Caledonia Courier, April 23, 2014

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WEDNESDAY, April 23, 2014

VOL. 37 NO. 08 $1.30 inc. GST

BCTF strike action starts Wednesday By Tom Fletcher Black Press VICTORIA – After rejecting an offer from the school district bargaining agency for a long-term contract, the B.C. Teachers’ Federation has served notice it will begin work-torule action April 23. BCTF president Jim Iker announced Thursday that 72-hour notice has been given, after union members voted 89 per cent in March to endorse a three-stage strike plan. Phase one includes refusing communication with school managers, arriving no more than an hour before and leaving an hour after school hours, and refusing supervision of students outside class time. It does not affect pre-arranged voluntary activities such as coaching, but the refusal of supervision requires essential service levels that compel some teachers to assure the safety of students while they are out of classes. Report card preparation and parent meetings will continue.

Iker said progress at the bargaining table will determine how long phase one action would last. Phase two of the BCTF plan is rotating one-day walkouts in districts around the province. Phase three, a full-scale strike, would require a second vote by members to authorize. The BCTF has rejected the government’s offer for a 10-year agreement with pay increases totalling 6.5% over the first six years and additional wage increases to be negotiated for the final four years. There has been little change to the “lowball offer” on wages and no movement on the long-running dispute over class size limits and special needs support, Iker said. BCTF negotiators countered with a three-year proposal with three per cent plus a cost-of-living increase in each year. With compounding and current estimates of inflation, BCPSEA calculates that could amount to 13.5 per cent over three years. Iker said school districts are cutting staff and programs due to min-

istry budget cuts, and the ministry should at least cover school districts’ costs for increase medical services plan premiums and BC Hydro rate increases. The education ministry says perpupil funding has increased 38 per cent since 2001, and the ministry has provided $225 million over three years to hire 500 teachers and 400 new special education assistants for the 2012-13 school year. Peter Cameron, chief negotiator for B.C.’s 60 school districts, said once stage one strike action begins, the B.C. Public School Employers’ Association will seek an order that the union pay for its extended benefits during any withdrawal of service. That would cost about $5 million a month for 41,000 public school teachers. “In order that there is in fact pressure on both sides, BCPSEA needs to respond to any phase one activities with measures that put corresponding pressure on the union,” Cameron wrote in a letter to Iker.

Rustic cabin behind Our Lady of Good Hope Church

Caledonia Courier photo

Make suicidal history off-limits in hiring checks: B.C. Privacy Commissioner The growing use of police information checks to vet job applicants is resulting in inappropriate disclosure of highly sensitive information like mental illness and past suicide attempts. B.C. Information and Privacy Commissioner Elizabeth Denham released a highly critical report on the practice Tuesday, urging government and municipal police boards

to order an immediate halt. Unlike a criminal record check, a police information check can turn up details about investigations that don’t lead to charges, charges that don’t lead to convictions and even the target’s mental health. “Mental health information should never be included in an employment-related record check,” Denham said.

“There is no reason why this information should be disclosed to employers, who would have no right to otherwise ask about this information in the hiring process.” B.C.’s record check system allows the release of more mental health and other nonconviction information that the vast majority of other jurisdictions the commissioner’s office

studied. Denham said personal information that ends up in police databases is routinely disclosed to employers without any evidence it predicts future criminal behaviour, improves public safety or results in better hiring decisions. “The information in these checks can have a significant and lasting impact on an individual’s privacy, human

rights and feelings of dignity and self-worth.” Non-conviction information held by police should be off-limits in employment-related record checks except in cases of prospective employees who work with children and vulnerable adults, Denham recommended. Denham’s office heard public submissions warning that disclosures of mental

health information vastly increases the potential for discrimination and further stigmatizes those afflicted. Some submissions also warned the spectre of inappropriate police disclosure may deter some people from seeking help during a mental health crisis. The report recounts individual cases of B.C. residents denied a job or unable to volunteer

for youth coaching due to unproven police suspicions that never led to charges or past suicide attempts that turned up in their employer-required police information search. That left some job applicants struggling to explain to prospective bosses why they were once suicidal or hospitalized for depression. Some said they have yet to land a job.


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Wednesday, April 23, 2014 Caledonia Courier

No charges in Prince George sawmill blast in the work-

ers in Prince George. Child Abuse Prevention Month The CriminalPrevent Justice issued a statement saying the Child Branch Abuse America 312-663-3520 evidence available for court would be unlikely to result in a conviction. There is evidence of prohibited acts recommended for charges against mill operators, but a defence of “due diliJazz Appreciation Month gence” would likely result in Museum acquittal, the statement says. Smithsonian National of American History WorkSafeBC202-633-3129 had recommended two charges for alleged violations of Workers Compensation Act and two more for violations of theNational Occupational Health and Safety Regulations Car Care Month Care Council in the LakelandCarblast. No criminal negligence charges were recommended. 240-333-1088 All four recommended charges are regulatory offences, Donate Life with convictionNational resulting inMonth fines. Prosecutors found that U.S. not Department Health andcase Human management” Services WorkSafeBC did use of“major proce202-619-0257 dures, search warrants and gathering evidence on the state of management’s knowledge of the risk. National Lawnwas Care reached Month A similar conclusion in the case of the Babine PLANET, Professional Landcare Network Forest Products 800-395-2522 mill in Burns Lake, where prosecutors determined they would be unlikely to prove negligence. trative penalties totalling more than $1 million were levied on Parkinson Awareness Month the Babine mill National owners. National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. Labour Minister Shirley Bond announced Monday that 800-327-4545 a coroner’s inquest will be held into the Lakeland fatalities.


Thanks again Sharon Cullum and family Fireweed women would like to thank those people who donated to Fireweed in memory of Margaret Gauthier. Margaret served on the Board of Fireweed, and before that on the Board of Growing like Weeds for many years. She was passionate about helping women and children. She could always be relied upon. Margaret was never afraid to put her beliefs into action. She will be sorely missed by her friends at Fireweed and by the many community members that she helped.


Special Events NCAA Men’s Final Four Championship NCAA Women’s Final Four Championship National Stress Awareness Day National Volunteer Week Week of the Young Child Boston Marathon National Jelly Bean Day Take Our Daughters/Sons to Work Day

Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 212-876-7700

Can’t thank you enough for being so kind. Your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated.


Alcohol Awareness Month National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. Crown prosecutors have decided not to lay charges 212-269-7797 April 2012 wood dust explosion and fire that killed two

B.C. Ferries Commissioner Gord Macatee is temporarily replacing outgoing WorkSafeBC CEO David Anderson and will oversee changes to worker protection and investigation, Bond said. Two mill workers died and 20 others were injured when an explosion and fire tore through the Babine sawmill on Jan. 20, 2012. A similar blast three months later killed two workers and injured 22 more at Lakeland Mills. Investigators ruled out natural gas, oil and other fuel sources, leaving fiBeaverOnGolfCourseC0804.EPS ne, dry dust produced from milling dry wood. The likely ignition source was hot electric motor and gear reducer equipment running wood waste conveyors in low, confiHotned the mills. Retailareas Co-op of Categories Bicycles, Accessories and to Supplies Extra efforts inspect mills for dust accumulation were Lawn and Garden underway across the province when the Lakeland fire ocMotorcycles and Snowmobiles curred. Both mills were processing large volumes of dead Outdoor Furnishings Recreational Vehicles trees killed by the mountain pine beetle. The Crown counsel report described a smaller dust fire at Hot Manufacturer Co-op Lakeland Jan. 19, 2012, when sparks from an equipment Benjamin Mooreon Paints Camp Healthcare ignited “a column of burning sawdust that rose to malfunction Grasshopper Mowers the ceiling.” Rolex Watch No one was hurt in that incident, and spot fires in sawdust Whirlpool Corporation were put out by mill workers. In the five years preceding the fatal explosion, WorkAdBuilder Special Section Builder Themes SafeBC issued 36 inspection reports and cited Lakeland for • Financial 15 violations, • Planning a Garden but none were related to sawdust. There were • Earth Day no warning letters or administrative penalties to Lakeland for • Easter sawdust issues during that time. ManRidingLawnMowerC0804.EPS

By Tom Fletcher BC Local News Month-long Events

AUXILIARY TO STUART LAKE HOSPITAL... Monthly meeting 2nd Wednesday each month. Hospital Cafeteria 7:00 p.m.

4&6 5&7 16 19–25 19–25 20 22 23


District of Fort St. James Calendar April, 2014



March 2009SUNDAY EASTER 20

Municipal Website:



Community St. James Weeks MThe T W T F S S Art M TCouncil W T F of S Fort Pitch-In 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 9am Strong Start Presents... Pitch-In Weeks 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 Pitch-In 4 5 6Weeks 7 8 9 ‘3 Generations of Women in Art’ Exhibit 6:45pm Hoop Dance 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 April 22 May 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 7pm Abraca Dazzle 30 31 24 25Arts 26 27 29 30 Week! Celebrating & 28 Culture Magic Show @ FSJSS 31

27 5 Palm Sunday

29 7

28 6

Pitch-In Weeks 10am 5th Annual Run/Walk Event from Nak’azdli Health Ctr

Pitch-In Weeks

11am Day of Mourning Ceremony

9am Strong Start

Easter Monday WATER LINES 13 (Australia & Canada)

12 Easter

6:45pm Hoop Dance


520 Taurus 9-2pm Ref Clinic @ FSJSS

7-9pm Effective Meetings Session @ District

7pm Council Mtg

9 First Day of Passover

10am Food Bank

12 27

13 28 Workers Mourning Day (Canada)

1 16

12pm Strong Start

Ladies Night

Igniting Your Ad Sales

April 26/14 at FSJSS Cocktails:6:30pm Dinner:7:00pm Live Auction: 8:00pm All profits go to Grad Class 2014 $30 Tickets

Office: 477 Stuart Drive West

Telephone: 250-996-8233

9am Strong Start

Ladies Night!

Strong Start

6:30pm Cocktails 7pm Dinner 8pm Auction


3 18

2 17

Pitch-In Weeks

Pitch-In Weeks

12pm Strong Start

9am Strong Start

6pm Snrs Potluck

6-9pm Ref Clinic @ FSJSS

8 23

9 9am Day Strong Start 24 Arbor 12pm Strong Start

2:30pm Toy Lending Library

@ FSJSS 2:30pm Toy Lending Library 4pm Strong Start 7pm Hospital Aux Mtg 7pm Council Mtg

Pitch-In Weeks 9am

Transportation Service Daily Services VOLUNTEERS NEEDED More Info ! 250-996-8233

Administrative Professionals Day

11-6pm Career Fair 14 29

4 26 Pitch-In Weeks


8pm AA Mtg

12-3pm Composting Workshop @ Spirit Square

9-4pm Ref Clinic @ FSJSS


25 Anzac Day (Australia)

12-4pm Farmers’ Market Opening Day!

4pm Strong Start

11 26 Mother’s Day




8pm AA Mtg

7 22 Earth Day 9am Strong Start

Pitch-In Weeks 12pm Strong Start 2pm Snrs Mtg 7pm MOM AGM @ District 8pm AA Mtg

4pm Strong Start Pitch-In Weeks 2:30pm Toy Lending Library 4pm Strong Start District Utility Bill Discount Deadline


2 24

2:30pm Toy lending Library

May, 2014



10am Food Bank

15 Tax Day

Flushing of water lines will take place from April 27 - May 9. If you experience dirty water please run your taps for a couple of minutes. For more info, contact Public Works Department at (250) 996-7161.

4 19

1AprilPitch-In Fool’s Day 23 Weeks

30 8

Pitch-In Weeks

12pm Strong Start


15 30

16 12pm Strong Start 8pm AA Mtg


Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution.

S 1 8 15 22 29


9am Strong Start 12pm Farmers’ Market

WANTED: • AdBuilder® Retail Used books in good condition for a Book Sale the Seniors Centre will have in May. • AdBuilder® Classified • Co-op Sales Ideas Please drop off donations at the Seniors Centre on

Mondays, Wednesdays &/or Fridays from 11:00am - 1:00pm. Follow us on Twitter: @DFSJames

Like us at Facebook: District of Fort St. James


Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 23 2014



Wolf management plan released VICTORIA - The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations today released the Province’s wolf management plan. The plan fully recognizes that the fundamental goal of wolf management in British Columbia, as with all other provincial game species, is to maintain self-sustaining populations throughout the species’ range. The plan proposes a ‘twozone management strategy’ approach: * In most areas, wolf management will be concerned with ensuring that wolves continue to serve their ecological role as a top predator. Sustainable hunting and trapping opportunities will use controls on harvest through specified season lengths and bag limits. * In areas of livestock depredation or wildlife populations threatened by

wolf predation (e.g., mountain caribou) are a concern, the plan commits government to responsibly helping stakeholders, ranchers and First Nations manage the impacts of expanding wolf populations. In these areas, detailed implementation plans would be developed before any actions are undertaken. The plan previously underwent a public consultation and over 2,500 comments were received. All submissions were carefully reviewed and helped inform and improve the final plan. The results of the consultation confirm there are strongly differing beliefs and values on the management of wolf populations and re-affirmed the importance that government make balanced decisions on the basis of sound science. The wolf management plan, like other

species management plans, summarizes the best available scientific information on the biology and threats to the species and informs the development of a management framework. It sets goals and objectives, and recommends approaches appropriate for species or ecosystem conservation. The plan indicates wolf populations are likely stable or increasing throughout the province and are not considered an ‘atrisk’ species. The current wolf population estimate is approximately 8,500 which is similar to an earlier estimate of 8,100 in 1991. The last wolf management plan was prepared in 1979, and the new plan provides a substantive update in the science guiding the conservation and management of wolves. The B.C. govern-

4-H report The Fort St. James 4-H club had a meeting on April 15th. We will be picking up garbage along Highway 27 on Sunday, May 4. The club will meet at the transfer station at 7:00am. Please

keep an eye out for us, and help keep us safe. If you would like to help clean up Fort St. James, contact Jamie Fraser at Jamie.Fraser@

Student of the Week ✦ Grade 11 Fort St. James Secondary 16 years old ✦ Nominated by Julie Macdonald who teaches her Physics 11

Jamie George

“She’s just a fabulous girl. Macdonald said Jamie is always polite, works very hard, and does a lot extracurricular as well including having a job and playing sports. “She’s very accepting. She’s a very good role model for the Grade 12s, for the rest of the high school.”

ment is committed to ensuring sustainable wildlife populations and healthy predatorprey relationships throughout the province. The government is also committed to helping stakeholders, ranchers and First Nations manage the impacts of wolves on livestock and protecting endangered species. Quick Facts: * The wolf is a highly adaptive, intelligent carnivore that inhabits most of British Columbia. Most wolves weigh between 30 and 50 kg with coloration vary-

ing from nearly pure white to a mixture of grey, brown, black and white. * Wolves feed primarily on large ungulates, supplementing their diet with smaller prey. * Wolf populations in the Thompson, Cariboo, Kootenay and Okanagan regions appear to be increasing while other populations appear to be stable. To view a copy of the wolf management plan, visit: http:// fw/wildlife/management-issues/docs/ grey_wolf_management_plan.pdf

Nechako Valley Society of the Performing Arts would like to extend a sincere Thank You to our Donors: Sinfonia- $500 +

Mount Milligan Mines(Terrane Metals) Omineca Medical Clinic Vanderhoof and District Co-op Integris Credit Union New Gold

Concerto- $250 +

Phillip’s Electric Ltd. Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. Westline Ford J & S Restaurant

Cadenza- $125 +

Fort Machine Works (1986) Ltd. Carmen Wheatley Notary Corporation Musicians Pension Fund of Canada Speedee Printing

Finale- up to $125

Jack and Jill French VanDolah Enterprises Ltd. Music For Young Children Tuna Piano, Leila Sumi Swan’s Music Studio Teamwork Enterprises Ltd. Carrie Creighton David Martens and Son Ltd. Nechako Redi-Mix Ltd. Glendale Agra Services Ltd Elizabeth Hoy Sinkut Womens Institute

Notice of Annual General Meeting When: Thursday May 8, 2014 Where: Coast Inn of the North, Prince George Registration starts at 6:30pm meeting at 7:00pm Special return bus service is available to Prince George for the event. Members using the bus transportation will need to make their own dinner arrangements. The bus will arrive in Prince George by 5:00 pm with registration for the AGM starting at 6:30 pm. Call your branch to book.

CU Soon.



Editorial Page

Wednesday, April 23, 2014 Caledonia Courier

The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British

Distributed every Wednesday in Fort St. James

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council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member

Office: Anne Stevens office@

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coverage or story treatment,

Member: B.C. Press Council Subscriptions (per year) Local: $43.50 Seniors: $37.30 Outside Local area: $60.15

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the mediation of complaints, with input from both the holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about you may contact the B.C. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.

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For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Farmland fight sheds little light VICTORIA – Detailed debate on changes to the Agricultural Land Commission got underway in the legislature last week, while protesters played to urban voters outside. A couple of West Kootenay NDP supporters brought a basket of homegrown veggies down to help East Kootenay MLA Bill Bennett get through the winter on a 100-mile diet. A group of mostly UBC scientists wrote to Premier Christy Clark, embracing the popular assumption that the changes will automatically mean more exclusions of agricultural land, as well as expanded secondary uses in the Cariboo, Kootenay and North zones. This “jeopardizes species at risk, threatens many common species, and will impact many species prized for hunting,” they wrote. It makes me wonder if these university botanists and bird experts actually understand what farming is. You know, clear-cutting a forest and planting largely monoculture crops? Using big machinery, creating drainage, applying fertilizers, controlling diseases, pests and wild animals? Not backyard gardening, real farming of the sort that has fed more people than in all of human history? Have they heard that the largest cause of deforestation in North America is farming? Do they imagine habitat loss from subdivisions sprawling across the Cariboo? Forests Minister Steve Thomson

has been pinch-hitting for Fort St. John MLA Pat Pimm on the agriculture file as Pimm undergoes cancer treatment. Thomson took exception when NDP agriculture critic Nicolas Simons asked if he is aware people think the changes are to “neuter the chair of the Agricultural Land Commission.” Thomson, a former executive director of the Kelowna-based B.C. Agriculture Association, replied that the changes do not reduce the independence of the chair. Under further questioning from Simons, Thomson allowed that the current ALC chair, Richard Bullock, has provided no response to the government on the proposals. Kelowna-Lake Country MLA Norm Letnick was appointed Friday to replace Pimm as agriculture minister. But this ALC project is Bennett’s initiative, so I asked him about his changes to the appointment process. Bennett said the six regional panels, up to three people each, were set up by then-minister Stan Hagen in 2003 to provide local input. That worked well, he said, until Bullock came on the scene and began exercising his discretion not to appoint people recommended by cabinet. “The chair doesn’t like the regional panels,” Bennett told me. “It’s a pain in the ass for the chair to have to deal with 18 farmers from all over the province in making decisions. It would be six farmers, because only

one person from the regional panel actually sits on the provincial commission. “He thinks that it’s unwieldy, and he’d rather have the decision-making centralized in Burnaby. But we changed that. We decided as a duly elected government in 2003 that we wanted the regions to have a say on this stuff, so the intention of the legislation, we felt, was actually being defeated, because we hadn’t made it mandatory.” It will be mandatory soon, and Bullock’s days as commission chair appear to be numbered. “There’s no more discretion for any future chair to monkey with it,” Bennett added. One of Bennett’s key issues is denial of secondary residence construction to keep families on the land in the Interior. The legislation also introduces social and economic factors in weighing decisions in the North, Cariboo and Kootenay regions, where in most cases development pressure is an urban myth. The main ALC board will still have authority to revisit a local panel decision if the chair deems it inconsistent with the mandate to protect farmland. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email:

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It’s in the water Bill Philips Prince George Free Press

Now here’s an issue we can sink our teeth into. Fluoridation. OK, that probably caused more nausea than an overdose of fluoride in your drinking water. I had an interesting chat with Emile Begin of Fluoride Free Prince George this week, … not to be confused with the Prince George Safe Water Coalition, which is also opposed to fluoridating our water. City council has put the matter to a referendum this fall so, like it or not, the community is going to be subjected to the fluoride debate. One of the issues that Begin brought up to me was the fact that Northern Health is entering the debate. As the local health authority, there is nothing wrong with it entering the fray. However, Begin’s concern, and I agree with this one, is whether Northern Health will use public money to promote fluoride. It’s one thing for Northern Health to write a letter to the editor, it’s quite another for it to use the wealth of funds we, the taxpayers, give it to enter the fray. One of the difficulties for us in the newspaper industry when it comes to the fluoride debate is there doesn’t seem to be any consensus in the scientific community. The pro side can trot out folks with a zillion letters behind their name, as can the antifluoridation folks. So it’s hard to really form an opinion. Should we just accept what Northern Health tells us? They are, after all, our local

health authority. However, those opposing fluoridation don’t accept the word of health authorities and, in a free and democratic society, challenging authority is not only allowed, it’s encouraged. The experts aren’t always right. The anti-fluoridation folks point out that fluorine is a poison and it shouldn’t be in our water. No one is debating that fluorine is a poison. Northern Health accepts that. Warfarin is commonly used as rat poison. It is also used to keep thousands of people with congestive heart failure alive. It’s a matter of degrees. Our health officials say fluoride, in low doses, will not harm our health. Drink a glass of pure fluoride and you’re going to die a horrible death. Minute amounts in your water and you’re OK, according to health officials. The anti-fluoride side says it’s better to be safe than sorry and no fluoride in the water is the best course of action. The other part of the debate is whether fluoridated water actually helps. Begin points to a UBC study on Vancouver Island that tracked dental problems in 5,000 students in community that took fluoride out of the water. That study suggested the number of cavities decreased in that community while the community with fluoridated water the number of kids with cavities remained the same. Northern Health’s Brenda Matsen, in her letter, points to the World Health Organization that has hailed fluoridation as one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th Century. See what I mean about it being difficult to decide? However, decide we will this fall when the matter goes to a referendum.

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 23, 2014




CRA loses personal data to Heartbleed bug Jeff Nagel Black Press The Canada Revenue Agency says the social insurance numbers of 900 taxpayers were stolen last week by someone using the Heartbleed encryption vulnerability before the taxation agency shut down public access to its online services. It happened over a six-hour period by someone exploiting the vulnerability in many supposedly secure websites that used an open-source encryption system. The CRA said it will send registered letters to affected taxpayers and will not be emailing them because it doesn’t want fraudsters to use phishing schemes to further exploit the privacy breach.

“I want to express regret to Canadians for this service interruption,” CRA commissioner Andrew Treusch said. “I share the concern and dismay of those individuals whose privacy has been impacted by this malicious act.” Other personal data and possibly businesses’ information may also have been lost. “We are currently going through the painstaking process of analyzing other fragments of data, some that may relate to businesses, that were also removed,” Treusch said. Taxpayers whose data was compromised will get bolstered CRA account protection and free access to credit protection services. Canada’s Privacy Commissioner is also investigating. Online services, including the E-file and Netfile

online income tax portals, were patched and relaunched Sunday after what the CRA called a vigourous test to ensure they are safe and secure. The CRA cut off access to those services April 8 as word spread that the Heartbleed bug had given hackers access to passwords, credit card numbers and other information at many websites. People whose income tax filing was delayed by last week’s CRA interruption have been given until May 5 – beyond the usual April 30 filing deadline – to file returns without being penalized. The Heartbleed vulnerability compromised secure web browsing for up to two years at some sites despite the display of a closed padlock that indicates an encrypted connection.

We encountered fresh grizzly bear tracks A story by Anton Schneider, a past resident of Fort St. James. Schneider who lived in the community from 1958 to 1967 with his wife Theresa and their five children. This is one of the many tales the 85-year-old still recalls from his time here in Fort. Schneider now lives in Vernon, B.C. Back when I was in my mid-thirties, I was falling trees for Bob Ubleis in the Fort St. James area. At the time, we were logging a right-of-way into a timber sale where Alec Legget later built a sawmill. We had three cabins set up at our logging site where the crew stayed during the week and went home on weekends. The logging site was in the Horseshoe Lake area about 50 miles north of Fort St. James. On one particular Monday morning, on our way to work, we encountered fresh grizzly bear tracks

in the foot deep new snow that fell the previous night. It was hunting season, so I always took my gun along in case we encountered a moose or a deer on the road. When Bob, my boss, saw those big tracks, he got excited and said to me: “Anton, go get him!” I had never hunted grizzly bear in my life, so I made an excuse by telling him I didn’t have enough trees felled to keep the cat operator busy and needed to do more falling. But after him countering my excuses, I was left with no option but to give it a try. I took the crew into camp, got my hunting gear together and drove back to where the bear tracks left the road and went east into the forest. I parked the truck, tied on my belt and hunting knife and pocketed my bullets and compass. I announced to the bear

I was coming and then I crossed myself and asked St. Anthony to be on my side and followed the tracks. The bear seemed to know where he was going, heading straight east. I followed the tracks very quietly and kept my eyes wide open watching for any movement. As I was alone, I felt it was safe to keep my gun loaded and cocked, but with the safety on. I tracked the bear for two miles, then the tracks disappeared between two Lodgepole pines and appeared to veer off to the left. I looked in that direction, and then turned back to the right. There, in front of me, is a dead moose, and the bear crouched down behind it, ready to jump. He was looking straight at me, about 20 feet away, one jump and he would have been on me. I stayed still and quiet, releasing the safety slowly

and quietly on my Savage lever action 308. I raised the gun smoothly to my shoulder and carefully aimed right between the eyes and an inch or two higher, and pulled the trigger very gently and fired a shot. Bang! I quickly reloaded, preparing for a second shot. The bear never moved. I kept my eye on him for a minute or so, but he didn’t make a move. Eventually, I kicked the bear in the rump. Nothing, so I yanked his short little tail. Still nothing. When we finally skinned out the bear, we found that the bullet had penetrated his skull, shattered about six inches of neck bone and the mushroomed bullet was still lodged under the skin. We attached a rope to the hide and pulled it out to the road where we loaded it into the truck and headed to town.

the hide and claws were so impressive Howard Blackburn wanted the head and went all the way back out and carried it back. Bob Ubleis had the bear mounted and I can still see the bear’s beady eyes glaring at me in my mind.


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Marriage Commissioner The Vital Statistics Agency, Ministry of Health, is looking for an individual to serve as a Marriage Commissioner for Fort St James. The individual will perform civil marriages within the community on behalf of the Agency. For information and an application form please visit our website at:

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250-996-8482 E-Mail: wendy@ ominecaexpress. com Caledonia Courier published every Wednesday Stuart/Nechako Advertiser published every Friday ADVERTISING DEADLINES Courier -- Friday, 11-noon Advertiser -- Tuesday, 12-noon

TERMS & CONDITIONS Advertisements should be read on the first publication day. We are not responsible for errors appearing beyond the first insertion. NO CASH REFUNDS AGREEMENT: It is agreed by any display or classified advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event that errors occur in the publishing of any advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and there will be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. DISCRIMINATION LEGISLATION: Advertisers are reminded that provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminated against any person because of race, religion, sex, colour, nationality, ancestry, place of origin, or age unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved. COPYRIGHT: Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all advertisements and in all other advertising material appearing in this edition of the Omineca Express. Permission to reproduce wholly or in any part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.



In Memoriam

Legal Services

Unique Opportunity

Black Press has a very unique opportunity for the right person.

LECHNER, Edwin (Ed) Jan 21, 1943 - Feb 28, 2014 Died suddenly at home with his boots on. A popular horseman,mechanic, sportsman, and friend to everyone he met.Ed was predeceased by his father George, mother Susan, brother George, and his ex wife Carol. He is survived by his wife Bonnie Taylor, his daughters Cheri Cooper & Tracy Lechner as well as his 4 grandchildren Natasha Cooper, Chelsea Cooper, Chantelle Campbell, and Cole Campbell. The family invites friends to a celebration of his life to be held at the farm on April 27th from noon til 4:00PM.


Travel CRIMINAL RECORD? Pardon Services Canada. Established 1989. Confidential, Fast, & Affordable. A+BBB Rating. RCMP Accredited. Employment & Travel Freedom. Free Consultation 1-8NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366)

Employment Business Opportunities EARNING Hourly Wage turns into Early Retirement by Living Healthy and Lean Life. Check out

GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All Cash-Retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website:


Trades, Technical CONCRETE FINISHERS & Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Jobs@RaidersConcrete .com. Fax 780-444-9165.

We’re on the net at

Financial Services DROWNING IN Debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

We currently have an opening for a sales person to help us with our paid distribution newspapers across B.C. This position means getting out in the community and talking to subscribers about our newspapers and working to build stronger relationships with existing readers of our newspapers. It also includes finding new subscribers for our newspapers and helping introduce them our award winning host of community newspapers. This is not a year-around position and will run from March to October each year. We offer a spectacular compensation package and bonus incentives. Your own vehicle is required, but we cover all travel expenses. This is really a great opportunity for the right person. It is a different type of job, but definitely has different types of rewards. If you feel this position would be the perfect fit for you, then we would love to hear from you. Please email all enquiries to Michelle Bedford at

Help Wanted

! HELP WANTED ! Join the newest economic development project currently being constructed on the Gitanmaax Reserve. The newly constructed 17,000 sq. ft. Gitanmaax Market “Going to the Maax” is looking for the following senior positions: • Assistant Manager • Meat Manager • Pharmacist and Tech • Grocery Manager • Produce Manager • Bakery/Deli Manager • Head Cashier Candidates should have a minimum 5 years managerial experience in the retail grocery trade. Knowledge of First Nations culture and/ or Gitksan would be an asset. Located in the historic and pristine setting of Hazelton, BC this opportunity would appeal to those candidates who would enjoy living in the “Serengeti” of BC. A better than average compensation package is offered based on relevant experience, and will include a base salary, Bene¿t Plan Medical and Dental), and may also include some or all of the following; • Performance bonus • Housing allowance • 5elocation (xpenses if necessary) For more detail on these positions please go to or email directly to


Professionals Connecting Professionals

Where Employees

Meet Employers

Caledonia Courier Wednesday, Wednesday,April April23, 23,2014 2014



Financial Services

Apt/Condo for Rent

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

HILLCREST apts. Lg. 1 & 2bdrm suites. Clean and quiet. Adult orientated,Security system,Strict Management,no pets ph# 250-996-7854

Merchandise for Sale

Misc. for Sale HEAVY DUTY sled deck, power tilt, hook to truck battery $2000 obo. Burns Lake call (250) 649- 8004 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT STEEL BUILDINGS. Hot savings - Spring sale! 20x24 $4,348. 25x24 $4,539. 30x30 $6,197. 32x36 $7,746. 40x46 $12,116. 47x72 $17,779. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel Call 1-800-668-5422 or online: STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:

Lakeview Apartments 752 Stuart Dr. W. Fort St. James. 2bdrm apt. Newly renovated. Quiet, clean building. Adult oriented. no pets R.R. Avail. 250-996-8044




The link to your community

Townhouses Stuart Lake Townhouses Newly renovated, family oriented, 3 bdrm, 2 bath with basement, 2 parking stalls, No dogs. Ref Req’d 250-996-8044


Cars - Domestic A7 A7


Misc. Wanted CASH FOR stereo equipment 70s & 80s Marantz, Sansui, AKAI, Pioneer, Sony, Nakamichi, etc. Energy 22, Sound Dynamic 300. 250-847-9848. Collectors Currently Buying: Coin Collections, Antiques, Native Art, Old Silver, Paintings, Jewellery etc. We Deal with Estates 778-281-0030


excellent condition, 60,000 kms, fully loaded with a set of winter tires. Manual, front wheel drive. $9800

Call (250) 251-4500 or (250) 698-7533

Real Estate



1989 SUN RUNNER boat. 21.5 feet, 125 aq Volvo inboard motor, Merc leg, excellent running condition. $7000 (250) 698-7533 leave a message we will call you back. Pictures available.

Recreation Paradise Year Round!

Fishing, hiking, hunting, quadding, snowmobiling or just relaxation. Great access within 3 hours of the lower mainland, 40 km from Princeton and steps to Osprey Lake. 2 years new this 3 bedroom, 2 bath open concept chalet has it all & more. Includes a guest cabin with a bedroom, living/sitting area, kitchen & bathroom. New detached garage for storing the toys. Call Adrienne (Royal Lepage Parkside Realty) at 250-809-6322 for a private viewing.

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Request for Proposals: CATERING SERVICE (Ref: RFP 2014-019) Nechako Valley Community Services Society is seeking an experienced contractor to manage the kitchen and employ staff to prepare and serve daily lunch and supper meals to tenants in the dining hall at Riverside Place. Our Assisted Living and Supportive Housing Programs require approximately 15 lunches (served from 11:30am) and 27 suppers (at 5:00pm). These meals include snacks, desserts and beverages. Enjoy rent-free use of our fully-equipped industrial kitchen. Plus we take care of utilities and maintenance for you! Volunteers may be recruited to supplement work force. Proposals will be reviewed according to overall best value, quality of food and customer service. Interested proponents to present a business plan, a 4 week rotating menu and must demonstrate insight into the needs of seniors. Start date: June 25, 2014 with a signed annual agreement by May 23,2014. For more information contact: Fiona Lamprecht, Site Administrator at 250-944-0490. Email your proposal to by 4:30pm Monday April 28, 2014.


NEWS The Learning Hub


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 Caledonia Courier


If you Currently Subscribe to

Gardening Time puzzle

You can NOW READ Full Page Views Including ALL ADVERTISING!!! “ON LINE” go online to or call 250-567-9258 169 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James

April can be the time to start gardening. Find the gardening words. Win a book! All ages welcome to enter.



Trade connects us.

OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (Across from the Petrocan Station)

SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday 7:30 pm & Sunday 10:30 am DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am

Kim, Mike and dedicated CN employees like them keep the goods moving at CN’s Prince George intermodal terminal. Containers are loaded onto trains in Prince George, destined for international markets via Prince Rupert’s Fairview Container Terminal. Partnerships like these mean jobs and prosperity for people in northern BC. Our terminals may be located in Prince Rupert, but we’re building connections clear across Canada—and the globe. Learn about the value of trade at




Drop off your entry at the Learning Hub in the Goodwin Bldg #250 - 122 Stuart Dr. East before 6 p.m. and pick up a book. We are open until 6 p.m. Monday to Thursday and closed Fridays and holidays. 4/17/2014 10:36:37 AM Professionals Connecting Professionals

Terrace Standard etc.indd 1


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