The Award Winning Voice of Seniors throughout the Thompson/ Nicola/Shuswap Districts • Over 35,000 distributed monthly Volume 23, Number 1, May 2014
e e Fr
er mb e em e r isers! s a ple dvert d n a ~ a t our e n r e o po Tak to sup
Senior Connector The Seniors’ Own Newspaper
To inform, serve and entertain those 45 and better • Locally owned and operated • Like us on Facebook!
What is in a name?
Central Services Suzan Goguen
As the relatively new owners of the Senior Connector, we know how important this publication is to our dedicated readers. We also know, based on the feedback from the community at large, that the paper is serving a broader demographic than the name suggests. There is an ongoing debate about what language we should use to describe people who have advanced beyond the middle of their lives — those who consider themselves to still be young at heart. People who work with older people talk about
the “young-old,” or those aged 65 to 75 and the “old-old,” a group that tends to have more health issues and perhaps physical limitations. On the other hand, many readers do not respond to the terms “elderly” or “older adult” and prefer the term “senior.” The general consensus is that we shouldn’t label people no matter their age and we should instead focus on the interests, desires, needs and lifestyles of individual people and groups. We have decided to turn to you, our dear readers, to help us find a new name for this publication that will speak to a broader population who are 45 and over. Our panel of judges will announce the winning name on June 16 and an announcement will be featured in the July issue. Thank you for your input! For details on how to submit your entry, please see our ad on page 14.
Falling in love with the girl next door By Amy Reinitz
Love was in the air as April 5 marked the wedding of Anne Harrison, aged 68 to Nigel Powell, 78, at The Hamlets at Westsyde. The couple was fortunate to be married in the same place that they met, in a beautiful ceremony that the staff at The Hamlets helped to organize and decorate. A group of about 100 residents, friends and family celebrated while marriage commissioner Sandy Alexander administered the wedding. Harrison and Powell met at The Hamlets just over a year ago, shortly after Harrison moved in. They met when Powell was visiting with his brother Michael, and walking his dog Mocha in the courtyard. Harrison happened to enter the courtyard with her dog, Sarah. Harrison had previously been neighbours with Michael Powell for thirty years, but had never
Call today to discuss your hearing health.
Amy Reinitz photo
Submitted photo
Nigel Powell and Anne Harrison say I do! The wedding party consisting of Dave Taylor, Jane Harrison, bride Anne Harrison, groom Nigel Powell, and Michael Harrison. In the front, VIP guests Sarah and Mocha wait patiently for their walk.
met his brother before. Michael introduced them, and thus began a friendship and then something more. “I’d never met her that way, although they were neighbors for thirty years!
So he introduced us and we started going out gradually,” said Powell. Although with age comes wisdom, when it comes to romance some things never change. “Well at first I didn’t know
he was interested,” said Harrison. As they began to attend hockey games and concerts together, Harrison realized that Powell did in fact want to spend time with her. See "Very much in love" 9
Daniel Allen
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Senior Connector
Page 2
May 2014
Keeping track in a digital world
Your Voice in Ottawa Cathy McLeod, MP
In a digital world, Canadians need to have confidence that their online transactions are secure, their privacy is protected and their families are safe from online threats. Our government recognizes the new challenges of the digital world and has introduced The Digital Privacy Act. This legislation will help to protect seniors from fraud and financial abuse. This COLUMBIA SH TI
Goessman Denture Clinic ON OF B ATI RI OC
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legislation will allow banks and other organizations, to notify officials or a client’s next of kin if they suspect that an elderly client is the victim of financial abuse. Currently, financial institutions must obtain an elderly client’s consent before disclosing information, to prevent or investigate abuse — for example, where a joint account holder may be financially abusing a senior. Under the new legislation,
Issues with transit
A Proud TrAdiTion of denTure CrAfTs Allen E. Goessman Robby Jaroudi Professional Personalized denture services
City Talk
Two great locations to serve you better! 603 st. Paul street Kamloops, BC
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Arjun Singh, City Councillor Before I begin my column today, I wanted to thank the Senior Connector for asking me to write for them,
the financial institution will be allowed to make a report if there is reason to believe that fraud or financial abuse may be taking place. This will make it possible to notify authorities and help protect seniors from financial abuse. In addition the legislation will provide new protections for Canadians when they surf the web and shop online. It will require organizations to inform consumers when
their personal information has been lost or stolen. Companies that fail to do so, or destroy these records, will face fines of up to $100,000. These new measures also establish stronger rules to ensure that vulnerable Canadians, particularly children, fully understand the potential consequences when companies ask to collect and use their personal information. All Canadians should take full advantage of the
economic opportunities of the digital age; however, they must also be protected. They need to know that they can trust their online transactions are secure, that their online privacy is protected, and that their families are safeguarded against cyberbullying and other online threats. This legislation is an important next step to protect the personal information of Canadians online.
taking over for Coun. Nancy Bepple. My dear friend Nancy Bepple is quite short in physical height but she leaves very big shoes to fill. Nancy, we are thinking of you and wishing you the very best as you recover from your health issues. In mid-April, I had the opportunity to attend the annual BC Transit workshop with Mayor Peter Milobar and Coun. Donovan Cavers. At this event, transit managers and operators from across B.C. gathered to review the past year and to help plan the year to come. At the start of the workshop, BC Transit CEO
Manuel Achadinha spoke about the changing perception of the bus from the “loser cruiser” to the “40foot limousine.” I started taking the bus in 2007, and I find the vast majority of my trips to be very pleasant. By not taking my vehicle, I save money, get a bit more exercise walking to the bus stop, and I am being more environmentally friendly. Mr. Achadinha also spoke about the importance of HandyDart services for those who cannot take a regular bus. The cost of HandyDart continues to rise and it is an expensive service. Achandinha
encouraged those who are more able-bodied to take advantage of the regular bus service. I also learned about discussions between BC Transit, the transit contractors, and bus drivers on an initiative to have all stops called out. You may have heard about this on the news. Bus drivers are worried about operational safety, while advocates for the visually impaired have launched complaints, driving this initiative forward. I welcome your comments and questions and can be reached at 250-574-3509 or at
DANCE CLASSES May 16th • 2:30 - 4:00 pm Learn new steps and make new friends!
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And now they’re ready for the next step. They took their first whirl around the dance floor over 50 years ago and have been kicking up their heels ever since. When they started looking for retirement living options, they were pleased to find out that Chartwell Retirement Residences offers active lifestyle programs like their signature Rhythm n’ Moves class.
And while they are enjoying a busy lifestyle today, they appreciate the peace of mind in knowing that Chartwell offers flexibility and choice to help with changing care needs in the future. Until that time, they’ll continue to follow where the music leads in their new Chartwell home.
628 Tranquille Road, BC •
Senior Connector
May 2014
2014 Distinguished Service Awards
Peter Olsen Photography
Recipients of the 2014 Distinguished Service Awards (Back left to right) Const. Lisa MacKenzie, KFR Honour Guard Terry Doi, Jeff Arnold, Charlie Bruce, Mayor Peter Milobar, Andrew Philpot, Raymond Jolicoeur, KFR Honour Guard Chris Austinson, Const. Mark Janus (Front left to right) Helen Saemerow, Edward “Ted” Erickson, Claire Moreau, Janice Yeung
The Distinguished Service Awards were initiated by the Mayor and Council to pay tribute to those who have dedicated their time and service over a period of time the community and it’s citizens. This year’s ceremony was held April 10, 2014 at Hotel 540.
Page 3
RiverBend Seniors Community continues to grow RiverBend Seniors Community is expanding with the opening of the new Mayfair building scheduled for early summer 2014. “Mayfair Manor at RiverBend is a beautiful new and affordable seniors’ complex about to open on the riverfront in Brocklehurst. Seniors will not want to miss this opportunity for supported living within a seniors’ community,” said General Manager of RiverBend Manor and Mayfair Manor, Cindy Linton. With the opening of the new building, residents of RiverBend will not only welcome new neighbours, but they will also have access to amenities at Mayfair and vice versa. With 102 suites in total, Mayfair at RiverBend is comprised of two distinct sections. Mayfair Manor consists of 20 bachelor suites for supported living,
specifically for low to moderate income seniors, aged 65+, and is managed by Oncore Central Services. Seniors living in the Manor are provided support including three meals daily, weekly housekeeping, cable TV, utilities and recreational services. There is also a hospitality suite reserved for visiting relatives. This is a non-profit organization serving seniors in the Kamloops region. The other section of Mayfair offers 80 for sale or rental one or two bedroom condominiums. The fourstorey building includes brand new conveniences including a bistro, courtyard, garden beds and a workshop. “The hope is that people will come back and forth
[between the two buildings] and make the most of whatever programs are going on,” Linton said. The complex is located in the Brocklehurst area, on Mayfair Street, close to the Brock Shopping Centre. Situated on the river’s edge, seniors can enjoy a walk to the grocery store or a stroll along the river. “I see Mayfair Manor and RiverBend Manor as a unique opportunity for independent but supported living with a real sense of community for the residents,” Linton said. Suites are still available and the chance to join the community at RiverBend is just a phone call away. For more details regarding this exciting opportunity, please call 250-376-6536.
Part of rIVErBEND SENIorS CommuNIty
oPENING SooN Independent Supported Living Riverbend Manor’s Seniors Community has expanded with the opening of Mayfair Manor’s 20 bachelor rental units. Amenities include 3 meals daily, weekly housekeeping, a work shop, indoor scooter parking, and recreational programs. Along with cable, phone, internet, same floor laundry and more! 755 mayfaIr St. KamlooPS, BC 250.376.6536 oNCorE CENtral SErVICES
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Senior Connector
Page 4
A life well lived By Mike Keetch
Providing Preventative, Restorative, Cosmetic & Family Dentistry New Patients Welcome! Ask us about: Dental Implants ZOOM! Whitening System
Dr. Barry Dextraze General Practitioner
Douglas E. Daws
#21 Fortune Shopping Ctr. 250-376-5354 • E: • Free Parking
August 20, 1920 – April 2, 2014
May 2014 The city of Kamloops has lost yet another of our most outstanding citizens. Douglas Daws passed away as he lived, quietly at home surrounded by those who loved and admired him. At age 93, Douglas has left a legacy that will keep him in our thoughts for years to come. Douglas Daws is probably best remembered for his contributions to our city as parks manager leading the charge for Kenna Cartwright Park and McArthur Island Park. Doug’s first love has always been writing poetry and over the years he has published three volumes of poetry, of which I am lucky enough to own one. If you are a regular reader of the Senior Connector newspaper, you have seen his work on a monthly basis for the past couple of years. Just in the past few months Douglas completed a scrapbook entitled “A Century of Wars Scrapbook.” This ambitious project is full of information, remembrances and poems covering the years 1914 to 2014. Douglas E. Daws was a quiet gentleman that always tried to help others he knew and even those he didn’t know. Douglas and his wife Madge moved to Kamloops in 1946 and raised their family here. Both Dennis and Pam still live in the area and after the death of Madge in 2002, Douglas married Margaret in 2003. Douglas will be fondly remembered by his extended family as well as many, many friends, of which I am proud to say I am one. Douglas Ernest Daws was a true gentleman in every sense of the word and he will be missed.
Happy Birthday to the late Queen Victoria Many people celebrate Victoria Day but don’t truly understand the meaning behind the holiday. Celebrated on the last Monday before March 25, Victoria Day celebrates the late Queen Victoria’s birthday. Many cities commemorate the day with a parade and many consider Victoria Day as the unofficial end to winter.
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Cantabile Singers
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Senior Connector
May 2014
Page 5
Whole foods as antidepressants? I was shocked to read in a recent National Post ( January 2014) that Canada is one of the top three consumers of antidepressants (behind Iceland and Australia). We take twice as many antidepressants as Italians and more than the Germans, French or English. As a former ex-pat of this fine country, I find this incredulous news. Aren’t we one of the most abundant, free, financially stable, diverse, and well-cared for countries on the planet? I have to ponder, why then are we so depressed? Apparently, even our top psychiatrists, like Dr. Joel Paris of McGill University, are speaking out, noting that too many
Canadians are treating life’s normal spells of misery the way they would handle something cosmetic they dislike about their bodies — by asking a doctor for a quick fix. His article states that psychotropic drugs are too easily dispensed by family physicians and that “over diagnosis is much more common now than under diagnosis.” What is depression anyway? Depression in itself is not a true emotion. It is an amalgamation of many different emotions including: sadness, grief, loneliness, anxiousness, discouragement, and perhaps even suppressed anger. Saying you’re depressed takes away your responsibility for finding the underlying cause.
Natural Health Cathy Lidster, B.Sc, GCFP, ACNRT
It negates the emotion you are feeling and your empowerment to change it. Human emotions are meant to be felt. They are a normal and healthy way of dealing with life experiences. I often witness my three-year-old twin granddaughters exhibit a roller coaster of emotions
in a very brief span of time. They can go from gleeful exuberance, to abject crying spells and back to joy in a heartbeat. Emotions, if acknowledged and allowed expression, can change quickly. We adults, on the other hand, have learned to lock away our emotions in a cabinet, not daring to let them out unless we are inebriated with alcohol or at a ball game. We have established an appropriate level of expression that one dare not step beyond, curbing our joy and reining in our grief. Is it any wonder that emotions can get stuck, go longer than expected or become extreme? How can we help our brains survive emotional turmoil and thrive without
depending on chemical intervention? The brain and body are not designed to operate in a contra-survival way, so if there are signs of unwellness, be they emotional or physical, it is because of one of two causes; we either overburden or under nourish the system. The brain is a mineral hog. Minerals catalyze the zillions of transactions the brain makes daily. Without minerals, the brain becomes sluggish, needy, disorganized and depressed. Simplistically, I like to describe the brain as a huge parking lot and its neuronal sites are compact car spaces where minerals are meant to park. Normally, we get our minerals from
vegetables, and these minerals are transported to the brain by the good fats we eat. So, if we neglect eating either plenty of vegetables or good fats, minerals cannot get to the brain and the parking stalls remain empty. Until along come semi-trucks (large man-made molecules which are metal and chemical toxins, including, but not limited to prescription drugs) and these large molecules take over the lot — occupying the spots and clogging up the brain with non-nutritive burdens. No wonder the brain gets anxious. It becomes a junkyard. Imagine how you’d feel if this happened in your driveway! ...Continued next page, see “Antidepressants”
Easy ways to reduce sugar in your diet This is the 68th article in a series of articles discussing type 2 diabetes. With the incidence of diabetes being on the rise in our population, at Manshadi Pharmacy we have taken a great interest in diabetes care and would be happy to answer any questions that you may have regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and management of diabetes and its related complications.
As I mentioned in my last article, there are lots of easy tips and tricks that you can utilize daily to help decrease the amount of sugar you consume in your diet. In this article, I would like to share these with you for diabetes prevention and management The first area I would like to look at is how to decrease the amount of sugar you consume in baked
Health Matters Laura Burgess, B.Sc. Pharm Certified Diabetes Educator
goods. Of course, the best way to do this is to do your own baking instead of consuming store-bought goods, as this allows you to reduce the amount of sugar or substitute it for healthier options. When baking, usually you can easily reduce the amount of sugar the recipe calls for by one-third, without noticing a difference in the taste or texture of the finished product. Additionally, you can often substitute regular table
sugar for healthier options such as raw honey, coconut palm sugar or mashed ripe bananas. Just remember, when substituting honey, as it is a liquid, you may need to decrease the amount of liquid the recipe calls for by one-quarter. Also, as honey tastes slightly sweeter than sugar, you may want to use less. There are other fruit substitutes, such as fig or date purees that are easy to make and can replace sugar, plus they have additive nutritional value. Another area to reduce your sugar intake is at breakfast. Instead of having low-fat fruit yogurt which has six teaspoons of sugar, try plain low-fat Greek yogurt with fresh berries and let the fruit be your sweetener. Also, as Greek yogurt is high in protein, it will slow the absorption of any carbohydrates and make you feel fuller longer.
Don’t forget to utilize sweet tasting spices, such as cinnamon on your oatmeal, which has the added benefit of helping to control your blood sugars. Other sweet spices that you can use to cut back on sugar include: coriander, nutmeg, and cardamon. Also, look for easy healthier alternatives to common snacks that contain a lot of sugar. For example, instead of a granola bar, try a handful of nuts. Finally, I would like you to take a look at the possible underlying cause of any sugar cravings such as lack of sleep or stress. When you are craving something sweet, take a moment to evaluate why and what other coping mechanisms could act as a substitute, such as proper sleep hygiene, deep breathing, or going for a walk. Sometimes, even just
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having a glass of water can curb your craving as often we think we are hungry when we are actually thirsty. If your craving for sugar is too strong, try having a piece of fruit instead. Often it is sweet enough to satisfy. I hope this article has given you a few ideas that you can use in your day-to-day life to help reduce your sugar intake instead of using artificial sweeteners, which may be harmful to your health or have unpleasant side effects. Remember, if you are going to use a sugar substitute, so far Stevia appears to be the safest as it is natural, but even then it is recommended that you limit it to three servings per day. If you have any further questions regarding this topic or anything related to diabetes, please contact me and I would be happy to answer them for you.
MIssagH MaNsHaDI B.Sc. Pharm Pharmacist/ Owner Certified Compounder
Laura Burgess B.Sc. Pharm, Pharmacist Certified Diabetes Educator
Daily until Dark 250-554-3211
Senior Connector
Page 6
May 2014
North Shore Community Centre welcomes all Loyal order of Moose • women of the Moose • Moose Legion
Open everyday 11 am Meat Draws Friday at 7 pm & Saturdays at 3 p.m.
Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #1552 730 Cottonwood Avenue • 250-376-8022
First of all the North Shore Community Centre (NSCC) would like to extend a warm welcome to the NSCCS 2014 board of directors: George Campbell, Jack Buchanan, Marcie Connolly, Lois Androlick and Ryan Wall. The North Shore Community Centre is hosting some wonderful events this month, so mark your calendars! On Sunday, May 11 we are hosting our monthly community dinner. This is an event you won’t want to miss! Tickets are only $12 and can be
purchased at the front desk of the NSCC. There will be live entertainment provided as well as door prizes and a 50/50 draw. Everyone is welcome to join us. Pie Night will be held on Tuesday, May 20 at 6:30 p.m. This event is open to all and for only $3 you can purchase a piece of pie with ice cream and tea or coffee and listen to some locally provided music. Our regular activities are going on as well. Check the calendar for events such as our various exercise classes ranging from yoga, dance
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• Within the same to make an appointment, for complex as the more information, or to view. North Shore Community Centre #307-730 Cottonwood Ave. & the Moose Lodge
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Antidepressants Continued from page 5
Quality Care for Your Home and Pets • Full house checks when you are on vacation or away from your home. • Care for your pets while you are away. • Potty breaks - if you work long hours, let me go and give your dog a little break during the day.
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Vanessa Cullen
aerobics, and Zumba to Tai Chi breathing. We still have different activity classes, card game nights and socializing events going on, so please check the calendar or give us a call if there’s something you’re interested in! Just a reminder that many events are in the process of breaking for the summer, so check the calendar or give us a call if you are unsure as to whether your activity is still going on. We are closed May 19 for Victoria Day and there will be no activities going on this day.
Please visit our website for our Essential Financial Information and Annual Report. The War Amps does not receive government grants.
I cannot count how many people have come into my office complaining about sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression, who have solved their problem fairly easily and quickly by eating whole food sources of minerals — lots of vegetables, and good fats — yes, loads of things like avocados, olives, coconut, sesame or fish oils, butter, healthy animal fat, nuts and seeds. Here is a note I received from a mother of five who felt she was at the end of her rope: “I knew my health was rapidly going downhill, which caused me to question if I’d be able to care for my family’s needs much longer. My constant pain and limited movement was making me grumpy and downright depressed. The list of symptoms was a mile long and growing, and I just didn’t have my former look of health about me. Now, instead of dragging myself out of bed, I’m eager to start the day! After just a week or so with my body having the whole food supplements it craved, I was feeling wonderful improvements that gave me the willpower to stay with the program. My joints are nearly pain free and it is so exciting to have found a true health care provider to help me do what needs to be done, without drugs, surgery or loss of dignity. Thank you Cathy!” - Kim B. Could whole foods be your anti-depressants?
Senior Connector The Seniors’ Own Newspaper
460 Victoria Street Kamloops, B.C. V2C 2A7 Telephone: 778-471-0983 Fax: 250-828-7171 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Please address all correspondence to:
Senior Connector P.O. Box 729, Kamloops, B.C. V2C 5M4 E-mail:
Editor: Becky Mann Design & Production: Leigh-Ann Hooley Sales: Sharon Brooker Senior Connector is a monthly newspaper dedicated to inform, serve and entertain seniors 45 and over. Deadline for advertising and editorial copy is the second Thursday of the month for publication on last Tuesday of the month. It is published by Oncore Central Services, a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of seniors. Letters to the Editor must be signed and have a phone number (your phone number will not be printed unless so requested). Other submissions are gratefully received but Senior Connector reserves the right to edit all material and to refuse any material deemed unsuitable for this publication. Articles will run in the newspaper as time and space permit. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from Oncore Central Services. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Senior Connector, Oncore Central Services, or the staff thereof. Subscriptions are $35 per year in Canada. Any error which appears in an advertisement will be adjusted as to only the amount of space in which the error occurred. The content of each advertisement is the responsibility of the advertiser. Senior Connector recommends prudent consumer discretion. Senior Connector is a member of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce.
Senior Connector
May 2014
Page 7
Enduring Power of Attorney
“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” Author: Cardinal Mermillod
An important legal document to consider when making personal planning decisions is an Enduring Power of Attorney. An Enduring Power of Attorney is a document that allows you to choose a person to become your “attorney” to make the necessary financial and legal decisions for you in case you become mentally incapable because of age, accident, or illness. Why is a Power of Attorney necessary? Consider this scenario: Margaret is walking to the corner store when she slips and strikes her head on the pavement. Despite surgery, Margaret is left with an impaired ability to communicate and the doctors say she does not have the capacity to sign documents for herself any longer. Margaret’s husband, Jim, calls Margaret’s employer to inquire about her benefits, only to find that they will not speak with him or provide him with information unless they have written authority from Margaret to do so. If Margaret has appointed Jim as her attorney in an Enduring Power of Attor-
Legal Ease By Kerri Priddle ney, Jim can provide a copy of that to the employer and any other company or person he needed to deal with, to obtain the information he needs to handle Margaret’s finances, insurance, and benefits. Without that Enduring Power of Attorney prepared prior to her becoming incapacitated, Jim cannot manage Margaret’s financial or legal affairs without a Court Order. Jim would have to obtain affidavits from two of Margaret’s doctors confirming her incapacity, and prepare an affidavit himself with evidence of all of Margaret’s assets and liabilities (even those held jointly with Jim). All of this information needs to be provided to the Public Guardian and Trustee, with payment of a review fee, and then Jim would
have to make an application to the B.C. Supreme Court for an order appointing him as guardian over Margaret. This is called an Adult Committeeship — the process can take many months and the cost can be thousands of dollars. Without a Power of Attorney, a Committeeship ordered by the court is the only way Jim will have the proper authority to deal with Margaret’s finances, insurance, and benefits as well as her personal care decisions. As you can see, having an Enduring Power of Attorney in place is more economical and more time efficient, particularly in a crisis situation. You may also create a Power of Attorney that is for limited purposes and will not endure if you become mentally incapacitated. These are effective for such things as conveying property or dealing with other financial matters while you are required to be out of town, or otherwise cannot attend to a particular matter personally. Your bank or credit union may have Power of Attorney forms you can use at their institutions, both lim-
North Shore Community Centre MONDAY
12 Easy Yoga 10 am
Diabetic Clinic 9 am Easy Yoga 10 am Cribbage 1 pm German Choir 1:30 pm Duplicate Bridge 7 pm
Footcare 9 am Carpet Bowling 12:30 pm Weight Watchers 5 pm Table Top Gaming 6:30 pm Beginners Zumba 5 pm Dance Aerobics 6:15 pm
8 Diabetic Clinic 9 am Easy Yoga 10 am Cribbage 1 pm Duplicate Bridge 7 pm
15 Footcare 9 am 14 Community Dinner 5 pm Tai Chi Breathing 1:15 pm Carpet Bowling 12:30 pm Diabetic Clinic 9 am Carpet Bowling 12:30 pm $12 per person Scrabble 2:30 pm Cotton Pickers 1 pm Easy Yoga 10 am Beginners Zumba 5 pm (Tickets in advance Knitting 6 pm Weight Watchers 5 pm Cribbage 1 pm Dance Aerobics 6:15 pm at the front desk Yoga 6:30 pm Beginners Aerobics 5 pm German Choir 1:30 pm Gentle Nia 6:30 pm or call 250-376-4777) Woodcarvers 6:30 pm Zumba 6:15 pm Duplicate Bridge 7 pm Mary Kay 7 pm Table Top Gaming 6:30 pm Mother’s Day
Easy Yoga 10 am Carpet Bowling 12:30 pm Tai Chi Breathing 1:15 pm Gentle Nia 6:30 pm Scrabble 2:30 pm Mary Kay 7 pm Knitting 6 pm Beginners Zumba 5 pm Yoga 6:30 pm Dance Aerobics 6:15 pm
Victoria Day
Tai Chi Breathing 1:15 pm Carpet Bowling 12:30 pm Scrabble 2:30 pm Weight Watchers 5 pm Knitting 6 pm Beginners Aerobics 5 pm Yoga 6:30 pm Zumba 6:15 pm Pie Night 6:30 pm Steeped Tea 7 pm
by some authority and applicable to its people, whether in the form of
legislation or of custom and policies recognized and enforced by judicial
decision. 2 any written A or Partnership positive rule or collection rules prescribed of LawofCorporations under the authority of the state or nation, as by the people in its constitu-
tion. Compare bylaw, statute law. 3.the controlling influence of such rules; the condition of society brought about by their observance: maintaining
• Personal Injury Claims • ICBC Claims • Corporate Law • Wills & Estates
law and order. 4 a system or collection of such rules. 5. the department of knowledge concerned with these rules; jurisprudence: to study law.
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Kerri D. Priddle
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Conference, Meeting Rooms and Banquet Hall available for rent. Call 250-376-4777 for more information.
If you would like advice regarding the preparation or amendment of an Enduring Power of Attorney or for more information regarding personal planning matters please contact Chahal Priddle LLP at (250) 372-3233 to set up
law • n. 1 the principles and regulations established in a community
452 – 730 Cottonwood Ave. Kamloops V2B 8M6
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector © SUNDAY
ited and enduring. These are convenient, but please remember that this Power of Attorney is limited to accounts at that particular institution. It will not let your attorney deal with accounts at other financial institutions, the government, or your insurance company. With a general Enduring Power of Attorney, you will have all financial and legal matters covered. A Power of Attorney is used to delegate financial and most legal decisions. This is true for both a Power of Attorney and an Enduring Power of Attorney. However, please note that your attorney cannot make medical or health care decisions for you, such as consenting to surgery or medical therapies for you. For these decisions, you will require a Representation Agreement, which will be the next topic of our series on personal planning.
22 Diabetic Clinic 9 am Easy Yoga 10 am Cribbage 1 pm Duplicate Bridge 7 pm
27 28 29 Easy Yoga 10 am26 Carpet Bowling 12:30 pm Carpet Bowling 12:30 pm Tai Chi Breathing 1:15 pm Diabetic Clinic 9 am Cotton Pickers 1 pm Beginners Zumba 5 pm Scrabble 2:30 pm Easy Yoga 10 am Weight Watchers 5 pm Dance Aerobics 6:15 pm Knitting 6 pm Cribbage 1 pm Beginners Aerobics 5 pm Gentle Nia 6:30 pm Yoga 6:30 pm German Choir 1:30 pm Zumba 6:15 pm Mary Kay 7 pm Woodcarvers 6:30 pm Duplicate Bridge 7 pm Table Top Gaming 6:30 pm Movie Night 7 pm
Free housemade dessert on your birthday! Book your party today.
Sing-a-long 10:15 am Tai Chi Breathing 10:30 am Yoga 6:30 pm
9 Sing-a-long 10:15 am Tai Chi Breathing 10:30 am Yoga 6:30 pm
16 Sing-a-long 10:15 am Tai Chi Breathing 10:30 am
23 Sing-a-long 10:15 am Tai Chi Breathing 10:30 am
30 Sing-a-long 10:15 am Tai Chi Breathing 10:30 am
3 Weight Watchers 8 am
250-372-1522 • 1502 River Street Reservations Appreciated
10 Weight Watchers 8 am
17 Weight Watchers 8 am
24 Weight Watchers 8 am
31 Weight Watchers 8 am
Comfortable, Affordable, Friendly Room & board for low income seniors in a bright, new, active seniors community. • Home cooked meals • Weekly housekeeping • Laundry room on every floor • Exercise program • Planned activities
• Library/ computer room • Media room • On city bus route • Walk to Brock shopping mall • Friendly caring staff
Call today for your opportunity to join us.
250-376-6536 ONCORE Central Services
Senior Connector
Page 8
Zone 8 gets set Submitted by Linda Haas
Only four months until the 2014 BC Seniors Games in Langley, Sept. 9 to 13. Zone registration closes June 25. If you don’t already partake in a sport or recreational activity, there are 26 to choose from. For more information visit www.bcseniorsgames. org, come to the May 15 meeting, contact a zone co-ordinator, or Bruce Dahling at either 250-3200544 or bdahling@telus. net. Playoffs for carpet bowling are done. Crib playoffs are May 3, 10 a.m., at the Brock Shopping Centre, Centre for Seniors Information Activity Centre. Partners are required. Contact
Maureen Hickey at 250579-8259 or m_hickey@ for registration info. For information on playoff times for darts or floor curling, please contact Gary Hogg at 250-5787501 or and Wilf Schneider at 250374-7201 or schnei95@ There is still space in ice curling for teams — specifically men 55 to 64, men 65+, ladies 65+ and mixed 65+. Contact Liz Karpluk by June 25 at 250372-5493 or schnei95@ Zone 8 is proud to announce that Kathy Brand received the Master Athlete of the Year award from the Kamloops Sport Council. Not only has Brand set records at the
Thank you for contacting me again with this reminder. Business has been very good, and we are busy. We have received many calls from customers that saw the ad in the Senior Connector. Yes, we would like to run the ad again for May 2014.
Healthy nails from a nutritional perspective:
BC Seniors Games and other track and field meets, she is a regular volunteer at sporting events. She also served as the Zone 8 secretary for four years, and continues to excel as track and field co-ordinator. Congratulations Kathy! We also wish to congratulate Charlie Bruce for winning Sportsperson of the Year. Bruce was president of the Host Committee for the Kamloops BC Seniors Games last year, and continues to participate in triathlon. And volunteering as she so often does, the council thanks Liz Karpluk for the flower table centres at the banquet and awards ceremony on April 12. Seniors are talented in so many ways! Zone 8 has learned some sad news. Wayne Hall passed away suddenly. Hall was the general manager for the Kamloops
2013 BC Seniors Games, helping make the Games a huge success. He was a wonderful liaison between Zone 8 and the City. He was an enthusiastic supporter of the Kamloops Sport Council and Sports Hall of Fame, and generous to many people over the years. Zone 8 salutes Wayne Hall, whom we will remember with gratitude. Angus Reid, retired player for the B.C. Lions, was guest speaker at the Sports Council’s Award Ceremony. He spoke of the bonds that form among participants, and how valuable and lasting they are. Zone 8 members certainly can attest to this. Although Reid was a professional player, he stressed the most important aspect of participating in a sport or recreational activity is to have fun and create memories. Come September, let us all do that in Langley!
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protein shakes available as well as other sources of protein such as protein bars. Drink plenty of water and other liquids. Cuts and cracks in the nails can indicate the need for more liquids. Soaking your nails in warm olive oil or cider vinegar for 10 to 20 minutes can help strengthen your nails. Also, two tablespoons of Brewer’s yeast can help with splitting nails and/or hangnails. Some signs of deficiencies in nails: Iron deficiency: spoonshaped nails and/or vertical ridges Zinc deficiency: white spots on the nails Lack of “friendly” bacteria: overgrowth of fungus in nails Vitamin D deficiency: fragile nails, horizontal/vertical ridges Protein deficiency: white bands across the nails Lack of vitamin A/calcium: dryness and brittleness. More to come next week…
Contact Colleen or Heidi for more information or to book your appointment.
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Ask about how SAFER can reduce your rent.
Call to view
By Helen Waters
There are many different supplements available to help grow strong, healthy fingernails and toenails. Also, eating certain foods is beneficial for your nails. Alfalfa, burdock root, dandelion, Gotu Kola, yellow dock and horsetail are herbs that are rich in minerals, including silica, zinc and B vitamins, which will help strengthen your nails. Essential fatty acids such as flaxseed, borage seed, primrose oil and pumpkin seed oil will nourish the nails. (They are also beneficial for many other functions in your body!) Vitamin A, calcium/ magnesium, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C and zinc are all important for strong, healthy nails. A good multivitamin with extra Vitamin B complex should provide these. In terms of foods to eat for healthy nails, good quality protein as well as a protein supplement will help. There are many
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May 2014
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Senior Connector
May 2014
The Kamloops Co-Ed Recreational Soccer League welcomes new members
Gary Castonguay, 63, fends off Karen Newman during Kamloops Co-Ed Rec Soccer warm-up at Hillside stadium. Reg Newman and the legendary Freddy Macintosh, 73, guard the net. Submitted photo
By Hammish Plommer
The adult spring soccer season has sprung in Kamloops. “Why should all that fun be for kids only?” said 58-year-old Reg Newman, a regular with The Kamloops Co-Ed Recreational Soccer League. Last spring, a group of laid-back soccer players, mostly in their 50s and 60s, formed the league. The heart of the league is definitely fun. Games are filled with laughter, and new teams are formed every match. There are no referees, arguments or physical contact. When the ball goes out of bounds, it’s quickly
Very much in love Powell. Harrison didn’t immediately say yes or no when he asked. “It sort of gradually became yes. It wasn’t ‘yes I want to marry you’ it was sort of we started talking about things and we sort of fell into the fact that we were going to get married,” she said. The bridal party consisted of Michael Powell, Harrison’s sister Jane, and brotherin-law Dave. Mocha and Sarah were also on their best behavior for the ceremony and photos. One of the first things the couple did after the ceremony was take their
dogs outside for a walk together as husband and wife. The couple had just recently returned from a Caribbean cruise that they planned before they decided to get married, and will go on an Alaskan cruise in the fall as their honeymoon trip. Their love of cruises, and the excursions involved are one of many things that they have found in common with each other over the last year. “The fact is that people 78 years of age can fall in love, and do fall in love. I am very much in love,” said Powell.
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kicked or thrown back in and the game continues. It’s a lot like being a kid again. “You are always positively supported by other players, even people on the other team,” Newman said. “There is no pressure to perform,” said Newman’s daughter Karen, 28. “You can just go out there and enjoy the game.” The non-competitive league focuses on inclusion. Experienced players are welcome but asked to tone down their game so no one feels left out. “People enjoy a bit of a challenge, yet at their own pace,” said league player Peter Langereis,
Luis Adamo, 55, and an icon of the Men’s Over 45 Soccer league, plays with the group on occasion. “It’s a good way to give something back to soccer at a slower pace, and help out the one’s that can’t play in the regular leagues,” Adamo said. The league is a great way to socialize with old friends and meet new people. The league is also a soccer venue for couples, parents, and people unable to commit to a season with a regular league. The league runs April 15 to September 30. Through April and June, Tuesday games are scheduled for 6
p.m. at Summit Elementary, 410 Monarch Court in Sahali. Friday games start at 6 p.m. at Cottonwood field, next to the Kamloops Christian School in North Kamloops. The season cost is $50, or $3 per drop-in game. All you need to bring is soccer boots, shin pads, and one white and one black top. The co-ed league is open to adults aged 18 up to 100. For more information, contact Hamish Plommer at 250-554-9616, or visit Registration information is available on the website.
Looking to buy or sell?
Continued from page 1
“One day actually what he did was, we were walking down the hall, I turned around and he kissed me. It took me totally by surprise,” she recalled. “And then as things progressed he proposed to me in a rather odd way.” Harrison describes the day Powell proposed. They had been driving in town, and on the way back Powell’s driving was becoming “erratic,” until he pulled over suddenly and popped the question. “I was very nervous. I was afraid to ask in case she said no but I had ask because I wanted to hear yes,” said
Page 9
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Member of CDIC
Senior Connector
Page 10
May 2014
Do you or a family member qualify for a RDSP? The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) was introduced in 2008 to help individuals with severe and prolonged disabilities save for their long-term financial security. However, many Canadians have not yet taken advantage of its benefits, which can help disabled individuals provide a better future for themselves and their families.
Financial Focus Submitted by Lili Seery of Edward Jones
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A participant may hold only one RDSP account, which is limited to a lifetime total of $200,000 in nongovernment contributions. Contributions are not taxdeductible, and the plan is not designed as a shortterm savings vehicle or for regularly withdrawing money in the short term. RDSP benefits include the following: • Contributions accumulate tax-free until the money is withdrawn. • Contributions do not impact federal benefits and have little, if any, impact on provincial benefits.
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Affordable Seniors Supportive Living home in Westsyde in a park-like setting Home cooked meals prepared daily Light housekeeping services weekly Laundry facilities on site 24hr live in staff Monitored emergency response system Rent starting at $1,350/mo., utilities included.
Call 250-828-0600 for more information.
family net income. Both bonds and grants are available until the year the participant reaches age 49. Generally, bonds and grants must remain in the account for at least 10 years before a withdrawal may be made, and withdrawals must begin by the end of the year in which the participant reaches age 60. Additionally, for any account established on or after January 2011, the RDSP may carry forward unused grant and bond entitlements up to 10 years preceding its opening. Rollover Option As of July 2011, a deceased individual’s Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP),
Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF), or Registered Pension Plan (RPP) can be rolled on a tax-deferred basis into an RDSP for a financially dependent infirm child or grandchild. This option is often overlooked. It’s important to be informed about the steps you can take today for your financial future, including knowing if you or a family member may qualify for the RDSP. Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot provide tax or legal advice. You should consult your attorney or qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
Could you be a hoarder? •
We Offer FREE Pick-Up, Delivery & w o House Calls re n a e W ng Just phone to
Government grants and bonds available If eligible, you can help build your RDSP with government grant and bond contributions. Savings bonds The government may pay into an RDSP, a Canada disability savings bond of up to $1,000 annually, up to a maximum lifetime limit of $20,000, dependent only on family net income with no personal contributions required. Savings grants An RDSP beneficiary may receive a Canada disability savings grant of up to $3,500 per year, up to a maximum lifetime limit of $70,000. The amount is based on contributions and
Springtime means cleaning and purging. It means a fresh start — an opportunity for change. I find the process exciting as I look forward to new beginnings, as well as an opportunity to reorganize. For those that hoard however, their viewpoint is vastly different! Hoarding has a wide scope of consequences: financial, emotional, mental, and physical. And, it’s not only consequences for the person who is hoarding, but it extends to family and friends as well. Many people do not realize the cost of hoarding, and as such, I’ll try and paint a picture for you. The cost of the items purchased is one thing. The purchases are “placed” in the home en masse. Then, the items accumulate and keep accumulating over an extended amount of time. Typically, they accumulate in areas where they are going to incur either water damage or over time, sweat, which leads to mould and eventually contamination. This process is the
Doorbell joke
Simple Organization Kim Watt-Senner beginning of the financial burden. If a client has a hoarding spouse, the emotional burden can begin to build. There is increased stress placed on the couple due to the over purchasing and the conflict that ensues from having a home that is continually growing with things. Quite honestly, more relationships fail due to the ongoing “fight.” As well, the hoarder becomes ashamed of the conditions and begins to isolate themselves from others. The emotional consequences increase on many levels. We find that hoarders become “desensitized” to their environment, and Everyone loved Priest John. He was a happy jolly, fellow always willing to help or lend a hand. One time John was walking down the street humming a tune when he saw
their mental capacity to understand between what is normal and abnormal becomes blurred. In all cases where we have worked with hoarders, all clients have some type of mental health barrier. This is why we partake in a collaborative therapy approach to ensure the client is capable of receiving coaching and to help them achieve success postproject completion. This is why we involve clinical counsellors, psychologists, and/or psychiatrists. Mental health concerns need to be addressed in a professional manner. The final consequence of hoarding is physical. Hoarding clients typically cannot move around their environment freely, as their homes are so cluttered that they may not be able to sleep in their own bed, eat at their dining room table, or cook a meal using their stove. Likewise, if a hoarding client has a medical event it’s likely that emergency services may have challenges getting into the residence to provide
care. Finally, I want to highlight that professional hoarding assistance can be expensive if the residence and/or contents are deemed a hazardous work space. This occurs when the environment has contaminates and the workers need to be placed in full safety gear for their protection. My final thought is this: Have a frank discussion with yourself or your loved ones as to whether you or they can afford to hoard. If the answer is no, reach out for professional help. Kim Watt-Senner is the founder of Canada’s largest Professional Organizing company. The corporate head office is located in Kamloops, B.C., with additional franchise locations in the Okanagan, Greater Vancouver, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Visit the website at www.everythingorganized. net or call 250-377-7601 for more detailed information.
a little boy trying to reach the doorbell of a nearby house. “Hey there sonny,” said John, “let me help you out.” And with that, John reached out and pressed the bell. “Anything
else I can do for you,” asked John with a smile. “Yes,” said the boy. “Run! We’ve only got a few seconds before they come!” - Read more at
Senior Connector
May 2014
Page 11
Wills ON Wheels Lansdowne Village Phone 250-374-4187
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Hours: Mon.– Fri. 8 am to 9 pm Sat. & Sun. 9 am to 8 pm Holidays 9 am to 6 pm Licensed to Operate • Locally Owned & Operated
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Name: ______________________________ Phone: __________________
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Crazy drunk
Jeff was fast asleep in his at bed at 3 a.m. when he heard an urgent knocking at the door. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes he made his way to the door. “Can you give me a push,” asked the man at the door.” Jeff looked at the man, thinking he looked a bit drunk, slammed the door in his face and went back to bed. “Shame on you,” said his wife Sally, when hearing the story. “You remember on our vacation how our car got stuck in the middle of the night and that man helped us, go out there and push his car.” So Jeff trudges back out of bed, opens the door, and calls out “Ok I’m here to give you a push, where are you?” I’m over here in the back” came the voice, “on the swing.” Read more at
Read more at:
Desert Gardens Community Centre
540 Seymour Street, Kamloops V2C 2G9 Phone: 250-372-5110 • Fax: 250-372-3429 Email:
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector © SUNDAY
Centre Hours
Mon-Fri: 9 am – 4 pm Weddings & private functions: Anytime!
4 Spiritual Living 10 am
Mother’s Day
5 Coffee Club 10 am Seniors Chair Yoga 11 am Weight Watchers 5:30 pm Blazers Booster Club 6 pm
Spiritual Living 10 am
18 Spiritual Living 10 am
25 Spiritual Living 10 am
12 Coffee Club 10 am Seniors Chair Yoga 11 am Weight Watchers 5:30 pm
Victoria Day
26 Coffee Club 10 am Seniors Chair Yoga 11 am Weight Watchers 5:30 pm
Oasis Cafe
Open Mon-Fri: 8:30 am until 1 pm Dinners on Tues & Thurs 5 pm
Coffee Club 10 am Adaptive Zumba 10:30 am Weight Watchers 11:30 am Kiwanis 12 pm Grape Vine 12 pm Bridge 1 pm DG Dinner Party 5 pm Table Tennis 7 pm
Coffee Club 10 am Adaptive Zumba 10:30 am Weight Watchers 11:30 am Grape Vine 12 pm Kiwanis 12 pm Bridge 1 pm Stamp Club 2 pm DG Dinner Party 5 pm Table Tennis 7 pm
Coffee Club 10 am Adaptive Zumba 10:30 am Weight Watchers 11:30 am Grape Vine 12 pm Kiwanis 12 pm Bridge 1 pm Kamloops Fly Fishers 5 pm DG Dinner Party 5 pm Table Tennis 7 pm
Coffee Club 10 am Adaptive Zumba 10:30 am Weight Watchers 11:30 am Grape Vine 12 pm Kiwanis 12 pm Bridge 1 pm DG Dinner Party 5 pm
It was Timmy’s fifth birthday and he was joyfully opening all the presents he received. He saved the biggest for last, so it took a while until he got to open Grandma’s present. “Wow” Timmy exclaimed in delight, upon seeing the mini drum set that his Grandmother got for him. “Thanks Grandma, this is just what I wanted.” It was after Timmy went to bed that Timmy’s mother approached her mother. “Ma, I’m surprised at you, don’t you remember how it used to drive you crazy when we used to play the drums in the house growing up?” Grandma smiled and then said, “I remember, of course I remember.”
7 Coffee Club 10 am Seniors Chair Yoga 11 am Mahjong 1 pm Scrabble 1 pm
Toastmasters 7 am Coffee Club 10 am Gamblers Anon 10 am Chair Zumba & Zumba Gold 10:30 am Grape Vine 12 pm Table Tennis 12:30 pm Euchre 1 pm DG Dinner Party 5 pm Square Dancing 7 pm Toastmasters 7 pm
Toastmasters 7 am Coffee Club 10 am Gamblers Anon 10 am Chair Zumba & Zumba Gold 10:30 am Grape Vine 12 pm Table Tennis 12:30 pm Euchre 1 pm DG Dinner Party 5 pm Kiwanis 5:30 pm Square Dancing 7 pm Toastmasters 7 pm
Weight Watchers 9 am Coffee Club 10 am Carpet Bowling 10 am Seniors Chair Yoga 11 am Mahjong 1 pm Crib 1 pm
Weight Watchers 9 am Coffee Club 10 am Carpet Bowling 10 am Seniors Chair Yoga 11 am Mahjong 1 pm Crib 1 pm
Toastmasters 7 am Coffee Club 10 am Gamblers Anon 10 am Chair Zumba & Zumba Gold 10:30 am Grape Vine 12 pm Table Tennis 12:30 pm Euchre 1 pm DG Dinner Party 5 pm Toastmasters 7 pm Square Dancing 7 pm
Weight Watchers 9 am Coffee Club 10 am Carpet Bowling 10 am Seniors Chair Yoga 11 am Mahjong 1 pm Crib 1 pm
Toastmasters 7 am Coffee Club 10 am Gamblers Anon 10 am Chair Zumba & Zumba Gold 10:30 am Table Tennis 12:30 pm Euchre 1 pm DG Dinner Party 5 pm Kiwanis 5:30 pm Toastmasters 7 pm Square Dancing 7 pm
Weight Watchers 9 am Coffee Club 10 am Carpet Bowling 10 am Seniors Chair Yoga 11 am Crib 1 pm Mahjong 1 pm
Whole Health Care Foot Clinic 9 am Coffee Club 10 am Seniors Chair Yoga 11 am Mahjong 1 pm Scrabble 1 pm
Coffee Club 10 am Seniors Chair Yoga 11 am Mahjong 1 pm Scrabble 1 pm
Whole Health Care Foot Clinic 9 am Coffee Club 10 am Seniors Chair Yoga 11 am Mahjong 1 pm Scrabble 1 pm
Toastmasters 7 am Coffee Club 10 am Gamblers Anon 10 am Chair Zumba & Zumba Gold 10:30 am Table Tennis 12:30 pm Euchre 1 pm DG Dinner Party 5 pm Kiwanis 5:30 pm Toastmasters 7 pm Square Dancing 7 pm
Weight Watchers 9 am Coffee Club 10 am Carpet Bowling 10 am Seniors Chair Yoga 11 am Crib 1 pm Mahjong 1 pm
The month of May at Desert Gardens
We are in the full swing of spring at Desert Gardens and we hope you will come out and join us for our many SATURDAY activates and programs. 3 We are pleased to announce that Mah-jong lessons are once again being offered on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Please stop by and learn how to play this unique game played with Chinese tiles. Zumba is officially underway at Desert Gardens with our Chair/Gold class being offered every Thursday at 10:30 10 a.m. Hope to see you for this fun and active class. Do you have a great idea for a new program that could be offered at Desert Gardens? We would love to hear your suggestions! Maybe you have a great idea that we would never have considered. Just a reminder to check out our new website at www. 17 to see everything that is happening around the centre. Also, be sure to look under the Oasis Cafe for our Tuesday and Thursday night dinner menus. Have a great month!
Desert Gardens Ladies Auxiliary By Shirley Lunan
Happy Easter everyone! By the time the Senior Connector comes out it will be Easter so have a great time. 31 All our Easter bunnies that were left have gone for a nap. We have some new toys, children’s slippers, and towels for the stove, baby sweaters and other gifts for your loved ones. We are open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Come in and see us and have lunch in the restaurant. Until next time, have a good day.
Senior Connector
Page 12
May 2014
Victim Impact Statement The following is part of a series of informational articles aimed at increasing public awareness about the services provided by the Kamloops Victim Services Unit. The Unit offers a variety of information and services, at no cost, to any victim or witness of a crime or trauma. All Unit members have received specialized, comprehensive training in victims’ issues, the criminal justice system and crisis intervention techniques. The Unit is located at the main Police Detachment at
560 Battle Street. Victim Services operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and may be accessed by calling 250-828-3223. Crime can cause emotional, physical or financial harm to victims. Victims have the opportunity, through a Victim Impact Statement, to tell the court what impact the crime has had on them. The Victim Impact Statement is valuable to Crown Counsel and to the judge because it helps them fully understand the impact the crime has had
on the victims’ lives. After charge approval, the victim will receive a Victim Impact Statement from Crown Counsel. The victim has the option of completing the statement describing the emotional, physical and financial impact of the crime. When describing the emotional impact of the crime, the victim may want to describe how the crime(s) has affect them emotionally, their relationships with other people, their ability to work or
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study as well as any need for counselling or emotional support. The physical impact section provides the victim with the opportunity to describe their physical injuries or disabilities that have arisen as a result of the crime(s). It is appropriate to disclose what medical or dental work including surgery, physiotherapy and/or medication was/is required. Victims can also report whatever financial or property loss resulted from the crime(s). This could include loss of income, medical, counselling or treatment expenses that arose as a result of the crime and is not covered by insurance. The completed Victim Impact Statement is sent to Crown Counsel who will determine what portion will be presented to the court. It may be considered during sentencing and parole hearings. For more information about or assistance with completing a Victim Impact Statement, please call 250828-3223
Pradeep Damodaran likes to tell his patients that the personalized care they receive from the North Shore IDA Pharmacy is what sets his business apart from the competition. The pharmacy, located at 517 Tranquille Road, is just like any other drug dispensary in that it does drug dispensing, specialty compounding, free medication deliveries, blisterpacking and vaccinations. But with two full-time pharmacists on hand to work with anyone that walks through the door, the North Shore IDA Pharmacy always has the little bit of extra time to serve their customers. “We do personal care,” Damodaran said. “The care
Submitted photo
Let the boating begin The paddles have officially hit the water as the Kamloops Dragon Boat Club (KDBC) begins another season of racing, festivals and camaraderie. If you are curious about the sport or looking for an excuse to get outside, the KDBC is looking for new members. Old or young, male or female — all you need is enthusiasm and an open mind. The season runs from April 7 to Sept. 30, with members joining throughout. There is also an opportunity for potential members to partake in a few practices before committing. Practices take place in Kamloops Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, starting from Pioneer Park. Equipment is supplied
and dressing in layers is encouraged as there is no controlling the weather. Competition is a part of the KDBC experience; however, many members opt out of competition and concentrate on the recreational side of the sport. “There’s a social component to it as well,” said Ray Perrault, media liaison for the group. Pizza nights and other gatherings are common occurrences. Each dragon boat seats 22 people, two rows of 10, a steersperson at the back and a caller at the front. For more information about the Kamloops Dragon Boat Club, schedule, contacts and pricing, please visit www.
that they get, brings them back again and again.” When Damodaran and his wife Sunita first started out on their own 2 years ago, after 11 years working as pharmacists for other companies, people told them they needed to be advertising, spending money to get their name known in Kamloops and draw customers in. Instead, the couple focused on building relationships with those who visited their pharmacy — becoming a part of the community and getting to know patients better than anyone else would take the time to. The unorthodox business model has paid off. “If I make one of my patients
happy, they will tell ten people,” Damodaran said. “That’s how I do my business.” “Two years ago I opened, now I look at it and I’m fully happy.” Damodaran said about 90 per cent of the pharmacy’s clientele are elderly. They save by purchasing prescribed and/or over-the-counter medication and products at his pharmacy. He’s hoping low prices, coupled with his philosophy of taking the time to get to know patients on a personal level, will continue to bring patients through the doors of the North Shore IDA Pharmacy. That’s how he built his business and that’s how he’s going to continue to run it.
99 Fast9&9Friendly9Service 99 Free9Delivery 99 Home9Health9Care9 Supplies 99 Full9Lotto9Centre
North Shore Pharmacy
#4 - 517 Tranquille Road Kamloops, BC V2B 3H3
Senior Connector
May 2014
Why rent when you can buy
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The Address ThAT hAs iT All!
Purchasing your own that what makes 429 St. The units are attracting “Sales have been going home can be a challenging Paul unique is that KUC is purchasers from all walks well so it is important for situation — from the offering qualified purchasers of life — from working people to come in and find financial stress to the search the ability to purchase professionals to older folk the unit that suits them,” she for a perfect location, without having to front looking to downsize. said. the process can feel the down payment. Many “It has been really exciting 429 St. Paul will be overwhelming. Kamloops purchasers can afford to to have such a great diversity finished late 2015, allowing 429 St. Paul, a vibrant community within a few blocks of a bathtub walk-in shower is more September “At Berwick on the Park we encourage United Church (KUC) is meet monthly mortgages but This in our purchasers,”marks said Berwick its future residentsorthe Riversideand Park, arena events, theatre, museum and to your cameras the Park’s tenth anniversary our residents to livelibrary, an active, healthy making the process easy for have difficulty affording theon Milobar, “because it already opportunity to liking. prepare Security and art gallery. Health and professional services, shopping, video surveillance is the available just and learn a bathtub walk-inretirement shower is more This September marks Berwick and we’re still ortaking all aboutlifestyle. their current independent Ourservices team an “At Berwick on Park weby encourage buyers by offering a unique necessary down payment. gives your the building the feel of in some cases downsize from Farmers’ Market, — providing all level easilybeing accessible Security on the Park’s tenth anniversary new for service introduce turning your T.V. suite healthy at has restaurants our on residents to liveYour an active, living to to newliking. heights. This cameras resort and atheir passion quality of opportunity to invest in 429 By purchasing at 429 St. stylebeing a real community.” their current residences. video surveillance is available by just and we’re still taking retirement thisthose Spring. Visit Berwick on the Park an and independent lifestyle. Our Berwick on the Park is your home andteam retirement community offers life to that call Berwick home” while leaving your car at home. Inclusive, welcoming St. Paul — great homes atliving Paul, homeowners The six-storey building information on for turning on your T.V. Your suite at to new heights. have This an resort the Manager, possibilities. hasto a decorate passion providing quality of is yours with your favorite all inclusive monthly packages toMore says Marketing Bev Graham. community – no ageexplore limitations for residents. a bathtub or walk-in shower is more This September marks Berwick “At Berwick thefor Park encou Berwick on the Park is your home and style retirement offers life to those that call Berwick home” the perfect location coupled opportunity community to build equity offers 56 condos with purchasing your next She invites you to on come a we tour to Kamloops seniors. A great place furniture, art and personal touches. to your liking. cameras and our on toto the tenth anniversary isPark’s yours decorate with yourhome favorite to liveYour an active, hea monthly packages says Marketing Manager, Bev Graham. Ourresidents Hospitality. Home. retire - located next to Peterson with purchase assistance. all inclusive while owning a quality a variety oftofloor plans, can be found at Security •forSecure Parking She invites you to come a tour to Kamloops seniors. A greatand place video surveillance is available by just furniture, art and personal touches. we’re still taking retirement and independent lifestyle. Our t Park and and just no five Marketing co-ordinator home in a great downtown Creek secure parking age minutes or by • Rooftop Patio & BBQ to retire - located next to Peterson turning on your T.V. Your suite at living to new heights. This resort has a passion for providing qualit fromrestrictions. downtown. Valley views and Mary Ann Milobar said Creek neighbourhood. calling 250-320-6442. Park and just five minutes • Secure Indoor & that call Berwick ho Berwick “At on Berwick the Park your and community offers lifeScooter to those lushretirement landscaping are around. The is more a bathtub orall walk-in shower This September marks style Berwick learn all about their current services onisthe Parkhome we encourage from downtown. Valley views and Bicycle Parking isand yoursour to residents decoratetowith your favorite gardens, all spectacular inclusive monthly packages to saystheir Marketing Manager, Bevintrod Grah to your liking.walking Securitypaths, cameras on the Park’s tenth anniversary new service level being live an active, healthy lush landscaping are all around. The gazebos,seniors. pondssurveillance and waterfall provide •touches. Hospitality Room video is available byfurniture, just and art and we’re still taking retirement this Spring. Visit Berwick on the Park independent lifestyle. Our team She invites you to come for a tou Kamloops A great place and personal spectacular gardens, walking paths, breathtaking beauty and turning on your T.V. Your suite at has a passion for providing living to new heights. This resort - located quality of explore the possibilities. • Private Balcony to retire next toserenity. Peterson gazebos, ponds and waterfall provide on the is your at home and life to those that call •Berwick style retirement community offers home” Affordable luxury can be minutes yours 6 Energy Efficient Appliances Creek ParkBerwick and just fiPark ve breathtaking beauty and serenity. is yours to decorate with your favorite says Marketing Manager, Bev Graham. Our Hospitality. Your Hom all inclusive monthly packages to Berwick on the Park. The superior fromatdowntown. Valley views and • 9’ Ceilings Affordable luxury can be yours She invites you to come for a tour to Kamloops seniors. A great quality place offurniture, art and touches. services fullpersonal amenities Berwick on the Park. The superior landscaping areand all around. The • Finishing Choices with to retire - located next to lush Peterson only begin to describe a standard quality of services and full amenities gardens, walking paths, Presale Purchases Creek Park and just fivespectacular minutes of living toyear, which people of all ages begin to describe a standard Submitted by Krystal Kehoe only Work Week, or interested gazebos, ponds andparticipants waterfall provide from downtown. Valley views and This • Surrounded by the aspire. If you’re looking for the of living to which people of all ages can look forward to even in volunteering can go to lush landscaping are all around. The breathtaking beauty and serenity. Plans for this year’s aspire. convenience of every perfect alternative to the demands If you’re looking for the more events leading up to spectacular gardens, walkingAffordable paths, the Kamloops Bike to Work perfect luxury can be yours at recently redesigned amenity & service of managing a household, Berwick alternative to the demands gazebos, ponds and waterfall provide and during the weekThe — you. website www.biketowork. Week is underway, and the Berwick on the Park. superior on the Park is designed for The of managing a household, Berwick breathtaking beauty and serenity. events including bike mainca/kamloops. services and amenities created The organizing committee hason the Park is designed for you. quality of services and fullare amenities a bathtub or walk-in shower is more This September marks Berwick “At Berwick on the Park we encourag Affordable luxury can be yours at to your liking. Security cameras and our residents to live an active, health on very the Park’s tenth anniversary tenancetocourses, the September Comservices and amenities are created The new website to begin encourage an active, healthy and a bathtub or walk-in is shower is more This marks Berwick all about services and lifestyle. Our tea “At Berwick on the Park we encourage only describe a standard set a goal of 1,250 particivideo surveillancelearn is available bytheir just current and we’re still taking retirement and independent Berwick on the Park. The superior to your liking. Security cameras and ourFor on the Park’s tenth anniversary their service introduced residents to live an turning active, questions or tohealthy arrange annew appointment 250.320.6442 on your T.V. Your suite level at being living to new heights. This resort to encourage an active, healthy and has acall passion for providing quality fulfimuter lling lifestyle. Challenge and Bike user-friendly and easy to video surveillance is available by just and independent lifestyle. Our team this Spring. Visit Berwick on the Park and and we’re still taking retirement of living to which people of all ages pants — 300 of which they quality of services and full amenities Berwick on the Park is your home and life to those that call Berwick home style retirement community offers email: turning on your T.V. Your suite at hasor living to new heights. This resort a passion providing quality of explore the possibilities. fulfilling lifestyle. is yours to decorate with your favorite all inclusive monthly packages to says Marketing Manager, Bev Graham Berwick on the Park residents have to School Week. With addnavigate. Theonnew Berwick the Parkregistrais your home and life to those that call Berwick home” If you’re looking for the style retirement community offers standard hope will be new commut- only begin to describe a aspire. She invites you to come for a tour Kamloops seniors. A great place furniture, art and Our personal touches. is yours to decorate with your favorite all inclusive monthly packages to says Marketing Manager, Bev Graham. Hospitality. Your Home. Berwick on the Park residents have access to an enhanced recreation/ to retire located next to Peterson individuedalternative events, additional tion system allows of living to which people of all ages perfect to thevolundemands She invites you to come for a tour to Kamloops seniors. A great place furniture, art and personal touches. ers — for 2014. Creek Park and just five minutes access to an enhanced recreation/ to retire - located next to Peterson A truly relaxing lifestyle c activity calendar. Monthly programs aspire. If you’re lookingoffor the from downtown. Valley views and to log their own rides, teers are needed. managing a household, Creek Park andBerwick just fiveals minutes This will be the seventh A truly relaxing activity calendar. Monthly programs lush landscaping are all around. The lifestyle can start with an informational visit from downtown. Valley views and encompass everything from painting perfect alternative to the on demands to conveniently log repeat of B.C. Kamloops is one of O “Each year we aim to instead of their teamspectacular leader gardens, walking paths, to Berwick on the Park. the Park is designed for you. The lush landscaping are all around. The encompass everything from painting year Kamloops has particiclasses, mind challenge games, gazebos, ponds and waterfall provide of managing a household, Berwick spectacular gardens, walkinga paths, to Berwick on the Park. Our retirement community features trips. 35 B.C. communities parmake Bike to Work Week having also services amenities are created breathtaking beauty and marks serenity. Berwick classes, mind challenge games, a and ponds and waterfall provide to log them. It a bathtub or walk-in shower is more This September “At Berwick on the Park pated in this province-wide numerous on-site amenit classes including on the Park is designed for you.variety The of exercise gazebos, breathtaking beauty and serenity. Affordable luxury can be yours to your liking. Security cameras and on the numerous Park’s tenth anniversary our residents to live an a on-site amenities, suites and friendly Bike to atWork Week is spacious ticipating through Bike to of exercise classes including bigger and which isstrength encourage anbetter, active, healthy an easy-to-use Berwick on the still Park. taking The superior Affordable luxury canand beincorporates yours at initiative — aiming to getvariety video surveillance is available by just tai chi, yoga, stretch and services and amenities aretocreated and we’re retirement and independent lifesty a bathtub or walk-in shower is more This September marks Berwick their current services and “At Berwick on the Park we encourage learn all about Berwick on the Park. The superior hospitality. Do something quality ofto services and full amenities tai chi, yoga, stretch and strength turning on your T.V. Your suite at living new heights. This resort has a passion for provid supported by the City of Work B.C., a non-profit to your liking. Security cameras and on the Park’s tenthmapping anniversary system, their new service level being introduced our residents to live an active, healthy fulfi lling lifestyle. not possible without the so that Do offers something social, choose a great book from encourage an active, healthy and of services and amenities and more. You’ve quality not begun tofulllive only begin hospitality. to describe a standard people to park their cars andtomore. Berwick on thethis Park is your home andon the video surveillance isstyle available by just and and we’re still taking retirement Spring. Visit Berwick retirement community independent lifestyle. Our team lifePark to and those that call Be You’ve not begun to live only begin to describe a standard living to suite whichatKamloops people of all agesand the Province turning on your of T.V. organization. living It’s to new heights. This resort explore theyour possibilities. has a passion for providing quality is yours to of decorate with favorite the library or take aManager strol lling lifestyle. all Your inclusive monthly packages to says Marketing riders routes from volunteers. Berwick on the Park residents have untilhelp you’ve experienced one of our of living to which people of all ages can map their aspire. If you’re looking for the and bike to work May 26until tofulfi Berwick on the ParkKamloops is your home andlibrary the or take stroll through our beautiful gardens. At style retirement community offers life to those that callaBerwick home” you’ve experiencedSubmitted one ofphoto our She invites you to come seniors. great place furniture, art and personal touches. aspire. If you’re looking for the perfect alternative tosays theA demands is yours to decorate with your favorite all inclusive monthly packages to Marketing Manager, Bev Graham. Our Hospitality. Your Home. many over the top fabulous theme Berwick on the Park residents have that to volunteers an enhanced recreation/ perfecthelp alternative to the demands to retire - alocated next Berwick to Peterson June 1, 2014. Last year, 918 managing Berwick on Park you’ many over the top fabulous access theme the She invites you to come for a tour to Kamloops seniors. A great place furniture, art andof personal touches.household, of managing a household, Berwick Berwick Park you’re in control and truly free.the Park and just fivethe minutes onCreek the Park is designed foron you. The access to an enhanced recreation/ nights suchwe as hit Mardi Gras. to retireprograms - located next to Peterson A truly relaxing lif calendar. Monthly ensure our goals on the Park is designed for you. The suchweek as Mardi this is allGras. about,” activity cyclists participated in thenights from downtown. Valley views and services and amenities are created Creek Park and just five minutes services and amenities are created A truly relaxing lifestyle can start with an informational visit activity calendar. Monthly encompass programs to encourage an active, healthy and lush landscaping are all around. The Your social calendar will be so full from downtown. Valley views and everything from painting is a sucto encourage an active, healthy and social calendar will cobe so full and that the week said Krystal Kehoe, weeklong event and 204 ofYour fulfi lling lifestyle. lush landscaping are all around. The spectacular gardens, walking paths, to Berwick on the encompass everything from painting fulfilling you cess,” won’t have time to lifestyle. think about spectacular gardens, walking Berwick on the Park. Our retirement community features Berwick onponds theto Park residents have mind challenge games, a havepaths, gazebos, and waterfall provide you won’t have time to thinkclasses, about Kehoe said. “With the Berwick on the Park residents coordinator for Kamloops them registered as first-time classes, mind challenge games, a for dinner. access gazebos, ponds and waterfall provide access to an enhanced recreation/ breathtaking beauty and serenity. what’s Let our executive to an enhanced recreation/ what’sBike for dinner. our2014. executive numerous beauty and serenity. variety of exercise including A truly on-site relaxing lifes activity calendar.numerous Monthly programs event less than classes twobreathtaking months Aon-site truly at relaxing lifestyle can startspacious with an informational visitand friendly calendar. Monthly programs amenities, suites Affordable luxury can be yours WorkLet Week variety ofto exercise classes including commuters. Affordable luxury can be yours at encompass everything from painting chef do thatstretch for activity you. Our everencompass everything from painting chef do that for you. Ourtaieverto Berwick on the Pa Berwick on the Park. The superior to Berwick on the Park. Our retirement community features chi, yoga, and strength Berwick on the Park. The superior classes, mind challenge games, a away, we have a are variety tai “We chi, yoga, stretch and strength mindof challenge games, a also want include a changing “In previous years we changing Do som quality services and including full amenities menus classes, designed toamenities hospitality. Do something social, choose ahospitality. great book from quality of services and full numerous on-site am variety of of exercise classes menus areto designed numerous on-site amenities, spacious suites and friendly variety of exercise classes including andtoto more. You’ve not begun livea standard to describe a standard andgoal more. You’ve not begun live only begin toto describe taionly chi, begin yoga, stretch and strength tasks we need help tai chi,with. yoga, stretch and strength for the number of new have focused on increas- offer hospitality. Do some offer you balance, nutrition, variety hospitality. Do something social, choose a great book from you balance, nutrition, variety of living to which people of all ages ofmore. living You’ve to which people oflive all ages and not begun to and more. You’ve not begun to live the library or take a stroll through our beautiful gardens. At the library orortake until you’ve experienced one of our until you’ve experienced one of looking our aspire. If you’re for the aspire. you’re looking forlibrary the or take a stroll through our beautiful gardens. At the library take a Our volunteers always until you’ve If experienced one of our the you’ve have experienced one of our and choices. Ouruntil chefs showcase commuters. ing our team numbers. This and choices. OurPeople chefs often showcase perfect alternative to the demands perfect to thetheme demands many over alternative the top fabulous many over the top fabulous theme many over the toptheme fabulous theme Berwick on the many over the top fabulous Berwick on the Park you’re in control and truly free. of managing a household, Berwick Berwick on the Park you’re in control and truly free. and have helped build theirfun cooking styles with many house cooking styles many house nights such as Mardi Gras. nights such as Mardi Gras. of managing a household, Berwick Berwick on the Park Pa already own awith bike for recyear, we want to focus ontheir on the Park is designed for you. The nights such as Mardi Gras. Your social and calendar will beare so full Your social calendar will be soyou. full The on the Park is designed for nights such as Mardi Gras. services amenities created specialties, homemade soups and specialties, homemade soups and this event over the years.” you won’t have time to think about you won’t have time to think about reational activities and have the number of participants. Your services and amenities are created to encourage A an active, healthy social calendar will be so full relaxingandlifestyle can startwhat’s withfor dinner. an ALetactive, truly relaxing lifestyle can start with what’s for dinner. Lettruly our executive our executive fresh baking. Mealtime at Berwick to encourage healthy and freshsocial baking. Mealtime at Berwick calendar will be so full fulfi lling lifestyle. to regchef do that for you. Our evernever of biking toYour chef do that for you. Our everwon’tthought have time to think about Anyone looking Getting more people on onyou fulfi lling lifestyle. Berwick on the Park residents havevisit to Berwick on an informational the an informational visit to Berwick on the the Park is not just mealtime, it’s a changing menus are designed to on the not justto mealtime, it’s arecreation/ changing menus are designed to won’t have time think about access to an Berwick on the Park residents have isterPark for is Kamloops Bike to enhanced what’s for dinner. Let our you executive offer you balance, nutrition, variety work.” offer you balance, nutrition, variety A truly relaxing lifestyle can start with an informational visit their bikes is really what dining activity calendar. Monthly programs Park. Our retirement community features experience! access to an enhanced recreation/ Park. Our retirement community features dining experience! and choices. Our chefs showcase and choices. Our chefs showcase what’s for dinner. Let our executive encompass everything from painting chef do that for you. Our evertheir cooking styles with many house A truly r to Berwick on the Park. Our retirement community features activity calendar. Monthly programs their cooking styles with many house classes, mind numerous challenge on-site games, amenities, a Your monthly package at Berwick spacious suites specialties, homemade soups and Your monthly package at Berwick numerous on-site amenities, spacious suites encompass everythingsoups from and painting chef do everchanging menus are designed to that for you. specialties, homemade numerous on-site amenities, spacious suites and friendly variety Our of exercise classes including to Berw fresh baking. Mealtime at Berwick classes, mind challenge games, a on the Park includes rent on your fresh baking. Mealtime at Berwick tai rent chi, yoga,and stretch and strength friendly on the Park includes your hospitality. Do something social, choose a great book from on thedesigned Park is noton just mealtime, it’s ahospitality. Do something offer you balance, nutrition, variety andmealtime, friendly changing menus are numerou exercise classes including onvariety the Parkof is not just it’s ahospitality. Do something and more. You’ve not to begun to live dining experience! private spacious suite, all utilities the library or take a stroll through our beautiful gardens. At dining experience! until you’ve experienced one of our private spacious nutrition, suite, all package utilities tai yoga, stretch and strength social, choose a great book from thechi, and choices. Our chefs offer showcase hospital Your monthly at Berwick you balance, variety social, choose alivegreat book from the many over the top fabulous theme Your monthly package at Berwick and more. You’ve not begun to including digital cable television, Berwick on the Park you’re in control and truly free. the Park includes rent your including digital on cable television, their cooking styles with many house nights such as library Mardi Gras. oron take a stroll through our beautiful onuntil the Park includes rent onone your the libra you’ve experienced of our private spacious suite, all utilities and choices. Our chefs showcase libraryallor utilities take a stroll through our beautiful three meals per day, daily coffee/tea/ Your social calendar will be so full private many spacious thesuite, top fabulous theme including digital cable television, daily coffee/tea/ specialties, homemade soupsthree and meals per day, Berwick gardens. At Berwick in over you won’t have time to think about on the Park you’re including digital cable Gras. television, many three meals per day,house daily coffee/tea/ nights such as Mardi snacks, weekly housekeepingtheir withcooking styles with relaxing lifestyle can start with gardens. At Berwick on the Park you’re in what’s for dinner. Awith Lettruly our executive three meals per day, daily coffee/tea/ fresh baking. Mealtime at Berwick snacks, weekly housekeeping snacks, weekly housekeeping with Your social calendar will be so full andOur truly free. chef soups do that control for you. everlinen service, recreation programs, snacks, weekly housekeeping with specialties, homemade and linen service, recreation programs, visit to Berwick onservice, the control and truly free. you won’t have time to think about on the Park is not just mealtime, it’s a service, changing menus an are informational designed to linen recreation linen recreation programs, transportationprograms, and 24 hour A truly relaxing lifestyle can start with transportation and 24 fresh hourbaking. Mealtime offer at you balance, nutrition, variety what’s for dinner. executive transportation and Let24our hour Berwick emergency response. retirement community chef features dining experience! transportation and 24 hour and choices. OurPark. chefsOur showcase ™ do that for you. Our everemergency response. Berwick on the styles Park with suites have emergency response. ansuites informational visit to Berwick on the their cooking many house the Park is response. not justbeen mealtime, it’s a changing designed to designed homemade to offer comfort, Berwick the Parkare have Your monthly package aton Berwick numerous suiteson menus emergency specialties, soupson-site and amenities, spacious offerdesigned you balance, nutrition, variety safety andbaking. security.Mealtime A variety of Berwick on the Park suitesdining have experience! Nursing been to offer comfort, fresh at Berwick Our Professional on the Park includes rent on your ofthe studio, oneit’s ahospitality. Do something and and choices. OurPark. showcase and friendly safety security. A chefs variety of retirement community features Berwick on the sizes Park suites have BEST RETIREMENT on Park isone not just mealtime, 60bedroom, WhiteshielD CresCeNt sOuth been designed to offer comfort, bedroom &experience! den, two bedrooms and FACILITY A truly relaxing lifestyle can start sOuth with an informational visit to Berwick on sizes of studio, one bedroom, one their cooking styles with many houseCresCeNt dining private spacious suite, all Your utilities 60 numerous WhiteshielD monthly package at Berwick been designed to offer comfort, amenities, spacious suites penthouse suites are social, all available choose a great book bedroom from the & den,homemade two bedrooms andon-site and Home Support specialties, soups andProud safety and security. A variety of Your monthly package at Berwick recipient of the KAmlOOPs, BC V2e 2s9 60 WHITESHIELD CRESCENT SOUTH, choices. Private balconies or bay including digital cable television, penthouse suites are all available fresh baking. Mealtime at Berwick on the Park rent on your the Park. Ourorfriendly retirement community features numerous on-site amenities, safety and includes security. A ofor Proud recipi KAmlOOPs, BC V2e 2s9 on theservice Park rent onincludes BC60 senior’s living Association windows are variety just twoyour of the many WHITESHIELD CRESCENT SOUTH, BEST library take a stroll through ourchoices. beautiful sizes of studio, one bedroom, one KAMLOOPS, BCPrivate and balconies bay RETIREMENT private spacious suite, all utilities hour • 7 days a week on the Park is not just mealtime, it’s ahospitality. Do something three meals per day, daily24 coffee/tea/ options. Suites are250-377-7275 equipped with a BC senior’s windows are just two of the many seal of Approval sizes of studio, suite, one bedroom, one KAMLOOPS, BC including digital cable television, 250.377.7275 dining in experience! private spacious all utilities bedroom & den, two bedrooms and FACILITY kitchenette and fridge. Safety grab gardens. At Berwick on the Park you’re 250-377-7275 spacious suites and friendly hospitality. Do something social, choosesealaof App options. Suites are equipped with a social, choose a great book from the three meals per day, daily coffee/tea/ snacks, weekly housekeeping bedroom with WWW.BerWiCKretiremeNt.COm bars are a standard feature in the 250.377.7275 WWW.BERWICKRETIREMENT.COM Your monthly package atgrab Berwick & den, two bedrooms and kitchenette and fridge. Safety snacks, television, weekly housekeeping with penthouse suites are all available including digital and cable bathrooms and you choose whether control and truly free. WWW.BerWiCKretiremeNt.COm on are thea Park includes rent your WWW.BERWICKRETIREMENT.COM linen service, recreation programs, bars standard feature inoron the linen service,CRESCENT recreation programs, • Homemaking cleaning great book from the library take aour stroll through our beautiful gardens. library take a strollorthrough beautiful 60suites WHITESHIELD SOUTH, penthouse are all available choices. Private balconies or bay private and spacious suite,whether all utilities bathrooms you choose transportation and 24 hour three meals per day, daily coffee/tea/ transportation and 24 hour including digital cable television, 60 WHITESHIELD CRESCENT SOUTH, • Personal care • Meal preparation emergency response. choices. Private balconies or bay windows are just two of thesnacks, many gardens. Berwick oninthe Park and you’re in free. ™ At per Berwick oncoffee/tea/ theAtPark you’re control truly KAMLOOPS, three meals day, daily Berwick on the with ParkBC suites have weekly housekeeping emergency response. 2011 • Drug and Alcohol • Companion care beenof designed offer comfort, windows just two the to many options. Suites are equipped with a Testingare snacks, weekly housekeeping with KAMLOOPS, BC control and truly free. linen recreation programs, safety and security. A variety of Berwick on Foot the Park suites have 250.377.7275 linen service, recreation programs, care services •service, Flu Immunization Clinics kitchenette and• fridge. Safety grab options. Suites are equipped a one CresCeNt sOuth sizes of studio,with one bedroom, BEST RETIREMENT transportation and 24 hour 60bedrooms WhiteshielD been designed to offer comfort, 250.377.7275 and 24 hour bedroom & den, two and FACILITY bars are a standard feature transportation in the emergency response. WWW.BERWICKRETIREMENT.COM kitchenette and fridge. Safety penthouse suites grab are all available 8 YEARS RUNNING safety and security. A variety of Proud recipient of the KAmlOOPs, BC V2e602s9 WHITESHIELDBerwick CRESCENT on SOUTH, the Park suites have emergency response. choices. Privatein balconies or bay H o m n I e e bathrooms and you choose whether A e r s F s bars are a standard feature the A e WWW.BERWICKRETIREMENT.COM r s o s F m s been designed to offer comfort, BC senior’s living Association windows are just two of the many U e l sizes of studio, one bedroom, one KAMLOOPS, BC l nwhether BEST RETIREMENT Ca t arehave 250-377-7275 Suites equipped with a safety and security. A variety of 01-and 6the 35you • #1on seal of Approval VPark 11 icchoose 9bathrooms 250.377.7275 toptions. orsuites bedroom & den, 2two and 851-2Berwick FACILITY ia Stand kitchenette fridge. Safety grab -bedrooms 0 sizes of studio, one bedroom, one 5 • WWW.BerWiCKretiremeNt.COm 60 WhiteshielD CresCeNt sOuth . 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Safety grab penthouse suites are all available bathrooms and you choose whether
Ten Years and Going Str Ten Years and Going Strong
Ten Years and Going S
Ten Years and Going Strong
Leave the car in the garage and break out your bike
Ten Years and Going St Ten Years and Going Strong TM
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Senior Connector
Page 14
May 2014
A mom’s love waits up when the rest of the world has turned out the light. ~Author Unknown
Sing To Me by Bitterroot
Happy Mother’s Day
Sing to me she whispered and I sang her life to her Hank’s voice through crackling transistors
from Glenna
at Chartwell Kamloops
& Jessica
If you listen to a story, I’ll tell you of a girl who once lived in this land of a girl who once was my sweetheart she was known as the Blue Velvet Band
at Chartwell Ridgepointe
1789 Primrose Ct. Kamloops 250.851.8800
628 Tranquille Rd. Kamloops 250.376.5363
Happy Mother’s Day!
Scott Mann photo
On a cold spring day in Knutsford, B.C., a mother goat and her kid share some kisses under the heat lamp.
up to Catherine’s cottage
2172 Flamingo Rd. Kamloops, BC
Pharmacy & Home Health Care
273 Victoria St. , Kamloops • 250-372-0842
Happy Mother’s Day To the world you might just be one person, but to one person you might just be the world. - Author Unknown
Healthylife Nutrition Quality Vitamins & Nutritional Supplements 440 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC 250.828.6680 • 1.888.828.6680
Happy Mother’s Day
Brown’s Repair Shop Ltd.
220 Lansdowne Street • Est. 1922 • Eric Brown
Marsedge Hooks: 20-12, TUE. Head: End of elk hair. Body: Gray, black or dark green dubbed with Fly-Rite, Spectra_blend or equivalent. Attena: Optional. Two finely marked fibres of wood duck breast. Wing: Folded & trimmed turkey oak wing feather or substitute. Hackle: Cree or grizzly
Mitch’s Sedge Hooks: 8 to 12, 3x long Tail & Wings: Tufts of elk hair. Body: Blends of various furs and polypropolene to get colour of body of caddis fly to be simulated. Hackle: Brown or dun, depending on colour of caddis fly. Head: End of elk hair.
runt de num velis earis ulparum quist, cus, sum et lacit ma vid Hilluptum si dolestibus, erferio untecae maiorior aut laboratiunt et faces nus mo blaut autem qui volenim oluptas ad quas doluprepe ni venem delistrum re num verepereperi offic tem illoreiur, tae pos sitiore pelicta pero quam chicit, sae pa doquidia adita ditiis alit enempor exceper as te imusanias peligen omnisin qui a ipidenet tet qui rovitionet omnihic imaiore autes luptius voloremquo errume erum, solo venducipsa ilique mil heniscid quibus rae comnit eum evel que id audae sima molut la aliquae mi, quat int harum im undicias apis autat aut plibus corernatqui donis apid ea alitat el mo qui Eldem. cora Tora aut harupta tempore perisse doluptae. loribus, ea aut eos res int alibeat. venducia vendant volectur susae et laboremque prore luptatias Equibeaquid que nobita volo comniscillut expelitatum rercipsus volut omenet, sequaest ma volesequodis elesti te nonsed nobit, nimet, con nosapid estibeaqui ne rest eaquo exeresequam qui nos dendisque diatus es corendaepero is ut alicilloris pre autem quide velenda erspele cadoles qui volo corepud igendae ped magnim quidust aut hillicil borep erisciis is res natiist quidi caborrum eossequi omnias id es inis quaerrum, ius es sunt, quam dellitia vellant resecusamus, aut et aut qui dit ut odit ratet porest, quamusant volore labores quossi ipsantioetum eumet dem quae labore, officae.Dolor nes nim non cusamust dicipicae aut labo. Genimus ipis dolorem nonectinis quatibusam fugit plitatia dero mos eaquos est eiunt quamend untissitiate od qui nimus cus hilit, ilignatet alignih incilles volendem ute igniati undaepe ruptatatecea dolorum eatureptas eos eum recessinti dis eturibu il dis aci quas doluptati temodic impovendametur ventece quae. Uptaturio. Et vellautetur, enimpos rem. Ut ea aut hilis serspidit et sapellitiunt rferum qui is si aut lique volupta voloratetur esto itatis aut elitinc tempos nus. cumquod volecum alit ipsam dolorru meneum harum volendia toreicit Eheneculpa aceaquae laborec dem harumque endigenim erates volesevoluptae nusamusae peligen quuntem quae volut aut quist hita nonem fuga. Ut et imaximus autem reic te duci quibus enis quiat laciet hilique es et odignis quodicipicit occus sitestiis renis vollam, simperf vellessi quias mos eliqui dolesderspernamus et quam cum erumendam se con reprorum, tiatur sinum que explit pore, sunt quidemp orepudae de pre rem ium nestiunt. faccum harchitis eatatib usanti assime voluptatis sae volecup Faccullent que pe natem ut conserum ea eturehenis explitatecto rehent omnimilis in numquiatios dolupta tiossimus, venet laut quunturia laut que moluptatur? apel derior num ferfernam qui tureper volorum re pliatis ute nem volupta quam earit verem Et la doluptas seceri dusum volor niendae ute alit, officiam rem doluptat beate reprati harchil laborio arumend et milit soluptatur ciis ut dus ma comnis nonseque int, nullant demoluptas volupis utatur? molut ucipsunt nam reribusanit dolum alitia sin conecum volupta temporro suntiasinus alitis rerciis Equas volupienimusOstius, cones et quod eium, assimin eum repudae cus est, a voluptatur moluptates qui consece arundam dolut lanime cullabo rempor abori ipsuscit ut ilit illab simenditat essequi blab repero core sed que dior reiciunt exercil invenie nderatur? qui voles vellibus ditius et porem. fuga. Necatis int ratur, que et Nem iunt et quiscid ellaboriat veTem que ne pro doluptur? maionsequi accus, si iunt. nectas ducimen diataquam haribus Dolese videst, corporit endam, Et modit voluptat. Gent asi del earcill esequam iliatquam venoditatiis velicto illacestium aut consernam labo. Luptaquias as daep rendita taspiducil eosae. Devenia pora acea dolut landelest ad quatis aut quae. Perit alignis fugitiu uatquatquam ex- runtota poresti corehenecest fugitaq dem ut ent caeperunt aperchi et acipit voluptatem. nturibus, ullaccaborum aciendiam ommolore et plictum sinulunt, quat ad facerit iatior et adisit, occate pliquo blatur? Et litaeces acero ea pore experalor modis acim ra dolupta eatias nimus, int officipsalautati et Ut eos Rio. ex sed oditintur que tum dolupti oreicid ut etur? mus si te et, quatio molorpo repedit porestibus, sam, ommolup taArum ipsae planti rat omnimid quis atet accus doluptatum tectior as sit et laceatiis sandebi inti quament landa volorerum abore dolorae con nos iur? Quia stibearcid et odit re persper iorlaborerroris ad ex enditis aut
• Safe sales & service • Lock sales & service • Keys by code • Window grilles • Locks rekeyed
w wiinn
ms at Stor dinner d bragging mite & unli ghts*!! ri
she strummed him through her years carefully wrote his words down in cursive emotion she laid her tired gaze upon me, resting her tired body as I went through the verses and climbed the stairs of her life Farewell to Nova Scotia, the sea-bound coast, Let your mountains dark and dreary be. For when I am far away on the briny ocean tossed, Will you ever heave a sigh or a wish for me? and Marty’s cabin I’ve got a hundred and sixty acres full of sunshine Got a hundred and sixty million stars above Got an old paint hoss, I’m the guy who’s boss On the hundred and sixty acres that I love to Gordon’s place
If you could read my mind love what a tale my t houghts would tell just like an old-time movie ‘bout a ghost from a wishin’ well through the night her batons twirled her dreams once again marching in front of the Seattle Marching Band in the PNE parade of ‘49 tiny boots and feet and dreams of glorious things to come satin uniform shone and tassels twisted Then babies cried and hay was baled, horses fed and ridden to pounding hooves and heart cows milked, barns mucked milk separated, butter made, weeds pulled children sprouted and tumbled on their ways Jim’s gentle anthem, an invitation Have I told you lately that I love you Could I tell you once again somehow Have I told you with all my heart and soul how I adore you Well darling I’m telling you now her eyes closed and my voice quieted as I saw the veil sweep aside and smiling faces and hands outstretched and other voices picked up the song.
The Senior Connector is looking for a new name! And we’d like our readers to have a say.
We’d like to represent our readership more accurately. Not only seniors read our publication! But don’t worry, we’ll still have our same great content (and jokes) with seniors being top of mind. Send in your...
❶ name suggestion, ❷ your name, and ❸ telephone number by June 13th
Drop Off: 460 Victoria St., Kamloops, BC V2C 2A7 By Mail: PO Box 729, Kamloops, BC V2C 5M4 Or by Email: *winner’s name and photo will be published in the July edition.
Senior Connector
May 2014
Page 15
Thank you for being you mom! One (of many) reasons why I love my mom is because once upon a time, she let me “bake” a cake made of flour. That’s right — just flour. And when my brother blew out the candles and flour went everywhere, we all laughed. Best mom in the world! - Rachel Veldhuisen
Worried Mom Joke
Mother: I need to speak to the doctor, it’s an emergency, my infant has a temperature of 101. Doctor to Secretary: Find out how she’s taking the temperature. Secretary: How are you taking it? Mother: Oh, I’m holding up OK. Read more at
Red Williams’ mother Irene.
- Becky Mann
Former Kamloops Mayor, J.R. Michell,
er ’s Day
Loyal Order of Moose • Women of the Moose • Moose Legion
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, 201
SWEET SUITE SALE We’re celebrating our
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ELEGANT RENTAL APARTMENTS FOR ACTIVE & INDEPENDENT SENIORS Our residents at Ridgepointe enjoy a vibrant, independent, and maintenancefree lifestyle. When you’re ready for a fun and fulfilling retirement lifestyle, you’re ready for Chartwell Ridgepointe. Limited Suites are Available Call for your personal tour.
Come for a visit at our home & find your suite today. Suites start at $2,200 per month ALL INCLUSIVE
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th 11
Happy Moth
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ur l yo ov
Recognizin g that life -lo maternal bond betw ng e en a mother & child.
Pryor, a hardware store. In 1903 he began acquiring land for what would eventually become Jocko Creek Ranch where he raised horses and grew hay. He also served as the mayor of Kamloops. “He used to like his horse and buggy. He hated vehicles,” said Red, noting that things have changed so much — not only in his grandfather’s life, but in his own. J.R. passed away in 1947 and is laid to rest next to his late wife Martha. Behind every brick there is a story. Those passing by may only see a name and never truly know the meaning or memory tied to that name. Irene and J.R. are remembered in the hearts of Red, his wife Sara and their families. And now they will be immortalized in the community in which they settled, built their lives and raised their families.
of Kamloops. Raised in part by a Chinese houseboy who helped to care for Irene, Irene learned to speak Chinese from a young age, enabling her to eventually help to translate documents for other Chinese workers in the Kamloops area — she never charged a dime. Irene was also a unique lady in her hunting abilities. She taught Red and his sister how to shoot. “Anything you shot you had to eat,” said Red, speaking highly of his mother’s abilities. Irene eventually passed away in 1945, Christmas Day, at age 48. She is fondly remembered by her son. “Her and I got along really wonderful,” said Red. Irene’s father, Red’s grandfather, John Ralph Michell ( J.R.), came up from Swansea to Kamloops in 1887. For a period of time he managed E. G
• May
Red Williams has seen many changes throughout Kamloops over the years — some good, and some just different. His family has a history in this community and to preserve that history, he and his wife Sara will be purchasing two bricks that will display the names of his mother and his grandfather — part of the Red Bridge beautification initiative. The initiative, spearheaded by the Communities in Bloom committee, includes beautifying the areas surrounding two kiosks near the Red Bridge with engraved bricks. As memories fade, the bricks will preserve a part of history. Red’s mother Irene Williams was born in 1897, and was the daughter of J.R. Michell, former mayor
I truly hit the jackpot. Love always and forever
“You never realize how much your mother loves you till you explore the attic - and find every letter you ever sent her, every finger painting, clay pot, bead necklace, Easter chicken, cardboard Santa Claus, paper lace Mother’s Day card and school report since day one.” - Pam Brown
Submitted photo
Memories live on By Becky Mann
Mom, I love you because you are you and there isn’t a more selfless, loving, genuine person out there.
Submitted photo
My mom is the most selfless person that I know. If there was something that she had that I needed or something that she could get for me, she would. She makes it hard for me to think of myself as being a great mom because I always have her to compare myself to and that is simply impossible. - Author anonymous
RIVERBEND MANOR 760 Mayfair Street Kamloops, BC T: 778-470-8220 F: 250-376-6513
Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever. Happy Mother’s Day
460 Victoria St., Kamloops BC V2C 2A7 250.828.0600
Senior Connector
Page 16
May 2014
Overlander Women’s Institute By Sara Williamson
On May 21, under our international educational component in our program, Bob Schrader, the president of Access Alliance Brokerage Ltd., gave the Women’s Institute (WI) members a presentation on “What it cost to live in Kamloops,” an international comparison highlighting, “How sweet it is” compared to the rest of Canada and other countries. Schrader transposed raw data from the Kamloops Library research department into his own research data to provide a comparison of a typical family unit of four here in Kamloops, with Canada and abroad. With the percentages given, members were able to pick up some important points to consider. It’s more costly to live in Kamloops than the rest of Canada looking at the combined food/housing costs related to disposable income: 76 per cent to 61 per cent. When the median of the population cannot acquire adequate food and housing, a country faces a dilemma. Is civil unrest not far behind? Look at Somalia, Kenya, and Ukraine: 204 per cent of disposable income; 221 percent; 185 per cent. Politics and the supply and demand factors work together to impact the rise and fall of the cost of living. The Kamloops statistics, being unavailable, are based on The City of Kelowna’s website only in the sense that Kelowna is similar in size. The spreadsheet is the combined research of the Kamloops Library research department and Schrader’s research. The Kamloops Library research
department used the NUMBE0 website for cost of living figures, February 2014 As Bob said, “How sweet it is,” to live in Kamloops — we have it all! Speaking of the Kamloops Library, it is home to the entire history of the British Columbia Women’s Institute (BCWI) in the book 100 Years of B.C. Women’s Institutes l909-2009, along with its companion piece, 100 Women of British Columbia Institute l909-2009. In the latter, each page is a biography of her contribution to
the WI commitment to home and country. Both are extraordinary histories. For example, from 1919 to 1920, Mrs. George (Ma) Murray was provincial secretary of the WI and initiated her project of making wool comforters for sale. Also, in the same time period, the government was encouraging dental examinations. These were sponsored and organized by Women’s Institutes. Specific achievements over ten decades are recorded in larger of the two. These books are can be found at the Thompson Rivers
University library and the Barriere library. Most recently, the Western Canada Theatre Company (WCTC) in the Waiting for the Parade program, as subsequent trivia, recognized Women’s Institutes. Pre-war Women’s Institutes (WIs) and other women’s groups were responsible for making quilts, bandages, clothing and so much more for the men overseas during the war — their roles expanded. They also assisted with both departure and homecoming parties for servicemen from their areas and raised millions of dollars for the war effort. On behalf of the BCWI, Overlander WI thanks WCTC for honoring those dedicated women. The BCWI office administrator is Betty Bartlett who works from her home in Barriere, B.C. She is one fantastic manager for the entire province. She can answer any questions. She also has the history books for sale. The office number is 250672-0259 or you can email her at email. You can also visit the BCWI website at Upcoming events May 3 is our famous bake sale, taking place at Extra Foods from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you’ve been there, you know you won’t be disappointed. There will be regular baked goods, a diabetic section and gluten-free products. May 16 Nicole from the RIH Foundation will be speaking. Anyone is welcome to join. For more information please call Sara Williams at 250-570-7906 or Cathy Inskip at 250-376-9810
June 13, 2014 Oncore Central Services and the City of Kamloops present the inaugural
One-Day Senior Symposium AGE FRIENDLY CITIES AND RURAL COMMUNITIES INTRODUCING Isobel Mackenzie, The new BC Seniors Advocate Coast Hotel and Conference Centre
1260 Rogers Way, Kamloops 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Registration Deadline: June 2nd, 2014
To register: Please contact the City of Kamloops at (250) 828-3500 and quote the program #228182.
Cost: $10
Senior Connector
May 2014
Letter to the editor
Page 17
Motherhood: All love begins and ends there. - Robert Browning
I am responding to Suzan Goguen’s editorial welcoming the new B.C. Seniors’ Advocate Isobel Mackenzie.
While I laud all of the accomplishments and expertise Suzan has brought to Seniors Outreach and now Oncore, I must comment on her perspective regarding what the growing numbers of seniors in our community represents. Her statement “…places a strain on social and health systems —transportation...” I believe is a view from a service provider’s lenses and not accurate.
Adjacent to Northills Mall
Kamloops’ Newest 55+ Independent Living Seniors residence
I would hope that the growing aging population would be seen as a resource and not a burden to all systems. In fact, most older people are living independent lives, this includes me at age 82 and many of my neighbours in their 90s and one who just turned 101. If we are looking at burdens on the care systems we must have a broader view. Isabelle Allen LOL (little old lady)
Letter to the editor On Saturday March 8, my father took a fall on Desmond Street, while getting out of his car, to visit his wife of 60 years, at Ridgeview Manor. Due to a large patch of ice on the road, he fell, landed on the ground and layed there with a broken hip, while many cars drove by without considering stopping to see if this elderly gentleman needed assistance. Eventually, a delivery driver for Clarke Transport assisted my father into his car, and a number of the care aides and staff came out, to assist while waiting for the ambulance. My father is 76 years old, and suffered an injury of the hip ball punching through the socket. This took three hours reconstructive surgery at RIH the next day. I wish to thank and commend the staff at Ridgeview Manor for their quick response, alongside the driver for Clarke Transport. As well, appreciation for the kindness and care given while in emergency, Dr. McDonald, the ER doctors, the RNs and care aides, and especially the ambulance drivers who waited with my father until a bed came available in the ER. He is now in Ponderosa for rehab for six weeks, sure to make a full recovery. I wish to express the sheer disgust at the number of drivers who did not even stop to see if help was needed, especially one woman texting and driving. My wish is that you never have to experience the anguish of an injury to a loved one. Thank goodness for those who do care. Bless them, Carolyn Tytor
Rental Applications now being accepted. Silvercrest Suites is Kamloops Newest 55+ Independent Living Seniors residence. Located at 154 Vernon Avenue, directly adjacent to Northills Mall, Shoppers Drug Mart, Extra Foods, TD Canada Trust, the YMCA fitness club and the Seniors Information Center. Silvercrest Features • New Secure Building with Sprinkler System • Elevator • Roof Top Garden terrace and recreation room • Storage Units and Scooter Parking
For more information call
• Each unit has balcony or patio • Compact & Efficient units allow for low cost living • In-suite Laundry • Rental Options available • Pet friendly
“Retirement Living with Independence and Choice”
Letter to the editor
Reflection By Ronald Morris I am getting older — slow of memory and wobbly of limb. I am observing a steady deterioration of the untidy bundle of pipes, bones, muscles and tissues that is me.
I suffer from a few specific ailments but mostly a wearing down of everything. There can’t be a great deal of time left. Does that knowledge sadden me or frighten me? I don’t think so. I believe I can truthfully claim to accept the inevitability of my years with certain tranquility, even at times with some impatience. I have passed beyond seven decades now. There is nothing terribly clever about that fact. One just simply continues to wake up each morning. The passing of the years takes care of themselves.
My memory does not function as well as it used to and admittedly I have confused and forgotten many of the memories that I used to cherish. There are many witty sayings about aging, such as seeing the grass growing from the underside, or checking the obituary column to see if my name is there. I have an uneasy feeling that I have used these witty sayings too often as I get fewer and fewer smiles when I employ them. It occurred to me one day that many of the people I said them to are of the same age as me and it might be scaring them. It has also occurred to me that we live in a society that seems bent on squashing initiative, and individuality and encouraging laziness and mediocrity; a society in which the majority are repeatedly blackmailed by the minorities — a hand out somethingfor-nothing society. I hope the majority will discover the inequities in this way of living and make the changes needed. I also hope for our children’s sake it will happen. There is a saying that we should all do well to remember, and when possible try to live by that goes, “Treat others as you would have them treat you.”
We are Approved! Based on service standards of excellence, integrity, leadership, and true passion, the BC Seniors Living Association has awarded Berwick On the Park its prestigious Seal of Approval. Come see what we do to earn and keep this recognition year after year. We know you’ll approve.
Visit Or call one of our Senior Living Experts today to learn more. 250-377-7275 Proud to be BC Owned & Operated.
Senior Connector
Page 18
Book Review
detrimental to an athlete’s performance, cortisone shots may not be advisable for joint pain, pickle juice can quickly reduce muscle cramps, low- fat chocolate milk is a great By Marilyn Brown post-exercise drink, and lucky underwear and other The First 20 Minutes: superstitions can make a difference for some athletes. Certainly some standard Surprising Science Reveals How We Can advice in the fields of exercise and Exercise Better, Train Smarter, Live Longer nutrition are discussed in this book: the motto “everything in moderation” makes By Gretchen Reynolds sense (although not when it comes Penguin Group, 2012; Non-fiction, 266 pages Available in bookstores and through the TNRD library system to interval training), and “consult a physician” before beginning an exercise Q•Q•Q regimen. The title intrigued me. Would it be possible to increase Even a little exercise makes a physical fitness in twenty minutes of exercise? After a long difference, whether for a child or and mostly inactive winter, I wanted to bound into spring adult. For example, children of with renewed energy. I scanned many books on exercise. various fitness levels who walked This book, The First 20 Minutes: Surprising Science just twenty minutes before a test Welcome Our Family reveals How We Can Exercise Better, Trainto Smarter, Live raised their scores. For adults, the Longer, is evidence-based, applicable to athletes and noninformation on resistance training athletes, the young and the mature, male and female. It (weight lifting) is similarly suggests what may work as a minimum level of exercise, encouraging. The Brain Research and gives encouragement and strategies on how to be more Centre at UBC had women in than minimally fit. their sixties and seventies lift light The author jolts the reader into awareness of the weights twice a week for six months. The brain function, importance of exercise for improving the quality of life. physical strength, and coordination improved considerably The physical benefits and brain health are illuminated over a control group of women who participated in a with up-to-date- research and a touch of humour. There stretching and toning regime. From McMaster University may be some surprises in store for the reader. For example, a study suggested that weight lifting helped blood sugar some kinds of prelevels (a concern for people with insulin resistance and/ event stretching may be
May 2014 or diabetes) just as much as endurance training (such as running, bicycling, swimming and walking). Weight training can also help people reduce muscle-wasting, increasing the likelihood of a more independent life. As the author states, “Someone who is frail, who has too little muscular strength to rise from a chair or walk up and down stairs, is someone whose life is confined and no longer his or her own.” A walking program can be good for memory, decision making, and mood elevation. Gardening, mopping floors, or even just standing up, are all better for us than sitting. Expensive athletic gear and pain are not required. The good news is that the robins are back, the weather is great, and no matter how long it has been since I have had any kind of regular exercise, a stroll around the block is in my near future. The First Twenty Minutes: Surprising Science Reveals How We Can Exercise Better, Train Smarter, Live Longer is science with a serious message, written in a humorous, light style. It is definitely “readable”. The book was a finalist in the Books for a Better Life, an award to acknowledge those who “inspire people to live their best lives” (website). The author, Gretchen Reynolds, writes a column on fitness for the New York Daily Times. She lives in New Mexico, USA.
McArthur A Community Where Health & Happiness are a Way of Life AThHWydyukwd Island • Hhy d y d whh ud bk, uh, d, d A challenging topic khughuhdy. Golf • Audu-d,ghu,fiug,bd/g
One area of health care affect both partners in a • Txwhydddhvhwyg,kgh that is often overlooked is relationship, it is important . women’s healthu during wh and b for both men and women • Hvg u “g ”, udg y gh Th to Daily until Dark after the menopausal tranbe aware of the issues surH,vhdvdudhgddff. sition. As menopause may hyh, rounding menopause. • 250-554-3211 Ou T ud gd u, hb A,D,Wk,dCfidCh,d.
Lunch is on us when you call and book a tour.
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Welcome to Our Family At The Hamlets at Westsyde you can look forward to: • Healthy and tasty meals prepared on site which includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks throughout the day. • Amenities include a multi-media center, greenhouse, fireplace lounge, billiards/games room with carpet bowling, tuck shop, chapel, hair salon and fitness room. • Time to relax with family and friends and not have the worry of cleaning, cooking or home maintenance.
• Having support to “age in place”, including couples who are able to stay together at The Hamlets, even if their individual care needs change and are different. • Our on-site Team Professionals include Registered Nurses, Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation Assistant, Dietician, Social Worker, Red Seal Certified Chef, and more.
Welcome to Our Family
Menopause is a part of the aging process and while we cannot reverse aging, there are definitely measures that can be initiated to help women deal with issues surrounding menopause. One such area is the aspect of vulvovaginal atrophy, now being renamed Genitourinary Symptoms of Menopause (GSM). This is possibly one of the most difficult topics to discuss as it can be a very private aspect of a woman’s life. I would like to encourage women who may be suffering to approach their health care provider about this issue as it can frequently be managed and can result in significant improvements in quality of life. GSM is a constellation of issues that can occur in a woman’s urogenital region (composing of the vagina, vulva, clitoral region, urethral tube and bladder) during and after the menopausal transition. These issues typically include vaginal dryness, vaginal or vulval burning/ irritation, pain during sexual intercourse, pain during urination, increased urinary tract infections and vaginal discharge. GSM is caused by changes in
Pharmacist Reflections Adam Sawula, pharmacist
the urogenital region as a result of the decrease in estrogen during menopause. As estrogen decreases in the vaginal area, the cellular reproduction and shedding in the vaginal wall decreases. This may result in a decrease in the thickness of the vaginal wall, an increase in the vaginal PH and a change of the normal bacteria within the vagina. Not every woman is affected by these changes, but those that are may suffer from GSM. Based on recent data from the North American Menopause Society, up to 45 per cent of menopausal and post-menopausal women will experience some form of GSM, yet only 7 per cent of women are actually asked about
it by their health care practitioner. Up to 85 per cent of women report some change in their quality of life as a result of GSM. The most common complaint is decreased intimacy with a partner or a loss of enjoyment in sexual activity; however, up to 29 per cent of women reported loss of sleep and/or a decrease in general enjoyment in life as a result of these issues. Treatment of GSM can be as simple as PH-balanced vaginal moisturizers. In many cases, use of vaginal, transdermal or oral estrogen therapy can be considered. In any case, if you or someone you know thinks they may be suffering from GSM, it is important to discuss it with a physician. A referral for a local gynecologist is another suggestion for those uncomfortable discussing GSM with their physician. It is important to receive a full assessment to rule out other issues with the urogenital region before proceeding with any treatment. While menopause is a part of the aging process, in most cases GSM can be managed to improve quality of life for those suffering.
Senior Connector
May 2014
Page 19
Renovations 10 per cent off
A little reminder about Mother’s Day
Who wouldn’t want a big discount on their renovations? Here’s a way to get a very good refund on some home renovations, and it is only available for B.C. seniors. Since April 1, 2012, B.C. residents who are seniors, or are family members living with a senior, can get a tax credit for certain renovations for their primary residence. This is a refundable tax credit for up to 10 per cent of the renovation cost for eligible work, to a maximum of a $1,000 credit per year. Because this is a “refundable” tax credit, you will receive a refund if the credit is higher than the tax you owe. This applies even if you have done the work yourself, but then you can only claim the cost of the materials. Unfortunately, not all renovations are eligible. The renovations must improve the access to the senior’s home or property, or must improve the senior’s mobility, functions, or safety within the home or property. If the renovation or modification is only for decoration, property value enhancement, or style, it Lyle Killough, will not be eligible — nor would most routine maintenance and repairs. Homewell Services Co. This means that safety-related items that I have written about in past Services Co. columns such as handrails bathroom grab bars, raised toilets, non-slip stairs and flooring should all be eligible. The list doesn’t stop there — modifications for wheelchair and walker access, accessible light switches and plugs; taps and door knobs that are easier to use, walk-in bathtubs and wheel-in showers are a few of many. If you think this might apply to you, the best thing is to get the complete details by phoning the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), talking to your tax adviser, or by Googling B.C. Senior’s Renovation Tax Credit. We are deep into tax season, so even if you are not a computer user, you will probably have time to become fully computer-literate whileCo. you wait on hold, hoping to speak to a human being at the CRA. Services Good luck!
Home Maintenance Tips
omewell HServices Co.
• Maintenance • Repairs • Handyhelp • Renovations • Emergencies
Home Maintenance Specialists
We can be part of your plan to keep living independently in your own home.
The City Challenge
Upcoming SPCA City Challenge Events... Apr. 30 - May 31 April 30May 30:
Our goal is $40,000
BoTTle drive. Can drop off bottles at the shelter, General Grants North Shore and Lorne Street bottle depots.
May 3
open HouSe, BBQ and CrafT fair at the shelter 11-3 pm
Kamloops vs. Prince George
May 10
Spay-gHeTTi and no Ball dinner, Plaza Hotel tickets $20 adult/Children 10 and under $10 Purchase at the shelter. Music by Gordie West, silent auction and 50/50. 6-10 pm
The City Challenge is back this year with a full month of events to benefit homeless animals in Kamloops and Prince George. Once again, the two communities are competing against each other, with bragging rights to the one who raises the most cash for their local SPCA.
BCSPCA Speaking for Animals
May 10-17 BooK Sale at North Hills Mall during Mall Hours
May 23
Mother’s Day is the one-day a year that mothers are “officially” celebrated for all of their hard work. This includes motherly figures such as a step-parent, a guardian, grandmothers, or other notable women that have had an impact in someone’s life. It is not a statutory holiday; however, many people treat it as mom’s holiday from housework and other household duties. Sometimes this even includes breakfast in bed for mom — whether or not she receives edible eats is another story. Regardless, it is an “unofficial” day off for mom. This year Mother’s Day falls on Sunday, May 11. There is still plenty of time to plan something lovely for that important woman in your life. Chocolates and flowers are popular gifts for mom and sentimental cards with kind words and poems. If you are looking for something different to do with your mother this year, remember that the best gift of all is time. Life keeps us busy (as it should) but we also have to stop and remember that some of the richest moments that we have on this earth are with our families and those closest to us. Time waits for no one so make every moment count. On May 11, give your mother the attention that she deserves. Make her the centre of your attention for the day and don’t be afraid to throw around the “L” word. There is no right way or wrong way to celebrate Mother’s Day as each “mom” is unique in her own way!
Falsetta’s Shoe Repair
108 Vernon Avenue, Kamloops Across from Northills Centre
Quality Repairs on all Footwear, Hockey & Sports Equipment Over 49 years of experience. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Phone and place your grocery & prescription orders.
Grocery Shopping Assistance Oncore Central Services, in conjunction with Canada Safeway will help you do your shopping. Two options available: phone-in or in-store.
fur Ball -”Celebrating Second Chances”. Kamloops Coast Hotel. Dinner, Dancing, silent auction, 50/50 and more! Tickets $75.00 Purchase through Kamloops Live box office. 6:30 pm-1 am
May 24
Service available to seniors in need of assistance, shut-ins and disabled only.
dog WaSH - River City Nissan, BBQ 11 am - 1 pm
Available every Thursday 9 am to 12 pm
May 31
Wrap up BBQ at M&M Meats Sahali Every Wed in May THe fireSide STeaKHouSe & Bar will donate 5% of sales between 4-9 pm CaT & Joe’S pig rig Valleyview Square will donate .50¢ for every pulled pork sandwich sold May 1-31 All denny’S locations proceeds from the sale of Pancake Puppies goes to the SPCA.
1211 8th Street, Kamloops, BC • (250)
(with minimum $35 order)
For more information please call
250.828.0600 Sahali Safeway 250-374-2811 945 W Columbia North Shore Safeway 250-376-8439 750 Fortune Dr
Senior Connector
Page 20
God’s holiness
Over the last couple months, I’ve been talking about the first two words of Jesus’ famous prayer but, there’s more, isn’t there? God is not only our Father, but He is “our Father who is in heaven.” This heavenly phrase reminds us of God’s utter holiness. It’s easy to cheapen the whole idea of the fatherhood of God and make Him out to be a kindly, gentle sort, but mostly harmless, utterly ineffective, and largely
Spiritual Thought Rev. David Schumacher Community ChurCh
unobtrusive. C.S. Lewis once wrote, “We want, in fact, not so much a Father in heaven as a grandfather in heaven — an elderly benevolence, who, as they say, “likes to see young people enjoying themselves’ and whose plan for the universe was simply that it might be truly said at the end of each day, a good time was had by all.” At a wedding once, the father of the bride took me aside, and we had a heart to heart talk about the big guy in the sky. That’s how he
May 2014
referred to God — the big guy in the sky. Somehow, at least for me, that just doesn’t cut it! It’s true that the apostle Paul said we could call God our Abba. This Greek title denotes a very intimate father-child relationship, something akin to calling God “Daddy.” But, to tell you the truth, I’m just a little uncomfortable with that connotation. God is not your daddy, at least not in that sense — like He’s some kind of roly-poly teddy bear.
He’s not. He loves you completely, utterly, totally, but He’s no pushover. He has standards, He has morals, and He has ethics. He doesn’t give in to tantrums, badgering, whining and pouting. He stands His ground, and He’s not afraid to practise a little tough love. In fact, He’s not afraid of you at all. He’s definitely your Abba, your dad, but, He’s also your Father in heaven and don’t you ever forget it. The God of the Bible is
not a wishy-washy, easygo-lucky parental figure who tolerates everything and anything from His children. Our God, whom we are privileged to call Father, is still one to whom we must approach with reverence, adoration, awe and wonder. Lee Trevino was involved in an incident on a PGA tournament a while back — lightning struck a tree near to where he was standing. Someone asked Trevino what he was thinking when the lightning struck. He answered, “I learned that when God wants to play through you had better let him.” When push comes to shove, God is no pushover. Teacher: “In today’s story about Esther, we learned how powerful kings and queens are, but there is a higher power. What is it?” Johnny: “Aces!” Praying “Our Father in heaven” reminds us of the highest power of all — our God!
Church Directory
344 Poplar
A Place to Belong! • Sunday School - 9:45 am • Worship Service - 11:00 am • Wednesday Family Dinner - 5:00 pm Call for information
Sacred Heart
United ChUrChes of Canada
Sat & Sun Liturgies Saturday 7 pm Sunday 8:30 am 11:30 am, 6 pm
• Ladies night out May 12 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm • Join us for Prayer Journey (Fruit of the Spirit) May 26-29 10:00 am - 5:00 pm For more information please call Captain Lisa Trickett 778.220.6084
Confession Times Saturday 4-5 pm Sunday 5:30-6 pm Wed 5:15-5:35 pm 1st Friday of the month 5-6 pm
Kamloops United Church
Weekday Masses Mon-Fri at 7:15 am 9:30 am & Saturday at 7:15 am First Fridays Mass at 6 pm. First Saturday – Rosary at 9 am and Mass at 9:30 am
255 Nicola Street • 250-372-2581 421 St. Paul St. • Sundays 10 am Rev. Teri Meyer • Rev. Bruce Comrie
• Bible based, Christ centred and family oriented.
Mt. Paul United Church 140 Laburnum St. • Sundays 10:30 am Rev. LeAnn Blackert
• Sunday Worship 10:30 am • Sunday School 10:00 am
Plura Hills United Church 2090 Pacific Way • Sundays 10 am Rev. Carolyn Ronald
815 Renfrew St. • 250-376-8323 Rev. David Schumacher
Seniors Services Fortune Barber Shop
Brenda Bepple
In the Fortune Shopping Centre next to Gary’s Deli
RealtoR ® BSW
“Your friendly North Shore barbers”
• • • •
Open Mon to Saturday at 8:30am
#12-750 Fortune Drive, Kamloops
KamloopS Realty
Footcare & Esthetics by Tracy
Selling Upgrading Down-sizing Investment
Registered Podologist
Ph: 250.319.0731 In office at 361 4th Ave. or in home appts. available.
Call Brenda
322 Seymour St., Kamloops, BC 250-374-3022 e:
Independently Owned & Operated
Yard Care Carla Tilden • Alteration Specialist
Grad Dresses Wedding Gowns In-Stock Alteration Special
410 Tranquille Rd., Kamloops T: 778.470.0569 •
Seniors Discount Call for a FREE quote Professional Organizing Downsizing & Moving Experts
Canadian Franchises Available | *A division of Everything Organized Ventures Inc.
Free Estimates • Seniors Discount
Rodney H. White 250-376-7230
Give Mom a Gift Certificate for Mother’s Day
FootCare Nurse 250.554.4500
Keeping your feet healthy one step at a time
250-574-3145 • Lawn Maintenance • Power Raking • Edging • Rototilling • Hedge Trimming • Pruning • Spring/Fall Clean-up • Aerating • Handyman Services
762 Dominion St. V2C 2X9 250.377.7601
Foreverfeet-footcare Ltd. • Foot Assessment • Offering Footcare Presentations & • Nail & Skin Care • Specializing in Diabetic Day Clinics & Geriatric Footcare
Estate Liquidation via Online Auction Hoarding/Chronic Disorganization
Est. 1998
J u N k R E M O vA L S E R v I C E “When we don’t reuse, it’s the earth we abuse.”
• Estate Clear Outs • Business & More • Downsizing
1015 Schreiner Street, Kamloops • Plumbing • Shelving • Vents • Drywall • Painting • Installations • Moulding • Tub Surrounds • Doors • Bathrooms • Basements • Garages • Fencing • Storage Areas • Basic Electrical • Yard Work
Seniors & Military Discounts
Senior Connector
May 2014
Barriere & District Seniors Society SUNDAY
Box 791 Barriere V0E 1E0
Happy Mothers Day! 4
5 Whist 7 pm
Mother’s Day
Carpet Bowling 10 am
12 Whist 7 pm
Victoria Day
Carpet Bowling 10 am
Whist 7 pm
Whist 7 pm
Fun Cards & Wind Up 1 pm
Mother’s Day
Bridge 12:30 - 4 pm
18 Closed
Victoria Day
21 Bridge 12:30 - 4 pm
27 Carpet Bowling, Cards, & Pool 12:30 - 4 pm
Bridge 12:30 - 4 pm
28 Closed
Carpet Bowling, Cards, & Pool 12:30 - 4 pm
OPEN Your Choice 12:30 - 4
Mother’s Day
Bingo 1 pm
Genealogy Workshop 1 - 4 pm
Genealogy Workshop 1 - 4 pm
Victoria Day
Bingo 1 pm
26 Bingo 1 pm Monday Night Movie 7 pm
30 Carpet Bowling, Cards, & Pool 12:30 - 4 pm
FRIDAY Senior Exercise 10 am Duplicate Bridge 12:45 - 5 pm
Billiards 9 am Senior Exercise 10 am Whist 7:30 pm
Carpet Bowling 9 am Coffee Drop In 9:30 am Crib 1 pm
Billiards 9 am Carpet Bowling Carpet Bowling Sr Exercise 10 am 9 am 9 am Mo. Birthday Party Coffee Drop In 3 pm 9:30 am Darts 7 pm Whist 7:30 pm Crib 1 pm
27 Carpet Bowling 9 am Darts 7 pm
Billiards 9 am Senior Exercise 10 am Whist 7:30 pm
Carpet Bowling 9 am Coffee Drop In 9:30 am Crib 1 pm
Senior Exercise 10 am Duplicate Bridge 12:45 - 5 pm
Senior Exercise 10 am Duplicate Bridge 12:45 - 5 pm
Senior Exercise 10 am Duplicate Bridge 12:45 - 5 pm
Victoria Day
9:30 am Little Fort Volunteer Fire Dept. 7 pm
9:30 am Little Fort Volunteer Fire Dept. 7 pm
9:30 am Little Fort Volunteer Fire Dept. 7 pm
3 Bingo 12:30 - 4 pm
Watch for Next Month’s Exciting Events!
Strawberry Tea
9:30 am Little Fort Volunteer Fire Dept. 7 pm
Mother’s Day
Bingo 12:30 - 4 pm
Bingo 12:30 - 4 pm
Bingo 12:30 - 4 pm
Victoria Day
Pancake Breakfast 8 am to 12 pm
Breakfast 8 am - 11 am
20 22 23 Line Dancing 21 Arts & Crafts Table Tennis 10 am - 2pm Beg. 10am/Adv. 10:30 Coffee & Hostess 9:30 am Coffee & Hostess (Bring a lunch) 1 – 4 pm 1 – 4 pm Coffee & Hostess Coffee & Hostess A/E Chorus 1 pm Cribbage 1 pm 1 – 4 pm 1 – 4 pm Social Bridge 7 pm
26 Arts & Crafts27 29 30 Line Dancing 28 Table Tennis Table Tennis 1 pm 10 am - 2pm Beg. 10am/Adv. 10:30 Coffee & Hostess 9:30 am Coffee & Hostess (Bring a lunch) Coffee & 1 – 4 pm 1 – 4 pm Coffee & Hostess Hostess 1 – 4 pm Coffee & Hostess A/E Chorus 1 pm Cribbage 1 pm 1 – 4 pm 1 – 4 pm Social Bridge 7pm
Line Dancing 14 12 Arts & Crafts13 15 16 Beg. 10am/Adv. 10:30 Table Tennis Table Tennis 1 pm 10 am - 2pm Coffee & Hostess Coffee & Hostess 9:30 am Coffee & Hostess (Bring a lunch) 1 – 4 pm 1 – 4 pm Coffee & Hostess Coffee & Hostess A/E Chorus 1 pm 1 – 4 pm Cribbage 1 pm 1 – 4 pm Social Bridge 7pm 1 – 4 pm Garden Club 7 pm
For Rent - 200 Seat Auditorium
Mother’s Day
170 – 5th Ave. SE
Pool Room open weekdays 9 am - 4 pm
Salmon Arm, B.C. V1E 4P2 Phone 250-832-1065
Rainbow Cafe 11:30 am to 1 pm Mon thru Fri
Weddings, Anniversaries, Celebration Of Life, Meetings, Fundraising Events A Stage For Concerts & Dances, Full Kitchen Facilities
Lakeview Centre
5 Arts & Crafts 6 8 9 Line Dancing 7 Table Tennis Table Tennis 1 pm 10 am - 2pm Beg. 10am/Adv. 10:30 Coffee & Hostess 9:30 am Coffee & Hostess Coffee & Hostess (Bring a lunch) 1 – 4 pm 1 – 4 pm Coffee & Hostess Coffee & Hostess A/E Chorus 1 pm 1 – 4 pm Cribbage 1 pm 1 – 4 pm 1 – 4 pm Social Bridge 7pm
Jammers Dance 7 pm
Table Tennis Coffee & Hostess 9:30 am 1 – 4 pm 7pm/2pm matinee Coffee & Hostess Cribbage 1 pm June 20, 21, 22 matinee, 1 – 4 pm 27, 28, 29 matinee
Activity Centre
Carpet Bowling 9:30 am
Coffee is on and hostess on duty
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector © SUNDAY
Drop-in Centre Open: Mon-Fri 1–4 PM
Seniors Fifth Avenue 3
Carpet Bowling 9:30 am
Crib 1-3 pm
North Shuswap Players Productions
($10.00 per person/at the door)
Carpet Bowling 9:30 am
June 1st - 2pm The Anglebay Entertainers will perform!
Bingo 12:30 - 4 pm
Crib 1-3 pm
27 Carpet Bowling 28 ZUMBA 10 am
Carpet Bowling 9:30 am
Crib 1-3 pm
20 Carpet Bowling 21
ZUMBA 10 am Bookmobile 6 - 7:30 pm
Carpet Bowling 9:30 am
Crib 1-3 pm
13 Carpet Bowling 14 ZUMBA 10 am
Crib 1-3 pm
6 Carpet Bowling7
ZUMBA 10 am Hospice Meeting 5 pm - 9 pm
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector ©
6 Billiards 9 am 7 Carpet Bowling8 9 Carpet Bowling Senior Exercise Senior Exercise 9 am 9 am 10 am 10 am Coffee Drop In 9:30 am Quilting Club 2 pm Easy Yoga 11 am Duplicate Bridge Choir 1:30 pm Crib 1 pm 12:45 - 5 pm Darts 7 pm Whist 7:30 pm Gen. Mtg 1:30 pm Carpet Bowling 9 am Darts 7 pm
Bingo 1 pm
Genealogy Workshop 1-4 pm
23 Carpet Bowling, Cards, & Pool 12:30 - 4 pm
Carpet Bowling 9 am Coffee Drop In 9:30 am Crib 1 pm
Visit our website:
16 Carpet Bowling, Cards, & Pool 12:30 - 4 pm
Genealogy Workshop 1 - 4 pm
Lakeview Community Centre Society
Phone: 250-837-9456
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector © MONDAY
OPEN Your Choice 12:30 - 4
Revelstoke Seniors SUNDAY
Carpet Bowling, Cards, & Pool 12:30 - 4 pm
OPEN Your Choice 12:30 - 4 Regular Mtg. 1 pm
Recreation Society Meeting
Carpet Bowling 9:30 am
Carpet Bowling 9:30 am Al-Anon 7 pm
OPEN Your Choice 12:30 - 4
20 Carpet Bowling, Cards, & Pool 12:30 - 4 pm
Carpet Bowling 9:30 am Al-Anon 7 pm
Mother’s Day
Ashcroft, B.C. 250-453-9828
13 Carpet Bowling, Cards, & Pool 12:30 - 4 pm
4 Antique Appraisal Day
Carpet Bowling Wind Up & Pot Luck 10 am
OPEN Your Choice 12:30 - 4
6 Carpet Bowling, Cards, & Pool 12:30 - 4 pm
Bridge 12:30 - 4 pm
Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs... since the payment is pure love. ~Mildred B. Vermont 5
Pat Kirby, President WEDNESDAY
Al-Anon 7 pm
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector ©
Little Fort, BC V0E 2C0
Carpet Bowling 10 am
Carpet Bowling 10 am
Carpet Bowling 10 am
10 Mother’s Day Tea & Bazaar 10 am - 2 pm
Ashcroft-Cache Creek Senior Society SUNDAY
CLEARWATER ELK’S PANCAKE BREAKFASTS every Saturday! We look forward to seeing you there!
Carpet Bowling 10 am
Carpet Bowling 10 am
PO Box 140
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector ©
Carpet Bowling1 10 am Exec Mtg 1:30 pm Gen Mtg. & Pot Luck 3 pm
7 Fun Cards 1 pm
Little Fort Community Centre
4431 Barriere Town Road
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector ©
Page 21
Office Hours Mon - Fri: 9 am - 4 pm
Sing-A-Long 9:45 am Whist 10 am
14 15 Weight Watchers 13 8:30 am Table Tennis 8:30 am Keep Fit 10:45 am Table Tennis 8:30 am Scrabble 9:30 am Canasta 10 am Social Bridge 1:30 pm Floor Curling 1:30 pm Keep Fit 10:45 am Line Dancing 2:45 pm Table Tennis 2 pm Ladies Pool 12 pm Crib 1:30 pm Chess 6 pm Crib 7 pm Darts 1 pm Weight Watchers 5:30 pm
Sing-A-Long 9:45 am Whist 10 am
Victoria Day
Kitchen & Office CLOSED Table Tennis 8:30 am Keep Fit 10:45 am Crib 1:30 pm
26 Table Tennis 8:30 am Keep Fit 10:45 am Crib 1:30 pm
Sing-A-Long Keep Fit 10:45 am Social Bridge 1:30 pm 9:45 am Table Tennis 2 pm Whist 10 am Crib 7 pm Birthday Lunch 12 pm
7 8 Weight Watchers 6 8:30 am Table Tennis 8:30 am Keep Fit 10:45 am Scrabble 9:30 am Canasta 10 am Social Bridge 1:30 pm Floor Curling 1:30 pm Line Dancing 2:45 pm Table Tennis 2 pm Ladies Pool 12 pm Chess 6 pm Crib 7 pm Darts 1 pm Weight Watchers 5:30 pm
Table Tennis 8:30 am Keep Fit 10:45 am Crib 1:30 pm
21 22 Weight Watchers 20 8:30 am Table Tennis 8:30 am Keep Fit 10:45 am Scrabble 9:30 am Canasta 10 am Social Bridge 1:30 pm Floor Curling 1:30 pm Line Dancing 2:45 pm Table Tennis 2 pm Ladies Pool 12 pm Chess 6 pm Crib 7 pm Darts 1 pm Weight Watchers 5:30 pm
Sing-A-Long 9:45 am Whist 10 am
28 29 Weight Watchers 27 8:30 am Table Tennis 8:30 am Keep Fit 10:45 am Scrabble 9:30 am Canasta 10 am Social Bridge 1:30 pm Floor Curling 1:30 pm Line Dancing 2:45 pm Table Tennis 2 pm Ladies Pool 12 pm Chess 6 pm Crib 7 pm Darts 1 pm Weight Watchers 5:30 pm
Sing-A-Long 9:45 am Whist 10 am
Senior Connector
Page 22
Sweeten up your grapefruit on a cool spring day
May 2014
With spring doing its very best to break through and people starting to emerge from their homes to embrace the sunshine, it is time to look towards summer and fresh fruits and vegetables. Grapefruits are one of those fruits that most people either love or they hate. Sometimes it is even one of those growto-love relationships. You expect grapefruits to be sweet. Strawberries are sweet, oranges are sweet, but when you bite into a big old grapefruit, it can be anything but sweet. It can really turn people off despite the fact that grapefruits are rich in vitamin C and low in fat. Depending on the size of the grapefruit, an average calorie count is around 90. Sometimes people are convinced to try a grapefruit but it is smothered in brown sugar. So how can you conquer your fear of eating grapefruits or make eating a grapefruit more appealing without adding too many calories or extra sugar?
Chase Seniors Centre
Chase Creekside Seniors
5 Carpet Bowling 10:30 am Pool 1 pm
Mother’s Day
12 Carpet Bowling 10:30 am Pool 1 pm
Victoria Day
Carpet Bowling 10:30 am Pool 1 pm
26 Carpet Bowling 10:30 am Pool 1 pm
Silver Belles & Beaus 10:30 am Bingo 1 pm
Silver Belles & Beaus 10:30 am Bingo 1 pm
Silver Belles & Beaus 10:30 am Bingo 1 pm
Silver Belles & Beaus 10:30 am Bingo 1 pm
League Carpet Bowling 10 am
Exercise 9:30 am Shuffleboard 1 pm
Exercise 9:30 am Shuffleboard 1 pm
League Carpet Bowling 10 am General Mtg 1 pm
Exercise 9:30 am Shuffleboard 1 pm
League Carpet Bowling 10 am
Clearwater Friendly Club SUNDAY
Exercise 9 am Crib 1 pm
Carpet Bowling 1 – 3 pm Mother’s Day
Meeting 1 pm
Victoria Day
26 Carpet Bowling 1 – 3 pm
Coffee & Crafts 10 am
29 Carpet Bowling 1 – 3 pm
Proud to sponsor the Clearwater Friendly Club calendar of events
Mother’s Day
Bar open 1 - 7 pm
Coffee & Crafts 10 am
Hours sat.............
5 Bar open 1 - 8 pm
Bar open 18 1 - 7 pm GIANT CRIB Registration 10 am Meat Draw 2:30 pm
Bar open 1-7 pm Zone 8 Seniors Dart Playdowns 9:30 am Meat Draw 2:30 pm
6 Bar open 1 - 8 pm
12 Bar open 1 - 8 pm
Coffee & Crafts 10 am
Carpet Bowling 1 – 3 pm
Victoria Day
13 Bar open 1 - 8 pm
Branch #52 GENERAL MTG 7:30 pm
14 Bar open 1 - 8 pm
20 Bar open 1 - 8 pm
Bar open 26 1-8 pm
21 Bar open 1 - 8 pm
27 Bar open 1 - 8 pm
28 Bar open 1 - 8 pm
Mother’s Day
Fender Bender Dance $10 at the door 7:30 to 11 pm Licensed
Fender Bender Dance $10 at the door 7:30 to 11 pm Licensed
Fender Bender Dance $10 at the door 7:30 to 11 pm Licensed
Bar open 1 - 11 pm Crib 7 pm Darts 7:30 pm
Bar open 1 - 11 pm Crib 7 pm Darts 7:30 pm
Meat Draw 2:30 pm
Bar open 9 1 - 12 am Dance Band Al Weldon $10 pp
Bar open 1 - 12 am Dance Band Fender Benders $10 pp
Bar open 1 - 12 am Dance Band Sierra $10 pp
Bar open 1 - 8 pm
Meat Draw 2:30 pm Bar open 1 - 8 pm
Meat Draw 2:30 pm Bar open 1 - 8 pm
Meat Draw 2:30 pm Bar open 1 - 8 pm
Meat Draw 2:30 pm
1 Whist 1 pm Bridge 1:15 - 3:30 pm
Wood Carving 10 am Lunch Whist 1 pm 11:30 am – 1:30 pm UVIC Program 1 pm Cribbage 1-3 pm BINGO 6 pm
Lunch 26 27 Wood Carving 11:30 am 10 am 1:30 pm Whist 1 pm Foot Care Clinic - UVIC Program 1 pm call 778-470-6000 BINGO 6 pm to register
Bar open 1 - 8 pm
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am - 4 pm WEDNESDAY
Whist 1 - 3 pm Bridge 1:15 - 3:30 pm
13 14 Lunch 12 Wood Carving Lunch 11:30 am – 10 am 11:30 am – 1:30 pm 1:30 pm UVIC Program 1 pm Blood Pressure Whist 1 pm Clinic 12 - 2 pm Free Foot Care BINGO 6 pm Cribbage 1-3 pm Information Session 19
1 - 12 am Dance Band Home Brew $10 pp
Bar open 1 - 11 pm Crib 7 pm Darts 7:30 pm
Whist 1 pm Bridge 1:15 - 3:30 pm
Victoria Day
2 Bar open
16 Bar open 15 Bar open 1 - 11 pm 1 - 12 am Dance Band Crib 7 pm Darts 7:30 pm Country Classics $10 pp Exec Mtg 4:30 pm
Wood Carving 6 7 10 am Lunch Whist 1 pm 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Crafts with Ruby Cribbage 1-3 pm 1 pm BINGO 6 pm
Lunch 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Office: 250-374-1742 Bar: 250-374-1743
Kamloops, B.C. V2B 3L9 778-470-6000
“Check out our website at to subscribe to our monthly newsletter & to see additional information on activities, events, programs and services. Also “like” us on Facebook for your chance to win monthly draws and prizes” Fender Bender Dance $10 at the door 7:30 to 11 pm Licensed
Kamloops, B.C. V2C 1Y2
9A - 1800 Tranquille Road
425 Lansdowne St.
Office Hours: 10 am to - 2 pm Monday - Friday
Bar open 1 - 11 pm Crib 7 pm Darts 7:30 pm
Bar open 1 - 8 pm
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector
Seniors Activity Centre
Coffee & Crafts 10 am
Safety Mart AG Foods Clearwater.•.(250)674-2213
Exercise 9 am Crib 1 pm Dinner 5 pm
21 Music & Refreshments 1 pm
Carpet Bowling 1 – 3 pm
Coffee & Crafts 10 am
Carpet Bowling 1 – 3 pm
Exercise 9 am Crib 1 pm Dinner 5 pm
8 Carpet Bowling 1 – 3 pm
Carpet Bowling 1 – 3 pm
Hymn Sing 7:30-8:30 pm
Hymn Sing 7:30-8:30 pm
Toss everything together and serve chilled. If mint is not your herb of choice, leave it from the mixture, but remember that mint is also know to be beneficial to the digestive tract.
Bar open 1 - 7 pm
Meat Draw 2:30 pm
Carpet Bowling 1 – 3 pm
Meat Draw 2:30 pm
Exercise 9 am Mini Crib 10:30 am Crib 1 pm
Happy Mother’s Day!
Evergreen Acres Phone: 250-674-3365
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector ©
sliced grapefruit cup sliced banana cup sliced strawberries tablespoon honey tablespoon fresh chopped mint
Happy Mother’s Day! 9
1 1 1 1 1
Exercise 9 am Crib 1 pm
22 League Carpet Bowling 10 am
Exercise 9:30 am Shuffleboard 1 pm
8 League Carpet Bowling 10 am
A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for f ive people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. ~Tenneva Jordan 4
• • • • •
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector ©
Open 8:30 to 11:30 am, 1:00 to 4:30 pm WEDNESDAY
For a quick breakfast or midday snack, try this little recipe to add some grapefruit to your diet.
Royal Canadian Legion Br. #52
542 Shuswap Avenue • 250-679-8522
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector ©
One way to liven-up your grapefruit is by pairing your grapefruit with other fruits and adding some honey and/or mint.
Lunch 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Cribbage 1-3 pm
Lunch 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
8 Pot-Luck Lunch 12 noon
23 Lunch 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
17 Prostate Cancer Support Group 10 am
22 Whist 1 - 3 pm Bridge 1:15 - 3:30 pm
Whist 1 - 3 pm Bridge 1:15 - 3:30 pm
Pancake Breakfast 9 am - 11 am Please call 778-470-6000 to register
Lunch 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
250-376-5757 #38 - 1800 Tranquille Road, Brocklehurst, Kamloops, BC V2B 3L9
Need help shopping? Call or see us in-store for details.
Senior Connector
May 2014
Fletcher Park Senior’s Resource Centre May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector © SUNDAY
320A Second Ave. NE
Phone 250-832-7000 Fax 250-833-0550 Office Hours: 9 am - 3 pm FRIDAY
Day Away
5 Monday Morning Market
Mother’s Day
Monday Morning Market Caregiver Support Group 10 am Victoria Day
Foot Care
Foot Care
(by appt. only)
Foot Care
Foot Care
Monday Morning Market Caregiver Support Group 10 am
Foot Care
21 Foot Care
(by appt. only)
28 Foot Care
Merritt Senior Centre MONDAY
Mother’s Day
Yoga 1:30 pm Crib & Whist 7 pm
Yoga 1:30 pm Crib & Whist 7 pm Victoria Day
Yoga 1:30 pm Crib & Whist 7 pm
Open 10:30 am Bingo 1 pm Duplicate Bridge 7 pm
Open 10:30 am Bingo 1 pm Duplicate Bridge 7 pm
Open 10:30 am Bingo 1 pm Duplicate Bridge 7 pm
Open 10:30 am Bingo 1 pm Duplicate Bridge 7 pm
Carpet Bowling 1:30 pm Court Whist 7 pm
Carpet Bowling 1:30 pm Court Whist 7 pm
Carpet Bowling 1:30 pm Court Whist 7 pm
Savona and Area 50+ May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector SUNDAY
Mother’s Day
Savona Weight Loss Club 8:15 am Exercise 9:30 am Crafts 1 pm
Savona Weight Loss Club 8:15 am Exercise 9:30 am Crafts 1 pm Victoria Day
Savona Weight Loss Club 8:15 am Exercise 9:30 am Crafts 1 pm
Savona Weight Loss Club 8:15 am Exercise 9:30 am Crafts 1 pm
13 General Mtg 7 pm
Floor Curling 1 pm
Rummoli & Pool 7 pm
Floor Curling 8 for the physically challenged 10 am Floor Curling 1 pm
General Mtg. 1:30 pm Rummoli & Pool 7 pm
Rummoli & Pool 7 pm
Shut In Lunch
Floor Curling22 for the physically challenged 10 am Floor Curling 1 pm
23 Rummoli & Pool 7 pm
28 Exercise 8:45 am Coffee 9:30 am UPS 7 pm
Floor Curling 1 pm
4 Spiritualist Church 10:30 am - 1 pm Gospel Music Coffeehouse 2 - 5 pm
Mt. Ida Painters 9 am - 2 pm
Mother’s Day
Spiritualist Church 10:30 am - 1 pm
18 Spiritualist Church 10:30 am - 1 pm Gospel Music Coffeehouse 2 - 5 pm 25
31 Floor Curling 1 pm
Spiritualist Church 10:30 am - 1 pm
30 Exercise 8:45 am Coffee 9:30 am Crib 7 pm
Church Group 9 am
Mother’s Day
Church Group 9 am
18 Church Group 9 am
25 Church Group 9 am
Guides/Brownies 2:30-4:30 pm AA & AlAnon 8 pm
9 Available
Victoria Day
AA & AlAnon 8 pm
Footcare Quilting 10 am Pool 1 pm Youth Group 6-9 pm
Exec Mtg. 10 am Canasta 1:00 – 4:00 pm Pool 6 pm
21 Canasta 1:00 – 4:00 pm Pool 6 pm
Pool 1 pm Crib 1 pm
Guides/Brownies Pool 1 pm 2:30-4:30 pm Crib 1 pm AA & AlAnon Wheels to Meals 8 pm
16 Available
23 Available
Canasta 1:00 – 4:00 pm Pool 6 pm
30 Available
Bingo Doors open 4 pm Walk-in 6 pm Regular 7 pm
Bingo Doors open 4 pm Walk-in 6 pm Regular 7 pm
Bingo Doors open 4 pm Walk-in 6 pm Regular 7 pm
Bingo Doors open 4 pm Walk-in 6 pm Regular 7 pm
Bingo Doors open 4 pm Walk-in 6 pm Regular 7 pm
Phone: 250-675-5358
Guides/Brownies Pool 1 pm 2:30-4:30 pm Crib 1 pm AA & AlAnon Wheels to Meals 8 pm
President: Helen Skulmoski 250-675-2126 Hall Bookings: J. Chisholm 250-675-3835
Pool 1 pm Crib 1 pm
Open 9 am – 3 pm
Passchendaele Road, Sorrento, B.C.
May 10th • 9 am - noon 4
Computer Classes 9 am - 2 pm
Open 9 am – 3 pm
Computer Classes Jennifer 250-833-2095 Elder Services - Sheila or Dave 250-833-4136
21 22 Painters 9 am20 Computer Classes Elder Services Computer Classes 9 am - 2 pm 12:30 - 2:30 pm 9 am - 2 pm Church Study Group 7 pm
Drop in Bowling 6:30 pm
Drop in Pool 10 am - 2 pm Monday - Friday
Painters 9 am Elder Services Computer Classes 12:30 - 2:30 pm Computer Classes Mt. Ida Painters 9 am - 2 pm 9 am - 2 pm 9 am - 2 pm Pot Luck Dinner Church Study 5 pm Group 7 pm
Box 1552 — 31 Hudson Ave. NE Salmon Arm, V1E 4P6 250-832-3015
7 8 Painters 9 am 6 Computer Classes Elder Services Computer Classes 9 am - 2 pm 12:30 - 2:30 pm 9 am - 2 pm Church Study Group 7 pm
Bingo 1 – 3 pm
14 15 Painters 9 am13 Directors Mtg Computer Classes 10 am Mt. Ida Painters Computer Classes 9 am - 2 pm 9 am - 2 pm 9 am - 2 pm Elder Services Church Study 12:30 - 2:30 pm Group 7 pm 19
Open 9 am – 3 pm
Victoria Day
Open 9 am – 3 pm
Bingo 1 – 3 pm
Open 9 am – 12 pm
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector ©
Exercise 8:45 am Coffee 9:30 am Crib 7 pm
Drop-in Bowling 10 am
3 Drop in Bowling 6:30 pm
Bingo 1 – 3 pm
Open 9 am – 12 pm
Sorrento Drop-In Society
Exercise 8:45 am Coffee 9:30 am Crib 7 pm
Computer Classes 9 am - 12 pm
Exercise 8:45 am Coffee 9:30 am Crib 7 pm
Exercise 8:45 am Coffee 9:30 am UPS 7 pm
Games 9 am - 12 pm
Painters Group Al 250-832-5149 Gospel Music - Hank 250-833-5072
Exercise 8:45 am Coffee 9:30 am Crib 7 pm
Foot Clinic 9 am Exercise 8:45 am Coffee 9:30 am UPS 7 pm
Open 9 am-12 pm Why Bingo 6:30 pm
Open 9 am – 3 pm
Bingo 1 – 3 pm
Open 9 am – 12 pm Gen Mtg 1 pm
Drop-in Bowling 10 am Computer Classes 9 am - 12 pm
Open 9 am – 12 pm
Drop-in Bowling 10 am
Bingo 1 – 3 pm
Tuesday Art Group Ross 250-832-3579 Hall Rental - Eleanor 250-833-0606 Bingo - Wendy 250-253-3516
Donna Schwieger 250-373-2334 1
Drop-in Bowling 10 am
Games 9 am - 12 pm
Floor Curling 1 pm
Computer Classes 9 am - 12 pm
Games 9 am - 12 pm
Spiritualist Church Norm 250-832-0442 Mount Ida Painters Al 250-832-5149 Singles Club Betty 250-832-2315
Floor Curling 1 pm
Pot Luck 5:30 pm Rummoli & Pool 7 pm
Floor Curling 1 pm
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector
Open 9 am – 12 pm
Salmon Arm Seniors Drop-In Society
Floor Curling 1 pm
Exercise 8:45 am Coffee 9:30 am UPS 7 pm
Computer Classes 9 am - 12 pm
Open 9 am – 12 pm Why Bingo 6:30 pm Victoria Day
Games 9 am - 12 pm
25 Pot Luck 5 pm
6605 Buie Road/Savona Access Rd
Day Away
O.A.P.O Branch #129
❀ Happy Mother’s Day! ❁ 4
Open 9 am – 12 pm
Day Away
Carpet Bowling 1:30 pm Court Whist 7 pm
Mother’s Day
1675 Tutill Court • Phyllis Riley, President
Happy Mother’s Day! 4
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector © SUNDAY
Day Away
(by appt. only)
Lunch with Friends
Day Away
Day Away
(by appt. only)
Lunch with Friends
Day Away
Day Away
Board Mtg. 10 am
(by appt. only)
Lunch with Friends
Spring is in the Air!
8 Day Away
Day Away
7 (by appt. only)
Lunch with Friends
(by appt. only)
Office Closed
Foot Care
(by appt. only)
Drop-in Centre 80 – 150 Opal Village Centre Mall
May 2014 Calendar of Events - Senior Connector ©
Logan Lake Seniors 50+
Salmon Arm, B.C. V1E 1H1
Page 23
28 Canasta 1:00 – 4:00 pm Pool 6 pm
Footcare Quilting 10 am Pool 1 pm Youth Group 6-9 pm
Footcare Quilting 10 am Pool 1 pm Youth Group 6-9 pm
Footcare Quilting 10 am Pool 1 pm Youth Group 6-9 pm
Footcare Quilting 10 am Pool 1 pm Youth Group 6-9 pm
Mother Goose 9 - 10 am ladies Pool 1 - 3 pm Bingo 6:30 pm Mother Goose 9 - 10 am ladies Pool 1 - 3 pm
10 Garage Sale 9 am - noon
Mother Goose 9 - 10 am ladies Pool 1 - 3 pm Bingo 6:30 pm
Mother Goose 9 - 10 am
30 Mother Goose 9 - 10 am Bingo 6:30 pm
31 Snooker Tournament
Senior Connector
Page 24
Upcoming Events Kamloops Garden Club Plant Sale, May 10, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Riverside Park beside Heritage House.
ANAVETS will be holding their annual fishing derby May 9, 10, and 11. ALL ARE WELCOME! Prizes. Details at the unit - 177 Tranquille Road where Royal Ave. meets Tranquille. Phone 250554-2455. Also come for our Friday Night Dinner Special followed by karaoke at 7:30 p.m. Cribbage tournament Monday afternoons, darts Thursday afternoon, meat draws all weekend afternoons at 3 p.m. Come and have some fun with us. Membership not required. The CanGo Grannies will hold their Annual Plant Sale on Saturday
May 31, 8 a.m. to 12 noon at Gaglardi Square, 159 Seymour Street. Gardeners, we are asking for donations of seedlings or plants that have been divided up or cleared out of your garden and put into pots or containers. Do keep us in mind as you are working in your garden! All plant donations will be gratefully received by the Grannies on sale day. All funds raised will go to the Stephen Lewis Foundation, which runs the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign to assist African grandmothers to raise their AIDS-orphaned grandchildren.
Ringing in Spring - Bells of Note, Harmony in Hand & Chimers in concert with special guests WSS Testostertones, 3 Decades
Home Support Services • Palliative/Compassionate Care • Personal Care • Meal Preparation • After Surgery Supervision • Home Care
Mother’s Day 250.852.3212
Trio, and Piano Duet. Sunday, May 25 Kamloops United Church 7 p.m. Admission by donation.
Strawberry Tea & Plant Sale hosted by the United Church Women, Community Kitchens and Sensational Soups, Saturday May 3, 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., Mt. Paul United Church, 140 Laburnum St., North Shore. Strawberry Shortcake & Tea for $5, Plants, Home Baking, White Elephant and Crafts for sale. Please come and enjoy a friendly afternoon. The Zone 8 Crib Playdowns will be held on Saturday, May 3, 10 a.m. registration, 10:30 a.m. games begin at the Brock Shopping Centre Seniors Centre, 1800 Tranquille Road, Kamloops. A lunch will be offered at $7 per person. Applicable seniors games fees of $20 will be applied to play and the six pairs who are successful will pay a $50 Senior Games Fee (which include a banquet.) Games this year are in Langley, B.C. starting Tuesday Sept 9th – Saturday Sept. 13th. Please call Maureen at 250-5798259, e-mail m_hickey@ if you plan to attend the playdowns or require further information. Let’s Go For Gold.
Happiness is, a professionally groomed pet.
250-852-3212Tanja’s Pet Grooming Salon
Offering full grooms at $40 and up. Pick-up and drop-off service available for an extra charge. Your furry friend’s health and well-being will benefit! Full-groom includes, bath, hand blow-drying, nail trim, express anal glands, coat clip, and ear cleaning.
Call 250.376.5992 1065 Surrey Ave., (North Shore) Kamloops
AcAciA Towers
FOR RENT: 1 bedroom starting from $720/mo. Bachelor suite starting from $615/mo. No pets, no smoking, security cameras. Please call 250-374-7455.
! ! !
! !
May 2014
Kamloops Brock Central Lions Club is having their annual Coopers Food Lottery with $2,300 in grocery certificates to be given away. Proceeds to summer camp for children with special needs. Tickets sold at Coopers Food stores. Draw date May 31, 2014. Cottonwood Manor/ North Shore Community Centre is hosting flea markets every Sunday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., admission by donation and table rental is $7. Call the centre at 250-376-4777 for more information.
Family Games Night will be held at St. Andrew’s on the Square from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the last Sunday of every month. So come out and enjoy some quality family time playing games. There will games for all ages. All-a-board games will be lending us games for each month. And thanks to Tumbleweed toys for sponsoring our events. Admission is by donation with proceeds being donated to local charities. “Art Connections,� May 1 to 31, a collaborative venture by member artists of the old Courthouse Gallery, 7 West Seymour Street, Kamloops. Offering an array of works focusing on spring and Mother’s Day; paintings, glass art, hand painted silk scarves,
Scooter for Sale Adult-lite 4-wheeled rollator with slow-down brakes, easy fold-up seat, basket - $500 new, asking $300. Used only 6 months. For more information, please call or leave a message at 250-376-2993 or 250-461-9257.
One Bedroom Condo for Sale Spacious 758 sq. ft. condo includes custom tiled walkin shower, in-suite washer & dryer, newer appliances, same floor storage and new air conditioner. This 55 Plus Senior Complex is secure and within walking distance to all amenities. Located across from North Hills Mall. Reduced $159,500 To view call Nancy 250.376.3324 at The Willows.
leather work, weaving, photography, jewellery, table art, art cards, stained and fused glass, and pottery. Art to wear, art for the garden. art for the home, art as a gift, an eclectic mix of original, affordable art, all by local artists. Open year round, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Saturday. Handicap accessible, free parking.
Day in B.C. on May 8, 2014. Please join us for coffee, tea, and baked goodies on the second floor of RIH from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., or our Thrift Seller at 146 Victoria from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Special one day sales and silent auction at both locations. We would love to share with you the work we do and services we provide. Special patient care equipment for Royal Inland Hospital is purchased with the proceeds from our fund raising.
Powerchair for Sale Shoprider Aristocrat Series P424M - New price was $4,000.00 Used for only one month. Asking $3,000.00. Call 250-828-0243
CNIB is hosting a Service Day at 546 St. Paul Street on May 7, 2014 from 10.00am – 3:00pm. Various services of CNIB will be present: Assistive Technology, Low Vision and Independent Living. Please call Les at 250-3748080 for more information.
The Afternoon Auxiliary to Royal Inland Hospital will be celebrating Auxiliary
Westsyde Community Yard Sale. Everyone in Westsyde is urged to set up a yard sale. Flea Market and BBQ at former Westsyde Elementary School. Saturday April 26 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Flea Market set up 7 a.m. Call 250579-2383.
Keep mosquitoes from bugging up your day The Thompson-Nicola Regional District, in conjunction with mosquito control program contractor BWP Consulting Inc., is providing free, passenger tire drop-off opportunities in Kamloops, Chase and Barriere this spring. Unwanted tires are prime
Professional Home Cleaning serviCe
• Honest & Reliable • Impeccable References
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for an in-home consultation.
mosquito-breeding habitats. TNRD residents are encouraged to take any old passenger vehicle tires or transport tractor-trailer tires (no agricultural tires), with or without rims, and drop them off for recycling between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on the following dates: • Saturday, April 26 —
Senior Connector The Seniors’ Own Newspaper
Call Sharon Brooker to take care of all your advertising needs.
Barriere secondary, 4811 Barriere Town Rd. • Sunday, April 27 — Westsyde secondary, 855 Bebek Rd. • Saturday, May 3 — Chase secondary, 420 Cottonwood Rd. • Sunday, May 4 — Dallas elementary, 296 Harper Rd. Feriberum ipicipsundi omnis ut aut expliqu isincto totatem vellenihitAximus molupta spernat. Icaborerrum re, senisque cus con et autet quam quoditat. Fuga. Fuga. Em veribus eossit et qui quodi incium di comnis inustHenis sint exerro id mo dolupta ssimpos andanihiciis rem illanda eperuptat quia ditiis ulparum etur? Dignatiatio que venimin venit, officaborem quo optaturi re, et aperchicit, illabo. Bus, ut voluptam, venihicae ommossi nvenihici pis evenditibus am est magnam nonsecto temporero everuptae nobistiati di ullorest magnis cullabore quo eatem fugit fugia voluptate sim inctas eos moluptatur am solorem posae. Nequi nihilli amusam qui di ut duci aut ut excererum ipsam dolorumquas ne dolorum quodiorere nissimet, nam, se ra nimaxim aximagnihit quam ad eos atem eturemodis id molorro te qui cullam aligni saest duciend aepudit, quam fugiaer chitio. Cepe repel et, quidunt velique pedic tenisCatessi tem volorerit, vent, ut occusam que explicia dolorum quam re nullent erchiti cusae des di odi atet autem il ella venderrum, sequae doluptatquos mo blam aut que lam ius eos renis dolorumet magniat aepella ccaborum ium velluptur audaerit odi ut liquo dolor sectem fuga. Bit, quae ventur? Solorror si delesed quateni ssimus modit eliquiam eatur am ilibusa nis moloraturiam ex esti ulparunt laturem poreritas et voluptas pe neceaquis porepera volor sitiassunt. Officid usdaerc itatiae voluptas maionseque evendam quas necaborporem in cum hic te pe ipit volenduntum repre militas sime vel et et dolut qui net liqui dolupta tiorepta voluptatur? Quiatem si si cumquat voluptin essimus aut re cus consequi blabor sam adi doluptaquam, sendam, sam, quae omnia consequ atiunto tatiis is a dollibus velecestent haribusda sus. Ectam dipsa nis moluptam ipsant
Senior Connector
May 2014
Page 25
Animal cracker joke “Mom, can I have an animal cracker?” asked threeyear-old Bob. “Sure Bob,” said his mom. “Open up the box, and take a few.” Forty-five minutes later Bob’s mother walked into the kitchen. “Bob, why’d you spill out all of the animal crackers, and what are you looking for?” “It said on the box not to eat it if the seal is broken.” Bob replied. “I spilled out the whole box, I looked through all of the animals but I can’t find any seals!” Read more at:
Are you a breast cancer survivor looking for fun, fitness and friendship? Join the Spirit Warriors dragon boat team Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Pioneer Park boat launch at 5:15 p.m. No experience needed. Call Sandy 778-471-3021 or Joan 250-572-6089 for more information.
The Wildlife Express Volunteer Society is looking for new members to help operate the “Wildlife Express”miniature train at the B.C. Wildlife Park. Anyone interested in helping run or maintain the train, perform cashier duties, or assist with track maintenance, call 250 579-8938 or email All training provided.
Sharon Brooker photo
Lansdowne Coopers Assistant Manager, Taylor Bertoncini, presents April’s winner, Faith Juell, with a $25 Coopers gift certificate. An entry form can be found on page 11 in this edition of the Senior Connector.
Active Care Senior Services
The Kamloops Family History Society meetings take place the 4th Thursday of each month except June, July, August & December, 7 to 9 p.m. at Heritage House Riverside Park. All are welcome. For more info call 250-372-5679. Municipal Pension Retirees Association (MPRA) consists of retirees who receive a municipal pension. Our purpose is to provide a voice in matters relating to our pensions & benefits. We also have a guest speaker at every meeting to present a topic dealing with matters of interest to seniors, such as travel, insurance & community services available to seniors. Our next meeting is May 20, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. at Calvary Community Church, 1205 Rogers Way,
Kamloops. Our guest speaker will provide information on insurance--travel, home, extended benefits & pets. All municipal retirees are welcome to attend. It has been said that change is better than rest. We at Kamloops Riverside Lawn Bowling Club invite you to find out for yourselves. Bowling takes place six days a week from April to September. Come as an individual or a group. The first three sessions are free. For more information contact Roy at 250-374-2135 or McArthur Park Lawn Bowling Club provides FREE instruction and info starting Wed. Apr. 23 at 2 p.m. and Thurs. April 24 at 6 p.m. and Sat April 26 at 2 p.m.. Please call 250-3760917 to arrange day and time. Kamloops Stamp Club meets 2 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Desert Gardens, 540 Syemour St. Kamloops. Contact 250-314-1021.
The Kamloops Friends of German Language meet on the second Friday of every month of the year except August, at Parkview Activity Centre, 500 McDonald Avenue.New members and guests are always welcome. For more information call 250-579-9533
Kamloops Floor Curlers invite you to join them Mon., Tues., Thurs., and Fri., 9 to 12 a.m. at Heritage House in Riverside Park. A
bright, comfortable location; free parking for members. Membership is for one year of curling, plus two to three Bonspiels, two games and coffee each day. New teams made each day. For more info call 828-0819 or 3760917
Drop-in Table Tennis. Everyone from beginners to competitive players are invited to join us in playing table tennis at the former Westsyde Elementary School, 3550 Westsyde Road on Mondays 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and Thursday 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.. Drop in fee is $3. FMI call Sharon @250-5540278 Ping Pong / Table Tennis Experience the wonderful enjoyment of the game. All ages and beginners are welcome. Make new friends, have fun and be fit. Experts say, it is also good for your brain. We play on Tuesdays 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Thursdays 12 :30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Desert Garden Community Centre, 540 Seymour Street. FMI call 250-372-3965
Wanted Men and Women who love to sing! Come out and join the Hub City Singers at Plura Hills United Church on Pacific Way. For more info and times, contact Penny at 250-318-5256 or 250-579-1887. Kamloops Garden Club: Join us for gardening tips on the 4th Wednesday of the month, 7 pm, at the Heritage House. We often have guest speakers. We will have our flower show in June. FMI contact Jeanne 250-573-3160.
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We also offer a
Day Program
open to all seniors in the Kamloops area. Call for more info limited space available. For more information on our unique, home-style assisted living residence, call or email Darlene!
wishing you a H appy Mother’s Day! TwO gREAT LOCATIONS TO SERvE ALL yOUR DENTURE NEEDS...
250-372-8045 2 - 685 TRANqUILLE RD. (NoRTh ShoRE)
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Senior Connector
Page 26
May 2014
Welcome to RiverBend Seniors Community. Luxury awaits. RiverBend offers the perfect combination of community, security and optional support services specifically designed for seniors. One and two bedroom luxury suites are designed for independent living with full kitchens and the convenience of in-suite laundry in every unit. Optional support services include meals, cleaning and laundry services as much or as little as required as your lifestyle changes. Room Features:
Amenities available to all residents:
• Open concept kitchens with 4 brushed stainless steel kitchen appliances
• Dining room with private dining area
• Stacker washer/dryer
• Computer room, library and games room
• Private deck or patio
• Activity room and exercise area
• Storage locker
• Optional meals, laundry & housekeeping services
• Easy-to-turn door handles and plumbing fixtures
• Level walking paths and community gardens
• Spacious bathrooms and walk-in showers
• Wheelchair friendly suites and common areas
• Pet friendly
Residents also enjoy: • Easy access to shopping, services and transportation • Pedestrian crosswalk to Brock Shopping Centre • Major bus route to the Northills Mall and downtown Kamloops • Level parking, scooter storage and sidewalks
• Activity coordinator offering daily program opportunities
RiverBend Rentals from $1,400 / month
Visit our show suite at 760 Mayfair St. in Kamloops, BC 250-682-4378 760 Mayfair St., Kamloops BC
Senior Connector
May 2014
Page 27
Introducing Mayfair at RiverBend. Mayfair includes all the amenities of RiverBend combined with affordable ownership and on-site strata management. Tastefully situated along the banks of the Thompson River. Unique to Mayfair: • 101 private suites on four floors • 6 unique one and two bedroom floor plans • 1½ baths in all 2-bedroom suites • Workshop with space and tools to get handy • Guest suite to reserve for visiting friends and family • Occupancy in 2014
“You need to come by and view the show suite – you’ll be surprised by the high-level of finishes at both RiverBend and Mayfair.”
Mayfair Ownership from $205,900
d 70% Sol
Call Kate at 250-682-4378 for more information 250-682-4378 755 Mayfair St., Kamloops BC
Learn more about how you can make RiverBend Seniors Community your new home.
Kate Calhoun Sales Manager
Senior Connector
Page 28
ARE YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW STRUGGLING WITH HEARING LOSS? Kamloops Hearing Aid Centre has been in business for over 13 years. We strive to offer you the best hearing instruments available plus an exceptional patient experience. We know how important your hearing is. Please call us today to begin your life of better hearing.
STAY CONNECTED Hear life to its fullest with Halo. Starkey’s breakthrough hearing aids are engineered to connect directly to the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch via the easy-to-use TruLink Hearing Control app.
WHO WE ARE! At Kamloops Hearing Aid Centre we create a personalized experience and a one-of-a-kind solution for each and every patient! Give us a call and book your no charge hearing evaluation today!
May 2014