, they have attempted to remove, yet again, the important provisions for class size and composition and minimum levels of specialist teachers that the BC Supreme Court restored. As a result teachers have voted 89 per cent in favour of job action. Local teachers concur with the comments made by BCTF President, Jim Iker, after our strike vote: “As teachers, we do not take job action, or even a vote on job action, lightly.
tying my shoes and putting up my hair to being proud of my amputation. This year was my second year as a Junior Counsellor and I had so much fun! Being a Junior Counsellor is a great way for me to give back to CHAMP for the years of support they’ve given me. Growing up with CHAMP has helped me overcome obstacles, such as bullying, and helped me set the bar high by providing devices that let me take part in my favourite activities. As someone who has benefitted locally, I would like to thank all of you who support The War Amps Key Tag Service, which has made these programs possible for young amputees like me. Sincerely, Nicole Byford, Age 15 CHAMP Junior Counsellor Cranbrook, British Columbia
We care deeply about our schools, our students, and their families. Many of us are parents or grandparents ourselves. “B.C. teachers remain committed to negotiating a deal at the table. That is our goal. But once again, it depends on developments at the negotiating table. I encourage you to reach out to your local MLA and tell them to work with us to get that deal negotiated at the table. I want to thank our parents for the work that they do with their children and their support of us.” Five quick facts about any potential job action we may be forced into: 1. A strike vote is a normal occurrence during negotiations of collective agreements and helps apply pressure to both parties during negotiations. Our hope is that a settlement will be reached without job action being necessary. 2. Whatever happens next will depend entirely on progress at the negotiating table.
3. If a first stage of job action does become necessary, it will have no impact on students’ learning. Teachers will continue to be in classrooms, teaching, preparing lessons, and assessing students. We will continue participating in voluntary activities, writing report cards and communicating with parents. 4. If at some point talks stall or the government won’t make fair and reasonable proposals, rotating strikes would be the next step. 5. We’ve made a commitment that any full-scale strike will require another province-wide vote of the BCTF membership. Be assured that BC teachers are strongly committed to reaching a negotiated agreement with government. We truly appreciate all the support we continue to receive from all of you to help us achieve this goal. Andrew M. Davidoff President Kootenay Columbia Teachers Union
POLL OF THE WEEK Would you be happy if Golden had a community garden?
Yes 80%
No 20%
This week’s poll question: Will you be doing anything to commemorate Earth Day on April 22? log onto www.thegoldenstar.net to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Letters to the Editor policy
The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no
longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.
We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at editor@thegoldenstar.net. SUBSCRIPTION RATES
• $47.00 per year for postal
boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) - Golden Zone
• $43.00 per year if you pick
up your paper at The Golden Star Office
• $67.00 per year outside Gold-
Michele LaPointe
Jessica Schwitek
publisher @thegoldenstar.net
editor @thegoldenstar.net
Joel Tansey
reporter @thegoldenstar.net
Ali Starchuk
administration classifieds @thegoldenstar.net
Adam Zarachowicz advertising
advertising @thegoldenstar.net
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage
en’s School zone.
• LOCAL Senior’s Discount
10% ($43.00).
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 16, 2014
www.thegoldenstar.net A7
Golden point of view
Will you be doing anything to commemorate Earth Day on April 22?
Terry Martin
April Dominado
“I try not to worry about Earth Day, because every day should be Earth Day. We need to take this issue very seriously.”
“Not really, I’ll be working that day. I do think it is important though.”
Ian and Abbie Donnelly “No I’m actually not sure what Earth Day is.”
Go to www.thegoldenstar.net to have your say.
A HUGE STINGER, To a so called friend? Are you kidding? Really shouldn’t claim you have so many friends on (Facebook) that you can’t LIKE or COMMENT on anything I share. BUT no problem liking other stuff from FRIENDS we share! A pool full of Stars to the skiers and boarders who had the guts to jump into icy cold water during Kicking Horse’s Slush Cup this past weekend.
Stars to the chef at Taps for reading our mind and making the delicious butter chicken. Please make it again anytime! Stingers to my neighbours for making too much noise long into the night. Have a little bit of courtesy! Stars to the Montreal Canadiens for giving Canada at least one team to cheer for in the playoffs. GO HABS GO!
Stars to all the students who performed at LGES talent show. Well done! Stars to all those who have supported Nicholson’s Grade 6/7 class’s trip to Victoria. A big stinky stinger to the business in town that does not welcome local families to pay to use their facilities. We’ll keep that in mind when recommending places to visiting family, friends and tourists.
Email your Stars and Stingers to editor@thegoldenstar.net
Organizations in B.C. hosting events for violence prevention week Susan Anton Attorney General As we recognize Prevention of Violence Against Women Week in B.C., we strongly encourage any woman who is at risk of violence and abuse to reach out for help. We understand the very serious impacts that all types of violence can have on you, your children and your family. Please know that you are absolutely not alone - help is available to you. This week, organizations throughout B.C. will be holding events to reinforce the fact that violence against women is unacceptable and we all have the right
to feel safe in our daily lives - at home, at work and in our communities. Full details of these events can be found online at: www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/crimeprevention. Our government is creating an environment where all women have the supports they need to escape violent situations and recover from being victims of crime. We also know more can and must be done. That is why we committed to introducing a long-term, comprehensive strategy to move toward a violencefree B.C. We know this work requires a combination of funding and strategy, and that’s
why we are making the needed investments and laying out next steps. Particularly, this year we have taken significant action to address domestic violence as well as missing and murdered women, both by providing more than $70 million in annual investments towards prevention and intervention services and with the introduction of new missing persons legislation. We also launched a three-year, $5.5 million Provincial Domestic Violence Plan to strengthen co-ordination and address domestic violence for children, women and families throughout B.C. And just last month, more than $1 million in
civil forfeiture proceeds were provided to organizations that support women through existing and new Domestic Violence Units. These units take on the highest risk cases using an integrated approach to get victims out of harm’s way, both safely and quickly, while holding their offenders accountable. If you have been the victim of violence, or know someone who has, help is available at any time. Please call your local police (call 911 if it is an emergency) or VictimLink BC - a toll-free, confidential telephone service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week in more than 110 languages at 1 800 563-0808.”
MLA Report: Agriculture bill continues to spark controversy There is a battle cry that has been ringing throughout the Kootenays over the last number of days as people across this region stand up to fight to protect our agriculture lands. What people are saying is Kill Bill 24! On March 27, the BC Liberals, led primarily by the Kootenays’ own Bill Bennett, introduced Bill 24, legislation that could effectively eliminate the protection of any agricultural lands in this area. And, in what Mr. Bennett undoubtably believed was a terribly witty comment on food production in our area, he claimed that the only thing that grows in this area is hay. Anyone who has attended a local farmers’ market knows that there is a tremendous abundance of food grown in this region. And anyone who has stood in a long line-up in front of a produce stand on market day knows that the demand for locally-grown produce is very strong.
What we need is access to more agricultural land, not less. What we need is more support and assistance for farmers and ranchers, not less. And what we need is more incentive to increase food production and develop facilities for food processing and storage, not less. But rather than responding to our desire to improve access to locally-grown food, this government has complicated meat inspection regulations for small-scale producers, refused to assist local ranchers in developing community-based abattoir facilities, and made it even easier for existing agriculture land to be removed from the protection of the Agricultural Land Reserve. We are becoming more and more aware that our current food system, which relies on industrially-produced food travelling over vast distances, is not sustainable. And forward-thinking agricultural pioneers in
this area are doing their best to develop a sustainable local food system right here in the Kootenays. If you support local food production, it’s time for everyone of us to say Kill Bill 24! We may find that 30 years down the road saving this agricultural land today is the best way to ensure we can feed ourselves in the future. - Norm Macdonald Tell the Premier what you MLA Columbia River-Revelstoke think by sending an email to premier@gov.bc.ca. Don’t let this government take away this precious local resource.
A8 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Golden Star
Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema Presents: Rio 2 (3D) starts Friday Apr.18 to Apr.24 at 7pm. Matinees at 3pm on Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday.
REMINDER: Today WEDNESDAY APRIL 16th is the deadline for ADVERTISING for the April 23rd paper. Happy 50th Birthday Grant!
This Week
A.P.E.S.After School Program Monday to Friday 3 -5:30pm. $12/day for ages 5 to 11. To register please leave a message at 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program bir th-5years. Mon&Fri 12-3:30pm, Wed 2-5pm, Tue&Thur 8:45-11:45am. Call Shelley for more info 250-439-9324.
Wed, Apr. 16
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Parent and Tot Play lets parents and kids from birth-five enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am-12pm. Badminton Wednesdays 7-9pm at the Rec Plex. Adults $7, students/seniors $5. Need your own racket. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Wednesdays 1-2pm. Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Wednesday at 10am. Call 250-344-5413 to register. Money Skills, a FREE program to help adults understand concepts of money. Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm. Call 250-4399665 for info. Women’s Journal Writing a FREE 6 week program Tuesdays. Call 250-3445317 for info. Bill Bourne at Bacchus Books Apr.16, advance tickets only. Mount 7 Rec Plex AGM Apr.16 at the Rec Plex, 7pm. Advertising Deadline for all Apr.23rd ads.
Thurs, Apr. 17 Men’s drop-in basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Bridge Club every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-344-5448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at the College of the Rockies.
This week's achievement award goes to...
Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday from 3:45-5:30pm. Mount 7 Rec Plex AGM Apr.17, 7pm, at the Rec Plex. The Clothesline Project Display & BBQ Fundraiser Apr.17 from 12-2:30pm at Kumsheen Park (across from the theatre) or, if raining, Sobeys. The Sleeping Beauty at the Golden Cinema Apr.17 at 7pm $20 general, $12 for 13 and under.
Fri, Apr. 18 A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:30-7:30pm. Mother Goose Program Fridays 10:30-11:30am at the Library. Snacks included, just drop in! Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Bridge Club every Friday at the Centre for Peace in St. Andrew’s Church, 7pm. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Fridays 1-2pm. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fridays 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call Cyra 250-9190757 for more info. Food Fridays at the Golden Legion 6:30-8:30pm. Combined Good Friday Service Apr.18 at 7pm at the Pentecostal Church 717 10th St S. Hosted by Golden Baptist, Golden Pentecostal, and Rocky Mountain Alliance
• For more information... go to www.thegoldenstar.net
Sat, Apr. 19 Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Saturdays at the Golden Museum 1302 11th Ave S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Saturday Night Chapel at the Pentecostal Church (717 10th St S) at 7pm from Jan.4 - Apr.5. Food Skills for Families, a free program on healthy cooking on a budget. Starts Feb.1, 10am-1pm. Call 3441032 for more info. The Spring Fling Children’s Easter Party Apr.19 from 1-3pm at Mount 7 Rec Plex.
Sun, Apr. 20 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Easter EGGstravaganza at Mountain Side Garden Apr.20 from 1-2pm. Free. 8th annual Sunrise Service at Eagles Eye Apr.20. Arrive at Guest Services (at KHMR) between 7:15-7:30am for a free lift ticket to the top for a sunrise service. Golden Delicious presents Ed Solo Apr.20 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar with Mihajic Touch, Wakcutt, and Downie Brothers.
Mon, Apr. 21 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12-18. Golden Community Choir, Mondays from 7:30-9:30pm at the Lutheran Church. Member fees $10. For info call Joyce 250-344-6043. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mondays 5-7pm in the StrongStart room in APES
Free program includes dinner, discussions, and activities. Call 250-439-9665. The Cadets meet Mondays 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Mondays 1-2pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Badminton at the Mount 7 Rec Plex Mondays 7-8:30pm. Need your own racket, $7 (or $5 for seniors/students). Family Dinner Play and Learn, free program for families with children 3-5 starting Mondays, 5-7pm in the StrongStart room. Dinner, discussion, and activities. Call 250-439-9665.
Tues, Apr. 22 A.A Meetings Tuesdays at the United Church 901 - 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Volleyball Tuesdays at the Rec Plex 7-8:30pm $5. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Tuesdays from 3:30-7:30pm. Aquafit at the Travel Lodge Tuesdays & Thursdays from 5:30-6:30pm. Until Mar.13. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Wildsight hosts an Earth Day Shoreline Clean Up at Reflection Lake Apr.22 from 5-7pm. There is a pot luck at 6pm. Golden Dolphins Swim Club Registration Night Apr.22 from 6:30-8pm in the Lady Grey library. Rockwater Grill & BarR
Upcoming Events
The Safe Teen: Navigating Adolescence presentation Apr.23, 7-8pm, at GSS. Kicking Horse Culture presents The Good Lovelies Apr.23, 7:30pm, Civic Centre. Art Show at the COTR campus Apr.24 6-8pm. Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show Apr.25 from 2-8pm at the Curling Club. Soup Day at the Golden Seniors Centre Apr.25 from 11:30am-1pm. $5. Golden Farmers Market Apr.26 from 11am-3pm at Mount 7 Rec Plex.
Annah Setter for being a focused and dedicated individual who strives for excellence.
Stop in by April 23, 2014 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 16, 2014
www.thegoldenstar.net A9
Ballet Kelowna hits the Golden stage
The dancers from Ballet Kelowna (above left) performed to a packed Civic Centre on April 11. The company also hosted a hip hop dance class (above right) on April 10. Alanis Schellenberg, left, was one of the younger dancers taking the class at the Civic Centre. Star Photos
A Reel Review: Philomena, a true story about a truly amazing woman
Judi Dench stars alongside Steve Coogan in Philomena, the true story of a woman’s fight to reunite with her long lost son. BBC Films Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar.net Despite all that was done to her, Philomena Lee found a way to forgive. That’s the biggest take away from Philomena, one of 2013’s best films that features perfect performances from co-stars Judi Dench and Steve Coogan and is based on a true story. The movie tells the heartbreaking
story of its title character (Dench), who was sent by her father to live in an Irishcatholic convent for young women who become pregnant out of wedlock. The conditions in the house are wretched, and the women are forced into manual labour for long hours in order to atone for their sins. They are only allowed to see their children for an hour ever day. One day, Philomena discovers that her
son, Anthony, has been adopted out of the home. She isn’t even allowed to say goodbye. Over the next fifty years, Philomena continues to visit the boarding house in an effort to find out what happened with her son. Each time, however, she is sent away after being told that there is nothing they could do to help her. Martin Sixsmith (Coogan) is a recently unemployed journalist who is told of Philomena’s story by her daughter at a party. Despite his initial reluctance to do a human interest story, Martin agrees to meet her. At the meeting, Martin, who realizes this isn’t your typical human interest story, agrees to help her re-connect with her son, while also pitching the story idea to an editor of a magazine. The search takes the couple on a trip to the U.S. once Martin finds out that the convent frequently sold the children to rich American families for 1,000 pounds apiece. The growing relationship between Martin and Philomena provides the
movie with some of its most heartwarming moments, and a bit of comic relief. Coogan and Dench ooze on-screen chemistry throughout. The development of Martin, from a nonchalant journalist who doesn’t care for human interest stories into someone who is passionate to find answers (and furious when he does), is an excellent story arc for the character. Still, it is Philomena who takes centre stage with her unrelenting forgiveness and optimism. It’s a stark contrast to Coogan’s anger towards her injustice. Philomena’s answer to Coogan’s rage: “Must be exhausting”. It’s a response that defines her character perfectly. The film is funny, emotional and moving, but most of all inspiring thanks to Philomena herself. It’s also an absolute 10 dancing hot dogs out of 10. Philomena is now available at Kicking Horse Movies.
BEAUTY Thursday, April 17th 7pm
General Admission $20 13 & Under $12
802-10 Ave. S 250-344-5510 www.kickinghorsemovies.com
A10 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Golden Star
The Good Lovelies made sure to include Golden on their tour Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar.net
the road and make music their new career. “If you look theWhen it comes matically at the first to choosing stops record, a lot of that on a tour, The content was about Good Lovelies quitting our jobs have become more and going on the selective in recent road,” Brooks said. years. Their upcom- “That was a really ing tour of Western big moment for us”. According to Canada includes stops in major cen- Brooks, the tone of tres such as Van- the Lovelies’ music couver, Calgary and changes after that Saskatoon. Gold- debut album. “The tone sort of en wouldn’t appear to belong in that shifts a little bit in same category, but the subsequent recaccording to Good ord…a lot of those Lovelies member songs are about Caroline Brooks, longing for home… a stop in this town it’s interesting was an absolute how that personal must. experience forms “We’ve played the records.” there a couple of The group plays times, so we’re just roots music but has happy to be going a varied style that back,” said Brooks. comes from the fact “I think we’re look- that they all coning for a way to tribute to the song go to Golden as writing process. much as possible According to because (it’s) one Brooks, however, a of the most beauti- Good Lovelies song ful places in the isn’t truly complete until each member world.” Brooks began has put their own stamp playing along- individual side bandmates on it. Roots musicians The Good Lovelies, fresh off a month long tour of Australia, formed For their live produced five albums since then. They’ll play at the Civic Centre on Apr. 23. Kerri Ought and Sue Passmore in shows, the Lovelies’ 2006. Collective- goal is to make the out in their living adian band. Of features both tunes her on their recent ly, they decided to audience feel like room and listening course, the incred- from their previ- tour of Australia. quit their jobs, hit they are hanging (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX to music and stor- ible “She started tourdistance ous studio albums between each mem- as well as some new ing with us when ies. The band origin- ber has its fair share material. she was just nine Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers While music is a weeks old…on of challenges. ated in Toronto but (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX huge part of all of our month long The Lovelies’ Kerri and Sue have (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX AND SAVE! AND SAVE! recently moved to most recent release their lives, it also tour of Australia everything. she was there the St. John’s and Vic- was 2012’s Live at isn’t Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers Browse flyers fromyour yourfavourite favourite national and local retailers Browse flyers from national and local retailers Brooks recently whole time and it Revolution, the toria respectively, Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers making the Love- band’s first live gave birth to a baby was a real delight,” lies a true All-Can- album. The album girl and brought Brooks said.
in 2006 and have Photo Submitted The Good Lovelies show in Golden is scheduled for Apr. 23 at the Civic Centre. Tickets are available from the Art Gallery of Golden for $20 for Kicking Horse Culture members and $25 for non-members.
Art show coming to College of the Rockies College of the Rockies Submitted Featured Retailers Featured Retailers
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Since its inception in 2012, the Art Program at the College of the Rockies has offered a variety of low-cost courses in ceramics, painting, and other media to the Golden community. Funded by a grant from Service Canada and COTR’s Faculty Innovation Fund, the program aims to encourage everyone to try their hand at art. Students of all ages and walks of life have been busy producing wonderful pieces of art, which they would now like to share with the community in their first ever COTR Art Show. The event takes place at the campus on Thursday, April 24 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. The Art Show will also feature a very special group of
artists who have special needs. These students have been attending the College’s Fundamental ABE program for a number of years, and have produced some beautiful paintings. Some of these students have difficulty expressing themselves verbally; art gives them a medium through which they can express their feelings and find joy in their creations. Participating in this event is an opportunity for them to be part of the community, and show what they are capable of doing. We invite everyone to come out and see the wonderful work the students have produced, meet some of the students and instructors, tour the facility, and enjoy some refreshments. For more information, contact Meg Langley at 250-3445901 or by email mlangley@cotr.bc.ca
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 16, 2014
www.thegoldenstar.net A11
Lady Grey’s got talent
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Various talents were on display at Lady Grey last week for the school’s annual talent show including Brenna Enright’s (above) stirring singing performance. Slade Coffman took home the top prize in the competition. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
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BC 4GSAT ADMAT 04/2014
A12 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Golden Star
For Rent or Lease
Residents push for community garden Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar.net
Finnie has presented his ideas to Rotary and a garden could work into their improvement and expansion plans for the Rotary trails. FinWith spring in the air, more than a few nie, who grew up in the Rosemont borough Goldenites are pushing to have a public gar- of Montreal, says a public garden would have den in town that could have numerous bene- benefits that go beyond food production and fits for citizens of this community, including aesthetics. In Rosemont, the garden was located in fields under the improving Golden’s hydro lines and was a food security. community gathering The garden is still place for locals. very much in the planning stages and could “I’d rather see one look any number of central area because different ways should that creates more of it eventually come to a community focus point…it brings life. Potential ideas people together,” Fininclude a volunteer — Donna Attewell — nie said. system where individuals are assigned As opposed to gara specific section of land and are respon- dening in backyards, a community garden sible for growth on their own plot. Vegetables could create a social atmosphere that would Up to 3150 sq ft over two floors. could then be shared amongst the commun- involve the exchange of both help and ideas. Located on route to Ski hill. ity and food donations could be made to a varAttewell has seen community gardens work iety of causes. in other towns and was tasked by Wildsight to Multiple uses permitted, ideal for Office’s, Another idea that could run in conjunction explore Golden’s options for one of its own. Warehousing, Retail Store, with a community garden would be a sort of “The conversations that I’ve been involved backyard sharing program, where individ- in have been about drawing people together Storage/Distribution uals could garden someone’s backyard who is to figure out what would meet the communor great live/work space. ity needs from a food security perspective,” unable to do so themselves. Among the advocates who are getting the Attewell said. “We’re still doing some research ball rolling are Bob Finnie of the Rotary Club on different models that different communAvailable immediately. ities have engaged in.” of Golden and Donna Attewell of Wildsight. Very competitive rent/lease. Attewell and Finnie are scheduled to meet “What we’re trying to do now is to find as many partners as we can and to establish a with Town staff this week to further the dissociety to look after a public garden,” Finnie cussion and they both hope to see something 0426 RPGP RN Individualized Program said. Ad - Jan Zacharias - Size 10.33in Wide x 7in High develop this year.
“We’re still doing some research on different models that different communities have engaged in.”
Contact Andrew at 250-439-9742
CMYK - 02 Press Ready PDF
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 16, 2014
www.thegoldenstar.net A13
Join Wildsight on Earth Day to clean up the shores of Golden Jessica Schwitek editor@thegoldenstar. net Wildsight is inviting the residents of Golden to celebrate Earth Day by helping clean up the community at their Shoreline and Community Cleanup event. “It’s our own shores that we’re going to be cleaning for our own community’s interest,” said Sanne van der Ros, organizer of the event. Wildsight has hosted the clean up for many years, but is excited to have a new partnership for the event this year. The Scouts, Lions Club and Leos will be joining them on April 22. As usual, participants will meet at Reflection Lake to clean up the shoreline by picking up litter. But since more people are expected this year due to the partnerships, some groups may be sent to the Kicking Horse River to clean up the dyke or the confluence area. “People like doing something on Earth Day, and this is a great opportunity to benefit our community,” said van der Ros. “It’s the perfect time of year also, with the snow melting we can now see some litter that may have gotten away from people during the winter, and buried by snow.” There will be bags available for the litter, as well as a hand washing station,
Wildsight will be hosting a Shoreline and Community Cleanup event on Earth Day. The clean-up will begin at Reflection Lake, as it always has in the past. But this year organizers are hoping that enough participants show up to clean up other areas of the community such as the Kicking Horse River. Star Photo
Our pledge to clean operations benefits our land, our water and our air. We are proud to offer initiatives that better the earth today and make it a healthier place for future generations. Learn more at www.cpr.ca. but participants are asked to bring their own gloves. The event will also include a potluck dinner. Bring something to share, your own dishes, cup and utensils, and a chair.
Beverages will be provided. The clean-up goes from 5-7 p.m. on Tuesday April 22 (Earth Day), with the potluck at 6 p.m. Everyone is welcome, just come down to
Reflection Lake at 5 p.m. “We’re really excited, and we’re hoping that with the new partnerships this will be an even bigger community effort,” said van der Ros.
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A14 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Golden Star
& Lifestyle
Fun for the whole family! Golden Curling Rink
1412 9th Street South
2 DAYS ONLY! Friday, April 25 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday, April 26 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. • Over $2000 in door prizes • 50/50 Draws YES, YOU CAN GET FAST AND RELIABLE SATELLITE•INTERNET YOU LIVE! MusicWHERE & Demonstrations Every Hour • Free Community Breakfast by the Rotary Club of Golden
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BC 4GSAT ADMAT 04/2014
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April 25 & 26, 2014
Star sports
A15 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Golden Star
Golden’s Matt Rollins turned his passion for golf into a career Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar.net
Matt Rollins, 33, who grew up playing at the Golden Golf Club, was recently named the Executive Director for the Alberta Golf Association. Photo Submitted
Matt Rollins credits growing up in Golden with fuelling a passion for golf, a passion that has led him to be named the executive director for the Alberta Golf Association. Rollins was introduced to the game at a young age when his parents, Al and Laurie (who still live in Golden) took him to the driving range. Over the years he participated in all of the typical outdoor activities of this area such as skiing and hiking, but it was golf that really stuck. For Rollins, it was the challenging nature of the sport that drew him in. “Every day is a little bit different. You hit different shots all the time and sometimes your game is there and sometimes it’s not,” he said. He participated in regular Monday night junior lessons at the Golden Golf Club, which was instrumental in nurturing his love of the
Slush Cup Special
game. “The golf course was always really good about that… they kind of made it a priority to spend time with kids who were new to the game and to keep them involved,” Rollins said. At 13 he got a job working in the backshop at the club and held that job for two years. “It was kinda neat to help out and to be part of the crew there,” he said. After spending some time working at the mill and at a grocery store he was asked to come back to the club to work on the grounds crew, a job he held for three summers. During that time he was enrolled in the sports management program at Mount Royal University in Calgary. He got his foot in the door at Alberta Golf through an internship before eventually becoming the assistant executive director and then
the executive director after the recent retirement of Brent Ellenton. As executive director, Rollins oversees six full-time staff and the many volunteers at Albert Golf and is in charge of evaluating their various programs and ensuring that the game continues to grow and remain healthy in the province. According to Rollins, the health of the game is important not only for golf, but for the economy as a whole. “In Alberta there’s about 50,000 jobs that are golf related,” Rollins said. “There’s lots of people coming
into B.C. and Alberta to play golf so the tourist dollars that come into those provinces are highly related to golf activities.” While he lives in Alberta now, Rollins continues to have fond memories of Golden, and especially the golf course. “I always get a great feeling when I come home and when I park in the parking lot (at the course) and I’m walking back into the proshop,” Rollins said. “You’re always welcomed by the staff there. It’s such a friendly place and I know why people always come back…It was a great place to grow up.”
Golden Junior Hockey AGM April 29th 2014 Ramada Meeting Room 7 pm start time NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
Monday May 5, 2014, 7:00 p.m. Upstairs Arena meeting room. CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, they have the heart Elizabeth Andrew. If you think you have the heart, nominations are being accepted for President, Vice-President, Registrar/Secretary, Treasurer, Risk Manager, Coach Coordinator, Chief Referee, Special Events Coordinator, Ice manager. Please refer to the Help Section for Volunteers at www.goldenhockey.com for complete details and a list of other non elected volunteer opportunities.
Registration fees frozen for the second year in a row. Forms and links at www.goldenhockey.com Questions or concerns please call 250-344-8924
Golden Minor Hockey and the Kraft Canada Hockey Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank the community of Golden for their generosity and support of the past season. Here are a few of the ways your time and donations have helped out. Pre-Season Hockey camp was open to all interested players not just Golden Minor Hockey registrants. Our pre-season also included a two week trial period for those interested in but not yet sure if they like hockey. Watch the newspaper and our page on Facebook for dates in late August 2014.
The end of ski season meant it was time for Kicking Horse’s annual Slush Cup. Dozens of skiers and boarders plunged into a frigid pool in front of hundreds of onlookers Sunday afternoon. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Winter Break Power Skating Camp a fee based district wide event focusing on power skating with Power Edge Power Skating out of Canmore brought highly focused skating drills to all age groups. Hockey Canada Skills Camp brought nationally trained coaches to our community for one weekend in November was also open to all interested players and coaches. Eli Wilson Goalie Camp brought NHL level goalie training to our young players in early January in attempts to raise the level of experience for players of Golden Minor Hockey. A training and information session was also offered to coaches so the benefits extended to the entire team. If you would like more information on any one of these events or to help out, please call 250-344-8924.
A16 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Golden Star
Preserving the history of Golden is an honour for director
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
It wasn’t that long ago, while telling someone about the history of riverboats on the upper section of the Columbia River, that my grandson Mike, who has probably heard parts of the story several times, said “Nan, you’re such a geek.” Well, having spent the last five years almost totally in the company of teenage boys, I certainly knew better than to take what he said as an insult but I did dwell on it a bit. I got out my computer and looked up “geek” at dictionary. com. It said: “A carnival performer who performs sensationally morbid or disgusting acts, such as biting off the head of a live chicken or a peculiar or offensive
person, especially one who is perceived to be overly intellectual.” Okay, now I’m feeling a little insulted! “I’m pretty sure that’s not what he meant so I asked him if he knew what geek meant, she said “Yah! It’s someone who’s really smart, that dresses funny and wears big glasses.” Nope, he didn’t. Feeling a bit better I went back to my computer and looked up the word at Wikipedia, which is an online encyclopedia. It said, “A geek is an individual who is fascinated, perhaps obsessively, by obscure or very specific areas of knowledge and imagination, usually electronic or virtual in nature.” Okay, that sounds more like me. As I started to think about what it said I started to think about my feelings of the work I do. I’ve had many people say, “You really love your work don’t you? It shows!” Well, if I go by what
Five friends walk up the Golden hill on what was the Kicking Horse Trail in about 1920. Photo from the Bill Wenman Collection copyright Karen Flewin Wikipedia says then I guess that I would have to admit that I am a geek. I’m reasonably sure that most of the people in the town of Golden and its sur-
rounding neighbouring communities respect the fact that we have a museum and most would probably believe that I do a good job, but really I don’t think that
BC HYDRO COLUMBIA AND KOOTENAY OPERATIONS CONFERENCE CALLS BC Hydro will be hosting two conference calls on Wednesday April 23, 2014 to provide information regarding forecast 2014 reservoir and river operating conditions for the Columbia and Kootenay systems. Kootenay System: The conference call regarding the Kootenay system (includes Libby Dam/ Koocanusa Reservoir, Duncan Dam and Reservoir, Kootenay Lake) will be held jointly by BC Hydro and the US Army Corps of Engineers, and will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. PST (9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. MST). Columbia System: The conference call regarding the main-stem Columbia system (includes Kinbasket Reservoir and Mica Dam, Revelstoke Reservoir and Revelstoke Dam, and Arrow Lakes Reservoir and Hugh L. Keenleyside Dam) will be hosted by BC Hydro and will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. PST (10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. MST). Government, First Nations, businesses, non-governmental organizations, and stakeholders with an interest in BC Hydro’s operations are invited to attend.
Please email dayle.hopp@bchydro.com to register by noon on Wednesday April 16, 2014 and receive conference details, presentation materials, and dial in information by email in advance of the meeting.
most of you know what that job entails or what makes me good at it. That said, I’m not sure how to proceed, I will try and muddle my way through it. Although I’ve always loved old things I’m not sure that I’ve always appreciated them. As a little girl I spent a great deal of time at my Grandma Allen’s house, a place where I was surrounded by old things. If we were careful she let us play in the old house that the family had left abandoned when they moved into the new house. I loved the smell of the old building. I loved the way the staircase creaked when I went upstairs. I loved to lie in the old bed in the girls room upstairs and dream about what it must have been like for my aunts to have grown up there. I loved it when my dad talked about the family having to grease the legs of the beds to keep the bed-
bugs from getting into their beds. Maybe it was because grandma would remind us that she had lived through hard times and felt fortunate to have had enough to eat and a warm home that I came to respect what they had worked so hard for. I guess I brought that same passion with me to the museum. I love to gather bits and pieces of people’s lives and arrange them in a manner that will either remind people of something they once had or to educate others on how people once lived. And once in a while I have to remind myself and perhaps you too, that this is your museum, not mine. I have just been the one fortunate enough to be caring for your family’s often fragile, physical past. When an article is gifted to the museum we accession it in preparation for inclusion in the col-
lection. This means that we measure it, take a picture of it, write a good description of the item and where it came from and place a number on it so that we can always go back to the description for information. The same procedure is used for archival items like photographs and documents. Each items is then placed in a storage area with others of like kind for easier retrieval. I love to showcase the best and sometimes the worst items but I treat each of them as a precious treasure because it is. It’s proof that your family lived here, in Golden, BC, and that they were important to the development of our unique mountain community. Alright, I’m a geek, but keep in mind that without geeks like me the world where never know how important the time period you lived in or the contributions you made to our community was.
Star business directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 16, 2014
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Golden Business Directory SELKIRK ELECTRIC LTD.
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Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Golden Star
All people of Aboriginal Ancestry (carded and un-carded). Exciting Cultural Events.
FREE Family events! 2 Ancient Ceremonies
Sunday April 27th at the Golden Museum from 10am-3pm. 1 Ancient Ceremony in Edgewater in early May.
To register or get info: Denise Porter 250-344-1159 hal.deniseporter@gmail.com Hanako Nagao 1-403-660-6027 hanako.nagao1@gmail.com
Metis Nation Columbia River Society Facebook Page
Sponsored by: Cultural Connections for Aboriginal Youth
GSS 2014 grad planning has begun Iris Trask GSS Principal On April 2, we were very pleased to host a Community Conversation with the Mayor, Christina Benty. During the noon hour over a pizza lunch, about 50 students and adults gathered in our School Library to discuss issues that are important to youth. This was an exciting opportunity for our youth to become involved in the conversations during their school day and without needing to leave the school. A few of the students have expressed an interest to attend future Community Conversations as a result of this positive exposure. Thanks to Faith Dusevic (a former GSS graduate) for visiting Grade 11 and 12 classes prior to the event to promote it. To help students make a smooth transition from elementary school to high school, we plan a number of activities designed to help this process. Classroom visits occurred last week, with Mrs. Trask and a group of Grade 8 students giving classroom presentations at LGES and NES for the Grade 7 students. On the afternoon of April 24th, Grade 7 students will travel to GSS for a music concert to get an idea of what the Band and Choir programs are all about. In June, the Grade 7’s will have an Orientation Day at GSS with a variety of activities to help them get to know the high school. On the Friday prior to Labour Day weekend, the students entering Grade 8 will attend an Orientation Camp from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. to get their schedules, fill out
Notice of Public Hearing
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1332, 2014 – Craft Brewery What is proposed? The applicant is proposing to construct a craft brewery at 823 - 8th Ave North and thereby, Town of Golden Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1332, 2014 – Craft Brewery, proposes to add the Craft Brewery “use” to both the Mixed Use Commercial - C2 and the General Commercial - C3 zones in Town of Golden Zoning Bylaw No. 1294, 2011. “Craft Brewery” is defined as “a facility for the brewing, bottling and marketing of beers and ciders, which may include a tour reception area, a retail store, a lounge or a liquor primary establishment, a restaurant, and indoor or outdoor seating. The brewing and bottling area shall be limited to 1400m2.” Legal description LOT A, SECTIONS 12 AND 13, TOWNSHIP 27, RANGE 22, WEST OF THE 5TH MERIDIAN, KOOTENAY DISTRICT, PLAN EPP38527
How can I find out more? Background material may be viewed at the Town Hall from Tuesday, April 15 to Tuesday, April 29, 2014 from 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday except holidays. For more information contact: Phil Armstrong, Planning Tech at 250.344.2271 ext 236 or phil.armstrong@golden.ca.
How can I give feedback? Anyone who considers themselves affected by the proposed zoning amendment bylaw and wishes to register an opinion may do so: a) By forwarding written submissions for Council consideration (attention of the Manager of Legislative Services) by post (P.O. Box 350, Golden B.C V0A 1H0) or by email to viv.thoss@golden.ca (only emails sent to this email address will form part of the Council Agenda). Any submissions must be received by 12:00 pm (noon) on April 23, 2014; and / or b) By appearing before Council at the Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at 1:15 PM at the Town Hall Council Chambers (810 9th Ave South).
timetables, set up their lockers, find all of their classes in preparation for the first day of school, and enjoy a lunch together with their parents and GSS staff. During this time – 10:30 – 12:00 – there will be a parent orientation in the Drama Room. In addition to this, individual students who may be experiencing anxiety about the transition to high school have had the opportunity for additional visits. We have found that our new Grade 8 students are more successful when we engage them in all of these important transition activities. Our Senior Outdoor Education classes are gearing up for their Rock Climbing trips to Skaha near Penticton. This is an amazing experience for the students as they get to really challenge their climbing skills in one of BC’s popular areas. Preparations for the trip include practicing climbing skills, preparing equipment, meal planning, and organizing all of the details for the trips. Our students are fortunate to have these opportunities! In sports, the Badminton and Track & Field teams are practicing in preparation for upcoming tournaments. Girls’ soccer is also a spring sport and plans are underway to get the teams organized for the season. Involvement in school sports and clubs helps students to feel more connected to their school community and thus, increases their successful achievement in school, according to research studies. It is hard to believe that we are already starting to build our timetable for the 2014-15 school year! Students have finished choosing their courses, we have tallied the numbers, made a draft timetable, and have entered it into our computer scheduling program. During the month of April, we spend some time figuring out whether students can access the courses they need/want in the draft timetable, and make changes as best we can to accommodate as many students’ requests as we can. The good news is that our projected enrollment is up slightly from last year, which is the first time we have seen an increase in about 10 years. Mark May 14, 7 p.m. on your calendars as that is our Career Night! We host this once every two years. Thanks to our Career Counselor, Mr. Todd Wilson, this event is going to be a full and exciting evening with numerous resource people from a diverse number of careers setting up booths to introduce their careers and answer questions from students, parents, and interested community members. We welcome everyone to come out and participate by touring around the displays and asking questions in order to get an idea of the many pathways for future employment. As always at this time of year, our Graduation Class is making plans for their Ceremonies and Prom, which take place in June. The Grad Executive has been meeting weekly throughout this year in order to coordinate all of the fundraising, bookings, and details that go into making Grad such an outstanding event. Keep Thursday, June 26 at 7 p.m. open in your calendar if you wish to attend the Graduation Ceremonies at the Arena. Friday, June 27 will be the GSS Last Lap, Photos/Reception for students and their parents at the top of the Ski Hill, Parent/ Grad Dance at the bottom of the hill and Banquet/Dance in the Day Lodge. Plans are moving along smoothly for another wonderful celebration! We welcome communication with parents and community members, so if you have comments, feedback, or suggestions, please feel free to email me at iris.trask@sd6.bc.ca or phone the school at 344-2201.
Golden Star Star Wednesday, AprilApril 16, 2014 The Golden Wednesday, 16, 2014
www.thegoldenstar.net www.thegoldenstar.net A19 A19
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Career Opportunities
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New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.
The link to your community
Personals MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851.
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Building Inspector I District of Kitimat, full time permanent bargaining unit position wage range $36.33/hr - $43.63/hr, over 2 years. Duties include plan checking reviews, inspections and enforcement functions related to building construction to ensure conformance with legislation, regulations and standards, and explaining and enforcing municipal bylaws. Preferred applicants will have a Technology Certificate related to building construction or equivalent; BOABC level 2 certification and a Class 5 driver’s license. Submit applications by April 30, 2014, 4:30 p.m., to Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat B.C. V8C 2H7, Tel 250-632-8900, Fax 250632-4995, or by e-mail at dok@kitimat.ca. Community information can be obtained from our website at www.kitimat.ca. Only those candidates selected for further consideration will be contacted.
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Employment Business Opportunities
ABSOLUTE GOLD MINE! Absentee ownership! Candy vending route. 6 new machines placed into 6 new busy stores! $2500 investment, not employment! Call after noon only! 951-763-4828. GET FREE Vending Machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866668-6629. Or visit us online: www.tcvend.com
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Must be able to have extended stays away from home. Up to 6 months. Must have valid AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 with airbrake license and have previous commercial driving experience. Apply at:www.sperryrail.com, careers & then choose the FastTRACK Application.
FAMILY LAW • Cohabitation Agreements • Divorces • Family Law Litigation • Collaborative Family Law • Separation Agreements • Mediation
Donald Kawano, QC 2nd Floor, 6 - 10th Avenue S. Cranbrook, BC V1C 2M8 Telephone: 250-426-8981 Toll free: 1-866-426-8981 Email: donk@rellapaolini.com
Help Wanted
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Baker Wanted
Company: Dusevic Holdings Ltd. o/a Golden Bakery & Deli Location: 415 9th Avenue N, Golden, BC, V0A 1H0 Type of Employment: Full time - permanent Estimated Start Date: As soon as possible Your Skills + Your Passion + Our Company = A Great ‘Plan’! We’re growing again, and looking for experienced personnel! 1 - Shop Labourer Requirements: Basic construction skills, minimum 1 year experience, good math knowledge and work habits. 1 - Carpenter Requirements: 3rd or 4th year apprentice, minimum 5 years experience, good math knowledge and work habits. These are non-seasonal full time positions. Hours are Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 pm. Canadian Timberframes offers competitive wages and a generous benefits package. Please forward resumes via e-mail at wbramsleven@canadiantimberframes.com or via fax at 250-348-2241. Attn: Walter Bramsleven, Projects and Logistics Manager Box 1665, 2108 Hwy 95 South, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0 Phone: 1-250-348-2231
Unique Opportunity
Black Press has a very unique opportunity for the right person.
We currently have an opening for a sales person to help us with our paid distribution newspapers across B.C. This position means getting out in the community and talking to subscribers about our newspapers and working to build stronger relationships with existing readers of our newspapers. It also includes finding new subscribers for our newspapers and helping introduce them our award winning host of community newspapers. This is not a year-around position and will run from March to October each year. We offer a spectacular compensation package and bonus incentives. Your own vehicle is required, but we cover all travel expenses. This is really a great opportunity for the right person. It is a different type of job, but definitely has different types of rewards. If you feel this position would be the perfect fit for you, then we would love to hear from you. Please email all enquiries to Michelle Bedford at circulation@trailtimes.ca.
Help Wanted
Job Description: • All forms of bread and pastry baking. • Minor breakfast and lunch cooking. Requirements: • Education: Completion of secondary school • Experience: If a candidate does not have at least 3 years of experience as Baker a Post Secondary Certificate is required Salary: $13.33 to $15.00 Hourly, 40.00 Hours per week. Apply by e-mail to: jobs.dusevicholdings@emailcanada.net Apply by mail to: Box 1455, 415 9th Avenue N, Golden, BC, V0A 1H0
Mountain View Assisted Living Position: Assisted Living Worker – Casual The Assisted Living worker delivers exemplary personal care services that enhance life quality and peace of mind for seniors living within the assisted living residence. Under the direction of the Assisted Living Leader delivers personal care and housekeeping, laundry, dining social/recreation programs as driven by the needs, interests, choices and abilities of assisted living residents. (duFation 4ualiÀFations and ([SerienFe • Resident Care Attendant, Home Support or Assisted living Certi¿cate or equivalent combination of education and experience • Comfortable working alone or in a team environment • Available and willing to work shift work nights and evenings. • Able to plan, organize and deliver care and services with minimal supervision • Current )irst Aid Certi¿cation Please submit your resume and letter of interest by April 19, 2014 to: Tricia Bowness, Site Manager, Mountain View Assisted Living 750 8th Avenue, Golden, BC, V0A 1H0 triciabowness@uniserve.com Fax: 250-344-7962
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Help Wanted Bolico Holdings Ltd. o/a Tim Hortons 1020 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H1 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H2 Food Counter Attendant Full Time/Part Time/Shift Work Nights/Overnights/Early Mornings/Weekends Some high school education $10.25/hr + Benefits(extended health/vision/dental) Wage based on experience/availability Apply via fax 250 439 1963 or In Person: 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H2
Help Wanted
Wednesday, AprilApril 16, 2014 The Golden Star Star Wednesday, 16, 2014
Help Wanted
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Financial Services
Apt/Condo for Rent
Homes for Rent
BLACK JACK HOLDINGS LTD DBA DAIRY QUEEN GOLDEN 1409 Trans Canada Hwy, BLACK JACK HOLDINGS LTD DBA DAIRY QUEEN GOLDEN 1409 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A1H1 Hiring 1 Food Service Supervisor for Dairy Queen Permanent, Full Time, Shift, Overtime, Weekend, Day, Evening $13.00 Hourly, for 40.00 Hours per week Completion of high school Experience an asset Specific Skills: Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food. Establish work schedule. Estimate and order ingredients and supplies. Ensure food service and quality control. Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage. Prepare and submit reports. Supervise and check assembly of trays. Supervise and check delivery of food trolleys. Establish methods to meet work schedules. Train staff in job duties, sanitation and safety procedures. Fax resume: 250-344-2220 or dqgoldenjobs@yahoo.ca Mr. Neal VanBeers
Full Time-Permanent Cook needed for 0769323 BC Ltd. o/s Legendz Diner located a PO Box 676, 1405 TransCanada Highway, Golden, BC, V0A 1H0 Start Date ASAP Main Duties include: Prepare and cook full course meals, Prepare and cool individual dishes and foods, Plan menus, Ensure quality of food and determine size of food proportions, Prepare dishes for customers with food allergies or intolerance’s, Inspect kitchens and food service areas, Train staff in preparation, cooking and handling of food, Order supplies and equipment, Supervise kitchen staff and helpers, Clean kitchen and work areas, wash dishes Education: Completion of high school Experience: Minimum of 3 years of experience. If candidate does not have at least 3 years of experience as a cook, a post-secondary certificate is required. Salary: $11.50 to $13.50 Hourly, 40.00 Hours per week. Uniforms provided and staff meal program. Apply by e-mail to: jobs. legendz.diner@canadaemail.ca, mail (address above), or fax to: 250-344-5075.
Looking for part time cleaners. 15 hrs per week. Please call 250-344-0492.
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. UNFILED TAX Returns? Unreported Income? Avoid Prosecution and Penalties. Call a Tax Attorney First! 1855-668-8089 (Monday-Friday 9-6 ET).
3 Bdr. Apt close to Lady Grey school. Newly renovated. Avail now. $850/mth. 250-344-8205 or 344-6533. Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. No parties, N/S. Laundry facilities, security doors. Best deal in town! 250-344-8113.
For rent May 1 completely reno’d 1bdrm suite in Blaeberry. Suitable for single person (tired of roommates? Looking for privacy?) & well behaved pet w. pet dpst $650 inclds all utls, wifi, and sat tv. Will consider uite couple $750. NS, no parties. Text/call 344-1468. See Kijiji Cranbrook apts or GFC for pics.
Legal Services
All Inclusive - Avail. May 1/14 (2) Bedroom $750.00 May 1/14 Large (2) bedroom with view $950.00. Visit www.goldenapartments.ca for details. Call 250-344-7299 or text 250-344-1825 to arrange viewing.
RAMADA INN requires FRONT DESK staff Full time. Apply by Email info@ramadagolden.com or drop off resume in person 1311 12 St. N.
Help Wanted
Servers wanted Heather Mountain Lodge Starting Mid June through to Mid Sept. Our semi-remote lodge, just 55kms West of Golden BC, borders Glacier National Park, so the ideal candidates would be active people who love the outdoor mountain lifestyle. With 23 hotel room and 2 luxury cabins, we host many Weddings, Heli-hikers and tourists. Our relaxed ¿ne dining restaurant is open for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
We hire mainly for personality and work ethic. Serving experience is an asset but training will be given. Please apply by sending your resume to: carrie@heathermountainlodge.com
Mountain View Assisted Living Position: Cook/MSW – Casual Position Summary: Reporting to the Site Manager, manages food preparation & service to ensure that special dietary needs and standards for dietary care are consistently met or exceeded. Determines inventory needs through menu planning, then sources and purchases appropriate, high quality products that ¿t within speci¿ed budgets. Cleaning duties as assigned. .e\ 5esSonsiEilities 4ualiÀFations • Food Safe Certi¿cate • Ability to plan, organize and direct the delivery of food services • Desire to work with seniors • Customer service oriented • Must be prepared to respond to emergency situations • Must have working knowledge of special diets Please submit your resume and letter of interest by April 19, 2014 to: Tricia Bowness, Site Manager, Mountain View Assisted Living 750 8th Avenue, Golden, BC, V0A 1H0 triciabowness@uniserve.com Fax: 250-344-7962
Required for Mary’s Hotel F/T Hotel front desk clerks Sal: $13/hour Duties: Register arriving guests and assign rooms. Answer enquiries. Present statements of charges to departing guests and receive payment. F/T housekeeping room attendant Sal:$13/hr Duties: Sweep, mop, wash, wax and polish floors. Dust furniture and vacuum carpet. Make beds. Attend to guests’ requests for extra supplies. P/T handy man req’d.Contact:
Harjinder: marysmotel@yahoo.ca
Location:Golden BC
Fight Back. Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.
THE AKISQNUK FIRST NATION invites you to apply for the position of: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE The Akisqnuk First Nation near Windermere, BC, is nestled in the Columbia Valley, between Radium and Fairmont Hot Springs, up alongside the Rocky Mountains. This four season playground offers something for everyone with a small town ambiance and excellent schools. As the Community Health Nurse you will be responsible for client intake, assessments/reassessments
are plans, and organizing services in the home that meet the clients’ needs. The nurse facilitates the planning of activities and strategies to support the community in achieving health outcomes in a holistic and culturally sensitive manner. Please visit www.akisqnuk.org for details. Closing date: Friday, April 18, 2014 at 4pm.
Mi-tec Millwork & Cabinetry has an opportunity for a qualified Shop Foreman. Minimum 5 years’ experience supervising a team of 5 or more cabinet makers. Please email shop@mi-tec.com for further details See us at www.mi-tec.com
CNC MAZAK MACHINISTS. Live, work & play in sunny Shuswap. ISO Certified, Excellent Safety record, Spotless shop. New machines & Brand new building on the way 50K-80K+ /yr + OT and bonuses. Multiple positions available for the RIGHT people. 4+ Axis experience an asset. Apply by: mattm@accessprecision.com Fax: 250-832-8950
CONCRETE FINISHERS & Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Fax 780-444-9165. Jobs@RaidersConcrete.com.
Financial Services
For Sale By Owner
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Merchandise for Sale
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Misc. Wanted Collectors Currently Buying: Coin Collections, Antiques, Native Art, Old Silver, Paintings, Jewellery etc. We Deal with Estates 778-281-0030 STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online www.crownsteelbuildings.ca.
Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. For Rent - Fully Furnished Suites
Commercial/ Industrial Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
Cottages / Cabins 1, 2, and 3 bdrms cabins/apts 5 mins from Golden furnished pet friendly $700-$850/mnth 250-272-4674. Cabin for rent. Fully furnished studio cabin at Sander Lake campground. $550/mnt, utls incld, sat. tv, wifi, NS, $275 DD, small pets considered. Avail May 1. 250-344-6517, 250-344-1744, 250-272-1744.
KHMR - 2 BDRM Executive Condo. Fully Furnished. ALL Inclusive. Avail. May-Nov/14. Amazing View! Many extras. 780-919-1648 Large house for rent in quite neighbourhood backs onto green space has large lot and double attached garage. Pls call for further details 780-7253355
Office/Retail Office Space for rent. Approx. 350 sq. ft. above Body Quest. Call 250-344-7876.
Rooms for Rent Room(s) in house. W/D, cable, wireless internet. Two blocks from all amenities. Call 250-290-0110.
Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.
Duplex / 4 Plex
Suites, Lower
3 bdrm and 4 bdrm duplex, animals welcome, 4 bdrm $975/mnt + uts, 3 bdrm $775/mnt + utls, $75 less with 1 yr lease. Wood heat, 2.5 acres w/ garden. Avail June 1. 10 mins from Golden. 250-421-6415.
2 bdr bsmnt suite avail May 1 bright spacious recntly reno’d big back yard washer incld non smoker pets consd long term prefd. 250-344-0316.
Modular Homes
Immaculate newly reno’d 2 bdrm suite for rent in town, NS, NP, no parties, large yard $850/mnt +utls. Free wifi/sat. tv. Avail May. 1, nice landlords! Call 250-344-6879.
Trailer for rent/sale, reasonable price phone 344-5302 or 272-8979
Homes for Rent
FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings
remaxgolden.com Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofce is independently owned & operated.
Suites, Upper
Townhouses 4 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Want to Rent In Upper Golden areas: Working person with great references seeks simple, inexpensive cabin/place on private, wooded area, now or future.250-439-8225
Auto Accessories/Parts
Real Estate Houses For Sale Spectacular timber frame mtn. home near Golden. Check mls 2392392. Call Glenn Pomeroy Maxwell Realty Invermere. 250-270-0666.
Other Areas 20 ACRES $0 Down, Only $119/mo. Owner Financing, NO CREDIT CHECKS! Near El Paso, Texas. Beautiful Mountain Views! Money Back Guarantee. Call 1-866-8825263, Ext. 81. www.sunsetranches.net
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 2 bdrm w/ storage close to all amnts. Hydro, hot water and heat incld. Security entrance and laundry factls, sorry no parties or smoking indoors. $760/mnth 250-344-8113.
1 bdrm chalet furnished full kitchen, sat. tv, high speed internet, utls incld, fire place, NS, min. 6 months, avail. May 1st. $650/single $750/double. 250-344-7874 (evenings). 2 Bdr House for rent, across from Overwaitea, avail May 15. References required. No pets. No parties. NS. Please call 250-344-6200. 3-4 bdrm modern house open concept layout 3 bath, big bdrms, fenced yard, call 250344-1340. 3 Bdr house (Av. May 1) 1116 12 St. Appliances incl., references required. No Pets, No Parties. W/D. 4 bdrm house in downtown Golden $950/month + utilities. Family preferred. Damage deposit & references required. 250-344-6710. Chalet 2 bdrm furnished W/D, FS, wood+elec. heat, sat. TV, attached carport, 2 mature people only. Avail. Apr.1. 250344-5064.
Auto Financing
A21 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Golden Star
CRA breached by ‘Heartbleed’ bug but bank sites still safe Golden Star Staff reporter@thegoldenstar.net Golden residents can rest assured that they can continue online banking safely. Canada’s banks say its customers’ online information is safe from the just-discovered Heartbleed security bug, which has reportedly affected 500,000 servers and laid vulnerable sensitive “private data such as usernames, passwords, and credit card numbers.� Heartbleed was publicly discovered – or unveiled – on Monday, and has reportedly existed for two years. But on Wednesday, the Canadian Bankers’ Association said none of the country’s banks have been affected by the bug and then said, “Canadians can continue to bank with confidence.� “As part of a normal course of business, the banks actively monitor their networks and continuously conduct rou-
tine maintenance to help ensure that online threats do not harm their servers or disrupt service to customers,� the CBA said. “As always, bank customers should take the usual steps to protect themselves from fraud. This includes monitoring bank and credit card statements looking for any unusual activity, protecting PINs and passwords and changing PINs and passwords periodically.� Still, all online users have been advised to change the passwords and be cautious with their online activity over the next few days. Canada Revenue Agency, however, is not as secure. The CRA says the social insurance numbers of 900 taxpayers were stolen last week by someone using the Heartbleed encryption vulnerability before the taxation agency shut down public access to its online services. It happened over a six-hour period by someone exploiting the vulnerability in many supposedly secure websites
that used an open-source encryption system. The CRA said it will send registered letters to affected taxpayers and will not be emailing them because it doesn’t want fraudsters to use phishing schemes to further exploit the privacy breach. “I want to express regret to Canadians for this service interruption,� CRA commissioner Andrew Treusch said. “I share the concern and dismay of those individuals whose privacy has been impacted by this malicious act.� Other personal data and possibly businesses’ information may also have been lost. “We are currently going through the painstaking process of analyzing other fragments of data, some that may relate to businesses, that were also removed,� Treusch said. Taxpayers whose data was compromised will get bolstered CRA account protection and free access to credit protection services.
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Auto Financing
Utility Trailers
Legal Notices
2007 Haulmark 6x10 Utility Trailer, 2 tool boxes inside front floor rings tiedowns. Spare tire in tow hitch Diamond Plate on front. $2095. 250-344-7873.
To Whom it May Concern: There was a 1949 Dodge D 31 CPE vin #97000216 abandoned on my property located at 627 Habart Lower Rd since 1990 which has outstanding debt for storage which must be paid in pull to satisfy the debt of $2500. This vehicle will be seized under the warehouse lien act or sold, proof of ownership must be provided date of sale and place will be Apr 25 / 2014 at 533 - 10th St South Manjit Manhas Golden BC V0A 1H0.
4HERE S MORE TO LOSE THAN JUST MEMORIES Recreational/Sale 2001 Jayco Quest 24’ 5th wheel trailer, excellent condn, call 344-7457 for details.
We’re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ ed.com
Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at www.bcclassified.com
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Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Golden Star
Columbia Shuswap Regional District Invitation to Quote Revelstoke Airport Runway Extension and Widening 2014 The Columbia Shuswap Regional District is inviting Quotes from Contractors for the extension, turning pad and widening construction of the runway at the Revelstoke Airport (YRV) in Revelstoke, BC. Sealed Quotes clearly marked “Quote – Revelstoke Airport Runway Extension 2014”, will be accepted until 11 AM local time on Thursday, April 24, 2014 at the office of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, 781 Marine Park Drive NE, P.O. Box 978, Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 4P1. Quote documents and further information are available online at the Columbia Shuswap Regional District website at www. csrd.bc.ca/news-notices/opportunities/Quotes, on the BC Bid website at www.bcbid.gov.bc.ca, the Civic Info website at www.civicinfo.bc.ca and at the office of the Columbia
Shuswap Regional District at the above address during regular office hours. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Quotes and to waive any informality in the Quotes received, in each case without giving any notice. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept the Quote which it deems most advantageous. Faxed or emailed submissions will not be accepted. The lowest or any Quote will not necessarily be accepted. For more information, please contact: Darcy Mooney, Manager Operations Management T: 250.833.5938 E: dmooney@csrd.bc.ca
GOLDEN HAZARDOUS WASTE RECYCLING FAIR MAY 3 ~ 10 AM - 3 PM IN THE PARKING LOT ACROSS FROM 7-11 PETRO CAN. adhesives ǀ antifreeze ǀ mercury debris ǀ pool chemicals ǀ waste fertilizer ǀ grease ǀ grout ǀ cyanides ǀ tar ǀ fire extinguishers Any household material that is toxic, corrosive, reactive or ignitable (excluding explosives and ammunition) Plus: household paints and solvents ǀ pesticides & herbicides ǀ old gasoline ǀ smoke alarms ǀ residential fluorescent tubes ǀ batteries ǀ small appliances ǀ power tools ǀ light fixtures ǀ tires
Golden Women’s Resource Centre Submitted
As parents and educators we may feel afraid and at times powerless as our children move out from under our protective wing and begin to navigate the dangerous terrain of adolescence. Sex, drugs, violence, eating disorders, bullying, suicide, drinking and driving…and the uncharted territory of the Internet. We are holding our breath, hands over our eyes, peeking out between our fingers. We can see our teenagers careening down the road of life, wind in their faces, big grins, eyes closed - or teetering on the brink of a precipice, arms outstretched. Our media and TV-culture fed youth are perched in precarious denial armed with the "Immortality Syndrome" (That could never happen to me!). It is clearly not enough to tell our teens over and over, that violence is not acceptable, and to advise them to report it, to just walk away… (the two things that teens tell us they won't do!) It is clearly not enough to say, don't do drugs, abstain from sex / use condoms. We need to be able to teach our children how to negotiate these potentially life-altering moments -- How to say, no and stay cool. How to walk away without giving up power. How to access the part of themselves that can make wise choices - even in the heat of the moment. The focus of this presentation (Safe Teen: Navigating Adolescence) for parents and professionals, will be the acquisition of concrete skills skills to use and to pass on to the teens we live and work with. Skills which empower us as adults and enable our youth to cope with the verbal, emotional and physical threats that they are exposed to every single day. The Safe Teen: Navigating Adolescence presentation will be happening on Wednesday April 23 from 7-8 p.m. in the Golden Secondary School drama room and is free to attend. The presentation was made possible through the generous sponsorship of CBT.
Scam resurfaces Golden Star Staff reporter@thegoldenstar.net
Further details: At www.csrd.bc.ca or call 250-833-5950
Women’s centre hosting Safe Teen workshop
Cash or Cheque
If you have never composted, a 20 minute training session will be conducted when you pick up your composter Application must be in before April 30th, 2014 TO OBTAIN AN APPLICATION FORM: Call 250-833-5936 1-888-248-2773, or go to www.csrd.bc.ca. Forms may be mailed e-mailed or dropped off at the CSRD main office. e-mail: operations@csrd.bc.ca
Visit our website at www.csrd.bc.ca
781 Marine Park Dr. NE • PO Box 978 • Salmon Arm • V1E 4P1 • 250-832-8194 Toll Free 1-888-248-2773
The "Windows Tech Support" telephone scam that passed through Golden last year appears to be making the rounds again. This scam has probably returned because the so-called "heartbleed" security flaw has been in the news recently, and the scammers know many people will be worried about their computers' security, especially older computer users who are not very computer literate. Last year several Goldenites were taken in by the scam. In this scam, the caller purports to be a representative of Windows tech support, and claims that the victim's computer is vulnerable or infected, and that in order to fix the computer and protect against future viruses, the victim must follow the representative's instructions. The victim is then persuaded that harmless data on their computer is in fact a virus, and that they must access a certain website or provide credit card information in order to successfully “clean” their computer. Visiting that website will undoubtedly result in a virus attack on the victim's computer, and handing over credit card numbers to these crooks is definitely a recipe for disaster. The caller is generally polite, speaks in accented English, and if challenged will insist that he/she only wants to help, and that the victim's computer is at risk. Ask to speak to a manager, and the caller will hand the phone over to an accomplice. Mention the police, and the caller will hang up.
A23 www.thegoldenstar.net
Softball registration is now open
Thank You!
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Golden Star
For your generous support to assist Robin Johnston, delegate for Miss Universe Canada at her fashion show and Operation Smile Canada Fundraiser in Calgary on April 5th. A part of Robin's obligation to the pageant is to raise money for charity. With the support of contributors from Golden and Calgary in the silent auction and door prizes, Operation Smile will be able to perform reconstructive surgery for ten children.
Young Living Essential Oils Wet and Wild Adventure Rockwater Gill and Bar Whitetooth Bistro Quantum Leaps Lodge and Retreat Eleven 22 Country Comfort Bed and Breakfast
Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Alpine Rafting Altitude Adventures Tandem Paragliding Overwaitea Foods Sobeys Golden Golf and Country Club
See Robin's fashion show on YouTube and Facebook: Wanderlust Fashion Show and Charity. Erica Fife, player with Sons of Pitches, hits the ball during a softball game last summer. Registration for this season is now open. Star Photo Jessica Schwitek editor@thegoldenstar.net Spring softball season is almost here. Weather permitting, games will be underway at the beginning of next month. "I grew up playing softball here, it's just a really fun league," said Caleb Moss, whose team has been part of the league since the beginning. Last year there were 13 teams participating, but new teams are always welcome. The cost is $400 per team and there must be at least six guys and four girls. Games run every Tuesday and Thursday evening, and the season is capped off with a playoff tournament. Games are scored, but organizers want the league to remain fun, so there are guidelines to keep games from being runaways. "You can only lose so badly," said Moss. Sign up has already started. Anyone who wants to register a team, or has any questions, can contact Greg Cowan at 250-2700151.
Confessions of a Curber Thank goodness, the stolen vehicle was behind me. Did I feel bad? Yes. Does it make me a bad person for selling a stolen vehicle? Probably. But to outsiders, my life hasn’t changed. I’m still the same old Walt. Oh, if they only knew. I was on a roll. To my disbelief, I’d sold seven cars already. I guess you could say it was a part of me now – I “flip” cars on the side. And, I was branching out – with a truck and camper. The truck had been rebuilt. It was roadworthy again. I even had the inspection records to prove it. And the camper? That was marketing genius. When I put it up for sale, I fibbed. But only a little bit. “Truck for sale. Fixed after fender bender, looks new. Includes camper. It’s been in an accident, so I’m selling both for a low price. Great for family adventures. Call if interested.” Shortly after, I got a call. The man had a distinct, charming accent. He asked me what a “fender bender” was. I explained that it was a small accident. He seemed pleased and asked to meet me the next day. I assumed he was relatively new to the country, so I thought this would be an easy sale. Boy was I wrong! He’d gone to “new immigrant” welcome classes, where they shared information about life in Canada. I think this was where he developed an interest in camping Canadian style. He knew all the right questions to ask. But, I
gave him all the wrong answers. And, I didn’t tell him the camper was way too heavy for the truck to be safe. He also asked for a vehicle history report. I pulled the CarProof report out. I mean, I had nothing to hide. He asked me what “rebuilt*” meant. I told him that, because of the small accident, the transmission needed to be rebuilt. Oh, but I’d altered the sections detailing the amount of damage. Judging from his English skills, I’m sure he didn’t understand the difference. At least he was trying. He got an “A” for effort. I hope he figures out that the truck and camper would be unsafe on the road when he gets it fully loaded with passengers, fuel and gear. Good thing I have my “no returns” policy! Yes, I know what you’re all thinking. This is the lowest of the low. But you have to understand. I was slightly manic about this whole thing. At this point, I would do anything to make a sale and get myself another wallet full of cash.
*Rebuilt - This status is assigned to
“salvage” vehicles after they have been repaired and have passed inspection. Vehicle status alone does not fully describe a vehicle’s mechanical condition or damage history. This applies to RVs, motorcycles, cars and trucks.
“I didn’t tell him the camper was way too heavy to be safe.”
Buying used? We’re looking out for you. Find out how at WatchoutforWalt.com
A24 www.thegoldenstar.net
RE/MAX RE/MAX ofof Golden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663
Garry Oddy Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234 (250) 344-7234
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Golden Star
1026 King Crescent
2 bedrooms
1 bath
1222-11th Street
4 bedrooms
3 baths
2 baths
#16, 415 - 5th Avenue
2 bedrooms
2 baths
921 - 14th Street 3 baths
#6, 1215 - 9th Street
2 bedrooms
1 bath
$289,000 1241 Horse Creek Road
4 bdrms 1 bath 1,400sqft
1.03 acres
2 bedrooms
2 baths
956 sqft
$299,900 619 Lower Habart Road
3 bdrms 2.5 baths 3,120sqft .61 acres
$180,000 #406, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail
$299,000 5 bedrooms
$399,000 1114 - 11th Street
5 bedrooms
Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451
remaxgolden.com remaxgolden.com
$375,000 #314, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
2 baths
1213 - 10th Avenue
3 bedrooms
$38,600 2 bedrooms
527 - 12th Street
4 bedrooms
3 baths
1695 Golden Donald Upper Road
3bdrms 1 baths 1,230sqft
5 acres
3 baths
3 bedrooms
2 baths
5 bdrms 2 baths 2,986sqft 10.28 acres
5 bdrms 3.5 baths
3,000sqft 11.6 acres
#303, 1420 Palliser Trail
2 bedrooms
2 baths
$420,000 1502 Poplar Street
3 bedrooms
2.5 baths
$294,300 520-9th Street
4 bedrooms
2 baths
$319,900 1269 Horse Creek Road
4 bdrms
3 baths
1 acre
$389,000 #404, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
3 bedrooms
3 baths
SOLD $189,900
#306, 521 - 8th Avenue
2 bedrooms
1.5 baths
#62 Kicking Horse Village MHP
2145 Mitchell Road
3 bedrooms
$599,900 2416 Campbell Road
2 bedrooms
#15 Parkland Gardens
$339,900 528B-11th Street
1636 Purcell Woods Close
#4, 1437 Lafontaine Road
3 bedrooms
1+ baths
$399,600 3 bedrooms
1731 Highway #95 South 2bdrms 1 bath 924sqft 2.45 acres
3 bedrooms 2 baths 1,212sqft
SOLD 1449 Granite Drive
Dan Veselic Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435 (250) 344-1435
Southridge Road 17.26 acres
5 bdrms
1223 10th Street 2 baths
2,000 sqft
MOBILE HOMES #22 Golden Mobile Home Park
3 bedrooms
#3 Golden Mobile Home Park
4 bedrooms
#6, 1437 Lafontaine Road
2 bedrooms
#10 Swiss Village MHP
3 bedrooms
IN TOWN LOTS 1409 Granite Drive 1416 Deere Ridge Road 1608 Gareb Road Canyon Ridge
.47 acre $97,000 75’ x 150’ $127,000 71’ x 180’ $89,900 3 Lots available from $52,250 to $71,500
1564 Quartz Crescent 1556 Quartz Crescent 1402 Deere Ridge Road 1512 Granite Drive
.289 acre .289 acre .35 acre 1.35 acre
$55,000 $55,000 $99,000 $199,900
ACREAGES Cromac Ridge Lot 1, Golden Donald Upper Road Kootenay Ridge 4151 Thomas Road Lot 2, Campbell Road Wiseman Road
4 acreages available from $210,000 to $260,000 4.99 acres $139,900 3 acreages available from $229,900 to $239,900 30 acres $199,000 2.5 acres $120,000 3 acreages available from $150,900 to $350,000
Blaeberry Valley Estates 2393 Kettleston Road Black Bear Drive 532 Anderson Road 625 Golden Donald Upper Road McMurdo Road
4 acreages available from $135,000 to $255,000 9.76 acres $219,900 3 acreages available from $110,900 to $169,900 155 acres $449,900 6 acres $295,000 3 acreages available from $89,000 to $179,000